Corgi preview - Model Collector
Corgi preview - Model Collector
Corgi preview A first look at the new Corgi models for March-June 2012 T his month we’re bringing you a very first look at the new models featured in the supplementary catalogue Corgi will be issuing for the period of April-June 2012. (Falling into step with the rest of the Hornby ranges, future Corgi catalogues will be issued twice yearly, introducing releases for January-June and July-December.) Amongst the issues for this interim period however, there’s still plenty to showcase, with two entirely new ranges being introduced: a film/ TV/licensed series – in which we’re delighted to see an Ashes to Ashes quattro, and a intermediary aviation collection under the Flight branding to bridge the gap (in both detail/build quality and price) between the very basic entry level Showcase aircraft and the highly detailed Aviation Archive models for the serious collector). We can also reveal that Corgi will be introducing new and more uniform packaging designs for each of its collectable, toy and souvenir ranges in 2012, making them instantly more recognisable on the shop shelf. We’ll bring you more on this in a future issue. We’re focusing here on the new and modified tooling, new liveries and special editions, as although the catalogue will also include some carried over items (previously announced but unfortunately delayed due to production problems in China) these have already been illustrated in MC during 2011. We are however, providing you with an update on the NB4L, as we originally were only able to show you a very early mock-up, and a much closer to the finished product sample has now been made available for photography and inclusion here. The models shown in this special preview feature are all pre-production samples, so slight modifications may still be made to some of them before they actually go on sale. We will of course be reviewing the finished products as they become available in 2012, and we look forward, as always, to hearing your comments on the new line-up. MC original omnibus company (OOC) REF NO. OM46403a/B DESCRIPTION CAETANO Levante, National Express route 450, 50/50 Dual destination split mansfield via nottingham/london via nottingham SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE APRIL 2012 QUOTA: n/A OOC REF NO. OM46210 DESCRIPTION SCANIA IRIZAR, BRIGHTON & HOVE SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE APRIL 2012 QUOTA: <1,000 february 2012| 33 Corgi March/June 2012 preview OOC REF NO. OM46016A/B DESCRIPTION WRIGHT ECLIPSE URBAN, MCGILLS Glasgow, 50/50 dual destination split SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE june 2012 QUOTA: <1,000 OOC REF NO. OM41608A/B DESCRIPTION Crossley DD42, Luton Corporation transport 50/50 dual destination split SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE May 2012 QUOTA: n/A OOC REF NO. OM41413A/B DESCRIPTION roe-bodied daimler, Tyne & wear PTE, route 30 50/50 Dual destination split SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE june 2012 QUOTA: <1,200 34|february 2012 ooc (original omnibus company) models original omnibus company REF NO. OM49904 DESCRIPTION three piece london transport ‘then and now’ set, including an NB4L, routemaster and trolleybus SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE APRIL QUOTA: <1,000 february 2012| 35 Corgi March/June 2012 preview Mini mania REF NO. CC82294 DESCRIPTION mini se7en, darren thomas SCALE 1:36 RELEASE DATE june 2012 QUOTA: n/A MINI MANIA REF NO. CC82293 DESCRIPTION mini miglia, aaron smith, corgi sponsored car SCALE 1:36 RELEASE DATE april 2012 QUOTA: n/a VANGUArDS rEF NO. VA06909 DESCRIPTION Rover P5B from sandringham museum, as owned by the queen SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE june 2012 QUOTA: N/a 36|february 2012 mini mania and vanguards models VANGUArDS REF NO. VA11604A (rhd- below) and VA11604B (LHD/french - left) DESCRIPTION Peugeot 309 GTi Mk II SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE APril 2012 QUOTA: 1,250 (RHD) & 750 (LHD) VANGUArDS REF NO. VA12504 DESCRIPTION Ford Fiesta XR2, caspian blue SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE june 2012 QUOTA: N/A VANGUArDS REF NO. VA10813 DESCRIPTION Ford Capri Mk 3 280, brooklands green - the last official ford capri SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE may 2012 QUOTA: n/A VANGUArDS REF NO. VA11506 DESCRIPTION triumph tr5, valencia blue SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE may 2012 QUOTA: <1,200 february 2012| 37 Corgi March/June 2012 preview VANGUArDS REF NO. VA04513 DESCRIPTION Austin Allegro, tara green SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE April 2012 QUOTA: <1,200 VANGUArDS REF NO. VA12503 DESCRIPTION ford fiesta MK 1, Hertfordshire police SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE MAY 2012 QUOTA: N/A VANGUArDS REF NO. VA13000 DESCRIPTION MGB, white gold 50th anniversary model SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE june 2012 QUOTA: N/A 38|february 2012 vanguards/licensed 1:43 models VANGUArDS REF NO. VA07309 DESCRIPTION Ford Cortina MK 1 super, seafoam blue SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE may 2012 QUOTA: <1,200 tV/FILm/LICENSED REF NO. CC02701 DESCRIPTION Ashes to ashes audi quattro SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE april 2012 VANGUArDS REF NO. VA12900 DESCRIPTION Audi quattro Mk 2, nordic blue metallic, 1990 SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE MAY 2012 QUOTA: N/a february 2012| 39 Corgi March/June 2012 preview tV/FILm/LICENSED REF NO. CC02799 DESCRIPTION Ashes to ashes set, containing Ford granada police car and audi quattro peppered with bullet holes SCALE 1:43 RELEASE DATE april 2012 tV/FILm/LICENSED REF NO. TY81001 DESCRIPTION Bloodhound SSC, UK display version RELEASE DATE March 2012 QUOTA: N/A JUBILEe REF NO. CC82321 DESCRIPTION Diamond Jubilee routemaster bus SCALE 1:64 RELEASE DATE April 2012 QUOTA: N/A 40 JUBILEe REF NO. DJ1003 DESCRIPTION three piece days gone jubilee set (horse drawn bus, model T & *rolls royce silver ghost (*will be replaced with a bullnose Morris VAN) RELEASE DATE April 2012|february 2012 licensed and 1:50 hauliers of renown models HAULIERS OF RENOWN REF NO. CC13754 DESCRIPTION SCANIA R BOX STEP FRAME, EDDIE STOBART, CARLISLE SCALE 1:50 RELEASE DATE JUNE 2012 QUOTA: N/A HAULIERS OF RENOWN REF NO. CC14035 DESCRIPTION Volvo FH feldbinder, simon gibson, east yorkshire SCALE 1:50 RELEASE DATE april 2012 QUOTA: N/A JUBILEE REF NO. CC82296 DESCRIPTION DIamond jubilee classic mini SCALE 1:36 RELEASE DATE April 2012 QUOTA: n/A HAULIERS OF RENOWN/SHOWCAB REF NO. CC12832 DESCRIPTION Scania T, P.S. Ridgeway, dundee SCALE 1:50 RELEASE DATE June 2012 february 2012| 41 Corgi March/June 2012 preview STEAM RALLY REF NO. DG125023 DESCRIPTION Burrells showman, starlight RELEASE DATE May 2012 QUOTA: n/A STEAM RALLY REF NO. DG125022 DESCRIPTION BURRELLS SHOWMAN, TERESA RELEASE DATE My 2012 QUOTA: n/a STEAM RALLY REF NO. DG125021 DESCRIPTION Burrells Showman, earl Haig RELEASE DATE May 2012 QUOTA: n/a STEAM RALLY REF NO. DG125020 DESCRIPTION Burrells Showman, majestic RELEASE DATE may 2012 QUOTA: N/A TRACKSIDE REF NO. DG225005 DESCRIPTION RUston Bucyrus 19 Crane SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE april 2012 QUOTA: N/A 42|february 2012 VINTAGE GLORY REF NO. CC20515 DESCRIPTION Burrells showman, philadelpHia SCALE 1:50 RELEASE DATE MAY 2012 QUOTA: n/A STEAM RALLY REF NO. DG125024 DESCRIPTION Burrells Showman, Star RELEASE DATE May 2012 QUOTA: n/a steam rally, trackside and aviation models TRACKSIDE REF NO. DG225006 DESCRIPTION RUston Bucyrus 19 Skimmer, LNER SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE June 2012 QUOTA: n/A TRACKSIDE REF NO. DG225004 DESCRIPTION Ruston Bucyrus 19 drag shovel, GWR SCALE 1:76 RELEASE DATE june 2012 QUOTA: N/A FLIGHT REF NO. CC99308 DESCRIPTION EUROfighter typhoon SCALE 1:72 RELEASE DATE April 2012 QUOTA: N/A AVIATION ARCHIVE REF NO. AA39502 DESCRIPTION SHort stirling MK 1, 149 Sqn, Middleton V.C. SCALE 1:72 RELEASE DATE April 2012 FLIGHT REF NO. CC99301 DESCRIPTION BAE hawk, red arrows SCALE 1:72 RELEASE DATE jan/feb 2012 QUOTA: N/A SHOWCASE REF NO. CS90604 DESCRIPTION APache helicopter SCALE FIT THE BOX RELEASE DATE APRIL 2012 QUOTA: N/A SHOWCASE REF NO. CS90605 DESCRIPTION Dakota SCALE fit the box RELEASE DATE APRIL 2012 february 2012| 43