tisha b`av - Temple Sinai


tisha b`av - Temple Sinai
Winner of a Solomon Schechter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Tammuz-Av 5772
Temple Sinai Welcomes
Joseph Hakimi Maghen,
Director of Congregational Learning
“Education is faith in peoples’ potential”,
says Joseph Hakimi Maghen
Joseph attended Otzar
HaTorah, a Jewish Day
School, and continued his
higher education in
P s yc ho lo g y, Ed uca tio n ,
Administration and Jewish
education in Israel, Iran and in
the United States. He earned
his M.A. in education and
administration and Doctorate
in psychology.
Joseph believes that the most
essential contribution
educators can make to
children’s education is through
their own humanity, their
moral example, and their care for people. To lead successful
educational programs, Joseph has initiated a process in
which students, teachers, and parents get involved in
spiritual and personal development.
Lifelong learning and continuous self-improvement are
central to Joseph. For over 20 years, he served the Los
Angeles community facilitating and creating educational
opportunities for Jews of all ages as the Director of
Congregational Learning, Judaic Studies and Middle School
Director. He has led the development of innovative
educational programs and teaching methods throughout Los
Angeles and Orange County. He has inspired and enabled
teachers to nurture student’s growth in the development of
skills, values, and finding the joy in meaningful learning.
Joseph was awarded the Milken Foundation exemplary
Educator Award for his outstanding contributions to Jewish
education. He was recognized by numerous other
organizations for his active involvement in establishing
schools for the community.
Joseph displays humility and humor, which he combines
with warmth and friendliness toward his students and each
person he encounters. His hobbies include gardening and
reading. Joseph’s wife Delanie enjoys cooking and
conversations with friends and family. She is an Early
Childhood Educator. They have two daughters. Rachel, a
graduate of UC Berkeley is a Registered Dietician, and
Sara, a graduate of UC Davis is pursuing her graduate
studies Public Health.
Volume 66, Number 7
April 2012
Summertime is here…and Camp Maccabee is in full swing! Campers
arrived to a welcome of balloons and a brightly decorated hallway…if
you didn’t know we were in the Ann Newman Preschool wing, you’d
think we were transported to a land of princesses and characters! All
of the children have adjusted to being at camp and are having LOTS
of FUN! They are SAFE, and HAPPY…our two main goals at Camp
The summer will be filled with many activities including Segal
Puppets, Rak-Dan Israeli dancing, pony rides and a visit from Briar
Bush Nature Center. It will all culminate with our family friendly
carnival which will include a moon bounce and cotton candy, as well
as a balloon artist!
Each week we have Music with Miss Tammy, Little Gym with
Miss Lauren, and Sports with Joanne! They add such a great spice to
our weekly activities. In addition, the counselors work hard every day
to make sure the summer is filled with wonder and excitement. We
are always using our imaginations and our abilities to be creative and
We know our children are enjoying every moment from the many
bits of feedback which we receive on a daily basis! It is our pleasure
to have the opportunity to see the big SMILES on all of the children’s
faces. Wishing you an enjoyable summer!
Laurie Matez, Camp Maccabee Director
the liturgy in a new way – courtesy of new
translations and contemporary explanations
– will undoubtedly enhance the time spent
in services.
From the
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg
That time of year which kids and young
adults look forward to all-year-long has
finally arrived: Summer Vacation! For me
and for my colleagues who serve in
congregations, the summer months mean
something a little different: High Holiday
Preparations!! (Yes, the exclamation points
may be a little over-the-top.)
Over the course of July and August,
many of the decisions are made that will
make for, what we hope will be, meaningful
and fulfilling services during the Days of
Awe. Sermons will be written, prayer
introductions crafted and assignments will
be made for the many honors afforded to
congregants on Rosh Hashanah and Yom
During the last month, Cantor Freedman
and I have been occupied with the exciting
work of reviewing the new mahzor (High
Holiday prayer book) which we will
inaugurate in September. We have been
studying the new volume page-by-page,
determining which new prayers and
readings to add to our service and which
older ones to retire (at least temporarily).
Mahzor Lev Shalem is a very rich prayer
book with new material to be explored and
enjoyed. This mahzor is both educational
and inspirational. And although there is
something to be said for using a prayer
book that is already familiar and
comfortable, the opportunity to experience
As an example of the manner in which
the new High Holiday prayer book strives
to engage the worshipper, I have shared
below an excerpt from the introduction to
Rosh Hashanah. Pieces like this are printed
in the margins of the mahzor, so that while
they are not part of the formal liturgy – and
would not be read aloud during the service
– they draw the reader’s attention and
provide a context for the service as well as
for the holidays themselves.
The celebration of the New Year
involves a mixture of emotions. On the one
hand there is a sense of gratitude at having
lived to this time. Last year, we may have
prayed that we be given another year, and
thankfully we are here to see this day. . .
On the other hand, the beginning of a
new year raises anxiety: What will my fate
be this year? Will I live out the year? Will I
be healthy? Will I spend my time wisely, or
will it be filled in a way that does not truly
bring happiness? In turn these questions
inspire even deeper self-reflection: What do
I want out of life? What makes me proud?
What makes me ashamed? What are my
mo st fu nd a men ta l commitmen ts?
Rightfully, this day is called the “Day of
Judgment,” for in asking ourselves where
we have been and where we are going,
what have we done, and in what ways we
need to strike out on different and new
paths, our lives this past year are judged
and our future is determined. To stand
before God means that we must face
ultimate questions.
The Rabbis formulated the variety of
emotions of this day by having God say to
us, “Half this day is for you and half for
Me” (Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 68b).
It is a day of extraordinary seriousness as
we face our Creator and reveal our deepest
selves. It is a day of joy as we revel in the
community surrounding us and celebrate
the gift of life with them.
As there is a great deal of new material
in Mahzor Lev Shalem - and anyone using
this prayer book for the first time would
benefit from an explanation regarding its
design and layout - I will be providing 4
sessions in which I will be discussing the
various elements of this exceptional
volume. For those who prefer daytime
sessions we will meet on Wednesday,
August 1 and Wednesday, August 8 from
9:30-10:30 AM. And for those who prefer
evening sessions, the same information will
be presented on Tuesday, July 31 and
Tuesday, August 7 from 8:00-9:00 PM.
Anyone planning to attend the evening
sessions is encouraged to arrive at 7:30 PM
to join the evening minyan.
On a separate note, I want to warmly
welcome to our congregation and our
community our new Director of
Congregational Learning, Joseph Hakimi
Maghen. Joseph and his wife Delanie are
arriving in July and I know that they are
anxious to meet the members of our
congregation. If you are in the synagogue
during the week, please stop by Joseph’s
office and say “Hello.” Let’s all have a
hand in showing Joseph and Delanie what a
warm and friendly congregation we are and
how delighted we are to be able to say to
them “Bruchim ha-baim!” (Transl.
Temple Sinai Sisterhood Gift Shop
We now carry items
from Michael Aram!
*Wedding Gifts * Engagement Gifts * Gifts For Every
Home *
All sales support Temple Sinai!
When there’s a death in the family, decisions tend to be colored
by grief, not governed by reason. You can save your family this
unnecessary stress by purchasing your gravesite now and
prearranging your funeral.
Summer Hours:
Monday – Friday:
10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Buying a cemetery plot is a decision you can make today for a
time when your family must go on without you or a loved one.
In order to address our congregants’ needs, in 1954 Temple
Sinai purchased grave sites at nearby King David Memorial
Park in Bensalem. Approximately 35 percent of the gravesites
remain. These are available to members and their families at a
reasonable price, substantially less than at other cemeteries.
For additional information please call the Temple Sinai office,
215-643-6510 or
[email protected]
Tisha B’Av (“the 9th day in the month of
Av”) is a day of sadness and a day of
remembrance. What we remember are
numerous tragic events which the Jewish
people have experienced over the course of
1. 586 BCE - The First Holy Temple in
Jerusalem was destroyed by the
2. 70 CE - The Second Holy Temple in
Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans.
3. 135 CE - Betar, the last fortress to hold
out against the Romans during the Bar
Kochba revolt fell, sealing the fate of the
Jewish people.
4. 1492 - King Ferdinand of Spain issued
the expulsion decree, setting Tisha B'Av as
the final date by which not a single Jew
would be allowed to walk on Spanish soil.
5. World War I – which began the
downward slide to the Holocaust – began
on Tisha B’Av.
Tisha B’Av is a fast day, and is the only
fast of the year other than Yom Kippur on
Bill Kramer
As the summer gets into high gear, the
action and planning at Temple Sinai
continues unabated.
On July 1, we
welcomed a new member of the Temple
Sinai family, Joseph Maghen, as our
Director of Congregational Learning. He
comes to us with a wealth of experience,
energy and excitement. Joseph may have
started officially on July 1, but his actual
transition has been going on for several
weeks. Thanks to the efforts of a transition
team headed by Tobey Grand, Joseph is
learning all about our pre-school, religious
school and adult education programs. We
are so excited to have someone of Joseph’s
experience and commitment to Jewish
education join our staff and our
congregation. We are looking forward to
working with him as we plan all of our
educational programs, from pre-school to
adult education, starting in the fall. Please
extend a warm welcome to Joseph and his
which the duration of the fast is sundown to
sundown. And, just as on Yom Kippur, the
prohibitions extend beyond eating and
drinking to not bathing, not anointing
oneself and not wearing leather shoes.
The services of Tisha B’Av, in the
evening and in the morning are chanted
with a plaintive melody, if a melody is used
at all.
The centerpiece of the day is the
chanting of Aicha (The Book of
Lamentations), the prophet Jeremiah’s
description of Jerusalem’s devastation in
586 BCE. Aicha is chanted as part of the
evening service (Maariv) and the morning
service (Shacharit).
In mourning the destruction of
Jerusalem, as well as the other calamities
that have befallen the Jewish people, we
seat ourselves on the floor rather than on
comfortable chairs, during the service, or as
Aicha is recited. In the synagogue, we also
set the mood for the day by lowering the
lights and chanting the Book of Aicha by
When the 9th of Av falls on Shabbat – as
it does this year – the day of fasting and
commemoration is postponed until the
conclusion of Shabbat. Thus, Tisha B’Av
will begin this year on Saturday night, July
28 which is actually the 10th of Av.
The schedule of services at Temple Sinai
for Tisha B’Av is as follows:
Saturday, July 28 – 8:15 PM - Mincha
9:00 PM Maariv services including the
reading of Aicha
Sunday, July 29 - 8:45 AM – Shacharit
service with a selection from Aicha
1:00 PM – Mincha service
8:45 PM - Maariv
lovely wife, Delanie, as soon as you can. I
know he wants to meet and get to know all
of you.
need arises to alter our access to the
building or use of the parking lot we will
promptly notify the congregation.
The most visible of activities this
summer is the replacement of about 95% of
our roof. Many parts of our roof are over
30 years old. After a several years of dealing with a considerable number of leaks,
and having exhausted the ability the appropriately patch the roof, Ed Altman and the
Housing Committee, headed by Jeff Hampton, commenced a comprehensive review
of all aspects of the roof. We engaged an
independent roofing consultant to first
evaluate our needs and then to assist us in
preparing a bid package and bidding process for a number of qualified roofing contractors. As a result of this competitive
bidding process, we selected one of the
bidding contractors to begin the work in
early July. During this time, you will see
cranes and other construction vehicles as
well as construction materials and
personnel outside. Our roofing consultant
will be overseeing the project and is
working with us and the contractor to
minimize, as much as possible, any
disruption to the activities of the
synagogue. Camp Maccabee will go on
virtually unaffected by this activity. If the
In order the pay for the roof, we were
able to refinance the mortgage at an
attractive rate. The added principal of our
outstanding loan amount will increase our
operating costs, but we really had no other
choice. We need to stop the leaks, and
have a roof we can count on as we begin
investing in the rest of the building over the
next few years as funding allows.
Finally, as always it is that time of year
when the dues bills are out. Cash flow is
always an issue. We hope that you will pay
your bills in a timely fashion. It is only
with your cooperation and timely payment
that we can continue to operate and offer all
our activities and programs.
Enjoy your summer,
*Please note that the people listed are those that have been submitted to us prior to the release of the Summer Temple Sinai News
and do not reflect all graduates. To all our graduates, Mazal Tov, we are so proud of you!
Blair Burak, daughter of Lisa & Rich Burak, graduated from Upper Dublin High School,
she will be attending Penn State University in the fall.
Eric Cohn, grandson of Harriet & David Cohn and Marge Listman, graduated from Lower Merion High School,
he will be attending Columbia University in the fall.
Ian Cohn, grandson of Harriet & David Cohn and Marge Listman, graduated from Lower Merion High School,
he will be attending Columbia University in the fall.
Allie Shana Friedland, daughter of Lissa & Gary Friedland, graduated from Upper Dublin High School and
graduated from Gratz College with a Certificate of Merit, she will be attending Muhlenberg in the fall.
Jonathan Daniel Gewirtzman, grandson of Betsy & Frank Lewinson, graduated from
Upper Dublin High School, he will be attending Haverford College in the fall.
Adam Graub, son of Marlene & Jonathon Graub, graduated from Plymouth Whitemarsh High School,
he will be attending the University of Maryland in the fall.
Dak Kofsky, son of Pam & Phillip Kofsky, graduated from Upper Dublin High School,
he will be attending Temple University in the fall.
Benjamin Shatzman, son of Karen & Aaron Shatzman, graduated from Upper Dublin High School,
he will be attending University of Delaware in the fall.
Carly Strauss, daughter of Lori & Victor Strauss, graduated from Upper Dublin High School,
she will be attending University of Michigan in the fall.
Ryan Max Zeitzer, son of Randi & Ken Zeitzer, grandson of Marlene & Don Rush, graduated from
Upper Dublin High School and Gratz Jewish Community High School, he will be attending Ursinus College in the fall.
Jamie Berk, daughter of Michelle & David Berk, graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Canada with a
Bachelor of Arts in International Aid and Development.
Matthew Bilsky, son of Shelley & Alan Bilsky, graduated from Lehigh University with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.
Michelle Cohen, daughter of Audrey & Howard Cohen, graduated from Muhlenberg College with a
Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. She will be attending Widener University for graduate school.
Brad Epstein, grandson of Sylvia Kivitz from Albright University.
Jason Graub, son of Marlene & Jonathon Graub, graduated from the University of Maryland with a
Bachelor of Science in Accounting/Finance.
Matthew Graub, son of Marlene & Jonathon Graub, graduated from Saint Joseph’s University
with a Masters of Business Administration.
Ross Goldberg, son of Linda & Alan Goldberg, graduated from University of Michigan.
He will attend Jefferson Medical School in the fall.
Nikki Lin Grossman, granddaughter of Sally & Len Grossman, graduated from University of Pittsburgh with a
degree in Psychology.
Jessica Isaacs, soon to be daughter-in-law of Debbie & Alan Krochtengel, graduated from Drexel University
with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics.
Zachary Krochtengel, son of Debbie & Alan Krochtengal, graduated from University of Edinburgh
with a Masters of Science in Carbon Finance.
Erica Levinson, daughter Sondra & Mitchell Levinson, graduated from University of Maryland with a Master of Arts in Speech.
Remy Lynn, son of Janet & Eric Lynn, graduated from Indiana University - Kelley School of Business.
Darian Pearlmutter, daughter of Pam & Marty Pearlmutter, granddaughter of Herma & Lester Abramson,
graduated from University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Michael Petkun, son of Karen & Bill Petkun, graduated from University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School
with a Bachelor of Science in Economics.
Sara Romanoski, daughter of Roz & Frank Romanoski, graduated from Hunter College with a Masters of Urban Planning.
William Steiner, husband of Melissa Steiner, father of Jacob, Aaron, and Marley Steiner, graduated from LaSalle University
with his MBA.
Carly Stern, daughter of Meryl & Larry Stern, graduated from Drexel University
with a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management.
Justin Winokur, son of Harriet Winokur and Steven Winokur, grandson of Joan & Manny Winokur,
graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering.
Michael Zimmerman, son of Jeri & Len Zimmerman, grandson of Herma & Lester Abramson,
graduated from University of Pittsburgh.
Life Cycle Events
Life Cycle Events
Refuah Sh’lemah
Diane Factor
Franny Kohen
Rich Singer
Jay Steinberg
Manny Winokur
Matthew Zeitlin
Sylvia Zeitlin
Jeremy Max Razon, son of Rebecca & Eric Razon,
grandson of Cynthia & Bensy Razon
Maya Joan Taft, daughter of Debra Caplan & Nicholas Taft,
granddaughter of Ellyn Caplan Klein and Bob Klein
Benjamin Kail, son of Nataile & Raphael Kail, to Debbie Yunker
Chaya Herzberg (David Kurland), on the death of her mother, Shirley Herzberg
Benjamin and Hillary Kurland, on the death of their grandmother, Shirley Herzberg
Suellen (Jim) Weiner, on the death of her mother, Sylvia Richter
Jill (Larry) Florin, on the death of her mother, Rochelle “Shelly” Spector
Evan and Paige Florin, on the death of their grandmother, Rochelle “Shelly” Spector
Marjorie (Leonard) Schwartz, on the death of her mother, Sylvia Menin
Stephanie Schwartz (Noam Kutler) and Jeremy Schwartz,
on the death of their grandmother, Sylvia Menin
Bruce Schwartz, on the death of his brother, James Schwartz
Ann Mae Tiger, on the death of her husband, Ira Tiger
Cissy (Bill) Plotnick, on the death of her sister, Tamara Silverman
Jeffrey (Karen) Israel, on the death of his father, Sidney Israel
Andrew Korn, on the death of his grandfather, Sidney Israel
Jodi (Samuel) Silverman, on the death of her uncle, Stanley Arthur “Art” Brown
Barbara (Barry) Glaser, on the death of her mother, Jerry Field
Dana (Dean) Werner, on the death of her grandmother, Jerry Field
Ethan, Ellie, Max and Joshua Werner,
on the death of their great grandmother, Jerry Field
Arlene Smuckler, on the death of her Mother-in-Law, Dorothy “Dutchy” Coopersmith
Howard (Linda) Dwoskin, on the death of his father, Lawrence Dwoskin
Lily and Julie Dwoskin, on the death of their grandfather, Lawrence Dwoskin
I would like to express my deep
appreciation for the many donations and
expressions of sympathy that were made
in memory of my sister, Tamara
“Timmy” Silverman.
Cissy Plotnick and family
WHEREAS Ira P. Tiger was a dedicated and devoted life member and leader of Temple Sinai, and
WHEREAS Ira served as a board member, chair and member of countless committees, and
WHEREAS Ira served selflessly as Executive Vice President and President of
Temple Sinai having given meritorious and dedicated service to the Congregation and,
WHEREAS Ira mentored, guided, counseled, and encouraged innumerable leaders and future leaders of Temple Sinai
and worked with diligence for the betterment of Temple Sinai and the Jewish Community at large and who by example
inspired others adding immeasurably to the development of our community and of our people,
RESOLVED that Temple Sinai hereby records its sorrow and sense of immense loss on the passing of Ira P. Tiger,
and will strive to follow his example in support of the synagogue and the Jewish Community, and in the devotion to our
families. We express our condolences to his bereaved family.
May G-d console Ira’s family among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
June 20, 2012 / 30 Sivan, 5772
William Kramer, President
Adam Wohlberg, Rabbi
Fun at Camp Maccabee!
Thursday, August 16th
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
3/1 – 4/30
Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities
Cantor’s Charity cont’d
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Bea Goldstein .............. Ethel Chernow
Confirmation of David Feinberg ...... Joan & Manny Winokur
.......................................................Joanne & Bruce Shanzer
In Memory of
Shane Frankel .......................................................................
David Schwartz...................Julie & Robert Axelrod & Family
Bernie Albert ..................................................... Annie Cohen
.............................................................Sheila & Gil Newman
Shirley Herzberg .................. Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg
Sylvia Menin ..........................................................................
Ira Tiger ............................Cindy & David Horowitz & Family
Stanley Arthur “Art” Brown ....................................................
Ira Tiger .........................................Joanne & Bruce Shanzer
In Honor of
Cantor Stephen Freedman ..............Marissa Reale & Family
......................................................................... Gail Wolfberg
Speedy recovery for Randi Freedman ..................................
.......................................................... Evelyn & Marty Snyder
In Memory of
Henry Brown .......................... Lyddy & Alan Brown & Family
James Schwartz .............................. Vicki & Howie Edelman
Carole Shtatman............................................. Vicki Edelman
Giuliana Goetzl ............................................... Renata Fisher
Dr. Ellis Hyman ............................................. Stanley Hyman
Jerry Field ............ Alison Klugherz & Ken Kideckel & Family
Sylvia Menin ................................ Julila & Robert Lavenberg
Miriam Pinkenson ........................................ Lana Pinkenson
Frank Pollack ................................................ Michael Pollack
Tillie Simmonds ............................................. Ivor Simmonds
Gary Unger ......................................................Ronald Unger
Boy Scout
In Honor of
Ken Zeitzer receiving the TSMC Joseph A. Fine Award.......
................................................................. Joan & Bob Parkin
Matthew Bilsky’s graduation from Lehigh University ............
................................................................ Karen & Bill Petkun
Marriage of Chaya Rifka, granddaughter of Karen & José Castel..
...................................................... Randi & Ken Zeitzer & Family
In Memory of
Sidney Israel ...................... Susan & Alan Budman & Family
Sylvia Menin ........................................ Nadine & Neil Canter
Ira Tiger ............................................... Marlene & Don Rush
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Aaron Bernstein being honored as a Ben Torah...................
Aaron Glatter becoming a Bar Mitzvah .................................
............................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Ann & Bernie Miller’s 40th anniversary .................................
........................................................ Gail & Dennis Shusman
In Memory of
Sheyla Kanner .......................................................................
Beth Fleisher .........................................................................
Sylvia Richter.........................................................................
Sylvia Menin ..........................................................................
............. Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Donna M. Spadaccini ............................................................
Dorothy “Dutchy” Coopersmith ..............................................
............................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
John Armstrong, Esq. ............................................................
Miriam Laveson .............................................. Barry Bressler
Bella Cohen ...........................................................................
... Barry Bressler, Michelle Bressler and Allison & Ed Goldis
Sylvia Menin ........................................ Gloria & Mort Ceaser
............................................................... Ellen & Ralph Levin
......................................................... Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
........................................ Sharyn & Drew Matusow & Family
.......................................... Michelle & Barry Ruder & Family
............................................................... Ellen & Garry Spear
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector .................................... Janis Dunn
Shirley Herzberg ..................................... Judi Field & Family
Jerry Field ....................Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein & Family
Ira Tiger ............................ Nadine & Neil Lubarsky & Family
............................................................ Berna & Larry Pauker
Rita S. Levine ................................................... Helene Ross
Samuel Wisotsky ...................................................................
Adele Feldman ............................... Gail & Dennis Shusman
Jean Shusman........................................... Dennis Shusman
Sylvia Richter...................................... Berna & Larry Pauker
Sidney Israel .......................................... Ellen & Garry Spear
Lillian Feldman ........................................... Charla Sussman
Mary Sussman............................................... Mark Sussman
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Cantor Stephen Freedman ....................................................
......................................... His “Pray Like You Mean It” class
Cantor Stephen & Randi Freedman ..... Judy & Jerry Caplan
Adam Freedman and his admirable group as they join the
Israeli army .................................................... Ethel Chernow
Birth of Jeremy Max Razon ...................................................
.......................................... Vicki & Howie Edelman & Family
Chernoff Interfaith Activities
In Memory of
Rose Barsher............................................. Flora Fine-Shafer
Cook For A Friend
In Honor of
Michael Petkun’s college graduation... Shelley & Alan Bilsky
Chloe Listman becoming a Bat Mitzvah ................................
............................................................... Terry & Gene Heller
In Memory of
Ira Tiger ................................................. Terry & Gene Heller
Marc Reich...........................................................Sheila Katz
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector ............... Susan & Larry Kempner
Jack Roseman ............................................ Bernie Roseman
Vera Lederman ............................................. Betty Roseman
Eleanor L. Brown ................................... Bernice Shoemaker
Reba Snyder.................................................... Marty Snyder
Abby Cooper Religious School Scholarship
In Memory of
Rose Cooper .........................................................................
Morris Cooper ................................................ Jeffrey Cooper
Arthur Krasnow ............. Joanne & Richard Greene & Family
Sylvia Menin .......................................Jill & Jeffrey Hampton
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Honor of
Birth of Maya Joan Taft ..... Susan & Alan Budman & Family
Alex and Noah Grand’s 1st birthday ................ Tobey Grand
Chloe Listman becoming a Bat Mitzvah ................................
Alex Grinblatt’s birthday .................. Janice & Alan Inselberg
In Memory of
Shelley Weiner-Scott ............................................Sandi Katz
Jacob Strauss .................. Debbie & Alex Kaufman & Family
Sylvia Menin .............................. Doree Sitkoff & Greg Kidorf
Marvin Demchick ....................................... Ilene & Mel Miller
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Memory of
Pauline Lefcoe .......................................................................
Florence Dworkin...................... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector ........................ Dina & Hal Rovner
Sylvia Richter................ Denise & Howard Stredler & Family
Sara Ginsberg Memorial
In Memory of
Dorothy S. Schwarz..........................................Ada Fishman
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Memory of
Anna Lipson...........................................................................
Jerry Nothman ........................... Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
Dr. Barbara Porges................................................................
Sylvia Richter.........................................................................
Rose Goldfine ................................................ Marilyn Keesal
Jerry Nothman .....................................................Shari Klevit
Zelda Levin ........................................................ Lester Levin
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Randi Freedman ..................................
Chloe Listman becoming a Bat Mitzvah................................
Birth of twin great-grandsons of Nathan Goldfine .................
........................................................ Herma & Les Abramson
Chellie & Steve Davidoff’s 50th anniversary .........................
............................................................... Myrna & Larry Allen
Darian Pearlmutter’s graduation .... Beth & Jimmie Edelman
Engagement of Chelsea Zimmerman to Elliot Busch ...........
Engagement of Michael Zimmerman to Carly Adelmann .....
......................................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
Maxine & Asher Stutman’s 55th anniversary ........................
............................................................... Diane & Don Factor
Marriage of Jay Menaker & Jennifer Massetti.......................
................................................ Diane & Don Factor & Family
Dottie Singer .......................................................Zach Arnold
Bill Kramer becoming President of Temple Sinai .................
.......................................... Andi Becker Arnold & Joe Arnold
Helen & Louis Shankroff’s 60th anniversary .........................
................................................................. Joan & Bob Parkin
In Memory of
Drew Lewin ...................... Herma & Les Abramson & Family
Sylvia Menin ..........................................................................
Ira Tiger ................................................. Myrna & Larry Allen
Annette Silberman ............................................ Annie Cohen
Harry Dion .........................................................Marcie Cohn
Deborah Gene Eisman ................................ Michael Eisman
Robert Rosedale............................................... Diane Factor
Sylvia Menin .......................................... Diane & Don Factor
Benjamin Factor .................................................. Don Factor
Nathan Gendelman ..................................... Neil Gendelman
Clara C. Wein ........................................... Barbara Goldstein
Bernie Albert ..........................................................................
Ira Tiger .................................................................................
Robert Charny .......................................................................
Howard Kaufman ......... Barbara & Barry Goldstein & Family
Abraham B. Goldstein .................................. Barry Goldstein
Sara Krevitz ...........................................................................
Jack Krevitz ................................................... Marlene Graub
Hilda Voremberg.....................................................Alan Katz
Sylvia Menin .................................................. Marge Listman
Shaindel Grunberger .......................................... Edith Milner
Annie Milner............................................................. Iz Milner
Stanley Rubenstein ................................ Mitchel Rubenstein
Abraham Pollock ......................................... Merle Silverman
Judith Stern ............................................ Larry & Meryl Stern
Sarah Sol ................................................ Meryl & Larry Stern
Velvel Tellem ......................................................Ruth Visnov
Jean Weiss ........................................................ Marty Weiss
Lee Linder..............................................................................
Ira Tiger ........................................ Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
Edith Podolsky Zebrowitz ......................... Stanley Zebrowitz
Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence
In Honor of
Hilda Greenberg’s 90th birthday ..................... Flossie Albert
................................................Terry & Gene Heller & Family
In Memory of
Sylvia Menin .................................................... Flossie Albert
............................................................... Terry & Gene Heller
............................................................................ Sylvia Kivitz
........................................................................ Faye Laveson
Shirley Herzberg ....................................................................
Ira Tiger ........................................................... Flossie Albert
Charles Teitelman .................................................................
Louis Essner ................................................. Phyllis Gardner
Sylvia Menin ..........................................................................
Ira Tiger ........................................ Sheila & Neil Gendelman
Edith Sietz Robbins ...............................................................
Dr. Leon Robbins................................................ Sylvia Kivitz
Ira Tiger .................................................................................
Nathan Silberstein .................................................................
H. Joseph Matusow ...............................................................
Harry Silverstein ....................................................................
Charles H. Laveson ........................................ Faye Laveson
William Bernard ......................... Florence & Kurt Lichtenfeld
Mother of Donna Rultenberg .................................................
Dorothy “Dutchy” Coopersmith ..............................................
Sylvia Menin ..........................................................................
Ira Tiger .............................................Marilyn & Heshy Stock
(Continued on page 9)
Handicap Accessibility
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
Rabbi’s Charity
In Memory of
Ira Tiger................................................... Susan & Paul Bratt
Herbert Levinson ....................................... Mitchell Levinson
In Honor of
Confirmation of Adam Rosenwasser .....................................
Confirmation of Jeffrey Wiener ..... Joanne & Bruce Shanzer
Barbara London ................................Her Melton classmates
In Memory of
Robert Cole ............................................................................
Braden Cole ......................................................... Nyles Cole
Sylvia Menin ..............................................Edy & Scott Israel
........................................ Roz & Frank Romanoski & Family
Howard Luterman ...................... Bob, Lee and Mitch Parkin
Dorothy “Dutchy” Coopersmith ..............................................
Ira Tiger ............................................... Sally & Ed Rosenthol
In Honor of
Marriage of Jay Menaker & Jennifer Massetti ......................
...................................................................... Joanne DiNovo
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg ......................................... Irv Fischer
....................................... Julie & Mitchell Goldstein & Family
............................................................................ Sylvia Kivitz
.................................................. The Schwartz/Menin Family
.............................................................His Wednesday class
......................................................... Marissa Reale & Family
......................................................................... Gail Wolfberg
Speedy recovery for Rich Singer ..........................................
...................................................... Julia & Robert Lavenberg
Blake Goodman becoming a Bar Mitzvah ............................
......................................................... Cynthia & Bensy Razon
Birth of Maya Joan Taft .........................................................
Birth of Jeremy Max Razon .............. Linda & Jonathan Roth
Aufruf of Zachary Krochtengel & Jessica Isaacs ..................
............................................................... Sara & Bob Wenger
In Memory of
Abraham Adelstein ...........................................Jon Adelstein
Herman Brown .....................................Alan Brown & Family
Dorothy “Dutchy” Coopersmith ..................... Ethel Chernow
.............................................................................. Linda Roth
Yetta Pennock ................................................... Carol Cohen
Lillian Cohen....................................................... Paul Cohen
Ira Tiger ............................................... Harriet & David Cohn
........................................................ Nancy & Jeffrey Gordon
............................................................ Shirley & Allan Levick
....................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
Sylvia Menin ................................................. Joanne DiNovo
........................................................ Tracy & George Gordon
.............. Alison Klugherz Kideckel & Ken Kideckel & Family
......................................................... Joyce & Peter Klugherz
............................................................Lynne & Fred Poritsky
.......................................................... Linda & Jonathan Roth
.......................................... Shelly & Howard Shotel & Family
........................................................................... Elaine Sigler
............................................ Jodi & Sam Silverman & Family
................................................ Sara & Bob Wenger & Family
Sheila Neibauer .................................. Binnie & Elliott Footer
James Schwartz ..................................... Celia & Larry Frank
Edward Goldsmith ...................................... Stuart Goldsmith
Herman Frank Goldstein ............................ Melvin Goldstein
Pearl Silverman ........................................... Sheila Goldstein
Benjamin Haas ......................................................................
Sylvia Weissman ............................................... Phyllis Haas
Louis Hyman .................................................Stanley Hyman
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector......................................................
.............. Alison Klugherz Kideckel & Ken Kideckel & Family
Phyllis G. Schechter ............................................. Ellyn Klein
Abraham Libove ................................................. Alan Libove
Alfreda Goldblatt............................................... Laura Libove
Sylvia & Bernie Menin ............. Meghan & Rowland Adamoli
Bernard Paul ..................................................... William Paul
Miriam Pinkenson ........................................ Lana Pinkenson
Inez Coopersmith ..................................................................
Neale P. Richman .................................................................
Joseph Coopersmith .................................... Sheila Richman
Jerry Field.................................... Andrea & Scott Rosenthal
Shirley Herzberg................................................... Linda Roth
Dorothy Schure ........................................... Matthew Schure
Sidney Israel..................... Shelly & Howard Shotel & Family
Dennis Simmonds ......................................... Ivor Simmonds
Harry Stutman ............................................... Asher Stutman
Maurice Wenger ................................................ Bob Wenger
Richard Harris Memorial
In Memory of
Sophie Sue Leventhal............................................................
.................... Jerome Leventhal, Edward & Karen, and Mark
Bernie Albert ..........................................................................
Sylvia Richter ............................... Renee & Steven Rosenau
David Hertzberg Scholarship
In Memory of
Rebecca Albert ......................................................................
David Hertzberg ............................................... Flossie Albert
Bernie Albert ...................... Julie & Robert Axelrod & Family
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector ......................................................
Ira Tiger................................ Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg
Sylvia Menin.......... Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg & Family
Holocaust Education
In Honor of
Birth of Jeremy Max Razon ................ Becky & Jeffrey Miller
......................................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
Marriage of Jay Menaker & Jennifer Massetti .......................
...................................................... Audrey & George Marcus
Speedy recovery for Randi Freedman ..................................
............................................................ Becky & Jeffrey Miller
Continued good health for Cindy Zimmerman ......................
................................................................... Shirley Nirenberg
In Memory of
David Gardner .............................................. Phyllis Gardner
Simon Goldstein ....................................... Lauren Gladstone
Jack Jackel .......................................................... Roy Jackel
Mollye B. Sack ...............Audrey & George Marcus & Family
Sylvia Menin...........................................................................
Ira Tiger......................................... Audrey & George Marcus
Samuel Diamond ................................ Becky & Jeffrey Miller
Clara Sharf ................................................. Shirley Nirenberg
Sylvia Menin........................................ Jan & Jeff Nossbaum
Cele Hyman Sukkah
In Memory of
Dorothy Yarrow ............................................. Phyllis Gardner
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Honor of
Marriage of Jay Menaker & Jennifer Massetti .......................
...................................................... Gilda & Jonathan Gispan
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg...........................................................
Cantor Stephen Freedman ................... Dottie & Rich Singer
In Memory of
Doree Stark ............................................................................
Hank Fossum .........................................................................
Harriet Jacobs.....................................................Joel Jacobs
Morris Menaker ............................................. David Menaker
Abraham Citrin ...............................Gladys & David Menaker
Belle Feldman Slaff........................................... Dottie Singer
Lynne Ludwig ........................................ Dottie & Rich Singer
Harry B. Singer ................................................... Rich Singer
Martin Josephs Library
In Memory of
Ronald Field ..................................................... Gregory Field
Sylvia Menin...................................................... Lillian Tabas
Louis Smith ............................................ Evelyn & Joel Udell
Ann Kay Adult Education
In Memory of
Esther R. Blum....................................................... Lee Blum
Sylvia Menin........................................... Karen & Bill Petkun
Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of
Isadore Greenberg.................................................................
Marvin K. Greenberg .................................. Lallie Greenberg
Sylvia Menin..................Francine Kohen & Daniel Isaacman
Ira Tiger................................................... Doris & Simon Izes
Norman Krasnov Fine Arts
In Memory of
Sylvia Menin.................................................... Beth Chernoff
Lillian S. Berg .................................................. Judith Hauser
Petluck Memorial
In Memory of
Jack Yarrow ..................................................Phyllis Gardner
Paul J. Kasloff .............................................. Stephen Kasloff
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
In Honor of
Scott Doroshow’s graduation from medical school ...............
Confirmation of Sophie Ruder ........ Beth & Jimmie Edelman
Leah Matusow’s graduation from PSU ..................................
.........................................Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
........................................................ Janice & Alan Inselberg
Birth of Jeremy Max Razon..........Nancy & Stuart Goldsmith
Blake Goodman becoming a Bar Mitzvah .............................
...................................................... Harriet & Leonard Levine
Chloe Listman becoming a Bat Mitzvah ................................
Alyssa Herman becoming a Bat Mitzvah ...............................
................................... Michelle Ruder and Sharyn Matusow
Confirmation of Sophie Ruder ........Stewart & Kathryn Kahn
Speedy recovery for Bea Goldstein .......................................
............................................ Marci & Scott Shapiro & Family
In Memory of
Tamara Silverman............Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
........................................ Lauren & Jeff Gladstone & Family
........................................................ Janice & Alan Inselberg
.............................................................Dolly & Michael Love
......................................... Kenny & Jessica Levine & Family
........................................ Lewis & Amanda Levine & Family
.....................................................Andrea & Scott Rosenthal
......................................................... Cindy & Adam Warkow
.............................................................. Sara & Bob Wenger
Jerry Field ........................Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
Sylvia Menin ................. Jodi & Matthew Goodman & Family
......................................................... Susan & Jon Yutkowitz
David Paul ............................................ Ellen & Warren Katz,
.........................and Jamie, Harris, Jacob and Bailey Cohen
Tamara Silverman..................................................................
Dorothy “Dutchy” Coopersmith ..............................................
Jerry Field ........................................... Laurie & David Matez
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector ... Marci & Scott Shapiro & Family
Prayer Book
In Honor of
Janet & Larry Isaacman’s 30th anniversary ..........................
.................................................... Jill & Josh Ladov & Family
Ben Cohen becoming a Bar Mitzvah .....................................
......................................................... Gloria & Stan Schwartz
Carey Barol becoming a Bat Mitzvah ....................................
........................................................ Mindy & Ron Rappaport
In Memory of
Ruth Agard .............................................................................
Betty Tonkonow ........................................... Emanuel Agard
Jack L. Abrams ............................................ Stephen Kasloff
Katherine Ravitz ........................... Julia & Robert Lavenberg
Evelyn Graub ..................................... Jill & Stephen Montag
Sylvia & Bernie Menin ...............................Florence Hoffman
Ira Tiger ..................................................................................
Howard Luterman ................................... Joan & Bob Parkin
Dr. Arnold H. Raphaelson ......................... Ruth Raphaelson
Ruth & Budd Rockower Dues Assistance
In Memory of
Eleanor L. Brown .............................................. Edwin Brown
Rose Seskin .................................................... Lester Seskin
Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Dr. Neil Balick ...... Ilene & Stuart Fredd
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Honor of
Ross Goldberg’s college graduation .....................................
Carly Stern’s college graduation ...........................................
............................................Susan & Alan Budman & Family
(Continued on page 10)
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Faith Rubin Scholarship cont’d
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Randi Freedman ..................................
Speedy recovery for Jay Steinberg ...... Judy & Jerry Caplan
In Memory of
Sylvia Menin ..........................................................................
Ira Tiger .................................................................................
James Schwartz ....................................................................
Tamara Silverman ................................ Judy & Jerry Caplan
Tillie Tarnoff ...........................................................................
Charles Tarnoff .................................................. Judy Caplan
James Schwartz ....................................................................
Shirley Herzberg ....... Natalie & David Hartenbaum & Family
Samuel Moss ........................................... David Hartenbaum
Ira Tiger .................................................. Ruth & Harold Katz
Marcia Lipschutz....................................... Barbara Lipschutz
Joseph Schildkret ...........................................Bonnie Shanis
Manuel Reiss ..................................................... Renee Starr
Ray Handel ......................................... Hazzan Arlyne Unger
Charles Levin............................................. Harriet Weinstein
Norman Samoiloff Memorial
In Memory of
Frank Garrett .............................. Lori & Doug Most & Family
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Honor of
Engagement of Will Ettenger to Katelyn Witek .....................
Will Ettenger’s graduation from Villanova Law School .........
Hilda Greenberg’s 90th birthday ...........................................
Leore and Arielle Lusana’s graduation from UDHS ..............
.............................................. Debbie & Stan Lacks & Family
Debbie & Stan Lacks’ 35th anniversary ................................
.........................Matthew, Sarah, Jeremy and Melissa Lacks
In Memory of
Jack L. Abrams ............................................Norman Abrams
Sandra Tickner ............................................... Richard Burak
Jerry Field ....................................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman
Stanley Arthur “Art” Brown ....................................................
Sylvia Menin ....................Lauren & Jeff Gladstone & Family
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector ............... Lauren & Jeff Gladstone
Alan Trager ........................... Debbie & Stan Lacks & Family
Sylvia Menin ........................................ Stan Lacks & Family
.................................................................. Jill & Brian Rosen
Esther London ............................................ Stephen London
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector ...................Mary & Nathan Relles
.......................................................... Nicole & Andrew Rifkin
Cheryl Dorsch ............. Mary & Mitchel Rubenstein & Family
Ruth Lacks ................................................Florence Solomon
Hannah G. Sterner Memorial
In Memory of
Leah Coopersmith Savage .......................... Howard Savage
Temple Sinai Building/Maintenance
In Honor of
Bill Kramer becoming President of Temple Sinai..................
......................................................................... Flossie Albert
.............................................................Muriel & Marvin Sultz
................................................................ Gwen & Jerry Blum
.............................................................. Harriet & Andy Conn
................................................................ Joan & Burt Cohan
...................................................... Barbara & John Rosenau
Birth of Jeremy Max Razon ..... Wendy & Donald Greenberg
Birth of Maya Joan Taft ................ Tammy & Bart Hertzbach
Ellen & Ralph Levin’s special birthdays ................................
................................................... Debbie & Alan Krochtengel
Marriage of Lauren Lubarsky & Matthew Tanzer ..................
Marriage of Marjorie Stromberg & Sean Miller......................
Marriage of Robin Hertzbach & Dainel Fierstein...................
..................................................... Julila & Robert Lavenberg
Helene Friedman’s special birthday .................. Selma Levin
Marjorie Schwartz ............................ Gloria & Stan Schwartz
Speedy recovery for Zelda Ruch......... Paula & Jack Kodroff
Marriage of Jay Menaker & Jennifer Massetti.......................
..............................................................The Kollender Famly
Eden Aaronson .... Barbara Rosenau and Howard Bernstein
Temple Sinai Building/Maintenance cont’d
In Honor of
Blake Goodman becoming a Bar Mitzvah .............................
Rachel Reale becoming a Bat Mitzvah..................................
..................................... Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
Matthew Bilsky’s graduation from Lehigh University .............
....................................... Ina Weiner & Alan Shore & Family
In Memory of
Corinne Alent ................................................... Marsha Alent
Rochelle “Shelly” Spector ........Candy & Gil Beyda & Family
...............................................................Karen & Bill Kramer
.......................................................... Karen & Michael Mann
..................................... Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
.................................................... Sally & Joel Rosenwasser
......................................................... Cindy & Adam Warkow
Shirley Herzberg .................. Shelley & Alan Bilsky & Family
Ira Tiger ......................................... Helen & Sidney Feinberg
....................................................... Lauren & Jeff Gladstone
......................................................Tammy & Bart Hertzbach
................................................................... Bonnie Kanefsky
...............................................................Karen & Bill Kramer
...........................................................................Eleanor Liss
............................................................ Sheila & Gil Newman
.................................... The Riesenberg’s ING Direct Family
..................................................... Paul & Marilyn Weintraub
........................................................ Joan & Larry Freedman
.......................................................... Herbert & Roslyn Bass
.......................................................................... Sandra Alloy
........................................................................... Randi Davis
....................................................................... Rochelle Bass
..............................................................Sharon Feigenbaum
...................................................................Diana Donaldson
.............................................................. Diane & Bob Bacine
............................................................................Carl Solano
.................................Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP
......................................................... Mimi & Allan Schneirov
........................................................................ Marilyn Kutler
......................................................... Barbara & Jerry Kotzen
........................................................................ Wilbur Kipnes
..................................................................... Florence Kogen
....................................................................... Patricia Martin
............................................................... The Horwitz Family
.............................................................................. Paul Titus
............................................................... Missy & Todd Knee
........................................................................ Connie Orens
........................................................................ Fran Schleifer
........................................................................ Arlene Fickler
.......................................................Betty & Bernie Roseman
......................................................Barbara & John Rosenau
.....................................................Andrea & Scott Rosenthal
............................................................. Ruth & Steven Segal
......................................................... Cindy & Adam Warkow
................................................... Harriet & Steven Weinstein
Dorothy “Dutchy” Coopersmith .....Tammy & Bart Hertzbach
..........................................................Evelyn & Marty Snyder
George Hertzbach......................................... Bart Hertzbach
Celia Yewlow............................................ Tammy Hertzbach
Gussie Hyman............................................... Stanley Hyman
Sylvia Menin ...................................... Bonnie & Bill Kanefsky
...............................................................Karen & Bill Kramer
................................................... Debbie & Alan Krochtengel
...........................................................................Eleanor Liss
...................................................... Gladys & David Menaker
............................................................ Kathy & Saul Axelrod
........................................................................ Gladys Simon
................................................................................Ira Shore
............................................................. Donna & Jack Zubris
......................................Stephanie Schwartz’ AIPAC Family
............................................................. Ilene & Gary Buchert
................................................................. Lisa & Joe Becker
.................................. Phyllis B. Carter and Evelyn Seymour
......................................................................... Harriet Colby
...............................................Joel & Carole Lukoff & Family
.........................................................Sophie & Sidney Selbst
......................................................Barbara & John Rosenau
Temple Sinai Building/Maintenance cont’d
In Memory of
Sylvia Menin ..................................... Evelyn & Marty Snyder
..........................................................Cindy & Adam Warkow
...................................Donna & Michael Rosenthal & Family
...................................... Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
............................................................................. Sara Segal
.............................................. Ruth & Steven Segal & Family
James Schwartz ................... Pam & Phillip Kofsky & Family
............................................................... Karen & Bill Kramer
Ben Krinsky................................................... Samuel Krinsky
Lillian Fogel...................................................... Lenore Lipkin
Charlotte Shoemaker......................................... Eleanor Liss
Bernard Toll ......................................................... Ilene Miller
Bernie Albert ........................................Sheila & Gil Newman
........................................................ Debbie & Scott Brunetto
Jerry Field .................................... Andrea & Scott Rosenthal
Albert Segal ......................................................... Sara Segal
Ada Shelow........................................................ Carl Shelow
James Goodman ................... Susan & Alan Smith & Family
Dora Cohen ...........................................................................
Charles Sovel ........................................................................
Rose Sovel ........................................................ Diane Sovel
Stanley Arthur “Art” Brown ...............Cindy & Adam Warkow
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Honor of
Bernice Brenner’s 90th birthday ....................... Arleen Weitz
In Memory of
Stanley Arthur “Art” Brown ......... Lori & Doug Most & Family
Anette Beavers ......................................................................
Frank Roberts ................................................... Arleen Weitz
Pearl Weitz ............................................................ Stu Weitz
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Honor of
Justin Winokur receiving his Master’s Degree from Johns
Hopkins University ........................... Joan & Manny Winokur
In Memory of
Herman Schwartz ......................................... Susan Budman
Ira Tiger .................................................................................
Jacob Goldfarb ................................ Joan & Manny Winokur
In Memory of
Abraham Adelman ..................................... Michael Adelman
Benjamin Sugarman ......................................... Cheryl Baum
Bernard S. Brodsky ....................................... Joyce Brodsky
Saul Charles ..................................................Robert Charles
Ira Tiger ....................................... Helene & Gerald Feldman
............................................................... Diane & Ron Lebby
Miriam Weitzman ..................................................David First
Rebecca Meyerowitz ..................................... Mary Ginsburg
Morris Ginsburg ............................................. Mary Ginsburg
Dr. Leo E. Leonard ........................................Rona Ginsburg
Devorah Safian ...........................................Jonathan Gispan
Dr. Harold B. Furman ........... Pam & Phillip Kofsky & Family
Michael Kostrow ................................................ Joy Kostrow
Vicki L. Lieberman .................................................................
Marvin Swartz ........................................................................
Rae Marie Lieberman ..............................Jerome Lieberman
Edwin D. Liss ..................................................... Eleanor Liss
Sylvia Menin ........................ Fran & Doug Listman & Family
Abraham Dembowski .................................... Rebecca Miller
Samuel Weintraub .............................. Myrna & Bruce Mnkin
Harry Murland .................................................. Ruth Murland
Rose Blum .......................................................... Joan Parkin
Evalina Romanoski ....................................Frank Romanoski
Herman Frank Goldstein ...................................Janet Rosen
Dr. Louis Beloff ......................................... Barbara Rosenau
Martin Ruder ...................................................... Barry Ruder
Saul Snyder ..................................................... Marty Snyder
Charles Gelman.....................................................................
Ida Gelman ................................................... Rose Steinberg
Bessie Stock ......................................................Heshy Stock
Isadore Zilberfarb .......................................... Saul Zilberfarb
Mommy and Me Playgroups
Wednesdays: 9:30 AM
June 27, July 11, July 18, July 25,
August 1, August 8
Contact Linda Goldberg
or email
[email protected]
610-660-9696 610-660-0614
610-660-0612 610-660-0615
610-660-0152 FAX
PA Registration #PA041884
July 2012
11 Tammuz 2
12 Tammuz 3
13 Tammuz 4
14 Tammuz 5
15 Tammuz 6
16 Tammuz 7
Independence Day
6:00p Minyan
Temple Sinai
Closed after
morning minyan
Parashat Balak
9:30a Shabbat Services
9:16p Havdalah
18 Tammuz 9
19 Tammuz 10
20 Tammuz 11
21 Tammuz 12
22 Tammuz 13
23 Tammuz 14
6:00p Minyan
Camp Maccabee
Shabbat Happening
Fast of
17th of Tammuz
25 Tammuz 16
26 Tammuz 17
27 Tammuz 18
28 Tammuz 19
9:13p Havdalah
1 Av 21
29 Tammuz 20
Rosh Chodesh Av
7:15am Morning
6:00p Minyan Same’ach
3 Av 23
4 Av 24
5 Av 25
6 Av 26
7 Av 27
2 Av
Parashat Matot-Masei
9:30a Shabbat Services
9:09p Havdalah
24 Tammuz
Parashat Pinchas
9:30a Shabbat Services
17 Tammuz
8 Av 28
6:00p Minyan
9 Av
Parashat Devarim
Shabbat Hazon
9:30a Shabbat Services
8:15p Mincha
9:00p Ma’ariv including
reading of Aicha
10 Av 30
Tisha B’Av
8:45a Shacharit with a
selection from Aicha
1:00p Mincha
8:45p Ma’ariv
11 Av 31
12 Av
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated):
Sundays (@ TBI) ········· 7:00pm
Mondays ······················· 7:30pm
Tuesdays ······················· 7:30pm
Wednesdays ················· 7:30pm
Thursdays ···················· 6:30pm
Fridays ·························· 6:00pm
13 Av 2
14 Av
15 Av 4
6:00p Minyan
Sundays (@ TBI)········· 7:00pm
Mondays ······················ 7:30pm
Tuesdays ······················ 7:30pm
Wednesdays ················· 7:30pm
Thursdays ···················· 6:30pm
Fridays ························· 6:00pm
17 Av 6
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated):
August 2012
Shabbat Nachamu
9:30a Shabbat Services
8:55p Havdalah
18 Av 7
19 Av 8
20 Av 9
21 Av 10
22 Av 11
6:00p Minyan
26 Av 13
27 Av 14
26 Av 15
27 Av 16
28 Av 17
7:00p Israeli Scout
Friendship Caravan
8:47p Havdalah
29 Av 18
Last Day of Camp
6:00p Minyan
1 Elul 20
2 Elul 21
3 Elul 22
4 Elul 23
5 Elul
8:38p Havdalah
6 Elul 25
6:00p Minyan
Rosh Chodesh Elul
8 Elul 27
9 Elul 28
10 Elul 29
11 Elul 30
12 Elul 31
13 Elul
Shabbat Under The
Stars, Tentative
6:00p Minyan
30 Av
Rosh Chodesh Elul
Parashat Re’eh
9:30a Shabbat Services
23 Av
Parashat Ekev
9:30a Shabbat Services
16 Av
7 Elul
Parashat Shoftim
9:30a Shabbat Services
Bar Mitzvah of
Max Halperin
8:27p Havdalah
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025-1005
E-mail ........................ [email protected]
Main Office ............................... 215-643-6510
Edy Israel, Executive assistant .......... x100
Suzanne Teleha, Rabbi’s assistant ..... x103
Marcy Lyons Gohen, Accounting ....... x121
Carol Erb, Accounting ........................ x122
Fax ............................................. 215-643-9441
Religious School........................ 215-643-7626
Ann Newman Preschool ........... 215-643-6513
Gift Shop ................................... 215-643-5605
Professional Staff
Adam Wohlberg (x106) ............................. Rabbi
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
....... Founding Rabbi
Stephen Freedman (x108) ........................ Cantor
Nathan L. Chaitovsky............. Cantor Emeritus
Edwin Altman (x105) ........... Executive Director
Joseph Maghen (x112)………….…..Director of
Congregational Learning
Faith B. Rubin (x117)………………Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
Stephanie Endres (x113) ........... Early Childhood
........................................... Education Director
Marjorie Schwartz (x107) ............. B’nai Mitzvah
Shelly Shotel ……….Youth Activities Advisor
Edy Israel ....................................USY Advisor
Temple Sinai Officers
William Kramer ................................ President
Jeffrey Hampton ....... Executive Vice President
Meryl Stern ............................... Vice President
Tobey Grand ............................. Vice President
Michael Paul ............................. Vice President
Janet Isaacman .................................. Secretary
Lawrence Florin ................................ Secretary
Cindy Warkow .................................. Treasurer
Jeffrey Gordon ................................. Controller
Andrea Rosenthal ..... Immediate Past President
Alan Katz ................................... Past President
Andrew Meyer ........................... Past President
Sara Wenger ..................... Sisterhood President
Howard Cohen ............... Men’s Club President
Betsy Lewinson ...................... Hazak President
Cissy Plotnick Preschool
Scholarship Fund
The Cissy Plotnick Preschool Scholarship Fund
was established as a tribute to
Cissy Plotnick’s years of service in the Ann
Newman Preschool of Temple Sinai. The
Scholarship funds will help offset preschool
tuition costs for families who demonstrate a
significant financial need and would like to send
their children to Temple Sinai’s Preschool.
Applications are welcome from both Temple
Sinai members and nonmembers.
All donations to the Scholarship Fund, small or
large, are appreciated. Donations to the fund will
be accepted at any time. To donate to the
Scholarship Fund to help others, simply go
online at www.tsinai.com under the Contributions
tab, check the Cissy Plotnick Scholarship Fund
and fill in your donation amount.
To apply for Scholarship Funds, please
contact the Temple Sinai accounting office
at 215-643-6510 x121.