Summary of New Features, Updates and Enhancements Version 1.0


Summary of New Features, Updates and Enhancements Version 1.0
Pro-Watch Release 3.7
Summary of New Features,
Updates and Enhancements Version 1.0
Information contained in this document is the property of Honeywell International
and is designed for consumption only by its channel partners and customers.
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1. Ease of Use ........................................................................................................................ 3
Welcome Wizard ................................................................................................................. 3
Permission Modifications..................................................................................................... 5
Hardware Configuration Changes ..................................................................................... 12
Logical Device Configuration Manager.............................................................................. 13
Badge Manager................................................................................................................. 16
Administrative Changes .................................................................................................... 18
2. Digital Signatures and Change tracking (for Bio-Pharma and Financial firms).................. 20
3. Group Access ................................................................................................................... 22
Considerations and Limitations ......................................................................................... 22
Implementation.................................................................................................................. 23
Database Usage................................................................................................................ 26
4. Setup ................................................................................................................................ 27
5. Controller Updates ............................................................................................................ 28
PW-5000 changes............................................................................................................. 28
PW-2000 changes............................................................................................................. 28
SEEP changes .................................................................................................................. 28
CHIP changes ................................................................................................................... 28
Cardkey changes .............................................................................................................. 28
6. Integrated Video (Digital and analog)................................................................................ 29
DVM R200......................................................................................................................... 29
Virtual Multiplexer.............................................................................................................. 29
Miscellaneous Improvements ............................................................................................ 29
7. Badging............................................................................................................................. 30
8. Alarm Monitor.................................................................................................................... 30
9. Client Updates .................................................................................................................. 31
11. Access Updates .............................................................................................................. 31
12. Server Updates ............................................................................................................... 32
13. Miscellaneous Updates ................................................................................................... 32
14. References...................................................................................................................... 32
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1. Ease of Use
Ease of use features are perhaps the biggest single attribute added to Pro-Watch™ Release 3.7. The
primary objective here is to enable system integrators to install and configure Pro-Watch™ systems easily and
in a shorter period of time allowing them to improve their profitability on projects. The goal is also to enhance
the user experience for security system administrators and to provide them with easy access to most commonly
used functions and reports. This release is the first of many steps Honeywell will be undertaking to provide a
superior experience totally centered on the user.
The following outlines the salient points of this feature set.
Welcome Wizard
The Welcome Wizard is designed to assist system administrators with the basics of programming the most
commonly accessed portions of Pro-Watch.
Tools and Utilities
♦ Pro-Watch Event Manager – selecting this link opens the administration section of Pro-Watch and go
directly to the Event Manager Utility. This is a new function in Pro-Watch and will be outlined in the
‘Administrative Changes’ section of this document.
♦ Windows Event Viewer – selecting this link opens the Windows Event Viewer. This link is being provided
to assist system administrators as well as technical support when troubleshooting system issues.
♦ Database Backup Utility – selecting this link opens up the Pro-Watch Enterprise Manager and link directly to
the backup portion of the application. This is being placed on the welcome screen to encourage users to
perform backups on a regular basis which can be useful in case of system failures.
♦ Pro-Watch Help – selecting this link opens up the Pro-Watch Help in an independent window. This link is
being placed on the welcome screen to promote the education of functions in Pro-Watch as well as to
make the users more self sufficient with the application.
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Windows Help – selecting this link opens up the Windows Help window. This can be useful as many
common system problems can be identified through the help files.
Security Dongle Information – selecting this link opens the Dongle read application and show the user
the limitations for their specific dongle. If this is executed on a system that does not have a dongle
installed (client) the user will be notified that the dongle read has failed.
Online Assistance – selecting this link will direct the user to the FAQ section of the product matrix section
on the NexWatch website. This will give the users the ability to query commonly asked questions as well
as view important information regarding security patches and other system related nuances.
Email Technical Support – selecting this link allows the user to send an email to the inside technical
support team. When selecting this link the users default mail application will be opened and the email will
be sent.
System Shortcuts
♦ Database Configuration – selecting this link will give the users a quick link to the Database Configuration
section of the application.
♦ Hardware Configuration – selecting this link will give the users a quick link to the Hardware
Configuration section of the application.
♦ Reporting – Selecting this link opens the Reporting Module.
♦ Alarm Monitor – Selecting this link opens up the alarm monitor for the user logged on and
follow the permissions defined for their account. This opens the Alarm Monitor application directly.
♦ Administration – Selecting this link will give users a quick link to the Administration section of the
Badge Manager
The Badge Manager allows users to quickly assign an access card and badge record in Pro-Watch. This
wizard is not be an all encompassing wizard as only the basic required fields will be taken into account when
using this wizard. The wizard allows users to add a card to the system based on Company driven clearance
codes with four entry field and less than 7 total clicks. Basic card enrollment can be driven down to less than
30 seconds by using this wizard.
There are three links available to user for this Badge Manager on the Welcome Wizard; the three links are
as follows:
Add a new Badge Record – selecting this link opens up the Badge Manager Wizard. This wizard will be
defined in greater detail later in this document.
View Existing Badge Records – selecting this link opens up the Badge Viewer to the default entry
point where users can perform a variety of badge related functions.
Get Help on Badge Records – selecting this link opens up a new help window (not the standard help
file). This new help window is a smaller window outlining the basics of badge and card creation.
Hardware Manager
The Hardware Manager allows users to quickly create system hardware. The wizard approach reduces the
total number of click and hardware configuration time to less than 3 minutes for a controller and less than 1
minute for a logical device.
There are four links available to user for this Hardware Manager on the Welcome Wizard; the four links are as
Add a new Hardware Template – selecting this link allows users to define a new hardware template. This
will not be any new functionality as this will act more along the lines of a shortcut and not utilize and new
wizard functionality.
Add a new Control Panel – selecting this link allows users to create a new control panel. This links to a
new wizard that will walk the user through the configuration of a new controller and associated site and
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channel if required. The scope for this wizard will be defined later in this document under the Hardware
Configuration Changes section.
Add a new Logical Device – selecting this link allows users to quickly create new logical devices in the
system using existing hardware templates. This functionality will incorporate a new Device Wizard that will
minimize initial user entry by making assumptions and shortening the process to configure a logical device.
Get Help on Hardware Configuration - selecting this link opens up a new help window (not the standard
help file). This new help window is a smaller window outlining the basics of the Pro-Watch approach to
hardware configuration.
Permission Manager
The Permission Wizard is designed to create a new user and validate in Pro-Watch in less than 5 mouse
clicks from the point of Wizard acknowledgement.
There are two links available to user for this Permission Manager on the Welcome Wizard; the two links are as
Add a new System User - selecting this link allows users to quickly enroll and assign permissions to new
system users in Pro-Watch. This links to a new wizard that will walk the user through the user creation;
the scope for this wizard will be defined later in this document under the Hardware Configuration
Changes section.
Get Help on User Permissions - selecting this link opens up a new help window (not the standard help file).
This new help window is a smaller window outlining the basics of the Pro-Watch approach to user
permissions and configuration.
Permission Modifications
The objective out the permission modifications is to allow greater flexibility and easier assignment of
application permissions and functions in Pro-Watch. The current method, although extremely flexible,
requires fine tuning in order to make the functionality easier to use and control.
The overall approach will represent a method similar to how users already apply permissions in Microsoft
Windows, without modifying the naming conventions already in existence for Pro-Watch.
New Permission Additions
In addition to the above listed protection tasks, the primary entry screen of the class and user is modified with a
selection for the startup screen. The startup screen is the screen that appears for the user when the application
is launched. This is a drop down list selection that will let users select the view they want when they login.
Administrators will be given the option of any screen as well as the option for the configuration wizard screen.
All other users (non-root) are given the option to select any of the following entry points:
♦ Badge shell
♦ Database Configuration Shell
♦ Hardware Configuration Shell
♦ Event Viewer Shell
♦ <none>. – allowing the users to continue with the blank entry point screen.
In addition to the above listed changes, the organization of how the programs and functions are assigned has
been modified to take advantage of a more logical approach.
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♦ Badge Field Maintenance ♦ Badge Maintenance ♦ Badge Profiles ♦ Badge Status ♦ Badge Type Maintenance
♦ Badges ♦ Blob Types ♦ Brass Keys ♦ Badge Toolbar cons
♦ Card Formats ♦ CCTV Cameras ♦ CCTV Commands ♦ CCTV Monitors ♦ Channel Maintenance ♦ Device
Types ♦ Dialup Schedule Maintenance ♦ Enable Codes ♦ Event Types ♦ Guard Tours ♦ Hardware Classes ♦
Hardware Templates ♦ Holidays ♦ Input Point Maintenance ♦ Intercoms ♦ Modem Pool Maintenance ♦ Output
Point Maintenance ♦ Panel Maintenance ♦ Pathways ♦ Port Maintenance ♦ Reader maintenance ♦ Site
Maintenance ♦ Status Groups ♦ Sub Panel Maintenance ♦ Time Zone Definition
♦ Areas ♦ Event Actions ♦ Group Access ♦ Groups ♦ Partition Maintenance ♦ Routing Groups ♦ Users ♦
♦ Action Note
♦ Alarm Monitor
♦ Alarm Pages
♦ Event Monitor
♦ Map Builder
♦ Response Codes
♦ Reports
♦ Archive
♦ Event Log
♦ System Logout
♦ Table Maintenance
♦ System Toolbar Icons
♦ Administrative Functions
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These will also have a graphical representation as well to the users in order to have a quick snapshot of where
access is available to. When access to the entire logical grouping is granted, a green notation will appear. If
partial access is made available (limited functions or programs), then a yellow notation will be made. If no
access to any of the features or programs is made available, then the notation should be red. The notation is a
small circle directly to the left of the heading.
If a user has no permission to anything in a certain viewer (e.g. No access to administration tab or reports) then
those viewers would not be made available from the viewer tab. The viewer tab will only show a user the
sections that he/she has access too.
Canned Permission Classes/Groups
In addition to the above noted grouping of permissions, there is an addition to the default database in regards
to the default classes made available. These new classes are system level classes and cannot be deleted
from the system, however if necessary users can manually remove all permission functionality from them
leaving a blank shell. The root class remain as the primary source for administrative users, with the following
additional entries to be made:
Badging Administrator
Class Tab:
Description: Badging Administrator Use PIN Codes: No
PIN Code
Programs Tab:
Badge Field Maintenance All Functions Badge
Maintenance All Functions Badge Profiles All Functions
Badge Status All Functions Badge Type Maintenance All
Functions Badges All Functions
Blob Types All Functions Brass Key All Functions Event
Monitor All Functions System Logout Grant System
Toolbar Icons
Find Icon Grant Shadow Login Icon Grant
Viewer Bar Icon Grant Void Card Icon Grant
Badge Toolbar Icons Print Preview Icon Grant Take Photo Icon Grant Import Photo Icon Grant
Import Signature Icon Grant Capture Signature Icon Grant Front Layout Icon Grant
Back Layout Icon Grant Download Icon Grant
Administrative Functions Badge Builder Grant
Workstations Tab:
Default to Primary Server created during installation
Routing Group Tab:
Default to “All System Events” selection
Alarm Pages Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Keystroke Accelerators Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Event Toolbar Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Partitions Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Badge Profiles Tab:
Default to “General Fields” selection
Procedures Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Eventview Columns Tab:
Default the following selected columns (Company, System Time, Priority, Event Time, Card
Status, First Name, Last Name, Card Number, PIN Code, Resource ID, Address, Hardware
Point, Point Description, Logical Device Description, Event Type Description.)
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Monitoring Administrator
Class Tab:
Description: Monitoring Administrator Use PIN Codes: No
PIN Code
Programs Tab:
Action Note All Functions Alarm Monitor All Functions
Alarm Pages All Functions Areas All Functions Event
Monitor All Functions Guard Tours All Functions Map
Builder All Functions Response Codes All Functions
Status Groups All Functions System Logout Grant System
Toolbar Icons
Find Icon Grant Shadow Login Icon Grant
Viewer Bar Icon Grant Intercom Controls
Icon Grant Digital Video Icon Grant
Verification Icon Grant Mustering Icon
Grant CCTV Control Icon Grant Status
Groups Icon Grant
Administrative Functions Map Builder Grant
Workstations Tab:
Default to Primary Server created during installation
Routing Group Tab:
Default to “All System Events” selection
Alarm Pages Tab:
Default to “All System Events” selection
Keystroke Accelerators Tab:
Default to “Acknowledge Alarm” (CTRL + A)
Event Toolbar Tab:
Alarm Acknowledge (ALARMACK.BMP)
Event Response (ALARMRESP.BMP)
Clear Alarm (ALARMCLR.BMP)
Card Holder Picture (LOOPSTAT.BMP)
Partitions Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Badge Profiles Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Procedures Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Eventview Columns Tab:
Default the following selected columns (Company, System Time, Priority, Event Time, Card
Status, First Name, Last Name, Card Number, PIN Code, Resource ID, Address, Hardware
Point, Point Description, Logical Device Description, Event Type Description.)
Hardware Administrator
Class Tab:
Description: Hardware Administrator
Use PIN Codes: No PIN Code
Programs Tab:
Action Note Card Formats CCTV CCTV CamerasCCTV Commands CCTV Monitors Channel
Maintenance Device Types Dialup Schedule Maintenance Enable Codes Event Monitor Event
Types Hardware Classes Hardware Templates Holidays Input Point MaintenanceIntercoms
Modem Pool Maintenance Output Point Maintenance Panel Maintenance Pathways Port
MaintenanceReader Maintenance Site Maintenance Status GroupsSub Panel Maintenance
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System Logout Time Zone Definition System Toolbar Icons
Find IconShadow Login Icon Viewer Bar Icon Intercom Controls Icon Digital Video
Icon CCTV Control Icon Status Groups Icon
Administrative Functions Dialups
Workstations Tab:
All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions
All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions
All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All
Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions All Functions Grant All Functions
Grant Grant Grant Grant GrantGrant Grant Grant
Default to Primary Server created during installation
Routing Group Tab:
Default to “All System Events” selection
Alarm Pages Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Keystroke Accelerators Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Event Toolbar Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Partitions Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Badge Profiles Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Procedures Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Eventview Columns Tab:
Default the following selected columns (Company, System Time, Priority, Event Time, Card Status,
First Name, Last Name, Card Number, PIN Code, Resource ID, Address, Hardware Point, Point
Description, Logical Device Description, Event Type Description.)
Database Administrator
Class Tab:
Description: Database Administrator Use PIN Codes: No
PIN Code
Programs Tab:
Alarm Monitor All Functions Areas All Functions Badge Profiles All Functions Badge
Type Maintenance All Functions Blob Types All Functions Brass Key All Functions Card
Formats All Functions Dialup Schedule Maintenance All Functions Event Actions All
Functions Event Types All Functions Group Access All Functions Groups All Functions
Holidays All Functions Modem Pool Maintenance All Functions Partition Maintenance All
Functions Routing Groups All Functions Status Groups All Functions System Logout Grant
Table Maintenance All Functions Time Zone Definition All Functions Users All Functions
Workstations All Functions System Toolbar Icons Find Icon Grant Shadow Login Icon Grant
Viewer Bar Icon Grant
Administrative Functions Map Builder Grant
Workstations Tab:
Default to Primary Server created during installation
Routing Group Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
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Alarm Pages Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Keystroke Accelerators Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Event Toolbar Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Partitions Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Badge Profiles Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Procedures Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Eventview Columns Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Reports Administrator
Class Tab:
Description: Reports Administrator Use PIN Codes: No
PIN Code
Programs Tab:
Reports All Functions System Logout Grant
Administrative Functions
Report Viewer Grant
Workstations Tab:
Default to Primary Server created during installation
Routing Group Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Alarm Pages Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Keystroke Accelerators Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Event Toolbar Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Partitions Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Badge Profiles Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Procedures Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Eventview Columns Tab:
No Entry – leave blank
Permission Manager
The system now offers a Permission Manager. This can be used for the creation and assignment new users to
the Pro-Watch system. The Manager takes advantage of the above listed classes as well as any other existing
entries. It is made available to users through either the shell entry manager or by right clicking in the User
workspace and selecting ‘New’. When new is selected the user is prompted if he/she would like to utilize the
Permission Manager. If the user answers ‘Yes’, then he/she is shown the windows outlined below. If the user
answers ‘No’, then he/she is given a standard unpopulated class record for user entry.
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Permission Wizard Credential & Rights Screen
The credential screen will be used to allow users to identify the logon and actual name of the person that this
record will belong to. All three fields (Logon Name, First Name, and Last Name) will be flagged as required
Additionally, this screen allows administrators (or authorized users) the ability to assign an existing class to
the user, or the ability to quickly default program specific options to the user based off of the User Class.
The user will have the option of selecting which method is to be used. A radio button will be made available
where if the user selects “This User will have a customized permission scheme” they is able to assign which
logical permissions that user is to obtain. If this option is selected, then the existing class option will not be
made available.
If the user selects the “This User will use the following permission screen” radio box, then a drop down list
exposing all existing classes will appear. If this option is selected, then the customized creation option will not
be made available.
Upon selection of a valid class, the next’ button will become illuminated allowing the user the right to proceed to
the next screen. The ‘Next’ button will not be made available until all fields have been populated. In addition to
the ‘Next’ button, the system will also allow users to cancel the record creation. If the ‘Cancel’ button is
selected the user will be prompted with a cancel confirmation prior to the record being removed.
Permission Wizard Access Screen
This screen allows administrators (or authorized users) the ability to select which Pro-Watch workstations the
user will have the rights to log into. The creator will have the ability to multi-select as many workstations as
necessary using either the CTRL function and clicking to individually select, or the SHIFT function to bulk
select. The items can be moved to the “Selected Workstations” section by either clicking the “Add” button, or
by dragging the selected workstations to the lower window. The entries for the workstations will override the
default values assigned in the class when using the permission manager, allowing the user full control of the
programming assignment.
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If all information is correct the user will have the option to click the ‘Finish’ button to enroll the user into the
system. In addition to the ‘Finish’ button, the system will also allow users to select the ‘Back’ button (returning
them to the Credential & Rights Screen), or the ‘Cancel’ button which will return the user to the workspace. If
the ‘Cancel’ button is selected the user will be prompted
with a cancel confirmation prior to the record being removed.
Hardware Configuration Changes
Hardware Template Modifications
The current logic with hardware templates is modified so that any changes to an existing (assigned template)
can be dynamic, instead of static. The current architecture functions in a manner where if an existing hardware
template is modified the changes cannot be automatically applied to existing logical devices utilizing that
template. This new change gives users a windows dialogue box after a change is saved notifying the user of
each logical device that this template change will affect. The users have the option of selecting if they want to
the changes to apply to the selected logical devices. The system gives users the option to select Yes, Yes to ll,
No, or No to All.
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Channel Modifications
The channel modification required for this software revision will be limited to reduction of unnecessary
information by removal of the “Channel Dialup” tab for sites that are not utilizing this functionality. The
information tab will not be made available unless the Primary Port Type is flagged to either: Dial IN, Dial Out,
or Modem Pool. If the channel type is for the PW-5000 and primary port is non-dialup, but the secondary port
is flagged for Dial IN, Dial OUT, or Modem Pool, then the tab will be made available for user selection.
Controller Modifications
The controller modifications for this software revision will be limited to the PW-3000 and PW-5000 controllers.
The changes outlined will be in reference to the Time Zone tab and SIO downstream boards.
The current method pf programming requires that users enter in a sequence number for each timezone
selected. This is a time consuming and misunderstood logic. The restriction of having to enter any sequence
numbers when entering in timezones is now removed. The system defaults of “System All Times” and “System
No Time” will remain as the defaults. The user will also gain the ability to multi-select as many time zones as
necessary using either the CTRL function and clicking to individually select, or the SHIFT function to bulk select.
In addition to the above noted modification, the system allows users to assign custom names to the installed
downstream devices on either controller. Currently the system assigns a generic name with reference to the
address and board description, this will be modified so that users can assign names that best fit their
Downloading Modifications
The system shall be modified to allow users to download controllers from workstations as well as the server.
The current architecture is becoming extremely cumbersome for integrators as direct server access is
becoming less achievable as IT groups lock down server access on a regular basis.
Logical Device Configuration Manager
The purpose of this Manager is to give users a quick and easy method of creating a logical device. The
wizard is best suited for users that are creating “Reader” based logical devices, but will also be applicable to
devices that contain no reader logic.
The Manager is based on some assumptions and will not allow the user to program the devices in depth; the
purpose of this is to allow quick assignment of devices to a template for getting the devices online and talking to
Pro-Watch. The Manager is comprised of the following screen, and acts as described below:
Logical Device Description Screen
This screen allows users the ability to assign the descriptive name for the logical device that is being created.
The dialogue entry follows the same guidelines for character types and length as the current manually controller
logical devices. The defaults information required for a manual logical device record includes the “Alternate
Description” and “Location”. These fields are not required for the Logical Device Manager as the system uses
the primary description name for the alternate description as well. The Location entry will also not be used by
this manager as this will be defaulted to the entry that the controller currently uses for the location. These fields
can be modified by the user after the Configuration Manager has completed its task if needed.
In addition to the naming rules listed above, there will be two drop down boxes which the user can use to select
the device template and hardware controller this logical device will apply to. The screen will also require that
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the user select the appropriate Hardware Class for this logical device. The approach will also utilize a drop
down selection in an attempt to reduce the number of mouse clicks. Currently there are four mouse clicks
needed to insert a valid hardware class in the logical device screen.
The ‘Next’ button will not be made available these fields have been populated. In addition to the ‘Next’ button,
the system will also allow users to select the ‘Cancel’ button which will return the user to the Workspace. If the
‘Cancel’ button is selected the user will be prompted with a cancel confirmation prior to the record being
Logical Device Details Screen
This screen allows users to select what hardware will be used in the logical device. The approach that this
wizard will take will be different than the current manual assignment that is done in that certain assumptions will
be made for hardware assignment to speed up the overall process.
The details screen will provide a drop down box for programming where the user can select the primary device
he/she is looking to program. If the template chosen on the “Definition” screen contains a reader, then a listing
of available reader will be given to the user to choose. Upon selection of a valid reader, the system will
automatically assume that the other hardware points used will be sequential based on the first available point.
For example: If Reader Address 1 is selected on a PW-5000 dual reader board, the system shall assume that
the first available input point is to be the Door Position Switch, the second available input point is the Request
to Exit device, and the first available relay output is to be used for the door locking mechanism.
♦ The assignments shall not span multiple boards (unless the reader is an elevator reader) and assumptions
shall be limited to the available devices on one downstream board.
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If the hardware template chosen is for a stand alone device (monitor able input or controllable output) then the
selection will be manual via drop down box. The above listed logic will only apply to templates that contain
readers, and will be made available only PW-2000, PW-3000, and PW-5000 controllers.
Upon selection of the reader, a separate dialogue box will appear showing the user what the defaulted
hardware assignments chosen by the wizard. The user will be prompted to either accept these defaults or
modify them. If the user chooses to modify these selections, he/she will be transferred to the standard Device
Details page of the logical device, where he/she is able to manually assign the devices needed. If this option is
taken, the user will be required to complete the device creation manually to complete the record creation.
If the user accepts these default selections the user will have the option to click the ‘Finish’ button to enroll the
Logical Device into the system. In addition to the ‘Finish’ button, the system will also allow users to select the
‘Back’ button (returning them to the Description Screen), or the ‘Cancel’ button which will return the user to the
Hardware Workspace. If the ‘Cancel’ button is selected the user will be prompted with a cancel confirmation
prior to the record being removed.
Hardware Controller Programming Manager
The Hardware Controller Programming Manager allows users to quickly configure a controller and
communications channel if required. This wizard will be used to program PW-3000 and PW-5000 based
controllers only. Future revisions of this wizard may need to incorporate PW-2000, Star Series, and Legacy
WSE hardware as well. This manager will not allow the selection of any time zones, holidays, or Card Formats
as they will be defaulted. The Defaults for each of these sections are to be defined as follows:
♦ Time zones: System All Times, System No Time, 1 Shift, 2 Shift, 3 Shift
♦ Holidays: None to be selected as Default
♦ Card Formats: 26-bit no facility, 32-bit no facility, and 34-bit no facility
The Hardware Controller Manager is a multipurpose utility in that in addition to configuring the controllers, it can
also be used to configure communication channels. The Manager will be comprised of the following screen,
and shall act as described below:
Hardware Controller Definition
The Hardware Controller Definition screen allows users to enter in the descriptive name for the controller they
wish to configure. The user will additionally need to select the appropriate communications channel from the
drop down list labeled ‘Channel Description’. If an acceptable channel is not available, the user will have the
option to create a new communications channel by selecting <add new> from the communications channel drop
down list. If this selection is made, the user will proceed to new window (described below as the Channel
Configuration Screen).
Upon valid definition of a communications channel; the user will need to select the controller type from the drop
down selection box. Upon selection of the appropriate controller (PW-3000 / PW-5000) the user will need to
identify the physical address for the controller from the selection box. If the controller selected is a PW-3000
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then the controller address cannot exceed 32, if the controller selected is a PW-5000 then the address cannot
exceed 64.
Channel Configuration Screen
Unlike the traditional channel creation, the user will not need to select the channel type as this will automatically
default the channel to PW-3000/PW-5000. The user will need to enter in a descriptive name for the
communications channel, the rules for the length will follow those already in existence for the manual channel
configuration. The communication parameters can be selected from a drop down listing.
Downstream Board Definition
The user can select from a drop down list the type of downstream board he/se will be using. The board
selections is the same as currently available when manually creating a controller. All drop down lists will be
blank until a selection has been made. Only windows with both a valid board type and address is added to the
controller. The selection window only allows for the enrollment of eight (8) downstream boards by default. If
more than eight (8) boards are required, the user can click on the ‘More’ button in the lower left hand corner of
the window. This operation can be repeated as often as required as long as the total number of valid
downstream boards does not exceed the general capacities of the intelligent controller (maximum of 32 boards
for the PW5000 and 16 for the PW-3000).
Badge Manager
The Badge Manager allows users to quickly assign an access card and badge record in Pro-Watch. This
wizard takes only the basic required fields into account when using this wizard. The wizard allows users to add
a card to the system based on Company driven clearance codes with four entry field and less than 7 total
clicks. The overall goal is to offer a solution where a new badge holder and card record can be completed
down to less than 30 seconds by using this wizard.
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The wizard is available from the main Welcome Wizard as well as by right clicking on the listing of active
badge records in the main listing on the left hand side of the badge window.
Badge Manager Definition Screen
The definition screen allows users to identify the actual name of the person that this record will belong to. The
screen will contain three data fields (First Name, Last Name, and Middle Initial). The entry for the First and Last
Name will be flagged as required fields. The user will be required to enter in the access card number that is
assigned to this badge record. If the system is using PIN codes for additional security the user is able to click a
radio box that will enable the PIN code box.
The user will be required to select which “Company” this badge record will belong to. All card access
permissions in this manager will be derived from this entry. The “Company” selection will be made via drop
down box.
To enhance the offering of the managers Pro-Watch has been modified so that all new logical devices that
contain readers are automatically added to the ‘All Access’ clearance code. This clearance code is assigned
to a new company that will be named ‘All Access’. This new company is available for administrators to add
value to the newly created badge manager.
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Administrative Changes
The changes outlined below have been implemented to ease the configuration of database record management
as well as historical data storage.
Process Changes
The system now has the ability to look at the database size instead on number of rows to generate warnings.
The software will now ship with a default value of 1.5 GB. This functionality is in addition to the already present
method of row limits. The system also looks at free space on drives and generates warnings when “%” full is
reached. Although the OS already supports this functionality we have reduced the support time by making it
easier to find this information by mirroring the OS functionality and by adding our own view of this information.
The warning messages that appear when the size is reached are configurable (System Options).
Pro-Watch Event Manager
The Pro-Watch event manager will function as a component of the ‘Administration’ viewer and offer the ability to
have users control the amount of data stored as well as a quick snapshot of the logged data in the system.
Using the various logs in Event Manager, the user is able to gather information about events, auditing, and
operator actions. The logs are defined as follows:
Event Log
The event log contains events logged by the application and events from within Pro-Watch.
Operator Log
The system log contains events logged by the Windows 2000 system components. For example, the
failure of a driver or other system component to load during startup is recorded in the system log.
The event types logged by system components are predetermined.
Audit Log
The security log can record security events such as valid and invalid logon attempts, as well as
events related to resource use, such as creating, opening, or deleting files. An administrator can
specify what events are recorded in the security log. For example, if you have enabled logon auditing,
attempts to log on to the system are recorded in the security log.
Unacknowledged Alarms
The Unacknowledged alarms log allows users to control items that are currently being dumped into the
UNACK_AL. The ability to control what data is being inserted is important as a large majority of
customers are not utilizing the alarm monitoring functionality. The ability to have the information easily
truncated is advantageous for smaller MSDE systems where database size limitations exist.
A new resource is now available on the left pane of the Administration Viewer. When clicking on the Event
Manager dialogue (or icon), the tree will expand to show the various logs within the Event Monitor. The logs that
are available initially include Audit, Event, and Operator. Highlighting any of the three options will result in a
listing of data for the appropriate log in the right pane viewer. Right clicking on any of the resources allows the
following options:
Save Log
This allows the user to save the information in the log as a text (txt) file and the path for the file save
will be user definable.
Clear All Events
This allows the user to clear all of the events that are in the view, prior to executing the clear, a dialogue
box needs to warn the user that this action will remove the events from the database, as well as
recommend that the data should be archived prior to deletion. I.
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This option allows the user to program the size for the log size as well as program auto purging of
events. The log size is user definable, which will act as a trigger for purge options. The purge options
available are defined as follows:
Overwrite when needed
Overwrite events older than ‘x’ days. The number of days will be user selectable.
Do not overwrite; this will require the user to manually purge the events.
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2. Digital Signatures and Change tracking (for Bio-Pharma and Financial
Pro-Watch™ Release 3.7 supports digital signatures as well as reason for change tracking. This can
help biotech and pharmaceutical firms comply with FDA’s CFR-11 Part B. It will also help firms in the
banking/financial sector comply with some of the provisions of Sarbanes Oxley as well as provide
another layer of security to protect confidential information. Digital signature technology will be used to
verify that electronic records have not been altered subsequent to the last tracked modification, and that
the modifying user’s authenticity is affirmed.
Compliance regulations now dictate that the following be enforced:
Full printed names are being used.
Change management tracking “Reason for Change.”
Support for single and double “Electronic Signatures.”
The change management component of Pro-Watch™ shall provide a method for tracking and
comparing changes that are made to validate the following objects:
Hardware Configuration
Hardware trees will be designated at the site level for additional CFR compliance tracking. Tracked data
will include all hardware configuration settings for the following items: channels, panels, sub-panels,
inputs, outputs, readers and logical devices.
Clearance Codes
Clearance codes will be tracked based on their underlying or potentially underlying logical devices.
When creating a new clearance code, or editing a logical device with no secured logical devices,
tracking will begin, though no signatures is asked for. If during the course of modifying the clearance
code, one or more logical devices from a secured area are added, then Pro-Watch™ will ask for the
appropriate signatures, log that change under those signatures, and at the end save the audited
clearance code with all changes tied to the last received signature(s). Pro-Watch™ will display the
reason for change dialog if any of the logical devices require it. If no secured logical devices are added
in the course of editing the clearance code, Pro-Watch™ will delete the logging after the clearance
code is saved.
If a user edits a clearance code with secured logical device(s) present, Pro-Watch™ asks for signatures
based on the most restrictive setting. All changes are logged, and are tied to that signature(s).
Additionally if the user adds, deletes, or modifies a secured logical device while editing, Pro-Watch™
asks for the appropriate signatures, and logs that change under those signatures. As above ProWatch™ will display the reason for change dialog if any of the logical devices require it.
Time Zones
When editing a time zone, Pro-Watch™ will ask for appropriate signature(s) and prompt for the
appropriate information post-edit, if the time zone is a member of a secured panel, or is a member of a
clearance code with secured logical devices. Time zones tied to more than one secure resource will
use the aggregated resources’ most restrictive settings.
When editing a holiday, Pro-Watch™ will ask for appropriate signature(s) and prompt for the
appropriate information post-edit, if the holiday is a member of a secured panel. Holidays tied to more
than one secure panel will use the aggregated panels’ most restrictive settings.
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Card Access
Card access settings can be designated for compliance tracking as well. Database changes associated
with clearance code assignment to a company, clearance code assignment to a card, logical device
assignment to a card, and company assignment to a card will be recorded. Compliance tracking
requirements will use the aggregated logical devices’ most restrictive settings.
Device Types
Device types represent abstract hardware types which, when combined with other device types, form a
hardware template. A logical device is derived from a hardware template, and the hardware template’s
device types are assigned to represent a specific set of hardware. Though otherwise indicated in an
initial PowerPoint presentation, the auditing of these items appear not to offer additional security,
therefore as discussed, device types will not be part of compliance tracking.
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3. Group Access
Group Access is the Pro-Watch replacement for SE6000’s “Project Access” feature which uses Host
Access Codes. The main operational points are:
When a Group Access Project is active, access decisions for the associated doors are made by the
Communications Server, not locally by the individual panels and ACU’s.
A Group Access Project is a sort of “filter” that can only take away access that has already been given
to cards via other means (Clearance Codes, Logical Device Grants).
Group Access Projects may be activated or deactivated on a specified date and time, or a by an Event
Trigger: .
The transition between Group Access is designed to occur immediately. Host-based access is used
because of the time required to re-download of all cards affected by a Group could never be immediate.
The general use-case scenario for Group Access is when access doors must be quickly and temporarily
restricted to a subset of cardholders that otherwise have access to the doors.
For example- Consider the case of an aerospace company launching rockets: During the weeks before a
launch, workers, engineers, and mission-control personnel may have access to the launch pad area. However,
whenever the countdown begins, access to the launch pad must be instantly restricted from everyone but
mission control personnel.
Without Group Access, this modification of access would require manual Clearance Code updates. In turn, it
might take considerable time to download all affected cards to all the necessary panels. In contrast, Group
Access will instantly take over access decisions from the panel, without requiring a card download. The Server
will then apply Group Access rules as part of Host Grant processing.
Later, when the Group Access Project is deactivated, normal local panel control of access will then resume.
Group Access is maintained in Pro-Watch under Database Configuration with the following icon:
Considerations and Limitations
Group Access Project start and stop times may be specified only to whole minutes.
The Start date and time must be a minimum of 3 minutes before than the designated Stop date and
Groups that are set to be deactivated via Event Triggers may only remain active for a maximum of one
year. Similarly, a Group that is activated via an Event Trigger, yet deactivated by a date and time, will
by default be set to 1 year hence, should at activation the Stop date and time is in the past.
Start and Stop dates and times are processed using the local time of the Database Server.
The Communications Server is required to download commands to associated panels in order set Host
Access Mode upon activation and deactivation of the Group Access Projects. Should a panel be offline
when this occurs, its Host Access Mode will not change until it comes back online.
Different panel types may behave in different ways, should a panel be disconnected from the Server
during an active Group Access Project. SEEP panels will revert to normal access, while Cardkey
panels may deny all access altogether. Panel offline behavior should be a factor in setting up Group
Access Projects and system maintenance procedures.
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Group Access is designed primarily for use with SEEP panels. However, PW5K-series and Cardkey
panels are also supported. At the time of this writing, Star II and PW2K panels will not properly function
if assigned to a Group. However, plans exist to support them in the future.
If the same SEEP panel is referenced by Group Access Project and an anti-passback Area (
with “hard” enforcement, the panel will always be in Host Access mode when connected to the Server.
The reason for this is that due to restrictions on the panel cardholder database, panels involved in
Group Access Projects cannot make local “In / Out” access decisions at any time. This should be
considered if Group Access is planned in conjunction with Anti-Passback.
Host Grants and Denials for cards at readers on panels currently in Host Access Mode will not queue a
corrective card download. This would download redundant information.
On the Server-side, the implementation of Group Access Projects consists of 2 major parts:
Logic has been added to turn on and off Host Access mode on participating panels, as needed. This
allows the transfer of control immediately to the host when a Group becomes active, avoiding a lengthy
download. All access attempts from these panels will invoke Host Grant requests, even from Doors on
the panels that are not participating in a Group.
Host Grant functionality has been modified to further apply Group Access rules, as needed, to cards
that would otherwise obtain a host grant based on their regular access.
No specific Group Access logic is ever downloaded to panels.
On the Client-side, Group Access Projects are records that consist of a Description, Activation and
Deactivation methods, as well as doors and cardholders that make up the Group. Clearance codes generally
specify which doors are in a Group, but individual doors may also be granted or revoked. Personnel in a Group
are generally assigned by associating a Company to the Group. However, individual cardholders may be
granted membership to the group, or revoked from the Group.
Note: Revoking a Door (logical device) from a Group only removes the Door from the Group’s
jurisdiction. That is, if Door “A” is revoked from a Group, it means that the Group does not affect Door
“A” at all. It does not mean that Access to the Door will be revoked while the Group is active. Regular
access rules will apply to Door “A”, although access will be given or denied via Host Grant processing.
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The figure below explains the decision flow on whether or not a card is granted access to a door based on
Group Access:
Note that Group Access Projects, when active, will be displayed in color. Inactive Groups will be grayed-out:
The following figure shows how the above mentioned “Launch Control” Group Access Project might be
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Note that the Group Access Project is set to Activate when card 3644 is presented at Door 1, and Deactivated
when the same card is presented at Door 2.
Consider a test of this Launch Code Group, performed using cards 3644 and 43544. Both of these cards have
access to Doors 1 & 2, but only card 43544 is authorized in the Group Access Project. The figure below shows
events in the event viewer as card 3644 is presented at the readers, and the Group reporting it has been
activated and deactivated. Note that both cards receive Local Grants when the Group is not active. However,
when the Group is active, card 43544 receives Host Grants, while card 3644 is denied.
Panel-specific implementations are described below:
WSE SEEP Panels:
Cards are downloaded with the “Deferred” flag set on panels participating in a Group. (The cards’
regular access is downloaded as what was known in the SE6000 as a “failsoft” access code). If
an edit to a Group Access Project or an anti-passback Area results in a panel newly requiring the
ability to defer access to the Host, a full download of cards will be necessary. A message box will
appear asking you to confirm this:
The Host Access Mode command in the SEEP protocol is actually part of the Building Mode command. Thus, it
is not possible for Pro-Watch to send a Host Access Mode command without necessarily specifying a Building
Mode. Therefore, in order to control Host Access Mode on a panel without changing its Building Mode, ProWatch needs to know the Building Mode status at all times.
Previously, Pro-Watch would ask for this status every 20 seconds or so, or less often, depending upon the
number of panels on a particular channel, as well as immediately upon receipt of a Building Mode event. This
left possible time windows in which the Building Mode might be unknown, particularly at system startup time, or
when a panel comes online after being offline.
Therefore, Pro-Watch will now ask for this status as soon as a SEEP panel comes online in any circumstance,
in order to insure the most up-to-date status possible.
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Cardkey Panels:
There has been no change to how cards are downloaded to panels. The only change is an
effective override of the panel’s “Transaction Processing Mode” to “Central” when an affected
Group Access Project goes active:
The PW5K firmware actually allows Host Access Mode to be specified on a door-by-door basis.
For consistency, all readers on a PW5K will go into Host Access Mode when Group Access
Project goes active. This involves a reader parameters download.
Note: Because of a constraint in the PW5K firmware, Host Grants made during Host Access
Mode will be reported as Local Grants, even though the Server makes the access decision.
The reason for this is that the PW5K Local Grant event, and the acknowledgement message for a
Host Grant while a panel is in Host Access Mode, are the same message and indistinguishable.
To avoid reporting double events, the host-generated “Host Grant” message is not sent.
Database Usage
The following database objects have been changed for, or otherwise figure prominently in Group Access
Database Tables
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4. Setup
There has been a comprehensive re-write of the Setup Utility. Enclosed is a brief description of the
Installs, if necessary, MDAC.
Installs, if necessary, Windows Installer.
Installs, if necessary, .NET Framework.
Installs, if necessary, dongle drivers.
Installs MSDE for non-SQL Server installations.
Creates or upgrades local database, SQL or MSDE, registering extended stored procedures.
Creates or upgrades remote database, for SQL Server only, registering extended stored
Uninstalls previous version of Pro-Watch™ on an upgrade, cleaning up as needed.
Moves old registry entries to new 3.6.3 hive on an upgrade.
Provides standalone and integrated terminal client install.
Provides options for client, server, client and server, and database only installs.
Provides license agreement screen.
Auto-senses Pro-Watch servers on the network for client install, and list them in drop-down box.
Auto-senses SQL Servers on the network for installs, and lists them in drop-down box.
Auto-senses Pro-Watch database on a given SQL Server instance for installs, and lists them in
drop-down box.
Provides rudimentary progress screen.
Provides option to run Pro-Watch™ server under given account, or under local system account.
Ensures SQL DMO components are present so that Pro-Watch™ Enterprise manager can run,
even in the absence of installed MSDE or SQL tools.
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5. Controller Updates
PW-5000 changes
Pro-Watch™ now uses an update nc_net.dll which works correctly for Miniplexes.
Previously PW-5000 TCP channels were hard-coded to a 900ms timeout. Now the timeout follows
"Attempts" value.
Encryption commands are no longer sent to PW-5000/Miniplex panels.
The default PW-5000 firmware file for download is now "P5E_2081.CRC".
PW-2000 changes
A previously existing GUI bug where the user needed to have an initial PW-2000 output group to
add another output group, has been fixed.
Return-to-time zone for PW2K after a host grant has been added, taking into account whether the
door was unlocked in the first place.
Change to show PW2K reader status as unlocked if both the Door Position switch is masked and
the Door Strike is active.
Added a fix for PW2K interlocking in which you could not have an input be the target of an interlock,
if the input was a source to another interlock.
PW-2000 status display refresh rate significantly improved.
SEEP changes
Added a warning message if the user attempts to change key type on an 808S panel that currently
has cards associated with it.
Ensured that large SEEP downloads are not interrupted by priority card downloads.
Ensured that 808S full card downloads work.
Added ability to lock an MSR reader for a Star 1.
Editing a holiday in use on an 808S no longer causes a server crash.
Reader names are now downloaded to most SEEP panels, if supported.
Download viewer for SEEP panels now lists additional explanation for packets.
Previously, monitor-able inputs on SEEP 818s were not returning to normal properly. This has been
Previously, time zone changes for SEEP panels might leave readers and access codes using those
time zones in an incomplete state. Now readers and access codes are downloaded in full when a
relevant time zone changes.
CHIP changes
Event Procedures can now pulse a Star II output.
Added ability to lock an MSR reader for a Star II.
Fixed downloading of Weigand raw card formats for the Star II.
Star II MIRO tamper alarms were not being reported. This has been fixed.
Cardkey changes
Cardkey reporting of previous day events should now work correctly.
Ensured that host grants/denys is sent on proper Cardkey primary or secondary port.
Fixed intermittent crash when editing a Cardkey panel.
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6. Integrated Video (Digital and analog)
DVM R200
Pro-Watch™ Release 3.7 offers support for the latest version of DVM (Digital Video Manager™)
Release 200. Support for the existing DVM R160 version has been retained
A separate document details the new features and enhancements available in DVM R200.
Virtual Multiplexer
Pro-Watch™ Release 3.7 offers a new “Virtual Multiplexer” that allows camera views from multiple
channels to be displayed at once. Previously, it allowed only one channel at a time. Now, you can view cameras
connected to DVM, to Matrix Switchers (e.g. Video Blox) and other DVRs in one comprehensive view. The new
multiplexer also allows addresses higher than 16.
Miscellaneous Improvements
Pro-Watch™ has been modified to work with Integral MasterControl 4.2
Time out period of the RapidEye connection to Pro-Watch™ has been changed to 2 seconds
(rather than 10)
Fusion, DVM and Integral integrations no longer create a named pipe to micserver in order to test
for micserver shutdown.
When searching for a video clip in Integral, a warning box upon not finding any video is no longer
shown upon initially going live.
Prevented a comm. break event occurring for Integral when an event from a logical device
associated with the Integral CCTV occurs.
Users can now access more than 32 Integral cameras per Integral box.
Added RapidEye password obfuscation/encryption in the database.
Added ability to set camera views as presets for Honeywell DVM.
Pro-Watch™ now supports RapidEye build 55 (previously build 42)
Pro-Watch™ now supports more than ten RapidEye cameras simultaneously.
Ultrak performance improved.
VideoBlox performance improved.
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7. Badging
Badging fields of type date, time, and date time now have the ability to display nulls, rather than an
actual value, if configured thus under administration.
When adding blob fields to a badge profile page, they are no longer set to read-only be default.
Ensured that multiple images could appear on a card.
Added ability to set partition on a bulk card add.
Added functionality for badging screen to display confirmation box when badge is about to be
Added program and function to control display of badging confirmation box.
Added code to prevent badges from saving more often then necessary.
Added ability to set compression level for image capture.
Removed 250K limit on image capture.
Allowed users to enforce aspect ratio in TWAIN image capture.
Fixed user's ability to add multiple clearance codes to a card simultaneously.
Card issue date was previously respecting time of day. It now is based solely on date.
Significantly speeded up initial display of badging by reducing database calls.
Pro-Watch™ now supports image capture using Canon cameras.
Significantly increased speed of badging searches, particularly when using simple criteria.
Previously, when doing an advanced badge search involving clearance codes and an additional
resource (e.g. badge status), the resource's possible choices would not be listed properly. This has
been fixed.
Dates for blobs displayed in badging now listed by last modified date, rather than creation date.
Bulk added cards now have correct issue and expire dates.
Concurrent editing of badges is now handled correctly.
The print preview icon in badging is now enabled and disabled properly.
User can now use advanced badge search to find badge holders who are simultaneously in two
specific clearance codes.
Significant changes were made to reduce null-valued date fields in badging, and handle them when
they occur. Tool tips were added to identify such fields.
8. Alarm Monitor
Previously the user could clear alarms from the map page even if the didn't have permissions to do
so. This has been fixed.
Primary key failures, invisible to the user, were occurring when acknowledge or clearing alarms.
This has been fixed.
Fixed problem where alarm monitor received multiple automatic ACKs upon the receipt of return to
normal of already-acknowledged alarms.
Previously, if a column's width in the alarm monitor was adjusted to zero, then the column would be
unrecoverable. This has been fixed.
Added logical device status on show map screen in alarm monitor.
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9. Client Updates
Two additional fields are now associated with brass keys: Key Id and Key Type.
In system options, there is a global option preventing a single brass keys from being distributed to
multiple users.
On the instruction set page of an event, clicking white space would create a database error. This
has been fixed.
Workstations were previously at risk not to display as active if an Integral channel was online. This
has been fixed.
If a logical device with an unassigned reader is in an area, the logical device description and device
type description are used to identify it.
Performing a card void does not show a database error.
Removed spurious '%s' displays from throughout Pro-Watch™, particularly in card formats and
elevator lock clearance codes.
User defined company fields are no longer overwritten in the database if they aren't set up in ProWatch™.
Added area occupant count on the mustering screen.
User should now be able to add hundreds of details to a hardware template, and assign them all in
a logical device.
Archives without paths are now assumed to be the default path.
Previously, the GUI would not previously correctly show the origin in an event procedure when the
origin was a group. This has been fixed.
Removed hand geometry blob from being displayable in verification viewer.
Previously, editing a dialup channel without visiting the dialup page would delete the dialup
schedule from the channel. This has been fixed.
When shadow logged on, users were experiencing trouble launching other programs from within
Pro-Watch™. This has been fixed.
Gave users the option of setting up log printing to include the printing of event text.
Old archive files weren't purging correctly. The extra NTFS text was not being identified correctly if
it was in ANSI, rather than Unicode. This has been fixed.
Map colors and zoom levels are now retained when changed in map builder.
In verification viewer, when an invalid card is swiped, the previous image will now be cleared.
Previously, verification viewer would crash after many consecutive cards were swiped. This has
been fixed.
Status groups are now dependent on logical devices for the purposes of find dependencies.
11. Access Updates
Presenting a valid card that has access to a door via a temporary clearance code after that
clearance code has expired previously would allow access one last time, though the alarm
message would correctly read "Valid Card at Invalid Reader". This has been fixed.
Daylight savings time should now work on PW-5000s in any time zone.
Editing a card that was in a in-progress timed clearance code would functionally remove it from that
timed clearance code. This has been fixed.
Previously, on a single card download, if a panel was offline, other panels on the same channel with
higher addresses would not get the download until the panel came back online. This has been
Previously, remote servers were not being notified on updates to areas, card formats, holidays, and
time zones. This has been fixed.
Host grants/denies now honor issue levels.
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When shadow logged on, the routing group used was the original user's, not the shadow user's.
This has been fixed.
12. Server Updates
Creation of large spool files for PW-5000 and CHIP panels should be significantly faster.
Micservers can now be queried on the network via undirected broadcast for name, database server
and database name.
In order for emailing to work, the email address previously had to be specified at the point.
Specifying the email address at the logical device did not function. This has been fixed.
Added identifying information to the audit log when badges or clearance codes are deleted.
Generic channel message length increased.
Removed spurious audit logging.
Fixed client/server communication problem caused by bad data from a panel.
13. Miscellaneous Updates
Pro-Watch™ now has the flexibility to use different registry hive so that other programs could use
its badging components.
Ability to muster by badge or by card added, settable under system options.
Remote servers were not previously being notified on updates to areas, card formats, holidays, and
time zones
Badging components can now be used for custom badging applications without referencing
/NexWatch/Pro-Watch™/3.6.2 registry keys.
Issue date should now behave without regard to time.
When deleting badges, clearance codes, and cards, identifying information regarding their identity
beyond their primary key should be stored in the audit log.
Reader names for certain panels are now downloaded in SEEP.
On single card downloads, previously, if a panel was offline, other panels on the same channel with
higher addresses would not get downloaded until the panel came back online.
Host grants now check issue level, both for unknown cards, and for card which are downloaded to
the panel with incorrect issue levels.
DTU database error introduced in CFR patch should now be fixed.
DTU non-downloading of cards on issue level changes should now be fixed.
Pro-Watch™ should now support RapidEye builds 42 and 55.
Pro-Watch™ should now support more than 10 RapidEye cameras simultaneously.
Download viewer should now show card count and explanatory comments.
Pro-Watch™ now supports Canon camera image acquisition.
Australian daylight savings time issues.
Inability to lock an MSR reader on a Star 1 has been fixed.
Added panel buffer full message for PW-5000s.
Fixed crash when editing holidays on an 808s.
Removed 250K limit for badge images on non-Oracle systems
TWAIN photo compression issue.
14. References
Please go to for more information on Pro-Watch™ and other
security solutions offered by Honeywell.
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