Testing and Evaluation of New Low
Testing and Evaluation of New Low
Research Investigation on the Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission Fixed Maximum Liquid Level Gauges for Use in LP-Gas Containers Final Report By Rodney L. Osborne Battelle Memorial Institute Ronald R Czischke Underwriters Laboratories Prepared for Propane Education & Research Council 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1075 Washington, DC 20036 PERC Docket 15198 Battelle Project N007298 September 2009 Battelle Notice Battelle does not engage in research for advertising, sales promotion, or endorsement of our clients' interests including raising investment capital or recommending investments decisions, or other publicity purposes, or for any use in litigation. Battelle endeavors at all times to produce work of the highest quality, consistent with our contract commitments. However, because of the research and/or experimental nature of this work the client undertakes the sole responsibility for the consequence of any use or misuse of, or inability to use, any information, apparatus, process or result obtained from Battelle, and Battelle, its employees, officers, or Directors have no legal liability for the accuracy, adequacy, or efficacy thereof. UL Research Investigation Notice It should be understood that the results of this investigation apply only to the particular samples submitted for testing. The test results indicated in this report are not intended to imply Listing, Classification, or other Recognition of any product or materials. The Classification Marking or Listing Mark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. on the product is the only method provided by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. to identify products that have been produced under its Classification or Listing and Follow-Up Service. In no event shall Underwriters Laboratories Inc. be responsible to anyone for whatever use or nonuse is made of the information contained in this Report and in no event shall Underwriters Laboratories Inc., its employees, or its agents incur any obligation or liability for damages, including, but not limited to, consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the use, or inability to use, the information contained in this Report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To address the emissions from the fixed maximum liquid level gauges* (FMLLG) used in LPGas † containers, some vendors in the propane industry have developed low emission units with orifice diameters that are reduced compared to the standard orifice gauge (nominally a 54-drill size, or 0.055 inch). While the smaller orifice does indeed reduce the amount of propane vapor or liquid passing through the unit, there are concerns that the orifices may be more susceptible to blockages from particulate contaminants or from ice crystals formed during the expansion process through the orifice. The Propane Education & Research Council issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to consider these issues. This report is the culmination of a research project that addressed the issues of that RFP as a joint effort by Battelle and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). The objective of this research project was to compare the fluid flow rate through a current standard No. 54 drill size (0.055 inch) orifice FMLLG to two new designs of smaller-orifice gauges, and to evaluate these smaller-orifice gauges with respect to the susceptibility to blocked flow due to ice crystals or obstructions. This objective was accomplished by the conduct of three separate series of tests: • Test 1 – Air Flow Capacity Tests • Test 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Freeze Susceptibility Tests • Test 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging by Particulates Tests Battelle provided overall coordination and technical support for the project while Underwriters Laboratories acquired the necessary samples, equipment, and supplies and performed the required tests and gathered the original data. Sample Selection While the bodies of gauges may differ, and the screw assembly may have different geometries, all FMLLG are essentially the same; i.e. a body with an orifice, a screw assembly, with a seat disc, and usually a dip tube. These elements are shown in Figure ES-1. This research project anticipated the testing of three samples each of the three FMLLG designs, (nine total) using one representative dip tube length. Six of the samples were identical except for the orifice size as noted below: • Three samples had a standard orifice of a No. 54 drill size (0.0550 inch) • Three samples had a reduced orifice of a No. 72 drill size (0.0250 inch) * Also referred to as spitter valve, outage gauge, or ullage gauge. † The terms “LP-Gas” and “propane” are used interchangeably in this report. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 iii Battelle Underwriters Laboratories The final three samples, identified as “self-cleaning design,” had a modified screw assembly that incorporated a fluted drill rod in the seating area as shown in Figure ES2, with a body orifice of approximately 0.047 inch (1.19 mm). The manufacturer has claimed that the fluted drill rod reduced the area of the orifice to an effective area approximately equal to that of a No. 72 drill size (0.0250 inch). The dip tube length was kept constant for this project. All nine samples had a dip tube length of 5.0 inches measured from the end of the body, and an inside diameter of 0.124 inch (3.15 mm). This length was considered representative. Test 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison – Air Flow Capacity Tests During the container filling process, an FMLLG will initially vent propane vapor until the propane liquid level reaches the end of the dip tube. Therefore, it is appropriate to measure the amount of propane vapor released for the various designs of the gauge. Rather than use propane vapor directly we chose to perform airflow capacity tests and convert the results to propane vapor for comparison purposes. This approach and the test method utilized are very similar to the methods in UL standards covering flow capacity tests for LP-Gas devices such as regulators and relief valves in vapor service. Flow capacity tests were conducted with air at three pressures representing propane vapor temperatures of 0 F, 50 F, and 100 F, which corresponded to propane container pressures of 20, 80, and 175 psig. These results were converted to propane vapor using industry accepted practices in order to obtain a base line propane vapor release rate at the various pressures. During the testing at 175-psig-inlet pressure, sample Nos. 7 and 9 became difficult to open because the seat disc was becoming dislodged from the screw assembly, as shown in Figure ES3. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 iv Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure ES-1. Representative FMLLG: the dip tube (left); close-up view of screw assembly (top, right); close-up view of seat disk in body (bottom, right). Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 v Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure ES-2. “Self-cleaning” FMLLG sample units. Figure ES-3. Seat disk shown dislodged on self-cleaning FMLLG (three units at left). The screw assemblies for the self-cleaning design samples exhibited variations in manufacturing tolerance, as shown by the six samples on the right in the photo above, which played a role in the variability of the data collected. For the air flow tests, the flow through the 72-drill size orifice gauge was 72 percent to 76 percent less than the flow through the 54-drill size orifice for the 20, 80, and 175-psig inlet Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 vi Battelle Underwriters Laboratories pressures. The self-cleaning gauge had a flow reduction of 65 to 69 percent on the flows through the 54-drill size orifice for the 20 psig and 80 psig inlet pressures. The self-cleaning design gave erratic results at the highest test pressure of 175 psig. Test 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Freeze Susceptibility Tests Once the container liquid level reaches the end of the dip tube of a FMLLG, the gauge will vent propane liquid. It is appropriate to measure this liquid release at this point. The liquid propane is flashing to vapor at the outlet of the gauge. There are concerns that because of moisture found in propane, these new smaller orifice gauges may freeze and therefore not indicate that the proper filling level is reached. For the second series of tests, gauge samples were installed in LP-Gas containers, the containers were filled with propane saturated with water, and the gauge samples were fully opened to release liquid propane for 60 seconds, during which time observations were made for freeze-ups. The containers were weighed before and after the release to measure the amount of liquid propane released. During the testing at the 100 F test temperature, sample Nos. 7 and 9 became difficult to open because the seat disc was becoming dislodged from the screw assembly. Sample 8 did not have the problem to the same degree. The difficulty in opening the screw assembly for sample Nos. 7 and 9 at the 100 F test temperature contributed to the variability of the data for that sample set. No comment about the reduction in liquid propane can be made because of the scatter of data measured. Even with the operational problems with the two samples at the 100 F test temperature, at no time, at any of the test temperatures, was freezing at the orifice observed for all nine samples tested. For the liquid propane flow tests, the flow through the 72-drill size orifice gauge was 58 percent to 60 percent less than the flow through the 54-drill size orifice for the 0 F, 50 F, and 100 F propane temperatures. The self-cleaning gauge had a flow reduction of 69 to 78 percent on the flows through the 54-drill size orifice for the 0 and 50 F tests. The self-cleaning design gave erratic results at the 100 F test condition. Test 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Test As propane may contain particulate matter, there was concern that smaller-sized orifices in FMLLGs might become clogged with debris and therefore not indicate the proper filling level at the correct time frame. For this third series of tests, samples were installed into a suitable pressure vessel piping system initially filled with clean water. Tests were conducted at inlet pressures of 20 psig and 175 psig, and the water collected into a discharge container over time in order to determine a mass flow rate. This test also provided a base line liquid flow rate measurement for each sample. The water was then replaced with a water/polystyrene latex spheres solution. The range of sizes and concentration of polystyrene latex spheres was based upon particulate and solids in propane information and data generated from the PERC-funded study on solids in propane, Final Report on Water and Solid Contaminant Control in LP Gas, Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 vii Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Docket 11353 * , and the maximum residual matter found in commercial propane in accordance with ASTM D1835 † . The test was re-conducted using the water/polystyrene latex spheres solution in order to ascertain if the smaller orifice designs were susceptible to clogging and to compare the liquid flow to the existing orifice size design (No. 54 drill size). The results of the water and water/microsphere solution test indicate that the 72-drill size orifice and the self-cleaning design gauges do reduce liquid flow rates when compared to the standard 54-drill size orifice. Operational problems persisted with the self-cleaning design but not to the same degree as with the other tests. At no time was clogging observed in either of the two small orifice designs at both test pressures. * Battelle, 2006. Final Report on Water and Solid Contaminant Control in LP Gas, Docket 11353, for the Propane Education and Research Council, Washington, D.C. † ASTM, 2005. ASTM D 1835-05 (2005), Standard Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases), American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 viii Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Table of Contents Page Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... iii Sample Selection......................................................................................................................... iii Test 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison - Flow Capacity Tests with Air ..................................... iv Test 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Susceptibility to Freezing Test....................................... vii Test 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Test.................................................................................... vii Background and Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 Objective ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Technical Plan and Approach ......................................................................................................... 2 Task 1A. Sample Selection from Commercially Available Gauges............................................ 2 Task 1B. Test Method Development ........................................................................................... 6 Test 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison - Flow Capacity Tests with Air.................................... 6 Test 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Susceptibility to Freezing.............................................. 6 Test 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Tests: ................................................................................ 7 Task 1C. Test Rig Construction................................................................................................... 7 Test 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison - Flow Capacity Tests with Air.................................... 7 Test 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Susceptibility to Freezing.............................................. 8 Test 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Tests ............................................................................... 11 Task 2. Testing of FMLLG Sample ........................................................................................... 13 Test 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison - Flow Capacity Tests with Air.................................. 13 Test Sequence ...................................................................................................................... 13 Results for Task 2, Test 1 .................................................................................................... 14 Findings at 20 psig inlet Pressure ........................................................................................ 17 Findings at 80 psig Inlet Pressure ........................................................................................ 18 Findings at 175 psig Inlet Pressure: ..................................................................................... 18 Test 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Susceptibility to Freezing Test.................................... 18 Test Sequence ...................................................................................................................... 18 Method Used to Calculate Amount of Water to Be Placed in Each Container ................... 19 Method Used to Calculate Filling Density of the Containers for This Test ........................ 19 Results for Task 2, Test 2 .................................................................................................... 20 Findings at 0 F Test Temperature ........................................................................................ 22 Findings at 50 F Test Temperature ...................................................................................... 24 Findings at 100 F Test Temperature: ................................................................................... 25 Test 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Tests ............................................................................... 26 Test Sequence ...................................................................................................................... 26 Method for Determining Concentration Level for a Water/Polystyrene Latex Microsphere Solution ................................................................................................................................ 27 Results for Task 2, Test 3 .................................................................................................... 28 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 32 References ..................................................................................................................................... 33 Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 ix Battelle Underwriters Laboratories List of Tables Page Table 1. Air Flow Test Results for FMLLG Designs at Different Upstream Pressures and Pipe Pressures. .................................................................................................................... 14 Table 2. Air Flow Test Results Converted to Propane Vapor Flow Rates. .............................. 17 Table 3. Air Flow Rates Converted to Propane Vapor Flow Rates – Flow Reductions. .......... 18 Table 4. Liquid Propane Release Test – Temperature = 0 F..................................................... 20 Table 5. Liquid Propane Release Test – Temperature = 50 F................................................... 21 Table 6. Liquid Propane Release Test – Temperature = 100 F................................................. 21 Table 7. Liquid Propane Release Flow Rates - Flow Reduction. ............................................. 26 Table 8. Results of Clogging Tests: Flow Rate Through FMLLG Using Water at Specified Pressures. .................................................................................................................... 28 Table 9. Results of Clogging Tests: Flow Rate Through FMLLG Using Water/Microspheres at Specified Pressures. .................................................................................................... 29 Table 10. Results of Clogging Tests: Comparison of Flow Rates Using Water and Flow Rates Using Water/Microsphere Solution. ........................................................................... 30 List of Figures Figure ES-1. Representative FMLLG: the dip tube (left); close-up view of screw assembly (top, right); close-up view of seat disk in body (bottom, right). ........................... v Figure ES-2. “Self-cleaning” FMLLG sample units. ................................................................ vi Figure ES-3. Seat disk shown dislodged on self-cleaning FMLLG (three units at left)............ vi Figure 1. Cross-section of FMLLG.............................................................................................. 3 Figure 2. Representative FMLLG, with dip tube ......................................................................... 3 Figure 3. Representative FMLLG: the dip tube (left); close-up view of screw assembly (top, right); close-up view of seat disk in body (bottom, right). .................................... 4 Figure 4. Self-cleaning FMLLG ................................................................................................. 5 Figure 5. Views of the Flow Capacity Test Rig........................................................................... 8 Figure 6. Special 5-lb propane container. .................................................................................... 9 Figure 7. Propane supply tank and insulated containers. ............................................................. 9 Figure 8. Propane supply tank and pump. .................................................................................... 9 Figure 9. Propane pump, special container, and scale. .............................................................. 10 Figure 10. Environmental chamber. ......................................................................................... 10 Figure 11. Reweighing tank. ................................................................................................... 11 Figure 12. Views of the PVC pipe container............................................................................ 12 Figure 13. Self-cleaning FMLLGs, with dislodged seat disk on three samples on left. .......... 15 Figure 14. Photographs of liquid propane release tests for 54-drill, 72-drill, and self-cleaning gauges. ................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 15. Photographs of liquid propane release tests for 54-drill, 72-drill, and self-cleaning gauges. ................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 16. Photographs of liquid propane release tests for 54-drill, 72-drill, and self-cleaning gauges. ................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 17. Clogging test – representative result. ...................................................................... 31 Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 x Battelle Underwriters Laboratories BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION Regulatory agencies, including state, federal, and international bodies, are continuing to address climate change by establishing comprehensive policies. The policies generally have three components: • Slowing the growth of emissions, including combustion and fugitive sources • Strengthening science, technology and institutions • Enhancing international cooperation. Propane * transfer operations have been identified as a potential source of fugitive emissions. The global warming potential (GWP) of propane is three to ten times higher than carbon dioxide. Even though the total amounts of propane emissions are substantially smaller than those for CO2 and other gases, the reduction of propane emissions is a concern of the propane industry. Propane emission reduction is part of the National Propane Gas Association’s Strategic Plan [NPGA 2007]. A study prepared for the Western Propane Gas Association [LP–Gas 2007] considered the sources of propane emissions. The study estimates that approximately 85 percent of all propane fugitive emissions result from the use of fixed maximum liquid level gauges † (FMLLG) on portable DOT cylinders ranging in capacity from 4 lb to 40 lb of propane, 20- to 43-lb propane lift truck cylinders, customer stationary ASME storage tanks, and bobtail tanks. To address the emissions from these FMLLG, some vendors in the propane industry have developed low emission units with reduced orifice diameters. While the smaller orifice does indeed reduce the amount of propane vapor or liquid passing through the unit, there are concerns that the orifices may be more susceptible to blockages from particulate contaminants or from ice crystals formed during the expansion process through the orifice. The Propane Education & Research Council issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to consider these issues. This report is the culmination of a research project that addressed the issues of that RFP, and was a joint effort by Battelle and Underwriters Laboratory (UL). OBJECTIVE The objective of this research project was to compare the fluid flow rate through the current standard No. 54 drill size (0.055 inch) orifice fixed maximum liquid level gauges (FMLLG) to two new designs of smaller-orifice gauges and to evaluate these smaller-orifice gauges, with respect to the susceptibility to blocked flow due to ice crystals or obstructions. This objective was accomplished by the conduct of three separate tests: • * † Air Flow Capacity Tests The terms “LP-Gas” and “propane” are used interchangeably in this report. Also referred to as spitter valve, outage gauge, or ullage gauge. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 1 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories • Liquid Propane Release and Freeze Susceptibility Tests • Susceptibility to Clogging by Particulates Tests TECHNICAL PLAN AND APPROACH Battelle provided overall coordination and technical support for the project while Underwriters Laboratories acquired the necessary samples, equipment, and supplies and performed the required tests and gathered the original data. In order to achieve the objectives of this project, the following tasks were identified: Task 1A. Sample selection from commercially available gauges Task 1B. Test method development Task 1C. Test rig construction Task 2. Testing of FMLLG (for fluid flow rates and susceptibility to blockages) Test Series 1: Vapor Emission Comparison – Air Flow Capacity Tests Test Series 2: Liquid Propane Release and Freeze Susceptibility Tests Test Series 3: Susceptibility to Clogging Tests These tasks are described in further detail below. Task 1A. Sample Selection from Commercially Available Gauges Several views of a typical fixed maximum liquid level gauge are shown below in Figures 1 through 3. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 2 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure 1. Cross-section of FMLLG Figure 2. Representative FMLLG, with dip tube Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 3 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure 3. Representative FMLLG: the dip tube (left); close-up view of screw assembly (top, right); close-up view of seat disk in body (bottom, right). Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 4 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories The bodies of gauges may differ, and the screw assembly may have different geometries, but all FMLLGs are essentially the same; i.e., a body with an orifice, a screw assembly, with a seat disc, and usually a dip tube. The gauge can be installed into a container as a separate device, or as part of a shutoff, or multiple purpose valve, or manifold assembly. In most cases they contain a dip tube, but if the valve body is installed at the proper filling level, the dip tube is not needed. As mandated by NFPA 58, 2008 Edition [NFPA 2008], paragraph, the orifice of the gauge shall not exceed a No. 54 drill size (0.0550 inch). Most FMLLGs in service have this orifice diameter. Dip tube lengths vary by the type and size of the container to which the gauge is installed. As noted in Table of NFPA 58-2008, dip tube lengths can vary from 2.2 inches to 7.0 inches for portable cylinders. Large containers, such as a DOT 420 lb size container, would require a dip tube with a length of about 11 inches. This research project anticipated the testing of three samples each of the three FMLLG designs, a total of nine samples, using one representative dip tube length. Six of the samples were identical except for the orifice size as noted below: Three samples had a standard orifice of a No. 54 drill size (0.0550 inch). Three samples had a reduced orifice of a No. 72 drill size (0.0250 inch). The final three samples, identified as “self-cleaning design,” had a modified screw assembly that incorporated a fluted drill rod in the seating area as shown below, with a body orifice of approximately 0.047 inch (1.19 mm). The manufacturer claimed that the fluted drill rod reduced the area of the orifice to an effective area approximately equal to that of a No. 72 drill size (0.0250 inch). Figure 4. Self-cleaning FMLLG Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 5 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories The dip tube length was kept constant for this project. All nine samples had a dip tube length of 5.0 inches measured from the end of the body, and an inside diameter of 0.124 inch (3.15 mm). This length was considered representative. Task 1B. Test Method Development Test Series 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison - Air Flow Capacity Tests During a container filling process, an FMLLG will initially vent propane vapor until the propane liquid level reaches the end of the dip tube. Therefore, it is appropriate to measure the amount of propane vapor released for the various designs of gauges. Rather than use propane vapor directly we chose to perform airflow capacity tests and convert the results to propane vapor for comparison purposes. This approach and the test method utilized are very similar to the methods in UL standards covering flow capacity tests for LP-Gas devices such as regulators and relief valves in vapor service. Flow capacity tests were conducted with air at three pressures representing propane vapor temperatures of 0 F, 50 F, and 100 F, which corresponded to propane container pressures of 20, 80, and 175 psig). These results were converted to propane vapor using industry accepted practices in order to obtain a base line propane vapor release rate at the various pressures. The conversion from one gas to another is accomplished by multiplying the flow of one gas by the square root of the ratio of their specific gravities. Each test sample was placed in a suitable pressure-containing segment with pressure measurement capability, and connected to an air supply system incorporating a regulator, control valve, and flowmeter. The pressure to the sample was held constant while the flow rate through the sample was measured. A total of 27 tests were planned and carried out; (3 pressures times 9 samples = 27 total tests). Test Series 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Freeze Susceptibility Tests Also during a container filling process, FMLLG will vent propane liquid when the propane liquid level reaches the end of the dip tube. It is appropriate to measure this liquid release at this point. The liquid propane is flashing to vapor at the outlet of the gauge. There are concerns that because of moisture found in propane, that these new smaller orifice gauges might freeze up and therefore not indicate that the proper filling level is reached. For the second series of tests, appropriate sized LP-Gas containers were obtained, with two openings (one for a shutoff valve for which to fill, and a second opening into which was installed each test sample. Water and a pure grade of propane (purity level = 99%) were used. Enough de-ionized water was put into each container to saturate the propane with water, which represented a worst case scenario. Each container was then filled with pure grade propane to ensure that only propane and water were present in the container. The fill level of each container was such to ensure only liquid propane was released from the FMLLG sample. Each filled container assembly was initially weighed. This test was also conducted with the samples and containers conditioned at three temperatures, of 0 F, 50 F, and 100 F; for a time frame long enough to ensure the propane and container assembly were at these test temperatures. Then the FMLLG sample was fully opened to release liquid propane into the air for no longer than 60 seconds, during which time, the outlet was visually observed for freezing. If freezing occurred before 60 seconds, the time until freeze up was noted. At the conclusion of the release, the sample was closed and the container was re-weighed. Care was taken to ensure that any frost Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 6 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories that accumulates on the outside of the container was removed before re-weighing occurred. The change of weight per unit time provided the amount of liquid propane released. A total of 27 tests were planned and carried out (3 samples times 3 designs times 1 dip-tube times 3 temperatures = 27 tests). Test Series 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Tests As propane may contain particulate matter, there was concern that smaller-sized orifices in FMLLGs might become clogged with debris and therefore not indicate the proper filling level at the correct time. For this third series of tests, each sample was installed into a suitable pressure vessel piping system initially filled with clean water. The piping system was connected to a pressure supply system incorporating a regulator, and control valve. Water was allowed to flow through each sample FMLLG at 20 psig and 175 psig, and collected into a discharge container over time in order to determine a mass flow rate. This test series was only conducted at the minimum and maximum pressures from the other test series because if clogging were to occur, it would be worse case at one of these pressures. Each test was conducted for two minutes to minimize the human error of opening and closing the gauge screw assembly. This portion provided a bases line liquid flow rate measurement for each sample. The test was stopped and the water was replaced with a water/polystyrene latex spheres solution. The range of sizes and concentration of polystyrene latex spheres was based upon particulate and solids in propane information and data generated from the PERC-funded study on solids in propane, Final Report on Water and Solid Contaminant Control in LP Gas, Docket 11353 and the maximum residual matter found in commercial propane in accordance with ASTM D1835. The test was re-conducted using the water/polystyrene latex spheres solution in order to ascertain if the smaller orifice designs were susceptible to clogging and to compare the liquid flow to the existing orifice size design (No. 54 drill size). A total of 36 tests were planned and carried out, (3 samples times 3 designs times 2 pressures times 2 solutions = 36 tests). Task 1C. Test Rig Construction Test Series 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison - Air Flow Capacity Tests For this test sequence a piping arrangement was constructed that included a 4-inch NPT pipe assembly to represent a container, with a pressure tap in the sidewall of the pipe for which to measure flow test pressure, a piping manifold system that included an air supply system of adequate capacity, a regulator, control valves, upstream pressure measuring devices, and three flow meters, as shown in Figure 5. Each sample was individually installed into the end of the 4inch pipe assembly. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 7 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure 5. Views of the Flow Capacity Test Rig. Test Series 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Freeze Susceptibility Tests For this test phase special 5-lb containers, containers of propane, a hand pump, large insulated containers, water, and a sufficient quantity of antifreeze solution to use at the 0 F test temperature were used (Figures 6 to 9). We utilized UL’s large walk-in conditioning chamber (Figure 10) and two weight scales, with the final weight scale having an accuracy of 0.2g (Figure 11). Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 8 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure 7. Propane supply tank, 5-lb cylinders and insulated liquid bath coolers. Figure 6. Special 5-lb propane container. Figure 8. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 9 Propane supply tank and pump. Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure 9. Propane pump, special container, and scale. Figure 10. Environmental chamber. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 10 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Figure 11. Reweighing tank. Test 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Tests For the final test sequence a piping arrangement was constructed that included a 2-inch NPT PVC pipe assembly to represent a container (Figure 12), with a pressure tap in the sidewall of the pipe for which to measure flow test pressure, a shutoff valve a flexible hose connector and a large pressurized reservoir that contained the water and water/micros sphere solution. The reservoir was pressurized using a regulator and compressed nitrogen supply. Each sample was individually installed into the end of the 4-inch pipe assembly. Microspheres were purchased in Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 11 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories three sizes, 11, 85, and 222 micrometers. The microspheres were added to the water by calibrated pipettes. Figure 12. Views of the PVC pipe container. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 12 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Task 2. Testing of FMLLG Samples Test Series 1 – Vapor Emission Comparison – Air Flow Capacity Tests Test Sequence An airflow piping system was assembled to include air supply regulator, flow-meter manifold and a 4-inch pipe assembly that includes a coupling for a pressure indicator and a bushing in which each sample was installed. The 4-inch pipe assembly provided an internal volume similar to a small LP-Gas container, which was considered adequate for comparing gaseous flow through the different samples. The flow meter manifold included three branch lines; each one having a shutoff valve, upstream air flow temperature indicator, upstream pressure indicator and mass flow meter followed by a second shutoff valve so that each branch line could be isolated. The three flow meters provided a reading in volumetric units corrected to standard conditions with the following ranges: Flow meter No. 1 0-10 SLPM Flow meter No. 2 0-50 SLPM Flow meter No. 3 0-180 SLPM. A plug was installed into the end of the 4-inch pipe assembly and the entire piping arrangement was pressurized with air to the highest test pressure in static condition as measured at the 4-inch pipe sidewall tap. During this step, care was taken to not exceed each flow meter maximum flow rate. A leak test was performed at all fitting joints. Afterwards the pressure was slowly released and care was taken to not exceed each flow meter maximum flow rate. One gauge sample was installed at a time into the end of 4-inch pipe assembly With the sample in a closed position, air pressure was slowly applied to the system using the system regulator and using the leg in the manifold with the largest flow rate meter (0-180 SLPM) until the 4-inch pipe assembly with sample was at the first test pressure in static condition as measured at the 4-inch pipe sidewall tap. During this step, care was taken to not exceed flow meter maximum flow rate. Upstream air temperature was measured to ensure that test conditions were within the flow meter’s specifications and calibration tolerances. Each sample had its thumbscrew opened two complete turns, which was considered full open position. Air supply regulator was adjusted as necessary to bring the air pressure at the 4-inch pipe assembly to the test pressure in a flowing condition. If the flow rate was within the flow rate of one of the other two flow meters, the active pressure leg shutoff valve was closed and other valve opened to allow flow in the correct range flow meter leg. The pressure and flow rate was stabilized for at least 30 seconds. Upstream pressure, upstream air temperature, flow meter number and flow rate were recorded on the data sheet. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 13 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories The upstream shutoff valve was then closed and the pressure was allowed to decay to atmospheric pressure. The sample was removed from the 4-inch pipe assembly and the next sample was installed in the pipe assembly. The procedure was followed for all nine samples. This procedure was then repeated for the other two test pressures. A total of 27 tests were conducted (i.e., three samples each of three designs, each at three test pressures [20 psig, 80 psig, and 175 psig] = 3 times 3 times 3 = 27 tests). Results for Task 2, Test Series 1 The data collected are shown in Table 1. Table 1. FMLLG Design Air Flow Test Results for FMLLG Designs at Different Upstream Pressures and Pipe Pressures. Sample No. Upstream Temp. (°F) Air Flow Rate (L/Min) Flow Meter No. Reading at 70 °F Corrected to 60 °F Avg. at 60 °F Std Dev Temp Corr Factor 28.0 0.1 0.9811 Test Series at Upstream Pressure 20 psig, Pipe Pressure 20 psig 54 drill size 72 drill size Self cleaning design 1 75 2 28.6 28.1 2 75 2 28.5 28.0 0.9811 3 74 2 28.5 28.0 0.9811 4* 76 1 7.9 7.8 5 76 1 7.7 7.6 0.9811 6 76 1 8.1 7.9 0.9811 7* 75 2 12.1 11.9 7.8 9.9 0.2 3.7 0.9811 0.9811 8 75 1 5.7 5.6 0.9811 9* 75 2 12.5 12.3 0.9811 Test Series at Upstream Pressure 80 psig, Pipe Pressure 80 psig 54 drill size 72 drill size Self cleaning design 1 73 3 85.8 84.2 2 72 3 85.2 83.6 0.9811 3 71 3 84.9 83.3 0.9811 4* 73 2 21.0 20.6 5 73 2 20.2 19.8 0.9811 6 73 2 21.0 20.6 0.9811 7* 72 2 22.8 22.4 8 72 2 18.9 18.5 0.9811 9* 72 2 36.3 35.6 0.9811 Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 14 83.7 20.3 25.5 0.4 0.5 9.0 0.9811 0.9811 0.9811 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories FMLLG Design Sample No. Upstream Temp. (°F) Air Flow Rate (L/Min) Flow Meter No. Reading at 70 °F Corrected to 60 °F Avg. at 60 °F Std Dev Temp Corr Factor 166.0 1.8 0.9811 Test Series at Upstream Pressure 176 psig, Pipe Pressure 175 psig 54 drill size 72 drill size Self cleaning design 1 73 3 171.0 167.8 2 71 3 169.2 166.0 0.9811 3 69 3 167.4 164.2 0.9811 4* 74 2 43.6 42.8 5 74 2 41.7 40.9 0.9811 6 73 2 43.6 42.8 0.9811 7* 73 3 133.2 130.7 8 75 2 42.2 41.4 0.9811 9* 73 3 75.6 74.2 0.9811 42.2 82.1 1.1 45.2 0.9811 0.9811 This test sequence was conducted after the liquid propane release test. During that testing at 100 F test temperature, sample Nos. 7 and 9 became difficult to open because the seat disc was becoming dislodged from the screw assembly (Figure 13). The screw assembly was replaced on these two samples for this airflow test. The asterisk denotes that the screw assembly was replaced for that sample. Figure 13. Self-cleaning FMLLGs, with dislodged seat disk on three samples on left. Screw assemblies from the left were; from sample 7, from sample 7A (screw assembly replaced again), and sample 9, respectively. The other six screw assemblies on the right show the variation in manufacturing tolerance, which played a role in the variability of the data collected for this design. During this testing, sample No. 4 screw assembly became hard to turn, so the screw assembly on that sample was replaced. The asterisk in the spreadsheet above for sample No. 4 also reflects the screw assembly replacement. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 15 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories To convert the overall average airflow rate for each set of samples to an average propane vapor flow rate, the following formula was used: Propane Vapor Flow Rate = (Airflow rate) divided by (square root of propane specific gravity) A factor of 0.81 was used in Table 2. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 16 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Table 2. Air Flow Test Results Converted to Propane Vapor Flow Rates. Air Flow Rate (L/Min) FMLLG Design Sample No. Reading at 70 °F Corrected to 60 °F Ave. at 60 °F Calc. Ave. Propane Vapor (L/Min) at 60 F 28.0 22.7 7.8 6.3 9.9 8.0 83.7 67.8 20.3 16.5 25.5 20.7 166.0 134.5 42.2 34.2 82.1 66.5 Test Series With Inlet Pressure to Sample 20 psig 54 drill size 72 drill size Self cleaning design 1 28.6 28.1 2 28.5 28.0 3 28.5 28.0 4* 7.9 7.8 5 7.7 7.6 6 8.1 7.9 7* 12.1 11.9 8 5.7 5.6 9* 12.5 12.3 Test Series With Inlet Pressure to Sample 80 psig 54 drill size 72 drill size Self cleaning design 1 85.8 84.2 2 85.2 83.6 3 84.9 83.3 4* 21.0 20.6 5 20.2 19.8 6 21.0 20.6 7* 22.8 22.4 8 18.9 18.5 9* 36.3 35.6 Test Series With Inlet Pressure to Sample 175 psig 54 drill size 72 drill size Self cleaning design 1 171.0 167.8 2 169.2 166.0 3 167.4 164.2 4* 43.6 42.8 5 41.7 40.9 6 43.6 42.8 7* 133.2 130.7 8 42.2 41.4 9* 75.6 74.2 Findings at 20 psig inlet Pressure The 72-drill size orifice gauge had an approximate reduction of 72% in the amount of vapor released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 17 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories At this low pressure the self-cleaning design gauge operated as intended and had an approximate reduction of 65% in the amount of vapor released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. Findings at 80 psig Inlet Pressure The 72-drill size orifice gauge had an approximate reduction of 76% in the amount of vapor released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. At this intermediate pressure the self-cleaning design gauge operated as intended and had an approximate reduction of 69% in the amount of vapor released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. Findings at 175 psig Inlet Pressure: The 72-drill size orifice gauge had an approximate reduction of 75% in the amount of vapor released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. Given the operation issues of the self-cleaning design at this high pressure, it is not appropriate to provide an estimate in reduction of vapor because of the large variability of the data set. These findings are summarized in Table 3. Table 3. Air Flow Rates Converted to Propane Vapor Flow Rates – Flow Reductions. Air Test FMLLG Inlet Pressure 54-Drill Flow Rate 72-Drill Flow Rate Æ Flow Reduction from 54-Drill Flow Self-Cleaning Flow Rate Æ Flow Reduction from 54-Drill Flow 20 psig 22.7 liter/min 6.3 liter/min Æ 72% 8.0 liter/min Æ 65 % 80 psig 67.8 liter/min 16.5 liter/min Æ 76% 20.7 liter/min Æ 69% 175 psig 134 liter.min 34.2 liter/min Æ 75% NA Æ NA Test Series 2 – Liquid Propane Release and Freeze Susceptibility Tests Test Sequence This test sequence was conducted first and consisted of three series of tests, with each series using the same nine special 5-lb containers and nine gauge samples (three pieces of three FMLLG designs). Therefore 27 total tests were conducted. The three series were conducted using liquid propane at temperatures of 0 F, 50 F, and 100 F. Each FMLLG sample was installed into one opening of each container. A service valve to allow for filling and emptying the container was installed in the other opening. After installing a gauge sample and service valve into each container, each empty container was labeled for sample identification and weighed to determine its tare weight. A 100-lb cylinder of CP grade propane (minimum purity level of 99 mole %) was conditioned in an environmental chamber for a minimum of 8 hours, in order to bring the liquid propane to the appropriate test temperature. In addition, two liquid baths, each in a portable insulated cooler, were also placed in the environmental chamber so that the baths were at the same test Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 18 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories temperature as the chamber. Each cooler was large enough to hold a single 5 lb propane container. The nine empty cylinders and hand pump were pre-conditioned before filling began. An amount of 2.0 ml of distilled water was placed into each 5-lb container. The amount of water added to each container was based upon the worst case saturation level of propane. The water was added to each container at room temperature immediately before the next step. Method Used to Calculate Amount of Water to Be Placed in Each Container Water solubility in liquid propane increases with temperature. At 32 F water solubility is 0.006% by weight; and at 100°F, it is 0.049% by weight. By using the largest solubility figure (0.00049) times the largest fill weight, (5.58 lbs) would equal 1.24 ml of water to be added as a worse case. 2.0 ml of water was added to each container at each temperature to ensure the propane liquid was saturated with water. Extra water would settle to the bottom of the container and not affect the test results. Using a hand pump, hoses, and suitable fittings, an amount of liquid propane, as noted under Results for each test temperature, was transferred from the 100 lb supply cylinder into each 5 lb. container. The amount of liquid propane put into each container represented approximately 85% of the total capacity of the container. This amount along with the 5.0-inch length dip tube connected to each sample gauge ensured that only liquid propane was released. After filling, each container was immediately weighed. The transfer process and initial weighing were performed outdoors at ambient temperature. Then each container, was weighed a second time on a more precise scale indoors, and then was immediately put back into the environmental chamber for sufficient time to bring the temperature of the liquid propane back to appropriate test temperature. Method Used to Calculate Filling Density of the Containers for This Test Each 5-lb container had a water capacity of 11.9 lbs. 11.9 divided by the density of water (62.4 lbs/ft3) = 0.1907 ft3 (= 5.4 Liters) total volume. 0.1907 times 85 % = 0.162 ft3 (4.6 Liters). This will be the target fill volume. Multiplying the target fill volume by the density of propane at each temperature will give the target fill weight for each test. We put in a range for each fill volume as noted to correct for “rounding” errors. Each 5-lb container was put into a liquid bath maintained at same temperature as the environmental chamber, and then taken outdoors in the cooler for the release test. By keeping the 5-lb container in the liquid bath, constant test temperature was maintained, which was unaffected by ambient air temperature. The thumbscrew on the FMLLG sample was opened approximately two complete turns, which allowed liquid propane to be released into the air for no longer than 60 seconds, during which time, the outlet was visually observed for freezing. At the instant of opening the thumbscrew, the timer was started. If freezing occurred before 60 seconds, the time until freeze up was recorded. At the conclusion of the release, which was not longer than 60 seconds, the sample was closed, and the timer stopped. The container was then taken indoors, removed from the liquid bath, dried, and then reweighed using the same scale that was used for filling. Care was taken to ensure that any frost or Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 19 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories moisture that accumulated on the outside of the container was removed before re-weighing occurred. The change of weight per unit time provided the rate of liquid propane released. After each container was re-weighed, the container was taken to a safe location and the complete liquid contents released, by opening the service valve. After the first test was conducted at a sample temperature of 0 F, the test sequence was repeated with the environmental chamber, liquid bath and samples at a test temperatures of 50 F, and then lastly at 100 F. Results for Task 2, Test Series 2 Tables 4, 5, and 6 show the results recorded for the liquid propane release test at temperatures of 0 F, 50 F, and 100 F, respectively. Table 4. Sample Liquid Propane Release Test – Temperature = 0 F. Propane in Tank, lbs Amount of Liquid, % Filled Propane Release Time, s 85.5 88.5 86.5 Liquid Release Rate, g/min Bath Temp, F Propane Released, grams Measured Average Std. Dev. 60 62 61 0 5 0 307.7 367.3 409.6 307.70 355.45 402.89 355.3 47.6 148.5 12.2 79.2 11.4 FMLLG Design: 54 Drill 1 2 3 5.63 5.83 5.70 FMLLG Design: 72 Drill 4 5.68 86.2 61 0 159.6 156.98 5 5.66 85.9 61 -1 156.7 154.13 6 5.74 87.1 64 -2 143.5 134.53 61 -2 93.9 92.36 FMLLG Design: Self-Cleaning 7 5.70 86.5 8 5.61 85.2 61 -2 72.6 71.41 9 5.60 85.0 61 -2 75.2 73.97 Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 20 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Table 5. Sample Liquid Propane Release Test – Temperature = 50 F. Propane in Tank, lbs Amount of Liquid, % Filled Propane Release Time, s 86.5 87.2 87.3 Liquid Release Rate, g/min Bath Temp, F Propane Released, grams Measured Average Std. Dev. 61 61 61 51 49 49 535.3 532.1 490.0 526.5 523.4 482.0 510.6 24.9 203.6 11.3 157.3 31.5 FMLLG Design: 54 Drill 1 2 3 5.32 5.36 5.37 FMLLG Design: 72 Drill 4 5.33 86.7 61 49 205.1 201.7 5 5.28 85.9 61 49 196.5 193.3 6 5.33 86.7 61 49 219.3 215.7 FMLLG Design: Self-Cleaning 7 5.33 86.7 61 49 196.5 193.3 8 5.39 87.7 61 49 136.8 134.6 9 5.35 87.0 61 49 146.6 144.2 Table 6. Sample Liquid Propane Release Test – Temperature = 100 F Propane in Tank, lbs Amount of Liquid, % Filled Propane Release Time, s 86.2 86.9 86.2 Liquid Release Rate, g/min Bath Temp, F Propane Released, grams Measured Average Std. Dev. 61 61 61 100 100 100 726.2 684.3 682.7 714.3 673.1 671.5 686.3 24.3 275.0 27.2 190.0 48.2 FMLLG Design: 54 Drill 1 2 3 4.86 4.90 4.86 FMLLG Design: 72 Drill 4 4.91 87.0 61 99 249.6 245.5 5 4.83 85.6 61 100 285.2 280.5 6 4.90 86.9 61 100 304.1 299.1 60 100 238.2 238.2 FMLLG Design: Self-Cleaning 7* 4.88 86.5 8 4.85 86.0 60 100 141.9 141.9 9† 4.87 86.3 60 99 189.9 189.9 * Upon turning the thumb-screw, the vent valve did not open immediately - had to open an additional two turns for a total of three turns. † Upon turning the thumb-screw, the vent valve did not open immediately - had to open an additional two turns for a total of three turns. This test sequence was conducted first. During the testing at the 100 F test temperature, sample Nos. 7 and 9 became difficult to open because the seat disc was becoming dislodged from the screw assembly. Sample 8 did not have the problem to the same degree. We were not able to investigate the problem until the test was completed and the container emptied and the samples Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 21 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories removed. Figure 13 above under the Air Flow Test Results shows the dislodging of the seat discs on the self-cleaning samples. The difficulty in opening the screw assembly for sample Nos. 7 and 9 at the 100 F test temperature contributed to the variability of the data for that sample set. No comment about the reduction in liquid propane can be made because of the scatter of data measured. Even with the operational problems with the two samples at the 100 F test temperature, at no time, at any of the test temperatures, was freezing at the orifice observed for all nine samples tested. Findings at 0 F Test Temperature The 72-drill size orifice gauge had an approximate reduction of 58% in the amount of liquid propane released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. At this low temperature the self-cleaning design gauge operated as intended and had an approximate reduction of 78% in the amount of liquid propane released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. Photos of the propane releases are shown in Figure 14. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 22 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories 54-Drill Release Test at 0 F 72-Drill Release Test at 0 F Self-Cleaning Release Test at 0 F Figure 14. Photographs of liquid propane release tests for 54-drill, 72-drill, and selfcleaning gauges. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 23 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Findings at 50 F Test Temperature The 72-drill size orifice gauge had an approximate reduction of 60% in the amount of liquid propane released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. At this intermediate test temperature, the self-cleaning design gauge had an approximate reduction of 69% in the amount of vapor released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. Photos of the propane releases are shown in Figure 15. 54-Drill Release Test at 50 F 72-Drill Release Test at 50 F Self-Cleaning Release Test at 50 F Figure 15. Photographs of liquid propane release tests for 54-drill, 72-drill, and selfcleaning gauges. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 24 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Findings at 100 F Test Temperature The 72-drill size orifice gauge had an approximate reduction of 60% in the amount of vapor released over the standard 54-drill size orifice gauge. Given the operation issues of the selfcleaning design at this high pressure, it is not appropriate to provide an estimate in reduction of vapor because of the large variability of the data set. Photos of the propane releases are shown in Figure 16. Table 7 summarizes the results. 72-Drill Release Test at 100 F 54-Drill Release Test at 100 F Self-Cleaning Release Test at 100 F Figure 16. Photographs of liquid propane release tests for 54-drill, 72-drill, and selfcleaning gauges. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 25 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Table 7. Liquid Propane Release Flow Rates - Flow Reduction. Test Temperature 54-Drill Flow Rate 72-Drill Flow Rate Æ Flow Reduction from 54-Drill Flow Self-Cleaning Flow Rate Æ Flow Reduction from 54-Ddrill Flow 0F 355g/min 148 g/min Æ 58% 79 g/min Æ 78 % 50 F 511 g/min 204 g/min Æ 60% 157 g/min Æ 69% 100 F 686 g/min 275 g/min Æ 60% NA Æ NA Test Series 3 – Susceptibility to Clogging Tests Test Sequence A suitable pressure containment piping system that included a pressurized water reservoir, (33 Lb propane lift truck cylinder), a compressed gas supply with an adjustable pressure regulator, a flexible hose connector, with a shutoff valve, a 2-inch NPT PVC piping segment with a side pressure tap, and water collection container was assembled and pressure tested. The outlet from each gauge sample was directed into the water collection container and care was taken during testing to minimize the loss of liquid being discharged from the sample at each test pressure. At the start of the test sequence, the pressurized water reservoir (PWR) was filled with approximately 40 liters of clean water. The pressure regulator was connected to the vapor outlet of the PWR. The container was refilled with liquid as necessary for these tests. Each of the nine samples was installed individually at the end of the 2-inch NPT PVC piping arrangement. With each sample initially in a closed position, gas pressure was applied to the system using the compressed gas regulator with the shutoff valve to the pipe segment in an open position until the 2-inch NPT PVC pipe assembly with sample is at the first test pressure (20 psig) in the static condition as measured at the pipe side tap. By applying gas pressure to the vapor portion of the PWR, and by slowly opening the sample thumbscrew two complete turns (full open position), water was allowed to flow through the gauge sample. The pressure was adjusted to obtain a constant pressure of 20 psig at the pressure gauge port in the side of the piping arrangement. The output from the sample was collected in a suitable container for approximately two minutes. Time was kept by using a stopwatch. The amount of liquid collected was determined by weighing the discharge container before and after the time period. The amounts measured were recorded on the datasheet. For each test sample, after the amount of water that was discharged into the container to be weighed, the shutoff valve upstream of the 2-inch piping system arrangement was closed, and the pressure was allowed to decay to 0 psig. The sample was removed and the next sample installed. This sequence was repeated until all nine samples were tested. Then the test sequence was repeated again, but with an inlet test pressure of 175 psig being used. A test sequence at an intermediate pressure of 80 psig was not conducted because we were Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 26 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories interested in susceptibility to clogging which would likely occur at only the maximum or minimum test pressure. After all nine samples were tested at 20 and 175 psig pressures, the water in the PWR was replaced with a water/polystyrene latex microspheres solution. Method for Determining Concentration Level for a Water/Polystyrene Latex Microsphere Solution Following a review of the Technical Report and Appendices of the Final Report on Water and Solid Contaminant Control in LP Gas - Docket 11353 [Osborne 2006] and using Figure 18 of that report, we identified an approximate worst case scenario. In it, particulate sizes that may be found in propane can be represented by microspheres with the following sizes: 11, 85, and 222 microns. Further, using the ASTM D 1835 propane specification, the maximum amount of residual matter on the evaporation of 100 ml of propane is 0.05 ml. Using these two data sets, the known percentage of solids contents of the microspheres, assuming a packing density of approximately 65 % and using the Derivation of Count per Milliliter for % Solids Technical Note from Duke Scientific, we determined the following amounts of micropsheres to be placed in one gallon of water. 11-micron size particles – 0.066 ml 85-micron size particles – 4.6 ml 222-micron size particles – 8.2 ml Since the controlling amount is the 222-micron size particles and having 45 ml of that size of particle available, we made 45/8.2 per gallon = 5.488 gallons (20.770 Liters) of solution. We used the following amount of microspheres to create the solution for testing. All nine samples were tested using this solution with the same equipment. 11-micron size particles – 0.362 ml 85-micron size particles – 25.243 ml 222-micron size particles – 45.0 ml Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 27 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Results for Task 2, Test 3 Table 8. Results of Clogging Tests: Flow Rate Through FMLLG Using Water at Specified Pressures. Container Weight, grams Pressure, psig Sample Tare Final Total Water Amount, grams 20 1 3205 5205 2000 2 1000 20 2 3205 5225 2020 2 1010 20 3 3205 5270 2065 2 1033 20 4 3205 3790 585 2 293 20 5 3205 3704 499 2 250 20 6 3205 3732 527 2 264 20 7 3205 4078 873 2 437 20 8 3205 3574 369 2 185 20 9 3205 3971 766 2 383 175 1 1112 6131 5019 2 2510 175 2 1112 6000 4888 2 2444 175 3 1112 6150 5038 2 2519 175 4 1112 2454 1342 2 671 175 5 1112 2383 1271 2 636 175 6 1112 2406 1294 2 647 175 7 1112 3476 2364 2 1182 175 8 1112 2646 1534 2 767 175 9 1112 3438 2326 2 1163 Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 28 Water Flow Rate, grams/min Time, min Water Flow rate, grams/min Average Std Dev 1014 16.65 269 21.93 335 132.77 2491 40.84 651 18.11 1037 234.31 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Table 9. Results of Clogging Tests: Flow Rate Through FMLLG Using Water/Microspheres at Specified Pressures. Container Weight, grams Test No. Pressure, psig Sample Tare Final Amount of Water/ Microsphere Solution, grams Water/Microsphere Solution Flow Rate, grams/min 1 20 1 1115.6 2923.2 1807.6 2 904 2 20 2 1123.8 2945.4 1821.6 2 911 3 20 3 1120 2996 1876 2 938 4 20 4 1121.5 1522 400.5 2 200 5 20 5 1118.1 1624 505.9 2 253 6 20 6 1120.7 1335 214.3 2 107 Retest 20 4 1114.4 1645.2 530.8 2 265 Retest 20 5 1116.6 1621.9 505.3 2 253 Retest 20 6 1118.3 1648.2 529.9 2 265 7 20 7 1118.6 1942.5 823.9 2 412 8 20 8 1118.7 1415.6 296.9 2 148 9 20 9 1116.4 1899.8 783.4 2 392 10 175 1 1112.2 6081.3 4969.1 2 2485 11 175 2 1117.9 6028.7 4910.8 2 2455 12 175 3 1117 6210.2 5093.2 2 2547 13 175 4 1114 2467.4 1353.4 2 677 14 175 5 1119.5 2385.5 1266 2 633 15 175 6 1119.8 2393 1273.2 2 637 16 175 7 1118.2 3304.8 2186.6 2 1093 17 175 8 1119.2 1857.1 737.9 2 369 18 175 9 1119.5 3366.3 2246.8 2 1123 Time, min Flow rate Average Std Dev 918 18.07 187 73.83 261 7.23 317 146.64 2496 46.58 649 24.26 862 427.16 Notes Test No.1-18 were conducted on January 26, 2009; retest of samples 4-6 was conducted on January 28, 2009. Temperature of solution = 73 F; Room Temperature = 75 F. Water/microsphere solution contained: 0.066 ml of 11 micron size particles, 4.6 ml of 85 micron size particles, and 8.2 ml of 222 micron size particles for each gallon of water used. Approximately 5.488 gallons (20.770 liters) of deionized water was used. After Test nos. 9 and 12, the water/microsphere solution was transferred from the collection container to the pressurized container. For the retesting the water/microsphere solution was transferred from the collection container to the pressurized container. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 29 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories Table 10. Results of Clogging Tests: Comparison of Flow Rates Using Water and Flow Rates Using Water/Microsphere Solution. Water Flow Rate, grams/min Water/Microsphere Solution Flow Rate, grams/min Pressure, psig Sample Measured Average Std Dev Measured Average Std Dev 20 1 1000 1014 16.6 904 918 18.1 20 2 1010 911 20 3 1033 938 20 4 293 187 73.8 20 5 250 253 20 6 264 107 20 4* N/A 261 7.23 20 5* N/A 253 20 6* N/A 265 20 7 437 317 146.6 20 8 185 148 20 9 383 392 175 1 2510 2496 46.6 175 2 2444 2455 175 3 2519 2547 175 4 671 649 24.3 175 5 636 633 175 6 647 637 175 7 1182 862 427.2 175 8 767 369 175 9 1163 1123 269 N/A 335 2491 651 1037 21.9 N/A 132.8 40.8 18.1 234.3 200 265 412 2485 677 1093 *Retest. From the water and water and microsphere solution test results it is clear that the 72-drill size orifice and the self-cleaning design gauges do reduce liquid flow rates to atmosphere when compared to the standard 54-drill size orifice. Operational problems still persisted with the self-cleaning design but not to the same degree as with the other tests. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 30 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories At no time did we observe clogging of either of the two small orifice designs at both test pressures. Figure 17. Clogging test – representative result. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 31 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories CONCLUSIONS Tests were performed on samples of fixed maximum liquid level gauges, intended for use on propane containers. Three types of samples were tested – gauges with standard 54-drill orifices, gauges with smaller diameter 72-drill orifices, and self-cleaning units. Three series of tests were performed on the samples: air flow tests with subsequent calculations of propane vapor flow rates; liquid propane flow rates, including susceptibility of the orifice to freeze with liquid propane saturated with water; and susceptibility of the orifices to clog using particulates in a water solution. The 72-drill samples demonstrated reduced gas flow rates by over 70 percent from the 54-drill flow rates. The self-cleaning orifices also achieved significant flow rate reductions (just under 70 percent), however the samples exhibited problems with the seats being pushed out of the housings at the highest test pressure of 175 psig. Likewise, the 72-drill samples demonstrated approximately a 60 percent reduction of the liquid propane flow rate of the 54-drill. The selfcleaning units demonstrated a greater reduction, achieving approximately 60 percent reductions. Again however, the seats were pushed out from the gauge bodies, generating wide variations in the flow rates. None of the samples demonstrated any indications of freezing in the orifices. The clogging tests also demonstrated that none of the samples were susceptible to clogging, using polystyrene beads in a water solution as surrogate for particulates in propane under the established test conditions. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 32 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories REFERENCES LP–Gas 2007. “Fugitive on the loose”, LP-Gas Magazine, June 2007 (http://www.lpgasmagazine.com/lpgas/content/contentDetail.jsp?id=435011) NFPA 2008. NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 2008 Edition, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2007. NPGA 2007. “Strategic Plan Update, February 2007”, National Propane Gas Association (www.npga.org) Water and Solid Contaminant Control in LP Gas, Docket 11353, Battelle Memorial Institute for Propane Education & Research Council, Washington, DC, 2006. Testing and Evaluation of New Low Emission FMLLG, Docket 15198 33 Battelle Underwriters Laboratories