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DEPARTAMENTO DE INGENIERÍA DE SISTEMAS Y AUTOMÁTICA ESCUELA SUPERIOR DE INGENIEROS UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Sistema Cognitivo de Navegación Autónoma basado en Técnicas de Inteligencia Computacional por Nieves Pavón Pulido Ingeniero en Informática PROPUESTA DE TESIS DOCTORAL PARA LA OBTENCIÓN DEL TÍTULO DE DOCTOR POR LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA SEVILLA, 2012 Directores: Dr. Joaquín Ferruz Melero, Titular de Universidad Dr. Aníbal Ollero Baturone, Catedrático de Universidad Agradecimientos En primer lugar, quiero expresar sinceramente mi agradecimiento a los doctores D. Joaquín Ferruz Melero y D. Aníbal Ollero Baturone por brindarme la oportunidad de realizar este trabajo de Tesis y ayudarme a conseguir los objetivos propuestos. Desde un punto de vista institucional he de manifestar mi gratitud a los órganos de la administración que han financiado parcialmente el desarrollo de los trabajos de investigación que se presentan en esta Tesis: la Junta de Andalucía y el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte a través de los proyectos ROMOCOG y ROBAIR y CROMAT, respectivamente, y el Vicerrectorado de Formación Permanente e Innovación de la Universidad de Huelva que contribuyó al desarrollo de la plataforma robótica BENDER mediante la adjudicación de varios proyectos de investigación para la mejora en docencia universitaria. La finalización de esta Tesis Doctoral no sólo supone un hito académico, es también un hecho importante en mi vida personal. Tras una profunda reflexión sobre el largo camino recorrido durante estos años (probablemente demasiados), he de reconocer que este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a muchas buenas personas que me han apoyado y a pesar de muchas otras que me han causado gran dolor tanto en lo profesional como en lo personal. Sin embargo, incluso aquellos que te causan un daño, a veces irreparable, pueden ser merecedores de agradecimiento. Por tanto, agradezco el dolor y la injusticia cometida por algunos, porque por ellos he descubierto una fortaleza interior que me ha hecho luchar incansablemente a pesar de las dificultades. Una vez finalizado este viaje, quiero mantener vivo en mi recuerdo sólo lo bueno. Así pues, únicamente me queda dar las gracias a todos los que de alguna manera (profesional o personalmente), han colaborado conmigo o me han acompañado a lo largo de este camino. Gracias a los miembros del Grupo de Robótica, Visión y Control de la Universidad de Sevilla, especialmente a Rafa, Víctor, Fran, Fernando y, cómo no, Joaquín. Gracias a los miembros del Centre of Intelligent Systems de la Universidad do Algarve, sobre todo al Dr. D. Antonio E. Ruano y al Dr. D. César Texeira, que tanto me ayudaron durante mi estancia en Portugal. Gracias a los miembros del Laboratorio de Robótica de la Universidad de Murcia, especialmente al Dr. D. Humberto Martínez Barberá por su paciencia y hospitalidad. Gracias también a los miembros de la División de Sistemas e Ingeniería Electrónica por dejarme realizar algunos experimentos en el seno del Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica de la Universidad Politécnica de 5 Cartagena. Gracias de forma muy especial a Blasi que nos ha proporcionado la oportunidad de divulgar parte de los resultados del proyecto ROMOCOG en los medios de comunicación. Gracias a los estudiantes de mis asignaturas durante el curso 2011-2012, me han demostrado su paciencia y amabilidad animándome durante la recta final del desarrollo de esta Tesis. Gracias querido Dr. D. Juan Suardíaz Muro, eres la bondad revestida de cuerpo y alma. Gracias Sharon, tu esposo y tú me demostrasteis, durante el IROS 2010 en Taipei, que puedo contar con unos buenos amigos al otro lado del mundo. Gracias Senga y John por vuestra ayuda en la corrección de algunos documentos en inglés y, sobre todo, por vuestra amabilidad y simpatía. Gracias a mi familia (Cami, José y todos los demás), por su apoyo incondicional. Gracias Leela, no existe un ser más cariñoso y leal en el mundo. Gracias papá y mamá, mis fracasos son sólo míos pero todos mis éxitos son la consecuencia de la educación y el amor que me habéis dado. Los grandes valores (la honestidad, la sinceridad y el sentido del honor y de la responsabilidad), no los descubrí ni en el colegio ni en la universidad, los aprendí de vosotros, mis mejores maestros. Gracias Juan Antonio por todo el apoyo y el cariño que me has dado y que me das, tanto en lo profesional como en lo personal. Gracias a todos. Espero que sigáis ahí, pues el final de esta etapa académica no es más que el comienzo de otra nueva etapa investigadora llena de desafíos que espero me permita devolver a la sociedad lo que la sociedad me ha dado. 6 7 8 Abstract Nowadays there is a growing interest in developing inexpensive indoor service mobile robots that can efficiently carry out service tasks in indoor environments such as domestic settings, offices, hospitals or homes for handicapped and elderly people, among others. Reducing the cost of the hardware and software architectures is essential to extend the use of service robots in such places. Cost reduction can lead to increase the inaccuracy of the results obtained when a specific task is required to be executed, and to reduce the processing and storing capabilities. Therefore, any robot perception and control algorithm should take into account these constraints and be efficient from a computational point of view. (Final) On the other hand, autonomous navigation is a key task which any mobile service robot should efficiently accomplish regardless of the hardware cost. In fact, the success of many other tasks such as transportation of objects and persons, surveillance, guidance or cleaning, among others, depends on the software architecture designed to solve the problems related to navigation. This Thesis presents contributions in the field of autonomous navigation of mobile service robots in an unknown dynamic indoor environment. A set of techniques based on both Computational Intelligence and classic paradigms are used to solve significant problems related to autonomous navigation. Specifically the semantic representation of the environment, dynamic obstacle avoidance, topological map building, self-localization, path tracking and kinematic and dynamic behaviour modelling. The semantic representation of the setting, which consists of a set of semantically labelled polylines obtained from the raw data acquired by a 2D laser scanner, is used in the implementation of several reactive algorithms (local path planning and obstacle avoidance) based on hierarchical fuzzy systems. Such representation is also used in the topological map building and self-localization procedures. The topological map building method allows to obtain a hybrid map of the environment, represented as a graph whose nodes store relevant semantic and geometric information of representative places. Such nodes are linked by trajectories defined as a list of robot poses which are estimated by combining the information provided by propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors, specifically two encoders and a pose change virtual sensor based on the raw data acquired by an inexpensive 2D laser scanner. Classic statistical techniques are used to solve the data fusion problem. 9 Natural landmark extraction and data association are needed to implement the mentioned virtual sensor. In order to improve the accuracy of such sensor, the natural landmark selection procedure is enhanced by using a hierarchical fuzzy system that allows to reject the landmarks which do not meet several requirements defined by the user. A fuzzy-based paradigm is used since it provides tools to take into account abstract concepts which can be naturally defined and easily related by means of fuzzy rules. A set of experiments carried out in both simulated environments and real settings demonstrate the performance of the designed algorithms. A Pioneer robot and the BENDER (Basic ENvironment for DEveloping Robotics systems) robot have been used in the validation procedures, in real scenarios. In particular, the development of BENDER is addressed with the purpose of demonstrating that the proposed techniques are efficient even when the cost of the hardware is significantly reduced and the accuracy of the propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors and the computational capabilities of the robot decrease. On the other hand, the modelling of the behaviour of a medium-size car-like mobile robot is also addressed. The model is implemented as a set of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN), optimally selected by a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). A computationally inexpensive path tracking method based on Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Networks (MLPNN) is also presented. In particular, these Computational Intelligence-based techniques demonstrates that it is possible to learn the dynamic and kinematic behaviour of a robot with strict holonomic and manoeuvrability constrains without using complex mathematical models. Experiments with the car-like autonomous vehicle ROMEO 4R demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Summarizing, this Thesis is focused on proving that well-known Computational Intelligence paradigms such as Fuzzy Systems, Artificial Neural Networks and MultiObjective Genetic Algorithms provide very useful tools to solve problems in the Robotics context. Such techniques can be successfully combined with classic methods for solving the whole autonomous navigation problem, even for inexpensive service robots. 10 Resumen Hoy en día, existe un creciente interés en el desarrollo de robots de servicio económicos que puedan desarrollar tareas diversas en entornos de interiores (hogares, oficinas, hospitales o residencias de ancianos o personas con discapacidad, entre otros). Para que dichos robots se introduzcan progresivamente en estos lugares de forma natural es esencial que se produzca una disminución de los costes tanto en la arquitectura hardware como en la arquitectura software. Esta reducción de costes puede influir negativamente en los resultados obtenidos cuando el robot ejecuta ciertas tareas. Por tanto, los algoritmos diseñados tienen que tener en cuenta estos inconvenientes y deben ser eficientes desde un punto de vista computacional. Por otra parte, la navegación autónoma es una tarea clave que cualquier robot móvil de servicio debe desarrollar eficazmente, independientemente del coste económico del mismo. De hecho, el éxito de numerosas aplicaciones (transporte de objetos o personas, vigilancia, guía o limpieza, entre otras) depende de la arquitectura software diseñada para resolver los problemas relacionados con la navegación. En esta Tesis se presentan aportaciones en el campo de la navegación autónoma de robots móviles de servicio en entornos interiores dinámicos desconocidos. Para resolver los problemas relacionados con la navegación autónoma se propone un conjunto de técnicas basadas en paradigmas clásicos y en Inteligencia Computacional. Concretamente se aborda la representación semántica del entorno, la evitación de obstáculos móviles, la construcción de mapas topológicos, la localización, el seguimiento de caminos y el modelado del comportamiento cinemático y dinámico de un robot. La descripción semántica del escenario, que consiste en un conjunto de polilíneas etiquetadas semánticamente a partir de los datos adquiridos por un dispositivo de barrido láser 2D, se usa como entrada a varios algoritmos de navegación reactiva (planificación local de caminos y evitación de obstáculos) que implementan sistemas borrosos jerárquicos. Además dicha representación semántica se usa también en la construcción de mapas topológicos y en el proceso de localización con respecto a dichos mapas. La técnica de construcción de mapas topológicos propuesta permite que se genere un mapa híbrido del entorno, consistente en un grafo cuyos nodos almacenan información semántica y geométrica relevante de lugares representativos. Los nodos se enlazan mediante trayectorias definidas mediante una lista de poses del robot. La estimación de dichas poses se lleva a cabo combinando la información extraída de sensores tanto 11 propioceptivos como exteroceptivos (dos codificadores ópticos y un sensor virtual de cambio de pose basado en los datos proporcionados por un dispositivo de barrido láser 2D económico, respectivamente). Con el fin de resolver el problema de la fusión de datos se utilizan técnicas probabilísticas. La implementación del sensor virtual de cambio de pose depende de los procesos de extracción de marcas naturales y asociación de datos. Por tanto, es necesario mejorar la precisión de dicho sensor en la medida de lo posible. La selección de marcas naturales tiene gran influencia en este proceso, por lo que se ha mejorado mediante el uso de un sistema borroso jerárquico que permite rechazar aquellas marcas que no cumplen ciertos requerimientos especificados por el usuario. Se utiliza la Lógica Borrosa porque proporciona los medios adecuados para definir y relacionar entre sí conceptos abstractos. Para comprobar la efectividad de las técnicas propuestas, se presentan un conjunto de experimentos realizados tanto en entornos simulados como reales. Los robots Pioneer y BENDER (Basic ENvironment for DEveloping Robotics systems), son las plataformas básicas elegidas para validar la arquitectura software diseñada en escenarios reales. Cabe mencionar que el robot BENDER se ha diseñado específicamente en el contexto de esta Tesis, con el propósito de probar que las técnicas propuestas son eficientes, incluso cuando el coste de la arquitectura hardware se reduce notablemente y la precisión de los sensores, así como la capacidad computacional del ordenador de a bordo, disminuye. Por otra parte, el modelado del comportamiento de un vehículo de tamaño medio también se contempla en esta Tesis. El modelo de dicho robot se implementa como un conjunto de Redes Neuronales de Base Radial seleccionadas, de forma óptima, por un Algoritmo Genético Multi-Objetivo. Además, el problema del seguimiento de caminos explícitos también se aborda usando un algoritmo computacionalmente eficiente basado en una Red Neuronal tipo Perceptrón Multicapa. Estos métodos basados en Inteligencia Computacional demuestran que es posible aprender el comportamiento dinámico y cinemático de un robot con restricciones no holónomas y de maniobrabilidad sin necesidad de disponer de modelos matemáticos complejos. Los experimentos que validan dichos algoritmos se han probado en el vehículo ROMEO 4R. En resumen, esta Tesis se centra en probar que los paradigmas basados en Inteligencia Computacional (tales como los Sistemas Borrosos, las Redes Neuronales Artificiales y los Algoritmos Genéticos Multi-Objetivo) son particularmente útiles en la resolución de problemas en el contexto de la Robótica. Además dichas técnicas pueden combinarse fácilmente con métodos convencionales para resolver el problema de la navegación autónoma de robots de servicio económicamente asequibles. 12 Index Chapter 1___________________________________________________________________ 29 1.1 Motivation and objectives. ........................................................................................................... 29 1.2 Outline and main contributions. ................................................................................................. 32 1.3 Framework. .................................................................................................................................... 33 Chapter 2 __________________________________________________________________ 35 2.1 Service robots. ............................................................................................................................... 36 2.2 Autonomous navigation for service robotics. .......................................................................... 38 2.3 Environment perception and representation for autonomous navigation. ......................... 39 2.3.1 Type of sensors used in autonomous navigation. ........................................................ 39 2.3.2 Environment representation from raw data acquired by a 2D laser scanner. ......... 43 2.3.3 Representation of the environment from data acquired by other sensors............... 52 2.4 Map building and localization. .................................................................................................... 53 2.4.1 Hybrid SLAM (metric and topological). ........................................................................ 54 2.4.2 Fuzzy logic-based localization and map building. ........................................................ 70 2.5 Data association............................................................................................................................. 71 2.5.1 Data association without previous feature extraction. ................................................ 73 2.5.2 Data association with previous feature extraction. ...................................................... 74 2.6 Exploration of the environment, path planning and path tracking. ..................................... 75 2.7 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 77 Chapter 3 __________________________________________________________________ 79 3.1 Introduction. .................................................................................................................................. 79 3.2 Describing the environment using semantically labelled polylines. ...................................... 80 3.2.1 Detection of saturated points (SP). ................................................................................ 82 3.2.2 Detection of occlusion points (OC). .............................................................................. 83 3.2.3 Detection of inside and outside angle corners.............................................................. 85 3.2.4 Detection of frontal and lateral walls. ............................................................................ 87 3.3 Reactive navigation algorithm. .................................................................................................... 89 3.3.1 Computation of traversable segments. .......................................................................... 89 3.3.2 Generation of feasible safe paths from the set of traversable segments. ................. 91 3.3.3 Reactive navigation method based on fuzzy techniques. ............................................ 95 3.4 Experiments and results. ............................................................................................................ 102 3.4.1 Validating the algorithm that extracts the set of semantically labelled polylines. ........................................................................................................................... 102 3.4.2 Validating the autonomous navigation system. .......................................................... 109 3.5 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................... 113 Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ 115 4.1 Generation of a topological map using a semantic polygonal description of the free space. ............................................................................................................................................. 116 4.1.1 Semantic description of the free space. ....................................................................... 117 4.1.2 Topological map building. ............................................................................................. 126 4.2 Pose change estimation using the semantic polygonal representation of the environment. ................................................................................................................................ 138 4.2.1 Implementation of a pose change virtual sensor based on the semantic polygonal description of the environment. ................................................................. 139 4.3 EKF filtering for pose estimation. ........................................................................................... 153 4.3.1 Obtaining the output of the pose change virtual sensor by using statistical methods............................................................................................................................. 154 4.3.2 Implementation of the EKF. ......................................................................................... 157 4.4 Experiments and results. ............................................................................................................ 161 13 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 Testing the exploration algorithm. ................................................................................ 162 Testing the pose estimator. ............................................................................................ 163 Testing the topological map building method. ........................................................... 173 Testing the topological map building method in a real environment with the BENDER robot. .............................................................................................................. 175 4.5 Conclusion. ................................................................................................................................... 177 Chapter 5 _________________________________________________________________ 179 5.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 180 5.2 Car-like service robots. ............................................................................................................... 181 5.2.1 Modelling a car-like vehicle using a set of Radial Basis Function neural networks. ........................................................................................................................... 182 5.2.2 Selection of the best collection of neural networks that solves a problem using a MOGA. ................................................................................................................ 186 5.2.3 A comparison between the RBF neural network-based models of the drive, steering and heading systems and their respective linear models............................. 206 5.3 An Artificial Neural Network-based method for path tracking. .......................................... 209 5.3.1 The classic Pure Pursuit algorithm. ............................................................................... 209 5.3.2 An Artificial Neural Network-based path tracker. ..................................................... 211 5.4 Conclusion. ................................................................................................................................... 218 Chapter 6 _________________________________________________________________ 221 6.1 BENDER: A low-cost hardware and software architecture................................................. 221 6.1.1 Hardware architecture. .................................................................................................... 222 6.1.2 Software architecture. ...................................................................................................... 223 6.2 Main features of the proposed architecture............................................................................. 230 6.3 Computational cost analysis. ...................................................................................................... 231 6.3.1 Computational cost obtained in the remote computer. ............................................. 232 6.3.2 Computational cost obtained in the onboard computer. .......................................... 235 6.4 Conclusion. ................................................................................................................................... 238 Chapter 7 _________________________________________________________________ 239 7.1 Conclusions and contributions. ................................................................................................. 239 7.2 Dissemination of the results. ..................................................................................................... 241 7.3 Future work. ................................................................................................................................. 242 Appendix I ________________________________________________________________ 245 Appendix II _______________________________________________________________ 253 References ________________________________________________________________ 265 14 List of Figures Figure 2-1. Software architecture for autonomous navigation based on independent software components. . 39 Figure 2-2. Parameter configuration of a Sick 2D laser scanner................................................................................ 43 Figure 2-3. Example of segmentation with three obstacles and two saturated areas. ............................................ 44 Figure 2-4. Example of hierarchical hybrid map with three levels: Semantic, topological and metric. .............. 55 Figure 2-5. Example of the accessibility, divisibility and connectivity properties that hold in a roadmap. ....... 64 Figure 2-6. Examples of roadmaps: Visibility graph, GVD and Silhouette method, respectively....................... 65 Figure 2-7. Example of space partition when S contains two points. ...................................................................... 66 Figure 2-8. Example of space partition when S contains three points. .................................................................... 66 Figure 2-9. Example of triangulations. Only the triangulation on the right fulfils the Delaunay condition. ..... 67 Figure 2-10. Delaunay triangulation and its dual Voronoi diagram. ......................................................................... 67 Figure 2-11. Example of generalized Voronoi graph in a setting with three obstacles. ........................................ 69 Figure 2-12. Environment perception in two consecutive instants. ......................................................................... 72 Figure 2-13. Alignment of segments for the data association process using common reference system. ......... 73 Figure 3-1. Hokuyo URG-04LX laser device features. ............................................................................................... 81 Figure 3-2. Global segmentation process based on searching semantic features. .................................................. 82 Figure 3-3. Example of saturated areas extraction after applying Algorithm 3-1. .................................................. 82 Figure 3-4. Sequence of polylines obtained after executing Algorithm 3-1 ............................................................. 83 Figure 3-5. Saturated areas associated to several objects that generate occlusions and the obtained OC points. ................................................................................................................................................................ 84 Figure 3-6. Detection of an outside angle corner OAC according to the slope sign change. .............................. 86 Figure 3-7. Detection of an inside angle corner IAC according to the slope sign change. ................................... 86 Figure 3-8. List of polylines obtained after executing the algorithms that detect several features. ..................... 87 Figure 3-9. Scenario where points labelled as FW and LW are used to enable an exploration maneuver in a closed corridor. ................................................................................................................................................ 89 Figure 3-10. Feasible traversable segments found in an environment described using polylines consisting of SP, OC, OAC and IAC points. ................................................................................................................ 90 Figure 3-11. Calculated segments after executing Algorithm 3-5. ............................................................................. 91 Figure 3-12. Example that shows how to take into account the triangle condition. .............................................. 92 Figure 3-13. Clustering middle points using several uniformly distributed angular regions. Orange-colored points are wrongly clustered. ......................................................................................................................... 93 Figure 3-14. Detecting convex points from the robot point of view. ...................................................................... 94 Figure 3-15. Dynamic generation of angular clusters. The clusters bounded by the intervals [ [ , ] do not enclose any middle point. The cluster defined by the interval ten middle points and the cluster , ] and encloses contains eight middle points. Finally, the interval forms a cluster with three middle points.................................................................................... 94 Figure 3-16. Straight lines obtained after grouping the set of middle points taking into account several dynamically calculated angular intervals. ..................................................................................................... 95 Figure 3-17. Fuzzy system designed to select the suitable route according several conditions defined by the user high level application. ...................................................................................................................... 96 Figure 3-18. Fuzzy system inputs and outputs. Figures (a), (b) and (c) show the relation between the inputs EFFORT and DISTANCE and the output MERITFACTOR when the number of points is 0, 0.5 and 1, respectively. Figure (d) shows the relation between the input 15 NUMBEROFPOINTS and the output PROBABILITY when EFFORT and DISTANCE are 0.5. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 97 Figure 3-19. Fuzzy sets used by the route selection fuzzy system. (a) Fuzzy variable NUMBEROFPOINTS. (b) Fuzzy variable EFFORT. (c) Fuzzy variable DISTANCE. (d) Fuzzy variable MERITFACTOR. ................................................................................................................ 97 Figure 3-20. Fuzzy system designed to select the suitable velocity according to the probability of collision, distance to the closest feature and target point. ........................................................................................ 99 Figure 3-21. Fuzzy sets used by the velocity selection fuzzy system. (a) Fuzzy variables COLLISION and TARGET. (b) Fuzzy variable MINDISTANCE. (c) Fuzzy variable SPEED. .................................. 100 Figure 3-22. Example of situation where it is necessary to reduce the velocity. ................................................... 100 Figure 3-23. Fuzzy system inputs and outputs. Figures (a), (b) and (c) shows the relation between the inputs TARGET and COLLISION and the output SPEED when MINDISTANCE is 0, 0.5 and 1, respectively. Figure (d) shows the relation between the input MINDISTANCE and the output SPEED when TARGET and COLLISION are 0.5. ................................................................. 101 Figure 3-24. Example of extraction of a semantic polygonal description of the environment. The number of points that should be scanned during each stage is highlighted. ..................................................... 103 Figure 3-25. Correspondences between raw points and the polyline segment that represents them. .............. 104 Figure 3-26. First experiment in a simulated environment. ...................................................................................... 106 Figure 3-27. Second experiment in a simulated environment. ................................................................................. 106 Figure 3-28. Third experiment in a simulated environment. .................................................................................... 107 Figure 3-29. Experiment carried out in a real environment. (a) Area of the laboratory. (b) Raw data acquired by the 2D laser device. (c) Non-simplified representation of the environment. (d) Simplified representation of the environment. (e) RMSE analysis. ..................................................... 108 Figure 3-30. The robot navigates through the main corridor of the hospital floor plan. ................................... 110 Figure 3-31. Results obtained after executing the algorithms proposed to navigate safely. ............................... 111 Figure 3-32. Diagram of the experiment carried out in a real environment. ......................................................... 112 Figure 3-33. Results obtained after executing the proposed algorithms to navigate safely in a real environment. Pictures (a) represent the set of the polylines together with the calculated feasible routes. Pictures (b) show what the robot sees. Pictures (c) show a view of the robot navigating through the setting. ....................................................................................................................................... 112 Figure 4-1. Closed polygon obtained from the semantic description of the setting. ........................................... 119 Figure 4-2. (a) Convex point with respect to the robot position. (b) Concave point with respect to the robot position. ............................................................................................................................................... 120 Figure 4-3. Example of Algorithm 4-1 execution. There are four convex sub-polygons in level 0 and one convex sub-polygon in level 1. ................................................................................................................... 120 Figure 4-4. Set of feasible exploration paths obtained from the relationship between centroids. .................... 121 Figure 4-5. Algorithm that obtains the appropriate path by taking into account the output of the fuzzy system and the decision of the human user. ............................................................................................ 123 Figure 4-6. Fuzzy system for the selection of exploration paths. (a) Fuzzy set for the variable that defines the length of the path. (b) Fuzzy set for the variable that characterizes the angle defined by the line that joins the centroid and the origin and the X axis of the robot reference system. (c) Fuzzy set for the output variable MFactor. (d) Inputs and output of the fuzzy system. (e) Distribution of the values calculated by the fuzzy system within the universe of discourse of the input variables. ........................................................................................................................................ 124 Figure 4-7. Set of feasible exploration paths. The green path has the worst merit factor since its length is the shortest and the angle is 135º. The black path has the best merit factor, since its length is 16 the longest and the angle is the closest to 90º. ......................................................................................... 125 Figure 4-8. Sequence of stages that allow to update the topological map by taking into account the free space semantic description. ......................................................................................................................... 126 Figure 4-9. Example of domestic setting. (a) The robot is located at the main corridor. Several intersections define significant places that should be remembered. (b) Semantic polygonal representation of the environment at time t. ............................................................................................ 128 Figure 4-10. Example of environment whose free space is represented by a set of semantically labelled convex sub-polygons. Sub-polygons 2, 4 and 5 are exploration sub-polygons since they contain at least one exploration edge and their level is L0. An interval whose values are respectively [80, 110] is used to select traversable edges according to the notion of perpendicularity. Only sub-polygons 2 and 4 contain traversable edges that form an angle with the X-axis of the laser reference system within the interval. ................................................................. 129 Figure 4-11. Example of domestic setting. (a) Partitions of the closed polygon obtained from the set of semantically labelled polylines. (b) Set of convex sub-polygons with labelled edges. Exploration edges are blue colored. ................................................................................................................................. 130 Figure 4-12. First level sub-polygon with a diagonal inside the interval ................................................ 131 Figure 4-13. (a) Candidate nodes located at the centres of the intersections. (b) Candidate nodes located at the centres of the intersections when the heading and the robot position change. .......................... 132 Figure 4-14. (a) Example of a non-valid candidate node when none of the three first requirements are accomplished. (b) Example of a non-valid candidate node when the fourth condition is not met. .................................................................................................................................................................. 133 Figure 4-15. Candidate nodes calculated according to TraEdge edges and diagonal segments. ........................ 134 Figure 4-16. The robot is inside the circle defined by the first candidate node. When the real node is created the area around the robot is memorized. The memorized set of polylines is used when the node is revisited. ..................................................................................................................................... 135 Figure 4-17. Example of topological map building. (a) Description of the free space; sub-polygons and candidate nodes are displayed. (b) Simulated environment from which the topological map is being built. ...................................................................................................................................................... 136 Figure 4-18. Example of topological map building. (a) Description of the free space; sub-polygons and candidate nodes are displayed. The first node is located at (0,0). Sub-polygons 5 and 9 generate the same candidate node. (b) Simulated environment from which the topological map is being built. The candidate nodes are located at the intersections. .................................................................. 137 Figure 4-19. Example of topological map building. (a) Description of the free space using sub-polygons. There are three real nodes (red) and three candidate nodes (dark gray). (b) Simulated environment from which the topological map is being built. ............................................................... 138 Figure 4-20. Changes in the set of polylines during the interval . ....................................................................... 140 Figure 4-21. Feasible association of segments between consecutive instants and . .............................. 140 Figure 4-22. Stable segments generated after relating OAC and IAC points. ....................................................... 142 Figure 4-23. Example of natural landmarks represented as segments obtained during and . Raw data at consecutive instants are slightly different. ................................................................................... 143 Figure 4-24. Fuzzy system that allows to calculate the confidence degree of a segment. In the example, the fuzzy system obtains the confidence value for the pair of segments and . .............. 144 Figure 4-25. Hierarchical fuzzy system that calculates the confidence of a segment. .......................................... 145 Figure 4-26. Fuzzy types for the hierarchical fuzzy system that calculates the confidence of a segment (natural landmark). ........................................................................................................................................ 146 Figure 4-27. Two segments from instants and are matched. The segment is taken as the 17 reference system in order to estimate the change in position of the robot. ....................................... 147 Figure 4-28. Calculation of the variation in robot heading using two matched segments from instants and . .................................................................................................................................................. 147 Figure 4-29. (a) 2D laser reference systems at times the 2D laser reference system at time and . (b) Ends of the segment according to . (c) Ends of the segment according to the 2D laser reference system at time . ................................................................................................................. 148 Figure 4-30. Estimation of the change in the position of the robot relative to the robot reference system at time using translation and rotation operations....................................................................... 149 Figure 4-31. Relation between the position of the robot according to the robot reference system at and the rest of points that define the landmarks using the 2D laser distance measurements. ........ 150 Figure 4-32. Application of a fuzzy system that allows to calculate the final unreliability degree of a pair of matching segments. This allows to reject those non valid pose change estimates. ........................... 151 Figure 4-33. Fuzzy system that calculates the unreliability degree of a segment of a pair of matching segments by taking into account its confidence degree and the eSi value. ........................................... 152 Figure 4-34. Fuzzy type that allows the defuzzification of the output Unreliability Degree. ............................. 152 Figure 4-35. General diagram of the estimation of the pose of the robot. ............................................................ 154 Figure 4-36. Parameters of the kinematic model of a differential drive system robot. ....................................... 158 Figure 4-37. Obtaining the current state and the covariance matrix using an EKF. ............................... 160 Figure 4-38. Autonomous exploration experiment. (a) The robot is located at the initial position. It starts to advance to the point represented by the position of goal centroid. (b) The robot is following the secondary corridor that intersects with the main corridor. (c) The robot reaches the main corridor. (d) The robot has turned to the left and it is following the main corridor. ....................... 162 Figure 4-39. Detail of the semantic representation of the free space at time . There are five exploration sub-polygons that define the exploration areas located at the intersections of the main corridor. The exploration sub-polygon 5 defines the end of the corridor. ......................................................... 163 Figure 4-40. Simulated world for the experiment. (a) Ground truth trajectory followed by the robot and segment that represents the object in the simulated setting. (b) Relative position of the segment from the robot point of view while the robot follows the trajectory. (c) Detail of the set of relative positions of the segment while the robot is approaching the segment. ................................ 164 Figure 4-41. Representation of the covariance of the distances to the end points of the segment when such segment is sensed along the trajectory. Since the Hokuyo 2D laser scanner is being simulated, the error is 0.01 if the distance value is in the interval [0.01, 1] meters and the 1% of the measurement if the distance value is greater than 1 meter. ............................................................ 165 Figure 4-42. Trajectory reconstructed from the set of relative segments versus the ground truth trajectory. 165 Figure 4-43. Components of the main diagonal of the covariance matrixes. (a) Component . (b) Component . (c) Component . .............................................................................................. 167 Figure 4-44. Off-diagonal covariance components of the covariance matrixes that provide information about the correlation between variables. (a) Component . (b) Component . (c) Component ...................................................................................................................................... 168 Figure 4-45. Topological map built while the robot navigates along the main corridor. (a) Only deadreckoning is used. (b) Only measurements from the virtual sensors are used if they are available. .......................................................................................................................................................... 170 Figure 4-46. Results obtained for a trajectory estimate. (a) Estimation by using dead-reckoning only. (b) Estimation by using the pose virtual sensor (when available). (c) Distances between the real and estimated positions of the robot, when only dead-reckoning or only the virtual sensor (when 18 available) are used.......................................................................................................................................... 171 Figure 4-47. (a) Trajectory followed by the robot while navigating through the simulated environment of the hospital. (b) Map of the environment built while the robot navigates along the corridor. The estimated trajectory is also represented. ............................................................................................ 172 Figure 4-48. Number of estimated landmarks for each sample of the trajectory; when the number of landmarks is zero, only dead-reckoning is used. ...................................................................................... 172 Figure 4-49. Hospital map used for the topological map building. ......................................................................... 173 Figure 4-50. Topological map building obtained after applying the technique proposed in section 4.1.2. ..... 174 Figure 4-51. Experiment carried out in the main corridor of a building. The semantic polygonal representation of the setting is highlighted. While BENDER approaches the end of the corridor, a topological map where nodes represent intersections (doors) are generated. Only valid candidate nodes are transformed into real nodes. ......................................................................... 176 Figure 4-52. Experiment that validates the map building method in presence of mobile obstacles. (a) BENDER detects candidate nodes for each intersection (door). (b) A person walks near the robot. Non-valid candidate nodes are generated. (c) The person is not close to the robot and only the valid candidate node is transformed into a real node. ............................................................ 177 Figure 5-1. Service robots. (a) Robots with a differential drive system. (b) Autonomous wheelchair for transportation of people. ............................................................................................................................. 182 Figure 5-2. Bicycle-based kinematic model of a mobile car-like robot................................................................... 182 Figure 5-3. Front and side view of the ROMEO 4R. ................................................................................................ 183 Figure 5-4. Model of the vehicle using black boxes. .................................................................................................. 184 Figure 5-5. RBF neural network. ................................................................................................................................... 185 Figure 5-6. Basic structure of a classic genetic algorithm.......................................................................................... 188 Figure 5-7. Chromosome obtained from a record of a training data set. ............................................................... 190 Figure 5-8. Distributed software architecture that implements the MOGA. ........................................................ 191 Figure 5-9. Neural-based steering model. .................................................................................................................... 192 Figure 5-10. Log files for the steering training data set. ............................................................................................ 193 Figure 5-11. Closed-loop tester...................................................................................................................................... 194 Figure 5-12. Comparison between experimentally measured curvature (solid red line) and generated by the RBF neural network-based model (dashed blue line) (Part 1). ............................................................. 195 Figure 5-13. Comparison between experimentally measured curvature (solid red line) and generated by the RBF neural network-based model (dashed blue line) (Part 2). ............................................................. 196 Figure 5-14. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) obtained after executing the collection of experiments. ..... 196 Figure 5-15. Neural-based drive system model. .......................................................................................................... 197 Figure 5-16. Learning the behaviour of the drive system. (a) Patterns for learning; (b) patterns for testing; (c) patterns for validating the model. ......................................................................................................... 198 Figure 5-17. Closed-loop tester...................................................................................................................................... 199 Figure 5-18. Set of centres. ............................................................................................................................................. 199 Figure 5-19. Comparison between the experimentally measured velocity (dashed blue line) and the velocity generated by the RBF neural network-based model (solid red line) (Part 1). ..................... 200 Figure 5-20. Comparison between the experimentally measured velocity (dashed blue line) and the velocity generated by the RBF neural network-based model (solid red line) (Part 2). ..................... 201 Figure 5-21. Results obtained after testing the closed-loop model. ........................................................................ 201 Figure 5-22. Black box model of the heading system. ............................................................................................... 202 Figure 5-23. Experimentally measured heading, velocity and curvature. ............................................................... 202 Figure 5-24. Black box model of the heading system. ............................................................................................... 203 19 Figure 5-25. Comparison between experimentally measured heading (dashed blue line) and simulated heading generated by the RBF neural network-based model of the heading system (solid red line) (Part 1). ................................................................................................................................................... 204 Figure 5-26. Comparison between experimentally measured heading (dashed blue line) and simulated heading generated by the RBF neural network-based model of the heading system (solid red line)(Part 2). .................................................................................................................................................... 205 Figure 5-27. Results obtained after testing the closed-loop model. ........................................................................ 205 Figure 5-28. Kinematic model and first order dynamic models. ............................................................................. 206 Figure 5-29. First order dynamic models. .................................................................................................................... 206 Figure 5-30. Steering System. Comparison between experimental data, simulation results from the RBF neural network-based model and simulation results from the linear model. ..................................... 207 Figure 5-31. Drive system. Comparison between experimental data, simulation results from the RBF neural network-based model and simulation results from linear model. ............................................ 208 Figure 5-32. Heading system. Comparison between experimental data, simulation data from the RBF neural network-based model and simulation data from the linear model system. ............................ 209 Figure 5-33. A piece of the path represented by a set of consecutive goal points. .............................................. 212 Figure 5-34. Set of five goal points represented in polar form in the robot reference system. ......................... 212 Figure 5-35. Set of feasible manoeuvres for obtaining the training data set. The minimum length of the curvature radius is 2,5 meters for the robot ROMEO 4R. .................................................................... 213 Figure 5-36. MLP neural network architecture used for path tracking. ................................................................. 213 Figure 5-37. Diagram of the algorithm that allows to validate the performance of the proposed ANNPT. .. 215 Figure 5-38. Set of experiments carried out to demonstrate that the ANNPT has a better performance than the Pure Pursuit controller. ................................................................................................................ 216 Figure 5-39. Validation of the ANNPT using the robot ROMEO 4R. The red dotted line represents the path followed by the robot when the ANNPT is executed. The black line represents the original path to be tracked. .......................................................................................................................... 217 Figure 6-1. The BENDER service robot. .................................................................................................................... 222 Figure 6-2. Distributed software architecture. Red lines represent the information shared between highlevel and low-level processes. Black lines represent the information shared between processes of the same level. ........................................................................................................................................... 223 Figure 6-3. BENDER differential drive system. ........................................................................................................ 224 Figure 6-4. Drive system software component. .......................................................................................................... 225 Figure 6-5. Software component that allows the robot to acquire raw data from the Hokuyo 2D laser device............................................................................................................................................................... 227 Figure 6-6. Software component that controls the voice synthesis device. ........................................................... 227 Figure 6-7. Software component that controls the gyratory servo platform. ........................................................ 228 Figure 6-8. Detailed diagram of the high-level software architecture. .................................................................... 230 Figure 6-9. Topological map built during the experiments for measuring the computational cost. ................. 232 Figure 6-10. Computational cost for the semantic polygonal representation task in the remote computer. .. 233 Figure 6-11. Computational cost for the data association task. ............................................................................... 233 Figure 6-12. Computational cost for the self-localization task in the remote computer. .................................... 234 Figure 6-13. Computational cost for the topological map building task in the remote computer. ................... 234 Figure 6-14. Computational cost for the exploration task based on the free space semantic description executed in the remote computer............................................................................................................... 235 Figure 6-15. Computational cost for the semantic polygonal representation task in the onboard computer. 236 Figure 6-16. Computational cost for the data association task in the onboard computer. ................................. 236 20 Figure 6-17. Computational cost for the self-localization task in the onboard computer. ................................. 237 Figure 6-18. Computational cost for the topological map task in the onboard computer. ................................ 237 Figure 6-19. Computational cost for the exploration task in the onboard computer. ......................................... 237 Figure 6-20. Computational cost for YARP communications. ................................................................................ 238 21 22 List of Tables Table 2-1. Significant tasks that service robots should carry out according to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 2-2. Set of sensors frequently used in mobile robots for autonomous navigation. ..................................... 40 Table 3-1. Semantic labels for the representative points that bound the segments. .............................................. 82 Table 3-2. Rule base with NUMBEROFPOINTS, EFFORT and DISTANCE as inputs, and MERITFACTOR as output. ......................................................................................................................... 98 Table 3-3. Rule base with inputs COLLISION and TARGET and SPEED as output. .................................... 101 Table 3-4. Rules base with inputs VEL and MINDISTANCE and final SPEED as output. ............................ 101 Table 3-5. Computational complexity of the algorithms that allow to obtain the semantic polygonal representation of the environment. ........................................................................................................... 103 Table 4-1. Conditions for assigning labels to edges. .................................................................................................. 118 Table 4-2. Rule base with inputs PLenght and DirChange and MFactor as output. ........................................... 124 Table 4-3. Rule base with inputs RMSE0 and RMSE1 and PointConfidence as output. ................................... 146 Table 4-4. Rule base with inputs P0CONFIDENCE and P1CONFIDENCE and SEGMConfidence as output. ............................................................................................................................................................. 146 Table 4-5. Rule base with inputs SegConf and RMSE eSi and Ud (Unreliability Degree) as output. ................ 152 Table 5-1. Set of desired steering commands. ............................................................................................................. 192 Table 5-2. Sequence of patterns from a training data set with N=M=15. ............................................................. 193 Table 5-3. Neural network parameters. ........................................................................................................................ 195 Table 5-4. Best neural network parameters. ................................................................................................................ 199 Table 5-5. Neural network parameters. (Part 1) ......................................................................................................... 203 Table 5-6. Neural network parameters. (Part 2). ........................................................................................................ 204 Table 5-7. Collection of tests carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed ANNPT in a simulated environment. ................................................................................................................................ 215 Table 6-1. Characteristics of the computers used in the experiments. A Linux operating system is used in both computers. ............................................................................................................................................ 231 Table 6-2. Selected tasks for measuring the computational cost. ............................................................................ 231 23 24 List of Algorithms Algorithm 3-1. Extracting saturated points. .................................................................................................................. 83 Algorithm 3-2. Extracting occlusion points. ................................................................................................................. 84 Algorithm 3-3. Extracting candidate outside angle corners........................................................................................ 85 Algorithm 3-4. Simplifying a polyline. ............................................................................................................................ 88 Algorithm 3-5. Generating feasible traversable segments. .......................................................................................... 90 Algorithm 4-1. Generating convex sub-polygons. ..................................................................................................... 119 25 26 No victory without suffering. J.R.R. Tolkien 27 28 It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish. J.R.R. Tolkien Chapter 1 Introduction. This Thesis presents contributions in the field of autonomous navigation of mobile service robots in unknown dynamic indoor environments. Computational Intelligence-based techniques are used to solve significant problems related to autonomous navigation, specifically the semantic representation of the environment, dynamic obstacle avoidance, topological map building, self-localization, path tracking and kinematic and dynamic behaviour modelling. (Final) The proposed methods have been validated in known robotic platforms such as a Pioneer robot and the car-like autonomous vehicle ROMEO 4R. However, these robotic platforms are relatively expensive and it is difficult to introduce them in a real domestic setting due to their economic cost. Therefore, the development of the inexpensive mobile service robot prototype BENDER (Basic ENvironment for DEveloping Robotics systems), has also been addressed, with the purpose of demonstrating that the proposed techniques are efficient even when the cost of the hardware is significantly reduced and the accuracy of the propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors and the computational capabilities of the robot decrease. This chapter firstly presents the motivation and the main objectives of the research carried out. Then, the outline and main contributions of the Thesis are presented. Finally, the framework in which the work has been developed is described. 1.1 Motivation and objectives. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in developing inexpensive indoor service mobile robots that can efficiently realize service tasks for human users in a domestic environment. In general, reducing the cost of hardware devices can lead to increase the inaccuracy of the results obtained when a specific task is required to be executed. Moreover, processing and storing capabilities could also be reduced. Therefore, any algorithm that allows the robot to carry out any task should be very efficient from a computational point of view. Autonomous navigation is a key task which any mobile service robot should efficiently accomplish. In fact, the success of many other tasks such as transportation of objects and 29 Chapter 1. Introduction persons, surveillance, guidance or cleaning, among others, depends on the software architecture designed to solve the problems related to navigation. This software architecture should consist of a set of components that allow the robot to acquire information from the environment and to process such information with the purpose of obtaining a suitable representation of the setting. Simultaneous localization and map building could be addressed by another component that takes into account the obtained representation of the scenario. Once the robot has acquired a certain degree of semantic knowledge about the space, it could plan trajectories to reach goal places or to interact with the environment and human users as required. Many researchers have partially contributed to solve the whole autonomous navigation problem in different environments (both indoor and outdoor), by using heterogeneous strategies [1]. Many of these strategies are based on solutions that use elements from Control Theory [2], [3], Graph Theory and Topology [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] or Probabilistic Theory [9], [10], [11], among many others. Computational and Artificial Intelligence-based techniques have also been used [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17] to a lesser extent, even when they have demonstrated to obtain promising results in other fields of Engineering [18], [19], [20], [21]. On the other hand, the experiments that prove the effectiveness of the proposed methods by these researchers are carried out by using both simulated environments and robots and known commercial robotic platforms whose cost is usually high. A wide range of exteroceptive and propioceptive sensors can also be used. The more accurate the sensors are, the more reliable is the obtained result and more expensive is the robotic platform. Therefore, it is necessary to balance both issues if it is desired to introduce service robots in real domestic environments. The main objective of this Thesis work is to obtain a set of Computational Intelligence-based techniques that allow an inexpensive mobile service robot to navigate autonomously and smartly through an unknown dynamic indoor environment. In particular, this aim can be met if the following sub-goals are fulfilled: Obtaining a low level semantic representation of indoor settings from data acquired by using a low cost 2D laser device (the use of this kind of exteroceptive sensor keeps the necessary balance between accuracy and cost). A set of algorithms (whose computational cost should be low), will calculate this environment description which will consist of semantic and geometric elements. This hybrid representation will allow the robot to store a model of the world combining metric information with simple semantic concepts, similar to those used by humans. Obtaining a semantic description of the free space by considering the hybrid 30 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques representation of the environment. The description will consist of a set of convex sub-polygons whose edges will be semantically labelled. This classification of the free space will allow the robot to determine which places are potentially explorable. The robots Pioneer and BENDER will be used to validate the proposed algorithms in a real environment. Designing a set of computationally efficient algorithms to accomplish the tasks related to exploration and obstacle avoidance in an unknown and dynamic environment. The intelligent behaviour of the robot will be implemented by using a hierarchical fuzzy system whose rule base will be designed by a human expert. The robots Pioneer and BENDER will be used to validate the proposed technique in a real setting. Developing a method for topological map building of the environment that takes into account the semantic representation of the free space. The topological map will be implemented as a graph where each node will store relevant semantic and geometric information of a specific place. Such nodes will be linked by paths defined as a list of robot poses. Each robot pose estimate will be calculated by combining the information acquired by propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors with a method based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). A procedure based on a hierarchical fuzzy system, whose rule base will be defined by a human expert, will allow to enhance the natural landmarks extraction procedure. The robots Pioneer and BENDER will be used to validate the proposed method in a real scenario. Modelling the behaviour of a medium-size car-like mobile robot by using a set of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN), optimally selected by a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and developing an efficient and computationally inexpensive path tracking method using a Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN). In particular, these Computational Intelligence-based techniques will demonstrate that it is possible to learn the dynamic and kinematic behaviour of a robot with strict non-holonomic and manoeuvrability constrains without using complex mathematical models. The robot ROMEO 4R will be used to validate the proposed methods. Designing and building the mobile service robot BENDER by taking into account that the cost of hardware devices should be significantly reduced. In addition, an open and distributed software architecture will provide the necessary services to validate the set of algorithms developed in this work. Furthermore, a simulation framework based on the open source tool Player/Stage [22] will be developed for improving the validation process. 31 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.2 Outline and main contributions. This Thesis consists of seven chapters complemented with two appendixes. A summary of the contents of the chapters is described as follows: In Chapter 2, the problem of autonomous navigation of mobile service robots in unknown dynamic indoor environments is presented. In particular, the need of developing a set of techniques that allow a mobile robot to acquire information from the environment with the purpose of obtaining an appropriate representation of the scenario is considered, since from this representation, the mobile robot can be aware of the distribution of the free space and it can accomplish other complex tasks such as map building, self-localization, path planning and path tracking. The state of the art on autonomous navigation is reviewed, mainly taking into account the related work in the field of environment representation, metric and topological map building and self-localization. Computational Intelligence-based methods applied to Mobile Robotics are also outlined. In Chapter 3, a set of computationally inexpensive algorithms, which allow the mobile robot to obtain a semantic polygonal representation of the environment from 2D laser raw data, is described in detail. Specifically, relevant features such corners or occlusions are detected and properly represented by low level semantic tags. A method to generate a set of safe paths for the robot is presented. The paths are built from clusters of midpoints of the traversable segments defined by the semantic tags. A hierarchical fuzzy system that selects the suitable route to follow according to the constraints given by the designer is implemented by using the XFuzzy 3.0 tool. Another fuzzy system controller calculates the suitable velocity while the robot navigates. In order to validate the performance of the proposed techniques, a set of experiments, both in a simulated environment and in real settings using a Pioneer robot and BENDER (the low cost robotic platform built in this work), are carried out. In Chapter 4, a set of techniques that allow a mobile service robot to build a hybrid (metric and topological) map is proposed. This hybrid map consists of a set of topological nodes that contain semantic polygonal descriptions of places. The nodes are interconnected by links that store the path between them. The algorithm that detects possible areas where a node should be created uses a semantic description of the free space. This description is calculated by using the semantic representation of the environment proposed in Chapter 3. In addition, exploration is addressed by using a hierarchical fuzzy system that selects an exploration route by taking into account the semantic description of the free space. The trajectory tracked by the robot while it is exploring the setting and building the map is calculated by taking into account the 32 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques information acquired by propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors. In particular, the path between topological nodes is estimated by calculating a sequence of poses which are obtained after fusing the data provided by a death reckoning method and the data acquired by a virtual sensor based on a 2D laser device. Data fusion is carried out by using an Extended Kalman filter. Selection of features for data association is improved by means of a hierarchical fuzzy system. Experiments carried out in a simulated environment and in real settings using the Pioneer and BENDER robots allow to validate the proposed methods. In Chapter 5, a method for mobile robot model learning based on Computational Intelligence techniques is presented. Specifically, the behaviours of the drive system and the steering system of a medium-size car-like robot are modelled by using a hierarchical system consisting of a set of RBF neural networks. The selection of the RBF neural network parameters is carried out by means of a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). Furthermore, the path tracking problem is addressed by using a MLP neural network-based technique. Both proposed methods are validated in experiments carried out with the autonomous car-like vehicle ROMEO 4R. In Chapter 6, the hardware architecture of the low-cost service robot BENDER is detailed. Moreover, the software architecture based on a set of distributed components that share the information by means of the YARP middleware is also described in depth. A comparative study between BENDER and other commercial robots demonstrates that it is possible to reduce the cost of the robotic platform while maintaining some significant features. In Chapter 7, the main conclusions and contributions of this Thesis are discussed. Furthermore, the future work is summarized. 1.3 Framework. This Thesis has been developed within the following research projects that have provided the necessary funding and equipment: CROMAT: Coordinación de RObots Móviles Aéreos y Terrestres. Funded by the Dirección General de Investigación (DPI2002-04401-C03-03). The main objective of this research project was the development of new methods and techniques for the cooperation of aerial and ground mobile robots. ROBAIR: Robótica y fiabilidad aérea. Funded by the Spanish Research and Development Program (DPI2008-03847). The objective of this project is the research and development of new methods and technologies to increase the safety and reliability mainly in Aerial 33 Chapter 1. Introduction Robotics. The project includes three main topics: safe and reliable controlled platforms, multi-UAV safe and reliable cooperation and integration of the aerial robots with the ground infrastructure. ROMOCOG: The project ROMOCOG (Sistema automático de adquisición de habilidades cognitivas en entornos dinámicos mediante percepción multimodal, TEP-4479) is financed by the Andalusian autonomous administration (Junta de Andalucía). Its main goals are the development of tools and methods to provide high level cognitive functions for robots in order to increase their flexibility, their tolerance to changes in the environment and their ability to interact with persons. ROMOCOG II: The Project ROMOCOG II (TEP-6412) is an extension of the project ROMOCOG. It is financed by the Andalusian autonomous administration (Junta de Andalucía). Its main goals are the improvement of the results obtained by the project ROMOCOG and the development of new extensions related to the enhancement of the cognitive capabilities of a service robot. Furthermore, it is worth to say that part of this Thesis has also been developed during a stay at the Centre of Intelligent Systems (University of Algarve), in Portugal (since October 15th, 2006, to January 15th, 2007). This centre is a multidisciplinary research and development unit whose main objective is to promote fundamental and applied research in Computational Intelligence and supporting technologies, in particular in the areas of computing and information systems, control, optimization, biomedical signal processing, cognitive neuroscience and economics by means of applications that use re-configurable, high-performance computing systems based on homogeneous, heterogeneous, and distributed architectures. 34 All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. J.R.R. Tolkien Chapter 2 Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art. N owadays, technology is crucial in our lives. There are many machines that facilitate everyday tasks at home. In the industrialized world, it is easy to find a computer, generally equipped with Internet access, that can handle all kind of information (personal, economical, recreational or related to health, among others). Furthermore, in the last decade, the use of tiny electronic devices with the ability to stay connected and share information anywhere and at any time, has exponentially grown. Thanks to the development of Technology, important services for human beings such as public and private transport systems have been improved. In particular, such services are faster, safer and more comfortable. (Final) In the industrial context, there is also a high degree of automation and it is possible to find robots that perform repetitive tasks in a very efficient way. However, despite this enormous technological growth in diverse fields, it is difficult to find specific intelligent autonomous service robots that efficiently work in a domestic setting or in public environments such as hospitals, schools, offices or museums. There exist some expensive prototypes that can perform complex tasks, but they are not commercially available products. On the other hand, commercial service robots usually provide very reduced features. Currently, several of the main challenges that robotic researchers face are related to the safe autonomous navigation of mobile service robots. The comprehension of the environment and the ability to interact with the user in a natural manner are also abilities that service robots should acquire. Autonomous navigation does not only mean that a mobile robot is capable of moving through the setting while avoiding obstacles in a reactive way; it is also necessary that the robot can build a map by considering the unchanging elements of a unknown dynamic semi-structured environment. In addition, the robot should be capable of localizing itself within the map, recognizing and learning places and intelligently accomplishing the assigned tasks. For all the above reasons, this chapter describes those works that are of interest in the field of service robot design and development. In particular, two significant issues are 35 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art highlighted: degree of autonomy and cost of production. In addition, the state of the art related to autonomous navigation in dynamic semi-structured indoor settings is analyzed in depth. This analysis is mainly focused on the study of techniques that allows a service robot to explore indoor environments, build hybrid (metric and topological) maps of indoor settings and localize itself by using maps. 2.1 Service robots. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) defines a service robot as follows: “A service robot is a robot which operates semi of fully autonomously to perform services useful to the well-being of humans and equipments, excluding manufacturing operations” [23]. Thus, a service robot, as opposed to an industrial robot, should have a greater degree of autonomy and intelligence and an enhanced ability of natural interaction with human beings [24]. In general, a service robot consists of a mobile platform equipped with sensors that acquire information from the environment, and could also be equipped with mechanisms that allow to handle objects properly. Service robots could carry out a wide range of jobs, for instance, domestic assistance (cleaning, surveillance or recreational tasks, among others), agricultural tasks, autonomous transportation of objects and people (in urban settings, hospitals, shopping centres or offices), or being the support of the user when a dangerous job must be carried out. Table 2-1 summarizes the set of most significant applications of service robots according to the information provided by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. The economic cost of the robot and its hardware and software architectures generally depend on the set of tasks that the robot must execute. However, a service robot should be able to adapt to multiple environments [25] and to perform heterogeneous missions [26]. In this Thesis, the applications of interest are those related to personal assistance in dynamic semi-structured indoor settings, such as homes, hospitals and offices, among others. In these cases, a service robot should be capable of executing the following main tasks: safe autonomous navigation, including map building and localization, and natural interaction with the user. Another important issue is related to the economic cost of service robots. In particular, service robots should be affordable from an economic point of view while maintaining their features. Therefore, researchers should carry out an additional effort in order to design inexpensive fully functional service robots [27]. 36 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Application Agriculture and ranching. Domestic tasks. Recreational and educational tasks. Rehabilitation and Medicine. Personal assistance and robotic guides. Rescue tasks and explosive deactivation. Surveillance and monitoring. Help for elderly and handicapped people. Table 2-1. Significant tasks that service robots should carry out according to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Moreover, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is currently a very significant issue [28], [29]. Therefore, new research lines have emerged, focused on including inexpensive service robots in an intelligent ambient with the purpose of carrying out assistance tasks for human beings, in particular for the elderly [30] and for handicapped people [31], [32]. 37 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art A service robot, both in a conventional environment and in an intelligent ambient, should consist of a basic set of hardware components (sensors and actuators), and a software architecture, distributed if possible [33], that allows to acquire information from the sensors and to carry out control tasks. Furthermore, the set of software applications should meet certain objectives related to quality parameters, according to the main principles of Software Engineering [34]. 2.2 Autonomous navigation for service robotics. As mentioned in the preceding sections, a service robot that executes personal assistance tasks in domestic settings, hospitals or offices should be usually composed of a mobile platform equipped with sensors, actuators and possibly a mechanism to handle objects. In addition, a robotized wheelchair could also be considered a personal service robot, since it allows to transport people with reduced mobility. Regardless of the specific task assigned to the robot (objects or people transport, guiding in a building, surveillance services or home cleaning, among others), autonomous navigation is one of the main problems that must be solved. A mobile robot navigates in an autonomous way if it is capable of moving through the environment, in a safe manner, from a start position to a goal localization without direct human intervention. Meeting this objective involves meeting a set of sub-objectives such as: Environment perception and representation. Map building according to the selected setting description and localization within the map. Many works address the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. Path planning. The robot should be able to calculate a safe path that allows to connect two places. Following the planned path, appropriately avoiding the static and dynamic obstacles. On the other hand, the software architecture for the autonomous navigation system should consist of a set of hierarchically connected individual components. Thus, the software stack should be composed of lower level components that offer services to higher level components. Connection between components could be solved by using suitable communication tools (middleware), see Figure 2-1. Using a distributed software architecture provides multiple advantages. In particular, it is very easy to include new components that can be executed both inside the robot PC 38 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques controller and remotely. This enhances the computational capacity of low-cost robots whose hardware features are reduced. Once the robot is able to navigate autonomously, it is ready for the execution of other tasks that need the robot to move from one place to another. These tasks could be implemented by using new software modules that can be easily included in the distributed software architecture. In the following sections, relevant contributions in environment perception and representation, SLAM, path planning and path tracking problems are analyzed. These tasks are the main components of any autonomous navigation system, as Figure 2-1 shows. 2.3 Environment perception and representation for autonomous navigation. Accuracy and reliability are essential in autonomous navigation systems; specifically, a suitable perception and representation of the environment is crucial for obtaining both of them. In order to meet this objective, it is necessary to properly select the set of sensors which the robot should be equipped with, while considering different and even opposite aspects such as reliability and economic cost. In addition, once the robot acquires certain information about the environment, a good high level representation of such information should be found with the purpose of describing and classifying the objects that compose the setting. Then, different methods could be designed to execute several actions, such as, obstacle avoiding, map building, localization and safe path planning and tracking by using this high level representation. 2.3.1 Type of sensors used in autonomous navigation. Human beings have a multitude of senses. Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch are the five traditionally recognized and they allow people to be aware of the world around (exteroceptive senses). Furthermore, human beings can also obtain information about their internal state (propioceptive senses). Figure 2-1. Software architecture for autonomous navigation based on independent software components. 39 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art There are many differences between human beings and robots, so the latter are currently very far from achieving near-human sensorial proficiency. Robots can also sense information from the world by using exteroceptive sensors not necessarily similar to the human senses. On the other hand, information about their internal state (much more reduced than in humans), is acquired by using propioceptive sensors. Table 2-2 shows a list of sensors widely used in robots, highlighting how they work and how suitable they are according to the environment (indoor, outdoor or both). Exteroceptive Type Sensor Ultrasonic devices Environment e/i Infrared devices i 2D Laser scanner e/i 3D Laser scanner e/i Bumper e/i Monocular vision e/i Stereo vision e/i Proximity Contact Light Task Distance measurement based on ultrasound by using time of flight techniques. Distance measurement based on infrared light by using similar principles as for ultrasonic devices but more accurate due to the nature of infrared light. Distance measurement by using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR). A one-dimensional set of distance measurements is provided. Distance measurement by using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR). A bi-dimensional set of distance measurements is provided. Obstacles are detected by means of direct contact. Visual information acquisition by using a single camera. Omnidirectional systems allow to obtain 360 degrees images of the environment. Visual information acquisition by using two cameras. It provides the same functionality as a monocular system but it has the ability of calculating distances, and can be used for 3D reconstruction. Propioceptive Sensor Encoder Gyroscope Environment e/i I Accelerometer e/i Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) e/i Global Positioning System (GPS) E Task Velocity estimation by transforming angular position of an axis into a digital code. Heading estimation according to the principle of angular momentum conservation. Acceleration estimation. Velocity, heading and gravitational forces estimation by using a combination of accelerometers and gyroscopes. Absolute position estimation. e/i = exterior e interior || e = exterior || i = interior Table 2-2. Set of sensors frequently used in mobile robots for autonomous navigation. 40 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Exteroceptive sensors provide information about the environment around the robot. When this information is processed, an abstract description of the elements of the environment can be obtained. Such description is usually used as the input of a procedure that allows to trigger a set of specific actions with the purpose of accomplishing a given task. Together with the conceptual description of the scenario, the information about the internal state of the robot, acquired from propioceptive sensors, is also significant, since it facilitates autonomous navigation tasks such as localization, mapping, path planning or path tracking [35]. 1) Exteroceptive sensors. Both ultrasonic and infrared detectors usually are less expensive than 2D and 3D laser scanners. However, the accuracy of laser devices is much higher. Nowadays, the economic cost of 2D laser scanners has been significantly reduced, so they are very appropriate for acquiring distance information mainly in indoor settings, due to the trade-off they offer between reliability, accuracy and cost. In addition, some researchers have devoted some efforts to obtain more inexpensive 3D laser devices by using 2D laser scanners assembled on a motorized platform [36]. A 3D laser device provides information that allows to reconstruct the scenario in 3D. However, a 2D laser scanner only provides information about the distance and the partial shape of the objects at a given height. Bumpers acquire information from the environment by contact. They are very popular in commercial cleaning robots. In fact, the robotic vacuum cleaners sold at shopping centres reach a relatively low speed, and obstacle detection is made by contact without damaging furniture. Some enhanced models use proximity sensors in order to minimize the impact of the contact between the robot and the surrounding objects. Using low cost sensors reduces the manufacturing cost of the product, but performance is also reduced. This is the reason why some researchers are trying to develop new algorithms that allow these robots to accomplish more complex tasks [37]. Although proximity sensors are very useful for distance measurement, information about shape, texture and colour needs to be sensed by using other kind of sensors. In fact, human beings and most mammals use the information provided by their sense of sight to accomplish most tasks. Thus, many researchers try to design algorithms that provide this ability to robots, and many techniques developed in the Artificial Vision field are being applied in Robotics. A good example of the combination of both fields is the Open Source Computer Vision Library or simply OpenCV [38], that was used to implement the vision algorithms of the robot Stanley, the winner of the DARPA Grand Challenge in 2005 [39], [40]. 41 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art On the other hand, many researchers use multimodal perception in order to optimize the results and to obtain more reliable solutions [41]. Many applications combine by using different techniques data provided by proximity sensors, such as laser and ultrasonic devices, and visual information acquired by monocular or stereo vision systems. 2) Propioceptive sensors. As mentioned above, propioceptive sensors allow to estimate the internal state of the mobile robot. In the autonomous navigation problem, such internal state is given by the pose (position in a 2D plane and heading) and the velocity with respect to a global reference system at each sample time. The robot needs to be aware of the current state for predicting its future state and generating the necessary control commands to accomplish the navigation tasks, such as map building, localization, obstacle avoidance and path planning and tracking. Wheeled robots are usually equipped with encoders for velocity estimation, gyroscopes and/or compasses for heading measurement, IMUs for measuring both inclination and heading and accelerometers for acceleration estimation, see Table 2-2. Odometry (also known as dead reckoning) is a process that uses the information provided by this kind of sensors to obtain the robot pose estimate at time . This estimation is the composition of a set of consecutive relative motion estimates. Although, odometry provides good short-term accuracy, is inexpensive and allows very high sampling rates, accumulation of errors cause large global pose error which increase proportionally with the distance travelled by the robot [42]. In general, dead reckoning is based on simple calculations that use the information acquired from the encoders and additionally from gyroscopes or IMUs, among others. Only in outdoor environments it is possible to use data from GPS, which allows to obtain an absolute position estimation, also affected by errors. Using encoders for velocity measuring is simple but adds some drawbacks related to systematic (wheels with a slightly different diameter, bad wheel alignment or low sampling rate of the encoders), and non-systematic (displacements on non-levelled floors and on unexpected objects, wheel slipping or over-acceleration due to external forces), errors. All these effects are highly undesirable in autonomous navigation, particularly in map building and localization activities. For this reason, it is very frequent to combine the information provided by both propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors in order to minimize the error in pose estimation by considering the uncertainty of each source of information. In this Thesis, a set of experiments have been carried out with the mobile robots Pioneer 42 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques and BENDER (see Chapter 6), equipped with the following sensors: Exteroceptive: A 2D laser scanner attached to a motorized platform that allows to turn the device around its vertical axis. Thus, the robot can easily obtain information about objects located both in front and behind it. Propioceptive: Two encoders, each of them associated to one of the wheels of the drive system. Additionally, a low cost digital compass can also be used in the BENDER robot for heading measurement. In the following sections, a set of classic methods of building compact representations of the environment by using the raw data sensed by a 2D laser scanner are reviewed. Techniques that obtain the environment description by fusing the information provided by several sources are also summarized. 2.3.2 Environment representation from raw data acquired by a 2D laser scanner. A 2D laser scanner can be considered as a LIDAR system, which measures the distance from the emitter to the target surface by using a laser beam, see Figure 2-2. Such distance is calculated by measuring the delay between the laser beam emission and the detection of reflected signal (time of flight). This kind of sensor is characterized by the following parameters: Maximum distance measurement or maximum radius ( Angular resolution ( Measurement area (semi-circle) ( ). ). ). Figure 2-2. Parameter configuration of a Sick 2D laser scanner. 43 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art Therefore, the information provided by a 2D laser scanner consists of a sequence of pairs at each time , where is the distance between the laser device and the point located at degrees inside the area covered by the device. Figure 2-2 shows the parameters used by a Sick laser scanner whose configuration is: meters, and . In this example, the vector of values obtained at time is composed by measurements, where the sample represents the distance between a point of the surface of an object located at degrees inside the semi-circle covered by the laser device. 1) Segmentation. Before using an algorithm that obtains a specific geometric model of the environment, it is necessary to divide the set of raw data acquired by the 2D laser scanner into several clusters where the distance is similar for each sample . This process is known as segmentation. In addition, a previous filtering process for avoiding outliers is generally necessary before segmentation. Figure 2-3 shows an example of segmentation where it is possible to detect three groups of adjacent points. Group 1 holds the points that describe a part of object 1 together with a saturated zone (an area free of objects in the range of the sensor). Group 2 stores the points that represent the frontal area of the obstacle. Finally, group 3 contains the points that represent two other saturated areas and a corner of object 3. Several classic segmentation algorithms can be found in the literature. In particular, the Successive Edge Following (SEF) algorithm is one of the simplest methods used for this purpose. Figure 2-3. Example of segmentation with three obstacles and two saturated areas. 44 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The SEF algorithm consecutively analyzes the set of raw data in polar form and generates a new cluster when the difference of distance between two adjacent points is greater than a heuristically defined threshold [43]. Another classic algorithm is known as Iterative End-Point Fit (IEPF). This method is based on a recursive technique that allows to detect groups defined by a start point and a final point. For each group, the farthest point from the straight line that contains the segment defined by the start and the final points is searched, and the distance between the point and the straight line is computed. If the distance is greater than a heuristically defined threshold, such point is taken as the start and the final points of two clusters, respectively. The algorithm is recursively executed over each obtained cluster [44]. In [45] some techniques, common within the artificial vision community are modified and applied to the segmentation of the raw data provided by a 2D laser scanner. Scale space theory (a formal method for handling structures at different scales), allows to represent laser information in multi-scale space; this representation is robust to the noise inherently present in the laser scans. In particular, a modified adaptive smoothing algorithm is proposed and applied to laser range data within a modified scale space framework. The method translates a line model mask over the range data to smooth and segment them at the same time. Then, lines can be extracted from the segments by using a standard fitting algorithm. However, this adaptive line-model method requires the presence of line segments in the environment. If circular segments are found and their radius is large, they can be considered as line segments, although the extracted lines from these non-line segments turn out not to be position invariant; this can be considered as a drawback. A fitting error measurement for each segment is then needed to filter segments with large error. Another problem is that the intersection of two nearly parallel lines is very sensitive to the robot position; therefore, these estimated intersection points would have a large error. Thus, it is necessary that information about parallelism is attached to the extracted line intersections as attributes to avoid calculating numerically unstable intersections. In [46] an adaptation of the Mean Shift [47] clustering algorithm for data provided by a 2D laser scanner is proposed. A robust technique based on the multimodal probability density function of the residual error is used to segment the set of raw data into clusters and to estimate the segment parameters that approximate such clusters. Once segmentation is carried out, the representative parameters for each detected group are calculated. These parameters define a set of features that can be used by other high level control algorithms. Some segmentation methods directly model the obtained clusters by using a set of parameters that define representative segments or straight lines as an approximation to the raw data. Other research works show that it is possible to select geometric models based on 45 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art curves [48], mainly in outdoor environments where the shape of the objects cannot be approximated only by straight lines or polygons. 2) Geometric models based on straight lines. Indoor settings are often considered to be semi-structured scenarios that can be reliably modelled by using polygons and polylines. This is one of the reasons why the representations based on straight lines are selected for many applications. Furthermore, line extraction techniques are usually simple, they can be used in real time, and the resulting abstract representation of the environment is generally accurate and compact. Specifically, lines or segments are considered as features that other high level algorithms (data association, free space detection, map building or localization, among others), use as inputs. In [49], the raw data provided by a 2D laser scanner are filtered and a segmentation technique similar to the SEF method is carried out. Then, an exhaustive empirical evaluation of six classic line extraction algorithms is performed. In particular, the analyzed methods are: Split and Merge, Line Regression, Incremental algorithm or Line Tracking, Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC), Hough transform and Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. A brief description of each classic method analyzed in [49] is presented in the following subsections. Advantages and drawbacks of each technique are also highlighted. a) Split and Merge algorithm. This technique was presented in [50] for the first time. It uses a set of raw data and a heuristically defined threshold as inputs and obtains as output a set of straight lines that models the environment. The threshold defines the condition to search new lines. The algorithm is divided into two stages: Split phase and merge phase. In the split phase, two end points and are selected and the straight line that crosses both points is calculated. Next, the farthest point line is searched. If the distance between and subgroups whose end points are from the straight is greater than and , two new are generated. The procedure is repeated over both clusters. This recursive process finishes when no point exceeds . In the merge phase, consecutive groups are analyzed. If two adjacent clusters are represented by two lines very close to each other, both groups are combined and a new straight line that crosses the end points is calculated. Then, the farthest point from the 46 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques segment is searched. If the distance between this point and the segment is below , they are fusioned and, consequently, the new representative straight line is accepted. Clusters that are represented by very short segments are also rejected. Once the split and merge procedures are finished, the parameters of the straight lines are calculated and used as representative features for both clusters. The main advantage of this technique is its simplicity and accuracy in very structured environments with very precise measurement data. However, in more complex and noisy scenarios, this method is less robust. The threshold should be adequate for the working conditions, and the nature of data must be considered for heuristically doing this selection. Furthermore, only the end points of each generated group are taken into account, so outliers could lead to large segmentation errors and, consequently, the geometric model of the environment could be unreliable. b) Line regression algorithm. This algorithm was initially proposed in [51] for accomplishing localization tasks based on maps. In this research work the segmentation of the raw data from the 2D laser scanner is addressed by deciding on a measure of model fidelity which is applied to adjacent groups of measurements. Due to outliers, the extraction process includes a subsequent matching step where segments which belong to the same landmark are to be merged while keeping track of those which originate from distinct features. This is done by an Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) algorithm with a Mahalanobis distance matrix. In particular, the AHC algorithm uses a “bottom-up” strategy where each observation starts in its own cluster and pairs of clusters are merged in higher hierarchy levels. The extraction process allows to obtain both a collection of line segments and the associated covariance matrixes. Summarizing, the key idea of the Linear Regression technique is inspired by the Hough Transform method; the algorithm first transforms the line extraction problem into a search problem in model space (line parameter domain), and then applies the AHC algorithm to construct adjacent line segments [49]. For a set of raw data acquired by the 2D laser scanner, a sliding window of size , where , is defined. For each window, a line fitting to the data is calculated. Then, a line fidelity array is computed, where each item is the result of the sum of Mahalanobis distances between three adjacent windows. The AHC algorithm allows to obtain line segments by scanning the fidelity array for consecutive elements whose values are less than a heuristically defined threshold. Finally, the overlapped segments are merged and the line parameters are recomputed for each segment. A disadvantage of this method is that the implementation is complex. Furthermore, the selection of the window size is very dependent of the environment and has a great 47 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art influence on the algorithm performance. c) Incremental algorithm or Line Tracking. This technique is based on incrementally calculating a regression line over a set of points. When a new point is added, the distance from the point to the last estimated regression line is obtained. If such distance is greater than a heuristically defined threshold, the point is transformed into an end point of a new segment; otherwise, the point is added to the cluster represented by the estimated regression line, and the parameters of such line are recomputed. The implementation of this algorithm is simple, and this can be considered its main advantage. However, its robustness partly depends on the complexity of the environment [43], and this is clearly a disadvantage. d) RANSAC algorithm. The RANSAC method [52] is an iterative technique that allows to estimate parameters of a mathematical model from a set of observed data which contains outliers. Its approach is the opposite to that of conventional smoothing techniques, since rather than using as much of the data as possible to obtain an initial solution and then attempting to eliminate the invalid data points, it uses an initial data set (with the minimum amount of elements), and adds consistent data to this set if possible. It is a non-deterministic algorithm in the sense that it generates a reasonable result only with a certain probability, which increases as more iterations are allowed. The RANSAC algorithm has been frequently used in Artificial Vision for obtaining representative information in bidimensional images. It can be considered a general clustering technique that can be used in many scenarios if the feature model is known. A straight line can be used as fitting model. In this case, the RANSAC method randomly takes two points from the set of data. Then, a consensus group is created from this pair of points. Such group consists of the points that meet the following condition: they are close to the straight line that contains the segment bounded by the initial pair of points. The distance threshold that defines if a point is or is not near the line must be heuristically defined when the algorithm starts. If the number of points that meet the condition is greater than a threshold (also heuristically defined), the straight line is fitted again by taking into account all the points. The process is repeated by randomly selecting a new pair of points. The main advantage of the RANSAC method is its ability to provide a robust estimation of the model parameters with a high degree of accuracy even when a significant number of 48 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques outliers are present in the data set. The main disadvantage of RANSAC technique is that there is no upper bound on the time it takes to compute the parameters. If the number of iterations is limited, the solution obtained may not be optimal, or even good. The RANSAC method tries to offer a trade-off between time consumed and accuracy. Another drawback is that problem-specific thresholds need to be set. e) Hough transform. This technique is also widely used in the Artificial Vision context. It is used for pattern recognition in images [53]. It requires that the desired features be specified in some parametric form. In the standard Hough transform, patterns are geometric forms such as circles or lines. A generalized Hough transform can be employed in applications where a simple analytic description of features is not possible. In particular, searching lines is the objective of the standard Hough transform when the set of raw data are provided by a 2D laser scanner. In order to detect lines, it is necessary to specify which parameters define a line. One of the representations is the slope-intercept form, , where is the slope and is the component of the point where the line intersects the Y-axis. However, this representation is not very stable. As lines get more vertical , the magnitudes of and grow towards infinity, since and . In order to avoid these problems, the normal representation of a line is selected: (2-1) Where is the length of the normal from the origin to the line, and is the angle of with respect to the X-axis. Any straight line can be then represented as a pair in the parametric space . The set of samples acquired by a 2D laser scanner could be represented by a set of points in an Euclidian plane, where . This set of points can be transformed into a set of sinusoidal curves in the parametric space parametric transformation defined by the equation (2-1): by using the (2-2) The points where the sinusoidal curves intersect in the parametric space correspond to the parameters of all the feasible straight lines than can be formed. To apply the standard Hough transform technique, the parametric space must be discretized by defining the intervals and . Then, a bidimensional 49 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art matrix of accumulation cells can be generated. Each cell corresponds to a straight line whose parameters are , where is the number of the row and is the number of the column. For each point a line equation is evaluated according to the parameters of the corresponding cell. If the point is a solution for the equation, the number of votes is increased for such cell. A very high number of votes means that many points belong to the same straight line, whose parameters are defined by the position of the cell inside the matrix . Once all the elements from the initial set of points have been processed, the cell with the highest number of votes is chosen. If a minimum heuristically defined threshold is exceeded, the points represented by the straight line corresponding to the cell are used to fit again a straight line that is stored. Points correctly represented by a stored straight line are eliminated from the initial set. The process is repeated for the rest of points [49] until the set is empty. The straight lines that represent a high number of points are taken as environment descriptors. One of the main disadvantages of this technique is related to the selection of the size and resolution of the matrix that stores the number of votes. Both of them have an influence in the results obtained by the method. Another drawback is that the Hough transform does not take into account noise or uncertainty when the line parameters are estimated. f) Expectation-Maximization algorithm. The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm [54] is based on an iterative probabilistic technique frequently used for problems where certain variables are unknown (hidden). In particular, the EM algorithm is used to find the maximum likelihood parameters of a statistical model in cases where the equations cannot be solved directly. Typically these models involve latent or hidden variables in addition to unknown parameters and known data observations. Finding a maximum likelihood solution needs taking the derivatives of the likelihood function with respect to all the unknown values and simultaneously solving the resulting equations. In general, in statistical models with latent variables, this is not possible. Instead, the result is normally a set of interlocking equations in which the solution to the parameters requires the values of the hidden variables and vice-versa. In fact, substituting one set of equations into the other generates an unsolvable equation. The EM method tries to approximately calculate the parameters of a probabilistic model that depends on non-observable variables by using maximum likelihood (ML) estimators. 50 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Each EM iteration alternates between performing an expectation (E) step and a maximization (M) step. The expectation stage calculates the expectation of the loglikelihood evaluated by using the current estimate for the parameters. The maximization step computes the parameters maximizing the expected log-likelihood found on the expectation step. The parameter estimations are used to determine the distribution of the hidden variables in the next E step. The algorithm convergence is ensured, because the likelihood is increased in each iteration. One of the main disadvantages of the EM method is that the selection of the initial values of the algorithm is difficult. On the other hand, the algorithm could converge to a local minimum, and this situation is not desirable for many applications. In general, this technique is used for classification and pattern recognition tasks in the scope of Artificial Vision. However, it can be used for solving other problems. For example, in [55] the EM algorithm is used for 3D reconstruction. 3) Geometric models based on curves. In many complex indoor environments it is possible to find furniture or other objects whose shapes cannot be easily represented by straight lines. Some research works use setting descriptions based on other geometric models, such as curves. These representations are also interesting because they can be applied in non-structured outdoor scenarios. In fact, service robots may be required to operate both in indoor and partial outdoor settings; intelligent wheelchairs are an example of mobile robots that can be used in both kinds of environments. In this case, using a hybrid technique that allows to represent the setting not only by means of line segments, but also by using curves, can be very useful. In [56] a method for describing the environment by using lines and curves is developed. A technique based on the adaptive estimation of the curvature is developed. A method that detects break points [57] is used for the segmentation stage. The groups of points generated in the segmentation step are split again by using a criterion based on the curvature of the elements found in each cluster of points [48]. In [58] the representation of complex geometric shapes is carried out by using splinecurves. The raw data obtained from a 2D laser scanner at time are segmented first by means of a basic data clustering procedure. A secondary segmentation process allows to analyze the relative positions of consecutive points. If such points are near each other, it is considered that they represent the same object of the environment. The shape of an object could be complex and may contain corners that are also detected at a previous stage of the 51 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art algorithm. Finally the object is modelled by using a cubic spline curve. In [59] this kind of representation is used for developing a new SLAM method. 2.3.3 Representation of the environment from data acquired by other sensors. As Table 2-2 shows, there are many alternative exteroceptive sensors that could be used for environment perception instead of a 2D laser scanner. As mention in the preceding subsections, a 2D laser scanner provides accurate information about the distance of the objects at a specified height. Furthermore, the shape of the objects can be estimated at such height. The reduction of the economic cost of these sensors allows to use them in low-cost robots, since the trade-off between cost and features is maintained. However, the nature of the information provided by a 2D laser scanner makes it useless to acquire certain relevant aspects of the environment such as colour, texture or the 3D shape of the objects, among others. For many researchers, using 3D information about the scenario is essential, mainly in 3D reconstruction or for a more realistic comprehension of the environment. For this purposes, 3D laser scanners could be used. This kind of laser devices are usually very expensive; therefore, some researchers have adapted 2D laser scanners by using servomotors [36] or have modified the typical setup of the device on the robot in order to obtain vertical scans of the environment. These solutions are not free of disadvantages. For example, a 2D laser scanner attached to a platform that rotates around a horizontal axis generates a set of horizontal data lines in which some areas are scanned with a greater density than others. This could lead to distortion effects when the point cloud is processed [60]. Another problem arises when this kind of sensors are used. In particular, problems related to the computational cost of the procedures for processing the set of sensed data. On the other hand, although a representative bidimensional range image is obtained, the qualitative information is missing (i.e. illumination, colour or texture, among others). In order to obtain this kind of information, an artificial vision system is necessary. Monocular vision systems have been used as the only sensor input of some navigation methods. However, using exclusively a monocular camera for sensing the environment is not always enough. In [61] some disadvantages when monocular cameras are used are highlighted; in particular, those related to the scale factor indetermination. To overcome this limitation, the researchers use a method that combines the data acquired by a monocular camera and a 3D laser scanner. Other authors use hybrid perception systems based on a 2D laser scanner and a monocular camera [62], [63], [64], [65], [66]. Combining 52 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques the information from monocular cameras with data provided by propioceptive sensors is also a very useful choice. Multimodal perception by using 2D laser devices and monocular cameras can be useful for reducing the economic cost of the robot from a hardware point of view. However, the computational cost of the algorithms that process the data is usually higher than for systems that only uses one kind of sensor (for example a 2D laser scanner). In addition, the combined calibration of the sensors may give rise to problems that should be taken into account. After analyzing the set of available exteroceptive sensors, the classic techniques that allow to extract useful information from raw data and the computational cost of the algorithms needed for autonomous navigation, some decisions can be taken. In particular, in this Thesis, the set of algorithms that implement the modules of the navigation software architecture proposed in Figure 2-1 only use data acquired by a low-cost 2D laser scanner, specifically the Hokuyo URG-04LX [67]. Noisy data are filtered by using low complexity methods. A semantic representation of the environment is obtained from the filtered data and used for map building, localization, obstacle avoidance and local path planning. 2.4 Map building and localization. As Figure 2-1 shows, the output of the software module “Environment Perception and Representation” is the input of the “SLAM” component. This module is designed to solve the following problem: The mobile robot should be capable of building a map and localizing itself in an unknown scenario starting from a known initial position. In order to accomplish this task, the robot will use an environment description obtained from the data acquired from the sensors and properly combined and processed. If the robot has access to a previously defined map, the “SLAM” module could be substituted by a “Localization” component. In this case, the problem is addressed by estimating the pose of the robot according to the information provided by the set of sensors. A local description of the environment is obtained from this information and such description is matched with the data provided by the map. In general, a probabilistic approach is applied to solve both the SLAM and the simpler localization problem. The position of the robot in the map is considered as a random variable with an associated probabilistic distribution, and the position of the landmarks are also random variables (in the SLAM problem). The parameters that define such distributions provide information about the reliability of the localization and the SLAM procedures. Other approaches based on Computational Intelligence techniques are also 53 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art useful for addressing these issues. The description of SLAM and localization state of the art algorithms is addressed in the following subsections, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each of the analyzed classic methods. 2.4.1 Hybrid SLAM (metric and topological). As mentioned before, SLAM can be defined as the technique that “addresses the problem of a robot navigating an unknown environment. While navigating the environment, the robot seeks to acquire a map thereof, and at the same time it wishes to localize itself using its map” [68]. If a suitable solution is found for the SLAM problem, or for localization (if the map is available), an autonomous service robot will be able to execute tasks in which safe navigation in an environment shared with humans is essential. Many advances have been achieved in the metric SLAM approach. An interesting extension to this approach is to build not only a geometric map of the environment but also a cognitive map that would allow the robot to be aware of the surrounding world in a similar way as human beings are. Topological and semantic map building can help to meet this objective. In fact, some researchers have successfully proposed solutions based on hybrid maps. A hybrid map is usually composed of a hierarchy of maps with a number levels. Semantic maps are found at the highest level. Here, a meaning is assigned to the objects or abstract entities stored in lower level maps. The topological level allows to connect different representative locations of the global scenario. In general, a topological map is a graph that connects different local metric maps, placed at the lowest hierarchy level. Metric maps store information about the geometry of relevant places or natural landmarks of the setting. Figure 2-4 shows a diagram where a hybrid map is defined by three level sub-maps: semantic, topological and metric. In semi-structured indoor environments (offices, hospitals or homes), human beings usually classify each room according to their function, and such rooms are usually connected by means of corridors. For example, Figure 2-4 shows a real domestic setting with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living-room and a garden. The type of objects placed in each room provides information about its use. If it is required that a mobile robot interacts with this kind of setting in a similar way as a human being would do, it is essential that the robot acquires some skills such as learning, object recognition, or autonomous exploration abilities, among others, by using techniques based on active perception. The ability of easily building extensible and reliable compact conceptual or cognitive maps is also required. 54 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 2-4. Example of hierarchical hybrid map with three levels: Semantic, topological and metric. In these cases, the classic metric SLAM approaches, although insufficient by themselves, are particularly useful for implementing the local maps stored at the lowest level of the hierarchical global map. 1) Classic solution for the metric SLAM problem. As local metric maps are essential components of global hybrid maps, several classic techniques that solve the metric SLAM problem are analyzed in this sub-section, focusing on the solutions proposed to the problem of maintaining a suitable representation of the uncertainty. While a mobile robot explores an unknown environment it uses its exteroceptive and propioceptive sensors to acquire information about its internal state and about the environment. With the set of data provided by the propioceptive sensors, the robot could estimate its pose by using a model (dead reckoning). The accuracy of the estimate will depend on the accuracy of the sensors. However, even when they are very accurate, measurements are affected by errors that propagate to the estimation results. Thus, errors need to be estimated and properly represented by using the uncertainty concept. Pose estimation can also be enhanced by considering the measurements provided by exteroceptive sensors which are not perfectly accurate either. Therefore, uncertainty is present in both motion models and measurement models. Such uncertainty should be 55 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art explicitly considered. Classic methods use a probabilistic framework to meet this goal. Feature extraction from the environment is also a significant task. As the measurement model is usually affected by errors, it is necessary to define methods that take into account such problems. In this case, using a probabilistic framework is again considered as the classic solution. In [1] an extensive review of the SLAM problem from a probabilistic point of view is presented. After more than a decade of intense research, most proposed solutions are based on the Bayesian probabilistic estimation framework. a) Bayesian filtering. Bayes’ rule is considered as the paradigm of the probabilistic inference. The Bayesian interpretation of probability can be seen as an extension of logic that enables reasoning with propositions whose truth or falsity is uncertain. In order to evaluate the probability of a hypothesis, the Bayesian theory specifies some prior probability, which is properly updated when new relevant data are observed. The Bayes’ theorem was enunciated by Thomas Bayes in 1763 and determines the conditional probability of a random event when another related event following equation summarizes the Bayes’ law: is known. The (2-3) The Bayesian interpretation of the probability is particularly useful for doing estimates based on a prior subjective knowledge, since such estimates can be reviewed in function of empiric evidence. Then, both the SLAM and localization problems can be addressed by using the Bayesian probabilistic framework. In particular, the Bayes’ filter is the simplest method that can be used for solving the SLAM and Localization problems. The Bayes’ filter extends the Bayes’ rule to temporal estimation problems by using a recursive estimator that calculates a sequence of posterior probability distributions over data that cannot be directly observed, for example a map. The equation that solves the SLAM problem by using a Bayes’ filter, assuming that the Markov hypothesis is met in a static world, is as follows: (2-4) Where represents the current state, is the map, 56 is the set of measurements, is the Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques collection of control commands executed until time , reference at time , time and is the previous state, is a normalization factor, is the is the set of measurements obtained at are the control commands executed until time . The problem can be recursively solved if the data provided by the sensors together with their probability, and the probability function for the previous sample time are available. In order to evaluate the filter, two probabilistic models are necessary: (motion model), and (perception model), that are obtained from the odometric information and from the data provided by the sensors, respectively. The motion model determines the effect of the control command over the state , that is, it specifies the probability of reaching the current state after applying the command over the previous state . The perception model (also known as measurement model), describes how the measurements are generated for the state inside the map from a probabilistic point of view. The Bayes’ filter cannot be directly implemented in the general case. However, if some assumptions hold, a number of specific Bayesian methods can be implemented such as the Kalman Filter (KF), the Hidden Markov Models (HMM), the Dynamic Bayesian Networks or the Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). In [69], Sebastian Thrun develops a complete analysis of Bayesian methods in the scope of Probabilistic Robotics. b) SLAM algorithms based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), is one of the most popular methods used in SLAM. The EKF is an extension for non-linear systems of the Kalman Filter (KF) [70], developed by Rudolf E. Kalman in 1960. The KF was designed with the purpose of identifying the non-observable state of a linear dynamic system in presence of additive white noise. It is particularly useful because the error feedback gain can be optimally selected if the variances of the noises that affect the system are known. The EKF can be applied to nonlinear systems, since it linearizes their equations around an estimate of the current mean and covariance. In the case of well defined transition models, the EKF can be considered the standard in the theory of nonlinear state estimation. One of the pioneer works that used a formal technique to address the sensor fusion problem by considering its stochastic nature is presented in [71], which is focused on the stochastic aspects of data fusion in multisensory systems. In this case, the authors use a unique reference frame wherein all object frames, including the robot, are known. A formalism for manipulating uncertain data which reformulates the KF with the purpose of 57 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art directly taking into account spatio-temporal correlations is developed. In the same line, in [72] data provided by a CCD camera and a 2D laser scanner are fused by using an EKF. The proposed technique allows to estimate the position of a set of natural landmarks together with the robot state. A map is then built by using this information. Dependencies between position estimates are approximately represented by means of correlation matrixes. Such matrixes provide information about the relation between diverse entities of the environment and help to know if the robot has already visited a place. In [73], a robust SLAM algorithm based on EKF is also proposed. The robot used in the experiments is the Nomadic SuperScout service robot equipped with ultrasonic sensors. The authors also define a method for failure recovering which increases the accuracy and reliability of the EKF-based technique. The description of features or natural landmarks in the environment is an important issue in the EKF-based SLAM. As mentioned in the preceding subsections, the setting is often modelled geometrically by using points and line segments [74]. Some works propose the use of spline curves to define the features that will be used as landmarks in EKF-based SLAM [75]. The EKF-based SLAM methods present some disadvantages which are highlighted in the analysis carried out in [9]. The problems are related to the Gaussian nature of the noise used by the EKF and the linearization of non-linear models. Error in measurements and the robot internal state estimate do not usually have a Gaussian distribution, so using the mean and the covariance is not always the best way to represent the uncertainty. These factors have an influence in the way that a probability distribution is projected over a sequence of movements and measurements through time, and then, how errors are accumulated. Several researchers have developed methods that improve the performance of EKF-based SLAM algorithms in the sense of robustness and efficiency. In particular, a SLAM technique based on the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is an alternative to EKF-based SLAM methods. The UKF extends the KF to non-linear system by using a set of samples that parameterize the mean and the covariance of a probability distribution, not necessarily Gaussian [76]. An empirical validation of the UKF applied to the SLAM problem is carried out in [77]. In this work, the robot is intended to explore a large scale outdoor environment. On the other hand, the results obtained in [78] highlight that there are two key limitations of the UKF58 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques based SLAM method. Such drawbacks are related to the high computational complexity and the inconsistencies that appear in the state estimate. In particular, the authors demonstrate that the observability properties of the linear regression-based system model employed in the UKF play a key role in determining the filter consistency. If these properties do not agree with those of the underlying nonlinear system, consistency cannot be guaranteed. The first mentioned problem is solved by using a new sampling strategy that minimizes the linearization error with constant computational complexity. This means that the global computational complexity is reduced to the level of the classic EKF. The second mentioned problem (that is, the improvement of the state estimate consistency), is solved by using a new algorithm named Observability-Constrained Unscented Kalman Filter (OCUKF). Another way of reducing the computational complexity of the EFK-based SLAM algorithms is proposed in [79]. In this work, a SLAM technique based on the Divide and conquer paradigm allows to reduce the computational complexity to ; therefore, the global computational cost of the procedure is . On the other hand, the linearization error is bounded since the proposed method works over local maps which are subsequently grouped in a global map. Some researchers have proposed the use of other stochastic techniques with the purpose of solving some problems of the EKF-based SLAM methods, mainly related to the computational complexity and the representation of the uncertainty by using Gaussian probabilistic distributions. Such alternative approaches are outlined in the next subsection. c) SLAM algorithms based on the Extended Information Filter (EIF). The Sparse Extended Information Filter (SEIF) can be considered as an alternative to the use of the EKF in the SLAM problem. In this case, the covariance matrix and the state vector (used by the EKF), are substituted by the information matrix and the information vector, respectively. Assume that is the pose of the robot at time , and is the number of landmarks in the environment. Assume that is the landmark in the scenario and belongs to the interval . Then, it is possible to describe the environment by means of the vector , where the pose of the robot as another feature. Obviously, it is not possible to know the state directly, but a probabilistic estimation of it can be made. From a Bayesian point of view, the objective is to find a posterior distribution that represents the state by taking into account the set of measurements, the previous state and the control commands. In a EKF-based method, a Gaussian distribution, whose parameters are and , is used for representing the posterior: On the other hand, the information matrix 59 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art and the information vector are used instead with Extended Information filters. The information matrix is the inverse of the covariance matrix and the information vector can be calculated as . By using these equations, the posterior distribution can be described as follows: (2-5) Where is the measurement set and is the set of control commands. In [80] the SEIF is developed as an approximation to the EIF. The SEIF maintains a disperse representation of the dependencies between the environment features by using a normalized information matrix. This matrix, in contrast to the covariance matrix in an EKF, stores high values in elements corresponding to pairs of landmarks that are close to each other from a geometric point of view. However, when two features are far from each other, the link between them is weak, so the value that relates them in the information matrix is also low, and even close to zero. The SEIF-based SLAM technique uses this property, and only the pairs of landmarks placed sufficiently close together will have a value greater than zero within the information matrix. Thus, such matrix is sparse and can be stored by using a linear data structure that can be scanned in a linear (and not quadratic) time. In addition, it is possible to carry out updates in a constant time, independently of the number of landmarks involved in the procedure. In [11] an overview about the algorithms designed with the purpose of enhancing the computational complexity of the SLAM process is presented. A hybrid method named Combined Filter SLAM (CF-SLAM) is proposed. This technique uses the EKF and the EIF together with a Divide and Conquer strategy. The objective is to build local submaps which are combined within a global map. The set of local submaps (with constant size ), is built by using EKFs. Each submap only stores a set of landmarks and the final pose of the robot. The uncertainty is defined in terms of a Gaussian distribution by using the information matrix and the information vector. In order to join all the submaps, the EIF is used. The position of the robot within the global map can be estimated from its position in the current local submap. This technique has a computational complexity of for each step of the algorithm. The global computational cost of the process is . e) FastSLAM algorithm. Another alternative for the representation of the probability distribution is the Particle Filter (PF). In this case, the posterior is represented by using a set of samples named . Each sample or particle consists of a pair , where is the state and is a factor that measures how significant a particle is. This demonstrates that it is possible to describe the 60 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques uncertainty by using distributions that are not necessarily Gaussian. One of the disadvantages of this method is related to the difficulty to select the necessary number of particles for solving a given problem. A low number of particles can lead to erroneous result at a minimum convergence time. However, a high number of particles will lead to find a more accurate solution but will require a significant computational effort. The algorithms that use PF must implement the prediction and update stages of the filter. Several methods allow to solve this problem, and they have been used in very diverse fields [81]. One of the most popular metric SLAM methods based on a hybrid technique that combines particle filters and EKFs is the FastSLAM algorithm [10]. It was initially proposed with the purpose of providing an alternative to EKF-based SLAM methods and thus, solving the problems related to the computational complexity and the need of using non-Gaussian distributions for representing the uncertainty. Historically, FastSLAM 1.0 was the first version of this family of algorithms. The FastSLAM 2.0 version introduced several major modifications in order to improve the previous version. The original algorithm, which is widely described in the Montemerlo’s PhD thesis [82], tries to solve the problems derived from using the EKF-based SLAM methods by factorizing the posterior into the product of the posterior probabilistic distribution of the trajectory followed by the robot, and the posterior distributions of the landmarks conditioned to such trajectory estimation: (2-6) Where is the current position of the robot, is the map, is the set of the current observations, is the control command, describes the data associations made between the observations and the features present in the map and refers to each feature. The FastSLAM method does not estimate the robot pose at time , but an estimate of the full path followed by the robot until the current time. In order to calculate the probabilistic distribution of the trajectories followed by the robot, a particle filter is used. A desirable property of the PF is that the amount of calculations required for each incremental update is constant, independently of the path length. Furthermore, this kind of filtering technique allows to manipulate non-Gaussian distributions, which can be easily derived from nonlinear models. On the other hand, the remaining distributions involved in the factorization procedure and corresponding to each specific feature or landmark are calculated by using low 61 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art dimensional EKFs, since each individual EKF only estimates a feature. Moreover, each EKF is conditioned by the robot pose; thus, each particle has its own set of EKFs. If is the number of particles and is the number of features, is the total number of EKFs present in the algorithm. 2) Computational Intelligence applied to metric SLAM. Although the Bayesian approaches to the SLAM problem are the most popular and they are widely developed, there are alternative SLAM methods based on Computational Intelligence techniques, such as Fuzzy Systems, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Genetic Algorithms (GAs). This subsection outlines several significant contributions to the autonomous navigation field from the Computational Intelligence perspective. In [83] a real application that uses a Fuzzy System together with a GA to implement a SLAM method is proposed. Such method is named Fuzzy-Evolutionary SLAM and transforms the SLAM problem into a global optimization problem where the goal function analyzes the quality of the robot pose respect to a local map within a partially built global map of the setting. The GA is used to find the optimal robot pose. The knowledge about the problem domain is pre-processed by a fuzzy system. This allows the GA to evolve to a specific region of the search space and, consequently, the process is accelerated. In particular, the fuzzy system models the uncertainty in odometry by using a knowledge base that is useful for making predictions about the robot pose after executing a control command. The uncertainty is described by a fuzzy system based on samples, where each sample is a hypothesis about the observed world. The hypothesis processing is carried out by using the GA by means of the natural selection principle, which leads to select the best individuals and offers an iterative solution to the data association problem. In contrast to resampling techniques found in particle filters, the GA carries out the resampling process in an elitist way, since it does not permit that several copies of the same individual are present in other generation. The selection procedure (based on cross and mutation operations), generates a set of samples where each element represents a unique hypothesis about the world. An Island Genetic Algorithm IAG is selected to represent the population. This method has an inherent ability of maintaining and processing multiple hypothesis. In particular, this characteristic is used to solve the loop closure problem. In [15] the authors study the complexity and diversity of indoor environments and their influence in the SLAM problem. An approach based on the use of Fuzzy Self-Organizing Neural Networks (Fuzzy SONN), is proposed. In this case, the map building process is equivalent to generating a neural network whose structure and parameters have to be learnt. Although the obtained results are promising, the researchers maintain many future research lines open with the purpose of enhancing the proposed technique. 62 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In [84] a partially fuzzy solution to the SLAM problem is addressed. The evolution of the robot motion is modelled by taking into account the data provided by the odometric system when the control commands are applied. The non-linear process and observation models are formulated as pseudo-linear models approximated by local linear models according to the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy approach. The combination of these local state estimates provides a global state estimation. A linear discrete Kalman filter is used to provide local estimates of the robot and the landmark locations for each local linear model defined in the TS fuzzy model. The proposed algorithm shows that it is possible to implement the Kalman filter without using Jacobian matrixes for linearization. In [16] the authors highlight some disadvantages of the EKF related to the need of previously having some knowledge about the covariance matrixes of both the process model and the measurement model . The inaccurate knowledge of these matrixes could diminish the long-term performance of the filter. In order to solve these problems, an adaptive neurofuzzy Kalman filtering algorithm is proposed. Such filter attempts to estimate the elements of the matrix at each sampling instant when a measurement update step is carried out. The neurofuzzy-based supervision for the EKF algorithm is carried out with the aim of reducing the mismatch between the theoretical and the actual covariance of the innovation sequences. The parameters of the neurofuzzy system are learned offline by using particle swarm optimization in the training step. The proposed scheme is developed under the assumption that an a priori knowledge about the matrix is accurate enough. However, there are circumstances where this knowledge is inaccurate. Therefore, the choice of the basis on which such matrix should be adapted and how to configure an efficient neurofuzzy system for such situation is still a challenge. 3) Topological SLAM. Since the late eighties, a great research effort has been devoted to the development of efficient algorithms to solve the problem of metric SLAM in indoor and outdoor environments. Currently, a number of research lines related to this problem are still open, and the development of hybrid strategies (cognitive, semantic and topological) is becoming very relevant. From the topological point of view, the construction of a map of the environment is not intended to provide a metric representation of the setting, but to identify specific places connected in some way to each other. Topological maps are generally described with graphs where nodes represent specific locations within the environment, and arcs stand for the possibility to navigate between such locations. The description of the local environment stored in each node is frequently of geometric nature. If this is the case, the topological map allows to connect local metric maps, possibly created with the classic 63 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art SLAM techniques summarized in the preceding section. This hierarchical structure makes the global SLAM problem more tractable from a computational point of view, even in very large environments. The concept of topological map is not new, mainly in the context of path planning, which implies the definition of a starting point, or initial pose, the goal point and the set of intermediate steps needed to reach such goal safely. Robot navigation safety can be assessed through the detection of the free space. To this respect, in addition to featurebased metric SLAM strategies, there also exist many approaches that use occupancy grid maps as environment representation. In this kind of maps the workspace is divided in cells with a certain probability of being occupied [85]. The main problem of this representation is the need of a large storage space, thereby leading to remarkably non-compact implementations. A frequently used kind of topological map is called roadmap (RM) [8]. From an algebraic point of view, a set of one-dimensional curves is considered a roadmap if the following properties hold for every pair of points and in the free space : Accessibility: There exists a path from Divisibility: There exists a path that allows to connect some point RM to the point in to within the RM. within the . Connectivity: There exists a path within RM linking and . Figure 2-5 shows an example of RM, because it is possible to reach any goal point using the roadmap. In [86] the most relevant types of roadmaps are described in depth: visibility maps, deformation- or retract-based maps (deformation retracts, retract-like structures and piecewise retracts) and silhouette methods, see Figure 2-6. Figure 2-5. Example of the accessibility, divisibility and connectivity properties that hold in a roadmap. 64 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 2-6. Examples of roadmaps: Visibility graph, GVD and Silhouette method, respectively. In the visibility maps the nodes are the vertexes of the polygons that define the objects present in the setting. Deformation or retraction-based maps are based in the skeletonization of the free space; the Generalized Voronoi Graph (GVD) is the most relevant example of this kind of roadmap. Finally, silhouette maps are built by the repeated projection of a hyperplane on the multidimensional free space of the robot. As the hyperplane sweeps such space, the so-called critical points are marked over the objects that define the occupied zones of the setting [87], [88], [89]. If the workspace is twodimensional, the hyperplane becomes a line, and the critical points are defined with the Cartesian coordinates and . a) GVD-based topological SLAM. The generalized Voronoi graphs are widely used for the construction of topological maps, and are based in the concept of Voronoi diagram [90]. Voronoi Diagrams (also called Thiessen Polygons or Dirichlet Tesselation), are a geometric construction that allows to build partitions of the Euclidean space given a set of control points. Such partitions are created by drawing the perpendicular bisectors of the segments that join pairs of control points. The intersections of such bisectors determine a set of polygons. Each polygon defines a bidimensional environment around a control point; the perimeter of the polygons is equidistant to the closest pair of control points, and defines their influence radius. Let be a discrete topological set of points in an Euclidean space. For every point there exists at least another point in that is the closest to . Let be composed by only two points, as shown in Figure 2-7. In this simple case the space can be divided into two regions whose frontier is the perpendicular bisector of the segment that joins both points. All the points located to the right of such frontier are closer to point , while the rest is 65 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art closer to point . If a new point is added to , each pair of points is joined by a segment, and its perpendicular bisector is calculated. The resulting three bisectors allow to build a partition of space where each control point is associated to an area called Voronoi cell, see Figure 2-8. In the general case, contains points; for every point in , or región associated to such point, so any point within it is closer to is the Voronoi cell than to any other point in . The set of all Voronoi cells is the Voronoi Diagram. The segments that define each cell are called edges, the points where two or more edges intersect are called vertexes, and the points in are the generator points. In the following, the properties of Voronoi Diagrams are summarized: Figure 2-7. Example of space partition when S contains two points. Figure 2-8. Example of space partition when S contains three points. 66 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Two points and are neighbours if they are separated by an edge. Such edge is the perpendicular bisector of the segment that joins both points. A vertex is a point equidistant to three generator points , y ; thus, it is the intersection point of three edges. In general, a Voronoi cell is a convex polygon or an unbounded region. A Voronoi cell is unbounded if its generator point belongs to the convex hull of the point cloud contained in . No generator point can lie within the circle centered in a Voronoi vertex passing through three generator points. This last property is related to the very important duality between Voronoi diagrams and the Delaunay Triangulation. The relationship between both concepts is particularly interesting for the topological SLAM problem, because the free space can be partitioned into a set of disjoint cells by applying this kind of triangulation. A Delaunay triangulation is a net of triangles that joins a cloud of points S. Every triangle in the net verifies the Delaunay property, i.e., its circumscribed circumference does not contain any vertex of other triangle, (see Figure 2-9). Once the Delaunay triangulation has been obtained, the Voronoi diagram can be traced by simple joining the circumcenters. Every circumcenter is a vertex of the diagram, and the segments that join them are the edges of the Voronoi cells or regions, see Figure 2-10. Figure 2-9. Example of triangulations. Only the triangulation on the right fulfils the Delaunay condition. Figure 2-10. Delaunay triangulation and its dual Voronoi diagram. 67 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art Both the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram are well-known Computational Geometry techniques, and are used in a wide variety of problems. Many researchers have focused on the improvement of the computational cost of the algorithms used to generate these tessellations, [91], [92], [93]. A generalization of the Voronoi diagram, the Generalized Voronoi Graph, has been frequently used in topological SLAM research because of its good proprieties. The first application of GVDs to topological mapping are obtained by Howie Choset [4], [5], [94], [95], [96], [6]. In the experiments the robot is equipped with a number of range sensors to measure distances to the environment obstacles. The exploration of the environment allows the construction of a graph embedded in the free space. Such graph amounts to a topological map with the proprieties of a roadmap that can be used for path planning. While Voronoi diagrams are built from a set of generator points, the extended definition of GVD takes into account that real obstacles are not isolated points. Thus, a generalized Voronoi region Fi is defined as the closure of the nearest points to a specific obstacle, : (2-7) Where is the distance from to obstacle . The basic building block of the graph is the set of points equidistant to two obstacles in the setting, and . This set can be formally defined as – ; the set can be further restricted to those points that are closer to both obstacles than to any other obstacle in the environment. This locus is named face, and can be defined as: (2-8) Finally, the GVD is the union of all faces: (2-9) The definition of GVD can be extended to multidimensional spaces. It can be shown that the GVD partitions the free space into regions such that the points inside each region, , are closer to the obstacle that to any other obstacle in the environment. If the graph is built on a plane, the faces are called edges. Such edges end in the meeting points, or points equidistant to three or more objects. Finally, the boundary points are defined as those whose distance to the nearest object is zero (see Figure 2-11). 68 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 2-11. Example of generalized Voronoi graph in a setting with three obstacles. In [97] a procedure for building the GVD is described in detail. The GVD of a previously unknown environment is obtained with the help of range sensors and a set of control laws that define the exploration procedure. Previously visited places are recognized, and the problem of loop closing is solved from a topological point of view. On the other hand, in later works, the GVD generation techniques have been extended beyond the point-like robot to models that include both robot position and heading [98] or even robots with a specific shape [99]. b) Hierarchical topological SLAM. In [100] a multilevel, multiresolution topological map construction technique named hierarchical ATLAS is presented. It is specifically designed for robots which work in large scale environments. The hierarchical ATLAS is structured in two levels: the high level map connects local, feature-based submaps by using a topological strategy based in GVD. This kind of environment representation allows to locally use a metric description based on probabilistic techniques without the need of global data correlation. Thus, the exploration and map building activities can be easily extended to large scale environments with uncertainty. Hierarchical maps basically exploit the advantages of graphs as a compact, node-based global representation of the environment, while local, feature-based maps allow to identify a landmark-based signature of relevant places. One of the first hierarchical representations was proposed by Kuipers in [7], where the concept of hybrid map construction was defined. In his work on Semantic Hierarchy of Spatial Representations a robust, qualitative method of exploration, map building and navigation in large scale environments is envisioned. In contrast to many techniques that build a topological representation from a pre-existent geometric description, the proposed method directly defines places and paths from the interaction with the environment, and uses them 69 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art to build a topological network. Finally, the geometrical knowledge is integrated in this structure. In [101], the method is extended; local metric maps are stored for places, and passage zones or gateways are defined to interconnect them. Such gateways are the basis of the topological map. In [102] a metric-topological SLAM method is presented that uses a Bayesian probabilistic framework to properly consider measurement uncertainty. The proposed technique is based on the reconstruction of the robot path in a hybrid continuous-discrete state space that combines topological and geometric representations. In addition, a unified Bayesian inference method based on an analytical formulation of the problem is defined to take into account uncertainty in large scale settings efficiently. Currently, a great number of researchers have adopted this hybrid and hierarchical structure for map representation and building, both indoors and outdoors [103], [104], [105], [106]. 2.4.2 Fuzzy logic-based localization and map building. In the preceding pages, the metric, topological and hybrid approaches to the localization and map building problems have been summarized. In the case of metric SLAM, Bayesian techniques have been reviewed, with a brief reference to some methods based in Computational Intelligence concepts. On the other hand, Graph Theory and Computational Geometry can be applied to the topological SLAM problem. This section is devoted to describe some approaches based in the application of Fuzzy Systems to robotics. In [107] Fuzzy Systems are applied to the SLAM problem using ultrasonic sensors. The proposed method focuses on sensor data analysis and on the reconstruction of the outline of the surrounding objects. As the setting is only partially observable, object reconstruction is performed by using the few available measurements. Thus, there is an uncertainty associated to the localization process that can be modelled with fuzzy sets. The membership grades to the fuzzy sets represent not only the uncertainty, but also the similarity degree when two object outlines are compared. This simplifies the merging of similar outlines. A polygonal approximation of the environment is built using data from the ultrasonic sensors. The position and orientation uncertainties of the basic segments that partially define an object are modelled with fuzzy sets. These segments are called basic fuzzy segments. The basic fuzzy segments that define a specific side of the same object are clustered and combined to finally obtain a single fuzzy segment that partially represents the outline of the object. The uncertainty is propagated from the basic fuzzy segments to the fuzzy description of the object outline. This fuzzy description can be used both in the map 70 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques construction and localization problems. In [108] the problem of robot localization with respect to a known map using measurements from ultrasonic sensors is also addressed. Fuzzy sets are used to model the sensors, while robot position and heading are estimated by fuzzy triangulation. In [13] the problem of robot navigation in an unknown setting is addressed with fuzzy approaches. A fuzzy cell map is built as environment representation, and path planning is solved by applying the algorithm on such map. Ultrasonic and infrared sensors are fused by a virtual sensor and used for environment perception. In a second step, the results of [107] are extended to the construction of maps based on fuzzy segments. An additional extension to fuzzy segment map building techniques is described in [109], where a 2D scanner laser is used for perception. The advantage of representing uncertainty with fuzzy systems stems from the possibility of defining fuzzy sets for sensor modelling, including certain characteristics that could hardly be described by more conventional techniques. Finally, in [12] some interesting approaches to autonomous robot navigation are presented that address the problems of map building, localization, obstacle avoidance and path tracking among others with fuzzy system-based techniques. 2.5 Data association. All the reviewed localization and map-building methods are dependent on a correct data association between robot perception at a given time with the elements included in the map. Such elements may consist of artificial or natural landmarks. As the robot navigates through the environment, the objects in it are sensed from different points of view; some of them cease to be observed at all, while others begin to fall within the measurement range of the robot, (see Figure 2-12). The ability to detect which elements are new and which are simply being observed from a different position is essential in order to perform the SLAM activity. This process is named data association or matching. Solving this problem is also fundamental for robot position, heading and speed estimation in absence of odometry, and for local map registration when maps are built by different robots in a multi-robot environment, among other problems. Figure 2-12 shows an example of environment representation based on polylines, or sets of connected segments, obtained from data sensed by a 2D laser scanner. At time , the robot perceives two different objects whose outlines are described by two separate polylines. 71 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art Figure 2-12. Environment perception in two consecutive instants. At time , the robot has changed its position and heading slightly by , so it can perceive not only the mentioned objects (now closer to it), but also a third object placed further. In addition, one of the segments of the polyline that describes the object placed to the left of the vehicle is now longer that at time . In a local data association approach, given two sets of features sensed at consecutive instants, it is necessary to define a measure of similarity that allows to find out which of them are new, which have been previously sensed, and which old features have to be updated in the map. It is frequently possible to use the current estimation of position to express both sets of features with respect to a common reference system in order to align them. Figure 2-13 illustrates the data association problem for the features obtained in the example depicted in Figure 2-12. In the global data association problem there is no information about the robot pose change between the sensing of both sets of features. Many approaches are based on data correlation in order to quantify the similarity of both sets. 72 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 2-13. Alignment of segments for the data association process using common reference system. The data association problem can be addressed by using an initial stage where relevant features are extracted, or without it. Independently of the data association method, this first stage, if present, is deeply influential on the map building process, and also on many other key tasks needed for autonomous robot navigation: Robust robot position, heading and velocity estimation in order to correct errors in odometry or replace it if unavailable. Fusion of individual local maps in order to generate a global map. Loop closing in SLAM tasks, which includes determining whether a place has or has not been previously visited, and properly updating the map by taking into account this information. Object recognition, in order to provide the ability to build cognitive maps of the environment with semantic information. The following subsections review some relevant research works in the field of data association, with and without feature extraction. 2.5.1 Data association without previous feature extraction. Some authors perform the data association process without any previous feature extraction stage. For example, in [110] a data association method is proposed based on a geometric hashing approach that uses invariant Euclidean features in order to associate an input scan to a set of reference scans without initial alignment. The technique is applied to the global localization problem, and takes into account curved elements. The raw scan obtained from 73 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art the 2D laser device is directly used as input for the matching stage. The application of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm [111] and its variants to solve the data association problem is frequent in the bibliography. Given two sets of 2D points and obtained from two scans, the ICP algorithm can be used to align them. For each point in , its closest neighbour in is determined and chosen as matching point. Next, the rotation matrix and the translation vector are calculated from the N point-to-point associations using the least squares method to minimize their distance between matching points. The intermediate solution scans and is applied to minimize the pose error between . The procedure is repeated until the residual error or the number of iterations is greater than a maximum is below a threshold . The disadvantages of the ICP method are its high computational cost and the possibility that the algorithm converges towards a local minimum. Because of them, some researchers have proposed improvements of the ICP algorithm, see [112] for example. In [113] an alternative method named Polar Scan Matching (PSM) is proposed. It can be included in the class of point-to-point matching algorithms that work with 2D laser scanner data in polar form. The coordinate system is centered in the rotation axis of the device’s mirror, so its X axis is aligned with the zero angle measurement. The set of points expressed as pairs are ordered by increasing angle . The newly sensed scan is compared to the reference scan using an association rule base on the angular coordinate, or bearing, so no search of matching points in a Cartesian reference system is needed, thereby reducing both the complexity and the computational cost of the method. 2.5.2 Data association with previous feature extraction. In many data association approaches, a feature extraction procedure is first applied on the raw data obtained directly from the sensors. Then, a feature-based association algorithm tries to align features extracted at different times. In [114] a navigation experiment is presented where landmarks detected in the environment are used to correct the odometry localization errors. A segment-based environment representation is proposed to generate a global map. The data obtained by a 2D laser scanner are associated to segments in the global map by aligning individual points to them. The displacement between sensed and map matching points is assumed to be small. In [115] a data association method is proposed for corner and straight line features obtained from raw 2D scanner laser data. The association constraints for the set of 74 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques detected straight lines are applied in a specific order. First, the lengths of the detected (local) and map (global) segments are compared. Then, the set of local lines is expressed with respect to the global reference system by using the position and heading estimation obtained from a hybrid localization system. After that, the heading angles of the local straight lines relative to the axis are compared to the angles of the global lines. In addition, a maximum distance constraint is enforced between potentially matching lines. Finally, in order to associate both lines, the local line must be placed within the limits of its potentially matching global line. Corners are associated in a similar way. Finally, the matching features are used in the hybrid localization algorithm whose results are compared with those of a localization approach based solely on odometry. In [116] a global localization method based on local map matching is presented. Each local map consists of sets of aligned points built through an adaptive clustering technique. The environment is described with segments generated from such groups of points. Some segments are complete, because they represent occlusion-free real objects, while others are incomplete, because they only partially describe some real elements. Complete segments are defined by both endpoints, a central point, their orientation and their length, which is invariant with respect to the point of view. Only complete segments are used in the data association algorithm to generate a single global map from several local maps. Such maps are ordered counterclockwise, and the data association algorithm is executed. As the data association is only carried out on complete segments, its efficiency is improved. In [107], [13] y [109] data association techniques based on the fusion of fuzzy segments are described. A set of membership functions models not only the position and orientation uncertainty of the segment, but also the reliability of segment-to-segment association. 2.6 Exploration of the environment, path planning and path tracking. The main goal of autonomous navigation is to provide the robot with the ability to move safely through the environment. In this way, the robot will be able to perform other higherlevel tasks, for example transportation of objects, surveillance or guidance support to persons, among others. Once the robot has gained access to a map, paths can be planned on it in order to move from one place to another. Path planning is a widely researched subject, see for example [117], [118], [119], [120], [121], [122], [123], [124]. Any path planning strategy has to consider the possibility of finding unexpected mobile or fixed obstacles that is necessary to avoid, or of receiving new orders from the user that would compel the robot to change 75 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art plans. In these cases, techniques based on path deformation are usually useful and compatible with real time operation. Fixed and mobile obstacle avoidance has also been the subject of intense research efforts, some of them with remarkable success [125]. Once the path is planned, the robot can use path tracking algorithms in order to follow the specified route. In fact, explicit path tracking can be considered as the last component that the robot has to execute during the autonomous navigation process, once a planified path is available. Usually, path tracking algorithms take as input an explicit path, and generate as output a list of curvature references that the robot should execute in order to approximately reach the sequence of poses that compose the specified route. Perhaps the simplest technique that solves this problem is the Pure Pursuit algorithm, described in depth in [126]. This algorithm needs as input a list of 2D positions that define the path with respect to a global reference system. It also needs as input the current position of the robot. At each control cycle, the algorithm chooses among all the positions that define the path a specific one, known as goal point and placed at a distance command from the robot, or lookahead. The curvature is calculated as the curvature that the robot should apply to reach the goal point following an arc of circumference tangent to its current trajectory: (2-10) Where is the X coordinate of the goal point reference system. The factors y relative to the robot-based can be interpreted as the error signal and the gain of the control law, respectively, as shown in [127]. The parameter L allows to modify the gain of the control law. A long lookahead will lead to a gentler sequence of curvature commands, at the expense of a lower tracking precision. With a short lookahead, the tracking errors can be reduced, but at the cost of a greater control effort; however, a sufficiently low lookahead may render the control loop unstable. In addition, the nonholonomic restrictions present in most mobile robots as well as their manoeuvrability limits will be incompatible with some of the curvature commands generated by the pure pursuit algorithm, so they will not be directly applicable. On the other hand, this method is exclusively based on simplistic geometric calculations, so the drive and steering dynamics are ignored and the path tracking performance will not be optimal. As a conclusion, a path tracking algorithm that leads to imprecise results will have a negative impact on the overall navigation method, because the planned path will not be correctly followed, and this result will affect the performance of the rest of the navigation 76 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques modules. Some improvements have been proposed to overcome the limitations of the Pure Pursuit controller. For example, in [128] a curve is used to characterize the piece of path between the robot and the goal point. Other improvement approaches focus on techniques to optimize the setting of the controller’s parameters [129]. Some research works also take into account vehicle dynamics [130]. In this case, a sufficiently accurate mathematical model is needed. On the other hand, if the robot is simultaneously building a map, navigating and localizing itself within the environment, it is necessary to consider whether robot guidance will be autonomous, partially autonomous or teleoperated. Many research SLAM experiments are indeed implemented by manually driving the robot. However, it should be possible to let the robot take autonomous decisions about which places to explore. An intermediate strategy is to allow the robot to explore the environment under some previously defined general objectives but also provide the possibility that a user can specify a new behaviour or decision if he or she deems it necessary. These are the principles of the exploration method developed in this thesis. Finally, the problem of autonomous robot navigation is harder in cluttered environments with many potentially occluding objects that are either mobile or can easily be manually moved. This kind of setting is still challenging when the goal is to robustly build a hybrid topological and metric map. In order to solve these problems, cognitive and semantic components have been proposed to complement hybrid maps. This kind of representation tries to include high-level concepts by clustering topological map nodes and enhancing such map with descriptions nearer to the human natural language, as well as the set of potential actions to execute as a function of the detected objects and the specified goal [131]. 2.7 Conclusion. It can be concluded from the review of the more relevant approaches to autonomous robot navigation in unknown environments that there exist a number of known techniques that rather successfully solve partial problems such as SLAM, exploration, path planning and path tracking. Most of the reviewed approaches focus on the implementation of a specific component within the overall architecture of autonomous navigation. In addition, researchers do not usually consider the economic cost as a limiting factor for the development of experiments. On the other hand, the computational cost of some approaches is high, so they are not 77 Chapter 2. Autonomous navigation of mobile service robots: State of the Art useful for real-time operation unless some additional efforts are devoted to the optimization of the processing hardware. This thesis tries to address the autonomous robot navigation problem in a unified manner. A semantically labelled polygonal representation of the environment is the basis of a topological map building method composed by nodes which represent selected zones of the setting and contain metric information about them. The exploration is addressed with a hybrid approach, in which the robot takes autonomous decisions as long as the user does not issue any command. Finally, some contributions are made to the problems of path tracking and cinematic and dynamic robot modelling. All the algorithms are experimentally validated using real robots: A commercial robotic platform (Pioneer) and also a low-cost prototype of service robot, BENDER, designed and built in the context of this Thesis. 78 It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. J.R.R. Tolkien Chapter 3 Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines. I n this chapter, a reactive navigation method for service mobile robots that work in an unknown dynamic semi-structured environment is presented. This environment is represented by a description based on semantically labelled polylines. (Final) The information provided by a 2D laser scanner is used to build an environment description based on line segments. The segments that belong to the same polyline are connected by points that are characterized using low level semantic labels, which describe particular spatial features, such as inside and outside angle corners, occlusion areas or frontal and lateral walls, among others. Next, a set of traversable segments is obtained by taking into account the semantically labelled polygonal representation, after classifying the free space. Finally, a set of feasible local safe paths is calculated by clustering and geometrically approximating the set of middle points obtained from the traversable segments. The algorithms designed to achieve these tasks are computationally efficient and they are particularly appropriate when a low cost robot works in real time. 3.1 Introduction. In this chapter, several algorithms that use the information sensed by a 2D laser scanner as input are proposed. The output consists of a description of the environment based on line segments. Such line segments are connected by semantically labelled points. In Chapter 2, a summary about well-known methods that extract line segments from 2D laser data is presented [67]. Specifically, these techniques are analyzed in detail in [49] that shows an interesting comparison from a computational point of view. Most existing methods shown in the literature are focused on estimating the shape of the objects by using geometric elements such as lines and, to a lesser extent, curves [48], [58], [75]. However, most of the algorithms mentioned do not take into account low level semantic features that allow the connections between segments to be distinguished. 79 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Some researchers use several elements such as corners, virtual corners and edges that seem to acquire a certain semantic significance, as described in [56], [132]. Both works are focused on extracting corners and a set of line and curve segments from which a set of parameters is determined and included in classic metric SLAM algorithms. Nevertheless, they do not clearly explain how to use such features, together with the geometric representation of a setting, in real applications such as SLAM, reactive navigation, obstacle avoiding or path planning, particularly when the environment is dynamic. The significance of features extraction from a semantic point of view is not taken into account either when topological maps are built. In this Thesis, it is empirically demonstrated that the semantic classification of the connections between segments facilitates many tasks such as path planning, data association or obstacle avoiding, among others, since it is possible to find correspondences between concepts with a specific meaning (inside and outside angle corners or walls, for instance), and their spatial location in the mobile robot reference system. In this way, we can easily transform the set of polylines in a structure of semantic labels that will be used by computationally inexpensive navigation algorithms. The following sections describe the set of algorithms that allow to obtain the mentioned environment description. An efficient reactive navigation method based on that description is also explained. All the proposed techniques have been validated in both a simulated framework and the real robots Pioneer and BENDER. This last robot is described in detail in Chapter 6. 3.2 Describing the environment using semantically labelled polylines. As mentioned before, the environmental information is sensed by using a 2D laser scanner; specifically, a Hokuyo URG-04LX device whose main features are described in Appendix I. Such information consists of a sequence of pairs measured at where is the distance from the laser sensor to a point located to degrees inside the circle drawn by the laser beam, where is , see Figure 3-1. These data are written in polar form according to the laser reference system. From this representation, it is possible to intuitively realize that if the differences of distance in a set of consecutive samples are lower than a threshold, those samples probably define the shape of some object. 80 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 3-1. Hokuyo URG-04LX laser device features. Furthermore, if all the samples whose values are equal to the highest range value provided by the sensor, the area of the environment located between and does not contain any obstacles within the measurement range of the laser device. This area can be considered as a saturated area (in which the laser device provides the maximum range value for all the points), and it is bounded by the points and . Taking into account the above definition, the global area sensed by the sensor can be divided into a set of saturated and non-saturated subareas. Each saturated area is represented by a segment whose ends are labelled as saturated points (SP). Saturated segments do not represent real objects in the environment. In fact, it is not known what can be found behind these segments unless the robot explores new regions following that direction. However, if saturated areas are described using segments enclosed by labelled points, we can easily unify the semantic representation system of the environment. Non-saturated areas are associated with different real objects. Since there are occlusions between elements found in the setting, all these areas should be analyzed and split again, if necessary. Each non-saturated area is described by means of a polyline whose ends are labelled as occlusion points (OC). The rest of points included in the polyline are labelled as inside angle corners (IAC) and/or outside angle corners (OAC). Table 3-1 summarizes the set of semantic features that allows to label the representative points found during the segmentation process. Figure 3-2 outlines this process. The classic SEF technique [43], explained in Chapter 2, has been taken as the foundation of several algorithms described in this Thesis. These algorithms allow to obtain the successive segmentations of the subareas according to the corresponding labels. The methods inspired by the SEF technique are very suitable in real time applications due to their simplicity and their low computational cost. 81 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Description SP (Saturated point) An end of a saturated area. OC (Occlusion) The first or the last position belonging to a set of points that describe a non-saturated area. OAC (Outside angle corner) A point inside a non-saturated area that defines an outside angle corner (convex corner). IAC (Inside angle corner) A point inside a non-saturated area that defines an inside angle corner (concave corner). Table 3-1. Semantic labels for the representative points that bound the segments. Figure 3-2. Global segmentation process based on searching semantic features. The main drawback is related to noisy data and outliers. However, these problems can be solved by using appropriate mean and median-based filters without significantly increasing the global computational cost. Apart from these filters, a set of algorithms that simplify the set of polylines and improve the quality of the semantic representation of the setting have been developed, even in highly complex environments. The effectiveness of these algorithms has been empirically tested using both a simulated framework and several real robots in unknown dynamic semi-structured indoor settings. A wide range of real tests have been carried out using both a Pioneer commercial robot and the low cost robot BENDER. 3.2.1 Detection of saturated points (SP). Let be a sequence of pairs of points in polar form, at time , where each pair is the sample inside and is the highest range value provided by the 2D laser scanner. Algorithm 3-1 details the process that allows to obtain the set of saturated areas. Figure 3-3 shows an example of application of the Algorithm 3-1. Figure 3-3. Example of saturated areas extraction after applying Algorithm 3-1. 82 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Algorithm 3-1. Extracting saturated points. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Algorithm ExtractingSaturatedPoints (List P): i 0; while (i < N) do if (Pi.d = M) then Add Pi a SPs i i + 1; while ((Pi.d = M) and (i < N)) do i i + 1; endwhile; Add Pi-1 a SPs else i i + 1; endif; endwhile; return (List SPs); In this case, the robot senses three saturated areas located between several objects found in the scenario. Each area is bounded by two saturated points where represents the number of the saturated area and can be zero for the first saturated point or one for the last one. From this representation, an arranged sequence of polylines is obtained according to the -value of each point. Polylines whose points are labelled as are named saturated polylines and they consist of only one segment. Figure 3-4 shows the list of polylines after executing Algorithm 3-1. Such sequence consists of three elements where each item is represented by and is the index of the polyline inside the set. Each polyline consists of one saturated segment whose ends are and . 3.2.2 Detection of occlusion points (OC). Once the saturated areas have been obtained, the rest of areas are considered nonsaturated. Each non-saturated area is not associated with a single object in the setting, since there are occlusions between these objects. Figure 3-4. Sequence of polylines obtained after executing Algorithm 3-1. 83 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines For this reason, we need to calculate the occlusion points (OC). In order to achieve this task Algorithm 3-2 is executed. As Figure 3-5 shows, there are two non-saturated areas. These areas do not represent only two objects, since object 0 is partially hiding object and object is partially hidden by object . Algorithm 3-2 splits each non-saturated area and new subareas delimited by two occlusion points are generated. Three subareas are obtained from the non-saturated area , whereas the non-saturated area generates only one subarea. A part of the object is represented by the subarea . The subarea is enclosed by the occlusion points and . Algorithm 3-2. Extracting occlusion points. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: Algorithm ExtractingOcclusionPoints (P-SPs, Um): i 1; N length(P-SPs); while (i < N) do dif |Pi-1.d- Pi.d|; if (dif > Um) then Add Pi-1.d to OcPs; endif; i i + 1; endwhile; return (List OcPs); Figure 3-5. Saturated areas associated to several objects that generate occlusions and the obtained OC points. 84 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In short, the full area is divided into seven subareas after executing both algorithms. The saturated areas , and are represented by the saturated polylines shown in Figure 3-4. Area is represented by a polyline that consists of only one segment. However, areas , and cannot be described using merely a line segment, therefore, it is necessary to implement an algorithm that detects inside and outside angle corners. 3.2.3 Detection of inside and outside angle corners. Objects , and , shown in Figure 3-5, share a common feature: all of them include an outside angle (convex) corner (OAC). OAC points are convex from the robot point of view. On the other hand, concave points are named inside angle (concave) corners (IAC). An OAC point is detected when there is a slope change in function for the sample, where is the angle and is the distance from the laser to the point , see Figure 3-6. Algorithm 3-3 detects these kind of corners using a subarea as input. IAC points are detected using the same technique as proposed in Algorithm 3-3. In this case, the distance increases until a maximum value is reached. At this point, the sign of the slope of the distance function changes, so this location is considered as an IAC point, as Figure 3-7 shows. Algorithm 3-3. Extracting candidate outside angle corners. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: Algorithm ExtractingCandidateOutsideAngleCorners (Zi, u): ini -1; fin -1; m ((Pu.d – P0.d)<0); for k u + 1 to N if ((Pk.d – Pk-u.d) >0) then if (m = true) then end k; if (ini <> -1) and (end <> -1) then if (search outside angle corner) then Search point (with index between ini and end), whose distance is minimal; 12: endif; 13: Add point to ListPossibleOAC; 14: ini -1; 15: end -1; 16: endif; 17: endif; 18: m false; 19: else 20: ini k-u; 21: m true; 22: endif; 23: endfor; 24: return (ListPossibleOAC); 85 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Figure 3-6. Detection of an outside angle corner OAC according to the slope sign change. Figure 3-7. Detection of an inside angle corner IAC according to the slope sign change. The sequence of IAC points is merged with the list of OAC points and the resulting sequence is subsequently sorted according to the value. The set of IAC and OAC points is inserted between the corresponding occlusion points. The result is a semantically labelled polyline which appropriately describes an area of the environment. All the points included in a polyline are expressed in the coordinate system of the robot. Any polyline can be defined as the set of segments its ends the segment. where each item is defined by where represents the number of the polyline and is the number of Each pair of consecutive segments is , where the letters , defined y by the set can be substituted by the appropriate label that describes each point: SP, OC, OAC or IAC. For instance, according to this syntax, the representative polyline of consists of two segments whose ends are written using the expression , where . However, the point is wrongly labelled since such point is not a real convex corner. This happens because the corner detection algorithm has found a slope sign change in the point where the laser beam comes into contact with the object. 86 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In fact, if a line is traced between the points and and another line is drawn from to , the angle formed by both lines has a value close to degrees. As mentioned before, due to noisy raw data and outliers, the use of filters is needed in real scenarios. However, filtering does not eliminate the noise problem completely, so the proposed algorithms for corners detection could produce wrong corners in some circumstances. A computationally efficient simplification algorithm (Algorithm 3-4) has been implemented to solve this problem. This algorithm considers that each corner point is an end of two consecutive segments; if both segments form an angle close to degrees, the corner is eliminated. Field tests empirically prove the effectiveness of this algorithm. Figure 3-8 shows the set of polylines obtained after detecting the IAC and OAC points for the scenario described in Figure 3-5. 3.2.4 Detection of frontal and lateral walls. Once the set of simplified polylines is obtained, the points that represent front and lateral walls are added to the semantic description of the environment. Figure 3-8. List of polylines obtained after executing the algorithms that detect several features. 87 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Algorithm 3-4. Simplifying a polyline. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13 14: 15: 16: 17: Algorithm SimplifyingPolyline (P, u): simplified = true; while (simplified) simplified = false; i 0; while ((i < N-2) AND (simplified=false)) d1 = Euclideandistance(P.pi, P.pi+1); d2 = Euclideandistance(P.pi+1, P.pi+2); d3 = Euclideandistance(P.pi, P.pi+2); if (|(d1+d2)-d3| < u) then if (P.pi+1 is labelled as IAC or OAC) eliminate point(P.pi+1); N N-1; simplified = true; endif; endwhile; endwhile; return (P); The new labels are FW (frontal wall) and LW (lateral wall): Any point is labelled as FW if two conditions are met. The first condition states that the perpendicular line defined by the robot position and that point should cut a segment inside the polyline. The second condition states that this perpendicular line should form an angle with the X axis of the reference system whose value is inside the interval . Any point is labelled as LW if the first condition mentioned above is accomplished and the perpendicular line forms an angle with the X axis of the reference system whose value is outside the interval . The representative points FW and LW are particularly interesting in several circumstances. For instance, when the robot is located at a closed area, it is possible to decide a control action by taking into account the triangle whose vertices are the set of FW and LW points. Figure 3-9 shows a potential scenario as observed by the robot. In Figure 3-9 (a) there is an object at the end of the corridor and in Figure 3-9 (b) the same corridor is empty. In both cases the setting consists of a frontal wall and two lateral walls that compose a closed corridor. Therefore, there are two LW points and one FW point that form the triangle whose circumscribed circumference could be used to enable the manoeuvre that allows the robot to explore and leave the closed area efficiently. On the other hand, the relation between the vertices of the triangle is the same in both Figure 3-9 (a) and Figure 3-9 (b), although the set of polylines describing the environment is different. Therefore, the triangle could also be used to help the robot to recognize the place, even when a small object has been introduced in the setting. 88 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 3-9. Scenario where points labelled as FW and LW are used to enable an exploration maneuver in a closed corridor. In the following sections, we describe how to use the set of labelled polylines to solve several problems related to autonomous navigation in an unknown dynamic semistructured environment. 3.3 Reactive navigation algorithm. The above described representation of the environment can be used for the implementation of high level algorithms that efficiently work in real time. In this section, a reactive navigation method based on the semantically labelled polygonal representation of the environment is described. The proposed technique calculates a set of traversable segments using the labelled points as OC and OAC. For each traversable segment, the middle point is computed. Finally, all the middle points are clustered and approximated using line segments. These line segments locally define feasible safe paths (or routes) that the robot could follow. The selection of the best route is carried out by using a high level algorithm that will depend on the specific objectives of the final application. 3.3.1 Computation of traversable segments. Once the set of polylines that describe the environment is calculated, it is possible to obtain information about the available free space through which the robot can safely navigate. In this section, this issue is addressed. Specifically, the algorithm that allows to calculate safe traversable segments is detailed. The environment shown in Figure 3-10 represents a typical setting sensed at time . The dotted lines define several traversable segments obtained after relating pairs of labelled points that belong to different polylines. 89 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Figure 3-10. Feasible traversable segments found in an environment described using polylines consisting of SP, OC, OAC and IAC points. Some elements, such as frontal and lateral walls (FW and LW), and IAC points are not taken into account to calculate this kind of segments. The IAC points are non-convex from the robot point of view. Therefore, instead of using IAC points, any OC or OAC neighbouring point will be selected. On the other hand, FW and LW points are also considered non-convex points, so their OC or OAC adjacent points are also selected instead. Finally, any saturated polyline will be considered as a traversable segment, since its only segment, whose ends are labelled as SP, defines an exploration border at time . In short, the proposed technique just takes into account the occlusion points OC and the OAC points to calculate the set of segments that can be safely crossed. Algorithm 3-5 allows to calculate the set of feasible traversable segments using pairs of points labelled as OC and OAC. Algorithm 3-5. Generating feasible traversable segments. 1: 2: 4: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12. 14: 16: 17: Algorithm GeneratingFeasibleTraversableSegments(List of polylines P): for i 0 to N for j i+1 to N for k 0 to Pi.Npoints for l 0 to Pj.Npoints if ((Pi.pk is labelled as OC or OAC) and (Pj.pl is labelled as OC or OAC)) then generating feasible traversable segment enclosed by the points Pi.pk y Pj.pl endif; endfor; endfor; endfor; endfor; return (List Pass_S); 90 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 3-11 shows the results obtained after executing Algorithm 3-5 using as input the list of polylines which represents the environment shown in Figure 3-10. The traversable segments calculated by this algorithm must be evaluated and filtered since the ultimate list of traversable segments should consist of only those segments that could be safely crossed. In order to achieve this goal the following conditions should hold: The length of any traversable segment should be higher than a given threshold. This threshold can be calculated by taking into account the size of the robot. Features very distant from each other define very long segments. These segments are not interesting (they usually are redundant), and they are not taken into account. The threshold that allows to discriminate these segments is heuristically defined. Any segment whose length is higher than this threshold is eliminated. If a traversable segment cuts any polyline which is part of the environment description, such traversable segment is not considered safe and it is also eliminated. Let be the origin point in the coordinate system of the robot and let be a traversable segment delimited by the points and . If any point of any polyline that describes the environment is inside the triangle with vertices , and the segment is also eliminated, see Figure 3-12. 3.3.2 Generation of feasible safe paths from the set of traversable segments. Once the set of traversable segments is obtained, the middle points of the segments are calculated. Only middle points located at a given distance from any segment that belongs to the set of polylines are taken into account. Figure 3-11. Calculated segments after executing Algorithm 3-5. 91 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Figure 3-12. Example that shows how to take into account the triangle condition. Next, the set of valid middle points is clustered. Each cluster is represented by means of a line. Both the clusters and the lines are updated in each iteration. The reactive navigation algorithm selects only one line at time using a fuzzy system, according to several conditions defined by a high level software component. A goal point is obtained from the selected line. That point is used as input by a classical pure pursuit algorithm. If there are conditions in the environment that lead the robot to a collision when it tries to reach the calculated target point, a collision avoidance algorithm is triggered. The following subsections explain how to address all these issues in detail. 1) Clustering the set of middle points. The measurement range of the laser beam limits how far the objects can be in order to be detected. The region covered by the laser beam usually spans degrees, although typical Hokuyo devices can cover and even degrees. As the experiments have been carried out using a Hokuyo URG laser device, an arc of degrees could be sensed. However, this range has been reduced to degrees to maintain the compatibility with other laser devices. Therefore, the set of polylines obtained from raw data describes what the robot “sees” inside a semi-circle whose radius is at most meters. All the middle points obtained from the traversable segments are placed inside this semi-circle. In order to cluster the set of middle points, the semi-circle is split in several sectors. Figure 3-13 shows a partition of this semi-circle using five angular regions of the same size. Each region is delimited by two angular values and and each middle point is written in polar form. All the middle points whose values fall inside the interval belong to the angular region defined by this interval. Therefore, all the middle points of a specific region form a cluster. 92 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 3-13. Clustering middle points using several uniformly distributed angular regions. Orange-colored points are wrongly clustered. However, a static division of the semi-circle is not reliable enough because some interesting semantic features of the environment description are not taken into account. For example, Figure 3-13 shows that several middle points fall in the cluster defined by the interval [ , ]. Some of those middle points are wrongly clustered according to the shape of the polygonal representation of the environment. This happens because there are several labelled points that are convex from the robot point of view and these points define significant exploration areas such as corridors, for instance. So, it is more suitable to use the angles of these points as the boundaries of the intervals that define the angular clusters. This technique allows to define the set of angular regions dynamically; therefore, the number and size of the clusters will depend on the scenario. In order to calculate the set of convex points, a closed polygon is generated from the set of polylines that describe the environment. A sorted list of convex points from the robot point of view is obtained. Consecutive pairs of these points are taken to form the intervals that define each cluster. Figure 3-14 shows the set of convex points from the robot point of view that corresponds to the scenario shown in Figure 3-13. Finally, the intervals obtained in that example are shown in Figure 3-15. If there are not any points enclosed by the angular region bounded by the interval , the cluster defined by this interval is not taken into account in the path generation algorithm. If the environment is represented by only one semantic polyline, the setting in front of the robot is closed, and this area does not need to be explored. Figure 3-15 shows five angular clusters. Such clusters will be used to generate a set of feasible safe paths at time , as described in the following subsection. 93 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Figure 3-14. Detecting convex points from the robot point of view. Figure 3-15. Dynamic generation of angular clusters. The clusters bounded by the intervals [ , ] and [ , ] do not enclose any middle point. The cluster defined by the interval encloses ten middle points and the cluster contains eight middle points. Finally, the interval forms a cluster with three middle points. 2) Generating feasible safe paths. This subsection explains how to generate feasible safe paths, from which a goal point will be selected to be followed by the robot, using the set of angular clusters described above. Each angular cluster defined by the interval encloses a set of middle points that could be approximated using a straight line whose parameters are calculated by using an algorithm whose main steps are enumerated as follows: A pair of points are taken from the cluster. The parameters of the straight line that joins them are obtained. For all the points enclosed by the cluster, the perpendicular distance from each point to the straight line is calculated. The root mean squared error (RMSE) is calculated after adding all the distances. This procedure is repeated for each possible pair of points. 94 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The most representative straight line is selected as that one with the lowest RMSE value. Finally, for each cluster, another straight line is added; it joins the origin point, where the robot is located, and the representative line of the cluster. Figure 3-16 shows the set of feasible paths or routes obtained after executing this algorithm over the scenario shown in Figure 3-11. The representative straight lines of the clusters provide local paths or routes that the robot can use in order to safely explore a given area of the free space. The final selection of a specific route will depend on a high level algorithm where several conditions defined by the user will be taken into account. 3.3.3 Reactive navigation method based on fuzzy techniques. In order to carry out the experiments that validate the algorithms proposed in this Thesis, a high level software component, which allows the robot to navigate safely, has been designed. Taking into account a set of conditions defined by the user, this software component analyzes the set of feasible routes, calculated by the above described algorithm. According to these conditions, a merit factor value is assigned to each straight line. The line with the highest merit factor is then selected. A goal point that belongs to the selected line and located at a given distance from the robot is selected to be followed by the robot using the well-known pure pursuit technique [3]. If the steering command calculated by the pure pursuit algorithm leads the robot to a potential collision, an emergency algorithm is triggered. Moreover, the velocity control is also carried out using a fuzzy-based method. The execution of all these algorithms makes sure that the robot will safely navigate through any environment even in presence of dynamic obstacles. Figure 3-16. Straight lines obtained after grouping the set of middle points taking into account several dynamically calculated angular intervals. 95 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines 1) Selecting the suitable route using a fuzzy system. As mentioned before, the user of the high level application can select a set of features that will be taken into account to select the more suitable route. The selected route has to accomplish the following requirements: the number of middle points represented by the straight line associated to the cluster should be maximum, the robot heading change required to follow a new route (effort) should be minimum and the length of the straight line that represents the cluster should be maximum. This strategy maximizes the exploration perspectives and minimizes the heading changes, as much as possible. To reach this target, a fuzzy system has been designed using the XFuzzy 3.0 tool [14]. For each cluster, the following features are taken into account: the number of middle points in a cluster, the length of the representative straight line of this cluster and the angle formed by the Y axis of the robot reference system and the segment that joins the origin of this reference system and the projection of the farthest middle point over the representative line of the cluster. Each value is properly normalized in the interval to facilitate the fuzzy system design. Figure 3-17 shows a diagram of the implemented fuzzy system. The output of the fuzzy system is a merit factor value. The selected route is the one with the maximum merit factor value. Table 3-2 shows the rule base whose inputs are EFFORT, DISTANCE and NUMBEROFPOINTS and whose output is MERITFACTOR. Figure 3-18 graphically shows the output of the rule base using some representative inputs. The three inputs and the output are fuzzy variables whose types are trapezoidal fuzzy sets. Figure 3-19 shows the distribution of the fuzzy values in the universe of discourse for each fuzzy type. Using a fuzzy system to select the suitable route provides several advantages, since the user could not only define the set of requirements to achieve, but also a different significance could be given to each feature by adjusting the fuzzy sets or changing, erasing or adding any rule. Moreover, the way of selecting the route is more approximated to human being reasoning, because semantic concepts such as NEAR, FAR, LOW or HIGH, among others, are used. Figure 3-17. Fuzzy system designed to select the suitable route according several conditions defined by the user high level application. 96 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3-18. Fuzzy system inputs and outputs. Figures (a), (b) and (c) show the relation between the inputs EFFORT and DISTANCE and the output MERITFACTOR when the number of points is 0, 0.5 and 1, respectively. Figure (d) shows the relation between the input NUMBEROFPOINTS and the output PROBABILITY when EFFORT and DISTANCE are 0.5. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3-19. Fuzzy sets used by the route selection fuzzy system. (a) Fuzzy variable NUMBEROFPOINTS. (b) Fuzzy variable EFFORT. (c) Fuzzy variable DISTANCE. (d) Fuzzy variable MERITFACTOR. 97 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines NUMBEROFPOINTS LOW MEDIUM HIGH EFFORT VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH MEDIUM LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH DISTANCE NEAR MEDIUM FAR NEAR MEDIUM FAR NEAR MEDIUM FAR MERITFACTOR LOW VERYLOW VERYLOW VERYLOW VERYLOW MEDIUM LOW LOW VERYLOW VERYLOW HIGH HIGH MEDIUM LOW VERYLOW MEDIUM LOW LOW VERYLOW VERYLOW HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW LOW VERYHIGH HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW LOW VERYLOW HIGH HIGH MEDIUM LOW LOW VERYHIGH VERYHIGH HIGH MEDIUM LOW Table 3-2. Rule base with NUMBEROFPOINTS, EFFORT and DISTANCE as inputs, and MERITFACTOR as output. 2) Selecting the suitable velocity using a fuzzy system. As mentioned before, if the selected goal point leads the robot to a collision, an emergency algorithm is triggered. Several conditions are taken into account to execute this algorithm. The distance from the robot to any labelled feature belonging to the set of polylines is 98 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques considered. The angle that forms the feature point with the Y axis of the robot reference system is also used. Moreover, the velocity is adjusted according to the situation. In order to select the suitable speed, a fuzzy-based algorithm has been implemented. In the experiments, a minimum distance ( meters) has been chosen as a threshold. First, the distance from all the points belonging to the set of polylines and the robot is calculated. Next, the closest distance to the robot is checked. If the distance is shorter than the threshold and the point is located inside a circular sector in the interval the emergency algorithm calculates a steering command that allows the robot to turn around using a very low speed ( meters per second in tests). The ends of the interval are values that depend on the kind of the labelled point. For example, if the point is labelled as IAC, the interval is degrees, however if the point is labelled as LW, the interval is degrees. If the emergency algorithm is not being executed, it is also necessary to decide which velocity is more appropriate. The fuzzy-based system shown in Figure 3-20 allows the robot to select a proper velocity. It should be noticed that the fuzzy system consists of two rule bases hierarchically connected. The output SPEED can be VERY LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, FAST and VERY FAST. The first subsystem calculates the velocity (internal variable SPEED), according to the inputs COLLISION and TARGET. COLLISION is the angle defined by the line that joins the closest labelled point of a polyline with the robot and the Y axis of the robot reference system. On the other hand, TARGET is the angle defined by the line that joins the goal point with the robot and the Y axis of the robot reference system. If there is not a selected route whose goal point could be followed, the value of this angle is zero. The fuzzy set that defines the type of the fuzzy variables COLLISION and TARGET is shown in Figure 3-21 (a). On the other hand, the types TMinDistance and TSpeed define the type of the fuzzy variables MINDISTANCE and SPEED, respectively, see Figure 3-21 (b) and (c). Figure 3-20. Fuzzy system designed to select the suitable velocity according to the probability of collision, distance to the closest feature and target point. 99 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines (a) (b) (c) Figure 3-21. Fuzzy sets used by the velocity selection fuzzy system. (a) Fuzzy variables COLLISION and TARGET. (b) Fuzzy variable MINDISTANCE. (c) Fuzzy variable SPEED. Both rule bases have been designed to reduce the velocity properly when the robot is approaching to an obstacle. Furthermore, the fuzzy algorithm adjusts the speed according to the steering command obtained from the pure pursuit algorithm. In order to do this, the goal point and the closest labelled point detected by the robot are related. For example, if there is a corner located in front of the robot slightly on the right (RIGHT would be the selected fuzzy value), and the goal point is located on the right of the corner (RIGHTRIGHT for instance), the speed should be reduced enough (LOW), because the robot has to track a sharp curve to reach the goal point and as it is following this curve, it is approaching to the obstacle, see Figure 3-22. Table 3-3 details the set of rules that generates the output SPEED using COLLISION and TARGET as inputs. All the inputs and the output are normalized to the interval . Table 3-4 shows the set of rules that generates the final output SPEED using MINDISTANCE and the output of the subsystem whose rules are detailed in Table 3-3 as inputs. Figure 3-22. Example of situation where it is necessary to reduce the velocity. 100 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques COLLISION TARGET RIGHTRIGHT RIGHT LEFT LEFTLEFT RIGHTRIGHT VERYLOW LOW HIGH VERIHIGH RIGHT LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH LEFT VERYHIGH HIGH MEDIUM LOW LEFTLEFT VERYHIGH HIGH LOW VERYLOW MINDISTANCE Table 3-3. Rule base with inputs COLLISION and TARGET and SPEED as output. VEL VERYLOW VERYLOW VERYLOW LOW LOW MEDIUM VERYSHORT SHORT MEDIUM LONG VERYLONG LOW LOW LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH HIGH HIGH VERYHIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYHIGH Table 3-4. Rules base with inputs VEL and MINDISTANCE and final SPEED as output. Note that the first fuzzy subsystem provides a value of speed by taking into account only the position of the goal point and the closest labelled point. However, the distance between the robot and this labelled point is also relevant, so the second subsystem readjusts the velocity according to this distance. Figure 3-23 graphically shows the behaviour of the full system when MINDISTANCE is , and . Changes in SPEED according to MINDISTANCE when COLLISION and TARGET are are also detailed. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3-23. Fuzzy system inputs and outputs. Figures (a), (b) and (c) shows the relation between the inputs TARGET and COLLISION and the output SPEED when MINDISTANCE is 0, 0.5 and 1, respectively. Figure (d) shows the relation between the input MINDISTANCE and the output SPEED when TARGET and COLLISION are 0.5. 101 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines 3.4 Experiments and results. In this section, a set of experiments and results are presented. These tests validate the technique used to extract the set of semantically labelled polylines, the method that allows to calculate the list of traversable segments and, finally, the fuzzy algorithms that allow the robot to navigate. In order to carry out the mentioned experiments, a simulator and two robotic platforms have been used. The simulator is based on the Player/Stage tool. On the other hand, with respect to the tests performed in real unknown dynamic semi-structured environments, both a commercial Pioneer robot and the low cost robot BENDER have been used. The results obtained from these tests demonstrate that the algorithms properly work in real time regardless of the robotic platform. Given that the low level software architecture has been implemented using distributed components (which use the middleware YARP [133] to exchange data), any higher level algorithm (in this case, the algorithm that obtains the semantic polygonal representation of the setting), can interact with any low level software component transparently. Therefore, the higher level components do not need to know if they are working with a simulated or a real robot. This methodology can be used for both the refinement process and the final experiments. 3.4.1 Validating the algorithm that extracts the set of semantically labelled polylines. In this section, the computational complexity of the designed algorithms is analyzed. In addition, the reliability of the results obtained by the algorithm that calculates the set of semantically labelled polylines is also evaluated. 1) Computational cost of the algorithms. Since the classic SEF technique [43] is the foundation of the algorithms that extract the semantic polygonal description, the computational cost of such algorithms is low. This is empirically demonstrated after measuring the time required for obtaining the semantic representation of the setting when different computers are used. In particular, such results are analyzed in depth in Chapter 6. On the other hand, analyzing the computational complexity of the designed algorithms allows to compare such algorithms to other methods. In particular, the computational cost of several classic methods that obtain a line-based description of indoor settings is presented in [49]. In this work, the number of points in an input scan and the number of extracted line segments are respectively named and . The same nomenclature is used in 102 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques this Thesis; therefore, the proposed algorithms could be easily compared to other classic methods. Furthermore, other parameters according to the analyzed algorithms are also used. In particular, is the number of points that belong to the set of saturated areas and is the number of corners. Table 3-5 shows the complexity of the designed algorithms by considering the defined parameters. Figure 3-24 illustrates an example where the computational complexity associated to the set of algorithms which obtain the non-simplified representation of the setting is calculated. Specifically, two saturated areas and three non-saturated areas are identified. Additionally, six occlusion points and two corners are detected. Once this description is calculated, the procedure that simplifies the set of polylines scans the number of detected corners . Finally, each line segment is analyzed in order to find frontal and lateral walls. As the algorithms are sequentially executed, the global computational complexity can be calculated as . Algorithm Saturated points extraction Occlusion points extraction OAC and IAC points extraction Polyline simplification Frontal and lateral walls detection Complexity N N-M N-M NC S Table 3-5. Computational complexity of the algorithms that allow to obtain the semantic polygonal representation of the environment. Figure 3-24. Example of extraction of a semantic polygonal description of the environment. The number of points that should be scanned during each stage is highlighted. 103 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines 2) Reliability of the semantic polygonal representation of the environment. The reliability of the obtained results has been measured by using a method based on the RMSE calculated by taking into account the length of the perpendicular lines that join all the raw points with their corresponding segments of a polyline. As mentioned before, points sensed by the 2D laser device are expressed in polar form. Each raw point is represented by the segment bounded by points and if , see Figure 3-25. The reliability of this association is estimated using a measurement of distance error (ED) defined by the following equation: (3-1) Where are is the length of the perpendicular line that joins , whose polar coordinates , with the segment enclosed by the labelled points and , expressed in polar form by the pairs and respectively. For each polyline, the global RMSE is calculated using the following equation: (3-2) Where is the number of segments that form the points represented by that polyline. polyline and is the number of raw Next, a representative set of results is presented, both using the Player/Stage-based simulator and the real robots Pioneer and BENDER in unknown real environments. For each experiment the following graphical results are shown: A robot view in a static 2.5D scenario if the experiment is carried out in a simulated environment. A real environment picture if the experiment is carried out in a real setting. Figure 3-25. Correspondences between raw points and the polyline segment that represents them. 104 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The graphical output obtained by the software component that generates the semantic polygonal description of the environment. The graphical representation of the RMSE values obtained after matching raw points and polylines. Results in the simulated environment. As described in Appendix I, a Player/Stage based-simulator of the robot BENDER has been developed. The following experiments are carried out using this simulated framework. The floor plan of a hospital area is used as environment. First experiment. Figure 3-26 shows the simulated robot BENDER in one of the rooms of the hospital floor plan. The environment is described by six semantically labelled polylines numbered from 0. Figure 3-26-(a) describes the association between the segments of each polyline and the obstacles found in the scenario. Figure 3-26-(b) shows a top view of the area where the robot is located. Figure 3-26-(c) describes the set of polylines whose segments approximate the environment. Each segment is enclosed by the representative points labelled as OC (green colour), OAC (blue colour), IAC (red colour) and FW and LW (black colour). The segments are red colored and the raw data are represented using the blue colour. Figure 3-26-(d) shows the RMSE calculated using the equation (3-2), for each polyline. The RMSE value of the polylines that describe saturated areas is considered null or zero, since the robot cannot know if there are objects located beyond the measurement range of the laser beam. The set of polylines reliably represents the objects found in the environment acquired by the inexpensive Hokuyo URG 2D laser device. The higher RMSE value does not exceed 0,025 meters; therefore, any raw data is well-represented by its corresponding segment. Second experiment. Figure 3-27 (a) and Figure 3-27 (b) show that the robot is located at a closed area of the hospital floor plan. The robot can “see” an IAC point on the right. On the left, in front of the robot there is a part of the environment hidden by a wall. The setting is represented by three polylines. Figure 3-27 (c) illustrates how polylines reliably describe the sensed environment and even small-sized corners are detected. This is confirmed by the RMSE bar chart that shows the RMSE calculated for each polyline (see Figure 3-27 (d)). 105 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines (a) (b) RMSE 0,03 0,025 0,02 0,015 0,01 0,005 0 P0 P1 (c) P2 P3 P4 P5 (d) Figure 3-26. First experiment in a simulated environment. (a) (b) RMSE 0,025 0,02 0,015 0,01 0,005 0 P0 (c) P1 (d) Figure 3-27. Second experiment in a simulated environment. 106 P2 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Third experiment. In this experiment, how the algorithm works when the robot is located at one of the main corridors of the hospital floor plan is analyzed, see Figure 3-28 (a) and Figure 3-28 (b). Given that other small-sized corridors and several rooms converge in the main corridor, the robot detects a great number of occlusions and the number of generated polylines is quite high in this case, see Figure 3-28 (c). Polylines P0, P6, P10 and P16 represents saturated areas, then their RMSE values are null, as Figure 3-28 (d) shows. The RMSE values calculated for polylines P13 and P14 are and respectively. These are the highest error values obtained in this experiment. The part of the environment described by polyline P14 could generate two polylines taking into account that a corner hides a small area of the setting. However, this occlusion is not detected because the segmentation heuristically defined threshold is greater than the distance between the two consecutive points that would define that occlusion, see Algorithm 3-2. This means that the number of polylines obtained at time depend on this threshold, to a large extent. Therefore, it is necessary to select a suitable value of this threshold to balance reliability and number of representative polylines. (a) (b) RMSE 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0 (c) P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 0,01 (d) Figure 3-28. Third experiment in a simulated environment. 107 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Results in a real environment. This section shows the results obtained when the algorithm that allows to calculate the semantic polygonal representation of the environment is executed over a real environment using a real robot. Figure 3-29 clearly demonstrates the significance of applying the selection and simplification algorithms mentioned in section 3.2.4., mainly when the real setting is complex and noisy. The section of the laboratory where the experiment was carried out is shown in Figure 3-29 (a). The raw data sensed by the Hokuyo URG 2D laser device is shown in Figure 3-29 (b). Both the commercial Pioneer robot and the robotic platform BENDER use the same 2D laser device. Therefore, the model of the robot used in these experiments is not actually relevant. (a) (b) (c) RMSE (non-simplified) RMSE (simplified) 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0 (d) P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 0,02 (e) Figure 3-29. Experiment carried out in a real environment. (a) Area of the laboratory. (b) Raw data acquired by the 2D laser device. (c) Non-simplified representation of the environment. (d) Simplified representation of the environment. (e) RMSE analysis. 108 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In these tests, the most significant question is to know the reliability of the designed algorithms when the robot has to semantically represent a real environment at a given instant in real time. Comparing the results obtained when the simplification of the polylines is (and is not) carried out is particularly important. Therefore, Figure 3-29 (c) shows the results obtained when the simplification algorithm is not executed whereas Figure 3-29 (d) demonstrates that the setting is better represented if the set of polylines is simplified. For example, the door of the laboratory is represented by using a set of adjacent corners when the simplification algorithm is not executed, but such description is not correct. This problem is solved after simplifying the set of polylines. Finally, Figure 3-29 (e) shows the RMSE comparative results obtained in both cases: the simplified representation is red colored and the not simplified representation is blue colored. As observed, simplification does not have a great influence in the representation accuracy. This means that the set of polylines properly approximates the environment even if the polygonal description is simplified. Note that polylines P11, P12 and P15 (which consist of a great number of points subject of simplification), generate RMSE values slightly higher than those calculated from the set of not simplified polylines. However the number of segments is reduced, so balancing both results, the simplified option is selected. 3.4.2 Validating the autonomous navigation system. A set of representative results obtained after executing the set of algorithms that allow the robot to navigate safely is presented in this section. First, the algorithm that calculates the set of traversable segments is executed. Next, only the middle points that accomplish the conditions described in section 3.3.1 are taken into account. This set of middle points is clustered by taking into account several features found in the environment as detailed in section 3.3.2. Finally, after calculating a straight line that adjusts each group of clustered middle points, a fuzzy algorithm is executed to select the route that satisfies the requirements defined by the user (as section 3.3.3 explains). A point of this line is selected to be followed by the robot, using the pure pursuit method. An emergency algorithm is triggered if the robot is led to a collision while it is following this point. This algorithm uses the semantic tags of the polygonal description to take decisions that avoid collisions. Another fuzzy algorithm selects the suitable velocity by taking into account the environment representation at a given time and the position of the robot in the setting. 109 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines 1) Navigating through the simulated environment. The hospital floor plan has also been selected to carry out the experiments that validate the autonomous navigation system. In order to demonstrate the performance of all the algorithms described in section 3.3, a sequence of representative figures has been recorded while the robot was navigating through the environment. The path tracked by the robot in the Stage simulator is shown together with the semantic polygonal description of the setting and the selected route to follow. In this experiment, the mobile robot is located at the main corridor of the hospital floor plan, see Figure 3-30. Note that there are a large number of intersections and rooms that could be explored. Using the fuzzy reactive navigation algorithm proposed in section 3.3.3 the robot selects the path that accomplishes the requirements defined by the user. In short, the robot navigates through the corridor, see Figure 3-30 (a). At the end of the corridor the robot turns to the right, as Figure 3-30 (b) shows. As the room is represented by a set of polylines that do not generate traversable segments, the area is considered closed. Therefore, the robot decides to go to the end of the room. If corners or walls are too close to the robot, the emergency algorithm that allow the robot to avoid collisions is triggered. The velocity is modified according to the circumstances by executing the fuzzybased algorithm described in section 3.3.3. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 3-30. The robot navigates through the main corridor of the hospital floor plan. 110 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 3-31. Results obtained after executing the algorithms proposed to navigate safely. Once the closed room has been explored, the robot returns to the main corridor, see Figure 3-30 (c). As shown in Figure 3-30 (d), Figure 3-30 (e) and Figure 3-30 (f), the robot navigates through the corridor again, but in the opposite direction. Figure 3-31 shows the set of middle points and their corresponding representative straight lines according to the sequence shown in Figure 3-30. 2) Navigating through a real environment. In this section, an experiment carried out in an unknown semi-structured dynamic indoor scenario is described. Figure 3-32 shows a diagram of this experiment. Figure 3-33 illustrates the result of the experiment described in the diagram shown in Figure 3-32. The robot starts to navigate close to the door of a room, see Figure 3-33 (i). When it goes out to the corridor, it decides to turn to the right, according to the route whose merit factor is the highest when the fuzzy-based algorithm, described in section 3.3.3, is executed. There are two persons in the corridor. One of them goes right next to the robot, see Figure 3-33 (ii). The robot detects the obstacle but it can go on navigating safely. On the other hand, the second person stays in the middle of the corridor and he is located in front of the robot. As the distance between the robot and this person becomes smaller than the threshold 0.5 meters, the emergency algorithm is triggered and the robot turns around, see Figure 3-33 (iii). The safety velocity (0.07 m/s), is selected. Once the person has been avoided, the robot goes through the corridor again, but in the opposite direction. Two persons are next to the door now. When the robot is close to these persons, it decides to go into the room again, see Figure 3-33 (iv). 111 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines Figure 3-32. Diagram of the experiment carried out in a real environment. (i) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (ii) (iii) (iv) Figure 3-33. Results obtained after executing the proposed algorithms to navigate safely in a real environment. Pictures (a) represent the set of the polylines together with the calculated feasible routes. Pictures (b) show what the robot sees. Pictures (c) show a view of the robot navigating through the setting. 112 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 3.5 Conclusion. In this chapter, a collection of techniques that allow a service mobile robot to navigate in unknown dynamic semi-structured indoor settings is presented. The environment is represented by a description based on semantically labelled polylines. The labels used for describing significant features found in typical indoor settings are saturated points (SP), occlusion points (OC), inside angle corners (IAC), outside angle corners (OAC), frontal walls (FW) and lateral walls (LW). All the points that define the edges of the polylines are identified by one of these labels. In addition, a list of feasible traversable segments is obtained after classifying the free space by taking into account the semantically labelled polygonal representation. Then a set of feasible local safe paths is calculated by clustering and geometrically approximating the set of middle points obtained from the traversable segments. The algorithms designed to achieve these tasks are computationally efficient and they are particularly appropriate when a low cost robot works in real time. Finally, the reactive navigation method has been tested both in a simulated framework and using the real robots Pioneer and BENDER. An emergency algorithm has been also implemented in order to avoid collisions since the environment is dynamic. Furthermore, the selection of the route according to several heuristically defined objectives, is carried out by using a fuzzy system. The velocity of the robot is also controlled using another fuzzy system that properly generates the speed by taking into account potential collisions when a route is selected. The main advantage of the proposed semantic representation of the environment is that the computational cost is very low. That is mandatory if it is required to use a low-cost robot that works in real time. The storage needs are minimized because the description of the setting is very compact. In addition, using semantic tags that conceptually define the meaning of representative points or features facilitates the design of higher level control algorithms, in particular, those based on fuzzy techniques. 113 Chapter 3. Reactive navigation using a description of the environment based on a set of semantically labelled polylines 114 It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. Chapter 4 J.R.R. Tolkien Hybrid map building, localization and exploration T his chapter describes a set of techniques that allow a robot to build a hybrid (metric and topological) map. The trajectory tracked by the robot is computed at the same time as the hybrid map is built. This trajectory is calculated by taking into account the information acquired by propioceptive (dead reckoning), and exteroceptive sensors (a virtual sensor that calculates the robot pose change by using the raw data acquired by a 2D laser scanner as input). Since some errors may arise due to the intrinsic inaccuracy of the 2D laser device, the uncertainty in measurements is modelled by means of Gaussian distributions. In particular, an error propagation algorithm is used to calculate the uncertainty of the measurements provided by the pose virtual sensor according to the known inaccuracy of the 2D laser scanner. Data fusion is carried out by using a technique based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). (Final) As self-localization highly depends on the natural landmark detection and data association procedures, the technique that allows to extract such natural landmarks from the semantic polygonal representation of the environment has also been enhanced. In particular, natural landmarks are segments whose ends are semantically labelled points of the polygonal description of the setting, and a segment is considered to provide a suitable natural landmark if it consists of two representative properly labelled points. The semantic representative points are obtained after executing the algorithms that generate the set of semantically labelled polylines. Then, modelling the inaccuracies that arise during the execution of such algorithms in a conventional way is not a trivial issue, since they are based on a hybrid (geometric and semantic) representation of the environment and some parameters, which specify the performance of the mentioned algorithms, are heuristically defined. Therefore, it is not a simple task to model the uncertainty by using conventional statistical distributions. Moreover, using such uncertainty to take decisions about which segments should represent valid landmarks is also difficult. These drawbacks can be overcome by using a fuzzy-based method, since it is possible to design a set of rules that allow to select such landmarks according to certain requirements heuristically defined by the user. The hierarchical fuzzy system that allows to accomplish this task is fully described in this chapter. Autonomous exploration is also addressed by means of exploration algorithms that allow 115 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration the robot to be partially guided by a human user. To achieve these objectives the environment representation described in Chapter 3 is used again as input of a hierarchical fuzzy system that determines the route to follow according to the rules defined by the user. Several experiments performed using both the simulation framework and the real robots Pioneer and BENDER in real scenarios demonstrate the advantages of the proposed methods. 4.1 Generation of a topological map using a semantic polygonal description of the free space. Researchers usually address map building, exploration and path planning separately; some of these methods are summarized in section 2.4. Many simultaneous localization and map building experiments are actually carried out by tele-operating the robot. In general, building a metric map is the main purpose of these approaches, and relevant semantic aspects related to the spatial distribution of the objects in the environment are not taken into account. For instance, geometric features such as points, straight lines and curves are not usually linked to specific semantic meanings and abstract concepts that provide a high level awareness about the environment. The proposed solutions are usually focused on achieving a high degree of geometric accuracy. However, in this Thesis, the robot is not just required to be capable of building an accurate map from a geometric point of view. In addition, the robot should acquire some degree of semantic awareness about the spatial distribution of the scenario (and, consequently, about the free space). Using this knowledge, the robot should navigate through the environment, determine its position within a topological map built by itself and take intelligent decisions about its own behaviour according to the needs of human users. Generally speaking, topological map building methods address the problem by generating a graph whose nodes are connected by links. These nodes usually store local metric submaps and information about the environment that can be used by the robot in order to recognize the place in the future. In most cases, these techniques only deal with the map generation issues, while the problems related to autonomous exploration, path planning or obstacle avoiding are addressed separately. In this Thesis, a solution that simultaneously deals with both the topological map building and the autonomous exploration of the environment is proposed. Furthermore, interaction with human users is also a significant issue that is also taken into account, since the human user can easily help the robot to explore the environment using simple natural high-level commands. In order to achieve the objectives related to autonomous map building and exploration, a set of algorithms have been implemented. As mentioned before, these algorithms use the semantically labelled 116 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques polygonal description of the environment explained in depth in Chapter 3. From this description it is possible to determine which areas should or should not be explored. Moreover, using these semantic features facilitates the implementation of algorithms which allow the robot to carry out some recognition tasks such as identifying known places and remembering how to go from one place to another. 4.1.1 Semantic description of the free space. The exploration and topological map building problems can be simultaneously addressed if a suitable representation of the free space is available. In this work, this representation is directly obtained from the environment description detailed in Chapter 3. In order to semantically characterize the free area around the robot, a closed polygon is calculated using the set of labelled polylines. This polygon is simple (no pair of adjacent edges intersect), irregular and generally non-convex (at least, one of the internal angles is greater than 180 degrees, so there are external diagonal lines) and can be divided into a set of convex sub-polygons. To obtain a semantic representation of the free space, the collection of convex subpolygons that define such space can be extended by adding features that allow to identify what kind of sub-polygons represent different parts of the free area from a conceptual point of view. For instance, if a sub-polygon consists of segments from the same polyline, this sub-polygon defines a closed area, and there are not any regions to explore from it. On the other hand, if a sub-polygon includes an edge defined by the last OC point of the polyline and the first OC point of the polyline , there is a traversable segment that could lead the robot to a new unexplored part of the environment. Taking these considerations into account, the method proposed in this work identifies different regions of the free space from a cognitive point of view and associates semantic tags to the edges of the convex sub-polygons. In fact, the edges of these sub-polygons are labelled using abstract concepts related to exploration. Specifically, four kinds of edges are considered: exploration, back, environment and traversable edges: An exploration edge (ExpEdge) is defined by two points points ( the following condition: and is the final occlusion point of the polyline ), that fulfill and is the initial occlusion point of the polyline . These edges usually represent borders, since the robot does not know which objects are behind them. Therefore, the area beyond these edges could be explored. A back edge (BckEdge) is defined as a segment with an end point on the origin of the robot reference system and the other on either the first point of the first segment in the 117 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration first polyline, or the last point of the last segment in the last polyline. An environment edge (EnvEdge) is defined as a segment included in any of the polylines that describe the environment. Those edges represent part of the objects found in the setting and their ends are labelled as IAC, OAC, OCC, FW or LW as defined in Chapter 3. A traversable edge (TraEdge) is defined as a border shared by two adjacent convex subpolygons. Table 4-1 shows the requirements that should be fulfilled in order to assign a label to a given edge. Figure 4-1 shows an example of environment description from which the closed polygon is generated. Some examples of occlusion points (green), saturated points (yellow) and frontal and lateral wall points (black) are shown. 1) Generation of convex sub-polygons. The space enclosed inside the non-convex polygon describes the free space around the robot at time . This space is divided into a set of convex sub-polygons by using Algorithm 4-1. Input is formally defined as a list of labelled points in the Euclidean space: , where is the number of vertices of the polygon, and are respectively the coordinate, coordinate and label of point obtained from the list of polylines. Any edge of the polygon is defined as the pair , where if the condition is met and , otherwise. To obtain the set of convex sub-polygons, it is necessary to detect which points inside the polygon are convex according to the robot position ; this position is always considered as a convex point for convenience. This facilitates the design of the proposed algorithms. Type Formal definition and condition for labelling Exploration edge ExpEdge = {P(i), P(j)} / P(i)=(xi, yi, Lbi), P(j)=(xj, yj, Lbj) and Lbi=OC, Lbj=OC, P(i) Polyline k and P(j) Polyline k+1. Back edge BckEdge = {P(i), P(j)} / P(i)=(xi, yi, Lbi), P(j)=(xj, yj, Lbj) and P(i)=O or P(j)=O / O=(xrobot,yrobot). Environment edge EnvEdge = {P(i), P(j)} / P(i)=(xi, yi, Lbi), P(j)=(xj, yj, Lbj) and {P(i), P(j)} are the bounds of a segment inside the polyline k. Traversable edge TraEdge = {P(i), P(j)} / P(i)=(xi, yi, Lbi), P(j)=(xj, yj, Lbj) and none of the above conditions are met. Table 4-1. Conditions for assigning labels to edges. 118 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Algorithm 4-1. Generating convex sub-polygons. 1: 2: 3: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 27: 28: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: Algorithm GeneratingConvexSubPolygons (P): N Number of elements inside P; for i 0 to N used[i] false; endfor; level 0; while (k / used[k] = false) j 0; while (j < N) if (P[j] is convex) then Add P[j] to sub-polygon S; j++; enc false; while ((j < N) AND (not enc)) if (P[j] is not convex) then if (not used[j]) then Add P[j] to sub-polygon S; used[j] true; endif; j++; else enc true; endif; endwhile; if ((j < N) AND (enc)) then Add P[j] to sub-polygon S; endif; if ((j N) AND (not enc)) then Add P[0] to sub-polygon S; endif; else j++; endif; endwhile; level++; Add S to LSubP; Erase used non-convex points; Re-label convex points; if (there are not any convex points left) for k 0 to N used[k] true; endfor; endif; endwhile; return (LSubP); Figure 4-1. Closed polygon obtained from the semantic description of the setting. 119 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration On the other hand, the pair of triangles for each point are calculated, see Figure 4-2. A point is convex if the following condition is satisfied: (4-1) Where and are the angles associated to vertex in triangles 1 and 2, respectively. For instance, according to condition (4-1), point in Figure 4-2 (a) is convex, while point in Figure 4-2 (b) is concave. In each iteration, Algorithm 4-1 searches a set of convex points. Concave points located between two adjacent convex points and are added to a new sub-polygon. Furthermore, and are also included in this sub-polygon. In each iteration, a set of convex sub-polygons is generated. Concave points are eliminated from the original set , and the remaining points are consecutively connected again. The process is repeated until there are not any convex points except point . When Algorithm 4-1 is executed, some convex sub-polygons could have only two points; such sub-polygons are really segments. This situation happens if there are not any concave points between two adjacent convex points. In this case, those sub-polygons are not taken into account. Figure 4-3 shows an example of the execution of Algorithm 4-1. Figure 4-2. (a) Convex point with respect to the robot position. (b) Concave point with respect to the robot position. Figure 4-3. Example of Algorithm 4-1 execution. There are four convex sub-polygons in level 0 and one convex sub-polygon in level 1. 120 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Each convex sub-polygon has a level number according to the iteration of the algorithm in which the sub-polygon was obtained, as each iteration is associated to a level . A relationship degree between sub-polygons could be established by taking into account such levels. In fact, a pair of sub-polygons are relatives if there is a path that allows the robot to go from one sub-polygon to another one intersecting only traversable edges. A subpolygon is another sub-polygon’s parent if they share a traversable edge and their levels are and respectively. If both of them belong to the same level they are considered as “brothers”. Moreover, each convex sub-polygon has a centroid. The robot can navigate through the free space by following the paths defined by the set of feasible trajectories that link the centroids, see Figure 4-4. Abstract semantic concepts about the free space distribution can be generated by taking into account the set of labelled convex sub-polygons. For example, if the level of a subpolygon is zero and it has at least one exploration edge, the area of the free space represented by that sub-polygon can be considered an interesting place to explore, that is, an exploration area. If several sub-polygons accomplish these conditions, the sub-polygon whose centroid is closer to the robot could be explored first. For instance, if a sub-polygon consists only of traversable edges, it represents a part of the free space that allows to connect different exploration areas. Other examples illustrating how to acquire high level abstract concepts from this labelled representation of the free space could actually be found. Furthermore, using these abstract concepts, a human user could easily decide about the behaviour of the robot by providing additional information to the exploration algorithms in real time. Figure 4-4. Set of feasible exploration paths obtained from the relationship between centroids. 121 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration 2) Exploration algorithm using the semantic representation of the free space. Exploring could be formally defined as searching with the purpose of discovery. Therefore, any exploration technique should be based on seeking exploration areas in the free space. In this subsection a method that allows the robot to safely and autonomously explore the environment is detailed. External commands from a human user can also be taken into account if required, so that he or she can partially guide the robot using natural interaction. The description of the free space explained in subsection 4.1.1-1 provides a collection of interconnected convex sub-polygons that represent different free areas. Note that the subpolygons that include exploration edges characterize regions that could be explored by crossing such edges, so the centroid of one of these sub-polygons could be taken as a representative goal point useful to explore unknown places. Many sub-polygons consisting of at least one exploration edge can be calculated at time , so it it necessary to implement an algorithm for selecting the more appropriate exploration area according to some conditions. For example, if there are two feasible exploration areas, the first one in front of the robot and the second one located on the right, and it is not desirable that the robot abruptly changes its heading, the sub-polygon that describes the free area in front should be selected. However, if the place has already been visited or a human user orders the robot to turn to the right, the sub-polygon that represents the second free area should be chosen. In addition, if it is required that the robot navigates safely, the algorithm should take into account both fixed and mobile obstacles in order to allow the robot to avoid them. In this work, a method that generates some feasible exploration paths has been designed. A specific path is selected by using a fuzzy system that calculates a merit factor associated to each feasible path. This algorithm is similar to that described in section 3.3.3 but considering a higher abstract description of the environment, since it takes into account not only low level semantic features but how these features are related to each other to describe different free space areas. In the experiments, the robot navigates through indoor settings, so it usually goes through corridors. The robot could change its direction when it finds an intersection or there is a room where it should go into. This decision could be taken autonomously or guided by a human using natural interaction. If the human user orders to explore a specific area, this order prevails over any autonomous decision. However, if there are not any user commands, the algorithm selects the path with the best merit factor calculated by the fuzzy system. If several paths accomplish the condition proposed by the user, the path that leads to the closer sub-polygon with exploration edges is selected. Figure 4-5 outlines the whole process, which starts when the polygon generated as the result of linking all the adjacent polylines is obtained, and finishes when the path is selected. 122 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 4-5. Algorithm that obtains the appropriate path by taking into account the output of the fuzzy system and the decision of the human user. In order to design the fuzzy system rule base, the normalized full length of the path and the normalized value of the direction DirChange of any sub-polygon that contains at least one exploration edge are considered. The direction DirChange is calculated as the angle formed by the axis of the robot coordinate system and the line that joins the origin of the robot reference system and the centroid. In order to normalize the full length of the path, the minimum and maximum length of all the feasible routes are considered. The result is a number in the interval . The direction DirChange is normalized taking into account the interval degrees. The result is also a number in the interval . Figure 4-6 (d) shows the fuzzy system inputs and output. The distributions of the fuzzy variables are detailed in Figure 4-6 (a), Figure 4-6 (b), and Figure 4-6 (c). The distribution of the output values according to the inputs is detailed in Figure 4-6 (e). Finally the rule base is shown in Table 4-2. Note that the merit factor is very high if the path is very long and DirChange is very close to degrees. The merit factor is very low when the path is very short and DirChange is close to or degrees. The remaining possibilities are covered by the rest of the rules. 123 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration (a) (d) (b) (c) (e) Figure 4-6. Fuzzy system for the selection of exploration paths. (a) Fuzzy set for the variable that defines the length of the path. (b) Fuzzy set for the variable that characterizes the angle defined by the line that joins the centroid and the origin and the X axis of the robot reference system. (c) Fuzzy set for the output variable MFactor. (d) Inputs and output of the fuzzy system. (e) Distribution of the values calculated by the fuzzy system within the universe of discourse of the input variables. PLength DirChange VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW LOW LOW HIGH VERYHIGH VERYHIGH LOW VERYLOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH MEDIUM VERYLOW VERYLOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH VERYLOW VERYLOW LOW LOW MEDIUM VERYHIGH VERYLOW VERYLOW LOW LOW LOW Table 4-2. Rule base with inputs PLength and DirChange and MFactor as output. Figure 4-7 shows an example of the behaviour of the algorithm that selects the appropriate exploration path. If the commands issued by a human user are being considered, orders such as “GO RIGHT” “GO LEFT” and “GO STRAIGHT” will be taken into account. In fact, in the experiments, the human user can use this kind of commands or remotely select the goal centroid by using an appropriate graphical user interface (GUI). This simplifies the interaction between the human user and the robot. Figure 4-7 illustrates an example where there are two feasible exploration areas on the left, one exploration area in front of the robot and one exploration area on the right. 124 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 4-7. Set of feasible exploration paths. The green path has the worst merit factor since its length is the shortest and the angle is 135º. The black path has the best merit factor, since its length is the longest and the angle is the closest to 90º. If the user orders “GO RIGHT” at time , then the black path would be selected and the position of the goal centroid relative to the global reference system would be stored as target. A human user command is considered as totally executed when the robot approximately reaches the goal centroid, for example at time . If the user sends a new command in the interval , such command will not have any effect. If there is not any available command, the robot takes decisions autonomously according to the output of the fuzzy system. If a different behaviour is required, the fuzzy system rule base could be easily modified without changing the rest of the software component that implements the exploration task. This is clearly an advantage of the approach. In the experiments, unless the human user sends a specific command, the robot tries to find exploration areas located at a long distance while changing its direction smoothly. This leads the robot to explore corridors and big rooms first. Additional constraints are introduced to reduce the number of feasible paths while the topological map is built. In particular, the nodes in the map are used to determine which places have been visited and to accept or to reject those paths if necessary. On the other hand, the robot is at a dynamic environment, where mobile obstacles should be avoided if required. The emergency algorithm proposed in section 3.3.3 is also used to ensure that the robot navigates safely either autonomously or partially guided by a human user. As it is fully explained in the following section, when the map building algorithm detects a place that can be considered as a candidate node of the map, the exploration algorithm also 125 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration uses the position of such node as a possible goal point. 4.1.2 Topological map building. In this section, an intelligent technique that uses the representation of the free space described in section 4.1.1 is presented. The method builds a topological map of the environment by analyzing the set of sub-polygons and taking into account features such as level numbers, edge labels and relationship degree, among others, to determine where map nodes should be located. The topological map is described by a graph whose nodes store local semantic polygonal descriptions of the environment according to the representation proposed in Chapter 3. A node is defined as a set of data that describes a place visited by the robot at time . Each node consists of a point in the Euclidean space whose Cartesian coordinates in the global coordinate system are . The global coordinate system is defined as coincident with the robot reference system at time . Information about neighbouring nodes and the trajectories to reach them is saved. The set of semantically labelled polylines that represents the sensed environment (in front of the robot and behind it) is also stored. The proposed method allows the robot to determine which places should be remembered. When the robot approaches to these places, a “candidate node” defined as a point in the global reference system, is generated. If the robot is close enough to a candidate node while exploring and a set of requirements are met, the node is transformed into a “real node”. Then, the topological map is updated, see Figure 4-8. The trajectories that allow the robot to go from one node to another should be accurately calculated; therefore, trajectory estimation is a key issue in the proposed algorithm. In fact, calculating the path that joins two neighbour nodes could be carried out using simple odometry. However, odometry based on data acquired by propioceptive sensors is sensitive to accumulative errors. The semantic polygonal representation of the environment is taken into account to solve this problem. Figure 4-8. Sequence of stages that allow to update the topological map by taking into account the free space semantic description. 126 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Pose change estimation is carried out by using both measurements from propioceptive sensors (encoders), and the environment description obtained at consecutive times and . Natural landmarks represented as segments are extracted from the setting representation and used for data association. A hierarchical fuzzy system allows to improve the data association method by only selecting natural landmarks that meet certain requirements. This issue is fully addressed in section 4.2.1-2. In addition, the uncertainty in measurements acquired by the 2D laser scanner is also considered and an algorithm based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is used for data fusion, see section 4.3. Moreover, when a node is revisited, the stored environment description is used to correct the global trajectory followed by the robot (if necessary) by using the data alignment and association proposed in section 4.2.1-1. 1) Generation of candidate nodes. Indoor settings usually consist of features such as walls, columns and furniture, among others, often distributed in parallel or at right angles. In general, the main structure of these scenarios is a set of corridors that lead to furnished rooms or to other corridors (see a simple example in Figure 4-9). When a human being walks through a domestic setting, a hospital or an office building, he or she usually pays attention to places that are subject to explore. For example, if someone follows a corridor and a door is opened on the right, he or she could determine that there is a place that must be remembered because there is an intersection, and the space behind the door leads to another part of the environment (see Figure 4-9 (a)). The human being could easily go back to a place in the future if the place and its relation with the rest of areas is memorized. In general, the trajectory followed by people when they walk through a corridor is parallel to its main walls. When people arrive to an intersection they can decide to go into a room or to follow a new perpendicular corridor. In this case, they should usually turn approximately 90 degrees. If a room is closed, the place should be memorized before leaving it, and the trajectory would be resumed. In short, if the robot is required to build a topological map as a human being would do, it should use the knowledge about geometric relations such as perpendicularity, distance, or heading between the main components of a typical indoor environment. However, unlike human beings, the robots used in the experiments only have a 2D laser device to sense the environment, so their awareness about the whole setting is clearly limited. As the example in Figure 4-9 shows, the robot just “sees” a part of the global setting at time whose semantic polygonal representation is shown in Figure 4-9 (b). 127 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration (a) (b) Figure 4-9. Example of domestic setting. (a) The robot is located at the main corridor. Several intersections define significant places that should be remembered. (b) Semantic polygonal representation of the environment at time t. In this instance the environment consists of several rooms and secondary corridors on the right and on the left of the main one. Intersections are then located at areas where rooms and secondary corridors join the main corridor. Knowing if a place should be considered significant is one of the main issues that must be addressed when the robot is required to build a topological map. In this work, the robot can determine which places are subject to be memorized as it is navigating by taking into account the semantic description of the free space obtained from the semantic polygonal representation of the environment. Feasible significant places are represented by “candidate nodes” selected by using heuristic rules inspired by the human behaviour mentioned above. The proposed method allows the robot to detect significant exploration areas located at both sides by taking into account the semantic description of the free space. The collection of convex sub-polygons that represent free regions of the environment at time are analyzed and used to create “candidate nodes” that will be transformed into “real nodes” according to some requirements. First, zero level sub-polygons are considered, since they can directly define exploration areas. Next, the rest of level sub-polygons are taken into account, because they can lead the robot to exploration areas represented by their zero level relatives. a) Candidate nodes obtained from zero level exploration sub-polygons. In order to calculate a collection of candidate nodes at time , the zero level sub-polygons that meet the following conditions are considered, see Figure 4-10: 128 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 4-10. Example of environment whose free space is represented by a set of semantically labelled convex sub-polygons. Sub-polygons 2, 4 and 5 are exploration subpolygons since they contain at least one exploration edge and their level is L0. An interval whose values are respectively [80, 110] is used to select traversable edges according to the notion of perpendicularity. Only sub-polygons 2 and 4 contain traversable edges that form an angle with the X-axis of the laser reference system within the interval. At least, the sub-polygon contains one exploration edge. None of its edges is labelled as BckEdge. The sub-polygon has a traversable edge whose direction is defined by the angle (between the edge and the X-axis of the robot reference system), inside the interval , where and are heuristically defined. Zero level sub-polygons that accomplish the first condition are named exploration subpolygons. Only exploration sub-polygons that meet the rest of the requirements are taken into account to estimate the position of candidate nodes. The rest of exploration areas that are not located to the right or to the left of the robot are filtered out (remember that perpendicularity is a common geometric characteristic found in indoor environments). This means that only exploration areas that generate intersections (according to the notion of perpendicularity), will be taken into account. Figure 4-11 shows an example to clarify the candidate node selection algorithm. As Figure 4-11 (a) shows, the robot senses a great part of the main corridor. Rooms located on the left are partially perceived, and the secondary corridor on the right is also partially represented. The farthest intersection is not sensed at time , so a saturated polyline describes this area. Figure 4-11 (b) shows how the closed polygon can be divided into a set of convex sub-polygons. Only four zero level sub-polygons have exploration edges. 129 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration (a) (b) Figure 4-11. Example of domestic setting. (a) Partitions of the closed polygon obtained from the set of semantically labelled polylines. (b) Set of convex sub-polygons with labelled edges. Exploration edges are blue colored. In order to select which sub-polygons should generate candidate nodes, the values and are defined. For example if values and degrees are respectively used, only the sub-polygons located on the left will be taken into account; this setting for the interval of acceptable angles is intended to select exploration paths perpendicular to the current one; however, in this case it would seem intuitively unacceptable not to consider an exploration path leading to the right. If the the interval is extended to for example, the sub-polygon located on the right would also be considered, but this would lead as well to the selection of exploration paths too far from perpendicularity. This situation should be avoided because finding intersections is the main purpose of this method, and the notion of intersection is directly related to the notion of perpendicularity. A more sensible improvement of the path selection method can be achieved if subpolygons of levels other than are also considered. Note that the exploration area located on the right is described by a zero level sub-polygon whose traversable edge links the last occlusion point of the first polyline and the first occlusion point of the third polyline; such segment is also a traversable edge of a level 1 sub-polygon. This traversable segment can only be reached through the traversable segment whose ends are the last occlusion point (OC) of the first polyline and the first outside angle corner (OAC) of the third polyline. Moreover, this segment forms an angle close to degrees relative to the robot reference system, so it can be used to detect the first and nearest intersection. A candidate node would be defined, even with narrow intervals centered in degrees, for instance , thereby achieving a more satisfactory result. This approach is described in detail in subsection 4.1.2-1-b. 130 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques b) Candidate nodes obtained from non-zero level sub-polygons. As mentioned before, once zero level sub-polygons have been analyzed, their ancestors at higher levels should also be considered. The direction of diagonal lines between vertices (except the position where the robot is located) as well as edges labelled as TraEdge of such sub-polygons are checked against the limits defined by the interval . If there are several diagonal lines or edges whose angle is within the interval, the line whose value is closest to degrees is selected. Figure 4-12 shows an example where a level one sub-polygon located to the right can generate a candidate node. Note that in Figure 4-11 the robot detects an exploration area behind an object partially hidden by an occlusion. The free space around this object is enclosed by the level one sub-polygon. The robot should navigate through this part of the environment before approaching the exploration area. c) Selecting candidate nodes and calculating their representative positions. As a human being would do, if the robot goes through a corridor or a room while executing the exploration algorithm proposed in section 4.1.1-2, the Y-axis of the robot reference system usually will tend to be parallel to the walls that delimit such place. When the Y-axis of the robot is parallel enough, perpendicular corridors and rooms are detected as feasible exploration areas, see Figure 4-13 (a) and Figure 4-13 (b). The places where these perpendicular regions converge are intersections. The robot can determine the position of these intersections before reaching them by generating candidate nodes. Figure 4-12. First level sub-polygon with a diagonal inside the interval 131 . Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration (a) (b) Figure 4-13. (a) Candidate nodes located at the centres of the intersections. (b) Candidate nodes located at the centres of the intersections when the heading and the robot position change. Moreover, the environment sensed by the robot changes while the robot is advancing; therefore, the list of candidate nodes calculated at time should be updated at time , and so on. Consequently, it is necessary to maintain a set of candidate nodes over time, each of them defined by their position relative to the global reference system. This position is calculated by taking into account the robot pose at the global reference system. This pose is updated by using the EKF-based procedure described in 4.3. At time , a set of sub-polygons that can generate candidate nodes is obtained. In order to filter out non-valid candidate nodes and to calculate the position of the valid ones, only specific edges or diagonal lines of the sub-polygons that generate them are considered according to the following stages: For each sub-polygon that allows to generate a candidate node, the segment (edge or diagonal line) is selected as explained in the preceding section. The length of this segment must be lower than a heuristically defined threshold . This limits the number of candidate nodes that will be taken into account; very distant features will not be considered. In the experiments, is set to two meters. For each selected segment, its middle point and the parallel straight line that crosses the point of the robot reference system are calculated. A segment perpendicular to that includes intersects in point , see Figure 4-14. This point will define the candidate node position in the global reference system if several requirements are met: 132 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (a) (b) Figure 4-14. (a) Example of a non-valid candidate node when none of the three first requirements are accomplished. (b) Example of a non-valid candidate node when the fourth condition is not met. - 1. The point must lie within one of the convex sub-polygons. Otherwise, the candidate node is considered non-valid. - 2. The length of the perpendicular segment should not exceed a fixed boundary (two meters in the experiments). This condition limits the number of candidate nodes. Very distant exploration areas located at both sides of the robot are not considered since closer areas should be explored first. - 3. The perpendicular segment does not cross any segment included in the set of polylines that describes the environment. Figure 4-14 (a) shows an example when this condition and the two conditions mentioned above are not accomplished. - 4. The half-line that starts at point and contains the point does not intersect any segment included in the set of polylines that represents the setting, or otherwise, if it intersects any of them at a point , the length of the segment defined by the end 133 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration points and does not exceed a fixed threshold . This threshold is meters in the experiments. In this way, small spaces are not considered as exploration places and the map is simplified, see Figure 4-14 (b). The coordinates of the point the global reference system. Finally, if an old candidate node calculated at time and stored in is very close to the position of a new candidate node at time , and , the old candidate node is eliminated from , and the position of the new one is updated to the average position of both candidates. are transformed from the robot reference system to Figure 4-15 shows an example of candidate nodes obtained after analyzing the set of edges and diagonal lines and taking into account the above mentioned conditions. 2) Updating the topological map. A candidate node can be transformed into a real node when the robot gets closer than an heuristically set threshold to it (0.5 meters for the experiments). The position of the real node will be the position of the robot in the global reference system when the robot reaches the circle whose centre is the position of the candidate node and the radius is . Figure 4-15. Candidate nodes calculated according to TraEdge edges and diagonal segments. 134 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In order to create the new real node, the following additional condition should be met: no other existing real node can be closer than the distance . Furthermore, the real node stores the set of semantically labelled polylines that describes the environment in front of and behind the robot at time , see Figure 4-16. In the experiments, the robot BENDER is equipped with a servo that allows to turn the 2D laser device (see Chapter 6), which facilitates the task of acquiring the environmental information behind the robot. This is particularly useful in loop closure, because when it is required to know if a real node is really being revisited the point of view of the robot should not have any influence. Both the estimation of the global pose of the robot and the information about the environment stored in a particular real node are taken into account to close loops. The global trajectory followed by the robot while building the map can be corrected when a node is revisited by comparing the set of polylines sensed at time and the set of polylines stored in the revisited node. In order to do this, both sets of polylines are properly aligned and the technique described in subsection 4.2.1-2 (based on geometric transformations), allows to obtain how much the robot is misplaced with respect to the real node. Figure 4-16. The robot is inside the circle defined by the first candidate node. When the real node is created the area around the robot is memorized. The memorized set of polylines is used when the node is revisited. 135 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration The first node of the map, located at position (0, 0), is created at the beginning of the map building process. When any other node is created and added to the map, a neighbourhood relationship with the previously visited one is established. The trajectory that joins both nodes is then saved. If the robot approaches an area represented by an existing real node, it is considered that the node is being revisited. If there is not a neighbourhood relationship between the previous node and the revisited one, this relationship is established and the trajectory that joins both nodes is stored. Figure 4-17 (a) illustrates an example of topological map obtained from the simulated environment shown on Figure 4-17 (b). The robot is located at a corridor where several rooms converge. First, the initial node is created at position (0, 0). Three intersections are detected. Each candidate node represents an intersection. The first candidate node is generated from a first level sub-polygon. As Figure 4-17 (a) illustrates, the selected diagonal from which the position of the candidate node is calculated is represented by a red line. The second candidate node is generated from a traversable edge of a first level sub-polygon (specifically the sub-polygon 19), see the blue line in Figure 4-17 (a). Finally, the third candidate node is obtained from the traversable edge of a zero level sub-polygon. This edge is represented by a green line in Figure 4-17 (a). Figure 4-17. Example of topological map building. (a) Description of the free space; subpolygons and candidate nodes are displayed. (b) Simulated environment from which the topological map is being built. 136 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques As Figure 4-18 (a) shows, the robot starts at the position (0, 0) where the first node is created. Three intersections are detected in the simulated environment (see Figure 4-18 (b)). Therefore, three candidate nodes are generated. Sub-polygons 5 and 9 allow the robot to identify the same candidate node from different edges because both positions are very close (in the experiments, if two edges define two feasible nodes separated by 0.5 meters they are fused to create a unique node). The final position of the candidate node is the mean value between the positions obtained from both sub-polygons. The dotted line represents the trajectory followed by the robot. When the robot has advanced some meters, each candidate node has been transformed into a real node. Specifically, Figure 4-19 (a) shows an example of topological map consisting of three real nodes and several candidate nodes located in front of the robot. For each real node, the environment around the robot is memorized by storing the polygonal representation of the setting located in front and behind. The trajectory that joins two neighbours is represented by a red line. The simulated environment where the robot navigates through is described in Figure 4-19 (b). Figure 4-18. Example of topological map building. (a) Description of the free space; subpolygons and candidate nodes are displayed. The first node is located at (0,0). Subpolygons 5 and 9 generate the same candidate node. (b) Simulated environment from which the topological map is being built. The candidate nodes are located at the intersections. 137 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Figure 4-19. Example of topological map building. (a) Description of the free space using sub-polygons. There are three real nodes (red) and three candidate nodes (dark gray). (b) Simulated environment from which the topological map is being built. Note that the geometric relation between nodes is a key issue when a topological map is being built. Therefore, the trajectories that join two nodes should be accurately estimated. In this thesis, odometry-based techniques are used for this purpose due to their simplicity and low computational cost. In addition, the information from propioceptive sensors is complemented by the semantic representation of the environment to improve the estimation of the robot pose. The following section details the proposed method that allows the robot to localize itself within the topological map. In particular, pose estimation involves to accomplish several tasks: natural landmark extraction, data association and EKF-based data fusion. 4.2 Pose change estimation using the semantic polygonal representation of the environment. Position, heading and velocity estimation can be carried out using well-known procedures. Particularly, classic odometry-based methods are simple and computationally inexpensive. They usually use the information obtained from propioceptive sensors such as encoders, compasses or gyroscopes, among others. The pose of the robot is calculated by integrating velocity and heading measurements over time, relative to a starting position. In this case, the accuracy of propioceptive sensors is critical. However, even when very accurate devices are used, propioceptive sensor-based odometry has several long-term drawbacks. Both systematic errors (bad wheel alignment, different diameter of the wheels or discrete and 138 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques limited resolution of the encoders, among others), and non-systematic errors (skids and slides) will affect individual estimates. As the process integrates new relative estimations with the past ones, the global error is accumulative. On the other hand, if the robot is not equipped with propioceptive sensors, this kind of odometry methods cannot be applied, except if a theoretical model of the vehicle is used. This solution usually leads to higher errors, since there is not feedback from the robot. In order to solve these problems, exteroceptive sensors should be also used. In the experiments, two differential drive robots (Pioneer and BENDER) that use encoders to estimate the velocity of each wheel have been used. The change in heading is obtained as a function whose inputs are the angular velocities of each wheel. Finally, the change in the position of the robot is calculated using a model of the vehicle whose inputs are the global heading and the linear velocity. As odometry based only on the information from propioceptive sensors usually leads to unacceptable accumulative errors, the robot pose change is also estimated from the measurements obtained by a virtual sensor. This virtual sensor obtains the robot pose change through data association between the sets of polylines obtained at consecutive instants. Natural landmarks used in the proposed data association technique are represented by segments. Once these segments are properly calculated they can be used to estimate the robot pose change. Finally, a data fusion procedure can be used to combine the measurements obtained from odometry and from the designed virtual sensor. 4.2.1 Implementation of a pose change virtual sensor based on the semantic polygonal description of the environment. This section describes a technique for robot pose change estimate by using the setting representation described in Chapter 3. The main objective is to design a pose virtual sensor. A procedure for natural landmarks extraction is designed to meet this goal. Natural landmarks are represented by using segments whose end points are considered as stable features. Next, the segments extracted at consecutive instants and and properly associated are used to calculate a set of robot pose change estimates at time . 1) Segment association. Consider that the robot senses a part of the setting at time . This area is described by a set of semantically labelled polylines, see Figure 4-20 (a). At time , the robot obtains another semantic polygonal representation, see Figure 4-20 (b). Using both descriptions, an algorithm that associates the edges of both polylines that describe the same objects can be implemented. For a small , the data association task is relatively straightforward. 139 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Figure 4-20. Changes in the set of polylines during the interval . But, even in this case and in addition to their change in relative position and orientation, the set of polylines could slightly differ in the number of vertices, and some point labels could be different. For instance, if the robot detected an occlusion point at time , it might perceive an outside angle corner at time instead, since the point of view is different and the perception of the object represented by the polyline is better (see the points included in a circle, in Figure 4-21). This situation demonstrates that occlusion points are not stable, because they represent the transition between different objects in the scenario. On the other hand, points labelled as IAC and OAC define features of the same objects that are invariant to translation, rotation and point of view. Therefore, only these points should be used to define segments that could be associated between consecutive instants. Note that the length of the segments bounded by IAC and OAC points is constant through time. In short, a polyline is generally defined as a sequence of segments whose end points are IAC, OAC, LW and FW. Only the first and last segments in the polyline contain OC points. The segments defined by IAC and OAC maintain not only their length but also the relation with their adjacent neighbours through time, so these kind of segments could be considered as natural landmarks, which are always located at the same place if a global reference system is used. Figure 4-21. Feasible association of segments between consecutive instants 140 and . Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In order to find matches between the polygonal representations obtained at consecutive instants, the set of labelled polylines obtained at time should be first aligned with the list of polylines obtained at time . Only segments of the polyline bounded by stable points (IAC and OAC) are considered to accomplish this task. Segments bounded by stable points included in the set of polylines acquired at time are stored in a list named . Segments from the set of polylines obtained at time (also bounded by stable points), are stored in a list named . One segment is taken from and one segment is taken from . All the segments belonging to are recalculated using the segment as a reference system. All the segments included in are recalculated using as a reference system. Both collections of segments are then compared using an Euclidian function of distance. Specifically, two segments and whose coordinates are and respectively, are associated if the following condition is met: (4-2) Where and are the Euclidean distances between the end points of the segments, is the absolute difference between the lengths of the segments and and are two heuristically defined thresholds. This procedure is repeated for all the possible alignments. The accuracy of each feasible alignment is represented by the factor . This factor (measured as a percentage), is proportional to the number of segments that meet the conditions described in (4-2): (4-3) Only the alignments that exceed a minimum percentage given by the designer are taken into account. The best alignment is the one with the maximum value. If no alignment exceeds the minimum percentage, the robot cannot use the information of the environment in the interval , and the pose estimation only depends on classic odometry by using information from propioceptive sensors. If there is a valid alignment, a collection of natural landmarks (represented by segments), is obtained by relating all the OAC and IAC points found in the set of polylines to each other. For example, Figure 4-22 (a) shows that it is possible to combine the OAC and IAC vertices to generate six segments that will be used as natural landmarks. As Figure 4-22 (b) illustrates, only two IAC points and two OAC points are considered because there are only three associated polyline segments after alignment. The new OAC point obtained at time is not taken into account in the data association process because it was an occlusion point at time . 141 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Figure 4-22. Stable segments generated after relating OAC and IAC points. The matching segments between and can be used as an absolute reference to estimate how the pose of the robot changes. The inaccuracy of this estimate is lower than the errors obtained when the information acquired from propioceptive sensors is used. Obviously, the more accurate is the representation of the environment, the more correct is the estimation of the change in the pose of the robot. 2) Pose change estimation using a set of matching segments. It is important to mention that, even when the exteroceptive sensor is quite reliable, some errors may arise due to the intrinsic imprecision of the perception device and the inaccuracies occurred after executing the algorithms that generate the semantic polygonal representation of the setting. The intrinsic inaccuracy of the perception device could be addressed by using statistical techniques that allow to define the uncertainty of the measurements according to probability distributions. In fact, section 4.3 addresses this problem in depth. However, it is difficult to model the inaccuracies that result from the execution of the algorithms that generate the semantic polygonal description of the environment in a conventional way, since such algorithms work with a hybrid (geometric and semantic) representation of the setting, and some parameters which define the performance of the mentioned algorithms are heuristically defined. Due to these inaccuracies, there are segments that describe the environment more precisely than others. This issue should be taken into account when such segments are used to estimate the robot pose change. Only those segments (natural landmarks) that accomplish certain requirements should be considered for data association. The mathematical definition of such requirements could be a difficult task. However, they could be conceptually defined in terms of how confident a segment is according to how accurately such segment semantically represents the connection between two stable features of the environment. Fuzzy systems are a suitable Computational Intelligence-based method for 142 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques solving this problem, since fuzzy rule bases can be easily designed by using labels that represent high level concepts. Thus, a method for the detection of non suitable segments based on a hierarchical fuzzy system is proposed. The use of this fuzzy system allows to improve both the natural landmark extraction and data association procedures. a) Fuzzy system-based rejection of unreliable natural landmarks represented as segments. Once the alignment between two set of segments obtained at consecutive instants is calculated, it is necessary to reject every pair of matching segments that do not accomplish certain requirements defined by the designer. These requirements are related to the accuracy of the polygonal representation of the environment. Specifically, the RMSE measurement described in section 3.4.1 is considered and used as input of a hierarchical fuzzy system that implements such requirements. The output of the fuzzy system (a confidence value), represents the reliability of each segment of a given pair. Only those pairs whose components have a confidence that exceeds a heuristically defined threshold are used in the pose change estimation procedure. Figure 4-23 shows how the robot acquires information from the 2D laser device at consecutive instants and . Figure 4-23. Example of natural landmarks represented as segments obtained during and . Raw data at consecutive instants are slightly different. 143 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Raw data sensed at time and are slightly different; therefore, although the polygonal representations consist of the same stable features both at time and , the position of the stable features depend on the position of the raw points that define such features. Since these positions will be used for the robot pose change estimation, it is necessary to ensure that the error when they are calculated is low enough. Assume that at time represents a segment (natural landmark) defined by points . On the other hand, and represents the matching segment defined by points and at time . Points and are included in a semantic polyline describes a portion of the environment sensed by the 2D laser device at time . polyline that describes the same portion of the setting at time includes the points . In order to calculate the confidence degree of the pair of matching segments that The and and the hierarchical fuzzy system shown in Figure 4-24 is used. The accuracy of points , , and is estimated by taking into account the RMSE obtained by comparing the edges of the corresponding polylines to the set of raw data that they represent, see section 3.4.1. Summarizing, a feature point is reliable if the edges that share such point accurately fit the raw data; therefore, the RMSE value associated to each edge should be low enough. A segment is reliable if its end points are also reliable. Finally, a pair of segments calculated at time and are reliable if the confidence of each segment exceeds the threshold . Figure 4-25 shows how to implement the hierarchical fuzzy system that calculates the confidence degree of a segment by using the XFuzzy 3.0 tool. A fuzzy rule implemented by the module “basepointconfidence” allows to obtain the confidence of a stable point (IAC or OAC) from the inputs RMSE0 and RMSE1. Figure 4-24. Fuzzy system that allows to calculate the confidence degree of a segment. In the example, the fuzzy system obtains the confidence value for the pair of segments and . 144 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 4-25. Hierarchical fuzzy system that calculates the confidence of a segment. As a segment is bounded by two stable points, the confidence of the first end point is obtained using rmsep0pastseg and rmsep0nextseg as inputs. The confidence of the second end point is obtained using rmsep1pastseg and rmsep1nextseg as inputs. In general, rmsepipastseg represents the RMSE calculated after comparing the edge whose last end point is point that defines the natural landmark to the set of raw data described by such edge. On the other hand, rmsepinextseg represents the RMSE obtained after comparing the edge whose first end point is also point to the set of raw data approximated by such edge. Once the confidences of the end points of the segment that describes a natural landmark are obtained, these values are used as inputs of the second level module “basesegmentconfidence”. The inputs P0CONFIDENCE and P1CONFIDENCE are in the interval , where means “null confidence” and means “total confidence”. The rule base implemented by the module “basesegmentconfidence” also generates a confidence value in the interval as final output. The fuzzy type TRMSE defines the membership functions that allow the fuzzification of the inputs of the “basepointconfidence” module, see Figure 4-26 (a). These inputs are normalized to the interval . The RMSE normalization associated to an edge is carried out by considering a minimum and a maximum value. In the experiments, the minimum and maximum values are and respectively. If one of the end points of the segment that defines a landmark is the first or the last point of an edge whose RMSE is higher than the maximum value, then the segment is not taken into account. Figure 4-26 (b) illustrates the fuzzy type TCONFIDENCE for the confidence values. This set of membership functions allows the fuzzification and the defuzzification of the inputs and of the output of the module “basesegmentconfidence”. 145 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Table 4-3 shows the implementation of the rule base for the module “basepointconfidence”. Table 4-4 describes the distribution of rules for the module “basesegmentconfidence”. (a) (b) Figure 4-26. Fuzzy types for the hierarchical fuzzy system that calculates the confidence of a segment (natural landmark). RMSE0 RMSE1 VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW VERYHIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW MEDIUM HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW VERYLOW HIGH LOW MEDIUM LOW LOW VERYLOW VERYHIGH LOW LOW VERYLOW VERYLOW VERYLOW P0CONFIDENCE Table 4-3. Rule base with inputs RMSE0 and RMSE1 and PointConfidence as output. P1CONFIDENCE VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW VERYLOW VERYLOW LOW LOW LOW LOW VERYLOW LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYHIGH LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYHIGH Table 4-4. Rule base with inputs P0CONFIDENCE and P1CONFIDENCE and SEGMConfidence as output. 146 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques b) Pose change estimation using pair of matching segments from consecutive instants. Once the unreliable features have been removed from the set of pairs of matching segments by using the hierarchical fuzzy system described above, the change in the pose of the robot relative to the selected pairs of segments can be calculated. This procedure is equivalent to computing the apparent motion of the associated segments relative to the robot, see Figure 4-27. Assuming that a segment is perceived at times and , the robot pose change between both instants can be obtained by taking the segment as the reference system. First, the change in heading of the segment is calculated, as if the robot remained motionless and the segment changed its position, see Figure 4-28. Figure 4-27. Two segments from instants and are matched. The segment is taken as the reference system in order to estimate the change in position of the robot. Figure 4-28. Calculation of the variation in robot heading using two matched segments from instants and . 147 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration In this case, is , where is the change in the heading of the segment relative to the robot between and . Next, the variation in the position of the robot in an Euclidean plane can be calculated by executing a set of geometric transformations where the segment defines the coordinate system. The selection of the axis and the axis for the segment-based reference system is determined by the order of the end points of such segment. If and are the ends of the segment, both points could be written in polar form according to the reference system defined by the 2D laser device. Point coordinates is placed after point with coordinates if . with Figure 4-29 (a) shows an example where the robot is located in front of a segment at time . Then the robot slightly moves to the left and the new pose of the robot at time is also represented. The robot reference systems at instants and are described by the black and red coordinate systems, respectively. The segment is bounded by points and . Figure 4-29 (b) shows both points in polar form with respect to the 2D laser device reference system at time . The points are and . Figure 4-29 (c) shows both points in polar coordinates with respect to the 2D laser device reference system at time . Such points are . According to the value of , point is placed before and , so the axis of the segment-based reference system is obtained by extending the half line that forms an angle of degrees with the segment and whose origin is the point . The axis is defined as the perpendicular line to the axis that contains the point . Once the reference system based on the segment is defined, it is possible to calculate the position of the robot according to the segment-based coordinate system both at time and time , since this reference system does not change during the interval . The position of the robot respect to the segment-based reference system is calculated by considering the triangle formed by points , and . Figure 4-29. (a) 2D laser reference systems at times and . (b) Ends of the segment according to the 2D laser reference system at time . (c) Ends of the segment according to the 2D laser reference system at time . 148 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques As Figure 4-30 shows, it is possible to determine the position of the robot using the equations: (4-4) Where are the Cartesian coordinates of the point according to the segmentbased coordinate system, is the distance from point to point and the angle is calculated by applying the sine theorem: (4-5) The value of is obtained from the equation (4-5): (4-6) If segment stays at the same position over time and and are calculated according to the segment-based reference system, it is possible to estimate the change in the pose of the robot during the interval . In order to calculate such coordinates, the following translation operation is made: (4-7) Where and according to are the coordinates of the translated point . A rotation , the angle between segment and the -axis of the robot reference system at time , allows to calculate the value of defined by the 2D laser device at time : in the reference system (4-8) Figure 4-30. Estimation of the change in the position of the robot relative to the robot reference system at time using translation and rotation operations. 149 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration c) Fuzzy system for the rejection of unreliable pose change estimates. Each pair of matching segments provides a robot pose change estimate. Ideally, all these pose change estimations should be identical. However, due to inaccuracies in the data association procedure, slightly different estimations could be obtained. If one of the estimations is very different to the rest of estimates, such estimation should be rejected. A procedure that detects such erroneous estimates has been designed. Specifically a fuzzybased technique that use the output of the fuzzy system described in section 4.2.1-2-a has been designed. As mentioned before, the use of a fuzzy system for the detection of unreliable data allows to heuristically define rules by considering semantic concepts which are difficult to model by using conventional methods. Assume that is the number of available pose change estimations obtained from of matching segments at times and . Figure 4-31 shows an example where pairs . The coordinates of the stable features are represented according to the laser reference system at time . The point where the robot is located at time is the coordinate origin , and the point where the robot is located at time is defined by . The following system of equations defines the relation between point points : and the rest of (4-9) Each pair of segments and that represent the same natural landmark provides a value of ; as mentioned before; ideally, all such values should be the same. Figure 4-31. Relation between the position of the robot according to the robot reference system at and the rest of points that define the landmarks using the 2D laser distance measurements. 150 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The position change obtained from any pair of matching segments and would be a solution of equations (4-9), but in practice this does not happen. Therefore the RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error), computed using the following equation, should be considered: (4-10) If the pose change estimation is calculated from a pair of matching segments that represent the same natural landmark, the RMSE is named . If and is high and the confidence degree obtained by the hierarchical fuzzy system described in Figure 4-25 for each component of the pair of matching segments that allows to calculate is not high enough, such pair should be rejected. Another fuzzy system has been designed to carried out this procedure by estimating the unreliability degree of each segment that defines the pair and . Assume that the confidence degree of is and the confidence degree of is . Assume that is the RMSE according to equation (4-10). Assume that a threshold is heuristically defined. All the pairs of matching segments whose pose change estimate exceeds are rejected. The rest of pairs are analyzed by using the fuzzy system shown in Figure 4-32. The confidence degrees and and the normalized value are used as inputs. The normalization process is carried out by taking the threshold this case, the outputs and as the maximum value. In represent the unreliability degree of the robot pose change estimate obtained from the pair of segments and whose confidence degree was calculated by using the fuzzy rule base defined in Table 4-4. In the experiments, a pose change estimate is considered valid if the designer. and , where is heuristically defined by Figure 4-32. Application of a fuzzy system that allows to calculate the final unreliability degree of a pair of matching segments. This allows to reject those non valid pose change estimates. 151 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration The fuzzy system used in Figure 4-32 has been implemented by using the XFuzzy 3.0 tool. Figure 4-33 shows the inputs and the output of the rule base. Figure 4-34 illustrates the fuzzy type that allows the defuzzification of the output Ud. Table 4-5 shows the rule base that allows to obtain an Ud (Unreliability Degree) value from the inputs SConf (Segment confidence) and RMSE . The fuzzy type for the variable SConf is TCONFIDENCE and the fuzzy type for the variable RMSE is TRMSE (see Figure 4-26). Figure 4-33. Fuzzy system that calculates the unreliability degree of a segment of a pair of matching segments by taking into account its confidence degree and the eSi value. Figure 4-34. Fuzzy type that allows the defuzzification of the output Unreliability Degree. SegConf RMSE eSi VERYLOW LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERYHIGH VERYLOW HIGH MEDIUM LOW VERYLOW VERYVERYLOW LOW HIGH MEDIUM LOW VERYLOW VERYLOW MEDIUM VERYHIGH HIGH HIGH MEDIUM LOW HIGH VERYVERYHIGH VERYHIGH HIGH HIGH MEDIUM VERYHIGH VERYVERYHIGH VERYVERYHIGH VERYHIGH HIGH MEDIUM Table 4-5. Rule base with inputs SegConf and RMSE eSi and Ud (Unreliability Degree) as output. 152 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 4.3 EKF filtering for pose estimation. The localization problem involves answering the following question: Where is the robot? Instead of maintaining a single hypothesis as to where in the world the robot might be, the probabilistic localization maintains a probability distribution over the space of all such hypotheses. In fact, the challenge is to maintain a position probability density over all possible robot poses. This density can have different forms according to the available information about the robot’s position, such as an uniform density distribution (when the robot has no idea about its position), a multimodal density distribution (several places should be taken into account) or a unimodal density distribution (the robot is highly certain about its position). In this work, the problem is to know how the pose of the robot varies in the interval , where is small enough. For this purpose, the semantic polygonal representation of the environment is considered together with the measurements acquired by the encoders and the kinematic model of the robot. In this case, the robot could be quite certain about its pose, therefore an unimodal density distribution (specifically, a Gaussian distribution), is used for representing the uncertainty of the pose change. The technique used for combining the measurements provided by both exteroceptive and propioceptive sensors is based on the EKF. The EKF is a Kalman filtering variant that can be used on nonlinear systems. The Kalman Filter (KF) is a recursive Bayesian method for the estimation of the state of a dynamical system in the presence of Gaussian noise [70], [134]. It simultaneously maintains estimates of both the state vector and the error covariance matrix . Thus, the output of the KF is a Gaussian probability density function (PDF) with mean and covariance . In the context of localization, the KF output is a distribution of likely robot positions instead of a single position estimate. A general diagram of the technique that estimates the pose of the robot at time , using the virtual sensor measurement together with the information obtained from propioceptive sensors (encoders), is shown in Figure 4-35. While the robot navigates, the polygonal representation of the environment can include stable features such as IAC and OAC points. If these kind of labelled points are found in the description of the setting, the robot can use the virtual sensor. However, if appropriate features are not detected, the virtual sensor is inactive. In this case, only the information provided by the propioceptive sensors is taken into account, together with the model of the robot. 153 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Figure 4-35. General diagram of the estimation of the pose of the robot. If this information is not available either, only the model of the robot is used to estimate the pose considering that the reference inputs are ideally reached. The algorithm that implements the EKF-based filter proposed in this work is adapted to the described circumstances. The virtual sensor provides a set of estimates of the relative pose change of the robot according to the set of detected natural landmarks. In order to use this information in the EKF-based algorithm, it is necessary to combine all the relative pose change estimates provided by the virtual sensor. Subsection 4.3.1 explains the statistical technique used for this purpose. Finally, subsection 4.3.2 describe both the model of the robot and the global behaviour of the filter. 4.3.1 Obtaining the output of the pose change virtual sensor by using statistical methods. If a set of valid natural landmarks are available the virtual sensor provides the set of valid pose change estimates . As mention above, if there are not available landmarks ( is empty), the robot can use only the information from propioceptive sensors to estimate its pose change. Specifically, stores the robot pose change estimate obtained from odometry at time . If is not empty, it is necessary to obtain a unique representative value ( ) of the set, which will be combined to by using the EKF-based algorithm. 154 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Although the set of pose change estimates in at time have been considered as valid estimations from a conceptual point of view, all of them are affected by the uncertainty of the 2D laser scanner measurements. Moreover, it is necessary to select a function that allows to combine all the pose change estimations in order to calculate , which is actually the value that the virtual sensor should provide as the measurement used in the update stage of an EKF-based method. This function should take into account the uncertainty of each estimate when is computed. In particular, the uncertainty of each individual pose change estimate is represented by using a Gaussian distribution. The parameters of the Gaussian distribution are calculated by propagating the uncertainty of the 2D laser raw measurements. This procedure (detailed in Appendix II) is summarized as follows. Since any individual pose change estimate in is obtained from a pair of matching segments whose end points are respectively the individual raw points in polar form and sensed by a 2D laser scanner, it is possible to define as a function of the input vector : (4-11) Where: (4-12) (4-13) (4-14) (4-15) The uncertainty is modelled by using Gaussian distributions, so each individual estimate in have associated a Gaussian distribution . A method for uncertainty propagation fully described in Appendix II is used to calculate the covariance matrix inputs covariance values . In particular, only the uncertainty of will be considered and modelled with Gaussian distributions with , respectively. Furthermore, it is assumed that the distance measurements are not correlated. Note that only errors in the range component are considered to be significant [49], [51], so no uncertainty is estimated for the component . 155 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration The uncertainty present in the set of inputs could be easily propagated to the set of outputs if both sets were related by a linear function and input errors follow a Gaussian distribution. While the second requirement is assumed to be met, the function that relates inputs and outputs is non-linear. However, the uncertainty in outputs can still be approximately computed by linearization: (4-16) Where the covariance matrix of the input x is defined by the following equation: (4-17) The Jacobian of is defined as follows: (4-18) After properly expanding equation (4-16) the following set of equations allow to estimate the terms of the covariance matrix of : (4-19) (4-20) (4-21) (4-22) (4-23) (4-24) In particular, the covariance for the components , and are defined by equations (4-19), (4-20) and (4-21) respectively. The correlation between and , and and and are respectively defined by the equations (4-22), (4-36) and (4-37). The equations that define the terms of the Jacobian of are fully detailed in Appendix II. 156 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Finally, the pose change estimation as the weighted mean of the , where segments weight: , provided by the virtual sensor, is calculated components of all the Gaussian distributions . Each value is obtained from the pair of matching . The inverse of each individual covariance matrix is taken as (4-25) The covariance matrix is calculated by using the following equation: (4-26) 4.3.2 Implementation of the EKF. As Figure 4-35 shows, the algorithm that implements the EKF-based filter consists of two stages: prediction and update. In the prediction phase, the angular and linear velocities are obtained using the data acquired by the encoders. A discrete approximation of the classic kinematic model of a tricycle is used to obtain the position , when the pose is available. (4-27) In addition, position is calculated using the angular velocity as input and the change in is calculated from and by means of the following equation: (4-28) Where the time passed during the interval is . Both the Pioneer and BENDER robots used in the experiments are equipped with encoders that allow to estimate the number of times per second that a wheel turns. Knowing the diameter of the wheel, the distance covered during a second can be measured. As both robots have a differential drive system, each wheel is connected to its own motor and encoder. The linear and angular velocities and 157 are obtained using the independent Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration measurements obtained from each wheel as inputs: (4-29) Where and are the linear velocities of the right and left wheels respectively, and and are the angular velocities of the right and left wheels respectively. According to Figure 4-36, the linear and angular velocities are related by the radius . (4-30) Equation (4-30) could be rewritten taking into account that the curvature the inverse of the radius . The EKF-based filter uses the measurements and is defined as to estimate the pose of the robot at time according to the pose obtained at time by applying equations (4-27) and (4-28). The inputs and are calculated using the values acquired from the encoders by applying equations (4-29) and (4-30). The uncertainty in measurements is represented by a Gaussian distribution with mean and covariance . (4-31) Where is the covariance associated to and is the covariance associated to . The state of the robot at time is represented by the matrix . (4-32) Assume that is the state of the robot at time . Figure 4-36. Parameters of the kinematic model of a differential drive system robot. 158 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Then, the EKF-based algorithm allows to predict the state of the robot at time , by applying the inputs to the kinematic model described in (4-27) and (4-28). (4-33) As the dynamical system (4-33) is non linear, it is necessary to linearize the equations about the current estimate. The Jacobian of with respect to the state is : (4-34) On the other hand, the Jacobian of respect to the matrix is : (4-35) If the matrix is combined with the matrix , the matrix is obtained: (4-36) The Covariance associated to is then calculated by using the following equation: (4-37) Where state coincides with the identity matrix and . is the covariance associated to the Once the prediction phase is finished, the update stage is carried out. If the environment provides a polygonal representation that includes stable labelled points (IAC and OAC), it is possible to obtain a measurement (the pose change), from the virtual sensor described in section 4.2.1 together with its covariance matrix : (4-38) (4-39) This information is used to calculate the filter gain that will be used for updating the pose change obtained in the prediction stage. As pose change measurements are being used, the equation that computes is defined as follows: 159 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration (4-40) Where vector is the identity matrix that represents the Jacobian of the state respect to the , and is the inverse of the matrix : (4-41) The current state estimation to update and , together with its covariance matrix , is obtained by using , from the obtained pose change measurements and . (4-42) (4-43) If there are no stable features detected by the virtual sensor at time current estimated state is directly transformed as follows: in the setting, the (4-44) (4-45) Figure 4-37 outlines the full process (prediction and updating). Figure 4-37. Obtaining the current state and the covariance matrix 160 using an EKF. Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The following possibilities are taken into account: If there are no available measurements of and from the encoders, the reference inputs velocity and curvature are used in the prediction stage. If there are no available measurements from the virtual sensor the update stage is not executed. If there are no available measurements, neither from propioceptive nor from exteroceptive sensors, then the model of the robot is used and and are calculated using this model. The pose obtained from the output of the EKF-based filter is labelled taking into account these circumstances. If the pose is calculated as the combination of the measurement obtained from the encoders and the measurement generated by the virtual sensor, such pose is labelled as NON-BLIND. The rest of possible labels are: BLIND1 (there are no available measurements from the virtual sensor), BLIND2 (there are no available measurements from the propioceptive sensor) and DOUBLE-BLIND (both possibilities simultaneously occur). The trajectory followed by the robot from the preceding node is stored when a new topological node is created or when the current node is being revisited and the precedent and current node are not neighbours. The output of the EKF-based filter provides the pose of the robot over time, and the sequence of these poses makes up such trajectory. The labels NON-BLIND, BLIND1, BLIND2 and DOUBLE-BLIND could be used to estimate how confident the position of a node is. If most poses of the trajectory that leads the robot from one node to another one are labelled as NON-BLIND, such trajectory is considered more confident than the trajectory whose poses are labelled as any kind of BLIND in its majority. If a node is created after following a confident trajectory, the position of the node could be also considered confident. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques is demonstrated in the following section that describes a set of experiments carried out both in simulation and in real environments. 4.4 Experiments and results. This section details the set of experiments carried out both in simulated and real environments. The main goal of these tests is to demonstrate that the proposed techniques are efficient and provide good results in most cases. Several sub-sections describe different experiments: first, the exploration algorithm is tested, next, the technique that allows to store the trajectory followed by the robot is verified and, finally, a global experiment for topological map building is presented. 161 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration 4.4.1 Testing the exploration algorithm. Several tests have been carried out to demonstrate the performance of the exploration technique proposed in section 4.1.1-2. Figure 4-38 shows one of these experiments. The robot is located at an initial position of the simulated map of a hospital. The robot should follow the secondary corridor that intersects with the main corridor. When the intersection with the main corridor is reached, the robot should turn to the left and then it should explore the main corridor. Figure 4-38 (a) shows the simulated environment on the left. A section of this environment where the robot is located at a given time is shows on the right. The goal centroid selected by the exploration algorithm is also indicated. In this case, the furthest exploration sub-polygon located in front of the robot is selected by the fuzzy system. Figure 4-38 (b) and Figure 4-38 (c) show the robot following the secondary corridor, since the selected exploration sub-polygon is still located in front. Finally, Figure 4-38 (d) shows that the robot has turned to the left and is following the main corridor. Figure 4-39 shows a detail of the semantic polygonal representation of the setting and how the free space is divided into a set of labelled convex sub-polygons. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4-38. Autonomous exploration experiment. (a) The robot is located at the initial position. It starts to advance to the point represented by the position of goal centroid. (b) The robot is following the secondary corridor that intersects with the main corridor. (c) The robot reaches the main corridor. (d) The robot has turned to the left and it is following the main corridor. 162 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 4-39. Detail of the semantic representation of the free space at time . There are five exploration sub-polygons that define the exploration areas located at the intersections of the main corridor. The exploration sub-polygon 5 defines the end of the corridor. This partition allows the robot to acquire abstract information about the environment and facilitates the process of taking a decision about where to go. Furthermore, a human user could order what direction to follow by using natural commands such as “GO STRAIGHT” or “GO TO RIGHT”, among others. 4.4.2 Testing the pose estimator. The method that estimates the pose of the robot by using the techniques proposed in section 4.2 has been tested both in a simulated and in a real environment. First, a statistical analysis of the virtual sensor performance is carried out in subsection 4.4.2-1. Next, subsection 4.4.2-2 describes a set of experiments (in a simulated and in a real setting), where the robot accurately follows a trajectory by using the information provided by both propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors, which is properly combined by an EKF-based method. 1) Statistical analysis of the virtual sensor performance. As it is fully explained in subsection 4.2.1, the robot uses a virtual sensor to estimate its pose change at time . The virtual sensor provides a pose change measurement from several points obtained from the data acquired by a 2D laser scanner. These points are the end points of a pair of matching segments. In addition, for each pose change estimate, its uncertainty is calculated by propagating the uncertainty of the end points that define the pair of matching segments. Since the virtual sensor measurements will be used 163 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration by an EKF-based method, the uncertainty is modelled by using Gaussian distributions. In order to prove that the method for propagating the uncertainty is suitable in this context, an experiment in a simulated environment has been carried out. It is fully described as follows. Assume that a simulated world consists of a unique object represented by a segment bounded by the end points and , which are considered stable features. The simulated robot is composed of a simulated 2D laser scanner that can sense such object. The measurements obtained from the 2D laser scanner are affected by Gaussian white noise, which has been modelled by taking into account the features of the Hokuyo device fully described in Appendix II, see Figure 4-40. The robot is initially located at (0, 0) and its heading is also zero. A set of curvature and velocity references are then applied. In particular, the robot follows the trajectory described in Figure 4-40 (a), which allows the robot to approach the object. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4-40. Simulated world for the experiment. (a) Ground truth trajectory followed by the robot and segment that represents the object in the simulated setting. (b) Relative position of the segment from the robot point of view while the robot follows the trajectory. (c) Detail of the set of relative positions of the segment while the robot is approaching the segment. 164 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques From the robot point of view, the environment at time is described by whose end points are represented in polar coordinates , according to the robot reference system. The end points , , and of a pair of matching segments and are used to estimate the pose change of the robot at time . Figure 4-40 (b) shows how the segment is perceived by the robot while the trajectory shown in Figure 4-40 (a) is followed. Due to noise when the component is acquired, see Figure 4-41, the end points of the segment are not always located at the expected positions while the robot advances to the object, see details in Figure 4-40 (c). Therefore, the set of pose change estimations calculated by taking into account the position of a pair of matching segments at consecutive instants is affected by an error, see Figure 4-42. The uncertainty of the pose change estimation at time is then modeled by using a Gaussian distribution whose covariance can be estimated by applying the method proposed in section 4.2.1. Figure 4-41. Representation of the covariance of the distances to the end points of the segment when such segment is sensed along the trajectory. Since the Hokuyo 2D laser scanner is being simulated, the error is 0.01 if the distance value is in the interval [0.01, 1] meters and the 1% of the measurement if the distance value is greater than 1 meter. Figure 4-42. Trajectory reconstructed from the set of relative segments versus the ground truth trajectory. 165 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Thus, for each pose change estimate along the trajectory, there is a calculated covariance matrix that provides information about the accuracy of such estimation. In order to prove that each covariance matrix really represents the uncertainty of each pose change estimate , a Montecarlo method has been implemented by using the Matlab environment. The experiment (where the robot follows the ground truth trajectory shown in Figure 4-40 (a)), has been repeated times, where . For each repetition of the experiment, the list of pose change estimates consists of elements, where , and the sampling time is 0.015 seconds. The list of the pose change values corresponding to the ground truth trajectory is denoted by . Then, for each , an error matrix can be calculated: (4-46) The matrix can be defined as follows: (4-47) The size of the matrix is On the other hand, every experiments at time as the vector and each element is calculated as row of the matrix . The . represents the error obtained for the component of the row of the matrix is defined , which represents the error obtained for each component of the pose change estimate at time during the experiment . The vector of covariance matrixes that represent the uncertainty associated to each pose change estimate along the trajectory is defined by the following equation: (4-48) Where each component is defined as follows: (4-49) The following equations allow to obtain the terms of the matrix (4-49): (4-50) 166 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (4-51) (4-52) (4-53) (4-54) (4-55) Where , and represents the mean values of the errors in the estimation of each component of the pose change obtained for all the experiments at time , and is the mathematical expectation. Figure 4-43 and Figure 4-44 show a comparative between the set of empirical covariance matrixes and the set of calculated covariance matrixes for each pose change estimate at time . (a) (b) (c) Figure 4-43. Components of the main diagonal of the covariance matrixes. (a) Component . (b) Component . (c) Component . 167 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration (a) (b) (c) Figure 4-44. Off-diagonal covariance components of the covariance matrixes that provide information about the correlation between variables. (a) Component . (b) Component . (c) Component . A vector of calculated covariance matrixes is obtained in each experiment. The mean of the vectors is calculated and used in the comparative study. In particular, Figure 4-43 (a), Figure 4-43 (b) and Figure 4-43 (c), show the components of the main diagonal of the covariance matrixes , and at time . On the other hand, Figure 4-44 (a), Figure 4-44 (b) and Figure 4-44 (c) provide information about the correlation between the variables , and at time . It can be observed that both the empirical and the calculated covariance values are reduced as the robot advances to the object represented by the segment. This result is expected due to the Hokuyo 2D laser scanner provides measurements whose error is the of such measurements when the distance is higher than meter, and for lower distances (in the interval meters), the error is . The standard deviation for the distance to each end point of the segment is calculated as , where the maximum error is the specified by the 2D laser device manual. 168 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 2) Trajectory estimation. This subsection details two experiments, carried out over the simulated environment, which demonstrate the benefits of using the EKF-based method to estimate the followed trajectory by combining the measurements provided by the encoders and by the designed pose virtual sensor. The first experiment proves that trajectory estimation based on dead-reckoning leads to poor long-term results. When the same experiment is repeated by using the measurements provided by the virtual sensor whenever they are available, the obtained results are clearly better. The second experiment shows the results obtained when the EKF-based method that combines both measurements is used. a) Comparison of dead-reckoning and virtual sensor based pose estimation. This subsection analyzes the disadvantages of using dead-reckoning for pose estimation. In addition, it shows that it is possible to improve the odometry procedure if a pose virtual sensor, based on the data acquired by a 2D laser scanner, is used. Although the test has been carried out in the Player/Stage simulator, Gaussian white noise has been added to the velocity and curvature measurements to analyze the effects which are usually present in real propioceptive sensors such as encoders. Noise has been modelled by two Gaussian distributions with zero mean and and variance for curvature and velocity measurements, respectively. The experiment has been repeated twice, see Figure 4-45. First, only dead-reckoning has been used, as Figure 4-45 (a) shows. Next, only the measurements provided by the virtual sensor have been taken into account when available, see Figure 4-45 (b). The map of the hospital has been used to carry out both tests. Specifically the robot goes along the corridor until it finds the last room located on the right. The topological map is built while the robot navigates through the corridor. Most of the intersections ( ) have been properly detected in both experiments. The trajectories that link the topological nodes (represented by using circles) that represent such intersections are erroneously estimated from the node when only dead-reckoning is used. Error is increased while the robot approaches the end of the corridor. However, such trajectories are correctly estimated when only the measurements acquired by the virtual sensor are taken into account. When the experiment is carried out by considering only the data provided by the virtual sensor, it is possible that there are not available measurements due to the specific structure of the environment; in these cases, dead-reckoning must be used instead. 169 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Figure 4-45. Topological map built while the robot navigates along the main corridor. (a) Only dead-reckoning is used. (b) Only measurements from the virtual sensors are used if they are available. In particular, the estimated trajectory consists of samples, of which have been measured by using the pose virtual sensor and the rest has been calculated by using deadreckoning (since valid natural landmarks were not found). This means that most of the poses ( ) have been labelled by using the tag “NONBLIND”. Figure 4-46 shows a comparison between the ground truth and the estimated trajectory by using dead-reckoning, see Figure 4-46 (a), and by using the pose virtual sensor, see Figure 4-46 (b). The experiment demonstrates that the robot estimates its pose more accurately when measurements acquired by the virtual sensor are used. Figure 4-46 (c) shows the deviation of the robot estimation from the ground truth trajectory when the method based on deadreckoning and the method based on the measurements from virtual sensor are used. This deviation is calculated as the Euclidean distance between the real position of the robot and the position where the robot believes to be for placed for each sample of the trajectory. b) Trajectory estimation with the EKF-based method. Although the pose virtual sensor provides much more accurate measurements than deadreckoning for pose estimation, the information provided by propioceptive sensors should not be completely rejected. 170 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (a) (b) (c) Figure 4-46. Results obtained for a trajectory estimate. (a) Estimation by using deadreckoning only. (b) Estimation by using the pose virtual sensor (when available). (c) Distances between the real and estimated positions of the robot, when only dead-reckoning or only the virtual sensor (when available) are used. In fact, if there are not any natural landmarks available (for example, when the robot navigates through a corridor bounded by two long walls), it is not possible to use the virtual sensor. In this case, the only way to estimate the pose is by using odometry based on the encoder measurements. The proposed EKF-based method is suitable to combine both sources of information, while maintaining the uncertainty of the process updated. The following experiment shows the benefits of using the EKF-based method. The map of the hospital has been used again, see Figure 4-47 (a). The robot navigates along the main corridor from left to right. When the robot approaches the end of the corridor, it turns around and navigates from right to left. Some intersections (not previously detected) are then added. Topological nodes that represent the detected intersections are recognized when the robot navigates again along the corridor (loop closure), see Figure 4-47 (b). The trajectory consists of a set of samples (poses), from which ) have been estimated by using the combined information provided by dead-reckoning and the virtual sensor (NON-BLIND), and the rest have been estimated by using dead-reckoning only. Figure 4-48 shows the number of landmarks detected for each sample of the trajectory. 171 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration The experiment shows that the EKF-based method provides accurate results for pose estimate and consequently for trajectory estimation between nodes. Furthermore, as mentioned in subsection 4.1.2, the robot can correct its pose when a node is revisited. In the example, when the robot navigates along the corridor again (from right to left), it can use the information stored in the recognized nodes to correct the odometric deviations. (a) (b) Figure 4-47. (a) Trajectory followed by the robot while navigating through the simulated environment of the hospital. (b) Map of the environment built while the robot navigates along the corridor. The estimated trajectory is also represented. Figure 4-48. Number of estimated landmarks for each sample of the trajectory; when the number of landmarks is zero, only dead-reckoning is used. 172 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 4.4.3 Testing the topological map building method. This subsection shows the results obtained after executing the algorithm that allows the robot to build a topological map of an unknown scenario. The simulated environment represented by the hospital map is used to show the performance of this algorithm. The robot has used the exploration technique proposed in section 4.1.1-2. In order to facilitate the loop closure task, a human user has specified the natural command “GO TO LEFT” while the robot was exploring the unknown setting, see Figure 4-49. When the robot finds a revisited node, it closes the loop and uses the stored representation of the environment to correct its position if necessary. Note that the trajectories that join two adjacent nodes have been calculated from the sequence of poses provided by the EKF-based pose estimator. As shown in Figure 4-50, the ground truth trajectory is represented by using a dotted black line. The experiment shows that even when the robot navigates through the setting without closing a loop for a long time, the pose estimate is accurate, since the natural landmarks found in the environment are used to improve the odometry results. This ensures that the position of the nodes is also accurate enough, even when they have not been revisited yet. Furthermore, the robot can recognize a place just by comparing its position with the position of the nodes in a global reference system. However, the set of polylines stored in each node is used to ensure that a place is properly identified. Figure 4-49. Hospital map used for the topological map building. 173 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration Figure 4-50. Topological map building obtained after applying the technique proposed in section 4.1.2. The portion of the environment and the corresponding free space that the robot has labelled using the proposed semantic representation is represented in gray colour. In order to facilitate the comprehension of the generated map, Figure 4-50 only represents the areas detected in front of the robot, however, for each node in the map, the robot stores the set of polylines that describes the scenario located both in front and behind it. Nodes could be identified by a consecutive number (index), while they are created. In particular, in the example shown in Figure 4-50, the robot is revisiting the node, since the index that corresponds to the first node is zero. As the first node is located at the start position, the uncertainty of this node is also zero. When a node is revisited, some decisions can be taken. If the node was created at the beginning of the experiment then its index is very low. Assume that the last node visited by the robot (before revisiting node ), is identified with index , and . In this case, the position of the node is more reliable than the position of the robot, because due to 174 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques odometric errors the uncertainty in the robot position is higher than the uncertainty of the position of node . If the difference between both positions is very high, the position of the robot should be corrected according to the position of node using the information stored in it. However, if a node (for example one whose index is ), is being revisited and the previously visited node (whose index is , for instance), was created before , the position of the robot is at least as reliable as the node position. In this case, both positions could be modified considering the uncertainty of both poses. In fact, maintaining a suitable measurement of the confidence of the full map is still a challenge and, as it is described at the end of this dissertation (in section “Future work”), a new technique is being developed to properly update the position of the nodes according to several circumstances. In short, this work demonstrates that compact topological maps built according to the proposed technique allow the robot to remember significant places accurately by using the information stored in the revisited nodes, even when no pose corrections are made. In fact, if odometry is enhanced by using the information provided by the designed virtual sensor, a place can be recognized by simply comparing the robot and the node positions. The place identification is guaranteed by aligning the semantic polygonal description of the setting at time with the semantic polygonal representation stored in the revisited node. 4.4.4 Testing the topological map building method in a real environment with the BENDER robot. The whole navigation system has been tested using the BENDER robot. Two experiments are shown in this subsection. Both experiments have been completely recorded in a video, but only a few representative frames have been selected to illustrate the obtained results. Specifically, the robot is located at a corridor of a building. Several doors are found along the corridor. The exploration activity is carried out by executing the algorithm explained in 4.1.1. Figure 4-51 shows how the environment is represented by using the semantic polygonal description detailed in Chapter 3. The intersections are detected before reaching them, and several candidate nodes are generated. Only the candidate nodes that really represent intersections are transformed into real nodes. On the other hand, an experiment is carried out while a person walks near the robot, see Figure 4-52. Several candidate nodes are then generated while the robot is located close to the mobile obstacle; however, once the mobile obstacle disappears, only a valid candidate 175 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration node is transformed into a real node. Although tests demonstrate that the method is relatively robust in presence of mobile objects, the generation of candidate nodes due to such mobile obstacles is an undesirable situation that will be avoided in a future work, as explained in Chapter 7. Both tests demonstrate that BENDER provides inaccurate pose measurements when deadreckoning is used, since the encoders are not accurate enough and the interaction with terrain also has its influence, among other causes. Such measurements are combined with the information obtained from the virtual sensor in order to improve the results; however, the robot does not detect valid natural landmarks along the corridor and only dead reckoning is taken into account. As observed, the heading parameter is quite affected by dead-reckoning inaccuracies. However, the intersections are properly remembered and the calculated distance between topological nodes is correct. Furthermore, if adjacent nodes are close to each other, the robot could easily correct its position when they are consecutively revisited by matching the stored semantic polygonal representation and the current set of semantically labelled polylines. Figure 4-51. Experiment carried out in the main corridor of a building. The semantic polygonal representation of the setting is highlighted. While BENDER approaches the end of the corridor, a topological map where nodes represent intersections (doors) are generated. Only valid candidate nodes are transformed into real nodes. 176 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure 4-52. Experiment that validates the map building method in presence of mobile obstacles. (a) BENDER detects candidate nodes for each intersection (door). (b) A person walks near the robot. Non-valid candidate nodes are generated. (c) The person is not close to the robot and only the valid candidate node is transformed into a real node. 4.5 Conclusion. In this chapter, a set of techniques that allow a robot to build a hybrid (metric and topological) map while exploring the environment has been presented. All the proposed algorithms use the semantic polygonal description of the setting detailed in Chapter 3. From this representation, a labelled collection of convex sub-polygons that divide the full free space into significant free sub-areas is obtained. The list of sub-polygons is directly used by the exploration algorithm, which selects the best route according to the output of a fuzzy system. The topological map is defined as a set of interconnected nodes whose links store the trajectories that allow the robot to go from one node to another one. This trajectory is estimated using the sequence of poses generated by an EKF-based method that combines the pose of the robot calculated by using the information acquired from the encoders and the pose of the robot computed by using the information provided by a virtual sensor. This virtual sensor generates a pose change estimate by associating natural landmarks obtained after aligning the set of semantically labelled polylines detected at consecutive instants. These natural landmarks are segments whose ends are IAC and OAC points. In addition, 177 Chapter 4. Hybrid map building, localization and exploration the robot pose change is modelled as a random variable whose uncertainty is properly estimated by means of an uncertainty propagation method. Modelling in a conventional way the inaccuracies which arise during the execution of the algorithms that generate the semantic description of the setting is not a trivial issue, and it is not a simple task to model the uncertainty by using conventional statistical distributions; therefore, the selection of valid natural landmarks is improved by using a hierarchical fuzzy system that allows to reject non-valid natural landmarks according to several rules heuristically defined by the user. Both the exploration and map building methods have been validated using a simulated framework and using the robots Pioneer and BENDER in a real unknown indoor setting. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed methods. 178 May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out. J.R.R. Tolkien Chapter 5 Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking. T his chapter describes a method for mobile robot model learning based on Computational Intelligence techniques. This approach is particularly useful for robots with highly non-linear models. (Final) Previous chapters show that the availability of a simulation framework is very helpful to validate the navigation algorithms before using real platforms such as Pioneer or BENDER. In this thesis, the Player/Stage-based simulation framework has been used for development. However, the experiments demonstrate that the performance of the algorithms is not the same when real robots are used, because simulation frameworks are generally not close enough to reality. On the other hand, it is sometimes necessary to predict the behaviour of the vehicle before taking a decision. A simulation software component based on Computational Intelligence techniques for robot modelling by using real data could facilitate the execution of the prediction stage. All the navigation process stages have been addressed using Computational Intelligence methods in previous sections, except modelling and path tracking. This chapter deals with these issues. In this case, the real robot ROMEO 4R has been used in the experiments. Whereas both the Pioneer and BENDER robots use a differential drive system, the ROMEO 4R vehicle has an Ackerman configuration, so stricter non-holonomic and manoeuvrability constraints have to be considered. In this case, designing an artificial neural network-based model of the vehicle is particularly interesting because it is necessary to take into account not only the drive system but also the steering system. The kinematic/dynamic behaviour of ROMEO 4R is learnt using a set of neural networks optimally selected by a multi-objective genetic algorithm; only a limited set of features is set up by a human expert. In addition, a neural network-based path tracking method is also proposed. Both modelling and path tracking techniques are compared to classic algorithms. 179 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking 5.1 Introduction Sometimes, it is necessary to predict the behaviour of the vehicle before taking a decision. A simulation software component based on Computational Intelligence techniques to learn robot models from real data could facilitate the execution of the prediction stage. In particular, Neural Networks have become very commonly used for learning the behaviour of highly non-linear systems [135]. Specifically, Radial Basis Function (RBF) nets are a good choice because its training is fast and they can easily be turned into a fuzzy system. In general, human experts are usually needed to select the sets of input data training and configure the training parameters. Finding an accurate model based on neural systems may need a highly time-consuming effort. This can be a major drawback for the approach that may often lead to choose classic methods to obtain models, even though they may be less accurate. Therefore, it is very important to find a method to reduce the time spent by experts in model design. Using genetic algorithms (GA) can be an interesting option, because the execution of a GA that obtains an optimal neural model does not require a very high expertise. In particular, the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) has been proved to be a very effective approach [19], because several simultaneous objectives can be easily defined. When the behaviour of a system must be learnt by a set of RBF neural networks [136], it is very important to provide a set of objectives and goals related to the accuracy and complexity of the neural-based model. Then, it is necessary to find an appropriate set of inputs, and determine how many lags must be taken into account to learn such behaviour. Instead of requiring an expert for this task, the MOGA could also be used to define those key design points, as well as the suitable number of hidden neurons and training parameters. This chapter shows how an optimal RBF Neural Network (RBFNN)-based model of the kinematic and dynamic behaviour of a robot is obtained using the MOGA designed at the Centre of Intelligent Systems (CSI) of the University of Algarve. The method has been tested using the autonomous car-like robot ROMEO 4R. On the other hand, path tracking is the last step of the chain in autonomous navigation systems, although not the least important. A high accuracy is required in this stage to ensure that the robot is suitably located at a position of the environment according to the computations made by the rest of the components of the navigation system. The path tracking activity involves the generation of curvature references according to the kinematic relations defined by the lateral error from the robot to the goal point, the error in heading and the robot curvature [137]. Many different methods have been implemented including 180 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques linear and nonlinear control laws. The Pure Pursuit method [126], [2], General Predictive Control applied to vehicle guidance [138], the use of fuzzy logic for the selection of goal points [17] and hierarchical fuzzy systems applied to visual path tracking [139] are some examples. Most path tracking methods, mainly those involving predictive approaches [138], need a mathematical model of the system to calculate the curvature and velocity references. The success of the method depends on the accuracy of the chosen model, but obtaining a mathematical model with enough accuracy is usually difficult when the system is highly non-linear. In addition, many path-tracking techniques are based on the selection of a single goal point; however, a human driver actually considers the whole piece of path located ahead of the vehicle, within some distance limits. Therefore, several goal points could be used to describe a piece of the path in order to compute the steering command needed to follow the given trajectory. This chapter also describes how the path tracking problem is solved by implementing a controller based on a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MPL) neural network. The proposed algorithm is tested using the robot ROMEO 4R [140]. A comparative study between the results provided by the proposed method and the results obtained after executing the classic pure pursuit algorithm is also presented. 5.2 Car-like service robots. Small and medium-size service wheeled robots such as robotic vacuum cleaners (Roomba), assistant robots (PeopleBot) or remote presence systems (Texai) are usually fitted with differential drive systems, see Figure 5-1 (a). Although they also have non-holonomic constraints, their manoeuvrability limitations are less restrictive than in car-like vehicles; they can even turn around over a single point if needed, so changing direction is simple. The dimension and weight of these kind of robots are also small and they generally navigate on reasonably flat and smooth floors, so their dynamic behaviour is very simple and, in general, dynamic modelling may not be necessary. On the other hand, car-like robots are particularly appropriate to carry out many service applications such as transportation of people in indoor or outdoor settings, like shopping centres, hospitals, or museums. They can be used for the support of elderly or handicapped persons and can easily be driven in manual mode if required, see Figure 5-1 (b), because most people are familiar with car driving. An accurate modelling is important for simulation and implementation of planning and path tracking algorithms in car-like vehicles. This chapter addresses the modelling and path tracking problems with a neural net-based approach, and shows its applicability for a car-like vehicle provided with the necessary set of propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors. 181 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking (a) (d) Figure 5-1. Service robots. (a) Robots with a differential drive system. (b) Autonomous wheelchair for transportation of people. 5.2.1 Modelling a car-like vehicle using a set of Radial Basis Function neural networks. The kinematics of a car-like autonomous robot with Ackermann steering is usually described with the so-called bicycle model: (5-1) Where is the derivative of the pose of the vehicle, is the velocity and is the curvature of the trajectory, see Figure 5-2. If the model (5-1) holds for the mobile robot, the angle of the steering wheel controls the size of the circle followed by the vehicle if a constant velocity is held; the radius of this circle is , and . The state variables are the pose , the velocity and the curvature . The desired velocity reference and the steering command are the system inputs; low level controllers are responsible for tracking such references. A purely kinematic model is usually not sufficiently accurate, and the dynamics of the vehicle has to be modelled to some extent. Figure 5-2. Bicycle-based kinematic model of a mobile car-like robot. 182 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The simplest and most frequently used improvement of (5-1) to take into account vehicle dynamics is to include a linear, first-order model of the steering wheel subsystem considering a time constant and a pure delay . (5-2) In this thesis, the car-like robot ROMEO 4R (see Figure 5-3), designed at the University of Seville [140], has been used in the experiments whose results are detailed in the last sections of this chapter. The steering and the velocity of the robot can be controlled by a human driver (manual mode), or by a controller (automatic mode). In indoor environments, a gyroscope, which measures heading changes, is commonly used together with encoders that offer useful information about the velocity of the wheels; GPS data are also available for outdoor experiments. By integrating the odometric equation (5-1), a new pose can be computed by taking into account the real curvature and the current velocity and heading. ROMEO 4R makes use of a PC-compatible computer as embedded controller. The PC is equipped with data acquisition cards to read the information from sensors, which is processed and properly recorded. The ROMEO 4R basic control software has been designed as a layered system where the lower modules offer services to the higher ones. The lowest layer provides functions to access sensing information and send reference commands to the hardware controllers of the vehicle. Therefore, all the algorithms implemented to carry out high-level control tasks use the services supplied by the mentioned module. Finally, communication problems are solved using YARP. Figure 5-3. Front and side view of the ROMEO 4R. 183 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking A log file can be generated both when the vehicle is autonomously controlled and when it is under manual control. This file holds all the necessary information to analyse the experiment, and it is particularly useful to obtain training data sets. Designing a good model from real data is usually hard, and although mathematical models can be inaccurate, they are often for this purpose, because they are easily implemented. However, Computational Intelligence techniques have demonstrated to be very useful and even more accurate when the behaviour of highly non-linear systems must be learnt. In this Thesis, a hierarchical neural network-based system has been used to describe the dynamickinematic model of a car-like robot instead of using a mathematical approach. Comparative results show that this choice is more appropriate than a conventional mathematical solution. A neural network-based kinematic/dynamic model of the robot. The dynamic and kinematic behaviour of the robot ROMEO 4R has been modelled using a set of interconnected black boxes that contain Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks, see Figure 5-4. Each neural network (black box) allows to approximate a nonlinear function that defines the behaviour of each component of the kinematic/dynamic model of the vehicle (Steering, Velocity and Heading), using recorded real data as training data set. Figure 5-4. Model of the vehicle using black boxes. 184 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques As Figure 5-5 shows, a RBF neural network typically has three layers: an input layer, a hidden layer (where each neuron is activated by using a radial basis activation function), and a linear output layer. Therefore, it can be considered as a linear combination of radial basis functions: (5-3) Where is the value generated by the output neuron, connection between the hidden neuron and the output neuron , and is the output generated by the is the weight of the is a threshold or bias hidden neuron. In addition, any output from a hidden neuron is obtained using the following equation: (5-4) Where is the component of the input vector, of the radial base function and is a component of the vector centre is the width of this function. In general, the function is Gaussian: (5-5) On the other hand, training a RBF neural network typically consists of two phases; first, the widths and centres of the Gaussian activation functions of the hidden layer are obtained, and then the weights of the output layer are determined. Figure 5-5. RBF neural network. 185 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking This can be justified by considering the different nature of the non-linear hidden neurons versus the linear output neurons. In order to train the whole system proposed in Figure 5-4, the components Steering, Velocity and Heading are considered independently. Each subsystem receives a set of inputs and generates a single output according to the non-linear behaviour of the system, which can be approximated by a RBF neural network. Each RBF neural network is separately trained using real data obtained from the information stored in several log files recorded while a human driver drives the vehicle. The records related to the pose and the velocity of the vehicle, such as the heading , the steering and the velocity and the desired steering and velocity commands are taken into account, whereas the rest of records stored in the log file are ignored. Since sensors are sampled with a configurable period, a time mark is also available. In order to acquire enough information about the dynamic behaviour of the robot, the black boxes are built as feedback systems that use past outputs as inputs. Steering and Velocity modules also depend on their past outputs because of the dynamic behaviour of the system. Due to the fact that every box is implemented as a closed-loop system, the neural networks must be trained with a training data set that covers a wide range of heterogeneous references, including the higher and lower limits of each component, in order to obtain a stable model. Furthermore, the design is based on MISO (Multiple Input Single Output) structures, since training and validation processes are easier to carry out and better results are usually obtained in both training time and accuracy. 5.2.2 Selection of the best collection of neural networks that solves a problem using a MOGA. Neural networks have proved to be very efficient tools for learning the behaviour of highly non-linear systems [135]. However, reaching accurate results depends on many issues related to training and testing data sets, training parameters and the expertise of those involved in the training process. Even experts can find serious problems when they train a neural network that must be executed within a feedback system, because classic open-loop testing data sets are not enough to prove the suitable performance of the system; instead, closed-loop tests should be used to verify the accuracy of the model. Given that the selection of an optimal neural network can be considered a relatively classic optimization problem, many researchers use Genetic Algorithms for this purpose, particularly those allowing the specification of several objectives. These genetic algorithms are called Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGA) [141]. 186 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 1) Definition of MOGA. When an optimization problem has to be solved by considering several goals. The objectives under consideration can easily conflict with each other. The optimization of a particular solution with respect to a single goal could lead to unacceptable results with respect to the other objectives. Thus, an appropriate solution to a multi-objective problem is to explore a set of solutions, each of which satisfies the targets at an acceptable level without being dominated by any other solution. In fact, the ultimate aim of a multiobjective optimization algorithm is the identification of solutions in the Pareto optimal set, that can be defined as the collection of all feasible solutions in the solution space which are non-dominated with respect to each other. In real-life problems, Pareto optimal sets are actually preferred to single solutions because the final result is usually a trade-off. For instance, accuracy in results and minimum number of hidden neurons could be two conflicting goals that should be satisfied. Probably, increasing the number of hidden neurons enhances the accuracy. But if there are computational constraints related to storage space, it is necessary to give up accuracy in favour of a decrease of the neural network dimensions. The set of all the Pareto optimal solutions in the objective space is called the Pareto front (PF). For many problems, the number of Pareto optimal solutions is huge (even infinite); so, due to its size, identifying the entire Pareto optimal set is nearly impossible. A more practical approach to multi-objective optimization is to analyze a set of solutions (the best-known Pareto set) that represent the Pareto optimal set or PF as well as possible. In short, a multiobjective optimization algorithm should meet some requirements: the best-known Pareto front should be as close as possible to the true Pareto front, solutions in the best-known Pareto set should be uniformly distributed and diverse over of the Pareto front and the best-known Pareto front should capture the whole spectrum of the Pareto front. On the other hand, Genetic Algorithms (GA), first introduced by Holland and his colleagues in the 1960s and 1970s [142], are inspired by the evolutionist theory that explains the origin of species. In nature, weak and unfit species within their environment are faced with extinction by natural selection. The strong ones have greater opportunities to pass their genes to future generations by means of reproduction and to become dominant in their population. Sometimes, random mutations occur in genes. These alterations could provide additional advantages or drawbacks. Unsuccessful mutations are eliminated by natural selection. In short, GA belongs to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms which generate solutions to optimization problems using techniques inspired by natural evolution such as inheritance, mutation, selection and crossover. In GA, a population is a collection of chromosomes or individuals defined by genes that control 187 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking several features of the chromosome. For a specific optimization problem, a chromosome generally encodes a unique solution within the solution space using an array of bits, or even an array of other types and structures. A typical GA requires a genetic representation of the solution domain and a fitness function to evaluate individual solutions. In general, the fitness function is defined over the genetic representation and measures the quality of the represented solution. Once the genetic representation and the fitness function are defined, a GA proceeds to initialize (usually randomly) a population of solutions (generation), and then to improve it through repetitive application of the mutation, crossover, inversion and selection operators. This process is repeated until a termination condition is reached, such as finding a solution that satisfies some criteria, or reaching a maximum number of generations, among others. Figure 5-6 shows an outline of the structure of a basic GA. A generic, single-objective GA could be easily modified to find a set of multiple nondominated solutions in a single run. The ability of GA to concurrently search different regions of the solution space S allows to find a varied set of solutions for problems with non-convex, discontinuous, and multi-modal solution spaces. Figure 5-6. Basic structure of a classic genetic algorithm. 188 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In fact, the crossover operator of GA may exploit structures of good solutions with respect to different objectives to create new non-dominated solutions in unexplored parts of the Pareto front. Therefore, genetic algorithms are a very popular heuristic approach to multiobjective design and optimization problems. The first multi-objective GA, called vector evaluated GA (or VEGA), was proposed by Schaffer [143]. Later, several multi-objective GA, with different fitness assignment procedures, elitism or diversification approaches, among others), have been developed in the last years. 2) Implementation of the MOGA. The MOGA used in this work, designed and implemented at the Centre of Intelligent Systems (CIS) of the University of Algarve [144], [145], is based on the algorithm developed by Fonseca and Fleming in [146], which was the first multi-objective genetic algorithm that explicitly combined Pareto-based niching (collaboration between populations [147] and ranking techniques) to encourage the search toward the true Pareto front while maintaining diversity in the population. In short, the MOGA (implemented at the CIS), is mainly designed to obtain the collection of best RBF neural networks that could solve a problem related to system modelling, where the inputs consists of a set of lags of the variables that define the system. Every configuration of a neural network is represented by a chromosome, and the MOGA selects the best inputs, the best number of lags and the best number of neurons according to several objectives defined by the user. Figure 5-7 shows an example of feasible training record which holds inputs. For each input, five lags are considered. The chromosome specifies which lagged inputs are selected to compose the training record. In the example, the first item of is the first lag of the first input, the second item of is the second lag of the second input, the third item of is the fourth lag of the second input, and so on. The first item of the chromosome determines the number of items or genes (16 in the example). The second item defines the number of hidden neurons that are used. The rest of the items are the indexes of the selected lags. The MOGA will decide which lags are better and how many of them are necessary according to the objectives set up at initialization, and how many hidden neurons and inputs are needed. The designer should provide the boundaries of the parameters included within the chromosome (RBF neural network), such as minimum number and maximum number of hidden neurons, maximum number of lags and maximum number of inputs, among others. In addition, the parameters related to the MOGA, such as maximum number of generations, maximum number of individuals of the population and desired objectives should also be defined. 189 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking Figure 5-7. Chromosome obtained from a record of a training data set. Specifically, the optimization objectives are: minimum norm of linear parameters (weights), minimum root mean square error (RMSE) in training and testing stages and minimum RBF complexity. The RBF complexity is measured by using the following equation: (5-6) Where is the number of hidden neurons, is the number of inputs, is the number of spreads or widths of the Gaussian radial functions and is the number of linear weights. Furthermore, different priorities are assigned to the objectives. A higher priority indicates preference in relation to other objectives with lower priority. In general, the execution of a multi-objective genetic algorithm is costly in terms of computational time. For this reason, an implementation based on a master-slave distributed architecture [20], [21] has been selected for the implementation of the MOGA. The training algorithm runs as follows. First, the master stores information about chromosomes into a shared database. Concurrently, each worker takes out one chromosome from the database and trains a RBF neural network with the early stopping method, which is sent back to the database. MOGA operations (selection, recombination and mutation), are implemented in the master to obtain a new generation. This process is repeated as many times as specified by the designer. Next, a validation test is carried out using an open-loop data validation set obtained from the vehicle, but not included in the previously used training data set. Several neural networks accomplishing the objectives and restrictions are obtained at the end of this stage. This collection of RBF neural networkbased models are non-dominated (Pareto-optimal) individuals, taking in consideration the 190 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques predefined goals and priorities. Finally, closed-loop tests are also carried out in order to prove the suitable performance of the obtained model. Figure 5-8 outlines the master-slave distributed training algorithm. 3) Optimizing the kinematic/dynamic model of a car-like robot using the MOGA. As mention in section 5.2.1, the car-like vehicle ROMEO 4R is modelled using several Radial Basis Function neural networks [136] according to the diagram shown in Figure 5-4. The best collection of neural networks that meet the architecture and performance requirements detailed in section 1.2.2.-2 is selected using the MOGA. The following subsections explain how suitable sets of real training data are obtained from the mobile robot and how tests of the models are carried out. First, some neural networks are trained and tested with the MOGA to find the best steering model, next a velocity model is also obtained and, finally, using the outputs from the other models as inputs, the behaviour of the heading is learnt. a) Steering system model. Guiding a car-like vehicle involves sending the steering command called to a controller on each control cycle. In order to reach the reference curvature, the steering wheel angle is set to an appropriate value by the PID-based low-level controller. Figure 5-8. Distributed software architecture that implements the MOGA. 191 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking Due to system dynamics, the real curvature is not immediately equal to the desired one, . The desired steering command is only reached after a certain lag, so for steering system modelling a set of past values of and should be considered as inputs. In addition, the output obtained at time also depends on the set of past values of curvature references and the set of past values of real, measured curvatures, see the Steering box in Figure 5-4. The training pattern generation process should be carried out by taking into account that a set of sufficiently representative training patterns should be selected, and over-fitting effects should be avoided. Consequently, in order to obtain a significant training data set, a human driver carried out a wide set of manoeuvres, covering the ROMEO 4R full range of movements, while sensor data were sampled and recorded every milliseconds. The steering command is always within the interval because its minimum curvature radius is meters. for ROMEO 4R, From this information, a set of training patterns are obtained, including delayed data during one second and a half, approximately. This involved the generation of over lagged real steering values and lagged desired steering values. Each pattern defines the set of inputs and the output that the RBF neural network should learn during the learning process. As Figure 5-9 shows, the output is obtained using a number of past inputs ( , , , ..., ), and a number of past outputs ( , , , ..., ). Table 5-2 shows a sequence of patterns extracted from the training data set obtained after driving the vehicle with the set of desired steering commands shown in Table 5-1, where and are . Figure 5-9. Neural-based steering model. t 0 0.15 1 0.15 2 0.15 3 0.15 4 0.25 5 0.25 6 0.27 7 0.3 Table 5-1. Set of desired steering commands. 192 … … Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 … 0 0 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.16 0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.27 0.3 0 0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.27 0 0 0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.25 … … … … … … … … … 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.12 0.15 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.12 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.07 0.10 … … … … … … … … 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 5-2. Sequence of patterns from a training data set with N=M=15. b) Testing the steering system model. As Figure 5-10 (a) illustrates, two paths were recorded to obtain both the data training and the validation sets for the steering system model shown in Figure 5-9, while a human driver was driving the ROMEO 4R vehicle. Figure 5-10 (b) shows a comparison between the desired steering command and the real measured curvature obtained when the paths were followed. The information, stored in two log files, was used to extract a data training set by including 15 lags for the desired steering inputs and 15 lags for the real steering inputs. (a) (b) Figure 5-10. Log files for the steering training data set. 193 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking A set of goals or constraints were defined as training objectives for the MOGA: Maximum training RMSE, maximum testing RMSE; maximum Norm of Weights and maximum RBF Complexity (see equation (5-6)). After the training and open-loop validation procedures using the test and validation data sets, the MOGA selected a collection of non-dominated Pareto optimal RBF neural network-based models that met the given objectives. However, open-loop trials are not enough to assess the performance of the system. Therefore, an algorithm was implemented to test the close-loop performance of each RBF neural network-based model. A set of desired steering commands with appropriate delays were used directly as the corresponding inputs, while the outputs of the neural network generated the rest of inputs by closing the loop, see Figure 5-11. Once the RBF neural networks belonging to the Pareto optimal collection were tested using this algorithm, the RBF model whose parameters are shown in Table 5-3 was selected. These parameters are the selected lags, the number of hidden neurons, the number of inputs, the set of centres of Gaussian functions calculated by the MOGA algorithm, the set of spreads of these functions and the set of weights of the linear sub-network. Each connection between an input and a hidden neuron is associated to a Gaussian function whose centre and spread was fitted during the training process. The hidden neurons, connected to a single output neuron, are defined by a set of weights, also fitted during the MOGA procedure. Summarizing, the selected RBF has input neurons, hidden neurons and output neuron. Due to the low complexity of the network, its computational cost is low during the working stage. Figure 5-11. Closed-loop tester. 194 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Lags Selected Lags Hidden Neurons 1 24 2 16 3 13 4 12 5 10 6 4 7 0 … … 20 0 5 -0.2594 0.2287 0.4075 0.6529 0.1992 -0.4142 0.2633 0.8306 0.5277 -0.2189 -0.922 0.2521 0.6375 0.9569 -0.2963 1.2197 0.619 0.7256 -1.1535 -0.0556 0.2882 Centres Spreads Weights -0.5469 0.109 0.4829 0.1244 -0.8161 -1.0272 -0.1214 0.604 -1.5501 0.9862 1.1042 0.9852 -1.1928 0.8661 -0.4182 -0.0969 0.3488 0.2963 -0.4673 Bia = 0.3912 Table 5-3. Neural network parameters. In order to assess the performance of the RBF neural network-based steering system model, the algorithm shown in Figure 5-11 is used to obtain the curvature output predicted with the input steering commands recorded during the experiments. In Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-13 the real curvatures obtained while the human driver was driving are compared to those obtained by executing the closed-loop tester. (1) RMSE = 5.6174e-004 (2) RMSE = 5.762e-004 (3) RMSE = 12.0e-004 (4) RSME = 85.0e-004 (5) RMSE = 30.0e-004 (6) RMSE = 6.3144e-004 Figure 5-12. Comparison between experimentally measured curvature (solid red line) and generated by the RBF neural network-based model (dashed blue line) (Part 1). 195 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking (7) RMSE = 20.0e-004 (8) RMSE = 7.7264e-004 (9) RMSE = 25.0e-004 (10) RMSE = 6.3690e-004 LEGEND real estimated (11) RMSE = 20.0e-004 Figure 5-13. Comparison between experimentally measured curvature (solid red line) and generated by the RBF neural network-based model (dashed blue line) (Part 2). The distribution of the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is shown in Figure 5-14, together with the main statistical parameters. The mean value is around , with a standard deviation of . Figure 5-14. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) obtained after executing the collection of experiments. 196 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques As Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-13 show, the behaviour of the RBF neural network-based model is suitable enough in most of the trials. The highest error is found in the fourth trial. As Figure 5-12-(4) shows, the curvature reference (or steering command) changes very fast, and the real system is not capable of reacting so rapidly. To design a good controller, a low control effort is a desired feature. Therefore, a good controller would not probably change the steering command so fast. However, this possibility could be taken into account with an additional training effort that included additional training patterns with faster changes of the steering command. Although the stability of the selected neural model is not strictly guaranteed, it has shown to be stable and accurate in a wide range of tests. On the other hand, the RBF neural network-based model needs only simple arithmetic calculations, so its computational cost is very low. c) Drive system model. Both the position and the heading of the vehicle depend on its velocity. Although many control approaches assume a constant velocity to simplify the problem, the variation on velocity should be considered in order to obtain a high quality model of the robot. As Figure 5-4 shows, the Heading black box uses both the real steering command and the real velocity as inputs. Consequently, it is necessary a drive system model that calculates the real velocity by taking into account the desired velocity command. In this case, the training data set has also been recorded from real experiments under the control of a human driver; different velocity values have been used in order to obtain information about the dynamic behaviour of the drive system. As Figure 5-15 shows, several lagged past outputs and several lagged desired velocity commands have been extracted from the log files and included in the data set. Figure 5-15. Neural-based drive system model. 197 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking d) Testing the drive system model. In order to obtain a RBF neural network-based model, a set of acceleration patterns are needed. These patterns are obtained from the desired and real velocity values and their respective lags. In general, the slope of the terrain has a significant influence in the drive system behaviour; therefore, acquiring information about the terrain features would be necessary for a more exact model. As this disturbance cannot be currently measured, its effects can be noticed in some experiments where the model achieves a lower than expected performance. Anyhow, despite these inaccuracies, a drive system model can be successfully obtained from experimental data. Figure 5-16 (a) shows some examples of the records used during the training process, obtained in several acceleration trials. In Figure 5-16 (b), the slope of the road influences the acceleration pattern. For this reason, the vehicle keeps increasing its velocity after the desired value is reached, and an underdamped response is obtained. This behaviour depends on the slope of the terrain and the low-level controller dynamics. The data set used during the training process consisted of a collection of patterns with current and lagged values of the desired and measured velocities. As in the steering system model, the MOGA optimization process provided the more appropriate RBF neural network-based model that met the design objectives. The objectives for the MOGA are the same as those used with the steering model: maximum RMSE in training, maximum RMSE in testing; maximum Norm of Weights and maximum RBF Complexity. After the training and open-loop validation procedures using the test and validation data sets, the MOGA selected a collection of non-dominated Pareto optimal RBF neural network-based models that met the design objectives. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5-16. Learning the behaviour of the drive system. (a) Patterns for learning; (b) patterns for testing; (c) patterns for validating the model. 198 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The RBF neural network-based model of the drive system was also tested in closed loop, like the steering system model. A set of desired velocity commands with appropriate delays was used directly as the corresponding inputs, while the output of the neural network generated the rest of inputs by closing the loop, see Figure 5-17. Once the RBF neural networks belonging to the Pareto optimal collection were tested using this algorithm, the model whose parameters are detailed in Table 5-4 and whose centres are shown in Figure 5-18 was selected. Figure 5-17. Closed-loop tester. Lags Spreads Weights 29 5.6122 8.8371 28 3.8664 -2.1676 25 3.5331 2.1871 24 7.1537 -6,034 23 0.457 246e6 22 21 20 19 17 16 15 Bias =1.2721 Table 5-4. Best neural network parameters. Figure 5-18. Set of centres. 199 14 13 9 8 7 3 2 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking The records in the structure detailed in Table 5-4 provide information about the selected RBF neural network-based model of the drive system. Like with the steering system model, the described parameters are the selected lags, the number of hidden neurons, the number of inputs, the set of centres of Gaussian functions calculated by the MOGA algorithm, the set of spreads of these functions and the set of weights of the linear sub-network. The selected RBF net consists of input neurons, hidden neurons and input neuron. In order to demonstrate that the RBF neural network-based model was able to simulate the behaviour of the drive system, the input velocity commands recorded during the manual mode experiments were applied to the neural net, as Figure 5-17 shows. In Figure 5-19 and Figure 5-20 the real velocities measured during the experiments are compared to those obtained by executing the closed-loop tester. (1) RSME = 80.0e-4 (2) RSME = 202.0e-4 (3) RSME = 124.0e-4 (4) RSME = 97.0e-4 (5) RSME = 257.0e-4 (6) RSME = 203.0e-4 Figure 5-19. Comparison between the experimentally measured velocity (dashed blue line) and the velocity generated by the RBF neural network-based model (solid red line) (Part 1). 200 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (7) RSME = 141.0e-4 (8) RSME = 183.0e-4 LEGEND V real V estimated V desired (9) RSME = 187.0e-4 Figure 5-20. Comparison between the experimentally measured velocity (dashed blue line) and the velocity generated by the RBF neural network-based model (solid red line) (Part 2). The distribution of the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is shown in Figure 5-21, together with the main statistical parameters. The mean value is around 0.0164, with a standard deviation of 0.0057. In general, good results are obtained, but it is necessary to pay attention to several subjects. Note that in Figure 5-19 and in Figure 5-20 trials 1 to 9 show the real behaviour of the drive system response under a step change in the desired velocity, as well as the estimated output velocity. For trials 6 to 9, the model is unable to predict the underdamped response of the system. This behaviour is quite different from that obtained in trials 1 to 5, and is caused by the slope of the road, as mentioned before. In order to learn this behaviour properly, other sensing information would be needed, such as the tilt angle of the vehicle measured by an inclinometer. Statistical values: Mean = 0.0164 = 0.0057 Median = 0.0183 Figure 5-21. Results obtained after testing the closed-loop model. 201 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking e) Heading system model. Since the results from the steering and drive models are available, the heading system dynamic model can be designed as a black box whose inputs are the desired curvature, the desired velocity and several past heading outputs, see Figure 5-22. A number of lagged real velocity, lagged curvature and lagged heading values are needed as inputs. The output is the heading of the vehicle at the current time. Both velocity and steering angles are the simulated values obtained respectively by the models Steering and Velocity from the desired curvature and velocity commands. As in the preceding sub-models, data recorded under the control of a human driver have been used to obtain the training patterns. A wide range of manoeuvres were carried out to completely cover the range of possible data patterns. Figure 5-23 shows graphically the heading, velocity and curvature measured and stored in the log file from which the learning data set were generated. Figure 5-22. Black box model of the heading system. Figure 5-23. Experimentally measured heading, velocity and curvature. 202 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques f) Testing the heading system model. As in de preceding sub-models, the behaviour of the heading system was modelled using a RBF neural network. A collection of non-dominated Pareto optimal RBF neural networkbased models was obtained by executing the MOGA according to the same objectives specified in sections a) and c). In addition to the open-loop tests carried out using the validation learning data set, a closed-loop tester was also executed, and the RBF neural network-based model whose parameters are shown in Table 5-5 and Table 5-6 was finally selected by the designer. The selected RBF net consists of input neurons, hidden neurons and output neuron. The closed-loop testers for the steering and drive system models were executed and their outputs stored to be later used as inputs of the closed-loop heading system model tester. The outputs of the heading system were used as lagged inputs of the model, see Figure 5-24. Figure 5-24. Black box model of the heading system. Lags 29 26 24 22 21 20 19 17 Centers 1.2957 1.2366 0.2956 0.2375 1.0763 1.52 0.8668 1.1115 0.9468 0.7248 0.3687 0.4016 0.697 0.0922 -0.167 -0.274 0.0419 1.4657 0.4157 0.5187 0.5521 0.7997 0.3492 0.295 -0.043 0.4771 0.6044 0.4543 0.8923 -2.179 -1.904 -0.926 0.7381 1.0359 1.0626 0.6991 0.8675 1.0013 0.7094 0.6202 0.2594 0.026 0.0194 0.4347 0.1019 1.412 1.0504 0.5012 Spreads 15.4982 6.7624 7.051 9.8995 5.3742 4.7238 Bias -3.063 Weights 12.260 18.027 -12.48 -6.835 -3.451 -1.125 Table 5-5. Neural network parameters. (Part 1) 203 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking Lags 16 13 11 10 9 5 4 2 Centers 0.6844 0.6236 0.4071 5.5179 6.6415 7.4768 6.8666 6.26 -0.301 -0.548 -0.627 6.1229 0.7959 -0.344 -0.451 -0.231 -0.226 -0.617 -0.755 4.8827 2.3072 0.8232 0.4561 0.6444 -0.614 0.1502 0.7398 -0.779 -1.256 -1.508 -0.072 0.903 0.4175 0.185 0.4536 -7.354 -7.534 -7.790 -8.293 -7.877 0.3142 0.0231 -0.335 0.1211 0.6826 0.754 0.6481 0.091 Table 5-6. Neural network parameters. (Part 2). The records in the structure detailed in Table 5-5 and Table 5-6 define the RBF neural network-based model selected for the heading system. Like with the steering system and the drive system models, the parameters are the selected lags, the number of hidden neurons, the number of inputs, the sets of centres and spreads of the Gaussian functions, and the set of weights of the linear sub-network. In order to demonstrate that the RBF neural network-based model was able to simulate the behaviour of the heading system, the input velocity and steering commands recorded during the manual mode experiments were applied to the neural net, as Figure 5-24 shows. In Figure 5-25 and Figure 5-26 the real heading values measured during the experiments are compared to those obtained by executing the closed-loop tester. (1) RSME = 71.0e-4 (2) RSME = 18.0e-4 (3) RSME = 47.0e-4 (4) RSME = 17.0e-4 Figure 5-25. Comparison between experimentally measured heading (dashed blue line) and simulated heading generated by the RBF neural network-based model of the heading system (solid red line) (Part 1). 204 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (5) RSME = 75.0e-4 (6) RSME = 54.0e-4 LEGEND real estimated (7) RSME = 88.0e-4 Figure 5-26. Comparison between experimentally measured heading (dashed blue line) and simulated heading generated by the RBF neural network-based model of the heading system (solid red line)(Part 2). The distribution of the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is shown in Figure 5-27, together with the main statistical parameters. The mean value is around 0.0057, with a standard deviation of 0.0029. In general, good results are obtained, but it is necessary to pay attention to several subjects. Figure 5-25 (1) and Figure 5-25 (2) show the behaviour of the heading model when the vehicle is driven around a complete circle. As shown, the RBF neural network-based model is very accurate in this case. In the test shown in Figure 5-25 (3) the performance of the model is lower, because of the very fast changes in the desired curvature. This behaviour was not included in the learning data set used for training the steering system model. Further training of the neural network including additional patterns with faster changes in the steering command should be carried out, in order to improve the results. Statistical values: Mean = 0.0057 = 0.0029 Median = 0.0062 Figure 5-27. Results obtained after testing the closed-loop model. 205 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking On the other hand, the velocity also has a high influence in the performance of the heading model. Therefore, inaccurate results in the drive system model will lead to errors in the heading system model. As mentioned before, the steering system model could be improved by generating a new training data set with additional sensor inputs to measure the slope of the terrain. This improvement would also lead to better results for heading. 5.2.3 A comparison between the RBF neural network-based models of the drive, steering and heading systems and their respective linear models. In this section, the results obtained by using the RBF neural network–based models for the steering, drive and heading systems are compared to those provided by the well-known kinematic model given by (5-1) and the first order dynamic models for the steering and drive systems shown in Figure 5-29 (a) and in Figure 5-29 (b). A Simulink-based diagram that implements the mentioned models is included in Figure 5-28. In order to compare the results from the RBF neural network–based heading model with those provided by the mathematical kinematic module, the same sequence of real velocity and steering angle values are used as inputs. Figure 5-28. Kinematic model and first order dynamic models. (a) Steering Model (b) Drive Model Figure 5-29. First order dynamic models. 206 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques As Figure 5-30 shows, the experiments demonstrate that the results obtained from the RBF neural network-based model of the steering system are in most cases better than those obtained from the first-order linear model. Specifically, in the second experiment, see Figure 5-30 (2), a better performance of the linear model is obtained because the RBF neural network-based model was not trained for fast changes in the curvature command. This could be easily solved by retraining the neural network with additional patterns that take into account such working conditions. (1) (2) (3) (4) Figure 5-30. Steering System. Comparison between experimental data, simulation results from the RBF neural network-based model and simulation results from the linear model. 207 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking On the other hand, Figure 5-31 shows a better behaviour of the RBF neural network-based model for the drive system, even in the third and fourth experiments, where the underdamped behaviour is present, see Figure 5-31 (3) and Figure 5-31 (4). Note that in those cases more sensor inputs would be needed in order to properly learn the performance of the drive system, as previously explained. In short, using a RBF neural network-based model of the drive system is advantageous even under unmodelled disturbances. In these cases, the RBF neural network-based model could be easily retrained using a more complete training pattern set with additional inputs, if necessary. However, the linear models cannot be easily improved unless major changes are undertaken. Finally, Figure 5-32 shows the comparison between the RBF neural network-based model and the first-order linear model of the heading system. (1) (2) (3) (4) Figure 5-31. Drive system. Comparison between experimental data, simulation results from the RBF neural network-based model and simulation results from linear model. 208 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (1) (2) (3) Figure 5-32. Heading system. Comparison between experimental data, simulation data from the RBF neural network-based model and simulation data from the linear model system. In this case, the first, second and third experiments, see Figure 5-32 (1), Figure 5-32 (2) and Figure 5-32 (3), demonstrate that the RBF neural network-based model is better than the linear model. Note that the difference is particularly significant in the third test. 5.3 An Artificial Neural Network-based method for path tracking. As mentioned in section 5.1 path tracking could be considered the last step of the chain of activities in robot navigation, but not the least important. In general, any path tracking controller uses an explicit path to follow as input and returns the sequence of curvature references (steering commands) that the robot has to execute in order to accurately reach the positions that form the path. The simplest technique that solves this problem is possibly the Pure Pursuit algorithm [126]. This method is summarized in the following subsection. 5.3.1 The classic Pure Pursuit algorithm. The classic Pure Pursuit algorithm proposed by Amidi [126] uses an explicit path as input, 209 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking normally stored as a set of positions in a global reference system, together with the current position of the robot. One of this positions is selected to be the goal point control interval . The distance between the position of the robot point is named “lookahead”, or simply . The steering command at every and the goal (the curvature reference that the robot should apply in order to describe a circumference arc to reach the goal point), is calculated according to the following equation: (5-7) Where terms is the X-coordinate of the point and in the robot reference system. The can be interpreted as the error signal and the gain of the control law, respectively [127]. The parameter allows to modify the gain of the control law. The steering control will be smoother at the expense of a worse tracking accuracy when the lookahead is longer, however, if the lookahead is shorter, the tracking errors can be reduced, but the steering commands increase and the robot’s motion can become unstable. Moreover, due to nonholonomic and manoeuvrability constraints, not all the steering commands can be applied. On the other hand, this method is exclusively based on geometric computations. Furthermore, the dynamic behaviour of the steering and drive systems is not considered, so errors in tracking can be expected. This could have a very negative effect in the global navigation algorithm, since if the path planned by a previous component is not properly followed, localization or mapping tasks would not be correctly carried out. Some improvements of the Pure Pursuit Controller have been developed. In [128], a curve is fitted to the piece of the path between the position of the robot and the goal point. Other works are focused on enhancing the techniques that allow to properly adjust the controller parameters [129]. The dynamic behaviour of the robot is considered in some works [130], but it is necessary to have an accurate mathematical model of this behaviour. In this Thesis, the navigation problem is globally addressed as a set of software components where the path tracking module is located at the end of the chain. Specifically, this component is implemented by using a Computational Intelligence-based approach, in particular a supervised Artificial Neural Network (ANN), as it is explained in detail in the following sub-section. The proposed technique allows to obtain better results than using the classic Pure Pursuit algorithm while maintaining a relatively low computational cost, as the experiments demonstrate both in simulated and in real environments. Furthermore, the explicit 210 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques mathematical models of the drive and steering systems are not necessary, since the ANN is capable of directly learning the dynamic and kinematic behaviour of the robot. Then, only the set of equations that define the behaviour of the ANN are needed. 5.3.2 An Artificial Neural Network-based path tracker. This sub-section describes the proposed Artificial Neural Network-based path tracker (ANNPT). The advantages of this method are demonstrated by executing the implemented algorithm in a simulated environment and carrying out real experiments on the real nonholonomic robot ROMEO 4R. As in the Pure Pursuit method, the objective of the ANNPT is to obtain the appropriate steering command (or curvature reference), , by taking into account the position of the robot and the sequence of points that form the path which should be tracked. A simple ANN-based approach would be one that allows to calculate the output from a set of inputs (such as the current position of the robot and the selected goal point located at a given distance ), by using a supervised Artificial Neural Network (ANN). However, if only and are taken into account, the dynamic behaviour of the robot is not considered. Furthermore, when a human being drives a vehicle, he or she usually allows for a piece of the path in front. Therefore, when the steering command is calculated at , not only a goal point, but a set of consecutive goal points that define such piece of the path should be considered. In addition, if the dynamic behaviour of the robot is required to be taken into account, at least the curvature at must also be used as input. The following equation defines the function that provides the steering command to reach a part of the explicit path according to the current robot pose, the last measured curvature and the set of goal points that define the piece of the path. (5-8) Where is the steering command, is the position of the robot at is the curvature measured at , , are the points that represent the piece of the path selected as objective (see Figure 5-33), and the heading of the robot at . is This function can be easily approximated by using a supervised ANN such as the wellknown Multilayered Perceptron (MLP) model [18]. 211 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking Figure 5-33. A piece of the path represented by a set of consecutive goal points. 1) Training stage. Before including the ANNPT into the global navigation architecture, it is necessary to train the MLP using a set of patterns wide enough to describe the behaviour of the robot according to the inputs specified in (5-8). In order to facilitate this task, the function can be transformed into another one where the set of goal points, which describe the piece of the path to follow, are expressed in polar form in the robot reference system. In this case, the position and the heading of the robot are not necessary, see Figure 5-34: (5-9) In the experiments, a simulated framework and the real robot ROMEO 4R have been used. First, the path tracker was tested using the simulated framework that reproduces the ROMEO 4R dynamic and kinematic behaviour. The set of training patterns was obtained after manually driving the simulated robot. A wide range of manoeuvres were recorded. Next, the real robot ROMEO 4R was used for testing. In this case, only the kinematic model was considered in the training process, in order to reduce the set of manoeuvres to be applied by the human driver and to simplify the experiments. In this case, the input is not necessary. Figure 5-34. Set of five goal points represented in polar form in the robot reference system. 212 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The training data set consists of a wide range of simple curves (arcs) that the vehicle could potentially follow, built by sweeping the entire interval of possible steering commands. A set of points is calculated from each simple curve. The first point is located at an initial distance called and the last point is located at a final distance called . Each training record is represented by the vector: (5-10) Where and . Since defined by the designer, several pairs of and are parameters that should be heuristically and values must be taken into account when the training data set is being built. This will allow to change the lookahead boundaries without retraining the neural network, see Figure 5-35. Furthermore, the velocity could be used as an additional input when the speed has to change during navigation. In all the experiments, the velocity has been considered constant for simplicity; however, testing the algorithm when velocity changes during the test only requires to train the neural network using new patterns that take into account these variations. The architecture of the MLP neural network used to implement the ANNPT is shown in Figure 5-36. Figure 5-35. Set of feasible manoeuvres for obtaining the training data set. The minimum length of the curvature radius is 2,5 meters for the robot ROMEO 4R. Figure 5-36. MLP neural network architecture used for path tracking. 213 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking Figure 5-35 illustrates an example where two training patterns are obtained. For instance, the number of inputs of the ANN is 9. The first pattern is generated taking into account that one input is and the rest of inputs are the points in polar form . The output of the neural network is . The second pattern is generated considering again the input points in polar form and the set of . The output is also . The indexes and define the number of points between two consecutive selected goal points, and they are heuristically selected. The training process has been carried out using the Neural Network MATLAB ToolBox. The Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm has been selected to adjust the set of weights and . 2) Working stage. Once the training stage is completed, the set of weights and are used in the working stage using the following equation: (5-11) Where is the output of the ANN, is the number of hidden neurons, is the number of input neurons, is the weight of the link between the hidden neuron and the output neuron, is the weight of the link between the input neuron and the hidden neuron , is the item of the input vector and and activation function is the sigmoid function, and are activation functions. In this case, the : (5-12) 3) Experiments. This sub-section shows several experiments carried out to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed path tracking method. First, the technique has been validated in a simulated framework where the kinematic and dynamic behaviour of the robot ROMEO 4R has been modelled. The models have been used for both obtaining the set of training patterns and testing the trained ANNPT. Finally, a simplified version of the ANNPT (only considering the kinematic behaviour of the real robot ROMEO 4R) has also been validated. As mentioned before, the simplified version of the ANNPT just requires using the set of goal points as inputs; therefore, the set of necessary manoeuvres that cover all the possible curves that the robot could follow is reduced and becomes easier to obtain. 214 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques a) Results obtained using the simulated framework. The kinematic behaviour of the ROMEO 4R robot is modelled using equation (5-1). In addition, the dynamic model obtained for the experiments takes into account that the steering system has a pure delay, so the vehicle starts to follow the simple curve when the real curvature reaches the desired steering command, and not before. This important question has been considered when the training data set has been generated. Different ANNPTs were tested taking into account different parameters: number of goal points, size of the selected piece of the path and number of hidden neurons, among others. Furthermore, each experiment was carried out using a different constant velocity; therefore, the neural network, with parameters specified by the designer, was retrained taking into account diverse training data sets obtained from the set of manoeuvres executed with different velocities. Once the neural network was validated using a set of testing patterns consisting of simple curves, a set of more complex paths was utilized to test the ANN-based path tracking controller. This validation algorithm is outlined in Figure 5-37. Table 5-7 shows the eight tests that were carried out. In tests 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 the applied velocity is the typical speed used by handicapped people while driving a wheelchair. On the other hand, a very slow velocity is used in tests 7 and 8. Finally, test 2 is carried out to demonstrate that the behaviour of the proposed method is suitable even when the velocity is moderately increased. The results obtained by the proposed method are compared to the results obtained after executing the classic Pure Pursuit algorithm for the same paths and the same velocities, see Figure 5-38. Figure 5-37. Diagram of the algorithm that allows to validate the performance of the proposed ANNPT. Test Velocity m/s Km/h 1 2.78 10 2 11.11 40 3 2.78 10 4 2.78 10 5 2.78 10 6 2.78 10 7 1.11 4 8 1.11 4 Table 5-7. Collection of tests carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed ANNPT in a simulated environment. 215 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Figure 5-38. Set of experiments carried out to demonstrate that the ANNPT has a better performance than the Pure Pursuit controller. As Figure 5-38 shows, the heading and position of the robot respect to the explicit path to follow is different in each experiment. If the direction of the robot coincides with the direction of the first positions of the path, the manoeuvrability constraints do not have any effect at this point, as Tests 1 and 5 demonstrate. However, if the direction of the robot is very different or even opposite (pay attention to Test 6), to the direction of the initial piece 216 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques of the path, the result calculated by the MLP Neural Network must be limited to the interval . In this case and , since the minimum length of the curvature radius is meters. In these cases, the robot describes a circumference until the direction is approximately parallel to the direction of the piece of the path that it is required to follow. Even when the robot is located at a position which is distant from the path (pay attention to Test 7), the ANNPT gives suitable steering commands to reach the path and properly track it. All the tests demonstrate that the proposed Neural Network-based technique provides more accurate results than the basic Pure Pursuit controller, while maintaining a low computational cost. This is an advantage because the robot must interact with the environment in real time. Note that the ANNPT is the last software component that must be executed and it must share the available time at every control interval with the rest of modules. b) Results obtained using the real robot ROMEO 4R. The ANNPT has also been validated in the real robot ROMEO 4R. As mentioned before, a simplified version of the neural network-based controller has been used. In this case, the previous curvature reference is not taken into account, but good results are also obtained even when the set of manoeuvres recorded to generate the training data set consists of less patterns. Figure 5-39 shows an example of path tracked using the ANNPT. In particular, the MLP neural network has only three hidden neurons. Only 8 goal points have been selected to describe the piece of the path to follow during a control interval, so 16 inputs are needed. Therefore, the full size of the neural network is weights. Figure 5-39. Validation of the ANNPT using the robot ROMEO 4R. The red dotted line represents the path followed by the robot when the ANNPT is executed. The black line represents the original path to be tracked. 217 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking The distance between a pair of consecutive goal points is meters. The selected lookaheads are , therefore and . All the distances are expressed in meters. As Figure 5-39 illustrates, the steering commands provided by the ANNPT allow the real robot ROMEO 4R to track the path with low error. 5.4 Conclusion. A global strategy to find a good model of a real car-like vehicle has been proposed. The MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) system that describes the behaviour of the robot has been divided into several MISO systems whose outputs are used as inputs by other modules. This technique facilitates the use of neural networks that model the behaviour of each component. Specifically, a RBF neural network architecture is used in this work since the training and testing processes are faster than for other kind of neural networks. A MOGA has been utilized for searching the non-dominated Pareto-optimal collection of RBF neural networkbased models of the steering, drive and heading systems. The distributed software architecture developed at the CIS of the University of Algarve for the implementation of the MOGA provides a nearly-automatic method of finding a suitable neural network according to the design goals. In short, the experiments demonstrate that the RBF neural network-based models perform better than other well-known, frequently used linear models. Moreover, even in those cases where the performance is not as good as expected, RBF neural network-based models could be trained again, in order to accomplish new goals. In particular, the inaccuracy of some results for the drive block illustrate the need of information about important disturbances that affect the behaviour of the vehicle. This problem could be solved by adding new sensors to the vehicle and redefining the training data set used in tests. On the other hand, the main drawback of the approach is the need to manually set up some of the MOGA parameters, although this process is much easier than finding by experience, trial and error the best neural network structure. Finally, many systems show a highly non-linear dynamic behaviour and suitable mathematical models can be hard to obtain, so using models based on training data sets is frequently the best solution and possibly the only one. Furthermore, in this chapter a ANN-based path tracking method is also proposed. The 218 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques results obtained both in simulation and in the real robot ROMEO 4R demonstrate that a Computational Intelligence-based path tracking technique provides advantages if compared to the classic Pure Pursuit method. The results obtained are better and the computational cost is not significantly higher than in the well-known geometric algorithm. Furthermore, unlike more complex methods that take into account the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle, no complex mathematical models are necessary when the ANNPT is used. This controller demonstrates to be flexible and that it could be used with any similar robot by simply acquiring a new data training set and adjusting again the weights of the neural network. 219 Chapter 5. Computational Intelligence techniques for robot model learning and path tracking 220 And its object is Art not power, sub-creation not domination and tyrannous re-forming of Creation. J.R.R. Tolkien Chapter 6 BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics. T his chapter describes the hardware and software architectures of the low cost service robot BENDER (Basic ENvironment for DEveloping Robotic systems), developed within the scope of this Thesis as a basic platform for experimentation. The BENDER service robot is compared to other robots on the market and the relationship between benefits and cost is analyzed. It can be concluded that BENDER retains many of such benefits and its cost is much lower than that of other existing commercial platforms. (Final) The proposed software architecture is open source, and it consists of a set of distributed processing elements that interact using the YARP middleware. This provides interesting advantages, since it is possible to decide which processes should be executed on board of the robotic platform and which should be remotely executed, if necessary. An additional advantage of the architecture is that it is very easy to integrate the robot in an ambient intelligence environment, since the software architecture is easily expandable. Furthermore, the software architecture could be executed on the robot BENDER or on any other similar mobile robot by adapting its low-level software components. 6.1 BENDER: A low-cost hardware and software architecture. A service robot designed to aid people should meet several functional requirements. The robot must be capable of navigating through a dynamic indoor setting with specific geometrical features. Therefore, it must acquire the information from the environment, process this information and act in an appropriate way according to the needs of the user, all in real time. On the other hand, easy human-machine interaction is also a significant issue to consider, in order to make it accessible to a general audience not necessarily familiar with Robotics. Finally, the total cost of the robot must be low, so that it is affordable for low-budget applications. BENDER (see Figure 6-1), meets such requirements. It is a small robot with wheels and differential drive system, with a weight of approximately kg. and a height of cm. 221 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics Figure 6-1. The BENDER service robot. In addition, it is equipped with a low cost 2D laser device (Hokuyo URG-04LX) and a low cost stereo vision system consisting of two Logitech AF cameras with an integrated "pan & tilt & zoom" (PTZ) system. Specifically, the laser sensor has been placed on a rotating platform driven by a servo motor that allows the device to be rotated degrees. This is particularly useful for the topological map building experiments described in section 4.1, because when a new topological node is defined, it is necessary to store the semantic polygonal description of the environment located both in front and behind the robot in order to cover degrees. The software architecture is open and distributed; therefore, it is possible to extend the functionality of the robot through the design and implementation of new components and, if necessary, easily integrate it in a ubiquitous environment using wireless interfaces. 6.1.1 Hardware architecture. The hardware components of the BENDER robot are enumerated in Table AI-1 in Appendix I, including the individual cost of each element. In addition, BENDER is compared to the most popular commercial robots that are currently available. A detailed study of costs between these commercial platforms and the proposed low-cost robot is presented in Table AI-2 in Appendix I, considering the features provided by each one. As it is demonstrated, most of commercial robotic platforms used for research tasks or as service robots have proper technical features but its cost is very high. Low-cost robots are less expensive, but they provide less functionality than BENDER. Furthermore, some commercial robots are meant for a specific purpose, so its capabilities cannot easily be extended. 222 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques It is important to mention that although the BENDER robot is equipped with a differential drive system (whose hardware components are detailed in Figure AI-3 in Appendix I), the low level software architecture allows to calculate the position, heading and velocity by taking the curvature and the velocity references as inputs. This references are described by using the pair , where is the desired curvature and is the desired velocity. This facilitates the implementation of high level components that can be applied to both differential-drive and car-like robots. The set of low-level software components (algorithms that directly interact with the hardware devices) must be executed on the onboard computer of the robot; however, the high-level software components (algorithms that implement the behaviour of the robot or allow to carry out specific tasks), could be executed either on the onboard computer or on a remote computer using a wireless connection and the YARP middleware. 6.1.2 Software architecture. In this section, the software architecture implemented in the BENDER service robot is described in depth. The set of algorithms that compose such architecture can be grouped in two categories: low-level and high-level software architectures, see Figure 6-2. The lowlevel software architecture consists of a set of algorithms that solve the problems related to hardware interaction and raw data input from sensors. The high-level software architecture consists of the software components that allow the robot to execute high-level tasks, such as setting description, map building, self-localization, exploration or interaction with human users. Figure 6-2. Distributed software architecture. Red lines represent the information shared between high-level and low-level processes. Black lines represent the information shared between processes of the same level. 223 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics All the modules or components of the global architecture have been designed as individual processing units that share data using a middleware framework, specifically, the YARP network. 1) Low-level software architecture. In this section, the software modules that make possible the interaction between the highlevel software components and the hardware devices are described. These algorithms are executed on the onboard computer of BENDER, that runs a Linux operating system. The experiments proposed in this Thesis are based on the information provided by the drive system and the 2D laser device. Therefore, the software modules that control both hardware elements are described in the following sub-sections. a) Drive system software controller. As mentioned before, the BENDER service robot is equipped with a differential drive system, see Figure 6-3. The robot can change its position and heading when the drive system receives the desired velocities of the right and left wheels as input commands. However, in order to maintain the compatibility with car-like vehicles, the software component designed to control the drive system uses the inputs , where is the desired curvature and is the desired velocity, with the purpose of obtaining the pose of the robot as output, where is the position and is the heading of the robot according to the robot reference system at time . As Figure 6-3 shows, the position of the robot is defined as the centre of the rear shaft. The parameter defines the length of the rear shaft. The steering command (also named desired curvature) is defined as the inverse of the turning radius . Figure 6-3. BENDER differential drive system. 224 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In order to transform the reference into a pair , where is the desired velocity for the left wheel and is the desired velocity for the right wheel, the following equations are used: (6-1) Where is the angular velocity. As detailed in Table AI-1, the drive system is equipped with a hardware controller that facilitates the interaction with the motors and the encoders. This controller is connected to the onboard computer by using a standard serial port connector. The controller datasheet specifies the protocol that allows to send commands to the drive system and to receive data from it. In particular, it is possible to send two bytes that respectively define the velocity of the right and the left wheels. Furthermore, two encoders can be read to estimate the velocity of each wheel. Once these data are available, a simple odometry module calculates the linear velocity of the robot and the change in heading and position. The information provided by the digital compass can also be taken into account for heading estimate. Figure 6-4 shows the software component that allows to obtain the pose of the robot from the desired curvature and velocity. Since these commands are usually generated by other higher level software modules and the output is also normally used by higher level algorithms, the YARP network is used to send and receive both the commands and the outputs. In particular, from the drive system software component point of view, the YARP port “/bender/references/receiver” is used to receive the steering and velocity commands and the port “/bender/odometry/sender” is used to send the pose of the robot. The information shared by means of the YARP ports has a specific format given by the YARP interfaces defined in the Appendix 1, specifically in Code A1-1. Figure 6-4. Drive system software component. 225 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics The software component Drive System is implemented as a process that consists of two threads: Send Command and Odometry. These threads directly interact with the MD25 hardware controller. This device is a dual motor driver designed for use with the EMG30 motors. These motors are used in the BENDER drive system. The MD25 protocol defines that it is necessary to send two signed bytes to change the velocity of each wheel. The minimum velocity is 0 and the maximum velocity is (if the robot is going forward) or (when the robot is going backward). As mentioned above, in order to maintain the compatibility with car-like robots, the thread Send Command receives a pair from the YARP port “/bender/references/receiver” and it transforms these values into a suitable pair of bytes that represent the velocity of the left and right wheels. Once, the velocities for the right and the left wheels have been calculated according to Equation (6-1), the bytes are obtained by using the following transformation: (6-2) Where is the maximum value that the velocity can reach. It has been empirically demonstrated that . On the other hand, the thread Odometry acquires the information from the encoders as two long integer values which are used, together with the wheel radius, to calculate the velocity of each wheel. The difference between the velocity of both wheels allows to estimate the change in heading. This value could be optionally combined with the estimation provided by the digital compass. Furthermore, the previous pose is stored and used to compute the current pose of the robot. This pose is shared with the rest of components by sending the result through the port “/bender/odometry/sender”. b) Software controller for exteroceptive sensors. As mentioned before, the robot BENDER is equipped with several low-cost sensors that allow the robot to acquire the necessary information from the environment to carry out the navigation tasks proposed in this Thesis. In particular, the Hokuyo 2D laser device is particularly relevant for the experiments, since several high level software components use the semantic polygonal representation of the environment obtained from its raw data. In order to facilitate the implementation of the software module that allows to acquire the information sensed by the Hokuyo device, the driver hokuyoaist from Player has been used. Therefore, it is also necessary to execute the 226 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Player server on the onboard computer. A process takes the data from the Player server and sends them through the YARP port “/bender/laser2d/sender”. The process provides data with a frequency of . In the experiments, is ms, see Figure 6-5. c) Software controller for voice synthesis. Natural interaction with human users is a key issue in service robotics. Therefore, the BENDER service robot is equipped with a software component that allows to answer to the user by using natural language. The festival driver provided by the Player environment is used to reach this purpose. Figure 6-6 shows a diagram where the behaviour of the software component is detailed. Figure 6-5. Software component that allows the robot to acquire raw data from the Hokuyo 2D laser device. Figure 6-6. Software component that controls the voice synthesis device. 227 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics d) Software component for controlling the 2D laser device gyratory platform. As shown in Figure 6-1, the robot is also equipped with a servomotor that allows to rotate the 2D laser device if necessary. Figure 6-7 shows the diagram of the software module that controls this platform. A rotation command is received from the YARP port /bender/servo/receiver. Then the Main thread sends such rotation command to the hardware servo controller according to the protocol defined by the device. A serial port connection is used to carry out this task. Once the servo has executed the task, an answer is sent to the YARP network by means of the port /bender/servo/sender. 2) High-level software architecture. In this section, the set of software modules that compose the high-level software architecture are described. These algorithms can be executed remotely or on the onboard computer under a Linux operating system. Figure 6-2 shows that the high-level software architecture consists of the following set of components: “Setting description” module, “Topological SLAM” module, “Exploration” module and “Human interaction” module. These components interact with the low level modules by using the YARP network. “Setting description” acquires raw data from the 2D laser device by using a YARP connection with the port /bender/laser2d/sender. For doing this, the “Setting description” module creates the YARP port /bender/laser2d/receiver. Furthermore, the information provided by the “Drive system” low level component is read from a connection with the port /bender/odometry/sender. The port /bender/odometry/receiver is also created by the “Setting description” component. Then, this high level module calculates the semantic polygonal representation of the environment at time using the algorithms detailed in section 3.2. Figure 6-7. Software component that controls the gyratory servo platform. 228 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques This description, together with the representation of the free space described in section 4.1.1, is used by the high level components “Topological SLAM” and “Exploration”. The “Topological SLAM” component builds a topological map of the setting and allows the robot to estimate its pose by using the techniques proposed in sections 4.1.2 and 4.2. Furthermore, this component interacts with the servo that rotates the 2D laser device platform when it is necessary to obtain a description of the environment located behind the robot. The YARP ports used for this interaction are /bender/withservo/sender and /bender/withservo/receiver. A connection is made between /bender/servo/receiver. Another connection the ports /bender/withservo/sender and is made between ports /bender/servo/sender and /bender/withservo/receiver. allows the “Topological SLAM” module to send a command to rotate the gyratory platform where the 2D laser device is placed. Once the platform has been rotated, the “Servo controller” low level software module sends an acknowledgement (ACK) message to “Topological SLAM” by using . The high level module stores the semantic polygonal description calculated from the 2D laser raw data and sends another command (by means of ), to rotate the gyratory platform again. When the platform is at the original position the “Servo controller” module sends a ACK message (through indicate that the robot can go on navigating. ) to The “Exploration” component allows the robot to plan a local path according to the free space description. The selection of a goal point to follow could also be based on the selection of a possible node. In this case, the information provided by the “Topological SLAM” component is used by the “Exploration” module. Moreover, a human user can specify a command to select a route, as it is explained in section 4.1.1-2, so the modules “Exploration” and “Human interaction” are also connected. The steering and velocity commands are calculated and sent to the low level hardware architecture by using the connection between the YARP ports /bender/references/sender and /bender/references/receiver. Finally, “Human interaction” allows to graphically display the results obtained by the rest of modules. In addition, this high level component sends strings to the “Voice Synthesis” low level component by using a YARP connection defined by the ports /bender/say/sender (created by the “Human interaction” component), and /bender/say/receiver. These strings are played back using the Festival Speech Synthesis System. Therefore, a human user could easily interact with the service robot in a natural way. Figure 6-8 shows a more detailed diagram of the high level architecture and the relationship between high and low-level software components by using YARP ports. 229 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics Figure 6-8. Detailed diagram of the high-level software architecture. 6.2 Main features of the proposed architecture. The hardware architecture could be extended by adding new devices. For example, a ring of ultrasonic devices could easily be added. The low level software architecture should also be extended in this case. Using the YARP network facilitates this task. A new low-level software component would be created, and the results provided by the new device would be sent through a new YARP port. Other high level components could also be added to acquire and process the information provided by the device. The objects shared by using the YARP connection should also be properly defined. This demonstrates that one of the main features of the proposed architecture is that it can be easily extended if required. Furthermore, the high level software architecture is completely independent of the low level software architecture. This is clearly an advantage because the high level algorithms can be easily executed in any robot, or even in a simulated platform, controlled by a low level software architecture that provides the same YARP ports used for communication. In fact, in this Thesis the high level software architecture detailed in Figure 6-8 has been tested in the BENDER robot, in a Pioneer robot and in a Player/Stage simulation environment. The YARP interface classes used in the experiments and the description of the configuration files for the simulated environment are described in Appendix I. 230 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 6.3 Computational cost analysis. This section analyzes the high-level software architecture from the point of view of the processing cost. As mentioned above, the components of the high-level architecture can be executed either in the onboard computer or remotely. Some experiments have been performed by executing the algorithms of the high-level software architecture in both the BENDER onboard computer (OnBC) and a remote computer (RemC) whose characteristics are described in Table 6-1. The same onboard computer has also been used in the Pioneer platform. These experiments demonstrate that the algorithms proposed in this Thesis are efficient from a computational cost point of view. In order to reach this conclusion, a set of tests for measuring the computational cost have been carried out. The time consumed by the tasks shown in Table 6-2 has been separately measured in both computers. Next subsections show the results obtained after executing each task in the remote computer and in the onboard computer. Time spent by YARP communications and the relation between the number of polylines, the number of stable features and the tasks performance is also considered. Figure 6-9 shows the topological map built during the experiment; the necessary processing is carried out first in the remote computer and then in the onboard computer. The robot navigates through the main corridor of a building (from left to right). Several rooms are located on the left and several secondary corridors are located on the right of the main corridor. Description Computer Model Onboard computer Asus Eee PC 1008HA Notebook Remote computer Sony VAIO VPCF13E1E Processor Intel Atom N280 1.66 GHz. Cache 512K. 1 Core. 2 Threads. Intel® Core™ i5-460M 2.53 GHz. Cache 3M. 2 Cores. 4 Threads. Memory 1 GB 4 GB Table 6-1. Characteristics of the computers used in the experiments. A Linux operating system is used in both computers. Task SemDescription Asoc Loc Map Exp Description Obtaining the semantic polygonal description. Data association. Localization. Updating the topological map Generating curvature and velocity references for exploration Table 6-2. Selected tasks for measuring the computational cost. 231 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics Figure 6-9. Topological map built during the experiments for measuring the computational cost. During the experiment, the robot detected topological nodes. For each control cycle, the robot acquires the raw data set from the 2D laser device, obtains the semantic representation of the environment, carries out the data association process, updates the topological map and calculates the new curvature and velocity commands according to the exploration algorithm. Specifically, all these tasks (detailed in Table 6-2) are consecutively repeated every . 6.3.1 Computational cost obtained in the remote computer. This subsection describes the results obtained after executing the above mentioned tasks in the remote computer whose features are detailed in Table 6-1. Figure 6-10 shows the time consumed by the task SemDescription that obtains the semantic description of the setting (black thin columns). The number of polylines (blue trace), and the number of stable points (red trace) obtained from this description are also respectively represented. The main Yaxis (on the left), represents the number of polylines and the number of stable points. The secondary Y-axis represents the time specified in seconds. The X-axis represents the number of control cycles repeated during the experiment. Note that the execution time of SemDescription is generally close to . As mentioned before, the time elapsed between two consecutive control cycles is approximately . Figure 6-11 shows the time consumed by the data association task. This is the task with the highest computational cost. This cost strongly depends on the number of stable points used to obtain the segments that define natural landmarks. 232 25 0,0005 20 0,0004 15 0,0003 10 0,0002 5 0,0001 0 0 0,00035 0,00025 0,00015 Time (seconds) 0,00045 0,00005 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 129 137 145 153 161 169 177 185 193 201 209 217 225 233 241 249 257 265 273 281 289 297 305 313 321 329 Number of polylines and stable points Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Number of control cycle SemDescription NPOL NumberStablePoints 1,000000 20 0,800000 15 0,600000 10 0,400000 5 0,200000 0 0,000000 Time (seconds) 25 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 129 137 145 153 161 169 177 185 193 201 209 217 225 233 241 249 257 265 273 281 289 297 305 313 321 329 Number of stable points Figure 6-10. Computational cost for the semantic polygonal representation task in the remote computer. Number of control cycle Asoc NumberStablePoints Figure 6-11. Computational cost for the data association task. If the number of stable points is higher, the segment alignment and association process is more expensive from the point of view of the processing cost. In general, the time required for the data association task (Asoc) (black columns) is generally lower than 250 ms. The association task first carries out an alignment and then the data association algorithm. If there is not a valid alignment, the association is not carried out and the robot only uses the information provided by the propioceptive sensors. In this case, the time required for the data association task is lower, since part of the association algorithm is not executed. Once the data association task finishes, the task that allows to estimate the pose of the robot (Loc) is executed. Figure 6-12 shows its execution time (black columns) and the number of available stable points (NumberStablePoints) for each control cycle. If there are not any stable features, only the odometry calculated from the data obtained from the encoders is used. In this case, the computational cost is lower, since the EKF algorithm just executes the prediction stage. On the other hand, if there are stable features that have been properly associated, the virtual sensor provides an estimate of the robot pose change. Finally, this estimate is used by the EKF algorithm to execute the update stage. In this case, the computational cost slightly increases, see Figure 6-12. The time required to estimate the pose is generally close to . 233 0,00025 20 0,0002 15 0,00015 10 0,0001 5 0,00005 0 0 Time (seconds) 25 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 129 137 145 153 161 169 177 185 193 201 209 217 225 233 241 249 257 265 273 281 289 297 305 313 321 329 Number of stable points Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics Number of control cycle Loc NumberStablePoints Figure 6-12. Computational cost for the self-localization task in the remote computer. Figure 6-13 shows the computational cost for the task that allows the robot to build the topological map (Map), as well as the number of polylines (NPOL). There is a clear relation between the number of polylines and the time required to execute the task. This occurs because the set of possible topological nodes is calculated from the semantic description of the free space. This description consists of the set of convex polygons obtained by taking into account the set of labelled polylines that describe the setting. The computational cost is generally close to . Finally, Figure 6-14 shows the computational cost for the task that allows to select a suitable route by taking into account the free space semantic description (Exp) and the number of polylines (NPOL). The number of routes increases according to the complexity of the scenario. 25 0,00045 20 0,00035 0,0003 15 0,00025 0,0002 10 0,00015 0,0001 5 0,00005 0 1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85 92 99 106 113 120 127 134 141 148 155 162 169 176 183 190 197 204 211 218 225 232 239 246 253 260 267 274 281 288 295 302 309 316 323 330 0 Number of cycles Map NPOL Figure 6-13. Computational cost for the topological map building task in the remote computer. 234 TIme (seconds) Number of polylines 0,0004 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 25 0,012 Number of polylines 0,008 15 0,006 10 0,004 5 Time (seconds) 0,01 20 0,002 0 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 129 137 145 153 161 169 177 185 193 201 209 217 225 233 241 249 257 265 273 281 289 297 305 313 321 329 0 Number of control cycle Exp NPOL Figure 6-14. Computational cost for the exploration task based on the free space semantic description executed in the remote computer. If the free space representation is obtained from a semantic polygonal description of the setting with a large number of polylines, the time required to execute the exploration task is slightly higher. Note that the time required to execute this task is generally close to . 6.3.2 Computational cost obtained in the onboard computer. This subsection describes the results obtained after executing the tasks (mentioned in section 6.2), in the onboard computer whose features are detailed in Table 6-1. The topological map built by the robot during the experiment is the same as the map built for the test in the remote computer, see Figure 6-9. Therefore, the same analysis is presented as follows. Figure 6-15 shows for each control cycle the computational cost for the task that builds the semantic polygonal description of the setting (SemDescription), the number of polylines (NPOL) and the number of stable points detected while the robot navigates through the environment (NumberStablePoints). It can be seen that the time required for executing such task is generally close to . This value is higher than the one obtained when the task is executed in the more powerful remote computer; however, the performance is still appropriate and it demonstrates that the computational cost of the algorithms that allow the robot to accomplish such task is low. Figure 6-16 shows for each control cycle the computational cost of the data association task (ASOC) and the number of detected stable points (NumberStablePoints). In this case, the time required for executing this task is generally close to . If the number of stable points is high and there are many possible natural landmarks that have to be aligned and associated, the time required for this operation can be significantly higher (more than one second). 235 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics 0,003 0,0025 20 0,002 15 0,0015 10 0,001 5 Time (seconds) Number of polylines and stable points 25 0,0005 0 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 191 196 201 206 0 Number of control cycle SemDescription NPOL NumberStablePoints 2,500000 20 2,000000 15 1,500000 10 1,000000 5 0,500000 0 0,000000 Time (seconds) 25 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 191 196 201 206 Number of stable points Figure 6-15. Computational cost for the semantic polygonal representation task in the onboard computer. Number of control cycle ASOC NumberStablePoints Figure 6-16. Computational cost for the data association task in the onboard computer. This is clearly a problem that should be taken into account, because the duration of the control cycle should be kept stable and below a maximum limit that can experimentally be estimated at about . Executing the data association process remotely or increasing the processing capabilities of the onboard computer are two feasible solutions. The optimization of the algorithm that executes the data association task is a third option that will be considered in future works. The use of the YARP network facilitates data sharing between software components; therefore executing the processes with high expensive computational cost remotely is a good solution if a high bandwidth WIFI connection is available. This allows not to increase the cost of the service robot. Any personal computer could be used as remote computer by simply installing the open-source YARP software. Figure 6-17 shows the computational cost of the self-localization task (Loc) and the number of detected stable points (NumberStablePoints) for each control cycle. In this case, the time required for accomplishing the task is close to , even when the number of stable points increases. This can be considered a good result. 236 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques 0,0006 0,0005 20 0,0004 15 0,0003 10 0,0002 5 Time (seconds) Number of stable points 25 0,0001 0 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 191 196 201 206 0 Number of cycle control Loc NumberStablePoints Figure 6-17. Computational cost for the self-localization task in the onboard computer. Figure 6-18 shows for each control cycle the computational cost for the topological map building task (Map) and the number of polylines (NPOL). The time required for executing this task is generally in the interval . As can be observed, there is a strong relation between the time consumed by the task and the number of polylines that it is necessary to process to accomplish it. Figure 6-19 shows that the computational cost of the exploration task is also low (it does not exceed ), even with the lower processing capability of the onboard computer. Finally, an experiment has been carried out to measure the time consumed when data are shared by using the YARP network. The results demonstrate that this time is also very low, see Figure 6-20. 0,001 0,0008 15 0,0006 10 0,0004 5 0,0002 0 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 191 196 201 206 0 Time (seconds) Number of polylines 20 Number of control cycle Map NPOL Figure 6-18. Computational cost for the topological map task in the onboard computer. 0,03 15 0,02 10 0,015 0,01 5 0,005 0 0 Number of control cycle Exp NPOL Figure 6-19. Computational cost for the exploration task in the onboard computer. 237 TIme (seconds) 0,025 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 191 196 201 206 Number of polyllines 20 Chapter 6. BENDER: A low-cost architecture for Service Robotics Time (seconds) 0,000200 0,000150 0,000100 0,000050 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 176 181 186 191 196 201 206 0,000000 Number of control cycle LASER POSE Figure 6-20. Computational cost for YARP communications. In this test, the low level software components DriveSystem and 2DLaser send information to the high level software components by using the corresponding YARP connections. The raw data provided by the 2D laser device are sent by the 2DLaser component every control cycle. The time required for this task (LASER in Figure 6-20) is generally close to . The graph associated to the POSE task shows that the time required by the YARP network to send the robot pose is also close to . Some spurious high times can be observed; however, the number of this spurious values is very reduced and they are generally related to the behaviour of the WIFI connection that the YARP network uses. 6.4 Conclusion. In this chapter, a low cost architecture for Service Robotics has been proposed and validated. Specifically, the robotic platform BENDER has been designed and built, and it has been used to carry out the experiments presented in this Thesis. The BENDER robot is clearly inexpensive if compared to commercial robots, while maintaining the same features, in general. 238 Even the most subtle spiders may leave a weak thread. J.R.R. Tolkien Chapter 7 Conclusions and future work. T his chapter presents the Thesis conclusions and a number of foreseeable future developments. A summary of the main contributions and an analysis of the achieved objectives are first described. Next, future research activities to extend the work presented in this Thesis are detailed. (Final) 7.1 Conclusions and contributions. The development of inexpensive indoor service mobile robots that can efficiently realize service tasks for human users in domestic environments is currently attracting a growing interest. Cost reduction of robotics hardware is a critical issue that should be considered if it is required to successfully introduce real robots in real domestic scenarios. However, decreasing the hardware cost normally involves increasing the inaccuracy of the results obtained when a specific task is required to be executed, since it is necessary to reduce the cost of important hardware components such as propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors and computers. Therefore, requirements related to computational efficiency should be taken into account when robot perception and control algorithms are designed and implemented. In particular, autonomous navigation is a key task which any mobile service robot should efficiently accomplish, since the success of many other tasks depends on the capabilities of the robot to move across a dynamic scenario. Designing an efficient software architecture to solve the autonomous navigation problem involves implementing several software components that accomplish a set of significant subtasks. In this Thesis, a set of Computational Intelligence-based techniques that solve several problems related to autonomous navigation have been proposed, designed and validated. Specifically, these techniques meet the objectives defined in Chapter 1. The main contributions of this work are summarized as follows: A software component that builds a low level semantic representation of indoor 239 Chapter 7. Conclusions and future work settings in real time from 2D laser scanner raw data has been implemented. This software component consists of a set of computationally inexpensive algorithms that obtain a semantically labelled polygonal description of the environment; specifically, a list of polylines formed by segments whose end points are tagged by using low level semantic labels. These labels allow the robot to distinguish relevant features such as saturated areas, occlusions, inside and outside angle corners and descriptive points that represent frontal and lateral walls. While many algorithms that describe the setting by using geometric elements do not include semantic information in the environment representation, the setting description technique proposed in this work takes into account these abstract concepts. This is an advantage because the robot acquires a certain degree of abstract awareness about the surrounding space. This knowledge is particularly useful when it is required to control the behaviour of the robot or to allow the robot to take decisions considering the human behaviour. A software component that provides a semantic description of the free space considering the semantically labelled polygonal representation of the environment has been developed. The description consists of a set of convex sub-polygons whose edges are semantically labelled using tags that determine if a sub-area is potentially explorable. Using both semantic descriptions (of the environment and of the free space) a hierarchical fuzzy system allows to select a safe path to follow. The set of feasible paths can be obtained by two different methods. The first method analyzes the relation between semantic labels. From these relations, a set of traversable segments are calculated. The middle points of these traversable segments are properly grouped and approximated by straight lines that determine safe routes to follow. The second method is an enhanced version of the first one. In this case, the routes are defined by the centroids of the convex sub-polygons that represent sub-areas of the free space. A hierarchical fuzzy system has been implemented with the purpose of allowing the robot to avoid mobile obstacles. The control of the velocity parameter is also provided by another fuzzy system. A method for topological map building that takes into account the semantic representation of the free space has also been designed, implemented and validated. The topological map is defined as a graph whose nodes store significant semantic and geometric information of specific places. Nodes are linked by paths defined as a list of robot poses. Each robot pose is estimated by combining the information acquired by propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors using a method based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Natural landmark selection is enhanced by using a hierarchical fuzzy system. Such natural landmarks are used in a data association procedure that allows to estimate the robot pose change between two consecutive instants. 240 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques This method for topological mapping allows to optimize the description of the trajectory followed by the robot. Only relevant places are remembered together with the trajectories that link such places; therefore, only a reduced group of semantic features together with their positions are stored; then, data storage and processing requirements are low. The software architecture has been validated using a simulation framework based on the open source Player/Stage tool. Furthermore, a set of experiments have been carried out using a commercial robotic platform (Pioneer) and the low-cost service robot BENDER, specifically designed and built for this Thesis. In particular, experiments carried out using BENDER demonstrate that the software components proposed in this work provide good results even when the hardware cost is reduced. Finally, the robot modelling and path tracking issues have also been addressed. A global strategy to find a good model of a real car-like vehicle has been proposed. The designed method uses a set of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN), optimally selected by a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). Furthermore, the development of an efficient and computationally inexpensive path tracking method using a Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN) has also been presented. These Computational Intelligence-based techniques prove that it is possible to learn the dynamic and kinematic behaviour of a robot with strict holonomic and manoeuvrability constrains without using complex mathematical models. The real robot ROMEO 4R has been used to validate such techniques. As a final remark, it is worth mentioning that this Thesis demonstrates that well-known Computational Intelligence paradigms such as Fuzzy Systems, Artificial Neural Networks and Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms provide very useful tools to solve problems in the Robotics context. 7.2 Dissemination of the results. Several international and national publications have been presented during the development of this Thesis. In the following, a list of the published results arranged by publication date is included: Pavón N., Ferruz J., Ollero A., “Navegación autónoma basada en la representación del entorno mediante polilíneas etiquetadas semánticamente”. ROBOT 2011. Robótica Experimental. Sevilla (Spain). Noviembre 2011, pp. 1 – 6. Pavón N., Ferruz J., Ollero A., “Describing the environment using semantic labelled polylines from 2D laser scanned raw data: Application to autonomous navigation”. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 241 Chapter 7. Conclusions and future work (IROS 2010), Taipei (Taiwan), September 2010, pp. 3257 – 3262. Pavón N., Ferruz J., "BENDER 3.0, una Plataforma Robótica Remota para Aplicaciones Docentes: Aplicación a Programación Concurrente". Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI). CEA-IFAC, Vol. 7, Num. 1, January 2010, pp. 54-63. Pavón N., Falcón C., Ferruz J., “BENDER: An open, low–cost robot architecture for educational and research purposes”, Robotica 2010, 10th Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions. Leiria (Portugal), March 2010. Pavón N., Ferruz, J., “B.EN.DE.R. 2.0: Basic ENvironment for DEveloping Robotic software: Application to educational purposes”. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2009. Málaga (Spain), April 2009, pp 1 – 6. Pavón N., Ferruz J., Ruano A.E., Ollero A. “Using a genetic algorithm to obtain a neural network-based model of a real autonomous vehicle”. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2008. Cambridge (United Kingdom), July 2008, pp 929 – 934. Pavón N., Ferruz, J., "Taller de Programación Concurrente: Diseño de software para robots basado en hilos Posix". XXVIII Jornadas de Automática. Huelva (Spain). Year 2007. Pavón N., Sánchez O., Ollero A. “MLP Neural Networks to Control a Mobile Robot Using Multiple Goal Points”. International Symposium on Robotics and Applications ISORA, World Automation Congress WAC 2004, Seville (Spain), July 2004. Pavón N., Sánchez O., Ollero A. "Mobile robot path tracking using a RBF neural network". Neural Network Engineering Experiences - EANN'03, pp 364-371. Torremolinos, Málaga (Spain), September 2003. Pavón N., Sánchez O., Ollero A. "NeurofuzzyMT: Neuro - Fuzzy modelling tool. Herramienta de modelado neuroborroso. Aplicaciones a Robótica". XI Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF). León (Spain). Year 2002. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the BENDER robotic platform was awarded by the CEAC-IFAC with the Prodel Award during the conference XXVIII Jornadas de Automática in 2007. 7.3 Future work. Future research efforts will consist of extensions of the work presented in this Thesis, as well as the exploration of new problems, raised while developing the proposed techniques. 242 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Regarding the topological mapping and self-localization problems, several future works are proposed: Nodes are linked by trajectories consisting of robot poses. Such poses are estimated by combining data from propioceptive and exteroceptive sensors. In particular, an EKFbased method is used for data fusion. An error propagation-based technique allows to estimate the covariance corresponding to virtual sensor measurements obtained from raw data acquired by the 2D laser scanner. The uncertainty of such raw data is estimated by considering the error information offered by the manufacturer. This procedure could be enhanced by using real sensed data which would be used to obtain an uncertainty model of the 2D laser scanner. The natural landmarks extraction method could also be improved by training the hierarchical fuzzy system with real data. It would be interesting to compare the results obtained by the EKF filter with another Computational Intelligence-based technique that would allow to manage the uncertainty by using fuzzy confidence degree values. The new hierarchical fuzzy system should be adjusted using real training data to improve the rule bases designed by the expert. Maintaining a suitable measurement of the confidence of the full map is still a challenge. This problem could be solved by using fuzzy systems designed to properly update the position of the nodes and the pose of the robot according to several circumstances related to the age of the node and the set of relevant features found along the trajectory that links two adjacent nodes. Filtering of mobile and small objects will also be addressed to enhance the performance of the algorithm that detects possible nodes. Regarding to the inexpensive robotic platform BENDER, several improvements are currently being developed: In order to reduce the economic cost of the robot, the 2D laser device will be substituted with a hybrid device based on two webcams and a low cost 3D depth sensor (Kinect). A more powerful drive system (with more accurate encoders), will allow the robot to carry heavier loads and navigate more precisely. Finally, new challenges related to the improvement of the scenario representation and interpretation have emerged during the development of this Thesis. Moreover, interaction with human users is also another issue that will be addressed: 243 Chapter 7. Conclusions and future work The proposed representation of the environment will be enhanced by using features obtained from the artificial vision system. As mentioned above, this artificial vision system will consist of a low cost stereo pair based on webcams and a 3D depth sensor based on the Kinect device. Methods for 3D reconstruction of the setting and object recognition will also be designed. Computational efficiency will be a key aspect; therefore, efforts will be aimed at the development of efficient algorithms by using hardware architectures, based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). The interaction with human users will be improved by including techniques that allow the robot to understand simple voice commands and gestures. 244 Appendix I In this appendix, several issues related to the software architecture proposed in Chapter 6 are addressed. In particular, the formal definition of the software architecture is defined. The YARP interfaces needed for communication between software components are also described. (Final) Furthermore, the configuration of the Player/Stage-based simulated environment used in the experiments is detailed. AI-1) Definition of the software architecture. The low level software architecture is described by using a set of graphic diagrams whose meaning is explained in this section. a) The representation of a multithreaded independent software component is shown in Figure AI-1. A synchronous thread is a thread of execution that is periodically repeated, whereas an asynchronous thread cyclically executes a task, but each iteration only starts after an asynchronous signal is received. b) The representation of the communication between a software component and the Player server is shown in Figure AI-2. A configuration file is needed to load the Player drivers. The interaction between the software architecture and the Hokuyo 2D laser device is carried out by using the driver “hokuyoaist”. Figure AI- 1. Graphical items that formally define a low level software component. 245 Appendix I Figure AI- 2. Graphical items that formally describe the connection between a software component and the Player server. AI-2) YARP interfaces. This section shows the main YARP interfaces used in the proposed software architecture. When a connection between two YARP ports is made, it is necessary to define a class whose attributes store the information that will be sent and received by using the YARP network. The interfaces of the necessary classes designed for the software architecture are listed as follows. Connection between /bender/references/sender and /bender/references/receiver Connection between /bender/odometry/sender and /bender/odometry/receiver. C++ Code A - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 typedef struct{ double x, y, heading, v; }TPose; typedef struct{ double v, g; // Velocity and curvature references }TReferences; class yarping_position2d: public Portable{ private: TPose pose; public: void set_pose(TPose pose); TPose get_pose(void); virtual bool write (ConnectionWriter& connection); virtual bool read (ConnectionReader& connection); }; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------class yarping_references: public Portable{ private: TReferences ref; public: void init_ref(void); void set_ref(TReferences ref); TReferences get_ref(void); virtual bool read (ConnectionReader& connection); virtual bool write (ConnectionWriter& connection); }; 246 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Connection between /bender/laser2d/sender and /bender/laser2d/receiver. C++ Code A - 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 const double PRECISION_LASER_HOKUYO = 360.0/1024.0; #define MAX_MEASURE_DATA_VALUES 682 typedef struct{ double m_sec; double m_nsec; int dataLength; // Data length int initialAngle; // Initial angle (degrees) double resolutionAngle; // Angle resolution double data[MAX_MEASURE_DATA_VALUES]; // Raw data (metros) double range; // Range double dataStdDev; // (variance) int status; // Status variable }TLaser; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------class yarping_laser_player: public Portable{ private: TLaser laser_player; public: void set_laser_player (TLaser laser_player); TLaser get_laser_player (void); virtual bool write (ConnectionWriter& connection); virtual bool read (ConnectionReader& connection); }; AI-3) Configuration files for the designed Player/Stagebased simulated environment. This section shows the configuration files used in the Player/Stage-based simulated environment. The definition of the world is stored in the bender.world file. The definition of the simulated BENDER robot is stored in the bender.inc file. The Hokuyo 2D laser device is also simulated, and its configuration is stored in the hokuyo.inc file. 1) The bender.cfg file. driver ( name "stage" provides ["simulation:0"] plugin "stageplugin" worldfile "bender.world" ) driver ( name "stage" provides [ "6665:position2d:0" "6665:laser:0" "6665:sonar:0"] model "bendercito" ) driver ( name "festival" provides ["speech:0"] ) 247 Appendix I 2) The bender.world file. include "map.inc" include "bender.inc" include "hokuyo.inc" resolution 0.005 paused 0 size [20 20] window ( size [1400.000 700.000] scale 52.592 window_size/map_size = 1000/20 show_data 1 ) floorplan ( name "cave" size [20.000 15.000 1.000] bitmap "img/hospital.png" ) bender ( name "bendercito" pose [-7.980 2.788 0 -1.998] hokuyolaser() ) 3) The hokuyo.inc file. define hokuyolaser laser ( range_min 0.0 range_max 5.6 fov 240.0 samples 681 color "blue" pose [0.11 0 0 0] size [0.05 0.05 0.07] ) 4) The map.inc file. define floorplan model ( color "gray30" boundary 1 gui_nose 0 gui_grid 0 gui_movemask 0 gui_outline 0 gripper_return 0 fiducial_return 0 laser_return 1 ranger_return 1 ) 5) The bender.inc file. define base position ( color "yellow" drive "diff" gui_nose 1 obstacle_return 1 laser_return 1 ranger_return 1 blobfinder_return 1 fiducial_return 1 # # # # # # # # Default color. Differential steering model. Draw a nose on the robot so we can see which way it points Can hit things. reflects laser beams reflects sonar beams Seen by blobfinders Seen as "1" fiducial finders 248 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques localization "odom" localization_origin [0 0 0 0] # Start odometry at (0, 0, 0, 0). odom_error [ 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 ] # Odometry error or slip in X, Y and Theta ) define bender base ( size [0.30 0.30 0.45] blocks 4 # Front -------------------block ( points 9 point[0] [0.150 0.000] point[1] [0.145 0.040] point[2] [0.125 0.080] point[3] [0.090 0.110] point[4] [0.001 0.110] point[5] [0.000 -0.110] point[6] [0.090 -0.110] point[7] [0.125 -0.080] point[8] [0.145 -0.040] ) # Rear ---------------------block ( points 9 point[0] [0.000 0.150] point[1] [-0.060 0.140] point[2] [-0.110 0.110] point[3] [-0.140 0.060] point[4] [-0.150 0.000] point[5] [-0.140 -0.060] point[6] [-0.110 -0.110] point[7] [-0.060 -0.140] point[8] [0.000 -0.150] ) # Wheel 1 ----------------------block ( points 4 point[0] [0.085 0.12] point[1] [0.085 0.14] point[2] [0.005 0.14] point[3] [0.005 0.12] color "gray15" ) # Wheel 2 ----------------------block ( points 4 point[0] [0.085 -0.14] point[1] [0.085 -0.12] point[2] [0.005 -0.12] point[3] [0.005 -0.14] color "gray15" ) mass 7.5 drive "diff" ) AI-4) Hardware description of BENDER. This section shows the description and cost of the hardware elements of the robot BENDER, see Table AI-1. Furthermore, a comparative study about the functionality and cost of commercial robots and the BENDER robot is also detailed, see Table AI-2. Figure AI-3 shows the main components of the drive system. 249 Appendix I Device Description Cost (€) Differential drive system that consists of two 12 V. EMG30 motors with encoders, a MD25 hardware controller (Dual 12 V. 2.8 A. H Bridge Motor Drive) and two wheels. 161,15 Two AF Logitech cameras with independent incorporated PTZ. 270 Hokuyo URG-04LX 2D laser device. 1500 Hitec servo motor. 15,35 Servo motor controller. 42,45 Tilt Compensated Compass Module CMPS09. 52,75 Onboard computer Asus Eee PC 1008HA Notebook. Intel Atom N280 1.66 GHz., 1 GB RAM, 250 GB hard disk, Wi-Fi, long life battery (6 hours). Weight = 1,1 kg. Battery: 12 V and 7 AH 350 27,83 Chassis components. 75 TOTAL 2.494,53 Table AI-1. Description and cost of the hardware elements of the robot BENDER. P R W E I U L MV SV G GPS Ex T PTZ Pu Estimated Cost Robot 1 3 × × × × × × GP 2700 € Wifibot 1 1 × o SP 525 € Roomba 1 4 × × × × o × o × × × GP 36995 $ PeopleBot 1 3 × × × × × o × × × GP 38630 $ GhiaBot 1 3 × × × o × o o × × × GP 39980 $ Pioneer 3-AT × o o o o × × o GP 17185 $ Pioneer P3-DX 1 3 × × 0 0 × × × o × × GP 3495 $ AmigoBot 1 3 × × × o × o × o GP 48995 $ PatrolBot 1 4 × × × × × × × × × × GP 53490 $ Seekur Jr. 2 5 × × o × × × o × × × GP 2495 € BENDER P: Number of processing units / R: Computer performance (1=low…5=high) / W: Wifi / E: Encoders I: Infrared devices / U: Ultrasonic devices / L: 2D Laser device / MV: Monocular vision system / SV: Stereo vision system. G: Gyroscope or digital compass / GPS: Global Positioning System / Ex: Extension possibilities T: Tele-operated / PTZ: Pan & Tilt & Zoom Pu: Purpose (GP=General purpose, SP=Specific purpose) × = Standard version / o = Optional Table AI-2. Comparative study about functionality and cost of commercial robots and the BENDER robot. 250 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure AI-3. Drive system components of the BENDER robot. 251 252 Appendix II This appendix includes the full derivation of the equations that allow to estimate the covariance matrix of the pose change obtained from the virtual sensor described in Chapter 4. (Final) AII-1) Definition of the problem. As explained in Chapter 3, the virtual sensor provides a pose change estimate by using the set of associated segments between consecutive instants and . Chapter 4 describes a statistical technique that allows to obtain the final pose change estimation at time , taking into account all the pose change estimates for each associated segment. This final pose change estimation depends on the uncertainty of each individual pose change estimate. The uncertainty is represented by a Gaussian distribution. In order to calculate the parameters of the Gaussian distributions associated to each individual pose change estimation, the uncertainty in the raw measurements obtained by a Laser 2D scanner device is considered. Then, the results are applied to the Hokuyo Laser 2D device, used by the robots Pioneer and BENDER, in the experimental work of this thesis. In particular, this laser 2D model provides measurements that cover . According to the specifications, the maximum and minimum measurable distances are meters, respectively. The angular resolution is approximately The scanning time is per scan. The accuracy is the interval , and the maximum error is . ( and steps). when the distance is in of the measurement, in other case. Therefore, the Every single raw measurement is a 2D point in polar form , relative to the laser device reference system. Usually, only errors in the range component are considered to be significant [49], so in the following no uncertainty will be estimated for . The virtual sensor (see Chapter 4), computes a pose change estimate by using the information provided by a set of matching segments, obtained from raw 2D laser scanner data. Thus, the uncertainty of every individual pose change estimation will be estimated by 253 Appendix II taking into account the measurement uncertainties of such input device and propagating them to the incremental pose estimation results. As Figure AII - 1 shows, the end points of the segments are directly selected among the raw points measured by the laser device; therefore, the pose change estimation uncertainty can be calculated by propagating the uncertainty in the distance to the end points of the segment, both at time , and at time . In general, the pose change estimate will be a non-linear function whose inputs are: , since at time the segment is and Only the uncertainty of inputs bounded by the points at time . will be considered and modeled with Gaussian distributions with covariance values , respectively. Furthermore, it is assumed that the distance measurements are not correlated. The uncertainty present in a set of inputs can be easily propagated to the output if both are related by a linear function and input errors follow a Gaussian distribution. If the function is non-linear, the uncertainty in outputs can still be approximately computed by linearization. In general, consider that is a set of functions of inputs, where every single function can be linearized by using the Taylor approximation: (AII- 1) Where is in the interval and is a constant value that does not contribute to the error in . In matrix notation, the following equation can be defined: (AII- 2) Therefore, the equation (AII- 2) can be simply written as: (AII- 3) 254 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques Figure AII - 1. Pose change estimation from an associated segment between consecutive instants. (a) Geometric description of the parameters involves in the computation of position change. (b) Geometric description of the parameters involved in the computation of heading change. Where is the Jacobian matrix, is the input vector and that does not contribute to the error in . If each input is a vector of constant values has an error defined by and there is correlation between the inputs, the input covariance matrix can be defined by the following equation: (AII- 4) The covariance of can be approximately computed as follows: (AII- 5) If there is no correlation between inputs: (AII- 6) 255 Appendix II (AII- 7) The components of the pose change estimate obtained from a single matching pair of segments is a function whose inputs are : (AII- 8) Then, can be linearized by using the Taylor approximation where the Jacobian is defined as: (AII- 9) Then the covariance matrix for can be written as follows: (AII- 10) Where the vector is defined as follows: (AII- 11) The covariance matrix for the input is: (AII- 12) In equation (AII- 12) the covariance terms have been renamed so as to allow to write the expressions in a more compact indexed form. According to equation (AII- 7), the covariance matrix for can be defined as follows: 256 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (AII- 13) Taking into account that the covariance terms , , and are considered small enough to be neglected, it is possible to calculate each component of the matrix by using the following equations: (AII- 14) (AII- 15) (AII- 16) (AII- 17) (AII- 18) (AII- 19) AII-2) Calculation of partial derivatives. In this section, the components of the Jacobian are calculated. In particular, only the partial derivatives with respect to the inputs with uncertainty ( considered. , , , ), are AII-2.1) Partial derivatives for the change in heading. As Figure AII - 1 (b) shows, the change in heading of the robot is equal to the opposite of the apparent change of heading of the segment between times and : (AII- 20) The partial derivatives for the change in heading are , , and : (AII- 21) 257 Appendix II (AII- 22) (AII- 23) (AII- 24) The angles and system at time between a segment and the axis of the laser reference and , respectively, are calculated by using the following equations: (AII- 25) (AII- 26) Furthermore, the equations (AII- 25) and (AII- 27) could be rewritten as follows: (AII- 27) (AII- 28) Where , , , , , and considering that: (AII- 29) (AII- 30) The derivatives , , and can be calculated by using the following equations: (AII- 31) 258 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques (AII- 32) (AII- 33) (AII- 34) (AII- 35) (AII- 36) Finally, the derivatives , , and can be obtained by using the following simplified equations: (AII- 37) (AII- 38) (AII- 39) (AII- 40) Taking into account equations (AII- 21), (AII- 22), (AII- 23), (AII- 24) and equations (AII37), (AII- 38), (AII- 39), (AII- 40), the highlighted components of the Jacobian (see (AII9)), shown in Figure AII - 2 are calculated. Figure AII - 2. Components of the Jacobian related to the change in heading. 259 Appendix II AII-2.1) Partial derivatives for the change in position. As Figure AII - 1 (a) shows, the change in position estimates and is calculated from the position obtained by considering a pair of segments associated at consecutive instants and as reference systems (both segments represents the same real segment in the global reference system). Once the positions of the robot and are calculated using each segment-based reference system, a geometric transformation is carried out in order to define the position of the robot at time in the robot reference system at time . The following equation summarizes this last step: (AII- 41) Where , and are calculated as: and . In addition, the terms , , (AII- 42) The equation (AII- 41) can be rewritten as follows: (AII- 43) From (AII- 42) and (AII- 43), the following equations are obtained: (AII- 44) (AII- 45) Using the identity simplified as follows: , the equation (AII- 44) can be (AII- 46) On the other hand, as can also be simplified as follows: , the equation (AII- 45) (AII- 47) According to Figure AII - 3, the following components of the Jacobian should be calculated , , , , , , , . 260 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques In general, it is necessary to calculate and , where could be either , , , or . The following equations allow to compute the partial derivatives: (AII- 48) Figure AII - 3. Components of the Jacobian related to the change in position. The terms in (AII- 48) can be obtained as follows: (AII- 49) Where the derivatives of the terms , , and can be expanded as follows: (AII- 50) In order to fully expand the preceding equations, it is necessary to calculate the following terms: , , , , , , , terms are already known, since , and 261 , , and and . The last four are calculated by using Appendix II the equations (AII- 37) and (AII- 38). The angles and are defined by the following equations (using the Sine Theorem): (AII- 51) Where can be expressed as follows (by using the Cosine Theorem): (AII- 52) Then, the partial derivatives , , , , , , and , can be calculated as follows: (AII- 53) As does not depends on , , then , therefore . On the other hand, as can be calculated by using the following equation: (AII- 54) The same procedure can be applied in order to calculate the partial derivatives , and : (AII- 55) (AII- 56) 262 Cognitive Autonomous Navigation System using Computational Intelligence techniques The rest of partial derivatives , , and , are calculated as follows: (AII- 57) (AII- 58) (AII- 59) (AII- 60) Where and are calculated by using the following equations: (AII- 61) (AII- 62) Finally, the terms of the Jacobian, highlighted at Figure AII - 3, can be calculated as follows, by defining and : (AII- 63) (AII- 64) (AII- 65) (AII- 66) 263 Appendix II (AII- 67) (AII- 68) (AII- 69) (AII- 70) 264 References (Final) [1] S. Thrun, “Robotic Mapping: A Survey,” Pittsburgh, 2002. [2] A. Ollero and O. Amidi, “Predictive path tracking of mobile robots. Application to CMU Navlab,” in Fifth international conference on advanced robotics, Italy, 1991. [3] A. Ollero and G. 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