Englanniksi opastetut kiertomatkat Yhdysvalloissa


Englanniksi opastetut kiertomatkat Yhdysvalloissa
Englanniksi opastetut kiertomatkat
Jos haluat nähdä Yhdysvaltoja laajemmaltikin,
ovat opastetut kiertomatkat oiva valinta.
Kiertomatkoilla on englannin kielinen opastus ja
kuljetukset korkeatasoisilla, ilmastoiduilla
Reittejä, lähtöpäiviä ja lähtö kaupunkeja on
useita ja kiertomatkaan voidaan yhdistää myös
lisäyöpymisiä ennen tai jälkeen kiertomatkan.
Joten kaikista paketeista voidaan räätälöidä ihan
Teidän näköinen matkanne!
Tässä muutamia esimerkkejä kiertomatkoista.
Kaikki alla mainitut hinnat perustuvat toukokuun
2014 hinta- ja paikkatilanteeseen. Lopullinen
hinta määräytyy valitun lentoreitin ja
varaushetken paikkatilanteen sekä matkan
kokonaissisällön mukaan.
Esimerkkien lisäksi on tarjolla myös paljon
muita reittejä ja lähtöpäiviä.
Pyydä tarjous omasta unelmiesi
kiertomatkastasi tästä.
Western Wonders - Lännen ihmeitä
Los Angeles-Phoenix-Grand Canyonin luonnonpuisto-Bryce Canyonin
luonnonpuisto-Zionin luonnonpuisto-Las Vegas-Yosemiten kansallispuisto-San
Francisco-Los Angeles
Kiertomatkan kesto: 11 PÄIVÄÄ - 10 YÖTÄ
2 yötä Los Angelesissa ennen kiertomatkaa + 1 yö Los Angelesissa kiertomatkan jälkeen
Palvelemme Sinua ma-pe 9-17 • Asemakatu 1 Kouvola • puh. (05) 744 3100 • [email protected]
(muut lisäyöt lisämaksusta)
Los Angeles - Phoenix/Scottsdale (400 m/644 km)
Board the motorcoach in Los Angeles, settle back and enjoy the scenery while traveling
through the Mojave Desert across the Colorado River into Arizona. Discover the unique charm
of the desert oasis, Phoenix/Scottsdale, a blend of Southwestern architecture and magnificent
saguaro cactus. This is an introduction to the American West!
Phoenix/Scottsdale - Sedona - Grand Canyon (237 m/381 km)
Morning departure through the garden desert of Arizona, visiting Montezuma’s Castle, the
ancient Indian cliff dwellings of the Sinagua tribe. The journey continues to the lovely city of
Sedona and then through Oak Creek Canyon. The area, known for its spectacular landscapes,
has been the setting of many movies. The day ends with a visit of the Grand Canyon, one of
the seven natural wonders of the world.
Grand Canyon - Monument Valley - Page/LakePowell - Kanab Area (380 m/612 km)
This morning, continue to the Painted Desert and Monument Valley, land of the Navajo
Indian. The valley’s unforgettable landscapes include mesas, buttes and rock spires. After
Monument Valley, continue along to Page and Lake Powell, one of the world’s largest
man-made lakes.
Later in the afternoon, cross the Colorado River before arriving in Kanab.
Kanab Area - Bryce Canyon - Zion - Las Vegas (323 m/519 km)
Early morning departure for a visit to a spectacular national park: Bryce Canyon. The canyon
has a symphony of colors and shapes that will leave anyone breathless. Continue on to Zion
National Park, a popular destination famous for its unique landscapes and majestic plateaus.
The wonders continue at the final destination of today: Las Vegas, the city of lights and
Las Vegas
Enjoy a day of leisure in Las Vegas. Visit some of the spectacular hotels, take one of the
many optional excursions offered or simply relax by the pool. Las Vegas has something for
everyone, so take the whole day to explore this world-famous city.
Las Vegas - Mammoth Lakes (416 m/670 km)
Today, journey through the Mojave Desert before ascending into the High Sierras, and the
resort of Mammoth Lakes. This picturesque resort is famous as both a summer and winter
destination, and provides breathtaking scenery and stunning views of surrounding areas.
Mammoth Lakes - Yosemite Area (109 m/175 km)
Travel the short distance through the High Sierras to Yosemite National Park, the most
popular natural tourist destination in California. Enjoy the highlights of the park, including
Yosemite Valley and its high cliffs and waterfalls. The park is also known for its wildlife: mule,
deer, coyotes, chipmunks, blue jays and occasionally even bears.
Palvelemme Sinua ma-pe 9-17 • Asemakatu 1 Kouvola • puh. (05) 744 3100 • [email protected]
Yosemite Area h San Francisco (166 m/268 km)
Leaving the Yosemite area, travel through the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains,
California’s gold country, on the way to “The City by the Bay”. Upon arrival, enjoy city
sightseeing of one of the most beautiful cities in America. Highlights include Union Square,
Chinatown, Golden Gate
Park and Fisherman’s Wharf with a view of infamous Alcatraz Island across the bay.
San Francisco
Day at leisure to enjoy San Francisco with its beautiful views, famous cable cars, parks and
museums. Or embark on an optional tour to the quaint village of Sausalito in the morning.
DAY 10
San Francisco - Monterey/Carmel -Santa Maria Area (305 m/490 km)
Leave San Francisco and travel to Monterey, California’s first capital. After a stop in this
beautiful seaside town, travel along stunning 17-Mile Drive known for its exclusive golf
courses, beautiful views and distinctive fauna. Then visit the quaint and charming village of
Carmel. Continue
southward to the Santa Maria area.
DAY 11
Santa Maria Area - Los Angeles (159 m/255 km)
En route to Los Angeles, explore Santa Barbara, often referred to as the pearl of the
“American Riviera”. The city is known for its Spanish Colonial Style architecture, lush
vegetation and laid-back lifestyle. The tour returns to Los Angeles in the afternoon.
Esimerkki lähtöpäiviä ja hintoja 2015:
8.5.2015 - alkaen 2235€/hlö
12.6.2015 - alkaen 2330€/hlö
31.7.2015 - alkaen 2530€/hlö
28.8.2015 - alkaen 2195€/hlö
1.9.2015 - alkaen 220€/hlö
Hinta sisältää KLM/Air France/Delta/Lufthansa lennot meno-paluu Los Angelesiin,
lentokenttäverot, matkustajamaksut ja polttoainelisät, 2+1 yön majoituksen Doubletree
Downtown Los Angeles -hotellissa, 10 yön majoituksen kiertomatkalla keskitason hotelleissa,
kuljetukset ja englanninkielisen opastuksen kiertomatkan aikana, sisäänpääsymaksut
Montezuman linnaan, 17-Mile Drivelle ja kansallispuistoihin.
Lisämaksusta kiertomatkalla ohjelmassa mainitut lisäretket (optional).
Eastern Wonders - Idän ihmeitä
New York-Boston-Quebeck City-Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Niagara Falls-Washington
D.C.-New York
Kiertomatkan kesto: 9 PÄIVÄÄ/8 YÖTÄ
2 yötä New Yorkissa ennen kiertomatkaa + 1 yö New Yorkissa kiertomatkan jälkeen
Palvelemme Sinua ma-pe 9-17 • Asemakatu 1 Kouvola • puh. (05) 744 3100 • [email protected]
(muut lisäyöt lisämaksusta)
New York City - Boston (215 m/344 km)
Board the motorcoach, settle back and depart north into the New England states of
Connecticut and Massachusetts. Upon arrival in Boston, enjoy a sightseeing tour of this
historic city including Faneuil Hall, M.I.T. and Harvard University. Evening at leisure for
optional excursions.
Boston - Québec City (392 m/627 km)
Continue northward through New England, land of rolling green hills and rivers. Enter Canada
and proceed to Québec City, a charming French city on the St. Lawrence River. Arrival is
scheduled for early evening. Feel free to experience the international flavor of Québec City on
leisurely stroll.
Québec City - Montreal (155 m/248 km)
This morning, enjoy a sightseeing tour of this historic and scenic city, including Old Québec,
the fortifications and Battlefield Park. After this tour, depart for Montréal, the sophisticated,
cosmopolitan center of Québec province. Upon arrival, there will be a sightseeing tour of
with its Old Town and much more.
Montreal - Ottawa (124 m/200 km)
Departure from Montréal, travelling to Canada’s capital, Ottawa. Upon arrival, there will be a
sightseeing tour of Ottawa, including Canada’s Parliament Hill and other sights. Afternoon at
Ottawa - Toronto (280 m/450 km)
Early departure to Toronto. Travel south towards the St. Lawrence River and along the shores
of Lake Ontario to Toronto.
Toronto - Niagara Falls (86 m/138 km)
The morning sightseeing of Toronto will show off this modern Canadian city of glass and steel.
Continue to Niagara Falls and a cruise on the Maid of the Mist, which allows for a breathtaking
view of the falls (in the winter months, explore the Scenic Tunnels behind the falls instead).
This evening, enjoy an optional dinner with a panoramic view of the illuminated falls beneath
the evening sky.
Niagara Falls - Washington, DC (432 m/691 km)
Depart Niagara Falls. In the morning, travel through rural upstate New York. Heading south
through Pennsylvania, the tour will pass some beautiful countryside and varied scenery
before arriving in Washington, DC in the early evening.
Palvelemme Sinua ma-pe 9-17 • Asemakatu 1 Kouvola • puh. (05) 744 3100 • [email protected]
Washington, DC
The morning’s panoramic sightseeing tour is devoted to the landmarks and monuments of
this great city: the White House, the Washington Monument, Arlington Cemetery and the US
Capitol. Afternoon is free to explore one of the Smithsonian museums, such as the National
Air and Space Museum.
Washington, DC - Philadelphia h New York City (236 m/379 km)
Travel north to Philadelphia, the birthplace of American Liberty. Famous sights include the
Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed and
the U.S. Constitution was written. Arrive in New York in the late afternoon.
Lähtöpäivä- ja hintaesimerkkejä 2015:
9.5.2015 alk. 2320€/hlö
4.7.2015 alk. 2455€/hlö
18.7..2015 alk. 2495€/hlö
1.8.2015 alk. 2365€/hlö
29.8.2015 alk. 2220€/hlö
Hinta sisältää KLM/Air France/Delta/Lufthansa lennot meno-paluu New Yorkiin,
lentokenttäverot, matkustajamaksut ja polttoainelisät, 2+1 yön majoituksen Doubletree
Metropolitan -hotellissa, 8 yön majoituksen kiertomatkalla keskitason hotelleissa, kuljetukset
ja englanninkielisen opastuksen kiertomatkan aikana, sisäänpääsymaksun Maid of the Mist
risteilylle sekä Bostonin, Quebec Cityn, Montrealin, Toronton sekä Washington D.C.:n
Lisämaksusta kiertomatkalla ohjelmassa mainitut lisäretket (optional).
Eastern Triangle - Itärannikon kolmiokierros
New York-Niagaran putoukset-Toronto-Washington D.C.-New York
Kiertomatkan kesto: 5 PÄIVÄÄ/4 YÖTÄ
2 yötä New Yorkissa ennen kiertomatkaa + 1 yö Los Angelesissa kiertomatkan jälkeen
(muut lisäyöt lisämaksusta)
New York City - Niagara Falls (393 m/632 km)
Discover the beautiful and varied scenery of “the other New York” on a leisurely drive through
Pennsylvania and rural upstate New York. Early evening arrival at Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls - Toronto - Niagara Falls (164 m/264 km)
This morning, depart for Toronto, where the orientation tour highlights this modern city with
its glass skyscrapers, Skydome and City Hall. Then return to Niagara to experience the
exhilarating Maid of the Mist cruise to the foot of Niagara’s Horseshoe Falls (in winter months,
explore the Scenic Tunnels behind the Falls instead). This evening, enjoy an optional dinner
with a panoramic view of the falls beneath the evening sky.
Palvelemme Sinua ma-pe 9-17 • Asemakatu 1 Kouvola • puh. (05) 744 3100 • [email protected]
Niagara Falls - Washington, DC (432 m/691 km)
Early morning departure through Pennsylvania en route to Washington, DC. Time permitting,
a stop will be made at an Amish market (except on Sundays when the market is closed). The
Amish preserve the elements of late 17thcentury European rural culture. Arrive in
Washington, DC,
the nation’s capital, in the early evening.
Washington, DC
The morning panoramic sightseeing tour is devoted to the landmarks and monuments of this
great city: the White House, the Washington Monument, Arlington Cemetery and the US
Capitol. Afternoon is free to explore one of the Smithsonian museums, such as the National
Air and Space Museum.
Washington, DC - Philadelphia - New York City (236 m/379 km)
Travel north to Philadelphia, the birthplace of American Liberty. Famous sights include the
Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed and
the U.S. Constitution was written. Arrive in New York in the late afternoon.
Esimerkki lähtöpäiviä ja hintoja 2015:
2.5. alk. 1700€/hlö
6.6. alk. 1700€/hlö
25.7. alk. 1930€/hlö
22.8. alk. 10645€/hlö
12.9. alk. 1820€/hlö
Hinta sisältää KLM/Air France/Delta/Lufthansa lennot meno-paluu New Yorkiin,
lentokenttäverot, matkustajamaksut ja polttoainelisät, 2+1 yön majoituksen DComfort Inn
Midtown West -hotellissa, 4 yön majoituksen kiertomatkalla keskitason hotelleissa,
kuljetukset ja englanninkielisen opastuksen kiertomatkan aikana, sisäänpääsymaksut Maid of
the Mist -risteilyn sekä Washington DC:n sekä Toronton kiertoajelut.
Lisämaksusta kiertomatkalla ohjelmassa mainitut lisäretket (optional).
Palvelemme Sinua ma-pe 9-17 • Asemakatu 1 Kouvola • puh. (05) 744 3100 • [email protected]