June 9-11, 2015
June 9-11, 2015
Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex A L A B A M A E D U C AT I O N A L T E C H N O L O G Y C O N F E R E N C E J une 9- 1 1 , 2 01 5 www.alex.state.al.us/aetc WELCOME Welcome to the 19th Annual Alabama Educational Technology Conference. We are honored that you have taken time out of your busy summer to join fellow educators at Alabama’s leading educational technology conference! I am confident that this year's conference will be highly informative and provide you with invaluable tools and information to enhance your knowledge of technology. Technology in schools and classrooms is becoming more and more prevalent; therefore, we must continue to provide educational leaders with the vital resources needed to keep Alabama schools connected and competing in this rapidly changing technological age. We have made tremendous strides regarding technological advances in our public schools, thereby enabling students to learn and communicate, even in remote sections of the state. However, we still have more to do. In fact, as technology continues to evolve, so must we. One of our strategies is to utilize conferences such as this one to highlight the advantages of using technology and to provide the most up-to-date training possible to facilitate its use in our classrooms. As we continue through the 21st Century, please remain committed to providing the highest standards of education to our students because this is vitally important to their successful journey into the future. Thomas R. Bice State Superintendent of Education A L L H A N D S O N D E C K COntentS Special Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Conference Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Conference Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Opening Session/Newcomer Session/Meet & Greet Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 AETC Conference App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 General Conference Information/Connect 2 Win . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Let’s Get Connected/Tech Doctor Is In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Area Food Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Keynote Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Featured Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Student Showcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 iShare Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Poster Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Hands-on Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-23 Session Schedule (At a Glance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25 Wednesday One-Hour Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27-41 Thursday One-Hour Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42-57 Hands-On Workshop Presenters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 One-Hour Concurrent Session Presenters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59-64 Session Facilitators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66-73 Workshop and Sessions Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 SpeCial partnerS a etC 2 0 1 5 i S Sp OnSOr eD By: Many thanks to these partners who make extraordinary contributions to the success of the Alabama Educational Technology Conference. th e a la Ba Ma State B Oa r D Of eD u C ati On President: Gov. Robert Bentley District 1: Al Thompson District 2: Betty Peters District 3: Stephanie Bell District 4: Yvette M. Richardson District 5: Ella B. Bell, Vice President District 6: Cynthia Sanders McCarty District 7: Jeff Newman, President Pro Tem District 8: Mary Scott Hunter Alabama SuperComputer Authority Alabama Technology in Motion for their technical support for hands-on workshop labs State Superintendent of Education and Secretary and Executive Officer Thomas R. Bice th e a la Ba Ma State D ep a r tMent Of eD u C ati On DELL Computers for donating presenter table computers, and computers for The Connection Depot MOntg OMer y C Ou nty p u B li C SC h O OlS and Dr. Margaret Allen, Superintendent 1 FROG Publications for sponsoring continental breakfast on Wednesday, June 10. C network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D aetC COnferenCe COMMittee Mr. Terry Atchison, Conference Coordinator, Alabama State Department of Education Ms. Donna Fuller, Co-Coordinator – Planning, Alabama State Department of Education Mrs. Joan Greene-Fisher, Co-Coordinator – Logistics, Alabama State Department of Education Ms. Amy Williams, McRae & Company, Inc. Mr. Scott Booth, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Charles Creel, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Rhett Cutts, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Keith George, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. John Halbrooks, Alabama State Department of Education Ms. Cheri Hayes, Alabama State Department of Education Mrs. Linda Jarzyniecki, Alabama State Department of Education Mrs. Ramona Langston, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Chris McDuffie, Alabama State Department of Education Ms. Rhonda Oates, Alabama State Department of Education Dr. Shannon Parks, Alabama State Department of Education Ms. Earlene Patton, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Larry Raines, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Nuncy Rembert, Alabama State Department of Education Mrs. Misty Richardson, Alabama State Department of Education Mrs. Joyce West, Alabama State Department of Education Dr. Regina White, Alabama State Department of Education aetC technical Staff Mr. Scott Booth, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Rhett Cutts, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Keith George, Alabama State Department of Education exhibits and registration Management Ms. Amy Williams, McRae & Co., Inc. – Exhibits Mrs. Martha Eacker, McRae & Co., Inc. – Registration Mr. Jeff Eacker, McRae & Co. Inc. – Exhibits aetC program Selection Committee Mr. Terry Atchison, Alabama State Department of Education Ms. Donna Fuller, Alabama State Department of Education Mrs. Joan Greene-Fisher, Alabama State Department of Education aetC hands-on Workshop planning Committee Ms. Cheri Hayes, Alabama State Department of Education Mr. Terry Atchison, Alabama State Department of Education Ms. Donna Fuller, Alabama State Department of Education Dr. Robert Mayben, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist Mr. Michael Pepper, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist Mrs. Elizabeth Sessions, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist Ms. Janet Taylor, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist Ms. Vanessa Webster, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist Dr. Roland “Buddy” Weldon, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist Mrs. Elizabeth Whitehead, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist Dr. Barry Wiginton, ATiM Instructional Technology Specialist 2 E C K A L L H A N D S O N D A E TC 2 0 1 5 C O N F E R E N C E S C H E D U L E E C K tueSDay, June 9 7:30 am – 8:30 am – 8:30 am – 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm ..............Registration/Information Booth Open 11:30 am ............Hands-on Workshops 12:00 noon........ACCESS Distance Learning Teacher Day (ACCESS School Staff Only) 2:00 pm ..............LUNCH – On Your Own ..................................Opening Session/East Hall - Ballrooms A&B Newcomer Session (immediately following the Opening Session) – 6:00 pm ..............Meet and Greet Reception/East Hall - Room M 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:15 am 11:30 am – – – – – – – 1:30 pm 1:45 pm 2:45 pm 3:30 pm – – – – 7:30 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:45 am 11:00 am – – – – – – – – 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 2:45 pm 4:00 pm – – – – WeDneSDay, June 10 12:45 pm – 3:30 pm ..............Registration 9:00 am ..............GRAND OPENING OF EXHIBIT HALL (Continental Breakfast provided) 3:30 pm ..............Exhibit Hours/Connection Depot 11:30 am ............Hands-on Workshops 10:00 am............Concurrent Session 1 11:15 am ............Concurrent Session 2 12:30 pm............Early Lunch – Exhibit Hall Time Concurrent Session 3 1:45 pm ..............Late Lunch – Exhibit Hall Time Repeat sessions Concurrent Session 4 4:30 pm ..............Hands-on Workshops 2:45 pm ..............Concurrent Session 5 3:15 pm ..............Afternoon Snack Break/Visit Exhibits 4:30 pm ..............Concurrent Session 6 thurSDay, June 11 12:15 pm – 2:00 pm ............Registration 8:30 am ..............Morning Coffee (While Supplies Last) 9:00 am ..............Concurrent Session 7 11:30 am ............Hands-on Workshops 9:45 am ............Visit Exhibits (Continental Breakfast provided) 1:30 pm ..............Exhibit Hours/Connection Depot 10:45 am............Concurrent Session 8 12:00 noon........Early Lunch – Exhibit Hall Time Concurrent Session 9 1:15 pm ..............Late Lunch – Exhibit Hall Time Repeat sessions Concurrent Session 10 2:30 pm ..............Concurrent Session 11 4:30 pm ..............Hands-on Workshops 3:45 pm ..............Concurrent Session 12 5:00 pm ..............Concurrent Session 13 3 C A L L H A N D S O N D T U E S D AY , J U N E 9 E C K Opening Session tuesday 2:00 -4:00 pm east hall, Ballrooms a and B Opening Remarks: terry atchison, Conference Coordinator Dr. linda felton-Smith · Dr. thomas r. Bice Marbury Award Presentations: Dr. Shannon parks ACCESS Award Presentations: Mr. larry raines Keynote Speaker: Jeff utecht “Preparing for Doc and Marty” newcomer Session tuesday (immediately following the Opening Session) east hall, Ballrooms a and B Is this your first time attending AETC? Come to our special session for newcomers and learn the tips and tricks of planning your conference experience. Get to know other newcomers and begin a social network of friends and colleagues at AETC! terry atchison , Conference Coordinator Meet your captain, co-captains and crew as we set sail on the technology seas! Join us tuesday, June 9 Sheraton Birmingham Ballroom 4:30-6:00 p.m. the Wing nuts! for a reception featuring fOOD l MuSiC l phOtO BOOth 4 l DOOr priZeS A L L H A N D S O N D E C K aetC COnferenCe app the aetC 2015 Conference app is available now through apple itunes and google play Store. Stay connected at AETC 2015 with our Mobile Conference App. Whether you have an iPhone, iPad, or Android, this app will be your best friend onsite. Not only will you get the latest program updates and information, but you can search the conference program, network with other attendees, use My Schedule, and use the interactive floor plan to navigate the Exhibit Hall. Please note that you do nOt need WiFi to access items within the app once it has been downloaded to your device. Once you've downloaded the app, create your user account by clicking the login at top left of screen. exhibitors • Directory listing of conference exhibitors. It is searchable by name and sponsor level. • Exhibitors have a detailed page that links to their website • Exhibit Hall interactive map • Sponsor information Schedule • Conference program is searchable by day of the event, track, topic, or speaker. • View and explore presentation schedule and room locations. • Create your own personal schedule (My Schedule) and access location and speaker information. • Digital handouts for presentations will be available. This is an effort to become more “green” and increase the quality and timeliness of resources available to you, the attendee! If handouts are available for a presentation, they will appear in the presentation details for each presentation. Handouts can also be accessed on the AETC website www.alex.state.al.us/aetc, 2015 Session Handouts. Not all speakers will provide handouts for their presentations. Maps • Maps of the conference venue • Interactive floor plans • Interactive Google area map to find local places attendees • Attendees can create their own account and login. • Attendees can create their own Contact List. • Attendees can exchange contact information with other attendees. Speakers • Access to Featured Speaker bios and photos • Directory listing of conference speakers in the app. The directory is searchable and can be organized alphabetically, by speaker type, or other criteria. • Each Speaker has a detailed page that shows all of the sessions they are participating in. Social Media/notifications • Twitter and Facebook feeds • Check-in to sessions, meetings, keynotes, and exhibitor booths. • View an entire feed of the event activity, including attendee check-ins, photos, and more. • Receive last minute changes using real time push notifications. • Expand your professional network and have fun! 5 C network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N general C O n f e r e n C e i n f O r M at i O n Exhibit Hall Hours GRAND OPENING, June 10 8:00 am – 9:00 am Wednesday, June 10 8:00 am – 3:30 pm Thursday, June 11 9:00 am – 1:30 pm We encourage you to visit the Exhibit Hall during the conference. More than 120 vendors are assembled here with the latest products and services to give you a chance to see the latest technology and educational options. Accommodations for People with Disabilities The Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex is wheelchair-accessible and fully equipped to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Badge Information Wear your badge at all times during the conference. It is your passport to all the sessions, Exhibit Hall, and social events. D E C K Connection Depot Need a spot to meet a colleague? Need to find your travel partner? Don’t have a device with you to check email? AETC 2015 is providing the Connection Depot in the Exhibit Hall as a central location to meet your friends and enjoy surfing the ‘Net. Consider using the Connection Depot to meet up with folks first thing in the morning, after lunch, and before heading back to your hotel. Evaluations Your feedback is important to us. We want to improve AETC every year! Complete the conference evaluation by July 10. The evaluation can be found online at www.alex.state.al.us/aetc, click on 2015 Conference Evaluation in the top left corner. You will receive your Certificate of Attendance once you click SUBMIT. Information Booth There are two Information Booths (one located adjacent to AETC Headquarters in the main Registration lobby, and another is located in East Hall, 3rd Floor at the top of the escalators and to the left. Our Deck Hands are available and ready to direct you! Cell Phones As a courtesy to participants, please silence cell phones during all sessions. Coffee and Continental Breakfast Complimentary coffee and continental breakfast will be provided in the Exhibit Hall on Wednesday morning from 8-9 a.m. for the Grand Opening of the Exhibit Hall; and Thursday morning from 7:30-8:30 a.m. in the Registration Lobby, and from 9-9:45 a.m. in the Exhibit Hall. A coffee station will be in North Hall on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Internet Access WiFi access is available throughout the convention complex using the Network and Pass code below. Please be a good steward of the network and limit WiFi access to ONE device at a time. NETWORK: BJCC Public PASS CODE: aetc2015 (Note: Pass code is case sensitive) Lost and Found AETC Headquarters will serve as the official Lost & Found for the conference. Please turn in and inquire about items in this area. Conference Attire The emphasis at this conference is on comfort. Conference attire this year will again be casual. Tennis shoes or flat, comfortable shoes are highly recommended. 6 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K Parking Parking is available in the BJCC/Sheraton parking deck, as well as street parking. See Parking Grid on page 10. Lunch, Snacks, and Beverages There are many food options available during your time at AETC. The Concession Stands will be available in the back of the Exhibit Hall during the two lunch hours each day. Many restaurants are now within walking distance of the complex as well. See the Area Food Choices on page 9. Presentation Materials If presenters have submitted handouts for sessions, they can be found on the AETC website, www.alex.state.al.us/aetc, 2015 Session Handouts, as well as in the conference app. Plan Ahead The conference program and the app have a wealth of information to help plan your day. Read the session descriptions first thing each morning to determine which sessions you want to attend. If you choose a session that is a very popular topic, make plans to be in that room early. It is also helpful to have at least one backup selection in the event your first choice room is full. Newcomer Session If this is your first time to attend AETC, there will be a special orientation session to help you navigate and get the most from the conference. The Newcomer Session will be Tuesday, June 9 immediately following the Opening Session in East Hall, Ballrooms A & B. Two chances to win door prizes! Opening Session June 9, 2:00 p.m., East Hall/Ballrooms A & B Join us for the presentation of the Marbury Awards, iChallenge Awards, and ACCESS Awards; a brief welcome by Dr. Thomas R. Bice, State Superintendent of Education; and the Keynote Address by Jeff Utecht. As you enter the Opening Session, you will receive a Door Prize Ticket. A drawing will be held and winners will be announced before the Keynote Address begins. Be sure to tweet a picture from the Opening Session (#AETC2015) for a chance to win a cruise/beach picture frame! Professional Learning Units (PLUs) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) No PLUs or CEUs will be awarded through AETC. The conference does not enter session information into STI-PD. If you would like to receive STI-PD credit for the sessions you attend, your system STI-PD Manager will need to enter the information into the system, and after the conference your system will award credit. You will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon completing the online conference evaluation. Room Capacity Standing or sitting in aisles of session rooms is not permitted. All rooms are set to the maximum number of attendees allowed per the fire marshal. WiFi Available in all convention complex meeting rooms and public spaces. If you experience connection issues, visit thetech Doctor is in booth located in the Registration Area. For things to do after AETC hours: visit the AETC website, http://alex.state.al.us/aetc, and click on the IN app icon. There you will be able to download the app and find out about local events while you are at the conference. CONNECT 2 WIN Connect with participating exhibitors and earn chances to WIN! · Prizes – Ten $50 American Express gift cards · 5 Winners drawn at the end of Exhibit Hall hours on Wednesday and again on Thursday. · Participating Exhibitors will distribute tickets to those attendees who make a Connection (show interest) about their product or service. WIN YOU COULD $50! The more you Connect each day the better your chances to WIN! 7 C network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O let’S get COnneCteD! Like AETC on Facebook to check out conference news and photos and share your own conference highlights. (alabamaeducationaltechnologyconference) Follow us on Twitter @AETC_Alabama for conference updates and tweet about the conference using hashtag #AETC2015. aetC’s goal is for our participants to take an active role in the social media realm! View our Facebook page (and “like” us) or follow @AETC_Alabama on Twitter. We will be continuously updating our Facebook page and “tweeting” useful information for teachers, educators, students, parents, vendors, media, and others in the EdTech industry. We’ll be sharing the latest information on AETC 2015, our keynote and concurrent session speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors, and other exciting news about this year’s conference. We encourage you to join in the conversation by following, sharing information and links, tweeting (using the #AETC2015 hashtag), retweeting, and being fully engaged with us via social media. Tweet at least 15 tweets during AETC, then come by the Let’s Get Connected booth and have your name placed in a drawing. Need help setting up a Twitter account? Stop by our booth and we’ll get you signed up! N D E C K participate in social networking at aetC 2015 for a chance to win! tueSDay tWeet Tweet a picture from the Opening Session for a chance to win a Cruise/Beach picture frame! WeDneSDay’S faCeBOOk WaveS Post a picture of you and one of our AETC Deck Hands for a chance to win a Google Chromecast! thurSDay tWeet Tweet to #AETC2015 about 5 sessions from Wednesday for a chance to win a free registration for AETC 2016! Winners will be announced through Facebook and Twitter. neW thiS year: t h e t e C h D O C tO r i S i n Stop by our Tech Doctor booth if you need assistance joining the wireless network, navigating the conference app, or just have general tech questions regarding your equipment. (The opinions expressed regarding any equipment issues are solely that of the"Tech Doctor Is In" staff member. Our staff will not open any participant's equipment, nor do we guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information provided.) 8 A L L H A N D S AREA FOOD CHOICES ATRIUM CAFé Buffet Breakfast $16.00 Ala Carte Dinner 6:30 am - 11 am & 4:30 pm - 10:30 pm CASEY’S GRILLE AND BAR Sports Bar and great burgers and salads 11 am – Midnight 205-324-5000 Breakfast and Subs (must enter from the street on Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd.) 7 am – 8 pm O OCTANE at the WESTIN Specialty drinks and delectable pastries. Located on the lobby level. 205-545-5076 TODD ENGLISH PUB Westin 1st Floor 6:30 am A La Carte Breakfast 10:30 am – Midnight Regular Menu Items MUGSHOTS 2311 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N # 100 11:00 am - 10:00 pm 205-933-7575 9 N D E THE SOUTHERN KITCHEN Menu items range from burgers and biscuits to fried catfish and a fabulous brunch 2301 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. Suite 300 205-278-7270 BOTTLE AND BONE 2311 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. N. #200 Craft Beer, Wine & Local Meat 10:00 am-8:00 pm C K TEXAS de BRAZIL Open for dinner Monday – Thursday, from 5:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Dining prices are $42.99 for a Regular Dinner and $24.99 for Light Dinner (prices exclude beverages and dessert) CANTINA LAREDO 2301-B Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd 11:00 am - 10:00 pm C L L H A PARKING N D S O N Parking is available at nearby locations. Overnight parking is available in the Sheraton parking deck for $7 per day. free Wifi : network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) A 10 D E C K A L L H A N D f e at u r e D S p e a k e r S S O N D E C K keynOte Speaker Jeff uteCht Jeff Utecht is an educational technology consultant, educator, and author. He holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in Technology as well as his administrative certification through Washington State. Jeff began his career in the Elementary classroom at a public school in Washington State. In 2001, he was the recipient of a Bill and Melinda Gates Grant called the Technology Leadership Program. This marked the beginning of his journey with technology and learning. Over the past 10 years, Jeff has taught at International Schools in the Middle East and Asia. Moving from a classroom teacher into technology facilitator roles and administrative positions, Jeff began sharing his passion for learning via his blog The Thinking Stick. In 2007, he was invited to create an innovative conference focusing on learning and technology; the Learning 2.0 Conference was initiated. He also began consulting with East Asia Regional Council of Schools. Continuing to share his vision, Jeff provided regular articles and blog posts for Tech & Learning publications, authored chapters in numerous books, worked as the educational consultant for a wiki company, and began speaking at schools and educational events around the globe. He has worked with politicians in Washington DC and participated in The Educational Project at the invitation of the Prince of Bahrain. In 2010 Jeff was invited to present at the first TEDx conference in Bangkok, Thailand. As Jeff’s online presence grew, his blog reaching over 10,000 subscribers and his Twitter account growing to over 13,000 followers, he fully embraced the power of connections. Based on his own experiences of using technology for learning and connecting with people around the world, Jeff published his first book for educators titled Reach in June of 2010. He has continued to consult with Web companies, educational organizations, and most recently has co-developed a Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy program for educators. Jeff is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and a Google Apps Certified Educational Trainer. In tandem with his values of collaboration and open source, he created the Google Ninja Program. This free program designed to support students and educators in their learning of the Google Applications is now widely used around the globe. It is Jeff’s belief in learning and future generations that continues to drive his passion. To learn more about Jeff Utecht, visit his website, www.jeffutecht.com. Jeff’s sessions: June 10th Session: 105 Session: 117 Session: 128 Session: 149 Session: 158 east hall, Ballroom B 9:00 am - 10:00 am – Starting your Online personal learning network 10:15 am - 11:15 am – using Social networks with Students 11:30 am - 12:30 pm – Moving from Sorting to Searching 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm – My Wikipedia is Better than your textbook 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm – Student-Curated Core text 11 C network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C f e at u r e D S p e a k e r S leSlie fiSher Leslie Fisher’s interest in technology began while studying music at the University of Southern California. She quickly realized the value of utilizing computers for music mixing and thus began a personal discovery process where technology replaced the flute and brought her nationally celebrated talents to us today. After graduating from USC with a Business and Marketing degree in 1989, she went to an Apple Computer Inc. subsidiary where she was in charge of the education marketing and training program. Wanting more technical experience, Leslie left this company in 1992 and joined Apple Computer Inc. as a Senior Systems Engineer in K-12 education, providing technology solutions to school districts across Southern California. When the Internet took off in 1994, Leslie was one of the first Apple employees assigned to study Internet growth and implementation. Due to her knowledge of Web design, server implementation, and Internet Resources, she became the Internet resource in the Educational Western Region. In 1997 Leslie created Fisher Technologies Inc. to help educators with their technology implementation and decision making. Fisher Technologies Inc. is now a nationwide corporation providing Web design, consulting, training, and presentation services to school districts and companies. leslie’s sessions: June 10th east hall, Ballroom a Session: 104 Session: 116 Session: 138 Session: 148 Session: 157 9:00 am - 10:00 am – twitter 10:15 am - 11:15 am – all about the apple Watch 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm – Weebly 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm – the group Smackdown (audience shares favorite items, etc.) 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm – tools you Can use tomorrow Session: 204 Session: 213 Session: 224 Session: 246 Session: 256 Session: 264 8:00 am - 9:00 am – Screencasting in your Classroom and Beyond 9:45 am - 10:45 am – gadgets 11:00 am - 12:00 noon – evernote 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm – photo and video on your Mobile Device 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm – power using twitter 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm – all about the apple Watch June 11th east hall, Ballroom B 12 K A L L H A N D S O N D E C K f e at u r e D S p e a k e r S DaviD lOCkhart David is an edtech evangelist who is just trying to spread his wings and fly. In ten years of teaching, (at CD Hylton in VA, Wheeler in GA, and North Atlanta in GA) he has found that his passion is really Educational Technology. David loves finding new technologies and giving them to teachers in order to do what education is all about...LEARNING! His journey as an EdTech Yoda has taken him all over. David has shared his unique brand of EdTech presentations all over the South East, and developed the ever evolving edtechspeeddating.com as a little place of resource sanctuary. David is also a Symbaloo PD Pro, Graphite Certified, Edmodo Certified Trainer, and Class Dojo Mentor Teacher. If you would like to contact David, use Twitter @ld112265 or email at [email protected]. David’s sessions: June 10th east hall, room M Session: 110 Session: 122 Session: 142 Session: 154 Session: 161 9:00 am - 10:00 am – the ultimate fantastic ed tech teacher Starter kit 10:15 am - 11:15 am – Makey, Makey: letting kids Build the World 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm – 60 iOS apps in 60 Minutes 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm – holy Cow! i Can See it! rockin' the Classroom with Sphero 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm – 60 gadgets in 60 Minutes Session: 203 8:00 am - 9:00 am – Should have put a personalization On it: Outside the Box ideas to help every kid 9:45 am - 10:45 am – 60 apps in 60 Minutes 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm – alabama Quality teaching Standards tool kit 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm – 60 apps in 60 Minutes that you May not know 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm – i am going to flip Out on you if you Don’t Show me Some flipped learning tools 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm – hack the app! taking the Common and Making them uncommon June 11th Session: 212 Session: 235 Session: 245 Session: 255 Session: 263 east hall, Ballroom a 13 C L L H A N D S O N D E C StuDent ShOWCaSeS Students are breaking the mold and thinking outside the box with technology every day. They use tools and resources in exciting and innovative ways. Come share with them as they demonstrate their activities. These student teams will be present Wednesday and Thursday to talk and answer questions. Come visit with these teams and let them impress and inspire you. east exhibition hall 1 Wednesday, June 10 thursday, June 11 girls engaged in Math and Science – Can i smell it first? Core value Snap Shots 9:00 – 11:00 am 9:00 – 11:00 am This showcase will feature artistically-edited photographs created by students representing each of the 12 Core Values. Megan kreitlein, teacher eden elementary School, pell City School System Students: Zander lackey, gavin Warren, Sophie gillilan, Chloe roberts, Maddie parker, austin Bowman, emilee Scogin, lexi gilley, Mae lee Sheehan, tiana hull This showcase features a small group of girls who worked together to test the affect of peoples' senses on their preferences and taste involving food. The girls tested sight's, smell's, and hearing's impact on taste. The students used Science, Math, and Technology and some willing test subjects in their quest for answers. Shelly huver, teacher rock Quarry Middle School, tuscaloosa City Schools 1:00 – 3:00 pm 1:00 – 3:00 pm live Binder Student Data notebooks This showcase will feature the use of livebinder.com to assist your students in tracking their own data or keeping track of their own material. linda tisdale, teacher Monte Sano elementary School, huntsville City Schools Students: adrian Jones, Daniel Brazelton-Smith, Bakari Bryant, Mandy garmon girls engaged in Math and Science – Which day do you learn better? This showcase features a group of girls who are using scientic processes to explore the impact of timing and learning. Do you learn better on a specific day of the week? The students used Science Math and Technology to capture and create displays of their findings. Shelly huver, teacher rock Quarry Middle School, tuscaloosa City Schools free Wifi : network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) A 14 K A L L H A N D S O N D E C K iShare SeSSiOnS iShare sessions showcase innovative, technical, or strategic approaches to use technology in education and are delivered in an open, multi-table environment that enables the presenter to engage in one-on-one and small group conversations regarding the presentation topic. east exhibition hall 1 Wednesday, June 10 9:00 – 10:00 am 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. This iShare session is designed to facilitate an indepth conversation about using educational technology to support data-wise practices. Come discuss accessing, collecting, analyzing, and applying student data with tools such as Google Apps for Education, learning management systems, and behavior tracking apps. Emphasis will be placed on making instructional decisions and improving efficiency. elizabeth hancock teacher, rock Quarry Middle School tuscaloosa City Schools How can teachers use technology to close the achievement gap in Reading while more efficiently managing the RTI process? The goal? Reduce time spent, reduce paperwork, Spend less time disaggregating test data and know how to use flex groups to know who to pull, when to pull students, and what to do with the students. Josh hill, account executive, istation Data-Wise practice and educational technology Can technology really help streamline the rti process? 15 C network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K pOSter SeSSiOnS AETC is introducing a special poster session series focusing on emerging research and practical strategies for effective technology integration. These sessions provide an opportunity for current and future educators and education leaders to share their research in progress or current strategies already in use in their classrooms. east exhibition hall 1 Wednesday, June 10 thursday, June 11 the effect of flipped learning in an undergraduate nursing Course Scratch game Design: a Creative, innovative approach to teaching 21st Century Skills in Middle School 9:00 – 11:00 am 9:00 – 11:00 am This is a research in progress to determine the effect of flipped learning in an undergraduate nursing course. There is limited empirical research on the use of grades to evaluate student performance. Most research focuses on engage-ment and student perceptions. Furthermore, there is limited empirical research on the use of flipped instruction in undergraduate nursing courses. katilya harris the university of alabama, phD Student This session will demonstrate the positive impact that fame design through Scratch has on the problem-solving and critical thinking skills of middle school students in a Career Technologies classroom. Using the Scratch program, students created games that integrated emerging technologies into captivating and innovative multimedia presentations. As a direct result of these collaborative projects, students demonstrated increased positive attitudes toward STEM topics as well as enhanced problem-solving skills. tracy Barger hinton, Career technologies teacher hillcrest Middle School 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm Supporting learning with technology 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm This session will show you examples of teacher and student-created materials for any classroom. Come and learn quick ways to assess students and digital ways students have represented their learning. Melinda Sears, teacher Oak Mountain high School using M-learning to engage Students This session defines M-Learning and explores available apps that are useful in the classroom (from K-12 as well as higher education). There are so many apps being introduced daily. The presenter will review some of the best ones available while explaining the importance and usefulness of Mlearning for 21st Century learners. Clare king, phD Student, instructional technology the university of alabama (student) Jefferson State Community College-librarian 2:00 – 4:00 pm engaging Students in Current issues in Computing: Building Websites for teachable Moments The Advanced Legal and Ethical Issues Computer Literacy Course (CS 345) in the Computer Science Department of the College of Engineering at The University of Alabama has used student-led group projects to promote applied learning. The course requires students to build informational websites around current issues in computing. Students are required to build websites that are geared towards an audience of middle to high school youth, which insures that students not only assimilate the knowledge being taught in the course, but effectively redeliver it in a new and innovative way. These websites cover topics from cyber-bullying to online social media and privacy. By building these websites, students and faculty for CS 345 have developed a reservoir of resources available for use in the middle or high school technology curriculum. Melinda Sears, teacher Oak Mountain high School 2:00 – 4:00 pm using panel Discussions to increase understanding of professional research literature 16 Panel discussions can be used to increase student knowledgeable about specific issues or topics by presenting information and discussing personal views. Panel discussion ay help students to clarify and evaluate their positions regarding the current issue or topic of interest to be discussed and increase understand of research literature available in one’s file of study. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the use of group panel discussion to review recent literature related to assessment of students with mild disabilities. Online research techniques and video resources for crating panel discussions will be presented. teresa gardner Jacksonville State university associate professor A L L H A N D S O N D E C K HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS AETC 2015 will offer one-and-a-half hour BYOD and three-hour hands-on workshops providing additional training opportunities for attendees. All workshops are presented in a hands-on format to provide an optimal learning experience. Workshops with a ”B“ preceding the course # denotes it is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Workshop. nO fee! nO fee for hands-on Workshops this year! your registration includes up to two workshops. As these workshops fill up quickly, it is important to submit your preregistration form early. Hands-on workshop assignments will be given according to the date of receipt of registration. If there are any workshop vacancies at the close of preregistration, on-site registration hours will be: tuesday, June 9 Wednesday, June 10 thursday, June 11 7:30 am – 5:00 pm 7:30 am – 3:30 pm 7:30 am – 2:00 pm There is NO guarantee that there will be any hands-on workshop vacancies available for attendees who register near the registration deadline or for those who register on-site, so be sure to sign up early! Workshop tickets from an earlier workshop that you do not attend cannot be traded for a future class; however, you may give the ticket to another attendee. transfers will only be allowed prior to the start of workshop. 17 C network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS SCHEDULE AND DESCRIPTIONS All sessions with red strikethrough are FULL. using Open Source resources to Create your Own textbooks Presenter: Kelli Etheredge Code # 101TA Tuesday, June 9 8:30-11:30 201WA Wednesday, June 10 8:30-11:30 Textbooks are out-of-date the moment we purchase them. Even eTexts are rarely more than digitized versions of stagnate information. Why limit our students' learning to such materials when a wealth of current, interactive materials is at our fingertips? Instead, we can utilize open source resources to enrich our classrooms and save our schools money. In this workshop, participants will learn about the best open source educational content and examine strategies for building their own textbooks. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers photo and video on your Mobile Device: tips, tricks and apps--When Was the last time you took a really nice photo at night With your Mobile Device? Presenter: Leslie Fisher Code # 116TA Tuesday, June 9 8:30-11:30 You probably had to think about it. This workshop is designed to show participants some tips and tricks on how to take effective digital photographs and video with an app-based phone or tablet no matter the time of day or conditions. Participants will also explore many of the various photo and video apps available today. Strengthening Student engagement with edmodo Presenter: Roland Weldon Code # 202WA Wednesday, June 10 8:30-11:30 Edmodo is a free, Web-based social learning platform for students and teachers. Using Edmodo, teachers moderate class discussions, collect and grade assignments, and share content with students. This hands-on workshop will get teachers started in the Edmodo community. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers Creating engaging lessons with the ipad Presenter: Elizabeth Whitehead Code # 203WA Wednesday, June 10 8:30-11:30 303ThP Thursday, June 11 1:30-4:30 Engage the 21st Century learner and use Web tools to get student feedback…without purchasing a thing! Explore the many ways you can project an iPad with available apps and hardware. You'll leave with a list of apps and ideas for incorporating them in your lessons wirelessly, on multiple devices, and with cost-effective measures. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginner, Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers how to flip instruction by creating online lessons and storyboards for students using free digital resources from pBS learning Media. Presenters: Kathy Heiman, Lynne Meeks Code # 204WA Wednesday, June 10 8:30-11:30 304ThP Thursday, June 11 1:30-4:30 During this workshop, participants will explore the PBS Learning Media database for content relevant to their grade level and subject area. Participants will create folders of content related to instructional themes and learn how to share the folders with fellow teachers. Online student lessons and storyboards will be created using free digital content, and teachers will learn how to use their created content to flip instruction. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: K-12 Teachers, Librarians, Technology Educators 18 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS SCHEDULE AND DESCRIPTIONS infographics: technology integration for the Common Core Presenter: Robert Mayben Code # 205WA Wednesday, June 10 8:30-11:30 Infographics are visual representations of information and data. Numerous Common Core standards can be addressed through the analysis and creation of infographics by students. In this workshop, participants will learn how to find infographics, develop standards-based activities with infographics, and create infographics for classroom use. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers rockin' lessons, engaging Classrooms! Presenter: Janet Taylor Code # 206WA Wednesday, June 10 8:30-11:30 Amaze your students with unique learning experiences! Bring the classroom to life with interactive mobile presentations that teachers create and customize to fit their needs. Nearpod is free and will allow you to determine what the students see on their screen, provides multiple opportunities for formative assessments and after your lesson is complete a report of all interaction and activities can be emailed to you. This workshop will teach you how to do all of this! Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers prezi, glogster, and tripline oh my! presentation tools your kids Will love Presenters: Cristin Dillard, Kimberly Dunn Code # 207WP Wednesday, June 10 1:30-4:30 Are you and your students in need of a more exciting and collaborative way of collecting and presenting concepts? Look no further. In this workshop, we will learn how to use three fun, exciting, and FREE tools to collect, organize, and present information. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers teaching and learning with ipads – great apps to use Presenter: Samuel Chukwuemeka Code # 208WP Wednesday, June 10 1:30-4:30 The world of tablets is gradually developing and expanding. With these tablets, comes an increasing number of mobile applications (apps) to improve teaching and learning. This workshop will focus on one of the tablets, the Apple iPad, and some applications that administrators, teachers, and students can use for student success. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers Optimizing Writing instruction with technology Presenter: Kelli Etheredge Code # 209WP Wednesday, June 10 1:30-4:30 309ThA Thursday, June 11 8:30-11:30 Helping students develop into accomplished writers is no easy feat. Coaching writers, modeling revision skills, and creating authentic assignments are three key methods for optimizing writing instruction. In this workshop, participants will learn coaching and modeling techniques and explore technology resources that can enhance both writing instruction and creating authentic assignments. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers 19 T network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS SCHEDULE AND DESCRIPTIONS effective Smart Board lesson Design Presenter: Elizabeth Sessions Code # 210WP Wednesday, June 10 1:30-4:30 Are you ready to take your Smart Board lessons to the next level? Join us as we look at interactive whiteboard lesson design and learn to create more engaging and relevant whiteboard lessons. Participants will practice building an interactive whiteboard lesson with free backgrounds and themes. They will then explore options for adding interactive elements to lessons by using hyperlinks, adding sounds and animation to objects, using special effects like “click and reveal,” hidden tabs, magic backgrounds, and more. All participants will leave with hundreds of free backgrounds, sound files, Smart Notebook lessons, and more as we design interactive whiteboard lessons for 21st Century students. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Resource Teachers no Board needed! go interactive without the Board Presenter: Janet Taylor Code # 311ThA Wednesday, June 11 8:30-11:30 This workshop will focus on ways to engage your students with interactive apps and websites without the use of an interactive whiteboard. It's amazing what you can do for free! Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers help! i need a Website! Presenters: Cristin Dillard, Kimberly Dunn Code # 312ThA Thursday, June 11 8:30-11:30 Does your classroom website lack information, pizzazz, or doesn’t even exist? Using Weebly, a free website builder, you will be able to create the beginnings of a wonderful website everyone will be talking about. Come ready to start your website and be on your way to maintaining and updating it. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: All COnneCtiOn DepOt AETC 2015 invites you to meet your friends and enjoy surfing the ‘Net in the Connection Depot located in the Exhibit Hall. Forgot your device? Computers will be available in the middle of the Exhibit Hall for checking email or browsing the Internet. google apps for education: use google apps to Meet the needs of today's learners Presenter: Samuel Chukwuemeka Code # 313ThA Thursday, June 11 8:30-11:30 313ThP Thursday, June 11 1:30-4:30 This workshop will explore the invaluable applications of Google Apps including Google Docs, Drive, Sites, Gmail, Blogger, Groups, Hangouts, and Calendar among others. Participants will use these Apps to effectively communicate and collaborate with their students well beyond the classroom. Besides, these apps are free! Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers Once upon an ipad Presenter: Elizabeth Sessions Code # 314ThA Thursday, June 11 8:30-11:30 Once upon a time there was a teacher, some iPads, and a classroom full of students. Check out this story that is not a fairy tale but how to truly turn iPads into digital storytelling machines. Discover how some awesome apps, your iPad camera, some cool websites, and a few drops of imagination can turn your students into digital storytelling divas. Participants will be taking a virtual field trip to collect photos and research information for our stories. We will then take our pictures and research information and create digital stories and podcasts. All participants will leave with free sound files, story backgrounds, and some cool iPad accessories. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers 20 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS SCHEDULE AND DESCRIPTIONS Digital photography – really learning how to use that new Camera Presenter: Michael Pepper Code # 215WP Thursday, June 10 1:30-4:30 315ThP Thursday, June 11 1:30-4:30 It is relatively easy to take pictures with that new camera but understanding what the settings mean and how to use them creatively to take better pictures is another matter. This workshop focuses on understanding and using more of your camera's settings and how we can use photography in the classroom. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers using technology to tell great Stories Presenter: Barry Wiginton Code # 317ThP Thursday, June 11 1:30-4:30 Perhaps the best reason to bring mobile devices (iPads, Androids, etc.) into the classroom is the potential for promoting student creativity and critical thinking. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to a variety of apps and online tools specifically designed for student digital storytelling projects. Participants will be guided through the process of creating sample student digital stories as well as receive information about how to successfully implement digital storytelling projects in their classroom. This is a fun and informative workshop that is guaranteed to get you excited about the potential for digital storytelling in your classroom! Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers the new learning experience: taking advantage of the information age Presenter: Jeff Utecht Code # 318ThA Thursday, June 11 8:30-11:30 Society is changing. We are more connected than we have ever been in the history of mankind. We are producing more content, sharing more ideas, and learning at a pace never before seen. This workshop will look at our changing global society, changing universities, and how teachers can take advantage of the wealth of knowledge in their classrooms. Recent research shows that today’s students fall into what is called the 1-9-90 rule. That is that only 1% of students are actively creating content, 9% know how to curate digital information, while 90% of this current generation only consume digital information. What are schools doing to encourage students to be creators of content and not just consumers of information? We will focus our time on looking at everything from how we can have students create their own core text for a class to creating digital maps to make sense of their world. We will explore new approaches to learning within the connected classroom as well as how educators can move from a Pedagogical approach to a Heutagogical approach to learning within their classrooms. Participants will have time to explore, learn, discuss and walk away ready to take advantage of the information age in their classroom. This workshop will focus on the essential question: What skills need to be replaced in our schools to ensure we are preparing students for their future not our past? Building Student Centered Blended learning environments Presenter: Jeff Utecht Code # 319ThP Thursday, June 11 1:30-4:30 The latest statistics out of the U.S. show that 80% of college freshmen will take at least one online course. Most of these classes will be in the form of a “blended classroom,” meaning that time will be spent both in a traditional classroom and online. This institute will focus on creating a blended classroom for learning. We will discuss how pedagogy changes within a blended classroom environment and how true student-centered learning is created with technology. As part of this workshop, we will look at ways to manage your virtual classroom and create a plan on how you can incorporate it into your everyday teaching and make it just what you do. Teaching in a blended classroom is not about knowing technology, it is about having a mindset of allowing students to take control of the content and helping them to make meaning and create knowledge from it in multiple forms, styles, and media. 21 T network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS SCHEDULE AND DESCRIPTIONS Bring yOur OWn DeviCe (ByOD) Mobile learning Meets College- and Career-ready Standards Presenter: Vanessa Webster Code # B01TA2 Tuesday, June 9 10:00-11:30 B01WP2 Wednesday, June 10 3:00-4:30 Put standard-aligned activities in the palm of your students' hand through mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. Discover how your students can improve their content skills in a mobile environment that engages their interest and helps them meet specific curriculum goals. Bring your own mobile device and let's review apps that can help target goals for specific content areas. Grade Level: All Experience: Beginners Target Audience: Teachers Classroom app Smackdown and play Presenters: Kimberly Dunn, Cristin Dillard Code # B02TA2 Tuesday, June 9 10:00-11:30 Have you ever learned about a new app but were disappointed because you didn't have time to play with it? Bring your favorite apps to share and learn about some new ones, then take some time to play and learn with the apps you like! Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers Communication tools for the elementary-level teacher Presenter: Roland Weldon Code # B03TA2 Tuesday, June 9 10:00-11:30 B03ThA2 Thursday, June 11 10:00-11:30 This workshop focuses on communication tools for the elementary-level teacher. Class Dojo, Remind 101 registration, and effective integration are covered in the class! Grade Level: K-5 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: All effectiveness of flipped instruction to promote Student achievement Presenters: Tera McCarty, Barry Wiginton Code # B04TA2 Tuesday, June 9 10:00-11:30 B04WP2 Wednesday, June 10 3:00-4:30 Most likely, you have heard some of the pros and cons of Flipped Instruction. Perhaps you know a teacher using video lessons to make more time during class for collaborative and/or project-based activities. You may even be considering flipping your own classroom. But how effective is the instructional strategy for promoting student achievement on end-of-course assessments? What are some of the challenges to effectively implementing Flipped Instruction in the classroom? Don't miss this interactive presentation as Ms. Tera McCarty and Dr. Barry Wiginton share the results of their research study on the effectiveness of flipped instruction in an Algebra I classroom. Comparisons will be made between the Traditional, Flipped Active, and Flipped Mastery classrooms. Additionally, McCarty and Wiginton will share best practice strategies for using the Flipped Instruction model in any learning environment. Grade Level: 6-12 Experience: No Experience Required Target Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Technology Support Personnel 22 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS SCHEDULE AND DESCRIPTIONS Digitize your lessons Presenter: Vanessa Webster Code # B05WA1 Wednesday, June 10 8:30-10:00 B05ThA1 Thursday, June 11 8:30-10:00 Have you ever wanted to easily create online lessons that include quizzes, audio, and video? Perhaps you want to differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of your students. Maybe you've wanted to create a virtual field trip using a website? In this workshop, participants will explore how to use Blendspace, which allows you to blend your classroom with digital content. We will explore a variety of ways this tool can be used in the classroom, including creating differentiated lessons and online lessons that explain how to get started with the daily lesson. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: No Experience Required Target Audience: Teachers 3D Classroom Presenter: Suhana Chikatla Code # B06WA2 Wednesday, June 10 10:00-11:30 B06WP1 Wednesday, June 10 1:30-3:00 The purpose of this workshop is to explore 3D technology in education as a tool to engage and motivate learners. The workshop will share 3D environments that can recreate live educational settings and enhance teaching and learning processes with just a few clicks. The workshop will feature free 3D simulations and show techniques and tools for designing 3D animations, as well as areas to showcase a student’s 3D creations and achievements. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Technology Coordinators, Library Media Specialists formative assessment Made easy with Mobile Devices Presenter: Barry Wiginton Code # B07WP1 Wednesday, June 10 1:30-3:00 If you are not currently teaching in a 1:1 or BYOD learning environment, you soon will be. The digital conversion of the American classroom is rapidly approaching. To prepare for this new and challenging learning environment, classroom teachers need highly effective formative assessment tools and strategies to facilitate the learning of every student and avoid the potential problems of mobile devices in the classroom. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to several online tools that have the potential to transform instructional practice and make you a more effective practitioner. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Beginning Target Audience: Teachers Qr Codes: What was once old is new again! Presenter: Robert Mayben Code # B08ThA1 Thursday, June 11 8:30-10:00 Do you know how to scan or create a QR Code, but you are looking for ways to integrate them into your instruction? If so, then this workshop is for you. Participants will explore many ways that QR Codes can be used to engage today’s learners and discover how QR Codes can create more efficient and effective mobile learning environments. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers fun formative assessment tools for Mobile Devices Presenter: Robert Mayben Code # B09ThA2 Thursday, June 11 10:00-11:30 As more mobile devices are finding their way into the classroom, teachers are developing creative strategies to use these devices for formative assessment. In this workshop, participants will discovery a variety of fun formative assessment tools and strategies for mobile devices. Grade Level: K-12 Experience: Intermediate Target Audience: Teachers 23 T track June 10th 1:45 - 2:45 pm June 10th 12:45 - 1:45 pm June 10th 11:30 am - 12:30 pm June 10th 10:15 - 11:15 am June 10th 9:00 - 10:00 am SeSSiOn nuMBer June 10th 3:30 - 4:30 pm network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : SeSSiOn SCheDule 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 122 123 124 171 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 167 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 121 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 153 154 155 157 158 160 161 162 163 165 166 168 169 170 CTPS – Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making DC – Digital Citizenship TO&C – Technology Operations and Concepts C&I – Creativity and Innovation C&C – Communication and Collaboration R&IF – Research and Information Fluency SeSSiOn naMe Maximizing Student Learning and Achievement with the Use of Learning Management Systems Anyone Can Code: Introduction to Computer Programming Using Code.org Effective Classroom Management + Learning Earnings = Student Success! Twitter Starting Your Own Personal Learning Network Making the Technology Work for YOU! Data Collection in a K-6 Classroom Teaching Digital Citizenship to Digital Natives Math Tech Tools from Low Tech to High Tech Successful Mobile Learning Implementation The Ultimate Fantastic Ed Tech Teacher Starter Kit Listening Post with SDE Executive Staff Member AppyTeachers Using Britannica School to Facilitate Student Inquiry Tweaking YOUR Teaching with Technology Learning Earnings All About the Apple Watch Using Social Networks With Students Assessing Knowledge with Google Don't Stream Those YouTube™ Videos, Capture Them Virtual Science Notebooking Makey, Makey: Letting Kids Build the World ePortal…A Tablet Providing Total Control, Flexibility and Customization in Your Classroom Happy Hashtags: Twitter Chats for Kids Going Paperless with Google Classroom Digital Portfolios: The 21st Century’s Missing Link For College and Career Preparedness Alternative Switch Access for the iPad One Minute Reader (iPad App) - Improving Reading Achievement Both at Home and School Moving From Sorting to Searching The Effective Use of Gaming in the U.S. Government Classroom Flip It So That They Don’t Forget It! FileWave 101: Managing OS X, Windows, iOS, & Android devices within a Single Platform.--Session 1 So You Think You Can Tweet? Maximizing the Usefulness of the New Alabama College- and Career-Ready Portal 1 to 1 and Personalized Instruction Alabama College Application Campaign Youth Converts Culture: Technology Integration in the Globally Aware Classroom The New Gradebook: Chalkable Classroom Reading for Meaning with Read Live Weebly Engage in STEM! Project Engage Leads to Success in STEM FileWave "IN-DEPTH": Engineering Walk Through How to Manage all OS X, Windows, iOS, and Android Devices--Session 2 So You Think You Can Tweet? 60 iOS Apps in 60 Minutes 1 to 1 and Personalized Instruction Linking the Littles Sparking Engagement with Web Tools Real, Effective, Prescriptive Learning: Chalkable Study Center Four Easy Steps: Use Laughter to De-Stress Yourself, Your Classroom, AND Raise Test Scores The Group Smackdown (Audience shares favorite items, etc.) My Wikipedia is Better Than Your Textbook Chrome Extensions and Apps to Power Up your Classroom Don't Click That Link! Supercharge Your Productivity: A Digital To-Do List That Works Holy Cow! I Can See It! Rockin' the Classroom with Sphero Alabama Joint Purchasing Agreement (ALJP) Tools You Can Use Tomorrow Student-Created Core Text Branding Made Easy: Telling Your Story Through Social Media 60 Gadgets in 60 Minutes SharePoint "Not out of the Box" Technology in the Elementary Math Classroom...It Can Work! Learning in Your Own Space, at Your Own Pace Digital Transformation Strategy:Components Today for Tomorrow’s Academic Success Using Web-based Tools to Support Struggling Learners Implement AT in the Classroom and Align with Common Core and IEP Goals Coding in the Elementary Classroom 24 rOOM East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room N East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C traCk C&C TO&C TO&C C&C C&C DC TO&C C&C C&I C&C C&I R&IF TO&C TO&C C&I C&I TO&C TO&C C&I TO&C C&C C&I TO&C C&I CTPS C&I TO&C C&C C&C C&I C&C C&C C&I C&I C&I TO&C C&C C&I C&I C&C C&I C&C C&I C&I DC TO&C CTPS TO&C C&I C&C C&I C&I TO&C C&I TO&C R&IF C&I CTPS June 11th 4:00 - 5:00 pm June 11th 2:45 - 3:45 pm June 11th 1:30 - 2:30 pm June 11th 12:15 - 1:15 pm June 11th 11:00 am - 12:00 noon June 11th 9:45 - 10:45 am June 11th 8:00 - 9:00 am SeSSiOn nuMBer SeSSiOn naMe rOOM 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 221 272 Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate with Technology! Catching the Technology Wave Should Have Put a Personalization On It: Outside the Box Ideas to Help Every Kid Screencasting in Your Classroom and Beyond Flipping the Classroom with Free Resources from Alabama Public Television and PBS Diigo: Social Bookmarking for Education Evernote Made Easy Achievement Correlation Matrix (ACM) Backchannels - What Are They? Why Should I Use One? How Do I Use One? What Do Your Students Know? Mobile Devices & ePortfolios: Your Passport to Success East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room C East Hall, Room E/D 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 231 270 Everyone's a Publisher: Digital Design and Layout Tools to Authentically Share Student Work Bringing MakerSpaces and STEM into Your Classroom Evernote Using Portions of Flipped Learning to Introduce Lessons and for Review Smashing Apps for Fluency Creating a Project-Based Learning Environment and Surviving to Tell the Tale Hear My Voice: Giving Students an Authentic Audience Through Blogging with Kidblog Bring It On! Activities for BYOD and 1 to 1 Hunting for an Interactive Lesson: QR Scan-venger Hunts and Aurasma Using Digital Maps to Support Critical Thinking and Inquire-Based Learning East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room A 210 211 212 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 232 277 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 241 242 271 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 268 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 269 274 263 264 265 266 267 273 275 276 279 280 BYOD: Power Up! Integrating Technology-Based Learning into the Common Core Curriculum 60 Apps in 60 Minutes Gadgets “eBooks, iPads, and Apple TV” I'm All About That Chrome Automate Your Life with IFTTT 25+ Google Tips that You Will Use NOW! Information Now (INow) Spring and Summer Release Changes The Connected Classroom: How Twitter Can Transform Learning and Amplify Student Voice Tracking Mastery of Standards? MinecraftEDU-How? Why? What can I do with it? Everyone's a Publisher: Digital Design and Layout Tools to Authentically Share Student Work Bringing MakerSpaces and STEM into Your Classroom Alabama Quality Teaching Standards Tool Kit Enhancing Your Curriculum with Video: Screencasting and Apps Smashing Apps for Fluency Creating a Project-Based Learning Environment and Surviving to Tell the Tale Help Us Help You: 10 Things Your Tech Guy (or Gal) Wished You Knew Using ASSIST to Deliver Your Plan Hunting for an Interactive Lesson: QR Scan-venger Hunts and Aurasma Applications for Digital Mapping in the Technology Classroom Connecting Technology to Standards, Instruction, Assessment, Intervention and Motivation Keyboarding Online – Learn the RightWay. Stop Hunting and Pecking! 60 Apps in 60 Minutes That You May Not Know Photo and Video on your Mobile Device Livebinders Connection: Past, Present, and Future Work SMARTR, Not Harder! Bee-Bots, Spheros, and Coding! Oh My! Improve Student Achievement with Whole-Brain Teaching and Learning Tech Tools for Formative Assessment: Do it, Data, DONE! Maximizing the Usefulness of the New Alabama College- and Career-Ready Portal Aerohive's HiveManager-NG: Configure Your Wi-Fi in 15 Minutes Twitter for Professional Development Keyboarding Skills Necessary for the 21st Century Learner I am Going to Flip Out on You If You Don’t Show me Some Flipped Learning Tools Power Using Twitter Using Weebly to Promote Powerful Learning in the Classroom Gaggle.net: Beyond Student Email Google- It's taking over the world, why not join in? Communication Through Social Media Alabama Joint Purchasing Agreement (ALJP) Paperless Classrooms using Google Classroom and Google Apps Digital Tools for School Leaders An Introduction to PBS LearningMedia Hack the App! Taking the Common and Making them Uncommon All About the Apple Watch The Power of an Audience: Using Google Apps to Make Learning Visible Data Governance and Data Code Manual Engaging Digital Natives A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words. Using pictures to inspire writing Are you Wired for Technology? Teaching, and Mentoring, Digital Natives as an Immigrant. The Double-flipped Classroom in a Masters of Educational Technology Program Reducing Dropout Rates--Digital Tools not Toys: Using 3D Printers to Enhance STEM Education 25 East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room C East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room M East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room C East Hall, Room B East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room K/L East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room C East Hall, Room A East Hall, Ballroom A East Hall, Ballroom B East Hall, Room F/G East Hall, Room N East Hall, Room O East Hall, Room E/D East Hall, Room I/J East Hall, Room A East Hall, Room B East Hall, Room C traCk C&I C&I C&I C&C C&I C&C C&C R&IF C&C C&C C&C C&I C&I C&I C&I TO&C TO&C TO&C C&C C&C C&C C&C CTPS C&I C&I C&C C&I C&C CTPS C&C C&C C&C CTPS C&I C&I C&I C&C CTPS TO&C C&C C&C CTPS R&IF DC C&I C&I DC C&C TO&C CTPS CTPS C&C TO&C C&C C&C C&C C&C C&C TO&C C&C TO&C TO&C C&C R&IF C&I C&I C&C CTPS C&C C&I DC C&I R&IF T aetC 2015 CruiSe itinerary o Wear your name Badge to all Conference events! o Download and use the aetC app! o help save the Wifi by disconnecting any unused devices! o visit the Connection Depot if you forgot your device. o visit the tech Doctor if you have an issue with your device. o Silence your cellphone at all aetC events! o visit the let’s get Connected Booth! o attend the Meet and greet reception! o attend the Opening Session. o if this is your first time, attend the newcomer’s Session. o attend a free hands-on Workshop! o Complete the online Conference evaluation! o have fun and learn something! 26 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions granD Opening Of the eXhiBit hall 8:00 - 9:00 am Continental breakfast and coffee available inside the exhibit hall! Check out the awesome products and services our vendors have to offer! 9:00 am - 10:00 am Session: 101 east hall, room a Maximizing Student learning and achievement with the use of learning Management Systems Participants in this session will learn the various learning management systems, their features, and the best use in maximizing students’ performance. The State of Alabama requires at least one online course for graduation. It is necessary that we prepare our students to effectively communicate and collaborate in an online environment. Presenter(s): Samuel Chukwuemeka, Mathematics Instructor, Jacksonville State University Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 102 east hall, room B anyone Can Code: introduction to Computer programming using Code.org K- 5 teachers can use Code.org to inspire tomorrow's technology innovators by teaching programming in elementary school. Teachers will learn how to use "unplugged" lessons to teach programming logic using everyday classroom materials, and they will learn how to create student accounts and track student progress on the Code.org site. Presenter(s): Kathy Perkins, 5th Grade Teacher, Verner Elementary School, Tuscaloosa City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 103 east hall, room C effective Classroom Management + learning earnings = Student Success! This session will demonstrate how Learning Earnings, Chalkable’s behavior management program, can be used effectively in classrooms as well as school wide to meet the RtI requirements of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III students including progress monitoring requirements and students with Individual Education Plans. Participants will learn how to effectively manage and reduce behavior problems in the classroom so that more time and effort can be spent on teaching and increasing student achievement by using Learning Earnings. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Vickie Brown, Learning Earnings Specialist, Chalkable Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 104 east hall, Ballroom a twitter Think that Twitter is simply a way to tell people you are having coffee or stuck in traffic? Heck no! Used effectively Twitter can be used by educators to explore and expand their professional development and lesson plans! This session will introduce you to Twitter, show you how to set up an account, how to tweet, how to follow people who are doing more than talking about coffee and traffic, and most importantly, find educational resources using Twitter. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker Session: 105 east hall, Ballroom B Starting your Online personal learning network This session will focus on helping teachers understand and create their Personal Learning Network (PLN). From RSS Feeds to Twitter, FriendFeed, and Blogs. This session will get you started and connected into the most powerful professional learning community online today. Presenter(s): Jeff Utecht, Featured Speaker 27 T network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 106 east hall, room e/D Making the technology Work for yOu!—Data Collection in a k-6 Classroom Join Melissa as she shares how to use Google Drive, Evernote, Skitch, and more for data collection in the classroom. Whether you have an iPad or just a computer, one of these will work for you! These tools can also help for collaborative teachers who are trying to collect data. Presenter(s): Melissa Mann, Teacher, Moores Mill Intermediate School, Madison County Schools Audience: Special Education Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 107 east hall, room f/g teaching Digital Citizenship to Digital natives He posted what online?! Be proactive by equipping your students with skills to navigate the digital world. It is very important for digital citizenship skills to be taught in today’s technology-rich world. A variety of resources will be shared that will help to teach digital citizenship skills with your students. The digital world is a different place; make sure your students are prepared! Presenter(s): Cristin Dillard, Library Media Specialist, Banks School, Pike County Schools Kimberly Dunn, English Teacher, Pike County High School, Pike County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 108 east hall, room i/J Math tech tools from low tech to high tech The session will offer some math tech tools that range from low tech to high tech. The session will include a time for open collaboration amongst teachers to share tech ideas from within their own classrooms. This session will focus on free or cheap tech tools that can be used in the math classroom. Be sure to bring your low tech to high tech ideas. Presenter(s): Sara Baragona, 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher, Discovery Middle School, Madison City Schools Melissa Grayson, 7th Grade Teacher, Discovery Middle School, Madison City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 6-12 Session: 109 east hall, room k/l Successful Mobile learning implementation As an administrator, starting—or refining—a mobile initiative in your school or district can seem like a daunting task filled with an endless list of considerations. Whether you are just beginning a mobile program or already have one in place; the tips, resources, and anecdotes in this session provide a flexible framework that can be revised and revisited over time. Vendorsponsored session. Presenter(s): Joshua Perona, Account Executive, Schoology Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 110 east hall, room M the ultimate fantastic ed tech teacher Starter kit We all have to start somewhere, so why not start with a tool for every situation. The Ultimate Fantastic Ed Tech Teacher Starter Kit will give you those tools. You will learn how to communicate, create, inform, and do what education is really all about … Learn. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 28 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 111 east hall, room n listening post with SDe executive Staff Member The Alabama State Department of Education needs to hear from educators and leaders throughout the state as we implement PLAN2020. Come and provide your input as we work towards improved communication, support, and technology solutions. Presenter(s): Melinda Maddox, Assistant State Superintendent, Research, Information, and Data Services, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 112 east hall, room O appyteachers This session will provide teacher-friendly apps to be used in and out of the classroom. The apps can be used as a way to communicate with students and parents, provide tech savvy assessments, and item analysis for teachers. The following apps will be presented: GroupMe, Remind, Edmodo, Nearpod, Plickers, and ZipGrade. Presenter(s): Duana Shears, Teacher, Thompson High School, Alabaster City Schools Nerissa DeRamus, Teacher, Thompson High School, Alabaster City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 10:15 am - 11:15 am a e t C Wa n t S t O hear frOM yOu! Your opinions are very important to us as we plan for 2016. Take a moment and complete our online evaluation. Visit AETC’s website at: www.alex.state.al.us/aetc, and click on 2015 Conference Evaluation. Session: 113 east hall, room a using Britannica School to facilitate Student inquiry How does a virus spread? How can we get to Brazil? Are these some of the questions your students inquire about? Join us to find new ways to engage students in their research to support Inquiry-Based Learning. In this one-hour session you will find specific examples on how to incorporate Britannica School in your Inquiry-Based Learning lessons for Grades K-12! Let the learning begin! Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Darcy Carlson, Professional Development Manager, Britannica Digital Learning Audience: Library Media Specialists Grade Level: K-12 Session: 114 east hall, room B tweaking yOur teaching with technology We all WANT TO use technology in our classrooms, but who has time to think of ways to make that happen? This session is designed to provide you with numerous activities and websites you can use to tweak lessons you are already teaching and easily implement technology to strengthen instruction. Presenter(s): Janet Burnett, Technology Coach, Sheffield City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 115 east hall, room C learning earnings Learning Earnings, accessible to every teacher in the state of Alabama, provides an easy to implement, consistent and motivating opportunity for students to be rewarded based on behavior and student achievement. Hear how Learning Earnings, a behavior incentive platform embedded in INOW, supports classroom management, promotes learning goals, and increases instructional time by reducing discipline incidents in the classroom. In this session, learn how to integrate positive reinforcement into your daily curriculum. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Allyson Hasty, Customer Care Representative, Chalkable Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 29 T network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 116 east hall, Ballroom a all about the apple Watch Still deciding whether or not to get the Apple Watch or curious about some of the neat tips and tricks lurking within it? Want to hang out in a room with a small pile of other Apple Watch owners? This session is for you! We will overview the Apple Watch and its features while also taking a deep dive into the more unique features of it. Tips and tricks will also be demonstrated. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker Session: 117 east hall, Ballroom B using Social networks with Students In this session we will discuss all the ways teachers are using social networks with students in a learning environment. From Facebook to Twitter and Instagram, come learn, share, and explore how we can teach students to be safe within these networks and use them to create amazing connections and learning opportunities. Presenter(s): Jeff Utecht, Featured Speaker Session: 118 east hall, room e/D assessing knowledge with google In this session various assessment strategies using Google Apps for Education will be shared including Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Voice, and Google Drawing. Participants are encouraged to create a Google account before attending. Presenter(s): Melinda Sears, Teacher, Oak Mountain High School, Shelby County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 119 east hall, room f/g Don't Stream those youtube ™ videos, Capture them This session will cover how to capture and convert videos to avoid the slowdowns and bottlenecks associated with streaming content during busy days with high network traffic. Presenter(s): Michael Pepper, Alabama Technology in Motion, Athens State University, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 120 east hall, room i/J virtual Science notebooking Science notebooks can be a great asset in the classroom. They allow students several priceless lessons as follows: how to take notes and keep organized, exposure to the concepts and materials several times, students learn thinking and problem-solving skills, and gives students the chance to process their thoughts in a "safe" location. The problems with those composition books? Grading stacks of composition notebooks is time-consuming. Some writing is difficult to read. Notebooks get lost! With many school systems converting to a digital one-to-one program, virtual notebooking allows students to gain the experiences science notebooks offer, while eliminating the negatives. Presenter(s): Kiley Soule, Science Teacher, New Century Technology High School, Huntsville City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 COnneCtiOn DepOt AETC 2015 invites you to meet your friends and enjoy surfing the ‘Net in the Connection Depot located in the Exhibit Hall. Forgot your device? Computers will be available in the middle of the Exhibit Hall for checking email or browsing the Internet. 30 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 122 east hall, room M Makey, Makey: letting kids Build the World We are at the dawn of a new generation. Kids can make and view learning in all different ways. The Maker Movement is taking over. Is that scary for you? Don’t let it be! Come to this session to learn loads of ideas on how to get the maker movement going in your classroom or school in ways that won’t kill your budget. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 123 east hall, room n eportal…a tablet providing total Control, flexibility and Customization in your Classroom ePortal is a custom tablet solution that gives every teacher total control over the content that can be delivered in the classroom to one or more ePortals. Lesson plans are instantly delivered to each and every ePortal with little effort at all. If you are looking to eliminate fractured learning this is right session for you to participate in. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Joe Alissandrello, Account Manager, MXN Corporation Audience: Teachers Grade Level: All Session: 124 east hall, room O happy hashtags: twitter Chats for kids See examples from real classrooms where students engaged in live Twitter chats. Learn how to chat on Twitter, how to organize a chat, and how chats can engage higher order thinking skills! Presenter(s): Amanda Rogers, Computer Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Sonya Shelton, 5th Grade Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 171 east hall, room k/l going paperless with google Classroom We will include Google Apps for Education, Google Classroom and how Google provides a safe online environment for students. Presenter(s): Cassie Goodwin, Teacher, Moulton Middle School, Lawrence County Schools Sonya Kilpatrick, Instructional Partner, Moulton Middle School, Lawrence County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Session: 125 east hall, room a Digital portfolios: the 21st Century's Missing link for College and Career preparedness In this session we will see WHY digital portfolios are a critical component for graduates to be career and college ready. Aside from video testimonials in support of digital portfolios from Alabama students, we will explore HOW to get this ball rolling and WHAT is needed for such an undertaking. Presenter(s): Daniel Whitt, Instructional Technology Specialist, Madison City Schools Audience: Technology Coordinators Grade Level: 8-12 31 T network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 126 east hall, room B alternative Switch access for the ipad The session will demonstrate how the presenters developed new materials for an existing course. The types of materials demonstrated will be adapted switches for alternative keyboard/iPad access, materials to make battery interrupters as a means to teach switch use, and several alternative input devices, such as adapted keyboards. Presenter(s): Cynthia Connor, Assistant Professor, Jacksonville State University Larry Beard, Professor, Jacksonville State University Audience: Special Education Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 127 east hall, room C One Minute reader (ipad app) - improving reading achievement Both at home and School OMR iPad App accelerates reading achievement by combining research-proven strategies: teacher-modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. From the supporting research and a hands-on demonstration, teachers will understand how these strategies can be used with any curriculum to support the reading of at-risk and mainstream students. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Barbara Denbow, Reading Consultant, Read Naturally Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 128 east hall, Ballroom B Moving from Sorting to Searching There was a time not too long ago when we taught students how to sort and organize their files. How to create folders inside of folders and basically do what we do in the physical world to our digital life. Then came the Internet and its endless websites. We tried to organize them but at last there were too many. So we turned to something different. We stopped trying to organize the Web and we started searching it. Search is the skill of our era, a life skill that once mastered opens up all sorts of opportunities. Do you teach search in your classrooms and schools? This session will focus on the skills and strategies of search. Participants will walk away with K-12 lesson plans, ideas, and classroom routines they can start using tomorrow in their classroom to teach students the skill needed most in today's connected world. The skill of search. Presenter(s): Jeff Utecht, Featured Speaker Session: 129 east hall, room e/D the effective use of gaming in the u.S. government Classroom Any observer of high school students in a high school computer lab will see students playing games. Educators can use this natural attraction to gaming to engage students in meaningful learning. This session will demonstrate the use of games provided by iCivics.org and evidence of successful use in the classroom. Presenter(s): John Finley, Teacher, Lakeside Academy, Marshall County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 130 east hall, room f/g flip it So that they Don’t forget it! It’s no longer enough to stand in front of a class and lecture. Attendees will learn what flipped learning is, how to implement flipped learning, and technology tools to facilitate the transformation to a flipped classroom. Participants will discover free lecture capture software and other Web 2.0 tools for flipping! Presenter(s): Reenay Rogers, Chair, Instructional Leadership & Support, University of West Alabama Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 32 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 131 east hall, room i/J fileWave 101: Managing OS X, Windows, iOS, & android devices within a single platform. — Session 1 Your AL Account Manager (Anabell Castillo) will take you through an overview of how FileWave has been able to assist districts across Alabama and throughout the country manage their devices. Since 1992, FileWave has understood in most all organizations, multi-platform support is highly desired and often a requirement. We allow IT, Curriculum, and other administrators to take full control of the technology (Windows PCs, Mac OS X, Android, & iOS Devices) within a single interface. When it comes to having a complete systems management software, FileWave makes it easy! Image, Deploy, Manage, Maintain, Inventory. Also introducing Engage Classroom Management with SIS Integration. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Stephen Mirante, National Sales Director, FileWave; Anabell Castillo, Alabama Account Manager Audience: Technology Coordinators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 132 east hall, room k/l So you think you Can tweet? Just wait until you see what your students can do! Extend your students' learning from next door to across the globe with Twitter. See how we have been using Twitter in our elementary classrooms to motivate learning, engage our students, and broaden their horizons! We will show you where to begin, how to get connected, and how to speak the language! Presenter(s): Katie Holland, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Vanessa Roberts, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 133 east hall, room n Maximizing the usefulness of the new alabama College- and Career-ready portal The new Alabama College- and Career-Ready Portal is a tool for determining which students have achieved one or more of the benchmarks necessary to be considered College and Career Ready. This session will introduce the tool, provide insight into how it works, and discuss options for addressing any system or school wide challenges that the tool may uncover. Presenter(s): Tony Thacker, Coordinator, Research and Development, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Teachers and Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 134 east hall, room O 1 to 1 and personalized instruction Oxford City Schools launched a new program called Power Math with Odysseyware, held during the first 30 minutes of each school day. Power Math is divided into three segments – remediation, practice and acceleration. Students performing below grade level receive content geared toward increasing their skills level while students at grade level receive practice problems to develop competency. Students who have mastered grade level content are challenged with Algebra I and even Geometry content. Presenter(s): Robert McCartney, Principal, Oxford Middle School, Oxford City Schools Erica Smith, Oxford Middle School, Oxford City Schools Audience: Administrators Grade Level: 5-8 33 T network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 167 east hall, room M alabama College application Campaign Alabama College Application Campaign is a statewide initiative to increase the number of first-generation and low-income students who pursue a postsecondary education by assisting high school seniors with the college admissions process and ensuring that each participating student submits at least one admissions application to college. Participants will receive important information and resources to assist their schools in planning and implementing a successful Alabama College Application Campaign event in 2015. The ALCAC manual provides information on implementation, organizational planning, and a guidebook/toolkit of resources, checklists, sample letters and schedules. This session will be a useful guide as you implement strategies to achieve increased college access in your school. Presenter(s): Willietta Ellis Conner, Education Specialist, CTE, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Counselors, Teachers Grade Level: 9-12 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm Session: 135 east hall, room a youth Converts Culture: technology integration in the globally aware Classroom The Youth Converts Culture session will focus on constructing new, responsible, and engaging learning strategies designed to empower our youth to grow, communicate, and learn in a way that is congruent to who they are at their root: global citizens connected to the world as pioneering digital natives. Time spent with us will be focused on how to create and share positive, empathetic content, how to develop real, mutually-beneficial connections online, and how to engage student learning by embracing technology in the learning environment. Presenter(s): Daniel Whitt, Instructional Technology Specialist, Madison City Schools Beth Sanders, Technology Integration Specialist, Tarrant City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 136 east hall, room B the new gradebook: Chalkable Classroom The INOW gradebook has been totally redesigned from the ground up: faster, more intuitive and more powerful. It’s called Classroom, and is available to all INOW customers for free. This session includes an overview of the NEW user interface including navigation, adding/editing activities, score/grade entry, attendance, discipline, calendar views and more. Vendorsponsored session. Presenter(s): Zoli Honig, Product Manager, Chalkable Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 137 east hall, room C reading for Meaning with read live Read Naturally Live combines comprehensive, research-based benchmark screening and intervention curriculum that supports reading fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and phonics. This cloud-based platform allows teachers to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students from first grade to adult. Understand the research and strategies that make it so effective. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Barbara Denbow, Reading Consultant, Read Naturally Audience: All Reading Teachers Grade Level: 1-12 34 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 138 east hall, Ballroom a Weebly Weebly is a very powerful, affordable, and easy-to-use site that allows you to create dynamic websites. This session will show you how to create a website complete with customized graphics, colors, dropdown menus, blogs, and much much more. You will also learn about Weebly for Education and how it can be used to allow your students to create their own safe and secure websites. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker Session: 139 east hall, room f/g engage in SteM! project engage leads to Success in SteM Project Engage is a U.S. Department of Education-funded grant for recruitment and retention of undergraduate minority STEM majors. From Invention Conventions to STEM Challenges, join this session to learn how Project Engage has impacted undergraduate STEM student success and take home ideas for starting your own STEM engagement program. Presenter(s): Reenay Rogers, Chair, Instructional Leadership & Support, University of West Alabama Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 140 east hall, room i/J fileWave "in-Depth": engineering Walk through how to Manage all OS X, Windows, iOS, and android Devices—Session 2 Your AL Systems Engineer (Jorge Hurtado) will take you through an "IN-DEPTH" look at how the FileWave Interface makes managing all types of devices seamless and easy for all to use. For over 22 Years, FileWave has understood in most all organizations, multi-platform support is highly desired and often a requirement. We allow IT, Curriculum, and other administrators to take full control of the technology (Windows PCs, Mac OS X, Android, & iOS Devices) within a single interface. When it comes a having a complete systems management software, FileWave makes it easy! Image, Deploy, Manage, Maintain, Inventory. Also introducing Engage Classroom Management with SIS Integration. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Jerry Case, Alabama Systems Engineer, FileWave Audience: Technology Coordinators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 141 east hall, room k/l So you think you Can tweet? Just wait until you see what your students can do! Extend your students' learning from next door to across the globe with Twitter. See how we have been using Twitter in our elementary classrooms to motivate learning, engage our students, and broaden their horizons! We will show you where to begin, how to get connected, and how to speak the language! Presenter(s): Katie Holland, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Vanessa Roberts, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 142 east hall, room M 60 iOS apps in 60 Minutes Apple Nerds UNITE! This session is for the iOS lover in all of us. Get the best of the best iOS has to offer for the classroom in a quick hitting style presentation to bring you maximum success. If you find one thing you can use, we have done our job. And Yes there is a Cheat Sheet. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 35 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 143 east hall, room n aleX learning renaissance faire: revive yourself! Join other teaching royalty of “ALEX’s Court” as we share the many new features of the award-winning ALEX web portal. From a completely updated and improved Insight Tool to the latest Social Studies Course of Study, the ALEX team will guide you through the Dark Ages into the light of Alabama’s most popular resource for teachers. You’ll complete your journey and return to your Castle (Classroom) ready to meet the challenges of Alabama’s CCRS with the confidence of a King or Queen! Presenter(s): Cassie Raulston, ALEX, Educational Technology Section, Alabama State Department of Education Hailey Ridgeway, ALEX, Educational Technology Section, Alabama State Department of Education Richard Murphy, ALEX, Educational Technology Section, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 E L E C N A C D Session: 144 east hall, room O 1 to 1 and personalized instruction Oxford City Schools launched a new program called Power Math with Odysseyware, held during the first 30 minutes of each school day. Power Math is divided into three segments – remediation, practice, and acceleration. Students performing below grade level receive content geared toward increasing their skills level while students at grade level receive practice problems to develop competency. Students who have mastered grade level content are challenged with Algebra I and even Geometry content. Presenter(s): Robert McCartney, Principal, Oxford Middle School, Oxford City Schools Erica Smith, Oxford Middle School, Oxford City Schools Audience: Administrators Grade Level: 5-8 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm Session: 121 east hall, room i/J linking the littles Let us show you some of our favorite tools for connecting our lower elementary classes with their families, other classes, and experts worldwide. See real-life examples of how we use Twitter, Skype, Kahoot, Remind, and other great tools to communicate and collaborate. Presenter(s): Jennifer Bishop, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Beth Panik, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 145 east hall, room a Sparking engagement with Web tools Attendees will be exposed to numerous Web tools to help them create a more engaging classroom. Some examples of what will be covered are KaHoot, Wonderopolis, Newsla, Padlet, and Blogs. Presenter(s): Carol Therrell, Instructional Transformation Specialist, Baldwin County Schools Jeff Rhodus, Instructional Transformation Specialist, Baldwin County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 36 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 146 east hall, room B real, effective, prescriptive learning: Chalkable Study Center Study Center combines the power of Chalkable Classroom with a content library (app store), prescriptive learning, assessments, and analytics. By utilizing the data in your SIS, you can power real, effective, personalized recommendations and learning for students. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Zoli Honig, Product Manager, Chalkable Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 147 east hall, room C four easy Steps: use laughter to De-Stress yourself, your Classroom, anD raise test Scores The unique concept of Laughter Yoga is a worldwide movement. It allows anyone to laugh in a group without humor, jokes, or feeling happy. We combine laughter exercises, clapping, child-like playfulness and yoga breathing, which turns into real laughter. This reduces stress and will raise test scores. Presenter(s): Ann Kennamer, CEO, Ann Kennamer-What's Next Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 148 east hall, Ballroom a the group Smackdown (audience shares favorite items, etc.) This session is all about YOU! Bring your favorite website, app, and gadget, whatever, and be prepared to show the audience how awesome it is while learning about other awesome items from your fellow audience members. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker Session: 149 east hall, Ballroom B My Wikipedia is Better than your textbook Research at the end of 2013 showed that not only is Wikipedia better than any other Encyclopedia, but now it's even more relevant than your textbook. Come explore the real learning possibilities that Wikipedia has to offer and why we need to be teaching every student how to use it properly. Presenter(s): Jeff Utecht, Featured Speaker Session: 150 east hall, room e/D Chrome extensions and apps to power up your Classroom Chrome apps and extensions make the Chrome experience more powerful and productive for students and teachers. Google Apps for Education plug-ins and add-ons take this supercharged suite of tools to the next level! Learn about the latest favorites and how to use them to power up the classroom. Presenter(s): Cameron McKinley, Technology Integration Coach, Hoover City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 151 east hall, room f/g Don't Click that link! This workshop will cover the basics of security as it pertains to networks, servers (physical and virtual), firewalls, proxies, SSL, VPNs, content filters, and spam and anti-virus technologies. The session will include descriptions of the uses and limitations of each as they apply to school networks. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Mike Trice, Senior Firewall Engineer, Alabama Supercomputer Authority Laura Perry, Security Engineer, Alabama Supercomputer Authority Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 37 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 153 east hall, room k/l Supercharge your productivity: a Digital to-Do list that Works Life doesn’t have to be as hard as we sometimes make it. Learn how to get your email empty, repeating tasks on “autopilot,” and everything you have to do in one ordered list, complete with voice entry. You can have the strategy, and the tools to implement it, today. Presenter(s): Frank Buck, Retired; Davonia Buck, Retired audience: all grade level: k-12 Session: 154 east hall, room M holy Cow! i Can See it! rockin' the Classroom with Sphero Sphero at its core is a robotic ball. It looks like a cool toy, but have you ever thought about how you can use it in the classroom? Sphero has loads of apps that can let kids see learning differently. Come find out how you can teach basic coding, engineering, math, problem solving, and many other things all with a real physical object. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 155 east hall, room n alabama Joint purchasing agreement (alJp) Participants will review the procedures and benefits of acquiring technology through the Alabama Joint Purchasing Agreement. Presenter(s): Jerome Browning, Coordinator, E-Rate, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 156 east hall, room O elementary Broadcasting the easy Way This session will provide teachers with a simple and easy way to produce an elementary school news broadcast. The presenter will provide a list of technology items needed and a list of steps to take from beginning to end. Presenter(s): Sharon Wilson, Technology Teacher, Lakewood Elementary School, Phenix City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 E L E C N A C D 2:45-3:15 pm – afternoon Snack Break in the exhibit hall 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Session: 157 east hall, Ballroom a tools you Can use tomorrow We have never had so many resources available to us in educational technology as we do right now. There are also some very promising things due out which will have a profound effect on both our time in the classroom as well as out. This session will overview some of the top tools available now. Web 2.0, Mobile, Apps, and hardware will all be discussed. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker 38 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 158 east hall, Ballroom B Student-Curated Core text If information is free and open, then why are we purchasing textbooks for students instead of helping them to create them? This session focuses on the Flipboard app and how teachers are using it with students to change the conversation in the classroom. What happens when students create the textbook, not read from it? What skills can we teach and how can we empower students to take control of their own learning by being a part of the creation process? We look at examples from students and teachers and how this app can be used to engage students in a new way of learning. Presenter(s): Jeff Utecht, Featured Speaker Session: 160 east hall, room k/l Branding Made easy: telling your Story through Social Media If you don’t tell your school’s story, someone will, and it won’t be as flattering. Learn a social media strategy and how to make all of the components work together. It can be efficient, easy, and fun. Presenter(s): Frank Buck, Retired; Davonia Buck, Retired Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 161 east hall, room M 60 gadgets in 60 Minutes Don't Bring Your Credit Card to this Session…This is 60 Gadgets in 60 Minutes. We will review some of the coolest and best gadgets out there today. Some could be awesome for the classroom while others are just plain cool. Come find out how awesome Tech in this world is going to be. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 162 east hall, room n Sharepoint "not out of the Box" How the Alabama State Department of Education is using Microsoft SharePoint for Web development. Presenter(s): Susan Reedy, SharePoint, Alabama State Department of Education Melissa Moncrief, SharePoint, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Technology Coordinators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 163 east hall, room O technology in the elementary Math Classroom...it Can Work! Have trouble integrating technology into your elementary math classroom? This session will demonstrate how to incorporate websites, apps, and projects using technology to make your elementary math lessons more engaging and fun. You’ll leave with plenty of resources to start your year off right! Presenter(s): Jennifer Northrup, Teacher, Oak Mountain Elementary, Shelby County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 a e t C Wa n t S t O h e a r f r O M y O u ! Your opinions are very important to us as we plan for 2016. Take a moment and complete our online evaluation. Visit AETC’s website at: www.alex.state.al.us/aetc, and click on 2015 Conference Evaluation. 39 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 165 east hall, room e/D learning in your Own Space, at your Own pace Many students with learning disabilities have difficulty with a variety of written tasks. Most teachers face the same challenges with special and struggling students when trying to read materials to them during class. Some teachers may not know the specific technology tools that can assist, have the time to locate tools, or afford some of the software. The session will cover techniques a teacher can use for making this information available on MP3 Players, Live scribe, flash drives and CDs for students that will increase weekly common assessments and CRT scores. If you are interested in increasing test scores, regardless of ability levels, come experience some hands-on examples. Participants will be directed how to use Microsoft Movie Maker tools to make information that they discussed in class to insert the same lesson on students MP3 Players, Live scribe pen's CDs or flash drive. The student will no longer go home and state "I forgot what my teacher said". These techniques will guarantee increased test scores and enhance the excitement of learning. This session will show participants how to reach all student abilities and disabilities by recording their test, spelling words, science, social studies, criterion-reference test, study guides on flash drives, MP3 players, and CDs for each student they teach. Presenter(s): Berna Milton, Special Education Teacher, Mae Eanes Middle School, Mobile County Public Schools Timothy Milton, Maintenance Supervisor, S.D. Bishop State Community College, S.D. Bishop State Community College Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 166 east hall, room i/J Digital transformation Strategy: Components today for tomorrow’s academic Success For districts about to start, or those who have initiated their digital conversions, may find the lessons learned by those who have gone before them helpful. We will determine what defines success and how a district will know if it’s attaining that success. We will focus on the impact of going digital rather than the act of going digital by understanding the four core components that link together to support effective personalized learning in a 1:1 environment. Being able to plan and implement successful strategies that build on students' success in the classroom and beyond is always the goal. Vendorsponsored session. Presenter(s): Mark Esstman, Business Development Manager, McGraw-Hill Education Audience: Technology Coordinators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 168 east hall, room a using Web-based tools to Support Struggling learners In this fast-paced session, you will see Web-based tools designed to keep the attention of your students and reinforce concepts you teach. Tools will be geared towards middle/high school students. Participants are encouraged to bring devices and will create their own work using one or several of the tools demonstrated. Presenter(s): Laela Bunn, English Teacher, Central High School, Coosa County Schools Audience: General Education and Special Education Teachers Grade Level: 5-12 Session: 169 east hall, room B implement at in the Classroom and align with Common Core and iep goals You know what assistive technology is and how to use it. How do you implement and make it align with common core and IEP goals? This session will demonstrate how to use adapted books, smartboard technology, iPads, voice-output devices, and other software, while differentiating instruction to match each child’s needs. Presenter(s): Lisa Snyder, TASC Representative/Teacher, Mill Creek Elementary School, TASC a Program of UCP Audience: Special Education Teachers Grade Level: K-5 40 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K W E D N E S D AY , J U N E 1 0 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 170 east hall, room C Coding in the elementary Classroom Do your students know how to code? Now is the time to get them ready for their future. This session will focus on teaching basic coding to students in Grades K-5. Apps and websites will be shared to help get you started. No prior experience needed! Presenter(s): Pamela Walker, Instructional Technology Specialist, Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights, Vestavia Hills City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 COnneCtiOn DepOt AETC 2015 invites you to meet your friends and enjoy surfing the ‘Net in the Connection Depot located in the Exhibit Hall. Forgot your device? Computers will be available in the middle of the Exhibit Hall for checking email or browsing the Internet. D OW n l Oa D t h e a e tC a p p ! Refer to the AETC App for session updates! Available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. 41 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions 8:00 am - 9:00 am Session: 201 east hall, room a engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate with technology! Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge are discussed, along with ideas to achieve maximum student learning outcomes through the use of technology. Exemplary samples of in-service teacher and K/12 student created work samples are provided. Time for the participants to share their successful experiences with technology integration is also planned. Presenter(s): Martha Hocutt, Professor, University of West Alabama Celeste Wheat, Assistant Professor of Student Affairs, University of West Alabama Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 202 east hall, room B Catching the technology Wave Are you looking for an innovative approach to get your students interested in the lesson for the day? PhotoStory is a great way to grab their attention! PhotoStory incorporates technology into your lessons and class projects. Your students will be able to improve their computer skills. Also, the students can work together in groups to create their projects. This promotes collaboration and teamwork. Presenter(s): Delesa Dean, Teacher, Jackson High School, Clarke County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 203 east hall, Ballroom a Should have put a personalization On it: Outside the Box ideas to help every kid What’s the best thing about technology? To me, that’s an easy question. It lets create personalized instruction easily! This session will give you the tools and the knowledge to let kids learn no matter where they are. Learn new ways to differentiate through Symbaloo, Wikispaces, and more. You will also pick up new and exciting ways for students to show that learning through things that interest them! Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 204 east hall, Ballroom B Screencasting in your Classroom and Beyond This session will overview all of the unique and various ways you can display and record your device and computer. Web tools, apps, hardware and software will be discussed and demonstrated. You will also learn about the various software titles available to aid you in interactive eLearning which is perfect for the flipped classroom. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker Session: 205 east hall, room f/g flipping the Classroom with free resources from alabama public television and pBS Come learn how to use high-quality, free digital resources from APT and PBS to flip your classroom lessons. Attendees will learn how to search for content specific videos and interactives and see demonstrations on how to use these resources to create online lessons and/or quizzes that can be delivered to students through any digital device. Students can access the lessons in the classroom or outside the classroom allowing instruction to be flipped! Presenter(s): Kathy Heiman, Education Specialist, Alabama Public Television Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 42 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 206 east hall, room i/J Diigo: Social Bookmarking for education The session will encompass a description of social bookmarking, the program Diigo, and uses for Diigo in an educational setting. After familiarizing the audience with the program, the presenters will demonstrate how to use Diigo features for class discussions, assignments, and educator networking on specific topics. Presenter(s): Juanita McMath, Doctoral Student, The University of Alabama Margaret Rice, Associate Professor, College of Education, The University of Alabama Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 207 east hall, room k/l evernote Made easy In a world relying more on mobile devices every day, Evernote is the place for information you can access and update from anywhere. It is an essential part of a cloud-based organizational system. Learn both the basics and a comprehensive strategy to increase your productivity. Presenter(s): Frank Buck, Retired; Davonia Buck, Retired Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 208 east hall, room n achievement Correlation Matrix (aCM) A walkthrough of how assessment data is pushed into Information Now, how to access the ACM in INow, and how to understand/use the ACM. Presenter(s): Dom Martel, Coordinator, Data and Development, Alabama State Department of Education Tony Thacker, Coordinator, Research and Development, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 209 east hall, room O Backchannels - What are they? Why Should i use One? how Do i use One? Using a backchannel for educational purposes can function as a formal class activity or even an independent discussion without instructor participation and awareness. Aside from the normal discussion, a backchannel can also be used for note taking, asking questions, offering suggestions on different topics, and sharing resources with other students and faculty members. There are many different media networks out there that can be used as a backchannel. Presenter(s): Emily Nestor, Technology Integration Specialist, Winterboro High School, Talladega County Schools Emily Harris, Principal, Winterboro High School, Talladega County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 4-12 Session: 221 east hall, room C What Do your Students know? In this session we will share how MasteryConnect has helped Piedmont Middle School move toward a competency-based learning environment. MasteryConnect is changing the focus in education from end-of-year assessments and the traditional letter-based grading system to one of real-time reporting about what students are learning relative to both state and Common Core standards. With real-time data, students, teachers, parents, and administrators have immediate access and insight into the concepts and skills students are mastering in the classroom. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Marco Rivera, Director of Business Development, MasteryConnect Magan Glover, Teacher, Piedmont Middle School Stephanie Steward, Teacher, Piedmont Middle School Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 43 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 272 east hall, room e/D Mobile Devices and eportfolios: your passport to Success Discover how you can utilize mobile devices and ePortfolios to make learning relevant and interactive, as well as prepare your students for career success. Presenter(s): Robert McWilliams, Coordinator of Instructional Design, Bishop State Community College Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 visit the exhibit hall from 9:00 - 9:45 am. Continental Breakfast and Coffee provided! 9:45 am - 10:45 am Session: 210 east hall, room a ByOD: power up! Students use their mobile devices every day to access information, communicate with friends and family, listen to music, and so much more. Why not allow those devices to be used at school to transform teaching and learning? Launching and implementing a successful BYOD initiative is a challenging undertaking. Participants in the session will experience activities that can be easily replicated in multiple subject areas and grade levels. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Davis Brock, Senior Director, Educational Innovation, Chalkable Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 211 east hall, room B integrating technology-Based learning into the Common Core Curriculum The Common Core Standards were written to prepare our students for the future workforce. I would like to demonstrate to teachers a way of using the technology that will motivate and engage their students to create presentations using the standards as a guide. Presenter(s): Lisa Champion, Teacher, Providence Elementary School, Huntsville City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 212 east hall, Ballroom a 60 apps in 60 Minutes Are you tired of going to sessions where you only get a take away of 1 Good app or 1 Good Idea? Do you love learning about a tool, and then exploring it for yourself? If so this session is for you. We will give a quick hitting explanation of 60 tools with fresh ideas on how to use them. The Goal is for you to find just one thing you can use, and don't worry about scribbling at high speeds…there is a cheat sheet. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 213 east hall, Ballroom B gadgets Whether you have been to Leslie's gadget class before or you are brand new, this session is for you if you are a gadget head that likes to bring new ideas into the classroom. The past year has seen some really great innovations, especially in the field of technology, so get ready to have some fun and learn about all of the bright shiny new websites, apps, and gadgets that are currently rocking our world. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker 44 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 214 east hall, room e/D “eBooks, ipads, and apple tv” Giving librarians and teachers the wireless freedom to instruct students anywhere in the library or classroom. Accessing digital content wirelessly in the media center and classroom is becoming a large part of daily instruction. You can learn how to set up hardware easily and inexpensively for wireless freedom. This session will also demonstrate accessing eBooks from the library catalog as well as quick links with unlimited simultaneous access with no user name and password required. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): David Burrow, Regional Manager, Capstone Publishers Audience: Library Media Specialists Grade Level: K-12 Session: 215 east hall, room f/g i'm all about that Chrome Chromebooks are all the rage in schools this year. Why are they so popular? We will discuss the benefits and considerations of Chromebook integration especially in the middle grades. The conversation will also include using Google and Chrome with PCs. Presenter(s): Sonya Kilpatrick, Instructional Partner, Moulton Middle School, Lawrence County Schools Casey Reed, Federal Programs Director, Lawrence County Schools Audience: Teachers, Administrators, and Library Media Specialists Grade Level: 4-12 Session: 217 east hall, room k/l automate your life with ifttt IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement: “If This Then That.” Start creating “recipes” during the session to automate the repetitive tasks in your life. Presenter(s): Frank Buck, Retired; Davonia Buck, Retired Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 218 east hall, room M 25+ google tips that you Will use nOW! Google is so much more than simply a means of searching the Internet—docs, sheets, slides, drawings, and more! Join us as we share our favorite tips that you will be excited to start using immediately—for yourself and with your students! Presenter(s): Leslie Cash, Technology Resource Teacher, Shelby County Schools Lee Hall, Technology Resource Teacher, Shelby County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 219 east hall, room n information now (inow) Spring and Summer release Changes A look at all INow changes from the Spring release and upcoming Summer release changes. Presenter(s): Dom Martel, Coordinator, Data and Development, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Various Program Staff Grade Level: K-12 a e t C Wa n t S t O h e a r f r O M y O u ! Your opinions are very important to us as we plan for 2016. Take a moment and complete our online evaluation. Visit AETC’s website at: www.alex.state.al.us/aetc, and click on 2015 Conference Evaluation. 45 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 220 east hall, room O the Connected Classroom: how twitter Can transform learning and amplify Student voice Educators will learn how to employ social media to empower their students and themselves. We will discuss and demonstrate practical techniques and learning protocols that will deeply impact how your students communicate with an authentic audience. We will also reveal how the CCRS Literacy standards are embedded throughout this learning process. Presenter(s): Beth Sanders, Technology Integration Specialist, Tarrant City Schools Amber Pope, Social Studies Teacher, Tarrant High School, Tarrant City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 232 east hall, room C tracking Mastery of Standards? In this session we will share ideas on how you can use MasteryConnect to measure your students' levels of understanding on standards-aligned assessments. MasteryConnect is a flexible mastery-based learning platform. It empowers educators to collaborate around real-time common data from standards-aligned assessments in order to guide instructional practices and personalize learning for each student. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Marco Rivera, Director of Business Development, MasteryConnect Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 277 east hall, room i/J MinecrafteDu — how? Why? What can i do with it? We will explore the basics of MinecraftEDU, looking at how to set up a server for students and how to create learning experiences using MinecraftEDU as a space for creating, solving problems, collaborating, developing digital citizenship, and having fun! Presenter(s): Jeff Richardson, Technology Coach, Simmons/Berry Middle Schools, Hoover City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 5-8 11:00 am - 12:00 noon Session: 222 east hall, room B everyone's a publisher: Digital Design and layout tools to authentically Share Student Work Highlighting tools your students can use to share research and inquiry work online. Introduces capabilities of software ranging from apps designed for mobile use, building from WYSIWYG solutions like Canva to more robust options including iBooks Author. Also applicable for teachers interested in crafting their own digital and multimedia texts. Presenter(s): Wendy Stephens, Librarian, Cullman High School, Cullman City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 223 east hall, room C Bringing MakerSpaces and SteM into your Classroom No matter what subject or grade you teach, you can integrate STEM and MakerSpace concepts into your curriculum. STEM teacher and technology integration specialist Amanda Dykes will talk about why STEM is important for today's learners and share tools, sites, and apps you can use with all students. Presenter(s): Amanda Dykes, Instructional Tech, Jefferson County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 46 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 224 east hall, Ballroom B evernote What started as an amazing website for helping you keep your notes synchronized is now that and so much more! This session will introduce you to Evernote while exploring all of its benefits. Discover the wide array of additional services, applications, and new features that Evernote has added to their offerings. Web App, Mobile App, Scanning, Drawing, Writing Notes, and much more will be covered. Even the most seasoned Evernote veteran will learn something new here! Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker Session: 225 east hall, room e/D using portions of flipped learning to introduce lessons and for review What is Flipped Learning and why use it? This session will introduce ways to incorporate the Flipped Learning concept into some lessons. Flipped Learning allows for a variety of learning modes. It creates a Flexible Environment to maximize classroom application time. The Flipped Learning model shifts instruction to a learner-centered approach, where in-class time is dedicated to exploring topics in greater depth. Teachers use Intentional Content to maximize classroom time. During class time, they continually observe their students, providing them with feedback relevant in the moment, and assessing their work. Learn how to use portions of Flipped Learning to introduce concepts as well as review previously taught material. Citation: Flipped Learning Network (FLN). (2014) The Four Pillars of F-L-I-PTM Presenter(s): Kimberly Jaggard, Instructional Technology Specialist, Vestavia Hills Elementary School-Central, Vestavia Hills City Schools Kellie Wigley, Assistant Principal, Vestavia Hills Elementary School-Central, Vestavia Hills City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 226 east hall, room f/g Smashing apps for fluency This session will describe and explain the use of several iPad apps for practicing and improving fluency skills. Students use iPads apps and student-friendly rubrics to record, self-assess/peer assess, collaborate and practice fluency passages to enhance oral reading fluency. Presenter(s): Jennifer Wright, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Lynn Rogers, Instructional Coach, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 227 east hall, room i/J Creating a project-Based learning environment and Surviving to tell the tale This session looks at developing and implementing cross-curricular project-based lessons. We will spend time on problem solving and look at mastery, as I share many of my own issues that I have had. The goal is to step outside our comfort zone and take a chance with learning. Presenter(s): Shelly Huver, Teacher, Rock Quarry Middle School, Tuscaloosa County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 5-8 COnneCtiOn DepOt AETC 2015 invites you to meet your friends and enjoy surfing the ‘Net in the Connection Depot located in the Exhibit Hall. Forgot your device? Computers will be available in the middle of the Exhibit Hall for checking email or browsing the Internet. 47 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 228 east hall, room k/l hear My voice: giving Students an authentic audience through Blogging with kidblog Develop literacy skills, provide students with space for reflection, teach digital citizenship, archive learning, and provide an authentic audience with a single Web-based tool. This session will teach you how to set up blogs and monitor security in just a few minutes for multiple classes as young as kindergarten. Presenter(s): Angela Hollis, Gifted Specialist, Vestavia Hills Elementary School-East, Vestavia Hills City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: All Session: 229 east hall, room M Bring it On! activities for ByOD and 1 to 1 Doing BYOD or 1 to 1? Come and join us and have some fun! Do you have BYOD or 1 to 1 but often struggle with ways to use student devices in your classroom? Get inspired with some new ideas and ways to integrate student devices into your lessons and enhance digital learning. We'll share free websites and apps that will make your instruction more interactive and engaging for your students. Be sure to bring your own device in order to participate. Presenter(s): Lauren Woolley, Technology Program Specialist, Shelby County Schools Angela Clark, Technology Resource Teacher, Shelby County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 231 east hall, room O hunting for an interactive lesson: Qr Scan-venger hunts and aurasma Are you searching for a fun way to engage your students? Look no further than this session! We will focus on creating scavenger hunts using iPads, smartphones, and QR code readers. Incorporating Discovery Ed, videos, websites, documents, photos, and a plethora of other resources, you will find new ways to create assignments that your students will be excited to complete! Presenter(s): Susan Evans, Business Teacher, Charles R. Drew Middle School, Talladega County Schools Natalie Martin, Media Specialist, Charles R. Drew Middle School, Talladega County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 270 east hall, room a using Digital Maps to Support Critical thinking and inquire-Based learning Maps are geographical representations that are excellent tools to get students thinking critically about a range of topics. Teachers will learn how to encourage and develop student interests and reinforce economic concepts through the use of interactive thematic maps. The maps will be developed from data such as U.S. Census Bureau demographic information at the state, county, census tract, and block group levels. In addition, participants will use Population Reference Bureau data to compare various countries. Please bring a computer. Presenter(s): Lisa Keys-Mathews, Professor, University of North Alabama, Department of Geography Tama Nunnelley, Teacher, Guntersville Middle School, Alabama Geographic Alliance Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 48 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Session: 233 east hall, room B everyone's a publisher: Digital Design and layout tools to authentically Share Student Work Highlighting tools your students can use to share research and inquiry work online. Introduces capabilities of software ranging from apps designed for mobile use, building from WYSIWYG solutions like Canva to more robust options including iBooks Author. Also applicable for teachers interested in crafting their own digital and multimedia texts. Presenter(s): Wendy Stephens, Librarian, Cullman High School, Cullman City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 234 east hall, room C Bringing MakerSpaces and SteM into your Classroom No matter what subject or grade you teach, you can integrate STEM and MakerSpace concepts into your curriculum. STEM teacher and technology integration specialist Amanda Dykes will talk about why STEM is important for today's learners and share tools, sites, and apps you can use with all students. Presenter(s): Amanda Dykes, Instructional Tech, Jefferson County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 235 east hall, Ballroom a alabama Quality teaching Standards tool kit Do you want to ACE that evaluation? What better way to ACE it then impressing your boss with some great educational technology. The goal of this presentation is to give you multiple tools and ideas that line up directly with the Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. This gives you a DIRECT answer when you have to provide that evidence. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 236 east hall, room e/D enhancing your Curriculum with video: Screencasting and apps In this session participants will learn how to create and post screencasts/online video lessons to teach in a flipped classroom environment or simply post for review. Participants will also discover a variety of apps, such as My Story, Sock Puppet, ScreenChomp and Explain Everything. These apps provide teachers and students (K-12) with a simple, yet dynamic way to share and explain classroom content in a video presentation format. Presenter(s): Jane Kemp, Instructional Technology Specialist, Vestavia Hills Elementary School-East, Vestavia Hills City Schools Aaron Goldberg, System Technician, Vestavia Hills City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 237 east hall, room f/g Smashing apps for fluency This session will describe and explain the use of several iPad apps for practicing and improving fluency skills. Students use iPads apps and student-friendly rubrics to record, self-assess/peer assess, collaborate and practice fluency passages to enhance oral reading fluency. Presenter(s): Jennifer Wright, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Lynn Rogers, Instructional Coach, Mitchell Elementary School, Gadsden City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 49 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 238 east hall, room i/J Creating a project-Based learning environment and Surviving to tell the tale This session looks at developing and implementing cross-curricular project-based lessons. We will spend time on problem solving and looking at mastery, as I share many of my own issues that I have had. The goal is to step outside our comfort zone and take a chance with learning. Presenter(s): Shelly Huver, Teacher, Rock Quarry Middle School, Tuscaloosa County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 5-8 Session: 239 east hall, room k/l help us help you: 10 things your tech guy (or gal) Wished you knew Hear from a pro (and his favorite teacher) how to handle common tech fails without putting in a "trouble ticket" to wait in line for help. This light-hearted, practical session for teachers and tech coordinators will empower educators to troubleshoot common tech problems standing between them and fluid tech integration. Presenter(s): Angela Hollis, Gifted Specialist, Vestavia Hills Elementary School East, Vestavia Hills City Schools Michael Hollis, Network Technician, Board of Education, Shelby County Schools Audience: All Grade Level: All Session: 241 east hall, room n using aSSiSt to Deliver your plan One of the goals of Plan 2020 is to provide the support and resources needed to increase the academic success of Alabama's 2020 learners. This session will explain the use of one of the resources provided by the Alabama State Department of Education. The Advanc-Ed ASSIST platform is provided to all districts and schools for continuous improvement planning. The ASSIST Continuous Improvement Plan (ACIP) is due in October; however, it is recommended that it be utilized throughout the year to help with informed decision making. This platform is also used as a place to provide evidence for federal guidelines and other areas in compliance monitoring. The purpose of the session will be to explain how to navigate the platform and to how create goals based on data for the ACIP. It will also explain the process to follow when using ASSIST for district compliance monitoring. Presenter(s): Logan Searcy, Education Specialist, Research and Development, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 242 east hall, room O hunting for an interactive lesson: Qr Scan-venger hunts and aurasma Are you searching for a fun way to engage your students? Look no further than this session! We will focus on creating scavenger hunts using iPads, smartphones, and QR code readers. Incorporating Discovery Ed, videos, websites, documents, photos, and a plethora of other resources, you will find new ways to create assignments that your students will be excited to complete! Presenter(s): Susan Evans, Business Teacher, Charles R. Drew Middle School, Talladega County Schools Natalie Martin, Media Specialist, Charles R. Drew Middle School, Talladega County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 271 east hall, room a applications for Digital Mapping in the technology Classroom Digital mapping and spatial pattern analysis will alter the way students interact with data. Student analyses of digital maps in a project-based environment will facilitate student growth across all curricula and reinforce technology skills and critical thinking. Presenter(s): Tama Nunnelley, Teacher, Guntersville Middle School, Alabama Geographic Alliance Lisa Keys-Mathews, Professor, Department of Geography, University of North Alabama Audience: Library Media Specialists Grade Level: 8-12 50 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Session: 243 east hall, room a Connecting technology to Standards, instruction, assessment, intervention, and Motivation College and Career Ready Standards + Alabama Accountability Plan 2020 demand a step up in the use of technology for the implementation of a standards-based, data-driven curriculum in our schools. Understanding the components of the Reading and Math assessments is crucial to analyzing and using the data. Moving forward from baseline data to growth for all students and subgroups can be possible by recognizing strengths and weaknesses in the high stakes data. ACT Aspire items and tasks require different levels of complexity. Recognizing and implementing the Depth of Knowledge levels 1, 2, 3 in our instruction and assessment should be a next step for improving student achievement. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Patsy Sheffield, Alabama Director, Achievement Services, Chalkable Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 244 east hall, room B keyboarding Online – learn the right Way. Stop hunting and pecking! Keyboarding Online: Cutting edge Web-based keyboarding programs. Discuss common problems teaching keyboarding and share solutions using the latest in Web-based technology. Individualize for slow or fast learners. Track students’ progress online. No software to install. Unique features that break hunting and pecking habits! Free keyboarding posters! Free 60Day Trial! Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): DJ Ellsworth, Chief Technology Officer, Keyboarding Online Loren Gable, Sales Director, Keyboarding Online Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Tech Coordinators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 245 east hall, Ballroom a 60 apps in 60 Minutes that you May not know Are you tired of the same old same old? Do you already know the most basic tools of educational technology? Do you want a session that gives you more than just one idea or one good app? Then this session is for you. You will get a quick hitting explanation of some great out of the box tools, and of course there is a cheat sheet to prevent ultimate scribbling Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 246 east hall, Ballroom B photo and video on your Mobile Device This session is designed to show you some tips and tricks on how to take effective digital photographs and video with your App-based phone or tablet. It will also preview many of the various photo and video apps available today. Bring your App-based mobile device and be ready to download some apps. We will be taking pictures and videos and editing them using a variety of apps. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker Session: 247 east hall, room e/D livebinders Connection: past, present, and future This session will explore the use of livebinder electronic portfolios (livebinder.com) for a variety of documentation and educational purposes. Presenter(s): Dionne Edison, Assistant Professor, Talladega College Lemanski Walker, Education Specialist, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 51 E network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 248 east hall, room f/g Work SMartr, not harder! Learn how to use the Student Mood Assessment and Rapid Teacher Response (SMARTR) technique to eliminate disruptive behaviors. In this session educators will be provided a set of strategies that are practical, positive, and powerful. The result is a classroom focused on teaching and learning that leads to increased student achievement. Presenter(s): Latrelle McFarlane, National Trainer, Atlanta Metropolitan School Districts Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 249 east hall, room i/J Bee-Bots, Spheros, and Coding! Oh My! Do you want to teach your students how to program, but don't know where to begin? Do you not have access to computers, but still want to teach computer science skills? Come learn how you can teach computer programming and pedagogy to K-5 students with or without computers. Presenter(s): Faith Plunkett, Entertainment Technology Academy, Monte Sano Elementary School, Huntsville City Schools Heather Hall, Entertainment Technology Academy, Goldsmith-Schiffman Elementary School, Huntsville City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-5 Session: 250 east hall, room k/l improve Student achievement with Whole-Brain teaching and learning This Session, developed by Melissa Hughes, Ph.D. of the Andrick Group, introduces research that supports whole-brain teaching method’s ability to: Differentiate instruction to reach all learners, engage multiple parts of the brain, enable students to interact with content, address various learning modalities, and foster creative and critical thinking skills. Presenter(s): Nancy Johnson, Education Consultant, Minnesota Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 251 east hall, room M tech tools for formative assessment: Do it, Data, DOne! Formative assessment must happen frequently and provide student feedback in a timely manner. Who has time for that? You do! Come to this session to see a buffet of tech options to use for quick formative assessments. See examples and strategies to make these tools and sites work for you in your classroom. “To support learning, assessments must evolve from being isolated occasional events attached to the end of teaching to becoming an ongoing series of inter-related events that reveal changes in student learning over time.” (Stiggins, 2008) Presenter(s): Brandi Caldwell, Technology Integration Specialist, St. Clair County Schools Marty Caldwell, Math Teacher, Springville Middle School, St. Clair County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 252 east hall, room n Maximizing the usefulness of the new alabama College- and Career-ready portal The new Alabama College- and Career-Ready Portal is a tool for determining which students have achieved one or more of the benchmarks necessary to be considered College and Career Ready. This session will introduce the tool, provide insight into how it works, and discuss options for addressing any system or school-wide challenges that the tool may uncover. Presenter(s): Tony Thacker, Coordinator, Research and Development, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Teachers and Administrators Grade Level: K-12 52 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 253 east hall, room O aerohive's hive Manager-ng: Configure your Wifi in 15 Minutes Introduction of Aerohive's new wireless network management software that helps you configure, deploy, monitor, and troubleshoot your Aerohive deployment. We will also dive deeper into the impressive analytics and troubleshooting tools available in this new product. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Jeff Haydel, Principal Systems Engineer, Aerohive Audience: Technology Coordinators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 268 east hall, room C twitter for professional Development Jennifer Hogan and Holly Sutherland are the co-founders of two Twitter chats, the weekly #Ale chat and quarterly #Used chat. In this session, they will show ways to use Twitter and specifically Twitter chats to become a connected educator and increase professional learning by participating in chats with educators across the globe. Presenter(s): Jennifer Hogan, Assistant Principal, Hoover High School, Hoover City Schools Holly Sutherland, Principal, Haleyville High School, Haleyville City Schools Audience: All educators, including teachers and administrators Grade Level: K-12 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Session: 254 east hall, room B keyboarding Skills necessary for the 21st Century learner Keyboarding skills in the 21st Century are essential to improve productivity, prepare students for college and their careers. Topics highlighted are: 1) Why teach keyboarding? 2) Will the keyboard become obsolete? 3) How do I motivate keyboarding students? Learn to help your students overcome hunting and pecking habits! Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): DJ Ellsworth, Chief Technology Officer, Keyboarding Online Loren Gable, Sales Director, Keyboarding Online Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Tech Coordinators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 255 east hall, Ballroom a i am going to flip Out on you if you Don’t Show me Some flipped learning tools Don’t Flip out on me! Flipping the classroom can be easy if you have the right tools. This session will focus in on the best tools to accomplish that flipped vision you have always dreamed of. We will also talk adapt the flip to make it work. Don’t flip out, you can do it! Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 53 A Session: 256 east hall, Ballroom B power using twitter Sure, you have tweeted and maybe even snapped a photo or two and sent it to the Twitterverse; but, are you using Twitter to its full potential? This session will explore the advanced features of Twitter. Are you using lists as a great way to find important relevant people to follow? Are you archiving tweets so you can reference them later on? Do you really know what happens when you send an “at reply”? Does your morning online paper include hashtag searches?? These items and many more will be discussed and demonstrated! Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 257 east hall, room e/D using Weebly to promote powerful learning in the Classroom The session will present two successful cases of utilizing Weebly in the classroom to foster collaboration among students as well as school-community collaboration. The first case focuses on students collaboratively designing a research project. The second case concentrates on a project by which students developed a local history archive. Presenter(s): William Busbin, Teacher, Auburn High School, Auburn City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 258 east hall, room f/g gaggle.net: Beyond Student email Does your school have a Gaggle subscription for student email? There are many great features besides email! Learn how to create a learning management system and use the Google Docs integration features in your classroom. Did you know Gaggle also has built in resources for teaching digital citizenship? Find out more in this session! Presenter(s): Cristin Dillard, Library Media Specialist, Banks School, Pike County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 6-12 Session: 259 east hall, room i/J google—it's taking over the world, why not join in? Through using Google, a teacher can have all of his/her necessities in one convenient location. Google Apps can make your life easier for yourself and your students. One login- one password- one less stress for you! Presenter(s): Crystal Watford, ELA Teacher, Helena Middle School, Shelby County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 Session: 260 east hall, room k/l Communication through Social Media This session would demonstrate how school systems, individual teachers, and/or schools can successfully use social media to disseminate information and communicate quickly with stakeholders. Examples will include Twitter, Remind, Google+, etc. We will also give examples of ways to introduce social media to staff members and promote usage. Presenter(s): Janna Bonds, Data Manager/Tech Facilitator, Marshall County Schools Charlie Jimmerson, Director of Technology, Marshall County Schools Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 261 east hall, room n alabama Joint purchasing agreement (alJp) Participants will review the procedures and benefits of acquiring technology through the Alabama Joint Purchasing Agreement. Presenter(s): Jerome Browning, Coordinator, E-Rate, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 262 east hall, room O paperless Classrooms using google Classroom and google apps This session will discuss being a paperless classroom using Google Classroom and Google Apps. Discussion will be centered around what has worked for us over the past two years, and what has proven to be a challenge. Presenter(s): Steven Goodgame, Teacher, Lafayette Middle School, Lafayette County School District-Mississippi Cyndi Goodgame, Teacher, Lafayette Middle School, Lafayette County School District- Mississippi Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 54 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 269 east hall, room C Digital tools for School leaders It's important for school leaders to lead by example. In this session, digital tools and practical strategies will be shared with school leaders by a school leader. How to use digital tools such as Twitter, Google Drive and Hangouts, Voxer, and Remind will be highlighted. Presenter(s): Jennifer Hogan, Assistant Principal, Hoover High School, Hoover City Schools Audience: Administrators Grade Level: K-12 Session: 274 east hall, room a an introduction to pBS learningMedia This session will introduce teachers to PBS LearningMedia, including its content and lesson planning functionality. Presenter(s): J. Mark Coleman, District Technology Instructor, Montgomery Public Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Session: 263 east hall, Ballroom a hack the app! taking the Common and Making them uncommon Hacking used to be a dirty word right? Well no more! This session will take some of the most common apps and tools you know like Symbaloo, Nearpod, Padlet, and others, and we will give them a new spin for you. The best tools are always the ones with the most use. Presenter(s): David Lockhart, Education Technology Specialist, Iteach Center, Kennesaw State University Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 264 east hall, Ballroom B all about the apple Watch Still deciding whether or not to get the Apple Watch or curious about some of the neat tips and tricks lurking within it? Want to hang out in a room with a small pile of other Apple Watch owners? This session is for you! We will overview the Apple Watch and its features while also taking a deep dive into the more unique features of it. Tips and tricks will also be demonstrated. Presenter(s): Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker 55 A Session: 265 east hall, room f/g the power of an audience: using google apps to Make learning visible This year, I tried out several strategies in my seventh grade English classroom to allow my students to see and hear one another's ideas more often. The result was that they became more motivated and accountable, going above and beyond my expectations. Their learning was richer, their ideas more creative, and their connections deeper. Now that I've worked out all the "kinks" for you, I can't wait to share! Presenter(s): Jennifer Nelson, Teacher, Mountain Brook Jr. High School, Mountain Brook City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 4-12 network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 266 east hall, room n Data governance and Data Code Manual Various Data Governance topics as well as an overview of the Data Code Manual. Presenter(s): Dom Martel, Coordinator, Data and Development, Alabama State Department of Education Scott Crews, Coordinator, Networking and Operations, Alabama State Department of Education Audience: All Grade Level: K-12 Session: 267 east hall, room O engaging Digital natives Today's students occupy a digital space—bringing the learning to them creates opportunities for engagement and collaboration like never before. This session will provide in-depth demonstrations of lessons that mimic the social and entertainment activities of digital natives using free web applications. Recommended for 1:1 or BYOD classrooms. Presenter(s): Sarah Patterson, Teacher, B. B. Comer Memorial High School, Talladega County Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 273 east hall, room e/D a picture's Worth a thousand Words. using pictures to inspire writing The purpose of this session is to leverage the popularity of available quality photographs to inspire more imaginative writing. The objective is to use free and available apps including, but not limited to Google Drive, Google Docs and BookTrack to accomplish the purpose. Participants should bring a laptop and smartphone if they have access to both. Also, if they do not have a Google account, they should set one up for the purpose of gaining the most out of this session. Presenter(s): Al Elliott, Educator, Green Valley Elementary, Hoover City Schools Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 5-8 Session: 275 east hall, room i/J are you Wired for technology? teaching, and Mentoring, Digital natives as an immigrant. Even as educators learn the latest technology or find the perfect classroom app, do we really understand how are students are learning? This session will explore a modern view of learning styles and how differently technology affects our brains vs our students' brains. Attendees will come away with tools to assess their students' digital "wiring" for learning as well as renewed ideas for not just incorporating digital tools, but creating a meaningful digital classroom. Presenter(s): Isabelle Eaton, Career Coach, Jefferson State Community College Audience: Teachers Grade Level: 8-12 Session: 276 east hall, room a the Double-flipped Classroom in a Masters of educational technology program This is two-part session. First, it will present an instructional technique called Preparation for Future learning in which learners are given an activity that prepares them to learn from a lecture. Second, it will describe our new online Master’s Degree in Educational Technology at the University of South Alabama. Presenter(s): Jay Pfaffman, Assistant Professor, Professional Studies Department, University of South Alabama Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 56 A L L H A N D S O N D E C K T H U R S D AY , J U N E 1 1 one-hour concurrent sessions Session: 279 east hall, room B reducing Dropout rates – Digital Strategies and Solutions Using decades of research, literacy experts know which approaches best facilitate the growth of student achievement in reading and writing via personalized learning. But this can often be difficult to implement in the real world. Using technology-based literacy tools can help bridge this gap. Digital reading curriculum delivered via mobile devices can provide a means to increase student engagement, build stronger motivation, and facilitate retention of material. We will examine the key aspects of a digital curriculum that will enhance student performance and, in turn, increase student achievement. A brief demonstration of iLit, an innovative digital learning curriculum, from Pearson, will take place at the end of the session. Presenter(s): Sharon McAlevy, K-12 Literacy Solutions Specialist, Pearson Audience: School Support Personnel Grade Level: K-12 Session: 280 east hall, room C tools not toys: using 3D printers to enhance SteM education 3D Printers are wonderful devices capable of turning ideas and designs into tangible objects with the push of a button. Now more than ever, there is a push to explore using these devices in the classroom to enhance STEM education. From a beginner’s perspective, this session will focus on how to develop lesson plans around a 3D printing, ensuring that these incredible systems become teaching tools and not toys. Vendor-sponsored session. Presenter(s): Jacob Fyfe, Metis Corporation Audience: Teachers Grade Level: K-12 D OW n l Oa D t h e a e tC a p p ! Refer to the AETC App for session updates! Available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. a e t C Wa n t S t O h e a r f r O M y O u ! 57 A Your opinions are very important to us as we plan for 2016. Take a moment and complete our online evaluation. Visit AETC’s website at: www.alex.state.al.us/aetc, and click on 2015 Conference Evaluation. network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) L L H A N D S O N D hanDS-On WOrkShOp preSenterS Suhana Chikatla P.O. Box 125 Hanceville, AL 35077 [email protected] Samuel Chukwuemeka Jacksonville State University 55 Santa Fe Lane Anniston, AL 36206 [email protected] Cristin Dillard Banks School 113 Pine Street Troy, AL 36081 [email protected] Kimberly Dunn Pike County High School 208 County Road 344 Ozark, AL 36360 [email protected] Kelli Etheredge St. Paul's Episcopal School 161 Dogwood Lane Mobile, AL 36608 [email protected] Leslie Fisher lesliefisher.com Kathy Heiman 2112 11th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 [email protected] Robert Mayben The University of Alabama UA In-Service Center Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 [email protected] Tera McCarty [email protected] Michael Pepper Athens State University 17420 Malone Road Athens, AL 35611 [email protected] Elizabeth Session University of South Alabama 14085 Hugh Fort Rd. Grand Bay, AL 36541 [email protected] Janet Taylor University of Montevallo 130 Stirrup Cup Cove Columbiana, AL 35051 [email protected] Jeff Utecht Educator, Consultant, Author www.jeffutecht.com Vanessa Webster Alabama State University Ralph Abernathy Annex Montgomery, AL 36104 [email protected] Roland Weldon Troy University 344 Hawkins Hall Troy, AL 36082 [email protected] Elizabeth Whitehead University of Alabama-Birmingham 929 Masters Lane Birmingham, AL 35244 [email protected] Barry Wiginton University of North Alabama 1640 Tune Avenue Florence, AL 35654 [email protected] free Wifi : A 58 E C K L L H A N D S O N D E One-hOur COnCurrent SeSSiOn preSenterS Joe alissandrello MXN Corporation PMB306, Woodstock, GA 30189 office: (423) 580-3322 email: [email protected] session(s): 123 Sara Baragona Discovery Middle School Madison City Schools 1304 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758 office: (256) 837-3735 email: [email protected] session(s): 108 larry Beard Jacksonville State University 700 Pelham Road N, Jacksonville, AL 36265 office: (256) 782-5078 email: [email protected] session(s): 126 Jennifer Bishop Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 208 Merit Circle, Gadsden, AL 35901 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 121 Janna Bonds Marshall County Schools 5386 Pleasant Hill Road, Guntersville, AL 35976 office: (256) 571-2416 email: [email protected] session(s): 260 Davis Brock Educational Innovation Chalkable c/o Sharon Prescott 739 North University Boulevard, Suite 2000, Mobile, AL 36606 office: (800) 844-0884 email: [email protected] session(s): 210 vickie Brown Chalkable c/o Sharon Prescott 739 North University Boulevard, Suite 2000, Mobile, AL 36606 office: (800) 844-0884 email: [email protected] session(s): 103 Jerome Browning E-Rate Alabama Department of Education P O Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130 office: (334) 353-8870 email: [email protected] session(s): 155, 261 C K Davonia Buck 531 Eagle Pointe Lane, Pell City, AL 35218 office: (205) 338-0384 email: [email protected] session(s): 153, 160, 207, 217 Jerry Case FileWave 10711 America Way, Fishers, IN 46038 office: (888) 345-3928 email: [email protected] session(s): 140 laela g. Bunn Central High School Coosa County Schools 295 Blackjack Road, Tallassee, AL 36078 office: (256) 377-4384 email: [email protected] session(s): 168 anabell Castillo email: [email protected] session(s): 131 frank Buck 531 Eagle Pointe Lane, Pell City, AL 35218 office: (205) 338-0384 email: [email protected] session(s): 153, 160, 207, 217 Janet Burnett Sheffield City Schools 119 Smith Court, Sheffield, AL 35660 office: (256) 386-5730 email: [email protected] session(s): 114 David Burrow Capstone Publishers 408 Turner Road, Pell City, AL 35128 office: (205) 814-9110 email: [email protected] session(s): 214 William Busbin Auburn High School 405 South Dean Road, Auburn, AL 36830 office: (334) 887-4970 email: [email protected] session(s): 257 Brandi h. Caldwell St. Clair County Schools 75 College Street, Odenville, AL 35120 office: (205) 506-8809 email: [email protected] session(s): 251 Marty Caldwell Springville Middle School St. Clair County Schools 12 White Oak Drive, Springville, AL 35146 session(s): 251 Darcy Carlson Britannica Digital Learning 331 N Lasalle, Chicago, IL 60054 office: (800) 621-3900 email: [email protected] session(s): 113 59 leslie Cash Shelby County Schools 601 1st St. S, Alabaster, AL 35007 office: (205) 682-5932 email: [email protected] session(s): 218 lisa Champion Providence Elementary School Huntsville City Schools 27419 Alberta Drive, Harvest, AL 35749 office: (256) 428-7521 email: [email protected] session(s): 211 Samuel Chukwuemeka Jacksonville State University 55 Santa Fe Lane, Anniston, AL 36206 office: (256) 782-8405 email: [email protected] session(s): 101 angela Clark Shelby County Schools 601 1st St. S, Alabaster, AL 35007 office: (205) 682-5953 email: [email protected] session(s): 229 J. Mark Coleman Montgomery Public Schools 515 South Union, Montgomery, AL 36105 office: (334) 269-3830 email: [email protected] session(s): 274 Willietta ellis Conner Career Technical Education Alabama Department of Education P O Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130 office: (334) 353-1607 email: [email protected] session(s): 167 Cynthia Connor Jacksonville State University 700 Pelham Road N, Jacksonville, AL 36265 office: (256) 782-8058 email: [email protected] session(s): 126 A A network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E One-hOur COnCurrent SeSSiOn preSenterS Scott Crews Alabama Department of Education 50 North Ripley Street, Montgomery, AL 36104 office: (334) 353-4645 email: [email protected] session(s): 266 al elliott Green Valley Elementary School Hoover City Schools 3209 Tree Crossings Pkwy., Hoover, AL 35244 office: (205) 439-2500 email: [email protected] session(s): 273 Barbara Denbow Read Naturally 2110 Melrose Trace, Cumming, GA 30041 office: (404) 353-2795 email: [email protected] session(s): 127, 137 Mark esstman McGraw-Hill Education 612 Surrey Path Trail, Winston Salem, NC 27104 office: (336) 331-2772 email: [email protected] session(s): 166 Delesa l. Dean Jackson High School Clarke County Schools P O Box 552, Jackson, AL 36545 office: (251) 246-5060 email: [email protected] session(s): 202 nerissa Cowan Deramus Thompson High School Alabaster City Schools 6357 Letson Farm Trail, Bessemer, AL 35022 office: (205) 685-6700 email: [email protected] session(s): 112 Cristin M. Dillard Banks School Pike County Schools 113 Pine Street, Troy, AL 36081 office: (334) 243-5514 email: [email protected] session(s): 107, 258 kimberly Dunn Pike County High School Pike County Schools email: [email protected] session(s): 107 amanda Countryman Dykes Jefferson County Schools 1916 Lakeside Dr., McCalla, AL 35111 office: (205) 379-2293 email: [email protected] session(s): 223, 234 isabelle eaton Jefferson State Community College 2601 Carson Road, Birmingham, AL 35215 office: (206) 856-7790 email: [email protected] session(s): 275 Dionne edison Talladega College 627 W Battle St., Talladega, AL 35160 office: (256) 761-6292 email: [email protected] session(s): 247 D.J. ellsworth Keyboarding Online 2221 W Pecos Rd., Chandler, AZ 85224 office: (888) 963-4817 email: [email protected] session(s): 244, 254 Susan evans Charles R. Drew Middle School Talladega County Schools 78975 Highway 77, Lincoln, AL 35096 office: (256) 315-5307 email: [email protected] session(s): 231, 242 John kirkpatrick finley Lakeside Academy Marshall County Schools 102 Rock Haven Drive, Guntersville, AL 35976 office: (256) 582-4444 email: [email protected] session(s): 129 leslie fisher (featured Speaker) session(s): 104, 116, 138, 148, 157, 204, 213, 224, 246, 256, 264 loren gable Keyboarding Online session(s): 244, 254 Jacob fyfe Metis Corporation 1545 Gulf Shores Pkwy., Gulf Shores, AL 36542 office: (888) 633-5716 email: [email protected] session(s): 280 Magan glover Piedmont Middle School 401 N Main St., Piedmont, AL 36272 office: (256) 447-6165 email: [email protected] session(s): 232 60 C K aaron goldberg Vestavia Hills City Schools 2109 Tyson Drive, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 office: (205) 402-5216 email: [email protected] session(s): 236 Cyndi goodgame Lafayette Middle School Lafayette County School District Mississippi 263 Mallard Point Rd., Batesville, MS 38606 office: (662) 934-7460 email: [email protected] session(s): 262 Steven goodgame Lafayette Middle School Lafayette County School District Mississippi 263 Mallard Point Rd., Batesville, MS 38606 office: (662) 934-3435 email: [email protected] session(s): 262 Cassie goodwin Lawrence County Schools Moulton Middle School 104 Simms Street, Moulton, AL 35650 office: (256) 905-2460 email: [email protected] session(s): 171 Melissa grayson Discovery Middle School Madison City Schools 1304 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758 office: (256) 837-3735 email: [email protected] session(s): 108 heather hall Goldsmith-Schiffman Elementary School Huntsville City Schools session(s): 249 lee hall Shelby County Schools 601 1st St. S, Alabaster, AL 35007 office: (205) 682-5954 email: [email protected] session(s): 218 emily harris Winterboro High School Talladega County Schools 129 South Hill Drive, Wilsonville, AL 35186 office: (256) 315-5372 email: [email protected] session(s): 209 L L H A N D S O N D E One-hOur COnCurrent SeSSiOn preSenterS allyson hasty Chalkable c/o Sharon Prescott 739 North University Boulevard, Suite 2000, Mobile, AL 36606 office: (800) 844-0884 email: [email protected] session(s): 115 Jeff haydel Aerohive 1811 Fuller St., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 office: (601) 402-5310 email: [email protected] session(s): 253 kathy heiman Alabama Public Television 2112 11th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205 office: (205) 254-1690 email: [email protected] session(s): 205 Martha M. hocutt University of West Alabama 5 Rosemont, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 office: (205) 652-3629 email: [email protected] session(s): 201 Jennifer hogan Hoover High School 1000 Buccaneer Drive, Hoover, AL 35244 office: (205) 439-1214 email: [email protected] session(s): 268, 269 katie holland Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 2626 Phil Street Southside, AL 35907 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 132, 141 angela hollis Vestavia Hills Elementary School East Vestavia Hills City Schools 327 Barrington Court, Birmingham, AL office: (205) 402-5200 email: [email protected] session(s): 228, 239 Michael hollis Shelby County Schools 327 Barrington Court, Birmingham, AL office: (205) 682-5620 email: [email protected] session(s): 239 Zoli honig Chalkable c/o Sharon Prescott 739 North University Boulevard, Suite 2000, Mobile, AL 36606 office: (800) 844-0884 email: [email protected] session(s): 136, 146 Shelly anne huver Rock Quarry Middle School Tuscaloosa County Schools 1234 Manora, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 office: (205) 759-3700 email: [email protected] session(s): 227, 238 Chris huys Alabama SuperComputer Authority session(s): 151 kimberly Jaggard Vestavia Hills Elementary School Central Vestavia Hills City Schools 1289 Montgomery Highway, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 office: (205) 402-5319 email: [email protected] session(s): 225 Charlie Jimmerson Marshall County Schools 12380 Hwy. 431 S, Guntersville AL office: (256) 582-4192 email: [email protected] session(s): 260 nancy Johnson Minnesota 2355 Polaris Lane S, Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55447 office: (763) 536-6980 email: [email protected] session(s): 250 Jane kemp Vestavia Hills Elementary School East Vestavia Hills City Schools 2109 Tyson Drive, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 office: (205) 402-5216 email: [email protected] session(s): 236 ann kennamer What's Next 401 Picadilly Drive, Scottsboro, AL 35768 office: (256) 599-0930 email: [email protected] session(s): 147 61 C K lisa keys-Mathews Department of Geography University of North Alabama 615 N Pine Street, Florence, AL 35632 office: (256) 765-4640 email: [email protected] session(s): 270, 271 Sonya kilpatrick Moulton Middle School Lawrence County Schools 9506 County Road 460, Moulton, AL 35650 office: (256) 905-2460 email: [email protected] session(s): 171, 215 David Justin lockhart (Spotlight Speaker) Iteach Center Kennesaw State University 3356 Hunters Lodge Rd., Marietta, GA 30062-1372 office: (404) 536-2771 email: [email protected] session(s): 110, 122, 142, 154, 161, 203, 212, 235, 245, 255 263 Melinda Maddox Research, Information, and Data Services Alabama Department of Education P O Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130 office: (334) 242-9716 email: [email protected] session(s): 111 Melissa Mann Moores Mill Intermediate School Madison County Schools 1210 Walker Lane, New Market, AL 35761 office: (256) 851-4700 email: [email protected] session(s): 106 Dom Martel Data and Development Alabama Department of Education P O Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36104 office: (334) 353-5878 email: [email protected] session(s): 208, 219, 266 natalie Martin Charles R. Drew Middle School Talladega County Schools 78975 Highway 77, Lincoln, AL 35096 office: (256) 315-5286 email: [email protected] session(s): 231, 242 Sharon Mcalevy Pearson 4755 Silver Lake Drive, Evans, GA 30809 office: (706) 414-7994 email: [email protected] session(s): 279 A A network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D S O N D E One-hOur COnCurrent SeSSiOn preSenterS C K robert McCartney Oxford Middle School Oxford City Schools 462 Woodland Ridge Rd., Odenville, AL 35120 office: (256) 241-3816 email: [email protected] session(s): 134, 144 Melissa Moncrief Alabama Department of Education P O Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130 office: (334) 353-1250 email: [email protected] session(s): 162 kathy C. perkins Verner Elementary School Tuscaloosa City Schools 1417 Plymouth Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 office: (205) 759-3667 email: [email protected] session(s): 102 Cameron Mckinley Hoover City Schools 6172 Valley Station Circle, Pelham, AL 35124 office: (205) 602-6673 email: [email protected] session(s): 150 emily nestor Winterboro High School Talladega County Schools 844 Boat Landing Road, Oneonta, AL 35121 office: (256) 315-5390 email: [email protected] session(s): 209 laura perry Alabama Supercomputer Authority 686 Discovery Drive, Huntsville, AL 35806 office: (256) 971-7492 email: [email protected] session(s): 151 latrelle Mcfarlane Atlanta Metropolitan School District P O Box 87427, Atlanta, GA 30337 office: (470) 202-8624 email: [email protected] session(s): 248 Juanita McMath The University of Alabama 10980 Meadows Cir., Vance, AL 35490 office: (205) 799-1567 email: [email protected] session(s): 206 robert McWilliams Bishop State Community College 351 North Broad Street, Mobile, AL 36603 office: (251) 405-7144 email: [email protected] session(s): 272 Berna Milton Mae Eanes Middle School Mobile County Public Schools 5185 Brown Lane, Theodore, AL 36582 office: (251) 591-3104 email: [email protected] session(s): 165 timothy Milton S.D. Bishop State Community College 5193 Brown Lane, Theodore, AL 36582 office: (251) 366-3010 email: [email protected] session(s): 165 Stephen Mirante FileWave 10711 America Way, Suite 250, Fishers, IN 46038 office: (513) 310-1130 email: [email protected] session(s): 131 Jennifer nelson Mountain Brook Jr. High School Mountain Brook City Schools 215 Broadway Street, Homewood, AL 35209 office: (205) 871-3516 email: [email protected] session(s): 265 Jennifer northrup Oak Mountain Elementary School Shelby County Schools 3219 Starlake Circle, Hoover, AL 35226 office: (205) 682-5230 email: [email protected] session(s): 163 tama nunnelley Guntersville Middle School Alabama Geographic Alliance 71 Marshall Circle, Guntersville, AL 35976 office: (256) 582-5182 email: [email protected] session(s): 270, 271 Beth panik Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 1917 Lookout St., Gadsden, AL 35904 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 121 Sarah patterson B. B. Comer Memorial High School Talladega County Schools 5608 Smith Road, Pell City, AL 35128 office: (205) 704-3451 email: [email protected] session(s): 267 Michael pepper Athens State University/ATiM Alabama Department of Education 17420 Malone Road, Athens, AL 35611 office: (256) 233-6583 email: [email protected] session(s): 119 62 Joshua M. perona Schoology 115 W. 30th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10001 office: (615) 339-6928 email: [email protected] session(s): 109 Jay pfaffman Professional Studies Department University of South Alabama 3800 UCOM, Mobile, AL 36688 office: (254) 380-2861 email: [email protected] session(s): 276 faith hanna plunkett Monte Sano Elementary School Huntsville City Schools 1212 Camellia Dr. SW, Decatur, AL 35601 office: (256) 428-7300 email: [email protected] session(s): 249 amber J. pope Tarrant High School Tarrant City Schools 91 Black Creek Road, Tarrant, AL 35217 office: (205) 849-0172 email: [email protected] session(s): 220 Casey J.W. reed Lawrence County Schools 262 Highland Drive, Moulton, AL 35650 office: (256) 905-2400 email: [email protected] session(s): 215 Susan reedy Alabama Department of Education 50 North Ripley Street, Montgomery, AL 36104 office: (334-) 353-1250 email: [email protected] session(s): 162 L L H A N D S O N D E C One-hOur COnCurrent SeSSiOn preSenterS Jeff rhodus Baldwin County Schools 1071 Avenue B, Loxley, AL 36551 office: (251) 972-6850 email: [email protected] session(s): 145 Beth Sanders Tarrant City Schools 1318 Alabama Street, Tarrant, AL 35217 office: (205) 849-3700 email: [email protected] session(s): 135, 220 Jeff richardson Simmons/Berry Middle Schools Hoover City Schools 5524 Pearl Drive, Bessemer, AL 35022 office: (205) 439-1082 email: [email protected] session(s): 277 Melinda Sears Oak Mountain High School Shelby County Schools 2805 Cahawba Trail, Birmingham, AL 35243 office: (205) 886-7716 email: [email protected] session(s): 118 Margaret l. rice College of Education The University of Alabama Box 870302, Tuscaloosa, AL office: (205) 348-1165 email: [email protected] session(s): 206 Marco rivera MasteryConnect 878 Peachtree St., NE 302, Atlanta, GA 30309 office: (678) 722-1314 email: [email protected] session(s): 221, 232 vanessa roberts Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 400 Creekside Circle, Gadsden, AL 35901 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 132, 141 amanda rogers Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 1521 Western Lane, Southside, AL 35907 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 124 lynn rogers Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 1501 Noccalula Road, Gadsden, AL 35904 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 226, 237 reenay rogers University of West Alabama Station #33, Livingston, AL 35470 office: (205) 652-5423 email: [email protected] session(s): 130, 139 logan Searcy Research and Development Alabama Department of Education 500 Dallas Ave., Selma, AL 36701 office: (334) 353-7211 email: [email protected] session(s): 241 Duana Shears Thompson High School Alabaster City Schools 329 Golden Meadows Place, Alabaster, AL 35007 office: (205) 685-6700 email: [email protected] session(s): 112 patsy Sheffield Achievement Services Chalkable c/o Sharon Prescott 739 North University Boulevard, Suite 2000, Mobile, AL 36606 office: (800) 844-0884 email: [email protected] session(s): 243 Sonya Shelton Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 203 Seay Ave., Boaz, AL 35957 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 124 erica Smith Oxford City Schools Oxford Middle School session(s): 134, 144 lisa Snyder Mill Creek Elementary School TASC - a Program of UCP 919 Highland Drive, Madison, AL 35758 office: (256) 774-4690 email: [email protected] session(s): 169 63 K kiley Soule New Century Technology High School Huntsville City Schools 105 Equestrian Lane, Madison, AL 35758 office: (256) 428-7800 email: [email protected] session(s): 120 Wendy Stephens Cullman High School Cullman City Schools 204 California St. SE, Huntsville, AL 35801 office: (256) 734-3923 email: [email protected] session(s): 222, 233 Stephanie Steward Piedmont Middle School 401 N Main St., Piedmont, AL 36272 session(s): 221 holly Sutherland Haleyville High School Haleyville City Schools 2001 20th Street, Haleyville, AL 35565 office: (205) 486-1660 email: [email protected] session(s): 268 tony thacker Research and Development Alabama Department of Education P O Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130 office: (334) 353-4515 email: [email protected] session(s): 133, 208, 252 Carol therrell Baldwin County Schools 1071 Avenue B, Loxley, AL 36551 office: (251) 972-6850 email: [email protected] session(s): 145 Mike trice Alabama Supercomputer Authority 686 Discovery Drive, Huntsville, AL 35806 office: (256) 971-7423 email: [email protected] session(s): 151 Jeff utecht (featured Speaker) email: [email protected] session(s): 105, 117, 128, 149, 158 lemanski Walker Alabama Department of Education P O Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130 email: [email protected] session(s): 247 A A L L H A N D S O N D E C One-hOur COnCurrent SeSSiOn preSenterS pamela S. Walker Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights Vestavia Hills City Schools 4401 Dolly Ridge Road, Vestavia Hills, AL 35243 office: (205) 402-5480 email: [email protected] session(s): 170 Crystal Watford Helena Middle School Shelby County Schools 9065 Brookline Lane, Helena, AL 35080 office: (205) 682-5300 email: [email protected] session(s): 259 Celeste Wheat University of West Alabama UWA, Livingston, AL 35470 office: (205) 652-3400 email: [email protected] session(s): 201 Daniel Mark Whitt Madison City Schools 22348 Lochmere Blvd., Athens, AL 35613 office: (256) 464-8370 email: [email protected] session(s): 125, 135 kellie Wigley Vestavia Hills Elementary School Central Vestavia Hills City Schools 1289 Montgomery Hwy., Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 office: (205) 402-5302 email: [email protected] session(s): 225 free Wifi : network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) A 64 K lauren h. Woolley Shelby County Schools 3423 Huntcliff Circle, Hoover, AL 35226 office: (205) 682-5975 email: [email protected] session(s): 229 Jennifer Wright Mitchell Elementary School Gadsden City Schools 1501 Noccalula Road, Gadsden, AL 35904 office: (256) 546-2711 email: [email protected] session(s): 226, 237 A L L H A N D S S e S S i O n fa C i l i tat O r S O N D E C K We would like to thank these people for giving up a half day of the conference to facilitate sessions for us. We couldn’t do it without your help! Alston, Melody Altmark, Julie Atchison, Shay Baker, Krista Barnes, LaTonya Bates, Craig Braxton, Karen Bunn, Laela G. Burden, Greg Bynum, Yvette Chandler, Michelle Charles, Angela (Cox) Clark-Jones, Alisha Davidson, Carol Roy Dempsey, Jennifer Ensley, Jennifer Graydon, Cheryl Graydon, Wayne Hall, Linda Hoggle, Carol Hoggle, Jana Hughes, Jamie Jenks, Chris Jones, Verlander Kennedy, Carnetta Lanier, Elizabeth Lavender, Lisa Lipska, Christopher Marchant, Carla Massey, Amanda Matheny, Mandie McGilberry, Laura Milton, Berna Mitchell, Tammy Monk, Michelle Moon, Jenny Moore, John Mullinax, Katie Neville, Jocelyn Pace, Carol Peacock, Penny Randolph, Yulonda Rogers, Tammy Salters, Suzanne Salters, Kara Stephens, Joanne Sullivan, Vickey Summerville, Lottie Thrasher, Barbara Walker, Alisha Watford, Anita Watson, Laurinda Williams, Kwasida System Birmingham City Schools Hoover City Schools Elmore County Schools Pell City Schools Birmingham City Schools Talladega County Schools Perry County Schools Coosa County Schools Jefferson County Schools Auburn City Schools Birmingham City Schools Elmore County Schools Birmingham City Schools Bibb County Schools Auburn City Schools Hoover City Schools Lee County Schools Lee County Schools Birmingham City Schools Randolph County Schools Satsuma City Schools Pell City Schools Tuscaloosa City Schools Perry County Schools Homewood City Schools Montgomery County Schools Birmingham City Schools Montgomery County Schools Hoover City Schools Auburn City Schools Auburn City Schools Auburn City Schools Mobile County Schools Pell City Schools Gadsden City Schools Gadsden City Schools Calhoun County Schools Gadsden City Schools Midfield City Schools Lauderdale County Schools Barbour County Schools Dallas County Schools Jefferson County Schools Boaz City Schools (Retired ) Auburn City Schools Birmingham City Schools Madison County Schools Troy City Schools Athens State University Birmingham City Schools Birmingham City Schools Calhoun County Schools Atlanta 65 One-hour Concurrent/hands-on facilitator One-Hour Concurrent Session Hands-on Workshop Hands-on Workshop One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session Hands-on Workshop One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session Hands-on Workshop Hands-on Workshop One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session Hands-on Workshop FLOATING Hands-on Workshop One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session Hands-on Workshop Hands-on Workshop One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session FLOATING One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session Hands-on Workshop One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session Hands-on Workshop One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session One-Hour Concurrent Session A name network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D aetC eXhiBitOrS aCCeSS Distance learning - alSDe Booth(s): 110 Contact: Larry Raines, John Halbrooks 5351 Gordon Persons Building Montgomery, AL 36130-2101 Phone: (334) 242-9594 [email protected] Web: accessdl.state.al.us ACCESS Distance Learning provides online courses for the high schools in the state of Alabama in an effort to make available high-quality instruction to improve student achievement. Visit our booth to see the latest changes and improvements in the ACCESS program. aerohive networks Booth(s): 412 Contact: Shane Moore 330 Gibraltar Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Phone: (615) 330-8435 [email protected] Web: www.aerohive.com Aerohive helps simplify networking for K-12 and Higher Education by reducing the cost and complexity of campus deployments with awardwinning, cooperative control, cloudenabled Wi-Fi, routing, and switching solutions. Aerohive's award-winning cooperative control architecture; public or private cloud platform; and easy-to-deploy routing, VPN, and switching solutions eliminate costly hardware appliances and deliver "business-grade" wired and wireless networks that are centrally managed and offer sophisticated security features - and more - so that schools can take educational technologies to the next level. ag irepair Booth(s): 103 Contact: P.J. Caruso 220 Huff Ave., Suite 500 Greensburg, PA 15601 Phone: (724) 838-1170 ext. 123 [email protected] Web: www.agirepair.com AG iRepair has revolutionized the way 700+ of the most innovative school districts throughout the nation are maintaining their mobile technology initiatives, by performing elite screen repairs and parts procurement through exclusive networks. In addition, AG iRepair works with AASPs, Apple Specialists, and insurance and warranty providers. AG iRepair accepts school POs and offers 1-3 day turnaround times on all repairs. AG iRepairs can help your school's budget substantially compared to using any insurance or warranty services. S O N D E C K (aS Of May 4, 2015) alabama Card Systems, inc. Booth(s): 504 Contact: Pete Drake, Todd Pierce 500 Gene Reed Rd., Suite 102 Birmingham, AL 35215 Phone: (205) 833-1116 [email protected] Web: www.alabamacard.com alabama Conference of educators (aCOe) Booth(s): 621 Contact: Terry Slone P.O. Box 102035 Birmingham, AL 35210 Phone: (866) 266-2263 [email protected] Web: www.acoe.us The Alabama Conference of Educators (ACOE) is a non-union professional organization for Alabama teachers and support personnel. Member benefits include $1 Million Educators Liability Insurance, Legal Assistance, Professional Development support, and member discounts on goods and services. Membership fees are only $189 per year. Please visit our website at www.acoe.us for more information. alabama learning exchange aleX Booth(s): 116 Contact: Hailey Ridgeway 1720 2nd Avenue South | EB248 Birmingham, AL 35294 Phone: (205) 996-5985 [email protected] Web: http://alex.state.al.us ALEX is the award-winning state education Web portal created by the office of Educational Technology, Alabama Department of Education. Hosted by the Alabama Supercomputer Authority, ALEX is a completely free, one-stop digital content resource available for every public and private student, parent, school leader, and teacher in Alabama. ALEX serves as a repository for over 60,000 links to vetted lesson plans, podcasts, digital content, as well as learning assets— all aligned to Alabama's College- and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS). alabama public television Booth(s): 108 Contact: Kathy Heiman 2112 11th Ave. South, Suite 400 Birmingham, AL 35205 Phone: (205) 254-1690 [email protected] Web: www.aptiq.org Free public television resources available to all educators, students, and parents. 66 alabama Supercomputer authority Booth(s): 109, 208 Contact: John M. Wade, CEO 401 Adams Avenue, Suite 764 Montgomery, AL 36130 Phone: (334) 242-0100 [email protected] Web: www.asc.edu The Alabama Supercomputer Authority operates the Alabama Research & Education Network and the Alabama Supercomputer Center, providing Internet, networking, firewall, email, Web application firewall, and HPC. alabama technology in Motion/efe Booth(s): 225 Contact: Cheri Hayes 5351 Gordon Persons Building, 50 N. Ripley St. Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 242-9594 [email protected] Web: www.atim.us Alabama Technology in Motion provides on-site, job-embedded professional development that helps teachers promote the use of technology in teaching and learning. This program offers free services and training that support teachers' professional growth in effective teaching practices, the creation of technology-rich learning environments, and project-based learning. alabama virtual library - alSDe Booth(s): 118 Contact: Meg Lowry 3345 Gordon Persons Building Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 353-1191 [email protected] Web: www.avl.lib.al.us http://alex.state.al.us/libmedia/ The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources is available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state. archives Security, inc. Booth(s): 510 Contact: John McManaway P.O. Box 190406 Birmingham, AL 35219 Phone: (205) 322-6197 [email protected] Web: www.ArchivesSecurity.com ASI is a records and information management company. In business since 1991, we provide Document Imaging, Data Protection, Records Storage and Services and Equipment, Media, and Document Destruction. arey Jones educational Solutions Booth(s): 418 Contact: Tiffany Caskey Bair 1055 6th Ave., Suite 101 San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: (800) 998-9199 [email protected] Arey Jones is a leader in providing dedicated K12 Educational Support Services, Project Management, Technical Support, Training, Integration Services, and Warranty Repair. Arey Jones Educational Solutions is a single point of management for all your technology needs. auburn university at Montgomery Booth(s): 513 Contact: Timothy Lewis P.O. Box 244023 Montgomery, AL 36124-4023 Phone: (334) 244-3184 [email protected] Web: http://education.aum.edu/ academic-programs/graduateprograms/instructional-technology Instructional technology describes all tools used for teaching and learning, including mobile technologies, virtual worlds, Web 2.0 tools, cameras, GPS devices, computer-based probes, calculators, and electronic tools yet to be discovered. Beyond network Services Booth(s): 610 Contact: John Parks, Milton Buckley 3205 Lorna Road, Suite 102 Birmingham, AL 35216 Phone: (205) 822-3338 [email protected] L L H A N D aetC eXhiBitOrS Bfa technologies Booth(s): 518 Contact: Bob Garst 4060 Peachtree Road, Suite D-576 Atlanta, GA 30319 Phone: (404) 525-8199 [email protected] Web: bfatechnologies.com BFA Technologies, Inc. is an Information Technology (IT) consulting business focused on Apple, Inc. products and services. We are an Apple-authorized partner and a member of the Apple Consultants Network. BFA has extensive experience in deploying large iOS and Macintosh system rollouts for both education and corporate clients. BFA also offers complete EMM/MDM and Macintosh management solutions - both product and full implementation. We partner with industry leaders AirWatch, Mobile Iron, and JAMF. Book Systems inc. Booth(s): 300 Contact: Suzanne Burton 4901 University Sq., Suite 3 Huntsville, AL 35816 Phone: (800) 219-6571 [email protected] Web: www.booksys.com Book Systems is an innovative Library software provider offering Web-based solutions for your library. Atriuum is the ultimate library management solution with many advanced features like configurable user interfaces, customizable reports, mobile searching, and eBook resource sharing. Booktracks meets the challenge of managing your assets and textbooks by readily providing the tools necessary so you'll know exactly what you have, where it is located, and who is responsible for them. Brainchild Booth(s): 203 Contact: David Flaherty 3050 Horseshoe Dr. North, Suite 218 Naples, FL 34104 Phone: (615) 268-5155 [email protected] Web: www.Brainchild.com Hundreds of schools use Brainchild's award-winning Core Concepts program for standards mastery. Brainchild continues our dedication to providing Alabama schools with affordable, effective solutions. Brainchild offers tested, proven, and widely acclaimed strategies for online as well as mobile learning in math, language arts, and science. S BrainpOp Booth(s): 211 Contact: Teresa Fuller 71 W 23rd Street New York, NY 10010 Phone: (212) 574-6028 [email protected] Web: www.brainpop.com BrainPOP creates animated, curricular resources that engage students and support teachers - in class, at home, and on the go. Our offerings include BrainPOP Jr. (K-3); BrainPOP; BrainPOP Español; BrainPOP ESL; BrainPOP Educators, a hub for professional development; GameUp; and a suite of learning apps for all major platforms. Brenthaven Booth(s): 409 Contact: Kelly Nealson 321 3rd Ave. S, Suite 403 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (360) 733-5608 ext. 103 [email protected] Web: www.brenthaven.com/education The Brenthaven K-12 Education Collection of laptop and tablet cases are designed for the rigors of student life and daily wear. We understand the investment that you make in your 1:1 technology deployment, and keeping your technology safe is our number one concern. Bright White paper Co. Booth(s): 604 Contact: Rick Kazdin P.O. Box 2472 Palm City, FL 34990 Phone: (772) 223-5511 [email protected] Web: www.brightwhitepaper.com Britannica Digital learning Booth(s): 209 Contact: Rick Lumsden 331 N. LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60618 Phone: (800) 621-3900 [email protected] Web: info.eb.com Britannica Digital Learning (BDL) provides reliable, high-quality products and solutions for educators and students in grades PreK-16. BDL products are created by scholarly experts, skilled editors, educators and curriculum specialists. They are designed to ignite curiosity and collaboration in students and make teaching and learning more effective. Products for schools include Britannica® School, Britannica ImageQuest and Pathways: Science and Britannica Ebooks. BDL is a division of Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. and is headquartered in Chicago. 67 O N Burrow library Services, inc. Booth(s): 311, 313 Contact: David Burrow 408 Turner Rd. Pell City, AL 35128 Phone: (800) 683-5187 [email protected] Web: www.duraboundbooks.com Camcor Booth(s): 612 Contact: Mike Winslett 2273 South Church St. Burlington, NC 27215 Phone: (800) 868-2462 [email protected] Web: www.camcor.com Camcor provides audio visual and educational technology solutions. Canvas Booth(s): 317 Contact: Rob Mayfield 6330 S 3000 E, Suite 700 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Phone: (801) 869-5000 [email protected] Web: www.CanvasLMS.com Canvas is the learning management system that makes teaching and learning easier. Canvas connects teachers, tools, ideas, and students, and then stays out of the way. With all the built-in features you need and the integrations you want, Canvas helps take teaching to a higher level. Carnegie learning, inc. Booth(s): 611 Contact: Caitlin Dodds 437 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Phone: (888) 851-7094 ext. 161 [email protected] Web: www.carnegielearning.com/ Founded by cognitive and computer scientists from Carnegie Mellon University in conjunction with veteran mathematics teachers, Carnegie Learning not only questions the traditional way of teaching math. We reinvent it. Carnegie Learning provides comprehensive solutions to raise students' math knowledge through a combination of classroom activities, adaptive software, and teacher professional development. CCC! Streaming Booth(s): 525 Contact: Diane Johnson 307 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: (312) 397-2157 [email protected] Web: www.ndmquestar.com Educational streaming media and DVDs for use in classrooms and accompanying teachers’ guides that aligns with Common Core Standards. D E C K Cef (Custom educational furnishings, llC) Booth(s): 516 Contact: Cindy Lubin P.O. Box 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Phone: (828) 337-7152 [email protected] Web: www.cefinc.com Charging Carts/Stations for tablets (incl. iPads), Chromebooks, and other mobile devices. Teacher Stations, Computer Tables. Made in USA. 10year warranty. Chalkable Booth(s): 501, 503, 600, 602 Contact: Ruby McCullough 739 North University Boulevard, Suite 2000 Mobile, AL 36608 Phone: (800) 844-0884 [email protected] Web: www.chalkable.com Chalkable is a leading provider of education data management, student achievement, and professional learning solutions to the K-12 public and private school market. In partnership with states, districts, schools, and educators, Chalkable helps students succeed by breaking down the barriers to learning across the K-12 ecosystem and facilitating collaboration, access to information, and effective use of tools to improve student performance. More than 5,000 schools in 50 states use Chalkable solutions. For more information, visit www.chalkable.com. Cisco Systems Booth(s): 106 Contact: Steven Weaver 170 West Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: (800) 553-6387 [email protected] Web: www.cisco.com Cisco is the worldwide leader in IT that helps schools seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the previously unconnected. At Cisco customers come first and an integral part of our DNA is creating longlasting customer partnerships and working with them to identify their needs and provide solutions that support their success. At Cisco, we are transforming how people connect, communicate, and collaborate. A A network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D aetC eXhiBitOrS Clear touch interactive Booth(s): 104 Contact: Jimmy Higginbotham 561 Keystone Avenue Reno, NV 89503 Phone: (775) 473-9199 [email protected] Web: www.getcleartouch.com Clear Touch Interactive provides interactive technology solutions that helps educational institutions to Interact Differently. These interactive technology solutions are specifically designed for the demands and requirements of today's collaborative environments. It is through a combination of immersive audio and video technologies that leads Clear Touch Interactive in transforming the interactive experience. Clear Winds technologies, inc. Booth(s): 509 Contact: Stan Sargent 13001 Liberty Parkway Birmingham, AL 35242 Phone: (205) 986-4490 [email protected] Web: www.clearwinds.net Clear Winds Technologies is a full service IT solutions company that offers managed services, hosted services, structured cabling, colocation services, and end-to-end solutions. College football hall of fame Booth(s): 113 Contact: Jodi O'Gara 250 Marietta Street Atlanta, GA 30313 Phone: (404) 880-4841 [email protected] Web: cfbhall.com The College Football Hall of Fame and Chick-fil-A Fan Experience is highlyimmersive and engaging. It blends historic artifacts with state-of-theart, multimedia college football exhibits. Your class will get a vivid look into the rich traditions and contagious excitement of the game. You are sure to score points with your students as you use the topic of sports, along with the interactive experiences at the Hall of Fame itself, to connect the educational themes of the exhibition to national and local T.E.A.M.S.T curricula Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Mathematics, and Science. S Curriculum associates Booth(s): 405 Contact: Andrea Shane 153 Rangeway Road North Billerica, MA 01862 Phone: (800) 225-0248 [email protected] Web: www.curriculumassociates.com Curriculum Associates is committed to making classrooms better places for teachers and students. We believe that all children have the chance to succeed, and our research-based, award-winning products, including i-Ready®, Ready®, BRIGANCE® provide teachers and administrators with flexible resources that deliver meaningful assessments and datadriven, differentiated instruction for children. Decisioned Booth(s): 520 Contact: Michelle Birdwell 870 S. Denton Tap Road, Suite 150 Coppell, TX 75019 Phone: (615) 403-6739 [email protected] Web: www.decisioned.com Can you get actionable insight from your data? Empower users with DecisionEd's dashboards and reports, which consolidate information from all systems - SIS, assessments, HR, Finance, interventions plus many others. See how districts in Alabama and across the U.S. positively impact performance, drop-outs, graduation, behavior, attendance, and much more. Digital technology group, inc. Booth(s): 603 Contact: Gary Barker 8176 Woodland Center Blvd. Tampa, FL 33614 Phone: (800) 681-0024 [email protected] Web: www.dtgweb.com DTG provides digital solutions for educators and administrators including wide format printers, 3D printers, poster printers, scanners, and other technologies vital for your success. 68 O N DreamBox Booth(s): 411 Contact: Sara Murphy 305 108th Ave. NE Bellevue, WA 98004 Phone: (877) 451-7845 [email protected] Web: www.dreambox.com DreamBox Learning© Math empowers elementary and middle school students to master the key concepts of math, increase achievement, accelerate student learning, and boost long-lasting confidence. All kids—even struggling students—can become mathematicians within our competency-based, intelligently adaptive, online math learning environment at school or at home. eDCO education, inc. Booth(s): 413, 512 Contact: Shea Allen 1201 Roberts Blvd., Suite 100 Kennesaw, GA 30144 Phone: (256) 683-5145 [email protected] Web: www.edcoeducation.com EDCO Education is a systems integrator of classroom technology based in Kennesaw, GA. EDCO partners with school systems across the country developing technology solutions that improve student achievement and empower educators. Our mission is to provide school districts with the products and expertise that allow for flawless implementation and successful management of classroom and school technology. Most importantly – we build lasting relationships with our customers based on our credibility, honesty and dedication to excellence. edmentum Booth(s): 204 Contact: Beth Mayeaux 5600 W 83rd Street, Suite 300 / 8200 Tower Bloomington, MN 55437 Phone: (601) 717-2365 [email protected] Web: www.edmentum.com Edmentum is a leading provider of online, mobile and software learning solutions designed to drive learner achievement for academic and career success, and offers a wide variety of innovative solutions spanning a multitude of program areas to empower 21st Century teaching and learning. D E C K elearning alabama Booth(s): 227 Contact: Tom Dreilinger 5351 Gordon Persons Building, 50 N. Ripley St. Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 670-1884 [email protected] Web: http://elearning.atim.cc Offers information technology classes online. iAcademy will present our titles in a visual, interactive format that will bring content to life for both teachers and students alike. epson america inc. Booth(s): 301, 400 Contact: Barry Sugarman 302 Egret Lane Weston, FL 33327 Phone: (954) 349-4311 [email protected] Web: www.epson.com/brighterfutures Epson is the premiere manufacturer of an extensive array of multimedia projectors for the education market. The Epson color imaging products consist of 3chip 3LCD multimedia classroom projectors, BrightLink interactive and auditorium projectors, desktop and wide format color printers, scanners, and document cameras. For more information please visit: www.epsonbrighterfutures.com. extron electronics Booth(s): 416 Contact: Anthony Cortes 1025 East Ball Road Anaheim, CA 92805 Phone: (714) 491-1500 [email protected] Web: www.extron.com Extron Electronics is the leading manufacturer of classroom audio and video solutions for the K-12 market, including PoleVault® Digital Classroom AV Systems, VoiceLift® Microphone Systems, and GlobalViewer® software for network-based AV resource management and campus communications. L L H A N D aetC eXhiBitOrS facts4Me Booth(s): 404 Contact: Sandra Morgan 720 Vandustrial St. Westmont, IL 60559 Phone: (800) 515-0087 [email protected] Web: www.facts4me.com Facts4Me is an outstanding resource of science and social studies information written at an elementary reading level. This site, designed and written by teachers, is ad-free, secure, and safe! Each report is loaded with dynamic pictures, an easy-to-read chart, and informative text. High interest - low readability! Our basic hours site license is only $50 per school per 12 months. Visit our booth to receive your FREE 24/7 Facts4Me access flier! filewave Booth(s): 309, 408 Contact: Anabell Castillo 10711 America Way Fishers, IN 46038 Phone: (305) 615-1126 [email protected] Web: www.filewave.com Since 1992, FileWave has understood in most all organizations, multiplatform support is highly desired and often a requirement. We allow IT, Curriculum, and other Administrators to take full control of their technology (Windows PCs, Mac OS X, Android, & iOS Devices) within a single interface. When it comes a having a complete systems management software, FileWave makes it easy! Image, Deploy, Manage, Maintain, Inventory. Introducing "Engage" Classroom Management. flvS global Booth(s): 326 Contact: Molly Trappe 2145 Metrocenter Blvd. Orlando, FL 32835 Phone: (407) 340-8218 [email protected] Web: www.flvsglobal.net FLVS Global was established in 2000 as the national and international arm of Florida Virtual School. FLVS Global has proudly served students and provided courseware, training, and expertise to a variety of online and blended learning programs in all 50 states and more than 65 countries. Services include Global School, professional development, course licensing, and custom development for schools, districts, states, and international agencies. S frog publications Booth(s): 410 11820 Uradco Pl., Suite 105 San Antonio, FL 33576 Phone: (800) 777-3764 [email protected] Web: www.frog.com Ready-to Use, self-checking and hands on classroom learning game centers. Instant parentalinvolvement, homework, and testpreparation program that lasts the entire year. A little drop a day of review makes old skills easy to remember and new skills easy to grasp with Drops in the Bucket daily review books! Critical thinking, Dual Language, Reading/Language Arts, Math & Social Studies. goanimate, inc. Booth(s): 201 Contact: Stephanie Schiff 204 E 2nd Avenue, Suite 638 San Mateo, CA 94401 Phone: (888) 360-9639 [email protected] Web: www.goanimate4schools.com Engage your students with video, while incorporating technology in your classroom. Flip your classroom. Introduce new lessons. Plan creative assignments and stimulate critical thinking. GoAnimate is a cloud-based, do-it-yourself animated video creation platform. Features such as characters, actions, backgrounds, props, and lip-sync are controlled by simple drag and drop tools. howard technology Solutions Booth(s): 101, 200 Contact: Josh Jefcoat 36 Howard Drive Ellisville, MS 39437 Phone: (601) 310-7346 [email protected] Web: www.howardcomputers.com Howard Technology Solutions, along with our own brand of desktops and laptops, is the re-seller of a wide array of cutting edge educational technology. From the learning tools for your classroom to the professional installation that gets things up and running, we are your total solutions provider. iacademy/edutyping.com Booth(s): 205 Contact: Robin Wardle P.O. Box 8558 Warwick, RI 02888 Phone: (888) 781-6921 [email protected] Web: www.bepublishing.com iAcademy is B.E. Publishing’s new portal for delivering business and career resources. 69 O N imagine easy Solutions, llC Booth(s): 505 Contact: Jeanette Netwal 10 E 39th Street, Floor 3 New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 675-6738 [email protected] Imagine Easy Solutions is a technology company headquartered in New York City. Our products EasyBib and ResearchReady and services provide solutions to build the foundation or writing skills and help students practice those skills. Over 2,000 schools use these products, including colleges like Tulane and Emory and large districts like Dallas ISD and Baltimore County. inCare-k12 Booth(s): 318, 320 Contact: Pam Williams 600 Lakeshore Parkway Birmingham, AL 35209 Phone: (334) 819-1038 [email protected] Web: www.InCare-K12.com For over 10 years, InCare-K12 (a division of InCare Technologies) has been providing K-12 education technology integration services to school districts throughout Alabama. We guide districts in building schools equipped for 1:1 learning using our own professional development team as well as the most cost effective infrastructure and technology available. information transport Solutions, inc. Booth(s): 100 Contact: Tony Helton 335 Jeanette Barrett Industrial Blvd. Wetumpka, AL 36092 Phone: (334) 567-1993 [email protected] Web: www.its-networks.com Information Transport Solutions, Inc. (ITS) is a full service provider of technology solutions and services integrating voice, video, and data, with the goal of creating exceptional and affordable solutions for all our customers. ITS is your one source provider for design, installation and support. The company also provides managed network solutions and has a team of certified technical experts who can proactively manage your network from a state of the art management center. D E C K ipevO Booth(s): 210 Contact: Alex Yang 440 N Wolfe Road Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: (408) 490-3085 ext. 700 [email protected] Web: www.ipevo.com IPEVO makes versatile teaching tools instead of specialized "Classroom equipment". We go beyond usual convention of classroom technology - large, expensive, specialized and complex to rethink simple and flexible solutions for interactive teaching in today's classroom. Our interactive teaching tools empower educators and teachers with radically affordable and compact technology that is simple, intuitive and flexible, so that precious time and resources can be wholly dedicated to teaching. istation Booth(s): 319 Contact: Josh Hill 8150 North Central Expressway, Suite 2000 Dallas, TX 75206 Phone: (866) 883-7323 ext. 2519 [email protected] Web: www.istation.com Istation offers an integrated reading intervention system, including computer-adaptive assessments, online instruction, reports, and teacher-delivered lessons. Its individualized instruction provides highly interactive, engaging, computer-delivered content for students in Grades PreK-8. All Istation Reading lessons are supported by data-rich benchmark and continuous progress monitoring assessments delivered through Istation's proprietary technology. Istation Reading has proven effective in maximizing students' reading fluency, comprehension, and retention. Its comprehensive library of support materials makes every minute of teaching and learning more effective, and its easy-to-use components work together to provide every student with the individualized instruction he or she needs for continual achievement. A A network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) free Wifi : A L L H A N D aetC eXhiBitOrS Jive Communications Booth(s): 608 Contact: Julie Helfman 1275 W 1600 N #100 Orem, Utah 84057 Phone: (801) 717-1558 [email protected] Web: www.jive.com Jive Communications is the leader in Cloud for Education. Jive's solutions are custom-built for the K12 market. Jive is a leading provider of Category 1 E-Rate eligible hosted telecommunications to the education marketplace. Invest in the technology your students and staff deserve. keyboarding Online Booth(s): 601 Contact: Loren Gable 2221 W Pecos Rd., Suite 6 Chandler, AZ 85224 Phone: (888) 963-4817 [email protected] Web: http://KeyboardingOnline.com/ Cutting edge Web-based keyboarding software. Leading provider of online keyboarding programs. Innovative features eliminate hunting and pecking habits! Individualize program to student's needs. Tablet, Chrome Book, iPad compatible! No software to install! Free mouse pads/posters! The easiest and most effective method to teach keyboarding. Free 60-day trial! leCroy educational technology Booth(s): 425, 427, 524, 526 Contact: Rusty Towe 285 Big A Road Toccoa, GA 30577 Phone: (706) 886-7233 [email protected] Web: http://lecroyeft.com/ Featuring LED Interactive Touch Panels and how they have revolutionized student engagement and interactivity in the classroom. legO education Booth(s): 305 Contact: Dustin Rhodes 1005 East Jefferson Street Pittsburg, KS 66762 Phone: (313) 647-0043 [email protected] Web: www.legoeducation.us LEGO® Education combines the unique excitement of LEGO bricks with hands-on classroom solutions for science, technology, engineering, math, and literacy. We focus on providing high-quality education solutions that appeal to a variety of learning styles and for all educational levels. S lightspeed technologies, inc. Booth(s): 302 Contact: Vanessa Savoie 11509 SW Herman Rd. Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone: (800) 732-8999 [email protected] Web: www.lightspeed-tek.com Classroom Audio...Redefined. New Flexcat "Access Technology" provides clear communication during whole group instruction, and provides two-way audio to each small group. This allows teachers to monitor small groups, redirect offtask behavior, and encourage collaboration. Experience this breakthrough in classroom audio at the Lightspeed Technologies booth. MasteryConnect Booth(s): 212 Contact: Marco Rivera 222 S Main, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone: (801) 736-0258 [email protected] Web: www.masteryconnect.com MasteryConnect helps educators identify levels of understanding, target students for intervention, and improve learning and instruction. Mcgraw-hill education Booth(s): 303 Contact: Frank Parker 1400 Woodward Circle Gardendale, AL 35071 Phone: (205) 631-8369 [email protected] Web: mheonline.com McGraw-Hill Education is a digital learning company that draws on its more than 100 years of educational expertise to offer solutions which improve learning outcomes. McGraw-Hill Education is the adaptive education technology leader with the vision for creating a highly personalized learning experience that prepares students of all ages for the world that awaits. Metis Corporation Booth(s): 421 Contact: Christopher Clements 1545 Gulf Shores Pkwy. Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Phone: (888) 633-5716 [email protected] Web: www.metiscorp.org Metis Corporation is a Full Service IT Solution Provider based in Alabama that provides both classroom and infrastructure technology for school systems throughout the southeast. 70 O N Mitel Booth(s): 112 Contact: Shelley Young 6 Concourse Parkway Atlanta, GA 30328 Phone: (770) 417-5129 [email protected] Web: www.mitel.com Powering more than 2 billion connections every day, Mitel helps businesses connect, collaborate and take care of their customers. That includes more than 33 million cloud connections daily, making Mitel the world's fastest growing provider of cloud communications. Our business communications experts serve more than 60 million users with over 2,500 channel partners in more than 100 countries. MXn Corporation Booth(s): 401, 500 Contact: Joe Alissandrello PMB306, 1025 Rose Creek Drive #620 Woodstock, GA 30189 Phone: (770) 926-1884 [email protected] Web: www.mxncorp.com MXN has an easy-to-deploy, easy-touse and inexpensive tablet computing solution for one-to-one. This is a completely different solution from anything else on the market. It puts a device in the student's hands that's less than $200, completely secure, and can be deployed and configured by teachers. It makes online testing easy and secure. nutanix Booth(s): 213 Contact: Michael Carroll 1740 Technology Drive, Suite 150 San Jose, CA 95110 Phone: (678) 858-6240 [email protected] Nutanix delivers Web-scale IT infrastructure to medium and large enterprises with its softwaredriven Virtual Computing Platform, natively converging compute and storage into a single solution to drive unprecedented simplicity in the datacenter. Customers can start with a few servers and scale to thousands, with predictable performance and economics. With a patented elastic data fabric and consumer-grade management, Nutanix is the blueprint for application-optimized and policydriven infrastructure. Learn more at www.nutanix.com or follow us on Twitter @nutanix. D E C K pearson Booth(s): 617 Contacts: Sue Luckey; Lila Wooten 1900 East Lake Ave. Glenview, IL 60025 Phone: (334) 546-9125 [email protected] [email protected] Web: www.pearson.com Pearson is working to create real results that break through the challenges in education today. We partner with educators to deliver new personalized ways of learning through effective, scalable assessment, instructional tools, services, and technologies. We help individuals improve learning outcomes and achieve their own definitions of success. presentation Solutions, inc. Booth(s): 310, 312 Contact: Joe Powell P.O. Box 159 Buckner, KY 40010 Phone: (502) 222-7277 [email protected] Web: www.presentationsolutions.com The Max Graphics System allows you to create a fundraising enterprise with personalized window decals, bumper stickers, license plates, magnets, and more. Also, come and see the new full-color poster printer and cold laminators! primex Wireless Booth(s): 402 Contact: Ben Turnner 965 Wells St. Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Phone: (800) 537-0464 [email protected] Web: www.primexwireless.com Pimex Wireless is a leading provider of wireless facility monitoring and compliance technologies. From automated monitoring of clocks and temperatures to emergency light testing and more, we'll help you reduce costs, increase productivity, mitigate risk, and achieve regulatory compliance. L L H A N D aetC eXhiBitOrS promevo Booth(s): 605 Contact: Taylor Granstaff 1720 Wildcat Blvd., Suite 200 Burlington, KY 41005 Phone: (888) 380-1061 ext. 735 [email protected] Web: www.promevo.com Promevo is one of the largest Premier Google for Work and Google for Education Partners in North America, focusing solely on our customers' Google lives. We develop proprietary SaaS-based Google Apps products like gPanel, our flagship market-leading management and security product; and gScholar, a powerful, digital classroom platform. Guided by fourteen years of messaging and collaboration experience, we are committed to adding value to our customers' worlds, making their Google Apps journeys even more awesome. read naturally, inc. Booth(s): 217 Contact: Maggie Matz 1284 Corporate Center Dr., Suite 600 St. Paul, MN 55121 Phone: (800) 788-4085 [email protected] Web: www.ReadNaturally.com Read Naturally provides supplemental reading intervention strategies and materials for struggling readers. The flagship program has been successfully improving reading fluency and comprehension skills in students nationwide for over 20 years by combining teacher-modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. Read Naturally also provides programs for reading assessment, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and ELL students. renaissance learning Booth(s): 304 Contact: Jullie Vetrone 2911 Peach Street Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 Phone: (715) 424-3636 [email protected] Web: www.renaissance.com Renaissance LearningT is a leading provider of cloud-based assessment and teaching and learning solutions that fit the K12 classroom, improve school performance, and accelerate learning for all. Renaissance Learning enables educators to deliver highly differentiated and timely instruction while driving personalized student practice in reading, writing, and math, every day. S Schoology Booth(s): 105 Contact: Joshua Perona 115 West 30th Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10001 Phone: (212) 213-8333 [email protected] Web: www.schoology.com Schoology-used by millions of students and educators in K-12 schools and universities around the world-combines dynamic learning management, an easy-to-use collaborative interface, and nextgeneration API integration into one innovative solution. Schoology transforms learning into a media-rich interactive experience where students, teachers, parents, and administrators work together to raise student achievement. SchoolStatus Booth(s): 308 Contact: Terry Larabee P.O. Box 18938 Hattiesburg, MS 39404 Phone: (662) 694-1476 [email protected] Web: www.SchoolStatus.com We distill the data down to what's really important to district leaders, then make it easily accessible regardless of technical savvy. Most school districts collect many data points across many systems, including their student information system, assessments, third party platforms, and so on. What districts often lack is the ability to efficiently view and use those data points from a single, concise platform. Using your existing student data, we help administrators and teachers make data-driven instructional decisions based on ALL of the available information. In short, we help you see the whole student. Schoolwires Booth(s): 419 Contact: Michelle Provenzano 330 Innovation Blvd., Suite 301 State College, PA 16803 Phone: (814) 272-7333 [email protected] Web: www.schoolwires.com Schoolwires is dedicated to helping K-12 districts reach their optimal level of community engagement. We believe that a successful school district is a product of total community and parent involvement. That's why our mobile and Webbased products and solutions enhance communication, spark collaboration, and boost student achievement. 71 O N Shmoop Booth(s): 619 Contact: Hunter Irvin P.O. Box 0935 Los Altos, CA 94023 Phone: (662) 316-0783 [email protected] Web: www.shmoop.com Shmoop wants to make you and your students better lovers of literature, STEM, poetry, test prep, and life. With experience in thousands of classrooms and over 10 MM unique visitors arriving on our doorstep every month, Shmoop understands why students are fleeing boredom and looking for more from their learning materials and from life. Space Camp & aviation Challenge Booth(s): 219, 221 Contact: Amanda Hancock One Tranquility Base Huntsville, AL 35805 Phone: (800) 637-7223 [email protected] Web: www.spacecamp.com Join us for the ultimate camp adventure! Trainees take command of their own simulated space mission, fly jet simulators, or engineer land, air and sea robots at Space Camp, Aviation Challenge Camp, and Robotics Camp in Huntsville AL. Spectrum Business Booth(s): 202 Contact: Angel Stewart 2100 Columbiana Road Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 Phone: (205) 825-5433 [email protected] Web: www.charterbusiness.com Spectrum Business offers a full range of services that are eligible for E-Rate discounts, including voice, data, network, wireless networks, Internet, and more. And with a team of experienced professionals that already work with schools and libraries nationwide, we can leverage our expertise to ensure you understand and get the most out of the E-Rate Program. Sprint Booth(s): 613 Contact: Debora Wells 210 Westwood Pl., Suite 150 Brentwood, TN 37027 Phone: (276) 494-9092 [email protected] Web: www.sprint.com/K12 Sprint offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications services bringing the freedom of mobility to consumers, businesses, and government users. D E C K SrC Solutions, inc. Booth(s): 324 Contact: Andy Holloway 4647 Saucon Creek Rd. Center Valley, PA 18034 Phone: (888) 262-9830 [email protected] Web: www.registrationgateway.com SRC Solutions, the only Online Enrollment Solution to win the District Administration Top 100 products award for 2014 has some exciting features and products for 2015. Leading the pack is Registration Gateway 3.0 further simplifying student enrollment, secondly is the release of On Demand K12 Gateway which revolutionizes document management in K12, and lastly Conference Gateway which streamlines parent/teacher meetings. Engage your district to be a part of the Digital Transformation. Stoneware, inc. Booth(s): 102 Contact: Nathan Byrd 11555 N Meridian St. Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (888) 473-9485 [email protected] Web: www.stone-ware.com Stoneware, a Lenovo company, enables IT staff to implement webNetwork technology for delivery of a Workspace Aggregation platform to provide access to devices, the data center, or a public cloud. With single sign-on, users have secure access from any device, private or school owned, for true Bring Your Own Device capability. LanSchool's integrated technology enables teacher interaction, monitoring, and control of each student. LanSchool delivers secure access in 1:1 schools implementing cost saving BYOD programs. Stop falling productions Booth(s): 609 Contact: Sarah Hedrick 237 E Fifth, Suite 159 Eureka, MO 63025 Phone: (636) 257-1335 [email protected] Web: www.stopfalling.com T-shirts for teachers and librarians. A A L L H A N D aetC eXhiBitOrS Synergetics DCS Booth(s): 403 Contact: James Tubb 501 Mississippi 12, Suite 100 Starkville, MS 39759 Phone: (662) 461-0122 [email protected] Web: www.synergeticsdcs.com Synergetics is a full service information technology consulting firm that offers turn-key solutions to help customers save time and money. With headquarters in Starkville, MS, Synergetics serves customers throughout the Southeastern US. Synergetics works with small to large businesses, K-12 and higher educational learning institutions, and state and local government to provide enhanced educational resources, network infrastructure, installation, IP telephony, security, cabling, data, wireless, and integration support. Let us make technology work for you! t&W Operations, inc. Booth(s): 417 Contact: Jim Wittkop 658 Discovery Drive Huntsville, AL 35806 Phone: (256) 535-0857 [email protected] Web: www.tnwops.com T&W Operations provides school wide and system wide Inventory and Asset Management services and programs. We offer a secure Web-based software that tracks all inventory and provides total asset visibility in real time. We also offer industry leading biometric technology products for supplementary access control for your facilities and data. S teachers 'n tools, inc. Booth(s): 511 Contact: Jacki Beck, Cynthia Lowery 3954 Demetropolis Road Mobile, AL 37069 Phone: (615) 330-2236 [email protected] Web: www.teachersntools.com Teachers 'N Tools (TNT) was established in 1974 as an education dealer providing teachers with the latest technology that meets needs of students in a cost-effective manner. We provide computer software, hardware, interactive whiteboard systems (EBEAM), document cameras (HoverCam T3, Solo5, Solo8, and others) Internetdelivered curriculums, installation, and training! We pledge to be the "Educators' Resource" focusing on technology, training, and technical support! Please stop by to see our many products and services! tripp lite Booth(s): 502 Contact: Jeremey Steadman 1111 West 35th Street Chicago, IL 60609 Phone: (404) 791-0600 [email protected] Web: www.tripplite.com Since 1922, Tripp Lite has established a global reputation for quality manufacturing, superior value, and excellent service. Customers in the IT, telecommunications, industrial, commercial, consumer, healthcare, government, and education sectors choose Tripp Lite to power, protect, and connect equipment ranging from home electronics to servers in enterprise data centers. Tripp Lite manufactures over 2,500 products, including UPS systems, PDUs, racks, cooling, surge suppressors, cables, KVM switches, console servers, power strips, and inverters. free Wifi : network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) A 72 O N variQuest visual learning tools Booth(s): 508 Contact: Nancy Johnson 2355 Polaris Lane N Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone: (800) 328-0585 ext. 6980 [email protected] Web: www.variquest.com VariQuest Visual Learning Tools offer creative ways to increase the success of every learner, improve teacher efficacy, and encourage parental involvement. Utilize the Poster Maker, Perfecta Full-Color Poster Design System, Cutout Maker, Awards Maker, and Design Center to differentiate instruction and improve student achievement through the creation of large visual aids, cutouts, manipulatives, and recognition plaques. Visit www.variquest.com to learn more. Walden university Booth(s): 420 Contact: Charity Adams 4732 Redbranch Drive Decatur, GA 30035 Phone: (770) 323-6582 [email protected] Web: www.waldenu.edu At Walden, you'll find online education degrees to meet a variety of career goals, whether you're looking to pursue administrative or leadership roles, instruct adult learners in vocational or higher education settings, or teach children in Grades PreK-12. Our degree offerings let you choose from a variety of specialized study areas, from early childhood studies and literacy to college teaching and learning. The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership at Walden University, a National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)accredited institution, is dedicated to enhancing educator effectiveness. D E C K Xirrus Booth(s): 316 Contact: Keith MacKinen 2101 Corporate Center Drive Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 Phone: (805) 262-1600 [email protected] Web: www.xirrus.com/ Xirrus is the leading provider of high-performance wireless networks. Xirrus solutions perform under the most demanding circumstances, offering consistent "wired-like" performance with superior coverage and security. The Xirrus suite of Wi-Fi optimized solutions - high density access points, access points, cloud services, and wired switches - provide seamless connectivity and unified management across the network. Xirrus provides a vital strategic business and IT infrastructure advantage to industries that depend on wireless to operate businesscritical applications. L L H A N D S O N aetC eXhiBitOr Map 73 D E C K A A D E F G H I network: BJCC public l pass Code: aetc2015 (pass code is case sensitive) NORTH HALL ROOMS A-I C LOUNGE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST, COFFEE, AFTERNOON SNACK BREAK 74 CONNECTION DEPOT EXHIBIT HALL LET’S GET CONNECTED TECH DOCTOR IS IN free Wifi : A B STUDENT SHOWCASES POSTER SESSIONS iSHARE SESSIONS AETC HEADQUARTERS/ INFORMATION P F R E A CH CIL SEN I T E CKTAT ER -IN OR / ON RA TI ST GI RE TO NORTH HALL All Hands-On Workshops are in the NORTH HALL TO SHERATON SKYWALK ” K C E D N O S D N A H L L A EAST HALL 1ST FLOOR Charging StatiOnS are located in East Hall on first and third floors, North Hall and the Exhibit floor. All One-Hour Concurrent Sessions will be held in THESE ROOMS EAST HALL 3RD FLOOR aetC 2016 will be June 7-9, 2016 Mark your calendars now and make plans to attend and help us celebrate 20 years of aetC! ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION · DR. THOMAS R. BICE, STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION ~ JUNE 2015 The Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age in its programs, activities, or employment and provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person is responsible for handling inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, Alabama State Department of Education, P.O. Box 302101, Montgomery, AL 36130-2101, (334) 242-8165.