Small Talk - National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts
Small Talk - National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts
S m a l l Ta l k National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts Region N2, Winter 2014 From your Regional Coordinator I can’t believe we’re starting a New Year already. What happened to 2014? And where is the snow? I am pleased to welcome four new State Reps to our Region N2 team. 1. Laura Johnson, our new Newsletter Editor. Laura has been a NAME member for more than 30 years. 2. Bobbie Schmidt (co-State Rep with Will Smith), for the East Bay area. Bobbie resides in Walnut Creek and has been a member of NAME for 15 years. 3. Will Thomas, (co-State Rep with Bobbie Schmidt), for the East Bay area. Will lives in Brentwood and he and his wife, Nancy, have also been NAME members for 30+ years. 4. Leslie Swager, our new Events Coordinator, who lives in West Point (Placerville area). We welcome Leslie back to the N2Team. She was our Newsletter editor several years ago. Read on here for events coming up in N2, reports on past events, reports from the clubs and the State Reps, photos, NAME information and events. Call a mini friend and finish a mini together this winter, clean up your workspace (what strange words coming from me) and . . . . . . . . . . . as you clean out your minis, I hope you will remember us in N2. Our primary source of income is the Grab Bags, made up from donations from you, the members. We are constantly in need of items for Grab Bags and any of our State Reps are more than happy to accept your donations. We have decided to attach this newsletter to the email that we send to you because we have found that many of you do not click the link to the Regional website to read this newsletter. We do not have the funds to snail mail this newsletter to everyone in the region so I hope you will open it and read what’s going on in the region. Save the attachment to your computer so you can find it in the future. Have a warm and cozy winter and I’ll see you around the region. Barbara Thornton-Hill Regional Coordinator, Region N2 Laura Johnson, Newsletter Editor My first foray into miniatures occurred in 1978 or ‘79 when I took a few classes at Shellie’s Miniature Mania in San Mateo. Shellie had a list of people who wanted to be in a club. The Wee Housers club was established in 1979 and has been a NAME club for 35 years! A few years ago we took over the flea market in our area. I served as state rep for a number of years and helped the Mini Attics in Redwood City get started. I have since joined that club. I enjoyed being on the committee for the small scale houseparty in Fresno and am on the committee for the 2017 houseparty in Sacramento. I also hope to give back to the wonderful world of miniatures by editing the N2 newsletter. Among my favorite “mini” things to do are attending conventions and houseparties and making things and learning new techniques at workshops. I have especially enjoyed several weeks at Castine in Maine. Small Talk Bobbie Schmidt of Walnut Creek and Will Thomas of Brentwood have been appointed co-State Representatives for the East Bay/Tri-Valley area by NAME’s N-2 Regional Coordinator Barbara Thornton-Hill. Bobbie Schmidt Miniatures have been a part of my life since the late 1970s when we bought our daughter her dollhouse. Surprise, surprise: she wasn’t interested and it became my dollhouse. That was 1” scale. Now I mostly work in quarter inch scale due to lack of space. That’s become a more exciting scale since the advent of the laser. Unfortunately, I have too many hobbies and life happens, hence I’m a very slow worker in either scale, so have not much to show as finished projects. I have lots of possibilities, though. What else is new, right? I’ve belonged to several miniature groups here in Walnut Creek and the SF Bay area as well as to the AOL online group early on. Loved going to some of the Houseparties, Conventions and on miniature cruises. What a wonderful way to meet new friends! I hope, together, we can have some fun. See you soon. Bobbie’s email: [email protected] phone: 925-943-1741 Will Thomas Will’s background includes nearly fifty years in communications, mostly as a newspaper editor–manager, as well as radio and television; he retired from the San Mateo Times Newspaper Group after 30 years’ service. Gradually moving into miniatures himself while assisting his wife, Nancy, mainly building display boxes, Will’s efforts have included display boxes and the challenge of a three-story building with a 1900s print shop, editor’s office and a bedroom on separate floors. Still attending three San Mateo County mini clubs and affiliated with Antioch-Brentwood’s Delta Do Little mini club, Will has been a House Party operations chairman as well as a Good Sam show volunteer with Nancy almost since its inception. He is president of his gated community’s HOA governing board, for which he also produces a monthly newsletter. These seasoned miniaturists plan to start charting their new State Rep activities soon after the holidays. NAME Newbie Club and Web Site Join the club by visiting our website at or Facebook group at https://www. Also, visit our blog page at http://newbiesofname.blogspot. com/ Join the clubs Pinterest page at page newbiesofNAME You will receive a monthly virtual newsletter, have access to Youtube how-to videos, participate in virtual workshops for members of all ages (including the youth members), receive project ideas, help you get involved in NAME events, and share in all the fun. We hope to plan a “Newbie” event as early as next year. We are also looking for Mentors for our Newbies. Are you willing to share your ideas, your knowledge, your love of NAME, and minis. Please apply to be a Mentor on our website as well at: If you have questions please email us at newbiesofname@ This is for all you NAME rookies/newbies out there: Are you new to NAME? Are you looking for a group of other “Newbies” like yourself? Looking for a club but can’t find one in your area? Not sure how to get started on a project? Then join the “Newbies of NAME” club. We are a newly chartered club of NAME. This club has been formed to bring the new members of NAME together to help our new members get started, learn techniques, meet each other, learn where to find information about miniatures of all kinds, and to learn about NAME. This is a fun new club that will help you through your early years as a NAME member. You can post pictures of your projects, ask questions, find tips, share ideas, learn to look at an item you find in your home and create a miniature out of it, think outside the box, learn about different genres of miniatures, and meet other Newbies by joining this club. 2 Small Talk State Rep Reports East Valley Bay/Tri- I took a class from Karen Cary for a Mis- State Reps Bobbie Schmidt & Will Thomas Fresno State Rep Barbara Fairbanks Marin, Valley Fresno Tinker Belles: are working towards a very busy 2015. All the events are held at least a 3 hour drive from us so we are setting up all kinds of projects for ourselves. We have all finally been fairly well and are now actively building and finishing long over due projects. We are all looking forward to our Christmas party. Always fun to be together and eat, eat, eat!! Our NAME DAY turned out great with a very full house and fun had by everyone. Most members went home with a finished project. We also had a lesson on making comfy cushions to fit the benches. Napa Cary Yerves San Francisco/ N. Peninsula Open Position South Bay Peninsula A few of the projects for next year are the houseboat by Karen Cary, the little brick house by Debbie Young, and the 3 bears by Grandtline. There are also several small projects that will be a “make it-take it” kit. —Barbara Fairbanks & State Reps Barbara Adams and Lynne Hoffman Fall is a very busy time in the South Bay Area/Peninsula. With CHAMPS, NAME Day, Showcase of Miniatures, and the Mini Potluck we have had many mini opportunities this season. Some of the N2 State Reps were able to get together for a meeting with our current Regional Coordinator, Barbara Thorton-Hill. It’s always nice to spend time discussing NAME and regional activities. Thank you to all who volunteered so many hours to prepare and host NAME Day activities, who worked at the NAME tables, who taught Girl Scout and children’s workshops, who hosted potlucks and flea markets, and who exhibited miniatures in the community. It has been a wonderful season of miniature fun. Wishing you all a merry holiday season and may all your mini wishes come true! –Lynne Hoffman North Coastal State Rep Laurie Parker Redwood Small World Club: Hello to everyone from the Redwood Small World Miniature club in Eureka, CA. Our club had a magical showing of the Street of Shops displayed at the Humboldt County Fair, and what a smash it was with Music, Glass, Antique, Pet (and more) Shops! In 1″ scale and three stories tall, they were all quite impressive! Then one of our members won prizes for her 1/4 scale storybook cottage! Good job Susie Kuhnhousen! Sharon Ocheltree won Best Of Show for her beautiful 1″ scale decorated Christmas tree! What talent we have hiding behind the Redwood Curtain. Laurie Parker (yours truly) and Jean German attended the Good Sam show. sissippi Paddle Boat. Very detailed with all the furniture included! Jean, as is her tradition, bought a two room dollhouse which we stuffed into the car! No problem! The Club displayed our multi-scaled minis from September to December in the Ferndale Library, all set for Christmas! Remember everyone, have BIG fun creating SMALL treasures! —Laurie Parker Mini Attics: were well-represented at Good Sam this year; we had some volunteers, a first-time dealer, Jasmine Schwarz, a club exhibit and some individual exhibits. Our club exhibit was our boulangeries, 3 most of which were made at a Mini Cal workshop. Lynne Miller also exhibited her very beautiful Centennial Clock Tower in 1/144 scale; you have to see it to believe it. Several other members also had individual exhibits, and we were very proud of the quality of the work shown. After Good Sam our boulangeries traveled to the Redwood City Public Library where they, as well as several other pieces, are to be displayed from November to the end of December. We have heard numerous positive comments from library patrons and staff about our miniatures. Maybe we will recruit some new miniature enthusiasts. Our other big project at present is planning our ten-year anniversary celebration. We are busy creating a memorable affair; but more about that in the next newsletter. Stay tuned. —Gerry Silberstein MiniCals Club: has been very busy this summer and fall. We spent that time work- ing on all of our gifts for our joint NAME Day event with TTLG AND on the “cozy Corner” to exhibit to attendees. It was a very successful day and a fun project. Hap- pily, we signed up two new NAME mem- bers to attend. Our two clubs will be donat- ing $250 to our Region from our NAME Day. The next week was the Good Sam show and we are all volunteers and some “chairs” so it was another busy weekend and a great event as most of you already know. We also exhibited our Cozy Corner there. Some of us will be exhibiting our Christ- mas miniature vignettes at the San Lorenzo Valley Museum’s “Tinsel, Tunes and Toot.” This holiday exhibit will feature trains, miniatures and musical boxes. We have set our 2015 calendar. The Spring Fling, our annual Pot Luck/ Flea Market, will be Saturday, March 28, 2015. Admis- sion is $6 prepaid and $8 at the door. Please note at this time that this event and the MiniCal Workshops will be at a new loca- tion, with the possible exception of the Jan- uary Workshop. Our Host for these events, M & L Precision Machine is in the process of moving about a mile from the former lo- cation. When you register with us an email will be sent to verify the location for the January workshop as soon as we know. A sign with directions will also be on the door 4 Small Talk if we are in the new location. Our workshops begin January 17 with a darling birthday box in a 5x7 picture frame. This vignette is designed with your photo (3x5) of you or someone you would like to memorialize. We’ll be making the birthday cake, toy, package and that special outfit as close to your photo as possible. We will have wallpaper and paint, but if you have your own choice, bring it along. Fee: $25. February 21 and March 21 is our 2-part retro closet workshop. We’ll make a wall to finish off the closet. It holds those very “memorable” quilted accessories such as a chest, shoe bag, plastic hat box, hamper, blanket chest, hangars and a few other small pieces. We will offer five retro colors and introduce you to an unusual fabric technique. Fee $40 (incl. both work days) In April, we are pleased to offer some of Joan McLean’s cabinet buildings. They are one inch scale cabinets on legs that open to house smaller scale furniture/rooms. There are a variety of row houses, an ark, a castle, church, schoolhouse and lighthouse. These were featured many times in mini magazines. We are grateful to Tinkerbelles of Fresno, Joan’s club, for this opportunity. Joan was a big NAME supporter and the proceeds from this workshop will go directly to NAME. We will not be selling kits prior to the workshop. Fee: $35. In May, we would like to repeat our fun Roundtable day that we held this past June. SOOOOO we are looking for teachers. Carlene Brown of the Chico Club will be teaching an “amazing” water can/pitcher that you have to see to believe! Fee $5. As always, workshops are pre-registered; beverage/snacks are available. Bbring sack lunch and basic tool kit. To register or ask questions: Ruth Heisch at [email protected] or 408.997.1004 cell 408.386.4515. In closing, we are looking forward to the 2017 convention in Sacramento where we will be the door prize committee. —Ruth Heisch Through the Looking Glass: has had a busy few months. We worked with Mini Cals on presenting our NAME Day 2014 Workday in Morgan Hill. The two clubs will be donating $250 to N2 from our NAME Day. Many of us displayed our completed Corner Table Projects at the Showcase of Minia tures Show and Sale in San Jose. Our group also assisted with two Girl Scout Workshops at the Show. This year the theme was a Halloween Party designed and prepared by Lynne Hoffman and Karen Sesody. Our Club also constructed Roadside Stands as a tribute to recently deceased member Phyllis Jones. Margaret Whelan followed a Miniature Gazette article in cutting the wood kits so that we could interpret our memories of Phyllis. We are looking forward to upcoming Holiday and Twelfth Night Parties!” —Barbara Adams The Wee Housers: had a nice turnout for our Flea Market in November. Everyone seemed to like our new location. The space was larger, access was better and parking was ample. The food was good and sellers and buyers seemed happy with the outcome. It was a time for miniaturists from all over the Bay Area to get together and visit. We celebrated Christmas December 3 with dinner out followed by a gift exchange and dessert. It put us all in the Christmas spirit. Our members have been busy this year. Some have taken Ray Whitledge classes, gone on mini cruises, attended houseparties and conventions, exhibited at the Good Sam show, taken MiniCal workshops, attended IGMA classes in Casteen, and more. And the Wee Housers are still going after being a club for 35 years! —Laura Johnson Central CA State Rep Margaret Gordus No. Nevada, Tahoe State Rep Mary Ann Van Buskirk Sacramento, Central Valley, Sierra Foothills State Rep Leslie Flint Small Wonders Miniature Club is a new club that Leslie Flint and Sigrid Williams are working on for the Stockton area. They 5 are looking for new members so if you are interested, you can call Leslie at 2094061206 or e-mail her at miniatureswater- [email protected]. about that. One of our club members, Linda Vertrees, entered her Tea House at the CA MayDay Minis: took a break from our monthly meeting of working to make our LAST “Folsom Fiesta” (Merry Christmas State Day) a GRAND finale and had a Christmas party at the home of one of our committee members. It was challenging for some of us to arrive on time because there was a marathon going on that blocked our route. We enjoyed each others company, ate a yummy enchilada dish prepared by our hostess, exchanged gifts, had dessert BUT ended up talking “Folsom Fiesta plans.” Merry Christmas everyone. —Karen Sandvick, Club President Gold Country Petal Pushers: (a club de- voted to making flowers and plants) con- tinue (forever) to work on their room boxes based on a Kim Jacobs Calendar picture. We are making big trees and a building fa- cade for the garden scene as well as a pleth- ora of bird houses of all kinds. Some have finished their scenes in 1/4″ while the rest of us doing the 1″plod on but we should finish in a few more months. Our annual Holiday meeting will be at a restaurant. We wish everyone a fabulous 2015. —Barbara ThorntonHill Itty Bitty Club: In July of this year, we fin- ished the 1/2″ house and it was presented to the Sacramento Children’s Receiving Home. We received a very nice “Thank You” letter from Kellie Dockendorf, Development & Commuinications Manager. The home takes care of 1,200 children (give or take of the need). We again put on a display at the Winter’s Library. This display had both mem- bers from the Itty Bitty Club and the By Small Design participating in putting this on. August 2nd Debra Taylor put on a very nice reception at the library with questions accepted from the public. Debra provided refreshments and it was a wonderful day. There were a lot of questions answered about miniatures, our club and N.A.M.E. Our club received the Blue Ribbon Club award and we were all excited 6 Small Talk State Fair and won third place. LaVerne Muntz (who volunteered to make a miniature version of Channel 31) finished her project and it was presented to Channel 31 this month. Karen Sandvick was our hostess for June and she and her husband, Paul, presented our club with an outdoor stall kit. Most of the club members did a 4th of July stall but there were some who did other kinds. We are blessed with a club member whose husband doesn’t mind cutting wood, and helping in other ways. For our September club meeting we met at Harry and Louise Pipher’s house in Auburn. Harry taught us all about LED lightening. Renate told us about a miniature and toy display to be set up at the Museum of Wonder & Delight in Folsom. It was learned that this will be completely set up for public showing sometime in January in Folsom on Sutter Street across from the Folsom History Museum. We are anxious to see this. There was no October club meeting and our November club meeting was a “catchup” meeting. —Renate Winter, Past President By Small Design: had a wonderful NAME Day event on October 25th. We all enjoyed making the banquette—we did all four scales. Everyone loved receiving the handmade gifts and the tools to help them along with their crafting. We can’t wait until next year! —Laura Seibert Quarter Persuasion Club We have finished our projects for 2014. Our Christmas party will be at Lynn Hamel’s home in Rancho Murieta. We all made gifts for each member. It will be a fun time of food, friends and presents. For 2015, we are planning on making a 1/4 scale toy shop, or it could be a child’s bedroom filled with toys. We have several classes planned for the New Year to learn to make toys. That will be a lot of fun. Our club is open to new members, so if you would like to join us, you can contact me at 530-432-3271. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. —Pattie Hong President Getting to know your State Rep: Leslie Flint My first dollhouse was built for me by my father in 1977. It was the Fantasy Island House from the popular TV show and the kit was made by S/W Crafts, Inc. The kit is a replica of the Queen Anne House at the Los Angeles Arboretum and botanical gardens where the show was originally filmed. I still have the house and I love it. It was boxed up until I stepped into Bearly Big Enough miniature store owned by Susie Lim in the late 80s. Susie re-introduced me to the wonder world of minis and I have never looked back. I have been pretty lucky in finding deals as well. My sister in law found a completely finished Beacon Hill at a second hand store for $30.00; they had no idea what they had. She decided it was too big for her so I bought it from her. I then found a house on craigslist and the listing said dollhouse kit and extra parts for $50.00. I ended up with a Front Opening Georgian by Real Good Toys which I am almost finished with, a Harrison dollhouse kit by Greenleaf, a Christmas Village Kit by Real Good Toys and a box of misc. parts ranging from doors to crown molding. I then purchased the New England Lighthouse and Shop Keepers House from Huntley House Miniatures during my miniature show two years ago. I am happy to have my Lighthouse and Shop Keepers house in my office at the Stockton Marina. I also have my Tiki Hut from this year’s Folsom Fiesta in there so on my down time, you might find me arranging or adding something to them. They are definitely conversation pieces for guests that come in, I get to tell them all about the club and the events. Speaking of events, I am definitely going to miss the Folsom Fiesta, any chance someone will take over this project? If it weren’t for that event, I would have never known about N.A.M.E. Suzie Lim from Bearly Big Enough told me about the event and said that I needed to attend. I couldn’t wait to sign up. Susie closed her shop in 2010 and the contents were purchased by Richard Huntley of Huntley House Miniatures. Huntley House is closing its doors but you will see Richard around as he will continue to sell miniatures on his website I then decided that we 7 didn’t have enough miniature shows so I decided to have my first show in 2012. It was a little rough at first but after working out “most” of the bugs and jumping over the various obstacles that were thrown in my way; I am now going on my 4th year with the show and hope to continue with it for many years to come. My next show is May 23, 2015 at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel. I also contacted the Haggin Museum here in Stockton and I am patiently waiting to hear if they will allow me to do a miniature exhibit prior to my show. If I get the approval, I will be contacting everyone to see if they have anything that they would like to put on display. The Haggin is definitely a jewel here in Stockton with a huge following so the way I see it, that is just more people that I can get involved in our wonderful hobby. I have met some of the most wonderful and talented people in the miniature community. I can’t wait to attend the next event. On a last note, if you have any donations for the NAME bags, please contact me. The bags make the club money; please support N.A.M.E. by donating your miniatures today. I will drive to your location and pick them up as we are in need of more items. All donations are greatly appreciated and are a tax write off as well. I can be contacted at 209-406-1206 or [email protected]. Leslie’s Lighthouse Small Talk NAME Day 2014 Did you participate in a NAME Day event? In a group? By yourself? There were several listed groups in N2 who worked on NAME Day: Morgan Hill, Sacramento, South Lake Tahoe, Fresno, Northwest Coast, Vallejo. Here are a few photos of what some members have done with the 2014 NAME Day project. Remember that the kits are no longer available unless one of the cutters has a few leftover. However, plans are available in the last July/August Gazette so you can cut your own kit if you missed buying a kit. Cozy Corner Tea Shoppe by Barbara Adams Dining Out by Ruth Heisch Dining Out at a Pizza Parlor by Monya Johnson by Brenda Hough by Darwin Spring 8 Small Talk NAME Day 2015, a sneak peek We have had some great NAME Day events around the region. Some have been big get-togethers, some a club day, some a friend or two getting together and for others, doing it at home. The common thread, for the most part, is that it is the same day each year on the first Saturday of October. For 2015, NAME Day will be Saturday, October 3, 2015. However, check with your local event to see for sure that they are celebrating on that exact day. A lot depends on venue access. The theme this year is “Window Shopping.” It is a framed shallow setting in which you can create a shop window display. Sidings will be optional and the interior will be a theme of your choice. Here you see only one basic example of the 1” prototype. Watch the Gazette (March/ April) for a variety of what some of the NAME Day Committee and Kit Testers have created. Watch this newsletter and the Gazette for lists of Event groups or create your own NAME Estate Auctions NAME has long accepted estate donations from gracious members who un-‐ derstand how key these gifts are to funding our operations. We wanted to remind you that we’ve progressed into the 21st century by making donated estate items available by auction on the NAME website. Just like Ebay, we post a wonderful array of miniatures of all different scales and let the bidding go for a few days. When the auctions are over, we then notify the winners via email with options for payment, which is either check, Paypal, or calling the NAME office with your credit card information. The auctions happen at random so check the auction site regularly or join NAME’s Yahoo groups or Facebook page for word on when new items are posted. All the proceeds go to benefit NAME and its members. NAME truly appreciates those who donate as well as those bidders, winners or not, who participate in helping to fund our wonderful organization. For more information on estate giving and the auctions, contact: NAME First Vice President Babette Overman, [email protected] 9 Small Talk DID YOU KNOW….. 2 ......that we cannot send you the most current newsletters in a timely fashion without your correct email address. Please remember to notify the NAME office when you change your email address. Just whip out a little email to tell them. [email protected] And remember that if you receive the newsletter by email or on the website, it will be in full color. 1 ......that NAME has longevity pins for every 5 consecutive years you are a member of NAME. However, you will only automatically receive one when you actually attend a NAME National Convention on the specific year you are due for one (5 years, 10 years, 25 years, etc.) If you have not received one and you feel you should have one, you can contact your Regional Coordinator (currently Barbara Thornton-Hill, [email protected], 530-265-5704) and he/ she will check the membership list and get a pin for you. NAME N2 Region’s New Speakers Bureau A way for people who would like to share an idea, talent or skill to link up with people who would like to learn Information for Presenters Information for Clubs This is not intended to be a money-‐ making proposition. If you make up kits to demonstrate a technique, they must be reasonably priced at under $10 each. Make the club aware of the presentation costs, including travel costs such as reimbursement for gas money and motel if necessary. You and the club should be clear about the arrangements from the start. N2 is a large region so presenters may have to travel a long distance so please ascertain the costs involved and pass the hat for reimbursements for an over-‐ night stay at a member’s home or at an inexpensive and clean motel. If the class involves materials, please collect the fees from your members. And thank the pre-‐ senter for sharing! Please send me the speaker profile form below about what project or seminar you would be willing to share. The information will be used to create a database and clubs can contact me about the offerings. Mary Ann Van Buskirk, [email protected]; 530-541-0891; PO Box 1491, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: EMAIL: TELEPHONE: TOPIC, DEMONSTRATION, ETC. COST OF DEMONSTRATION (IF APPLICABLE): 1 0 Small Talk MiniCals 2015 Events, Workshops & More! The Mini Cals NAME Club is hosting an array of educational and social events throughout the early year part of 2015. The fun starts on Jan. 17 by creating a birthday vignette using your own or family member’s photo. Then on Febru-‐ ary 21 and March 21, the workshop will be about making retro quilted closet accessories in five colors. On April 25, workshop attendees will choose one of Joan McLean’s cabinet on legs to build—a lighthouse, castle, ark, school, or row house. And May 30 will likely be when the club holds a roundtable event. Besides classes, the club on March 28 will host its Spring Fling Pot Luck and Flea Market. All events will be held at M & L Precision in Morgan Hill, Calif., currently at 315 Digital Dr. but soon to be moving across Cochrane, less than a mile from the current location. Check out the next newsletter for updates. For more information, contact: Ruth Heisch, [email protected] (and see MiniCals club report on page 3) NAME Houseparty Coming to N2 Yes, we are having a Houseparty in Sacramento in March of 2017 (exact date not determined yet). We have not had a Houseparty in N2 since the Fresno Small Scales in 2007 and, before that, Reno in 1999. ABC The theme is “ s of Miniatures” with emphasis on tools and techniques in the workshops and activities. This will be primarily a 1″ and ¼″ Houseparty but ½″ and 1/44″ will be juried for workshops, dealers and roundtables just as every other scale. Souvenirs, doorprizes, tables and swaps will be only in 1″ and ¼″ and you will have to declare a scale when you register. This is a new concept and we hope you will all enjoy it. We need a lot of worker bees and a couple of Steering Committee Chairs yet so contact me if you want to volunteer to work on this Houseparty. Barbara Thornton-Hill, [email protected], 530-265-5704 A few thoughts from the Steering Committee for the HP: • a fabulous Thursday evening event with a bit of a twist • a tour of some of our miniature friends’ workshops • 1″ or ¼″ scale? Souvenirs, door prizes, table swaps in the scale of your choice And this is just the beginning. Lots more info to come in future newsletters. 1 1 Small Talk Region N2 Team Contacts NAME PO Box 69 Carmel, IN 46082-0069 317-571-8094 North Central Margaret Gordus 530-872-8787 [email protected] Regional Coordinator North Coastal Barbara Thornton-Hill 13707 No. Bloomfield Rd. Nevada City CA 95959 530-265-5704 [email protected] Laurie Parker 707-677-3944 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Northern Nevada/ Tahoe Area Laura Johnson 350-591-1595 3408 Beresford Ave. Belmont, CA 94002 [email protected] Mary Ann Van Buskirk 530-541-0891 [email protected] Sacramento/Central Valley/Sierra Foothills Events Coordinator Leslie Flint 209-406-1206 [email protected] Leslie Swager [email protected] East Bay/Tri-Valley Bobbie Schmidt 925-943-1741 [email protected] Thank you and Kudos to Chris Cordner for writing and editing our Regional newsletter for the pasttwo years. We have all enjoyed it Chris and appreciate your dedication and volunteer time. San Francisco/ N. Peninsula Open Position Renate Winter has stepped down from her position as Welcome Chair for Region N2. Thank you Renate for working with our team to welcome new members to our region. South Bay/Peninsula Will Thomas 925-634-7584 [email protected] Lynne Hoffman 408-257-7624 [email protected] Fresno Barbara Fairbanks 559-875-2357 [email protected] Barbara Adams 408-264-8683 gingerbreadbarb@gmail. com Hawaii Welcome Chair Naomi Losch 808-261-9038 [email protected] In Appreciation of our Volunteers… State Days: We have all had so much enjoyment from these workshops put on in Sacramento (Folsom Fiesta) and in Tahoe in 2014. Thank you to the May Day Minis and the Tahoe Miniacs for sponsoring these wonderful days for us. We include in this the amazing workshop series put on in Morgan Hill by the Mini-Cals. Open Position NAME Days: Again, more fun with the NAME Day projects. Thank you to the By Small Design Club, the Fresno Tinker Belles, the Mini-Cals and Through the Looking Glass clubs, Benecia Mini Magic and Redwood Small World for celebrating NAME Day in 2014. Marin, Napa Valley Cary Yerves 707-484-8986 [email protected] Shows and Flea Markets: There have been so many of these this past year. Let’s thank the sponsors of all of these events: Good Sam Show in San Jose, Stockton Show, Champs Show in El Cerrito, Flea Markets in Morgan Hill, San Mateo and Novato. We have amazing volunteers in NAME and we look forward to participation in these activities in 2015. 10 Small Talk Name N2 Region Calendar January 23–24, 2015 N2 March 28, 2015 Greater Southern California Miniatures Show Fullerton, CA Info: Mini Cals Spring Fling Potluck Morgan Hill, CA Info: Ruth Heisch, [email protected] February 7–8, 2015 April 30–May 3, 2015 San Diego Miniature Crafters Show San Diego, CA Info: NAME: Small Scale Houseparty Madison, WI Info: February 7–8, 2015 N2 May 2, 2015 Seattle Miniature Show Seattle, WA Info: Folsom Fiesta Antelope, CA March 21–22, 2015 Central Coast Dollhouse & Miniatures Show Morro Bay, CA Info: [email protected] 12