April - Whatcom Chapter Backcountry Horsemen of Washington


April - Whatcom Chapter Backcountry Horsemen of Washington
Newsletter of the Whatcom Chapter
Backcountry Horsemen of Washington
Whatcom Chapter
P. O. Box 28607
Bellingham, WA 98228
Walden Haines
[email protected]
Vice President:
Tim Surratt
[email protected]
Bill McKenna
Alternate Director:
Rocky Leavitt
Helen Almojera
Jackie Yereance
Carol Ketchum
Newsletter Editor &
Fran Van Diest
[email protected]
or [email protected]
APRIL 2016
Notes from the President
BCHW mission statement: To perpetuate the common sense use and enjoyment of horses in
America’s back country and wilderness. To work to insure that public lands remain open to
recreational stock use. To assist the various governmental and private agencies in their
maintenance and management of said resource. To educate, encourage and solicit active
participation in the wise use of the back country resource by horsemen and the general
public commensurate with our heritage. To foster and encourage the formation of new
chapters in the state organization.
Hello everyone,
I hope this finds you all well and looking forward to a productive and enjoyable
spring and summer riding season.
I am pleased to report on the Backcountry Horsemen of Washington Rendezvous that took place this past weekend in Ellensburg. The volunteer organizers
of this statewide fundraiser, celebration, recognition of jobs well done and
general fun time did not disappoint this year!! This is the main event for like
minded horse men and women to meet old friends, make new ones and enjoy
each other's company as well as learn new places to ride. There were packing
clinics and competitions, vendors and entertainment, equipment and beautiful
items to learn about and perhaps purchase either for yourself or gifts for
others. The swap meet alone was full of quality horse, packing and camping
and many other used items that were for sale at reasonable prices.
Friday night was Dutch oven potluck with open mic entertainment following.
Exceptional professional grade musicians that are members of the BCH Food
vendors kept everyone fed during breakfast and lunch if you were too lazy to
cook for yourself. There are also restaurants within walking distance from the
Kittitas co. fairgrounds where this event is held.
The banquet dinner was delicious barbequed chicken and flank steak with all
the side dishes and dessert you could wish for. The bucket auction and silent
auction were held before the dinner and followed by the live auction after
dinner. All three auctions were a huge success. After the auction those who still
wanted some entertainment were treated to a showing of the Unbranded
movie. Never a dull moment at this event---unless you wanted to stay in your
camper away from everything!!
Thanks to those members of our chapter who attended on our behalf: Rodney
Vandersypen, Bill and Michelle McKenna, Becky Haines, and new member
Christine Conner. Forgive me if I missed anyone. I urge you to plan on
attending this event next year--you will not be disappointed. Look for more
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Trail Tales
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President’s Notes
information on this year's Rendezvous in your copy of the Trailhead news. If you
know anyone who rides trails get them interested in joining this group--the benefits are
Some upcoming events are the Easter Egg ride, Confidence Builder, and various trail
work projects. We need your help and the trails need our collective help--please let any
of the board members know of trail work that needs doing or problems encountered
while trail riding.. Trails are our legacy and since many of the agencies have problems
funding maintenance we, the trail volunteers, are more in demand to help keep trails
open for all to use.
Roger Nelson
Rocky Leavitt
Gary Grinde
Dawn Weaver
Thanks for listening and hope to see you on the trail.
Melinda Smull
Check out our Website:
Sunshine Committee
If you know someone that needs a little ray of sunshine, please
Sheri Hathaway at 360-595-2467
Virgil and Cheeta Stremler: Thinking of you card sent to Virgil and Cheeta, their
nephew passes away and so did Cheeta’s step Mother on March 14th.
Joe Remenar
Alternate Trail Boss
Shelly Madsen
Roger Nelson
VET NOTES Sharon Hoofnagle D.V.M. Pawing Horses
We know what a pawing horse can mean. The angry stomp of a horse tied to a trailer. The impatient pawing at
feeding time. Or more serious, the frantic pawing of a colicky horse. Some horses paw in the trailer. Some paw on
the high line, keeping the whole camp awake. Some of this is learned behavior. The hungry horse gets fed, the
impatient horse gets moved.
However some pawing may be learned behavior in dealing with a low grade pain. In one study of 44 Standardbred horses there was more pawing in the 4 hours post-exercise than before. We know that stretching out of the
hind legs can indicate a mild abdominal pain, as with ulcers. Mild pawing could also indicate such pain.
One interesting cause of pawing is when a horse tries to re-position in response to lameness. Some horses will
dig a hole and then position themselves with their rear legs in the hole. It is thought that they are trying to
alleviated pain in the front legs.
One of my patients routinely would paw a hole and then stand with his front feet in the hole, with his rear legs
elevated. He was obviously the most comfortable in that stance.
Dr. Kathryn Houpt of Cornell University commented that horses rarely do anything without a purpose, and that
purpose is not to be annoying, but is an indication of a valid issue.
Trail Tales
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Whatcom BCH Annual Auction
Our annual auction was held on February 26, 2016 at the Everson Auction Barn. We want to thank
everybody that helped make this a successful event! Special thanks to Pete and Terry DeBruin for
the use of the facility and to Duane Van Weerdhuizen for donating his time and expertise as
auctioneer, and also his helper Nick Margeson. Also thank you to the Café ladies: Sharon, Lori
and Margaret for having the Café open. Thank you to the auction committee: Bill McKenna, Sam
Miller, Sharon Hoofnagle, Walden and Becky Haines, Gary Anderson, Nancy Giordano, Melinda
Smull, Geri Surratt, Fran Van Diest, Debbie Lagerwey, Shirley Todhunter, and Susan Sebastian
for all their work.
Thank you to all the helpers before, during and after auction day, getting donations, setting up,
getting tables to the auction, picking up items, separating items for silent and live, working in the
office, helping out at the Silent and Live auction and also cleaning up afterwards. We appreciate
all the support the community has given to the Whatcom Chapter Backcountry Horsemen of WA.
Thank You to everybody listed below that donated to our auction! Without your help our
auction would not have been successful!
A & B Rock
A2Z Manufacturing
Acme General Store
Helen Almojera
Barbies Berries
Barrett Transmission
BB Stables
Toni Beck
Bellewood Acres
Blue T Lodge (Connie)
Bob Wallin Insurance Inc
Bodes Precast
Bogaard Hay
Bony Pony
Chair 9 Restaurant-- Connie
Chocolate Necessities
Circle A Trailer
Conway Feed
Dick Bedlington Farms
Doug Crabtree
Elenbaas Company
Elenbaas Feed Company
Fairhaven Runners
Janine Frizzell
Nancy Giordano
Good Burger
Graham's Restaurant--Connie
Growsource, Inc
Gary Grinde
Chase Hill
Jim Harmon
Sheri Hathaway
Len Honcoop Gravel
Jerry Hunter
J & L Hay Express
Jody Bergsma Galleries
Johnny Green & Pack String band
Janet Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Carol Ketchum
Dawn Kleinhuizen
Kulshan Veterinary Lynden
Debbie Lagerwey
Laurel Farm Supply
George and Ann Leonard
Les Schwab-Irongate, Bellingham
Curt Maberry Farm
Maple Falls Feed & More
Michael McCaffrey
Mike McGlenn
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Trail Tales
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List of donors to our Auction on February 26, 2016
Bill & Michelle McKenna
Meridian Equipment
Milano Restaurant
Tricia Morones
Mount Baker Theatre
Mt. Baker Tree Co. Kurt Howland
Mt. Baker Veterinary
Mug Shots Espresso
Nooksack Animal Hospital
Nooksack Market Centre
Northland Diesel Service Inc.
Northwest Border Zone
Northwest Propane
Rick Olson
Our Diner
Seerena Olesen
Rairdon's Dodge Chrysler
Joe Remenar
Rusty Wagon
Samson Estate Winery
Angie Schutte
Susan Sebastian
Skagit Chapter - BCH
Melinda Smull
Starkenburg Shavings
Advertising Rates
Full Page----$45.00 per month, limited to space available
1/2 Page……$90.00 for 6 months or $150.00 for a Year
1/4 Page……$60.00 for 6 months or $100.00 for a Year
Business Card….$30.00 for 6 months or $50.00 for a Year
Classifieds………$3.00 per month
Free Classifieds for members!
Stremler Gravel
Tim and Geri Surratt
The Jazz Project
Theresa & John Thompson
Thompson's Greenhouse
Greg & Leslie Thompson
Hank Tjoelker
Tony's Tavern
Tractor Supply Company
Trader Joe's
Turner Photographics
Alvin Van Weerdhuizen
Joan Vandersypen
Vanderyacht Propane
Village Veterinary Hospital
Margaret Visser
Wallgren Tire Center
Washington Tractor
Dawn Weaver
Bear Westhuff
Craig Wilder
Windwood Landscape
Yeager's Sporting Goods
Jackie Yereance
Z Recyclers Inc.
** Place your classified ad here.
Classifieds are free to Whatcom BCH
members, or just $3.00 for anyone else.
Send your ad and money to the
newsletter editor by the 2nd Wednesday
of the month.
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Trail Tales
April 4th---Monday
April 13th--Wednesday
April 23rd--Saturday
April 30th--Saturday
Board Meeting at Lee’s Restaurant James and
Alabama St. Bellingham. Dinner at 6:00 pm,
meeting at 7:00 pm.
General Meeting at Laurel Community Grange.
Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.
Treats: Becky Haines--food, Gary Anderson-beverages
Work party at Stewart Mtn. Be ready to ride at
10:00 a.m.
Bill McKenna
Bill McKenna
Verna McLeod
Sharon Hoofnagle
Work party at Stremler’s, 9480 Van Buren Rd.
Lynden. Be ready to work at 10:00 a.m. No
horses needed. Getting place ready for
Confidence ride.
Sheri Hathaway
May 2nd--Monday
Board meeting, location to be determined.
Mike McGlenn
May 7th--Saturday
Ride at Stewart Mtn. trails. More info at the
general meeting.
(Please Note: Stewart ride
switched to May 7th)
May 13th--Friday
Work party at Stremler’s. Setting up obstacles
for Confidence ride. No horses needed. Be ready
to work at 10:00 a.m.
May 14th--Saturday
Confidence Builder Ride at Stremler’s, 9480 Van
Buren Rd. Lynden. Event opens at 10:00 a.m.
Donation of $10.00 for event includes lunch.
Debbie Lagerwey
Need Pictures!
Trail Tales is published monthly. Deadline for submission of articles is the 15th of each month. Noncopyrighted submissions are welcomed (subject to space limitations). Opinions and views expressed in
letters or personal articles are not necessarily the opinions of BCH.
Send submissions to: Editor, Fran Van Diest, 723 Van Wyck Rd, Bellingham, WA. 98226. E-mail to:
[email protected] or [email protected].
Trail Tales
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Whatcom BCH Chapter
General Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2016 Laurel Grange
Call to order: 7 p.m., Walden Haines presiding.
Approval of Minutes : February 10, 2016 minutes approved as published.
Hospitality: No visitors this evening.
Sunshine: No news.
Treasurer: Jackie Yereance – Cash moved from checking to CD, will have to come back to
checking as needed. We have 129 members.
Director/Legislative: Bill McKenna – Talked up Rendezvous, March 18-20.
South Fork Park: Mike McGlenn – Talked recently with Rod Lamb (County Parks) and
Jean Fike (DNR) about trail route—close to an agreement.
Lake Whatcom: Sharon Hoofnagle – no news.
Stewart Mountain: Rocky Leavitt – 15-mile loop is open, will try to keep the brush down.
Need to rebuild the bridge. Questions remain about the Lake Whatcom Park boundaries.
Chuckanut: Jackie Yereance – On February 12, Jackie will be walking in with a Parks
Dept representative to check on proposed connector trail.
Vedder Mountain: Rocky Leavitt – check Trail Coordinator report.
Saxon: Rocky Leavitt /Walden - E-mail has been sent to Steve Tift (Weyerhaeuser) about
gate access. Beginning August 1, access will be limited to persons with a $50 recreational permit.
Question: Does Whatcom Land Trust have a key to the gate?
Silver Lake Park: Rocky Leavitt – see Y-TIP report.
Eddys Mountain: Sheri Hathaway/Helen Almojera – no news.
Maple Falls Park: Gary Grinde – no report.
Trail Coordinator: Roger Nelson
BCH Youth Trail Improvement Project (BCH Y-TIP): Rocky Leavitt – Rocky, Cindy
Piccolo and her husband, plus eleven Y-TIP youth brushed all trails at Silver Lake. Noted that
motorcyclists held a rally on DNR land uphill from the Meadows and left it in pretty rough shape.
Easter Ride: Work party to clear trail scheduled for Saturday, March 12. Ride will be
Saturday, March 26. Rocky will lead ride at 9 a.m. and Roger will lead out at 10 a.m. Donation
potluck to follow around 12:30 p.m.
Confidence Ride: Switched the Stremler work party to April 30 and the planned Stewart
work party to May 7. Confidence Ride will be May 14.
Volunteer hours: Verna McLeod – 279 hours reported for February. Reminder that Verna
doesn't know the location of all trails by name, so please indicate land ownership when submitting
trail work hours.
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Whatcom BCH Chapter
General Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2016 Laurel Grange
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DNR: Mike McGlenn – DNR oversees 86,000 acres in Whatcom County. Mike and Walden have been
chosen to represent the horse community on the recreation planning committee that will be meeting over the
next two years. First meeting was last night. Please e-mail them with contact information for other horse
groups. Also, your thoughts on a desired location for a trailhead/horse camp. Walden: [email protected] or Mike: [email protected]. Suggested that a map of the county showing timber
company land would be helpful. Reminder that the DNR website has a large information cache with many
maps available.
NW Regional: Susan Sebastian – no report.
Auction: Bill McKenna – working on net numbers.
GPS: Tim Surratt – noted that Vedder trails will have to be ridden again after the logging. Would
like to get the resulting data into the better software.
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business: None.
Good of the Order:
Loose horses: Joe Remenar contacted Karen Pickering, Horse Source, who said she would research the topic
and perhaps publish an article.
Alternative general meeting place: Helen Almojera – open to suggestions.
Vet Tips/Trail Tips:
Rocky warns to watch out for horses slipping on ice; his mule went down off all fours while walking around the
trailer at the Stewart trailhead.
Sharon says new grass is high in sugar so spring is a dangerous time for laminitis.
Close: Meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m.
Helen Almojera, Secretary
A Special Thank You to:
Laurel Farm & Western Supply
America’s Horse Country
Weylin & Amy Eldred
325 W Laurel Rd., Bellingham
360/398-1216 * 360/398-8050 fax
Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I am looking for a lawn statue deer or
a mounted deer to borrow to use in the
Blossom Time parade. I just want to
get the word out in case someone has
Also an owl or raven would be good.
Jackie Yereance
Trail Tales
On March 5, 2016 several
Whatcom BCH members
attended the Rhodes River
Ranch packing and draft
pull clinic. Rocky Leavitt
packed his animals and gave
demonstration on packing.
Here’s a couple of pictures
packing in planks and other
equipment. This is some of
the items that are packed in
at different times for Dept.
of Natural Resources,
Forest Services, Pacific
Northwest Trails,
Washington Trail
Association or other
agencies that request our
help in packing in items to
work on trails. Whatcom
BCH members have also
hauled fish to different lakes
for Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.
Picture of work party at Silver Lake trails on
February 21, 2016 under the Whatcom BCH
Youth trail improvement project, (Y-Tip). We
had eleven strapping boys out to work. One of
their fathers also helped. Keeping eyes on them
were four BCH folks, Cindy P., Roger Nelson,
Joe R., and myself. We used four brush cutters
and for safety, each brush cutter person had a
BCH member or parent stay right with them. We
did this also to keep each cutter a safe distance
from the other cutters.
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Trail Tales
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Work Party at Heady Trails
On March 12th a work party was held at Heady, getting trail ready for the Easter Egg ride. There were five of us at this
work party and later Rodney joined us. We started cleaning a section of the Alder Loop trail, brushing and lopping
limbs. We brushed and lopped three quarters of a mile that day and we worked for 5 hours. With all the rain and windstorms we have had, there has been a lot of blow downs that needed to be cleaned. Rodney with his mule and pack
stock worked another 5 hours. He logged out another trail. The next day I was back at Heady with my daughter and
her friend clearing another trail. We put in another 5 hours cleaning.
So far this year there has been 8 club work parties at different trails thru out Whatcom, besides the individual person
going and cleaning trails on their days off, trying to keep ahead of all the blow downs. So many riders enjoy riding the
trails at Heady that we try to keep them cleared.
Happy trails, Roger
Easter Egg ride on March 26, 2016 at Bryce Creek Horse Camp
My day started at 5:00 am feeding my animals, I had packed my truck the night before with propane stove, club sign,
plus all the saddles and gear for my stock. I got to Bryce Creek Horse camp a little after 8:00 a.m. and met Joe on the
way into Bryce creek putting up Easter Egg ride signs showing the direction to the camp. The weather in the morning
was cold but dry, put on a extra wool shirt, got to camp and unloaded my animals and gear. Joe and I started setting
up the propane stove, hand washing station, making sure there was toilet paper in the outhouses and then got the fire
going. Joe is one of the Trail-bosses in the club and was not riding that day, he was sticking around camp to greet
people and help make things run smoother in camp. Rocky got there shortly with his stock and started saddling. Then
Fran shows up at 9:00 a.m. and works her personal touch to Bryce creek shelter, helping
setup for lunch and help out where needed. The trails were marked the Sunday before the
ride. The first group went out at 9:30 a.m. with Rocky leading that group which had ten
people in his riding group and I left and led a group of 14 sharply at 10:00am, we rode out
to Alder and Border loop trails for a two and a half hour ride and got back in time for
lunch. Several small groups left on their own afterwards, some took different trails. Many
of the riders are familiar with these trails. We had over 35 horse riders that left at different
times and rode different trails. They all made it back in time for lunch. Joe started cooking
hamburgers on the open fire grill and I started cooking hot dogs on the propane grill. We
had approximately a total of 58 that showed up for our Easter Egg Ride. We couldn’t have
asked for a better day!
During lunch, the children that were there could hardly wait to find all the Easter eggs!
Finally it was time and they all rushed to get as many eggs as their little hands could grab.
They were so excited to find all the goodies. Their bags were overflowing.
After lunch Becky and I left to pick up all the trail markers. Becky rode my mule, Jill and I
rode my new little horse Crystal and I had my pack animal. We got back to the gazebo at
4:00 p.m. It was a long day!
I heard nothing but positive comments from people on
face book regarding our Easter Egg Ride!
Happy Trails, Roger
Trail Tales
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Whatcom Chapter Backcountry Horsemen of WA. invites
you to their 15th Annual Confidence Builder Ride!
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Stremler’s—9480 Van Buren Road, Lynden
Starts at 10:00 a.m. Last rider out at 11:30 a.m.
There is a $10.00 donation per person for the event which
includes lunch, children under 6 free.
You are invited to bring your horse to the ride, there
will be bridges, water crossing, logs, tarps, puncheon
bridge, llamas and other obstacles. It is intended for
horses with some experience. Please do not bring
totally green horses. Minors must be accompanied by a
parent or responsible adult and wear a helmet. Lots of
help and support available. Come join us for some fun!
Directions: From Bellingham take Guide Meridian, going north continue until you come to WA546--E. Badger Rd,
turn right and continue for approx 10 miles until you come to Van Buren Road (it’s the first road after you cross the
tracks), turn left on Van Buren Rd, Lynden.
Dues are from January 1st thru December 31st.
To join BCHW, complete this application, sign the liability release (all members
18 and over), and enclose payment:
Chapter members, turn application and payment in to Carol Ketchum, PO Box
28607, Bellingham, WA 98228. Make check out to: Whatcom BCH.
Independent members (folks who are not joining a chapter), make check out to
“BCHW”, and mail application and payment to: BCHW,
ATTN: MEMBERSHIP, 110 W. 6th Ave., PMB 393, Ellensburg, WA 98926.
New Member
Renewal – Membership number(s):
Adult’s name(s):
Children’s name(s):
Phone number:
Legislative district (if known):
Check to opt out of mailed (hardcopy) newsletter: BCHW (Trailhead News) Chapter
Basic Membership
Optional Membership (includes family or single
from above)
Lifetime (Single)
State dues paid online (attach receipt copy)
Additional State Donation $
State Subtotal $
All chapter members must also be a member of BCHW.
However, BCHW dues only need to be paid once each
year. Joining additional (secondary) chapters only requires paying chapter dues.
Chapter Name (or Independent):
If joining a secondary Chapter, provide the Chapter
name where BCHW dues have been paid for 2015:
Chapter Dues
Additional Chapter Donation
Chapter Subtotal
Grand Total (State+Chapter)
All ADULT members MUST sign! Adult’s signature covers minor children.
Recognizing the fact that there is a potential for an accident wherever horse use is involved, which can cause injuries to
horses, riders, and spectators, and also recognizing the fact that Backcountry Horsemen of Washington, Inc., including Chapters, officers, directors, or members, cannot always know the condition of trails or the experience levels of riders or horses
taking part in trail rides or other BCHW events, I do hereby release and hold harmless the above named from any claim or
right for damages which might occur to me, my minor children, or horses.
Backcountry Horsemen of Washington (BCHW) is a public charity as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) (3). Accordingly, membership dues paid to BCHW may be treated as deductions characterized as “charitable contributions” when computing federal and state income tax obligations.
Revised 9/10/13
*See payment and mailing information above
Fran Van Diest
WBCH Newsletter Editor
723 Van Wyck Rd
Bellingham , WA 98226
(360) 734-2567
BCHW mission statement: To perpetuate the common sense use and enjoyment of horses in America’s back
country and wilderness. To work to insure that public lands remain open to recreational stock use. To assist
the various governmental and private agencies in their maintenance and management of said resource. To
educate, encourage and solicit active participation in the wise use of the back country resource by horsemen
and the general public commensurate with our heritage. To foster and encourage the formation of new
chapters in the state organization.
Whatcom Chapter Backcountry Horsemen
General Meeting: April 13, 2016
Laurel Community Grange,
6172 Guide Meridian, Lynden, WA
Meeting at 7:00
Treats: Becky Haines and Gary Anderson