ST MARY of the CROSS MACKILLOP CATHOLIC PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL EPPING NORTH NEWSLETTER 47 Farmhouse Boulevard Epping North 3076 Principal: Geraldine Dalton [email protected] FOLLOW US ON TWITTER - @smcm_school SMCM Community & Family Engagement Blog Download our school app SMCM school 17th September 2015 We thank you Lord for this term. For the challenges, the successes and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend time with family and friends. Give us strength and courage to do what is right: To be witnesses of our faith. Help us to be practical Christians these holidays, To appreciate what others do for us, To give time and effort to help others. Keep us safe in our activities; Give us good rest and good fun. Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. Amen May God bless you all and keep you in his love. St Mary MacKillop 6.3.1894 Sports colours day tomorrow. Term 4 begins 8.45 am Monday 5th October LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Leadership and Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing and Professional Learning. Dear Parents, Caregivers, Students & Friends of SMCM School Community, How quickly we have arrived here at the end of another term! It has been a great term of learning and celebrating our achievements. Student learning and wellbeing is the core of what we do at SMCM and we are proud of our students, their engagement in learning and the way they work, play and build relationships. The term finishes tomorrow with Sport Colours Day and a sausage sizzle. No need to send lunch with your child tomorrow. I hope the holidays are an opportunity for your family to spend some extra time together. This week the staff have been planning for Term Four and we have many exciting learning activities planned. Be sure to check the diary dates for Grandparents & Special Friends Day, School Walkathon, School Sports, Prayers in Pyjamas, Prep 2016 transition, Graduation and Christmas Carols – all of which are coming up next term. We welcome two more new babies to our growing SMCM family this week! The Prep class of 2020 is filling up fast! Welcome to Milla Jayde, beautiful baby sister for Kade (Optics) and Chase, daughter for Kristy and Paul. Reyna (Rainbows) also has a new baby sister, daughter for Jintu and Jacob. Reyna is still deciding on a name for her sister… Congratulations to both families on this happy occasion. Congratulations and thank you to Claudia for representing SMCM at the Whittlesea District Athletics on Tuesday – we are proud of your great effort in the hurdles event Claudia. Both students and staff are looking forward to a well deserved break. We thank you for the enormous support you have been to us this term and we look forward to beginning Term Four on Monday 5 th October. Geraldine [email protected] From the Editor’s Desk Uniform Shop: During the school holidays is a great opportunity to check the children’s summer uniform. It is now when you can truly see how much your child has grown. Keep in mind that at SMCM we have a second hand uniform shop. It would be great if you could donate your clean uniforms which are good condition. You may also sell on consignment. Pop into Reception with your goods. All donations great fully appreciated. School hats are available @ Reception - $18. Sports Colours Day: Looking forward to seeing plenty of the black & white on one of our favourite school days. Holiday Fun Spring holidays are great fun. First day of the holidays is ‘TimTams in the JimJam’s Day’. Stay in your pyjamas and just veg around all day. Throw a sheet over the table for a tent for the children to hide. Another day you can pack some lunch, wander down to the park and enjoy the outdoors. Make the most of the fine weather, stay in good health and I look forward to greeting all our smiling faces at the beginning of Term 4. Helen [email protected] PLEASE BE ADVISED THE PARISH WILL BE SENDING LETTERS TO ALL SCHOOL FAMILIES RELATING TO 2015 PARISH CONTRIBUTION, IN TERM 4. EDUCATION IN FAITH Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments This Saturday evening at 5.30pm mass is another opportunity for Sacramental candidates to receive their Sacrament certificates. Geraldine Education in Faith Leader [email protected] LEARNING & TEACHING Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy Woolworths Earn & Learn Our final Earn & Learn total is 27, 443! Congratulations to everyone for this great achievement! The enthusiasm of our entire community has assisted in this total and your efforts will go towards literacy, numeracy and physical education resources for our students. Thank you! Term Four Inquiry Learning Next term our Inquiry Learning will investigate the question: ‘How can we make our ideas happen?’ This big question can be explored in many ways and by learners of any age. Our students will investigate the Design Process of investigate, plan, create and evaluate. The students in Junior level will also explore simple machines such as pulleys, levers, screws, wedges and inclined planes. The students in the Senior level will also investigate inventors and their inventions. Our Inquiry Unit addresses curriculum content from the Design Technology, Science and Thinking Domains of AusVELS. Term Three Learning: It has been a wonderful term of learning as we explored ways we could ‘let our lights shine through our actions’. We have celebrated 100 days of Prep, Mary MacKillop Feast Day, Book Week, Literacy and Numeracy Week and our Sacraments. We have shared many great experiences including excursions, incursions, whole school events and individual successes. Our students’ have engaged in many varied learning experiences this term and should be very proud of their continued improvements and achievement. I wish you all a well earned and relaxing holiday. Hopefully we can all enjoy some sunshine and will all return refreshed and ready for a great fourth term! Claire Learning & Teaching and Literacy Leader [email protected] From the Sports Desk Congratulations to Claudia Gionta for representing SMCM and the Lalor Sports District in the Whittlesea Division Athletics Carnival on Tuesday. Claudia participated in the 10 year old girls 80m hurdles. Well done Claudia on a great effort! Kelly Digital Technology Leader [email protected] STUDENT WELLBEING Student Wellbeing encompasses the following areas: Student Engagement, Student Connectedness, School Climate, Inclusion and Prevention to Intervention Congratulations to the students who were nominated for the awards of Friday 11th September FARM Awards Mary MacKillop Citizenship Awards Auroras: Emily Sunbeams: Andre Rainbows: Sunin Cosmics: Lucas Optics: Elle Lasers: Xavier P Solars: Theodora Photonics: Lawrence Auroras: Amber Sunbeams: Rivinu Rainbows: Noah F Cosmics: All SMCM mathematicians Optics: Christeena Lasers: Ryan Solars: Orlando Photonics: Franz We see examples daily of students who give of themselves and their time to assist others such as running lunch time clubs, tying shoelaces, sharing resources and including others. This week we have focused on being generous. Michael Grose from Parenting Ideas says ‘…developing a sense of sharing in kids has plenty of positives. Children who are able to share their time, their space and themselves generally have more friends and experience more success than those who are self-centred and mean- spirited. Quite simply, they are leadership material!’ Check out ways to help your child be generous by being a giver. School Holiday Fun You may like to have an adventure and visit the free family friendly school holidays exhibition at the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie and Ice Creamery run by the The Alannah and Madeline Foundation. We are part of the foundation and use their resources to support our Student Wellbeing Policies and programs. It has been a great term of learning and fun. Enjoy the holidays and a break from routine. Cathy Student Wellbeing Leader [email protected] SCHOOL COMMUNITY School Community encompasses the following areas: Parents, Parish, School Education Board, Wider Community. We are all excited about the Sports Colours Day tomorrow! Being active and healthy is a priority at SMCM and tomorrow the students will participate in eight different clinics to have fun and develop their skills and fitness. Thanks to Natalie (MasenOptics and Harry-Lasers) and their grandfather Max and the CaFE Team for organising and running the day. There will be a sausage sizzle and drinks and a special treat to take home! What a fun way to finish the term! So wear your favourite sports outfit or colours on Friday. Bollywood Family Dinner Dance Join us for our community dinner dance on 24th October. Bring friends for a fun night of yummy India food and dancing. . Walk to School October is Walk to School Month! So let’s get active and walk, ride or scoot to school. Our leaders Onel and Ezekiel will be keeping a tally as part of the Healthy Together Whittlesea program. Cathy [email protected] *updates SMCM DIARY DATES 2015 SEPTEMBER Fri 18th Sat 19th OCTOBER Mon 5th Wed 7th Wed 14th Fri 16th Wed 21st Thurs 22nd Sat 24th Fri 30th NOVEMBER Mon 2nd Tues 3rd Wed 4th – Fri 6th Wed 11th 3.25 5.30pm 8.45am 9am 7.30pm 9am Sports Colours Day End of Term 3 Sacrament Certificate Mass Term four begins CaFE Morning Tea School Advisory Council Meeting National Nude Food Day CaFE Morning Tea Grandparents and Special Friends Morning Bollywood Social Event School Walkathon School Closure Day – Staff Professional Learning Public Holiday – Melbourne Cup Day Senior School Camp - Lorne Beach Club Prep 2016 Parent Info Evening Prep 2016 Transition Morning Prayers in Pyjamas for Foundation, Yr 1, Yr 2. Foundation classes swimming Thurs 12th, 19th, 26th Tues 17th Mon 30th – Wed 9th DECEMBER Thurs 10th Fri 11th Tues 15th Wed 16th JANUARY 2016 Wed 27th FEBRUARY Mon 1st 7pm 3.25pm SMCM Twilight Sports School Closure Day – Staff 2016 Planning Thanksgiving Mass & Year 6 Graduation End of School for students for 2015 School Open – Staff Begin Student’s First Day The Catholic Parish of Epping, Epping North 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Sunday, 20 September 2015 Parish Office and St Peter’s church: 13 Davisson St, Epping Ph: 9401 6300 Fax: 9401 6350 St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Cnr Redding Rise and Farmhouse Blvd Epping North email: [email protected] web site: Parish Priest: Maurie Cooney Assistant Priest: Martin Jeramias Introduction: Jesus tries to teach us a lesson in today’s Gospel: that harmony amongst people matters, and to review and realign our thinking if necessary. ‘Who is great and who is not?’ ‘Does rank matter?’ ‘Least is best.’ ‘Last is first.’ The Lord sends us, “Go to my people. Take care of the small ones. Serve the needy, give to the poor. To help you do this, ‘Receive the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.’ For those blessings we gather in Eucharist again today. First Reading: Wisdom 2:12. 17-20 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord upholds my life. Second Reading: James 3:16 - 4:3 Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! God has called us with the gospel to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia! Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 Weekend Masses: St Peter’s Saturday 7.15pm, Sunday 9am & 10.30am St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Saturday 5.30pm Weekday Masses: St Peter’s 9.15am Tuesday - Friday Let us pray for the sick: Justin Borden, Fr Francis, Maggie Sagaria, Mazened Francis, Grace LeTin, Jo Bonicci, Roshan Livera, Rebecca Englezakis, Jason Azzilla, Nicholas Ludersamy, Palmera Tanse, Aidan Roshin, Greg Osborne, Cherryl D’sa, Mark Paul Flavier, Rita Carusi, Dominic Prattico, Janey Hoorigan, Jay Larkas, Jennifer Harbour, Connie Galea, Shanon Farrugia, Patricia DeSilva, Betty Perrett, Sabrina Jansz, Natasha, Carmel McKenzie, Travis Osborne, Sophye Osborne, Janie Pinkston , Dillon Company, Shilo Dezera Recent death: Gerard deBono Anniversaries: Reconciliation: Saturday 10.30 am – 11 am Rite of Welcome for Baptism Michele Mangano, Valencia Grasso, Children’s Liturgy of the Word every week: St Mary of the Cross Mackillop 5.30pm St Peter’s 10.30am Northern Hospital - Catholic Chaplain: Rosemary Bolzan 9401 6300 Fr Fayez Assaf Administration [Mon, Tue 9-3pm] Michelle Hood [Wed, Thurs, Friday 9-3pm] Monique Heckmann Business Manager/Accountant [Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-4pm] Gil Bell Baptisms: By appointment, three months notice required. Parents are required to prepare for their child’s baptism by attending a Baptism Preparation evening. Contact: Christine Hall 9401 6311 Sacramental Preparation 9401 6300 Pastoral Coordinator: Sandy Starbuck 9401 6312 Formation / Pastoral Mentor Sr Maureen Delaney rsc 9717 3355 Marriages by appointment. Please contact the parish office. Schools St Peter’s, Epping Ph: 9401 1157 St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Epping North Ph: 8432 4500 St Monica’s Epping Ph: 9409 8800 St Vincent de Paul 1300 305 330 As the Readings over these weeks continue to speak about the necessity of our putting our faith into action [for “faith without works is quite dead” in last week’s Second Reading], perhaps one of the prayers of St Francis is helpful in guiding us: The prayer of St. Francis before this crucifix: All-highest, Glorious God, cast your light into the darkness of my heart. Give me right faith, firm hope, perfect charity, and profound humility, with wisdom and perception, O Lord, so that I may do what is truly your holy will. Amen Community News!!!! The ‘Master Plan’ for St Peter’s School has been developed to utilise more fully the space that is available inside and outside to the benefit of the educational opportunities for our children. Part of that involves the relocation of the current Staff Room [at the end of the playground/car park between the church and the school] to the open area Coulstock St. This building will become the location for the Outside School Hours Care programme, and available for Parish gatherings. Preliminary work began during the week. Parishioner Thanks Giving envelopes and statements are ready for your collection in the church foyer this weekend Next week is Social Justice Sunday for the Catholic Church throughout Australia. It fits with recent reminders that we have to live our faith in action. The Bishops have published a Social Justice Statement, titled: ‘FOR THOSE WHO’VE COME ACROSS THE SEAS. Justice for refugees and Asylum Seekers”. The Statement challenges us to look critically at this situation and responses that accord with our faith in Jesus Christ. Copies will be available next week. St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Catholic Community Bollywood Family Night Dinner and Dancing Saturday 24 October 2015 7pm til midnight ‘The Heritage’ 512-516 High Street Epping Dress up, be part of the fun with a Fashion parade, raffle and prizes to be won! Adult $36 Child [5-12] $18 Under 5 Free Includes: Entree, main and desert Drinks at bar prices Tickets on sale 2 September After 5.30pm Mass or Parish Office Bishop Greg O’Kelly, Chairman of Caritas Australia, said that “Australians are good and compassionate people. On the 20th anniversary of Australia’s introduction of mandatory detention for asylum seekers arriving by boats, it is time for Australia to increase the number of refugees it takes substantially and end the cruel policies Next weekend we will be honoring ‘the religious’ of supported by both sides of Australian politics.” our church who have given so much to so many of Caritas Australia [who organizes Project compasus - we greet them and bless them sion] will keep up its direct humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees and to the large number of displaced people within Syria and neighbouring countries. Donations can be made on line, by post to Caritas Australia, 383 Albert Street East Melbourne 3002, phone 9926 5786, 9926 5706 or 1800 024 413. Church cleaning roster - Saturday 26 September JULIE SALVATORE, ENZA FRANCESE Mothers’ Prayer Wednesday after 9.15am morning Mass Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Friday at St Peter’s 7.30pm. Prayer Group Mass every 1st Friday of every month 7.30pm. O God, who chose the apostles to make disciples of all nations, and who by Baptism and Confirmation has called us to build up your Holy Church, we implore you to choose from among us, your children, many priests and religious who will love you with their whole hearts and will gladly spend their lives to make you better known and loved by all. Through Christ our Lord. Amen NEXT WEEKS MINISTRY ROSTER Date Mass Leader Reader Gifts Special Minister Child. Liturgy 26 5.30pm Sarathy Ranganathan Delawyn D’Costa Carenza Quinn, Rosebelle Quinn Angela Vandenberg, FCJ Sr Josie Kengni 7.15pm Christine Hall Solomon Victor Rosemary Cheung, , Tony Hall 9am Christine Paterson Anne Toshack Margaret MacKay Catherine Gatt David Howard, Gil Bell September 26-27 September 10.30am Cassandra Martin Trening Butcher, Rosie Franzone Delia Abdullah, Priscilla Raju 150TH ANNIVERSARY UPDATE Most of the planning is in place: the mail Pavers: our order has gone to the company with all Catering plans are coming together your … The Liturgy is being planned; our combined The design for the garden area on Wedge Street has been finished: fencing will go up on Monday 14 September for work to begin music Ministry groups are practicing NOW: Mark this in your diary: PARISH Mass in St Peter’s church at 7.30pm on The commemorative book has gone to the Thursday 5 November [our Regional Bishop leading us] printer The commemorative bookmarks and Christmas cards have arrived from the printer Invitations to people outside the Parish to the events on Sunday 8 November have gone out in CELEBRATION Mass in the grounds of St Monica’s at 2pm on Sunday 8 November, and BLESSING of the COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE & GARDEN [Archbishop Hart to lead us] St Peter’s 150th bookmark St Peter’s 150th Anniversary Christmas card St Peter’s 150th Anniversary 2016 pocket calendar Do you know someone who is considering being a Catholic? Our current season for enquiries is just opening: contact Sandy at the office. Look out for Pam Grey [Good Samaritan], Maureen Delaney [Sisters of Charity] and Margaret Claver [FCJ], as they share their stories with us this on the weekend of 26/27 September @ Masses: our way of honoring the place of ‘the religious’ in our lives in the ‘Year of Consecrated Life’ This August we began to ‘Welcome Back’ those who had been Baptised in the previous month… We have begun this new element in our Baptism process: on the last Sunday of each month we will ‘Welcome Back’ those who have been Baptised during that month. Later in the year we will greet those children who are starting school next year who were baptised with us some years ago... We have nearly finished celebrating the Sacrament Season in our Parish Primary schools and Parish based program. 80 children have celebrated Confirmation, 93 Eucharist and 105 Reconciliation Did you know we predict to have Baptised 105 children by the end of the 2015 year…………. St Mary of the Cross Mackillop school staff, St Peter’s school staff and Parish staff recently spent the day reflecting on ‘Being Catholic in our Catholic Schools’: presentation, DVD, reading, discussion and the celebration of Eucharist. Epping North, St Mary of the Cross Mackillop: applications have been submitted for funding assistance to construct the next learning/teaching area, The grounds of St Peter’s School Epping becomes ‘Bethlehem’ in the lead up to Christmas 18, 19, 20 December. ‘Come and walk’ extending the multipurpose area [which is our church for weekly Mass @ 5.30pm Saturday’s], extend carpark spaces. If we are successful, these developments will be constructed during 2016 for use in January 2017