A guide to healthy living in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula
A guide to healthy living in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula
Health l Styles B AY A guide to healthy living in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula Three things I can’t live without. Trips to the river SPF 55 waterproof sunblock Double shot cappuccinos Equal Housing Opportunity © 2009 RWC E mbrace life on your terms. Living at Rappahannock WestminsterCanterbury offers the best of the Northern Neck, and a boatload more, including great shopping, golf, volunteer opportunities and access to water. On campus, RWC hosts the Rappahannock Art League Annual Exhibition, as well as our Viewpoints series featuring stimulating, regional guest lecturers. That’s in addition to an abundance of other activities to choose from and enjoy. Campus tours are available. Call 804-438-4000 or 800-792-1444. Email us at [email protected] or visit online at www.rw-c.org. 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington, Virginia 22480 09-RWC-031.IMAGE(9.145x10.625).2-16.indd 1 2/16/09 11:05:45 AM Your whole health Bay HealthStyles is dedicated to the health of your entire family, even your finances and pets! Our articles encourage a ‘whole health’ approach to living — getting back to life’s important things: spending time with family, spiritual wellness, eating right, sleeping well, exercise and just pampering yourself. Walk this way Take a step toward a healthier you. . . . . . . . 4 In Bay HealthStyles, you will find the only comprehensive medical directory for the entire Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula (p. 17). It’s a collection of doctors and specialists you’ll find nowhere else, except at SSentinel.com and RRecord.com. Some of the area’s best businesses have helped support this publication, and you’ll find valuable information on every page, such as what is an Oxygen Bar (p. 34) or when it’s worth buying organic food (p. 14). Wii keep families fit Enjoy our newest publication — you’ll want to keep it all year long. And, please, tell us what you think! The year’s hottest video game is getting everyone in the family off the couch. . . . . 25 [email protected] and [email protected] Kids Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Reid and Susan Breathe Easier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Paid Advertisement The Northern Neck Free Health Clinic has been serving the uninsured working poor of Lancaster, Middlesex, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland Counties since 1993. Nutrition 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Health Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Health Services Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Your Pet’s Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Get the Right Massage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 We are funded solely through donations and rely on a team of dedicated volunteers to meet the healthcare needs of the community. What’s an O2 Bar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Every $1 donated generates $5 worth of actual healthcare services. is a supplement published annually by the Rappahannock Record, P.O. Box 400, Kilmarnock, Va. 22482, (804) 435-1701 and the Southside Sentinel, P.O. Box 549, Urbanna, Va. 23175, (804) 758-2328. Our mission: “We embrace health and wellness as the foundation for quality of life, and we dedicate ourselves to providing the highest level of medical care to all those who lack access to it within our community.” Our motto: “Neighbors helping neighbors.” Bay HealthStyles News Tom Hardin and Robert Mason Jr., editors; Larry S. Chowning, Tom Chillemi, Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi, Reid Pierce-Armstrong, Alex Haseltine and Audrey Thomasson Advertising Deborah Haynes and Sara Amiss, managers; K.C. Troise, Marilyn Bryant, Joanna Hatch, Maeghaen Goss and Wendy Payne To volunteer or make a donation, or for further information, contact the Northern Neck Free Health Clinic, P.O. Box 1694, Kilmarnock, VA 22482, visit our website at www.nnfhc.com or call (804) 435-0575 Production Julie H. Burwood, art director; Wayne Smith, manager; Joseph Gaskins, Susan Faulkner, K.C. Troise, Sarah Bowis and Joan Ramsay-Johnson Because a healthy community benefits all of us. Account Managers Geanie Longest and Kim Kent Special Section Managers Reid Pierce-Armstrong and Susan Faulkner General Managers Fred and Bettie Lee Gaskins February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 3 k l a W this wa y i —Mill " ie Ham pton, Middl esex by Larry S. Chowning mproving one’s quality of life can actually come from a simple walk around the block. Walking is a feel-good exercise that improves health and, for many, helps improve attitudes on life. Area walkers use the parks and sidewalks of local towns and communities for their daily walks. Some people walk on their own, while others enjoy walking in groups. Group walking has become very popular. The Middlesex YMCA sponsors a Walker’s Club in the spring and summer and the club currently has 10 members who are getting in shape to walk/ run in the March 28 Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K in Richmond. Middlesex YMCA executive director Buzz Lambert has spearheaded the program and members are training each Saturday at the YMCA in Hartfield and at Taber Park in Urbanna. During the week, walkers are responsible to work out on their own. “They can either run/walk on their own or meet at the YMCA and work out on treadmills or do whatever,” said Lambert. “If they are not members, during this 10-week process they get to utilize the Y to assure they are meeting their schedule. “What we do when we meet is start out with warmups and light stretching,” he said. “After that, they form their pods and some people go two miles and others go five miles. It’s a good group. It’s a wonderful way to stay in shape and meet some great people.” The group follows a 10-week training program that is designed exclusively for walkers who want to get in shape for a 10K walk/run. The program 4 • " I walk becau se it make s me feel better about myse lf. Walki ng is an ea sy way t o imp rove o ne’s qualit y of li fe and stay h ealthy . Bay HealthStyles Mary Davis (left) and Lisa Walker are part of the Middlesex YMCA Team In Training program that will walk in the Ukrop’s 10K on March 28 in Richmond. The YMCA is sponsoring 10 participants from Middlesex in the event. The Y also has a separate walking group that is active in the spring and summer. • February 26, 2009 el u F Up ) Make half of the breads and grains you eat whole grain. Whole grains are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals and are good for the heart. Middlesex YMCA executive director Buzz Lambert directs stretching exercises for a YMCA-sponsored walking group at Taber Park in Urbanna. also publishes literature on walking that is helpful to all walkers. “Walking is about health,” said Lambert. “The Ukrop’s 10K Training Team Program is designed first to promote good health practices. It’s a very popular program. They had an early entry fee due January 21 and 23,000 people had already signed up.” During the training process, participants can go to clinics on using proper walking shoes, nutrition, health and wellness, how to stay injury free, and what to expect on event day. Mary Davis and Lisa Walker are walking together in the 10K. In addition to walking and training for the event, Walker walks three to four times a week around Urbanna with another friend. Part of her morning walk involves walking her dog. “My dog gets real upset if she doesn’t get to go,” said Walker. “Mary and I have participated in the Ukrop’s 10K for four or five years now, and it’s a great event,” she said. “It gives us something to work toward and helps me set goals for myself. I really enjoy walking with someone. I think if you have somebody to meet, you have to go.” Davis lives near Christchurch and walks by herself most of the time. “I’m a hit-or-miss walker,” she said. “I should walk every day. I do it to get exercise and it makes me feel good, even though the couch looks mighty good,” she joked. Millie Hampton of Warner, a grandmother who walks, said what she likes about walking is that it is an exercise that everyone can do at his or her own pace. She likes walking in a group because people can break apart and walk along with those who are at their level. “I just started this training on January 17, but I have walked off and on for quite a few years,” she said. “I’ll get on a good walking spree, and then I’ll get lazy and quit.” Hampton was encouraged to walk the 10K by her doctors. “I had gone to see my doctor at the VA Hospital in Richmond and he was giving me a little bit of news I didn’t want to hear,” she said. “I asked him if it would be all right for me to participate in the 10K walk. He said it was a great idea and said if I’d sign up, he’d walk with me. “I’ve got health issues coming up and I don’t want them to get any worse,” continued Hampton. “It’s helping me lose weight. I’ve already lost 10 pounds and its helping to put me where I want to be health-wise. “I walk because it makes me feel better and it makes me feel better about myself,” she said. “Walking is an easy way to improve one’s quality of life and stay healthy.” Tom Hardin of Stormont had suffered from lower back pain for years. He went to the doctor, who took x-rays and told him he had calcium deposits on the spine. “What do I do?” Hardin asked the doctor. “Walk two miles a day and take Advil when the pain is bad,” responded the doctor. “Walking is the best thing you can do for your back.” According to AARP, numerous doctors agree that walking has a plethora of health benefits, such as increased “brain power” that helps one think more clearly, make better decisions, solve problems, and have more concentration. Ask any doctor and he will tell you walking is an important part of any weight management or weight loss plan, and will help one sleep better, wake up energized and be ready for the day. Walking can simply lead to a long, healthy, vibrant life—even as people age, says AARP. Walking reduces the risk of many diseases and helps control existing conditions. The West Point YMCA also has a 10-member team entered in the Ukrop’s 10K, and in April the Middlesex YMCA will restart its weekly walking group. “We urge anyone who wants to walk and be a part of a walking group to come and join us,” said Lambert. February 26, 2009 • ) Choose a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Try to get fruits and vegetables of different colors— dark green, purple, red, orange and yellow. ) Drink plenty of water, especially when exercising, to prevent dehydration. ) Choose low-fat dairy products. They keep your teeth and bones strong. ) Avoid saturated fats, trans-fat and high cholesterol foods by reading the nutrition facts label. ) Choose lean meats, fish, and beans instead of red meat and whole milk. ) Have a light snack, such as a banana and skim milk, before exercise to fill your body with nutrients and energy. Bay HealthStyles • 5 WalK Safe Make sure you have good shoes. Always run or walk facing traffic. Don’t run or walk with headphones. Wear a reflective vest at night. Always carry identification with you. Be alert for cars. At an intersection, look at the driver of the car. Make sure they see you or give them the right-of-way. Always stretch after running or walking. It is also good to stretch five minutes into a run or walk. Drink plenty of water. Even in cold weather you should be drinking plenty of fluids. If anything hurts, stop. Remember RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation). As an independent Health Mart pharmacist, I can help you in many ways. I recognize that everyone has Thanks to all our loyal customers for your support unique healthcare needs and concerns. That’s and business. Our staff why I take the time to get to know you, not just looks forward to continuing as a customer, but as a patient and a person. I to serve all our Northern take a proactive approach to supporting your Neck neighbors. We wish health and wellness and providing counsel in you good health and your times of need. As a clinically trained speprosperity always. White Stone Pharmacy Bay HealthStyles service and care. I am a true health resource that you and your family can trust. Susan Sanders RPH 804-435-1051 Your locally owned White Stone 416 Chesapeake Dr. White Stone, VA 22578 9 am - 6 pm M-F, Sat. 9 am-4 pm Locally owned Health Mart pharmacies honor your prescription plans, including Medicare. Visit us on the web at www.healthmart.com Call us! We always have Truckload Pricing 6 • cialist, I am committed to providing personal • February 26, 2009 Caring for you and about you Urbanna Family Practice James R. Robusto, MD, MBA, FAAFP Board Certified Serving the community for over 20 years. 5399 Old Virginia Street, Urbanna, Va. • 758-2110 Bay HealthStyles is printed annually in February. If you would like to be included next year, please call the Rappahannock Record at (804) 435-1701 or the Southside Sentinel at (804) 758-2328 and ask to speak to someone in the advertising department. 2010 Advertising deadline: February 1, 2010 Please mention this guide to our advertisers and keep a copy on hand year round for all your health needs. (804) 529-6226 “Introubledfinancialtimes, youneedabankyoucan counton.HereinEastern Virginia,thatbankisEVB. 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An independent of thethe Blue Cross Blue Shield Lancaster, VA BRKSCG (10/01) ED: 12/02 Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. An independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Registered marks Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. February 26, 2009 • www.mikecallisinsurance.com Bay HealthStyles • 7 SETTING KIDS’ HEALTH by Reid Pierce Armstrong Many people think of chiropractors as being for the aches and pains that we feel as we age, from playing sports in our teens to working hunched over computers in our adulthood. But, some say young children can benefit just as much, if not more, from regular chiropractic treatments. As the mother of 4-year-old twins, Stephanie Reeves of Kilmarnock has spent her fair share of time in the waiting room of the pediatrician's office. From colds to stomach bugs, her children have had it all. Last winter, Reeves recalls struggling for two straight months with an ear infection that just wouldn’t clear up. “As a parent, it is tough when your kids are sick. It means days off from work, not to mention the misery our kids feel when they are sick and we can’t help them,” Reeves said. This year, something has been different. Mary Logan and Andrew have started seeing Dr. Matt Shifflet of Pure n’ Simple Family Chiropractic in Kilmarnock for treatments on a regular basis, and since the new routine started, they've only been to the pediatrician once, for a case of strep throat. “My kids have not been as sick this winter as they usually are, and nothing has changed around them except the chiropractic visits,” Reeves said. “Kids are still sick all around them, but with the first sniffle, we go right up to the chiropractor’s office to rule out any spinal abnormalities so their little immune systems are at their best and, so far, it has been great.” Reeves, a massage therapist, has always appreciated the benefits of chiropractic visits. Her children had their first visit to Dr. Jeems Love of Northern Neck Chiropractic in Kilmarnock shortly after they were born. “Childbirth can be quite traumatic on an infant,” Dr. Love said. There is now evidence that complications in the birthing process may be a leading cause of colic, he added. A vertebrae can easily become misaligned as the baby is forced through the birth canal, placing pressure on the nerves that connect the brain to the digestive tract and causing pain. “We have had great success treating colic with very minor adjustments. A parent will walk in at their wits end with a crying baby. We will make a small adjustment, and sometime the results are instant,” Dr. Love said. 8 • Bay HealthStyles Even Cesaeran sections can cause childbirth injuries, said Dr. John Lemon of Family Chiropractic in Saluda. “A lot of people think when women have c-sections the magic door opens and the babies fly out. It's actually more damaging to children than they thought originally,” said Dr. Lemon. It’s not only birth trauma that's an issue. A lot of the bumps, bangs and spills that toddlers take as they are learning to walk can cause spinal sublimations that lead to a weakened immune system, said Dr. Lemon. In the past few decades, chiropractic care has grown in popularity as a result of the success that chiropractic doctors have had, not only in treating aches and pains but in improving many other chronic illnesses as well. Their successes have caught the attention of many in the medical field, from the traditional physicians who work in tandem with them to the insurance companies who are offering increasing coverage for chiropractic treatment. Even the military now enlists chiropractors to help ease the back pains of their soldiers, said Dr. Lemon. In children, chiropractic treatments have been successful in treating colitis, headaches, hyperac- • February 26, 2009 STRAIGHT tivity, bed wetting, asthma and allergies, in addition to improving posture. “Treating children is very different than treating adults,” Dr. Lemon said. “A gentle fingertip manipulation is typically all that’s needed.” The reason that chiropractic treatment works on such a variety of maladies is that even minor adjustments to the spine can relieve pressure on the body’s central nervous system, which is connected to every major organ in the body. A headache or a stomach ache may actually stem from a problem in the spine. A recent study by Dr. Ron Pero of the NYU School of Medicine concluded that people who pursued regular chiropractic treatments for any reason had immune systems that were 200 percent stronger than those who had never been to a chiropractor. For Stephanie Reeves, the difference has been remarkable: “Mary Logan and Andrew actually ask to go when something doesn’t feel right in their bodies. Even at four years old they know their bodies better than most adults I see as a massage therapist. Regular chiropractic care this winter has kept their immune systems strong. We have not had any ear infections since they have been getting adjusted regularly.” Dr. Matt Shifflet of Pure n' Simple Family Chiropractic adjusts 4-year-old Mary Logan Hill. Brass Polishing Dr. Richard A. Banker, D.C. Chiropractor of Williamsburg Polishing Brass & Brass Beds Brass, Copper, Silver & Pewter Fireplace Accessories Door Handles/Knockers Other Home Items Lamps & Lamp Repair Free Pick-up/Delivery 30 years experience New Patients Welcome • Emergency Appointments Accepted • Workers Comp., Personal, Auto and Sports Injuries • Spinal Decompression Therapy M, TU, TH, F-8 am to 5:00 pm • W-8 am to 7 pm Evenings by Appointment 804-443-5099 Serving Virginia Wayne Harris • 757- 220-3466 Cell: 757-810-1677 215 Queen St., Tappahannock (Across from Courthouse Exxon) GReatest Wealth is health. ~-ViRGil K O HERN NE RT C N the CHIROPRACTIC, P.C. ACUPUNCTURE NECK & BACK CARE SPECIALIST Dr. E. Jeems Love, DC, FIAMA Dr. Mike Vogel, DC, CCEP Massage Therapy by Jeanne Haydon & Molly Strong • Yoga by Jill Bland www.nncpc.com 351 South Main St., Kilmarnock , Virginia • (804) 435-3333 Make your weight loss goals a reality! Lose 2–5 lbs. per week Soy Based • Great Taste • Quick Results Safe & Effective • Free Personalized Support No Diet Pills • Monthly Tastings Diabetic program available Lauren Berry www.backandbodyworks.tsfl.com Kim Lemon www.adjustyourhealth.tsfl.com Harvey C. Woodruff DDS, MS Periodontics & imPlants Diplomate American Board of Periodontology Family Chiropractic - Dr. John E. Lemon Foot Orthotics • Auto Traumas Sports Injuries • Low Back Pain Weight Loss Plan Headaches • Sciatica • Neck pain Licensed by Virginia Board of Medicine 498 Gloucester Road • Saluda (804) 758-1800 • (804) 725-3823 tyndall square Professional Building 2652 George Washington Memorial Hwy. Hayes • 804-642-3558 February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 9 What would it be like to say goodbye to both cataracts and astigmatism at the same time? This year it’s time for a workout that really works. “ONE WEEK FREE” Curves works with SilverSneakers 804-435-7776 Chesapeake Commons Center Kilmarnock, VA 22482 Need Mold Clean-Up? For most cataract patients, life without reading glasses or bifocals is something they either experienced before Age 40 or they just dreamed about for most of their lives. But today, ReSTOR® lens implant is turning those dreams into reality. The ReSTOR® Lens can correct near-sighted ness, far-sighted ness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. Presbyopia refers to a diminishing ability to read fine print that typically occurs after the age of forty. Cataract surgery is used to replace a patient’s natural lens when it becomes cloudy and difficult to see through. The ReSTOR® Lens is available at Rappahannock General Hospital and Riverside Tappahannock Hospital for patients who need cataract surgery. You Pick Your Own Sale On May 22, 2005 the director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that patients covThat’s Right! Duringcould the month of May you, the customer can ered by Medicare choose presbyopia-correcting pick your own sale. You can choose from the following intraocular lenses at the time of cataract surgery. list Thisof best of the past year. opened theour door to sale the events new technology previously unavailable to millions of patients contemplating cataract removal. Two pairs of eyeglasses for $99 off ofaallBoard Designer Dr. Harold 10% H. Weiler, CertifiFrames ed Ophthalmologist was among the first eye surgeons in Virginia to 10% off all Sunglasses, including RayBan use the ReSTOR® lens in patients needing cataract ® surgery. ForTransition more information the ReSTOR 15% off all Lenses, about including the newest Lens or cataract surgery contact Dr. Weiler at 435transition lens, Driveware. 0547 or 443-6180. Old Dominion Eye Care & Optical Center 101 Technology Park Drive Kilmarnock • 435-0547 Valid on multiple pairs of eyeglasses. Both frame and lenses purchase required with this promotion. $99 promotion is for single vision and lined bifocal lens only and regularly priced frames from $49 to $69. This promotion can not be combined with any other offer, previous purchase, or insurance plans. Offer expires May 31, 2007 10 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 King’s Cleaning Services is the area’s only IICRC and IAQA Certified Mold Remediation Firm. King’s can give up to 20 year written warranties on mold clean-up and 30 year warranties on preventative treatments. MOLD IS SERIOUS! It can destroy both your home and health. We do inspections and testing. MOLD King’s Cleaning serviCes, inC. 1-800-828-4398 • CheCk us out at kingsCleaningserviCes.Com Serving you for 31 yearS Elevators Wheelchair Lifts Stairlifts 800-224-3738 804-355-7102 Richmond, VA www.ashleyelevator.com Keep your financial health T he current economic downturn is challenging the “financial health’ of almost all Americans. Below are a few things you can do to meet these challenges. • Review your specific obligations that creditors claim you owe to make certain you really owe them. • Contact your creditors to let them know you’re having difficulty making your payments, and try to work out an acceptable payment schedule. • Budget your expenses. Create a spending plan that allows you to reduce your debts. Itemize your necessary expenses (such as housing and health care) and optional expenses (such as entertainment and vacation travel). Stick to the plan. • Cut out any unnecessary spending. Clip coupons, purchase generic products at the supermarket, and avoid Welcome to GLOUCESTER HOUSE Have You Heard What Our Residents & Families Are Saying? “My Uncle Jack enjoys his residency here at the Gloucester House because everyone treats him like family.” - Juanita Hester-Kaloko impulse purchases. Above all, stop incurring new debt. • Use your savings and other assets to pay down debts. • Look for additional resources from governmental and private sources for which you may be eligible. Life changes, and so should your plan. James A. “Alfie” Butts, IV Dexter C. Rumsey, III Tax laws change—and so does your life. Relocation, marriage, divorce or changes in your net worth can undermine your estate plan. The steps you took just a few years ago to safeguard your assets and intentions may not be right for you today. Reviewing your plan regularly and providing for professional administration of your estate and trust is a good practice — and it is our practice. Enjoy the peace of mind that will come from knowing your estate plan is working the way it was meant to. Come and see us for an update. At Gloucester House, you’ll find a caring community filled with compassionate caregivers and a warm, home-like environment. Come and tour our beautiful new addition! Accommodations now available! 7657 Meredith Dr. ~ (Behind Walter Reed Hospital) 804-693-3116 Gloucester House & Commonwealth Assisted Living at Kilmarnock are proudly operated and managed by Commonwealth Assisted Living Suite now available! A Professional Corporation Icehouse Field, 56 First Street White Stone, Virginia 22578 Email: [email protected] Website: rumseyandbugg.com 804-438-5588 February 26, 2009 • 09-RUM-023-BayHealthstyles-2-20.indd 1 Bay HealthStyles • 11 2/20/09 10:06:17 AM Z Disturbed sleep may lead to dangerous health problems Z by Tom Chillemi Machines can help Z throat airway open. (CPAP stands for dward Owen’s snoring was legendary. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.) The results are striking, said May of When his stepdaughter brought her Deltaville. “I used to sleep 8-9 hours, friends to their Urbanna home to spend wake up tired, and feel like somebody the night, she would have to show them to beat me up. Now I get 6 hours of sleep prove that the sound resonating through and feel great.” walls was him snoring. Before using a CPAP machine, Owen Owen had sleep apnea, and would actuwould try to make up for his sleep deficit ally stop breathing in his sleep. His wife on weekends. He’d sleep 12 hours and still would hear him struggling to breathe. No be tired. “Now at 8 hours I jump out of matter how much he slept, he woke up bed and I’m ready to go, and I have more tired. energy.” Jerry May also had sleep apnea that Owen’s wife Barbara was amazed by went undiagnosed for about 10 years. He the instant results. “It was so quiet it was said his business suffered. Sleep deprivaeerie. The first night I went over to make tion affected his ability to concentrate and sure he was still breathing,” she said. multi-task. “It was very debilitating,” he “Sleep apnea took so much from me,” said. said Owen. “I was struggling all night May actually fell asleep at a traffic light, and was awakened by someone tap- long, working hard to breathe.” ping on his window, who told him he had Obstructed airway Sleep apnea occurs when the tisslept through two traffic light cycles. “I sues in the upper airway collapse or are was like a zombie.” obstructed by other tissues such as tonsils, Owen and May are among the lucky the uvula or the tongue, said Dr. Tom ones—their sleep apnea has been diagnosed. Today they sleep soundly with the Bond of the Riverside Neurology and Sleep Disorders Center, which has sleep use of a CPAP machine. The machine labs in Gloucester and Williamsburg. is adjusted to blow a calibrated amount It may sound like the person has quit of air into the sleeper’s nose to keep the breathing or snoring, and this ends with a gasping, choking, snorting or with a deep breath, said Dr. Bond. The person may not breathe for 10 to 30 seconds, causing blood oxygen levels to fall dangerously low. As the body is undergoing this strain, the person with sleep apnea probably will not realize what has happened. “They then fall back to sleep, and do it all over again,” said Dr. Bond. “It’s a repetitive cycle.” Due to the repetitive strain on the cardiopulmonary system, people with untreated sleep apnea are at a much greater risk of dying from stroke, heart At first glance a CPAP machine attack, high blood pressure or a car crash looks cumbersome. However, its after falling asleep at the wheel, said Dr. design is very friendly for the Bond. Apnea can cause high blood presuser. sure, and it may cause cardiac arrhythmia E 12 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Z (attacks). Apnea is often worse around 4 to 5 a.m., and this is when most deaths occur to people as they sleep, said Dr. Bond. “Every organ in your body suffers the same oxygen reduction,” said Dr. Bond. “If your blood oxygen drops several times a night, things are not going to be in tip-top shape.” Two of the best predictors of whether a person has sleep Dr. Tom Bond models some of the electrodes apnea are weight and neck circumference, said Dr. Bond. that monitor the brain during a sleep study. Males with necks that are 17 inches or larger and females with 16-inch out he had sleep apnea. necks and up are prone to have sleep Treatment apnea. However, sleep apnea also can be Treatment options include surgery to caused by the shape of the neck. “Thin remove the obstruction, a mouth piece made by a dentist that repositions the lower jaw and helps hold the airway open “I used to have a lot of or altering the sleep position. stressful dreams. There However, the CPAP machine is the most successful treatment, helping about were nights when I felt 3 out of 4 patients, said Dr. Bond. like I had slept under a He explained that the good thing about bridge and woke up every a CPAP machine is that it can be tried first time a car went across it.” to see if it works. The CPAP machine is rented for the first month and then it can —a sleep apnea patient be purchased. Most insurance companies people are not immune,” he said. cover their share of the CPAP machine Sleep study cost. Sleep problems can be diagnosed And for most, once they see how much during a sleep study, which is like spend- better they sleep, they wouldn’t be without ing a night in a motel, except about 24 of it. the patient’s body functions are monitored “I used to have a lot of stressful as he sleeps. Small lightweight sensors dreams,” said a CPAP user. “There were are placed on the body. An elastic belt nights when I felt like I had slept under a around the chest and abdomen measures bridge and woke up every time a car went breathing. A clip is placed on a finger to across it. measure the level of oxygen in the blood. “But the bad dreams have gone away None of the devices are invasive. One since I started using the CPAP machine. nervous patient who thought he would not In fact, I had a dream I was under water be able to sleep with all the attachments and I could breathe like I had a SCUBA had no problems, said Dr. Bond. It turned tank.” Four Locations to Serve You Marshall’s Drug Dr. Richard Cottrell D.D.S, P.C. & Associates Family Owned and Operated Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Serving your health needs for over 78 years. Callao 804-529-7339 367 Northumberland Hwy. Callao, VA Website: cottrellsmilesva.com King George Fredericksburg Bowling Green 10246 Kings Hwy. King George, VA 22485 540-775-7671 5100 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg, VA 22407 540-710-1088 135 S. Main St. Bowling Green, VA 22427 804-632-1007 Ann DePaolo, Au.D., CCC-A, Doctor of Audiology Visit Urbanna’s old fashioned soda fountain for a healthy breakfast or lunch. 50 Cross street urbanna • 758-5344 Trust Your Hearing To An Audiologist Your Ears Need Check-ups Too Linda Carr-Kraft, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA What is an Audiologist? u Recommend,fitandevaluateappropriatehearingaidsand u Educated with a master’s or doctoral degree other types of assistive listening devices u Licensed to practice audiology in one of the 50 states u Provide aural rehabilitation to improve communication strategies u Primary healthcare professional to evaluate/treat u Refer patients to physicians for medical or surgical people with hearing loss evaluation if needed Licensed Clinical Audiologists, Dr. Ann DePaolo and Linda Carr-Kraft, invite you to come in and get your hearing checked. If you are 50 or older, routine wellness should include a baseline hearing test. Call us today for a hearing consultation. 1-800-555-5923 Kilmarnock u Gloucester u Mathews u Montross u Tappahannock www.audiologyoffices.com February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 13 What• You• Eat by Deborah Walton Organic Food: Buy or Bypass? money. Buy these products organic: Apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberries, spinach, strawberries, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy. Buying the following items organic may have some benefit: Asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, kiwi, mangos, onions, papaya, pineapples, sweet peas, breads, oils, chips, pasta, cereal, canned food, dried fruit and dried vegetables. Don’t spend money on organic seafood and cosmetics. Research shows that pesticides and other contaminants found in our bodies can be traced to the foods we eat. Eating more organic foods can reduce our exposure to chemicals. To save money on organic products, comparison shop with area supermarkets, go to farmers’ markets, buy a share in a community-supported organic farm, or order by mail. Nutritionists agree that whether you buy organic or conventional foods, you should: • Buy local produce whenever possible. • Reduce pesticide residues and other contaminants on foods by washing and scrubbing all produce under streaming water. • Remove the peel from fruits and vegetables. • Remove the outer leaves of leafy vegetables. • Discard cut produce if it has been out of the refrigerator for four hours or more. • Trim visible fat and skin from meat and poultry, as pesticide residues can collect in fat. • Eat a variety of foods from different sources. • Prioritize. The majority of your organic food dollars should be spent on produce. Organic refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farming practices are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and reduce pollution. Farmers who grow organic produce and meat don’t use conventional methods to fertilize, control weeds and prevent livestock disease. Many factors may influence our decision to buy or not to buy organic food. Although the USDA certifies organic food, it doesn’t claim these products are safer or more nutritious. Organic foods meet the same quality and appearance as conventional foods. You may find that organic fruits and vegetables spoil faster because they are not treated with waxes and preservatives. Many people buy organic to limit their exposure to pesticides. When farmers spray pesticides, this can leave residue on produce. Some people buy organic food for environmental reasons. Another reason is taste; people say they can taste the difference between organic and conventional. Most organic foods cost more than conventional foods due to more expensive agricultural practices, higher government regulations, and lower crop Deborah Walton is the registered yields. Knowing when it pays to dietician at Rappahannock buy organic food will save you General Hospital in Kilmarnock. 14 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Charlotte’s Coffee, Sandwiches, Pastries, Desserts and more! Mon., Tues., Thurs., 7:30-4:30 Wed., Fri., Sat., 8:30-7:30 Sun. 8:30-2:00 41 South Main St. Kilmarnock, Va AwArd winning wines Wine TasTing, Winery Tours, Vineyard Tours Thursday-Saturday 11-5; Sunday 12-5 or by appointment Vault Field Vineyards 2953 Kings Mill Rd, Kinsale, Virginia 22488 (804) 472-4430 VaultField.com At the corner of Vault Field Rd (602) and Kings Mill Rd (601), Kinsale C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h Monday The National Alliance for Mental Illness-Tidewater Chapter meets at 7 p.m. the third Monday of each month at Urbanna Baptist Church. 435-7509. AA meets at noon at Palmer BSR 7387 MRMC 2-2 OB-NN:OB Hall, Kilmarnock. WeightWatchers meets at 4 and 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrews PresTuesday byterian Church in Kilmarnock. Al-ANON meets at 8 p.m. at Aerobic Kickboxing is offered Kilmarnock United Methodist every Monday at 6:15 p.m. in Church. Urbanna at Port Town Village AA meets at 7 p.m. and at 8 p.m. Apartments in the Community at Palmer Hall, Kilmarnock. Room. 815-9587. The Bereavement Support MRMC 1/29/09 11:59 AM Page 1 Group meets the first Tuesday and the third Thursday of each month in Dining-Conference Room #3 at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital in Gloucester. 693-8819. The Corrottoman Seniors meet at 10 a.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Ruritan Club near Lively. WeightWatchers meets at 9:30 a.m. at the Northumberland County Woman’s Club in Lottsburg. A “Maintain Your Brain—How to Live a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle” program will be held Tuesday, March 10, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Carrington Place, 1150 Marsh St., Tappahannock. 804-678-8635. A Dementia: What is it and Getting the Diagnosis program will be held Tuesday, March 24, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Essex House, 17976 Tidewater Trail, Tappahannock. “Aerobics for the Mind” will be the topic at The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association Northern Neck Chapter 1823 meeting on Tuesday, March 3, at 1 p.m. at Wicomico Parish Church on Route 200 in Wicomico Church. 529-6415. Wednesday See what all the fuss is about. From our state-of-the-art facilities to our caring physicians and nursing staff, at Memorial Regional Medical Center we’re passionate about caring for your family and delivering peace of mind. • Expanded and renovated birthing area with new amenities Upcoming Love and Learn classes: • Breastfeeding Basics • Expecting Multiples • Glenmore Yoga & Wellness Center Visit our Lactation Center in Innsbrook A Woman’s Place 4121 Cox Road, Suite 110, Ironworks Building 545-1665 • State-of-the-art NICU with neonatology on site 24/7 • Certified nurse-midwifery • Bon Secours Love and Learn program For more information about Memorial Regional Medical Center, visit www.bonsecoursforwomen.com or call 340-BABY (2229). The Multiple Sclerosis Support Group meets at the Riverside Wellness Center in Gloucester the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon. (757) 490-9627. Al-Anon meets at noon at Palmer Hall, Kilmarnock. AA meets at 8 p.m. at Trinity Church on Mary Ball Road, Lancaster. AA meets every Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m., and every Saturday from 8 to 9:30 p.m. at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, Gloucester. An Alzheimer’s Support Group meets at 10:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at Gloucester House, 7657 Meredith Drive, Gloucester. Respite care available during the meeting. 804-6788635. A Parkinson’s Support Group meets at 1 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month at Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury. 435-9553. Grief and Loss Support Groups, offered by Riverside Walter Reed Hospice, meet every Wednesday from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in building D, office 7566. 693-8819. A Hospitalization and Dementia: What You Need to Know workshop will meet March 18 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Commonwealth Assisted Living-Kilmarnock, 460 S. Main St., Kilmarnock. 804-6788635. Thursday Stephen Eads, MD Virginia Women’s Center 288-4084 Danny Shaban, MD Dominion Women’s Health 730-0800 Lisa Troyer, MD Perinatologist Virginia Women’s Center 288-4084 MRMC Birthing Suite The Dialysis Support Group meets the last Thursday of each month at 4 p.m. at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital in Gloucester. 6938897. >> 16 February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 15 15 >> Thursday Al-ANON meets at 8 p.m. at Palmer Hall, Kilmarnock. AA meets at 8 p.m. at De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock United Methodist Church. A Grief Support Group meets at 2 p.m. at Henderson United Methodist Church near Callao. An Alzheimer’s Support Group meets at 1:30 p.m. at Bay Aging in Urbanna the fourth Thursday of the month. 804-678-8635. An Alzheimer’s Support Group meets at 10:30 a.m. at Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, Irvington. 804-678-8635. The Mid-Tidewater Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is offering its free Family-to-Family 12-week education program for persons who care for or are related to individuals affected by mental illness. It will be held every Thursday at 6 p.m. beginning March 26 in the conference room next to the cafeteria at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital in Gloucester. Register for this free course by calling 333-3176 (days) or 694-0023 (evenings). A Cancer Support Group meets the fourth Thursday of each month in Dining-Conference Room #3 of Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, Gloucester. 693-8819. Grief and Loss Support Groups, offered by Riverside Walter Reed Hospice, meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month in building D, office 7566. 693-8819. A Cancer Support Group meets the second and fourth Thursdays from 3 to 4:15 p.m. at Rappahannock General Hospital, Kilmarnock. 4358593. The National Alliance on Mental Illness Support Group meets the fourth Thursday of each month from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, Gloucester. • Complete Service, Resources & Support • 24-hour, 7-day Accessibility • Physicians and Registered Nurses • Medical Social Workers • Dual Certified HHAs & CNAs • Trained Volunteers • Pain Management • Symptom Control • Spiritual Care Friday Celebrate Recovery meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the White Stone Church of the Nazarene Family Life Center at 57 Whisk Drive. 435-9886. “Living With Arthritis” will be broadcast to several sites on Friday, March 6, from 10 to 11 a.m. This free program will be offered via video-conferencing at area health departments. RSVP by calling 4436286. AA meets at noon atTrinity Church in Lancaster and at 8 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, Kilmarnock. Narcotics Anonymous meets each Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, Gloucester. >> 23 16 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Health Services Directory Bay HealthStyles is an annual publication. Please call the Rappahannock Record at 435-1701 or the Southside Sentinel at 758-2328 to be included in this local directory or to make updates or changes. Listings are free to businesses in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. Highlighted listings showcase an advertiser. The area code for all listings is 804 unless otherwise noted. Emergency Numbers National Suicide Crisis Hotline 800-784-2433 Poison Control Center 800-222-1222 The Haven 24 hour hotline 800-22HAVEN Alcohol Abuse & Addiction Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Services Board 800-693-9882 Urbanna Tidewater Recovery 381 Virginia St. 758-4242 Saluda Mental Health Substance Abuse Administration 13794 Tidewater Trail 758-8018 Allergists & ENT Gloucester Pierre Martin 7570 Hospital Dr., Suite B 105 693-3478 Tappahannock Virginia Allergy & Asthma Joseph Vilseck 1396 B Tappahannock Blvd. 527-1190 Ambulance Services Tappahannock Lifecare Medical Transport 1019 Elm St. 443-0767 Assisted Care & Senior Living Farnham Farnham Manor 511 Cedar Grove Rd. 394-2102 Gloucester Commonwealth Assisted Living Gloucester Gloucester House 7657 Meredith Dr. 693-3116 Cary Adult Home 7336 Cary Ave. 693-7035 Sanders Senior Living Community 7385 Walker Ave. 693-2000 Walter Reed Convalescent Center 7602 Meredith Dr. 693-6503 Hayes Ransom Home for Adults 8146 Broad Marsh Ln. 642-6927 Irvington Rappahannock WestminsterCanterbury 132 Lancaster Dr. 438-4000 Kilmarnock The Lancashire 287 School St. 435-1684 Commonwealth Assisted Living Mayfair House 460 South Main St. 435-9896 Locust Hill Mizpah Nursing Home 758-5260 Mathews Riverside Convalescent Center 603 Main St. 725-9443 The Brambles 20 Plantation Rd. 725-1211 Montross Washington & Lee Home for the Elderly 2556 Flat Iron Rd. 493-0652 Reedville Bay Aging Adult Day Break 454 Main St. 453-3332 Saluda Saluda Riverside Convalescent Center 672 Gloucester Rd. 758-2363 Tappahannock Essex House 17976 Tidewater Trail 443-5921 Warsaw Orchard Senior Living Community 20 Delfae Dr. 313-2400 River Meadows 42 Mitchell Ave. 313-2033 Warsaw Healthcare Center 5373 Richmond Rd. 333-3616 Mathews Towne and Country Chiropractic Layton Merithew 12 Court St. 693-0093 Reedville Claire Michie-Acupuncture 858 Main St. 453-4488 Cardiology Saluda Gloucester Family Chiropractic Cardiovascular Center of John Earl Lemon Hampton Roads 498 Gloucester Rd. Andrew Burton, Eric Chou, 758-1800 Edward Chu, Richard Edwards, Tappahannock William Gillen, William Harris Atlas Family Chiropractic III, Daniel Langdon, Anthony Jeffrey White, Natalie White Lombardo, Hugh McCormick, Paul 217 Duke St. Micale, Allan Murphy, Charles 443-6967 Vaughan, Rafic Zaitoun Richard Banker Chiropractor 7547 Medical Dr. Suite 2100 215 Queen St. 694-5553 443-5099 Kilmarnock West Point David Hughes West Point Chiropractic Clinic 101 Harris Dr. Joanne Schmit 435-7735 712 Main St. Charles D Price III 843-2093 107 DMV Dr. 435-3103 Colon/Rectal Surgery Tappahannock Tappahannock Virginia Cardiovascular Michael Francis Specialists Med. Arts Building A Robert M. Bennett, Brian 659 Hospital Rd., Suite 203 Holdaway, Shelton W. Thomas, 443-6232 J.A. (Tom) Thompson 658 Hospital Rd., Suite 302 Dentistry: General 443-6235 Aylett Andrea Mitman 769-4699 Chiropractic & Acupuncture Burgess Gloucester Alfred D. Hurt, Jr Towne and Country Chiropractic 746 Jessie Dupont Mem. Hwy. Layton Merithew 453-3101 6091 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. Stephen Radcliffe 693-0093 216 Jessie Dupont Mem. Hwy Hayes 453-4361 Gloucester Chiropractic Center Callao Steven Yates Richard Cottrell & Associates 2654 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 529-7339 642-6106 Fredericksburg 540-710-1088 Kilmarnock King George 540-775-7671 Northern Neck Chiropractic Colonial Beach 351 South Main St. Mark Gares 435-3333 222 Wilder Ave. Pure & Simple Family 224-0727 Chiropractic Deltaville 56 Irvington Rd. Deltaville Dentistry 435-2273 C. Ben Lennon 15613 Gen. Puller Hwy. West Point Riverside Convalescent Center West 2960 Chelsea Rd. 843-4323 West Point Adult Home 505 Main St. 843-4366 February 26, 2009 • 776-9484 Gloucester Heath Allen, Timothy Leigh 6882 Main St. 695-2575 Harold Dumas 693-3635 Hayes CR Harris 2922 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-4893 Irvington Robert Westbrook 4346 Irvington Rd. 438-1000 Kilmarnock Daphne Papaefthimiou, Steven Short 508 Irvington Rd. 435-3102 Brooks Johnston 28 Waverly Ave. 435-2110 Dale Lazar 283 North Main St. 435-3008 David Newman 61 Irvington Rd. 435-1220 Michael Nickerson 240 S Main St. 435-6916 Mathews Mathews Dentistry C. Ben Lennon 9979 Buckley Hall Rd. 725-9485 Montross Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Charles Palmer 493-8993 Saluda Christopher Marshall Saluda Professional Center 655 Gloucester Rd. 758-2143 Ric Davila 2845 General Puller Hwy. 758-3806 Tappahannock Joey Colina 1646 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-5984 John Gregory 625 Charlotte St. 443-3820 Robert Johnson 139 Prince St., Suite 1 443-4484 Bay HealthStyles >> 18 • 17 17 >> Hollis Wolcott 523 Daingerfield St. 443-6642 Urbanna Eric Miller 5372-A Old Virginia St. Urbanna Professional Center 758-1103 Warsaw Irina Chandler 253 Main St. 333-0226 Roy Pugh 5671 Richmond Rd. 333-4054 West Point Sam English, DDS 628 Main St. 843-3233 Mark Neale 428 9th St. 843-3602 Dentistry: Oral Surgery Glen Allen Kanyon Keeney 11545 A Nuckols Rd. 270-5028 Gloucester Daryl Pirok 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 1100 693-4220 Hayes Hampton Roads Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Kenneth Tankersley 2654 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 684-9325 Tappahannock Walter K. Murphy 1413 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-5232 Dentistry: Orthodontics Hayes David Morris 2674 B G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-2112 Kilmarnock Beth Faber 100 DMV Dr. 435-0686 Tappahannock Beth Faber 1790 Ball St. 443-6419 Dentistry: Periodontist Hayes Harvey Woodruff III 2654 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-3558 Dentistry: Prosthodontist Hayes Philip Render 7198 Chapman Dr. 684-9971 18 • Dermatology Gloucester Dermatology Consultants of Gloucester David Muffelman 6790 Wood Ridge Dr. 693-6527 Diagnostic Imaging Hayes Tidewater Diagnostic Imaging 3630 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 757-867-6101 Endocrinology Colonial Beach Luma Ghalib 700 McKinney Blvd, Suite 12 224-6322 Gloucester Harriette Fishburne, Cary Fishburne, Erika McLean 7363 Walker Ave. 695-0305 Family Practice Aylett Bon Secours Aylett Medical Center Augustine Lewis III, Mark Rosenberg 7864 Richmond Tappahannock Hwy. 769-3096 King William-Dawn Community Doctors Alice Pyles, Allen Tsui, Motsumi Moja, Mary Lynn Booker 11814 King William Rd. 769-3022 Burgess Bay Harbor Medical Arts Vikas Maan 740 Jessie Dupont Mem. Hwy. 453-5466 Lewis Clinic W. Emory Lewis 15137 Northumberland Hwy. 453-3777 Callao Callao Medical Arts Michael Chatterson 17452 Richmond Rd. 529-6141 Colonial Beach Alfred Larry Boulware, Russell Williams 700 McKinney Blvd., Suite 12 224-6322 Deltaville Fishing Bay Family Practice Steven Griswold, Sterling Ransone, Jr. 16681 General Puller Hwy. 776-8000 Gloucester Riverside Gloucester Family Practice Donald Tschan, David Kemp Building B 7560 Hospital Dr., Suite 101 Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 693-4300 Gloucester Primary Care Frank West III, Robert Cross 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 2300 693-4084 Hartfield Chesapeake Medical Group Matthew Jaeger 9891 Gen. Puller Hwy. 776-9221 Hayes Riverside Hayes Medical Center Daniel Muench 2246 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-6171 Heathsville Chesapeake Medical Group John G. Daniel, Bonnie Daniel 8152 Northumberland Hwy. 580-7200 Kilmarnock William Stallings RGH 101 Harris Dr. 435-8000 Paul Alan Sutherland RGH 101 Harris Dr. 648-3663 Chesapeake Medical Group Bridgett Wolf-Small, Tamara Hall, ACNP 86 Harris Rd. 435-2651 Lively Chesapeake Medical Group Norman Rocky Tingle, Jr., Salvatore Bavuso 36 Lively Oak Rd. 462-5155 Lottsburg Lottsburg Family Practice D. Downs Little 1949 Northumberland Hwy. 529-9996 Mathews Mathews Family Medicine Bruce Bradfield, Shannon Burris 28 Church St. 725-4115 Riverside Mathews Medical Center Steven Griswold, David Kemp 10976 Buckley Hall Rd. 725-5005 Montross Westmoreland Medical Center Lisa Jenkins Haynie, Andrew F Walker, Angela Ernst 18849 Kings Hwy. 493-9999 Mount Holly Lloyd T Griffith 5962 Cople Hwy. 472-2477 Tappahannock Tappahannock Family Practice Ryan Williams, Anastasia Cleary 300 Mount Clement Park, Suite C 443-6063 Urbanna Urbanna Family Practice James R. Robusto 5399 Old Virginia St. 758-2110 Warsaw Warsaw Medical Arts Richard Dunn, Teresa Williams, NP 333-6400 West Point TMPG West Point Family Practice Marlene Capps, Donald Carver, Lisa Cash 405 15th St. 843-3131 White Marsh TMPG White Marsh Family Practice Louise Kirk 4844 G. Washington Mem. Hwy., Suite 8 693-0042 White Stone White Stone Family Practice B. Keith Cubbage, David Nichols, Linda Toney, Robert Duffer, Rachel Kancianic, Inez Pruitt 30 Shady Ln. 435-3133 Fitness & Weight Management Deltaville Curves for Women 16273 Gen. Puller Hwy. 776-7762 Gloucester Riverside Wellness and Fitness Center 7516 Hospital Dr. 693-8888 Curves for Women 6736 Main St. Hartfield 694-0148 Middlesex Family YMCA 11487 General Puller Hwy. Hartfield 776-8846 Hayes Curves for Women of Gloucester 2351 York Crossing Dr. 684-0877 Heathsville Northumberland Family YMCA 59 Monument Place 580-8901 Kilmarnock Curves For Women 459 Main St. 435-7776 Northern Neck Family YMCA 39 Harris Rd. 438-0223 ShapeWorks Carolyn Prescott 436-5004 King William Snap Fitness 694 Sharon Rd. 769-7627 Mathews Mathews Family YMCA 10746 Buckley Hall Rd. 725-1488 Curves for Women of Mathews 6253 Buckley Hall Rd. 725-3400 Montross Westmoreland Family YMCA 18849 Kings Hwy. 493-8163 Tappahannock Curves 1649 Tappahannock Blvd. 445-8600 Riverside Fitness 1025 Hobbs Hole Dr. 443-0500 Warsaw Get Fit Express for Women 4308 Richmond Rd. 333-9100 Richmond County Family YMCA 45 George Brown Ln. 333-4117 West Point Greater West Point Family YMCA 3135 King William Ave. 843-3300 Free Health Clinics Hayes Gloucester-Mathews Free Clinic 2276 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-9515 Kilmarnock Northern Neck Free Health Clinic 51 William B. Graham Court 435-0575 Tappahannock Tappahannock Free Clinic 317 Duke St. 443-9590 Gastroenterology Gloucester Internal Medical Associates of Gloucester Richard Crowder 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 2200 693-2720 Tappahannock Bon Secours Tappahannock Towne Center Gastrointestinal Specialist Frederick Duckworth, Ofer Feder Kathleen Pack, RNFNP 1396 B Tappahannock Blvd. 443-9308 Gregg Valenzuela 659 Hospital Rd. Medical Building A, Suite 101 443-6020 General Practice Aylett King William-Dawn Community Doctors Alice Pyles, Allen Tsui, Motsumi Moja, Mary Lynn Booker 11814 King William Rd. 769-3022 Hartfield CMG Family Practice Ellen Ann Duer 9891 General Puller Hwy. 776-9221 General Surgery Gloucester Middle Peninsula General and Vascular Surgery Jeffrey Molle 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 1500 693-3081 Gloucester Surgery Melvin Ressler 7554 Hospital Dr., Suite 303 693-3400 Kilmarnock Chesapeake Medical Group Buchanan Dugan 95 Harris Dr., Building 2 435-2686 Steven J. Oltermann 95 Harris Dr. Building 1 435-1608 Tappahannock Riverside Tappahannock Surgical Associates Michael Francis, Reginald Mason Medical Arts Building A 659 Hospital Rd., Suite 203 443-6232 Health Products & Nutrition Gloucester N-Touch Nutrition 6091 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-0093 Hayes Healthy Solutions 4858 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-2450 Kilmarnock Higher Health Foods 43 N. Main St. 436-0011 Saluda Family Chiropractic John Earl Lemon 498 Gloucester Rd. 758-1800 Tappahannock Mid Virginia Health Food Services Veggie Corner 172 Melody Ct. 445-0073 Hearing & Audiology Gloucester The Audiology Offices Ann Depaolo Wietsman, Linda Carr-Kraft 6105 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 695-1199 Kilmarnock The Audiology Offices 45 N Main St. 435-0758 Beltone-Ledford Audiology & Hearing Aid Center 25 Office Park Dr., Suite 4 435-1134 Family Hearing Aid Center 720 Irvington Rd. 435-1644 Miracle Ear Hearing Aid Center 12 S. Main St. 435-0670 Mathews The Audiology Offices 28 Church St. 725-5706 Montross The Audiology Offices 112 Peach Grove Ln. 493-7500 Tappahannock The Audiology Offices 1251 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-6860 The Hearing Aid Place 721 Charlotte St. 443-5925 Hospice & Home Care Farnham The Doctor in the House 691 Normans Corner Rd. 529-9919 Gloucester Hope in Home Care S. Bay Building, Second Floor 6655 Main St. 824-9232 Riverside Walter Reed Home Health 7542 Hospital Dr. 693-8825 Gloucester Point Family Centered Resources 1528 G. Wash. Mem. Hwy., Suite 9 684-2444 Hayes Concordia Home Health Services 2988 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-1051 Kilmarnock Intrepid USA Home Health Services 26 Office Park Dr., Suite 1 435-0500 RGH Home Health Services 101 Harris Rd. 435-8587 Visiting Angels 67 Irvington Rd. 435-2229 Tappahannock Hospice of Virginia Tappahannock Towne Center 1328 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-4090 Mid Atlantic Home Health 1413 Teakwood Dr., Suite D 443-2971 Riverside Tappahannock Hospice 659 Hospital Rd., Medical Arts Building A, Suite 201 443-6130 Urbanna Hospice Support Care of Middlesex 606 Remlik Dr. 758-0050 Warsaw Hospice Support Services of the Northern Neck, PO Box 262 333-0084 Americare Plus 42 Mitchell Ave. 333-1590 White Stone Family Centered Resources 220 Chesapeake Dr., Suite H 436-0009 Hospitals Gloucester Riverside Walter Reed Hospital 7519 Hospital Dr. 693-8800 Kilmarnock Rappahannock General Hospital 101 Harris Rd. 435-8000 Mechanicsville Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center 8260 Atlee Rd. 764-6000 Tappahannock Riverside Tappahannock Hospital Rt 17 and 360 618 Hospital Rd. 443-3311 Internal Medicine Aylett Brian Blackwell, Motsumi Moja 11814 King William Rd. 769-3022 Burgess Riverside Bay Harbor Medical Arts Vikas Mann 140 Jessie Dupont Mem. Hwy. 453-5466 Colonial Beach Alfred Larry Boulware, Luma Ghalib 700 McKinney Blvd., Suite 12 224-6322 Deltaville Riverside Fishing Bay Family Practice Christian Wathen 16681 General Puller Hwy. 776-8000 Gloucester Andrew Burton, Richard Edwards, William Gillen, William Harris III, Daniel Langdon, Hugh McCormick, Paul Micale, Allan Murphy, Rafic Zaitoun 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 2100 694-5553 Gloucester Primary Robert David Cross, Sarah Ebbers West 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 2300 693-4084 Internal Medicine Associates of Gloucester Richard Crowder, Robert Davis, Geoffrey Thomas, Roger Alan Watkins, Thomas Young 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 2200 693-2720 Cary Fishburne 7363 Walker Ave. 695-0305 Laura Kerbin 7544 Medical Dr. 693-9037 Hayes Brian Moylan 2246 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-6171 Kilmarnock James Bryant, Jennie WebWright, June Daffeh 101 Harris Dr. 435-8000 Vicki Kinsel 101 Harris Dr. 435-2651 Bay Internists John Deschamps, Steven Glessner, Kevin McGrath, Patricia MongeMeberg, Charles D Price III, Joseph Bessler, Jackie L. Oren 107 DMV Dr. 435-3103 HCA Physician Services 95 Harris Rd. 435-6472 Lottsburg Lottsburg Family Practice D. Downs Little 1949 Northumberland Hwy. 529-9996 Tappahannock Bon Secours Tappahannock 1396 B Tappahannock Blvd. 443-9308 Bon Secours Tappahannock Primary Care Bruce Bucher 721 Charlotte St. 443-5378 Randy Ferrance, Irim Massay, Renick Smith, David Trent, George Tucker III 618 Hospital Rd. 443-3311 John Michos, Gregg Valenzuela 659 Hospital Rd., Suite A 101 757-594-4006 Medical Equipment & Supplies Hayes Mobjack Medical 4148 Eagle Rd. 642-5678 February 26, 2009 • Kilmarnock Anchor Pharmacy 2 S Main St. 435-2186 Mathews Hudgins Pharmacy 256 Main St. 725-2222 Tappahannock Horizon Home Care Supplies 1222 Sycamore Dr. 443-4073 Med-Air Homecare Essex Square Shopping Center 445-8525 Warsaw Regal Medical Services 333-4646 Mental Health: Psychiatry Gloucester Mary Boland 9228 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-5640 Laura Mark, Parthiv Sheth, Salman Siddiqui 9228 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-5068 Phillips & Rose PC 7580 Hospital Dr., Suite 201 693-0810 Warsaw Warsaw Counseling Center Joseph Dolansky 414 Main St. 333-3671 White Stone Andrew J Billups, PSYD 220 Chesapeake Dr. 435-6777 Mental Health: Child Psychiatry Gloucester Salman Siddiqui 9228 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-5068 Warsaw Salman Siddiqui 414 Main St. 333-3671 Mental Health: Licensed Counselors Deltaville Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Services Board Youth & Family Services 776-7501, 776-7529 Gloucester Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Services Board Gloucester Counseling 800-639-9668, 693-9668 Robert Anderson, Brian Clemmons, Wanda Dungan, Emily Eanes, Karen Fowlkes, Hilda Guzman, Jamie Norman, Carolyn South 9228 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-5068 or 693-5057 >> 20 Bay HealthStyles • 19 19 >> Philips & Rose PC 7580 Hospital Dr., Suite 201 693-0810 Chesapeake Counseling Associates Carolyn Dolan, Wanda Dungan, Jennifer Pritchett 7319 Martin St., Suite 2 695-2557 Gloucester Point Carolyn Dolan 642-9792 Hayes Therapy Associates of Gloucester Carolyn Tighe, Patricia Holloway, Dr. Aziz Abingdon Office Park, Suite 10 642-3414 Kilmarnock Diana Lunn Jamison 25 Office Park Dr. #2 436-9218 W.E. Pullman & Associates Wesley E. Pullman 77 S. Main St. 435-9800, 436-2708 Mathews Keystone Counseling 40 Court St. 725-1202 Warsaw Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Services Board Warsaw Counseling Center Brian Clemmons, Elizabeth Clemmons, Jamet Cowan 414 Main St. 333-3671 Mona Shelvin 4485 Naylors Beach Rd. 333-4426 Mental Health: Marriage and Family Gloucester Carol Dolan 9228 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-5068, 693-2673, 800-542-2673 Hayes Carolyn Tighe 7192 Chapman Dr. Suite 10 642-3414 Lively Brooke’s Lively Therapy Susan Brooke 462-7919 Neurology: Sleep Disorders Gloucester Riverside Neurology and Sleep Disorders Center Tom Bond 695-8551 Obstetrics & Gynecology Gloucester Premiere Health Care 20 • for Women Joel Backer 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 1200 693-2670 Gloucester Women’s Clinic Robert Klink, Janet Dehoux ANP, Lisa Casanova, Robert Henke, Leslie Hurt, Diane Maddela, William Harry Woessner 7685 Meridith Dr. 693-4410 Kilmarnock James Hamilton 95 Harris Rd. 435-0023 Virginia Women’s Center Kathryn Stout 102 DMV Dr. 436-8038 Matthew Vogel CMG, Building 2 95 Harris Rd. 435-2686 Tappahannock Bon Secours Tappahannock Dominion Women’s Health Danny Shaban, Thomas Mead, Biali Espinosa, Zvonko Spasic, Claire Murphy Tappahannock Towne Center 1396 B Tappahannock Blvd. 443-9308 Laura Gogia 648 Hospital Rd., Suite B 305 443-6240 Occupational Therapy Gloucester Tidewater Physical Therapy 6965 Fox Hunt Ln., Suite 201 694-8111 Virginia Health Rehabilitation Agency 7602 Meredith Dr. 693-6503 Hayes Tidewater Physical Therapy 7190 Chapman Dr. 642-3028 Kilmarnock Carousel Physical Therapy 500 Irvington Rd. 435-3435 RGH Sports Medicine Center 43 Harris Rd. 435-8501 King William King William Physical Therapy 694 Sharon Rd., Suite R 769-7504 Urbanna Rural Infant Services Program 5372 B Old Virginia St. 758-5250 7544 Medical Dr., Suite B 693-9037 Virginia Oncology Associates John Regan, Ronald Ruszkowski 6876 Main St. 693-3232 Kilmarnock Katherine Salvant RGH 101 Harris Dr. 287-3000 Bon Secours Oncology Assoc. Susan Schaffer RGH- Cancer Center 101 Harris Rd. 435-8583 Montross Mid-Rivers Cancer Center Dr. Christopher Walsh 15394 Kings Hwy. 493-8880 Tappahannock Joseph Evers, David Trent, George Tucker III 618 Hospital Rd. 443-6137 Ophthalmology Gloucester Hampton Roads Eye Associates Todd Geisert, Kearfott Stone, Jeanne Brooks 7590 Hospital Dr. 693-5560 Heathsville Robert Jacey 710 Train Ln. 580-2454 Kilmarnock Old Dominion Eye Care Harold Weiler 101 Technology Park Dr. 435-0547 Tappahannock Juan Astruc, John O’Keefe, Ali Tabassian 648 Hospital Rd., Suite 304 443-6180 Lee R. Brock Riverside Tappahannock Medical Arts Bldg., Suite 200 800-552-4024 Opticians Gloucester Morris Optical Company 6105 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 695-9595 Martin, Thomas, Walker Prescription Opticians 7558 Hospital Dr. 693-5919 Hayes Wicox Eye Center Tyndall Square 2652 G. Washington Mem. Hwy., Oncology Suite 1 Gloucester 642-9800 Peninsula Cancer Institute Kilmarnock Mark Ellis, Laura Kerbin, Fashion Focus Optical Kimberly Schlesinger, Guy 853 Irvington Rd. Tillinghast, Mashour Yousef, Nancy 435-2616 McKinney, Michael McKenna Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Stylish Eyes 266 D N. Main St. 435-2620 Warsaw Fashion Focus Optical 396 Main St. 333-3684 West Point West Point Vision Care 100 Winters St. 843-9030 Optometry Colonial Beach Gilchrist Eyecare Center Charles Gilchrist 420 A Colonial Avenue 224-2061 Gloucester Michael Xu 6819 Walton Ln., Suite A 757-480-5005 Eyemax Hien Nguyen 6651 Main St. 694-4999 Hayes Peter Wilcox Tyndall Square 2652 G. Washington Mem. Hwy., Suite 1 642-9800 Eastern Eye Associates Gemma Meadows, Mark Meadows 2285 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-2290 Hudgins Paul Edwards 44 Cricket Hill Rd. 725-2430 Tappahannock Lee R. Brock Riverside Tappahannock Medical Arts Bldg., Suite 200 800-552-4024 Ronald Ball, Jonathan Noble 1660 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-0203 Gilchrist Eyecare Center Charles Gilchrist 402 Airport Rd. 443-5388 William G. Ryan 611 Della St. 443-3901 Warsaw Northern Neck Eye Center Floyd Griffith, James Prince 396 Main St. 333-3684 Weems Floyd Griffith, James Prince 853 Irvington Rd. 435-2616 West Point Floyd Griffith, James Prince 417 8th St. 843-3843 Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Gloucester Riverside Gloucester Center for Orthopedic Surgery David Muron, Rich Hughes PA-C, Chris Schultz PA-C 7544 Hospital Dr., Suite 202A 693-0529 York River Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Hugh Bryan III, Andrea Crawford Building C 7584 Hospital Dr., Suite 202 693-4645 Kilmarnock West End Orthopedic Clinic David R. Antonio, Ann Robbins 95 Harris Dr, Building 5 435-3146 Tappahannock Glenn Spiegler Riverside Medical Arts Bldg. A 659 Hospital Rd., Suite 202 443-4227 Pain Management Tappahannock Meenakshi Bindal 618 Hospital Rd. 443-6143 Pediatrics Deltaville Fishing Bay Family Practice Karen Ransone, Pamela Strotmeyer, Ginger Richardson C.P.N.P. 16681 Gen. Puller Hwy. 776-8000 Gloucester Gloucester Pediatrics Barbara Allison-Bryan 5659 Parkway Dr., Suite 230 210-1055 Courthouse Pediatrics Harriette Fishburne, Cary Fishburne, Erika McLean 7363 Walker Ave. 695-0305 Hayes Children’s Clinic Abingdon Square 642-9231 Kilmarnock Chesapeake Medical Group Barbara Kahler, Rebecca Wright, CPNP 86 Harris Dr. 435-1152 Mathews Riverside Mathews Medical Group Karen Ransome, Ginger Richardson C.P.N.P. 10976 Buckley Hall Rd. 725-5005 Tappahannock Randy Ferrance, Stewart Jennings 618 Hospital Rd. 443-3311 Warsaw Riverside Pediatrics- Warsaw Sharon Band, Alison Dunn, Laila Jennings 16 Delfae Dr. 333-1260 Pharmacies Aylett King William Good Neighbor Pharmacy 7890 Richmond Tappahannock Hwy. 769-3885 Callao Rite Aid 17422 Richmond Rd. 529-6230 Gloucester Gloucester Pharmacy 7453 Hargett Blvd. 694-5815 Rite Aid 6908 Main St. 693-2160 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 6819 Walton Ln. 694-0060 Hartfield Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy 9893 General Puller Hwy. 776-9990 Hayes Farm Fresh Pharmacy Rt. 17 642-2208 Rite Aid 2460 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-2115 Heathsville Heathsville Pharmacy 8152 Northumberland Hwy. 580-7400 Kilmarnock CVS 100 James B. Jones Memorial Hwy. 435-1602 Main Street Pharmacy 308 North Main St. 435-8818 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 200 Old Fair Grounds Way 435-6317 Walgreens Pharmacy 573 N Main St. 435-8890 King William King William Pharmacy 7890 Richmond Tappahannock Hwy. 769-3885 Lively Lively Drug 36 Lively Oaks Rd. 462-5644 Mathews Hudgins Pharmacy 256 Main St. 725-2222 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Rt. 198 S. 725-2556 Montross Rite Aid 15748 Kings Hwy. 493-9505 Tappahannock Rite Aid 1840 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-4709 Tappahannock Pharmacy 517 Church Ln. 443-3461 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1660 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-1988 Urbanna Marshall’s Drug Store 50 Cross St. 758-5344 Warsaw Rite Aid 4671 Richmond Rd. 333-4122 West Point Rite Aid 14th and Main St. 843-2880 White Stone White Stone Pharmacy 416 Chesapeake Dr. 435-1051 Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Gloucester Tidewater Physical Therapy 6965 Fox Hunt Ln., Suite 201 694-8111 Virginia Health Rehabilitation 7602 Meredith Dr. 693-6503 Riverside Physical Therapy 7519 Hospital Dr. 693-8867 Hartfield Peak Performance Therapy 10880 General Puller Hwy., Suite B 776-0000 Hayes Tidewater Physical Therapy 7190 Chapman Dr. 642-3028 Riverside Therapy Services 2656 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-5601 Kilmarnock Carousel Physical Therapy 500 Irvington Rd. 435-3435 RGH Rehabilitation Services 43 Harris Rd. 435-8501 King William King William Physical Therapy 694 Sharon Rd., Suite R 769-7504 Tappahannock Essex Physical Therapy 311 Virginia St. 443-4850 Urbanna Rural Infant Services Program 5372 B Old Virginia St. 758-5250 Warsaw Belfield Physical Therapy 549 Main St. 333-8222 West Point West Point Physical Therapy 100 Winter St., Suite 106 843-9033 Podiatry Hayes Tina Frye 2900 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-1417 Kilmarnock The Foot Center 720 Irvington Rd. 435-1644 Tappahannock Ronald Landess, Joan Shumaker Medical Arts Building A 659 Hospital Rd., Suite 104 443-6400 West Point Total Foot Care Kristen Gringrich 712 Main St. 843-4100 Pulmonary Disease Tappahannock John Michos 659 Hospital Rd. Medical Building A, Suite 101 443-6020 Radiation Oncology Gloucester Riverside Middle Peninsula Cancer Center James Wassum 7544 Medical Dr. 693-4900 Montross Mid Rivers Cancer Center Christopher Walsh 15394 Kings Hwy. 493-8880 Radiology Gloucester Peninsula Radiological Associates Riverside Walter Reed Hospital 7519 Hospital Dr. 693-8856 Kilmarnock William Olson, Ronald Washburn RGH 101 Harris Dr. 435-8539 Tappahannock Peninsula Radiological Associates Riverside Tappahannock Hospital 618 Hospital Rd. 443-6044 Renal Dialysis Gloucester RAI 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 1400 693-8897 Tappahannock Tappahannock Dialysis Center 1922 Tappahannock Blvd. 443-6542 Warsaw Vicki Kinsel 4709 Richmond Rd. 333-4444 Rheumatology Lively John Melton 36 Lively Oaks Rd. 462-5155 Social Worker Gloucester Phillips & Rose PC 7580 Hospital Dr., Suite 201 693-0810 Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Services Board Gloucester Counseling 9228 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 693-5068 Chesapeake Counseling 7319 Martin St., Suite 2 695-2557 Hayes Regina Gerstman, Carl Neighbors, Freddie Vines, Michelle Zielenski 7192 Chapman Dr., Suite 10 642-3414 Kilmarnock Merlin Steider 113 DMV Dr. 436-9926 Mathews Brad Skelding Second Floor, 40 Court St. 725-1202 Urbanna Susan Gamble Hallatt 381 Virginia St., Suite 200A 758-4242 Warsaw Warsaw Counseling Center Susan Campagnola, Clayton Neal, Judith Notorianni 414 Main St. 333-3761 Spas & Massage Deltaville Massage by the Bay 16314 General Puller Hwy. C-2 678-7176 Gloucester Premiere Health Care for Women Nicole Hogge 7547 Medical Dr., Suite 1200 692-2670 Hayes Bridgewaters Aveda Salon and Spa 6661 Hickory Fork Rd. 693-6272 Trendsetters Salon and Day Spa 1755 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 684-0990 Hayes Therapeutic Massage 2961 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-5502, 642-2100 Relaxation Station-Massage and Movement Therapy 3759 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-4231 Gloucester Chiropractic Center 2654 G. Washington Mem. Hwy. 642-6106 Hartfield Hair By Sarah 11144 General Puller Hwy. 776-0061 Kilmarnock Charlotte Baldwin 758-2126, 695-4768 Moxie Body Salon 18 North Main St. 435-3100 Tyme for Me Massage Stephanie Reeves 511 S Main St., Suite B 436-6555 Spa 2 U Mobile Therapeutic Massage Ruth Forrest 453-5367 Saluda Tami’s Touch 2747 General Puller Hwy. 815-1667 Rivah Day Spa 624 Gloucester Rd. 758-5775 Urbanna Charlotte Baldwin 758-2126, 695-4768 Suzanne White 57 Cross St., Suite D 654-0271 Sports Medicine White Marsh John Elliott 4844 G. Washington Mem. Hwy., Suite 8 693-0042 Speech Pathology Gloucester Virginia Health Rehabilitation Agency 7602 Meredith Dr. 693-6503 Urbanna Rural Infant Services Program 5372 B Old Virginia St. 758-5250, 800-305-BABY (2229) Urology Gloucester >> 22 February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 21 21 >> Riverside Walter Reed Urology Fredrick Arnold 7552 Hospital Dr., Suite 302 693-9062 Kilmarnock David Harris Bldg. 3, 95 Harris Dr. 435-1661 Tappahannock Bon Secours- Virginia Urology C. Ryan Barnes, Douglas Ludeman, Scott Rhamy Tappahannock Towne Center 1396 B Tappahannock Blvd. 443-5393 Jeffrey Haskins Riverside Medical Arts Bldg. B 668 Hospital Rd., Suite 300 443-6245 Vascular Surgery Tappahannock Bon Secours Virginia Surgical Associates L. Paul Bosher Tappahannock Towne Center 1396 B Tappahannock Blvd. 443-9308 Bay HealthStyles seeks to ensure that all content and information published here is current and accurate as of the date of publication. This information does not in any way constitute legal or professional advice, it is a directory of professionals. W.E. Pullman & Associates Counseling Services Wesley E. Pullman PhD, LCSW 77 S. Main St. Kilmarnock, Virginia Mental health counseling & strategic problem solving for individuals of all ages, couples & families. www.thehearingaidplace.net (804) 435-9800 • (804) 436-2708 • [email protected] 30+ Years of Quality Service Rappahannock General Hospital Rappahannock General Hospital is a non-profit, 76 bed community hospital providing full service healthcare to the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. For information regarding the services provided, please call 804-435-8000. Chesapeake Pharmacy Services Heathsville Pharmacy • 804-580-7400 Chesapeake Medical Group Chesapeake Medical Group has 12 physicians and nurse practitioners at various locations that specialize in Family Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics, and Gynecology. River Counties Chapter • CPR • First Aid • Baby-sitting 804-435-7669 39 Harris Rd. Kilmarnock ShapeWorks Affordable Weight Management Easy for busy lives! • Increase energy • Feel better Free Coaching Start Today! 804-436-5004 22 • CMG Family Practice, Kilmarnock CMG Family Practice, Lively CMG Family Practice, Heathsville CMG Family Practice, Hartfield CMG General Surgery, Kilmarnock CMG Pediatrics, Kilmarnock CMG Gynecology, Kilmarnock 804-435-2651 804-462-5155 804-580-7200 804-776-9221 804-435-2686 804-435-1152 804-435-2686 Let us fulfill your health care needs. www.rgh-hospital.com Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Tappahannock Pharmacy, Inc. P.O. Box 515 517 Church Lane, Tappahannock, Virginia 22560 Phone 804-443-3461 443-6846 FAX Edwin E. Smith, Jr., RPH Owner/Pharmacist Emergency Number 443-4509 BAY INTERNISTS, INC. 107 DMV Drive Kilmarnock, VA 804-435-3103 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday 804-435-8000 after hours *Now accepting new patients* Dr. Charles D. Price, III Dr. Steven F. Glessner Dr. John Deschamps Dr. Joseph C. Bessler Dr. Kevin J. McGrath Dr. Patricia K. Monge-Meberg Jackie L. Oren, FNP 16 >> Saturday AA open 12-and-12 meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. each Saturday at Zoar Baptist Church, Deltaville. 776-7629. AA meets at 8 p.m. at Irvington United Methodist Church. AA meets every Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. and every Saturday from 8 to 9:30 p.m. at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, Gloucester. The Middle Peninsula Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America meets at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, from 10 a.m. to noon the second Saturday of each month. The Self Help for the Hard of Hearing Support Group will meet the second Saturday (March 14) from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, Gloucester. Sunday The Widowed Persons Service for Lancaster and Northumberland counties holds a lunch brunch at various local restaurants immediately following church services every Sunday. 580-2285. AA meets at 7:30 p.m. at White Stone United Methodist Church. At the Middlesex YMCA Ongoing health-related activities at the Middlesex YMCA in Hartfield are listed below. 7768846. The YMCA Running/Walking Club meets every Friday at 8 a.m. and every Monday at 5:30 p.m. Adult and Youth Karate is on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Middlesex YMCA Co-ed Adult Soccer will be held April 22-June 12 at the Middlesex Sports Complex on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Low Impact Aerobics is offered from 9 to 10 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Step Aerobics is from 5 to 6 p.m. on Mondays, and 9 to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Yoga is from 10:10 to 11:10 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:50 to 8:50 a.m. on Fridays, and 6:10 to 7 p.m. on Mondays. Chair Stretch is from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. on Fridays. Body Sculpt is from 10:10 to 11:10 a.m. and 5 to 6 p.m. on Thursdays. February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 23 Red wine in moderation may lower risk of heart attack M SERVING EASTERN VIRGINIA SINCE 1908 Call us for a free review & quote of all of your insurance needs today! Route 33 • Deltaville, Virginia (804) 776-6082 • Fax (804) 776-9708 HIGHER HEALTH FOODS, INC. ISAIAH 40:31 Personal Care Products, Packaged Grains, Teas, Herbal & Sports Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Cleansing & Detox, Gluten-Free Foods, Special Dietary Foods, Prayer & More New Acai Supplements & Acai Capsules Acai Juice & Acai Sorbet Hours: 9 am-5 pm Monday - Friday 43 N. Main St. • Kilmarnock, VA (804) 436-0011 any studies that investigate the benefits of red wine suggest that a moderate amount of red wine (one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men) lowers the risk of heart attack for people in middle age by 30 to 50 percent. It is also suggested that alcohol such as red wine may prevent additional heart attacks if you have already suffered from one. Other studies indicate that red wine can raise HDL cho- lesterol (good cholesterol) and prevent LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) from forming. Red wine may help prevent blood clots and reduce the blood vessel damage caused by fat deposits. Indeed, studies showed that people from the Mediterranean region who regularly drank red wine have a lower risk of heart disease. Red wine is a particularly rich source of the antioxidant resveratrol and flavonoids. Resveratrol, found in grape skins and seeds, increases HDL cholesterol and prevents blood clotting. Flavonoids exhibit antioxidant properties, helping to prevent blood clots and plaque formation in arteries. The American Heart Association cautions people not to start drinking if they do not already drink alcohol. If you already drink alcohol, do so in moderation. • Sam E. • EnglisH DDs DEntiStry General and Cosmetic Dentistry Emergencies Welcome Most insurance Accepted All Major Credit Cards Accepted www.samenglishdds.com Get Ready! Williamsburg Spring is not too far away. Farm & Home Supply, LLC Monticello MarketPlace, 4680-16A, Monticello Ave., Williamsburg, VA 757-258-1042 Sales & Service West Point Hardware, Pet Food & Supplies, Large Greenhouse, Echo Power Equipment, Lawn Tractors, Garden Tillers, Martin Senour Paints, Bird Food, Feeders and much more! Southern StateS 469 N. Main St., PO Box 249 Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 Phone: (804) 435-3177 Southern StateS Hours: 7:30 - 5:30 M-F, 7:30 - 5:00 Sat. 24 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 628 Main Street West Point, VA 804-843-3233 Wii keep families fit by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi height are registered. After a few balance exercises, it lmost every Sunday, a grandparent and a gives the user an age and adjusts the “Mii.” grandchild or two gather in the game room at A Mii, of course, is a “mini you.” Each player can Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury (RW-C) in create his or her own Mii by selecting from various Irvington for a friendly game of bowling. hair, eye and skin colors, facial features and clothes. “This is a busy place on the weekends. [The resi- Be warned, however, if the Wii Fit decides the user is dents] bring their grandchildren in here to play,” said overweight, the Mii adjusts accordingly. Kori Poplin, fitness director at RW-C. The Wii Fit training has roughly 40 different activThe year’s most sought-after gaming system, the ities including aerobic exercise, yoga, strength trainNintendo Wii, is bringing generations together for ing and balance. It actually tracks minutes used and some off-the-couch fun. Unlike some of the other progress toward a fitness goal. systems, which produce couch-potatoes with sore For years, video games have been blamed for childthumbs, the Wii system is all about getting up and hood obesity. The Wii gaming system, however, gets moving, whether it’s to bowl, jog or hula-hoop. youngsters, and really everyone in the family, off the “I personally like the free run,” sofa. Nintendo bills it as a way to said 9-year-old Chase Osborne. get fit. “Last time I did it I ran seven miles. Poplin says it’s no substitute for I also like the hula hoop. It’s hard to one of the 20-plus fitness classes learn but once I got 300 spins.” she teaches monthly at RW-C, but Osborne enjoys a Wii workout on it does offer some incentive to get Fridays at the Northern Neck Family up and move. YMCA in Kilmarnock where the According to a 2008 report in gaming system is one of the stations the British Journal of Sports Mediin the after-school program. cine, playing virtual sports such as For the Wii illiterate, the Wii tennis, bowling and boxing on a sports package was first released in Nintendo Wii burned more than 50 North America in November 2006 percent more energy than playing and is a collection of five sports sedentary video games. simulations: tennis, baseball, bowlEight-year-old Michael Bea isn’t ing, golf and boxing. Players use concerned about the energy burned a hand-held Wii remote to mimic but having the chance to jump actions performed in the real games, around is exactly why he likes his such as swinging a tennis racket, Wii. punching an opponent or rolling a “My favorite game is Sonic bowling ball. Unleashed,” he said. He likes the Wii Fit, released in 2008, was the Wii versus other gaming systems must-have gift this past Christmas. because “they have better games With over 14 million copies sold as for it and I like it because it’s wireof December 2008, it has generated less and I can move around.” over $1.26 billion in revenue for And unlike some of the more Pat Beard takes a running traditional gaming systems, the Wii Nintendo. It was a gift this writer didn’t ask start before releasing her Wii appeals to all ages. for but received and was a little “bowling ball” in the game It’s appeal at RW-C has resulted reluctant to use. Who really wants a room at Rappahannock in a nine-team bowling league. The present that’s going to tell her she’s Westminster-Canterbury in two-person teams play each other overweight, out-of-shape and off- Irvington. twice in a season. Chris Christensen balance, which is exactly what mine is the unofficial league commisdid? I’m 41 years old but my Wii Fit sioner and statistician. age is 491! “He’s the one with the computer,” said Pat Beard, Determining the Wii Fit age is simple; the player who bowled the league’s high game of 225. stands on the game’s balance board to measure The way she bowls, she must burn calories. Beard weight and the center of balance. The software then gets off to a running start and releases the ball (taking calculate’s the user’s body mass index when age and her finger off the controller) after about three steps. A After-school program director Kai Evans helps Teandre Brown with a game of Wii ping-pong. Alan Christensen bowls on one of the nine twoperson teams in Rappahannock WestminsterCanterbury’s Wii bowling league. “If you can control it and you have a little bit of hook, it does more damage,” said Alan Christensen, who has a Wii average of 180. However, Mildred Christensen says real life bowling and Wii bowling are entirely different. “This has absolutely nothing to do with regular bowling,” she said. “In fact, I think you’re better off if you haven’t bowled before.” Bowling, hula hooping and Guitar Hero World Tour are the favorite games in this writer’s house. The family comes together at least once or twice a week for an evening of off-key entertainment with my husband and daughter on guitar, my son on drums and me singing. I guess if Wii doesn’t make you fit, it confirms one old belief — the family that plays together stays together. February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 25 Considering a career in nursing? Loving Gardens Pet Cemetery White Stone, VA Mary Frances Robertson 804-435-7737 804-435-3850 “We have all you need for your pet’s last farewell” RCC Think First! Certified Pet Groomer Pet Supplies l De-Shedding Treatment Small and Medium Pet Boarding Julie Risk 1409 Hull Neck Rd., Heathsville 580-8844 Spay and neuter your pets to prevent over-population in our shelters and early, unnecessary death. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) estimates that between three and four million cats and dogs are euthanized each year. Career Certificate Program - nurse Aide One-year Certificate Program Practical nursing Associate Degree Program - nursing Contact Nurse Aide: Petie norris 804-333-6752 [email protected] Practical Nursing: Jan stephens 804-333-6775 [email protected] Associate Degree: Wendy Edson 804-758-6783 [email protected] Rappahannock Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in its programs or activities. 26 • DOGGY-DO’S Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Heathsville/Kilmarnock Animal Clinic, Inc. Personalized Care for that Special Pet with Offices in: Heathsville 804-580-5135 Kilmarnock 804-435-6320 Warsaw 804-333-3433 Gone To The Dogs A weLl-gRoomEd aNimAl iS a heAltHier * hapPier pEt! • Professional All-Breed Grooming • Large private indoor and outdoor runs • Heated and air conditioned • Doggie Day Care • Owner on premises Your pet is worth a nutritious meal by Richard Clayton nyone who owns a pet knows they are great for our health. Pets provide stress relief, mental happiness and exercise. With all the benefits that pets offer, it only makes sense to provide your pets with the proper nutrition and health supplements that they need to live a longer and happier life. The most basic and easiest thing a loving pet owner can do is provide a high quality diet. Pets don’t have the ability to go out and shop for themselves; they are dependent on us to give them what they need. Many times a pet will have a medical issue, such as dry, flaky skin, chronic ear infections or hot spots, that can be linked directly to a lower quality food. Dogs and cats are susceptible to food allergies just as any person can be. The most common allergens are corn, wheat and soy products, which are widely used in many low quality pet foods. The first thing to look for in a good quality food is the absence of corn, wheat and soy products. Many times, after removing these ingredients from their diet, a pet’s skin problems and ear infections will cease. Another thing to consider when purchasing pet food is the protein source. Does the man- A Where the Customer is King, or Fluffy, or…Your Pet 280 Virginia Street Urbanna, Va. 23175 (804) 758-9880 Over 25 years of experience 4131 Geo. Wash. Mem. HWY Hayes, Va. 23072 (804) 642-5702 Lynda French Preston 779 Kate’s Neck Rd. Topping 758-2533 www.gone2thedogs.net Come in soon to find out how to get your FREE gift certificate ufacturer use meat by-products, and if so, is the source listed? Many lower quality pet food manufacturers use meat by-products from meat packing plants. If you switch to a higher quality food, especially if you are feeding a generic or store brand food, you will notice a difference almost immediately. Within a week, many dogs and cats will produce smaller amounts of stool. This is due to the fact that there are no fillers in a quality food; therefore more of the food actually gets digested and used, not just passed through. Also, with no filler, your pets will eat less. Think of it like eating crispy rice cereal versus eating a granola based cereal: Which one filled you up faster and kept you full longer? In short, there are many choices for a happy, healthy pet. And the best way to find them is to visit your local pet supply store. They should be knowledgeable in all aspects of pet care, and willing to help you in any way they can to get the right product to you when you need it. Richard Clayton is the owner of a small local pet store, and believes in providing the best in pet care and supplies to increase the standard of living for all pets. No corn, wheat or soy Whole meat meal as the first ingredient Made in USA 100% guarantee 100% Natural Guaranteed to work Safe to use around kids and pets Made in USA February 26, 2009 • Human grade ingredients Guaranteed potency Member NASC Made in USA Bay HealthStyles • 27 In-home Massage Charlotte Baldwin Certified Massage Therapist Gift Certificates Available (804) 758-2126 • Cell (804) 695-4768 Offering healthy and relaxing salon services to clients of all ages. M *O *X *I *E Body Salon Including . . . nail services, facials, full body moisturizing skin treatments and massages. 18 North Main Street, Kilmarnock • 804.435.3100 Massage Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Stone and Sports Massage End Back Pain! We can help you get done what needs to be accomplished so you can get back to what you enjoy! Effective Non-Surgical solution to back pain! Spinal Decompression Traction! We can help, Call Today! Northern Neck Chiropractic • Dr. E. Jeems Love • Dr. Mike Vogel 351 South Main St., Kilmarnock www.nncpc.com • (804) 435-3333 Suzanne Caciola White, CMT Master’s Certification in Medical Massage, Reiki Certified Located at Posh Salon, 57 Cross St., Suite D, Urbanna 804-654-0271 • [email protected] Total Yoga with David David Scarbrough, PhD, RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) • Stretch • Strengthen • Relax Classes in Kilmarnock, Reedville and Heathsville Call 580-4505 Ruth E. Forrest NCMT • (804) 453-5367 P.O. Box 338 Reedville, VA 22539 VA Nursing Board #0019004819 Member ABMP Air Duct cleAning Massage by the Bay Dirty Air Ducts can damage your Heating & AC System, Raise your energy •Relaxation & Therapeutic Massage • Reflexology 1-hour Massage: $25 90-Minute Massage: $35 30-min Foot Massage & Reflexology: $15 Coupon Book (5 Massages for the price of 4): $100 Call (971) 678-7176 for more information and scheduling Delena Davis NCN# 544975-07 16314 Gen. Puller Hwy., C-2 • Deltaville 28 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Residential & Commercial cost and MAKE YOU SICK! At King’s we have a powerful commercial cleaning system that cleans all the duct work not just part of it. Call the company you can trust to clean your Air Ducts right. 1-800-AIR DUCT $5000 off Air Duct Cleaning KingsCleaningServices.com There is a massage styled just for you A lmost anyone, from infants to seniors, can enjoy the benefits of a good massage. Massage is one of the oldest healing arts. Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use. Massage therapy has been proven beneficial for many chronic conditions, including low back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, immunity suppression and infertility. It also helps relieve the stress and tension of everyday living that can lead to disease and illness. There are massage styles to fit every need. Swedish massage uses a system of long, gliding strokes, kneading, and percussion and tapping tech- niques on the more superficial layers of muscles. It is designed to increase circulation, which may improve healing and decrease swelling from an injury. This technique also results in generalized relaxation. Deep tissue massage is used to alleviate chronic muscle pain by reaching deeper muscles in problem areas; it’s often used before or after athletic events as part of an athlete’s training and to promote healing from injuries. Hot stone massage is a popular alternative means of treatment for some health conditions like arthritis, depression and insomnia. Water-treated, heated Basalt massage stones are placed on the body to promote relaxation, improve circulation and loosen tension in the muscles. Reflexology involves the application of pressure on points of the feet, hands and ears that are connected to particular organs and systems of the body. It is a good option for people who work on their feet. Shiatsu uses finger pressure applied to specific points with the thumb, finger, and palm to release muscle tension and increase circulation. To get the most benefit from a massage, communicate with the massage therapist, let your therapist know if you’re uncomfortable at any point during the massage and try to relax for the rest of the day. You’ll run out of rooms before you run out of options. Andersen® windows come in styles, shapes and sizes to fit any purpose and every personality. With natural wood interiors, low-maintenance exteriors and a host of elegant options, it's no wonder professional builders and remodelers choose Andersen windows more often than any other brand. andersenwindows.com Dealer Imprint Area (single dealer) Discover the difference Andersen variety can make. Visit our showroom today. ® © 2006 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. Discover the difference Andersen variety can make. Visit our showroom today. 2006 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 29 QUINTON OAKS Golf Course Including Assistance with... 2009 Senior Rates (55 years and older) Monday Everyday after 1:00 Tuesday thru Thursday • Bathing • Dressing • Cooking • Supervision • Incontinence Care • Light Housekeeping $20 $20 $28 Check our web-site for more specials. quintonoaks.com 804 529-5367 • Medicaid • Private Pay • Insurance Contact Adriane Rouse, Agency Manager at 804-333-0099 or come by 42 Mitchell Ave., Warsaw, VA for more information We’ll Provide “Assisted living” At the Best PlAce in toWn . . . Your home Prices subject to change without notice. Dean Sumner, PGA 262 Quinton Oaks Lane • Callao, VA If you have a Rivah House, you need a Rivah Dentist! Family Centered resourCes inC. Why you should choose a State Licensed Home Care Agency . Miller D.D.S. Eric N ® 5372-A Old Virginia Street • Urbanna • www.ericmillerdds.com 804-758-1103 Now accepting new patients. Cosmetic and General Dentistry • Implants • Permanent Tooth Replacement Teeth Whitening • Permanent and Complex Tooth Replacement 30 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 • • • • • • • • Criminal background checks are conducted on all caregivers Agency employees are bonded and insured and have worker’s comp coverage Agency caregivers have completed state required training Agency provides coverage when there is a call-off No Medicare, Social Security, federal or state taxes for family to pay Agency drivers are covered with non-owned auto insurance Drug screening required 24 hour RN supervisors available Locally Owned and Operated since 1994 684-2444 • Gloucester Point 436-0009 • White Stone www.fcr-inc.com Virginia Farm Bureau Insurance Services Auto • Home • Life • Long Term Care 11698 Puller Hwy. • Hartfield, Va. 23071 Bobby Wilson, PFP, LUTCF AgenT Office: (804) 776-6886 • Cell: (804) 694-6606 • Fax: (804) 776-6816 [email protected] • www.vfbinsurance.com • www.vafb.com Helping you is what we do best. Financial Freedom THE REVERSE MORTGAGE SPECIALIST® Financial Security & Independence Eliminate An Existing Mortgage Purchase A New Home Lifetime Income or Creditline No Monthly payments An equal opportunity lender Call Bill Graves for a no obligation consultation 804-453-4141 / 866-936-4141 Lilian Lumber Company, Inc. MAIN STREET PHARMACY 804.435.8818 Fax: 804.435.8898 ❖ “Your Good Neighbor Pharmacy” ❖ Serving all your prescription and home health care needs True Value Home Center Special 10 % Discount For SENIORS Every Wednesday Burgess, Virginia • 804-453-4911 Allison’s Awnings Increase energy efficiency through shading. Add exterior space at little cost. Protection for your deck or patio. Add elegance and definition to your home! Allison’s Seamless Gutters Aluminum & Copper 5” & 6” gutters Gutter Guard Systems Gutter Cleaning & Maintenance Licensed & Insured All Major insurance plans accepted. Easy prescription transfers. With Leafproof Local Area Delivery. Without Leafproof Call Joey for your FREE estimate! Allison’s ACE Hardware “Good Ol’ Fashioned Service Since 1971” 308 North Main Street • Kilmarnock (At the light next to NAPA) 3010 Northumberland Highway Lottsburg, Virginia 804-529-7578 www.allisonsacehardware.com February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 31 Profile Marathon Man by Alex Haseltine Donald Mitchell is an information technology specialist. He is also a father of two, a coach, a marathon runner and a tri-athlete. Donald fell in love with running at age 11, when he started taking daily runs with an exchange student who lived with his aunt. He attended Northumberland High School and spent all four years on the track and cross- H O country teams, specializing in the 1600 and 3200 meter races. In 1995, Donald moved to Atlanta, which he described as a “big fitness area.” He began taking daily runs with his co-workers during lunch breaks, and it wasn’t long before he was competing in marathons. In 2004, Donald bought a mountain bike and began taking regular rides with the Northern Neck Cycling Group. It wasn’t M E my own for the first time. Which living person do you most admire? Before this year I wouldn’t have had an answer to that question, but now I would have to say Barack Obama. What is your greatest extravagance? I probably go a little overboard on fitness equipment. I am willing to spend more money on that than anything else. And, of course, my bike. What is your greatest achievement? It would have to be the financial side. I am looking ahead to retirement. I think I have come a long way. What motivates you? I tell myself, while you are sitting on the couch, the people you want to beat next year are out training. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. Who is the greatest athlete of all time? The late Steve Prefontaine, Olympic long-distance runner. Do you listen to music while you train? No. While I’m on the road I like to be able to hear what’s going on around me. Motto: Excuses are for the weak. long before he invested in a road bike and became a serious cyclist. During the winter he tries to ride at least 60 miles per week and he shoots for a 100 miles per week in the warm months. In 2005, Donald began swimming regularly at the YMCA, incorporating it into his regular regiment of running and cycling. Triathlons were the next logical step. “After I conquered the marathon, I thought, what’s next?” Since 1996, he has competed in seven marathons and three triathlons. He also volunteers as an assistant coach for the Northumberland High School track and crosscountry teams. Name: Donald Mitchell Age: 38 Village: Mallard Bay Occupation: IT specialist Describe yourself in three words: Perfectionist, determined, calm What is your idea of perfect happiness? Probably when I got my first apartment and was out on C It’s About How You Live A R E We bring compassion, quality and technology together to care for our patients. THE RESULT: better outcomes. SERVICES WE PROVIDE: •Riverside Tappahannock Hospice - AREAS WE SERVE: nursing, therapies, social workers, spiritual services, dietitian, volunteers, family bereavement counseling, and more, since 1979. • Northern Neck • Upper Middle Peninsula • Middle Peninsula • Peninsula and Surrounding Areas •Riverside Tappahannock Home Health nursing, therapies, social workers, wound care specialist and more, since 1982. •Home Telemonitoring our newest service. RIVERSIDE •Peninsula Pharmacy Services pharmacists, antibiotic therapy, steroid therapy, hydration therapy, chemotherapy, pain management, delivery and more. H O M E C A R E (757) 594-5600 www.riversideonline.com/homecare Physician information packet available. 32 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 Profile Aerobics Guru by Reid Pierce Armstrong If you’ve ever seen somebody walking around the Northern Neck YMCA with a shirt that says “I survived Violet,” they are referring to 87-year-old aerobics instructor Violet Lewis. Violet has been teaching aerobics since 1981 when she took her first aerobics class at the Oakwood Fitness Center in Kilmarnock. Six months later, Thank you Violet was a certified instructor. Now she teaches four exercise classes per week, including water aerobics, Body Design and a senior exercise class called Senior Specialty. Violet said she has always been active, but until she was 60 the only formal exercise class she took was Scottish Highland Dancing. When Violet’s husband died nearly a decade ago, it was the Virginia Health Services. “The care my husband received at Lancashire Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center was the very special loving care he was used to getting at home from his family. The staff gave special thought and worked hard to keep him content. It eased my mind to know that he was in such good hands. My husband couldn’t have been treated any better anywhere else.” exercise classes that saved her, she said. “It gave me a reason to get up in the morning,” she said. Violet said that she too feels the aches and pains of exercise, but that when she’s teaching a class she doesn’t have time to think about it. Weighing in at only 95 pounds, Violet said she doesn’t have any special diet or health regimen. She takes vitamins and lives a life of moderation. “I eat to live, I don’t live to eat,” she said. When she’s not teaching exercise classes, she’s likely taking one herself. Two of her favorites are personal training and weight training. Violet says she hopes she’s still teaching when she’s 90. With spunk in her step and only a few years to go, that’s looking like a real possibility. Name: Violet Lewis Age: 87 Village: White Stone Occupation/Hobby: Aerobics instructor Describe Yourself in Three Words: Caring, Christian, Motivator What is your idea of perfect happiness? I couldn’t have it any better than I have it right now, at my age, being able to do what I do, working with and helping people. Which living person do you most admire? Jack LaLanne, the “Godfather of Fitness” who, at the age of 94, continues to work out every morning for two hours, spending 1½ hours in the weight room and ½ hour swimming. What is your greatest extravagance? Body massage. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Raising four children. What motivates you? I always have to be doing something. I can’t sit still. Exercise advice: Be consistent. Listen to your body. Favorite workout music: “Your Mama Don’t Dance” by Loggins and Messina, and “Celebration” by Cool and the Gang. Motto: Live and learn. Virginia Health Services is proud to offer an outstanding record of professionalism, medical attention and rehabilitative therapies. Our Skilled Care and rehab team takes pride in helping our patients attain their highest goals. If you want to know more about us, ask your friends and neighbors who know about us and our services. They are our best references. —Mrs. Mary Lee Johnson In the care of people you know. www.vahs.com Lancashire Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center • (804) 435-1684 Walter Reed Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center • (804) 693-6503 The Newport • (757) 595-3733 York Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center • (757) 898-1491 James River Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center • (757) 595-2273 Northampton Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center • (757) 826-4922 Visit The Arbors at Port Warwick, a retirement lifestyle community. February 26, 2009 • Bay HealthStyles • 33 Emily Gaines breathes peppermint scented oxygen at Net Cruisers Cafe in Lancaster. A hit of oxygen and a side of espresso by Alex Haseltine veryone can identify with the need for a breath of fresh air. How about fresh air with a hint of peppermint, vanilla or lavender? These are some of the options at Net Cruisers Cafe in Lancaster, where atmospheric oxygen is purified, concentrated, spiked with essential oils and served up with some espresso. Since July of 2006, when owners Rich and Holly Pleasants opened the doors of the cafe, they have been providing patrons with purified oxygen paired with aromatherapy. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere range from 19 to 21 percent. The oxygen dispensed through the bar to your nose, through a plastic hose called a cannula, is 87 to 95 percent pure. The concentrated gas is pumped into a beaker of distilled water which has been mixed with one of several natural oils. According to Rich, each oil has specific properties. “Oxygen bars have been around since the eighties in Japan. Aromatherapy has been around since the days of Cleopatra. Every essential oil has a different medicinal property,” said Rich. “For example, eucalyptus helps with sinus problems and cherry is supposed to be a female aphrodisiac.” According to an information sheet provided by the cafe, using the oxygen bar heightens concentration, counters aging and stabilizes immune systems. Sandy Walsh, a spokesperson for the FDA, said proprietors of oxygen bars are free to make claims about the therapeutic benefits of oxygen therapy, as long as they don’t tout specific medical benefits. “As long as they don’t make claims that it cures cancer or cures AIDS then it’s okay. Keep in mind though there are no scientific studies to support these claims,” said Walsh. Always the skeptic, I took Rich up on an offer to sample the air. After fighting a nagging cold for the previous couple of weeks, I elected to try the eucalyptus, in hopes it would clear me up a bit. At first the effect was barely noticeable, but after five minutes I was breathing a bit easier. The aroma, which was reminiscent of Vicks Vapo-Rub, did the trick, though it interacted with my taste buds and gave an odd flavor to an otherwise lovely cup of espresso. E 34 • Bay HealthStyles • February 26, 2009 The Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board is one of 40 such boards across Virginia providing services related to mental health, intellectual disabilities, substance use, prevention, and early intervention. We serve the ten counties of the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck, a region of approximately 2,200 square miles and home to over 137,000 individuals. Our agency continuously recruits for open positions. We invite you to review our current job postings and benefits at http://mpnncsb.org/employment.php. You may reach Human Resouces by calling (804) 758-5314, or by email at [email protected] River Meadows Independent Living for Active Seniors In Beautiful Historic Northern Neck • Studios & One Bedroom Apartments w/Kitchenettes in a Secure Building with On-site Resident Manager • Rent Starting at $1,000.00 Per Month & Includes Utilities, Basic 60 Channel TV Cable, Weekly Housekeeping & Trash Services, Building & Grounds Maintenance, On-site Laundry, Fitness and Media Rooms Compare RIVER MEADOWS to your current expenses for rent/mortgage payment, utilities, insurance, taxes, home repairs/replacement of Appliances, Furnace, HVAC Heat Pump, Hot Water Heater, Electrical/Plumbing and Roof problems, and Lawn Care. RIVER MEADOWS is a tangible bargain, especially in today’s economy! You will have company and neighbors because YOU CHOOSE IT; privacy because YOU WANT IT; social opportunities because YOU CAN HAVE IT; and no fuss or worries of home upkeep because YOU DESERVE IT! 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Keeney is a board certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon who has placed thousands of dental implants. He is known locally, regionally and nationDental implants support teeth that can look and feel like your own. They can ally for excellence in dental implant surgery and is a Diplomate of the International replace one or more teeth without affecting neighboring teeth, unlike a bridge. They Congress of Oral Implantology. also can be used to provide support for a denture, making it feel more secure and comfortable. Long-term data shows thatthat dental thelike mostyour successful treat-can Dental implants support teeth can implants look andarefeel own. They ment for the replacement of missing replace one or more teeth withoutteeth. affecting neighboring teeth, unlike a bridge. They also can be used to provide support for a denture, making it feel more secure and If you are missing one or data more shows teeth that and dental would implants like to smile, speak eat again comfortable. 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