Opaka Bajoran 5 •Opaka Bajoran 5 •Opaka Bajoran 5 •Opaka
Opaka Bajoran 5 •Opaka Bajoran 5 •Opaka Bajoran 5 •Opaka
5 •Opaka Strength 2 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. “My work is here now, Commander.” Integrity10 Cunning 7 0 VP 154 Healer Strength 2 Bajoran 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. “My work is here now, Commander.” Integrity10 Cunning 7 0 VP 154 NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ “My work is here now, Commander.” Strength 2 “My work is here now, Commander.” Integrity10 Healer “My work is here now, Commander.” Strength 2 0 VP 154 Bajoran 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. “My work is here now, Commander.” Integrity10 Cunning 7 Strength 2 0 VP 154 NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ Bajoran NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ Bajoran Strength 2 5 •Opaka Healer 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. Cunning 7 0 VP 154 5 •Opaka Healer Cunning 7 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. 0 VP 154 5 •Opaka Strength 2 5 •Opaka Bajoran 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. Cunning 7 0 VP 154 Healer Bajoran Integrity10 Integrity10 5 •Opaka Healer Cunning 7 “My work is here now, Commander.” 0 VP 154 5 •Opaka Integrity10 Strength 2 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ “My work is here now, Commander.” Bajoran NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. Cunning 7 Healer Bajoran NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ Bajoran Integrity10 5 •Opaka Healer NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ Healer 2 Anthropology 2 Diplomacy 2 Honor 2 Leadership Kai. While this personnel is attempting a mission, each Kai, Prylar, and Vedek at that mission may meet Cunning and Strength requirements of that mission using Integrity. “My work is here now, Commander.” Integrity10 Cunning 7 Strength 2 0 VP 154 NOT ENDORSED BY CBS OR PAR. PIC.❶ 5 •Opaka
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