Glassware - Nella Cutlery
Glassware - Nella Cutlery
Tableware Glassware Tableware offers a complete collection of glassware to satisfy all of your needs! We have stemware, tumblers, beer glasses, specialty glasses and carafes for every environment. With fully tempered, rim tempered and laser etched selections, the possibilities are endless. With a complete price point selection in every category, Tableware’s glass portfolio will ensure that you have the right glass for every beverage! TG Indicates Tempered Glass TC Indicates Toughened Crystal 141 GLASSWARE GLASSWARE NEW Stemless Wine (Bordeaux) / Water Tumbler P 64025 21 oz. (600 mL) Case Pack of 6 NEW Stemless Wine (Burgundy) / Water Tumbler P 64026 24.5 oz. (700 mL) Case Pack of 6 NEW Gina Long Drink P B10980 11.66 oz. (330 mL) Case Pack of 6 NEW London High Ball P 42016 10 oz. (300 mL) Case Pack of 48 NEW Saxon wine Taster P 44253 7 oz 207 mL Case Pack of 12 NEW Maldive beer P 44995 12.5 oz 370 mL Case Pack of 12 centra Beer P42815 9.75 oz (288.3 mL) Case Pack of 36 P 42885 12.25 oz (362.3 mL) Case Pack of 36 NEW NEW NEW Casablanca Juice P 52714 5 oz 148 mL Case Pack of 24 NEW NEW Lara Old Fashioned P 42425 7.75 oz. (233 mL) Master Case - 36 Pairs beautifully with the Irish Coffee Mug at left NEW centra whiskey P 42555 8.25 oz (244 mL) Case Pack of 36 P 42565 NEW 11 oz (325.3 mL) Case Pack of 36 NEW NEW TG Irish Coffee Mug P S1190221 8 1/2 oz. (251 mL) Master Case - 12 sophia ice tea SPOON SO1210 21.5 cm (8 1/2”) Case Pack of 12 Toughened Columbia Latte Mug P 55861 10 oz. (300 mL) Master Case - 12 cin-cin beer P 41099 14 oz (414 mL) Case Pack of 12 Bacchus Carafe P 80111 33.25 oz. (1 L) Master Case - 6 P 80113 16.75 oz. (0.5 L) Master Case - 6 Ypsilon Carafe P B25070 8.5 oz. (0.25 L) Master Case - 12 143 GLASSWARE - cuvEE GLASSWARE - capri NEW NEW NEW cuvee P 66054 P 66055 23 oz. (680 mL) 18 oz. (532 mL) Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 Capri Beer P 44882 12 oz. (355 mL) Capri Brandy P 44741 9 oz. (266 mL) Case Pack of 24 Case Pack of 24 NEW NEW cuvee wine P 66056 12.75 oz. (377 mL) Case Pack of 6 Capri Wine, Round P 44711 6 1/2 oz. (192 mL) P 44721 8 1/2 oz. (251 mL) Case Pack of 36 Case Pack of 48 NEW NEW cuvee flute P66057 7 oz. (207 mL) Case Pack of 6 Capri Banquet Goblet P 44701 10 1/2 oz. (311 mL) Case Pack of 24 P 44862 11 1/4 oz. (338 mL) Case Pack of 36 NEW Capri Poco Grande P 44872 13 1/4 oz. (392 mL) Case Pack of 12 P 44552 10 1/2 oz. (311 mL) Case Pack of 24 145 GLASSWARE - imperial GLASSWARE - PRIMEUR TC primeur wine goblets NEW P 67002 259 mL 8.75 oz. Case Pack of 6 P 67003 333 mL 11.25 oz. Case Pack of 6 Imperial Champagne flute P 44704 222 mL 7.5 oz Case Pack of 24 NEW Imperial WHITE wine P 44705 207 mL 7 oz NEW primeur water goblet primeur burgundy P 67004 429 mL 14.5 oz. P 67005 591 mL 20 oz. Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 Imperial white wine Case Pack of 24 P44703 266 mL 9 oz Case Pack of 48 primeur BEER primeur MARTINI P 67006 407 mL 13.75 oz. Case Pack of 6 P 67008 251 mL 8.5 oz. Imperial water goblet primeur flute primeur COGNAC P 44272 P 67009 197 mL 6.66 oz. Case Pack of 6 P 67044 532 mL 18 oz. Case Pack of 6 NEW 355 mL 12 oz Case Pack of 24 Case Pack of 6 147 GLASSWARE - reserva GLASSWARE - imperial plus TC TG NEW NEW reserva Bordeaux P 67080 750 mL 26.4 oz. Case Pack of 6 reserva Wine glasses imperial plus wine goblets imperial plus flute P 67079 P 67078 P 67077 P 67075 P 44799 P 44809 P 44839 P 44819 170 mL 5.75 oz. 580 mL 470 mL 350 mL 250 mL 20.5 oz. 16.5 oz. 12.3 oz. 8.8 oz. Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 251 mL 310 mL 355 mL 8.5 oz. 11 oz. 12 oz. Case Pack of 24 Case Pack of 24 Case Pack of 36 imperial plus FLUTE Case Pack of 24 P 44704 215 mL 7.5 oz. Case Pack of 24 NEW Reserva Sherry / Port / Liqueur reserva flutes P 67029 P 67081 240 mL 8.5 oz. P 67076 160 mL 5.6 oz. 4 oz. (115 mL) Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 imperial plus enoteca martini imperial plus primetime cocktail P 44698 222 mL 7.5 oz. P 44904 295 mL 10 oz. Case Pack of 12 NEW reserva Martini P 67025A 220 mL 7.75 oz. Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 12 NEW reserva Beer imperial plus all-purpose goblet imperial plus bistro brandy P 67028 P 44899 414 mL 14 oz. P 44188 414 mL 14 oz. Case Pack of 12 380 mL 13.2 oz. Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 36 149 glassware - party GLASSWARE - rocks s TC Party White Wine Glass P 44320 251 mL 8.5 oz. Case Pack of 12 Rocks S Whisky Rocks S Long Drink P 64014 311 mL 10.5 oz. P 64015 392 mL 13.25 oz. Party Round Wine Glass P 44370 251 mL 8.5 oz. Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 P 64016 362 mL 12.25 oz. Rocks S Hiball Case Pack of 6 P 64017 444 mL 15 oz. Case Pack of 6 GLASSWARE - Side Case Pack of 12 Side Rocks P 42435 7.75 oz. (240 mL) Case Pack of 48 Side Rocks Side Tall Shot P 42884 333 mL 11.25 oz. Case Pack of 12 P 41050 60 mL 2 oz. Case Pack of 48 Party goblet P 44400 355 mL 12 oz. Case Pack of 12 NEW Party beer/ Water P 44340 436 mL 14.75 oz. Case Pack of 12 Side High Ball P 42439 295 mL 10 oz. Side High Ball Case Pack of 48 P 42894 355 mL 12 oz. Case Pack of 12 151 GLASSWARE - casablanca GLASSWARE - beer TG Casablanca High Ball P 52713 295 mL 10 oz. Case Pack of 48 NEW TC NEW TG TC Casablanca Beverage P 52708 355 mL 12 oz. P 52709 414 mL 14 oz. Primeur Beer Case Pack of 48 Case Pack of 24 P 67006 407 mL 13.75 oz. reserva Beer Case Pack of 6 P 67028 380 mL 13.2 oz. imperial plus all-purpose goblet Case Pack of 6 P 44899 414 mL 14 oz. Case Pack of 36 TG NEW Casablanca Cooler P 52706 355 mL 12 oz. P 52707 473 mL 16 oz. Case Pack of 48 Case Pack of 24 party Beer P 44340 436 mL 14.75 oz. NEW Case Pack of 12 Maldive beer P 44995 12.5 oz 370 mL Case Pack of 12 Parma Mixing Glass P 52339 473 mL 16 oz. Case Pack of 24 Casablanca Juice P 52714 148 mL 5 oz. P 52862 207 mL 7 oz. Case Pack of 36 Case Pack of 36 TG Casablanca rocks P 52694 237 mL 8 oz. P 52705 266 mL 9 oz. NEW Case Pack of 48 Case Pack of 48 nonic Beer Casablanca double rocks P 52704 355 mL 12 oz. NEW Case Pack of 24 P 42997 591 mL 20 oz. Case Pack of 48 centra Beer P42815 9.75 oz (288.3 mL) Case Pack of 36 P 42885 12.25 oz (362.3 mL) Case Pack of 36 cin-cin beer P 41099 14 oz 414 mL Case Pack of 12 153 GLASSWARE - beer (cont’d) GLASSWARE - flutes TG Other styles of beer glass are available laser etched as special order items primeur flute reserva flutes P 67009 197 mL 6.66 oz. Case Pack of 6 P 67081 240 mL 8.5 oz. P 67076 160 mL 5.6 oz. imperial plus flute Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 P 44819 170 mL 5.75 oz. Case Pack of 24 Tulip Beer - Laser Etched (Tempered) P 42747 LE 591 mL 20 oz. Case Pack of 48 NEW NEW cuvee flute P 66057 7 oz. (207 mL) imperial plus FLUTE P 44704 215 mL 7.5 oz. Case Pack of 24 Case Pack of 6 Laser Etching The bottoms of these glasses have been etched with a laser. Laser etching will improve the appearance of any carbonated beverage you’re serving! It is particularly suitable for beers, ciders and carbonated soft drinks. This method of nucleation will never fade, mark, or wash off! It causes a constant central stream of bubbles to rise through the beverage. The effervescence of the carbonated beverage is enhanced, and the head of the drink is maintained – encouraging your customer to order another round! GLASSWARE - candle holders GD CLT01XL-00000-B01012 GD CLT01XL-BLA00-B01012 GD CLT01XL-BLU00-B01012 GD CLT01XL-RED00-B01012 GD CLT01XL-WHI00-B01012 Heavy Base Tea Light Holder - Clear Heavy Base Tea Light Holder - Black Heavy Base Tea Light Holder - Blue Heavy Base Tea Light Holder - Red Heavy Base Tea Light Holder - White Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 12 155 GLASSWARE - martini glassware - shooters Liqueur/Shooter P 52134 30 mL Primeur Martini P 67008 251 mL 8.5 oz. 1 oz. Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 6 Junior Shot G11110028 38 mL 1.25 oz. Case Pack of 96 NEW Side Tall Shot reserva Martini P 67025A 220 mL 7.75 oz. Case Pack of 6 P 41050 60 mL 2 oz. Case Pack of 48 glassware - brandy Enoteca Martini P 44698 222 mL 7.5 oz. Case Pack of 12 Primeur Cognac P 67044 532 mL 18 oz. NEW primetime cocktail P 44904 295 mL 10 oz. Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 12 imperial plus bistro brandy P 44188 414 mL 14 oz. Case Pack of 12 157 POLYCARBONATE NEW NEW NEW (20 oz.) Case Pack of 12 venture cooler HD 0701 460 mL (16 oz.) Case Pack of 12 venture beverage HD 0702 355 mL (12 oz.) Case Pack of 12 HD 0703 280 mL (10 oz.) Case Pack of 12 4 venture beer HD 0700 570 mL NEW Venture Double Rocks HD 0704 350 mL (12 oz.) Case Pack of 12 Tableware NEW Polycarbonate Polycarbonate is a safe, cost-effective and clear alternative to glass. As hard and clear as glass but essentially indestructible; polycarbonate drink ware is perfect for your bar or patio! Items from the Venture line stack venture rocks TCP 0705 260 mL (9 oz.) Case Pack of 48 159 POLYCARBONATE POLYCARBONATE NEW NEW pentagon beer HD 0710 570 mL (20 oz.) Case Pack of 12 pentagon hi balls HD 0707 400 mL (14 oz.) HD 0706 355 mL (12 oz.) HD 0708 280 mL (10 oz.) JUGS HD 0841 HD 0842 Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 12 1.89 L 1.42 L 96 oz. 64 oz. AMERICAN ROCKS TCP 0846 266 mL (9 oz.) Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 6 Case Pack of 36 NEW NEW pentagon rocks HD 0709 260 mL (9 oz.) FLUTES HD 0831 HD 0840 140 mL 207 mL (5 oz.) (7 oz.) Case Pack of 24 Case Pack of 12 MARTINI HD 0699 296 mL (10 oz.) Case Pack of 12 Case Pack of 12 NEW WINE GLASSES HD 0830 190 mL HD 0838 266 mL (6.75 oz.) Case Pack of 12 (9 oz.) Case Pack of 12 GOBLET HD 0839 355 mL (12 oz.) Case Pack of 12 161
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