Bourne Academy Welcomes former RAF Tornade Pilot


Bourne Academy Welcomes former RAF Tornade Pilot
Issue 17
February 2016
Bourne Academy Newsletter
Dear Reader
As we move past the halfway point in
the academic year, this newsletter
gives us a chance to take a step back
and celebrate some outstanding
achievements by our students. A
highlight of this half term was the
under 13 hockey team’s win in the
Superzone Tournament and the ‘grit
and determination’ that characterises
their play. Well done girls!
Another highlight was the visit of
Mandy Hickson, an ex-RAF fighter
pilot, who gave an inspirational talk on
overcoming difficulties to an interested
group of students who asked to
attend. Mandy is an excellent role
model for our girls in the light of her
achievements in what was previously
regarded as a ‘man’s world’.
One of the strengths of Bourne
Academy is the diversity of the
curriculum. Whilst so many schools are
narrowing the choice for students, we
continue to offer a wide range of
options at Key Stage 4. Our students
realise the importance of the core
subjects, English, mathematics and
science, but have the opportunity to
choose their other subjects which
increases their motivation, enjoyment
and achievement. This newsletter
illustrates high standards in the
creative arts, sport and IT.
Not surprisingly, given the adverse
weather conditions, many of the
activities in this edition took place
indoors. One notable exception is a
sport that never gets cancelled
whatever the weather: cross country.
The school has a proud tradition in this
sport and the students in this cohort
were again successful. A particular well
done to those selected for South
Lincolnshire and to Will Baker and
Matt Coleman for being chosen to
represent the county.
The Food Technology department is a
centre of innovation at Bourne
Academy. I was amazed by the quality
of the healthy meals prepared by our
Year 11 students and highlighted in
this edition, featured in this edition.
Well done to Keller House for their
successful charity ‘Bake Off’ and to
Rebecca Hughen for qualifying for the
regional final of the Rotary Young Chef
I hope that our Year 11, 12 and 13
students build some revision time into
the half term holiday as we start our
final preparations for the 2016 public
examinations which commence shortly
after Easter.
Mr L Reilly
Bourne Academy
Welcomes former RAF
Tornade Pilot
On the afternoon of Wednesday 27 January
we were privileged to receive Mandy
Hickman into school to speak to an audience
of very eager students. Mandy was in
Bourne as she was the guest speaker at the annual Len Pick Memorial Evening and the
trustees of the Len Pick Trust arranged for her to speak to our students during the afternoon.
The students were absolutely enthralled, listening intently to her amazing story which started
with her ambition whilst in school to become a pilot and her determination to achieve her
goal against the odds. Mandy’s hard work paid off and she became one of the very few
women pilots in the RAF, which included flying tornados in Afghanistan and many other parts
of the world.
Students said afterwards that the presentation was totally amazing and inspirational, with
one student saying: I’ve always wanted to join the forces but am even more determined now
– I’ll definitely now be joining the local Air Cadets”. Mandy said: I really enjoyed speaking to
students at Bourne Academy – they were beautifully behaved and really attentive and it was
lovely to see such responsive students with such good questions being asked”.
During the evening, Chairman Charles Houseago presented a defibrillator, kindly donated by the Len Pick Trust, to Bourne
Academy representative Helen Lewis.
Bourne Academy Newsletter
Issue 17
February 2016
Great Keller Bake-Off
Forms Y3 and Y4 would like to thank everyone who took part in the Great Keller Bake Off. We managed to raise almost
£40 for the Keller House charity Rainbow Schools and we couldn't have done it without you!
A special thanks goes to Maria Barker-Young and Cody Fordham for their wonderful baking. Taste testers voted for
their favourite bake and Cody's eggs-travaganza of a cake was the clear favourite. Well done everyone - Mary and Paul
would be proud!
Sainsbury’s Active Kids
Vouchers are Back in Store
Junior Leadership Team
The Pastoral Junior Leadership Team (JLT) group gave
students a wonderful presentation on the ‘Pastoral Team’
support tree. This gave students an insight into who’s who
in the pastoral team. This will help students identify which
member of staff to approach for support whether it be for bullying,
emotional or behaviour issues. The JLT group presented with confidence
and created an inspiring PowerPoint presentation to the whole school. Well
done to the JLT Pastoral team!
The ICT JLT Group has also been working on an ICT training PowerPoint
presentation to deliver to the whole school. The presentation is to train
students on the various pieces of software we have in school. This term they
will be presenting training on the VLE and will soon be delivering training on
the OneDrive, Sam Learning and Doddle. The school has a wonderful array
of on-line learning programmes for students and we look forward to raising
awareness of all the wonderful resources we have.
Academy Council
The Academy Council recently held a
successful meeting regarding the Most Able students at Bourne Academy.
The introduction of the A-Team was an idea appreciated by the student
body. The A-Team will identify Bourne Academy’s Academics, Athletes and
Artists, thus recognising the most able and passionate students of all skills
and talents. We look forward to introducing the A-Team formally to the
whole school next term and are delighted that the student body were
enthusiastic about the idea of the A-Team.
Ms Kaur—Student Voice Lead & Media Studies Teacher
Please support Bourne Academy by
collecting Active Kids vouchers if you shop
in Sainsbury’s to help us get some fantastic
new sports and cooking equipment as well
as encourage more kids to eat well, move
well and live well.
You will receive 1 voucher for every £10 you
spend. The vouchers will look different from
previous years as they will all be printed on
one piece of paper. These vouchers are
white and smaller in size, with no
photograph on them.
You can now collect vouchers and donate
them to us until 3 May 2016. Please place
them in the box in reception.
Bourne Academy Newsletter
Issue 17
February 2016
BBC Make
it Digital
We are proud
to announce
that Bourne
Academy has secured a place at one of the Challenge Days
organised by the BBC involving Year 7 students to
programme with the micro:bit.
The event will take place in May 2016 at Loughborough
University. The winning team from each event across the
country will take home an Amazon voucher for
themselves and an exclusive IET Faraday/BBC micro:bit
sports watch, as well as gaining a place on the league
table. The top teams at the end of the season will go
forward into the national final later in the year.
Year 11 Catering Exam
The Year 11 catering group had their final 3 hour exam at the
end of January. This was a very nervous time for all as they
created a 2 course healthy meal for the school canteen. The
students produced some excellent well-presented food as you
can see from the photographs. Well done everyone.
We are looking forward to receiving our micro:bits in term
4 in preparation for the event!
Bourne Academy
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open over half
term at the usual
Tuesday 3.00pm-6.00pm
Thursday 8.00am-11.30am
Please visit our school uniform information
page on our website
Click the button on our home page
Bourne Academy Newsletter
Issue 17
February 2016
Rebecca Wins Third Round
of the Rotary Young Chef
Having secured her win at the Rotary
Young Chef 2016 competition in two
previous rounds, Rebecca Hughen
continued to triumph in the third round
- the District Final for the South in
Huntingdon, with her menu of smoked
salmon mousse with melba toast,
stuffed pesto chicken and layered
dessert which was excellently received
by the judges. She will now go on to
Halifax to compete for the Regional
title on 12 March. We are so proud of
her and wish her the very best on 12
Our KS3 Homework Club has proved
very popular with Year 7s but we can
accommodate more students.
Therefore, should your child wish to
attend then please encourage them
to come along on a Tuesday and
Thursday from 3.15-4.15pm in the
Year 7 Update
In January we gladly welcomed back our entire Year 7 year group after the Christmas break. Our first assembly was a prize
giving extravaganza where we were able to reward Year 7 students with vouchers totalling a massive £165 for our Super
Prize and Strike Card draws, our lucky winners were as follows:
Super Prize Draw
£45 = Madelaine Sharp
£30 = Jessica Pettitt
£15 = Charlotte Yarnall
£15 = Ella Rosam Lee
£15 = Justyna Barucha
Strike Card
£15 = Florence Garbett
£15 = Jake Grainger
Term 3 has been very busy with a number of events; Parents Evening, promotion of E-Safety to both students and parents
and an external visitor from Lincolnshire County Council talking to our Year 7 students about staying safe on their journey
to school. In Term 4 we will continue the theme of ‘Staying Safe’ when we embark on our second PSHE day of this
academic year.
In Geography some of our Year 7 students have been working on a topic called ‘Bourne Identity’ where they have been
looking at redeveloping the Burghley Street area in Bourne. They began the
unit with considering towns in general - what they like and dislike and what
their ideal town would be like. Students asked friends and family for their
"wish lists" for what they would like in Bourne. They also covered learning on
what sustainability, redevelopment and rebranding are as well as what clone
and home towns are so students could reflect this knowledge in their
Burghley Street redevelopment plan. The group decided via a vote that they
would rebrand the Burghley Street area with a futuristic theme (other choices
were historic or environmental). Students then had a plan of Burghley Street
to show where their design ideas would go and have annotated their ideas to
explain what the feature is, what groups of people will use it / benefit from it
(e.g. teenagers, families, the elderly). They have also explained how it will be
rebranded and any ideas to make their features sustainable. Students have
also developed the skills of self and peer assessment through looking at their
own plans and each other’s and giving good comments.
Mrs Scotney - Admissions Manager
Bourne Academy Newsletter
Issue 17
February 2016
News from the
Art Department
Arts and Craft Club
The Tuesday after-school Arts and
Craft club is continuing to be a real
success and a popular extracurricular activity. Recently
students have been creating handmade repeat patterns.
Students were able to choose any
subject matter to draw and then made this into a repeating pattern, which could be used for wrapping paper, to cover
books, cards, posters and much more. Students really enjoyed this activity and the results look fantastic!
Newcomers are always welcome, and students can join at any stage. The club is open to all Year 7, 8 and 9 students, and we
welcome any suggestions from students of activities they would like us to run.
Arts and Craft Club is held in C17 every Tuesday from 3.15pm-4.15pm
BTEC Art and Craft Designs
Year 13 BTEC Art and Design students have been working on
a brief to design a piece to be sold in the gift shop of the
Botanical Gardens in Cambridge. After visiting the gardens
the students worked in the studio to develop their creative
responses. We are thrilled by the variety and quality of the
work produced.
We are very proud of our students and the commitment they
show to the subject and were thrilled to learn that they have
all been offered places at their first choice universities based
on the strength of their portfolios.
Bourne Academy Newsletter
Issue 17
February 2016
Abbi Competes in British
Karting Championships
Abbi Pulling has raced in the British Karting
Championship throughout 2015, standing on the
podium at one round and winning numerous club
races. During the off season she has appeared in
an ITV news report about women in motorsport.
She was nominated for the Gold Stars award for
the top female in all forms of motorsport across
the UK, one of only 3 nominated. The awards
were presented by Formula 1 driver Susie Wolff
and Abbi finished runner-up.
Abbi has also won the British Women Racing Drivers Club (BWRDC) karting championship for 2015. She was also crowned the
club Junior Champion and to top that she won the overall award for the very prestigious BWRDC club champion, an award
going back to 1965, which was presented by TV host Suzy Perry.
Abbi also has been chosen as favourite to win the British Karting championship for 2016. Judging by Abbi’s current
performance, no doubt we’ll be hearing more of Abbi’s successes during 2016!
Caitlin Competes in
Indoor Rowing
On Thursday 28 January the second of the Indoor Rowing
competitions took place at Stamford Welland Academy.
Our students performed extremely well and were a real
credit to the school. The indoor rowing coach Isy has
definitely made a positive impact upon our students’
technique and power.
Caitlin Roche and her two teammates competed in a Taekwondo
East Midlands Championships
competition that took place on
31 January in Kettering and won
the middle-weight girls sparring
We saw some outstanding performances from Callum
Farrell, Connor Farrell, Theo Hoyles-Simpson and Rebecca
Miller. However, all the team members performed
extremely well. Well done to all rowers!
Caitlin, a member of the Annabel
Murcott Taekwondo School, also
came third to secure bronze, in the individual girls’ middleweight sparring competition.
Swimming Gala
On Tuesday 26 February the annual Swimming Gala at The
Deepings School took place. Congratulations to the following
students who participated:
Andre Ubaviciute, Billie Marshall, Sophia Ash, Amy Tappern,
Isobel Conley, Taylor Dean, Billie Coster, Ellie Stiff, Tabitha
Gervis, Jemima Gervis, Abbie Rayment, Max Peverell, Bradley
Matthews, Theo Hoyles-Simpson.
Well done to all swimmers for their efforts. A special mention to
Andre Ubaviciute and Amy Tappern in Year 7, who finished 2nd
and 3rd respectively, in their individual races. Both girls also
took part in the Year 11 relay, which turned out to be an
extremely closely swum race.
Bourne Academy Newsletter
Issue 17
February 2016
Bourne Academy Win the Superzone Hockey
On Tuesday 12th January Bourne Academy (BA) hosted the annual Under 13
Indoor Hockey Tournament. The starting line-up saw one team from Bourne
Academy, Spalding High School (SHS), The Deepings School (TDS) and two teams
from Bourne Grammar School (BGS).
BA made a great start, winning their first two matches comfortably, beating BGS
B team 1-0 and TDS 6-0. From these successes the team gathered momentum
and confidence which was needed for the final two games against the strongest
teams in the tournament. Always ready for a challenge, the team went out and
battled against SHS with real grit and determination. Play was end to end but SHS
was the team getting more shots on target with some fantastic goal-keeping from
Rose Taylor Jackson keeping the score sheet clear. Then towards the end of the
match Issie Conley scored a tremendous flicked goal in the side netting to claim
victory. This result opened up the whole tournament, the outcome of the final match would decide the overall winners.
If BGS A team could secure a win against us, the first place would be shared three ways. With joint first place guaranteed, BA
had nothing to lose. The girls really stepped it up once again playing end to end but it was BGS that took the early lead. BA
responded quickly and soon levelled the playing field. A draw was enough to take the title but the girls didn't sit on their
laurels and continued to play for the win which came from the edge of the area, courtesy of Taylor Dean.
Table Tennis
Following a narrow
defeat in last year's
final in the annual
South Lincs Table
Tennis Tournament,
Jon Brown was out
for revenge and
none came sweeter
than defeating last
year’s winner in the
semi-final for the
Under 16s. This year
21 students
competed for the
Under 16 title. Jon
claimed an 11-5, 116 victory in the final
to wrap up a
tournament for him.
Congratulations to the following
students who were selected to
represent the South Lincolnshire
Superzone at the 2016 County
Cross-Country Championships at
Burghley House on 16th January:Grace Tidman, Eleanor Peel, Alice Bailey, Leah Clark, Daniel
Lawrance, Matt Colman, Jacob Crosby, Leah Rayment, Paula
Naylor, Luke Dudley and Will Baker.
Well done to all runners. A special mention to Will Baker and Matt
Colman who have been selected to represent Lincolnshire at the
Anglian championships. Well done!
Rugby News
Congratulations also to Josh Brown who finished 4th
in the Under 16 tournament after the 3rd/4th playoff.
On Monday 1 February the second of three tri tournaments
involving Years 7, 8 and 9 between Bourne Grammar School,
Deepings School and Bourne Academy took place. Conditions were
far from great as storm Henry blew a gale across the pitches at
Bourne Rugby Club.
Well done to all our competitors: Under 13s: Sam
Oke, Alfie Woodward, Ethan Scotney, Oli Marshall,
U16s: Louis King, Connor Harris, Jon Brown and Josh
Despite this the boys played magnificently across all age groups.
The Year 7s finished third, Year 9s finished second and the Year 8
team finished first, winning the competition by 1 try! Onwards and