Dosimeter radiometer


Dosimeter radiometer
Dosimeter radiometer
User Manual
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS……………………………………....................…..….4
BRIEF DESCRIPTION………………………………………………………………………….…….6
WORKING WITH THE DEVICE…………………………………………………………………11
4.1. Switching off and on the device……………………………….………..........11
4.2. Main Monitor……………………………………………………..…………............13
4.3. Main Menu………………………………………………………………………….......14
4.4. Setting the measurement mode……………………….………………...15
4.5. Statistics control…………………………………………………….……..............16
4.6. Sound Control………………………………………………………….………..........17
4.7. Display settings………………………………………………………………….........18
4.8. Adjust the brightness and contrast of the display………….………….19
4.9. Setting the backlight duration ...…………………….………………...........20
4.10. Display Type Selection……………………………………………..…………….21
4.11. Setting the alarm threshold ...……………………………….……………….22
4.12. Charging the battery……………………………………………..……...…….23
4.13. Flashlight………………………………………………………….………………..26
4.14. Additional Features……………………..………………..........................26
5. Device status………………………………………………………………………………….......27
6. SAFETY………………………………………………………………….….............................28
Types of used sensors ........................................... (gas discharge) SBM20, STS-5
Types fixed radiation ..................................................................................... β, γ
Units of measurement levels of radiation ........................................ µR/h, mR/h
Units of measurement cumulative dose .............................................. µR, mR, P
The measuring range level of radiation ............................... 10 µR/h - 144 mR/h
The measuring range of exposure doses ........................................0 µR - 4000 R
The accuracy measurements (defined by the device) ............................... ± 20%
Power Source ........................... Li-io (Li-po) battery 3.7V, more than 1000 mAh
Current consumption when switched off ................................................ <50 µA
Сurrent consumption when switched onn ................................................> 4mA
Continuous operating time on a single charge. ..................................... 5-7 days
Operating temperature ........................................................from 0 °C to + 40 °C
Relative humidity is not above ..................................................................... 98%
Storage temperature range ...............................................from -10 °C to + 70 °C
Dimensions of the instrument housing ....................................125 х 69 х 23 mm
LED of operation mode/activity
Graphic display 84х48 pixels
"6Q button
.FOV1PXFS button
Down button
&YJU$BODFM buton
Jack charger (on the back side of the board)
Dosimeter-radiometer «S.T.A.L.K.E.R» (further Device) is a complex high-tech
multi-functional electronic device designed for amateur measurement and monitoring
levels of intensity of ionizing radiation in the household or field conditions as well as
to calculate the resulting exposure dose.
The operating principle of this Device is based on the effect of impact ionization
substance under the influence of high-energy β-particles or γ-photons with further
changes in some physical parameters such as electrical conductivity, an electric
current or voltage drop. This Device is intended for use with gas-discharge detectors
of ionizing radiation - Geiger-Muller tube (counter) type SBM20 or STS-5, sensitive to
high-energy beta particles and hard gamma rays. For the operation of sensor
(counter) Device generates a constant high voltage of about 400V. High-energy
particles and photons entering the volume of the gas medium in the sealed metal
chamber sensor (counter) of ionizing radiation, generate shock electrons, which are
accelerated by the electric field sensor (counter) and the anode lead to ionization of
the medium and the emergence of short-term self-extinguishing electrical discharge
inside the chamber of the sensor.
This discharge occurs like an avalanche breakdown between the electrodes of
the gas sensor (counter), and is followed by a short pulse of electric current in the
circuit its electrodes. These pulses are counted and allocated by electronic circuits. On
the basis of these data, the logical part of the Device calculates the measured values.
Measurements are performed in the range of 10 µR/h to 144 000 µR/h (0,1 µSv/h 1 440 µSv/h). The main element that specifies the accuracy of the Device is a sensor of
ionizing radiation (Geiger-Muller counter)), which is due to its design and technological
features has a measurement error up to ± 20% and operability in a relatively narrow
range of temperature and relative humidity.
For ease of use, depending on the situation, the Device allows carry out
measurements in four modes: SCAN (scanning), FAST (fast), NORMAL (normal) and
PRECISELY (exact).
SCAN mode has the exposure time only 3 seconds and is designed for rapid
detection of the radiation source in areas of high or abnormally high intensity of
radiation. This mode has the lowest measurement precision and therefore it is not
effective mode for measuring the values of the background values of radioactive
FAST mode has the exposure time of 12 seconds and it is effective in the
measurement of elevated radiation levels (hundreds or thousands µR/h).
NORMAL mode has exposure time has 36 seconds, which is recommended by
the manufacturer of the the sensors (Geiger-Muller tubes) or "passport" exposure
time for sensors of this type, and is designed to measure the radiation background
PRECISELY mode has the greatest exposure time of 6 minutes, and because of
this, the highest accuracy in the measurement of the radiation background values.
This mode is effective only when measuring low background values (up to tens µR/h)
due to a very low count rate.
For the convenience of the visual evaluation, the measured radiation level is
displayed in two forms - a graphical and text. Graphical display is performed
automatically by means of two successive (pseudo-) logarithmic scales up to
1 000 µR/h and from 1 000 µR/h (1 mR/h).
Device has the function of warning when exceeding the emission intensity of
one of three predefined levels with the indication by changing the display backlight
color to red and beep or vibration (optional).
During operation Device maintains statistics in which fixes the minimum and
maximum measured values of the radiation intensity, and counts the accumulation of
exposure dose with saving a result in non-volatile memory. After using the device in
SCAN or FAST mode, the data values recommended to reset.
The Device is powered by built-in rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-polymer) battery
with a voltage of 3.7V and a capacity more than 1000 mAh. The Device has a built-in
battery controller responsible for supervising the voltage of the battery and its
charging from an external charger. At full battery discharge (3,55V) Device switches
off automatically. When you connect the charger to the device while it is in off mode,
it automatically turns on the charge mode and charges the battery. Upon reaching full
charge voltage (4,15V) Device enters the "dropping" chargein which will be all the
time up to turn off the charger. The status of the charging process is shown on the
display all the time and using LED mode / activity.
4.1. Switching on and off the Device.
The Device does not have a separate mechanical power switch. Switching on the
Device done by pressing and holding the button "Menu / Power" for two seconds, up
to turn it on. On switching on the Device indicate the illumination of LED, including
blue display backlight (if enabled) and the appearance of welcoming inscription in the
display (device name and version of the installed software).
Further, the Device switches to the display mode
of the main monitor and starts to measurement
according to the previously set measurement mode.
Turning off the Device can be realized in two ways. The first method - in main
display mode of the Main Menu you must press and hold at least two seconds the
"Menu/Power" button up to turn off the Device. About turning off the Device shows
the purification of the display backlight extinction (if enabled) and absence of reaction
to pressing the buttons. The second way - in main display mode of the Main Menu by
pressing the "Up" or "Down" you need to select «OFF», then shortly press the
"Menu/Power" button.
4.2. Main Monitor screen.
The main mode of the Device - Main Menu mode. In this mode the Device displays basic
information: the measurement mode, the remaining exposure time, the current value of
the intensity of ionizing radiation exposure and cumulative dose, a graphical representation
of the magnitude and intensity of the remaining battery charge. To return from any menu
item in the Main Menu mode press appropriate amount "Exit/Cancel" button.
Tags alarm thresholds
Logarithmic intensity
Timer exposure time
Battery Indicator
Indication of the
current value of the
radiation intensity
Indications cumulative
exposure dose
Title of the current
measurement mode
4.3. Main Menu
Dosimeter-radiometer «S.T.A.L.K.E.R» has many features and options to
configure them. For the convenience of finding and working with them every possible
setting items are collected into a single Main menu. You can get to the Main menu
from the Main monitor if you briefly press the button "Menu/Power".
To navigate through the Menu use the the
"Up" and "Down" buttons. To enter the selected
item in the Main menu, shortly press the "Menu/
Power" button. To exit - press the "Exit/Cancel"
The Main Menu contains the following sections.
«MODE» - select measuring mode, as well as subparagraph «STATISTIC».
«VOLUME» - adjust the volume of signals and vibration alarm activation.
«DISPLAY» - setting up display parameters.
«ALARM» - alarm management about exceeding radiation intensity.
«OFF» - put the device in the off state.
4.4. Setting the measurement mode.
To change the measurement mode - select «MODE».
Use the "Up" and "Down" buttons to select the desired mode of measurement. To
accept the selected mode, briefly press the "Menu/Power". To cancel and exit the
menu - click "Exit/Cancel".
4.5. Management of statistics.
To view and clear statistics enter the menu «STATISTIC». To do this, in the section
«MODE», select «STATISTIC» and enter it briefly pressing the "Menu/Power" button.
This section contains data on the maximum «MAX»
and minimum «MIN» values of radiation levels, as
well as the value of the accumulated exposure dose
«TOT». To reset all the above statistics, select «CLEAR
ALL» and briefly press the "Menu/Power" button.
Thereafter, all the statistical data will be cleared on
the display and in the nonvolatile memory of the
Device. To exit this section, use the "Exit/Cancel"
4.6. Sound Control.
To change the volume level or turn on the vibration signal go to the section
«VOLUME» in the Main menu.
To do this, select the «VOLUME» from the Main
menu. Enter it by pressing the "Menu/Power"
Use the "Up" and "Down" buttons to move
between items, select:
«MIDDLE» - to set the average volume;
«MAXIMUM» - to set the maximum volume;
«VIBRO» - to turn on the vibration signal;
«SILENT» - to turn off all sound and vibration
Use the "Menu/Power" button or "Exit/Cancel"
button to return to the Main menu.
4.7. Display settings.
Device allows you to configure the basic display settings such as image contrast,
brightness LED backlight and duration the work of LED backlight. There is also a point
of service settings for the type of the connected display. To enter this section of the
settings, while the Main menu, select «DISPLAY», using the "Up" and "Down"
buttons. Next short press "Menu/Power" button to enter in this section.
To navigate through the sub-menu use the "Up"
and "Down" buttons. Shortly press the "Menu/
Power" button to enter the selected settings or
"Exit/Cancel" button to return to the Main menu.
4.8. Adjust the brightness and contrast of the display.
Select the menu item «CONTRAST» to adjust the
contrast of the display and enter it.
To change the brightness of the LED backlight of the
display enter the menu item «BACKLIGHT».
Use the "Up" and "Down" buttons to move the "slider" of the selected parameter
up or down, respectively. Pressing and holding the "Up" or "Down" buttons will lead
to a cyclic repetition moving the slider up or down, respectively. Adjust the level of
the selected option. To save the setting and return to the previous menu, use the
short press "Menu/Power" button. To cancel the changes and return to the previous
menu, use the "Exit/Cancel" button.
4.9. Setting the backlight duration.
To change the backlight duration enter the menu item «TIME LIGHT». To do this, in
the menu section «DISPLAY», select the item and enter it briefly pressing the "Menu/
Power" button.
The Device uses following values for this
parameter: 3 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1
minute and without interruption, which corresponds
to the item «ALWAYS ON». To select the desired
valueuse the "Up" and "Down" buttons. To save the
setting and return to the previous menu, use the short
press "Menu/Power" button. To cancel the changes
and return to the previous menu, press the "Exit/
Cancel" button.
NOTE. Device has two types of LED backlight: basic (blue) and emergency (red).
To save battery power, the main backlight will automatically turn off after the lapse in
the absence of pressing the buttons of the Device. If you press any of the buttons
then the main display backlight is automatically resumed.
4.10. Display Type Selection.
This item has a service appointment and is intended to set the type of the connected
display. Device can be supplied with one of two common types of displays which have
a different set of commands and internal address space. In case of non compliance of
the selected type display set, the display raster will be not correct. To change the type
of display used, you will need to enter the menu item «DISPLAY TYPE».
To do this, in the menu section «DISPLAY», select
«DISPLAY TYPE» and enter it shortly pressing the
"Menu/Power" button. To select the desired value,
use the "Up" and "Down" buttons. To save the setting
and return to the previous menu, shortly press
"Menu/Power" button. To cancel the changes and
return to the previous menu, use the "Exit/Cancel"
4.11. Setting the alarm threshold.
This version of the Device has the ability to signal the excess of one of the preset
thresholds of dangerous levels of radiation: 25 µR/h (according to the norms for the
civilian population), 60 µR/h (according to the norms for the military) and 200 µR/h
(for nuclear industry, the real threat to human health ). Alarm is realized by turning
the red emergency flashing display backlight when the brightness of the main display
backlight is set above 0%, as well as sound or the vibrator, if selected in the menu
To activate the alarm exceeding the threshold you
need in the Main menu, select «ALARM» and enter it
shortly pressing the "Menu/Power" button.
Item «NO ALARM» corresponds to the absence of
recorded alarm if threshold is exceeded. To cancel the
changes and return to the main menu, use the "Exit/
Сancel" button. Also, check the conditions described
at the beginning of this paragraph.
4.12. Charging the battery.
The Device has a function of control battery voltage level, display its charge and
charging from an external charger. Charge the Device is only possible when it is
turned off. When connecting the charger unit automatically goes into charging mode,
as evidenced by the inclusion of the LED and display. During charging, the LED
indicator the operating mode / activity lights constantly.
Upon reaching the desired voltage battery charging
stops. This is indicated by a message on the display of
the completion of the charging process and the
extinction of the LED the operating mode / activity.
The device switches to pre-charge the batteries. The
battery is recharged by small portions of the current in
this mode (a mode "dropping" charging). Thus the
Device will compensate for charging only that part of
the energy that consumes itself to display and process
In this mode, the Device can be infinitely long time until the battery charger is not
disconnected. After disconnecting the charger unit automatically switches to the OFF
state. This is evidenced by the purification of the display and absence of reaction to
pressing the buttons.
It is possible that due to a too deep discharge of the battery (below 2.7V), the
device does not switch on and does not respond to the charger connection. In this
case it is necessary to connect the charger and leave the Device in this condition for a
few hours. The internal circuitry smoothly (with a small current) сharge the battery to
a level higher than 2.7V, and then Device will switch itself to normal mode charging
the battery.
Charging time of the Device in dependence on the parameters used type of charger
can reach 2-2.5 hours.
As the charger can be used in almost any charger for mobile devices (eg cell
phones). The charger should have a voltage in the idle no more than 10V and provide
the charging current about 350 to 500 mA at a voltage of 5 ... 6V.
For this Device are not suitable chargers with an output voltage lower than 5.5V at
idle. Also not suitable chargers that have a stable output voltage without current limit
to 600mA. Recommended type of charger - battery chargers for mobile phones Nokia.
Device is protected against reverse polarity charger. Connector connecting the
charger must match the jack, installed in the Device. Device was originally equipped
with the required type of connector. The connector must be soldered to the wires of
the charger so that "+" output voltage is out on its internal coaxial contact, and "-" - an
external contact.
The Device uses Li-ion or Li-polymer battery, which does not need the full passage
of charge-discharge cycles and can be сharged at any level of charge. Also, this battery
can be used when not finished charging.
4.13. Flashlight.
Device is equipped with a highly economical LED flashlight. To enable it, you must
go to the main monitor display mode, press and hold for two seconds the "Up"
button to turn the LED flashlight.
Turn off the flashlight can be the same action as turning on. When you turn off the
device, if the flashlight at the time was on, it just turns off with the Device.
4.14. Additional Features.
Each pulse sensor corresponding to a fixed particle of ionizing radiation, shown by
the Device in the form of flashes LED Mode / activity. In addition, depending on the
mode of sound indication, signaling sound can be in the form of clicks, or the vibration
signaling in the form of short shake.
In the switched state the Device constantly
monitors the battery level and if the voltage level is
reached the disconnection threshold (3,55V), the
Device displays a warning message and switches to the
OFF state.
Similar occurs when you try to turn on the Device with the discharged battery.
Is turned on, the Device continuously monitors the
state of the sensor of ionizing radiations. If, for any
reason, the leakage current sensor exceeds a certain
value, the display will show an error message of the
sensor. This can be caused by contamination of
insulators the sensor, fogging due to high humidity or
extreme temperature changes, not extinguished
discharge, caused by seal failure of the sensor or
excessive levels of ionizing radiation, as well as an
electric insulator breakdown of the sensor.
5. Device status
Dosimeter radiometer «S.T.A.L.K.E.R.» offered "as is". At this Device is not
subject to any warranty. This Device do not need verification or certification. The
author of Device can not be held any responsibility for the use of the Device or its
components in order to malice or for moral, material or economic damage caused to
someone with this unit.
CAUTION! The supplied the Device Li-io (Li-po) battery is a potentially
dangerous element! It is strongly recommended not: to connect the battery terminals
together, use it with incompatible types of chargers, not observe polarity, applied to it
any mechanical damage, heat, disassemble, puncture, etc. The stored energy in the
battery when it is damaged it can cause spontaneous heating and even cause a fire or
This Device in some of its electrical circuits generates and uses high DC voltage
(approximately 400 V). Its source of power is not enough for the application of serious
damage to human health.
However, in order to avoid the physical and moral consequences recommended
to work with these circuits with extreme caution.
Protect the Device from children! Using the Device by children under 14 years
only under adult supervision!
Follow the rules of electrostatic safety! The instrument contains components
that are sensitive to static electricity charges!