Country Crossroads Quilters Monthly Newsletter, March 2008
Country Crossroads Quilters Monthly Newsletter, March 2008
MARCH 2008 H A P P Y S t . PA D D Y ’ S D AY ! M O N T H LY N E W S L E T T E R O F C O U N T RY C R O S S R O A D S Q U I LT E R S O F M O D E S T O PROGRAM MEETING WILL BE A LITTLE BATTY O n Tuesday, March 11 we will have quilt teacher Diane Leighton presenting a lecture entitled “What’s Your Batting Average?” This will be an informative talk about the large variety of battings available for today’s quilter. She will include a showand-tell with quilts she’s made from many different battings, along with samples to take home of many of the current batting choices on the market. We are certain to all be going a little “batty” by meeting’s end! Diane Leighton with Mariner’s Compass Quilt Diane Leighton is a quilting teacher from Yuba City who is primarily self-taught. She started quilting in early 1980 and spent many hours reading the 68 books about quilting in her local public library. In early 1983 she joined the Valley Quilt Guild and immediately became an active member, participating in their first annual quilt show in March of that year. This year she is quilt show chairman for the third time, this time for their 25th annual show. Her knowledge and interest Continued on page 2 CONTENTS Program Meeting with Diane Leighton ............. 1 President’s Letter............................................... 1 Calendar of Events ............................................ 2 From the Membership Chair .............................. 2 Small Groups ..................................................... 3 Quilt Show Corner ............................................. 3 General News .................................................... 4 Block-of-the-Month ............................................ 5 Meeting Minutes ................................................ 6 PRESIDENT’S LETTER W elcome, quilters, to a new year in CCQ guild. I am honored to serve as your president for the coming year. We have a terrific team in place to lead our organization. The presidency really is an easy job with all the willing hands taking on the various tasks of the organization. As the months pass our focus will increasingly concentrate on 2009 quilt show planning, but we will continue to have wonderful programs, workshops, small groups, short subjects and show-and-tell throughout the year. I hope to see you all at National Quilt Day on March 15. Please contact me at any time with your suggestions, ideas, and concerns. Sue Siefkin SHORT SUBJECT: SEVEN STEPS TO AN ART QUILT O ur Short Subject on March 25 will be presented by Wendy Walsh. She will be sharing about the Seven Steps to an Art Quilt, from a class she took at Empty Spools Seminar at Asilomar. Wendy was a CCQ scholarship recipient. Refreshments served. NATIONAL QUILT DAY IS MARCH 15 W hat could be more fun than a day to sew with friends? We are celebrating National Quilt Day by sewing on Warm Wrappings projects and having a potluck. We will meet on Saturday, March 15 at Trinity Presbyterian Church on Carver Road. Time is 9:30 to 3:00. For the potluck, bring whatever you would like. CCQ will supply plates, silverware, napkins and drinks. Bring your sewing machine, scissors and thread, we’ll supply the fabric and instructions. Please note that starting in April, Warm Wrappings will meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 2:00, meeting at Freedom Fabrics on Sisk Rd. 2008 CALENDAR OF EVENTS All meetings are held at Eastridge Community Church, 2319 St. Paul’s Way, except special events. PROGRAM MEETINGS SHORT SUBJECT PRESENTATIONS Mar. 11 .....Diane Leighton, “What’s Your Batting Average?” lecture Mar. 25 ....Wendy Walsh, 7 Steps to an Art Quilt April 8 ......Ann Westbrook, Trunk Show and Workshop on Machine Quilting May 13 .....Annual BUNKO Game Night WARM WRAPPINGS Mar. 15 ....Natl. Quilt Day at Trinity Presbyterian, 9:30 to 3 p.m. First Wednesdays at Freedom Fabric, 10 to 2 p.m. • April 2 • May 3 • June 7 DIANE LEIGHTON, SPECIAL SPEAKER Continued from page 1 in quilting grew quickly as she took classes and continued to read the newest quilt books as they were published. Already teaching foodservice at Yuba College, Diane began her first class in quilt making in the fall of 1985. This “Trip Around the World” class was the beginning of 10 years of teaching a wide variety of adult education classes in the community college setting. Many of her students joined the Valley Quilt Guild as she infected them with her love of quilting because she truly believes that “Quilting is Contagious.” Diane has written many articles for quilting magazines including American Quilter, Quilt Magazine, as well as others. Over the years, she has collected various awards for her quilts and garments, some of these are published in a variety of quilting books. In addition to being active in her local quilt guild, she has served on the Board of the Northern California Quilt Council (NCQC) for many years. Still a member, she is currently the Membership Coordinator of NCQC. Sew-Do-Ku Quilt by Diane Leighton We hope all of you will join us on Tuesday, March 11 at 7 p.m. for Diane’s program. Fee for non-members is $3. The meeting is held at our normal location, Eastridge Community Church. 2 WWW.COUNTRYCROSSROADSQUILTERS.COM FROM THE MEMBERSHIP CHAIR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME Renewing members — as well as new members: Be sure to COMPLETE YOUR MEMBERSHIP FORM enclosed in your February CCQ Newsletter (also available on-line and at the sign-in table at meetings), ATTACH YOUR DUES and give it to me ASAP. We’d like our 2008 Membership Directory to be as complete and upto-date as possible, so get your forms in BY THE BUSINESS MEETING IN MARCH. Thank you! Pat Cole CCQ SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2008 The guild awards five scholarships in the spring each year. After completion, winners have to provide a Short Subject presentation at a business meeting. Terry Kendrick Scholarship: If you have been a CCQ member for two years AND have not attended the Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar, we encourage you to apply for this scholarship. See information and application form in the attached sheet. Individual $75 Scholarships: Four scholarships will be awarded by a drawing of names. The winner of an individual scholarship may chose any quilting class and use the money for supplies and class fee. If you are willing to make a presentation and meet the requirements, please apply as soon as possible. Contact Pat Cole for more information. Good Luck! SMALL GROUPS Teddy Ellison, Small Group Chair Small sewing groups available this month: SQUARE ONE — Mar. 6 First Wednesday 10 to 3, contact Lois Logsdon @ 522-1805. BALTIMORE BEAUTIES — Mar. 7 First Thursday 1 to 4, contact Justine Campbell @ 523-7478. STITCH AND RIP — Mar. 7 First Thursday 10 to 2, contact Pat Cole @ 523-7310. STAR STITCHERS — Mar. 20 Third Wednesday 10 to 3, contact Jean Paul @ 578-4662. CHAT AND SEW — Mar. 21 Third Thursday 10 to 2, contact Linda Watts @ 578-0422. FEATHERED STARS ONLY — Mar. 21 Friday, 9 to 2, contact Deborah Miller @ 543-8990. ART FOCUS — Mar. 2, Apr. 7 First Monday 7 to 9, contact Joyce Compton @ 524-6452. G Quilt Show Corner ood News from your quilt show team…the Opportunity Quilt top is finished! We wish to thank Lois Logsdon and Teresa Seifert for the beautiful design, Mayris Baddell, Ruth McCormack, Marilyn Brown, Sandy Turner, Bernice Ulm, Sue Schlange, and Linda Cover for their wonderful appliqué talent. Many thanks to Nancy Galloway, Delores Miller, Lila Bradshaw, Jean Paul, Kay Hawkins, and Sally Glover for their precision piecing of all the stars on the quilt. Our quilt is a true beauty and a work of art thanks to all these talented ladies. Upon getting the quilting done there will be a professional picture taken and it will be ready for the public. Kathy Sandner and Margaret Wolf will be in charge of advance ticket sales. Our Garden Club challenge is underway. (The garden club has submitted pictures. The participants will choose a photo and design a quilt using the photo as inspiration.) Photos are available. If you need to choose a picture please contact Janet. If you have not signed up and wish to participate, it is not too late. Just call Janet. We appreciate your taking bookmarks with you when going to shops and quilt shows. Helping with publicity is the best way to advertise our show. Sew Many Quilts, a quilt shop in Tracy, requested 400 show bookmarks. They will be putting one in each quilt of their goody bags for the up coming shop hop. We thank them and are thrilled to have their help spreading the word. Show-and-tell has been great these past few months. We know we have some great quilts being done to make our show bigger and better in 2009. Happy Quilting, Your Team Leaders Janet 527-2718 & Suzanne 521-6843 2008-2009 CCQ OFFICERS President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Hospitality Sunshine Small Groups Warm Wrappings Sue Siefkin ............................ 526-5602 Amy Lee ............................... 521-2628 Teresa Seifert ........................ 526-0720 Yvonne Jones ....................... 632-4652 Joyce Compton ..................... 524-6452 Paddy Shopher ..................... 577-2001 Pat Cole ............................... 523-7310 Ruth McCormack ................. 526-0279 Mary Alice Metzler................. 579-1903 Caroline Huff ......................... 579-7046 Teddy Ellison ......................... 523-0396 Lila Bradshaw ....................... 529-3872 Louise Nelson ...................... 577-2523 CROSSROADS CHATTER NEWSLETTER Newsletter Editor Newsletter Mailer Block-of-the-Month Secret Pals Librarian Historian NCQC Set-Up Web Master Quilt Show Chair Quilt Show Assistant Deborah Miller........................ 543-8990 Michele Stoumbaugh .............557-9601 Carolyn Sadler ......................599-0081 Robin Sullivan .......................526-8805 Sarah Crozier ........................529-1577 Bernice Ulm ...........................523-0075 TBD Nancy Galloway .....................838-6769 Marilee Heaston .....................634-3054 Rich and Gloria Mendonca ....863-8544 Deborah Miller .......................543-8990 Janet Borst .............................527-2718 Suzanne Guthrie ....................521-6843 MARCH 2008 3 WARM WRAPPINGS 2007 WRAP-UP M y second year of service is ending, and I want to thank everyone who helped make all those wonderful quilts. I especially want to thank Judy Martin and Marilyn Nelson at R. Lily Stem who have both done so much. WARM WRAPPINGS GOALS FOR 2008 The goal of Warm Wrappings in the coming year is to ensure that as many people who are in need of the warmth and comfort of our quilts will receive them. We dedicate our creativity, skill, and resources to accomplish that goal. We hope that all of our members will help us in whatever way possible to achieve our goal. We will be showing finished pieced tops at our meetings and asking for your help to quilt, bind, and label them. Bags containing tops, backs, binding, label, and batting will be on the back table at the meetings. Please sign the check out book and give the number on the bag you are taking. Finish them as you can. This is a great opportunity to practice your quilting skills. We’re not looking for anything intricate or detailed, just simple quilting. If you know of an agency or group who would benefit from receiving our quilts, please let us know the name and contacts for each group. When we have a list of potential names compiled we will distribute the list to members so that you will know where our creativity, skill, and love will be dispensed. Thank You, We just delivered the quilts to Avalon Health Care Center on W. Orangeburg and they were well received. The fabric from the “bathtub,” as well as the 20 or so computer paper boxes of fabric have been turned over to your new Warm Wrappings chairman, Lila Bradshaw. I still have a bit more fabric and the “quilts in reserve” to deliver, as well as a few unquilted or unfinished tops. OPPORTUNITY QUILT CONTRIBUTORS Pieces Blocks were completed by: Lila Bradshaw Nancy Galloway Sally Glover Kay Hawkins Lois Logsdon Delores Miller Jean Paul Folk Art Blocks were appliquéd by: Mayris Baddell Marilyn Brown Linda Cover Bernice Elm Ruth McCormack Sue Schlange Maureen Rasmussen Sandy Turner Quilt Top was assembled by Lois Logsdon. Borders were completed by Nancy Galloway. We Need to Name the Quilt Lila Bradshaw 529-3872 4 & Louise Nelson 577-2523 We are looking for a name for the opportunity quilt. Suggestions can be given to Lois or Teresa, and can be sent by e-mail to [email protected]. WWW.COUNTRYCROSSROADSQUILTERS.COM I also want to thank the people who don’t go to the Warm Wrappings sewing sessions, but who have helped in other ways with bindings or construction at home, and especially the QUILTERS who are too numerable to mention. A special thank you goes to Freedom Fabrics, who provided a comfortable space for us in February. See you at National Quilt Day on Sat. March 15 at Trinity Presbyterian Church on Carver Road. Bring the usual sewing tools or if you can only stay a while, you can press or help in other ways. And don’t forget that it’s a potluck. Sally Glover, 527-6871 WEB LINK OF THE MONTH This Web site of has an amazing product, normally sold at major quilt show only. The revolutionary chalk Pounce Pad makes using stencils a snap. also sells, a wide variety of Pounce Pad compatible stencils. Check it out! LONG BEACH INTL. QUILT FESTIVAL F UN and an unforgettable experience are in store if you are one of the participants in the Long Beach Intl. Quilt Festival trip. We have a 3-day/2-night chartered bus trip planned on July 24, 25, and 26, 2008. We will be staying at Courtyard by Marriott in downtown Long Beach both nights. The price is $355 per person double occupancy. A $100 deposit will be required by the April program meeting to hold your place and the final payment of $255.00 paid at the business meeting in May. Call asap if you are interested, as we are going to open the trip to people outside the guild soon– Margaret Wolfe, 847-8768. CCQ April 2008 Block of the Month Scrap Rail Fence Please: 12” Block Check Pattern Measurements for Distance and Seams before cutting fabric. NOTE: View storyboard on CCQ website, Click on ‘Block of the Month’ April 2008 Use: Your Choice Any 4 Cotton prints Cut: 4 Strips 2” X 27” cotton print fabrics Light Medium Med. Dark Dark (May use full 42” width for 2 extra 6 ½” blocks.) Directions: (all seams are ¼”) Step 1 Stitch strips together as in Figure 1. Press all seams one direction Step 2 Lay out flat and trim ends, cut four 6-1/2” blocks Figure 2 Step 3 Stitch 4 blocks together as in Figure 2. Press. Think Scrappy! Figure 1 Bring to Program Meeting on April 8 and enter your name in the drawing once for each 12” block you bring. One lucky person wins all the blocks! It’s a fun way to get a lot of blocks for a quick quilt top. Questions: Call Carolyn at 599-0081 B 16 Rectangles 2” X 6 ½ ” Cut: 4 each of 4 prints Or 4 strips 2” X 27” April Objective: Use up leftover scraps. Practice pressing seams. CROSSROADS CHATTER NEWSLETTER Cut pre-sewn strip sets even for faster piecing. MARCH 2008 5 MEETING MINUTES President Suzanne Guthrie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. She welcomed members and guests. Announcements: • See fliers on back table which include Long Beach Show and bookmark for Quilts Show. • Deborah Miller announced that a new small group for Feathered Stars only was forming. Maureen Rasmussen will lead using paper piecing. It will meet at Deborah Miller’s house. • Ruth McCormack has more tangelos and oranges to give away. • Donna Olson mentioned her husband has bicycles exhibited at the bicycle collection at the McHenry Museum. • Nancy Galloway is taking orders for Girl Scout Cookies. Treasurers Report: Paddy Shopher had a budget report to share. Warm Wrapping: Sally Glover mentioned March 15 was National Quilt Day. The meeting will be at Trinity Presbyterian Church from 9:30-3:00 p.m. Warm Wrapping met at Freedom Fabric with 13-14 people and had plenty of room. It will meet the first Wednesday of the month from 10 to 2 p.m. JoAnn Plummer has 12 bags of polyester fabric. Quilt Show: Janet Borst said Penny Binney, President of Modesto Garden Club has pictures for the Garden Club Quilt Challenge. Those who wish to participate in the quilt challenge will get pictures at the Business meeting. Sign up with Janet. You choose how to interpret the garden. Total space allowed for wall hanging is 160” circumference. Your project will hang at the Quilt Show with the picture of the garden. If needed, Janet will hold a workshop. Library: Teddy Ellison will hold library book sale at next meeting. Bring your money. BOM: Carolyn Sadler reminded people to place their name in the BOM bucket. This month’s winner is Paddy Shopher. Next month will be magic corners and Easter colors. Check the Web BOM page. Suzanne Guthrie said officers should contact replacement person to make transition to new officers. If you have any officer proposals get names to Suzanne or Paddy. A meeting will be held at end of month. Membership: Wendy Nipper said we had many guests and visitors tonight. Stacy Ulm, Rita Fernio, Penny Sackett, Amy Patino, Ali James, Kris Thiel (new member), Margie Colles, Teresa Odermatt (new member) and Kathy Swiston attended. Suzanne Guthrie attended Ricky Tims Workshop. He is contributing DVD’s and patterns to the library. They will be available to checkout. Vice President: Amy Lee reminded members of the Long Beach Show trip for $355 in July. If not enough sign ups it will open to those outside the guild. Anne Westbrook sent samples of Machine Quilting to advertise the next workshop. Sign up at next meeting. $20 will be charged and possibly returned. April 9 is the date. Business meeting will host the election of officers. See newsletter for slate. Sue Schlange moved to accept motion, Marilee Heaston second. Motion passed. 6 WWW.COUNTRYCROSSROADSQUILTERS.COM PROGRAM MEETING 2/12/2008 Show-and-Tell: • Michelle Stoumbaugh had a pieced Celtic design quilt in blue and green design using 9-patch and magic corners. • Donna Shervington shared a beige and rose colored quilt in a rose design. • Nancy Galloway showed her Marie Strait “Going in Circles” hanging in bright colors. • Wendy Walsh shared her Valentine patterned quilt using all different red and 5x5” chained squares. She also used rainbow colors and 6” squares to make the ‘five pillars of Islam.’ • Olive Vinande used “Joined at the Heart” book to make a quilt of royal blue, navy and beige and 144 6” squares. • Gloria Mendonca shared a quilt with an underwater scene and turtles. • Anita Hay designed a quilt with R. Lily Stem vault fabrics. She made three quilts using 1-yard pieces and then quilted them at Freedom Fabrics. • Sue Siefken reported on the Art Focus group. They are using 8-1/2”x11” pieces to explore ideas. Using fabric from a class she had taken she made “Paint Rag in a fabric frame.” • Marilee Heaston made a heart quilt called Cross Your Heart raw edge appliqué. • Sally Glover showed a quilt by JoAnn Plummer’s mother (Dorothy Miller) using left over quilt squares, one is blue flannel, and one with gold, yellow and a black frame. • Janice Skiles shared a quilt using patriotic prints and a Mary Ellen Hopkins class quilt from the early 90’s in purple hearts. • Sarah Crozier showed her sweatshirt jacket in blue squares with black crosses and bright colors. • Carolyn Sadler finished an R. Lily Stem mystery quilt using brown, an and beige. • Tammy Swisegood showed her quilt in green and squares of flowers uilted by Mary at Freedom Fabrics. She also shared en Eleanor Burns pattern in a cowgirls motif with sawtooth sashing. • Ursula Sylvan showed her “Going in Circles” project using Hawaiian fabrics. • Deborah Miller showed her Asian panel using top stitching and achine quilting. Our guest speaker, Karen Boutte, arrived at 7:56 p.m. She had a trial getting here. She has taught 12 years. She taught for her guild, then friends and then quilt classes in Shops. She has done masks with embellishment and ultra suede to complete a Puzzle People series. She donated a book to our library called Delightful Diva Designs. Karen Boutte and Delores Miller She then presented a Fashion Show using her designs and clothing. She also showed some new materials or toys to be used to make quilting faster and easier. She was very humorous and clever in her speech and designs. Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvonne M. Jones, Co-Secretary MEETING MINUTES President Suzanne Guthrie called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. She also welcomed new members, Jennifer Dancy and Kathleen Swiston. She talked about scholarships and the fact they are due in March. Two scholarship winners are going to be presenters tonight. First Janet Borst, after taking Ricky Tims Seminar, talked about her 2-1/2 days of lectures and demonstrations including a well-drafted syllabus. Libby Lehman and Alex Anderson were also presenters. She used Guidelines to Caveman Quilting by Ricky Tims as an outline to show how to free up your approach to quilting. They were: Gentle curves/cut fabric right sides up; avoid points extending to edge; piecing order/reverse of drawing order; seams smaller than ¼” or large enough to be secure; never trim until it is time; press after each seam; pressing may distort, trim each piece to fit the next one. She then demonstrated how to draw a design: if you can draw it , you can cut it. The seminar also showed many ways to border your design. Second scholarship winner, Ruth McCormack, used Libby Lehman’s Thread Play to guide her presentation. She said Superior thread, 40 weight rayon, bottom line in the bobbin, 90/14 needle and less top tension were beneficial to thread play. She demonstrated how to draw a curved shape and make it look like a ribbon twisted. The she showed us her sample of ribbons made with thread play. She tried straight stitch and zigzag stitches and various threads to shade the ribbons. She then used Ricky Tims’ machine quilted piped binding. She showed how to cut binding strips 3-¾” wide and longer than needed, how to put #3 perle cotton in fold of piping and use a 7-groove pin tuck foot and put them together. Then she described and showed how to attach to quilt, all done by machine and making a piped bound quilt including mitered corners. She has instructions if you need them. She invited Linda Cover to show her two Convergence quilts, one in green and fern prints and one in oranges. Janice Skiles heard about convergence quilts in Tahoe and then found Ricky Tims quilt books had them. She used four pieces of fabric for one of her quilts and border fabric to make changes in another. After break, meeting began at 7:57 p.m. President Suzanne asked for motion to approve minutes. Sue Siefkin moved to correct January 8, 2008 minutes to read that Jane Guy not Delores Guy had recently passed away. Motion was seconded by Paddy Shopher. Motion carried to approve minutes with correction. Treasurer: Paddy Shopher reported income and expenses for January. Membership: Pat Cole reported that we had two new members. Hospitality: Sarah Crozier said Mary Ann Daily and Linda Watts brought the refreshments. Paddy Shopher Sunshine: Pat Cole had no report. Suzanne encouraged people to let us know if there is someone who needs cheering up. Small Groups: Ruth McCormack said a new group has started. It is Feathered Stars Only with Maureen Rasmussen leading at Deborah Miller’s on Fridays, dates TBA. Art Focus meets on Monday March 3. Attend small groups and meet people and have fun and learn. Warm Wrappings: Sally Glover reminded people of National Quilt Day on March 15, 9:30-3 p.m. at Trinity Presbyterian. Lunch will be a potluck. Lila Bradshaw is in charge; contact her if you want to help. BOM: Carolyn Sadler needs contents of a blue envelope. Secret Pals: Michelle Stoumbaugh has given out forms. Return to Robin Sullivan as soon as possible. Library: Teddy Ellison mentioned a sale on books is going on. NCQC: Teresa Seifert said next meeting is April 19. New CROSSROADS CHATTER NEWSLETTER BUSINESS MEETING 2/26/2008 Representatives will go to Meet the Quilt Shop meeting. Web Master and Newsletter: Deborah Miller said get your materials in. She was commended for a job well done. Set-Up: Judy Martin is turning job over to Rich Mendonca. A sign-up sheet is circulating. Quilt Show: Janet Borst said Garden Club Challenge is underway and she has Kathy Swiston helping. Take the pictures from garden club members, write your name on back, start your project and remember to return to Janet in December. Quilt Show fliers are out. Tracy quilt shop has requested 400. Members should take and distribute as they attend quilt shows. The Opportunity Quilt top is finished and is quite striking. Janet thanked individual members who participated. See Quilt Show Corner on page 3 for names. The opportunity quilt needs a name. Think about names and submit suggestions to Teresa Seifert. Quilt Show committee meets March 2 at 2 p.m. at Janet’s house. Break for refreshments Balinda Johnson shared that she quilted while in hospital for 8 days. She thanked members who called and cheered her. Between her husband and Michelle Stoumbaugh she got a machine, fabric, cutting board, clover iron and pot holders in her room and went to work…no time to be wasted. She also promoted the guild and quilting. Show-and-Tell • Michelle Stoumbaugh showed her Celtic quilt is almost finished. The binding is partially completed and ready. Using glitter threads help to cover any errors. It is on its way to Michigan. • Nancy Galloway had Girl Scout Cookies for sale and to give to those who ordered them last meeting. • Sarah Crozier showed a way to use scraps. Sew them into binding strips and weave together to make place mats. • Deborah Miller finished a 9-patch, pink and fussy cut designed quilt. Completely machine stitched and quilted. • Dorothy Miller showed her fish fabric quilt using orange and yellows in blocks; one made from pink and black blocks cut for 2007 Quilt Show. After making 700 packets she had enough left to make a quilt; another fish quilt in cheddar. Her small group encouraged her to use the cheddar and make larger than lap quilt. The back had more fish fabric; the fourth quilt was of green tackle box print and more fish fabric on back. • JoAnn Plummer shared her flower pot wall hanging made from Wendy Walsh’s paper piecing class. • Ursula Sylvan went to the Hilmar Shop Strip Club. Using jelly roll and background she made a quilt in greens and tans. A second quilt was a Maui Challenge using white white and black black fabric and exactly 140” around. There were black and white pinwheels and pineapples surrounding a star within a circle. • Kay Hawkins saw a quilt, sketched it up, called Delores Miller for help in drafting it and completed a multi-colored block quilt that will go to Warm Wrappings. She also completed a quilt for men using multi-colored strips. She then presented her “Going Around in Circles” project. • Teddy Ellison showed the quilt she put borders on and bound for Warm Wrappings. • Robin Sullivan said Secret Pals would be out by next meeting. Next meeting will be March 11. Meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvonne M. Jones, Co-Secretary MARCH 2008 7 MARCH MEETINGS March 11 ..... Program Meeting with Diane Leighton, “What’s Your Batting Average?” Lecture March 15 .... National Quilt Day at Trinity Presbyterian with potluck, 9:30 a.m to 3 p.m. March 25 .... Business Meeting and Short Subject with Wendy Walsh presenting “7 Steps to an Art Quilt” March Birthdays rd! a Ca d n e S Send March 1 Yvonne Jones 7 Anni Champagne 11 Karlene Duckart Connie Pinkston 14 Sue Schlange 19 Lois Logsdon Shirley Vann 23 Susan Ion 25 Patsy Smith 27 Justine Campbell 28 Rich Mendonca 29 Peg Tafoya 30 Donna Olson April 1 Kay Hawkins 4 Karen Adams Mary Ann Bloom 5 Jean Paul Give them a Call! P.O. Box 5770 • Modesto, CA 95357-7063 MARCH NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: March 27, 2008 Visit our Web Site for Sew Much More! an E- mail! TERRY KENDRICK MEMORIAL ASILOMAR SCHOLARSHIP The Terry Kendrick Memorial Asilomar Scholarship is one of three components of CCQ’s member scholarship program. It is offered to encourage a member who has not previously experienced an Empty Spools Seminar to attend. The Guild annually awards a scholarship of up to 50% of the registration fee with a maximum of $500. The scholarship recipient is responsible for the remaining amount due for the Seminar, which may be about $500 or more, and for any supplies and/or additional class fees. The scholarship recipient will be responsible for presenting to the Guild a 15-20 minute “Show and Tell” to share what the recipient learned at the seminar. To be eligible for the scholarship, an applicant must be a CCQ member for at least two (2) years and be an active participant in the Guild. Empty Spools Seminars offer 5½-day quilt making workshops at the Asilomar conference grounds, a glorious retreat owned by the State of California in Pacific Grove, near Monterey. Each seminar, held in separate sessions during the year (usually from Sunday to Friday), attracts quilters and teachers from all over the US and abroad. The registration fee includes full board and room (double occupancy), choice of classes from nationally known teachers, and special evening programs. Classes in a broad range of quilting styles and techniques are offered, geared to all levels of quilt making, from experienced beginner to full-fledged expert. A full quilt shop is set up on the grounds, with free shuttle service to two nearby quilt shops. Chances are good that you will be able to share transportation and room accommodations with another CCQ member. This is a wonderful opportunity to elevate your skills and enhance your quilting experiences. An initial deposit is due with your reservation for the Seminar; the balance is payable in full 120 days before class begins (November 30 at the earliest). Refunds are restricted. Travel insurance is available through Empty Spools Seminars from an outside company for a small fee and is strongly encouraged. Please pay careful attention and complete all questions on the application form for CCQ’s Terry Kendrick Memorial Asilomar Scholarship. Return the completed scholarship application to the CCQ Membership Chairperson by the April Program Meeting. For more information about Asilomar, please visit APPLICATION FORM TERRY KENDRICK MEMORIAL ASILOMAR SCHOLARSHIP Application for CCQ members for at least 2 yrs. who have not previously attended an Empty Spools Seminar. NAME______________________________________________________________________________ How long have you been quilting? ________ List and briefly describe the various things you do – other than classes and workshops – to strengthen your quilting skills. How long have you been a CCQ member? ________ List Guild activities you have you participated in during the last two (2) years. Examples may include, but are not limited to: Guild officer, chairperson, committee chair, committee member; Quilt Show chair, committee chair, committee member, worker; Guild Public Relations representative at community events; Warm Wrappings; Nat’l Quilt Day… During the last two (2) years, have you attended Guild meetings (choose the best description) _____occasionally ____ frequently _____regularly List quilt experiences and/or classes that have helped prepare you for attending an Empty Spools Seminar. What experience(s) have you had planning and making presentations to the Guild or other forum? In the space below, write a brief statement explaining why you want to attend an Empty Spools Seminar. Signature ________________________________________________ Date _______________ Return completed application to the Membership Chairperson by the April Program Meeting.