update - FCA Golf
update - FCA Golf
Photo by Hunter Martin/Getty Images Photo by Hunter Martin/Getty Images Photo by Hunter Martin/Getty Images FCA GOLF MINISTRY UPDATE SUMMER 2011 1PT»Z1V\YUL`Z Dear FCA Golf Teammate, One of the all-time favorite games of young people is “Capture the Flag”. If you have ever played it you would know that the goal of this outdoor and often very physical game is for one team to capture the other teams’ flag and bring it back to their territory. The goal of FCA Golf is to “capture the heart” of young aspiring golfers! This is not a game but rather a real life battle to point young people to Jesus Christ. The stakes are high especially when you consider what young people are bombarded with today. In this age of information, the world tells you, “be good, be happy and that God is there for me anytime (that’s true) but doesn’t require anything in return (not true). My Bible tells me that the cost of being a follower of Jesus requires everything! Matthew 16:24 and these are the words that Jesus whispers: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” The purpose of FCA Golf is “to present Biblical truth to young aspiring golfers in a way that is fun and relevant.” Bottom line, we desire to produce young Christian leaders who will go into their world and make an impact for Jesus Christ! Author Tim Elmore puts it this way and sums up my feelings and my heart: “I see millions of young people who catch a vision for what their life can count for. They’ve moved from complacent gamers or Facebook junkies to engaged change-agents. They embrace life and decide they can indeed transform society. They see an inward picture that ignites an inward passion. They’ve discovered their gift and decided to serve it up to the world. In a term, they become life-giving leaders.” FCA Golf is all about impacting young aspiring golfers in order that they can make a difference for Jesus Christ to a world that desperately needs Him! You are invited to join the FCA Golf team as we capture the hearts of young people all around the world. 2 Impacting the World for Christ through the game of golf. In His Grip, CAMPS Summer 2011 It’s been one GAMECHANGING summer... leading worship, playing golf and having fun with campers all week. Pictured: Christian artist Toby Mac and campers at Pine Needles camp in June. By Matt Roop, PGA Director of Camps W hat just happened here?” said 2011 Mission 4:33 team member, Gareth Gobey, with an awestruck look across his face. “I’ve never experienced anything quite like that!” The first week of golf camp was coming to a close in St. Augustine, Florida. And as the camp staff sat in a circle debriefing the week, everyone was amazed by what the Lord had done in the lives of 27 golf campers. God had shown up and young lives had certainly been changed. What happened? God answered our prayers! For the second year in a row, The Palencia Club graciously opened their superior teaching facility and beautiful golf course to FCA Golf for another great week of camp in St. Augustine, Florida from June 13th-17th. Dan Meinert, Director of Instruction at the Palencia Club, assembled another great team of 10 instructors including Daniel Creamer, Sports Psychologist, and Gerry James two-time world long-drive champion to name a few. In addition to several hours of one-on-one instruction, campers were grouped into foursomes each afternoon to play 9-holes in preparation for the final-day’s 18-hole flighted tournament. Each camper made obvious improvement and had plenty of fun doing it. “FCA Golf camp was great! The instructors gave good pointers and were fun to be with. I was very comfortable in my Huddle and felt very close to God. It was an amazing experience!” said Andy, one of our campers. A unique aspect of FCA Golf camp is found in a summer internship program FCA Golf offers called Mission 4:33. FCA Golf’s Mission 4:33 team is small group college golfers who dedicate their summer to FCA Golf Camp by playing golf, worshiping, leading Bible studies and showing our campers what it looks like to be a Christian athlete. The Mission 4:33 internship exists to equip college golfers for Christian ministry through the game of golf. The name Mission 4:33 comes from Acts 4:33, “And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.” Needless to say, these individuals play a vital role in the overall experience each camper has at camp. This year’s team was made up of one veteran, Teal Twaddle, from Maryville, MO and two new team members, Kaitlyn Harville, from Morristown, TN and Gareth Gobey, from South Africa. It was neat to see how God used each team members’ personality, gifts and abilities to reach each camper in a different way. Their testimonies, vulnerability and actions spoke loudly, allowing each camper to gain a greater glimpse of God’s glory and love. Just two weeks later, FCA Golf relaunched its premier camp in historic Pinehurst, North Carolina, at Pine Needles Lodge and Golf Club; where FCA Golf’s founding Director, Bill Lewis, conducted FCA Golf’s first golf camp 31 years ago. In addition to a first-class group of instructors and huddle-leaders, Christian music artist and Grammy Award Winner, Toby Mac, hosted this year’s camp fcagolf.org 3 When youth are removed from their regular routine and plugged into a community marked with honesty and vulnerability, where Biblical truth is spoken, true life-change can happen quickly. This past spring I asked you to join us in praying that all 20 FCA Golf Camps nationwide would ignite a GAMECHANGING moment in the life of each camper attending. If you were one of the many who joined us in prayer, THANK YOU! Nothing is more exciting that witnessing God’s faithfulness in answering these prayers—one GAMECHANGING story after another! ⚑ Mission 4:33 intern Gareth rides the wave of camp By Gareth Gobey Mission 4:33 Intern in touch with Matthew Roop, FCA Golf’s Director of Camps. I About the time I began discussing Mission 4:33 with Matt, I had just finished raising $2,000 for a mission trip to South America that had been cancelled. God has a great sense of humor, because that $2,000 was the exact amount of money I was challenged to raise in order to cover my travel costs for the Mission 4:33 internship. It was clear that God was leading me to work with FCA Golf, but I was still a little scared to jump in with both feet. t’s amazing to see how God works. During my final semester at William Jessup University (in Northern California), Steve Burdick, a close friend, mentor and Director of College Golf Fellowship, encouraged me to look into a ministry internship opportunity with FCA Golf called Mission 4:33. John Darby, a College Golf Fellowship intern, had served on the Mission 4:33 team years before and also encouraged me to pursue the opportunity. Shortly after, I was talking with Jim Esary, FCA Golf’s Executive Director, who put me 4 As I began learning more about Mission 4:33, I saw a glimpse of Matt Roop’s heart. Our phone calls really made me feel so drawn to this opportunity. I felt like Matt was Impacting the World for Christ through the game of golf. genuine and trustworthy. His heart for the kids that would be coming to camp was so amazing. It seemed like we were going to have so much fun together as a team with such fantastic leaders like Matt. I loved that I was going to be travelling to different locations during the summer, as I am South African and I absolutely love to travel. As I continued to learn about Mission 4:33 and prayed about it, I became really excited about the opportunity. I was going to be able to use golf as a platform to share the Gospel with kids. This is my absolute passion! Additionally, I really wanted to gain experience in ministry—and Mission 4:33 was going to allow me this opportunity while playing golf for a much bigger purpose! short time period. The bond of Christ is powerful—as He connects us so closely with other believers to share our lives with. much and made me want to be more radical. The relationships built this past As Derik spoke during the final night summer were a major highlight. The of camp, the most beautiful thing bonds made with Matt Roop, Dawn happened. God’s presence filled the Spending time with and building into Santo and the Mission 4:33 team room and really became apparent the campers in my huddle group during our leadership training and St. during worship. The room was so was so awesome. I absolutely loved Augustine Camp were so incredible. I dense with His Spirit, it felt like I could seeing God actively pursue campers felt like I was a part of a family away have swam in it. My heart felt like it and transform them right before my from home. I can’t believe how much was going to explode out of my chest eyes. I really got a glimpse of God’s I grew in my own faith by just being as tears were running down my face. glory and how much he longs to be around Matt and Dawn. I learned Every single kid was crying their eyes in relationship with us. It was just so much by just watching them out and embracing each other. It was so amazing when He would open interact with people, seeing their something that I had never hearts for the Lord seen before. I was so and experiencing very overwhelmed. I just the absolute joy smiled in His marvelous overflowing in their beauty. His love became lives. I have never so real and tangible that laughed and cried night. so much in ten days. The love Mission 4:33 has God surrounded impacted my life in a huge me with was truly way. Seeing the “inside” indescribable. He of ministry was really showed me how to cool. I always thought I be open, vulnerable had to be a really gifted and real with people communicator and know who genuinely cared my Bible inside-out in about me. It was order to serve in ministry. like nothing I had But the most impactful ever experienced Pictured: Gareth with camper at the Toby Mac FCA Junior Golf Camp in Pine Needles. thing I saw was each before. The time leader’s servant heart and leadership. a camper’s eyes so that they could Matt & Dawn took to pour into us and It has shown me how God chooses to see God’s glory in the fullest. To see to serve us was something very out of use us for His purpose—which is very the look on the campers’ faces is the ordinary. Their servant leadership humbling. I have learned that by being something that I will never forget. I will humbled and inspired me so much. obedient to where God was leading cherish these memories forever. me, He blessed so many aspects of I felt like God took my expectations my life and the people around me. Other highlights would include the for this summer and blew them so Being able to stay with and minister unbelievable wisdom I gained from the far out the water. All I could do was to my family in Texas was great. We speakers at the golf camps I attended. smile, laugh and cry in His absolute had amazing conversations and I These people where so humble, real glory. God stretched me so much even had the opportunity to teach my and committed to sharing the Gospel. this summer and used me in ways I cousin about the Bible. The softening Just being with them had a huge never knew I was capable of. I was so of hearts that has taken place in my impact on me. Derik, the speaker at very inspired by the other FCA huddle family has been remarkable. God St. Augustine Camp, was preparing leaders at all the different camps that is working even when we can’t see to become a full time missionary in I went to. They made such a huge it. I am so filled with joy from God Taiwan—you don’t get much more impact in my life. It was incredible choosing to use me this summer. He committed than that! It was so seeing so many young people on has allowed me to see His glorious amazing to see how ordinary and fire for Christ who were so down to grace and love cover over so many normal he was, yet he had a strong earth and real about the struggles people. I am truly blessed. ⚑ desire to be obedient to where God they faced at college. I made such was leading him. He inspired me so wonderful friends at camp in such a fcagolf.org 5 OUTREACH May 2011 The PLAYERS Championship Breakfast leads ministry swell into summer. The office couldn’t have been friendlier or more frenzied. Dawn is an organizational marvel and immediately put me to work. With an event the size this one is, there are always things to do and we did get them all done – how helpful I was is unclear but I definitely tried to not be an onus. On the day of the event we arrived at the Sawgrass Marriott bright and early. We had been there the night before, setting up each of the tables with numerous amazing volunteers, which made things go a lot faster. 650 high school and junior high kids were expected as well as 17 pros, one at each table. Toby Mac was on his way to lead worship and also entertain us all. By 6:30 a.m. enough food to feed an army was set up; remember we were feeding teenagers. Queues were forming outside, everyone was starting to get excited about the event and the buzz was incredible. above: Grammy award winning Christian artist Toby Mac performs at the PLAYERS Championship Breakfast. By Gina Sharpe GAMEDAY Coordinator T he first official event I attended as the newest member of the FCA Golf Ministry was the Players Championship Breakfast in May of this year in Jacksonville, Florida. I had been working with Ben organizing GAMEDAY events for a couple of months and had numerous conversations with our other staff but no face-to-face meetings. So, first order of the day was to get to town and meet everyone. The ever-helpful Jeff Snider picked me up at the airport and despite huge language differences (he is from Kentucky and I am from England) we got along famously. 6 A wave of people entered and checked their table number before getting their food. We had people all over the conference room helping attendees find their tables, chatting with coaches, and generally catching up with others they hadn’t seen in a while. Now you may ask what was I doing? Well, being the technical genius I am, I was helping the sound guy. OK, so not a techie at all but he needed someone to push buttons on the projector. Yup, I know but someone had to…Anyway it didn’t end up being a Impacting the World for Christ through the game of golf. dud job at all. I just happened to be sitting at the table with Toby and his band. I got to know them quite well, how they love to minister to all kinds of people, and we had a good laugh. The morning went so fast with the climax being Kevin Streelman and Toby Mac interviewing each other. Toby had everyone on their feet singing and worshipping together throughout the morning and each pro sitting at the tables got to chat to all the kids sitting with them, answering their questions and sharing their faith in an environment that was relaxed and fun. I know that I came in on the tail end of all the details and how much work goes into event such as these but, I have to say, it was an enormous success proven by how many people left with huge smiles on their faces. To cap it all off, the players and the band stuck around, signed autographs and had photos taken with many of the attendees. What a fun morning! ⚑ below: PGA TOUR professional Kevin Streelman during breakfast with one of the local golf teams from the First Coast Area. 2011 PLAYERS Championship Breakfast left: PGA TOUR professional and 2-time champion in 2011 Mark Wilson with some of the over 650 young people who attended the PLAYERS Championship Breakfast in May. below: PGA TOUR professional and 2007 Masters Champion Zach Johnson enjoys the morning with a group young players fron the Ponte Vedra / Jacksonville area. above: PGA TOUR professional and 2009 British Open Champion Stewart Cink with a local ladies golf team from the First Coast Area. right: PGA TOUR professional Josh Teater during breakfast with excited young aspiring golfers. fcagolf.org 7 TOURLIFE February - June 2011 Husband and wife making waves on the LPGA Futures Tour. By Daniel & Isabelle Beisiegel LPGA Future’s Tour Player I t has been such a blessing for us to embark on this journey this year. In December 2010, at the eve of the LPGA Qualifying tournament, Izzy knew that she wanted to help in some way this year if the Lord sent her to the Futures Tour. She knew that the former leader (Janell Howland – now coaching at Ole Miss) was stepping down and that the tour really needed the Christian fellowship to continue. The news from Erica Blasberg’s suicide on May 9, 2010 really brought to the forefront the need for Jesus, family, and community on the different golf tours. The year has been an amazing learning experience – we went through the Bible study by Tony Dungy, titled “Quiet Strength”. One of our goals for the year was to focus on prayer, and we sent weekly emails to circulate a prayer list for the players, their friends and families, and leadership of the golf tour. Another objective was to try to help each person know their purpose in Christ, especially that it lies beyond a golf score at the end of the day. Tony Dungy’s book and study really emphasized what true success is for us children of God… in a nutshell: glorifying Him and impacting lives for Christ. With so much traveling and uncertainty in golf careers, this really means blooming where we are planted and keeping a grateful heart. Finally, we tried to focus on reaching out to others in the love that Christ has given us, and we hope that the Lord is making those seeds grow. We are looking forward to 2012 and see what God has planned for us! ⚑ The touring lifestyle, the demands on performance, and the financial stress of professional golf can take their toll over the years… So when Izzy did not gain her LPGA Tour card, she was not so distraught because she had already felt called to help out on the Futures Tour, and really looked forward to the adventure. And when the Lord sent her to qualify and play on the men’s Canadian Tour this summer, Daniel went along and he also felt called to start TOURLIFE there. It began in Canada with 2 gathering the first week and started growing. Friendships were formed throughout and it has been a blessing to see God working in other people’s hearts and lives. The most amazing part of being part of a group of athletes active in FCA is witnessing how God answers prayers and petitions of the heart at just the right time in someone’s life, thereby reminding them of His goodness and love for them. 8 Pictured: Daniel and Izzy Beisiegel at the ATB Financial Classic in Calgary, Alberta Canada Impacting the World for Christ through the game of golf. Nationwide TOURLIFE surfs into season’s end By Jose Alvarez Nationwide TOURLIFE Rep T When I began serving with FCA Golf leading TOURLIFE on the Nationwide Tour I had no idea what to expect. In other words I didn’t know that I didn’t know! After five years of serving as the chaplain on the Nationwide Tour, I am still learning, but I do know more than when I began. This year I have seen players, wives, caddies and reps get more serious and concerned about their lives and what really matters in life. There has been good turnout at the weekly fellowship we call “TOURLIFE” as well as early morning breakfast meetings on Wednesdays. It seems that people are getting real about their need for life change and beginning to realize it’s not about what they do that genuinely begins that change, but in Whom they trust. Jesus came to rescue us and it is awesome when we see others begin the journey in a relationship with Him. Another blessing this year has been the great “TMT’s” (Tour Ministry Teams) that are taking root around the country. These are made up of people who live in the communities where the Nationwide Tour has tournaments. They host the weekly TOURLIFE fellowship, provide meals and help support FCA Golf. It gives them a chance to invite their friends to an event where pros, wives, caddies and reps from the Tour become real people in need of a Savior just like themselves. What allows us to keep serving is the many who continue to support TOURLIFE financially. In addition to those supporting us financially we couldn’t continue without our great TMT’s. They include: Hal McGregor in Valdosta and the great host team of the Manwell family. Tim Chapman and his team at Stadion in Athens, GA; Joe & Marcie Palmer in Greenville, SC; Ken & Nicki Kinion in Raleigh, NC; Bob Roberts, Dee Wampler and the great people of 2nd Baptist Church in Springfield, MO; John & Nancy Hedrick and hosts Dave and Linda Dickens in Kansas City, MO; Tom & Julie Natale in Knoxville, TN; Ken & Aleta Rannick in Chattanooga, TN. Without these teammates TOURLIFE would not be possible. I am often asked about the highlights of the ministry and even though there really isn’t enough time to scratch the surface, I would have to mention the following as encouragements that show God’s goodness and the power of His word and involvement of the Spirit of God. • A player begins the journey of freedom from a drinking addiction after a TOURLIFE Fellowship • A player trusts Jesus as Lord and Savior in Knoxville, TN • A wife gets encouragement from my wife Michelle • A caddy gets help and support from strangers • A rep is presented a financial blessing in a tough time of need • 40+ players, wives and caddies attend movie, “Seven Days in Utopia” in Pittsburgh, PA • Many first time attendees get a glimpse of what Christian love and fellowship is all about • Watching former Nationwide Tour pros win on the PGA TOUR: Scott Stallings and Webb Simpson. Scott attended FCA Golf camps as a kid, then later served as a huddle leader as a college student, and now has helped with “GAMEDAY” on the PGA TOUR. Each of these people as well as countless others represent a story of God’s grace at work in their lives. To God be the glory as we continue to make much of His name and His story! We have seven tournaments left and then its back to Q school for some, retirement for others, uncertainty for many and the PGA Tour for a few. We pray for them all to have a committed relationship with the Lord and a clear understanding that golf is what they do and not who they are. Please pray we at FCA Golf and TOURLIFE continue to be faithful to the calling. ⚑ Pictured: Jose Alvarez praying with a caddy during a Nationwide TOURLIFE event. fcagolf.org 9 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Golf Ministry PO Box 664 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004 866.526.4653 [email protected] fcagolf.org NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PONTE VEDRA, FL PERMIT NO. 3658