Replace cricket nets with new cricket nets Rawtenstall Cricket Club


Replace cricket nets with new cricket nets Rawtenstall Cricket Club
Replace cricket nets with new cricket nets
Rawtenstall Cricket Club, Rawtenstall
Design and Access Statement
Heritage Statement
May 2012
Prepared by Hartley Planning and Development Associates Ltd
Pre-application Advice
Pre-application advice was sought from The Council’s Conservation Officer and
Planning Officer on 1st March and 15th March 2012. The advice was positive and
accompanies the planning application. The following comments were received:
The nets will be at their lowest height possible (3.66m) and the colour of the
nets(dark green) will blend with the immediate surroundings.
Site and Proposal
The site is within the Rawtenstall conservation area – see plan below.
The site is opposite Ilex Mill (a listed building) albeit separated by Bacup Road and is
immediately adjacent to Kay Street car park where there is mature evergreen
landscaping along the boundary with the site. It is understood that the landscaping
along the boundary with Kay Street and is in the ownership and control of the
The proposal is to remove the existing cricket nets adjacent to the Kay Street car
park boundary (as seen in the photograph above) and to replace them with new
cricket nets again running along the boundary with the Kay Street car park but at a
length of some 52 metres (see plans for specific measurements) and a height of 4
metres. The nets would be taken down when the cricket season finishes although it
is intended to keep the steel frame in place as is the case now.
The nets would be positioned to the side of the of the cricket field and behind an
existing building and alongside a white fence. The nets would sit against mature
evergreen (laurel) landscaping to the Kay Street car park.
Heritage Assessment
Views from within the conservation area
It is not considered that the proposal would harm the special character or
appearance of the conservation area. In concluding this point the following
photographs are relevant:
Nets would be positioned behind the evergreen landscaping to Kay Street car
The nets would be visible from Bacup Road but would be seen behind a
building/adverts and against the white fencing
Views of the cricket nets would be obscured by trees along the grass
verge/pathway leading from the Kay Street car park to Grange Road
Views of the cricket nets would be obscured by trees along the grass
verge/pathway leading from the Kay Street car park to Grange Road
Views of the cricket nets would be obscured by trees along the grass
verge/pathway leading from the Kay Street car park to Grange Road
Impact on the setting of Ilex Mill
Rawtenstall cricket field is separated from Ilex Mill by Bacup Road. The nets would
replace existing nets although they would be longer. Nonetheless the proposal
would be seen in the context of mature landscaping, a white fence and behind an
existing building. One would ordinarily expect to see cricket nets on a cricket field.
On any reasonable and objective basis the proposal would not have an adverse
impact on the setting of the listed building.
Assessment against the Rawtenstall Conservation Area Character Area and
Management Proposals Plan
The document states “The Worswick Cricket Ground was donated to the town in
1958 and is an important open green space with mature trees marking the adjoining
boundary with Bacup Road”. The proposal would not have an adverse impact on the
open space and would not result in the loss of any trees.
Reference is made to Ilex Mill (listed building) but it is not considered that this
proposal would have an adverse impact on the setting of the listed building. The
cricket field provides an open edge to the conservation and is clearly an important
recreational/sporting facility for the town. The proposal will ensure the retention of
the open cricket field whilst at the same time ensuring that the club has modern and
fit for purpose cricketing facilities.
A proposed site plan, photos and dimensioned drawings accompany the planning
It is proposed to erect cricket nets at some 52 metres in length and 4 metres in
Scale & Appearance
The nets would be erected on a light weight steel framed structure. The nets would
blend in with the white fence and landscaping along the Kay Street car park
The evergreen mature landscaping along the Kay Street car park will remain – this is
under the control and ownership of Rossendale Borough Council.
No changes are proposed to the existing access.
The proposal accords with both local and national planning policies. The proposal
would not cause harm to the character or appearance of the conservation area and
would not interrupt important views from within the conservation area. The proposal
would not have an adverse impact on the setting of the listed building on the
opposite side of Bacup Road. The Council is asked to give weight to the need to
have in place modern and fit for purpose training facilities and equipment to ensure
that Rawtenstall Cricket Club continues to prosper for years to come. The proposal
constitutes a sustainable form of development and therefore there is a presumption
in favour of allowing this proposal taking into account the National Planning Policy