Volume 3 Issue 2_rev4 - Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center
Volume 3 Issue 2_rev4 - Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center
FEBRUARY P.O. Box 517, Weirton, WV 26062 Volume 3, Issue 2 WV History Day Celebrated at State Capitol February 28, 2011 Upcoming Events: April 2, 2011 Festival of Nations Millsop Community Center Museum Officers: Elected 7-7-2010 FEBRUARY President/Exec. Director Dennis R. Jones 1st Vice President Pamela Makricosta 2nd Vice President Despina Melonas Treasurer Paul B. Zuros Secretary Kim Salter Museum 3393 Main Street Weirton, WV 26062 Museum Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 am thru 4:00 pm FEBRUARY (other times available) Editor: Dennis Jones [email protected] Museum Phone: (304) 479-7266 (cell phone) Website: www.weirtonmuseum.com The WAMCC Display table at the Capitol building, Pictured Left to Right: Museum members Lea Shirer, Despina Melonas, Dennis Jones, Argiro Latousakis, Andrea Anderson, Victor Greco, Pamela Makricosta, and Paul B. Zuros. Once arriving at the Capitol building at 8:00 am, members set up the WAMCC display table at their assigned spot outside the Senate chamber. Andrea Anderson designed the display, which was composed of photos pertaining to the movie, Super 8, which was filmed late last summer in Weirton, describing WAMCC’s role in helping with the preliminary design and set dressing. Also, flyers about WAMCC’s upcoming 2011 Festival of Nations were distributed. 15th Annual WV History Day February 24, 2011, is now in the records as the 15th Annual WV History Day at the WV State Capitol during the legislative sessions. This was the 4th consecutive year in which WAMCC participated in the event, as nine WAMCC members traveled to Charleston to be involved WAMCC’s largest group to attend so far. Also, this was the second consecutive year that WAMCC has had a History Hero Nominee recognized. Dennis Jones was recognized in 2010 and Mike Nogay was recognized this year (2011). Photo by Dennis Jones Having a nice chat in the “Great Hall” outside the state theater and museum at the Culture Center are left to right: Argiro Latousakis, Despina Melonas, and Mike Nogay, Despina was the Chair Person for WAMCC’s 2011 WV History Hero Selection Committee. Visiting at the WV State Capitol Complex on History Day In the “Great Hall” just outside the state theater and museum, Pictured Left to Right: Michael Nogay, Esq., Tim Roberts (WAMCC Member), Lea Shirer (WAMCC Board Member), Andrea Anderson (WAMCC Board Member), Dennis Jones (WAMCC President/Exec. Director), Pamela Makricosta (WAMCC 1st Vice President), Paul B. Zuros (WAMCC Treasurer), Delegate Ronnie Jones, Donna Gialluco, Victor Greco (WAMCC Board Member), Argiro Latousakis (WAMCC Member), and Despina Melonas (WAMCC 2nd Vice President). Photo by Dennis Jones Also visiting WAMCC’s display table was Bryan Richards, who is a student at WVU interning at the WV History & Archives in Charleston. Pictured Left to Right: Andrea Anderson, Bryan Richards, Victor Greco, and Lea Shirer. Bryan is a former student of Weir High School and attended Andrea Anderson’s Astronomy Class. Photo by Dennis Jones Secretary of State, Natalie Tennant stopped by WAMCC’s display table to visit with WAMCC members under the dome of the WV State Capitol building. See us on Comcast Cable HLN channel 33 in March Page 2 Volume 3, Issue 2 FESTIVAL OF NATIONS April 2, 2011 While in Charleston, WAMCC members passed out flyers and invited everyone, including Senators, Delegates and Governor to attend the Festival of Nations in Weirton. Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Newsletter Mike Nogay Recognized as 2011 WV History Hero Photos by Dennis Jones On stage in the Norman L. Fagan West Virginia State Theater are pictured left to right: Randall Reid-Smith (Commissioner WV Division of Culture & History), Senator Orphy Klempa, 2011 History Hero Michael Nogay, Delegate Randy Swartzmiller, Delegate Ronnie Jones, Senator Jack Yost, Robert Conte (Chairman, WV Archives & History Commission), Charles Ledbetter (Vice-Chairman, WV Archives & History Commission), and Joe Geiger (Director WV Archives & History). As Joe Geiger, Director of WV Culture and History, read the names and contributions of 42 WV Historians, each one came onto the stage to receive recognition as a 2011 WV History Hero. The ceremonies took place the morning of February 24, 2011, at the Norman L. Fagan WV State Theater at the Capitol Complex in Charleston. Michael Edward Nogay was nominated by Weirton Area Museum & Cultural Center for his part in preserving the history of Holliday’s Cove in the Revolutionary Period. Michael Published his first book in 2008, titled “Holliday’s Cove Fort: Virginia’s First Defense Along the Ohio River.” One thousand copies were printed with proceeds donated to WAMCC. In 2009 he published “Every Home a Fort, Every Man a Warrier,” selling 2300 copies to date. This latest work of his received a sterling review in the West Virginia History Journal of Regional Studies, where the book is lauded as “refreshing” and “heavily researched.” We congratulate Mike, whose name and contributions are now included with the WV History Heroes 1997 thru 2011 posted on the WV History & Archives website at: http://www.wvculture.org/history/histhero.html Photo by Dennis Jones Photo by Dennis Jones Pictured above are Mike Nogay and his twin sister, Beth. Photo was taken in the hall just outside of the Governor’s media room. Page 3 Volume 3, Issue 2 Heading Home - After all the ceremonies, conversations, photo sessions, and meetings with state officials, it was soon time to pack up and go home. Savoring the visit, Paul B. Zuros, took the scenic route around the complex as he carted the display items back to the van. Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Newsletter Preserving Our History for Future Generations Photo by Dennis Jones Photo by Dennis Jones Above Photo: Herman Capito at his home on Marland Heights - Feb. 23, 2011 Above Photo: Herman playing the French Horn his father, Louis Capito, purchased for him in 1932 so he could become a member of the Follansbee High School Band. Herman Capito Tells Life Story Herman Capito was born in Weirton, WV in the year 1919. He lived with his family on Division Street, located between 3rd and 4th Streets in North Weirton. His dad, Louis Capito, came over with his brother from Italy in 1904 and lived in Steubenville, before the town of Weirton was created. His dad played baritone in a band in New York, but had to return in order to make enough money to earn a living. Louis later became a machinist at Weirton Steel Co. and worked producing shells during World War II. Herman first attended St. Paul School in North Weirton, but his family moved to a bungalow along Ferry Rd. (now called Freedom Way) where he began attending Edgewood School. He recalls riding his bike to see the new Fort Steuben Bridge dedication in 1928 and the tragic airplane crash on the WV shoreline that day. Herman’s interview with WAMCC includes many more memories and they have all been recorded for future generations thanks to Herman and our interview team: Pamela Makricosta, Dr. J. K. Luthra, and Dennis Jones. Starting last year students of Leadership Weirton and local colleges began volunteering work for the museum as part of their course requirements. The Weirton Area Museum has hundreds of thousands of Weirton Steel Bulletin negatives, which were donated by Weirton ISG in 2004. These negatives have captured moments in Weirton's History from the 40's through the 80's and beyond. WAMCC also has the hand -written indexes to these negatives, but we very much need to have these transcribed into excel spreadsheet format. Once we have them all in excel format we can quickly and easily perform searches and locate pictures as requested and needed. A few years have been transcribed to Excel thus far with a long way to go. WAMCC President/Exec. Director Dennis Jones has scanned the hand-written listings for several years and printed out copies so that they can easily be used to do the conversion to Excel (without compromising the original ledger entries). Dennis has also already transcribed a couple of the years into Excel format. It is time-consuming work and transcribing the list for just 1 year is a challenge, easily consuming one or two days of work. Last year volunteers Caitlyn McKenna, graduate of Marshall University, and Jason Exner, of the Leadership Weirton Class of 2010, volunteered their time to convert the 1952 and 1955 hand-written indexes to Excel spreadsheet. Page 4 Volume 3, Issue 2 Scanned by Dennis Jones Volunteerism Welcome at WAMCC Samples of WAMCC’s hand-written Weirton Steel Co. negative indexes now being transcribed by volunteers. Some years have well over 1000 entries. Volunteers this year include Gabriella Harcharik of Fairmont State College and the following 6 members of Leadership Weirton Class of 2011: Kellie Morrow, Susan Mains, Brandi Bowers, Linda Payne, Joi Gorlock, and Steph McVicker. These people have taken on the challenging task of transcribing and thus preserving a year of Weirton’s photographic history. Future Generations will owe them thanks ! Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Newsletter Contributions to WAMCC Photo by Dennis Jones On Feb 23, the Hancock County Commissioners provided a grant to WAMCC for the amount of $7674.34. The commissioners have provided a grant for each of the past few years to help WAMCC pay everyday bills and expenses. WAMCC Treasurer Paul B. Zuros is shown receiving the check from Commissioner Danny Greathouse. Photo by Dennis Jones On Feb. 2, the Phoenix Society of West Virginia became a Lifetime Member of WAMCC. Representing the Phoenix Society is Joe Stankiewicz (left) who presented a check for $150 to Weirton Area Museum & Cultural Center for the lifetime membership. Receiving the check is Tony Bongiovanni, an employee of NCOA assigned to WAMCC. Photo by Dennis Jones Photo by Johnna Petteway Helen Jackson-Gilleson, Esq., “ABSSA” Hall of Fame President and CEO is shown in above photo donating the first 4 Hall of Fame yearbooks to WAMCC Treasurer Paul B. Zuros (left) and WAMCC President / Executive Director Dennis Jones (right). On Feb. 25, WAMCC received a copy of the first 4 yearbooks for the “West Virginia All Black Schools Sports & Academic Hall of Fame” which was founded September 19, 2006. The purpose of the “ABSSA” Hall of Fame is to preserve the history of Black Education in West Virginia prior to “Brown vs. Board of Education” in 1954 and also to honor role models and leaders of the past. Hall of Fame inductee categories include “The Lifetime Achievement Award,” “The Greatest of the Great Sports/Academic Award,” “The Icons Award,” “The Legends Award,” and “The Vangard Legacy Honors Award.” The Hall of fame is sponsored by Dunbar School Dr. A. J. Major’s Historical Museum, Inc., a 501(d)3 non-profit corporation. WAMCC is very grateful to Helen and the WV ABSSA Hall of Fame for these yearbooks and they will be made accessible to the public in the Black History display area in WAMCC’s recently purchased building after renovations. Page 5 Volume 3, Issue 2 On Feb. 26, Pete Melonas of Weirton donated 2 Railroad Magazines to the Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center. The magazines include articles, photographs, and models of the railroads and railroad cars in Weirton. WAMCC President/Exec. Dir. Dennis Jones visited Pete’s house to gain insights and ideas on how to include model railroads depicting historical scenes in Weirton and Holliday’s Cove, as part of the new museum now undergoing renovations at 3149 Main Street. Pete Melonas and George Pandelios have offered to give advice and help with the train displays at the new facility. Award Presented to WV ABBSA Hall of Fame On January 15, 2011, a “Living the Dream Service Organization Honor Roll” was presented to the West Virginia All Black Schools & Sports Hall of Fame by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission. The award was accepted by the Hall of Fame President and CEO, Helen Jackson-Gillison, Esq. See us on Comcast Cable local HLN channel 33 in March Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Newsletter News about Our Fellow WAMCC Members Photo by Jolene Zuros Photo by Dennis Jones The above photo is of Paul J. Zuros when he was employed at the Heinz History Center and assigned to the Vatican Splendors Exhibit. Paul attends Duquesne University as a graduate student and is now serving an internship at the Heinz History Center. Congratulations PJ ! Internships at WAMCC a Possibility If plans fall into place, Paul J. Zuros, graduate student at Duquesne University, may one day officially serve his internship at WAMCC. After speaking with PJ and viewing the WAMCC website, there is much interest by some of his professors in visiting our planned museum building and having possible internships such as grant writing, community outreach, exhibit design, etc…. Dennis Jones inquired if Duquesne officials could look into possibilities that would help WAMCC become self-sustaining and become able to hire PJ as a fulltime Executive Director after he graduates. “This would be an ideal long-term goal for the WAMCC and for its long-time member Paul J. Zuros, who will need a paying job after graduation.” WAMCC’s staff is currently made up of non-paid volunteers. WAMCC President Dennis Jones has been volunteering as full-time Executive Director of the museum’s daily operations for the past few years to help see a permanent, attractive, self-sustaining museum become a reality in Weirton. Photo by Dr. J. K. Luthra Page 6 Happy Birthday Despina At a recent Festival of Nations Committee meeting, WAMCC 2nd Vice President Despina Melonas was surprised with a birthday cake by her daughter, Argiro Latousakis. After a round of “Happy Birthday to You” by the committee members, Despina performed her duty by cutting a piece of the delicious angel food cake for each of member. This moment in history was captured by Festival Committee Chairman, Dr. J. K. Luthra on his cell phone camera. Volume 3, Issue 2 During WV History Day on Feb 24, members stopped by at the Governor’s media room for a visit and photo opportunity. Governor Earl Ray Tomblin took time out of his busy schedule to chat with each of us. Above photo shows WAMCC Board Member Andrea Anderson conversing with Governor Tomblin. Andrea is a teacher at Weir High School and was recently named West Virginia’s Earth Science Teacher of the Year by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers. Congratulations Andrea ! Photo by Dennis Jones On Feb 10, little Pammy Makricosta went to the BIG Channel 7 News Studio for an interview on Comcast Newsmakers. In a 5-minute interview with Stacey Rich, Pam discussed the Weirton Area Museum & Cultural Center activities, including the upcoming Festival of Nations on April 2. The interview will be aired most days at 5 before and 25 after the hour beginning in March on Headline News (Comcast Cable channel 33 in Weirton Area). Great Job Pam !!! Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Newsletter Come to the 3rd Annual Festival of Nations Saturday - April 2, 2011 - Millsop Community Center 11 am til 4 pm - Admission is FREE ! ! ! Scenes from Previous Years at the Festival More Pictures and Info at our website: www.weirtonmuseum.com Page 7 Volume 3, Issue 2 Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Newsletter FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Each month as yours truly puts together the WAMCC newsletter and posts it to our website, I feel that there is no way the amount of work being put into our preservation efforts can ever be surpassed. Each following month I am proven wrong, as usual. There always seems to be more effort and more support brought forward each passing day. In addition to being a monthly historical recording of our museum activities for each of the past 25 months, the newsletter serves as a reminder that our preservation effort continues and support for it is growing stronger. If you don’t mind reading this lengthy verbiage (I prefer pictures), it would be good to mention a few recent observances. FESTIVAL OF NATIONS Next on the calendar is “The 3rd Annual Festival of Nations,” our largest event of the year. If you have not done so, please make plans to be there, and you can also show your support by taking out an ad in the souvenir program booklet. Festival Committee Chairman, Dr. Juginder Luthra has been holding meetings in his spare time to help organize this event, and April 2, 2011, will mark the Festival’s 3rd consecutive year held by WAMCC at the Weirton Millsop Community Center. We are proud and thankful for having Dr. Luthra organize this event to bring people of all origins together in unity, and also to give recognition to our museum. We thank Senator Bowman for arranging a $5000 Community Participation Grant in 2010, specifically for the Festival of Nations. This will allow us to charge the festival expenses toward this grant. See the flyer in this newsletter or visit our website for more information: www.weirtonmuseum.com OUR NEW MUSEUM BUILDING Since the purchase, Dec. 23, of the building at 3149 Main WV HISTORY DAY Street, it has been non-stop activity in getting it in shape to I feel that WAMCC’s recent trip to Charleston for WV His- become our new museum. After a lengthy search, we now tory Day was our most successful yet. Nine members of have a good insurance policy for our new building and our WAMCC (Andrea Anderson, Victor Greco, Argiro LaBoard of Directors. We have been interviewing architects tousakis, Pam Makricosta, Despina Melonas, Tim Roberts, and will hire one this week (first week of March) to draw up Lea Shirer, Paul B. Zuros, and yours truly) made the trip, a set of conceptual plans and budget for renovation. We our largest History Day group yet. This year we borrowed have been planning the internal layout and guidelines for an idea used by the Leadership Weirton class and rented a the architect. We have put together a good Grant Writing 12-passenger van, which added to the excitement and fun. Committee, which will use the architect’s plans as part of On the morning of Feb. 24, we witnessed the recognition the grant applications this spring. As a result of our Hisof 42 History Heroes from around the state of West Virtory Day visits in 2009 with Senator Edwin Bowman and ginia. When our nominee, Mike Nogay, was called to the Delegate Pat McGeehan, we just now have received stage we all felt so proud as WV History & Archive Direc$18,000 in Community Participation Grant money ($10,000 tor Joe Geiger read Mike’s list of accomplishments preserv- thru Senator Bowman and $8000 thru Delegate McGeeing the early history of our local area. In the late morning han). We also look forward to receiving an additional and afternoon, most of our elected officials in the House $8000 later this summer, which was awarded to WAMCC and Senate were able to take time out and graciously welas a result from our visit with Delegate Pat McGeehan on come us in their office for a meeting. They were very inter- History Day 2010. We hope for much more funding and ested and supportive as plans for our new building were support in the future as our community’s new museum is shown and discussed. Each of them indicated they will try renovated. By working together, we will insure that this to secure more funding to help us. In addition the Gover- project will be beautiful, attractive, professionally done, and nor took time for a pleasant meeting with us in his media will draw people from near and far to come and experience room and chatted with each of us a good while. Also, the the rich history of our area. Secretary of State, Natalie Tennant, made a visit to our DisSincerely, play Table and spoke with our members. It was a great day indeed for meeting different people, visiting the other 70 history display tables, and experiencing the hospitality of our State Capitol. Everyone was so friendly and the red Dennis R. Jones, President / Executive Director WAMCC carpet was rolled out, as it was each of the previous 3 years. Page 8 Volume 3, Issue 2 Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center Newsletter
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