Foundation Events Recognize the Heroic Work of the Coast Guard


Foundation Events Recognize the Heroic Work of the Coast Guard
fall/winter 2012 z a publication of the coast guard foundation z
Foundation Events Recognize the
Heroic Work of the Coast Guard
events also raise awareness of foundation’s mission
The 2012 Coast Guard Foundation Award for Heroism was presented to Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak, for its
rescue of two fishing crews in January 2012 in extreme weather and adverse conditions. The crew received
the award at the Foundation’s annual Salute to the United States Coast Guard, held in New York City on
October 11, 2012. Pictured with the crew is Admiral Robert J. Papp, Commandant (center).
see pages 4 and 5 for more on the foundation’s recognition events
Ross Roeder Awarded Spirit of Hope Award
ommandant of the coast guard admiral bob papp presented the Spirit of Hope Award to Mr.
Ross E. Roeder, past Chairman of the Coast Guard Foundation Board of Trustees, for his selfless dedication to the men and women of the Coast Guard, at a ceremony held at the Pentagon in November.
Kelly Hope, son of Bob Hope, looks on as Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Bob Papp
presents the Spirit of Hope Award to Ross E. Roeder at an award ceremony at the Pentagon
in Arlington, Virginia, November 15. uscg photo by petty officer 2nd class patrick kelley
The Spirit of Hope Award recognizes the outstanding
service of men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces,
entertainers and other distinguished Americans and
organizations whose patriotism and service reflects
that of Bob Hope, the award’s namesake. The award
is presented annually by the five armed services and
the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
“Embodying Bob Hope’s legacy of service, Ross
Roeder and the Coast Guard Foundation tirelessly
supported Coast Guardsmen and their families in a
wide variety of ways,” said Admiral Papp. “He is very
deserving of this prestigious award and I am honored to present it to him.” Mr. Roeder served as board
chairman of the Coast Guard Foundation from 2005
to 2011. Under his tenure the Foundation expanded
education, support, and relief programs to Coast
Guard members and their families.
Honoring our Coast Guard
Heroes on Veterans Day
his year on veterans day weekend, the Coast Guard
Foundation and our corporate partner, Telephonics, participated in the annual Flags Across America at Arlington
National Cemetery in Virginia.
Started by the Chief Petty Officer’s Association of D.C., the program works
with volunteers to place American and Coast Guard flags at the gravesites of
Coast Guard veterans. The program has grown to also include those from the
Coast Guard’s predecessor services, the U.S. Life-Saving Service and Revenue
Cutter Service.
Coast Guard recruits from Training Center Cape May
participate in New York City’s Veterans Day Parade.
uscg photo by petty officer 1st class gail e. dale
z recognizing the members of the douglas a. munro society
embers of The Douglas Munro Society have expressed their commitment to the Coast
Guard Foundation through a very special and important form of financial support.
These donors have named the Foundation as the beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts
might include a bequest, appreciated securities, gifts of real estate, gifts of life insurance or charitable income gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts, and charitable
remainder annuity trusts. On behalf of all who will benefit by your generosity, thank you.
Ms. Gloria E. Ajo
Ms. Valerie M. Arris
Mrs. Eleanor M. Buker
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Buker
Mr. Terry L. Burrington
CAPT and Mrs. Richard O. Buttrick,
USCG (Ret.)
Dr. Bel Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cory,
in memory of Jack Irving Solomon
Mr. Brosius D’Arcy
Mrs. Mary Ann Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Friend
Ms. Lynn Heasel
Mr. William Jenkins
Mr. John S. Johnson
Mr. Leo Paul Koulos
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Libka
Mr. Todd K. Mains
Mr. Jean-Jacques Marie
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer, Jr.
c oast guard foundation z currents fall/winter 2012
CAPT Harold P. Morrill
Mr. Ira B. Newman
Mr. James A. O’Hare
Mr. Richard L. Petri
Mr. Michael L. Scharfenstein
Mr. Frank J. Sposato
Mr. John F. Statts
Mr. Ralph W. Thomas, USCG Aux.
Mr. Stephen J. Tresidder
Mr. and Mrs. William Winterer
Participants at the 2012 Flags Across America event at Coast Guard Hill at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. photo by patti gross
BMCS Jon Ostrowski, President, CPOA Washington D.C. Chapter; VADM
Manson Brown, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support; Joe Battaglia,
President Telephonics; MSTCS Jonathan Grimes, Chair, CG Memorial
Restoration Project at the 2012 Flags Across America event.
“Our Commandant has asked us to honor the manners of
our profession. And really today is a mix of emotions,” said Vice
Admiral Manson Brown, deputy commandant for mission support. “We are in this special place, this hallowed ground that we
call Arlington National Cemetery. A lot of our Coast Guard shipmates from the past have crossed the bar. So as a part of the commemoration of veterans, we are also going to honor them through
this Flags Across America ceremony.”
The United States Coast Guard was also featured at parades
and tributes all across the country on Veterans Day weekend.
Most notably, the service was highlighted at the New York City
Veterans Day Parade, with units from Cape May, New York City
and Washington D.C. participating. Cadets from the Coast Guard
Academy performed the national anthem and marched as well.
All five military branches and veterans serving since World War
II participated in the event.
( 8 6 0 ) 535-0786 z
foundation events celebrate the men and women of the united states coast guard
he coast guard foundation’s event program is an important avenue for shining a light on the great work the men and
women of the Coast Guard do on a daily basis. We host high-profile awards dinners around the country, from Hawaii to New York
City, that honor heroic efforts by Coast Guard personnel. In addition to highlighting Coast Guard heroes and raising awareness
for the Coast Guard’s mission, our events serve as an important fundraising tool we use to help support the men and women of the Coast
Guard. In a typical year, we host 4,000 guests and raise $3 million from our events program.
Nicki Candies, organizer of the Guardian of the Heartland
dinner in New Orleans, with her father, Coast Guard
Foundation Trustee Otto Candies, at the dinner in March.
Joe Nowak, Pacific Area Awards Reception Committee
Member, with former Secretary of State George Shultz at
the reception in San Francisco in May.
In 2012, we recognized heroism and professiontrapped on an ice floe for more than 24 hours in the
alism from Coast Guard crews who risked their own
Alaska wilderness, when their skiff ran out of gas,
lives to save others at our dinners in New Orleans,
drifting 173 miles from their homeport.
Honolulu, Washington D.C., Anchorage, New York
The Tribute to the United States Coast Guard in
and St. Petersburg dinners, and at a reception held
Washington D.C. in June featured General Martin
in San Francisco.
Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who
Our New York City Salute in October honored
paid tribute to the Coast Guard by putting on an
Coast Guard heroes from Air Station Kodiak for
impromptu performance of the Frank Sinatra song
their participation in two daring rescues on a single
“My Kind of Town” with some Coast Guard-centric
night in January. The event was hosted by nine-time
lyrics. The “singing general” was a huge hit.
Emmy Award winner, Al Roker.
The Tribute to the Seventh District in St.
“The Coast Guard goes out when no one else will
Petersburg, held in November, honored Seaman
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin
— and they save lives in the process. It is an incredApprentice William Flores, who died in the line
Dempsey, surprised and entertained the crowd with a
ible organization and these guardians deserve our
of duty in 1980 when the cutter he served on, CGC
Check out our website to see the spot.
admiration, support and gratitude for their efforts.
Blackthorne, sunk in the waters off Tampa Bay
It is truly an honor to help the Coast Guard Foundation at their Salute and in
following a crash with a tanker. Sixteen members of his family were on hand
their efforts to support these brave individuals,” said Mr. Roker.
to receive a token of appreciation. The following day, the newest cutter in
Additional honored guests for the evening included: the American Bureau
the Coast Guard fleet, the William Flores, was commissioned in Tampa.
of Shipping, The Weather Channel and New York City Police Commissioner
These honorees are ordinary individuals doing extraordinary things. The
and his wife, Ray and Veronica Kelly.
Foundation’s event program recognizes their work as vital to our country’s
At the Alaska Awards Dinner in Anchorage in August, the Foundation
national security, and is only a small gesture of thanks to the brave men and
awarded three aircrews for their heroism in rescuing four men who had been
women of the Coast Guard, who deserve our gratitude every day.
Mrs. Veronica Kelly shares remarks at the Annual Salute to the
United States Coast Guard in New York City. With her is her
husband, New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.
Al Roker served as host for the Salute to the Coast Guard
in New York City. His production company, Al Roker
Entertainment, produces two docu-series on The Weather
Channel, “Coast Guard Florida” and “Coast Guard Alaska.”
1} Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak was honored for its efforts at the Alaska Awards Dinner in August. 2} An aircrew from Corpus Christi was honored at the New Orleans dinner in March of this year. AMT2 Mark Espinosa, LT Phillip DeLisle and AST2 Mike O’Leary are pictured here representing the air station.
3} Coast Guard Commandant Robert J. Papp addresses the guests at the Coast Guard Foundation’s Annual Salute to the United States Coast Guard in New York Cit in October. Admiral Papp is joined on stage by the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard, Michael Leavitt and Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard,
VADM John Currier. 4} The annual event in St. Petersburg, Florida, in tribute to the Coast Guard’s Seventh District, honored Seaman Apprentice William Flores for his courage and bravery following the crash of CGC Blackthorne in January 1980. Here, sixteen members of his family accept the honor in his memory
at the dinner in November. 5} Governor Tom Ridge, former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, who served as the keynote speaker at the St. Petersburg dinner, with Coast Guard Foundation Trustee Emeritus Boysie Bollinger and Director Chris Bollinger and his wife, Pamela.
c oast guard foundation z currents fall/winter 2012
( 8 6 0 ) 535-0786 z
Please Join Us in Supporting the Coast Guard
Families Impacted by Hurricane Sandy
he coast guard foundation has launched a fundraising campaign to support Coast Guard mem-
bers and their families who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. Working closely with the Coast Guard,
the Coast Guard Foundation will distribute funds to Coast Guard members who are stationed in the
affected areas of Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
A Coast Guard Dolphin helicopter crew from Air Station Atlantic City patrols
above a section of Long Island Sound that was affected by Hurricane Sandy.
uscg photo by petty officer 3rd class cynthia oldham
“Just as we did after Hurricane Katrina, the Coast Guard
Foundation is supporting Coast Guard members during their
time of need,” said Anne B. Brengle, president, Coast Guard
Foundation. There are many great groups offering assistance
to those who have been affected by this storm, and we support
their work. As an organization, we see the need — and have the
resources — to help those who are serving in the United States
Coast Guard. They should know that we are here for them and
we will do everything we can to support them.”
“The Coast Guard is at its best when situations are most
dire,” continued Brengle. “The brave men and women of the
service risk life and limb to save others — even when their own
homes and families are in harm’s way. Join us in helping to
give back by supporting those who were affected by Hurricane
Sandy, and donate to the Coast Guard Foundation.”
Visit our website at to give
today for Coast Guard families affected by Hurricane Sandy.
z foundation receives generous diaper donation from huggies
arlier this year, the Coast Guard Foundation, thanks
to the Huggies “Camo for a Cause” campaign, received
an in-kind donation of 250,000 diapers. Huggies, in
partnership with the National Diaper Bank Network and
the Armed Services YMCA, donated more than five million
total diapers to all branches of the military as a way to honor
service men and women and their families. The primary way
the diapers were disbursed was through the Coast Guard’s
Child Development Centers in locations around the country.
Additionally, the Coast Guard tapped into other resources,
including the Coast Guard Ombudsman Program, spouse
clubs, Coast Guard Mutual Assistance and regional Work
Life offices around the country. And in the aftermath of
Hurricane Sandy, the remaining diapers were distributed to
Coast Guard families in the affected areas.
c oast guard foundation z currents fall/winter 20 12
The New Leadership 44 Sail Training Vessels
are Underway at the Coast Guard Academy
r. hart kelley, head sail training coach and Program Coordinator for the Coastal Sail
Training Program, has been at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy since April, 2009. Mr. Kelley has been
a sailor, racer, coach, and sailing instructor trainer for more than 20 years. Here he shares thoughts
and insight into the new sailboats at the Coast Guard Academy.
There are few classrooms so rich in opportunity as sailing
a boat at sea. The value of leadership training at sea is a hard
to quantify, but it is a well-known and established principle.
The Coastal Sail Training Program has launched a new era in
teaching cadets some of the most important lessons on how
they can become competent, professional mariners and leaders of character.
As of September 2012, the Academy has taken possession of six new Leadership 44 sail training vessels. The last
two L-44s will be delivered by April 2013. The L-44s replace
40-year-old sailboats, the venerable Luders, which performed
admirably, but have outlived their usefulness.
The Leadership 44 Campaign was a result of the concerted
efforts of Academy leadership, the Coast Guard Foundation,
U.S Coast Guard Alumni Association, and the CGA Parents
Association. The arrival of the Leadership 44s represents
more than just new boats. For the first time in years, all
second-class cadets will be able to participate in the coastal
sail training program.
Each day on a sortie, cadets rotate the positions of watch
captain, navigator, helmsman, cook and deck hands. Under
the direction of the watch captain, cadets are given the greatest amount of autonomy to make safe and successful passages
between ports, short of the officer in charge intervening when
the crew or vessel are in danger. At the end of each day, the
cadets analyze the day’s events for mentoring and reflection
purposes to create a deeper understanding of what it means
to lead a crew.
In 2012, the sailing program started the summer training
program with four L-44s, and integrated two more boats into
the squadrons over the summer. This increase allowed 154
RADM Sandra Stosz, superintendent of the Coast Guard Academy, underway
on L44 Blue Goose from Newport, Rhode Island back to the Academy in
August with cadets Samuel Kulp, Anthony Monteforte, Robert Copeland and
Jerry Brown. photo by lt andrew halvorson
second-class cadets to get underway compared to just 109 a
year earlier, a 41% increase.
Thanks to the vision and effort of those who have made
the acquisition of the Leadership 44s a reality, the future of
leadership development and training at the U.S. Coast Guard
Academy is bright. Leadership 44s will serve generations of
cadets and the Academy with distinction, not only helping to
teach leaders of character but also setting the Academy apart
from all other institutions in the nation.
A Coast Guard member at the Baltimore Yard uses a forklift to
move one of the 4,000 pallets of diapers donated to the Coast Guard
Foundation by Huggies through its “Camo for a Cause” program.
uscg photo by telfair h. brown, sr.
“Everything in this program from requiring us to cook to making us work together as peers
or having us wake up before sunrise and work ten hour work days while keeping morale
high all provide us as cadets with valuable life skills that no other program can offer as
compact, memorable, and enjoyable as this one does.” z 2/c jaclyn harbison
( 8 6 0 ) 535-0786 z
coast guard
foundation, inc.
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Your privacy is important to
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z tel (860) 535-0786
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z thank you all ship & cargo surveys, ltd. E Unfortunately, we inadvertently excluded
one of our generous donors from our recently published 2011 Annual Report. Thank you All Ship & Cargo Surveys, Ltd. for your
generous support of the Coast Guard Foundation. The 2011 Annual Report is available online and full of great information on our
programs and projects that benefit Coast Guard members and their families. Find it online at
z by the end of 2012, the coast guard foundation will have...
• Awarded 77 college scholarships
worth $211,000 to dependents of
enlisted personnel.
• Constructed a playground in
Portsmouth, Virginia so that families
stationed there would have a safe
place for their kids to play.
• Distributed more than 800 grants to
enlisted personnel pursuing college
or advanced degrees while serving in
the Coast Guard.
• Provided 47 education grants to
spouses of enlisted personnel who are
aiming to better themselves through
higher education.
• Distributed more than $300,000 in
Shipmate Fund projects for morale
and wellness equipment to more than
100 units around the country.
• Updated 80 libraries onboard long
distance cutters through its Books for
Boats program.
• Rehabbed the tennis court at Air
Station Cape Cod for personnel there
to have an outdoor area for fitness.
• Raised vital funds to provide relief
to family members of the Crew of
CG-6535, which was lost in Mobile,
Alabama, which allowed family
members to travel long distances to
attend memorial services for their
fallen loved ones.
Foundation board members Dick Grahn and James
Coleman, Jr. are accompanied by Vice President
of Development Brad Sisley, Massachusetts State
Congressman Bill Keating, and Commanding
Officer of Air Station Cape Cod Captain
Dave Throop at the ribbon cutting for the new
tennis/all-purpose court at the facility.
• Provided pre-paid calling cards for
Coast Guard personnel stationed in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba so the crew
members there can call home to
their families.
• Supported memorial services at the
Air Training Center in Mobile for
the Crew of CG-6535 and Air Station
• Delivered six of eight brand new
Leadership 44 sailing vessels for
Academy cadets, in partnership with
the Coast Guard Academy Alumni
Association and the Coast Guard
Academy Parents Association.