aprenda a responder as 5 perguntas mais difíceis numa entrevista
aprenda a responder as 5 perguntas mais difíceis numa entrevista
APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS Fernando Souza APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS por Fernando Souza Acesse o site: www.fernandosouza.org Contato: [email protected] Coordenação Fernando Souza Design & capa Fernando Souza Copyright © 2014 FS Consultoria Linguística & e-Learning Índice: 3 Prefácio 4 Introdução 5 Capítulo 1: How to answer the five trickiest job interview questions 14 Conclusão 17 Conheça nossos outros e-books. 18 Bibliografia Prefácio A FS Consultoria Linguística & e-Learning tem o prazer de anunciar uma coleção de livros eletrônicos (e-books) que vai mudar a forma com que os estudantes vão encarar o estudo de idiomas. Combinamos o melhor da tecnologia e design com o melhor do ensino de língua inglesa para brasileiros. Trazemos ao aluno que estuda inglês por conta própria, uma série de e-books escritos de forma a atender às suas reais necessidades. Nossa proposta é disponibilizar conteúdo abrangendo uma ampla gama de tópicos como: inglês para negócios, gramática, pronúncia, vocabulário, escrita, cultura e motivação. Críticas e sugestões são muito bem-vindas. Contato: [email protected] Equipe FS Consultoria Linguística e e-Learning. // Page 3 Introdução Quando você vai à uma entrevista de emprego, há uma variedade de tipos de perguntas que você encontrará. Seu histórico profissional, sua capacidade de trabalhar em equipe, suas habilidades de liderança, sua motivação, bem como outras questões relacionadas com as suas competências e habilidades são exemplos de questões recorrentes em uma entrevista de emprego. Suas respostas, além de precisarem ser direcionadas para o trabalho pelo qual você está sendo entrevistado, devem mostrar ao empregador por que você é um candidato qualificado para o trabalho e se encaixará bem na empresa. Aproveite este material para se preparar, com antecedência, através da revisão dos diferentes tipos de perguntas que você será questionado, bem como examinando exemplos de respostas para cada tipo de questão. Prof. Fernando Souza Diretor da FS Consultoria Linguística & e-Learning // Page 4 Capítulo 1: How to answer the five trickiest job interview questions “Fale-me sobre você”. Esta é uma das perguntas mais temidas em uma entrevista de emprego e quase 40 por cento das pessoas vêem a oportunidade saindo pela janela neste momento. Mais da metade das pessoas que tropeçam nessa questão admitem que simplesmente não sabem o que dizer nesta hora. Neste capítulo vamos estudar a forma de responder às cinco perguntas da entrevista de emprego mais difíceis. // Page 5 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS 1. Tell me about yourself . . . This question or something similar usually starts every interview. Your answer should be well-rehearsed, confidently delivered and last between 3-5 minutes. It should also focus on the areas of most relevance to the job in question. Include some impressive achievements, for example: • • • Some improvements made. Convey your enthusiasm for the job Avoid personal or irrelevant information e.g. your children, unrelated jobs. Be Prepared When you walk into an interview, remember to always expect the “tell me about yourself” question. Prepare ahead of time by developing your own personal branding statement that clearly tells who you are, your major strength and the clear benefit that your employer received. The advantages of this approach are that you'll quickly gain their attention and interest them in knowing more. You'll separate yourself from your competitors. You'll also have a higher chance of being positively remembered and hired. // Page 6 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS 2. Where do you see yourself in five years? One of the questions typically asked during an interview is about your future goals. Employers want to be sure that you won't be moving on to another job right away. The best way to respond to the interview question “What are your goals for the future?” or “Where do you see yourself in five years?” is to refer to the position and the company you are interviewing with. Examples of good answers: • • • • My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can. I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations. Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management. In the XYZ Corporation, what is a typical career path for someone with my skills and experiences? // Page 7 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS 3. What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? “What is your greatest strength?” is one of the easier interview questions you'll be asked. When you are asked questions about your strengths, it's important to discuss attributes that will qualify you for the job. The best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for. Examples of good answers: • • • • When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and I've earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer. My time management skills are excellent and I'm organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work. I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations. // Page 8 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS When you're asked what your greatest weakness is there are several different ways you can answer, including mentioning skills that aren't critical for the job, skills you have improved on, and turning a negative into a positive. Discuss Non-Essential Skills: An alternative approach is to analyze the key skills and strengths required for the position you are interviewing for and then come up with an honest shortcoming which is not essential for success in that job. For example, if you are applying for nursing job, you might share that you are not particularly adept at conducting group presentations. In this case it will be critical to underscore your strength in one to one communication with patients while providing an example of your difficulty with presentations to large groups. Mention Skills You Have Improved Another option is to discuss skills that you have improved upon during your previous job, so you are showing the interviewer that you can make improvements, when necessary. You can sketch for employers your initial level of functioning, discuss the steps you have taken to improve this area and then reference your current, improved level of skill. // Page 9 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS If you use this strategy be sure not to mention anything that you improved upon that is related to the job for which you are interviewing. You don't want your qualifications for the job to be questioned. Turn a Negative into a Positive Another option is try to turn a negative into a positive. For example, a sense of urgency to get projects completed or wanting to triple-check every item in a spreadsheet can be turned into a strength i.e. you are a candidate who will make sure that the project is done on time and your work will be close to perfect. Example of good answers: • • • Being organized wasn't my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills. I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time checking it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time. I used to like to work on one project to its completion before starting on another, but I've learned to work on many projects at the same time, and I think it allows me to be more creative and effective in each one. // Page 10 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS 4. Tell me about a time you made a mistake . . . They want to know how you deal with that mistake. When you are up against something challenging, it can showcase your skills . . . and how you managed the process. The question may also be about how you handle criticism. A reasonable answer would be that you try to give thought to how much of the negative feedback relates to the person who is giving it, and how much to you. Then you talk about how you take on board valid criticism and try to improve. Examples of good answers: • • Give concrete examples of difficult situations that actually happened at work. Then discuss what you did to solve the problem. Keep your answers positive and be specific. Itemize what you did and how you did it. The best way to prepare for questions where you will need to recall events and actions is to refresh your memory and consider some special situations you have dealt with or projects you have worked on. You can use them to help frame responses. Prepare stories that illustrate times when you have successfully solved a difficult situation. // Page 11 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS 5. Why should we hire you? This is a chance to show that you understand the requirements of the role and what you think you can offer. You don’t need to feel like you have to compare yourself with the others in the waiting room. The best way to respond is to give concrete examples of why your skills and accomplishments make you the best candidate for the job. Take a few moments to compare the job description with your abilities, as well as mentioning what you have accomplished in your other positions. Examples of good answers: • // Page 12 You have explained that you are looking for a sales executive who is able to effectively manage over a dozen employees. In my fifteen years of experience as a sales manager, I have developed strong motivational and team-building skills. I was twice awarded manager-of-the-year for my innovative strategies for motivating employees to meet and surpass quarterly deadlines. If hired, I will bring my leadership abilities and strategies for achieving profit gains to this position. APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS • You describe in the job listing that you are looking for a special education assistant teacher with an abundance of patience and compassion. Having served as a tutor at a summer school for dyslexic children for the past two years, I have developed my ability to be extremely patient while still achieving academic gains with my students. My experience teaching phonics to children ages 6 to 18 has taught me strategies for working with children of all ages and abilities, always with a smile. My previous employer often placed me with the students with the most severe learning disabilities because of my history of success. I will bring not only experience, but patience and creative problem-solving, to this position. // Page 13 Conclusão A maioria das pessoas vão a uma entrevista pensando que o entrevistador leu o seu currículo e sua carta de apresentação e que ele já sabe muito sobre elas, mas eles estão sempre procurando ver além disso para avaliar se eles podem se relacionar com o candidato, como eles se encaixariam no cargo e na empresa e o seu possível impacto na equipe. Por isso é sempre importante conhecer a empresa a qual você está se candidatando antes da entrevista. A postura, apresentação e o contato visual também são importantes para mostrar segurança. // Page 14 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS Os nossos e-books foram desenhados para funcionarem perfeitamente no seu tablet (iOS, Android ou Windows). Visite nossa loja virtual // Page 15 APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 5 PERGUNTAS MAIS DIFÍCEIS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS Tire o máximo de proveito desse material. Agende uma aula com um de nossos professores para que você possa simular uma entrevista de emprego em inglês. AGENDE SUA AULA Sua aula pode ser presencial (se você morar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro) ou virtual via Skype ou Google hangouts. // Page 16 Conheça nossos e-books Este e-book faz parte da coleção de e-books da FS Consultoria e é disponibilizado gratuitamente. Conheça abaixo os outros títulos da série. CALL-TOACTION PAGE APRENDA A RESPONDER AS 30 PERGUNTAS MAIS COMUNS NUMA ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO EM INGLÊS. Um guia completo para você não se sentir perdido numa entrevista de emprego em inglês. http://bit.ly/Get-A-Demo-of-HS COMPRE AQUI Bibliografia Forbes Magazine - http://www.forbes.com/ BRW. - http://www.brw.com.au/ The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ About.com - http://www.about.com/ Um guia completo para você não se sentir perdido numa entrevista de emprego em inglês.