Pentax 67 instruction manual
Pentax 67 instruction manual HOLDINGCAMERA I W h e n s h o o t i n g ,h o l d t h e c a m e r a s e c u r e l yw i t h b o t h h a n d s .K e e p t h e c a m e r a a s s t i l l a s p o s s i b l e ,a n d g e n t l y p r e s st h e s h u t t e r b u t t o n . (lf pressed forcefully,the camera is likely to shake, a n d t h e p i c t u r ew i l l b e b l u r r e d . ) Try to brace your elbow against your body, or s u p p o r t y o u r s e l f a n d t h e c a m e r a a g a i n s ta s t a b l e s t a t i o n a r yo b j e c t s u c h a s a w a l l . o When utilizinga slowershutterspeedor a telephotolens,mountthe cameraonto a sturdytripod and usea cablereleaseto preventcamerashake. 25 ADJUSTMENTAND FOCUSING DIOP'IER F o r a c c u r a t ef o c u s i n g ,p l e a s ec h e c k i f t h e f o c u s i n g s c r e e nc a n b e s e e n c l e a r l y .S h o u l d y o u n e e d a d i o p t e r a d j u s t m e n t ,p l e a s e u s e a c o r r e c t i o nl e n s ( o p t i o n ) . T u r n t h e e y e p i e c ef r a m e c o u n t e r c l o c k w i s ea n d r e m o v e i t . T u r n t h e i r r s i d er i n g a n d r e p l a c et h e p l a i n g l a s s w i t h a c o r r e c t i o nl e n s . o T h e d i o p t e r o f t h e T T L P e n t a p r i s ma n d P e n t a p r i s mi s - 1 D . l f y o u a r e n o t a b l e t o read the letters of a news paper 1 m away, you would better put a correction l e n s i n t h e v i e w f i n d e r e y e p i e c e .- 1 D s h o u l d n o r m a l l y b e s u f f i c i e n tf o r n e a r s i g h t e d p e o p l e ,w h i l e t h e + 1 D s h o u l d b e sufficient for farsighted people. 26 ln foc us Out of focus T u r nt h e f o c u s i n g r i n g o f t h e l e n s u n t i l t h e i m a g e s e e n t h r o u g h t h e c e n t r a lm i c r o p r i s m pattern appears sharp.The matte area s u r r o u n d i n gt h e c i r c u l a rm i c r o p r i s mc a n a l s o b e u s e d w h e n f o c u s i n go n o b j e c t s n o t i n t h e c e n t e ro r w h e n t h e l e n s h a s a m a x i m u m a p e r ture smaller than f/5.6.To focus on the matte a r e a ,s i m p l y t u r n t h e f o c u s i n g r i n g u n t i l t h e i m a g e a p p e a r st o b e i n f o c u s . As for InterchangeableFocusing Screen, please refer to page 36. 27 EXPOSURE Sincethe 67 camerahas no exposuremeter;a handheldexposuremeteror the TTL Pentaprismshouldbe usedto measurethe light.The way to usethe TTL Pentaprismis as follows; For the details of the TTL Pentaprism, pfeaserefer to the operating manual, 67 T T L P E N T A P R I S MF I N D E R . 28 1. Set the ISOratingof the film loadedby lifting and rotatingthe finder'souterringof the shutterdial. 2. Turnthe switchto the ON position. 3. Adjustthe lensapertureringor shutterdial untilthe needlein the meterwindow matchesthe centerindex.The TTL Pentaprismmeteringsystemis an overall averagingmeteringtype. APPLICATIONS 29 B (BULB}AND TIME PHOTOGRAPHY A t t h e B s e t t i n g o n t h e s h u t t e r d i a l ,t h e s h u t t e r r e m a i n so p e n a s l o n g a s t h e s h u t t e r r e l e a s e b u t t o n i s h e l d d o w n . T h i s i s e s p e c i a l l yu s e f u l for shooting such subjects as fireworks and n i g h t s c e n e s .M o u n t t h e c a m e r a o n a s t u r d y t r i p o d a n d u s e a c a b l e r e l e a s et o p r e v e n t c a m e r as h a k e . Althoughthereis no settingfor longtime exposure,time exposureis possiblewhen the shutterdialis set anywherebetweenthe clicks. T h e s h u t t e rr e m a i n so p e nu n t i lt h e s h u t t e rd i a l is set to one of the indicatedsetting. o The batteryis beingexhaustedas long as the shutteris open.A new 4SR44 Silver-Oxide batterylastsabout5 hours when the shutteris keptopen constantly underour testingconditions. 30 MIRRORLOCKUP LEVER A t s h u t t e r s p e e d s s l o w e r t h a n 1 / 6 0s e c . ,b l u r nng may occur even when a tripod is used. B l u r r i n gi s a l s o l i k e l yt o o c c u r w h e n u s i n g t h e A u t o B e l l o w s ,E x t e n s i o nt u b e o r l a r g el e n s e s over 300mm. o The lensshutterof the 165f 14.0 LScannot be usedwhen the mirrorlockup leveris operated. A f t e r c o m p o s i n g a n d f o c u s i n g ,s l i d e t h e m i r r o r lock up lever to lock the mirror in its upward p o s i t i o n .T h e m i r r o r w i l l r e t u r n a u t o m a t i c a l l y after you releasethe shutter. o The batteryis beingexhaustedas longas the mirroris held up.A new 4SR44SilverOxidebatterylastsabout 5 hourswhen the mirroris kept constantlyheld up underour testingconditions. 31 FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY Toconnectan electronicflashto the 67 camera,a synchrocordwith the JIS (PC)type p l u gs h o u l db e i n s e r t e dt o t h e X t e r m i n a lS. e t the shutterdialat X (1/30sec)or any speed slowerthan 1/60sec. To attachthe PentaxAF400Tflashunit,set up the 67 body with the AF400T67 bracketand connectthem usingthe 4P synchrocordC. Otnerclip-ontype electronic flashunit can be attachedto the 67 by eitherof the following it]li shoe srip + AF400T GTbracket + ;, synchrocord C o 67 grip + 645 hot shoeadapterLS . Bothshutterspeedand lensaperture must be set manuallywhen usingany electronicflashes. 32 ,---- Press6 1., b' I I I I I 11 Flashbulb With X terminal: M c l a s sa n d M F c l a s sf l a s h b u l b c a n b e u s e d a t shutter speeds 1/15 sec. or slower. FP class can be used at 1/8 sec. or slower. 1/125 38 46 MS W i t h F Pt e r m i n a l : The FP classflash units presently on the market do not synchronize with the 67. However the Press6 flash bulb can be used at the shutter speeds of 11250sec. and 11125sec. if the black and white film is used. 33 @rern oFFIEL E x a m p l e1: 0 5 m m F 2 . 4 F2.4 F5.6 Depthof field refersthe rangearoundthe optimum focusingpointof the subjectin which the elementsat differentdistancesare in focus. The in-focusrangecan be confirmedby the depthof fieldscaleon the lens.When usingan automaticdiaphragmlens,in-focuszonecan be actuallyseenby settingthe depthof field previewleverto manual(MAN.). Characteristicof Depth of Field 1. With the samefocallengthof lensand the the depth samecamerato subjectdistance, of fieldincreases as the aperturebecomes smaller. 2. With the samefocallengthof lensandthe same F-stop,the depth of field increasesas the camerato subjectdistancebecomes greater. 3. With the samecamerato subjectdistance and the sameF-stop,the depthof field increasesas the focal lengthbecomesshorter. 34 'k*; INDEX INFRARED (1) W h e n t a k i n g i n f r a r e dp h o t o g r a p h su s i n g i n f r a r e df i l m a n d e i t h e r t h e R 2 o r 0 2 f i l t e r ;i t w i l l be necessaryto compensate for the difference b e t w e e n t h e v i s i b l e l i g h t a n d i n f r a r e dl i g h t focus. A s r e f e r e n c e di n t h e p h o t o s a b o v e ,( 1 ) r e a dt h e c a m e r a t o s u b j e c t d i s t a n c eo n t h e f o c u s i n g ring after focusing through the viewfinder. T h e n ( 2 ) t u r n t h e f o c u s i n gr i n g u n t i l t h e d i s t a n c e s e t t i n g a l i g n sw i t h t h e r e d i n f r a r e di n d e x .T h e p i c t u r es h o w s a n e x a m p l e w h e r e t h e c a m e r a to subjectis infinity(-). . Forexposurecontrol,referto the film's instructions. 35 (21 (1) @ - (41 (3) /T\ \ \ 36 I s flnterchangeable FocusinEScreen Besidesthe standardmicroprismscreen,there arefour types of focusingscreensas follows; ( 1) S p l i tl m a g e , (21Matte with CentralOpenSpot, (3) Gridwith Micropnsm, ' (41Gridwith Matte The replacement shouldbe performedat the nearestPentaxservicefacility. Focusing with splitimage: The imageis in focuswhen the images aboveand belowthe splitlineup. Focusingscreenswith grid: The grid is usefulto checkthe horizontalor verticallinesin an imageareparallel. The horizontaland verticallinesarespacedat 9mm. s 67 [Vlagnifier Forprecisefocusing,this compactmagnifier providestwo times enlargementof the central area.Includesa built-indiopteradjuster. o CorrectlonLens or To adjustthe diopterof the TTL Pentaprism Pentaprism.TtVpes(from - 5D to +2D) of correctionlensesareavailable.Pleasereferto Page26. o R i g h tA n g l e F i n d e r Attachedto the eyepieceof eitherthe TTL the findercan be Pentaprism or Pentaprism, Includesa usedverticallyand horizontally. built-ind iopteradjuster. o Eyecup Putthe eyepieceringof eitherthe TTL Pentaprismor Pentaprisminto the grooveof the Eyecup,then screw it into the eyepieceframe. It blocksdistractinglightand improvesthe visibility.Not recommendedfor eyeglasswearers. 37 o Accessoriesfor Close-up,Copy 67 SMC Close-upLenses 67 Auto ExtensionTube 67 HellicoidExtensionTube 67 Auto Bellows 67 SlideCopier 67 ReverseAdapter LargeCopyingStandII Fromeasyclose-upphotographywith the Close-uplensesto macrophotographywith the versatileAuto Bellows,therearea wide rangeof accessories. Therearealsoaccessoriesfor duplicatingslideor copying pictures. 38 0 ExposureMeters SpotmeterV DigitalSpotmeter in still phoDesignedfor use by professionals tographyas well as thosein the motionpicture The angleof light andtelevisionindustries. reachingthe meteris only 1o. "e le a o 39 o 67 Grip The grip providesrigidsupportof the 67 camera.With the accessoryshoe,a clip-on type electronicflashunit can be mounted. Pfeasereferto page 32. c AF400T67 Bracket This bracketenablesyou to attachthe AF400T electronicflashunit to the attachesto the camerain the samemanneras the 67 grip. o CableRelease30,50 30cm and 50cmtype areavailable. An autolock ring is providedfor time exposures. 40 fiw o 67 Remote Battery Cord Permitsyou to operatethe camerain cold weatherwhile keepingthe batteryin a warm pocket. o 67 Strap Additionalsupportfor the camerawill be obtainedby attachinga secondstrap. o Gase 67 CarryingCase 67 Professional TrunkCase II 4l o Droppingor bangingthe cameraagainst stationaryobjectscan damagethe camera in many ways. . Dirt,mud, sand,wateL noxiousgas and saltysea breeze/ spraycan causeserious d a m a g et o t h e m e c h a n i s misn s i d et h e Removethem from the camerasurca'mera. fluid,lenscleaning facewith lens-cleaning tissues,etc.and haveit checkedby a Pentax or an authorizedrepairshop servicefacility irnmediately. o Yourcamerais not must be protectedfrom saltysea breeze/ sprayat the beach,splashingliquidof anykind,and rain. lf your cameragetswet, wipe it dry immediatelyand haveit examinedat a Pentaxservice facility. o The temperatures at which this camera shouldfunctionproperlyareapprox.50o - 1 o o c( 1 2 2 " - 1 4 " F 1 . 42 . Neverattempt to touch the mirroLfocusing screen,shuttercurtain,etc. o Humidityand temperatureextremesshould be avoided.Keepout of directsunlight,car trunks,glovecompartment,etc. o Suddenchangesin temperatureoftencause of moistureinsideor on the condensation outsideyour camera.This might causeextremelydamagingrustingof the mechanism.Keepthe camerain its caseor a bagto minimizethe effectof a suddentemperature change. o When mountingyour cameraon a tripod, makesurethe tripodscrewis no longerthan 5.5mm(0.22in.)which is the depthof your camera'stripod socket,or the cameramay be damaged. o Vibrationfrom travelingin a car,aircraftor . ship can causescrewsto loosen.To minimizethis problem,linethe bottomof your camerabagwith inch-thick(2.54cm) foam rubberpadding. o Makesureto removethe batterywhen the camerais not in usefor a extendedperiodof time,becausethe batterydeterioratesand may causedamageto the contactpointsof the batterychamber. To preventmildew on the camera,storage shouldbe locatedin a cool,well-ventilated area. o Gasesfrom insecticides suchas naphthalenemay alsoharmthe camera. o Neverwipe with solventssuchas thinneror alcohol. o Periodicalperformancechecksat leastonce to maintainyour a yeararerecommended camerain goodworkingcondition.lf you havenot usedyour cameraover a long period of time,or when importantpicturesare plannedon an assignment, a pre-check and/ortrialshootingis suggested. r. o To removedust on the lensand viewfinder eyepiece,use a blower,followedby the applicationof a lenscleaningbrush.Smudgessuch as fingerprintsshouldbe carefullywiped with a cleansoft cloth with a few dropsof a on the market. lenscleaningfluid available Wipe the lenssurfacegentlyfrom the center towardsthe edgesin a spiral. ,i F ff I 43$ t-0"-gb&r**re*C., l SHOOTTNG HTROUBLE irbbi***' C"t*oi*u The mirroris stoppedpartwayup. When the batterypower becomesinsufficient,the mirror will stop partwayup. Resetthe mirrorby pressingthe safetydevicereleasebutton,then replacethe battery. Pleasereferto Page4. power TTL Pentaprism's exposuremeter ls the power switch on?The TTL Pentaprism's doesnot function.(Needledoes switchturnsoff automatically approximately 30 seconds not move.) afterit is turnedon. Therearesomeothercauses.Please referto the operatingmanualfor the TTL Pentaprism. The shuttercannotbe released without loadingfilm. The shuttermechanismof the 67 is designedto be disengagedwhen a film is not loaded.Pleasereferto Page10. Focusis not precisein the picture. Did you set the pressureplateaccordingto the film type? Filmdragor imprecisefocusingwill occuriif the pressure plateis set contraryto the film type you are using. Filmis not wound smoothly. Did you set the pressureplatecorrectly?Sincethe thickness differsbetweenthe 120type and220type,film dragwill occur when the pressureplateis set to 220 while usingthe 120 type film. 44 rA;Mli. +i{edil-, . ,,"*fi*Etu* Thefirst frame (orthe lastframe) was cut off on the film. Did you set the film mark properly?Otherwise,the first (orthe last)frame is cut off. Therearesome light fog on the film edges. exposuremay haplf the film is wound loosely,accidental pen when loadingor unloadingthe film. Pleasereferto Page 20. Theshutteropensup and does not closefor a longtime. Did you set the shutterdialat a clickproperly?The shutter will not closewhen the shutterdialis set anywherebetween the clicks.Pleasereferto Page23. In flashphotography,some part of a frame was not exposed. Did you set the shutterspeedat X (1/30sec.)or slower? Pleasemakesureto connectthe synchrocordto the X-terminal.Pleasereferto Page32. 45 ..r,1ir... .':*iiM,,, .;,,:!:ilij#Xari:,,' ., fl NTERCI{ANGEABLE'LENSE o\.o" SMCPentax Fish-Eye 35mmf/4.5 7-11 FA 180" 0.45 1 , 5 22 102 73 900 31.7 '1+ fr SMCPentax 45mmf/4 8-9 FA 8 9 0,37 1 . 2 22 9 1 . 5 57.5 485 17.1 82 SMCPentax 55mmf/4 7-8 FA 7 8 0 , 3 5 1.2 22 92.5 78.5 725 25.5 77 SMCPentax 75mmf/45 4-5 FA 61 0,70 2 . 3 22 91.5 81 19.7 82 SMCPentax Shift 75mmf14.5 8-9 M 0.70 2 . 3 32 97 SMCPentax 90mmf/2.8 5-7 FA 53 0 .6 5 2.1 22 9 1 . 5 49 480 17.1 67 SMCPentax 105nmf12.4 5-6 FA 46 1 , 0 0 3 . 3 22 9 1 . 5 60 590 20.8 67 SMCPentax Soft 120mm f/3.5 3-4 M 40.5 0 , 7 5 2 . 5 22 89 63.5 520 18.3 7l Macro SMCPentax 135mm f/4 3-5 FA 36.5 0 . 7 5 2 . 5 32 91.5 95 620 21.8 67 SMCPentax 165mmf/2.8 5-6 FA 30 5 . 3 22 9 1 . 5 98.5 830 29.2 67 61 1.6 560 1 0 6 . 5 950 33.5 82 + L S . . . L e a fs h u t t e rb u i l t i n F A . . .F u l l ya u t o m a t i c M... Manual S o f t . . . S o f tf o c u s ND...ControlledbyNDfilters #...UVY2,02 &R2filtersbuiltin f #...Skylight,Y& 2 R 2 f i l t e r sb u i l t i n E D .. . E x t r a - l o wD i s p e r s i o n * . . . H o o d b u i l ti n l F .. . I n n e rF o c u s 46 .-d&iikiet6*iw* ; b -J SMCPentax LS 165mm f/4 SMCPentax 200mmf14 4-5 FA 25 1.5 SMCPentax 300mmf/4 5-5 FA 5.0 16.4 45 SMCPentax M*ED(lF)400mmf/4 9-9 FA 12.5 2.8 SMCPentax 500mm f/5.6 4-4 FA 10.2 8 .0 SMCTakumar 600mmf/4 17 4 . 9 32 92.5 1 3 5 93 7 9 5 28.0 7 7 186 1,430 50.0 82 T 305 3,700 130.3 67 + 26.2 45 107 398 3,200 112.7 95 + M 8 .5 12.0 39.3 4 5 170 370 6,000 211.3 7 7 T SMCPentax M*ED(lF)800mmf/6.7 8-9 FA 6.4 8 . 0 26.2 45 1 5 0 565 6,500228.9 67 + SMCTakumar 5-6 9 . 2 45 1 3 3 800mmf/4 6-6 M 6.4 20,0 6 5.6 45 236 6 1 1 17,700 623.2 7 7 t SMCReflex Takumar1000mm f/8 6-9 ND 5 . 1 3 5 . 0 114.8 352 T 180 6,600232.4 # # 7 7 47 Empty spool Pressureplate Batterycheckbutton Back cover Film spool retainer Counterroller Tripodsocket Batterycase 50 SPECIFICATIONS r€+ fr ; ^l ; ; i, ^, :: ;; rF ; fe s( or ", TI P U a\ c( lYPe: 6x7 format Single-Lens-Reflex camera Film: 120type rollfilm(10exposures) 220type rollfilm (20 exposures) PictureSize: 5 5 m mx 7 0 m m Lens Mount: Pentax67 doublebayonetmount system (lnnerbayonetand Outerbayonet) Shutter: Electronically controlledfocalplaneshutter Viewfinder: Fourtypes inteichangeable viewfinders (Option)Fieldof view: Body- 100%,Eyeleveltype (TTLPentaprism, Pentaprism) - 1.0X, Approx.90o/o, Magnification Diopter--1D FocusingScreen: Microprismtype (lnterchangeable) Mirror: instantreturnmirroL Swing-up-and-back with lock-updevice Film Winding: With rapidwind lever(180oangle) ExposureCounter: Automaticresetexposurecounter FlashSynchronization: F Pa n dX t e r m i n a l s Electronicflashat 1/30 - 1 sec.,B PowerSource: 6V Alkalineor Silver-oxidebattery (4LR44IA544, 45 R44I 544tPX28l Sizeand Weight: B o d yo n l y- 1 7 7 ( Wx\ 1 0 1 ( Hx) 9 1 ( D ) m m (7.0' x 4.0" x 3.6" | 1.29kg (2.8lb) * 177(W)x 150(H)x With TTL Pentaprism 9 1 ( D ) m m( 7 . 0 "x 5 . 9 " x 3 . 6" l 1 . 8 1k g ( 4 . 0l b ) Accessories: Body mount cap,Findercap,Strap,Spool, Shutter cockingkey and battery SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECTTO CHANGEAT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTIFICATION O R A N Y O B L I G A T I O NO N T H E P A R TO F T H E M A N U F A C T U R E R . 5l '&!&u:,, ,,.-. .sib