July - Wichita A`s Model A Ford Club
July - Wichita A`s Model A Ford Club
P.O. Box 25 Wichita, KS 67201 July 2015 www.wichitaas.com Volume 30 Issue 6 July 2015 S M T August 2015 W TH F S 1 2 3 4 S M T W TH September 2015 F S S M 1 T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 July Refreshments Linda Lumbert Kay Lumbert Bev Grant Susan Stone Ruth Anne Praeger July 2015 27……. Club Meeting at Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th ….............. …....….7:00 PM August 2015 11……. Newsletter Deadline…….… [email protected]….. WHAT'S INSIDE …..Linda Kibbe 14-16... Waterville, Blue Rapids, and Marysville, KS…………. ………….Adams Calendar 1 Minutes, Prez & Editor Note 2-3 24…… Club Meeting at Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th …............... .…..….7:00 PM September 2015 Future Tours and Events 3 NW MO Regional Meet 4-5 20105 MAFCA Nat’l Tour 6-7 20…... Ice Cream Social………………………………………. …….….Ludlows Announcements 8-9 25-27.. Men’s Tour…………………………………………... Floyd Long Passes 9 26…… International Model A Ford Day………………………. ..….Grabendikes Tech Talk 10 Era Fashion 11 Swap Calendars 12 Classified 13 15……. Newsletter Deadline…….… [email protected]….. ..…..Linda Kibbe ………...Ruggles 28…… Club Meeting at Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th …............... .…....….7:00 PM October 2015 4.……. All Ford Day…………………………………………... ...………J Clark Page 2 Rumbleseat Review July 2015 WICHITA A’S MEETING June 22, 2015 The May 22nd meeting of the Wichita A’s was called to order by President Dennis Ellerman at 7:00 P. M. Guests, Nick Spiser (gr andson of Charles and Joyce Guinty) and Shorty Hayes were intr oduced. The minutes of the Apr il meeting were approved as printed in the May/June newsletter. A summary of the expenses for the month was given by Rex Kraus, Treasurer. Our Sunshine Lady, Bonita Graham r epor ted that a long time member , Floyd Long had passed away, Bob Bruce had his 4th set of Chemo treatments and was doing fairly well and Dick Foote was having some health issues. Brenda Broadhead stated that ther e was no r eport from MARC & MAFCA but the refreshment schedule for October and November needed one additional person for each month. Jim Nungesser was not pr esent so ther e was no report from the Wichita Area Car Council. Tom Ruggles r epor ted that the Sunflower Char ity Swap group had a few problems to be worked out regarding the February Swap Meet and he reminded members if they had not signed up for this next year that it was not too late to rent a booth that they had previously rented but should be done by June 30th. It will be opened for anyone at that time. Tom announced that he and Steve McLaughlin were planning a Men’s Tour scheduled for western KS on Sept. 25th thru 27th. There will be more information at a later date. Dennis announced that the club needed a volunteer to plan the annual Christmas Party and asked if there was a person willing to plan this event. Scott Guinty r eported that thr ee groups of members of our Wichita A’s traveled to St Joseph, MO. for the Northwest Missouri Regional Meet. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the tours and especially the tour to the Shatto Dairy Farm and to the Fair Grounds where some buildings had been restored and antique equipment was on display. Dennis r epor ted on the Lobster and Lighthouse MAFCA National driving tour. They drove approximately 4670 miles with stops at the Gilmore Museum and Owls Head Transportation Museum. The only problem was that Bob and Barb Phye had engine pr oblems, had to leave their Model A, rent a car and return home and drove a modern car to tour with the group. Jim Clark r epor ted on the All Wheels Day at Lake Afton and stated it was a beautiful day for the event. Dennis announced that the wedding r eception for Don Waller and Donna Pearce would be Fr iday, J une 26th at 7:30 P. M. at 147 S. Hillside and everyone is invited. Gary Hileman announced that we will gather for the Derby 4th of July parade at 9:00 A. M. and after the parade we will have lunch together. Jim and Judy Sharp are helping with the planning of this event. Gil Adams explained about the Water ville tour to be held August 14th thru 16th. It will be a full day with the train ride, seeing the Ice Monument display, a round barn still being used, the black squirrels and some museums. He was so impressed with the flavors of milk at the Shatto Dairy Farm and mentioned some of the flavors. Dennis announced that ther e is Model A Scholar ship Funds and information is available. A thank you note from the Carlton, KS community was received and thanked the club for visiting. Refreshments were served and furnished by Roy Goats, Maria Hildibrand, Pat McHenry, Judy Sharp, and Keri Unruh. The program was arranged by Vice President Randy Frazer and was a video entitled “Rebuilding a Model A Water Pump”. Meeting adjourned The next meeting: July 27th 7:00 P. M. Joanna Adams , Secr etar y PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Claudia and I enjoyed about ten year s involved with the local Hot Air Balloon community. During those years it was often heard from various pilots, “I’ve never burned my balloon,….. yet”. I remembered this on the fourth of July when after the parade and picnic I was headed home and found myself in a convenience store parking lot with a Model A that wouldn’t start. Gilbert and Joanna Adams stopped to help and Tom and Dawna Ruggles came to my rescue also. Tom quickly diagnosed and replaced the coil. I then headed for the barn, but not very quickly, as it seems I had blown a head gasket and was running on only two cylinders. We had driven to Bar Harbor, Maine and back (4671 miles) without a serious problem and yet a week later the 10 mile trip home from Derby proved to be too much. All this rambling is for you in the event you are on a tour and suddenly several of the guys are gathered around YOUR car. Perhaps, like the balloon pilots, you’ve not had this experience,…..yet. When you do, take it in stride and learn from the many Model A gurus we are lucky to have in our club. Denny Ellerman, Wichita A’s President July 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 3 Note From The Editor I feel like I have been on a whirlwind. We took 3 weeks to travel to the Lobster and Lighthouse tour in Main and one week after arriving home from Maine, we were camping with family in Colorado for a week. We really had a great time and glad when we arrived home. We are now looking forward to the trip to Loveland, CO next summer to attend the MAFCA National Meet. Thank you for all your help in getting all the information in the combined May-June newsletter. Your help has been greatly appreciated. Linda Kibbe, Editor FUTURE TOURS AND EVENTS Model A Tour to Waterville, Blue Rapids, Marysville and Barnes, KS August 14-16, 2015 Friday 14th at 8:00 A.M. we will leave the McDonalds, Walmar t par king lot at 53rd and Meridian. *We will have stops in Hillsboro for gas and a break. *We will stop for lunch in Abilene (On your own) and meet at the north end of Abilene after 45 min. *We will stop in Clay Center for gas. *We will continue to Marysville to the Oak Tree Inn on the East side of town on the South side of HY 36. *Supper will be at Wagon Wheel Restaurant at 6:30 P.M. 703 Broadway Oak Tree Inn 1127 Pony Express Blvd. Marysville, KS 66508 785-562-1234, Ext 400 $62.10 plus tax August 14 & 15th. Saturday 15th at 8:00 A.M. we will leave the motel for Blue Rapids (11 miles) for our tr ain r ide. We will be divided in two groups. The first group will ride the train at 9:00 A.M. The second group will tour to Waterville (9 miles) to visit a few Historic sites. The second group will ride the train at 10:30 A.M. and the first group will tour to Waterville (9 Miles) to visit a few Historic sites. *We will drive to Barnes for lunch at the Home Town Café which is 6 miles West of Waterville. 12:30 P.M. *We will drive to Blue Rapids after lunch to visit the Ice Age Monument and the “Round Town Square”. *On our return trip to Marysville we will tour a Round Barn built in 1911 and is still in use. *Supper will be at Wagon Wheel Restaurant at 6:00 P.M. 703 Broadway. *In Marysville we have not scheduled a tour of the Pony Express Home Station No. 1 ($4.00 on your own). *A full size statue of a Pony Express Rider is outside the restaurant. Sunday 16th 8:00 A.M. leave for home. Men’s Tour September 25-27 This will be a three day trip to western Kansas. The details are still being worked out. More information and a sign up sheet will be available at the July club meeting. Tom Ruggles ………. Ladies’ Christmas Brunch December 5, 2015 The Ladies’ Christmas Brunch will be on Saturday, December 5th from 9 -11 a.m. We will meet at Color Me Mine at 2441 N. Maize Road for brunch and a ceramic painting party. You will get your own ceramic piece to paint which will be glazed and fired. The cost is $10 per member and $20 per guest. Due to space limitations, we are limited to 45 ladies, so be sure and sign up early. We can’t wait to see how creative the Model A ladies can be. Claudia Ellerman and Dawna Ruggles Page 4 Rumbleseat Review July 2015 “A's in N.W. MISSOURI 2015 REGIONAL HOSTED BY NW MISSOURI MODEL A CLUB We had nine couples plus two singles depart Wichita on June 7th for the jaunt across NE Kansas to St Joseph, Mo. Four of us took a more northern route and visited a farm near Onaga plus a car museum, in Wetmore. Our member Floyd Zwahl who lives in Wetmore set up the Museum tour.. This group stayed in Holton Sunday night and checked in to the Holiday Inn, Meet Head Quarters in St Joseph mid day Monday. Another group took a more direct route and checked into the Headquarters Hotel in St Joseph on Sunday night. The Orr family, plus Don Waller left Monday AM and drove all the way to St Joseph that day. Many asked us about the Turnpike and the answer is, no. None of us traveled on it. Kerry and Wanda Steffens came fr om Edmond, Ok. but didn't bring their Model A. Our remote members, Clarence and Verla Howland fr om Empor ia, and Milt Hessefort fr om Blue Springs, Mo. attended. Milt was in Charge of the repair tent. Also, Ron Kester and his daughter Jeanette from Glade, Ks attended and set up a parts tent to sell parts. It's our understanding that they ran out of head gaskets right away. The NW Missouri Club did a great job of planning activities for the next 4 days: Wichita A's members watching the Hubley Derby Tuesday we went on a 130 mile round trip to Conception Abbey north of St Joe. Established in 1873 this is one of the oldest operating monasteries in the Midwest. Benedictine Monks gave us guided tours and answered questions about their lives as Monks and about the facilities. We ate lunch at their cafeteria. On the way back to St Joe we stopped at a Wind Farm Visitor Center for a break and a close up view of the turbine blades. Kerry Steffens talking with a Monk at Conception Abbey Wednesday we stayed in town for Men's Seminars: Moto Meters and Automotive collectables. Ladies Seminar, Hat Decoration. Plus Ladies Luncheon and Program as well as a Men's Luncheon and Program. That evening was the Hubley Derby Races. John Stone took 3rd place overall in this event. Thursday, we drove to the Shatto Dairy farm near Osborne, Mo. This is a small family operated dairy that supplies Northwest Mo. with fresh, hormone free milk in glass bottles. They also make cheese products and ice cream. They milk over 400 July 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 5 2015 Regional Meet Continue: Holstein cows, three times a day. With no carousel this requires 47 employs. Also, they offer milk in 10 different flavors. Very interesting operation. Next we went to Lathrop, Mo. which is home of the Antique Car, Tractor and Engine Club. Here we ate lunch and toured the grounds where a lot of antique engines and machines were on display and many of them operating. This was also a great venue. Some of us left for home on early Friday while others stayed for the Car Games and banquet that evening. We counted 27 members from the Wichita A's in attendance. Overall we would say that the NW Missouri Club did a great job of planning and holding their first regional meet. Plus, they did an outstanding job with the tour booklet, schedule, directions, maps & etc. RG Don Waller, Wayne Orr & John Stone talking with Jim Spawn, Editor of The Restorer magazine. Jean Burke, Joanna Adams, Rita Hoffmans, Doris Jean Ludlow & Bonita Graham on the bank of the Missour i River near our hotel. Shingle making machine, belt driven by a Hart Parr tractor. Wayne Orr described the machine as a "mechanical wonder. He came home with a few samples of the cedar shingles it produced. Jane McLaughlin, Doris Jean Ludlow, Lenette Kottas & Bonita Graham with their pr izes fr om the Ladies Luncheon. Scott Guinty (in the car ) at the old time gas station in Lathrop, Mo. Page 6 Rumbleseat Review July 2015 2015 MAFCA NATIONAL TOUR LOBSTER AND LIGHT HOUSE TOUR There were 192 Registrations with 165 Model A’s attending the tour. The longest distance driven to attend the tour were the folks from California. Ellerman’s total mileage driven from and to their front door was 4671. The Ellermans, Phyes and Kibbes left on May 30th and returned 3 weeks later. Phyes developed an engine problem in Bloomington, IL on the second day of the trip. They left their Model A there, drove home in a rental car, and joined us at Niagara Falls with their VW. Our first major stop was at the Gilmore Car Museum, which is the home of the Model A Ford Museum, in Hickory Corners, MI. MAFFI did an outstanding job of presenting the years of the Model A Ford in the museum. We took advantage of a photo opportunity and parked our Model A’s in front of the museum for pictures. We drove into Canada and stayed two nights at Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. My Fitbit registered 19,927 steps on the 4th of June at Niagara Falls. The steps were equivalent to 8.19 miles and 24 flights of stairs. To see the falls you had to walk down a very steep hill that was approximately 2 blocks long. Going down was not bad. Coming up was another story….. I looked forward to getting back in the Model A the next day. Maine is a beautiful state. People asked me what I enjoyed the most about Maine. My answer was the ocean. I’m fascinated with observing the waves hitting the rocks and the 9 foot tides. There were plenty of activities we did while in Maine. We ate plenty of lobster, visited the Seashore Trolley Museum, took pictures of President Bush’s summer home from across the water, we had boat and trolley tours in Portland, toured Boothbay Railway Museum and Owls Head Transportation Museum, visited several light houses, drove through Acadia National Park and drove up Cadillac Mountain on Mount Desert Island. We stayed two nights in Bar Harbor and then made the long journey home. On the way home we managed to drive through 6 states in one day. The states were PA, NJ, DE MD, VA and WV. We drove through 2 countries and 20 states in 21 days. Richard and I are happy to report we have driven our Model A in 43 of the lower 48 states. LMK July 2015 Griggsville, IL, the Purple Martin Capital of the Nation. Purple Martin houses are everywhere in town as shown on right. Rumbleseat Review Page 7 We found this picture on the bulletin board at the General store in LeRoy, KS. Our Model A Club toured here. Memories! Kibbe at Hemmings in Bennington, VT. One of many lighthouses. The Phyes getting ready to eat a lobster. Our Model A’s made it to the Atlantic Ocean. Phyes on a boat tour . Ellermans, Linda Kibbe and Barb Phye got their feet wet. Ellermans on a boat tour . President Bush’s summer home. Page 8 Rumbleseat Review August Birthdays 1 2 2 2 5 6 9 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 18 20 21 21 23 23 26 26 29 29 30 30 Kim Perry Dennis Ellerman Robert Hagelgantz Eric Wendt Marion Ogden Barney Capps Vicki Hildibrand Betty Flynn Jeanette Goodman Sue Cushenbery Agnes Stamm Floyd Zwahl Alice Andra Barbara Anderson Mike Perry Richard Brandt Mary Ann Stone Donna Hileman Bud Valerius Larry Niederschulte Bill Steffes Roger Grube Herb Shippy Sharon Short John D. Stone Linda Ogden Sandy Titus Bob Giesen Becky Straub August 2015 Linda Kibbe Bonita Graham Doris Jean Ludlow Judy Hill Carolyn Nungesser July 2015 Congratulations! Sympathy Congratulations to Don Waller and Donna Pearce on their marriage. They were married on June 26th. —–—— Eric and Leslie Broadhead welcomed a new son on June 3rd. Conner Daniel Broadhead was 8 lbs. 2 oz. and 21 inches. He has a proud big sister Ella. Conner's Gr andpar ents ar e Brenda and Jim Broadhead. Prayers of sympathy to Roger and Bonita Graham for the loss of their daughter, Darci Luther. ——— Prayers of sympathy for Sarah Long and family at the death of her husband, Floyd Long. They are longtime members of the Wichita A’s. ——— Prayers of sympathy to Norm and June Hall for the loss of his sister , Sharon Chansler. Paul and Sharon Chansler wer e past time member s of the Wichita A’s. Refreshment Request There is an open spot to help with refreshments for the club meeting in November. If you have not signed up this year or do not remember please contact Brenda Broadhead. ………….. Thank You Our sincere appreciation for all of your support we received when we lost our daughter Darci to a massive Heart attack on June 30th. At least 40 members came to the funeral and the prayers, food, calls, cards, and emails just kept coming. You are such a wonderful support group. Roger & Bonita Graham New Member Newsletter Deadline Shorty Hayes …………. Mulvane KS 67110 Phone: …….. Tuesday August 11, 2015 Tuesday, September 15, 2015 September 2015 Francis Grady Ruth Goodman Randy Frazer Peggy Chenoweth Trudee Harshfield October 2015 Vicki Hildibrand Linda Cushman Glenda Sill Barb Phye Mike James November 2015 Rex Kraus Jim Clark Alan Orr Fred Hilger …….. July 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 9 FLOYD LONG PASSES Floyd Long, 84, passed away on J une 15th after several years of failing health. Floyd and Sarah were active in our club for many years and we would like to mention one of their contributions to the club. As the Swap Meet progressed it was decided that we should lay out the dirt floor areas to accommodate more swap spaces. We had previously used that space to exhibit cars for sale but the meet was growing and we needed to accommodate more parts vendors. Floyd purchased a lime machine from one of the school districts, purchased bags of lime and figured the layout dimensions. He then directed members on the proper layout. Floyd stored the lime dispenser and purchased the bags of lime for many years. Their contribution was very much needed and appreciated. The family put out a request for several people to drive their Model A's to the funeral service, at the Pleasant View Baptist Church in Derby. At least 6 of us drove our cars and followed behind the hearse to the cemetery. Our condolence to Sarah and the family. For Sale and Wanted Items For Sale 1930 Ford Model A Deluxe Roadster This Model A Roadster is in excellent condition with many brand new features. This car was one of Harvey Romans from Danville, Ks. If interested, Please call Amber Romans Bird at ……….to view the car. Please feel free to pass my number along to anyone you think might be interested. I am going to try and sell it locally, before I advertise it out of state. Asking Price: $27,000 ———————1929 Roadster. New top, new tires and tube, strong engine, great touring Model A, ready to go. $15,000 I’m getting old and decrepit, “not the car”. Corky Armstrong ……………. Wanted I would like a water pump housing suitable for a rebuild. I have a kit. Dennis Dye ………….. ——————— I have been contacted by an individual who is looking for a NICE!...restored and excellent (touring) condition 1931 Model "A" Ford Vickie. Please contact "Shorty" Hayes at ………... if you know of anyone having a car for sale. Thanks! Marvin Page 10 Rumbleseat Review July 2015 Emergency Brakes Two production changes were made to the Model A emergency brake system in August 1930, as explained in the copies of the bulletins included here: Fig #1 1. Lugs were added to the emergency brake carrier plates so the band could not jump off and lock up the wheel. We had this happen many years ago on a club tour. The driver crossed a rough railroad crossing and the left rear wheel locked up, bringing the car to a screeching halt. We could not remove the drum so the car had to be hauled in, on a trailer. When the drum was finally pried off we found that the emergency brake band had jumped off the carrier and was turned into an object that resembled a pretzel. When this production change was made in August 1930, almost 4 million Model A’s had been produced, consequently, most of the carrier plates now found at swap meets are the early “no lug” style. I have converted some early style plates by welding on lugs and finishing the profile with a die grinder, but it’s not a quick and easy job. Roger Graham. Fig # 2 2. The second change included a revised sector and pawl on the emergency brake lever. (Not applicable to the early models that had a LH emergency brake handle or the one mounted in front of the shift lever.) The teeth on the sector were increased from 4 to 5 and the pawl had a sharper point. If you ever felt like you needed one more “click” on the handle to get the emergency brakes to hold tight, then you probably have the older style. Here again almost 4 million cars were made before this revision was made so there are lots of early ones still in use. You can buy the updated sector and pawl from most Model A parts dealer. The Wichita A’s meet on the 4th Monday of the month with exception to the month of May and December. Due to Memorial Day Weekend in May, the meeting is held on the 3rd Monday of the month. We do not hold a meeting during the month of December. Other meeting changes will be published in the newsletter prior to the scheduled meeting. The meetings are held at Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th, Wichita, KS. Meeting time is 7:00 PM. July 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 11 ERA FASHIONS FROCKS GROW ELABORATE IN THE LATE AFTERNOON No. 6164. The lines of a flounce suggesting a bolero on the bodice are repeated in deeper flounces on the skirt, crossing in front. No. 6166. A new French draped effect appears in a simple frock cleverly cut and shirred to suggest an apron front and back. No. 6172. A cape collar is a flattering detail of an afternoon frock. The skirt is cut to form a low flare at the front and sides. No. 6175. Soft bodice lines are lent by a diagonal frill and a cape collar. The diagonal treatment is repeated in skirt flounces. 6164 6166 6172 6175 Copied from July 1930 issue of McCalls Magazine National model a clubs The Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club encourages members to join both National MARC and MAFCA Clubs. MAFCA 250 S. Cypress St. La Habra, CA 90631-5515 www.mafca.com U.S. Membership Cost: $40 For membership information you can check MAFCA and MARC web sites. MARC 6721 Merriman Garden City, MI 48315 http://modelarestorers.org U.S. Membership Cost: $40 Page 12 Rumbleseat Review July 2015 WICHITA A’S 2015 TOUR & EVENT SCHEDULE DATE TOUR OR EVENT PERSON IN CHARGE August 14-16 Waterville, Blue Rapids, and Marysville, KS Adams / Ludlows September 20 Ice Cream Social Ludlows September 26 International Model A Ford Day Grabendikes September 25-27 Men’s Tour Ruggles October 4 All Ford Day J Clark November 7 Mennonite Thanksgiving Dinner / Yoder Waller December 5 Ladies Christmas Luncheon C Ellerman / D Ruggles December ???? Club Christmas Party ???? October 7-10, 2015.…. Hershey Region AACA Swap Meet…………………………………... …………….Hershey, PA October 15-17, 2015… Chickasha Swap Meet…………………………………………………. ………….Chickasha, OK October 24-25, 2015… 16th Annual Swap Meet by Sedgwick Street Rodders……………….. ………...Hutchinson, KS February 5-6, 2016…... 2016 Kansas Sunflower for Charity Swap Meet at KS Pavilions…….. …………..Park City, KS December 2-5, 2015………… MAFCA National Awards Banquet………………………….… ………………………..Medford, OR June 19-24, 2016………...…. 2016 MAFCA National Convention………………………….… ....….…….…………...Loveland, CO June 25 - July 1, 2016………. MARC National Meet - Sweet Sixteen Region………………... ……………………..Perrysburg, OH September 19-22, 2016…….. ……………………..Newburgh, NY MARC National Tour Hudson Valley Region………….…….. 2016…………………………. MARC Membership Meet………………………………………. ………………………………...Open June 5-9, 2017………………. Omaha Regional Meet………………………………………….. ………………………….Omaha, NE September 10-17, 2017 ……. …………..Lions Gate Model A Club MAFCA National Tour - Pacific Northwest Tour…………….. CENTRAL—MIDWEST MEET June 8-12, 2015 St Joseph, MO June 8-12, 2015 Host: Northwest Missouri Model A Ford Club MARC NATIONAL MEET June 21-26, 2015 Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Host: Canadian MARC MAFCA NATIONAL CONVENTION July 19-24, 2016 Loveland, CO Host: Model A Ford Club of Colorado MARC NATIONAL MEET June 25-July 1, 2016 Perrysburg, OH Sweet Sixteen Region Wichita A's Club Meeting Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th. N Meeting Starts 7:00 PM 4th Monday of each month except the month of May. No Meeting in December Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club P.O. Box 25 Wichita, KS 67201 Address Service Requested __________________________________ Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club Contacts President, Dennis Eller man [email protected]……… Vice President, Randy Fr azer [email protected]…. Secretary, J oanna Adams [email protected]……… Treasurer, Rex Kr aus [email protected]……… Tour Chairman, Don Gr abendike [email protected]…….. Membership, Susan Stone [email protected]….. Newsletter Editor, Linda Kibbe [email protected]…………. Webmaster, Dar r en Schuster [email protected] The Rumbleseat Review is the official publication of the Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club, Inc., a local chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America and the Model A Restorers Club. It’s purpose is to keep members informed of past, present and future events, activities, and club news. In addition, this newsletter includes articles and other information to aid in the restoration and enjoyment of the Model A Ford automobile. This publication is mailed or emailed to members, prospective members and editors of similar publications prior to monthly meetings. Meetings are usually the fourth Monday of the month. Members may publish antique car related ads only for free of charge which includes items wanted, items for sale, or items for trade. We invite members to submit articles containing technical Model A information and other interesting tidbits for publication in this newsletter. Items to be published must be submitted to the newsletter editor by deadline shown in the calendar. Wichita A’s membership dues are $25.00, per year (October to September30). MAFCA dues are $40.00 per year and MARC dues are $40.00 per year. A business card advertisement in this newsletter is $25.00 per year.