CEI Fall 2010 PDF - Center for Elders` Independence
CEI Fall 2010 PDF - Center for Elders` Independence
Life Times Newsletter Center for E l d e r s’ I n d e p e n d e n c e Fall 2010 Congressman Pete Stark accepts Legislator of the Year Award from CEI On a beautiful evening in May, 250 friends and supporters of Center for Elders’ Independence celebrated eighteen years of successful service to the East Bay community. Tin’s Tea House provided wonderful dim sum while guests mingled at the historic Dunsmuir Estate and Gardens. Donors, caregivers, participants, volunteers and staff all celebrated together by dancing to the sounds of the Frisky Frolics, enjoying the art show by participant Marion Modena, and simply enjoying each other’s company. CEI chose to honor two very special individuals for their service to East Bay Seniors at this May 14th event. The first honoree was founding Board Member Marty Lynch for his years of dedicated service to the organization. And there was a truly heartwarming moment when Congresswoman Barbara Lee received a standing ovation while she introduced the recipient of our legislator of the year award, Congressman Pete Stark. CEI would like to extend our gratitude to all the sponsors and attendees who contributed to this very special evening. Honorees Marty Lynch and Congressman Pete Stark with Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Peter Szutu Bob Bridwell, Perry Haviland, Eric Venzon and Peter Szutu toast 18 years of CEI services. Arnold Perkins (left) and Michael Smart In This Issue Tasty dim sum from Alice Chan’s Tin’s Teahouse Participant Marion Modena had an art showing. Caregiver Crystal Rivers and her mother, Participant Wilma Isler Debra Weberling and her mom, Patricia, celebrate. Congressman Stark - Legislator of the Year Award .... 1 CEO Note.................................................................... 2 Participants make dresses for girls in Haiti................. 3 Thank you to our donors ........................................... 4 Thank you to our 2010 ‘S Wonderful Sponsors.......... 5 Participant thanks CEI in poetry and paint................. 6 Partners donate plasma TVs to PACE Centers . .......... 7 Note from Peter Szutu, CEO Health care is a right, not a commodity. I have always believed that every human being has the right to health care. Health care developed in the notfor-profit world – Community healers, church sponsored hospitals and the local physician were the backbone of health care for centuries. But this country has developed a system where care is bought and sold on the stock market and the focus is on the quarterly profit margin. A corporate bureaucrat can decide if we live or die. seniors and we keep them healthier than they would be in the nonintegrated health care system. And if we don’t do our job and keep them healthier and more independent, we have to absorb the cost of expensive care like hospitalizations or skilled nursing facility stays. The incentives are all properly aligned. Health care organizations with this business model can only stay in business by providing stellar preventive, maintenance and early interventive care to their patients. This is why I got involved with the community clinic movement some thirty years ago. We proudly declared that health care is a right, not a privilege. This was also why I got a master’s degree in public health. Public health looks at what needs to be done for the health of the whole society instead of taking the viewpoint of just one person, one disease, or one organization’s profit margin. It’s important that our health care systems look for ways to PREVENT illness rather than only concentrating on how to treat it. In this environment, where the State of California is cutting many health and human services for seniors, it is important that you stay in touch with your elected representatives and ask them to look at ways to increase tax equity in the state so we have a bigger budget to work from. Senior safety net services, especially innovative ones like CEI, are a necessary foundation for California’s future. And this is why I have been inspired by PACE. We pioneered the “medical home” that the new national health care reform promotes. Our participants have all of their needs addressed and all the different experts and providers talk to each other and with the family and participant to achieve coordinated care. PACE is the ultimate “accountable care organization.” We take the sickest and frailest of our precious And stay tuned for information about the next Bay Area Senior Health Care Policy Forum being planned for spring of 2011 in San Francisco. Join CEI and On Lok to help build the safety net for seniors. Thanks for your support! Editor: Dianna Garrett Designer: David Caggiano Writer: Elinor Davis Page 2 ~ Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Center For Elders’ Independence Locations Downtown Oakland 1955 San Pablo Ave. Oakland, CA 94612 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday Berkeley 1497 Alcatraz Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday East Oakland Eastmont Town Center 7200 Bancroft Ave. Suite 275 & Suite 188 Oakland, CA 94605 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday Administrative Offices 510 - 17th Street Oakland, CA 94612 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday Participants make dresses for girls in Haiti Once again the Ladies of the Good Time Café sewing group at CEI’s Eastmont PACE Center have put their talents to use to benefit children they will never meet. Last spring following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Eastmont Activity Director Lillian Jackson heard about a project called Little Dresses for Africa, which has mobilized people across the country to make simple dresses out of pillowcases for girls in Africa. The organization was now calling on the public to send pillowcase dresses to Haiti where tens of thousands of people had lost their possessions when their homes collapsed in the quake. Patricia Masangya, Marcelina Cruz, Activity Aide Lillian Jackson and Telesfora Horstman choose different trimmings for each unique little dress. Participant Marcelina Cruz sews the finishing touches on a pillowcase dress. Making pretty dresses for girls who have very little to call their own has been a fitting follow-up project for the enterprising sewing circle at Eastmont. Two years ago, they made 50 dolls for abused and abandoned children at a shelter in South Africa and last year they created quilts and diaper bags for babies born to lowincome families at Oakland’s Highland Hospital. These and other activities at CEI’s PACE Centers give seniors ways to exercise creativity and maintain motor and cognitive skills while making something of value for others in need. CEI staff also feels very gratified knowing their efforts can benefit seniors and children simultaneously. ~Elinor Davis CEI staff supplied the new pillowcases, which Lillian prepared by cutting and machine-stitching the fabric into the basic dress shape. Participants completed each dress by hand, sewing on lace trim and pockets and using ribbons to create shoulder straps. The resulting garments ranged in size from 2T to 14, no two exactly alike. San Pablo Center’s Activity Director Angelique Ogden took up the cause as well and worked with San Pablo participants to make additional dresses. The project coincided with Older Americans Month, which honors seniors and their contributions to our world. “This allows them to make a very real difference for little girls in dire need,” said Lillian. It also makes a difference for CEI’s seniors as one of many ongoing activities that help seniors stay active and engaged while socializing at a PACE Day Center with fellow participants who have become friends. Eastmont Activity Aide Lillian Jackson displays a finished dress. Page 3 Thank you to our donors ORGANIZATION Advanced Medical Personnel Inc. Aging Services of California Alameda Alliance for Health Alameda County Board of Supervisors--4th District Alameda County Board of Supervisors--5th District Alliance for Healthcare Consulting, Inc. Arlequin Café Asian Art Museum Asian Health Services Bench and Bar Berkeley Repertory Theatre Berkeley Symphony Orchestra Bette’s Oceanview Diner California HealthCare Foundation California Shakespeare Festival California’s Great America Canadian Women’s Club of the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Strategic Facilitation Chaparral House Chessy Say Jewelry Christian Church Homes of No. California Claremont Resort & Spa Davis Properties Company, LLC Direct Line Tele Response East Bay Assisted Living EBP Consulting Services, Inc. Eco Sound Medical Services Episcopal Senior Communities Exploratorium Flora Restaurant Friendly Transportation, Inc. Half Moon Bay Lodge Harbin Hot Springs Haviland Associates Architects Hornblower Cruises and Events HospiScript H’s Lordships Kaiser Permanente La Mediterranee Landmark Theatre Corp. Law Office of William Webster LifeLong Medical Care Long Life Care Home, Inc. Mama’s Royal Cafe Marin Theatre Company Marriott Hotel Napa Valley Wine Train Nutrition Solutions Oakland East Bay Symphony On Lok Senior Health Services Pave’ Fine Jewelry Design Payden & Rygel Peet’s Coffee Portal Insurance Agency, Inc. Prescott Hotel, a Kimpton Hotel Rosen, Bien & Galvan, LLP San Francisco Giants San Francisco Museum of Modern Art San Francisco Symphony San Jose Sharks Sarber’s Cameras Satellite Housing, Inc. Scandia Family Center, Inc. Semifreddi’s Bakery Shotgun Players Sorensen’s Resort St. Mary Prescription Pharmacy Stark Miller Financial Benefit Group Steven Silver Productions, Inc. Team Up for Youth Teamwrkx The Campbell Family Trust The East Bay Korean American Senior Services Center Tin’s Tea House Lounge, Inc. Vichy Springs Resort Page 4 ~ Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) INDIVIDUAL Anita Addison A.O. & J.K. Banta Peter & Barbara Bond Daniel & Anne Bookin Erica Brevet-Stott Dorothy Brooke Alan Burr S. L. Castellanos Grant Chappell Helen Chen, MD Richard Clark & Patricia Reed Marcie Cohen Patrick Cullinane Sandra Decker Laurie Earp Ernest Galvan & Elizabeth Carty Yolanda Gamble Steven Gillman Andrew Grzeskowiak Cindy Heavens Eddie Hill Jerry Hill Petrice Kam, GnP-C Eileen Kunz Sarah Leonard Ted Low, D.D.S. Marty Lynch & Eileen Carey Woon Wai Ma Dev & Linda Mahadevan Thomas Mazzotta & Kathryn Stambaugh Anita McClendon Theresa Nelson Carolyn Novosel Peter & Lydia Oh K.J. Page Christopher & Marian Pappe Elaine Pector Arnold Perkins Corinne Permaul Lauren Permaul Naidu & Jane Permaul Cheryl Phillips Paul & Florence Raskin Lise Rehsbock Barbara Rosenlicht Michael & Martha Rossman Craig & Lillian Samuel Charles & Marisa Seaman Jane Selby Ed & Susie Stark Stephen Staudenmeir, CPA, APC Bill Sumski Peter Szutu & Jan Eldred Gary Tom Jesse Waters Thank you to our 2010 ‘S Wonderful - Sponsors Community Level Nutrition Solutions Breakthrough Level Asian Health Services Davis Properties Company, LLC Kaiser Permanente On Lok Lifeways St. Mary Prescription Pharmacy Szutu/Eldred Family Venture Level East Bay Assisted Living Portal Insurance Agency, Inc. Rosen, Bien & Galvan, LLP Evolution Level Alliance for Healthcare Consulting, Inc. Daily Digital Imaging Eco Sound Medical Services HospiScript Services Naidu & Jane Permaul Ed Stark, Suhr Risk Services Stark Miller Financial Benefit Group: Bruce Miller & Jason Pera Ally Level ABC Security Services, Inc. Aging Services of California Bench and Bar Center for Strategic Facilitation Helen Chen, MD Haviland Associates Architects Long Life Care Home, Inc. Lauren Permaul Make a Donation to CEI CEI could not do the vital work that we do without the assistance of community members who also care about seniors. There are many ways you can help: • • • • • Make a tax-deductible donation in the envelope provided. Consider a Memorial or Honor gift. Donate office or medical equipment. Check to see if your employer will make a matching gift. Find out about including CEI in your will (check the box on the envelope). Each dollar we receive helps us provide healthcare services to seniors in East Bay communities so they can stay as autonomous as possible. Please consider a tax-deductible donation today! Use the envelope provided or send your donations to: CEI - Donations 510 - 17th Street Oakland, CA 94612 Page 5 Thank you to CEI Board members for their vision and service Michael Harris Chair, Nominating Committee Chair, Consumer Advisory Committee Participant thanks CEI in poetry and paint Eddie Hill Eastmont participant Mr. To Chan is an artist in Chinese painting and calligraphy. He joined CEI in December 2009. He enjoys coming to the Center and deeply appreciates the services that CEI provides. He composed a poem thanking CEI for the help he receives. He penned it in an old fancy Chinese font, put it in a 22” x 30” frame and donated it to CEI as a token of his gratitude. It’s now prominently displayed in the main day room at Eastmont. Eastmont Center Director Simon Tse copied it into regular Chinese print font, for those who can read regular Chinese. He also translated the poem into English for all other folks [see below]. “I wanted the translation to maintain some poetic form, and also be close to the author’s original thought,” Tse says. Someone for these old bones to lean on, Someone to caringly help with my needs; Peace of mind to close the fleeting years, Joy within until I depart from here. Stephanie Jones-Ayers Vice-Chairperson Sue Londerville, MD Chair, Professional Medical Advisory Committee Marty Lynch Secretary Dev Mahadevan 耆老有人依、冷暖有人知; Flo Raskin Treasurer Chair, Finance Committee 安心度晚歲、終老也自怡。 Joanna Kim-Selby ~To Chan Michael Smart Chairperson Darryl Stewart Peter Szutu President & CEO William Webster Chair, Fund Development Committee Page 6 ~ Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Refer a Friend to CEI Do you know a friend, family member, client or neighbor who could benefit from the services CEI provides? We’d like to hear from you. Participants in CEI’s PACE program must be: • 55 years of age or older • A resident of Northern or Central Alameda County or West Contra Costa County • Able to live in the community safely Pictured from left are Don Huhn, Eco Sound Juliet Owusu, San Pablo PACE Center Kim Cabrera, Eco Sound Mona Leones, San Pablo PACE Center Susan Medel, CFO Generous community partners donate plasma TVs to PACE Centers Advanced Medical Personnel and Eco Sound Medical Services have made donations to help CEI purchase large screen plasma HD TV sets for our PACE Centers. The new flat-panel 50” TVs can be wall mounted, replacing old, small sets on carts that were difficult for many participants to see. “We will use the TVs for everything from movies and documentaries to exercise videos and DVD games like Jeopardy,” says San Pablo Activity Director Angelique Ogden, who also wants to introduce Wii-hab bowling, pool, golf and trivia games. “It’s a fun new way for exercise and getting their minds to work out, too.” “Some of our participants cannot hear well and visual activities using the television are very beneficial for them. The closed caption feature is a plus,” says Josie Barrow Center Activity Director Gwen Thomas. The large TVs will enhance our day centers for everyone, with cultural programs like music and dance videos, nutrition and other health education, sports, news and current events. Participants and staff appreciate these generous donations from thoughtful corporate community partners. • Meet the level of care requirements as determined by the California Department of Health Care Services If your friend or family member is eligible for MediCal and Medicare, all CEI services are covered at no additional cost. Medi-Cal beneficiaries who have a share-of-cost remain responsible for their individual share-of-cost. We also accept private-pay clients. For a FREE information kit, call: (510) 433-1150 (510) 433-1165 (TDD for the hearing impaired) 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday - Friday Donation Wish List • Wii systems • DVD games • Board games • Radios with ear phone jacks for participants • Picture frames for participant art • Sewing machines If you want to donate any of these items, please call Dianna Garrett at (510) 433-1150. Page 7 Center for E l d e r s’ i n d e p e n d e n c e 510 - 17th Street, Suite 400 Oakland, CA 94612 Mission Statement The Center for Elders’ Independence provides high quality, affordable, integrated health care services to the elderly, which promote autonomy, quality of life and the ability of individuals to live in their communities. Center for E l d e r s’ i n d e p e n d e n c e Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly Printed on recycled paper
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