Health Net Jade (HMO SNP)
Health Net Jade (HMO SNP)
Health Net Medicare Advantage Health Net Jade (HMO SNP) Plan Provider Directory This directory provides a list of Health Net Jade (HMO SNP)’s network providers. This directory is for Los Angeles County, CA. This directory is current as of September 2013. Some network providers may have been added or removed from our network after this directory was printed. We do not guarantee that each provider is still accepting new members. To get the most up-to-date information about Health Net Jade’s network providers in your area, you can visit or call our Member Services Department at 1-800-977-6738 (prospective members), 1-800-431-9007 (Health Net Jade members), 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Pacific time (PT), seven days a week. TTY/TDD users should call 1‑800-929-9955. Health Net has a contract with Medicare to offer HMO, PPO, HMO SNP plans. Enrollment in a Health Net Medicare Advantage plan depends on contract renewal. This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our customer service number at 1-800-431-9007. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-929-9955. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week. Esta información está disponible en forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Llame a nuestro servicio al cliente al 1-800-431-9007. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-929-9955. El horario de atención es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., los siete días de la semana. This information is also available in a different format including larger print and audio. Please call Member Services at the number listed above if you need plan information in another format. Material ID # Y0035_2014_0230 (H0351, H0562, H5439, H5520, H6815, EG) CMS Accepted 09092013 Directorio de Proveedores del Plan Health Net Jade (HMO SNP) de Health Net Medicare Advantage Este directorio proporciona una lista de los proveedores de la red de Health Net Jade (HMO SNP). Corresponde al Condado de Los Angeles, CA. Entra en vigencia a partir de septiembre de 2013. Es posible que se hayan agregado o eliminado algunos proveedores de nuestra red después de la impresión de este directorio. No garantizamos que todos los proveedores aún acepten afiliados nuevos. Para obtener la información más actualizada sobre los proveedores de la red de Health Net Jade de su área, puede visitar, o bien, puede llamar a nuestro Departamento de Servicios al Afiliado al 1-800-977-6738 (para posibles afiliados) o al 1-800-431-9007 (para afiliados a Health Net Jade), de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., hora del Pacífico (por sus siglas en inglés, PT), los siete días de la semana. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-929-9955. Health Net tiene un contrato con Medicare para ofrecer planes HMO, PPO y HMO SNP. La inscripción en un plan Health Net Medicare Advantage depende de la renovación del contrato. This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our customer service number at 1-800-431-9007. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-929-9955. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week. Esta información está disponible en forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Llame a nuestro servicio al cliente al 1-800-431-9007. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-929-9955. El horario de atención es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., los siete días de la semana. Esta información también está disponible en un formato diferente, incluyendo letra más grande y cinta de audio. Llame al Departamento de Servicios al Afiliado al número que se indica anteriormente si necesita información sobre el plan en otro formato. N.° de Identificación del Material Y0035_2014_0230_SPN (H0351, H0562, H5439, H5520, H6815, EG) Aceptado por los CMS 09092013 Section 1 – Introduction This directory provides a list of Health Net Jade (HMO SNP)’s network providers. To get detailed information about your health care coverage, please see your Evidence of Coverage. You will have to choose one of our network providers who are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Physician (PCP). The term “PCP” will be used throughout this directory. Generally, you must get your health care coverage from your PCP. As a member of Health Net Jade, you will have a PCP who coordinates all of your care. Your PCP is a health care professional who is trained to give you basic care. He or she is responsible for providing or coordinating covered services while you are a member of Health Net Jade. Please note: To be eligible to enroll in the Health Net Jade plan, you must have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disorder(s), chronic heart failure (CHF) and/or diabetes. When you enroll in Health Net Jade, you will select a Health Net participating provider group from our network. You’ll also choose a PCP from this Health Net participating provider group. As a Health Net Jade member, all of your routine health care is provided and arranged by your PCP. Your specialty care, X-rays, laboratory tests, therapy, prescription medications, hospital admissions and follow-up care will also be provided, authorized or coordinated by your PCP. If you go to a doctor, hospital or other provider without the approval of your PCP – except in an emergency or when you need urgent care, out-of-area renal dialysis, or certain gynecological care or other self-referred services – you will be responsible for paying any charges for these services. Neither Medicare nor Health Net will pay for non-emergency services or nonurgently needed care without the prior authorization of your PCP. The “network providers” listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care coverage. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory; however, some services may require a referral. If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue going to that same provider. In some cases, you may get covered services from non-network providers. Even though your PCP is trained to handle most of your common health needs, there may be times when he or she feels you need more specialized treatment. In that case, you may receive a referral (written permission) to see a specialist. Specialists are doctors who provide health care services for a specific disease or part of the body. 1 Examples include oncologists (care for cancer patients), cardiologists (care for the heart) and orthopedists (care for bones). Some of your Health Net plan services are covered only if your doctor or other network provider gets approval in advance (sometimes called “prior authorization”) from us. For Out-of-Area Coverage – Services authorized by Health Net and other services contained in your Health Net plan’s Evidence of Coverage document (also known as a member contract or subscriber agreement) will be covered. You must use plan providers except in emergency or urgent care situations or for out-of-area renal dialysis or other services. If you obtain routine care from out-of-network providers, neither Medicare nor Health Net will be responsible for the costs. Please refer to your Health Net plan Evidence of Coverage for more information. In an emergency, call “911” or have someone take you to the emergency room located within any of the hospitals listed in Section 2 of this Provider Directory. Please refer to the Table of Contents under the Index of Hospitals for a complete listing of available hospitals. For any urgent care needs, go to any of the urgent care facilities listed in Section 2 of this Provider Directory. Please refer to the Table of Contents under the Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing for available facilities. 2 Emergency care can always be obtained in or out of the service area from the nearest available provider. When in the service area, you must use plan providers for urgent care. When out of the service area, urgent care may be obtained from the first available provider. In addition, when out of the service area, you can obtain dialysis treatment from any qualified dialysis provider. If you obtain routine care from out-ofnetwork providers, neither Medicare nor Health Net will be responsible for the costs. When you receive emergency or urgently needed care from a provider who is not part of our network, you are only responsible for paying your share of the cost, not for the entire cost. You should ask the provider to bill the plan for our share of the cost. • If you pay the entire amount yourself at the time you receive the care, you need to ask us to pay you back for our share of the cost. Send us the bill, along with documentation of any payments you have made. • At times you may get a bill from the provider asking for payment that you think you do not owe. Send us this bill, along with documentation of any payments you have already made to: Health Net Medicare Advantage PO Box 14703 Lexington, KY 40512-4225 • If the provider is owed anything, we will pay the provider directly. • If you have already paid more than your share of the cost of the service, we will determine how much you owed and pay you back for our share of the cost. Post-stabilization services are medically necessary covered services related to an emergency medical condition that are provided after you are stabilized in order to maintain the stabilized condition. Health Net covers post-stabilization care following the administration of emergency services to stabilize or evaluate an emergency medical condition. If your emergency care is provided by out-of-network/non-network providers, we will try to arrange for network providers to take over your care as soon as your medical condition and the circumstances allow. Please refer to your Health Net plan Evidence of Coverage for more detailed information. For directories listing other Health Net participating network providers, facilities and/or pharmacies, call our Member Services Department at 1-800-431-9007, (for Health Net Jade’s members), seven days a week, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Pacific time (PT). TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-929-9955. 3 What Is the Service Area for Health Net Jade (HMO SNP)? The county in our service area is listed below. Los Angeles County 4 How Do You Find Health Net Jade (HMO SNP) Providers in Your Area? We have arranged the information in several different ways. If you are interested in a particular PCP or specialist, turn to the Primary Care Physician or Specialist Index. If you’d like to see who is available in your community, then turn to the City Index. You may also look up providers by ZIP code. If you have questions about Health Net Jade or require assistance in selecting a PCP, please call our Member Services Department at 1-800-977-6738 (prospective members), 1-800-431-9007 (Health Net Jade members), seven days a week, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PT. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-929-9955. Or, visit For additional directories listing other Health Net Dental, Vision and Mental Health providers and/or Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, or available Health Clubs in your area, call our Member Services Department at 1-800-431-9007, seven days a week, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PT. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-929-9955. 5 Sección 1 – Introducción Este directorio proporciona una lista de los proveedores de la red de Health Net Jade (HMO SNP). Para obtener información detallada sobre su cobertura de cuidado de la salud, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Tendrá que elegir uno de los proveedores de nuestra red enumerados en este directorio para que sea su Médico de Atención Primaria (por sus siglas en inglés, PCP). En todo este directorio se usará el término “Médico de Atención Primaria”. Por lo general, debe obtener su cobertura de cuidado de la salud de su Médico de Atención Primaria. Como afiliado a Health Net Jade, usted tendrá un Médico de Atención Primaria que coordina toda su atención. Su Médico de Atención Primaria es un profesional para el cuidado de la salud que está capacitado para brindarle atención básica. Es responsable de proporcionar o coordinar los servicios cubiertos mientras usted esté afiliado a Health Net Jade. Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Para ser elegible para inscribirse en el plan Health Net Jade, usted debe haber recibido un diagnóstico(s) de trastorno cardiovascular, insuficiencia cardíaca crónica (CHF) y/o diabetes. 6 Cuando se inscriba en Health Net Jade, seleccionará un grupo de proveedores participantes de Health Net de nuestra red. También elegirá a un Médico de Atención Primaria de este grupo de proveedores participantes de Health Net. Como afiliado a Health Net Jade, todo su cuidado de la salud de rutina es proporcionado y dispuesto por su Médico de Atención Primaria. La atención de especialidades, los rayos X, las pruebas de laboratorio, la terapia, los medicamentos que requieren receta médica, las admisiones hospitalarias y la atención de seguimiento que usted necesite también serán proporcionados, autorizados o coordinados por su Médico de Atención Primaria. Si recibe servicios de un médico, un hospital u otro proveedor sin la aprobación de su Médico de Atención Primaria —excepto en casos de emergencia o cuando necesita atención de urgencia, diálisis renal fuera del área, o cierta atención ginecológica u otros servicios que permiten autorreferencias—, usted será responsable del pago de todos los cargos de dichos servicios. Ni Medicare ni Health Net pagarán los servicios que no son de emergencia ni la atención no requerida de urgencia sin la autorización previa de su Médico de Atención Primaria. Los “proveedores de la red” enumerados en este directorio han aceptado brindarle su cobertura de cuidado de la salud. Usted puede ir a cualquiera de los proveedores de nuestra red enumerados en este directorio; sin embargo, es posible que algunos servicios requieran una referencia. Si usted ha consultado a un proveedor de la red, no se requiere que continúe con ese mismo proveedor. En algunos casos, puede obtener servicios cubiertos de proveedores que no pertenecen a la red. Aunque su Médico de Atención Primaria está capacitado para atender la mayoría de sus necesidades de salud comunes, es posible que algunas veces considere que usted necesita un tratamiento más especializado. En ese caso, posiblemente le proporcione una referencia (permiso escrito) para que consulte a un especialista. Los especialistas son médicos que brindan servicios de cuidado de la salud para una enfermedad o parte del cuerpo específicas. Algunos ejemplos incluyen oncólogos (atención para pacientes con cáncer), cardiólogos (atención para el corazón) y traumatólogos (atención para los huesos). Algunos de los servicios de su plan de Health Net están cubiertos sólo si su médico u otro proveedor de la red obtienen la aprobación por adelantado (a veces denominada “autorización previa”) de parte nuestra. Para la Cobertura Fuera del Área – Estarán cubiertos los servicios autorizados por Health Net, así como otros servicios incluidos en el documento Evidencia de Cobertura de su plan de Health Net (también conocido como contrato de afiliación o acuerdo del suscriptor). Usted está obligado a utilizar los proveedores del plan, excepto en situaciones de atención de emergencia o atención de urgencia, o para diálisis renal fuera del área u otros servicios. Si usted recibe atención de rutina de proveedores fuera de la red, ni Medicare ni Health Net serán responsables de los costos. Para obtener más información, consulte la Evidencia de Cobertura de su plan de Health Net. En una emergencia, llame al “911” o solicite a alguien que le lleve a la sala de emergencias ubicada dentro de cualquiera de los hospitales enumerados en la Sección 2 de este Directorio de Proveedores. Para obtener un listado completo de los hospitales disponibles, consulte el Índice en la parte de Índice de Hospitales. En caso de necesitar atención de urgencia, vaya a cualquiera de los centros de atención de urgencia enumerados en la Sección 2 de este Directorio de Proveedores. Para conocer los centros disponibles, consulte el Índice en la parte de Listado de Grupos Médicos y Especialistas Participantes. La atención de emergencia siempre puede obtenerse dentro o fuera del área de servicio de parte del proveedor más cercano disponible. Si se encuentra dentro del área de servicio, debe utilizar proveedores del plan para recibir atención de urgencia. Si se encuentra fuera del área de servicio, la atención de urgencia puede obtenerse de parte del primer proveedor disponible. Además, si se encuentra fuera del área de servicio, puede recibir tratamiento de diálisis de parte de cualquier proveedor de diálisis calificado. Si usted recibe atención de rutina de proveedores fuera de la red, ni Medicare ni Health Net serán responsables de los costos. Cuando recibe atención de emergencia o atención requerida de urgencia de un proveedor que no forma 7 parte de nuestra red, usted sólo es responsable de pagar su parte del costo, no el costo total. Debe solicitar al proveedor que facture al plan nuestra parte del costo. • Si paga la cantidad total usted mismo en el momento en que recibe la atención, debe solicitarnos que le reembolsemos nuestra parte del costo. Envíenos la factura, junto con la documentación de cualquier pago que haya realizado. • A veces, puede recibir una factura del proveedor en la que se le solicita un pago que usted considera que no adeuda. Envíenos dicha factura, junto con la documentación de cualquier pago que ya haya realizado a: Health Net Medicare Advantage PO Box 14703 Lexington, KY 40512-4225 • Si se le adeuda alguna cantidad al proveedor, le pagaremos directamente a dicho proveedor. • Si usted ya pagó más que su parte del costo del servicio, determinaremos cuánto adeudaba y le reembolsaremos nuestra parte del costo. 8 Los servicios posteriores a la estabilización son servicios cubiertos, médicamente necesarios, relacionados con una condición médica de emergencia y proporcionados después de que su condición se estabiliza a fin de mantenerla estabilizada. Health Net cubre la atención posterior a la estabilización que se brinda después de proporcionar servicios de emergencia para estabilizar o evaluar una condición médica de emergencia. Si su atención de emergencia es proporcionada por proveedores fuera de la red/que no pertenecen a la red, intentaremos disponer su atención a través de proveedores de la red cuando su condición médica y las circunstancias lo permitan. Para obtener información más detallada, consulte la Evidencia de Cobertura de su plan de Health Net. Para obtener directorios que enumeran a otros proveedores, centros y/o farmacias participantes de la red de Health Net, llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicios al Afiliado al 1-800-431-9007 (para afiliados a Health Net Jade), los siete días de la semana, de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., hora del Pacífico (PT). Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-929-9955. ¿Cuál Es el Área de Servicio de Health Net Jade (HMO SNP)? A continuación se detalla el condado que se encuentra dentro de nuestra área de servicio. Condado de Los Angeles 9 ¿Cómo Puede Encontrar a los Proveedores de Health Net Jade (HMO SNP) de Su Área? Hemos dispuesto la información de varias maneras diferentes. Si tiene interés en un Médico de Atención Primaria o un especialista en particular, consulte el Índice de Médicos de Atención Primaria o Especialistas. Si desea saber quién está disponible en su comunidad, consulte el Índice de Ciudades. También puede buscar proveedores por código postal. Si tiene preguntas sobre Health Net Jade, o bien, si necesita ayuda para seleccionar un Médico de Atención Primaria, llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicios al Afiliado al 1-800-977-6738 (para posibles afiliados) o al 1-800-431-9007 (para afiliados a Health Net Jade), los siete días de la semana, de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., PT. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-929-9955. O bien, visite 10 Para obtener directorios adicionales que enumeran a otros proveedores de Health Net de Servicios Dentales, de la Vista y de Salud Mental, y/o Quiroprácticos, Acupunturistas o Clubes de Salud disponibles en su área, llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicios al Afiliado al 1-800-431-9007, los siete días de la semana, de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., PT. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-929-9955. Section 2 – List of Network Providers Sección 2 – Lista de Proveedores de la Red Table of Contents Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing . . . . . 13 Index of Participating Physician Groups by City . . . . . . . 467 Index of Primary Care Physicians and Specialists . . . . . . . 471 . . . . . . . . . . 557 Index of Hospitals. . Listing of Skilled Nursing Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 11 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING 600 City Parkway West Suite 400 Orange, CA 92868-2900 (714) 539-3100 Urgent Care: Anahiem Family Care (714) 535-1415 Med One (714) 848-7757, Newport Children's (949) 644-0970, Urgent Track (714) 966-7290 Sunrise Multispecialist Medical Center (714) 7711420 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center Western Medical Center - Anaheim Western Medical Center - Santa Ana Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Minkus, Brian L., D.O. Family Practice1 0925 520784 18502 Gridley Rd. (562) 865-6160 Spanish Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Choi, Hi Chang J., M.D. Internal Medicine 0925 099010 12229 Artesia Blvd. (562) 865-5121 Korean Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gellerman, Gerald L., M.D. Internal Medicine 0925 032583 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 Horwitz, Kenneth B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0925 036160 5470 E. Second St. # A (562) 434-6634 Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Krishnaswamy, Aruna, M.D. 2865 Atlantic Ave. # 108 (562) 426-0301 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tagalog Krishnaswamy, Aruna, M.D. 1510 E. Seventh St. (562) 590-9800 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tagalog Manos, Andrew J., D.O. 1760 Termino Ave. # 222 (562) 498-0029 Greek, Spanish Meka, Ajay G., M.D. 1510 E. Seventh St. (562) 590-9800 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog, Telugu Meka, Ajay G., M.D. 2865 Atlantic Ave. # 108 (562) 426-0301 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog, Telugu Piety, Jared L., M.D. 6510 E. Spring St. (562) 421-4791 Spanish Prosser, John R., M.D. 6510 E. Spring St. (562) 429-8812 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 0925 053689 Internal Medicine1 0925 053689 Family Practice1 0925 019704 Internal Medicine 0925 011302 Internal Medicine 0925 011302 General Practice 0925 019700 Family Practice 0925 013607 Allergy/Immunology Friedman, Bruce F., M.D.1 Kim, Kenneth T., M.D. Lauridsen, John I., M.D. Liao, Otto Y., M.D.1 Nguyen, Joseph T., M.D. Nguyen, Roger L., M.D.1 Sugar, Mark S., M.D.1 Trivedi, Divyang N., M.D. Yu, Francis C., M.D.1 Board Certified 13 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Affiliated Doctors of Orange County PPG 925 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Affiliated Doctors of Orange County PPG 925 Anesthesiology Adams, Samuel P., M.D.1 El-Khoury, George F., M.D.1 Gilman, Howard S., M.D.1 Ikuta, Paul T., M.D.1 Karatsu, Hideo, M.D.1 Kluwe, Sandra W., M.D.1 Mattar, Raafat N., M.D.1 Nguyen, Doanh A., M.D.1 Vu, Van H., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Behboodikhah, Mahnaz N., M.D.1 Brar, Ramandeep K., M.D. Brodsky, Michael A., M.D. Calick, Arthur, M.D.1 Cantor, Jerrold D., M.D.1 Chin, Ching-Fong, M.D.1 De Sa, Watson A., M.D. Doan Van, Nicolas N., M.D.1 Duong, Tao H., M.D.1 Fischer, Stuart, M.D.1 Gogia, Harinder S., M.D.1 Gold, Alan M., M.D.1 Greenfield, Robert S., M.D.1 Jhansi, Musuvathy S., M.D.1 Khemka, Mahaveer P., M.D.1 Le, Thuy T., M.D.1 Miller, Mark P., M.D.1 Ngo, Loan T., M.D.1 Nguyen, Luc S., M.D.1 Nirula, Arvind S., M.D.1 Raja, Kumar S., M.D.1 Sainath, Shankarlingam, M.D. Schiff, Steven M., M.D.1 Shah, Harshad R., M.D.1 Shakibai, Farid, M.D. Singh, Harpreet, M.D. Swaroop, Satinder, M.D. Thind, Surinder S., M.D.1 Wasley, Jesse, M.D.1 Witter, Bret A., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 14 / Health Net Provider Network Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Yeh, Timothy G., M.D.1 Zarka, Amer R., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Afifi, Alaa Y., M.D. Bethencourt, Daniel M., M.D.1 Iyengar, Sridhara K., M.D. Lemire, Guy G., M.D. Shuman, Robert L., M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Le, Tam H., M.D.1 Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Endocrinology Kunakornskul, Thirapan, M.D. Lin, James P., M.D. Perley, Michael J., M.D.1 Punim, Jeffrey A., M.D.1 Syed, Aleem A., M.D. Tran, Michael P., M.D.1 Tran, Minou P., M.D. Tran, Nicholas T., M.D. Wang, Linda T., M.D. General Surgery Ali, Mir B., M.D.1 Asch, Lester, M.D.1 Batra, Pramod K., M.D.1 Brandau, Kim M., M.D. Cao, Sean, M.D.1 Dang, Nghiem D., M.D.1 Din, Adnan M., M.D.1 Fernandez, Edgar J., M.D.1 Francis, Kelly A., M.D.1 Guerrero Jr, Richard A., M.D.1 Joseph-Brown, Denise P., M.D. Maginot, Andre E., M.D. Mohanty, Santosh K., M.D.1 Nguyen, Thang D., M.D. Pan, Kwei-Min P., M.D. Pearl, Laurence B., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Affiliated Doctors of Orange County PPG 925 Hand Surgery Brown, Stewart W., M.D.1 Dao, Khiem D., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Cuenca, Regina M., D.O.1 Davila, Javier, M.D. Durairaj, Lalitha, M.D.1 Firoozi, Babak, M.D.1 Fischer, Stuart, M.D.1 Gandotra, Gaytri, M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D. Javadi, Nader, M.D.1 Kalthia, Ashish H., M.D.1 Kim, Kenneth T., M.D.1 King, Melissa K., M.D.1 Lee, Richard W., M.D.1 Mires, Ashley E., M.D.1 Patel, Sanjiv M., M.D.1 Pham, Kevin, M.D.1 Phan, Derek T., M.D.1 Rajudin, Mohamed M., M.D. Reyes, Evangeline A., M.D.1 Reynolds, Thomas F., M.D.1 Riff, Dennis S., M.D.1 Sambandam, Kayalvizhi, M.D.1 Vora, Anjali S., M.D. Wechsler, Eric A., M.D.1 Yang, Philip S., M.D.1 Yap, Kong P., M.D. Zabihi, Ramin, M.D. Zelner, Richard A., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Asrat, Tamerou, M.D.1 Bush, Melissa C., M.D.1 Chan, Kenneth K., M.D. Elliott, John P., M.D.1 Galyean, Anna M., M.D. 1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Haydon, Michael L., M.D. Lagrew Jr, David C., M.D.1 Major, Carol A., M.D.1 Masaki, Damon I., M.D.1 Shrivastava, Vineet K., M.D. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Kfir, Menashe, M.D.1 Nephrology Bui, Steve Q., M.D.1 Dang, An Q., M.D. Durairaj, Lalitha, M.D. El-Nachef, Mohamed W., M.D.1 Fischman, Ronald A., M.D.1 Gandhi, Nirav D., M.D.1 Jodhka, Joginder S., M.D. Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Lee, Richard W., M.D. Marwaha, Tarun, M.D.1 Ness, Russell L., M.D. Parke, Chong Y., M.D. Rajudin, Mohamed M., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Asha R., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Rubin, Jack, M.D. Sankaram, Rallabhandi, M.D. Sawhney, Ajit S., M.D. Semerjian, Avedik, M.D.1 Shapiro, Leonard, M.D. Sunderrajan, Sobha, M.D. Tiquia, Herbert S., M.D. Wechsler, Eric A., M.D.1 Wijeyakumar, Vijayalakshmi, M.D. Wong, Ing L., M.D.1 Yang, Philip S., M.D.1 Neurology Backman, Martin J., M.D.1 Chen, John W., M.D.1 Holstein, Clyde D., M.D. Hornstein, William, M.D.1 Mahdad, Mehrdad, M.D.1 Board Certified 15 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing General Surgery Salem, Yasser H., M.D.1 Sauri, Humberto, M.D.1 Van, Kychuong M., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Affiliated Doctors of Orange County PPG 925 Neurology Omidvar, Omid, M.D.1 Park, James J., D.O.1 Pathak, Mayank S., M.D.1 Phan, Duke A., M.D. Snider, Donald J., M.D.1 Thong, Nguyen N., M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Vu, Nancy T., M.D. Neurosurgery Ceverha, Barry B., M.D.1 Chappell, Edward T., M.D.1 Locke, George E., M.D. Nguyen, Tien T., M.D. Raju, Muralidhara R., M.D. Rustamzadeh, Edward, M.D. Tabrizi, Peyman R., M.D. Tran, Minh Q., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Anzaldo, E. Peter, M.D.1 Bui, Phong F., M.D. Chung, Sang-Poong, M.D. Dikio, Nicolas A., M.D. Doan, Ban D., M.D.1 Elliott, John P., M.D.1 Forghani-Arani, Mehrdad M., D.O.1 Geddes, Peter G., M.D.1 Ger, James Y., M.D.1 Gonzalez, Leslie M., M.D.1 Han, William I., M.D.1 Henigsman, Stacy A., D.O. Hoang, Christine T., M.D. Hong, Jane K., M.D.1 Huynh, Ngoc My T., M.D.1 Jan, Hong-An, M.D.1 Khan, Humayon Y., M.D.1 Krailas, Witoon S., M.D.1 Lagrew Jr, David C., M.D.1 Liu, Long-Dei, M.D.1 Ludmir, Jaime, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 16 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Major, Carol A., M.D.1 Masaki, Damon I., M.D.1 Moniak, Charles W., M.D.1 Nguyen, Phu T., D.O.1 Nguyenphuc, Diemchi, M.D.1 Perkins, Joseph A., M.D. Pham, Co D., M.D.1 Pinches III, John L., D.O.1 Porto, Manuel, M.D.1 Quach, Thomas T., M.D.1 Rapoza, Russell P., M.D.1 Salem, Rifaat D., M.D.1 Samimi, Daryoosh, M.D.1 Sharkey, Nicole L., M.D. Su, David H., M.D.1 Tieu, Kevin K., M.D.1 Torday, Stephen I., M.D.1 Tran, Dzu Q., M.D.1 Tran, Tiffany U., M.D.1 Trinh, Thanh-Mai N., M.D.1 Truong, Hiep, M.D. Vo, Cau V., M.D.1 Vuong, Hau D., M.D. Wan, Michael, M.D.1 Wang, Peter K., M.D.1 Winkle, Christopher R., M.D.1 Yang, James T., M.D.1 Yen, Hung-Chou, M.D. Oncology Afrasiabi, Kambiz, M.D.1 Jhangiani, Haresh S., M.D.1 Pandit, Lalita H., M.D.1 Reynolds, Thomas F., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Adrean, Sean D., M.D. Boswell II, Fox M., M.D.1 Bronstein, Mark A., M.D.1 Bruce-Lyle, Leslie A., M.D.1 Carson, Stanley, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Affiliated Doctors of Orange County PPG 925 1 Ophthalmology Song, Julia, M.D. Tran, Michael K., M.D.1 Younger, Jared R., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Aflatoon, Kamran, D.O.1 Ahn, Duke, M.D.1 Batchelor, Bret K., M.D.1 Birnbaum, Peter S., D.O. Cara, Gerald W., M.D.1 Dee, Derek T., M.D.1 Farjoodi, Payam, M.D. Folmar, Raymond H., M.D.1 Frisancho, Juan C., M.D. Green, Edward, M.D.1 Hajj, Ahmad A., M.D. Kelly, John P., M.D.1 Khan, Zafar S., M.D.1 Klug, Raymond A., M.D.1 Marger, Michael D., M.D.1 Marinow, Harry, M.D.1 Ninh, Christopher C., M.D.1 Raczka, Richard C., M.D.1 Stein, Daniel T., M.D.1 Tran, Trieu T., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Bui, Tam M., M.D.1 Castanon, Richard G., M.D.1 Don, Sherman, M.D.1 Folmar, Cecil J., M.D.1 Kim, Michael K., M.D. Levine, Brett A., M.D.1 Nguyen, Nghia X., M.D.1 Oh, Charles K., M.D.1 Rahman, Naina M., M.D. Whitaker, Samuel R., M.D.1 Yoshpe, Nina S., M.D.1 Yu, Kathy, M.D. Pain Management Baker, Gary L., M.D. Bustos, Jerrold C., M.D.1 Board Certified 17 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Ophthalmology Chanes, Luis A., M.D.1 Chong, Lawrence P., M.D.1 Choy, Andrew E., M.D.1 Clay, Emma L., M.D.1 Cunningham-Ahumada, Rose M., D.O.1 Dang, Viet V., M.D.1 Do, Cuong-Dung T., M.D.1 Donovan, James W., M.D.1 Erb, Melanie H., M.D.1 Freeman, Larry W., M.D.1 Gasperini, Julie L., M.D.1 Geisse, Lawrence J., M.D.1 Grant, Scott, M.D.1 Hartman, Carl T., M.D.1 Hartman, Ronald H., M.D.1 Hartstein, Ilan, M.D. Hill, Richard A., M.D.1 Ho, Hoai-Ky V., M.D. Jotterand, Veronique H., M.D.1 Kim, Tae S., M.D.1 Lee, Paul C., M.D. Liu, Norman H., M.D.1 Lu, Arthur C., M.D.1 Manzi, Lincoln L., M.D.1 Martidis, Adam, M.D. Martinez, Carlos E., M.D.1 McBeath, John B., M.D.1 McGuire, Desmond E., M.D.1 Neal, Mohammad R., M.D.1 Nguyen, Bao-Thu B., M.D.1 Nguyen, Randall L., M.D.1 Nguyen, Richard L., M.D.1 Nguyen, Triet M., M.D.1 Nguyen, Trung M., M.D.1 Noguchi, Nelson N., M.D. Pasquali, Larry A., M.D.1 Quan, Thanh-Lan T., M.D.1 Roh, Michael L., M.D.1 Samimi, David B., M.D.1 Santiago, Jude J., M.D.1 Sebag, Jerry, M.D.1 Song, Alice, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Affiliated Doctors of Orange County PPG 925 Pain Management Chan, Chiwai E., D.O. Cheng, Marc B., M.D.1 Mahrou, Reza, M.D. Mattar, Raafat N., M.D. Rafizad, Amir B., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D.1 Chun, David S., M.D.1 Gandy, Jodie E., M.D.1 Nestor, Larry, M.D.1 Pediatric Critical Care Jensen, Steven C., M.D.1 Le, Hoang T., M.D.1 Sarode, Praful A., M.D.1 Pediatric Endocrinology Brakin, Mario I., M.D. Pediatric Gastroenterology Kumar, Anjuli R., M.D. Steinmetz, Barry A., M.D.1 Tran, Robert H., M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Kim, James J., M.D. Przeklasa Auth, Melissa J., M.D.1 Pediatric Ophthalmology Choy, Andrew E., M.D. Clark, Robert A., M.D. Rosales, Teresa O., M.D. Pediatric Orthopedics Hajaliloo, Farhad J., M.D. Pediatric Otolaryngology Willner, Ayal, M.D. Wong, Hau S., M.D. Pediatrics Blumenthal, Richard A., M.D.1 Bui, Trinh N., M.D.1 Bui, Uyen D., M.D.1 Chopra, Raman, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 18 / Health Net Provider Network Pediatrics Dao, Le Bup T., M.D.1 Fukami, Sumina, M.D.1 Ganesan, Usha V., M.D.1 Hoang, Minh Q., M.D. Kallah, Andrea M., M.D. Khamly, Jason Y., M.D.1 Kieu, Quynh D., M.D.1 Le, Cam V., M.D. Leduc, Xuanto, M.D.1 Lee, Jeong-Ok, M.D.1 Lynn, Philip A., M.D.1 Manalo, Melissa R., M.D.1 Masaoka, Grant R., M.D.1 Nath, Rekha, M.D.1 Nguyen, David D., M.D.1 Nguyen, Huy M., M.D. Nguyen, Thanh Q., M.D.1 Nguyen, Thao N., M.D.1 Nguyen, Thuy T., M.D. Rangachar, Aarathi, M.D.1 Reyes, Elizabeth L., M.D.1 Robinson Jr, Lawrence D., M.D.1 Sanaei, Nazanin, M.D.1 Sarode, Praful A., M.D.1 Shahriary, Cyrus M., M.D.1 Sweidan, Jacob I., M.D. Tantamjarik, Srivimol, M.D.1 Tosu, Rei, M.D.1 Tran, Soan A., M.D. Truong, Chi H., M.D.1 Vo, Tung V., M.D. Won, Christine H., M.D.1 Yatar-Ituriaga, Angeline, M.D.1 Zapadinsky, Natalia, M.D.1 Podiatry Ching, Benedict Y., DPM Haupt, David J., DPM1 Ho, Kevin L., DPM Kim, Peter C., DPM Kobayashi, Wesley M., DPM1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Affiliated Doctors of Orange County PPG 925 Podiatry Nejadrasool, Mansour, DPM Nguyen, Henny T., DPM Russell, Royce D., DPM1 Shupe, Philip R., DPM1 Simons, Michael H., DPM1 Swartz, Steven L., DPM Travis, Eric T., DPM1 Vascular Surgery Berman, Joel A., M.D. Lal, Rajesh, M.D.1 Maginot, Andre E., M.D. Vunnamadala, Syam P., M.D. Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Radiation Oncology Doggett, Stephen W., M.D.1 Feng, Chu-Pei, M.D.1 Goebel, Robert H., M.D.1 Khan, David C., M.D.1 Kwon, Robert S., M.D. Schenk, Maurice, M.D. Shahbazian, Armen A., M.D.1 Steinberg, Michael L., M.D. Rheumatology Ananth, Lalitha, M.D.1 Ho, Gerald Y., M.D.1 Maehara, Michael S., M.D.1 Panahi, Gharoon, M.D. Trinh, Nina X., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Abraham, Reginald G., M.D. Connor, Ann R., M.D.1 Dajee, Himmet, M.D.1 Dhar, Naveen, M.D. Vunnamadala, Syam P., M.D. Urology Albert, Shlomi, M.D. Baghdassarian, Ruben, M.D.1 Chalfin, Stuart A., M.D.1 Choi, Junghwan, M.D. Kobashi, Luis I., M.D.1 Lin, Huey C., M.D.1 Mehta, Manilal B., M.D.1 Sidhom, Alfred A., M.D.1 Tang, Nhiep, M.D.1 Tertzakian, Garo M., M.D.1 Turbow, Bernard A., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 19 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 1680 S Garfield Avenue Suite 102 Alhambra, CA 91801-5413 (626) 282-0288 Hospitals Used: Alhambra Hospital Medical Center Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Justin L., M.D. Family Practice 5252 077386 925 S. Garfield Ave. (626) 282-0282 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Chan, Michelle L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 076461 320 W. Valley Blvd. (626) 943-0780 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Chan, Robert W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 092093 1234 S. Garfield Ave. # 103 (626) 576-7871 Cantonese Chen, Luning, M.D. Family Practice1 5252 088512 737 S. Garfield Ave. # A (626) 289-7999 Cantonese, Mandarin Cheung, Raymond W., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5252 103638 1048 S. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 282-8387 Cantonese Khin, Nu, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 071300 1212 E. Main St. # 1 (626) 281-7654 Burmese, Fujian 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lai, Gary T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 077780 25 S. Raymond Ave. # 204 (626) 281-6333 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Lam, Eddie K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 540717 333 S. Garfield Ave. # A (626) 289-7333 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Lam, Michael N., M.D. General Practice 5252 132206 925 S. Garfield Ave. (626) 282-0282 Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Li, Weiguo, M.D. Family Practice 5252 076002 25 S. Raymond Ave. # 111 (626) 943-1818 Mandarin Lii, Angela D., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 075764 723 S. Garfield Ave. # 204 (626) 289-9788 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Ling, Gow-Nan, M.D. Family Practice 5252 010186 801 W. Valley Blvd. # 206 (626) 576-1221 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Liu, Zune H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 075208 1118 S. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 281-0090 Korean, Mandarin Qiu, Bosheng, M.D.3 Internal Medicine1 5252 107748 330 S. Garfield Ave. # 248 (626) 289-3606 Cantonese, Mandarin Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 20 / Health Net Provider Network 3 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tee, Nora K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 048637 841 W. Valley Blvd. # 107 (626) 282-3657 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wasef, Rashad N., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 017984 25 S. Raymond Ave. # 202 (626) 570-6016 Arabic, French, Spanish Wong, Gordon K., M.D. General Practice 5252 148301 409 W. Main St. (626) 382-1263 Cantonese, Mandarin Wong, Jacqueline C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 106205 1336 W. Valley Blvd. # A (626) 281-2232 Cantonese, Spanish, Tagalog Wong, Shi-Yin, M.D. Family Practice 5252 045675 1001 S. Garfield Ave. (626) 308-0138 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Arcadia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Edwin T., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 079647 624 W. Duarte Rd. (626) 446-3608 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Chen, Pai-Hsiang, D.O.3 Internal Medicine1 5252 104517 301 W. Huntington Dr. # 310 (626) 446-2360 Mandarin, Taiwanese Chieng, An Pang, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 502770 65 N. First Ave. # 204 (626) 447-0950 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese 1 3 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Che-Cherng J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 009769 638 W. Duarte Rd. # 3A (626) 574-6878 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Liao, Andrew W., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 138892 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 305 (626) 447-4567 Mandarin, Spanish Family Practice1 Liao, Angela W., M.D.3 5252 075538 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 305 (626) 447-4567 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Lin, James Y., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 021579 1245 W. Huntington Dr. # 212 (626) 577-4800 Mandarin, Taiwanese Ma, Peter Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 061380 117 E. Live Oak Ave. # 101 (626) 446-8492 Cantonese, Mandarin Philip, Rajiv Thomas, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 193938 301 W. Huntington Dr. # 607 (626) 445-4558 Shu, Annie T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 561109 623 W. Duarte Rd. # 1 (626) 445-1278 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Wang, Ida W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 047149 117 E. Live Oak Ave. # 100 (626) 447-8000 Burmese, Mandarin Wei, Hong-Sheng, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 108175 650 W. Duarte Rd. # 208 (626) 446-1599 Mandarin Xie, Sherry, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 104258 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 201 (626) 254-1281 Mandarin Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 21 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yeh, Shye-Ren, M.D. Family Practice 5252 032946 638 W. Duarte Rd. # 8 (626) 574-1189 Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yeung, Hung-Chuen, Internal Medicine 3 M.D. 5252 046376 18403 Pioneer Blvd. # 201 (562) 402-7325 Cantonese, Mandarin City Of Industry Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bao, Wei, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 089570 17595 Almahurst St. # 202 (626) 581-4990 Mandarin Chang, Yuan-Fei, M.D. Family Practice 5252 032616 18575 Gale Ave. # 128 (626) 912-5335 Mandarin, Taiwanese Ding, Lei, M.D. Family Practice1 5252 097687 1661 Hanover Rd. # 101 (626) 581-4298 Mandarin, Spanish Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 076447 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103 (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Taiwanese Song, James H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 045400 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103A (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Song, James H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 045400 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103 (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Teng, Chia Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 017089 18575 Gale Ave. # 235 (626) 810-7708 Mandarin Wang, Yi, M.D. Family Practice1 5252 143783 1661 Hanover Rd. # 201 (626) 965-4628 Mandarin, Spanish Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Steve L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 077350 1106 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. (909) 612-5835 Cantonese, Mandarin Lee, David P., D.O. Family Practice1 5252 091057 2705 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. # 100 (626) 965-1988 Korean, Mandarin Wang, Yuh-Huey, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 069059 1106 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. (909) 612-5835 Mandarin, Taiwanese Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Eagle Rock Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Roman, Ricardo R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 141053 4708 Eagle Rock Blvd. (323) 254-3700 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 22 / Health Net Provider Network 3 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING El Monte Primary Care Physicians Castillo, Luis A., M.D. 3564 Santa Anita Ave. # A (626) 350-8101 Spanish Chava, Sreedhar, M.D. 3580 Santa Anita Ave. # A (626) 444-2660 Hindi, Telugu Kingsley, Anthony M., M.D. 10301 Garvey Ave. # 100 (626) 448-0468 Spanish Liu, Wu H., M.D. 3948 Peck Rd. # 10 (626) 455-0166 Nguyen, Vinh X., M.D. 10050 Garvey Ave. # 115 (626) 448-3550 Vietnamese Ogbo, Rita N., M.D. 10301 Garvey Ave. # 100 (626) 448-0468 Spanish Pilpa Jr, Jose R., M.D. 10410 Lower Azusa Rd. (626) 350-6200 Spanish, Tagalog Wang, Yong, M.D. 11245 Lower Azusa Rd. (626) 573-9541 Burmese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Yeh, Shye-Ren, M.D. 9939 Garvey Ave. # A (626) 579-2637 Zhang, Yan Ping, M.D. 10942 Ramona Blvd. # B (626) 442-2929 Mandarin 1 3 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5252 059656 Family Practice 5252 144727 Internal Medicine 5252 094715 Internal Medicine 5252 084747 Internal Medicine1 5252 077143 Internal Medicine1 5252 550017 Family Practice 5252 013351 Internal Medicine 5252 076412 Family Practice 5252 032946 Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Churg, Warren B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 049142 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Cornell, James P., M.D.3 Family Practice 5252 049013 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Spanish Cunningham, Janet A., Family Practice1 3 M.D. 5252 049018 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Family Practice Howard, Julie A., M.D.3 5252 129084 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Spanish Khanoyan, Sirvard, M.D.3 Family Practice 5252 109205 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Armenian, Spanish Family Practice Marcus, Beth S., M.D.3 5252 047188 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Sawiris, Samir A., M.D.3 Internal Medicine1 5252 025214 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Arabic Tatosyan-Jones, Kristine, Family Practice1 M.D. 5252 185883 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Armenian Yu, Jack N., M.D.3 Family Practice 5252 018970 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Mandarin General Practice 5252 141463 Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 23 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chen, Anthony C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 032519 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 102 (626) 912-2682 Mandarin, Taiwanese Chen, Jaw H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 149377 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 205 (626) 964-2880 Mandarin Foo, Edmund B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 005181 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 201 (626) 913-2383 Cantonese, Mandarin Gu, Ron Y., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 037013 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 205 (626) 964-2880 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsiao, Ray J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 034211 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 308 (626) 854-7866 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Li, Mark W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 028224 2440 S. Hacienda Blvd. # 105 (626) 330-6003 Mandarin Lin, George I., M.D. Family Practice 5252 077523 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 205 (626) 964-2880 Mandarin Pang, Arnold T., D.O. Family Practice1 5252 150326 15572 Gale Ave. (626) 377-4562 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Yeung, Hung-Chuen, Internal Medicine 3 M.D. 5252 046376 15940 Halliburton Rd. (626) 968-2442 Cantonese, Mandarin 1 Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ramirez, Juan Carlos, M.D. Family Practice 5252 145724 3355 E. Gage Ave. (323) 583-3986 Spanish La Mirada Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lum, Marcus W., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 551165 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Maleki, Jamshid, M.D. General Practice 5252 010669 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Farsi, French Roach, Michael O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 014211 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Rubalcava, Rafael, M.D. Family Practice1 5252 078577 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Shah, Ajit C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 098829 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 104 (562) 947-1619 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Winn, Henry Q., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 044717 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 102B (562) 947-9591 Spanish, Vietnamese La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chava, Sreedhar, M.D. Family Practice 5252 144727 1651 N. Hacienda Blvd. (626) 917-8700 Hindi, Telugu Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 24 / Health Net Provider Network 3 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Galindo, Jorge E., M.D. General Practice 5252 028222 15115 Amar Rd. (626) 918-4700 Spanish Vazquez, Lorenzo M., M.D. Family Practice 5252 099111 1840 N. Hacienda Blvd. # 10 (626) 931-6618 Spanish Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdou, Zahid Jean, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5252 034744 (323) 987-1362 Arabic, Armenian, French, Spanish Barrio, Juan C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5252 080315 (323) 987-1362 Boun, Singh A., M.D. Family Practice 5252 106237 809 N. Hill St. # K (213) 346-9982 Cambodian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Brown, Bassett H., M.D. General Practice 5252 073326 2707 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-5000 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Yoruba Brown, Gary W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5252 501991 (323) 987-1362 Spanish Cadry, Mehrangiz F., M.D. General Practice 5252 073261 2707 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-5000 Farsi, Spanish Calleros, Gustavo, M.D. Family Practice 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 5252 102914 (323) 221-5366 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chao, Peggy Pei-Hsin H., Family Practice M.D. 5252 050414 4082 Whittier Blvd. (323) 268-5598 Mandarin, Spanish Chao, Peggy Pei-Hsin H., Family Practice M.D. 5252 050414 4082 Whittier Blvd. # 103 (323) 268-5598 Mandarin, Spanish Chavez, Edgar A., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 149255 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Chen, Shaw Shen, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5252 530439 (323) 987-1362 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chieng, An Pang, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 502770 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Chu, Hung-jen, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 064989 746 N. Broadway (213) 617-0777 Cambodian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Coting, Jose D., M.D. Family Practice 5252 056992 1160 N. Logan St. (213) 250-7069 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog Doan, Yen, M.D. General Practice 5252 570065 1663 Beverly Blvd. # 201 (213) 413-4845 Vietnamese Ghaly, Azmy Fouad, M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5252 049015 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified 25 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. Family Practice1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 5252 071491 (323) 221-5366 Spanish Hung, Hin-Chiu, M.D. General Practice 5252 057033 625 W. College St. # 106 (213) 620-8730 Cantonese, Mandarin Hwee, Thomas N., M.D. Family Practice 5252 033770 993 N. Broadway # A (213) 625-7995 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Jiang, Simon, M.D. General Practice 5252 099292 1314 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 384-5132 Mandarin, Spanish Jimeno, Alberto, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 556995 6061 Whittier Blvd. (323) 725-1795 Spanish Lara, Agustin J., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 161175 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Lau, Alan C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5252 009639 (323) 987-1362 Li, Tit S., M.D. General Practice 5252 046307 819 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (213) 613-1255 Cantonese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Spanish Li, Xia, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 108707 1161 1/2 Logan St. (213) 484-1289 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Liang, Yong Y., M.D.3 Family Practice 5252 103596 888 N. Hill St. (213) 687-0863 Cantonese, Mandarin Mirazic, Brian, M.D. General Practice 5252 131708 3518 W. Eighth St. (213) 384-9949 Spanish Ngo, Hy P., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 094098 625 W. College St. # 201 (213) 617-8301 Cantonese, Spanish, Vietnamese Pan, Zhaoyang, M.D. General Practice 5252 055710 652 N. Broadway # A (213) 617-7673 Cantonese, Mandarin Perez, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice 5252 057123 1905 E. Gage Ave. (323) 581-8085 Spanish Perez, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice 5252 057123 3500 Whittier Blvd. # 107 (323) 604-0260 Spanish Quijas, Francisco M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5252 095467 (323) 307-0800 Show, Wei-Der, M.D. General Practice 5252 057018 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Mandarin, Taiwanese Silva, Vasthi V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5252 015837 (323) 987-1362 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 26 / Health Net Provider Network 3 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Su, Tony Chi-Wei, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5252 133820 (323) 987-1362 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Ton, Hoang T., M.D. General Practice 5252 057021 642 N. Broadway # 2 (213) 620-1720 Vietnamese Tran, Kiet T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 035633 815 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 201 (213) 617-8246 Vietnamese Trinh, Tuong B., M.D. General Practice 5252 067481 6000 N. Figueroa St. (323) 254-5291 French, Vietnamese Velez, Cesar A., M.D. Family Practice 5252 059772 4070 E. Olympic Blvd. (323) 268-8545 Spanish Velez, Cesar A., M.D. Family Practice 5252 059772 1411 W. Sunset Blvd. # 203 (323) 410-7088 Spanish Wang, James N., D.O. Family Practice1 5252 104872 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wong, Dustin T., D.O. Internal Medicine1 5252 169672 625 W. College St. # 201 (213) 617-8301 Cantonese Wong, Jessica P., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 102397 6000 N. Figueroa St. (323) 254-5291 Cantonese, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wong, Kai Y., M.D. General Practice 5252 066617 711 W. College St. # 208 (213) 625-3182 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Wong, Kelly T., D.O. Family Practice1 5252 162785 711 W. College St. # 208 (213) 625-3182 Cantonese, Mandarin Wong, Kin, D.O. Internal Medicine 5252 100120 709 N. Hill St. # 8 (213) 628-3300 Cambodian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Wong, Nga W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 018659 819 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (213) 613-1255 Cantonese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Vietnamese Wong, Shi-Yin, M.D. Family Practice 5252 045675 407 W. College St. (213) 680-3990 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Wu, Tai-Hing, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 530142 888 N. Hill St. (213) 687-6657 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 105576 513 E. Lime Ave. # 102 (626) 358-3204 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified 27 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Montebello Primary Care Physicians Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Spanish Iqbal, Shaheen, M.D. 609 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-6445 Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Bhavabhutanon, Lukchai, D.O. 880 S. Atlantic Blvd. # 307 (626) 300-8424 Thai Boun, Singh A., M.D.2 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 280-5000 Cambodian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Chang, Tsang-Hung, M.D. 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 572-0661 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chen, Fleming F., M.D. 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 305 (626) 288-3600 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Cheung, Hoi Y., M.D. 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 312 (626) 280-8161 Cantonese, Mandarin 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5252 094033 Family Practice1 5252 071491 Internal Medicine 5252 059699 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5252 094451 Family Practice 5252 106237 Obstetrics/Gynecology 5252 024911 Obstetrics/Gynecology1 5252 027104 Internal Medicine1 5252 502754 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chiou, Max W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 033867 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 316 (626) 573-9875 Mandarin, Taiwanese Giang, Tom N., M.D. General Practice 5252 095731 600 N. Garfield Ave. # 100 (626) 280-2533 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Ho, Harel A., M.D. Family Practice 5252 083099 880 S. Atlantic Blvd. # 302 (626) 281-8835 Spanish Hsu, David, M.D. Family Practice 5252 530139 600 N. Garfield Ave. # 100 (626) 307-1676 Cantonese, Mandarin, Shanghainese, Taiwanese Hwang, Jiunn-Bor (Jason) Obstetrics/Gynecology1 J., M.D. 5252 007793 850 S. Atlantic Blvd. # 204 (626) 282-2118 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Lai, En M., D.O. Family Practice 5252 051888 616 N. Garfield Ave. # 300 (626) 280-1181 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Toisan, Vietnamese Lee, Le-Young, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 067068 616 N. Garfield Ave. # 303 (626) 457-8600 Cantonese, Mandarin Lee, Pen H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 530143 600 N. Garfield Ave. # 110 (626) 571-6641 Mandarin Lee, Terry M., M.D. Family Practice 5252 530144 600 N. Garfield Ave. # 111 (626) 280-3651 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 28 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lien, Thoi H., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 104125 1004 E. Garvey Ave. (626) 280-5035 Vietnamese Lin, Xiang-Hong E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 088625 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 110 (626) 288-0091 Cantonese, Fujian, Mandarin, Shanghainese Luh, Henry H. Y., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 530159 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 106 (626) 571-5955 Cantonese, Mandarin Mendoza, Anthony L., Family Practice1 M.D. 5252 092555 823 S. Atlantic Blvd. # 5 (626) 281-0125 Spanish Pang, Chung N., M.D. Family Practice 5252 520521 228 N. Garfield Ave. # 202 (626) 571-1175 Cantonese, Mandarin Tai, Liang-Yu L., D.O. Family Practice1 5252 095017 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 203 (626) 307-7497 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Taikwel, Edna K., M.D. General Practice 5252 069517 705 E. Garvey Ave. (626) 312-5488 Burmese, Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Kai Y., M.D. General Practice 5252 066617 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 309 (626) 288-3828 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Wong, Kelly T., D.O. Family Practice1 5252 162785 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 105 (626) 288-3828 Cantonese, Mandarin 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wong, Sunny Wing-Chi, Internal Medicine D.O. 5252 094676 110 W. Emerson Ave. (626) 307-0676 Cantonese, Mandarin Xu, Zhehua, M.D. Family Practice 5252 091242 228 N. Garfield Ave. # 203 (626) 288-3992 Cantonese, Mandarin Yang, Jin Q., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 164712 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 110 (626) 288-0091 Mandarin Yao, Wan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 095729 228 N.Garfield Ave. (626) 288-3219 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Yao, Yu, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 060160 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 304 (626) 288-1918 Cantonese, Mandarin Zhuo, Philip Y., M.D. Family Practice 5252 163206 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 312 (626) 288-2266 Cantonese, Mandarin Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cruz, Lucita M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 047098 12507 Alondra Blvd. (562) 802-2203 Spanish, Tagalog Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Boutros, Jason K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 501695 2750 E. Washington Blvd. # 260 (626) 798-8923 Arabic, French, Spanish Board Certified 29 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Calleros, Gustavo, M.D. Family Practice 5252 102914 50 Bellefontaine St. # 401 (626) 793-1931 Spanish Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 105576 10 Congress St. # 506 (626) 584-9898 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog Rodriguez, Carlos G., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 089537 1403 N. Fair Oaks Ave. # 1 (626) 398-0354 Spanish Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ahmed, Parveen N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 056982 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 695-2282 Urdu Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Choa, Josephine W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 069490 7540 Garvey Ave. # C (626) 307-4785 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Dinh, Christine H., M.D. Family Practice 5252 130208 2630 San Gabriel Blvd. # 105 (626) 288-2007 Vietnamese Ho, Vincent D., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 107397 8843 Valley Blvd. (626) 287-8866 Cantonese, Mandarin Huynh, Bo T., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 130073 2630 San Gabriel Blvd. # 105 (626) 288-2007 Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 30 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Le, Chau M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 044235 9206 Valley Blvd. (626) 571-2763 Vietnamese Lew, Po-Long, D.O. Family Practice1 5252 034637 9308 Valley Blvd. (626) 288-8881 Armenian, Cantonese, Farsi, Mandarin, Vietnamese Liang, Hong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 087271 3105 Del Mar Ave. (626) 280-8897 Mandarin Ngo, Hy P., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 094098 9143 Valley Blvd. # 101B (626) 237-0135 Cantonese, Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, Duc V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 012352 8748 Valley Blvd. # H (626) 288-3306 Vietnamese Tran, Carol T., M.D. General Practice 5252 056954 9105 E. Valley Blvd. # 101 (626) 573-8826 Vietnamese Tran, Dan, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 099434 7900 Garvey Ave. (626) 307-1050 Vietnamese Tranvan, Tu, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 571140 9143 Valley Blvd., Unit 203 (626) 285-7598 Cantonese, Vietnamese Truong, Benjamin Q., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 106078 9014 Garvey Ave. # 1 (626) 572-3955 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Kuo-Hsien, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 073056 18391 Colima Rd. # 202 (626) 965-0696 Mandarin, Taiwanese Cherlin, Angela P., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 107057 1722 Desire Ave. # 102 (626) 581-0700 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Hy, Adam, D.O. Family Practice1 5252 099533 18897 Colima Rd. # C (626) 810-5272 Cambodian, Cantonese, Khmer (Cambodian), Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Lee, David P., D.O. Family Practice1 5252 091057 1818 Sierra Leone Ave. # B (626) 965-1988 Korean, Mandarin Limbo Jr, Pablo C., M.D. General Practice 5252 057152 19036 Colima Rd. # B (626) 965-7272 Spanish, Tagalog Liu, Zune H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 075208 18395 Colima Rd. (626) 964-1120 Korean, Mandarin Tu, Gene C., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 075300 1330 Fullerton Rd. # 288 (626) 965-1233 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wang, Dejun, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 086138 18391 E. Colima Rd. # 204 (626) 810-2983 Mandarin, Spanish Wu, Xipu J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 104398 18391 Colima Rd. # 207 (626) 912-4147 Mandarin San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Sheng H., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 502630 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. (626) 573-0055 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chen, Hsiao-Fen, M.D. Family Practice1 5252 048529 140 W. Valley Blvd. # 220 (626) 307-0797 Cantonese, Mandarin Chien, Oscar L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 074757 1448 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 569-2888 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chow, Hubert W., M.D. General Practice 5252 502864 1111 E. Las Tunas Dr. (626) 286-8473 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Hsu, Ming Siung, M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 193951 923 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 286-8700 Jung, Susan C., M.D. Family Practice 5252 147448 923 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 286-8700 Mandarin, Spanish Lee, Che-Cherng J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 009769 207 S. Santa Anita Ave. # G-18 (626) 282-6989 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Board Certified 31 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wong, Tan L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 053582 7540 Garvey Ave. # C (626) 307-4785 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Su Kin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 041027 317 W. Valley Blvd. (626) 293-1988 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Lee, Su Kin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 041027 1418 S. San Gabriel Blvd. # C (626) 293-1988 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Li, Job R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 010053 808 E. Valley Blvd. (818) 781-8699 Mandarin, Spanish Lin, Charles C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 134282 1034 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 287-8222 Mandarin Nassif, Tarek R., M.D. Family Practice1 5252 053739 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 307 (626) 289-0130 Arabic, French, Spanish Rodriguez, Francisco G., General Practice D.O. 5252 158842 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 1 (626) 284-3300 Spanish Tay, Emerald S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 091037 222 E. Valley Blvd. (626) 307-8636 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Varma, Usha K., M.D. General Practice 5252 028010 316 E. Las Tunas Dr. # 206 (626) 285-9705 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Wu, Tai-Hing, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 530142 415 W. Valley Blvd. # C (626) 943-9240 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 32 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yu, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 060159 1448 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 288-0300 Yuan, Zhenghong, M.D. Family Practice 5252 163493 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 303 (626) 289-9978 Mandarin Zeng, Zhi, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 084498 316 E. Las Tunas Dr. # 102 (626) 300-8880 San Marino Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Liu, Paul T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 057011 2233 Huntington Dr. # 10 (626) 796-0821 Mandarin, Spanish South Gate Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chava, Sreedhar, M.D. Family Practice 5252 144727 8401 Long Beach Blvd. (626) 444-2660 Hindi, Telugu Wei, John C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5252 520779 3224 Santa Ana St. (323) 567-2384 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Temple City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Kevin T., M.D. Family Practice 5252 143455 5801 Rosemead Blvd. (626) 292-1241 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Henry, D.O. Internal Medicine1 5252 159701 2707 E. Valley Blvd. # 208 (626) 581-0486 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Chang, Ker-Chow, M.D. Family Practice1 5252 051292 2707 E. Valley Blvd. # 103 (626) 810-7772 Mandarin, Taiwanese Li, Mark W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 028224 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 102 (626) 960-0527 Mandarin Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. General Practice 5252 032250 12826 Philadelphia St. # A (562) 789-9908 Urdu Ahmed, Parveen N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5252 056982 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 698-0025 Urdu Biamby, Gisele, M.D. General Practice 5252 076748 9209 Colima Rd. # 4400 (562) 907-0777 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. General Practice 5252 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu 1 Primary Care Physicians Gonzales, Fernando Q., M.D. 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Spanish, Tagalog Mohammedi, Nasir A., M.D. 9200 Colima Rd. # 207 (562) 945-0252 French, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Wu, Kesheng, M.D. 9209 Colima Rd. # 4500 (562) 696-5088 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5252 024284 Family Practice1 5252 110418 Internal Medicine1 5252 090686 Acupuncture Chen, Ming, LAC Fei, Su Fan, LAC Hu, Allan, L.A. Luo, JianHua, LAC Allergy/Immunology Castro Jr, Reyneiro, M.D. Harris, William G., M.D.1 Hsu, Yu-Luen, M.D. Wong, Stephen C., M.D.1 Anesthesiology Chiu, Paul H., M.D. Ly, Peter P., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Choo, Daniel C., M.D. Fung, Peter K., M.D.1 Gidney, Brett A., M.D.1 Gordon, L. Stephen, M.D. Harding, Phillip R., M.D.1 Hendel, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Hom, Sophia S., M.D.1 Joolhar, Fowrooz S., M.D.1 Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Lau, Stanley K., M.D.1 Laughlin, Lawrence L., M.D. Liu, Ming W., M.D.1 Board Certified 33 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Walnut Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Iskander, Rosanna W., Family Practice M.D. 5252 019627 314 N. Lemon Ave. (909) 598-0081 Arabic, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Liu, Xiushi S., M.D.1 Moore, Naing A., M.D. Nademanee, Koonlawee, M.D.1 Nguyen, Thanh T., D.O.1 Orlando, Joan R., M.D. Preciado, Martha R., M.D. Shoukair, Sami M., M.D.1 Yang, Bao B., M.D.1 Yee, Henry C., M.D. Yeh, Michael, M.D. Yeh, Tom T., M.D.1 Yen, Greg S., M.D. Cardiovascular Surgery Nucho, Ramsay C., M.D. Chiropractor Chu, Edward Y., D.C. Chu, Gary, D.C. Siegel, Gregory S., D.C. Zimmerman, John S., D.C. Colon & Rectal Surgery Chiu, Chu-Tsen, M.D.1 Ker, Shiun T., M.D. Critical Care Medicine Goel, Manisha, M.D. Ho, Franklin A., M.D.1 Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D. Liao, Jeng-Jong, M.D. Dermatology Badawi, Radwan A., M.D. Danesh, Sid A., M.D.1 King, Don F., M.D.1 Ledesma, Glenn N., M.D. Lin, Michael T., M.D.1 Massey, Ralph A., M.D.1 Newman, Armand, M.D.1 Nootheti, Pavan K., M.D.1 Endocrinology Eitan, Nathan F., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 34 / Health Net Provider Network Endocrinology Lamorena, Thelma Linda S., M.D. Lin, Michael W., M.D.1 Syed, Aleem A., M.D. Family Practice Chow, Thick G., M.D. Gastroenterology Bae, Ho S., M.D. Chan, Dennis Y., M.D. Chen, Ching-Hsiu C., M.D.1 Chung, Kwok-Leung, M.D. Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Ho, Firmin C., M.D.1 Ibarra, Fernando, M.D.1 Jamidar, Priyadarshin A., M.D.1 Kam, Sam S., M.D. Lai, Chia Chi G., M.D. Lam, Thomas S., M.D.1 Li, Mark W., M.D.1 Mehdikhani, Edgar, M.D. Renner, Ian G., M.D. Rojter, Sergio E., M.D. Su, Kenny C., M.D. Ueki, Barton H., M.D.1 Wu, Shang C., M.D. Zahn, Chester D., M.D. General Surgery Alanizi, Ayad, M.D. Bach, Thuc T., M.D. Bae, Steve S., M.D. Carabello, Gabriel G., M.D.1 Chiu, Chu-Tsen, M.D.1 Cole, Robin R., M.D. Dunkelman, Andrea R., M.D.1 Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D.1 Khan, Faisal A., M.D. Koransky, Mark L., M.D.1 Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D. Maglunog, Alexander A., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Geriatrics Chien, Oscar L., M.D. Tran, Dan, M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Schlaerth, John B., M.D.1 Hematology Wang, Amy Q., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Al-Jazayrly, Ghassan M., M.D.1 Chang, Eric C., M.D.1 Chua, William A., M.D. Fu, Siqing, M.D. Ucar, Kalust, M.D. Yang, Honghao, M.D. Infectious Disease Huang, Jong T., M.D.1 Lam, Kitty, M.D. Lu, Tommy C., M.D.1 Wong, Pina K., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Chen, Mary L., M.D.1 Greeno, Ronald A., M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D. Harding, Phillip R., M.D.1 Mehdikhani, Edgar, M.D. Mena, Edward A., M.D.1 Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D. Renner, Ian G., M.D. Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D.1 1 Internal Medicine Tran, James P., M.D.1 Van Dyke, John J., M.D.1 Vazquez, Adrian C., M.D.1 Weinberg, Assa, M.D.1 Wong, Stephen C., M.D.1 Zahn, Chester D., M.D. Marriage/Family Counseling Simons, Jonathan R., MFT Maternal & Fetal Medicine Bradley, Kathleen E., M.D. Curran, Mark A., M.D. Hanna, Gina V., M.D. Leung, Anna S., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Ross, Brenda J., M.D.1 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Goodwin, Thomas M., M.D.1 Karimi, Afsaneh, M.D.1 Karimi, Ardeshir, M.D. Koo, Erlinda L., M.D.1 Phelan, Jeffrey P., M.D. Shah, Bharat D., M.D. Nephrology Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, M.D. Darwish, Riad Y., M.D. Deperalta, Uma A., M.D. Farboody, Gholam H., M.D.1 Imparato, Jennifer M., D.O.1 Lee, Mark C., M.D.1 Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Nasser-Moaddeli, Shahriare N., M.D.1 Patrikyan, Artashes, M.D. Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D. Sun, Adam M., M.D.1 Vidhun, Jayakumar R., M.D. Wang, Lynn, M.D.1 Neurology Al-Wardi, Dhia A., M.D.1 Choy, Rosa K., M.D. Board Certified 35 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing General Surgery Patel, Shirish C., M.D. Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Shin, Lynn H., M.D.1 Sim, Kenneth T., M.D.1 Smith, Herman L., M.D. Spivack, Brian L., M.D.1 Tan, Matthew S., M.D. Tran, Young T., M.D. Wang, On, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Neurology Fortanasce, Vincent M., M.D.1 Fuenzalida, Sergio A., M.D.1 Kim, Chan H., M.D.1 Lin, Frank P., M.D. Liu, June-Chih, M.D. Shubin, Richard A., M.D.1 Tan, Michael P., D.O. Wogensen, Kenneth K., M.D. Xu, Qun, M.D. Yang, Kim S., M.D.1 Zhao, Chong Hao, M.D.1 Neurophysiology Apelian, Rami G., M.D. Neurosurgery San Agustin, Winston C., M.D. Nuclear Medicine Chen, David C., M.D.1 Wu, Wei-Jiung, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Artenos, John A., M.D.1 Austin, Frederick J., M.D.1 Cabrera, John F., M.D. Cappelli, Anthony L., M.D.1 Chan, Charles C., M.D.1 Chan, Eric S., M.D.1 Chen, Albert C., M.D.1 Chen, Edward J., M.D.1 Chiang, John C., M.D.1 Chow, Thick G., M.D. Curran, Mark A., M.D. Devore, Greggory R., M.D.1 Doan, Dominique G., M.D.1 Foong, Nicolai Y., M.D.1 Goodwin, Thomas M., M.D. Ha, Ben, M.D. Hanna, Gina V., M.D.1 Hewling, Delroy S., M.D. Hong, Alfred S., M.D. 1 Board Certified 36 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Ito, Francine F., M.D.1 Khalatian, Rouben, M.D. Kjos, Siri L., M.D.1 Kothandaraman, Prema, M.D. Lee, Yiu Fun Derek, M.D.1 Leung, Anna S., M.D.1 Lin, Jamie C., M.D. Lu, Jing, M.D. Melnik, Marc D., M.D. Melnik, Seymour J., M.D.1 Miller, David A., M.D.1 Moas, Ovi, M.D. Moy, Carl K., M.D.1 Qureshi, Azmath S., M.D. Reyes, Benigno R., M.D. Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Schlaerth, Alan C., M.D. Shen, Jen-Kway, M.D. Silver, Lori E., M.D. Soloway, Gene L., M.D. Stek, Alice M., M.D.1 Tam, Jonathan N., M.D. Tam, Thomas, M.D.1 Tsai, Henry H., M.D. Tsai, James M., M.D. Wang, Chun-Yeh, M.D.1 Wang, Haiping, M.D.1 Wang, Kuan-I, M.D. Yeh, Andrew, D.O.1 Oncology Ahn, Sang-Hoon, M.D. Ophthalmology Aye, Mg S., M.D.1 Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Chang, Lung H., M.D. Cheung, Dik S., M.D.1 Choy, Kevin W., M.D. Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 De La Pena, Albert, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 1 Ophthalmology Woo, Bonnie B., M.D.1 Optometrist Alvarez, Robert C., O.D. Byrne, Michael L., O.D. Camacho, Orlando, O.D. Chan, Garry D., O.D. Cheng, Mary M., O.D. Dominguez, Charles E., O.D. Gallardo, Gustavo R., O.D. Hsu, Vincent, O.D. Huang, Catherine, O.D. Hung, Mia M., O.D. Kaku, Jeffery H., O.D. Kao, Wei-Hsin, O.D. Leung, Dennis W., O.D. Ly, Linda T., M.D. Nguyen, Thien-Thu P., O.D. Paikal, David, M.D. Phung, Steve D., O.D. Ung, Susan K., O.D. Wang, Eddie C., M.D. Wiant, Thomas J., O.D. Woo, Paul T., O.D. Wu, Roger L., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Alexander, Charles H., M.D.1 Chang, Jonathan L., M.D.1 Chen, Vincent W., M.D. Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Chou, Harvey H., M.D.1 Ding, Jean, M.D. Farac, Randall A., M.D. Ghatan, Robert B., M.D.1 Huang, David W., M.D.1 Lee, Daniel J., M.D. Lu, Allen P., M.D. Nersissian, Beno, M.D. Pak, Shane S., M.D. Tam, Benjamin C., M.D.1 Tsai, Eugene, M.D.1 Tsai, Richard Y., M.D. Board Certified 37 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Ophthalmology De La Pena, William C., M.D.1 Doss, Raid P., M.D. Eng, Calvin T., M.D.1 Falk, Randolph J., M.D.1 Fan, Joseph T., M.D. Fierson, Walter M., M.D.1 Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Hsu, Adam Y., M.D.1 Jeng, Shyun, M.D.1 Khanna, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Kim, David S., M.D. Liao, David S., M.D.1 Liu, Grace Y., M.D. Lo, Garlan G., M.D. Ly, Nhu Q., O.D. Mandrick, William S., M.D.1 Mayberry, Melissa J., M.D.1 Mora, Martha L., M.D. Neal, Mohammad R., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Park, Kay L., M.D.1 Parks, David J., M.D. Pesheva, Maria, M.D.1 Prasad, Pradeep S., M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Schofield, John K., D.O.1 Sheffer, Albert, M.D.1 Sokol, Stephen P., O.D. Song, Erin I., O.D. Tran, Vinh T., M.D. Truong, Minh Q., O.D. Uchio, Alejandra, M.D.1 Unzueta, Miguel A., M.D. Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Vu, Bach Lan Linda, M.D.1 Wei, Chau-Po, M.D.1 Weise, Richard A., M.D.1 Win, Peter H., M.D.1 Winston, Jeffrey V., M.D.1 Wong, Tin-Chieu, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Orthopedic Surgery Yang, Anthony P., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Batniji, Kamal A., M.D. Batniji, Rami K., M.D. Bikhazi, Henry B., M.D.1 Hsu, Shin-Fu, M.D.1 Lai, Ted Y., M.D.1 Nam, Howard K., M.D.1 Simonian, Simon K., M.D.1 Vanore, John F., M.D. Yao, Shounan, L.A.1 Pain Management Chang, Henry H., M.D. Engel, Andrew, M.D. Hu, Allan, L.A. Ling, Hsiu-Hsien, M.D.1 Zhao, Chong Hao, M.D. Pathology Hanna, Carol J., M.D.1 Lieu, David K., M.D. Schmidt, Robert K., M.D. Shwayder, Mary Beth, M.D.1 Ulirsch, Rudolf C., M.D.1 Pediatric Allergy/Immunology Lin, Chao-I, M.D.1 Patel, Sonal R., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology Ahdoot, Joseph, M.D. Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Nestor, Larry, M.D.1 Young, Guillermo A., M.D.1 Pediatric Infectious Disease Rivera-Montez, Martha E., M.D. Pediatrics Ali, Aliya I., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 38 / Health Net Provider Network Pediatrics Biamby, Gisele, M.D. Bruttomesso, Samuel D., M.D. Chen, Charles C., M.D. Chon, Kyung-Ken B., M.D. Chuang, Lilian S., M.D. Dela Cruz, Vivien N., M.D. Desai, Aanal J., M.D. Do, Luong T., M.D.1 Gancedo, Laura S., M.D. Gordon, L. Stephen, M.D.1 Gu, Shiow-Jane, M.D. Haddad, Issac M., M.D. Huang, Helen C., M.D.1 Hwang, Lin-Huey L., M.D.1 Jiang, Simon, M.D. Khalatian, Maria-Eugenia, M.D. Koo, Erlinda L., M.D.1 Lim, Annie, M.D.1 Lim, Kheng J., M.D.1 Lim Heya, Maria Teresa E., M.D. Lin, Chao-I, M.D.1 Lin, Thomas H., M.D.1 McCrae, Derek L., M.D.1 Meng, Sherry F., M.D.1 Mistry, Pankaj N., M.D. Munoz Martin Sanchez, Alma A., M.D.1 Nguyen, Chi T., M.D. Nguyen, San T., M.D.1 Nguyen, Tan V., M.D. Nguyen, Tanya T., M.D. Patel, Meenakshi R., M.D. Rincon, Francisco I., M.D. Segura, George A., M.D. Taikwel, Edna K., M.D.1 Tishler, Marvin, M.D.1 Truong, Caroline N., M.D. Voleti, Vasanti, M.D. Wang, David W., M.D.1 Wells, Jana R., M.D.1 Wu, Yu-Fei, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Physical Medicine Rehab Hsu, Alethea T., M.D.1 Kay, Susie S., M.D.1 Lan, Yuhuan, M.D.1 Lee, Jaumaan, M.D. Ling, Hsiu-Hsien, M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Cox, Brian A., M.D. Evans, Brian N., M.D. Grossman, Alan R., M.D.1 Grossman, Peter H., M.D.1 Ha, Dong H., D.O. Majidian, Alexander M., M.D. Rosenfeld, Harold L., M.D. Sanchez, Alejandro M., M.D.1 Tang, Lawton W., M.D. Tiner, Christopher K., M.D. Wu, Dianne E., M.D.1 Yu, Art Y., M.D. Podiatry Chen, Eric Y., DPM Hickey, Michael T., DPM1 Kelekian, Ara O., DPM1 Lee, Gin-Horn D., DPM1 Lee, Jimmy, DPM Lewis, Kimberly A., DPM Lieu, Jean E., DPM Moradian, Martin, M.D.1 Morgan, Jack, DPM1 Park, Erin Y., DPM Quemena, Riyanto R., DPM Spak, William J., DPM1 Tam, John W., DPM1 Tseng, Kevin H., DPM1 Wong, Carolyn H., DPM Wu, Wendy H., DPM 1 Psychiatry Chin, Herbert S., M.D. Huang, Kuang J., M.D. Jacob, Said I., M.D. Koh, Joshua K., M.D.1 Shih, Ching H., M.D.1 Psychology Schreiber, Maria G., PSY.D Pulmonary Disease Anderson, Charles A., M.D.1 Browne, Peter M., M.D.1 Carmody, John P., M.D. De Silva, Errajith B., M.D.1 Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 Greeno, Ronald A., M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D.1 Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D.1 Katagihara, Elton S., M.D.1 Kroe, Donald M., M.D.1 Lake, Kevin B., M.D. Le, Richard D., M.D.1 Makabali, Carlos G., M.D.1 Ramakrishnan, Chitra, M.D.1 Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D.1 Ratto, David R., M.D. Saraf, Pratap, M.D.1 Savani, Devang M., M.D.1 Shen, Linda Y., M.D.1 Singh, Narindar, M.D.1 Van Dyke, John J., M.D.1 Wong, James W., M.D. Zarrabi, Mirali, M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Ariathurai, Sundera V., M.D.1 Au, Shiu-Cheong, M.D. Beron, Phillip J., M.D.1 Bhandari, Tanuja A., M.D. Chuang, Jui-Yang J., M.D.1 Grace, Ana M., M.D.1 Huang, David, M.D.1 Lin, Kevin, M.D.1 Ling, Carson H., M.D. Board Certified 39 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Pediatrics Young lll, Matt N., M.D.1 Yu, Francis W., M.D.1 Zamora, Antonio, M.D. Zosa, Noli R., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Allied Physicians of California PPG 5252 Radiation Oncology Mak, Albert C., M.D. Ree, Peter C., M.D.1 Rha, Janice J., M.D.1 Rose, Joseph H., M.D.1 Sanghani, Mona V., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Williams, Venita L., M.D. Urology Chang, Lung H., M.D. Kaplan, Juan B., M.D.1 Khetan, Umakant M., M.D.1 Koo, Alec S., M.D.1 Lai, Yih-Wen, M.D.1 Martinez, Miguel A., M.D. Yip, Felix C., M.D.1 Radiology Chen, David C., M.D. Fischer, Michael E., M.D. Fisher, Madeleine R., M.D.1 Greenberg, Stephen M., M.D.1 Levis, Robert E., M.D.1 Lin Jr, James, M.D.1 Nguyen, Hung V., M.D. Roberts, William G., M.D.1 Wade, Donald H., M.D. Wu, Wei-Jiung, M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Keushkerian, Simon M., M.D. Khetan, Umakant M., M.D. Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D.1 Laub, Judith M., M.D.1 Wade, Donald H., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Lin, James P., M.D. Rheumatology Ho, Gerald Y., M.D.1 Hwang, Sarah N., M.D.1 Srinivasan, Ramachandran, M.D. Weinberg, Assa, M.D. Therapeutic Radiology Botnick, Leslie E., M.D.1 Botnick, Marc I., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Dandekar, Nandkumar V., M.D.1 Hom, Sophia S., M.D. Huang, Ming N., M.D.1 Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Laughlin, Lawrence L., M.D.1 Tzeng, Thomas S., M.D. Wu, James T., M.D. Urology Barba, William, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 40 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 2040 Camfield Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90040-1502 (323) 725-8751 Hospitals Used: Monterey Park Hospital Queen of the Valley, Citrus Valley Medical Center Altamed Health Services - Orange County (PPG 5188) 2040 Camfield Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90040-1502 (323) 725-8751 Hospitals Used: Coastal Communities Hospital Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center Western Medical Center - Anaheim Altamed Health Services IPA (PPG 5164) 2040 Camfield Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90040-1502 (323) 725-8751 Hospitals Used: Monterey Park Hospital Queen of the Valley, Citrus Valley Medical Center Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Robert W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5164 092093 1234 S. Garfield Ave. # 103 (626) 576-7871 Cantonese Wong, Gordon K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5141 148301 409 W. Main St. (626) 382-1263 Cantonese, Mandarin 1 Baldwin Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Carrillo, Herman F., M.D. General Practice 5164 027241 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish McMillan, Samuel L., M.D. General Practice 5164 063804 14311 Ramona Blvd. (626) 480-0160 Bell Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Casillas, Gustavo, M.D. Family Practice 5164 161984 6901 Atlantic Ave. (323) 562-6700 Spanish Pantoja, Ana B., M.D. Family Practice 5164 127556 6901 Atlantic Ave. (323) 562-6700 Spanish Vuong, Linh-Uyen C., M.D. Family Practice1 5141 149914 6901 Atlantic Ave. (323) 562-6700 Spanish, Vietnamese Zambrano, Oscar G., M.D. Internal Medicine 5164 019008 6513 Atlantic Ave. (323) 581-1649 Spanish Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # McMillan, Samuel L., M.D. General Practice 5164 063804 6300 Florence Ave. (562) 928-9700 Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chari, Kamini S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5164 051349 315 N. Third Ave. # 100 (626) 967-4469 Hindi, Tamil Board Certified 41 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 Primary Care Physicians Ha, Thomas T., M.D. 530 W. Badillo St. # E (626) 858-5370 Vietnamese Jandial, Rajnish, M.D. 315 N. Third Ave. # 100 (626) 967-4469 Hindi Khedia, Sanjay N., M.D. 211 W. Badillo St. (626) 915-7674 Gujarati, Hindi, Ukranian, Urdu Tulpule, Radhika, M.D. 110 N. Fourth Ave. (626) 859-6400 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5164 006596 Internal Medicine1 5164 090987 Internal Medicine 5164 060811 Internal Medicine1 5164 017461 Cudahy Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Estrella, Gustavo E., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 109986 6901 Atlantic Ave. (323) 562-6700 Spanish Vuong, Tinh Uyen C., D.O. Family Practice1 5141 172395 6901 Atlantic Ave. (323) 562-6700 Vietnamese Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Srinivasan, Internal Medicine1 Ramachandran, M.D. 5164 033998 8355 Third St. (562) 869-3900 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil 1 Board Certified 42 / Health Net Provider Network El Monte Primary Care Physicians Casillas, Gustavo, M.D. 10418 Valley Blvd # B (626) 453-8466 Spanish Liao, Kevin S., M.D. 10418 Valley Blvd # B (626) 453-8466 Mandarin, Spanish Rico, Cristian, M.D. 10418 Valley Blvd # B (626) 453-8466 Spanish Rico, Cristian, M.D. 10418 Valley Blvd # B (626) 453-8466 Spanish Sanchez, Lucio, M.D. 10454 Valley Blvd. (626) 453-8466 Spanish Sanchez, Lucio, M.D. 10454 Valley Blvd. (626) 453-8466 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5164 161984 Family Practice 5141 170798 Family Practice1 5164 128486 Family Practice1 5141 128486 Internal Medicine1 5164 014895 Internal Medicine1 5141 014895 Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mazmanyan, Manvel M., General Practice M.D. 5164 169158 1220 S. Central Ave. # 205 (818) 247-7677 Armenian, Russian Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bernales, George A., M.D. General Practice 5164 063735 2766 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-2718 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. General Practice 5164 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Silva, Juan A., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 095477 2680 Saturn Ave. # 280 (323) 588-8847 Spanish Tran, Daniel T., M.D. General Practice 5164 076113 2765 E. Florence Ave. (323) 588-6888 Spanish La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shah, Hiren C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5141 024066 18335 E. Valley Blvd (626) 810-3330 Hindi, Hindustani, Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Badri, Mohsen, D.O. 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Farsi, Spanish Bansal, Maneesh A., M.D. 5540 N. Figueroa St. (323) 478-1101 Hindi, Spanish Barrera, Raul, M.D. 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Barrera, Raul, M.D. 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Behroozan, Benjamin, M.D. 5255 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 463-7262 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5141 133698 Internal Medicine1 5164 165528 Family Practice1 5141 102621 Family Practice1 5164 102621 General Practice 5164 034784 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Block, Michael R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5164 501514 6433 Whittier Blvd. (323) 724-6673 Bulaon, Carlos O., M.D. Family Practice 5164 059654 3500 Whittier Blvd. # 105 (323) 987-1200 Spanish, Tagalog Carpio-Cedraro, Felix F., Family Practice M.D. 5164 059896 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Spanish Carpio-Cedraro, Felix F., Family Practice M.D. 5141 059896 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Spanish Castillo, Hector R., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 106915 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Chavez, Edgar A., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 149255 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Devani, Arpita A., D.O. Internal Medicine 5164 148738 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Gujarati El Asmar, Imad A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5164 064617 354 S. Vermont Ave. (213) 487-6867 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog El Asmar, Imad A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5164 064617 1234 N. Vermont Ave. (323) 660-5624 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Farnham, Thos R., M.D. Family Practice1 5141 064446 1701 Zonal Ave. (323) 223-6145 Spanish Board Certified 43 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Farnham, Thos R., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 064446 1701 Zonal Ave. (323) 223-6145 Spanish Fedak, Marian A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3300 5164 046750 (323) 307-8900 Armenian, Spanish Galapon, Blanca L., M.D. General Practice 5164 067381 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish, Tagalog Ghaly, Azmy Fouad, M.D. Internal Medicine 1720 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5164 049015 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog Gonzalez Gonzalez, Family Practice Kasein, M.D. 5141 176287 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Farsi, Spanish Gutierrez, Guillermina, Family Practice M.D. 1300 N. Vermont Ave. Patient Tower 5141 102087 1st Fl. (323) 454-6940 Spanish Lara, Agustin J., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 161175 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Li, Tit S., M.D. General Practice 5164 046307 819 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (213) 613-1255 Cantonese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Spanish Li-Perdomo, Renaldo, M.D.General Practice 5164 059567 3518 W. Eighth St. (213) 384-9949 Spanish 1 Board Certified 44 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lin, Catherine P., M.D. Internal Medicine 5141 169835 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Japanese, Taiwanese Ma, Lisa, M.D. Family Practice 5164 095476 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish Melero, Francisco, M.D. Family Practice1 5141 104869 3945 Whittier Blvd. (323) 265-1998 Spanish Melero, Francisco, M.D. Family Practice1 5164 104869 3945 Whittier Blvd. (323) 265-1998 Spanish Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 5164 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 5141 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Montes, Juan Z., M.D. General Practice 5164 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Pantoja, Ana B., M.D. Family Practice 5141 127556 2219 E. First St. (323) 269-0421 Spanish Patel, Nikunj M., M.D. Family Practice 5164 170411 4477 Whittier Blvd. (323) 264-2890 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Penaloza, Maria Del Family Practice Rosario, M.D. 5141 088427 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Spanish Penaloza, Maria Del Family Practice Rosario, M.D. 5164 088427 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Spanish Perez, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice 5164 057123 1905 E. Gage Ave. (323) 581-8085 Spanish Perez, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice 5164 057123 3500 Whittier Blvd. # 107 (323) 604-0260 Spanish Puertas, Ricardo, M.D. Family Practice1 5141 056886 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Spanish Puertas, Ricardo, M.D. Family Practice1 5164 056886 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Spanish Quijas, Francisco M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5164 095467 (323) 307-0800 Sarkissian, Hagop Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5141 094007 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Turkish Silva, Juan A., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 095477 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Srinivasan, Internal Medicine1 Ramachandran, M.D. 5164 033998 5043 Whittier Blvd. (323) 266-6429 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Taylor, Dustin A., M.D. Family Practice 5164 139414 3945 Whittier Blvd. (323) 265-1998 Taylor, Dustin A., M.D. Family Practice 5141 139414 3945 Whittier Blvd. (323) 265-1998 Varela, Gilbert R., M.D. Family Practice1 5164 056888 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Wong, Gregory S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5164 140033 (323) 307-0800 Burmese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Spanish Wong, Gregory S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5164 140033 819 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (213) 613-1255 Burmese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Spanish Wong, Nga W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5164 018659 819 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (213) 613-1255 Cantonese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Vietnamese Montebello Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chaudhry, Mohammad A., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5164 066997 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 401 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Gonzalez, Bertha A., D.O. Family Practice 5164 071487 3106 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-1274 Spanish Board Certified 45 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Jimenez, Francisco A., General Practice M.D. 5164 034213 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish Jimenez, Francisco A., General Practice M.D. 5141 034213 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish Sarkar, Soumitra, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5164 059704 2614 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0653 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Taylor, Dustin A., M.D. Family Practice 5141 139414 2321 Whittier Blvd. (323) 724-5232 Taylor, Dustin A., M.D. Family Practice 5164 139414 2321 Whittier Blvd. (323) 724-5232 Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5164 076109 111 W. Beverly Blvd. # 210 (323) 722-7711 Arabic, Spanish Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Srinivasan, Internal Medicine1 Ramachandran, M.D. 5164 033998 941 S. Atlantic Blvd. # 101 (626) 458-8401 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Defrawy, Mosen M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5141 520105 9436 Slauson Ave. (562) 949-6069 Arabic, French 1 Board Certified 46 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gutierrez, Guillermina, Family Practice M.D. 5141 102087 9436 Slauson Ave. (562) 949-6069 Spanish Price, Kemi W., D.O. Family Practice 5141 167304 9436 Slauson Ave. (562) 949-6069 Spanish San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Rodriguez, Francisco G., General Practice D.O. 5164 158842 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 1 (626) 284-3300 Spanish Sucgang, Paul S., D.O. Family Practice 5164 139222 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 201 (626) 389-8448 Spanish South El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 5164 057490 1648 Tyler Ave. # B (626) 579-0103 West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdian, Pedram S., M.D. Family Practice 5164 168831 1300 S. Sunset Ave. (626) 960-6999 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Makandura, Lakshman D., Internal Medicine M.D. 5164 059798 910 S. Sunset Ave. # 8 (626) 338-8407 Sinhalese, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. General Practice 5164 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu Montes, Juan Z., M.D. General Practice 5164 029437 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish Acupuncture Isahakian, Gagik, L.A. Allergy/Immunology Gibbs, Joshua G., D.O.1 Lauridsen, John I., M.D. Lin, Chao-I, M.D.1 Oftadeh, Lydia E., M.D.1 Patel, Sonal R., M.D.1 Trivedi, Divyang N., M.D. Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Brodsky, Michael A., M.D. Cantor, Jerrold D., M.D.1 Gogia, Harinder S., M.D.1 Jayaraj, Prash F., M.D. Kummer, Robert D., M.D.1 Liu, Ming W., M.D.1 McKenzie III, John P., M.D. Nosratian, Farshad J., M.D.1 Palmer, Hiram S., M.D. Preciado, Martha R., M.D. Rao, Suresh P., M.D. Wadhwa, Parvindar S., M.D.1 Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Nademanee, Koonlawee, M.D.1 Cytopathology Lieu, David K., M.D. 1 Dermatology Desilva, Keerthi R., M.D. Foreman, Tanya J., M.D. Hernandez, Leopoldo G., M.D.1 King, Don F., M.D.1 Moul, Danielle K., M.D.1 Nguyen, Tien Q., M.D.1 Shiell, Ronald D., M.D.1 Endocrinology Gastelum, Christian J., M.D.1 Jelen, Betty S., M.D. Rodriguez-Colume, Miguel E., M.D. Syed, Aleem A., M.D. Gastroenterology Bhasker, Mohan W., M.D. Ennis, Craig A., M.D. Ibarra, Fernando, M.D.1 Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Najarian, Haig, M.D. Sahebekhtiari, Heidarali, M.D. Stanton, David B., M.D. Suchov, Mordo, M.D.1 Tran, Tu A., M.D. Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 General Surgery Ahn, Andrew H., M.D.1 Baron, Robinson V., M.D. Barragan, Alfonso L., M.D.1 Carabello, Gabriel G., M.D.1 Carter, Craig B., M.D. Carvajal, Sam H., M.D.1 Choctaw, William T., M.D. Fernandez, Edgar J., M.D.1 Tan, Matthew S., M.D. Vo, Quang T., M.D.1 Geriatrics Fedak, Marian A., M.D.1 Hematology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Charu, Veena, M.D.1 Board Certified 47 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wang, John Z., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5164 094103 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 206 (626) 338-0811 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 Hematology Ho, Winston G., M.D. Horns Jr, Richard C., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D. Mummaneni, Madhavi, M.D. Vakil, Mayank J., M.D. Hiv/Aids Huang, Jong T., M.D. Infectious Disease Alekal, Prashanti Y., M.D.1 Armen, Robert C., M.D.1 Hsu, Victor Y., M.D.1 Huang, Jong T., M.D.1 Kuran, Rasha A., M.D. Ray, Sayan D., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Alam, Rabi U., M.D.1 Alekal, Prashanti Y., M.D.1 Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D.1 Gallego, Claudio H., M.D.1 Gonzalez, Carlos R., M.D.1 Ibarra, Fernando, M.D.1 Khedia, Sanjay N., M.D. Lange, Dennis T., M.D.1 Le, Victor N., M.D. Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D. Rodriguez-Colume, Miguel E., M.D. Romano, Thomas J., M.D.1 Stanton, David B., M.D. Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Leung, Anna S., M.D.1 Phelan, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Tefft, Robert G., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 48 / Health Net Provider Network Nephrology Ahdoot, Jacob J., M.D. Ali, Nausheen B., M.D.1 Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Bui, Steve Q., M.D.1 Carabello, Victor G., M.D.1 Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 Cordeiro, Ranjit A., M.D. Gallego, Claudio H., M.D.1 Gandhi, Nirav D., M.D.1 Gonzalez, Carlos R., M.D. Jodhka, Joginder S., M.D. Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Lewin, Laurence, M.D. Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Mohan, Krishna J., M.D. Ness, Russell L., M.D. Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Shapiro, Leonard, M.D. Thornhill-Joynes, Monica M., M.D.1 Venkat, Vasuki N., M.D.1 Yang, Philip S., M.D.1 Neurology Brown, David D., D.O. Chang, Douglas, M.D. Frei, Karen P., M.D.1 Fuenzalida, Sergio A., M.D.1 Jenkins, Stephen W., M.D.1 Kundi, Mukhtair S., M.D.1 Liu, Antonio K., M.D.1 Pathak, Mayank S., M.D.1 Santa-Cruz, Fidel A., M.D.1 Thong, Nguyen N., M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Chappell, Edward T., M.D.1 Habibi, Mehdi, M.D. Rodriguez, Jose L., M.D.1 Tabrizi, Peyman R., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Neurosurgery Xie, Sean X., M.D.1 Nuclear Medicine Zarnegar, Kousha E., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Ahad, George, M.D. Ali, Mohsin M., M.D. Amin, Ajaykumar N., D.O. Bradley, Kathleen E., M.D.1 Curran, Mark A., M.D. Dela Merced, Jacqueline S., M.D. Gandhi, Shobhana A., M.D.1 Jennings-Nunez, Chasity D., M.D.1 Johnson, Ronald B., M.D.1 Karimi, Ardeshir, M.D.1 Khan, Humayon Y., M.D.1 Lin, Jamie C., M.D. Park, Kerry, M.D.1 Radparvar, Mansoor, M.D.1 Reese, Leroy A., M.D.1 Shafee, Reza, M.D. Shaw, Kathryn J., M.D.1 Spencer-Smith, Erland L., M.D.1 Wang, George H., M.D.1 Warner, Kim, M.D.1 Wijesinghe, Mapitiyage N., M.D.1 Wohlmuth, Cinna T., M.D.1 Zograbyan, Arus, M.D.1 Oncology Charu, Veena, M.D.1 Ebrahimi, Behnam, M.D. Horns Jr, Richard C., M.D. Lindgren, Tiberio F., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Aghai, Mehrdad, M.D. Boyce, James D., M.D. Chanes, Luis A., M.D.1 Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 De La Pena, Albert, M.D.1 De La Pena, William C., M.D.1 Doss, Raid P., M.D. 1 Ophthalmology Eng, Calvin T., M.D.1 Erb, Melanie H., M.D.1 Eshaghian, Joseph, M.D.1 Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Gonzalez, Casimiro, M.D. Khanna, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Kolin, Tali, M.D.1 Krad, Omar, M.D. Kurwa, Badrudin R., M.D.1 Lemor, Marcos, M.D.1 Mayberry, Melissa J., M.D.1 Montoya Jr, Carlos F., M.D.1 Paikal, David, M.D.1 Pesheva, Maria, M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Roizenblatt, Roberto, M.D. Sheffer, Albert, M.D.1 Steinschriber, Steven, M.D.1 Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Vaughn, Leroy W., M.D.1 Yamanaka, Jeanine N., M.D.1 Optometrist Con, Susana, O.D. Gonzalez, Manuel D., O.D. Perez, Evelyn M., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Alexander, Charles H., M.D.1 Bao, Joseph Y., M.D. Batchelor, Bret K., M.D.1 Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Hajj, Ahmad A., M.D. Kelly, John P., M.D.1 Luck, Jr., James V., M.D.1 O'Brien, Walter R., M.D. Ritter, Richard J., M.D.1 Saucedo, Tomas, M.D.1 Stein, Daniel T., M.D.1 Yee, Lincoln S., M.D.1 Zapanta, Richard, M.D. Board Certified 49 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 Otolaryngology (Ent) Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. Ford, Gary E., M.D.1 Sharifi, Jahangir, M.D.1 Vanore, John F., M.D. Pathology Lieu, David K., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology Ahdoot, Joseph, M.D. Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D.1 Chu, James M., M.D.1 Fagan, Brian T., M.D. Tessler, Irving, M.D.1 Young, Guillermo A., M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Sadrieh, Kiarash, M.D.1 Pediatric Ophthalmology Kolin, Tali, M.D. Pediatrics Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D. Bhatia, Parul, M.D.1 Borut, Danielle L., M.D.1 Bruttomesso, Samuel D., M.D. Castro Jr, Reyneiro, M.D. Chang, Albert S., M.D.1 Chopra, Raman, M.D.1 Chu, James M., M.D. Coleman, Melissa F., M.D. Darvin, Laarni G., M.D.1 Defrawy, Mosen M., M.D. Feig, Steven A., M.D. Gallardo, Bessie L., M.D.1 Guzman, Ernie, M.D. Haro, Victoria M., M.D. Henar, Evelyn T., M.D. Holm, William L., M.D. Hunter Jr, Lloyd T., M.D. Jeyaranjan, Thambimuttu, M.D. Khurana, Sneh M., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 50 / Health Net Provider Network Pediatrics Koh, Sandy S., M.D.1 Kona, Nithya R., D.O. Lew, Desmond K., M.D.1 Maldonado, Donald E., M.D. Montes, Alejandro Z., M.D. Moy, Jaime M., D.O.1 Park, Heran A., M.D. Patel, Mahendrakumar R., M.D. Peralta, Cynthia M., M.D.1 Perdomo, Yvette L., M.D. Puri, Varsha M., D.O. Ramilo-Torno, Lilibeth V., M.D.1 Rao, Sheela, M.D. Ravi, Deepa, M.D. Razi, Sarah A., M.D.1 Reda, Zacharia Y., M.D. Renella, Pierangelo, M.D.1 Rincon, Francisco I., M.D. Rivera-Montez, Martha E., M.D. Rosales, Norma F., M.D.1 Saifi, Maryam, M.D.1 Sanders, Benjamin W., M.D.1 Segura, George A., M.D. So, Norma N., M.D.1 Strattan, Corazon O., M.D.1 Sultana, Sayeeda, M.D.1 Sy, Helen A., M.D.1 Trivedi, Divyang N., M.D.1 Voleti, Vasanti, M.D. Walton, Maia A., M.D. Wijesekera, Stanley, M.D. Wu, Jimmy, M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Hazany, Ramin, M.D.1 Kay, Susie S., M.D.1 Lindberg, John W., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Ha, Dong H., D.O. Wilson, Libby F., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Altamed Health Services PPG 5141 Podiatry Beral, Rabin, DPM Berliner, Ross A., DPM Cornfield, Michael I., DPM1 Lee, Edmond E., DPM1 Lee, Jimmy, DPM Mathis, Stanley K., DPM1 Spencer, Robert J., DPM Ung, Alvin W., DPM Vega, Michael R., DPM1 Therapeutic Radiology Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Psychiatry Mills, Jr., Eliseo, M.D.1 Urology Barba, William, M.D.1 Choe, Sung M., M.D. Kaplan, Juan B., M.D.1 Lee, John Y., M.D. Martinez, Miguel A., M.D. Yip, Felix C., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Carvajal, Sam H., M.D. Pereyra, Robert, M.D. Rivas, Jose L., M.D. Radiation Oncology Lin, Kevin, M.D.1 Radiology Fischer, Michael E., M.D. Jordan, John E., M.D.1 Lynch, Kenneth E., M.D.1 Phung, Thanh G., M.D.1 Schwartz, Martin A., M.D.1 Sotomayor, Byron M., M.D.1 Rheumatology Khurana, Krishan S., M.D. Romano, Thomas J., M.D.1 Srinivasan, Ramachandran, M.D. 1 Board Certified 51 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Pulmonary Disease Badr, Ahmed I., M.D.1 Che, Hung, M.D.1 Dossantos, Clyde J., M.D.1 Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 Hakim, Asaad, M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D.1 Haro, Carlos V., M.D. Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D.1 John, Bijoy K., M.D.1 Le, Richard D., M.D.1 Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D.1 Savani, Devang M., M.D.1 Singh, Narindar, M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Abraham, Reginald G., M.D. Dhar, Naveen, M.D. Kafrouni, George, M.D. Lam, Tuan T., M.D.1 Nucho, Ramsay C., M.D. Rivas, Jose L., M.D. Vo, Quang T., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Angeles IPA PPG 5059 1600 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754-7626 (213) 406-2600 Urgent Care: Pacific Alliance Medical Center-(213)624 8411 U.S. Healthworks Med Center-UCC (310)640-9911 U.S. Healthworks Med Center-Commerce (323) 722-8481 Hospitals Used: Pacific Alliance Medical Center Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bambrah-Dhamija, Family Practice1 Mehtab, M.D. 5059 160075 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. Family Practice 5059 060208 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Bell Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bazel, Michael, M.D. General Practice 5059 068664 4001 Florence Ave. (323) 562-0595 Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Chan, Angela S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 155619 7615 Eastern Ave. (562) 927-1307 Burmese, Mandarin Rodas, Ana L., M.D. General Practice 5059 063871 3559 Gage Ave. (323) 581-8485 Spanish 1 Board Certified 52 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Vuong-Dac, Man, M.D. Family Practice1 5059 551163 3649 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-6333 German, Vietnamese Zarrabi, Manoochehr, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5059 065995 4827 Gage Ave. (323) 773-3000 Farsi Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lalezary, Arash, M.D. Family Practice1 5059 143195 7218 Garfield Ave. (562) 927-1111 Farsi, French, Spanish Vazquez, Carolina, M.D. Family Practice1 5059 065704 6501 Eastern Ave. # A (323) 771-0145 Spanish Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Lim, Philip P., M.D. 9604 Artesia Blvd. # 101 (562) 804-6661 Japanese, Spanish, Taiwanese Nguyen, David D., M.D. 9817 Arkansas St. (562) 867-8881 Spanish, Vietnamese Panganiban, Virgilio C., M.D. 9604 Artesia Blvd. # 103 (562) 925-7033 Spanish, Tagalog Poon, Peter P., M.D. 9817 Arkansas St. (562) 867-8881 Cantonese, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5059 045656 General Practice 5059 058191 General Practice 5059 057261 General Practice 5059 099805 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5059 014889 Family Practice 5059 014889 General Practice 5059 031207 Internal Medicine1 5059 031207 Carson Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Batongmalaque, Jenny L., General Practice M.D. 5059 038591 23251 Main St. (310) 830-4561 Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Pascual, Prode P., M.D. 18331 Gridley Rd. # C (562) 865-0213 Tagalog Tan, Kwan T., M.D. 17370 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 809-5674 Cantonese, Fukienese, Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Winston C., M.D. 17370 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 809-5674 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5059 171910 Internal Medicine 5059 049565 Internal Medicine 5059 018681 Compton Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Austin, Edward, M.D. General Practice 5059 057044 1331 E. Compton Blvd. (562) 630-6760 Spanish Guerrero, David A., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 103710 2210 E. Compton Blvd. (310) 635-1852 Spanish Cudahy Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Prieto, Jose N., M.D. General Practice 5059 063854 4566 Florence Ave. # 2 (323) 582-7186 Spanish Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Azurin, Eleanor V., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 076322 8706 Imperial Hwy (562) 923-8300 Spanish, Tagalog Barrientos, Domingo C., Internal Medicine M.D. 5059 056912 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 203 (562) 869-1322 Spanish, Tagalog Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 5059 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Board Certified 53 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 9306 Alondra Blvd. (562) 866-9100 Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 9306 Alondra Blvd. (562) 866-9100 Spanish Wong, Hanson P., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 201 (562) 804-7223 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Hanson P., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 201 (562) 804-7223 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Primary Care Physicians Lucero, Marilou C., M.D. 8301 Florence Ave. # 104 (562) 861-3581 Spanish, Tagalog Multani, Pramod, M.D. 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish Prado, Venancio E., M.D. 7444 Florence Ave. (562) 806-9955 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5059 010432 Internal Medicine1 5059 038642 Family Practice 5059 047743 East Rancho Dominguez Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. General Practice 5059 044706 711 E. Rosecrans Ave (310) 635-5223 Russian, Spanish Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. Family Practice 5059 044706 711 E. Rosecrans Ave (310) 635-5223 Russian, Spanish El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Choi, Edwin H., M.D. Family Practice 5059 073268 11920 Garvey Ave. (626) 448-7575 Korean, Spanish Pilpa Jr, Jose R., M.D. Family Practice 5059 013351 10410 Lower Azusa Rd. # 103 (626) 350-6200 Spanish, Tagalog Swanson, William C., M.D. General Practice 5059 520056 4200 N. Peck Rd. # B (626) 350-5073 Spanish 1 Board Certified 54 / Health Net Provider Network Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Golbari, Abraham, M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 078704 14030 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 327-8746 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Harbor City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Osea, Edgardo A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 063969 1310 Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 534-5765 Spanish, Tagalog Hawaiian Gardens Primary Care Physicians Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., D.O. 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Spanish, Tagalog Lee, Stephen B., M.D. 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Korean, Spanish Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. 12131 Carson St. (562) 809-0299 Russian, Spanish Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. 12131 Carson St. (562) 809-0299 Russian, Spanish Nugas, Alicia G., M.D. 22408 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 421-2188 Spanish, Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5059 099185 Family Practice 5059 164162 Family Practice 5059 044706 General Practice 5059 044706 Family Practice 5059 012507 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alexander, Edward A., General Practice M.D. 5059 086562 5900 Pacific Blvd. (323) 923-9343 Spanish Azurin, Eleanor V., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 076322 3045 E. Florence Ave. (323) 587-7771 Spanish, Tagalog Bernales, George A., M.D. General Practice 5059 063735 2766 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-2718 Spanish, Tagalog Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. General Practice 5059 005512 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. General Practice 5059 005512 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Violeta A., M.D.General Practice 5059 067253 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 5059 165227 2701 E. Gage Ave. # 102 (323) 585-8876 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 5059 152712 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 581-8234 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 5059 152712 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Soliman, Rasha B., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 080010 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Spanish Soliman, Tahani B., M.D. General Practice 5059 045371 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Arabic, Spanish Vega, Arturo R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 142652 5900 Pacific Blvd. # 101 (323) 923-9343 Russian, Spanish Velasquez, Daniel W., M.D. General Practice 5059 143959 6529 Seville Ave. # 115 (323) 582-5770 Spanish Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Beredo, Angelita S., M.D. 301 N. Prairie Ave. # 301 (310) 671-2699 Tagalog Biamby, Gisele, M.D. 601 W. Manchester Blvd. (310) 671-2222 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish Kinota, Stanislaus, M.D. 4450 W. Century Blvd. (310) 671-0555 Spanish Montecillo, Luzviminda T., M.D. 645 Aerick St. # 1 (310) 673-2764 Spanish, Tagalog Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 832 S. Grevillea Ave. (310) 419-4354 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5059 035934 General Practice 5059 076748 General Practice 5059 080386 Internal Medicine1 5059 049826 Internal Medicine 5059 029437 Board Certified 55 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Angeles IPA PPG 5059 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nenadic, Ivan, M.D. Family Practice 5059 032825 4450 W. Century Blvd. (310) 671-0555 Croatian, Farsi, French, Spanish Razi, David F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 067708 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi, Spanish Sourehnissani, Mehran, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5059 079285 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi Sourehnissani, Mehran, General Practice M.D. 5059 079285 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi Tran, Alex L., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 089017 832 S. Grevillea Ave. (310) 419-4354 Spanish, Vietnamese La Mirada Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arastu, Anwar H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 025271 12675 La Mirada Blvd. # 200 (562) 941-9853 Hindi, Urdu Godbole, Shubhangi S., General Practice M.D. 5059 005924 12675 La Mirada Blvd. # 300 (562) 944-8054 Hindi Godbole, Shubhangi S., Internal Medicine M.D. 5059 005924 12675 La Mirada Blvd. # 300 (562) 944-8054 Hindi 1 Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 161599 5750 Downey Ave. # 201 (562) 633-1616 Arabic, Spanish Al Sayyed Ahmad, Nader I., Family Practice1 M.D.2 5059 169224 4318 South St. (562) 788-7574 Arabic, Turkish Patel, Shirish B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 013030 5720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 925-7401 Gujarati, Hindi Lawndale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kinota, Stanislaus, M.D. General Practice 5059 080386 4023 Marine Ave. (310) 674-9555 Spanish Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Adams Jr, John D., D.O. Internal Medicine 5059 019932 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Bambrah-Dhamija, Family Practice1 Mehtab, M.D. 5059 160075 3760 Atlantic Ave. (562) 595-7467 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Constantino, Loida P., M.D.Family Practice1 5059 551173 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 104 (562) 961-8820 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 56 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 1 Primary Care Physicians Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog Tate, Eric M., M.D. 4056 Orange Ave. (562) 424-3328 Spanish Thomas, John L., D.O. 5865 E. Naples Plz. (562) 438-5021 Vo, Phac V., M.D. 611 E. Anaheim St. (562) 591-8982 Cambodian, French, Spanish, Vietnamese Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5059 039689 Family Practice 5059 039689 Internal Medicine1 5059 105312 Family Practice1 5059 017162 General Practice 5059 045014 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdian, Loghman, M.D. General Practice 5059 050279 1107 S. Alvarado St. # 102 (213) 380-9999 Farsi, Spanish Aguilera, Gemelia H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 551511 3761 Beverly Blvd. (323) 663-2100 Spanish, Tagalog Akhavan, Afshin, D.O. Family Practice1 5059 098712 530 E. Washington Blvd. (213) 747-2626 Farsi, Spanish Akhavan, Afshin, D.O. Family Practice1 5059 098712 3009 S. Vermont Ave. (323) 760-1663 Farsi, Spanish Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. Family Practice 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 5059 094033 (323) 221-5366 Board Certified 57 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. Family Practice 5059 060208 3760 Atlantic Ave. (562) 595-7467 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Guerrero-Nieva, Arleen D., Internal Medicine M.D. 5059 093668 330 W. Willow St. (562) 595-9835 Spanish, Tagalog Katukota, Vijaya K., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 008583 2272 Pacific Ave. # A (562) 427-8018 Hindi, Spanish Mungcal, Henrico V., M.D. General Practice 5059 067285 1937 Pacific Ave (562) 591-7302 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog Nenadic, Ivan, M.D. Family Practice 5059 032825 2272 Pacific Ave. (562) 428-0372 Croatian, Farsi, French, Spanish Nguyen, Jonathan T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 098277 555 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. # 102 (562) 591-3222 Cambodian, Laotian, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese Prum, Kunthy, M.D. General Practice 5059 039576 1082 Redondo Ave. (562) 434-4457 Cambodian, French, Vietnamese Roque, Ronaldo V., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 092288 1760 Termino Ave. # 104 (562) 494-8512 Spanish, Tagalog Shetty, Nagesh, M.D. General Practice 5059 046818 1530 E. South St. (562) 984-9200 Farsi PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Awariefe, Henry S., M.D. General Practice 5059 069272 1039 W. Florence Ave. (323) 776-1500 Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese Azad, Jack, M.D. General Practice 5059 057492 11900 Avalon Blvd. # 100 (323) 756-1317 Farsi, Spanish Behroozan, Benjamin, General Practice M.D. 5059 034784 5255 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 463-7262 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Byun, Sung N., M.D. General Practice 5059 076515 2120 W. Eighth St. # 102 (213) 382-2700 Korean, Portuguese, Spanish Carew-Akenzua, Family Practice1 Oyindamola F., M.D. 5059 078157 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 916 (310) 417-4014 Spanish Choi, Edwin H., M.D. Family Practice 5059 073268 3545 Wilshire Blvd. # 247 (213) 388-5144 Korean, Spanish Chung, Samuel K., M.D. General Practice 5059 502912 2409 N. Broadway (323) 225-8038 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese Delgado, Jose D., M.D. General Practice 5059 045593 5240 E. Beverly Blvd. (323) 727-9936 Spanish 1 Board Certified 58 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ehsan, Reza R., M.D. General Practice 5059 063681 11600 Venice Blvd. (310) 390-9551 Farsi, Spanish El Asmar, Imad A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 064617 354 S. Vermont Ave. (213) 487-6867 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog El Asmar, Imad A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 064617 1234 N. Vermont Ave. (323) 660-5624 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Eldessouky, Amani A., General Practice M.D. 5059 086237 1704 W. Manchester Ave. # 109 (323) 778-8485 Arabic, Spanish Elias, Mirna P., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 164157 354 S. Vermont Ave. (213) 487-6867 Spanish Feldsher, Zhanna, M.D. General Practice 5059 161018 3742 Whittier Blvd. (323) 780-4100 Russian, Spanish Fleischman, Horacio S., General Practice M.D. 5059 052048 4036 Whittier Blvd. # 200 (323) 796-0500 Italian, Spanish Ghurabi, Raffi J., D.O. General Practice 5059 187409 1039 W. Florence Ave. (323) 776-1500 Spanish Gindi, Magdi R., M.D. General Practice 5059 031852 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gindi, Nabila E., M.D. General Practice 5059 050651 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Habtezghi, Hagos, M.D. Family Practice 5059 064632 9901 Compton Ave. (323) 835-8401 Amharic, Arabic, Spanish Habtezghi, Hagos, M.D. General Practice 5059 064632 9901 Compton Ave. (323) 835-8401 Amharic, Arabic, Spanish Herrera, Gaston C., M.D. General Practice 5059 086236 1061 E. Vernon Ave. # F (323) 233-9686 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Hinojosa, Vital, M.D. General Practice 5059 138035 2012 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 989-1535 Spanish Karapetyan, Arman F., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5059 164127 3920 Eagle Rock Blvd. # A (323) 255-5225 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Kiley, Antuan, M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 058477 1711 W. Temple St. Fl 5 (818) 631-9722 French, Japanese, Spanish Kunnawuthidee, General Practice Kamoltipya, M.D. 5059 051421 628 N. Vermont Ave. # 3 (323) 798-5583 Spanish, Thai Kunnawuthidee, General Practice Kamoltipya, M.D. 5059 051421 628 N. Vermont Ave. # 2 (323) 798-5583 Spanish, Thai 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lawrence, Patrick B., M.D. General Practice 5059 155116 1061 E. Vernon Ave. # F (323) 233-9686 Spanish Lin, John Y., M.D. General Practice 5059 056412 1148 S. Rowan Ave. # 2 (323) 261-6173 Cantonese, Spanish Lin, John Y., M.D. Family Practice 5059 056412 1148 S. Rowan Ave. # 2 (323) 261-6173 Cantonese, Spanish Mobasser, Sarvenaz S., Family Practice M.D. 5059 171869 204 E. Pico Blvd. (213) 457-4000 Farsi, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 5059 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Montegrande, Faye M., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5059 045485 321 N. Larchmont Blvd. # 824 (323) 464-0286 Spanish, Tagalog Montenegro, Carlos H., General Practice M.D. 5059 074518 1800 W. Sixth St. # 3 (213) 483-9996 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Moreno, Shura A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 109610 4146 E. Olympic Blvd. # B (323) 262-9943 Spanish Board Certified 59 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Angeles IPA PPG 5059 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mungcal, Renato V., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 039132 133 S. Vermont Ave. (213) 480-0748 Spanish, Tagalog Munoz, Lorenzo, M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 101761 1234 N. Vermont Ave. (323) 660-5624 Spanish Nassim, Omid, M.D. General Practice 5059 110746 3631 Crenshaw Blvd. # 109 (323) 732-0100 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Nassim, Omid, M.D. General Practice 5059 110746 3533 W. Pico Blvd. (323) 734-1600 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Nguyen, Quynam P., M.D. General Practice 5059 012362 3712 Whittier Blvd. (323) 268-8347 Burmese, Mandarin, Spanish Nwaigwe, Manasseh C., General Practice M.D. 5059 057113 1159 S. Lorena St. (323) 881-6465 Spanish Okoye, Charles I., M.D. General Practice 5059 135997 4405 S. Main St. (323) 231-0659 Igbo, Spanish Ortiz, Jose A., M.D. General Practice 5059 103558 3900 W. Third St. (213) 427-0400 Spanish Pedrano, Guadalupe C., General Practice M.D. 5059 046020 2209 San Fernando Rd. (323) 226-0511 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Perez, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice 5059 057123 3500 Whittier Blvd. # 107 (323) 604-0260 Spanish Rodriguez, Maria Elena, Family Practice M.D. 5059 056920 2417 Whittier Blvd. (323) 881-1641 Spanish Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. General Practice 5059 154469 3342 Whittier Blvd. (323) 267-1214 Spanish Sandhu, Amrita, D.O. Family Practice 5059 170041 3009 S. Vermont Ave. (323) 730-1663 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Sandhu, Amrita, D.O. Family Practice 5059 170041 530 E. Washington Blvd. (323) 730-1663 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Sevilla, Thomas A., M.D.2 Internal Medicine 5059 131137 2813 N. Broadway (323) 342-9764 Spanish, Tagalog Sevilla, Thomas A., M.D.2 General Practice 5059 131137 2813 N. Broadway (323) 342-9764 Spanish, Tagalog Shetty, Nagesh, M.D. General Practice 5059 046818 3631 Crenshaw Blvd. # 109 (323) 732-0100 Farsi Shetty, Nagesh, M.D. General Practice 5059 046818 3533 W. Pico Blvd. (323) 734-1600 Farsi Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 60 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Viste, Josefina B., M.D. 2721 W. Sixth St. (213) 386-0010 Spanish, Tagalog Wosk, Samuel R., M.D. 3412 Whittier Blvd. (323) 264-4006 Spanish Yoo, Jae Y., M.D. 966 S. Western Ave. # 308 (323) 731-2001 Korean Zareno, Candido M., M.D. 1600 W. Pico Blvd. (213) 386-5252 Spanish, Tagalog Zareno, Teresita A., M.D. 1600 W. Pico Blvd. (213) 386-5252 Spanish, Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5059 105595 Internal Medicine 5059 076841 Internal Medicine1 5059 018904 Family Practice 5059 046011 General Practice 5059 046010 Lynwood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Felahy, Basil M., M.D. General Practice 5059 051122 11017 Atlantic Ave. (310) 635-3800 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Gonzalez, Eduardo J., M.D.Family Practice 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 7 5059 099436 (310) 763-1336 Spanish Haroon, Yasmin Y., M.D. General Practice 5059 099802 11017 Atlantic Ave. 1st Fl. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Oranusi, Victor A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3737 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 5059 095894 105 (310) 762-2395 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 61 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shue, Randall G., D.O. Family Practice 5059 051328 4055 E. Olympic Blvd. # 210 (323) 268-3491 Spanish Suyat, George U., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 058774 2105 Beverly Blvd. # 131 (213) 413-8836 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog Suyat, George U., M.D. General Practice 5059 058774 2105 Beverly Blvd. # 131 (213) 413-8836 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog Tafoya, Richard A., M.D. General Practice 5059 016892 4059 E. Olympic Blvd. (323) 881-2675 Spanish Tamayo, Beatriz E., M.D.2 Internal Medicine 5059 091920 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 510 (213) 250-0050 Spanish Tan, Teresita E., M.D. General Practice 5059 087045 244 S. Oxford Ave. # 9 (213) 382-1770 Spanish, Tagalog Tran, Alex L., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 089017 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish, Vietnamese Uy Jr, Santos A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 033765 711 N. Alvarado St. # 103 (213) 484-1005 Spanish, Tagalog Vega, Arturo R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 142652 3742 Whittier Blvd. (323) 780-4100 Russian, Spanish Vega, Arturo R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 142652 4407 S. Main St. (323) 231-0106 Russian, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ratwani, Mina, M.D. General Practice 5059 061092 11017 Atlantic Ave. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Tawadrous, Odette R., Internal Medicine M.D. 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 10 5059 159206 (310) 223-1429 Arabic, Spanish Maywood Primary Care Physicians Basilios, Maged Z., M.D. 4505 Slauson Ave. # E (323) 771-0080 Arabic, Spanish Molina, Manfred J., M.D. 4433 Slauson Ave. (323) 560-4373 Spanish Navarrete, Jose C., M.D. 6043 Atlantic Blvd. (323) 771-9680 Spanish Navarrete, Jose C., M.D. 6043 Atlantic Blvd. (323) 771-9680 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5059 106672 Internal Medicine 5059 011711 Family Practice 5059 048878 General Practice 5059 048878 Montebello Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. Family Practice 5059 094033 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Hernandez, Luis, M.D. General Practice 5059 007208 1817 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 721-5524 Spanish 1 Board Certified 62 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 076109 111 W. Beverly Blvd. # 217 (323) 722-7711 Arabic, Spanish Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., Family Practice D.O. 5059 099185 13330 Bloomfield Ave. # 111 (562) 868-0733 Spanish, Tagalog Anorico, Violeta M., M.D. General Practice 5059 065243 13710 Studebaker Rd. # 100 (562) 864-2666 Burmese, Cambodian, Laotian, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Bai, Eung K., M.D. General Practice 5059 500712 12017 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 868-2027 Korean, Spanish Cruz, Lucita M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 047098 12507 Alondra Blvd. (562) 802-2203 Spanish, Tagalog Esmaili, Manouchehr, M.D.General Practice 5059 057150 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 1 (562) 868-5757 Farsi, Spanish Kang, Soo W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 086226 11832 Rosecrans Ave. # 127 (562) 868-6256 Korean, Spanish Paulo, Josephine Q., M.D. Family Practice 5059 073381 13710 Studebaker Rd. # 100 (562) 864-2666 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Salatinjants, Aida, M.D. 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 3 (562) 406-7070 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Shue, Randall G., D.O. 11850 Firestone Blvd. (562) 281-1002 Spanish Soans, Smita M., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Hindi Uribe, Daniel, M.D. 13307 San Antonio Dr. (562) 863-0124 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5059 050161 Family Practice 5059 051328 Family Practice1 5059 130709 Family Practice1 5059 032281 Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Austin, Edward, M.D. General Practice 5059 057044 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 203 (562) 630-6760 Spanish Habib, Shehnaz N., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 063752 8540 Alondra Blvd. # B2 (562) 602-2508 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu Habib, Shehnaz N., M.D. General Practice 5059 063752 8540 Alondra Blvd. # B2 (562) 602-2508 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu Khoury, Maribel P., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 135646 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Arabic, Spanish 1 3 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Khoury, Nabil H., M.D. General Practice 5059 035595 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Spanish Obstetrics/Gynecology1 Kua, Jose S., M.D.3 5059 050868 16415 Colorado Ave. # 305 (562) 633-5091 Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Mangune, Edwin M., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 189983 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 110 (562) 633-2021 Mangune, Florencia M., Family Practice M.D. 5059 056884 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 110 (562) 633-2021 Spanish, Tagalog Raghunathan, Internal Medicine1 Chengalroyan, M.D. 5059 013719 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 202 (562) 663-9191 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Sharma, Chander P., M.D. General Practice 5059 050163 16415 Colorado Ave. # 304 (562) 531-4171 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Sumcad, Jocelyn L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 192921 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 101 (562) 633-0976 Spanish, Tagalog Trani, Jr., Sergio I., M.D. General Practice 5059 067843 15955 Paramount Blvd. # A (562) 531-9806 Spanish, Tagalog Yagoobian, Behrooz B., Family Practice M.D. 5059 018797 15730 Paramount Blvd. (562) 634-1000 Farsi, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 63 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Angeles IPA PPG 5059 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Fishman, Ritchard L., M.D. General Practice 5059 005068 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6565 Spanish, Tagalog Gill, Harpreet K., M.D. Family Practice 5059 158444 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6566 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Morris, Felicitacion S., M.D.General Practice 5059 021903 8207 Whittier Blvd. (562) 692-2522 Armenian, Spanish, Tagalog Sotomayor, Salvador M., General Practice M.D. 5059 049832 5036 Passons Blvd. # 2 (562) 654-2800 French, Italian, Spanish Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. General Practice 5059 154469 3012 San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 572-8692 Spanish South Gate Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Awariefe, Henry S., M.D. General Practice 5059 069272 5720 Imperial Hwy. (562) 250-3100 Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese Azurin, Narciso M., M.D. Family Practice1 5059 500660 4075 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 566-4111 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 64 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Enayati, Daniel, M.D. General Practice 5059 094638 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Farsi, Spanish Ghurabi, Raffi J., D.O. General Practice 5059 187409 5720 Imperial Hwy. # N-O (562) 250-3100 Spanish Marshak, Glenn A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5059 051275 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Spanish Medina, Celerina B., M.D. General Practice 5059 073328 4149 Tweedy Blvd # B (323) 564-4545 Spanish, Tagalog Sadighi, Saeid, M.D. General Practice 5059 064803 2701 Firestone Blvd. # W (323) 249-6162 Farsi, Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. General Practice 5059 014889 3529 Firestone Blvd. (323) 566-1700 Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. Family Practice 5059 014889 3529 Firestone Blvd. (323) 566-1700 Spanish Sison, Reuven F., M.D. Family Practice 5059 134283 9401 Long Beach Blvd. (323) 582-8612 Spanish, Tagalog Sison, Rosario F., M.D. General Practice 5059 015965 9401 Long Beach Blvd. (323) 582-8612 Spanish, Tagalog Torreblanca Jr, Jose F., D.O.General Practice 5059 143086 10001 California Ave. (323) 564-4408 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Torrance Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Khan, Hameed A., M.D. General Practice 5059 066583 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 259 (310) 540-5464 West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Jimenez, Cesar A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 035662 2550 E. Amar Rd. # A2 (626) 964-0099 Spanish, Tagalog Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. General Practice 5059 032250 12826 Philadelphia St. # A (562) 789-9908 Urdu Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. General Practice 5059 032250 12826 Philadelphia St. (562) 789-9908 Urdu Biamby, Gisele, M.D. General Practice 5059 076748 9209 Colima Rd. # 4400 (562) 907-0777 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. General Practice 5059 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu 1 Primary Care Physicians Gonzales, Fernando Q., M.D. 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Spanish, Tagalog Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish Soans, Smita M., M.D. 11822 E. Floral Ave. (562) 908-4355 Hindi Tran, Alex L., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish, Vietnamese Wilmington Primary Care Physicians Feldsher, Zhanna, M.D. 1110 W. Anaheim St. (310) 872-3560 Russian, Spanish Feygin, Polina T., M.D. 1110 W. Anaheim St. # 6 (310) 872-3560 Russian, Spanish Mantell, Richard B., M.D. 1110 W. Anaheim St. (310) 872-3660 Spanish, Yiddish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5059 024284 Internal Medicine 5059 029437 Family Practice1 5059 130709 Family Practice1 5059 089017 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5059 161018 General Practice 5059 080129 General Practice 5059 010754 Allergy/Immunology Baskin, Marc R., M.D.1 Hsu, Yu-Luen, M.D. Khadavi, Alan O., M.D.1 Oftadeh, Lydia E., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Brodie, Thomas S., M.D.1 Cantor, Jerrold D., M.D.1 Choi, Myunghae, M.D.1 Board Certified 65 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wolf, V S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5059 142212 3703 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 566-1675 Zarrabi, Manoochehr, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5059 065995 3175 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-7722 Farsi PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Eisenstein, Isaac, M.D.1 Farah, Amin, M.D.1 Klieman, Charles H., M.D.1 Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Lau, Stanley K., M.D.1 Montegrande, Faye M., M.D.1 Raghunathan, Chengalroyan, M.D. Rawal, Milan G., M.D. Sahota, Harvinder, M.D. Segal, Douglas B., M.D.1 Singh, Anantjit, M.D.1 Srinatha, Konanur V., M.D.1 Tamboli, Kaushal R., M.D.1 Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Wadhwa, Parvindar S., M.D.1 Yoshino, Paul H., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Rivas, Jose L., M.D. Vo, Quang T., M.D. Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 Dermatology Camouse, Melissa M., D.O. Freed, Michael I., M.D.1 Keith, Jr., William D., M.D.1 Kim, Gene H., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D.1 Shear, Stuart L., M.D.1 Endocrinology Beredo, Angelita S., M.D.1 Eitan, Nathan F., M.D.1 Lamorena, Thelma Linda S., M.D. Wang, Linda T., M.D. Gastroenterology Alamy, Moustafa E., M.D. Bhasker, Mohan W., M.D. Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Ibarra, Fernando, M.D.1 Lluncor, Edgar, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 66 / Health Net Provider Network Gastroenterology Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Nguyen, Steve, D.O. Oh, Pilsoo, M.D. Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Pantoja, Jose L., M.D. Tabesh, Alireza, M.D.1 Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 General Surgery Capitulo, Edgardo M., M.D. Clark, Stevan R., M.D. Esmailian, Farbod, M.D.1 Hifumi, Glenn T., M.D. Kram, Harry B., M.D.1 Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D. Lee, Dustin J., D.O. Mehrizi, Nasser, M.D. Montano, Jose N., M.D.1 Perley, Jules M., M.D.1 Rosental, John J., M.D.1 Sim, Kenneth T., M.D.1 Wu, Bob J., M.D. Zablan, Augusto A., M.D.1 Geriatric Psychiatry Lee, Won T., M.D.1 Gynecologic Oncology Lin, Wei-Chien M., M.D. Hand Surgery Britto, John A., M.D. Hematology Ho, Christopher S., M.D. Kim, Daniel J., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Baqai, Rehana S., M.D. Berz, David, M.D.1 Rupani, Ravin M., M.D.1 Shum, Merrill K., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Internal Medicine Alamy, Moustafa E., M.D. Bhatti, Laveeza, M.D.1 Cantor, Jerrold D., M.D.1 Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 Dreyer, Jerrold S., M.D.1 Khwaja, Samia A., M.D.1 Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Lau, Stanley K., M.D. Lee, Tae Y., M.D.1 Mootoo, Keith I., M.D.1 Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Peng, Luon W., D.O.1 Rojter, Sergio E., M.D. Romano, Thomas J., M.D.1 Sun, Adam M., M.D. Tabesh, Alireza, M.D. Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 Ziegenbein, James R., M.D. Maternal & Fetal Medicine Ogundipe, Anthony O., M.D. Nephrology Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, M.D. Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 Freeman, Michele Y., M.D. Gonzalez, Carlos R., M.D. Hon, George G., M.D.1 Kang, Deno D., M.D.1 Khwaja, Samia A., M.D. Lee, Tae Y., M.D.1 Mootoo, Keith I., M.D.1 Peng, Luon W., D.O.1 Sun, Adam M., M.D.1 Wassily, Victor M., M.D. 1 Neurology Allen, Aaron R., M.D.1 Chang, Daniel W., M.D. Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Iskander, Raafat S., M.D. Kim, Chan H., M.D.1 Liu, Antonio K., M.D.1 Meir, Jessica, M.D.1 Mitri, Antoine E., M.D.1 Sadrieh, Kiarash, M.D.1 Santa-Cruz, Fidel A., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Minassian, Haig V., M.D. Xie, Sean X., M.D.1 Nuclear Medicine Nalls, Gail A., M.D. Obstetrics Gindi, Nabila E., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Al-Azawi, Haifa S., M.D. Bhupathy, Vellore R., M.D.1 Bowens, Karol L., M.D. De La Rosa, Jose L., M.D. De Los Reyes, Bernardita L., M.D. Lin, Wei-Chien M., M.D.1 Mishal, Devadatt M., M.D.1 Morales, Wilson A., M.D.1 Moy, Carl K., M.D.1 Nguyenphuc, Diemchi, M.D.1 Nieto, Sandra, M.D. Pham, Loy A., M.D.1 Salceda, Norma C., M.D.1 Tesfay, Zelalem, M.D. Truong, Phuong C., M.D.1 Oncology Ho, Christopher S., M.D. Kim, Daniel J., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Bhatti, Rizwan A., M.D.1 Burnstine, Michael A., M.D.1 Board Certified 67 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Infectious Disease Bhatti, Laveeza, M.D.1 Dreyer, Jerrold S., M.D.1 Ziegenbein, James R., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Ophthalmology Chang, Tom S., M.D.1 Cohn, Kenneth, M.D.1 Culotta, Anthony J., M.D. Davis, Michael J., M.D.1 Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 De La Pena, William C., M.D.1 De Leon, Jesse M., M.D. Deitz, Luke W., M.D.1 Erb, Melanie H., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Khanna, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Kim, Yong J., M.D.1 Liao, David S., M.D.1 Lin, Kristie L., M.D. Montoya Jr, Carlos F., M.D.1 Nguyen, Anne M., M.D. Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Okie, Theodore B., M.D.1 Pesheva, Maria, M.D.1 Peters, Joseph C., M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Samuel, Michael A., M.D.1 Shammas, Hanna F., M.D.1 Shammas, Maya C., M.D. Sheffer, Albert, M.D.1 Sierra, William, M.D.1 Suk, Kevin K., M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Tawansy, Khaled A., M.D. Uchio, Alejandra, M.D.1 Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Walsh, Alexander C., M.D.1 Optometrist Vargas, Ana P., O.D. Optometrist Cheng, Mary M., O.D. Dominguez, Charles E., O.D. Garza, Romeo J., O.D. Nguyen, Thien-Thu P., O.D. Pennino, Anna M., O.D. Ung, Susan K., O.D. Pediatric Ophthalmology Kolin, Tali, M.D. 1 Board Certified 68 / Health Net Provider Network Orthopedic Surgery Ashley, Edwin M., M.D.1 Combs, Christopher J., M.D. Duncan, Jan W., M.D.1 Etemad, Alex H., M.D.1 Galloni, Luigi, M.D. Navalta, Jr., Feliciano S., M.D.1 Plut, John D., M.D.1 Secor, Perry R., M.D.1 Woodson, Christopher J., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Ayoub, Elias I., M.D.1 Chiu, Shin C., M.D. Fletcher, Flaxie R., M.D. Vanore, John F., M.D. Pain Management Chan, Chiwai E., D.O. El-Khoury, George F., M.D.1 Pediatric Allergy/Immunology Patel, Sonal R., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology Ho, John, M.D.1 Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Pediatric Endocrinology Borut, Danielle L., M.D.1 Pediatric Infectious Disease Rivera-Montez, Martha E., M.D. Pediatric Neurology Sadrieh, Kiarash, M.D.1 Pediatrics Ali, Aliya I., M.D.1 Austin, Edward, M.D. Barkodar, John, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 1 Pediatrics Wong, Winston C., M.D. Yi, Dong J., M.D. Zareno, Teresita A., M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Adams, Hugh R., M.D. Gulak, Hubert M., M.D.1 Kay, Susie S., M.D.1 Kim, Chan H., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Britto, John A., M.D.1 Esmailian, Farbod, M.D. Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Rosso, Ronald F., M.D. Wu, Dianne E., M.D.1 Podiatry Abbes, Edgar A., DPM Chan, John, DPM Feit, Eric M., DPM Hodor, Lawrence, DPM1 Kim, Edward H., DPM1 Lee, Edmond E., DPM1 Mathis, Stanley K., DPM1 Rubin, Lawrence I., DPM1 Sanchez, Leonard C., DPM Sigal, Felix, DPM Soleymani, Ashkan, DPM Spencer, Robert J., DPM Tagaloa-Tulifau, Mafutaga S., DPM Psychiatry Jayasinghe, Gamini S., M.D.1 Lee, Won T., M.D.1 Pratty, James S., M.D. Pulmonary Disease Kahn, Brian S., M.D.1 Lee, Chiu-Fu, M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Dave, Sulabha A., M.D. Kim, Sara H., M.D.1 Monson, Jedidiah M., M.D.1 Board Certified 69 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Pediatrics Borut, Danielle L., M.D.1 Bruno, Yovana G., M.D. Chang, Bong S., M.D.1 Cheng, Julie C., M.D.1 Chua-Laddaran, Anita T., M.D. Danganan, Imelda Y., M.D.1 De Leon, Liberation B., M.D.1 De Leon, Maria L., M.D. Dewan, Chanchal, M.D.1 Feldsher, Zhanna, M.D. Fernando, Eliza M., M.D. Galdamez, Violeta A., M.D.1 Haroutunian, Gagik G., M.D.1 Ho, John, M.D.1 Hogan, Anjanette M., M.D.1 Jackson, Peter J., M.D. Kelly, David J., M.D.1 Kim, Chung W., M.D. Kim, Ji B., M.D. Kunnawuthidee, Kamoltipya, M.D. Lagman, Rosario, M.D. Lee, Julianne O., M.D.1 Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Montes, Alejandro Z., M.D. Nguyen, Tao T., M.D. Novero, Yolanda A., M.D. Paek, Woo H., M.D.1 Pan, Jenny S., M.D.1 Pastor, Ma Teresa G., M.D. Patel, Sonal R., M.D.1 Pedrano, Guadalupe C., M.D. Ramkumar, Hamsa, M.D.1 Razi, David F., M.D. Rodas, Ana L., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria Elena, M.D. Saade, George A., M.D.1 Sharma, Chander P., M.D.1 Sison, Rosario F., M.D.1 Sura, Anjana S., M.D. Tadros, Georgette, M.D. Tejani, Nasir H., M.D.1 Torreblanca Jr, Jose F., D.O. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Angeles IPA PPG 5059 Radiology Laddaran, Benito P., M.D.1 Nalls, Gail A., M.D. Yang, Chieh-Jen C., M.D.1 Rheumatology Ho, Gerald Y., M.D.1 Romano, Thomas J., M.D.1 Srinivasan, Ramachandran, M.D. Trinh, Nina X., M.D. Yang, Li, M.D. Thoracic Surgery Huang, Ming N., M.D.1 Lee, Anthony W., M.D.1 Lee, Myles E., M.D. Rivas, Jose L., M.D. Vo, Quang T., M.D.1 Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 Urology Datta, Nand S., M.D.1 Deorio, Joseph J., M.D.1 Liang, Leonard W., M.D.1 Mehta, Manish D., M.D.1 Perley, Jules M., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Kram, Harry B., M.D. Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D.1 Rosental, John J., M.D. 1 Board Certified 70 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 6131 Orangethorpe Ave. Suite 280 Buena Park, CA 90620-4902 (714) 443-4500 Urgent Care: Downey Clinic (562) 862-2775 Dusk to Dawn UC (562) 808-2273 Long Beach Clinic (562) 597-4181 Hospitals Used: Downey Regional Medical Center Hospital Applecare Medical Group - Select Region (PPG 5155) 6131 Orangethorpe Ave. Suite 280 Buena Park, CA 90620-4902 (714) 443-4500 Urgent Care Downey Clinic (562) 862-2775 Dusk to Dawn UC (562) 808-2273 Long Beach Clinic (562)597-4181 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Beverly Hospital Lakewood Regional Medical Center Los Alamitos Medical Center Placentia Linda Hospital Applecare Medical Group - Whittier Region (PPG 5156) 6131 Orangethorpe Ave. Suite 280 Buena Park, CA 90620-4902 (714) 443-4500 Urgent Care Downey Clinic (562) 862-2775 Dusk to Dawn UC (562) 808-2273 Long Beach Clinic (562)597-4181 Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lam, Eddie K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 540717 333 S. Garfield Ave. (626) 289-7333 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Lam, Eddie K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 540717 333 S. Garfield Ave. # A (626) 289-7333 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Artesia Primary Care Physicians Bambrah-Dhamija, Mehtab, M.D. 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Bambrah-Dhamija, Mehtab, M.D. 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Egari, Roy, M.D. 18011 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 402-0711 Farsi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5155 160075 Family Practice1 1911 160075 Family Practice 5155 060208 Family Practice 1911 060208 General Practice 1911 004413 Hospitals Used: Whittier Hospital Medical Center 1 Board Certified 71 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Hwang, Tzong-Yueh, M.D. 12146 South St. # B (562) 809-0288 Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Minkus, Brian L., D.O. 18502 Gridley Rd. (562) 865-6160 Spanish Minkus, Brian L., D.O. 18502 Gridley Rd. (562) 865-6160 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1911 035920 Family Practice1 1911 520784 Family Practice1 5155 520784 Bell Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Batres, Eric R., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 500958 5101 Florence Ave. # 4 (323) 560-4673 Spanish, Tagalog Batres, Eric R., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 500958 5101 Florence Ave. # 4 (323) 560-4673 Spanish, Tagalog Bazel, Michael, M.D. General Practice 1911 068664 4001 Florence Ave. (323) 562-0595 Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Chan, Angela S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 155619 7615 Eastern Ave. (562) 927-1307 Burmese, Mandarin Chan, Angela S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 155619 7615 Eastern Ave. (562) 927-1307 Burmese, Mandarin Gomez, Esteban M., M.D. General Practice 1911 031605 5101 Florence Ave. # 7 (323) 562-1217 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lara, Jose M., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1911 045374 4670 Gage Ave. (323) 562-3135 Spanish Vuong-Dac, Man, M.D. Family Practice1 1911 551163 3649 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-6333 German, Vietnamese Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Perez, Angel G., M.D. Family Practice 1911 107584 6517 Eastern Ave. (323) 773-8295 Spanish Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Binoya, Edgardo G., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 118 (562) 866-1500 Spanish, Tagalog Binoya, Edgardo G., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 118 (562) 866-1500 Spanish, Tagalog Binoya, Edgardo G., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 118 (562) 866-1500 Spanish, Tagalog Mendoza, Manuel F., M.D. 16323 Clark Ave. (562) 925-7716 Spanish, Tagalog Mendoza, Manuel F., M.D. 16323 Clark Ave. (562) 925-7716 Spanish, Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1911 056867 General Practice 5156 056867 General Practice 5155 056867 Family Practice1 5156 051482 Family Practice1 5155 051482 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 72 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1911 051482 General Practice 1911 057050 General Practice 5155 014889 General Practice 1911 014889 Internal Medicine 1911 028272 Internal Medicine 5155 028272 Family Practice 1911 137000 Family Practice 5155 137000 Internal Medicine1 5155 031207 Primary Care Physicians Wong, Hanson P., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 201 (562) 804-7223 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Kuan-Pok Q., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 102 (562) 866-1764 Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog Wong, Kuan-Pok Q., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 102 (562) 866-1764 Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog Carson Primary Care Physicians Aguinaldo, Estrella A., M.D. 23517 Main St. # 104 (310) 233-2555 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog Batongmalaque, Jenny L., M.D. 23251 Main St. (310) 830-4561 Batongmalaque, Jenny L., M.D. 23251 Main St. (310) 830-4561 Harvey, Daniel E., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 206 (310) 513-9361 Spanish Stakley, Alfonzo N., M.D. 22120 Avalon Blvd. (310) 549-3210 Spanish Stakley, Alfonzo N., M.D. 22120 Avalon Blvd. (310) 549-3210 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1911 031207 Internal Medicine1 5155 050867 Internal Medicine1 1911 050867 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1911 075085 Family Practice 5155 038591 Family Practice 1911 038591 Family Practice1 1911 048623 Family Practice 1911 057119 Family Practice 5155 057119 Board Certified 73 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Mendoza, Manuel F., M.D. 16323 Clark Ave. (562) 925-7716 Spanish, Tagalog Mercado, Saturnina D., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 207 (562) 863-3474 Spanish, Tagalog Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 9306 Alondra Blvd. (562) 866-9100 Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 9306 Alondra Blvd. (562) 866-9100 Spanish Victoria, Rafaelito S., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 102 (562) 866-1764 Tagalog Victoria, Rafaelito S., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 102 (562) 866-1764 Tagalog Victoria, Xanthe Z., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 102 (562) 866-1764 Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Victoria, Xanthe Z., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 102 (562) 866-1764 Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Wong, Hanson P., M.D. 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 201 (562) 804-7223 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1911 039689 21624 Figueroa St. (310) 328-9900 Spanish, Tagalog Tamhane, Shrikant K., D.O.Family Practice 1911 105591 23517 Main St. # 103 (310) 834-5388 Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Tamhane, Shrikant K., D.O.Family Practice 5155 105591 23517 Main St. # 103 (310) 834-5388 Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Badar III, Francisco L., M.D.Family Practice1 1911 149024 18115 Valley View Ave. # 122 (714) 562-0124 Tagalog Badar III, Francisco L., M.D.Family Practice1 5155 149024 18115 Valley View Ave. # 122 (714) 562-0124 Tagalog Tan, Kwan T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 049565 17370 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 809-5674 Cantonese, Fukienese, Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Winston C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 018681 17370 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 809-5674 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Wong, Winston C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 018681 17370 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 809-5674 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 74 / Health Net Provider Network City Of Industry Primary Care Physicians Ding, Lei, M.D. 1661 Hanover Rd. # 101 (626) 581-4298 Mandarin, Spanish Ding, Lei, M.D. 1661 Hanover Rd. # 101 (626) 581-4298 Mandarin, Spanish Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103 (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Taiwanese Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103 (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Taiwanese Song, James H., M.D. 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103A (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Song, James H., M.D. 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103A (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Compton Primary Care Physicians Bhatt, Jatin C., M.D. 457 S. Long Beach Blvd. (310) 761-8461 Bhatt, Jatin C., M.D. 457 S. Long Beach Blvd. (310) 761-8461 Kyazze, Fred B., M.D. 1410 W. Alondra Blvd. # C (310) 637-3680 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5156 097687 Family Practice1 5155 097687 Internal Medicine 5155 076447 Internal Medicine 5156 076447 Internal Medicine 5156 045400 Internal Medicine 5155 045400 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 1911 038651 Internal Medicine 1911 038651 Family Practice1 1911 049711 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. General Practice 1911 029296 555 W. Compton Blvd. # 104 (310) 639-7200 Farsi Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. General Practice 5155 029296 555 W. Compton Blvd. # 104 (310) 639-7200 Farsi Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. General Practice 5156 029296 555 W. Compton Blvd. # 104 (310) 639-7200 Farsi Memon, Muhammad J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5155 083704 555 W. Compton Blvd. # 104 (310) 639-7200 Urdu Memon, Muhammad J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1911 083704 555 W. Compton Blvd. # 104 (310) 639-7200 Urdu Cudahy Primary Care Physicians Keusayan, Aram, M.D. 7643 S. Atlantic Ave. (323) 771-1713 Armenian, Spanish Keusayan, Aram, M.D. 7643 S. Atlantic Ave. (323) 771-1713 Armenian, Spanish Mootoo, Keith I., M.D. 7503 Atlantic Ave. # D (323) 562-3414 Spanish 1 2 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5155 057844 General Practice 1911 057844 Internal Medicine1 1911 011797 Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilar, Richard B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 032580 8327 Davis St. # 202 (562) 923-8055 Spanish Azurin, Eleanor V., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 076322 8706 Imperial Hwy (562) 923-8300 Spanish, Tagalog Barrientos, Domingo C., Internal Medicine M.D. 5156 056912 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 203 (562) 869-1322 Spanish, Tagalog Barrientos, Domingo C., Internal Medicine M.D. 5155 056912 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 203 (562) 869-1322 Spanish, Tagalog Barrientos, Domingo C., Internal Medicine M.D. 1911 056912 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 203 (562) 869-1322 Spanish, Tagalog Brodie, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 046519 8327 Davis St. # 101 (562) 904-6027 Spanish Brodie, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 046519 8327 Davis St. # 101 (562) 904-6027 Spanish Buchfuhrer, Mark J., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 5156 032069 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 108 (562) 904-1101 French Buchfuhrer, Mark J., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1911 032069 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 108 (562) 904-1101 French Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 75 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Carnegie, Sherie, D.O. Family Practice1 1911 049301 8142 Firestone Blvd. (562) 869-8621 Carnegie, Sherie, D.O. Family Practice1 5156 049301 8142 Firestone Blvd. (562) 869-8621 Carnegie, Sherie, D.O. Family Practice1 5155 049301 8142 Firestone Blvd. (562) 869-8621 Farah, Amin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 099160 8327 Davis St. # 101 (562) 904-6027 Aymara, French, Spanish Farah, Amin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 099160 8327 Davis St. # 101 (562) 904-6027 Aymara, French, Spanish Frischer, Alan A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 032204 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 200 (562) 806-0874 Spanish Glor, Rita, D.O. Family Practice1 5155 054036 11903 Downey Ave. (562) 869-1121 Arabic, Spanish Glor, Rita, D.O. Family Practice1 1911 054036 11903 Downey Ave. (562) 869-1121 Arabic, Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 1911 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 5155 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish 1 Board Certified 76 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 5156 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Hanamsagar, Seema, M.D. Family Practice1 1911 132163 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Hindi, Marathi, Urdu Hanamsagar, Seema, M.D. Family Practice1 5155 132163 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Hindi, Marathi, Urdu Hanamsagar, Seema, M.D. Family Practice1 5156 132163 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Hindi, Marathi, Urdu Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. General Practice 5156 007898 11003 Lakewood Blvd. # 201 (562) 869-1038 Arabic, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. Family Practice 5155 007898 11003 Lakewood Blvd. # 201 (562) 869-1038 Arabic, Spanish Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. General Practice 1911 007898 11003 Lakewood Blvd. # 201 (562) 869-1038 Arabic, Spanish Kawakami, Susan R., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 055701 8556 Florence Ave. (562) 861-0101 Spanish Kawakami, Susan R., D.O. Family Practice1 5156 055701 8556 Florence Ave. (562) 861-0101 Spanish Kawakami, Susan R., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 055701 8556 Florence Ave. (562) 861-0101 Spanish Lucero, Marilou C., M.D. General Practice 1911 010432 8301 Florence Ave. # 104 (562) 861-3581 Spanish, Tagalog Lucero, Marilou C., M.D. General Practice 5156 010432 8301 Florence Ave. # 104 (562) 861-3581 Spanish, Tagalog Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Prado, Venancio E., M.D. General Practice 1911 047743 7444 Florence Ave. # G (562) 806-9955 Spanish Prado, Venancio E., M.D. General Practice 5155 047743 7444 Florence Ave. # G (562) 806-9955 Spanish Rawson, Leonard G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 013871 8255 Firestone Blvd. # 501 (562) 319-2085 Spanish Rodriguez, Martha L., M.D.Family Practice1 5155 104696 7340 Florence Ave. # 109 (562) 928-4642 Spanish Rodriguez, Martha L., M.D.Family Practice1 1911 104696 7340 Florence Ave. # 109 (562) 928-4642 Spanish San, Kyi K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 141958 9701 Lakewood Blvd. # A (562) 861-8999 Spanish Schneider, Mark D., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 015194 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Schneider, Mark D., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 015194 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Schneider, Mark D., D.O. Family Practice1 5156 015194 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Sechrist, Martin T., D.O. Family Practice1 5156 533902 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Sechrist, Martin T., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 533902 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Sechrist, Martin T., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 533902 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Board Certified 77 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Seidman, Richard I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 046516 8327 Davis St. # 101 (310) 604-0443 Spanish Seidman, Richard I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 046516 8327 Davis St. # 101 (310) 604-0443 Spanish Seidman, Richard I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 046516 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 105 (562) 904-6027 Spanish Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 1911 190477 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 5155 190477 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 5156 190477 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Sim, William C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 032201 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 200 (562) 806-0874 Korean, Spanish Wielenga, Robert J., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 053274 10835 New St. (562) 923-9100 Spanish Wielenga, Robert J., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 053274 10835 New St. (562) 923-9100 Spanish Wielenga, Robert J., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 053274 10835 New St. (562) 923-9100 Spanish 1 Board Certified 78 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wong, Donna L., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 054053 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Donna L., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 054053 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Donna L., D.O. Family Practice1 5156 054053 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Mandarin, Spanish Zapata, Martin R., D.O. Internal Medicine1 5155 106677 9818 Paramount Blvd. # C (562) 806-1214 Spanish Zapata, Martin R., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1911 106677 9818 Paramount Blvd. # C (562) 806-1214 Spanish East Rancho Dominguez Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. General Practice 5155 044706 711 E. Rosecrans Ave (310) 635-5223 Russian, Spanish Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. General Practice 1911 044706 711 E. Rosecrans Ave (310) 635-5223 Russian, Spanish Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Essilfie, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 307 1911 057246 (310) 715-6100 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Hawaiian Gardens Primary Care Physicians Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., D.O. 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Spanish, Tagalog Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., D.O. 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Spanish, Tagalog Lee, Stephen B., M.D. 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Korean, Spanish Lee, Stephen B., M.D. 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Korean, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5156 502918 Family Practice 1 5155 502918 1 Family Practice 5155 150326 Family Practice1 5156 150326 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5155 099185 Family Practice 1911 099185 Family Practice 1911 164162 Family Practice 5155 164162 Primary Care Physicians Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. 12131 Carson St. (562) 809-0299 Russian, Spanish Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. 12131 Carson St. (562) 809-0299 Russian, Spanish Nugas, Alicia G., M.D. 22408 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 421-2188 Spanish, Tagalog Nugas, Alicia G., M.D. 22408 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 421-2188 Spanish, Tagalog Nugas, Alicia G., M.D. 22408 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 421-2188 Spanish, Tagalog Shek, David Y., M.D. 11803 Carson St. (562) 924-4455 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1911 044706 General Practice 5155 044706 Family Practice 5155 012507 Family Practice 5156 012507 Family Practice 1911 012507 General Practice 5155 049551 Hawthorne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Danesh, Reza, M.D. General Practice 5155 069219 11950 Inglewood Ave. (310) 349-8338 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish Danesh, Reza, M.D. General Practice 1911 069219 11950 Inglewood Ave. (310) 349-8338 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish Board Certified 79 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Chungafung, Jenifer E., M.D. 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 88 (626) 964-3040 Chungafung, Jenifer E., M.D. 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 88 (626) 964-3040 Pang, Arnold T., D.O. 15572 Gale Ave. (626) 377-4562 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Pang, Arnold T., D.O. 15572 Gale Ave. (626) 377-4562 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Abdel-Malek, Shahira S., M.D. 3100 E. Florence Ave. # 1 (323) 583-4115 Arabic, Spanish Aguilar, Richard B., M.D. 7705 Seville Ave. # B (323) 582-7406 Spanish Azurin, Eleanor V., M.D. 3045 E. Florence Ave. (323) 587-7771 Spanish, Tagalog Calatayud, Graciela, M.D. 3400 E. Florence Ave. (323) 589-9384 Spanish Calatayud, Graciela, M.D. 3400 E. Florence Ave. (323) 589-9384 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. 2701 E. Gage Ave. # 102 (323) 585-8876 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. 2701 E. Gage Ave. # 102 (323) 585-8876 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1911 031625 Internal Medicine1 1911 032580 Family Practice1 1911 076322 General Practice 1911 032611 General Practice 5155 032611 General Practice 1911 005512 General Practice 1911 005512 General Practice 5156 165227 General Practice 1911 165227 Board Certified 80 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 5155 165227 2701 E. Gage Ave. # 102 (323) 585-8876 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 5156 152712 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 5155 152712 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1911 152712 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 5155 152712 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 581-8234 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1911 152712 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 581-8234 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 5156 152712 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 581-8234 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 5155 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1911 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Maxey, Randall W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 011010 323 N. Prairie Ave. # 417 (310) 680-1810 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 832 S. Grevillea Ave. (310) 419-4354 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 832 S. Grevillea Ave. (310) 419-4354 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 832 S. Grevillea Ave. (310) 419-4354 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5155 029437 Internal Medicine 5156 029437 Internal Medicine 1911 029437 La Mirada Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arastu, Anwar H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 025271 12675 La Mirada Blvd. # 200 (562) 941-9853 Hindi, Urdu Arastu, Anwar H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 025271 12675 La Mirada Blvd. # 200 (562) 941-9853 Hindi, Urdu Arastu, Anwar H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 025271 12675 La Mirada Blvd. # 200 (562) 941-9853 Hindi, Urdu Krishna, Krishan S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 053259 15030 Imperial Hwy. # B (562) 943-6584 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Lum, Marcus W., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 551165 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Lum, Marcus W., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 551165 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Lum, Marcus W., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 551165 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Board Certified 81 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 5156 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Nguyen, Christine U., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 087454 7128 Seville Ave. (323) 588-2186 Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, Christine U., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 087454 7128 Seville Ave. (323) 588-2186 Spanish, Vietnamese Pallivathucal, Rosalind G., General Practice M.D. 1911 060833 6120 Seville Ave. (323) 357-1000 Hindi, Italian, Spanish Soliman, Rasha B., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 080010 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Spanish Soliman, Rasha B., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 080010 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Spanish Soliman, Tahani B., M.D. General Practice 1911 045371 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Arabic, Spanish Soliman, Tahani B., M.D. General Practice 5155 045371 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Arabic, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Maleki, Jamshid, M.D. General Practice 1911 010669 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Farsi, French Maleki, Jamshid, M.D. Family Practice 5155 010669 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Farsi, French Maleki, Jamshid, M.D. General Practice 5156 010669 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Farsi, French Roach, Michael O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 014211 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Roach, Michael O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 014211 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Roach, Michael O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 014211 15627 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Rubalcava, Rafael, M.D. Family Practice1 5155 078577 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Rubalcava, Rafael, M.D. Family Practice1 5156 078577 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Rubalcava, Rafael, M.D. Family Practice1 1911 078577 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Spanish Winn, Henry Q., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 044717 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 102B (562) 947-9591 Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 82 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Winn, Henry Q., M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 044717 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 102B (562) 947-9591 Spanish, Vietnamese Zaret, Phillip D., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 052554 15090 Imperial Hwy. (562) 943-8444 Spanish Zaret, Phillip D., D.O. Family Practice1 5156 052554 15090 Imperial Hwy. (562) 943-8444 Spanish Zaret, Phillip D., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 052554 15090 Imperial Hwy. (562) 943-8444 Spanish Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 161599 5750 Downey Ave. # 201 (562) 633-1616 Arabic, Spanish Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 161599 5750 Downey Ave. # 201 (562) 633-1616 Arabic, Spanish Bhansali, Neha H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 146614 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 531-0377 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish, Tagalog Bhansali, Neha H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 146614 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 531-0377 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish, Tagalog Chaudhary, Vinita, M.D. Family Practice1 5155 069488 3650 South St. # 210 (562) 630-0910 Hindi PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1911 069488 Internal Medicine 1911 520777 Internal Medicine 5155 520777 Family Practice 1911 019223 Family Practice 5155 019223 Family Practice1 1911 007677 Family Practice1 5155 007677 Internal Medicine 5155 109036 Internal Medicine 1911 109036 Internal Medicine1 1911 028253 Primary Care Physicians Mann, Paramjot, M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Mann, Paramjot, M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Patel, Shirish B., M.D. 5720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 925-7401 Gujarati, Hindi Patel, Shirish B., M.D. 5720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 925-7401 Gujarati, Hindi Pole, Shivanand R., M.D. 3650 South St. # 110 (562) 531-6140 Hindi, Kannada Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5155 107358 Family Practice1 1911 107358 Family Practice1 5155 100154 Family Practice1 1911 100154 Internal Medicine 1911 073250 Internal Medicine 5155 073250 Internal Medicine 1911 013030 Internal Medicine 5155 013030 Internal Medicine1 1911 164890 Board Certified 83 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Chaudhary, Vinita, M.D. 3650 South St. # 210 (562) 630-0910 Hindi Finkelstein, Stuart J., M.D. 3650 South St. # 101 (562) 633-1765 Sign Language, Spanish Finkelstein, Stuart J., M.D. 3650 South St. # 101 (562) 633-1765 Sign Language, Spanish Govind, Shobha B., M.D. 3650 South St. # 103 (562) 531-8110 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Govind, Shobha B., M.D. 3650 South St. # 103 (562) 531-8110 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Hugh, Peter C., D.O. 3650 South St. # 204 (562) 602-8841 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Hugh, Peter C., D.O. 3650 South St. # 204 (562) 602-8841 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Licuanan, Jesse J., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 531-0377 Spanish Licuanan, Jesse J., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 531-0377 Spanish Licuanan, Jesus L., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 634-5140 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Pole, Shivanand R., M.D. 3650 South St. # 110 (562) 531-6140 Hindi, Kannada Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Thaker, Kartik B., M.D. 3650 South St. # 210 (562) 630-2360 Thaker, Kartik B., M.D. 3650 South St. # 210 (562) 630-2360 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5155 164890 Internal Medicine1 1911 084078 Internal Medicine1 5155 065763 Internal Medicine1 5156 065763 Lawndale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Enriquez, Eric A., M.D.2 Family Practice1 5155 104693 14623 Hawthorne Blvd. # 202 (310) 973-8863 Spanish, Tagalog Enriquez, Eric A., M.D.2 Family Practice1 1911 104693 14623 Hawthorne Blvd. # 202 (310) 973-8863 Spanish, Tagalog Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Adams Jr, John D., D.O. 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Adams Jr, John D., D.O. 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Ashok, Nagasamudra S., M.D. 1533 Alamitos Ave. (562) 218-5350 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5155 019932 Internal Medicine 1911 019932 Internal Medicine 5155 057490 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 1911 057490 1533 Alamitos Ave. (562) 218-5350 Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 5156 057490 1533 Alamitos Ave. (562) 218-5350 Bambrah-Dhamija, Family Practice1 Mehtab, M.D. 5155 160075 3760 Atlantic Ave. (562) 595-7467 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Bell, Maurice A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 109048 4100 Long Beach Blvd. # 200 (562) 981-2355 Spanish Bell, Maurice A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 109048 4100 Long Beach Blvd. # 200 (562) 981-2355 Spanish Brara, Birinder S., M.D. Family Practice 5155 056873 3816 Woodruff Ave. # 205 (562) 421-7292 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Casdorph, Herman R., Internal Medicine M.D. 5155 147531 1703 Termino Ave # 201 (562) 597-8716 Casdorph, Herman R., Internal Medicine M.D. 1911 147531 1703 Termino Ave # 201 (562) 597-8716 Chang, Henry, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1911 159701 2690 Pacific Ave # 270 (562) 599-0609 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 84 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Henry, D.O. Internal Medicine1 5155 159701 2690 Pacific Ave # 270 (562) 599-0609 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Chau, Peter, M.D. Family Practice 5155 051341 5979 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-0421 Chau, Peter, M.D. Family Practice 1911 051341 5979 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-0421 Chaudhary, Archna, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 147455 701 E. 28th St. # 415 (562) 988-2777 Farsi, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil Chaudhary, Archna, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 147455 701 E. 28th St. # 415 (562) 988-2777 Farsi, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil Constantino, Loida P., M.D.Family Practice1 1911 551173 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 104 (562) 961-8820 Spanish, Tagalog Constantino, Loida P., M.D.Family Practice1 5155 551173 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 104 (562) 961-8820 Spanish, Tagalog De La Rosa, Pedro, M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 053894 3816 Woodruff Ave. # 412 (562) 377-1111 Spanish De La Rosa, Pedro, M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 053894 3816 Woodruff Ave. # 412 (562) 377-1111 Spanish Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. Family Practice 5155 060208 3760 Atlantic Ave. (562) 595-7467 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. Family Practice 1911 060208 3760 Atlantic Ave. (562) 595-7467 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dix, Karen T., M.D. Family Practice 1911 058363 911 E. San Antonio Dr. # 4 (562) 728-8700 Dix, Karen T., M.D. Family Practice 5155 058363 911 E. San Antonio Dr. # 4 (562) 728-8700 Gartsman, Alla, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 128292 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Russian Gartsman, Alla, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 128292 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Russian Golanty, Stanley A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 520332 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Golanty, Stanley A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 520332 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Guerrero-Nieva, Arleen D., Internal Medicine M.D. 1911 093668 330 W. Willow St. (562) 595-9835 Spanish, Tagalog Jackson, Rozalie V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 143126 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 201 (562) 986-1450 Spanish Jackson, Rozalie V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 143126 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 201 (562) 986-1450 Spanish Kuhn, Rebecca M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 101027 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 210 (562) 719-2045 Spanish Board Certified 85 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kuhn, Rebecca M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 101027 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 210 (562) 719-2045 Spanish Family Practice1 Lee, Yang-Wen, M.D.2 5155 009808 5981 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-1424 Mandarin, Taiwanese Lee, Yang-Wen, M.D.2 Family Practice1 1911 009808 5981 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-1424 Mandarin, Taiwanese Lopez, Mario O., M.D. Family Practice 1911 540127 720 Alamitos Ave. (562) 218-6200 Spanish, Tagalog Lopez, Mario O., M.D. Family Practice 5155 540127 720 Alamitos Ave. (562) 218-6200 Spanish, Tagalog Nguyen, Minh N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 034047 306 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. # 102 (562) 981-8979 Vietnamese Nguyen, Minh N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 034047 306 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. # 102 (562) 981-8979 Vietnamese Prosser, John R., M.D. Family Practice 5155 013607 6510 E. Spring St. (562) 429-8812 Spanish Prosser, John R., M.D. Family Practice 1911 013607 6510 E. Spring St. (562) 429-8812 Spanish Razalan, Lee G., M.D. General Practice 5155 032024 2511 Pacific Ave. (562) 424-4661 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Razalan, Lee G., M.D. General Practice 1911 032024 2511 Pacific Ave. (562) 424-4661 Spanish, Tagalog Reyes, Adoracion A., M.D. General Practice 5155 079612 1350 Chestnut Ave. (562) 599-1565 Spanish, Tagalog Reyes, Adoracion A., M.D. General Practice 1911 079612 1350 Chestnut Ave. (562) 599-1565 Spanish, Tagalog Roque, Ronaldo V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 092288 1760 Termino Ave. # 104 (562) 494-8512 Spanish, Tagalog Roque, Ronaldo V., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 092288 1760 Termino Ave. # 104 (562) 494-8512 Spanish, Tagalog Samawi, Roger M., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 132522 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 1019 (562) 901-9228 Spanish Samawi, Roger M., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 132522 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 1019 (562) 901-9228 Spanish So, Vannarith, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 141960 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 101 (562) 986-6138 Cambodian, Spanish So, Vannarith, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 141960 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 101 (562) 986-6138 Cambodian, Spanish Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1911 039689 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 86 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 5155 039689 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog Tate, Eric M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 105312 4056 Orange Ave. (562) 424-3328 Spanish Tate, Eric M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 105312 4056 Orange Ave. (562) 424-3328 Spanish Thomas, John L., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 017162 5865 E. Naples Plz. (562) 438-5021 Thomas, John L., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 017162 5865 E. Naples Plz. (562) 438-5021 Tyson, Yvonne, M.D. Family Practice1 1911 039726 925 E. San Antonio Dr. # 18 (562) 728-6738 Spanish, Tagalog Tyson, Yvonne, M.D. Family Practice1 5155 039726 925 E. San Antonio Dr. # 18 (562) 728-6738 Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Almaguer, Juan A., M.D.2 Internal Medicine 5155 057093 4525 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (323) 262-9249 Spanish Almaguer, Juan A., M.D.2 Internal Medicine 1911 057093 4525 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (323) 262-9249 Spanish Barua, Soma, M.D. Family Practice1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5155 162474 (323) 307-0800 Bengali, Spanish 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bascoy, Louis T., M.D. General Practice 1911 056911 4560 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (323) 269-0411 Spanish Bascoy, Louis T., M.D. General Practice 5155 056911 4560 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (323) 269-0411 Spanish Block, Michael R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 501514 6433 Whittier Blvd. (323) 724-6673 Fuscaldo, Francisco B., General Practice M.D. 1911 035423 2926 N. Broadway (323) 221-1131 Italian, Spanish Ghaly, Azmy Fouad, M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5155 049015 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 039520 1640 W. Third St. (213) 483-1251 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 039520 1640 W. Third St. (213) 483-1251 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 039520 1640 W. Third St. (213) 483-1251 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Jalbuena, Peter Babiera, Internal Medicine M.D. 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5155 162488 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 87 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lawrence, Patrick B., M.D. General Practice 5155 155116 1061 E. Vernon Ave. # F (323) 233-9686 Spanish Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 5155 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Quijas, Francisco M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5155 095467 (323) 307-0800 Rodriguez, Maria Elena, General Practice M.D. 1911 056920 2417 Whittier Blvd. # 101 (323) 881-1641 Spanish Rodriguez, Maria Elena, General Practice M.D. 5155 056920 2417 Whittier Blvd. # 101 (323) 881-1641 Spanish Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. General Practice 5156 154469 3342 Whittier Blvd. (323) 267-1214 Spanish 1 Board Certified 88 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. 3342 Whittier Blvd. (323) 267-1214 Spanish Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. 3342 Whittier Blvd. (323) 267-1214 Spanish Thomas, Kevin C., M.D. 7301 S. Western Ave. (323) 778-2131 Spanish Thomas, Kevin C., M.D. 7301 S. Western Ave. (323) 778-2131 Spanish Thomas, Kevin C., M.D. 7301 S. Western Ave. (323) 778-2131 Spanish Velez, Cesar A., M.D. 4070 E. Olympic Blvd. (323) 268-8545 Spanish Wosk, Samuel R., M.D. 3412 Whittier Blvd. (323) 264-4006 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1911 154469 General Practice 5155 154469 General Practice 1911 129024 General Practice 5156 129024 General Practice 5155 129024 General Practice 5155 059772 Internal Medicine 1911 076841 Lynwood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Brodie, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 046519 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (310) 604-0443 Spanish Brodie, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 15 1911 046519 (310) 604-0443 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Buckhalter, Emerson R., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1911 502086 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Chan, Constant K., M.D. General Practice 5156 045659 10007 State St. (323) 566-3157 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Chan, Constant K., M.D. General Practice 5155 045659 10007 State St. (323) 566-3157 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Chan, Constant K., M.D. General Practice 1911 045659 10007 State St. (323) 566-3157 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Davis, Beverly C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 051490 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Davis, Beverly C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 051490 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Davis, Beverly C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 051490 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Farah, Amin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 15 1911 099160 (310) 604-0443 Aymara, French, Spanish Farah, Amin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 099160 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (310) 604-0443 Aymara, French, Spanish Gonzalez, Eduardo J., M.D.Family Practice 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 7 1911 099436 (310) 763-1336 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gonzalez, Eduardo J., M.D.Family Practice 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 7 5155 099436 (310) 763-1336 Spanish Gonzalez, Eduardo J., M.D.Family Practice 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 7 5156 099436 (310) 763-1336 Spanish Lui, Stephen C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 5 5155 111506 (310) 763-7504 Spanish Lui, Stephen C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 5 1911 111506 (310) 763-7504 Spanish McKenzie, Ricardo E., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 034871 3680 E. Imperial Hwy. # 470 (310) 604-3456 Spanish McKenzie, Ricardo E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 034871 3680 E. Imperial Hwy. # 470 (310) 604-3456 Spanish Oranusi, Victor A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3737 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 1911 095894 105 (310) 762-2395 Spanish Oranusi, Victor A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3737 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 5155 095894 105 (310) 762-2395 Spanish Ratwani, Mina, M.D. General Practice 1911 061092 11017 Atlantic Ave. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Ratwani, Mina, M.D. General Practice 5155 061092 11017 Atlantic Ave. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Board Certified 89 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ratwani, Mina, M.D. General Practice 5156 061092 11017 Atlantic Ave. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Seidman, Richard I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 046516 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (310) 604-0443 Spanish Seidman, Richard I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 15 1911 046516 (310) 604-0443 Spanish Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 5156 190477 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 5155 190477 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 1911 190477 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Tan, Terence T., M.D. General Practice 1911 024411 3301 Beechwood Ave. (310) 638-5188 Burmese, Spanish Tawadrous, Odette R., Internal Medicine M.D. 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 10 5155 159206 (310) 223-1429 Arabic, Spanish Tawadrous, Odette R., Internal Medicine M.D. 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 10 1911 159206 (310) 223-1429 Arabic, Spanish Young, Harding G., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 018929 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 302 (310) 631-2660 1 Board Certified 90 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Young, Harding G., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 018929 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 302 (310) 631-2660 Zevallos, Manuel, M.D. Internal Medicine1 3737 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 1911 019054 335 (310) 608-6963 Spanish Maywood Primary Care Physicians Basilios, Maged Z., M.D. 4505 Slauson Ave. # E (323) 771-0080 Arabic, Spanish Basilios, Maged Z., M.D. 4505 Slauson Ave. # E (323) 771-0080 Arabic, Spanish Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. 5920 Atlantic Blvd. (323) 562-2535 Arabic, Spanish Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. 5920 Atlantic Blvd. (323) 562-2535 Arabic, Spanish Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. 5920 Atlantic Blvd. (323) 562-2535 Arabic, Spanish Molina, Manfred J., M.D. 4433 Slauson Ave. (323) 560-4373 Spanish Yan, Malvin Y., D.O. 4502 Slauson Ave. (323) 560-1100 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5155 106672 Family Practice1 1911 106672 General Practice 1911 007898 General Practice 5156 007898 Family Practice 5155 007898 Internal Medicine 1911 011711 Internal Medicine1 5155 135800 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Montebello Primary Care Physicians Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Chaudhry, Mohammad A., M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 401 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Chaudhry, Mohammad A., M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 401 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Chaudhry, Mohammad A., M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 401 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Chen, Po Z., M.D. 2605 1/2 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 722-5700 Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chen, Po Z., M.D. 2605 1/2 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 722-5700 Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Cohen, Kenneth L., M.D. 2101 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 724-3210 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 1911 094033 Family Practice 5156 094033 Family Practice 5155 094033 Internal Medicine1 5155 066997 Internal Medicine1 5156 066997 Internal Medicine1 1911 066997 Family Practice 5155 083516 Family Practice 5156 083516 Internal Medicine 5156 039332 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cohen, Kenneth L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 039332 2101 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 724-3210 Gonzalez, Bertha A., D.O. Family Practice 5155 071487 3106 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-1274 Spanish Gonzalez, Bertha A., D.O. Family Practice 5156 071487 3106 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-1274 Spanish Gonzalez, Bertha A., D.O. Family Practice 1911 071487 3106 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-1274 Spanish Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 039520 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 302 (323) 728-8181 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 039520 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 302 (323) 728-8181 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 039520 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 302 (323) 728-8181 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Hernandez, John M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 039142 1417 W. Beverly Blvd. # 101 (323) 726-1109 Spanish Hernandez, John M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 039142 1417 W. Beverly Blvd. # 101 (323) 726-1109 Spanish Hernandez, John M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 039142 1417 W. Beverly Blvd. # 101 (323) 726-1109 Spanish Board Certified 91 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Hernandez, Luis, M.D. 1817 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 721-5524 Spanish Hernandez, Luis, M.D. 1817 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 721-5524 Spanish Hernandez, Luis, M.D. 1817 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 721-5524 Spanish Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Spanish Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Spanish Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Spanish Iqbal, Mehar, M.D. 609 W. Beverly Blvd. (714) 670-1261 Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Spanish, Urdu Iqbal, Shaheen, M.D. 609 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-6445 Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Jimenez, Francisco A., M.D. 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5155 007208 General Practice 1911 007208 General Practice 5156 007208 Family Practice1 1911 071491 Family Practice1 5155 071491 Family Practice1 5156 071491 General Practice 5155 007860 Internal Medicine 5155 059699 General Practice Board Certified 92 / Health Net Provider Network 5156 034213 Primary Care Physicians Jimenez, Francisco A., M.D. 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish Jimenez, Francisco A., M.D. 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish Johnson, Lloyd E., M.D. 120 N. Montebello Blvd. (323) 726-0533 Spanish Johnson, Lloyd E., M.D. 120 N. Montebello Blvd. (323) 726-0533 Spanish Johnson, Lloyd E., M.D. 120 N. Montebello Blvd. (323) 726-0533 Spanish Khan, Iftikhar A., M.D. 101 E Beverly Blvd # 406 (323) 725-3099 Spanish Khan, Iftikhar A., M.D. 101 E Beverly Blvd # 406 (323) 725-3099 Spanish Sarkar, Soumitra, M.D. 2614 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0653 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Sarkar, Soumitra, M.D. 2614 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0653 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1911 034213 General Practice 5155 034213 Internal Medicine1 1911 090184 Internal Medicine1 5155 090184 Internal Medicine1 5156 090184 Internal Medicine1 5155 067019 Internal Medicine1 5156 067019 Internal Medicine1 5156 059704 Internal Medicine1 1911 059704 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # DiLettera, David C., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 047441 2390 S. Garfield Ave. (323) 728-7271 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians DiLettera, David C., D.O. 2390 S. Garfield Ave. (323) 728-7271 Spanish Giang, Tom N., M.D. 328 N. Garfield Ave. # C (626) 280-2533 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Giang, Tom N., M.D. 328 N. Garfield Ave. # C (626) 280-2533 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5155 047441 General Practice 1911 095731 General Practice 5156 095731 Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., Family Practice D.O. 5155 099185 13330 Bloomfield Ave. # 111 (562) 868-0733 Spanish, Tagalog Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., Family Practice D.O. 1911 099185 13330 Bloomfield Ave. # 111 (562) 868-0733 Spanish, Tagalog Allen, Ethan R., D.O. Family Practice1 5155 061387 12820 Studebaker Rd. # 101 (562) 868-7873 Allen, Ethan R., D.O. Family Practice1 1911 061387 12820 Studebaker Rd. # 101 (562) 868-7873 Bai, Eung K., M.D. General Practice 1911 500712 12017 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 868-2027 Korean, Spanish Bai, Eung K., M.D. General Practice 5156 500712 12017 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 868-2027 Korean, Spanish Board Certified 93 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sarkar, Soumitra, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 059704 2614 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0653 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 076109 111 W. Beverly Blvd. # 217 (323) 722-7711 Arabic, Spanish Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 076109 111 W. Beverly Blvd. # 217 (323) 722-7711 Arabic, Spanish Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 076109 111 W. Beverly Blvd. # 217 (323) 722-7711 Arabic, Spanish Wu, Wuu-Shyong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 033714 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 201 (323) 722-5163 Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wu, Wuu-Shyong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 033714 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 201 (323) 722-5163 Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wu, Wuu-Shyong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 033714 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 201 (323) 722-5163 Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Bai, Eung K., M.D. 12017 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 868-2027 Korean, Spanish Cruz, Lucita M., M.D. 12507 Alondra Blvd. (562) 802-2203 Spanish, Tagalog Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Spanish Salatinjants, Aida, M.D. 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 3 (562) 406-7070 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Salatinjants, Aida, M.D. 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 3 (562) 406-7070 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Salatinjants, Aida, M.D. 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 3 (562) 406-7070 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Salis, Donald D., M.D. 11637 The Plz (562) 864-7279 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5155 500712 Internal Medicine 1911 047098 Internal Medicine 1911 029437 Internal Medicine 5156 029437 Internal Medicine 5155 029437 Internal Medicine1 5156 050161 1 Internal Medicine 5155 050161 Internal Medicine1 1911 050161 General Practice 1911 153193 Board Certified 94 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Soans, Smita M., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Hindi Soans, Smita M., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Hindi Tran, Alex L., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Spanish, Vietnamese Tran, Alex L., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Spanish, Vietnamese Tran, Alex L., M.D. 13820 San Antonio Dr. (562) 944-2181 Spanish, Vietnamese Uribe, Daniel, M.D. 13307 San Antonio Dr. (562) 863-0124 Spanish Uribe, Daniel, M.D. 13307 San Antonio Dr. (562) 863-0124 Spanish Uribe, Daniel, M.D. 13307 San Antonio Dr. (562) 863-0124 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5156 130709 Family Practice1 5155 130709 Family Practice1 5156 089017 Family Practice1 1911 089017 Family Practice1 5155 089017 Family Practice1 1911 032281 Family Practice1 5156 032281 Family Practice1 5155 032281 Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cohn, Lawrence S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 057244 16415 Colorado Ave. # 202 (562) 531-9977 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Jorge, Camilo S., M.D. Family Practice 1911 571102 16415 Colorado Ave. # 102 (562) 531-1946 Spanish Jorge, Camilo S., M.D. Family Practice 5155 571102 16415 Colorado Ave. # 102 (562) 531-1946 Spanish Khoury, Maribel P., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 135646 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Arabic, Spanish Khoury, Maribel P., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 135646 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Arabic, Spanish Khoury, Maribel P., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 135646 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Arabic, Spanish Khoury, Nabil H., M.D. General Practice 1911 035595 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Spanish Khoury, Nabil H., M.D. General Practice 5155 035595 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Spanish Lee, Yang-Wen, M.D.2 Family Practice1 5155 009808 16415 Colorado Ave. # 208 (562) 531-0015 Mandarin, Taiwanese Lee, Yang-Wen, M.D.2 Family Practice1 1911 009808 16415 Colorado Ave. # 208 (562) 531-0015 Mandarin, Taiwanese Mangune, Edwin M., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 189983 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 110 (562) 633-2021 Mangune, Edwin M., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 189983 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 110 (562) 633-2021 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Raghunathan, Internal Medicine1 Chengalroyan, M.D. 5155 013719 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 202 (562) 663-9191 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Raghunathan, Internal Medicine1 Chengalroyan, M.D. 1911 013719 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 202 (562) 663-9191 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Riaz, Hassan A., M.D. General Practice 5155 135954 16444 Paramount Blvd. # 103 (562) 531-7790 Spanish Riaz, Hassan A., M.D. General Practice 1911 135954 16444 Paramount Blvd. # 103 (562) 531-7790 Spanish Riaz, Mohammad, M.D. General Practice 5155 014094 16444 Paramount Blvd. # 103 (562) 531-7790 Spanish, Urdu Riaz, Mohammad, M.D. General Practice 1911 014094 16444 Paramount Blvd. # 103 (562) 531-7790 Spanish, Urdu Rubio, Edmundo R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 048487 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 205 (562) 531-3133 Spanish Rubio, Edmundo R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 048487 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 205 (562) 531-3133 Spanish Tsai, Mark C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 127778 16415 Colorado Ave. # 101 (562) 634-6341 Mandarin, Spanish Tsai, Mark C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 127778 16415 Colorado Ave. # 101 (562) 634-6341 Mandarin, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 95 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Weinstein, Philip B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 018132 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 201 (562) 633-3131 Spanish Weinstein, Philip B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 018132 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 201 (562) 633-3131 Spanish Wilches, Alberto, M.D. General Practice 1911 028271 7831 Jackson St. (562) 531-1178 Spanish Wilches, Alberto, M.D. General Practice 5155 028271 7831 Jackson St. (562) 531-1178 Spanish Yagoobian, Behrooz B., General Practice M.D. 5156 018797 15730 Paramount Blvd. (562) 634-1000 Farsi, Spanish Yagoobian, Behrooz B., General Practice M.D. 5155 018797 15730 Paramount Blvd. (562) 634-1000 Farsi, Spanish Yagoobian, Behrooz B., General Practice M.D. 1911 018797 15730 Paramount Blvd. (562) 634-1000 Farsi, Spanish Yan, Malvin Y., D.O. Internal Medicine1 5155 135800 15718 Paramount Blvd. (562) 634-2111 Spanish 1 Board Certified 96 / Health Net Provider Network Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Ahmed, Parveen N., M.D. 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 695-2282 Urdu Ahmed, Parveen N., M.D. 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 695-2282 Urdu Fishman, Ritchard L., M.D. 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6565 Spanish, Tagalog Fishman, Ritchard L., M.D. 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6565 Spanish, Tagalog Ko, Gemma T., M.D. 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Ko, Gemma T., M.D. 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Ko, Gemma T., M.D. 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Magana, Omar, M.D. 8338 Rosemead Blvd (562) 942-1200 Spanish Magana, Omar, M.D. 8338 Rosemead Blvd (562) 942-1200 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5156 056982 Internal Medicine1 5155 056982 General Practice 5155 005068 General Practice 1911 005068 Internal Medicine 5155 024630 Internal Medicine 5156 024630 Internal Medicine 1911 024630 Family Practice1 5156 110502 Family Practice1 5155 110502 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Magana, Omar, M.D. Family Practice1 1911 110502 8338 Rosemead Blvd (562) 942-1200 Spanish Nur, Khalid, M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 012511 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Nur, Khalid, M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 012511 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Nur, Khalid, M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 012511 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Paredes, Francisco E., M.D. General Practice 1911 032863 9315 Telegraph Rd. (562) 654-6855 Spanish Paredes, Francisco E., M.D. General Practice 5155 032863 9315 Telegraph Rd. (562) 654-6855 Spanish Pinkerton, Ronald E., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 013364 8337 Telegraph Rd. # 100 (562) 928-5892 Italian, Spanish Senra, Manohar R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 039330 8337 Telegraph Rd. # 215 (562) 927-6597 Spanish Senra, Manohar R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 039330 8337 Telegraph Rd. # 215 (562) 927-6597 Spanish Senra, Manohar R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 039330 8337 Telegraph Rd. # 215 (562) 927-6597 Spanish 1 3 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sotomayor, Salvador M., General Practice M.D. 5155 049832 5036 Passons Blvd. # 2 & 3 (562) 654-2800 French, Italian, Spanish Sotomayor, Salvador M., General Practice M.D. 5156 049832 5036 Passons Blvd. # 2 (562) 654-2800 French, Italian, Spanish Sotomayor, Salvador M., General Practice M.D. 1911 049832 5036 Passons Blvd. # 2 & 3 (562) 654-2800 French, Italian, Spanish Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. 3012 N. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 572-8692 Spanish Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. 3012 N. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 572-8692 Spanish Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. 3012 N. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 572-8692 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1911 154469 General Practice 5156 154469 General Practice 5155 154469 Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 Byeon, Sangjun, M.D.3 5156 148113 18391 Colima Rd. # 201 (626) 912-2911 Korean Byeon, Sangjun, M.D.3 Family Practice1 5155 148113 18391 Colima Rd. # 201 (626) 912-2911 Korean Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 97 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tu, Gene C., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 075300 1330 Fullerton Rd. # 288 (626) 965-1233 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Tu, Gene C., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 075300 1330 Fullerton Rd. # 288 (626) 965-1233 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish South El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 5155 057490 1648 Tyler Ave. # B (626) 579-0103 Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 1911 057490 1648 Tyler Ave. # B (626) 579-0103 South Gate Primary Care Physicians Azurin, Narciso M., M.D. 4075 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 566-4111 Spanish, Tagalog Barkodar, John, M.D. 3314 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-4483 Spanish Barkodar, John, M.D. 2809 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-9909 Spanish Enayati, Daniel, M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Farsi, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1911 500660 General Practice 1911 046004 General Practice 1911 046004 General Practice 5156 094638 Board Certified 98 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Enayati, Daniel, M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Farsi, Spanish Enayati, Daniel, M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Farsi, Spanish Marshak, Glenn A., M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Spanish Marshak, Glenn A., M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Spanish Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. 3275 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-2258 Farsi Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. 3275 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-2258 Farsi Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. 3275 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-2258 Farsi Medina, Celerina B., M.D. 4149 Tweedy Blvd # B (323) 564-4545 Spanish, Tagalog Memon, Muhammad J., M.D. 3275 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-2258 Urdu Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5155 094638 General Practice 1911 094638 Internal Medicine1 1911 051275 General Practice 1911 051275 General Practice 5156 029296 General Practice 5155 029296 General Practice 1911 029296 General Practice 1911 073328 Internal Medicine1 5155 083704 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Memon, Muhammad J., M.D. 3275 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-2258 Urdu Moy, Eng W., M.D. 4301 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 566-5129 Burmese, Spanish Moy, Eng W., M.D. 4301 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 566-5129 Burmese, Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 3529 Firestone Blvd. (323) 566-1700 Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 3526 Firestone Blvd. (323) 566-1700 Spanish Shenouda, Emile G., M.D. 10132 California Ave. (323) 566-4411 Arabic, French, Spanish Skinner, David H., D.O. 10010 California Ave. (323) 567-2425 Spanish Skinner, David H., D.O. 10010 California Ave. (323) 567-2425 Spanish Skinner, David H., D.O. 10010 California Ave. (323) 567-2425 Spanish Skinner, David H., D.O. 10010 California Ave. (323) 567-2425 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1911 083704 General Practice 1911 011939 General Practice 5155 011939 General Practice 1911 014889 General Practice 5155 014889 General Practice 1911 088091 General Practice 5155 057265 Internal Medicine 1911 057265 General Practice 1911 057265 Internal Medicine 5155 057265 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Torreblanca, Jose M., M.D. General Practice 1911 530727 10001 California Ave. (323) 564-4408 Spanish Torreblanca, Jose M., M.D. General Practice 5155 530727 10001 California Ave. (323) 564-4408 Spanish Venegas, Carlos A., M.D. General Practice 1911 047722 4225 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 564-6464 Spanish West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Ker-Chow, M.D. Family Practice1 5156 051292 2702 E. Valley View Blvd. # 103 (626) 810-7772 Mandarin, Taiwanese Chang, Ker-Chow, M.D. Family Practice1 5155 051292 2702 E. Valley View Blvd. # 103 (626) 810-7772 Mandarin, Taiwanese Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aceves, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 032251 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Aceves, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 032251 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Aceves, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 032251 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. General Practice 5155 032250 12826 Philadelphia St. # A (562) 789-9908 Urdu Board Certified 99 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. General Practice 5156 032250 12826 Philadelphia St. # A (562) 789-9908 Urdu Cecilio, Rosario L., M.D. Family Practice 5156 032264 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Cecilio, Rosario L., M.D. General Practice 5155 032264 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Cecilio, Rosario L., M.D. General Practice 1911 032264 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Cons, Robert J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 086557 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Cons, Robert J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 086557 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Cons, Robert J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 086557 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Cotton, D O., M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 067716 12474 Washington Blvd. # 8 (562) 698-9779 Spanish Cotton, D O., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 067716 12474 Washington Blvd. # 8 (562) 698-9779 Spanish Cotton, D O., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 067716 12474 Washington Blvd. # 8 (562) 698-9779 Spanish 1 Board Certified 100 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # David, Dwight A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 503631 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Spanish, Tagalog David, Dwight A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 503631 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Spanish, Tagalog David, Dwight A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 503631 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Spanish, Tagalog Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. General Practice 1911 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. General Practice 5156 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. General Practice 5155 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu Garcia, Sylvia L., M.D. Family Practice1 1911 024968 14442 E. Whittier Blvd. # 105 (562) 945-1940 French, Spanish Garcia, Sylvia L., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 024968 14442 E. Whittier Blvd. # 105 (562) 945-1940 French, Spanish Gonzales, Fernando Q., General Practice M.D. 5156 024284 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 1 Primary Care Physicians Maguire, Michael J., D.O. 7624 Painter Ave. # 100 (562) 945-9333 Maguire, Michael J., D.O. 7624 Painter Ave. # 100 (562) 945-9333 Maguire, Michael J., D.O. 7624 Painter Ave. # 100 (562) 945-9333 Mohammedi, Nasir A., M.D. 9200 Colima Rd. # 207 (562) 945-0252 French, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Mohammedi, Nasir A., M.D. 9200 Colima Rd. # 207 (562) 945-0252 French, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish Pang, George K., M.D. 8135 Painter Ave. # 305 (562) 693-8258 Cantonese Pang, George K., M.D. 8135 Painter Ave. # 305 (562) 693-8258 Cantonese Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5156 010602 General Practice 5155 010602 General Practice 1911 010602 Family Practice1 5156 110418 Family Practice1 5155 110418 Internal Medicine 5156 029437 Internal Medicine 1911 029437 Internal Medicine 5155 029437 Internal Medicine1 5155 012894 Internal Medicine1 5156 012894 Board Certified 101 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gonzales, Fernando Q., General Practice M.D. 5155 024284 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Spanish, Tagalog Gonzales, Fernando Q., General Practice M.D. 1911 024284 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Spanish, Tagalog Jalil, Marian, M.D. Internal Medicine 5156 032211 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 200 (562) 945-7671 Arabic, Spanish Jalil, Marian, M.D. Internal Medicine 1911 032211 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 200 (562) 945-7671 Arabic, Spanish Jalil, Marian, M.D. Internal Medicine 5155 032211 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 200 (562) 945-7671 Arabic, Spanish Kaller, Stanley A., D.O. General Practice 5155 035487 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Kaller, Stanley A., D.O. Family Practice 1911 035487 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Kaller, Stanley A., D.O. Family Practice 5156 035487 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Madrid, Sandra G., M.D. General Practice 5156 032213 12462 E. Washington Blvd. (562) 693-0725 Spanish Madrid, Sandra G., M.D. General Practice 5155 032213 12462 E. Washington Blvd. (562) 693-0725 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Pang, George K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1911 012894 8135 Painter Ave. # 305 (562) 693-8258 Cantonese Soans, Smita M., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 130709 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Hindi Soans, Smita M., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 130709 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Hindi Tamadon, Shokouh, M.D. General Practice 5156 016932 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Tamadon, Shokouh, M.D. General Practice 5155 016932 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Tamadon, Shokouh, M.D. General Practice 1911 016932 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Thaker, Kartik B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5155 065763 12291 Washington Blvd. # 450 (562) 698-7599 Thaker, Kartik B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5156 065763 12291 Washington Blvd. # 450 (562) 698-7599 Tran, Alex L., M.D. Family Practice1 5156 089017 11822 E. Floral Ave. (562) 944-2181 Spanish, Vietnamese Tran, Alex L., M.D. Family Practice1 5155 089017 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 102 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Tran, Alex L., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish, Vietnamese Welsh, William D., D.O. 7624 Painter Ave. # 100 (562) 945-9333 Welsh, William D., D.O. 7624 Painter Ave. # 100 (562) 945-9333 Wu, Kesheng, M.D. 9209 Colima Rd. # 4500 (562) 696-5088 Spanish Wu, Kesheng, M.D. 9209 Colima Rd. # 4500 (562) 696-5088 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1911 089017 Family Practice1 5156 018213 Family Practice1 1911 018213 Internal Medicine1 5156 090686 Internal Medicine1 1911 090686 Acupuncture Hugh, Peter C., D.O. Allergy/Immunology Baskin, Marc R., M.D.1 Burger, Jr., Emil F., M.D.1 Khadavi, Alan O., M.D.1 Kim, Jungmee, M.D.1 Kim, Kenneth T., M.D. Lauridsen, John I., M.D. Marchioli, Louis E., M.D. Meltzer, Steven M., M.D.1 Nguyen, Roger L., M.D.1 Tamaroff, Marc A., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Ahmadpour, Hedayatolah, M.D.1 Almaguer, Juan A., M.D. Brodie, Thomas S., M.D.1 Deits, Richard M., M.D.1 Farah, Amin, M.D.1 Gogia, Harinder S., M.D.1 Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Cardiovascular Surgery Bethencourt, Daniel M., M.D.1 Klieman, Charles H., M.D. Lee, Anthony W., M.D. Chiropractor Chu, Edward Y., D.C. Durrani, Asif S., D.C. Fox, Dan K., D.C. Stockwell, Todd T., D.C. Wilkinson II, Robert L., D.C. Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Singh, Anantjit, M.D.1 Dermatology Canon, Fernando B., M.D.1 Desilva, Keerthi R., M.D. Friedman, David B., M.D.1 King, Don F., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D.1 Zober, Laurel A., M.D.1 Dermatopathology Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D. Endocrinology Berger, David, M.D.1 Berkson, Richard A., M.D.1 Echeverry-Franck, Diana, M.D. Eitan, Nathan F., M.D.1 Holzner, Charles M., M.D. 1 Endocrinology Perley, Michael J., M.D.1 Saetrum Opgaard, Ole, M.D.1 Shaw, Sylvia J., M.D. Syed, Aleem A., M.D. Tran, Minou P., M.D. Gastroenterology Alapati, Ravindra, M.D.1 Bali, Ambika, M.D.1 Bhasker, Mohan W., M.D. Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Cox, Conrad A., M.D.1 Essilfie, William, M.D. Kim, Bill H., M.D.1 Mecum, Robert A., M.D.1 Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Pande, Hemant, M.D.1 Panguluri, Rangarao, M.D.1 Pantoja, Jose L., M.D. Quinones, Lisandro, M.D.1 Suchov, Mordo, M.D.1 Ueki, Barton H., M.D.1 Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 General Surgery Anderson, Maxine M., M.D.1 Clark, Stevan R., M.D. Deere, Robert C., M.D.1 Holness, Ronald C., M.D.1 Jones, Reginald J., M.D.1 Joseph-Brown, Denise P., M.D. Konyalian, Viken R., M.D.1 Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D. Minkes, Mark S., M.D.1 Montano, Jose N., M.D.1 Mule, Joseph M., M.D.1 Narayanan, Krishnaswamy, M.D.1 Odou, Mark W., M.D.1 Sargent, Dennis J., M.D.1 Geriatrics Oranusi, Victor A., M.D.1 Welsh, William D., D.O.1 Board Certified 103 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Jafari, Alireza, M.D.1 Khan, Iftikhar A., M.D.1 Mahaisavariya, Paiboon, M.D.1 Patel, Paresh J., M.D.1 Raghunathan, Chengalroyan, M.D. Sahota, Harvinder, M.D. Seidman, Richard I., M.D.1 Singh, Anantjit, M.D.1 Tamboli, Kaushal R., M.D.1 Thaker, Kartik B., M.D.1 Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Yoshino, Paul H., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Hand Surgery Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Hematology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Charu, Veena, M.D.1 Ho, Christopher S., M.D.1 Huang, Daniel B., M.D.1 Zevallos, Manuel, M.D. Infectious Disease Bansil, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Doo, Bryan C., M.D. Fulmer, Hugh P., M.D.1 Ho, Pauline, M.D.1 Khemka, Pankaj M., M.D.1 Petreccia, David C., M.D.1 Sud, Bhanu, M.D.1 Tabatabai, Meher F., M.D.1 Trotter, Joel A., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Alapati, Ravindra, M.D.1 Essilfie, William, M.D. Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D. Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D.1 Kim, Kenneth T., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D. Savani, Devang M., M.D.1 Syed, Aleem A., M.D. Maternal & Fetal Medicine Ogundipe, Anthony O., M.D. Sachar, Vikas, M.D. Wijesinghe, Mapitiyage N., M.D.1 Nephrology Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, M.D. Chuang, Jesse J., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 104 / Health Net Provider Network Nephrology Fischman, Ronald A., M.D.1 Guadiz, Ramon N., M.D.1 Hon, George G., M.D.1 Hong, Andy, M.D.1 Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Khwaja, Samia A., M.D. Lange, Dennis T., M.D. Lee, Mark C., M.D.1 Liu, Samuel S., M.D.1 Lui, Stephen C., M.D.1 Mehta, Arvind J., M.D. Mootoo, Keith I., M.D.1 Nasreen, Tanzina, M.D.1 Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Rocha, Rodrigo J., M.D. Rubin, Jack, M.D. Thornhill-Joynes, Monica M., M.D.1 Tsang, Ambrose Y., M.D. Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Yanamadala, Sita L., M.D. Neurology Cohen, Alan H., M.D.1 Copeland, Dane D., M.D.1 Danna, Salvatore A., M.D. Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Kim, Chan H., M.D.1 Mansour, Khalifa, M.D. Mitri, Antoine E., M.D.1 Omidvar, Omid, M.D.1 Patel, Nirav S., M.D.1 Prentice Jr, Theodore C., M.D.1 Ramezan-Arab, Nima, M.D.1 Rapoport, Zhanna, M.D. Rosenthal, Johanna L., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Aho, Christopher J., M.D.1 Deere, Jr., Harley R., M.D. Duong, Duc H., M.D.1 Lemay, Daniel R., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Neurosurgery Minassian, Haig V., M.D. Nuclear Medicine Rubio, Edmundo R., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Alladawi, Ayman, M.D. Bhupathy, Vellore R., M.D.1 Bowens, Karol L., M.D. Chao, Cynthia W., D.O. Im, Samuel S., M.D.1 Kaplan, Eric C., M.D.1 Lee, Hyuk, M.D.1 Melnik, Marc D., M.D. Melnik, Seymour J., M.D.1 Mishal, Devadatt M., M.D.1 Park, Jung M., M.D.1 Pham, Loy A., M.D.1 Qureshi, Azmath S., M.D. Seif, Medhat, M.D.1 Sharkey, Nicole L., M.D. Truong, Phuong C., M.D.1 Wijesinghe, Mapitiyage N., M.D.1 Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Dudeja, Deep R., M.D.1 Edelstein, Arthur J., M.D. Hsu, Joseph K., M.D.1 Khanna, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Lai, Edward C., M.D.1 Lukac, Jan S., M.D.1 Mastan, Peter F., M.D.1 Okie, Theodore B., M.D.1 Peters, Joseph C., M.D.1 Shammas, Hanna F., M.D.1 Shammas, Maya C., M.D. Optometrist Huang, Anthony J., O.D. 1 Orthopedic Surgery Alexander, Charles H., M.D.1 Bohr, Robert J., M.D.1 Chambers, Richard B., M.D.1 Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Eberly, Vance C., M.D.1 Elias, Ramy N., M.D.1 Kaplan, Daniel E., M.D.1 Low, Kyle, M.D.1 Park, Kevin S., M.D.1 Porat, Sharoun S., M.D.1 Raczka, Richard C., M.D.1 Shamlou, Kourosh K., M.D.1 Swanson, Gerald W., M.D.1 Wassef, Ezzat W., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Ayoub, Elias I., M.D.1 Chen, David K., M.D. Chiu, Shin C., M.D. Cramer II, Henry B., M.D.1 Hamood, Hassney A., M.D. Krivitsky, Paul B., M.D.1 Pain Management Chang, Gary J., M.D. Valdez, Vincent J., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 Pediatrics Abdel-Malek, Shahira S., M.D.1 Barkodar, John, M.D. Oey, Jamie C., M.D. Onyeador, Ejike C., M.D. Pastor, Ma Teresa G., M.D. Saunders, James E., M.D. Shenouda, Emile G., M.D.1 Wong, Winston C., M.D. Plastic Surgery Britto, John A., M.D.1 Hicks, Pearlman D., M.D.1 Klein, Neil E., M.D.1 Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Board Certified 105 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region PPG 1911 Podiatry Abbes, Edgar A., DPM Carnow, Lawrence E., DPM Chan, Jackie, DPM1 Chan, John, DPM Cohen, Ira R., DPM Gruenes, Jeri M., DPM Halperin, Gabriel J., DPM1 Hodor, Lawrence, DPM1 Lowe, Stanley, DPM Luu, Anh-Thu J., DPM1 O'Shea, Michael K., DPM1 Reed, Mark, DPM1 Rubin, Lawrence I., DPM1 Sanchez, Leonard C., DPM Schilling, Michael C., DPM1 Spak, William J., DPM1 Vega, Michael R., DPM1 Psychiatry Dubin, Jorge N., M.D. Pratty, James S., M.D. Psychology French, David J., Ph.D. Modarressi, Alan A., Ph.D. Pulmonary Disease Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Buchfuhrer, Mark J., M.D.1 Epstein, Joel D., M.D.1 Gelb, Arthur F., M.D.1 Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D.1 Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D.1 Kamdar, Vijay V., M.D.1 Makabali, Carlos G., M.D.1 Savani, Devang M., M.D.1 Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D.1 Shakkottai, Padmanabha P., M.D.1 Shen, Linda Y., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Dave, Sulabha A., M.D. 1 Board Certified 106 / Health Net Provider Network Rheumatology Maehara, Michael S., M.D.1 Su, Tien-I K., M.D.1 Waraich, Saleem A., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Bethencourt, Daniel M., M.D.1 Grewal, Navrose S., M.D.1 Klieman, Charles H., M.D. Lee, Anthony W., M.D.1 Panagiotides, George P., M.D. Spiwak, Jose, M.D. Tzeng, Thomas S., M.D. Urology Agatstein, Ernest H., M.D.1 Alavi, Ali S., M.D.1 Feldman, Stuart L., M.D.1 Kaplan, Juan B., M.D.1 Marinelli, Derrick V., M.D.1 Mehta, Manish D., M.D.1 Paletz, Lawrence R., M.D.1 Perley, Jonathan E., M.D.1 Vargas, Alejandro D., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Deere, Robert C., M.D. Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D.1 Sargent, Dennis J., M.D. Shin, Lynn H., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 6131 Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite 280 Buena Park, CA 90620-4902 (714) 443-4500 Urgent Care: Dusk to Dawn UC (562) 808-2273 Downey Clinic (562) 862-277573 CA Industrial UC (562) 928-5007 Hospitals Used: St. Francis Medical Center Bell Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Batres, Eric R., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 500958 5101 Florence Ave. # 4 (323) 560-4673 Spanish, Tagalog Bazel, Michael, M.D. General Practice 1784 068664 4001 Florence Ave. (323) 562-0595 Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Gomez, Esteban M., M.D. General Practice 1784 031605 5101 Florence Ave. # 7 (323) 562-1217 Spanish Rodas, Ana L., M.D. General Practice 1784 063871 3559 Gage Ave. (323) 581-8485 Spanish Vuong-Dac, Man, M.D. Family Practice1 1784 551163 3649 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-6333 German, Vietnamese Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Perez, Angel G., M.D. Family Practice 1784 107584 6517 Eastern Ave. (323) 773-8295 Spanish 1 Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mendoza, Manuel F., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 051482 16323 Clark Ave. (562) 925-7716 Spanish, Tagalog Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. Family Practice 1784 014889 9306 Alondra Blvd. (562) 866-9100 Spanish Carson Primary Care Physicians Aguinaldo, Estrella A., M.D. 23517 Main St. # 104 (310) 233-2555 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog Batongmalaque, Jenny L., M.D. 23251 Main St. (310) 830-4561 Harvey, Daniel E., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 206 (310) 513-9361 Spanish Compton Primary Care Physicians Bhatt, Jatin C., M.D. 457 S. Long Beach Blvd. (310) 761-8461 Guerrero, David A., M.D. 2210 E. Compton Blvd. (310) 635-1852 Spanish Kyazze, Fred B., M.D. 1410 W. Alondra Blvd. # C (310) 637-3680 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1784 075085 Family Practice 1784 038591 Family Practice1 1784 048623 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1784 038651 Family Practice1 1784 103710 Family Practice1 1784 049711 Board Certified 107 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. General Practice 1784 029296 555 W. Compton Blvd. # 104 (310) 639-7200 Farsi Memon, Muhammad J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1784 083704 555 W. Compton Blvd. # 104 (310) 639-7200 Urdu Cudahy Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Keusayan, Aram, M.D. General Practice 1784 057844 7643 Atlantic Ave. (323) 771-1713 Armenian, Spanish Mootoo, Keith I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 011797 7503 Atlantic Ave. # D (323) 562-3414 Spanish Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilar, Richard B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 032580 8327 Davis St. # 202 (562) 923-8055 Spanish Azurin, Eleanor V., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 076322 8706 Imperial Hwy (562) 923-8300 Spanish, Tagalog Bansil, Sandeep K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 106759 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Spanish, Tagalog Barrientos, Domingo C., Internal Medicine M.D. 1784 056912 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 203 (562) 869-1322 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bhatt, Jatin C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 038651 7840 Imperial Hwy. # B (310) 603-6552 Brodie, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 046519 8327 Davis St. # 101 (562) 904-6027 Spanish Buchfuhrer, Mark J., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1784 032069 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 108 (562) 904-1101 French Carnegie, Sherie, D.O. Family Practice1 1784 049301 8142 Firestone Blvd. (562) 869-8621 Farah, Amin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 099160 8327 Davis St. # 101 (562) 904-6027 Aymara, French, Spanish Glor, Rita, D.O. Family Practice1 1784 054036 11903 Downey Ave. (562) 869-1121 Arabic, Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 1784 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Hanamsagar, Seema, M.D. Family Practice1 1784 132163 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Hindi, Marathi, Urdu Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 108 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wong, Donna L., D.O. Family Practice1 1784 054053 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Mandarin, Spanish East Rancho Dominguez Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Matemotja, Daniel, M.D. Family Practice 1784 044706 711 E. Rosecrans Ave (310) 635-5223 Russian, Spanish Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Deorosan, Verretta, M.D. Internal Medicine 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 115 1784 045349 (323) 779-2800 Spanish Essilfie, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 307 1784 057246 (310) 715-6100 Spanish Williams, John A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1411 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 309 1784 057106 (310) 329-2180 Spanish Hawthorne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Danesh, Reza, M.D. Family Practice 1784 069219 11950 Inglewood Ave. (310) 349-8338 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish Kumar, Ashok, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 035725 4477 W. 118th St. (310) 675-4440 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 109 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. General Practice 1784 007898 11003 Lakewood Blvd. # 201 (562) 869-1038 Arabic, Spanish Kawakami, Susan R., D.O.2 Family Practice1 1784 055701 8556 Florence Ave. (562) 861-0101 Spanish Lucero, Marilou C., M.D. General Practice 1784 010432 8301 Florence Ave. # 104 (562) 861-3581 Spanish, Tagalog Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish Patel, Renuka D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 050389 8357 Florence Ave. (562) 622-2470 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi Prado, Venancio E., M.D. General Practice 1784 047743 7444 Florence Ave. # G (562) 806-9955 Spanish Schneider, Mark D., D.O. Family Practice1 1784 015194 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Sechrist, Martin T., D.O.2 Family Practice1 1784 533902 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 402 (562) 923-8333 Seidman, Richard I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 046516 8327 Davis St. # 101 (310) 604-0443 Spanish Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 1784 190477 11525 Brookshire Ave. # 400 (562) 869-4497 Wielenga, Robert J., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 053274 10835 New St. (562) 923-9100 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilar, Richard B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 032580 7705 Seville Ave. # B (323) 582-7406 Spanish Azurin, Eleanor V., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 076322 3045 E. Florence Ave. (323) 587-7771 Spanish, Tagalog Calatayud, Graciela, M.D. General Practice 1784 032611 3400 E. Florence Ave. (323) 589-9384 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. General Practice 1784 005512 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. General Practice 1784 005512 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 1784 165227 2701 E. Gage Ave. # 102 (323) 585-8876 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1784 152712 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1784 152712 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 581-8234 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1784 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish 1 Board Certified 110 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Christine U., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 087454 7128 Seville Ave. (323) 588-2186 Spanish, Vietnamese Pallivathucal, Rosalind G., General Practice M.D. 1784 060833 6120 Seville Ave. (323) 357-1000 Hindi, Italian, Spanish Soliman, Rasha B., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 080010 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Spanish Soliman, Tahani B., M.D. General Practice 1784 045371 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Arabic, Spanish Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Moran, Jorge L., M.D. General Practice 1784 135998 210 S. Locust St. (310) 673-9920 Spanish Nickelberry, Bambi L., Family Practice1 M.D. 1784 012385 248 N. Locust St. (310) 673-3737 Spanish Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 161599 5750 Downey Ave. # 201 (562) 633-1616 Arabic, Spanish Mann, Paramjot, M.D. Family Practice1 1784 107358 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 925-1165 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Patel, Shirish B., M.D. 5720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 925-7401 Gujarati, Hindi Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1784 100154 Internal Medicine 1784 073250 Internal Medicine 1784 013030 Internal Medicine1 1784 084078 Lawndale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Enriquez, Eric A., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 104693 14623 Hawthorne Blvd. # 202 (310) 973-8863 Spanish, Tagalog Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 1784 057490 1533 Alamitos Ave. (562) 218-5350 Chang, Henry, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1784 159701 2690 Pacific Ave # 270 (562) 599-0609 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Chau, Peter, M.D. Family Practice 1784 051341 5979 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-0421 Dix, Karen T., M.D. Family Practice 1784 058363 911 E. San Antonio Dr. # 4 (562) 728-8700 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Razalan, Lee G., M.D. Family Practice 1784 032024 2511 Pacific Ave. (562) 424-4661 Spanish, Tagalog Reyes, Adoracion A., M.D. General Practice 1784 079612 1350 Chestnut Ave. (562) 599-1565 Spanish, Tagalog Roque, Ronaldo V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 092288 1760 Termino Ave. # 104 (562) 494-8512 Spanish, Tagalog Tyson, Yvonne, M.D. Family Practice1 1784 039726 925 E. San Antonio Dr. # 18 (562) 728-6738 Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Almaguer, Juan A., M.D.2 Internal Medicine 1784 057093 4525 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (323) 262-9249 Spanish Barua, Soma, M.D. Family Practice1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1784 162474 (323) 307-0800 Bengali, Spanish Bascoy, Louis T., M.D. Family Practice 1784 056911 4560 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (323) 269-0411 Spanish Deorosan, Verretta, M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 045349 5230 Pacific Concourse Dr. # 110 (310) 649-4800 Spanish Fuscaldo, Francisco B., General Practice M.D. 1784 035423 2926 N. Broadway (323) 221-1131 Italian, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 111 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Jalbuena, Peter Babiera, Internal Medicine M.D. 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1784 162488 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Kahen, Nissan, M.D. General Practice 1784 008380 5504 Whittier Blvd. (323) 725-0167 Farsi, Spanish Lawrence, Patrick B., M.D. General Practice 1784 155116 1061 E. Vernon Ave. # F (323) 233-9686 Spanish Malone, Dwight W., M.D. Family Practice 1784 033416 5230 Pacific Concourse Dr. # 110 (323) 779-2800 Spanish Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 1784 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Pierson, Joseph E., M.D. Family Practice 1784 066588 6333 Wilshire Blvd. # 411 (323) 944-0949 Farsi, French, Tagalog Rodriguez, Maria Elena, General Practice M.D. 1784 056920 2417 Whittier Blvd. # 101 (323) 881-1641 Spanish Rudison, Joseph C., M.D. Family Practice 1784 014626 9014 S. Broadway (323) 755-1155 Singleton, Michael J., M.D. General Practice 1784 074045 8880 S. Broadway (323) 750-1196 German, Spanish 1 Board Certified 112 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Thomas, Kevin C., M.D. General Practice 1784 129024 7301 S. Western Ave. (323) 778-2131 Spanish Wosk, Samuel R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 076841 3412 Whittier Blvd. (323) 264-4006 Spanish Lynwood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Brodie, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 15 1784 046519 (310) 604-0443 Spanish Buckhalter, Emerson R., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1784 502086 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Chan, Constant K., M.D. General Practice 1784 045659 10007 State St. (323) 566-3157 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Davis, Beverly C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 051490 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Farah, Amin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 15 1784 099160 (310) 604-0443 Aymara, French, Spanish Gonzalez, Eduardo J., M.D.Family Practice 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 7 1784 099436 (310) 763-1336 Spanish Lui, Stephen C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 5 1784 111506 (310) 763-7504 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Maywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. General Practice 1784 007898 5920 Atlantic Blvd. (323) 562-2535 Arabic, Spanish 1 Montebello Primary Care Physicians Gonzalez, Bertha A., D.O. 3106 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-1274 Spanish Johnson, Lloyd E., M.D. 120 N. Montebello Blvd. (323) 726-0533 Spanish Wu, Wuu-Shyong, M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 201 (323) 722-5163 Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 1784 071487 Internal Medicine1 1784 090184 Internal Medicine1 1784 033714 Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # DiLettera, David C., D.O. General Practice 1784 047441 2390 S. Garfield Ave. (323) 728-7271 Spanish Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Salatinjants, Aida, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 050161 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 3 (562) 406-7070 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Uribe, Daniel, M.D. Family Practice1 1784 032281 13307 San Antonio Dr. (562) 863-0124 Spanish Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cohn, Lawrence S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 057244 16415 Colorado Ave. # 202 (562) 531-9977 Jorge, Camilo S., M.D. Family Practice 1784 571102 16415 Colorado Ave. # 102 (562) 531-1946 Spanish Board Certified 113 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # McKenzie, Ricardo E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 034871 3680 E. Imperial Hwy. # 470 (310) 604-3456 Spanish Oranusi, Victor A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3737 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 1784 095894 105 (310) 762-2395 Spanish Ratwani, Mina, M.D. General Practice 1784 061092 11017 Atlantic Ave. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Seidman, Richard I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 3621 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 15 1784 046516 (310) 604-0443 Spanish Shammas, Lina C., D.O. Family Practice 1784 190477 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 202 (310) 631-5000 Tawadrous, Odette R., Internal Medicine M.D. 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 10 1784 159206 (310) 223-1429 Arabic, Spanish Young, Harding G., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 018929 3628 E. Imperial Hwy. # 302 (310) 631-2660 Zevallos, Manuel, M.D. Internal Medicine1 3737 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 1784 019054 335 (310) 608-6963 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Khoury, Maribel P., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 135646 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Arabic, Spanish Khoury, Nabil H., M.D. General Practice 1784 035595 14906 Paramount Blvd. (562) 630-1991 Spanish Mangune, Edwin M., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 189983 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 110 (562) 633-2021 Mangune, Florencia M., Family Practice M.D. 1784 056884 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 110 (562) 633-2021 Spanish, Tagalog Raghunathan, Internal Medicine1 Chengalroyan, M.D. 1784 013719 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 202 (562) 663-9191 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Riaz, Hassan A., M.D. General Practice 1784 135954 16444 Paramount Blvd. # 103 (562) 531-7790 Spanish Riaz, Mohammad, M.D. General Practice 1784 014094 16444 Paramount Blvd. # 103 (562) 531-7790 Spanish, Urdu Rubio, Edmundo R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 048487 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 205 (562) 531-3133 Spanish Tsai, Mark C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1784 127778 16415 Colorado Ave. # 101 (562) 634-6341 Mandarin, Spanish 1 Board Certified 114 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Weinstein, Philip B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 018132 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 201 (562) 633-3131 Spanish Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Fishman, Ritchard L., M.D. Family Practice 1784 005068 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6565 Spanish, Tagalog Magana, Omar, M.D. Family Practice1 1784 110502 8338 Rosemead Blvd (562) 942-1200 Spanish Paredes, Francisco E., M.D. General Practice 1784 032863 9315 Telegraph Rd. (562) 654-6855 Spanish Sotomayor, Salvador M., General Practice M.D. 1784 049832 5036 Passons Blvd. # 2 & 3 (562) 654-2800 French, Italian, Spanish South El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 1784 057490 1648 Tyler Ave. # B (626) 579-0103 South Gate Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Azurin, Narciso M., M.D. Family Practice1 1784 500660 4075 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 566-4111 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Enayati, Daniel, M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Farsi, Spanish Marshak, Glenn A., M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Spanish Marshak, Glenn A., M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Spanish Masoud, Abdul S., M.D. 3275 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-2258 Farsi Medina, Celerina B., M.D. 4149 Tweedy Blvd # B (323) 564-4545 Spanish, Tagalog Memon, Muhammad J., M.D. 3275 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 567-2258 Urdu Moy, Eng W., M.D. 4301 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 566-5129 Burmese, Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 3529 Firestone Blvd. (323) 566-1700 Spanish Shenouda, Emile G., M.D. 10132 California Ave. (323) 566-4411 Arabic, French, Spanish Skinner, David H., D.O. 10010 California Ave. (323) 567-2425 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1784 094638 General Practice 1784 051275 Internal Medicine1 1784 051275 General Practice 1784 029296 General Practice 1784 073328 Internal Medicine1 1784 083704 Family Practice 1784 011939 Family Practice 1784 014889 General Practice 1784 088091 General Practice 1784 057265 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Skinner, David H., D.O. Internal Medicine 1784 057265 10010 California Ave. (323) 567-2425 Spanish Torreblanca, Jose M., M.D. General Practice 1784 530727 10001 California Ave. (323) 564-4408 Spanish Venegas, Carlos A., M.D. General Practice 1784 047722 4225 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 564-6464 Spanish Wei, John C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 520779 3224 Santa Ana St. (323) 567-2384 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cecilio, Rosario L., M.D. General Practice 1784 032264 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog David, Dwight A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1784 503631 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Spanish, Tagalog Kaller, Stanley A., D.O. Family Practice 1784 035487 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Tamadon, Shokouh, M.D. General Practice 1784 016932 15111 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 945-6440 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Acupuncture Hugh, Peter C., D.O. Allergy/Immunology Baskin, Marc R., M.D.1 Burger, Jr., Emil F., M.D.1 Board Certified 115 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Allergy/Immunology Nguyen, Roger L., M.D.1 Anesthesiology El-Khoury, George F., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Ahmadpour, Hedayatolah, M.D.1 Brodie, Thomas S., M.D.1 Deits, Richard M., M.D.1 Farah, Amin, M.D.1 Mahaisavariya, Paiboon, M.D.1 Multani, Pramod, M.D.1 Raghunathan, Chengalroyan, M.D. Sahota, Harvinder, M.D. Seidman, Richard I., M.D.1 Tamboli, Kaushal R., M.D.1 Yoshino, Paul H., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Gottner, Robert J., M.D. Lee, Anthony W., M.D. Spiwak, Jose, M.D. Dermatology Canon, Fernando B., M.D.1 Desilva, Keerthi R., M.D. Endocrinology Berger, David, M.D.1 Echeverry-Franck, Diana, M.D. Perley, Michael J., M.D.1 Shaw, Sylvia J., M.D. General Surgery Konyalian, Viken R., M.D.1 Montano, Jose N., M.D.1 Udoh, Nnaemeka C., M.D. Geriatrics Oranusi, Victor A., M.D.1 Hand Surgery Hicks, Pearlman D., M.D. Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Huang, Daniel B., M.D.1 Zevallos, Manuel, M.D. Infectious Disease Bansil, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Fulmer, Hugh P., M.D.1 Tabatabai, Meher F., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Mahaisavariya, Paiboon, M.D.1 Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Thornhill-Joynes, Monica M., M.D.1 Yoshino, Paul H., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Ogundipe, Anthony O., M.D. Sachar, Vikas, M.D. Gastroenterology Bhasker, Mohan W., M.D. Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Pande, Hemant, M.D.1 Nephrology Chuang, Jesse J., M.D.1 Hon, George G., M.D.1 Hong, Andy, M.D.1 Khwaja, Samia A., M.D. Lui, Stephen C., M.D.1 Mootoo, Keith I., M.D.1 Ramirez, Jesus G., M.D.1 Rocha, Rodrigo J., M.D. Thornhill-Joynes, Monica M., M.D.1 Yanamadala, Sita L., M.D. General Surgery Anderson, Maxine M., M.D.1 Jones, Reginald J., M.D.1 Neurology Danna, Salvatore A., M.D. Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Family Practice Hugh, Peter C., D.O.1 1 Board Certified 116 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Neurosurgery Deere, Jr., Harley R., M.D. Duong, Duc H., M.D.1 Lemay, Daniel R., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Alladawi, Ayman, M.D. Allen, Gwen M., M.D. Bowens, Karol L., M.D. Carreon, Jorge F., M.D. Cepeda, Pedro, M.D.1 De Los Reyes, Bernardita L., M.D. Im, Samuel S., M.D.1 Mishal, Devadatt M., M.D.1 Ogundipe, Anthony O., M.D.1 Pham, Loy A., M.D.1 Seif, Medhat, M.D.1 Thomas, Silas J., M.D.1 Truong, Phuong C., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Cohn, Kenneth, M.D.1 Edelstein, Arthur J., M.D. Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Shammas, Maya C., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery Eberly, Vance C., M.D.1 Elias, Ramy N., M.D.1 Peterson, Thomas K., M.D. Porat, Sharoun S., M.D.1 Wassef, Ezzat W., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Ayoub, Elias I., M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 1 Pediatric Surgery Ndiforchu, Fombe, M.D.1 Pediatrics Johnson-Chavis, Toni D., M.D. Oey, Jamie C., M.D. Rodas, Ana L., M.D.1 Shenouda, Emile G., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Hicks, Pearlman D., M.D.1 Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Podiatry Abbes, Edgar A., DPM Chan, John, DPM Hodor, Lawrence, DPM1 Lee, Edmond E., DPM1 Lowe, Stanley, DPM Rubin, Lawrence I., DPM1 Schilling, Michael C., DPM1 Psychiatry Tolwin, Michael H., M.D. Trichter, Robert M., M.D. Psychology Garcia, Jorge, PH.D. Pulmonary Disease David, Dwight A., M.D.1 Kamdar, Vijay V., M.D.1 Kumar, Ashok, M.D. Raheja, Ashok K., M.D.1 Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D.1 Williams, John A., M.D. Radiation Oncology Dave, Sulabha A., M.D. Rheumatology Maehara, Michael S., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Gheissari, Ali, M.D.1 Lee, Anthony W., M.D.1 Spiwak, Jose, M.D. Board Certified 117 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Neurology Mansour, Khalifa, M.D. Mitri, Antoine E., M.D.1 Prentice Jr, Theodore C., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region PPG 1784 Urology Mehta, Manish D., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 118 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 11333 North Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345-1116 (818) 837-5765 Urgent Care: Facey Medical Gp. - Mission Hills Urgent Care (818) 365-9531 Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat, Sun, Hol 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Roscoe Boulevard Campus Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Facey Medical Foundation - Canyon Country (PPG 1070) 17909 Soledad Canyon Road Canyon Country, CA 91351-3210 (661) 250-5200 Urgent Care: Facey Medical Gp. - Valencia Urgent Care (661) 222-2600 Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat, Sun, Hol 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Facey Medical Foundation - Copperhill (PPG 5010) 27924 Seco Canyon Road Santa Clarita, CA 91350-3870 (661) 513-2100 Hospitals Used: Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Roscoe Boulevard Campus Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Facey Medical Foundation - Northridge (PPG 1072) 18460 Roscoe Blvd Northridge, CA 91325-4107 (818) 734-3600 Urgent Care: Facey Medical Gp. - Mission Hills Urgent Care (818) 365-9531 Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat, Sun, Hol 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Roscoe Boulevard Campus Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Facey Medical Foundation - Porter Ranch (PPG 1069) 19950 Rinaldi Street Northridge, CA 91326-4141 (818) 837-5715 Urgent Care: Facey Medical Gp. - Mission Hills Urgent Care (818) 365-9531 Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat, Sun, Hol 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Roscoe Boulevard Campus Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Facey Medical Foundation - San Gabriel (PPG 1077) 207 South Santa Anita Street Suite 205 San Gabriel, CA 91776-1138 (626) 576-0800 Urgent Care: Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat, Sun, Hol 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: San Gabriel Valley Medical Center 119 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 Facey Medical Foundation - Valencia (PPG 1071) 26357 Mcbean Parkway Valencia, CA 91355-4488 (661) 222-2600 Urgent Care: Facey Medical Gp. - Valencia Urgent Care (661) 222-2600 Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat, Sun, Hol 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Facey Medical Foundation - Valencia II (PPG 1974) 25775 McBean Parkway Valencia, CA 91355-3708 (661) 255-6802 Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Canyon Country Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alam, Tarannum, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1070 129880 17909 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 250-5200 Hasratyan, Anush, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1070 159129 17909 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 250-5230 Armenian Lackman, Vernon H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1070 009480 17909 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 250-5230 Lee, Byong-Wha E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1070 033774 17909 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 250-5230 Japanese, Korean Lopes, Ana S., M.D. Family Practice 1070 141969 17909 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 250-5200 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lopes, Ana S., M.D. Family Practice 5010 141969 17909 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 250-5200 Family Practice Partovi, Shay, M.D.2 1070 164908 17909 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 250-5230 Castaic Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Levy, Nina R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1071 130989 31882 Castaic Rd. (661) 775-1400 Mission Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Belayneh, Daniel K., M.D. Family Practice 1068 165544 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5750 Choudhary, Suneeta, M.D. Family Practice1 1068 148618 11211 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5752 Bengali, Hindi Gamini, Ali A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1068 167316 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5752 Gaxiola Macias, Felizardo Family Practice A., M.D. 1068 162943 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5750 Spanish Ghobrial, Mona M., M.D. Family Practice1 1068 167354 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5795 Huey, Donald J., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1068 007668 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5795 Jen, Wen-Cheng, M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1068 091127 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5765 Cantonese, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 120 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 Northridge Primary Care Physicians Cordero, Fausto S., M.D. 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3610 Spanish Goharbin, Ali, M.D. 19950 Rinaldi St. (818) 403-2410 Ionescu-Tiba, Viviana T., M.D. 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3600 1 2 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1068 102093 Internal Medicine 1068 059786 Internal Medicine1 1068 022967 Internal Medicine1 1068 530000 Internal Medicine1 1068 017018 Internal Medicine1 1068 073718 Obstetrics/Gynecology 1068 147266 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1072 503254 Family Practice1 1069 172973 Family Practice 1072 171439 Primary Care Physicians Jen, Wen-Cheng, M.D.2 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3625 Cantonese, Spanish Lewis, Daniel J., M.D. 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3625 Lewis, Michael R., M.D. 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3600 Spanish Mooradian, Vahe, M.D. 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3600 Salcedo, Marie G., D.O. 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3610 Spanish Shafiee, Farridah, D.O.2 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3600 Wright, Kathryn J., M.D. 18460 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 734-3600 Porter Ranch Primary Care Physicians Kranzpiller, Susan E., M.D. 19950 Rinaldi St. (818) 403-2410 German Kwon, Elise J., M.D.2 19950 Rinaldi St. (818) 403-2400 Korean Landers, Richard D., M.D. 19950 Rinaldi St. (818) 403-2400 Landers, Richard D., M.D. 19950 Rinaldi St. (818) 403-2400 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1068 091127 Internal Medicine 1072 076159 Family Practice1 1072 146560 Family Practice 1072 167341 Internal Medicine1 1072 101603 Internal Medicine1 1072 145144 Obstetrics/Gynecology 1072 147266 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1069 105454 Internal Medicine1 1069 130100 Internal Medicine1 1069 051303 Internal Medicine1 1072 051303 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 121 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Lee, Jeffery J., M.D.2 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5750 Lizama, Miguel R., M.D. 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5752 Spanish Sadeghani, Khosro, M.D.2 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5778 Farsi Sanchez, Michael A., M.D. 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5752 Spanish Tashiro, James R., M.D.2 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5765 Wilson, Lou Ellen, M.D.2 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5797 Spanish Wright, Kathryn J., M.D. 11333 Sepulveda Blvd. (818) 837-5770 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nelson, Michael C., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1068 012244 19950 Rinaldi St. # 150 (818) 403-2420 San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abend, Robert P., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1077 035303 207 S. Santa Anita Ave. # 205 (626) 576-0800 Chan, Kenneth M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1077 502585 207 S. Santa Anita Ave. # 205 (626) 576-0800 Pratt, Garry M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1077 035308 207 S. Santa Anita Ave. # 205 (626) 943-3228 Uyehara, Wesley T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1077 035313 207 S. Santa Anita Ave. # 205 (626) 943-3280 Wang, Shih-Fang, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1077 530475 207 S. Santa Anita Ave. # 205 (626) 943-3229 Young, Howard, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1077 105389 207 S. Santa Anita Ave. # 205 (626) 943-3232 Santa Clarita Primary Care Physicians Asuncion, Catherine C., M.D. 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Asuncion, Ranilo, M.D. 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2600 Avelino, Christopher F., M.D.2 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2605 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5010 138292 Internal Medicine 1071 138335 Internal Medicine 1 1071 056838 Primary Care Physicians Bernstein, Lawrence G., M.D.2 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Bernstein, Lawrence G., M.D.2 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Fernandez, Eric L., M.D.2 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2605 Spanish Gowthaman, Bhuvaneswari, M.D. 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2600 Kim, Clement C., M.D.2 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2658 Lee, Jong C., M.D. 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Korean Lee, Jong C., M.D. 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Korean Levy, Nina R., M.D. 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2600 Lopes, Ana S., M.D. 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Markley, Daisy Mae C., M.D. 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Morrow, David L., M.D. 27924 Seco Canyon Rd. (661) 513-2100 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1071 027057 Internal Medicine1 5010 027057 Internal Medicine1 1071 073617 Internal Medicine1 1071 128800 Internal Medicine1 1071 073278 Internal Medicine1 5010 106110 Internal Medicine1 1071 106110 Internal Medicine1 1071 130989 Family Practice 5010 141969 Family Practice1 5010 086346 Family Practice1 5010 076855 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 122 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 Valencia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Castillo, Gregory, M.D. Family Practice 1071 050100 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2658 Spanish Davatgarzadeh, Arousha, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1071 152084 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2605 Farsi Hollero, Elaine M., M.D. Family Practice 1071 166235 26357 Mcbean Pkwy. # 320 (661) 222-2658 Malkhassian, Sarkis Y., Family Practice M.D. 1071 184752 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2600 Nguyen, David H., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology 1974 141995 25775 Mcbean Pkwy. # 118 (661) 424-8848 Vietnamese Tuso, Nicholas J., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1974 108197 25775 Mcbean Pkwy. # 118 (661) 424-8848 Allergy/Immunology Offenberger, Jacob, M.D.1 Perera, Michael G., M.D.1 Shapiro, Joseph R., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Baruch, Terrence J., M.D.1 Blesa, Enrique S., M.D. Chawla, Rajesh, M.D.1 Fung, Peter K., M.D.1 Herman, Lee S., M.D.1 Kassabian, Leo, M.D.1 1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Orlando, Joan R., M.D. Pandian, M. Ganesa, M.D.1 Patterson, Jack A., M.D.1 Tsakonas, John S., M.D.1 Yee, Ting S., M.D.1 Yeh, Michael, M.D. Cardiovascular Surgery Atiya, Azmi W., M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D. Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Soltero, Michael J., M.D. Yasuda, Roderick K., M.D.1 Dermatology Goldman, Robert D., M.D. Trail, Monica J., M.D. Emergency Medicine Tran, Anhtuan D., M.D. Endocrinology Dang, Andy H., M.D. Hethumuni, Gamini D., M.D. Nabil, Narmeen A., M.D.1 Tamagna, Ellen I., M.D.1 Family Practice Aghayan, Chris, M.D. Downs, Brian J., D.O. Gastroenterology Batah, Jihad, M.D.1 Beshay, Magued F., M.D.1 General Surgery Fields, Scott A., M.D.1 Patterson, Scott W., M.D.1 Richman, Peter S., M.D.1 Sadra, Maher H., M.D.1 Geriatrics Hasratyan, Anush, M.D. Hematology/Oncology Dekker, Albert, M.D.1 Felman, Ira E., M.D.1 Board Certified 123 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patterson Judd, Rebecca Family Practice A., M.D. 1071 144671 26357 McBean Pkwy. (661) 222-2658 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 Hematology/Oncology Kouz, Rafid J., M.D.1 Yang, Honghao, M.D. Infectious Disease Clough, Wendy, M.D. Lam, Kitty, M.D. Lu, Tommy C., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Chung, Sue Y., M.D.1 Climaco, Delora A., M.D.1 Dang, Andy H., M.D. Garimella, Sree N., M.D. Humayun, Fawwaz, M.D. Jarahzadeh, Mohammad R., M.D.1 Nasseri, Hamid R., D.O.1 Patak, Ramachandra V., M.D.1 Suthipinijtham, Pharnuk, D.O. Tran, Anhtuan D., M.D.1 Zucker, Victor A., M.D.1 Marriage/Family Counseling Cruz, Tina, MFT Merrill, Jamie R., MFT Nephrology Abdeen, Omaran A., M.D. Assomull, Vinod M., M.D.1 Desai, Anant J., M.D.1 Gandhi, Kamal V., M.D.1 Nemeh, Moufid N., M.D. Patak, Ramachandra V., M.D.1 Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D. Shah, Parag A., M.D.1 Neurology An, Arthur Y., M.D.1 Cardenas, Doris, M.D. Lekkala, Madhavi, M.D.1 Liu, June-Chih, M.D. Paramesh, Kannen, M.D.1 Schultz, Mark C., M.D. Shubin, Richard A., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 124 / Health Net Provider Network Neurology Wogensen, Kenneth K., M.D. Neurosurgery Hua, Sherwin A., M.D.1 Liker, Mark A., M.D. Quinonez, Rafael O., M.D. Taban, Asher H., M.D. Xie, Sean X., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Ardalan, Maryam, M.D. Chen, Li Ching, M.D.1 Cooper, Martin A., M.D.1 Gallivan, Kevin F., M.D.1 Kittur, Ajit M., M.D.1 Marter, Roscoe L., M.D.1 Sakai, Jack T., M.D.1 Soumah, Nbalia M., D.O.1 Verder, Tina B., M.D.1 Yamamoto, Thomas R., M.D.1 Yuan, Frances H., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Chang, Tom S., M.D.1 Dalali, Michael J., M.D.1 Engstrom, Robert E., M.D.1 Kim, Danny, M.D. Lynch, Michael C., M.D.1 Tran, Vinh T., M.D. Optometrist Brantz, Allen, O.D. Bronwien, Elliot, O.D. Gasparians, Melineh, O.D. Lin, Diane, O.D. Lowe, Shelly H., O.D. Sang, Irene N., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Chang, Jonathan L., M.D.1 Dietz, Adam G., M.D. Ganjianpour, Ramin, M.D.1 Huang, David W., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills PPG 1068 Otolaryngology (Ent) Amini, Kamyar, M.D.1 Avitia, Sofia, M.D. Chen, David K., M.D. Chung, Theodore W., M.D. Dickman, Jerome I., M.D.1 Yao, Shounan, L.A.1 Yung, Allan K., M.D.1 Pediatrics Chien, David W., M.D. Gonzalez, Rene, M.D. Kim, Clement C., M.D. Lee, Jong C., M.D.1 Levy, Maya, M.D. Pilliner, Jeanette N., M.D. Regala, Jayvee R., M.D. Saraf, Asha, M.D. Selvakkumaran, Gayathri, M.D. Tang, May Y., M.D. Pulmonary Disease Nasseri, Hamid R., D.O.1 Saraf, Pratap, M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Ariathurai, Sundera V., M.D.1 Ellerbroek, Nancy A., M.D. Hoffman, Rex, M.D. Kazlauskas, Linas J., M.D. Mak, Albert C., M.D. Rose, Christopher M., M.D.1 Zimmerman, Robert P., M.D.1 Rheumatology Chung, Sue Y., M.D.1 Finney, Catherine L., M.D. Sussman, Paul, M.D.1 Sports Medicine Dietz, Adam G., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Atiya, Azmi W., M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D.1 Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Soltero, Michael J., M.D.1 Yasuda, Roderick K., M.D.1 Podiatry Binder, Robert P., DPM Lee, Joung H., DPM Sayani, Shohreh, DPM Yamini, Syamak, DPM1 Zorrilla, Orlando E., DPM Urology Andrews, Roger N., M.D.1 Brison, Daniel I., M.D. Dikranian, Armen H., M.D. Dikranian, Hagop A., M.D.1 Samadi, Albert A., M.D.1 Yamada, Alan H., M.D.1 Youssef, Youssef K., M.D.1 Psychiatry Foxman, Eric, M.D.1 Simonds, Mark F., M.D. Vascular Surgery Aziz, Ihab N., M.D.1 Saad, Shawki D., M.D.1 Psychology Van Wyck, Brenda J., PSY.D Pulmonary Disease Karlin, Andrew S., M.D. Landers, Richard D., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 125 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Orthopedic Surgery Kayvanfar, James F., M.D. Lin, Matthew Y., M.D.1 Roth, Robert H., M.D.1 Tam, Benjamin C., M.D.1 Yang, Anthony P., M.D.1 Young, Charles R., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 605 East Badillo Street Covina, CA 91723-2846 (626) 974-0440 Urgent Care: Greater Covina Medical Clinic - (626)732-9232 Mon - Fri 4:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sat - Sun 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Holidays - 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: East Valley Hospital Medical Center Foothill Presbyterian Hospital - Morris L. Johnston Memorial Inter-Community, Citrus Valley Medical Centers Queen of the Valley, Citrus Valley Medical Center Arcadia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Vijay V., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 013032 611 S. First Ave. (626) 446-8818 Azusa Primary Care Physicians Bains, Bhupinder, M.D. 216 N. Azusa Ave. (626) 334-7849 Hindi, Spanish Carcamo, Rafael, M.D. 647 E. Arrow Hwy. (626) 858-5199 Spanish Kamdar, Bina A., M.D. 520 W. Foothill Blvd. (626) 334-1611 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5144 074627 Family Practice 5144 091846 Internal Medicine1 5144 044530 Baldwin Park Primary Care Physicians Atluri, Rao L., M.D. 14051 E. Ramona Pkwy. (626) 338-7338 Hindi, Spanish Carrillo, Herman F., M.D. 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish Fernandez, Marina H., M.D. 14514 Ramona Blvd. # 3 (626) 337-0424 Spanish, Tagalog Mandani, Amado D., M.D. 14338 Ramona Blvd. (626) 962-7886 Spanish, Tagalog Montenegro, Dionisio M., M.D. 14514 Ramona Blvd. # 3 (626) 337-0424 Spanish, Tagalog Urbina, Marvin, M.D. 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5144 035583 General Practice 5144 027241 General Practice 5144 067325 General Practice 5144 049234 General Practice 5144 078095 Family Practice 5144 094669 City Of Industry Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sizar, Muhammad H., D.O. Family Practice1 5144 098684 16000 Amar Rd. (626) 968-8445 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Baker, Robert L., M.D.2 Family Practice1 5144 031985 250 W. Badillo St. (626) 967-6225 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 126 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Betts, Randolph J., M.D. Family Practice 5144 027163 274 W. Badillo St. (626) 331-7369 Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Castellanos, Jose Gabriel, Family Practice M.D.3 5144 071505 234 E. Badillo St. (626) 915-9992 Spanish Cortes, Virgencita M., M.D.Internal Medicine 5144 057132 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. # 200 (626) 331-2209 Spanish, Tagalog Dagher, Nadim K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 154649 530 W. Badillo St. # D (626) 332-1175 Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Russian, Spanish Gallego, Claudio H., M.D.3 Internal Medicine1 5144 024369 315 N. Third Ave. # 207 (626) 332-6151 Farsi, Spanish, Urdu Gidowski, Rosa M., M.D. Family Practice 5144 069171 368 W. Badillo St. (626) 915-5161 Spanish Gupta, Anil, M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 027159 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. (626) 331-2209 Hindi, Spanish Ha, Thomas T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 006596 530 W. Badillo St. # E (626) 858-5370 Vietnamese Khedia, Sanjay N., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 060811 211 W. Badillo St. (626) 915-7674 Gujarati, Hindi, Ukranian, Urdu 1 3 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Prakashchandra T., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5144 013021 315 N. Third Ave. # 306 (626) 332-1815 Hindi Qawi, Jaleel, M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 044684 315 N. Third Ave. # 303A (626) 859-2249 Spanish Sanchez, Leopoldo C., Family Practice M.D. 5144 028571 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. # 200 (626) 331-2209 Spanish, Tagalog Tulpule, Radhika, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 017461 110 N. Fourth Ave. (626) 859-6400 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, David P., D.O. Family Practice1 5144 091057 1241 Grand Ave. # E (626) 965-1988 Korean, Mandarin Duarte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. General Practice 5144 025221 931 Buena Vista St. # 503 (626) 357-2269 Arabic, Spanish El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bishara, Ishak N., M.D. Family Practice1 5144 045602 2006 Durfee Ave. (626) 442-5015 Arabic, German, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 127 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kingsley, Anthony M., Internal Medicine M.D. 5144 094715 10301 Garvey Ave. # 100 (626) 448-0468 Spanish Pilpa Jr, Jose R., M.D. General Practice 5144 013351 10410 Lower Azusa Rd. # 103 (626) 350-6200 Spanish, Tagalog Revollo, Hugo A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 033935 10948 Ramona Blvd. (626) 442-3516 Spanish Urbina, Marvin, M.D. Family Practice 5144 094669 1101 E. Valley Mall (626) 443-3922 Spanish Glendora Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mehta, Krunal J., M.D. Family Practice 5144 161693 130 W. Route 66 # 214 (626) 335-4129 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Patel, Vijay V., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 013032 1624 S. Grand Ave. (626) 914-1847 Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gu, Ron Y., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 037013 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 205 (626) 964-2880 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Li, Mark W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 028224 2440 S. Hacienda Blvd. # 105 (626) 330-6003 Mandarin 1 Board Certified 128 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lin, George I., M.D. Family Practice 5144 077523 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 205 (626) 964-2880 Mandarin Makandura, Lakshman D., Internal Medicine M.D. 5144 059798 2219 S. Hacienda Blvd. # 101 (626) 961-2461 Sinhalese, Spanish La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arenas, Jesse P., M.D. General Practice 5144 039247 1840 N. Hacienda Blvd. # 6 (626) 917-4871 Spanish Arenas, Jesse P., M.D. General Practice 5144 039247 13909 Amar Rd. # B (626) 960-8887 Spanish Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. General Practice 5144 025221 15852 Main St. (626) 968-0542 Arabic, Spanish Galindo, Jorge E., M.D. General Practice 5144 028222 15115 Amar Rd. (626) 918-4700 Spanish Park, Burn, M.D. Family Practice1 5144 041195 19085 Colima Rd. (626) 964-5001 Korean, Spanish Perez, Omar, M.D. General Practice 5144 049844 15115 Amar Rd. (626) 918-4700 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Balacuit, Peter C., M.D. General Practice 5144 024059 416 S. Myrtle Ave. (626) 357-3296 Spanish, Tagalog Pomona Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Carcamo, Rafael, M.D. Family Practice 5144 091846 1126 W. Mission Blvd. (909) 865-2538 Spanish Kingsley, Anthony M., Internal Medicine M.D. 5144 094715 2286 S. Garey Ave. (909) 464-2818 Spanish Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hussain, Rizwana B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 025019 18750 Colima Rd. # B (626) 912-9345 Hindi, Spanish Kim, Jae M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 022811 1722 Desire Ave. # 206 (626) 912-5282 Korean, Spanish Lee, David P., D.O. Family Practice1 5144 091057 1818 Sierra Leone Ave. # B (626) 965-1988 Korean, Mandarin West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Ker-Chow, M.D. Family Practice1 5144 051292 2707 E. Valley Blvd. # 103 (626) 810-7772 Mandarin, Taiwanese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cua, Seung S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 025016 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 114B (626) 960-4989 Fukienese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog DeLa Cruz, Lina C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 166275 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 104 (626) 962-3607 Spanish, Tagalog Dhand, Sadhna, M.D. General Practice 5144 028230 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 311 (626) 960-7759 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dhand, Subhash, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 503961 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 311 (626) 960-7759 Gan, Teresita B., M.D. Family Practice 5144 025020 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 114 (626) 960-4989 Fukienese, Mandarin, Tagalog Gunawardane, Sisira K., General Practice M.D. 5144 028009 333 N. Sunset Ave. (626) 960-5461 Sinhalese, Spanish Gupta, Anil, M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 027159 409 E. Merced Ave. # B (626) 918-1569 Hindi, Spanish Jimenez, Cesar A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 035662 2550 E. Amar Rd. # A2 (626) 964-0099 Spanish, Tagalog Karunananthan, Ruth M., Internal Medicine M.D. 5144 075749 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. # 102 (626) 430-9991 Tamil Board Certified 129 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kim, Jae M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 022811 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 217 (626) 917-1924 Korean, Spanish Li, Mark W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 028224 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 102 (626) 960-0527 Mandarin Makandura, Lakshman D., Internal Medicine M.D. 5144 059798 910 S. Sunset Ave. # 8 (626) 338-8407 Sinhalese, Spanish Oh, Hee Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 024071 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 207 (626) 962-2421 Korean, Spanish Ortega, Evelyn A., M.D. General Practice 5144 057137 910 S. Sunset Ave. # 5 (626) 960-2771 Spanish, Tagalog Parekh, Hemalatha R., General Practice M.D. 5144 100422 333 N. Sunset Ave. (626) 960-5461 Gujarati, Hindi Patel, Prakashchandra T., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5144 013021 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 216 (626) 338-3553 Hindi Rao, Chintalapudi K., M.D.3Family Practice 5144 057138 1135 S. Sunset Ave. # 408 (626) 813-4888 Spanish Sharma, Madhu, M.D.3 General Practice 5144 057154 1135 S. Sunset Ave. # 405 (626) 813-6676 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Soriano, Virgilio J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 057140 1559 E. Amar Rd. # F (626) 810-1522 Tagalog Tsai, Oliver C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 039390 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 308 (626) 962-3584 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wang, John Z., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5144 094103 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 206 (626) 338-0811 Wong, Jair, M.D. Internal Medicine 5144 048958 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 102 (626) 962-9108 Mandarin, Spanish Allergy/Immunology Hsu, Yu-Luen, M.D. Ort, Howard S., M.D.1 Perera, Michael G., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Bhutto, Zahida R., M.D.1 Gadgil, Uday G., M.D.1 Khan, Mohammed Qaisar A., M.D. Miller, Paul H., M.D.1 Mohamed, Pareed K., M.D.1 Samant, Dinesh R., M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Martinez, Luis W., M.D.1 Dermatology Badawi, Radwan A., M.D. Ledesma, Glenn N., M.D. Endocrinology Yang, George T., M.D. Family Practice Mawaheb, Khaled A., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Akram, Mumtaz, M.D.1 Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 130 / Health Net Provider Network 3 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 General Practice Guevara-Rebueno, Brigida, M.D. General Surgery Baron, Robinson V., M.D. Ching, Timothy, M.D. Choctaw, William T., M.D. Corbisiero, Raffael M., M.D.1 Edillon, Edwin L., M.D. Hameed, Khan J., M.D.1 Maglunog, Alexander A., M.D.1 Newman, Howard K., M.D.1 Yeo, James K., M.D.1 Gynecology Tangchitnob, Dumrong, M.D. Hematology/Oncology Bosserman, Linda D., M.D. Infectious Disease Bassi, Sohanjeet S., M.D.1 Begum, Nasima, M.D.1 Jayasekara, Deepthi K., M.D.1 Jiang, Hua, M.D.1 Streng, Joel A., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Cu, Johny A., M.D.1 Haq, Azhar U., M.D.1 Mohan, Krishna J., M.D.1 Patel, Dilip S., M.D.1 Sahebekhtiari, Heidarali, M.D. Samant, Dinesh R., M.D. Shah, Hiren C., M.D. Maternal & Fetal Medicine Phelan, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Leung, Anna S., M.D. Ynchausti, Raquel M., M.D. 1 Nephrology Bautista, Raymundo S., M.D. Bien, Michael H., M.D.1 Cabebe, Franklin G., M.D. Jamal, Aamir Z., M.D. Moghadam, Mojtaba, M.D.1 Rezvani, Farhad, M.D.1 Rizvi, Syed A., M.D. Shah, Hiren C., M.D. Sudan, Madhu, M.D.1 Neurology Elghazi, Fares, M.D.1 Kundi, Mukhtair S., M.D.1 Uddin, Mohammad K., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Disney, Lew B., M.D. Lederhaus, Scott C., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Jose L., M.D.1 Zinke, David E., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Barajas, Daniel, M.D.1 Beharie, Carlos S., M.D. Savla, Kalpana P., M.D.1 Shah, Anjana P., M.D.1 Tang, Bill W., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Bagai, Shelly N., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Kondra, Lawrence J., M.D. Vishteh, Armin, M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Galleno, Humberto A., M.D.1 Lugo, Carlos, M.D. Osborne, Arthur H., M.D.1 Osborne, Vic A., M.D.1 Wong, Kee P., M.D.1 Yee, Lincoln S., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. Nguyen, Bac H., M.D.1 Board Certified 131 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Gastroenterology Li, Mark W., M.D.1 Sahebekhtiari, Heidarali, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group PPG 5144 Otolaryngology (Ent) Williams, James G., M.D.1 Worrell, Lewit A., M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Nestor, Larry, M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Kahlon, Surjit K., M.D. Pediatric Surgery Sherman, Neil J., M.D. Pediatrics Ateia, Samia G., M.D. Berganza, Jose D., M.D. Dadabhoy, Shahida M., M.D. Domingo, Miguel I., M.D. Dominguez, Emil R., M.D. Garg, Santosh K., M.D.1 Gu, Shiow-Jane, M.D. Hanjan, Harbhajan K., M.D. Jaramillo, Jorge I., M.D.1 Kim, Kum S., M.D. Kumar, Asha R., M.D. Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Mai, Viet Q., M.D. Mistry, Pankaj N., M.D. Murtidjaja, Willy, M.D. Pak, Yunchul J., M.D.1 Sachdeva, Rekha, M.D.1 Streng, Joel A., M.D.1 Tadros, Georgette, M.D. Tanchoco, Imelda T., M.D. Tukaj, Joanna, M.D.1 Villarica, Shirley, M.D. Ynchausti, Raquel M., M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Kim, Tae-Soon, M.D. Lee, Yong I., M.D.1 Lindberg, John W., M.D.1 Patel, Rohini A., M.D. 1 Board Certified 132 / Health Net Provider Network Plastic Surgery Wu, Dianne E., M.D.1 Podiatry Alavynejad, Babak, DPM1 Huang, Tina H., DPM Kaplan, Steven F., DPM Tam, John W., DPM1 Psychiatry Ali, Sajid, M.D. Guntupalli, Nageswara R., M.D.1 Ikramullah, Sultana, M.D. Manning, Raymond A., M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Che, Hung, M.D.1 Radiology Krishnasamy, Bharath K., M.D.1 Rosen, Ivan W., M.D. Weissbuch, Randall G., M.D.1 Rheumatology Buhay-Maglunog, Maria Susan A., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Dandekar, Nandkumar V., M.D.1 Laughlin, Lawrence L., M.D.1 Reddy, Kuruganti R., M.D.1 Wareham, Ellsworth E., M.D.1 Urology Choe, Sung M., M.D. Davis, Edward L., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Reddy, Kuruganti R., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 6400 Canoga Ave, Ste 163 Woodland Hills, CA 91367-2435 (818) 702-0100 Hospitals Used: California Hospital Medical Center Valley Presbyterian Hospital Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lopez, Jacqueline M., M.D.Family Practice1 5284 154937 6912 Ajax Ave. (562) 867-7999 Spanish Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Le, Phillip D., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 106946 14371 Clark Ave. (562) 867-6006 Spanish, Vietnamese Canoga Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Pascual, Albert M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 065015 7107 Remmet Ave. (818) 340-3570 Tagalog Compton Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Baig, Shahida, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 169054 15301 S. San Jose Ave. (323) 541-1411 Spanish Culver City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Andres, Blanca G., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 140061 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Romanian, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Brehove, Theresa M., M.D. Family Practice 5284 501829 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish King, Coley M., D.O. Family Practice1 5284 140102 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish Koehler, Tarin M., D.O. Family Practice1 5284 161772 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish Lamp, Karen C., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 045329 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish Loeza, Margarita, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 082265 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish Padilla, Miriam D., M.D. Family Practice 5284 140076 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish Schwartz, Carol R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 045332 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish Spar, Myles D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 138622 4700 Inglewood Blvd. # 102 (310) 664-7700 Spanish El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # De Artola Jr, Ignacio, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 057157 4368 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 579-0290 Spanish Nwe, May T., M.D. Family Practice 5284 190123 9960 Baldwin Pl. (626) 774-2980 Board Certified 133 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Health Care LA PPG 5284 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ma'o, Kurene T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 069828 742 W. Gardena Blvd. (310) 327-1357 Samoan, Spanish Thompson Jr, George, Internal Medicine M.D. 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 311 5284 520691 (310) 327-5552 Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilar, Felix, M.D. Family Practice 5284 144485 2680 Saturn Ave. # 220 (323) 908-4200 Spanish Noya, David A., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 135917 2680 Saturn Ave. # 220 (323) 908-4200 Spanish Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chard, John P., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 502653 301 N. Prairie Ave. # 311 (310) 981-4060 La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Kantilal C., M.D. General Practice 5284 069759 15229 Amar Rd. (626) 855-5090 Hindi, Spanish Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashrafzadeh, Tina, D.O. Family Practice 5284 157262 1060 E. 70th St. (562) 531-7284 Spanish 1 Board Certified 134 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Bellas, Patricia, M.D. 1057 Pine Ave. (562) 366-5900 Spanish Dressner, Mark D., M.D. 455 E. Columbia St # 201 (562) 933-0400 Hebrew, Spanish Huckabay, Christina A., M.D. 1060 E. 70th St. (562) 531-7284 Spanish Lopez, Marlene S., M.D. 455 E. Columbia St # 201 (562) 933-0400 Khmer (Cambodian), Spanish, Tagalog Miotto, Gabriella M., M.D. 455 E. Columbia St # 201 (562) 933-0400 Spanish Paik, Brian J., M.D. 455 E. Columbia St # 201 (562) 933-0400 Spanish Vescovo, Gina E., M.D. 1057 Pine Ave. (562) 366-5900 Spanish Yeh, Peter B., M.D. 730 W. Third St. (562) 435-5040 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5284 045327 Family Practice1 5284 044712 Family Practice1 5284 165299 Internal Medicine1 5284 032322 Family Practice1 5284 045331 Family Practice 5284 151164 Family Practice 5284 106938 Family Practice 5284 157263 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdishoo, Lisa, M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 130955 311 Winston St. (213) 893-1960 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Agrawal, Manju J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 075664 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 Hindi, Spanish Aguilar, Felix, M.D. Family Practice 5284 144485 4425 S. Central Ave. (323) 908-4200 Spanish Ahmed, Rabia, M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 500166 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 Ahsan, Nusrat, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 138190 1530 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 644-3880 Spanish Al-Sarraf, Lena, D.O. Internal Medicine 5284 048169 1530 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 644-3880 Arabic, French, Spanish Al-Sarraf, Lena, D.O. Internal Medicine 5284 048169 180 Union Pl. (323) 644-3885 Arabic, French, Spanish Alexandre, Lucien, M.D. General Practice 5284 108916 522 S. San Pedro St. (562) 867-7999 Spanish Angelucci, Andrea, D.O. Family Practice1 5284 170763 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Angelucci, Andrea, D.O. Family Practice1 5284 170763 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Aparico, Luis, M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 152494 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 Aparico, Luis, M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 152494 3756 Santa Rosalia Dr. # 400 (323) 568-5461 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arano, Silverio P., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 130647 4560 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # B (323) 780-4510 Spanish Araquel, Angelita G., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 570011 4618 Fountain Ave. (323) 953-7170 Spanish, Tagalog Austin, Armaity V., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 163942 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Gujarati, Spanish Ayala, Joanna, M.D. Family Practice 5284 190130 1530 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 644-3880 Spanish Ayala, Maria E., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 075657 123 S. Alvarado St. (213) 989-7700 Spanish Bahari-Nejad, Pejman, Family Practice1 D.O. 5284 170844 4425 S. Central Ave. (323) 908-4200 Farsi Barba, Cesar L., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 172625 711 W. Florence Ave. (323) 789-5610 Spanish Bendana, Raul J., M.D. General Practice 5284 051258 1619 1/2 W. Pico Blvd. (213) 487-0615 Spanish Benor, Mark B., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 142675 3834 S. Western Ave. (323) 730-1920 Spanish Betita, Iluminada O., M.D. General Practice 5284 064631 4448 York Blvd. (323) 344-5233 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified 135 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Health Care LA PPG 5284 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Biddison, Thomas D., M.D. General Practice 5284 169851 1625 Schrader Blvd. (323) 993-7500 Bishara, Mariam, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 149968 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 German, Spanish Bleakley, Dennis W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 058665 340 N. Madison Ave. (562) 867-7999 Spanish Bleakley, Dennis W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 058665 522 S. San Pedro St. (562) 867-7999 Spanish Bolan, Robert K., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 023789 1625 Schrader Blvd. (323) 993-7500 French, Spanish, Tagalog Butler, Derrick L., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 105363 3834 S. Western Ave. (323) 730-1920 French, Spanish Byrd, Joel P., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 105696 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 357-6620 Cadano, Rufino H., M.D. General Practice 5284 057241 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish, Tagalog Celo, Eric D., M.D. General Practice 5284 053946 4618 Fountain Ave. (323) 953-7170 Spanish, Tagalog Chan, Oswald C., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 080004 5205 Melrose Ave. (323) 337-1775 Mandarin, Spanish 1 Board Certified 136 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Philip B., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 069713 1530 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 644-3880 Burmese, Japanese, Khmer (Cambodian), Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Chatterjee, Neil A., M.D. Family Practice 5284 155148 1530 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 644-3880 Bengali, Spanish Chew, Kara W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 147482 3834 S. Western Ave. (323) 295-6571 Spanish Core, Michael A., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 188851 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Curley, Condessa M., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 092572 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Spanish Egler, Jeffrey M., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 143542 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Spanish Engel, David S., M.D. Family Practice 5284 151548 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Spanish Ettekal, Babak, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 185710 6043 Hollywood Blvd. (323) 337-1775 Spanish Ettekal, Babak, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 185710 5205 Melrose Ave. (323) 337-1775 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5284 161949 General Practice 5284 067381 1 Family Practice 5284 130545 Family Practice1 5284 130545 1 Family Practice 5284 130545 Obstetrics/Gynecology1 5284 144656 Family Practice1 5284 195070 Family Practice1 5284 147757 Family Practice 5284 161601 Internal Medicine1 5284 108080 Primary Care Physicians Gutierrez, Erasto, M.D. 4425 S. Central Ave. (323) 908-4200 Spanish Hall, Michael J., M.D. 1625 Schrader Blvd. (323) 993-7500 Hodges, John S., M.D. 1625 Schrader Blvd. (323) 993-7500 Spanish Hoh, John J., M.D. 1530 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 644-3880 Cantonese Homeier, Diana C., M.D. 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Iofel, Rina, D.O. 133 N. Sunol Dr. (323) 981-1660 Russian Jackson, Emily J., M.D. 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Spanish Javdanfar, Shahram, M.D. 5205 Melrose Ave. (323) 653-8622 Farsi, Spanish Jones, Kelly Lee, M.D. 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Spanish Kim, Hyun H., M.D. 150 N. Reno St. (213) 380-7298 Korean Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5284 169056 Family Practice1 5284 169801 Family Practice 5284 152702 Internal Medicine1 5284 569203 Family Practice 5284 188815 Family Practice1 5284 190082 Family Practice 5284 184147 Family Practice 5284 185110 Family Practice1 5284 090735 Family Practice 5284 064911 Board Certified 137 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Flores, Jacob N., M.D. 5520 Santa Monica Blvd. (323) 860-9054 Spanish Galapon, Blanca L., M.D. 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish, Tagalog Garcia, Goretti, M.D. 2032 Marengo St. (323) 987-1045 Spanish Garcia, Goretti, M.D. 201 S. Alvarado St. # 100 (213) 201-8300 Spanish Garcia, Goretti, M.D. 123 S. Alvarado St. (213) 989-7700 Spanish Gillette, Lyra S., M.D. 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 Gladfelter, Tom T., M.D. 4618 Fountain Ave. (323) 953-7170 Goodman, Darenie, M.D. 1520 San Pablo St. # 1300 (323) 442-5882 French, Spanish Gordon-Walinsky, Naomi B., M.D. 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Spanish Gregerson, Paul, M.D. 522 S. San Pedro St. (562) 867-7999 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kirkhart, Casey A., D.O. Family Practice 5284 155449 6043 Hollywood Blvd. (323) 337-1775 Spanish Kirkhart, Casey A., D.O. Family Practice 5284 155449 8405 Beverly Blvd. (323) 337-1775 Spanish Klasen, Chris, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 172049 522 S. San Pedro St. (562) 867-7999 Kong, Victor H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 048915 3727 W. Sixth St. # 200 (213) 637-1070 Korean, Spanish Koroshec, David, M.D. General Practice 5284 075599 1926 W. Beverly Blvd. (213) 353-1140 Armenian, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog Koroshec, David, M.D. General Practice 5284 075599 4920 Avalon Blvd. (323) 235-5035 Armenian, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog Lerner, Deborah A., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 073378 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Spanish Logan, Deirdre D., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 5284 127513 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 Spanish Logan, Deirdre D., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 5284 127513 3756 Santa Rosalia Dr. # 400 (323) 568-5461 Spanish Ma, Janet M., M.D.3 Internal Medicine 5284 191047 311 Winston St. (213) 893-1960 Mandarin 1 Primary Care Physicians Ma, Janet M., M.D.3 1625 E. Fourth St. (323) 268-8391 Mandarin Malabanan, Paul A., M.D. 4842 Hollywood Blvd. (323) 644-1110 Tagalog Malhi, Harpreet K., D.O. 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Hindi, Spanish Martins, David S., M.D. 3834 S. Western Ave. (323) 730-1920 Medina, Tania I., M.D. 123 S. Alvarado St. (213) 989-7700 Spanish Michael, Jennifer B., M.D. 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 Mull, John D., M.D. 4425 S. Central Ave. (323) 908-4200 Spanish Neyman, Yulia, D.O. 1530 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 644-3880 Spanish Nguyen, Khanh T., M.D. 150 N. Reno St. (213) 380-7298 Cantonese, French, Spanish, Vietnamese Nichols, Carrie J., M.D. 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 138 / Health Net Provider Network 3 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5284 191047 Internal Medicine 5284 061326 Family Practice 5284 153618 Internal Medicine1 5284 092574 Family Practice1 5284 135293 Internal Medicine1 5284 173509 Family Practice 5284 011983 Family Practice 5284 157193 Family Practice 5284 012354 Family Practice 5284 108070 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nourparvar, Padra G., D.O. Family Practice 5284 190899 6505 Eighth Ave. (323) 541-1411 Farsi Nourparvar, Padra G., D.O. Family Practice 5284 190899 808 W. 58th St. (323) 541-1616 Farsi Noya, David A., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 135917 4425 S. Central Ave. (323) 908-4200 Spanish Osipov, Raisa J., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 112670 4618 Fountain Ave. (323) 953-7170 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog Perez, Jose L., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 099183 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Prestwich, Brian D., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 078099 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Spanish Reilly, Jo Marie, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 540741 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Spanish Rodriguez, Rosa A., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 168363 1910 Magnolia Ave. (323) 541-1411 Spanish Sagaral, Emelou C., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 146728 4448 York Blvd. (323) 344-5233 Seamster, Roderick, M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 105606 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shamsid-Deen, Shafeeq S., General Practice M.D. 5284 015537 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Sinha, Santosh, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 105605 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 564-4331 Templeman, James R., Family Practice M.D. 5284 188991 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Spanish Turner-Lloveras, Daniel J., Internal Medicine M.D. 5284 193936 10300 Compton Ave. (323) 584-4331 Varela, Gilbert R., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 056888 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Vuong, Tinh Uyen C., D.O. Family Practice1 5284 172395 8405 Beverly Blvd. (323) 337-1775 Vietnamese White, Kathryn C., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 097442 1625 E. Fourth St. (323) 268-8391 Spanish Woehrle, Theresa A., M.D. Family Practice 5284 074368 1520 San Pablo St. # 1300 (323) 442-5900 Spanish Yuan, Jessie S., M.D. Family Practice 5284 097464 1530 S. Olive St. (213) 747-5542 Spanish Zaks, Camilo, M.D. Family Practice 5284 156122 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 101 (213) 744-0801 Spanish Board Certified 139 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Health Care LA PPG 5284 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Lynwood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gomez Gonzalez, Mileidys, Family Practice M.D. 5284 189324 3591 E. Imperial Hwy. (562) 867-7999 Patel, Kantilal C., M.D. General Practice 5284 069759 11315 Atlantic Blvd. (310) 537-5883 Hindi, Spanish North Hills Primary Care Physicians Lim, Jennifer S., M.D. 15206 Parthenia St. (818) 895-3100 Spanish Lund, Shewak R., M.D. 15206 Parthenia St. (818) 895-3100 Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Urdu Malabanan, Paul A., M.D. 15206 Parthenia St. (818) 895-3100 Tagalog Malabanan, Paul A., M.D. 15210 Parthenia St. (818) 895-3100 Tagalog Shenoy, Mahamaya A., M.D. 15206 Parthenia St. (818) 895-3100 Hindi, Spanish Shenoy, Mahamaya A., M.D. 15210 Parthenia St. (818) 895-3100 Hindi, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5284 150063 General Practice 5284 551403 Internal Medicine 5284 061326 Internal Medicine 5284 061326 General Practice 5284 143917 General Practice 5284 143917 North Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Banayan, Shahab R., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 163533 6801 Coldwater Canyon Ave. (818) 763-8836 Farsi, Spanish Chapa, Lazaro G., M.D. Family Practice1 6801 Coldwater Canyon Ave. # 2-A 5284 502641 (818) 763-8836 Spanish Cohen, Phyllis M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 053855 7843 Lankershim Blvd. (818) 765-8656 Spanish Olea, Pedro, M.D.3 Family Practice 5284 193539 7843 Lankershim Blvd. (818) 765-8656 Spanish Peeks, Roger A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 6801 Coldwater Canyon Ave. # 2-A 5284 142805 (818) 763-8836 Spanish Winters, Stephen, M.D. Family Practice 6801 Coldwater Canyon Ave. # 2-A 5284 165284 (818) 763-8836 Zeelander, Lisa M., M.D. Family Practice1 6801 Coldwater Canyon Ave. # 2-A 5284 098789 (818) 763-8836 Spanish Northridge Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Askarinam, Albert, M.D. Family Practice 5284 140193 8330 Reseda Blvd. (818) 534-1820 Armenian, Farsi, Hindi, Russian, Spanish Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 028690 8330 Reseda Blvd. (818) 534-1820 Spanish, Vietnamese Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 140 / Health Net Provider Network 3 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Encina, Alberto Y., M.D. Family Practice 5284 049331 8330 Reseda Blvd. (818) 534-1820 Spanish, Tagalog Lim, Jennifer S., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 150063 8363 Reseda Blvd. # 11 (818) 895-3100 Spanish Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kumar, Neelima, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 192332 12360 Firestone Blvd (562) 281-0305 Hindi Pacoima Primary Care Physicians Danaei, Delaram, M.D. 12756 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 896-0531 Farsi McIntosh, David L., M.D. 12756 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 896-0531 Spanish Sanders, Jesse D., M.D. 12756 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 896-0531 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5284 168830 Internal Medicine1 5284 065019 Family Practice1 5284 065025 Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chaudhri, Nimra A., M.D. Family Practice 5284 157859 3160 E. Del Mar Blvd. # 100 (626) 398-6300 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Floutsis, Grace, M.D. Family Practice1 5284 045815 1855 N. Fair Oaks Ave. # 200 (626) 398-6300 Greek, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Novero, Carlette P., M.D. Family Practice 5284 155642 3160 E. Del Mar Blvd. (626) 389-8715 Tagalog Pierce, Samuel L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 036070 1855 N. Fair Oaks Ave. # 200 (626) 398-6300 Spanish Robinson, Jehni S., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 086422 1855 N. Fair Oaks Ave. # 200 (626) 399-6300 Spanish Pomona Primary Care Physicians Amores, Lynn V., M.D. 680 Fairplex Dr. (626) 919-4333 Spanish Hathuc, Chinhnam, D.O. 680 Fairplex Dr. (909) 620-8088 Vietnamese Masatsugu, Miles K., M.D. 680 Fairplex Dr. (909) 620-8088 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5284 104592 Family Practice 5284 191714 Family Practice1 5284 137001 Redondo Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nanda, Nirmala T., M.D. General Practice 5284 069507 2114 Artesia Blvd. (310) 318-2521 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi San Fernando Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Fitts, Nancy E., M.D. Family Practice 5284 085750 1600 San Fernando Rd. (818) 365-8086 Board Certified 141 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Health Care LA PPG 5284 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Landsberger, Ruth E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 048289 1600 San Fernando Rd. (818) 365-8086 Spanish Ortiz, Maria-Cristina C., Family Practice M.D. 5284 065010 1600 San Fernando Rd. (818) 365-8086 Spanish Santa Clarita Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Danaei, Delaram, M.D. Family Practice 5284 168830 18533 Soledad Canyon Rd. (661) 673-8800 Farsi Santa Monica Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Andres, Blanca G., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 140061 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Romanian, Spanish Brehove, Theresa M., M.D. Family Practice 5284 501829 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Flowers, Chiquita R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 128520 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Sign Language, Spanish King, Coley M., D.O. Family Practice1 5284 140102 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Lamp, Karen C., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 045329 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Loeza, Margarita, M.D. 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Merid, Fantaye, M.D. 1711 Ocean Park Blvd. (310) 450-2181 Spanish Padilla, Miriam D., M.D. 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Schwartz, Carol R., M.D. 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Solz, Heidi, M.D. 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Spar, Myles D., M.D. 2509 Pico Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Xu, Shirley X., M.D. 1711 Ocean Park Blvd. (310) 450-2191 Mandarin Family Practice1 5284 141391 Family Practice 5284 140076 Internal Medicine1 5284 045332 Family Practice 5284 148931 Internal Medicine1 5284 138622 Family Practice1 5284 076085 Sun Valley Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Olea, Pedro, M.D.3 Family Practice 5284 193539 7223 Fair Ave. (818) 432-4400 Spanish Quema, Racquel S., M.D. Family Practice 5284 156730 7223 Fair Ave. (818) 432-4400 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 142 / Health Net Provider Network 3 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5284 082265 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Torrance Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tamhane, Shrikant K., D.O.Family Practice 5284 105591 4101 Torrance Blvd. (310) 540-7676 Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Valencia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Danaei, Delaram, M.D. Family Practice 5284 168830 23763 Valencia Blvd. (661) 287-1551 Farsi Kheradpour, Rabin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 083694 23763 Valencia Blvd. (661) 287-1551 Farsi, Spanish Landsberger, Ruth E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5284 048289 23763 Valencia Blvd. (661) 287-1551 Spanish Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cohen, Phyllis M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5284 053855 6551 Van Nuys Blvd. # 201 (818) 988-6335 Spanish Sanders, Jesse D., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 065025 6551 Van Nuys Blvd. # 201 (818) 988-6335 1 Venice Primary Care Physicians Andres, Blanca G., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Romanian, Spanish Andres, Blanca G., M.D. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Romanian, Spanish Brehove, Theresa M., M.D. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Brehove, Theresa M., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Flowers, Chiquita R., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Sign Language, Spanish Kakoyannis, Athanasia N., D.O. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Kampp, Linda M., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish King, Coley M., D.O. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish King, Coley M., D.O. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Lamp, Karen C., M.D. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5284 140061 Family Practice1 5284 140061 Family Practice 5284 501829 Family Practice 5284 501829 Internal Medicine 5284 128520 Family Practice 5284 155447 Internal Medicine1 5284 129633 Family Practice1 5284 140102 Family Practice1 5284 140102 Family Practice1 5284 045329 Board Certified 143 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wyner, Erin M., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 163057 7223 Fair Ave. (818) 432-4400 Yee, Veronica, M.D. Family Practice 5284 153573 7223 Fair Ave. (818) 432-4400 Arabic, Laotian, Spanish, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Primary Care Physicians Lamp, Karen C., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Loeza, Margarita, M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Loeza, Margarita, M.D. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Marston, Jacqueline N., D.O. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 664-7935 Padilla, Miriam D., M.D. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Padilla, Miriam D., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Sanchez, Analiza L., D.O. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Schwartz, Carol R., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Schwartz, Carol R., M.D. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Scremin, Maria A., D.O. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5284 045329 Family Practice1 5284 082265 Family Practice1 5284 082265 Family Practice1 5284 190326 Family Practice 5284 140076 Family Practice 5284 140076 Family Practice 5284 170792 1 Internal Medicine 5284 045332 Internal Medicine1 5284 045332 Internal Medicine1 5284 162716 Board Certified 144 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Scremin, Maria A., D.O. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Shukla, Jagruti, M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Gujarati, Spanish Solz, Heidi, M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Spar, Myles D., M.D. 905 Venice Blvd. (310) 392-8636 Spanish Spar, Myles D., M.D. 604 Rose Ave. (310) 392-8636 Spanish West Covina Primary Care Physicians Amores, Lynn V., M.D. 420 S. Glendora Ave. (626) 919-5724 Spanish De, Monya, M.D. 420 S. Glendora Ave. (626) 919-5724 Ellison, Robert S., M.D. 420 S. Glendora Ave. (626) 919-5724 Hathuc, Chinhnam, D.O. 420 S. Glendora Ave. (626) 919-5724 Vietnamese Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5284 162716 Family Practice 5284 105798 Family Practice 5284 148931 Internal Medicine1 5284 138622 Internal Medicine1 5284 138622 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5284 104592 Internal Medicine 5284 193986 Obstetrics/Gynecology1 5284 004524 Family Practice 5284 191714 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Wilmington Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kraft, Judith E., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 190265 1009 N. Avalon Blvd. (310) 549-5760 Spanish Adolescent Medicine Andres, Blanca G., M.D.1 Allergy/Immunology Coutin, David B., M.D.1 Hong, Raymond H., M.D.1 Kim, Kenneth T., M.D. Mirzai-Tehrani, Reza, D.O.1 Patel, Sonal R., M.D.1 Quel, Jorge A., M.D.1 Shapiro, Joseph R., M.D.1 Trivedi, Divyang N., M.D. Williams, Ray E., M.D. Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Balian, Harry, M.D.1 Ghazal, Joseph S., M.D.1 Gupta, Ravi, M.D.1 Helmy, Ibrahim, M.D.1 Kapoor, Amarjeet S., M.D. Lee, David M., M.D.1 Lee, Faye, M.D.1 Liu, Ming W., M.D.1 Malekmehr, Farshad, M.D. Marwah, Onkarjit S., M.D.1 Mesrobian, Haroutioun D., M.D.1 Mittal, Arun K., M.D. Mouazzen, Bassam, M.D.1 Moy, Tom Y., M.D.1 Muthiah, Muthusamy, M.D. Nguyen, Minh N., M.D.1 Polosajian, Leo, M.D.1 1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Raghunathan, Chengalroyan, M.D. Reddy, Jayapal A., M.D. Ruelaz, Robert A., M.D.1 Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Thumati, Ramakrishna R., M.D.1 Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Bridges, Duane E., M.D. Girsky, Marc J., M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Beart Jr, Robert W., M.D.1 McElrath-Garza, Anamaria, M.D.1 Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Reddy, Sarvotham K., M.D. Vukasin, Petar, M.D.1 Wali, Autar K., M.D. Critical Care Medicine Latif, Mohamed A., M.D. Dermatology Coffey, Jr., William J., M.D. Fakheri, Azita, M.D. Freed, Michael I., M.D.1 Hernandez, Leopoldo G., M.D.1 Lusher, Frank R., M.D.1 Peace, Sherri P., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D.1 Sofen, Howard L., M.D.1 Tran, Charles M., D.O. Wallace, Paul W., M.D. Emergency Medicine Bennett, Vincent J., M.D.1 Williams, Joanne, M.D.1 Endocrinology Barakat, Sawssan N., M.D.1 Boyapalli, Renuka R., M.D. Echeverry-Franck, Diana, M.D. Konca, Ewa H., M.D. Montoro, Martin N., M.D. Pradhan, Rita K., M.D.1 Prasad, Jeereddi A., M.D.1 Board Certified 145 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Masatsugu, Miles K., M.D. Family Practice1 5284 137001 420 S. Glendora Ave. (626) 919-5724 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Endocrinology Valamanesh, Daryoosh, M.D. Family Practice Cabansag, Delia G., M.D. Willard, Cynthia L., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Anyadike, Cyril O., M.D.1 Arora, Sartaj M., M.D.1 Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Chhablani, Rahul K., M.D.1 Desigan, Gnana, M.D.1 Essilfie, William, M.D. Fan, Robert S., M.D.1 Lerner, Steven A., M.D.1 Lluncor, Edgar, M.D.1 Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Morguelan, Barry A., M.D.1 Nguyen, Steve, D.O. Ojuri, Adebambo O., M.D.1 Pande, Hemant, M.D.1 Parnell, Stephen A., M.D.1 Rosenthal, Marian B., M.D.1 Sahebekhtiari, Heidarali, M.D. Sharma, Suresht P., M.D. Sidhom, Osama A., M.D.1 Simmons, Timothy C., M.D. Suchov, Mordo, M.D.1 General Practice Felahy, Basil M., M.D. General Surgery Baron, Robinson V., M.D. Chambers, Gregory A., M.D.1 Clark, Stevan R., M.D. Del Junco Jr, Tirso, M.D. Ghobrial, Gergis R., M.D. Ginsburg, Gregory T., M.D. Hakim, Saeed, M.D.1 Hemmati, Said J., M.D.1 Hinika, Gudata S., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 146 / Health Net Provider Network General Surgery Kram, Harry B., M.D.1 Lomis, Thomas J., M.D.1 Maglunog, Alexander A., M.D.1 Mansour, Antoine Y., M.D.1 McElrath-Garza, Anamaria, M.D.1 Mullangi, Sivaprasad, M.D.1 Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Newman, Howard K., M.D.1 Ramos, Hector C., M.D.1 Reddy, Sarvotham K., M.D.1 Roth, Bradley J., M.D. Salehi, Parviz, M.D.1 Samuel, Christojohn, M.D.1 Sauk, Min S., M.D.1 Udoh, Nnaemeka C., M.D. Vanyo, Lori L., M.D.1 Wali, Autar K., M.D.1 Yokoyama, Taro, M.D. Zaki, Adel E., M.D.1 Geriatrics Hoh, John J., M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Eisenkop, Scott, M.D. Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Hernandez, Wilfredo L., M.D.1 Gynecology Lin, Wei-Chien M., M.D. Hand Surgery Chen, Gary Y., M.D.1 Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Hematology Bagdasarian, Boris, D.O.1 Javadi, Nader, M.D.1 Seneviratne, Lasika C., M.D.1 Wu, Lihong, M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Boghossian, Nubar, M.D. Bosserman, Linda D., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Hiv/Aids Alcouloumre, Marcia S., M.D. Jordan, Wilbert C., M.D. Infectious Disease Batra, Jagmohan S., M.D.1 De Vente, Jerome, M.D.1 Dreyer, Jerrold S., M.D.1 Maslow, Elizabeth R., M.D. Moe, Ardis A., M.D.1 Strayer, Gregory L., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Antaki, Jean-Pierre, M.D. Berger, Kevin W., M.D.1 Boghossian, Nubar, M.D. Chung, Edwin K., M.D.1 Datta, Jyoti S., M.D.1 Farjami, Sassan, M.D.1 Jakl Jr, Miles S., M.D. Kalindjian, Krikor I., M.D. Liem, Kiem D., M.D.1 Liu, Ming W., M.D.1 Nemeh, Moufid N., M.D.1 Ngo, Mark M., M.D. Parker, Peter P., M.D.1 Ranavat, Amritlal C., M.D.1 Robertson, Robert F., M.D.1 Rojter, Sergio E., M.D. Rouzroch, Siamak, M.D.1 Sadana, Gurbinder S., M.D.1 Tchekmedyian, Nerses S., M.D.1 Ucar, Kalust, M.D.1 Wang, Amy Q., M.D. Williams, Byron K., M.D. Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 Interventional Cardiology Lee, Don W., M.D.1 1 Interventional Cardiology Lee, Edwin A., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Nageotte, Michael P., M.D.1 Nephrology Abdeen, Omaran A., M.D. Chung, Edwin K., M.D. Corry, Dalila B., M.D.1 Greenfield, Bruce A., M.D. Hon, George G., M.D.1 Le, Kim C., M.D.1 Mohan, Krishna J., M.D. Nemeh, Moufid N., M.D. Oredugba, Olumuyiwa O., M.D. Patak, Ramachandra V., M.D.1 Sadeghi, Hamid, M.D. Singh, Balbir, M.D. Tabassian, Zahra, M.D.1 Neurology Armanious, Nader F., M.D. Austerlitz, Michael A., M.D.1 Bertoldi, Roger V., M.D.1 Carrillo-Nunez, Ignacio M., M.D.1 Cohen, Liliana M., M.D.1 Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Kheradyar, David, M.D.1 Kim, James J., M.D. Nayyar, Kanwal K., M.D. Prentice Jr, Theodore C., M.D.1 Reddy, Kaditam V., M.D.1 Savur, Vivek M., M.D.1 Sengupta, Veena V., M.D.1 Verpukhovskiy, Yuriy, M.D.1 Yegyan, Garnik A., M.D. Neuroradiology Sheikh, Shams F., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Biggers Jr, Samuel, M.D.1 Duong, Duc H., M.D.1 Edelman, Fredric L., M.D. Habibi, Mehdi, M.D. Board Certified 147 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Hematology/Oncology Grant, Ellsworth R., M.D. Orr, Leo E., M.D.1 Upadhyaya, Gargi H., M.D. Wada, Jerry K., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Neurosurgery Lemay, Daniel R., M.D.1 Mesiwala, Ali H., M.D. Yadegar, Sasan, M.D.1 Nuclear Medicine Chien, David, M.D.1 Dzebolo, Nicholas N., M.D.1 Kim, Do H., M.D.1 Matthews, James D., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria I., M.D.1 Obstetrics Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Abusleme, Veronica, M.D.1 Ahdoot, David, M.D.1 Al-Marayati, Laila A., M.D.1 Alexander, Carolyn J., M.D.1 Allen, Gwen M., M.D. Barajas, Raymond A., M.D.1 Bardowell, Richard J., M.D.1 Beharie, Carlos S., M.D. Cardin Jr, John P., M.D.1 Cashie, Dawn A., M.D.1 Chang, Jitsen, M.D. Chavira, Emiliano R., M.D. Choi, David D., M.D.1 Delshad, George M., M.D.1 Emamian, Mohammad H., M.D.1 Fanous, Fikry P., M.D.1 Farhat, Hormoz, M.D.1 Farshidi, Hooshang, M.D. Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Justus, Kevin R., M.D. Kalan, Arnold J., M.D.1 Lee, Milton I., M.D.1 Lee, Yiu Fun Derek, M.D.1 Lem, Michael, M.D. Lurvey, Nathana L., M.D.1 Malek, Kamran, M.D.1 Mizrahi, Rabin, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 148 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Nageotte, Michael P., M.D.1 Poursharif, Borzouyeh, M.D. Rastegar, Jacob, M.D. Robinson, Peter J., M.D. Robinson, Tracy D., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Carlos S., M.D. Salceda, Norma C., M.D.1 Shah, Bharat D., M.D.1 Shoupe, Donna, M.D.1 Silver, Roy, M.D. Sohl, Bertram E., M.D.1 Stancz-Szeder, Henrietta, M.D. Tilley, Ian B., M.D. Velasco, Penelope, M.D. Yasharpour, Farid, M.D. Oncology Bagdasarian, Boris, D.O.1 Chap, Linnea I., M.D.1 Ebrahimi, Behnam, M.D. Gabayan, Afshin E., M.D.1 Seneviratne, Lasika C., M.D.1 Wu, Lihong, M.D.1 Ophthalmology Becker, Bruce B., M.D.1 Bernstein, Matthew A., M.D.1 Chang, Andrew M., M.D.1 Chang, Lung H., M.D. Charet, Robert L., M.D. Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 Cohn, Kenneth, M.D.1 Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 El-Harazi, Sherif M., M.D. Eng, Calvin T., M.D.1 Erb, Melanie H., M.D.1 Gabrielian, Karine, M.D.1 Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Goodwin, Lawrence T., M.D.1 Hovanesian, Haroutun H., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Optometrist Perez, Cecilia, O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Ahluwalia, Raj S., M.D. Barcohana, Babak, M.D.1 Chen, Gary Y., M.D.1 Chong, Albert K., M.D.1 Franco, Dennis P., M.D. Friedberg, David A., M.D. Frisancho, Juan C., M.D. Galloni, Luigi, M.D. Gazmararian, Robert, M.D.1 Guanche, Carlos A., M.D.1 Gupta, Neeraj, M.D. Hafezi, Fred F., M.D.1 Hanker, Gregory J., M.D.1 Hernandez, Jaime D., M.D.1 Jazayeri, M J., M.D.1 1 Orthopedic Surgery Khounganian, Gregory S., M.D. Kim, In S., M.D. Lee, Daniel J., M.D. Mouradian, William H., M.D.1 O'Brien, Walter R., M.D. Park, Sangdo, M.D.1 Ram, Anant, M.D.1 Rozansky, Alison J., M.D. Solberg, Brian D., M.D. Stevenson, Donald V., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Amini, Kamyar, M.D.1 Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. Batniji, Kamal A., M.D. Eubanks, Hayward L., M.D. Ford, Gary E., M.D.1 Kusonruksa, Termsak, M.D.1 McAlpin, Christina M., M.D.1 Silberstein, Sol, M.D.1 Simonian, Simon K., M.D.1 Vanore, John F., M.D. Worrell, Lewit A., M.D.1 Pain Management Levenson, Henry, M.D. Levine, Reed L., M.D. Ly, Peter P., M.D. Morgan, Philip J., M.D.1 Seltzer, Andrew G., M.D.1 Song, Michael J., D.O. Wu, David D., M.D. Pediatric Allergy/Immunology Quel, Jorge A., M.D. Trivedi, Divyang N., M.D. Pediatric Infectious Disease Chen, Tempe K., M.D.1 Deveikis, Audra A., M.D. Kuhn, Rebecca M., M.D. Michalik, David E., D.O.1 Pediatric Ophthalmology Bernstein, Matthew A., M.D. Board Certified 149 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Ophthalmology Huang, Timothy C., M.D.1 Kenyon Jr, Keith E., M.D. Khanna, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Kurwa, Badrudin R., M.D.1 Latto, Ira S., M.D.1 Logani, Sanjay, M.D.1 Monderer, Bernard, M.D.1 Murthy, Raghu C., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Pesheva, Maria, M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Rauchman, Steven H., M.D.1 Roberts, Michael A., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Solomon, Stephen E., D.O.1 Steinschriber, Steven, M.D.1 Stiles, Steven P., M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Tran, Dai L., M.D.1 Ullman, Henry E., M.D.1 Unzueta, Miguel A., M.D. Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Yamanaka, Jeanine N., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Pediatric Ophthalmology Kurwa, Badrudin R., M.D. McAlpin, Christina M., M.D. Pediatric Urology Choe, Sung M., M.D. Khorsandi, Moez, D.O. Perley, Jules M., M.D. Pediatrics Coutin, David B., M.D.1 Fields, Keron R., M.D.1 Germain, Beatrice M., M.D.1 Guijon, Olga L., M.D.1 Kong, Victor H., M.D. Lopez, Maria, M.D.1 Mgbojirikwe, Thecla N., M.D.1 Neely, Krystal M., M.D. Raya-Morones, Ruby A., M.D.1 Tejani, Zarin N., M.D.1 Watson, Betyshia J., M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Bloze, Asta E., M.D.1 Charles, Mislynne A., M.D.1 Gazmararian, Robert, M.D.1 Gritton, Liva L., M.D. Hazany, Ramin, M.D.1 Kattih, Mohamed Z., M.D. Kavoossi-Sharifabad, Rostam, M.D.1 Molnar, Todd J., M.D.1 Physical Therapy Bhatt, Deepen M., P.T. Castro, Steven, P.T. Moncayo, Jessica C., P.T. Santa Ana, Dale, P.T. Plastic Surgery Dean, Shay B., M.D.1 Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Saleh, Jacob, M.D. Sanchez, Alejandro M., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 150 / Health Net Provider Network Podiatry Abrams, Robert A., DPM1 Ayvazian, Hermoz, DPM1 Ball, Derick A., DPM1 Beral, Rabin, DPM Glover, Alfred L., DPM1 Harbison, Harry A., DPM1 Javari, Nathan A., DPM Lejeune, Corey M., DPM1 Mandyam, Vijay, DPM Miller, Ronald E., DPM1 Murphy, Robert D., DPM1 Rubin, Lawrence I., DPM1 Sarte, Richard J., DPM1 Soleymani, Ashkan, DPM Tam, John W., DPM1 Tseng, Henry R., DPM Wilkins, Kenneth, DPM Psychiatry Tolwin, Michael H., M.D. Trichter, Robert M., M.D. Psychology Goldsman, Lila R., Ph.D. Pulmonary Disease Che, Hung, M.D.1 Davis-Kingston, Heather L., M.D.1 Eltahir, Nadir A., M.D.1 Haq, Azhar U., M.D. Jones, Robert C., M.D. McKillop, Hazel, M.D. Patel, Dilip S., M.D.1 Raptis, Derrick N., M.D.1 Robertson, Robert F., M.D.1 Sinha, Rakesh, M.D. Thompson Jr, George, M.D. Radiation Oncology Ariathurai, Sundera V., M.D.1 Gabayan, Arash J., M.D.1 Gates, Thomas C., M.D. Gordon, Patricia S., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Radiology Becker, Terry S., M.D. Bein, Marshall E., M.D.1 Brown, Steven A., M.D.1 Bui, Vu L., M.D.1 Chin, Kenneth W., M.D.1 Chow, Pi-Lieh P., M.D.1 Chu, William C., M.D.1 Dror, Oz H., M.D.1 Dzebolo, Nicholas N., M.D.1 Gordon, Rachael E., M.D.1 Hyun, James Y., M.D. Jacobs, Jay B., M.D. Kon, Darissa S., M.D. Lee, Gi-Hyung Martha, M.D.1 Litwin, Michael M., M.D.1 Mink, Jerrold H., M.D.1 Nourisamie, Kourosh, M.D.1 Park, Susan Y., M.D.1 Patel, Jagdish M., M.D. Resnick, Lawrence H., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria I., M.D.1 Sahu, Satya N., M.D.1 Sheikh, Shams F., M.D.1 Tirman, Phillip F., M.D.1 Yang, Chieh-Jen C., M.D.1 Zeit, Robert M., M.D.1 Rheumatology Anuntiyo, Jeremy, M.D.1 Buhay-Maglunog, Maria Susan A., M.D. Gilbert, Randall C., M.D.1 Kirkland, Purnell A., M.D. 1 Rheumatology La, Dan T., M.D.1 Levy, Joshua, M.D. Marshall, Ginder, M.D.1 Srinivasan, Ramachandran, M.D. Tremazi, Jaffar A., M.D. Weinberg, Assa, M.D. Spinal Cord Injury Duncan, Jan W., M.D.1 Therapeutic Radiology Krishnasamy, Bharath K., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D.1 Klieman, Charles H., M.D. Konecny, Jiri A., D.O.1 Lemoine, Philippe H., M.D.1 Malekmehr, Farshad, M.D.1 McPherson, James G., M.D.1 Mittal, Arun K., M.D. Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Urology Barba, William, M.D.1 Bejjani, Bassam K., M.D.1 Bogaard, Thomas P., M.D. Bragin, Stephen D., M.D.1 Choe, Sung M., M.D. Gaske, Abbey B., M.D.1 Gershman, Alexander, M.D.1 Johnson Jr, Thomas L., M.D.1 Khorsandi, Moez, D.O.1 Kowalczyk, John J., D.O.1 Landis, Bradley, M.D.1 Martinez, Miguel A., M.D. Niku, Soheil D., M.D.1 Perley, Jonathan E., M.D.1 Perley, Jules M., M.D.1 Wachs, Barton H., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Baron, Robinson V., M.D. Board Certified 151 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Radiation Oncology Klem, Harold M., M.D.1 Ko, Mi Kyung, M.D.1 Lewinsky, Bernard S., M.D.1 Safa, Afshin A., M.D.1 Scharlach, Randall A., M.D.1 Schiffner, Daniel C., M.D. Shah, Sayana R., M.D. Zimmerman, Robert P., M.D.1 Zisblatt, Uri, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Health Care LA PPG 5284 Vascular Surgery Ramos, Hector C., M.D. Saines, Marius, M.D. Spiwak, Jose, M.D. 152 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 19191 South Vermont Ave., Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital HealthCare Partners IPA - East West (PPG 5129) 19191 S. Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care Hours: 24 hrs/ 7 days Fair Oaks Urgent Care - (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: Alhambra Hospital Medical Center San Gabriel Valley Medical Center Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Chen, Luning, M.D. 737 S. Garfield Ave. # A (626) 289-7999 Cantonese, Mandarin Cheung, Hoi Y., M.D. 123 N. Garfield Ave. # A (626) 300-0801 Cantonese, Mandarin Cho, Kaikei, M.D. 123 N. Garfield Ave. # A (626) 239-1869 Gu, David G., D.O. 723 S. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 282-3999 Mandarin 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5129 088512 Internal Medicine1 5129 502754 Internal Medicine 5129 075099 Internal Medicine 5129 068686 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tee, Nora K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 048637 841 W. Valley Blvd. # 107 (626) 282-3657 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wong, Gordon K., M.D. General Practice 5129 148301 409 W. Main St. (626) 382-1263 Cantonese, Mandarin Wong, Jacqueline C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 106205 1336 W. Valley Blvd. # A (626) 281-2232 Cantonese, Spanish, Tagalog Arcadia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Dennis, M.D. Family Practice1 1962 107579 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 102 (626) 254-9540 Spanish, Taiwanese Chen, Chi-Wun, M.D. Family Practice1 1962 502710 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 401 (626) 446-8181 Taiwanese Chen, Kuancheng, M.D. Internal Medicine 1962 048360 622 W. Duarte Rd. # 205 (626) 821-9075 Mandarin, Taiwanese Chen, Lih-Jiau, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1962 168542 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 401 (626) 446-8181 Mandarin, Taiwanese Chen, Pai-Hsiang, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1962 104517 301 W. Huntington Dr. # 310 (626) 446-2360 Mandarin, Taiwanese Chen, Pai-Hsiang, D.O. Internal Medicine1 5129 104517 301 W. Huntington Dr. # 310 (626) 446-2360 Mandarin, Taiwanese Board Certified 153 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 Primary Care Physicians Chia, Sam P., M.D. 224 S. Santa Anita Ave. (626) 447-5800 Mandarin, Spanish Chia, Sam P., M.D. 224 S. Santa Anita Ave. (626) 447-5800 Mandarin, Spanish Chwa, Eric M., M.D. 632 W. Duarte Rd. # 180 (626) 821-6411 Burmese Chwa, Nilar M., M.D. 632 W. Duarte Rd. # 180 (626) 821-6411 Burmese Clarizio, Dino, M.D. 1505 S. Baldwin Ave. # A (626) 821-3290 Italian, Spanish Gazarian, Levon H., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 604 (626) 446-1190 Armenian, Greek Gilani, Durdana, M.D. 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 103 (626) 294-2070 Hindi Ho, Glenn M., M.D. 1505 S. Baldwin Ave. # `B (626) 445-1556 Spanish Kim, Gary O., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 501 (626) 821-1112 Korean Lacy, Alice C., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 501 (626) 821-1112 Mandarin 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1962 074211 Internal Medicine1 5129 074211 Internal Medicine1 1962 520174 Internal Medicine 1962 092607 Internal Medicine 1962 041067 Internal Medicine1 1962 057619 General Practice 1962 021767 General Practice 1962 022308 Internal Medicine1 1962 008872 Internal Medicine1 1962 022810 Board Certified 154 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Lee, Che-Cherng J., M.D. 638 W. Duarte Rd. # 3A (626) 574-6878 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Liao, Andrew W., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 202 (626) 447-4567 Mandarin, Spanish Liao, Angela W., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 202 (626) 447-4567 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Lin, James Y., M.D. 224 S. Santa Anita Ave. (626) 447-5800 Mandarin, Taiwanese Ma, Peter Y., M.D. 612 W Duarte Rd # 505 (626) 294-9978 Cantonese, Mandarin Min, Zaw, M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 402 (626) 446-1894 Burmese Patel, Dilip S., M.D. 611 S. First Ave. (626) 446-8818 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Peng, Henry, M.D. 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 102 (626) 254-9540 Shah, Kirit C., M.D. 900 S. First Ave. # A (626) 445-5577 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5129 009769 Family Practice1 1962 138892 Family Practice1 1962 075538 Internal Medicine 1962 021579 Internal Medicine1 1962 061380 Internal Medicine 1962 041190 Internal Medicine1 1962 013011 Family Practice1 1962 168405 Internal Medicine1 1962 025491 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1962 561109 Internal Medicine 1962 044184 Internal Medicine1 1962 092686 Internal Medicine1 5129 092686 Internal Medicine 1962 047149 Internal Medicine1 5129 108175 Internal Medicine1 1962 104258 Internal Medicine1 5129 104258 Family Practice 1962 032946 Arleta Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tatulian, Karmen S., M.D. Family Practice 1962 154193 8902 Woodman Ave. (818) 830-7033 Armenian, German, Russian City Of Industry Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bao, Wei, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 089570 17595 Almahurst St. # 202 (626) 581-4990 Mandarin Ding, Lei, M.D. Family Practice1 5129 097687 1661 Hanover Rd. # 101 (626) 581-4298 Mandarin, Spanish Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5129 076447 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103A (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Taiwanese Ko, Gloria P., M.D. Family Practice1 5129 009101 18575 Gale Ave. # 205 (626) 964-3900 Cantonese, Mandarin Song, James H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5129 045400 1661 Hanover Rd. # 103A (626) 581-8330 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Teng, Chia Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 017089 18575 Gale Ave. # 235 (626) 810-7708 Mandarin Wang, Yi, M.D. Family Practice1 5129 143783 1661 Hanover Rd. # 201 (626) 965-4628 Mandarin, Spanish Board Certified 155 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Shu, Annie T., M.D. 623 W. Duarte Rd. # 1 (626) 445-1278 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Soliman, Michael A., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 803 (626) 446-4659 Arabic Tran, Loanne B., M.D. 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 205 (626) 446-0810 Spanish, Vietnamese Tran, Loanne B., M.D. 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 205 (626) 446-0810 Spanish, Vietnamese Wang, Ida W., M.D. 20 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 447-8000 Burmese, Mandarin Wei, Hong-Sheng, M.D. 650 W. Duarte Rd. # 208 (626) 446-1599 Mandarin Xie, Sherry, M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 201 (626) 254-1281 Mandarin Xie, Sherry, M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 201 (626) 254-1281 Mandarin Yeh, Shye-Ren, M.D. 638 W. Duarte Rd. # 8 (626) 574-1189 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cheung, Hoi Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 502754 2707 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. # 104 (909) 594-8331 Cantonese, Mandarin Paek, Jason S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 520326 20627 Golden Springs Dr. (909) 839-0455 Korean Duarte Primary Care Physicians Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 503 (626) 357-2269 Arabic, Spanish Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 102 (626) 358-3204 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog Shah, Indravadan S., M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 504 (626) 358-2576 Gujarati, Hindi Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1962 025221 Internal Medicine1 1962 105576 Internal Medicine1 1962 015499 El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # De Artola Jr, Ignacio, M.D. Family Practice1 1962 057157 4368 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 579-0290 Spanish Glendora Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Dilip S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1962 013011 1624 S. Grand Ave. (626) 914-1847 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 156 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yuan, Zhenghong, M.D. Family Practice 5129 163493 1365 S. Grand Ave (626) 857-2580 Mandarin Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Chen, Anthony C., M.D. 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 102 (626) 912-2682 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsiao, Ray J., M.D. 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 308 (626) 854-7866 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Pang, Arnold T., D.O. 15572 Gale Ave. (626) 377-4562 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5129 032519 Internal Medicine 5129 034211 Family Practice1 5129 150326 La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. General Practice 1962 025221 15852 Main St. (626) 968-0542 Arabic, Spanish Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdian, Loghman, M.D. General Practice 5129 050279 1107 S. Alvarado St. (213) 380-9999 Farsi, Spanish Chieng, An Pang, M.D. Internal Medicine 5129 502770 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5129 099292 Family Practice 5129 056412 General Practice 5129 055710 General Practice 5129 057018 Family Practice1 5129 104872 Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Balacuit, Peter C., M.D. General Practice 1962 024059 416 S. Myrtle Ave. (626) 357-3296 Spanish, Tagalog Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Le-Young, M.D. Internal Medicine 5129 067068 616 N. Garfield Ave. # 303 (626) 457-8600 Cantonese, Mandarin Lee, Terry M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 530144 600 N. Garfield Ave. # 111 (626) 280-3651 Lien, Thoi H., M.D. Family Practice1 5129 104125 1004 E. Garvey Ave. (626) 280-5035 Vietnamese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lin, Xiang-Hong E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 088625 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 209 (626) 288-0091 Cantonese, Fujian, Mandarin, Shanghainese Liu, Li, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 092220 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 212 (626) 307-7311 Xu, Zhehua, M.D. Family Practice 5129 091242 228 N. Garfield Ave. # 203 (626) 288-3992 Cantonese, Mandarin Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alanizi, Ayad, M.D. General Practice 1962 041615 127 N. Madison Ave. # 106 (626) 744-9018 Arabic, Spanish Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5129 076447 630 S. Raymond Ave. # 240 (626) 449-9920 Mandarin, Taiwanese Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1962 105576 10 Congress St. # 506 (626) 584-9898 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog Oo, Khin K., M.D. Internal Medicine 5129 075729 238 S. Arroyo Pkwy # 150 (626) 744-9290 Burmese, Mandarin Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ho, Vincent D., M.D. Family Practice1 5129 107397 8843 Valley Blvd. (626) 287-8866 Cantonese, Mandarin Board Certified 157 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Jiang, Simon, M.D. 1314 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 384-5132 Mandarin, Spanish Lin, John Y., M.D. 1148 S. Rowan Ave. # 2 (323) 261-6173 Cantonese, Spanish Pan, Zhaoyang, M.D. 652 N. Broadway # A (213) 617-7673 Cantonese, Mandarin Show, Wei-Der, M.D. 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Mandarin, Taiwanese Wang, James N., D.O. 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Liang, Hong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 087271 3105 Del Mar Ave. (626) 280-8897 Mandarin Nguyen, Duc V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 012352 8748 Valley Blvd. # H (626) 288-3306 Vietnamese Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hy, Adam, D.O. Family Practice1 5129 099533 18957 Colima Rd. # C (626) 810-5272 Cambodian, Cantonese, Khmer (Cambodian), Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Lee, David P., D.O. Family Practice1 5129 091057 1818 Sierra Leone Ave. # B (626) 965-1988 Korean, Mandarin Wang, Dejun, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 086138 18391 E. Colima Rd. # 204 (626) 810-2983 Mandarin, Spanish San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Michelle L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 076461 1726 New Ave. (626) 943-0780 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Chang, Sheng H., M.D. Family Practice1 5129 502630 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 3 (626) 573-0055 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese 1 Board Certified 158 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chiu, Peter H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 066197 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 303 (626) 299-7100 Cantonese Tay, Emerald S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 091037 222 E. Valley Blvd. (626) 307-8636 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Varma, Usha K., M.D. General Practice 1962 028010 316 E. Las Tunas Dr. # 206 (626) 285-9705 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Wang, Fang-Rong, M.D. Family Practice1 1962 050118 609 W. Las Tunas Dr. (626) 289-2900 Japanese, Taiwanese Yu, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 060159 1448 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 288-0300 Yuan, Zhenghong, M.D. Family Practice 5129 163493 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 303 (626) 289-9978 Mandarin Temple City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chi, Peter C., M.D. Family Practice 1962 033597 5828 Temple City Blvd. (626) 285-1154 Mandarin, Spanish Juste, Franck, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1962 008357 9676 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 287-6513 French, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Ker-Chow, M.D. Family Practice1 5129 051292 2707 E. Valley Blvd. # 103 (626) 810-7772 Mandarin, Taiwanese Wang, John Z., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 094103 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 206 (626) 338-0811 Allergy/Immunology Perera, Michael G., M.D.1 Smith Jr., John H., M.D.1 Wong, Stephen C., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Blesa, Enrique S., M.D. Eisenberg, Daniel A., M.D.1 Farfel, Arthur B., M.D.1 Fung, Peter K., M.D.1 Larreta, Boris R., M.D. Rao, Vyshali S., M.D. Sato, David A., M.D. Schreck, Douglas E., M.D. Critical Care Medicine Chiu, Peter H., M.D.1 Dermatology Billips, Mavis W., M.D.1 Chang, Dong L., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D.1 Sidhu, Amarpaul S., M.D. Dermatopathology Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D. Gastroenterology Chu, Michael M., M.D.1 Chung, Kwok-Leung, M.D. 1 Gastroenterology Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Rosenberg, Peter M., M.D.1 General Surgery Laughlin, Lawrence L., M.D.1 Newman, Howard K., M.D.1 Oh, Anthony S., M.D.1 Zaki, Adel E., M.D.1 Geriatrics Juste, Franck, M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Bagdasarian, Boris, D.O.1 Hu, Eddie H., M.D.1 Wang, Henry, M.D. Infectious Disease Lu, Tommy C., M.D.1 Patel, Nilesh N., M.D. Internal Medicine Hu, Eddie H., M.D.1 Patel, Dilip S., M.D.1 Wong, Stephen C., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Curran, Mark A., M.D. Leung, Anna S., M.D.1 Phelan, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Nephrology Feinstein, Eben I., M.D.1 Mohan, Krishna J., M.D. Neurosurgery Xie, Sean X., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Curran, Mark A., M.D. Hartford, Steven L., M.D.1 Powers, Thomas W., M.D.1 Ruderman, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Shoupe, Donna, M.D.1 Tam, Jonathan N., M.D. Tsai, Henry H., M.D. Board Certified 159 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Walnut Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chen, Mary L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5129 130967 18780 Amar Rd. # 107 (626) 810-6777 Mandarin, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia PPG 1962 Obstetrics/Gynecology Yalom, Eve F., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Beauclair, John P., M.D. Eng, Calvin T., M.D.1 Fierson, Walter M., M.D.1 Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Optometrist Garza, Romeo J., O.D. Perez, Evelyn M., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Ding, Jean, M.D. Otolaryngology (Ent) Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. Brackmann, Derald E., M.D.1 Derebery, M. Jennifer, M.D.1 Fayad-Mattar, Jose N., M.D.1 Friedman, Rick A., M.D.1 House, John W., M.D.1 Slattery III, William H., M.D.1 Vanore, John F., M.D. Pediatrics Huang, Lih-Syh, M.D. Psychology Corrado, Philip E., Ph.D. Pulmonary Disease Patel, Dilip S., M.D.1 Radiology Yang, Chieh-Jen C., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Laughlin, Lawrence L., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Cohen, William B., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 160 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 19191 S Vermont Ave Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: UC Station Manhattan Beach (310) 376-6262 UC Station Redondo Beach (310) 318-9992 Providence M.I. Del Amo UC (310) 792-4444 Providence M.I. Torrance (310)618-9200 UC San Pedro (310)241-2590 Hospitals Used: Little Company of Mary Hospital Carson Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 039369 235 W. Carson St. (310) 834-4233 Spanish, Tagalog Aguinaldo, Estrella A., Internal Medicine M.D. 1780 075085 23517 S. Main St. # 104 (310) 233-2555 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog Alejo, Florante A., M.D. General Practice 1780 057194 282 E. Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 830-9962 Spanish, Tagalog Batongmalaque, Jenny L., Family Practice M.D. 1780 038591 23251 Main St. (310) 830-4561 Butlig, Richard M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 099611 1000 E. Dominguez St. # 110 (310) 715-7755 Spanish, Tagalog Canlas, Maria C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 131499 23517 S. Main St. # 108 (310) 518-6246 Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Chang, Joyce C., M.D. 21501 Avalon Blvd. # 100 (310) 835-6627 Spanish Falcon, Michelle L., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Spanish Ghanian, Reza, M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 201 (310) 233-3228 Farsi, Spanish Guba, Gerardo R., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Hardin, Eugene, M.D. 357 E. Carson St. # 102 (310) 518-2737 Spanish Harvey, Daniel E., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 206 (310) 513-9361 Spanish Herrera Ovalle, Susana, M.D. 21501 Avalon Blvd. # 100 (310) 835-6627 Spanish Holtz, Joel, M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Spanish Lami, Jose L., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Spanish Om, Tu S., M.D. 21501 Avalon Blvd. # 100 (310) 835-6627 Korean, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1780 090855 Internal Medicine 1780 004741 Internal Medicine1 1780 531090 Family Practice1 1780 077162 Internal Medicine 1780 028254 Family Practice1 1780 048623 Family Practice1 1780 137867 Family Practice1 1780 057199 Family Practice 1780 057200 Family Practice1 1780 138028 Board Certified 161 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Padre, Emilio J., M.D. Family Practice 1780 057153 164 W. Carson St. (310) 518-6861 Spanish, Tagalog Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1780 039689 21624 Figueroa St. (310) 328-9900 Spanish, Tagalog Tamhane, Shrikant K., D.O.Family Practice 1780 105591 23517 Main St. # 103 (310) 834-5388 Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bhasker, Mohan W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 300 1780 501335 (310) 769-4700 Hindi, Spanish Choi, Young C., M.D. Family Practice 1780 520687 1300 W. 155th St. # 206 (310) 532-9973 Korean Chukwudi, Uche A., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 152510 15425 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 355-1445 Spanish Eddings-Reece, Kimberly Internal Medicine1 J., M.D. 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 240 1780 077418 (310) 324-2592 Essilfie, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 307 1780 057246 (310) 715-6100 Spanish Frank, Julius, M.D. General Practice 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 102 1780 048485 (310) 538-9400 1 Board Certified 162 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Metry, Adel S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 406 1780 066597 (310) 719-1653 Arabic, Spanish O'Connell, Timothy J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 240 1780 059577 (310) 324-2592 O'Connell, Timothy J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 311 1780 059577 (310) 327-5552 Ramos, Enrique, M.D. General Practice 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 104 1780 033431 (310) 538-9400 Spanish, Tagalog Robinson, Owen L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 400 1780 036237 (310) 538-1381 Spanish Suk, Larry T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 071682 15435 S. Western Ave. # 201 (310) 515-9871 Cambodian, Hmong, Korean, Laotian Thompson Jr, George, Internal Medicine M.D. 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 311 1780 520691 (310) 327-5552 Yamane, Ron H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 530967 1300 W. 155th St. # 210 (310) 327-6400 Japanese Harbor City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chow, Ulyss J., D.O. Family Practice 1780 502870 1403 Lomita Blvd. # 304 (310) 517-1828 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mamita, Marcil M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 127575 1403 Lomita Blvd. # 303A (310) 530-6900 Arabic, Spanish Osea, Edgardo A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 063969 1310 Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 534-5765 Spanish, Tagalog Hawthorne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Brigham, Alfonso L., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 501870 11633 Hawthorne Blvd. # 410 (310) 792-4450 Spanish Ebilane, Ananias E., M.D. General Practice 1780 032454 13429 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 644-8683 Spanish, Tagalog Hernandez, Valentin, M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 041132 13440 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 219-0941 Spanish Hoang, Khang N., D.O. Family Practice1 1780 035941 13672 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 644-5097 Spanish, Vietnamese Honda, Stephan T., M.D. General Practice 1780 059325 2301 W. El Segundo Blvd. (323) 757-2118 Spanish Iluore, Augustine E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 060300 11633 Hawthorne Blvd. # 103 (310) 219-2929 Spanish Khan, Khalid B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 073561 13425 Inglewood Ave. (310) 679-2201 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Lieu S., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 039565 15032 Prairie Ave. (310) 675-7343 Spanish, Vietnamese Pham, Bang V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 035946 12923 Inglewood Ave # 1 (310) 675-0395 Spanish, Vietnamese Williams, Derek F., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 086240 11633 Hawthorne Blvd. # 410 (310) 792-4450 Spanish Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Razi, David F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 067708 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi, Spanish Robinson, Michael F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 014279 501 E. Hardy St. # 425 (310) 419-4303 Spanish Rubin, Jack E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 014605 575 E. Hardy St. # 322 (310) 671-0488 Spanish Saba, Marjan, M.D. Family Practice 1780 135748 501 E. Hardy St. # 205 (310) 671-6364 Farsi, Spanish Sourehnissani, Mehran, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1780 079285 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi Board Certified 163 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 Lawndale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Do, Thutrang, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1780 131275 15735 Hawthorne Blvd. # 111 (310) 675-1300 Vietnamese Enriquez, Eric A., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 104693 14623 Hawthorne Blvd. # 202 (310) 973-8863 Spanish, Tagalog Trejo, Emma B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 074379 14829 Hawthorne Blvd. # 202 (310) 973-6727 Spanish Lomita Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # El Sayad, Nabil I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 004466 24845 Narbonne Ave. (310) 325-0600 Arabic, French, Spanish Raikhel, Marina, M.D. Family Practice1 1780 021581 25043 Narbonne Ave. (310) 373-8120 Russian Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1780 039689 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 039369 2534 W. Third St. (213) 382-1175 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 164 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chu, Jae Sung, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 502894 12610 S. Western Ave. (323) 757-1853 Korean, Spanish Manhattan Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hawkins, Gene L., M.D. Family Practice 1780 007012 400 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 260 (310) 372-4488 MacLeod, Renee C., D.O. Family Practice1 1780 083342 1010 N. Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 376-6262 Malachowski, Jon C., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 088188 1010 N. Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 376-6262 Raval, Usha, M.D. Family Practice 1780 013865 1010 N. Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 376-6262 Spanish Roberts, Alecsandra O., Family Practice1 M.D. 1780 069071 400 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 260 (310) 372-4488 Spanish Sumabat, Alwyn T., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 107153 1010 N. Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 376-6262 Sinhalese, Spanish, Tagalog Palos Verdes Estates Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yang, Marcos Y., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 050714 310 Tejon Pl. (310) 375-2403 Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Taiwanese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Palos Verdes Peninsula Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Golzar, Nasim, M.D. Family Practice1 1780 039385 26516 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 541-7911 Farsi Ruffin, Dirk D., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 039386 26516 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 541-7911 Traughber, Christopher W., Family Practice M.D. 1780 046819 26516 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 541-7911 Rancho Palos Verdes Primary Care Physicians Franco, Consuelo, M.D. 29409 S. Western Ave. (310) 832-4225 Spanish Guba, Gerardo R., M.D. 29409 S. Western Ave. (310) 832-4225 Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Magdaleno, Luis G., M.D. 29409 S. Western Ave. (310) 784-4971 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1780 057198 Family Practice1 1780 077162 Family Practice1 1780 057201 Redondo Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Annable, John W., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 032505 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Davis, Scott H., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 106935 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Davoudian, Sohail M., Internal Medicine M.D. 1780 035937 1959 Kingsdale Ave. (310) 214-1000 Farsi, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # DeLilly, Julie A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 048213 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Gee, Brian M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 069447 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Hosseini, Robert B., M.D. Family Practice 1780 069303 1728 S. Catalina Ave. (310) 540-7200 Farsi, Spanish Levee, Gail L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 036239 510 N. Prospect Ave. # 304 (310) 372-8005 Liu, William M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 010258 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Mandarin, Spanish Maner, Denise V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 010727 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Smith, Bradley D., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 016040 1106 S. Pacific Coast Hwy. (310) 316-1661 Spanish Sumabat, Alwyn T., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 107153 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 102 (310) 318-9992 Sinhalese, Spanish, Tagalog Sun, Christopher, M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 148500 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Vollucci, Maria M., D.O. Family Practice1 1780 074702 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Board Certified 165 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 Rllng Hls Est Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chen, Stephanie W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 188979 550 Deep Valley Dr. # 319 (310) 544-6858 Gorlick, Laurence K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 006173 550 Deep Valley Dr. # 319 (310) 544-6858 Spanish San Pedro Primary Care Physicians Calof, Olga M., M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Russian, Spanish Campisi, David J., M.D. 1360 W. Sixth St. # 315 (310) 831-8952 Spanish Charugundla, Girija, M.D. 1294 W. Sixth St. # 205 (310) 548-0201 Hindi, Telugu Greenberg, Lawrence B., M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Spanish Habib, Munira, M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu Herrera Ovalle, Susana, M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1780 140066 Internal Medicine1 1780 064239 Family Practice1 1780 051219 Family Practice1 1780 021876 Internal Medicine1 1780 171946 Family Practice1 Board Certified 166 / Health Net Provider Network 1780 137867 Primary Care Physicians Ishihara, Terry T., M.D. 1294 W. Sixth St. # 200 (310) 833-5221 Spanish Jimenez, Andres, M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 832-9482 Spanish Malachowski, Jon C., M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Pisano, Crescenzo, M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Italian, Spanish Schmidt, James A., M.D. 1360 W. Sixth St. # B (310) 832-0686 Spanish Shah, Mona S., M.D. 1294 W. Sixth St. # 205 (310) 548-0201 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Sliskovich, Peter D., M.D. 1360 W. Sixth St. # 120 (310) 833-2461 Croatian, Spanish Sumabat, Alwyn T., M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Sinhalese, Spanish, Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1780 135815 Family Practice 1780 045476 Family Practice1 1780 088188 Internal Medicine1 1780 039407 Family Practice1 1780 039406 Internal Medicine1 1780 087516 General Practice 1780 059591 Family Practice1 1780 107153 Torrance Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Afonicheva, Ludmila W., Family Practice1 M.D. 1780 109772 2204 Torrance Blvd. # 105 (310) 328-2146 Russian, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Agrawal, Sushila J., M.D. Family Practice 1780 500155 3400 Lomita Blvd. # 605 (310) 539-3303 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Ahamed, Farah K., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1780 147198 2382 Crenshaw Blvd. # 5 (310) 618-9200 Spanish Ahmed, Khaja R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 053720 20911 Earl St. # 180 (310) 370-4660 Hindi, Urdu Aiyegbusi, Modupe A., Family Practice1 M.D. 1780 088391 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 157 (310) 540-7240 Borovay, Michael A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 028260 21311 Madrona Ave. # 100A (310) 792-4400 Spanish Borsook, Brian D., M.D. Family Practice 1780 073632 2900 Lomita Blvd (310) 326-8600 French, German, Spanish Brown, Paul J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 531105 3333 Skypark Dr. # 160 (310) 517-9006 Spanish Butlig, Richard M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 099611 3655 Lomita Blvd. # 141 (310) 373-7855 Spanish, Tagalog Chen, Anthony J., M.D.3 Family Practice1 1780 094357 3640 Lomita Blvd. # 303 (310) 375-1728 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chung, Anh Dao T., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 107120 21311 Madrona Ave. # 100A (310) 792-4400 Spanish 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Donahue, Mary J., M.D.2 Family Practice1 1780 032432 21311 Madrona Ave. (310) 371-1010 Spanish Eilat, Paz P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 053839 21081 S. Western Ave. # 150 (310) 782-3300 Hebrew Falcon, Michelle L., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 004741 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Spanish Ford, Joseph, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 057197 3475 Torrance Blvd. # H (310) 543-4354 Spanish, Tagalog Fuster, Sunila N., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 005478 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 530 (310) 543-3109 Russian, Spanish Guba, Gerardo R., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 077162 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Inocentes, Fe A., M.D.2 Family Practice 1780 007857 2900 Lomita Blvd (310) 326-8600 Spanish, Tagalog Keech, Richard C., M.D. Family Practice 1780 008678 3475 Torrance Blvd. # G (310) 543-1695 Spanish Keller, David L., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1780 072062 21311 Madrona Ave. (310) 371-1010 Spanish Khan, Hameed A., M.D. General Practice 1780 066583 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 259 (310) 540-5464 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 167 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kuraishi, Aqdas S., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 048344 3333 Skypark Dr. # 160 (310) 517-9006 French, Spanish Lai, Nam M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 009504 3465 Torrance Blvd. # W (310) 316-1502 Vietnamese Lami, Jose L., M.D. Family Practice 1780 057200 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Spanish Lebron, Barbara A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 009704 3655 Lomita Blvd. # 206 (310) 378-9002 Spanish Lee, Curtis G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 039575 20911 Earl St. # 250 (310) 370-4337 Lee, Janet H., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1780 107784 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 790 (310) 540-1712 Korean Li, Jui-Jung R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 010052 3655 Lomita Blvd. # 121 (310) 375-2256 Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese Lin, Tai-Hon, M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 010147 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 161 (310) 543-1677 Fukienese, Japanese, Mandarin Lin, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 086828 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 161 (310) 543-1677 Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lin, Yuh-Fong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 550069 23600 Telo Ave. # 280 (310) 784-8000 Mandarin, Taiwanese Loharuka, Prabhu D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 010309 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 380 (310) 540-5676 Hindi, Urdu Magdaleno, Luis G., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 057201 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Spanish Matsuura, Stacey K., M.D.2 Family Practice1 1780 032435 21311 Madrona Ave. (310) 371-1010 Spanish Mohamadi, Parivash, M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 048484 4305 Torrance Blvd. # 500 (310) 370-5694 Farsi, French, Spanish Murata, Paul J., M.D.2 Family Practice1 1780 012017 21311 Madrona Ave. # 100A (310) 792-4400 Spanish Muttalib, Azhar, M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 012065 23639 Hawthorne Blvd. # 102 (310) 373-9980 Urdu Nakata, Michael M., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1780 012133 23560 Crenshaw Blvd. # 101 (310) 784-5880 Noorian, Behzad H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 540169 23000 Crenshaw Blvd. # 203 (310) 325-4445 Farsi, French, Vietnamese Oberoi, Meena, M.D. Family Practice 1780 104189 23639 Hawthorne Blvd. # 102 (310) 373-9980 Hindi, Punjabi Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 168 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Oh, David D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 028004 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 260 (310) 543-2977 Korean Oh, Karen E., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1780 073631 23000 Crenshaw Blvd. # 208 (310) 326-1147 Spanish Om, Tu S., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 138028 2382 Crenshaw Blvd. # 5 (310) 618-9200 Korean, Spanish Ostriker, Jeffrey A., M.D. Family Practice 1780 033965 2406 Torrance Blvd. (310) 328-3421 Spanish, Swedish Qazi, Anjum B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 130838 3655 Lomita Blvd. # 414 (310) 791-7400 Hindi, Urdu Ramayya, Aruna S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 045732 3400 Lomita Blvd. # 608 (310) 534-8445 Hindi, Spanish Robinson, Owen L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 036237 20911 Earl St. # 250 (310) 214-0154 Spanish Sarao, Norma M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 014973 3440 W. Carson St. # 302 (310) 371-2288 Spanish, Tagalog Soliman, Shahinaz E., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 104485 3445 Pacific Coast Hwy. # 200 (310) 530-7244 Arabic, Spanish Stern, David H., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 530248 1218 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 328-1181 Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sumabat, Alwyn T., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 107153 2382 Crenshaw Blvd. # 5 (310) 618-9200 Sinhalese, Spanish, Tagalog Sumabat, Alwyn T., M.D. Family Practice1 1780 107153 21311 Madrona Ave. # 100C (310) 792-4444 Sinhalese, Spanish, Tagalog Tahsini, Mehdi, M.D. Family Practice1 1780 159227 2573 Pacific Coast Hwy. # B (310) 997-1796 Farsi Tong, Anhtuan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 089033 3584 Redondo Beach Blvd. (310) 856-4944 Vietnamese Tsuneishi, Chris M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1780 079886 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 360 (310) 543-1050 Japanese, Spanish Webman, Robert M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 540527 3250 Lomita Blvd. # 301 (310) 325-1997 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Yawata, Haruko T., D.O. Family Practice1 1780 076046 21311 Madrona Ave. # 100A (310) 792-4400 Wilmington Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # El Sayad, Nabil I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 004466 1626 N. Avalon Blvd. (310) 834-4666 Arabic, French, Spanish Perez, Angel G., M.D. Family Practice 1780 107584 1721 N. Wilmington Blvd. (310) 835-1414 Spanish Board Certified 169 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Siman, Homan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1780 112198 1231 N. Avalon Blvd. (310) 835-7215 Farsi, Spanish Allergy/Immunology Ashida, Ellyn R., M.D. Buchsbaum, Edward G., M.D.1 Davidson, Joshua M., M.D.1 Schoettler, Joyce J., M.D.1 Singer, Allan D., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Abrams, Howard F., M.D.1 French Jr., James H., M.D.1 Kim, Gene C., M.D.1 Yang, Ted P., M.D.1 Dermatology Koudsi, Hala, M.D. Millman, Arlen J., M.D.1 Endocrinology Calof, Olga M., M.D.1 Naqi, Lubna, M.D.1 Family Practice Chen, Judy, M.D.1 Hariri, Keyvan, M.D.1 Nguyen, Phong T., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Fukunaga, Karl K., M.D.1 Ha, Thai Q., M.D.1 Patel, Chirag P., M.D.1 Riyaz, Azam S., M.D.1 Sattler, James A., M.D.1 General Surgery Adoumie, Riad, M.D.1 Asch, Morris J., M.D.1 Fisher, Steven D., M.D.1 Goldberg, Irwin M., M.D.1 Schiff, Gerald I., M.D.1 Stoneburner Jr., John M., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 170 / Health Net Provider Network Geriatrics Mamita, Marcil M., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Hool, Hugo, M.D.1 Jilani, Syed M., M.D.1 Lowe, Thomas E., M.D. Polonsky, Monty B., M.D. Infectious Disease Chia, John K., M.D.1 Ding, James C., M.D.1 Liu, Jia-Yia, M.D.1 Marer, Stephen W., M.D.1 Nakata, Michael M., M.D.1 Internal Medicine French Jr., James H., M.D.1 Marer, Stephen W., M.D.1 Naqi, Lubna, M.D.1 Patel, Chirag P., M.D.1 Polonsky, Monty B., M.D.1 Yang, Eric S., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Lyons Gaffaney, Cecilia A., M.D.1 McNulty, Jennifer A., M.D. Nephrology Ahmed, Khaja R., M.D.1 Bloom, David M., M.D. Musngi, Edgar A., M.D.1 Neurology Cha, Tim K., M.D.1 Gluckman, Richard S., M.D.1 Le, Thanh T., M.D. Molaie, Majid, M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Chen, Albert C., M.D.1 Cowan, Jeffrey J., M.D.1 Hemmat, Mehdi, M.D.1 Huete, Ricardo E., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary PPG 1780 Ophthalmology Phan, Tuyet-Mai M., M.D.1 Syniuta, Laura A., M.D.1 Wolstan, Barry J., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Smith, Richard C., M.D.1 Spychalski, Jeffrey W., M.D. Otolaryngology (Ent) Cantor, Norman, M.D.1 Levine, Brett A., M.D.1 Pincus, Stephen J., M.D.1 Sesi, Maher S., M.D.1 Washington, Gregory E., M.D. Yanamadala, Srinivas, M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Campisi, David J., M.D.1 Ford, Joseph, M.D. Levee, Gail L., M.D.1 Thompson Jr, George, M.D. Radiation Oncology Chen, Helen K., M.D. Rheumatology Liu, William M., M.D.1 Oh, David D., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Stoneburner Jr., John M., M.D.1 Urology Askari, Asghar, M.D.1 Greenberg, Lawrence S., M.D.1 Koo, Alec S., M.D.1 Nowzari, Farhad B., M.D.1 Park, Royal S., M.D.1 Paul, Joy G., M.D.1 Wolk, Fredrick N., M.D.1 Zinner, Norman R., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Stoneburner Jr., John M., M.D.1 Pediatric Gastroenterology McCloud, Eric, M.D. Pediatric Surgery Asch, Morris J., M.D.1 Pediatrics Razi, David F., M.D. Plastic Surgery Rosso, Ronald F., M.D. Podiatry Bloch, Michael S., DPM Carroll, III, Roland J., DPM Feit, Eric M., DPM Mittleman, Marc G., DPM1 Rodgveller, Barry N., DPM1 1 Board Certified 171 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Obstetrics/Gynecology Kwon, Young S., M.D.1 Lyons Gaffaney, Cecilia A., M.D.1 McCann, Stephen W., M.D.1 Naghi, Beni, M.D.1 Rosenberg, Steven H., M.D.1 Rosenthal, Marc J., M.D.1 Salem, Rifaat D., M.D.1 Singh, Deepjot K., M.D.1 Tischler, Barry H., M.D.1 Wasserwald, Gerald I., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Pasadena PPG 1963 Healthcare Partners IPA - Pasadena PPG 1963 19191 S. Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Blum, Barry I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 023161 10 Congress St. # 208 (626) 792-2166 Chien, Norman T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 570193 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave. # 245 (626) 229-9865 Mandarin, Taiwanese Clinton III, Edmond J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1963 028364 65 N. Madison Ave. # 707 (626) 792-1135 Dudley, Leslie A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 041599 65 N. Madison Ave. # 800 (626) 792-3141 Iwata, Shunpei K., M.D. Internal Medicine 1963 150883 525 E. Colorado Blvd. # PH (626) 535-0900 Japanese, Mandarin Jung, George Q., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 008346 10 Congress St. # 208 (626) 792-2166 Cantonese Miller, Stuart C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1963 031854 65 N. Madison Ave. # 800 (626) 792-3141 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nandi, Shylaja B., M.D. Family Practice1 1963 145601 65 N. Madison Ave. # 800 (626) 792-3141 Hindi, Spanish Olah, Ronald P., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 520967 10 Congress St. # 208 (626) 792-2166 Oo, Khin K., M.D. Internal Medicine 1963 075729 238 S. Arroyo Pkwy # 150 (626) 744-9290 Burmese, Mandarin Raju, Thirumala, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 090857 10 Congress St. # 208 (626) 792-2166 Hindi, Telugu Swe, Beauty M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1963 551600 301 S. Fair Oaks Ave. # 203 (626) 356-4000 Burmese Tilem, Claire T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 048364 65 N. Madison Ave. # 800 (626) 792-3141 Turner, Todd R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 105869 10 Congress St. # 208 (626) 795-4210 Wear, Richard B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1963 041210 65 N. Madison Ave. # 800 (626) 792-3141 French Weissman, Joy Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 520968 10 Congress St. # 208 (626) 792-2166 Yang, Tina, M.D.2 Family Practice1 1963 089668 128 N. Oak Knoll Ave. # 100 (626) 795-3000 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Yi, Tom Y., D.O. Family Practice1 1963 095569 127 N. Madison Ave. # 107 (626) 449-9800 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 172 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - Pasadena PPG 1963 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Zaki, Hany K., M.D. Internal Medicine 1963 063006 150 N. Hill Ave. (626) 564-9758 Arabic Geriatrics Chien, Norman T., M.D.1 San Marino Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Blanco, Lorna R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1963 074567 375 Huntington Dr. # G (626) 441-4231 Tagalog Fang, Chien, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1963 045597 375 Huntington Dr. # G (626) 441-4231 Mandarin Neurology Girard, Philip M., M.D.1 Allergy/Immunology Soderberg, Margaret L., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Blesa, Enrique S., M.D. Eisenberg, Daniel A., M.D.1 Larreta, Boris R., M.D. Rao, Vyshali S., M.D. Sato, David A., M.D. Schreck, Douglas E., M.D. Shah, Bharat H., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Hartford, Steven L., M.D.1 Ruderman, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Tam, Jonathan N., M.D. Ophthalmology Beauclair, John P., M.D. Buffenn, Angela N., M.D. Song, Julia, M.D. Otolaryngology (Ent) Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. Psychology Corrado, Philip E., Ph.D. Therapeutic Radiology Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Dermatology Chang, Carl J., M.D.1 Sidhu, Amarpaul S., M.D. Family Practice Cooper, Debra K., D.O.1 Gastroenterology Chu, Michael M., M.D.1 Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Littenberg, Glenn D., M.D.1 Petit, Steven J., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Peter M., M.D.1 General Surgery Montllor, Michele M., M.D. 1 Board Certified 173 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Acupuncture Archer, Gary H., L.A. Internal Medicine Muller, Jr., Andrew N., M.D.1 Ng, Patricia L., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 19191 S Vermont Ave Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Mission Hills Urgent Care Ctr (818) 838-4500 Mon. - Fri. 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sat., Sun., Holidays 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center HealthCare Partners IPA - Northridge Medical Group (PPG 5233) 19191 S. Vermont Avenue Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (310) 354-4200 Urgent Care: Mission Hills Urgent Care Center Mon-Fri 6:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. Sat, Sun & Holidays 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Roscoe Boulevard Campus Altadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Svadjian, Edward, M.D. General Practice 1922 016819 747 E. Altadena Dr. (626) 794-8133 Arabic, Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Arleta Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bullock, Alban A., M.D. Family Practice 1922 048444 13466 Osborne St. (818) 899-2591 1 Primary Care Physicians Manzano, Leander E., M.D.3 8902 Woodman Ave. (818) 830-7033 Manzano, Leander E., M.D.3 8902 Woodman Ave. (818) 830-7033 Tatulian, Karmen S., M.D. 8902 Woodman Ave. (818) 830-7033 Armenian, German, Russian Tatulian, Karmen S., M.D. 8902 Woodman Ave. (818) 830-7033 Armenian, German, Russian 5233 090757 Family Practice1 1922 090757 Family Practice 5233 154193 Family Practice 1922 154193 Canoga Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aazami, Hessam, M.D. General Practice 1922 134414 22030 Sherman Way # 100 (818) 312-9101 Farsi, Italian, Spanish Coates, Reginald A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 503007 7257 Owensmouth Ave. # B (818) 340-6658 Feghali, Nabil S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 057248 8111 Canoga Ave. (818) 347-8277 Arabic, French Lin, Jay J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 057256 22030 Sherman Way # 201 (818) 883-6840 Mandarin, Taiwanese Nguyen, Hoang D., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 067908 22135 Roscoe Blvd. # 107 (818) 481-0118 Spanish, Vietnamese Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 174 / Health Net Provider Network 3 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 Chatsworth Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Masongsong, Armand T., Family Practice1 M.D.2 1922 088688 21119 Devonshire St. (818) 727-1974 Tagalog Masongsong, Martina B., Family Practice1 M.D.2 1922 088533 21119 Devonshire St. (818) 727-1974 Tagalog Granada Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lavian, Cyrus R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 540890 17709 Chatsworth St. (818) 363-8176 Farsi, Spanish Lavian, Cyrus R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5233 540890 17709 Chatsworth St. (818) 363-8176 Farsi, Spanish Lawson, Gary J., M.D. Family Practice 1922 032249 17447 Chatsworth St. (818) 360-1858 Spanish Lawson, Gary J., M.D. Family Practice 5233 032249 17447 Chatsworth St. (818) 360-1858 Spanish Niemeyer, Richard S., M.D. General Practice 5233 075475 17709 Chatsworth St. (818) 363-3121 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Niemeyer, Richard S., M.D. General Practice 1922 075475 17709 Chatsworth St. (818) 363-3121 Lancaster Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Paykar, Abraham, M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 073384 1601 W. Ave. J # 203 (661) 723-3131 Farsi, Spanish Shankar, Ravi S., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1922 068195 44215 15th St. West # 311 (661) 948-8000 Hindi, Kannada Singh, Pradeep K., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 032921 44725 Tenth St. West # 220 (661) 948-7057 Hindi, Spanish North Hills Primary Care Physicians Arora, Ajit S., M.D. 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Arora, Ajit S., M.D. 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Ezra, Eshagh, M.D. 15424 Nordhoff St. # B (818) 891-5500 Farsi, Spanish Hector, Bruce P., M.D. 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Spanish Hector, Bruce P., M.D. 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1922 058378 Internal Medicine1 5233 058378 General Practice 1922 086350 General Practice 5233 059555 General Practice 1922 059555 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 175 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Hoang D., M.D. Family Practice1 5233 067908 22135 Roscoe Blvd. # 107 (818) 481-0118 Spanish, Vietnamese Sahibzada, Afzal H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5233 192678 22110 Roscoe Blvd. # 301 (818) 719-9117 Urdu PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yoo, Kyung S., M.D. Family Practice 5233 018905 15446 Parthenia St. (818) 891-1616 Korean, Spanish Yoo, Kyung S., M.D. Family Practice 1922 018905 15446 Parthenia St. (818) 891-1616 Korean, Spanish North Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Ifekwunigwe, Aaron E., M.D. 8020 Laurel Canyon Blvd. (818) 767-9623 Igbo, Spanish Koshak, Michael M., M.D. 11631 Victory Blvd. # 101 (818) 764-8838 French, Spanish Koshak, Michael M., M.D. 11631 Victory Blvd. # 101 (818) 764-8838 French, Spanish Svadjian, Edward, M.D. 7535 Laurel Canyon Blvd. (818) 753-9994 Arabic, Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1922 057253 General Practice 1922 057168 General Practice 5233 057168 General Practice 1922 016819 Northridge Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Amico, Mark P., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 059646 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 Spanish Amini, Parviz, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 046412 8435 Reseda Blvd. (818) 998-6000 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish 1 Board Certified 176 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Buttelman, Christopher R., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5233 024965 17075 Devonshire St. # 209 (818) 832-7802 Buttelman, Christopher R., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1922 024965 17075 Devonshire St. # 209 (818) 832-7802 Cairo, Kathy P., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 087104 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 French, Spanish Davis, Pamela M., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 064296 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 Spanish Eddy-Bertrand, Elizabeth, Family Practice1 M.D. 5233 067020 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 Eddy-Bertrand, Elizabeth, Family Practice1 M.D. 1922 067020 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 Gagneja, Ritoo, M.D. Family Practice 5233 157748 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 Gagneja, Ritoo, M.D. Family Practice 1922 157748 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 Ghuman, Mandeep S., Family Practice1 M.D. 1922 152913 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 Farsi Hopkins, Susan M., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 059814 18433 Roscoe Blvd. # 102 (818) 709-6700 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 1 Primary Care Physicians Puri, Surinder P., M.D. 9346 Corbin Ave. (818) 349-9966 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Puri, Surinder P., M.D. 9346 Corbin Ave. (818) 349-9966 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Tenn, L. Gregory, M.D. 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 707 (818) 407-1221 Spanish Tenn, L. Gregory, M.D. 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 707 (818) 407-1221 Spanish Thompson, Terence B., M.D. 8833 Reseda Blvd. # A (818) 341-0670 Vasquez, Julio N., M.D. 8540 Reseda Blvd. # 240 (818) 772-7023 Spanish Vega, Cesar A., M.D. 18433 Roscoe Blvd. # 103 (818) 734-7620 Spanish Vega, Cesar A., M.D. 18433 Roscoe Blvd. # 103 (818) 734-7620 Spanish Yang, Cindy W., M.D. 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 York, Steven W., M.D. 18250 Roscoe Blvd. # 260 (818) 349-6725 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5233 059686 General Practice 1922 059686 Family Practice1 5233 059828 Family Practice1 1922 059828 Family Practice1 1922 054060 General Practice 5233 050282 Family Practice 1922 099015 Family Practice 5233 099015 Family Practice1 1922 160583 Internal Medicine 1922 045347 Board Certified 177 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hopkins, Susan M., M.D. Family Practice1 5233 059814 18433 Roscoe Blvd. # 102 (818) 709-6700 Spanish Kajani, Sikander, M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 059826 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 218 (818) 993-6660 Hindi Kuhlman, Christopher D., Family Practice1 M.D. 1922 089799 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 Lev, Diana A., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 107339 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 Hebrew, Russian, Spanish Matias, Belen A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 083403 17075 Devonshire St. # 305 (818) 363-0110 Tagalog McGregor, Gordon W., Family Practice1 M.D. 1922 073496 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 McGregor, Gordon W., Family Practice1 M.D. 5233 073496 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 Okhovat, Mehran A., M.D. Family Practice1 5233 058899 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 Okhovat, Mehran A., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 058899 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 600 (818) 727-1515 Partamian, Jean O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5233 040955 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 307 (818) 886-4028 Arabic, Armenian, French, Turkish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # York, Steven W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5233 045347 18250 Roscoe Blvd. # 260 (818) 349-6725 Spanish Zapata, Joni S., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 092394 18406 Roscoe Blvd. (818) 885-5480 Spanish Palmdale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 Shankar, Ravi S., M.D.2 1922 068195 627 W. Avenue Q # C (661) 948-8000 Hindi, Kannada Panorama City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Boyadjian, Shovek, M.D. General Practice 1922 063685 14860 Roscoe Blvd. # 205 (818) 781-2706 Arabic, Armenian, Hebrew, Russian Michail, Reyadh J., M.D. General Practice 1922 051271 14860 Roscoe Blvd. # 201 (818) 787-1049 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish Nossett, Angela D., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 155577 8215 Van Nuys Blvd. # 212 (818) 902-9229 Spanish Reseda Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kamrava, Kamran K., M.D. General Practice 1922 029011 6915 Reseda Blvd. # 1 (818) 343-2121 Farsi, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kashani, Ataoiah, M.D. General Practice 1922 057493 18355 Sherman Way (818) 343-0964 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Martinez Cardenas, Jose F., Internal Medicine M.D.2 1922 103565 18518 Sherman Way (818) 757-0954 Russian, Spanish Martinez Cardenas, Jose F., Internal Medicine M.D.2 5233 103565 18518 Sherman Way (818) 757-0954 Russian, Spanish Nazar, Parviz, M.D. General Practice 1922 066920 6670 Reseda Blvd. # 100 (818) 343-2345 Armenian, Farsi Phan, Mai T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5233 049437 18625 Sherman Way # 104 (818) 342-8171 Spanish, Vietnamese San Fernando Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Flores, Robert O., M.D. Family Practice 1922 059543 11273 Laurel Canyon Blvd. # 1 (818) 365-2769 Spanish Parray, Hafeez J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 031976 418 San Fernando Mission Blvd. (818) 894-3622 Hindi, Spanish Parray, Hafeez J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5233 031976 418 San Fernando Mission Blvd. (818) 894-3622 Hindi, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 178 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 Sherman Oaks Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Betz, Edward D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5233 520909 4555 Sherman Oaks Ave. (818) 981-5800 Spanish Gordon, Arthur L., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1922 047643 4529 Sherman Oaks Ave. (818) 986-8193 Matian, Arash D., D.O. Family Practice1 1922 133604 13425 Ventura Blvd. # 102 (818) 995-7784 Farsi, Spanish Matian, Arash D., D.O. Family Practice1 5233 133604 13425 Ventura Blvd. # 102 (818) 995-7784 Farsi, Spanish 1 2 Sun Valley Primary Care Physicians Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Lara Jr, Fidel M., M.D. 8033 Vineland Ave. (818) 767-1001 Spanish Meza, Martha A., M.D. 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Meza, Martha A., M.D. 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1922 520907 General Practice 5233 520907 Internal Medicine 1922 091795 Internal Medicine1 1922 155880 Internal Medicine1 5233 155880 Sylmar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Darden, Ted D., M.D.2 Family Practice1 1922 129158 14124 Foothill Blvd., # 100 (818) 367-1012 Fanous, Basem, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 063919 14124 Foothill Blvd. # 100 (818) 367-1012 Arabic Titcher, Robert N., M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 059715 14124 Foothill Blvd. # 100 (818) 367-1012 Spanish Zablen, Marshall A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 520063 12610 Glenoaks Blvd. (818) 361-4111 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 179 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Santa Clarita Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Malla, Sabita, M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 133269 23206 Lyons Ave. # 209 (661) 799-7007 Hindi, Russian Masongsong, Armand T., Family Practice1 M.D.2 1922 088688 21700 Golden Triangle Rd. # 105 (661) 259-9800 Tagalog Masongsong, Martina B., Family Practice1 M.D.2 1922 088533 21700 Golden Triangle Rd. # 105 (661) 259-9800 Tagalog Mungcal, Renato V., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 039132 21700 Golden Triangle Rd. # 206 (661) 287-3983 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 Tarzana Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abbassi, Alex, M.D. General Practice 5233 057060 18370 Burbank Blvd. # 309 (818) 345-7707 Farsi, French, Spanish Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5233 028690 5620 Wilbur Ave. # 307 (818) 881-9255 Spanish, Vietnamese Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 028690 5620 Wilbur Ave. # 307 (818) 881-9255 Spanish, Vietnamese Pean, Marie-Therese, M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 059823 18411 Clark St. # 202 (818) 457-4703 French, Spanish Silverstein, Laurence M., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5233 015861 5620 Wilbur Ave. # 200 (818) 345-2323 Stanger, Terry E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 027225 18411 Clark St. # 107 (805) 239-9055 Spanish Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Ahn, Eliza S., M.D. 15243 Vanowen St. # 406 (818) 780-2106 Korean, Spanish Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1922 050153 General Practice 5233 520907 General Practice 1922 520907 Board Certified 180 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Choi, Cheong W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 044992 16912 Sherman Way (818) 881-9444 Korean Chong, Jeffrey C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 064412 15243 Vanowen St. # 406 (818) 780-2106 Elgourt, Ludmila, M.D. General Practice 1922 065238 15243 Vanowen St. # 508 (818) 785-7777 Russian, Spanish Lee, Myung H., M.D. Family Practice1 1922 065444 14614 Victory Blvd. (818) 787-4770 Korean, Portuguese, Spanish Lee, Myung H., M.D. Family Practice1 5233 065444 14614 Victory Blvd. (818) 787-4770 Korean, Portuguese, Spanish Marouni, Payam, M.D. Family Practice1 5233 149162 13750 Victory Blvd. (818) 988-9090 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Meza, Martha A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5233 155880 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish Meza, Martha A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 155880 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish Mikhael, Michel N., M.D. General Practice 1922 023857 14624 Sherman Way # 203 (818) 785-3336 Arabic Mohamadi, Davod, M.D. Internal Medicine 1922 550037 14624 Sherman Way # 506 (818) 988-5999 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 West Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Faust, Irene B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 032295 7345 Medical Center Dr. # 200 (818) 888-3416 Hage, Christopher N., M.D.Internal Medicine1 5233 143947 7345 Medical Center Dr. # 310 (818) 702-9962 Arabic, French Hage, Christopher N., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1922 143947 7345 Medical Center Dr. # 310 (818) 702-9962 Arabic, French Perlmutter, Robert A., M.D.Family Practice 1922 541152 7301 Medical Center Dr. # 405 (818) 347-3077 Spanish Winnetka Primary Care Physicians Hernandez, David J., M.D. 20800 Sherman Way (818) 883-2273 Spanish Hernandez, David J., M.D. 20800 Sherman Way (818) 883-2273 Spanish Wheeler, Elenita L., M.D. 20800 Sherman Way (818) 883-2273 Wheeler, Elenita L., M.D. 20800 Sherman Way (818) 883-2273 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1922 007203 Family Practice1 5233 007203 General Practice 1922 173170 General Practice 5233 173170 Woodland Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kurtz, Allan L., D.O. Internal Medicine1 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd. # 501 1922 031844 (818) 346-1440 Vaisman, Sofia, M.D. Family Practice 1922 047771 22600 Ventura Blvd. # 101 (818) 225-1255 Hungarian, Russian, Spanish Acupuncture Katz, Alejandro, L.A. Allergy/Immunology Offenberger, Jacob, M.D.1 Shapiro, Joseph R., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Orakzai, Raza H., M.D. Chiropractor Margolis, Alan, D.C. Dermatology Naltsas, Steven, M.D. Endocrinology Barakat, Sawssan N., M.D.1 Greenstadt, Mark A., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 181 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Oh, Paul Y., M.D. Family Practice 1922 076108 17611 Sherman Way (818) 776-8822 Hindi, Korean, Spanish Samadani, Kiumars, M.D. Family Practice 5233 540750 15243 Vanowen St. # 311 (818) 781-2266 Farsi Samadani, Kiumars, M.D. Family Practice 1922 540750 15243 Vanowen St. # 311 (818) 781-2266 Farsi Shore, Edward G., M.D. Family Practice 1922 045031 15243 Vanowen St. # 412 (818) 783-4800 Tran, Anhtuan D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1922 131188 7400 Van Nuys Blvd # 112 (818) 989-2406 Spanish, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 Family Practice Apelian, Garbis M., M.D.1 Lee, Hwe-Seung L., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Arimie, Calin S., M.D. Chitayat, Ron, M.D.1 Nagaraja, Mysore R., M.D.1 General Surgery Bullock, Alban A., M.D. Sauk, Min S., M.D.1 Gynecologic Oncology Leuchter, Ronald S., M.D.1 Schlaerth, John B., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Potruch, Michael L., M.D.1 Torbati, Kamran, M.D.1 Oncology Chatham, Philip L., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Corben, Michael A., O.D. Karlin, Jamshyd D., M.D.1 Rauchman, Steven H., M.D.1 Smyth-Medina, Robert J., M.D.1 Hematology Chatham, Philip L., M.D. Optometrist Lunchick, Eric J., O.D. Ohanian-Goncuian, Biana L., O.D. Winston, Mark E., O.D. Hematology/Oncology Joseph, Thomas P., M.D.1 Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Upham, Christopher A., DDS Infectious Disease Clough, Wendy, M.D. Millet, Victoria E., M.D.1 Pryor III, Ellsworth P., M.D.1 Willen, Jon F., M.D.1 Wilson, Samuel A., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Bhagia, Umesh T., M.D.1 Bittar, Tarek, M.D. Lee, Michael, M.D.1 Shapiro, Michael R., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Reddy, Sanjay, M.D. Shapiro, Joseph R., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Devore, Greggory R., M.D.1 Nephrology Mehta, Kalyani N., M.D.1 Patak, Ramachandra V., M.D.1 Singh, Balbir, M.D. Neurology Liker, Mark A., M.D. Neurosurgery Hua, Sherwin A., M.D.1 Quinonez, Rafael O., M.D. 1 Board Certified 182 / Health Net Provider Network Otolaryngology (Ent) Roesler, John M., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Saleh, Jacob, M.D. Podiatry Fass, Arthur H., DPM1 Goss, Jeffrey D., DPM Levy, Leslie G., DPM1 Pulmonary Disease Amerian, Roger, M.D.1 Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. Dowds, Gordon W., M.D.1 Therapeutic Radiology Lewinsky, Bernard S., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley PPG 1922 Thoracic Surgery Soltero, Michael J., M.D.1 Yasuda, Roderick K., M.D.1 Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Urology Devendra, Ganeshalingam, M.D. Niku, Soheil D., M.D.1 Reddy, Shashi K., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 183 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 19191 S Vermont Ave Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Khalid Khan (IM/Immediate Care) (310)679-2201 HCP Long Beach Site (562) 988-7000 Ocean Medical (310) 316-1661 HCP Redondo Beach Site (310) 316-0811 *By Appointment Only+ Hospitals Used: Torrance Memorial Medical Center Carson Primary Care Physicians Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. 235 W. Carson St. (310) 834-4233 Spanish, Tagalog Aguinaldo, Estrella A., M.D. 23517 S. Main St. # 104 (310) 233-2555 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog Alejo, Florante A., M.D. 282 E. Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 830-9962 Spanish, Tagalog Batongmalaque, Jenny L., M.D. 23251 Main St. (310) 830-4561 Canlas, Maria C., M.D. 23517 S. Main St. # 108 (310) 518-6246 Tagalog Coates, Lynn P., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 201 (310) 233-3228 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1390 039369 Internal Medicine 1390 075085 General Practice 1390 057194 Family Practice 1390 038591 Internal Medicine1 1390 131499 Internal Medicine1 1390 503005 Board Certified 184 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Falcon, Michelle L., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Spanish Ghanian, Reza, M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 201 (310) 233-3228 Farsi, Spanish Guba, Gerardo R., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Hardin, Eugene, M.D. 357 E. Carson St. # 102 (310) 518-2737 Spanish Harvey, Daniel E., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 206 (310) 513-9361 Spanish Holtz, Joel, M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Spanish Lami, Jose L., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Spanish Magdaleno, Luis G., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 101 (310) 233-3202 Spanish Padre, Emilio J., M.D. 164 W. Carson St. (310) 518-6861 Spanish, Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1390 004741 Internal Medicine1 1390 531090 Family Practice1 1390 077162 Internal Medicine 1390 028254 Family Practice1 1390 048623 Family Practice1 1390 057199 Family Practice 1390 057200 Family Practice1 1390 057201 General Practice 1390 057153 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1390 039689 21624 Figueroa St. (310) 328-9900 Spanish, Tagalog Tamhane, Shrikant K., D.O.Family Practice 1390 105591 23517 Main St. # 103 (310) 834-5388 Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Al-Fadly, Waleed S., M.D. General Practice 1390 520686 16000 S. Vermont Ave. (310) 324-1183 Bhasker, Mohan W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 300 1390 501335 (310) 769-4700 Hindi, Spanish Choi, Young C., M.D. Family Practice 1390 520687 1300 W. 155th St. # 206 (310) 532-9973 Korean Chukwudi, Uche A., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 152510 15425 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 355-1445 Spanish Eddings-Reece, Kimberly Internal Medicine1 J., M.D. 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 240 1390 077418 (310) 324-2592 Frank, Julius, M.D. General Practice 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 104 1390 048485 (310) 329-7596 Golbari, Abraham, M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 078704 14030 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 327-8746 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Metry, Adel S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 406 1390 066597 (310) 719-1653 Arabic, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # O'Connell, Timothy J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 311 1390 059577 (310) 327-5552 O'Connell, Timothy J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 240 1390 059577 (310) 324-2592 Ramos, Enrique, M.D. General Practice 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 104 1390 033431 (310) 538-9400 Spanish, Tagalog Robinson, Owen L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 400 1390 036237 (310) 538-1381 Spanish Suk, Larry T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 071682 15435 S. Western Ave. # 201 (310) 515-9871 Cambodian, Hmong, Korean, Laotian Thompson Jr, George, Internal Medicine M.D. 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 311 1390 520691 (310) 327-5552 Yamane, Ron H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 530967 1300 W. 155th St. # 210 (310) 327-6400 Japanese Harbor City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chow, Ulyss J., D.O. Family Practice 1390 502870 1403 Lomita Blvd. # 304 (310) 517-1828 Mamita, Marcil M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 127575 1403 Lomita Blvd. # 303A (310) 530-6900 Arabic, Spanish Board Certified 185 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Osea, Edgardo A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 063969 1310 Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 534-5765 Spanish, Tagalog Hawthorne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ebilane, Ananias E., M.D. General Practice 1390 032454 13429 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 644-8683 Spanish, Tagalog Hernandez, Valentin, M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 041132 13440 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 219-0941 Spanish Hoang, Khang N., D.O. Family Practice1 1390 035941 13672 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 644-5097 Spanish, Vietnamese Honda, Stephan T., M.D. General Practice 1390 059325 2301 W. El Segundo Blvd. (323) 757-2118 Spanish Iluore, Augustine E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 060300 11633 Hawthorne Blvd. # 103 (310) 219-2929 Spanish Khan, Khalid B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 073561 13425 Inglewood Ave. (310) 679-2201 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Nguyen, Lieu S., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 039565 15032 Prairie Ave. (310) 675-7343 Spanish, Vietnamese Pham, Bang V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 035946 12923 Inglewood Ave # 1 (310) 675-0395 Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 186 / Health Net Provider Network Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Razi, David F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 067708 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi, Spanish Robinson, Michael F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 014279 501 E. Hardy St. # 425 (310) 419-4303 Spanish Rubin, Jack E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 014605 575 E. Hardy St. # 322 (310) 671-0488 Spanish Saba, Marjan, M.D. Family Practice 1390 135748 501 E. Hardy St. # 205 (310) 671-6364 Farsi, Spanish Sourehnissani, Mehran, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1390 079285 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi Lawndale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Do, Thutrang, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1390 131275 15735 Hawthorne Blvd. # 111 (310) 675-1300 Vietnamese Enriquez, Eric A., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 104693 14623 Hawthorne Blvd. # 202 (310) 973-8863 Spanish, Tagalog Trejo, Emma B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 074379 14829 Hawthorne Blvd. # 202 (310) 973-6727 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Lomita Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # El Sayad, Nabil I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 004466 24845 Narbonne Ave. (310) 325-0600 Arabic, French, Spanish Raikhel, Marina, M.D. Family Practice1 1390 021581 25043 Narbonne Ave. (310) 373-8120 Russian Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1390 039689 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 039369 2534 W. Third St. (213) 382-1175 Spanish, Tagalog Chu, Jae Sung, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 502894 12610 S. Western Ave. (323) 757-1853 Korean, Spanish Manhattan Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hawkins, Gene L., M.D. Family Practice 1390 007012 400 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 260 (310) 372-4488 Jones, Elaine K., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 008256 855 Manhattan Beach Blvd. # 201 (310) 939-7847 Khan, Tehmina A., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 189031 855 Manhattan Beach Blvd. # 201 (310) 939-7847 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Roberts, Alecsandra O., Family Practice1 M.D. 1390 069071 400 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 260 (310) 372-4488 Spanish Swift, Robert D., M.D. Family Practice 1390 076423 855 Manhattan Beach Blvd. # 201 (310) 939-7847 Spanish Wadhwa, Raju H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 031054 855 Manhattan Beach Blvd. # 204 (310) 939-1892 Hindi Zadeh, Bahar, M.D. Family Practice1 1390 177854 855 Manhattan Beach Blvd. # 200 (310) 939-7847 Farsi Palos Verdes Estates Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yang, Marcos Y., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 050714 310 Tejon Pl. (310) 375-2403 Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Taiwanese Palos Verdes Peninsula Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Golzar, Nasim, M.D. Family Practice1 1390 039385 26516 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 541-7911 Farsi Ruffin, Dirk D., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 039386 26516 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 541-7911 Traughber, Christopher W., Family Practice M.D. 1390 046819 26516 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 541-7911 Board Certified 187 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 Rancho Palos Verdes Primary Care Physicians Franco, Consuelo, M.D. 29409 S. Western Ave. (310) 832-4225 Spanish Guba, Gerardo R., M.D. 29409 S. Western Ave. (310) 832-4225 Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Holtz, Joel, M.D. 29409 S. Western Ave. (310) 832-4225 Spanish Magdaleno, Luis G., M.D. 29409 S. Western Ave. (310) 784-4971 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1390 057198 Family Practice1 1390 077162 Family Practice1 1390 057199 Family Practice1 1390 057201 Redondo Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Davoudian, Sohail M., Internal Medicine M.D. 1390 035937 1959 Kingsdale Ave. (310) 214-1000 Farsi, Spanish Internal Medicine1 Gee, Brian M., M.D.2 1390 069447 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Hosseini, Robert B., M.D. Family Practice 1390 069303 1728 S. Catalina Ave. (310) 540-7200 Farsi, Spanish Levee, Gail L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 036239 510 N. Prospect Ave. # 304 (310) 372-8005 Liu, William M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 010258 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Mandarin, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Maner, Denise V., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1390 010727 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Smith, Bradley D., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 016040 1106 S. Pacific Coast Hwy. (310) 316-1661 Spanish Vollucci, Maria M., D.O. Family Practice1 1390 074702 520 N. Prospect Ave. # 103 (310) 376-8816 Spanish Rllng Hls Est Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chen, Stephanie W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 188979 550 Deep Valley Dr. # 319 (310) 544-6858 Gorlick, Laurence K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 006173 550 Deep Valley Dr. # 319 (310) 544-6858 Spanish San Pedro Primary Care Physicians Charugundla, Girija, M.D. 1294 W. Sixth St. # 205 (310) 548-0201 Hindi, Telugu Greenberg, Lawrence B., M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Spanish Habib, Munira, M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 831-9482 Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1390 051219 Family Practice1 1390 021876 Internal Medicine1 1390 171946 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 188 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Ishihara, Terry T., M.D. 1294 W. Sixth St. # 200 (310) 833-5221 Spanish Jimenez, Andres, M.D. 1499 W. First St. (310) 832-9482 Spanish Schmidt, James A., M.D. 1360 W. Sixth St. # B (310) 832-0686 Spanish Shah, Krupa A., M.D. 1294 W. Sixth St. # 202 (310) 832-5331 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Shah, Mona S., M.D. 1294 W. Sixth St. # 205 (310) 548-0201 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Torrance Primary Care Physicians Afonicheva, Ludmila W., M.D. 2204 Torrance Blvd. # 105 (310) 328-2146 Russian, Spanish Agrawal, Sushila J., M.D. 3400 Lomita Blvd. # 605 (310) 539-3303 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Ahmed, Khaja R., M.D. 20911 Earl St. # 180 (310) 370-4660 Hindi, Urdu Ahn, Hong G., M.D. 17507 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 324-4443 Korean 1 2 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1390 135815 Family Practice 1390 045476 Family Practice1 1390 039406 Family Practice 1390 015502 Internal Medicine1 1390 087516 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1390 109772 General Practice 1390 500155 Internal Medicine1 1390 053720 Internal Medicine1 1390 065541 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aiyegbusi, Modupe A., Family Practice1 M.D. 1390 088391 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 157 (310) 540-7240 Borovay, Michael A., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1390 028260 21311 Madrona Ave. # 100A (310) 792-4400 Spanish Borsook, Brian D., M.D. Family Practice 1390 073632 2900 Lomita Blvd (310) 326-8600 French, German, Spanish Brown, Paul J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 531105 3333 Skypark Dr. # 160 (310) 517-9006 Spanish Chen, Anthony J., M.D.3 Family Practice1 1390 094357 3640 Lomita Blvd. # 303 (310) 375-1728 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Internal Medicine Ding, James C., M.D.2 1390 056594 23560 Crenshaw Blvd. # 101 (310) 784-5880 Korean, Mandarin, Spanish Eilat, Paz P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 053839 21081 S. Western Ave. # 150 (310) 782-3300 Hebrew Falcon, Michelle L., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 004741 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Spanish Ford, Joseph, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 057197 3475 Torrance Blvd. # H (310) 543-4354 Spanish, Tagalog Franco, Consuelo, M.D. Family Practice1 1390 057198 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 189 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Fuster, Sunila N., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 005478 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 530 (310) 543-3109 Russian, Spanish Glazer, Robert N., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 023751 3333 Skypark Dr. # 100 (310) 784-6300 Spanish Guba, Gerardo R., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 077162 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Haas, George D., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 006601 3333 Skypark Dr. # 100 (310) 784-6300 Spanish Hammer, Terence M., M.D. Family Practice 1390 032433 2900 Lomita Blvd (310) 326-8600 Hammer, Terence M., M.D. Family Practice 1390 032433 3333 Skypark Dr. # 100 (310) 784-6300 Inocentes, Fe A., M.D. Family Practice 1390 007857 2900 Lomita Blvd (310) 326-8600 Spanish, Tagalog Keech, Richard C., M.D. General Practice 1390 008678 3475 Torrance Blvd. # G (310) 543-1695 Spanish Internal Medicine1 Keller, David L., M.D.2 1390 072062 21311 Madrona Ave. (310) 371-1010 Spanish Khan, Hameed A., M.D. General Practice 1390 066583 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 259 (310) 540-5464 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Khan, Tehmina A., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 189031 3333 Skypark Dr. # 100 (310) 784-6300 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Kuraishi, Aqdas S., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 048344 3333 Skypark Dr. # 160 (310) 517-9006 French, Spanish Lai, Nam M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 009504 3465 Torrance Blvd. # W (310) 316-1502 Vietnamese Lebron, Barbara A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 009704 3655 Lomita Blvd. # 206 (310) 378-9002 Spanish Lee, Curtis G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 039575 20911 Earl St. # 250 (310) 370-4337 Lee, Janet H., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1390 107784 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 790 (310) 540-1712 Korean Li, Jui-Jung R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 010052 3655 Lomita Blvd. # 121 (310) 375-2256 Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese Lin, Tai-Hon, M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 010147 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 161 (310) 543-1677 Fukienese, Japanese, Mandarin Lin, Thomas S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 086828 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 162 (310) 543-1677 Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 190 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lin, Yuh-Fong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 550069 23600 Telo Ave. # 280 (310) 784-8000 Mandarin, Taiwanese Loharuka, Prabhu D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 010309 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 380 (310) 540-5676 Hindi, Urdu Magdaleno, Luis G., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 057201 3500 Lomita Blvd. # 203 (310) 534-8164 Spanish Mohamadi, Parivash, M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 048484 4305 Torrance Blvd. # 500 (310) 370-5694 Farsi, French, Spanish Muttalib, Azhar, M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 012065 23639 Hawthorne Blvd. # 102 (310) 373-9980 Urdu Noorian, Behzad H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 540169 23000 Crenshaw Blvd. # 203 (310) 325-4445 Farsi, French, Vietnamese Oberoi, Meena, M.D. Family Practice 1390 104189 23639 Hawthorne Blvd. # 102 (310) 373-9980 Hindi, Punjabi Oh, David D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 028004 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 260 (310) 543-2977 Korean Oh, Karen E., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1390 073631 23000 Crenshaw Blvd. # 208 (310) 326-1147 Spanish Ostriker, Jeffrey A., M.D. Family Practice 1390 033965 2406 Torrance Blvd. (310) 328-3421 Spanish, Swedish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Qazi, Anjum B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 130838 3655 Lomita Blvd. # 414 (310) 791-7400 Hindi, Urdu Ramayya, Aruna S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 045732 3400 Lomita Blvd. # 608 (310) 534-8445 Hindi, Spanish Robinson, Owen L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 036237 20911 Earl St. # 250 (310) 214-0154 Spanish Sarao, Norma M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 014973 3440 W. Carson St. # 302 (310) 371-2288 Spanish, Tagalog Shakhbazova, Milena, Family Practice M.D. 1390 155084 3333 Skypark Dr. # 100 (310) 784-6300 Russian Soliman, Shahinaz E., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 104485 3445 Pacific Coast Hwy. # 200 (310) 530-7244 Arabic, Spanish Stern, David H., M.D. Family Practice1 1390 530248 1218 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 328-1181 Spanish, Vietnamese Swift, Robert D., M.D. Family Practice 1390 076423 3275 Skypark Dr. # D (310) 784-6300 Spanish Tahsini, Mehdi, M.D. Family Practice1 1390 159227 2573 Pacific Coast Hwy. # B (310) 997-1796 Farsi Tong, Anhtuan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 089033 3584 Redondo Beach Blvd. (310) 856-4944 Vietnamese Board Certified 191 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tsuneishi, Chris M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1390 079886 4201 Torrance Blvd. # 380 (310) 543-1050 Japanese, Spanish Webman, Robert M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1390 540527 3250 Lomita Blvd. # 301 (310) 325-1997 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Yawata, Haruko T., D.O. Family Practice1 1390 076046 21311 Madrona Ave. # 100A (310) 792-4400 Zadeh, Bahar, M.D. Family Practice1 1390 177854 3333 Skypark Dr. # 100 (310) 784-6300 Farsi Wilmington Primary Care Physicians El Sayad, Nabil I., M.D. 1626 N. Avalon Blvd. (310) 834-4666 Arabic, French, Spanish Perez, Angel G., M.D. 1721 N. Wilmington Blvd. (310) 835-1414 Spanish Siman, Homan, M.D. 1231 N. Avalon Blvd. (310) 835-7215 Farsi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1390 004466 Gastroenterology Patel, Chirag P., M.D.1 Riyaz, Azam S., M.D.1 Sattler, James A., M.D.1 General Surgery Fisher, Steven D., M.D.1 Geriatrics Jones, Elaine K., M.D.1 Mamita, Marcil M., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Hool, Hugo, M.D.1 Polonsky, Monty B., M.D. Infectious Disease Chia, John K., M.D.1 Ding, James C., M.D.1 Liu, Jia-Yia, M.D.1 Marer, Stephen W., M.D.1 Family Practice 1390 107584 Internal Medicine French Jr., James H., M.D.1 Marer, Stephen W., M.D.1 Polonsky, Monty B., M.D.1 Tavari, Javid, D.O. Yang, Eric S., M.D.1 Internal Medicine 1390 112198 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Lyons Gaffaney, Cecilia A., M.D.1 Allergy/Immunology Ashida, Ellyn R., M.D. Davidson, Joshua M., M.D.1 Singer, Allan D., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis French Jr., James H., M.D.1 Kim, Gene C., M.D.1 Yang, Ted P., M.D.1 1 Dermatology Millman, Arlen J., M.D.1 Board Certified 192 / Health Net Provider Network Nephrology Ahmed, Khaja R., M.D.1 Neurology Cha, Tim K., M.D.1 Gluckman, Richard S., M.D.1 Le, Thanh T., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Chen, Albert C., M.D.1 Cowan, Jeffrey J., M.D.1 Hemmat, Mehdi, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay PPG 1390 Obstetrics/Gynecology Huete, Ricardo E., M.D.1 Kwon, Young S., M.D.1 Lyons Gaffaney, Cecilia A., M.D.1 McCann, Stephen W., M.D.1 Naghi, Beni, M.D.1 Rosenberg, Steven H., M.D.1 Rosenthal, Marc J., M.D.1 Salem, Rifaat D., M.D.1 Singh, Deepjot K., M.D.1 Wasserwald, Gerald I., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Stoneburner Jr., John M., M.D.1 Urology Koo, Alec S., M.D.1 Nowzari, Farhad B., M.D.1 Park, Royal S., M.D.1 Paul, Joy G., M.D.1 Zinner, Norman R., M.D.1 Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Orthopedic Surgery Spychalski, Jeffrey W., M.D. Otolaryngology (Ent) Cantor, Norman, M.D.1 Kadivar, Hakimeh B., M.D.1 Levine, Brett A., M.D.1 Pincus, Stephen J., M.D.1 Sesi, Maher S., M.D.1 Washington, Gregory E., M.D. Pathology Keech, Richard C., M.D.1 Pediatrics Itchon, Lideia N., M.D.1 Razi, David F., M.D. Plastic Surgery Khattab, Sherif M., M.D.1 Rosso, Ronald F., M.D. Podiatry Bloch, Michael S., DPM Carroll, III, Roland J., DPM Mittleman, Marc G., DPM1 Rodgveller, Barry N., DPM1 Pulmonary Disease Ford, Joseph, M.D. Rheumatology Liu, William M., M.D.1 Oh, David D., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 193 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - Talbert PPG 5243 HealthCare Partners IPA - Talbert PPG 5243 19191 S. Vermont Ave., Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (310) 354-4200 Urgent Care UC Anaheim (714)995-1000 UC Compton (310-537-1337 UC Fountain Valley (714)964-6229 UC Long Beach Plaza (562)429-2473 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center Lakewood Regional Medical Center Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center St. Mary Medical Center Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Badar III, Francisco L., M.D.Family Practice1 5243 149024 18115 Valley View Ave. # 122 (714) 562-0124 Tagalog Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Goff, John L., M.D. Family Practice 5243 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5243 161599 5750 Downey Ave. # 201 (562) 633-1616 Arabic, Spanish 1 Board Certified 194 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Al Sayyed Ahmad, Nader I., Family Practice1 M.D. 5243 169224 4318 South St. (562) 788-7574 Arabic, Turkish Licuanan, Jesse J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5243 109036 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 531-0377 Spanish Mann, Paramjot, M.D. Family Practice1 5243 107358 3300 E. South St. (562) 817-5602 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. Family Practice1 5243 100154 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Patel, Shirish B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5243 013030 5720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 925-7401 Gujarati, Hindi Pole, Shivanand R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5243 164890 3650 South St. # 110 (562) 531-6140 Hindi, Kannada Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5243 084078 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Meka, Ajay G., M.D. Internal Medicine 5243 011302 1510 E. Seventh St. (562) 590-9800 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog, Telugu PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - Talbert PPG 5243 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Daniel, Chancelor, M.D. Family Practice1 5243 503573 617 W. Manchester Ave. (323) 750-9715 French, Spanish Soliman, Jimmy H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5243 051722 617 W. Manchester Ave. (323) 750-9715 Arabic, Spanish Podiatry Nalli, Lyle A., DPM1 Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing South Gate Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sison, Reuven F., M.D. Family Practice 5243 134283 9401 Long Beach Blvd. (323) 582-8612 Spanish, Tagalog Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Grover, Maleah, M.D.1 Dermatology Alpern, Kenneth S., M.D.1 Causier, David A., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Austin, Fernando H., M.D. Blam, Michael E., M.D.1 Phung, Phiet T., M.D.1 General Surgery Le, Quy V., M.D. Vannix, David L., M.D.1 Neurology Dumars, Karen L., M.D.1 Oh, Haeryong, M.D.1 Perrine, George A., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Erickson, Amelia A., M.D.1 Lee, Jenny S., M.D. Ruiz, Gerald T., M.D.1 Wyckoff, Stephanie M., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Mahood, Cyril Frederick P., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 195 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners Medical Group PPG 1321 Healthcare Partners Medical Group PPG 1321 2600 Redondo Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806-2325 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partner Medical Group Urgent Care (562) 988- 7000 7 days/ 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Torrance Memorial Medical Center Healthcare Partners IPA - Long Beach (PPG 1523) 19191 South Vermont Ave., Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners Urgent Care (562)988-7268 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Los Alamitos Medical Center Healthcare Partners Medical Group - Long Beach (PPG 1525) 6226 East Spring Street, Suite 100 Long Beach, CA 90815-1437 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners Urgent Care (562)988-7268 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Los Alamitos Medical Center 1 Board Certified 196 / Health Net Provider Network Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. Family Practice 1523 060208 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dhamija, Rajiv K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 151331 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Chaudhary, Vinita, M.D. 3650 South St. # 210 (562) 630-0910 Hindi Clark, Charles C., M.D. 5001 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 361-5650 Hoang, Thao Y., D.O. 5001 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 361-5650 Vietnamese Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1523 069488 Family Practice1 1525 502942 Family Practice1 1525 075964 Family Practice1 1523 100154 Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Adams Jr, John D., D.O. Internal Medicine 1523 019932 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Allsup, Karen M., M.D. Family Practice 1525 101623 6226 E. Spring St. # 100 (562) 420-1338 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arsi, Kimberly A., D.O. Family Practice1 1525 149745 6226 E. Spring St. # 100 (562) 420-1338 Spanish Asbill, Mark C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1525 500551 4401 Atlantic Ave. # 300 (562) 481-3500 Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 1523 057490 1533 Alamitos Ave. (562) 218-5350 Au, Joseph Y., M.D. Family Practice1 1523 500606 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 206 (562) 498-1363 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Bambrah-Dhamija, Family Practice1 Mehtab, M.D. 1523 160075 3760 Atlantic Ave. # A (562) 595-7467 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Chang, Henry, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1523 159701 2690 Pacific Ave # 270 (562) 599-0609 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Chau, Peter, M.D. Family Practice 1523 051341 5979 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-0421 Chaudhary, Archna, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 147455 701 E. 28th St. # 415 (562) 988-2777 Farsi, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil Chhay, Hor B., M.D. General Practice 1523 563706 1862 E. Anaheim St. (562) 218-4298 French, Khmer (Cambodian) 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Choi, Chester, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 077321 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 708 (562) 491-9045 Spanish Clark, Dennis L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 540125 3816 Woodruff Ave. # 401 (562) 420-8679 Spanish Cohen, Robert H., M.D. General Practice 1525 503076 6226 E. Spring St. # 100 (562) 420-1338 Constantino, Loida P., M.D.Family Practice1 1523 551173 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 104 (562) 961-8820 Spanish, Tagalog Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. Family Practice 1523 060208 3760 Atlantic Ave. # A (562) 595-7467 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dhamija, Rajiv K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 151331 3760 Atlantic Ave. # A (562) 595-7467 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dix, Karen T., M.D. Family Practice 1523 058363 911 E. San Antonio Dr. # 4 (562) 728-8700 Ferrera, Peter P., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 078527 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 505 (562) 495-4952 German, Spanish Gartsman, Alla, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 128292 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Russian Golanty, Stanley A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1523 520332 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Board Certified 197 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners Medical Group PPG 1321 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners Medical Group PPG 1321 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gonzales, Mary Eppie P., Internal Medicine M.D. 1525 127589 3932 Long Beach Blvd # B (562) 304-2101 Guerrero-Nieva, Arleen D., Internal Medicine M.D. 1523 093668 330 W. Willow St. (562) 595-9835 Spanish, Tagalog Gummadapu, Ragini, M.D.Family Practice 1321 138618 2600 Redondo Ave. (562) 988-7000 Hindi, Telugu Husain, Rubina, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1525 067498 4401 Atlantic Ave. # 300 (562) 481-3500 Jackson, Rozalie V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 143126 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 201 (562) 986-1450 Spanish Jamei, Mohsen, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1525 134637 3932 Long Beach Blvd # B (562) 304-2101 Arabic, Farsi Koseff, Perry R., D.O. Family Practice1 1523 039827 300 Redondo Ave. (562) 439-6966 Kuhn, Rebecca M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 101027 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 210 (562) 719-2045 Spanish Leka, Tesfaye W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1525 041179 3932 Long Beach Blvd # B (562) 304-2101 Libby, Glenn F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1525 010062 2699 Atlantic Ave. (562) 426-3333 1 Board Certified 198 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Liff, Michael O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 522281 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 902 (562) 437-0996 Spanish Long, Matthew T., D.O. Family Practice 1321 106777 2600 Redondo Ave. (562) 988-7000 Lugliani, Robert, M.D. Internal Medicine 1523 010451 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 902 (562) 437-0996 Italian Maciog, Patricia, M.D. Internal Medicine 1523 025046 6226 E. Spring St. # 240 (562) 938-7129 Spanish Malek, Irene A., M.D. Family Practice1 1523 074570 701 E. 28th St. # 201 (562) 492-9288 Arabic, Spanish Marshall, Dedra A., M.D. Family Practice 1321 117680 2600 Redondo Ave. (562) 988-7000 Spanish Mehta, Arvind J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 011280 2785 Pacific Ave. # A (562) 484-4447 Hindi, Spanish Montalvan, Gonzalo F., Internal Medicine M.D. 1523 540273 3815 Atlantic Ave. # 3 (562) 426-9482 German, Italian, Spanish Nga, Visal, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1523 191117 306 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. # 102 (562) 981-8979 Cambodian Nguyen, Minh N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 034047 306 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. # 102 (562) 981-8979 Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Minh N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 034047 2785 Pacific Ave. # B (562) 981-8979 Vietnamese Nguyen, Quoc B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1525 130960 4401 Atlantic Ave. # 300 (562) 481-3500 Vietnamese Patel, Sapna S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 190924 2785 Pacific Ave. # A (562) 424-4447 Hindi, Spanish Pham, Anh, M.D. Family Practice 1525 102515 6226 E. Spring St. # 100 (562) 420-1338 Phan, Huy, M.D. Family Practice 1525 148333 6226 E. Spring St. # 100 (562) 420-1338 Spanish Ro, John D., M.D. Family Practice1 1525 058255 4401 Atlantic Ave. # 300 (562) 481-3500 Roque, Ronaldo V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1523 092288 1760 Termino Ave. # 104 (562) 494-8512 Spanish, Tagalog Ross, William D., M.D. Family Practice1 1525 540629 6226 E. Spring St. # 100 (562) 420-1338 Spanish Roth, Jeffrey C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1321 014515 2600 Redondo Ave. (562) 988-7000 So, Vannarith, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 141960 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 101 (562) 986-6138 Cambodian, Spanish Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1523 039689 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Thomas, John L., D.O. Family Practice1 1523 017162 5865 E. Naples Plz. (562) 438-5021 Tyson, Yvonne, M.D. Family Practice1 1523 039726 925 E. San Antonio Dr. # 18 (562) 728-6738 Spanish, Tagalog Yi, Su H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1321 095767 2600 Redondo Ave. (562) 988-7000 Zamost, Marvin A., M.D. Family Practice1 1525 521035 6226 E. Spring St. # 100 (562) 420-1338 Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tsai, Mark C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1523 127778 16415 Colorado Ave. # 101 (562) 634-6341 Mandarin, Spanish Wilmington Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Perez, Angel G., M.D. Family Practice 1523 107584 1721 N. Wilmington Blvd. (310) 835-1414 Spanish Allergy/Immunology Brunner, Elliott H., M.D.1 Anesthesiology Patel, Baratkumar J., M.D. Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Amin, Sameer T., M.D.1 Arun, Parvataneni M., M.D.1 Fatemi, Hashem, M.D.1 Kawanishi, Stanley K., M.D.1 Kim, Gene C., M.D.1 Shoukair, Sami M., M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Board Certified 199 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Healthcare Partners Medical Group PPG 1321 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners Medical Group PPG 1321 Dermatology Billips, Mavis W., M.D.1 Dowlati, Bijan, M.D.1 Miller, Robert M., M.D.1 Yoo, Elisa K., M.D.1 Infectious Disease Hirota, David M., M.D.1 Marer, Stephen W., M.D.1 Nakata, Michael M., M.D.1 Strayer, Gregory L., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Ashok, Nagasamudra S., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Chao, Derek H., M.D.1 Ely, Evelyn A., M.D.1 Hirota, David M., M.D.1 Izumi, Steven F., M.D.1 Marer, Stephen W., M.D.1 Rouzroch, Siamak, M.D.1 Endocrinology Doria-Medina, Cathy L., M.D.1 Olsen, Craig L., M.D.1 Family Practice Huynh, Daniel S., D.O.1 Woldegiorgis, Solomon T., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Ahmadi, Behrooz, M.D. Drake, David A., M.D.1 Essilfie, William, M.D. Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Patel, Chirag P., M.D.1 Patel, Kalpana G., M.D.1 Severance, Stephen R., M.D.1 General Surgery Chung, Nathan S., M.D.1 Edrich, Leslie H., M.D. Heilbron, Jr., Mauricio J., M.D.1 Holness, Ronald C., M.D.1 Lomis, Thomas J., M.D.1 Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Vardayo, Joseph F., M.D. Hematology Maniam, Ajit S., M.D.1 Ucar, Kalust, M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Charu, Veena, M.D.1 Liem, Kiem D., M.D.1 Rubin, Stanley W., M.D.1 Wu, Lihong, M.D. 1 Board Certified 200 / Health Net Provider Network Nephrology Ali, Nausheen B., M.D.1 Chao, Derek H., M.D.1 Erlbaum, Alan I., M.D. Gandhi, Nirav D., M.D.1 Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Warner, Allen S., M.D.1 Zoller, Karen A., M.D.1 Neurology Hornstein, William, M.D.1 Kim, Duk H., M.D.1 Lee, Timothy S., M.D. Marmarelis, Panos Z., M.D.1 Shey, Randolph B., M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Ceverha, Barry B., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Humphrey, Helena C., M.D.1 Manning, Tamarah M., M.D. Rosales, Carlos A., M.D.1 Smith, Douglas C., M.D.1 Speiser, David M., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Gupta, Shalu, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Healthcare Partners Medical Group PPG 1321 Optometrist Augustine, Wynette C., O.D. Frohn, Robert B., O.D. Huang, Anthony J., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Bhalla, Sarbpaul S., M.D.1 Spychalski, Jeffrey W., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Shuman, Robert L., M.D. Vunnamadala, Syam P., M.D. Urology Agatstein, Ernest H., M.D.1 Albert, Shlomi, M.D. Aynehchi, Shahrad, M.D.1 Baghdassarian, Ruben, M.D.1 Ingram, John E., M.D.1 Norris, Michael, M.D.1 Paletz, Lawrence R., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Vardayo, Joseph F., M.D. Otolaryngology (Ent) Garcia, Martin A., M.D.1 Kelley, Timothy F., M.D. Tan, Jesse W., M.D.1 Tan, Jesus K., M.D.1 Yoshpe, Nina S., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Lim, Timothy A., M.D.1 Tan, Jesus K., M.D. Podiatry Caruana, Frank C., DPM1 Hubbard, Eric R., DPM1 Hughes, Joseph M., DPM Jung, James K., DPM1 Psychiatry Gulasekaram, Balasubramaniam M., M.D.1 Psychology Hodgkinson, Neva A., PSY.D Pfaffl, J. Craig S., Ph.D. Pulmonary Disease Libby, Glenn F., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Gates, Thomas C., M.D. Klem, Harold M., M.D.1 Puthawala, Ajmel A., M.D. 1 Board Certified 201 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Ophthalmology Hartstein, Ilan, M.D. Logan, Dwayne K., M.D.1 Nobe, Janis R., M.D.1 Sadri, Ehsan, M.D.1 Yang, Lisa Y., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 1025 West Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015-1329 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: L.A. Immediate Care Center (213) 623-2225 Hospitals Used: California Hospital Medical Center Greater El Monte Community Hospital Monterey Park Hospital Arroyo Seco Medical Group, A Division of Healthcare Partners (PPG 5159) 301 S Fair Oaks Avenue Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91105-2562 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Fair Oaks Urgent Care Center (626) 795-2244 401 S Fair Oaks Ave Pasadena CA 91105 24 Hours/7 Days Hospitals Used: Verdugo Hills Hospital HealthCare Partners - South Bay (PPG 808) 502 Torrance Blvd. Redondo Beach, CA 90277-3413 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Palos Verdes Family & Immediate Medical Care (310) 541-7911 Hospitals Used: Torrance Memorial Medical Center 202 / Health Net Provider Network Healthcare Partners - Valencia (PPG 5153) 23501 Cinema Drive Suite 100 Valencia, CA 91355-5429 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Mission Hills Urgent Care Center (818) 838-4500 Mon - Fri 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sat - Sun & Holidays 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Roscoe Boulevard Campus Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Valley Presbyterian Hospital Healthcare Partners IPA - East Los Angeles (PPG 5111) 19191 S Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Los Angeles Urgent Care Ctr (213) 861-5950 929 S. Georgia St., LA, CA 90015 24 hrs/7 days Hospitals Used: White Memorial Medical Center HealthCare Partners IPA - Glendale (PPG 1904) 19193 S. Vermont Ave., Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1020 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: L.A. Immediate Care Center: (213) 623-2225 Hospitals Used: Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners IPA - Los Angeles County (PPG 1905) 19191 S Vermont Ave Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: L.A. Immediate Care Center: (213) 623-2225 HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Arcadia (PPG 1520) 450 East Huntington Dr. Arcadia, CA 91006-3748 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: California Hospital Medical Center White Memorial Medical Center Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital Verdugo Hills Hospital HealthCare Partners IPA - Westside (PPG 5167) HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Glen Oaks (PPG 1846) 988 South Fair Oaks Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105-2626 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care: (626) 795-2244 19191 S. Vermont Ave. Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Reliant Immediate Care Medical Group 9601 Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. 90045 Sun-Sat 12:00AM - 12:00AM (310)215-6020 Hospitals Used: Hollywood Community Hospital at Brotman Medical Center HealthCare Partners IPA-San Gabriel Valley (PPG 1907) 19191 South Vermont Ave., Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502-1049 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: L.A. Immediate Care Center: (213) 623-2225 Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital Verdugo Hills Hospital HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Mission Hills (PPG 1923) 11600 Indian Hills Road Mission Hills, CA 91345-1225 (818) 838-4500 Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Hospitals Used: San Gabriel Valley Medical Center 203 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Monrovia (PPG 861) 831 E. Huntington Drive., Ste. 101 Monrovia, CA 91016-3615 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 HealthCare Partners Medical Group - West Hills (PPG 1925) 7301 Medical Center Dr Suite 500 Canoga Park, CA 91307-4101 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Mission Hills Urgent Care Ctr (818) 838-4500 Mon. - Fri. 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sat., Sun., Holidays 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital Verdugo Hills Hospital Hospitals Used: Northridge Hospital Medical Center, Roscoe Boulevard Campus Providence Holy Cross Medical Center HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Pasadena Main (PPG 863) 675 Arroyo Pkwy. Pasadena, CA 91105-3263 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital Verdugo Hills Hospital HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Van Nuys (PPG 1924) 14600 Sherman Way, Suite 300 Van Nuys, CA 91405-2272 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Mission Hills Urgent Care Ctr (818) 838-4500 Mon. - Fri. 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sat., Sun., Holidays 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center 204 / Health Net Provider Network HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Alhambra (PPG 859) 55 South Raymond Avenue, Suite 200 Alhambra, CA 91801-7103 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: Alhambra Hospital Medical Center Huntington Memorial Hospital HealthCare Partners Medical Group / East Los Angeles (PPG 1346) 3800 East First Street Los Angeles, CA 90063-3602 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Health Care Partners - Montebello Immed. Care (323) 720-1144 Hospitals Used: California Hospital Medical Center PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / El Monte (PPG 827) 3144 Santa Anita Avenue El Monte, CA 91733-1316 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Health Care Partners - Montebello Immed. Care (323) 720-1144 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Huntington Park (PPG 1025) 2750 East Slauson Avenue Huntington Park, CA 90255-3063 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: L.A. Immediate Care Center (213) 623-2225 Sat 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Hospitals Used: Greater El Monte Community Hospital Monterey Park Hospital Hospitals Used: California Hospital Medical Center HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Glendale (PPG 828) 225 W Broadway Suite 100 Glendale, CA 91204-1393 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Glendora (PPG 862) 2025 E Route 66 Glendora, CA 91740-4670 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 UCC Glendora (626) 857-2580 Hospitals Used: Foothill Presbyterian Hospital - Morris L. Johnston Memorial Huntington Memorial Hospital Verdugo Hills Hospital HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Magan Covina (PPG 860) 420 West Rowland Street Covina, CA 91723-2943 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Magan's Urgent Care Plus (626) 331-6411 Hospitals Used: Alhambra Hospital Medical Center Foothill Presbyterian Hospital - Morris L. Johnston Memorial Huntington Memorial Hospital Inter-Community, Citrus Valley Medical Centers Queen of the Valley, Citrus Valley Medical Center HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Montebello (PPG 830) 2601 Via Campo Montebello, CA 90640-1807 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Health Care Partners - Montebello Immed. Care (323) 720-1144 Hospitals Used: Greater El Monte Community Hospital Monterey Park Hospital San Gabriel Valley Medical Center 205 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Monterey Park (PPG 1023) 880 South Atlantic Blvd., Suite 101 Monterey Park, CA 91754-4700 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Health Care Partners - Montebello Immed. Care (323) 720-1144 Hospitals Used: Monterey Park Hospital San Gabriel Valley Medical Center HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Temple City (PPG 865) 9810 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91780-2208 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Healthcare Partners - Fair Oaks Immed. Care (626) 795-2244 Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital Verdugo Hills Hospital Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Alexander T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0859 033863 55 S. Raymond Ave. # 200 (626) 570-8005 Burmese, Fukienese Natividad, Rossana F., M.D.Internal Medicine1 0859 048273 55 S. Raymond Ave. # 200 (626) 570-8005 Tagalog Omana-Roldan, Evelyn, Family Practice1 M.D. 0859 171357 55 S. Raymond Ave. # 201 (626) 570-8005 Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wu, Huey-Yuan L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0859 018767 55 S. Raymond Ave. # 200 (626) 570-8005 Mandarin Yang, Meiyun, D.O. Family Practice 0859 132527 55 S. Raymond Ave. # 200 (626) 570-8005 Arcadia Primary Care Physicians Gebreyes, Zewdu Y., M.D. 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Ho, Samuel S., M.D. 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Mandarin, Spanish Labog, Renato A., M.D. 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Spanish, Tagalog Lam, Linda L., M.D. 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Spanish Lin, Rhoda H., M.D.2 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Mandarin Manjikian, Haig, M.D. 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Armenian, Spanish Oba, Chisato, M.D. 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Japanese Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1520 067692 Internal Medicine 1520 139901 Internal Medicine 1520 009455 Internal Medicine 1520 186967 Family Practice1 1520 131572 Internal Medicine1 1520 010735 Internal Medicine1 1520 103945 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 206 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Santos-Montemayor, Internal Medicine1 Maria R., M.D. 1520 133679 450 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 462-1884 Burbank Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ayvazyan, Vladimir, M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 159656 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Feit, Eric I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 520069 2625 W. Alameda Ave. # 300 (818) 845-9758 Kirakosyan, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1904 127632 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Kong, Gary K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 065559 3808 W. Riverside Dr. # 406 (818) 563-1449 Melikterminas, Edmond, Internal Medicine M.D. 1904 188145 303 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 1 (818) 569-7159 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Patel, Mayur C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 101119 2625 W. Alameda Ave. # 506 (818) 843-5864 Gujarati, Hindi Patel, Shailesh S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 047469 2625 W. Alameda Ave. # 506 (818) 843-5864 Gujarati, Hindi Patel, Tejas I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 129643 201 S. Buena Vista St. # 410 (818) 842-6400 Gujarati, Spanish Patel, Tejas I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 129643 501 S. Buena Vista St (999) 999-9999 Gujarati, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Schott, Ronald E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 066562 2031 W. Alameda Ave. # 310 (818) 841-2880 Russian, Spanish Smietanka, Martin A., M.D.Family Practice1 0828 028573 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. # 110 (818) 955-5773 Ther Hacopian, Beatris, Family Practice M.D. 0828 142042 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. # 110 (818) 955-5773 Armenian, Farsi, German Wing, Ronald H., M.D. Family Practice1 0828 520062 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. # 110 (818) 955-5773 Wong, Grace I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 148304 3808 W. Riverside Dr. # 406 (818) 563-1449 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Carson Primary Care Physicians Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. 235 W. Carson St. (310) 834-4233 Spanish, Tagalog Browne, Tarah B., D.O. 824 E. Carson St. # 104 (310) 793-3520 Mehta, Minesh, M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 104 (310) 793-3520 Tran, Tinh V., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 104 (310) 793-3520 Vietnamese Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1905 039369 Family Practice1 0808 189363 Family Practice1 0808 068919 Internal Medicine1 0808 130880 Board Certified 207 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Argudo, Lorindha F., M.D. Internal Medicine 0860 133744 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Mandarin, Spanish Chao, Harry H., M.D. Internal Medicine 0860 520670 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 French Chung, Wen-Che, M.D. Internal Medicine1 0860 047148 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Mandarin, Taiwanese Cimmarusti, Jerry J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0860 090640 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Dagher, Nadim K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0860 154649 530 W. Badillo St. # D (626) 332-1175 Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Russian, Spanish Hashem, Hani H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0860 105014 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Arabic Isho, Lubna, D.O. Family Practice 0860 127554 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Arabic Javaherian, Vahid, D.O. Internal Medicine1 0860 041121 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Liao, Peter, M.D. Internal Medicine1 0860 192806 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Mandarin Mahmoud, Zainab A., M.D.Family Practice1 0860 164981 315 N. Third Ave. # 103 (626) 967-0559 Arabic 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mahmoud, Zainab A., M.D.Family Practice1 0860 164981 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Arabic Marquez, Patricia F., M.D.2 Internal Medicine 0860 094904 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Spanish Nepomuceno, Arlene, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 0860 075588 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Tagalog Verdegem, Thomas D., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 0860 520726 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Wang, Michael M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0860 520681 420 W. Rowland St. (626) 331-6411 Spanish Culver City Primary Care Physicians Houston, Daryl K., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 707 (310) 838-7381 Kamiel, Michael B., M.D. 9808 Venice Blvd. # 503 (310) 559-3663 Spanish Muro, Jesus R., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 707 (310) 838-7381 Spanish Muro, Jesus R., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 707 (310) 838-7381 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5167 007576 Internal Medicine1 5167 008442 Internal Medicine 1905 012023 Internal Medicine 0829 012023 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 208 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lawson, Yvonne R., M.D. Family Practice1 0860 033514 750 N. Diamond Bar Blvd. # 100 (909) 861-2675 Spanish Eagle Rock Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Roman, Ricardo R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 141053 4708 Eagle Rock Blvd. (323) 254-3700 Spanish, Tagalog El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dominguez, Daniel, M.D. Family Practice1 0827 074708 3144 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 444-0333 Spanish Espinoza-Lopez, Angelina, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 0827 110589 3144 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 444-0333 Spanish Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Deorosan, Verretta, M.D. Internal Medicine 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 115 5167 045349 (323) 779-2800 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Eddings-Reece, Kimberly Internal Medicine1 J., M.D. 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 240 0808 077418 (310) 324-2592 O'Connell, Timothy J., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 240 0808 059577 (310) 324-2592 Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abovian, Vigen V., M.D. Family Practice 1904 166258 540 N. Central Ave. # 306 (818) 548-8001 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese Acosta, Luis J., M.D. Family Practice 1904 534004 222 W. Eulalia St. # 201 (818) 240-0601 Spanish Arutyunyan, Vardui, M.D. Family Practice 1904 086311 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-1020 Armenian, Russian Avanes, Emil, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 168358 3600 N. Verdugo Rd. # 202 (818) 394-0493 Armenian, Spanish Azer, Wageh F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0828 079488 225 W. Broadway # 100 (818) 545-7117 Arabic, Spanish Churg, Warren B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 049142 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Cornell, James P., M.D. Family Practice 1904 049013 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Spanish Board Certified 209 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Muro, Jesus R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5167 012023 3831 Hughes Ave. # 707 (310) 838-7381 Spanish Prasad, Rajendra, M.D. Internal Medicine 1905 077131 9808 Venice Blvd. # 707 (310) 237-0023 Hindi, Italian, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cunningham, Janet A., Family Practice1 M.D. 1904 049018 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Duron, Paul A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 062028 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Frederick, Adam R., M.D. Family Practice1 5159 160429 1808 Verdugo Blvd. # 305 (818) 790-1103 Gold, Marina, M.D. General Practice 1904 047388 1330 S. Glendale Ave. (818) 507-8181 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Hmayakyan, Samvel, M.D. Family Practice1 1904 088701 1133 S. Central Ave. (818) 244-0400 Armenian, Farsi, German, Russian Howard, Julie A., M.D. Family Practice 1904 129084 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Spanish Karapetyan, Arman F., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1904 164127 1332 S. Glendale Ave. (818) 550-5055 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Khanoyan, Sirvard, M.D. Family Practice 1904 109205 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Armenian, Spanish Khojayan, Vigen, M.D. Family Practice 1904 145008 435 Arden Ave. # 360 (818) 637-8300 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish 1 Board Certified 210 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Manavi, Shahryar, M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 087143 214 N. Central Ave. (818) 241-0970 Farsi, Spanish Marcus, Beth S., M.D. Family Practice 1904 047188 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Mitropoulos, Helen, M.D. Internal Medicine 0828 171364 225 W. Broadway # 100 (818) 545-7117 Greek Protacio, Rodolfo B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 033461 1510 S. Central Ave. # 540 (818) 500-8739 Spanish, Tagalog Rostamloo, Helen, M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 151437 800 S. Central Ave. # 210 (818) 244-3520 Armenian, Farsi Sabir, Nasreen (Nancy) A., Family Practice1 M.D. 5159 032074 1808 Verdugo Blvd. # 305 (818) 790-1103 Saran, Ferdinant, M.D. Family Practice1 1904 150976 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 502 (818) 243-4600 Armenian, Farsi Sawiris, Samir A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 025214 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Arabic Scofield, James M., M.D. Family Practice 1904 023188 222 W. Eulalia St. # 201 (818) 240-0601 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Glendora Primary Care Physicians Arevalo, Elvia D., M.D. 2025 E. Route 66 (626) 335-4610 Spanish Barrett, Virginia L., M.D. 2025 E. Route 66 (626) 335-4610 Hakimeh, Ihsan, M.D. 2025 E. Route 66 (626) 335-4610 Arabic 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 0862 094031 Internal Medicine1 0862 540779 Internal Medicine1 0862 006661 Primary Care Physicians Manalo, Sotara L., D.O. 2025 E. Route 66 (626) 335-4610 Spanish Shoga, Wail A., D.O. 2025 E. Route 66 (626) 335-4610 Arabic Yee, Gloria T., M.D. 2025 E. Route 66 (626) 335-4610 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 0862 154133 Internal Medicine 0862 074569 Family Practice1 0862 570444 Hawthorne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Duralde, Thomas J., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 004310 5400 W. Rosecrans Ave. # 100 (310) 643-8500 Graham Jr., Drayton P., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5167 035939 4477 W. 118th St. # 401 (310) 970-1930 French Graham Jr., Drayton P., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 0829 035939 4477 W. 118th St. # 401 (310) 970-1930 French Nowicki, Cynthia M., D.O. Family Practice1 0808 089684 5400 W. Rosecrans Ave. (310) 643-8500 Renaud, David D., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 153510 5400 Rosecrans Ave. (310) 643-8500 Spanish Ruiz, William S., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 014647 5400 W. Rosecrans Ave. # 100 (310) 643-8500 Shieh, Kate Y., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 143576 5400 W. Rosecrans Ave. (310) 643-8500 French, Mandarin, Spanish Board Certified 211 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Set-Agayan, Yervand W., Family Practice D.O. 1904 154648 800 S. Central Ave. # 306 (818) 242-5300 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Tatosyan-Jones, Kristine, Family Practice1 M.D. 1904 185883 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 200 (818) 790-1088 Armenian Veiga, Sergio R., M.D. Family Practice1 1904 086531 540 N. Central Ave. # 303 (818) 500-9996 Spanish Vignarajan, Nirupa, M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 098859 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-6666 Armenian, Russian, Tamil Wong, Kin C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 031773 435 Arden Ave. # 310 (818) 247-6676 Arabic, Armenian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Yu, Jack N., M.D. Family Practice 1904 018970 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 230 (818) 500-5586 Mandarin PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Young, Leo C., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 018941 5400 W. Rosecrans Ave. # 100 (310) 643-8500 Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # George, Bindu, M.D. Family Practice1 1025 141803 2750 E. Slauson Ave. (323) 582-1863 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Gonzalez, Timothy M., Internal Medicine M.D. 1025 083096 2750 E. Slauson Ave. (323) 582-1863 Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Hovhannisyan, Armen, M.D. 8444 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 342-7000 Armenian, Russian Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 832 S. Grevillea Ave. (310) 419-4354 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 832 S. Grevillea Ave. (310) 419-4354 Spanish Pile, Orlando H., M.D. 140 W. Queen St. (310) 674-7453 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5167 141436 Internal Medicine 1907 029437 Internal Medicine 5167 029437 Internal Medicine 5167 035858 La Verne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lock, Danny, M.D. Family Practice 0860 010288 3833 Emerald Ave. (909) 593-4531 1 Board Certified 212 / Health Net Provider Network Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abboy, Ramadas, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3100 1907 025230 (323) 263-9779 Spanish Abdou, Zahid Jean, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5111 034744 (323) 987-1362 Arabic, Armenian, French, Spanish Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 039369 2534 W. Third St. (213) 382-1175 Spanish, Tagalog Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. Family Practice 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 5111 094033 (323) 221-5366 Azinge-Obasi, Mezia O., Family Practice1 M.D. 5167 066603 3450 W. 43rd St. # 106 (323) 290-2832 Amharic, Igbo, Spanish Bahrami, Pouya, D.O. Internal Medicine 1905 104138 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 300 (213) 481-2200 Farsi, Spanish Banaag, Ernesto B., M.D. General Practice 1905 067301 4034 Verdugo Rd. (323) 254-1987 Spanish, Tagalog Banez, Edgar C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 048771 4867 Eagle Rock Blvd. (323) 254-6754 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Barua, Soma, M.D. Family Practice1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5111 162474 (323) 307-0800 Bengali, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bendana, Raul J., M.D. General Practice 1905 051258 1619 1/2 W. Pico Blvd. (213) 487-0615 Spanish Block, Michael R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 501514 6433 Whittier Blvd. (323) 724-6673 Brown, Gary W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5111 501991 (323) 987-1362 Spanish Burton, Michael S., M.D. Family Practice 1904 025018 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Spanish Calleros, Gustavo, M.D. Family Practice 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 5111 102914 (323) 221-5366 Spanish Carew-Akenzua, Family Practice1 Oyindamola F., M.D. 5167 078157 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 150 (310) 417-4014 Spanish Carlos, Jesus R., M.D. Internal Medicine 0829 045311 1025 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 623-2225 Castillo, Hector R., M.D. Family Practice1 5111 106915 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Chavez, Edgar A., M.D. Family Practice1 5111 149255 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Chen, Shaw Shen, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5111 530439 (323) 987-1362 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chickey, Anna Lourdes A., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1905 047186 2536 W. Temple St. (213) 385-7888 Spanish, Tagalog Choi, Edwin H., M.D. Family Practice 1905 073268 3545 Wilshire Blvd. # 247 (213) 388-5144 Korean, Spanish Daniel, Chancelor, M.D. Family Practice1 1905 503573 617 W. Manchester Ave. (323) 750-9715 French, Spanish De La Loza, David, M.D. Internal Medicine 1346 056604 3800 E. First St. (323) 261-7520 Spanish Espinoza, Maria A., M.D. Family Practice1 1905 074130 2151 W. Sixth St. (213) 483-2222 Spanish Fedak, Marian A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3300 5111 046750 (323) 307-8900 Armenian, Spanish Gee, Bethesda Y., M.D. Family Practice1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 402 1904 127590 (323) 317-9200 Cantonese, Spanish Ghaly, Azmy Fouad, M.D. Internal Medicine 1720 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5111 049015 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog Gindi, Magdi R., M.D. General Practice 1904 031852 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Gindi, Vivian M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 190985 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Board Certified 213 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 039520 231 W. Vernon Ave. # 103 (323) 233-7624 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 039520 1640 W. Third St. (213) 483-1251 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5167 007002 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Spanish, Tagalog Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5167 007002 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 553-6777 Spanish, Tagalog Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 007002 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 553-6777 Spanish, Tagalog Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 007002 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Spanish, Tagalog Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 007002 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 553-6777 Spanish, Tagalog Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. Family Practice1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 5111 071491 (323) 221-5366 Spanish Ho, Steven S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1905 073424 2105 Beverly Blvd. # 201 (213) 483-3888 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese 1 Board Certified 214 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Huang, Cindy, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 189358 1245 Wilshire Blvd. # 903 (213) 977-1144 Mandarin, Taiwanese In, George C., M.D. Family Practice 1905 045314 500 S. Virgil Ave. # 501 (323) 735-7700 Japanese, Korean Jalbuena, Peter Babiera, Internal Medicine M.D. 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5111 162488 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Jimeno, Alberto, M.D. Internal Medicine 1907 556995 6061 Whittier Blvd. (323) 725-1795 Spanish Kamdar, Anjana V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3700 5111 008435 (323) 264-4300 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Kamdar, Anjana V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3700 0829 008435 (323) 264-4300 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Khan, Mushtaq A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 023289 1800 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 484-9934 Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Kiefer, N Isabel C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0829 069487 1025 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 236-0311 Spanish Kim, Karen, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 107745 1245 Wilshire Blvd. # 903 (213) 977-1144 French, Korean, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kim, Kenneth K., M.D. Family Practice 1905 045310 520 S. Virgil Ave. # 106 (213) 234-5575 Korean, Spanish Lang, William G., M.D. Internal Medicine 5167 059341 5230 Pacific Concourse Dr. # 102 (310) 536-8200 Spanish Lara, Agustin J., M.D. Family Practice1 5111 161175 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Lau, Alan C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 510 5111 009639 (323) 987-1362 Lim, Bun R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5111 510115 3030 W. Olympic Blvd. # 206 (213) 739-8610 Korean Lonky, Stewart A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5167 010341 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 1010 (310) 216-1007 Spanish Luque, Hector F., D.O. Internal Medicine1 5111 046845 326 N. Soto St. (323) 268-5060 Spanish Lyons, Cozzette, M.D. Internal Medicine1 0829 090694 1025 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 623-2225 Ma, Lisa, M.D. Family Practice 5111 095476 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish McDow, Darren J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5167 099565 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 1007 (310) 410-9325 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Modi, Meera J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 039228 1100 W. Sunset Blvd. (213) 250-3716 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 1907 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 1907 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 5167 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Neidorf, Barry S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0829 012220 2080 Century Park East # 906 (310) 277-2771 Spanish, Tagalog Oraha, Senam E., M.D. Family Practice1 1904 190479 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Arabic Paja Jr, Isaias D., M.D. Family Practice 1905 079484 1800 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 484-9934 Patel, Paryus B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5167 083367 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 1010 (310) 216-1007 Gujarati, Spanish Perez, Jose L., M.D. Family Practice1 1905 099183 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Quijas, Francisco M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5111 095467 (323) 307-0800 Board Certified 215 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sevilla, Thomas A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5111 131137 2813 N. Broadway (323) 342-9764 Spanish, Tagalog Silva, Juan A., M.D. Family Practice1 5111 095477 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Spanish Silva, Vasthi V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5111 015837 (323) 987-1362 Spanish Soans, Smita M., M.D. Family Practice1 1907 130709 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Hindi Soliman, Jimmy H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 051722 617 W. Manchester Ave. (323) 750-9715 Arabic, Spanish Su, Tony Chi-Wei, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 100 5111 133820 (323) 987-1362 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Family Practice1 Sulam, David, M.D.2 1904 016754 5823 York Blvd. # 1 (323) 255-1575 Spanish Sundaram, Jawahar, M.D. Family Practice1 1905 086493 987 W. Vernon Ave. (323) 234-6300 Armenian, Spanish Suyat, George U., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 058774 2105 Beverly Blvd. # 131 (213) 413-8836 Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Varela, Gilbert R., M.D. Family Practice1 1905 056888 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Veloso, Virna M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0829 079466 1025 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 623-2225 Wanski, Zdzislaus J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1905 017942 1414 S. Grand Ave. # 456 (213) 745-6047 Spanish Wilson, Nathan J., D.O. Family Practice1 5167 018486 5141 Crenshaw Blvd. (323) 545-9100 Spanish Wilson, Nathan J., D.O.2 Family Practice1 0829 018486 1025 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 623-2225 Spanish Wong, Gregory S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5111 140033 (323) 307-0800 Burmese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Spanish Wong, Kai Y., M.D. General Practice 1905 066617 711 W. College St. # 208 (213) 625-3182 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Yemofio, Francis N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0829 046125 1025 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 623-2225 Yun, Eun M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1905 018983 819 S. Alvarado St. # 101 (213) 388-6000 Korean, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 216 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Mission Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Butcher, Karin Y., M.D. Family Practice1 1923 187606 11600 Indian Hills Rd. (818) 838-4500 Armenian Desai, Madhuri A., M.D. Family Practice1 1923 101596 11600 Indian Hills Rd. (818) 838-4500 Espinoza-Kavcioglu, Ruth, Family Practice M.D. 1923 187027 11600 Indian Hills Rd. (818) 838-4500 Spanish Johnson, Michael W., M.D. Family Practice1 1923 008199 11600 Indian Hills Rd. # 100 (818) 838-4590 Mogul, Samuel A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1923 059768 11600 Indian Hills Rd. (818) 838-4500 Spanish Rebhun, Donald J., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1923 013909 11600 Indian Hills Rd. (818) 838-4500 Spanish Retino, Rafael T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1923 530845 11600 Indian Hills Rd. # 100 (818) 838-4590 Spanish, Tagalog Samovar, Jill B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1923 068607 11600 Indian Hills Rd. # 200 (818) 838-4500 Veloso, Van J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1923 090061 11600 Indian Hills Rd. # 200 (818) 838-4590 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Youssoufian, Aram, M.D. Internal Medicine 1923 090633 11600 Indian Hills Rd. (818) 361-5311 Armenian, Russian Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chhay, Heng L., M.D. Family Practice1 0861 108014 831 E. Huntington Dr. # 101 (626) 358-0269 Cambodian, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Kim, Karen J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0861 169231 831 E. Huntington Dr. # 101 (626) 358-0269 Korean, Spanish Namvari, Farahnaz S., M.D.Internal Medicine1 0861 094617 831 E. Huntington Dr. # 101 (626) 358-0269 Farsi, Spanish Smalley, Elizabeth A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0861 016031 831 E. Huntington Dr. # 101 (626) 358-0269 Walton, Gilbert, M.D. Internal Medicine1 0861 034132 831 E. Huntington Dr. # 101 (626) 358-0269 Montebello Primary Care Physicians Alarid, Olga, M.D. 2603 Via Campo (323) 720-1144 Spanish Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Chaudhry, Mohammad A., M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 408 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 0830 099005 Family Practice 5111 094033 Internal Medicine1 1907 066997 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 217 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Maywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Molina, Manfred J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5111 011711 4433 Slauson Ave. (323) 560-4373 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chen, Po Z., M.D. General Practice 1907 083516 2605 1/2 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 722-5700 Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chien, Jonathan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 0830 028629 2603 Via Campo (323) 720-1144 Taiwanese Ching, Maribeth A., M.D. Family Practice1 0830 133002 2603 Via Campo (323) 278-7561 Spanish, Tagalog Chua, William A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1907 502898 3111 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0671 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese Family Practice Flores, Hector, M.D.2 1907 005126 815 Washington Blvd. (323) 728-3955 Spanish Gonzalez, Hector A., M.D.2 Family Practice1 1907 006093 815 Washington Blvd. (323) 728-3955 Spanish Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 039520 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 302 (323) 728-8181 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Jimenez, Francisco A., General Practice M.D. 1907 034213 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ma, Jackson C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 106622 433 N. Fourth St. # 216 (562) 622-2985 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Family Practice1 Martinez, Jorge, M.D.2 1907 062037 815 Washington Blvd. (323) 728-3955 Spanish Neelam, Mohinderjit S., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 0830 012210 2603 Via Campo (323) 720-1144 Sarkar, Soumitra, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 059704 2614 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0653 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1905 076109 111 W. Beverly Blvd. # 217 (323) 722-7711 Arabic, Spanish Wu, Wuu-Shyong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 033714 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 201 (323) 722-5163 Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Collazo, Silvia, D.O. Family Practice1 1023 090059 880 S. Atlantic Blvd. # 101 (626) 281-6969 Spanish Kuo, Terry, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1023 034497 880 S. Atlantic Blvd. # 101 (626) 281-6969 Wong, Kelly T., D.O. Family Practice1 1907 162785 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 105 (626) 288-3828 Cantonese, Mandarin Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 218 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Avakyan, Rafael, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5159 103709 301 S. Fair Oaks Ave # 300 (626) 795-7556 Armenian, Russian Barba, Dolores, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5159 076446 301 S. Fair Oaks Ave # 300 (626) 795-7556 Spanish Bautista, Grace S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0863 500984 675 S. Arroyo Pkwy (626) 585-4120 Chong, Ming Ta, M.D. Internal Medicine1 0863 502844 675 S. Arroyo Pkwy (626) 585-4120 Gomez, Luciano C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1846 096711 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave (626) 799-4192 Spanish Hejri, Ghazaleh, M.D. Family Practice 1846 148760 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave (626) 799-4194 Farsi, Turkish Hethumuni, Rehana M., Family Practice1 D.O. 5153 135977 675 Arroyo Pkwy. (626) 585-4120 Spanish Hethumuni, Rehana M., Family Practice1 D.O. 0863 135977 675 Arroyo Pkwy. (626) 585-4120 Spanish Isaiants, Armen, M.D.3 Internal Medicine1 1846 068695 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave (626) 799-4192 Jablon, Marcia P., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0863 069634 675 S. Arroyo Pkwy (626) 585-4120 Spanish 1 3 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Jiao, Lu, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5159 092991 301 S. Fair Oaks Ave. # 300 (626) 795-7556 Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish Lalwani, Sonal, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1846 092987 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave (626) 799-4194 Hindi, Spanish Moritz, David L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0863 011847 675 S. Arroyo Pkwy (626) 585-4120 Rivas-Plata, Ricardo A., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 0863 048441 675 S. Arroyo Pkwy (626) 585-4120 Spanish Shadmon, Ella, M.D. Family Practice1 1846 103871 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave (626) 799-4191 Stiles, Christina P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1846 186964 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave (626) 799-4194 Spanish Velloze, Stephen E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0863 017686 675 S. Arroyo Pkwy (626) 585-4120 Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ko, Gemma T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1907 024630 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Nur, Khalid, M.D. Internal Medicine 1907 012511 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-3388 Korean, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 219 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Redondo Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arosemena, Eric J., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 500534 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Bruton, Barbara A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 0808 502067 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Genova, Michael L., M.D. Family Practice 0808 043979 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Matsuno, Stanford K., M.D.Family Practice1 0808 061063 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Messler, Gail E., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 060455 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Nakashima, Teresa, M.D. Family Practice1 0808 012132 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 O'Bryan, Megan, M.D. Family Practice1 0808 164714 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Pham, Cung B., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 106446 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Spanish, Vietnamese Rahmani, Shirin, M.D. Family Practice1 0808 144427 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Farsi Salama, Nevine H., M.D. Family Practice1 0808 089689 502 Torrance Blvd. (310) 316-0811 Arabic 1 Board Certified 220 / Health Net Provider Network Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Le, Son H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1907 028265 8232 Garvey Ave. # 107 (626) 573-3545 Spanish, Vietnamese San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nassif, Tarek R., M.D. Family Practice1 1905 053739 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 307 (626) 289-0130 Arabic, French, Spanish Wu, Tai-Hing, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1907 530142 415 W. Valley Blvd. # C (626) 943-9240 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Sherman Oaks Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bahadori, Amir H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1904 090149 5000 Van Nuys Blvd. # 200 (818) 784-5300 Farsi Temple City Primary Care Physicians Chen, Yan J., M.D. 9810 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 309-7600 Mandarin Lath, Seetha, M.D. 9810 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 309-7600 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Ramos, Jaime, M.D. 9810 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 309-7600 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 0865 137843 Internal Medicine1 0865 009632 Family Practice1 0865 095221 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Torrance Primary Care Physicians Bordador, Princess G., M.D. 3565 Del Amo Blvd. (310) 214-0811 Chang, Sophie Hui-Ying, M.D. 2232 Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 326-9167 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Dreisbach, Elva L., M.D. 2232 Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 326-9167 Genato, Sharon G., M.D. 3565 Del Amo Blvd. (310) 214-0811 Tagalog Hernandez, Homero M., M.D. 3242 Sepulveda Blvd (310) 257-9300 Spanish Hool, Kalpana S., M.D. 3565 Del Amo Blvd. (310) 214-0811 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Schwartz, Mark P., M.D. 3565 Del Amo Blvd. (310) 214-0811 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 0808 095672 Family Practice1 0808 060889 Internal Medicine1 0808 068920 Internal Medicine1 0808 056879 Family Practice1 0808 049336 Internal Medicine1 0808 092350 Internal Medicine1 0808 015304 Primary Care Physicians Silbiger, Eric N., D.O. 3242 Sepulveda Blvd (310) 257-9300 Thompson, Mark T., M.D. 3565 Del Amo Blvd. (310) 214-0811 Yoon, Aeree, M.D. 3565 Del Amo Blvd. (310) 214-0811 Japanese Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 0808 067463 Internal Medicine1 0808 017192 Internal Medicine1 0808 051135 Valencia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Goff, Amy M., D.O. Family Practice1 5153 140402 23501 Cinema Dr. # 100 (661) 367-9200 Gururaja, Avinash N., M.D. Family Practice1 5153 102059 23501 Cinema Dr. # 100 (661) 367-9200 Spanish Valley Village Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dardashti, Dan E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1904 080185 12626 Riverside Dr. # 506 (818) 508-9190 Farsi, Hebrew Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Buschmann, Darin K., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1924 101383 14600 Sherman Way # 300 (818) 781-7097 Buschmann, Darin K., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1925 101383 14600 Sherman Way # 300 (818) 781-7097 Roan, March Angela Y., Internal Medicine M.D. 1924 137900 14600 Sherman Way # 300 (818) 781-7097 Board Certified 221 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wai, Wai, M.D. Internal Medicine1 0865 058482 9810 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 309-7600 Burmese White, William E., M.D. General Practice 0865 018310 9810 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 309-7600 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Velasco, Sara, M.D. Family Practice1 1924 017679 14600 Sherman Way # 300 (818) 781-7097 Spanish West Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dechter, Mark M., M.D. Family Practice1 1925 503815 7301 Medical Center Dr. # 500 (818) 226-3666 Spanish Jones, Christina K., M.D. Family Practice1 1925 094147 7301 Medical Center Dr. # 500 (818) 226-1212 Spanish Orpilla, Jessely S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1925 149348 7301 Medical Center Dr. # 500 (818) 226-3666 Standke, Gary R., M.D. Family Practice1 1925 016385 7301 Medical Center Dr. # 500 (818) 226-3666 Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Soans, Smita M., M.D. Family Practice1 1907 130709 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Hindi Soans, Smita M., M.D. Family Practice1 1907 130709 13345 E. Telegraph Rd. # G (562) 944-2181 Hindi Tran, Alex L., M.D. Family Practice1 1907 089017 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish, Vietnamese Acupuncture Kim, Jung K., L.A. Morison, Hugh G., LAC 1 Board Certified 222 / Health Net Provider Network Allergy/Immunology Gupta, Satish S., M.D.1 Marks, Katie L., M.D.1 Mihalas, Lawrence S., M.D. Ort, Howard S., M.D.1 Perera, Michael G., M.D.1 Quel, Jorge A., M.D.1 Smith Jr., John H., M.D.1 Tsai, Eugene W., M.D.1 Anesthesiology Bonis, Daniel C., M.D.1 Kaypekian, Christopher K., M.D. Ly, Peter P., M.D.1 Schlesinger, Mark P., M.D. Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Baruch, Terrence J., M.D.1 Blesa, Enrique S., M.D. Bornheimer Jr, Joseph F., M.D.1 Chawla, Rajesh, M.D.1 Chesne, Robert B., M.D.1 Conrad, Gary L., M.D. Durairaj, Azhil, M.D.1 Eppard, David A., M.D.1 Farahi, Jack J., M.D.1 French Jr., James H., M.D.1 Gabrielian, Victor A., M.D. Gallik, Donna M., M.D.1 Garabedian, Shahe, M.D. Ghazal, Joseph S., M.D.1 Govindarajan, Gopal, M.D. Hechanova, Demetrio R., M.D. Helmy, Ibrahim, M.D.1 Henriquez, Jaime O., M.D. Jackson, Bruce K., M.D.1 Kangavari, Simon, M.D.1 Kim, Gene C., M.D.1 Kissel, Gary L., M.D.1 Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Lau, Stanley K., M.D.1 Lawrence, Thomas L., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Cardiovascular Surgery Ajalat, George M., M.D.1 Gottner, Robert J., M.D. McPherson, James G., M.D. Chiropractor Marxen, Denis M., D.C. Wilbur, Patrick, D.C. Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Gallik, Donna M., M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Beart Jr, Robert W., M.D.1 Critical Care Medicine Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. Kassabian, Garbis, M.D.1 Leung, Jonathan K., M.D.1 1 Critical Care Medicine Sinha, Rakesh, M.D.1 Smith, Giovanni M., M.D.1 Dermatology Alexandrescu, Doru T., M.D. Bauman, Louis, M.D.1 Chang, Carl J., M.D.1 Chen, Tommy H., M.D. Del Priore, Joseph, D.O. Ettefagh, Leila, M.D.1 Fang, Meiling L., M.D.1 Freed, Michael I., M.D.1 Hobbs, Lori M., M.D.1 Kay, Martin H., M.D.1 Miller, Robert M., M.D.1 Moul, Danielle K., M.D.1 Moy, Ronald L., M.D.1 Naltsas, Steven, M.D. Pang, Katie R., M.D.1 Sampson, Darlene D., M.D.1 Sidhu, Amarpaul S., M.D. Simzar, Soheil, M.D. Su, Thomas T., M.D. Vaccaro, Seth A., M.D.1 Vafaie, Janet, M.D. Valentine, Philip N., M.D. Yamamoto, Richard A., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Hayakawa, Brenda N., M.D.1 Salazar, Susan M., M.D.1 Endocrinology Barakat, Sawssan N., M.D.1 Bjelica, David, M.D.1 Charnock, George A., M.D.1 Cohan, Barry W., M.D.1 Doria-Medina, Cathy L., M.D.1 Gaw Gonzalo, Irene T., M.D.1 Greenstadt, Mark A., M.D.1 Gutin, Marc S., M.D.1 Havas, Steffan T., M.D.1 Huang, Thomas L., M.D.1 Board Certified 223 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Lee, Eric T., M.D. Matin, Kamran, M.D.1 Matzer, Lisa K., M.D.1 McPherson, James G., M.D. Morshedi-Meibodi, Ali, M.D.1 Nguyen, Ngoc T., M.D.1 O'Connor, Lawrence R., M.D.1 Orlando, Joan R., M.D. Palmer, Hiram S., M.D. Rao, Vyshali S., M.D. Rashtian, Mayer Y., M.D.1 Raza, Syed J., M.D.1 Reid, Anthony E., M.D. Roth, Raul F., M.D.1 Sabatini, John R., M.D.1 Sharma, Sanju, M.D. Stan, Robin N., M.D.1 Togioka, Thomas T., M.D.1 Unguez, Roberto T., M.D. Walter, Darrell D., M.D.1 Weiss, Mason H., M.D.1 Wyman, Ray M., M.D.1 Yang, Ted P., M.D.1 Yen, Raymond S., M.D.1 Zalis, Edwin G., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Endocrinology Lin, Rose H., M.D.1 Montoro, Martin N., M.D. Nariyants, Jhanna A., D.O.1 Saad, Bashar, M.D.1 Singh, Nalini, M.D.1 Swe, Nandar M., M.D. Wanski, Zdzislaus J., M.D.1 Family Practice Angelucci, Andrea, D.O.1 Boisen, Victoria C., D.O.1 Braxton, Aneka J., M.D.1 Chang, Javier F., M.D.1 Chiu, Echo Y., M.D.1 Enriquez, Abilene A., M.D.1 Farley, Marlon M., M.D.1 Gin, Jeffrey K., M.D.1 Ho, Vincent D., M.D.1 Javaherian, Navid D., M.D.1 Joseph, George A., M.D.1 Lim, Bernadette A., D.O.1 McLaughlin, Sean M., M.D.1 Reehal, Paul S., M.D.1 Rubal, Jorge, M.D.1 Soleimani, Majid, M.D.1 Stephen, Christy M., M.D.1 Wang, George J., D.O.1 Gastroenterology Anyadike, Cyril O., M.D.1 Arora, Sartaj M., M.D.1 Beblawi, Ihab E., M.D.1 Bina, Ioana A., M.D.1 Cantor, David S., M.D. Chetty, Nagaraj M., M.D.1 Chhablani, Rahul K., M.D.1 Chitayat, Ron, M.D.1 Chu, Michael M., M.D.1 Chung, Kwok-Leung, M.D. David, Yvette D., M.D.1 Edelman, Kalman J., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 224 / Health Net Provider Network Gastroenterology Fan, Robert S., M.D.1 Farid, Mary, D.O.1 Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Gross, Robert A., M.D.1 Ha, Thai Q., M.D.1 Hakim, Shahina, M.D.1 Ho, Firmin C., M.D.1 Lee, Hanson T., M.D.1 Lerner, Steven A., M.D.1 Lott, Mark, M.D.1 Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Mayberry, Clifton A., M.D.1 Mourani, Samuel, M.D. Nagaraja, Mysore R., M.D.1 Nickowitz, Richard E., M.D.1 Ojuri, Adebambo O., M.D.1 Parnell, Stephen A., M.D.1 Rosenthal, Marian B., M.D.1 Sattler, James A., M.D.1 Shindy, Waleed W., M.D.1 Simmons, Timothy C., M.D. Soltani-Nassab, Sassan, M.D.1 Tabesh, Alireza, M.D.1 Thomas, George P., M.D.1 General Practice Foullon, Richard A., M.D. Petersen, David J., M.D. General Surgery Ali Jones, Rashaan, M.D. Aziz, Ihab N., M.D.1 Baghai, Mercedeh, M.D. Carvajal, Sam H., M.D.1 Chu, David Z., M.D.1 Dean, Shay B., M.D.1 Deatsch, Richard B., M.D.1 Duarte, David A., M.D.1 Ellenhorn, Joshua D., M.D.1 Farid, Hany, M.D.1 Faynsod, Moshe, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Geriatrics Aoyama, Linda E., M.D.1 Collazo, Silvia, D.O.1 Fedak, Marian A., M.D.1 Flicker, Wayne M., M.D.1 Hauptschein, Martin, M.D.1 Lam, Albert H., M.D. Lath, Seetha, M.D.1 Gynecologic Oncology Lagasse, Leo D., M.D.1 Schlaerth, Alan C., M.D. Schlaerth, John B., M.D.1 Gynecology Hernandez, Wilfredo L., M.D.1 Kirk, John H., M.D.1 Sunderson, John F., M.D.1 Hand Surgery Billings, Annette, M.D. Goldstein, Ron Y., M.D. Kim, Kyeong-Hee A., M.D. Ziv, Eli T., M.D. Hematology Chan, David, M.D. 1 Hematology Dickey, Vanessa L., M.D.1 Karimi, Misagh, M.D. Stafford, Benjamin T., M.D.1 Ucar, Kalust, M.D.1 Yee, Sharon J., M.D.1 Yeon, Christina H., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Chatham, Philip L., M.D.1 Chua, William A., M.D. Chung Jr, Samuel W., M.D. Finklestein, Jerry Z., M.D.1 Gota, Cary H., M.D. Hool, Hugo, M.D.1 Horodner, Andrew G., M.D.1 Hu, Eddie H., M.D.1 Joseph, Thomas P., M.D.1 Lowe, Thomas E., M.D. Saeed, Sohail, M.D. Shapiro, Richard A., M.D.1 Teitelbaum, April H., M.D. Ucar, Kalust, M.D. Upadhyaya, Gargi H., M.D. Wada, Jerry K., M.D.1 Wu, Lihong, M.D. Yang, Henry C., M.D.1 Yee, Sharon J., M.D. Hospice & Palliative Medicine Alix, Patrick Joseph S., M.D.1 Stone, Susan C., M.D.1 Infectious Disease Antaki, Jean-Pierre, M.D. Bassi, Sohanjeet S., M.D.1 Chia, John K., M.D.1 Clough, Wendy, M.D. Fishbach, Ronald S., M.D.1 Gade, Rajesh L., M.D.1 Khodadadi, Arbi, M.D.1 Li, John J., M.D.1 Man, David G., M.D. Board Certified 225 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing General Surgery Ghanta, Himabala, M.D.1 Hills, Dawn M., M.D.1 Hinika, Gudata S., M.D.1 Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Kaufman, Howard S., M.D.1 Lopez Jr, Richard R., M.D. Marcus, Daniel R., M.D. Nguyen, Son X., M.D. Parekh, Dilipkumar, M.D. Patel, Shirish C., M.D. Recabaren, James A., M.D.1 Sauk, Min S., M.D.1 Schiff, Gerald I., M.D.1 Solomon, Houman, M.D.1 Wang, David Y., M.D.1 Weiss, Alan R., M.D.1 Zamudio, Santiago, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Infectious Disease Milefchik, Eric N., M.D. Millet, Victoria E., M.D.1 ParrillaMerron, Jewell G., M.D.1 Patel, Nilesh N., M.D. Pryor III, Ellsworth P., M.D.1 Santos-Montemayor, Maria R., M.D.1 Sonnenfeld, Gunther W., M.D. Willen, Jon F., M.D.1 Williams, Byron K., M.D. Wilson, Samuel A., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Ahmed, Khaja R., M.D.1 Alix, Patrick Joseph S., M.D.1 Aoyama, Linda E., M.D.1 Arora, Sartaj M., M.D.1 Balikian, Sevag, M.D. Bassi, Sohanjeet S., M.D. Bjelica, David, M.D. Blesa, Enrique S., M.D. Bornheimer Jr, Joseph F., M.D. Buttelman, Christopher R., M.D.1 Carbonell, Edward G., M.D.1 Chan, John, M.D. Charnock, George A., M.D.1 Chindris, Liviu A., M.D.1 Chung Jr, Samuel W., M.D.1 Dickey, Vanessa L., M.D.1 Doria-Medina, Cathy L., M.D.1 Espinoza-Lopez, Angelina, M.D.1 Farid, Mary, D.O.1 French Jr., James H., M.D.1 Gallego, Claudio H., M.D.1 Gaw Gonzalo, Irene T., M.D.1 Gayauskas, Yulionas, M.D.1 Ghai, Vinod K., M.D.1 Ghazal, Joseph S., M.D. Gutin, Marc S., M.D.1 Hart, Richard, M.D.1 Hendel, Eli E., M.D.1 Henriquez, Jaime O., M.D. 1 Board Certified 226 / Health Net Provider Network Internal Medicine Henry, James G., M.D. Hu, Eddie H., M.D.1 Huang, Hsuan-Wen C., M.D.1 Jamal, Aamir Z., M.D.1 Johnson Jr, Richard G., M.D.1 Kao, Vincent W., D.O. Kashanian, Albert, M.D. Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Koka, Madhavi, M.D.1 Lam, Albert H., M.D.1 Lau, Stanley K., M.D. Lee, Hanson T., M.D.1 Lee, Wonuk, M.D.1 Li, John J., M.D.1 Linsey, Michael S., M.D.1 Lo, Angus, M.D.1 Mayberry, Clifton A., M.D.1 Morshedi-Meibodi, Ali, M.D.1 Ortiz Guerrero, Ana C., M.D. Phan, Derek T., M.D.1 Rao, Mohan P., M.D.1 Razi, David F., M.D.1 Saad, Bashar, M.D.1 Sarter, Barbara J., RNP Shindy, Waleed W., M.D.1 Smith, Giovanni M., M.D.1 Song, James H., M.D. Stafford, Benjamin T., M.D.1 Stricke, Leslie M., M.D.1 Subadya, Andreas T., M.D.1 Sukhrani, Nina, D.O. Tabibian, Bialick, M.D.1 Tesoro, Kent E., M.D.1 Togioka, Thomas T., M.D.1 Trinh, Son H., M.D.1 Uribe, Lisa P., M.D.1 Vadgama, Sanjay V., M.D.1 Walter, Darrell D., M.D.1 Win, Kenny C., M.D.1 Yang, Henry C., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Interventional Cardiology Hattori, Vernon T., M.D.1 Raza, Syed J., M.D.1 Marriage/Family Counseling Corona, Deborah A., MFT Maternal & Fetal Medicine Bochner, Clifford J., M.D.1 Devore, Greggory R., M.D.1 Horenstein, Janet M., M.D.1 Ross, Brenda J., M.D.1 Medical Genetics Karimi, Ardeshir, M.D.1 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Beesley Jr, Ellis N., M.D.1 Nephrology Ahdoot, Jacob J., M.D. Ahmed, Khaja R., M.D.1 Bahmani, Parvaneh, M.D.1 Barsoum, Noha R., M.D.1 Bien, Michael H., M.D.1 Cam, Vinh T., M.D.1 Carabello, Victor G., M.D.1 Cho, Paula, M.D. Chuang, Jesse J., M.D.1 Farboody, Gholam H., M.D.1 Gallego, Claudio H., M.D.1 Glick, Jeffrey A., M.D.1 Jamal, Aamir Z., M.D. Kamarzarian, Anita, M.D.1 Kamdar, Anjana V., M.D.1 Kumar, Nirmal, M.D. Le, Kim C., M.D.1 Linsey, Michael S., M.D.1 Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Moghadam, Mojtaba, M.D.1 1 Nephrology Mohan, Krishna J., M.D. Moore, Ann E., M.D.1 Musngi, Edgar A., M.D.1 Patak, Ramachandra V., M.D.1 Patrikyan, Artashes, M.D. Rao, Mohan P., M.D.1 Rizvi, Syed A., M.D. Shechter, Pagiel, M.D. Tabibian, Bialick, M.D.1 Tse, Ka-Lok E., M.D.1 Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Neurology Alfonso, Ferdinand A., M.D.1 Geleris, Andrew M., M.D.1 German, Craig A., M.D. Janjua, Fatima, M.D. Jong, Laura T., M.D.1 Lake, Jean L., M.D.1 Levenson, Henry, M.D. Liker, Mark A., M.D. Lin, James T., M.D. Lin, Naomi K., M.D.1 Manhas, Sheila K., M.D. Ro, Kyoo S., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Bradley J., M.D.1 Salem, Ayman M., M.D. Shatzmiller, Ron A., M.D.1 Singh, Ravinder, M.D.1 Spitzer, Richard A., M.D.1 Tian, Wenqiang, M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Verpukhovskiy, Yuriy, M.D.1 Wang, Weijia, M.D.1 Wogensen, Kenneth K., M.D. Zinke, David E., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Caton III, William L., M.D.1 Gravely, Lance E., M.D.1 Lawner, Pablo M., M.D. Quinonez, Rafael O., M.D. Ross, Ian B., M.D.1 Board Certified 227 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Internal Medicine Yang, Ted P., M.D.1 Yeh, Joyce W., M.D.1 Yen, Raymond S., M.D. Zipin, Jerett A., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Neurosurgery San Agustin, Winston C., M.D. Withers, Gregory J., M.D.1 Zinke, David E., M.D.1 Nuclear Radiology Nalls, Gail A., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Absi, Michel A., M.D. Alvarez-Mott, Steve D., M.D.1 Ballon-Reyes, Neda F., M.D.1 Bardowell, Richard J., M.D.1 Bohn, Yvonne C., M.D.1 Boos, Richard J., M.D.1 Bouz, Najib J., M.D.1 Brady, Wanda A., M.D.1 Campbell, Willifred A., M.D.1 Chen, Albert C., M.D.1 Chou, Cindy H., M.D.1 Cowan, Jeffrey J., M.D.1 Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Gabby, Mojan, M.D. Grady, Shaun P., M.D.1 Grossman, Glenn M., M.D.1 Han, Samantha H., M.D.1 Hartford, Steven L., M.D.1 Hemmat, Mehdi, M.D.1 Hill, Allison A., M.D.1 Hong, Dorothy C., M.D. Huete, Ricardo E., M.D.1 Iwata, Kathryn S., M.D.1 Karimi, Ardeshir, M.D.1 Kassar, Naim S., M.D.1 Kothandaraman, Prema, M.D. Kwon, Young S., M.D.1 Lu, Jing, M.D. McCann, Stephen W., M.D.1 Morales, Victor, M.D. Morrissey, Toni K., M.D.1 Naghi, Beni, M.D.1 Origel, William A., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 228 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Park, Alane S., M.D. Peress, Leo Y., M.D.1 Potruch, Michael L., M.D.1 Powers, Thomas W., M.D.1 Rabin, Steven A., M.D.1 Rose, Anya J., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Steven H., M.D.1 Rosenthal, Marc J., M.D.1 Ruderman, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Russo, Joie D., D.O.1 Schori, Janet L., M.D.1 Singh, Deepjot K., M.D.1 Speiser, David M., M.D.1 Spencer-Smith, Erland L., M.D.1 Tam, Jonathan N., M.D. Teng, Frances Y., M.D.1 Tischler, Barry H., M.D.1 Wasserwald, Gerald I., M.D.1 Wu, Henry Y., M.D.1 Oncology Chong, Ming Ta, M.D.1 Chung Jr, Samuel W., M.D.1 Dickey, Vanessa L., M.D.1 Karimi, Misagh, M.D. Kleynberg, Leonid M., M.D. Stafford, Benjamin T., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D. Ucar, Kalust, M.D.1 Yee, Sharon J., M.D.1 Yeon, Christina H., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Beauclair, John P., M.D. Besser, Eduardo, M.D.1 Blechman, Betsy E., M.D.1 Bowns, Gerald T., M.D. Boxrud, Cynthia A., M.D.1 Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Brown, Brian M., M.D.1 Buffenn, Angela N., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Ophthalmology Burnstine, Michael A., M.D.1 Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 Darlington, Jason K., M.D.1 Dinh, Tinny, M.D. El-Harazi, Sherif M., M.D. Eng, Calvin T., M.D.1 Engstrom, Robert E., M.D.1 Ezeani, Ifeoma L., O.D. Fierson, Walter M., M.D.1 Gordon, Marvin I., M.D.1 Hsu, Adam Y., M.D.1 Jafri, Batool, M.D. Joseph, Boban A., M.D.1 Kenyon Jr, Keith E., M.D. Khodabakhsh, Afshin J., M.D.1 Khoubian, Farzad J., M.D.1 Krivoy, Daniel, M.D.1 Kula, Elizabeth A., M.D.1 Legmann-Simon, Anne S., M.D.1 Mandelberg, Alan I., M.D.1 Markman, David A., M.D.1 Meallet, Mario A., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Phan, Tuyet-Mai M., M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Reaves, Harold E., M.D.1 Recasens, Marta A., M.D.1 Roberts, Michael A., M.D.1 Shelton, Raymond A., M.D.1 Smyth-Medina, Robert J., M.D.1 Syniuta, Laura A., M.D.1 Tannenbaum, Dana P., M.D.1 Tarczy-Hornoch, Kristina, M.D.1 Tawansy, Khaled A., M.D. Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Weise, Richard A., M.D.1 Win, Peter H., M.D.1 Wolstan, Barry J., M.D.1 Woo, Bonnie B., M.D.1 Optometrist Bettelheim, Eric A., O.D. 1 Optometrist Camara, David F., O.D. Gee, Sharlene S., O.D. Han, Paulina T., O.D. Hua, Samantha P., O.D. Le, Minh C., O.D. Lu, Christina N., O.D. Lunchick, Eric J., O.D. Martinez, Jessika C., O.D. Nguyen, Thy T., O.D. Nguyen, Trisha T., O.D. Ohanian-Goncuian, Biana L., O.D. Samet, Russ A., O.D. Shiomi, William K., O.D. Sugiyama, Dennis T., O.D. Tonnu, Julie, O.D. Van Enk, Sienne S., O.D. Vazagov, Kozur I., O.D. Wang, Nai C., O.D. Yeh, Hannah E., O.D. Yen, Ling T., O.D. Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Kotikian, Armond, DDS1 Stamper III, Elgan P., DDS1 Upham, Christopher A., DDS Orthopedic Surgery Alexander, Charles H., M.D.1 Bachner, Evan J., M.D.1 Bast, Steven C., M.D.1 Baumgarten, Morris, M.D.1 Billings, Annette, M.D. Bittar, Tarek, M.D. Bos, Mary Ann, D.O.1 Bryan, Thomas O., M.D.1 Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Ding, Jean, M.D. Duncan, Jan W., M.D.1 Fields, Robert H., M.D.1 Flannery, Gary F., M.D.1 Galleno, Humberto A., M.D.1 Ganjianpour, Ramin, M.D.1 Karayan, Sooren, M.D.1 Board Certified 229 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Orthopedic Surgery Laster, Daniel R., M.D.1 Lee, Daniel D., M.D.1 Lee, Michael, M.D.1 Li, Johnny T., M.D.1 Miller, Brent W., M.D.1 Mostofi, Amir H., M.D. Nadel, Kevin A., M.D.1 Norquist, Donald J., M.D.1 O'Hara, Randolph C., M.D.1 Osborne, Vic A., M.D.1 Osterkamp, John A., M.D.1 Owens, Stephen G., M.D. Pelton, Kevin J., M.D. Riffenburgh, Stephen K., M.D.1 Savage, Kathleen R., M.D.1 Shapiro, Michael R., M.D.1 Shin, Tae M., M.D. Solberg, Brian D., M.D. Stark, Lis Z., M.D.1 Takei, Glenn K., M.D.1 Ward, Michelle D., M.D. Ziv, Eli T., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. Battaglia, Charles R., M.D.1 Battaglia, Steven A., M.D. Bublik, Michael, M.D.1 Chen, David K., M.D. Demeter, Milan J., M.D.1 Fisher, Alan J., M.D.1 Ha, Dun H., M.D.1 Kusonruksa, Termsak, M.D.1 Louden, Catherine L., M.D.1 Mintz, Leah E., M.D.1 Nam, Howard K., M.D.1 Owens, Othella T., M.D.1 Roesler, John M., M.D.1 Schaye, Gordon F., M.D.1 Sharifi, Jahangir, M.D.1 Stoneman, George B., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 230 / Health Net Provider Network Otolaryngology (Ent) Tian, Qing (Julia), M.D.1 Tsai, Veling W., M.D. Vanore, John F., M.D. Williams, Everard H., M.D.1 Yao, Shounan, L.A.1 Pain Management Chang, Henry H., M.D. Chiu, Paul H., M.D. Zarrini, Behnoush, M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Wittner, Richard S., M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Sadrieh, Kiarash, M.D.1 Pediatric Ophthalmology Tarczy-Hornoch, Kristina, M.D. Pediatrics Hayakawa, Brenda N., M.D. Natividad, Rossana F., M.D.1 Ort, Howard S., M.D.1 Razi, David F., M.D. Tesoro, Kent E., M.D.1 Physical Therapy Danchik, Steven P., P.T. Plastic Surgery Berger, Saul R., M.D.1 Bray, Jr, David A., M.D.1 De Olarte, Gloria A., M.D.1 Dean, Shay B., M.D.1 Jewell, Lisa L., M.D.1 Keagle, Jennifer N., M.D. Kim, Kyeong-Hee A., M.D.1 Liu, Perry H., M.D. Newman, Michael K., M.D. Rosso, Ronald F., M.D. Ruhge, Kevin M., M.D.1 Sanchez, Alejandro M., M.D.1 Spenler, Charles W., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Plastic Surgery Wu, Dianne E., M.D.1 Podiatry Avakian, Michael A., DPM1 Barry, Daniel C., DPM Berstein, David A., DPM1 Blumofe, Noah A., DPM Carroll, III, Roland J., DPM Codron, Stuart M., DPM1 Demirjian, Hratch, DPM Forsling, Michael R., DPM Gath, Shelley C., DPM Ishibashi, Perry L., DPM1 Knudson, James L., DPM1 Kosari, Babak, DPM Lavian, Dana, DPM Lee, Gin-Horn D., DPM1 Martin, Anthony M., DPM Mathis, Stanley K., DPM1 Nejad, Farshid, DPM Schneider, Sarah A., DPM1 Weinstein, Phyllis A., DPM Psychiatry Khankhanian, Moiez, M.D.1 Levine, Reed L., M.D.1 Psychology Liang, Kristin A., Ph.D. Mancillas, Paul J., Ph.D. Polacheck, Matthew S., PSY.D Pulmonary Disease Abboy, Ramadas, M.D.1 Amerian, Roger, M.D.1 Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. Arias-Arenas, Magdalena M., M.D. Brooks, Lawrence R., M.D.1 Dowds, Gordon W., M.D.1 Fishmann, Andrew J., M.D. Gaffar, Mubina, M.D.1 Ghai, Vinod K., M.D.1 Graham Jr., Drayton P., M.D.1 Hakimian, Navid, M.D.1 1 Pulmonary Disease Hay, Angela R., M.D.1 Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Johnson Jr, Richard G., M.D.1 Kassabian, Garbis, M.D.1 Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D.1 Sather, Curtis C., M.D.1 Sinha, Rakesh, M.D. Smith, Giovanni M., M.D.1 Stricke, Leslie M., M.D.1 Vadgama, Sanjay V., M.D.1 Verdegem, Thomas D., M.D.1 Wong, Kin C., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Bhatia, Sumita, M.D. Ellerbroek, Nancy A., M.D. Khan, David C., M.D.1 Kim, Sara H., M.D.1 Kwon, Robert S., M.D. Lewinsky, Bernard S., M.D.1 Mak, Albert C., M.D. Robertello, William J., M.D.1 Song, Paul Y., M.D.1 Wong, Kenneth K., M.D.1 Radiology Ballas, Leslie, M.D.1 Broumandi, David D., M.D.1 Fordham, Stewart D., M.D.1 Rose, Christopher M., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Vo, Michael H., M.D.1 Yang, Chieh-Jen C., M.D.1 Yoosufani, Zahida, M.D.1 Zimmerman, Robert P., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Kornafel, Kathleen L., M.D. Zarandy, Sohila, M.D. Rheumatology Forouzesh, Solomon, M.D.1 Hoying, John P., M.D.1 Lee, Wonuk, M.D.1 Board Certified 231 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles PPG 829 Rheumatology Metyas, Samy K., M.D.1 Reehal, Vickram S., M.D.1 Soleimani, Massoud, M.D.1 Tatosyan, Lynnette, D.O.1 Weiner, Steven R., M.D.1 Zucker, Louis M., M.D.1 Sleep Medicine Ishaaya, Abraham M., M.D. Sima, Amanuel, M.D.1 Social Worker Fong-Chang, May, LCSW Sports Medicine Lee, Ho J., M.D.1 Zipin, Jerett A., M.D. Therapeutic Radiology Amadeo, Alessandra M., M.D.1 Green, Nathan, M.D.1 Lewinsky, Bernard S., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Capouya, Eli R., M.D.1 Gheissari, Ali, M.D.1 Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Marmureanu, Alexander R., M.D.1 McPherson, James G., M.D.1 Omari, Bassam O., M.D.1 Starnes, Vaughn A., M.D.1 Urology Agatstein, Ernest H., M.D.1 Albert, Shlomi, M.D. Andrews, Roger N., M.D.1 Aynehchi, Shahrad, M.D.1 Barba, William, M.D.1 Bishai, Michael B., M.D.1 Bogaard, Thomas P., M.D. Choe, Sung M., M.D. Davis, Edward L., M.D.1 Devendra, Ganeshalingam, M.D. 1 Board Certified 232 / Health Net Provider Network Urology Dikranian, Armen H., M.D. Edwards, John W., M.D.1 Gelbard, Martin K., M.D.1 Hyman, Michael J., M.D.1 Jones, Lawrence W., M.D.1 Khetan, Umakant M., M.D.1 Koo, Alec S., M.D.1 Malhotra, Sameer M., M.D. Naraghi, Robert M., M.D. Niku, Soheil D., M.D.1 Paletz, Lawrence R., M.D.1 Paul, Joy G., M.D.1 Polse, Sanford L., M.D.1 Reddy, Shashi K., M.D.1 Reynolds, William F., M.D.1 Tomasic, Nickolas A., M.D.1 Weintraub, Philip I., M.D. Yamada, Alan H., M.D.1 Yamauchi, George J., M.D.1 Yamzon, Jonathan L., M.D. Yip, Felix C., M.D.1 Yuh, Bertram E., M.D. Vascular Surgery Adoumie, Riad, M.D.1 Austin, Joseph P., M.D.1 Aziz, Ihab N., M.D.1 Brown, Spencer L., M.D.1 Conrad, John K., M.D.1 Kaviani, Amir, M.D. Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D.1 Marmureanu, Alexander R., M.D.1 Najibi, Sasan, M.D.1 Newman, Howard K., M.D.1 Zamudio, Santiago, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 8510 Balboa Blvd., Suite 285 Northridge, CA 91325-5804 (818) 907-8287 Hospitals Used: St. Francis Medical Center Lakeside Medical Group - Burbank / North Hollywood (PPG 1987) 8510 Balboa Blvd Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-5809 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Plaza Urgent Care Center (818) 295-5920 Healthline Medical Group (818) 997-7711 Verdugo Hills Urgent Care (818) 241-4331 Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center Lakeside Medical Group - Central Valley (PPG 1990) 8510 Balboa Blvd Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-5809 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Plaza Urgent Care Center (818) 295-5920 Healthline Medical Group (818) 997-7711 Verdugo Hills Urgent Care (818) 241-4331 Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Valley Presbyterian Hospital Lakeside Medical Group - Glendale (PPG 1823) 8510 Balboa Blvd Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-5809 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Verdugo Hills Urgent Care (818) 241-4331 Mon - Fri 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sat, Sun & Holidays 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Hospitals Used: Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center Lakeside Medical Group - North Valley (PPG 1989) 8510 Balboa Blvd Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-5809 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Plaza Urgent Care Center (818) 295-5920 Healthline Medical Group (818) 997-7711 Verdugo Hills Urgent Care (818) 241-4331 Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Lakeside Medical Group - Santa Clarita (PPG 1988) 8510 Balboa Blvd Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-5809 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Lakeside Medical Group 22840 Soloedad Canyon Road Saugus CA 91350 661 799 1776 Hospitals Used: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center 233 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Lakeside Medical Group - Verdugo Hills (PPG 5273) 8510 Balboa Blvd Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-5809 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Lakeside Community Healthcare Urgent Care Center-Burbank (818) 295-5920 Verdugo Hills Urgent Care (818) 241-4331 West Covina Medical Clinic Lakeside Comm Healthcare Network (PPG 5196) 1500 West Covina Parkway West Covina, CA 91790-2708 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care Plaza Urgent Care (626) 856-2248 Hospitals Used: Verdugo Hills Hospital Hospitals Used: Queen of the Valley, Citrus Valley Medical Center Regal Medical Group - Glendale Physicians Alliance (PPG 5177) 8510 Balboa Blvd Ste 275 Northridge, CA 91325-3548 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care Rapid Care Urgent Care-Burbank (818)843-8555 Rapid Care Urgent Care-Glendale (818)265-2200 Altadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nasir, Muhammad R., M.D.General Practice 1987 063904 2052 Lake Ave. (626) 794-3010 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Sierra Medical Group (PPG 5176) 44469 10th Street West Lancaster, CA 93534-3324 (661) 945-9411 Sierra Medical Group Urgent Care (661)945-9411 or (661)273-9550 1 Board Certified 234 / Health Net Provider Network Beverly Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Barcohana, David, M.D. General Practice 1823 048745 9033 Wilshire Blvd. # 310 (310) 276-6933 Farsi, French, Hebrew Burbank Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arboleda, Haydee T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1987 500475 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. # 280 (818) 524-2111 Spanish, Tagalog Ayad, Maged F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1987 074501 2601 W. Alameda Ave. # 410 (818) 953-9400 Arabic, Spanish Brenner, Stacey R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1987 169565 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dea, Daniel K., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1987 060598 2701 W. Alameda Ave. # 601 (818) 846-2766 Cantonese, Spanish Del Castillo, Silvio A., D.O. Family Practice1 1987 142471 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Spanish Dermendjian, Diana, D.O. Family Practice 1987 147320 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Armenian, Spanish Feloney, James P., M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1987 004900 500 E. Olive Ave. # 850 (818) 846-6223 Kirakosyan, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1823 127632 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Kirakosyan, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1987 127632 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Kirakosyan, Karine, M.D. General Practice 5177 127632 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Lansangan, Susanna D., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1987 063684 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Tagalog Lee, Paul T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1987 079768 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Mandarin, Taiwanese Lewis, Alwin C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1987 092272 500 E. Olive Ave. # 810 (818) 846-0600 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lloyd, Geoffrey K., D.O.3 Family Practice1 1987 102102 201 S. Buena Vista St. # 325 (818) 842-7145 Spanish Madrid, Cecelia T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1987 520030 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Spanish Nazo, Samir A., M.D. General Practice 5177 043768 2307 Empire Ave. (818) 841-3420 Arabic, Romanian, Spanish Nourani, Bobby, D.O. Family Practice 1987 191627 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 150 (818) 295-5920 Panossian, Ayuna K., M.D. Family Practice 5177 135929 401 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 101 (818) 848-1555 Armenian, Spanish Partamian, Leon N., M.D. Family Practice1 5273 012979 2601 W. Alameda Ave. # 304 (818) 556-5056 Armenian Partamian, Leon N., M.D. Family Practice1 1987 012979 2601 W. Alameda Ave. # 304 (818) 556-5056 Armenian Poghosyan, Liana, M.D. Family Practice 1823 148116 401 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 101 (818) 748-1740 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Rubin, Herbert M., M.D. General Practice 1987 049696 2020 N. Glenoaks Blvd. (818) 845-2491 French, Spanish Selak Stankovic, Renata, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1987 164865 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Croatian, French, German Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 235 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Souferzadeh, Behzad, D.O.General Practice 1987 191629 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 150 (818) 295-5920 Farsi Thaik, Cynthia M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1987 061413 2701 W. Alameda Ave. # 607 (818) 842-1410 Burmese Uytingco, Myrna S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1987 131591 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Canyon Country Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ho, Shin P., M.D. General Practice 1988 007361 27141 Hidaway Ave. # 106 (661) 252-8469 Mandarin Leiter, Lawrence R., M.D. Family Practice1 1988 009856 27141 Hidaway Ave. # 107 (661) 250-0100 Vu, Andrea, M.D. Family Practice 1988 141997 18520 Via Princessa # C-2 (661) 424-0900 Vietnamese Eagle Rock Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Roman, Ricardo R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 141053 4708 Eagle Rock Blvd. (323) 254-3700 Spanish, Tagalog Encino Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sadighpour, Masoud, M.D.Internal Medicine1 1990 134669 16542 Ventura Blvd. # 302 (818) 461-9070 Farsi 1 Board Certified 236 / Health Net Provider Network Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdelmessih, Niveen K., Family Practice1 M.D. 5273 128509 1808 Verdugo Blvd. # 316 (818) 790-3041 Arabic Abdelmessih, Niveen K., Family Practice1 M.D. 1823 128509 1808 Verdugo Blvd. # 316 (818) 790-3041 Arabic Agvanyan, Edgar, M.D. Family Practice 5177 154121 544 N. Glendale Ave. (818) 241-9152 Armenian, Russian Agvanyan, Edgar, M.D. Family Practice 1823 154121 544 N. Glendale Ave. (818) 241-9152 Armenian, Russian Akopyan, Oganes J., M.D. Family Practice 1823 149905 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 250 (818) 265-2264 Armenian, Spanish Alexanian, Ruzanna, M.D. Internal Medicine 5177 049898 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Antossyan, Levon, M.D. General Practice 5177 550040 1204 S. Central Ave. (818) 551-0001 Armenian, Russian Antossyan, Levon, M.D. General Practice 1823 550040 1204 S. Central Ave. (818) 551-0001 Armenian, Russian Arakel, Artoon, M.D. General Practice 1823 048768 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 407 (818) 543-7553 Armenian, Farsi, Russian PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arutyounian, Narine, M.D. Family Practice1 5177 094487 814 E. Broadway # 1 (818) 265-5040 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Arutyunyan, Vardui, M.D. Family Practice 5177 086311 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-1020 Armenian, Russian Arutyunyan, Vardui, M.D.2 Family Practice 1823 086311 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-1020 Armenian, Russian Barsegyan, Arsine, M.D. Family Practice 5177 136943 1202 S. Central Ave. (818) 551-1323 Armenian, Russian Beeve, Gregory J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5273 077731 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 108 (818) 790-1145 Bloomfield, Ellie H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5273 501532 1808 Verdugo Blvd. # 403 (818) 790-7098 Boyd, Ralph O., M.D. Family Practice 5177 023187 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 Bracht, Holger E., D.O. Family Practice 5273 067066 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 108 (818) 790-1145 German Cagan, Judith A., M.D. Family Practice1 1823 502259 1510 S. Central Ave. # 300 (818) 254-1500 Spanish Cagan, Judith A., M.D. Family Practice1 5177 502259 1500 S. Central Ave. # 200 (818) 254-1500 Spanish Chong, Pearline P., D.O. Family Practice 1987 163612 1500 S. Central Ave. # 200 (818) 254-1500 Cantonese, Mandarin 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chong, Pearline P., D.O. Family Practice 1823 163612 1500 S. Central Ave. # 200 (818) 254-1500 Cantonese, Mandarin Cooper, Collin E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5273 503223 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 108 (818) 790-1145 Armenian, Spanish Dang, Tze-Yu, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1987 021479 540 N. Central Ave. # 211 (818) 500-0205 Dang, Tze-Yu, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 021479 540 N. Central Ave. # 211 (818) 500-0205 Davtian, Astrik, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5273 051615 222 W. Eulalia St. # 301 (818) 240-0108 Armenian, Russian Davtian, Astrik, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 051615 222 W. Eulalia St. # 301 (818) 240-0108 Armenian, Russian Duron, Paul A., M.D. General Practice 1823 062028 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Foullon, Richard A., M.D. Family Practice 5273 021766 544 N. Glendale Ave. # C (818) 241-4331 Spanish Foullon, Richard A., M.D. Family Practice 1823 021766 544 N. Glendale Ave. # C (818) 241-4331 Spanish Foullon, Richard A., M.D. General Practice 5177 021766 544 N. Glendale Ave. (818) 241-9152 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 237 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gaboian, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1823 106104 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Gaboian, Karine, M.D. General Practice 5177 106104 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Galfaian, Anait, M.D. Family Practice 5177 025007 445 W. Broadway (818) 241-2103 Arabic, Armenian, Russian Gandhi, Devinder S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 005549 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 225 (818) 243-2222 Hindi, Punjabi Ghazarian, Arbi, M.D. Family Practice 5177 104838 1530 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 105 (818) 241-1223 Armenian, Farsi Gomez-Garcia, Marco A., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5177 106781 1510 S. Central Ave. # 340 (818) 240-4031 Spanish Han, David S., M.D. Family Practice1 5177 135981 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 355 (818) 246-3306 Korean, Spanish Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 007135 1500 S. Central Ave. # 117 (818) 500-9545 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5177 007135 1500 S. Central Ave. # 117 (818) 500-9545 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish 1 Board Certified 238 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Isagholian, Karo, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5177 096726 610 N. Central Ave. # 102 (818) 244-8241 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Iskander, Isis S., M.D. Family Practice 5177 023203 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 250 (818) 246-5900 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish Karchikian, Silva, M.D. General Practice 5177 031764 519 E. Broadway. # 101 (818) 549-9305 Armenian, Russian Khatchtourian, Henrik, General Practice M.D. 5177 052779 445 W. Broadway (818) 241-2103 Armenian, Farsi, Russian Khojayan, Vigen, M.D. Family Practice 1823 145008 610 N. Central Ave. # 204 (818) 637-8300 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Khudatyan, Hrach, M.D. Family Practice 5177 068740 610 N. Central Ave. # 209 (818) 662-8858 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Lee, James, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 009811 1500 S. Central Ave. # 320 (818) 553-1106 Korean, Spanish Lee, Woo Sok, M.D. Family Practice1 1823 107433 316 E. Broadway # B (818) 956-2001 Korean Lew, Edmund H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 034231 1505 Wilson Ter. # 250 (818) 246-7115 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Luna, Emmanuel C., M.D. Family Practice 1823 067396 1500 S. Central Ave. # 321 (818) 500-0880 Spanish, Tagalog Maissian, Gevork J., D.O. Internal Medicine 1823 150333 1737 W. Glenoaks Blvd. (818) 243-1186 Armenian Manavi, Shahryar, M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 087143 214 N. Central Ave. (818) 241-0970 Farsi, Spanish Minasian-Arakelian, Internal Medicine1 Hanriet, D.O. 5273 137078 3600 N. Verdugo Rd. # 300 (818) 249-1300 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish, Turkish Mirzaian, Alen, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 111620 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 108 (818) 790-1145 Armenian, Farsi Mirzaian, Alen, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5273 111620 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 108 (818) 790-1145 Armenian, Farsi Nazaryan, Armine, M.D. General Practice 5177 129493 221 S. Glendale Ave. (818) 500-0716 Armenian, Russian Neskovic, Spasoje M., M.D.Family Practice1 1823 025024 633 N. Central Ave. # 209 (818) 244-4114 Croatian, Spanish Oganyan, Hakop K., M.D. General Practice 5177 110175 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Paruyryan, Hrachya, M.D. Family Practice1 1823 145301 1332 S. Glendale Ave. (818) 243-4344 Armenian, Russian Protacio, Rodolfo B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5177 033461 1510 S. Central Ave. # 540 (818) 500-8739 Spanish, Tagalog Protacio, Rodolfo B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 033461 1510 S. Central Ave. # 540 (818) 500-8739 Spanish, Tagalog Remedios, Elizabeth, M.D. Family Practice 1823 062350 423 W. Colorado St. (818) 507-8022 French, Sign Language, Spanish Rostamloo, Helen, M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 151437 435 Arden Ave. # 430 (818) 244-3520 Armenian, Farsi Saran, Ferdinant, M.D. Family Practice1 1823 150976 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 502 (818) 243-4600 Armenian, Farsi Shahnazarian, Vachik, General Practice M.D. 5177 127724 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 304 (818) 291-4041 Armenian, Farsi, French, Italian, Spanish Suk, Hwan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5177 570185 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 325 (818) 548-7178 Korean Taw, Lim L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 021483 633 N. Central Ave. # 306 (818) 241-2106 Burmese, Mandarin Board Certified 239 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Veloso, Virginia C., M.D. Family Practice 1823 039346 1510 S. Central Ave. # 300 (818) 254-1500 Spanish, Tagalog Veloso, Virginia C., M.D. General Practice 5177 039346 1500 S. Central Ave. # 200 (818) 254-1500 Spanish, Tagalog Vignarajan, Nirupa, M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 098859 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-6666 Armenian, Russian, Tamil Villa Jr, Vicente L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5177 039438 1500 S. Central Ave. # 200 (818) 291-4010 Spanish, Tagalog Villa Jr, Vicente L., M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 039438 222 W. Eulalia St. # 200 (818) 291-4010 Spanish, Tagalog Watkins, Leland E., M.D. Family Practice1 5273 025287 1818 Verdugo Blvd. # 108 (818) 790-1145 Spanish Yadegarian, Herach H., Family Practice M.D. 5177 062349 800 S Central Ave. # 308 (818) 240-8767 Armenian, Farsi Yadegarian, Herach H., General Practice M.D. 1823 062349 800 S Central Ave. # 308 (818) 240-8767 Armenian, Farsi Yeo, Karen E., M.D. Family Practice 5177 068739 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 1 Board Certified 240 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yeretzian, Arpee F., M.D. Family Practice 5177 074812 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 Arabic, Armenian, French, Spanish, Tagalog La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Galindo, Jorge E., M.D. General Practice 5196 028222 15115 Amar Rd. (626) 918-4700 Spanish Lancaster Primary Care Physicians Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. 907 W. Lancaster Blvd. (661) 723-4829 Spanish, Vietnamese Kemp, Murray, M.D. 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Spanish Lapid, Atalie P., M.D. 44469 Tenth St. West (661) 945-9411 Tagalog Marianayagam, Soosaipillai J., M.D. 1331 W. Ave. J # 203 (661) 948-0012 Sinhalese, Spanish, Tamil Naqvi, Syed S., M.D. 44469 Tenth St. West (661) 945-9411 Burmese, Farsi, German, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, Urdu Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1990 028690 Internal Medicine1 5176 008738 Family Practice 5176 169599 Internal Medicine 5176 020008 Family Practice1 5176 144332 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nasser, Susan M., D.O.2 Family Practice 5176 135497 1523 W. Ave. J # 7 (661) 945-2221 Spanish Nguyen, Hong P., D.O. Internal Medicine 5176 178970 44469 Tenth St. West (661) 945-9411 Vietnamese Phan, Tuan D., M.D. Family Practice1 5176 102121 44469 Tenth St. West (661) 945-9411 Vietnamese Singh, Pradeep K., M.D. Family Practice1 5176 032921 44725 Tenth St. West # 220 (661) 948-7057 Hindi, Spanish Sosoian, Lina H., M.D. Family Practice 5176 161799 44469 Tenth St. West (661) 945-9411 Arabic, Armenian Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Liff, Michael O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5177 522281 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 902 (562) 437-0996 Spanish Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Airapetian, Ara, M.D. General Practice 5177 105901 1704 Colorado Blvd. (323) 256-4116 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Airapetian, Ara, M.D. General Practice 1823 105901 1704 Colorado Blvd. (323) 256-4116 Armenian, Russian, Spanish 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Banaag, Ernesto B., M.D. Family Practice 1823 067301 4861 Eagle Rock Blvd. (323) 254-1987 Spanish, Tagalog Blikian, Anahit H., M.D. General Practice 5177 053253 5020 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 660-1777 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Burton, Michael S., M.D. Family Practice 1823 025018 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Spanish Danielyan, Nouneh O., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5177 079762 5220 Santa Monica Blvd. # E (323) 913-9300 Armenian, Russian Domingo-Foraste, Dianne, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1823 029298 2256 Whittier Blvd. (323) 268-8511 Spanish Gindi, Magdi R., M.D. Family Practice 1823 031852 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Gindi, Nabila E., M.D. Family Practice 1823 050651 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1823 007002 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Spanish, Tagalog Hopper, Douglas J., M.D. Family Practice 1823 007536 5255 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 463-7262 French, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 241 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kiley, Antuan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 058477 1711 W. Temple St. # 5689 (818) 631-9722 French, Japanese, Spanish Kiley, Antuan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1823 058477 2815 W. Sunset Blvd. # 108 (213) 484-6995 French, Japanese, Spanish Kltchian, Missak S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5177 056540 4645 Hollywood Blvd. # 4 (323) 661-4500 Armenian, Russian Lau, Christopher T., M.D. Family Practice1 1823 078032 5564 N. Figueroa St. (323) 256-3884 Spanish Oraha, Senam E., M.D. Family Practice1 1989 190479 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Arabic Pedrano, Guadalupe C., Family Practice M.D. 1823 046020 2209 San Fernando Rd. (323) 226-0511 Spanish, Tagalog Pichaj, Raisa, M.D. Family Practice 1823 069830 5425 N. Figueroa St. (323) 258-0015 Russian, Spanish Roman, Ricardo R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5177 141053 4708 Eagle Rock Blvd. (818) 242-0011 Spanish, Tagalog Sundaram, Jawahar, M.D. Family Practice1 1823 086493 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Armenian, Spanish Ware, Michele, D.O. Family Practice1 1823 131468 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 1 Board Certified 242 / Health Net Provider Network Mission Hills Primary Care Physicians Esparrago, Jose Mari Z., M.D. 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 Tagalog Jacob, Jincy, M.D. 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 French, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam Kaplan, Karl J., M.D. 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 Spanish Kaplan, Karl J., M.D. 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 Spanish Qozi-Habash, Tedmur, M.D. 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 Arabic, French, Spanish Uytingco, Myrna S., M.D. 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1989 094908 Family Practice 1989 169728 Internal Medicine 1990 008506 Internal Medicine 1987 008506 Family Practice1 1989 128752 Internal Medicine 1989 131591 Montrose Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ghazarian, Arbi, M.D. Family Practice 5177 104838 2103 Montrose Ave. # E (818) 957-2007 Armenian, Farsi Ghazarian, Arbi, M.D. Family Practice 5273 104838 2103 Montrose Ave. # E (818) 957-2007 Armenian, Farsi PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Newhall Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice Mysko, David E., M.D.2 1988 051829 23928 Lyons Ave. # 201 (661) 254-6600 Spanish North Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tamari, Mansour, M.D. General Practice 1989 068804 9146 Sepulveda Blvd. # B (818) 920-1133 Farsi, Spanish Yoo, Kyung S., M.D.2 Family Practice 1990 018905 15446 Parthenia St. (818) 891-1616 Korean, Spanish North Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Broomand, Behrouz, M.D. General Practice 1987 049677 6056 Lankershim Blvd. (818) 761-2300 Farsi, Spanish Heap, Leah A., M.D. Family Practice 1987 007059 12660 Riverside Dr. # 320 (818) 755-0391 Japanese, Spanish 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Minosa, Maria Ruby R., M.D. 12660 Riverside Dr. # 320 (818) 755-0391 Spanish, Tagalog Paronian, Oganes, M.D. 12157 Victory Blvd. (818) 755-8000 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Pinderski, Eric J., M.D. 12660 Riverside Dr. # 310 (818) 755-0391 Virley, Karen I., M.D. 12660 Riverside Dr. # 310 (818) 755-0391 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1987 056883 General Practice 5177 060744 Internal Medicine1 1987 075107 Internal Medicine1 1987 060235 Northridge Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Minasian-Arakelian, Internal Medicine1 Hanriet, D.O. 5273 137078 9631 Reseda Blvd. (818) 993-7379 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish, Turkish Raeesy-Nezhad, Amir H., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1990 135857 9900 Balboa Blvd. # A (818) 701-0017 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Raeesy-Nezhad, Amir H., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1990 135857 9900 Balboa Blvd # E (818) 701-0017 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Palmdale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chu, Wah W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5176 161796 39115 Trade Center Dr. # 130A (661) 273-0100 Burmese, Mandarin Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 243 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kamajian, Steven D., D.O. Family Practice1 5177 023859 2103 Montrose Ave. # E (818) 957-2007 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Kamajian, Steven D., D.O. Family Practice1 5273 023859 2103 Montrose Ave. # E (818) 957-2007 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lapid, Atalie P., M.D. Family Practice 5176 169599 39115 Trade Center Dr. (661) 273-0100 Tagalog Nguyen, Hong P., D.O. Internal Medicine 5176 178970 39115 Trade Center Dr. (661) 273-0100 Vietnamese Pillai, Dewey D., M.D. Family Practice 5176 131730 1220 E. Ave. South # D (661) 947-4124 Spanish, Tamil Woodcock, John A., D.O. Family Practice 5176 067367 39115 Trade Center Dr. # 130 (661) 273-0100 Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nasir, Muhammad R., M.D.General Practice 1987 063904 1403 N. Fair Oaks Ave. # 2 (626) 797-4477 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Porter Ranch Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Valenzuela, Ericka M., D.O. Family Practice1 1990 162090 11177 Tampa Ave. # A (818) 831-8000 Armenian, Spanish Reseda Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hosseinian, Gholam R., General Practice M.D. 1990 095932 18701 Sherman Way # 4 (818) 881-8989 Farsi, French, Spanish, Turkish 1 Board Certified 244 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kashani, Ataoiah, M.D. General Practice 1990 057493 18355 Sherman Way (818) 343-0964 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish San Fernando Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Parray, Hafeez J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1989 031976 418 San Fernando Mission Blvd. (818) 894-3622 Hindi, Spanish Santa Clarita Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hung, Calvin C., M.D. Family Practice 1988 142389 24355 Lyons Ave. (661) 222-9381 Malla, Sabita, M.D. Internal Medicine 1988 133269 23206 Lyons Ave. # 209 (661) 799-7007 Hindi, Russian Mungcal, Renato V., M.D. Family Practice1 1988 039132 21700 Golden Triangle Rd. # 206 (661) 287-3983 Spanish, Tagalog Vu, Andrea, M.D. Family Practice 1988 141997 24355 Lyons Ave. # 210 (661) 222-9381 Vietnamese Santa Monica Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hopper, Douglas J., M.D. Family Practice 1823 007536 2221 Lincoln Blvd. # 200 (310) 581-8585 French, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 1 Sun Valley Primary Care Physicians Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Harake, Salem N., M.D. 9375 San Fernando Rd. (818) 768-3000 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Meza, Martha A., M.D. 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1990 520907 Internal Medicine 1990 098360 Internal Medicine1 1990 155880 Sylmar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lazaro, Nestor C., M.D. Family Practice 1989 059766 12737 Glenoaks Blvd. # 26 (818) 362-1758 Spanish, Tagalog Tarzana Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Borovsky, Victoria M., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1990 129409 18356 Clark St. # 101 (818) 996-4200 Russian Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1990 028690 5620 Wilbur Ave. # 307 (818) 881-9255 Spanish, Vietnamese Fleiderman, Marcos B., Internal Medicine M.D. 1990 057159 18356 Clark St. # 101 (818) 609-1991 Spanish Safvati, Kamran, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1990 090638 18356 Clark St. # 101 (818) 609-1991 Farsi, Spanish Board Certified 245 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Sherman Oaks Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bennett, Martin, M.D. General Practice 1987 046527 14911 Magnolia Blvd. (818) 784-1035 Polish, Spanish Dicterow, Maurice L., M.D. Family Practice1 1987 520070 4849 Van Nuys Blvd. # 211 (818) 788-8210 Spanish, Tagalog Matian, Arash D., D.O. Family Practice1 1990 133604 13425 Ventura Blvd. # 102 (818) 995-7784 Farsi, Spanish Nazari, Nahid, M.D. General Practice 1990 186998 4940 Van Nuys Blvd. # 301 (818) 981-7200 Farsi Schneider, Gary S., D.O. Family Practice1 1990 520066 4849 Van Nuys Blvd. # 105 (818) 905-9586 Sharma, Salila, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1987 520049 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 719 (818) 906-9805 Hindi, Spanish Sharma, Salila, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1990 520049 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 719 (818) 906-9805 Hindi, Spanish Sheybani, Ali, M.D. Internal Medicine 1990 171391 4849 Van Nuys Blvd. # 105 (818) 905-9586 Farsi Simon, Robert J., M.D. Family Practice1 1987 015891 13320 Riverside Dr. # 214 (818) 789-0451 Hebrew, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Tujunga Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Panossian, Ayuna K., M.D. Family Practice 5177 135929 7709 Foothill Blvd. (818) 352-3146 Armenian, Spanish Valencia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lavi, Joseph M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1988 089338 27420 Tourney Rd. # 200 (661) 254-9950 Farsi Pillai, Dewey D., M.D. Family Practice 5176 131730 23838 Valencia Blvd. # 205 (661) 288-2237 Spanish, Tamil Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Ahn, Eliza S., M.D. 15243 Vanowen St. # 406 (818) 780-2106 Korean, Spanish Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. 15216 Vanowen St. # 1A (818) 785-7875 Spanish Bloom, Michael G., M.D.2 15243 Vanowen St. # 403 (818) 988-8800 Chong, Jeffrey C., M.D.2 15243 Vanowen St. # 406 (818) 780-2106 Chong, Jeffrey C., M.D.2 15243 Vanowen St. # 406 (818) 780-2106 Elgourt, Ludmila, M.D. 15243 Vanowen St. # 411 (818) 785-7777 Russian, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1990 050153 Internal Medicine 1990 520907 1 Internal Medicine 1987 065693 Internal Medicine1 1990 064412 Internal Medicine1 1987 064412 General Practice 1990 065238 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lavian, David, M.D. Family Practice1 1990 009664 14600 Sherman Way # 215 (818) 782-4300 Farsi, Spanish Meza, Martha A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1990 155880 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish Mikhael, Michel N., M.D. General Practice 1987 023857 14624 Sherman Way # 203 (818) 785-3336 Arabic Mikhael, Michel N., M.D. General Practice 1990 023857 14624 Sherman Way # 203 (818) 785-3336 Arabic Reale, Stephen, M.D.2 Internal Medicine1 1990 051935 15243 Vanowen St. # 101 (818) 994-5100 Spanish Samadani, Kiumars, M.D. Family Practice 1990 540750 15243 Vanowen St. # 311 (818) 781-2266 Farsi West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cua, Seung S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5196 025016 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 114-8 (626) 960-4989 Fukienese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog DeLa Cruz, Lina C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5273 166275 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 104 (626) 962-3607 Spanish, Tagalog Duong, Van H., M.D. Family Practice1 5196 004305 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. (626) 960-9414 Vietnamese Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 246 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Karunananthan, Ruth M., Internal Medicine M.D. 5196 075749 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. (626) 960-9414 Tamil Nguyen, Huy T., D.O. Family Practice 5196 168663 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. # 101 (626) 430-9991 Vietnamese Nourani, Bobby, D.O. Family Practice 1987 191627 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. Fl.1 (626) 430-9996 Souferzadeh, Behzad, D.O.General Practice 1987 191629 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. Fl.1 (626) 430-9996 Farsi Willis, Adelaide B., M.D. Family Practice 5196 058669 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. (626) 960-9414 Spanish Acupuncture Isahakian, Gagik, L.A. Allergy/Immunology Farhadian, Houshang, M.D. Offenberger, Jacob, M.D.1 Wong, Kin C., M.D. Anesthesiology Arfai, Kiumars, M.D. Bustos, Jerrold C., M.D.1 Grewal, Narinder S., M.D. Neal, Charles K., M.D.1 Schlesinger, Mark P., M.D. Shwachman, Ben, M.D.1 Takash, Thomas J., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Abdullah, Edward E., M.D.1 Bhandari, Anil K., M.D.1 Burstein, Steven, M.D.1 Cannom, David S., M.D.1 Choudhary, Ranjiv S., M.D. 1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Dang, Tze-Yu, M.D.1 Eisenberg, Daniel A., M.D.1 Fahim-Gadallah, Sameh F., M.D.1 Gill, Kanwaljit S., M.D.1 Ho, Ivan C., M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D. Kadambi, Pramod V., M.D. Khanal, Sanjaya, M.D.1 Larreta, Boris R., M.D. Latif, Mohamed A., M.D. Lee, Eric T., M.D. Lee, Joseph I., M.D.1 Leibzon, Roman, M.D.1 Marwah, Onkarjit S., M.D.1 Mayeda, Guy S., M.D.1 McKenzie III, John P., M.D. Mesrobian, Haroutioun D., M.D.1 Mok, David Y., M.D. Moy, Tom Y., M.D.1 Muthiah, Muthusamy, M.D. Nademanee, Koonlawee, M.D.1 On, Roger C., M.D.1 Patel, Prakashchandra T., M.D. Reddy, Jayapal A., M.D. Rosen, Barry A., M.D. Schreck, Douglas E., M.D. Sharma, Sanju, M.D. Thaik, Cynthia M., M.D. Thumati, Ramakrishna R., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Atiya, Azmi W., M.D.1 Capouya, Eli R., M.D. Estioko, Manuel R., M.D. Gottner, Robert J., M.D. Nithyananda, Muni, M.D. Schaerf, Raymond H., M.D.1 Soltero, Michael J., M.D. Yasuda, Roderick K., M.D.1 Chiropractor Cheney, Isaac, D.C. Duenas, Ricardo, D.C. Board Certified 247 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Chiropractor Hadaya, Kinan, D.C. Hall, Bruce L., D.C. Hodges, Wayne H., D.C. Khosrovian, Rodrik, D.C. Marxen, Denis M., D.C. Mendoza, Michael A., D.C. Morovati, Anthony B., D.C. Pimentel, Jason, D.C. Travis, Gina J., D.C. Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Jayaraj, Prash F., M.D.1 Polosajian, Leo, M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Pourshahmir, Mohammad, M.D.1 Critical Care Medicine Safaee-Semiromi, Saeid, M.D. Dermatology Badawi, Radwan A., M.D. Buchman, John U., M.D.1 Ghasri, Peyman, M.D.1 Kandel, Elena F., M.D.1 Kay, Martin H., M.D.1 Kechichian, Aram H., D.O.1 Mehrabi, Donny, M.D.1 Novak, Michael, M.D. Sandhu, Jasbir S., M.D.1 Shear, Stuart L., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Foullon, Richard A., M.D. Law, Anna C., M.D.1 Looney, Gerald L., M.D. Mahdessian, Hovsep G., M.D. Melkonyan, Vahe, M.D. Soleimani, Majid, M.D. Sullivan, Bart F., M.D. Zambetti, John F., M.D.1 Endocrinology Arulanantham, Karunyan D., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 248 / Health Net Provider Network Endocrinology Charnock, George A., M.D.1 Cooper, Collin E., M.D. Israelian-Konaraki, Zarmen, M.D.1 Konca, Ewa H., M.D. Montoro, Martin N., M.D. Ong, Oliver L., M.D. Polisky, Michael A., M.D.1 Pradhan, Rita K., M.D.1 Prasad, Jeereddi A., M.D.1 Reddy, Radha T., M.D.1 Rokaw, Joshua A., M.D. Schenk, Eliana Y., M.D. Sevilla, Linda J., M.D. Family Practice Akhavan, Parviz, D.O. Benowitz, Irvin S., D.O.1 Fields, Peter A., M.D.1 Fuentes, Sebastian, P.A. Karapetyan, Armen, M.D. Kim, Gloria I., M.D.1 Liao, Andrew W., M.D.1 Luu, Darrin D., M.D.1 Murray, Kenneth D., M.D. Peric, John M., M.D. Powers, Bradley C., M.D. Tu, Zhongheng, M.D.1 Gastroenterology Akram, Mumtaz, M.D.1 Albertson, Michael J., M.D.1 Ballan, Kenneth, M.D.1 Bartley, Isaac A., M.D. Bencharit, Sittiporn, M.D.1 Bina, Ioana A., M.D.1 Chetty, Nagaraj M., M.D.1 Garrett, Benedict L., M.D. Kasher, John A., M.D.1 Krieger, David E., M.D.1 Kumar, Manmohan, M.D. Mello, W.David, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 General Practice Mahdessian, Hovsep G., M.D. Rocamboli, Charles M., D.O. Sharp, Robert E., P.A. General Surgery Akopian, Gabriel, M.D. Aziz, Ihab N., M.D.1 Bhoot, Nilesh H., M.D.1 Carvajal, Sam H., M.D.1 Castillo, George F., M.D. Contreras, Louie-Marc G., M.D.1 Dudziak, Donna E., M.D.1 Enriquez, Edgar A., M.D. Galloni, Luigi, M.D. Gordo, Jose A., M.D.1 Heslov, Steve F., M.D.1 Isaacs, Larry M., M.D.1 Keushkerian, Simon M., M.D. Khan, Faisal A., M.D. Kokkalera, Uthaiah P., M.D.1 Mahendra, Tom, M.D.1 Mihranian, Mardiros H., M.D.1 Mullangi, Sivaprasad, M.D.1 Pereyra, Robert, M.D.1 Perez, Dario, M.D.1 Perez, Jose M., M.D.1 Petrik, Pavel V., M.D.1 Ramos, Hector C., M.D.1 Reiss, Jill E., M.D.1 Renner, Andrew I., M.D. Singh, Ranbir, M.D.1 Tan, Matthew S., M.D. 1 General Surgery Tashjian, George K., M.D.1 Tovar, Alexander S., M.D.1 Vanyo, Lori L., M.D.1 Wang, On, M.D.1 Yusuf, Frank M., M.D. Geriatrics Hajianpour, Mj, M.D.1 Kona, Sudhakar R., M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Eisenkop, Scott, M.D. Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Leuchter, Ronald S., M.D.1 Lin, Wei-Chien M., M.D. Mirhashemi, Ramin, M.D.1 Schlaerth, Alan C., M.D. Gynecology Ali, Suneetha S., M.D.1 Kornafel, Kathleen L., M.D.1 Hand Surgery Lakshman, Shankar, M.D. Hematology Chatham, Philip L., M.D. Huang, Stephen, M.D. Ma, Austin J., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Alcantar, Juan M., M.D. Barstis, John L., M.D.1 Benjamin, Michael S., M.D.1 Black, Alexander C., M.D.1 Goldstein, Mark L., M.D.1 Rossman, Stanley H., M.D.1 Tsai, Henry T., M.D.1 Ucar, Kalust, M.D. Hiv/Aids Morgenstein, Alan A., M.D. Pryor III, Ellsworth P., M.D. Tsujimoto, Karen L., M.D. Infectious Disease Alborzi, Arash, M.D.1 Board Certified 249 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Gastroenterology Moorthy, Sinnaduri E., M.D. Pathmarajah, Canagaratnam, M.D. Pruthi, Jatinder S., M.D. Quinones, Lisandro, M.D.1 Sahebekhtiari, Heidarali, M.D. Shaposhnikov, Rimma, M.D.1 Simoni, Gilbert, M.D. Villa Jr, Vicente L., M.D. Wong, Edward T., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Infectious Disease Antaki, Jean-Pierre, M.D. Bassi, Sohanjeet S., M.D.1 Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Clough, Wendy, M.D. Cohen, Michael D., M.D.1 Hingarh, Nilesh H., M.D. Maslow, Elizabeth R., M.D. Mess, Timothy P., M.D. Morgenstein, Alan A., M.D. Pryor III, Ellsworth P., M.D.1 Shelub, Aaron M., M.D. Tempesti, Paola, M.D. Tsujimoto, Karen L., M.D. Internal Medicine Alcantar, Juan M., M.D.1 Ang, Walter W., M.D.1 Attarchi, Shahab, M.D.1 Avanes, Emil, M.D.1 Carter, Ethelred E., M.D.1 Choudhary, Ranjiv S., M.D. Damle, Pradeep B., M.D. Dang, Tutran N., P.A. Daram, Vasuki, M.D.1 Dardashti, Dan E., M.D. Dawes, Melanie F., M.D.1 Entabi, Anas, M.D.1 Figueroa, Davy N., M.D.1 Fisher, John H., M.D. Gelman, Lev, M.D.1 Giem, Marla G., M.D. Ginsburg, Marvin L., M.D.1 Guthrie, Michael T., M.D.1 Ho, Christopher S., M.D. Howe, Dorothea E., M.D.1 Huang, Stephen, M.D.1 Issai, Jilbert D., M.D.1 Kamath, Sadhana P., M.D. Khafaja, Issam, M.D.1 Khanal, Sanjaya, M.D. Kim, John J., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 250 / Health Net Provider Network Internal Medicine Ko, Young J., M.D.1 Kohandarvish, Saeid, M.D.1 Kona, Sudhakar R., M.D. Latuno, Denis H., M.D.1 Ma, Austin J., M.D. Marwah, Onkarjit S., M.D.1 Masiello, David P., M.D. Maslow, Elizabeth R., M.D. Moorthy, Sinnaduri E., M.D. Nademanee, Koonlawee, M.D. Nathan, Shan A., M.D.1 Parmekar, Samir R., M.D. Rokaw, Joshua A., M.D.1 Romero, Sandro, P.A. Safaee-Semiromi, Saeid, M.D.1 Shivaram, Deepak A., M.D.1 Sinha, Rakesh, M.D.1 Slavov, Carmen S., M.D.1 Tan, Luis D., M.D.1 Wong, Grace I., M.D.1 Yu, Victor T., M.D.1 Interventional Cardiology Gill, Kanwaljit S., M.D.1 Marriage/Family Counseling Boris, Joan, MFT Sondon-Hagopian, Nancy E., MFCC Maternal & Fetal Medicine Beall, Marie H., M.D. Benoit, Richard M., M.D.1 Bradley, Kathleen E., M.D. Devore, Greggory R., M.D.1 Samadi, Ramin, M.D. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Alderete, Edward C., M.D. Beall, Marie H., M.D. Furman, Gilbert I., M.D.1 Leung, Anna S., M.D. Martorell-Bendezu, Lily B., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Nephrology Abukurah, Abdul-Razzak, M.D. Arcia, John M., M.D.1 Arfaania, Dariush, M.D.1 Assomull, Vinod M., M.D.1 Chang, Mi, M.D.1 Dahhan, Ghassan S., M.D.1 Daneshvari, Sam F., M.D. Di Domenico, Nicholas C., M.D.1 Dua, Renee, M.D. Dua, Sohan L., M.D. Farboody, Gholam H., M.D.1 Fisher, John H., M.D. Gandhi, Kamal V., M.D.1 Glick, Jeffrey A., M.D.1 Hadaya, Bassam A., M.D. Kamarzarian, Anita, M.D.1 Kayichian, Despina G., M.D.1 Levitan, Daniel, M.D.1 Liebross, Burton A., M.D.1 Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Mischel, Matthew G., M.D.1 Moghadam, Mojtaba, M.D.1 Nasser, Yasser A., M.D. Nebeker, Henry G., M.D.1 Nemeh, Moufid N., M.D. Patrikyan, Artashes, M.D. Paykar, Abraham, M.D. Rao, Mohan P., M.D.1 Rizvi, Syed A., M.D. 1 Nephrology Romoff, Mark S., M.D.1 Sherman, David, M.D. Sitker, Erik V., M.D. Slavov, Carmen S., M.D.1 Sunku, Vinay A., M.D.1 Williams, Donald J., M.D. Yang, Sung C., M.D. Zakari, Michel, M.D. Neurology Akopov, Sergey E., M.D. Ali, Mohsen I., M.D.1 Belafsky, Melvin A., M.D.1 Cherik, Armen J., M.D.1 Chilian, Irina, M.D.1 Dhillon, Surisham, M.D.1 Finstead, Bruce A., M.D.1 Gabriel, Ronald S., M.D.1 Hanna-Kastoun, Ahed, M.D. Hogen, Jr., Victor S., M.D.1 Janumpally, Lingaiah, M.D.1 Kahlon, Surjit K., M.D. Lee, Lance J., M.D.1 Lee, Yu-En, M.D.1 Lemay, Lin G., M.D. Marvi, Michael M., M.D.1 Nayyar, Kanwal K., M.D. Oveian, Margarita, M.D.1 Rosenthal, Neil P., M.D.1 Schlecter, Bruce M., M.D.1 Sehati, Nouzhan, M.D. Shanmugam, Vijay, M.D.1 Tiwari, Rajendra K., M.D. Uddin, Mohammad K., M.D.1 Neuroradiology Rappard, George, M.D.1 Neurosurgery Aho, Christopher J., M.D.1 Armin, Sean S., M.D. Binder, Devin K., M.D.1 Dhillon, Manprit K., M.D. Board Certified 251 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Merritt, Thurman A., M.D.1 Novales, Juanito S., M.D.1 Ochikubo, Clark G., M.D.1 Raab, Elisabeth L., M.D.1 Ross, Michael G., M.D. Shah, Mita H., M.D.1 Shaw, Lawrence D., M.D.1 Sinay, Moises, M.D. Tan, Marlene V., M.D.1 Ukeje, Dinobi A., M.D. Yang, Linda L., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Neurosurgery Disney, Lew B., M.D. Dixon, Albert A., M.D.1 Edelman, Fredric L., M.D. Farrukh, Abdallah S., M.D.1 Gantwerker, Brian R., M.D. Hua, Sherwin A., M.D.1 Lawner, Pablo M., M.D. Lederhaus, Scott C., M.D.1 Liker, Mark A., M.D. Lundin, David A., M.D. Mesiwala, Ali H., M.D. Quinonez, Rafael O., M.D. Ro, Kyoo S., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Jose L., M.D.1 Tiwari, Rajendra K., M.D.1 Zinke, David E., M.D.1 Zuckerman, Israel D., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Advani, Sharmeela R., M.D.1 Aranez, Jose T., M.D.1 Artenos, John A., M.D.1 Barajas, Daniel, M.D.1 Barajas, Raymond A., M.D.1 Berman, Barry J., M.D.1 Brooks, Marlon, M.D.1 Chan, Shirley M., M.D.1 Choi, Joon, M.D.1 Farhat, Hormoz, M.D.1 Farid, Samy F., M.D. Friedman, Ira J., M.D.1 Frields, Michael, M.D. Fu, Jackson C., M.D. Galstyan, Kevin G., M.D. Hadadian, Sedi, M.D. Hanusek, Gordon E., M.D.1 Horenstein, Janet M., M.D.1 Huang, Andy, M.D.1 Iskander, Raef N., M.D.1 Kirk, John H., M.D.1 Koopersmith, Tina B., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 252 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Kossari, Shahram, M.D. Lai, Young K., M.D.1 Lapesarde, Karen S., M.D.1 Lee, Ryan K., M.D. Malek, Kamran, M.D.1 Mirhashemi, Ramin, M.D.1 Mutch, Joseph A., M.D.1 Ngo, James, M.D. Ross, Michael G., M.D. Savla, Kalpana P., M.D.1 Schlaerth, Alan C., M.D. Shah, Shivani D., M.D.1 Tamayo, Joana J., M.D. Tang, Bill W., M.D.1 Thwin, Aung, M.D.1 Valdes, Ignacio, M.D.1 Vora, Bansi N., M.D.1 Wohlmuth, Cinna T., M.D.1 Yun, Alice L., M.D.1 Oncology Chatham, Philip L., M.D.1 Dhand, Subhash, M.D. Ho, Christopher S., M.D. Huang, Stephen, M.D. Ma, Austin J., M.D.1 Masiello, David P., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Anders, Malvin D., M.D.1 Aye, Mg S., M.D.1 Barton, Arnold L., M.D.1 Beauclair, John P., M.D. Becker, Bruce B., M.D.1 Blanton, Christopher L., M.D.1 Bowns, Gerald T., M.D. Briones Jr., Jose C., M.D. Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 Edelstein, Arthur J., M.D. Engh, Douglas M., M.D.1 Erb, Melanie H., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Ophthalmology Fuerst, David J., M.D.1 Gabrielian, Karine, M.D.1 Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Geyer, Kevin G., M.D. Gross, Brian R., M.D.1 Hamparian, Mireille P., M.D. Hovanesian, Haroutun H., M.D.1 Hwang, Lisa K., M.D.1 Khondkaryan, Ani, M.D. Latto, Ira S., M.D.1 Martin, Wayne H., M.D.1 Mora, Martha L., M.D. Ong, Olivia C., M.D.1 Rauchman, Steven H., M.D.1 Recasens, Marta A., M.D.1 Sampson, Reginald, M.D. Scheinhorn, Jeannine W., M.D.1 Schneider, Kimber L., M.D.1 Shelton, Raymond A., M.D.1 Sierra, William, M.D.1 Solish, Alfred M., M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Thompson, Denis N., M.D.1 Vidor, Ira A., M.D.1 Vishteh, Armin, M.D.1 Win, Peter H., M.D.1 Optometrist Dubick, Fred H., O.D. Felestian, Carol S., O.D. Garza, Romeo J., O.D. Hoshi, Natalie L., O.D. Le, Minh C., O.D. Shuham, Ellen, O.D. Truong, Jacqueline, O.D. Wang, Nai C., O.D. Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Waugh, Ralph B., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Broukhim, Behrooz B., M.D.1 1 Orthopedic Surgery Cepkinian, Vahan, M.D.1 Chong, Albert K., M.D.1 Clark, Edwin M., M.D.1 Conwisar, Philip H., M.D.1 Darakjian, Hrair E., M.D.1 Ganjianpour, Ramin, M.D.1 Geller, Loren M., M.D. Ha'eri-Gharavi, Ghol B., M.D.1 Harrison, Danny L., M.D. Hernandez, Jaime D., M.D.1 Kantor, Jeffrey A., M.D. Kiblinger, William G., M.D.1 Lee, Christophe S., M.D.1 Lercel, Gregory R., M.D.1 Osborne, Arthur H., M.D.1 Osborne, Vic A., M.D.1 Osterkamp, John A., M.D.1 Ram, Anant, M.D.1 Riffenburgh, Stephen K., M.D.1 Samimi, Soheil, M.D.1 Shah, Nitinkumar A., M.D. Wong, Kee P., M.D.1 Yee, Lincoln S., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Burres, Steven A., M.D.1 Campano, Ruwanthi S., M.D.1 Carroll, Sarah R., M.D. Grosch, Thomas M., M.D.1 Kokshanian, Artine, M.D. Koutnouyan, Hrair A., M.D. Namazie, Ali R., M.D. Nguyen, Bac H., M.D.1 Quinonez, Rafael E., M.D. Vanore, John F., M.D. Whitaker, Samuel R., M.D.1 Whong, Phillip I., M.D. Worrell, Lewit A., M.D.1 Yeh, James S., M.D. Yun, David K., M.D. Pain Management Bustos, Jerrold C., M.D.1 Board Certified 253 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Pain Management Der Sarkissian, Lazik, M.D. Grewal, Narinder S., M.D. Gritton, Liva L., M.D.1 Joung, Keong M., M.D. Lee, Bryan X., M.D. Lupo, Michael, M.D. Phillips, Justin R., M.D.1 Seltzer, Andrew G., M.D.1 Shih, Brian, M.D.1 Varga, Clayton A., M.D. Watkins, John V., M.D.1 Pediatrics Khanna, Happy N., M.D.1 Menendez, Richard, M.D.1 Okado, Cheryl K., M.D.1 Pascual, Edmund O., M.D.1 Reda, Zacharia Y., M.D. Segura, George A., M.D. Simonian, Nune A., M.D.1 Vashistha, Krishan K., M.D. Voleti, Vasanti, M.D. Wicherski, Beata A., M.D. Yerzinkian, Susanna M., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 Fagan, Brian T., M.D. Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Caringi, Daryl, D.O.1 Dinger, Stephen W., D.O.1 Ferreiro, Andrea L., D.O. Gritton, Raymond D., M.D.1 Hung, Lynn L., M.D. Ivy, Charise L., M.D.1 Lindberg, John W., M.D.1 Lupo, Michael, M.D.1 Morgan, Philip J., M.D. Ravikumar, Kalpana, M.D. Selzer, Aaron T., M.D.1 Pediatric Endocrinology Borut, Danielle L., M.D.1 Pediatric Gastroenterology Laurance, Edward P., M.D. Pediatric Infectious Disease Guzman, Ernie, M.D. Pediatric Neurology Gabriel, Ronald S., M.D.1 Pediatric Urology Barba, William, M.D. Pediatrics Abraham, Gizel A., M.D.1 Aintablian, Ighia, M.D. Azmy, Kamel M., M.D.1 Bruttomesso, Samuel D., M.D. Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 Chan, Choa, M.D.1 Debnath, Sheila, M.D. Ernster, Martin F., M.D.1 Fain-Karpus, Maria, M.D. Huang, Cathy C., M.D.1 Kaakijian, Sarkis A., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 254 / Health Net Provider Network Plastic Surgery Bardakjian, Vatche B., M.D. Berger, Saul R., M.D.1 Goldstein, Ron Y., M.D. Lakshman, Shankar, M.D.1 Sanchez, Alejandro M., M.D.1 Podiatry Abrams, Robert A., DPM1 Aguirre, Brad J., DPM1 Alavynejad, Babak, DPM1 Ayvazian, Hermoz, DPM1 Boghossian, Gerard H., DPM Hoshyarsar, Payman R., DPM Isaiants, Aram, DPM1 Kosari, Babak, DPM Plotkin, Elliot L., DPM PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Psychiatry Beck, John C., M.D. Psychology Boris, Joan, MFT Corrado, Philip E., Ph.D. Soltanian, Avo A., MFT Pulmonary Disease Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Adelson, Leonard J., M.D.1 Ahmed, Zulfiqar, M.D. Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. Damle, Pradeep B., M.D.1 Davis-Kingston, Heather L., M.D.1 Eltahir, Nadir A., M.D.1 Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Ko, Young J., M.D. Kong, Gary K., M.D. Krishna, Doddanna, M.D.1 Liff, Michael O., M.D.1 Nahed, Mohammad R., M.D.1 Nathan, Shan A., M.D.1 Peleg, Nechemia B., M.D.1 Sadana, Gurbinder S., M.D.1 Safaee-Semiromi, Saeid, M.D.1 Shankar, Ravi S., M.D.1 Sinha, Rakesh, M.D. Solymanijam, Robin, M.D.1 Tan, Luis D., M.D. Wickramasinghe, Himanshu V., M.D.1 Wong, Kin C., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Ariathurai, Sundera V., M.D.1 Bae, Young C., M.D.1 Duong, Paul T., M.D. Ellerbroek, Nancy A., M.D. Hocko, Janet M., M.D.1 Peng, Yuchi P., M.D.1 1 Radiation Oncology Rose, Christopher M., M.D.1 Schwartz, Lisa M., M.D.1 Washington, Tara A., M.D.1 Yampolsky, Henry, M.D.1 Radiology Cohen, Robert, M.D.1 Tirman, Phillip F., M.D.1 Tsuruda, Jay S., M.D.1 Wycoff, Russell R., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Dinsay, Roselyn M., M.D. Koopersmith, Tina B., M.D. Rheumatology Ahmed, Javeed, M.D. Buhay-Maglunog, Maria Susan A., M.D. Kesavalu, Ramesh C., M.D.1 Parks, Shirley J., NP Sandler, Joseph I., M.D. Tremazi, Jaffar A., M.D. Weber, Hans E., M.D. Sports Medicine Gupta, Neeraj, M.D. Scott, Joshua C., M.D. Zaslow, Tracy L., M.D.1 Therapeutic Radiology Rose, Christopher M., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Atiya, Azmi W., M.D.1 Estioko, Manuel R., M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D.1 Kafrouni, George, M.D. Kay, Jerome H., M.D.1 Mahendra, Tom, M.D.1 Petrik, Pavel V., M.D.1 Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Schaerf, Raymond H., M.D.1 Soltero, Michael J., M.D.1 Yagubyan, Marineh, M.D.1 Yasuda, Roderick K., M.D.1 Board Certified 255 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Podiatry Shi, Terry S., DPM Shupe, Philip R., DPM1 Stein, Gersten A., DPM1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Heritage Provider Network PPG 1661 Thoracic Surgery Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 Urology Chandrasoma, Shahin T., M.D. Choe, Sung M., M.D. Davis, Edward L., M.D.1 Frydman, Howard C., M.D. Garrett, Jerry S., M.D.1 Gelbard, Martin K., M.D.1 Hadaya, Tawfik T., M.D.1 Houston, Rendel R., M.D. Hyman, Michael J., M.D.1 Kassabian, Armen A., M.D. Koh, Steve S., M.D. Lam, John S., M.D.1 Mendez, Rafael G., M.D.1 Mendez, Robert, M.D.1 Reynolds, William F., M.D.1 Shenassa, Behnam B., M.D.1 Sloan, William R., M.D.1 Valvo, Carlton F., M.D.1 Vatz, Arthur D., M.D.1 Weintraub, Philip I., M.D. Vascular Surgery Agahi, Massoud H., M.D.1 Andros, George, M.D.1 Aziz, Ihab N., M.D.1 Barkhordarlan, Siamak, M.D.1 Conrad, John K., M.D.1 Keushkerian, Simon M., M.D. Najibi, Sasan, M.D.1 Nassoura, Zahi E., M.D.1 Petrik, Pavel V., M.D.1 Rafidi, Fuad F., M.D.1 Reddy, Kuruganti R., M.D. 1 Board Certified 256 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING High Desert Medical Group PPG 1031 43839 North 15th Street, West Lancaster, CA 93534-4756 (661) 945-5984 Urgent Care: High Desert Medical Group Urgent Care (661) 945-5984 Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Heritage Health Care (PPG 1035) 38209 47th Street East, Suite C Palmdale, CA 93552-3113 (661) 272-3777 Urgent Care: High Desert Medical Gp. Urgent Care (661) 945-5984 Sat - Sun 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Lancaster Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alvarez-Galoosian, Florcita Internal Medicine S., M.D. 1031 071260 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Family Practice1 Arroyo, Manuel, M.D.2 1031 032947 44105 15th St. West # 204 (661) 949-5833 Blodgett, Jeffrey D., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1031 038538 42357 50th St. West # 107 (661) 943-6455 Blodgett, Jeffrey D., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1035 038538 42357 50th St. West # 107 (661) 943-6455 Boldy, Robert M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1031 184985 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 028690 907 W. Lancaster Blvd. (661) 723-4829 Spanish, Vietnamese Chien, Felix, D.O. Family Practice1 1031 163521 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Damle, Pradeep B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1031 019589 1331 W. Ave. J # 101 (661) 945-8717 Hindi, Tamil De Jesus, Natividad C., General Practice M.D. 1031 029297 868 W. Ave. J (661) 945-2222 Spanish Ernest, Antony C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1031 004628 43839 15th St. West # A (661) 948-2621 Fernandez, Thelma T., Family Practice M.D. 1031 019594 1601 W. Ave. J # 101 (661) 945-2716 Spanish, Tagalog Gill, Kanwaljit S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 090290 43807 Tenth St. West # F (661) 940-5500 Hindi, Punjabi Hernandez, Ruben A., Family Practice M.D. 1031 105630 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Spanish Ho, Vincent A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 007364 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Burmese, Mandarin Ko, Young J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 530533 44215 15th St. West # 303 (661) 945-0723 Korean Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 257 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing High Desert Medical Group PPG 1031 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING High Desert Medical Group PPG 1031 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mistry, Prashant N., M.D. Family Practice 1031 188715 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Gujarati Mongiano, Daniel O., M.D. General Practice 1035 077385 42220 Tenth St. West # 109 (661) 951-9195 Spanish Mongiano, Daniel O., M.D. General Practice 1031 077385 42220 Tenth St. West # 109 (661) 951-9195 Spanish Moorthy, Sinnaduri E., Internal Medicine M.D. 1031 032861 44725 Tenth St. West # 250 (661) 945-1874 Tamil Nafoosi, Sami A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 033466 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Spanish Parazo, Don V., M.D. Family Practice1 1031 012918 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Tagalog Patel, Mihir B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 085752 43839 15th St. West (661) 951-3335 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi Shikiya, Cecil A., D.O. Family Practice 1031 195005 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Spanish Shivaram, Deepak A., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1035 058097 44215 15th St. West # 111 (661) 949-5941 Hindi, Kannada 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shivaram, Deepak A., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1031 058097 44215 15th St. West # 111 (661) 949-5941 Hindi, Kannada Sivakumar, Kumarasamy, Internal Medicine M.D.2 1031 138851 44215 15th St. West # 307 (661) 949-5908 Sivalingam, Internal Medicine Kanagaratnam, M.D. 1031 531807 43860 Tenth St. West (661) 726-3724 Spanish, Tamil Sri, Jaerajah T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 033054 44725 Tenth St. West # 230 (661) 948-1611 Tamil Sri, Jaerajah T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1035 033054 44725 Tenth St. West # 230 (661) 948-1611 Tamil Tu, Zhongheng, M.D. Family Practice1 1031 140933 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Mandarin Valentino, Joseph F., M.D. Family Practice1 1035 090770 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Tagalog Valentino, Joseph F., M.D.2 Family Practice1 1031 090770 43839 15th St. West (661) 945-5984 Tagalog Ziaee, Hosseingholi, M.D. General Practice 1031 155882 44215 15th St. West # 115 (661) 949-5929 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 258 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING High Desert Medical Group PPG 1031 Allergy/Immunology Farhadian, Houshang, M.D. Robinson Jr, Lawrence D., M.D. Anesthesiology Burr, Michael F., M.D. Chung, Yong D., M.D. D'Amours, Ray H., M.D. Rasool, Imad H., M.D.1 Riegler, Francis X., M.D.1 Sadik, Shahin A., M.D.1 1 2 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Ernest, Antony C., M.D.1 Fahim-Gadallah, Sameh F., M.D.1 Gidney, Brett A., M.D.1 Gill, Kanwaljit S., M.D.1 Hendel, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Kadambi, Pramod V., M.D. Kumar, Anil, M.D.1 Sobnosky, Serap, M.D. Sunder, Shun K., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Petrik, Pavel V., M.D. Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Rohde, Maria L., MFT Dermatology Farzadmehr, Afshin, M.D.1 Kechichian, Aram H., D.O.1 Sandhu, Jasbir S., M.D.1 Shiell, Ronald D., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Weiner, Bert A., M.D. Endocrinology Dulgeroff, Anthony J., M.D.1 Family Practice Askarinam, Albert, M.D. De Lima, Maria L., M.D.1 Glover, Karen M., M.D.1 Grimm, Brian M., M.D.1 Kechichian, Aram H., D.O.1 Gastroenterology Dharmaraja, Prithviraj, M.D. Moorthy, Sinnaduri E., M.D. Patel, Ramanbhai M., M.D.1 Pathmarajah, Canagaratnam, M.D. Perumalsamy, Kumaravel S., M.D. Pruthi, Jatinder S., M.D. Tyagi, Vivaik, M.D. Wong, Edward T., M.D. General Practice Hadaya, Tawfik T., M.D. Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 259 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Palmdale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Daram, Vasuki, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 157013 38209 47th St. East # C (661) 272-3777 Emenike, Emmanuel O., Internal Medicine M.D. 1031 136508 41210 11th St. West # K (661) 575-0705 Spanish Entabi, Anas, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1031 129293 38209 47th St. East # C (661) 272-3777 Arabic Family Practice1 Gomez, Rosa M., M.D.2 1031 137855 38925 Trade Center Dr. # H (661) 274-9900 Spanish Jensen, David R., M.D.2 Family Practice 1031 023067 3011 Rancho Vista Blvd. # B-C (661) 273-2556 Jensen, David R., M.D.2 Family Practice 1035 023067 3011 Rancho Vista Blvd. # B-C (661) 273-2556 Kumar, Pratibha, M.D. Family Practice1 1031 532051 38209 47th St. East # C (661) 272-3777 Hindi Pillai, Dewey D., M.D. Family Practice 1031 131730 1220 E. Ave. South # D (661) 947-4124 Spanish, Tamil PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING High Desert Medical Group PPG 1031 General Practice Mahdessian, Hovsep G., M.D. Sharp, Robert E., P.A. General Surgery Barcelona, Edgardo S., M.D.1 Genato, Maria P., R.N. Gleischman, Stewart H., M.D.1 Gordo, Jose A., M.D.1 Hahn, Richard J., M.D.1 Lemus-Rangel, Rafael, M.D. Mahendra, Tom, M.D.1 Padmanabhan, Chickkiah, M.D. Petrik, Pavel V., M.D.1 Senofsky, Gregory M., M.D. Yadegar, John, M.D. Yusuf, Frank M., M.D. Geriatric Psychiatry HelmanDollar, Victoria M., NP Geriatrics Ho, Vincent A., M.D.1 Sri, Jaerajah T., M.D.1 Gynecologic Oncology Lin, Paul S., M.D.1 Hand Surgery Balfour, George W., M.D.1 Goldstein, Ron Y., M.D. Heller, Justin B., M.D. Internal Medicine Dulgeroff, Anthony J., M.D.1 Figueroa, Davy N., M.D.1 Freitas, Bonnie C., M.D. Giem, Marla G., M.D. Giem, Paul A., M.D.1 Hadaya, Bassam A., M.D. Hadaya, Bassel, M.D. Hingarh, Nilesh H., M.D.1 Kadambi, Pramod V., M.D. Kemp, Murray, M.D.1 Khanal, Sanjaya, M.D. Latuno, Denis H., M.D.1 Lim, Charles M., M.D.1 Miller, Ronald W., M.D.1 Moorthy, Sinnaduri E., M.D. Mya, George H., M.D.1 Pruthi, Jatinder S., M.D. Ramrattan, Shamsundar, D.O. Sobnosky, Serap, M.D. Sunder, Shun K., M.D.1 Tse, Dennis T., M.D.1 Tyagi, Vivaik, M.D. Wong, Edward T., M.D. Yeganeh, Gehanguir, M.D.1 Interventional Cardiology Hendel, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Kadambi, Pramod V., M.D. Khanal, Sanjaya, M.D. Hematology/Oncology Agnihotri, Neeraj, M.D.1 Ma, Austin J., M.D. Marriage/Family Counseling Michael, Jones E., MFT Infectious Disease Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Hingarh, Nilesh H., M.D. Maternal & Fetal Medicine Benoit, Richard M., M.D.1 Devore, Greggory R., M.D.1 Samadi, Ramin, M.D. Internal Medicine Agnihotri, Neeraj, M.D.1 Ang, Walter W., M.D.1 Banta, Warren, M.D.1 Dahhan, Ghassan S., M.D.1 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Davis, Audrey J., M.D.1 Emerson, George A., M.D.1 Lipsky, Caren L., M.D. 1 Board Certified 260 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING High Desert Medical Group PPG 1031 Neurology Fung, Tik L., M.D. Janumpally, Lingaiah, M.D.1 Janumpally, Shirisha R., M.D.1 Lee, Yu-En, M.D.1 Misra, Mukesh, M.D. Neuroradiology Vincent, Alix, M.D.1 Neurosurgery Dhillon, Manprit K., M.D. Farrukh, Abdallah S., M.D.1 Nuclear Medicine Lyass, Olga E., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Berman, Barry J., M.D.1 Cassidenti, Denise L., M.D.1 Clayton Jr, Ken R., D.O.1 Farid, Samy F., M.D. Francis, Rodney D., M.D.1 Fu, Jackson C., M.D. Habeck, Dietmar A., M.D.1 Han, Ernest S., M.D.1 Lloyd Jr, William J., M.D.1 Ngo, James, M.D. Samadi, Ramin, M.D.1 Vora, Bansi N., M.D.1 Warren, Linda A., M.D.1 Yee, Billy, M.D.1 Occupational Medicine Bautista, Nathaniel S., M.D. Oncology Han, Ernest S., M.D. Miller, Ronald W., M.D. 1 Oncology Shah, Mukund G., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Castellarin, Alessandro A., M.D. Couvillion, Stephen S., M.D. Huang, Timothy C., M.D.1 Parks, David J., M.D. Pieramici, Dante J., M.D.1 Solish, Alfred M., M.D.1 Tison, Karen H., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Antebi, Alon, D.O.1 Balfour, George W., M.D.1 Ha'eri-Gharavi, Ghol B., M.D.1 Kaufman, John D., M.D.1 King, John D., M.D.1 Shah, Nitinkumar A., M.D. Sisto, Domenick J., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Burres, Steven A., M.D.1 Campano, Ruwanthi S., M.D.1 Whong, Phillip I., M.D. Pain Management Alves, Daniel, M.D.1 Emenike, Emmanuel O., M.D. Masih, Ajay K., M.D.1 Rasool, Imad H., M.D.1 Vo, Thuong D., M.D.1 Pathology Pathmarajah, Canagaratnam, M.D.1 Varaprasathan, Gunanayagam I., M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Casarez, Timothy W., M.D.1 Kim, Nancy, M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Lee, Yu-En, M.D.1 Pediatric Surgery Heller, Justin B., M.D. Board Certified 261 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Nephrology Dahhan, Ghassan S., M.D.1 Hadaya, Bassam A., M.D. Hadaya, Bassel, M.D. Paykar, Abraham, M.D. Tse, Dennis T., M.D.1 Yang, Sung C., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING High Desert Medical Group PPG 1031 Pediatrics Agarwal, Chhaya, M.D. Das, Birendra N., M.D.1 Emerson, George A., M.D.1 Farhadian, Houshang, M.D.1 Gaw, Brian K., M.D. Kim, Nancy, M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Alves, Daniel, M.D. Masih, Ajay K., M.D.1 Nasser, Thomas S., D.O.1 Podiatry Boghossian, Gerard H., DPM Psychiatry Basta, Fawzy S., M.D.1 Del Rosario, Marites P., M.D.1 Imani, Robert B., M.D.1 Waheed, Saeed A., M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Damle, Pradeep B., M.D.1 Ko, Young J., M.D. Radiation Oncology Peng, Yuchi P., M.D.1 Shah, Mukund G., M.D.1 Shamasunder, Hesaraghatta K., M.D.1 Radiology Beller, Mark J., M.D.1 Berman, Gerald D., M.D.1 Charms, Matthew I., M.D.1 Deutsch, Andrew L., M.D.1 Freitas, Alex D., M.D.1 Freitas, Bonnie C., M.D.1 Fu, Karin L., M.D.1 Gill, Harmandeep K., M.D. Harris, Gary S., M.D. Hill, Jennifer A., M.D.1 King, William III, M.D.1 Lask, David C., M.D.1 Lis, Steven T., M.D. 1 Board Certified 262 / Health Net Provider Network Radiology Lyass, Olga E., M.D. McCombs, Marie M., M.D.1 Melin, Gilbert I., M.D.1 Mogannam, Paul N., M.D. Pai, Rajiv P., M.D.1 Qureshi, Huma S., M.D. Rice, Kevin M., M.D.1 Rippner, Robert S., M.D.1 Salen, Samuel, M.D. Spector, Marcelo, M.D. Taylor, Lori S., M.D.1 Tzung, Brian S., M.D.1 Vincent, Alix, M.D.1 Wadhwani, Anil N., M.D.1 Watanabe, Alyssa T., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Cassidenti, Denise L., M.D.1 Yee, Billy, M.D. Rheumatology Hasan, Syed A., M.D. Weber, Hans E., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Mahendra, Tom, M.D.1 Petrik, Pavel V., M.D.1 Urology Hadaya, Tawfik T., M.D.1 Houston, Rendel R., M.D. Koh, Steve S., M.D. Rajaratnam, Eugene C., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Barcelona, Edgardo S., M.D. Petrik, Pavel V., M.D.1 Spector, Marcelo, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 2208 West Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 90057-4002 (213) 637-0925 Urgent Care: Clinica Medica General (626) 443-4300 Clinica Medica General (626) 887-0000 Hospitals Used: East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital For up-to-the minute office hours and available physicians, please call the Health Net Coordinator at (213) 384-3434. Hispanic Physicians IPA - Kern County (PPG 5212) 2208 W 7th St Los Angeles, CA 90057-4002 (888) 474-7212 Urgent Care U.S. Health Works Medical Group Urgent Care (661) 327-9617 Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: San Joaquin Community Hospital Hispanic Physicians IPA / Kern - Lancaster (PPG 5131) 2208 West Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 90057-4002 (213) 637-0925 Baldwin Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Carrillo, Herman F., M.D. General Practice 1177 027241 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Urbina, Marvin, M.D. Family Practice 1177 094669 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Vazquez, Carolina, M.D. Family Practice1 1177 065704 6501 Eastern Ave. # A (323) 771-0145 Spanish Beverly Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1177 011621 435 N. Bedford Dr. # 312 (310) 858-5090 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Burbank Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kirakosyan, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1177 127632 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Canoga Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aazami, Hessam, M.D. General Practice 1177 134414 22030 Sherman Way # 101 (818) 312-9101 Farsi, Italian, Spanish Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Prado, Venancio E., M.D. General Practice 1177 047743 7444 E. Florence Ave. (562) 806-9955 Spanish Board Certified 263 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 El Monte Primary Care Physicians Johnson, Mark D., M.D. 11026 Valley Mall (626) 443-4300 Tamayo, Beatriz E., M.D. 11026 Valley Mall (626) 443-4300 Spanish Urbina, Marvin, M.D. 11017 Valley Mall. (626) 443-3922 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1177 077331 Internal Medicine 1177 091920 Family Practice 1177 094669 Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Essilfie, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 307 1177 057246 (310) 715-6100 Spanish Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Duron, Paul A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1177 062028 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Gaboian, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1177 106104 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Zamorano, Antonio, D.O. Family Practice1 1177 165420 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 108 (818) 250-5667 Spanish 1 Board Certified 264 / Health Net Provider Network Granada Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Koshak, Michael M., M.D. Family Practice 1177 057168 17709 Chatsworth St. (818) 363-8176 French, Spanish Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Coloma, Mara A., M.D. Family Practice 1177 039275 6347 Pacific Blvd. (323) 583-8383 Spanish Johnson, Mark D., M.D. General Practice 1177 077331 6347 Pacific Blvd. (323) 583-8383 King Jr, Lu-Wei T., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1177 052070 2638 E. Florence Ave. (323) 581-4665 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Lin, James, M.D. General Practice 1177 110675 2638 E. Florence Ave. (323) 581-4665 Mandarin, Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1177 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1177 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 103 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Tamayo, Beatriz E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1177 091920 6347 Pacific Blvd. (323) 583-8383 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Razi, David F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1177 067708 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi, Spanish Sourehnissani, Mehran, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1177 079285 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Carrillo, Herman F., M.D. General Practice 1177 027241 1419 N. Hacienda Blvd. (626) 918-3828 Spanish Lancaster Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hunt, David A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5131 091158 43322 Gingham Ave. # 104 (661) 874-4029 Hunt, David A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5131 091158 43322 Gingham Ave. # 105 (661) 874-4029 Ognibene, Charles P., M.D. Family Practice 5131 035968 44216 Tenth St. West (661) 942-2391 Italian Silao, Samuel A., M.D. Family Practice 5131 015823 44222 Tenth St. West (661) 723-6800 Spanish, Tagalog Lawndale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # McKillop, Hazel, M.D. Internal Medicine 1177 071639 4253 Redondo Beach Blvd. (310) 370-5888 Burmese, Spanish 1 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gaboian, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1177 106104 1058 N. Vine St. (323) 462-5580 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Johnson, Mark D., M.D. General Practice 1177 077331 2208 W. Seventh St. (213) 384-3434 King Jr, Lu-Wei T., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1177 052070 1571 W. Sunset Blvd. (213) 482-4400 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Kohan, Mario A., M.D. General Practice 1177 039273 2208 W. Seventh St. (213) 384-3434 Spanish Lin, James, M.D. General Practice 1177 110675 1571 W. Sunset Blvd. (213) 482-4400 Mandarin, Spanish Livhits, Masha J., M.D. General Practice 1177 154135 6399 Wilshire Blvd. # 910 (323) 653-6431 Armenian, Russian Llado, Carmencita J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1177 087280 2208 W. Seventh St. (213) 384-3434 Spanish, Tagalog Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1177 011621 3392 Motor Ave. (310) 202-1133 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Moreno, Eugenia, M.D. Family Practice 1177 011811 12095 W. Washington Blvd. # 201 (310) 398-3803 Spanish Powell, Richard M., M.D. General Practice 1177 051268 5901 W. Olympic Blvd. # 504 (323) 935-5858 Spanish Board Certified 265 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tamayo, Beatriz E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1177 091920 6125 Whittier Blvd. (323) 887-0000 Spanish Tamayo, Beatriz E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1177 091920 2208 W. Seventh St. (213) 384-3434 Spanish Velez, Cesar A., M.D. General Practice 1177 059772 1411 W. Sunset Blvd. # 203 (323) 410-7088 Spanish Velez, Cesar A., M.D. General Practice 1177 059772 4070 E. Olympic Blvd. (323) 268-8545 Spanish Villagomez, Jose L., M.D. General Practice 1177 104315 12095 W. Washington Blvd. # 201 (310) 398-3803 Spanish North Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Koshak, Michael M., M.D. Family Practice 1177 057168 11631 Victory Blvd. # 101 (818) 764-8838 French, Spanish Palmdale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ntim, Gifty-Maria J., M.D. Internal Medicine 5131 168102 2151 E. Palmdale Blvd. (661) 942-2391 Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dijamco, Ethel S., M.D. General Practice 1177 091925 6511 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 901-9090 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 266 / Health Net Provider Network Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. General Practice 1177 032250 12826 Philadelphia St. # A (562) 789-9908 Urdu Allergy/Immunology Offenberger, Jacob, M.D.1 Parker, Peter P., M.D.1 Shapiro, Joseph R., M.D.1 Tanus, Tonny, M.D.1 Anesthesiology Kuchakulla, Raghunath R., M.D. Lepedjian, Katrine H., M.D. Parmar, Ashok M., M.D. Tuesta, Enrique, M.D. Vo, Thuong D., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Alla, Haritha R., M.D.1 Bezdek, William D., M.D. Esposo, Oriente, M.D. Habib, Moksedul, M.D.1 Hoffman, Richard L., M.D. Ito, Hiroki, M.D.1 Lensky, Mark M., M.D. Narang, Yadvinder K., M.D. Patel, Harishchandra N., M.D. Polosajian, Leo, M.D.1 Shah, Anil V., M.D.1 Singh, Sarabjit, M.D. Sunder, Shun K., M.D.1 Vasudevan, Sivanandam, M.D.1 Zarka, Amer R., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Cohen, Robbin G., M.D.1 Cunningham, Mark J., M.D.1 Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Paw, Patrick T., M.D. Peck, Eric A., M.D. Purewal, Sarabjit S., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Cardiovascular Surgery Rivas, Jose L., M.D. Gastroenterology Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Lensky, Mark M., M.D. General Surgery Ahn, Andrew H., M.D.1 Bui, Hao D., M.D.1 Carabello, Gabriel G., M.D.1 Chen, Emery L., M.D.1 Del Junco Jr, Tirso, M.D. Dunkelman, Daniel S., M.D.1 Fernandez, Edgar J., M.D.1 Freeman, Michael B., M.D. Gill, Zora S., M.D.1 Gordo, Jose A., M.D.1 Hemmati, Said J., M.D.1 Jekums, Theodore J., M.D.1 Martinez, Humberto D., M.D.1 Naraghi, Robert M., M.D.1 Navas, Ricardo, M.D.1 Paya, Mahbod, M.D.1 Rafidi, Fuad F., M.D.1 Rahimifar, Majid, M.D. Salehi, Parviz, M.D.1 Shariatmadari, Farzin, M.D. Shin, Dong-Soo, M.D. Tang, Sandys S., M.D. Yusuf, Frank M., M.D. Critical Care Medicine Chandrasekhar, Jayaraman, M.D. Chen, Stephen P., M.D. Kuei, Joseph H., M.D.1 Raptis, Derrick N., M.D. Dermatology Fakheri, Azita, M.D. Farzadmehr, Afshin, M.D.1 Kim, Gene H., M.D.1 Lin, Michael T., M.D.1 Luu, Trami S., M.D.1 Takahashi, Stefani R., M.D.1 Wallace, Paul W., M.D. Dermatopathology Kim, Gene H., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Ashok, Nagasamudra S., M.D.1 Endocrinology Chen, Emery L., M.D. Syed, Aleem A., M.D. Wasser, Harris L., M.D. Gastroenterology Amin, Ashokkumar I., M.D.1 Desigan, Gnana, M.D.1 Krishan, Rajeev, M.D.1 Madhavan, Sethu V., M.D.1 Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Merla, Nischita, M.D.1 Rahal, Paramvir S., M.D. Ravi, Nandakumar B., M.D. Shakfeh, Mohammad J., M.D. Suchov, Mordo, M.D.1 Tabesh, Alireza, M.D.1 Tran, Tu A., M.D. Vosoghi, Mehrdad, M.D. Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 1 Geriatrics Esmail, Zahra, D.O. Gynecology Eisenkop, Scott, M.D. Lin, Wei-Chien M., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Ahn, Sang-Hoon, M.D. Hahn, Clan K., M.D. Lim, Eduardo O., M.D.1 Miller, Ronald W., M.D. Nguyen, Vinh-Linh B., M.D. Shamasunder, Hesaraghatta K., M.D.1 Infectious Disease Chang, Emery H., M.D. Doo, Bryan C., M.D. Board Certified 267 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 Infectious Disease Felizarta, Franco A., M.D. Khemka, Pankaj M., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Alam, Syed M., M.D.1 Ashok, Nagasamudra S., M.D. Baer Jr, Harold J., M.D.1 Bezdek, William D., M.D.1 Chang, Emery H., M.D. Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 Cuenca, Regina M., D.O.1 Dang, Nguyen D., M.D.1 Davis-Kingston, Heather L., M.D. Desigan, Gnana, M.D.1 Doo, Bryan C., M.D.1 Dumlao, Melody G., M.D. Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 El Asmar, Imad A., M.D. El-Shahawy, Mohamed A., M.D.1 Elias, Mirna P., M.D. Feinstein, Eben I., M.D.1 Felizarta, Franco A., M.D.1 George, Jaya A., M.D.1 Goel, Manisha, M.D.1 Habib, Moksedul, M.D. Hoffman, Richard L., M.D.1 Horwitz, Kenneth B., M.D.1 Hsu, Kenneth K., M.D. Jafari, Golriz, M.D.1 Kakarla, Sudhir P., M.D. Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Krishan, Rajeev, M.D. Kuei, Joseph H., M.D.1 Larreta, Boris R., M.D. Madani, Badran, M.D. Madhavan, Sethu V., M.D.1 Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Meltzer, James L., M.D.1 Merla, Nischita, M.D. Mires, Ashley E., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 268 / Health Net Provider Network Internal Medicine Narang, Yadvinder K., M.D. Nathan, Ramani R., M.D.1 Parker, Peter P., M.D.1 Pattathu, Roshny A., M.D.1 Paykar, Abraham, M.D. Rahal, Paramvir S., M.D.1 Ravi, Nandakumar B., M.D. Ravikumar, Asha R., M.D.1 Romano, Thomas J., M.D.1 Rubin, J Nathan, M.D.1 Sadasivam, Lakshmi, M.D.1 Saiki, James K., M.D. Salehi, Hamid R., M.D. Sarkies, Nadim W., M.D.1 Shah, Anil V., M.D. Shakfeh, Mohammad J., M.D.1 Shapiro, Joseph R., M.D.1 Sharma, Parikshat, M.D. Shechter, Pagiel, M.D. Shi, Yijiang, M.D.1 Shiener, Alan, M.D.1 Singh, Matab, M.D. Singh, Sarabjit, M.D. Srinivasan, Ramachandran, M.D.1 Suchov, Mordo, M.D. Sunder, Shun K., M.D.1 Tabesh, Alireza, M.D. Tanus, Tonny, M.D. Thornhill-Joynes, Monica M., M.D.1 Tom, Deepa, M.D.1 Vosoghi, Mehrdad, M.D.1 Wanski, Zdzislaus J., M.D. Wasser, Harris L., M.D. Wassily, Victor M., M.D.1 Weinberg, Assa, M.D.1 Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 Zarka, Amer R., M.D. Maternal & Fetal Medicine Cowan, Linda S., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 Nephrology Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Baer Jr, Harold J., M.D. Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 Dumlao, Melody G., M.D. El-Shahawy, Mohamed A., M.D.1 Gonzalez, Carlos R., M.D. Jafari, Golriz, M.D.1 Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Kyaw, Naing T., M.D. Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D.1 Nathan, Ramani R., M.D.1 Paykar, Abraham, M.D. Ravikumar, Asha R., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Saiki, James K., M.D. Sankaram, Rallabhandi, M.D. Shechter, Pagiel, M.D. Thornhill-Joynes, Monica M., M.D.1 Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Neurology Arevalo, Pablo A., M.D. Chilian, Irina, M.D.1 Gorinstein, Israel M., M.D.1 Liker, Mark A., M.D. Liu, Antonio K., M.D.1 Meir, Jessica, M.D.1 Ratiner, Natalia L., M.D. Salehi, Hamid R., M.D. Soto, Cynthia J., M.D. Neurophysiology Chilian, Irina, M.D. Neurosurgery Brekhus, Sharyn D., M.D. Chambi, Israel P., M.D. Habibi, Mehdi, M.D. 1 Neurosurgery Leramo, Olusegun B., M.D. Liker, Mark A., M.D. Mensink, Jan R., M.D. Rahimifar, Majid, M.D. Nuclear Medicine Nalls, Gail A., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Aguilar, Alejandro F., M.D. Amirgholami, Mahin, M.D. Baggot, Patrick J., M.D. Baxter, Rosalyn P., M.D. Benoit, Richard M., M.D.1 Carlton, Adam D., M.D.1 Cepeda, Pedro, M.D.1 Chen, Edward J., M.D.1 Coelho, Isaias C., M.D. Cotwright, Antonia L., D.O.1 Cuellar, Francisco J., M.D. Delshad, George M., M.D.1 Dobalian, Daniel D., M.D.1 Farid, Samy F., M.D. Ha, Ben, M.D. Hong, Alfred S., M.D. Ingaglio, James J., M.D.1 Julian, Venus N., M.D. Kashanchi, Behnam, M.D.1 Khatib, Mustafa A., M.D. Kim, Sang C., M.D.1 Kirk, John H., M.D.1 Lam, Jacinto A., M.D. Levenzon, Sergio H., M.D. Lin, Jamie C., M.D. Lloyd Jr, William J., M.D.1 Lopez, Juan M., M.D. Ludmir, Jaime, M.D.1 McMillan, James H., M.D. Moy, Carl K., M.D.1 Naim, Arjang, M.D.1 Nasseri, Amir G., M.D.1 Okour, Salman N., M.D. Owens, John R., M.D. Board Certified 269 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Maternal & Fetal Medicine Devore, Greggory R., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Samadi, Ramin, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 Obstetrics/Gynecology Ramirez, Edwin R., M.D. Ruderman, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Salceda, Norma C., M.D.1 Shaham, Elsagav S., M.D. Warren, Linda A., M.D.1 Oncology Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 Kleynberg, Leonid M., M.D. Kleynberg, Vera, M.D.1 Shah, Mukund G., M.D.1 Shahbazian, Armen A., M.D. Ophthalmology Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Chanes, Luis A., M.D.1 Chang, Tom S., M.D.1 Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 Culotta, Anthony J., M.D. Cunningham-Ahumada, Rose M., D.O.1 Davis, Michael J., M.D.1 Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 De La Pena, Albert, M.D.1 De La Pena, William C., M.D.1 Deitz, Luke W., M.D.1 Dinh, Tinny, M.D. El-Harazi, Sherif M., M.D. Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Kashani, Ali A., M.D.1 Keyes, Marshall J., M.D.1 Kim, David S., M.D. Lemor, Marcos, M.D.1 Liao, David S., M.D.1 Lin, Kristie L., M.D. Mayberry, Melissa J., M.D.1 Montoya, Carlos F., M.D. Montoya Jr, Carlos F., M.D.1 Nguyen, Anne M., M.D. Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Paikal, David, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 270 / Health Net Provider Network Ophthalmology Pesheva, Maria, M.D.1 Recasens, Marta A., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Rose, Michael R., M.D.1 Sampson, Reginald, M.D. Sheffer, Albert, M.D.1 Suk, Kevin K., M.D.1 Taban, Mehran, M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Tran, Vinh T., M.D. Uchio, Alejandra, M.D.1 Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Wainess, Reid M., M.D.1 Win, Peter H., M.D.1 Wright-Scott, Sheila L., M.D.1 Yaplee, Steven M., M.D.1 Optometrist Dominguez, Charles E., O.D. Friedman, Maurice I., O.D. Kao, Wei-Hsin, O.D. Kleinman, Ronald P., O.D. Kostallas, Anthony, O.D. Liao, Judy C., O.D. Mishima, Todd D., O.D. Nguyen, Thien-Thu P., O.D. So, Emily K., O.D. Ung, Susan K., O.D. Wiant, Thomas J., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Alexander, Charles H., M.D.1 Amjadi, Firooz B., M.D. Batchelor, Bret K., M.D.1 Brenner, Brian C., M.D. Cara, Gerald W., M.D.1 Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Duncan, Jan W., M.D.1 Folmar, Raymond H., M.D.1 Galloni, Luigi, M.D. Grimes, James B., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 Otolaryngology (Ent) Amoils, Clifford P., M.D.1 Fisher, Edmund, M.D. Friedman, Adam I., M.D. Nguyen, Henry H., M.D.1 Owens, Othella T., M.D.1 Roy, Deborshi, M.D.1 Saadat, Daryoush, M.D.1 Vadapalli, Satish R., M.D.1 Pain Management Liker, Mark A., M.D. Lim, Dee Beng K., M.D. Parmar, Ashok M., M.D. Vo, Thuong D., M.D.1 Pathology Bunyi-Teopengco, Ellen F., M.D. Dijamco, Ethel S., M.D. Fogel, Steven P., M.D. Fuller, Edward P., M.D.1 Guinto-Miranda, Lilibeth B., M.D. Jacobs, Steven R., M.D. Luu, Trami S., M.D.1 Nathan, Patricia, M.D.1 Reyes, John W., M.D. Yamada, Holly, M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D.1 Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 Casarez, Timothy W., M.D.1 Chu, James M., M.D.1 1 Pediatric Cardiology Ferry, David A., M.D.1 Kim, Nancy, M.D.1 Tessler, Irving, M.D.1 Wong, Jeffrey A., M.D.1 Pediatric Endocrinology Arulanantham, Karunyan D., M.D.1 Borut, Danielle L., M.D.1 Pediatric Gastroenterology Mehra, Mini, M.D.1 Steinmetz, Barry A., M.D.1 Tran, Robert H., M.D.1 Pediatric Infectious Disease Guzman, Ernie, M.D. Rivera-Montez, Martha E., M.D. Pediatric Ophthalmology Deitz, Luke W., M.D. Pesheva, Maria, M.D. Urrea, Paul T., M.D. Pediatrics Ali, Aliya I., M.D.1 Arulanantham, Karunyan D., M.D. Ayeni, Ayodeji A., M.D.1 Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D. Bruttomesso, Samuel D., M.D. Chu, James M., M.D. De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D. Hazan, Lydie L., M.D. Ho, John, M.D.1 Katani, Monir, M.D. Katz, Mervyn, M.D.1 Khandadash, Manouchehr, M.D. Kim, Sung-Jang, M.D. Kumar, Anjuli R., M.D.1 Larrazolo, Oscar G., M.D. Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Luong, Quan T., D.O. Merrill, Neloufa R., M.D.1 Metter, Debra A., D.O.1 Patel, Sonal R., M.D.1 Patel, Sudhir B., M.D. Board Certified 271 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Orthopedic Surgery Hafezi, Fred F., M.D.1 Kayvanfar, John J., M.D.1 Kelly, John P., M.D.1 Khan, Zafar S., M.D.1 Mynatt, Harry M., M.D.1 Porter, Steven J., M.D. Ritter, Richard J., M.D.1 Sirajullah, Mohammad, M.D.1 Stein, Daniel T., M.D.1 Wakim, Paul E., D.O. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 Pediatrics Razi, David F., M.D. Rincon, Francisco I., M.D. Rodriguez, Jorge E., M.D. Segura, George A., M.D. Spencer, Donavan D., M.D. Tessler, Irving, M.D.1 Voleti, Vasanti, M.D. Zamora, Antonio, M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Anderson, Bradford A., M.D.1 Daniels, Charles S., M.D. Hakimian, Kamran, M.D. Hegde, Sunil K., M.D.1 Podiatry Halperin, Gabriel J., DPM1 Harounian, Kourosh, DPM Hassid, Arash R., DPM1 Jex, Craig T., DPM Kalhor, Nasim, DPM1 Lance, Bonnie J., DPM Mandyam, Vijay, DPM Mathis, Stanley K., DPM1 Nejadrasool, Mansour, DPM Shieh, Marshall J., DPM Sinaie, Moshe, DPM Soofer, Behrooz D., DPM1 Spencer, Robert J., DPM Vega, Michael R., DPM1 Pulmonary Disease Alam, Syed M., M.D. Chen, Stephen P., M.D.1 Kuei, Joseph H., M.D. Le, Richard D., M.D.1 McKillop, Hazel, M.D. Raptis, Derrick N., M.D.1 Soffer, Michael J., M.D. Radiation Oncology Bhandari, Tanuja A., M.D. 1 Board Certified 272 / Health Net Provider Network Radiation Oncology Bouzaglou, Armand, M.D.1 Desai, Ajay S., M.D. Huang, David, M.D.1 Khan, David C., M.D.1 Kim, Han J., M.D.1 Ko, Mi Kyung, M.D.1 Lin, Kevin, M.D.1 Peng, Yuchi P., M.D.1 Safa, Afshin A., M.D.1 Schiffner, Daniel C., M.D. Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Zisblatt, Uri, M.D.1 Radiology Cornforth, Donald E., M.D. Cusator Jr, James A., M.D. Fitzgerald, Donald T., M.D. Kylasa, Krishna R., M.D. Nalls, Gail A., M.D. Perry, Jonathan R., M.D. Port, Robert S., M.D.1 Rheumatology Hsu, Kenneth K., M.D. Romano, Thomas J., M.D.1 Srinivasan, Ramachandran, M.D. Weinberg, Assa, M.D. Thoracic Surgery Cohen, Robbin G., M.D. Cunningham, Mark J., M.D.1 Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Paw, Patrick T., M.D. Peck, Eric A., M.D. Purewal, Sarabjit S., M.D. Rivas, Jose L., M.D. Starnes, Vaughn A., M.D.1 Urology Barba, William, M.D.1 Lin, Huey C., M.D.1 Martinez, Miguel A., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA PPG 1177 Urology Naraghi, Robert M., M.D. Patel, Bharat J., M.D. Shakir, Shabbir, M.D. 1 Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Vascular Surgery Bui, Hao D., M.D. Del Junco Jr, Tirso, M.D. Gill, Zora S., M.D. Rafidi, Fuad F., M.D.1 Rivas, Jose L., M.D. Shariatmadari, Farzin, M.D. Tang, Sandys S., M.D. Board Certified 273 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 7 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92618-2302 (949) 923-3200 Urgent Care: Saddleback Family/Lake Forrest (949) 452 7544 Family Care EmeriCtr. (Walk in: (949 631 830) Doctors Health Care: (949) 831-1001 Newport Children's Med. Group - Newport Beach: (949) 760-9222 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Chapman Medical Center Coastal Communities Hospital Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian-Irvine Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian-Newport Beach Los Alamitos Medical Center Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center Placentia Linda Hospital Western Medical Center - Anaheim Western Medical Center - Santa Ana Monarch Healthcare - Saddleback Memorial Medical Center (PPG 1997) 7 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92618-2302 (949) 923-3200 Urgent Care: Saddleback Family/Lake Forrest:(949) 452-7544 Family Care EmeriCtr. Walk in: (949) 631-8300 Doctors Health Care: (949) 831-1001 Newport Children's Med. Group - Newport Beach: (949) 760-9222 Hospitals Used: Saddleback Memorial Medical Center 1 Board Certified 274 / Health Net Provider Network Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arguedas, Carlos A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1058 019933 2600 Redondo Ave. # 400 (562) 429-1200 Spanish Au, Joseph Y., M.D. Family Practice1 1058 500606 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 206 (562) 498-1363 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Bowman, William F., M.D. Family Practice1 1058 100733 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 Sindhi Bryant, Diana R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1058 039916 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 201 (562) 961-9991 Spanish Chang, Eing-Min, M.D. Family Practice 1058 019934 2840 Long Beach Blvd. # 110 (562) 426-8185 Mandarin, Taiwanese Constantino, Loida P., M.D.Family Practice1 1058 551173 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 104 (562) 961-8820 Spanish, Tagalog Hu, Jasia, M.D. Family Practice1 1058 162495 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 Kavoossi, Elizabeth V., Family Practice1 M.D. 1058 153230 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 Spanish Malek, Irene A., M.D. Family Practice1 1058 074570 701 E. 28th St. # 201 (562) 492-9288 Arabic, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 1058 022084 Internal Medicine1 1058 039542 Family Practice1 1058 019978 Family Practice 1058 550071 Internal Medicine 1058 092288 Family Practice1 1058 154759 Chiropractor Choi, Yoorim E., D.C. Costales, Stephen J., D.C. Cusimano, Tracie M., D.C. Froh, Britt J., D.C. Garofalo, Frank A., D.C. Geoffreys, Martin D., D.C. Greenberg, David B., D.C. Johnson, David A., D.C. Noel, Clayton T., D.C. Nowicki, Jeffrey B., D.C. Suh, Ellis M., D.C. Vaselenko, Ronald A., D.C. Weddle, Dirk R., D.C. Hematology/Oncology Blitzer, Jonathan B., M.D.1 Ciarolla, Anthony A., M.D.1 Forsthoff, Cynthia A., M.D.1 Huang, Daniel B., M.D.1 1 Hematology/Oncology Jacoub, Jack F., M.D. Maniam, Ajit S., M.D.1 Vu, Collin C., M.D. Wagner, Edward A., M.D. Infectious Disease Bailey, Jr., Charles C., M.D.1 Bock, Bonnie V., M.D. Chahal, Puneet K., M.D.1 Doo, Bryan C., M.D. Finney, Michael S., M.D.1 Hamidi Asl, Kamran, M.D.1 Khemka, Pankaj M., M.D.1 King, Melissa K., M.D.1 Kuran, Rasha A., M.D. Malkasian, Katherine L., M.D. Michaelson, Alexander D., M.D. Nghiem, Elizabeth T., M.D.1 Reyes, Marvin T., M.D. Robinson, Philip A., M.D.1 Sarafian, Farjad, M.D.1 Shah, Beena H., M.D.1 Ta, Tuan V., M.D. White, Alan F., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Bemanian, Shahrooz, M.D.1 Carr, Warner W., M.D.1 Chae, Ji Y., M.D.1 El-Bershawi, Ahmed S., M.D.1 Finney, Michael S., M.D.1 Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Jamali, Mehrnaz, M.D. Javaheri, Shahram, M.D.1 Kalthia, Ashish H., M.D.1 Mirhoseni, Nader, M.D. Patel, Ramesh R., M.D.1 Perez, Francisco, M.D.1 Rubin, Jack, M.D. Sarafian, Farjad, M.D.1 Trenbeath, James M., M.D.1 Turk, Arthur, M.D.1 Board Certified 275 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Maxell, Laurine C., M.D. 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 McCloy, Thomas E., M.D. 1045 Atlantic Ave. # 1019 (562) 437-6213 Portuguese, Spanish Millane, John D., M.D. 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 Spanish Reynolds, Steven H., D.O. 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 Roque, Ronaldo V., M.D. 1760 Termino Ave. # 104 (562) 494-8512 Spanish, Tagalog Sotelo, Cordelia L., M.D. 5977 E. Spring St. (562) 421-3727 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Bush, Melissa C., M.D.1 Chung, Judith H., M.D. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Berkowitz, Kathleen M., M.D. Bhakta, Kushal Y., M.D.1 Chan, Kenneth K., M.D. Chen, Lily C., M.D.1 Filkins, Karen A., M.D. Goldstein, Mitchell R., M.D.1 Kamran, Shahid, M.D.1 Kfir, Menashe, M.D.1 Major, Carol A., M.D. McNulty, Jennifer A., M.D. Pan, Vivien L., M.D. Phillips, Charles S., D.O.1 Porto, Manuel, M.D. Posner, Marvin D., M.D.1 Schmuel, Esther, M.D. Shrivastava, Vineet K., M.D. Yang, Linda L., M.D. Nephrology Ahdoot, Jacob K., M.D.1 Ali, Nausheen B., M.D.1 Azad, Habib, M.D.1 Bui, Steve Q., M.D.1 Chen, May S., M.D.1 Dang, An Q., M.D. Dang, Sandeep S., M.D.1 Daswani, Adarsh, M.D.1 Dinh, Son T., M.D. Durairaj, Lalitha, M.D. Gandhi, Nirav D., M.D.1 Ho, Nathaniel D., M.D.1 Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Jenkins, Stephen W., M.D.1 Jodhka, Joginder S., M.D. Kalthia, Ashish H., M.D.1 Kaupke, Charles J., M.D.1 Lee, Sarah J., M.D. 1 Board Certified 276 / Health Net Provider Network Nephrology Lewin, Laurence, M.D. Ly, Cuong P., M.D.1 Mesbah, Azita, M.D. Mittal, Payal B., M.D.1 Nathan, Ramani R., M.D.1 Nawar, Magdy T., M.D. Ness, Russell L., M.D. Packard, David M., M.D.1 Pang, Jason J., M.D.1 Pham, Kevin, M.D.1 Ravikumar, Asha R., M.D.1 Rosen, Stanley M., M.D.1 Rubin, Jack, M.D. Sankaram, Rallabhandi, M.D. Sawhney, Ajit S., M.D. Sigala, Jerald F., M.D.1 Sunderrajan, Sobha, M.D. Thong, Linh L., M.D.1 Tiquia, Herbert S., M.D. Tran, Steve M., M.D.1 Traynor, Elizabeth N., M.D.1 Wijeyakumar, Vijayalakshmi, M.D. Neurology Backman, Martin J., M.D.1 Brown, David D., D.O. Carrillo-Nunez, Ignacio M., M.D.1 Chen, John W., M.D.1 Choan, Caroline G., M.D.1 Cleeremans, Bruce B., M.D. Cummings, Michael D., M.D.1 Donat, Jane F., M.D.1 Frei, Karen P., M.D.1 Gee, Joey R., D.O.1 Holstein, Clyde D., M.D. Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Le, Dean A., M.D. Mahdad, Mehrdad, M.D.1 Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Martinez, Kenneth P., M.D.1 Nasim, Uzma, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Neurology Pathak, Mayank S., M.D.1 Preston, William G., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Salehi, Hamid R., M.D. Shapiro, Leonard, M.D. Shen, Michael W., M.D.1 Snider, Donald J., M.D.1 Sutter, Jr., Robert C., M.D.1 Thong, Nguyen N., M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Vu, Nancy T., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Abaian, Avisa, M.D. Abravesh, Soodabeh, M.D.1 Ahad, George, M.D. Ahdoot, Morris M., M.D.1 Akerman, Allan, M.D. Aszterbaum, Monica L., M.D.1 Audell, Margaret S., M.D.1 Baginski, Leon J., M.D.1 Bailey, Jr., Thomas S., M.D.1 Be, Viet A., M.D.1 Betson, Lance H., D.O.1 Bhatnagar, Gunjan L., M.D.1 Bui, Phong F., M.D. Bustillo, Gerardo, M.D.1 Capobianco, Scott E., M.D.1 Chan, Gregory L., M.D.1 Chu, Evangeline, M.D.1 Chung, Henry H., M.D.1 Chung, Sang-Poong, M.D. Conner, Caroline A., M.D.1 Cough, Heidi M., M.D. Crane, Lisa R., M.D.1 Cvar, Kathryn M., M.D.1 Dang, Alan, M.D.1 Dikio, Nicolas A., M.D. Doan, Ban D., M.D.1 Dobalian, Daniel D., M.D.1 Duel, Ebrahim, M.D.1 Esfandiari, Seifolah, M.D.1 1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Faraz-Eslami, Patricia P., M.D.1 Fawwaz, Amin R., M.D.1 Fiorentino, Randy P., M.D.1 Forghani-Arani, Mehrdad M., D.O.1 Geddes, Peter G., M.D.1 Ghodsian, Kamran, M.D.1 Gupta, Abha S., M.D.1 Hagadorn, Bruce A., M.D. Han, Catherine Y., M.D.1 Hashad, Rasha A., M.D. Henigsman, Stacy A., D.O. Hernandez, Jesus N., M.D.1 Hoang, Christine T., M.D. Hur, In H., M.D.1 James, Kenneth A., M.D.1 Jan, Hong-An, M.D.1 Johnson, Susan E., M.D. Kaminskas, Carol M., M.D.1 Khan, Humayon Y., M.D.1 Kim, Hyung O., M.D.1 Kim, Sang C., M.D.1 Kong, Grace E., M.D. Koperek, Brian M., M.D.1 Krailas, Witoon S., M.D.1 Lagrew Jr, David C., M.D.1 Levenzon, Sergio H., M.D. Liu, Long-Dei, M.D.1 Ludmir, Jaime, M.D.1 Mamtora, Nilima H., M.D. Martin, Dennis J., M.D.1 May, Barrie S., M.D.1 Mehta, Minal G., M.D.1 Mendelsohn, Susan A., M.D.1 Miller, Kurt D., M.D.1 Moniak, Charles W., M.D.1 Moore, Meagan M., M.D.1 Mozayeni, Pantea, M.D.1 Nguyen, AnnMarie T., M.D.1 Nguyen, Ha Son, M.D.1 Nguyen, Phu T., D.O.1 Norris-Walsh, Norene J., M.D.1 O'Toole, Mary C., M.D.1 Board Certified 277 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 Obstetrics/Gynecology Pham, Co D., M.D.1 Pinches III, John L., D.O.1 Quach, Thomas T., M.D.1 Radparvar, Mansoor, M.D.1 Raffo, Ann Marie, M.D.1 Rakhshani, Roya, M.D.1 Ramirez, Sara A., M.D.1 Rapoza, Russell P., M.D.1 Saint, Mona R., M.D. Salazar, Serafin, M.D. Salcido, Craig A., M.D.1 Salem, Shala A., M.D. Sasaki, Joan T., M.D.1 Seshadri, Rajasree T., D.O. Shafee, Reza, M.D. Sloan, Alfred W., M.D. Stadler, Edward A., M.D.1 Su, David H., M.D.1 Thein, Patrick K., M.D.1 Tieu, Kevin K., M.D.1 Tran, Bryan H., M.D. Tran, Dzu Q., M.D.1 Tran, Tiffany U., M.D.1 Trinh, Thanh-Mai N., M.D.1 Truong, Hiep, M.D. Tung, Sing L., M.D.1 Velez, Juan M., M.D.1 Vo, Cau V., M.D.1 Wells, Carla S., M.D.1 Werlin, Lawrence B., M.D. White, William F., M.D.1 Wijesinghe, Mapitiyage N., M.D.1 Yang, James T., M.D.1 Yen, Ming-Yi, M.D.1 York, Anita C., M.D.1 Zarandy, Sohila, M.D.1 Ophthalmology Abedi-Asl, Shahla A., M.D.1 Ahmad, Habeeb, M.D. Arboleda, M. Linda, O.D. 1 Board Certified 278 / Health Net Provider Network Ophthalmology Banuelos, Lydia R., M.D. Boyce, James D., M.D. Carson, Stanley, M.D.1 Chanes, Luis A., M.D.1 Charlu, Arpitha, M.D. Chen, Sanford, M.D.1 Cunningham-Ahumada, Rose M., D.O.1 Dang, Yadavinder, M.D. Dastgheib, Kourosh A., M.D.1 Doan, Kim-Anh T., M.D.1 Eifrig, Charles W., M.D.1 Furlan, Julie E., M.D.1 Garcia, George H., M.D.1 Ge, Nengjie, M.D.1 Gujral, Satvinder K., M.D.1 Gupta, Shalu, M.D.1 Gwynn, David R., M.D.1 Henrick, Andrew, M.D. Hwang, John C., M.D. Krad, Omar, M.D. Lean, John S., M.D. Liu, Norman H., M.D.1 Logan, Dwayne K., M.D.1 Maggiano, John M., M.D. Martidis, Adam, M.D. McGuire, Desmond E., M.D.1 Nguyen, Randall L., M.D.1 Norman, Brent C., M.D.1 Pirouzian, Amir, M.D. Prendiville, Paul L., M.D.1 Roh, Michael L., M.D.1 Sacks, David B., M.D.1 Sadri, Ehsan, M.D.1 Salehi-Had, Hani, M.D.1 Santiago, Jude J., M.D.1 Sebag, Jerry, M.D.1 Shomer, Marc H., M.D. Spanggord, Holly M., M.D. Surti, Kavita, M.D.1 Tayani, Ramin, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Ophthalmology Tran, Michael K., M.D.1 Weiss, Sidney J., M.D.1 Weyrich, James J., O.D. Whang, Sarah J., M.D.1 You, Timothy T., M.D.1 Optometrist Bonakdar, M. Alexander, O.D. Brown, Darren M., O.D. Fong, Carleton, O.D. Huang, Anthony J., O.D. Huynh, Anthony A., O.D. Johnson, Erica D., O.D. Kang, Elizabeth K., O.D. Ng, Rebecca L., O.D. Phan, Christyn M., O.D. Spaeth Jr, John C., O.D. Teshima, Donald R., O.D. Urrea, Erica M., O.D. Vargas, Christopher E., O.D. Vo, Stacy, O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Abdollahi, Karim, M.D.1 Aminian, Arash, M.D. Ashkenaze, David M., M.D.1 Bader, Lucas J., M.D. Baird, Robert A., M.D.1 Batchelor, Bret K., M.D.1 Becker, Steven A., M.D.1 Birnbaum, Peter S., D.O. Brage, Michael E., M.D.1 Chiu, Jason J., M.D.1 Coker, Kyle W., M.D. Dao, Khiem D., M.D.1 Deckey, Jeffrey E., M.D.1 Dinwoodie, Donald A., M.D.1 Dobyns, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Farjoodi, Payam, M.D. Gersten, Larry M., M.D. Gillman, Michael J., M.D.1 Graham, Scott M., M.D. Imatani, Raymond J., M.D.1 1 Orthopedic Surgery Johnson, Bryce A., M.D. Kadakia, Nimish R., M.D.1 Katzman, Todd H., M.D.1 Kelly, John P., M.D.1 Khan, Zafar S., M.D.1 Klemek, Joseph S., M.D.1 Marger, Michael D., M.D.1 McMaster, William C., M.D. Montgomery, Robert L., M.D. Moskow, Lonnie J., M.D. Mullen, James E., M.D.1 Nguyen, Trong B., M.D.1 Ninh, Christopher C., M.D.1 Porat, Sharoun S., M.D.1 Raczka, Richard C., M.D.1 Schlechter, John A., D.O. Senador, Jr., Jose J., M.D.1 Stein, Daniel T., M.D.1 Veneziano, Christopher J., M.D.1 White, Jon I., M.D.1 Wrobel, Lance J., M.D. Yee, Lincoln S., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Abedi Asl, Esrafil, M.D.1 Beltran, Robert R., M.D.1 Castanon, Richard G., M.D.1 Cho, Michael, M.D. Cohen, William C., D.O. Crockett, Dennis M., M.D.1 Folmar, Cecil J., M.D.1 Ge, Norman N., M.D.1 Huang, Thomas C., M.D.1 Kaufman, Avrum A., D.O.1 Nguyen, Quoc A., M.D.1 Oh, Charles K., M.D.1 Paddie, Kenneth K., M.D.1 Sun, John C., M.D.1 Sun, Paul C., M.D.1 Vakkalanka, Sarah K., M.D.1 Willner, Ayal, M.D.1 Wohlgemuth, Mark A., M.D.1 Board Certified 279 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 Otolaryngology (Ent) Yian, Christopher H., M.D.1 Yoshpe, Nina S., M.D.1 Yu, Kathy, M.D. Pain Management Baker, Gary L., M.D. Barkow, Stephen H., M.D.1 Barreto, William M., M.D. Bonis, Daniel C., M.D.1 Chammas, Maurice, M.D. Chan, Chiwai E., D.O. Chen, Lido, M.D.1 Chiou, Philip, M.D. Hanjan, Tiva, M.D.1 Harris, Matthew E., M.D.1 Kim, James A., M.D. King, Frank J., M.D. Mahrou, Reza, M.D. Martin, Scott M., M.D. Mattar, Raafat N., M.D. Mikhael, Medhat F., M.D. Murphy, James P., M.D.1 Nahm, Charlie Y., M.D. Nguyen, Bao T., M.D.1 Petraglia, John F., M.D.1 Pouradib, Amir A., M.D. Rafizad, Amir B., M.D. Rahbar, Maryam, M.D.1 Ruhland, Donald M., M.D. Shahbazian, Michael S., M.D. Tran, Duc M., M.D. Pathology Barasch, Sheldon, M.D.1 Bertucci, Gloria M., M.D.1 Blumenfeld, Michael J., M.D.1 Ekuan, Justin H., M.D.1 Ferro, Emanuel T., M.D.1 Garib, Albert F., M.D.1 Hanson, Gerald R., M.D.1 Hoshiko, Melvin G., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 280 / Health Net Provider Network Pathology Ibarra, Julio A., M.D.1 Kaye, Kenneth J., M.D.1 King, Joyce R., M.D.1 Li, Nancy C., M.D. Momose, Hitomi, M.D.1 Ries, Savita, M.D.1 Rogers, Lowell W., M.D.1 Romansky, Stephen G., M.D.1 Rutgers, Joanne K., M.D.1 Shane, Lisa, M.D. Stroh, Jerree A., M.D.1 Vanley, Christopher T., M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Blurton, Dominic J., M.D.1 Byrne, Francesca A., M.D. Doshi, Nita, M.D. Tan, Christopher A., M.D.1 Pediatrics Aguilar, Elsa M., M.D.1 Auth, Jonathan P., M.D.1 Ball, Eric H., M.D.1 Billeci, Barton T., M.D.1 Bondoc, Teresa R., M.D.1 Brinkman, Alice M., M.D.1 Chai, Oranee E., M.D. Cox, Amy C., M.D.1 Donat, Jane F., M.D.1 Dyer, Elizabeth G., M.D.1 Fahim, Ashraf G., M.D.1 Gaitan, Scott A., M.D. Gancayco, Antonio M., M.D.1 Hackett, Lauren K., M.D. Ho, Jennifer C., M.D. Kay, James L., D.O.1 Lee, Andrew B., M.D.1 Lee, Anna E., M.D.1 Lee, Sandy O., M.D.1 Lin, Christopher B., M.D. Lynn, Philip A., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Pediatrics Marolia, Manish B., M.D.1 Monfared, Marjan F., M.D.1 Natori, Paige S., M.D.1 Parag, Amit C., M.D.1 Parag, Toral C., M.D.1 Patel, Jyotin K., M.D.1 Percer, Thomas L., M.D.1 Petty, Barbara I., M.D.1 Rodriguez-Toledo, Johanna, M.D.1 Ruiz, Cara B., M.D.1 Sanaei, Nazanin, M.D.1 Selem, Sawsan F., M.D.1 Shinmei, David M., M.D.1 Stahl, Jennifer, M.D.1 Tan, Song N., M.D.1 Teschke-Nguyen, Lisa, M.D.1 Tran, Nicole Q., D.O. Tran, Soan A., M.D. Van Blerk, Margaret A., M.D.1 Villadelgado, Michael M., M.D.1 Weinstein, Steven F., M.D.1 Weiss, Michael A., D.O.1 Yang, Linda L., M.D. Young, Juvy G., M.D.1 Yson-Zaragoza, Rosette L., M.D.1 Podiatry Andrews, Robin W., DPM Augustus, Kazuto H., DPM Baik, Charles C., DPM Bennett, Jonathan I., DPM1 Ching, Benedict Y., DPM Choe, Ki Joon, DPM1 Coia, Janice P., DPM Cox, Matthew J., DPM1 De Santis, Jeffrey R., DPM1 Eng, Steve M., DPM1 Farajian, Elham E., DPM1 Han, Paul Y., DPM1 Haupt, David J., DPM1 Hewlett, Howard A., DPM1 Kanda, Anjala, DPM1 1 Podiatry Kim, Peter C., DPM Kobayashi, Wesley M., DPM1 Kolodenker, Gennady E., DPM Leaming, Troy R., DPM Lejeune, Corey M., DPM1 Lipkin, Joel J., DPM1 Mehtani, Sneh L., DPM Nanson, Stephanie J., DPM Poliskie, Michael K., DPM Preston, James B., DPM Rambacher, Thomas, DPM1 Richie Jr, Douglas H., DPM1 Roohian, Arshia Z., DPM Sabet, David, DPM Schilling, Michael C., DPM1 Swartz, Steven L., DPM Weiss, Allan G., DPM White, Jacqueline A., DPM Yang, David, DPM Radiation Oncology Chan, Linda W., M.D.1 Cherlow, Joel M., M.D.1 Chou, William, M.D. Damore, Steven J., M.D. Harsolia, Asif R., M.D. Karon, Donald C., M.D.1 Kini, Vijaykumar R., M.D.1 Kwon, Robert S., M.D. Puthawala, Ajmel A., M.D. Ree, Peter C., M.D.1 Rha, Janice J., M.D.1 Shahbazian, Armen A., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Woodhouse, Robert J., M.D.1 Young, Carolyn M., M.D.1 Radiology Brant-Zawadzki, Michael N., M.D.1 Cassel, Douglas M., M.D.1 Chan, Karence K., M.D.1 Chinn, Daryl H., M.D.1 Doggett, Stephen W., M.D.1 Board Certified 281 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Monarch Orange County PPG 1058 Radiology Feng, Chu-Pei, M.D.1 Fisher, Marshall P., M.D.1 Forino, Michael T., M.D.1 Guzalo, Erica A., M.D.1 Hurwitz, S. Robert, M.D.1 Lichman, Jay P., M.D.1 Mercer, Elliott C., M.D.1 Miller, Edward I., M.D.1 Miller, John G., M.D.1 Morrison, George D., D.O.1 Oas, Richard A., M.D.1 Pugh, Peggy A., M.D.1 Roossin, Michael C., M.D.1 Roux, Susan G., M.D.1 Scidmore, Gerald F., M.D.1 Sholkoff, Stephen, M.D. Slocum, Glenn R., M.D. Stevens, Gerald F., M.D.1 Thomas, Roger H., M.D.1 Uri, Ralph J., M.D.1 Van Dalsem, William J., M.D.1 Whitney, Winston S., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 282 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 1920 East 17th Street, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (800) 708-3230 Urgent Care: Maywood Urgent Care (323) 773-2020 Hospitals Used: Lakewood Regional Medical Center St. Francis Medical Center Whittier Hospital Medical Center Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kang, Deno D., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 079160 18102 Pioneer Blvd. # 204 (562) 402-9801 Korean Bell Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bazel, Michael, M.D. General Practice 1853 068664 4001 Florence Ave. (323) 562-0595 Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Cotta, Khulood Y., M.D. General Practice 1853 520408 4946 Florence Ave. (323) 773-0591 Arabic, Spanish Hashemi, Zia, M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 057252 4750 Gage Ave. (323) 562-1100 Farsi, Spanish Hashemi, Zia, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1853 057252 4750 Gage Ave. (323) 562-1100 Farsi, Spanish 1 Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Lalezary, Arash, M.D. 7218 Garfield Ave. (562) 927-1111 Farsi, French, Spanish Perez, Angel G., M.D. 6517 Eastern Ave. (323) 773-8295 Spanish Vazquez, Carolina, M.D. 6501 Eastern Ave. # A (323) 771-0145 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1853 143195 Family Practice 1853 107584 Family Practice1 1853 065704 Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mendoza, Manuel F., M.D. Family Practice1 1853 051482 16323 Clark Ave. (562) 925-7716 Spanish, Tagalog Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. General Practice 1853 014889 9306 Alondra Blvd. (562) 866-9100 Spanish Compton Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Weinstein, Philip B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 018132 16660 Paramount Blvd. (562) 633-3131 Spanish Cudahy Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Keusayan, Aram, M.D. General Practice 1853 057844 7643 Atlantic Ave. (323) 771-1713 Armenian, Spanish Board Certified 283 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilar, Richard B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1853 032580 8327 Davis St. # 202 (562) 923-8055 Spanish Glor, Rita, D.O. Family Practice1 1853 054036 11903 Downey Ave. (562) 869-1121 Arabic, Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 1853 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1853 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Perez, Omar, M.D. Family Practice 1853 049844 10728 Ramona Blvd. # A (626) 442-9430 Spanish Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Baez, Alfonso M., M.D. General Practice 1853 057239 14127 S. Vermont Ave. (310) 532-1650 Spanish 1 Board Certified 284 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Essilfie, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 307 1853 057246 (310) 715-6100 Spanish Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Makandura, Lakshman D., Internal Medicine M.D. 1853 059798 2219 S. Hacienda Blvd. # 101 (626) 961-2461 Sinhalese, Spanish Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilar, Richard B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1853 032580 7705 Seville Ave. # B (323) 582-7406 Spanish Alexander, Edward A., Internal Medicine M.D. 1853 086562 5900 Pacific Blvd. # 101 (323) 923-9343 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. General Practice 1853 005512 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. General Practice 1853 005512 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Violeta A., M.D.General Practice 1853 067253 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Violeta A., M.D.General Practice 1853 067253 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 1 Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Patel, Shirish B., M.D. 5720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 925-7401 Gujarati, Hindi Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1853 100154 Internal Medicine 1853 073250 Internal Medicine 1853 013030 Internal Medicine1 1853 084078 Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Essilfie, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 057246 2865 Atlantic Ave. # 226 (562) 426-4757 Spanish Mungcal, Henrico V., M.D. General Practice 1853 067285 1937 Pacific Ave (562) 591-7302 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdian, Loghman, M.D. General Practice 1853 050279 1107 S. Alvarado St. # 102 (213) 380-9999 Farsi, Spanish Artinyan, Ludvik, M.D. General Practice 1853 061576 5300 Santa Monica Blvd. # 200 (323) 461-5882 Armenian, Greek, Russian, Turkish Board Certified 285 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 1853 165227 2701 E. Gage Ave. # 102 (323) 585-8876 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1853 152712 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 581-8234 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1853 152712 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Katiraie, Sepehr, M.D. General Practice 1853 563723 2625 E. Florence Ave. # D (323) 588-3800 Farsi, Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1853 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 103 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1853 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Nguyen, Christine U., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 087454 7128 Seville Ave. (323) 588-2186 Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, Van D., M.D. General Practice 1853 061305 7128 Seville Ave. (323) 588-2186 Pallivathucal, Rosalind G., General Practice M.D. 1853 060833 6120 Seville Ave. (323) 357-1000 Hindi, Italian, Spanish Shin, Min S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1853 060979 2968 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-1500 Korean, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ayodele, Emmanuel A., General Practice M.D. 1853 066602 11126 S. Main St. (323) 779-8398 Spanish Barua, Soma, M.D. Family Practice1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1853 162474 (323) 307-0800 Bengali, Spanish Carabello, Victor G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # L200 1853 071642 (323) 526-2880 Spanish Castillo, Hector R., M.D. Family Practice1 1853 106915 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Chavez, Edgar A., M.D. Family Practice1 1853 149255 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Ghaly, Azmy Fouad, M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1853 049015 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog Habtezghi, Hagos, M.D. Family Practice 1853 064632 9901 Compton Ave. (323) 835-8401 Amharic, Arabic, Spanish Jalbuena, Peter Babiera, Internal Medicine M.D. 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1853 162488 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Kahen, Nissan, M.D. General Practice 1853 008380 5504 Whittier Blvd. (323) 725-0167 Farsi, Spanish 1 Board Certified 286 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kohanzadeh, Shahla, M.D. General Practice 1853 057056 803 S. Alvarado St. (213) 381-1117 Farsi, Spanish Lara, Agustin J., M.D. Family Practice1 1853 161175 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Quijas, Francisco M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1853 095467 (323) 307-0800 Lynwood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Glaze, Nijole, M.D. General Practice 3611 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 1853 066883 102 (310) 608-3600 Russian, Spanish McKenzie, Ricardo E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 034871 3680 E. Imperial Hwy. # 470 (310) 604-3456 Spanish Ratwani, Mina, M.D. General Practice 1853 061092 11017 Atlantic Ave. 1st Fl. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Maywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ferdows, Dean, M.D. General Practice 1853 136767 4316 Slauson Ave. (323) 773-2020 Farsi, Spanish Golchini, Keivan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 029263 4316 Slauson Ave. (323) 773-2020 Farsi, French, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # DiLettera, David C., D.O. Family Practice1 1853 047441 2390 S. Garfield Ave. (323) 728-7271 Spanish Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bai, Eung K., M.D. General Practice 1853 500712 12017 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 868-2027 Korean, Spanish Esmaili, Manouchehr, M.D.General Practice 1853 057150 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 1 (562) 868-5757 Farsi, Spanish Kang, Soo W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 086226 11832 E. Rosecrans Ave. # 127 (562) 868-6256 Korean, Spanish Uribe, Daniel, M.D. Family Practice1 1853 032281 13307 San Antonio Dr. (562) 863-0124 Spanish Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Raghunathan, Internal Medicine1 Chengalroyan, M.D. 1853 013719 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 202 (562) 663-9191 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Weinstein, Philip B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 018132 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 201 (562) 633-3131 Spanish 1 Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sotomayor, Salvador M., General Practice M.D. 1853 049832 5036 Passons Blvd. # 2 & 3 (562) 654-2800 French, Italian, Spanish South Gate Primary Care Physicians Hashemi, Zia, M.D. 4070 Tweedy Blvd. # E (323) 563-2222 Farsi, Spanish Hashemi, Zia, M.D. 4070 Tweedy Blvd. # E (323) 563-2222 Farsi, Spanish Sadighi, Saeid, M.D. 2701 Firestone Blvd. # W (323) 249-6162 Farsi, Spanish Sanchez, Dennis J., M.D. 3529 Firestone Blvd. (323) 566-1700 Spanish Sison, Reuven F., M.D. 9401 Long Beach Blvd. (323) 582-8612 Spanish, Tagalog Sison, Rosario F., M.D. 9401 Long Beach Blvd. (323) 582-8612 Spanish, Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1853 057252 Internal Medicine 1853 057252 General Practice 1853 064803 General Practice 1853 014889 Family Practice 1853 134283 General Practice 1853 015965 West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Makandura, Lakshman D., Internal Medicine M.D. 1853 059798 910 S. Sunset Ave. # 8 (626) 338-8407 Sinhalese, Spanish Board Certified 287 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Molina, Manfred J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1853 011711 4433 Slauson Ave. (323) 560-4373 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 Whittier Primary Care Physicians Aceves, Jose A., M.D. 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Biamby, Gisele, M.D. 9209 Colima Rd. # 4400 (562) 907-0777 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish Cons, Robert J., M.D. 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu Gonzales, Fernando Q., M.D. 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Spanish, Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1853 032251 General Practice 1853 076748 Internal Medicine 1853 086557 General Practice 1853 032209 General Practice Allergy/Immunology Burger, Jr., Emil F., M.D.1 Friedman, Bruce F., M.D.1 Lauridsen, John I., M.D. Liao, Otto Y., M.D.1 Lin, Chao-I, M.D.1 Nguyen, Roger L., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Gallik, Donna M., M.D.1 Jafari, Alireza, M.D.1 Mahaisavariya, Paiboon, M.D.1 Raghunathan, Chengalroyan, M.D. Shin, Min S., M.D. Singh, Anantjit, M.D.1 Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Yoshino, Paul H., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 288 / Health Net Provider Network 1853 024284 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Zargarian, Mehdi, M.D. Cardiovascular Surgery Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Chiropractor Buell, Steven M., D.C. Colon & Rectal Surgery Montano, Jose N., M.D. Dermatology Canon, Fernando B., M.D.1 Desilva, Keerthi R., M.D. Ledesma, Glenn N., M.D. Gastroenterology Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Essilfie, William, M.D. Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Pande, Hemant, M.D.1 General Surgery Montano, Jose N., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D. Zevallos, Manuel, M.D. Internal Medicine Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, M.D.1 Gelfand, Gilbert F., M.D. Huang, Kevin T., M.D.1 Interventional Cardiology Song, Joseph K., M.D.1 Nephrology Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Bien, Michael H., M.D.1 Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, M.D. Carabello, Victor G., M.D.1 Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 Darwish, Riad Y., M.D. Gallego, Claudio H., M.D.1 Gonzalez, Carlos R., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 Neurology Fuenzalida, Sergio A., M.D.1 Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Mansour, Khalifa, M.D. Mitri, Antoine E., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Deere, Jr., Harley R., M.D. Duong, Duc H., M.D.1 Lemay, Daniel R., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Cepeda, Pedro, M.D.1 Nieto, Sandra, M.D. Zahedy-Kapusta, Sepideh, M.D. Ophthalmology Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Brown, Brian M., M.D.1 Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 Cohn, Kenneth, M.D.1 Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 Hsu, Joseph K., M.D.1 Ly, Nhu Q., O.D. Montoya Jr, Carlos F., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Unzueta, Miguel A., M.D. 1 Ophthalmology Urrea, Paul T., M.D.1 Walsh, Alexander C., M.D.1 Winston, Jeffrey V., M.D.1 Yamanaka, Jeanine N., M.D.1 Optometrist Arredondo, Alejandro M., O.D. Camacho, Orlando, O.D. Goldstone, Harvey R., O.D. Louie, Lynne D., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Alexander, Charles H., M.D.1 Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Kaplan, Daniel E., M.D.1 Low, Kyle, M.D.1 Shah, Bindesh A., M.D.1 Swanson, Gerald W., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Ayoub, Elias I., M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Ahdoot, Joseph, M.D. Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Tessler, Irving, M.D.1 Wittner, Richard S., M.D.1 Pediatrics Aguilar, David G., M.D.1 Aziz-Zadeh, Nasser, M.D.1 Biamby, Gisele, M.D. Florentino, Andrew I., M.D.1 Godoy, Ignacio P., M.D. Oey, Jamie C., M.D. Roy, Rita, M.D.1 Sison, Rosario F., M.D.1 Supnet, Medardo C., M.D.1 Tishler, Kevin T., M.D.1 Zosa, Noli R., M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Ayyoub, Ziyad A., M.D.1 Board Certified 289 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Nephrology Guadiz, Ramon N., M.D.1 Huang, Kevin T., M.D.1 Imparato, Jennifer M., D.O.1 Jamal, Aamir Z., M.D. Khwaja, Samia A., M.D. Lee, Tae Y., M.D.1 Moe, Kyaw, M.D.1 Moghadam, Mojtaba, M.D.1 Nasser-Moaddeli, Shahriare N., M.D.1 Rizvi, Syed A., M.D. Shaib, John K., M.D.1 Vidhun, Jayakumar R., M.D. Yanamadala, Sita L., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Nuestra Familia Medical Group PPG 1853 Physical Medicine Rehab Kavoossi-Sharifabad, Rostam, M.D.1 Podiatry Cohen, Ira R., DPM Morgan, Jack, DPM1 Psychology Lentzner, Jay R., M.D. Pulmonary Disease Kamdar, Vijay V., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Bae, Young C., M.D.1 Rha, Janice J., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Peck, Alison C., M.D.1 Salem, Rifaat D., M.D. Salem, Shala A., M.D. Rheumatology Gelfand, Gilbert F., M.D.1 Sandler, Joseph I., M.D. Su, Tien-I K., M.D.1 Yang, Darice T., M.D.1 Sports Medicine Low, Kyle, M.D. Therapeutic Radiology Ree, Peter C., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery McPherson, James G., M.D.1 Spiwak, Jose, M.D. Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Urology Mehta, Manish D., M.D.1 Perley, Jonathan E., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Stein, Alexander G., M.D. 1 Board Certified 290 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 19191 South Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Fair Oaks Urgent Care Center 401 S Fair Oaks Ave Pasadena Ca 91105 (626) 795-2244 24 Hours/7 Days Hospitals Used: Huntington Memorial Hospital Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Beverly / Div HCP (PPG 5184) 19191 South Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Fair Oaks Urgent Care Center 401 S Fair Oaks Ave Pasadena Ca 91105 (626) 795-2244 24 Hours/7 Days Hospitals Used: Beverly Hospital Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Citrus / Div HCP (PPG 5185) 19191 South Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Fair Oaks Urgent Care Center 401 S Fair Oaks Ave Pasadena Ca 91105 (626) 795-2244 24 Hours/7 Days Hospitals Used: Foothill Presbyterian Hospital - Morris L. Johnston Memorial Inter-Community, Citrus Valley Medical Centers 1 Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley Glendale/Verdugo/Div HCP (PPG 5183) 19191 South Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Urgent Care: Fair Oaks Urgent Care Center 401 S Fair Oaks Ave Pasadena Ca 91105 (626) 795-2244 24 Hours/7 Days Hospitals Used: Verdugo Hills Hospital Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - San Gabriel / Div HCP (PPG 5186) 19191 South Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502-1018 (800) 403-4160 Fair Oaks Urgent Care Center 401 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, CA. 9115 (626) 795-2244 Open 24 hours 7 days a week Hospitals Used: San Gabriel Valley Medical Center Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Gu, David G., D.O. 723 S. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 282-3999 Mandarin Ha, Thomas T., M.D. 320 S. Garfield Ave. # 110 (626) 280-2803 Vietnamese Lin, Byron H., M.D. 1153 S. Garfield Ave. (626) 281-1961 Mandarin, Taiwanese Ling, Gow-Nan, M.D. 801 W. Valley Blvd. # 206 (626) 576-1221 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5186 068686 Internal Medicine 5186 006596 Internal Medicine1 5182 142178 Family Practice 5186 010186 Board Certified 291 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tee, Nora K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5186 048637 841 W. Valley Blvd. # 107 (626) 282-3657 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Tseng, Theresa, M.D. Internal Medicine 5186 032130 1153 S. Garfield Ave. (626) 281-1961 Cantonese, Mandarin General Practice Vassantachart, Basil P., M.D.2 5185 023663 841 W. Valley Blvd. # 104 (626) 282-3113 Wasef, Rashad N., M.D. Internal Medicine 5186 017984 25 S. Raymond Ave. # 202 (626) 570-6016 Arabic, French, Spanish Altadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Svadjian, Edward, M.D. General Practice 5182 016819 747 E. Altadena Dr. (626) 794-8133 Arabic, Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Arcadia Primary Care Physicians Cabasso, Phillip J., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 303 (626) 447-9397 Spanish Chan, Edwin T., M.D. 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 208 (626) 446-3608 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Chen, Kuancheng, M.D. 622 W. Duarte Rd. # 205 (626) 821-9075 Mandarin, Taiwanese 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5182 502243 Family Practice1 5182 079647 Internal Medicine 5182 048360 Primary Care Physicians Chia, Sam P., M.D. 224 S. Santa Anita Ave. (626) 447-5800 Mandarin, Spanish Chwa, Nilar M., M.D. 623 W. Duarte Rd. # 180 (626) 821-6411 Burmese Eshom, James L., M.D. 406 S. First Ave. (626) 445-9661 Spanish Gill, Sukhpal K., M.D. 550 W. Duarte Rd. # 4 (626) 445-7500 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog Ho, Glenn M., M.D. 1505 S. Baldwin Ave. # `B (626) 445-1556 Spanish Khan, Fauzia, M.D. 135 Las Tunas Dr (626) 445-4310 Spanish, Urdu Liang, Scott H., M.D. 900 S. First Ave. # G (626) 628-0808 Cantonese, French, Spanish Liao, Andrew W., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 305 (626) 447-4567 Mandarin, Spanish Liao, Angela W., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 202 (626) 447-4567 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5182 074211 Internal Medicine 5182 092607 Internal Medicine1 5182 045600 Internal Medicine1 5186 039560 General Practice 5182 022308 Internal Medicine1 5182 027235 Internal Medicine1 5182 130381 Family Practice1 5186 138892 Family Practice1 5182 075538 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 292 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5182 046308 Internal Medicine1 5182 061380 Internal Medicine 5182 041190 Internal Medicine1 5182 520519 Internal Medicine1 5185 013011 Internal Medicine 5182 013032 Internal Medicine1 5182 013393 Internal Medicine1 5182 022298 Internal Medicine1 5182 025491 Internal Medicine1 5182 561109 Primary Care Physicians Wang, Ida W., M.D. 20 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 447-8000 Burmese, Mandarin Weng, Jiaxiong, M.D. 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 106 (626) 447-4483 Cantonese, Mandarin Xie, Sherry, M.D. 622 W. Duarte Rd. # 304 (626) 254-1281 Mandarin Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5182 047149 Internal Medicine 5182 086669 Internal Medicine1 5182 104258 Azusa Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bains, Bhupinder, M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 074627 216 N. Azusa Ave. (626) 334-7849 Hindi, Spanish Bardenheier, Jean W., M.D.Family Practice 5185 038577 914 E. Gladstone St. (626) 966-4506 German, Spanish Kamdar, Bina A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 044530 520 W. Foothill Blvd. (626) 334-1611 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Baldwin Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Atluri, Rao L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 035583 14051 E. Ramona Pkwy. (626) 338-7338 Hindi, Spanish Chang, Jyh C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 502613 4318 Maine Ave. # A (626) 962-5141 Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Taiwanese Internal Medicine1 5182 092686 Board Certified 293 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Linna, Dag Peter A., M.D. 65 N. First Ave. # 103 (626) 254-8733 French, Swedish Ma, Peter Y., M.D. 612 W Duarte Rd # 505 (626) 294-9978 Cantonese, Mandarin Min, Zaw, M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 402 (626) 446-1894 Burmese Nelson, Scott E., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 404 (626) 445-3900 Patel, Dilip S., M.D. 611 S. First Ave. (626) 446-8818 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Patel, Vijay V., M.D. 611 S. First Ave. (626) 446-8818 Plancey, Robert M., M.D. 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 803 (626) 446-3706 Shah, Jaykumar H., M.D. 623 W. Duarte Rd. # 7 (626) 446-4404 Hindi, Spanish Shah, Kirit C., M.D. 900 S. First Ave. # A (626) 445-5577 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Shu, Annie T., M.D. 623 W. Duarte Rd. # 1 (626) 445-1278 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Tran, Loanne B., M.D. 624 W. Duarte Rd. # 205 (626) 446-0810 Spanish, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Primary Care Physicians Chen, Victoria N., M.D. 4318 Maine Ave. # A (626) 962-5141 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Mandani, Amado D., M.D. 14338 Ramona Blvd. (626) 962-7886 Spanish, Tagalog Urbina, Marvin, M.D. 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5185 052022 General Practice 5185 049234 Family Practice 5185 094669 Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Betts, Randolph J., M.D. Family Practice 5185 027163 274 W. Badillo St. (626) 331-7369 Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Castellanos, Jose Gabriel, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5185 071505 234 E. Badillo St. (626) 915-9992 Spanish Chari, Kamini S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 051349 315 N. Third Ave. # 100 (626) 967-4469 Hindi, Tamil Dagher, Nadim K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 154649 530 W. Badillo St. # D (626) 332-1175 Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Russian, Spanish Gupta, Anil, M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 027159 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. # 200 (626) 331-2209 Hindi, Spanish 1 Board Certified 294 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Jandial, Rajnish, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 090987 315 N. Third Ave. # 100 (626) 967-4469 Hindi Mawaheb, Khaled A., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 147048 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. (626) 331-2209 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Miller, Paul H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 011541 625 E. Badillo St. (626) 915-7300 Pastrana Jr, Theodore B., Family Practice1 M.D. 5185 036997 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. # 200 (626) 331-2209 Spanish, Tagalog Patel, Prakashchandra T., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5185 013021 315 N. Third Ave. # 306 (626) 332-1815 Hindi Qawi, Jaleel, M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 044684 315 N. Third Ave. # 303A (626) 859-2249 Spanish Samant, Dinesh R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 028342 625 E. Badillo St. (626) 915-7300 Sanchez, Leopoldo C., Family Practice M.D. 5185 028571 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. # 200 (626) 331-2209 Spanish, Tagalog Tulpule, Radhika, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 017461 110 N. Fourth Ave. (626) 859-6400 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Maddex, Gregory R., D.O. 1111 Grand Ave. # L (909) 860-2605 Spanish Paek, Jason S., M.D. 20627 Golden Springs Dr. (909) 839-0455 Korean Duarte Primary Care Physicians Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 503 (626) 357-2269 Arabic, Spanish Gaw, Co Hu J., M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 106 (626) 359-8929 Fukienese, Mandarin, Tagalog Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 102 (626) 358-3204 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog Saenz, Roy L., M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 205 (626) 358-1897 Spanish 1 2 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5185 021512 Internal Medicine1 # 2-D&E 5185 520326 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5185 025221 Internal Medicine1 5182 005645 Internal Medicine1 5182 105576 General Practice 5182 014768 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shah, Indravadan S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 015499 931 Buena Vista St. # 504 (626) 358-2576 Gujarati, Hindi El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bishara, Ishak N., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 045602 2006 Durfee Ave. (626) 442-5015 Arabic, German, Spanish De Artola Jr, Ignacio, M.D. Family Practice1 5186 057157 4368 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 579-0290 Spanish Kwun, Soon Y., M.D. Internal Medicine 5184 031670 3131 Santa Anita Ave. # 105 (626) 442-2151 Korean Perez, Omar, M.D. Internal Medicine 5186 049844 10728 Ramona Blvd. # A (626) 442-9430 Spanish Pilpa Jr, Jose R., M.D. Family Practice 5186 013351 10410 Lower Azusa Rd. # 103 (626) 350-6200 Spanish, Tagalog Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Armenta, Amalia, M.D. Internal Medicine 5183 105541 3600 N. Verdugo Rd. # 301 (818) 952-3075 Spanish Bogikian, Azat, M.D. Family Practice 5183 112266 247 W. Glenoaks Blvd. (818) 240-3737 Arabic, Armenian, Russian Gandhi, Devinder S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5183 005549 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 225 (818) 243-2222 Hindi, Punjabi Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 295 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Usborne, Paul S., M.D. Family Practice 5185 133686 236 W. College St. (626) 938-1080 Vassantachart, Basil P., General Practice M.D.2 5185 023663 168 W. Badillo St. (626) 966-3697 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hanna, Laila C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5183 050500 1911 W. Glenoaks Blvd. # B (818) 843-6640 French, Spanish Lee, Woo Sok, M.D. Family Practice1 5183 107433 316 E. Broadway # B (818) 956-2001 Korean Nguyen, Thanh T., D.O. Internal Medicine 5183 103284 435 Arden Ave. # 410 (818) 242-4191 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Pardave, Raul A., M.D. Family Practice1 5183 049129 1530 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 207 (818) 545-7418 Spanish Vignarajan, Nirupa, M.D. Internal Medicine 5183 098859 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-6666 Armenian, Russian, Tamil Zamorano, Antonio, D.O. Family Practice1 5183 165420 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 103 (818) 850-5667 Spanish Glendora Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Burrows, Oliver M., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 502179 440 W. Foothill Blvd. (626) 963-9402 Ferguson, Timothy J., M.D.Family Practice1 5185 004923 210 S. Grand Ave. # 400 (626) 335-3527 Spanish Girgis, Rafik R., M.D. Family Practice 5185 005851 415 W. Route 66 # 201 (626) 610-3569 Arabic, French, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Glavan, Frank J., M.D. Family Practice 5185 005891 440 W. Foothill Blvd. (626) 963-9402 Internal Medicine1 Hamad, Ruth A., M.D.2 5185 006701 130 W. Route 66 # 208 (626) 335-4079 Arabic Hanna, Ibrahim I., M.D. Family Practice 5185 027200 640 W. Foothill Blvd. # 100 (626) 335-4041 Arabic Johnson Jr, Richard G., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5186 008210 415 W Carroll Ave. # 100 (626) 914-5219 Spanish Johnson Jr, Richard G., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5185 008210 415 W Carroll Ave. # 100 (626) 914-5219 Spanish Lu, Zhi-Wen, M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 073654 412 W. Carroll Ave. # 104 (626) 963-1413 Mehta, Krunal J., M.D. Family Practice 5185 161693 130 W. Route 66 # 214 (626) 335-4129 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Moya, Paul C., D.O. Family Practice1 5185 191548 210 S. Grand Ave. # 415 (626) 335-3627 Spanish Patel, Dilip S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 013011 1624 S. Grand Ave. (626) 914-1847 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Solomon, Oliver M., D.O. Internal Medicine1 5185 107657 130 W. Route 66 # 326 (626) 963-8588 Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 296 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Li, Mark W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 028224 2440 S. Hacienda Blvd. # 105 (626) 330-6003 Mandarin Makandura, Lakshman D., Internal Medicine M.D. 5185 059798 2219 S. Hacienda Blvd. # 101 (626) 961-2461 Sinhalese, Spanish La Canada Flt Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yu, Gregory C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5183 029634 2258 Foothill Blvd. # 200 (818) 248-8998 La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. Family Practice 5185 025221 15852 Main St. (626) 968-0542 Arabic, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shah, Hiren C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 024066 18335 Valley Blvd. (626) 810-3330 Hindi, Hindustani, Spanish, Tagalog La Verne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kadhium, Sabah A., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 061134 1234 Foothill Blvd. # 2 (909) 596-4879 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 5186 057490 1533 Alamitos Ave. # B (562) 218-5350 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Bansal, Jagan N., M.D. 5540 N. Figueroa St. (323) 478-1101 Hindi, Spanish Chieng, An Pang, M.D. 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Fujiwara, Tadao, M.D. 5300 Whittier Blvd (323) 980-8488 Japanese, Spanish Jimeno, Alberto, M.D. 6061 Whittier Blvd. (323) 725-1795 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5184 048381 Internal Medicine 5186 502770 Family Practice1 5184 024069 Internal Medicine 5184 556995 Board Certified 297 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Song, Byron T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 064587 415 W. Carroll Ave. # 202 (626) 963-1627 Stuart, Cynthia A., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 016702 440 W. Foothill Blvd. (626) 963-9402 Spanish Thai, Khanh Minh B., D.O. Family Practice 5185 191547 210 S. Grand Ave. # 415 (626) 335-3627 Vietnamese Tomassian, Krekor A., M.D.Family Practice 5185 017292 415 W. Route 66 # 201 (626) 963-0900 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ma, Lisa, M.D. Family Practice 5182 095476 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 5184 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Shah, Kiritkumar S., M.D. Family Practice1 5184 056448 3434 Whittier Blvd. (323) 268-6751 Hindi, Spanish Silva, Juan A., M.D. Family Practice1 5182 095477 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Spanish Wang, James N., D.O. Family Practice1 5186 104872 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Balacuit, Peter C., M.D. Family Practice 5182 024059 416 S. Myrtle Ave. (626) 357-3296 Spanish, Tagalog Montebello Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. Family Practice 5184 094033 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Chaudhry, Mohammad A., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5184 066997 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 401 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu 1 Board Certified 298 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cheng, Alexander L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5184 061958 520 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 721-0690 Spanish, Tagalog Chua, William A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5184 502898 3111 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0671 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese Govindarajan, Sudha, M.D.Family Practice 5184 039143 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 302 (323) 728-8181 Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. Family Practice1 5184 071491 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Spanish Hung, William W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5184 039141 2101 W. Beverly Blvd. # 301 (323) 721-5181 Mandarin, Taiwanese Iqbal, Shaheen, M.D. Internal Medicine 5184 059699 609 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-6445 Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Jimenez, Francisco A., Family Practice M.D. 5184 034213 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish Ma, Jackson C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5184 106622 433 N. Fourth St. # 208 (323) 725-1867 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Quinones, Lisandro, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5184 044609 111 W. Beverly Blvd. # 208 (323) 726-4051 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Randeria, Kalyani P., M.D. Family Practice1 5184 021908 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 405 (323) 724-9767 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Sarkar, Soumitra, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5184 059704 2614 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0653 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish Shakhnovits, Marianna, Family Practice1 M.D. 5184 192293 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 303 (323) 837-5147 Armenian Yang, Bao B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5184 018824 149 N. Sixth St. (323) 721-5121 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Yu, Edwin T., M.D. Family Practice1 5184 047121 2101 W. Beverly Blvd. # 202 (323) 888-2058 Spanish, Tagalog Zamora, Lilia V., M.D. Family Practice1 5184 024027 433 N. Fourth St. # 205 (323) 278-5525 Spanish Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cherlin, Angela P., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 107057 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 203 (626) 307-7397 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese DiLettera, David C., D.O. Family Practice1 5186 047441 2390 S. Garfield Ave. (323) 728-7271 Spanish DiLettera, David C., D.O. General Practice 5184 047441 2390 S. Garfield Ave. (323) 728-7271 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Luh, Henry H. Y., M.D. Internal Medicine 5186 530159 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 106 (626) 571-5955 Cantonese, Mandarin Mendoza, Anthony L., Family Practice1 M.D. 5186 092555 823 S. Atlantic Blvd. (626) 281-0125 Spanish Pang, Chung N., M.D. Internal Medicine 5182 520521 228 N. Garfield Ave. # 202 (626) 571-1175 Cantonese, Mandarin Sandler, Joseph I., M.D. Internal Medicine 5184 014930 2322 S. Garfield Ave. (323) 722-5300 Hebrew, Spanish Montrose Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yuo, Jan J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5183 028363 2490 Honolulu Ave. # 128 (818) 330-9960 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alanizi, Ayad, M.D. General Practice 5182 041615 127 N. Madison Ave. # 106 (626) 744-9018 Arabic, Spanish Bahramfarsi, Maryam, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5182 173762 2661 E. Washington Blvd. (626) 798-4952 Farsi Barseghian, Annie A., M.D.Family Practice 5182 131161 50 Bellefontaine St. # 403 (626) 792-1912 Armenian, French, Spanish Board Certified 299 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Boutros, Jason K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 501695 2750 E. Washington Blvd. # 260 (626) 798-8923 Arabic, French, Spanish Calleros, Gustavo, M.D. Family Practice 5182 102914 50 Bellefontaine St. # 401 (626) 793-1931 Spanish Cann, Robert N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 502334 1070 E. Green St. # 200 (626) 568-8184 Spanish, Tagalog Chee, Stephen H., M.D. Family Practice1 5182 108073 50 Bellefontaine St. # 403 (626) 792-1912 Japanese, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai Dodoo, Garland S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 138633 65 N. Madison Ave. # 200 (626) 792-4185 Furman, Anchel, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 028816 630 S. Raymond Ave. # 240 (626) 535-1772 Hebrew, Hindi, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Hillier, Linda A., D.O.2 Internal Medicine 5182 148794 630 S. Raymond Ave. # 320 (626) 795-4223 French, Spanish Jackson, Roy H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 007952 65 N. Madison Ave. # 200 (626) 792-4185 Spanish Jasper, Irina, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 087319 960 E. Green St # 286 (626) 356-0340 Russian 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Johnson, Craig R., M.D. Family Practice1 5182 065707 960 E. Green St. # 292 (626) 449-4494 Spanish Lee, Frederick O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 009753 2750 E. Washington Blvd. # 320 (626) 797-7470 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Lewis, Nathan L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5182 010036 700 E. Walnut St. # 2 (626) 796-8181 Spanish Mattai, Nalini D., M.D. Family Practice1 5182 061766 50 Bellefontaine St. # 403 (626) 792-1912 Spanish Ngaw, Lillian W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5182 035669 65 N. Madison Ave. # 200 (626) 792-4185 Burmese, Mandarin Patel, Reena R., M.D. Family Practice 5182 175078 50 Bellefontaine St. # 403 (626) 792-1912 Poladian, Jacklin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 183076 301 S. Fair Oaks Ave. # 403 (626) 200-4500 Armenian Rodriguez, Carlos G., M.D. Family Practice1 5182 089537 1403 N. Fair Oaks Ave. # 1 (626) 398-0354 Spanish Sheldon, Elana L., M.D.3 Internal Medicine1 5182 080590 50 Bellefontaine St. # 403 (626) 792-1912 French, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 300 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hernandez, Claudia, M.D. Family Practice 5184 191497 4530 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-0621 Spanish Hernandez, Maria C., M.D. General Practice 5184 041165 4530 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 692-0621 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yu, Edwin T., M.D. Family Practice1 5184 047121 6632 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 654-2828 Spanish, Tagalog Pomona Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ali, Younis A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 098186 1818 N. Orange Grove Ave. # 202 (909) 622-8791 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Anabi, Samir I., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 070000 160 E. Artesia St. # 225 (909) 629-7878 Arabic, Spanish Paliwal, Yogesh K., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 019227 1818 N. Orange Grove Ave. # 206 (909) 623-2300 Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Mandarin, Spanish, Urdu Reddy, Mallu C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 061133 1196 N. Park Ave. (909) 623-4050 Hindi, Spanish, Taiwanese Takhar, Daljinder S., D.O. Family Practice1 5185 104247 160 E. Artesia St. # 225 (909) 629-7878 Punjabi Vo, Huu D., M.D. General Practice 5185 053581 1182 E. Holt Ave. (909) 623-8502 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Choa, Josephine W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5186 069490 7540 Garvey Ave. # C (626) 307-4785 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Board Certified 301 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sioson - Ayala, Maria V., Family Practice M.D. 5182 150687 2661 E. Washington Blvd. (626) 798-4952 Tagalog Spears, Walter, M.D. Family Practice 5182 021350 2595 E. Washington Blvd. # 107 (626) 791-1168 Spanish Tu, Stanley S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5182 133606 959 E. Walnut St. # 120 (626) 795-5118 Mandarin, Spanish Tyson, Kevin B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5182 091730 2661 E. Washington Blvd. (626) 798-4952 Spanish, Tagalog Tyson, Michelle A., M.D. Family Practice1 5182 091731 2661 E. Washington Blvd. (626) 798-4952 Spanish Williams, Cleo T., M.D. Family Practice1 5182 088393 960 E. Green St. # 208 (626) 449-1944 Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish Zaki, Hany K., M.D. Internal Medicine 5182 063006 150 N. Hill Ave. (626) 564-9758 Arabic PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hsu, Harold, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5186 044758 8622 E. Garvey Ave. # 103 (626) 280-6898 Burmese Le, Chau M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5186 044235 9206 Valley Blvd. (626) 571-2763 Vietnamese Lew, Po-Long, D.O. Family Practice1 5186 034637 9308 Valley Blvd. (626) 288-8881 Armenian, Cantonese, Farsi, Mandarin, Vietnamese Lopez, Jorge R., M.D. Family Practice1 5186 010351 1168 San Gabriel Blvd. # A (626) 288-4741 Spanish Nguyen, Duc V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 012352 8748 Valley Blvd. # H (626) 288-3306 Vietnamese Nguyen, Quy V., M.D. Internal Medicine 5186 012361 9126 Valley Blvd. # B (626) 573-9003 Vietnamese Wong, Tan L., M.D. Internal Medicine 5186 053582 7540 Garvey Ave. # C (626) 307-4785 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cherlin, Angela P., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 107057 1722 Desire Ave. # 102 (626) 581-0700 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hussain, Rizwana B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 025019 18750 Colima Rd. # B (626) 912-9345 Hindi, Spanish Lee, David P., D.O. Family Practice1 5185 091057 1818 Sierra Leone Ave. # B (626) 965-1988 Korean, Mandarin Yung, Tin Y., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 024956 1722 Desire Ave. # 202 (626) 913-1888 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese San Dimas Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bachoura, Norma E., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 039277 150 W. Foothill Blvd. (909) 599-9925 Davis, Steven E., D.O. Family Practice 5185 520203 1125 Via Verde (909) 592-9778 Esparza, Raymond J., M.D.2Internal Medicine1 5185 056682 1330 W. Covina Blvd. # 203 (909) 394-0044 Spanish Iskander, Rosanna W., Family Practice M.D. 5185 019627 1330 W. Covina Blvd. # 102 (909) 592-3323 Arabic, Spanish Kotrappa, Kavitha S., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 053878 150 W. Foothill Blvd. (909) 599-9921 Hindi Magallon, Richard J., M.D. Family Practice 5185 048761 1334 W. Covina Blvd. # 206 (626) 963-1645 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 302 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # McDonald, Heather E., Family Practice D.O. 5185 163473 1125 Via Verde (909) 592-9778 Pevsner, William J., D.O. Family Practice1 5185 021878 1334 W. Covina Blvd. # 103 (909) 394-9090 Spanish Sussman, Clifford L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 035670 150 W. Foothill Blvd. (909) 599-9921 Spanish Yahya, Zuhair O., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 018801 1334 W. Covina Blvd. # 202 (909) 592-2023 San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chanbonpin, Araceli D., Internal Medicine M.D. 5186 032081 225 E. Las Tunas Dr. (626) 285-5700 Spanish, Tagalog Chen, Hsiao-Fen, M.D. Family Practice1 5186 048529 140 W. Valley Blvd. # 220 (626) 307-0797 Cantonese, Mandarin Chiu, Peter H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5186 066197 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 303 (626) 299-7100 Cantonese Chow, Hubert W., M.D. Family Practice 5186 502864 1111 E. Las Tunas Dr. (626) 286-8473 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Hethumuni, Gamini D., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5186 007251 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 300 (626) 281-1851 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Huang, Ying-Feng, M.D. Family Practice 5186 532075 1133 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 286-7666 Lee, Su Kin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5186 041027 1418 S. San Gabriel Blvd. # C (626) 293-1988 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Nassif, Tarek R., M.D. Family Practice1 5186 053739 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 307 (626) 289-0130 Arabic, French, Spanish Rodriguez, Francisco G., General Practice D.O. 5186 158842 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 1 (626) 284-3300 Spanish Run, Francisco D. K., M.D. Family Practice 5186 038396 1730 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 573-1252 Cantonese, Mandarin Sucgang, Paul S., D.O. Family Practice 5186 139222 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 201 (626) 389-8448 Spanish Varma, Usha K., M.D. Family Practice 5186 028010 316 E. Las Tunas Dr. # 206 (626) 285-9705 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Wu, Tai-Hing, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5186 530142 415 W. Valley Blvd. # C (626) 943-9240 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Sierra Madre Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Emslie, Jossalyn T., M.D.2 Family Practice 5182 105016 147 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. (626) 355-3443 French, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 303 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sami, Hani, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 064304 147 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. (626) 355-3443 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish South El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 5186 057490 1648 Tyler Ave. # B (626) 579-0103 Jarchi, Shahriar, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5182 168082 9573 Garvey Ave. # 17 (626) 442-5200 Temple City Primary Care Physicians Blesa, Marta I., M.D. 5821 Temple City Blvd. (626) 287-8261 Spanish Chi, Peter C., M.D. 5828 Temple City Blvd. (626) 285-1154 Mandarin, Spanish Juste, Franck, M.D. 9676 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 287-6513 French, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5186 501498 Family Practice 5186 033597 Internal Medicine1 5182 008357 Tujunga Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Peterson, Karl A., M.D. Family Practice1 5183 051944 6673 Foothill Blvd. (818) 353-8581 German Yue, Celedonia X., M.D. Family Practice1 5183 036072 6673 Foothill Blvd. (818) 353-8581 1 Board Certified 304 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Zdarzyl, Marek W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5183 033659 6673 Foothill Blvd. (818) 353-8581 Polish Walnut Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Iskander, Rosanna W., Family Practice M.D. 5185 019627 314 N. Lemon Ave. (909) 598-0081 Arabic, Spanish West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cua, Seung S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 025016 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 114 (626) 960-4989 Fukienese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog DeLa Cruz, Lina C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 166275 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 104 (626) 962-3607 Spanish, Tagalog Dhand, Sadhna, M.D. General Practice 5185 028230 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 308 (626) 960-7759 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Gan, Teresita B., M.D. Family Practice 5185 025020 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 114 (626) 960-4989 Fukienese, Mandarin, Tagalog Gunawardane, Sisira K., Family Practice M.D. 5185 028009 333 N. Sunset Ave. (626) 960-5461 Sinhalese, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Haq, Azhar U., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 017519 910 S. Sunset Ave. # 2 (626) 962-1094 Hindi, Spanish Herrera, Jose F., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 082260 1135 S. Sunset Ave. # 211 (626) 337-1800 Spanish Khan, Mohammed Qaisar Internal Medicine1 A., M.D. 5185 023900 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 302 (626) 918-4566 Spanish, Urdu Kim, Jae M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 022811 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 217 (626) 917-1924 Korean, Spanish Koumas, John C., D.O. Family Practice 5185 520962 767 S. Sunset Ave. # 4 (626) 337-7204 Koumas, Mary M., D.O. Family Practice 5185 520963 767 S. Sunset Ave. # 4 (626) 337-7204 Lim, Susan, M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 510125 1250 S. Sunset Ave. # 203 (626) 472-7811 Burmese, Cantonese Lyn, Kyaw, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 056638 767 S. Sunset Ave. # 2 (626) 960-1902 Burmese, Mandarin Magsino, Rodolfo E., M.D. General Practice 5185 046868 1557 E. Amar Rd. # F (626) 839-9100 Tagalog Makandura, Lakshman D., Internal Medicine M.D. 5185 059798 910 S. Sunset Ave. # 8 (626) 338-8407 Sinhalese, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Obeso, Zaida O., M.D. Family Practice1 5185 064855 1135 S. Sunset Ave. # 211 (626) 337-1800 Spanish Oh, Hee Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 024071 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 207 (626) 962-2421 Korean, Spanish Parekh, Hemalatha R., General Practice M.D. 5185 100422 333 N. Sunset Ave. (626) 960-5461 Gujarati, Hindi Patel, Prakashchandra T., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5185 013021 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 216 (626) 338-3553 Hindi Wang, John Z., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 094103 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 206 (626) 338-0811 Wong, Jair, M.D. Internal Medicine 5185 048958 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 102 (626) 962-9108 Mandarin, Spanish Yang, George T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5185 024072 906 S. Sunset Ave. # 102 (626) 337-7286 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cotton, D O., M.D. Internal Medicine 5184 067716 12474 Washington Blvd. # 8 (562) 698-9779 Spanish Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. Family Practice 5184 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu Board Certified 305 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Allergy/Immunology Ho, Frederick, M.D.1 Parker, Peter P., M.D.1 Dermatology Morrison, John T., M.D.1 Sidhu, Amarpaul S., M.D. Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Ali, Mir B., M.D.1 Baruch, Terrence J., M.D.1 Blesa, Enrique S., M.D. Conrad, Gary L., M.D. Durairaj, Azhil, M.D.1 Eisenberg, Daniel A., M.D.1 Farfel, Arthur B., M.D.1 Fung, Peter K., M.D.1 Hechanova, Demetrio R., M.D. Henriquez, Jaime O., M.D. Hovsepian, Paul G., M.D. Larreta, Boris R., M.D. Lee, Eric T., M.D. Lee, Joseph I., M.D.1 Miller, Paul H., M.D.1 Orlando, Joan R., M.D. Patel, Prakashchandra T., M.D. Rashtian, Mayer Y., M.D.1 Roth, Raul F., M.D.1 Sato, David A., M.D. Schreck, Douglas E., M.D. Shah, Bharat H., M.D. Yang, Bao B., M.D.1 Yeh, Michael, M.D. Yen, Raymond S., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Shah, Kirit C., M.D. Cardiovascular Surgery Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D. Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Martinez, Luis W., M.D.1 Syn, Gene L., M.D. Toman, Jeffrey R., M.D. Critical Care Medicine Sandouk, Adel G., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 306 / Health Net Provider Network Endocrinology Hethumuni, Gamini D., M.D. Le, Chau M., M.D. Reddy, Narendranath A., M.D.1 Yahya, Zuhair O., M.D. Family Practice Chiang, Ben C., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Alaama, Abdul M., M.D.1 Arora, Sartaj M., M.D.1 Bartley, Isaac A., M.D. Beblawi, Ihab E., M.D.1 Boghossian, Frederick A., M.D. Chu, Michael M., M.D.1 Edelman, Kalman J., M.D.1 Fu-Liu, Casey S., M.D. Hsu, Chun Y., M.D. Koteen, Glenn M., M.D.1 Li, Mark W., M.D.1 Littenberg, Glenn D., M.D.1 Lue, Shih-Lin, M.D. Mayberry, Clifton A., M.D.1 Mehler, Robert J., M.D.1 Mello, W.David, M.D.1 Mourani, Samuel, M.D. Nickowitz, Richard E., M.D.1 Petit, Steven J., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Peter M., M.D.1 Sharma, Suresht P., M.D. Shindy, Waleed W., M.D.1 Sidhom, Osama A., M.D.1 Soltani-Nassab, Sassan, M.D.1 Stubrin, Sergio E., M.D. Tarakji, Elias A., M.D.1 Thomas, George P., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 General Surgery Anapoell, Mark F., M.D. Choctaw, William T., M.D. Corbisiero, Raffael M., M.D.1 Hameed, Khan J., M.D.1 Kaufman, Howard S., M.D.1 Khan, Faisal A., M.D. Lapsiwala, Arvind C., M.D. Martin, David R., M.D.1 Mihranian, Mardiros H., M.D.1 Myles, Richard A., M.D.1 Newman, Howard K., M.D.1 Patel, Shirish C., M.D. Pereyra, Robert, M.D.1 Wu, Dianne E., M.D.1 Hand Surgery Miller, Brent W., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Agarwal, Vandana, M.D.1 Gunnell, John C., M.D.1 Shapiro, Richard A., M.D.1 Stafford, Benjamin T., M.D. Teitelbaum, April H., M.D. Yee, Sharon J., M.D. Hiv/Aids Tsujimoto, Karen L., M.D. Infectious Disease Bassi, Sohanjeet S., M.D.1 Jayasekara, Deepthi K., M.D.1 Jiang, Hua, M.D.1 Man, David G., M.D. Morgenstein, Alan A., M.D. Nieberg, Paul H., M.D. Pavkovic, Steven A., M.D.1 Shriner, Kimberly A., M.D.1 Tempesti, Paola, M.D. Tsujimoto, Karen L., M.D. 1 Internal Medicine Chu, Michael M., M.D.1 Durairaj, Azhil, M.D.1 Henriquez, Jaime O., M.D. Hovsepian, Paul G., M.D.1 Karakashian, Garo M., M.D.1 Linsey, Michael S., M.D.1 Sidhom, Osama A., M.D.1 Marriage/Family Counseling Doyle, Daniel F., MFT Hill, Linda M., MFT Khair, Jr., George J., MFT Snyder-Grossman, Megan L., MFT Maternal & Fetal Medicine Horenstein, Janet M., M.D.1 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Bruce, Samuel L., M.D. Curran, Mark A., M.D. Leung, Anna S., M.D. Phelan, Jeffrey P., M.D. Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Shah, Bharat D., M.D. Nephrology Ahmad, Bashir, M.D.1 Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Arcia, John M., M.D.1 Deperalta, Uma A., M.D. Gallego, Claudio H., M.D.1 Gill, Sukhpal K., M.D. Jamal, Aamir Z., M.D. Khilnani, Haresh M., M.D.1 Kumar, Nirmal, M.D. Levitan, Daniel, M.D.1 Linsey, Michael S., M.D.1 Moghadam, Mojtaba, M.D.1 Mohan, Krishna J., M.D. Nebeker, Henry G., M.D.1 Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D. Sunderraj, Ashok, M.D.1 Tse, Ka-Lok E., M.D.1 Board Certified 307 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Gastroenterology Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Neurology Al-Wardi, Dhia A., M.D.1 Ali, Mohsen I., M.D.1 An, Arthur Y., M.D.1 Beck, Brian A., M.D.1 Benmoshe, Danny, M.D. Cherik, Armen J., M.D.1 Fineman, Igor, M.D. Fortanasce, Vincent M., M.D.1 Ganguly, Gautam, M.D. Imbus, Charles E., M.D.1 Ismail, Habib A., M.D. Kundi, Mukhtair S., M.D.1 Lee, Lance J., M.D.1 Lisk, Jerome P., M.D.1 Liu, June-Chih, M.D. McCord, Berry L., M.D. Nelsen, Mihoko M., M.D. Rho, Jai-Hyon, M.D. Shubin, Richard A., M.D.1 Thompson, David A., M.D. Wogensen, Kenneth K., M.D. Neurosurgery Aho, Christopher J., M.D.1 Caton III, William L., M.D.1 Minassian, Haig V., M.D. Ro, Kyoo S., M.D.1 Withers, Gregory J., M.D.1 Zinke, David E., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Alvarez-Mott, Steve D., M.D.1 Barajas, Daniel, M.D.1 Beharie, Carlos S., M.D. Bouz, Najib J., M.D.1 Chen, Fleming F., M.D.1 Chou, Cindy H., M.D.1 Grady, Shaun P., M.D.1 Gupta, Narendra K., M.D.1 Hartford, Steven L., M.D.1 Hong, Dorothy C., M.D. 1 Board Certified 308 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Juarez, Margaret M., M.D. Kassar, Naim S., M.D.1 Kim, Jong G., M.D. Lee, Stephen, M.D.1 Leung, Eleanor K., M.D.1 Li, Joseph Y., M.D.1 Morrison, Robert B., M.D.1 Mutch, Joseph A., M.D.1 Tang, Bill W., M.D.1 Tangchitnob, Dumrong, M.D. Walker, Kathy N., M.D.1 Williams, Richard A., M.D.1 Woodard, Ronald D., M.D.1 Yeh, Andrew, D.O.1 Yu, Deborah A., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Chang, Lung H., M.D. Eng, Calvin T., M.D.1 Hannani, Kambiz, M.D. Huang, Morgan C., M.D.1 Kislinger, Mark B., M.D.1 Martin, Wayne H., M.D.1 Optometrist Chang, Chistina M., O.D. Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Ardary, William C., M.D.1 Lytle, John L., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery Ackerson II, Truman T., M.D.1 Alexander, Charles H., M.D.1 Bouz, Paul, M.D.1 Cepkinian, Vahan, M.D.1 Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Duncan, Jan W., M.D.1 Karayan, Sooren, M.D.1 Laster, Daniel R., M.D.1 Lin, Matthew Y., M.D.1 Norquist, Donald J., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Otolaryngology (Ent) Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. Chen, David K., M.D. Koutnouyan, Hrair A., M.D. Namazie, Ali R., M.D. Quach, Quang C., D.O. Shih, Lucy, M.D.1 Vanore, John F., M.D. Williams, James G., M.D.1 Worrell, Lewit A., M.D.1 Yao, Shounan, L.A.1 Yun, David K., M.D. Pain Management Der Sarkissian, Lazik, M.D. Pediatric Allergy/Immunology Ho, Frederick, M.D. Pediatric Cardiology De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 Tessler, Irving, M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Caton III, William L., M.D. Imbus, Charles E., M.D.1 Pediatric Neurosurgery Caton III, William L., M.D. Pediatric Surgery Muenchow, Sharon K., M.D.1 Sherman, Neil J., M.D. Pediatrics Blesa, Marta I., M.D.1 Esparza, Raymond J., M.D. 1 Pediatrics Garg, Santosh K., M.D.1 Linna, Dag Peter A., M.D.1 Zdarzyl, Marek W., M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Hegde, Sunil K., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Cox, Brian A., M.D. De Olarte, Gloria A., M.D.1 Lakshman, Shankar, M.D.1 O'Toole, Martin A., M.D.1 Rosenfeld, Harold L., M.D. Sanchez, Alejandro M., M.D.1 Taylor, Thomas S., M.D. Tzeng, Stephen S., M.D. Wali, Devdas, M.D. Podiatry Aslanian, Melineh, DPM Berliner, Ross A., DPM Kidon, Mark T., DPM1 Morgan, Jack, DPM1 Ung, Alvin W., DPM Vega, Michael R., DPM1 Psychiatry Alexanian, Lukas, M.D.1 Bissell, Terry A., M.D. Campeanu, Ioan M., M.D.1 Jacob, Said I., M.D. Marcus, David L., M.D.1 McCord, Berry L., M.D.1 Minero, Frank V., M.D. Pawley, Aura-Marie P., M.D.1 Pylko, Timothy J., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Robert D., M.D.1 Stanton, Abigail M., M.D.1 Suzuki, Daniel T., M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Ahmed, Zulfiqar, M.D. Anderson, Charles A., M.D.1 Browne, Peter M., M.D.1 Carmody, John P., M.D. Board Certified 309 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Orthopedic Surgery Osterkamp, John A., M.D.1 Owens, Stephen G., M.D. Pak, Shane S., M.D. Panossian, Vahe R., M.D. Patchett, Clayton E., M.D.1 Resnick, Charles T., M.D.1 Riffenburgh, Stephen K., M.D.1 Tang, George, M.D. Yang, Anthony P., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP PPG 5182 Pulmonary Disease Che, Hung, M.D.1 Johnson Jr, Richard G., M.D.1 Kalkat, Gurjeet S., M.D. Katagihara, Elton S., M.D.1 Kroe, Donald M., M.D.1 Lake, Kevin B., M.D. Makabali, Carlos G., M.D.1 Patel, Dilip S., M.D.1 Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D.1 Ratto, David R., M.D. Sandouk, Adel G., M.D.1 Saraf, Pratap, M.D.1 Taback, Steven M., M.D. Tsang, Linda E., M.D.1 Wong, Kin C., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Reddy, Kuruganti R., M.D.1 Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Starnes, Vaughn A., M.D.1 Wells, Winfield J., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Ariathurai, Sundera V., M.D.1 Chaiken, Lisa M., M.D.1 Mak, Albert C., M.D. Williamson, Ruth C., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Ajalat, George M., M.D.1 Carvajal, Sam H., M.D. Katz, Steven G., M.D. Kohl, Roy D., M.D.1 Pereyra, Robert, M.D. Reddy, Kuruganti R., M.D. Reproductive Endocrinology Su, Brian C., M.D.1 Rheumatology La, Dan T., M.D.1 Metyas, Samy K., M.D.1 O'Connor, Brian P., M.D.1 Sandler, Joseph I., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Bach, Thuc T., M.D. Capouya, Eli R., M.D.1 Cohen, Robbin G., M.D. Cunningham, Mark J., M.D.1 Gheissari, Ali, M.D.1 Gottner, Robert J., M.D.1 Huang, Ming-Lu, M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D.1 Nuno, Ismael N., M.D.1 Prejean, Jr., Curtis A., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 310 / Health Net Provider Network Urology Choe, Sung M., M.D. Davis, Edward L., M.D.1 Dikranian, Armen H., M.D. Dikranian, Hagop A., M.D.1 Pearson, Philip G., M.D.1 Reynolds, William F., M.D.1 Rhodes, David W., M.D.1 Shenassa, Behnam B., M.D.1 Yamada, Alan H., M.D.1 Yip, Felix C., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Pioneer Provider Network, A Medical Group, Inc. PPG 1898 1901 North Solar Drive, Suite 105 Oxnard, CA 93036-2642 (805) 988-5164 Urgent Care: Pioneer Medical Group: Downey: (562) 862-2775 Long Beach: (562) 597-4181 Hospitals Used: Downey Regional Medical Center Hospital Lakewood Regional Medical Center Los Alamitos Medical Center Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cortez, Ernesto A., D.O. Family Practice1 1898 021421 10251 Artesia Blvd. (562) 867-8681 Spanish Golden, Joel G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1898 005995 10234 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 920-1632 Kung, Charles K., M.D. Internal Medicine 1898 047882 10251 Artesia Blvd. (562) 867-8681 Moultrie-Lizana, Angelyn Family Practice K., D.O. 1898 530621 10251 Artesia Blvd. (562) 867-8681 Spanish Patel, Sanatkumar D., M.D.Internal Medicine 1898 013027 10251 Artesia Blvd. (562) 867-8681 Gujarati, Hindi Patel, Sanatkumar D., M.D.Internal Medicine 1898 013027 10234 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 920-1632 Gujarati, Hindi 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Rodriguez, Augusto, M.D. Family Practice1 1898 551167 10234 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 920-1632 Spanish Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Csepanyi, Emerico R., M.D.Family Practice 1898 503431 16510 Bloomfield Ave. (562) 229-0902 Italian, Spanish Doshi, Pinal J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1898 050502 16510 Bloomfield Ave. (562) 229-0902 Gujarati, Hindi Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chi, Pou W., M.D. General Practice 1898 049326 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 204 (562) 862-2775 Mandarin, Taiwanese Fernando, Thilan P., M.D. Family Practice 1898 148334 11480 Brookshire Ave. (562) 862-2775 Spanish Patel, Vinod D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1898 107585 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 204 (562) 862-2775 Gujarati, Hindi Sullivan, Laura K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1898 032203 11480 Brookshire Ave. # 204 (562) 862-2775 Spanish Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Dabu, Dionisio F., M.D. Family Practice1 1898 049527 2220 Clark Ave. (562) 597-4181 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified 311 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Pioneer Provider Network, A Medical Group, Inc. PPG 1898 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Pioneer Provider Network, A Medical Group, Inc. PPG 1898 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lombardo, Joseph A., Family Practice M.D. 1898 010317 2220 Clark Ave. (562) 597-4181 Spanish South Gate Primary Care Physicians Echeverri, Jorge M., M.D. 4476 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 563-9499 Spanish Quesada, Javier T., D.O. 4476 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 563-9499 Spanish Tai, Jenny C., D.O. 4476 Tweedy Blvd. (323) 563-9499 Mandarin, Taiwanese Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1898 049329 Family Practice1 1898 086224 Family Practice 1898 115364 Allergy/Immunology Baskin, Marc R., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Floro, Jerry, M.D.1 Harada, Randall K., M.D.1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Dermatology Baugh, William P., M.D.1 Camouse, Melissa M., D.O. Castro, Michael N., M.D. Clark, Lani E., M.D.1 Fulwider, Cole M., M.D.1 King, Laura A., M.D.1 Maida, Mark F., M.D.1 Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D.1 Seyfzadeh, Manouchehr, M.D.1 Endocrinology Berger, David, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 312 / Health Net Provider Network Endocrinology Eng, Steven L., M.D.1 Kutas, Alex, M.D.1 Gastroenterology Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Cox, Conrad A., M.D.1 Kim, Bill H., M.D.1 Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Pantoja, Jose L., M.D. Weiss, Steven J., M.D.1 General Surgery Anae, Allen F., M.D.1 Baumgartner, Fritz J., M.D.1 Dahiya, Shyam L., M.D. Deere, Robert C., M.D.1 Grewal, Navrose S., M.D.1 Joseph-Brown, Denise P., M.D. Maginot, Andre E., M.D. Mazur, Paul A., M.D.1 Minkes, Mark S., M.D.1 Panagiotides, George P., M.D.1 Rayhanabad, Simon B., M.D.1 Hand Surgery Brown, Stewart W., M.D.1 Chen, Gary Y., M.D.1 Dao, Khiem D., M.D.1 Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Hematology Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D.1 Gaitanis, Alexander, D.O.1 Huang, Daniel B., M.D.1 Huang, Stephen, M.D. Shum, Merrill K., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Berz, David, M.D.1 Cheung, Eric M., D.O. Kim, Daniel J., M.D. Mehta, Manan S., M.D. Milani, Cannon, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Hematology/Oncology Rupani, Ravin M., M.D.1 Infectious Disease Chavez, Liza D., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Harada, Randall K., M.D.1 Nephrology Golden, Joel G., M.D.1 Neurology Copeland, Dane D., M.D.1 Di Julio, Thomas P., M.D.1 Erlich, Michael A., M.D.1 Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Mansour, Khalifa, M.D. Mitri, Antoine E., M.D.1 Neer, David D., M.D.1 Prentice Jr, Theodore C., M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Deere, Jr., Harley R., M.D. Duong, Duc H., M.D.1 Javahery, Ramin J., M.D. Lemay, Daniel R., M.D.1 Pak, Hooshang, M.D.1 Rayhaun, Abraham, M.D.1 Szper, Ivar M., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Chon, Manuel, M.D. Kaplan, Eric C., M.D.1 Park, Jung M., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Bohr, Robert J., M.D.1 Chambers, Richard B., M.D.1 Chen, Gary Y., M.D.1 Combs, Christopher J., M.D. Eberly, Vance C., M.D.1 Elias, Ramy N., M.D.1 Hill, Philip E., M.D.1 Kaplan, Daniel E., M.D.1 Low, Kyle, M.D.1 Park, Kevin S., M.D.1 Secor, Perry R., M.D.1 Shah, Bindesh A., M.D.1 Shamlou, Kourosh K., M.D.1 Swanson, Gerald W., M.D.1 Wassef, Ezzat W., M.D.1 Woodson, Christopher J., M.D.1 Young-Nguyen, Serena, M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Cramer II, Henry B., M.D.1 Pediatrics Hashmy, Arshia, M.D. Latif, Seema T., M.D. Le, To Lan A., M.D. Sheu, Kerry L., M.D.1 Tellez, Edwardo C., M.D. Plastic Surgery Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Podiatry Lee, James C., DPM Lowe, Stanley, DPM Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Baqai, Rehana S., M.D.1 Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D.1 Ho, Christopher S., M.D. Shum, Merrill K., M.D.1 Psychiatry Clark, William F., M.D.1 Dubin, Jorge N., M.D. Jen Kin Jr., James H., M.D. Lee, Chang H., M.D.1 Wirga, Aleksandra, M.D.1 Ophthalmology Segall, Marc R., M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Buchfuhrer, Mark J., M.D.1 Epstein, Joel D., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 313 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Pioneer Provider Network, A Medical Group, Inc. PPG 1898 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Pioneer Provider Network, A Medical Group, Inc. PPG 1898 Pulmonary Disease Gelb, Arthur F., M.D.1 Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Dave, Sulabha A., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Bethencourt, Daniel M., M.D.1 Lee, Anthony W., M.D.1 McConnell, Douglas H., M.D. Tzeng, Thomas S., M.D. Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 Urology Agatstein, Ernest H., M.D.1 Aynehchi, Shahrad, M.D.1 Paletz, Lawrence R., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Deere, Robert C., M.D. Minkes, Mark S., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 314 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PremierCare Health Services PPG 5271 PremierCare Health Services PPG 5271 5000 Airport Plaza Dr Ste 150 Long Beach, CA 90815-1275 (562) 766-2000 Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Hospitals Used: Chapman Medical Center Coastal Communities Hospital Western Medical Center - Anaheim Western Medical Center - Santa Ana Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Flores, Jacob N., M.D. General Practice 5271 161949 5520 Santa Monica Blvd. # 112 (323) 860-9054 Spanish 315 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PrimeCare Medical Group of Chino Valley PPG 5048 PrimeCare Medical Group of Chino Valley PPG 5048 15315 Fairfield Ranch Road Suite 275 Chino, CA 91709-8850 (909) 465-1397 Urgent Care: US Healthworks Med Group-chino (909) 628-6011 Advance Care Med Group (626) 965-1233 Carefirst Med Group (909) 773-0022 Rapid Care (909) 483-8361; Premier Family Assoc (909) 630-7868 Hospitals Used: San Antonio Community Hospital City Of Industry Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ko, Gloria P., M.D. Family Practice1 5048 009101 18575 Gale Ave. # 108 (626) 964-3900 Cantonese, Mandarin Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chan, Steve L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5048 077350 1106 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. (909) 612-5835 Cantonese, Mandarin Wang, Yuh-Huey, M.D. Internal Medicine 5048 069059 1106 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. (909) 612-5835 Mandarin, Taiwanese Pomona Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gonzalez, Jaime, M.D. Family Practice 5048 129309 350 Vinton Ave # 204 (909) 622-3353 Spanish 1 Board Certified 316 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lai, Yin H., M.D. Family Practice 5048 031521 1902 Royalty Dr. # 290 (909) 985-0699 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Paliwal, Amit R., M.D. Family Practice 5048 135166 1818 N. Orange Grove Ave # 206 (909) 623-2300 Hindi Sheth, Leena S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5048 039345 1460 E. Holt Ave. # 10 (909) 620-5125 Hindi, Spanish Yu, King-Yee, M.D. Family Practice 5048 036244 1902 Royalty Dr. # 100 (909) 620-4048 Mandarin Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, David P., D.O. Family Practice1 5048 091057 1818 Sierra Leone Ave. # B (626) 965-1988 Korean, Mandarin Tu, Gene C., M.D. Family Practice1 5048 075300 1330 Fullerton Rd. # 288 (626) 965-1233 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Anesthesiology White, Peter J., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Bahl, Rana A., M.D.1 Bhandari, Anil K., M.D.1 Burstein, Steven, M.D.1 Choie, John H., M.D.1 Jayaweera, Asoka, M.D. Lerman, Robert D., M.D. Mullangi, Sivaprasad, M.D. Zadeh, Andrew A., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PrimeCare Medical Group of Chino Valley PPG 5048 Dermatology Abrishami, Payam, M.D.1 Le, Anh-Dao V., M.D. Messina, Michael J., M.D.1 Nguyen, Tan K., M.D. Pattummadith, Suwapang, M.D. Rebish, Jeffrey C., M.D.1 Tran, Charles M., D.O. West Jr., John R., M.D. West, Sr, John R., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Davis-Kingston, Heather L., M.D.1 Reynoso, Stefan T., M.D. Family Practice Mowjood, Muhammad R., D.O.1 Reynoso, Stefan T., M.D.1 Tran, Charles M., D.O. Gastroenterology Al-Darsani, Hussain, M.D. Merla, Nischita, M.D.1 Shakfeh, Mohammad J., M.D. Shin, Jason H., M.D.1 General Surgery Firpo, Robert S., M.D.1 Garg, Vinod K., M.D.1 Hajduczek, Andrew J., M.D.1 Khalil, Michael R., M.D. Krahn, Douglas M., M.D.1 Ku, Joseph K., M.D.1 Oliak, David A., M.D.1 Ou, Hon-Zen, M.D.1 Owens, Milton L., M.D.1 Hematology Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 Reddy, Krishna G., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Agarwal, Vandana, M.D.1 Hashimi, Labib A., M.D.1 1 Hematology/Oncology Lamon, Joel M., M.D.1 Rajurkar, Swapnil P., M.D. Infectious Disease Dhawan, Vinod K., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Ali, Altaf L., M.D.1 Bahl, Rana A., M.D.1 Chang, David F., M.D.1 Choie, John H., M.D.1 Dhand, Subhash, M.D.1 Elghazi, Fares, M.D.1 Friedman, Gerald S., M.D.1 Hong, Gene S., M.D. Hou, Antony C., M.D.1 Huynh, Paul T., D.O.1 Jayaweera, Asoka, M.D. Kongchalalai, Amarin, M.D.1 Lin, Henry, M.D.1 Merla, Nischita, M.D. Nguyen, Tan K., M.D.1 Quismorio, Anne V., M.D.1 Rajurkar, Swapnil P., M.D.1 Reddy, Krishna G., M.D.1 Sanchez, Joseph M., M.D.1 Shakfeh, Mohammad J., M.D.1 Utzurrum, Frankie D., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Curran, Mark A., M.D. Nephrology Chang, David F., M.D.1 Friedman, Gerald S., M.D.1 Huynh, Paul T., D.O. Hwang, Hla Myint Maung S., M.D.1 Sanchez, Joseph M., M.D.1 Uy-Concepcion, Erlinda T., M.D.1 Neurology Ali, Mohsen I., M.D.1 Desai, Bhupatrai H., M.D. Elghazi, Fares, M.D.1 Board Certified 317 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Zadeh, Andrew A., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PrimeCare Medical Group of Chino Valley PPG 5048 Neurosurgery Armin, Sean S., M.D. Disney, Lew B., M.D. Hill, T. William, M.D.1 Rodriguez, Jose L., M.D.1 Rouhe, Stanley A., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Abdullah, Mazin I., M.D.1 Akram, Tahira, M.D. Armada, Robert A., D.O.1 Carstens, Herman A., M.D.1 Du, Joanna Y., M.D. Lee, Patricia W., M.D.1 Lee, Thomas W., M.D.1 Navarro, Corazon E., M.D. Pannier, Todd J., P.A.1 Patel, Geeta S., M.D. Phung, Duong T., M.D.1 Werlin, Lawrence B., M.D. Occupational Medicine Paliwal, Amit R., M.D. Oncology Dhand, Subhash, M.D. Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Aye, Mg S., M.D.1 Blanton, Christopher L., M.D.1 Bruce-Lyle, Leslie A., M.D.1 Carlson, John P., M.D.1 Chan, Clement K., M.D.1 Fu, Selena Y., M.D.1 Innocenzi, Robert A., D.O. Lin, Steven G., M.D.1 Nuthi, Asha S., D.O.1 Ong, Olivia C., M.D.1 Pirouzian, Amir, M.D. Salib, David M., M.D.1 Schwarcz, Robert M., M.D. Win, Peter H., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 318 / Health Net Provider Network Optometrist Kiernan, William H., O.D. Torres, Anna, O.D. Otolaryngology (Ent) Arasoghli, Sam, M.D.1 Hsu, Shin-Fu, M.D.1 Miller, Todd C., M.D.1 Stevens Jr, Walter E., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Chui, James, M.D.1 Fu, Selena Y., M.D. Kim, Esther Y., M.D. Ku, Joseph K., M.D. Nguyen, Trung D., M.D.1 Podiatry Chong, Jessica S., DPM Pulmonary Disease Davis-Kingston, Heather L., M.D.1 Eltahir, Nadir A., M.D.1 Grobler, Nicolaas M., M.D. Hsu, Jin-Yang J., M.D.1 Kongchalalai, Amarin, M.D.1 Sandhu, Rohinder K., M.D.1 Utzurrum, Frankie D., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Gorty, Sri G., M.D. Kazlauskas, Linas J., M.D. Peng, Yuchi P., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Abdullah, Mazin I., M.D. Werlin, Lawrence B., M.D. Zarandy, Sohila, M.D. Rheumatology Hou, Antony C., M.D.1 Lee, Eric C., M.D. Quismorio, Anne V., M.D. Sebai, Mohamed B., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PrimeCare Medical Group of Chino Valley PPG 5048 Sports Medicine Eltahir, Nadir A., M.D.1 Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Urology Anan, Boonsong N., M.D.1 Brodak, Philip P., M.D.1 Conner, Richard J., M.D.1 Crisell, Monisha S., M.D.1 Hickerson, Adam D., M.D. Highshaw, Ralph A., M.D. Nguyen, Aaron L., M.D. Pineda, Elmer B., M.D. 1 Board Certified 319 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PrimeCare Medical Group of Inland Valley PPG 5055 PrimeCare Medical Group of Inland Valley PPG 5055 9130 Anaheim Place Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-8539 (909) 466-8000 Urgent Care: Rapid Care - (909) 483-8361 24 hrs/day. 7 days/week Hospitals Used: San Antonio Community Hospital Pomona Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Porcelli, Martin J., D.O. Family Practice 5055 040853 336 Ervilla St. (909) 620-1955 French, Spanish Anesthesiology Tarin, Thien T., M.D. White, Peter J., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Ali, Altaf L., M.D.1 Bhandari, Anil K., M.D.1 Burstein, Steven, M.D.1 Hakkak, Fatima, D.O. Lerman, Robert D., M.D. Lo, Ronald, M.D.1 Mullangi, Sivaprasad, M.D. Pham, Tuan A., M.D.1 Tummala, Padmini P., M.D.1 Zadeh, Andrew A., M.D.1 Dermatology Le, Anh-Dao V., M.D. Ledesma, Glenn N., M.D. Messina, Michael J., M.D.1 Nguyen, Tan K., M.D. Pattummadith, Suwapang, M.D. Rebish, Jeffrey C., M.D.1 Shiell, Ronald D., M.D.1 Tran, Charles M., D.O. West Jr., John R., M.D. West, Sr, John R., M.D.1 Endocrinology Aqeel, Rubina, M.D. Prasad, Jeereddi A., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Hung, Chuang-Ti, M.D. Jenkins, Kevin M., D.O. Merla, Nischita, M.D.1 Shin, Jason H., M.D.1 General Surgery Beseth, Bryce D., M.D. Firpo, Robert S., M.D.1 Gosney, Wallace G., M.D. Hajduczek, Andrew J., M.D.1 Khalil, Michael R., M.D. Krahn, Douglas M., M.D.1 Ku, Joseph K., M.D.1 Oliak, David A., M.D.1 Owens, Milton L., M.D.1 Turner, Gilbert R., M.D.1 Geriatrics Porcelli, Martin J., D.O. Chiropractor Bellwood, Diane S., D.C. Kono, Sean S., D.C. Hematology/Oncology Bosserman, Linda D., M.D. Ebrahimi, Behnam, M.D. Pudunagar Subbiah, Shanmuga S., M.D.1 Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Lo, Ronald, M.D.1 Zadeh, Andrew A., M.D.1 Infectious Disease Bassi, Sohanjeet S., M.D.1 Begum, Nasima, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 320 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PrimeCare Medical Group of Inland Valley PPG 5055 Internal Medicine Ali, Altaf L., M.D.1 Gott, Kerry N., M.D.1 Hakkak, Fatima, D.O. Hou, Antony C., M.D.1 Howard IV, Frank D., M.D.1 Hung, Chuang-Ti, M.D. Huynh, Paul T., D.O.1 Kongchalalai, Amarin, M.D.1 Lin, Henry, M.D.1 Lo, Ronald, M.D.1 Merla, Nischita, M.D. Mikhail, Mina N., M.D.1 Prasad, Jeereddi A., M.D.1 Pudunagar Subbiah, Shanmuga S., M.D.1 Quismorio, Anne V., M.D.1 Sanchez, Joseph M., M.D.1 Shin, Jason H., M.D.1 Sun, Chao-Hung, M.D.1 Tremazi, Jaffar A., M.D.1 Tummala, Padmini P., M.D.1 Uy-Concepcion, Erlinda T., M.D.1 Wang, Jin, M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Curran, Mark A., M.D. Hanna, Gina V., M.D. Silver, Lori E., M.D. Nephrology Blakely, Patricia, M.D.1 Huynh, Paul T., D.O. Hwang, Hla Myint Maung S., M.D.1 Sanchez, Joseph M., M.D.1 Sun, Chao-Hung, M.D.1 Uy-Concepcion, Erlinda T., M.D.1 Wang, Jin, M.D.1 Neurology Ali, Mohsen I., M.D.1 Elghazi, Fares, M.D.1 1 Neurosurgery Armin, Sean S., M.D. Disney, Lew B., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Armada, Robert A., D.O.1 Du, Joanna Y., M.D. Easter, Thomas T., M.D.1 Hanna, Gina V., M.D.1 Kim, Sung H., M.D. Lee, Patricia W., M.D.1 Rodrigues, Darryl J., M.D.1 Silver, Lori E., M.D. Valenzuela-Gamm, Monica A., D.O. Werlin, Lawrence B., M.D. Oncology Howard IV, Frank D., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Chalian, Christopher A., M.D.1 Lilley, James C., M.D.1 Santaniello, John D., M.D.1 Shah, Jayprakash N., M.D. Smith, Carl W., M.D.1 Ward, Michelle D., M.D. Pulmonary Disease Hsu, Jin-Yang J., M.D.1 Kongchalalai, Amarin, M.D.1 Sandhu, Rohinder K., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Bellairs, Ellen E., M.D.1 Gorty, Sri G., M.D. Kazlauskas, Linas J., M.D. Monson, Jedidiah M., M.D.1 Peng, Yuchi P., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Dinsay, Roselyn M., M.D. Werlin, Lawrence B., M.D. Zarandy, Sohila, M.D. Rheumatology Hou, Antony C., M.D.1 Lee, Eric C., M.D. Board Certified 321 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Infectious Disease Gott, Kerry N., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING PrimeCare Medical Group of Inland Valley PPG 5055 Rheumatology Quismorio, Anne V., M.D. Sebai, Mohamed B., M.D. Tremazi, Jaffar A., M.D. Urology Conner, Richard J., M.D.1 Crisell, Monisha S., M.D.1 Hickerson, Adam D., M.D. Highshaw, Ralph A., M.D. Nguyen, Aaron L., M.D. Pineda, Elmer B., M.D. Saul, Stanley R., D.O. 1 Board Certified 322 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Genesis Healthcare PPG 1255 1920 East 17th Street Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 Urgent Care: Genesis Medical Clinic (714)522-2891 Mon - Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sun: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center Daehan Prospect Medical Group (PPG 5274) 1920 E 17th St, Ste 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kang, Deno D., M.D. Internal Medicine 1255 079160 18102 Pioneer Blvd. # 204 (562) 402-9801 Korean Kang, Deno D., M.D. Internal Medicine 5274 079160 18102 Pioneer Blvd. # 204 (562) 402-9801 Korean Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1255 073250 9604 Artesia Blvd. # 102 (562) 925-1165 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish 1 2 Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Che, Ki S., M.D. General Practice 1255 141054 12506 South St. (562) 809-0142 Korean Che, Ki S., M.D. General Practice 5274 141054 12506 South St. (562) 809-0142 Korean Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kawakami, Susan R., D.O. Family Practice1 1255 055701 11411 Brookshire Ave. # 302 (562) 869-1121 Spanish Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1255 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish Hawaiian Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nugas, Alicia G., M.D. Family Practice 1255 012507 22408 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 421-2188 Spanish, Tagalog Shek, David Y., M.D. General Practice 1255 049551 11803 Carson St. (562) 924-4455 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish La Mirada Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shah, Chunilal G., M.D.2 Family Practice 1255 038649 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 104 (562) 947-1619 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi Shin, Dong-Soo, M.D. General Practice 1255 023454 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 205 (562) 943-4747 Korean, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 323 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Genesis Healthcare PPG 1255 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Genesis Healthcare PPG 1255 Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Chang, Eric T., M.D.2 4856 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 425-1205 German Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2378 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 1255 520890 Family Practice1 1255 100154 Internal Medicine 1255 073250 Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1255 073250 2865 Atlantic Ave. # 150 (562) 599-4599 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kang, Soo W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1255 086226 11832 Rosecrans Ave. # 127 (562) 868-6256 Korean, Spanish Kang, Soo W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5274 086226 11832 Rosecrans Ave. # 127 (562) 868-6256 Korean, Spanish Salatinjants, Aida, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1255 050161 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 3 (562) 406-7070 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sharma, Chander P., M.D. General Practice 1255 050163 16415 Colorado Ave. # 304 (562) 531-4171 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Byeon, Sangjun, M.D. Family Practice1 5274 148113 18391 Colima Rd. # 201 (626) 912-2911 Korean Park, Burn, M.D. Family Practice1 1255 041195 19085 Colima Rd. (626) 964-5001 Korean, Spanish Walnut Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Seung K., M.D. General Practice 1255 158779 19687 Valley Blvd. (909) 598-5228 Spanish Chang, Seung K., M.D. General Practice 5274 158779 19687 Valley Blvd. (909) 598-5228 Spanish Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, Internal Medicine1 M.D.2 1255 078146 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 101 (562) 907-7616 Farsi, Spanish Allergy/Immunology Burger, Jr., Emil F., M.D.1 Lin, Chao-I, M.D.1 Nguyen, Roger L., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Baker, John D., M.D.1 1 Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 324 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Biegler, Todd L., M.D.1 Cobb, Tyson C., M.D.1 Gogia, Harinder S., M.D.1 Khemka, Mahaveer P., M.D.1 Kumar, Dinesh, M.D.1 Lee, Jay H., M.D.1 Morcos, Nabil C., M.D. Multani, Pramod, M.D.1 Ngo, Loan T., M.D.1 Shenoy, Prakash N., M.D.1 Spivack, Nordy S., M.D.1 Wen, Kenneth C., M.D.1 Chiropractor Buell, Steven M., D.C. Greenberg, David B., D.C. Jung, Peter S., D.C. Noble, Timothy R., D.C. Dermatology Chow, Joseph F., M.D.1 Friedman, David B., M.D.1 Jung, Mary S., M.D.1 Ledesma, Glenn N., M.D. Lee, Gary C., M.D.1 Nguyen, Quan H., M.D. Gastroenterology Alapati, Ravindra, M.D.1 Bui, Christopher D., M.D. Demicco, Michael P., M.D.1 Gaddam, Syam P., M.D. Kuettel, Kevin D., M.D. Leduc, Truong S., M.D. Lee, Paul S., M.D.1 Panguluri, Rangarao, M.D.1 Shin, Jason H., M.D.1 Winkle, Peter J., M.D.1 Yip, Dick M., M.D.1 General Surgery Ahn, Andrew H., M.D.1 Ballard, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Batra, Pramod K., M.D.1 1 General Surgery Brandau, Kim M., M.D. Chung, Nathan S., M.D.1 Fernandez, Edgar J., M.D.1 Flanigan, Daniel P., M.D. Gaw, Felix R., M.D.1 Jekums, Theodore J., M.D.1 Kim, Chin G., M.D.1 Lal, Rajesh, M.D.1 Le, Quy V., M.D. Lee, Francis S., M.D.1 Montgomery, Russell S., M.D.1 Mule, Joseph M., M.D.1 Roh, Michael L., M.D. Shin, Dong-Soo, M.D. Thibault, William N., M.D.1 Tieu, Kenneth K., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Biegler, Todd L., M.D.1 Charu, Veena, M.D. Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Kim, Sally I., M.D.1 Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Rubin, Jack, M.D. Shapiro, Leonard, M.D. Singh, Narindar, M.D.1 Wijeyakumar, Vijayalakshmi, M.D.1 Yip, Dick M., M.D. Nephrology Ali, Nausheen B., M.D.1 Bui, Steve Q., M.D.1 Darwish, Riad Y., M.D. Durairaj, Lalitha, M.D. Gandhi, Nirav D., M.D.1 Gandotra, Gaytri, M.D. Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Lee, Tae Y., M.D.1 Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Nasser-Moaddeli, Shahriare N., M.D.1 Nathan, Ramani R., M.D.1 Board Certified 325 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Genesis Healthcare PPG 1255 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Genesis Healthcare PPG 1255 Nephrology Ness, Russell L., M.D. Rajudin, Mohamed M., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Asha R., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Rubin, Jack, M.D. Sawhney, Ajit S., M.D. Shapiro, Leonard, M.D. Singh, Harmanjit, M.D. Venkat, Vasuki N., M.D.1 Vidhun, Jayakumar R., M.D. Wijeyakumar, Vijayalakshmi, M.D. Yang, Philip S., M.D.1 Neurology Allen, Aaron R., M.D.1 Backman, Martin J., M.D.1 Holstein, Clyde D., M.D. Kim, Chan H., M.D.1 Maistros, Paul A., M.D.1 Park, James J., D.O.1 Rapoport, Zhanna, M.D. Snider, Donald J., M.D.1 Tran, Minh Q., M.D. Neurosurgery Anderson, Mark E., M.D.1 Berman, Blake W., D.O. Nguyen, Tien T., M.D. Tabrizi, Peyman R., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Chan, Gregory L., M.D.1 Hong, Jane K., M.D.1 Hur, In H., M.D.1 Jan, Hong-An, M.D.1 Kim, Sang C., M.D.1 Lee, Hyuk, M.D.1 Luong, Helen H., M.D. Nguyen, Phu T., D.O.1 Nguyenphuc, Diemchi, M.D.1 Pinches III, John L., D.O.1 Sharkey, Nicole L., M.D. 1 Board Certified 326 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Torday, Stephen I., M.D.1 Oncology Ree, Peter C., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Boyce, James D., M.D. Chong, Lawrence P., M.D.1 Do, Cuong-Dung T., M.D.1 Fu, Selena Y., M.D.1 Grant, Scott, M.D.1 Kim, Matthew H., M.D.1 Kim, Sally I., M.D.1 Lee, Paul C., M.D. Liu, Norman H., M.D.1 Lu, Arthur C., M.D.1 Lukac, Jan S., M.D.1 Mayo, George L., M.D.1 Nguyen, Triet M., M.D.1 Roh, Michael L., M.D.1 Sebag, Jerry, M.D.1 Sheety, Michael A., M.D.1 Song, Alice, M.D. Song, Julia, M.D. Suk, Kevin K., M.D.1 Tran, Theodore D., M.D.1 Vu, Michael T., M.D.1 Winston, Jeffrey V., M.D.1 Optometrist Goldstone, Harvey R., O.D. Louie, Lynne D., O.D. Pilon, Andrew, O.D. Sharieff, Kauser V., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Aflatoon, Kamran, D.O.1 Alexander, Gerald J., M.D.1 Ashley, Edwin M., M.D.1 Batchelor, Bret K., M.D.1 Beck, John L., M.D.1 Birnbaum, Peter S., D.O. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Genesis Healthcare PPG 1255 Radiation Oncology Dave, Sulabha A., M.D. Doggett, Stephen W., M.D.1 Ko, Mi Kyung, M.D.1 Rha, Janice J., M.D.1 Rheumatology Ho, Gerald Y., M.D.1 Hwang, Sarah N., M.D.1 Khurana, Krishan S., M.D. Kim, Nicholas Y., M.D.1 Therapeutic Radiology Ree, Peter C., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Pain Management Baker, Gary L., M.D. Doh, Philip S., M.D. Podiatry Bennett, Jonathan I., DPM1 Blaine, Robert C., DPM1 Dang, Chuc B., DPM1 Ho, Kevin L., DPM Kim, Peter C., DPM Lee, James C., DPM Poliskie, Michael K., DPM Yoon, Paul C., DPM Yoon, Steve S., DPM Psychology Vande-Steeg, Robert L., PSY.D 1 Board Certified 327 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Orthopedic Surgery Bohr, Robert J., M.D.1 Cara, Gerald W., M.D.1 Chi, Ying, M.D. Cho, Yung R., M.D.1 Downs, David J., M.D. Gibson, Harry L., M.D.1 Kaplan, Daniel E., M.D.1 Katz, Stanley G., M.D.1 Katzman, Todd H., M.D.1 Khan, Zafar S., M.D.1 Kim, Todd K., M.D.1 Low, Kyle, M.D.1 Mashoof, Afshin A., M.D.1 Moheimani, Assad, M.D.1 Nguyen, Trong B., M.D.1 Podolsky, Anatol, M.D.1 Ritter, Richard J., M.D.1 Rubinstein, Michael P., M.D.1 Shah, Bindesh A., M.D.1 Stein, Daniel T., M.D.1 Swanson, Gerald W., M.D.1 Vyas, Shail M., M.D. Wagner, Kendall S., M.D.1 Williams, Eugen D., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Health Source Medical Group PPG 1952 Prospect Health Source Medical Group PPG 1952 1920 East 17th Street, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 Urgent Care: Centinela Airport Clinic (310) 215-6020 Hospitals Used: Hollywood Community Hospital at Brotman Medical Center Beverly Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Davis, Pamela N., M.D. Family Practice1 1952 103665 9001 Wilshire Blvd. # 203 (310) 623-1248 Doostan, Jay, M.D.3 Internal Medicine 1952 504135 9675 Brighton Way # 380 (310) 859-0415 Armenian, Farsi, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Eisenman, Dana G., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 090211 150 N. Robertson Blvd. # 350N (310) 360-7671 Frisch, David M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 520506 150 N. Robertson Blvd. # 350A (310) 659-6716 Helfenstein, Jeffrey S., Internal Medicine1 M.D.2 1952 007112 99 N. La Cienega Blvd. # 203 (310) 289-9955 Leeds, Scott M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 098991 415 N. Crescent Dr. # 225 (310) 777-0159 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Meltzer, James L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 045505 8920 Wilshire Blvd. # 333 (310) 855-1288 Spanish Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 011621 435 N. Bedford Dr. # 312 (310) 858-5090 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Ramin, David S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 089759 9025 Wilshire Blvd. # 210 (310) 276-7575 Farsi, Spanish Riceberg, Edward L., M.D.2 Internal Medicine 1952 024125 9400 Brighton Way # 410 (310) 550-8028 Rieux, Sherril M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 025043 9001 Wilshire Blvd. # 203 (310) 623-1248 Spanish Simons, Steven M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 015900 436 N. Bedford Dr. # 214 (310) 274-3444 Spanish, Tagalog Internal Medicine Sladek, Julia, M.D.2 1952 057127 8920 Wilshire Blvd. # 330 (310) 657-1780 German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Spanish Waks, Abraham U., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 017834 8900 Wilshire Blvd. # 350 (310) 657-9841 Hebrew, Spanish Wool, Glen M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 018717 300 S. Beverly Dr. # 108 (310) 556-7991 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 328 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Health Source Medical Group PPG 1952 1 2 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1952 136564 Internal Medicine1 1952 005795 Internal Medicine1 1952 007576 Internal Medicine1 1952 008442 Internal Medicine 1952 008961 Internal Medicine 1952 009368 Internal Medicine1 1952 032019 Internal Medicine 1952 012023 Internal Medicine 1952 077131 Internal Medicine 1952 089759 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Theard, Lowell P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 057129 3831 Hughes Ave. # 705 (310) 838-6801 French Internal Medicine Witlin, Steven N., M.D.2 1952 034651 9808 Venice Blvd. # 603 (310) 845-9311 Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Diop, Abdoulaye, M.D. General Practice 1952 046200 2710 W. Manchester Blvd. (323) 778-4310 French, Spanish Ellis, Arnold, M.D. General Practice 1952 127755 2710 W. Manchester Blvd. (323) 778-4310 Hawkins, Randy W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 007016 644 E. Regent St. # 200 (310) 674-5353 Niknam, Jamshid, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 057012 401 S. La Brea Ave. # 205 (310) 275-7575 Farsi Razi, David F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 067708 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi, Spanish Sourehnissani, Mehran, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1952 079285 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Behroozan, Benjamin, General Practice M.D. 1952 034784 5255 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 463-7262 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 329 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Culver City Primary Care Physicians Del Rivero-Yamuy, Ada E., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 101 (310) 204-0104 French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish Gilbert, Randall C., M.D. 4340 Overland Ave. (310) 842-7500 Spanish Houston, Daryl K., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 707 (310) 838-7381 Kamiel, Michael B., M.D. 9808 Venice Blvd. # 503 (310) 559-3663 Spanish Kirsch, Henry L., M.D. 9808 Venice Blvd. # 503 (310) 287-3111 German, Spanish Kumar, Rita R., M.D. 4340 Overland Ave. (310) 559-4411 Hindi, Urdu Morrison, Allan R., M.D. 4340 Overland Ave. (310) 559-4411 Muro, Jesus R., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 707 (310) 838-7381 Spanish Prasad, Rajendra, M.D. 9808 Venice Blvd. # 707 (310) 237-0023 Hindi, Italian, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish Ramin, David S., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 707 (310) 276-7575 Farsi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Health Source Medical Group PPG 1952 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bhuta, Mahesh V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 033746 9711 Venice Blvd. (310) 559-9884 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi Brown, Harvey V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 501995 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 605 (213) 742-0910 Carew-Akenzua, Family Practice1 Oyindamola F., M.D. 1952 078157 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 150 (310) 417-4014 Spanish Copen, Stephen T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 570060 8631 W. Third St. # 1030E (310) 854-3390 Covington, Elizabeth J., General Practice M.D. 1952 023321 3701 Stocker St. # 101 (323) 290-2107 Spanish Fichman, Marshal P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 019522 8635 W. Third St. # 292W (310) 271-5784 Hakimi, Solemon, M.D. General Practice 1952 077216 1140 S. Robertson Blvd. # 3 (310) 659-2025 Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Turkish Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 007002 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 553-6777 Spanish, Tagalog Hekmat, Soheil P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 007110 12212 W. Washington Blvd. (310) 391-5241 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Jose, Pauline J., M.D. Family Practice 1952 094502 8631 W. Third St. # 1135 (310) 657-8455 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kornfeld, Herbert R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 009216 2080 Century Park East # 1105 (310) 553-2122 Farsi, French, Russian, Spanish Internal Medicine Lang, William G., M.D.2 1952 059341 5230 Pacific Concourse Dr. # 102 (310) 536-8200 Spanish Levin, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 009951 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 553-6777 Spanish, Yiddish Livhits, Masha J., M.D. General Practice 1952 154135 6399 Wilshire Blvd. # 910 (323) 653-6431 Armenian, Russian Madden, Brian D., M.D. Family Practice1 1952 089174 2143 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 300 (310) 575-3100 Spanish Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 011621 3392 Motor Ave. (310) 202-1133 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Mora, Lawrence A., M.D. Family Practice1 1952 080304 6221 Wilshire Blvd. # 416 (323) 456-0185 Spanish Moreno, Eugenia, M.D. Family Practice 1952 011811 12099 W. Washington Blvd. # 400 (310) 398-3803 Spanish Neidorf, Barry S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 012220 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 277-2771 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 330 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Powell, Richard M., M.D. General Practice 1952 051268 5901 W. Olympic Blvd. # 504 (323) 935-5858 Spanish Rothbart, Robert K., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 014525 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 605 (213) 742-0910 Shadi, Payam, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 099470 6221 Wilshire Blvd. # 416 (323) 938-9999 Farsi Shamekh, Pejman D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 172899 2080 Century Park East # 1207 (310) 788-0074 Farsi Tirmizi, Syed O., M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 058094 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 556-0702 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Villagomez, Jose L., M.D. General Practice 1952 104315 12095 W. Washington Blvd. # 400 (310) 398-3803 Spanish Yamini, Sohrab, M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 035260 1700 Westwood Blvd. (310) 234-6600 Farsi, Spanish Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Baharvar, Jamshid, M.D. Internal Medicine 1952 500707 2001 Santa Monica Blvd. # 690 (310) 828-6868 Farsi, Spanish Behroozan, Benjamin, General Practice M.D. 1952 034784 2221 Lincoln Blvd. # 200 (310) 396-9999 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Hakimi, Solemon, M.D. General Practice 1952 077216 2915 Santa Monica Blvd. # 1 (310) 449-0098 Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Turkish North Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Makovoz, Galina, M.D. General Practice 1952 060837 11631 Victory Blvd. # 103 (818) 762-3116 Russian Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Bhatia, Satinder J., M.D.1 Buchbinder, Neil A., M.D.1 Dohad, Suhail Y., M.D.1 Elad, Yaron, M.D.1 Frisch, David M., M.D.1 Gang, Eli S., M.D.1 Helfenstein, Jeffrey S., M.D.1 Ho, Ivan C., M.D.1 Judelson, Debra R., M.D.1 Karlsberg, Ronald P., M.D.1 Koplik, Sheri, M.D.1 Neidorf, Barry S., M.D. Santa Monica Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Babaali, Hossein, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1952 091052 2428 Santa Monica Blvd. # 402 (310) 829-3385 Farsi, Portuguese, Spanish 1 West Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Makovoz, Galina, M.D. General Practice 1952 060837 7607 Santa Monica Blvd. # 27 (323) 650-5494 Russian Shemer, Boris, M.D. General Practice 1952 063865 7607 Santa Monica Blvd. # 28 (323) 656-7094 Russian Allergy/Immunology Mirzai-Tehrani, Reza, D.O.1 Parker, Peter P., M.D.1 Quel, Jorge A., M.D.1 Board Certified 331 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Health Source Medical Group PPG 1952 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Health Source Medical Group PPG 1952 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Ostrom, Matthew P., M.D.1 Rose, Robert M., M.D.1 Samuels, Bruce A., M.D.1 Sharma, Madan, M.D.1 Swerdlow, Charles D., M.D.1 Tabak, Steven W., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Kosar, Erol M., M.D.1 Levine, Seymour, M.D.1 Ostrom, Matthew P., M.D.1 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Benoit, Richard M., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Nephrology Bahmani, Parvaneh, M.D.1 Chimeh, Seyed-Farhad N., M.D.1 Chiropractor Higashi, Randy S., D.C. Shery, Jay J., D.C. Neurology Singh, Ravinder, M.D.1 Dermatology Kaplan, Milton P., M.D.1 Lin, Michael T., M.D.1 Endocrinology Kamiel, Michael B., M.D. Nazemi, Reza, M.D.1 Sladek, Julia, M.D. Gastroenterology Fan, Robert S., M.D.1 Kornfeld, Herbert R., M.D. Ojuri, Adebambo O., M.D.1 Simmons, Timothy C., M.D. General Surgery Goodstein, Jordan H., M.D.1 Korman, Jeremy E., M.D.1 Hematology Chap, Linnea I., M.D. Gabayan, Afshin E., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D. Infectious Disease Ruane, Peter J., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Chimeh, Seyed-Farhad N., M.D.1 Hourani, Jameel M., D.O.1 1 Board Certified 332 / Health Net Provider Network Obstetrics/Gynecology Bravo, Claire U., M.D. Daneshgar, Kourosh K., M.D. Eshaghian, Michael, M.D. Nassir, Albert A., M.D. Oncology Chap, Linnea I., M.D.1 Kleynberg, Leonid M., M.D. Kleynberg, Vera, M.D.1 Ophthalmology Blechman, Betsy E., M.D.1 Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Harrison, Camille M., M.D.1 Hau, Vincent S., M.D. Taban, Mehran, M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Nam, Howard K., M.D.1 Putnam, Michelle A., M.D. Ruder, Robert O., M.D.1 Wang, Dorothy, M.D.1 Pain Management Robb, Leon G., M.D. Zarrini, Behnoush, M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Gordon, L. Stephen, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Health Source Medical Group PPG 1952 Pediatrics Beesley Jr, Ellis N., M.D.1 Behroozan, Benjamin, M.D. Diop, Abdoulaye, M.D.1 Elliott, Robert C., M.D. Feig, Steven A., M.D. Grover, Rahul, M.D.1 Keynigshteyn, Rena, M.D.1 Razi, David F., M.D. Schramm, Laurel J., M.D.1 Shamim, Fatema A., M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Sabbaghi, Ali M., M.D. Rheumatology Gilbert, Randall C., M.D.1 Levine, Seymour, M.D.1 Weinberg, Assa, M.D. Thoracic Surgery Kafrouni, George, M.D. McPherson, James G., M.D.1 Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Urology Bamshad, Babak R., M.D.1 Scott, Dana N., M.D. Shapiro, Alan E., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery Cohen, William B., M.D.1 Plastic Surgery Dean, Shay B., M.D.1 Podiatry Nejad, Farshid, DPM Psychiatry Mallare, Litos O., M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Brown, Harvey V., M.D.1 Rothbart, Robert K., M.D. Tirmizi, Syed O., M.D. Radiation Oncology Gabayan, Arash J., M.D.1 Gordon, Patricia S., M.D.1 Huang, David, M.D.1 Khan, David C., M.D.1 Ko, Mi Kyung, M.D.1 Safa, Afshin A., M.D.1 Schiffner, Daniel C., M.D. Zisblatt, Uri, M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Peck, Alison C., M.D.1 Salem, Shala A., M.D. Surrey, Mark W., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 333 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Pediatric Neurology Niparko, Nancy A., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 1920 East 17th Street, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 Urgent Care: Sunrise Multi-Specialist Medical Center (714) 771-1420 Asher Family Care (714) 533-1491 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Chapman Medical Center Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center Hollywood Community Hospital at Brotman Medical Center Placentia Linda Hospital Western Medical Center - Anaheim Western Medical Center - Santa Ana Maverick Medical Group, Inc. (PPG 5297) 1920 East 17th Street, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 Hospitals Used: Glendale Adventist Medical Center Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center Prospect Latino Medical Group (PPG 5305) 1920 East 17th Street Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 Hospitals Used: Hollywood Community Hospital at Brotman Medical Center Whittier Hospital Medical Center Prospect Medical Group Los Angeles (PPG 5306) 1920 East 17th Street Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 1 Board Certified 334 / Health Net Provider Network Hospitals Used: Hollywood Community Hospital at Brotman Medical Center Whittier Hospital Medical Center Prospect NWOC Medical Group (PPG 5291) 1920 East 17th Street, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8626 (714) 796-5900 Urgent Care: Sunrise Multi-Specialist Medical Center (714) 771-1420 Asher Family Care (714) 533-1491 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Chapman Medical Center Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center Hollywood Community Hospital at Brotman Medical Center Los Alamitos Medical Center Placentia Linda Hospital Western Medical Center - Anaheim Western Medical Center - Santa Ana Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kang, Deno D., M.D. Internal Medicine 5291 079160 18102 Pioneer Blvd. # 204 (562) 402-9801 Korean Minkus, Brian L., D.O. Family Practice1 1470 520784 18502 Gridley Rd. (562) 865-6160 Spanish Minkus, Roxana P., D.O. General Practice 1470 080365 18300 Gridley Rd. # 201 (562) 865-6160 Portuguese, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5306 143195 Family Practice 5306 107584 Family Practice1 5306 065704 Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mendoza, Manuel F., M.D. Family Practice1 5291 051482 16323 Clark Ave. (562) 925-7716 Spanish, Tagalog Burbank Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kirakosyan, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1470 127632 500 E. Olive Ave. (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Canoga Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aazami, Hessam, M.D. General Practice 1470 134414 22030 Sherman Way (818) 312-9101 Farsi, Italian, Spanish Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Che, Ki S., M.D. General Practice 5291 141054 12506 South St. (562) 809-0142 Korean 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Pascual, Prode P., M.D. General Practice 5306 171910 18331 Gridley Rd. # C (562) 865-0213 Tagalog City Of Industry Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wang, Yi, M.D. Family Practice1 5305 143783 1661 Hanover Rd. # 201 (626) 965-4628 Mandarin, Spanish Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tulpule, Radhika, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5297 017461 110 N. Fourth Ave. (626) 859-6400 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu Culver City Primary Care Physicians Del Rivero-Yamuy, Ada E., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 101 (310) 204-0104 French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish Prasad, Rajendra, M.D. 9808 Venice Blvd. # 707 (310) 237-0023 Hindi, Italian, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish Shechter, Pagiel, M.D. 9808 Venice Blvd. PH (310) 733-4171 Arabic, French, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5306 136564 Internal Medicine 5306 077131 General Practice 5306 074150 Board Certified 335 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Lalezary, Arash, M.D. 7218 Garfield Ave. (562) 927-1111 Farsi, French, Spanish Perez, Angel G., M.D. 6517 Eastern Ave. (323) 773-8295 Spanish Vazquez, Carolina, M.D. 6501 Eastern Ave. # A (323) 771-0145 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cheung, Hoi Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1470 502754 2707 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. # 104 (909) 594-8331 Cantonese, Mandarin Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gelfand, Gilbert F., M.D.3 Internal Medicine 1470 005677 9040 Telegraph Rd. (562) 861-0954 Spanish Glor, Rita, D.O. Family Practice1 5291 054036 11903 Downey Ave. (562) 869-1121 Arabic, Spanish Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 5306 165227 11942 Paramount Blvd. # B (562) 923-6060 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5306 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 5306 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5291 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish Rawson, Leonard G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5291 013871 8255 Firestone Blvd. # 501 (562) 319-2085 Spanish Zapata, Martin R., D.O. Internal Medicine1 5306 106677 9818 Paramount Blvd. # C (562) 806-1214 Spanish 1 El Monte Primary Care Physicians Perez, Omar, M.D. 10728 Ramona Blvd. # A (626) 442-9430 Spanish Perez, Omar, M.D. 10728 Ramona Blvd. # A (626) 442-9430 Spanish Zhang, Yan Ping, M.D. 10942 Ramona Blvd. # B (626) 442-2929 Mandarin Internal Medicine 5306 049844 General Practice 5306 141463 Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Agababian, Gor, M.D. General Practice 5297 154347 222 W. Eulalia St. # 301 (818) 562-2006 Armenian, Russian Aintablian, Agop, M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 063753 416 E. Colorado St. # A (818) 507-1305 Arabic, Armenian, French, Italian Arutyounian, Narine, M.D. Family Practice1 5297 094487 814 E. Broadway # 1 (818) 265-5040 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Barsegyan, Arsine, M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 136943 1202 S. Central Ave. (818) 551-1323 Armenian, Russian Bui, Duc C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5297 502113 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 105 (818) 265-2204 French, Spanish, Vietnamese Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 336 / Health Net Provider Network 3 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 5306 049844 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Charchian, David M., M.D. General Practice 5297 047739 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 305 (818) 241-0220 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Duron, Paul A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 062028 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Gaboian, Karine, M.D. General Practice 5297 106104 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Gold, Marina, M.D. General Practice 5297 047388 1330 S. Glendale Ave. (818) 507-8181 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Hanna, Laila C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5297 050500 1911 W. Glenoaks Blvd. # B (818) 843-6640 French, Spanish Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5297 007135 1500 S. Central Ave. # 117 (818) 500-9545 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Khatchtourian, Henrik, General Practice M.D. 5297 052779 445 W. Broadway (818) 241-2103 Armenian, Farsi, Russian Levine, Stephen M., M.D. General Practice 5297 009981 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 404 (818) 240-9911 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Madatovian, Vahan, M.D. General Practice 5297 048701 501 W. Glenoaks Blvd. # 205 (818) 549-9630 Armenian, Farsi, Russian 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Maissian, Gevork J., D.O. Internal Medicine 5297 150333 1737 W. Glenoaks Blvd. (818) 243-1186 Armenian Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 032399 1500 S. Central Ave. # 221 (818) 242-0475 Armenian, Spanish Protacio, Rodolfo B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 033461 1510 S. Central Ave. # 540 (818) 500-8739 Spanish, Tagalog Saran, Ferdinant, M.D. Family Practice1 5297 150976 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 502 (818) 243-4600 Armenian, Farsi Set-Agayan, Yervand W., Family Practice D.O. 5297 154648 800 S. Central Ave. # 306 (818) 242-5300 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Tekkelian, Tsovinar, M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 050620 540 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 500-9393 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Yadegarian, Herach H., General Practice M.D. 5297 062349 800 S Central Ave. # 308 (818) 240-8767 Armenian, Farsi Zamorano, Antonio, D.O. Family Practice1 5297 165420 814 E. Broadway # 1 (818) 265-5040 Spanish Board Certified 337 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Hawaiian Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., Family Practice D.O. 5291 099185 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Spanish, Tagalog Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., Family Practice D.O. 5306 099185 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Spanish, Tagalog Aguiluz Jr, Amable D., General Practice M.D. 5291 057147 21500 Pioneer Blvd. # 209 (562) 402-4151 Spanish, Tagalog Aguiluz Jr, Amable D., General Practice M.D. 5306 057147 21500 Pioneer Blvd. # 209 (562) 402-4151 Spanish, Tagalog Lee, Stephen B., M.D. Family Practice 5291 164162 21508 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 865-5214 Korean, Spanish Nugas, Alicia G., M.D. Family Practice 5291 012507 22408 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 421-2188 Spanish, Tagalog Shek, David Y., M.D. General Practice 1470 049551 11803 Carson St. (562) 924-4455 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Joaquin, Arnel M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 118867 6245 De Longpre Ave. # 206 (323) 785-1223 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 338 / Health Net Provider Network Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alexander, Edward A., Internal Medicine M.D. 5306 086562 5900 Pacific Blvd. # 101 (323) 923-9343 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 5306 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 5306 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 103 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Nazarian, Iradj H., M.D. General Practice 5306 056919 7136 Pacific Blvd. # 225 (323) 249-4949 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Nguyen, Christine U., M.D. Internal Medicine 5306 087454 7128 Seville Ave. (323) 588-2186 Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, Van D., M.D. General Practice 5306 061305 7128 Seville Ave. (323) 588-2186 Pallivathucal, Rosalind G., General Practice M.D. 5306 060833 6120 Seville Ave. (323) 357-1000 Hindi, Italian, Spanish Shin, Min S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 060979 2968 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-1500 Korean, Spanish Tafoya, Richard A., M.D. General Practice 5306 016892 6601 Rugby Ave. # 401 (562) 947-0362 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ofoegbu, Kingsley O., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5306 101228 644 E. Regent St. # 200 (310) 674-5353 Spanish La Mirada Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gelfand, Gilbert F., M.D.3 Internal Medicine 1470 005677 15627 Imperial Hwy. (714) 990-0911 Spanish Krishna, Krishan S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 053259 15030 Imperial Hwy. (562) 943-6584 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Shah, Chunilal G., M.D. Family Practice 5291 038649 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 104 (562) 947-1619 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Finkelstein, Stuart J., M.D. 3650 South St. # 101 (562) 633-1765 Sign Language, Spanish Hugh, Peter C., D.O. 3650 South St. # 204 (562) 602-8841 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Licuanan, Jesus L., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 634-5140 Spanish, Tagalog 1 3 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 5291 520777 Family Practice1 5291 007677 Primary Care Physicians Licuanan, Jesus L., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 205 (562) 634-5140 Spanish, Tagalog Mann, Paramjot, M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2378 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Marfatia, Vikram S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2378 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Patel, Gnyandev S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 206 (562) 232-2380 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Patel, Shirish B., M.D. 5720 Bellflower Blvd. (562) 925-7401 Gujarati, Hindi Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D. 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5291 028253 Family Practice1 5306 107358 Family Practice1 5306 100154 Family Practice1 5291 100154 Internal Medicine 5291 073250 Internal Medicine 5306 073250 Internal Medicine 5291 013030 Internal Medicine1 5306 084078 Internal Medicine1 1470 028253 Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 339 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Zaky, Amal Y., M.D. Family Practice 5306 066586 7648 Seville Ave. (323) 587-1175 Arabic, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mungcal, Henrico V., M.D. General Practice 5306 067285 1937 Pacific Ave (562) 591-7302 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdian, Loghman, M.D. General Practice 5306 050279 1107 S. Alvarado St. # 102 (213) 380-9999 Farsi, Spanish Abovian, Vigen V., M.D. Family Practice 5297 166258 5427 Whittier Blvd. (323) 869-1900 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese Ayodele, Emmanuel A., General Practice M.D. 5306 066602 11126 S. Main St. (323) 779-8398 Spanish Bansal, Maneesh A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 165528 433 S. Soto St. (323) 263-6103 Hindi, Spanish Bansal, Maneesh A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 165528 5540 N. Figueroa St. (323) 478-1101 Hindi, Spanish Bhuta, Mahesh V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 033746 9711 Venice Blvd. (310) 559-9884 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi Castillo, Hector R., M.D. Family Practice1 5306 106915 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish 1 Board Certified 340 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chadha, Arinder S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 099512 4059 E. Olympic Blvd. (323) 881-2675 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Chavez, Edgar A., M.D. Family Practice1 5306 149255 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Danielyan, Nouneh O., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5297 079762 5220 Santa Monica Blvd. # E (323) 913-9300 Armenian, Russian Fleischman, Horacio S., General Practice M.D. 5306 052048 4036 Whittier Blvd. # 200 (323) 796-0500 Italian, Spanish Fujiwara, Tadao, M.D. Family Practice1 5306 024069 316 E. Second St., 2nd Fl. (323) 980-8488 Japanese, Spanish Fujiwara, Tadao, M.D. Family Practice1 5306 024069 5300 Whittier Blvd. (323) 980-8488 Japanese, Spanish Ghaly, Azmy Fouad, M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5306 049015 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog Gill, Cadrin E., M.D. Family Practice 5306 045387 231 W. Vernon Ave. # 101 (323) 231-5181 French, Spanish Glaze, Nijole, M.D. Family Practice 5306 066883 937 S. Alvarado St. # 1D (310) 608-3600 Russian, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 007002 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 553-6777 Spanish, Tagalog Jalbuena, Peter Babiera, Internal Medicine M.D. 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5306 162488 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Jimeno, Alberto, M.D. Internal Medicine 5306 556995 6061 Whittier Blvd. (323) 725-1795 Spanish Karapetian, Michael Y., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 5297 079761 5220 Santa Monica Blvd. # E (323) 913-9300 Armenian, Russian Kltchian, Missak S., M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 056540 4645 Hollywood Blvd. # 4 (323) 661-4500 Armenian, Russian Lara, Agustin J., M.D. Family Practice1 5306 161175 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 5306 029437 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish Mora, Lawrence A., M.D. Family Practice1 5306 080304 6221 Wilshire Blvd. # 416 (323) 456-0185 Spanish Nazarian, Iradj H., M.D. General Practice 5306 056919 4300 Crenshaw Blvd. (323) 298-1668 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Powell, Richard M., M.D. General Practice 5306 051268 5901 W. Olympic Blvd. # 504 (323) 935-5858 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Quijas, Francisco M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 5306 095467 (323) 307-0800 Roman, Ricardo R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 141053 4708 Eagle Rock Blvd. (818) 242-0011 Spanish, Tagalog Rosenblatt, Steven L., M.D.Family Practice1 5297 145572 4137 Verdugo Rd. (323) 344-9255 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. General Practice 5306 154469 3342 Whittier Blvd. (323) 267-1214 Spanish Shadi, Payam, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 099470 6221 Wilshire Blvd. # 416 (323) 938-9999 Farsi Soans, Smita M., M.D. Family Practice1 5306 130709 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Hindi Tafoya, Richard A., M.D. General Practice 5306 016892 4059 E. Olympic Blvd. (323) 881-2675 Spanish Tran, Alex L., M.D. Family Practice1 5306 089017 321 S. Mednik Ave. (323) 266-7888 Spanish, Vietnamese Vega, Arturo R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 142652 3742 Whittier Blvd. (323) 780-4100 Russian, Spanish Wosk, Samuel R., M.D. General Practice 5306 076841 3412 Whittier Blvd. (323) 264-4006 Spanish Board Certified 341 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Lynwood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Felahy, Basil M., M.D. General Practice 5306 051122 11017 Atlantic Ave. 1st Fl. (310) 635-3800 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Glaze, Nijole, M.D. Family Practice 3611 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 5306 066883 102 (310) 608-3600 Russian, Spanish Ratwani, Mina, M.D. General Practice 5306 061092 11017 Atlantic Ave. 1st Fl. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Maywood Primary Care Physicians Chambi, Ricardo E., M.D. 4347 Slauson Ave. (323) 773-3137 Spanish Ferdows, Dean, M.D. 4316 Slauson Ave. (323) 773-2020 Farsi, Spanish Golchini, Keivan, M.D. 4316 Slauson Ave. (323) 773-2020 Farsi, French, Spanish Molina, Manfred J., M.D. 4433 Slauson Ave. (323) 560-4373 Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5306 502569 General Practice 5306 136767 Internal Medicine 5306 029263 Internal Medicine 5291 011711 Board Certified 342 / Health Net Provider Network Montebello Primary Care Physicians Chaudhry, Mohammad A., M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 401 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Hernandez, Luis, M.D. 1817 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 721-5524 Spanish Iqbal, Shaheen, M.D. 609 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-6445 Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Johnson, Lloyd E., M.D. 120 S. Montebello Blvd. (323) 726-0533 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5306 066997 General Practice 5306 007208 Internal Medicine 5306 059699 Internal Medicine1 5306 090184 Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Terry M., M.D. Family Practice 5297 530144 600 N. Garfield Ave. # 111 (626) 280-3651 North Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arora, Ajit S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1470 058378 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Hector, Bruce P., M.D. Family Practice 1470 059555 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., Family Practice D.O. 5306 099185 13330 Bloomfield Ave. # 111 (562) 868-0733 Spanish, Tagalog Allen, Ethan R., D.O. Family Practice1 5306 061387 12820 Studebaker Rd. # 101 (562) 868-7873 Bai, Eung K., M.D. General Practice 5306 500712 12017 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 868-2027 Korean, Spanish Cruz, Lucita M., M.D. Family Practice 5291 047098 12507 Alondra Blvd. (562) 802-2203 Spanish, Tagalog Cruz, Lucita M., M.D. Family Practice 5306 047098 12507 Alondra Blvd. (562) 802-2203 Spanish, Tagalog Kang, Soo W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5291 086226 11832 Rosecrans Ave. # 127 (562) 868-6256 Korean, Spanish Lee, Stephen B., M.D. Family Practice 5291 164162 13330 Bloomfield Ave. # 111 (562) 868-0733 Korean, Spanish 1 Panorama City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nossett, Angela D., M.D. Family Practice1 1470 155577 8215 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 902-9229 Spanish Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sharma, Chander P., M.D. General Practice 5291 050163 16415 Colorado Ave. # 304 (562) 531-4171 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Ugorji, Chinedu J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 100125 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 208 (562) 408-0131 Igbo, Spanish Reseda Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kashani, Ataoiah, M.D. General Practice 1470 057493 18355 Sherman Way (818) 343-0964 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Nazar, Parviz, M.D. General Practice 1470 066920 6670 Reseda Blvd. (818) 343-2345 Armenian, Farsi Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. General Practice 5306 154469 3012 San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 572-8692 Spanish San Fernando Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ezra, Eshagh, M.D. General Practice 1470 086350 15424 Nordhoff St. (818) 891-5500 Farsi, Spanish Board Certified 343 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Northridge Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Puri, Surinder P., M.D. Family Practice 1470 059686 9346 Corbin Ave. (818) 349-9966 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Vasquez, Julio N., M.D. General Practice 1470 050282 8540 Reseda Blvd. # 240 (818) 772-7023 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wu, Tai-Hing, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5297 530142 415 W. Valley Blvd. # C (626) 943-9240 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Santa Fe Springs Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Heggeness, Ole A., D.O. Family Practice1 5291 520207 10210 Orr And Day Rd. # A (562) 863-8774 Spanish Sherman Oaks Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Brent, Dale J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5306 031697 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 411 (818) 784-1195 Spanish Dicterow, Maurice L., M.D. Family Practice1 1470 520070 4849 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 788-8210 Spanish, Tagalog Matian, Arash D., D.O. Family Practice1 1470 133604 13425 Ventura Blvd. (818) 995-7784 Farsi, Spanish South Gate Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sison, Rosario F., M.D. General Practice 5306 015965 9401 Long Beach Blvd. (323) 582-8612 Spanish, Tagalog Torreblanca, Jose M., M.D. General Practice 5306 530727 10001 California Ave. (323) 564-4408 Spanish 1 Board Certified 344 / Health Net Provider Network Sylmar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gill, Cadrin E., M.D. Family Practice 5306 045387 14117 Hubbard St. # M (818) 833-3066 French, Spanish Tujunga Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Khojayan, Vigen, M.D. Family Practice 5297 145008 7709 Foothill Blvd. (818) 352-3146 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Fakheri, Azita, M.D. 17651 Vanowen St. # A (818) 343-0101 Farsi, Spanish Ghannadi, Max M., M.D. 14103 Victory Blvd. (818) 994-0000 Arabic, Farsi, Hungarian, Spanish Marouni, Payam, M.D. 13750 Victory Blvd. (818) 988-9090 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1470 092222 General Practice 1470 154586 Family Practice1 1470 149162 West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5297 032399 1540 W. West Covina Pkwy. (626) 337-8546 Armenian, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Whittier Primary Care Physicians Mohammedi, Nasir A., M.D. 9200 Colima Rd. # 207 (562) 945-0252 French, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Montes, Juan Z., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish Ratwani, Mina, M.D. 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Soans, Smita M., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Hindi Tran, Alex L., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish, Vietnamese Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5291 110418 Internal Medicine 5306 029437 General Practice 5306 061092 Family Practice1 5306 130709 Family Practice1 5306 089017 Allergy/Immunology Burger, Jr., Emil F., M.D.1 Friedman, Bruce F., M.D.1 Lauridsen, John I., M.D. Liao, Otto Y., M.D.1 Lin, Chao-I, M.D.1 Moon, Alfred O., M.D.1 Nguyen, Roger L., M.D.1 Oftadeh, Lydia E., M.D.1 Wong, Kin C., M.D. Wong, Kin, D.O. Yu, Francis C., M.D.1 Anesthesiology Dimowo, John O., M.D. El-Khoury, George F., M.D.1 Rafla, Atef M., M.D. Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Afifi, Alaa Y., M.D. 1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Alturjuman, Ahmad M., M.D.1 Arora, Ramesh K., M.D.1 Balian, Harry, M.D.1 Cantor, Jerrold D., M.D.1 Cobb, Tyson C., M.D.1 Cohen, Stephen A., M.D.1 Deits, Richard M., M.D.1 Eslami, Bahram, M.D.1 Eslami-Farsani, Mahmoud, M.D.1 Ghaffari, Sasan, M.D.1 Gogia, Harinder S., M.D.1 Gujral, Inderpal S., M.D.1 Khemka, Mahaveer P., M.D.1 Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Kramer, David S., M.D.1 Lam, Tuan T., M.D. Lau, Stanley K., M.D.1 Lee, Don W., M.D.1 Makam, Raviprakash, M.D. Malhotra, Vinod, M.D.1 Marin, Jairo J., M.D.1 Matthews, Oscar A., M.D.1 Meltzer, Paul B., M.D.1 Mesrobian, Haroutioun D., M.D.1 Mohin, Anil, M.D.1 Morcos, Nabil C., M.D. Multani, Pramod, M.D.1 Pagano, James M., M.D.1 Rabbani, Ramin, M.D.1 Raghunathan, Chengalroyan, M.D. Sharma, Sanjay, M.D. Shenoy, Prakash N., M.D.1 Shoukair, Sami M., M.D.1 Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Wadhwa, Parvindar S., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Kafrouni, George, M.D.1 Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Shuman, Robert L., M.D.1 Tzeng, Thomas S., M.D. Vo, Quang T., M.D. Board Certified 345 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Chiropractor Andrade, Robert A., D.C. Castro, Ricardo F., D.C. Costales, Stephen J., D.C. Garcia, Carlos T., D.C. Higashi, Randy S., D.C. Hunter, Clarence A., D.C. Jung, Peter S., D.C. Lopez, Ferdinand, D.C. Muradian, Rita, D.C. Newman, Mark A., D.C. Noble, Timothy R., D.C. Shazadeh-Safavi, Seyed A., D.C. Shery, Jay J., D.C. Vaselenko, Ronald A., D.C. Zia, Aaron, D.C. Colon & Rectal Surgery Beart Jr, Robert W., M.D.1 Le, Quy V., M.D. Le, Tam H., M.D.1 McElrath-Garza, Anamaria, M.D.1 Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Vukasin, Petar, M.D.1 Critical Care Medicine Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Babaali, Hossein, M.D.1 Dossantos, Clyde J., M.D. Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D. Latif, Mohamed A., M.D. Patel, Dilip C., M.D.1 Singh, Narindar, M.D. Dermatology Bingham, Lucas G., M.D.1 Carlin, Christopher S., M.D.1 Foreman, Tanya J., M.D. Friedman, David B., M.D.1 Hernandez, Leopoldo G., M.D.1 Iqbal, Marvi, M.D. Jung, Mary S., M.D.1 Ke, Malcolm S., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 346 / Health Net Provider Network Dermatology Ledesma, Glenn N., M.D. Lin, Michael T., M.D.1 Nami, Navid, D.O. Saunders, Marvous, M.D.1 Shiell, Ronald D., M.D.1 Sison, Reuven F., M.D. Stanowicz, Steven F., M.D.1 Tan, Belinda H., M.D.1 Watcher, Melissa, M.D.1 Yashar, Sharam S., M.D.1 Endocrinology Ary, Beth Anne, M.D. Kamiel, Michael B., M.D. Perley, Michael J., M.D.1 Rettinger, Herbert I., M.D.1 Rettinger, Sarah R., M.D. Saetrum Opgaard, Ole, M.D.1 Tran, Michael P., M.D.1 Tran, Nicholas T., M.D. Family Practice Blanchette, James E., M.D. Galfaian, Anait, M.D. Gastroenterology Abousaif, Alaa, M.D.1 Alamy, Moustafa E., M.D. Alapati, Ravindra, M.D.1 Amin, Ashokkumar I., M.D.1 Anyadike, Cyril O., M.D.1 Bali, Ambika, M.D.1 Bemanian, Shahrooz, M.D.1 Chaurushia, Gaurang B., M.D.1 Demicco, Michael P., M.D.1 Duckor, Steven L., M.D. Falakassa, Bahman B., M.D. Fan, Robert S., M.D.1 Gaddam, Syam P., M.D. Kornfeld, Herbert R., M.D. Kuettel, Kevin D., M.D. Lee, Paul S., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Gastroenterology Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Nguyen, Duke D., M.D.1 Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Ojuri, Adebambo O., M.D.1 Pande, Hemant, M.D.1 Panguluri, Rangarao, M.D.1 Riff, Dennis S., M.D. Schiffer, Robert, M.D. Shin, Jason H., M.D.1 Simmons, Timothy C., M.D. Tran, Tu A., M.D. Winkle, Peter J., M.D.1 Yip, Dick M., M.D.1 Yip, Jason S., M.D. Yu, Victor T., M.D.1 Zabihi, Ramin, M.D.1 General Surgery Nastanski, Frank C., M.D. Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Nguyen, Thang D., M.D. Perez, Dario, M.D.1 Perez, Jose M., M.D.1 Sheffer, Albert, M.D. Tan, Matthew S., M.D. Tieu, Kenneth K., M.D.1 Wang, On, M.D.1 Weil, David J., M.D. General Practice Flores, Jacob N., M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Abaid, Lisa N., M.D.1 Atamdede, Fikret I., M.D.1 Mendivil, Alberto, M.D. Micha, John P., M.D.1 Mirhashemi, Ramin, M.D.1 Rettenmaier, Mark A., M.D.1 General Surgery Ahn, Andrew H., M.D.1 Batra, Pramod K., M.D.1 Burchell, Sherry A., M.D.1 Capitulo, Edgardo M., M.D. Cohen, William B., M.D.1 Duong, Son T., M.D.1 Esmailian, Farbod, M.D.1 Flanigan, Daniel P., M.D. Francis, Kelly A., M.D.1 Gaw, Felix R., M.D.1 Grewal, Prabhjot K., M.D.1 Guerrero Jr, Richard A., M.D.1 Hamoui, Nahid, M.D.1 Harris, Todd S., M.D. Iqbal, Atif, M.D.1 Khan, Faisal A., M.D. Le, Quy V., M.D. Le, Tam H., M.D. Lee, Francis S., M.D.1 Leport, Peter C., M.D.1 McElrath-Garza, Anamaria, M.D.1 Milanchi, Siamak, M.D.1 1 Geriatric Psychiatry Lee, Won T., M.D.1 Geriatrics Chou, Allen C., M.D.1 Wang, Yi, M.D. Hand Surgery Childers, Ben J., M.D. Dao, Khiem D., M.D.1 Rottermann, Israel, M.D. Weil, David J., M.D.1 Williams, Eugen D., M.D. Hematology Al-Jazayrly, Ghassan M., M.D. Chap, Linnea I., M.D. Choi, Brian S., M.D. Jhangiani, Haresh S., M.D.1 Mahdavi, Khosrow, M.D.1 Reyes, Evangeline A., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Charu, Veena, M.D.1 Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D. Maniam, Ajit S., M.D.1 Board Certified 347 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Hematology/Oncology Reyes, Evangeline A., M.D. Infectious Disease Antaki, Jean-Pierre, M.D. Armen, Robert C., M.D.1 Chahal, Puneet K., M.D.1 Chauhan, Bharat N., M.D.1 Davila, Javier, M.D. Finney, Michael S., M.D.1 Hsu, Victor Y., M.D.1 Kuran, Rasha A., M.D. Lok, John K., M.D.1 Maslow, Elizabeth R., M.D. Ray, Sayan D., M.D.1 Ta, Tuan V., M.D. Thompson IV, William M., M.D. Internal Medicine Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Alapati, Ravindra, M.D.1 Brown, Harvey V., M.D.1 Cantor, Jerrold D., M.D.1 Chang, Alvin, M.D.1 Charu, Veena, M.D. Contractor, Heena M., M.D.1 Falakassa, Bahman B., M.D.1 Freed, Robert L., M.D.1 Gelfand, Gilbert F., M.D. Hourani, Jameel M., D.O.1 Huang, Kevin T., M.D.1 Hwang, Sarah N., M.D.1 Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Kamiel, Michael B., M.D.1 Law, James H., M.D. Levine, Seymour, M.D.1 Lok, John K., M.D.1 Maehara, Michael S., M.D.1 Mahdavi, Khosrow, M.D.1 Maniam, Ajit S., M.D.1 Nebeker, Henry G., M.D.1 Niknam, Jamshid, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 348 / Health Net Provider Network Internal Medicine Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Sadasivam, Lakshmi, M.D.1 Sankaram, Rallabhandi, M.D.1 Sawhney, Ajit S., M.D. Shah, Priya K., M.D.1 Singh, Narindar, M.D.1 Syed, Aleem A., M.D. Tran, Tu A., M.D. Wijeyakumar, Vijayalakshmi, M.D.1 Nephrology Ali, Nausheen B., M.D.1 Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Bui, Steve Q., M.D.1 Carabello, Victor G., M.D.1 Chang, David F., M.D.1 Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 Dang, Sandeep S., M.D.1 Darwish, Riad Y., M.D. Dinh, Son T., M.D. Durairaj, Lalitha, M.D. Gandhi, Nirav D., M.D.1 Gandotra, Gaytri, M.D. Gonzalez, Carlos R., M.D. Ho, Nathaniel D., M.D.1 Huang, Kevin T., M.D.1 Imparato, Jennifer M., D.O.1 Ishak, Salam G., M.D.1 Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Kalthia, Ashish H., M.D.1 Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Lewin, Laurence, M.D. Ly, Cuong P., M.D.1 Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Moe, Kyaw, M.D.1 Mohan, Krishna J., M.D. Nasser-Moaddeli, Shahriare N., M.D.1 Nathan, Ramani R., M.D.1 Nebeker, Henry G., M.D.1 Ness, Russell L., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Neurology Allen, Aaron R., M.D.1 Armanious, Nader F., M.D. Backman, Martin J., M.D.1 Chang, Douglas, M.D. Chen, John W., M.D.1 Cohen, Alan H., M.D.1 Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Holstein, Clyde D., M.D. Jafarimojarrad, Elham, M.D. Kim, Chan H., M.D.1 Lee, Chang H., M.D.1 Lombardi, David A., M.D.1 Mahdad, Mehrdad, M.D.1 Martinez, Kenneth P., M.D.1 Mesiwala, Ali H., M.D. Mitri, Antoine E., M.D.1 Omidvar, Omid, M.D.1 Park, James J., D.O.1 Preston, William G., M.D.1 Ramezan-Arab, Nima, M.D.1 Rapoport, Zhanna, M.D. Snider, Donald J., M.D.1 Subhas, Bookinakere S., M.D.1 1 Neurology Suresh, Bevinahalli S., M.D.1 Thompson, David A., M.D. Tran, Minh Q., M.D. Neurosurgery Anderson, Mark E., M.D.1 Berman, Blake W., D.O. Binder, Devin K., M.D.1 Chappell, Edward T., M.D.1 Deere, Jr., Harley R., M.D. Lemay, Daniel R., M.D.1 Nguyen, Tien T., M.D. Tabrizi, Peyman R., M.D. Thaiyananthan, Gowriharan, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Aguilar, Alejandro F., M.D. Anzaldo, E. Peter, M.D.1 Betson, Lance H., D.O.1 Bui, Phong F., M.D. Chan, Gregory L., M.D.1 Chung, Sang-Poong, M.D. Delshad, George M., M.D.1 Duel, Ebrahim, M.D.1 Fiorentino, Randy P., M.D.1 Forghani-Arani, Mehrdad M., D.O.1 Garg, Ambica, M.D. Han, Samantha H., M.D.1 Hur, In H., M.D.1 Lam, Jacinto A., M.D. Lee, Hyuk, M.D.1 Levenzon, Sergio H., M.D. Mamtora, Nilima H., M.D. Medrano, Jose M., M.D.1 Mehrtash, Ata-Ollah, M.D.1 Mendivil, Alberto, M.D.1 Micha, John P., M.D.1 Naim, Arjang, M.D.1 Pinches III, John L., D.O.1 Sharkey, Nicole L., M.D. Su, David H., M.D.1 Thanos, Jerald J., M.D. Thanos, Nicholas J., M.D.1 Board Certified 349 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Nephrology Patrikyan, Artashes, M.D. Ravikumar, Asha R., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Rubin, Jack, M.D. Sawhney, Ajit S., M.D. Shaib, John K., M.D.1 Shapiro, Leonard, M.D. Shechter, Pagiel, M.D. Singh, Harmanjit, M.D. Sunderrajan, Sobha, M.D. Tiquia, Herbert S., M.D. Venkat, Vasuki N., M.D.1 Vidhun, Jayakumar R., M.D. Wijeyakumar, Vijayalakshmi, M.D. Yan, Malvin Y., D.O. Yang, Philip S., M.D.1 Zakari, Michel, M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Obstetrics/Gynecology Tieu, Kevin K., M.D.1 Oncology Chap, Linnea I., M.D.1 Choi, Brian S., M.D. Jhangiani, Haresh S., M.D.1 Mahdavi, Khosrow, M.D.1 Reyes, Evangeline A., M.D. Ophthalmology Adrean, Sean D., M.D. Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Chong, Lawrence P., M.D.1 Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 Dang, Yadavinder, M.D. Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 De La Pena, Albert, M.D.1 De La Pena, William C., M.D.1 Dennis-Zarate, Kathleen J., M.D.1 Doan, Kim-Anh T., M.D.1 Eifrig, Charles W., M.D.1 Fu, Selena Y., M.D.1 Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Garcia, George H., M.D.1 Ge, Nengjie, M.D.1 Ghiasi, Zahra, M.D. Gonzalez, Casimiro, M.D. Grant, Scott, M.D.1 Hartstein, Ilan, M.D. Hill, Richard A., M.D.1 Ho, Hoai-Ky V., M.D. Hwang, John C., M.D. Lean, John S., M.D. Lemor, Marcos, M.D.1 Liao, David S., M.D.1 Lukac, Jan S., M.D.1 Mayberry, Melissa J., M.D.1 Mayo, George L., M.D.1 McClure, Mercer L., M.D. McCluskey, Druann J., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 350 / Health Net Provider Network Ophthalmology McGuire, Desmond E., M.D.1 Montoya Jr, Carlos F., M.D.1 Neal, Mohammad R., M.D.1 Nguyen, Elizabeth V., D.O.1 Nguyen, Tri M., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Park, Kay L., M.D.1 Pirouz, Ashkan, M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Roizenblatt, Roberto, M.D. Rundle, Herman L., M.D.1 Sacks, David B., M.D.1 Schmidt, Steven A., M.D.1 Sebag, Jerry, M.D.1 Shah, Samir A., M.D.1 Sheety, Michael A., M.D.1 Sheffer, Albert, M.D.1 Taban, Mehran, M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Tran, Loan T., M.D.1 Uchio, Alejandra, M.D.1 Vidor, Ira A., M.D.1 Walsh, Alexander C., M.D.1 Optometrist Bonakdar, M. Alexander, O.D. Dominguez, Charles E., O.D. Frohn, Robert B., O.D. Huang, Anthony J., O.D. Mishima, Todd D., O.D. Nguyen, Thien-Thu P., O.D. Shah, Kunal T., O.D. Sharieff, Kauser V., O.D. Shimada, Lisa M., O.D. Ung, Susan K., O.D. Weyrich, James J., O.D. Wiant, Thomas J., O.D. Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Aynechi, Moris, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Orthopedic Surgery Aflatoon, Kamran, D.O.1 Alexander, Gerald J., M.D.1 Aminian, Afshin, M.D.1 Ashley, Edwin M., M.D.1 Beck, John L., M.D.1 Birnbaum, Peter S., D.O. Biscaro, Carlo Z., M.D.1 Bohr, Robert J., M.D.1 Cara, Gerald W., M.D.1 Chi, Ying, M.D. Cortes, Zenia E., M.D.1 Dao, Khiem D., M.D.1 Dobyns, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Doshi, Tushar R., M.D. Downs, David J., M.D. Etemad, Alex H., M.D.1 Farjoodi, Payam, M.D. Folmar, Raymond H., M.D.1 Gibson, Harry L., M.D.1 Hajj, Ahmad A., M.D. Kaplan, Daniel E., M.D.1 Karayan, Sooren, M.D.1 Katz, Neil T., M.D.1 Katz, Stanley G., M.D.1 Katzman, Todd H., M.D.1 Lalonde, Francois D., M.D.1 Low, Kyle, M.D.1 Marger, Michael D., M.D.1 Navalta, Jr., Feliciano S., M.D.1 Nguyen, Trong B., M.D.1 Ninh, Christopher C., M.D.1 Podolsky, Anatol, M.D.1 Porat, Sharoun S., M.D.1 Raczka, Richard C., M.D.1 Rahman, Hamid U., M.D. Ritter, Richard J., M.D.1 Rottermann, Israel, M.D. Rubinstein, Michael P., M.D.1 1 Orthopedic Surgery Schlechter, John A., D.O. Shah, Bindesh A., M.D.1 Song, Benjamin S., M.D.1 Swanson, Gerald W., M.D.1 Tran, Trieu T., M.D.1 Vyas, Shail M., M.D. Wagner, Kendall S., M.D.1 Williams, Eugen D., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Furze, Alexis D., M.D.1 Garcia, Martin A., M.D.1 Haddad, Nazih M., M.D.1 Huang, Thomas C., M.D.1 Kaufman, Avrum A., D.O.1 Krivitsky, Paul B., M.D.1 McAlpin, Christina M., M.D.1 Oh, Charles K., M.D.1 Vakkalanka, Sarah K., M.D.1 Whitaker, Samuel R., M.D.1 Pain Management Anguizola, Eduardo E., M.D.1 Chan, Chiwai E., D.O. Cheng, Marc B., M.D.1 Dimowo, John O., M.D.1 Hymes, Jayson A., M.D.1 Mahrou, Reza, M.D. Nguyen, Bao T., M.D.1 Ogai, John, M.D. Pouradib, Amir A., M.D. Rafizad, Amir B., M.D. Zavarei, Keyvan, M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D.1 Chu, James M., M.D.1 Chun, David S., M.D.1 Gandy, Jodie E., M.D.1 Mohan, Uthara R., M.D.1 Nestor, Larry, M.D.1 Weiner, Keith M., M.D.1 Wittner, Richard S., M.D.1 Board Certified 351 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Blum, Michael P., DDS Levin, Daniel E., DDS1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Pediatric Endocrinology Austin, Juliana L., M.D. Pediatrics Ahmed, Rasiq A., M.D. Austin, Juliana L., M.D.1 Bhatt, Manisha K., M.D.1 Cachola, Archie M., M.D. Carabello, Victor G., M.D.1 Carella, Joseph A., M.D. Chai, Edward E., M.D.1 Chai, Kasin E., M.D. Chang, Eleanor M., M.D.1 Chong, Joyce H., M.D.1 Chopra, Raman, M.D.1 Concepcion-Medina, Ana Reya A., M.D.1 De Sa, Margaret M., M.D.1 Estrada, Juan P., M.D.1 Flores, Edgar, M.D.1 Francisco-Hugh, Arlene A., M.D.1 Gancayco, Antonio M., M.D.1 Ganesan, Usha V., M.D.1 Hampton, Blanca B., M.D. Herrmann, Angela L., M.D.1 Kadri, Munaf M., M.D.1 Kathiriya, Sugra S., M.D.1 Ko, Andrew P., M.D.1 Lee, Chung M., M.D.1 Lee, Jeong-Ok, M.D.1 Lew, Desmond K., M.D.1 Longnecker, Joseph M., D.O.1 Masaoka, Grant R., M.D.1 Mitra, Mitali C., M.D. Nath, Rekha, M.D.1 Nguyen, Mai-Tram K., M.D.1 Nguyen, Thanh Q., M.D.1 Nizinski, Joseph, M.D. Pamaran, Maria V., M.D.1 Raya-Morones, Ruby A., M.D.1 Reyes, Elizabeth L., M.D.1 Reyes, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Efren G., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 352 / Health Net Provider Network Pediatrics Samsamy, Barry, M.D.1 Sassani, Sohrab A., M.D.1 Sharma, Chander P., M.D.1 Sison, Rosario F., M.D.1 Sosa, Errol, M.D.1 Toomari, Tajav, D.O.1 Vahid, Khosro, M.D. Yatar-Ituriaga, Angeline, M.D.1 Zapadinsky, Natalia, M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Hakimi, Solemon, M.D. Jilani, Sheba, M.D.1 Khosa, Rupdev S., M.D.1 Nguyen, Bao T., M.D.1 Thai, Dieumy M., M.D. Plastic Surgery Childers, Ben J., M.D.1 Dean, Shay B., M.D.1 Esmailian, Farbod, M.D. Mowlavi, Arian S., M.D.1 Savalia, Nirav B., M.D.1 Wald Jr, Robert M., M.D.1 Podiatry Ahmadi, Matt M., DPM1 Altman, Steven J., DPM Bennett, Jonathan I., DPM1 Blaine, Charles A., DPM Blaine, Robert C., DPM1 Caruana, Frank C., DPM1 Cornfield, Michael I., DPM1 Culver, Ryan A., DPM1 De Santis, Jeffrey R., DPM1 Farajian, Elham E., DPM1 Hewlett, Howard A., DPM1 La, Andrew C., DPM Lee, James C., DPM Lejeune, Corey M., DPM1 Lords, Deric, DPM1 Lowe, Stanley, DPM PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Podiatry McCarron, William F., DPM1 Moradian, Martin, M.D.1 Nanson, Stephanie J., DPM O'Shea, Michael K., DPM1 Poliskie, Michael K., DPM Shrestha, Salis K., DPM1 Tseng, Henry R., DPM Viehe, Richard B., DPM1 White, Jacqueline A., DPM Wilson, Lyman H., DPM1 Youn, Elisabeth S., DPM Psychiatry Ali, Sajid, M.D. Alva, Alejandro, M.D. Bergquist, Dwight A., M.D. Bijanpour, Kamal, M.D. Chiong, Desmond B., M.D. Chueh, Daniel F., M.D.1 Dao, Truc H., M.D. Giurgius, Moataz K., M.D. Ikramullah, Sultana, M.D. Kellogg, Jason P., M.D. Lee, Chang H., M.D.1 Lee, Won T., M.D.1 Marcus, David L., M.D.1 Mills, Jr., Eliseo, M.D.1 Schermerhorn, Clifton S., M.D.1 Suresh, Bevinahalli S., M.D.1 Turner, Randall G., D.O.1 Vaswani, Sanjay M., M.D. Psychology Lentzner, Jay R., M.D. Pulmonary Disease Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Ardila, Edgar A., M.D.1 Ayoub, Robby T., M.D.1 Babaali, Hossein, M.D.1 Babu, Jooby, M.D.1 Brown, Harvey V., M.D.1 Che, Hung, M.D.1 1 Pulmonary Disease Dossantos, Clyde J., M.D.1 Fox, Michael E., M.D.1 Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D.1 Haq, Azhar U., M.D. Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D.1 Kadifa, Fady G., M.D.1 Law, James H., M.D. Le, Richard D., M.D.1 Le, Tammy H., M.D. Savani, Devang M., M.D.1 Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D.1 Singh, Narindar, M.D.1 Suarez, Daniel, M.D. Tirmizi, Syed O., M.D. Wong, Kin C., M.D.1 Wong, Kin, D.O.1 Radiation Oncology Bae, Young C., M.D.1 Feng, Chu-Pei, M.D.1 Gates, Thomas C., M.D. Khan, David C., M.D.1 Ko, Mi Kyung, M.D.1 Kwon, Robert S., M.D. Lin, Kevin, M.D.1 Rha, Janice J., M.D.1 Safa, Afshin A., M.D.1 Schiffner, Daniel C., M.D. Zisblatt, Uri, M.D.1 Radiology Arata, Michael A., M.D.1 Neymark, Edward, M.D. Patel, Dilip C., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Abdallah, Maher A., M.D. Abdullah, Mazin I., M.D. Ary, Beth Anne, M.D. Cassidenti, Denise L., M.D.1 Board Certified 353 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Prospect Medical Group PPG 1470 Reproductive Endocrinology Diaz, David G., M.D. Huang, Andy, M.D.1 Meldrum, David R., M.D.1 Peck, Alison C., M.D.1 Rosen, Gregory F., M.D. Salem, Shala A., M.D. Werlin, Lawrence B., M.D. Yee, Billy, M.D. Rheumatology Dang, David D., M.D. Freed, Robert L., M.D. Gelfand, Gilbert F., M.D.1 Gitlin, James G., M.D. Ho, Gerald Y., M.D.1 Hwang, Sarah N., M.D.1 Khaleghi Damavandi, Mir Behnam, M.D.1 Khurana, Krishan S., M.D. Levine, Seymour, M.D.1 Maehara, Michael S., M.D.1 Su, Tien-I K., M.D.1 Trinh, Nina X., M.D. Waraich, Saleem A., M.D.1 Weinberg, Assa, M.D. Yang, Darice T., M.D.1 Therapeutic Radiology Klem, Harold M., M.D.1 Ngo, Ernest, M.D.1 Ree, Peter C., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Abraham, Reginald G., M.D. Afifi, Alaa Y., M.D.1 Dhar, Naveen, M.D. Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D.1 Kafrouni, George, M.D. Lam, Tuan T., M.D.1 McPherson, James G., M.D.1 Ott, Richard A., M.D.1 Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 354 / Health Net Provider Network Thoracic Surgery Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Tzeng, Thomas S., M.D. Vo, Quang T., M.D.1 Vunnamadala, Syam P., M.D. Urology Beck, Shawn M., M.D.1 Bejjani, Bassam K., M.D.1 Greenberger, Matthew L., M.D.1 Kobashi, Luis I., M.D.1 Lin, Huey C., M.D.1 Mehta, Manilal B., M.D.1 Mehta, Manish D., M.D.1 Nguyen, Andrew K., M.D.1 Pearce, William F., M.D. Shapiro, Alan E., M.D.1 Sidhom, Alfred A., M.D.1 Tertzakian, Garo M., M.D.1 Torrey III, Robert R., M.D. Wachs, Barton H., M.D.1 Williams, Stephen B., M.D. Wineland II, Richard E., M.D. Yacoub, Atef L., M.D. Vascular Surgery Ahn, Andrew H., M.D.1 Ballard, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Cohen, William B., M.D.1 Dhar, Naveen, M.D. Flanigan, Daniel P., M.D.1 Foley, William J., M.D.1 Grewal, Prabhjot K., M.D. Harward, Timothy R., M.D.1 Keushkerian, Simon M., M.D. Lal, Rajesh, M.D.1 Montgomery, Russell S., M.D.1 Nucho, Ramsay C., M.D.1 Posner, Steven R., M.D. Tzeng, Thomas S., M.D. Vunnamadala, Syam P., M.D. Weil, David J., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of Orange County PPG 5021 8510 Balboa Blvd Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-3548 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Cypress Urgent Care (714) 903-8900 Gateway Urgent Care Center (714) 778-3838 Sunrise Medical Group (714) 970-0911 Sunrise Multi-Spec Medical Clinic (714) 771-1420 Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Coastal Communities Hospital Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center Placentia Linda Hospital Western Medical Center - Anaheim Western Medical Center - Santa Ana Artesia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Minkus, Brian L., D.O. Family Practice1 5021 520784 18502 Gridley Rd. (562) 865-6160 Spanish Baldwin Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Jyh C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5021 502613 4126 Maine Ave. (626) 962-5141 Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Taiwanese Cerritos Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tan, Kwan T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5021 049565 17370 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 809-5674 Cantonese, Fukienese, Mandarin, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wong, Winston C., M.D. Internal Medicine 5021 018681 17370 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 809-5674 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Badar III, Francisco L., M.D.Family Practice1 5021 149024 3650 South St. # 404 (562) 633-0201 Tagalog Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Krishnaswamy, Aruna, M.D. 2865 Atlantic Ave. # 108 (562) 426-0301 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tagalog Krishnaswamy, Aruna, M.D. 1510 E. Seventh St. (562) 590-9800 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tagalog Meka, Ajay G., M.D. 1510 E. Seventh St. (562) 590-9800 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog, Telugu Meka, Ajay G., M.D. 2865 Atlantic Ave. # 108 (562) 426-0301 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog, Telugu Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 5021 053689 Internal Medicine1 5021 053689 Internal Medicine 5021 011302 Internal Medicine 5021 011302 Board Certified 355 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of Orange County PPG 5021 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of Orange County PPG 5021 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shamsid-Deen, Shafeeq S., General Practice M.D. 5021 015537 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Varela, Gilbert R., M.D. Family Practice1 5021 056888 5233 E. Beverly Blvd. (323) 726-7355 Spanish Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Balacuit, Peter C., M.D. General Practice 5021 024059 416 S. Myrtle Ave. (626) 357-3296 Spanish, Tagalog Pomona Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yee, Bartley G., D.O. Family Practice 5021 083400 795 E. Second St. # 4 (909) 865-2565 Spanish Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mires, Ashley E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5021 127881 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 315 (562) 464-2163 Spanish Colon & Rectal Surgery Le, Tam H., M.D.1 Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. General Surgery Ali, Mir B., M.D.1 Amr, Dena, M.D.1 Batra, Pramod K., M.D.1 Baumgartner, Fritz J., M.D.1 Berman, Joel A., M.D.1 Brandau, Kim M., M.D. 1 Board Certified 356 / Health Net Provider Network General Surgery Braverman, Justin D., M.D.1 Chin, Philip L., M.D.1 Dang, Nghiem D., M.D.1 Daskalakis, Theodoros M., M.D.1 Fernandez, Edgar J., M.D.1 Francis, Kelly A., M.D.1 Houterman, Anna L., M.D.1 Jekums, Theodore J., M.D.1 Keyhani, Arash, D.O.1 Kim, Chin G., M.D.1 Le, Tam H., M.D. Maginot, Andre E., M.D. Mohanty, Santosh K., M.D.1 Mule, Joseph M., M.D.1 Neoman, Ayman I., M.D. Nguyen, Lan K., M.D. Pham, Eric H., M.D.1 Rayhanabad, Simon B., M.D.1 Roys, Gilbert D., M.D. Tsai, Wei-Che C., M.D. Velez, Miguel A., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Abdelmalik, Robin P., M.D. Almond, Quincy H., M.D.1 Amos, Sean M., M.D.1 Azab, Amany S., M.D.1 Byun, Timothy E., M.D.1 Cantor, Jerrold D., M.D.1 Casciari, Raymond J., M.D.1 Chang, Roger S., M.D.1 Chen, Janie S., M.D.1 De Silva, Errajith B., M.D. Deits, Richard M., M.D.1 Dossantos, Clyde J., M.D.1 Duke, Andrew T., M.D.1 El-Bershawi, Ahmed S., M.D.1 Goel, Manisha, M.D.1 Gonzalez, Diego R., M.D. Hong, James S., M.D.1 Hsieh, Yvonne, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Internal Medicine Hsu Jr, Kang, M.D. Huntsman, Kevin P., M.D.1 John, Bijoy K., M.D.1 Khorrami, Shahram, M.D.1 Kim, Thomas D., M.D.1 Lee, San T., M.D.1 Levin, Desmond D., M.D. Pham, Lisa K., M.D.1 Preston, Joseph C., M.D. Ranaei, Rodney N., D.O. Sahni, Harvinder S., M.D. Sayyur, Lutfi A., M.D.1 Shapiro, Jeffrey S., M.D.1 Singh, Bhavneet, M.D. Singh, Inderjit, M.D. Singh, Narindar, M.D.1 Tabrizi, Pelma R., M.D.1 Tawa, Lawrence S., M.D.1 Veeramachaneni, Suresh, M.D. Wong, Jennifer L., M.D.1 Woolery, Jonathan D., M.D. Interventional Radiology Echenique, Ana M., M.D. Marriage/Family Counseling Amirshahi, Bijan, MFT Glass, Melvin, MFCC Lirman, Judi H., MFT Trojnar, Ellen T., MFT Maternal & Fetal Medicine Anzaldo, E. Peter, M.D.1 Hanna, Gina V., M.D. Neurosurgery Binder, Devin K., M.D.1 Chappell, Edward T., M.D.1 Disney, Lew B., M.D. Nguyen, Tien T., M.D. Raju, Muralidhara R., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Abaian, Avisa, M.D. Ahad, George, M.D. 1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Borrowdale, Robert J., M.D.1 Bui, Phong F., M.D. Dobalian, Daniel D., M.D.1 Duel, Ebrahim, M.D.1 Han, William I., M.D.1 Hanna, Gina V., M.D.1 Henigsman, Stacy A., D.O. Hernandez, Jesus N., M.D.1 Hur, In H., M.D.1 Kim, Hyung O., M.D.1 Levenzon, Sergio H., M.D. Masserman, Jay S., M.D.1 O'Day, Cristina H., M.D. Sloan, Alfred W., M.D. Tatarin, Rudiger K., M.D.1 Tieu, Kevin K., M.D.1 Torday, Stephen I., M.D.1 Vuong, Hau D., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery Ahn, Duke, M.D.1 Alexander, Gerald J., M.D.1 Aminian, Afshin, M.D.1 Batchelor, Bret K., M.D.1 Bergey, Darren L., M.D. Birnbaum, Peter S., D.O. Bohr, Robert J., M.D.1 Cara, Gerald W., M.D.1 Dao, Khiem D., M.D.1 Dobyns, Jeffrey L., M.D.1 Downs, David J., M.D. Geiger, Mitchell H., M.D.1 Gibson, Harry L., M.D.1 Kaplan, Daniel E., M.D.1 Kelly, John P., M.D.1 Khan, Zafar S., M.D.1 Lalonde, Francois D., M.D.1 Low, Kyle, M.D.1 Marger, Michael D., M.D.1 McMaster, William C., M.D. Meier, Steven W., M.D.1 Ninh, Christopher C., M.D.1 Board Certified 357 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of Orange County PPG 5021 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of Orange County PPG 5021 Orthopedic Surgery Parker Jr, John F., M.D. Phillips, Thomas J., M.D.1 Pratley, Brent M., M.D. Raczka, Richard C., M.D.1 Rosenfeld, Samuel R., M.D.1 Rubinstein, Michael P., M.D.1 Schlechter, John A., D.O. Shanfield, Stewart L., M.D.1 Stein, Daniel T., M.D.1 Swanson, Gerald W., M.D.1 Wagner, Kendall S., M.D.1 Weinert Jr, Carl R., M.D.1 Whiting, Mikel R., M.D.1 Williams, Eugen D., M.D.1 Psychiatry Fam, Hanaa W., M.D. Grewal, Sukhdeep K., M.D.1 McDowell, Kelly N., M.D.1 Patel, Parool B., M.D.1 Schermerhorn, Clifton S., M.D.1 Schwerdtfeger, Harry D., M.D.1 Singh, Ravinder P., M.D.1 Vaswani, Sanjay M., M.D. Psychology Lancaster, Joseph, PSY.D LeMaster, Judith G., Ph.D. Lentzner, Jay R., M.D. Slaven, Margaret M., Ph.D. Pediatrics Aguilar, Elsa M., M.D.1 Bindra, Roger J., M.D.1 Cheng, Julie C., M.D.1 Chiles, Dan W., M.D.1 Gonzales, Gilbert S., M.D.1 Iseri, Allen L., M.D.1 Jan, Wen-Feng, M.D.1 Johnson, Anette M., M.D.1 Kazemi, Ferdous, M.D.1 Lee, Jeong-Ok, M.D.1 Masaoka, Grant R., M.D.1 Messinger, Jeffrey A., M.D.1 Nath, Rekha, M.D.1 Ponzio, Sheila K., M.D.1 Roy, Swapna B., M.D.1 Sanaei, Nazanin, M.D.1 Sarode, Praful A., M.D.1 Yatar-Ituriaga, Angeline, M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Alkhouli, Hassan M., M.D.1 Bhalla, Jagminder S., M.D.1 Bharne, Abhinandan A., M.D.1 Bondade, Prakash G., M.D. Chan, Khaled, M.D.1 De Silva, Errajith B., M.D.1 Dossantos, Clyde J., M.D.1 Duke, Andrew T., M.D.1 El-Bershawi, Ahmed S., M.D.1 Fox, Michael E., M.D.1 Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D.1 John, Bijoy K., M.D.1 Khorrami, Shahram, M.D. Klein, Russell C., M.D.1 Klein, Ryan M., M.D. Klein, William P., M.D. Le, Richard D., M.D.1 Luzano, Florante E., M.D. Naqvi, Syed S., M.D.1 Savani, Devang M., M.D.1 Singh, Narindar, M.D.1 Stewart, Jack O., M.D.1 Psychiatry Clark, William F., M.D.1 Radiology Arigo, Richard C., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D.1 Chu, James M., M.D.1 Gandy, Jodie E., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 358 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Radiology Behrashi, Azita, M.D.1 Berman, Jack L., M.D.1 Black, Michael L., M.D.1 Brand, Michael R., M.D.1 Braunstein, John B., M.D. Brugman, Jr., Joseph J., M.D.1 Bui, Linh N., M.D.1 Cambray-Forker, Elizabeth J., D.O.1 Casey, Douglas E., M.D.1 Chen, June W., M.D.1 Cho, Richard C., M.D.1 Cohen, Robert, M.D.1 Cohen, Steven M., M.D.1 Dardashti, Siamak, M.D.1 Echenique, Ana M., M.D. Frug, Ronald M., M.D.1 Geil, Gary E., M.D. Goss, Gary J., M.D.1 Gustafson, John R., M.D.1 Henderson, John F., M.D.1 Hewett, John J., M.D.1 Holmes, William N., M.D.1 Kantor, Jason C., M.D.1 Kaplan, Richard T., M.D.1 Kaveggia, Laszlo P., M.D.1 Keating, Russell B., M.D.1 Kim, Joon, M.D.1 Kim, Paul S., M.D.1 Kincaid, Patricia K., M.D.1 Kirby, John C., D.O. Kubaska, Samantha M., M.D.1 Kuo, Raymond H., M.D.1 Lee, Susan H., M.D.1 Lee, Thomas H., M.D.1 Lin, Alexander S., M.D. Lyle, Sanford P., M.D.1 McCalley, Michael G., M.D.1 Mitchell, Richard A., M.D.1 Nakamoto, Stanley K., M.D.1 Ohanian, Kirk L., M.D.1 Park, Susan Y., M.D.1 Piampiano, Peter P., M.D. 1 Radiology Randall, Dennis L., M.D.1 Ray, Kimberly M., M.D.1 Rodibaugh, David L., M.D.1 Romero-Urquhart, Glenda L., M.D. Rose, Judith G., M.D.1 Rowen, Scott J., M.D.1 Sarti, Dennis A., M.D.1 Schatz, Charles J., M.D. Siddiqi, Saif H., M.D.1 Silverbach, Spencer, M.D.1 Spieller, Susan G., M.D.1 Stein, Mark G., M.D.1 Teresi, Louis M., M.D.1 Tiegs, Verna G., M.D.1 Tison, Joseph B., M.D.1 Tran, Loc V., M.D.1 Truong, Hieu T., M.D.1 Vu, Dan, M.D.1 Vuong, Phong D., M.D.1 Weitz, Jeffrey J., M.D.1 Wieler, Martin W., M.D.1 Willens, Peter A., M.D.1 Wilson, Brian C., M.D. Wong, Alexis D., M.D.1 Wu, Zhaomai, M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Sills, Eric S., M.D. Rheumatology Ho, Gerald Y., M.D.1 Hwang, Sarah N., M.D.1 Panahi, Gharoon, M.D. Waraich, Saleem A., M.D.1 Urology Alavi, Ali S., M.D.1 Albert, Shlomi, M.D. Choi, Junghwan, M.D. Cohen, Stanley G., M.D.1 Feldman, Stuart L., M.D.1 Marinelli, Derrick V., M.D.1 Mehta, Manilal B., M.D.1 Board Certified 359 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of Orange County PPG 5021 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of Orange County PPG 5021 Urology Norouzi, Brian B., M.D.1 Pearce, William F., M.D. Sidhom, Alfred A., M.D.1 Tang, Khoi Q., M.D.1 Tertzakian, Garo M., M.D.1 Turbow, Bernard A., M.D.1 Wineland II, Richard E., M.D. Vascular Surgery Baumgartner, Fritz J., M.D.1 Duong, Son T., M.D. Duy, Nguyen D., M.D.1 Keyhani, Arash, D.O.1 Lemire, Guy G., M.D. Levine, Edward F., M.D. Montgomery, Russell S., M.D.1 Rayhanabad, Simon B., M.D. 1 Board Certified 360 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of Riverside County PPG 5265 Regal Medical Group of Riverside County PPG 5265 621 East Carnegie Drive, Suite 140 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3515 (909) 890-2674 Urgent Care: Inland Urgent Care of Sun City (951) 246-3033 A+ Walk In Urgent Care Center (951) 696-7587 Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Hospitals Used: Parkview Community Hospital Medical Center Riverside Community Hospital San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Montebello Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Jimenez, Francisco A., General Practice M.D. 5265 034213 1000 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-7353 Spanish 361 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County PPG 5036 Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County PPG 5036 621 E. Carnegie Drive., Suite 140 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3515 (909) 890-2674 Urgent Care: West Point Medical Center (909) 880-6400 Chino Hills Urgent Care Center (909) 393-4334 Premier Family Care-Pomona Valley Health Centers at Crossroads (909) 630-7868 Hospitals Used: Community Hospital of San Bernardino Mountains Community Hospital San Antonio Community Hospital St. Bernardine Medical Center Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yatar Jr, Peter S., M.D. General Practice 5036 046861 2040 S. Brea Canyon Rd. # 220 (909) 839-0808 Spanish, Tagalog La Verne Primary Care Physicians Bashoura, Habib M., M.D. 1234 Foothill Blvd. # 2 (909) 596-4879 Arabic, French, Spanish Kadhium, Sabah A., M.D. 1234 Foothill Blvd. # 2 (909) 596-4879 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Wong, Tan L., M.D. 2100 Foothill Blvd. # A (909) 596-1941 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 5036 059636 Family Practice1 5036 061134 Internal Medicine 5036 053582 Board Certified 362 / Health Net Provider Network Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chung, Samuel K., M.D. General Practice 5036 502912 2409 N. Broadway (323) 225-8038 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Do, Khai, M.D. Internal Medicine 5036 071805 2750 E. Washington Blvd. # 260 (626) 798-8923 Vietnamese Pomona Primary Care Physicians Brar, Rajivinder S., D.O. 887 E. Second St. # C (909) 865-2565 Hindi, Punjabi Costello, Lloyd A., M.D. 1902 Royalty Dr. # 130 (909) 865-5777 Spanish Cundari, Alan D., D.O. 887 E. Second St. # C (909) 865-2565 Diaz-Gomez, Mario A., M.D. 2001 N. Garey Ave. # 101 (909) 624-2242 Spanish Garcia, Antonio M., M.D. 586 E. Mission Blvd. (909) 622-6240 Spanish Geller, Herman M., M.D. 297 W. Artesia St. # B (909) 623-1303 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 5036 135720 Family Practice1 5036 503295 Family Practice1 5036 047413 Family Practice1 5036 003991 General Practice 5036 061352 Internal Medicine 5036 005679 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County PPG 5036 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yee, Bartley G., D.O. Family Practice 5036 083400 795 E. Second St. # 5 (909) 865-2565 Spanish Yutani, Ray M., D.O. Family Practice1 5036 165415 795 E. Second St. # 5 (909) 865-2565 San Dimas Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ali, Younis A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5036 098186 1330 W. Covina Blvd. # 103 (909) 394-1300 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish South El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 5036 057490 1648 Tyler Ave. # B (626) 579-0103 Anesthesiology Hesseltine, Andrew W., M.D.1 Lee, Bryan X., M.D. Sprengel, Jean E., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Agarwal, Chandrahas, M.D. Ahn, Byung D., M.D.1 Ali, Altaf L., M.D.1 Choo, Daniel C., M.D. Duber, Roger D., D.O.1 Hakkak, Fatima, D.O. Khalil, Ahmed A., M.D. Mody, Vatsal H., M.D. Mukherjee, Ashis, M.D.1 Muthiah, Muthusamy, M.D. Nazzal, Sami B., M.D. Nguyen, Nhon T., M.D.1 Paliwal, Yogesh K., M.D. Patadia, Bipin C., M.D.1 Pham, Tuan A., M.D.1 Board Certified 363 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gonzalez, Jaime, M.D. Family Practice 5036 129309 350 Vinton Ave # 204 (909) 622-3353 Spanish Khairullah, Firhana Z., D.O.Family Practice 5036 148409 887 E. Second St. # C (909) 865-2565 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Le, Tuan D., M.D. Family Practice 5036 036436 1151 E. Holt Ave. # Q (909) 620-8436 Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Paliwal, Amit R., M.D. Family Practice 5036 135166 1818 N. Orange Grove Ave # 206 (909) 623-2300 Hindi Perez, Luis J., M.D. Family Practice1 5036 047416 716 E. Mission Blvd. # D (909) 865-2332 Spanish Trinh, Dat Q., D.O. Family Practice1 5036 136906 887 E. Second St. # C (909) 865-2565 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese Tsai, Wilbert T., M.D. Family Practice 5036 164683 1818 N. Orange Grove Ave. # 103 (909) 623-6581 Cantonese, Mandarin Vo, Huu D., M.D. General Practice 5036 053581 1182 E. Holt Ave. # B (909) 623-8502 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Warren, Robert J., D.O. Family Practice1 5036 169416 795 E. Second St. # 5 (909) 865-2565 White, Stephanie L., D.O. Family Practice1 5036 154129 795 E. Second St. # 5 (909) 865-2565 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County PPG 5036 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Qasqas, Shadi A., M.D.1 Reddy, Jayapal A., M.D. Ryan, Paul F., M.D.1 Sethi, Prabhdeep S., M.D.1 Slayyeh, Yaser A., M.D. Thumati, Ramakrishna R., M.D.1 Tummala, Padmini P., M.D.1 Zaman, Manila, M.D.1 Critical Care Medicine Chang, Elbert K., M.D. Jones, Robert C., M.D. Saluja, Jaspreet S., M.D.1 Endocrinology Aqeel, Rubina, M.D. Konca, Ewa H., M.D. Pradhan, Rita K., M.D.1 Reddy, Radha T., M.D.1 Valamanesh, Daryoosh, M.D. Family Practice Chen, David T., M.D. Gupta, Akash B., M.D. Hage, Jean-Claude, M.D.1 Holstein III, Lester S., M.D. Valadez, Maria L., M.D.1 Vasile, Dan, D.O.1 Young, David K., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Chang, Albert J., M.D.1 Evans, John R., M.D.1 Hung, Chuang-Ti, M.D. Jo, Won-Seok, M.D.1 Kim, John J., M.D. Malhotra, Krishan K., M.D. Sarkisian, Armine, M.D. Shin, Jason H., M.D.1 Stanisai, Khushal A., M.D. Wright, Stewart R., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 364 / Health Net Provider Network General Surgery Beseth, Bryce D., M.D. Dudziak, Donna E., M.D.1 Gosney, Wallace G., M.D. Gulati, Rajeev, M.D. Harshbarger, Gregory T., M.D.1 Hatcher, Renetta L., M.D.1 Jain, Bharti, M.D.1 Jain, Sarika, M.D.1 Luo, Paul P., M.D. Mullangi, Sivaprasad, M.D.1 Oh, Anthony S., M.D.1 Osorio, Ruben S., M.D. Reiss, Jill E., M.D.1 Spivack, Brian L., M.D.1 Turner, Gilbert R., M.D.1 Ugochuku, Ifeanyi K., M.D.1 Vanderlinden, Joseph L., M.D.1 Vanyo, Lori L., M.D.1 Wang, Nan, M.D.1 Wilcox, Dennis D., M.D. Gynecology Dinsay, Roselyn M., M.D. Hand Surgery Wali, Devdas, M.D. Hematology Horns Jr, Richard C., M.D. Kubba, Samir V., M.D. Malik, Imtiaz A., M.D. Malik, Rajiv, M.D.1 Waisman, James R., M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Hashimi, Labib A., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Al-Darsani, Hussain, M.D.1 Ali, Altaf L., M.D.1 Chang, Elbert K., M.D. Handoko, Jonardi, M.D.1 Hashimi, Labib A., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County PPG 5036 Interventional Radiology Echenique, Ana M., M.D. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Awadalla, Joseph K., M.D.1 Hougland, Kristen T., M.D. Neurology Ali, Mohsen I., M.D.1 Elghazi, Fares, M.D.1 Gomer, Perin D., M.D.1 Jordan, Kenneth G., M.D. Qazi, Faisal M., D.O.1 Schreiber, Andrew O., M.D.1 Soto, Cynthia J., M.D. Tindall, Richard S., M.D.1 Neuroradiology Rodriguez, Jose L., M.D.1 Neurosurgery Amirnovin, Ramin, M.D. Armin, Sean S., M.D. Lundin, David A., M.D. Mesiwala, Ali H., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Bardowell, Richard J., M.D.1 Barrows, Diana, M.D.1 Hijazi, Zeina, M.D. Karanikkis, Christos A., D.O. Khatib, Mustafa A., M.D. Klerer, Joseph, M.D.1 Lee, Chang L., M.D. Mawad, Joe M., M.D. Navarro, Corazon E., M.D. Patel, Geeta S., M.D. Racine, Harold V., M.D.1 Saad, Josephine B., M.D. 1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Shaw, Dominique M., M.D. Trujillo, Jennifer C., D.O. Vu, Toni D., D.O.1 Yang, Peter T., M.D.1 Oncology Bosserman, Linda D., M.D. Ebrahimi, Behnam, M.D. Hilliard, Dennis A., M.D.1 Horns Jr, Richard C., M.D. Kubba, Samir V., M.D. Malik, Imtiaz A., M.D.1 Malik, Rajiv, M.D.1 Waisman, James R., M.D. Ophthalmology Affeldt, John C., M.D.1 Aye, Mg S., M.D.1 Blanton, Christopher L., M.D.1 Ching, Andrea S., M.D.1 Dovich, Jesse A., M.D. Fabricant, Robert N., M.D.1 Innocenzi, Robert A., D.O. King, Julie A., M.D.1 McDermott III, John J., M.D.1 Monshizadeh, Ramin, M.D.1 Parker, Marjorie A., M.D.1 Puttre Jr, Edward J., M.D. Schneider, Kimber L., M.D.1 Schwarcz, Robert M., M.D. Shearer, Donald E., M.D.1 Shivaram, Anil M., M.D. Shivaram, Sunil M., M.D.1 Songsanand, Priscilla N., M.D.1 Teasley, Laura A., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery Bergey, Darren L., M.D. Chong, Albert K., M.D.1 Emembolu, Eugene I., M.D.1 Gupta, Neeraj, M.D. Hale, William R., M.D.1 Hohl, Joseph C., M.D.1 Board Certified 365 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Internal Medicine Huang, Minna F., M.D.1 Hung, Chuang-Ti, M.D. Nguyen, Ythanh D., M.D.1 Reddy, Jayapal A., M.D.1 Reddy, Radha T., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County PPG 5036 Orthopedic Surgery Hyde, Gilbert L., M.D.1 Kolesnik, Robert J., M.D.1 Lercel, Gregory R., M.D.1 Matiko, James D., M.D.1 Miller, Brent W., M.D.1 Sofia, Peter J., M.D. Walker, Lawrence R., M.D.1 Pain Management Lee, Bryan X., M.D. Mehta, Dharmesh S., M.D.1 Suelzle, Gregory K., M.D.1 Pathology Yatar Jr, Peter S., M.D. Pediatric Critical Care Barker, Bruce W., M.D. Pediatrics Alejandro, E Allen, M.D.1 Aquino, Jesusa T., M.D.1 Dagher, May K., M.D.1 Garcia, Antonio M., M.D. Karnavy, Nopaval K., M.D. Katani, Monir, M.D. Kim, Hee B., M.D.1 Patel, Sapna P., M.D. Retino, Rosario B., M.D. Rocha, Martin L., M.D. Saad, Antoune G., M.D. Schwartz, Stanley H., M.D. Sumalangcay, Godofreda B., M.D. Plastic Surgery Wali, Devdas, M.D. Podiatry Amiri, Mariam S., DPM Gath, Shelley C., DPM Karimi, Hooman K., DPM1 Katzman, Brad A., DPM1 Landrey, William C., DPM Le, Thinh T., M.D. 1 Board Certified 366 / Health Net Provider Network Podiatry Lee, Sang D., DPM Moellmer, Rebecca A., DPM O'Neill, Brian F., DPM O'Shea, Michael K., DPM1 Oreilly, Kevin D., DPM1 Taylor, Vanessa M., DPM Waheed, Nuzhat F., DPM Williams, John T., DPM1 Psychiatry Gordon, Robert B., M.D. Hodde, Ildiko J., M.D.1 Nakai, Bhupinder S., M.D.1 Reid, Grace, M.D. Pulmonary Disease Davis-Kingston, Heather L., M.D.1 El-Bershawi, Ahmed S., M.D.1 Eltahir, Nadir A., M.D.1 Grobler, Nicolaas M., M.D. Hong, Gene S., M.D. Hsu, Jin-Yang J., M.D.1 Jamil, Tariq, M.D. Jones, Robert C., M.D. Kongchalalai, Amarin, M.D.1 Nassar, Nicolas E., M.D.1 Sadana, Gurbinder S., M.D.1 Saluja, Jaspreet S., M.D.1 Sandhu, Rohinder K., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Alqaisi, Munther E., M.D. Kwon, Young J., M.D. Monson, Jedidiah M., M.D.1 Rao, Yallapragada S., M.D.1 Radiology Boyd, Wayne R., M.D.1 Buss, William C., M.D.1 Chang, Yoon O., M.D.1 Echenique, Ana M., M.D. Mednik, George, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County PPG 5036 Radiology Mera, Szabolcs S., M.D.1 Meyer, Bruce D., M.D.1 Prakash, Ved, M.D.1 Reddy, Naidu J., M.D.1 Song, Andrew K., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Dinsay, Roselyn M., M.D. Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Rheumatology Chou, Chin Hao G., M.D.1 Hou, Antony C., M.D.1 Le, Thang T., M.D. Lee, Eric C., M.D. Sebai, Mohamed B., M.D. Tremazi, Jaffar A., M.D. Thoracic Surgery Davtyan, Hakob G., M.D.1 Gibson, Christopher F., M.D.1 Gosney, Wallace G., M.D. Gulati, Rajeev, M.D. Jain, Sarika, M.D.1 Mudge, Devin R., M.D.1 Trivedi, Rohitkumar R., M.D. Wang, Nan, M.D.1 Urology Anan, Boonsong N., M.D.1 Chu, Franklin M., M.D.1 Helmbrecht, Leon J., M.D. Kim, Sun I., M.D. Lama, Daniel J., M.D.1 Nguyen, Aaron L., M.D. Pineda, Elmer B., M.D. Sheth, Deepak V., M.D.1 Yoon, Gerald H., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 367 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 8510 Balboa Blvd., Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-3548 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: City of Angeles Emergency Medical Group (213) 989-6160 Pioneer Medical Group-Downey (562) 862-2775 Pioneer Medical Group-Long Beach (562) 5974181 Hospitals Used: Coast Plaza Hospital East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Lakewood Regional Medical Center Little Company of Mary Hospital Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Pacific Alliance Medical Center St. Vincent Medical Center Whittier Hospital Medical Center Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wang, James N., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 104872 103 N. Garfield Ave. # B (626) 284-7788 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Arcadia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ma, Peter Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 061380 612 W Duarte Rd # 505 (626) 294-9978 Cantonese, Mandarin Shakhnovits, Marianna, Family Practice1 M.D. 1683 192293 938 Paloma Dr. (323) 837-5147 Armenian 1 Board Certified 368 / Health Net Provider Network Artesia Primary Care Physicians Bambrah-Dhamija, Mehtab, M.D. 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. 18326 Pioneer Blvd. (562) 860-5599 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Hwang, Tzong-Yueh, M.D. 12146 South St. # B (562) 809-0288 Japanese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Minkus, Brian L., D.O. 18502 Gridley Rd. (562) 865-6160 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1683 160075 Family Practice 1683 060208 Internal Medicine 1683 035920 Family Practice1 1683 520784 Azusa Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Long, Matthew T., D.O. Family Practice 1683 106777 529 N. Azusa Ave. (626) 334-4061 Bell Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hashemi, Zia, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 057252 4750 Gage Ave. (323) 562-1100 Farsi, Spanish Bell Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lalezary, Arash, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 143195 7218 Garfield Ave. (562) 927-1111 Farsi, French, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1683 069658 General Practice 1683 071287 General Practice 1683 101732 Family Practice1 1683 065704 Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mendoza, Manuel F., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 051482 16323 Clark Ave. # C (562) 925-7716 Spanish, Tagalog Wong, Hanson P., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 031207 10230 Artesia Blvd. # 201 (562) 804-7223 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Beverly Hills Primary Care Physicians Barcohana, David, M.D. 9033 Wilshire Blvd. # 310 (310) 276-6933 Farsi, French, Hebrew Bolourian, Pejman, M.D. 242 S. Robertson Blvd. (310) 652-2300 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish Klein, Keith L., M.D. 8900 Wilshire Blvd. # 350 (310) 657-9841 1 2 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1683 048745 Internal Medicine1 1683 133713 Internal Medicine 1683 009018 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 011621 435 N. Bedford Dr. # 312 (310) 858-5090 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Waks, Abraham U., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 017834 8920 Wilshire Blvd. # 520 (310) 657-9841 Hebrew, Spanish Burbank Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ayvazyan, Vladimir, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 159656 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Ghahari, Fakhriran, M.D. General Practice 1683 057160 421 E. Angeleno Ave. # 102 (818) 845-6800 Armenian, Farsi Lee, Philip H., D.O. General Practice 1683 046509 421 E. Angeleno Ave. # 102 (818) 845-6800 Armenian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Navarro, Iris M., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 148952 2121 W Magnolia Blvd. (818) 955-8877 Spanish Ossia, Arman, M.D. Family Practice 1683 154356 421 E. Angeleno Ave. # 102 (818) 845-6800 Farsi Panossian, Ayuna K., M.D. Family Practice 1683 135929 401 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 101 (818) 848-1555 Armenian, Spanish Pao, Ying-Li H., M.D.2 Family Practice 1683 148308 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 375 (818) 729-0014 French, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 369 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Nunez, Felix L., M.D. 6501 Garfield Ave. (562) 928-9600 Spanish Petkar, Madhuri P., M.D. 6501 Garfield Ave. (562) 928-9600 Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Salem, Galal N., M.D. 5985 Florence Ave. # N (323) 562-2900 Arabic, Spanish Vazquez, Carolina, M.D. 6501 Eastern Ave. # A (323) 771-0145 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Tejas I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 129643 201 S. Buena Vista St. # 410 (818) 842-6400 Gujarati, Spanish Poghosyan, Liana, M.D. Family Practice 1683 148116 401 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 101 (818) 748-1740 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Ter-Poghosyan, Zarine, Family Practice M.D. 1683 144278 303 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 6 (818) 842-8400 Armenian, Russian Canoga Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Hoang D., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 067908 22135 Roscoe Blvd. # 107 (818) 481-0118 Spanish, Vietnamese Carson Primary Care Physicians Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. 235 W. Carson St. (310) 834-4233 Spanish, Tagalog Harvey, Daniel E., M.D. 824 E. Carson St. # 206 (310) 513-9361 Spanish Samonte, Mark N., M.D. 23517 Main St. # 103 (310) 834-5388 Spanish, Tagalog Samonte, Mark N., M.D. 23049 Archibald Ave. (310) 808-3453 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1683 039369 Family Practice1 1683 048623 General Practice 1683 154651 General Practice 1683 154651 Board Certified 370 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1683 039689 21624 Figueroa St. (310) 328-9900 Spanish, Tagalog Tamhane, Shrikant K., D.O.Family Practice 1683 105591 23517 Main St. # 103 (310) 834-5388 Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Commerce Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Stern, Arkady B., M.D. General Practice 1683 048478 1011 Goodrich Blvd. (323) 888-9191 Farsi, Russian, Spanish Compton Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Guerrero, David A., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 103710 2210 E. Compton Blvd. (310) 635-1852 Spanish Hibler, Anita M., M.D. General Practice 1683 077036 508 N. Long Beach Blvd. (310) 637-3989 Spanish Hossain, Syed Mohammad General Practice G., M.D. 1683 130749 201 N. Central Ave. (310) 635-7123 Bengali, Farsi, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Okpara, Douglas E., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 057099 19301 S. Santa Fe Ave. # 120 (310) 631-5655 Igbo, Spanish Pallas, Robert S., M.D. General Practice 1683 066593 508 N. Long Beach Blvd. (310) 637-3989 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Culver City Primary Care Physicians Del Rivero-Yamuy, Ada E., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 101 (310) 204-0104 French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish Kamiel, Michael B., M.D. 3831 Hughes Ave. # 606 (310) 559-3663 Spanish Prasad, Rajendra, M.D. 9808 Venice Blvd. # 707 (310) 237-0023 Hindi, Italian, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1683 136564 Internal Medicine1 1683 008442 Internal Medicine 1683 077131 Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Glor, Rita, D.O. Family Practice1 1683 054036 11903 Downey Ave. (562) 869-1121 Arabic, Spanish Hsu, Diana H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 076449 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Hsu, Goethe I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 076417 12651 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 861-3111 Mandarin, Taiwanese Iskarous, Ragaa Z., M.D. Family Practice 1683 007898 11003 Lakewood Blvd. # 201 (562) 869-1038 Arabic, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Multani, Pramod, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 038642 8333 Iowa St. # 200 (562) 923-1211 Hindi, Spanish Zargarian, Mehdi, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 110487 10800 Paramount Blvd. # 205 (562) 861-6371 Farsi, Spanish El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Patel, Dilip G., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1683 028617 3131 Santa Anita Ave. # 103 (626) 448-1234 Gujarati, Hindi Rasekhi, Mohammad H., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 047164 12100 Valley Blvd. # 109A (626) 575-7500 Farsi, Spanish El Segundo Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chanin, Arnold, M.D. General Practice 1683 530391 455 Main St. (310) 322-1611 Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Hak P., M.D. General Practice 1683 018644 455 Main St. (310) 322-1611 Russian, Spanish Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chukwudi, Uche A., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 152510 15425 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 355-1445 Spanish Essilfie, William, M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 307 1683 057246 (310) 715-6100 Spanish Board Certified 371 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Cudahy Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mishkanian, Yafa M., M.D. General Practice 1683 053833 7503 Atlantic Ave. (323) 562-3500 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Golbari, Abraham, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 078704 14030 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 327-8746 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Metry, Adel S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 406 1683 066597 (310) 719-1653 Arabic, Spanish Williams, John A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1141 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. # 309 1683 057106 (310) 329-2180 Spanish Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Agababian, Gor, M.D. General Practice 1683 154347 222 W. Eulalia St. # 301 (818) 562-2006 Armenian, Russian Airapetian, Ara, M.D. General Practice 1683 105901 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 250 (818) 265-2264 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Akopyan, Oganes J., M.D. Family Practice 1683 149905 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 250 (818) 265-2264 Armenian, Spanish Alexanian, Ruzanna, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 049898 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Arutyounian, Narine, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 094487 814 E. Broadway # 1 (818) 265-5040 Armenian, Russian, Spanish 1 Board Certified 372 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arutyunyan, Vardui, M.D. Family Practice 1683 086311 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-1020 Armenian, Russian Avakian, Saro, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 148889 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 405 (818) 500-1233 Armenian, Farsi Badalyan, Seda, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 148659 435 Arden Ave. # 450 (818) 241-4129 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Blikian, Anahit H., M.D. General Practice 1683 053253 610 N. Central Ave. # 205 (818) 550-1501 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Bostanjian, David, M.D. Family Practice 1683 144066 410 Arden Ave. # 100 (818) 500-8466 Armenian, Russian Bui, Duc C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 502113 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 105 (818) 265-2204 French, Spanish, Vietnamese Bustamante, Ador A., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 090622 435 Arden Ave. # 430 (323) 254-2811 Spanish, Tagalog Charchian, David M., M.D. General Practice 1683 047739 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 305 (818) 241-0220 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Duron, Paul A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 062028 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Galfaian, Anait, M.D. Family Practice 1683 025007 445 W. Broadway (818) 241-2103 Arabic, Armenian, Russian Garduno, Leonardo A., General Practice M.D. 1683 049532 519 E. Broadway (818) 409-3020 Tagalog Gerundo, Helena M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 049021 1530 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 107 (818) 246-4885 Spanish Gomez-Garcia, Marco A., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 106781 1510 S. Central Ave. # 340 (818) 240-4031 Spanish Isagholian, Karo, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 096726 610 N. Central Ave. # 102 (818) 244-8241 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Kaakijian, Sarkis A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 048698 1500 S. Central Ave. # 318 (818) 548-5437 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish, Turkish Khatchtourian, Henrik, General Practice M.D. 1683 052779 445 W. Broadway (818) 241-2103 Armenian, Farsi, Russian Kocharian, Edward, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 148657 435 Arden Ave. (818) 241-4129 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Lee, James, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 009811 1500 S. Central Ave. # 320 (818) 553-1106 Korean, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Luna, Emmanuel C., M.D. Family Practice 1683 067396 1500 S. Central Ave. # 321 (818) 500-0880 Spanish, Tagalog Madatovian, Vahan, M.D. General Practice 1683 048701 1101 N. Pacific Ave. # 102 (818) 549-9630 Armenian, Farsi, Russian Nazaryan, Armine, M.D. General Practice 1683 129493 221 S. Glendale Ave. (818) 500-0716 Armenian, Russian Oganyan, Hakop K., M.D. General Practice 1683 110175 519 E. Broadway (818) 409-3020 Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Oktanyan, Maro, M.D. General Practice 1683 048770 1259 S. Glendale Ave. # E (818) 243-0333 Armenian, Russian, Turkish Pardave, Raul A., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 049129 1530 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 207 (818) 545-7418 Spanish Rostamloo, Helen, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 151437 435 Arden Ave. # 430 (818) 244-3520 Armenian, Farsi Saran, Ferdinant, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 150976 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 502 (818) 243-4600 Armenian, Farsi Suk, Hwan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 570185 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 325 (818) 548-7178 Korean Tekkelian, Tsovinar, M.D. General Practice 1683 050620 540 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 500-9393 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Board Certified 373 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Topsakalyan, Arutyun, General Practice M.D. 1683 092301 702 E. Colorado St. # C (818) 243-8133 Armenian, Russian Vignarajan, Nirupa, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 098859 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 309 (818) 553-6666 Armenian, Russian, Tamil Yadidi, Kayvon K., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1683 069388 222 W. Eulalia St. # 101 (818) 246-4800 Armenian, Farsi, French, Spanish Yeretzian, Arpee F., M.D. Family Practice 1683 074812 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 Arabic, Armenian, French, Spanish, Tagalog Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Chen, Anthony C., M.D. 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 102 (626) 912-2682 Mandarin, Taiwanese Chungafung, Jenifer E., M.D. 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 60 (626) 913-2822 Gu, Ron Y., M.D. 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 205 (626) 964-2880 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Hone, Chong S., M.D. 17170 Colima Rd. # G (626) 810-0706 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1683 032519 Family Practice1 1683 502918 General Practice 1683 037013 General Practice 1683 049840 Board Certified 374 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lin, George I., M.D. Family Practice 1683 077523 1850 S. Azusa Ave. # 205 (626) 964-2880 Mandarin Pang, Arnold T., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 150326 15572 Gale Ave. (626) 377-4562 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Harbor City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Osea, Edgardo A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 063969 1310 Sepulveda Blvd. (310) 534-5765 Spanish, Tagalog Hawaiian Gardens Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nugas, Alicia G., M.D. Family Practice 1683 012507 22408 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 421-2188 Spanish, Tagalog Ugalde, Sergio L., M.D. General Practice 1683 073433 22310 Wardham Ave. (562) 420-2433 French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish Hawthorne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Das, Malay R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 039248 4477 W. 118th St. # 409 (310) 219-0647 Hindi, Spanish Demirozu, Mehmet C., Internal Medicine M.D. 1683 067124 4477 W. 118th St. # 303 (310) 644-9515 Turkish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hoang, Khang N., D.O. General Practice 1683 035941 13672 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 644-5097 Spanish, Vietnamese Hoang, Khang N., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 035941 13672 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 644-5097 Spanish, Vietnamese Iluore, Augustine E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 060300 11633 Hawthorne Blvd. # 103 (310) 219-2929 Spanish Johnson, Karlon H., M.D. Family Practice 1683 104627 4455 W. 117th St. # 300 (310) 645-0444 Lee, Kenneth S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 076510 4455 W. 117th St. (310) 645-0444 Burmese Nguyen, Dat Q., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 058864 12954 Hawthorne Blvd. # 104 (310) 679-0269 Spanish, Vietnamese Soliman, Janet F., M.D. General Practice 1683 056889 11946 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 675-1136 Arabic, Spanish Stewart, Tahira, M.D. Family Practice 1683 148600 4455 W. 117th St. # 300 (310) 645-0444 Spanish Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Agra, Samuel V., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 072310 6245 De Longpre Ave. # 206 (323) 785-1223 Spanish, Tagalog Joaquin, Arnel M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 118867 6245 De Longpre Ave. # 206 (323) 785-1223 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdel-Malek, Shahira S., General Practice M.D. 1683 031625 3100 E. Florence Ave. # 1 (323) 583-4115 Arabic, Spanish Alonso, Alberto, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 148754 5421 Pacific Blvd. (323) 581-0101 Spanish Baylon, Paul M., M.D. General Practice 1683 059472 3118 E. Florence Ave. (323) 587-1616 Spanish Castillo, Hector R., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 106915 2680 Saturn Ave. # 280 (323) 588-8847 Spanish Galdamez, Luis A., M.D. General Practice 1683 005512 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Galdamez, Violeta A., M.D.General Practice 1683 067253 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1683 152712 6831 Seville Ave. (323) 581-8234 Spanish Herrera, Humberto, M.D. General Practice 1683 152712 2955 E. Florence Ave. (323) 585-0732 Spanish Hinojosa, Vital, M.D. General Practice 1683 138035 2667 E. Florence Ave. # C (323) 695-5000 Spanish Iluore, Augustine E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 060300 5600 Pacific Blvd. (323) 585-8777 Spanish Board Certified 375 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # King Jr, Lu-Wei T., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1683 052070 2638 E. Florence Ave. (323) 581-4665 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Lakha, Rumi K., D.O. Family Practice 1683 159704 7136 Pacific Blvd. # 220 (323) 588-5467 French, Spanish Lin, James, M.D. Family Practice 1683 110675 2638 E. Florence Ave. (323) 581-4665 Mandarin, Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1683 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 102 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Martinez, Edgar I., D.O. Family Practice 1683 066612 3512 E. Florence Ave. # 103 (323) 582-1180 Spanish Nazarian, Iradj H., M.D. General Practice 1683 056919 7136 Pacific Blvd. # 225 (323) 249-4949 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Pallivathucal, Rosalind G., General Practice M.D. 1683 060833 6120 Seville Ave. (323) 357-1000 Hindi, Italian, Spanish Shin, Min S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 060979 2968 E. Florence Ave. (323) 583-1500 Korean, Spanish Soliman, Tahani B., M.D. General Practice 1683 045371 6526 Rugby Ave. (323) 583-2247 Arabic, Spanish 1 Board Certified 376 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tran, Daniel T., M.D. General Practice 1683 076113 2765 E. Florence Ave. (323) 588-6888 Spanish Inglewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Beredo, Angelita S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 035934 301 N. Prairie Ave. # 301 (310) 671-2699 Tagalog Chegounchi, Marjan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 146887 501 E. Hardy St. # 205 (310) 671-7888 Farsi, Spanish Ellis, Arnold, M.D. General Practice 1683 127755 2710 W. Manchester Blvd. (323) 778-4310 Hamilton, Michael D., M.D.Family Practice 1683 063759 333 E. Nutwood St. # B (310) 693-0483 Hovhannisyan, Armen, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 141436 8444 Crenshaw Blvd. (310) 342-7000 Armenian, Russian Kinota, Stanislaus, M.D. General Practice 1683 080386 4450 W. Century Blvd. (310) 671-0555 Spanish Maxey, Randall W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 011010 323 N. Prairie Ave. # 417 (310) 680-1810 Spanish Mays Sr, James A., M.D. General Practice 1683 098717 2222 W. Manchester Blvd. (323) 753-7244 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sourehnissani, Mehran, General Practice M.D. 1683 079285 3451 W. Century Blvd. # B1 (310) 677-9400 Farsi La Mirada Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arastu, Anwar H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 025271 12675 La Mirada Blvd. # 400 (562) 941-9853 Hindi, Urdu Lum, Marcus W., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 551165 15625 Imperial Hwy. (562) 902-3000 Shah, Chunilal G., M.D. Family Practice 1683 038649 15651 Imperial Hwy. # 104 (562) 947-1619 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi La Puente Primary Care Physicians Park, Burn, M.D. 19085 Colima Rd. (626) 964-5001 Korean, Spanish Shah, Hiren C., M.D. 18335 E. Valley Blvd (626) 810-3330 Hindi, Hindustani, Spanish, Tagalog Yacoub, Nader M., M.D. 14282 Amar Rd. (626) 917-4481 Arabic, French, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1683 041195 Internal Medicine 1683 024066 General Practice 1683 067272 Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 161599 5750 Downey Ave. # 201 (562) 633-1616 Arabic, Spanish Board Certified 377 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mellon, Horace M., M.D. General Practice 1683 035916 915 Myrtle Ave. (310) 673-3133 Spanish Montecillo, Luzviminda T., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 049826 645 Aerick St. # 1 (310) 673-2764 Spanish, Tagalog Nenadic, Ivan, M.D. General Practice 1683 032825 4450 W. Century Blvd. (310) 671-0555 Croatian, Farsi, French, Spanish Niknam, Jamshid, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 057012 575 E. Hardy St. # 205 (310) 275-7575 Farsi Pacheco, Santos F., M.D. General Practice 1683 067342 10719 S. Inglewood Ave. # A (310) 674-1115 Italian, Spanish Pallas, Robert S., M.D. General Practice 1683 066593 933B Centinela Ave. (310) 677-5090 Spanish Razi, David F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 067708 3451 W. Century Blvd. (310) 677-9400 Farsi, Spanish Saba, Marjan, M.D. Family Practice 1683 135748 501 E. Hardy St. # 205 (310) 671-6364 Farsi, Spanish Seyoum, Mesfin, M.D. General Practice 1683 161327 2710 W. Manchester Blvd. (323) 778-4310 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Al Sayyed Ahmad, Nader I., Family Practice1 M.D. 1683 169224 4318 South St. (562) 788-7574 Arabic, Turkish Elacion, Jose-Mari L., M.D. Family Practice 1683 073772 3650 South St. # 412 (562) 634-8001 Spanish, Tagalog Licuanan, Jesus L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 028253 3300 E. South St. (562) 634-5140 Spanish, Tagalog Mann, Paramjot, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 107358 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Pole, Shivanand R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 164890 3650 South St. # 110 (562) 531-6140 Hindi, Kannada Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 084078 3300 E. South St. # 305 (562) 817-5602 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Lawndale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguolu, Jeremiah A., M.D. General Practice 1683 057091 15603 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 644-4488 French, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog Do, Thutrang, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1683 131275 15735 Hawthorne Blvd. # 111 (310) 675-1300 Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 378 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kinota, Stanislaus, M.D. General Practice 1683 080386 4023 Marine Ave. (310) 674-9555 Spanish McKillop, Hazel, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 071639 4253 Redondo Beach Blvd. (310) 370-5888 Burmese, Spanish Nenadic, Ivan, M.D. General Practice 1683 032825 4023 Marine Ave. (310) 671-0555 Croatian, Farsi, French, Spanish Pacheco, Santos F., M.D. General Practice 1683 067342 15159 Prairie Ave. (310) 644-7964 Italian, Spanish Wallace, Olukemi A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 028588 15342 Hawthorne Blvd. # 102 (310) 644-8400 Spanish, Yoruba Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arceo, Ruth N., M.D. Family Practice 1683 067299 3036 Santa Fe Ave. (562) 591-2785 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog Armandi, Soroosh, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1683 149939 2888 Long Beach Blvd. # 210 (562) 981-9100 Farsi, Spanish Au, Joseph Y., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 500606 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 206 (562) 498-1363 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Brara, Birinder S., M.D. General Practice 1683 056873 3816 Woodruff Ave. # 205 (562) 421-7292 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Chau, Peter, M.D. Family Practice 1683 051341 5979 Atlantic Ave. (562) 423-0421 Constantino, Loida P., M.D.Family Practice1 1683 551173 1777 N. Bellflower Blvd. # 211 (562) 961-8820 Spanish, Tagalog Dhamija, Kailash R., M.D. Family Practice 1683 060208 3760 Atlantic Ave. (562) 595-7467 Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Dix, Karen T., M.D. Family Practice 1683 058363 911 E. San Antonio Dr. # 4 (562) 728-8700 Fussell, Suzanne L., M.D. Family Practice 1683 560927 2403 Atlantic Ave. (562) 989-0145 Cambodian, Spanish, Vietnamese Kashani, Kaveh S., D.O. Internal Medicine 1683 159731 2888 Long Beach Blvd. # 210 (562) 981-9100 English, Farsi Montalvan, Gonzalo F., Internal Medicine M.D. 1683 540273 3815 Atlantic Ave. # 3 (562) 426-9482 German, Italian, Spanish Mungcal, Henrico V., M.D. General Practice 1683 067285 1937 Pacific Ave (562) 591-7302 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog Nash, Roger G., D.O. Family Practice 1683 012157 5865 E. Naples Plz. (562) 434-4481 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nassim, Omid, M.D. General Practice 1683 110746 1530 E. South St. (562) 984-9200 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Nguyen, Ha Son, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1683 036005 1066 Atlantic Ave. # D (562) 590-2241 Vietnamese Nguyen, Ha Son, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 036005 1066 Atlantic Ave. # D (562) 590-2241 Vietnamese Nguyen, Quynam P., M.D. General Practice 1683 012362 1024 E. Pacific Coast Hwy (562) 218-0131 Burmese, Mandarin, Spanish Norcross, James W., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 520716 5865 E. Naples Plz. (562) 434-4481 Piety, Jared L., M.D. General Practice 1683 019700 6510 E. Spring St. (562) 421-4791 Spanish Prosser, John R., M.D. Family Practice 1683 013607 6510 E. Spring St. (562) 429-8812 Spanish Rocha-Farooq, Marlene A., Family Practice M.D. 1683 050877 4300 Long Beach Blvd. # 410 (562) 595-6050 Farsi, Spanish, Vietnamese Roque, Ronaldo V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 092288 1760 Termino Ave. # 101 (562) 494-8512 Spanish, Tagalog Tabila, Rodolfo T., M.D. General Practice 1683 039689 1339 W. Willow St. (562) 492-6698 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified 379 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Thomas, John L., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 017162 5865 E. Naples Plz. (562) 438-5021 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abboy, Ramadas, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3100 1683 025230 (323) 263-9779 Spanish Abdelsayed, Adel N., M.D. General Practice 1683 131199 115 E. Washington Blvd. (213) 749-6500 Spanish Abdian, Loghman, M.D. General Practice 1683 050279 1107 S. Alvarado St. (213) 380-9999 Farsi, Spanish Abdian, Pedram S., M.D. Family Practice 1683 168831 1107 S. Alvarado St. # 102 (213) 380-9999 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Adhami, Feridoon, M.D. General Practice 1683 057238 2426 W. Eighth St. # 105 (213) 388-4415 Farsi, Spanish Adhami, Jonathan, M.D. General Practice 1683 104975 5912 Santa Monica Blvd. (323) 461-3888 Armenian, Farsi, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese Agarwal, Shilpi, M.D. Family Practice 1683 191145 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 700 (213) 765-7500 Hindi, Spanish Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 039369 2534 W. Third St. (213) 382-1175 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 380 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Airapetian, Ara, M.D. General Practice 1683 105901 1704 Colorado Blvd. (323) 256-4116 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Akhavan, Afshin, D.O. Family Practice1 1683 098712 3009 S. Vermont Ave. (323) 760-1663 Farsi, Spanish Anthony, Vincent L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 161166 1711 W. Temple St. # 7200 (888) 522-7311 X702 Spanish Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. Family Practice 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 1683 094033 (323) 221-5366 Artinyan, Ludvik, M.D. General Practice 1683 061576 5300 Santa Monica Blvd. # 200 (323) 461-5882 Armenian, Greek, Russian, Turkish Ayodele, Emmanuel A., General Practice M.D. 1683 066602 11126 S. Main St. (323) 779-8398 Spanish Banaag, Ernesto B., M.D. General Practice 1683 067301 4034 Verdugo Rd. (323) 254-1987 Spanish, Tagalog Banayan, Shahab R., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 163533 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 909 (213) 975-9626 Farsi, Spanish Banta, Dante A., M.D. General Practice 1683 059755 875 N. Western Ave. (323) 461-0777 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Barua, Soma, M.D. Family Practice1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1683 162474 (323) 307-0800 Bengali, Spanish Bascoy, Louis T., M.D. General Practice 1683 056911 4560 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (323) 269-0411 Spanish Beesley Jr, Ellis N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 501064 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 707 (213) 482-4830 Spanish Bendana, Raul J., M.D. General Practice 1683 051258 1619 1/2 W. Pico Blvd. (213) 487-0615 Spanish Benlevy, Mansour, M.D. General Practice 1683 086348 1101 N. Vermont Ave. (323) 665-4230 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Bezikian, Hagop G., M.D. General Practice 1683 051727 1340 N. Virgil Ave. (323) 664-0013 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Bhuta, Mahesh V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 033746 9711 Venice Blvd. (310) 559-9884 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi Biamby, Gisele, M.D. Family Practice 1683 076748 2928 E Cesar E Chavez Ave. (323) 266-6700 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish Blikian, Anahit H., M.D. General Practice 1683 053253 5020 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 660-1777 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Brown, Harvey V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 501995 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 605 (213) 742-0910 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Buckle, Frank G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 502090 1245 Wilshire Blvd. # 511 (213) 977-1246 French Bulaon, Carlos O., M.D. Family Practice 1683 059654 3500 E. Whittier Blvd. # 105 (323) 262-8100 Spanish, Tagalog Burton, Michael S., M.D. Family Practice 1683 025018 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Spanish Bustamante, Ador A., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 090622 5417 York Blvd (323) 254-2811 Spanish, Tagalog Cadano, Rufino H., M.D. General Practice 1683 057241 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish, Tagalog Calleros, Gustavo, M.D. Family Practice 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 1683 102914 (323) 221-5366 Spanish Carabello, Victor G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # L200 1683 071642 (323) 526-2880 Spanish Carabello, Victor G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 071642 201 S. Alvarado St. # 410 (213) 413-0881 Spanish Carew-Akenzua, Family Practice1 Oyindamola F., M.D. 1683 078157 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 916 (310) 417-4014 Spanish Casabar, Ruben S., M.D. General Practice 1683 034613 2426 W. Eighth St. # 105 (213) 388-4415 Spanish, Tagalog Board Certified 381 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Casillas, Ernest Y., M.D. Family Practice 1683 130239 2025 W. 7th St. (213) 353-0915 Spanish Castillo, Hector R., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 106915 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Castillo, Mauricio J., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 141940 5428 N. Figueroa St. (323) 256-3884 Spanish Chavez, Edgar A., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 149255 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Chen, Lulu L., M.D. Family Practice 1683 107407 1318 E. Florence Ave. (323) 584-9525 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Chickey, Anna Lourdes A., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 047186 2536 W. Temple St. (213) 385-7888 Spanish, Tagalog Chieng, An Pang, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 502770 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Choi, Edwin H., M.D. Family Practice 1683 073268 3545 Wilshire Blvd. # 201 (213) 388-5144 Korean, Spanish Choi, Seung-Ho, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 048914 1711 W. Temple St. # 7606 (213) 207-5000 Korean, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 382 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chow, Thick G., M.D. General Practice 1683 045678 817 S. Vermont Ave. (213) 385-0029 Cantonese, German, Mandarin, Spanish Chu, Felipe L., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 039227 711 N. Alvarado St. # 101 (213) 484-0404 Mandarin, Tagalog Chung, Samuel K., M.D. General Practice 1683 502912 2409 N. Broadway (323) 225-8038 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese Clark, Stevan R., M.D. General Practice 1683 057815 10220 S. Western Ave. (323) 757-1744 Spanish Covington, Elizabeth J., General Practice M.D. 1683 023321 3701 Stocker St. (323) 290-2107 Spanish Daniel, Chancelor, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 503573 617 W. Manchester Ave. (323) 750-9715 French, Spanish Danielyan, Nouneh O., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 079762 5220 Santa Monica Blvd. # E (323) 913-9300 Armenian, Russian Deorosan, Verretta, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 045349 5777 W. Century Blvd. (310) 649-4800 Spanish Doan, Yen, M.D. Family Practice 1683 570065 1663 Beverly Blvd. # 201 (213) 413-4845 Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Domingo-Foraste, Dianne, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 029298 2256 Whittier Blvd. (323) 268-8511 Spanish El Asmar, Imad A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 064617 354 S. Vermont Ave. (213) 487-6867 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Elattar, Osamah A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 004468 1234 N. Vermont Ave. # 2 (323) 666-2727 Arabic, Armenian, Russian Eldessouky, Amani A., General Practice M.D. 1683 086237 1704 W. Manchester Ave. # 109 (323) 778-8485 Arabic, Spanish Elsayegh, Ashraf Mounir, Internal Medicine M.D. 1683 128637 2080 Century Park East # 608 (310) 556-0335 Arabic Ezell, Jimmy L., M.D. General Practice 1683 063683 7500 S. Western Ave. (323) 971-2250 German, Spanish Fichman, Marshal P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 019522 8635 W. Third St. # 292 (310) 271-5784 Fleischman, Horacio S., General Practice M.D. 1683 052048 4036 Whittier Blvd. # 200 (323) 796-0500 Italian, Spanish Galapon, Blanca L., M.D. General Practice 1683 067381 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gayauskas, Yulionas, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 092687 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd. # 1006 (310) 695-9911 Farsi, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog Gevorkian, Rafayel, M.D. General Practice 1683 053007 5129 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 663-9009 Armenian, Russian, Turkish Ghaly, Azmy Fouad, M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1683 049015 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog Ghodsian, Shahriar, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 090324 8635 W. Third St. # 1170W (310) 854-3313 Farsi Gil, Alejandro E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 028542 240 N. Virgil Ave. # 14 (213) 389-9100 French, Italian, Spanish Gindi, Magdi R., M.D. Family Practice 1683 031852 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Gindi, Nabila E., M.D. Family Practice 1683 050651 1096 N. Western Ave. (323) 463-6881 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Gindi, Vivian M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 190985 1110 N. Western Ave. # 201 (323) 463-6881 Glazer, Robert A., M.D. General Practice 1683 192769 5250 Santa Monica Blvd. # 208 (323) 913-9297 Spanish Board Certified 383 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Goff, John L., M.D. General Practice 1683 165227 1211 N. Vermont Ave. # 205 (323) 664-4114 Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish Gonzalez, Enrique J., M.D. General Practice 1683 563712 4755 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # A (323) 262-4194 Spanish Guice, Michael J., M.D. General Practice 1683 057250 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 1509 (213) 482-8600 Spanish Hakimi, Solemon, M.D. General Practice 1683 077216 1140 S. Robertson Blvd. # 3 (310) 659-2025 Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Turkish Hashimoto, Nathan E., Family Practice1 M.D. 1683 078463 1711 W. Temple St. # 3614 (213) 989-1600 Japanese Hauptschein, Martin, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 007002 2080 Century Park East # 906 (310) 553-6777 Spanish, Tagalog Hekmati, Arman, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 066954 6360 Wilshire Blvd. # 203 (323) 651-4320 Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. Family Practice1 1701 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 354 1683 071491 (323) 221-5366 Spanish Hibler, Anita M., M.D. General Practice 1683 077036 12900 Avalon Blvd. (310) 538-5222 Spanish 1 Board Certified 384 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ho, Steven S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 073424 2105 Beverly Blvd. # 201 (213) 483-3888 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Hwee, Thomas N., M.D. Family Practice 1683 033770 993 N. Broadway # A (213) 625-7995 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Jalbuena, Peter Babiera, Internal Medicine M.D. 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1683 162488 (323) 307-0800 Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog Johnson, Karlon H., M.D. Family Practice 1683 104627 231 W. Vernon Ave. # 203 (323) 231-8814 Johnson, Karlon H., M.D. Family Practice 1683 104627 1400 S. Grand Ave., 7th Fl. (213) 765-7500 Johnson, Karlon H., M.D. Family Practice 1683 104627 3751 S. Harvard Blvd. (323) 373-9400 Kalan, Arnold J., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1683 057842 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 800 (213) 481-2380 Spanish Kalindjian, Krikor I., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 105458 1300 N. Vermont Ave. # 807 (323) 660-5191 Arabic, Armenian, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Kamdar, Anjana V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3700 1683 008435 (323) 264-4300 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Karapetian, Michael Y., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 079761 5220 Santa Monica Blvd. # E (323) 913-9300 Armenian, Russian Kevorkian, Siranoush H., General Practice M.D. 1683 074428 954 N. Vermont Ave. (323) 666-6866 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Khalil, Nabil F., M.D. General Practice 1683 140186 5912 Santa Monica Blvd. (323) 461-3888 Arabic Kiley, Antuan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 058477 2815 W. Sunset Blvd. # 108 (213) 484-6995 French, Japanese, Spanish King, William D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 080137 3756 Santa Rosalia Dr. # 506 (213) 749-5700 Spanish King Jr, Lu-Wei T., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1683 052070 1571 W. Sunset Blvd. (213) 482-4400 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Kltchian, Missak S., M.D. General Practice 1683 056540 4645 Hollywood Blvd. # 4 (323) 661-4500 Armenian, Russian Lalezari, Bahman, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 061360 4944 W. Pico Blvd. (323) 939-5346 Farsi, Spanish Lamorena, Thelma Linda Internal Medicine S., M.D. 1683 009465 2503 Beverly Blvd. # 2 (213) 368-9281 Sign Language, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lang, Khadijah L., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 063827 4361 S. Western Ave. (323) 292-3900 Arabic, French, Spanish Lara, Agustin J., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 161175 1005 E. Washington Blvd. # A (213) 745-3636 Spanish Lavi, Alfred, D.O. Family Practice 1683 101407 2324 W. Pico Blvd. (213) 383-3600 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Lee, Clifton V., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1683 057255 4361 S. Western Ave. (323) 295-5446 Spanish Lee, Kyu B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 034831 201 S. Alvarado St. # 814 (213) 413-4976 Korean Li, Tit S., M.D. General Practice 1683 046307 819 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (213) 613-1255 Cantonese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Spanish Lim, Bun R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 510115 3030 W. Olympic Blvd. # 206 (213) 739-8610 Korean Lim, Myoza T., M.D. General Practice 1683 063811 3030 W. Olympic Blvd. # 206 (213) 739-8610 Korean, Spanish Lin, James, M.D. Family Practice 1683 110675 1571 W. Sunset Blvd. (213) 482-4400 Mandarin, Spanish Liu, John K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 109469 711 W. College St. # 205 (310) 676-7800 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Board Certified 385 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Liu, John K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 109469 1318 E. Florence Ave. (323) 584-9525 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Livhits, Masha J., M.D. General Practice 1683 154135 6399 Wilshire Blvd. # 910 (323) 653-6431 Armenian, Russian Ma, George W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 531199 711 W. College St. # 210 (213) 621-2998 Cantonese, Fukienese, Mandarin, Shanghainese, Spanish, Vietnamese Ma, Lisa, M.D. Family Practice 1683 095476 4857 Huntington Dr. North (323) 226-9042 Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish Malone, Dwight W., M.D. Family Practice 1683 033416 5777 W. Century Blvd. # 885 (310) 649-4800 Spanish Malone, Dwight W., M.D. Family Practice 1683 033416 11502 S. Vermont Ave. (323) 779-2800 Spanish Marshak, Herbert, M.D. General Practice 1683 045626 3484 E. First St. (323) 268-6196 Spanish Marshak, Sidney, M.D. General Practice 1683 064920 3484 E. First St. (323) 268-4436 Spanish Mays Sr, James A., M.D. General Practice 1683 098717 8915 S. Broadway (323) 778-7697 Spanish 1 Board Certified 386 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mehta, Prateep R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 166039 1211 N. Vermont Ave. # 205 (323) 664-4114 Arabic, Armenian, Hindi, Russian, Spanish Mejia, Miguel A., M.D. General Practice 1683 069505 987 W. Vernon Ave. (323) 234-6300 Spanish Mercene, Ovid P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 032907 2105 Beverly Blvd. # 233 (213) 413-9695 Spanish, Tagalog Meyler, Alice, M.D. General Practice 1683 087465 6399 Wilshire Blvd. # 910 (323) 653-6431 Russian Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 011621 3392 Motor Ave. (310) 202-1133 Farsi, Spanish, Tagalog Mitsuoka, Hiroshi, M.D. General Practice 1683 021850 200 S. San Pedro St. # 302 (213) 680-2194 Japanese Mkhsyan, Hakop, M.D. General Practice 1683 051965 4645 Hollywood Blvd. # 6 (323) 662-1077 Armenian, Russian Mobasser, Sarvenaz S., Family Practice M.D. 1683 171869 204 E. Pico Blvd. (213) 457-4000 Farsi, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog Modi, Meera J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 039228 1100 W. Sunset Blvd. (213) 250-3716 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mojtahedian, Emmanuel, General Practice M.D. 1683 057258 6425 Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-0101 Montegrande, Faye M., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 045485 321 N. Larchmont Blvd. # 824 (323) 464-0286 Spanish, Tagalog Moreno, Eugenia, M.D. Family Practice 1683 011811 12095 W. Washington Blvd. # 201 (310) 398-3803 Spanish Nassim, Omid, M.D. General Practice 1683 110746 3631 Crenshaw Blvd. # 109 (323) 732-0100 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Nassim, Omid, M.D. General Practice 1683 110746 3533 W. Pico Blvd. (323) 734-1600 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Ngo, Gilda, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 189441 1414 S. Grand Ave. # 200 (213) 743-9000 Spanish, Vietnamese Ngo, Hy P., M.D. General Practice 1683 094098 5801 S. Figueroa St. (323) 971-3883 Cantonese, Spanish, Vietnamese Ngo, Hy P., M.D. General Practice 1683 094098 625 W. College St. # 201 (213) 617-8301 Cantonese, Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, David T., D.O. Internal Medicine 1683 074817 633 N. Spring St. # 4 (213) 928-0866 Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Thang P., M.D. General Practice 1683 087437 1271 S. Union Ave. (213) 386-0214 Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, Trong P., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 073357 1271 S. Union Ave. (213) 386-0214 Spanish, Vietnamese Nudelman, Ronald K., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 012504 11600 Wilshire Blvd. # 218 (310) 312-2922 Okoye, Charles I., M.D. General Practice 1683 135997 4405 S. Main St. (323) 231-0659 Igbo, Spanish Olaes, Lamberto S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 032862 1267 N. Virgil Ave. (323) 664-7628 Spanish, Tagalog Oraha, Senam E., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 190479 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Arabic Ortiz, Jose A., M.D. General Practice 1683 103558 3900 W. Third St. (213) 427-0400 Spanish Ortiz, Leonardo C., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 059757 1400 Colorado Blvd. (323) 255-7178 Spanish Pacheco, Santos F., M.D. General Practice 1683 067342 1713 E. Vernon Ave. # 113 (323) 235-6022 Italian, Spanish Paja Jr, Isaias D., M.D. Family Practice 1683 079484 1800 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 484-9934 Board Certified 387 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Pakdaman, Mehrdad, M.D.Family Practice 1683 111166 1115 S. Robertson Blvd. (310) 659-9999 Farsi, French, Hebrew, Spanish Pallas, Robert S., M.D. General Practice 1683 066593 12900 Avalon Blvd. (310) 538-5222 Spanish Peart, Harold T., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology 1683 051312 6091 W. Pico Blvd. (323) 935-1178 Spanish Pedrano, Guadalupe C., General Practice M.D. 1683 046020 2209 San Fernando Rd. (323) 226-0511 Spanish, Tagalog Pedroza, Victor M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 041056 2705 Whittier Blvd. (323) 263-3861 Spanish Pehlevanian, Garo Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 044502 5250 Santa Monica Blvd. # 207 (323) 664-0857 Armenian, Russian, Turkish Perez, Jose A., M.D. General Practice 1683 057123 2010 Wilshire Blvd. # 400 (213) 413-3703 Spanish Pichaj, Raisa, M.D. General Practice 1683 069830 5425 N. Figueroa St. (323) 258-0015 Russian, Spanish Pichaj, Raisa, M.D. General Practice 1683 069830 3056 Fletcher Dr. (323) 256-2231 Russian, Spanish 1 Board Certified 388 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Plasencia, Hugo, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 167192 201 S. Alvarado St. # 811 (213) 484-5017 Spanish Popova, Stella, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 069598 6404 Wilshire Blvd # 750 (323) 654-7716 Russian Powell, Richard M., M.D. General Practice 1683 051268 5901 W. Olympic Blvd. # 504 (323) 935-5858 Spanish Pullen, Jo Ann C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 048910 1711 W. Temple St. # 7606 (213) 207-5050 Spanish, Tagalog Quijas, Francisco M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1700 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. # 3900 1683 095467 (323) 307-0800 Quisido, Earla E., M.D. General Practice 1683 056917 1711 W. Temple St. (213) 483-8300 Spanish, Tagalog Reddy, Janga A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 057767 2928 E Cesar E Chavez Ave. (323) 266-6700 Spanish Richardson-Te, Carol A., Internal Medicine M.D. 1683 139024 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 1100 (213) 977-0511 Spanish, Tagalog Roman, Ricardo R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 141053 4708 Eagle Rock Blvd. (818) 242-0011 Spanish, Tagalog Rothbart, Robert K., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 014525 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 605 (213) 742-0910 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Safvati, Shadan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 144885 11600 Wilshire Blvd. # 120 (310) 312-0101 Farsi, Spanish Sandhu, Amrita, D.O. Family Practice 1683 170041 3009 S. Vermont Ave. (323) 730-1663 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Sandhu, Amrita, D.O. Family Practice 1683 170041 530 E. Washington Blvd. (323) 730-1663 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Sevilla, Thomas A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 131137 2813 N. Broadway (323) 342-9764 Spanish, Tagalog Shamsid-Deen, Shafeeq S., General Practice M.D. 1683 015537 5970 S. Central Ave. (323) 234-3280 Spanish Shechter, Pagiel, M.D. General Practice 1683 074150 5901 W. Olympic Blvd. # 305 (323) 655-5068 Arabic, French, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, Spanish Show, Wei-Der, M.D. General Practice 1683 057018 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Mandarin, Taiwanese Shue, Randall G., D.O. Family Practice 1683 051328 4055 E. Olympic Blvd. # 210 (323) 268-3491 Spanish Silao, Michael A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 143288 1711 W. Temple St. (213) 207-5000 Spanish Sim, Peter H., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 143771 2405 W. Eighth St. # 105 (213) 388-2232 Korean 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Singleton, Michael J., M.D. General Practice 1683 074045 8880 S. Broadway (323) 750-1196 German, Spanish Sohal, Mohinder S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 046016 2105 Beverly Blvd. # 227 (213) 484-8186 Hindi, Punjabi Soliman, Jimmy H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 051722 1704 W. Manchester Ave. # 101 (323) 750-9715 Arabic, Spanish Soliman, Jimmy H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 051722 617 W. Manchester Ave. (323) 750-9715 Arabic, Spanish Starr, Arthur, M.D. General Practice 1683 160951 1211 N. Vermont Ave. # 205 (323) 664-4114 Spanish Sundaram, Jawahar, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 086493 2101 Hillhurst Ave. (323) 664-2931 Armenian, Spanish Taherpour, Parviz, M.D. General Practice 1683 057270 124 N. Vignes St. (213) 626-5679 Farsi, Spanish Tahzib, Rashel J., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 172544 4300 Crenshaw Blvd. (323) 298-1668 Farsi, French, Spanish Ter-Zakarian, Hovanes J., General Practice M.D. 1683 033462 5250 Santa Monica Blvd. # 310 (323) 663-9831 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Turkish Board Certified 389 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tirmizi, Syed O., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 058094 2080 Century Park East # 1006 (310) 556-0702 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Ton, Hoang T., M.D. General Practice 1683 057021 642 N. Broadway # 2 (213) 620-1720 Vietnamese Trabanino, Rene J., M.D. Family Practice 1683 159955 3751 S. Harvard Blvd. (323) 373-9400 Spanish Trabanino, Rene J., M.D. Family Practice 1683 159955 231 W. Vernon Ave. # 203 (323) 231-8814 Spanish Velez, Cesar A., M.D. Family Practice 1683 059772 1411 W. Sunset Blvd. # 203 (323) 410-7088 Spanish Villagomez, Jose L., M.D. General Practice 1683 104315 12095 W. Washington Blvd. # 201 (310) 398-3803 Spanish Vu, Hoang-Chuong N., Family Practice M.D. 1683 109131 1318 E. Florence Ave. (323) 584-9525 French, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Wang, James N., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 104872 3301 N. Eastern Ave. (323) 225-2351 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wang, Shuo S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 134266 711 W. College St. # 210 (213) 470-1753 Mandarin, Spanish 1 Board Certified 390 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Washington, Robert D., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1683 048929 1711 W. Temple St. # 7606 (213) 207-5000 Spanish, Tagalog Webber, Douglas A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 108597 3171 Los Feliz Blvd. # 309 (323) 666-6000 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog White-Dominguez, Internal Medicine Monique A., D.O. 1683 191143 1400 S. Grand Ave. # 700 (213) 765-7500 Spanish Wong, Dustin T., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1683 169672 5801 S. Figueroa St. (323) 971-3883 Cantonese Wong, Dustin T., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1683 169672 625 W. College St. # 201 (213) 617-8301 Cantonese Wong, Kai Y., M.D. General Practice 1683 066617 711 W. College St. # 208 (213) 625-3182 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Wong, Kelly T., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 162785 711 W. College St. # 208 (213) 625-3182 Cantonese, Mandarin Wong, Kin, D.O. Internal Medicine 1683 100120 709 N. Hill St. # 8 (213) 628-3300 Cambodian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wong, Nga W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 018659 819 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. (213) 613-1255 Cantonese, Mandarin, Sign Language, Vietnamese Yamini, Sohrab, M.D. General Practice 1683 035260 1700 Westwood Blvd., 1st Fl. (310) 234-6600 Farsi, Spanish Yoon, Eun J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 091167 2017 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 480-1000 Korean, Spanish Zakarian, Magie M., M.D. General Practice 1683 063887 4670 Hollywood Blvd. (323) 668-2872 Armenian, Greek, Russian, Turkish Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tawadrous, Odette R., Internal Medicine M.D. 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 10 1683 159206 (310) 223-1429 Arabic, Spanish Zevallos, Manuel, M.D. Internal Medicine1 3737 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 1683 019054 335 (310) 608-6963 Spanish Lynwood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Felahy, Basil M., M.D. General Practice 1683 051122 11017 Atlantic Ave. 1st Fl. (310) 635-3800 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Glaze, Nijole, M.D. General Practice 3611 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 1683 066883 102 (310) 608-3600 Russian, Spanish Gonzalez, Eduardo J., M.D.Family Practice 3625 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. # 7 1683 099436 (310) 763-1336 Spanish Haroon, Yasmin Y., M.D. General Practice 1683 099802 11017 Atlantic Ave. (310) 635-3800 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu McKenzie, Ricardo E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 034871 3680 E. Imperial Hwy. # 470 (310) 604-3456 Spanish Maywood Primary Care Physicians Casabar, Ruben S., M.D. 6017 Atlantic Blvd. (323) 560-8880 Spanish, Tagalog Ferdows, Dean, M.D. 4316 Slauson Ave. (323) 773-2020 Farsi, Spanish Molina, Manfred J., M.D. 4433 Slauson Ave. (323) 560-4373 Spanish 1 Marina Del Rey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sheikh, Firoz, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 077618 4644 Lincoln Blvd. # 530 (310) 821-4100 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1683 034613 General Practice 1683 136767 Internal Medicine 1683 011711 Montebello Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. Family Practice 1683 094033 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Board Certified 391 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Chaudhry, Mohammad A., M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 307 (323) 722-2260 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Chua, William A., M.D. 3111 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-0671 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese Herrera, Margaret L., M.D. 1217 W. Whittier Blvd. (323) 728-6070 Spanish Iqbal, Shaheen, M.D. 609 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 728-6445 Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Johnson, Lloyd E., M.D. 120 S. Montebello Blvd. (323) 726-0533 Spanish Kaneko, Shinobu L., M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 300 (323) 728-1201 Spanish Lakha, Rumi K., D.O. 433 N. Fourth St. # 209 (323) 887-3756 French, Spanish Shakhnovits, Marianna, M.D. 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 303 (323) 837-5147 Armenian Wassily, Victor M., M.D. 111 W. Beverly Blvd. (323) 722-7711 Arabic, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1683 066997 Internal Medicine 1683 502898 Family Practice1 1683 071491 Internal Medicine 1683 059699 Internal Medicine1 1683 090184 Family Practice1 1683 136004 Family Practice 1683 159704 Family Practice1 1683 192293 Internal Medicine1 1683 076109 Board Certified 392 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wu, Wuu-Shyong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 033714 101 E. Beverly Blvd. # 200 (323) 722-5163 Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Yang, Bao B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 018824 149 N. Sixth St. (323) 721-5121 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chua, William A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 502898 600 N. Garfield Ave. # 108 (626) 572-4477 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese Wong, Kelly T., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 162785 500 N. Garfield Ave. # 105 (626) 288-3828 Cantonese, Mandarin North Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Broomand, Behrouz, M.D. General Practice 1683 049677 6056 Lankershim Blvd. (818) 761-2300 Farsi, Spanish Kevorkian, Siranoush H., General Practice M.D. 1683 074428 7542 Laurel Canyon Blvd. (818) 765-2125 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Khachatrian, Marina, M.D. General Practice 1683 078004 12643 Sherman Way # I (818) 759-0095 Armenian, Russian PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Northridge Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shore, Philip S., M.D. Family Practice 1683 031182 18546 Roscoe Blvd. # 304 (818) 886-1100 Spanish Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Allen, Ethan R., D.O. Family Practice1 1683 061387 12820 Studebaker Rd. # 101 (562) 868-7873 Bai, Eung K., M.D. General Practice 1683 500712 12017 Rosecrans Ave. (562) 868-2027 Korean, Spanish Salatinjants, Aida, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 050161 13132 Studebaker Rd. # 3 (562) 406-7070 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Shue, Randall G., D.O. Family Practice 1683 051328 11850 Firestone Blvd. (562) 281-1002 Spanish Shue, Randall G., D.O. Family Practice 1683 051328 13939 San Antonio Dr. (562) 281-1002 Spanish 1 Panorama City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kevorkian, Siranoush H., General Practice M.D. 1683 074428 8781 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 920-0808 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ismail, Mohammad, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 053701 16415 Colorado Ave. # 207 (562) 602-2334 Bengali, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Ornedo, Eduardo S., M.D. General Practice 1683 082010 8540 Alondra Blvd. # B2 (562) 602-2508 Farsi, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog Raghunathan, Internal Medicine1 Chengalroyan, M.D. 1683 013719 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 202 (562) 663-9191 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Tran, Khai Q., D.O. Family Practice 1683 143857 15717 Paramount Blvd. (562) 531-2231 Spanish, Vietnamese Trani, Jr., Sergio I., M.D. General Practice 1683 067843 16240 Paramount Blvd. # H (562) 531-9806 Spanish, Tagalog Weinstein, Philip B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 018132 16660 Paramount Blvd. # 201 (562) 633-3131 Spanish Wilches, Alberto, M.D. Family Practice 1683 028271 7831 Jackson St. (562) 531-1178 Spanish Board Certified 393 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Makovoz, Galina, M.D. General Practice 1683 060837 11631 Victory Blvd. # 103 (818) 762-3116 Russian Safvati, Shavash, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 050280 12626 Riverside Dr. # 303 (818) 760-2434 Farsi, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Calleros, Gustavo, M.D. Family Practice 1683 102914 50 Bellefontaine St. # 401 (626) 793-1931 Spanish Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ahmed, Parveen N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 056982 4511 Rosemead Blvd. (562) 695-2282 Urdu Fishman, Ritchard L., M.D. Family Practice 1683 005068 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6565 Spanish, Tagalog Family Practice Gill, Harpreet K., M.D.3 1683 158444 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6566 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Ngo, Liem P., M.D. General Practice 1683 048619 8207 Whittier Blvd. (562) 695-0737 Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Sotomayor, Salvador M., Family Practice1 M.D. 1683 049832 5036 Passons Blvd. # 2 & 3 (562) 654-2800 French, Italian, Spanish Pomona Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chung, Samuel K., M.D. General Practice 1683 502912 1501 E. Holt Ave. (909) 623-3600 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Perez, Jose A., M.D. General Practice 1683 057123 2112 S. Garey Ave. (909) 464-0520 Spanish Redondo Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Davoudian, Sohail M., Internal Medicine M.D. 1683 035937 1959 Kingsdale Ave. (310) 214-1000 Farsi, Spanish Davoudian, Sohail M., General Practice M.D. 1683 035937 1959 Kingsdale Ave. (310) 214-1000 Farsi, Spanish Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Lakha, Rumi K., D.O. 8736 Valley Blvd. # D (323) 588-5467 French, Spanish Ngo, Hy P., M.D. 9143 Valley Blvd. (626) 237-0135 Cantonese, Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, David T., D.O. 9246 Valley Blvd. # A (626) 571-6908 Spanish, Vietnamese General Practice 1683 094098 Internal Medicine 1683 074817 Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Byeon, Sangjun, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 148113 18391 Colima Rd. # 201 (626) 912-2911 Korean Board Certified Physician is currently not available through this physician group. 394 / Health Net Provider Network 3 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 1683 159704 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Hussain, Rizwana B., M.D. 18750 Colima Rd. # B (626) 812-9345 Hindi, Spanish Limbo Jr, Pablo C., M.D. 19036 Colima Rd. # B (626) 965-7272 Spanish, Tagalog Wang, Dejun, M.D. 18391 E. Colima Rd. # 204 (626) 810-2983 Mandarin, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1683 025019 General Practice 1683 057152 Internal Medicine1 1683 086138 San Pedro Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Marzban, Siamak S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 024008 2403 S. Moray Ave. (310) 832-2694 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish Shah, Mona S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 087516 1294 W. Sixth St. # 205 (310) 548-0201 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Santa Clarita Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Schwartz, Ronald, M.D. General Practice 1683 059805 21700 Golden Triangle Rd. (661) 260-1155 Hebrew, Spanish Santa Monica Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Babaali, Hossein, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 091052 2428 Santa Monica Blvd. # 402 (310) 829-3385 Farsi, Portuguese, Spanish Baharvar, Jamshid, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 500707 2001 Santa Monica Blvd. # 690 (310) 828-6868 Farsi, Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Emenike, Emmanuel O., Internal Medicine M.D. 1683 136508 1260 15th St. # 1414 (310) 869-0638 Spanish Hakimi, Solemon, M.D. General Practice 1683 077216 2915 Santa Monica Blvd. # 1 (310) 449-0098 Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Turkish Hopper, Douglas J., M.D. Family Practice 1683 007536 2221 Lincoln Blvd. # 200 (310) 581-8585 French, Spanish Messina, Alexander J., Internal Medicine M.D. 1683 011399 2021 Santa Monica Blvd. # 101E (310) 453-1103 Italian, Spanish Saugus Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mungcal, Henrico V., M.D. General Practice 1683 067285 21700 Golden Triangle Rd. # 206 (661) 287-3983 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog South Gate Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Biamby, Gisele, M.D. Family Practice 1683 076748 5831 Firestone Blvd # E (552) 806-7545 Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish Chen, Lulu L., M.D. Family Practice 1683 107407 8426 California Ave. (323) 584-5805 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Board Certified 395 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Enayati, Daniel, M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Farsi, Spanish Hashemi, Zia, M.D. 4070 Tweedy Blvd. # E (323) 563-2222 Farsi, Spanish Marshak, Glenn A., M.D. 3175 Firestone Blvd. (323) 567-8910 Spanish Pallivathucal, Rosalind G., M.D. 8100 California Ave. (323) 357-1000 Hindi, Italian, Spanish Sison, Reuven F., M.D. 9401 Long Beach Blvd. (323) 582-8612 Spanish, Tagalog Vu, Hoang-Chuong N., M.D. 8426 California Ave. (323) 564-5805 French, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1683 094638 Internal Medicine 1683 057252 Internal Medicine1 1683 051275 General Practice 1683 060833 Family Practice 1683 134283 Family Practice 1683 109131 Tarzana Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tirmizi, Syed O., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 058094 5620 Wilbur Ave. # 324 (888) 444-0411 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu 1 Board Certified 396 / Health Net Provider Network Torrance Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Das, Malay R., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 039248 21320 Hawthorne Blvd. # 105 (310) 219-0647 Hindi, Spanish Eilat, Paz P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 053839 21081 S. Western Ave. # 150 (310) 782-3300 Hebrew Khan, Hameed A., M.D. General Practice 1683 066583 21350 Hawthorne Blvd. # 259 (310) 540-5464 Majcher, Grzegorz, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 087071 3858 W. Carson St. # 123 (310) 316-1015 Polish Oberoi, Meena, M.D. Family Practice 1683 104189 23639 Hawthorne Blvd. # 102 (310) 373-9980 Hindi, Punjabi Tahsini, Mehdi, M.D. Family Practice1 1683 159227 2573 Pacific Coast Hwy. # B (310) 997-1796 Farsi Tsai, Zonglang, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 017435 3011 Artesia Blvd. (310) 329-6395 Mandarin, Tagalog Vafadari, Peyam, M.D. General Practice 1683 146638 4305 Torrance Blvd. # 106 (310) 542-9758 Farsi, Spanish Webman, Robert M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 540527 4305 Torrance Blvd. # 406 (310) 542-5800 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Tujunga Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Panossian, Ayuna K., M.D. Family Practice 1683 135929 7709 Foothill Blvd. (818) 352-3146 Armenian, Spanish Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Banayan, Shahab R., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 163533 15211 Vanowen St. # 206 (818) 787-8473 Farsi, Spanish Mejia, Miguel A., M.D. General Practice 1683 069505 15211 Vanowen St. # 206 (818) 787-8473 Spanish Mohamadi, Davod, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 550037 14624 Sherman Way # 404 (818) 988-5999 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish West Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chetver, Elena, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 087331 7607 Santa Monica Blvd. # 23 (323) 650-2991 Russian Kovalevsky, Marina, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 131446 7737 Santa Monica Blvd. (323) 650-3335 Armenian, Russian Lee, James T., D.O.2 General Practice 1683 059676 8733 Beverly Blvd. # 408 (310) 894-6358 Makovoz, Galina, M.D. General Practice 1683 060837 7607 Santa Monica Blvd. # 27 (323) 650-5494 Russian Nusinovich, Vlad, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 138987 7855 Santa Monica Blvd. (310) 623-9222 Armenian, Russian, Ukranian 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shemer, Boris, M.D. General Practice 1683 063865 7607 Santa Monica Blvd. # 28 (323) 656-7094 Russian Shulman, Valery P., M.D. General Practice 1683 067351 7559 Santa Monica Blvd. # 201 (323) 878-2523 Armenian, Russian Vaynerov, Yelena E., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 142817 7559 Santa Monica Blvd. (323) 878-2523 Russian, Spanish Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aceves, Jose A., M.D. Family Practice1 1683 032251 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. Family Practice 1683 032250 12826 Philadelphia St. # A (562) 789-9908 Urdu Ahmed, Parveen N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 056982 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 102 (562) 698-0025 Urdu Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, Internal Medicine1 M.D.2 1683 078146 9209 Colima Rd. # 4600 (562) 907-7616 Farsi, Spanish Chen, Chung-Lien, M.D. Family Practice 1683 046386 12802 E. Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-0933 Mandarin, Spanish Cons, Robert J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 086557 14609 Whittier Blvd. (562) 789-9592 Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 397 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cotton, D O., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 067716 12474 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-9779 Spanish Gabbita, Geetha V., M.D. General Practice 1683 032209 14568 Whittier Blvd. (562) 698-8263 Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu Gonzales, Fernando Q., General Practice M.D. 1683 024284 12444 Washington Blvd. (562) 698-0161 Spanish, Tagalog Jalil, Marian, M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 032211 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 200 (562) 945-7671 Arabic, Spanish Mires, Ashley E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1683 127881 14350 Whittier Blvd. # 315 (562) 464-2163 Spanish Mohammedi, Nasir A., Family Practice1 M.D. 1683 110418 9200 Colima Rd. # 207 (562) 945-0252 French, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Mohammedi, Nasir A., Family Practice1 M.D. 1683 110418 9200 Colima Rd. # 101 (562) 945-2128 French, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 1683 029437 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish 1 Board Certified 398 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Soans, Smita M., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. # A (562) 908-4355 Hindi Tran, Alex L., M.D. 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish, Vietnamese Wu, Kesheng, M.D. 9209 Colima Rd. # 4500 (562) 696-5088 Spanish Wilmington Primary Care Physicians Awariefe, Henry S., M.D. 1110 W. Anaheim St. # 6 (310) 872-3560 Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese Casabar, Ruben S., M.D. 200 E. Anaheim St. (310) 835-4000 Spanish, Tagalog Cheng, George Y., D.O. 1239 N. Avalon Blvd. # B (310) 513-1591 Mandarin, Spanish King, William D., M.D. 123 E. F St. # H (310) 549-4988 Spanish Malepati, Sarath, M.D. 1110 W. Anaheim St. # 6 (310) 872-3560 Spanish Siman, Homan, M.D. 1231 N. Avalon Blvd. (310) 835-7215 Farsi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1683 130709 Family Practice1 1683 089017 Internal Medicine1 1683 090686 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1683 069272 General Practice 1683 034613 General Practice 1683 563702 Internal Medicine1 1683 080137 General Practice 1683 164001 Internal Medicine 1683 112198 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Acupuncture Fleetman, Amy R., L.A. Allergy/Immunology Burger, Jr., Emil F., M.D.1 Galant, Stanley P., M.D.1 Lauridsen, John I., M.D. Lin, Chao-I, M.D.1 Mihalas, Lawrence S., M.D. Mirzai-Tehrani, Reza, D.O.1 Parker, Peter P., M.D.1 Seda, Russell P., M.D.1 Trivedi, Divyang N., M.D. Wong, Stephen C., M.D.1 Anesthesiology Shawa, David S., M.D.1 Valdez, Vincent J., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Abbasi, Abdul S., M.D.1 Bargout, Raed, M.D.1 Baron, Dicran B., M.D.1 Batra, Narinder S., M.D.1 Bornheimer Jr, Joseph F., M.D.1 Bridges, Duane E., M.D. Bui, Brian A., M.D.1 Calick, Arthur, M.D.1 Choi, Myunghae, M.D.1 Connor, Ann R., M.D.1 Dang, Mark M., M.D.1 De Sa, Watson A., M.D. Firpo, Robert S., M.D.1 Frankel, Philip S., M.D.1 Gaarder, Thomas D., M.D.1 Girsky, Marc J., M.D. Gogia, Harinder S., M.D.1 Harris, Clifford N., M.D.1 Hasan, Shazia M., M.D.1 Hoffman, Richard L., M.D. Hussain, Jamal, M.D.1 Jafari, Alireza, M.D.1 Jayaraj, Prash F., M.D. Joolhar, Fowrooz S., M.D.1 Kay, Gregory L., M.D. 1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Khan, Aziz A., M.D.1 Kulczycki, James, M.D. Lee, Don W., M.D.1 Lee, Faye, M.D.1 McKenzie III, John P., M.D. Mehta, Prateep R., M.D.1 Pedarsani, Hossein M., M.D.1 Reddy, Janga A., M.D. Reddy, Jayapal A., M.D. Reinherz, Lance S., M.D.1 Ruelaz, Robert A., M.D.1 Sainath, Shankarlingam, M.D. Scheele, Wolfgang, M.D. Sellami, Mohamed, M.D. Shenkman, Heather J., M.D.1 Shiener, Alan, M.D.1 Shin, Min S., M.D. Singh, Anantjit, M.D.1 Sohal, Mohinder S., M.D. Somaratne, Ransi M., M.D.1 Srinatha, Konanur V., M.D.1 Sroujieh, Khaldoun S., M.D. Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Weinstein, Steven R., M.D.1 Wood, Frederick M., M.D.1 Zargarian, Mehdi, M.D. Cardiovascular Surgery Estioko, Manuel R., M.D. Kay, Jerome H., M.D. Nucho, Ramsay C., M.D. Chiropractor Bui, Thai Binh, D.C. Cummings, Dean H., D.C. Kaminsky, Ilya, P.T. Khaziran, Patrick, D.C. Lotto, Richard J., D.C. Myren, Jr., Donald C., D.C. Paredes, Delicia M., D.C. Perlman, Eric A., D.C. Ram, Christopher, D.C. Wagner, David S., D.C. Board Certified 399 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Chiropractor Whittet, Robert J., D.C. Clinical Crd Electrophysiolog Zargarian, Mehdi, M.D. Colon & Rectal Surgery Heartfield, Wesley R., M.D. Shbeeb-Muhammad, Imad-Aldeen, M.D.1 Critical Care Medicine Chang, Jesse L., M.D. Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D. Hardeman, James L., M.D.1 Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D. Kadifa, Fady G., M.D.1 Malish, Sterling L., M.D. Montegrande, Faye M., M.D.1 Smith, Giovanni M., M.D.1 Tirmizi, Syed O., M.D. Dermatology Chernila, Selbert A., M.D.1 Coghlan, Patricia A., M.D.1 Desilva, Keerthi R., M.D. Farzadmehr, Afshin, M.D.1 Fein, Howard, M.D.1 Freed, Michael I., M.D.1 Ho, Christopher T., M.D.1 Kay, Martin H., M.D.1 Mehrabi, Donny, M.D.1 Novak, Michael, M.D. Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D.1 Saadat, Payam, M.D. Sofen, Howard L., M.D.1 Vadmal, Manjunath S., M.D. Dermatopathology Chernila, Selbert A., M.D.1 Emergency Medicine Allen, Eugene, D.O. 1 Board Certified 400 / Health Net Provider Network Endocrinology Beredo, Angelita S., M.D.1 Boyapalli, Renuka R., M.D. Chandiok, Suvesh, M.D.1 Gofnung, Yaroslav A., M.D.1 Jelen, Betty S., M.D. Larson, Bruce A., M.D.1 Perley, Michael J., M.D.1 Reddy, Radha T., M.D.1 Tran, Minou P., M.D. Family Practice Feridouni, Syrus, M.D.1 Wagner, Vernon P., M.D. Gastroenterology Ahmadi, Behrooz, M.D. Amin, Ashokkumar I., M.D.1 Anyadike, Cyril O., M.D.1 Bali, Ambika, M.D.1 Bhasker, Mohan W., M.D. Boghossian, Frederick A., M.D. Carter, Ethelred E., M.D. Cohen, Hartley, M.D.1 Effron, Allan M., M.D. Essilfie, William, M.D. Fan, Robert S., M.D.1 Fukunaga, Karl K., M.D.1 Gletten, Fred, M.D.1 Ha, Thai Q., M.D.1 Hakim, Shahina, M.D.1 Holt, Kenneth M., M.D.1 Javdan, Parviz, M.D. Khaja, Nazir U., M.D.1 Khorsandi, Mehdi, M.D.1 Kornfeld, Herbert R., M.D. Lee, Martin H., M.D.1 Mehdikhani, Edgar, M.D. Morguelan, Barry A., M.D.1 Mukherjee, Matthew K., M.D.1 Ojha, Sushil K., M.D.1 Ojuri, Adebambo O., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Gastroenterology Patel, Chirag P., M.D.1 Pinzon, Anastacio C., M.D. Riyaz, Azam S., M.D.1 Rosenthal, Marian B., M.D.1 Sattler, James A., M.D.1 Shakfeh, Mohammad J., M.D. Shaye, Omid, M.D. Sial, Shahid H., M.D.1 Simmons, Timothy C., M.D. Tran, Timothy T., M.D. Webman, Robert M., M.D. Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 Zarimani, Arash I., M.D.1 General Practice Chen, David, M.D. Feldkamp Iv, Irving M., M.D. Ratwani, Mina, M.D. Soliman, Nabil N., M.D. Villacarlos, Dolores A., M.D. General Surgery Akopian, Gabriel, M.D. Anderson, David B., M.D.1 Arase, Randal P., M.D.1 Batra, Pramod K., M.D.1 Brandau, Kim M., M.D. Capitulo, Edgardo M., M.D. Carabello, Gabriel G., M.D.1 Cosenza, Carlos A., M.D.1 Duarte, David A., M.D.1 Fernandez, Edgar J., M.D.1 Fuller, Clark B., M.D.1 Heartfield, Wesley R., M.D.1 Hunter, Charles A., M.D.1 Jain, Saurabh, M.D. Joseph-Brown, Denise P., M.D. Khan, Faisal A., M.D. Klieman, Charles H., M.D.1 Korman, Jeremy E., M.D.1 Kram, Harry B., M.D.1 Kronson, Jeffrey W., M.D. Mahdavi, Arash, D.O. 1 General Surgery Mansour, Antoine Y., M.D.1 McKenna, Jr., Robert J., M.D.1 Mejia, Duvan, M.D.1 Mihranian, Mardiros H., M.D.1 Montano, Jose N., M.D.1 Mutafyan, Gevorg A., M.D.1 Myles, Richard A., M.D.1 Ocampo, Jr., Hermenegildo P., M.D.1 Perez, Jose M., M.D.1 Ramos, Hector C., M.D.1 Ray, Charles W., M.D.1 Shofler, Raymond A., M.D.1 Silva, Antonio R., M.D.1 Singh, Gagandeep P., M.D.1 Smith, Herman L., M.D. Stewardson, Richard H., M.D.1 Tan, Matthew S., M.D. Tovar, Alexander S., M.D.1 Wang, On, M.D.1 Yokoyama, Taro, M.D. Geriatrics Hekmati, Arman, M.D. Hwang, Tzong-Yueh, M.D. Gynecology Mayer, Ralph, M.D. Weiss, Bernard, M.D.1 Hand Surgery Chen, Gary Y., M.D.1 Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Hematology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Berz, David, M.D.1 Chap, Linnea I., M.D. Cheung, Eric M., D.O. Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 Huang, Stephen, M.D. Kim, David D., M.D. Phan, Vu Q., M.D.1 Prasad, Rajendra, M.D.1 Rosen, Lee S., M.D.1 Board Certified 401 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Hematology Waisman, James R., M.D.1 Yang, Honghao, M.D. Hematology/Oncology Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D. Kim, Daniel J., M.D. Lindgren, Tiberio F., M.D. Mehta, Manan S., M.D. Rupani, Ravin M., M.D.1 Ucar, Kalust, M.D. Infectious Disease Bansil, Sandeep K., M.D.1 Doo, Bryan C., M.D. Fishbach, Ronald S., M.D.1 Guzman, Ernie, M.D. Hanberg, Francine B., M.D.1 Jordan, Wilbert C., M.D. Khemka, Pankaj M., M.D.1 Kim, Alexander, M.D. Lauermann, Michael W., M.D. Nussbaum, Joseph M., M.D.1 Radhakrishna, Suman M., M.D.1 Tabatabai, Meher F., M.D.1 Internal Medicine Aguinaldo, Estrella A., M.D. Ahdoot, Jacob J., M.D. Alday, Betzabe M., M.D. Almendral, Dante F., M.D. Batra, Narinder S., M.D.1 Berz, David, M.D. Bougas, Panagiotis P., M.D.1 Cadman, Sarah L., M.D.1 Calescibetta, Carmen C., M.D. Chang, Jesse L., M.D. Chuang, Jesse J., M.D.1 Cooper, John S., M.D.1 Darwish, Riad Y., M.D. Davies, Joanna M., M.D.1 Elias, Mirna P., M.D. Freeman, Michele Y., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 402 / Health Net Provider Network Internal Medicine Gaitanis, Alexander, D.O. Gilbert, Randall C., M.D.1 Hanberg, Francine B., M.D.1 Hardeman, James L., M.D.1 Harris, Clifford N., M.D.1 Ho, Christopher S., M.D. Hsu, Linda P., M.D.1 Huang, Stephen, M.D.1 Issa, John G., M.D.1 Issai, Jilbert D., M.D.1 Jafari, Golriz, M.D.1 Kang, Deno D., M.D. Khwaja, Samia A., M.D.1 Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Larson, Bruce A., M.D. Le, Kim C., M.D.1 Maehara, Michael S., M.D.1 Malish, Sterling L., M.D. McNabb, Louis J., M.D.1 Mun, Dong W., M.D.1 Nasreen, Tanzina, M.D.1 Nasser-Moaddeli, Shahriare N., M.D.1 Ngo, Tuan T., M.D.1 Nguyen, Toan T., M.D. Parker, Peter P., M.D.1 Patel, Shirish B., M.D. Patel, Vinod D., M.D.1 Pearle, James L., M.D.1 Peng, Luon W., D.O.1 Rocha, Rodrigo J., M.D. Roe, James T., M.D.1 Rouzroch, Siamak, M.D.1 Rubin, Jack, M.D. Shakfeh, Mohammad J., M.D.1 Shidban, Hamid, M.D.1 Srinatha, Konanur V., M.D.1 Toiserkani, Michael, M.D.1 Topacio, Ruth G., M.D.1 Tung, Jagdeep S., M.D.1 Weingarten, Zelman G., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Internal Medicine Yanamadala, Sita L., M.D. Yu, Victor T., M.D.1 Interventional Cardiology Reddy, Jayapal A., M.D. Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Marriage/Family Counseling Mead, Travis M., MFT Silverman, Marlene, M.S. Maternal & Fetal Medicine Bhupathy, Vellore R., M.D. Hanna, Gina V., M.D. Miller, David A., M.D. Mullin, Patrick M., M.D.1 Ogundipe, Anthony O., M.D. Shah, Bharat D., M.D.1 Medical Genetics Beall, Marie H., M.D. Leduc, Xuanto, M.D. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Cayabyab, Rowena G., M.D.1 Choi, Sung S., M.D. Chon, Kyung-Ken B., M.D.1 Garingo, Arlene D., M.D.1 Ramanathan, Rangasamy, M.D.1 Sardesai, Smeeta R., M.D.1 Shaw, Sandy S., M.D.1 Siassi, Bijan, M.D.1 Nephrology Aguiniga, Elsa M., M.D.1 Ahdoot, Jacob J., M.D. Ali, Nausheen B., M.D.1 Austerlitz, Michael A., M.D.1 Azer, Bernard M., D.O.1 Azer, Maher A., M.D. Boroujerdi-Rad, Hassan, M.D. Calescibetta, Carmen C., M.D. Carabello, Victor G., M.D.1 Chang, Duke M., M.D.1 Chowdhury, Pradip C., M.D.1 1 Nephrology Chuang, Jesse J., M.D.1 Contractor, Heena M., M.D. Dang, Sandeep S., M.D.1 Darwish, Riad Y., M.D. Das, Malay R., M.D. Erlbaum, Alan I., M.D. Feinstein, Eben I., M.D.1 Fichman, Marshal P., M.D. Fischman, Ronald A., M.D.1 Freeman, Michele Y., M.D. Gandhi, Nirav D., M.D.1 Greenfield, Bruce A., M.D. Guadiz, Ramon N., M.D.1 Ho, Steven S., M.D. Hon, George G., M.D.1 Hsieh, John T., M.D. Hwu, Jim-Jer, M.D. Ismail, Mohammad, M.D.1 Jafari, Golriz, M.D.1 Jindal, Hira L., M.D.1 Kamdar, Anjana V., M.D.1 Kang, Deno D., M.D.1 Klein, Keith L., M.D. Krasner, Paul P., M.D. Lange, Dennis T., M.D. Le, Kim C., M.D.1 Majcher, Grzegorz, M.D.1 Mandelbaum, Jorge M., M.D. Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Mirahmadi, Mike K., M.D.1 Moe, Kyaw, M.D.1 Mootoo, Keith I., M.D.1 Nasreen, Tanzina, M.D.1 Nasser-Moaddeli, Shahriare N., M.D.1 Nathan, Ramani R., M.D.1 Ness, Russell L., M.D. Ngo, Tuan T., M.D.1 Oredugba, Olumuyiwa O., M.D. Park, Alice S., M.D.1 Patrikyan, Artashes, M.D. Peng, Luon W., D.O.1 Ramirez, Jesus G., M.D.1 Board Certified 403 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Nephrology Ravikumar, Gadasalli R., M.D.1 Rocha, Rodrigo J., M.D. Roe, James T., M.D.1 Rubin, Jack E., M.D. Rubin, Jack, M.D. Semerjian, Avedik, M.D.1 Shah, Hiren C., M.D. Shah, Tariq, M.D.1 Shechter, Pagiel, M.D. Shidban, Hamid, M.D. Thornhill-Joynes, Monica M., M.D.1 Tiquia, Herbert S., M.D. Toscano, Edgar P., M.D.1 Vaughn, Charles R., D.O.1 Vidhun, Jayakumar R., M.D. Wang, Weng-Lih L., M.D. Wassily, Victor M., M.D. Wu, Wuu-Shyong, M.D.1 Zoller, Karen A., M.D.1 Neurology Andrews, Augua A., M.D. Aranibar-Zerpa, Alberto, M.D. Boutros, Raja B., M.D.1 Cherik, Armen J., M.D.1 Finstead, Bruce A., M.D.1 Gamal, Reda, M.D.1 Hanna-Kastoun, Ahed, M.D. Hunt, Gabriel E., M.D. Iskander, Raafat S., M.D. Lemay, Daniel R., M.D.1 Mitri, Antoine E., M.D.1 Muthukumaran, Abirami, M.D. Nasim, Uzma, M.D.1 Oveian, Margarita, M.D.1 Owyoung, Nelson J., M.D.1 San Agustin, Winston C., M.D. Spokoyny, Eleonora S., M.D.1 Tramo, Mark J., M.D.1 Yegyan, Garnik A., M.D. Young, Rosabel R., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 404 / Health Net Provider Network Neurosurgery Duong, Duc H., M.D.1 Gravely, Lance E., M.D.1 Morgan, David F., M.D.1 Nabavilarijani, Nosrat A., M.D.1 Snyder, Melvin, M.D.1 Xie, Sean X., M.D.1 Nuclear Medicine Bhuta, Mahesh V., M.D.1 Lee, James, M.D.1 Rao, Vijendra J., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Allen, Gwen M., M.D. Barke, Morton W., M.D.1 Beharie, Carlos S., M.D. Bhupathy, Vellore R., M.D.1 Cabrera, John F., M.D. Caldera, Cesar A., M.D.1 Cassidenti, Denise L., M.D.1 Cepeda, Pedro, M.D.1 Chan, Shirley M., M.D.1 Chao, Cynthia W., D.O. Chmait, Ramen H., M.D.1 Contreras, Mayra, M.D. Cowan, Linda S., M.D.1 Cox, Lucien O., M.D.1 Dartey, Maxwell A., M.D.1 Duel, Ebrahim, M.D.1 Dym, Jack H., M.D.1 Eshaghian, Michael, M.D. Fraser, Gordon C., M.D.1 Galstyan, Kevin G., M.D. Gevorgyan, Anna R., M.D. Gonzalez, Leslie M., M.D.1 Gumbs, Joslyn L., M.D. Ha, Ben, M.D. Hanna, Gina V., M.D.1 Henry, Gerald P., M.D. Hoang, Yen, M.D. Hsu, Yao W., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Songster, Giuliana S., M.D.1 Thomas, Silas J., M.D.1 Walton, Kimberly R., M.D. Weber, Wayne R., M.D.1 Woodson, Leilani K., M.D.1 Wu, Henry Y., M.D.1 Yee, Billy, M.D.1 Yeh, Andrew, D.O.1 Yun, Alice L., M.D.1 Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Berz, David, M.D.1 Chap, Linnea I., M.D.1 Cheung, Eric M., D.O. Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 Gaitanis, Alexander, D.O.1 Garcia, Agustin A., M.D.1 Ho, Christopher S., M.D. Huang, Stephen, M.D. Kim, David D., M.D. Phan, Vu Q., M.D.1 Prasad, Rajendra, M.D.1 Rosen, Lee S., M.D.1 Rundall, Fred H., M.D. Waisman, James R., M.D. Wang, Dongmei, M.D.1 Yang, Honghao, M.D. Ophthalmology Aghai, Mehrdad, M.D. Aye, Mg S., M.D.1 Blacharski, Paul A., M.D.1 Borchert, Mark S., M.D.1 Boswell II, Fox M., M.D.1 Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Brown, Brian M., M.D.1 Buffenn, Angela N., M.D. Carson, Stanley, M.D.1 Charet, Robert L., M.D. Choe, Hyong S., M.D.1 Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 De La Pena, Albert, M.D.1 Board Certified 405 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Obstetrics/Gynecology Incerpi, Marc H., M.D.1 Jouvenat, Neil C., M.D. Justus, Kevin R., M.D. Kizner, Joel, M.D.1 Koh, John J., M.D.1 Kwok, Kay May M., M.D.1 Lapesarde, Karen S., M.D.1 Le, Hanh M., M.D.1 Lee, Chang J., M.D. Lee, Hyuk, M.D.1 Lee, Ryan K., M.D. Lem, Michael, M.D. Levenzon, Sergio H., M.D. Lin, Jinwen I., M.D.1 Ling, David, M.D. Lopez, Jaime, M.D.1 Mackovic-Basic, Miriam, M.D.1 Marmet, Ruben, M.D.1 Maslovaric, Marina, M.D. Melnik, Marc D., M.D. Melnik, Seymour J., M.D.1 Miller, David A., M.D.1 Minardo, Cecilia A., M.D.1 Morris, Michael J., M.D. Moy, Carl K., M.D.1 Mullin, Patrick M., M.D.1 Mulvihill, Maureen E., M.D.1 Naim, Arjang, M.D.1 Nielsen, Terrance P., M.D. Ogundipe, Anthony O., M.D.1 Ouzounian, Joseph G., M.D.1 Ozaki, Robert M., M.D.1 Park, Kerry, M.D.1 Park, Sang H., M.D.1 Parks, Kerri S., M.D.1 Qureshi, Azmath S., M.D. Salceda, Norma C., M.D.1 Salem, Rifaat D., M.D.1 Sehdeva, Parkash K., M.D.1 Smith, Robert G., M.D.1 Sohn, Soon C., M.D. Soloway, Gene L., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Ophthalmology De La Pena, William C., M.D.1 Dennis-Zarate, Kathleen J., M.D.1 Dresner, Steven C., M.D. Edelstein, Arthur J., M.D. El-Harazi, Sherif M., M.D. Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Garcia, Eddie M., M.D. Geisse, Lawrence J., M.D.1 Gonzalez, Casimiro, M.D. Gordon, Marvin I., M.D.1 Gutti, Vinay, M.D.1 Hamparian, Mireille P., M.D. Hovanesian, Haroutun H., M.D.1 Katow, Jean P., M.D.1 Kenyon Jr, Keith E., M.D. Kim, David S., M.D. Kim, Hans H., M.D.1 Kim, Stanley S., M.D.1 Krivoy, Daniel, M.D.1 Kurata, Fred K., M.D.1 Leung, Eamon W., M.D.1 Liao, David S., M.D.1 Lin, Kristie L., M.D. Lobue, Thomas D., M.D.1 Marsico, Nicholas P., M.D.1 Matkovich, Lydia, M.D.1 Mayberry, Melissa J., M.D.1 McBeath, John B., M.D.1 McClure, Mercer L., M.D. Montoya Jr, Carlos F., M.D.1 Nguyen, Randall L., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Park, Kay L., M.D.1 Peters, Joseph C., M.D.1 Powell, Cheryl J., M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Robbin, David S., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Roeske, Richmond E., M.D.1 Rundle, Keith V., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 406 / Health Net Provider Network Ophthalmology Sage, Jeffrey M., D.O.1 Salib, George M., M.D.1 Scott, Timothy V., M.D.1 Shammas, Hanna F., M.D.1 Sheffer, Albert, M.D.1 Siegel, Eliot B., M.D.1 Sierra, William, M.D.1 Song, Jonathan C., M.D.1 Sparks, Kenneth O., M.D.1 Stiles, Steven P., M.D.1 Taban, Mehran, M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Takeda, Kara M., O.D. Uchio, Alejandra, M.D.1 Ullman, Henry E., M.D.1 Uzcategui, Nicolas, M.D.1 Vukcevich, Walter M., M.D.1 Winston, Jeffrey V., M.D.1 Optometrist Cury, Steven A., O.D. Falk, Pamela V., O.D. Friedman, Maurice I., O.D. Jury, Mark A., O.D. Liao, Judy C., O.D. Mielke, John J., O.D. Shammas, Maya C., M.D. Shih, Chun-Chieh J., O.D. Wakai, Carrie S., O.D. Wu, Roger L., O.D. Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Aynechi, Moris, M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Ahn, Duke, M.D.1 Berry, Jonathan R., M.D.1 Bhalla, Sarbpaul S., M.D.1 Bohr, Robert J., M.D.1 Chen, Gary Y., M.D.1 Dee, Derek T., M.D.1 Drinhaus, Rolf R., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Otolaryngology (Ent) Ayoub, Elias I., M.D.1 Chen, David K., M.D. Cramer II, Henry B., M.D.1 Doyle, Donald E., M.D.1 Ford, Gary E., M.D.1 Haddad, Nazih M., M.D.1 1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Harris, Norman J., M.D.1 Kim, Michael K., M.D. Levine, Brett A., M.D.1 Owens, Othella T., M.D.1 Roberts, Jeffrey N., M.D.1 Sesi, Maher S., M.D.1 Sharifi, Jahangir, M.D.1 Silberstein, Sol, M.D.1 Simonian, Simon K., M.D.1 Vanore, John F., M.D. Pain Management Ling, Carson H., M.D. Rhee, Jason, M.D.1 Valdez, Vincent J., M.D. Pathology Koss, Michael N., M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Ahdoot, Joseph, M.D. De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 Pediatric Endocrinology Austin, Juliana L., M.D. Childs, Donald R., M.D.1 Pediatrics Ali, Aliya I., M.D.1 Arastu, Vaseema S., M.D.1 Austin, Juliana L., M.D.1 Awada, Ali M., M.D. Carigma, Cecilia S., M.D. Choi, Sung S., M.D. Chon, Kyung-Ken B., M.D. Dauer, Leonard, M.D.1 De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D. Diop, Abdoulaye, M.D.1 Gu, Shiow-Jane, M.D. Leduc, Xuanto, M.D.1 Minassian, Guiragos S., M.D.1 Montes, Alejandro Z., M.D. Nguyen, David T., D.O. Onyeador, Ejike C., M.D. Razi, David F., M.D. Board Certified 407 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Orthopedic Surgery Feiwell, Lawrence A., M.D.1 Friedberg, David A., M.D. Frisancho, Juan C., M.D. Galloni, Luigi, M.D. Hajj, Ahmad A., M.D. Hammond, Gareth W., M.D.1 Harrison, Danny L., M.D. Heskiaoff, David, M.D.1 Hill, Philip E., M.D.1 Jackson, James M., M.D.1 Karayan, Sooren, M.D.1 Kiblinger, William G., M.D.1 Klug, Raymond A., M.D.1 Krishna, Padmanabhan S., M.D.1 Lee, Christophe S., M.D.1 Leventen, Edward O., M.D.1 Lezine-Hanna, Jacqueline T., M.D.1 Lu, Allen P., M.D. Marinow, Harry, M.D.1 Mir, Hamid R., M.D.1 Pace, Robert C., M.D.1 Raczka, Richard C., M.D.1 Roberts, Antoine, M.D.1 Samson, Marc A., M.D.1 Savage, Kathleen R., M.D.1 Secor, Perry R., M.D.1 Shah, Bindesh A., M.D.1 Shin, Tae M., M.D. Solberg, Brian D., M.D. Tsai, Eugene, M.D.1 Washington III, Eleby R., M.D.1 Willoughby, Darryl A., M.D.1 Woodson, Christopher J., M.D.1 Young-Nguyen, Serena, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Pediatrics Sarode, Praful A., M.D.1 Shafai, Jamshid, M.D.1 Shoroye, Adeyinka A., M.D. Tan, Song N., M.D.1 Tsi, Chung H., M.D.1 Yatar-Ituriaga, Angeline, M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Ayyoub, Ziyad A., M.D.1 Coppelson, Aaron S., M.D.1 Ho, Jeffrey T., D.O. Hsu, Alethea T., M.D.1 Huang, Audrey H., M.D.1 Johnson, Kenneth W., M.D.1 Kim, Myeong C., M.D.1 Minor, Jorge D., M.D.1 Ravikumar, Jayanthi, M.D. Rhee, Jason, M.D.1 Vasile, Ann T., M.D.1 Physical Therapy Chatwin, Dan E., P.T. Hill, Tiana M., P.T. Parsons, Stacey S., P.T. Plastic Surgery Ashjian, Peter H., M.D.1 Cambre Jr, Athleo L., M.D.1 Esmailian, Farbod, M.D. Kim, Bill J., M.D.1 Roberson, Dwight L., M.D. Rosso, Ronald F., M.D. Podiatry Angarola, Jeff J., DPM Aslmand, Pedram, DPM Ayvazian, Hermoz, DPM1 Ball, Derick A., DPM1 Bennett, Jonathan I., DPM1 Chan, John, DPM Cohen, Ira R., DPM Constantine, Brian K., DPM 1 Board Certified 408 / Health Net Provider Network Podiatry Dardashti, David, DPM Farkas, Michael, DPM1 Gevorgian, Artin V., DPM1 Grenier, Richard, DPM1 Halperin, Gabriel J., DPM1 Hewlett, Howard A., DPM1 Hodor, Lawrence, DPM1 Isaiants, Aram, DPM1 Katz, Jeffrey H., DPM1 Kim, Edward H., DPM1 Kotzen, Michael D., DPM Lewis, Kimberly A., DPM Lim, Thomas D., DPM Linam, Mark S., DPM1 Lowe, Stanley, DPM Massihi, Allen, DPM Mathis, Stanley K., DPM1 McCarron, William F., DPM1 Nejad, Farshid, DPM Neuman, Thomas, DPM Nikravesh, Payam B., DPM1 Pagliano, William D., DPM Paoletti, Robert, DPM Parker, Robert E., DPM Plotkin, Elliot L., DPM Rhee, Edward S., DPM Roach, Terrance J., DPM Rosenberg, Richard A., DPM1 Ross, Arnold S., DPM1 Sanchez, Leonard C., DPM Santoro, John P., DPM Schwartz, Stephen E., DPM1 Shupe, Philip R., DPM1 Sigal, Felix, DPM Snyder, Alan J., DPM Soleymani, Ashkan, DPM Tanaka, Thomas J., DPM Tseng, Henry R., DPM Wagner, Leonard R., DPM Wong, Buu K., DPM1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Podiatry Wong, Connie Lap-Ming, DPM Wrubel, Karen L., DPM Yoon, Paul C., DPM Youn, Elisabeth S., DPM Psychiatry Anderson, Daniel D., M.D. Arevian, Sarkis T., M.D.1 Bijanpour, Kamal, M.D. Deirmenjian, John M., M.D.1 Dubin, Jorge N., M.D. Epstein, Roger J., M.D.1 Jen Kin Jr., James H., M.D. Kamal, Mafa R., M.D.1 Mallare, Litos O., M.D.1 Mills, Jr., Eliseo, M.D.1 Nanda, Nitin, M.D. Pillai, Dharmapalan V., M.D.1 Rodd, Joseph H., M.D.1 Shamie, Mohammad A., M.D. Tolwin, Michael H., M.D. Tucker, Lawrence V., M.D. Wirga, Aleksandra, M.D.1 Psychology Kahn, Lisa, PSY.D Lafir, Kaneeza, PSY.D Lentzner, Jay R., M.D. Pulmonary Disease Abboy, Ramadas, M.D.1 Abrishami, Babak B., D.O.1 Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Badr, Ahmed I., M.D.1 Bougas, Panagiotis P., M.D.1 Brown, Harvey V., M.D.1 Buckle, Frank G., M.D. Chalison, John R., M.D. Chang, Jesse L., M.D. Demirozu, Mehmet C., M.D. Elsayegh, Ashraf Mounir, M.D.1 Fishmann, Andrew J., M.D. Gogia, Harmohinder S., M.D.1 1 Pulmonary Disease Hami, Anooshiravan, M.D.1 Hourani, Jameel M., D.O.1 Jeyakumar, Panch, M.D.1 Kadifa, Fady G., M.D.1 Kim, Sucha, M.D.1 Malish, Sterling L., M.D. McNabb, Louis J., M.D.1 Patel, Ramesh R., M.D.1 Pearle, James L., M.D.1 Rice, Joshua L., M.D.1 Robertson, Robert F., M.D.1 Rothbart, Robert K., M.D. Sehgal, Arunpal S., M.D.1 Smith, Giovanni M., M.D.1 Tirmizi, Syed O., M.D. Topacio, Ruth G., M.D.1 Williams, John A., M.D. Yu, Austin H., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Au, Shiu-Cheong, M.D. Cohan, Laurence M., M.D.1 Fitzgerald, James P., M.D.1 Goebel, Robert H., M.D.1 Kazlauskas, Linas J., M.D. Khan, David C., M.D.1 Kim, Sara H., M.D.1 Ko, Mi Kyung, M.D.1 Kurohara, William S., M.D. Kwon, Robert S., M.D. Shah, Sayana R., M.D. Song, Paul Y., M.D.1 Tao, May L., M.D.1 Thompson, Ronald W., M.D. Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Wilder, Richard B., M.D.1 Wong, Kenneth K., M.D.1 Yuen, Jeffrey C., M.D.1 Zisblatt, Uri, M.D.1 Radiology Adler, Louis, M.D.1 Allegra, David P., M.D. Board Certified 409 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Radiology Bein, Marshall E., M.D.1 Benedict, Matthew D., M.D.1 Bojman, Ludmila, M.D.1 Bouzaglou, Armand, M.D.1 Brenner, Richard J., M.D.1 Castillo, Francisco A., M.D.1 Dascalos, Jane M., M.D.1 De La Pena, Albert, M.D.1 Dror, Oz H., M.D.1 Elias, George N., M.D.1 Fan, Paul C., M.D.1 Fatemi, Nastaran, M.D. Frankel, Steven D., M.D.1 Gomberg, Craig J., M.D.1 Gonzalez-Deluna, Monica A., M.D.1 Hale, Maurice J., M.D. Hamlin, J. Andrew, M.D.1 Herwitt, Peter S., M.D.1 Kelly, Andrew P., M.D. Kihiczak, Danylo, M.D.1 Kottlove, Hubert J., M.D.1 Koukhab, Manoochehr, M.D. Krasny, Robert M., M.D. Lapin, Stewart A., M.D. Litwer, Cynthia A., M.D.1 Mednik, George, M.D.1 Montgomery, Blaine L., M.D.1 Moustafa, Hosam M., M.D.1 Price, Yvette R., M.D.1 Rappaport, Michael L., M.D.1 Rauch, Martin W., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria I., M.D.1 Sarti, Dennis A., M.D.1 Schatz, Charles J., M.D. Schier, Jr., Robert J., M.D.1 Sheth, Pulin A., M.D. Strome, Glenn M., M.D.1 Taylor, Charles L., M.D. Tehranzadeh, Arash D., M.D. Turner, Alan T., M.D. 1 Board Certified 410 / Health Net Provider Network Radiology Vetter, Christine L., M.D.1 Vinstein, Arnold L., M.D.1 Witten, Richard M., M.D.1 Wong, Steven J., M.D.1 Woo, Hon, M.D.1 Yaghmai, Amy A., M.D. Yawitz, Bruce J., M.D.1 Yun, Eric Y., M.D.1 Zeit, Robert M., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Cassidenti, Denise L., M.D.1 Huang, Andy, M.D.1 Meldrum, David R., M.D.1 Mor, Eliran, M.D. Peck, Alison C., M.D.1 Rosen, Gregory F., M.D. Salem, Rifaat D., M.D. Sills, Eric S., M.D. Yee, Billy, M.D. Rheumatology Anuntiyo, Jeremy, M.D.1 Davies, Joanna M., M.D. Gilbert, Randall C., M.D.1 Huh, Brian N., M.D. Kades, Wagdy W., M.D. Maehara, Michael S., M.D.1 Neal, Nathaniel, M.D. Schwartz, Eileen F., M.D.1 Stickelmaier, Ivette, M.D.1 Weinberg, Assa, M.D. Surgical Critical Care Ramos, Hector C., M.D. Therapeutic Radiology Gates, Thomas C., M.D.1 Kim, Neung S., M.D.1 Klem, Harold M., M.D.1 Thompson, Ronald W., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles PPG 1683 Urology Abdulian, Misak H., M.D.1 Askari, Asghar, M.D.1 Barba, William, M.D.1 Bogaard, Thomas P., M.D. Brasch, John F., M.D.1 Brodak, Philip P., M.D.1 Conner, Richard J., M.D.1 Crisell, Monisha S., M.D.1 Deorio, Joseph J., M.D.1 Frydman, Howard C., M.D. Gaske, Abbey B., M.D.1 Ingram, John E., M.D.1 Ito, Yuichi, M.D.1 Kaplan, Juan B., M.D.1 Karamooz, Mansoor, M.D.1 Khetan, Umakant M., M.D.1 Kowalczyk, John J., D.O.1 Lai, Jason S., M.D. Lee, Sze-Ching, M.D.1 Liang, Leonard W., M.D.1 Malhotra, Sameer M., M.D. Mansour, Medhat N., M.D.1 Martinez, Miguel A., M.D. Mehta, Manish D., M.D.1 1 Urology Naftel, William T., M.D.1 Naraghi, Robert M., M.D. Norouzi, Brian B., M.D.1 Norris, Michael, M.D.1 Shenassa, Behnam B., M.D.1 Tanenbaum, Barton, M.D.1 Vargas, Alejandro D., M.D.1 Wachs, Barton H., M.D.1 Yacoub, Atef L., M.D. Vascular Surgery Carabello, Gabriel G., M.D.1 Cohen, William B., M.D.1 Conrad, John K., M.D.1 Keushkerian, Simon M., M.D. Kram, Harry B., M.D. Lemire, Guy G., M.D. Myles, Richard A., M.D. Ray, Charles W., M.D. Williams, Wilbur, M.D. Board Certified 411 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Thoracic Surgery Dhar, Naveen, M.D. Fuller, Clark B., M.D.1 Hom, Sophia S., M.D. Kafrouni, George, M.D. Klieman, Charles H., M.D. Lee, Anthony W., M.D.1 Lee, Vincent G., M.D. Lemoine, Philippe H., M.D.1 McKenna, Jr., Robert J., M.D.1 McLean, Michael K., M.D. Mittal, Arun K., M.D. Nucho, Ramsay C., M.D. Ott, Richard A., M.D.1 Reichman, Robert T., M.D.1 Schaerf, Raymond H., M.D.1 Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 8510 Balboa Blvd., Suite 275 Northridge, CA 91325-3548 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Town Medical Grp Treatment Ctr (818)385-1300 East West Allied Medical Center (818)701-0017 Newbury Park UC (805)499-0308 Moorpark Comp Medical Group (805) 532-2032 Hospitals Used: Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center Providence Tarzana Medical Center Valley Presbyterian Hospital West Hills Hospital & Medical Center Altadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Svadjian, Edward, M.D. General Practice 1801 016819 747 E. Altadena Dr. (626) 794-8133 Arabic, Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Arleta Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nouri, Jahanbakhsh, M.D. General Practice 1801 059703 8725 Woodman Ave. (818) 891-4455 Farsi, Spanish Bell Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lau, Christopher T., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 078032 4129 E. Gage Ave. (323) 771-8400 Spanish 1 Board Certified 412 / Health Net Provider Network Beverly Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hedvat, Yahya, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 142274 237 S. La Cienega Blvd. (310) 360-8005 Farsi Burbank Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aguilar, Trinidad, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 046903 303 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 4 (818) 845-7228 Spanish Alinsod, Naphthali A., M.D.Family Practice 1801 033596 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 375 (818) 729-0014 Arboleda, Haydee T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 500475 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. (818) 524-2111 Spanish, Tagalog Artavia, Luis A., M.D. Family Practice 1801 129026 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 420 (818) 562-3630 Spanish Ayad, Maged F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 074501 2601 W. Alameda Ave. # 410 (818) 953-9400 Arabic, Spanish Beaton, Alina C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 163257 4314 W. Victory Blvd. (818) 843-6611 Beaton, Roberto A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 023873 4314 W. Victory Blvd. (818) 843-6611 French, Spanish Brenner, Stacey R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 169565 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 220 (818) 557-2671 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Del Castillo, Silvio A., D.O. Family Practice1 1801 142471 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 220 (818) 557-2671 Spanish Dermendjian, Diana, D.O. Family Practice 1801 147320 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Armenian, Spanish Desai, Nilesh H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 019949 241 W. Olive Ave. (818) 848-5561 Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish Domantay, Laarni N., M.D. Family Practice 1801 093913 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 375 (818) 729-0014 Duong, Tu H., D.O. Internal Medicine1 1801 095225 4314 W. Victory Blvd. (818) 843-6611 Spanish, Vietnamese Gevorkyan, Hakop, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 087042 401 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 101 (818) 848-1555 Armenian, Russian Jain, Manjula, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 060239 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. (818) 391-1038 Hindi, Spanish Kirakosyan, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1801 127632 500 E. Olive Ave. # 315 (818) 972-1000 Armenian, Russian Lansangan, Susanna D., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1801 063684 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Tagalog Lee, Paul T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 079768 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Mandarin, Taiwanese 1 2 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Philip H., D.O. General Practice 1801 046509 421 E. Angeleno Ave. # 102 (818) 845-6800 Armenian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Levitan, Daniel, M.D.2 Internal Medicine 1801 009990 255 E. Orange Grove Ave. # D (818) 848-5595 Farsi, French, Hebrew, Spanish Lew, Po-Long, D.O. Family Practice1 1801 034637 421 E. Angeleno Ave. # 102 (818) 845-6800 Armenian, Cantonese, Farsi, Mandarin, Vietnamese Lewis, Alwin C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 092272 500 E. Olive Ave. # 810 (818) 846-0600 Lloyd, Geoffrey K., D.O.3 Family Practice1 1801 102102 201 S. Buena Vista St. # 325 (818) 842-7145 Spanish Madrid, Cecelia T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 520030 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 220 (818) 557-2671 Spanish Maqueda, Teresita S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 530271 241 W. Olive Ave. (818) 563-1400 Spanish, Tagalog Melikterminas, Edmond, Internal Medicine M.D. 1801 188145 303 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 1 (818) 569-7159 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Nazo, Samir A., M.D. General Practice 1801 043768 2307 Empire Ave. (818) 841-3420 Arabic, Romanian, Spanish Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 413 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nikakhtar, Nehzat, M.D. General Practice 1801 067569 421 E. Angeleno Ave. # 102 (818) 845-6800 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Partamian, Leon N., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 012979 2601 W. Alameda Ave. # 304 (818) 556-5056 Armenian Patel, Tejas I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 129643 2625 W. Alameda Ave. # 412 (818) 842-6400 Gujarati, Spanish Peric, John M., M.D. Family Practice 1801 107692 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 150 (818) 295-5920 Croatian Piano, Florinda M., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 076512 2121 W Magnolia Blvd. (818) 955-8877 Tagalog Quema, Racquel S., M.D. Family Practice 1801 156730 2121 W Magnolia Blvd. (818) 955-8877 Spanish, Tagalog Ramirez, Lynn J., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 025026 303 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 4 (818) 845-7228 Spanish Ramrattan, Shamsundar, Internal Medicine D.O. 1801 157909 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 150 (818) 295-5920 Rivera, Robert H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 087041 401 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 101 (818) 848-1555 Spanish 1 Board Certified 414 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Rocamboli, Charles M., General Practice D.O. 1801 162858 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 150 (818) 295-5920 Spanish Rubin, Herbert M., M.D. General Practice 1801 049696 2020 N. Glenoaks Blvd. (818) 845-2491 French, Spanish Selak Stankovic, Renata, Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1801 164865 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 200 (818) 557-2671 Croatian, French, German Terzian, Garo A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 112263 401 S. Glenoaks Blvd. # 101 (818) 848-1555 Armenian, Bulgarian, Russian Tran, Lawrence D., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 017366 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. # 230 (818) 391-1028 French, Spanish, Vietnamese Varu, Paresh N., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 095226 241 W. Olive Ave. (818) 846-6622 Gujarati, Spanish Wai, San San, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 076439 2211 W. Magnolia Blvd. # 230 (818) 391-1028 Armenian, Burmese, Mandarin, Spanish Wong, Grace I., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 148304 3808 W. Riverside Dr. # 406 (818) 563-1449 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Yashar, Bahram, D.O. Internal Medicine 1801 131409 1130 W. Olive Ave. (818) 843-8555 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Calabasas Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Vesco, David M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 040976 4937 Las Virgenes Rd. # 104 (818) 880-0799 Bulgarian, French, Russian Canoga Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Aazami, Hessam, M.D. General Practice 1801 134414 22030 Sherman Way # 101 (818) 312-9101 Farsi, Italian, Spanish Nguyen, Tuan H., M.D. Family Practice 1801 057496 22030 Sherman Way # 211 (818) 884-7424 Farsi, Spanish, Vietnamese Canyon Country Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ho, Shin P., M.D. General Practice 1801 007361 27141 Hidaway Ave. # 106 (661) 252-8469 Mandarin Leiter, Lawrence R., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 009856 27141 Hidaway Ave. # 103 (661) 250-0100 Encino Primary Care Physicians Farah, Bijan, M.D. 17130 Ventura Blvd. (818) 385-1300 Farsi Hedvat, Yahya, M.D. 18065 Ventura Blvd. (818) 708-6163 Farsi Javaherian, Jasmin, D.O. 16661 Ventura Blvd # 815 (818) 501-3366 Farsi, Spanish 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1801 096736 Internal Medicine 1801 142274 Internal Medicine1 1801 102530 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Malabanan, Paul A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 061326 16260 Ventura Blvd. # 330 (818) 789-7937 Tagalog Popkin, Michael H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 046147 5353 Balboa Blvd. # 110 (818) 995-6640 Sadighpour, Masoud, M.D.Internal Medicine1 1801 134669 5353 Balboa Blvd. # 110 (818) 461-9070 Farsi Shirazi, Keyvan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 102642 16952 Ventura Blvd. # 100 (818) 789-3964 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Weiss, Fredric Eliot, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 018165 16311 Ventura Blvd. # 1175 (818) 501-4277 Zarian, David H., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 019023 16661 Ventura Blvd. # 310 (818) 986-7399 Farsi, Spanish Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Agvanyan, Edgar, M.D. Family Practice 1801 154121 544 N. Glendale Ave. (818) 241-9152 Armenian, Russian Aintablian, Agop, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 063753 416 E. Colorado St. # A (818) 507-1305 Arabic, Armenian, French, Italian Albert, Luis M., M.D. General Practice 1801 025017 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 108 (818) 246-2456 Spanish Board Certified 415 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Antaki, Jean-Pierre, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 500429 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 105 (818) 242-5299 Arabic, Armenian, French, Spanish Arakel, Artoon, M.D. General Practice 1801 048768 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 407 (818) 543-7553 Armenian, Farsi, Russian Arslanian, Zaven, M.D. Family Practice1 1801 571156 633 N. Central Ave. # 107 (818) 244-6633 Arabic, Armenian, French Avanes, Emil, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 168358 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 404 (818) 240-9911 Armenian, Spanish Boyd, Ralph O., M.D. General Practice 1801 023187 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. (818) 246-5900 Bui, Duc C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 502113 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 105 (818) 265-2204 French, Spanish, Vietnamese Bustamante, Ador A., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 090622 435 Arden Ave. # 430 (323) 254-2811 Spanish, Tagalog Chong, Pearline P., D.O. Family Practice 1801 163612 1500 S. Central Ave. # 200 (818) 254-1500 Cantonese, Mandarin Dang, Tze-Yu, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 021479 540 N. Central Ave. # 211 (818) 500-0205 Davoudpour, Simona, D.O.Family Practice1 1801 157559 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 250 (818) 265-2264 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish 1 Board Certified 416 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Doyan, Richard, M.D. Family Practice 1801 168544 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 200 (818) 244-5444 Arabic, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish Elizondo, Jennifer, M.D. Family Practice 1801 165599 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 200 (323) 454-4485 Spanish Gaboian, Karine, M.D. General Practice 1801 106104 633 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 247-9717 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian Gandhi, Devinder S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 005549 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 225 (818) 243-2222 Hindi, Punjabi Gen, Dmitriy Y., D.O. Family Practice 1801 168799 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 Russian, Ukranian Gold, Marina, M.D. General Practice 1801 047388 631 E. Colorado St. # C (818) 507-8181 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Han, David S., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 135981 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 355 (818) 246-3306 Korean, Spanish Hanna, Laila C., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 050500 1911 W. Glenoaks Blvd. # B (818) 843-6640 French, Spanish Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 007135 1500 S. Central Ave. # 117 (818) 500-9545 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Isagholian, Karo, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 096726 610 N. Central Ave. # 102 (818) 244-8241 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Iskander, Isis S., M.D. Family Practice 1801 023203 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 250 (818) 246-5900 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish Khudatyan, Hrach, M.D. Family Practice 1801 068740 610 N. Central Ave. # 209 (818) 662-8858 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Levine, Stephen M., M.D. General Practice 1801 009981 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 404 (818) 240-9911 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Luna, David, M.D. Family Practice 1801 144482 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 200 (323) 454-4485 Spanish Maissian, Gevork J., D.O. Internal Medicine 1801 150333 1737 W. Glenoaks Blvd. (818) 243-1186 Armenian Malayan, Samuel A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 010661 610 N. Central Ave. # 301 (818) 550-0702 Armenian, Russian, Spanish Manavi, Shahryar, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 087143 214 N. Central Ave. (818) 241-0970 Farsi, Spanish Minasian-Arakelian, Internal Medicine1 Hanriet, D.O. 1801 137078 3600 N. Verdugo Rd. # 300 (818) 249-1300 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish, Turkish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Moradian, Alfret, M.D. Family Practice 1801 155329 610 N. Central Ave. # 102 (818) 244-9929 Armenian, Farsi Nercessian, Armen Y., D.O. General Practice 1801 074419 1122 N. Brand Blvd. # 101 (818) 552-2011 Armenian, Spanish Neskovic, Spasoje M., M.D.Family Practice1 1801 025024 633 N. Central Ave. # 209 (818) 244-4114 Croatian, Spanish Protacio, Rodolfo B., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 033461 1510 S. Central Ave. # 540 (818) 500-8739 Spanish, Tagalog Shahnazarian, Vachik, General Practice M.D. 1801 127724 1030 S. Glendale Ave. # 304 (818) 291-4041 Armenian, Farsi, French, Italian, Spanish Shenoy, Ranjit T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 134156 801 S. Chevy Chase Dr. # 20 (818) 265-2264 Hindi Taw, Lim L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 021483 633 N. Central Ave. # 306 (818) 241-2106 Burmese, Mandarin Tekkelian, Tsovinar, M.D. General Practice 1801 050620 540 N. Central Ave. # 207 (818) 500-9393 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Topsakalyan, Arutyun, General Practice M.D. 1801 092301 702 E. Colorado St. # C (818) 243-8133 Armenian, Russian Board Certified 417 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Veloso, Virginia C., M.D. General Practice 1801 039346 1500 S. Central Ave. # 200 (818) 254-1500 Spanish, Tagalog Yeo, Karen E., M.D. Family Practice 1801 068739 1560 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 245 (818) 246-5900 Zamorano, Antonio, D.O. Family Practice1 1801 165420 814 E. Broadway # 1 (818) 265-5040 Spanish Granada Hills Primary Care Physicians Aazami, Hessam, M.D. 17709 Chatsworth St. (818) 363-8176 Farsi, Italian, Spanish Lavian, Cyrus R., M.D. 17709 Chatsworth St. (818) 363-8176 Farsi, Spanish Lim, Duck, M.D. 10700 Balboa Blvd. (818) 988-8334 Korean Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1801 134414 Internal Medicine 1801 540890 Internal Medicine1 1801 045686 La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nercessian, Armen Y., D.O. General Practice 1801 074419 561 S. Azusa Way (626) 964-9111 Armenian, Spanish Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Morris, Felicitacion S., M.D.General Practice 1801 021903 100 W. Market St. (562) 428-4222 Armenian, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Board Certified 418 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mungcal, Henrico V., M.D. General Practice 1801 067285 1937 Pacific Ave (562) 591-7302 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bustamante, Ador A., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 090622 5417 York Blvd (323) 254-2811 Spanish, Tagalog Kevorkian, Siranoush H., General Practice M.D. 1801 074428 954 N. Vermont Ave. (323) 666-6866 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Lau, Christopher T., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 078032 5428 N. Figueroa St. (323) 771-8400 Spanish Pacheco, Luis N., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 046039 3751 S. Harvard Blvd. (323) 373-9400 French, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Pacheco, Luis N., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 046039 1414 S. Grand Ave. # 200 (213) 743-9000 French, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Sampson, Michael S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 077875 1300 N. Vermont Ave. # 805 (323) 953-2956 Spanish Yamini, Sohrab, M.D. General Practice 1801 035260 1700 Westwood Blvd., 1st Fl. (310) 234-6600 Farsi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 105576 513 E. Lime Ave. # 102 (626) 358-3204 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog 1 Newhall Primary Care Physicians Malla, Sabita, M.D. 23206 Lyons Ave. # 209 (661) 799-7007 Hindi, Russian Mysko, David E., M.D. 23928 Lyons Ave. # 201 (661) 254-6600 Spanish Yadegari, Michel, M.D. 24625 Arch St (661) 288-2644 Spanish North Hills Primary Care Physicians Arora, Ajit S., M.D. 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Ezra, Eshagh, M.D. 15424 Nordhoff St. # B (818) 891-5500 Farsi, Spanish Hector, Bruce P., M.D. 8660 Woodley Ave. (818) 891-9641 Spanish Maissian, Abraham, M.D. 8719 Woodley Ave. (818) 920-1232 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Turkish Tamari, Mansour, M.D. 9146 Sepulveda Blvd. # B (818) 920-1133 Farsi, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1801 133269 Family Practice 1801 051829 Internal Medicine 1801 185575 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1801 058378 General Practice 1801 086350 General Practice 1801 059555 General Practice 1801 048366 General Practice 1801 068804 Board Certified 419 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Mission Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Benjamin, Hilma R., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 158494 10550 Sepulveda Blvd. # 101 (818) 361-5437 Spanish Esparrago, Jose Mari Z., Family Practice M.D. 1801 094908 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 Tagalog Jacob, Jincy, M.D. Family Practice 1801 169728 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 French, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam Parray, Hafeez J., M.D. Family Practice 1801 031976 15336 Devonshire St. # 1 (818) 894-3622 Hindi, Spanish Parray, Hafeez J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 031976 15336 Devonshire St. # 1 (818) 894-3622 Hindi, Spanish Qozi-Habash, Tedmur, Family Practice1 M.D. 1801 128752 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 Arabic, French, Spanish Uytingco, Myrna S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 131591 14901 Rinaldi St. # 200 (818) 365-8553 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 North Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abrahamian, Azniv A., General Practice M.D. 1801 057155 12507 Victory Blvd. (818) 769-7540 Armenian, Russian, Turkish Banooni, Marjan, M.D. Family Practice 1801 133300 12922 Victory Blvd. (818) 760-2800 Farsi, Spanish Cooke, Jr, Bernard M., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1801 019948 12626 Riverside Dr. # 503 (818) 980-1088 German, Spanish Heap, Leah A., M.D. Family Practice 1801 007059 12660 Riverside Dr. # 310 (818) 755-0391 Japanese, Spanish Heap, Leah A., M.D. Family Practice 1801 007059 12660 Riverside Dr. # 320 (818) 755-0391 Japanese, Spanish Kevorkian, Siranoush H., General Practice M.D. 1801 074428 7542 Laurel Canyon Blvd. (818) 765-2125 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Koshak, Michael M., M.D. General Practice 1801 057168 11631 Victory Blvd. # 101 (818) 764-8838 French, Spanish Lavian, Cyrus R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 540890 11631 Victory Blvd. # 101 (818) 764-8838 Farsi, Spanish Makovoz, Galina, M.D. General Practice 1801 060837 11631 Victory Blvd. # 103 (818) 762-3116 Russian 1 Primary Care Physicians Malabanan, Paul A., M.D. 11949 Vose St. (818) 764-6605 Tagalog Safvati, Shavash, M.D. 12626 Riverside Dr. # 303 (818) 760-2434 Farsi, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog Svadjian, Edward, M.D. 12512 Victory Blvd. # D (818) 753-9994 Arabic, Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1801 061326 Internal Medicine 1801 050280 General Practice 1801 016819 Northridge Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 Amini, Parviz, M.D.2 1801 046412 8435 Reseda Blvd. (818) 998-6000 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Dua, Kiran P., M.D. General Practice 1801 033995 8349 Reseda Blvd. # G (818) 886-7322 Hindi, Spanish Kochumian, Minas, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 069952 18546 Roscoe Blvd. # 312 (818) 709-5154 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish, Turkish Minasian-Arakelian, Internal Medicine1 Hanriet, D.O. 1801 137078 9631 Reseda Blvd. (818) 993-7379 Arabic, Armenian, Spanish, Turkish Rabadi, Fares J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 091450 18350 Roscoe Blvd. # 514 (818) 775-0519 Arabic, Russian Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 420 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Raeesy-Nezhad, Amir H., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1801 135857 9900 Balboa Blvd. # B (818) 701-0017 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Raeesy-Nezhad, Amir H., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1801 135857 9900 Balboa Blvd. # A (818) 701-0017 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Shore, Philip S., M.D. Family Practice 1801 031182 18546 Roscoe Blvd. # 304 (818) 886-1100 Spanish Wilen, Lilly L., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 075474 17075 Devonshire St # 306 (818) 831-3227 Japanese Pacoima Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kashani, Daryoush Y., M.D.General Practice 1801 083388 12502 Van Nuys Blvd. # 104 (818) 899-5555 Farsi, Spanish Taheri, Parviz P., M.D. General Practice 1801 057269 13680 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 897-7730 Farsi, French, Spanish Panorama City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Babaran, Joselito P., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 063641 8340 Van Nuys Blvd. # L (818) 895-5200 Spanish, Tagalog Chen, Loren Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 068037 14860 Roscoe Blvd. # 307 (818) 787-4084 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # DePerio, Miguel G., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 108081 14427 Chase St. # 100 (818) 830-7751 Spanish, Tagalog Habib, Shehnaz N., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 063752 14860 Roscoe Blvd. # 300 (818) 782-0604 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu Kashani, Daryoush Y., M.D.General Practice 1801 083388 8727 Van Nuys Blvd. # 101 (818) 899-5555 Farsi, Spanish Kevorkian, Siranoush H., General Practice M.D. 1801 074428 8781 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 920-0808 Armenian, French, Russian, Spanish Montenegro, Romeo U., General Practice M.D. 1801 073339 14427 Chase St. # 100 (818) 830-7751 Spanish, Tagalog Panes, Mariano P., M.D. General Practice 1801 143780 8781 Van Nuys Blvd. (818) 920-0303 Villar, Hermilito L., M.D. General Practice 1801 067267 14400 Roscoe Blvd. # B (818) 830-6888 Spanish, Tagalog Paramount Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Habib, Shehnaz N., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 063752 8540 Alondra Blvd. # B2 (562) 602-2508 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu Board Certified 421 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Porter Ranch Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Valenzuela, Ericka M., D.O. Family Practice1 1801 162090 11177 Tampa Ave. # A (818) 831-8000 Armenian, Spanish Reseda Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Harake, Salem N., M.D. General Practice 1801 098360 18445 Vanowen St. (818) 708-8484 Arabic, Farsi, Spanish Hosseinian, Gholam R., General Practice M.D. 1801 095932 18701 Sherman Way # 4 (818) 881-8989 Farsi, French, Spanish, Turkish Kamrava, Kamran K., M.D. General Practice 1801 029011 6915 Reseda Blvd. # 1 (818) 343-2121 Farsi, Spanish Kashani, Ataoiah, M.D. General Practice 1801 057493 18355 Sherman Way (818) 343-0964 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Lavian, Cyrus R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 540890 17750 Sherman Way # 300 (818) 758-5590 Farsi, Spanish Nguyen, Hung V., M.D. General Practice 1801 065719 7227 Reseda Blvd. (818) 708-7227 Spanish, Vietnamese Phan, Mai T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 049437 18625 Sherman Way # 104 (818) 342-8171 Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 422 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Pietruszka, Marvin, M.D. General Practice 1801 059777 19234 Vanowen St. (818) 705-1157 Spanish San Fernando Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Partovy, Robert, D.O. Family Practice 1801 088825 501 N. Maclay Ave. (818) 361-3788 Farsi, Spanish Santa Clarita Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hung, Calvin C., M.D. Family Practice 1801 142389 24355 Lyons Ave. # 210 (661) 222-9381 Vu, Andrea, M.D. Family Practice 1801 141997 24355 Lyons Ave. # 210 (661) 222-9381 Vietnamese Saugus Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mungcal, Henrico V., M.D. General Practice 1801 067285 21700 Golden Triangle Rd. # 206 (661) 287-3983 Cambodian, Spanish, Tagalog Sherman Oaks Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Adelson, Leonard J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 019941 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 502 (818) 325-0200 Spanish Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 068940 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 502 (818) 325-0200 Arabic, Spanish, Urdu PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bennett, Martin, M.D. General Practice 1801 046527 15450 Ventura Blvd. # 102 (818) 784-1035 Polish, Spanish Betz, Edward D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 520909 4555 Sherman Oaks Ave. (818) 981-5800 Spanish Dicterow, Maurice L., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 520070 4849 Van Nuys Blvd. # 211 (818) 788-8210 Spanish, Tagalog Farooqui, Mohammed S., Internal Medicine M.D. 1801 137708 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 502 (818) 325-0200 Hindi Liakhovetski, Oleg, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 150166 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 502 (818) 325-0200 Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukranian, Urdu Matian, Arash D., D.O. Family Practice1 1801 133604 13425 Ventura Blvd. # 102 (818) 995-7784 Farsi, Spanish Nazari, Nahid, M.D. General Practice 1801 186998 4940 Van Nuys Blvd. # 301 (818) 981-7200 Farsi Oganessian, Janna, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 103381 13739 Riverside Dr. # B (818) 385-0001 Armenian, Russian Peleg, Nechemia B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 520625 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 502 (818) 325-0200 Hebrew Rabbani, Nima, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1801 155994 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 502 (818) 325-0200 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Schneider, Gary S., D.O. Family Practice1 1801 520066 4849 Van Nuys Blvd. # 105 (818) 905-9586 Sharma, Salila, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 520049 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 719 (818) 906-9805 Hindi, Spanish Sheybani, Ali, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 171391 4849 Van Nuys Blvd. # 105 (818) 905-9586 Farsi Simon, Robert J., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 015891 13320 Riverside Dr. # 214 (818) 789-0451 Hebrew, Spanish Studio City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Vaisman, Mark, M.D. General Practice 1801 047692 11724 Ventura Blvd. # A (818) 506-6937 Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Yiddish Sun Valley Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 520907 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Antonio, Adelaida B., M.D. General Practice 1801 500438 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish, Tagalog Meza, Martha A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 155880 11349 Saticoy St. (818) 982-5750 Spanish Board Certified 423 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Sylmar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lazaro, Nestor C., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 059766 12737 Glenoaks Blvd. # 26 (818) 362-1758 Spanish, Tagalog Tarzana Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Borovsky, Victoria M., M.D.Internal Medicine1 1801 129409 18356 Clark St. # 101 (818) 996-4200 Russian Carmalt, E Duane, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 028690 5620 Wilbur Ave. # 307 (818) 881-9255 Spanish, Vietnamese Gorbaty, Isaac, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 057161 18411 Clark St. # 206 (818) 708-3143 French, Hebrew, Spanish Gurovich, Yuzef, M.D. General Practice 1801 092225 18607 Ventura Blvd. # 101 (818) 758-8282 Polish, Russian Moghaddam, Mohsen T., General Practice M.D. 1801 052689 19100 Ventura Blvd. # 16 (818) 609-1314 Armenian, Farsi, Hebrew, Turkish Safvati, Kamran, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 090638 18356 Clark St. # 101 (818) 609-1991 Farsi, Spanish 1 Board Certified 424 / Health Net Provider Network Tujunga Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Khojayan, Vigen, M.D. Family Practice 1801 145008 7709 Foothill Blvd. (818) 352-3146 Arabic, Armenian, Russian, Spanish Terzian, Garo A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 112263 7709 Foothill Blvd. (818) 352-3146 Armenian, Bulgarian, Russian Valencia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lavi, Joseph M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 089338 27420 Tourney Rd. # 200 (661) 254-9950 Farsi Pillai, Dewey D., M.D. Family Practice 1801 131730 23838 Valencia Blvd. # 205 (661) 288-2237 Spanish, Tamil Van Nuys Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 520907 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish Antonio, Adelaida B., M.D. General Practice 1801 500438 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish, Tagalog Apelian, Garbis M., M.D. Family Practice1 1801 161151 14624 Sherman Way # 403 (818) 781-3110 Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, French, Spanish, Turkish Asuncion, Merlyn M., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 079998 14555 Hamlin St. # 108 (818) 781-2796 Spanish, Tagalog PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Elgourt, Ludmila, M.D. General Practice 1801 065238 15243 Vanowen St. # 411 (818) 785-7777 Russian, Spanish Fakheri, Azita, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 092222 17651 A Vanowen St. (818) 343-0101 Farsi, Spanish Fuchs, David A., M.D. General Practice 1801 052064 7222 Haskell Ave. Fl 2 (818) 570-2863 Farsi, French, Tagalog Ghannadi, Max M., M.D. General Practice 1801 154586 14103 Victory Blvd. # 7 (818) 994-0000 Arabic, Farsi, Hungarian, Spanish Lavian, David, M.D. Family Practice1 1801 009664 14600 Sherman Way # 215 (818) 782-4300 Farsi, Spanish Lobel, Hanan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 059821 14649 Victory Blvd. (818) 989-0041 German, Spanish Lobel, Josef, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 135447 14649 Victory Blvd. (818) 989-0041 Hebrew, Spanish Marouni, Payam, M.D. Family Practice1 1801 149162 13750 Victory Blvd. (818) 988-9090 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Mejia, Miguel A., M.D. General Practice 1801 069505 15211 Vanowen St. # 206 (818) 787-8473 Spanish Meza, Martha A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 155880 15216 Vanowen St. (818) 785-7875 Spanish 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mohamadi, Davod, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 550037 14624 Sherman Way # 404 (818) 988-5999 Farsi, Spanish, Turkish Morris, Felicitacion S., M.D.General Practice 1801 021903 6265 Sepulveda Blvd. # 9 (818) 779-0555 Armenian, Spanish, Tagalog Morris, Felicitacion S., M.D.General Practice 1801 021903 6265 Sepulveda Blvd. # 10 (818) 779-0555 Armenian, Spanish, Tagalog Pean, Marie-Therese, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 059823 14624 Sherman Way # 401 (818) 781-8551 French, Spanish Pilossyan, Vagharshak M., Internal Medicine M.D. 1801 053949 13321 Victory Blvd. (818) 780-0101 Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, Russian Ram, Asher, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 066992 14547 Victory Blvd. (818) 997-3232 Farsi, Spanish Samadani, Kiumars, M.D. Family Practice 1801 540750 15243 Vanowen St. # 408 (818) 781-2266 Farsi Tran, Anhtuan D., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 131188 7400 Van Nuys Blvd # 112 (818) 989-2406 Spanish, Vietnamese Yadegari, Michel, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 185575 6265 Sepulveda Blvd. # 10 (818) 779-0555 Spanish Board Certified 425 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Yadegari, Michel, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 185575 6265 Sepulveda Blvd. # 9 (818) 779-0555 Spanish West Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gregor, Scott M., D.O. Family Practice1 1801 151095 7345 Medical Center Dr. # 500 (818) 348-6200 Spanish Gureghian, Eric J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1801 080226 7345 Medical Center Dr. # 500 (818) 348-6200 Masrour-Rod, Ojen, M.D. Family Practice1 1801 131726 7345 Medical Center Dr. # 310 (818) 702-9962 Farsi, Spanish Perlmutter, Robert A., M.D.General Practice 1801 541152 7301 Medical Center Dr. # 405 (818) 347-3077 Spanish Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mkhitarian, Aram, D.O. General Practice 1801 193315 5995 Topanga Canyon Blvd (818) 888-7009 Armenian Vaisman, Boris, M.D. Family Practice 1801 134929 22600 Ventura Blvd. # 101 (818) 225-1255 Hebrew, Hungarian, Russian, Spanish Vaisman, Sofia, M.D. Family Practice 1801 047771 22600 Ventura Blvd. # 101 (818) 225-1255 Hungarian, Russian, Spanish Acupuncture Heine, Lin Lin L., M.S. Kelly, Ata S., M.A. Sabourisichani, Mahshid, LAC Allergy/Immunology Khadavi, Alan O., M.D.1 Offenberger, Jacob, M.D.1 Unger, Donald L., M.D.1 West Hollywood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Makovoz, Galina, M.D. General Practice 1801 060837 7607 Santa Monica Blvd. # 27 (323) 650-5494 Russian Anesthesiology Gandhi, Arun P., M.D. Grewal, Narinder S., M.D. Hymes, Jayson A., M.D.1 Rasool, Imad H., M.D.1 Vassilev, Gregory, M.D. Woodland Hills Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Burstein, Samuel, M.D. Internal Medicine 1801 134327 22554 Ventura Blvd. # 130 (818) 222-2443 Armenian, Russian Mirshojae, Hamid R., D.O. Family Practice1 1801 051827 5995 Topanga Canyon Blvd (818) 888-7009 Armenian, Farsi, Spanish Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Arimie, Raluca B., M.D.1 Atiya, Azmi W., M.D.1 Badalian, Vahe, M.D. Bagheri, Bruce B., M.D. Balian, Harry, M.D.1 Dang, Tze-Yu, M.D.1 Eisenberg, Daniel A., M.D.1 Elias, Zouheir H., M.D.1 Gupta, Vinod K., M.D. Jafari, Alireza, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 426 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Cardiovascular Surgery Kato, Norman S., M.D.1 Chiropractor Horvet, Bruce E., D.C. Kim, Kap R., D.C. Maya, Antonio E., D.C. Nguyen, Kevin U., D.C. Press, Wayne G., D.C. Willis, Jeffrey S., D.C. Wright, Don P., D.C. Zianour, Elaleh, D.C. Colon & Rectal Surgery Beart Jr, Robert W., M.D.1 Gottlieb, Michael M., M.D.1 Kuehne, Jonathan P., M.D.1 Lake, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 McElrath-Garza, Anamaria, M.D.1 Pourshahmir, Mohammad, M.D.1 Vukasin, Petar, M.D.1 Critical Care Medicine Ahmed, Zulfiqar, M.D.1 1 Critical Care Medicine Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. Dea, Daniel K., M.D.1 Hakimisefat, Babak, D.O. Safaee-Semiromi, Saeid, M.D. Simonyants, Lusine, M.D. Taback, Steven M., M.D. Dermatology Buchman, John U., M.D.1 Kandel, Elena F., M.D.1 Lin, Michael T., M.D.1 Lusher, Frank R., M.D.1 Rahimi, Afshin D., M.D.1 Shear, Stuart L., M.D.1 Tabibian, Michael P., M.D. Emergency Medicine Foullon, Richard A., M.D. Giem, Marla G., M.D. Lee, Stanford C., M.D. Momjian, Manuel P., M.D. Peric, John M., M.D. Rocamboli, Charles M., D.O. Sullivan, Bart F., M.D. Zambetti, John F., M.D.1 Endocrinology Barakat, Sawssan N., M.D.1 Ficks, Lauren G., M.D. Greenstadt, Mark A., M.D.1 Israelian-Konaraki, Zarmen, M.D.1 Lerner, Olga, M.D.1 Ong, Oliver L., M.D. Polisky, Michael A., M.D.1 Rokaw, Joshua A., M.D. Samec, Lawrence, M.D. Sevilla, Linda J., M.D. Wasser, Harris L., M.D. Family Practice Berg, Emmett A., D.O.1 Brusky, Robert J., M.D.1 Campeau, Keith S., M.D.1 Ghasemloei, Homa, M.D.1 Board Certified 427 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Kauffman, Jane Y., M.D.1 Kupferwasser, Leon I., M.D.1 Ladenheim, Marc L., M.D.1 Leibzon, Roman, M.D.1 Lensky, Mark M., M.D. Mann, Amardeep S., M.D.1 Mesrobian, Haroutioun D., M.D.1 Nashed, Ashraf N., M.D.1 Nguyen, Thanh T., D.O.1 On, Roger C., M.D.1 Pego, Richard F., M.D.1 Pohost, Gerald M., M.D. Polosajian, Leo, M.D.1 Saleh, Jahandar R., M.D. Shamji, Munaf A., M.D.1 Shiener, Alan, M.D.1 Thaik, Cynthia M., M.D. Vahdat, Arash, M.D.1 Woo, Jeanie, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Family Practice Hasan, Farah S., M.D.1 Hom, Denise L., M.D. Liss, Verna S., M.D.1 Millington, John T., M.D.1 Momjian, Manuel P., M.D. Powers, Bradley C., M.D. Rosenblum, Barry S., D.O.1 Ryan, Jarlath N., M.D. Shirzad, Pedram, D.O.1 Tsoi, Nancy L., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Albertson, Michael J., M.D.1 Arimie, Calin S., M.D. Badii, Cyrus A., M.D. Ballan, Kenneth, M.D.1 Chetty, Nagaraj M., M.D.1 Chhablani, Rahul K., M.D.1 Desai, Saleem A., M.D. Effron, Allan M., M.D. Ephraim, Paul D., M.D.1 Farid, Mary, D.O.1 Fisher, Henry A., M.D.1 Garrett, Benedict L., M.D. Hepps, Kenneth S., M.D. Herr, Stephen L., M.D. Jogani, Piyush K., M.D.1 Kasher, John A., M.D.1 Levinson, Stephen G., M.D.1 Lue, Shih-Lin, M.D. Machicado, Gustavo A., M.D.1 Madievsky, Michael, M.D.1 Mehdikhani, Edgar, M.D. Mello, W.David, M.D.1 Moghimi, Robert B., M.D.1 Nagaraja, Mysore R., M.D.1 Patel, Mahendra N., M.D.1 Schulman, David S., M.D.1 Shaposhnikov, Rimma, M.D.1 Weiss, Fredric Eliot, M.D.1 Yadegari, Michel, M.D. 1 Board Certified 428 / Health Net Provider Network General Practice Flores, Jacob N., M.D. Foullon, Richard A., M.D. Joshi, Chandrashekhar R., M.D. Negron, Felix L., M.D. Ratwani, Mina, M.D. Schnare, Brian R., M.D. Ziaee, Hosseingholi, M.D. General Surgery Arnaout, Walid S., M.D.1 Austin, Joseph P., M.D.1 Carvajal, Sam H., M.D.1 Castillo, George F., M.D. Davies, Dantae D., M.D. Del Junco Jr, Tirso, M.D. Drucker, Michael R., M.D. Dunkelman, Andrea R., M.D.1 Gottlieb, Michael M., M.D.1 Hemmati, Said J., M.D.1 Heslov, Steve F., M.D.1 Javan, Leilie J., M.D.1 Kim, Sang I., M.D.1 Kokkalera, Uthaiah P., M.D.1 Lake, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Lomis, Thomas J., M.D.1 Mazaheri, Ata, M.D.1 McElrath-Garza, Anamaria, M.D.1 Myles, Richard A., M.D.1 Nassoura, Zahi E., M.D. Pourshahmir, Mohammad, M.D. Rafidi, Fuad F., M.D.1 Ritter, Manfred P., M.D. Salehi, Parviz, M.D.1 Sauk, Min S., M.D.1 Suh, Richard H., M.D.1 Tashjian, George K., M.D.1 Tovar, Alexander S., M.D.1 Vander Laan, Thomas L., M.D.1 Weekes, Laurence J., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Geriatrics Gorbaty, Isaac, M.D. Sharma, Salila, M.D.1 Gynecologic Oncology Eisenkop, Scott, M.D. Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Lin, Wei-Chien M., M.D. Gynecology Advani, Sharmeela R., M.D.1 Lin, Lawrence L., M.D.1 Negron, Gladys E., M.D.1 Hematology Ashwin, Murigeppa, M.D.1 Bahadini, Bahareh, M.D.1 Davidson, Jerome G., M.D.1 Davidson, Sheldon J., M.D.1 Ghanem, Bassam M., M.D.1 Kaul, Anita, M.D.1 Khalil, Hany R., M.D. Lin, Tzy-Young, M.D.1 Melkonian, Suzy, M.D. Menco, Harry S., M.D. Singerman, Carl L., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Chatham, Philip L., M.D.1 Joseph, Thomas P., M.D.1 Infectious Disease Alborzi, Arash, M.D.1 Antaki, Jean-Pierre, M.D. Cohen, Michael D., M.D.1 Li, John J., M.D.1 Maslow, Elizabeth R., M.D. Matias, Belen A., M.D. Morgenstein, Alan A., M.D. Nazarian, Alan, M.D.1 Sampson, Michael S., M.D. Soogoor, Malini, M.D.1 Tempesti, Paola, M.D. Tsujimoto, Karen L., M.D. Wilson, Samuel A., M.D.1 1 Internal Medicine Albertson, Michael J., M.D. Alcantar, Juan M., M.D.1 Altamirano, Jaime A., M.D.1 Attarchi, Shahab, M.D.1 Aybar, Randall I., M.D. Bagheri, Bruce B., M.D. Ballan, Kenneth, M.D.1 Chetty, Nagaraj M., M.D.1 Cohen, Michael D., M.D.1 Daneshvari, Sam F., M.D.1 Donabedian, Maral H., M.D.1 Dua, Sohan L., M.D.1 Eisenberg, Daniel A., M.D.1 Ephraim, Paul D., M.D.1 Ficks, Lauren G., M.D.1 Fisher, Henry A., M.D.1 Fogel, Thomas D., M.D.1 Giem, Marla G., M.D. Graham, Geoffrey L., M.D.1 Hakimisefat, Babak, D.O. Harriman, Irma S., M.D.1 Jafari, Alireza, M.D. Kaplan, Karl J., M.D. Katz, Albert R., M.D. Kesavalu, Ramesh C., M.D.1 Ladenheim, Marc L., M.D.1 Latif, Mohamed A., M.D.1 Levinson, Stephen G., M.D.1 Levy, Jody D., M.D.1 Mann, Amardeep S., M.D.1 Mantell, Richard B., M.D. Marwah, Onkarjit S., M.D.1 Mello, W.David, M.D.1 Nashed, Ashraf N., M.D.1 Nebeker, Henry G., M.D.1 On, Roger C., M.D.1 Patak, Ramachandra V., M.D.1 Pego, Richard F., M.D.1 Pinderski, Eric J., M.D.1 Pohost, Gerald M., M.D.1 Polosajian, Leo, M.D.1 Safaee-Semiromi, Saeid, M.D.1 Board Certified 429 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Internal Medicine Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D.1 Sherman, David, M.D.1 Simonyants, Lusine, M.D. Slavov, Carmen S., M.D.1 Sultan, Abdulrahman K., M.D.1 Taback, Steven M., M.D. Thaik, Cynthia M., M.D. Tsujimoto, Karen L., M.D. Vahdat, Arash, M.D.1 Virnich, Daniel E., M.D.1 Wilson, Samuel A., M.D.1 Wong, Kin C., M.D.1 Interventional Cardiology Arimie, Raluca B., M.D.1 Leibzon, Roman, M.D.1 Marwah, Onkarjit S., M.D.1 Vahdat, Arash, M.D.1 Interventional Radiology Echenique, Ana M., M.D. Marriage/Family Counseling Lirman, Judi H., MFT Markowitz, Annette I., MFCC McElwee, Doris R., M.A. Miraftabi, Ellie, M.S. Sasada, Dianne M., MFT Maternal & Fetal Medicine Jadali, Daryoush, M.D. Medical Genetics Hajianpour, Mj, M.D. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Debnath, Sheila, M.D. Nephrology Abdeen, Omaran A., M.D. Abukurah, Abdul-Razzak, M.D. Chang, Mi, M.D.1 Chang, Susan S., M.D.1 Daneshvari, Sam F., M.D. 1 Board Certified 430 / Health Net Provider Network Nephrology Dua, Renee, M.D. El-Shahawy, Mohamed A., M.D.1 Farboody, Gholam H., M.D.1 Gorbaty, Isaac, M.D.1 Harriman, Irma S., M.D. Lessman, Richard K., M.D.1 Levitan, Daniel, M.D.1 Maasarani, Essam A., M.D.1 Nasim, Sohail, M.D.1 Nebeker, Henry G., M.D.1 Nemeh, Moufid N., M.D. Patak, Ramachandra V., M.D.1 Sadeghi, Hamid, M.D. Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D. Shah, Parag A., M.D.1 Sherman, David, M.D. Shook, Allan A., M.D. Slavov, Carmen S., M.D.1 Sonbol, Salah E., M.D.1 Wong, Calbert A., M.D.1 Neurology Akopov, Sergey E., M.D. Armanious, Nader F., M.D. Belafsky, Melvin A., M.D.1 Cherik, Armen J., M.D.1 Chilian, Irina, M.D.1 Cohen, Liliana M., M.D.1 Faisal, Fawaz, M.D.1 Karayan, Ronnie, M.D.1 Kayichian, Despina G., M.D.1 Kim, Peter K., M.D.1 Lee, Lance J., M.D.1 Lemay, Lin G., M.D. Marvi, Michael M., M.D.1 Paramesh, Kannen, M.D.1 Reddy, Kaditam V., M.D.1 Tang, Tung H., D.O.1 Thompson, David A., M.D. Verpukhovskiy, Yuriy, M.D.1 Zhu, Jenny Q., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Neurosurgery Armin, Sean S., M.D. Chan, James C., M.D.1 Ro, Kyoo S., M.D.1 Salem, Ayman M., M.D.1 Tiwari, Rajendra K., M.D.1 Nuclear Medicine Chen, Samuel M., M.D.1 Dzebolo, Nicholas N., M.D.1 Lyass, Olga E., M.D.1 Pohost, Gerald M., M.D.1 Nuclear Radiology Dzebolo, Nicholas N., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Amirgholami, Mahin, M.D. Artenos, John A., M.D.1 Bardowell, Richard J., M.D.1 Block, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Brooks, Marlon, M.D.1 Chan, Philip T., M.D. Chan, Shirley M., M.D.1 Delshad, George M., M.D.1 Freedman, Steven, M.D.1 Friedman, Ira J., M.D.1 Friedman, Richard L., M.D.1 Iskander, Raef N., M.D.1 Kadze, Ruslana, M.D.1 Kim, Catherine C., M.D.1 Kim, Mee S., M.D. Latif, Rafik, M.D. Lee, Ryan K., M.D. Malek, Kamran, M.D.1 Olender, Mary, M.D.1 Parks, Kerri S., M.D.1 Rao-Karlamangla, Roopa R., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Carlos S., M.D. Susman, Shelley B., M.D.1 Tamayo, Joana J., M.D. 1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Tan, Irene S., M.D.1 Thomas, Silas J., M.D.1 Thwin, Aung, M.D.1 Toomer, Paul H., M.D.1 Torbati, Kamran, M.D.1 Valdes, Ignacio, M.D.1 Wu, Ronald S., M.D.1 Oncology Ashwin, Murigeppa, M.D.1 Bahadini, Bahareh, M.D.1 Ghanem, Bassam M., M.D.1 Kaul, Anita, M.D.1 Khalil, Hany R., M.D.1 Melkonian, Suzy, M.D.1 Menco, Harry S., M.D.1 Singerman, Carl L., M.D. Ophthalmology Becker, Bruce B., M.D.1 Diddie, Kenneth R., M.D.1 Fazio, Doreen T., M.D.1 Feinfield, Robert E., M.D.1 Fuerst, David J., M.D.1 Gellerman, Douglas R., M.D.1 Hovanesian, Haroutun H., M.D.1 Khanna, Rajesh, M.D.1 Khondkaryan, Ani, M.D. Levine, Eric S., M.D.1 Michel, Franz K., M.D.1 Nazemi, Pezhman P., M.D.1 Okie, Theodore B., M.D.1 Paikal, David, M.D.1 Park, Kay L., M.D.1 Rauchman, Steven H., M.D.1 Smyth-Medina, Robert J., M.D.1 Stiles, Steven P., M.D.1 Stivelman, William C., M.D.1 Tuli, Suhas W., M.D. Optometrist Baroni, Ani, O.D. Jamali, Sakina A., O.D. Board Certified 431 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Neuroradiology Mehringer, Charles M., M.D.1 Tanoura, Tad T., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Optometrist Lunchick, Eric J., O.D. Ohanian-Goncuian, Biana L., O.D. Patel, Tina S., O.D. Simonian, Zareh, O.D. Tran, Kelly H., O.D. Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery Bruckner, Richard H., DDS1 Mizin, Alexei I., DMD Orthopedic Surgery Ahluwalia, Raj S., M.D. Armagan, Osep E., M.D. Bachner, Evan J., M.D.1 Bahk, Michael S., M.D. Barcohana, Babak, M.D.1 Bashner, Brian C., M.D.1 Bhagia, Umesh T., M.D.1 Brookenthal, Keith R., M.D.1 Burns, Joseph P., M.D.1 Cepkinian, Vahan, M.D.1 Darakjian, Hrair E., M.D.1 Diamond, Bernard M., M.D. Feingold, David L., M.D.1 Ferkel, Richard D., M.D. Fields, Robert H., M.D.1 Ganjianpour, Ramin, M.D.1 Green, Edward, M.D.1 Grossman, Brian S., M.D. Hanker, Gregory J., M.D.1 Hernandez, Jaime D., M.D.1 Kantor, Jeffrey A., M.D. Kaufman, John D., M.D.1 King, John D., M.D.1 Sisto, Domenick J., M.D.1 Thomas, Walter A., M.D. Ziv, Eli T., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Amini, Kamyar, M.D.1 Aminpour, Shervin, M.D. Carroll, Sarah R., M.D. 1 Board Certified 432 / Health Net Provider Network Otolaryngology (Ent) Cooper, Stephen H., M.D.1 Gilad, Oded, M.D.1 Kerner, Marc M., M.D.1 Kokshanian, Artine, M.D. Owens, Othella T., M.D.1 Patel, Ninna B., M.D. Waldman, Glenn E., M.D. Yun, David K., M.D. Pathology Blackman, Edward I., M.D. Bricklin, Alan S., M.D.1 Colburn, William J., M.D.1 Kozlov, Igor, M.D. Lin, Tzy-Young, M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Casarez, Timothy W., M.D.1 Ferry, David A., M.D.1 Pediatric Orthopedics Brookenthal, Keith R., M.D. Pediatrics Abraham, Gizel A., M.D.1 Ashburn, Norman K., M.D.1 Behmanesh, Behzad, M.D. Brooks, Stewart I., M.D. Calig, Scott S., M.D.1 Debnath, Sheila, M.D. Doberne, Yale I., M.D. Frey, Michael W., M.D. Goldstine, Howard R., M.D.1 Hammar, Susan K., M.D.1 Hekmat, Vahid, M.D.1 Huang, Wei-Chi, M.D. Hwang, Eun K., M.D.1 Katz, Mervyn, M.D.1 Khadavi, Alan O., M.D.1 Kim, Kyu H., M.D.1 Lim, Rene A., M.D. Melin-Perel, Beth M., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Pediatrics Minassian, Guiragos S., M.D.1 Offenberger, Jacob, M.D.1 Pattanachinda, Jutharat M., M.D. Rodriguez, Jorge E., M.D. Roy, Rosalinda A., M.D. Saifee, Talat, M.D. Scott, Joshua C., M.D. Tamashiro, Victor G., M.D.1 Ushella, Lelis E., M.D. Physical Medicine Rehab Nobel, Sion S., M.D.1 Pidgeon, Kevin J., M.D.1 Rosen, Joel S., M.D.1 Shirazy, Pejman E., M.D. Vahedifar, Payam, M.D.1 Physical Therapy Girard, David B., P.T. Guzman, Susannah V., P.T. Lopez, Natalie R., P.T. Plastic Surgery Berger, Saul R., M.D.1 Bublik, Michael, M.D. Bury, Tjerk F., M.D.1 Evans, Brian N., M.D. Fealy, Michael J., M.D.1 Gorodisky, Yuly, D.O.1 Grossman, Alan R., M.D.1 Grossman, Peter H., M.D.1 Javan, Leilie J., M.D. Majidian, Alexander M., M.D. Saleh, Jacob, M.D. Wu, Eugene C., M.D.1 Podiatry Aslanian, Melineh, DPM Benson, Stephen A., DPM Binder, Robert P., DPM Boghossian, Gerard H., DPM Borden, Joseph I., DPM1 Cooper, Richard M., DPM Eshraghi, Nazila, DPM1 1 Podiatry Fass, Arthur H., DPM1 Ferrante, Joseph T., DPM Foygelman, Aleksandr, DPM Goss, Jeffrey D., DPM Hakakian, Fardin, DPM Kelekian, Ara O., DPM1 Kneebone, Timothy S., DPM1 Kotzen, Michael D., DPM Kuzyk, Donald I., DPM Lembersky, Mark, DPM Mandyam, Vijay, DPM Miller, Ronald E., DPM1 Neuman, Thomas, DPM Ornekian, Nubar A., DPM Plotkin, Elliot L., DPM Rosenblum, Herschel H., DPM1 Sanandaji, Sam, DPM1 Sarte, Richard J., DPM1 Sayani, Shohreh, DPM Shi, Terry S., DPM Slomowitz, Larry J., DPM Soleymani, Ashkan, DPM Stein, Gersten A., DPM1 Vega, Michael R., DPM1 Psychiatry Isidro, Romeo L., M.D.1 Kadoyan, Ara D., M.D. Khachatryan, Susanna, M.D.1 Khoury, Adnan E., M.D. Klevens, Stephen S., M.D.1 Kumar, Rajiv, M.D. Lensky, Galina N., M.D. Makhani, Mehboob A., M.D. Rosenberg, Robert D., M.D.1 Yegiazaryan, Lilit, M.D.1 Psychology Alvarez, Elaine C., PSY.D Bohorquez, Dianne E., Ph.D. Pulmonary Disease Ahmed, Zulfiqar, M.D. Board Certified 433 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Pulmonary Disease Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. Dea, Daniel K., M.D.1 Hakimisefat, Babak, D.O. Hendel, Eli E., M.D. Henein, Sherif S., M.D.1 Kim, Bernard S., M.D. Kumar, Vijay, M.D. Nguyen, Duc V., M.D.1 Roach, Jr., James J., M.D. Safaee-Semiromi, Saeid, M.D.1 Simonyants, Lusine, M.D.1 Soffer, Michael J., M.D. Taback, Steven M., M.D. Walsh III, Patrick J., M.D. Wong, Kin C., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Ahn, Eugene, M.D.1 Chaiken, Lisa M., M.D.1 Ellerbroek, Nancy A., M.D. Huang, David, M.D.1 Kaprealian, Tania B., M.D. Kwon, Robert S., M.D. Miller, Paul J., M.D.1 Robertello, William J., M.D.1 Rodnick, Jeffrey M., M.D.1 Rose, Christopher M., M.D.1 Safa, Afshin A., M.D.1 Schweitzer, Victor G., M.D.1 Yampolsky, Henry, M.D.1 Zimmerman, Robert P., M.D.1 Radiology Afari, Arash, M.D.1 Altavilla, Mariapia, M.D.1 Applegate, Laura J., M.D.1 Aufrichtig, David A., M.D.1 Bash, Suzanne C., M.D. Berkowitz, Barry J., M.D.1 Berzon, Boris, M.D. Blake, Meghan E., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 434 / Health Net Provider Network Radiology Chen, Samuel M., M.D.1 Chiu, Stephanie Y., M.D.1 Dzebolo, Nicholas N., M.D.1 Echenique, Ana M., M.D. Faigus, Melvin S., M.D.1 Flannigan, Bonnie D., M.D.1 Freitas, Alex D., M.D.1 Fu, Karin L., M.D.1 Gero, Bernard T., M.D.1 Gottlieb, Roy, D.O.1 Green, Nathan, M.D.1 Hennemeyer, Charles T., M.D.1 Hlinka, Michael E., M.D.1 Hooshi, Parizad, M.D.1 Hwa, Linda, M.D. Iba, Gerald B., M.D.1 Inouye, Craig T., M.D.1 Jacobs, Jay B., M.D. Javeri, Khalid K., M.D. Kapelov, Steven R., M.D.1 Kashfian, Payam, M.D.1 Klein, Barry D., M.D.1 Kremsky, Stanton S., M.D.1 Lask, David C., M.D.1 Lee, Hsingyee, M.D.1 Lee, Josephine, M.D.1 Lee, Robert K., M.D.1 Lekht, Ilya, M.D.1 Loya, Alma G., M.D.1 McGrady, Ronald L., M.D.1 Mehringer, Charles M., M.D.1 Mintz, Ira R., M.D.1 Moelleken, Sonja M., M.D.1 Moses, Catherine A., M.D.1 Pai, Sarina B., D.O. Palrecha, Sapna J., M.D. Polan, Ruth L., M.D.1 Prabhu, Ashwin V., M.D. Ron, Eyal, M.D.1 Roth, Tomer A., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley PPG 1801 Reproductive Endocrinology Abdullah, Mazin I., M.D. Mor, Eliran, M.D. Rheumatology Katz, Albert R., M.D. Kesavalu, Ramesh C., M.D.1 Min, Yoon S., M.D. Pearson, Duane W., M.D. Ratiner, Boris D., M.D.1 Sleep Medicine Littner, Michael R., M.D.1 Sports Medicine Patterson, Byron O., M.D. Scott, Joshua C., M.D. Surgical Critical Care Kato, Norman S., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Declusin, Richard J., M.D. Gharavi, Mohammad A., M.D.1 Hurwitz, Andrew S., M.D.1 Kato, Norman S., M.D.1 Mohammadzadeh, Gholam R., M.D. Roberts, Randall F., M.D.1 Tandon, Vipinkumar M., M.D. Toporoff, Bruce M., M.D. Yasuda, Roderick K., M.D.1 Urology Chandrasoma, Shahin T., M.D. Devendra, Ganeshalingam, M.D. Dula, Eugene, M.D.1 Garrett, Jerry S., M.D.1 Gelbard, Martin K., M.D.1 Hyman, Michael J., M.D.1 Karamooz, Mansoor, M.D.1 Kassabian, Armen A., M.D. Lam, John S., M.D.1 Leff, Richard G., M.D.1 Mehdizadeh, Jennifer L., M.D.1 Niku, Soheil D., M.D.1 Reddy, Muni N., M.D. Shapiro, Richard A., M.D.1 Skaist, Leonard B., M.D.1 Vatz, Arthur D., M.D.1 Weintraub, Philip I., M.D. Vascular Surgery Austin, Joseph P., M.D.1 Aziz, Ihab N., M.D.1 Najibi, Sasan, M.D.1 Nassoura, Zahi E., M.D.1 Pereyra, Robert, M.D. Rafidi, Fuad F., M.D.1 Therapeutic Radiology Fogel, Thomas D., M.D.1 Hesselgesser, Robert D., M.D.1 Lewinsky, Bernard S., M.D.1 Ozohan, Mary L., M.D.1 Rose, Christopher M., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 435 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Radiology Rothman, Barry J., M.D.1 Royer, Lyle W., M.D.1 Sadrieh, Khosrow R., M.D.1 Sahu, Satya N., M.D.1 Senaati, Sassan, M.D. Shayestehfar, Babak, M.D.1 Sheel, Sanjiv K., M.D. Sue, Dale E., M.D.1 Tanoura, Tad T., M.D.1 Tummala, Srinivas, M.D. Tzung, Brian S., M.D.1 Usmanov, Alexander, M.D. Uszler, Michael J., M.D.1 Wadhwani, Anil N., M.D.1 Wagman, Allan J., M.D.1 Williams, Alison C., M.D.1 Yoo, Richard E., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 117 East Live Oak Avenue Arcadia, CA 91006-5269 (818) 654-3400 Urgent Care: Regal Medical Group (626) 446-8492 Mon - Fri 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Greater Covina Urgent Care (626) 732-9232 Mon - Fri 4:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. Sat - Sun 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Hospitals Used: East Valley Hospital Medical Center Foothill Presbyterian Hospital - Morris L. Johnston Memorial Inter-Community, Citrus Valley Medical Centers Alhambra Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Cho, Kaikei, M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 075099 123 N. Garfield Ave. # A (626) 239-1869 Gu, David G., D.O. Internal Medicine 1678 068686 723 S. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 282-3999 Mandarin Ha, Thomas T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 006596 320 S. Garfield Ave. # 110 (626) 280-2803 Vietnamese Li, Weiguo, M.D. Family Practice 1678 076002 25 S. Raymond Ave. # 111 (626) 943-1818 Mandarin Lii, Angela D., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 075764 723 S. Garfield Ave. # 204 (626) 289-9788 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese 1 Board Certified 436 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Tee, Nora K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 048637 841 W. Valley Blvd. # 107 (626) 282-3657 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wasef, Rashad N., M.D. Family Practice 1678 017984 25 S. Raymond Ave. # 202 (626) 570-6016 Arabic, French, Spanish Wasef, Rashad N., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 017984 25 S. Raymond Ave. # 202 (626) 570-6016 Arabic, French, Spanish Wong, Gordon K., M.D. General Practice 1678 148301 409 W. Main St. (626) 382-1263 Cantonese, Mandarin Yue, Jimmy, D.O. Internal Medicine 1678 088363 801 W. Valley Blvd. # 204 (626) 281-2232 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Yue, Jimmy, D.O. Internal Medicine 1678 088363 320 S. Garfield Ave. # 206 (626) 308-0133 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Arcadia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Liao, Andrew W., M.D. Family Practice1 1678 138892 612 W. Duarte Rd. # 202 (626) 447-4567 Mandarin, Spanish Ma, Peter Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 061380 612 W Duarte Rd # 505 (626) 294-9978 Cantonese, Mandarin PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Azusa Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kamdar, Bina A., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 044530 520 W. Foothill Blvd. (626) 334-1611 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Shalabi, Kaied O., M.D. General Practice 1678 048742 453 E. Arrow Hwy. # B (626) 915-1748 Arabic, Spanish Baldwin Park Primary Care Physicians Atluri, Rao L., M.D. 14051 E. Ramona Pkwy. (626) 338-7338 Hindi, Spanish Blush, Thomas W., M.D. 14362 Ramona Blvd. (626) 337-0676 Spanish Carcamo, Erick F., M.D. 4070 Sterling Way (626) 337-1360 Spanish Carrillo, Herman F., M.D. 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish Chang, Jyh C., M.D. 4126 N. Maine Ave. (626) 962-5141 Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Taiwanese Chen, Victoria N., M.D. 4318 Maine Ave. (626) 962-5141 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Montenegro, Dionisio M., M.D. 14514 Ramona Blvd. # 3 (626) 337-0424 Spanish, Tagalog Urbina, Marvin, M.D. 14342 Ramona Blvd. (626) 338-4088 Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1678 035583 General Practice 1678 530866 General Practice 1678 049233 General Practice 1678 027241 Internal Medicine1 1678 502613 Internal Medicine1 1678 052022 General Practice 1678 078095 Family Practice 1678 094669 Board Certified 437 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Hieu T., D.O. Family Practice 1678 107139 51 N. Fifth Ave. # 201 (626) 566-2750 Vietnamese Patel, Dilip S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 013011 611 S. First Ave. (626) 446-8818 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Patel, Vijay V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 013032 611 S. First Ave. (626) 446-8818 Shu, Annie T., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 561109 650 W. Duarte Rd. # 104 (626) 445-1278 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin Tan, Peter X., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 132105 117 E. Live Oak Ave. # 101 (626) 446-8492 Mandarin Wang, Ida W., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 047149 20 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 447-8000 Burmese, Mandarin Wei, Hong-Sheng, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 108175 650 W. Duarte Rd. # 208 (626) 446-1599 Mandarin Xie, Sherry, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 104258 622 W. Duarte Rd. # 304 (626) 254-1281 Mandarin PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Bradbury Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Hanif, Noaman, M.D. Family Practice1 1678 166979 640 Deodar Ln. (626) 359-6727 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Burbank Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Brenner, Stacey R., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 169565 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 220 (818) 557-2671 Del Castillo, Silvio A., D.O. Family Practice1 1678 142471 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 220 (818) 557-2671 Spanish Madrid, Cecelia T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 520030 191 S. Buena Vista St. # 220 (818) 557-2671 Spanish City Of Industry Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bao, Wei, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 089570 17595 Almahurst St. # 202 (626) 581-4990 Mandarin Tuazon, Oscar C., M.D.2 General Practice 1678 045982 16025 Gale Ave. # B10 (626) 336-6652 Spanish, Tagalog Wang, Yi, M.D. Family Practice1 1678 143783 1661 Hanover Rd. # 201 (626) 965-4628 Mandarin, Spanish 1 Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Betts, Randolph J., M.D. General Practice 1678 027163 274 W. Badillo St. (626) 331-7369 Italian, Spanish, Tagalog Cortes, Virgencita M., M.D.Internal Medicine 1678 057132 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. # 200 (626) 331-2209 Spanish, Tagalog Ha, Thomas T., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 006596 530 W. Badillo St. # E (626) 858-5370 Vietnamese Jandial, Rajnish, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 090987 315 N. Third Ave. # 100 (626) 967-4469 Hindi Magsino, Rodolfo E., M.D. General Practice 1678 046868 21304 E. Arrow Hwy (626) 915-2055 Tagalog Patel, Prakashchandra T., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1678 013021 315 N. Third Ave. # 306 (626) 332-1815 Hindi Sanchez, Leopoldo C., General Practice M.D. 1678 028571 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave. # 200 (626) 331-2209 Spanish, Tagalog Tulpule, Radhika, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 017461 110 N. Fourth Ave. (626) 859-6400 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu Board Certified Physician is currently unavailable to new patients through this physician group. 438 / Health Net Provider Network 2 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Maddex, Gregory R., D.O. Family Practice1 1678 021512 1111 Grand Ave. # L (909) 860-2605 Spanish Downey Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Glor, Rita, D.O. Family Practice1 1678 054036 11903 Downey Ave. (562) 869-1121 Arabic, Spanish Duarte Primary Care Physicians Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. 931 Buena Vista St. # 503 (626) 357-2269 Arabic, Spanish De Artola Jr, Ignacio, M.D. 1750 Huntington Dr. # B (626) 930-1600 Spanish Hanif, Noaman, M.D. 1161 Huntington Dr. (626) 359-6727 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu El Monte Primary Care Physicians Bansuan, Rainer G., M.D. 10305 Garvey Ave. (626) 455-0982 Fukienese, Spanish, Tagalog Castillo, Luis A., M.D. 3564 Santa Anita Ave. # A (626) 350-8101 Spanish Liu, Wu H., M.D. 3948 Peck Rd. # 10 (626) 455-0166 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # General Practice 1678 025221 Family Practice1 1678 057157 Family Practice1 1678 166979 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine 1678 068120 General Practice 1678 059656 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, Vinh X., M.D. General Practice 1678 077143 10050 Garvey Ave. # 115 (626) 448-3550 Vietnamese Patel, Dilip G., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1678 028617 3131 Santa Anita Ave. # 103 (626) 448-1234 Gujarati, Hindi Pilpa Jr, Jose R., M.D. General Practice 1678 013351 10410 Lower Azusa Rd. # 103 (626) 350-6200 Spanish, Tagalog Rasekhi, Mohammad H., Internal Medicine1 M.D. 1678 047164 12100 Valley Blvd. # 109A (626) 575-7500 Farsi, Spanish Urbina, Marvin, M.D. Family Practice 1678 094669 11017 Valley Mall. (626) 443-3922 Spanish Wang, Yong, M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 076412 11245 Lower Azusa Rd. (626) 573-9541 Burmese, Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kamajian, Steven D., D.O. Family Practice1 1678 023859 1530 E. Chevy Chase Dr. # 105 (818) 241-1223 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Nercessian, Armen Y., D.O. General Practice 1678 074419 1122 N. Brand Blvd. # 101 (818) 552-2011 Armenian, Spanish Internal Medicine 1678 084747 Board Certified 439 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Set-Agayan, Yervand W., Family Practice D.O. 1678 154648 800 S. Central Ave. # 306 (818) 242-5300 Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Spanish Glendora Primary Care Physicians Mehta, Krunal J., M.D. 130 W. Route 66 # 214 (626) 335-4129 Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish Patel, Dilip S., M.D. 1624 S. Grand Ave. (626) 914-1847 Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Patel, Vijay V., M.D. 1624 S. Grand Ave. (626) 914-1847 Sandouk, Adel G., M.D. 210 S Grand Ave # 207 (626) 914-2900 Arabic, Spanish Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice 1678 161693 Internal Medicine1 1678 013011 Internal Medicine 1678 013032 Internal Medicine1 1678 135529 Hacienda Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Li, Mark W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 028224 15910 Halliburton Rd. (626) 330-6003 Mandarin Tzeng, Robert F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 017507 17170 Colima Rd. # G (626) 965-8202 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese 1 Board Certified 440 / Health Net Provider Network Hawthorne Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Kenneth S., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 076510 4455 W. 117th St. (310) 645-0444 Burmese Huntington Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lakha, Rumi K., D.O. Family Practice 1678 159704 7136 Pacific Blvd. # 220 (323) 588-5467 French, Spanish La Puente Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alas-Pocasangre, Juan L., Family Practice M.D. 1678 105109 18335 E. Valley Blvd (626) 810-3330 Spanish, Tagalog Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. General Practice 1678 025221 15852 Main St. (626) 968-0542 Arabic, Spanish Nercessian, Armen Y., D.O. General Practice 1678 074419 561 S. Azusa Way (626) 964-9111 Armenian, Spanish Yacoub, Nader M., M.D. General Practice 1678 067272 14282 Amar Rd. (626) 917-4481 Arabic, French, Spanish Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdian, Loghman, M.D. General Practice 1678 050279 1107 S. Alvarado St. # 102 (213) 380-9999 Farsi, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Family Practice1 1678 066603 Family Practice 1678 034784 Internal Medicine1 1678 071642 General Practice 1678 502912 Family Practice1 1678 024069 Family Practice1 1678 024069 Family Practice 1678 045387 Obstetrics/Gynecology1 1678 057842 Obstetrics/Gynecology 1678 028833 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Nguyen, David T., D.O. Internal Medicine 1678 074817 633 N. Spring St. # 4 (213) 928-0866 Spanish, Vietnamese Perez, Jose A., M.D. General Practice 1678 057123 2010 Wilshire Blvd. # 400 (213) 413-3703 Spanish Monrovia Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 105576 513 E. Lime Ave. # 102 (626) 358-3204 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog Montebello Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lakha, Rumi K., D.O. Family Practice 1678 159704 433 N. Fourth St. # 209 (323) 887-3756 French, Spanish Yang, Bao B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 018824 149 N. Sixth St. (323) 721-5121 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Monterey Park Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Boun, Singh A., M.D. Family Practice 1678 106237 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 201 (626) 280-5000 Cambodian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Lee, Le-Young, M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 067068 616 N. Garfield Ave. # 303 (626) 457-8600 Cantonese, Mandarin Board Certified 441 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Azinge-Obasi, Mezia O., M.D. 3450 W. 43rd St. # 106 (323) 290-2832 Amharic, Igbo, Spanish Behroozan, Benjamin, M.D. 5255 W. Sunset Blvd. (323) 463-7262 Farsi, Hebrew, Spanish Carabello, Victor G., M.D. 201 S. Alvarado St. # 410 (213) 413-0881 Spanish Chung, Samuel K., M.D. 2409 N. Broadway (323) 225-8038 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese Fujiwara, Tadao, M.D. 316 E. Second St., 2nd Fl. (323) 980-8488 Japanese, Spanish Fujiwara, Tadao, M.D. 5300 Whittier Blvd. (323) 980-8488 Japanese, Spanish Gill, Cadrin E., M.D. 231 W. Vernon Ave. # 101 (323) 231-5181 French, Spanish Kalan, Arnold J., M.D. 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 800 (213) 481-2380 Spanish Lem, Michael, M.D. 1127 Wilshire Blvd. # 800 (213) 482-5437 Cantonese, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lien, Thoi H., M.D. Family Practice1 1678 104125 1004 E. Garvey Ave. (626) 280-5035 Vietnamese Tzeng, Robert F., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 017507 420 N. Garfield Ave. # 205 (626) 572-8626 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese Wong, Sunny Wing-Chi, Internal Medicine D.O. 1678 094676 110 W. Emerson Ave. (626) 307-0676 Cantonese, Mandarin Xu, Zhehua, M.D. Family Practice 1678 091242 228 N. Garfield Ave. # 203 (626) 288-3992 Cantonese, Mandarin Zhuo, Philip Y., M.D. Family Practice 1678 163206 210 N. Garfield Ave. # 312 (626) 288-2266 Cantonese, Mandarin Montrose Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kamajian, Steven D., D.O. Family Practice1 1678 023859 2103 Montrose Ave. # E (818) 957-2007 Armenian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Pasadena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Alanizi, Ayad, M.D. General Practice 1678 041615 127 N. Madison Ave. # 106 (626) 744-9018 Arabic, Spanish Boutros, Jason K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 501695 2750 E. Washington Blvd. # 260 (626) 798-8923 Arabic, French, Spanish 1 Board Certified 442 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Do, Khai, M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 071805 2750 E. Washington Blvd. # 260 (626) 798-8923 Vietnamese Mathioulakis, Stan, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 105576 10 Congress St. # 506 (626) 584-9898 French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog Nasir, Muhammad R., M.D.General Practice 1678 063904 1403 N. Fair Oaks Ave. # 2 (626) 797-4477 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Nasir, Muhammad R., M.D.General Practice 1678 063904 547 N. Fair Oaks Ave. (626) 797-4477 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Pico Rivera Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Fishman, Ritchard L., M.D. Family Practice 1678 005068 9505 Telegraph Rd. (562) 949-6565 Spanish, Tagalog Pomona Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chung, Samuel K., M.D. General Practice 1678 502912 1501 E. Holt Ave. (909) 623-3600 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese Di Sarli, Ricardo O., M.D. General Practice 1678 022519 1568 N. Orange Grove Ave. (909) 868-6666 Italian, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Diaz-Gomez, Mario A., Family Practice1 M.D. 1678 003991 2001 N. Garey Ave. # 101 (909) 624-2242 Spanish Khairullah, Firhana Z., D.O.Family Practice 1678 148409 877 E 2nd St. # C (909) 865-2565 Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Lam, Steven C., D.O. Family Practice 1678 169172 795 E. Second St. # 5 (909) 865-2565 Spanish, Vietnamese Perez, Jose A., M.D. General Practice 1678 057123 2112 S. Garey Ave. (909) 464-0520 Spanish Shah, Aruna U., M.D. General Practice 1678 039342 825 N. Park Ave. (909) 622-8968 Hindi Warren, Robert J., D.O. Family Practice1 1678 169416 795 E. Second St. # 5 (909) 865-2565 Yee, Bartley G., D.O. General Practice 1678 083400 795 E. Second St. # 4 (909) 865-2565 Spanish Rosemead Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Choa, Josephine W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 069490 7540 Garvey Ave. # C (626) 307-4785 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Dinh, Christine H., M.D. Family Practice 1678 130208 2630 San Gabriel Blvd. # 105 (626) 288-2007 Vietnamese 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Duong, Han V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 129370 8632 Valley Blvd. # D (626) 572-0005 Vietnamese Hsu, Harold, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 044758 8622 E. Garvey Ave. # 103 (626) 280-6898 Burmese Huynh, Bo T., M.D. Family Practice1 1678 130073 2630 San Gabriel Blvd. # 105 (626) 288-2007 Vietnamese Lakha, Rumi K., D.O. Family Practice 1678 159704 8736 Valley Blvd. # D (323) 588-5467 French, Spanish Liang, Hong, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 087271 3318 Del Mar Ave. # 205 (626) 280-8897 Mandarin Nguyen, David T., D.O. Internal Medicine 1678 074817 9246 Valley Blvd. # A (626) 571-6908 Spanish, Vietnamese Nguyen, Duc V., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 012352 8748 Valley Blvd. # H (626) 288-3306 Vietnamese Nguyen, Quy V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 012361 9126 Valley Blvd. # B (626) 573-9003 Vietnamese Ruiz III, Ruben M., M.D. General Practice 1678 154469 3012 San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 572-8692 Spanish Tran, Dan, M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 099434 7900 Garvey Ave. (626) 307-1050 Vietnamese Board Certified 443 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Truong, Benjamin Q., M.D. Family Practice1 1678 106078 9014 Garvey Ave. # I (626) 572-3955 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Wong, Tan L., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 053582 7450 Garvey Ave. # C (626) 307-4785 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese Wu, Jimmy, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 053599 7540 Garvey Ave. # C (626) 307-4785 Burmese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Oh, Hee Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 024071 1722 Desire Ave. # 206 (626) 962-2421 Korean, Spanish San Gabriel Primary Care Physicians Chan, Michelle L., M.D. 1726 New Ave. (626) 943-0780 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese Chanbonpin, Araceli D., M.D. 225 E. Las Tunas Dr. (626) 285-5700 Spanish, Tagalog Chien, Oscar L., M.D. 1448 S. San Gabriel Blvd. (626) 569-2888 Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese 1 Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1678 076461 Internal Medicine Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gill, Sukhpal K., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 039560 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 200 (626) 289-6444 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog Nassif, Tarek R., M.D. Family Practice1 1678 053739 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 307 (626) 289-0130 Arabic, French, Spanish Rodriguez, Francisco G., General Practice D.O. 1678 158842 330 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 1 (626) 284-3300 Spanish Sucgang, Paul S., D.O. Family Practice 1678 139222 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 201 (626) 389-8448 Spanish Varma, Usha K., M.D. Family Practice 1678 028010 316 E. Las Tunas Dr. # 206 (626) 285-9705 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Wu, Tai-Hing, M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 530142 415 W. Valley Blvd. # C (626) 943-9240 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Yuan, Zhenghong, M.D. Family Practice 1678 163493 416 W. Las Tunas Dr. # 303 (626) 289-9978 Mandarin 1678 032081 Internal Medicine 1678 074757 Board Certified 444 / Health Net Provider Network Sherman Oaks Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Peleg, Nechemia B., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 520625 4955 Van Nuys Blvd. # 502 (818) 325-0200 Hebrew PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING South El Monte Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Ashok, Nagasamudra S., Internal Medicine M.D. 1678 057490 1648 Tyler Ave. # B (626) 579-0103 Nguyen, Franklin C., D.O. Family Practice 1678 060800 9251 Garvey Ave. # F (626) 350-8338 Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese Temple City Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Kevin T., M.D. Family Practice 1678 143455 5739 Rosemead Blvd. (626) 292-1241 Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Chang, Henry, D.O. Internal Medicine1 1678 159701 2707 E. Valley Blvd. # 208 (626) 581-0486 Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese Dhand, Sadhna, M.D. General Practice 1678 028230 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 308 (626) 960-7759 Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Domingo, Miguel I., M.D. General Practice 1678 046078 512 S. Glendora Ave. (626) 337-2888 Spanish, Tagalog Gan, Teresita B., M.D. General Practice 1678 025020 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 114-8 (626) 960-4989 Fukienese, Mandarin, Tagalog 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Gunawardane, Sisira K., General Practice M.D. 1678 028009 333 N. Sunset Ave. (626) 960-5461 Sinhalese, Spanish Haq, Azhar U., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 017519 910 S. Sunset Ave. # 2 (626) 962-1094 Hindi, Spanish Jimenez, Cesar A., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 035662 2550 E. Amar Rd. # A2 (626) 964-0099 Spanish, Tagalog Karunananthan, Ruth M., Internal Medicine M.D. 1678 075749 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. # 102 (626) 430-9991 Tamil Kim, Jae M., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 022811 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 217 (626) 917-1924 Korean, Spanish Li, Mark W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 028224 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 102 (626) 960-0527 Mandarin Nguyen, Huy T., D.O. Family Practice 1678 168663 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. # 101 (626) 430-9991 Vietnamese Oh, Hee Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 024071 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 207 (626) 962-2421 Korean, Spanish Parekh, Hemalatha R., General Practice M.D. 1678 100422 333 N. Sunset Ave. (626) 960-5461 Gujarati, Hindi Patel, Vijay V., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 013032 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 200 (626) 813-1548 Board Certified 445 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Wang, John Z., M.D. Internal Medicine1 1678 094103 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 206 (626) 338-0811 Willis, Adelaide B., M.D. Family Practice 1678 058669 1500 W. West Covina Pkwy. # 102 (626) 430-9991 Spanish Wong, Jair, M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 048958 1535 W. Merced Ave. # 102 (626) 962-9108 Mandarin, Spanish Anesthesiology Yeo, Rosie T., M.D. Whittier Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Montes, Juan Z., M.D. Internal Medicine 1678 029437 11822 Floral Dr. (562) 908-4355 Spanish Cardiovascular Surgery Capouya, Eli R., M.D. Estioko, Manuel R., M.D. Gheissari, Ali, M.D. Schaerf, Raymond H., M.D.1 Suda, Richard W., M.D. Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 Acupuncture Bao, Kexin, L.A. Han, Sung W., LAC Hung, Mei H., L.A. Miller, Pamela, L.A. Allergy/Immunology Glovsky, Myron M., M.D.1 Offenberger, Jacob, M.D.1 Patel, Amit I., M.D.1 Perera, Michael G., M.D.1 Saini, Sunil K., M.D.1 Soderberg, Margaret L., M.D.1 Song, Hae-Young A., M.D.1 Wong, Stephen C., M.D.1 Anesthesiology Arfai, Kiumars, M.D. Bustos, Jerrold C., M.D.1 Kaypekian, Christopher K., M.D. Maddox, Jan P., M.D.1 Morgan, Philip J., M.D.1 Schlesinger, Mark P., M.D. 1 Board Certified 446 / Health Net Provider Network Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Bansal, Ramesh C., M.D.1 Khan, Mohammed Qaisar A., M.D. Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Lau, Stanley K., M.D.1 Padmanabhan, Madras K., M.D.1 Wiener, Isaac, M.D.1 Wong, Michael J., M.D. Yang, Bao B., M.D.1 Yee, Henry C., M.D. Chiropractor Rogers, Keith, D.C. Colon & Rectal Surgery Chiu, Chu-Tsen, M.D.1 Critical Care Medicine Adelson, Leonard J., M.D.1 Browne, Peter M., M.D. Makabali, Carlos G., M.D. Sandouk, Adel G., M.D.1 Dermatology Danesh, Sid A., M.D.1 Moul, Danielle K., M.D.1 Schall, Lawrence M., M.D. Endocrinology Prasad, Jeereddi A., M.D.1 Shaw, Sylvia J., M.D. Singer, Peter A., M.D.1 Family Practice Aboudi, Saman, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Gastroenterology Chan, Dennis Y., M.D. Chung, Kwok-Leung, M.D. Falakassa, Bahman B., M.D. Harris, Keith E., M.D.1 Hessami, Esmail D., M.D.1 Hsu, Chun Y., M.D. Ibarra, Fernando, M.D.1 Jamidar, Priyadarshin A., M.D.1 Kuritzkes, Richard A., M.D. Lai, Chia Chi G., M.D. Lee, Hanson T., M.D.1 Li, Mark W., M.D.1 Malamud, Ariel, M.D.1 Panguluri, Rangarao, M.D.1 Patel, Mahendra N., M.D.1 Suchov, Mordo, M.D.1 General Practice Guevara-Rebueno, Brigida, M.D. General Surgery Barragan, Alfonso L., M.D.1 Carter, Craig B., M.D. Chiu, Chu-Tsen, M.D.1 Corbisiero, Raffael M., M.D.1 Doraiswamy, Asok, M.D.1 Duarte, David A., M.D.1 Gottner, Robert J., M.D.1 Maglunog, Alexander A., M.D.1 Montllor, Michele M., M.D. Newman, Howard K., M.D.1 1 General Surgery Nithyananda, Muni, M.D.1 Ocampo, Jr., Hermenegildo P., M.D.1 Ong, Antonio K., M.D. Patel, Shirish C., M.D. Perez, Dario, M.D.1 Renner, Andrew I., M.D. Tran, Young T., M.D. Weiss, Alan R., M.D.1 Yoon, Won R., M.D.1 Geriatric Psychiatry Al-Asadi, Ghada O., M.D.1 Geriatrics Boutros, Jason K., M.D. Gynecology Dinsay, Roselyn M., M.D. Hematology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Chen, Weber, M.D. Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D.1 Klein, Phyllis H., M.D.1 Sheth, Milan R., M.D. Upadhyaya, Gargi H., M.D. Wang, Henry, M.D.1 Hematology/Oncology Agarwal, Vandana, M.D.1 Felman, Ira E., M.D.1 Gupta, Mahesh C., M.D.1 Hiv/Aids McCarthy, Jr., John D., M.D. Infectious Disease Dhawan, Vinod K., M.D.1 Huang, Jong T., M.D.1 Lu, Tommy C., M.D.1 McCarthy, Jr., John D., M.D.1 Nussbaum, Joseph M., M.D.1 Patel, Nilesh N., M.D. Tabatabai, Meher F., M.D.1 Wong, Pina K., M.D.1 Board Certified 447 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Family Practice Agena, Ryan H., D.O. Baez, Carlos A., M.D.1 Bhalla, Ashish, M.D.1 Calleros, Gustavo, M.D. Deanda, Michael D., M.D. Fontan, Gary P., M.D.1 Fortaleza, Paul J., D.O.1 Olsen, Erik W., M.D. Styles, Duane W., M.D.1 Wohlert, Libia E., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Internal Medicine Blinchik, Mikhail, M.D.1 Browne, Peter M., M.D.1 Che, Hung, M.D.1 Cordeiro, Ranjit A., M.D.1 Courtright, G W., M.D.1 Deperalta, Uma A., M.D.1 Falakassa, Bahman B., M.D.1 Felman, Ira E., M.D.1 Greeno, Ronald A., M.D.1 Handoko, Jonardi, M.D.1 Ibarra, Fernando, M.D.1 Katagihara, Elton S., M.D. Kayichian, Despina G., M.D.1 Khwaja, Samia A., M.D.1 Kok, Yih J., M.D.1 Lai, Chia Chi G., M.D.1 Lam, Kitty, M.D.1 Latif, Alaa, M.D.1 Lau, Stanley K., M.D. Lu, Tommy C., M.D. Lyn, Kyaw, M.D.1 McCarthy, Jr., John D., M.D.1 Meltzer, James L., M.D.1 Mena, Edward A., M.D.1 Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Mohan, Krishna J., M.D.1 Patel, Mahendra N., M.D.1 Patel, Nilesh N., M.D.1 Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D. Ratto, David R., M.D. Rothbart, Robert K., M.D. Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D.1 Shaw, Sylvia J., M.D.1 Singer, Peter A., M.D.1 Singh, Jagvinder, M.D.1 Tabatabai, Meher F., M.D.1 Yee, Henry C., M.D.1 Yoon, Stephen N., M.D.1 Interventional Radiology Echenique, Ana M., M.D. 1 Board Certified 448 / Health Net Provider Network Marriage/Family Counseling Sarkis, Mary H., M.D. Shestock, Linda A., LMFT Starr, Sharon L., MFCC White, Nancy A., LMFT Maternal & Fetal Medicine Curran, Mark A., M.D. Hanna, Gina V., M.D. Leung, Anna S., M.D.1 Phelan, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Rodriguez, Maria H., M.D.1 Rosenfeld, Ginni S., M.D. Samadi, Ramin, M.D. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Karimi, Ardeshir, M.D. Martorell-Bendezu, Lily B., M.D.1 Merritt, Thurman A., M.D.1 Naing, Soe, M.D.1 Vasquez, Herbert A., M.D. Wong, Siew-jyu, M.D.1 Nephrology Ahmad, Bashir, M.D.1 Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. Arfaania, Dariush, M.D.1 Bien, Michael H., M.D.1 Carabello, Victor G., M.D.1 Darwish, Riad Y., M.D. Deperalta, Uma A., M.D. Gill, Sukhpal K., M.D. Handoko, Jonardi, M.D.1 Kanakaraj, Kavitha, M.D. Kayichian, Despina G., M.D.1 Khwaja, Samia A., M.D. Liu, Samuel S., M.D.1 Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Pham, Sheri A., M.D. Rezvani, Farhad, M.D.1 Rizvi, Syed A., M.D. Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D. Wang, Lynn, M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Neurosurgery Dixon, Albert A., M.D.1 Holly, John J., M.D.1 Taban, Asher H., M.D. Nuclear Medicine Assassa-Solh, Ghada M., M.D. Moorhead, Francis J., M.D.1 Palos, Miguel M., M.D.1 Rose, Judith G., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Absi, Michel A., M.D. Alvarez-Mott, Steve D., M.D.1 Baggot, Patrick J., M.D. Benoit, Richard M., M.D.1 Bouz, Najib J., M.D.1 Chan, Philip T., M.D. Chang, Tsang-Hung, M.D. Cheng, Robert S., M.D. Chou, Cindy H., M.D.1 Clayton Jr, Ken R., D.O.1 Fraser, Gordon C., M.D.1 Grady, Shaun P., M.D.1 Hanna, Gina V., M.D.1 Hong, Dorothy C., M.D. Karimi, Ardeshir, M.D.1 Kassar, Naim S., M.D.1 Kim, Jong G., M.D. Mirsaidi, Mansoor, M.D.1 Moas, Ovi, M.D. Park, Sang H., M.D.1 Ross, Brenda J., M.D. Ruderman, Jeffrey P., M.D.1 Tangchitnob, Dumrong, M.D. Thwin, Aung, M.D.1 1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Tsai, Henry H., M.D. Vidhyapum, Suvannee, M.D.1 Occupational Medicine Pinto, Kathleen M., OT Wike, Beverly L., OT Oncology Agajanian, Richy, M.D.1 Chen, Weber, M.D. Duvivier, Herbert L., M.D.1 Felman, Ira E., M.D.1 Freimann Jr, Jack H., M.D.1 Klein, Phyllis H., M.D.1 Leberthon, Brian J., M.D.1 Sheth, Milan R., M.D. Upadhyaya, Gargi H., M.D. Wang, Henry, M.D.1 Ophthalmology Ahmed, Ednan, M.D.1 Anders, Malvin D., M.D.1 Barak, Mark H., M.D.1 Bowns, Gerald T., M.D. Briones Jr., Jose C., M.D. Chang, Lung H., M.D. Chang, Tom S., M.D.1 Chuck, Dennis A., M.D.1 Culotta, Anthony J., M.D. Davidson, Joseph K., M.D.1 Dresner, Steven C., M.D. Duran, Michelle A., O.D. Elkins, Brad S., M.D.1 Eng, Calvin T., M.D.1 Estwick, Brian K., M.D. Hong, Jeffrey C., M.D. Joseph, Boban A., M.D.1 Kapoor, Shalini, M.D.1 Kenyon Jr, Keith E., M.D. Kondra, Lawrence J., M.D. Kurwa, Badrudin R., M.D.1 Lin, Kristie L., M.D. Liu, Alex C., M.D. Board Certified 449 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Neurology Chequer, Rosemary S., M.D. Deere, Jr., Harley R., M.D. Lisk, Jerome P., M.D.1 Lorber, Peter, M.D.1 Tan, Michael P., D.O. Wich, Perry P., M.D.1 Wogensen, Kenneth K., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Ophthalmology Martidis, Adam, M.D. Mora, Martha L., M.D. Murphree, Alan L., M.D.1 Ong, Olivia C., M.D.1 Pesheva, Maria, M.D.1 Peters, Joseph C., M.D.1 Recasens, Marta A., M.D.1 Sampson, Reginald, M.D. Samuel, Michael A., M.D.1 Shammas, Hanna F., M.D.1 Shibata, Carl S., M.D.1 Smith, Dwight H., M.D. Smith, Ronald J., M.D.1 Solish, Alfred M., M.D.1 Steinschriber, Steven, M.D.1 Tawansy, Khaled A., M.D. Yamanaka, Jeanine N., M.D.1 Yao, Shounan, L.A.1 Zeegen, Peter D., M.D.1 Optometrist Armstrong, Barbara J., O.D. Chan, Christie, O.D. Cheng, Mary M., O.D. Gutierrez, Carmen R., O.D. Le, Minh C., O.D. Lee, Dora K., O.D. Lien, Brenda, O.D. Martinez, Daniel T., O.D. McDiarmid, John J., O.D. Pedris, Nelun, O.D. Seidel, Paul E., O.D. Tsay, Elizabeth M., O.D. Wong, Tom K., O.D. Orthopedic Surgery Bryan, Thomas O., M.D.1 Chang, Jonathan L., M.D.1 Darakjian, Hrair E., M.D.1 Ding, Jean, M.D. Ghatan, Robert B., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 450 / Health Net Provider Network Orthopedic Surgery Hack, Bradford H., M.D.1 Karayan, Sooren, M.D.1 Karzel Jr, Ronald P., M.D.1 Lugo, Carlos, M.D. Osborne, Arthur H., M.D.1 Osborne, Vic A., M.D.1 Ram, Anant, M.D.1 Reddy, Ranga C., M.D.1 Riffenburgh, Stephen K., M.D.1 Samimi, Soheil, M.D.1 Sew-Hoy, Andrew L., M.D.1 Shafer, James S., M.D.1 Tsai, Eugene, M.D.1 Wilker, Moshe, M.D. Wong, Kee P., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Finerman, Matthew L., M.D.1 Galich, Richard, M.D.1 Machida, Brian K., M.D.1 Mesrobian, Raffi-Jean O., M.D.1 Pleet, Lawrence, M.D.1 Silberstein, Sol, M.D.1 Yeh, James S., M.D. Pain Management Bustos, Jerrold C., M.D.1 Lynch, Marc E., D.O. Maddox, Jan P., M.D.1 Shawa, David S., M.D.1 Shwachman, Ben, M.D.1 Pathology Hardy, Mein, M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Ahdoot, Joseph, M.D. Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 Loitz, Robert D., M.D.1 Tessler, Irving, M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Kahlon, Surjit K., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Pediatric Ophthalmology Fierson, Walter M., M.D.1 Pediatrics Anidi, Ifeoma E., M.D.1 Beesley Jr, Ellis N., M.D.1 Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 Garg, Santosh K., M.D.1 Garg, Vinod K., M.D. Hamdan, Saleh H., M.D.1 Koh, Sandy S., M.D.1 Lin, Hsin L., M.D.1 Lu, Joseph T., M.D.1 Mistry, Pankaj N., M.D. Montes, Alejandro Z., M.D. Nguyen, David T., D.O. Quan, Tiffany L., M.D.1 Rambhatla, Savitri K., M.D. Shah, Praful H., M.D.1 Thoophom, Paweena, M.D. Vayuvegula, Bharathi S., M.D. Wang, May L., M.D. Wu, Jimmy, M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Balian, Harout R., M.D. Ferreiro, Andrea L., D.O. Hung, Lynn L., M.D. Joung, Keong M., M.D. Kattih, Mohamed Z., M.D. Kay, Susie S., M.D.1 Khosa, Rupdev S., M.D.1 Lee, Yong I., M.D.1 Lindberg, John W., M.D.1 Molnar, Todd J., M.D.1 Niamehr, Nouriel, D.O. Tyson, Maureen A., M.D. Plastic Surgery Wu, Dianne E., M.D.1 Podiatry Avakian, Michael A., DPM1 Bruening, Jeffrey J., DPM Chan, John, DPM 1 Podiatry Chen, Eric Y., DPM Chong, Robert K., DPM Demirjian, Hratch, DPM Foley, Victoria M., DPM1 Harkless, Lawrence B., DPM Kim, S. Don, DPM Lim, Welman T., DPM1 Morgan, Jack, DPM1 Oghoorian, Edwin, DPM Ornekian, Nubar A., DPM Rosenblum, Herschel H., DPM1 Setty, Kiran N., DPM Spak, William J., DPM1 Ting, Grace, DPM Ung, Alvin W., DPM Vega, Michael R., DPM1 Walker, William B., DPM Weinstein, Phyllis A., DPM Wrotslavsky, Philip, DPM Psychiatry Al-Asadi, Ghada O., M.D.1 Ali, Sajid, M.D. Chiong, Desmond B., M.D. El-Gabalawy, Mohamed H., M.D.1 Garg, Bimlesh, M.D. Huang, Kuang J., M.D. Ikramullah, Sultana, M.D. Pawley, Aura-Marie P., M.D.1 Schmid, Lisa P., M.D.1 Shih, Ching H., M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Adelson, Leonard J., M.D.1 Anderson, Charles A., M.D.1 Browne, Peter M., M.D.1 Che, Hung, M.D.1 El Gamal, Hesham H., M.D.1 El-Bershawi, Ahmed S., M.D.1 Ho, Franklin A., M.D.1 Katagihara, Elton S., M.D.1 Makabali, Carlos G., M.D.1 Patel, Dilip S., M.D.1 Board Certified 451 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Pulmonary Disease Peleg, Nechemia B., M.D.1 Rambhatla, Kamalakar S., M.D.1 Ratto, David R., M.D. Rothbart, Robert K., M.D. Sandouk, Adel G., M.D.1 Saraf, Pratap, M.D.1 Sinha, Rakesh, M.D. Walsh, Patrick J., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Chaiken, Lisa M., M.D.1 Chuang, Jui-Yang J., M.D.1 Doggett, Stephen W., M.D.1 Ellerbroek, Nancy A., M.D. Grace, Ana M., M.D.1 Peng, Yuchi P., M.D.1 Rose, Christopher M., M.D.1 Zisblatt, Uri, M.D.1 Radiology Applegate, Gregory R., M.D.1 Applegate, Laura J., M.D.1 Becker, Terry S., M.D. Chao, Richard P., M.D.1 Echenique, Ana M., M.D. Girguis, Mark S., M.D.1 Hewins, Brian H., M.D. Jasper, Irwin L., M.D.1 Lis, Leon E., M.D.1 Loh, Margaret S., M.D. Moorhead, Francis J., M.D.1 Palos, Miguel M., M.D.1 Rose, Judith G., M.D.1 Tandoc, Jose S., M.D.1 Tirandaz, Mehran, M.D. Turner, A. Franklin, M.D.1 Turner, Robert M., M.D.1 Varaprasathan, Gita A., M.D. Wagner, Elliott J., M.D. Wilson, Brian C., M.D. Wong, Wilson S., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 452 / Health Net Provider Network Radiology Wu, Wei-Jiung, M.D.1 Yang, Chieh-Jen C., M.D.1 Reproductive Endocrinology Dinsay, Roselyn M., M.D. Rheumatology Greene, Rudy R., M.D.1 Hollcraft, Richard M., M.D.1 Metyas, Samy K., M.D.1 Srinivasan, Ramachandran, M.D. Sleep Medicine El-Bershawi, Ahmed S., M.D. Sandouk, Adel G., M.D.1 Social Worker Porter, Dawn S., LSW Thoracic Surgery Gheissari, Ali, M.D.1 Gottner, Robert J., M.D.1 Gunupati, Venkata C., M.D.1 McKenna, Jr., Robert J., M.D.1 Nithyananda, Muni, M.D.1 Schaerf, Raymond H., M.D.1 Spiwak, Jose, M.D. Stein, Alexander G., M.D. Suda, Richard W., M.D.1 Urology Agatstein, Ernest H., M.D.1 Bogaard, Thomas P., M.D. Devendra, Ganeshalingam, M.D. Dikranian, Armen H., M.D. Dikranian, Hagop A., M.D.1 Ingram, James K., M.D.1 Mendez, Rafael G., M.D.1 Mendez, Robert, M.D.1 Newman, Lawrence H., M.D.1 Prentice Jr, Theodore C., M.D.1 Reddy, Muni N., M.D. Sender, Mark B., M.D.1 Sheth, Deepak V., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group PPG 1678 Urology Wu, Li-Chih, M.D. Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Vascular Surgery Andros, George, M.D.1 Oblath, Robert W., M.D.1 Wagmeister, Robert, M.D.1 1 Board Certified 453 / Health Net Provider Network PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seaside Health Plan PPG 5304 Seaside Health Plan PPG 5304 2840 Long Beach Blvd Suite 120 Long Beach, CA 90806-7506 (855) 367-7747 Hospitals Used: Pacific Hospital of Long Beach Universal Care Medical Group - Bellflower (PPG 5092) 17660 Lakewood Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-6410 (562) 424-6200 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Universal Care Medical Group - Long Beach (PPG 5091) 2360 Pacific Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806-3051 (562) 424-6200 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Universal Care Medical Group - Torrance (PPG 5095) 1600 East Hills Street Signal Hill, CA 90755-3612 (562) 424-6200 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Bellflower Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Adams Jr, John D., D.O. Internal Medicine 5304 019932 17660 Lakewood Blvd. Fl. 2 (562) 977-6700 1 Board Certified 454 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Do, Lily H., D.O. Family Practice 5304 161946 17660 Lakewood Blvd. (562) 461-1179 Nguyen, Ryan Q., D.O. Family Practice1 5304 078742 17660 Lakewood Blvd. (800) 377-7012 Vietnamese Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5304 161599 5750 Downey Ave. # 201 (562) 633-1616 Arabic, Spanish Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Adams Jr, John D., D.O. Internal Medicine 5304 019932 2777 Pacific Ave. # E (562) 426-6571 Do, Lily H., D.O. Family Practice 5304 161946 2360 Pacific Ave. (562) 981-6856 Keichline, Joseph W., M.D. Family Practice1 5304 008692 2360 Pacific Ave. (562) 981-6856 Spanish Nguyen, Ryan Q., D.O. Family Practice1 5304 078742 2360 Pacific Ave. (800) 377-7012 Vietnamese Paigne, Kittya, M.D. Internal Medicine 5304 060557 1360 E. Anaheim St. # 101 (562) 591-0105 Cambodian, Khmer (Cambodian) Rouzroch, Siamak, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5304 092286 1703 Termino Ave. # 107 (562) 494-8008 Farsi, German, Hebrew, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seaside Health Plan PPG 5304 Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Bansal, Maneesh A., M.D. General Practice 5095 165528 5540 N. Figueroa St. (323) 478-1101 Hindi, Spanish Allergy/Immunology Kim, Kenneth T., M.D. Singer, Allan D., M.D.1 Anesthesiology Anne, Rao R., M.D. El-Khoury, George F., M.D.1 Gilbertson, Russell M., M.D.1 Mikhael, Medhat F., M.D. Solomon, Jeffrey M., M.D.1 Weiss, Monica K., M.D.1 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Appel, Marvin, M.D.1 Ellestad, Myrvin H., M.D.1 Hermer, Alan J., M.D.1 Kapoor, Amarjeet S., M.D. Keesara, Vinaya V., M.D. Lai, Sen B., M.D.1 Lemire, Guy G., M.D. McConnell, Douglas H., M.D. Messenger, John C., M.D.1 Nguyen, Minh N., M.D.1 Sahota, Harvinder, M.D. Schwartz, Joseph A., M.D. Shuman, Robert L., M.D.1 Srinatha, Konanur V., M.D.1 Tobias, Serge M., M.D. Winters, Rex J., M.D.1 Cardiovascular Surgery Lemire, Guy G., M.D. McConnell, Douglas H., M.D. 1 Colon & Rectal Surgery Maginot, Andre E., M.D. Witzling, Sandy, M.D. Critical Care Medicine Agvanyan, Edgar, M.D. Ali, Nayyer Z., M.D.1 Huthsteiner II, George, M.D. Mason, Gregory R., M.D. Dermatology Desilva, Keerthi R., M.D. Fakheri, Azita, M.D. Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D.1 Dermatopathology Rosenberg, Frederic R., M.D. Emergency Medicine Stone, Amy F., M.D.1 Whitcraft, Daniel D., M.D.1 Endocrinology Berkson, Richard A., M.D.1 Jou, Bill L., M.D.1 Perley, Michael J., M.D.1 Gastroenterology Cox, Conrad A., M.D.1 Desigan, Gnana, M.D.1 Drake, David A., M.D.1 Falakassa, Bahman B., M.D. Grant, Kenneth E., M.D. Hoffer, Monroe M., M.D.1 Nguyen, Steve, D.O. Severance, Stephen R., M.D.1 General Surgery Edrich, Leslie H., M.D. Keichline, Joseph W., M.D. Klein, Stanley R., M.D. Narayanan, Krishnaswamy, M.D.1 Stabile, Bruce E., M.D.1 Hematology Niihara, Yutaka, M.D.1 Tchekmedyian, Nerses S., M.D. Board Certified 455 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Schwartz, Joseph A., M.D. Internal Medicine 5304 529003 911 E. San Antonio Dr. # 8 (562) 984-6130 Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seaside Health Plan PPG 5304 Hematology/Oncology Deo, Eknath A., M.D. Eipe, Joseph, M.D. Infectious Disease Lauermann, Michael W., M.D. Internal Medicine Ali, Nayyer Z., M.D.1 Appel, Marvin, M.D. Berkson, Richard A., M.D.1 Deo, Eknath A., M.D. Eipe, Joseph, M.D. Ishak, Salam G., M.D.1 Jou, Bill L., M.D.1 Keesara, Vinaya V., M.D. Kim, Kenneth T., M.D.1 Maginot, Andre E., M.D. Mehta, Arvind J., M.D.1 Nguyen, Steve, D.O. Perley, Michael J., M.D.1 Schwartz, Joseph A., M.D. Semerjian, Avedik, M.D. Srinatha, Konanur V., M.D.1 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Nageotte, Michael P., M.D. Nephrology Adler, Sharon G., M.D.1 Ishak, Salam G., M.D.1 Mehta, Arvind J., M.D. Semerjian, Avedik, M.D.1 Zoller, Karen A., M.D.1 Neurology Di Julio, Thomas P., M.D.1 Gluckman, Richard S., M.D.1 Hijazin, Munther A., M.D.1 Lake, Jean L., M.D.1 Lekht, Zinovy N., M.D. Lubens, Perry R., M.D.1 McIntyre, Hugh B., M.D.1 Shey, Randolph B., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 456 / Health Net Provider Network Neurosurgery McBride, Duncan Q., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Aronson, Jody B., M.D.1 Asrat, Tamerou, M.D.1 Beall, Marie H., M.D.1 Bhatia, Narender N., M.D.1 Cardin Jr, John P., M.D.1 Chan, Kenneth K., M.D.1 Chen, Albert C., M.D.1 Cogan, Michael L., M.D. Kua, Jose S., M.D.1 Monroe, Benjamin F., M.D.1 Oro, Teresita B., M.D. Ross, Michael G., M.D. Ophthalmology Clay, Emma L., M.D.1 Edelstein, Arthur J., M.D. Hartman, Carl T., M.D.1 Hartman, Ronald H., M.D.1 Hoft, Richard H., M.D.1 Isenberg, Sherwin J., M.D.1 Jotterand, Veronique H., M.D.1 Knopf, Merrill M., M.D. Pasquali, Larry A., M.D.1 Quan, Thanh-Lan T., M.D.1 Sasaki, Irene F., M.D. Shammas, Hanna F., M.D.1 Vukcevich, Walter M., M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Anel, Manuel S., M.D. Chang, Emory C., M.D.1 Graham, Stephen P., M.D.1 Hoffer, Monroe M., M.D.1 Hwang, Steve T., M.D. Jazayeri, M J., M.D.1 Kim, William C., M.D.1 Krishnareddy, Divakar R., M.D. Sobeck, Gregg R., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seaside Health Plan PPG 5304 Pain Management El-Khoury, George F., M.D.1 Mikhael, Medhat F., M.D. Pathology Jayatilaka, George M., M.D. Pediatric Endocrinology Brakin, Mario I., M.D. Pediatric Gastroenterology Grant, Kenneth E., M.D.1 Katz, Mitchell H., M.D.1 Tran, Robert H., M.D.1 Psychiatry Gulasekaram, Balasubramaniam M., M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Ali, Nayyer Z., M.D. Huthsteiner II, George, M.D. Nussbaum, Eliezer, M.D.1 Tanios, Maged A., M.D.1 Radiation Oncology Bell, David, M.D.1 Dave, Sulabha A., M.D. Goebel, Robert H., M.D.1 Klem, Harold M., M.D.1 Radiology Foldvary, Peter F., M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Dyes, Mary K., M.D. Lake, Jean L., M.D.1 Rheumatology Stickelmaier, Ivette, M.D.1 Stone, Amy F., M.D.1 Pediatric Pulmonary Maggi, Juan Carlos R., M.D.1 Sleep Medicine Tanios, Maged A., M.D. Pediatric Surgery Ndiforchu, Fombe, M.D.1 Therapeutic Radiology Bell, David, M.D.1 Pediatrics Desai, Ramesh P., M.D.1 Goodman, Mark H., M.D.1 Khan, Asma M., M.D.1 Torre, Salvacion Y., M.D.1 Tran, Robert H., M.D.1 Thoracic Surgery Bethencourt, Daniel M., M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Adams, Hugh R., M.D. Batkin, Fred H., M.D.1 Feldman, Eric D., M.D.1 Urology Perley, Jonathan E., M.D.1 Perley, Jules M., M.D.1 Rajfer, Jacob, M.D.1 Wachs, Barton H., M.D.1 Vascular Surgery De Virgilio, Christian M., M.D.1 Maginot, Andre E., M.D. Plastic Surgery Daniels, Marcel F., M.D.1 Podiatry Kleis, Jeffrey C., DPM1 Levine, Bruce D., DPM Psychiatry Deluca, Michael J., M.D. 1 Board Certified 457 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Otolaryngology (Ent) Hamood, Hassney A., M.D. Nixon, Vaughn B., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seoul Medical Group, IPA PPG 5285 Seoul Medical Group, IPA PPG 5285 5000 Airport Plaza Drive Suite 150 Long Beach, CA 90815-1275 (562) 766-2000 Hospitals Used: Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Diamond Bar Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Paek, Jason S., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 520326 20627 Golden Springs Dr. # 201E (909) 839-0455 Korean Gardena Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Suk, Larry T., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 071682 15435 S. Western Ave. # 201 (310) 515-9871 Cambodian, Hmong, Korean, Laotian Glendale Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Lee, Ho J., M.D. Family Practice1 5285 169897 946 N. Brand Blvd. (818) 662-7000 Armenian, Korean, Spanish Los Angeles Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # An, Lauri I., M.D. Family Practice1 5285 500330 3130 W. Olympic Blvd. # 22 (323) 735-7887 Korean An, Seung R., M.D. Family Practice 5285 096719 3130 W. Olympic Blvd. # 220 (323) 735-7887 Korean 1 Board Certified 458 / Health Net Provider Network Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Baik, Sang H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 066664 3663 W. Sixth St. # 106 (213) 388-1111 Korean, Spanish Byun, Sung N., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 076515 2120 W. Eighth St. # 102 (213) 382-2700 Korean, Portuguese, Spanish Cha, Min Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 039226 520 S. Virgil Ave. # 103 (213) 480-7770 Korean Han, Kyung M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 006750 2681 W. Olympic Blvd. # 221 (213) 387-7800 Korean, Spanish Huh, Brian N., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 098815 520 S. Virgil Ave. # 300 (213) 736-0080 Korean, Spanish, Tagalog In, George C., M.D. Family Practice 5285 045314 500 S. Virgil Ave. # 501 (323) 735-7700 Japanese, Korean Jeong, Hee Soo, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 164420 2675 W. Olympic Blvd. # 202 (213) 387-1541 Korean, Mandarin Jung, James M., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 047112 3511 W. Olympic Blvd. # 101 (323) 766-1057 Korean Kang, Shin W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 155644 2727 W. Olympic Blvd. # 206 (213) 380-7077 Korean PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seoul Medical Group, IPA PPG 5285 1 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Sohn, Hyang Eun, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 154941 266 S. Harvard Blvd. # 300 (213) 739-8822 Korean, Spanish Yoon, Eun J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 091167 2017 W. Olympic Blvd. (213) 480-1000 Korean, Spanish Norwalk Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kang, Soo W., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 086226 11832 Rosecrans Ave. # 127 (562) 868-6256 Korean, Spanish Rowland Heights Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Byeon, Sangjun, M.D. Family Practice1 5285 148113 18391 Colima Rd. # 201 (626) 912-2911 Korean Oh, Hee Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 024071 1722 Desire Ave. # 206 (626) 962-2421 Korean, Spanish West Covina Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Oh, Hee Y., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 024071 1433 W. Merced Ave. # 207 (626) 962-2421 Korean, Spanish Acupuncture Lee, Min H., LAC Allergy/Immunology Ashida, Ellyn R., M.D. Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Choi, Myunghae, M.D.1 Kim, Andrew J., M.D.1 Lee, Don W., M.D.1 Park, Steve S., M.D. Board Certified 459 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Kim, Kenneth K., M.D. Family Practice 5285 045310 520 S. Virgil Ave. # 106 (213) 234-5575 Korean, Spanish Kim, Seung H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 189680 3663 W. Sixth St. # 206 (213) 385-5500 Kong, Victor H., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 048915 3727 W. Sixth St. # 200 (213) 637-1070 Korean, Spanish Kwon, Pyoung-Il, M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 045385 4220 W. Third St. # 201 (213) 487-4141 Korean Lee, Ho J., M.D. Family Practice1 5285 169897 3727 W. Sixth St. # 200 (213) 637-1070 Armenian, Korean, Spanish Lee, Kyu B., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 034831 201 S. Alvarado St. # 814 (213) 413-4976 Korean Lee, Sonwoo, M.D. Internal Medicine1 5285 127129 4465 Wilshire Blvd. # 303 (323) 938-0006 Korean Lee, Young-Jik, M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 101686 3663 W. Sixth St. # 103 (213) 383-9388 Korean Lim, Bun R., M.D. Internal Medicine 5285 510115 3030 W. Olympic Blvd. # 206 (213) 739-8610 Korean Lim, Myoza T., M.D. General Practice 5285 063811 3030 W. Olympic Blvd. # 206 (213) 739-8610 Korean, Spanish PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seoul Medical Group, IPA PPG 5285 Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Vazquez, Jesus, M.D.1 Dermatology Cho, Song S., M.D.1 Ho, Christopher T., M.D.1 Lin, Michael T., M.D.1 Endocrinology Ficinski, Mariola L., M.D. Valencia, Simon R., M.D. Gastroenterology Bae, Ho S., M.D. Choi, Paul M., M.D.1 Lee, Hyo-Rang A., M.D.1 Lim, Bun R., M.D. Oh, Pilsoo, M.D. General Surgery Ahn, Yeong K., M.D.1 Gee, Esmond, M.D.1 Kang, Helen H., M.D.1 Geriatrics Cowan, Linda S., M.D.1 Hand Surgery Coleman Jr, James F., M.D. Hematology/Oncology Ahn, Sang-Hoon, M.D. Hahn, Clan K., M.D. Ho, Jason S., M.D. Seneviratne, Lasika C., M.D. Infectious Disease Nussbaum, Joseph M., M.D.1 Nephrology Farboody, Gholam H., M.D.1 Ho, Steven S., M.D. Kang, Deno D., M.D.1 Minasian, Raffi R., M.D. Patrikyan, Artashes, M.D. Sakhrani, Lakhi M., M.D. 1 Board Certified 460 / Health Net Provider Network Neurology Ahn, Phillip C., M.D. Chang, Daniel W., M.D. Neurosurgery Ro, Kyoo S., M.D.1 Nuclear Medicine Chien, David, M.D.1 Kim, Do H., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Chen, Edward J., M.D.1 Han, Samantha H., M.D.1 Kim, David S., M.D.1 Lee, Sangjoon J., M.D.1 Park, Peter H., M.D.1 Park, Sang H., M.D.1 Song, Charlene Y., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Boyer, David S., M.D.1 Chai, Samantha J., M.D.1 Cho, Andrew S., M.D.1 Chu, Thomas G., M.D.1 Dayani, Pouya N., M.D.1 Gallemore, Ron P., M.D.1 Han, Gene S., M.D.1 Hopkins, Janet J., M.D.1 Khwarg, Steven G., M.D.1 Kim, Hans H., M.D.1 Kim, Stanley S., M.D.1 Kim, Yong J., M.D.1 Kim, Yun J., M.D. Lee, Edward W., M.D.1 Lee, Joseph Y., M.D.1 Liao, David S., M.D.1 Novack, Roger L., M.D.1 Rahhal, Firas M., M.D.1 Roe, Richard H., M.D.1 Taban, Mehran, M.D.1 Tabandeh, Homayoun, M.D.1 Walsh, Alexander C., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Seoul Medical Group, IPA PPG 5285 Optometrist Bai, Steven I., O.D. Podiatry Rhee, Edward S., DPM Orthopedic Surgery Duncan, Jan W., M.D.1 Mynatt, Harry M., M.D.1 Schmalzried, Thomas P., M.D.1 Shin, Tae M., M.D. Song, Benjamin S., M.D.1 Psychology Sohn, Richard, PSY.D Pain Management Cho, Sheldon K., M.D. Rhee, Jason, M.D.1 Pediatric Cardiology Burke, Lennis P., M.D.1 De Oliveira, Elizabeth R., M.D.1 Tessler, Irving, M.D.1 Young, Guillermo A., M.D.1 Pediatric Neurology Iskander, Raafat S., M.D. Kim, James J., M.D. Pediatrics Kim, Janet S., M.D. Radiation Oncology Kim, Han J., M.D.1 Ree, Peter C., M.D.1 Rha, Janice J., M.D.1 Thropay, John P., M.D.1 Rheumatology Lee, Sonwoo, M.D.1 Sleep Medicine Furman, Yury, M.D. Thoracic Surgery Yokoyama, Taro, M.D.1 Urology Lee, Samuel K., M.D.1 Yoon, Luke W., M.D. Vascular Surgery Cohen, William B., M.D.1 Physical Medicine Rehab Lee, Peter C., M.D.1 Rhee, Jason, M.D.1 Physical Therapy Bien, Richard S., P.T. Choi, Eddie, P.T. Choi, Se Y., P.T. Kim, Seonweon, P.T. You, Mi Y., P.T. Plastic Surgery Ha, Dong H., D.O. Podiatry Goss, Jeffrey D., DPM Kim, Edward H., DPM1 Park, Peter S., DPM1 1 Board Certified 461 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Otolaryngology (Ent) Nam, Howard K., M.D.1 Silberstein, Sol, M.D.1 Pulmonary Disease Park, Louis S., M.D. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Talbert Medical Group - Fountain Valley PPG 1802 Talbert Medical Group - Fountain Valley PPG 1802 9930 Talbert Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 964-6229 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group Plaza Urgent Care (562) 429-2473 Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Anaheim (714) 995-1000 Hospitals Used: Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center Talbert Medical Group - Anaheim (PPG 1803) 1236 North Magnolia Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801-2607 (714) 995-1000 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Plaza (562) 429-2473 Anaheim (714) 995-1000-(Urgent Care Hours: 5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.) Hospitals Used: AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP Talbert Medical Group - Compton (PPG 1804) 818 West Alondra Blvd. Compton, CA 90220-3500 (310) 537-1337 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group, Plaza (562) 429-2473 Anaheim (714) 995-1000 Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center 462 / Health Net Provider Network Talbert Medical Group - Downey (PPG 1805) 8311 East Florence Avenue Downey, CA 90240-3928 (562) 923-4911 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group, Plaza (562) 429-2473 Anaheim (714) 995-1000 Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Hospitals Used: Lakewood Regional Medical Center Talbert Medical Group - Huntington Beach (PPG 1806) 19066 Magnolia Street Huntington Beach, CA 92646-2232 (714) 968-0068 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group, Anaheim (714)995-1000 Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Plaza (562) 429-2473 Hospitals Used: Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center Talbert Medical Group - Lakewood (PPG 5106) 3650 South Street, Suite 303 Lakewood, CA 90712-1515 (562) 633-9734 Urgent Care Hours: Plaza Urgent Care (562) 429-2473 Mon - Fri 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sat - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sun - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Hospitals Used: Lakewood Regional Medical Center PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Talbert Medical Group - Long Beach (PPG 1807) 500 Alamitos Avenue Long Beach, CA 90802-1614 (562) 432-5661 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group, Plaza (562) 429-2473 Anaheim (714) 995-1000 Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Talbert Medical Group - Tustin (PPG 1951) 13152 Newport Avenue Tustin, CA 92780-3416 (714) 442-4864 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group, Anaheim (714) 995-1000 Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Plaza (562) 429-2473 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center St. Mary Medical Center Hospitals Used: Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center Western Medical Center - Santa Ana Talbert Medical Group - Plaza (PPG 1808) 2925 North Palo Verde Avenue Long Beach, CA 90815-1552 (562) 429-2473 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group Plaza Urgent Care (562) 429-2473 Anaheim (714) 995-1000 Fountain Valley (714) 968-0068 Hospitals Used: Long Beach Memorial Medical Center St. Mary Medical Center Compton Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # La Motte, Angela J., M.D. Internal Medicine 1804 051220 818 W. Alondra Blvd. (310) 537-1337 Spanish Parsaeian, Ali M., M.D. Family Practice1 1804 193338 818 W. Alondra Blvd. (310) 537-1337 Farsi Talbert Medical Group - Santa Ana (PPG 1809) 1002 North Fairview Street Santa Ana, CA 92703-1811 (714) 835-8501 Urgent Care: Talbert Medical Group, Anaheim (714) 995-1000 Fountain Valley (714) 964-6229 Plaza (562) 429-2473 Hospitals Used: Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center Downey Primary Care Physicians Chode, Prasad K., M.D. 8311 Florence Ave. (562) 923-4911 Gallardo, Paul J., M.D. 8311 Florence Ave. (562) 923-4911 Spanish Guevara, Daisy J., M.D. 8311 Florence Ave. (562) 923-4911 Tagalog Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1805 551172 Internal Medicine 1805 057151 Internal Medicine1 1805 051137 Lakewood Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Guevara, Daisy J., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5106 051137 3650 South St. # 303 (562) 633-9734 Tagalog 1 Board Certified 463 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Talbert Medical Group - Fountain Valley PPG 1802 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Talbert Medical Group - Fountain Valley PPG 1802 Primary Care Physicians Specialty PPG/Phy # Rosero, Ramiro, M.D. Family Practice1 5106 104672 3650 South St. # 303 (562) 633-9734 Spanish Wong, William G., M.D. Internal Medicine1 5106 018678 3650 South St. # 303 (562) 633-9734 Long Beach Primary Care Physicians Almeida, Blanca B., M.D. 500 Alamitos Ave. (562) 432-5661 Spanish Davis, Curtis L., M.D. 2925 N. Palo Verde Ave. (562) 429-2473 Lee, Gilbert K., M.D. 2925 Palo Verde Ave. (562) 429-2473 Spanish Luster, Rhonda R., M.D. 2925 Palo Verde Ave. (562) 429-2473 Spanish Millin, Franklin G., M.D. 2925 Palo Verde Ave. (562) 429-2473 Morgan, Kathleen L., D.O. 500 Alamitos Ave. (562) 432-5661 Nilakantan, Shanti, M.D. 2925 Palo Verde Ave. (562) 429-2473 Hindi, Spanish, Tamil Specialty PPG/Phy # Internal Medicine1 1807 130615 Internal Medicine1 1808 086381 Family Practice1 1808 191741 Internal Medicine 1808 050704 Internal Medicine1 1808 551180 Family Practice1 1807 138634 Internal Medicine1 1808 051136 Allergy/Immunology Chan, Wan-Yin, M.D. Davidovich, Raffaele A., M.D. Field, Sarah S., M.D.1 1 Board Certified 464 / Health Net Provider Network Cardiology/Cardiovascular Dis Chana, Amarpal S., M.D.1 Deits, Richard M., M.D.1 Grover, Maleah, M.D.1 Miller, Mark P., M.D.1 Montanez, Alicia, M.D.1 Tran, James V., M.D.1 Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Wong, Jennifer L., M.D.1 Dermatology Alpern, Kenneth S., M.D.1 Baron, Jonathan A., M.D.1 Causier, David A., M.D.1 Muirhead, Trevor T., M.D.1 Nguyen, Tien Q., M.D.1 Endocrinology Nilakantan, Shanti, M.D.1 Family Practice El-Zayat, Said L., M.D.1 Fletcher, Betty C., M.D. Nguyen, Ken, D.O.1 Gastroenterology Austin, Fernando H., M.D. Blam, Michael E., M.D.1 Firoozi, Babak, M.D.1 Han, Nancy J., M.D. Phung, Phiet T., M.D.1 General Practice Faitlowicz, Ana R., M.D. General Surgery Amr, Dena, M.D.1 Anderson, Andrea D., M.D. Fouladi, Ali, M.D. Pan, Kwei-Min P., M.D. Hospice & Palliative Medicine Lu, Christian C., M.D. Internal Medicine Bashandy, Hany G., M.D.1 PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS AND SPECIALISTS LISTING Talbert Medical Group - Fountain Valley PPG 1802 Interventional Cardiology Vlachonassios, Konstantinos D., M.D.1 Nephrology Kabbany, Victor J., M.D. Venkat, Vasuki N., M.D.1 Neurology Donnelly, Joseph H., M.D.1 Dumars, Karen L., M.D.1 Oh, Haeryong, M.D.1 Park, James J., D.O.1 Pathak, Mayank S., M.D.1 Perrine, George A., M.D.1 Taraman, Sharief K., M.D. Thompson, Michael L., M.D.1 Thong, Nguyen N., M.D.1 Truong, Daniel D., M.D.1 Obstetrics/Gynecology Erickson, Amelia A., M.D.1 Lee, Jenny S., M.D. Ruiz, Gerald T., M.D.1 Runic, Radmila, M.D.1 Torday, Stephen I., M.D.1 Wyckoff, Stephanie M., M.D.1 Oncology Sanati, Homayoon, M.D.1 Orthopedic Surgery Chi, Ying, M.D. Elias, Ramy N., M.D.1 Farjoodi, Payam, M.D. Mashoof, Afshin A., M.D.1 Wassef, Ezzat W., M.D.1 Otolaryngology (Ent) Goland, Jay H., M.D.1 Mahood, Cyril Frederick P., M.D.1 Pediatrics Austin, Trina K., M.D.1 Bartlett, Joel C., M.D.1 Chan, Wan-Yin, M.D.1 Debold, Lori A., M.D.1 Karp, Denis P., M.D.1 Salcedo, Magdalena M., M.D.1 Yeung, Albert S., M.D.1 Podiatry Mayer, Frederick A., DPM1 Nalli, Lyle A., DPM1 Penera, Keith E., DPM Ryu, Meyoung, DPM Pulmonary Disease Adams, Allen D., M.D.1 Babu, Jooby, M.D.1 Chan, Khaled, M.D.1 Hakim, Asaad, M.D.1 Lu, Jin-Jou, M.D.1 Riker, Jeffrey B., M.D.1 Urology Deorio, Joseph J., M.D.1 Highshaw, Ralph A., M.D. Nowzari, Farshad B., M.D.1 Ophthalmology Krad, Omar, M.D. Salehi-Had, Hani, M.D.1 Optometrist Kang, Elizabeth K., O.D. Urrea, Erica M., O.D. 1 Board Certified 465 / Health Net Provider Network Participating Physician Groups and Specialists Listing Internal Medicine Jeyakumar, Vasanthakumari, M.D.1 Khan-Hudson, Alia, M.D.1 Lee, Se-Young, M.D.1 Lu, Christian C., M.D.1 Nyenke, Chinyere A., M.D.1 Sohel, Muhammad J., M.D.1 Vinn, Vanessa S., D.O. INDEX OF PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS BY CITY Page Alhambra Allied Physicians of California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Alhambra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Anaheim Talbert Medical Group - Anaheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Arcadia HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Arcadia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 San Gabriel Valley Regal Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 Bellflower Universal Care Medical Group - Bellflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Buena Park AppleCare Medical Group - Downey Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Applecare Medical Group - Select Region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 AppleCare Medical Group - St. Francis Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Applecare Medical Group - Whittier Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Canoga Park HealthCare Partners Medical Group - West Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Canyon Country Facey Medical Foundation - Canyon Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Chino PrimeCare Medical Group of Chino Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Compton Talbert Medical Group - Compton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Covina Greater Covina - Regal Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Magan - Covina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Downey Talbert Medical Group - Downey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 El Monte HealthCare Partners Medical Group / El Monte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Fountain Valley Talbert Medical Group - Fountain Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Glendale HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Glendale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Glendora HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Glendora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Huntington Beach Talbert Medical Group - Huntington Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Huntington Park HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Huntington Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Irvine Monarch Healthcare - Saddleback Memorial Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 Monarch Orange County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 Lakewood Talbert Medical Group - Lakewood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 467 Index of Participating Physician Groups Physician Groups INDEX OF PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS BY CITY Physician Groups Page Lancaster High Desert Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Sierra Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Long Beach Healthcare Partners Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Healthcare Partners Medical Group - Long Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 PremierCare Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Seaside Health Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Seoul Medical Group, IPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 Talbert Medical Group - Long Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Talbert Medical Group - Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Universal Care Medical Group - Long Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Los Angeles Altamed Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Altamed Health Services - Orange County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Altamed Health Services IPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / East Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Los Angeles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Hispanic Physicians IPA - Kern County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Hispanic Physicians IPA / Kern - Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Hispanic Physicians IPA/Medico Hispano IPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Mission Hills Facey Medical Foundation - Mission Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Mission Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Monrovia HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Monrovia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Montebello HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Montebello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Monterey Park Angeles IPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Monterey Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Northridge Facey Medical Foundation - Northridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Facey Medical Foundation - Porter Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Heritage Provider Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Lakeside Medical Group - Burbank / North Hollywood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Lakeside Medical Group - Central Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Lakeside Medical Group - Glendale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Lakeside Medical Group - North Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Lakeside Medical Group - Santa Clarita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Lakeside Medical Group - Verdugo Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Regal Medical Group - Glendale Physicians Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Regal Medical Group of Orange County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Regal Medical Group of South Los Angeles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Regal Medical Group of the San Fernando Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 468 INDEX OF PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS BY CITY Page Orange Affiliated Doctors of Orange County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Oxnard Pioneer Provider Network, A Medical Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Palmdale Heritage Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Pasadena Arroyo Seco Medical Group, A Division of Healthcare Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Glen Oaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Pasadena Main. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Rancho Cucamonga PrimeCare Medical Group of Inland Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Redondo Beach HealthCare Partners - South Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 San Bernardino Regal Medical Group of Riverside County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Regal Medical Group of San Bernardino County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 San Gabriel Facey Medical Foundation - San Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Santa Ana Daehan Prospect Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Maverick Medical Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Nuestra Familia Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Prospect Genesis Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Prospect Health Source Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Prospect Latino Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Prospect Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Prospect Medical Group Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Prospect NWOC Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Talbert Medical Group - Santa Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Santa Clarita Facey Medical Foundation - Copperhill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Signal Hill Universal Care Medical Group - Torrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Temple City HealthCare Partners Medical Group / Temple City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Torrance Healthcare Partners IPA - Arcadia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Healthcare Partners IPA - East Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 HealthCare Partners IPA - East West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 HealthCare Partners IPA - Glendale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Healthcare Partners IPA - Little Company of Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Healthcare Partners IPA - Long Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 HealthCare Partners IPA - Los Angeles County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 HealthCare Partners IPA - Northridge Medical Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Health Net Provider Network / 469 Index of Participating Physician Groups Physician Groups INDEX OF PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN GROUPS BY CITY Physician Groups Page Healthcare Partners IPA - Pasadena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 HealthCare Partners IPA - San Fernando Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Healthcare Partners IPA - South Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 HealthCare Partners IPA - Talbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 HealthCare Partners IPA - Westside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 HealthCare Partners IPA-San Gabriel Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Beverly / Div HCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Citrus / Div HCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Glendale/Verdugo/Div HCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - Pasadena/Arcadia/Div HCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Phys Assoc Greater San Gabriel Valley - San Gabriel / Div HCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Tustin Talbert Medical Group - Tustin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Valencia Facey Medical Foundation - Valencia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Facey Medical Foundation - Valencia II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Healthcare Partners - Valencia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Van Nuys HealthCare Partners Medical Group - Van Nuys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 West Covina West Covina Medical Clinic Lakeside Comm Healthcare Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Woodland Hills Health Care LA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 470 INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Page A Aazami, Hessam, M.D. . . . . . . . . 174, 263, 335, 415, 418 Abaian, Avisa, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277, 357 Abaid, Lisa N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Abbasi, Abdul S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Abbassi, Alex, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Abbes, Edgar A., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 106, 117 Abboy, Ramadas, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 212, 231, 380, 409 Abdallah, Maher A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Abdeen, Omaran A., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124, 147, 430 Abdel-Malek, Shahira S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . 80, 105, 375 Abdelmalik, Robin P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Abdelmelek, Sam W., M.D. . 56, 82, 110, 194, 377, 454 Abdelmessih, Niveen K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Abdelsayed, Adel N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Abdian, Loghman, M.D. . . 57, 156, 285, 340, 380, 440 Abdian, Pedram S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 380 Abdishoo, Lisa, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Abdollahi, Karim, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Abdou, Zahid Jean, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 212 Abdulian, Misak H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Abdullah, Edward E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Abdullah, Mazin I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318, 353, 435 Abedi Asl, Esrafil, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Abedi-Asl, Shahla A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Abend, Robert P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Aboudi, Saman, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 Abousaif, Alaa, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Abovian, Vigen V., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209, 340 Abraham, Gizel A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254, 432 Abraham, Reginald G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 51, 354 Abrahamian, Azniv A., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Abrams, Howard F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Abrams, Robert A., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150, 254 Abravesh, Soodabeh, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Abrishami, Babak B., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Abrishami, Payam, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Absi, Michel A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228, 449 Abukurah, Abdul-Razzak, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251, 430 Abusleme, Veronica, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Aceves, Jose A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99, 288, 397 Ackerson II, Truman T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Acosta, Luis J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Adams Jr, John D., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 84, 196, 454 Adams, Allen D., M.D. 106, 255, 325, 346, 348, 353, 409, Physicians/Specialists Page 465 Adams, Hugh R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 457 Adams, Samuel P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Adelson, Leonard J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . 255, 422, 446, 451 Adhami, Feridoon, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Adhami, Jonathan, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Adler, Louis, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Adler, Sharon G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Adoumie, Riad, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170, 232 Adrean, Sean D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 350 Advani, Sharmeela R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252, 429 Afari, Arash, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Affeldt, John C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Afifi, Alaa Y., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 345, 354 Aflatoon, Kamran, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 326, 351 Afonicheva, Ludmila W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166, 189 Afrasiabi, Kambiz, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Agababian, Gor, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336, 372 Agahi, Massoud H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Agajanian, Richy, M.D. . 47, 48, 66, 104, 105, 225, 307, 313, 401, 405, 447, 449 Agarwal, Chandrahas, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Agarwal, Chhaya, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Agarwal, Shilpi, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Agarwal, Vandana, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307, 317, 447 Agatstein, Ernest H., M.D. . . . . 106, 201, 232, 314, 452 Agena, Ryan H., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Aghai, Mehrdad, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 405 Aghayan, Chris, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Agnihotri, Neeraj, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Agra, Samuel V., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Agrawal, Manju J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Agrawal, Sushila J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167, 189 Aguilar, Alejandro F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269, 349 Aguilar, David G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Aguilar, Elsa M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280, 358 Aguilar, Felix, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 135 Aguilar, Richard B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . 75, 80, 108, 110, 284 Aguilar, Trinidad, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Aguilera, Gemelia H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Aguilera, Manuel C., M.D. 161, 164, 184, 187, 207, 212, 370, 380 Aguiluz Jr, Amable D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 Aguiluz, Jacqueline B., D.O. . . . 54, 62, 79, 93, 338, 343 Aguinaldo, Estrella A., M.D. . . . . 73, 107, 161, 184, 402 471 Index of Primary Care Physicians and Specialists Physicians/Specialists INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Physicians/Specialists Page Aguiniga, Elsa M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 Aguirre, Brad J., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Aguolu, Jeremiah A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Agvanyan, Edgar, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236, 415, 455 Ahad, George, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 277, 357 Ahamed, Farah K., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Ahdoot, David, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Ahdoot, Jacob J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 227, 402, 403 Ahdoot, Jacob K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Ahdoot, Joseph, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 50, 289, 407, 450 Ahdoot, Morris M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Ahluwalia, Raj S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149, 432 Ahmad, Bashir, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307, 448 Ahmad, Habeeb, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Ahmadi, Behrooz, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200, 400 Ahmadi, Matt M., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Ahmadpour, Hedayatolah, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 102, 116 Ahmed, Ednan, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 Ahmed, Javeed, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Ahmed, Khaja R., M.D. . . . 167, 170, 189, 192, 226, 227 Ahmed, Majjida B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . 33, 65, 99, 266, 397 Ahmed, Parveen N., M.D. . . . . . . . . 30, 33, 96, 394, 397 Ahmed, Rabia, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Ahmed, Rasiq A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Ahmed, Zulfiqar, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 255, 309, 427, 433 Ahn, Andrew H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . 47, 267, 325, 347, 354 Ahn, Byung D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Ahn, Duke, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 357, 406 Ahn, Eliza S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180, 246 Ahn, Eugene, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Ahn, Hong G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Ahn, Phillip C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Ahn, Sang-Hoon, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 267, 460 Ahn, Yeong K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Aho, Christopher J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104, 251, 308 Ahsan, Nusrat, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Aintablian, Agop, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336, 415 Aintablian, Ighia, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Airapetian, Ara, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241, 372, 380 Aiyegbusi, Modupe A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167, 189 Ajalat, George M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223, 310 Akerman, Allan, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Akhavan, Afshin, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 380 Akhavan, Parviz, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Akopian, Gabriel, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249, 401 Akopov, Sergey E., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251, 430 472 Physicians/Specialists Page Akopyan, Oganes J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236, 372 Akram, Mumtaz, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130, 248 Akram, Tahira, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Al Sayyed Ahmad, Nader I., M.D. . . . . . . . . 56, 194, 378 Alaama, Abdul M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Alam, Rabi U., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Alam, Syed M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268, 272 Alam, Tarannum, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Alamy, Moustafa E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 67, 346 Alanizi, Ayad, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 157, 299, 442 Alapati, Ravindra, M.D. . . . . . . . 103, 104, 325, 346, 348 Alarid, Olga, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Al-Asadi, Ghada O., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447, 451 Alas-Pocasangre, Juan L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Alavi, Ali S., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106, 359 Alavynejad, Babak, DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132, 254 Al-Azawi, Haifa S., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Albert, Luis M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 Albert, Shlomi, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 201, 232, 359 Albertson, Michael J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248, 428, 429 Alborzi, Arash, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249, 429 Alcantar, Juan M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249, 250, 429 Alcouloumre, Marcia S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Al-Darsani, Hussain, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317, 364 Alday, Betzabe M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Alderete, Edward C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Alejandro, E Allen, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Alejo, Florante A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 184 Alekal, Prashanti Y., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Alexander, Carolyn J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Alexander, Charles H., M.D. 37, 49, 105, 229, 270, 289, 308 Alexander, Edward A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 284, 338 Alexander, Gerald J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326, 351, 357 Alexandre, Lucien, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Alexandrescu, Doru T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Alexanian, Lukas, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Alexanian, Ruzanna, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236, 372 Al-Fadly, Waleed S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Alfonso, Ferdinand A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Ali Jones, Rashaan, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Ali, Aliya I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 68, 271, 407 Ali, Altaf L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317, 320, 321, 363, 364 Ali, Mir B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 306, 356 Ali, Mohsen I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 251, 308, 317, 321, 365 Ali, Mohsin M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Page Ali, Nausheen B., M.D. . . . . 48, 200, 276, 325, 348, 403 Ali, Nayyer Z., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455, 456, 457 Ali, Sajid, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132, 353, 451 Ali, Suneetha S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Ali, Younis A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301, 363 Alinsod, Naphthali A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Alix, Patrick Joseph S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225, 226 Al-Jazayrly, Ghassan M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 347 Alkhouli, Hassan M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Alla, Haritha R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Alladawi, Ayman, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105, 117 Allegra, David P., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Allen, Aaron R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67, 326, 349 Allen, Ethan R., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93, 343, 393 Allen, Eugene, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Allen, Gwen M., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117, 148, 404 Allsup, Karen M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Almaguer, Juan A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 102, 111 Al-Marayati, Laila A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Almeida, Blanca B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 Almendral, Dante F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Almond, Quincy H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Alonso, Alberto, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Alonso, Lazaro V., M.D. . . . 179, 180, 245, 246, 423, 424 Alpern, Kenneth S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195, 464 Alqaisi, Munther E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Al-Sarraf, Lena, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Altamirano, Jaime A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Altavilla, Mariapia, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Altman, Steven J., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Alturjuman, Ahmad M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Alva, Alejandro, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Alvarado, Patricia M., M.D. . . 35, 48, 67, 104, 269, 288, 307, 348, 448 Alvarez, Elaine C., PSY.D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 Alvarez, Robert C., O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Alvarez-Galoosian, Florcita S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Alvarez-Mott, Steve D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 228, 308, 449 Alves, Daniel, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261, 262 Al-Wardi, Dhia A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 308 Amadeo, Alessandra M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Amerian, Roger, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, 231 Amico, Mark P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Amin, Ajaykumar N., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Amin, Ashokkumar I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 267, 346, 400 Amin, Sameer T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Physicians/Specialists Page Amini, Kamyar, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125, 149, 432 Amini, Parviz, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176, 420 Aminian, Afshin, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351, 357 Aminian, Arash, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Aminpour, Shervin, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Amirgholami, Mahin, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269, 431 Amiri, Mariam S., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Amirnovin, Ramin, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Amirshahi, Bijan, MFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Amjadi, Firooz B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Amoils, Clifford P., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Amores, Lynn V., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141, 144 Amos, Sean M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Amr, Dena, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356, 464 An, Arthur Y., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124, 308 An, Lauri I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 An, Seung R., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 Anabi, Samir I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Anae, Allen F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Anan, Boonsong N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319, 367 Ananth, Lalitha, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Anapoell, Mark F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Anders, Malvin D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252, 449 Anderson, Andrea D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 Anderson, Bradford A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Anderson, Charles A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 309, 451 Anderson, Daniel D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Anderson, David B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Anderson, Mark E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326, 349 Anderson, Maxine M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 116 Andrade, Robert A., D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Andres, Blanca G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 142, 143, 145 Andrews, Augua A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Andrews, Robin W., DPM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Andrews, Roger N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125, 232 Andros, George, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256, 453 Anel, Manuel S., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Ang, Walter W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250, 260 Angarola, Jeff J., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Angelucci, Andrea, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 224 Anguizola, Eduardo E., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Anidi, Ifeoma E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Annable, John W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Anne, Rao R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Anorico, Violeta M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Antaki, Jean-Pierre, M.D. . 147, 225, 250, 348, 416, 429 473 Index of Primary Care Physicians and Specialists Physicians/Specialists INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Physicians/Specialists Page Antebi, Alon, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Anthony, Vincent L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Antonio, Adelaida B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423, 424 Antossyan, Levon, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Anuntiyo, Jeremy, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151, 410 Anwar, Muhammad, M.D. 182, 223, 231, 255, 422, 427, 434 Anyadike, Cyril O., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 146, 224, 346, 400 Anzaldo, E. Peter, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 349, 357 Aoyama, Linda E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225, 226 Aparico, Luis, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Apelian, Garbis M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, 424 Apelian, Rami G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Appel, Marvin, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455, 456 Applegate, Gregory R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 Applegate, Laura J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434, 452 Aqeel, Rubina, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320, 364 Aquino, Jesusa T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Arakel, Artoon, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236, 416 Aranez, Jose T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Aranibar-Zerpa, Alberto, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Arano, Silverio P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Araquel, Angelita G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Arase, Randal P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Arasoghli, Sam, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Arastu, Anwar H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 81, 377 Arastu, Vaseema S., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 Arata, Michael A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Arboleda, Haydee T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234, 412 Arboleda, M. Linda, O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Arceo, Ruth N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Archer, Gary H., L.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Arcia, John M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251, 307 Ardalan, Maryam, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Ardary, William C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Ardila, Edgar A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Arenas, Jesse P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Arevalo, Elvia D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Arevalo, Pablo A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Arevalo, Rodolfo A., M.D. 28, 57, 62, 91, 212, 217, 298, 380, 391 Arevian, Sarkis T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Arfaania, Dariush, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251, 448 Arfai, Kiumars, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247, 446 Argudo, Lorindha F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Arguedas, Carlos A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 474 Physicians/Specialists Page Arias-Arenas, Magdalena M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Ariathurai, Sundera V., M.D. . . . . 39, 125, 150, 255, 310 Arigo, Richard C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Arimie, Calin S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, 428 Arimie, Raluca B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426, 430 Armada, Robert A., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318, 321 Armagan, Osep E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Armandi, Soroosh, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Armanious, Nader F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147, 349, 430 Armen, Robert C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 348 Armenta, Amalia, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Armin, Sean S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . 251, 318, 321, 365, 431 Armstrong, Barbara J., O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Arnaout, Walid S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Aronson, Jody B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Arora, Ajit S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175, 342, 419 Arora, Ramesh K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Arora, Sartaj M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146, 224, 226, 306 Arosemena, Eric J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Arredondo, Alejandro M., O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Arroyo, Manuel, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Arsi, Kimberly A., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Arslanian, Zaven, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Artavia, Luis A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Artenos, John A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 252, 431 Artinyan, Ludvik, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285, 380 Arulanantham, Karunyan D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . 248, 271 Arun, Parvataneni M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Arutyounian, Narine, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237, 336, 372 Arutyunyan, Vardui, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209, 237, 372 Ary, Beth Anne, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346, 353 Asbill, Mark C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Asch, Lester, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Asch, Morris J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170, 171 Ashburn, Norman K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Ashida, Ellyn R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170, 192, 459 Ashjian, Peter H., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Ashkenaze, David M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Ashley, Edwin M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 326, 351 Ashok, Nagasamudra S., M.D. 46, 84, 98, 111, 114, 197, 200, 267, 268, 297, 304, 363, 445 Ashrafzadeh, Tina, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Ashwin, Murigeppa, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429, 431 Askari, Asghar, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171, 411 Askarinam, Albert, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140, 259 Aslanian, Melineh, DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309, 433 INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Page Aslmand, Pedram, DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Asrat, Tamerou, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 456 Assassa-Solh, Ghada M., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 Assomull, Vinod M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124, 251 Asuncion, Catherine C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Asuncion, Merlyn M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 Asuncion, Ranilo, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Aszterbaum, Monica L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Atamdede, Fikret I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Ateia, Samia G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Atiya, Azmi W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . 123, 125, 247, 255, 426 Atluri, Rao L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126, 293, 437 Attarchi, Shahab, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250, 429 Au, Joseph Y., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197, 274, 378 Au, Shiu-Cheong, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 409 Audell, Margaret S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Aufrichtig, David A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Augustine, Wynette C., O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Augustus, Kazuto H., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Austerlitz, Michael A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147, 403 Austin, Armaity V., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Austin, Edward, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 63, 68 Austin, Fernando H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195, 464 Austin, Frederick J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Austin, Joseph P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232, 428, 435 Austin, Juliana L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352, 407 Austin, Trina K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Auth, Jonathan P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Avakian, Michael A., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231, 451 Avakian, Saro, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Avakyan, Rafael, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Avanes, Emil, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209, 250, 416 Avelino, Christopher F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Avitia, Sofia, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Awada, Ali M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 Awadalla, Joseph K., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Awariefe, Henry S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 64, 398 Ayad, Maged F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234, 412 Ayala, Joanna, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Ayala, Maria E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Aybar, Randall I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Aye, Mg S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 252, 318, 365, 405 Ayeni, Ayodeji A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Aynechi, Moris, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350, 406 Aynehchi, Shahrad, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201, 232, 314 Ayodele, Emmanuel A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . 286, 340, 380 Physicians/Specialists Page Ayoub, Elias I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 105, 117, 289, 407 Ayoub, Robby T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Ayvazian, Hermoz, DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150, 254, 408 Ayvazyan, Vladimir, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207, 369 Ayyoub, Ziyad A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289, 408 Azab, Amany S., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Azad, Habib, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Azad, Jack, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Azer, Bernard M., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 Azer, Maher A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 Azer, Nagwa L., M.D. 127, 128, 156, 295, 297, 439, 440 Azer, Wageh F., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Azinge-Obasi, Mezia O., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212, 441 Aziz, Ihab N., M.D. . . . . . . . . 125, 224, 232, 249, 256, 435 Aziz-Zadeh, Nasser, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Azmy, Kamel M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Azurin, Eleanor V., M.D. . . . . . . . 53, 55, 75, 80, 108, 110 Azurin, Narciso M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64, 98, 114 B Babaali, Hossein, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 331, 346, 353, 395 Babaran, Joselito P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Babu, Jooby, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353, 465 Bach, Thuc T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 310 Bachner, Evan J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229, 432 Bachoura, Leon Y., M.D. 50, 131, 149, 160, 173, 230, 309 Bachoura, Norma E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Backman, Martin J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 276, 326, 349 Badalian, Vahe, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Badalyan, Seda, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Badar III, Francisco L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 194, 355 Badawi, Radwan A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 130, 248 Bader, Lucas J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Badii, Cyrus A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Badr, Ahmed I., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 409 Badri, Mohsen, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Bae, Ho S., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 460 Bae, Steve S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Bae, Young C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255, 290, 353 Baer Jr, Harold J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268, 269 Baez, Alfonso M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Baez, Carlos A., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Bagai, Shelly N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Bagdasarian, Boris, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146, 148, 159 Baggot, Patrick J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269, 449 Baghai, Mercedeh, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 475 Index of Primary Care Physicians and Specialists Physicians/Specialists INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Physicians/Specialists Page Baghdassarian, Ruben, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 201 Bagheri, Bruce B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426, 429 Baginski, Leon J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Bahadini, Bahareh, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429, 431 Bahadori, Amir H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Bahari-Nejad, Pejman, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Baharvar, Jamshid, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331, 395 Bahk, Michael S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Bahl, Rana A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316, 317 Bahmani, Parvaneh, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227, 332 Bahramfarsi, Maryam, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Bahrami, Pouya, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Bai, Eung K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 93, 287, 343, 393 Bai, Steven I., O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Baig, Shahida, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Baik, Charles C., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Baik, Sang H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 Bailey, Jr., Charles C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Bailey, Jr., Thomas S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Bains, Bhupinder, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126, 293 Baird, Robert A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Baker, Gary L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 280, 327 Baker, John D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 Baker, Robert L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Balacuit, Peter C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 129, 157, 298, 356 Balfour, George W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260, 261 Bali, Ambika, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 346, 400 Balian, Harout R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Balian, Harry, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145, 345, 426 Balikian, Sevag, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Ball, Derick A., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150, 408 Ball, Eric H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Ballan, Kenneth, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248, 428, 429 Ballard, Jeffrey L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325, 354 Ballas, Leslie, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Ballon-Reyes, Neda F., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Bambrah-Dhamija, Mehtab, M.D. 52, 56, 71, 84, 197, 368 Bamshad, Babak R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Banaag, Ernesto B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212, 241, 380 Banayan, Shahab R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140, 380, 397 Banez, Edgar C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Banooni, Marjan, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Bansal, Jagan N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Bansal, Maneesh A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 340, 455 Bansal, Ramesh C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 476 Physicians/Specialists Page Bansil, Sandeep K., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . 104, 108, 116, 402 Bansuan, Rainer G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 Banta, Dante A., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Banta, Warren, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Banuelos, Lydia R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Bao, Joseph Y., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Bao, Kexin, L.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 Bao, Wei, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 155, 438 Baqai, Rehana S., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 313 Barajas, Daniel, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131, 252, 308 Barajas, Raymond A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148, 252 Barak, Mark H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 Barakat, Sawssan N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . 145, 181, 223, 427 Barasch, Sheldon, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Barba, Cesar L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Barba, Dolores, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Barba, William, M.D. . . . 40, 51, 151, 232, 254, 272, 411 Barcelona, Edgardo S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260, 262 Barcohana, Babak, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149, 432 Barcohana, David, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234, 369 Bardakjian, Vatche B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Bardenheier, Jean W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Bardowell, Richard J., M.D. . . . . . . . . 148, 228, 365, 431 Bargout, Raed, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Barke, Morton W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Barker, Bruce W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Barkhordarlan, Siamak, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Barkodar, John, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 98, 105 Barkow, Stephen H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Baron, Dicran B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Baron, Jonathan A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 Baron, Robinson V., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 131, 146, 151 Baroni, Ani, O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Barragan, Alfonso L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 447 Barrera, Raul, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Barreto, William M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Barrett, Virginia L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Barrientos, Domingo C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 75, 108 Barrio, Juan C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Barrows, Diana, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Barry, Daniel C., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Barseghian, Annie A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Barsegyan, Arsine, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237, 336 Barsoum, Noha R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Barstis, John L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Bartlett, Joel C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Page Bartley, Isaac A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248, 306 Barton, Arnold L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Barua, Soma, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 111, 212, 286, 381 Baruch, Terrence J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123, 222, 306 Bascoy, Louis T., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 111, 381 Bash, Suzanne C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Bashandy, Hany G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 Bashner, Brian C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Bashoura, Habib M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Basilios, Maged Z., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 90 Baskin, Marc R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 102, 115, 312 Bassi, Sohanjeet S., M.D. . 131, 225, 226, 250, 307, 320 Bast, Steven C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Basta, Fawzy S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Batah, Jihad, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Batchelor, Bret K., M.D. . . . . 17, 49, 270, 279, 326, 357 Batkin, Fred H., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 Batniji, Kamal A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 149 Batniji, Rami K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Batongmalaque, Jenny L., M.D. . 53, 73, 107, 161, 184 Batra, Jagmohan S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Batra, Narinder S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399, 402 Batra, Pramod K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . 14, 325, 347, 356, 401 Batres, Eric R., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72, 107 Battaglia, Charles R., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Battaglia, Steven A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Baugh, William P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Bauman, Louis, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Baumgarten, Morris, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Baumgartner, Fritz J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312, 356, 360 Bautista, Grace S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Bautista, Nathaniel S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Bautista, Raymundo S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Baxter, Rosalyn P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Baylon, Paul M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Bazel, Michael, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 72, 107, 283 Be, Viet A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Beall, Marie H., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250, 403, 456 Beart Jr, Robert W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . 145, 223, 346, 427 Beaton, Alina C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Beaton, Roberto A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Beauclair, John P., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . 160, 173, 228, 252 Beblawi, Ihab E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224, 306 Beck, Brian A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Beck, John C., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Beck, John L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326, 351 Physicians/Specialists Page Beck, Shawn M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Becker, Bruce B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148, 252, 431 Becker, Steven A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Becker, Terry S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151, 452 Beesley Jr, Ellis N., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 227, 333, 381, 451 Beeve, Gregory J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Begum, Nasima, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131, 320 Beharie, Carlos S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 131, 148, 308, 404 Behboodikhah, Mahnaz N., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Behmanesh, Behzad, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Behrashi, Azita, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 Behroozan, Benjamin, M.D. 43, 58, 329, 331, 333, 441 Bein, Marshall E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151, 410 Bejjani, Bassam K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151, 354 Belafsky, Melvin A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251, 430 Belayneh, Daniel K., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Bell, David, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 Bell, Maurice A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Bellairs, Ellen E., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Bellas, Patricia, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Beller, Mark J., M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Bellwood, Diane S., D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Beltran, Robert R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Bemanian, Shahrooz, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275, 346 Bencharit, Sittiporn, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Bendana, Raul J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 213, 381 Benedict, Matthew D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 Benjamin, Hilma R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Benjamin, Michael S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Benlevy, Mansour, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Benmoshe, Danny, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Bennett, Jonathan I., DPM . . . . . . . . 281, 327, 352, 408 Bennett, Martin, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245, 423 Bennett, Vincent J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Benoit, Richard M., M.D.. . . . . . 250, 260, 269, 332, 449 Benor, Mark B., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Benowitz, Irvin S., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Benson, Stephen A., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 Beral, Rabin, DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 150 Berdjis, Farhouch, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . 18, 50, 271, 351, 358 Beredo, Angelita S., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 66, 376, 400 Berg, Emmett A., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Berganza, Jose D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Berger, David, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 116, 312 Berger, Kevin W., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Berger, Saul R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230, 254, 433 477 Index of Primary Care Physicians and Specialists Physicians/Specialists INDEX OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS Physicians/Specialists Page Bergey, Darren L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357, 365 Bergquist, Dwight A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Berkowitz, Barry J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Berkowitz, Kathleen M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Berkson, Richard A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 455, 456 Berliner, Ross A., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 309 Berman, Barry J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252, 261 Berman, Blake W., D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326, 349 Berman, Gerald D., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Berman, Jack L., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 Berman, Joel A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 356 Bernales, George A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 55 Bernstein, Lawrence G., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Bernstein, Matthew A., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148, 149 Beron, Phillip J., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Berry, Jonathan R., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Berstein, David A., DPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Bertoldi, Roger V., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Bertucci, Gloria M., M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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