1998 Fall - Alexandria Historical Society
1998 Fall - Alexandria Historical Society
THE ALEXANDRIA CHRONICLE I FSNDRIA HISTORICAL The Mystery Surounding G.W.P. Custis' Paintins of George Washingron at Yo*town cusris lM6. Rob€n E. Lee) rd' her F€bruary 1350 when he rcio ned his h. wa3 ofi8Gd oommand ol v4inia ro'c.! by Richmond wh€G Th. etnoon dd. ,utt€rcd duins rh. inreim conlrici M.iv washinBon, w.r. v:ndalt.{ d conrtc.r.d by F.do6r ocoupeion prcpeny in ir of on6 ol ou' is adv.dEed lor !!re to, counry, l3rsry occupi.d bY G.ne:r Bob.n E. L...nd rhs cu{k Mil prcpddy 36 edn rha ls''bu. n YN u.do. the rcc,ni ad! ol tha cons's$ ot rtu U.S. Th. rax .lpd'ofr.bb.paidin ,dvs'ti36d bY John dsonrfr.A'lin€ionE.bleis 492.o7, psn.hv 146 04, on rh. Mirr prop.nY $9.45. csrius l€., (b raoa, Je.ninst lnd Eon ot L*, h.d Ar.r'ndi. .honrr .ncree rh. wh€n amt. r6n to R, d. r39o), Gene'al L€s'3 t.voda bovhood oousin win Edmuid emisd.d ro candd..fuh'vinghe.n.sted bv F€d.rd surhontio. and ch!rysd you. H!v. you hsrd .nrh ins l!rth8r .boui nv &o. !tf onrhefadrrhar: lr) hs dd not have sufficLeni cash on hand or 121 he 80ubr. fo. him ro:n€nd ro h lhifry3ixmilesf'omaRdi cdn u.dedak. andlh6r tip our b.hall, and oll.E ol ro wtlli.ms,r who h.d wnh rhrm dr A inqlon lor '..ided mlny y.!'s, hrbh ol ft€ndino Emoval ol L.s props dv d a.linsron. n^dingto^whow.sl.llin cha4o ol rtu fious (s.rina G,ay Jorun who can sive Hdd'sh.kslingbYoL Mr. smirh on ltu !!bFd, I obis.d il you wotrld $nd me , copy ol rh. list or.frjcl*. \^,h.n.t,A'linglo.'l.dl hddo olta lbr mYrolf ol rll nylamirv 3ibr6...rh. ii36& ot hangins oi th. w.lls of rhc sadd o moum€d w th 3irvo. relr pac*.oe ..w€d up in riwry ir.t i.v'Uy CoB, bd wnd i3 si6.on silk [email protected] ddlin. dnd .n .ld llshio.od tocade lM.nh. w.rhi.oron)...The kind.* racrd3 b vtuGdi .nd Majo' John M,. F€ndarl W ol creen, in washinston, by Glirbort) siuad an ot idenritins and removins io iaw, dnd rhe lishr and kndrv cfrv. Major Grcen made lLn addndi $erc werel panrns l5o x 72 inches) oJ lor many v€are. rha Alq!4!r@ o'ntnq,lfivbvsevenrylwo ciq, now adorns the council c'w'PcUsl]s'MadhaW€shinq-tont AringionMy3lelyolHowcity IABSOLUTELY FALSE] aid the publicandn ol rhi. ,dicre, &ig,nis Gondai L.w. s*h, Ganerdloi rhe ahy, woro d rdtar Coun.il do.i&d clmsrcn, F.ntdx and Royar Mly 1e, 1371. by G.oEe w Maior Dufi.v, John dru$r.'e dd n 6m.id st. Asaph srrodl. st*I lslo w.rro Mro. smirh h.d rwd 'G.W'P.cu*ice.' h ra3sumrdrhar F.rcE r. srnirfi. r! r.mained rhorc until 1375 wh.n n was Ono week llrff Mdvo. ricei rcceiv.d .n anonFous reto' which DUrcotudthairh. Cusris P! nrins ot washington or€nrlly balong.d ro rhe Al.trnd , w.lhinsto. Lodqe. Honordblesnr Thsoilp.inrin0 dopictins G.n.Gr Mrhinsron adohs a wlllin rh. Cirv Hal ..w ma'k.r house {chy Hall). ft.sit.l..wlh.piclurcin rh. yeal 137o, 1371, 1a76 and aqain in rhe yo$ 1930. Ttu consn.B hor. L thar ir This Lcne, may desc be lrcm rhe cirv H6rrtiro ol r 371, bur nor rh€ custis D.inrinc or 6d.d d €,{}7 o'onrco sr6r ,s ru,nhuE and pdinri.qs !.npd.d ro G,.!nk luhnurc ld.rory n 133€. oFAL w8hinqionandhisholsehangsin tho ad.{oom ol lhe G6o$6 w6hino.mbd!6'A,b.'.mhing lhalihecjiyo'Alsxmdiaoftdally AnDRA, .or ro $e Gaorcs cirv in r3r3 and did not roda n ar How rh€ Alsxand,i! w..hincron Lods. obr.inad por.o$ion ol rh8 c$ris plinrins which MG. R.E. Leedoiar6d ro th. On Jmury 1, 1932, chv G*.'!l L.H. Nash, @u..rinq rhar p.idins rhe by G.o4€ washinoron P!*o Cu.ri. be pEenr.d io rhe councir r.h th. dnrins wolrd b. mor. s4w. il h w€6 how.r, in rfi. and prc;.nred to th. Lodoo? AnY pubrc mishr have r.sardine rhb my.r€rv would be srearly 'MayorTicdlilom.d counci {4kF..dd ffEr cdrd.n.n, rn rb prclecr ro oisid^nmcvfulhci'd findYind.fnlf.d'15o,0ooin1@3 uoYd d 2e N. wahrnadn $er, ffi..-dh|'ni{ndbd6fim L4r, *.. dv€,E rt .' Endrn oD6'ddryhlddMn'R,E-1e,. \4gnetles iiom th6 Psges Of ThC ALEXANDRIA GAZEITE: who joh.d hc hrhq in bune$ h PdomackcomFnyl wft s encedb Academy ls.E co,.s. or wBhhsbn st..n w$ lkrc,dhwNkplonq.ni.hq 3 wor. & s. d rn. 7!h or d"hdetsd.ic..'nlunn.dsl{.3 6'{ghhhqstucklh.condud i.ishhqhdod .iJoyd ond6 mo'. rhs down [.rde dr &n... rvJ^A, ruv r., .Vo,ycounl.n.nc..spnklhg.y..- $6n b $. b h occen. Igli,iu s! G@ w'hiidoi vd. 36, p. 363. runndr twiks sredt ecit'lndw!'isld''ollh. I dbod''.l.ioundloborm.sol &Y- 146' s/2nea7l 6dd thn hdve ..moory on h.n ..m .dj!6r ro H.ighl,colo.oih.'md6v.t'.V.ry gdp.opi.3hoUEb6m6d.b3dcr G .n iiiu'd ft8r€d in n..d.-$e lA!1 6/3/rso3r c*'6nt Gm wtr Gshbnabrd) rook D.caorlbeiddiun bushes ths 6rd r* niqry h sa{yday. lAai ro/21lr3351 wrhoutanysqous nju.y, however 'he rhe$ rcads ii s6 counry. b LAq junped ofi 6id d open rhe F jumped rhe cq cke 6e ract 3nd n5 En b se and inro rhs rivs. IAGi s. A€aph nrc*s,.ndju'r as se Fev. {sne and sooo exticared the hiured *3embsd pany. lAG, 7/r2l14$l BUS!NESSES OF YESTERYEAR HouiisM s, whch hasi!*ba6i put toubrs ol a vbr IAq 12r24rra551 jounevmeDandsbo riiyapp,.mc*. (ing & a r.€d sr.l was se elr b ad, bd rhe maiorryd,.tsd nro //,6\lla\ C,/1 \ EYANDRI^ HjsToF ote. LCA L SOCIET\, INC