Tingira Ohoy February 27


Tingira Ohoy February 27
27 February 2015
Welcome To New
Page 1
Recent Club Activity
Pages 4 to 6
Holiday Kayaking
Pages 2 & 3
Pontoon receives some
Pages 7 to 9
Tingira Grants
Page 10
Upcoming Events
Canoe Race
Page 11
Oysters & Jazz Page 12
Bus Roster and Booking
Page 13
Club Calendar
Page 14
Welcome to Our New Members
A warm Tingira welcome our new members and who have recently joined our club:
David and Annette Gemmell, Rob and Loretta Lewis, Elan Jones, Lee
Suckling, Julia Kent, Noeleen Webb and junior member Logan Collard.
We wish them an enjoyable time with us and look forward to catching up with them at our
regular Friday night dinners and planned social and boating activities.
Currently the club has a total membership of 190 with 176 ordinary members, 10 life
members and 4 juniors. (At the same time last year we had a total of 174 members with 162
ordinary members, 8 life members and 4 juniors.)
Sea Kayaking at Tingira Boat Club as part of the
“Running Wild” School Holiday Activities
(See story on page 2 )
Tingira boat club newsletter • 91 coast road • macleay island • qld 4184
27 February 2015
Quarterly General Meeting - Saturday 28th February
The Quarterly General Meeting of the Tingira Boat Club will be held at the Club premises at
91 Coast Road, Macleay Island at 10:30am on Saturday 28th February.
We are hoping a sufficient number of members (at least 13or 14) attend to form a quorum, so
please support this meeting if you can.
We will have our traditional sausage sizzle at the conclusion of the meeting.
(Inquiries contact – Joan Wheeler at [email protected] or 3409 4175)
Running Wild School Holiday Activities
During the Christmas break the Tingira Boat Club assisted the Running Wild Youth Conservation
Culture Inc with their school holiday program conducted for our bay island young people.
The program was devised and facilitated by Chook Larson and financially supported with a
$10,000 grant from the Redland City Council The aim of the program was to give our islander
students (13 to 18 year olds) a variety of interesting activities to keep them active and occupied
during the Christmas school vacation. The program included activities such as a movie night,
circus skills, arts and crafts, skating in the skate parks and a music jam.
For our part, the club hosted four 2 hour sessions of sea kayaking. These were held on Sunday
11 and Wednesday 21 January.
The activity attracted a total of 36 young and energetic participants. The club provided the
venue, kayaks, paddles, buoyancy vests, safety boats and crews.
The two hour sessions included a safety and orientation briefing, warm up paddle circuit and
then a paddle to Dalpura Beach for a swim and return paddle back to the club. Our club safety
boats travelled with the kayaks in case they required assistance. Our club members enjoyed
assisting with the program as the participating teenagers were very keen and enthusiastic.
There was also a financial benefit with the club receiving $360 from the Redland City Council
funding to cover the cost of fuel and equipment hire.
My thanks to the following club members who assisted with the program:
Safety Boat Crews: Peter Lawson, Brian Sutton, Max Keily, Robert Smith and Ivan Scott.
VHF Radio: Ron Notley
Program Support & Photos: Neville Prosser
Thanks also to club members Ivan Scott and Keith Fox for lending their kayaks to add to the
fleet. Also Mr Ian Kirk for the use of his two kayaks.
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27 February 2015
Top: Some of the Safety Boat Crew - Max Keily, Peter Fox, Brian Sutton and Peter Lawson
Below: Set to go! - one of the participating “Running Wild” student groups with their leaders
(Photos courtesy of Nev Prosser)
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27 February 2015
Recent Activities & Events
Tingira Christmas Party
Our Christmas party was a very lively affair thanks to entertainer Murray O’Shea who had
people up dancing from the very
start. The food was excellent
thanks to Providore Jocelyn
Shinnie and Jill Ashton and
their many helpers both in the
kitchen and waiting on tables.
Ron and Val Notley did a
wonderful job with the Christmas
decorations and thanks to Tereska
Hart for selling the tickets. This
was a really good club night with
everyone joining in the spirit of the
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27 February 2015
Raj Mahal and the Pimple of Doom
Once again the Tingira Thespians under the directorship of Joan Wheeler came up with a very
entertaining Christmas Play which involved many of our members either acting on stage or
working behind the scenes with props, lighting or cameras.
A sell out audience turned up on the
night to view the performance.
Set in an ancient oriental location we
saw scantily clad dancing girls,
explorers, Sultan Sid with
disappearing and reappearing
pimpled sons and lots, lots more.
It all ended with everyone choosing
different partners except the Sultan
who’s newly found son stole his
newly purchased woman and they all
lived happily ever after. I think!
Well done Joan and the cast of
(Photos and report by N. Prosser)
Thanks to Moss Lane a DVD was made of the production and
was shown to members on a Friday dinner meeting earlier this
Moss has copies of the DVD if anyone is interested in obtaining
one. Moss can be contacted on 0428 717 535
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27 February 2015
First Dinner Meeting for 2015
The first night back for 2015 was on Friday 30 January and was a barbeque prepared by
Providore Jocelyn Shinnie and Vice Commodore Max Keily. Attendance was excellent and the
takings from the Bar were considerable.
and then:-
Fish and Chips
Our first fish and chips night for 2015 was held on Friday 6 February.
This was a huge night thanks to Max Keily who was acting Commodore in the absence of the
Commodore, who was representing the Club with the Sailing Master at the Wooden Boat
Festival in Hobart. Max drew a crowd of 110 and again the bar takings were high.
Ron and Val Notley celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the Club that night with lots
of members and friends wishing them well.
Valentine’s Night - Saturday 14 February
This was a wonderful dinner night with many singles as well as couples attending.
A three course meal was prepared under the guidance of our Providore Jocelyn Shinnie and
Jill Ashton. The dinner was superb as you would expect and the entertainment was provided by
club member Geoff Hiley. He provided an excellent play list which those in attendance enjoyed
and at times got up and danced to. We even heard Geoff sing as he plucked along on his
ukulele. People were very generous and deposited $8.00 in his hat. Again Ron and Val Notley
went to great effort to decorate the club in a St Valentine’s Day theme. Our bar sales were again
New Refrigerator in the Bar Area
Thanks to Brian Sutton and his team, the refrigerator donated by the Eagle Academy has been
installed in the bar area. It certainly has made a difference in making access to the soft drinks
much easier. It should be mentioned that it was very useful keeping entrees and sweets chilled
for the Christmas Party.
A Big Thank-You to Stewart and Heather Sorby
With so much rain and hot weather the grass is growing out of control. A big thank-you is
extended to Stewart Sorby for his continuing efforts to keep the grass under control. Heather
has also spent a great deal of time working on improving and maintaining the garden.
Our club appreciates your efforts!
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27 February 2015
Club Pontoon “Tingira” Receives some TLC
It became quite obvious late last year that the Club’s pontoon “Tingira” was in need of some
urgent and serious maintenance. “Tingira” had developed a list and was settling at the stern due to
water leaking into the hulls.
“Tingira” was taken to the club’s beach for an inspection and found to have several flooded
compartments. A major contributor to the problem were the plastic inspection caps which had
deteriorated over time and allowed water to enter the hulls. Further it was found that the existing
bilge pump had failed and was no longer pumping out the accumulated leaked water.
Further leaks or problems were difficult to detect due to the heavy growth of weed and barnacles
that covered the pontoon’s four hulls.
A decision was made to take “Tingira” to the Pelican Slipway at Weinam Creek for a proper
cleaning and an inspection by the slipway staff to determine her condition and the feasibility (and
costs) of having her repaired,
After the hulls had been sufficiently cleaned she was inspected by the Pelican Slipway staff and was
found to be in reasonable condition. The consensus was that“Tingira” was in good shape and well
worth keeping but in need of some work to keep her operational. The following work was
suggested and carried out:
• Sand and water blasting the hulls back to bare aluminum.
• Coating the hulls (below the waterline) with epoxy resign to protect the aluminum hulls from
electrolysis and seal below the waterline to prevent water leaks.
• Fit two new bilge pumps to keep the compartments dry.
• Welding to repair a split section in the deck.
• Repainting the hull with an aluminum compatible anti-foul paint.
• A full mechanical service carried out on the Honda outboard engine.
Once the work was completed Tingira looking like new with her clean and freshly painted hulls
was slipped back into the water. Once checking all was well “Tingira was motored back to her
mooring at Sandpiper Beach, Macleay Island.
The crew assisting in the operation consisted of Brian Sutton, Ivan Scott, Peter Lawson, Moss
Lane and Commodore Neville Prosser.
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27 February 2015
“Tingira going up the Pelican Slipway
“Tingira” Crew consisting of Brian Sutton,
Peter F , Ivan Scott and Peter Lawson.
Thanks must go to the team at Pelican Slipway who went out of their way to assist our club.
They were very helpful and gave honest advise. They did what they could to minimize the costs
of the required work and ensured that as good a job as possible was done on the Pontoon.
So a big thank you to the Pelican Team - Keith and Ann Davis, Matt Moore and Lyn Harland.
The “Tingira” pontoon is a valuable club asset and used to start and finish water-based events
such as the Brian Calvert Memorial Sailing Event, Vagabond sailing races and the Macleay
Island Classic Canoe Race.
In the past the pontoon has been used by members for fishing and crabbing trips and also taken
club members to Coochiemudlo and Blakesley's for day picnics. Sadly however these have been
quite infrequent. The pontoon needs to be used and hopefully with a bit more publicity more
members will make use of it.
Recently Joan and Chris Wheeler used the pontoon for a crabbing expedition when
entertaining some visiting friends from the mainland. Following their day out in the pontoon
Joan had this to say,
“A really great day and so easy to do. All necessities already on board, just the
coffee and lamingtons to take.Congratulations to all involved in making it so
accessible and comfortable.Heartily recommended to all club members. Not as
tricky as some may think and enormously enjoyable. Just do it!”
Joan (See photo next page)
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27 February 2015
To Access the Club Pontoon
The Club Pontoon is available for our members
to make use of.
Depending on the weather the pontoon is great
for taking a group of members (or friends) for a
day out on the water. You could choose to simply
go for a cruise along the passage between
Macleay Island and Garden Island or to Dalpura
for a swim. Form a group and go fishing and
crabbing along the Western side of Macleay.
Perhaps a picnic trip to Coochiemudlo or
Blakesley’s. (If the weather is good)
Keep in mind however the pontoon does
require a skipper with a Qld Recreational
Marine Drivers License.
Madame Secretary (Joan Wheeler)
navigates the club pontoon through the
crab pots back to the club on a recent
For further information regarding the club
pontoon or to arrange a booking please contact
Sailing Master Peter Fox 3409 5055 or
[email protected]
Margaret Calvert, Billie Kavanagh, Jessie Snooks and Rob Thompson enjoying the
Tingira Christmas party
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27 February 2015
Tingira Boat Club Successful in Gaining Grants
Members will be pleased to hear that the Club has been successful in obtaining the following
grants to assist the club achieve its aims:
Thanks to Robert Smith for preparing and writing
the grant application and Brian Sutton for obtaining
quotes. We are to receive the full amount required to
build our new boat, vehicle and equipment
storage shed. Planning is now underway.
Gaming Community
Benefit Fund
The Redland
Community Grants
Redland City
Council Sponsorship
Thanks to Neville Prosser for writing and
submitting the grant application. These funds will
support the club in providing training in First Aid
and CPR for members.
Thanks to Neville Prosser for writing and
submitting the grant application. These funds will
support the club’s running of the 7th Macleay Island
Commodore Neville
and Treasurer Bob
receive a $1000
Sponsorship on behalf
of the Tingira Boat
Club for the Macleay
Island Classic Canoe
Race from Redland
City Council Mayor
Karen Williams
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27 February 2015
Tingira - Upcoming Events - Canoe Race
Individual Event
for Experienced
Join in and support
competitors as they
RACE around
Location Start/Finish
91 Coast Road
Macleay Island
Macleay Island
RACE START 10:15am
Reregister open from 7:00am
Online Registration www.tingiraboatclub.com
To Be Held At
Relay Teams of five paddlers
battle it out to compete for the
Tingira Boat Club
Canoe Race Trophy
Tingira Boat Club
Saturday 21st March 2015
For further information contact Event Director Neville Prosser
Phone: 0425 798 750
Email: [email protected]
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27 February 2015
Tingira - Upcoming Events
Tingira Boat Club Presents
Oysters & Jazz
Ticket includes a plate of delicious oysters or tasty
cheese and a glass of champagne.
Then kick back and enjoy the view and be
entertained by our
Sunday 12th April – 12:00 till 5:30pm
Tingira Boat Club, 91 Coast Rd, Macleay Island
Tickets - $20:00 - Will be on sale soon
Please note this date in your diary!
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27 February 2015
Club Bus Roster & Booking Procedure
Fri 27 Feb
Robert Smith
Fri 24 April
Paul Driver
Fri 06 March
Geoff Rowland
Fri 01 May
Robert Smith
Fri 13 March
Paul Driver
Fri 08 May
Sat 21 March
Peter Lawson
Fri 15 May
Ivan Scott
Fri 27 March
Sid Cooper
Fri 22 May
Peter Lawson
Fri 03 April
Good Friday
Club Closed
Fri 29 May
Geoff Hiley
Fri 10 April
Geoff Hiley
Fri 05 June
Ivan Scott
Fri 17 April
Sid Cooper
Roster Inquiries - Brian Sutton 0403 893 823 or 3409 4364
Club Bus Booking Telephone Procedure
The procedure to arrange the club bus to make a pick up is as follows:
Please ring 0411072130
Members should wait for the message recording prompt tone before commencing
their message.
Please give your message clearly stating your name, address for pick up and the
number of passengers. At the end of your message please press the hash key.
The rostered driver for the night will check the messages recorded on the message bank and pick
up those members accordingly. The phone will be located in the bar/office storage area.
If members have difficulty with the messaging service, please ring Brian on
0403 893 823 or 3409 4364.
Club Bus Booking Dinner Board Procedure
Simply write PU and the number of people to be picked up alongside your name plus your
address (if you are not a regular) when placing it on the Dinner Attendance Board. 13! T i n g i r a b o a t c l u b n e w s l e t t e r • 9 1 c o a s t r o a d • m a c l e a y i s l a n d • q l d 4 1 8 4
27 February 2015
Tingira Boat Club Calendar 2015
Friday 27 February
Members Dinner from 6:00pm (Prepared by John and Jeanette Trefle)
Saturday 28 February
QGM, 10:30am at the Clubhouse
Friday 06 March
Fish and Chips from 6:00pm
Saturday 07 March
****Private Function****
Sunday 08 March
Vagabond Sailing and kayaking, 9:00am - 2:00pm, Bar Open & BYO BBQ
Friday 13 March
Members Dinner from 6:00pm
Friday 20 March
Nibbles and Drinks from 6:00pm
Saturday 21 March
7th Macleay Island Classic Canoe Race Event Dinner, 6:00pm
Sunday 22 March
7th Macleay Island Classic Canoe Race, Start 10:15am
Friday 27 March
Members Dinner from 6:00pm
Saturday 28 February
****Private Function****
Friday 03 April
Good Friday - Club Closed
Sunday 05 April
Vagabond Sailing and kayaking, 9:00am - 1:30pm, BYO BBQ
Friday 10 April
Members Dinner from 6:00pm
Sunday 12 April
Oysters and Jazz, 12:00 - 5:00pm
Friday 17 April
Members Dinner from 6:00pm
Sunday 19 April
Vagabond Sailing and kayaking, 8:30am - 12:30pm, Bar Open & BYO BBQ
Monday 20 - Friday 24
Southern Moreton Bay Cruise & Camp (WBAQ)
Friday 24 April
Members Dinner from 6:00pm
Friday 01 May
Fish and Chips from 6:00pm
Saturday 09 May
Point Talburpin Regatta (Details will be advertised closer to the date)
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