Amtrak Heritage Fleet Air Brake Manual
Amtrak Heritage Fleet Air Brake Manual
7CHAPTER 7 - AIR TABLE i 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.5 7.6 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.6.4 7.6.5 7.7 7.8 List of General Brake Carbody Carbody Carbody OF BRAKE SYSTEM CONTENTS lllustratlons System 7-2 7-3 Operation 7-6 Brake Components Equipment Common to All Cars Components of the D-22 System Carbody Components of, the Truck-Mounted Components Tread Brake Components Disc Brake Components Decelostat Wheel Slide System Operation 26-C 7-8 7-8 7-11 System Protection 7-11 7-19 7-19 7-27 7-33 7-33 System Deeelostat System Components General Maintenance Periodic Maintenance Brake Condition Maintenance and Control Valve Brazing Drawing Disc Piping List Brake with Part Lists 7-45 7-49 Valves Air Brake System Valves Brake Cylinders & Slack WABCO TFM Deeelostat 7-34 7-40 7-41 Indication System Overhaul Procedures & Relay 1 Adjusters Service Procedure Manual & Parts Catalog 7-57 7-61 7 CHAPTER LIST 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7. 10 7. 11 7. 12 7. 13 7. 14 7. 15 7. 16 7 17 7 18 7 19 7 2O 7 21 7 22 7 23 7. 24 7 - AIR OF BRAKE 2 SYSTEM ILLUSTRATIONS Car Brake Schedules Simplified Air Brake System Schematic WABCO D-22 System Piping WABCO D-22 System Piping Parts List WABCO 26-C System Piping WABCO 26-C System Piping Parts List Diagramatic D-22 System Diagramatic 26-C System Truck Tread Brake Components Truck Tread Brake Components Parts List Truck Disc Brake Components Truck Disc Brake Components Parts List Decelostat System Component Location Decelostat System Parts List Speed Sensor Application E-5 System Components E-5 Decelostat Self-Test Procedure E-5 Controller Test Points Brake Pressure Switch & Testor Brake Applied Indicator WABCO Repair and Testing Specification Index WABCO Brake Component Part Lists Brazing Cleaning Procedure Brazing - Applying Alloy Page 7-4 7-7 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-22 7-23 7-28 7-29 7-36 7-37 7-38 7-39 7-42 7-43 7-46 7-51 7-53 7-54 7-59 7-59 7 CHAPTER 7.1 7 AIR SYSTEM All HEP single air brakes. remainder schedules devices, governor at high Similar removed. use the level converted Most cars use the 26-C. Refer to cars D-22 figure 7.1 are equipped schedule, for conventional friction As part While of some disc have brake the schedules. HEP been conversion, a are tread brake, units are now truck C-frame, CF. They reduce maintenance brake converted i" main cars are now most As part applied of cast reservoir are the 27 point and released equipped with trainline, two light indication Aside from these modifications, now set up for composition shoes, the car was built. disc frame mounted, were converted requirements. Decelostat wheel slide protection system. Tread wired for the E-5 system, but are equipped with valves nor the E-5 control unit. Space for the provided in the electric locker of each of these future installation. brake from iron to shoes. pipe was passes through the car end to end, not equipment. Its function is to supply auxiliary such as air springs and door seals on the equipment. cars equipped. All disc cars were originally the HEP upgrade, to All cars composition added. This line only connecting to any car air to other functions Amfleet and Superliner are when brake with but the Past features that helped to improve response time for D-22 in application and release, such as electropneumatic HSC equipment, or "straight air" have been removed. Speed control equipment, which regulated tread brake shoe forces speed for cars with cast iron shoes has also been removed. features used with 26C equipment schedules have also been All give 3 General automatic high BRAKE - the the brake TFM. Many to TFM during WABCO E-5 brake cars have been neither the dump controller was cars, for possible wires function to to the locomotive. and the fact brake system that is all cars similar to 7 - 4 Figure 7.1 BRAKE SCHEDULES Car Brake Modification Kit Control Numbers Type Valve 1126-27 Tread --- D22 1128-31 1132 1133-36 TFM Tread TFM Yes --None D22 D22 D22 1137-38 1139 1140 Tread TFM Tread --None --- D22 D22 D22 1141-49 1150-58 1159-68 1169 1170-74 1610-17 1618 1619-21 1622-25 1626-27 1628-37 2050-56 Tread Tread Tread Tread TFM Tread Tread Tread TFM Tread Tread Tread --------Yes ------Yes ------- D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 2080-93 2080-93 2430-41 2442-56 2457-60 TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 2461-68 2469-73 TFM TFM Yes Yes D22 D22 Relay Valve Slack Adj Cylinder Size Cylinder F.S. Press Emg 7 5 Figure 7.1 BRAKE SCHEDULES (continued) Car Numbers Brake Type Modification Kit 2474-78 2479-81 2482 2871-79 2880-94 2895-96 3100-05 3106-12 3113-17 3118-27 4000-14 4015-26 4600-26 4627-45 4646-48 4649-50 4700-39 4740-41 4742 5000-08 7000-07 7600 7601-18 8500-10 8511-20 8521-25 8526-28 Tread Tread TFM TFM TFM Tread Tread Tread TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM TFM Tread TFM Tread Tread TFM ----Yes Yes Ye_ ------None None Yes Yes None None None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None None --Yes ----Yes Control Valve D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 26C 26C 26C D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 D22 Relay Valve Slack Adj Cylinder Size Cylinder F.S. Press Emg 7 7.1 Brake stopping system. release. each car System - 6 Operation The car air brake system has the responsibility of safely the train, and accordingly, it is designed as a fail-safe That is, everything must work properly for the brakes to Fundamental to this concept is that the brake system on is self-sufficient. Refer to figure 7.2 for a highly simplified air brake system schematic. The brake starting in air hoses train, flexible car the angle rear cocks of the nominally The at pressure. from 110 To psig. are applied. application, atmosphere pipe the and are last provided car of locomotive 110 psig, apply The (i) is a 1¼"pipe which locomotive. Car-to-car the coupling gladhands. to the feeds charging train greater allow train. the compressed until brakes, the the runs the length connections are At the ends of brake pipe air into entire the brake reduction, to the train be of the via each sealed at brake pipe, is at this pipe pressure the harder the For example, a i_O0 pound reduction gives a 2__5 pound reduction gives full service, and gives an emergency application. is reduced car brakes mild brake exhausting to The essentially the brake applying concept of lowering brake pipe pressure makes the brakes fail safe. For example, should the train break in two, pipe hoses will break apart, venting the brake pipe and the brakes. As an additional safety feature, each car is equipped with two Pulling the handle zero pressure and where in including which tanks the train those on conductor of this cause an emergency valve will emergency brake pipe air the locomotive. is valves, one at each also vent the brake application. It does vented, The supply reservoir (2) is the store compressed air for the car's are charged from the brake pipe by The control valve (3) is the one own the heart the brakes of the brake components monitor the brake pipe pressure and to the relay valve to apply, maintain or release It is also responsible for charging the supply brake pipe, as well as the auxiliary reservoir. reservoir the valve Auxiliar_ used to itself. (4) is to the the name control will to matter apply, or two large air tanks brake system. These control valve. internal commands brakes. from the reservoir supply air end. pipe not given valve system. issue the car reservoir the small air for operation of The I ANGLE COCK CONDUCTOR COCK l EvAMLE(_ENCY ANGLE ,_ 0000000 0 CAR %_. HOSE O 0 D I I .m 0 _ 0 D 0 o ® A A 0 0 0 0 ® 0 SUPPLY Q r-', 0 0 AIR i"-i CONTROL AI R 0 BRAKE CYLINDER AIR 0 0 D A 0 13 A o r--, 0 AUXILIARY RESERVOIR A A A o" _o o A r--i 0 0 D A J 0 COCK 0 0 A 0 CONTROL VALVE 2(® A 0 :1 0 SUPPLY RESERVOIR 0 0 _CUTOUT o B 0 CAR ,_ _[3_--___._,_NEXT q @RELAY x I VALVE AAAA A %BR AKE CYLINDER EXHAUST z_ A Z_ A m m Z_ A A Z_ "4 I "4 7 - 8 The relay valve (5) is the device which controls the air flowing to the brake cylinders. It will apply, maintain or release the air pressure in the cylinders in response to the control valve commana. To apply the brakes, the relay valve takes air from the supply reservoir and directs it to the brake cylinders. It can control this pressure from only a few pounds up to emergency brake pressure, depending upon the control valve signal. To release the brakes, the relay valve closes off the reservoir supply to the cylinders, and vents the cylinders to the atmosphere, releasing the brakes. Should a brake cylinder leak and thus loose pressure, the relay valve will admit more air in an effort to maintain the pressure. Brake cylinders (6) are responsible for forcing the brake shoes against the wheels or discs to stop the train. Admitting air into the cylinders applies the brakes. When this air is released, a large spring forces the piston back, releasing the brakes. The above explanation is highly simplified from a car's actual brake system. The other devices are added to improve the performance of the simple system into that required to smoothly and safely stop a car. The WABCO instruction sheets which follow explain all the brake components in detail: See section 7.6 Refer to figure 7.3 and 7.5 for system undercar piping. Refer to test spec PQ-79-1 tests 7.1 and 7.2 for system test procedures. 7.2 7.2.1 Carbody Brake Carbody Brake Components Components Common to All Cars Most of the car air brake system is mounted undercar, hung from the carbody. Both type K copper tubing and extra heavy black iron pipe are used. Copper joints are brazed with BAg7 brazing alloy; refer to section 7.7. Iron pipe is threaded. The brake pipe itself is i_" while the main reservoir line is i". The later line merely passes end to end on these cars. It is required for Amfleet and Superliner trains for operation of door seals, air springs, and to supply the main reservoir tanks. Flexible lines are Provided for coupler swing. Locking angle cocks (handle perpendicular to pipe when valve is closed off) and locking cutout cocks (handle parallel to pipe when valve is closed) are provided at the ends of the car to close off the brake pipe (BP) and main reservoir (MR) pipe respectively. When these valves are closed, they vent the glad hand side of the valve to atmosphere. Glad hands are used to make the intercar system connections. When these hoses are properly car piping, the open sides of the glad hands face hand hoses are dated in the rubber. If the hose BP and MR brake tightened to the each other. Glad is more than eight 7 - 9 years old, or The replacement installation. if the hose date must is be unreadable, the hose must no more than one year old be at replaced. The A-2 Quick Service Application Valve is used on the brake pipe to locally bleed air from the brake pipe during a brake pipe reduction. This speeds up brake system application, and on a long train, helps to reduce the time delay between the brakes applying at the front and rear of the train. The B-3-B Conductor's Emergency Valve is installed at each end of each car, along with its attendent E-3 Brake Application Valve• Pulling the red "emergency brake" handle of the B-3-B valve vents the brake pipe to atmosphere, instituting an emergency brake application. The B-3-B acts as a pilot device for the E-3, which actually vents the brake pipe. The two supply reservoirs are each equipped with a manual drain cock for use in draining moisture which condenses in the reservoirs. The tanks must be vented periodically to drain out this moisture; water in the brake system can cause the control or relay valve to freeze and thus fail to operate. Branch the brake pipe air flowing to control valve, protected. The Tee fittings are used on all lines which branch from trainline. This device acts to remove water from the the components on that branch line. For example, the quick service valve and application valve are each so brakes can be deactivated on either or both trucks through the use of the truck cutout cocks. Located undercar inboard of each truck, turning the valve handle parallel to shuts off air flow to the brake cylinders on that truck and cylinders to the atmosphere releasing that truck's brakes. Immediately collector and cutout on that car. Refer these to components; explained Completing elsewhere i • . behind the control valve cock used to completely WABCO see section the list are: sheets is a combined dirt disable the brake system for further details on mounted components 7.6. of common carbody but Brake cylinder pressure switches, one per truck. Part of the brake trainlines and decelostat system, they are discussed in the sections 7.4 and 7.5. Wheel Slide system is to section 1 instruction just the pipe vents the Protection. used on 7.4. Brake Applied indicate when section 7.5. all The disc WABCO brake E-5 Deeelostat equipped cars. Refer Indicator - used on disc brake cars to a car's brakes are applied. Refer to 7 7.2.2 Carb0dy The Components heart itself, which emergency Section portion. 7.6. and from One the of of the consists of Refer the D-22 D-22 pipe to WABCO's of several relay brake cylinders. ii System system the - is the bracket, D-22 instructions valves Refer is to control service valve portion for and details, used to contral figure 7.1 for air flow the correct to relay valve for a given car. It is very important to have the correct relay valve, an incorrect unit can result in either greatly reduced or greatly increased braking. This can cause either excessively long train stopping distances, or result in very short brake shoe life with overheated discs or wheels. The combined auxiliary, emergency and displacement reservoir is a three chamber air tank which supplies air to the control valve for its functions. Refer to figure 7.7 for a system diagramatic and section 7.6 for WABCO instructions on these components. 7.2.3 Carbody valve, WABCO's As in the considerably instructions control Components Similar air flow 7.6 for the to to the and relay used D-22 from valve or the a Refer 7.8 for WABCO instructions heart of the older for a brakes uses figure System the 26-C is style D-22. system, the relay the brake cylinders. The 26-C system volume reservoir. to 26-C D-22 system, the simplified from for details. 7.1 for the correct relay valve must be described above. selector of on given will 2-chamber this a valve is Refer the control Refer to used to to figure car. Again the correct severely malfunction as combined system diagramatic, system components. control and and section ?I q_IRE '.!.A, BC0 A n-22 e 7.3 t ,_ ._STE.. PIPING END // •/ / MR MR BP @ "'..I i Figure 7.4 D-22 SYSTEM CARBODY PART LIST ITEM QTY I 2 2 2 3 DESCRIPTION MFG MFG # AMT # WABCO 87101 22A900087 2 Brake Pipe Hose & Coupling I-3/8"×22" with FP-5 Coupling Main Reservoir Hose & Coupling 1-1/8"x22" with LS-4 Coupling Dummy Coupling - Brake Pipe, F-3 WABCO WABCO 579902 558554 22A4000123 22A4000146 4 5 6 2 2 2 Dummy Coupling - Main Reservoir L Brake Pipe Angle Cock, Locking I-1/4" Main Reservoir Cutout Cock, Locking 1" WABCO WABCO WABCO 558556 579831 576601 22A4000147 22A4000072 22A4000086 7 8 9 2 2 1 Brake Pipe Hose & Union I-3/8"×38" Main Reservoir Hose & Union 1-1/8"x38" A-2 Quick Service Valve A2A WABCO WABCO WABCO WABCO 579905 579903 514040 517389 22A4000122 22A4000124 22A0300013 10 11 12 2 2 2 B-3-B Conductor's Emergency Brake Valve E-3 Brake Application Valve Cutout Cock, Truck, Locking 3/4"x3/4"x3/8" WABCO WABCO WABCO 88566 505405 572360 22A2300032 22A0300005 22A40000g5 13 14 15 2 2 2 Pressure Switch Test Fitting C-3 Dump Valve (Disc Brake Cars Only) SQUARE-D SALEM WABCO ACW-21 775-3 579449 25P4012286 22A4000130 22A4000090 16 17 18 2 2 I Brake Applied Indicator (Disc Brake Cars Only) Brake Hose Combined Dirt Collector and Cutout Cock WABCO WABCO WABCO 8600195 94994 22A900017 19 20 21 2 2 i Supply Reservoir (16x72 Standard) Drain Cock, Supply Reservoir Combined Auxilia_, Emergency and Displacement Reservoir WABCO WABCO WABCO 508573 571089 514448 or 539559 22A2300088 22A4000050 22 23A 23B 1 1 i D-22 AR Control Valve B-3 Relay Valve F-6 Relay Valve WABCO WABCO WABCO 513167 540928 23C 1 F-4 WABCO AMMS # -J L_ Relay Valve FIGURE ,.A_..v A 26-C 7.5 SYSTE'_ PIPI_IG ®® END B END / / / i / ? / / / / / ® I Figure 7.6 26-C SYSTEM CARBODY PART LIST ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION MFG MFG # AMT # WABCO 87101 22A900087 WABCO WABCO 579902 558554 22A4000123 22A4000146 1 2 2 2 3 2 Brake Pipe Hose & Coupling 1-3/8"x22" with FP-5 Coupling Main Reservoir Hose & Coupling 1-1/8"x22" with LS-4 Coupling • Dummy Coupling - Brake Pipe, F-3 4 S 6 2 2 2 Dummy Coupling - Main Reservoir L Brake Pipe Angle Cock, Locking 1-1/4" Main Reservoir Cutout Cock, Locking 1" WABCO WABCO WABCO 558556 579831 576601 22A4000147 22A4000072 22A400086 7 8 9 2 2 1 Brake Pipe Hose & Union 1-3/8"x38" Main Reservoir Hose & Union I-1/8"x38" B-1 Quick Service Valve WABCO WABCO WABCO 579905 579903 565450 22A4000122 22A4000124 10 11 12 2 2 2 B-3-B Conductor's Emergency Brake Valve E-3 Brake Application Valve Cutout Cock, Truck, Locking 3/4"x3/4"x3/8" WABCO WABCO WABCO 88566 505405 572360 22A2300032 22A0300005 22A4000095 13 14 15 2 2 2 Pressure Switch Test Fitting C-3 Dump Valve SQUARE-D SALEM WABCO ACW-21 775-3 579449 25P4012286 22A4000130 22A4000090 16 '17 18 2 2 I Brake Applied Indicator Brake Hose Combined Dirt Collector and Cutout Cock WABCO WABCO WABCO 8600195 562834 22A7004046 19 20 21 2 2 I Supply Reservoir (16x72 Standard) Drain Cock, Supply Reservoir Combined Control - Selector Volume Reservoir WABCO WABCO WABCO 508573 571089 559380 22A2300088 22A4000050 22A0100148 22 23 1 1 26-C Control Valve J-1 Relay Valve (when used) WABCO WABCO ...... 557290 22A9000352 AMMS # F IGURE 7.7 PIPING DIAGRAM OF THE b-2_ PASSENGER CAR BRAKE EQUIPMEMT I O-22-AR I-I-I IIIIIIIIIIY CONTROL VALVE VIII.Vl E-3 |RAK[ PIPE |I/!" IRAKE APPLICATION VAL_q[ 6i[iiVlGl[ _°2 RI[0UCTiON 26-C It[LAY ¥&LVI Conm_ Val_ VALVI[ ,-4 PIPING DIAGRAM OF THE FIGURE 7.8 Z(_-C PASSENGER CAR BRAKE EQUIPI_IF..MT 77.3 Truck-Mounted 19 Components The brake components ultimately responsible for stopping a car are truck mounted; the brake cylinders, linkages, brake heads, shoes, and brake discs (when used). Truck brake equipment falls into two categories i) tread brake, and 2) disc brake. 7.3.1 Tread Brake Components Air flows between hose, armoured to protect and chafing. Extra heavy the two brake figure 7.9. cylinders,, the carbody and trucks via a semi-metallic against flying debris, mechanical vibration iron pipe is used to distribute the air to one on each side of the truck. Refer to On most tread brake cars, the air brake cylinders have been equipped with a bushing kit that reduces the inside diameter of the cylinder. In converting to composition brake shoes, it was necessary to reduce the brake shoe force to about I/3 original; bushing kits do this. A few cars were originally equipped with small diameter brake cylinders, and thus required no alteration of the brake rigging. Tread brake cars equipped with brake cylinder bushing kits use a F-6 relay valve. Other tread brake cars may have been converted to high friction composition shoes by removing one of the two brake beams from each pair of wheels, effectively cutting total shoe force in half. With this modification, bushing kits are not installed in the brake cylinders. Instead, a F-4 relay valve is used to lower the brake cylinder pressure to produce overall brake shoe forces and retardation rates consistent with the first conversion method described above. This railroad owners because of bushing kits). method was popular it was a cheaper with method some of the (eliminating original the cost 7 - 21 It is very important that a tread brake car have the proper combination of brake shoe rigging, cylinder size, and relay valve in order that the car is not braking excessively or inadequately. The Mechanical Department should be notified if a car displays chronic brake problems that indicate an improper arrangement in the brake system. Refer t_ figure 7.1 for brake cylinder size by car. applying retracts Air entering the brake cylinder forces the piston out, the brake via the brake levers. On release, a large spring the piston and releases the brakes. On the back of each brake cylinder is a slack adjuster which adjusts the brake levers to keep brake cylinder piston travel low, at a preset level. Minimal piston travel is desirable because it keeps the cars brake air requirements low, and prevents the piston from going solid due to brake shoe wear. The slack adjuster is air operated, and is activated by the brake cylinder piston uncovering a port in the cylinder wall when piston travel is excessive. When brake shoes are to be replaced it is first necessary to "back off" the slack adjuster by rotating the large nut on its non-linkage end. This is necessary to obtain sufficient clearance to install new brake shoes. attached The brake shoes are the high friction composition to the brake head with a crescent-shaped key. ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 against against DESCRIPTION Cobra Cobra Cobra Tiger Tiger Tiger AMT# 2" 2½" 2" 2" 2" 2_" Thick Thick Thick Thick Thick Thick Brake Brake Brake Brake Brake Brake Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe AMMS# 22A9000101 23N9005764 The handbrake operates the B-end truck brakes by pulling one of the brake levers, thereby pulling the brake shoes the wheels. Refer to chapter 8 for handbrake details. Refer parts. V185 V186 VI03 T-160 T-184-4 T-184-6 type, to section 7.6 for WABCOinstructions on truck brake 7 - 22 Truck 'F_ B= Figure 7.9 Tread Brake Components S,.,pp),L,D Figure 7.10 TREAD BRAKE C_MPONENTS TRUCK ITEM OTY DESCRIPTION I Brake Shoe 2 3 Brake Brake Shoe Head 4A 4B 4C Brake Brake Brake Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder 5A 5B Slack Slack Adjuster Adjuster MFG See Page MFG 21 # AMTRAK # AMMS # ........ Key VfABCO WABCO _!ABCO Type Type B C L 7 7.3.2 Disc Brake 27 Components Air flows between the carbody and trucks via a semi-metallic hose, armoured to protect against road damage. Extra heavy iron pipe and hose is used to distribute air to the 4 brake cylinders on each truck, one per disc. weight. cylinder excessive. forcing retracts Three sizes of brake cylinders are used as required Refer to figure 7.1 for cylinder size by car. The size must be used or braking will be inadequate or by car correct Air entering the brake cylinder forces the piston out, the brake pads against the disc. On release, a large spring the piston and releases the brakes. The disc brake units are now all truck-frame mounted, designated TFM. While many cars were originally C-frame mounted CF, they were all converted to TFM during the HEP upgrade. The brake cylinder and caliper assembly is hung from the truck in such a way that it can move laterally to follow the lateral axle-to-truck motion, and can also swivel vertically to follow truck frame-to-axle roll. The brake lining is a high friction composition material, wired to the brake shoe. The complete pad assembly is attached to the brake head with the spring retainer, spring and brake shoe key. ITEM DESCRIPTION MANU MANU # AMT# AMMS# IA Brake Lining (28" mainline) Knorr Jurid STUO0100 1B Brake Lining (28" mainline) Wabco Cobra V579552 wheel. The brake discs are wheel mounted, The discs are self-ventilated. bolted to the hub of the The handbrake applies the brakes on the B-end truck by pulling on the handbrake lever of one brake unit per axle, forcing the pads against these 2 discs. Refer to section 7.6 for WABCO instructions on these truck brake parts. A few cars have 2 handbrakes one on each end. Disc brake cars are equipped with speed sensors for an anti-wheel slide system. One sensor is used on each axle, into the tapped hole near the bottom of the bearing housing. to section 7.4 for further details. use with screwed Refer 7-2B ._--__.._ m,_p o _,'i c i1_'..S -To I_: S,,ppi,_J Figure 7.12 TRUCK BRAKE DISC BRAKE COMPONENTS Page i ITE_M QTY DESCRIPTION MFG MFG # AMT # I 2 3 Frame Assby. Pin, Tong at Cylinder Pin, Handbrake Crank at Cylinder WABCO WABCO WABCO 584600 8604173 8604191 4 8 6 Pin, Handbrake Crank Lever at Cylinder Pin, Handbrake Crank and Lever Cotter Pin, 3/8" x 2" for item 5 WABCO WABCO WABCO 8606654 8605691 576246 18A2300254 7 8 9 Cover, Spring Spring, Tong Pin Washer, Plat, 3/4" WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605061 8605060 575988 23X9009665 22A900051g 22P9003935 10 11 12 Nut, Slotted Hex Crank, Handbrake Lever, Handbrake WABCO WABCO WABCO 576065 8609717 8606652 22Ag000204 20A0100174 13 14 15 Gasket, hose to brake cylinder, 3/4" Brake Head Assby., R.H. Outside Brake Head Assby., L.H. Outside WABCO WABCO WABCO 93841 8606611 8606612 22A9000108 20A0100252 20A0100253 16 17 18 Brake Head Assby., R.H. Inside Brake Head Assby., L.H. Inside Cover Plate, Pivot Assby. WABCO WABCO WABCO 8606613 8606614 8606603 18A9000022 20A0100255 19 20 21 Tong Assby., R.H. Tong Assby., L.H. Bridge Assby. WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605688 8605689 8609324 18A2300252 18A2300253 20A0100144 22 23 24 Fulcrum Pivot Assby Pin, Fulcrum Pivot Brake Shoe and Lining R.H. WABCO WABCO WABCO 8609719 8606617 8605116 23T9009733 20A0101165 23E4003457 25 26 27 Brake Shoe and Lining L.H. Spring, Brake Shoe Key, Brake Shoe WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605117 8604586 8604901 23B4003458 3/4" - 10" AMMS # 23X9009732 -q I P_ ,-0 Figure7.12 TRUCK BRAKE DISCBRAKE COMPONENTS Page2 ITE]_$ QTY DESCRIPTION MFG MFG# _ # 14 15 Brake Head Assemblies Brake Head Assby., R.H. Outside Brake Head Assby., L°H. Outside WABCO WABCO ......... 8606611 8606612 16 17 28 Brake Head Assby., R.H. Inside Brake Head Assby., L.H. Inside Stop Pin WABCO WABCO WABCO 8606613 8606614 8605114 29 30 31 Wear Plate Bushing, Flanged Bushing, Plain for Guide Pin WABCO WABCO WABCO 8604578 8606516 8601577 32 Pin, Guide WABCO 8606599 33 34 35 36 Brake Cylinder Assemblies Brake Cylinder, Complete, 6½" Brake Cylinder, Complete, 7" Brake Cylinder, Complete, 7½" Washer WABCO WABCO WABCO WABCO ......... 8605080 8605050 8605047 524387 22A0100233 25L9005915 18A2300225 20A0100252 20A0100253 18A9000022 20A0100255 37 38 39 .CLAMP, Piston End .CLAMP, Cover End .BOOT, Dust WABCO WABCO WABCO 8611983 8611984 8604186 40 41 42 .COVER, Assby. .BUSH, Cover .LUBRICATOR, Felt WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605162 8604181 8604182 43 44 45 .GASKET, Cover .SPRING, Piston Return .GUIDE, Spring WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605157 8605088 8606339 23EgBO8845 22T9004316 WABCO WABCO WABCO 531244 531328 531329 22A2300137 22A2600006 46 47 48 Cup, Packing Cup, Packing Cup, Packing 6½" 7" 7½" Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder AMMS # 22X9D03626 -d ! bo 49 50 51 Piston Assby. Piston Assby. Piston Assby. 6½" 7" 7½" Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605738 8606419 8606428 0 22P9003627 A m 52 53 54 Bushing Cylinder Body Cylinder Body Cylinder Cylinder WABCO WABCO WABCO 8504172 8605122 8605161 18A2300222 6½" 7" 55 Cylinder Body 7½" Cylinder WABCO 8605163 22A0100104 19 20 Ton9 Assemblies Tong Assembly, R.H. Complete Tong Assembly, L.H. Complete WABCO WABCO ...... 8605688 8605689 18A2300252 18A2300253 56 57 58 Pin, Shoe Pie, Fulcrum Key WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605087 8604163 8604901 18A2300241 18A2300220 59 60 Retainer Spring WABCO WABCO 8604899 8604586 18A2300233 21 61 62 Bridge Assembly Bridge Assembly (w/bushing) Bushing Bridge Bolt WABCO WABCO WABCO ...... 8609324 8605637 8609325 20A0100144 18A2300251 22A9001392 22 23 Fulcrum Pivot Assembly Fulcrum Pivot Assembly Complete Fulcrum Pivot Pin WABCO WABCO ...... 8609719 8606617 23T9009733 20A0101165 63 64 65 O-Ring Block, Retainer Rubber Cover Plate WABCO WABCO WABCO 8609344 8606651 8609531 18A9000652 20A9000437 23N9009734 66 67 68 Lock Washer Bolt Stop Pin WABCO WABCO WABCO 514276 514274 8609697 23P9010146 11H9003577 18A9000748 69 Plug WABCO 8610519 23K9009735 Figure 7.12 TRUCK BRAKE DISC BRAKE COMPONENTS Page 3 ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION MFG MFG # Brake Frame Cemplete Bushing WABCO WABCO 584600 8606602 70 71 72 Air Hose Fitting, Fitting, Fitting, WABCO WABCO WABCO ...... 8609735 8609736 8609749 23T9011465 22X9003732 23X9011464 73 74 75 Fitting, Elbow Brake Line to Air Hose Clamp, Hose, 2 3/4" ID Open End Gasket, 3/4" WABCO Punchlock WABCO 8609750 #11 93841 23H9010280 45A9000322 22A9000108 76 77 78 Hose, to Brake Cylinder Lock Washer Cap Screw for Item 72 & 73 WABCO WABCO WABCO 8609753 514281 8605598 Cap Screw for Item 70 & 71 WABCO 8602190 Brake Frame 1 2 79 AMT # ...... Assembly-C_linder Elbow Air Hose to Cylinder Elbow Air Hose to Cy|inder Elbow Brake Line to Air Hose Brake Disc 23X9009732 ...... 80 81 82 Disc, Brake, 28" Cap Screw, 3/4" x 1 3/4" Grade 5 Locking Plate WABCO WABCO WABCO B609370 8606154 8610859 20A0100179 18A2300255 23X9007317 83 84 Brake Relinin 9 Fixture Brake Lining Assembly Fixture Lock Washer WABCO WABCO ...... 8610476 514415 2_9004124 22A9000205 24 25 86 Brake Brake Brake Brake WABCO WABCO WABCO ...... 8605116 8605117 8605139 23E4003457 23B4003458 20A0100456 86 87 88 Brake Shoe and Stud Assby., L.H. Stud Pad, Rubber WABCO WABCO WABCO 8605140 8605177 8605137 23X9009262 22A9000511 89 90 Lining W|re, Brake Shoe See Page 7-27 Shoe Shoe Shoe Shoe A_MS # and and and and Linin 9 Assemblies Lining Assby., R.H. Lining Assby., L.H. Stud Assby., R.H. 20 4- _6o7Z oO I ...... bo f_ 7 - 33 7.4 7.4.1 Decelostat System Wheel Slide Protection System Operation As part of the HEP upgrade, E-5 decelostat systems were installed on all disc brake equipped cars, replacing the old mechanical pneumatic units. Provisions were made for future installation of the E-5 system on tread brake cars; car wiring is installed on these cars, and space provided for the controller in electric locker. in the The E-5 Decelostat is a more modern anti-wheelslide system used to keep the occurrence of spalled and slid flat wheels low. During heavy braking, especially on slippery rail, the brake system is capable of sliding the wheels. This is especially true of disc brake cars; tread brake cars are less susceptible because the brake shoes have a cleaning effect on the wheel treads making them less likely to slide. The E-5 unit uses a speed sensor mounted on one journal of each axle to measure axle speed. It does this by counting the teeth on the gear of the EE bearing axle end cap as they pass; each tooth produces an electrical pulse. The E-5 controller is a tiny computer which compares the speeds of the 4 axles and also the rate at which the speeds change. Before a wheel goes into a slide, it creeps along the rail. The E-5 system senses this creep before a slide occurs, and activates the A-end, B-end or both dump _ as required. This reaction must be quick, because the creep condition does not last long before a slide occurs. The E-5 system will respond when it senses: i. One axle is turning axles are beginning faster than to slide). 2. The rate at which the axle (all axles are sliding). speeds the other change (i, is 2, too or 3 great While the dump valve is activated, the brake cylinders on the corresponding truck are vented to the atmosphere. The E-5 controller will deactivate the dump valve and thus reapply that truck's brakes whenever: i. . The E-5 senses the wheels are no longer sliding. After 7 seconds (the unit has a safety cutout feature that will reapply full brake cylinder pressure and maintain that pressure until the brakes are released from the locomotive. This time out feature is reset every time the full restoring the wheel brake slide release controls occurs on the to the normal car, state. 7 The conditions, allowable system. important E-5 decelostat system operates including emergency. Variations range for a 36 inch multiple wear Using a decelostat things: i. 2. system to under all braking in wheel size within wheel will not effect control Reduces train stopping distance wheels (contrary to the common Greatly reduces wheel spalling by sliding. - 34 wheel slide does the the two over that of sliding belief). and flat wheels caused Spalling is caused largely by sliding wheels. Small slides produce great temperatures over very small areas of the wheel tread, high enough to cause local heat treating. This heat treating causes these small areas to become brittle, and the constant pounding over the affected spot on the wheel endures causes these areas to fall out, which is spalling. Since the decelostat prevents serious or large wheel slides, it prevents most spalling. Most flat and spalling wheels have been shown to be related to a defective wheel slide system. When wheel defects of this type occur, try to determine why they occurred -- wheel spalling is very costly to correct, especially if they reoccur. The brake system itself - especially control and relay valves is the second most likely cause of wheel slide defects. 7.4.2 Decelostat Components The E-5 i. 4 speed 2. Controller, 3. 2 dump valves, each truck. 4. 2-brake cylinder the dump valves. 5. interconnecting Refer quadrant Intergral System to decelostat system sensors, figure consists one located one per in per line of: axle the electric truck pressure located locker on switches, the carbody located near near wiring 7-13 for component locations. The speed sensors are mounted in the lower right hand of one journal box of each axle. Refer to figure 7.15. with the sensor is a short armored cable terminated with water-proof plug which mates with be set to maintain a gap of .022 between the speed sensor tip and gear. Note: this gap should be axle; the setting will change if become a lathe cutting tooll a the truck wiring. The sensors must nominal (.020 to .030 permissible) the bearing-mounted speed sensor set with the car sitting on the this is not done, and the sensor may 7 - 35 The electric E-5 locker. control It was unit is installed located inside near the bottom of the rather than outside the car to protect the unit from road damage, as well as keep the unit dry and fairly clean. The control unit operates on the car's battery system, nominal 72 VDC. It is fed power via the load shed relay by the wheel slide circuit breaker, located in the electric locker. Be careful not to reverse power source polarity; damage may result. A green pilot light inside the whenever the power is on. Also, a high indicating the power supply is operating. used to turn the unit off for servicing cartridge fuses are used to protect the 2 Amp 5 Amp internal electronics - main fuse - power electronics to controller is illuminated pitched hum can be heard, The toggle switch can the system, etc. Two system: dump valves and be internal The E-5 controller has a self-test feature which should be cycled once a month for the 30 day inspection. The procedure is described on the cover of the unit (see figure 7.16 and 7.17). Note: This self-test procedure does not test the speed sensors, on--_--the controller and dump valves. The cover of the controller must be kept closed and secured to keep it clean. The C-3 dump valves are installed in the brake cylinder line to each truck. When electrically activated by the E-5 controller, the valve immediately opens, venting the brake cylinders on that truck to the atmosphere. When the C-3 is turned off, air is restored to the cylinders, gently through a choke to prevent a jolt which might start a new wheel slide. The dump valves rarely fail, but there of sluggish action, caused by foreign matter in piping or pipe brackets at the dump valves. have been the brake oecurences system The two brake pressure switches figure 7.16 are connected one per truck to the brake cylinder lines. They are used to reset the timeout safety feature of the E-5 controller when the train's brakes are fully released. Refer to section 7.5 for further details. The interconnecting wiring is used to connect each of the speed sensors to the E-5 controller, and it to each of the dump valves. The speed sensor wiring is 2 conductor shielded. The truck-mounted wiring is in the form of a T-shaped harness, with each end terminated in a water-proof military (MS)-type plug. The horizontal legs of the T attach to the mating plug of the speed sensor, while the vertical leg attaches to the car body junction box. The T-cable comes in two sizes to accommodate the various truck designs. When damaged, replace the entire T-cable. Wiring entering the E-5 controller does so via 2-MS-Type connectors, one for the speed sensors, and one for the power functions. Refer to figure 7.14 for a parts list. Refer to test spec PQ-79-1 test #7.2 for E-5 system tests. Refer to WABCO instructions which follow in section 7.6 for further details on components. q , J A-TRUCK _IM ELEC LKR -I-YP 0% FIGURE 7. 13 DECELC)STAT SVSTEM COMPOI,4ENT LOCA,TIOklS Figure 7.14 E-5 DECELOSTAT SYSTEM COMPONENTS ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION MFG # Electro CAM-LOK CAM-LOK 725835 A-800041-5 A-800041-4 IRE 2405 AMT # 1 2A 2B 4 2 2 3 4 5 12 4 4 Rubber Sleeve, Cable Rubber Sleeve, Connector Pipe Clamp - I" 6 7 8 16 2 2 Pipe Clamp - 3/4" Connector, Carbody at Truck C-3 Dump Valve IRE Amphenol WABCO 2354 MS3102A-20-O7P 579449 25xg011962 22A40000go 9 10 11 2 2 -- Coil for Dump Valve, 64V Pressu re Switch Cable - 16/2 Shielded, Twisted Pair (Carbody Receipt to E-5 Unit) WABCO Square-D 525217 ACW-21 25P4012286 Beldon 8719 25T9011686 Cable - 16/2 Neoprene, 600V, Type SO {Dump Valves) Wire #18/2 PVC Connector E-5 Controller Power Alpha Alpha Cannon 1935 3241 CAOGEA24-7SF80 25P9011647 25X9012294 22A4000088 Connector E-5 Controller Speed Sensor E-5 Contro]ler Complete 5 Amp Fuse, AGC (3AG) Cannon WABCO Littelfuse CAO6RXA24-28S 579565 312005 22A4000089 22A4000087 12 13 14 -° -1 15 16 17 1 1 i Speed Sensor Truck Wiring Harness 124" Truck Wiring Harness 142" MFG 25T9013096 ----- AMMS # 2052443005 2052443400 AMT DRW B-00-1379-I AMT DRW B-OO-137g-2 .q I 18 I 19 20 5 -- 2 Amp Fuse, AGC (3AG) Littelfuse 312002 Pilot Light Speed Sensor Gap Checking Gage --WABCO #387 583690 L_ -q 45N4002036 FIGURE SPEED SENISOR 7.15 _1,1 1t_ISTALL/kT IOl_ _ .............. _ / .- -. \, -- __7"T, -'r: u /,,,<.m, i .... I" !l/:4i!'iP J... _--> // \_/3J _---J , _, , S_. _uS_ER .... :., _, • ;i_ \:m _-SEE 057 VIeW TOOL E,AP TO /'_'.O20'" @ BE o O_ O' / • _AL,_F_.. STEIJP._ILED MAGHETIC -_/_" -_-_ -'/ piCKUP p¢.Ho. AIR G_,PPIHG 583690 'dE %' TRUCK SENSOR CAeLE ASSE.13LV NEIIC SENSOR CABLE ASSEPleL¥ A_, S_O_,,a "uO r..-o "s_,u _ LI/" NUT "'" L:L oC-K TOOL VI EW "_' I t_ co FIGURE E-5 I I $_(STEM 7.16 7-39 COMPOMEMT$ I C PLUG ® I ] 0 FUSES (_ PILOT COMTROLLER INSIDE @ _ /O\ INSIDE LAMP5 I_ '--:JJ' , _'_ J 0 \___oo, DUMP ® VA,LVE SPEED SEI45Ol_ PRESSURE SVV {TC I..I J-I 7 - 40 7.4.3 General Maintenance The truck wiring is effectively the only maintenance item of the system. Care must be taken to inspect the truck areas upon arrival of the train at the terminal. Any damaged wiring or sensors should be repaired before dispatching the car. An inoperative wheel slide system can easily cause wheel spalling, which is a very expensive maintenance item. A few minutes of inspection and repair will save many thousands of dollars in wheel costs. If a car is found with badly spalled or flat wheels, check the decelostat system to determine if it is functioning properly. If the E-5 is functioning, the problem is likely to be the brake system itself, the control or relay valve. When a car's wheels are to be changed, first disconnect the speed sensor plug on the axles to be removed. Reinstall the speed sensors and gap them to .020-.030 AFTER the car is back on its wheels. If the sensor is ad3usted i_t, the gap will change, and may even contact the sensing gear, gouging it. operation, The E-5 controller should be periodically as described below in section 7.4.4. checked for proper Dump valves require little maintenance, however, one may occasionally become sluggish. It is imperative that the valve react quickly for the decelostat system to be effective. Should a sluggish valve be found, remove and examine the valve. If foreign material is found, it is likely that the entire car's brake system is contaminated and must be cleaned. Check the strainers on the control valve, etc. to see. If much contamination is found: I. Dismount the A-I-A all brake valves (control, relay, dump) water system governor-reducing valve. 2. Blow the 3. Reinstall 4. Fully test the brake system using the test sequence test spec PQ-79-1 tests figure 7.1 and 7.2. out the The truck pressure switches section 7.5 for details. entire air valves require and system. removed. little maintenance. Refer in to 7 - 41 7.4.4 Periodic On • . Maintenance a monthly basis, do the following: Trucks a. b. Visually inspect Check the speed .020 and .030. c. Clean this gap with compressed air, about maximum pressure. Decelostat Controller Periodic Maintenance Insure 64VDC feed to E-5 Controller. E-5 a. (I) (2) (3) b. the speed sensors and truck wiring. sensor gap. It must be between 30 psi Using a multi-meter, on proper scale, read between TP 14 for Negative and TP 15 for Positive 64VDC (70-80VDC if car is on power). With power switch on, the green lamp should be lit. If lamp is not lit, check the bulb. Replace if needed. If no voltage is present at TP 14 and 15, check the following: (a) Wheel slip ckt. breaker in electric locker(b) Fuse FI in if needed- E-5. Replace with 5 amp fuse (c) Fuse F2 in if needed. E-5. Replace with 2 amp fuse (d) Load Shed Relay on Battery Charger. (e) Battery Charger. (f) Low Voltage Relay• Once the 64VDC feed is confirmed, run the E-5 box through the test sequence, using the "E-5 Decelostat Test Procedure", figure 7.17. The car must be on air and the brakes applied. i. During the test, note that the dump valve activates immediately when the corresponding controller light lights. The dump valve operating sequence should be A-end, B-end, B-end, A-end. which is easily detected with an observer outside the car. Make sure the valve dumps the air on the brakes by watching the linkage or disc brake indicators• Listening from inside is not sufficient. 7-4?__ E-5 DECELOSTAT _TEST PROCEDURE t IMPORTANT!! To preventroll away, securevehicle adequatelyby applyinghandbrake and/or blockingwheel. 2. Make sure power switch is "ON". "POWERON" lampshouldbe illuminatedthroughout test. 3 Pushtest switch{PWRON]"IN" andholdsecurely. 40pera{e push buttonsin the followingsequencenoting correct operationof indicating lamps.For eachstep maintain status of switches for minimumof 10 sec. before going to next step. During sequence,truck #1 & truck #2 DECELOSTAT Valves should operatesimultaneouslywith DCLt & BCL2 indicatinglamps,respectively. PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES INDICATING LAMPS [] RELEASED [] NON-ILLUMINATED 'J_ ILLUMINATED • HELDAPPLIED )_ TI T2 T3 T4 DCL1 DCL20MPH STEP 1 [] [] [] [] STEP 2 • • [] F-I STEP 3 • [] [] [] STEP 4 [] [] [] [] STEP 5 [] [] • STEP 6 [] [] [] STEP 7 [] [] [] KEY ILLUMINATED FOR 7 SEC.[APPROX)ONLY o _ D G )_ o D D [] )_ [] [] [] 5 Releasetest switch (PWRON}. 6 Makesure "PWR ON" switchis in "ON" position. 7 Attachdoor& tightensecurely makingsure seal is intact. 8 Removeblocksfrom wheels. FIGURE )_ D D D 5MPH 7.17 0BBB v v TPlB(Y) [-6-] O TPII(O) [_ O -rp_, (.R) I-6-] -rp_3(mJ) _ rn ! U_ o o "TPt5(R) 0 --I I-6-I -rps(B_) -- TP'T (R) -rpzz (o) I-6-] rp_9 (_ I-6-I o rXJ _ I'-" I-_ TP9 (o) I-_ -rp_ _('_) TPZS(B_ [--67 O TPl (B_ J_o ° I COMM ON .--SENSOR_ ['_ TP(o (Bkl) TP8 "13 (R) O "FPZ (R) TP3 (0) _-] --I (.n "rpLz (Y) \ [_ "TPIO (O) 4- ,,j I U0 7 - 44 2. If the E-5 Controller does not give the proper lamp response, check to make sure all the lamps are good. Replace burnt out lamps as required and retest box. 3. If the E-5 Controller will not sequence, disconnect the J-2 cable and re-sequence the box. This isolates the speed sensors from the E-5. This will tell you if the problem is; a) in the E-5 box or b) in the sensors. If the E-5 Controller will not sequence, with J-2 Plug disconnected, then the problem lies within the E-5 box itself. The box should be 4. • replaced and the defective E-5 tagged and sent out for repairs. 5. If the E-5 does sequence with J-2 disconnected, then the problem is in the sensors and must be repaired using a standard trouble shooting procedure. Either a sensor or the wiring is probably grounded. Continuity of Speed Sensors a. In addition to maintaining a correct sensor gap, it is just as important to meter the speed sensors for continuity. This may be done inside the E-5 Controller. (I) (2) (3) Using a multi-meter, on resistance, read between TP i. The DC resistance should Using 4 for TP 20 as the rest Common, of the the TP o i000 read TP sensors. {4) b. be proper 20 for scale Common ohms 2, TP ± for and 200. 3 and Any variation from the above i000 ohms must be repaired. The final resistance reading to be taken is car body ground as Common to TP i, 2, 3 and There should be no continuity to ground. A of over 100-K is required. TP spec from 4. reading Final Upon completion of Steps i, 2, and 3 and assuring decelostat is in proper working condition, be sure the lid on the E-5 is tightly secured so that no foreign material will get into the box. Connectors Jl and J2 should be lock wired so they will not back out. In addition, the J3 connector must be lock wired to the car body receptacle. All four (4) sensor plugs must be wired also. For further test For more details WABCO instructions details, refer to on the decelostat following. PQ-79-1 test 7.2. components, refer to 7 - 45 7.5 Brake Condition Indication System Converted HEP cars have two types of air brake indicators: trainline and local, used by the locomotive car inspector to show whether the air brakes are applied condition engineer and or released. All converted HEP cars are equipped with pressure switches (one per truck) which are part of the brake applied and brake released trainlines of the 27 point cable. They function such that when all the brakes are applied throughout the train, a circuit is made which illuminates an amber light in the locomotive. A second circuit is made up when all train brakes are released, giving a green light in the cab. Whether the brakes on a given car are applied or released is sensed by two pressure switches on each car, one per truck, connected into the brake cylinder air line. When the brake cylinder pressure is above 23 psig on both trucks, the switches indicate the brakes are applied on the car. When the pressure on both trucks drops below i0 psig, the switches indicate the brakes are released. The pressure switch is connected after the dump valve and cutout cock on each truck. The loop relay in the last car is the power source for these circuits. Note: switch figure This system does not detect A test fitting is located adjacent as an aid in checking and adjusting 7.19. In addition to their function in an applied to each pressure the handbrake. air pressure switches.See trainline brake circuits, the pressure switches are used in the E-5 decelostat system reset the 7 second time-out feature. This reset occurs when the car brakes are fully released (below i0 psig brake cylinder pressure). The pressure switch is shown in figure 7.19. Refer to test spec PQ-79-1 test 2.4 and 7.2 for tests of this switch. Local air brake indicators are used on all disc brake cars as an aid in checking for applied or released brakes. Only disc brake cars use these devices since the truck brake rigging is difficult to see, whereas the tread brake rigging is easily observed. The indicators, 4 per car, are merely a piston and cylinder which expands when air from the brake cylinder line enters it. When expanded, the device causes a red-tipped plunger to protrude from the car side, indicating that the brakes on that truck are applied. When the brakes are released, the bellows contract and the plunger retreats from view. Refer to figure 7.20. Figure 7.1gA AIR BRAKE PRESSURE SWITCH ITEH HFG HFG # Pressure Switch, DPDT Square-D AQ,I-21 25P4012286 Test Fitting (Carbedy) Salem 775-3 22A4000130 Probe Plug (Mating with item 2) Salem 701-026 Pressure Switch Testor Salem 700-1 CO2 Cartridge for Item 4 Salem DESCRIPTION QTY p/---SET AMT # AMMS # SWITCH WITH THIS SCREW SET AT 23 RISING SET AT IO FALLING 1 -_1_ -j d Class 9012 PRE Type SSURF ACW-21 _W ITCH i J_ _NPT AIR TEST INL(T FITTING _FL6 I_ 7.19e: TESTING AIR GAUGES AND PRESSURESWITCHES USING REPORT sect_o. No. 65 7-47 probe (A) m move Plug from and Quick To test Probe gauge-unscrew reDisconnect Fitting. (by hand). =DnUT ct"'Fi'_ingG_J-'_"_nde_l#m"CJVi_k ---Disconn V,.W *,.. Procedure and for testing Pressure Salem Tester Air Gauges Switches and the using Salem Quick Disconnect FitUnE. (When the probe plug is remov. ed, the air shuttle automatically seals off pressure to the gauge or pressure switch, therefore, you do not have to blow down the air pressure when using the Salem Test Fitting). SALEM --._ SALEM All Hand Operation _ NO TOOLS NEEDED! _ AIR GAUGE PRESSURE SWITCH ,o°,,,..,,:_::_ooW'a'r"r,:°_._R _,__ "" P'°* _:__ Saves Time,/Soves Money! AND _" _ _ To .USeME' _:..*.h o,.,,o Remove Tester Probe (A) from holster and screw into fitting finger tight. (No tools are necessary). Connect female hose connector (1) by pushing the nut on female connector sharply until knurlad rings, TO disconnect II JJ it snaps. (2), and female // unscrew connector probe push (A) and replace on forward on outer holstgr. fine with1 • J necessary remove switch for adjustment, for major If gauge or to pressure Is found to returned be defective or if It re. is pair, or replaced -- i ) EM AiR AN _O fellow procedure itO I BAL[M. _n_m,_ 141S3 _ _,_ |'l _ . I_Oube With Probe Plug unscrewed and removed *-- now remove locking key (simply pull out by hand).., ° ,_?,,%'Z_"J_" 3 end 4 below: *With Pn_xl Plus mlsc_mod |rid removed air pressure has been auto., matl_ly cut off within the Quick Disconnect FItUnE. _"_(" L._ IO Kly plU a •.. Air gauge or Pressure Switch is now free from Salem Quick Disconnect Fitting end may simply be lifted out and repaired or adjusted. SEE BACK SlOE OF THIS SHEET FOR COa TESTER OPERATION FIG 7.19 C _ 7-48 The Salem 700 -1 C0z Gauge and Pressure Switch Tester is an entirely hand operated, self-contained portable tester, mounted on a companion holster using C0= as its testing medium. (As shown on front side). PROCEDURE FOR TESTING: 1. Open needle valve (A) very slowly as you are releasing 900 Ibs. pressure. If opened too quickly, pressure will build up of 185 psi and vents out the safety relief and manual vent valve. This protects the gauge from damage, but wastes C02 2. When desired pressure is reached, GENTLY CLOSE needle valve (A). Pressure may be manually reduced by pressing safety relief and manual vent valve (D). . For fine VERNIER adjustment use displacement valve (B). This can be used for one or more Ibs. adjustment throughout the entire 185 lb. range. If you have no leaks in the gauge complex, one cartridge should test 30 to 50 puges. PROCEDURE TO CHARGE TESTER: (Remove from holster.) 1. Depress safety relief and manual vent valve (D) to assure that all pressure is released before removing knurled chamber cap (E). 2. Remove knurled chamber piercing cap (E) which should be screwed out with fingers only - no tools needed. 3. Remove spent C02 cartridge (G). 4. Before inserting new C02 cartridge, be sure that needle valve (A) is closed. . Insert new C02 cartridge(G) in handle chamber. 6. Before replacing chamber piercing cap, examine and be sure piercer (F) is backed out against shoulder (I).Turn roll pin handle (J) counter clockwise to accomplish this. , Replace chamber piercing cap (E). No Tools needed - Screw in Finger Tight 8. Again check to make sure that needle valve (A) is closed. If it is not, air will escape out the safety relief and manual vent valve(D). 9. Turn roll pin handle (J) clockwise all the way in to pierce the COz cartridge then back it out against the shoulder (I). (Counter clockwise). This now charges the tester with C02. 10. Replace tester on holster. Tester is now charged and ready to test gauges or pressure switches. SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 PRESSURE NON775"3 SWITCH TEST FITTING FIG 7.19D 7-4_' OCTOBER I NPT '[ ' 1 I B SWITCH I._<_ ..._r.. 25,1972 _ _._,_ I AI""'"1.".',_".'"" "00'0,0/ =w_ REVISION ] _,_ / _1 NPT 8 AIR INLET \ NON MAY AT PARTS LIST ITEM PART No DESCRIPTION I 3552 2 !3555 3:3597 -FUNCTIONAL BE VENDOR'S SHUTTLE CAP SHUTTLE SPRING SHUTTLE DRILLED BOSSES AND TAPPED DISCRETION SHIPPING 1 lb. APPROX. ;_T¥ I I U.S. .I 4 2436 SEAL I 5 3598 BODY I 6 3599 PROSE PLUG WE.-- I PATENT N_ 3,557,602 NO. 3,601,142 ORANAM-WNI'I'il SAL,,S t209 SALEM, OORP. CO¢ORADO VIRGINIA RTRIRT |4111 _1_1;111111_ 7-S0 Air Brake Pressure Switch PRESSURE FIG SALEM QUICK Illustration PRESSURE DISCONNECT FITTING FOR AIR GAUGES AND PRESSURE SWITCHES 2 SWITCH Illustration Suggested accurate #775-3 testing without done the Switch Illustration in service--air SHUT_ Fittlng of the the necessity same as shown Pressure 2 permits Pressure easy Switch of shutting off in illustration In i and alr-4. Service shows the is passing to the pressure shuttle--opening SUPPLY AJR Illustration SWITCH 45 7.19 E Salem Test through switch. Probe air supply to Fitting the fitting plug moves switch. 3 Pressure Switch Ready Illustration and Shuttle of switch--the NOTE: THE DOES SALEM NOT TEST Service Test 3 shows the automatically to pressure for test. BRAKES USING Out for AIR RAVE TO FITTING. Probe Plug removed blocking air passage gauge is PRESSURE now ready ON THE BE DOWN BLOWN WHEN SUPPLY AIR Testing Illustration inserted into Illustration air supply is 4 Pressure shows Salem Test Fitting. CO 2 tester probe Communication from cut pressure by off Shuttle. Communication and pressure switch tive reading between gauge ALL OF _ on Salem THE ABOVE ANY TOOLS _ THE PRESSURE _witch CO 2 IS AND from switch between Salem CO 2 Tester is established for comparaswitch settings and master Tester. ACCOMPLISHED WITHOUT THE WITH NO DAMAGE OH STRAIN USE ON T[STRR SWITCH. GRAHAM-WHITE SUPPLY AIR SALES U.S. PATENT NO. S,SS?,GOR N0.3,SOI,142 CORP. 1SOB COLORADO $ALIM, VlNQINIA $TRIIT 14tNS-lOS_ ' . |i" INDICATOR ASSEMBLY • . "•, " "" _IDIC.A'II@R _ _ @Agt PARTS FOR AIR "ON-OFF" BRAKE ITDI QTY DESCRIPTION INDk_ATOR INDICATOR ASSEMBLY Figure 7.20 APPLIED INDICATOR MFG MFG # 1 2 3 Brake Appli_ Indicator Pressure P1a te Diaphragm WABCO WABCO WABCO 86-00195 86-06187 86-06185 4 5 6 Non-Pressure Head Push Rod ReleaSe Spring WABCO WABCO WABCO 86-06186 86-06181 86-06184 7 8 g Push Rod Guide Boot Indicator Stop Nut WABCO WABCO WABCO 86-06183 86-06182 21AI3M IO II 12 Indicator Pressure Plate Bolt Pressure Plate Washer WABCO WABCO WABCO F86-00167 7AO420M 71BI01 13 14 15 Pressure Plate Nut Stud Bolt lockwasher WABCO WABCO WABCO 21AO4M 86-06188 7]A22M 16 Nut WABCO 21A11M AMT # AMMS # _J I u_ SECTION 7.6 Figure 7.21 Page PAGE Repair & Test Specification WABCO Repair & Test Specification Index Instruction Name _BCO D-22 Passenger Car Brake Equipment 26-C Brake Equipment for Passenger Cars Gg5OSO-7 5071-8 COMPONENT WABCO PART NUMBER # INTRODUCTION # REPAIR PROCEDURE # TEST PROCEDURE # PART LIST D-22 Control Valve B-3 Relay Valve F Relay Valves 16" Combined Aux, Emg & Disp. Reservoir Gg 5050-7 ,, ,, " 3220-2 G-h 3231-1 3231-2 3206-I 26-C Control Valve J-1 Relay Valve 4220-5 S.7 26C 4231-12 42C S.6 & S.9 3220-5 S 7 3231-12 E-3 Application Valve B-3-B Emergency Brake Valve A-2 Reduction Relay Valve 4230-4 E3 4216-5 2389 R-63-C S.1 R-72-C S.I 3230-4 G-h 3216-5 G-h 3211-5 I_" Angle Cock - Double Locking I" Main Reservoir Cutout Cock, Locking Brake Cylinder Cutout Cock, Locking 4216-4 S.15 4216-4 S.2O R-3O-C S.1 R-8O-C S.2 3216-4 S 15 G-h-3216-4S20 Branch Pipe Tee Combined Dirt Collector & Cutout Cock Gg 5050-7 4216-2.1 i216-2 $I Hose & Fittings Armoured Hose 3216-3 G-h-3216-3 $3 UAH Type Brake Cylinder Slack Adjuster 4214-4 S.I0 Gg 5050-7 TFM Disk Brake Manual Rebuilding Budd Disc Brake Cylinders Locking Plates & Bolts - Brake Discs Gg 4003 E-5 Decelostat Controller C-3 Dump Valve 579565 579449 G-h 3214-4 S 10 & 3 G-h 3226-2 Gg 4003 Sr_P#03605 4345-1 4227-11.57A Gg 4003 Gg 4003 G-h-3345-2 3227-11 $7 u_ CA} Figure 7.22 WABCO BRAKE COMPONENT PART LISTS IT&I OTY DESCRIPTION MFG MFG # AMT # #_MS # TO BE SUPPLIED t4CHSP.12/53 -.j I o'I G _ S050-7 I/Itt_B CQ •22-P Pi',SSEItGER CARBRAKE tQUIPMENT • .. , v , . ,. _*_ I.Im,tm$ ,, The functional raent include decessors the in proven this features Ihat required for Faster characteristics high and desirable clats of provide this with a brake of hrake of its '! " _ ",'_*,t?._- ing which produce improved PORTION trains. is provided functions "z t, r_..::.* as )._,',t[ in the 1 "t.'. _}.=_.,' RtI_*** PORTION _\ ing Quick . inii_:_, qd.C*. valve to application shde valve friction• braise cylinder brake pipe adjust . all cars Improved of service Emergency slack rate service in control The previous brake posslbifity of pressure, ran;or is minimized, exhaust remains moves to reduction entia; to move valve to close brake cylinder the until posili,m. al service the will piston, exhaust service ;q_phca- in brake displacement the slide opetales is friction slide insures develt_p pressure more than ceedingly release brake. passenger to increase only sufficient a a definite feature, with This displacement is the accom- reservoir air to the brake brake pressure pipe a faster than brake. reduction to insure Increased differ- valve, and development permit sure pipe and during initial locally, thereby positive of auxiliary and prompt reservoir pres- release. and slide of Cupucity The maximum hrake previous passenger brake control of two 16 inch is the equivalent insured regardless to exceeds insuring release the auxiliary of service feature, which hrake reservoir when D-22-AR cent device for operation valves; therefore, used with brake cylinder volume valves brake for were which designed cylinders. any rol valve is desip.ned of one or more one desired standard large control number, size, as a piloting eapaci:y valve relay may be or arrangement of cylinders. brake pressure by More Uniform Bruke Cylinder Pressure 2 pounds. Graduated relay Release operation uniform is secured of this and on feature flexible all cars brake when is such that cylinder graduating an ex- pressure off the brake leakage. desirable trayel. of valves, a given The release is obtained _zonnecting Because Improved ency valve that graduating by a release positively pipe l'_merg, release reservoir makes pipe Release release valve to previous pressure. Service Positive After positive by The Inlpruved as contpared reservoir service This r:d_ the hght fiuctuaUons as open service action brake _mprove- su/pplementlng air flow from the brake valve to provide. a fast rise m brake pipe pressure. This operation also uadesired tr,,m emergency a further equipment. standard plished Stulfility rcau]:..,g during use of an accelerated more release Liens. VMve Speed it accomplishes of slack brake auxiliary Service important Release and rcduc'.:ons. hnproved most By the at each of transmission ir,!t !;.1 and succeeding Control to in passenger is continued a fast fluent improved used activity D-22-AI( Trunsmission hccause standard action. as generally so that proof train is application a minimum the View of the fast also with Exterior service develotlment permits harsh service on both plpe on :educlions. the. quick is obtained the application, uniform which wi'.l:o!:t reduction 1. dtlr- '_o insure regardless !nhial and pressure successive rates of position reduction, ,n s;.a_ service, Opt, inoven_ent pOSillV(2 pron:pCy fe31,Jrc .q_piicatic.n during ,,i Fill. .. _lCt: This fcr_turc, i%I.Ill/(, - . $(I positive slide . • ,a : .1, I,I.A,'-' w.r,.qe:: wl[h This _**du_lrd Service . ln:pr,.wed _I_,llSIl_i3_iOn • ,._..S Inled_ S_lt_s*e Improved i "_ SERVICE follow- respects: This '"*_'_ by PIPE BRACKET features :_" "_ of modern action _ pre- flexibility of • equip- the'addition greater operation certain brake dements service s!)e_d more of brake cyhnder Air the the pipe automatic brake redu,-tion piston travel consumption, minimum self-lapping cylinder with feature pressure is not affected brake of is held uniform for by varying c,r normal course, of developed m:nimum cylinder to the piston W,c_B¢'O Simplified Construction The D-22-AR Control Valve is smaller than is the case with the previous standard operating valve. Space required for installationis also less by reason of combining in one structure the volume auxiliary and displacement Because of more of the emergency, reservoirs. simple construction, the weight of the operatlng devices comprising this latestequipment is materially reduced standard Harmonious equipment operates standard either the associated The the ear previous or in the same brake new train. with when standard the cars pre- having equipment are Fig. Conversion brake readily in harmony passenger Electro-Pneumatic with to the previous Interchange The vious as compared equipment. be equipment adapted is so designed for speed governor addition of the that electro-pneumatic control for high necessary it can speed available service by is a list of the equipment, with and relative at the back location of the of the book. a short 1. A D-22-AR a general way It operates 6. from the relay 7. Two B-3 I¢-6 in 3. local ratio An A-2 4. air and the exhaust pipe equivalent brake in an approxi- which ticles the 10. initial and high levers the emergency the when this to the volume the quick with force brake The recharge, rods to the are forced and outward through applies them so conbrake by the in the when valve, actuated by an valve and pipe is to prevent scale, sand, cut-out Cut-Out Cock bracket. The entrance cinders, cock or foreign provides between pur- into the the par- a means control of valve Branch by branch pipe Pipe Tees, means of which the brake bolted lugs. tee is to prevent from are bolting purpose the passage pipe into to the The the of exces- branch pipe 11. A Pressure to the Retaining control Valve valve handle is placed in retaining of brake cylinder exhaust rate which exhaust. is connected-] Its purpose, position, while when is to retard recharging equipment. 12. An Automatic brake cylinder, piston travel. Various the Adjuster, used a predetermined cut-out couplings, piping, the enderstood and Slack maintains cocks, hose t_ttings, etc., which each cylinder connections, incidental location and uses of which from the piping diagram of description with brake the The piping train diagram, air signal Plate to the will be readily the equipment, follows. equipment 10, but is not is included part of the [ _ the_--'_ the] Z the rods to one pipe. moisture dummy and brake by piping graduated rods Collector connections underframe 13. features. at the fittings. the auxiliary and is transmitted shoes pro- develop pistons levers pistons reservoir for proper functioning The emergency reser- pressure brake Dis- to reduction. the air supply service portion. Cylinders pressure, displacement pipe to provide through that The and one apply Valves, pipe Dirt The pipe Four to Emergency-Brake control collector kind. the each brake of pipe of any closing on the Emergency valve conductor valve. dirt of the air or emergency. to the pose sive fast vent on the of the particularly following to the Valves, the Application branch 9. A Combined car transmits permit Brake is mounted and pressure. reduction, operating brake pipe provide Emergency-Brake of accident E-3 which cylinders. car, Emergency-Brake The car to car to provide Auxiliary, of Two control reservoir. Valve reductions Reservoir. 5. Brake shoes in use. reservoirs. reservoir from brake required air is used nected the pressure Service A Combined relation release corresponds cylinders cylinder pipe reservoir provides of the control valve voir 10, of the in case 8. piping now m common displacement activity of the brake Reservoirs, brake B-3-B end the the proper brake Quick brake placement vides The on Plate of air to and to displacement service transmission successive reduction. which valve in the brake 60_o quick Valve to charge the established reproduces mate up the or F-6 Relay Valve which relays the aprelease operation of the control valve. The reproduces pressure and make shown Supply for the function the admission valve 2. A B-3 plication and are Two supply of each. parts universal to control which description Control to the parts and wheels. devices. each following Combined Auxiliary, Emergency Displacement Reservoir op'eration PARTSOFTHEEQUIPMENT The 2. on the brake v_ W_BCO equipment. It provides a means whereby signals may be transmitted from any part of the train to the locomotive and is described in a separate publication--Instruction Pamphlet The a 3-AP t" dotted ko'#_t j No. 5061. on equlpment "_ _sec DECELOSTAT line Plate ® Equipment, 10, is not but is recommended page a shown part of the for wheel in brake slip control, 113. DESCRIPTION OFTHEPARTS EMERGENCY POR110N SERVICE The D-22-AR as follows: 1. A the Two service bracket Control Valve consistsof three portions. Face Pipe Bracket portion and the is bolted nections to the car being means made flanged 2. The charging Service of the release of brake with insuring, provides the passenger The Emergency action feature, and the accelerated provides the proven universal passenger transmission emergency application. PIPE chamber, plugs the emergency by reference brake emergency release operating service desirable controls The the function. portion face. numbers on the element face one These Figs. 4 and 7. Exhaust of releasing 8. rate Choke exhaust the Plug, from the Choke PIulL Fill. reservoir application are identified 6, which 6, which the across of the by 6, which service the service controls Quick the rate during the Service of brake first Choke and held to a seat The slide pipe stage flow Fig. to the quick of preliminary the (1) ber), 21. rate Emergency of emergency reservoir tion is made. The for later pipe Choke displacement bracket conversion Plug, Fig. reservoir when an 4, which build-up emergency controls from brake applica- has to the necessary electro-pneumatic pipe lap as service release slide service to the spring 99, the (service which is the service valve move following port valve release chamber valve cham- valve, piston positions piston the slide graduating valve slide release and 101. on 103 positions: quick the spring graduating release of the to lock to a seat establish the of is attached 102 and valve held the the pin by leaf and to various chamber periods. 98, which by by positions, exhaust and of the cleaning reservoir positions; connections operation, ring ring Auxiliary holding chamber to the a3 controlled preliminary the connected 100. valve piston in the con- head, graduating slide thereby reservoirs. in its bushing coil spring and 94, variations emergency valve and ring with head piston piston service connections quick application. by its piston lubrication slide service service spring the and in the middle and normal service in the valve The Plug, service of the (c) piston provides between stem is made. Preliminary volume The the in the piston bushing (b) 93 with in accordance auxiliary a wick, the a service piston pressure piston when controls when the bracket of water Parts: in its bushing charging groove 1 as controls reservoir build-up service moves with 14. The which shouldered of displacement brake Fig. displacement accumulation PORTION An oil reservoir in brake. Service SERVICE choke follows: rate The trols Plate to prevent in Fig. 4. action plug 6 and service. three suspension Bolt holes through (a) after choke plugs side of the pipe to permit substitution of a cbeck It of the three the opposite 15 service.Also, while'the rear is protected by scaling ring 17, as shown improved quick 12, and Valve connections are Nos. 8 and freezing. The two front holes arc cut away pres- release plate 15, on bracket, is arranged are protected features. with on Plate I0. These valve portion for electro-pneumatic release cylinder accelerated filter portion Control have blanking flanges for automatic service features brake contains D-22-AR which in air BRACKET a removable in the which emergency Rear View of the shown blanking and car release Portion, and desired transmission, emergency desirable car emergency The service the proven and graduated high the operat- application universal inetrlock by controls It quick bracket Fig. 3. no pipe joints of the improved The con- or replacing the service PORTION bolted all pipe the so that which and brakes. release 3. sure Portion, features are portion. to unions removing reservoirs the operating quick when which under-framing, permanently of reinforced need be disturbed ing portions. to emergency PIPE BRACKET to in release for the exhaust purpose open the and of in these exhaust to the spring in service and. service interlock slide of the release valve piston in W_BCO 89 73 94 / g3 17 133 24 193 102 189 82 / 183 182 88 Fig. 4. 75 Sectio'nal View of the D-22-AR Control Valve _6 _: ,,_ 2o_ --113 c :::. 157 158 FiI_. 5. Outline Segvlce End, Release Piston and Slide D-22-AR Control Valve, and Valve Duplex Release Valve Assembly. WP, BCO graduated holding release lap position, release slide valve the for the exhaust purpose closed of in these positions. Brake pipe Q.S. Vol. to provide air through the in preliminary a controlled graduating quick local valve service reduction voir in brake pipe. Brake in service pipe position until pressure a (4) Auxiliary cation Auxiliary service and viding a positive release position beyond this is cut guide 95, vity by off by the slide valve quick movement in pressure auxiliary reservoir a pressure. 103. seat and pressure the the between the the spring service acti- piston to a predetermined brake valve voir during exceeds the pipe and service the its tension through Wasp valve two (1) The release ates positively sure exceeds This portion The supply from vent auxiliary reservoir back flow. The (g) 73, check reservoir ball which valve which to the check permit the supply valve charging reservoir but reservoir brake pipe charging check air to charge with the service piston in release position, any back flow of auxiliary reservoir air. 87 spring slide valve. 130, slide cavity 146 exerts valve on its vent pressure valve portion to accu- diaphragm 123. which brake more pres- 2 pounds. cap in which 129 normally a connection 128 is in contact One oper- pipe than insuring face of the to brake pipe pressure through held from with the release diaphragm choke is 177, the other face to service slide valve chamber pressure (auxi- liary reservoir) through choke these pressures 176. With remains balanced, but ifbrake pipe pressure exceeds auxiliary reservoir pressure ing the follower and prevents and valve spring when valve closing Follower by more than 2 pounds reservoir slide atmospheric by insuring pre- but pressure is overcome, the slide valve of a release flow the ports, reser- this prevents reservoir consists service duces auxiliary permits charging 74, where seat piston the substantially equal the diaphragm (f) the the brake a release by insuring insuring to release auxiliary seated exposed is attained. and valve When the which the position Strut 88 protects on When displacement 145 to hold chamber, 140. the spring ports. valve pressure, spring slide moves with 102 and 10 pounds, to the where seat strut 137 pin slide in its forward and position excluder slide by after pressure reservoir 10 pounds, two and opet;ation. deflects rear by approximately air flow approximately to their piston connects portion of a piston piston opposed valve pipe disconnects the 71, quick diaphragm inter- activity reservoir displacement than cavity valve consists of the slide brake is contained service until the controlling is In possibility of quick of a slide release service to the by is less holds to auxi- the displacement position diaphragm spring emergency mulation. graduating 95 and position on in release limiting portion is controlled pressure reser- valve by quick l 0 pounds The slide from service to terminate This seat. piston reservoir. to prevent stability service to has 108, quick valve permit recharge. 136 attached its flow check which to emergency and as controlled a slide valve off its seat. spring provide piston pipe under valve of pro- service auxiliary pressure piston in spring brake than pipe in- pressure of the unless and release reservoir return the exhaust service pipe movement brake the for thepurpose auxiliary higher slide with back is developed. acting appli- service valve of the piston position preventing and brake over prevent which difference dis- service valve The operates lock slide the brake the slide movement service preliminary to quick positions the graduating The from insuring positions; whenever pounds of blowing air service lap service event, (e) the service release valve lap to which three service valve preliminary differential The the a service release in release, release 107, from up. this reservoir valve (d) air graduating during 195, reservoir piston except charging valve auxiliary release approximately reservoir is built reservoir check prevent valve which applica- displacement to provide to the suring 2 pound service the but (k) reservoir position. chamber graduated quick 10 pounds the reservoir valve displacement transmit reservoir past in service (5) about to the predetermined chamber placement cage to of approximately valve slide air ball flow from reservoir lock (3) valve liary emergency and with position position pressure. tion The 73c charging (2) to the (j) valve the diaphragm isdeflected,mov- unseating the valve 129, which re- auxiliary reservoir pressure to positively release the brake. (m) The release interlock controls the graduated valve release and portion quick which recharge fea- tures. This portion consists of a piston 182 pinned to a (h) 73a and flow back than ball The back 74b, which into the when brake reservoir check brake valve cation supply from flow. (i) air The valve pipe to charging 74a, check which supply permit reservoir valve charging but prevent slidevalve 183 by pin 102 and lock 103, and held to its seat by spring 187 through strut 185. The slidevalve has two positions on its seat between 180 and spring 191. The brake flow prevent pipe, displacemefit pipe. check valve flow such 73b and ball of displacement as during reservoir reservoir emergency pressure check is interlock diaphragm face of the diaphragm .nectedto displacement reservoir pressure. With 7 pounds displacement is conlessthan reservoir pressure, spring Igl appli- holds the piston and slidevalve in forward position where higher the slide valve prevents flow from the emergency voir to the auxiliary reservoir. With reser- approximately 10 W_[_O pounds displacement overcome and piston and valve cavity slide valye reservoir, graduated release from this source the can take slide emergency only quick Check to the recharge where to the recharge valves and 73c and passage auxiliary from is the a slide reservoir providing charging spring moving position emergency functions. so that place rear the reservoir the is deflected, to the thus emergency flow pressure diaphragm connects auxiliary in the reservoir the 195 prevent back reservoir from the emergency reservoir by the interlock as controlled release valve. This feature where the matic brake air brake system. into pressure the thus tion. the reduction ume of the high differential letters REL. release cap. letters are two and up (o) The release and controls on with Choke trols flow the flow auxiliary vol- assuring to hold a the service and the are the letters REL. The the cap on the piston the cap valve which the displacement moves reservoir service 81 and 83, valve through a number reservoir, thence brake pipe air flows to initiate preliminary quick service. (u) plug The preliminary 82, which service secondary volume controls air to the quick the service continuous atmosphere exhaust exhaust and choke of quick provides quick service function. Fig. 7. Bolting Faces, Service Face of Pipe Bracket and Service Portion or air to the piston slide which valve. control auxiliary reser- bushing chamber. and in accoi'd- by the slide Valve Details 116 to exhaust, chokes pipe DIR. spring reservoir in the Control its attached with emergency of brake is con- either assumed to the on is set by remov- so that I I0 which 83 is located Views of I)-22-AJ_ body. in conjunction of the flow graduated cast DIR. are over the letters REL., for Direct Release; when the i12 the below GRA. Sectional which condiRelease. The c}_arging charging off valve smaller the position The voir. body REL. valve close the DIR. turning with chaYging (p) the cap 121 or Direct Release. release slide open the cast letters are over nuts line interlock thereby pressure posicut Fig. b. for Graduated GRA. ance pipe the letters is conditioned GRA. ditioned in release on alone, pipe position. The cap. When the valve ing obtained reservoir is brake positively by the release is effectively straight pressure higher piston The graduated release the valve for Graduated tions the reservoir of brake especially electro-pneu- reservoir service reservoir in release (n) the electro-pneumatic air pipe, the auxiliary piston, with auxiliary emergency auxiliary the piston the straight the service is used During holding With the valve applications, reduced from dtabilizes control Choke and con- 81 controls of holes in the bushing to the emergency and to the supply reservoirs. (q) The ice slide trance (r) The the Q.S. 88, which Vol. the and mitting alone (t) service of brake the The controls quick flow during (s) 155 excluder and protects exhaust from the dirt serv- and en- of insects. trols voir wasp valve third duplex stage of quick valve, of auxiliary emergency or both The reservoir reduction reservoirs quick plug air to the release opening manual choke pipe 82a, which displacement conreser- service. handle reservoir release of auxiliary 160 of which relea:? valve reservoir valve 155a, per- pressure together. service volume, (Q.S. Vol.) into the W_mCO The EMERGENCY (a) The 36, which tions PORTION emergency moves controls the the pipe bracket. plston 35 with in its bushing in air pressure across ;charging to the ring of the ring and piston of the quick groove piston its plston ring with varia- in accordance the head and action An oil reservoir nected (i) The Parts: by a wick, bushing in head, provides between (j) thereby chamber in the piston prevents voir and con- The strut the absence (k) cleaning the to the emergency (c) The slide piston by two emergency in the piston gency valve by The move with nections the pins 32 and and held coil spring emergency slide piston in the various From quick 29, which graduating shouldered slide valve is attached two valve locks on the is the emer- graduatlng valve following port con- graduating valve, action chamber, to atmosphere through during the service ap- plications. (2) piston 42 quick during (3) From of high action chamber emergency emergency to pressure.valve vent valve to the 44 except 52a, which reser- slide valve valve seated which Since the 60 pounds brake that applications safety valve to is set and displacement supplied cylinder displacement limits brake to the brake pressure (4) From spring atmosphere side during spring during (5) From the displacement erated release check release after (6) valve is limited cylin. to From side rate of charging flow chamber. Felt the exhaust plug brake strainer 27, pipe 28 protects of restrictions The choke the by fine in vent piston cover, which of quick action chamber and thus can provide be air the effected controls the the quick action choke port against dust. cylinder release plug which to valve in the vent before choke from possibility (n) which emergency (d) pipe displacement 42, ant(choke control the rate during emergency time following interval an Wasp prevents Excluder the 26 entrance in the emergency during'an Piston (e) The gency 62, exhaust of insects. vent during from when (f) The pipe during 40, which an emergency return release cycles, safety off this vent spring 63, and the to normal chamber brake application. return release pipe emergency the cuts application. valve accelerated brake to and piston qulck'action to approximately guide reservoir during emergency which, position 44 reservoir,past accel- emergency 42 and piston valve pressure emerrelease recharges pressure. piston spring 48, which stabilizethe emergency 49, and spring portion against undesired emergency, (g) The emergency during (h) emergency The 51, which reservoir pressure high valve 44, which reservoir air to the displacement to connects reservoir applications. spillover provide check against the quick valve back action flow 52 and from chamber. ball check the emergency Fig. 8. Bolting Bracket 67 of required emergency applications. application, tiir to atmosphere cage pressure 52a, to the brake a service this amount. emergency. during connection of high emergency to reser. applications. to in pressure. application. applications. reservoir and slide chamber service setting. determines service application, From valve displacement 55 the 66, during valve pressure ders, the positions: valve pressure (m) (1) action safety The (1) The to establish to keep at approximately voir 31. and check air into sprlhg serve of quick safety open 33. 30, which to its seat valve pipe lubrication normal periods. emergency ted release diaphragm 34, which reservoir (b) The accelera flow of brake relay valve. Faces, Emer;!ency Face of Pipe and Emer;_ency Portion W_BUQ PORT CONNECTIONS Fil_a. % 10, II and Service 12 Graduating Valve: k--Cavity which connects graduating valve preliminary quick Gn,dt._ seat, ports c and d in Vab_ service and service positions. m--Cavity which connects graduating valve seat ports a and b in graduated tion. Service Slide release lap posi- Valve: f--Service port extending from slide valve face to graduating valve seat. The graduating valve covers this port in release and service lap positions and opens it in all other posi- tions. It registers with slide valve seat port 3b in service and service lap positions. c--Preliminary from quick service port extending the slide valve face to the gr/tduating valve seat. It registerswith slide valve seat port, Q,S. Vol. in release,preliminary quick service and d--Brake graduated release lap positions. pipe port extending from valve face to the graduating registers with slide valve the slide valve seat. It seat port dl F_t in of S_dl VI_,Q release,preliminary quick service and graduated release lap positions. a--Release piston control port extending from slide valve face to graduating valve seat. It registers port lease, with ated release b--Release valve quick lap face with port slide al and extending to graduating preliminary seat service in reS_e gradu- Va_,_ Se_ positions. interlock valve ters siide preliminary valve quick valve from seat. slide Fig, 9. Service Graduating Valve, Slide Valve and Seat It regis- seat port bl service and graduated in release, re- lease lap positions. p--Two drill-connected cavities.In service,and service lap positions the small cavity regis- Service Slide Valve Seat Ex.--Port to the exhaust through al--Port to the spring chamber wasp excluder. ters with seat port gl, and the large cavity connects seat ports al and Ex. As the two cavitiesare drill-connected, they form a common exhaust cavity from seat ports gl and of the release piston. hl--Port to release interlock slide valve seat. a[. n--Two drilled-connected cavlties,the larger of dl--Quick choke service port from 14. 3d--Quick service brake pipe through which registerswith seat port 3d in allpositions. In service and service lap positions the smaller cavity registers therefore the drill-connected two seat between with ports the seat port dl, 3d and dl two cavities. are through extending which cavity times. ih auxiliary from The release, graduated to the cross reservoir the cavity slide valve registers preliminary release air lap groove with positions. seat quick service reservoir cboke plug 3b--Service port to displacement service choke plug reservoir 8. through is supplied chamber quick to displacement 82a. through g--Cavity port preliminary the at port service all gl and gl--Release insuring port from chamber M of the release insuring valve. O.S. VoI.--Port to the Quick through choke exhaust, Ex. Service Volume 82 and wasp thence excluder to the W_BCO u--Tall from Port Connecting auxiliary reservoir the slide valve chamber to the service slide valve port [ in quick service, positions. Emergency and Graduating t--Two release, slot-ports connecting air from chamber to the graduating valve. the of quick seat third tire Emergency action shown area Slide action than permits other port t chamber port air applications. uniformly to The as a balancing pressure of the on the air to seat the acts valve seat t port chamber in emergency air action slide is smaller middle of quick tl slot balance port The applications; flow port valve middle t port. in service permits lap quick the emergency The other flow y release Valve chamber slide preliminary graduated port over to the en- valve. Valve y--Port extending graduating port from valve Ex. in slide seat. release valve face Registers and with accelerated to seat release y positions. tl--Port F_tc_e Of Sl_ extending graduating valve seat release h--Two from valve port seat t2 in release ports celerated h2--Two with large valve Ex., The two In emergency to ports uniformly over Emergency seat action which connects hl and seat ports connects release 3[ and that which the Slide have maintain to seat and entire area Valve Seat no of the position; to emergency hi--Port valve. 3/--Port sl, con- to displacement 15--Port air ports connecting vtdve. to to spillover of high pressure to inner to reservoir area sanding the through of high connection latter being choke pressure 15 blanked valve. on pipe when not are pre_ure The Ex.--Two exhaust cluder 26. Valve reservoir, outer area of to spring chamber 21 and posi- designations slide Valve, Slide 3I ports 15 in emergency balanced Graduating and Seat high pressure valve seat and check valves 51 and 52. chamber sl seat Emergency 2g--Port position. connects I0. position ports quick Fig. cavity bracket, used. cavities balancing 15, small and this position; passages release with 3I and 3g in accelerated nects tion. In which connects which ac- registers at all times, in release and connecting t2 in emergency S--Cavity register port port. charged pressure which in release the cavity cavity t3--Cavity, port accelerated positions seat to the large hl cavities. reqease registers the Ex. to slide positions. drill-connected slide face with and cavities 2g and release accelerated port valve Registers positions. drill-connected with slide seat. Vlh_ wasp ex. side are uniform sl--Port to safety t2--Port to vent 3g--Port to accelerated unnumbered balancing air pressure valve. valve open-end cavities between piston face. release cavities which slide check at each maintain valve and valves. end and balanced, Seat. ReleaseSlideValve Q--Cavity connecting release'position. connected to seat port port rl r--Port the main the 3 and Q port cavity the in application valve ports small 10 through through slide seat The and main 10 in is drilledconnects cavity to seat position. slide chamber valve, to seat connecting port rl the in release End position. of Plln Release Slide 2c- Valve Seat Charging is port 10 port Port from Port through valve, Release by the release position. Slide 7 to exhaust (at retaining Fi_. II. Valve Release Seat Slide Valve and Seat if used). Valve y- . Cavity which connects in release position seat and bl port .bl to Ex., and 5d in applica- position. Cavity which in application Release in reservoir. Slide z 3 which reservoirs. displacement Interlock tion valve in application to supply choke reservoir slide and covered Charging 3- to emergency uncovered position, rl Valvl Slidl Interlock connects seat ports 2d and 2c position. Slide Valve Seat Face bl- Port to service slide valve 5d- Port to the end of the service of S[ide V_lve Piston seat. bl chamber (au_¢iliary 2c--Port to the 2d--Port from graduated rear release the reservoir slide release valve pressure). valve emergency slide seat. reservoir $11da through cap. Fi_. 12. Release t . Fig. 13. Sectional Views of the Combined Reservoir showln_ the Displacement Diaphragm in Release and Applied Positions 10 Valve Interlock _4_8t Slide Valve and Seat W_BC CombinedAuxiliary, Emergency and controls large pressure changes. Choke M 12 serves to pro- vide quick equalization of air pressure on the piston ._, Displacement Reservoir In order sible three to space and reservoirs The with valve service brake pos- local to provide emergency reservoir piston chamber. An functioning to develop reduction. As recharge, pressure features. the the proper previously oil pad 7 is applied to the bottom Oil plug of the relay II permits injection of lubri- on Plate l0 the connections cast on the pipe bracket arc as follows: M.R.--To the supply reservoir pipe.6 S.A.P.--To required relation of the con- described, whi(:h cating oil. used quick provides resistance to spring 39 used air supply the opening the valve quickly responsive to light application pressure exerted by stem 34. air supply for proper makes these as practical, structure. is the local and high volume pipe least As shown displacement operating is the to provide valve release The as low in one reservoir control graduated in the portion. The emergency the installation reservoir the control with for keep weight are combined auxiliary of the confining the provide the control valve pipe 16 B.C.--To the brake cylinder pipe Ex.--Opcn trol this valve operates reservoir, the controlled by In previous equipment universal valve made air to and 8 and 7 in the chokes bracket. cylinders. to admit application this respect and the of build-up in the brake the vacuum partial cylinder piston action new from equipment. so that that of existing B-3 Relay Valve The B-3 relay of cylinders, the placement which valve the application provides combination, As shown a reservoir It has fast application number and in Fig. which the Secl,z_ the the 4.°3 2 volume is uniform the application and reproducing in the established a high and sizes serves capacity release brake dis- air rates flow 20 for any 38 cylinders. of a body as a pipe release in the of brake 14, it consists also on is made increasing condition reservoir. 13) in the condition equipments. valve, pressure brake position. development relays control is pounds in replacing 7 (Fig. a brake brake few application 13, or brake of the this Fig. valve application first movement rate of pressure with operation the to pipe from to the brake 4 and spring When triple duplicates is deflected, the initial the is consumed by release reservoir diaphragm a cylinder created valve differs directly equipment of diaphragm displacement latter releases when previous control equipment as in the applies Consequently with The the or exhaust air from release rates being 32 mounted bracket. brackets either 17 45, 46 suspension contains which lever pressure stem 25 and 26, piston lever and 29 ments the and those piston 35. end the movements of the in turn, valve valve valve 27. stem 34 the is moved 5 ._ end i:ootrols and the 37 and and closes application on 29 -_ 26 C by 19 pivots right 24 and 37 opens and 20, of exhaust The 6 33_. Piston of exhaust screw valve valve. lever those 23 C-C 30_. Mount- bearing piston left application changes, ball 22 Secl,o_ permitting of the the on adjusting application pressure mounting when exhaust of reversible, on latter, of application turn, The The controls are mounted rotates 19 pivots small 19 changes. spring 52 or floor lever the and 14 40 on 2? ing 3t 39 on i 24 C 7 valve 11/_ valve of the move latter, I 28 _ 25 _ _198 18 in application to control piston Fig. 35 11 14. Assembly View of the Type B-3 Relay Valve u.8 WPtBUD "The uected pipe to with l)raeket the displacement cation (and gency the on the during emergency to face a volume 17. This reservoir with application) pressure contains face of piston chamber chamber a full reservoir obtain the of piston 71 so that on service appli- during emer- proper rlng con- combines the diaphragms bled-on 17.'" The bolt tension and are on the complete diaphragm diaphragms. to 52, the Valve service, diaphragm ratio The F-6 relay valve is used, instead of the B-3 type, Conventional braking for conventional force for high speed maximum passenger service. It braking ratio of 150 that available necessary parts can be added control of maximum braking New for brake changes in relay 4, these 2, from cleaning These following cars, valve consists of Relay portions which they without being are breaking bolted the connections are figures on the cast 6--To 16--To 30--To the the control inspection valve pipe by the pipe. 16. 68, the release is dia- of axr arranged to pressures if electro-pneumatic 64, and as used of the large 64 60 in are thus automatic is utilized. The diaphragm portion. acting weighted to braking 38 Therefore, on pressure. Thus, pressure of I00 dis- diaphragm with 64 is a maximurh pounds the brake is approximately the brake ID0 250_o pressure, 60 pounds. rigging pounds designed brake ratio limited for cylinder is 60_o newer cars having the pounds F-6 relay 60 pounds of 250 car at I00 by of approximately the with braking are which adapts 42 to the piston by follower 39 and nut 40. The diaphragm is retained between diaphragm is used stack lapping portion of brake low brake or 150_ braking to harmonious opera- 150_ brake with it being nullified to provide cylinder pressure applications rigging. and pressures. application a ratio above the release spring, and to provide a low brake of the the positive The force of exceeding seven low This is value, pounds 60_ reservoir self- release release pressure value. Portion which, direct flow from pressure of of approximately this chambers resistance return position to displacement This the insures for applications in order to all diaphragm 12 overcome thus cylinder only is obtained. to and to release effective Inshot Valve tion, permits being assembled casting and in trains all The self-lapping portion isthe same as that described for the B-3 relay valve except that a large diaphragm the body tion Spring the brake cylinder pipe. 38 isfittedto the piston, this diaphragm This diaphragm as indicated having pressure, ratio. and bracket: reservoir Sl, Bracket connections. numbered supply I0, Bracket Blanking for pipe pipe Portion to the Pipe removable valves for the effective on diaphragm 38 and will operate to reproduce this at to a maximum cylinder F-6 between diaphragm have ratio cylinder valve Inshot Valve Portion g0, and Magnet Plate braking diaphragm its release formed in but, permitted cars body pressure rigging. The the to provide pressures high speed service without any fundamental brake cylinder reservoir pressure 150_ service, but is so designed of used pressure 38. Intermediate direct self-lapping 80_, 67 are drilled described is 66_ only 60_ portion of brake required high governor the displacement cylinder provides the standard only reservoir on cars having the brake rigging designed to provide the later purpose, area approximately the self.lapping as of in passages provide diaphragms the operates the controi is pneumatic placement F-6 Relay 61 and stack. and check in stack three for of this three which car The which 65, areas which are doweled to from a stack in which 71, 63, located governor particular available ExterlorView of Type B-3 Relay Valve 69, centrally chambers are diaphragm speed service. Flg. l& the and phragm chambers from the chambers. The amain- of diaphragm diaphragm rings There springs permit located 67 t 63, and 59, the diaphragms connections by are have to the area three areas followers diaphragms 42 is exerted portion, bolt engages nut 40 on the large through which spring 42 exerts large port between in respect diaphragms spring diaphragm 60 of different These between rings 71, each other so that the central assembly, the 64, and 58. and 40_ of release In 68, plate 60_ tension a-central pusher equalization the diaphragm. brake pressure is done by for the atlthe start of an'applicathe displacement reservoir until seven overcomes operates cylinder the pounds the self-lapping pressure, build-up resistance of portion sut_cient to W_BCO overcome brake rigging resistance and apply to the wheels. The the direct flow to diaphragm phragms chambers 38 and 68), and diaphragm P and N 60_ flow to the diaphragm (dia- real, approximate Inshot Valve Portion, Section A-A, Fig. 16 con85, supported and bracket castings, to which between is assembled stack. Exhaust valve 93 is nor- stack, or past supply valve 92, should increase the nor of dis- reservoir pressure. sists of'a diaphragm sufl]cie_ntly to mally seated by spring 94. If the diaphragm phragm The deflects the diaphragm permit spring 94 to seat the supply valve, cutting-off the 64 permits brake cylinder pressure build-up to approximately placement the spring and the shoes inshot valve portion then cuts-off seven pound inshot pressure, the dia- 85 will be deflected further, moving piston 84 to engage the stem and unseat the exhaust valve 93, which the body will open the diaphragm a piston 84 exhaust with spring 88. The spring normally holds the piston and diaphragm diaphragm the seven pound against the stem of a supply valve 92, which stack to the strainer protected 82. After the excess pressure is removed, the will return to its cut-off position, retaining inshot pressure. isthus held unseated against the tension of itsspring 94, permitting flow of displacement phragm stack. A A strainer 17 in the pipe bracket protects the valves, reservoir air to the dia- pressure of seven pounds as air from the displacement compresses 2 29 43 7t 69 70 67 52 30, reservoir passes through it. 54 / ,aG ,a2 .65 / 32, ,58 /73 _ao _ _a4 _63 _49 2t 37 90 93 88 89 8! 87 =, 96 36 38 55 39 \ 84 98 _ 85 a9 t8 86 _75 97 ao 45 92 A.A _ct_n C-C 36 _tlon Fig. 16. Assembly Views 13 of the F-6 Relay Valve IM) W_UCO The F-6 pneumatic bracket will relay valve service for the by magnet incorporate util_ze the the complete control in which can bracket necessary diaphragm converted conduit connection to the proper blanking plate magnets and stack the diaphragms to 100_o, 80_;, 60_o or 40_ The be substituting for speed DIAPHR,_GM magnet 4. This ports to governor regulate braking ratios at pre-dctcrmined speeds. for this control is provided the F-6 pipe bracket and isopened by removing shown electro- in Fig. 17, lower view. PORTION Fig. 19. Exterior View of A-2 Quick Service Valve o • I Fig. 17. Exterior Views of the P-b Relay Valve 04 t6 34 L S7 Fig. 18. Outline View of the Fla. 10, F-6 Relay Valve 14 in the plug :)'t Assembly Vlew of A-2 Qulck ServiceVal,e W_BCO A-2 Quick Service The function local quick Valve Type of the quick service service activity from valve is to propagate UAHS The car to car for all service ment outward of the brake pipe reduction, particularly on sucpipe re- duction. valve isconnected to the brake pipe as shown Plate 10. Itconsistsof a body bracket 35 by studs and nuts 36 and 38. The be removed body isthe some valve and D-22-AR to the brake is protected from dirt and of the body. The contains I_xty Attached to slide valve tions with pipe three mitted quick by the diaphragm service C-C chamber. position, Fig. permits the quick service and 3. In its forward cuts off the charging in the is quickly merely the to upper strut air D-D, charging provides with trans- the hya felt 20, seals on seal piston chamber to charge filter. the Fig. 5 The the pipe. The straight blanking cut-off quick air valve, straight flange portion service brake with purpdse; piston therefore, air operation and pressure the ing is applied. as head seal as well and ring is held A release Since end 21. Type UAHS Brake Cylinder felt firmly against air must is of the cartridge ring and retainer is designed with flying fitted the This phere the 15, with to protect the is and rod the dirt and the water. enter between the spring rod. integral part held of prevents non-pressure hair opening strainer dirt movement, a curled rod against the release pack- hollow and hollow is non- felt the in_talled is an each hollow cylinder type the non- with head which head'is spring to piston. surface, the during which from head, supports the spring and hollow rod due to vibration. cylinder strainer cavity body groove dirt, ring non-pressure atmospheric the grease introducing the lubriwith lubricant, resuhs of the guide, over piston. an oil saturated seal when the cylinder to lubricate non-pressure tact 15 of of of the of the spring the non-pressure contact with the which, lubricant the of interior of lubricator relubricated with this back gun at any one of the swab serves a double and serves the The surfaces and entrance diameter which is accomplished being rod. of the the from 1.3. is fitted of the movement 3 in the rod pres- over piston to spread movement 63 which moisture. seat to as to seal tapered Fig. in front Lubrication the true the space ports surface piston onto The each release of the lubricator. the to a push back around a rod and groove overflow and a hollow a and are with (or perimeter) release.position, plugged. prevent ground operates when grease cylinder To connecting then valve in four 21A, fitting a shoulder and cup with prevents the the is attached 5 snaps pressure side of the piston when cant, and, as it becomes saturated in of Fig. 4 has end cup serves piston application 21, the con- is provided circumference a piston wall normally outer to form a groove head, rigging, the outside by means of a grease four connections. The lubricator connection to this valve by a blanking flange as 20. the aligns and rod that brake is fitted, lubricant, With in- Fig. lubrication piston push The packing cylinder are through position, of the filled of piston. cup swab rate The is machined valve cylinders particular of dirt, the which packing contains heel the wheels. and a WABCOTITE® to the WABCO brake It is protected to use electric continuous electro-pneumatic slide the and rods cylinder, pressure rods of the packing the the brake the brake casting for a loose and shoulder 13. the the the connec- 16, and 14 and 11 is and connection. piston and permit for mounting face of the of the the position The in section or application view, by removing off the piston. 9. choke. convertible straight cut locks with shown The straight air brake pipe is blanked on the pipe bracket shown ring establish of spring controls its release choke which tension a port 3, section 10 and in accordance as moved by the pins ports ports through through Choke In valve by two two seat to its seat pressure the piston 7, having of the slide is held the piston to 39 is attached sure 8 with car the.entrance as provides A solid the reservoir against of and is forced dis-assembly. flange levers them type to prevent body and the strainer arc accessible a piston "UAHS" a single holder on removal The pipe supply with levers piston through location of into .in application position, is located in the face of the the choke weight cylinder the bracket. Both the trucks brake the the forcing and The a controlled rate of brake pipe reduction with the valve when from shoes, combined which that size without for the provides on the the is transmitted is such bolting insects by hair strainer 53, 51, which on located through shoes number, cylinder exhaust opening are pressure levers struction as the strainer used in the "AB" retained in place by plug 52. Choke air is designed service volume control valve. The by so developed that ischarged from the brake pipe through the strainer 39, which brake stallation. can from the pipe bracket forcleaning and repairs pipe bracket contains a quick the depend without disturbing the pipe bracket or pipe connections. The to The 2,Fig. 20, attached to pipe cylinders force on Cylinders rod l0 so connected rods The broke piston brake pipe reductions and thereby provide fast developcessive reductions following the initialbrake Brake the strainer in place to from the 14. by a atmos- direct con- W_m_D UAHS Brake Cylinder Fig, l]. Automatic The Slack Brake Cylinder and Automatic Slack Adjuster When Adjusters automatic Aasembly slack adjuster functions to maintain the brake is released and piston returns to its normal the brake cylinder position, the air pressure in the slack adjuster cylinder escapes to atmosphere a predetermined "B" brake cylinder piston travel.The for mounting on the pressure head of the brake cylinder is generally used with this equipment, each brake cylinder as shown Type one for cylinder, thus permitting spring 31 to force the piston to its normal on Plate I0. crosshead 4 which serves as a fulcrum for the is imparted the crosshead through adjuster screw 5, combined ratchet nut 8, and pawl to with 26, the pawl being operated by The brake cylinder piston and packing valve to control the admission and cup act as a release of brake cylinder pressure to and brake cylinder located that determined port the to which the packing piston into is forced outward, Attached into within casing casing uncovers is exceeded. adjuster piston is stem connected cylinder spring flows engages ratchet 34 upon adjuster screw the so back to itsnormal lever side strikes pawl hand permitting the screw to be turned by ifdesired. Check pawls 15 (mounted 5. of one contact with a tooth a pull of sumcient 23 making of the two movement levers being held in in the slack adjuster casing by hand to disengage the holding adjustment in either direction, force being required that, while un- locking is accomplished enough on floating ring 14) pro- of the ratchet nut due to vibra- spring 17. A trip is provided this without undue effort,there is required and adequate resistance to insure against false movement duc to vibration. A separate pamphlet No. 5041-I, contains a complete 31. nut tion, the end lever when through position, a lug on the stop 43, on the cylinder, thus raising the outer end of the pawl, disengaging it from the pre- where.piston is a pawl which is Whenever air the port in the it when cylinder compressing to the 34, pipe cup brake the slack cylinder. The this travel is so uncovered, pipe from the pipe connecting brake the cylinder slack adjuster forcing the brake shoes nearer the wheels. As the pawl is drawn vide against movement slack adjuster to the 26 turns the cylinder, thus shortening the brake cylinder piston travel ratchet nut and piston 23 and spring 31. screw 5 and thereby draws lever slightly in the direction of the and brake rigging cylinder lever. Movement position. In so doing, pawl ratchet nut upon Referring to Fig. 23, the slack adjuster body contains a movable through the pipe and the non-pressure head of the brake 26 extending 8, mounted description and maintenance A, B and upon instructions for the Types C slack adjusters. A copy will be supplied request to our nearest districtoffice. W_BCO 25 27 28 % 23 _9 _30 I FA -53 _33 IB 35 \ / te / Fig. 25. B-16-D-I Automatic L_j s- Slack on each end pipe of the E-3 brake cation valve, of piston valve this valve the to opening below When the by means unseats valve seat 6. of 3 and port the permits the pipe in the piston valve is quickly pressure on its outer a large direct opening phere, which air permits and unseats the rate the than the brake reduction air force control it from the is supplied E-3 pressure above brake brake the valve the pipe and makes pipe to the atmos- to escape air causes valves is lever the greater pipe and valve hand'e 3 of the brake of atmospheric the valve reduced from With to escape faster Consequently, area side emergency-brake or otherwise, in the 3, the the so outer port out valve. sealing appli- small valve its pipe the thence of the the brake brake beneath through valve piston of flows 10, connection E-3 to the seated, of the cord valve. application The chamber, faces valve application emergency side emergency.brake the emergency-brake the air 3, thence handle pulled through pipe on both 5 holds in Plate to the valve. spring the equal shown 27, is connected area spring As application brake to c_r. is connected Fig. normally, pressures Emergency of the opening connection View of the B-3-B Brake Valve I_. Adjuster brake that, Exterior 47 "" pipe Fig. 24. 8 as at an emergency brake described under "Emergency." The emergency-brake vatve case of actual danger, the train stops. Fig. 25. Exterior Vlew of the E-3 Application The VaLve Fig. piston 27, Emergency-Brake E-3 Brake Valve Application is sewed plate Valve wall These obtain devices are an emergency used to brake permit the conductor on The cord B-3-B attached Emergency-Brake is located at the Valve, well measures application. Fig. end of a brake 26, pipe with a the cylinder branch by The swab lubricated and are so that emergency-brake 17 and brake application ring to the swab keep prevent keep the 17, which strainer the cylinder passage piston. accumulation piston opens is operated. valve prevents in th.e and in until 18, which 20 and strainer choke only open oil retainer retainer to it positively valve 4, felt felt strainer oil of the designed piston the 19, felt while clogging used be left recess, and be should piston expander piston should then 3 of with in the 21. of dirt to valve is fitted is supported B-3-B and valve closes These of free when dirt in its the W_BCO a_ V Fig. 28. Exterior View of the Branch Pipe Tee 61 rj Fig. 26. B-3-B Emergency-Brake Valve, Assembly View Fig. 29. Pressure Retaining The valve II Fig. 27. 14 E-$ Brake pressure exhaust purpose Application Valve--Assembly rate View of Pipe brake and Branch pipe one valve Pipe Tees branches each and to in the quirk the brake service are used, one each The any purpose that cause, from emergency-brake pipe branches to the through to cavity the outlet the top. flows into fitting from Thus, upward pipe opening and heavy pipe. 10, and cylinder required to for the control is used pressure for the at recharging a slow when de- grades. Branch Pipe the the Tee in the branch pipe, from connection and the the brake as air into at the particles interior coring so designed that pipe to the branch is at through a chamber side to the of dirt the and pipe brake thence branch passing outlets, marked to the "exhaust," to valve excluder atmosphere to test gage and 4. is used entrance When in the exhaust port to pre- of insects. the handle passage a in to the outlet passes tap d leading the down, valves. has the pipe three is to prevent brake pipe 6 has control the This is piped on Plate brake time key A wasp be deposited into cock valves valve. of the may draining thence as shown heavy in the vent moisture valve Tee The Four retaining the RetalnlngValve Valve releasing during scending Branch Pressure pipe, on through pipe, control valve the it port valve pipe, the the made the to the retaining moisture the brake d to the 18 key air face the key the passage chamber exhausting valve of the handle valve the is turned chamber d, when so that the through 4, which port up c to to the D below a release brake cylinder passage a and it must D down, retaining exhaust a connects from and turned through a and is turned chamber when is open D, passage valve connects Consequently, When with retaining cock exhaust position, through-the cock c. chamber atmosphere. horizontal of the lift is flows passage against WJ_B[_O thepressure of spring phere through the pressure than to the of the 10 pounds, the makes when the sure has to hold choke the long which, the pres- longer then through the The down TITE connections, direct the flange to the control on the ® union The with cock on the valve dirt pipe collector bracket end is provided with is the standard check while a WABCO- fitting. dirt the co. ctor detachable to remove two dirt nuts chamber. to drop It the dirt valve is only chamber type necessary for cleaning. and small The purpose to hold in the of the dirt umbrella chamber the shaped check collected dirt valve is under all purpose release or allow conditions and when without retaining of air a machined a com- conditions, the pipe bolting the flange able closes the final by grade in turning than it is no time, end being slower When in the cap nut. recharge for both as is greater much valve 4 is to prolong ear throughout atmos- As the air exhausts set up. and the the port 10 pounds if necessitated involved vent brake is exhausted available release on each to to nut. cylinder and is not 4 to the vent in valve the delay valve 10 pounds in valve therefore the of the 4 off its seat of the choke cap the brake through reduced valve to flow in the 4 is unseated release retaining the remaining plete valve the been port air from atmosphere small, 20 in order vent the train seat a heavy as that valve ting brake operation. against which reduction during an emergency dirt collector and placed motion the on the whereby check valve Double Fig. 31 any fine dust be shaken Angle illustrates installed at each with the handle and closed the may of a rocking collect on top of the dirt chamber. angle cock, one of brake pipe. The cock of the parallel with and is so designed as to perm./t off into shut- chamber valve which seats it, such thereby dirt has Cock the end the check stem will Locking valve above application, The valve portion check occurs between outlet. body the in pressure off communication the The to the handle pipq line, crosswise which is is open as illustrated or at right angles to the pipe llne. This Angle Cock prevents accidental courages unauthorized Handle has movement of a double the key. forces, cock this requires two can only coordinated safe against force such chain. as that A spring Sectioned Fig. 30. socket, View showing the Dirt Collector Portion Combined Dirt Collector t:ock To latch while Combined This pipe tects cut-out (handle valve Dirt device fittings the Collector control centrifugal valve which horizontal) and the Cut-Out is a combination the cock and brake against opens of dirt communication pipe. two Bolting of the collector entrance (handle Cock of dirt. vertical) between flanges branch which and or the are the socket. control it 19 engagement stop to and a swinging with the manner the a single together is necessary in a normal lugs on the depress is done by applying the so that the gripping light thumb latch. serving as a lock, the contact between' movements and may driving removed to or by hanale This handle forward in to clear it opposite from foot and cock and manually, the handle. After be easily provided distinct the loose The closes latch be raised lifting a positive avoiding dis- be depressed and turn the opening by socket the on the While tain pro- the the turn the handle pressure applied cannot body. be accidental holds locking the handle and Cue-out must unlock which is As that and tampering. A latch, hinged in the handle, before the handle can be raised to cock lock handle he out by permit spring also locking resultant acts independetly the pin, first depressing the web to clear thus wear. removed hinge to main- surfaces, the it and the of handle then socket the may sliding lugs. W_BUD A split locking type the portion, the key. socket socket is used to the engaging and key the rivet is drilled a notched-out pin through cavity hole the in the for WABCOTITE e square of The purpose produce pipe end extension of the with a U bolt cock serves angle entering the angle cock while permits the angle cock to hanger groove to the brake pipe the brake pipe to support the groove in the be positively failures extension attached to the bracket. air giving on Standard and Hexagon Thread Porthln Location and it is can in the piping the In brake handle closed with cylinder pipe to each The of the against threads may fittings pipe be lost. tap handle so locked, handle fittings locks side cylinder air of the cock in both convenient to as open cock shown by and closed Fig. the position. and anchor place and close the anchor insure and the ring that bearing that is, cut pipe. This tools are the the and with Locking with it will be bolted. then be moved will thread parallel have with occur a full must the if the sup- be straight, axis pipe of the threading condition. The arms pipe removed, permit application pipe. solidly The so formed of the contact be clamped, clamped Flanged will be face it will the of must the gasket with can with that the cap then the cap fitted fitting, squarely and of the in place and body the bolt that with surface holes screws and which in line the 20 fitting should tightened. Fig. 33. to springing of tlandle it gasket to which are without be applied screws when the Nut *.Wabccl" Cock air tight so as to solidly Clamping Cut-out over must in line cock. Fig. 32. up ring fitting are must ring the automatically in proper purpose be made pipe. pipe, substantially the a rigid which pro- exposed anchor holes nut the re- of the of the tightened anchor on the will to firmly on the and body bolt clamping nut installed, should nut the face and accomplish so as to make in the or pipe back of tension removals point assembly when holes ring fully pipe, costly of pipe made. clamping pipe into is in place positions. re-application the threads The that at the To on the tapped 32. through two avoid with body. the removal on the is open is vented to pinch change is located as shown This it is necessary together permit truck, position, brake in the handle time breakage correctly piping of the the To are end at the so failures the slipping porting locking equipment. in crosswise position, pipe When the cock diagram a _" the cut-out the be conveniently these tection he screwed A vented same to is to maintained arranged joint Cocks and stresses, After Cut-Out at the due ® fittings be made is designed to cIamp the so as to relieve the thread the threaded Cylinder can and service of these fittings, as follows : Brake WABCOTITE fittings. The fitting of the threaded end applications Heel nraekol the which tight in road Unless Flange nearing of joints permanently An Fittings split Sectional View of the WABCOTITE StraiRht _'itting Connection be The design of the pipe must be such that the runs between clamping points pipe can have sufficientflexibility in itselfto take up any caused by movements small deflections that may be in the car body. This flexibility isbest secured by designing the pipe run to have one or more easy bends of not less than six inch radius. Where the form of the pipe and the installationof the flanged union is made mechanical as described, there will bc adequate strength in the fitting assembly the pipes to deflect sufficientlyto compensate maximum car body movements to cause for normal without the production of excessive stresses within the fittings. I lose Connections Hose throughout Connections the as in switching, to prevent Flexible used for Fig. make train. the rupture When hose cars should brake pipe are being cylinder separated, be uncoupled trucks and for drawbar armored hose connections by Dummy hand, connections from Flexible Semi-Metallic car body are Couplings hose are provided'at couplings not coupled up, to protect against i_jury to couplings or dirt entering the pipes. to connections where car construc- Ilose should Dumnly Connection 21 each the Fl_. M, Ilose car to which tion requires. Fig. Armored continuous or damage. semi-metalllc brake the 35. 36. t:ouplin_ end of the be attached when the hose W_BCO 0 OPERATION OFTHEEQUIPMENT Passage through 3a As it isimpossible to show necting passageways all the ports and con- by any single section taken through way parts have been mechanical 3, and the is open to the release The with con- disregarded, where necessary, in order to maketheconnections more Charging 1 pipe 2 to come and but cock and dirt collectorinto passage I and thence through filterelement 12 to chambers A and B on the faces of piston 35. Brake the top of accelerated release check If the the rate face of brake of the as during initial valve are 98 pressing cage passage blanks to the the to the right. In brake pipe valve 99 off its graduating and seat dI seat covers the piston charging in this choke Choke pipe air through: 83 to service through passage 5g, passage 5 to the auxiliary (b) Charging check valve From D and passage slide piston head 73 permits spring voir when brake the pipe The .slide that X, charging 89 to prevent latter the service 5[, choke 81, valve chamber direction flow 'valve chamber at all times. Auxiliary C is also connected to the K) of release piston if0, through valve 98 and passage is seated reser- 5g is higher than al. With the reservoir spring cavity voir valve connects the sources: flow as long voir pressure, in d2, choke port a in service slide flat release position passage 3 to exhaust passage I0. from 22 valve 87, from from the face ld, 89a pressure and to brake on check charging supply reser- pressure and to flow reservoir this exceeds 1[, 73a reservoirs reservoir valves and the supply is overcome supply check lk where permitting of cavity valve auxiliary the emergency, air from check prevents beback pipe, and each supply car reservoirs to the existing face through slide 73b passage of release passages valve I12 interlock where passage passage valve lk and dl lifts flows to the ball check through service valve passage slide valve it is blanked, outer Therefore, reser- A on 1c and check to reservoirs 14, and connected the pist'dn is higher flow pressure. where The the pipe and seat, (Chamber it seats reservoir back flat flow 6. Spring auxiliary, supply 136, passages and simultaneously pipe 74b valve pipe 87 are as a'_xi- pressure passages thence when flat reservoirs. reservoir. check but 74 and 74 and prevents slide valve, as long than 73a are unseated, supply the flow 74a rl, as brake charged valves the charging higher from check air in chamber flat release slide charging reservoir slide above the release valve and pipe passage Brake air pressure acting on displacements it from two supply is higher valve 74a and brake attached slide valve 112 to release position, where Q in the slide pressure, from the through valve check with Thus release pressure side per- reservoir flow check valves brake passage flow by passage 5g so the same in both release piston 110 balanced, spring 116 moves and by auxiliary C and and is higher back the ball supply piston, through are chamber is over- reservoir 6 and to auxiliary combines comes 5/. valve chamber D are connected auxiliary reservoir pressure is chambers P the valve past pressure chamber valves past Check but from in passage in passage slide D and slide in this back 89c unseated, through in and when From ball r this check service through reservoir. 2a pressure charged reservoir passage reservoirs past c, thence release auxiliary valve and reservoir. are seat, to in the limiting A charges passages 5g, pressure pressure the X in the 87 but supply un- in the reservoir, it seats the charging. chamber of the as auxiliary _revents port permitting pressure, valve blowing chamber valve valve end check 2k 73c are reservoir and ball Spring emergency 84 is overcome liary spring reservoir. 73, passage 5 to the valve slide and slide right 2f, past as long auxiliary D, valve unseated, ports than auxiliary rl check Spring chamber 195 flow reservoirs chamber the slide release ports in relay cylin- simultaneously passages reservoir. valves charging to the passage A initial the check supply slide 83 and the charging piston bushing. Brake the auxiliary reservoir (a) position latter brake release 2c at the 73e, emergency valves (b) With valve check com- to avoid during from the attached the is charged emergency The rapid, return position port passages the 10 the the reservoir the position, and moving this connecting 112, passage is higher (a) in chamber innermost 108 As Ig to is comparatively piston their spring rise the emergency pipe valve 52a. pressure piston charging, moved return 107 pipe service is connected 15 to exhaust reservoir when valve on valve pad reservoir. passage check this seats air also flows to passage Ib, thence to the spring side of quick action.vent valve 40, and through valve flat pressure Brake pipe air passes through the branch pipe cut-out emergency relay valve position, through slide and mitting service piston 93 and slide auxiliary D, release and operation 195 Position--Plate the blanking displacement emergency the chamber easily understood. Initial to in the the relation of the actual proportions and struction of the W and various ports to each other, for the different operating positions. The leading valve is in release ders to atmosphere. the control valve, Plates I to 9 inclusive have been made to show in a purely diagrammatic 16a passage cavity 5d and slide interlock 3k, passage valve y connects to passaete 3b and bl, diaphragm 180 3, cavity Q in the I0 183 to is in auxiliary and emergency the is exhaust. its left reservoir hand air reservoir WRBCO passage 2d release is blanked, operation thus providing as later described. 16 is connected to the for graduated and the quick On Passage quick valve diaphragm 71. As 16 is open to tl_e release previously slide valve no of pressure valve the face diaphragm, limiting its on cavity the slide 140 valve connects supply sage spring valve the are quick the Id and quick Ik, When brake the the to Ic. voir pipe air air from the flow by to and the emergency face the charging choke side of the rate face 35 flows 27 to chamber and E on through of brake of the pipe air the passage pressure emergency compressing spring In passages the left. 3_, through as in the reservoirs piston the quick M As spring 53 will check valve safety valve voir through sage 3f. to prevent quick is balanced air upper side and port of strut 34 to keep 2h, pressure the above exerts is 34. valve. When pressure in the the slide spring friction materially. Emergency reservoir seated'when strut 55 which air is connected 2 and 2g to the spring chamber check valves, ball check The 51 and on chamber 2 is connected valve slide v_lve, is connected 2g to the by side to its seat and bold and Supply reservoir relay position, and the 29 are in their brake 17; lower cylinders to flows of the and opening exhaust passage of the is no chamber the 39 hold position, the valve 37 35 36 39 appli27 and chamber Ex. 12 To Supply S414¢_0_¢ is no quick To Or._e and of the 26-- is 3A 3_ except _meOyti_dsr increase slide through pas- 25 8 TO Co_tPI)l Vllve [_l_[i¢ll_l_lDnt Nil|. . Pipit IS PrBl|u_ above the spiUover flat check valve 52. FiR, 37. by a slide valve chamber g 23 Type B-3 Relay Valve--Release B piston on 2g the application and exhaust to through faces there therefore, 38 and seated, displace35 slide stem it face of the on both released, reservoir piston the to the all: back springs piston on piston pressure brakes displacement of the valve chamber, the With cation the application spring is in. release and the balancing piston. face "B" 17 is connected emergency area of hl ; therefore, through the 44. emer- spring passage 37 chamber piston in the the piston 2g. area underside of ball check valve 51 is connected choked passage to the emergency use of the pressure valve valve 17 sages passage passage slide the in Fig. reservoir pressure pas- to its seat not valve 51 provides action of high through move valve reser- the pressure does relay Also, there diaphragm consequently, downward will As shown unseated pressure the same; force of brake The quick emergency from valve the closed. piston 35, application passage slide the pressure of Emergency through valve spring underside diaphragm gasket of the air 2 and being the sides re- S and valve removing light a small downward holds the seated, slide on both of the to high 12 to the charged, strut air h in the choke to the 29 reservoir of cavity prevent reservoir. face of the chamber thus ball check air from means B-3 pipe the gency reservoir. brake against of the position supply passages is not release displacement cavity valve 55 and cover is charged, chamber gasket balanced, spring the and chamber valve slide In 52 and 51 operation position. valve emergency area action and return check be unseated, undesired u_on reservoir outer ment displacement 29 by chamber is connected the pressure valve the is connected S2a valve from quick through to running protection the spring through and to the slide the action by the air is connected slide valve reservoir sl. reservoir the 3 to to atmosphere is connected emergency when and hold passage Emergency order check the S connects 3f exhaust, lg 3c, passage is open passage cover sl. B piston 35 innermost return cavity valve from action moving position which slide of the and the emergency moved to their 63 and this in chamber is comparatively 3h, lease release will a pressure, 54, ball 52 emergency from to spring valve overcharge Emergency valve valve becomes reservoir the loaded might pressure the spring train, valve chambers. chamber portion a long action emergency check of brake than the check handle through end of the action loaded emergency charging in cham- slide 4 to rise passages reservoir, valve the release feature pipe to 62 that reser- the brake cage the to insuring plston position, slide flow portion, rapid, as during initial charging, and attached slide valve 29 are air gl release auxl]iary chamber. the In and of emergency piston If the the Ic, head quick application double B on the on 5c to provide ber action passage passages insuring valve later described. In from the position higher emergency Brake quick spring permitting pas- on of the amount and which pipe located as determined where chamber. use of release overcharge small service through from cause limiting position, cars improper passage and with service holds charged limiting explained, exhaust, 136 in release passages reservoirs service action Position A W_QCO At the F-6 relay chambers P, N, reservoir through valve, K, and Plate 9, A are open passages 16, the to the 17, 18, diaphragm under displacement and 19. Initial Charging, emergency and equal to brake These Return chambers, therefore, are exhausted and release spring 42 holds the diaphragm stack in release position. The until pressure in the auxiliary, supply reservoirs and chamber C is nearly pipe pressure on the face of the piston. spring 108 then moves the spring cage 107, self-lappingportion assumes release position as described piston 93, slide valve 98 and graduating valve back to normal Release Position as shown on Plate 2 where the for the B-3 relay valve, releasing brake cylinder air. charging connections remain established as described for InitialCharging, At the quick scrvlcc valve, Fig. 38, brake flows through strainer 39 to piston chamber the piston 8 and to the A, moving of the graduating hncovers choke 3, In which brake pipe air charges through passage 3 quick and port d in the slide valve registers with seat port dl, connecting brake pipe air to the face valve seat. attached slide valve 7 to itsinner posi- tion on itsseal.This piston movement through pipe air service chamber and slide valve chamber B. emergency and spring ing 14 the chamber brake 63 returns the cage piston, slide lease position port connections portion, after quick action pressures become nearly equal, 62 to its right hand position, pipe valve as shown and on Plate remain 2. In mov- valve this established Initial Charging, except that connection between passages 16 graduating as to Re- position the described for slide valve cavity 3g and 3[. S cuts off 3 The reservoirs Initial continue Charging, check valves until 74, 87, to charge, 74a, 73a, their springs and all the aS shown on Plate 2. } Preliminary C Fig. 38. Quick Service and Valve R_lease tlharl_in_ When a service to apply the of the back flow When the pressure to and the will charge the volume piston in release and chamber the air pressures on in service slide In release Release slowly than latter, As the brake in release valve brakes are chamber pressure, its and own released, choke with the piston no brake connections pipe cavity Position--Fully are air from made passage by valve service 99 remain piston in their piston to of the guide the piston is until the spring the end of the to the right, engages moved higher lightly the service piston spring 95. This movement ports X to clear the charging in the cylinder, thus cutting off A from auxiliary reservoir air resistance to movement sufficient pipe quick lizes the excess of auxiliary pressure move nary service lhe piston service and application which fluctuations The and over the spring valve spring prevents otherwise in brake this position pressure to overcome graduating position. piston beyond reservoir is developed service moderate is left a pre- C, the to prelimi- therefore, stabi- undesired might pipe quick develop from pressure. h. Charged-- 93, reduced in chamber that prepipe. determined Plate As the 2 cient The A is thus below face C. The service piston spring provides a pre- and the la 73 in chamber the 83 and brake position. valve in chamber until small the to brake end The is made. A on reservoir brake pipe air in chamber the equalize maintain valve. 3 reduction Check by position Plate pipe auxiliary which 73c are closed in chamber is sufficient for the piston head inertia. any slide compressing the pipe will and B service balanced of pressure pressure position in slide become 3 A, the holding quick position pipe chamber to brake piston release except the choke chamber meanwhile charged chamber valve valve present more the as .long as the fluctuations slide chamber, position. in through service B become remains Thereafter, and in rate quick somewhat pressure quick charging of the greater piston | restricted from moves g6 at the air under after in release Position is reduced. amount guide remain of brake the piston vents determined Pos[tlort rate charged, 195 and parts Service brakes, service pressure Owing Quick as described completely slide innermost valve 98 position, and and graduating valve, as described 24 brake differential move this the pipe pressure is created piston movement and reduction to cmnpress graduating being limited continues, the valve by suffi- piston on the spring the slide greater WABCQ resistance offered Quick Service ating valve port dl,, valve through passages valve port the d, slide local to and to passage dl. the This quick Q.S. car by throughout the Pr_e 14 in of brake valve, control results a choke adjacent _39 c in controlled graduating which and slide port reduction the to car 74b producing service local valves, flows dl, pressure, lb valve valves thereby quick slide limiting k and in Straight A*r Pipe is valves rapid 2_ serial Stage ,The quick connected Quick service local slide valve been cut brake moves. in valve valve but seat no valve, K 99 of the liary flow release to service exhaust a until the that permits has slide valve tion C. chamher and and equal to of the until the is this brake move the slide the held brake the from service brake cavity port 110, quick service, graduating valve 30 assume under "Service Position." the n valve to develops valve to and pressure emergency posi- The diately initial at quick pipe service pressure, valve, lugs face slide to the pipe 25 air A, thence cavity h, service ports on and the limiting valve thus reduced through by Owing chamber pressure becomes less chamber a half pound the cutting in port n, is reduced rapidly piston and slide valve brake pipe pressure brake to is being exhaust service it quickly A. approximately chamber pressure, to release posi- reduction. continues movement, a small the 27 air in (:hamber back pipe reduction this seat becomes service rate quick so that pressure thus valve the to 51, slide chamber the pipe strainer choke cut-off service valve quick pipe the la, slide brake the than propagating quick and Ex. volume, A pressure repeats the B past valve higher brake valve valve small its off further the brake to than When slide a choke valve slide and through also passage. slide passage quick head piston la passage flows through piston chamber; chamber Exhaust 3 and controlled the between 3 and oassage tinuously 39, quick seat Meanwhile, the immeFig. the in which exhaust. service in brake the A and connects it moves Service reduction is effective A. it moves the connection the As Quick closing chamber chamber displace- service 3, Brake valve released pipe owing chamber approximately right, bracket position choke h connects service slide action is application off chamber open pipe reduction the service slide stabilizes This auxi- and service a rate pressure, 3 and A pressure, to the pipe at connected movement. cuts auxiliary piston means holding slide chamber piston positively the the reduction. and becomes chamber valve engaging choke thus than slide pipe is reduced a higher through higher brake valve with release release [ in the tion, Continuous Position chamber B to retain B pressure and head of the service flow pound piston piston However, al the By 3 to preliminary 35 Application A pressure quick chamber When the of origin the through graduating 19. Therefore, application as described Valve chamher restricted Also, chamber sides thus This undesired Service point valve, to the fluctuations. piston this remain- slide in the is retained position 10, the position. m from position. passage During to the At service port on in passage passage position. avoids cavity to hold until a predetermined sufficient differential service closest this the service in this by air on both 112 in release position the in chamber valve Ouick by volume valve, exhausted is blanked place piston 116 continues reservoir is Service pressure spring ment slide port port. pressure moves service of the uncovers takes off reservoir quick volume a is blanked reservoir reservoir 82 and the this as this cutting auxiliary is permanently is continued Quick slide air 39. a half graduating port Vol.) choke reduction movement Preliminary valve (Q.S. through After ing air pressure choke 82. In volume pipe off by the 53 Service to atmosphere means 51 C train. Fill Second 16 13 service 14, passage pipe by operation in check Vol., by quick t4 Seat therefore, cavity preliminary from service past d. with to the cavity in brake service registers choke controlled transmitted quick Ik, rate pressure, and Id, gradu- c and air, valve reduction a predetermined pipe air, c leads through is Preliminary k in the ports pipe graduating valve quick port passage d2, This cavity valve Brake Ic 136, valve. pipe valve VoL). passage valve slide brake d. Slide (Q.S. to slide in which containing port 73b the connects volume slide by Position each amount pipe the time and reduction quick reducing thus from concar W/e_Br-rn to car.For split generally or successive used valve operates quick service ciably reduces in passenger during each function application, the as time brake pipe service, the reduction particularly on quick to described. required reductions, It perform service tion, appre- service application auxiliary brake sages trains. Application--Plate as the service 3b port the local reduction preliminary in brake and second pipe stage pressure quick created service increases the differential of auxiliary reservoir in Chamber C over brake pipe air in chamber the service This resistance of valve graduating and the is sufficient slide valve so valve to that move presA of overcome the thml the forward movement preliminary Q.S. Vol. quick quick and seat service, through valve ports al port dl, the Q.S. ports a and bl, b are thus air to chamber port al is connected Vol. blows off K of the release of comes spring I16 and moves passages 16a and 16 to the in the displacement is made than seat the pressure in the connected and seat In sl the emergency is connected portion, through 29 and D then over- ment reservoir. the cavity passages Thus, exhaust pas- of pressure in the n in the slide valve connects 3d, flow through permitting slide valve 73b, passage d2, cavity n, and 136, displacement pressure choke air lc limiting valve check passage valves dl, 3d, 3c and This is the continuing the the 74b valve 66 pounds, to which air builds maximum displacement limited in service brake 3 and choke to flow to the ing further charging and 3 to pipe third the release piston and from stage of 82a in slide valve move to auxiliary reservoir passages 2c, 2[, past check valves 73c and slide and 2a to the emergency 195, and passages 2k reservoir. When reservoir pressure builds up through proximately 15 pounds, spring 191 of the interlock valve isovercome moving displacement passage 3R to ap- and the interlock diaphragm 180 isdeflected, the interlock slide valve 183 to the right. In this moving cavity When the flow activity. with the 4. A supplemental and on the valve of brake ld pipe view first shows liary reservoir from valve passage graduated 16a and keeping of limiting the and the of valve prevents 10 reservoir release so is especially thus displace- of service brake is shown stage service on The of 26 the as emergency later closed position service back flow from the time the position, thereby desirable is required until the remain the control where in slide interlock to auxiliary slide valve is in slide valve. This valve the release is used service position operation of the straight-air brake. service reduction in pipe brake during service emergency 2c, positively release service stabilizing when By the the system to reservoir described. to electro-pneumatic valve valve second the to auxiliary reservoir passage connection during is all control open this moves 136 lk,. release, valve face valve air to the stage valve being established to recharge the auxi- diaphragm slide terminating The this connection approximately passages limiting face pressure limiting reservoir and thereby service passages to the reaches disconnects further 15 and is overcome reservoir passage 2d in brake limiting through the diaphragm 140 service 16, and displace- reduction air flows plate pipe 71. valve spring application reservoir slide displace- application position seat passage 2c is blanked, prevent- to service by local quick reservoir diaphragm its continues W in blanking limiting preventing quick passage the controlled thus hntil passage deflected, ment 14, seat ports dI from in past passages Displacement pounds, that lk, reservoir. 16 to the relay valve 3 to the position cavity z in the slide valve connects emergency pipe pipe closes. 3c and passage application. 3d. reservoir, the air cavity reduction ment 3a, pipe ld; passage service Brake Plate brake passage displacement passage val_e emergency reservoir. and quick dis- up under the safety valve, which isset to open at approxi- When the safety s in the 3{, 3h, reservoir pressure is thereby valve auxiliary and these reservoirs to brake pipe. mately Cavity brake appli- reservoirs,the check valves seat and prevent back flow from the release piston It0 and the development llft pipe air to the displace- the brake pipe pressure is reduced lower the displacement displacement before the brake reservoir will fully equalize. release slide valve I 12 to the right,thereby disconnecting sage IO, to permit reservoir is de- of brake pipe reduction. Ifmore reservoir during quick service reduction, but in the valve reservoir passage 3 from W relay isthereby operated to apply the brakes. The K of the release piston. Auxiliary reservoir air in chamber 15 and auxiliary piston; the air in chamber Displacepassage valves 73b and 74b in the service portion placement to the slide valve exhaust by cavity p, thereby exhausting 3b. a rate 3a, cation in which down from supply pas- at event of an over-reduction or an emergency described. disconnected cutting 8 in passage permit frcc flow of brake ment the preliminary as previously through reservoir passage on the amount Check d from terminating C to flow posi- permitting slide disconnects c and 3b, through plate displacement Position. valve ports thus which slide 82 to atmosphere, and reservoir service after choke Slide of the to service port air flows full service reduction and The is closed. valve is lapped, pressure in the auxiliary reservoir and the piston, to Service pendent choke valve moves seat displacement by the service pressure developed applica- tion sure piston. by valve the reservoir limiting with air in chamber 3 to valve which The slide I registers and in blanking 4 the reservoir controlled ment Service in which Meanwhile, the therefore to obtain long as service pressure in slide during also W_El='13 reduces the pressure in chamber B on the face emergency piston chamber 3S pressure slightly lower quick Lhe brake the mitted action side allows piston and graduating valve 30 move piston, in chamber of the piston. The than of E on the slide valve to the right until the piston spring guide 48 contacts the brake slidevalve. In this position the piston closes the charging the choke choke 27, and vent port t, (through graduating valve allows quick action chamber and air to flow to atmosphere reduce pressure in the quick of the emergency action chamber piston at the same faster choke supply 12, large than and reservoir permitting cylinder. tion 30), registerswith exhaust port y in the slide valve. This cylinder by the the pressure supply rate reduced underneath reservoir reducing the force application piston 35, the function to provide to valve 37 ment rate that brake and reservoir flows through 16a to diaphragm strainer 17, passages chamber past supply valve 92 to the face of diaphragm a diffcrcntlalover brake pipe pressure sufficientto move through the piston and compress and port tl and to cause chamber passages 19 and N. When K; also through passage 17, 18 to diaphragm approximately obtained in chamber brake application 16 A, and passages 17 and 17a to diaphragm pressure from attaining valve to open the opera- of the application valve. This keeps quick action chamber an emergency and sensitive pipe pressure is being reduced on the face of the piston. cause the graduating to to open At the F-6 relay valve, Plate 9, air from the displace- back the piston spring 49 enough the flow required easy, perabove to lift pressure By 12 thus of supply pressure 85, thence chambers seven pounds C, inshot diaphragm compressing spring 88 and moving P pressure is 85 isdeflected, piston 84 sufficiently to permit spring 94a to seat the supply valve 92, cutting By this means the emergency against undesired emergency, is made off further flow to diaphragm piston is stabilized and emergency available any _:imc the system seven pound application the diaphragm is charged, as P where described under "Emergency." chambers a brake application is made, placement air from the dis- reservoir builds up in chamber the B on the face 40) moving upward. the piston and Applicatlon movement and valve attached 38, overcomes moving valve 23 and its piston 25 are seated by the lever 43 and the application valve 32 and its piston 30 piston lever 19 are opened, spring 38 resists the first permitting supply reservoir air to flow to the brake cylinders. This provides a low brake cylinder thus fulcrums lever 19 at the right end, application valve stem 24. The P. The the resist- deflects the diaphragm, pressure sufficient to take up brake between and self-lapping portion to application position. The exhaust of the relay valve piston 17 of the B-3 relay valve, (Fig. N isdirectly effectivein chamber itacts on diaphragm ance of spring 42 and When chambers initialpressure insh6t thus obtgined in all left end 34 and adjusting screw of piston lever 19 moves liftingexhaust valve stem on its valve scat on upward, After the inshot supply valve closes,the seven pounds 26, seating exhaust valve 27 piston 29 and moving rigging slack and apply the brake shoes to the wheels. pressure in chamber the latter P is retained, thus maintaining this against itsbushing scat, thus limiting the upward travel of the leftend of lever 19. This closes off the connection inshot pressure directly on diaphragm build-up from the displacement reservoir can take place between only through 17a to chambers the brake cylinder (chamber passage Ex. As piston movement lever 19 now becomes fulcrumed A) and the exhaust passages 16a and 38 while further K and' A. This additional pressure is transmitt.ed through contlnucs upward, at the left end and diaphragm stack application valve stem 34 islifted,unseating application diaphragm 64 has an area only 60_o of diaphragm valve 37. This permits supply reservoir pressure above the effective pressure on the main the application piston 35 to flow into chamber to this ratio. The A and to to the main diaphragm the 38 but, as diaphragm 38, is limited self-lapping portion will, therefore, develop approximately this ratio of brake cylinder pressure and then lap off.Consequently, the brake cylinder pressure realized from 35 37 38 39 12 ment To EX. Supply To When reservoir pressure is approximately 26 as limited by 60 the control valve safety valve. the B-3 relay valve isused the self-lappingportion will reproduce E_ when Vor_a,= an equivalent 60_o ratio to displacement Service S To Control (_*|plicimant VIIvt. Rll. B-3 Relay Valve--Application Pipe brake cylinder pressure; the F-6 relay valve isused the self-lappingportion will reproduce brake cylinder pressure in an approximate A_ Type in brake Brake Cylinder 27 Fig. 40. reduction 60_o of the displace- Retlrvoi¢ 29 |"_ given reservoir pressure. For a full service application the displacement pounds, 192 any pipe pressure willbe approximately ]S Lap When P_lsurl} has Position duced 27 _)een Position--Plate the made slightly reservoir pressure. desired and below 5 amount of auxiliary brake brake reservoir pipe pressure pipe reduction pressure by is flowing reto W_BCO the displacement reservoir, the 99 move to the shoulder engages the the graduating valve the slide graduating stem valve reservoir voir. and air passage The to release in application I0 closed, At action back B-3 relay to build up of piston pressure on springs its the 37 of lever valve, in face 38 is lap brake in of this seats 19, and piston piston the move that upward, At the F-6 operates cylinder reservoir the relay pressure pressure moving or Running port y al to 110. and slide when reservoir this spring seated. maintains reservoir lever to brake slide This Recharge on positive train and gency cylinder 9, the self-lapplng maintaining 60_ chamber 38 39 porbrake the pounds, to and 2d, lease 51, 191 left to and 19 2 the To Control [OJsplac, Vafvo ment R|a. . Pipe B-3 B-3 Relay Valve were the from emer- permitting from a the the brake pressure but end, sure Lap Position flows pressure 28 moves exhaust past on the open easily. Brake to exhaust Ex. from slide the action spillover allow check flow of air slide valves valve exceeds that against back reservoir piston the quick the end of 27 to open. during on the 37) is reduced, exhaust exhaust cylinder valve, piston the 52 and quick E action in the emergency on the back of the piston causes and, as the lever 19 is fulcrumed left re- chamber flow pressure 17 (Fig. during from slightly the 2c of the emergency 2g, when valve valve emergency chamber operation passage valve left seven passages reservoir displacement Relay interlock flow emergency prevent below reservoir. by the and on the to z disconnects quick and pressure release undesired unseat cylinder pressure move downward I@ Pressur_t right Type Quick provides throughout is reduced cavity the chamber allowing Fil_. 41. by 121. and and reservoir auxiliary is prevented When VOlU me the a" 2d, 2c to throughout pressure is auxiliary feature release further possible which reservoir, application. / 17 2a, Cap reservoirs recharge moves preventing chamber _Ex. _ the Release brakes pipe 180 where to the emergency 26 ___" initial of brake diaphragm the action To Brak@ Supply Cylln_llr 27 of 2c controlled Release auxiliary if all to the emergency passage a rate Q 3 to 2, and recharge release cavity Passage passages thence quick during spring 183 piston T__/ and valve the release valve and graduated displacement of interlock Re@4_oir 29 of the moves brake. at Graduated possible When of displacement K. 12 \ D, 5, The prompt Overcharging 37 Ex. slide pipe. reservoir 35 the passage valve, the recharging than where port in valve through slide 2a for build-up the position the slide the chamber Features. reservoirs to Release returns exhaust air slide passage in passage quicker train manner, valve and release reservoir flows through by is increased handle 116 then releasing interlock provides of 19 to 37 release R spring release then z in the choke the to the left, 10, the cavity reservoir from displacement by air to in piston pressure valve to pressure port a in the slide valve. Auxiliary present on both sides of the release valve passage emergency previous pipe valve higher reservoir piston the exhaust right back The connecting the valve to flow C, through air is thus piston reduction causes auxiliary piston on application at approximately in diaphragm is disconnected connected brake brake slide the charged of the service the and 5 pressure When position, piston During the Application-- application, the the locomotive the as any A) B) Plate same b uncovered valve Service 2 and brake at A on the face 35 and 34, displacement the valve, the B), between valve leakage, reservoir air is restored. in stem relay (chamber opening supply balance move After application. conon piston lever pivots the exhaust the brake service 30 reservoir (chamber (chamber in and 17, downward. against piston 41, displacement and pressure of the allowing until the tion pressure 17 below face valve remains chamber exhaust pressure Fig. application in which cylinder the I12 the vent port further reduction piston the to their cylinder brake valve the cylinder A, it equals return position reser- graduating brake Recharge a service reservoir chamber reservoir chamber movement the left end of the 25 and stem 26 and holds This During auxiliary applied. and and Plates pressure. 17 until 39 and valve end chamber slide holding brake 35 its Release [ through of displacement and its piston position port flow position, blanking thereby preventing the tinues the piston to charging slide valve, service the If0 the in which further and 93 and until valve, position, and emergency of quick 3b piston passage return in the off piston right the cuts remain The slide blanks valve service lever cylinder thus balancing air in chamber face of brake it to at its downward, Brake 29 and brake permitting A then presthe it to flows W_BCO If displacement reservoir released, brake cylinder pressure release. If only a partial release voir pressure to flow piston the is made, until the 17 is lower than that piston exhaust flow brake to exhaust moves valve of brake completely Plate also completely and connects slide valve of on air on the continue back time seating the cutting 2, the the of the at which position, and reser- will the face, lap piston air displacement cylinder to exhaust cylinder is will pressure upward and pressure When displacement F-6 relay passage 16a and 51a and 51b. check and the pressures 16 to the will Release--Plates for partial When displacement seven pounds, valves passages 19a air 51 and displacement diaphragm 18a cavity 88 then 51a to reservoir, opens the removed lapping portion releases passages all if the will only After the N and directly 92 and and 16 to Inshot release Insuring--Plates The release release insuring feature the brake in the event prevents release This prompt of after release is shown open of diaphragm pipe other 123 pressure face of reservoir brake the While 42 of all the Plate gl. gl cavity P. Should release position insuring valve ber position service the brake pipe pressure by more pipe 130, M pressure service to has piston pressure deflects gl auxiliary thence reservoir obtained to release valve to the a sufficient position. M as to interlock slide a in the slide valve and auxiliary spring reservoir side of thus balanced, side valve are release returned displacement through exhaust passage passage 10. piston face, the graduating cavity ports K on the to valve port b, to the passage interlock and unseats chamP. pipe slide nection between and the exhaust the emergency further the reservoir. position, 29 release and valve flow to the reservoir of emergency This seat from port reservoir slide valve reservoir piston Q con- also thereby the y reser- passage movement to al, valve cavity Auxiliary the release air slide chamber off cavity 2c, 98. 6, in passage m, slide moves valve connects air Ex. 93 until Plate through cutting 10. slide cavity exhaust displacement passage of piston valve the interlock right, becomes position with valve D then the 180 A acting Position, piston a, graduating in chamber valve Lap venting bl, 2o pres- diaphragm service graduating slide and reservoir in movement b, thus position, 2d in chamber 96 engaging in the of the port voir pressure release guide valve release consequently toward Release m right slide C resulting a and hand interlock pressure 99 slide The passages 2 inter- pounds. chamber pipe passages 5g. as displacement in to air release release in its right release valve by spring and between seven is Graduated valve pounds, move on pressure z in the passage 183 is held in brake which exceeds brake pressure than 2c face brake owing through cavity through of the the reservoir reservoir approximately after C is increasing 2d, z as long A on the increase passage valve face in chamber auxiliary connection greater This 129 to move on stopped and cavity release 183, and valve, air from excess by port the not emergency thence The exhaust 2 until increased slide and chamber valve face brake auxi- the exhaust In 129 valve 123 and pressure re- and atmosphere does D and the pressure reservoir slide exceeds slide than lock sure valve fail been slide pressure chamber pressure. as long overcomes diaphragm auxiliary passage reduces slide slide the R, passage valve exceed service the 2a, ¢:hoke cavity chamber of the with the and through M on the auxiliary 130 keeps the brake Thus, between when reservoir spring 5o. from pipe valve in up to substantially spring registers 129, connecting This the connection In service greater not pressure, 4, passage auxiliary passage does partially 116, allowing valve is lapped, sli_ie maintaining F on one to to slide the pressure piston the attached piston to is connected lc. Chamber is connected brake handle service has built insuring to flow service valve self- valve reservoir has on each by spring air With slide I. Chamber valve through pressure closing passage this through passage the diaphragm reservoir seated, auxiliary on brake words, pipe is only service al, K valve the release. presure position, and Q in the 4 by a release on Plate of pressure pipe liary over is provided piston position 3, cavity pressure. pressure pressure passage before brake partially the pressure brake In other if the air pressure reservoir operates to positively that excessive friction pipe chamber the spring 38, of the service brake 2 pounds function which the movement position excess 1 and to to release flow Release to release 110. With the spring posttxon. cylinder flows the pipe seat cylinder off," restored. so that with from pressure diaphragm brake P brake release return piston through the initial air below fully but B-3. for the the and 6 brake it released restored, registers is reduced been the valve 16a in equalizing diaphragm to Lap position stored, by-passing then be returned brake the "graduate is fully and portion. main 16a pressure, to release the 51, K unseats portion flows inshot stack valves in an approxi- releasing valve from be entirely pressure passages C of the diaphragm pressure has will chambers and thus the supply pressure brake reservo'r in diaphragm and pipe occurs must to in thus pressure thus P. air activity. 2 and to reduce is, at as described reservoir the lift check returns reductions that is reduced self-lapping cylinder g), insuring insuring cavity reservoir port release Graduated first through to displacement the release handle of check reservoir, The on the exhaust auxiliary off further in chamber directly brake ratio lap flows portion. to release 60_ chambers pressure displacement valve operates spring reduction off the to C, (through If it is desired pressure 9, the greater 51b and inshot mate the The valve Plate cuts gl terminating to exhaust. reservoir valve, valve passage chamber in steps, the slide blanks stopping auxiliary 3 W_BCO With air the release remaining and can be release the the ment of air pipe, this valve 2c and the auxiliary up in chamber the piston position, auxiliary passage al piston and 110. chamber the cavity piston the valve spring air opposite face slide valve exhaust side of release present piston, spring 112 in release passage 10, valve graduated release is stabilized quick service position thus cuts off (Q.S. Vol.) and valve tion with servoir the side the slide reason, enough to preliminary annulled by approximately the spring 95 valve ports cavity service limiting 10 pounds and equal amount case of ratio reduction reservoir rate k to valve in the the '*F-6" manner relay described, an approximate cylinder pressure Release When Direct the Graduated Release Position tary view 2d, thereby on Recharge off, or, Release 2, passage annulling the as is eliminated. pipe Cap indicated the recharge from As Recharging takes as described under Release. Position Plate 7 in place Quick emergency from When place an emergency from sure cannot_reduce gency graduating any rate cause, of through the valve 30 and vent port action pipe position. pressure causes to to move valve port t2 is now the port so that tl un- quick to the the air vent port t in the y in the slide rate slide 2, valve, through pasthe 21 in passage 3h. reduction in brake piston and slide where the graduating t', through passage passage this reservoir, service port into 29. air in passage to flow left Ex., valve of the high unseats of spring port side by choke service which '3b and auxi- to the dis- 3, combining with reservoir the the flow reservoir. both the the thus by the pressure quick 20 in vent cover, the rate The an and emervalve The under 3O time when of possible or F-6 closure can pressure second to avoid pressure the 39 will application to insure B-3 action, the of the be restored relay to develop valve when operates pressure in the will is reduced the to to prevent exhaust in the valve reseat damage from 67 vent before is through choke is threefold--first brake sl displace- is possible that until spring this reservoir passage is reducing 42 and is such auxiliary a higher than air piston value, "Service" valve, slide purpose order pipe valve chamber of quick third, brake safety of exhaust emergency (in the valve a definltg a certain displacement is obtained action choke open the emergency application. and into and service to pres- emergency equalize reservoir remain reduction chamber spring face, the flows in the air the exhaust displacement extreme a full valve. brake the caused ment of quick same prompt slide reservoir of the controlled emergency, at rest takes the reservoir to the transmission Emergency area reservoir While passage and h2 from emergency reservoir supplemen- the the in is placed Release to the connects to the cavity emergency uncovers the 609_ 2a is Cut off from Graduated but now 44 emergency has reservoir from is made. 121 on being placement an and 3 to the blanked as pipe valve t2, valve valve and to move valve slide emergency pressure valve 2 Plate functions, reservoir brake Plate brake an to pass to emergency connected outer 3c of flow during Direct due slide valve and the Meanwhile, re: cylinder already valve, in brake brake a large to atmos- causes insures remains hl valve, 3h, pipe which is graduated to reduce the air t3 in the air pressure on sages applica- displacement pressure operates train, slide port to movement pressure port passage vents liary valve pipe and cars flow Ib pressure pressure permitting c pressure. B-3 relay the the opening pipe which'carries seat emergency of high acting graduating permit quick with 40, of brake of to passage of brake and position, air valve valves, tl in resulting pipe on other by the tail pressure preliminary the venting port t2 port piston, This graduating to piston if, for any far ports, As displacement the service between d; but, is definitely closes by move these position, movement connection should connect lap against vent reduction to open with The brake piston valve chamber through chamber slide 42. rapidly right through In 30 rate rapid The r pas- releasing brakes. valve valve registers sufficient position reserve fully rapid of register 116 graduating reduetibn emergency action to the the of valves covered piston the from movement in emergency action of connected out therefore, the piston unseats and The to quick passage extreme C on operation the rate; across allow which valve The serially connects also displacement emergency phere. same and valve piston slide in 49 enough vent direct piston chamber the of the a of and remain port reservoir and service far of this from up slide 191 left. continues valve auxiliary Q connects the 3 to of the slide slide K on recharge pressure valve from chamber D on the where and slide air Wil.h holds sage where reservoir pipe the allowing face passages at is built spring the seat, six spring to the between A on the face service in displace- interlock reservoir Brake in restored until z connection reservoir. to move depends been release atmosphere differential in displace- to approximately 2, the cavity so has existing to compress release interlock slide valve 183 Plate to build release that the graduated graduation is reduced terminating emergency that given point the interlock off the 2d, of reduction for any condition closed, is retained by amount pressure position, cuts successive pressure at which the release In steps this reservoir pounds, moves thas in pressure amount brake exhaust reservoir The reservoir valve displacement released operation. ment on slide in the vent insure release the train is to the train), so that the desired. as described brake eylin- W_BCO ders,this pressure and, approximately, qnre for the F-6 being equal 60_o relay for the B-3 of displacement relay to accelerated valve, reservoir voir pres- After Accelerated gency Emergency Release When brake piston accelerated release valve connects of the high slide valve thus balanced slide valve pressure With underside of passages 3c, passage 3g Since reservoir of bined brake is permitted to flow pipe until providing pipe auxiliary reservoir while the brake throughout the pipe pressure brake and a through very prompt the and previously Service air valve of alone may is which or both be drained attached the to the auxiliary auxiliary at the service reservoir and same air emergency time. be moved the handle is moved. There is drained without opening the emergency reservoir release check 155a. If handle 160 is moved its fulltravel both release checks are unseated and both reservoirs drained. auxiliary the service valve from 5_a GENERAL lb air into the within a few pounds serial initial is being is being release the it would be to open the auxiliary reservoir check but not far enough to open positive release valve release is beard to start. pipe, drain both reservoirs by pulling the duplex its full travel and holding both until all pressure isdepleted. is A cut-out cock which when and, of handle check valves open by raising alone reservoir check, and there is no air in the brake auxiliary and emergency of that valve the emergency permit auxiliary reservoir pressure to drain only until the brake cylinder exhaust initially brakes of the far enough then partially development means valve, the brake pipe being charged, pull the handle only com- reservoir by duplex release valve on the service portion of the control passage and lg and brake HINTS In releasing an individual brake is a quick, the to after the pressure auxiliary pressure than release means he drained When pipe sooner pressure t" in pressure needed much pipe therefore, valve the above are train, as Recharge brake 160 is moved part way the auxiliary reservoir release check 155 is lifted from its seat and the reservoir is through pressure. built up accomplished and passages pressures recharged and the voir releasecheck 155a and itsstem. Therefore, ifhandle to the is unseated and thus reduced brake slide check pressure therefore, through and Valve checks 155 and 155a when this release 52a, position), under these of brake brake service connects valve port in service reservoir and position in any direction to open the release checks. The plunger 152 has two stems which are liftedto unseat the release reservoir the is connected reservoir pipe valve, equalization, Since and S in the volumes reservoirs in excess piston The release valve handle 160, Plate I, may reservoirs, in accelerated through is still release service of emergency until check cavity connected, check build-up 3[, slightly the less clearance between auxiliary reservoir release check 155 and itsplunger stem than between emergency reser- valve seated by reservoir 47 moves in emergency reservoir are displacement brake slide and may air pressure auxiliary position to "Release Release A duplex reservoir. displacement than reser- pressure. becomes pressure and under portion in the seat. combined The place pressure moved be released Duplex h in the spring supply and release rubber 3h displacement pipe slide to the spring With application) displacement (which these greater of to emergency cavity valve, off the takes the valve lg. cutting the emergency the slide pressure to the auxiliary position, when brake Application." compressing pressure pipe are described emer- emergency 2g and hi. emergency moves after through displacement of the left, the reservoir passages change (after rate and valve, on the high no further than reservoir valve will face to the 63, pressure air to the pressure moves spring and seat on the brake auxiliary slide 8 at proper piston to its seat, reservoir and pressure emergency side the valve Application is increased the of Position--Plate pipe application, position is lower valve. When Release release pressure vents brake cylinder pressure closed is installed in the brake each truck. This provides for adjustment the or brake shoc renewal without is accomplished. cylinder pipe to of piston travel the necessity of cutting out the brake by bleeding reservoirs in order to protect The the quick charging emergency action choke piston to charging chamber 27. and Return slide spring valve charged 63 through will move from accelerated against injury duc the release piston become This slide valve movement preventing pipe. The blanks port 3g in the scat further flow of displacement accelerated release check reservoir in case the emergency applications. be cut out if ing normal When rcscr- brake operation on the other truck. it is found a car, close the valves seat necessary to cut out the brake on branch pipe cut-out combined with the dirt collector) and liary and emergency cock (which is drain both auxi- reservoirs by pulling the duplex release valve handle its fulltravel and holding until the and prevent brake pipe air from flowing to the displacement to unexpected substantially equal. volt air past the accelerated release check valves to the brake brake Thus, the brake on one truck of a car may necessary, due to defective brake rigging without affect- position as soon as the pressures on both sides of the emergency thereby is being slidevalve isforced pressure is depleted. 31 NOT W_I_CO os O THES E 3-APDECELOSTATEQUIPMENT The DECELOSTAT equipment is shown in dotted lines on the brake equipment piping diagram, Plate I0. All apparatus is confined to the truck, eliminating the need for wire or additional pipe connections to the car body. While not a fundamental part of the brake equipmeat, the DECELOSTAT controller is a recommended anti-wheel slip device that modifies the braking force to avert wheel sliding. Its function is to maintain high over-all train retardation by anticipating wheel sliding and momentarily moderating the braking force so that it does not exceed the lowered rail-wheel adhesion existing when wheel slipping occurs. As indicated on the opposite page, Fig. 43, the DECELOSTAT equipment for a 4-wheel truck comprises a DECELOSTAT controller mounted on the journal cover of each axle, and a DECELOSTAT Valve mounted on the truck transom. A hose connection from each DECELOSTAT controller leads to a common pipe connection to the DECELOSTAT Valve. Thus for a conventional car with two 4-wheel trucks, there is required 4 "P-3" DECELOSTAT controllers, 4 Hose Connections and 2 "B-3" DECELOSTAT Valves. If a wheel slips, the braking pressure is softened and then restored to the value of existing on the other cars of the train. The operating cycle provides instant moderation-the reduction requires less than a second--followed by a fast but controlled build-up of pressure to that existing on the remainder of the train. If the low adhesion condition persists, its function with July, the DECELOSTAT each wheel slip. controller A separate tion and the Equipment. repeats 1948 pamphlet, operation of No. 5067-3, covers the descrip. the "3-AP" DECELOSTAT Ptlnted 32 in U.S.A. W_BCO FIR.42. 3-AP DK(LKI,OS'rAT® 33 Equipment SE:RVICE EMERGENCY PORTION PORTION 195 \ 3O \ H_ Plate 1. [N'TIAL CHARGING POSITION - D-22-AR Control Valve O-22*AR EMERGENCY CONTROL VALVE PORTION Plate 2. RELEASE POStTION - D-22-AR Control Valve 89c Cr_ Plate 3. PRELIMINARY QUICK SERVICE POSITION - D-22-AR Control Valve 195 14_ 182 Plate 4. SERVICE POSITION - D-22-AR Control Valve [MI[RGI[NCY PORTION QO Plate 5. SERVICE I LAP POSITION - D-22-AR Control Valve (,*J _D Plate 6. GRADUATED RELEASE LAP POSITION - D-22-AR Control Valve EMERGENCY PORTION 54 2h 0 C4m- 16,1 Plata 7. EMERGENCY POSITION - D-22-AR Control Valve 121 To _spl_ce men t Rner._r Plate 8. ACCELERATED Relay Valvl Au_d_ry EMERGENCY Reser,_ r RELEASE Dul:Jix R¢lnsi POSiTiON Vmlvm - D-22-AR Control Valve D-22-AR Service F-6 tnshOt Valve RELAY CONTROL VALVE Portion Emergency Portion VALVE Portion 93 Ex. 84 19b 85 88 _9 2 J_ t.3 ) 6a To _19a 3O Brake 1_3 Relay Valve _ To To Cylinder 37 38 39 BupDly Brake Pipe 35 -- 18a , ix* TO SuPply TO Control Reservoir Oiaphragm Portion 27 19 Retay Portion 2 To 64 17 23 43 (Oi=placement 68 42 36 38 Plate 9. Diagrammotic of F-6and B-3 Relay Valves Brake Valve Res. Cylinder - Pipe Pressure) 16 Reservoir _a Plate 10. Piping Diagram of the D-22-P Passenger Car Brake Equipment COMPOSITE INSTRUCTION PAMPHLET No. 5071-8 DECEMBER19_ 26-C BRAKE EQUIPMENT For Passenger Cars WestinghouseAirBrake COMPANY AIR BRAKE DIVISION _e /v_ WILMERDING, PA. CONTENTS Composite Instruction No. S07t-8 INTRODUCTION Pamphlet 26-C Passenger Car Brake Equipment with 26-C Control Valve INTRODUCTION PARTS OF THE EQUIPMENT GENERAL OPERATION OF THE DESCR/PTION AND OPERATION 26-C Control Valve 26-C BRAKE EQUIPMENT The 26-C Passenger Car Brake Equipment is designed to operate in trains of high speed service. The characteristics of this brake equipment includes the desirable features obtained with service-proven elements utilized in the 26-C Control Valve. OF THE PARTS Important A-2 Quick Service Valve B=3-A Emergency Brake Valve A-2 Car Discharge Valve Retaining Valve Type "13_' Slack Adjuster "[dAHT" Brake Cylinder 1. 2. 3. 4. S. MAINTENANCE NOTE: features of the equipment are as foUows: Maximum flexibility during applications and releases for smooth braking. Emergency brake applications with higher braking forces. Brake cylinder pressure is maintained against normal leakage. Automatic adjustment of brake cylinder piston travel. Provision 5061. for train signaling. R_fer to Instruction Pamphlet Water raising details, enclosed in a block on the line piping diagram, are not included in the equipment described in this pamphlet. This water raising equipment is covered in instruction Pamphlet No. 2462. PARTS OF THE GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION OF The line piping location following is a list diagram of these at the of the end parts of this which make pamphlet shows up this the equipment. piping and 26-C The This parts. 2. 26-C Control releases the Combined Selector Reservoir. The harmonious operation functions 3. Valve, brakes. as a modem Volume Selector a reference cylinder pressure. cylinder during car to car Service Control which selector The brake fast Reservoir, acts volume Valve to provide particularly and Volume of the brake Quick valve, applies and tion. for a stabilizing valve. The proper auxiliary of supplies quick of the reductions following B-3-A Emergency emergency 5. 6. the combined air to service brake the activity A-2 Car Discharge pressure. Retaining Valve permits the valve equipment Type "IT' Slack brake cylinder permits to control is being pipe conductor rate conductor of brake reservoir maintains an signal exhaust the braking as is gtvenin the device operation found in this of the installa- DESCRIPTION AND of the pamphlet. force brake air, pipe from reduced and the and control charged of the reservoir air is connected the application brake brake service pipe through control to operating 26-C reservoir the tion to flow flow control pressure Control and the Valve auxiliary flows to charge the reservoir, The station. of auxiliary the service brake pipe brake cylinder valve moves service reservoir pressure piston the service reduction. severity of A application and and auxiliary pressure acting to lap full as of a further to leakage, the position reservoir on the 26-C position. in lap as long In case due brake The pipe cylinder piston remains to service air to the the Auxiliary brake. is terminated until piston the of brake brake Causes position. application. do not change. cylinder service to apply reduction the which to service amount in a partial the is made to move cylinder upon results pressures the reduction brake for a full piston of brake moves Valve to the service cylinder or loss pressure pipe Control to the provides Valve a brake Is dependent In Lap position Control brake 26-C reduction reduction while nominal position piston The the the volume In service reduction. to initiate to reduce cylinder valve, is also air continues automatically to deliver main fundamental Service travel. "UAHT" Brake Cylinder levers to the brake shoe. charging selector and brake 8. section the equipment reduction, initial recharged. Adjuster piston the the of each PARTS brake pipe partial Valve air brake from application. pipe the 7. Brake description described car OF THE When through signal local pamphlet 26-C for reservoir development reservoir transmission on successive volume control applications. transmits EQUIPMENT and Auxiliary as the of the of the A detailed service 4. section devices OPERATION brake A-2 operating THE CAR BRAKE relative combined 1. PASSENGER control permitting the brake pipe brake pipe reduc- reservoir air an additional cylinder. Release To of this The the release pressure auxiliary brake. a service moves reservoir The 26-C is recharged amount recharge as controlled provides release. for partial application the of brake by the release Control valve. brake brake Valve and the release brake of the the pipe service brake cylinder is porportional A panlal and a full is recharged piston exhausts to the recharge recharge and the to release amount of the provides increase position. to release of brake brake the pipe pipe for a total brake GENERAL OPERATION Sme ucy When an emergency rate of brake pipe reduction occurs, the emergency valve of the 26C Control Valve is operated to provide a local brake pipe reduction at the control valve. This rapid drop of brake pipe pressure operates the control valve more quickly and delivers a higher brake cylinder pressure than normally o Ixalned during se_ine brake application. To release following an emergency application after the 26-C Control Valve quick action chamber has been vented. The brake pipe is recharged to position the 26-C Control Valve in release position. The brake cylinder pressure is now released and the auxiliary reservoir is recharged. DESCRIYFION DEVICES as used and OPBRATION of the of the EQUIPMENT The following sections individually describe the functions in this installation of the 26-C Car Brake Equipment. of each device 26-C CONTROL VALVE S.55.04-8.2 The 26-C on a passenger car Control car in response The control portion, portion, to the valve an auxiliary reservoir are cations. emergency The when a reduction The opamtion ations. The pipe (2) diaphragms liary to the The the valve, the pressure arrangement of the automatic to operate service air from the reservoir to the quick of control reservoir control valve. The check (I) charging to _he brake the pipe appli- desired Portion contains for proper valve. valve service Control volume and are Valve during graduated the release designated a service reference Whenever assembly valve controlling spool oper- numerically and together inchide_ with other diaphragm proper a charging volume air to the brake contained auxiliary to atmosphere, pipe within (supply) during the also graduated valve reservoirs at the provide from pressure The oH the cuts off the release actlon fo_: pipe. the operation control. to cut brake with cylinder air brake and the whenever stable of brake functions pressure together permit of automatic tlmt of to exhaust, valve, ratios, portion, development valve includes opens serves relay area valve pipe and thus also of the which development in brake upward element systems the reductions. The appliof the air from the auxi- a reduction moves spool valve, to provide air pressure in the with the a reference 26-C pressure. service bracket service valves pipe to provide of the as a stabilizing The service is portion quick is increased. brake also acts during included satisfactorily portion hreke relay valve. pipe Valve. and to provide in accordance with brake pipe element controls the movement application spring opposing Valve spool brake in the selected service control cylinders, and emergency selected volume Control diagrammatic. cylinder pressures and release valve the service valve on the Service reservoir in the connecttons two occurs, valve valve selector so identified The control service selector are valve 26-C pressure. occurs of the pressure pressure. cnt-out cock and strainer not a part of the device brake reservoir for use on that a service a selector service is pipe mounted of the reservoir cylinders in brake are and the during designed brake which functions air to used, auxiliary of the the on reservoir, the supplies when of the function to move of device ur decrease bracket a control reservoir equalization force of increase to complement valve size type of air to or from of a pipe reservoir, relay The an automatic flow vent valve portion, a brake pipe release valve portion. Although auxiliary cylinder brake cation amount required The brake is the consists an emergency and a reservoir itself, Valve to control flow dissipation of the of (2) rapid dissipation during of control direct release reservoir action air to of the control txake CONTROL pipe In order (3) dissipation of Ixake selector valve service function A Gmduarad Direct Release cast on the are is cast set on the for valve screws is is quick Cap on the the cap. air from When Release; stage which the the valve portion. cap. DIR. are over are the quick to actual for Graduated The The GRA. the of the to make diagrammatic Valve) Selector controls when requited D-22 type assume and proportion letters letters over REL. DIR. the letters or are and REL., the letters cut-ont quick and brake during service enables I, the the cock strainer and into control There operation the of the service the valve REL., for the of the direct to ha satisfactorily are four control portion provides valve (4) positions valve; these The service will of the within emergency limiting air flows (I) the To the release this are Release, high These pressures valves. will I0 and open 15 psi, portion opening for exhaust The emergency vent unseats two (2) brake cylinder are when the brake vent piston action of the pipe Lap, limiting (a) by the load is fast is chamber the operating emergency to locally a spool valve the provides Brake reduced straining cutting Brake the out the control Cut-Out flows into valve Cock the when and Strainer control of the action chamber venting Reservoir control reservoir From in the thus to the spring the through large spring chamber Choke B and chamber diaphragm in the pipe above thus as well to as the bracket. of the selector valve. the spool the Through Choke above the emergency overcomes valve check to limiting the its valve large diaphragm valve, force downward where of the position, to become the spring and thus seated. (s) (6) F and Passage la that leads to liary reservoir charging valve, where th_auxi- liary reservoir line From Passage into Passage cap and other spool end of tl_ the 1, to the and is that 7-b. passages air flows to the valve 7-a passage following pipe leads charging Passage the auxi- charged. brake l-h into check spool. that From and through graduated The leads air to the hare the Choke continues selector air ] release may valve flow to chambers: It also provides provides a means a means desired. of of Through to the Release air Valve Portion to atmosphere. provides a means of manually Choke control diaphragm where the valve H and reservoir as well as connection and the into passage chamber 7 that under the to Pipe 7 in the pipe exists to the reservoir control volume reservoir. leads large bracket re- the Passage valve: to to appli- of exhaust pressure tease The chamber brake mover to flow Portion valve. regard through bracket. air. Pipe 4_r that underside permitting and the stability the pipe diaphragt for air passes pipe chambers and fmin diaphragm, cylinder the brake to provide the air flows large To piston air, pipe the (4) of the pipe and portion pipe chamber valve. (a) The understood, without diaphragm. To the brake in the service one brake valve large spring diaphragm end pipe I in the passages (3) setting build-up designed following brake Passage To the the an emergency application exhaust that is during charged, into (2) and applications pressure Valve air easily however, may in service a controlled Control pipe contains During valve 26-C of brake more funcric valve cylinder pressures emergency provides valve be used, of parts. initially and quick with Service, predetermined During which portion valve. the diaphragm quick contains brake limiting emergency local pressure piston valve also maximum is emergency the 26-Control trained that car to the above pressure. The cation. the of between emergency a large portion the applications. springs a value valve limit of this should GRA. cap is set b_" removing the two cap DIR. or GRA. line up with REL. on the function, the equipment. which emergency the the (designed operation publication and construction Whenever Emergency. valves the Valve the in this body. The OPERATION application. the valve The either during of a brake letters set for Graduated Release. and turning the cap so that chamber volume release letters when spring positions service graduated the service or initial Release below Direct to the located body pipe VALVE valve. 26-C 26-C CONTROL CONTROL VALVE VALVE (6) 03) Air flows around the spool valve into Passage 9-a and Choke G that leads to Passage 9. This con nection leads to the diaphragm chamber of the selector valve, the selector valve spool as well as to Pipe 9 in the pipe bracket where the consection exists to the selector volume reservoir. When :he air system of the car is fully charged, identical pressures will exist above and below the large diaphragm in the service valve. WRh the aid of the Large spring, the diaphragm assembly wUl he positioned in its downmost position during Release Position of the automatic brake valve in the locomotive. As a result of the movement of the selector valve, the service spring in the selector valve is engaged. The force of this spring, coupled with the pressure of the brake pipe, oppose that force of the selector volume air pressure. Whenever the point of equalization of forces across the diaphragm is reached, the spool valve will he positioned to assume a lap position, at which time the selector volume is cut off from exhaust at the selector valve spool. When the application valve is opened by the upward service valve stem, auxiliary (supply) reservoir air flows thus to the following passages and chambers: movement of the into Passage 16a and Whenever a brake application occurs, the brake pipe pressure in port I will be reduced the amount 8s determined by the handle peaitiea of the automatic brake valve on the controlling unit. The reduction of brake pipe pressure will occur in the brake pipe chamber above the large diaphragm in the service valve. The differential pressure that. exists across the diaphragm will initiate a, move ment of the diaphragm assembly and stem to open the applicatiun valve to permit auxiliary (supply) reservoir ait to flow to Passage 16a. (l) To the face of the charging valve diaphragm, thus initiating a movement of the charging valve spool that cuts off the exhaust of brake pipe air from the quick service volume. This movement terminates quick service action of the control valve. (2) To port 16 in the pipe bracket connected. Reductlun of brake pipe pressure selector valve. The pressure dfffereutial tlons the diaphragm assembly and spool (3) To the large spring chamber in the service valve. The forceof this pressure, combined with the force of the spring and coupled with the force of the brake pipe pressure in the chamber above the large diaphragm, oppose the force of the control reservoir air pressure in the chamber under the large diaphragm. Whenever the point of equalization of forces across the diaphragm is reached, the service valve will assume a lap position. (4) To the underside of the brake cylinder service limiting valve. Whenever this air pressure increases to a point in slight excess of the force of the spring, the spool valve will move upward and thus cut off any further flow of air into Passage 16. The predetermined setting of the spring thus limits the maximum pressure delivered to the relay valve during a service application. also occurs in the spring chamber that exists across this diaphragm to permit the following to occur. (l) Passage 7b that connects control reservoir air with selector ait, Passage 9, Is cut off at the selector spool valve. (2) Passage 7a is disccamected from 7b at the selector spool This isolates cuntml reservoir air from brake pipe air. O) Quick service action occurs when brake pipe air in the spring chamber of the selector valve flows into Passage lc, through Choke K and the backflow check valv e. From herep the air flows through Passage 6a to the quick service volume and thus through Choke C into Passage 6 that leads to the charging valve where the exhaust port Is located. (4) (5) of the posi- volume valve. The heRd-up.of pressure, of approximately 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 psi oax the dinpheagm of the charging valve, positions the spool to close the exhaust of air from the quick service volume. The decrease of brake pipe pressure spool to be moved funher to permit from Passage 9 throu_'l the selector permits the selector valve selector volume air to flow spool and thus to exhaust. to which the relay valve is Whenever high brake pipe pressures are employed, it is possible to get over-reductions with the 26-C Control Valve. Over-reductions will not have any serious effect upon brake cylinder pressure, since this pressure is determined by the load settings of the springs within the limiting valves. An over-charge in the control and selector volume reservoirs can be automatically reduced to brake pipe pressure by the movement of the brake valve handle on the locomotive to give applications and releases. During application, selector volume air flows to exhaust at the selector spool valve, and, during 26-C release, in the the required, set control selector reservoir spool in Direct air chamber. depending upon Release, through Choke in which case CONTROL is free to flow Several the the VALVE control to the applications severity of the selector and air may the conzrol and release flow cap brake move flow of air through Control the Valve, cap mitted on the to and cap is positioned may control Choke directed flow from upon valve from the is in "GRA." 7a to valve and in the Choke volume thus leads into thus reservoir. of air from that the In the valve an above, to the brake further relay During of the initial Con_-ol 26-C tinues Valve, a air in the and 15 psi, the emergency the now reservoir pipe. of an is pipe emergency reduced force limiting brake pipe brake emergency limiting valve As the brake pipe pressure to drop, I0 and if the for brake stages application, the remain closed. Passage bur also design limiting valve, and it is this pres° holds down the limiting valve spool. reservoir control the emergency sure that he perinto control off any into is provided Release, However, the cutting valve chamber 26-C air will H and as described cap J and The Choke flow with For Graduated position. volume, i-b obralned thus this pipe dissipation check required to reduce cap. through the selector be of the selector Release, the Passage check set to the for Direct can position reservoir leads only function the control G which to not dissipation Release depending flow 9a, is or Direct upward, VALVE valve. is over-charge. Graduated CONTROL will be the into (a) passage may Whenever also reservoir will he volume releases over-charge. reservoir J as well as tbrougi_ only one application 26oC spool will then move and thus provide spring in the the spool upward, between within overcomes pressure valve to a value of the valve will conthe force valve. tmseating an alternate of The the check passage for auxiliary (supply) reservoir air to enter into Passage In Emergency to that previously the control valve (1) application, described; would be An, emergency Valve, is The the during nor a result positions the to momentarily provide those service application, spool, engaged condition into with the 26-C 16 that connects similarly designed application, into higher braking The but, of the the faster diaphragm functions as Emergency movement application valve air to flow (a) valve, is a result the diaphragm rate in of drop and spool obtained during a further travel emergency spring to the 16 that of the to permit brake cylinder (supp-y) underside of the Whenever this excess valve auxiliary is connected Auxiliary slight service reservoir service pressure of the (supply) limiting to the relay limiting load, and valve. valve limiting valve the to allow reduced of brake action during pipe Valve a service pressure creates of the 26-C Control air move upward action The chokes at the During rate differential quick air. to exhaust application. of a predetermined be Portion in the across to an chamber size and maintain spring provide chamber so consU'ucted brake a controlled of the air drop emergency diaphragm M and exhaust that pipe the to establish Chokes an air pressure is that The position exhaust downward, application diaphragm, intermediate emer- cuttin_ off Valve rate reaches the moved a service the and same of spool pressure and thus valve. between chamber will to seat relay and spool action spool service on the within to the connection M and N are the this spring air the increase force When valve thus continued of the valve, of the and air assembly in valve. a continued pressure a downward excess at a service a pressure effects the check of all The upper.. emergency to permit The increases close. valve in its in the open valve limiting limitnng chamber positioned valve valve. valve limiting check remain also limiting service as yet relay in slight flow In emergency emergency the relay will pressure Emergency quick not will to the permitting is spool. spool valve admitted gency of the The of air to the a point is into and of emergency valve to the a point the the reservoir valves air flows reaches spring tmseata open position. this brake assembly of the Position, still limiting pressures and Passage 9 is lapped to provide a bottled-up for the selector volume reservoir. upward Passage ttme check the most The O) at the opens flow across to the relay valve. the brake pipe pressure drop is so rapid that Control of a predetermined the differential as functions features applications. pressure, the required reservoir emergency 'valve, Valve, additional to provide pressure selector Control several follows: (supply) utilized increased pipe 26-C is auxillary always necessary (2) reservoir The size the however, utilized as stabilizes N. a Chokes of quick the 26-C spool and prevents If the chamber brake treme upward quick stem to flow action upper high local move air. the check The brake assembly assembly valve. spool valve valve and quick action time the of the action ex- quick in the action and chamber the a blowdown upper allows large positioning quick in the provides assembly pipe spool the N which and thus force rate, and position, Choke diaphragm downward, check at an emergency upward With exhaust. pressure reduced to exhaust t at which the high diaphragm pressure until VALVE extreme only chamber the exhausted will is the In this position completely pressure connected unseats of the position position. to a large in the valve will is now of the unseating pipe pressure chamber the the CONTROL pipe spool will have been spring valve position, brake within in its air remain nearly the normal position. In Release Position, the admitted into valve. All of the stern to permit to atmosphere through higher pressure in the service assembly to vent and the pipe ti_ spring with held be is bracket. within the build-up down. Both remembered The the continued service that the air which the pipe brake combined the air the service drop limiting of brake pipe valves provide vented to atmosphere, to its normal position. brake permits face is increased chamber downward in Passage 16, valve stem above forces that leads and thus in the valve the to move and this the large position of air pressure pressure, a means on the pressure pipe to the of the Charging spring to move valve the diaphragm charging valve, I0 in valves downward the emergency limiting valve for a rapid exhaust of all alr. the relay to Passage limiting spool diaphragm the diaphragm permits and, spool is It must is also valve Ao2 The activity fast the The It consists The body and pipe insects pipe pipe pipe bracket through the by hair position, is located in the accessible two pins with moved 16, body three by the and brake through lucks seat pipe diaphragm of the se_,Ice 14 and in place seal $ and forward permits with The PJd straight diagram. 36 and 38. without Is charged from is protucted from 52. 51, the Choke valve which in application the choke and ring 9. Attached the strainer having the Is held a pert two ports ponitinn to its shown seat in section which to the of the slide by the tension D-D, piston establish is quickly the then blanking operates pneumatic A-2 Quick Service Valve As_.mbly by a blanking service chamber the pipe flange as to use electric convertible flange and to cut-off straight piston valve as of spring transmitted rate of the quick service position, the piston seals to charge cute cmmectlon shown connecting the air brake in the straight the continuous is by connect- off the to this through choke charging valve 3. applied. straight quick upper view. ts blanked air operation air pipe. service valve The chamon In Its choke. on the _ bracket the dirt 13. position, air br-ake Piping nuts Both piston 7, with Valve through the quick or application reductions and repairs by plug reduction Choke 3, section C-C controls the charging It Is protected by a felt filter. In its release ber. the and that opening bracket. valve slide strut on by studs volume exhaust 8 with slide pressure shown fo_ cleaning in accordance The service provide body. a piston ports piston. as hracket The pipe of the pipe 35 retained face 11 is quick on successive bracket a quick 39. 53, contains 10 and local and thereby particularly brake pipe of l_ke on removal to propagate reductions connections. contains strainer rate are the or pipe strainer is pipe reduction, to pipe from bracket valve brake to the 2 attached removed pipe VALVE redt_tion. connected a controlled ions _ brake brake provide_ The W4e_Stn of the is he service service valve the quick for all initial can The _ of the to car of a body disturbing brake CebOJ car development following Exterior ViewofA-20ulckService Valve function from QUICK SERVICE S.81.01-2.2 valve, merely therefore, by removing The. cut -off portion when the electrO- pipe B-3-A The to obtain emergency brake valve, an emergency brake application. Body valve spring connected 2, houses 6. There are brake pipe. to the vent TYPE Emergency Brake Valve S.09.02-I valve two pipe located 3, inside which the is held one is ca_, permirs the The conductor nsa_ed open by the farce to atmosphere, The of vent and When valve the handle or otherwise, 3. emergency Air in the l_ake of operating brake the emergency lever pipe brake 9 deflects is vented valve valve is operamd lever to atmosphere, at a fast of a to cause application. slack adjuster 5 makes adapter 59. of the to unseat rate adjuster packing ctPp 25, piston screw nut 8, assembly one by means 8 downward slack an the Cover piston body 34 line lever. by bracket the predetermined ! Exterl_ *l" Vie_ A_eml_ V_w body Section 29, adjustment of brake screws 58_ take-up cylinder piston returns moves to its and its piston ret_ms ratchet wheal and turns nectlon to correspondingly The is adjuster 34 by cap lever makes contains piston the assured screw 56, slack adjuster since the 32, permits section A-A, assembly attached connection to the slack adjuster is the brake cylinder piston travel exceeds Air enters the slack adjuster when to the brake downward against the compression piston stem and rides on the ratchet downward. When the brake normal position, air pressure normal adjuster shorten is position. screw the to brake operated by its is applied, of piston spring 31. wheel when the released and the brake cylinder piston in the slack adjuster cylinder escapes, In so doing, nu_ 8, brake piston nnt 8 and adjuster screws bracket 23 with and also adjuster is located. Adjuster when cylinder limit. the to body spring. B-B, 26, pawl spring 28, the operating ratchet between attached slack Ixake 34, 31, paw1 on which connection causing piston 23 to move Pawl 26 is attached to the I automatic spring view. and piston Positive air from tlR provides travel. screw cord ADJUSTER SLACK S-79.01-I piston taps; "D" AUTOMATIC thereby cylinder the pawl shortenbag piston engages the Ucavel. tie the rod con- UAHT BRAKE CYLINDER S.43.03-2.1 UAHT A solid circumference over which piston the the lubricator ment maintenance. The cylinder is lubrication of the moving parts The Brake Cylinder is 2, UAHT which The is cylinder provided or WABCOSEAL rod which ® provides brake rigging. to the end. outer body with end for a loose of the constructed for long made the UAHT operation _othat periods in sizes Brake Cylinder and economical a grease of time to meet all packing without provides requirements. for push red holder piston the rod -9 rod, pipe connection. Piston 10 attached to the and a hollow with piston an antl-mttler 4 has levers rod seal ring 49 a hollow and rods 48 are holding the swab serves lubricate the and moisture. the 14. retaining opposite ring 2 by two small passes UAHT Brake Cylinder pressure of the the over face to form behind heel around the machined A groove of the lubricant entrance of dh% rod as well air strainer is as the seal must movement, This this shoulder packing cup piston, which, the cylinder piston he]low waU of the piston. a shoulder contains and a in front when filled with each of with move- the enter red is ground true as head 13 is fitted with a packing 63 is packed in grease and serves interior of the cylinder tJ_eonOn-pressure the non-pressure of the cartridge head type end is fitted and is of the with held against adjuster cap it allows port throng!h adjuster. in the the pipe screws the side slack connection 47. When fitting the brake cylinder of the Brake adjuster pipe slack piston cylinder connection 43 dirt cylinder a curled in place to the is attached in the brake to travel body. and rigging hair by strainer cylinder has increased far enough to uncover Brake cylinder air then the pipe to seal to 15. A slack slack of the is attached the View the atmospheric release sufficiently, Assembly fitted. back the onto piston a groove to spread hollow Since during body .T is space provides 5 snaps and surface, and the non-pressure in place by spring seat 64. Seal strainer of the cup The To prevent replenishing. operating packing cap of the of the piston. diameter 63, held and pressure head are combined into a single casting a bolting flange for mounting and a WABCOTITE ® mounting A push entrance of di_, to satisfactory ® packing or perimeter lubricator. lubricant, Designed to prevent the inco_)orates features contributing WABCO The BRAKE CYLINDER S.43.03-2.2 to operate the MAINTENANCE It is essential period to insure that proper OF all 26 TYPE brake BRAKE parts GASKETS, DIAPHRAGMS, RUBBER SEATED CHECK EQUIPMENT be given attention at each All check _ottions, o_nnections may are easily brake attached permanently be removed equipment to their made and to these replaced consists respective pipe of various operating pipe brackets. Pipe brackets, and operating dirt if necessary. not The purpose handling individual made of these instructinns of parts, portions, since if excessive immediately is to avoid it is possible force as to the cause is of the unnecessary to assemble required, an expense and due to disassemble investigation be difficulty. Compleraly disassemble all sealed cle_n portions and wash rubber all parts seals, (except "O" diaphragms, rings and gaskets) for grooving, BUSHINGS All bushings, shoulders, STRAINERS pitting, AND blown dry with replaced. they have and been checked cleaned, for taper must be examined and out-of-round. FILTERS Strainers cleaning strainer after cracks, and flltam (except those designated device) must he thoroughly washed a jet of clean dry air. Filters to be cleaned in a suitable attached to choke in the solvent plugs A- I and must be CHOKES The the chokes Metallic of chokes be cleaned tools changed. tions size must must While and and dried with plugs, as well must be ,tAR Spociftcatioa not be chokes blowy out is are lightly with M-913) and whenever inspected used to insure for cleaning removed, if necessary. a jet of air. as all other coated important, and the The chokes, as passages chokes can be a compound two ccalsisting ports oil (SAS-20) is disassembled, they are their size be checked must Tile threads of all choke thi:eaded parts which may and a portion that cleaned plugs later of one not restricted. must not be for in a suibeble and other be difficult part graphite restricsolvent removable to remove, (current by weight. SPRINGS All dlstortion_ springs must or have permanent be inspected set. after must cleaning. be rapleced Any with that ones show known rust pits, to be conect. to beads, gaskets and diaphragms period, and cap not cracks dirt and when be exercised that bearings, with air. but these flattened yet rubber seated check valves, in mineral spirits; then blow he dipped he allowed MIL-L-4343, should diapbragms, may and grease, must portions gaslcets, valves remaining careless SEALS, "O" RINGSs AND cleaning servlee-ability. The 26 type passenger some of which are RUBBER VALVES screws soak and in the must seals, on are promptly the so with a soft should apply film as well tightened sufficiently distortion of covers are as have replaced. replaced Imlsh to prevent or to remove at each any cleaning Grease, the groove. and gaskets. and broken Serviceable of Silicone damaged. of cleaning which brintle be a light no parts dry after be seated in the removal Gaskets must "O" ring that wiped fluid. tinge and rubber to assist disphragmsB "O" rings, to cause be be brushed to both "O" rings, solvent cleaning them."O" re-assembling nuts must or cuts replacing when excessively parts to polish generously rubber in a suitable It is gasket Care must important leakage and 8220-2 D-22-ARandD-22-BR CONTROLVALVES parts CstsZog No. Apr.. 3220-2 (Supersedes Issue of December. 1957 1948) Westinghouse AirBrake COMPANY AIR BRAKE DIVISION _(® WILMERDING, PA. 3220-2 Page 2 D-2_-AR and D-22-BR CONTROL VALVES Portion Domestic ShippLpg Schedule of Co_nplete CONTROL foe each Emerliency Pipe Bracket Pipe Double Repair D-22-ER Spring (AR for Type) Nos. BR S ............................................. 7 ............................................... Type) @.AND 9 ............................................ 5 WABCOTITE application .......................................................... for Sp|ined Socket Information Control BR and Portion Information 2 covering Pc. BR Type) Vslve Parts Portion and and firtings Bracket Check Wrenches (AR (AR @,WABCOTITE Adjustable to and Portion WABCOSEAL Numbers ......................................................... Portion PorLion Page ..................................................... Piece VALVES required Service Weights Valves Table 10 .................................................... Choke Plugs 11 ............................................ II for Obsolete ................................................. ..................................................... 12 to 14 15 3220-2 Page D-22-AR and D-22-BR CONTROL VALVES EMERGENCY PORTION PORTION Interlock Volvo bReleeso Volvo Front View of D-22-AR Graduated ReleoseC#p CONTROL VALVE CONTROL VALVE SERVICE PORTION Froat NOTE A: Domestic Shipping Weiliht for View of one (1) D-22-_ Equipment D-22-AR CcQtrol Valve, Complete .......................... Approx. 23S Ibs, I)-22-BR Control Valve, Complete .......................... Approz. 240 lbs. 3 322O-2 pmEe 4 D-_]-AR Ind D-22-BR PIPE CONTROL BRACKET VALVES PORTION $ II • .t ® D-22 I _ eg I_lI_d Fl_ee _,t. 7 513170 7/64eDr/_ D-22AR $41556 J29 D-22 BR 514664 D-22 BR 54?765 D-22 BR 551023 We_i OI _JlmOi_ItO "f'.:=.....L.' S44 Dril| _ _44 Df/LI 7/64" Dr/1 m44 D_I] 11/64" DrU y54"DrUl w2g _IchII P_)E BRACKET pORTION ....................... I)-22 _ BRACEZT PORTIDN 4 E_ _._ _ e44 DvUl _eco D-22-AR • AR / ,5 WII T_p, ® Yj • • • • • * ApWOL • I • • 4 • I • • * • • • • . . A4qsms. I.a-A._I }lit te_ht Net leL£ht.74 69 lbo. Ibm. 3220-2 Page sad D-22-BR D.22-AR ContrOl Valve Pc. No. Type Portion Pipe Fittings Bracket Pc. No. "A") 850485 851023 5.50967 525650 532010 D-22-BR 545549 547765 554492 525650 532010 D-22-BR 551341 514864 550967 $25650 532010 D- 22-BR 554038 514864 554484 525650 532010 Part Plp3e Bracket 541556 Pipe 2 514864 Pipe 2 551023 Pipe I/2 3b 502365 I/2 in. 4a 519982 I/2 • 6-I/2 534506 5b 2505 6a 507232 Pad Stud in. Emergency Stud ..... 98 507232 1/2 1 gb I0 516320 514165 1/2 Double 513686 Type Double II I/2 in. Hez 1/4 in. Choke Nut (Port 814864 in. (for 10) Pc. and 551023) Plus L& Choke Plug 3/8 Port 3 17 515572 18 508155 Sealing Strainer 1/2 58673 -- A: All t:Ol D-22-BR Valves Pc. No. Type bate $47765 Control the Page 21 Orders should Check Prices give use the Valve wilt be PIECE 1 2 (_Sl dr.) 1 2 and $) ..... Ring ............... Nut ................ in. Stud 11) ................ He• Nut S0715 3/8 in. Choke Check (See 2 (See Plus Pep (1/8 11) .... 507234 dr.) (Port g3C) ............ 1/2 • 8-112 in. Se_lce Portion 22b 510320 i/2 Double Check Valve sam/sting face blanked, quc4ad upoa application NUMBER and NAME of .o.oo Acorn Pmqica. pe_ wanted Nut while 2 in. 22s in. 2 1 1 Double Portion ,o 1 1 .......... (Ports _ 1 in. Plug 1/2 19b Valves Dmable 1 (Lncludel 2505 1 ....... 1 ................ a 4-1/4 1 Portion Complete Strainer dr.) (Port lO) (for Pipe Bracket D-22-AR 31) 538813 dr.) .... (f_ in. Choke Valve (11/64 Portion two of 13) ................ Strmb_er Felt Washer 99252 68907 IS 19a (Port 10) (for Pipe fltacket Pc.Noo. 541556 and 551023). I/4 13 14 3 in. .......... (g2g Valve Strainer, 513170, Choke Check Pad ........... (for Pipe Nag. . . . Nut ......... 502904 1 .......... Acorn only ............... Check Valve (Port (7/64 Stud in. ...... Service only) and . . ........... Plug in. Casket Portion .................... 2505 0-3/16 Pad • 8-3/16 78758 • Type 1/2 in. Service in. D-22-AR 2 Interlock 1 (7/16 Blank/as 12 ............. ......... Plus 3 2 Nut 514864. 3 in. Hea Dr.) Bracket 551023) Choke fllanking 2 ............. (_44 dr.) (Port 3A) (for Pipe Bracket Pc. No. 547765) 2 .............. Nut in. Req'd Pipe 513170, end Portion ............ Plus (for Nag. 1 I/2 1/4 3/8 1 Nut HeX [_racket 5632g Name Choke 3A) 541556 8 Check Blanking in. (Port Pc. I/2 • 8-3/8 in. Emergency Poebon Stud .............. dr.) 3/8 Portion, |lea Stud 54700 57584 I Double Release 84742 8 Portion, x 2 in. Portion No. Part 1 ................ 502674 in, Number Portion, [3racket I/2 Piece No. ................ 38 2505 Ref. ................ Complete Valve No. Portion, []racket Complete PORTION Req'd ................ Brscket Pipe Name Portion. Bracket Complete 547765 BRACKET ................ Complete NOTE Note D-22-BR Complete 7 (See Blanked Blanked 513170 7 Cover and Strsther Check Pc. No. 828650 525650 2 7 and Safety Valve Double Valve 550967 550967 Piece 6b Service Pc. No. With Shlpplng 541558 513170 Number 5s Cover No. 851340 551339 No, 4b Emergency Pc. Wlth ShippL_ Less D-22-AR D-22-AR Ref. 2 VALVES Complete PIPE 2 CONTROL 1 .o.oo..oo... 1 ............ 1 811 D-22-AR Type Con- S 3220-2 Ps ge 6 D-22-AR and D-22-BR CONTROL EMERGENCY 275 __ VALVES PORTION 34 6756 55 64 2e 35 68 C 5_. t_ 59 • 69 & t- T2 36 i _ _ Secl_0e 54 30 _49! 674 A-& 4 51 _ 45 52 70 46 I pe;llul sKtloa c-c _Js_gut2 __6(Id°tgNbct°sD'0 39 37 40 2 41 58 plrhoI For kct)cmoiPlSlon_r, [JWItgeRCy _r IPc_b54S55 t_,Comp P_SSS _ _4361 I 343 | e¢li|_ Approx. Net Weight SO lbs. (J'| 3220-2 I)-|2-Ai and D-TJ-BR CONTROL EI_RGENCY ReL Piece No.. Number Part 554492 Name PORTION No. ReL Piece Req'd No. Number 45a 81339 High (lot Pressure Repair) Valve ............... Ring 45b 59405 High Pressure Vs'lve Ring 45c 59406 High 45d 546509 High 46 47 502720 s 2616 High High Pressure 48 94845 Emergency Portion, Complete with Shipping Cover and Safety 550967 Valve Emergency with (for Portion. Shipping Safety 551339, Pc. 545549) No. Part Complete Cover (2nd and Valve (for Pc. Non. 551340. 550485 end Safety 25 507269 Valve Emergency (for Pc. 527799 3/4 26 507270 Wasp 27 506277 in, Choke 506276 Choke 29 507197 Emergency 94857 93940 (_nduatJng Valve Gmd_etln 8 Valve 32 97379 Slide Valve Spring Pin ......... 33 97378 Slide Valve Spring Pin Lock 34 507498 Sl/de Valve Strut 520619 Emergency * lea• 4g, 35 §525020 36a 85811 85812 Em_gency Piston Repair) 30d 35, Check * 94952 Accelerated 54 * 94581 Spill-ova 1 55 * 94839 DlaphreSm SpAnS 1 56 94838 Diaphragm Spring I 57 S07062 Check I 58 507272 Check 1 59 5951 96056 40 an d 41)_ ......... Valve Piston ........ Small L4rse Valve Valve R_h.) Seal Ring ........ Piston 87006 LatK_ Vent 43¢= 87009 (2ad Laqie Repah.). .............. Vm_t Valve Plstoa (3td Ret_) 43¢I 87010 I_ulze Vest t"ea a_ A -- tNOTE B -- Not FCR _ 8 p4rt |NOTE C -- See Note Rln8 "C". Piston Cover, (for *500944 64 525022 1 65 _5033S7 _etum Spring 67x) I I Safety .... Slfety (set 1 517998 1 1 1 Table, see Poetion, page 15. but of the 60 Prices |eve 4). 1 .............. 1 Complete psi) Parts (see ............ 1 63688 in. Choke PIuK 1/4 in. Choke Pl, P. 68 518089 _uhrlcat 69 514173 Oil 70 537392 HaSh 71 519787 525802 1/4 Felt 812134 8h_pb_ Complete 884492 i_g Ph_ 1 (,55 dr.) ..... in. d_.) e (1/16 o_y) .......... .................. in. 6top Retlinet of part PC. ............. Wick Pressure Vn/ve wanted Washer ..... Nut ............. ............... Cover Doyens. wiU be quoted upon application PIECE NUMBER and NAKE Parts 3216-6) (for only) .............. 9. should I Valve, Complete f_ 75 pll) (see (fro Rin K 1 Gasket 1/8 1 Ring 1 Piston for 8 3216-6) Catalog 854484 67z Ring ......... ........... 554039-0075 1 67 1 ............... Valve, for Catslo 66 1 .............. Body page ........ 512295-0060 (set I Pintos EImTgency (use 66 only) Cage seat Emergency l Com01ete Ring, Retaining 1 S 554492 Spring .... .......... 67 and Pc. 1 Cap Cover Gasket Return Seal ................ Orders 545551 1 1 .............. Valve. paKa 61 1 ............... Valve the Cover Ring Pintos Valve _l_kmtUl©atL_ of l_iston 1 and Piston Piston 43b 817716 Seal .... ......... ............... (4th Repair). HiSb P_smu_ 503355 Spring (Includes Small Vent Valve Piston 60 Ring Sofia S ............ Valve Piston (Sat ................... 63 Valve Vent Vent and Screw 1 ...... Valve 94850 Vent Small Lmlle Cover 1 1 Complete Check 62 81643 87007 Cover, in. 2 Ring less Valve • 1-I/2 .... ......... Gasket I 96O8O Choke, Seat Return Spring Case (for Pc. 554492 on/y) Se•t with I/2 I Spring ............ Cover 1 2 2 ......... Valve 507200 Piston Vent Vent Valve .... ........ Spring Check 1 1 Release 62 ............... Vemt Valve . . . Seat Complete Emergency 2 Ring Piston Repair) Valve. l _ring 44 512050 53 Piston Covet, Complete (Includes 67) .............. Valve 43a 52 1 Guide Spring ............ 507710 ............... Emergency Spring ........ (Includes ............... Repair) Piston I Ring Piston Emergency I 1 ...... Spring 61 VJlve 95968 ..... ....... Piston I Ve_t § 95053 Spring ........... Lmlie 42 Valve I I 94880 41 Seat Emergency 48, 94886 40 Valve Ring 69) ......... 38 * ............... Emergency Piston Check Valve Stop, 1 37 39 Repalr) Pressure 525021 550912 Complete Pi•ton Repair) (4th ....... ........ ............... Emergency 85814 Pin ............ and Piston (3rd and 68 Emergency ......... Spring (Includes 64, Emergency 85813 Valve Piston, Ring (2rid 36c Slide 50. (let 36b ............... FUror I Valve Check .................... ............... 50 51 ........... 28 30 31 Repair) | Ring Pressure 1 Quick Action Chamber Charging Choke. Complete (Includes 72) Valve "501006 .............. I ............... 49 Com- 26 Plug Excluder 554038) Body, Portion plete (Includes 25, and 27) .................. 25a e Req'd Repair) (4th Emergency Portion.,Complet with SMppin S Ce_;er and Name Fhresst_re (3rd 551341) 554484 Page 7 VALVES (net shown) ...... 1 3220-2 Pege 8 D-22-AR and D-22-BR SERVICE CONTROL IIS ApproL Net VALVES PORTION lWeAgI_ 116 1hi. Ill 3220-2 Page D-$2-AR sad D-$2-BR SERVICE Ref. Piece No. Number Part 525650 _3 Service Portion, with Shq_ping 512050 Check Valve Name Charging, Displ. Back Flow and 76b 2505 106 514173 Service Piston Oil 107 537894 Service Piston Return Spring 108 "513141 Service Return Spring 110 §507231 Release in. 1/2 x 6-3/8 in. Rel. Interlock 77"o 2505 1/2 in. 78 5951 1/2 x and Hex Hex ........... 5 525032 Chok_ 81 554578 1/4 82 95998 83 Plug Check ............ Filter ............ Plug (Ports 1/8 in. 3B and 9) ............ Choke Plug (5/64 77989 88 503476 5/8 in. Nut Cap 3/8 in. Wasp Check Valve 89 *507206 1/2 90b 502365 1/2 91 527110 Check Valve Cover ......... 92 508730 Check Valve Cover Gasket ReL Interlock §525286 in. Self Hex Oiling 93 104, Service 525222 94s 86159 4-3/4 93, 94b 86160 4-3/4 94c 86161 4-3/4 94d 86162 4-3/4 in. (2nd (3rd *513658 513139 99 513142 Service 100" 101 93940. 94860 Graduating 102 97379 Slide Serving 93946 Slide Valve Spring A: Foe Spring Idemtlflcation 1NOTE B: Not a part of the §NOTE C: Foe Sets Q_tlck Ccmdeming 2356-4. Valve Spring Slide Pin Stern 118, (includes 119 and Spring ......... Release Piston Spring Seat 118 507216 Release Stem 119 507214 Release Piston Spring ................... Piston Follower Release 121 513067 Qrgduated 122 511874 Graduated Casket 123 _511850 Q.S. 124 511838 511835 Q.S. Lim, ReL Ins. Retainer... Cap Release .................. Cap and Cages We to strongly should give Cap be Nut. 127. ..... 1 ..... 1 Complete 131 and .................... Release Insuring Cap Release Insuring Diaphragm 129 94856 Release Nut ....... ................. Valve Insuring 163) .............. Rainsse InsuringValve g 131 96023 Release 132 96022 Release Loci . . o , * lnauH.,l[ Nt_t. • • • • • o • • . • . o • Valve ............. laaurin 8 Valve Nut ................ 15, but the reccommend PIECE Casket Diaphragm 94911 Portion, dctme wUl I %O24 ......... page I ........ Insuring Body Va!ve Adjusting see ........ 127 ........ 1 I Rel. Portion _li_ ...... : ......... Spring 128 130 *518942 ....... I Release (Includes 1 I Spring Piston Lie. I ...... Cage ....... 74513 132) Limiting 1 Piston 120 1 116, 117. 120) ........... Release Valve Table. 1 "507213 507215 1 1 Spring .................... Follower Pin ........... Valve 116 117 Ring Spring 1 1 .......... Release Slide Valve Spring Pin Lock ................ Release Piston Spring and Ring Spring ............... Valve Ring 500130 Ring Valve 1 Piston 115 I I Prices Orders ............... Release Release 1 Guide ..... Seat ...... .......... Ring 500129 1 ...... 1 Piston 114 1 5prin S .......... Valve LL. 113 ............... Valve see 1 Ring Piston eNOTE fUted, (4th Repair) Release Slide ............. Service Slide of 507282 Repair) in. I ............... Release (Includes Gtlduatlng 525021 98 112 Repair) Follower Piston Pinta,s _¢tng Piston SWing Slide Valve 97 4 Release in. (3rd ............... Pinto_ Seryine Service S4wvine .... . . Piston Service Repolr) 94845 2-1/2 97, 96, Service 96 505868 1 Piston Repair).. (4th 95 llld ................ Repair) in. Stud 106) ........... ............. Service in. 1 Piston, Service Repair) 2-1/2 Ring 95. I05 and Piston in. (1st Body less (Includes 505867 3 5 ............. Service Complete, lllc Lie. Q.S Nut Ring 1 500781 and Repair) ............... in. Release Piston I 90a in. (Ist 2-1/2 531416 Excluder ......... Spring ........... • 5-5/8 505866 dr.) ............. I lllb (2rid I .............. 2 1 (Port 5).................. 86 Piston ..... Ring 2 in. I Piston Piston 1 80) ........ (1/32 in dr.) ................... in. 56 dr.) (No* (Port 5A) (Includes 1/8 in. Choke Plug 514783 .... 1 2-I/2 Valve Screw Choke Stud ........ 505865 2 Body 1 Plug Ilia Lim. ............. 1 I Interlock 3 ................... Cage 5 ............. in. Cap in. ............ Q.S. Nut 1-1/2 "Cover 80 Nut Piston Wick ................ 1/2 _ . . . Reaervob Em. Res. Release 519982 77a ..... Seat Retaining Ring .... ........ Service Piston Lubricating ............... Stud Lock Spring 518089 Stop • 2 in. Body Pin 10S Service Body (Includes 77, 81. 83, 86, 88, 90, two of 1/2 Valve Reservoir Reservoir Check 510095 Slide Req'd Name Service 513171 82). No. Part 97378 550912 76a Number 525022 75 and Piece No, 104 74 76 Ref. 103 Checks) Valve No. Req'd Complete, Supply Charging PORTION Cover (Aux. Charging, VALVES CONTROL a pert correct the quoted NUMBER use upon and of sine of these the Complete Ring to ba _kn_lce applied gages. apptlcatinn NA_ of part wanted Port/so. to the Bushing being 9 3220-2 Page I0 I)-22-AR sad D-22-BR SERVICE ReL Piece No. Number Part 513169 Q.S. and Valve Complete 127 133. 513222 Name Llmltin8 Insuring Q.S. 146 two of 197) and ......... (incindes 167) ............... 137 512609 Q.S. Limiting Valve Piston 140 *512528 Q.S. Limiting Valve Piston 141 512610 Spring Cage 142 512611 CaKe Spring 143 S12612 Spring 144 512613 512S41 147 148 512614 512168 Valve Seat Retainer Q.S. Limiting Valve Slide Valve Strut SLide Valve Strut Cap 94945 Plate Reservoir ................... Release Valve 95025 Plunger Reservoir 95047 Plunger Reservoir lSS 93971 FilLing Reservoir 156 " 93972 157 94888 3210 3/8 94977 Release Strut Slide Valve Cover ........ Interlock Slide (Includes 513938 186 513935 Strut Guide ................ 187 188 a513841 513936 Slide Valve Strut 189 512612 190 93986 Strut and 189) .............. Valve Strut. ............ Spring Sprin K Seat Spring Release Gasket 191 *524014 Release 192 513146 Spring Retaining Spring .............. Interlock Return I Piston Spring .............. Ring ......... 1/2 in. Stud Cap 1/2 • 2-7/8 in. Cap Screw ....... 199 25427 1/2 • 1-7/8 in. Cap Screw ....... 200 93868 I/4 • 3/8 in. 1-I/2 in. 522107 3/8 z 1-3/4 in, 3/8 in. Nut He• 1 Body Cap Cotter. indicated WABCOSEAI. 4 525651 ........ Service Valve Stud Seal 4) . .......... Table, is @ see Pc. a part 1 Strainer 2 Emergency 2 (Ref. Page No. of the WABCOTITE of o, Valve Cap Special in. Set Portion Screw Rut ..... ......... with Shipping Complete, less Shown) Body 65) . . Shown) Portion (Not Nut Shipping Complete, (Not Cop Nut .......... (shown Gasket on page 4) 15. any Service AND APPLIED Service Cover, ..... ............. Complete $25640 1 ........... Interlock Strainer I Page Seat. Valve Cover, (see IdentUicetinn the . . . I Gasket in Screw Valve 187, Seat Retainer .......... Interlock Strut Cover Body Strut ........ 74529 Val_e 1 ............. 198 Release ................. .... 186, 2 Valve... ........... 1 1 Valve 185, 188 Slide 1 Spring 1676 so Body .... End Valve Insurins Gasket 513962 Interlock Valve Check Release C: SLide Release ....... Release 516617 § NOTE 52710S 1 1 Piston 550911 S13660 163 included 184 Interlock 513102 Body Spring Release 194 .................. Not SIal01 SIS070 1_ 197 Handle B: 182 183 , , ............... I 2 Release A: For Gasket Dinpht_tgm. Piece .............. Release Check x 1-1/4 NOTE Body 1 2 Release Return Service * NOTE §511885 . . ............... and 513145 1506970 1296 181 2 ............. 193 162 167b 1 Screw 8e_vine I Reservolr • Cap Nut 1 Valve 3/16 Has Spring ............. Release Valve Reservoir Gasket 512708 6897 511838 ...... 2 ...... 179 180 . Cover) Release Interlock Vedve Body, Compinte L'inclu6,m two of 167) 318 • 1-718 in. 8b'ut Cover 185 . Stud S(:mt S13861 i_ Complete ...... 152 161 ...... ,,,. 175 1 ............ Valve Valve 160 1-S/8 securimi 3/8 Nut ..... Spring .................. Release • Req'd 5023455 .......... Release Release 158 ....... Limiting Valve Strut Cover Strut Cover Gasket ........... Check _/S Name 167d ............ Seat Reservoir Reservoir 154 and .............. 95171 94963 • 200 Pin ............. 150 lSl 153 513_9 1 SIMe '512156 No. Part Insmtng 88, L/mltLng Spring 1 Release Body Q.S, 146 Number 103, 512606 14S Piece No. afar 136 Return ReL 167c 102, and Limiting Valve No. Req'd Release VALVES (cmstinued) Portion, (includes tht_ CONTROL PORTION TO Parties, Portion but to be WABCCq'ITE PIPE s Part of the Control Valve, Complete. Complete." ADJUSTABLE FITTINGS BRAt:7[ET The WABCOSEAL. WABCO'HTE sad WABC(YI'ITE Adjustable Fittings used wlth these Control Valves are covered by Parts Ceasing No8. 3216-22, 3216-21, and 3216-21, Sup. 1 respectively, which also indlcete the Gaskets and C_p Screws to be used with the various Fittings. Any appropriate type of Fitting may be used, for iron pipe or copoet tube. or unused ports bicnked, by using Flat/riga or Binakicg Pads whinb fit the Finn_ea of aices tabufated below: FLANGE Port No. SIZES Flange 1 FOR WABCOGEAL Size FFYTINGS Port l in. No. 8 318 2 $14 10 l/2b_ 3 S/4in. IS $/8L_ S 3/4i_ 16 3/8 G 1/2in. Pdces Ordemshouldzlve i_ Flanze wlll bequoteduponeppt/csUae PIECE NUMBER msdNA_ofpluSsumted Size 1_ 1_ 3220-2 Pege D-$2-AR and D-2$-BR DOUBLE (For Ref. Piece No. Number CHECK D-22-BR CONTROL VALVE Control VALVES PORTION Valves Only) No. Part 532010 Double Check Name Req'd Valve Portion, Complete 224 536868 Check 225 226 532011 901789 Double Check Valve Valve Seal ............... 227 901838 Valve 228 229 523906 537551 532014 230 532013 231 Valve Bush Ring ..... 2 Body ...... 1 I ............... Cover 25427 1/2 Gasket _51368_ Body 233 525994 ReL Check 234 *535943 Check 19 Gasket (also Spring B - a part Spring s..,., Control .......... Valve Valve, 232 23_ v..., 0..,*, c*.c, v._., Portion S) Identification of -I _" as shown page A -- For 234 2 2 _NOTE Not Cap Valve *NOTE ,9 • I Cover I 2 (see 22e z3, _ 2 I II. page 5i ........... Valve .............. Check Z2T ' 22 S ................. Double Stud in. ,'- 1 1 .............. z 1-7/8 ZS0 1 (Includes 228, two of 224, 233 and 234) ............. Double Check Valve ......... Double Check Valve, Complete Cover .................. Screw 232 Retainer the Double Table, see Check Valve page 15. Portion, Complete, but a part of the Complete. WRENCHES FOR SPLINED SOCKET CHOKE PLUGS Pc. 517556 ....................................... 1/8 in. Plug Wrench Pc. 517557 ....................................... 1/8 in. Plug Wrench Pc. 517558 ...................................... 3/8 in. Plug Wrench Pc. 518032 ...................................... 1/2 in. Plug Wrench Prices O_ders should give will be PIECE quoted NUMBER upon application and NAME o( part wanted 11 3220-2 Page 12 D-22-ER The D-22-ER Control Valves CONTROL are OBSOLETE, however PIPE Piece Number Part 514933 Pipe Bracket 515940 Pipe Brick•t0 (IncLudes Portion, Pc. 5S0951) Retsinin 5026?4 1/2 • 1-7/8 in. Stud (for securing Bisnkin Itex I/2 in. 519982 1/2 • 6-3/8 2505 534506 I/2 I/2 2505 514928 Nut s Pad) ......... Portion) 1/2 in. 1/2 • 10-9/16 Hes Emergency Nut ..... Portion) secuJrix_g : . ServLce Portion) ....... as covered Valve 1/2 for 60 as 2 Strainer, Strainer 4 $|3686 Blenkin 515147 Safety plete and Complete Filling Piece $18025 F//lins Piece, ObsoletePc. Gasket Numbers PIECE S02365 FUl/ng Piece, Pc. No•. Pc. Complete 57584, 93539, 517999, 96184. S02365 two (fo= Obsolete PlllinS Piece, Pc. Nos. 515878, 27265, ((oI Pc. four Complete Pc. (includes 517075, 515878,517999. S06773, 961114. 2505) (for Pc. t NOTE on pa(e Part in. i/2 • 6-3/4 in. Stud 2505 1/2 in. Nut 27265 1/2 z 2 in. Stud (Blankin_ 1/2 in. . . ............... Hex Nut He• He• Nut Portion Pad ............. 507992 Controlled Emergency Portion Pad Gasket ................... 506773 3/8 in. WA BCOTITEOFit 93839 3/8 b_ Gasket Binnking Pad 514931 58763 1/2 z 4-1/'4 in. 2505 1/2 in. Nut 1 515547 Adapter 88311, 508314 Adapter 57584, ONkms •bm_d of IL:_ce* 30)89 1 FIIlins will be lih, e PlaCE PISce quoind NUMBER Has He• Bracket 78604 • 2-3/4 in. 2505 I/2 is, Nut Porboa, but upon He• the NA mr of pelt Gasket in. dr.)(Port .............. Gasket _maied 2 6).. 1 2 2 2 Pc. Nos. ........... .............. Device. Req'd 2 ............ ................. as I ............. (Includes and 2505). Compinte Pad. ........ ................. Stud s 1 Blanking S(uCL .............. upplJcatlm_ sad 1 Blankin ................. Bracket I or tins Plus(l/16 I/2 of Screw 2 2 Emergency Nut of the ....... Controlled in. • p4ut I Pad) 515878 1/2 B: Not 1 PortionBlankinsPad 502365 ...... 1 EmerBency Cap 1 1 .............. Controlled 7978 . , ................. 2._) 517070) Port) 517075 1 of 27265 (3-C ................. /n. Stud four Req'd 1/2 : 2-3/4 and Name 2505 Blanking ........ Adapter 9. 78604 1/2 two Pc. inclusive, 96184 No•. S02365 Obsolete 200 l of S14935° 517789 and 518260) PULing Piece° Complete, less 7. Cover • 1 in. of No•. B_rscket Shipping la. Choke two Obsolete on page 1/8 93839, 1 Valve 3/8 506773, Pad, . .............. $17999 517075, I Blanking 1 (Includes three .... Safety ............. in. Choke Plug(S44 dr.) a 6-1/4 in. Stud ............. 1 .......... 88311, end Gasket Control No. 7978, 57584, 7978 s Pad Valve 1 I 3/8 1/2 of 2505) 522786) I 57584 8831! S0677_ of 27265, and to 2505 .......... 78604, 1 Complete .............. Nut ................... 72 inclusive, (Includes 88311, .......... Piece of 2505) $18841) _6) .................. Number (Includes four 1 PORTION 88311, 78604, 506773, two of 27265, 7978, and Obsolete 517079).. with 73 515547 ............. Complete Pc. Nos. 57584, 93839, $17999. 96184, 517073, to (Port .......... Plus 525650 Bracket,Com- Nos. with 25 Req'd Adapter Pc. 508314)(for 1506970 (for Name and (Includes dr.) 1 ...... I Plug Sl0J Choke Rins Complete No, FULIn s Piece in. 502904 508155 Complete by Reference Piece Part Socket portion) ............... 1/2 Numbers FILLING Numbs• Nut 83796 SeaJins 1 psi. PORTION, covered s Service I/4 In. Socket Choke (7/64 in. dr.) (Port (i/16 3 ............... 78758 in. Req'd in. Stud Acorn 515572 Pc. Same follows. ................ Nut •ecurin in. 3 PORTION, SERVICE S17073 516320 4 by Reference set as Name Nut Acom z 10-5/16 (for Stud Same 515516 1/2 3 ..... .............. in. Safety $22788 514926 2 Emergency in. }Tea 112 in. 2 Nut ................. in. Stud securing 1/2 1 EMERGENCY 517072 2505 1 ................. securing PeN 516320 in. Stud in. He• • 8-3/8 (for ............ is offered No. Number 1 s Rln s .................. 502365 (for ....... Information Place No. Req'd Complete Parts PORTION Complete 530951 (for BRACKET Name VALVES • Rep_ 1 I 2 2 3220-2 Pnge D-$_ER INDEPENDENT The following are a set AppLication Pc. and APPLICATION of Parts Release necessary to AND Convert RELEASE D-22-ER No. Part 536297 Conversion Filling Piece, 508314 Gasket (T'ldependent 511014 I/2 2505 535428 1/2 m. Hex Independent Kit, 523911 Gasket x 4-3/8 1/2 Stud FUUng (for and securing Piece (between s 5-1/4 to Hez 93992 Check 518929 Hd. FiUing Valve, AppUcetinn Cap Engine Cap §515870 Screw Valye Spring CHECK Gasket DEAD ENGINE Obsolete Pc. F_ Identlflcetion this included o ,, No. Re(i'd I I I Change-Over Cock ............................... ..., ,., . , . ,, COCK and PORTION Conve_ed Control Valves) Name No. portion, Req'd Complete ......... . .... ...,.,.,,,,,.., o,., o,,° .......................................... Spring ...................................... Table, D-22-ER see Independent Release Pc.rtl_. PORTION Complete 522786 Cap Nut ........................................ Handle ......................................... of I 4 Name CHANGEoOVER NO. cock Cock nge .......... 1 98031 C -- Not Piece) I Key Key and FilLing ........................................ Cock Ccck pLicetinn and .................................... ,. Sprinl 2 I ........................................... Bod_ converting 2 ............... Engine Gasket B --In Valve VALVE Portion, Dead Body 2231 522795 .......................... ........................... Release Part 522794 I and Piece Complete and No. 522789 Req'd , ............. ........................... ........................................ Valve Nut Body §$15870 5227g0 A -- Independent ....................................... ENGI_IE Check Body Valve (For tNOTE Type l Part Dead *NOTE D-24 .............. Application Valve No. Valve Check * to use No. Valve) Independent Control Independent in. 513428 93991 Pc. Valves Name Release Nut .................................................... AppbcaLion and Release 517074 * Control PORTION ............................................... Application DEAD Pc. VALVE Complete Complete in. Release 25430 VALVES Valve. 538298 §NOTE CONTROL Valves, see Portion, Orders should coaverted Cststol 81vs wLil and bu/ pete a part be quoted PIECE Release Portina 3220-4, Complete, Prices IS* AppLication the Parts in the pegs NUMBER then Valves becomes to Pc. D-24 535428. S. of the up_a C_trol Valve. Complete. application and NA _' n! pert wa_ed Type For Independent Complete Apcover- 13 3220-2 Page 14 D-22-ER CONTROL VALVES CONTROLLED (for EMERGENCY Obsolete Pc. Piece Number 518926 515818 Part Co_trolled Controlled Eme:_ency Emergency (Includes 517998 527360 I/8 in. Double and Pc. Plug Valve Pc. $14500, $27345. 527346 Small Check Valve Check Valve S14500 Small Double 527352 514496, and 527344) Check Seal Piston Valve Piston Double Check 38453 1-3/16 in. 50968 521909 1-3/16 Double in. Piston Ring (3rd Check Valve Piston 514501 Double Check 512050 Check 515878 Controlled 11760 1/2 • 1-3/8 NOTE: .......... .......... Seal &2nd Bush ...... * Repalt) Repair). Nut ....... Gasket . ...... in. Cap Portion) Portion Screw Gasket (ControUed .............. 2 A: For Spring IdentLflcstlon Not a part of the should Table, Controlled Prices Orders . . . give will see be PIECE quoted 508476 Seal $15877 Seal 515836 Diaphragm 508477 516758 Diaphragm Follower 508475 91831 Diaphragm Port Gasket 94581 514499 Check Check Disphrngsn S08476, .................. ....................... Retainer .................. ....................... .................... Follower .............. Nut .................. Cover ............... ................... Valve Valve Spring Cover .............. .............. 3207 3/8 • 1-1/2 in. Cover Cap Screw ..... 4 15784 3/8 x in. Cover Cap Screw ..... 4 1-1/8 514497 Check Valve Covet 527344 Piston Seal Retaining 508776 Diaphragm 550912 Check 546343 1/4 in. but • part Spring Gasket Ring ......... 1 ......... 1 ............... 1 Valve Stop ............... 1 Pipe Plug ............... 1 15. Portlon, upon NUMBER with Req'd Complete 516758) Stem page Emergency Name Pc. Nos. S08480, 515836, 508477 508480 .... ................... Emergency Emergency * NOTE Valve Valve and 527346, Ring(Ist Stem Follower, (Includes 515877, ............ Valve Diaphragm 1 1 ............... Check Part and 38453, Bush sad 522786) No. 518928 .............. Valve Piston Complete ............ $27352, Double Piece Number Complete Nos. 514496 No. Req'd (No. 55 dr.) ....... Bush with Piston Valve, (Includes 521909 Portion, Portion 517998) Choke Check Check 527345 Name PORTION 518841 Not. of the spplluaflon stud NAME of pm't wanted Complete Device. 3220-2 Poge I)-$2-AR and D-22-BR SPRING CONTROL VALVES IDENTIFICATION The following table is shown to enable railroad men, storekeeperf, and aU Air Brake men to identify the vsriotis springs used in the devices cataloged herein. [[ is based on cslcuinted figures and the actual springs will very somewhat, due to small differences in wire dinmeter, coil diameter, number of turns, etc. This tsbulatinn is intended for identification only and should not be used for say other purpose. It does not represent s speci(icstioa for the springs mentioned. .j___ SPRING Piece Approx. Out. Approx. Dis. ApproL Free Number DIS. Wire Hr. idAYt ;dBP, Al_ro_No. IDENTIFICATION Material Name 1-25/64" .120" 2-47/64" 7-1/2 Steel Vent 2616 15/16" .095" 2-1/16" 8 Steel H.P.V. 501006 S3/64" .062" 2-13/32" II Steel Emer. 94839 11/16" .065" I-1/8" 13 Ph. Bz. Dinphrs 93940 11/64" .020" 12 Ph. Bz. Graduating 21/32" V. Spring Spring Piston V. 94S81 31/64" .028" 1-3/32" 7 Ph. BZ. Check Valve 35/64" ,040" 1-7/64" 7 Ph. Bz. Check Valve 513658 27/32" • 972" 2-1/8" lO Steel Piston Tail 7-1/2 Steel Ser. 12-1/2 Steel ReL Piston 8-I/2 S13141 1-7/8" .177" 507213 1-S/16" .148" 3-7/32" 4-3/8" 1-9/64" Pier. S18942 I/2" .062" Steel Rel. Ins. 512528 11/16" .I13" 2-5/8" I0 Steel Q.S. Lira. 512156 1-I/8" 2-1/8" 7 Steel 9S02S 93972 I$/16" .135" .098" 2-1S/16" 11 Steel Q.S. Res. Lira ReL 9/16" .057" 1-15/32" 8 1-7/64" .162" 2-7/8" 10 Steel ReL 7/8" .10S" 3" Steel Piston 47/64" .072" 1-13/32" 11-1/2 7 2-29/64" 35/64" .187 _ Sq .035" 5/8" .0907" 94952 5O0944 1-53/64" $35943 2231 eNund)ef of Turns of Wire on each Spring should Bz. Ph. Check Oz. Check Steel 59164" 8 Ph. Bx. Check 17/32" 3-1/2 Ph. Bz. Cock Counted give [3etweem will PIECE Extreme be quoted NUMUER upon and of the Spring Spring Spring Ret. Spring Spring V. Spring V. Spring Slide Valve V Plunger Spring 8. V. Spring Return Valve Piston Ends Spring Valve Int. 6 Prices Orders Ph. Swing g_n Spring 507206 524014 Spring s,CI, 81643 513841 of Turns Spring Spring Return Valve Key SPring Spring Spring Wire. applicetion NAME of pert wanted Strut Spring Spring 1$ 3220-2 Page 16 Westinghouse Air Brake Company Air Brake Division WILMERDING, PA., U.S.A. OFFICES ATLANTA 3 ............................................................ CmcAoo 4 .................................................. CLIVR_ND DE_rvEn 2, MExico, NEw Railway Building Midland Building Gas and Electric Building Commerce Building TEx .................................................... D. F., YORK MExico ............................................... Edi_cio I .................................... Empire ST. LOUIS 3 ......................................................... ST. PAUl. I ................................................ SAO PAULO, B_SXL .................................................. SAN FIt._NClSCO 5 ...................................................... WASmNGTON IIi_| PRINTED IN U J*&, 6, D. C ..................................................... Building Exchange 15 ........................................................ 2 .................................................... HOUSTON Candler First National Largo Aztlan State Building Shell Building Bank Building Paisandu, Matson Ring 72 Building Building G-h-3231-1 "B" TYPERELAYVALVES ° Parts C_log OThese Complete longer available. devices. This coverage Devices This Catalog is temporary and oezl_in In_ludes o5 Ehelr t_pai_parts m_d mu_ect details ate presently to change without now obsolete available and for notice. WESTINGHOUSE AIR WILMERDING, WESTINGHOUSE PENNSYLVANIA/ no these BRAKE DIVISION AIR BRAKE COMPANY __t'_ A 20 22 4321 23 A ) 11 Section D-D ) 3B" _" 44 3A 14A 14B Section 38 39 58 Section C-C 5 57A 578 ,72 ,36 D 4l Section 17 B-B 8 A-A @ 30 View 16 -2- B-3-A Type Showing Strainer W_m_D "D" TYPERELAY VALVES Ref. Pc. No. B No. PansName I"B'Lt.Wt.[B-3-A 3A 3A No. Type Req'd RELAY VALVE STUD, 5/8 PORTION, x 7-3/4 ASSEMBLY in ............................ 4 4 8 3B ..... 97376 27009 00783 { ! ..... STUD, 5/8 x 6-1/4 in ............................ NUT, Hex., 5/8 in ............................. 3B ..... i NUT, 5 5 551555 .... ..... Hex., 5/8 in ............................. VALVE BODY, Asy. (Includes 5A, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, RELAY VALVE BODY, Asy. (Includes 5A, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,two 14B, S7A, 57B, four of 16A and 5A 99405 PLUG, 6 97359 SCREW, Set, 7 97514 97515 PAD, .................................. 8 9 9733615514561 10 97516 97336 4 RELAY Pipe, Oil I/4 16B) l/4 x 7/8 RETAINER, Oil Small Piston WICK, Oil 97517 551457 97517 NUT, 94032 551458 94032 PLUG, Choke, 13 97588 ...... 97588 PLUG, Pipe, Cap, ..................... in .......................... Pad .......................... .......................... Oil Filler 1/8 1/4 ......................... in. (3/16 in. Dr.) 6897 ...... 6897 SCREW, .... 513969 .... STUD, 3/8 x I-5/8 14B .... 502369 .... NUT, Hex., 3/8 16A 1759 ...... 1759 16A .... 555274 .... SCREW, Cap, H.Hd., 5/8 x 1-1/2 STUD, 5/8 x 2-1/4 in ........................... 16B .... 502387 .... NUT, Cap, H.Hd,, Hex., .................. in .......................... 14A 14A 3/8 x 1-7/8 in ................... in ............................ in ............................. 5/8 in ............... PISTON, t8 86160 RING, Piston, Relay (2nd Repair) ...................... 18 86161 86162 RING, Piston, Relay (3rd Repair) ....................... RII4G, Piston, Relay (4th Repair) Relay .............................. 530010 PISTON LEVER and BEARING, 19 97346 LEVER, Piston ............................... 20 2l 526455 97349 22 97347 NUT, 23 97348 COVER, Bearing 24 97358 SCREW, Adjusting, 25 97351 SPRING, Exh. 26 540880 STEM, 27 540881 VALVE, 28 540882 NUT, 556258 EXHAUST 540884 PISTON, 30 549184 RING, 31 521819 NUT, 29 BEARING, Lever Bearing GASKET, 34 97344 STEM, Appl. Stem PISTON, Exh. PISTON, 36 36 40765 45576 (2nd Repair) 10-32 Exh. 29, 60, 61, 62 and 63) ...... ......................... PISTON, Valve Application Application APPLICATION VALVE 37 94009 VALVE, Pilot _s 97381 _9 41 39574 SPRING, SPRING, Pilot Valve Application 527060 COVER, Relay 42 43 97365 36401 GASKET, 44 97368 GASKET, Asy., (Includes Valve Valve PILOT (2nd Repair) (3rd Repair) VALVE, ............................ Piston valve Piston Relay Asy. ...................... ........................... Piston ................................ .............................. -3- 35, 67, 68 and 69) ........ .......................... ............................... Cover, Body ..................... ........................ V ......................... Valve VALVE Piston, Piston, cap (Includes V ............................. Application RING RING, NUT, V. No. Application 540890 Asy. V ............................. Cover, 35 V ..................... ....................... ............................ Exh. APPLICATION ....... ............................ Stop, 556259 two of 23) ........................... VALVE Piston, COVER, 20 and V ........................... Elas. 97357 19, ............................ V. Exh. 540888 1540897 }s40888 542224 Shaft Retaining 33 (Includes ............................ Exhaust 32 ....................... Asy. ............................ Bearing Exh. . ...... in ............................ 97345 SHAFT, three .............................. 12 i8 Of 11, of 11)... in ............................. BUSH, II 17 13, and two ....................... .................. .................. (Includes 37, 71 and 72) ....... of 14A, 1 _h-3_1-1 "B" TYPERELAY VALVES-CONTINUED Ref. Pc. No. B No. I "B"Lt.Wt, Parts B-3-A 45 97369 97369 ,o,,* 46 97923 97923 °*.,° 55 • o,,* I,°,° S7A ..... 98334 S7B ..... 502369 58 540894 ...... 58 ...... ...... 551459 55L198 59 Name NO. Req Type BRACKET, Mounting, L.H ........... o°*°°°°°°o BRACKET, STRAINER Mounting, .................. R.H ........... o°,,°°*°° ,.°°, STUD. 3/8 x 2-1/4 ,q,*° NUT, Hex., 3/8 NUT, Cap, 42291 _40894 ,*°°. COVER, °°,o,,°°° in ............. ,°°,¢°°,° in .............. Application °o°,,°°¢° Valve Application Valve ......... .......... 60 61 540883 GASKET, Application Valve .......... STEM and SEAT, Exh. V. Piston ........ 540886 SEAL, 62 540887 RETAINER, Seal ............... 63 528L08 NUT, Stop, 7/16 67 54089L SEAL, 68 540892 SEAT, 69 528108 NUT, 71 540893 STEM, Pilot Valve .............. 72 517043 SEAL, Pilot Valve .............. °q°°. Exh. W ................ Elas. Application Application Elas. Stop, Prices Orders should give °°io°°l¢,°o°°, ,,°I°_,°°°°°°° in ........... °°°_°o°oo°°°o° V. Piston V ......... o,°,o°,°o°°o°, V. Piston V ......... °°,°°o°I°°°°°° 7/16 will ,o°,°°°°°° °,°°°°°o°°,°,, in ........... be quoted PIECE NUMBER .°°_0,°°°o°,°° °°¢°°,°o°°.,°° °°°_°°°°°°°°°, upon and application NAME of part wanted WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKEOlVISIOfl WILM(RDING April 1967 pA /Wl$11ngbovle A_r _flkB COmpLY, Prtntud in U,$.A, 3231-2 "F" TYPERELAY VALVES Parts Catalog No. June,. 3231-2 (Superseding Issue of January, 1955 1950) RECEIVED MAR271973 Mneer-Equ_entE_nemq. (Type FS-1864) Westinghouse AirBrake COMPANY AIR BRAKE DIVISION )_® WILMERDING, PA. 3231-2 FS-1864 AND F-1864 RELAY VALVES 32 ?t 70 tt 45 TI ¢| _ 1 70 •T St 01 $4 _ I I_,'//,.. SB £ $* $0 _ TT i ST @ / 41 Z7 / • t$ tt is• Is$ ! t _ • t 7 Z3 E4 21 tst l0 4t .._4s /IS3 • 5 Itl t4 I 31 ist ISl Wt to, 17o 14 ill tl 171 85 117 07 I _lb tO i 4 t4 I| i t*4 I 3Q_ ITO 174/" i. w.,6t* Approx. Net]WelShts---FS-1864, F-1864, 160 ills. IS5 Ibs. 4¢ 4t 4_' ST 34 It 31 go 3231-2 F-1864 AND FS-1864 RELAY VALVES I Type Pipe Magnet Portion Relay Valve Complete* I Pc. No. Voltage F-1804 F-1864 F-1864 F-1864 F-1864 540936 540941 540937 540940 540943 539904 539904 539905 539905 539907 32 32 64 64 llO FS-1864 FS-1864 FS-1864 FS-1864 540935 540942 540938 540939 520270 520270 520271 520271 32 32 64 64 Pc. Bracket Portion Mounting No. Port Flange Relay Portion Inshot Portion No. 6 S.P. No. 30 B.C. 527315 527315 527315 527315 527315 I* 1" I# 1" 1_ I" 1" 1" I# I" 527315 527315 527315 527315 I" 1" 1* 1_ 1_ 1" 1" 1" 513580 515575 513580 515575 513580 Susp. Floor Susp. Floor Susp, 542510 542510 542510 542510 542510 513500 515575 513580 515575 Susp. Floor Susp. Flcor 542510 542510 542510 542510 t Sizes* I No. C.P. 16 S,_ • 3A- 3A- t *The Comvlete WABCOTITE 3216-21, theme Piece Numbers Adjustable 1 respectively, Sup, shown Fitting, may of be are Flange applied. less Fittings. Sizes These Any indicated Catalogs style of shown the Cap in Ref. No. WABCOSEA[® Part Screws WABCOTITE Catalogs 3216-22. and Gaskets used @ 3216-21 in applying or or Fittings. RELAY Pc. appropriate above, as also indicate No. Ref. No. 542510 540883 540886 540887 540907 7 8 9 10 3211 11 528108 507323 11775 94032 97588 514975 513146 540900 515794 505994 540880 540881 540882 **550390 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 540884 540885 25 26a 549184 26b 521819 77989 97344 **542223 PORTION 27 PC. Relay Portion, Complete, with Shipping Cover Exhaust Valve Piston Stem and Seat Exhaust Valve Piston Seal Exhaust Valve Piston Seal Retainer Relay Valve Body (Includes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18) I/_- x 3_ • Exhaust Valve Cover Cap Screw (2 Req'd) Exhaust Valve Piston Nut Application Adjusting Screw Application Adjusting Set Screw _" Choke Plug (_* Drill) _" Special Pipe Plug Strainer Strainer Retaining Ring Exhaust Valve Cover (Includes 20) l/_- Pipe Plug Exhaust Valve Cover Gasket Exhaust Valve Stem Exhaust Valve Exhaust Valve Retaining Nut Exhaust Valve Piston, Complete, with Ring (Includes 7, 8, 9, 12, 25 and 26b) Exhaust Valve Piston 15/(6" Exhaust Valve Piston Ring (Ist Repair) l_" Exhaust Valve Piston Ring (2nd Repair) Exhaust Valve Nut No. 542224 540893 197381 139574 540894 515728 32 33 34 35 515729 513155 513653 513156 79008 3885 _511410 530010 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 97346 526455 97349 97347 97348 36401 513827 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 513959 50a 502369 94891 194581 526992 513573 513571 22588 50b 51 52 53 54 55 56a 56b 57 58 28 29 Cap Nut Application Valve Stem Application Piston Valve, Complete, with Ring (Includes 30, 3lb, 77, 78 and 79) 540890 81207 30 31a Piston Piston Valve Ring 27009 94009 513631 40765 31b Application Valve 15/_ • Application (1$t Repair) 1_/_ , Application (2nd Repair) Piston Valve Ring 513632 59 16 " Application "_6/_3rdRepair) Piston Valve Ring 513549 513634 60 61 is furnished with 45576 31c **NOTE #NOTE A--Unless otherwise specified, the 2nd Bepalr Ring B--For Spring Identification Table, see page 5. Orders should Prices give will be PIECE quoted upon application NUMBER and NAME Application Valve Pilot Valve, Complete (Includes 32, 57 and 76) Application Pilot Valve Stem Application Valve Spring Application Piston Valve Spring Application Valve Cap Nut Relay Piston, Complete, with Diaphragm (Includes 36, 38, 39, 40 and 41) Relay Piston (Includes 37) Relay Piston Stud Large Diaphragm (100_) Large Diaphragm Follower (100%) Relay Piston Castle Nut _" x s/_• Cotter Release Spring Piston Lever and Bearing, Complete (Includes 43, 44 and two of 47) Piston Lever Lever Bearing Bearing Shaft Bearing Shaft Nut (2 Req'd) Beating Cover (2 Req'd) Bearing Cap Nut Diaphragm Housing, Complete (Includes three of 50a and 50b) _* x 1_• Check Valve Cover Stud (3 Req'd) s/_- Hex Nut (3 Req'd) Check Valve (3 Req'd) Check Valve Spring (3 Req'd) Check Valve Cover Check Valve Cover Gasket Diaphragm Housing Gasket 5/_- x 31_ * Diaphragm Housing Bolt • (4 Req'd) 5/_. Hex Nut (4 Req'd) Application Pilot Valve Small Diaphragm Pusher Plate (40%) Small Diaphragm Backing Ring (40%) Small Diaphragm (40%) Small Diaphragm Follower (40%) all of combinations part wanted of Piston with P_xg, 3231-2 F-1864 Pc. No. Ref. No. 513635 62 513636 63 513654 513638 64 65 513639 66 513640 67 AND FS-1864 RELAY VALVES Pc. No. 2nd Intermediate Gasket (60_) 2rid Intermediate (60%) 2rid Intermediate 2rid Intermediate lower (60_) tat Intermediate Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm 513563 513842 68 69 513644 71 Large Ring 514853 72 Diaphragm Clamping 513643 70 73 Diaphragm Housing §25429 74 I/_ Relay Req'd) Ring §513572 75 Relay 517043 76 Application 528108 77 _6 _ Application 540891 78 Application Piston 540892 79 Application Pilot Ring (80_) Fol- Gasket 519342 INSHOT Pc. No. 527315 527000 527316 513122 73875 527317 82 83 513309 51744_ 526991 75056 f512902 84 85 86 87 88 515575 1751 513971 111 120 515576 i2O $07748 121a 10829 121b Pilot Seal Valve Valve Valve Piston Guide Retaining Ring _" x _" Cotter Supply Valve Exhaust Valve 94 Supply and Exhaust (2 Recl'd) Cap Nut (2 Req'd) Port Seal 95 96 25339 97a Sea] Nut Seal Seat Cover, Com- 97b 99 Valve Spring 3/_* x 1_" Exhaust Valve Body Bolt (4 Req'd) _" Hex Nut (4 Req'd) Inshot Valve Body Gasket (2 Req'd) PORTION PC. NO. Ref. NO, 502674 122a I_- 10829 513583 122h 513584 123 I/_# Hex Nut (2 Req'd) Terminal Block (Socket), Complete (Includes 123, six o[ 127, eight of 124, 125 and sixteen of 126) Terminal Block 514199 79486 5741 513585 25472 124 125 126 127 128 x 1_ m Magnet (2 Req'd) Portion Socket Terminal (8 Req'd) Square Nut (8 Req'd) Hex Nut (16 Req'd) Terminal Clip (6 Req'd) _12 x 1_* Terminal Block (3 Req'd) Stud Screw PORTION Pc. NO. Rat. No. PC. NO. Rat. No. 520270 Magnet Portion (32 Volt; with Switch) Complete with Shipping Cover (for FS-1864) 539905 520271 Magnet Portion (64 Volt; with Switch) Complete with Shipping Cover (for FS-lg04) 539907 539906 Magnet Portion (110 Volt; with Switch) Complete with Shipping Cover (for FS-1864) 539904 Magnet Portion (32 Switch) Complete Cover (for F-1864) |NOTE Cap Gasket Valve 89 90 91 92 93 513313 513569 2220 §513569 Pipe Bracket Portion for Suspension Mounting, Complete Pipe Bracket Portion for Floor Mounting, Complete Strainer (Ports _/6 and 30) (2 Req'd) Pipe Bracket (Includes two of 12Is, 121b, 122a, 122b and 111) (Suspension Mounting) Pipe Bracket (Includes two of 121a, 121b, 122a, 122b and 111) (Floor Mounting) I/_. x 57/_ * Magnet Portion Stud (2 Req'd) l_m Hex Nut (2 Req'd) MAGNET tNOTE Body Pilot Nut Body Ref. No. t513312 Ref. NO. 513580 Valve Cap Valve Relay Portion Shipping plete (See Page 11) 513311 513608 4900 513308 513307 BRACKET x 4_" Screw (4 (100_) Bolt PORTION Pc. No. Inshot Valve Portion, Complete Supply Valve Body Exhaust Valve Body (Includes 32 and 83) Exhaust Port Strainer Strainer Pin Diaphragm Piston, Complete (Include_ 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 and 91) Diaphragm Piston Diaphragm Diaphragm Follower Diaphragm Piston Nut Piston Spring PIPE Pc. No. VALVE Ref. NO, 80 81 Ring 513185 Diaphragm Ring Diaphragm (60_) Fol. Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Ref. NO. Ring Gesket(80_) 1st Intermediate (80_) Imt Intermediate tat Intermediate lower (80_) Large Diaphragm (100_) (Continued) Volt; with without Shipping A--The Cap Screws and Gaskets so indicated but [n the Complete Relay Valve. lJ--For Spring Identification Table, tee Page 5, Orders should Prices give will be PIECE are not 513589 135 514179 135 5951 136 Included in the quoted upon application NUMBER and NAME Magnet Portion (64 Volt; without Switch) Complete with Shipping Cover (for F-1864) Magnet Portion (110 Volt; without Switch) Complete with Shipping Cover (tar/;'-1884) Magnet Bracket (Includes two of 136a, 136b, 137a and 137b) (for FS-1864) Magnet Bracket (Includes two of 137a and 137b) (for F-1864) _" X 1 _* Blanking Plate Cap Screw (2 Req'd for F-1864) Complete of part Piece wanted Number ot any Portion. 3231 F-1864 D D Pc. No. AND FS-1864 RELAY VAL'tES Ref. No. Pc. No. 513567 I36a _-_" x 5_" Switch Body Req'd) (for FS-1864) 2505 188005 136b 137a 2220 513591 137b 138 506276 139 _" Hex Nut (2 Req'd) 3/_- x IS_" Inshot Valve Body (2 Req'd) _" Hex Nut (2 Recl'd) H.S. Magnet Choke (Includes and 176) Filter for H.S. Magnet Choke 513593 513595 513596 513595 514802 513598 140 141 142 143 144 513584 513600 I45 146 79486 5741 513602 25472 147 148 149 150 503487 503688 151 152 507368 512275 76747 510353 532506 532505 153 _54 155 156 157 157 532507 520902 157 158 502453 159 M.S. Magnet Choke Stud (Includes (2 512368 Stud 139 503400 160 152272 _53003 503402 503413 512369 161 162 163 164 and M.S, Check Valve, Complete (Includes 160, 162, 163, 164 and two of 1617 (2 Req'd) H. and M.S. Check Valve Seat (2 Req'd) Check Valve Check Valve Check Valve Check Valve L.S. Check cludes 166, 503410 503409 503431 165 166 167 503430 168 503429 529392 169 170 503408 513362 96550 54349 170 171 172 173 503349 174 §513570 525802 175 176 532503 182 513585 519343 183 Screw Magnet Core (3 Req'd) Armature (3 Req'd) Armature Stem (3 Req'd) Armature Stem Nut (3 Req'd) Armature Core Washer (3 Req'd) Magnet Coil (64 Volts) (3 Req'd) Magnet Coil (32 Volts) (3 Req'd) Magnet Coll (I 10 Volts) (3 Req'd) Magnet Spool Upper Gasket (3 Req'd) Magnet Cap Nut (3 Req'd) 1NOTE A--The Gasket so indicated is not included in Relay Valve. NOTE B--For Repair Par_w available for the Former the Complete Standard tSPRING (6 Req'd) , Spring (3 Req d) Spring Guide (3 Req'd) Spring Seat (3 Req'd) Valve, Complete (InPc. 507373 and two of 161) 507373 Plug Contact (8 Req'd) Square Nut (8 Req'd) Hex Nut (16 Req'd) Shunt x II_" Terminal Block (3 Req'd) Magnet Housing (3 Req'd) H. 141) Filter for M.S, Magnet Choke L.S. Magnet Choke (Includes 143) Filter for L.S. Magnet Choke Filter Cap Nut (3 Req'd) Terminal Block (Plug), Complete (Includes 145, 149, eight of 146, 147 and sixteen of 148) Terminal Block #12 (Continued) Ref. No. Piece K-3 L.S. Lower Check Valve Seat, Complete (Includes 162, 153, 164 and 165) L.S. Lower Check Valve Scat L.S. Upper Check Valve Seat Small Check Valve Seat Seal (3 Req'd) Large Check Valve Seat Seal (3 Req'd) Check Valve Cap Nut (3 Req'd) K-3-B Pneumatic Switch, Complete (see Part Catalog 3228-67 (for FS-1864) (See Note B) Switch Blanking Plate (for F-1864) Lead, 13 _ Long (for FS-1864) Lead, 12_* Long (for FS-1864) Terminal Cllp (2 Req*d) (for FS1864) Switch Body or Blanking Plate Gasket Magnet Bracket Gasket Filter Retainer for H.S. Magnet Choke Magnet Spool Lower Gasket (3 Req'd) Terminal Clip (6 Req'd) Magnet Portion Shipping Cover, Complete (See Page II) Number Switch. see of Part the Portion, Catalog but in the Complete 3228-0. IDENTIFICATION The following table is shown to enable railroad men, storekeepers, and all Air Brake men to identify the various springs used in the Relay Valves catalogued herein. It is based on calculated fiRures and the actual springs will vary SOmewhat, due to the small difference in wire diameter, coil diameter, number of turns, etc. This tabulation is intended for identification only and should not be used for any other purpose. It does not represent a specification for the springs mentioned. SPRING -t-- Outside Dia. Pc. No. Dia. Wire Free Height ,,A- 97381 39574 511410 94581 512902 513312 53003 Number t, c 1_" 1 of # turns for each - 15½ .054" .080 # .080" .028" A05" .025" .051" I_8 # Approx. No. Turns ' 2_" 2++_- 7 5 7 8 7 I0 1+ 2_" 2_6+ ipring counted between WRENCHES ) Pc. No. 517556 517557 517558 S_, _* _" Multi-Splined Multi-Splined Multi-Splined Key Key Key Orders IDENTIFICATION Material Steel Steel Steel Phos. Bronze Steel Pho_. Bronze Phos. Bronze extreme ends should for l_" Choke for V4 # Choke for _# Choke Prices give will be PIECE Plug Plug Plug Used Application Valve Spring Relay Portion App. Piston Valve Spring Relay Portion Release Spring Relay Portion Check Valve Spring Relay Portion Inshot Portion Piston Spring Portion Supply & Exhaust Valve Spring I Inshot Check Valve Spring Magnet Portion of the wire. FOR SPLINED SOCKET TYPE CHOKE (Including Magnet Choke Plugs) Wrench Wrench Wrench Where of Spring Name (Relay and H.S. Magnet (M.S. Magnet Choke) (L.S. Magnet Choke) quoted upon application NUMBER and NAME of part PLUGS Chokes) wanted 2 3231-2 FMS-186 RELAY VALVE 11 ?i 741 II 41 i't $2 li 50 "t0 41# @ i|O _ IS| I|S iS4 45 _1 I|# 14 II I 5Q ISl 170 9_ Ill 14 IS Ilr i 17 I? '_ i T4_lll _ i, *• . qOj" 10 13| lit lit 114 I*Obl. Iil llO *._ I'PI_ 1_18 144 131 4T4 _ Ii1.,.i m*** i_ FUllO 141 14 I 141 141 141 147 it I I?| 14 114 Approx. Net Weight 186 Ibs. Ills ill II? 1|3 ill +I +I +4 3231-2 FMS-186 Relay Type Magnet Valve Complete* FMS-186 I Pc. 543383 RELAY Pipe Portion No. Voltage 539910 64 Bracket Portion No. Mo Pc. VALVE 535008 Re'ay Inshot Portion ** rating Floor Port Flange Sizes* Portion** No. 6 S.P. NBoc3.0. . . No. 16 C.P. 527315 1" 1" s/_, 542510 *The Comulete Piece Numbers shown are less I¢Ittin |. An,, appropriate style of WABCOSEAL.@ WABCOTITEt or WABCOTITE Adjustable Fitting, of Flange Sizes In'Seated above, ag shown in Part Catalogs 3216-22, 3216-21 or 3216-21, Sup. I respectively, may be applied. These Catalogs also indicate the Cap Screws and Gaskets used in applying these Fittings. **For details of Relay and Inshot Portion, see pages 3 and 4. PIPE Pc. No. Ref. Pc. No. Pipe Bracket Portion, 111 Strainers 535010 120 Pipe Bracket 121b, 122a, 500676 121a _" (Ports #6 and x 75/_" Adapter 30) Nut Plate _" _"x3_'AdapterPlateandMagnet Portion Stud (2 Req'd) (2 10829 122b 1/_" Hex 513584 514199 123 124 79486 5741 513585 125 120 127 25472 128 513796 513570 129 130 Req'd) (2 Req'd) Adapter Plate, Complete (Includes 129, Pc. 513583 and three of 128) MAGNET Pc. No. Ref. 26708 131 PORTION Pc. No. No. 539910 Ref. No. Magnet Portion, Complete with Shipping Cover Magnet Bracket (Includes two of 136a, 136b, 137a and 137b) 502453 512368 159 Stud 503400 512272 160 161 Stud t53003 503402 503413 512369 162 163 164 535007 135 513567 136a I_, x 51/_ * (2 Req'd) 2505 188005 136b 137a _ s_, Hex Nut (2 Req'd) x I_" Inshot Valve (2 Req'd) 2220 513593 137b 140 _" Hex Nut M.S. Magnet (2 Req'd) Choke (Includes 141) 513595 513596 141 142 Filter for M.S. Magnet Choke L.S, Magnet Choke (Includes 143) 507373 513595 143 Filter 514802 513598 144 Strainer Cap Nut Terminal Block (Includes 145, 147 and sixteen (2 Req'd) (Plug), Complete 140, eight of 146, of 148) 503410 503409 503431 166 167 513584 513600 79486 5741 513602 145 140 147 148 149 Terminal Block Plug Contact (8 Req'd) Square Nut (8 Req'd) Hex Nut (16 Req'd) Shunt 503430 168 503429 529392 189 170 25472 150 _12 x 1_" (3 Req'd) 513362 503487 503688 507368 151 152 153 Magnet Housing (2 Req'd) Magnet Core (2 Req'd) Armature (2 Req'd) 171 172 173 174 512275 76747 510353 154 155 156 Armature Armature Armature 532506 502902 157 158 Magnet Coll (2 Req'd) Magnet Spool Upper Gasket (2 Req'd) INOTE tNOTE NOTE Switch for L.S. Body Magnet Body Block (2 Req'd) Nut (2 Req'd) Washer (2 Req'd) Prices should glve will L.S. Upper Check Valve Scat Small Check Valve Scat Seal (2 Req'd) Large Check Valve Seat Seal (2 Req'd) Check Valve Cap Nut (2 Req'd) K-3-B Pneumatic Switch, Complete (see Part Catalog 3228-0) (see Note C) Lead, 13 # Long Lead, 121/_# Long Terminal Cllp (2 Req'd) Switch Body Gasket Screw 96550 54349 503349 §513570 532503 175 182 513585 519343 183 be PIECE quoted NUMBER upon and Magnet Bracket Gasket Magnet Spool Lower Gasket (2 Req'd) Terminal Clip (4 Req'd) Magnet Portion Shipping Complete (see page II) Number see Part of the Catalog Portion, 3228-_, application NAME (Intwo Check Valve Spring (2 Req'd) Check Valve Spring Guide (2 Req'd) Check Valve Spring Scat (2 Req'd) L.S. Check Valve, Complete (Includes 150, Pc. 507373 and two of 151) L.S. Lower Check Valve Seat, Complete (Includes 162, 163, 164 and 165) L.S. Lower Check Valve Seat 165 A--The Gasket io indicated is not included in the Compirte Piece Relay Valve. B--For Spring Identification Table, see page 8. C--For repair parts available for the forme_ l_uadard K-3 Switcb, Orders Magnet Cap Nut (2 Req'd) M.S. Check Valve, Complete cludes 100, 162, 163, 164 and of 161) M.S. Check Valve Seat Check Valve (2 Req'd) Choke Terminal Stem Stem Core Terminal Block (Socket), Complete (Includes 123, six of 127, eight of 124, 125 m3d sixteen of 126) Terminal Block Socket Terminal (8 Req'd) Square Nut (8 Req'd) Hex Nut (16 Req'd) Terminal Clip (6 Req'd) [12 x I_* Terminal Block Screw (3 Req'd) Adapter Plate Adapter Plate and Pipe Bracket Gasket _# x IS/_" Adapter Plate Screw (2 Req'd) _ 121a, and Magnet 122a Nut (2 Req'd (2 Req'd) 121b Ref. No. 513583 two of 111) 513825 526458 Hex Complete (Includes 122b and Portion Stud 2505 PORTION No. 535008 1751 BRACKET of part wanted but in the Cover, Complete 3231-2 FL-16 RELAY VALVES 31 ?t ?e t$ 4_ ?l |m t_ $0 TO I? l| It • 4I 67 • 4t |l 72 •| 4) • _ SO OS ,It !1 Approx. Net Weight 14S Ibs. _? sl 38 III 3231-2 FL-16 Relay Valve Complete* Type FL-16 *The _ Corn 3_1S-21, fete I Pipe Bracket Portion .... _ _-2 32 Numbers respectively, shown may these Fittings. **For details of ]Relay and Inshot Pc. No. Ref. be are applied, Portions, VALVES Relay Portion Floor Susp. lels Any Fittings. Catalogs see page| 3 lind 4. PIPE BRACKET also indicate No. 518889 Pipe Bracket Portion Mounting, Complete 513583 517703 518890 120 Pipe Bracket (Includes 122b and 120 500676 2505 513825 _6 and 30) (Suspension two of 121a, 111) Floor 121_ l_- x 7_" Magnet Adapter Plate Stud Mounting) 121h, 122a, 121b I_ 122a I/_x 3si_" Magnet Adapter Plate Stud Hex Nut and Portion (2 Req'd) and (2 Req'd) MAGNET Pc. No. Ref. 517690 5951 Volt, without with Shipping 135 Magnet Bracket 137a and 137b) (Includes 136 1_- x 1 I/_-Blanking Plate Cap Screw (2 Req'd) _" x l_" Inshot Valve Portlon Stud (2 Req'd) s/_- Hex Nut (2 Req'd) L.S. Magnet Choke (Includes 143) Filter for L.S. Magnet Choke Filter Cap Nut (2 Req'd) Terminal Block (Plug), Complete (Includes 145, 149, eight of 146, 147 and sixteen of 148) 188005 137a 2220 513596 513595 514802 513598 137b 142 143 144 513584 145 Terminal 513600 79486 5741 513602 146 147 148 149 Plug Contact (8 Req'd) Square Nut (8 Req'd) Hex Nut (16 Req'd) Shunt 25472 150 f12 543085 503688 507368 512275 76747 510353 tNOTE |NOTE 151 152 153 154 155 156 of 125 126 513585 25472 127 128 513797 513570 26708 129 130 131 Identification to indicated Prices Ordenm should 532505 157 520902 502453 158 159 give 512272 t53003 503402 503413 503410 503409 §503349 513570 Screw 516298 77989 508566 519343 532503 513585 will Complete be quoted PIECE Socket or pp y g Terminal (8 Req'd) Square Nut (8 Req'd) Hex Nut 06 Req'd) Terminal Clip (6 Req'd) #12 x II_" Terminal (3 Req'd) Adapter Plate Adapter Plate Gasket _6" x la/_" Adapter (2 Req'd) Block Screw Plate Screw •Magnet Cap Nut L.S. Check Valve, Complete cludes 166, Pc. 507373 and of 161) NUMBER upon and L.S. Lower Check plete (Includes 165) Check Check 163 164 165 Check Valve Spring Guide Check Valve Spring Seat L.S. Lower Check Valve Seat 160 167 L.S. Upper Check Valve Seat Small Check Valve Seat Seal 168 169 170 174 Large Check Switch Switch 175 179 180 181 Magnet Bracket Gasket _" Pipe Plug _" Cap Nut Magnet Blanking Cap Nut Magnet Portion Shipping Cover Page II) Magnet Spool Lower Gasket Terminal Clip (2 Req'd) Number Valve (2 Rcq'd) Valve Spring Check Valve Scat Seal Valve Cap Nut (2 Req'd) Blanking Plate Blanking Plate Gasket of the Portion, application NAME of port (Intwo Valve Scat, Com162, 163, 164 and 161 162 182 183 Piece Coil (32 Volts) Spool Upper Gasket Magnet Magnet 507378 503429 503408 Table, see page 5. is not included in the sea Ref. No. No. 503431 503430 Block WABCOTITE® eta Terminal Block (Socket), Complete (Includes 123, six of 127, eight of 124, 125 and sixteen of 126) Terminal Block 512369 Block x 11_ x Terminal (3 Req'd) Magnet Housing Magnet Core Armature Aramature Stem Armature Stem Nut Armature Core Washer A--For Spring B_The Gasket Relay Valve. two _as l_" Hex Nut (2 Req'd) Adapter Plate, Complete (Includes 120, Pc. 513583 and three of 128) 123 124 79486 5741 Pc, Magnet Portion (32 Switch), Complete, Cover ano _" C.P. _" [ PORTION No. 539913 16 No. 122b 513584 514199 (In122a. Portion (2 Req'd) I" B.C. I" WABCOSEAL® bezew| (2 Req'd) Pipe Bracket (Floor Mounting) cludes two of 121a, 121b, 122b and 111) of uap Ref. Pipe Bracket Portion for Suspension Mounting. Complete (Ports style the 517702 Strainer No. 30 I No. I" S.P. 1" 527315 527315 appropriate Pc. 111 Sizes* { ol 542510 542510 10829 517691 1751 Flange 6 PORTION No. for Port No. Mounting 51-_89 517702 Theae I [ Inshot Portion oo PC. No. Voltage 539913 539913 Piece Sup. Magnet Portion Pc, No. 540948 541211 RELAY wanted but in the (see Complete 3231-2 F-6, F-8 AND F-I RELAY T4 I_ S2 I_ i_ ,3 ?0 I1_ i... ii _ $7 :_ • 't_ ,,,/ Approx. VALVES _ Net __ Weights---F-6 F-I, l0 and 105 F-8, Iba. I I10 Ibs. 7 t t tZ 3231-2 F-6, AND F-I RELAY Pipe Bracket Portion Relay Valve Complete* Type F-8 Pc. No. VALVES Relay Portion oo Inshot Portion eo Port Mounting F-6 F-0 540944 542317 513823 515859 Susp. Floor 542510 542510 527315 527315 F-8 F-8 540945 540947 517131 531477 Susp. Floor 542510 542510 527315 527315 F-I F-I 540945 542172 518919 530348 Susp. Floor 542510 542510 °,..,. I Flange Sizes* No. 6 S.P. No. 30 B.C. No. 16 C.P. 1m l" I" _" I 1" [ I" 1" "'*°*" • The Corn lets Piece Numbers shown are less Fittings. Any appropriate style of WABCOSEAL®, WABCOTITE_ or WABCOT_E Adjustable Fitting, of Flange Size, indicated above, its shown in Part Catalogs 3216-22 z i_3216-_Iin_ 3216-21. Sup. I respectively, may be applied. Tbele Catalogs also indicate the Cap Screws and GalketJ ulea aPp y g these Fittings. **For details of Relay and Inshot Portions. see pages 3 mad 4. PIPE pc. No. BRACKET PORTION Ref. No. 531823 Pc. No. Pipe Bracket Portion for Suspension Mounting, Complete, for F-8 Relay Valve Pipe Bracket Portion for Floor Mounting, Complete, for F-6 Relay Valve Pipe Bracket Portion for Suspension Mounting, Complete, for F-8 Relay Valve Pipe Bracket Portion for Floor Mounting, Complete, for F-8 515859 517131 531477 Relay Valve Pipe Bracket Portion for Suspension Mounting, Complete, for F-1 Relay Valve Pipe Bracket Portion for Floor Mounting, Complete, for F-1 Relay Valve Pipe Bracket (Includes four of 3a, 3b and two of 111) (Suspension Mounting) (for F-6) Pipe Bracket (Includes four of 3a, 3b and two of 11 I) (Floor Mounting) (for F-6) Pipe Bracket (Includes four of 3a, 3b and two of III) (Suspension Mounting) (for F-g) 518910 536348 513972 2 515860 2 517132 2 FORMER STANDARD Ref. No. 531470 2 518920 2 536349 2 27265 3a 10829 3b 4 513828 517134 4 518853 4 188005 5a 2220 513570 5b 6 1751 METAL Pipe Bracket (Includes four of 3a, 3b and two of III) (Floor Mounting) (for F-8) Pipe Bracket (Includes four of 3a, 3b and two of lll) (Suspension Mounting) (for F-l) Pipe Bracket (Includes four of 3a, 3b and two of 111) (Floor Mounting) (for F-l) l_- x 2# Magnet Blanking Plate Stud (4 Req'd) 1/_* Hex Nut (4 Req'd) Magnet Bracket Blanking Plate (Includes two of 5a and 5b) (for F-6) Magnet Bracket Blanking Plate (Includes two of 5a and 5b) (for F-8) Magnet Bracket Blanking Plate (for F-l) (not arranged for Inshot Portion) s/_w x 1 _" Inthot Valve Portion Stud (2 Req'd) s/_# Hex Nut (2 Req'd) Magnet Bracket Blanking Plate Gasket Strainer (for Ports j6 and 30) (2 Req'd) III SEATED VALVES Relay Valves with Metal Seated Application and Exhaust Valves will no longer be furnished complete, and it is recommended that when such valves require repairs, conversion be made to the Rubber Seated design. It is recomrne_ided that this conversion be made by the manufacturer, however, for those customers in a position to make such conversion, there is available a Cvnveraion Kit, Pc. 542251. which includes all the detail parts necessary for this conversion. If it is desired to retain the Metal Seated Valve Structure, the following details are available for repair. All other repairs for the Relay Valves are the same as those shown on page 3 for the corresponding type valve. Pc. No. Ref. No. 513769 19 Exhaust 97350 97353 07352 500543 22 23 24 97354 531554 25 26 Exhaust Valve Stem Exhaust Valve Exhaust Valve Retaining Nut Exhaust Valve Piston, Complete, with Ring (Includes 25 and 26) Exhaust Valve Piston t_i_" Exhaust Valve Pistop Ring (let Repair) Exhaust Valve Nut (- Req'd) U25238 27 500544 97362 81207 80 3ta Valve Cover (Includes 20) zst_s|t3|14 * t Pc. No. Ref. No. 40765 31b 45576 31c 97361 97382 32 35 Application Piston Valve, Complete (Includes 30 and 31b) Application Piston Valve lS/_" Application Piston Valve Ring (lst Repair) Prices Orders should give will be PIECE quoted NUMBER 11 upon and 17 1o |1 15/_" Application (2nd Repair) 15 • Application _o_:rd Repair) Application Application application NAME s$ of part wanted Valve Valve 33 14 Piston 8t31s° Valve Ring Piston Valve Ring Cap Nut 3231-2 "F" RELAY Piece No. S19342---Relay Approx. AND Portion Net Wt. RELAY MAGNET Shipping VALVES PORTION SHIPPING Piece Cover No. COVERS 519343---Magnet Portion Approx. 43,_ Ibs. Net Wt. Shipping Cover 5 lbs. OFFICES ATLANTA 3 CHICAGO - .... CLEVELAND DENVER ..... 4 15 - 2 ANGELES 14 PAUL 1 - - - - - - - - - - WASHtNGTON 6, D.C. - - - - - - Building Building Building - - First - - - 4 271Ft3 Man iet.[qulpment Commerce Building Pacific Electric Building Edificio Aztlan - Empire - -- - RECEIVED U,S.A. Building - - in Candler Exchange - Midland Denver National - SAN FRANCISCO 5 SEATTLE I ...... 7M-3 Printed - Railway - MExico, D. F., MEXICO NEw YORK I ..... ST. Louis 3 .... ST. -- ..... HOUSTON 2, TEX. LOS -- - - - State Shell National Bank Matson Securities Ring Building Building Building Building Building Building 8up. S 16"COMBINED AUXILIARY_, EMERGENCY, ANDDISPLACEMF.JTI' EXPANSION VOLUME RESERVOIRS Part Catalog No. 3206-1, Sup. No. 3 (Superseding November Issue of August, 1948 1944) Westinghouse AirBrake COMPANY AIR BRAKE DIVISION _® WILMERDING, PA. 3206-1 Sup. $ 16" COMBINED DISPLACEMENT Approx. AUXILIARY, EXPANSION Net W hlht lwlth _e____lem EMERGENCY, VOLUME Hanllef_--1_6 Hsnsers_i3 AND RESERVOIR Lbe. 9 Lbl. 3206-1 Sup. 16 ° OOMBIN_D DISPLACEMENT ) Complete AUXILIARY, IMERGENCY, EXPANSION Pc. Nm. VOLUME Mounting AND RESERVOIRS Wabcotite Res. Body Floor Brkt& Pc. No. No. Pc. No. Fittings With Fittinp Less Fittlup Fig. No. 514448 514673 1 x ...... 514549 3 502093 1 x ...... 514549 3 93843 s/;" Iron 514,549 1 2 5O2O93 506341 _/_" O.D. 514549 3 93843 _" 518909 3 93843 _m Iron 514449 514573 H_m 531077 514573 1 x ...... 535985 535986 4 • ...... 518854 518969 1 ........ 527186 527971 1 514450 514556 514451 514,5,56 2 529058 514556 2 ix 533205 514556 2 514452 514572 3 517934 514572 3 O.D. Cop. 7/I" O.D. 3 506191 _" .............. i.5145 0 3 93843 .............. 1 2 509872 95261 _" Iron _- 527883 514550 C_p. Iron 5020_3 I 514556 _" 3 .............. 533193 Pipe Cop. l.P.S.Cop. _4# troll .............. 514550 1 1 1 93843 509872 94019 a/4mIron .............. 514550 3 95261 _4" Iron 3 505191 _,_" I.P.S.Cop. 514551 514E_51 1 2 5175_ 508191 _" I.P.S. Cop. 514,_1 1 2 508191 511136 _" 12.8. 1 2 51754_ 511136 _" I.P.S. COp. 93843 _" Iron .............. .............. 518782 514572 3 .............. 52_69 514572 3 .............. I 514551 COp. 527185 514572 3 .............. 514551 3 528577 514572 3 .............. 514551 I 2 517507 511136 I/_- I.P.S. Cop. 1 2 509872 95261 _" Iron 1 2 502O93 5O6341 _" O.D. O.D. Cop. 532250 514572 532421 514572 3 .............. 3 514551 .............. 514561 532582 514572 3 .............. 514551 3 _6341 _" 52797O 527969 5 .............. 527968 3 508191 ½" I.P.S. PC, No. ltd. No. Pc. No. ltd. No. •5 s_ 527230 • &Y/IIO • R_m'v°/rHB°dy Ptlmum esd. Complets (ms 8c_u/Uk_udQs& (Lull 4, 5, _ 7, 8. • , to. it, t•, t4. _ Im_r d ta) Pumm_ Hind 506341 5t_ 81_1 ! _ •I,_G8 _5 B_izm. 41.q_ L_ _" W_ LA_. Offmt _Ibow _, 0_41 Ordm ahould Prices |lye Cop. _'WsbvotiteT_bowSwut_ttlnjfory_'O.D.c, op_vrTubTubs (, 8cbaduk.) _" W.b_i_, _LH. o_m 8_t t_ fo_r_A"I.P._ e)" I.P.8. Co.vat' Tube e (aN Gob_du}e mud m,d N_. (4 I_,q'd) _ Cop. wlU be quot_l upcm sppllcstloa PIECE NUMBER and NAME of _ wsnted _tti_ l | 32_-1 Sup. I 16" COMBINED AUXILIARY, DISPLACEMENT EMERGENCY, EXPANSION SPRING VOLUME AND RESERVOIRS IDENTIFICATION The following table is shown to enable railroad men, storekeepers, and all Air Brake men to identify treed in the Reeervoim catalogued herein. It is beeed on calculated figures and the actual springs will vary due to small differences in wire diameter, coll diameter, number of tttrns, etc. This tabulation ie intended cation-only and should not be used for any other purpose. It does not represent a specification for the spring the springs somewhat, for identifimentioned. "rSPRING IDENTIFICATION w. Piece No. Outside Dia. Free Dla. Approx. NO. Turns win _lAtp J_BI_ 5½" b05966 **Number Material 9½ of turns for spring counted Orders should between Steel Where Used Name of Spring Pressure DiaphrngmSpring Head the extreme endz of the wire. Prices will be quoted upon application give PIECE NUMBER and NAME of part Westinghouse Air Brake Wilmerding, wanted Company Pa., U. S. A. OFFICES ATtAWr^ BOSTON 3 ............ CmcAao ........ 4 15 Los ........... D. YoaK N_v 14 F., ST. Lores 3 F_NaSCO Smrrte W_SmGrON, _4 lhlmsd h U, 8. A. I Building National Building Commerce Building Electric Edificlo Empire ........... First 5 .... ........... 6, D.C. Building A.*dan State Building Shell Building ST. PAUL I SAN Building ........... 1 ............ Building Midland Pacific Mlmco Building Exchange Denver 2, Tv.x ............ ANGeLeS Ivlzmco, Railway ........... 2 HousroN, Statler ........... CLeVeLAND I)_nnnt Candler 16 . ......... National Bank Btdlding Matzon Building Secuflties Building Ring Building Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance A. Anwri©ln*Sllndllrd Cum_ _*q!S rlNGHOIjSE AIH BRAKE COMPAr_v//Wdmerdm!l I'_.nsylvama 151413 operation in forma & tion 26-C CONTROL VALVE I. A* B. DESCRIPTION The 28-C Control V(dve is a pneumatic device designed to function automatically in response to pressure changes to dire{:t a flaw of uir to or from the brake cylinders of )o an intermediate relay valve on passenger carrying vehicles. The 26-C Control Valve is offered for application to passenger cars operating in trains NOT EXCEEDING twenty four (24) - ninety (90) foot long cars. The control valve consists of a pipe bracket on which a service portion, an emergency vent valve portion, a brake pipe cut-out cock and strainer portion, and o reservoir release valve portion, are mounted. Although not a part of the device ilself, nn auxiliary or main reservoir, a control reservoir, and a selector valve volume reservoir are required to complement the functions of the 26-C Control Valve. The auxiliary or main reservoir pr,_vid_s air for the brake cylinders, and for the br_]ke cylinder relay valve when used, when properly connected through porting in the Control Valve. C. The function of the control reservoir pressure is to provide a reference force to cause movement of the service valve in the service portion of the 26-C Control Valve when o reduction occurs in the opposing brake pipe pressure. D. The selector valve reservoir acts as a stabilizing volume during the operation of the selector valve during quick service and graduated release operations. E. The pipe connections to the pipe bracket are designated numerically and are so identified on the control valve diagrammatic. F. outolllatic brake control. The service portion also includes o charging valve that functions to cut off the flaw of air from the quick service volume to atmosphere, and also cuts off the dissipation of control reservoir air in to brake pipe during graduated release action of the control valve. G. I. _-J. valves contained Directing reservoir within the valve provide air to the auxiliary from brake pipe. (supply) or main 2. Permitting rapid dissipation of control air to brake pipe during direct release the control valve. reservoir action of 3. Perrnitting dissipation of brake pipe air from the spring chamber of the selector valve to the quick service volume during the quick service function or initial stage of o broke application. A Graduated Release Cap, which is used to manually position the valve for Graduated or Direct Release, is located on the service valve portion. The letters REL. are cast on the body below the graduated release, cap. The letters DIR. and GRA. ore cast on the cap. When the letters DIR. are over the letters REL., the valve is set for Direct Release; when the letters GRA. are over the letters REL., the valve is set for Graduated Release. The cap is set by removing the two cap screws and turning the cap so that either DIR. or GRA. line up with REL. on the body. The Selector Valve (designed into the service portion of the 26-C Control Valve) controls the quick service function, provides for the direct release function when required, and enables the control valve to be satisfactorily trained with D-22 Type Brake Equipment if necessary. There are four (t4) positions that this valve may assume during operation of the control valve; these ore Release, Service, Lop, and Emergency. The Service Valve Portion contains a service spool valve, which includes two (2) diapllragms selected for proper reference to permit the development of brake cylinder pressure in accordance with broke pipe reductions. An application valve controls the movement of the air from the auxiliary or main reservoir to the brake cylinder application pipe. Whenever o reduction in brake pipe pressure occurs in the control valve, the service spool valve assembly moves upward and opens the application valve. The service spool valve also serves to exhaust, through the control valve, the air pressure of the brake cylinder application pipe, whenever the bruke pipe pressure is increased at the control valve.. The diaphragm area ratios, together with the spring arrangement included in the service valve portion, permit stable operation of the automatic broke together with proper development of broke cylinder pipe pressure to operate satisfactorily with other current equipment orranqements of rhe check for: The service valve portion also contains two (2) limiting valves for the purpose of limiting the maximum pressure directed to the brake cylinder application pipe during service and emergency applications. These pressures are predetermined by the load setting of the springs within the limiting valves. During emergency applications the emergency limit_ng valve is designed to open when the brake pipe pressure is reduced to a value of approximately 13 to 18 psi, to permit a controlled fast build-up of the emergency brake cylinder application pipe air pressure, then reseat, limiting emergency brake cylinder application pipe air pressure to o predetermined value. 4220-5, 5.7, 26C (SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES) J. operation maintenance information & I f Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE .AIR 8RAKE Air Brake Division COMPANYJWilmerding. Pennsylvani8 15148 w_uca VAV =, Am,lc=_-Sl=_=rdcom,=v k_4 "T o o0 ¢Q L= > ¢3 z_ )= ¢¢ _u k- < 5 4220-5, S.7, 26C 2 Westinghouse An AJmtFJclri.SlllA_td _mp_, Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY//Wdrnerding, Pennsylvania IS148 operation & maintenance information K. L, The emergency portion of the 26-C Control Valve is designed to provide a large local opening for exhaust of brake pipe air during on emergency application. The emergency portion contains the operating diaphragm piston and the high pressure vent valve. During an emergency rate of brake pipe air reduction at the control valve, one end of the diaphragm piston unseats the vent valve to locally exhaust the brake pipe air. The other end of the diaphragm piston (s a spool valve that provides o stability of exhaust of the quick action chamber air. S. lhrough Choke F and Passage Io that leads to the auxiliary reservoir charging check valve, where the auxilinry reservoir line may be charged. 6. From Passage I, broke pipe air flows through Choke J into Passage Ib that leads to the graduated release cop and to the charging valve spool. The air conlinues to flow into Passage 7a that leads to the selector valve spool and passage 7b. From here the air may flow to the following passages and chambers: The Brake Pipe Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion provides o means of straining the air that flows into the control valve. It also provides o means of manually cutting out the control valve when desired. M, The Reservoir Relense Valve Portion provides means of manually venting control reservoir air atmosphere to initiate e brake release. II. OPERATION (a) Through Choke H anti into Passage 7 that leeds to the control reservoir chamber under the large diaphragm of the service valve as well as to Port 7 in the pipe bracket where the connection exists tr_ the reservoir release valve and the control reservoir. (b) Air flows around the selector valve spool valve into Passage 9o and Choke G that leads to Passage 9. This passage leads to the diaphragm chamber of the selector valve, the selector valve spool, as well as to Port 9 in the pipe bracket whe, e the connection exists to the selector volume reservoir. e to IMPORTANT: THE OPERATION DESCRIBED HEREIN ['_TED ON THIS VALVE AND ALL OTHER RELATED DEVICES HAVING BEEN PROPERLY INSTALLED AND PERIODICALLY MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WABCO RECOMMENDATIONS AND AAR SPECIFICATIONS. (NOTE: In order to make the operation of this valve more easily understood, the diagrammatic should be used; however, without regard to actual proportion and construction of ports.) A. Whenever the car is initially charged, brake pipe air at the Control Valve passes through the cut-out cock and strainer (COCK MUST BE OPEN) end into Passage I in the pipe bracket. From Passage I, the air flows to the following passages and chambers in the valve: To the emergency valve portion and to spring chamber above the large diaphragm. (o) B. When the air brake equipment arrangement of the car is fully charged, identical pressure should exist above and below the large diaphragm in the service valve. With the aid of the large spring, the diaphragm assembly will remain in its downmost position as long as brake pipe pressure remains stable. C. To effect a broke application, the brake pipe pressure in Port I MUST BE reduced. This reduction may be manually initiated by movement of the 26 Type Brake Valve Handle on the controlling car to the "Application" position. D. When a reduction of brake pipe pressure occurs in the spring chamber of the selector valve, the pressure differential that is creeled across the diaphragm positions the diaphragm assembly and spool valve to permit the following to occur: the Brake pipe air flows from the spring chamber above the large diaphragm, through Choke B and to the underside of the large diaphragm as welt as the quick action chamber in the pipe bracket. I. 2. To the spring chamber of the selector valve. 3. To the brake pipe chamber above diaphragm in the service valve. 4. To lhe emergency [hniting valve, where the brake pipe pressure overcomes file force of the spring and moves the piston to its downward position permitting the check valve to become seated. the large During each initial broke pipe air reduction, brake pipe air in the spring chamber of the selector valve flows into Passage Ic, through Choke K and the backflow check valve. From here, the air flows through Passage 6e to the quick service volume end thus through Choke C into Passage 6 that leeds to the charging valve where the exhaust port is located. (a) This is when the service valve will begin to direct air to the brake cylinder application pipe. 4220-5, S.7, 26C maintenance operation I & AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, 15T48 Westinghouse Air Brake Pennsylvania Division WESTINGHOUSE A. Am*r_caa.Sl=_=_¢=.==_ information . Passage selector 7a is spool reservoir air Passage , 7b disconnected valve. This from brake that from 7b isolates build-up I/2 to connects of air 4-1/2 psi control pressure on The decrease selector permit of brake spool selector As 6. a result of off is cut the point of equalization diaphragm is reached, assume a lap position. of 3- permits moved air to movement further to flow from spool of valve the brake cylinder application rate brake pipe reduction. the G. selector E, F'. sp¢_l Whenever o manual brake valve is possible and settings H. An pipe. during adjustment has been to permit o high brake to get over-reductions Control Valve. serious effect pressure, since selector the selector volume air pressure. the point of equalization of forces diaphragm is reached, the spool valve will assume a lap poslt_nn, at selector volume is clot off from of the springs over-charge within in the the which time the exhaust at the control movement of the diaphragm assembly and stem to open the application valve to permit auxiliary (supply) or main reservoir air to flow into Passage 16o. Direct , 16 to valve is opened by the in the pipe bracket the brake cylinder . 4220-5, A Release, Graduated obtained and valves. selector volume the control in the selector spool and releases may be severity of the overcop is manually set in reservoir may also flow or with Direct the Release 26-C Control function Volv% can be depending upon the manual positioning of the release cop. For Graduated Release, the coo on the control valve is to be manually set in "GRA" position. Air will be permitted to flow from the control reservoir through which is application choke H and into Passage 9a, and Choke G which leads to the selector volume reservoir. However_ if the cap is po_itioned for Direct Rel,'ase, the flow of air from the control reservoir is directed to not only the selector volume, as described above, but now may also flow from Passage 7a to Ib in the release cap that leads to the control reservoir dissipation check valve and Choke J, and into brake pipe. (Proper positioning of the cap is dependent on the volume. This movement quick service action of the To the large spring chamber in the service v_lve. The force of this pressure, combined with the force nf the spring and coupled with the force of the hrnke pipe press_Jre in the chnmher above the large diaphragm, oppose the S.7, 25C limiting upward Tn the face of the charging valve diaphragm initiating movement of the charging valve spool that cuts off the exhaust of brake pipe air from the quick service s,'rves to terminate control valve. at the into brake pir, e through Choke J as well as through the control reservoir dissipation check valve in which case only one application and release will be required to reduce on over-charge. movement cf the service valve stem, auxiliary (supply) or m_n reservoir air flows into Passage 16o and to the followinq passages and chambers: To Port connected pipe. made pipe pressure, it with the 2_;-C to exhaust at the selector spool valve, and, during release, the control reservoir air is free to flow to volvo. application a service reservoirs can be reduced to brake pipe pressure by manually moving the automatic brake valve handle alternately between Application and Release positions. During ouplication, selector volume air flows the selector volume passage chamber. Several applications required, depending up¢_ the charge. Whenever the release the the will Over-reductions should not have any upon brake cylinder application pipe this pressure is restricted by the load When a reduction nf broke pipe. pre._s=Jre occurs in the brake pipe cha.'-nher above the large diaphragm in the service valve, the differential in pressure that is created across the diaphragm will initiate a When across valve off any further flow of air into Passage 16. The predetermined setting of the spring is intended to limit the maximum pressure delivered to the valve, the service spring in the selector valve is engaged. The force of this spring, coupled with the air pressure in the brake pipe, oppose the force of Whenever across the of forces the service in slight excess of the force of the spring, the spool valve is designed to move upward and cut the to position the spool air from the quick be reservoir air pressure in the large diaphragm, Whenever To the underside of the service limiting valve. Whenever this air pressure increases to o point diaphragm the _lector the air 9, pipe pressure valve to volume Passage o through to exhaust. reservoir of approximately the charging valve, is intended to close the exhaust of ser_'Jce volume. S. force of the control chamber under the pipe air. with selector volume air, Passage at the selector spool valve. The at the control "make J. :rap" of the train consist). In Emergency application_ the 26-C Control Valve functions similarly to that previously described; however, several the control valve additional are utilized features designed as follows: into V_ILV w aca An _mtIcin-Sll_dl_ _a_pl_y WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANY/Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 Westinghouse Air Brake Division I maintenance operation & information tion pipe increases sufficiently, the service limiting valve will close. The continued increase of this pressure also effects a downward force on the piston of emergency limiting valve. When this pressure reaches o point in slight excess of the spring force within the emergency limiting valve, the piston wilt be moved downward, permitting the check valve to seat end cut off the flow of all air to the brake cylinder application pipe. An Emergency reservoir is not required with the 26-C Control Valve. The auxiliary (supply) or main reservoir is utilized to obtain the higher braking pressures desired during emergency applications. I. . . The increased pressure differential across the diaphragm in the selector valve, as a result of the fast rote of drop in brake pipe pressure, positions the diaphragm assembly and spool valve to momentarily provide those functions obtained during o service applicationi but, as a result of the further travel of the spool valve into Emergency Position, the emergency spring is engaged and Passage 9 is lapped to close the connection to the selector volume reservoir. K. The upward movement of the service valve unseats the application valve to permit auxiliary (supply) or main reservoir air to flow to the limiting valves and into Passage 16 that is connected to the brake cylinder application pipe. (a) Auxiliary (supply) or main reservoir air flows to the underside of the service limiting valve spool. Whenever this pressure reaches a point in slightexcess of the spring load, the spool is designed to move upward, thus cutting off any further flow of air through this valve into the brake cylinderapplicationpipe. k. (b) In the design of the 2_;-C Control Valve, a chamber is provided for brake pipe air in the emergency limitingvalve,and itisthis pressure that holds down the limitingvalve piston. During initial stages of an emergency brake application, the emergency limitingvalve willremain closed. As the brake pipe pressure continues to drop, and is reduced to a value between 13 and 18 psi in the control valve, the force of the spring within the emergency limitingvalve overcomes the force of the brake pipe pressure on the piston. The piston willthen move upward, unseating the check valve and provide an alternate passage for auxiliary(supply)or main reservoirair to enter into Passage 16 that connects to the brake cylinderapplicationpipe. During the initiation of an emergency brake application, the broke pipe pressure drop should be so rapid that at the time the emergency limiting valve opens the check valve, the service limitingvalve isstillopen and not as yet positioned in itsuppermost position. The check valve in the emergency limiting valve will remain open to permit a continued flow of air to the brake cylinder application pipe. When the pressure of the air admitted to the brake cylinder applica- M. 5 The Emergency Valve Portion of the 26-C Control Valve is so constructed to allow quick action chamber air to exhaust at the same rate that brake pipe air is reduced during a service application. During o service application the drop of brake pipe pressure at o service rate in the spring chamber of the emergency valve creates a pressure differential across the diaphragm. The diaphragm assembly and spool valve move upward to an intermediate position to establish a connection between quick action chamber and exhaust Choke M. Chokes M and B are of a predetermined size and provide a controlled exhaust of quick action chamber air. The chokes ore sized to maintain an air pressure that stabilizes the spool valve and prevents the unseating of the high pressure check valve. If the broke pipe pressure is reduced at on emergency rate in the control valve, quick action chamber pressure will position the diaphragm assembly and spool valve in the extreme upward position. In this position, the quick action chamber is now connected to exhaust Choke M, which provides a blowdown of the quick action chamber air. With the spool valve in the upper position, the stem unseats the pilot valve and exhausts the air pressure on the top of the check valve carrier. Broke pipe pressure below the check valve end carrier forces that valve open, creating a large opening for a rapid brake pipe air exhaust. The check valve in the top cover limits the volume of air that must be exhausted at the pilot valve, thereby permitting fast opening of the large vent valve. The diaphragm assembly and spool valve will remain in the upper position until brake pipe end quick action chamber air has been nearly exhausted, at which time the force of the spring above the check valve and carrier will move the assembly downward, positioning the valve in its normal position. In Release Position, an increase in the brake pipe pressure is called for and this higher pressure is admitted into the brake pipe chamber above the large diaphragm in the service valve. All of the combined downward forces position the diaphragm assembly and stem to permit the air in Passage 16, that leads to the brake cylinder application pipe to vent to atmosphere through the service valve stem and Passage 10 in the pipe bracket, The continued drop of air pressure in the limiting valves permits 4220-5, S.7, 26C operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 An Amed©an-Slandmfd Comp_ information the spring within the service limiting valve to move the spool downward and, with the build-up of brake pipe pressure, the emergency limiting valve piston is held down. Both valves provide o means for a rapid exhaust of _zir. it must be remembered that the air on the face af the charging valve diaphragm is also vented to atmosphere, which permits the spring to move the charging valve to its normal position when brake cylinder application pipe pressure reduces to a value below 3-1/2 to b,-I/2 psi. III. CLEANING SOLVENT 4. No. I TRUARC Pliers S. No. 3 TRUARC Pliers I/4" R. -r 1" ± AND LUBRICANTS 3/4" Ao The solvent used for Control Valve MUST tionp such as mineral dissolve oil or grease to be cleaned without B. The following I , 2. - - cleaning the parts of the 26-C BE an ollphotic organic soluspirits or naphtha, that will and that will permit oil ports abrasion. lubricants 3/32" MUST BE available. No. 2 Silicone Grease, WABCO Specification M-7680-2 which is used to lubricate all o-rings, o-ring grooves and the bearing surfaces of the bushings into which the o-ring assemblies are installed. A compound consisting of one part graphite, WABCO Specification M-7695-2, (AAR Specification M-913) and two parts of oil, SAE 20, by weight which is used to lubricate the threads of the choke plugs after cleaning. ROUND CORNERS MATERIAL: WARNING: THE USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING _'E']_AND THE USE OF LUBRICANTS CAN INVOLVE HEALTH AND/OR SAFETY HAZARDS. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOLVENTS AND LUBRICANTS SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA FORM OSHA-20 OR ITS EQUIVALENT). THE RECOMMENDED PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES OF THE MANUFACTURERS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. "-/I STEEL TO BE MANUFACTUREDBY CUSTOMER DRAWING R42-3 3/32 IV. TOOLS A. In addition to the regular shop tools, the following tools MUST BE available to the repairman. I. Tool for removing the emergency limiting valve bushing from the service portion. Dimensions for making this tool are shown on drawing R-424. 2. Tool for assembling the charging valve diaphragm and piston into the service portion body. Dimensions for making this tool ore shown on drawing R-42-3. Tool for disassembling and assembling the new style selector valve. Dimensions for making this tool are shown on drawing R-42-5. 4220-5, 5.7, 26C R. MATERIAL=3/16 DRILL ROD DRAWING R-42-4 3. 6 Westinghouse Air Brake operation Division & maintenance A. AmllwJ¢lm-St Jndl[d WESTINGHOUSE C_mpan v AIR BRAKE COMPAN¥/Wilmerdin 9, Pennr_ylvania 15148 information While 2, 10" if .// MATERIAL: the choke plug is soaking in the cleaning solvent, the passage from which MUST BE checked for cleanliness APPROXIMATELY necessary psig) jet with of clean e low it was removed and blown out pressure (less than 30 dry 3, Remove the choke plug from the cleaning solvent and blow it dry with o Io.__ww pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of cleon, dry air. 4. Inspect the choke and not restricted. STEEL a_ _ WABCO plug to insure If the plug it MUST BE Quality Part. that it is cleon is damaged in replaced with o NEW DRAWING R-42-5 Lightly coat the threads of the choke plug with a compound consisting of one part graphite, WABCO Specification M-769S-2 (AAR Specification M-913) and two parts of oil (SAE 20) by 5. V. SAFETY PROCEDURES A. Regular shop when B. The work C. The air dry after D* safety working area jet procedures on the valve should used being be clean to blow and parts free clean MUST I:3E followed the portions. of debris. or to blow IMPORTANT: WARNING: THE USE OF AN AIR JET, _LESS THAN 30 PSIG, TO BLOW CLEAN OR TO BLOW THEM DRY AFTER CLEANED WITH A SOLVENT WILL CAUSE WHICH PARTS BEING PARTI- IS FLUSH OR OF THE PART DROPLETS BE AIRBORNE. OF THE AIR PERSONAL JET TOWARD EYE ANOTHER PROTECTION WHEN PERFORMING ANY CONTROL VALVE OR ANY Vl. CLEANING IMPORTANT: OF CHOKE PERSONAL MUST VII. C WORN ON THE PORTIONS. IHE 26-C /IONS PROTECTION MUS[ A. TYPE NOTE= The size and cleanliness of choke plugs are IM'-_RTANT. Choke plugs MUST BE REMOV-E"D _-_E-_T-'A--TIME for servicing to insure that they are returned to their procedure MUST BE the choke I. proper location. ADHERED TO Multiple Unit The following when servicing plugs: (Refer (NOTE: MACHINED FACE IS INSTALLED. plug and repeat steps have been serviced. I PORTION SHOULD TAKEN TO BE THE OF THE REMOVED SHOP, 26- FROM THOROUGHLY TESTED ACCORDING APPLICATION SCHEDIF SERVICE CONDI- SO DICTATE: OF APPLICATION Passenger transit Remove only on___e choke plug and place it in the cleaning solvent described in paragraph III.A. to soak. WARNING: METALLIC TOOLS MUST NOT BE _CLEAN CHOKE PLUC--'_'-_ '1"_ SIZE AND SHAPE OF THE ORIFICE MUST NOT EMERGENCY VALVE BE w---O-i_-_. BE IT PORTION - MAIN]ENANCE AND "rECHNIQUt_S THE VEHICLE. BELOW THE IN WHICH If GLEANED, LUBRICATED AND TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE ULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY PLUGS EYE r,_N]: CONTRCJL THE CHOKE PLUG MUST INTO THE PASSAGE SO THAT the next choke all choke plugs EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IMPOH BE Remove ta S until 6, THE THESE PERSON. WORK OF THE choke plug into the it was removed. MAY CAUSE SKIN them PARTICLES AND DROPLETS MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/OR EYE IRRITATION. PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM PC)SSIBLE INJURY. DO NOT DIRECT E, Assemble the from which IJIBRICANT IRRITATION. 30 psig. DIRT AND/OR SOLVENT TO BE LESS weight. passage WARNING: AND_YE than CLES OF CLEANING cleaned MUST or any of AT (Interstate) Uperaled to Figure Ihe FREQUENCY LEAST ONCE EVERY 36 Months 36 Man ths Electric 15 Months l) Emergency P-T_'Bracket Portion nuts (I). The nuts Portion but are apart Portion is removed from the by removing the four I/2 inch hex are not a part of the Emergency of the Pipe Br_,cket Portion). BE CHANCED. 7 4220-5, S.7, 26C maintenance operation & information I WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerdlng, 15148 Westinghouse Air Brake Pennsylvania Division ,./UMHcan-SIa_ICc.,_=r_ 4 // .7 i 12s I //1 / / 3A---6_.....---t4 _-" (_---19 9 See insert 20 26 27 _-24 7 I I //I I I / I J 3i2, / j // /// L_ 28C FIGURE 1 - EXPLODED VII.A. DISASSEMBLY IMPORTANT: guide (16). PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST I, 2, a, to Figure three the emergency 3, I) 15/16 2-3/8 inch valve inch.O.D, O.D. ring body ring gasket (14) and the gaskets (13) from the b° S.7, 26C Remove the spring check valve Remove valve O2). (I) Remove bt° from the pilot emergency the (10) valve (7) and from the check from valve the valve , the check retainer check body valve I-I/16 inch valve guide (9) end check guide Remove the I/b, inch O.D. o-ring the check valve retainer (9). the four t/2 x 3-1/4 which secure the emergency diaphragm housing (33), then valve body (IG). (16). Remove the exhaust spring (zt), pilot valve seat (5) and pilot valve spring (6) from the valve guide (carrier) (12). Remove the check 4220-5, (12) O.D. o-ring (I I) (carrier) (I 2). Remove the three 3/8 x I-I/2 inch cap screws (2) which secure the cover (3) to the emergency valve body (16). CAUTION: Exercising care so that no ports "fly-out" of TEe body end cause an injury, CAREFULLY remove the cover (3). Remove (carrier) BE wO--0-EE. (Refer VIEW Remove the phragmhousing diaphragm (33). inch from screws (15) cap (8) valve body remove the spring (17) (carrier) from (16) to the emergency the dia- Westinghouse An Ar_llFkCirl.$tSndir WESTINGHOUSE d C_mCe.y Air Brake operation Division AIR BRAKE COMPAN"/"_Vdmerd_nu Pm,;._vlwnia & maintenance 15148 in farina 6, Remove the two I-3/8 inch and the three I inch O.D. diaphragm housing (33). 7. Remove the ring gaskets gaskets (26) (25) from DIAPHRAGM HOUSING ICED FOLLOWING THE the Ilq PARAGRAPH Hl AI:JHERED emergency 23 O.D. ring valve and piston 24) assembly from the (18, 19, 20, 21, housing (33). 22, a. Remove from the the three emergency b, Hold the emergency piston stem (24) with an open end wrench applied to the hex wrench flats Catalog 3220-5, part number. diaphragm d. 5/8 inch O.D. o-rings valve piston stem (24). Wash (22) th_ }am nut ()8) l;tt ;ST, B. (2) Remove the 2/8 inch the piston stem the vent protector Remove D.D. o-ring (23) from NOTE: if the If the vent rivet (28C) seal (28A) tor MUST SERVFOUND THIS PF_OCEDI.II_E Rate= to WABCO MUST Ports 7 for metal plug parts in paragraph location in the nleoning III.A. may be wire brushed to assist rust and scale. CAUIlON: MAY CAUSE _ES DIRT, AND SCALE and 10 in the WIRE OF BE AIRBORNE. g. Inspect the BE (less paris (24). (28) frown the (ll Reject rusted, set. (2) Reiect cracked, ho,,sing (33). a, remaining BE Alter the parts are cleaned they MUSI blown completely dry with a low pressure than 30 psig) jet of clean dry oi-'_-. t. Remove the folJuwer (lg), d;aphragm (2t)) and piston (2t) from the piston stem (24). Sup. described The springs removal of BRUSHING froJn (l) the solvent e, on the stem, then remove the piston stem (24). VI. TO. (33) MUST PROCEDURE tion protector is bent (28) is damaged, broken, or if ol is torn or damaged, the BE repaired or replaced. vent or the protec- and replace any spring that pitted, or has taken a permanent and cut, dcJmoged condition replace broken, is any part that is worn excessively, in any way, or that is in such that would result in unsatisfacto- o ry operation. (I) A NEW and a NEW 571140, VII.B. WABCO pop MUST Part rivet, Number WABCO 502465, Port Number 2. Ports Rubber BI: used. INSPECTING_ CLEANING_ IMPORTANT: WORN. seal, PERSONAL EYE AND (IMPORTANT: _TS REPAIRING PROTEC [ION MUSI BE WITH ABLE AFTER in the paris (parts name) I. Metal catalog may to insure that a, differ. Check the description the desired part is ordered.) The exterior MUST BE and II c. interior cleaned cloth or the cleaning paragraph III.A. After the completely body dry 30 psig) of clean jet surfaces thoroughly clean, lint-free saturated with b° FOLLOWING PROCEDURE:) Dip the rubber parts in the cleaning solvent described in paragraph III.A. to assist in the removal of grease and dirt. WARNING: RUBBER PARTS MUST NOT B_'--A-C'L-O-WED TO SOAK IN THE CLEANING SOLVENT. Parts b. a, THAT ALL REPLACED NEW WABCO QUALITY PARTS. SERVICERUBBER PARTS MAY BE REUSED ONLY THEY HAVE BEEN CLEANED ACCORD_'-D_"C "I_6_E (NOTE." Refer to WABCO Parts Catalog 3220-5, Sup. 7 when ordering replacement parts. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication and those used t1 IS RECOMMENDED BE DISCARDED AND IMPORTANT: b=_J'-R_d-N"C'R_AND of the body using a soft, d. dry it MUST pressure BE blown (less than to Figure I) (3A) LOCATED THE IN THE COVER (3), THE STRAINER AND CHOKE (27), CHOKE PLUGS (32) AND (31) (ON VALVE PORTIONS SO EQUIPPED) LOCATED IN THE The that parts diaphragm may has soft bristles, assist polish air. (Refer CHOKE the with Biow the parts completely pressure (less than 30 psig) jet rag that has been solvent described in is cleaned using a low Promptly wipe free cloth. e. in the removal the diaphragm Inspect (I) o soft, clean, lint- dry with a low of clean, dry air. be brushed with a brush such as o shoe brush, to of remaining surfaces. dirt and to the parts. If necessary, the surface of the rubber seated check valve may be lapped on a fine grade of emery cloth (No. 200 grit) to 4220-5, S.7, 26C maintenance operation & J Westinghouse Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilrnerding, Pennsylvania 15148 ,. J_,lcl,.sl=_=,_c_p=_, information obtain a smooth surface. IMPORTANT: NOT MORE THAN 1/32 INC_M MAY BE REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL THICKNESS OR THE CHECK VALVE MAY FUNCTION ERRATICALLY. (2) f. WARNING: LUBRICANT _a_'J--/-OT_r_Y E IRRITATION. b. Reject and replace any part that is cracked, cut, torn, braken, has flattened beads_ is worn excessively, damaged in any way or that is in such a condition that would result in unsatisfactory operation. The following from WABCO= Rubber Part Emergency Portion Part No. Kits are Kit For e. available Kit Part No. Overhaul Total Parts Only 4. 564027 Overhaul 570847 SKIN Place the piston (21), diaphragm (20), diaphragm follower (19) on the piston stem being careful not to damage the o-ring secure them in place with the S/8 inch jam and (24) and nut Install the three lubricated 5/8 inch O.D. orings (22) into their grooves on the lower portion of the piston stem (24). k.bricntion procedure is found in paragraph VII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping wlth a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKI_/OR EYE IRRITATION. Insert the piston assembly (18 to 24 incl.) diaphragm housing (33). 56402(; 5694,_5 Moving CAUSE (18). 3t Total MAY into the Insert the two I-3/8 inch O.D. ring gaskets (25) and the three I inch ring gaskets (26) into the grooves in the diaphragm housing (33). 570840 Moving Parts Only 564027 . NOTE: Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for Kits for all other Emergency Portions not listed. VII.C. LUBRICATING IMPORTANT: WORN. I, AND PERSONAL ASSEMBLING EYE PROTECTION Just prior to assembling lubricate all o-rings, o-ring grooves_ and the bearing surfaces of the bushings into which the o-ring assemblies are installed with No. 2 Silicone Grease, WABCO Specification M7680-2. The following procedure MUST BE followed: the o-ring(s) a. Coat Make certain that the bend of the diaphragm (20) is in the groove in the dlaphragm housing (33) then secure the emergency valve body (16) to the diaphragm housing (33) using the four I/2 x 3-1/4 inch hex head cap screws (I 5). b. Fill the installed C. Lightly coat the bearing surfaces of the bushing in which the o-ring assemblies will be installed with the grease. Assemble the check as follows: the o-ring MAY is to be CAUSE 4220-5, S.7, 26C 10 assembly b. Insert the check valve (10) into the check valve guide (carrier) (12) and secure it in place with the retainer (9). C. Install a lubricated I-I/16 inch O.D. o-ring (I I) in place on the check valve guide (carrier) (12). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VlliC.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a softs cleon_ lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN A_ IRRITATION. d. Insert the pilot valve spring (6), pilot spring seat (S) and exhaust spring (4)|at. check valve guide (carrier) (I 2). SKIN Install a lubricated 7/8 inch O.D. c-ring (23) into the groove at the upper end of the piston stem (24). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. guide (carrier) Install a lubricated I/4 inch O.D. o-ring (8) into the check valve retainer (9). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE S_/OR EYE IRRITATION. Assemble the piston assembly as follows: a. valve a. with the grease. groove in which with the grease. (17) in place on the MUST BE . WARNING: LUBRICANT AND/-O-R--'_YE IRRITATION. 2. 6. Position the diaphragm spring diaphragm follower (I 9). valve the WestinghouseAir 15148 Brake Pennsylvania Division I maintenance operation & A.Amo,lcmn.Sl=acl*tclC_.p_y WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKEC0MPANY/Wilmerding, information e, . Install the pilot valve - check valve guide (carrier) assembly (4 to 12 incl.) into the bushing in the emergency valve body cover (3). Passenger (Interstate) Transit Multiple Operated Electric Unit Insert the three 15/16 inch O.D. ring gaskets (13) and the 2-3/8 inch O.D. ring gasket (14) into the ring grooves in the emergency valve body (J6). Secure the cover (3) to the emergency valve body (16) with the three 3/8 x I-I/2 inch hex. head cop screws (2). 9. I0. Insert the vent protector in the diaphrogm housing. VII.O. I. (28) into TESTING t AND ADDITIONAL the exhaust (Refer port INFORMATION 559702 563267 567475 569465 570840 Test VIII.A. . 4. IMPORTANT: I. Specification Number T-2418-0 T-2567-0 T-2904-0 Contact WABCO Rep. T-2940-0 IMPORTANT: WHEN THE EMERGENCY PORTION FROM THE 26-C CONTROL VALVE FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, A STANDING VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE EMERGENCY PORTION AND THE CONTROL VALVE FUNCTION PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EOUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required. IMPORTANT: THE SERVICE PORTION OF THE 26-C CONTROL VALVE SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, LUBRICATED AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: 2A and 2B) to Figure 2B) EYE PROTECTION protector assembly MUST BE (96) from the If the vent protector assembly (96) is damaged or if the vent seal (96B) is torn or cracked or the rivet (96C) is bent, broken or damaged, the vent protector assembly MUST BE replaced or repaired. (I) When replacing the WABCO Port Number vent seal 551 I59. (96B) use (2) When replacing the WABCO Part Number pop type 552384. rivet, use 2. Remove the cop nut (45) from the service valve bottom cover (I'6), then remove the limiting valve piston spring (66), spring (67) if used, and shims (65) if used. 3. Remove the five hex head cop screws (44) which secure the service valve bottom cover (46) to the service valve body (101); then remove the bottom cover (46). 4. Remove the 15/16 inch O.D. ring gasket (79) from the bottom cover mounting face of the service valve body (101). S. Remove the large piston assembly from the service valve body (101). a. 11 Refer PERSONAL Remove the vent body (IOl). a. Vlll. SERVICE PORTION - MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES D to Figures DISASSEMBLY (NOTE: IMPORTANT: When a new or repaired and tested m_='m_'_'gencyPortion is mounted on the Pipe Bracket Portion a NEW mounting gasket MUST BE used (See Figure - 3 Reference I). 2. %Months 36 Months 15 Months (NOTE: The Service Portion is removed from the Pipe Bracket Portion by removing four I/2 inch hex nuts (Figure 2B, Ref. I). The nuts are not o port of the Service Portion but are a part of the Pipe Bracket Portion). After the Emergency Portion has been assembled BUT BEFORE it is returned to service it MUST PASS a series of tests following the procedure of the current issue of the applicable WABCO Test Specification as listed below: Emergency Portion Part Number FREQUENCY AT LEAST ONCE EVERY TYPE OF APPLICATION (/_7 to 50 incl.) Remove the eight I/4 x I/2 inch hex. socket cap screws (47) which secure the follower (48) and diaphragm (49) to the large piston (50). (I) Remove the diaphragm follower (2) Remove the diaphragm (49). (48). 4220-5, S.7, 26C operation & Westinghouse maintenance WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding. Pennsylvania 15148 A. &medr, ln-S_;_utl ¢,_meer_ informa¢ion 14 *,-----', _U 16 _/__ 3s 7_ r'___. 3 6A _]_ 2_.._z:--%-;! ,_'j_-17 JA 30---_ ;t_ ,' _ ,8 2 6 21....,..r7_ ..... "3 23_ I ' 13 I t , % ........ z-L-------i .... - 6. Remove the eight screws (51) which (54) to the service I/t; x I/2 inch secure the small valve body (1011. hnx. socket ciiaphragm _-_ ,;17,._ f r 2A - EXPLODED cap (I) cover each of the I//_ the smc, II cover, inch tapped holes then remove the 7. Remove 59) from n. 4220-5, S.7, 26C Remove from the small Remove the _I16 inch O.D. o-ring the small diaphragm cover (54). (53) from diaphragm To assist in removing the small diaphragm cover (5/_), insert one of the I//_ inch hex. socket cap screws into prnvided in small cover. 12 _I VIEW (2) a_ 10 if ....i c.,,\ < rl _:? FIGURE I the small the service the p_sher cover piston valve pin (52) (54). assembly (55, body (101). Remove the two 3/t_ inch O.D. the piston stem ($7). o-rings 56, 57, (56) 58, from A. Ju_rica_-$1=_ardc_p_ WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, 15148 Westinghouse Air Brake Pennsylvania Division [ maintenance operation & information 46 FIGURE 28- EXPLODED 13 _ 47 VIEW 4220-5, S.7, 26C r_ain_ena#_ce operation & I Westinghouse Air Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANY/Wilmarding. Division Pennsylvania 15148 A. &ml¢lcla.Stlndlt_ ¢,:mp_ information b. c. Remove the six I//_ x I/2 inch hex socket cap ._:rews (55) which secure the diaphragm follower (59) and diaphragm (58) to the small piston (57) then remove the diaphrngm follower ($9) from the diaphragm (58) from the piston stem side. Remove the 3//L inch O.D. o-ring stem of the small piston (57). Remove the 9/16 inch O.D. Hng goslcet (78) from the servia¢_ valve b,'_dy (1(11). 9. CAUTIO._: Ex_rcisinc; care so that no ports "flynut" and chute an injury, CAREFULLY remove the retaining ring (¢;01, spring cnge (61), and small diaphro.qm spring (42) from the service valve body (101). 10. Remove the emergency limiting valve piston from the emergency limiting vnive bushing (76). I I. b. c. (NOTE: e. Insert the selector valve piston tool shown on drawing R-_2-5 (see paragraph IV.A.3.) into the slot in the piston stem (/10) and piston stop (37), then remove the 1/2 inch stop nut (33), selector valve follower (34), diaphragm (35), selector valve piston (36), selector valve spring (/t2), spring retainer (LII), and piston stop (37) from the piston stem (/10). d. Remove the 5/8 inch O.0. piston stem (/1(')). e. Refer to Figure 28. CAUTION: Exercising care so thot no ports "fly-out" and cause an injury, CAREFULLY lift the edge of the selector volume overcharge check valve vent protector senl assembly (98) end remove the following parts from the service valve body (101). (69) Remove the I-I/16 inch O.D. o-ring (63) and the I-3/h inch O.D. n-ring (6A) or the I-5/16 inch O.D. e-ring (68) if an equipped from the emergency limiting1 valve pistnn (69). NOTE: P,efer In WABC£) Ports Catalog 3220-5, for o-rinfi ider, tificntion. Using the te_l sho,.m on drawing R-/_2-zb remove emergency limiting valve hushing (76) from service vnlve body (101). (See paragraph IV.A.I.). a. Turn the spring retainer (/11) on the piston stem (40) until the slot in the stem and slot in the piston stop (37) are in line. (56) from the 8. O. b. the the (NOTE: (2) Seal as_mbly (3) Check valve (/1) Check valve (100) Refer spring (99) Remove the rubber plug (100A) the check valve (100). to Figure from 2A) (16). 2A) 13. Remove the 15116 inch O.O. the service valve body (101). ring gasket valve piston the service application check valve spring (20). 19. Remove the three (/13) from 20. (38) from 14 rubber check valves (27, 28, 29). Remove the check valve guide (26). o. Remove the I-I//1 inch O.D. the check valve guide (26). b. CAUTION: Exercising care so that no ports "fly-out" and cause an injury, CAREFULLY remove the retainer (23) and check valve (2/1) from the check valve guide (26). assembly (37, 38, Remove the six 9/16 inch O.D. a-rings the piston stem (t,O). 4220-5, S.7, 26C (98) 17. Remove the control reservoir charging check valve spring (17), spring seat (18), and control reservoir charging check valve (19) if the portion is so equipped. (77) from 18. Remove a. the ring (97). 16. Remove the top cover gasket 12. Remove the four 3/8 x I-3//1 inch hex head cop screws (31) which the selector valve cover (32) to the service valve body (101). 14. Remove the selector 39,/10,/11,/12). (39) from 15. Remove the four 3/8 x I inch cap screws (I/1) which secure the top cover (IS) to the service valve body (101), then remove the service valve top cover (IS). CAUTION: Exercising core so that no parts "fly-out" and cause an injury, CAREFULLY remove the retaining ring (70), spring retainer (cage) (71), release ch,=ck valve spring (72), and rel_ose check valve (73). Refer to Figure Retaining (a) Remove the I-I/b: inch O.D. o-ring (7/1) and the I-9/16; inch O.D. o-ring (75) from the emergency limiting valve b,shing (76). Remove the 2-3/8 inch O.D. o-ring the service valve body (1Ol). (I) o-ring o-ring (25) from W_BCO Westinghouse Air Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilmerding, Amedcen-S_l_d operation Division Pennsylvania 15148 & maintenance information c. Remove the spring guide valve guide (26). (I) 21. (22) from Remove the 13/16 inch O.D. from the spring guide (22). 29. the check o-ring (21) o. Remove the seal wire (I) and the two 3/8 x I inch hex head cop screws (2) which secure the limitin 9 valve cover-adjusting screw assembly (3 to 9 incl.) to the service valve body (101). Discard the seal wire (I). a. Remove the two 3/8 inch hex head cap screws (80) which secure the graduated and direct release housing (cap) (81) and gasket (82) to the body (101). VllhB. Remove the graduated release cap (81) and gasket (82) from the service valve body (101). CLEANING IMPORTANT: Remove the 3/32 x I/2 inch cylindrical spring pin (3) from the adjusting screw (8). (2) Remove the adjusting collar (4) and I/4 inch spacer (S) from the adjusting screw (8). I. (3) Remove the adjusting screw (8), spring seat (9), and the 3/8 inch O.D. o-ring (7) from the cover(6). 22. Remove the service valve body (101). spring (11) from 23. Remove the I-7/8 inch O.D. ring the service valve body (101). the b. Remove the two I-I/4 (NOTE: 25. 26. 27. 28. Refer shims, to Figure if used. b. After the body has been cleaned it MUST BE blown completely dry with a low pressure le_-e's-s than 30 psig) jet of clean dry air. service ore not Remove the four 3/8 x I inch hex head cop screws (83) which secure the charging valve cover (8_) to the service valve body (101). Remove the cover (84) from the body (101). Remove the charging from the piston (88). valve piston diaphragm valve piston (88) and charging the service valve body (101). a. I/2 Remove the four the piston (88). Wash the remaining metal parts in the cleaning solvent described in paragraph IIhA. e. The springs removal of BRUSHING RUST, AND f. After all the metal parts are cleaned they MUST BE blown completely dry with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. g. Inspect (85) Remove the charging valve spring (87) from IMPORTANT: THE CHOKE PLUGS LOCATED _VICE VALVE BODY (Shown as reference 30 in Figure 2A and as references 90, 92A, 93, and 95 in Figure 2B) MUST BE SERVICED FOLLOWING THE PROCEDURE FOUND IN PARAGRAPH VI. THIS PROCEDURE MUST BE ADHERED TO. Refer to the WABCO Ports Catalog 3220-59 Sup. 7 for plug part number and location. d. inch O.D. o-rings (12). 2B) (89) from the 15 may be wire brushed to assist in the rust and scale. CAUTION: WIRE MAY CAUSE PARTICL_F DIRT, SCALE TO BE AIRBORNE. the parts. (I) Reject rusted, set. (2) Reject and replace any retaining ring is not elastic enough to hold securely. inch O.D. o-rings (86) from Remove the 7/8 inch O.D. ring gasket service valve body (101). MUST BE Clean the service valve body thoroughly, internally and externally, with o clean, lint-free, rag or cloth that is saturated with the cleaning solvent described in paragraph III.A. gasket (10) from (Shims EYE PROTECTION a. 2b,. Remove the limiting valve, valve piston (13) with shims (if used) from the service valve body (101). (Shims are not illustrated). Remove the illustrated). PERSONAL Metal Parts C. a. I AND REPAIRING (Refer to WABCO Parts Catalog 3220-5, Sup. 7 when ordering replacement parts. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication and those used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the description (parts name) to insure that the desired port is ordered). Remove the cover-adjusting screw assembly (3 to 9 incl.) as o unit from the service valve body (101). Disassemble the unit as follows," (I) r INSPECTING and replace any spring that is pitted, or has taken o permanent that 4220-5, S.7, 26C maintenance operation & I WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANY/Wilmerding, 15148 Westinghouse Air Brake Pennsylvania Division _ k==rV.a_st=.mmic_._,_ information (3) Reject and replace any part that is cracked, cut, broken, damaged in any way, worn excessively or that is in such a condition that would result in unsatisfactory operation. 2. e. The following from WABCO. Rubber Service Portion Part No. Parts Kits are available Kit For Kit Part No. Rubber Ports Total a. bo C. d. Moving Total VIII.C. I. If necessary, the face of the rubber seated check valves may be lopped on a fine grade of emery cloth (No. 200 grit) to obtain a smooth surface. WARNING: NOT MORE THAN 1/32 INCH _UM MAY BE REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL THICKNESS OR THE CHECK VALVE MAY FUNCTION ERRATICALLY. Reject and cracked, cut, aged in any condition that ry operation. 4220-5, 5.7, 26C Overhaul 56072_ Parts Only 560725 AND ASSEMBLING PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE IMPORTANT= Just prior to assembling lubricate all o-rlngs, o-ring grooves, and the bearing surfaces of the bushings into which the o-ring assemblies will be installed with No. 2 Silicone Crease, WABCO Specificatian M-7680-2 according to the following procedure: a. Coat the o-ring b. Fill the groove in which installed with the grease. Co Lightly coot the bearing surface of the bushing into which the o-ring assembly will be installed with the grease. WARNING: _YE (NOTE: (3) LUBRICATING IMPORTANT: WORN. Inspect the parts. any diaphragm 561122 NOTE: Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Divisio-To'n-_epresentative for Kits for Service Portions not listed. Serviceable gaskets and diaphragms may be brushed with a brush that has soft bristles, such as a shoe brush, to remove any remaining dirt and to palish the s,rfaces of the gaskets and diaphragms. Reject and replace flattened beads. Ports Only Moving Promptly wipe the rubber parts with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth, and then, blow them completely dry with a Io..ww pressure, (less than 30 pslg) jet of clenn, dry air. (2) 561121 567141 Rubber parts may be dipped in the cleaning solvent described in paragraph III.A. WARNING: RUBBER PARTS MUST NOT BE "A"L-'L-O"_c'-DTO SOAK IN THE CLEANING SOLVENT. (I) Overhaul 559702 (IMPORTANT= IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT ALL _S BE DISCARDED AND REPLACED WITH NEW WABCO QUALITY PARTS. IF SO DESIRED. SERVICEABLE RUBBER PARTS MAY BE REUSED ONLY AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN CLEANED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE:) Refer to Figure with the grease. LUBRICANT IRRITATION. the MAY o-ring will CAUSE be SKIN 2B) that has 2. Place the graduated release housing (cap) gasket (82) and the graduated release cap (81) in position an the service valve body (101) and secure them in place using two 3/8 x I-I/8 inch cap screws (80). replace any part that is torn, worn excessively, damway, or that is in such a would result in unsatisfacto- . 16 Install four lubricated I/2 inch O.D. o-rings (86) into the proper grooves on the charging valve piston (88). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/_RITATION. Westinghouse Air Brake Division operation & maintenance A_, Amorican.Slamdltd Cat.p,*. v WESTINGHOUSE AiR BRAKE COMPANY//Wdm*!rd_n:j i'ennsylvama _bl4b information 4, Insert the charging valve valve body (101). spring (87) into the service 5. Insert the charging valve piston (88) with o-rings (86) into the service valve body (101). 6. Install a 7/8 inch O.D. ring gasket (89) into the proper groove on the charging valve cover mounting face of the service valve body (101). 7. Place the service valve diaphragm (85) on the charging valve piston (88) with the bead of the diaphragm toward the groove in the service valve body (101). a. (NOTE: to Figure Install two lubricated I-I/4 inch O.D. o-rings (12) into the grooves on the service limiting valve piston (13). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with o soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: I_UBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN AN_E IRRITATION. 9. Insert the service limiting valve piston with (13, 12) into the service valve body (101). 12. Insert piston d. Install the 3/32 x I/2 inch cylindrical spring pin (3) through the drilled hole in the adjusting screw(8). the spring (I I) into (13). the service limiting Install a NEW wire (I) in place, BUr DO NOT SEAL. SEALING IS TO BE DONE Ah-TER THE VALVE PORTION HAS BEEN TESTED. See Paragraph V III.D.I. 15. Assemble the check valve incl.) as follows: valve guide assembly (23 to 26 a. Insert the check guide (26). (24) into the check b. CAUTION: Exercising care so that no parts "f--_Z'-out" and cause on injury, lock the check valve (24) in place by installing the retaining ring (23)in the check valve guide (26). C. Install a lubricated I-I//¢ inch O.D. o-ring (25) into the groove on the check valve guide (26). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, cleon, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN AND---/-O"R"I_-Y'_ IRRITATION. 16. Install the check valve guide (26) with into the service valve body (101). o-ring valve (25) 17. Install a lubricated 13/16 inch O.D. o-ring (21) into the groove on the spring guide (22). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lintfree cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/O_RITATION. into not the I-7/8 inch O.D. ring gasket (10) into groove in the service valve body (10t). 13. Assemble the limiting valve cover-adjusting assembly (3 to 9 incl.) as follows: a. Place the I//t inch spacer (5) and the adjusting collar (4) on the adjusting screw (8). a. o-rings 10. If shims are used, they should now be inserted the limiting valve piston (13). Shims are illustrated. Install proper c. 2A) 8. II. install the adjusting spring seat (9) and adjusting screw (8) in the cover (6) so that the drilled end of the adjusting screw extends out of the top of the cover (6). 14. Place the cover-adjusting screw assembly (3 to 9 incl.) in position on the service valve body (101) and secure it in place with the two 3/8 x I inch cap screws (2). Press the charging valve piston (88) into the service valve body (101), then using the narrow end of the valve diaphragm holding tool, as shown on drawing R-42-3, (See paragraph IV.A.2), push the diaphragm down between the piston and the body until the bead of the diaphragm is in the bead groove in the body. With the piston and diaphragm held in this position, place the wide part of the valve holding tool on the diaphragm and hold it in position. Place the charging valve cover (84) on the body and hold it in place while the tool is removed, then using the four 3/8 x I inch hex head cap screws (83) secure the cover (84) to the service valve body (1Ol). Refer b. the valve 18. Insert the spring guide check valve guide (26). screw 19. Installthe three rubber check the service valve body (10 I). 20. Install a lubricated 3/8 inch O.D. o-ring (7) in its groove in the limiting valve cover (6). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. 17 (22) with o-ring valves(27, (21)into the 28, 29) into Install the control reservoir charging check valve (19), spring seat (18) and control reservoir charging check valve spring (17)in the service valve body (101) if theportion is so equipped. 4220-5, $.7, 26C maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANY/Wilmerding. operation & I 15148 Air Brake Pennsylvania Division Westinghouse V,_ILV w aca An AN t J¢ll_ SIll fl_llltd C_e_l_n_ information 21. Place (101). 22. Insert the service application check valve spring (20) into the cheak valve guide spring guide (22). 23. Place the service valve top cover (15) on the service valve body (101) and secure it in place with the four 3/8 x J inch cap screws (J/t). 24. Turn the p_rtion over so that the selector valve cover mounting face is at the top. Assemble the selector valve piston assembly (33 to 42 incl.) as follows: O. the cover gasket (16) in position on the body Assemble the selectnr valve stop (37) spring retainer (41), spring (/42), selector valve piston (36), diaphragm (35), diaphragm follower (34) and stop nut (33) on the piston stem (40). c. Insert the cnntral valve selector valve piston assembly tool, shown on drawing R-42-5, (see paragraph IV.A.3.) into the slot in the piston stop (37) and piston stem (l_0), then tighten the stop nut securely (33). Insert the selector into the body (lOI). 26. Insert the 15/16 inch O.D. ring gasket (/t3) into the groove in the body (101). 27. IMPORTANT= Make certain the bead of the diaphragm (35) fits in the groove of the body (101), then place the selector valve cover (32) in position and secure it to the body (101) using the four 3/8 x I-3/4 inch hex head cap screws (31). 28. Refer to Figure 2B) Assemble the selector volume overcharge valve-seal-retainer assembly (97 to IOIA into the selector valve body (101) as follows= check incl.) a. Press the rubber plug (IOOA) in place in the check valve (100), then insert the check valve 4220-5, $.7, 26C 10 CAUTION: Exercising care so that no ports "fly-out" and cause on injury, place the retaining ring (97) between the wing washer and seal of the seal assembly (98). Then install the seal assembly (98) with retaining ring (97) into the service valve body (101). Make certain that the retaining ring (97) is in its proper position in the service valve body (101). Turn the service portion over so that the bottom cover mounting face is at the top. Install a lubricated 2-3/8 inch O.D. o-ring (77) into its groove in the service valve body (101). 30. Assemble the emergency limiting valve bushing assembly (70 to 76) and install it in the service valve body (101) as follows= O. valve assembly (33 to 42 incl.) the 29. Install six lubricated 9/16 inch O.0. o-rings (38) into the proper grooves on the piston stem (b,0). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIIhC. I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING= LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN A_ IRRITATION. 25. (NOTE: b. Install a lubricated 5/8 inch O.D. o-ring (39) into its groove on the piston stem (40). Lubrication procedure is fo,,nd in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, cleon_ lint-free cloth, WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN AN_ EYE IRRITATION. b. d. with plug (100, 100A) and spring (99) into service valve body (101). CAUTION: Exercising care so that no parts "_-out" and cause an injury, insert the release check valve (73), check valve spring (72), and spring (cage) retainer (71) into the emergency limiting valve bushing (76). CAREFULLY lock the parts in place with the retain-_'-(70). PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE INJURY. b. Install a lubricated I-I//= inch O.D. o-ring (7/4) and a lubricated I-9/16 inch O.D. o-ring (75) into the proper grooves on the limiting valve bushing (76). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIIhC.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN _D-/O'T:_r-E Y E IRRITATION. c. Insert the limiting valve bushing assembly (70 to 76 incl.) into the service valve body (101). 31. Install a lubricated I-I/16 inch O.D. o-ring (63) and a lubricated I-3/4 inch O.D. o-ring (6b,) or I-S/16 inch O.D. o-ring (68) into the proper grooves on the emergency limiting valve piston (69). (NOTE: Refer to WABCO Parts Catalog 3220-5, b'3-u"_-7"for o-ring identification). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN 7_qb'70"/:_-EY E IRRITATION. 32. Insert the emergency limiting valve (69) emergency limiting valve bushing (76). 33. CAUTION= Exercising care so that no parts "flyout" and cause an injury, insert the small diaphragm spring (62) and spring cage (61) into the body (101). CAREFULLY install the retaining ring (60) to lock the spring and cage (62, 61) in place. into the Westinghouse Ame_ci_-6tai_ c,_'_pa.7 Air Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, 34. Install a 9/16 inch O.D. ring gasket groove in the small cover mounting service valve body ( I01 ). 35. Assemble the small piston as follows: (78) into the face of the 41. b, & assembly (47 to 50 incl.) a. Place the large diaphragm (49) and diaphragm follower (/_8) on the large piston (50) with the bead of the diaphragm towards the diaphragm follower (48). b. Using the eight I/b, x I/2 inch hex. socket screws (47) secure the large diaphragm (49) and diaphragm follower (48) to the large piston (SO). Place the small diaphragm (58) and diaphragm follower (59) on the piston (57) with the bead of the diaphragm in the direction of the end of the piston (57). 43. Place the bottom cover (46) on the service valve body (101), then with the five hex. head cop screws (44) secure the bottom cover (46) to the service valve body (101). (I) 44. Install the spring shims (65) if used, spring (67) if used, and emergency limiting valve piston spring (66) through the bottom cover (46) and into the emergency limiting valve piston (69) which was previously installed in the service valve body (101). With the six I/4 x I/2 inch hex. socket cap screws (55) secure the diaphragm (58) and the diaphragm follower (59) to the piston Install two lubricated 3/4 inch O.D. o-rings (56) into the grooves on the piston (57). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE _'K']'N'--A-'N-_/OR EYE /RRITATIOI'L 36. Install the small piston assembly (55 to 59 incl.) into the service valve body (101). 37. Install o lubricated 9/16 inch O.D. o-ring (53) into the groove in the small diaphragm cover (54). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/_RITATION. Position the small piston service valve body (101). b. maintenance operation information Insert the large piston assembly (47, 48, 49, 50) into the service valve body (10l) with the bead of the diaphrogmtowards the bottom cover (46). (2) O. I 42. (57). 38. Pennsylvania 15148 Assemble the large piston os follows: assembly (55 to 59 incl.) Install one of the lubricated 3/4 inch O.D. orings (56) into the groove nearest the head of the small piston (57). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph VIII.C.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN _ib-Z0"]_-EYE IRRITATION. O, Division cover (54) in place o. VIII.D. . By means of the eight I/4 x I/2 inch hex. socket cap screws (47), secure the small cover (54) to the service valve body (101). 39. Insert 40. Insert the 15/16 inch O.D. ring gasket groove in the bottom cover mounting service valve body (101). AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT: When a new or rel_aired and tested Service Portion is mounted on the Pipe Bracket Portion a NEW mounting gasket MUST BE used. (See Figure 3 Reference 2). 2. Remove the two ,screws which were inserted into the small cover during the disassembling procedure. See paragraph VlII.A.6.a. TESTING: (66, After the Service Portion has been assembled BUT BEFORE it is returned to service it MUST PASS o series of tests following the procedure of the current issue of the WABCO Test Specification T2424-0. I. in the Using the cap nut (45), secure the springs 67) and shims (65) in place. IMPORTANT: WHEN THE SERVICE PORTION IS _ROM THE 26-C CONTROL VALVE FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, A STANDING VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE PORTION AND CONTROL VALVE FUNCTION PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required. the pusher pin (52) into the small cover (54). (79) into the face of the 19 4220-5, S.7, 26C Westinghouse maintenance operation information & Air Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilmerding. I The may free than It 10 14 ...] 17 '_ _19 _,<[(Jt I _ _ . PIPEBRACKETLEGEND Flange Size (in.) BRAKEPIPE BRAKE CYLINDER AUXILIARY RESERVOIR CONTROL RESERVOIR SELECTOR VOLUME EXHAUST EMERGENCYACTUATING PIPE PIPE BRACKET MAINTENANCE (Refer IX.A. 1 l 3/4 3/4 I/2 1/2 I/2 PORTION PROCEDURES t INSPECTING EYE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WHENEVER ANY PORTION OR DEVICE IS REMOVED FROM THE 25C CONTROL VALVE FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REPLACED WITH A _EW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, OR ACCESSORY DEVICE, A STANDING VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO ENSURE THAT THE 26-C CONTROL VALVE, THE PORTIOI_S, AND ACCESSORY DEVICES FUNCTION PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. AND TECHNIQUES r AND REPAIRING * PERSONAL TESTING IMPORTANT: Jo (NOTE: Refer to WABCO Ports Catalog 3220-5, Sup. 7 when ordering replacement parts. CAUTION." The reference numbers used in this publication and t_se used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the description (parts name) to insure that the desired part is ordered). IMPORTANT: exterior surfaces of the Pipe Bracket Portion be cleeaed by wiping with o soft, clean, lintcloth or blown cleon with a low pressure (less 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. The strainers (10) located in ports 5 and 7 MUST BE replaced with NEW WABCO Quality Parts if they are damaged in any way or if they cannot be easily cleaned. IX.B. to Figure 3) CLEANING Slsnd_rd The choke plugs (It, 15, 16, 17, 18) located in the pipe bracket MUST BE serviced following the procedure of paragraph VI. IMPORTANT: Servicing MUST BE done when any portion is removed from the pipe bracket for any reason. THE PROCEDURES OF PARAGRAPH VI. MUST BE ADHERED TO. FIGURE 3 - EXPLODED VIEW IX. Amsdr.m_ All mounting gaskets MUST BE replaced with NEW WABCO Quality Parts when any portion or accessory device is removed from the pipe bracket for any reason. to 13 1 16 5 7 9 10 12 A. _u , FORT PORT FORT FORT PORT PORT FORT Pennsylvania 15148 _ . is _'" Division PROTECTION MUST BE 3B The maintenance information for devices may be found in the following a. Reservoir b. Cut-Out the accessory publications'- Release Valve - 4220-5, S.7 RRV. Cock and Strainer - Zl216-2, COS. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required. Printed 4220-5, S.7, 26C 20 ;¢t U.S.A. April, 1978 WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE WILMERDING, REPAIR R-42-C, SERVICE !. AiR AiR PA. BRAKE BRAKE SPECIFICATION Sup. 6 PORTION PARTS THE AND I.i Refer parts and •1.2 Issue OF CATALOG DIVISION COMPANY No. 26-C OTHER 5 AND 26-F October 16, 1974 CONTROL VALVE INFORMATION to parts catalog G-h-3220-5 Sups. 3 and their location in the service portion. Required tools, solvents and assembling body is charging valve diaphragm shown on Dwg. R-42-3. 1.Z.2 Tool for service portion removing is shown emergency on Dwg. 1.2.4 1/4" x selector valve style selector Z" x 2" piston valve). 1.2.5 #I Truarc Pliers ±. Z.o #3 Truarc Pliers Steel while and for names of lubricants. 1.2.1 Tool for service portion 1.2.3 Tool for assembling is _nown on Dwg. R-42-5. 7, limiting R-42-4. valve disassembling Block (Used disassembling new to and piston bushing style hold spring and assembling into fro_ selector valve seat and the o!a 1.3 The solvent used for cleaning the parts removed from the valve must be an allphatic organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha, that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all part_ to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion. !.4 No. 2 SILICONE lubrication of all GREASE (Commodity No. "0" rings as specified 14696) is herein. ....... .equ_ ..... _o. thu 1.5 The threads of choke plugs and all other removable plugs a_ _ei[ as other threaded parts which may later be difficult to remove_ mus_ be coated lightly with a compound consisting of one part graphite, AAR Spec. M-913, and two parts of oil (SAE-20) by weight. 1.6 Removal, cleaning and replacement in accordance wlth items 3.6 through of choke plugs 3.6.5 inclusive. must be done 2. DISASSEMBLE 2.1 Remove the vent a_ follows: 2.1.1 If protector removal. protector assembly service valve body is assembly is basically from "new style one piece) 2.!.2 If service valve body is "old style protector assembly consists of pipe nipple, body refer to item 2.1.4 for removal. 2.1.3 Use clockwise a suitable wrench to until it is removed. turn the 2.1.4 Use protector a suitable ,_ench to turn assembly counter-clockwise the service type" refer t valve body (where the vent to item 2.1.3 for ype I! (where elbow and protector the vent body the pipe nipple, until they are vent prosecutor counter- elbow and removed. Z.2 Remove the cap nut and wasp excluder from the bottom cover turning the cap nut counter-c!ockwlse with a suitable _rench. '_-.o _ Remove the of the body. following ,D.1 body. Five head 2,3.2 Service 2.3.3 15/16" 2.3._ Large hex valve O.Do piston 2._._.I Remove the diaphragm Remove screws bottom the service which valve secure the cover ._e bottom cover to cover. ring gasket. and diaphragm the socket to the small by bottom assembly. the eight hex. socket head cap screws follower and the diaphragm to the large 2.3.5 Eight hex diaphragm cover 2.3.6 cap from vont head cap screws which service valve body. diaphragm cover R-42-C, Sup. Page 2 as 6 secure follows: which secure piston. the small the Insert one of the 1/4"'x 1/2" hex socket head cap screws (which was removed in item 2.3.5) into each of the two tapped holes in the exposed portion of the cover and then remove the cover w_h the aid of these two screws. Disassemble the small _emove the pusher diaphragm pin Remove the 9/16" O.D. pusher pin hole in the cover. 2.3.7 Small 213_7._ follows: piston and diaphragm Disassemble the Remove the _n_ll piston and the small from cover the 9/16" 0.D. center "0" ring from of the the small cover. bore of the assembly. piston and diaphragm assembly as six hex socket head cap screws which secure small diaphragm to the diaphragm follower. Remove the diaphragm follower, three 3/4" O.D. "0" ring from the small 2.3.8 as follows: ring small piston. diaphragm _he and the gasket. 2_3.9 Use a screw driver or some other suitable object and remove the retaining ring which secures the spring small diaphragm spring in the service valve body. 2.3.10 Spring 2.3.11 Small Z.3.12 Spring 2.3.13 Emergency limiting 2.3.14 Shims (if present). 2.3.15 Emergency limiting to compress cage and the cage diaphragm spring. Remove the l-l/16': from the emergency limiting valve piston spring. valve piston complete. O.D. "0" ring valve. R-_2-C, Sup. 6 Page 3 and the I-3/_ '' O.D. ':O_rlng 2.3.16 Use the special tool to remove emergency limiting Disassemble the shown on drawing R-42-4 valve bush assembly. emergency Remove the I-I/4" from the emergency limiting limiting valve O.D. and the 1-9/16" valve bushing. (item 1.2.2) bush as follows: O.D. "0" ring Use a screw driver or some other suitable object to compress and remove the retainer which secures the spring cage, the ch_ck valve sprlng_ and the release check valve in the emergency limiting valve bushing. Z.3.!6.!.3 Remove the spring cage, the check Valve from the emergency limiting 2.3.17 2-3/8" O.D. "0" from the selector 2w4.1 Four 3/8" hex head cap screws cover to the body. Selector 2.4.3 15/16" valve and the ring. _.4 Remove _he following service valve body. 2j4.2 check valve spring valve bush. which valve secure cover the face selector of the vulva cover. O.D. ring gasket. 2,'4,4 (items I_ service portion body 2._.6 through is "new style type" proceed as follows 2.4.5 (items If service portlonbody 2.4.7 through is "old style type" proceed as follows 2.4.6 valve Remove body. Z.4.6.1 the Remove Rotate stem until the stop ape in the the six valve 9/16" piston O.D. the spring retainer slot in the piston "0" assembly Rings from from the the s_rvic_ piston stem. on the selector valve piston stem and the slot in the piston alignment. Insert into the slot from selector the special in the stem selector valve tool shown on drawing R-42-5(item 1.2.3) and stop, and then remove the following piston stem: R-42-C, Sup. Page 4 6 2.4.6.Z.I I/2" stop nut. Selector valve follower. Selector valve dlaphra_m. _. Selector valve piston. Service selector Z.4.6.3".6 Retainer. Selector _._.6._ piston Remove stem. valve the 5/8" valve spring. stop. O.D. "0" ring Lift the edge of the selector valve vent protector seal, then remove (internal tYpe), seal assembly, check _.I$.7 valve Remove body. Z.4.7.1 valve) the Remove piston selector the six stem. valve 9/16" piston O.D. "0" from assembly Rings on the retainer x Insert a steel block 1/4" Z. 2.4.7._ 1/2" hexagon stop valve follower. Selector valve diaphragm.°4 Selector valve piston. Service selector Retainer. Selector valve 2" x and nut. 2 Selector valve spring. stop. R-4Z-C, Sup. Page 5 selector valve volume overcharge check the square retaining ring valve spring, and check valve. ZJ4.7.2 Rotate the spring retalner stemuntll the slot in the spring stem are fn:allgnment. piston stem and the spring retalner_ from the selector valve piston stem. the 6 from from the selector and the the (selector valve slot 2" into the then remove service piston in the piston slot in the the following 2.4.7._ NOTE: _J J, 7 _ _._..._ Remove A selector spring and overcharge the 5/8" valve spring check O.D. stop replaces the emergency seat if the selector volume valve is used. "0" ring t,,e_ from selector _to,, ...... valve stem. 2.J_.7.6 Remove the six valve follower and the valve piston, and then from the piston. _.4.8 Remove control valve 2.4.9 elbow, 2.5 the 2 selector ring, the following valve body. spring volume Lift the edge of the ring, seal assembly, Remove service 2.5.1 valve the retaining body. Remove the if used. E.A.9.retaining (6) 1/4" hex nuts which secure the selector selector valve diaphragm to the selector remove the diaphragm follower and the diaphragm seat, overcharge vent protector check valve from the top . .5. Z Top _ervice 2.5.3 Cover gasket. _.5.4 Check valve valve spring check valve seal, spring, then and service Four 3/8" hex head cap screws which cover to the service valve body. and valve secure from the assembly remove check i,.,e valve. cover face top service the and of cover. spring or springs (some service portions have two sprlng_). 2.5.5 check Three rubber valves). ?.5.6 Spring 2.5.7 Check seat valve Remove the check (if so guide I-1/4" valves service portions have four equipped). assembly O.D. Use a screw driver or and remove the retainer which valve (some complete. "0" ring from the check valve some other suitable object secures the check valve in guide. R-42-C, sup. Page 6 6 guide. to compress the check _.5.7.3 R'@movethe check valve Remove the spring ?. Remove the 2.6 Remove the valve body. guide 13/16" following from from O.D. from the check valve the Two 3/8" hex head cap screws which to the service valve body. ?.6._ Li_itihg _.6.2.1 Disassemble cover the from limiting _6.1 cover valve check valve "0 N ring the guide. the valve secure guide. spring face the guide. of the limiting service valve assembly. limiting ?.6._.l.l Cut and remove the collar and adjusting screw. valve cover wire from seal assembly as follow_: the hexagon adju_tlns _.6_.I._ cylindrical adjusting Use a suitable drift punch to remove the 3/3_ _' dlameter spring pin from the hexagon adjusting collar and screw. _.6_.!.3 Remove the hexagon adjusting collar from the adjusting _c_ew. Z.6.'Z.l._'Remove the following items from the limiting valve cover. 3/8" O.D. "0" ring adjusting screw I/4" spacer &dJusting spring seat _I ?.6.3 Service Z.6.4 Limiting spring valve service piston with "0" rings (and shlm_ if used). Remove _ervice piston. _.6.5 _.7 valve 1-7/8" Remove the the 0.D. two rir_ following I-1/4" O.D. "0" ring from the limiting v_lve gasket. from the charging body. R-_2-C, Page Sup. 7 6 valve face of the _ervlce 2.7.1 valve Four 3/8" hex head cap screws which cover to the service valve body. 2.7.2 Charging valve cover. 2.7.3 Charging valve diaphragm. 2.7.4 Charging valve piston. piston 2.7.5 Remove the stem. Charging 2.7.6 7/8" four valve 1/2" O.D. the charging from the charging "0" rings valve spring. O.D. ring gasket. 2.8 Remove the following service valve body. from the graduated 2.8.! Two 3/8" hex head cap screws which release cap to the service valve body. 2.8.3 secure release secure the cap face of th_ graduated Cap gasket 3. CLEAN, INSPECT AND REPAIR 3.i Metal parts 3.1.1 Wash all various covers 3ol.2 clean Parts air. 3.1.3 Springs metal parts except the service valve body and the in the prescribed cleaning solution (item !.3). thus cleaned may be wire must be dried with a low pressure Jet of brushed. 3.1.4 The service valve body and the various covers must be thoroughly cleaned internally and externally with a cloth saturated in the prescribed cleaning solution. 3.1.5 Parts cleaned as in pressure Jet of clean air. item 3.1.4 m;ast be dried with a low 3.2 Rubber parts 3.2.1 NOTE: Rubber parts must not cleaning solution. be permitted R-_2-C, Sup. 6 Page 8 to soak in the 3,2.2 Rubber parts such "0 '_ rings may be dipped grease and/or dirt. 3.2.3 Cleaned a lo'_ pressure solution. 3_2,4 broken as in rubber parts must Jet of clean air Reject and replace or flattened beads Serviceable ,,oAt bristle brush dirt and to polish. _.2,5 Reject damaged. and 3.3 Replace securely. any all or replace all parts in such a and diaphragms a shoe brush) all retaining be immediately when removed "0" ring for rings which rust that are condition must be to remove which is not and to remove wiped and dried from the cleaning gaskets and diaphragms any that reveal cracks gaskets (such as _,4 Inspect all springs Replace where necessary. 3.5 Replace damaged_ Or operation. gaskets, diaphragms, check valves the prescribed cleaning solution are which have or cut_. brushed with any remaining cut elastic pits, distortion cracked, as would broken, result or enough or their size and shape must not be to Remove the choke plug pressure Jet of clean 3.6.4 Inspect restricted. the choke plug .... worn excessively, in unsatisfactory az it in the prescribed cleaning used for cleaning chokes as changed. from the compressed to clamp permanent 3.6.Z While the choke plug Is soaking in the cleaning pazsage from which it was removed must be checked for and blown out if necessary. 3.6.3 a low a otherwise 3.6 The slzeand cleanliness of chokes are important. To avoid misplacement of chokes during assembling, only one choke plug a time should be removed for servicing. The following procedure should be adhered to for servicing choke plugs: 3.6.1 Remove the choke plug and place solution. Metallic tools must not be with solution air. insure R-42-C, Sup. Page 9 that 6 and it is blow clean solution, cleanliness it off and the with not 3.6.5 Coat the threads of the choke plug lightly _ompo_nd (item 1.5) and assemble into the port removed. 3.7 If necessary, the face of the lapped on #200 grade emergy cloth mu_t b4 free of burrs. with lubricating from which it was rubber sealed check valve_ to obtain a smooth surface. may be Guides 4. Lb_RICATE AND ASSEMBLE _.l The installation of "0" rings requires that the _ubric_n_ " _ specified in item 1.4 be used according to the following procedure: Fill the "0" rlng(s) grooves with the grease. Coat the "0" ring(s) with the grease. Install the off the excess grease with a surfaces of the bushings with "0" rlng(s) into llnt free cloth. grease. 4.2 Install the graduated release service valve body as follows: cap on the their Coat grooves. Wipe the bearing proper face of the 4_2.I Place the cap gasket and the graduated on the proper face of the service valve body mounting holes in each are in allgnmeht with proper face on the service valve body. release cap in po_itlon such that the two the tapped holes in the 4. Z. 2 Insert a 3/8 x 1-3/8 inch hex head cap the two mountlng holes in the cap gasket and cap and into the tapped holes in the service screw through the graduated valve body. 4.2.3 secure Equally tighten the graduated 4.3 Install grooves on the two cap screws inserted release cap in place. a lubricated the charging _Q " 4 Install valve body. the 1/2" valve following 4.4.1 Charging valve _pring 4.4.2 Charging valve piston 4.4.3 4._.4 groove 7/8" O.D. ring O.D. "0" piston. into the with ring charging "0" into in item each of valve face of each of release 4. Z.2 the the to four service rings. gasket. Place the charging valve diaphragm in the service valve body) over R-42-C, Page Sup. I0 the 6 (with the charging bead toward the valve piston. Z_.I$.5 Press the charging valve piston into the body, then u_ing the narrow end of the tool (item 1.2.1 shown on Dwg. - R-42-3) push the diaphragm down between the piston and the body until the bead of the diaphragm is in the bead groove in the body. With the piston and diaphragm held in this position, place the wide part of the tool on the diaphragm and hold in position. Place the charging valve cover on the body and hold it in place till the tool is removed. , I, f I _I_4.o with the charging valve cover held in place as in item *.4.D, insert a 3/8 x I inch hex head cap _crew through each of the foul" raounting holes in the charging Valve cover and into the tapped holes in the service valve body. 4_4.7 E_ually to secure the 4.D [ns ua_l _-j/_ O.D. diameter of tighten charging the four cap valve cover a lubricated 1-1/16" ring into their the (Emer.) limiting _.6 Iosert the (Emer.) first) into the larger 4.7 Insert the limiting valve 4.7.1 (Release) 4.7.2 Check 4.7.3 Spring limiting bore end following bush: check valve into screws l_serted in place. 0.Do proper valve "0" ring grooves piston. in item 4.4.6 and a lubricated on the outer valve piston (small diameter end of the emergency limiting valve bumh. the smaller bore end of the emergency valve. spring. cage(wlng end first). 4.7._ Depress the spring cage and bhen compress nal type retainer into the proper groove in the bore of the emergency limiting valve bush. and insert an intersmaller diameter 4.8 Install a lubricated I-i/4" O.D. "0" ring and a lubricated 1-9/16" O.D. "0" ring into their proper grooves on the outer of the emergency limiting valve bushing. _j5 Insert groove in c_vity on a lubricated the (Emer.) the service diameters 2-3/8" in O.D. "0" ring into the proper limiting valve cavity on the service valve valve bottom cover face of the service valve _ody. R-42-C, Page Sup. II 6 4_10 Carefully insert the (Emer.) limiting valve piston and emergency limiting valve bushing assembly (small diameter end first) into the proper cavity in the service v_lve body. 4.11 Insert a lubricated 9/16" O.D. "0 n ring into the proper in the bore at the center of the small diaphragm cover. 4.1_ Insert a p_sher diaphragm cover. 4.13 Insert a small end first)into the face of the service 4.14 over pin into the bore at the center of.the groove small diaphragm spring and a spring cage (flanged larger cavity in the service valve bottom cover valve body. Place a 2-5/8 bore x 1/16 inch internal type the smaller diameter of the spring cage. retaining ring 4.15 Depres_ the spring cage and then compress the retaining ring allowlng it'to become seated in the proper groove in the service valve body and securing the small diaphragm spring and spring ca_e in place. 4.16 Install a lubricated 3/4" O.D. "0" ring grooves on the smaller diameter of the small into each of the piston stem. three 4.17 Place the small diaphragm (small dlameter end first with the markings away from the plst_n) and the dlaphra&m follower (side with the tapped holes first) over the small diameter end of the small piston stem. 4.16 Insert a 1/4 x 1/2 inch hex socket head cap screw through each of the six holes in the sm_ll piston and into the tapped hole_ in the diaphragm follower. _.19 E_ually inserted in tlght@n the six hex socket head cap screws which item 4.18. to secure the small piston assembly. were 4.20 Insert the small piston assembly (smaller diameter end flr_t) through the spring cage and spring in the larger cavity in the service valve bottom cover face of the service valve body. 4.21 Install a 9/16 inch the larger cavity in the service valve body. _.2Z Make certain positioned in the O.D. ring gasket into the proper recess service valve bottom cover face of the that the bead of the groove in the service R-_2-C, Sup. Page lZ small diaphragm valve body. 6 is properly in D 4.23 Place the assembled over the small diaphragm that the eight mounting service valve body. 4.24 were Remove the two inserted during small dlaphra_m cover (recessed side first) assembly in the service valve body such holes are in alignment with those in the 1/4" x I/2" hex socket head item of disassembly. 4.25 Insert a I/4" x 1/2 inch hex socket each of the 8 holes in the small diaphragm holes in the service valve body. 4.26 Equally inserted in 4.27 tighten the item 4.25 to Pre-assemble 4.27.1 upward. Position the the eight secure larger large cap screws head cap screw through cover and into the tapped socket head cap screws which were the small diaphragm cover in place. piston piston and with _.27.2 Place the large diaphragm (small markings facing upward) upon the large on the diaphragm is properly positioned diaphragm the 8 as tapped 4.27.4 InSert a 1/4 x 1/2 inch hex each of the 8 holes in the diaphragm holes in the large piston. the to eight secure follows: holes faclns diameter end first with piston such that the bead in the groove on the piston. 4.27.3 Place the diaphragm follower (flat side down) diaphragm such that the eight mounting holes are in those in the piston. 4_27.5 Equally tighten inserted in item _._7.4 on the alignment 15/16" bottom socket head cap screws which the large diaphragm assembly. O.D. ring gasket into the cover face of the service _.30 Install the following limiting Valve piston: 4.30.I Shims (if _.30.2 Emergency 4.30.3 Spring into the exposed valve piston R-42-C, Psge Sup. 13 spring. 6 proper valve opening used). limiting large with socket head cap screw through follower and into the tapped 4.28 Carefully place the large diaphragm assembly (large wearing tip end first) over the small diaphragm cover in service valve body. 4.29 Insert a service valve which piston the groove body. of were the on the emergency 4.31 Carefully position the service assembled parts and onto the service five mounting holes are in alignment valve body. valve bottom cover over the valve body such that the with those in the service 4.32 Insert a I/Z" x 1-3/4" long hexagon head cap screw through each of the 5 holes in the service valve bottom cover and into the tapped holes in the service valve body. 4.33 Equally tighten the five hex head cap screws which were In_erted in item 4.3Z to secure the service valve bottom cover in place. 4.34 Insert and tighten the cap nut and wasp excluder tapped opening in the service valve bottom cover. 4.35 Install the vent protector assembly in the side of the service valve body (opposite cover face) as follows: into the the tapped opening on the selector valve 4.j5.1 If service for vent protector valve body Is installation. "new style type", refer to item 4.35.3 4.35.2 If service for vent protector valve body is installation. "old type", refer to item 4.3f with a suitable 4.35.3 Insert wrench. the vent protector style body and tighten 4.35.4 Insert the proper pipe nipple, assembly and tighten with a suitable elbow and vent wrench. protector 4.36 Install the selector volume over charge check valve into the proper cavity at the bottom of the bottom cover face of the _ervlce body in the following manner: 4.36.1 Insert the check valve (rubber 4.36.2 Insert the check valve spring. 4.36.3 insert the vent 4.36.4 Place protector the retaining ring plug end first). seal. on the seal assembly. 4.36.5 Compress the retaining ring and place it into the proper groove in the service body to secure the selector volume overcharge check valve assembly in place. R-42-C, Sup. 6 Page 14 4_37 Install the limiting limiting valve cover face ing manner: valve into the proper cavity on the of the service valve body in the follow- 4_37.1 Install a lubricated I-1/4" two grooves on the outer diameter portion. 4.37.2 Pre-assemble the limiting O.D. "0" ring of the limiting valve cover into each of the valve service as follows: Insert the adjusting screw (end with 1/8" diameter hole l_._) into the cylindrical end of the adjusting spring seat and then run it over all of the threaded portion. 4_37.2.2 Insert the adjusting screw (end with I/8" diameter hole first) into the hole in the machined face of the limiting valve cover such that the square end of the adjusting spring seat is properly seated in the square opening in the cover. 4,37.2.3 Assemble the following over the screw (the end with 1/8" diameter hole). _.,2 4, Lubricated 1/4" 3/8" O.D. exposed end of the adjusting "0" ring. spacer. Hexagon adjusting collar. Position the hexagon adjusting collar on the adjusting screw such that the lateral holes in each are in alignment and then in_ert the 3/32 x I/2 inch cylinder pin in place to hold the adjusting screw_ 4.37.3 on the Install limiting 4_37_4 service Install valve the 1-7/8" O.D. ring valve cover face of the body: of piston Limiting first). Service following valve into service gasket into the service the piston limiting and spring. R-_2-C, Page Sup. 15 6 "0" the proper valve body. valve cavity rings (closed groove of the end 4.37.5 Place the assembled limiting valve cover on the proper face of the service valve body such that its mounting holes are in alignment with the two tapped holes in the body and the wasp excluder i_ facing toward the top service valve cover. 4.37.6 Insert the limiting valve body. 4.37.TEn,ally item 4.37.5 body. a hex head cap screw through each of the two hole_ valve cover and into the tapped holes in the service tighten to secure the two cap screws which were inserted in the limiting valve assembly in the service ,._8 Install the following into service valve cover face of the 4.38.1 Backflow _38.2 Control 4_38.3 Auxiliary 4.38.4 Control their proper c_v_ie_ service valve: on _ne top check valve. reservoir dissipation reservoir reservoir check valve. charging charging check valve. check valve(if ._8.5 Spring seat check valve spring (pointed end first) (if required). _38.6 the diameter in Preassemble service valve required). and control check valve Insert the service valve check valve bore of the check valve guide. into reservoir assembly the cn_Ino as follow_: larger _.38.6.2 Compress and insert the I-1/32 bore x 1/16 inch retainer over the service valve check valve and into the proper groove in the bore of the check valve guide. 4._5.6.3 Install a lubricated 13/16 on the outer diameter of the spring Insert the spring gUide end of the check valve guide. Install a lubricated on the outer diameter of the inch 0.D. guide. (solid I-I/4 inch check valve R-42-C, Sup. 6 Page 16 "0" end first) ring into 0.D. "0" ring guide. in the o_oove the open into the groove 4.38.7 Carefully install (check Valve end first) valve cover face of the the assembled service into the center cavity service valve body. _.38.8 Insert the service application exposed open end of the spring guide. _.38.9 Place the cover gasket (side on the top _ervlce valve Cover face 4.38.10 Place the top valves, sprlngs,etc,mounding holes are in valve body. 4.38.11 Insert four holes in in the service a 3/8 x ! inch the top _ervlce valve body. the face check valve spring with the positioning of the service valve the to hex head cap screw through each valve cover and into the tapped following into of the service the large cavity valve body. on the selector the 4.39.2 If instructions is "old through the service valve body of items _.39.4 5/8" style type", follow 4.39.!I inclusive. assemble the following valve piston stem: O.D. "0" rlng into items its proper over the Spring retainer (larger _.39.3._ Assemble the selector such that the spring comes to spring retainer. ' R-4E-C, Page diameter valve spring rest against Sup. 17 6 threaded end groove. Selector valve stop (larger diameter end fl. =_ slot on the outer diameter aligned with the slot in the v_±ve _ pl_ton stem). of the hole_ four hex head cap screws which were secure the top service valve cover in is _'new style type", follow through inclusive. Carefully service the stud down) body. 4.39.1 If s@rvice valve body instructions of items 4.39.3 4.59.3 of the D into service valve cover over the assembled check on the service valve body such that the four alignment with the tapped hole_ in the _ervice 4.38.12 E_ually tighten in_,crted in item 4.38.11 place. 4.'39 Install valve cover valve check valve on the top service end and wlth selector t_.e first). over the the outer spring flange retainer of _he Selector facing downward). valve piston (with the 2" diameter Place the selector valve diaphragm end first) wlth the Pc. number on the large facing upward. Place the selector downward) upon the selector bead Is properly seated in recessed area (small diameter bead diameter bead end valve follower (larger dl_meter face valve diaphragm making certain that the the groove on the selector valve piston. Assemble the 1/2 inch stop nut end of the selector valve piston stem. onto the exposed threaded IC39.3.9 Insert the tool (item 1.?.3) shown on Dwg. R-4_-5 into the slot in the piston stop and piston stem, and then tighten the stop nut s_curely. Insert a lubricated 9/16" OoD. "O" ring slx grooves on the selector valve piston stem. I_.39J3.11 end first) Carefully into the 4.39.4 Insert the (flanged end first) insert proper into the _elector valve assembly cavity in the service valve each of the ("0" ring body. selector valve spring and the spring retainer into the proper cavity in the service valve _.39.5 Depress and insert the and Into the proper groove in retaining rlng over the the service valve body. spring 4.39.6 Assemble the diaphragm and diaphragm follower to the valve piston and secure in place wlth the six(6) 1/4" nuts. body. retainer selector 4.39.7 Carefully insert a lubricated 5/8" O.D. "0" rlng over the threaded end of the service valve piston stem and into the proper groove, I_.39.8 Place the spring seat, with the milled slot toward the bottom end of the piston stem selector valve emergency spring, and diaphragm piston assembly onto the piston stem, then secure in place wlth the 1/2" hex stop nut. NOrm. To asslst in assembling steel block into the slot in the piston, insert the 1/4" x 2" x 2" the spring seat and piston stem. R-42-C, Sup. 6 Page 18 4.39.9 grooves 4.39.10 4.39.11 _i_o_) Insert a lubricated 9/16" O.D. "0" on the selector valve piston stem. NOTE: A selector and spring check valve is inserted stem. Carefully into the into each of the _ix valve stop replaces the emergency spring seat if the selector volume overcharge is used, in which case the steel block in the slot in the valve stop and pl_ton insert the proper cavity 4.40 ihstall a 15/16" _elector valve cover rlng selector in the valve service assembly ('0" valve body. O.D. ring gasket in the face of the service valve proper body. ring groove end on the 4_41 Make certain that the large diameter bead of the selector valve diaphragm i_ seated in the proper groove in the service valve body and then place the selector valve cover over the selector valve assembly such that the four mounting holes are aligned with the tapped hole_ in the service valve body. . rD_,_ 4.4Z four insert holes a in 4.43 item E4ually 4._2 to 3/8" x 1-3/4" the selector tighten secure hex. valve head cap cover. screw through each the four cap screws which were inserted the selector valve cover in place. of the in rm 4_ • 5.1 The assembled control valve service portion must be te=_eo in accordance with the current issue of T-_4_-O prior to being placed into service. APPROVED: Supervisor Services Manager Services - Technical RFB:bao R-42-C, Page Sup. 19 6 - Engineering RE%rlS!ON SHEET Revised 4-28-60 Issue No. 1 RFB:lat Issue No. A_guJt 2, GLB:lat 2 1960 Revised clarify IV Assembling assembling of Omitted reference to and added the 26-C. 26-D Control _s_ue NO. 4 _,_or,,_ry 28, Hvl L.b_o Added instructions for new style service portions and modified old style portion_. 1954 issue No. 5 October 16, 1974 W_f_ : C_O assembling Valve Added shape for E. to valve, Tssue No. 3 November 9, 1961 RFB:mlo cone instructions paragraph charging turncated diaphragm. Changed format of entire specification. Included reference to Parts Cat. No. Sup. 7 for 26-C Control Valve _ervlce R-42-C, Sup. 6 3_O-3 portion. ____,_3 t /_ I I [ IJ I -2 <: ,i t ,i Round ! GOfROf;j I 11_,'_. ,f. . i .:_ HAND TOOl_ ASSEMBLING i MotorioX: Stoal ! _ R:.v;,_ed 7-16-64 ", j o".W_ 3:.... W.B. AF_QCV_ I .. ,, FOR USE __ DIA o ,_,,R.-,_,v,o _,"_ _," \ i , WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE OIVISION, AIR ................ ,'_/..,_:_"-''"" ."r'._. . w_u,ic.,',,.,,.:S _, TOOL rO,'_ _-,_,V;_,V,,_G. _ . ,..,, ..... . ...... ,., VALVE E_ r:'-RG'E.i_:CY .... ' ..... _I', _.i... SUSMING FROM SE;-_VIC:'-".'-_ O,,--"",,.,_. ,'_" i,, I I ........ ............ • ........... i T i ....... I 1 ,I ,t ::! ( / t t_ :i ,i *r { I -!_'_ 0 ,r-L'_-='i q i ,%._._ n_ ,_a_oriol: Sfoal --T_ .....T ,_,---X,,2-}4:.-.-_;2x#:_i"-t: ._.,U_,',-% ,.... ",.,.. '--Vo i W,-STING, 2_-C _ND 26-F ASSEMBLY SELECTOR k' CC,N",':,'C':_ V._LVE TOOL VALVE PISTON WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE WILMERDING, REPAIR Issue BRAKE BRAKE SPECIFICATION No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS AS_EM_I_N_ Reference of parts I. AIR AIR PA. _E DIVISION COMPANY R-_Z-C, March Sup. 9 25, 1965 FOR DISASSEMBLING, EMERGEN_ PORTION may be made to Parts and their location in CLFANING, REPAIRING OF THE 26-C CONTROL AND VALVE Catalog No. 3220-5, Sup. the emergency portion. R for names DISASSEMBLING A. For Emergency i. Remove a. B@ Portion cap Remove Co, nut, check 3/4" O.D. Pc. valve, "0" Remove the bhree (3) cap the emergency valve body, and Ring screws then A567475, spring from whi,:h remove cap Only from cover. nut, secure the the cover. D. For Emergency i. Remove check valve spring, pilot val_e spring seat, and pilot valve spring from the check valve guide (carrier). Remove check valve guide (carrier) from the emergency valve body. With Remove the pilot "0" Ping or "O" Piloted valve Rings and from three body. Emergency the I-I/16" check valve (3) to Remove the 2-3/8" O.D. Ring Gaskets Portions Ring Gasket and the the emergency valve cover C. a. O.D. from fete, Check 15/16" Valve O.D. guide (carrier). NOTE: There are two t_es of check valve guides (carriers) in service in the emergency portion. The difference between the two types of check valve guides (carriers) is the use of either one or three "0" Pings. When port#5 to the emergency portion hlghpressure valve is plugged which eliminates the hig_h pressure function, only one "0" Ping is used. If port #5 is not plugged, then the three "0" Ring type check valve gulde (carrier) must be used. Only When assemblingof Emergency Pc. A559702, 26 C Controlportion, Valve Co,lets, Pc. A560695, the three "0" Ring Check Valve guide (carrier) must be used. _move b@ che(_k valve valve 1. E. For i. G. Portions and guide 1/4" O.D. "0" Ring valve retainer. Without Piloted Remove check Remove check the "0" Ring or "O" valve guide(carrier). Emergency Rings Check Valve Only check valve valve guide retainer (carrier). rir_ and For_rgency Check Valve Piloted Remove valve Portions only Without the diaphragm piston. Remove the two (2)).-3/8" i" O.D. Ring Gasket:_ from 9 from the There are two types of check valve guides (carriers) in service S n th_ emergency portion. T_ difference between the two typem of check valve guides (carriers) is the use of either one or three "0" _ings. Nl_a port #5 to the emergency portion high pressure val_e is plugged, which eliminates the high pressure ftu_ction, only one _0 _ Ring is used. if port #5 is not plugged, then the three "O" Rir_ type cheek valve guide (carrier) must be used. which then Sup. check (carrier). Remove the four (4) cap screws body to the dlaphra_m houslng, body. i. R-42-C, Page Z retainer valve Remove the exhaust spring from the check valve guide (carrier), then remove the check valve guide (carrier) from the emergency valve body. NOTE: FQ check Remove the from check Emergency a. 2. from spring f_om check secure remove valve from the emergeney the emer_eney the valve valve Emergency the emerKency O.D. Ring Gaskets and the diaphragm housing. the three (3) I. Remove the hou8 Ing. i. @ J. IIo B@ C@ valve Hold _he emergency wrench, then remove stem° "0" diaphragm, b. Remove piston "0" Remove the the 7/8" stem. vent O.D. protector INSPECTING, AND from Rings the from dlaphrag/a the piston stem with an open end the Jam nut from the piston Remove the follower, from the pizton stem. from Ring the and from piston the diaphragm housing. REPAIRING With the Emergency portion parts must be cleaned and completely inspected. disassembled, all the All the parts (except the body) must be washed in a suitable solvent that will dissolve oil or grease and permit all the parts to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion. The exterior of the b_dy must be thoroughly cleaned by means of a cloth or rag saturated with a suitable solvent. All gaskets, diaphragms, and rubber seated valves may be dipped in a suitable solvent to assist in the removal of greasy dirt. These parts must be promptly wiped dry after cleaning and must not be allowed to soak in the cleaning fluid. Gaskets and diaphragms any that reveal cracks E. All "0" Rings and wise damaged must F. If necessary, refinished by which have broken or flattened beads or cuts must be rejected and replaced. check valves be rejected which are cut, and replaced. the fa?e of the rubber lapping on a piece of Serviceable _skets bristle brush (such dirt and to polish. R-42-C, Page 3 complete a. D. H_ piston Remove the three (3) 5/8" 0.D. emergency valve piston stem. CLEANING, A. emergency cracked, check valves medlumweight and diaphragms must as a shoe brush) to be brushed remove any or other- can be emery paper. with a soft remaining The size of chokes is i_portant and whenever a portion is disassembled, the choke fittings must be cleaned and inspected to insure that they are clean and not restricted. SUp. 9 or I@ These cho_es must be removed, cleaned, and replaced one s+t a time. Where this process is followed, misplacement of chokes will be impossible. While the chokes are removed, the passages must be checked for cleanliness and blown out if necessary. The chokes can be cleaned in a suitable sol_,en_ and then blown off Wfth a jet nf compressed air. Metallic tools must not be used for cleaning chokes as their size must not be changed. J. After the choke plugs have been thoroughly cleaned, the threads of the choke plugs must be coated lightly with a compound consisting of one part graphite, AAR Spec. M-913, and two p_rts of oll (SAE-20) by weight before being assembled into the emergency portion. K@ Clean all springs using a wire brush and suitable solvent, then inspect for r_st pits, distortion, or pernmnent set, replace where necessary. L@ M. IIl. Replac_ damaged, factory all parts that are cracked, or in such a condition as operation. Retaining rings should be replaced elastic enough to clamp securely. LUBRICATING AND and broken, worn excessively, would result in unsatis- if they are broken or not ASSEMBLING A@ During assembling, lubricate all "0" Rings, the grooves, and the bushings into wblch they fit with No. 2 Silicone Grease, Commodity No. 14696. Coat the "0" Ring and fill the groove with grease. After the "O" Ring is installed in the groove, remove the excess _ease by wiping with a finger. Coat the bearing surface of the bushing wlth grease before the "0" Ring assembly is inserted. B. Piston i. @ S. _ R-4Z-C, Page 4 Assembly Insert upper _nto the groove at the Place the piston, diaphragm, and diaphragm follower on the piston stem, being careful not to damage the "0" Ri:_, and secure in place w!th the 5/8" Jam nut. Insert grooves Insert Sup. the 7/8" O.D. "0" Ring end of the piston stem. the 9 the on piston three (3) the piston assembly 5/8" O.D. _tem. into the "0" Rings into diaphragmhouslr_. the D. Insert the two (2) 1-3/8" i" O.D. Ring Gaskets into E. For Emergency Portions Check Valve Only i. F@ G. Place the piston. For Emergency i. Check 2. H. Portions Valve Guide head of the then secure With Emergency pilot valve valve spring Check Valve Insert Guide the Apply valve the check body. 3. Insert guide the exhaust (carrier). 9 Check Without Valve _0" RSngs valve into secure "O" guide spring and _nergen_y Ass_mbly valve into the In Rings check place to (carrier) the check valve with the into the check the valve in to only valve gulde (carrier) into Piloted (Ca_.ier) and groove body "O" Ring into check valve check valve into check and secure in place with the "O" RinE or guide (carrier). Insert valve the valve spring, pilot valve spring seat, into check valve guide (carrier). check 2. in Assembly Insert pilot valve into check (carrier), then insert guide the emergency valve body. Insert check valve diaphragm is the emergency Piloted (Carrier) emergency c. b. SUp. the Apply the i-i/16 _ O.D. "0" Ring cr to the check valve guide (carrier). guide (carrier) retainer r!_E. R-42-C, Pa_e 5 on Emergency b. a. D eprlng For Emergency Portions Check Valve Only i. Piloted Insert the 1/4" O.D. retainer, then insert valve guide (carrier) the retainer. a. D Without diaphragm Make certain that the the diaphragm housing, the diapbragmhousir.g. O.D. Ring Gaskets and the three (3) the grooves in the diaphragm housing. emergency I@ Insert the three (3) 15/16" O.D. 2-3/8" O.D. Ring Gasket into the emergency valve body. J. Secure K. For Emergency i. Insert on the 2. Insert the check and cap nut into L@ the cover to Portion the cap 3/4" nut. the emergency Complete O.D. "O" valve cover. Insert th_ vent protector dlaphragr_ housing. Fc. Ring spring, into R-42-C, Page 6 SUp. 9 Gaskets grooves valve the A. RFB:bao Ring ri*_ body. A567475 into its check exhaust J. P. and the in the Only groove valvep port in the REVISION SHEET Issue No, I February 2, 1961 E_B Issue March RGM R-4E-C, No. Z5, % 1965 SUp. Added information piloted emergency 9 for emergency cher k valve. portions With 3220-5, Sup. 7 "26-C" CONTROL VALVES parts catalog (SUPERSEDES Piece Assembly 559335 560695 560675 Number ISSUE DATED FEBRUARY, 1977) Portions Assembly less Acc. Emergency Service Pipe Bracket 560216 570840 567143 560215 Pipe Bracket for 4800 cu. in. Aux. Res. Volume 560696 559702 567142 560701 Pipe Bracket for 1000 cu. in. Aux. Res. Volume 560676 570840 567141 560691 For Relay Remarks Dummy Equipment. Br. Cyl. for 561493 561494 570840 567141 561495 Pipe Bracket 562626 562627 570840 567141 562630 Pipe Bracket 810 to 562773 562935 570840 567141 562825 Without cu. in. Brake 562774 562936 570840 567 141 562826 With cu. 564445 564446 569465 567495 564519 cu. cu. 13,000 in. in. Cylinder Relay in. Vol., With Relay Aux. for Brake Aux. Res. Aux. Br. Pipe Volume, Cyl. Vol. above Equipment. Vol. Cylinder Bracket 435cu. Pipe 1600 cu. in. 569889 $69905 570840 569906 562630 Pipe Bracket cu. in. 810 to 1280 Without Relay 578906 578907 570840 567143 562630 Pipe to 580718 580721 /N WARNING: 559702 567143 580719 AT THE TIME ANY PART IS REPLACED For Bracket M.R. 13,000 in. Brake Equip Approx. ment Brake Supply IN THIS DEVICE, for Disp. Res. Volume for M. R. Brk.Cyl. Volume IRes. Volume Volume Cylinder THE OPERATION Vol. Volume Aux. Cylinder cu. 1000 cu. wtth Pipe Bracket to Brake Cyl. Aux. Cylinder for 1280 cu. in. for 3100 Volu me above Bracket SupplytoB.C. Cyl. in. Br. Pipe 574323 cu. Bracket With Relay Equipment, in. Aux. Res. Volume for 23.500 and 435 565642 cu. for 1600 567141 574322 Res. Volume in. Br. 570840 559702 Volume Pipe Bracket for 19,900 1280 to 1600 cu. in. 565866 574321 in. Volume 565641 573926 cu. Volume Res. Res. 435 Cylinder Equipment. Aux. for CU. in. Brake Relay Equipment, Aux. Res. Volume, Disp. in. 2150 for 1280 Choked OF THE COM- PLETE DEVICE MUST PASS A SERIES OF TESTS AS PRESCRIBED IN THE LATEST ISSUE OF THE APPLICABLE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIV[SlON TEST SPECIRGAllON. AT THE TIME THIS DEVICE IS APPUED TO THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT, A STATIONARY VEHICLE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THIS DEVICE FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE TOTAL BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. (Consult your local Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for identity of the test specifications, with latest revision date, that cover this device.) WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIVISION AMERICAN STANDARD INC. Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 810 3220-5, Sup. 7 /1 J @. I / I f / f/ / / 18 / ) / 11 3A "----_ 0-"" r" 14 _,_ 2O II 12 "---_ I5 ---- 24 26 Figure I 32 _17 29 ) j.." l I l ] I // 1 f 30 11 11 l 28 28A 28C INDEX Part or Portion 26-C Control Valves 26=C Control Valves, less : Page Weight Accessories 175 Ibs. I 175 Ibs. I Emergency Portion Service Portion 43 Ibs. Pipe Bracket Portion Cut=Out Cock mad Strainer 44-I/2 Ibs. 10-I/2 lbs. 4-1/2 lbs Reservoir Spring Release identification 3 75 lbs. (See P.C. Valve Table No. 4 & 6 11 3216-2) 11 12 322)-5, Sup, 7 V,_V EMERGENCY PORTION- COMMONDETAILS ig• & No_ Ref•No. Pc.No• Parts Name 1-1 502365 Nkiq, ilex.. # 1-2 1-3 523365 0 1-3A 0 1-4 • # 1-5 # 1/2 in. (Part No. Pc. No. Parts Name Req'd 568622 1-19 559709 .NUT, Jam, • FOLLOWER EMERGENCY PORTION, ASSEMBLY .SCREW,Cap,H.Hd., 3/8 x 1-1/2 in• 1 3 1-20 564210 .DIAPHRAGM 1-21 559708 .COVER, Body, Emer. Valve • .STRAINER and CHOKE ..... # # 1-22 523842 .PISTON, .O-RING, 1-23 523734 .O-RING, 1 1-24 559707 .STEM, # # 1-25 545094 .GASKET, Ring, 1-26 533212 # 1-27 554543 .GASKET. .STR.AINER Ring, 1 in. O.D and CHOKE, 1 1-28 502574 .SPRING, Exhaust . • • ......... # 1-7 # • VALVE, Pilot 1-8 # .O-RING, 1/4 1-9 # • RETAINER 1-10 # • VALVE, l-ll O .O-RING, _-12 ¢ .CARRIER, • & No. 1-18 Asy ............ .SEAT, Pilot Valve Spring • SPRING, Pilot Valve ....... 1-6 of Pipe Fig. Ref. 4 Bracket, 1- Req'd .... .......... in. O.D ...... # ............. Check in. Check - 13 532092 1- 14 533417 .GASKET, .GASKET, 1-15 557870 • SCREW.Cap,H.Hd., 1-16 1-17 550711 • # .POD,,', .SPRING; Ring, Ring, O.D Valve 15/16 2-3/8 in. 1-28A 502465 1-28C 571140 ..RIVET, ...... 1 1-29 56992 .PLUG, Pipe, 3 1 1-30 1-31 56992 # .PLUG, Pipe, .PLUG, 1/4 4 1-32 # .PLUG, Choke, 1 # 1_33 ¢ .DIAPHRAGM (Incl. Ref. x 3-1/4 Valve ........ in. ..... #NOTE: See Variable • NOTE:. See Page 1 O.D I 3 ........ 1 1 1-3/8 in. 1Dto 3/16 Spring .... ........... l) PROTECTOR, .............. Details 12 Jbr in. (Port I 1/2 Emergency Diaphragm 7/8 Piston # O.D... O.D... 1 1 ............ ...... in. in. in ...... Emergency Valve 5/8 in. O.D ........ • VENT • ,SEAL ........... 1-1/16 (1/4 Hex., 5/8 ............ 2 ..... 3 No. 73 Dr.) Asy .... x 1/2 in ...... 3/8 in ........ 3/8 in ........ in. O.D... (N) ........ 1/8 in. (M) HOUSING, 27, 29. 30, Schedule .... Asy. 31 & 32) . 1 Below. Identification Table. ':MERGENCY PORTION- VARIABLEDETAILS ig. & Ref. No. 1- Pc. No. 559702 569465 Parts 570840 Name EMERGENCY NO, Fig. & Req'd Ref. No. PORTION, ASSEMBLY. ..... 1 No. Pc. No. -559714 563261 1570233 ,CARRIER,Check 1-17 -- 564018 [ .SPRING, 1-31 516298 -- 569467 516298 I -- 523759[823759 563262 570398 .COVER, I-3A 570221 -- 570221 • .STRAINER and CHOKE, 3/8 in. (No• 65 Dr.).. 1 1-4 570234 559715 570254 .SPRING, 1 -5 • 570197 -- 570197 .SEAT, t-6 • 560410 560410 570199 Pilot Valve.. 1 • 570199 --- .SPRING, 1-7 .VALVE, Pilot ..... 1 1 "32 -- 5232251 1-8 • 524609 570252 -570903 524609 570252 .O-RING, .RETAINER 1/4 1-9 in.O.O.. ...... 1 1 1-33 559703 569466 554827 564808 .VALVE, Check .... .O-RING, 1-1/16 in.O.D.3 1-10 1-11 564808 g523759 _"411 Exhaust Pilot Partial V. 1 . . . Valve... View 1 Req'd I" 12 570397 Emer. Name 1-11 I-3 BOdy, Parts 1-31 1-32 82410! - .O-RING,I-I/16in.O.D.I -- 82410 1 (No. 70 Dr.) .PLUG, Choke, 1 .PLUG, 60 Dr.) .DIAPHRAGM IA See Partial View IA at left. (N)... 1/8 in. (M) .... Chokej Asy.(Incl. -29, -30, INOTE: 1 1 (No. 1559703 1 . .PLUG,Solid, 1/4in.(N) .PLUG, Choke, 1/4 in. (.059Dr.) -- Valve Diaphragm 1/8 1 in. (M)... 1 HOUSING, Ref. Nos. 1-27, -31 & -32.. 1 3220-5, Sup. 7 w/_13co __ 32 Figure 14 2A 4 3220-5, Sup. 7 WJ_B_D ERVICE PORTION- COMMONDETAILS Fig. & Ref•No. Pc.No• Parts 2B-I 502365 NUT, Hex•, 1/2 in. Bracket ) ............. 2A - # 2A-1 552506 2A-2 7978 2A-3 2A-4 566635 569047 2A-5 2A-6 SERVICE • WIRE, VALVE H.Hd•, Cap, Cylinder, 5724 567073 .SPACER, 1/4 2A-6A 2A-7 567247 534662 •. EXCLUDER, .O-RING, 3/8 2A-8 562642 .SCREW, Adjusting 2A-9 "_A-10 562640 540542 .SEAT, !A'll 2A-12 • 562639 524719 2A-13 560377 .PISTON, Lira. 2A-14 7978 .SCREW: H.Hd. 2A-15 4 .COVER, Top • 557929 4 .COVER, • VALVE, Caeck 1 2A-25 524719 .O-RING, 1-1/4 1 2A-26 558169 .GUIDE, x 1 in. 2 2A-27 508371 .VALVE, Check (Aux. in. 1 2A-28 533140 • VALVE, Check (Cont. .GASKET, .SPRING, .O-RING, .GASKET, .SPRING, Adjusting Service 1-I/4 4 .VALVE, Check, ,558172 .SPRING, Ser. 524935 .O-RING, 2A-22 558171 .GUIDE, 1 Res. Charging)l Res. 1 (Back Choke, Flow) .... 1 1/Sin.(Q.S.VoI•)(K) 1 2A-33 520517 1 2A-34 Selector Valve 1 2A-35 567124 566641 • FOLLOWER, 1 • DIAPHRAGM, Selector Valve 1 I 2 2A-36 • PISTON, 2A-37 567125 567123 1 2A-38 523732 .O-RING, 9/16 4 2A-39 523842 1 2A-40 560532 .O-RING, .STEM, 5/8 Piston 1 2A-41 567140 .RETAINER, # 2A-42 559744 .SPRING, # 2A-43 532092 .GASKET, • NOTE: For Spring # NOTE: For Variable ...... 1-7/8 in. O.D... .......... in. O.D ...... Service 3/8 . • • x 1 in. Valve • .... .......... Res. Charging C.V. Cont. in. Res. Charging 1 ...... 1 . . .- ........ 1 NOTE: Rubber Orders should Parts Prices give Maintenance will H.Hd.Cap, • COVER, Selector .NUT, Stop, .STOP. 3/8 1/2 in. Selector Selector x 1-3/4 Valve . . . . • • . Valve O.D 1 .... 1 .... 6 1 in. O.D ..... (Selector Valve Spring Service Ring, be quoted PIECE NUMBER 5 Kits upon are listed Identification 1 1 ...... I Sel. V .... 15/16 in. O.D. see Page Details, on Page application and NAME of pan wanted 9 Table, see Page 8. 4 1 1 • . . . Valve in. in. 1 # C.V .... O.D • • SCREW, 1 ......... Appl. Spring 1 559754 ........... 13/16 17140 ........ 2A-32 Cover 2A- 19 Check • PLUG, Valve 1 ) ............ .VALVE, 0 O.D ...... 2A-31 Cap, Cont. 2A-30 in. 1 1 Valve Spring 1 529009 in. Valve).. 1 Service .SEAT, 2A-29 x 1/16 ........ Spring Ring, 1 Bore (Service Check Dissipation 1 ...... 1-1/32 O.D ........ Wasp in. # 2A-21 • • in ........... 2A- 18 A-20 • RETAINER, 578336 .... Valve No, Req'd Name 558170 Adjusting Limiting Parts 2A-24 Asy. x 1/2 Pc.No. 2A-23 3/8 3/32 Hex. Fig. & Ref.No• 4 Pipe of PORTION, • COLLAR, 2A-16 2A- 17 (Part Seal ............ • SCREW, ,PIN, No• Req'd Name 12. 3220-5, Sup. 7 92 _91A 83 Figure 6 2B 3220-5, Sup. 7 WI_B IZ:t3 SERVICEPORTION COMMONDETAILS (continued) Fig. & Ref. No• No. Pc.No. 2B-44 3205 2B-45 560375 2B-45A -567248 Parts Name .O-RING, 527717 .GASKET. Ring, ..EXCLUDER, 1 2B-79 532092 • l 2B-80 .GASKET, .SCREW, Ring, tt.Hd. in. 8 2B-81 560860 • CAP, 1 2B-82 511874 1 2B-83 .GASKET, .SCREW, 1 8 2B-84 559733 2B-85 1 1 ..... 1 x 1/2in• 6 3 Wasp, 5/8 543490 .SCREW, II.Hd. 2B-48 558161 • FOLLOWER, 2B-49 564081 .DIAPEtRAGM, 2B-50 558211' 2B-51 543490 .PISTON, .SCREW, 2B-52 558159 • PIN, 2B-53 523732 .O-RING, 9/i6 2B-54 567118 .COVER, Small 2B-55 2B-56 543490 531868 • SCREW, .O-RING, H.Soc. Cap, 3/4 in. O.D 28-57 559727 .PISTON, Small 2B-58 564217 • DIAPHRAGM, 2B-59 2B-60 558156 559746 • FOLLOWER, Diaphragm .RI_qG, Retaining, 2-5/8 2B-61 558152 .CAGE, 2B-62 558151 2B-63 523759 .SPRING, .O-RING, 0 .O-RING, 2B-67 0 2B-68 0 2B-69 0 Service Cap, Valve. 1/4 x 1-1/2 Diaphragm Large ..... ........ Large ........... It. Soc.Cap, 1/4x Pusher .SHIN/ in .... in.. ............. in. O.D ....... Diaphragm 1/4 ....... ........... Small Spring Release .COVER, Charging Valve • . . • DIAPtIRAGM, Charging Valve . l 1 2B-86 524612 .O-RING, 4 2B-87 562895 .SPRING, Charging Valve 2B-88 558413 • PISTON, Charging Valve 2B-89 534031 .GASKET, Ring, 2B-90 545604 .PLUG ([.I) Choke, ........... I/2in• O•D ..... 7/8 in. in. 2B-92 4 .PLUG Pipe, 1/4 in. (X). I 2B-92A # .PLUG Choke, 1 1 2B-93 # .PLUG Choke, 2B-94 56992 .PLUG Pipe, O.D ...... # 2B-95 560207 .PLUG ........ 4 1/8 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 Choke, in. 1/8 2B-96 552378 2B-96A 2B-96B 552381 551159 2B-96C 552384 •. RIVET, Asy ...... 2B-98 2B-99 # # .SEAL, Assembly .SPRING, Check I 1 2B-100 566758 .VALVE, Check .......... 2B-100A 565430 1 2B-lOl ..PLUG, .BODY, Rubber Service .......... Valve 2B-73 533140 2B-74 524719 • VALVE, • O-RING, Cl_eck 1-1/4 (Release) . • . in. O.D .... 2B-75 536580 .O-RING, 1-9/16 in. .... O.D .... Lira. Valve Rubber give 3/32 x 1/2 in ....... 1.023 1 x .042 in.Sq.1 .......... 1 Valve ....... 1 1 1 1 ....... 1 Parts Prices should 4 • .SEAL, 1 1 1 ......... Valve 1 l Vent ............ Retaining, • CAGE, Spring • SPRING, Check 59 Dr•) 1 .VENT PROTECTOR, • .WASHER ............. • RING, 560369 4 2 in.(No. 557626 560370 • &l) ................. 2B-97 2B-72 # # 0 • (J) (G 1 2B-71 . (Y) Bore in. # (Y). # 1 x 1/16 1 I 1/8 .RETAINER, 1 O.D.. 60 Dr• Pipe, (G) 1 .... 3/8in•(No. O.D ...... (Emer.) • . ; . 21/32 . . .PLUG 1-5/16in, Lira. V• I 566640 4 0 # Maintenance will PIECE be quoted NUMBER 1 2 1 4 7978 2B-91A (Emer.) in. .... 1 1 Sm ..... O.D ...... 1 Cap ......... H•Hd. Cap, 3/8 x 1 in. in ..... .O-RING, • PISTON, Orders Graduated 1/4 ..... Bore x 1 in. 1 O.D... 15/16 in. O.D... Cap, 3/8 x 1-3/8 Pipe, Lira.V• Piston ............. NOTE: in. .PLUG required) Emergency O.D ...... 9/16 # .SPRING, • SPRING • BUSH, in. 2B-91 560371 # 2-3/8 1 ........... 1-3/4in. 15784 1 ........ Diaphragm, 1ol/16in• (as 1/2 2B-70 2B-76 Req'd 536584 2B-47 # Name 2B-78 Bottom, 2B-66 Parts 2B-77 • COVER, 518173 No. Pc.No. 5 1 560374 2B-65 & Ref•No. .SCREW, 14.lld. Cap ........ . CAP NUT with Excluder ...... 2B-46 2B-64 Fig• Req'd 4 NOTE: For Variable • NOTE: For Spring Kits upon and are listed Details, Identification on Page 12. application NAME of part wanted see Page Table, 8 see Page 12. 3220.8, Sup. 7 SERVICEPORTION - VARIABLE DETAILS No. Ref. No. 2A- Pc.No, 567141 567142 -- 567495 569906 574322 SERVICE Ser. 2A- 567143 -° -- VALVE Llm., SERVICE PORTION, 76P.S.I. Emer. .COVER, Service, Top .SPRING, Cont. 35-60 P.S.I. Lim ......... ASY., 1 52 P.S.I. Ser. Lira .......... 1 559730 566697 559730 2A- 17 -- 513312 -- 513312 2A-18 -- 554909 -- 554909 .SEAT, Spring ................. 2A- 19 -- 505782 -- 505782 .VALVE; .PLUG, Check, Choke, Cont. 1/8 in. Res. (No. Charging 50 Dr.)Q.S. ...... Vol. (K). 1 1 .PLUG, Choke, 1/8 in. (No. 44 Dr.)Q.S. Vol. (K). 1 in. O.D .............. 2A-30 91149 -- °. • 91149 91149 91149 91149 524413 524413 524413 524413 2B-66 560373 92491 -- 560373 560373 560506 560506 • .SPRING, • .SPRING 2B-67 560506 536579 -- 520478 28-64 2B-68 566697 ASY., Emer. 566697 2A-30 566697 PORTION, 95P.S.I. VALVE Lira., 2A-15 Req'd Parts Name 524413 -- .O-RING, Res. 1-3/4 Lim. V. ............. ............. Charging I C.V ....... 1 Piston 1 (Emer.) 536579 .O-RING, l-5/16in. 2B-69 560381 560700 562746 560381 560381 562746 .PISTON, Lira. 2B-76 560368 560368 562745 560368 560368 562745 .BUSH, Emer. Lim. 523178 -- 523178 -. -- 523437 .PLUG, .PLUG, Pipe, Pipe, l/4 in. 1/Sin. -- 1523178 .. -- 555876 .PLUG, .PLUG, Pipe, 1/4 in. (Y) ....... Choke, 1/8 in. (No. 37 Dr.) .PLUG. Solid, .PLUG, Choke, .PLUG, .SEAL, ..SEAL Choke, 1/4 in. (No. Assembly ........... ............... 2B-91 -- 2B-91A -- 2B-92 2B-92A --- 523178 2B-92A -- 523437 2B-93 2B-93 900969 -- 900969 900969 4- Q. .. 528323 2B-98 566752 574836 566752 566752 566752 574836 565402 574824 565402 565402 565402 574824 520824 567135 574825 567137 520824 567135 520824 567494 520824 574825 567135 575761 2B-99 2B-101 • Requires • NOTE: NOTE: CONVERSION KIT KIT Rubber COMP. Pc. For Parts Pc. 574821 Pc. 565430 .SPRING, Check .BODY, Service Spring Identification, Maintenance Kits 1/4 See (U) (Y) in. ...... ...... (X) in. are listed Pc" 574836 Page (X) ....... (No. 65Dr.) (]) 56 Dr.) (J) 55762 574826 "r_._ _'_Pc. Pc. 574824 563026 Pc. 574822 Control Valve Selector VoI. Overcharge-Adjustable Control Valves Cornp. Pc.Nos. 8 (Se;Bel.ow): 12. on Page 566758_ Check Valve for 26C 560695 and 573926. Shown) ..... V ........ Valve Valve \ _g_Pc. 26C 1/8 (Not (Emer.) • Pc. 574825-....._ Pc. 574823_ Pc. O.D. V. 1 9 : . 32_-5, _p. 7 RUBBERPARTSMAINTENANCE We are prepared to furnish the following KIT, Complete, Rubber Parts for Overhaul KIT, Complete, Rubber Parts for KIT, Complete, Rubber Parts for Overhaul KIT, Co_nplete, Rubber Parts for KIT, Complete, Rubber Parts for Overhaul Moving Moving KIT, Complete, Rubber Parts for Moving KIT, Complete, Rubber Parts for Overhaul KITS for servicing Mair_enance, Parts Maintenance, Maintenance, Parts Maintenance, Maintenance, Parts Maintenance, Maintenance, the "26-C" Emergency Control Portion Emergency Emergency Portion Emergency Pc. Portion Portion Service Pc. Portion Emergency Service Valve Pc. Portions. 569465 Pc. ......... 569465 559702 & Pc. 570840 559702 • 567141 ........... 564026 Pc. 564027 Pc. 561121 ......... Pc. Pc. • ; ..... Pc, 561122 Pc. 560724 560725 570847 Portion Pc. 567141 ......... Pc. Portion Pc. 570840 ......... Pc. 3220-5, Sup. 7 WP_BCO • NOTE: Accessories Include: Release Handle, Pc. 512708, Ref. 3-8 and Cotter Pin, Pc. 94977, Cut-Out Cock and Strainer See Parts Catalog 3216-2 14 17 _¢'_ _tl!(_ 1 4 - -.hi l0 _¢-i 9 K -_.. y _ 3 /" J I /// , _ Figure 3 __ 9E 9D -_ _---- 9c _" _9n I I _-9A 7 PIPE PORT PORT- BRACKET - 1 16 LEGEND Flange BRAKE PIPE BRAKE CYLINq3ER Size 1 - 5 AUXILIARY PORT PORT - 7 - 9 CONTROL RESERVOIR 3/4 SELECTOR VOLUME 1/2 10 12 RESERVOIR 3/4 EXHAUST EMERGENCY (in.) 1 PORT PORTPORT- 8 1/2 ACTUATING PIPE Prices Orders should give 1/2 will PIECE be quoted NUMBER 10 upon and application NAME of part wanted \ Ref. No. 3-7. 3220-5, Sup. 7 V.a_V PIPE BRACKETPORTIONCOMMONDETAILS Fig• & No• Ref.No. Pc.No. Parts 3-1 557925 GASKET, 3-2 3- 557924 t GASKET Body PIPE BRACKET 3-3 5951 3-4 Name (See 3-5 93986 3-6 502369 • •GASKET, .NUT, 3-9F 558162 508371 • •SEAT, ..VALVE, PORTION, 569676 .•SPRING, 2 3-91 540542 • .GASKET, 559696 533212 • .BODY, 1 3-9J 3-9K ..GASKET, Ring, and 1 in. • 94977 •COTTER, 3/16x • 512708 •HANDLE, Release 559695 •RESERVOIR ..SCREW. • in. • • • • • • • 3/8x 3-9B 3-9C 559698 94963 . •COVER, Release Valve ..STEM and END PLATE 3-9D 558167 ..PLUNGER, 3-9E • 558168 Release Plunger lin... See Variable • NOTE: For Spring Information, see ....... 1 lin. O.D ..... 1 (Ports x I-7/8 5 & 7) ...... in ........ 2 4 1 3-12 554353 .STUD 1/2 x 1-7/8 in ........ 4 1 3-13 188005 .STUD 3/8 x 1-3/8 in ........ 2 1 3-14 0 2 3-15 # .PLUG .PLUG Choke, Choke, (Port (Port 6) ....... 10) ...... 1 1 1 1 3-16 # 3-17 # .PLUG .PLUG Choke, Choke, (Port (Port 12A) ...... 5A) ...... 1 1 1 3-18 3-19 4 e Choke, (Port 1A) ...... ...... ........ for 1 Valve • STRAINER, .STUD 1/2 .......... Table 1 O.D... 554353 1 .PLUG .PIPE Ref. Detail Release . Valve I-7/8in. 527583 o NOTE: Check 1 1 3-11 VALVE,Asy. H.Hd.Cap, Valve RIng, . . 3-10 in ...... 7978 Re l. Valve 1 .......... RELEASE • Rel. Valve Check Check ........... 2 O.D ...... 1-1/2 3-9H Asy. in .......... 3-9A .•SPRING, 1-1/2 STRAINER, • 3/8 3-8 ASY.... 1/2x Ring, 3-7 3-9 No. Req'd Name 3-9G 3216-2) Hex., Parts 1 COCK P• C Pc•No• 1 1 H.Hd.Cap, .CUT-OUT Fig. & Ref.No. ............ Body .SCREW, t Req'd BRACKET BODY, Nos. to-18, 3-14 ...... Asy., 1-1 1 (Incl. & 2B-l) Pc.No• Page • NOTE: 12 Accessories VARIABLEDETAILS Pipe Bracket Portion Asy.: Pc.No. Port No. Ref. No. 560215 560691 560701 less Pipe Bracket Cut-Out Body Cock Pc.No. CHOKE 3-19 1A 8A 3-18 3-17 560213 68907 3/8 560692 3/8(No. 51 Dr.) 502488 3/8 3/8(No. (No. 30 Dr.) Strainer 6 (5/16 10 3/8 (No. 26 Dr. 3/8 (No. 3-16 3/8 (No. 3/8 (No. 562834 13Dr. 552288 71 Dr.) 562834 32 Dr. 536568 43 Dr. 3-4 78370 71 Dr.) 555384 560208 12A 3-15 555384 Dr.) 538384 560702 (Pc.No.) 3-14 83017 Emer. Lim. PLUG 3/8(No. 536568 33 Dr.) -- 3/8 (No. 562834 3/8 (No. 33 Dr.) 552288 562834 3/8 (No. 13 Dr. 64785 3/8(No. 71 Dr•) 555384 3/8 (No. 32 Dr. 538383 562834 V. 561495 562630 562825 562826 564519 565642 574323 580719 561496 56648 562629 536568 3/8 (No. 33 Dr.) 538384 3/8 (9/32 Dr•) 562823 3/8(No. 71 Dr.) 555384 3/8 (No. 20 Dr. 562822 562834 3/8 (No. 26 Dr.) 538384 3/8 (21/64 538384 3/8(No. 71 Dr.) 555384 3/8 (No. 8 Dr.) 552288 562834 3/8 (No. 26 Dr.) 504858 3/8(No. 26 Dr. 538384 3/8 (No. 32 Dr.) 552288 565124 3/8 (No. 52 Dr.) 79967 3/8 3/8(No. 71 Dr.) 555384 3/8 (I_o. 32 Dr. 528790 565124 3/8 (3/64 Dr.) 56992 3/8(No. 3/8(No. 3/8 (5/64 Dr.) 50716 (Solid) 3/8 3/8 (i/4 In. 50716 Dr. 3/8 (1/4 Dr. 562824 562827 564273 565443 574324 580720 555384 NOTE: (NO. 26 Dr. 538389 48 Dr. 50716 ( 1/4 Dr.) 50716 3/8 (1/4 Dr.) 56992 (Solid) • NOTE: Dr.) For Rubber Details Parts 3/8(No. 71 Dr.) 555384 71 Dr.) 555384 3/8(No. 71 Dr.) 555384 3/8 (No. 71Dr. of Cut-Out Cock Maintenance Kits 11 and Strainer, are listed see on Page in. P.C. 9. 56992 ( Solid 562834 ) 562834 3216-2. & 3220-8, Sup. 7- SPRINGINFORMATION The following the devices will vary turns, for any Pc • NO • somewhat, etc. This other Approx. Out. "A"io. due to the tabulation small is intended It does Approx. Wire not difference represem Turns in. 2-3/8 11 21/32 7-1/2 I_ronze 520824 3/4 558151 3/64 1/8 23/64 2-47/64 8-3/4 S Steel Steel 558168 2-5/16 I-3/32 3/32 1-11/16 5 Steel 558172 15/32 3/64 1-11/64 8-1/2 Steel 559715 I/2 i116 2-7/64 16-1/2 Steel 559744 2 7/64 6 Steel 560369 560373 5116 1/32 9/16 7-1/2 Steel 718 1/8 2 8-3/4 560410 560506 7132 1/32 15/16 q/16 1/16 2-1/4 14-1/2 Steel 562639 562895 25/32 7/64 2-I/2 IO-I/2 Steel 7/8 4 Steel 564018 5/64 569676 1-29/32 11132 2-1/2 1-1/32 6-1/2 9-1/2 Steel Steel 570234 33164 5/64 570254 33/64 5/64 1-61164 1-31/32 14 15 Steel Steel 574825 11/32 3/64 5/8 7 St'less 1_ Number of turns for each ber, veen extreme /_2 1132 spring counted coildiametet, only and for the used actual number should springs not in spring of I_e used mentioned. 2_. 1132 15116 springs and the Material 7164 4 of the figures a specification Height "C" in wire, for identification Approx. No. in. identification on calculated Approx. Free Dia. "B" to enable It is based 3/4 11/32 513312 July, 1981 is shown herein. purpose. Dia. 92491 table cataloged 14 Steel Steel St'less St. St. ends of wire. p,,m,+ in U.,_.A, I WP, BDD WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania V._V "J-l" stem permitting supply air (passage 6) to flow into passage 30 that is connected to the brake cylinder pipe. Passage 30 is also connected to chamber "B" on the spring side of the diaphragm. The build-up of air at brake cylinder pipe pressure in chamber "B" along with the spring force oppose the movement of the diaphragm assembly initiated by the controlled air pressure admitted into passage 16. An equalization of forces across the diaphragm positions the diaphragm assembly to allow the check valve to seat and remain in e lop position. DESCRIPTION The "J-I" Relay Valve Portion Pc. No. 556t_1 is o diaphragm operated, self-leppinq valve that functions to direct or exhaust air pressure in the broke cylinder pipe during air broke operation in accordance with o broke cylinder control pressure. ]-he portion is designed to be mounted on o manifold, or to e pipe bracket that may be arranged for either suspension or floor mounting. Consult your Westinghouse Air Broke Division Representative for correct style of mounting for specific installations. ,x N The maintaining feature of the relay valve portion will function if pressure fluctuates in the brake cylinder pipe. If the pressure in passage 30 as well as the pressure in chamber "B" drops, the piston stem will move to open the check valve. Supply air will then again flow into passage 30 as well as chamber "B" until an equalization of forces across the diephrogm is again reached. The diaphragm assembly is then positioned to permit the valve to reassume o lop position. A decrease of air pressure in passage 16 (brake cylinder control) results in a corresponding decrease in pressure in the relay valve diaphragm chamber hA" which causes a movement of the diaphragm assembly and piston stem. The piston stern is forced to unseat from the check valve, permitting air at brake cylinder pipe pressure (passage 30) to flow to atmosphere at the exhaust port. A graduated release of brake cylinder air out of passage 30 can be obtained if control pressure in passage 16 is intermittently depleted. When an equalization of forces • exists across the diaphragm, the valve will again assume a lap position. The amount of air pressure available for braking is a function of the pressure in chamber hA". NH:::,:. III. 16 "B" "A" 6 30 16 Ex- Supply BrakeCylinder Pipe Brake CyJinderControl Exhaust to the diagrammatic view Figure • 1979 AND TECHNIQUES The use of an air jet, which must be less than 30 p.s.i.g., to blow parts clean or to blow them dry after being cleaned with a solvent will cause particles of dirt and/or droplets of the cleaning solvent to be airborne. Wire brushing may also cause particles of dirt, rust, and scale to become airborne. These conditions may cause skin and/or eye irritation. I) A controlled air pressure build-up in passage 16 results in a corresponding build-up in pressure on the relay valve diaphragm in chamber "A" which causes o movement of the diaphragm assembly and piston stem. The piston stem is forced to close against the check valve which blanks off passage 30 (brake cylinder) from exhaust. The check valve is then lifted from its seat by the piston August, PROCEDURES The following statements of warning apply all or In part wherever this symbol L_ appears In the maintenance procedures. Failure to observe these precautions may result in serious injury to those performing the work and/or bystanders. Diaphragm FIGURE 1- DIAGRAiW_ATICVIEW OPERATION (Refer MAINTENANCE /_WARNING LEGEND II. information RELAYVALVEPORTION,Pc.N0. 556441 (Single Diaphragm Type) NOTE: The following description of operation Is based on this device and Its components being newer this device and Its components having been repaired, tested, Installed and maintained In accordance with Instructions Issued by the appropriate governing bodies and this and any other applicable WABCO publications. h operation & maintenance 1 BRAKE DIVISION INC. 15148 • 1 When using an air jet do not direct it towar_ another person. Improper use of air jet could result in bodily injury. 4231-12 operation & maintenance information • • h Regular shop safety procedures MUST BE followed when working an the valve portion. The use of solvents as cleaning agents and the use of lubricants can involve health and/or safety hazards. The manufacturers of the solvents and lubricants should be contacted for safety data (such as OSHA Form OSHA-20 or its equivalent). The recommended 2. The work area is to be clean and free of debris. Z_ III.C. manufacturers in injury to personnel and/or Assembly may be under caution during disassembly and cause bodily injury. damage IIhA. CLEANING SOLVENT CARRIER COMPRESSED THE a spring load. Exercise so that no parts "Fly Out" 12 144 36 24 SPRING LOAD. FOLLOWING o 3. EVERY Months Months Months Months 4. AND LUBRICANT ARE CAUSE AN INJURY. CARE SO INADVERTENTLY A DURING THAT NO EXPELLED Remove the carrier spring and carrier assembly (4). (3) from Remove the check from the body (18). and carrier AND valve the check valve assembly I-I/8" O.D. (4) a. Remove and DISCARD the (S) from the carrier (4C). b. Remove the I/8" x 15/16" cylindrical roll pin (4A) which secures the check valve (4B) to the carrier (4C), then remove the cheek valve (4B) from the carrier (4C). o-ring Remove the cover gasket (6). WARNING THE PISTON RETURN ER A COMPRESSED THE FOLLOWING PARTS ARE CAUSE AN INJURY. SPRING LOAD. (13) MAY EXERCISE PROCEDURE INADVERTENTLY ._ BE UNDCARE THAT EXPELLED IN NO AND Remove the five I/2" x I-3/4" hex cap screws (7) which secure the bottom cover (8) to the valve body (I 8). CAREFULLY remove the bottom cover (8). A compound consisting of one part graphite, WABCO Specification M-7695-2 (AAR-913) and two parts of oil (SAE-20) by weight is used to coat the threads of choke plug(s) after the plug(s) has bean cleaned. 4231-12 EXERCISE BE UNDER IS Months No. 2 Silicone Crease, WABCO Specification M-7680-2 is used to lubricate oil o-rings, o-ring grooves and the bearing surface of the bushings into which o-ring assemblies are installed. . MAY PROCEDURE PARTS So 2. (3) Remove the three 3/8" x I" hex head cap screws (I) which secure the top cover (7) to the body (18). Then remove the top cover (2). The solvent used for cleaning the parts of the Relay Valve Portion MUST BE an aliphotic organic solution such as mineral spirits or naphtha that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all ports to be cleaned without abrasion. I. 2) WARNING THE THE "J-I" RELAY VALVE PORTION SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, LUBRICATED, AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: Locomotive Freight Cars Passenger (Interstate) Transit Multiple Operated Electric Unit to the exploded view Figure I. to equipment. FREQUENCY AT LEAST ONCE Z_ IMPORTANT: Removal, cleaning and replacement _gs MUST BE done in accordance with paragraph 111.O.3. IMPORTANT RECOMMENDED TYPE OF APPLICATION PROCEDURES DISASSEMBLY (Refer When performing any test or work on devices or equipment while they are on the vehicle (on car test etc.) special precautions must be taken to insure that vehicle movement will not occur which could result • 1 III.B. of the SAFETY INC BRAKE 15148 DIVISION Personal eye protection must be worn when performing any work on this device or its component parts to avoid any possible injury to the eyes. precautions and procedures should be followed. • AMERICAN STANDARD WESTINGHOUSE Wilmerding. Pennsylvania AIR W/IBm.El V_V 6. 2 Remove the diaphragm piston assembly (9, 10, II, 12, 14, IS, 16) from the body (18) as a unit. August,1979 3231-12 RELAYVALVEPORTION g. & ReLNo. 1-1 Pc.No. Parts 556441 RELAY 7978 1-2" VALVE .SCREW, • COVER, 1-3 0545053 1-4 564045 .SPRING, .CHECK I-4A 550419 • .PIN, I-4B ao564050 1-4C 564051 PORTION, Cap, 564689 Fig. & Ref.No. No. Req'd Name H.Hd., Check 3/8 Valve ASY. 1-10 x 1 in. I-II ....... • .VALVE, • .CARRIER Roll, Check ............ l/8x I5/161n. ......... 1-5 oe527555 .O-RING, l-l/8in. 1-6 0o 553823 1-7 3205 .GASKET, .SCREW, Check Valve Cover .... Cap, H.Hd., 1/2 x 1-3/4 1-8 556446 • COVER, Diaphragm 1-9 569171 .NUT, Hex., O.D ...... 3/4 556309 (Bottom) ........... 1 .DIAPHRAGM ........... 1 Piston • SPRING, Piston 1-14 o•523734 .O-RING, 7/8 1-15 o•527555 .O-RING, 1-1/8 1-16 .STEM, o556305 556306 .GASKET, 1-18 .BODY, ..PLUG, 1-18A 78758 1-19 $ • 97368 .... -7) in. in. O.D 1 I ...... 2 .......... 3/4 1 in. O.D Asy.,(also .... 3 includes ............ I I/4 |n.,(7/64 PIPE BRACKET in.Dr.) ...... For Spring Identificationchart, See Page 4. Contained in RUBBER PARTS MAINTENANCE KIT, Pc. 560728 (Includes Pipe Bracket Gasket, oNOTE: Contained KIT, Pc. 581343 (Less Pipe Bracket Gasket, 0NOTE: Not a part of the Relay Valve Portion, Complete, PARTS MAINTENANCE but of the Comp[ete Ref. 1-19). Ref. 1-19). Device. o' NVERSION KITS No. Pc. No. 561312 ...... I Parts ...... Name B to J-I _ 561313 556441 Req'd TYPE B-3 or B-3-A to J-I-A TYPE ,RELAY VALVE PORTION 97368 .GASKET, 557379 [ ....... ...... [ 514963 Pipe Bracket STUD, .STUD, 5/8 x 3-11/16 5/8 x 2-1/4 . . . 1 ..... 1 in .... 4 in ..... 4 J.1RELAYVALVEPORTION WITHSHIPPING COVER NO. ANOTE: OTE: Pipe Bracket does Common mounting Pc.No. Parts Name 560678 J-I RELAY COVER, 556441 • VALVE 560677 • COVER, 561216 • .STUD, 502387 ..NUT, 561214 • .GASKET, indicating PORTION 5/8 5/8 suspension mounted valve, Prices Orders should will give 4 ............ I or suspension -0002 be quoted PIECE 1 4 in ........... of a suffix and I in .......... Cover and the addition SHIPPING ............ x 2-7/8 Hex., WITH ............ SHIPPING not include Mounting Brackets. straps are used for both floor piece numbers have been coded fix numbers are as follows:-0001 Req'd VALVE PORTION ASSEMBLY mounted code number the floor mounted 'T' Type will Relay indicate valve. upon application NUMBER and NAME of part wanted Valves, their the mounting. complete Code I I in ........ BNOTE: oNOTE: in RUBBER ....... O.D ....... Choke, GASKET, 1 Return Ring, Portion, -1 and in. .......... Piston 1-17 o•528764 556442 No. Req°d Name • FOLLOWER .HEAD, 556308 1-13 Asy. Parts o•564081 1-12 Carrier ......... VALVE and CARRIER, Cylindrical Pc.No. suf- operation & maintenance information bl e. The interior and exterior surfaces of the body MUST BE completely cleaned by wiping with a ce-T_on_-]_t-free cloth or rag that has been saturated with the prescribed cleaning solvent (paragraph III.A.I.). Springs may be wire brushed to assist removal of rust and scale. Inspect the parts. (I) Z_ 3. (2) Reject and replace any cylindrical spring (roll) pin that is broken or not "elastic" enough to hold securely. (3) Reject and replace any part that is cracked 9 cut 9 damaged in any way_ worn excessively_ or that is in such a condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. ,¢, (IMPORTANT: The size and cleanliness of choke plugs are important. The choke plugs MUST BE removed one at a time for servicing to avoid misplacement. The following procedure MUST BE adhered to when servicing choke plugs). a, Remove one choke only. Perform all the following operations, screw the choke back in place and then remove the next choke for cleaning. b, Soak the plug in the cleaning solvent as described in paragraph III.A.I. IMPORTANT: Metallic tools MUST NOT be used to clean chokes as their size and shape MUST NOT BE CHANGED. e. d. 4231-12 f. Coat the threads of the choke plug lightly with a compound consisting of one part graphite WABCO Specification M-7695-2 (AAR-913) and two parts of oil (SAE-20) by weight .and assernble it into the part from which it was removed. g. Go to the next choke and repeat steps b. to f. until oil choke plugs hove been serviced. Ak III,E. Reject and replace any spring that is rusted, distortedp pitted or has taken a permanent set. The carrier spring (3) Pc. No. 545053 has an approximate free height of 1-49/64". The piston return spring (13) Pc. No. 556305 has on approximate free height of 2-3/16% Choke Plugs Inspect the choke to insure that it is clean and unrestricted. in the After cleaning, blow all of the parts dry with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of cleanp dry air. e. e. While the choke plug is soaking in the solventp the passage from which it was removed should be checked for cleanliness and blown out if necessary with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. Remove the choke plug from the solvent and blow it off with a Io.__w pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of elean_ dry air. LUBRICATING AND ASSEMBLING Just prior to assembling, lubricate all o-rings_ o-ring grooves and the bearing surface of the bushings into which the o-ring assemblies are installed with No. 2 Silicone Grease, WABCO Specification M-7680-2 as follows. I. . 3. o. Coot the o-rings with the grease. b. Fill the groove in which installed with the grease. e. Lightly coot the bearing surface of the bushing into which the o-ring assembly is installed with the grease. the o-ring is to be Insert the return spring (13) into the body (18). Insert the three 3//4" O.D. ring gaskets (17) into the grooves in bottom cover mounting face of the relay body (18). /_. Diaphragm piston assembly a, Install the two lubricated I-I/8" O.D. o-rings (15) into their proper grooves on the piston stem. Install a lubricated 7/8" O.D. o-ring (Ib,) into the groove in the piston stem (16) at the nut end. Lubrication procedure may be found in paragraph III.E.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a cleon, lint-free cloth. b. Place the piston head (12) on the piston stem (16) with the diaphragm bead groove of the piston head in the direction of the nut end of the piston. C, Place the diaphragm (I I)on the piston head (12) with the diaphragm bead in the direction of the nut end of the piston. d= Place the diaphragm follower (lO) on the piston (16) and secure in place with the 3/4" selflocking nut (9). Tighten with o torque value of sixty to sixty-five foot pounds. (IMPORTANT; If the hex nut (9) used is not the self-locking typet it MUSTbe replaced with a self-locking nut_ Pc. No. 569171). August, 1979 E WP.BI3D WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania Insert the diaphragm piston assembly body makinq sure that the bead of phragm is toward the bottom cover. e. BRAKE DIVISION INC 15148 10. Place the top cover (2) on the body (18) and secure in place with the three 3/8" x I" hex head cop screws (I). into the the di.m IV. S. Place the bottom cover (8) on the body (18) and secure in place with the five I/2" x I-3/4" hex head cap screws (7). G. Check valve and carrier assembly Place the check valve (4B) on the carrier (4C) and secure in place with the 1/8" x IS/IG" roll pin (4A). b. Insert a lubricated I-I/8" O.D. _ring (S) into the groove in the check valve carrier (4C). Lubrication procedure may be found in paragraph III.E.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a clean, lint-free cloth. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph IILA.b,. 7. Place the gasket of the body (18). 8. Place the check valve and carrier 4C) into the body (18). 9. Insert carrier prlnl=d August, in the carrier (b,C). (6) on the top cover spring (3) into mounting assembly AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT: WHENEVER A "J-I" RELAY VALVE "J_O--R-'T]-0"-N-"_ REMOVED FROM THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR ANY REASON, AND IT IS REINSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, A STATIONARY VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE PORTION FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. face Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division resentative if additional information is required. (4A, 4B, the check TESTING IMPORTANT: After the "J-I" Relay Valve Portion Pc. No. SSG441 has been assembled BUT BEFORE it is returned to service, it MUST PASS a series of tests following the procedure of the current issue of the WABCD Test Specification T-2513-0 or T-Z3G2-O. Consult the test specifications for _l-I"Relay Valve Portion piece number. When remcunting the portion, o NEW mounting gasket (22) Pc. No. 97368 MUST BE used. (4). a. maintenance operation & information Rep- valve U,S.A. 1979 5 4231"12 operation & maintenance information "J-l" RELAYVALVEPORTION, Pc.N0.556298 (SingleDiaphragm Type) NOTE: The following description of operation Is based on this device and its components being new or this device and Its components having been repaired, tested, Installed and maintained In accordance with InstrucUons bodies and publications. I. Issued by the appropriate this and any other applicable the diaphragm assembly and piston stem. The piston stem is forced to close against the check valve which blanks off passage 30 (brake cylinder) from exhaust. The check valve is then lifted from its seat by the piston stem permitting supply air (passage 6) to flow into passage 30 that is connected to the brake cylinder pipe. Passage 30 is also connected to chamber "B" on the spring side of the dipphrogm. The build-up of air at brake cylinder pipe pressure in chamber "B" along with the spring force oppose the movement of the diaphragm assembly initiated by the controlled air pressure admitted into passage 16. An equalization of forces across the diaphragm positions the diaphragm assembly to allow the check valve to seat and remain in a lap position. governing WABCO DESCRIPTION The "J-I" Relay Valve Portion Pc. No. 556298 is a diaphragm operated, self-lapping valve that functions to direct or exhaust air pressure in the brake cylinder pipe during air brake operation in accordance with o brake cylinder control pressure. The portion is designed to be mounted on a manifold, or to a pipe bracket that may be arranged for either suspension or floor mounting. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for correct style of mounting for specific installations. The maintaining feature of the relay valve portion will function if pressure fluctuates in the brake cylinder pipe. if the pressure in passage 30 as well as the pressure in chamber "B" drops the piston stem will move to open the check valve. Supply alr will then again flow into passage 30 as well as chamber "B" until an equalization of forces across the diaphragm is again reached. The diaphragm assembly is then positioned to permit the valve to reassume a lap position. A decrease of air pressure in passage 16 (brake cylinder control) results in a corresponding decrease in pressure in the relay valve diaphragm chamber"A" which causes a movement of the diaphragm assembly and piston stem. The piston stem is forced to unseat from the check valve, permitting air at brake cylinder pipe pressure (passage 30) to flow to atmosphere at the exhaust port. A graduated release of brake cylinder air out of passage 30 can be obtained if control pressure in passage 16 is intermittently depleted. When an equalization of forces exists across the diaphragm, the valve will again assume a lap position. The amount of air pressure available for braking is a function of the pressure in chamber "A". 16"_ "B" IlL "A" MAINTENANCE Diaphragm PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES A_WARNING LEGEND 6 - Supply 30 * Brake 16 Ex- Cylinder Brake Cylinder Exhaust The following statements of warning apply all or in part wherever this symbol A_ appears in the maintenance procedures. Failure to observe these precautions may result in serious injury to those performing the work and/or bystanders. Pipe Control FIGURE I - DIAGRAMMATIC VIEW II. OPERATION (Refer to the diagrammatic • view Figure The use of an air jet, which must be less than 30 p.s.i.g., to blow parts clean or to blow them dry after being cleaned with a solvent will cause particles of dirt and/or droplets of the cleaning solvent to be airborne. Wire brushing may also cause particles of dirt, I) A controlled air pressure build-up in passage 16 results in a corresponding build-up in pressure on the relay valve diaphragm in chamber "A" which causes a movement of June, 1979 (SUPERSEDES ISSUE DATED SEPTEMBER, 1 1977) 4231-12, $.1 operation & maintenance information III.A. rust, and scale to become airborne. These conditions may cause skin and/or eye irritation. When using an air jet do not direct It toward another person. Improper use of air jet could result in bodily Injury. • Personal eye protection must be worn when performing any work on this device or its component parts to avoid any possible Injury to the eyes. • The use of solvents as cleaning agents and the use of lubricants can involve health and/or safety hazards. The manufacturers of the solvents and lubricants should be contacted for safety data (such as OSHA Form OSHA-20 or its equivalent). The recommended precautions and procedures of the manufacturers should be followed. • To prevent receiving electrical shock • • No. 2 Silicone Grease, WABCO Specification M-7680-2 is used to lubricate all o-rings, o-ring grooves o_d the bearing surface of the bushings into which o-ring assemblies ore installed. t A compound consisting of one port graphite, WABCO Specification M-7695-2 (AAR-913) and two parts of oil (SAE-20) by weight is used to coot the threads of choke plugs after the plug has been cleaned. Ill.B. When performing any test or work on devices or equipment while they are on the vehicle (on car test etc.) special precautions must be taken to insure that vehicle movement will not occur which could result and/or Assembly may be under caution during disassembly and cause bodily injury. damage Regular shop safety procedures MUST when working on the valve portion. 2. The work area is to be clean and free of debris. /_. III.C. 4231-12, S.1 BE followed DISASSEMBLY to the exploded view Figure 2) IMPORTANT: Removal, cleaning and replacement _ugs MUST BE done in accordance with paragraph III.D.3. Z_ WARNING I. to equipment. THE a spring load. Exercise so that no parts "Fly Out" CARRIER COMPRESSED THE SPRING LOAD. FOLLOWING PARTS ARE (3) MAY EXERCISE PROCEDURE INADVERTENTLY BE UNDER CARE SO A DURING THAT EXPELLED NO AND CAUSE AN INJURY. Remove the three 3/8" hex nuts (I) which secure the top cover (2) to the body (18). Then remove the top cover (2). THE "J-I" RELAY VALVE PORTION SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, LUBRICATED, AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: RECOMMENDED TYPE OF APPLICATION PROCEDURES I, IMPORTANT Locomotive Freight Cars Passenger (interstate) Transit Multiple Operated Electric Unit SAFETY (Refer to personnel LUBRICANT . or death. In injury AND when performing electrical tests, hands must be clear of electrical components, contacts and housing and there must be no bodily contact with the work bench. Failure to heed this warning could result in severe injury SOLVENT The solvent used for cleaning the ports of the Relay Valve Portion MUST BE an aliphatic organic solution such as mineral spirits or onphtho that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all parts to be cleaned without abrasion. I, • CLEANING FREQUENCY AT LEAST ONCE 12 144 36 24 . 3. EVERY Months Months Months Months 15 Months 2 Remove the carrier spring (3) from the check valve end carrier assembly (4). Remove the check from the body (18). valve I-I/8" and carrier O.D. o-ring assembly (S) from (4) o. Remove the carrier (4C). h. Remove the I/8" x 15/16" cylindrical roll pin (LIA) which secures the check valve (LIB) to the carrier (4C), then remove the check valve (4B) from the carrier (4C). ju.,, the 1979 W/:IBI CI WESTINGHOUSE AMERICAN Wilmerding, AIR BRAKE STANDARD Pennsylvania DIVISION maintenance operation & information INC 15148 Remove the five I/2" hex nuts (7) which secure the bottom diaphragm cover (8) to the valve body CAREFULLY remove the bottom cover (8). 6. 5_ O 4A _" Remove the diaphragm piston assembly (91 10_ IIi 12, Ib,, 15_ 16) from the body (18) as a unit. a. ._.... Remove the 4C _ b. /k the piston I-I/8" O.D. o-rings (IS) from (16). To disassemble the piston with an open the 3/4" self-locking piston assembly, hold the end wrench1 then remove hex nut (9)1 follower (10)t diaphragm the 7/8" (16). piston head (12). Remove (14) from the piston stem the (I I), and O.D. o-rlng Remove return 8. Remove the three 3/4" O.D. ring gaskets (17) from the bottom cover mounting face of the body (18). CLEANtNG spring (13) 1 INSPECTING IMPORTANT: | two stem 7. III.D. 14--O (18). Refer to the from AND the body (18). REPAIRING following WABCO Parts _1-12, Sup. I when ordering parts. CAUTION: The reference numbers publicatmn'_-_'-n-n-n-n-n_--thoso used in the parts replacement used in this catalog may differ. Check the description the desired part is ordered. name) to parts including I. Rubber a. (parts insure that Parts IMPORTANT." All rubber gas- ketsl diaphragms and rubber seated check valves ore to be discarded and replaced with NEW Parts ordered from the Westinghouse Air Brake Division of WABCO. b. The following Rubber Parts Replacement Kits are available from the Westinghouse Air Brake Division of WABCO: Kit-Pc. No. 560728 includes PipeBracket without Z_ 7n.0 FIGURE 2 - EXPLODED 4. Remove the cover S. THE PISTON DER A COMPRESSED FOLLOWING PARTS ARE CAUSE AN 1979 RETURN Metal PROCEDURE INADVERTENTLY (13) MAY EXERCISE SO BE CARE THAT EXPELLED - //_ b. The the interior and exterior surfaces of body MUST BE completely cleanod by wiping with a "11-nt-free cloth or rag that has been saturated with the prescribed cleaning solvent UN- (paragraph IN NO No. 58143 cleaning Z_ SPRING Kit-Pc. Gasket. Wash all remaining metal parts in the solvent described in paragraph III.A.I. (6). LOAD. Parts Gasket; Bracket a. VIEW WARNING THE June, gasket 2. Pipe c. Springs removal III.A.I.). may be wire brushed of rust and scale. to assist in the AND INJURY. 4231-12, S.1 o o,r , I WEST ONOUSE RR,EOV 1 maintenance AMERICAN STANDARD information Wilmerding, Pennsylvania de After cleaning, blow all of the low pressure (less than 30 psig) air. e. Inspect parts dry with a jet of clean, dry assemble removed. g. (I) F' ). 5b,5053 has an approximate free height o 1-49/64". The piston return spring (13) PL. No. 556305 has an approximate free height of 2-3/16% (2) III.E. Z_ I. and replace any part that may result in unsatisfactory 2. The size and cleanliness plugs are important. The choke plugs removed one at a time for servicing misplacement. The following procedure adhered to when servicing choke plugs). of choke 3. MUST BE to avoid MUST BE /_. While the choke the passage from be checked for size and shape MUST NOT (less b. to f. WABCO the o-rings Specification with M-7680-2 as c. Lightly coat the bearing surface of the bushing into which the o-ring assembly is installed with the grease. the grease. e. Inspect the choke unrestricted. to insure that it is clean groove in which with the grease. Insert the return spring Insert the 3//#' Diaphragm three in bottom piston (13) into O.D. cover ring mounting the o-ring be the body (18). gaskets (17) face of into the the body assembly Install the two lubricated I-I/8" O.D. o-rings (15) into their proper grooves an the piston stem. Install a lubricated 7/8" O.D. o-ring (Ik) into the groove in the piston stem (16) at the nut end. Lubrication procedure may be found in grease by C. Place the diaphragm (I I) on the piston head (12) with the diaphragm beed in the direction of the out end of the piston. d. Place the diaphragm follower (10) on the piston (16) and secure in place with the 3/4" selflocking nut (9). Tighten with a torque value of sixty to sixty-five foot pounds. (IMPORTANT= If the hex nut (9) used is not the self-locking type, it MUST be replaced nut, Pc. No. 569171). e. 4 to Place the piston head (12) on the piston stem (16) with the diaphragm bead groove of the piston head in the direction of the nut end of the piston. and Adhering to the WARNING of paragraph IIl._ coat the threads of the choke plug lightly with a compound consisting of one part graphite WABCO Specification M-7695-2 (AAR913) and two ports of oil (5AE-20) by weight and is b. than 30 psig) Remove the choke plug from the solvent and blow it off with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry'-_"r. S.I was Fill the installed BE do 4231-12, it ASSEMBLING paragraph III.E.h Remove the excess wiping with a clean, lint-free cloth. plug is soaking in the solvent, which it was removed should cleanliness and blown out if necessary with a low pressure jet of clean, dry mr-'-_'. f. which b. a. Adhering to the WARNING of paragraph III. j soak the plug in the cleaning solvent as described in paragraph III.A.I. IMPORTANT; Metallic tools MUST NOT be used to clean chokes as their CHANGED. C. from Coat cleaning. b* AND Greaser (8--($1r) °°ves Remove one choke only. Perform all the following operations, screw the choke back in place and then remove the next choke for at port a. operation. _A'_ (IMPORTANT= the Just prior to assembling_ lubricate all o-rings, o-ring grooves and the bearing surface of the bushings into which the o-ring assemblies ore installed with No. 2 is crackedt cut, damaged in any way, worn excessively, or that is in such a condition _3. into to hold securely. Reject that LUBRICATING Silicone follows. Reject and replace any cylindrical spring (roll) pin that is broken or not "elastic" enough (3) Z_ 15148 Go to the next choke and repeat steps until all choke plugs have been serviced. the parts. Reject and replace any spring that is rusted, distorted_ pitted or has taken a permanent set. The carrier spring (3) Pc. it INC. with a self-locking Insert the diaphragm piston assembly body makinfl sure that the bead of phragm is toward the bottom cover. into the the dia- June, 1979 WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE AMERICAN STANDARD INC Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 5. Place the bottom cover (8) on the body (18) and secure in place with the five I/2" hex nuts (7). 6. Check valve and carrier 15148 IV. AQ assembly (4). Place the check valve (4B) on the carrier (4C) and secure in place with the I/8" x 15/16" roll pin (4A). el Insert a lubricated ]-1/8" O.D. o-ring (5) into the groove in the check valve carrier (4C). Lubrication procedure may be found in paragraph III.E.I. Remove the excess grease by wiping with a clean, lint-free cloth. bo B. 7. Place the gasket (6) on the top cover of the body (18). 8. Place the check valve and carrier 4C) into the body (18). 9. Insert carrier the carrier (b,C). spring (3) into mounting face assembly (4A, LIB, the check valve C. 10. Place the top cover (2) on the body (18) and secure in place with the three 3/8" hex nuts (I). Printed Jun=, in 1979 DIVISION TESTING operation & maintenance information AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT: After the "J-I" Relay Valve Portion Pc. l_-'_'_)-_has been assembled BUT BEFORE it is returned to service, it MUST PASS a series of tests following the procedure of the current issue of one of the following WABCO Test Specifications; T-2513-0 for use with the AB Test Rack, T-2332-0 for use with the 4D Test Rack, and T-2381-0 for use with the 4C Test Rack. Consult the Test Specification for portion piece number. When remounting the p_tion, after it has passed the required tests, a NEW mounting gasket (22) Pc. No. 97368 MUST BE used. IMPORTANT: WHENEVER A "J-I" RELAY VALVE PORTION IS REMOVED FROM THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR ANY REASON, AND IT IS REINSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION9 A STATIONARY VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE PORTION FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division sentative if additional information is required. Repre- U.S.A. S 4231-12, $.I 3231-12 *_ AII_ dr.a_. S_rd "J" TYPERELAYVALVES SingleDiaphragmType (SUPERSEDES ISSUE DATED PARTS CATALOG OCTOBER, 1968) (I WARNING: AT THE TIME ANY PART IS REPLACED IN THIS DEVICE, THE OPERATION MUST PASS A SERIES OF TESTS AS PRESCRIBED IN THE LATEST ISSUE OF THE FICATION. AT THE TIME THIS DEVICE IS APPLIED TO THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT OF MU_T BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THIS DEVICE FUHCTIOJ4S PROPERLY IN THE TOTAL RANGEMENT. (_onsult your Iocol WABCO Representative for identity of the test speciflcotions Westinghouse WESTINGHOUBE THE COMPLETE DEVICE APPLICABLE WABCO TEST SPECIARRANGEMENT, A STANDING TEST BRAKE EQUIPMENT thot cover this device). AR- Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWi|merdin g. Penn_lvmnie tBt48 3231-12 WFtBr"O "J" TYPERELAY VALVES-INDEX Potions Type Assembly Pc. Nos. J-I m557290 J - 1- A NOTES: Pipe Valve Bracket 550441 556440 558551 .. N_, w Weight Right a557673 55644 i 556441 Approx Mounting.Brackets Relay 97923 556296 558563 Lbs. Left 97369 (Fig. Suspension Mtg. (Fi_. 2A) Floor Mounting (Fig. 2C) 2B) 47-3/4 76 See page 3 RELAY VALVEPORTION l 1 I I 4 Figure Approx. Complete, I Net Weight, 34-3/4 Ibs. I maintenance operation a information I t5 _O 3----| 5 _O _'-_ 4B PORT ,0: 4 PORT 6 15 14 /18. --0 19.--__ 2A _1' 2B- I, '._ _i / 2C'-I .18A PORT 16 i, t I I L .................... FIGURE 2 - EXPLODED Remove a. and DISCARD rings (15) b. from 7. Remove 8. Remove stem the return and stem I-I/8" O.D. o- CLEANING_ IMPORTANT= when ordering 1979 ViEW reference spring (13) the the bottom INSPECTING from I. Rubber a, AND Refer to WABCO Ports replacement ports. 3/4" O.D. mounting REPAIRING ring face bo of /_, 2. Catalog 3231-12, CAUTION." The Metal a. 3 used in this publication and those used catalog may differ. Check the description to insure that the desired port is ordered. Ports All rubber and rubber discarded from the American the body (18). three cover numbers in the parts (parts name) (16). (16). DISCARD gaskets (17) from the body (I 8). August, the piston two To disassemble the piston assembly, hold the piston with an open end wrench, then remove the 3/4" self-locking hex nut (9), follower (10), diaphragm (11), and piston head (12). Remove and DISCARD the 7/8" O.D. o-ring (14) from the piston _,III.D. the parts including gaskets, seated check valves diaphragms, are to be and replaced with NEW ports obtained Westinghouse Air Brake Division of Standard Inc. A Rubber Parts Replacement Kit which includes replacement rubber parts and o NEW Pipe Bracket Gasket may be obtained by ordering Pc. No. 560728. Parts Wash all described metal parts in paragraph in the III.A.I. cleaning solvent 4231-12 j 3231-12 3 Figure Approx. Figure Approx. 2C Net Weight, 40 Ibs. 2B Net Weight, 13 lbs• PIPEBRACKET PORTION ANDMOUNTING BRACKETS Type Figure Ref. No. Susp. Floor J-I-A 2A J-I-A 2C Piece 556296 I* I x J-1 2B 2B parts 2-1 27009 558563 27009 ............ .......... 2-2 2"3 542291 514963 542291 514963 ............ ............ 2- 2-4 2-5 ..... ..... •.,•• •..•• 2"6 2-7 •.,.., • ,•.•* ••••.* • .••,• 2-8 .•,••. 2"9 •••••• x NOTE: Does DNOTE: For ...... ...... not include Mounting Mounting Bracket No Numbers Piece .NUT, Hex•, • STRAINER 569170 569170 0 0 557379 557673 557379 562444 Ref.Nos. Numbers, Req' PIPE BRACKET 569170 569170 Bracket Name see 2-6 ASSEMBLY 4 • • * • • . • • • . • 2 • STUD, 5/8 x 2-1/4 in ..... .NUT, Hex., 5/8 in ...... • • • • • , • ° * • , 4 • ..•.•••.•. .NUT, .•,•••...•. Hex,, 5/8 in ...... .BRACKET, .BRACKET, Mounting, Mounting, .STUD, 5/8 x 3-11/16 .BODY, (includes and 2-7, schedule, PORTION, 5/8 in ................. .......... page which are L.H. R•H. . . . . in .... Ref.Nos. a part of the 4 4 ••,.•.•.•.• ••..•••.••• ,•••*••..•, 2-4, 2-5 Complete and 4 2-8) Device. 2. SPRINGIDENTIFICATION TABLE The following table is shown to enable identification of the springs used in will vary somewhat, due to the small difference In wire, coil diameter, number of the devices cataloged herein. It is based on calculated figures and the actual spring turns, etc. This tabulation is intended for identification only and should not be used for any other purpose. Approx. Out. Dis. Pc.No. "A" in. 545053 556305 *NOTE: 5_tember, Number 1978 of turns f_r each I/2 2-5/8 spring counted It does not represent Appmx. Wire Dia. "B" In. 5164 1/8 between Approx. Free Height "C" In. 1-49/64 2-3/16 extreme ends a specification for the springs mentioned. Approx. No. Turns = Material 11 Steel 5-3/4 Steel of wire• l_l.ild in U.S.I. Westinghouse W_BCO A_ AmFi¢ al_$ Illl_ll fd _,_pa._y Air Brake Division I WESTINGHOUSEAIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilrnerding, Pennsylvania 15148 J maintenance operation & information E-3 BRAKE APPLICATION VALVE III. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES IMPORTANT: THE E-3 BRAKE APPLICATION VALVE REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, LUBRICATED, AND TESTED, AT A MINIMUM OF ONCE EVERY TWENTYFOUR (24) MONTHS, OR MORE OFTEN IF SERVICE EXPERIENCE SO DICTATES. III.A. I. III.B. I. 7 6 8 2. I-I/4" The correct size piston ring for use on the E-3 Brake Application Valve piston is determined by using the following ring selector gage: o. WABCO part no. $24952, (approved by the AAR). b. WABCO gages). part no. 88624, (alternate set of four SAFETY PROCEDURES General shop safety procedures MUST BE followed when working on the valve. The work area should be clean and free of debris. N.P.T. 3. ASSEMBLYVIEW I. GAGES DESCRIPTION 4. The air jet used to blow parts cleon or to blow them dry after being cleaned MUST BE LESS than 30 psig. WARNING: THE USE OF AN AIR JET TO BLOW P-A'RT'S'--'C_EAN OR TO BLOW THEM DRY AFTER BEING CLEANED WITH A SOLVENT WILL CAUSE PARTICLES OF DIRT AND/OR DROPLETS OF THE CLEANING SOLVENT TO BE AIRBORNE. THESE PARTICLES AND DROPLETS MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/OR EYE IRRITATION. PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE INJURY. DO NOT DIRECT THE AIR JET TOWARD ANOTHER PERSON. The E-3 Brake Application Valve operates when actuated by air pressure from the conductorts or emergency brake valve to quickly vent brake pipe air to atmosphere at on emergency rate initiating an emergency brake application. The valve consists of o body in which o piston valve and piston spring ore assembled. The piston is fitted with o piston ring, felt oil retainer, strainer, and strainer plate. When properly lubricated, the all retainer maintains o coating of oil on the cylinder wall. The strainer is designed to restrict accumulation of dirt on the piston. IIl.C. II. I. The solvent used for cleaning the parts removed from the valve must be on oliphatic organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha, that will dissolve all or grease and that will permit all parts to be thoroughly cieoned wlthootabrasion. 2. The lubricant used to lubricate the piston with retainer and the piston bush is Triple Valve Oil, AAR Specification M-912, WABCO Specification M-7611-20. OPERATION (Refer to the assembly view) With the brake application valve properly connected to the brake pipe, brake pipe air normally flows around the outer face of the piston valve (10), thence through o small port in this valve to the spring chamber. From the spring chamber, the air flows through the side connection to the emergency brake valve. With air pressure equal on both faces of the piston valve 10, spring 4 holds the piston valve seated, sealing the atmospheric opening below the seal 9. When the emergency brake valve is placed in emergency position, it permits the air in the spring chamber of the E-3 Brake Application Valve to escape faster than it con be _pplied through the part in the piston valve 10. This rapid nonge in brake pipe pressure moves the piston valve I0 off s seat providing o large direct opening from brake pipe to atmosphere so that brake pipe air exhausts at on emergency rate which, in turn, signals for an emergency application of the brakes. CLEANING SOLVENT AND LUBRICANT WARNING: THE USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING _"nEI_Tb'_ND THE USE OF LUBRICANTS CAN INVOLVE HEALTH AND/OR SAFETY HAZARDS. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOLVENTS AND LUBRICANTS SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA FORM OSHA-20 OR ITS EQUIVALENT). THE RECOMMENDED PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES OF THE MANUFACTURERS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. 1 (SUPERSEDES ISSUE _ATED MAY, 1975) 4230-4, E3 Westinghouse maintenance operation information III.D. & WESTINGHOUSE [ Air Brake Division A}R BRAKE COMPANY,/_Wilmetding, DISASSEMBLY 2. Rubber Remove the four 3/8 x I-3/8 inch square head machine screws (I) which secure the cover (2), then remove the cover (2), end CAUTION: _y cover. cover Machine uncage Stand clear gasket screws (3) must Remove strainer the be backed body out spring (4) prior to removal of opening as a protection spring flying loose. PERSONAL MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT POSSIBLE INJURY. a. from EYE THE Disossemb[e the (I I), then remove (see paragraph (6), CLEANING_ d. When AND Inspect Metal replacement parts, refer to Oil Retainer The parts Wash the remaining metal cleaning solvent, (paragraph b. parts in the III.B.I.). prescribed After cleoningj completely dry ell of the parts, including the body, with o low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry a-iT. PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE INJURY, Inspect the metal parts. Replace the spring if it is pitted, rusted, distorted, or has token a permanent set. Replace any rart that is cracked, broken, worn excessively, damaged, or in such o condition that would result in unsatisfactory operation. 4230-4, E-3 any part that is worn excessively, that would result in oil retainer (11) cleaning cleaned. retainer must solution, AND BE dried in III.B.I. the end Install the oil retainer completely. ASSEMBLING CAUTION: THE OIL RETAINER TF:TO'R'OU_HLY BEFORE INSTALLING I. washed Inspect the oil retainer. Replace it if it is crocked, cut, torn, worn, or damaged in any way. LUBRICATION MUST be paragraph c. III.F. ([I) (I I) MUST BE DRIED IT ON THE PISTON. on the piston (10). Soak the piston with retainer in Triple Valve Oil AAR Specification M-912, WABCO Specification M-7611-20. The piston with retainer should be allowed promptly RICANT TATION, 2. e. Replace The oil a. d. parts. b. The spring may be wire brushed to assist in the removal of rust and scale. WARNING: WIRE BRUSHING MAY CAUSE PARTI"C1EE'S'-'O'F RUST, SCALE, AND DIRT TO BECOME AIRBORNE. PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE INJURY. c. rubber (I I) prescribed thoroughly Parts Thoroughly clean the interior and exterior of the body (12) using a lint-free cloth or rag which has been saturated with the cleaning solvent prescribed in paragraph III.B.I. a. the REPAIRING catalog 3230-4. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication _used in the ports catalog may differ. Check the ports name (description) to insure that the desired part is ordered. I. cleon, a low III.A.I.). INSPECTING ordering ports with o soft, them dry with cracked, cut, nicked, broken, damaged or in such o condition unsatisfactory operation. O. NOTE: the rubber and blow Serviceable gaskets may be brushed, using o brush that has soft bristles, such _ o shoe brush, to remove any remaining dirt and to polish. piston by removing the oil retainer the seal nut (8) and the seal (9). 3. III.E. wipe cloth pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of cleon, dry olr'-'_. PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE INJURY. If it is necessary to remove the piston ring IS) due to damage or excessive wear, repair rings ore available. The correct size of repair ring must be determined by the use of the ring selector gage O. Parts Promptly lint-free c. 2. C_mDl_ , b. evenly plate jNda_ Rubber parts may be dipped in the prescribed cleaning solution described in paragraph III.B.I. CAUTION: RUBBER PARTS MUST NOT BE _'L-L-O"_?'E'_ TO SOAK IN THE CLEANING SOLUTION. PROTECTION EYES FROM the piston spring (4), strainer (7) and piston assembly (10). &_ Amor(¢ln._t a, (12). of the against Pennsylvania 151411 to drain for ten minutes after soaking then installed in the valve. WARNING: LUBMAY CAUSE SKIN ANID-TOR-E'_i'E IRRI- Apply a light film of Triple Valve Oil, AAR Specification M-912, WABCO Specification M-7611-20 to the piston bush. WARNING: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/OR_ATION. a. If the piston ring was removed from the piston (10) install the proper size ring IS) on the piston (10), (See paragraph III.A.). b. Place the secure it piston bush. seal (9)in ",,ith the assembly position s_al nut (5, 8, 9, lot on the piston (10) am (8). Then insert the II)into the piston Westinghouse An AmeN¢lm-Standard 3. Insert WESTINGHOUSE Cornplay the strainer (7), AiR strainer plate BRAKE (6) Air Brake Division COMPANYJWilmerding, and Pennsylvania the current 7BS--O. piston spring (4). 4. Place the cover gasket (3) and cover (2) on the body (12) end secure them (n place using the four 3/8 x I-3/8 inch square machine head machine screws evenly B. screws (I), Tighten the four to prevent cocking or binding of TESTING A. After the E-3 Broke Application Valve h(Is been assembled, BUT BEFORE it is returned to service, it MUST PASS o series of tests following the procedure of p,i.,*a _, U.S,A. August, 1977 AND ADDITIONAL issue of the WABCO Test Specification T- IMPORTANT: WHEN THE E-3 BRAKE APPLICATION VALVE IS REMOVED FROM THE BRAIKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED VALVE, A STANDING VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE E-3 BRAV.E APPLICATION VALVE FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. the spring. IV. main tenance operation & information 15148 INFORMATION C. Consult sentative your Westinghouse Air if additional information Brake Division is required. Repre- 4230-4, E-3 W BCO V b, V WESTINGHOUSE AIRBRAKE DIVISION INSTRUCTIONS FOR BRAKE APPLICATION I. PARTS THE REPAIR VALVE AND MAINTENANCE OF "E" NOTES "E"-3" CATALOG 1.1 Refer to Parts Catalogs No. 3230-4 and No. 3230-4, Sup. I for ("E") for the names locations in the respective valve. 2. AND AND 3230-4A of parts for (E-3) and and for their CAUTIONS 2.1 The solvent used for cleaning the parts removed from the valve must be an alipilatic organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha, that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all parts to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion. 2.1.I CAUTION: THE USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING AGENTS CAN INVOLVE HEALTH AND O_-R SAFETY HAZARDS. THE MANUFACTUE, ER OF THE SOLVEIfr USED SIIOULD BE CONTACTED FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA FORM OSHA-?O OR IT'S EQUIVALENT). THE MANUFACTURER'S PECOMMENDED PROCEDURES AND PRECAUTIONS ARE TO _E FOLLOWED. 2.2 Triple Velve oil (WABCO Specification No- M-913) is piston and piston bush. 2.2.1 CAUTION: 2.3 The required 3. MAY CAUSE following must be included to maintain the application 2.3.1 AAR 2.3.2 Alternate 2-3.3 LUBRICANT Spec[ficatlon required for 9/16 approved open gage set end of Pc. four SKIN No. M-7611-20, the lubrication AND tOR EYE among the valve. AAR of the IRRITATION. tools, gages, etc. 52h_52. gages Pc. _143)7. wrench. DISASSEMBLE 3.1 Remove secure the the four cover to 3_8 '' x I-3/8" square the valve body. head machine screws which 3.2 Remove the following 3.2.1 Cover. 3.2.2 Gasket. 3.2.3 Piston spring. 3.2.4 Piston assembly. 3.3 Remove the 3.3.1 Strainer 3.3.2 Strainer. 3.4 Remove following Seal 3.4.2 Piston 3.4.3 Oil the valve body: from the inner bore from the piston of the piston assembly: plate. the 3.4.1 from following assembly: nut. seal. retainer. 3-5 NOTE: If piston ring removal is necessary due to damage or excessive wear, repair r_ngs are available. To determine the correct size for the repair ring use either of the gages identified under (item 2.3.1 or 2.3.2). Consult parts catalog (item I I) for the piece number of the repair rings. 4. CLEAN_ INSPECT, AND REPAIR h.l CAUTION: THE USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING AGENTS CAN INVOLVE HEALTH AND/OR SAFETY HAZARDS, THE MANUFACTURER OF THE SOLVENT USED SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA FORM OSHA-20 OR ITS EQUIVALENT), THE MANUFACTUREEJS RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES AND CAUTIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED. _.2 The solvent used with the requirements _.3 4.3.1 Metal W_sh solution and must parts prescribed must be in accordance be used as directed below. parts. all metal h.3.1.1 Spring may be dirt and/or corrosion. h.3._ clean as a cleaning of item 2.1 in the cleaning solution. wire brushed to assist in removing WEAR PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION. Parts thus cleaned air. WEAR PERSONAL must be dried EYE PROTECTION. R-6q-C. Sup. with a I, Issue P_ge 2 low pressure No. any excess jet of 4._ Rubber and felt parts. _.4.1 NOTE: RUBBERAND FELT PARTS MUST NOT BE FERMITTED TO SOAK IN THE CLEANING SOLUTION. 4.4.2 Rubber and felt parts may be dipped solution to remove grease and/or dirt. in the prescribed cleaning 4.4.3 Cleaned rubber and felt parts must be wiped and immediately dried with a low pressure Jet of clean air. WEARPERSONALEYE PROTECTION. 4.4.4 Serviceable gaskets must be brushed with a soft bristled brush (such as a shoe brush) to remove any remaining dirt and to polish. 4.5 Inspect all springs for rust set. Replace where necessary. 4.6 Replace all parts that are damaged, or in such a condition operation. pits, distortion, cracked, broken, as would result or permanent worn e_cessively, in unsatisfactory 5- LUBRICATE AND ASSEMBLE 5.1 Piston 5.1.1 assembly. Install the oil retainer on the piston. 5.1'.1.1 Immerse the entire piston oil, (item _.2) until the retainer CAUSE SKIN AND/OR EYE IRRITATION. with oll retainer in triple valve is saturated. LUBRICANTS MAY 5.1.I.2 NOTE: The piston with oil retainer must be allowed to drain for 10 minutes after the soaking is complete, then promptly install the remaining parts on the piston. 5.1.2 Place groove. the piston ring, 5.1.3 Insert the piston of the piston. 5.1.4 Insert the seal Tighten compressed. seal if into nut onto the seal nut removed in item the the so that recess threaded 3.5, into on the threade4 the piston Sup. I, Issue P_ge 3 piston end end of the piston. seal is 5.2 Lightly apply a film of triple valve oil, item 2.2, bush. LUBRICANTS MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/OH EYE IRRITATION. R-63-C, the No. 3 lightly to the piston 5.3 Install the piston body. Press the piston to rest on the stop. 5-_ Insert of the 5._.I the piston Insert 5._.2 Insert against the 5.5 Place holes are assembly, seal nut end first, into assembly into the valve body until strainer, assembly the small in strainer the diameter first, valve body. plate the piston spring strainer plate. on into top of the the valve into the body the gasket on top of the valve body so properly aligned with the tapped holes 5.5.2 Insert a 3/8" x 1-3/8" square head machine of the four mounting holes in the cover and into holes in the valve body. 6. E-ually screws tighten the four 3_" which were inserted in inner bore strainer. so that it rests that the four in the body. 5.5.1 Carefully position the top cover over the valve gasket such that the four mounting holes ar_ properly with the tapped holes in the valve b_dy. machine the valve it comes bo_y and aligned screw through each the four tapped x 1-3,_" square item 5.5.2. head TESTING 6.1 Prior tested in T-785-0. to being accordance placed with in service, the a current issue APPROVED Supervisor Services repaired of test device must specification : M_na_g_neering - Technical Services JGB:dlm R-6B-C, Sup. I, Issue P_ge 4 No. 3 be REVISION SHEET Issue No. I August 24, 1967 JGB:dlm Issue No_ 2 June 9, 1975 PEJ:nJc Changed entire format of code, Changed the lubrication to triple valve oil, WABCOSpecification No. M-76!I-20 or AAR Specification No. M-913 from SAE 20 Journal oil, AAR Specification No. M-906 because the SAE 20 journal oll was obsoleted. Issue No. 3 November 12, WCH:n_c Revised to include reference to P_rts Catalog 3230-4A and various caution notes. Added reference to _Teneh in item ?-3-3 Deleted renulrement that body not be washed in solvent. 1976 R-63-C. Sup. ], Issue No. 3 3230- 4 AMERICAN STANDARD INC. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIVISION ,. Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 _ "E-3" Figure parts catalog ) BRAKEAPPLICATION VALVE,Pc.No. 505405 I J_ J 1 ] J 4 t I I r Fig. 6 Ref.No. Pc. i- 505405 No. Parts j J No. Reqtd Name 1-1 25410 1-2 1-3 527076 84656 "E-3" BRAKE APPLICATION VALVE, Asy. .BOLT, Hch.Sq.Hd., 3/8 1-3/8" ......... .COVER .......... .GASKET ......... 1-4 1-5 A85954 • .SPRING, Piston .RING, Piston, aNOTE; • NOTE= See See Back Back Page Page for for L l Spring Repair ..... 2-3/4" Fig. 6 Ref.No. x 4 1 1 1 1 Dis. J j Pc.No. Parts No. Req'd Name 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 513010 513009 72322 78521 513021 513007 ,PLATE, Strainer .STRAINER .NUT, Seal . . .SEAL, Piston .PISTON ..RETAINER,'OiI" 1-12 505404 .BODY, Valve . . . . Identification Piston Rings Z_WARNING: AT THE TIME ANY PART IS REPLACED iN THiS DEVICE, THE OPERATION OF THE COMPLETE DEVICE MUST PASS A SERIES OF TESTS AS PRESCRIBED IN THE LATEST ISSUE OF THE APPLICABLE WABCO TEST SPECIFICATION. STATIONARY AT THE TIME THIS DEVICE IS APPLIED TO THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT VEHICLE TEST MUST BE MAOE TO INSURE THAT THIS DEVICE FUNCTIONS TOTAL BRAKE EQUIPMENT speclflcsllons, ARRANGEMENT. A PROPERLY iN THE (Consult your lOCal WABCO Representative for Idemtlty of the test with latest revision date. that Cover this device.) (SUPERSEDES ARRANGEMENT, ISSUE DATED JANUARY, 1971) 3230 - ,t SPRINGIDENTIfiCATION The following table is shown to ena%le identification of the spring used In the devices cataloge_ herein. It is based on calculated figures and the actual Jpring will vary somewhat, due to the small difference in wire, coll diameter, number of turns, etc. This tabulation is intended for Identlflcstl_ only end should not be used for any other purpose. It does not represent a specification for the springs mentioned. Approx. Approx. Approx. Wire Oia. Free Height Out [ Dis. PC.NO.I"A" in. ! 85954 _i-19/32 • NOTE: Humber wire. "B" in. 1/8 of turns "C" in. 4-29/32 counted Approx. No. Turns * Material i0 between Steel extreme ends PISTONREPAIRRINGS Use Standard First Second Orders Pc.No. Description 86829 RING, Piston 86830 RING, Piston and Repair Repair Prices will be quoted upon should glve PIECE N[I_IBER and application NAME of part wanted of Westinghouse An An_ficin-Stlndard Air Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilmerding, Comp_" w operation Division & maintenance Pennsylvania 15148 in forma tion B-3-CEMERGENCY BRAKEVALVE RECOMMENDED TYPE OF APPLICATION I. DESCRIPTION When properly installed and maintained, the B-3-C Emergency Brake Valve, located inside the passenger car, permits o means of manually initiating an emergency brake application. III.A. AND LUBRICANT The solvent used for cleaning the ports of the B-3-C Emergency Brake Valve must be an aliphatic organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha, that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all ports to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion. 2. Brake cylinder lubricant, WABCO Specification M-7651-2 (AAR Specification M-914) MUST BE available to lubricate the upper and lower ports of the valve stem, the cotterecl rivets, end valve spring. Lever Vent Valve Assembly / WARNING: THE USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING _C'i_r-_AND THE USE OF LUBRICANTS CAN INVOLVE HEALTH AND/OR SAFETY HAZARDS. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOLVENTS AND LUBRICANTS SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA FORM OSHA-20 OR ITS EQUIVALENT). THE RECOMMENDED PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES OF THE MANUFACTURERS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. llcation Valve Zxhou _ SOLVENT I S Months I. Valve Lever Valve Seat CLEANING EVERY 24 Months 24 Months Passenger (Interstate) Transit Multiple Operated Electric Unit Referring to the assembly view, the body houses the vent valve assembly which is normally seated by the force of the vent valve spring. Two pipe taps are provided - one is open to atmosphere (exhaust) while the other provides a connection for o pipe leading to a broke application valve or vent valve. ./Operating FREQUENCY AT LEAST ONCE Valve Spring IIhB. SAFETY PROCEDURES ASSEMBLYVIEW I. Ih OPERATION (Referring to the assembly view) 2. When the operating lever of the B-3-C Emergency Broke Valve is manually rotated to its full operating position by means of a cord or other device, and held in this position, the valve lever is forced downward to unseat the valve assembly. Unseating of the valve assembly causes air from the brake application pipe to be vented to atmosphere which in turn signals the brake application valve or vent valve to function for the purpose of exhausting brake pipe air at an emergency rate. III. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND MUST BE fallowed The work area should be clean and free of debris. 3. wARNING: THE USE OF AN AIR JET, WHICH "/_'O-S'T-I_K-LESS THAN 30 PSIC, TO BLOW PARTS CLEAN OR TO BLOW THEM DRY AFTER BEING CLEANED WITH A SOLVENT WILL CAUSE PARTICLES OF DIRT AND/OR DROPLETS OF THE CLEANING SOLVENT TO BE AIRBORNE. THESE PARTICLES AND DROPLETS MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/OR EYE IRRITATION. PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE INJURY. DO NOT DIRECT THE AIR JET TOWARD ANOTHER PERSON. 4. Personal eye protection ing on the valve. TECHNIQUES THE B-3-C EMERGENCY BRAKE VALVE REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANEDr LUBRICATED AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: Regular shop safety procedures when working on the valve. IMPORTANT: MUST BE worn when work- (SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES OF O-g-4216-5) 1 4216.5 maintenance operation & I Westinghouse 15148 Air Brake Pennsylvania Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANY/Wilmerding, x. Americlill-Stlndlrd CO_piAy information 2. a. Large cap nut (I) b. Spring (21 e. Vent valve assembly (3, 3A, 3B) as a unit. Disassemble follows: Remove the vent valve nut (3A) and vent valve seal (3B) from the vent valve (3). DISCARD the seal (3B). a. 3. the vent valve assembly (3, 3A, 3B) as Remove the two cotter (5). o. DISCARD the cotter Remove the operating from the body (8). III.D. CLEANING_ pins (4) from the two rivets pins (4) lever (6) and valve lever (7) INSPECTING I AND REPAIRING (Refer to WABCO Parts Catalog 3216-5 when ordering replacement parts. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication and those used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the description, (parts name) to insure that the desired part is ordered). IMPORTANT: I. EXPLODED VIEW III.C. I* CAUTION: Exercising care so that no parts are ina_tently expelled and cause on injury, carefully remove the following parts from the bottom of the body (8)= 4216-5 Wash all of the metal parts, with the exception of the cotter pins which MUST BE replaced, in the cleaning solvent as described in paragraph III.A.I. b. The spring may be wire brushed to assist in the removal of rust and scale. WARNING: WIRE BRUSHING WILL CAUSE P-A-'I_ET]'C'CE_S OF DIRT, RUST, AND SCALE TO BE AIRBORNE. C* After the parts are cleaned, they MUST BE blown completely dry using a Io._wpressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. d. Inspect the metal parts. Replace the spring if it is rusted, pitted, or has taken o permanent set. Replace any part that is crocked, broken, worn excessively, damaged, or in such o condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. Rubber Part a. 2 MUST BE_ a. MUST BE 2. EYE PROTECTION Metal Parts DISASSEMBLY IMPORTANT: PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION WORN. (Refer to the exploded view) PERSONAL The seal (3B) MUST BE discarded with a NEW WABCO Quality Seal. and replaced Westinghouse A._m=,l¢=n-Sl=ne=_lc_=,v 15148 Air Brake Pennsylvania Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilmerding. J maintenance operation a information III.E. LUBRICATING IMPORTANT: AND ASSEMBLING PERSONAL 9. EYE PROTECTION Install the vent valve assembly (3, 3A, 3B) into body (8). MUST BE IMPORTANT: BE SURE THAT THE UPPER _'[5-L-O-W_ PORTIONS OF THE VALVE STEM HAVE BEEN LUBRICATED PER PARAGRAPH III.A.2. O. I. Just prior to assembling, lubricate the following ports with a thin film of brake cylinder lubricant, WABCO Specif_tion M-7651-2 (AAR Specification M-914): a. The two cottered b. The upper and lower portions of the valve ster_ 10. Install tl2e lubricated body (8). (3). Valve spring (2) WARNING: LUBRICANT _qI_-F'OT_F_Y E IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE SKIN Place the valve lever (7) in position on the body (8). 3. Using one of the 5/16 x I inch cottered secure the valve lever (7) to the body (8). 4. Using a NEW 5/8 inch cotter (5) in place. pin (4), secure the rivet lever (6) in position on the valve 6. Using the remaining secure the operating 5/16 x I inch cottered rivet (5), lever (6) to the body (8). 7. Secure the rivet cotter pin (4). 8. Assemble b. ptlnlid in June, 1978 as follows: Assemble a NEW VENT VALVE SEAL (3B) on the lubricated vent valve stem (3). Lubrication procedure is shown in paragraph III.A.2. AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION a. T-1063-0 for use with the AB Test Rack. b. T-1489-0 for use with the 4C Test Rack. c. T-428-0 for use with the Individual Test Rack. IMPORTANT: WHEN A B-3-C EMERGENCY _VE IS REMOVED FROM THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REINSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED VALVE, A STANDING VEHICI.E AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE VALVE FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. 2. (5) in place with a NEW 5/8 inch the vent valve assembly TESTING After the "B-3-C" Emergency Brake Valve has been assembled, BUT BEFORE it is returned to service, it MUST PASS o series of tests following the procedure of the current issue of one of the following WABCO Test Specifications: rivets (5), 5. Place the operating lever (7). CAUTION: EXERCISING CARE SO THAT NO _RE INADVERTENTLY EXPELLED AND CAUSE AN INJURY, CAREFULLY secure the vent valve assembly (3, 3A, 3B) and valve spring (2) in place with the large cap nut (I). III.F. I. 2. ai valve spring (2) in place in the rivets (S) II. c. the . Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required. Secure the seal (3B) in place with the vent valve nut (3A). U.S.A. 3 4216-5 _E,_'_INGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE WILMERDING, REPAIR Issue BRAKE BRAKE SPECIFICATION No. i August INSTRUCTIONS THE "B" T_F_ Reference and their I. AIR AIR PA. DIVISION COMPANY R-72-C, SUP. 22, 1967 FOR DISASSEMBLING, _MER_NC¥ BRAKE may be made location in I REPAIRING, VALVE AND ASSEMBLING to Parts Catalog No. G-h-S216-5 the emergency brake valve. for names of parts DISASSEMBLING A. Remove the then remove i. B. II. Disassemble the nut and seal. Remove the two the valve lever CLEANING, At B. C. III. large cap nut from the bottom of the the spring and vent valve assembly. vent valve by removing (2) cotters and two (2) and operating lever. }NSPECTING, AND the rivets, valve body, valve then remove REPAIRING Wash all parts, including rubber parts, in a suitable solvent that will dissolve oil or grease and permit all the parts to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion, except the spring which must be wire brushed. The rubber parts must be promptly wiped dry after cleaning and must not be allowed to soak in the cleaning fluid. Replace all parts, broken, cut, worn condition as would including excessively, result in Replace taken a if it set. LUBRICATING the spring permanent AND is rubber parts, damaged, or unsatisfactory rusted, distorted, or has ASSEMBLING A. While assemblir_, cylinder lubricant apply a to the thin upper B. Install nut. seal the the that are cracked, in such a operation. valve on film and valve of AAR Spec. lower valve and secure M-914 stem. with the brake valve Co D. Insert spring Install two (2) the and valve secure assembly in place into the body, then with the cap nut. the valve lever and rivets, then secure operating them with apply lever using the two (2) the the cotters. APPROVED: Spebification and Licensee Engineer Test Code Unit JGB:dlm R-72-C, Page 2 Sup. 1 Director Equipment - Railroad Engineering G-h.3216-5 EMERGENCY BRAKEVALVES (Supersedes Issue Pa_s dated March, 1959) Catalog r," _." Z, / . WESTINGHOUSE AIR WILMERDING, WESTINGHOUSE PENNSYLVANIA/ BRAKE AIR DIVISION BRAKE COMPANY W_BCO 1 1/4in. EMERGENCY BRAKEVALVES* Fig. & Ref• No • 1- No• Pc. No • parts Name Req'd 535026-0001 1-1/4 in. EMERGENCY BRAKE 535026-0002 VALVE, 1-1/4 in. ASY. (R.H.) EMERGENCY BRAKE VALVE, ASY. (L.H.) l-I 535708 1-2 547806 .NUT, Cap, 2-3/8 in. .SPRING, Valve ......... 1-3 535705 .VALVE 1-3A 502365 • .NUT, 1-3B 92273 1-3C 1-4 535707 1-5 535710 • RIVET, Cottered, 1-6 1-7 535709 13574 • LEVER, • LEVER, Operating ....... Valve ......... l-8 535704 .BODY, ............. Valve, • .SEAL, I/2 Valve, • •WASHER, .COTTER, 2958 Hex.Hd.. in. Hex.Hd.. 1-53/64 O.D. 1-3/160.D 5/8 in ........ Valve ..... 5/16x i-l/4in.2 .......... Pc. 1 A535026-0001 (Less Fittings) 3C RIGHT Pc. HAND A535026-0002 ( Less Fittings) LEFT Figure Approx• HAND 1 Net Weight * NOTE: RECOMMENDED Installation i0 lhs• IFor 2 Spring Identification, STANDARD see page 6 1 1 for Locomotive W_BCD "B-3-B" EMERGENCY BRAKEVALVE** Fig. & Ref.No. Pc.No. 2- 88566 2-1 2-2 544833 I 547806 2-3 2-3A 2-3B 1735 1738 72433 parts No. Req_d Name B-3-B EMERGENCY ASY. .NUT, Cap, 5/8 .SPRING, Valve .VALVE, ..NUT, ..SEAL, Vent Valve, in. Hex.Hd ........... ............ 7/16in. Valve, 2958 2-5 13576 .RIVET, 2-6 13575 .LEVER, Operating 2-7 13574 .LEVER, Valve 2-8 88565 .BODY, RECOMMENDED 5/8 ..... O.D 1 I . . ...... 5/16 2 x 1 in .... 2 .......... 1 ........... [ ............. STANDARD 1 1 1 in ........... Cottered, Valve VALVE, Hex.Hd. 1.353 2-4 ** NOTE: .COTTER, BRAKE 1 for Passenger Car Equipment ! For Spring Identification, see page 6 Figure Approx. Net Weight 2 3-I/2 lbs W_BCO "B-3-A" EMERGENCY BRAKE VALVE** Fig. & Ref.No. 3- No. Pc. No. 51497 Parts Name "B-3-A" Reqld EMERGENCY. BRAKE VALVE, ASY. 3-I 544833 .NUT, 3-2 547806 .SPRING, Valve Vent 3-3 1735 .VALVE, 3-3A 1738 ..NUT, 3-3B Figure Approx. 3 Net Weight 4 Ibs. ..SEAL, 2958 3-5 13576 .RIVET, 3-6 3-7 13575 13574 . LEVER, .LEVER, 3-8 51539 .BODY, I,NOTE: 3B 72433 3-4 ** NOTE: 3A Cap, .COTTER, RECOMMENDED 5/8 Valve, Valve, 5/8 5/16x in. Hex. Hd ..... 1 ............ 7/16 1 in. 1.353 Hex. in ........... Cat Equipment For Spring Identification, 1 I 2 1 1 ............. see . . 2 1 in ......... STANDARD Passenger Hd. O.D ..... Operating ......... Valve ............ Valve 1 ........... I for Page 6 W_BCO "B-3]C" EMERGENCY BRAKE VALVE Fig. & Rel.No. 4- No• Pc.No. 93510 Parts Name "B-3-C" Asy• 4-1 544833 4-2 { 547806 4-3 Req'd EMERGENCY (Operative • NUT, Cap, 5/8 . SFRING, Valve L735 .VALVE. Vent 1738 72433 • .NUT, • .SEAL) Valva, Valve, 4-4 2958 .COTTER, 4-5 4-6 13576 93495 4-7 93610 • LEVER, .LEVER, 4-8 93496 .BODY 4-3A 4-3B NOTE: For .RIVET) Spring 5/8 Cottered, BRAKE from either in. Hex.Hd ........... ..... 1 1 ............ 1 7/16 in. Hex.Hd. 1.3530.D ..... in ........... 5/16 . • I 1 2 x 1 in .... Operating ......... Valve ............ 2 1 1 ................. Identification, VALVE, side) l see Page 6 8\ Figure Approx• Net 4 Weight 4-1/2 lbs. W_BCO SPRINGIDENTIFICATION TABLE The ['ol[owlngtable is shown to enable identification of the springs used in the devices cataloged herein. It is based on calculated figuresand the actualBprlng will vary somewhat, due to the small difference in wire, coil diameter, number of turns,etc. This tabulation Is Intendedfor identLflcation only and should not be used forany other pu_ose. [t does not representa specificationforthe springs mentioned. SPRING Pc. No. Approx. Out. Approx. Dia. Dia. "A" 547806 *Number of turns for each spring counto_l Wire in. 1-13/64 between Approx. "B" in. extreme Approx. Free No. Height Turns "C" I/8 in. 1-11/16 ends of 6 IDENTIFICATION the * 5-I/4 wire. Material Steel G-h-3216-5 WESTINGHOUSE WILMERDING, January, 1969 AIR BRAKE PA,/Westinghe_ Air DIVISION BrJEe Company P¢_nted in U.S.A. G-h-3211-5 An American-Sweda_ "A-2" REDUCTION RELAYVALVE (SUPERSEDES ISSUE DATED JANUARY, 1972) PARTS CATALOG Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmercling, Pennsylvania 15148 Co, G.h-3211-5 W_mIR2a INDEX "A-2" ReductionRelay Valve . . "B-l" Quick Service Valve .... Pipe Bracket Portion ....... Emergency Valve Portion ..... Filling Piece Portion ....... Spring Identification Table .... 8 16 .... .... .... .... .... .... Page 3 Page3 l_age 3 Pnge5 Page6 Pa_e7 Approx. Net WeiGhts "A-2" ReductionRelay Valve, Asy ......... '_-I" Quick Service Valve, Asy .......... Emergency Valve Portion........... Fillin_Piece Portion ................ 55 lb. 34 lb. 16-I/2 lb. 5 lb. 39 34 38 32 \ 26 Flange 30 Figure 1 Face G_-_11-5 WAmCD "A-2" REDUCTION RELAY VALVE Fig. PIPEBRACKET PORTION & Ref.No. No. Pc.No. Parts Nan_ 573568 "A-2" REDUCTION (Incl. I-2 565453 Figures .QUICK RELAY Figure VALVE • 527560 .GASKET, Ring, 5/8 1-31 1-32 • 533212 • 540542 .GASKET, Ring, 1 in. 573571 573575 3- 569711 .GASKET, Ring. .PIPE BRACKET •FILLING • 565825 3-11 3-12 PORTION in. O.D .... O.D 1-7/8 in. PORTION PIECE Figure No• Pc.No. Parts 1-33 573571 PIPE BRACKET s 93986 .GASKET Ring, 1 in. • 93840 .GASKET Ring, 1/2 551159 578254 • .SEAL, 1-39 573572 .BODY, Pipe Bracket 1 1-40 502671 1, 34, ..STUD, 40 and 41) ......... 3/8 x 1-I/2 in ....... 1 1-41 502674 • .STUD, I 1 l PIpe Slze(ID) .VENT 4 Asy• PROTECTOR (Incl. Ref. Nos. 36 and 37) .... .,.FOP R/VET, 3/16 x 1/2 in. (Aluminum) .PLUG. i ............ Vent l Protector. Choke, Drill) 1 in. ASY. 1 and 34 to 41) ......... 1-37 1-38 O.D... ..... .... Nos. l/2in 571140 2 Valve PORTION (Incl. ReL .NUT, Hex., 1-36 3 ..... 3) ........... Emergency Req'd 502365 552378 FORT[ON .GASKET Name 1-34 1-35 I (See Figure 2 )........... .EMERGENCY VALVE PORTION (See 3-10 ASY• l) ........... 1-30 1-33 2- VALVE & Ref•No. 1, 2 and 3) SERVICE (See Fig. Req'd "B" 1/8 : ..... NIT 1 (#54-.0550 . ............ I/2 l (Incl. x 1-7/8 Ref. Nos. 1 4 in ....... 4 PIpe Size (I.D.) ............... l "6-1" QUICKSERVICE VALVEPORTION Fig. & Ref.No. Pc.No. Parts 1-I 502369 •NUT, Pipe 1-2 565453 '_- Name HEX., Bracket, SERVICE (Incl. Ref. VALVE Nos. .SCREW, Cap, Hex•Hd.,3/8xlin.. 1"4 565469 •COVER, Am/. (Incl. Ref. Nor5) 1-5 91149 ..PLUG, Choke, 1/8 NFF (.070 1-6 565462 .CHECK VALVE CAP NUT 1-7 538445 (Incl. Ref. Nos. ..VALVE, Check 1-8 • 568760 1-9 565463 ..NUT, 1-10 568626 .NUT. 1-11 1-12 566924 574796 .FOLLOWER, .DIAPHRAGM, 1-13 565465 .DIAPHRAGM Ref. Nos. 1-14 559060 . .PIN, 3/32 1-15 565467 . •STEM, NOTE: • NOTE: The Refer For indicated to the Spring Pc.No. Parts 1-16 1-17 565466 534662 ..HSTON, .O-RING, Diaphragm ........ 3/8 in. O.D ........ I I 1-18 524612 .O-RING, 1/2 2 1-19 565462 .CHECK VALVE CAP NUT Am/. (Incl. Ref. Nos. 20 to 22) .... 1 1 1-20 538445 . .VALVE, Check 1 1 1-21 . .SPRING, Check 4 PORTION 514274 • NOTE: Ref.No. 3 to 29) 1-3 . .SPRING, Fig. 3/8 in. (Part of Ref. 33) ...... I" QUICK ASY• No. Req'd Valve, • . Dr.) Asy. 1 I Cover... • .NUT, 1-23 527560 565454 .GASKET, .QUICK (Incl. Cap .......... Valve SERVICE in. VALVE Nos. BODY Asy. 1 1-26 559980 . .STRAINER Diaphragm ..... PIston ........ 1 I 1-27 51#'976 ...FELT 1-28 1"29 565477 578253 ..BODY with CHOKE (Incl. ...PLUG, Choke, 1/8 NPT (Incl. I ........... Gaskets axe not a part Figure Table, fer see page Parts 7. Retainer Asy. (Strainer) Drill) • 527560 GASKET, Ring, 5/8 I 1-31 • 533212 GASKET, Ring, 1 in. I 1-32 • 540542 GASKET, Ring, 1-7/8 and their he ordered location. separately. 1 Ref. No. (Not Shown) Ref. ......... in. 1 ..... (Incl. 1-30 of any portion and must Detail S_alner (#76-.0200 2 25 to 29) ..... ..... (Jam) O.D .... 1 5/3 ..NUT, in. i ............. Ring, Ref. .... Body 565461 CyUndricalSprlng, x 7/16 in ........... Identification 565463 in. O.D ........ 1-25 PISTON Asy. 14 to 16) ........ indicated 1-22 1-24 Req'd Name 1 3/4 PIston a568760 1 Cap ............. Lock, No. 4 7 to 9) ...... .......... Check & 27) 1 . . 2 1 29). 1 O.D ..... O.D ...... in. O.D... 3 2 1 Crh-3211-5 WI_.BCO _V 111 _----29 "36 Figure Approx. Net Welgl_ 4 16-1/2 LI_. 2 G-h-3211-5 WRBCa £MERGENCY VALVEPORTION :,'ig. & No• ReLNo. Pc.No. Parts 2- 569711 EMERGENCY VALVE (Incl. Ref. Nos• 2-1 2505 .NUT, Ref. Fig.& ReLNo. _.No. PaxtsName 2-23 569724 .COVER, 2-24 527560 .GASKET, 2-25 564586 .DIAPHRAGM, 4 2-26 567218 1 2-27 570676 .PISTON, Vent Valve (Large) ,RING, Int. Ret., .866 Bore .RETAINER, Req'd Name Hex., 1/2 PORTION ASY• I to 44) in. (Fart (Incl. ReL of Body, 39) ............. No. 2-2 569722 • COVER, 2-3_ 2-4 567247 ..EXCLUDER, Wasp ....... .GASKET_ Ring, 15/16 in. O•D.. 1 1 2-28 569727 2-5 534526 .GASKET, .SPRING, Ring, I-1/2 in. O.D•. Check Valve ...... 1 2-29 • 504931 1 2-30 569726 II/16 i 2-31 94880 2-32 • 567222 532092 2-6 • 569739 2-7 532257 •O'RING, 2-8 569972 •CHECK Noe. 2-9 As},. VALVE in. O.D Asy. No. 3) ....... (Incl. Ref. 9 to 11) ........... • .SCREW, 2-10 54999 569734 2-11 514500 • .SEAL, 2-12 568965 .NUT, 2-13 569721 2-14 564210 2-15 1 Mch. ,Rd.Hd., #6x3/16in. x .042 2-_ 570014 I .SPRING, .NUT. • . 1 2-34 95968 .SEAL. • . 1 2-35 567220 .PISTON, . • • 1 2-36 502574 •VENT • • , 1 • • • 1 569720 .FOLLOWER, Diaphragm.. .DIA.IMRAGM, Piston .... •PISTON ........... 2-16 523842 .O-RING, 5/8 In.O.D .... • 2-17 539155 .NUT, Elastic Stop, 5/16 in. . 2-18 531868 .O-RiNG, 3/4 In. O.D .... • • 2-19 569719 .VALVE, Lower . . . • 569718 .VALVE, • STEM, , , , • • 569717 2-22 NOTE: 1296 For .NUT, Spring Valve .... Elastic Stop, 9/16 in. Spool Upper Spool Piston ........ Hex., Identification 3/8 tn ..... Table, see page Valve Ring, ........ 5/8 Vent in. 1 O.D .... Valve 1 1 ..... 1 .... Dis. in .......... Piston Piston ..... ....... Cap .......... .SCREW, Cap, Hex. Hd. ,3/8 (Special) .............. • 9/16 in. O.D.. Check Vent .RETAINER, Spring ..... .SPRING, Vent Valve Piston. • • .WASHER, Req'd X 5/8 in. Vent Valve Piston ...... Vent Valve PROTECTOR (Small) Asy. .... (Incl. Ref. Nos. 37 and 38) .......... 1 2-37 2-38 571140 502465 . .FOp RIVET 3/16 • .SEAL ............... • 1 2-39 569714 1 .BODY AsF. (Incl. Ref, Nos. anti 40 to 44) ............ 1, 22 • 7 2-40 523178 • .PLUG, Pipe, NPT ° 1 2-41 571153 • I 2-42 549585 • .PLUG, . .STUD, Choke, 1/8 NIT (#58 3/8 x 1/8 in ........ • 1 2-43 500871 • • 4 2-44 551201 • .STUD, • .STUD, 1/2 x 1-3/4 I/2 x 2-1/4 7, x 1/2 Hex.Soe. in. (Alum.) 1/4 in ....... in ....... Dr.) . 1 1 I 4 8 1 G-h-3211-5 glVFIBI_D I I; i!il f 12 5 " _ igure 8 FILLING PIECEPORTION Fig. & Ref.No. Pc_No. Parts 3- 573575 FILLING (Incl. 3-I 502365 .NUT, ReL No. Req'd Name PIECE I_)RTION Ref. Nos. Hex.• 1/2 565461 .NUT, 3-3 559980 .STRAINER 3-4 514976 3-5 5514"42 • •FELT (S_ainer) .STRAINER (Wire 3-6 573577 NOTE: _ Strainer in. (Incl. Gaskets are 3-7 502675 ..STUD, 1/2 x 5-3/4in ....... 2 3-8 59502 ..STUD. 1/2x 2-1/2 in ....... 2 3-9 502674 .,STUD, I/2 x 1-7/8 in ....... 5 3-10 565825 GASKET l 3-II 93986 GASKET, Ring,'l 1 3-12 93840 GASKET, Ring, ASY. ...... Ref. No. 4). Ri_ ....... Mesh) ...... .BODY, Filling Piece 1 aud 7 to 9) ............ indicated Parts (Parr of Body• Retainer Asy. Pc.No. I to 9) 6) ............... 3-2 Fig. & Ref.No. (Incl. not 2 I Ref. _.D.) Nos. I a part of any Portion and must be ordered NO _ Req'_ Name separately. (Emergency Valve in. 1/2 1 Face) Pipe Size(I.D.) in. ............... PIpe . I 1 Size i G-h-3211-5 W/=tBr, SPRINGIDENTIFICATION The the following devices spring will number table cataloged vary is somewhat, of terns, etc. should not be used for the springs shown herein. for This to enable It is based due to the small mb,/ladon any other idem_ficadon It does Approx. Out. Dia. "A" D ) • NOTE: Number of turns in. Apln'ox. Wire Dia. '_" in. Approx. Free Height "C" in, used actual in wire, for identification not represent coil 39/64 3/64 567222 1-23/64 7/64 2-9/16 569739 25/64 1/16 1-19/64 568760 19/64 1/64 33/64 spring counted between I [ Turns • I extreme ends and a specification Material 8 Steel 6 Steel 12 Steel 6 S_el of wire. diameter, only IDENTIFICATION lApl_'ox. NO. 13/32 504931 for each springs and the mentioned. SPRING Pc.No. figures difference is intended purpose. of the on calculated in O operation Westinghouse Air Brake Division & maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Penn=ylvanie 15148 information 1-1/4 inchBALLSTYLEANGLECOCK 14 16 I. DESCRIPTION The 1-I/4 finished inch teflon operation, signed railroad brake for the A. (as attachment the cock on The ends of provides the features end a hose coupled for of the to seals, angle the of car permit the is de- pipe a means The angle cock brake crosswise The the or handle positions. handle locking closing. is pipe on at when and right a train) brake pipe slightly feature to so to lock locked, before restricts it the the in it can is the both No, 2 Silicone Grease, WABCO Specification 2 is used to lubricate the "D" ring key seals grooves, 3. Brake Cylinder Lubricant, AAR Specification M-914, (WABCO Specification M-7651-2) used to lubricate the outer surface of the seals which contact the body cavity. be accidental line. and is necessary be m is pipe open LUBRICANTS 2. and to parallel handle brake AND TECHNIQUES The solvent used for cleaning the parts of the ball angle cock must be an allphatlc organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha, that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all parts to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion, closing of handle when angles is designed When the closed SOLVENT AND I, each cars. open line PROCEDURES easy cock brake last III,A. CLEANING a smoothly rubber OPERATION the B, Cock superior servicing. to of between Angle ball, simple The pipe connected H. Style application car, the Ball coated and for Ill, MAINTENANCE to turned. The opening closed raise selfor WARNING: THE GENTS AND THE HEALTH AND/OR TURERS OF THE BE CONTACTED M-7680and their USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING AUSE OF LUBRICANTS CAN INVOLVE SAFETY HAZARDS. THE MANUFACSOLVENTS AND LUBRICANTS SHOULD FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA (SUPERSEDES iSSUE DATED JUNE, 1976) 1 4216.4, S.15 Westinghouse maintenance operation information & I Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, FORM OSHA-20 OR ITS EQUIVALENT). THE RECOMMENDED PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES OF THE c. Pennsylvania 15148 Remove the socket (7) from the key (12) and the key assembly MANUFACTURERS SHOULD BE d. III.B. 1, SAFETY Regular when 2. The 3. Remove PROCEDURES the bearing washer ring seals (II) from THE SEALS (l I). shop safety procedures work MUST BE followed III.D. CLEANING, THE PARTS CLEAN BEING CLEANED PARTICLES USE OR OF TO WITH OF DIRT AN AIR JET TO BLOW THEM A SOLVENT AND/OR SOLVENT DRY TO TO PROTECT NOT DIRECT SON. WILL (Referring THE EYES FROM AIR JET TOWARD I. Metal a. OF THE THE BALL m the Exploded CAUTION: WHEN SKIN AND/ MUST BE LUBRICATING INJURY. DO DAMAGING THE Ifthe angle cock is removed ON PER- discarded, A NEW The handle (5) may et (7) by removing Remove solvent cleaning from BALL. b. Wash BE ring (3) c. the After installingthe angle cock on the be removed IF MIS- BE CHIPPED The ball MUST and externally cloth saturated described ball OR BE thoroughwith a with the In paragraph MUST III.B.I. BE blown Jet of clean, dry TO BE WORN. UNDER CARE SELF- WHICH, POSSIBLY the remaining dry air. with SAFETY NO CIRCUMSTANCES metal scribed cleaning graph Ill .B.I. the brake pipe ring (3) MUST wl'rH A SPECIAL SHOULD ANY ABRASIVE MATERIAL OR ANY TOOL BE USED TO CLEAN THE /[ALL. COCK, CARE SCRATCHING split compression MUST BE used when brake pipe. COULD WARNING: CLEANING THE WITH SCRATCHED OFF. ly cleaned internally clean, soft, lint-free View) COATING BE HANDLED MATERIAL TREATED, a Io_..ww pressure GOGGLES ARE DISASSEMBLING, parts catal,.,g 3215-;, MUST AS IT IS COATED After for servicing, the compression 4. REPAIRING Parts THESE ANOTHER AND ASSEMBLING THE BALL ANGLE MUST BE EXERCISED TO PREVENT 3. AND CAUSE DROPLETS BE AIRBORNE. THE BLOW cleaning 2. INSPECTING Refer to WABCO DISASSEMBLING OR the key (12). DISCARD Sup. 15 for Pc. No. 572869 and catalog 3216-4, Sup. 15A for Pc. No. 581213. AFTER PARTICLES AND DROPLETS MAY CAUSE OR EYE IRRITATION. SAFETY GOGGLES WORN NOTE: area should be clean and free ofdebrls. CLEANING 1. the cover (9). (10) and the two "D" working on the angle cock. WARNING: III.C. (I0, It, 12) from FOLLOWED. the parts parts solvent have in the pre- as described been in para- cleaned, they MUST BE blown dry with a lo.ww pressure 0ess than 30 psig) Jet of clean, dry air. SAFETY GOGGLES MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM from the handle sock- INJURY. the 5/16 x I- I/2 inch pin (4). the cover (9) by removing inch bex head cap screws (8) from a. the four 3/8 x 7/8 the body (16), then remove the cover (9), handle socket (7) and key as- sembly (I0, II, 12) as a unit from the body (16). Inspect (1) (2) 5. Rem_ove the cover gasket (13) and discard. 6. EXERCISING CARE in order m prevent scratching or damage to the coating on the bail, insert a suit- the metal The bah MUST BE replaced or has deep scratches. Replace any nicked, in such able "hook type" tool in the slot opening of the ball Rubber Parts part that and if it is nicked is cracked, worn excessively, a condition that satisfactory 2. parts. broken, damaged, would result or is in un- operation. Gasket (15) and carefully pull the ball (15) and the two ruba. ber seats (14) from the cock bxly (16). DISCARD THE TWO RUBBER SEATS. 7. Remove the key assembly (I0. II, 12) from the han- The rubber replaced III.E. parts with LUBRICATING and cover gasket NEW WABCO AND ASSEMBLING MUST replacement BE parts. dle socket (7) and cover (9) as follows: I. a. See paragraph socket. b. EXERCISING III.C.3. for handle res'noval from CARE so that there is no damage To facilitate assembling and before installing the ball (15) and NEW seats (14), apply a thin film of brake cylinder WABCO lubricant, Specification current AAR M-7651-2, Specification to the outer M-914, seat or bending of the key (12), remove the 1/4 x I-3/8 Inch round head rivet (6) which secures seal surface (the surface which contacts the body cavity). DO NOT LUBRICATE THE INNER BALL the SEAT 4216-4, S.15 key (12) to the socket (7). SURFACE (BALL SIDE) OR THE BALL PROPER. Westinghouse Am4_c4n-| _n48r WESTINGHOUSE 4 Com;Leay CAUTION: LUBRICANT EYE IRRITATION. lubricants, 2. Position the sert the body (16) rubber properly (15) 3. 4. Install and seats making aligned. (12). Coat the to accept SKIN when AND/OR working Pennsylvania 15148 9. with two seats as one slot opening the tongue washer unit that the of the (I0) (14). into lugs body of the of the in position the of the cavity are ball MUST cock inch 10. NEW Grease "D" WABCO flit the ring grooves Install the lubricated grooves on the Remove key the clean, ring seals (11) Specification with head AND/OR on the [II.D. No. 2 when working MAY IRRITATION. with After the angle Install the key (12) a, with b. a CAUSE SKIN Exercise "D" c. rings (11) in the cover Place the and cover 7. BEING KEY Place PHntJd in U.$*A, Match, 1977 socket 1/4 (7) in place on the key (12) operation. That the opening in the bali with the body secure x l-3/8 a NEW cover NOT TO DAMAGE the socket inch gasket OR BEND (7) to the rivet (13) (6). in place. key opening (16). 3/8 x 7/8 5/16 socket (7) x 1-1/2 inch assembled, Note it must the following: air under past the seals That when is in full the pressure to the THE 2. Consult resentative is In position top the or past air position your not leak connection the key in to atroosphere cover. handle When of 80 psi does "outlet" turns with low resistance pressure applied at both extremities Installing the ball angle brake pipe, a NEW split compression BE used along with the pipe lock ring pression nut (I). (12) using alignment handle position. That NOTE: (9). CAREFUL (12), a NEW 8. handIe (5) on the with a NEW has been "lock" ment. (9). 6. the handle cock at the care lubricants. with _ur (8). for correct and without S. body the TESTING be tested with the grease. (11) in their by wiping LUBRICANT to the with key. cloth. EYE the slot opening the socket (7), (4). "closed" CAUTION: screws it in place "open" grease cap install and secure (12). excess assembly in place & M-7680-2_nd on the key (12) "D" ring seals lint-free hex (12) assembly If removed, pin of the key (12) with and carefully install (9) and key the maintenance operation information I Align the tongue of the ball (15), Secure In- 1. two Silicone a. (14) certain The the bearing key the and the grooves BE positioned CAUSE care (1S) between cavity seats AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, cover hall ball MAY Exercise Air Brake Division Westinghouse if additional Air Brake information with and drops of its cock into move- on the ring (3) MUST (2) and com- Division Rep- is required. 4216-4, $,15 WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE WILMERDING, REPAIR Issue AIR AIR PA. BRAKE BRAKE SPECIFICATION No. 2 April DIVISION COMPANY R-30-C, SUP. 5, 1968 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISASSEMBLING, REPAIRING, BALL TYPE ANGLE AND CUT-OUT COCKS NOTE: I. AND When disassembling, cleaning, and ball cocks, care must be exercised scratching or damaging the coating ASSEMBLING 1-1/4" assembling to prevent on the ball. DISASSEMBLING A. If necessary, riveted hinge B. Remove remove the the C. Remove remove rings the the from Do Insert a 3/8" cap screw or top of the ball, then pull seats from the cock body. II. CLEANING, A@ the handle pin. pay be removed by then "TRU-ARC" type retainer ring from the stem, washer, stem (from bonnet), and the two (2) the stem. INSPECTING, : the four 3/8" cap screws from the cock bonnet, bonnet and large bonnet "0" ring gasket. AND bolt into the tapped the ball and two (2) The ball should opening rubber then "0" in the valve REPAiRING Wash all metal parts including the body in that will dissolve oil or grease and permit thoroughly cleaned without abrasion. NOTE removing be handled with care a suitable the parts as it is solvent to be coated with a special self-lubricating material which, if mistreated, could possibly be chipped or scratched off. Do not use a wire brush or any type of scraper to assist in cleaning the ball. Bu C. Iii. The rubber seats and "0" rings may to assist in the removal of greasy promptly wiped dry and not allowed Replace any a condition LUBRICATING A. be dipped in a suitable dirt. These parts must to soak in the solvent. part which is cracked, broken, as would result in unsatisfactory AND damaged, or operation. in solvent be such ASSEMBLING Lubricate all "0" rings and the grooves into which they fit with #2 Silicone Grease, Co_m. No. 14696. This can best be accomplished by filling the groove with this grease, then, after the "0" ring is installed, remove the excess grease by wiping with a finger. To facilitate assembling and before installing the ball and seats, apply a thin film of brake cylinder lubricant, current AAR Spec. M-914, to the outer seal surface (that which contacts the body cavity), but not that of the inner surface or ball proper. B, Insert C@ the ball and seat-seals as one unit body cavity making certain that the lugs seats and the grooves of the body cavity aligned. Install the two into the bonnet. place using the D. into the of the rubber are properly (2) stem "0" rings, then insert the stem Place the stem washer and secure in "TRU-ARC" type retaining ring. Align the stem key properly with the ball slot, install the large bonnet gasket, then insert the cock bonnet assembly and secure with the four (4) 3/8': cap screws. E. If removed, install the hinge in place. r. the cock handle, then • , re-rivet • f APPROVED: Soecification and :L Licensee Engineer Test Code Unit JGB:dlm R-30-C, Page 2 SUP. i Director Equipment - Railroad Engineering REVISION SHEET Issue No. I February i, 1967 JGB Issue April JGB R-30-C, No. 2 5, 1968 SUP. I Updated repair speclfication design ball cocks. to include latest 3216-4, Sup. 15 Westinghouse A+ AI_Vl f +¢I n- S lll+dled COmlll. WESTINGHOUSE r Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, PARTS CATALOG Pennsylvania 15148 11_ in• GRIPSEAL DYNABALL ANGLECOCKwith Self-LockingHandle (SUPERSfiDES ISSUE DATED JULY, 1973) Fig• & Ref•No. Pc•No• Parts Name l- 572869 1-I/4 in• GRIPSEAL ANGLE COCK, NOs• I ¢hru 16) 563989 I-1A 535769 .•NUT, GRIPSEAL 1-2 1-3 563613 563585 • •RING, PIPE-LOK • •RING, Compression (Incl. L-4 L-5 502391 501328 1-6 11640 Ref. .PIN, 5/16 .HANDLE • RIVET, NUT Ref•NO. Pc•NO• Parts Name 1-7 576125 .SOCKET, 1-8 1-9 512422 576126 .SCREW,Cap, H.Hd.,3/8x .COVER .............. 1-10 576127 .WASHER, 1-11 576128 ...... 1-12 576124 •SEAL, .KEY, ...... 1-13 575145 •GASKET, 1-14 1-15 572871 573023 • SEAT, 1-16 572870 .BODY, DYNABALL (Incl. Ref• and RING, 3).. Nos•lAthru x I-I/2 ........... 1/4 Fig. & ASY• 1-1 •GRIPSEAL No. Req'd x 1-1/2 Asy• • o ..... in ..... No• .BALL Req'd Handle .......... Bearing Key Cock 7/8 ........ Ball I 1 I I ........ 2 ........... (DY NABALL) Cock 1 4 2 ........... ........... Cover tn.. ....... 1 1 .......... in .... WARNING: AT THE TIME ANY PART IS REPLACED IN THIS DEVICE, THE OPERATION OF THE COMPLETE DEVICE MUST PASS A SERIES OF TESTS AS PRESCRIBED IN THE LATEST ISSUE OF THE APPLICABLE WABCO TEST SPECIFICATION. AT THE TIME THIS DEVICE IS APPLIED TO THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT, A STANDING TEST pa,t.,l_. U.S.*. MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THIS DEVICE FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE TOTAL BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRAHGEMENT. (Consult your local WABCO Representative for identity of the test sp_iflcations t_ot cover this device). Ap,il, 1978 w g=a An AJ_ticln-Stindltd Westinghouse Air Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANY/Wilmerding. Corap_ operation Division & maintenance Pennsylvania 15148 information WABCO ® "BALL" CUT-OUT COCKS SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, LUBRICATED AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: RECOMMENDED TYPE OF APPLICATION FREQUENCY AT LEAST ONCE EVERY Freight Cars Locomotives Passenger (Interstate) Transit Multiple Operated Electric Unit II.A. EXTERIOR VIEW I. DESCRIPTION The WABCO "Boll" and not mistreated, Cut-Out Cock, when properly applied is designed to give long continuous WABCO "Ball" Cut-Out Cocks are available in o number of styles and sizes with various handle locations, handle rotations, various pipe taps, and vented or non-vented bodies etc. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for the style suited for your desired application. II. MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT: _ROM PROCEDURES THE BALL THE AND TECHNIQUES CUT-OUT VEHICLE, Months Months Months Months 15 Months SOLVENT AND LUBRICANT The solvent used for cleaning the parts of the cutout cock MUST BE an aliphatic organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit oil parts to be cleaned thoroughly without abrasion. I. service under pressures up tO n2oSc0psig moximun, at temperatures ranging from -_,,, to +IsoOF. The construction of the cock consists of o bolted body and cop design incorporating o-ring seals, which permits ease of maintenance. The ball is precision machined, operating against seats of o special rubber compound to provide positive, slippery, non-galling surfaces. CLEANING 144 24 36 24 . No. 2 Silicone Grease, WABCO Specification M-7680-2 is used to lubricate the o-rings and the grooves in which the o-rings ore installed. WARNIN'3: I'HE USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING ]I_k'FTI"S'--AND THE USE OF LUBRICANTS CAN INVOLVE HEALTH AND/OR SAFETY HAZARDS. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOLVENTS AND ]HE LUBRICANTS SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA FORM OSHA-20 OR ITS EQUIVALENT). THE RECOMMENDED PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES OF THE MANUFACTURERS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. COCK SHOULD BE TAKEN TO TH ,r:3 J 9C 11 1 _4 9B/ 9A J_ 9B_ _4 6' 5 ASSEMBLYVIEW July, 1978 (SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES OF 4216-4, S.20) t 4216-4, S.20 operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWitmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 w aoo V. V An Alan4 H¢|rl- Sl|N_l r d ¢¢_s,_1_ y information ll.B. SAFETY PROCEDURES I. I. Regular shop safety procedures MUST when working on the cut-out cock. BE followed 2. The work area should be clean and free of debris. 3. WARNING: THE USE OF AN AIR JET, WHICH ]gff_Fr-BE-LESS THAN 30 PSIG, TO BLOW PARTS CLEAN OR TO BLOW THEM DRY AFTER BEING CLEANED WITH A SOLVENT WILL CAUSE PARTICLES OF DIRT AND/OR DROPLETS OF THE CLEANING SOLVENT TO BE AIRBORNE. THESE PARTICLES AND DROPLETS MAY CAUSE SKIN AND/OR EYE IRRITATION. PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE INJURY. DO NOT DIRECT THE AIR JET TOWARD ANOTHER PERSON. IMPORTANT: PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION "h_I_b'T-I_"-W'ORN WHEN WORKING ON THE BALL CUT-OUT COCK. II.C. 2. I. Remove the four hex nuts (4), lock washers (S) and cap screws (6), then separate the two valve body halves. 2. Remove the bull (7) from both ball seats (gA), o-ring (tt). 3. Remove the handle lock nut (I), and tooth lock washer (2) that secures the handle to the stem (8). Remove the handle (3) and handle stem (8) from the valve body. ll.D. Ports a° Wash oil of the metal ports using the prescribed cleaning solvent. See Paragraphs II.A.I. and II.A.3. b° After cleaning, the parts MUST BE thoroughly dried using a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air"_'_.See Paragraph ll.B.3. C. Inspectthe metal d. Shallow scratches may be removed from the surface of the ball using a fine grade (No. 200 grit) emery cloth. Should o ball have deep scratches, that cannot be easily removed using a fine grade of emery cloth (No. 200 grit), it MUST BE replaced. e. Replace any part that is cracked, broken, nicked, worn excessively, damaged or in such a condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. parts. DISASSEMBLY IMPORTANT: PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE _PROTECT THE EYES FROM FOREIGN MATERIAL THAT MAY BECOME AIRBORNE WHILE WORKING ON THE BALL COCK. 4. Metal Remove the two o-rings CLEANING e. the stem (8). 4216-4, S.20 PERSONAL (I) Rubber parts may be dipped in the prescribed cleaning solvent as described in paragraph II.A.I. WARNING: RUBBER PARTS MUST Nor_=_'A'L-LOWED TO SOAK IN THE CLEANING SSOLUTION. See Paragraph II.A.I. and II.A.3. (2) Promptly wipe the rubber parts with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth and immediately blow them dry with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. See Paragraph ll.B.3. AND REPAIRING IMPORTANT: Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for the correct WABCO Parts Catalog covering your specific WABCO "Ball" Cut-Out Cock. The WABCO Parts Catalog should be used when ordering replacement parts. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publieat_ose used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the description (parts name) to insure that the desired part is ordered. IMPORTANT: WORN. IMPORTANT: It is recommended that all rubber parts be replaced with NEW WABCO Quality Parts. If so desired, serviceable rubber parts may be reused ONLY AFTER they have been cleaned and inspected according to the fol lowing procedure: its cavity, then remove (gB), disc (10) and spring (9C) from 1 INSPECTING Rubber Parts EYE PROTECTION MUST BE 2 b. Inspect the rubber parts. Replace any part that is cracked, broken, cut, torn, nicked, worn excessively, damaged or in such a condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. c. IMPORTANT: A kit of Rubber Replacement _'_--a_, containing all rubber parts for a given ball cut-out cock is available, from WABCO. Consult the parts catalogs lisled in paragraph ll.D. or your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for the correct Kit Part Number for each specific application. July, 1978 A.Amr;c=n-St=n_co.p,_ II.E. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKECOMPANYJWilrnerding, 15148 WestinghouseAir Brake Pennsylvania Division PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION MUST BE After the WABCO "Ball" Cut-Out Cock has been reassembled 9 it mu_t be tested for correct operation. Note the following: Io Wo'Er_. Just prior to assembling, lubricate the o-rings and fill the o-ring grooves in the stem with No. 2 Silicone Grease WABCO Specification M-7680-2. CAUTION: LUBRICANT MAY CAUSE SKIN OR E-'_ITATION. EXERCISE CARE WHEN WORKING WITH LUBRICANT. See Paragraph II.A.3. Install the lubricated c-rings (9C) in the grooves on the stem (8). Remove the excess grease by wiping with o clean, lint-free cloth. , a. , Insert the stem (8) into position body from which it was removed. b. The air does not "outlet" connection "closed" position. d. . (gB) and ball Insert the bail (7), then place both halves of the body together, (making sure of the proper handle alignthen secure the two halves of the body er with the four cap screws (6), lock washers (S) and hex nuts (4). July, 1978 That the opening in the ball is in full alignment with the body opening when the handle is in "open" position. leak past the seals to the or at the handle stem in That air does not leak out the vent hole when the hondl_n t-fl_e fully "open" position (vented Ball Cocks only). in the valve Install the handle (3) and tooth lock washer (2) on the stem and secure them in place with the lock nut Insert the spring (I I), dusc (10), o-ring seats (gA) in place. o. C= (I), 5. information II.F. TESTING ASSEMBLING IMPORTANT: I maintenance operation & 3. 3 That air does vent through the vent hole when the hondel_--rs in the fully "closed" position (vented Ball Cocks only). IMPORTANT: WHENEVER A WABCO "BALL" CUTIS REMOVED FROM THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED COCK, A STANDING VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE COCK FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division resentative for testing or additional information. Rep- 4216-4, $.20 WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE WIL_RDING, REPAIR Issue AIR AIR PA. BRAKE BRAKE SPECIFICATION No. I R-80-C, November INSTRUCTIONS FOR WABC0 "BALL" CUT-OUT Refer their to Parts location I. Sup. ii, DISASSEMBLING, COCKS Catalog in the 2 1969 REPAIRING, AhD ASSEMBLING for names (GENERAL) No. 3216-4, cocks. Sup. 20 of parts and DI SA S SE MBLI NG A. Remove the four (4) hex-nuts and cap screws, separate the two (2) valve body halves. then B. Remove seats, the all both C. Remove handle the _handle stem. I. ball from "0" rings, Remove II. CLEANINg, the INSPECTING its cavity, then disc and spring. lock two nut, (2)."0" AND then rings remove remove from the the hand!e ball and stem. REPAIRING Wash all parts except rubber parts in a suitable solvent that will dissolve oil and grease and permit all parts to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion. Rubber parts may be dipped in a suitable solvent to aid in the removal of greasy dirt. These parts must be promptly wipeddry and not allowed to soak in the cleaning fluid. A. NOTE III. COMPANY DIVISION : Replacement rubber able which include a given valve. B. Balls using C. Replace all excessively LUBRICATING A. which have deep a fine grade of parts which or damaged AND Insert the the handle goods kits all rubber are availparts for scratches that cannot be removedby emery cloth must be replaced. are cracked, in any way. broken, worn ASSEMBLING stem "0" in place rings, then insert with the lock nut. the stem and secure B. Insert I. the spring, disc, _'0" rings, and ball seats. Insert the ball, place both body halves together (making sure of proper handle alignment), then secure the two (2) halves with the four (4) cap screws and hex-nuts. APPROVED: SpeCifications and Licensee Engineer Test Code Unit JGB:bao R-80-C, Page 2 Sup. 2 Manager Equipment - Railroad Engineering G-h-3216-40 WJ_iBr'_ a Westinghouse An Amerlcan.Standard Wilmerding, Co, Air Brake Division Pennsylvania PARTS CATALOG WABCO e "PLUG-TYPE" CUT-OUTCOCKSINDEX The following This by Parts Catalog Index PLUG PLUG Vented PLUG PLUG Non-Vented Vented PLUG Non-Vented Vented of WABCO No. COCKS i lists TYPE Tapped COCK, Tapped COCK, Tapped Body, to Parts Piece identification. Catalog) Number and to Parts Flanged Body, Body, CUT-GUT COCK, Flanged and Tapped Non-Vented PLUG TYPE CUT-OUT COCK TYPE Non-Vented Plug Non-Vented PLUG Drain CUT-OUT Type TYPE Cocks, COCK Siphon (Drain Drain Cock, CUT-OUT Integral (Drain COCK Handles TYPE CUT-OUT COCK (AtLx. Non-Vented PLUG TYPE CUT-OUT COCK with CUT-OUT COCKS, COCK. PLUG for TYPE . ........ 3216-40, Sup. 3 3216-40, Sup. 4 3216-40, Sup. 5 3216-40, Sup. 6 3216-40, Sup. 11 3216-40. Sup. 12 3216-40, Sup. 15 3216-40, Sup. 25 3216-40, Sup. 31 3216-40, Sup. 32 3216-40, Sup. 33 .... 3216-40, Sup. 35 .... 3216-40, Sup. 37 .... 3216-40, Sup. 40 .... 3216-40, Sup. 41 .... 3216-40, Sup. 42 .... 3216-40, Sup. 50 Handles Locking Handles Straight Size) Emergency) Escutcheon Panel .............. Moundng Plate ....... .... Handles ....... ............. ................ Handle ..... ........ Locking Handles ....... ........ .......... Body, Locking ...... .......... ..................... PLUG CUT-OUT . Handle in. 1 . Straight ( 1/4 Sup. Handle Handles Cock) 3216-40, 2 Straight (Drain ......... Sup. Cock) Non-Vented TYPE Cock) Coverage: 3216-40, Handles TYPE No. ........ Straight PLUG . Catalog . Straight Non-Vented . Parts . Handle Body, DOUBLE by Description for quick . Handle Flanged PLUG COCKS to Superseding and Handles Locking Locking Flanged by Description ........... COCK, Vented COCKS Number Handle CUT-OUT Type CUT-OUT Handles Tee Tee Body, COCK, COCK, Body, TYPE Plug Piece Straight S_aight Body, Tapped CUT-OUT CUT-OUT Body, Tapped COCK, Body, PLUG PLUG TYPE" CUT-OUT COCKS Non-Vented Vented "PLUG by Obsolete CUT-OUT Tapped COCK, CUT-OUT TYPE TYPE COCK, CUT-OUT CUT-OUT PLUG PLUG COCK, CUT-OUT TYPE TYPE PLUG Index (Index CUT-OUT CUT-OUT CUT-OUT TYPE TYPE PLUG by Description 2 lists of WABCO TYPE TYPE Non-Vented both No. Catalog 1 is a list Non-Vented Vented (index NO. following a Descriptive-Parts identifies Number ). INDEX The is (Supersedes Issue of April, 1969) G-h-3216-40 INDEX NO. 2 Pc. No. Description CUT-OUT COCKS Obsolete P.C. Superseding No. Description CUT-OUT COCKS Pc. No. Obsolete P.C. Superseding No. Hn I/4 in. Size Non-Vented, Non-Vented, Tapped Body Vented, Tapped Bedy 51320 3216-40,SI 501103 3216-40,SI 501101 3216-40,$2 520647 3216-40,$3 Vented, TappedBody & Tee Handle 520850 3216-40,$4 Non-Vented Vented, 3216-4,S20 • 572470 3216-4,S20 510904 570817 3216-40,Sli 512515 569293 3216-40, 519882 570818 3216-40,Sli 519883 570819 3216-40, 535189 570820 3216-40,S12 542942 570821 3216-40,S12 561862 570816 3216-40,$41 15213 571068 3216-40, 59089 571069 3216-40,S1 Sll Sll Flanged Body Drain 2811 3216-40,$37 16623 3216-40,$37 19410 3216-40,$37 32818 3216-40,$37 561786 3216-40,$37 900964 3216-40,$37 Non -Vented, Escutcheon 1/2 in. Plate Size Non-Vented, Tapped Body Panel 544780 Mounted 3216-40,$42 Size Non-Vented, 571070 3216-40,$1 0572464 3216-4,$20 513931 571075 3216-40,S1 •572464 S1 3216-4,$20 Tapped 9053 570822 3216-40,S1 570823 • 572468 3216-4,$20 570824 • 572463 3216-4,$20 570807 • 572475 3216-4,$20 570809 • 572795 3216-4,$20 570831 • 572463 3216-4,$20 570832 • 572463 3216-4,$20 0572795 3216-4,$20 • 570815 902073 Tapped Body 570811 3216-40,S1 501065 570825 3216-40,$2 536824 570808 3216-40,$2 555404 570812 3216-40,$2 561806 570833 3216-40,$2 562215 570814 8216-40,$2 Vented, Tapped Non-Vented, Body Non-Vented, 571072 3216-40,$2 501086 571073 3216-40,$2 561788 571079 3216-40,$2 526382 571076 3216-40,$3 571074 • 572471 3216-4,$20 570964 • 572471 3216-4,$20 508626 571560 8216-40,$5 535343 571077 3216-40,$6 508861 571100 3216-40,SII 533669 569294 3216-40,SII 558318 571098 3216-40,$11 Tapped Body & Locking Handle Vented, 501084 Tapped Body & Tee Handle Tapped & Locking Non-Vented, 70472 571071 571078 Body Vented, • 572470 Vented, Cock 3/8 in. Body Tapped Body & Tee Handle 570826 570830 Non-Vented, Flanged Non-Vented, Tapped Body & Locking Handle Body Handle Tapped Body & Tee Handle Vented, Tapped & Tee Handle 523370 570828 3216-40,$3 Non-Vented, Fianged Body Body 523369 570827 3216-40,$4 • NOTE: Indicates a WABCO "BALL" CUT-OUT COCK Gh-321&40 W_BCO Description CUT-OUT Pc. No. COCKS Obsolete Description P.C. Superseding CUT-OUT No. Non-Vonted, Vented, Flanged Body Locking Handle Non-Vented, Cock , Tapped 571101 3216-40,$15 543373 571097 3216-40,S15 Non-Vented, 561789 571099 3216-40,$15 Flanged 567774 571102 3216-40,$15 Handle Body Drain 7716 571080 3216-40,$31 68950 571081 3216-40,$31 571082 e572476 3216-4,$20 523052 571084 3216-40,$31 544822 571085 3216-40,$31 571087 • 572476 Obsolete P.C. Superseding No. Bedy &Locking 526483 Pc. No. COCKS 542055 570293 3216-40,$6 507138 569297 3216-40,Sll 533668 569295 3216-40,Sll 548365 570297 3216-40,Sll 548366 570298 3216-40,Sll 562507 570301 3216-40,Sll 557051 570299 3216-40, S12 573212 3216-40, S12 526484 570296 3216-40, S15 567775 570304 3216-40,S15 Vented, Flanged Body 3216-4,$20 Non-Vented, Non-Vented Drain Cock, Flanged Body, Locking Handle Tapped Threaded Body 512011 571083 3216-40,$32 558837 571083 3216-40,$32 I in. Non-Vented, Siphon Drain Cock Size Non-Vented, 571091 3216-40,$33 2135 570478 3216-40, 525257 571092 3216-40,$33 19991 570704 3216-40, SI 525411 571093 3216-40,$33 570481 • 572466 3216-4,$20 535628 571094 3216-40,$33 561792 570711 3216-40,S1 549096 571095 3216-40,$33 570494 • 572466 3216-4,520 551732 571096 3216-40,$33 528828 570703 3216-40,$2 43004 570479 3216-40,$2 50772 570708 3216-40,82 536187 570482 3216-40,$2 544824 570485 3216-40,$2 561793 570490 3216-40,52 570489 • 572473 3216-4,$20 561803 570492 3216-40,$2 570480 • 572473 3216-4,$20 561791 570489 3216-40,$5 540479 3216-40,$6 546152 3216-40,$6 561794 3216-40,$6 562663 3216-40,56 530727 570495 3216-40,Sll 551252 570499 3216-40,S11 566443 570502 563160 3216-40,Sll 3216-40,$11 Body Vented, Non-Vented, 3/4 in. 561811 571089 3216-40,$35 Size Non- Vented, Tapped Body 2233 570281 3216-40, 67128 570285 3216-40,S1 570286 • 572465 3216-4,$20 570302 3216-40,SI 570300 • 572465 3216-4,$20 564409 570303 3216-40,SI 524487 Vented, Tapped Non-Vented, Body 571813 3216-40,SI 30436 570282 3216-40,$2 501077 570288 3216-40,$2 501078 570290 3216-40,$2 S1 Non-Vented, Tapped Body & Locking Handle Vented, Tapped & Locking 530793 570292 3216-40,$3 Non-Vented, Flanged Non-Vented Body Handle Tapped Body & Tee Handle Body Tapped Body & Locking Handle 570294 • 572469 3216-4,$20 570291 • 572472 3216-4,S20 570295 • 572472 3216-4,$20 SI Tapped Body Drain Cock Locking Handle Tapped 516932 • NOTE: Indicates a WABCO "BALL" CUT-0UT COCK G-h-3216-40 Description CUT-OUT Vented Pc, No. COCKS Obsolete Superseding P.C. Description No. CUT-OUT p Pc, No. COCKS P.C. Obsolete Superseding No. 515374 571578 3216-40,$12 551226 57]584 3216-40,$25 565336 571584 3216-40,525 565337 571587 3216-40,$25 75653 3216-40,$40 Vented, Flanged Body 569296 569298 3216-40,S12 3216-40,$12 Flanged Body Non Vented, 1-1/4in. Flanged Size Non-Vented,Tapped Body Vented, 2092 84458 Tapped Body Locking 571576 571550 3216-40,S1 3216-40,$1 571568 566374 * 572467 571576 3216-4,$20 3216-40.S1 27415 97290 571541 3216-40,$2 571555 3216-40,52 Non -Vented, 530537 571561 3216-40,$2 Body 554035 571564 3216-40,52 518235 3216-40.52 563118 3216-40,$2 TappedBody) 1-1/2 in. Vented, Size Tapped Tapped Body • 572474 3216-4,$20 508625 571560 3216-40,$5 517302 571574 3216-40,$5 571571 * 572474 3216-4,$20 561802 565338 571572 571574 3216-40,SS 3216-40,$5 565339 Vented, Tapped Body & Locking Handte 571572 Vented, Double Tapped Body 3216-40,$5 3216-40.$6 516465 530992 571591 571592 3216-40,SII 3216-40,S11 571590 566457 • 572467 571591 3216-4,$20 3216-40,S 566479 571592 Non-Vented, Flanged Body 3216"40, S1 84234 517923 3216-40,$2 9530 571931 3216-40,S1 541482 571935 3216-40,$2 561800 571938 3216-40,$2 Cut-Out Cocks 521825 571927 Tapped Body 571547 18409 Size Non-Vented, Tapped Body &Locking Handle Handle Non-Vented 2 in. Non-Vented & Tapped Body, 9517 571971 3216-40,$50 51018 571970 3216-40,$50 84628 57i965 3216-40,$50 508325 571969 3216-40,$50 540551 543430 571966 571967 3216-40,$50 3216-40,$50 552466 571972 3216-40,$50 555999 571973 3216-40,$50 562108 571968 3216-40,$50 II 3216-40, SII • NOTE: Indicates a WABCO "BALI." CUT-OUT COCK wnsco An American-Slandard M=rch, 1972 Company Printed in U.S.A. G-h-3216-4, Sup. An American-Standard WABCO ° "BALL" CUT-OUTCOCKS (Supersedes Issue dated May, 1969) Parrs Catalog WESTINGHOUSE WILMERDING, PENNSYLVANIA AIR BRAKE DIVISION ( G-h-3216-4, ,_p. 20 Vt//:_BCO PIECENUMBER ANDDESCRIPTION INDEX OPERATION Q PIPE SIZE (N. P. HANDLE PORTING TYPE (IIANDLE TO T.) BALL PARALLEL PIECE PIPE ) ( Cock BODY COCK VENT NUMBER Classi fl cation )o PAGE (in.) - 18 FULL PLAIN OPEN 572795 (0-270) 3 - 18 FULL PLAIN CLOSED 572463 (270-0) 3 18 FULL SHORT CLOSED 572468 (270-0) 3 3/8 - 18 FULL SEALED CLOSED 572475 (270-0) 3 3/8 - 18 FULL LOCKING CLOSED 572470 S/S - 18 FULL LOCKING CLOSED 576598 (270-0) 1/2 - 14 PLAIN CLOSED 572459 (270-0) 6 1/2 - 14 FULL PLAIN CLOSED 572464 (270-0) 3 1/2 - 14 FULL LOCKING CLOSED 572471 (270-0) - 14 FULL LOCKING CLOSED 576599 (270-0) 3/8 3/8 3/8- 1/2 STANDARD 3 (270-0) 5/64 5 3 3/32 5 3/4 - 14 STANDARD PLAIN OPEN 572796 (0-270) 3/4 - 14 STANDARD pLAIN 572460 (270-0) 6 6 3/4 - 14 FULL CLOSED CLOSED 572465 (270-0) 4 3/4 - 14 FULL LOCKING OPEN 572469 (0-270) 4 3/4 - 14 FULL CLOSED 3/4 - 14 FULL LOCKING LOCKING 572472 (270-0) 576600 (270-0) - 14 FULL SPECIAL 577410 3/4 - 14 FULL SPECIAL 3/4 - 14 FULL LOCKING OPEN 577411 (135-45) 577583 (0-90) 4 4 3/4 PLAIN CLOSED 4 5 3/32 4 (225-315) 1 - Ii-1/2 STANDARD PLAIN CLOSED 572461 (270-0) 6 1 - II-I/2 FULL PLAIN CLOSED 572466 (270-0) 4 11- Ii-I/2 11-1/2 FULL LOCKING CLOSED 572473 (270-0) STANDARD LOCKING CLOSED 575634 (270-0) 3/32 1- 11-I/2 STANDARD CLOSED 576030 (270-0) 3/32 I - 11-1/2 FULL CLOSED 576601(270-0) OPEN CLOSED 574257 (0-90) PLAIN PLAIN CLOSED 572467 (270-0) CLOSED 572474 (270-0) 1-1/4 - 11-I/2 I-1/4 - II-I/2 LOCKING FULL PLAIN STANDARD 1-1/4 - 11-1/2 I-1/4 - 11-1/2 DRAIN PLAIN FULL FULL LOCKING 1/8 7 5 572462 (270-0) STANDARD PLAIN OPEN 1/2 - 14 STANDARD PLAIN CLOSED 572476 (270-0) i/2 STANDARD SEALED OPEN 578205 (0-270) STANDARD PLA_ CLOSED - 14 - 14 S-WAY 572797 (0-270) COCK x3_ o COCK 7 COCKS 1/2 3_ 4 x 1_ 576029 (270-0) CLASSIFICATION 90 ° The first position number denotes in degrees Example: of handle Pc. cock • NOTE: • NOTE: position when 572795 Porting cock is is Open Pc. No. 577410 is open and closed at 45". Full in degrees indicates a 3/8 of handle when cock is open. The second number denotes is closed: in. Ball at 0* (handle 1800 Cut-Out parallel when Handle is at _250 Full Capacity of Pipe Cock, with classified pipe) and closed - Standard 0-270, and closed at 315 °. Porting 2 270_ 577411 less 0o the at 270*. Pc. No. indicates indicating than is open Pipe when Capacity. Handle is at 135" G-h-3216-4, S_p. 20 W_QCO 3 8 1 / 2 9 _9 / _6 5 Figure 1 WABCO e "BALL" CUT-OUT COCKS, FullPort, Non-Vented 3/8 in. ASSEMBLY Pc. No's. and VARIABLE 1/2 DETAILS D ASY. Pc. No. COCK CLASSIFICATION 572463 (270-0) 572468 HANDLE, Pc. No. Ref. [ 3 Ref. Style 574282 STEM in. Fig. & Ref. No. 574275 Net Weight 1-1/4 No. Pc.No. Parts Name 572464[572471 1/2 in. WABCO (270-0) 574281 Short 574275 l-I 517054 .NUT, (270-0) 574291 Locking 574275 1-2 574395 .WASHER, _72475 (270-0) 1-3 (0-270) Sealed Plain 574275 572795 574283 574284 574279 1-3 COMMON Fig. Ref. & No. 1- Net Wt. 7/8 lb. DETAILS Pc. No. ¢ Parts 3/8 No. Req'd Name in. WABCO COCK, "BALL" 522417 .NUT, 574394 t, t_ .WASHER, . HANDLE Jam, 1-4 I-5 574393 519821 .NUT, Hex., #10-32 ......... .WASHER, Lock, #12 Int. Tooth 1-6 574391 . SCREW, 1-7 574270 . BALL 5/16 in ......... Lock, .314 ............... Mch. 1 I.D ...... Hex. Hd., # 10-32 in............. 574159 . KIT, Rubber 1-10 574491 .DISC ................. 1-11 574486 .SPRING See Schedule . . 3/8 in ....... Lock, .HANDLE .HANDLE, .380 l I.D... l , Plain ........ Lockingl ....... 502349 .NUT, 1-5 506591 1-6 193337 .WASHER, Lock, .SCREW,Hex.Hd. 1-7 574271 .BALL ............. 1-8 574276 .STEM ............. l-9 574160 1-10 574492 • KIT, • DISC 1-11 574487 .SPRING For Identification, Parts ................ 4 4 Hex., 1/4 1 1 in ...... l/4in Mch., 4 .... 1/4x lin. Repair 4 WABCO 1 ......... Specification Handle R-80-C, 1 Rubber parts .............. ....... 1 l ............ Sup. 1 1 1 above. 3 "BALL" CUT-OUT COCKS 4 4 1 1 See Page 8 2 covering x 3/4 1 ................ 1-9 ¢ NOTE: Jam, 1-4 o NOTE: I 1 • • • • • • ................ . STEM -574291 CUT-OUT CUT-OUT 1-2 1-3 ¢ ra 574285[ -- "BALL" ASY.'(270-0) ASY. 1-1 I-8 Req_d COCK, 572470 Approx. lb.) 8 1- Plain (Approx. is available on request. C--h.3216-4, Sup. 20 W_IBCO WABCO e "BALL" CUT-OUT COCKS, FullPort, Non-Vented 3/4 In. ASSEMBLY Pc. No's. and Variable Details 1 ASY. COCK "Pc. No. CLASSIFICATION HANDLE_ Ref. 3 Pc. No• Style Ref. (270-0) 574285 Plain 574276 572469 (0-270) 574291 Locking 574280 572472 577410 ( 270-0 (225-315) ) 574291 577539 Locking Special 574276 574276 577411 ( 135-45 ) 577539 Special 574276 577583 (0-90) 577582 Locking 574280 COMMON Fig. & Ref. No. Net Wt. 2-I/8 \',lzi lb. 5 No• Pc. No. Parts # Name 3/4 in• 517054 .NUT, 1-2 574395 .WASHER, 1-3 ¢ o "BALL" Jam, 3/8 in .......... Lock, .380 . HANDLE 1 Hex., 1-5 506591 .WASHER, 1-6 1-7 193337 574272 .SCREW, .BALL Mch• Hex. ................ .STEM ................ 1-9 57416I .KIT, Rubber 1-I0 574493 .DISC ................. 1-11 574488 .SPRING ¢ NOTE: See Schedule For (Approx. Fig. & Ref•No. Handle in .......... Lock, 1/4 in• Int. Hd., -9 1 4 .NUT, o NOTE: I.D ...... 1/4 502349 ¢ 81 1 .............. I-4 1-8 CUT-OUT ASY• 1-1 Tooth. 4 lin. 4 1 1/4x _l -- ......... 1 1 above. Identification, Net Weight See 4-3/8 Page 8 1-1/4 lb.) in. Fig & Ref. No. (Approx. Net Weight Pc.No. Parts Name Req'd 1- 5724661572473 1 in• WABCO "BALL" ASY. CUT-OUT lb.) No. Pc. No• * Parts Name 57246715724741574257 1-1/4 Req_d (270-0) 521217 • NO'T, I-2 574396 •WASHER, 521217 .NUT, in ...... 1 574396 •WASHER, Lock ........ 1 1-3 .HANDLE , Plain ........ 1 1-3 o 5742881 -- -574292 Jam, 7/16 .HANDLE, Locking .NUT, 1-5 96500 574394 1-6 574392 • SCREW, 5/16 x 1-1/8 1-7 574273 .BALL .............. 1-8 574277 .STEM 1-9 574162 .KIT, Rubber 1-10 574494 574489 • DISC .............. Hex., • WASHER, 5/16 ....... in ...... Lock,•314 Int. Tooth in ........ Parts ............ -- --1574401 574293 7/16 Lock, Int. Tooth • HANDLE, Plain • HANDLE, Locking ASY. in• .... 1 . . 96500 .NUT, Hex., 5/16 in.. .WASHER, Lock, .314 1-6 574392 • SCREW, 5/16x 1"1/8 1 1-7 574274 .BALL ........ 1 1-8 574278 .STEM I 1-9 574163 • KIT, Rubber 1 1-10 574495 • DISC .......... 1 1-11 574490 .SPRING I.D. Int. Tooth Hex. 1 1 .... 574394 4 • .440 1-4 4 ....... -- "BALL" COCK, Jam, I.D. [] 5742881 WABCO 1-5 4 Hex. Hd.Mch., ............. • SPRING 1 in. CUT-OUT l-1 1-2 1-11 4-3/4 NO. 1-1 1-4 1) 1 ................ COCK, 1-3 (Figure 1 Parts (270-0)'(270-0)'(0-90) 1-3 / Req'd WABCO COCK, 1- 10 DETAILS 1- 1 in. / 8 572465 Approx. 2 STEM .... 1 4 4 Hd. Mob,, in. • . ........ ......... Parts . . . 1 1 l C--h.3216-4, Sup. 20 W/_ecr'a WABCO ° "BALL" CUT-OUT COCKS, FullPort, Vented 3/8 in. (Approx. Fig. Ref. & No. 1- Net Pc. No. Parts 576598 3/8 Weight, 7/8 in. VENTED COCK, in Body) 522417 574394 1-2 1-4 o 574291 .. 1-5 519821 1-6 1-7 1-'8 1-9 1-10 1/2 in. Fig. Ref. & No. ASY. Tooth in. in .......... 3/4 in. Lock, & Ref. No. I.D. Tooth . . 2-1/8 lbs.) No. Pc. No. Parts 576600 3/4 Vent 1 Int. Weight, Name in. Req'd VENTED COCK, WABCO ASY. 517054 in Body) (270-0) .NUT, Jam, 3/8 I-2 574395 .WASHER, Lock, 574291 .HANDLE , Locking o 1-3 1 4 1-4 502349 . NUT, 1-5 506591 .WASHER, 4 1-6 193337 576527 .SCREW,Mch. Hex. . BALL ................ 1/4 Lock, .. 576775 .SCREW, .BALL Hex. Hd .......... ................ 4 1 1-8 574276 .STEM ................ 574275 .STEM ................ 1 1-9 576776 574491 . KIT, .DISC Rubber Parts ................. 1 1 1- I0 576528 574493 . KIT, . DISC Rubber Parts ................. Net Pc. No. Parts 576599 1/2 Weight, 1-1/4 ......... lbs. 1 in. ) in. Fig. Ref. No. Req'd Name VENTED COCK, WABCO ASY. "BALL' (3/32 in. 1-2 574395 .WASHER, Lock, 574291 .HANDLE , Locking 1- CUT- in .......... Name 576601 1 in. VENTED 1 1-1 1-2 1 1-3 96500 1 .380 Int. Tooth . . ......... in .......... 1/4 in. 574394 .WASHER, I-6 574392 .SCREW,Mch. 1 1-7 1-8 576778 574277 .BALL .STEM 1 1-9 576779 .KIT, Rubber 1-10 574494 .DISC ................. .BALL ................ 1 .STEM ................ 1 1-9 576531 . KIT, Rubber 1-10 574492 .DISC ................. ......... See BODY Page VENT 1-1/8 8 LOCATION 5 Tooth. 4 lin.. 4 1 1 ......... 1 1 ) "BALL" (1/8 in. CUTVent Int. Tooth ............... 1-5 574276 Int. 1/4x .HANDLE 4 576777 in. Hd., 574292 x 1 in. 1-8 1 (270-0) 1/4 1-7 1/4 1 4 .NUT, Jam, 7/16in .......... .WASHER, Lock, .440 I.D. .NUT, lnt Tooth in .......... 521217 574396 4 4 .SCREW,Mch.,Hex. 1 I.D. ......... ASY. Tooth. 193337 .380 WABCD COCK, Int. 1-6 Parts lbs. 1-4 . NUT, Hex., 1/4 .WASHER, Lock, Hd., o CUT- Vent No. Req'd Parts Vent 502349 506591 Identification, 4-3/8 Pc. No. OUT 1-4 1-5 Handle & No. Net Weight in Body) 517054 For (Approx. in. in .......... 1 Hex., "BALL" (3/32 1-1 1-7 1-1 o NOTE: Fig. Net OUT .......... #12 in Body) (270-0) .NUT, Jam, 3/8 o (5/64 (Approx. 1- CUT- .............. .WASHER, OUT 1-3 "BALL" in. (270-0) . HANDLE, Locking .NUT ................. (Approx. 1- WABCO .NUT, Jam, 5/16 .WASHER, Lock, Int. 1-3 No. Req'd Name OUT 1-I 3/4 lb.) Hex., 5/16 Lock, Hex. 1 in ......... .314 4 Int. Hd., Tooth . . 4 5/16x in ............... 4 . .., ............. ................ Parts 1 1 1 1 ......... 1 1 G-h-3216-4, Sup. 20 WP, BCO V_V 3 8 1 / 9 2_ I0 _9 5 6 Figure 2 WABCO e "BALL" CUT-OUT COCK,StandardPort, Non.Vented 1/2 in. (Approx. Net Weight Fig. & Ref.No. Pc.No. parts 2- 572459 1/2 7/8 lb.) 1 in. No. Req'd Name in. WABCO COCK, "BALL" ASY. 522417 .NUT, 2-2 574394 .WASHER, Lock, .HANDLE , Plain 5/16 in ......... .314 I.n 2-3 o 574287 574393 .NUT, 2-5 519821 .WASHER, 2-6 574391 2-7 574270 .SCREW, Hex.Hd.Mch.,#I0-3/4in. .BALL ................ 2-8 574275 .STEM 2-9 574159 .KIT, 2-10 574491 • DISC 2-11 574486 .SPRING ............... (Approx. Net Weight 2-1/8 in. Fig. & Pc.No. 572460[572796 (270-0) .......... #10-32 Lock, Rubber Parts 3/4 WABCO .WASHER, °5742891574400 502349 193337 . SCREW, l/4 2-8 2-9 574160 2-11 • . 574492 574487 574493 574488 .BALL .STEM .KIT, 1 in. WABCO"BALL" 2-1 517054 2-2 574395 Lock, 3/8 in ......... Lock, .380 I.D. 502349 .NUT, 4 2-5 506591 .WASHER, 4 1 2-6 2-7 193337 574272 .SCREW, 1 2-8 574276 .STEM 1 2-9 574161 .KIT, Rubber 1 2-10 574493 • DISC ................ 1 2-11 574488 .SPRING Fig. in. • HANDLE 1/4 Lock, Hex.Hd. Int. ....... .......... 1 4 1/4 Int. Tooth 1/4 . . 4 x 1 in. 4 ................ 1 ............... 1 Parts ......... 1 1 ............... Net Weight 1 4-3/4 lb.) & No. Ref.No. Pc.No• Parts 2- 572462 1-1/4 Name in. Req_d WABCO "BALL'* ASY. (270-0) 7/16 in ......... CUT-OUT 521217 .NUT, 2-2 574396 .WASHER, Lock, Int. 1 2-3 o 574290 .HANDLE , Plain .......... 1 1 4 2-4 96500 in ........ 4 2-5 574394 .WASHER, 4 2-6 574392 . SCREW, I-1/8 in .............. 4 2-7 1 1 2-8 574273 574277 .BALL • .STEM ........... ............... 2-9 574162 .KIT, 1 2-10 574494 .DISC 1 l 2-11 574489 .SPRING o NOTE: For 6 Jam, .NUT, Mch•, ............. ............. Parts Tooth Toothl in ......... Hex.Hd.Mch., .BALL (Approx. , Plain Hex., 1 Int. 2-1 I.D. x 1 in ........... .DISC .............. •SPRING ......... • NUT, Jam, .WASHER, CUT-OUT _(270-0) o 574289 1 .380 ........... Rubber ASY. 2-4 CUT-OUT in ....... 1/4 2-6 572461 No. Reqld COCK, ........ in ...... .WASHER, 574271 574276[ 574280 "BALL" .HANDLE , Plain .NUT, Hex., 1/4 506591 2- 1-1/4 Lock, Tooth 2-5 Name l Req_d 574395 Int. Parts l lb.) 2-2 2-10 Tooth Name in. Pc.No• 2-3 ................ Parts Fig. & Ref.No. l ......... 2-1 2-7 Int. lb.) 4 ................ COCK, ASY. .NUT, Jam, 3/8 2-4 ........ #12 (0-270) 517054 2-3 ..... No. Ref.No. 2- Hex., 4-3/8 COCK, 2-4 3/4 Net Weight (270-0) 2-1 Jam, CUT-OUT (Approx. Handle Hex., 5/16 Lock, Int. Hex.Hd. Rubber 1 Tooth Tooth Mch., 5/16 .... 1 4 x 4 ,. .... Parts ......... 1 1 1 ................ 1 ............... Identification, .... 1 See Page 8 Gh-3216-4, Sup. 20 W_BCO V._L.V WABCO e "BALL" CUT-OUT COCK,StandardPort, Vented Fig. & Ref. No. Pc. No. 575634 2- -- No. Req'd Parts Name 1 in. VENTED WABCO CUT-OUT -- 2- 576030 COCK, (3/32 2.-6 2-7 in. 2-1 517054 2-2 574395 Vent 2-4 502349 ......... . Locking • HANDLE, Plain Hex., 4-3/8 lbs•) Parts 506591 .WASItER, 193337 • SCREW, .STEM 574276 2-9 575838 2-10 2-11 574493 5744881 Lock, Mch. 1/4 Hex. in... 4 Hd., 1/4 x 1 in .......... • BALL ........... I I 576527 -- Req'd Name ........... • KIT, • DISC I 576528 1 Rubber ............ • SPRING -- 4 i Parts ..... l 1 ........... 1 1 • HANDLE .NUT, ] I.D. Weight NO• 2-8 (270-0) 3/8 in ..... Lock, .380 To_,.h o s74__7911576% 2-3 ASY. (3/32 in Body) .NUT, Jam, • WASHER, lnt• 2-3 COCK, Net Pc. No. 2-5 in. Vent in Body) (270-0) 1 in. VENTED WABCO "BALL" CUT-OUT (Approx. Fig. & Ref. No. "BALL" ASY. 1 in. I/4 .... 1 ...... 1 in ..... 4 '_ VENTED -- _ BODY VENT END LOCATION 1 / 9 2 3_1 , 7 3/4 - 14NPT, 7 9 --6 BOTH 4._" ENDS _ S (Approx• Net Weight, 1- 1/4 9 lb. ) Figure Figure 3 & No• Pc, No. Parts 9 NPT 3-WAY, WABCO °''BALL'' CUT-OUT COCK, StandardPort, Vented No. Req'd Name 4-- 4 1/4-18 [BrainValve)StandardPert Fig• Ref. i _, i 3- 5724761572797 r (270-0) /0-270) 578235 (0-270) 1/2 in. WABCO 3-1 522417 .NUT, 3-2 574394 .WASHER, I.D. Int. 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 o 574287 -- 574286 -574393 578271 51982115065911506591 I I Jam, 5/16 .HANDLE .HANDLE, .NUT, in• Lock, Tooth Fig. & Ref. No. Hex• . SCREW, 574270 #10-3/4 in ...... . BALL ......... Mch. .STEM ......... 3-9 574159 .KIT, Rubber 3- 10 574491 . DISC 3-11 574486 .SPRING ......... ........ 4- 576029 (270-0) 3/4 x 3/4 WABCO 4-1 4-2 517054 574395 1 4-3 n 576532 4 4-4 502349 .NUT, 4 4-6 4-7 193337 576530 .SCREW,Cap,Hex. . BALL ................ 4-8 574276 . STEM ................ 4-9 4-10 576531 574492 . KIT, . DISC Rubber Parts ................. 1 1 #10-32.. .WASHER, Lock, Tooth ......... Parts . • •. No. Req'd Pc. No. 3/4 . . . , Sealedl. Plain.. 574391 574275[574279[574279 "BALL" CUT-OUT COCK (Drain Valve) ASY• Int. Hex. Hd., 6 7 Name x 1 in., "BALL" 3-WAY VENTED CUT-OUT COCK,ASY. .NUT, Jam, 9/16 .WASHER, Lock, .HANDLE Plain Hex. 1/4 in .......... .380 Int. Tooth . • 1 I 1 o NOTE: For Handle Identification, 1 1 ........... 1 in .......... 4 Hd., 1/4-20 x 1 in. 4 1 I ......... 1 1 1 Parts . . See Page 8 G-h-3216-4, Sup. 20 HANDLE IDENTIFICATION Handle Color Pc. No. 574281 Arrow Dia. Orientation "D" Dim. Fig. No. "A" (in.) 6 I-I/2 574282 YELLOW 1 3-3/4 B 574283 YELLOW 1 3-3/4 B 574284 YELLOW 1 3-3/4 C 574285 YELLOW HandL 5/64 Pc. No. Color 574290 BLUE Fig, NO. Dim. 'A" Arrow (in.) 2 5- 13/16 574291 3 '1- l/8 574292 5 3 574393 4 6-7/8 2 4-7/16 B 574400 2 4-7/16 C BLUE 1 3-3/4 C 574401 YELLOW 7 5-13/16 C 574287 BLUE 1 3-3/4 B 576529 WHITE 2 3-1/4 B 2 5-13/16 2 3-3/4 B 4-7/16 576332 577539 WHITE 2 B B 8 4-i/2 6 I-3/4 C 9 3-I/8 YELLOW 574289 BLUE 578271 "B" • , / t 5/64 577582 "B" /"C" 4 ........ ,_ _ "D B 574286 574288 BLUE Dla Orientation C .'C" t , ........ .) "A" r_.._ZZZ=ZZZZ "A" ]) Figure rTr._ ZZZZZZZZ3) Figure 1 _ 2 Figure ..__._ 3 "A" ,,D,, I Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 ,,A,, ___ j --&dddd-% cz:_ ===----i) Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure F.'bror,¢'¢, 1972 9 Printed in U. S. A. r I WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania operation & DIVISION maintenance INC 15148 information 1" COMBINEDCUT-OUTCOCKANDSTRAINERPORTION Pc.Nos. 562756, 56275/, 8 562832, 562833, _ RING GASKET 562834 and 565124) GROOVE # A DISPOSABLE COCK STRAINER SECTION (Dirt CUT-OUT KEY B-B Deflector) CHAMBER SECTION A-A COCK DRAIN COCK or PLUG LOCATION 'FIGURE 1 - ASSEMBLYVIEW NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION AND/OR O'PlE_ATION IS BASED ON THIS DEVICE BEING NEW OR THIS DEVICE HAVING BEEN REPAIRED, TESTED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED BY THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING BODIES AND THIS AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE WABCO PUBLICATIONS. I. GENERAL (Refer DESCRIPTION to Figure-I Assembly against the machined seat of the body shutting off communication between the dirt chamber and the outlet. The check valve (dirt deflector) is installed on the valve stem so that o rocking motion will be permitted. This allows any fine dirt which may be collected on top of the check valve (dirt deflector) to be shaken off into the dirt chamber. AND OPERATION Provision is made in the dirt chamber for installing a drain cock if so desired. The draln cock is not a part of the Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion and MUST BE ordered as o separate item. View) The I" Combined Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion, when properly installed and maintained, functions to assist in preventing the entrance of dirt and/or moisture, which may be carried by air from the brake pipe into the air line, device, or unit on which it is mounted. The portion consists of a sealed key type cut-out cock, used to open or close the communication between the piping and the portion, o removable (disposable type) air strainer, a dirt chamber, and body. II. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES IMPORTANT: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT ONCE _MONTHS, OR MORE OFTEN IF SERVICE EXPERIENCE SO DICTATES, THAT THE DISPOSABLE AIR STRAINER BE REPLACED AND THE DIRT CHAMBER WITH A NEW STRAINER REMOVED FROM THE DEVICE, THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND REINSTALLED. The cut-out cock is o "sealed key" type which includes on o-ring as part of the key. The o-ring provides a seal against air leakage. IMPORTANT: THE I" COMBINED CUT-OUT COCK _q[)-'-_F]_NER PORTION SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, LUBRICATED, AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: The dirt chamber, which con easily be removed from the strainer body, contains an umbrella shaped check valve (dirt deflector). The purpose of the check valve (dirt deflector) is to hold collected dirt and moisture in the dirt chamber. When a heavy reduction of air pressure occurs above the check valve, the check valve will seat (SUPERSEDESALL PREVIOUS ISSUESOF 4216-2, COS) April, 1979 AND TECHNIQUES 1 4216-2.1 operation & maintenance WESTINGHOUSE information RECOMMENDED TYPE OF APPLICATION FREQUENCY AT LEAST ONCE BRAKE STANDARD INC. Wilmerding, Pennsylvania EVERY SIBLE I. 2. CLEANING USE SPRING The solvent used for cleaning the ports of the Combined Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion MUST BE an aliphatic organic solution, such as naphtha or mineral spirits, that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all parts to be cleaned without abrasion. AIR JET PERSON. OF A WIRE WILL CAUSE SCALE TO BRUSH TO PARTICLES BECOME PARTICLES CAN CAUSE RITATION. PERSONAL BE WORN TO PROTECT CLEAN OF DIRT, RUST, AIRBORNE. SKIN THESE AND/OR EYE IR- EYE PROTECTION THE EYES THE MUST FROM POS- 4. The work area should be clean and free of debris. II.C. I. TOOLS AND DRAWINGS In addition to the regular shop tools MUST BE avoi/able to the repairman. the following WARNING THE USE OF SOLVENTS AND THE HEALTH USE OF AND/OR UFACTURERS CANTS DATA SHOULD (SUCH TIONS AND TURERS LUBRICANTS THE CAN AS OSHA THE FORM AND LUBRI- FOR SAFETY OSHA-20 RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES OF THE OR ITS USE OF AN AIR JET, 30 PSIG, TO BLOW BLOW THEM DRY A SOLVENT WILL AFTER CAUSE AND/OR DROPLETS TO AIRBORNE. DROPLETS MUST BE followed Cut-Out Cock and MAY WHICH Hand Reaming Kit - Pc. No. 553591 for reaming of body for sealed key. Directions for use of this kit ore shown in Figure-S, WABCO Drawing BA-79625-16. d. Machine Reaming Kit - Pc. No. 552228 for reaming of body for sealed key. Directions for using this kit ore shown in Figure-6_ WABCO Drawing FA-79625- I5. e, WABCO Drawing AA-55796-52 Figure-4, which lists the available Standard and Repair Size Sealed Cock Keys. f. Reamer tool cock body. MUST BE LESS PARTS CLEAN BEING CLEANED OF THE CLEANING SOLVENT CAUSE PERSONAL BE WORN TO PROTECT SKIN PARTICLES AND/OR THE EYES FROM DISASSEMBLY WARNING PERSONAL AND EYE EYE PROTECTION ll.D. WITH OF DIRT THESE - Pc. No. 4661 used to ream the OR TO PARTICLES RITATION. 4216-2.1 C. MANUFAC- WARNING BE O-ring applicator as shown in Figure-3, WABCO Drawing AA-80676-2 which is used when installing the o-ring on the cock key. PROCEDURES 2. THAN b, PRECAU- BE FOLLOWED. Regular shop safety procedures when working on the Combined Strainer Portion, THE Repair size key selection gage. Dimensions and specifications for making this tool are shown in Figure-2, WABCO Drawing R-32. INVOLVE THE MAN- SOLVENTS a. AGENTS HAZARDS. BE CONTACTED SHOULD SAFETY AS CLEANING SAFETY OF EQUIVALENT). I. THE SIBLE INJURY. No. 4 Zinc Base Grease, WABCO Specification M7675-4, MUST BE available to lubricate the o-ring, o-ring groove of the cock key_ cock key, and the cock key bushing of the body. 3. ll.B. AND LUBRICANTS DIRECT WARNING THE IS Months SOLVENT ANOTHER ] DIVISION 15148 DO NOT 3. AND II.A. INJURY. TOWARD 188 Months 24 Months 36 Months Freight Cars Locomotives Passenger (Interstate) Multiple Operated Electric Unit AIR AMERICAN PROTECT IR- (Refer MUST EYE PROTECTION MUST THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE to the Exploded BE WORN TO INJURY. View Figure-7) POS2 Ap,il. 1979 [ W._.B _- 0 WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania BRAKE DIVISION maintenance operation & information INC. 15148 < • _1_.._ o,, _;V , i _ I to,, o I Material Gogu 1/8 ,,_ plot== I ] O-RING APPLICATOR - FIGURE 3 diometet_d)y rotherkey.than the key," use (orgeT [ Drawing AA-80676-2 1 REPAIR KEY SELECTION GAGE - FIGURE2 Drawing R-32 I. If the I" Combined Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion is equipped with a drain cock, the drain cock should be removed and repaired according to applicable repair procedure. NOTE: The drain cock is not a part of the portion and it is not illustrated. 2. CAUTION: Exercising core so that the cock key (7) is not bent or damaged, CAREFULLY remove the 3/16" x I-S/8" pin (I) which secures the handle (2) to the cock key (7). 3. Remove the handle (2) from the cock key (7). S. b. Cock key cover (5) d. Key spring (6) e. Cock key with o-ring (7, 8) Remove the o-ring (8) from the cock key (7). EXERCISE CARE SO THAT THE SURTHE COCK KEY IS NOT SCRATCHED OR DAMAGED. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT WHEN WORKING WITH PLASTIC COATED (PL) KEYS. 6. EXERCISING CARE SO THAT NO PARTS "FLY OUT" AND CAUSE AN INJURY, CAREFULLY remove the following p_rts from the body (19). Two 3/8" x I" hex head cap screws (3) which secure the cock key cover (S) to the body (19). Cover gasket (b,) CAUTION: WARNING a. c. 7. Remove the following ports from the body (19). o. Four 3/8" x I" hex head cap screws (9) which secure the strainer cover (10) to the body (19). b. Strainer e. 3" O.D. cover gasket (I I) d. Strainer cover (10) (12). DISCARD the strainer. Remove the two I/2" nuts (13) and I/2 n x I-3//*" hex head bolts (I/t) which secure the dirt chamber 4216-2.1 April_ 1979 operation & maintenance AMERICAN I information STANDARD Dotted ADAPTER -_ /_ "B" Drill INC. WEST,.G.oos, Wilmerding, Pennsylvania & Vent BUSH O,V,S,O,., 1 15148 lines show stock to be removed / Indication x Repair Complete Pc. Pc. $524794 the wateTway Nos. include which _s to "O" Key as _n schedule Ring be placed In for packing CAMP* PC, • _Z235 KEy $Tf3. • DIA.. KEy BDRILL STENCIlNO. t,gG4 AS_223G 153" R_F_ AI f_ 2.000 t A5_2237 2ND REF' AIF_ 2.0 I(t 2 A 554tS35 $TD, KEY I.g64 A_7 t {)OG 5TO* KEY I,gG4 -_--_ I & REPAIR KEYS Drawing (outline) Dia I/4 1-1/4 I' ANGLE REAMING STANDARD 1.534 - FIGURE COC_ FIXTURE 4 AA-55796-52 s JL _ BASE F Complete Reamer Holder Reamer Reamer pc. A552230 (1.534 Pilot Pc. A550740 REAMING r BUSH A553589 Pc. Pc. Bush Pc. Fixture KIT Drawing Pc, A552228 Complete Reamer GUIDE Kitpc. Reamer Adapter HAND Tool -7 AS52229 A550738 Complete Pc. Dia) A552231 553591 pc. A550996 - FIGURE S BA-79625-16 / 3/4 -,-,-,i 3/4 REAMER V;ew showing position & Cut-Out Reamer Reamer to ream and Guide Combined Sq. Pc, AS53590 & Reomerln Dirt Collector i Cock. Guide Complete Pc. f- A553591 MACHINE REAMING KIT Drawing 4216-2.1 Pc. 552228 - FIGURE 6 FA-79625-15 4 April, 1979 WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania BRAKE operation & maintenance information DIVISION INC 15148 I 2 i 1" lo Flange Face I 11 12 6 FIGURE 7- EXPLODED VIEW assembly (IS to 18 incl.) to the body (19). NOTE: The I" Combined Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion Pc. No. 5627S7 and Pc. No. %2832 do not have the dirt chamber assembly but ere equipped with a blanking pad Pc. No. 562839 and gasket Pc. No. 75932 (16). The blanking pad is not illustrated. . 9. II.E. Remove the dirt chamber from the body (19). Remove (18). the following e. Dirt chamber b. Check valve (dirt CLEANING_ assembly parts from (IS to I. Metal O. INSPECTING Wash all of the metal parts in the solvent described in paragraph II.A.I. to the WARNING of paragraph III.A.3. CAUTION: When cleaning the cock key exerci--secare so that the surface of the key is not scratched or damaged. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IF THE KEY IS PLASTIC COATED (PL). c. The spring may be wire brushed to assist in the removal of rust and scale. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph ll.B.3. d. After the ports are cleaned they MUST BE blown dry with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air-'-[ Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph 11.8.2. e. Inspect the parts. the dirt chamber (15) I AND REPAIRING NOTE: Refer to WABCO Parts Catalog 3216-2 when _ng replacement parts. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication and those used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the description (parts name) to insure that the desired part is ordered. (I) Reject and replace the spring rusted, distorted, pitted or has permanent set. The spring (6) Pc. has an approximate free height of (2) Reject and replace any part that is cracked, nicked, damaged, worn excessively_ or is in such a condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. 4216-2.1 WARNING PERSONAL PROTECT April, 1979 EYE PROTECTION cleaning Adhere b. 18 incl.) gasket (16) deflector) Paris MUST THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE BE WORN INJURY. TO if it is taken o No. 2098 I-7/32% maintenance operation & information f, W/:: BI3O [ WESTINGHOUSE V_V AMERICAN Wilmerding, STANDARD Pennsylvania The following procedure far fitting bra_ k_ys ta the body MUST BE adhered to. IMPORTANT= THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT TO BE USED ON PLASTIC COATED (PL'_ KEYS. ] DIVISION INC. 15148 (I) Check the key with repair gage (see paragraph II.C.I) drawing R-32 in Figure-2. key selection as shown on A NEW sealed key MUST BE used and lapped ta the body following the procedure described in paragraph II.E.I.f. (2) If the key is condemned, a repair size key MUST BE used. See Figure-4 WABCO Drawing AA-55796-52 for repair keys. IMPORTANT: MODIFICATION OF THE _LE PLUG KEY TO INCLUDE A GROOVE FOR AN O-RING IS PROHIBITED BY THE A.A.R. RULING DATED APRIL 26, 1963. (3) Reamer reaming tool, Pc. No. 4661 can be used for bodies. (4) Brass keys MUST BE lapped to the body using o reciprocating motion with "KWIKAK-SHUN" valve grinding compound grade 19, or its equivalent. IMPORTANT: WHEN LAPPING IN A KEY BE SURE THAT THE O-RING IS NOT IN PLACE. (5) After the lapping operation has been completed, the body and key MUST BE washed clean of abrasive material under a stream of clean, hot water. Blow the body and key completely dry with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean,---dry air. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph 11.8.2. (6) Repeat 2. Rubber Parts IMPORTANT: It is recommended that ALL rubber parts be discarded and replaced with NEW Parts obtained from the Westinghouse Air B_'b"ke Division of WABCO. If sa desired, serviceable rubber parts may be reused ONLY AFTER they have been cleaned and inspected according to the following procedure: a, Plastic Coated (PL) keys may be refitted ta existing cock bodies if the body is first lapped clean using a brass lapping plug and "KWIK-AKSHUN" valve grinding compound grade 19, or its equivalent. Use o reciprocating motion to lap. IMPORTANT: DO NOT LAP THE PLASTIC _TO-A-T_-D-(#[ ) KEY. (Z) Rubber parts may be dipped in the cleaning solvent described in paragraph II.A.I. to assist in the removal af grease end dirt. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph II.A.3. IMPORTANT: RUBBER PARTS MUST N_ITTED TO SOAK IN THE CLEANING SOLVENT. (2) Promptly wipe the rubber parts with o soft, cleon, lint-free cloth and then blow them completely dry with a Io._w pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph ll.B.2. (3) Serviceable gaskets may be brushed, using a brush that has soft bristles like a shoe brush, to remove any remaining dirt and to polish the gasket surfaces. (4) Inspect the parts. Reject and replace any part that is cracked, cut, torn, worn excessively, damaged in any way, or that is in such a condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. Blow the body completely dry with a law pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph ll.B.2. 3. NOTE: _-4, key. (I) the gaging of the key. (I) After the body is lapped, remove the lapping plug, then wash the body with a stream af hat water. ha BRAKE chine Reaming Kit, Pc. No. 552228 as shown an WABCO Drawing FA-79625-15, Figure-6. (2) g, AIR See WABCO Drawing AA-55796-52 for standard size replacement Air Strainer The air strainer is to be DISCARDED and replaced with a NEW disposable type strainer Pc. No. 569146 obtained from the Westinghouse Air Brake Division of WABCO. a. Older style Combined Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Partions equipped with plug type keys (ha oring) may be modified to use a sealed key as follows: II.F. LUBRICATING AND ASSEMBLING WARNING (I) 4216-2.1 Ream the body using the Hand Reaming Kit, Pc. No. 553591 as shown an WABCO Drawing BA-79625-16, Figure-S, or Ma- PERSONAL PROTECT 6 EYE PROTECTION MUST THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE BE WORN TO INJURY. April, 19;'9 _ I. Just prior to assembling, lubricate the cock key, key bushing, and o-ring with No. 4 Zinc Base Grease, WABCO Specification M-7675-4 as follows. Adhering to the WARNING of paragraph II.A.3. a. b. Lubricate the brass key and key bushing of the body with the grease. Coat the o-ring the grease. and fill the o-ring groove Install the check valve (dirt deflector) on the stem in the dirt chamber (18). Place the dirt chamber dirt chamber (18). 3. 10. Position the cover gasket (4) and cover (5) on the body (19) and secure them in place using the two 3/8" x I" hex head cap screws (3). II. Place the handle (2) on the key (8). 12. CAUTION: Exercising care so as not to damage or the i_ey (7), secure the handle (2) in place with the 3/16" x 14/8" pin (I). Use the proper tool to install the pin. 13. If a drain cock was removed in paragraph II.DJ, it should now be installed. NOTE: The drain cock is not a port of the Com6"_-"_d-Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion. with • NOTE: Only the o-ring and the o-ring groove of e-h-'e-key t need to be lubricated when a Plastic Coated (PL) key is used. 2. (15) in place gasket (16) in position II.G. on the Install a NEW strainer a. (12) in place in the body (19). . 6. Place the 3" O.D. ring cover gasket (I I) and strainer cover (10) in position and secure them to the body (19) using the four 3/8" x I" hex head cap screws (9). Equally tighten the screws (9). Install a lubricated I-I/2" O.D. o-ring (8) in its groove on the cock key (7). Lubrication procedure is found in paragraph II.F.I. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph II.A.3. NOTE: The o-ring applicator tool as shown an _ Drawing AA-80676-2 Figure-3, may be used as an aid when installing the o-ring an the key. CAUTION: Exercise core so that the surface of the key is not scratched or damaged. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT when working with Plastic Coated (PL) keys. 7. . 9. Printed April, Install the cock key with place in the body (t9). o-ring assembly AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT: the assembly tested. Check the Test Specification for piece number of portion to be IMPORTANT: WHENEVER THE I" COMBINED _]3TZ'O'UT--_OCK AND STRAINER PORTION IS REMOVED FROM THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REINSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION NEW MOUNTING GASKETS MUST BE USED. a. Two I" O.D. required. ring gaskets Pc. No. 93986 ere 3. IMPORTANT: WHENEVER A COMBINED CUT-OUT "C"O-C_:_--'A_D" STRAINER PORTION IS REMOVED FROM THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, A STATIONARY VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE PORTION FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. 4. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required. (7, 8) in Insert the key spring (6) in place in the body (19). in U'S'A" 1979 TESTING After the I" Combined Cut-Out Cock and Strainer Portion has been assembled, BUT before it is returned to service it MUST pass a series of tests following the procedures of the current issue of the WABCO Test Specification T-353z_-0. Secure the dirt chamber assembly (IS to 18) in position on the body (19) using the two I/2" x I-3/4" hex head bolts (14) and the two I/2" hex nuts (13). NOTE: For units not equipped with a dirt chamber install the blanking pad (not illustrated) using the screws (14) and nuts (13) to secure it in place. S. maintenance operation & information AMERICAN STANDARD INC WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 DIVISION 4216"2.1 7 3216-2, Sup. I Westinghouse A. &m4 fl¢l,.$1n_d| WESTINGHOUSE f ¢1COmC*enr Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wiimerding, PARTS CATALOG Pr3nnsylvania 15148 1" COMBINED DIRTCOLLECTOR ANDDYNABALL CUT-OUTCOCK 8 12 • __ 7 Figure 1 _i 1 in. FLANGE Approx. WARNING: AT / Pc.No. Parts 5 1- 577071 COMBINED DIRT DYNABALL I-I I-2 I-3 2505 540468 • 75932 I-4 "I-5 75551 78421 I-6 564459 I-7 577137 .NUT, Hex., 1/2in .GASKET, in U.S.A. and COCK, ASY. ......... .SCREW,SpI.Hex.Hd.. in .................. 1/2x Chamber° Dirt ..... .PIN, Handle, 3/16x .HANDLE .............. : 1-7/8 Rubber in .... Repair Kit, (SUPERSEDES OF THE TEST SPECIFICATION IN THJ$ No. Pc.No. Parts Name I-8 512422 1-9 576126 .SCREW,Cap, H. Hd.,3/8 .COVER ............... Req'd 1-10 o575145 .GASKET, Cover e576127 • 576128 .WASHER, Bearing 2 1-11 1-12 1 1-13 1 1 1-14 1-15 1 l 1-16 Pc. 582129, ISSUE DATED THAT COVERS THIS Fig. & Ref.No. 2 1-7/8 .VALVE, Check ........... • CHAMBER, Dirt .......... • NOTE Pti,'.ed COLLECTOR CUT-OUT ANY PART IS REPLACED ISSUE OF THE APPLICABLE WA8CO TEST SPECIFICATION. (CONSULT YOUR LOCAL WABCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR No. Req'd Name TIME 13-I/2 Ibs. DEVICE. THE OPERATION OF THE COMPLETE DEVICE MUST PASS A SERIES OF TESTS AS PRESCRIBED IN THE LATEST IDENTITY OEVLCE). Fig. g, Ref.No. THE Net Weight x 7/8 in.. 4 1 .......... 1 ......... 1 .SEAL, .KEY, O-Ring ........... Cock ............. 2 1 0572871 573023 .SEAT, .BALL, Ball ............. Cock ............ 2 1 577072 .BODY 576124 contains MARCH, the indicated 1975) ................ 1 parts. July. 1977 3216-3 W_BCO HOSEAND FITTINGS (SUPERSEDES ISSUE DATED FEBRUARY, 1972) PARTS CATALOG Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Division Pennlylvania 15148 3216-3 W_tCO INOEX- HOSE,COUPLINGS ANDFITTINGS PICTURE _ TABULATION DESCRIPT ION PAGE _ HOSE WITH THREADED NIPPLES --_ HOSE WITH THREADED and TAPPED +._ HOSE NIPPLE _ WITH THREADED HOSE UNION WITH NIPPLETHREADED _'_[ HOSE WrrH NIPPLE NIPPLE TAPPED UNION STRAIGHT FLANGE FITTING HOSE WITH TWO HOSE WITH TAPPED 4 &S NIPPLES and TAPPED 5 UNION and THREADED NIPPLE 6 7 and 7 ¢3 _) [_] _ STRAIGHT NIPPLE FLANGE and TAPPED ELBOW FLANGE FITTINGS HOSE WITH STRAIGHT FLANGE WEIGHT OFHOSE[per 100 ft.] Size 1/4 5/16 Weight in. in. 16# 21# 3/8 in. 21# 1/2 in. 36# S/8 in. S0# 3/4 in. 60# 7/8 in. I in. 73# 80# I-I/8 in. I-3/8 in. 93.5# II0# 8 FITTINGS UNION and OFFSET NIPPLE 8 9 3216-3 iNDEX• HOSE,COUPLINGS AND FITTINGS PICTURE TABULATION DESCRIPTION HOSE WITH TAPPED UNION PAGE NIPPLES THREADED NIPPLE and OFFSET THREADED NIPPLE and STRAIGHT HOSE WITH THREADED WITH THREADED HOSE (ES, HS, LS, EYS FLANGE lO FLANGE and NIPPLES "P" TYPE 10 COUPLING ]I and COUPLING FS Type) 13 and CONNECTIONS 9 TEST RACK HOSE WEIGHT 2 COUPLING 12 EYS SPECIAL HOSE 12 COUPLINGS FITTINGS DUMMY COUPLINGS CLEANING HAND HOSE ELBOW NIPPLE and 9 TOOL CLAMPING 14 & 15 and MISC. (COUPLING TOOL Pc. FITTINGS 16 GROOVE) 552439 16 (Not Shown) 3216-3 W_BCO "C" N.P.T ,/_ " N.P.T, 2 4 $ HOSEWITH THREADED NIPPLES HOSE DIAMETER (inches) OVERALL FITTING Ref. 2 HOSE Ref.3 COMPLETE LENGTH Pc.No. Pc.No. Pc. No. '_fl" in. Size "C .... Length A" inches I/4 549877 20-3/8 3802 I 3/8 549843 17-3/8 545975 24-3/8 549844 5/8 3/4 [NG Pc. No. 549876 96826 I/4' 544894 96826 1/4. 31067 26-3/8 96826 549845 32-3/8 56440 544896 539917 38-3/8 96826 96826 1/4 1/4 1/4 52695 539916 570645 98-3/8 96826 I/4 96962 12-1/8 28-1/8 53975 3/8 570967 53975 3/8 56128 Ref.5 Size )_D inches 1/4, I ) 547779 38021 i/4 15 542883 96826 1/4 22 542883 06826 1/4 24 30 542883 96826 1/4 $42883 96826 36 542883 96826 18 _tE_f inches 567644 575468 62-3/8 53975 3/8 544899 60 542883 53975 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 302-3/8 96826 "1/4 575467 300 542883 96826 1/4 542109 26-1/4 6390 1/2 21507 24 $47040 6390 542110 30-1/4 6390 1/2 544903 28 547040 6390 547091 26-1/4 532838 1/2 547795 24 541051 532838 1/2 554370 28-1/4 532838 1/2 544227 26 541051 532838 1/2 547670 21-3/8 24-3/8 543138 21839 541051 8417 3/16 543138 8643 541051 8417 3/16 2%3/8 8417 35422 541051 8417 547662 543000 31-3/8 32-3/8 8417 547665 541051 8417 8417 20092 541051 8417 547676 32-3/8 33-3/8 543138 20092 541051 8417 8417 8417 544934 541051 8417 49389 541051 8417 37696 33289 541051 541051 8417 7968 51043 1/2 FITT C LAMP Ref. 4 545451 543001 547678 542927 542883 96826 542883 53975 26 542883 53978 96 11-1/2 549772 36-3/8 58-3/8 547673 26-3/8 8417 543138 543004 26-3/8 8417 33289 541051 7968 45525 22-3/8 7968 19179 541051 7968 21549 24-3/8 26-3/8 7968 8643 541051 7968 541051 7968 27-3/8 7968 35422 541051 7968 25789 28-3/8 7968 21883 541051 7968 549267 29-3/8 7968 19300 541051 7968 25750 3O-3/8 7968 22155 541051 7968 543409 32-3/8 7968 20092 541051 7968 $48534 35-3/8 7968 544936 541051 7968 548532 548533 7968 .33289 4 1/2 1/2 @ 3/16 3/16 3216-3 WF_Br--e-I V,_L.V HOSEWITH THREADED NIPPLES[Cont'd.J OVERALL FITTING Ref.2 HOSE Ref.3 COMPLETE LENGTH PC.No. Pc.No. PC. NO. "B" in. Size "C .... Length A" HOSE DIAN[ETE R inches FITTING CLAM P Pc. No. Ref.4 Ref.5 Size -D *t *,E.* inches inches 1-1/8 - 516188 11 46169 3/4 5089 8 539322 46169 w 536353 23 46169 3/4 20890 20 539322 46169 3/4 3/4 542982 24 46169 3/4 41310 21 539322 46169 3/4 542983 26 46169 3/4 544963 23 539322 46169 3/4 547338 46169 46169 3/4 3/4 20438 65594 26 29 539322 539322 46169 547733 29 32 46169 3/4 3/4 533921 33 46169 3/4 19539 30 539322 46169 3/4 542981 36 544967 20890 33 20 46169 23-3/8 3/4 1 539322 569534 46169 46175 539322 46169 46661 25-3/8 46175 1 545022 22 539322 46169 3/4 3/4 3/4 46680 18-5/8 46175 I 21332 15 539322 46175 1 46682 22-5/8 46175 1 20373 19 539322 1 23-5/8 46175 1 20890 20 539322 46175 46175 1 545022 22 539322 46175 1 544963 23 539322 46175 1 24 539322 46175 I 46175 542976 25-5/8 46175 547618 26-5/8 46175 1 46681 27-5/8 46175 1 46683 31-5/8 46175 I 19450 28 539322 542975 32-5/8 46175 1 65594 29 539322 46175 1 1 542926 37-5/8 46175 l 49388 34 539322 46175 1 47087 13-5/8 46223 46223 35421 22716 1( 1, 539321 46223 46223 46223 21233 1_ 539321 549252 1-3/8 18282 1 1-1/4 22-5/8 46223 19311 lq 539321 46223 46223 23-5/8 46223 20303 21 539321 46223 49829 24-5/8 46223 44872 2 539321 46223 47085 25-5/8 46223 _45023 2: 539321 46223 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 i-1/4 l-t/4 1-1/4 47086 27-5/8 46223 20638 2, 539321 46223 1-1/4 3o-5/8 46223 ,44976 2' 53q321 46223 4-i/4 32-5/8 46223 i44977 2! 539321 46223 1-1/4 33-5/8 46223 21705 3t 539321 46223 1-1/4 35-5/8 57-5/8 46223 i44978 3: 539321 46223 1-1/4 46223 31732 5, 539321 46223 1-1/4 47094 547759 547092 47088 547761 524464 86734 542990 47090 17-5/8 21-5/8 I "C" ,"B" • N.P.T,. 539321 • 4' "D" N.P.T. HOSEWITH THREADED ANDTAPPEDNIPPLES HOSE OVERALL DIAMETER LENGTH (inches) COMPLETE Pc. No. FITTING Pc. No. "B" inches Ref. Size 2 HOSE Ref. Pc.No. Length 515258 14-1/4 7968 CLAMP Ref. -C- inches 3/4 3 3/4 FITTING Re f. 5 Pc. No. Size 4 *¢D 19180 12 tt inches inches 54 1051 14773 3/4 3216-3 _/_BCO _t I_ "N --"_ 'C" N.P.T. _N. e_ A' 4. "D" 3/ N .P.T. / HOSEWITHTHREADEDNIPPLEANDTAPPEDUNIONNIPPLE HOSE DIAMETER (inches) OVERALL COMPLETE Pc. No • LENGTH 'B" FITTING Ref. Pc. No. Size inches 2 I-lOSE Pc. No. itC- 545238 14-3/4 53975 545241 26-3/4 53975 I/2 545255 29-1/8 6390 3/4 545281 I9-1/8 8417 545284 25-1/8 8417 545283 25-1/2 7968 545292 33-1/2 546896 547632 546901 1"1/8 1-3/8 Length tfA_! inches 3/8 Ref. 3/8 3/8 3 CLAMP Ref. FFI'TING Ref. PC. No. Size 4 trDO inches inches 544893 12 542883 544803 56440 24 542883 544803 3/8 3/8 1/2 41303 26 547040 544806 1/2 1/2 1/2 19886 16 541051 544808 1/2 8643 22 541051 544808 1/2 8643 22 541051 541765 3/4 7968 3/4 3/4 20092 30 541051 541765 3/4 25-3/4 46 169 3/4 545022 22 539322 5448 I0 26-3/4 23 539322 544810 19539 30 539322 544810 3/4 3/4 3/4 39-3/4 46169 3/4 3/4 3/4 544963 33-3/4 46169 46169 4893 36 539322 544810 545320 34-1/4 46175 1 19539 3O 539322 544814 571201 22-5/8 46223 1-1/4 545324 26-5/8 46223 545326 34-5/8 545327 40-5/8 46223 46223 573311 46-9/16 46223 t-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 3/4 1 21233 18 539321 547960 1-1/4 545023 22 539321 547960 21705 539321 547960 29089 30 36 539321 547960 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 30357 42 539321 532844 1-I/4 5 3216-3 "E" Choke "C" 2 _, N .P.T. "B_',, -[ _'4 3 [ "N 5 N .P.T. HOSEWITH THREADED NIPPLEANDTHREADEDUNIONNIPPLE HOSE DIAMETER OVERALL COMPLETE (inches) Pc. No. FITTING LENGTH 'W' Ref. Pc.No. 2 _etze inches HOSE Ref. Pc.No. Length "A" "C" inches 3 CLAMP Ref. FITTING Ref. Pc. No. Size 4 leD- inches inches 550199 547695 29-7/8 48-7/8 8417 8417 1/2 1/2 21883 21489 26 541051 545657 |/2 45 548535 33-3/8 7968 3/4 547665 29 541051 541051 545657 534318 1/2 3/4 545617 64-3/8 7968 3/4 35365 60 541051 534318 3/4 7/8 546836 31-5/8 532839 3/4 $46833 27 541052 537001 3/4 1-1/8 547041 27-5/8 46169 23 539322 544811 314 29-5/8 46169 544964 25 539322 544811 3/4 547637 30-5/8 46169 20438 26 539322 544811 3/4 547636 32-5/8 46169 19450 28 539322 544811 545337 547726 33-5/8 46169 65594 29 539322 544811 34-5/8 46169 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 544963 547724 19539 30 539322 544811 3/4 3/4 3/4 547640 34- 1/8 46175 1 65594 29 539322 534317 1 547751 24-5/8 32-5/8 46223 1"1/4 547752 46223 545341 33-5/8 46223 547635 34-5/8 46223 46223 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 3/4 @ 1-3/8 559283 8569513 579905 eNGTE: Wimerized 47-5/8 48-5/8 46223 46223 43-5/8 19 539321 537003 I-1/4 544976 27 539321 537003 l-1/4 29649 28 539321 537003 544977 29 539321 537003 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 19311 5 30357 42 539321 537003 569511 43 539321 579904 38 539321 537003 537003 Hose .-----.'B" &'C" N.P.T. '[ - "D Flange ; _,--J HOSEWITH TAPPEDUNIONNIPPLEANDSTRAIGHTFLANGE. OVERALL HOSE DIAMETER COMPLETE (inches) Pc.No. LENGTH FITTING Pc. No. "B" inches Ref. Size "C" 2 HOSE Ref. Pc.No. Length "A" inches 3/8 556602 21-1/2 557361 1/2 7 3 CLAMP Ref.4 FITTING Ref. Pc.No. Size teD- inches inches 56216 18 542883 530856 3/8 5 3216-3 W_mO0 ,,g • "D" If 5 / N.P.T. / _ ""C" N.P.T. 3/ 4f [ 2 HOSEWITHTAPPEDNIPPLEANDTAPPEDUNIONNIPPLE HOSE DIAMETER (inches OVERALL COMPLETE Pc.No. LENGTH FITTING Ref. Pc.No. Size '_B" inches 2 HOSE Ref. Pc.No. Length "C" 545174 25 - 1/4 7/8 541910 565776 1-1/8 1-3/8 CLAMP Ref. ttA- inches 3/4 3 FITTING Ref. Pc. No. Size 4 "D" inches 3/4 8643 25-1/4 532837 3/4 544956 37-1/4 565775 3/4 544960 545200 25-3/8 46178 8/4 545002 22 545212 39-3/8 46178 3/4 545219 26-1/8 46273 I-I/4 545222 34-1/8 46273 545223 40-1/8 46273 1-1/4 t-1/4 I "A" 4893 inches 22 14773 5 541051 541765 3/4 22 541052 533508 3/4 34 54 1052 533508 3/4 539322 539322 544810 544810 3/4 3/4 36 545023 21705 539321 547960 1-1/4 539321 547960 1-1/4 29089 539321 547960 1-1/4 "1 HOSEWITHTWOSTRAIGHT FLANGE FITTINGS HOSE DIAMETER COMPI.ETE (inches) Pc.No. OVERALL FITTING Ref. 2 LENGTH Pc.No. Size "B" inches HOSE Pc.No. f_*e flail inches 1/2 i-3/8 503146 27-1/2 504091 537330 86-1/2 504091 542128 43-1/2 47-1/2 504091 548906 575670 58-1/4 532843 504091 Ref. Length 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1-1/4 3 CLAMP Ref. 4 FITTING Ref. Pc. No. Size hD" inches inches 41303 26 547040 504091 544905 35 504091 504091 42 547040 547040 548905 46 547040 504091 575681 57 539321 532843 19577 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1-1/4 5 3216-3 W#IBCD I _-- 4 "C" ,,^"- e_ ---- "1 et -- N .... 2 4 . P .T. 5 HOSEWITHTAPPEDUNIONNIPPLES HOSE DIAMETER (inches) 1-I/8 I-3/8 OVERALL COMPLETE Pc. No. FITTING Ref. Pc.No. Size LENGTH "B" inches 2 HOSE Eef. Pc.No. Size "C" inches 3 FFfq" [NG CLAMP Pc.No. 5 Size Ref.4 ,tA- Ref. "D" inches inches 545373 545375 26-I/2 28- 1/2 544812 544812 1/2 I/2 545022 18282 22 539322 544812 1/2 24 539322 544812 1/2 545388 27-1/2 547960 I-1/4 545023 22 539321 547960 I 1-1/4 "B" • • 4 "D" Elbow Flange _ / f 2 "A." "C" ' 5 Flange 15/16 in. HOSEWITHSTRAIGHT FLANGEANDOFFSETELBOW FLANGE HOSE DIAMETER (inches) OVERALL COMPLETE LENGTH "B" PC. No. FITTING Ref. PC.No. inches 2 Size Ref.3 HOSE Pc.No. -C- 56783 3/4 578219 l Pc.No. Ref.4 -A- 566572 3/4 569168 28 541051 563211 30-3/16 565276 3/4 569168 28 541051 563211 "D" N.P.T PIPE Size SIZE (in.) inches 29-13/16 "C" N .P.T. Re f. 5 e_),, inches inches 3/4 FITTING CLAMP Length I 3/4 3/4 1/2 I/2 .__ i 2 -A I TESTRACKHOSEANDCONNECTIONS HOSE OVERALL DIAMETER COMPLETE 0nches) Pc.No. 3/4 LENGTH FITTING PC.No. Ref. HOSE Ref. 3 Pc.No. "C" Length "A" inches inches Size 2 64723 ...... 7968 3/4 21883 64731 ...... 7968 3/4 19316 9 26 36 CLAMP FITTING Pc.No. Ref.4 Ref. Size 5 "D" inches 541051 64705 1 541051 64705 1 3216-3 W_CO T. ,,B, ' "D" F[ HOSEWITH THREADEDNIPPLEAND STRAIGHTFLANGE HOSE DIAMETER (inches) OVERALL COMPLETE Pc. No. FITTING LENGTH '_" inches Pc.No. Ref. 2 Size "C .... HOSE Ref. Pc.No. Length A" inches 7/8 3 CLAMP Ref. 4 FITTING Ref. Pc.No. Size "D" inches 5 inches 562924 21-11/16 532839 3/4 547801 20 541052 532842 3/4 562545 37-II/16 532839 3]4 562531 36 541052 532842 3/4 1-318 570336 46-I/2 46223 I-1/4 54859 44 539321 532843 1-I/4 3/4 575745 30-I/8 7968 3/4 569168 28 541051 575746 I/2 l' !'B" I 4 3 "I "D" Flange "A" "C"N.P.T. _._-_ I 5 .... :'-- 15/16 in. -_:-'_ ,_ HOSEWITHTHREADED NIPPLEANDOFFSETELBOWFLANGE OVERALL HOSE DIAMETER (inches) COMPLETE Pc. No. LENGTH FITTING Pc.No. '_" inches Ref. Size 2 HOSE Ref. Pc.No. Length -A- -C- inches 3/4 563632 31-5/16 7968 3/4 10 3 FITTING CLAMP Ref. 4 PC. No • 28 Size -D inches 569168 Ref. o inches 541051 563211 1/2 5 32T6-3 ,)_,, 4 3 / 5 HOSEWITH THREADED NIPPLEAND"P" HOSE OVERALL FITTING Ref.2 HOSE _ef.3 LENGTH Pc.No. Size "C .... Pc.No. Length A" COMPLETE Pc.No. DIAMETER (inches) TYPE COUPLING '_" inches inches FITTING CLAMP Ref.4 583381 34-1/8 564871 3/4 20092 3O 54 lOS 1 1-1/8 544553 26-3/8 46169 3/4 545022 22 539322 87079 26-3/8 46169 3/4 2243 22 539322 46256 30-3/8 46169 3/4 20438 26 _r The with for HUF the standard coupling was with designed in cases +15 HP-4 +15 539322 86760 HP-4 +15 86760 HP-4 +15 3/4 19450 28 46169 3/4 544966 31 539322 86760 HP-4 +15 536059 40-3/8 4893 545022 36 22 86760 HP-4 +15 26-3/4 3/4 1 539322 87183 46169 46175 539322 86760 HP-4 +15 22 539322 86760 HP-4 +15 46276 26-3/4 46164 I-I/4 544552 26-3/4 46223 1-1/4 539321 86739 FP-5 +15 87101 26-3/4 46223 1-1/4 539321 86739 FP-5 46288 30-3/4 46223 1-1/4 539321 86739 FP-5 +15 +15 89099 63877 32-3/4 46223 46223 I-I/4 1-1/4 539321 86739 FP-5 +15 34-3/4 539321 86739 FP-5 36-3/4 46223 1-1/4 544978 539321 86739 FP-5 +15 +15 38-3/4 46223 1-1/4 41312 539321 86739 FP-5 +15 Gaskets, see Page 545022 12 consists of a jm_per gaskets, one Signal Coupling, the end suitable the other standard Brake purpose of providing connecting the brake Pipe pipe or double for coupling end suitable Coupling, means and signal and for pipe of emergency. No. HP-4 86760 46169 Ref. Pc.No. 86760 35-3/8 for the temporarily +15 32-3/8 Coupling with H P-3 527553 Coupling coupling -M-a 520724 "HUF" HOSECOUPLING end 556407 OFFSET 539322 559282 549928 0NOTE: Ref. 5 Coupler Type ) inches 3/4 1"3/8 Pc.No. No. Pa_s Name 46150 2 HUF 563952 3 .Hose Hose Approx. each Req'd Coupling, Coupling Gasket. Net Weight, 4- 1/4 [be. • complete, ....... 2 11 Ix, 3216-3 W_I2CO A FP & HP A ES & HS A LS FS FR HOSECOUPLINGS COUPLING GASKET Pc. No. Pc.No. Ref. 3 "A" TAPor THREAD 505490 563952 49163 563952 1/2 3_ 514296 563952 1 536285 563952 3/4 505508 563952 506388 563952 504511 563952 46983 563952 556407 563952 I I/2 3_ 3_ 3_ 73301 563952 l 86760 563952 1 73303 563952 552009 563952 87737 563952 87817 563952 l-l_ i-l/4 3_ 3_ 3_ 552603 5_53952 89020 563952 88983 563952 504513 563952 86739 563952 96943 563952 97306 563952 1/2 in. APPROX. NET _,VP. "M ''° LBS. DESCRI 1-5/8 I-I/2 +15 ° ES-2 HOSE COUPLING +15 ° ES-3 HOSE COUPLING 1-1/2 2 +15 ° ES-4 HOSE COUPLING -20 o LS-3 HOSE COUPLING 2 -15 o LS-4 HOSE COUPLING 2-1/4 +15 ° HS-2 HOSE COUPLING 2-I/4 +15 ° HS-3 HOSE COUPLING 0o HS-3 HOSE COUPLING +15 ° HP-3 HOSE COUPLING 0o HS-4 HOSE COUPLING 2-3/8 2 I 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 112 FF ION 2-1/2 2 +lS ° HP-4 HOSE COUPLING 2-3/4 0o HS-5 HOSE COUPLING +20 ° HS-5 HOSE COUPLING 2-1/4 0o FS-3 HOSE COUPLING 2-1/4 +15 ° FS-3 HOSE COUPLING 2-1/4 +15 ° FS-3 HOSE & CHAIN COUPLING, 2-1/4 +15 ° FS-4 2-1/4 0 o FS-4 HOSE COUPLING 2-I14 +15 ° FS-5 HOSE COUPLING 2-1/4 2-1/4 +15 ° FP-5 HOSE COUPLING -35 ° FP'5 HOSE COUPLING FR-2 HOSE COUPLING 2=3/4 2 HOSE WITH CHOKE COUPLING NPP 1 Ref. Pc. No. No. No. Parts Name 538551 EYS-2 545404 1 with .HN, 536952 538976 2 .Coupling 540464 3 4 .Coupling Gasket ........ .Handle Spring ........... 540458 5 .Handle ............... Approx. Hose Req'd Coupling, Complete Locking Handle 1/4 x 1/8 in ......... Case Net Wt. 1 ........... 1 ; . Piece 1 1 No. 46322 One Hose 1 Test - 3 lbs. Truck, Approx. 12 HP-4 and Two Coupling, complete, see Part Net Weight, FP-4 Catalog each Combination used with Brake 3219-1 Sup. 6-1/2 Ibs. 6. 32T6-3 WP.BC¢_ VAV "A" "C" N,P.T. \ 6 _" _ 4 t+_'I "D" Coupling HOSEWITH THREAI][ONIPPLESAND COUPLING HOSE HOSE OVERALL DIA - COMPLETE METER Pc. No. COA_INATION LENGTH '_3" inches (Seepages inches) 4, 5 & 6) 1/2 5/8 3/4 1-1/8 1-3/8 ¢NOTE: HOSE Pc. No. To Ref. 3 Length CLAMP "A" inches Ref. 4 FITTING Ref. Pc.No. TYPE 0 6 OFF"C" "D .... E" 4 SET "M"° 577791 527682 31-1/2 33-1/2 577792 542110 41303 26 547040 506388 544903 28 547fH0 506388 HS-2 HS-2 1/2 I/2 1/2 1/2 +18 +15 540568 27-i/2 ...... 544929 22 541051 506388 HS-2 1/2 1/2 +15 548317 28=5/8 547091 547795 24 541051 505490 ES-2 1/2 1/2 +15 545413 27 27 EYS-2 1/2 1/2 0 545414 543007 i EHYsS:: 1/2 1/2 8641 8643 22 541051 538551 8643 35422 22 541051 538551 30-5/8 545451 543001 25 541051 506388 547663 34-5/8 547662 547665 +15 20092 506388 506388 1/2 543000 541051 541051 1/2 35-5/8 29 30 HS-2 543006 HS-2 1/2 1/2 +15 548540 35-5/8 543409 20092 30 541051 504511 HS-3 3/4 3/4 +t5 520489 125-5/8 520561 35424 120 541051 46983 HS-3 3/4 3/4 0 21549 8643 22 541051 49163 ES-3 3/4 3/4 +15 20092 30 541051 49163 ES-3 3/4 3/4 +20 HS-3 3/4 3/4 +18 3/4 1 3/4 1 +15 - 15 - 1/2 1/2 3/16 0 +15 548149 26=5/8 543408 34-5/8 543409 542985 31-1/4 542986 39-I/4 542980 542981 544964 544967 25 33 539322 539322 504511 504511 562651 28 46683 545022 22 539322 505508 HS-3 LS-4 547661 29 547618 544963 23 539322 505508 LS-4 1 1 - 15 542979 30 46681 18282 24 539322 505508 LS-4 I I - 15 842977 35 542975 65594 29 539322 505508 LS-4 l I - 15 542987 542982 41310 21 539322 504511 542978 27-i/4 26 542976 20890 20 539322 505508 HS-3 LS-4 3/4 1 3/4 I 4:15 -15 569529 27-3/4 46661 545022 22 539322 514296 577790 34-3/4 549252 19450 28 539322 89020 ES-4 FS-4 3/4 1 I 1 +15 +15 552087 28-3/4 47085 545023 22 +20 543158 545512 545023 547791 2%1/4 31 47086 20638 24 539321 504513 547792 36 524464 544977 547793 39 842990 544978 29 22 32 539321 [ 539321 539321 504513 73303 804513 Identify Couplings, See Page 12. 13 ] 539321 552009 HS-5 1-I/4 1-I/4 HS-5 1-1/4 1-1/4 FS-5 FS-5 11-.1/44 1-1/4 i- 1/4 +15 +15 FS-5 1-1/4 1-1/4 +15 0 3216-3 W_Br'O HOSEFITTINGS I/4 Pc. No. 38021 Hose Desc_ptio_ 1/4 547779 WABCO in. A Threaded Nipple 1-3/16 Punch Lok Clamp THREADED 3/8 Pc. No. WABCO Description 53975 3/8 in. Threaded Nipple I/4 in. Threaded Union Nipple 2-3/16 530856 557361 3/8 1/2 in. in. Planged Threaded Nipple Union Nipple 7/8 2-11/16 96826 1/4 in. Threaded Nipple Punch Lok I/2 Pc. No. 1-1/16 1-3/16 TAPPED WABCO Hose Description 1/2 iu. Threaded A Nipple 1-1/8 Nipple 1-1/8 71979 3/8 in. Threaded 504091 3/8 in. Flanged 44277 544806 1/2 in. Tapped Nipple 1/2 in. Tapped Union 547040 Punch Nipple 23/32 1 Nipple 1-15/16 Lok Clamp TAPPED 5/8 No. WABCO Description in. Tapped 532838 1/2 iu. Threaded 533446 1/2 in. Tapped 546405 1/2 in. Threaded $33041 3/4 in. Flanged Nipple Punch Lok Clamp Pc. No. 7968 8417 H773 15229 534318 Nipple 1 Nipple Union Union WABCO 1- 15 / 16 Nipple l/2 THREADED Description A in, Threaded Nipple 1-3/16 1/2 in. Threaded NippLe 1-3/16 3/4 in. Tapped Nipple I in. Tapped Nipple in. Threaded UNION NIPPLE B (casting) 1 1-3/16 Union FLANGED NIPPLE 3-3/32 541765 3/4 543138 NIpple 1/2 in. Thrd. 544808 1/2 545657 563211 I/2 in, Thrd. Union I/2 3/4 in. in. Offset Flange Elbow Flange Nipple 564871 I/2 in. 541051 Punch in. Tapped Union 2-1/4 Nipple Choke in. 2-11/16 Hose Nipple 1-3/16 Tapped.Union Nipple 566572 1 - 1/8 Nipple 3/4 3/4 NIPPLE A 1/2 3/4 UNION Hose 532836 541051 NIPPLE Clamp 6390 Pc. NIPPLE A 557188 542883 STUD Hose 1-15/16 Nipple 2-11/16 n Threaded I.ok Nipple 1-3/8 I/2 l-3/160oar 15/16 FLANGE stock) Clamp 14 E LBOW NIPPLE 3216-3 W_BCO HOSEFITTINGS 7/8 WABCO Hose A Description Pc. No. 532839 3/4 in. Threaded 533508 3/4 in. Tapped Union 532837 3/4 in. Tapped Nipple 532842 3/4 in, Flanged 537001 3/4 in. Threaded 565775 3/4 in. 541052 Punch I-I/8 1-1/4 Nipple 3/4 I in, 46178 3/4 46180 1 in. Tapped 534317 1 in. Thrd. 544810 544811 3/4 in. Tapped 3/4 in. Thrd. 544812 544814 1/2 in. Tapped in. Tapped Lok 1-25/32 Nipple 1-1/2 Nipple 1-25/32 Nipple I-I/8 Union I-3/16 Nipple Union 3-11/32 Nipple Union 2-3/16 Nipple Union Union 3-1/32 Nipple 2-1/4 Nipple 2-7/16 Clamp WABCO Hose Description A 46223 1-1/4 in. Threaded Nipple 46273 1-1/4 in. Tapped 532843 I-1/4 in. Flanged 532844 1-I/4 in. Tapped 533523 1-1/4 in. Flang'ed 534679 Nipple I-I/4 in. Tapped 537003 I-I/4 Thrd. Union Thrd. Union in. Nipple 1-3/8 Nipple 5/8 Union 2-3/4 Elbow I-3/8 1-3/8 Nipple Nipple 547960 1-I/4 in. 534679 I-1/4 in, 579461 Punch Lok 3-3/4 Nipple 2-3/4 Tapped Nipple I-3/8 Clamp will be quoted upon application Orders blSMBER B 1-13/16 Nipple Prices 31/32 Nipple Nipple Tapped No. Choke) A Threaded I-3/8 Pc. (17/64 Hose in. Threaded Punch 3-3/32 I-I/16 Threaded 46175 539322 I/2 Nipple Clamp 46169 I in. 2-I/4 31/32 Union WABCO Description in. I-3/16 Nipple Nippte Tapped Lok Pc. No. 46164 Nipple should and NAME 15 give PIECE of part wanted 2-5/8 3216-3 DUMMYCOUPLINGS Durrmay letter VENTED Pc. DUMMY No. Couplings in the can designation be used with is the same COUPLINGS Approx. Net Type Wt. E & L-3 558554 F-3 558555 H-3 1 m558553 558596 H-3 M-3 1-1/8 1 DUMMY 559994 561490 E & L-3 E & L-3 Couplings letter of the in which dumroy the first coupling, 5/8 with Pc. I',b. less Chain Type of Hose type I COUPLINGS Pc. No. size as the (lbs.) 558556 VENTED any Fol: Brake with UNVENTED CHAIN Approx. Net Length Wt. fibs. Pc. F-3 558554 7-I/2 F-3 558554 9 559997 F-3 558554 48 559998 559999 H-3 H-3 7-1/2 14 561489 H-3 16 m560000 DUMMY No. CoupLing of Coupling COUPLING Length Type with CHAIN (Plated) Approx. Net Wt. (lbs.) ) 20817 E & L-2 7-1/2 20809 F-2 7-1/2 20811 H-2 7-1/2 m18657 H-2 7-1/2 20819 M-2 7-1/2 7-1/2 16 559996 Hose (in.) Chain (in.) Chain 559995 Bpe Eye on back UNVENTED 1-i/2 DUMMY COUPLINGS I-1/8 (Hated) Approx. Net Pc. No. Type Wt. fibs. H-3 7-1/2 560001 564398 M-3 E & L-3 7-1/2 6 20816 E & L-2 1 564399 F-3 11 20806 20810 F-2 H-2 1 I2134 H-2 1 20818 M-2 1 k562546 564400 F-3, H°3 kS74474 LNOTE: IFor with 558554 E&L-2 12-7/8 H-3 Chain Signal Pipe _d ) 5/8 Hook Hose Coupli_ Eye on end of handle CLEANING TOOL Piece No. 46096 Approx, Coupling" Gx'oove Net Weight 1/4 Cleaning Tool Ib, P¢in_ed in U,$.A. G-h-3216-3, Sup. 3 W_BO0 An American Standard ARMOREDHOSE (SUPERSEDES ISSUE PARTS DATED JANUARY, 1967) CATALOG Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 Co G-h-32}6-3, Sup. 3 W_BCO , "E" Choke "A" ,_D I-.... I .1 l Hose (in.) .... [ NPT I "B" NPT ARMOREDHOSEWITHTHREADED NIPPLES HOSE DIAMETER (in.) COMPLETE Pc. No. LENGTH LENGTH OVERALL HOSE "D" N.P.T. CHOKE i_At, tVE_t (in.) (in.) (in.) 318 554588 28-3/4 26-3/32 3/8 318 5/8 534948 15-5/8 12 1/2 1/2 543198 18-5/8 15 1/2 505780 19 I/2 1/2 1/2 503045 22-5/8 24-5/8 21 1/2 1/2 539813 24-5/8 21 1/2 25-5/8 22 1/2 I/2 1/2 3/16 558013 539810 26-3/4 27-5/8 23 3/4 I/2 3/16 520120 24 1/2 1/2 514472 28-5/8 25 1/2 ]/2 520199 25 26 1/2 1/2 1/2 503046 28-5/8 29-5/8 503047 31-5/8 28 1/2 5451¢2 33-5/8 520206 36-5/8 3O 33 . 1/2 557948 47-5/8 44 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 529629 12 3/4 3/4 557997 16-1/8 2o-1/8 16 3/4 314 503039 24- I/8 20 505779 26-1/8 22 524720 529857 28-1/8 24 29-1/8 25 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 503040 30-1/8 26 3/4 540163 32-1/8 28 3/4 530962 36-1/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 8/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 529334 48-1/8 32 44 529630 16-3/4 12 519486 21-3/4 17 539795 23-3/4 539796 26-3/4 19 22 520203 27-3/4 23 539797 32-3/4 28 545140 33-3/4 29 572354 36-3/4 32 529153 48-3/4 44 539800 15-7/8 11 1"1/4 1-I/4 565173 17-7/8 13 1-1/4 557998 20-7/8 16 539801 21-7/8 17 529631 22-7/8 18 1-i/4 i-i/4 1- 1/4 1- 1/4 520202 23-7/8 19 1- 1/4 549925 25-7/8 21 1-1/4 520326 26-7/8 22 1-1/4 519475 27-7/8 23 539802 30-7/8 26 557999 33-7/8 35-7/8 29 31 48-7/8 44 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1- 1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 520204 527349 519485 54-7/8 50 2 3/4 1-1/4 1-I/4 i-i/4 I-i/4 1-i/4 1-i/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-i/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 3/16 G-h-3216-3, Sup. 3 Ifi/Jm, B C D . "D'; t 1 I 1 Hose0° t "B" NPT ARMORE_ HOSEWITHTAPPED UNIONANDTHREADED NIPPLE HOSE LENGTH DIA. COMPLETE (in.) Pc. 518 7/8 No. "D" (in.) I ,,A- (in.) ,,l,f 18-11/16 14 1/2 1/2 516225 28-11/16 24 1/2 1/2 516848 30-U/16 26 1/2 518536 40-11/16 36 519001 51-11/16 47 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 539705 18-15/16 14 539704 19-15/16 15 539699 26-15/16 28-15/16 22 30 539701 34-15/16 40-15/16 539702 48-15/16 44 540741 49-15/16 55-15/16 45 540742 539703 1-3/8 PIPE HOSE 558005 539700 1- 1/8 LENGTH OVERALL 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 24 36 51 3/4 3/'4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 539748 539749 19-7/16 14 27-7/16 22 539745 32-7/16 27 539746 34-7/16 29 539747 35-7/16 30 539750 49-7/16 44 539768 539780 19-13/16 14 1-1/4 1"1/4 27-13/16 22 539769 29-13/16 24 1-i/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 l- 1/4 540058 32-13/16 27 539770 40-13/16 35 539771 41-13/16 36 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 539772 49-13/16 44 1-1/4 539790 50-13/16 45 564376 67-13/16 62 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 ARMORED HOSEWITHFLANGED FITTINGS HOSE DIA. COMPLETE (in.) 3/8 Pc. Flange • Both Flanges with with Bolt Holes Bolt Holes Vertical; Vertical. One Flange with Bolt Holes "D" (in.) LENGTH HOSE 28-3/4 27 & 543778 33-3/4 32 • 553528 ,28-3/4 27 Horizontal. FLANGE (in.) & 533397 IOTES: • One No. LENGTH OVERALL 3/8 'A" 3/8 3/8 3/8 I "B" 3/8 3/8 G-h-3216-3, Sup. 3 W_BCO I "A" l" "D" 1 Ho o(in.)----1 L NI:rF "B" NPT ARMORED HOSEWITHTHREADED UNIONANDNIPPLE HOSE DIA. (in.) 5/8 LENGTH COMPLETE Pc. No. HOSE "D" (in,) (in.) N.P.T. "A .... HOSE B' DIA. (in.) COMPLETE Pc. NO. LENGTH OVERALL '_" (in.) LENGTH HOSE (in.) 511177 18 - 13/32 13 1/2 1/ 539696 53-13/16 48 3/4 3/4 545704 511894 25-13/32 26- 13/32 20 21 1/2 1/ 539690 55-13/16 50 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/ 539691 59-13/16 54 3/4 3/4 28-13/32 23 1/2 1/ 511895 29-13/32 24 509960 30-13/32 25 i/2 1/2 1/ 1/ 511896 31-13/32 26 1/2 511897 33-9/16 28 99087 34-13/32 511898 98476 7/8 LENGTH OVER.ALL 539714 18-3/8 12 1 1 539715 26-3/8 20 1 1 539716 28-3/8 22 1 I 1/ 539744 23 1 1 1/ i/ 539717 30-3/8 24 1 1 29 1/2 1/2 29-3/8 539718 26 l 1 35-13/32 30 32-3/8 1/2 1/ 539742 27 1 1 546978 548307 36 - 13/32 31 33-3/8 1/2 1/ 539719 28 1 1 37-13/32 32 36 1 1 35 42-3/8 40-13/32 539720 1 1 44-13/32 39 47-3/8 41 553828 539721 1 45-13/32 40 51-3/8 45 558001 539743 1 l 48-13/32 43 53-3/8 47 502822 49 1 I 49-13/32 44 539738 539739 55-3/8 548314 53 1 I 52-13/32 47 i s9-3/8 511899 509961 l 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 539741 553885 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 34-3/8 539740 55 1 I 54- 13/32 49 ; 61-3/8 1/2 1/ 511900 56-13/32 51 1/2 1/ 513875 60-13/32 55 544851 84-13/32 79 1/2 1/2 1/ 1/ 539679 17-13/16 12 539680 23-13/16 18 539681 539682 26-13/16 27-13/16 539683 3/4 3/4 8/4 3/4 21 3/4 3/4 22 3/4 3/4 28-13/16 23 3/4 3/4 539697 539684 29-13/16 24 30-13/16 25 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 539685 32-13/16 27 314 3/4 539692 33-13/16 28 3/4 539686 34-13/16 29 3/4 3/4 539687 40-13/16 35 558002 41-13/16 36 539688 47- 13/16 42 44 539695 539779 539689 49-13/16 50-13/16 51-13/16 45 46 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 I-I/8 1-318 539647 17-13/16 11 I- 1/4 544687 20-13/16 14 539634 24-13/16 18 1-1/4 1-1/4 539635 26- 13/16 20 1-1/4 539636 539637 28-13/16 22 24 1-1/4 26 1-1/4 1-1/4 34-13/16 28 1-1/4 539640 558003 35-13/16 41-13/16 29 I- I/4 35 1-1/4 548315 42-13/16 3/4 539641 548316 47- 13/16 36 41 l-t/4 1-1/4 48- 13/16 42 3/4 3/4 1-1/4 539642 51-13/16 45 539643 52-13/16 46 1-1/4 1-1/4 539644 55-13/16 49 1- 1/4 539645 59-13/16 53 1-1/4 539646 61-13/16 55 1- 1/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 539638 539639 30-13/16 32-13/16 G-h-3216-3, Sup. 3 WJc_DcO VA.V "E" Choke "D" { {_ Hose "I (in.)------_ { j<_ Coupling ARMOREDHOSEWITH HOSECOUPLING ANDNIPPLE COMPLETE Pc. No. HOSE DIAMETER With LENGTH Less LENGTH OVERALL HOSE "D" (in.) N.P.T. CHOKE "A" "B" "E" Pc. No. OFFSET (in.) Coupling Coupling 518 505298 539813 27 21 1/2 1/2 3/16 505490 ES-2 +15 511890 514472 31 25 1/2 I/2 3/16 505490 ES-2 +15 544202 520199 31 25 I/2 I/2 505427 520120 3o-7/8 24 1/2 I/2 505490 506388 ES-2 HS-2 +15 +15 504454 503039 27-5/16 20 3/4 3/4 504511 HS-3 +15 505235 524720 31-5/16 24 3/4 3/4 504511 HS-3 +15 515866 530962 32 3/4 3/4 504511 HS-3 +15 521604 505779 39-5/16 28-3/8 22 3/4 3/4 49163 ES-3 +20 539863 540163 34-3/8 28 3/4 3/4 49163 ES-3 +20 541141 539796 30-3/16 526162 539796 29-1/8 22 22 I l 1 1 73301 505508 HS-4 LS-4 0 - 15 505428 537547 520203 539797 30-1/8 23 l l 505508 LS-4 - 15 35-I/8 28 i l 505508 LS-4 -15 504453 520202 27- I/4 +IS 519475 31-1/4 19 23 504513 505247 5O4513 +15 515867 520204 39-1/4 31 504513 +15 7/8 l- I/8 1"3/8 (in.) - "D" I -- (in,) 1 HOSE< .) t __'A"NPT "B" NPT ARMOREDHOSEWITHTAPPEDNIPPLEANDTAPPEDUNIONNIPPLE HOSE DIA. (Ln.) 7/8 LENGTH COMPLETE Pc. No. OVERALL "D" LENGTH [ HOSE { (in.) { FLANGE (in_) 539706 25-7/16 539707 34-7/16 I 314 "A" 3/4 I 3/4 "B" 3/4 "M" o G-h-3216-3, Sup. 3 W/_BCO J 3 "O" l.l _-----Hose (in.) - / 1 in. N,P.T._ S / 4 f I-1/4 2 in. N,P.T. ARMOREDHOSEANDFITTINGS LENGTH Pc. NO. Complete APPROX. Ref. HOSE LENGTH Union Swivel (in.) OVERALL Stud Nut "D" 551190 22 (in.) 1 Ref. Ref. 2 3 Gasket Ref. 4 Ref. Union Threaded Nipple Nipple 5 Tapped 27 511183 500535 Hose 71565 ! "1_ (in.) , .-_ 500536 500534 , ARMOREDHOSEWITH STRAIGHTANDOFFSETELBOWFLANGEDFITTINGS DIA. I COMPLETE[ (in.) Pc.No. 3/8 544066 ILENG , I OVERALL ] D' HOSE (in.) (in.) 50-3/4 48 6 FLANGE "A .... 3/8 B" 3/8 G..h.3216o3, Sup. 3 W/=LIB r'_-r'l __34-I/B ---_--._ 7/8_31_"'--_I I 3/4 in. N.P.T. L 3/4 in. F_ange ARMORED HOSEWITH THREADEDNIPPLEANDFLANGEFITTING Pc. No. Parts Name 7/8 x 31 in. THREADED 570102 n NIPPLE. ARMORED HOSE with 3/4 in. NIPPLE and 3/4 in. FLANGE Asy. 34-1/8 in. overall length. HA11 ARMORED HOSEWITH THREADEDSTRAIGHTFLANGEFITIINGS (in.)_ 3/8 Pc.No. | 554078 "D" ,in., 30-1/16 / (in') i 26-3/32 "A .... B" 5/8 3/_ Westinghouse Air Brake operation Division & maintenance Ln &n_rLclr.Sllnd4rd WESTINGHOUSE C_mp|ny AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilrnerdlng, Pennsylvania 15148 information UAHTYPEBRAKECYLINDER 18 tO 3C 6B 14 13 12 12 2 A 10B 1. DESCRIffFION When sure The UAH Brake signed that will provide and pressure side head nen-pressure flange. external damage wear. the of tile retains cylinder to the and The non-pressure USE OF A SPECIAL body The I[I.A. by means IIOLD TIlE SPRING PUSH ROD HOLDER. This feature ment of the asscnlq_ly IN PLACE cylin- I. permits snap-on of the cylinder type and flanges piston Solvent a. solvent The brake to- heavy, or packing return that cup IO enlratlce its 11. a, caged spring. in a breather in the cylinder pistoll (I, 2, 3A, and 3B, rigging. cleaning is made, rod 3C) outward (17) and applying rod AND parts the or parts to be cleaned of the organic mineral grease, spirits. and that without Lubricant, piston AAR will abrasion. Specification M-7651-2, hollow-rod, packing 914, is recommendcylinder walls, cup. assembly available Special a. the piston A holding holding The non-pressure otmning to restrict when Tools fixture the assembly, during returns must brake be available cylinder piston and non-pressure disassembly A wooden tool and air pressure push rod force forces the piston safely rod assembly assembly. approximately packing for and hollow head 3/32 inch thick with rounded mended to be used as an aid I',)llow hollow be an aliphatic oil or Cylinder and the b. application and pres- AND TECHNIQUES as naphtha WABCO Specification ed to lubricate the dis- ix)sition. a brake Ihe piston LUBRICANT for dissolve all Brake replace- OPERATION When brake of dirt nornlal around Lubricant 2. 3. the the is coiled spring. Repairs to the non-pressure head and piston must be made in a shop where facilities are for safely removing the head includes a strainer the must such will pert'nit THE without used cylinder solution, GRADUALLY). lubrication piston AND REMOVING SPRING piston cylinder, position. PROCEDURES Cleaning for making TO COMPRESS WHILE returns normal CLEANING SOLVENT, SPECIAL TOOLS of mounting faces head RFLEASE brake (14) which resists with FIXTURE rod, to its MAINTENANCE gether with the caged return spring can be removed as a unit. (CAUTION: DO NOT ATTEMFI" TO DISASSEMBLE TltE SPRING FROM THE PISTON AND ROD WITHOUT THE (17) the spring piston assembly from release the hollow Ill. cylinder to reduce flange is released shoes casting. cylinder is equiptmd vehicle so derigging admitted construction lubrication rail connections. The type rod brake pressure in one to the cast and to the brake air piston. is bolted and rigging combined This The for bolting a piston to suitable to the are head a I-ohing air through propartional irressure der includes it is connected force in an amount to the Cylinder when air of the I inch edges in the wide and is recomremoval of cup. assembly to the attached 4214-4, S. I0 • Westinghouse maintenance operation information III.B. I. & Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, I DISASSEMBLING Remove the push brake cylinder inch cotter ti_en pulling brake rod assembly by first pin 6A and the push (1 to 3C) removing push rod the rod holder assembly from 1/8 the pin 6B, Remove the piston anti-rattler seal ring (2) if they are (1) and worn or The spring the removal c. After-_cleaning, blow the parts pressure jet of clean, dry air, GLES ARE TO BE WORN. d. Inspect and hollow rod (1) the metal Reject it has damaged. has 2. Remove head the I/2 the Carefully remove the (17). be used shop Place approximately with four (3) from in the 1 inch rounded removal rod piston pressed and head of the assembly must with the lx_ taken hold and rod assembly the release proceed as the two 5/16 assembly with in a holding spring 2. Remove screws and 6. the push rod assembly Special I_llow by removing Hollow rod packing b. _pring seat (13). c. Spring (14). proper com- TO Metal a. SOAK Wash 10 SI piston set secure and hollow the the holding the c. piston fixture is cracked, or would in result Piston Rod Dimneter - Condemn inch. the Cylinder inch more Bore--condenm than at nominal. Parts The rubber parts solvent described may be dipped in txaragraph in the removal RUBBER IN THE of grease PARTS MUST CLEANING Wipe the cloth and blow in the cleaning I[I .A. 1. to as and dirt. NOT BE ALLOWED SOLUTION. rubber parts tlmm with dry air. a soft, wilh SAFETY lint-free a lmv pressure GOGGLES jet ARE TO and following: seal and retainer (12, Brush all gaskets and the piston packing cup with a l)rush which has soft bristles, such as a shoe Disd. 12A). brush, Inspect the the the retainer to prevent non-pressure ring retaining (2) (10A). ring from head INSPECTING gasket (11). AND REPAIRING of the metal as descrihed parts in the in paragraph lII.A. 1. remaining dirt parts. part that broken, or is in such in unsatisfactory Reject and replace cup that Head is cracked, damaged, a condition excesthat would the piston operation. any gasket have Breather dried worn or Rattened beads. Strainer Using a Ioxt, pressure jel of c,mlpressed blow out any loose dirt in the strainer. GOGGLES ARE TO BE WOI/N. Inspect (1) cleaning any result Nonipressure a. any cnt, packing 3. rubber Replace ont, (10B) from to remove to polish. (I) b. all as that excessively, operation. of clean, dry BE WORN. Parts solvent 4214-4, (8) which decompressed. the non-pressure CLEANING, part a condition the sively, strainer tool locking free. Remove III.C. fully by removing springing point in rernoving from is a. Use 1. assembly spring the dog (9) to the be taken assemble (10) worn (17). must rod inch washers holder the Remove any damaged, follows: lock to insure head 7. rod care and replace broken, Check sist 2 8. (7) and set. (5) CAUTION: b. a. if or Check the Guide End Bore of the NonPressure Head--condenm at 3-1/16 inch. Rubber the fixture partially dry with a Io_.__v SAFETY GOG- to a. hollow head will a permanent Reject 5/64 assembly in (4) edges for disassembly.) the taken Check cup. non-pressure to assist parts. unsatisfactory cup (18) brushed scale. replace the release spring pits, has become distorted is in such (5). thick to assist hollow non-pressure which (18) by (4) and the packing tool inches packing The body nuts bolts piston wooden may and cylinder hex. head the and 3/32 piston the Tee wide (NOTE: inch (2) non-pressure and rust at 2-3/4 A suitable piston with brake 1/2 inch piston the four x 2-1/8 a. 4. assembly (7 to 17) from removing 3. piston may be wire of rust and the cylinder. a. AnAm4t}csn4tandsrd c_np_ b. x 3/4 1 to 3C from Pennsylvania 15148 tile air, SAFETY strainer. If it is found tu be in good n_av he reused. condition, it Westinghouse operation Air Brake Division & maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 information (2) If the strainer is too-dirty easily or is damaged be replaced. to be cleaned in any way, Secure 5, the body it must (18) (5) and the all nuts III.D. 1. LUBRICATING AND ASSEMBLING Assemble the sure Assembly Ilead Piston and ]follow as follows: the hollow 6, Rod and Non-Pres- Completely inder b. coat lubricant, (WABCO Install the head the hollow retaining c. Place the ing d. e. HOLDING (10) over A, the Place the which will compress Hold non-pressure the position the inch dog for not exceed the piston cylinder WABCO Install Place the the the piston into body bore piston screws HOLDING head and FIXTURE. inside walls packing of the cup (15) AAR piston body cylinder Make sure the anti-rattler (3C) ring in the hollow by inserting the 3/8 x 2-1/4 REUSE push rod holder (9) and the push rod pin THE inch OLD cotter COTTER brake the cylinder piston travel cup leakage. the specified in a test fixture permit a pres- and This limit leakage for repaired PRESSURE BE LIMITED IN THE PROTECTION WORK Connect BRAKE TO NO MORE CYLINDER THAN PROVIDED 25 PSI AND THE TESTER CHAMBER. the brake piping which cylinder gauge--with cock and 2. Charge the brake 3. Allow effect. fifteen 4. Isolate the to a local includes a cutout air cock the gauge located brake cylinder. cylinder to 15 psi. seconds for cylinder from supply and a between by closing the cracked or cylinder body thoroughly with Specification drop B. (18) After (15) brake the isolation, in five cutout Cylinders the air supply cock. there should be no pressure (5) seconds. Consult your Westinghouse resentative if additional Brake temperature Air Brake Division Repinformation on the UAH is desired. M-914. gasket with opening body (11) the in place. packing and (18) until cup press the the packing the top of the cylinder body (18), hollow rod until it is perpendicular of the and head of the cylinder the (4). M-7651-2. non-pressure head it is not bolts (7). and piston assembly head assembly from lubricant, cup (15) clears then raise the the rod it in the two skirt. Specification across to the set THE secure (8) and with a new packing pressure the cutout 5. on the on the Lubricate brake (9) and head cylinders. with fixture. washers locking 1. spring install the piston packing cup (15) on of the piston. No'te that the cup pro- fits the point release holding to (14). with limit test IN THE fixture. chipped and and holder the hollow non-pressure Carefully the head perly rod two lock RELEASE Remove with the holding the the spring nuts (2) in place rod assembled sure MUST (10) downward release head with push with head the (3C) seal DO NOT must brake hollow FIXTURE. the non-pressure SLOWLY Februory, hold- (14), spring seat (13), retainer (12, 12A) and head partially 5/16 etltlllllt in the ADEQUATE place 4. (17) hex. cylinder Tee TESTING SPECIAL Install h. IV. CAUTION: in this g. re- piston rod. CAUTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS ASSEMBLY WITHOUT THE USE OF A Force f. to prevent disassembly. spring and seal non-pressure the tool inch push pin (3A). PIN. with rod rod (3B) in place to the torqued. rod the (10) 1)2 x 2-1/8 rod pin (3B) through the push push rod (3C). Then secure free. hollow during Secure cyl- non-pressure pro)per springing and used Place the release hollow rod seal the 3. from piston fixture in the Use brake Specification it in place (10A). ring with 1/2 push head four tightly (1) and rod. M-7651-2). (10B) and secure ring AAR Specification strainer (10) taining 2. current M-914 rod the four are Install a. a. non-pressure with cylinder hollow rod body. assembly Continue (17) into to press the (18). in U.S,A. 1976 4214-4, S. 10 G.h-3214-4, Sup. 3 An American.Standard Co BRAKE CYLINDER CONVERSION KITS (Passenger) (Supersedes Issue dated July, 1969) Parts Catalog WESTINGHOUSE WILMERDING, PENNSYLVANIA AIR BRAKE DIVISION G-h-3214-4, Sup. 3 W_BCO BRAKECYLINDER CONVERSION KITS-INDEX Orlginal Cylinder Size Type and Conversion (in•) Size (in.) 8 x 8 "U" 5 x 7 9x8 "U" 5-1/2x 9 x 8 "U" 6 x 7 7 Page 559026 3 558713 3 558561 3 559158 552878 3 3 570956 555581 3 3 I0 x 8 "U" 6-1/2 10 x lO "U" 6 x 9 11 x I0 10 x 8 "U" "U" 6-1/2 6 x 7 10 x 8 "U" 7 x 7 559924 7 x 7 560284 3 5 2 I0 x I0 x 7 Pc. No• x 9 10 x 12 "UAH'F" 7 x 9 553872 10 x 12 "UAHT' 7x 566613 7 9 7 x 12 566879 8 "U" 9x8 561335 3 16 x 12 "Q" 9 x 12 570452 18 x 12 "Q" I0 x 12 571051 4 4 18 x 12 12 x 8 "Q" 12 x 12 7 x 7 569792 556060 6 5 10 x 12 "AB" lOx8 Figure 6 "UAHT" BRAKECYLINDER CONVERSION KIT .o x 12 to 7 x 9 CONVERSION) Fig. & ReL No. Pc. No. Parts Name 1- 553872 BRAKE CYLINDER COMPLETE l-I 554314 .SLEEVE, No. 7x9in 553903 • O-RING, 1-3 554315 • PISTON 1-4 99174 1-5 1110 1-6 525290 CONVERSION Reducing, 12x 10in. .............. 1-2 • CUP, Req'd 12in• and Piston KIT, to 1 3 O.D ....... ROD ......... i Packing i • SPRING, Release .GASKET, Ring, ....... ........ II-7/8 in. O.D. I 1 i G-h-3214-4, Sup. 3 W/=tsr'[3 I ill I ill, 2/ 1 Figure 2 "U" BRAKE CYLINDER CONVERSION KIT_ ! 8x8 [ 9x8 9x8 tO [ tO tO 5x7 65-1/2x7 10x8 ] 10x8 to a to 6x7 6 x7 I 6-1/2x CONVERSION 7 No• Fig. & ReL No. Parts Pc. No. , J 2- 559026 558713 558561 555581 559158 BRAKE 2-1 559510 559415 559407 555582 560055 2"2 525115 559391 559391 545459 545459 560052 .SLEEVE, • O-RING • PISTON 559159 2-3 559506 559416 559417 555583 2"4 513750 513751 501530 501530 2-5 559913 559414 559405 2-6 559039 504277 504277 1239 I 511325 I lOx8 to 7x7 lOx8 Req'd Name CYLINDER CONVERSION Reducing. ...... and ROD . . 560054 • CLIP, ,Piston Packing • SPRING, Release.. 511325 • GASKET, Ring.. KIT, COMPLETE °.•, • ••• •oo,•• 1 ,••..° 3 1 .••o • o°• •.••°° 1 ••o••• 1 1 • i lOx _ 10 I llxl0 to 9x8 6x9 6-1t/2 x 9 CONVERSION No. Fig. & Ref. Parts PC. NO. No. Name 2- 559924 561335 552878 570956 BRAKE 2- 1 560181 561337 552879 570959 2-2 545459 545459 545459 525116 • SLEEVE, • O-RING 2-3 2-4 560180 99174 561336 552880 570957 • PISTON 506957 501530 559159 2-5 5877 2-6 mNOTE: 5877 511325 511325 511325 Release Spring from Original 570958 511301 Brake Req'd CYLINDER CONVERSION Reducing .......... ..... KIT, COMPLETE • ••o• I • o,,, 3 • °•o• I • CUP, Piston Packing ..... • SPRING, Release ...... • •.°o I o•,°o i .GASKET, o,°•, I Cylinder is used. and ROD Ring ...... ....... G-h-3214-4, Sup. 3 WI:_BCO 15 11 22 17 / 19 9A 9B IlA Figure "lr' Fig. Reh 3- 3- BRAKECYLINDER CONVERSION KIT No. & No. Pc• No. Parts 570452 .. .. 571051 Name Fig• Req'd CYLINDER CONVERSION 3-11 KIT, COMPLETE ( 16 x 12 to 3-11A 3-12 9 x 12 Conversion) BRAKE CYLINDER CONVERSION COMPLETE 3-2 572357 1083 12779 No. Pc. No. 570456 Parts r569028 94814 17173 3-13 7978 ( 18 x 12 to 3-14 10 x 12 Conversion) 570453 &_ ReL No. BRAKE KIT, 3-1 3 • SLEEVE, Reducing ..... I • GASKET, • O-RING, Sleeve ...... 16in. O•D ..... 1 1 3-14 18In. O.D ..... and ROD ....... 1 1 3-15 2: 91 3-16 502829 1 3-17 571207 3-3 570381 .. 3-3 .. 57O382 3-4 570455 571053 3-5 .. 94801 • RETAINER, 3-6 506957 94800 • CUP, • O-RING, • PISTON Grease Piston, ..... Packing .... 3-7 1110 3-8 519989 9-9 562813 • SEAT, Spring ........ • HOLLOW ROD PACKING 3-9A 562812 and RETAINER, .. SWAB ............ 3-9B 562811 •. RETAINER 3-10 94820 .SPRING, .GASKET, Release .. 12782 27009 1 ...... 1 3-18 .. 565393 1 SEAL Asy ..... ......... Head, 3-15 084 Non-Pressure Name .HEAD, 570459 1 i 3-19 3-20 .. .. 571055 511677 1 3-21 .. i 3-22 .. 3-22 504379 .. .. Non-Pressure •.STRAINER ". • WASHER, Lock, .... 3/8 in. Hd., .BOLT, 2-5/8 Tee,Hd., in ........... 5/8 • BOLT, Tee,Hd. , 5/8 .NUT, Hex., x 3 in. 5/8 in ...... in ...... • SCREW, Locking, 17/32 In ........... 5/16 • PUSH • PUSH Pin, Shown ) ROD ROD 5 6 5 6 Push x Rod I ........ ....... ........ Hollow 506400 .. RING, And-Rattler. 514313 •. PIN with Red . COq_I'ER COTTER I 8 1 ..SEAL, • PIN with . . x .NUT, Hex., 5/8 • COLLAR ........... • BUSHING, 1 ........ • SCREW, Cap, Hex. 3/8 x 1 In .......... (Not 3-19 Req'd . .... _. I . . I I . . I . . I I C--h.3214-4, Sup. 3 W_BCO Figure BRAKE CYLINDER CONVERSION KIT Fig. Ref. & No. 4- Pc. No. Parts 556060 BRAKE (12 x 8 in. Name CYLINDER CONVERSION to 7 x 7 in. 556062 .SLEEVE, 7x7in 4-2 553903 Reducing, 12 x 8 in. No. Fig. & Ref. No.' KIT, to 12 in. 1 O.D ......... No. Pc. No. 4-3 556061 4-4 99174 4-5 ................ .O-RING, CONVERSION) Req'd COMPLETE 4 1110 4-6 525290 Parts Name .PISTON . CUP, Req'd and ROD Piston .......... Packing .SPRING, Release .GASKET, Ring, 1 ......... 1 .......... 11-7/8 I in. O.D... 1 3 BRAKE CYLINDER CONVERSION KIT (lox 10in.to7x ]Oa. CONVERSION) ill Fig. & Ref. No. 5-1 5-2 Pc. No. Part_ Name 560284 BRAKE CYLINDER COMPLETE 561223 545459 .SLEEVE, .O-RING, CONVERSION Reducing ......... 10in. O.D ......... No. Fig. & Req'd Ref- No. KIT, 5-3 5-4 1 1 8-5 5-6 No. Pc.. No. 561221 99174 99995 511325 Paxts Name .PISTON Req'd and ROD ........... 1 . CUP, Piston Packin 8 ......... . SPRING, Release .......... .GASKET, Rlns, 9-7/8 in. 1 1 O.D. . . 1 G.h-321d-4, Sup. 3 VM/_BCD _, i 4 16 12 19 15 18 8A 10A, 10B • 6 8B Figure 6 2 "Q" BRAKE CYLINDER CONVERSION KIT (18x 12to 12x 12in. "Q" Fig. & ReLNo. Pc.No• Parts 6- 569792 BRAKE No. Req'd Name CYLINDER CONVERSION Fig. & ReLNo. 6-9 KIT, COMPLETE Type Conversion) No. Pc. No• 99890 Parts Name Req'd • GASKET, • HEAD, Non-Pressure 6-10 531738 Non-Pressure I 6-10A 99196 •. STRAINER I 6-10B 99195 O.D ......... 1 6-11 15951 .. RING, Retaining .WASHER, Lock, .......... 1 6-12 3205 I 6-13 12782 • BOLT, I 6-14 27009 • NUT, 1 6-15 502829 . COLLAR, 6-16 571207 • SCREW, 570341 .SLEEVE, Reducing 6-2 12779 • GASKET, Sleeve 6-3 570382 • O-RING, 18 In. 6-4 570435 • PISTON 6-5 99882 6-6 510569 • SPRING, 6-7 530894 6-8 562813 . SEAT, Spring • HOLLOW ROD I 1 565391 • PUSH - ROD 562812 RETAINER, Asy ........... •.SWAB ................ 6-17 6-8A 6-18 565393 .BUSHING, Pin, 6-8B 562811 ..RETAINER I 6-19 504379 • PIN with COTTER • CUP, and Piston .......... ROD Packing Release ......... .......... ............ PACKING SEAL ............. and 61 . . . .SCREW,Cap, I .......... 1/2 in ....... Hex.Hd., Tee Hd., Hex., 5/8 5/8x Lock, 1 8 1/2 x 1-3/4 3in ..... Rod 5/16 In. 8 6 in ......... Hollow I I ............. 6-I ......... Head ........ 6 ....... 1 x 17/32 it.. ............. 2 1 Push-Rod ......... . .-... 1 1 G_h-3214-4, Sup. 3 WJaLIBCO 20A - 9 • 10A 3B 12A 12B 10B "UAHT" BRAKE CYLINDER CONVERSION KIT (lO Fig, & Ref.No• No. Pc. No. Parts 566613 "UAHT' 540976 .PUSH 8-1 506400 .. RING) Name Anti-Rattler 8-2 511677 .. SEAL, Hollow 503071 .. PUSH ROD with BRAKE 8=3A • 505242 8-3B 508687 Rod . .. PIN with • ..ROD, 8-4 • 2505 .NUT, 8=5 • 1039 .BOLT, CYLINDER, ASY. Asy ........... Length) 23-1/16 Rod ......... Push, Hex., Push 23-1/16 1/2in TeeHd., Rod 504379 • PIN with COTTER, 8-7 571207 .SCREW, Locking, 8-9 502829 .HOLDER Rod, Push Push x 17/32 No. ReLNo• Pc. No. Parts 8-I0 531738 .HEAD, 99195 8-11 8-12 562813 .GASKET, .HOLLOW ........ I .,RING, Retaining .......... ..STRAINER ............. 99196 99890 I I Head, Non-Pressure ROD PACKING SEAL . . . and I 1 8-12A 562812 RETAINER, Asy ........... ..SWAB ................ I l 1 Rod in.. ........ 1 8-12B 562811 ..RETAINER 8 8-13 530894 .. SEAT, 8 8- 553872 .BRAKE COMPLETE Page • (Not NUMBER (Also Shown 99877 .BODY, Cylinder 515794 •.PLUG, Pipe, Shown and NAME 1 CONVERSION KIT, as Fig, I I 2 ) ) will be quoted upon application should give PIECE ............ CYLINDER 2 8-20 ............. Spring 1 1 Prices Req'd Non-Pressure I c]-20A Orders Name 1 in ...... Holder, Cylinder) . .......... 5/16 Brake . . . 1/2x2-1/8in... 8-6 to 7 x 9 in. 8-10A 8-10B 1 PIN and COTTER COTTER, Converted 1 in. ) ........ Cylinder Fig. & Req'd ROD, (Push 8-3 x 12 in, of part wanted ........... Fluted Socket, ] 1/8 in. 6 G-h-3214-4, Sup. 3 3 Figure 9 "AB" BRAKECYLINDER CONVERSION KIT No. Fig. & Ref. No. Pc. No. Parts Name 9- 566897 BRAKE Req'd CYLINDER CONVERSION KIT, COMPLETE .GASKET, Head, 545459 .SLEEVE, .O-RING, Reducing ........ 10in. O.D ........ 9-4 566896 • PISTON 9-5 560881 • RING, 9-6 9-7 99174 25006 • CUP, .BOLT, 9-I 1114 9-2 566890 9-3 and ROD Guide Piston Tee 1971 2 .... 1 8 1 ......... 1 ............ Packing ........ Head. 1/2 x 2-7/8 An Amerlcan-Sts_iard July. Pressure 1 in... 8 Company P,inled ;n U.S.A. G-h.3214-4, Sup. 10 An American-Szsndard "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS (Supersedes 3214-4C6, Previous 3214-4C7, Issues of 3214-4CI, 3214-4C8, 3214-4C9 3214-4C2, 3214-4C,3, 3214-4C4, 3214-4C5, AIR BRAKE and 3214-4E3) Ports Catalog WESTINGHOUSE WIL_, P_Y| _A_IIA DIVISION CO G-h-3214-4, Sup. 10 W/=tBI:=D- 18 10 9 7 S 3B 3C 6B 14 13 12 2 Figure 4 15 10B "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS Fig. & No. Ref. No. Pc. No. 6x6 6x8 6-1/2 Parts Name x 8 x 8 6-1/2 7x6 Brake Req'd CyUnder Size (in.) ,. 518979 562672 562828 552751 "UAH" 541004 541007 562715 562841 540650 .PUSH 4- 15-s/8 506401 17-5/8 506401 19-13/16 506401 34 4- 1 5O6401 16-3/8 506400 •. RING, 4-2 540378 540378 540378 540378 511677 4-3 53358? 539156 .e 533445 7. SEAL, Hollow Rod Piston ......... •, ROD with Coffered Pin .......... 4-3A 503061 503061 503061 503061 503061 ... COTTER 4-3B 505242 505238 505238 505238 505238 •.. 4-3C 533588 510297 A562717 562829 533438 • • • ROD, 4- 553911 522215 562671 554646 .BRAKE CYLINDER, 2505 2505 •. NUT, ..BOLT, Hex., Tee 4- 4- 4-4 4-5 .. eo 4-6 506470 506470 ee 562671 2505 1039 25O5 11005 506470 504379 BRAKE Push (in•) Anti-Rattler ............ ................ Push Rod Push 3885 4411 4-6B 506469 506469 506469 502685 ...PIN, 4-7 571207 571207 94988 571207 •.SCREW, ... ............. ............... 1/2 Hd., •. PIN with Cotter, 3885 CO'I_FER, Asy., 506468 506468 506468 502829 ..HOLDER, 533580 533580 562712 533444 ..HEAD, 4-10A 99821 99821 99821 4-10B 99820 99820 99820 4-11 501529 501529 553057 4 - 12 530911 530911 530911 517842 .. SEAL, Hollow 4- 13 530892 530892 562714 519989 4-14 506463 506463 562711 .. SEAT. ..SPRING, Spring ..... Release 4-15 501530 501530 4-17 533585 510108 559159 562709 99174 533443 •. CUP, Piston •. PISTON and 4-18 554160 518991 562708 552752 .. BODY, 4- 18B 554353 554353 Requires one, Roll Pin, PC. 547510, PushRod . Non-Pressure 94814 •.. RING, Retainer... • ..STRAINER ..... 99120 ..GASKET, 1/4 x I-3/4 in. Locking, ....... 4 - 10 &,NOTE: .... . . . in ........ Dog Point Lock Head, N-P Rod . . Packing . Packing Hollow Cylinder I/2 ROd ............ Set, 4-9 ...STUD, Push ROd Holder x 3/4 Holder less in .......... I/2x 2-1/8in Push 1/8 ..WASHER, 1239 ASSEMBLY .............. ° PIN, 3885 500163 Asy. Rod Leng_ 4-6A 4-8 CYLINDER, ROD, . .... x 1-7/8 . . . Rod. in. 5/16 in. G-h-3214-4, Sup. 10 WI:_BCI_ "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS Fig. & Ref. No. No. Pc. No• 7x8 Req'd Brake Cylinder 8x8 4- 568316 509063 534328 4- 541058 541059 541073 44-I 16-7/8 506400 18-7/8 506400 19-5/8 506400 19-7/8 506400 •. RING, Anti-Rattler 4-2 511677 511677 511677 511677 • .SEAL, Hollow 4-3 503354 505418 534329 512365 •. ROD 4-3A 503061 503061 503061 503061 •.. COTTER 4-3B 505238 505238 16074 505238 ... PIN, 4-3C 503256 504792 534330 512366 ...ROD, 506449 506449 • BRAKE CYLINDER, •. NUT, Hex ................. 507784 4-4 4-5 4-6 550432 506449 2505 502365 2505 1039 524076 1039 504379 504379 4411 504379 4-6A 4411 8x8 Name 8x6 4- 8x8 Parts 512384 "UAH" 0541062 BRAKE .PUSH 2505 2505 1039 504379 1039 504379 4411 4411 4411 ROD, Push Rod 502685 502685 502685 502685 502685 •.. 571207 571207 502829 502829 571207 502829 571207 4-9 571207 502829 4-10 533444 531448 531448 531448 531448 ..SCREW, ..HOLDER, HEAD 4-10B 94814 94814 94814 94814 94814 • ..STRAINER 4-11 99120 99109 99109 99109 99109 • .GASKET, 4-12 562813 562813 • . SEAL 562812 562813 562812 562813 4-12A 562813 562812 562812 562812 • •.SEAL, 4-13 519989 519989 519989 519989 519989 • .SEAT, 5877 5877 1239 5877 96556 96556 4-17 507837 507861 505528 505528 505528 ..PISTON 4-18 507689 524397 509060 509060 509060 ..BODY, Cotter 515664 should give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER upon I .............. 1 1 Asy., less Push Rod . . . 1 4 1 Rod Holder ...... 1 1 ............... 1 5/16in .... 2 1 .............. Head ........... Packing Hollow Rod Packin .... ..... . . • and Hollow Rod . Cylinder Cylinder application and NAME 1 Set, Dog Pt. Locking, Push Rod ............ Non-Pressure NOTE: Prices Orders 1 ........... Hd ............... Spring 96556 1 .......... ..SPRING, Release __ • . CUP, Piston PacJdng 96556 Requires Pin and RETAINER 99174 Also Piston ................ Holder 4-15 o NOTE: ............ Rod Cotter, Push R ................. 4-7 1239 1 (in.) Rod Tee 4-6B 4-14 ASY• ................. Push PIN, CYLINDER, Cotterod Push • .PIN with •.. COTTE (In.) Asy ............... Length with •. BOLT, 502829 Size of part wanted . . . . ..... Coding is shown on Page 10. G-h-3214-4, ,Sup. 10 W_Br'C3 "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS No. Fig. & Kef. No. Pc. No. 8x8 8 x 8 8 x 8 8 x 8 8 x 8 Brake Req'd Cylinder Size ( in. ) 562818 540139 546088 565478 536695 "UAH" 4- *541065 561820 541072 546089 540688 540682 • PUSH 4- 28-1/8 506400 28-5/8 506400 35 4-1 506400 36-7/8 506400 46-5/8 5O64OO 506400 4-2 511677 511677 511677 511677 511677 511677 4-3 526963 •e 540140 546090 527385 513894 • •SEAL, Hollow Rod Piston •. ROD with Cottered Pin 4-3A 503061 17163 503061 17163 503061 503061 •.. COTTER 4-3B 505238 19697 505238 19697 505238 505238 • ..PIN, Push Rod 4-3C 526962 561821 540141 546031 527364 514263 •.. ROD, 4- 506449 506449 506449 500449 506449 557792 .BRAKE CYLINDER, 2505 ..NUT, Hex., 1039 ..BOLT, Tee 4- 526965 8 x 8 Parts Name 4-4 20 2505 4-5 1039 4-6 BRAKE ROD, CYLINDER, ASY• Asy. Push Rod Length • •RING, Anti-Rattier (in•) • • ....... Push .... ...... Asy., less P. Rod 1/21n ......... Hd., I/2x2-1/Sln. 504379 504379 4-6A 4411 4411 4-6B 502685 502685 •.. PIN, Holder 4-7 571207 571207 .•SCREW, 4-9 502829 502829 ..HOLDER, 4-10 531448 531448 94814 • .HEAD, Non-Pressure ....... •.. STRAINER ............ ..GASKET, 4 - 10B 94814 •.PIN with Cotter, Push Rod Holder •.. COTTER 4-11 99109 99109 4-12 562813 562813 •. SEAL 4-12A 562812 562812 • ..SEAL, 4-13 519989 519989 •. SEAT, 4-14 5877 4-15 96556 4-17 505528 509060 4-18 A NOTE- Alas Requlzea Carmz2c. 5877 _6556 •. SPRING, should give PIECE NUNBER PL Push Rod Head and Packing . Spring and NAME of part wanted I 5/16 ........ Hollow . . . . ] 1 1 ROd Pkg. . Rod Cylinder is shown on Page 2 I .... Release Coding in. .......... •. BODY, Cylinder 1 I Locking RETAINER, 537544 Prices will be quoted upon application Orders Dog 505528 NOTE: 4 . . ........... •. CUP, Piston Packing •. PISTON and Hollow 5/5664. . . ............. Set, I 4 10. 1 _h-3214-4, Sup. 10 WIoLI2(=O "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS F_. & ReL No. No• Pc. No. 8xlO 9x8 Parts Name 9x8 9x8 9x8 Brake Req'd Cyih-_der Size (in.) 4- 511150 562808 513891 544117 535033 "UAH" BRAKE 4- 540687 541059 540682 541067 540693 .PUSH ROD, 4- 20-7/8 18-7/8 4-I 506400 506400 506400 23-5/8 506400 34-5/8 506400 • .RING, Anti-Rattler . . 4-2 511677 511677 511677 511677 511677 •.SEAL, Hollow Rod . . 4-3 503051 505418 513894 530906 535034 •.ROD 4-3A 503061 503061 503061 503061 503061 •.. COTTER 4-3B 505238 505238 505238 505238 • .. PIN 4-3C 502955 504792 505238 514263 530743 535035 ... ROD, 4- 557793 514368 514368 514368 514368 .BRAKE 4-4 4-5 4-6 20 2505 2505 11003 1039 Push Rod with ASY. Length (in.) Corterod Pin . ...... Push Rod Push .... ..... CYLINDER, less Asy., Push Rod .. NUT, Hex .............. • .BOLT, Tee Hd ............ 504379 504379 4-6A 4411 4411 4-6B 502685 502685 4-7 571207 571207 4-9 502829 502829 ..SCREW, ..HOLDER, 4-10 531448 533275 .. HEAD, 94814 94814 4-10B CYLINDER, Asy. ..PIN wlth Cotter, Push R. Holder . . . • ..COTTER ............. ...PIN, Holder ..... . ...... Set, Dog Pt. Locking, Push Rod ......... Non-Pressure •.. STRAINER 5/16 in. ........ ............ 4-I] 99109 506975 ..GASKET, 4-12 562813 562813 4-12A 562812 562812 • .SEAL and RETAINER, Hollow Rod Packing. • ..SEAL, Packing ....... 4-13 519989 529958 519989 529958 .. SEAT, 4-14 4-15 96556 506957 •.CUP, 4-17 503050 513893 • .PISTON 4-18 510936 513885 •.BODY, NOTE: Cylinder Coding is shown Head ........... Spring ........ ..SPRING, Release and Hollow Rod Cylinder on Page I0. Prices will be quoted upon application Orders should give PIECE NUMBER 5 and NAME ...... Piston Packing ..... of part wanted . . . G-h.3214-4, Sup. 10 WjaIB P,,a 12 4 12A 7 9 3B 13 - 10B 2 3A 6A 6B Figure 4 This 15 17 14 18 I1 10 See view view shows on Page special Body 2. all For style for other Pc. Bodies 512463. (ReL 18 ). "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS Fig. ReL & No. Pc. No. Name fox6 Brake Cylinder 9x8 9x8 9x8 9xlO 4- 517300 565643 563076 518076 #D 512463 'tUAH" 4- 540686 553529 563142 540687 oo 540763 .PUSH 44-1 31-5/8 506400 35-1/4 506400 48 506400 20-7/8 5O64OO 4-2 511677 511677 511677 511677 4-3 517305 553527 *o 4-3A 5O3O61 503061 503061 502955 503061 4-3B 505238 505238 505238 4-3C 517297 553530 4- 514368 514368 4"4 2505 4-5 11003 9xlO 18 #o No• Req'd Parts Size BRAKE ROD, Push CYLINDER, Length go 5O6400 •. RING, Anti-Rattler oo 511677 •. SEAL, Hollow *# 503361 .. ROD 503061 • ..COTTER 505238 505238 ...PIN, 563143 502955 503260 ... 514368 550484 557795 2505 11003 with ........ Rod Push . Pin I • BRAKE CYLINDER, Asy., ..NUT, Hex., ......... 11003 1039 .. BOLT, 1/2in Tee 4-6B 4411 502685 502685 502685 502685 ...PIN, 4-7 571207 571207 571207 571207 • .SCREW, 4-9 502829 502829 502829 502829 ..HOLDER, 4-10 533275 533275 533275 531671 94814 94814 94814 94814 •. HEAD, Non-Pressure •.. STRAINER .......... 99121 ..GASKET, 4411 4-11 506975 4-12 562813 506975 562813 506975 562813 562813 4-12A 562812 562812 562812 562812 4-13 519989 519989 519989 519989 4"14 529958 500213 500213 502712 4-15 506957 506957 506957 94800 4-17 513893 517479 517479 4-18 513885 518051 562368 13/16 13/16 ROd 1 4 4 ..PIN with Cotter, Push •.. COTTER ............. Holder ROd Holder . ......... Set, Dog Push Head . 1 1 1 Point Rod Locking . ...... 2 I ..... 1 1 ........ • .SEAL and RETAINER, .... SEAL, Packing ....... 1 Hollow RodtPkg. 1 1 • . SEAT, Spring ........ .. SPRING, Release ...... I 1 502753 ..CUP, Piston •. PISTON and 1 1 512401 •. BODY, Packing Hollow Cylinder 6 Less Push Hd ............ 4"6A 4411 1 ............ 504379 4411 1 2505 504379 1 ........... 2505 504379 1 ....... . ........... Rod Push 1 ......... Cottered . 1 (in.) 4"6 4-10B 504379 562369 ASY. Asy ........... Rod ROD, (In.) Holes ..... Rod .... G-h-3214-4, Sup. 10 w_Br_n "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS F_. & No. ReL No. Pc. No. lOx8 i0 x 8 10 x 8 I0 x 8 Parts Name Cylinder lOx8 I0 x I0 I0 x 12 Brake 4- .511148 564145 526257 535825 514272 511147 511146 "UAH" 4- 540776 548324 540787 540768 540774 540777 540766 .PUSH 22-5/8 506400 30-3/8 506400 31-7/8 506400 39-3/8 506400 22 24 511677 533280 511677 509921 511677 4- 20 4-1 50640O 4-2 511677 4-3 514426 511677 548421 4-3A 503061 503061 503061 4-3B 505238 505238 4-3C 508875 4- 514359 Req'd Size BRAKE ROD, (in.) CYLINDER. ASY. Asy .......... 1 Push Rod Length (in.) 506400 511677 506400 ..RING, Anti-Rattler ........ 511677 .. SEAL, Hollow Rod l ........ l 514780 505539 .. ROD 503061 514273 503061 503061 503061 ...COTTER, 505238 505238 505238 505238 505238 ... PIN, Push Rod .......... 1 548301 526244 509883 506279 514778 504794 ... ROD, I 514369 514369 514369 514369 557796 533378 . BRAKE CYLINDER, ..NUT, Hex., 4-4 2505 2505 2505 1039 1039 504379 1039 4-5 4-6 504379 504379 with Cottered Pin, Push . . . 3/8 x 2-1/4 in..... Push l ........... Asy., 1/2in less l P. Rod ........ 1 4 ..BOLT, Tee Hd., 1/2x2-1/8in.. .. PIN with Cotter Push Rod Holder 4 I . 4-6A 4411 4411 4-6B 502685 502685 502685 ... 4-7 571207 571207 4-9 4-10 502829 502829 571207 502829 ..SCREW, .. HOLDER, 531671 531671 94814 94814 531671 94814 .. HEAD, Non-Pressure ... STRAINER .... 4-11 99121 4-12 562813 99121 562813 562813 . .SEAL 4-12A 562812 562812 562812 . ..SEAL, 1-13 519989 519989 519989 ..SEAT, . . • ,.... I 4-14 99995 529928 • ,,°o. I 94800 94800 ..SPRING, Release . .. CUP, Piston Packing. . 4- 15 529959 94800 • .,,*. I 4-17 505431 503064 505540 ..PIS_N 4-18 500887 508412 508411 • . _DY, 4 - 10B NOTE: Cylinder Coding is shown on Page 99121 ...COTTER, PIN, 3/16 Holder should give will PIECE bequoted NUMBER 7 upon ..GASKET, of pa_ 1 1 Head... and RETAINER Spring _d . Hollow Cy_der wanted R_ ......... 2 1 • .* I • *. 1 • .o Hollow R_ • ..... Packing... application and NAME x 1 in ...... ........ Set, Dog Pi. Locking Push Rod ..... 10 Prices Orders 4411 ...... 1 P_. I 1 1 1 C--h-3214-4, Sup. |0 W_Br'D "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS Fig.8, Ref. No. Pc. NO. No. llx8 12x8 12x8 12x8 12x 12 Parts Name 14 x 10 Brake Cylinder Req'd Size (in•) 511165 563658 571941 511168 511161 "UAH" 540776 540977 561859 570909 540978 540603 • PUSH 4- 20 4-1 506400 21-1/16 506400 33-7/8 5O64OO 26 5064OO 25-1/16 5O64O0 25-9/16 537310 Push Rod Length (in.) •. RING, And-Rattler .... 4-2 511677 511677 511677 511677 511677 511678 •.SEAL, 4-3 514426 503367 570910 505254 505243 • .ROD 4-3A 503061 503061 503061 503061 503061 503061 ... COTTER 4-3B 505238 505238 505238 505238 505238 505239 ... PIN, 4-3C 508875 503265 561860 570911 519279 504804 •.. ROD, 4- 548305 514370 514370 514370 508958 510717 4-4 ,_2505 • BRAKE • .NUT, 4- .563565 4- 4-5 • !1039 4-6 504379 .• 2505 2505 1039 2505 1039 504379 11005 504379 BRAKE ASY. Asy. Hollow Rod ..... with Cotxered Pin Push Tee • . PIN with 4411 • ..COTTER, 4-6A 4411 4411 4-6B 502685 502685 502685 503052 • .. PIN, 4-7 571207 571207 571207 571207 ...... ........ CYLINDER, Hex•, 1/21n ..BOLT, . . . ......... Push Rod 505637 4411 CYLINDER, ROD. Hd., Cotter, 3/16 Holder Asy., ......... 1/2x Less 2-1/8in Push R. 502829 502829 502829 503055 531772 531738 531738 533640 • . HEAD, 4-10A ...... 99195 99195 99195 4-10B 94814 99196 99196 99196 , .. RING, Retainer .......... ...STRAINER ............ ..GASKET, 99890 99890 99122 562813 562813 562813 562813 4-12A 562812 562812 562812 562812 4-13 519989 530894 530894 530894 99995 510571 510569 99767 4-14 • . SEAL • .. SEAL, 99882 99166 505572 505253 503072 •. CUP, Piston •. PISTON and 4-18 548303 508543 508545 508031 •. BODY, Cylinder Cylinder Coding Prices should give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER 8 upon application and NAME I I Hollow l RodPkg. i 1 1 99882 531773 Orders I 1 1 506018 NOTE: ....... 2 1 •. SEAT, Spring ........ •. SPRING, Release ...... 4-17 4 only 5/16in. N.P ........ and RETAINER, Packing ....... 4-15 • Requires Locking, ........ Non-Pressure Head, 1 1 4-9 505862 . 1 ........... 4-10 4-12 8 . x 1 in ....... Set, Dog It. Push Rod 1 8 .... Holder ..SCREW, •. HOLDER, 4"11 P. Rod of part wanted Packing ..... Hollow Rod .... 1 Is shown on Page 10. _321&4,_p. W_B_O I0 "UAH" BRAKE CYLINDERS _:ig. & No. Ref. No. Pc. No. Parts Name 18 x 12 Req'd 14 x 12 16 x 12 Bra- .!Cylinder Size (in.) 4- 511163 511157 "UAIr' 4- 540604 540636 • PUSH 44- I 27-9/16 5373 i0 27-11/16 537311 .. RING, Anti-Rattler 4-2 4-3 511678 505650 511679 .. SEAL, Hollow 505356 • • ROD 4-3A 503061 17150 BRAKE ROD, Push Rod ... 4-3B 505239 505240 ...PIN, 504805 504811 .., 4- 512164 508540 with 2505 27009 27009 ..NUT. 11005 13171 13171 ..BOLT, 4-6A 4-6B 4411 503052 .... Pin x 2-1/4 Rod ...... Hex., 505739 .. PIN with 4411 • ..COTTER, 505387 505745 • .SCREW, ...PIN, , Asy•, I/2in TeeHd., 505388 4411 , in• ....... CYLINDER, 4-5 505637 .... Rod 3/8 Push • BRAKE ASY. (in.) Cottered Push ROD, 4-4 4-6 Length CO'VFER, 4-3C 509895 CYLINDER, Asy. Push 3/16 R. 501307 ..HOLDER, 4-10 533640 534547 534693 . .HEAD, 4-10A 99195 501302 501302 4-10B 99196 501305 501305 •.. RING, Retainer ........... •.. STRAINER ............. ..GASKET, •. SEAL 534548 4-12A 562812 4-13 530894 530893 Set, Push ROd 530893 Head Packing . 99746 505351 501317 ..SPRING, 99166 502913 501293 4-17 505649 505343 501338 •. CUP, Piston Pa_ •.PISTON and HoUow 4-18 508032 508409 508549 ..BODY, Coding is shown on Page 1 Hollow . Release Cylinder 1 1 ROd Packin 1 1 . . . 1 Rod 1 . . o 1 Prices will be quoted upon application NUN_ER 9 1 1 . 10. Orders should give PIECE 1 1 .... Spring 4-15 CyUnder in. ......... and RETAINER, • .SEAT, 5/16 ............ 4-14 NOTE: Locking, .......... Non-Pressure • ..SEAL, .i 1 Dog Pt. 505357 534548 1 . 1 571207 502912 8 . 2 503055 99122 . . ............ 571207 562813 . x I in ........ 4-9 t-12 8 Holder 4-7 4-11 I Rod ......... 571207 501301 P. 1/2x2-3/8in. Cotter, Holder less and NAME of part wanted G-h-3214-4, Sup. 10 W_BCO CODING INFORMATION MOUNTING (- 2300 MOUNTING ) (-Z400) MOUNTING (- 2500) MOUNTIN( NOTES: Coding First Last should two digits two digits be determined of Code of Code looking indicate indicate at Cylinder relation relation of Body from of Pressure l0 Non-Pressure to Non-Pressure Head Head End. Head. to Non-Pressure Head. (-Z600) Supp[emen_to 3214-4,Sup. 10 W.qB_O Westinghouse VAV an_',,cl-n.$t jnCm!O_ ÷_ WESTINGHOUSE AIR Air Brake Division BRAKE COMPANYJWHmerdlng, Pennsylvania I r 15148 PARTS CATALOG "UAH" TYPEBRAKECYLINDER 10"x 8" UAH BRAKE CYLINDERS Fig. & No. Ref.No. Pc.No. Parts Name 4- 577351 "UAH" BRAKE 4- 577237 •PUSH ROD, 2 thru D 4C) Ref. 1 34 Push 4-2 506400 . .RING, Anti-Rattler 4-3 511677 ..SEAL, Hollow 4-4 577316 ..ROD 4-4A 503061 (Incl. Ref. •..COTTER, 4Athru 4C) 3/8 x 2-1/4 4-4B 505238 ...PIN, Rod 4-4C 577315 .•.ROD, 4- 514369 .BRAKE with (in.) Rod Cotterefl Push Push ••NUT, Ref. 502685 . .•PIN, 4-10 571207 ,.SCREW, ..HOLDER, 3/16 Holder x 1 in ....... ........ 1 4-13 94814 • .HEAD, Non-Pressure •..STRAINER ............ Push ...... in ..... .......... Asy., less in ......... 11003 504379 ..BOLT, Tee Hd., 1/2x2-1/4 in... • •PIN with Cotter Push Rod Holder NOTE: Cylinder CodL, lg is 8 & 9) ......... on Page 99121 • •GASKET, Head 4-15 562813 ..SEAL Pkg. RETAINER, Hollow Ref. 16) ........ 1 4-16 562812 • •.SEAL, l 4-17 519989 4-18 99995 .•SEAT, Spring .......... • •SPRING, Release ........ 1 4-19 94800 4 4-20 505431 . .CUP, Piston • .PISTON and 4 4-21 500887 ..BODY, P.C. 3214-4, (SUPERSEDES Sup. 10. ISSUE DATED JANUARY, 1976) and (Incl. Packing 2 1 13) • .......... ......... Packing Hollow Cylinder • • 1 1 4-14 1 10, (lncl. 1 1 P. 21) ..... 1 Set• Dog Pt, Locking Push Rod ........ 531671 Pin, 1 ........... 502829 4-6 4-7 shaven • •.COTTER, 4-9 4-12 2505 Ref. Req'd 4-11 5 thru 1/2 Name 1 4-5 (Incl. Hex•, 4411 Parts ........ ............ CYLINDER, (Incl. Pc•No• 4-8 Nos• ............. Length Ref.No. 10 x 8, Asy. (Incl. 4- Rod Rod CYLINDER, Asy. No. Fig. & Req'd ....... Rod ..... ......... 1 Rod Supplement to3214-4, Sup. 10 8" • 10" UAH BRAKE CYLINDERS Fig. & Ref. No. No. Pc.No. 22 in. Parts Name Fig. Req'd 33-5/8in. & No. Ref. No. Pc.No. 4-7 504370 Parts Name Req'd . .PIN with CoRer. Holder(Incl. 579191 4- 4- "UAH" 579192 BRAKE CY LINDE 8 x 10 AS','. "UAH" BRAKE R, (22 in. P. Rod) CY LINDER, 8 x 10 ASY. (33-5/8 540696 544569 4-1 515664 -- 4-2 506400 506400 ..RING, 4-3 4-4 511677 538952 511677 544594 ..SEAL, • .ROD .PUSH Nos. ROD, Asy. 2 thru 4C) .COTTER, 503061 503061 ...COTTER, 3/8 505238 505238 . • .PIN, Rod 4-4C 4- 538951 544571 557793 Push ..•ROD, Push .BRAKE Push 5 thru 4-6 1039 • ,NUT, • .BOLT, 2-1/8 2 I) 4-11 502829 ..HOLDER, 4-12 531448 ..HEAD, 4-13 94814 (Incl. Ref. .. •STRAINER ..GASKET. 1 4-14 99109 1 4-15 562813 Push Head and . . . 1 1 ..... 1 4-17 1 4-18 519989 529958 . .SEAT, ..SPRING. 4-19 4-20 96556 503050 ..CUP, Piston ..PISTON and 4-21 510936 ..BODY, Packing (Incl. 1 ..... 1 Spring ...... Release .... 1 l Packing... Hollow Rod Cylinder . ..... give will be quoted PIECE upon NUMBER application and NAME of part wanted Gomp*ny Prmt*d 1 1 1 4 4 should 1 RETAINER, 1 1 2 Rod 13) ...... ....... .•.SEAL, Ref. 1 I_. Non-Pressure 562812 in .... 1/2x 1 ....... ......... 4-16 ........ 1 in.. Set,Dog I Asy., Rod (Incl. ..SEAL 1 3/16x Hollow Rod, Pkg. Ref. 10) ......... An American-Standard 1977 . .SCREW, in. ..... Prices April, 571207 1 in ......... Orders 4-10 Rod 8&9).. Holder . ....... Hex, 1/2 TeeHd., ...PIN, Push 4C) x 2-1/4 CYLINDER, less 2505 1 . . . 4A thru 502685 1 Hc Ilow Rod .... with Cottered Pin, 4-4A 4-4B 4-5 Ref. S/]6x2-1/2in. Ref. 4-9 ...COTTER, Locking (Incl. ..... Anti-Rattler (Incl. 4411 in. P. Rod) 4- 4-8 Push Ref. in U.$.A. G-h-3226-2 PASSENGER CAR,LOCOMOTIVE AND FREIGHT CAR SLACKADJUSTERS (A,B,C,&DTYPES) Pans Co_I_ (Supersedes Issue dated October, 1955 and Pa_Catalog 3226-2A dated March, WESTINGHOUSE AIR WILMER[)ING, WESTINGHOUSE PENNSYLVANIA/ 1963) BRAKE DIVISION AIR BRAKE COMPANY AUTOMATIC SLACKADJUSTERS-INDEX "A" TYPE Pc.No, Page A-16-D ..... 548587 . 4 A-54-C ..... 548581 . 5 A*64-C . 548591 . 5 "B" TYPE Pc. NO. Page B-16-D B-16-DL ..... . 548437 ...... 6 548476 . 6 B-210-D . 544122 ...... 7 548500 ...... 7 B-410-DI "C" .... TYPE C-15-D Pc.No. . CA-15-DI .... Page 548457 . 8 560670 ...... 8 C-16-D . 548439 . 8 C-26-D . 548441 . L0 C-26-D3 ..... 548451 . l0 C-36-D ..... 548450 "D" TYPE 10 Pc.No. D-II2-D. 533396 D-II2-DI D-212-DI 545110 555268 Page . 11 559979 562723 562762 573746 536199 D-212-D. D-312-D ..... 542962 D-312-DI 552201 D-412-DI 543333 General . 11 Information Air Connections Mounting Locations Coding ......... Spring Identification ..... 12 . . . 12 . . . 9 3 W_BCD GENERAL INFORMATION The on opposite for freight slack adjusters sides of the herein known The The A type is designed for mounting The B type is designed for mounting This or as a middle method crum pin each The return The C type A, as divided engine B and C types are types used because the on passenger piston cars and its and spring locomotives, are located the type D is of the crosshead. engine Is cast This are made pressure on either truck head with the frame of the lugs side and brake cast or top is generally cylinder on the of the used and pressure truck as a middle is g_nerally used fulcrum point. on the end of a head. frame. It may be used on the end of a lever with beth large and the Adjuster with the adjuster small engine portions. The large engine is generally used where ful- pounds. eliminates D Slack integral The only details of the cylinder has a one tooth take-up slack adjuster piston. This slack on the a brake for mounting 35,000 engine of the Type end point. exceed large stroke on the requires is designed adjusters loads The of mounting fulcrum These other are assembly. cars. lever. All described ratchet danger of taking is designed body and is available differences are identical. on the ratchet. The small engine up false to be mounted is made only in four sizes This provides about 1/64" movement of the crosshead for has a two tooth take-up, providing about 1/32" movement travel, on the in the for the small which pull size following would rod, with which two ratings, cause the results tooth based 18,000 ibs. D-312-D 26,000 [bs. 22,000 lbs. D-412oD 36,000 Ibs. sizes are in the adjuster screw adapter, of an inch) on A.A.R. D-212-D various to bind on the in a floating-type (1/32 D-II2-D in these shoes lever stress brackets, wheels. mounting. The take-up. limits: and lever bracket pin. SPRINGIDENTIFICATION TABLE The devices the will vary turns, following cataloged somewhat, etc. for any other table is shown to enable identification of the springs used in hereln. It is based on calculated figures and the actual spring due'to This the tabulation purpose. small difference is intended It does not in wire, for identification represent coil diameter, only and should not be used for the springs mentioned. a specification number SPRING IDENTIFICATION I Pc. No. Approx, Out. Dta. "A" in. Approx. Free Approx. Dia. Wire "B" in, Height "C _'in. Approx. No. Tums 18469 I/2 1/16 1-17/_2 12 2-7/32 7/32 1-23/32 5 39/64 515272 2-5/8 70985 Number I-3/4 of turns 7/64 9/16 1-15/16 x I/8 9/64 for each 5-1/2 2-It/Z6 spring counted Pc.No. 12-L12 11 7 between Apprex. Out. Approx. Dia. Dia. "A" t 543552 502420 Material Ph. Bz. Steel Wire in. 504893 3-3/8 5/8 x 9/64 2-3/32 3/8 x 7/64 Free Height "C" in, 5-1/16 Approx. No, O 8 Steel 4-23/32 I0 Steel Steel t-3/4 I0 1/8 x 1/2 4-3/4 2 12-1/2 12 Steel 565421 _/8 3/32 Material Turns 5164 2-1/8 of the wire, Approx. 5/8 83952 533464 ends in. 504894 _b. Bz. Steel extreme "B" of Steel Steel W_BCO 29 3I 28 39 41 43 42 30 26 33 SEC FION B-B 3 II 17 2 14 19 18 [0 14 525 4_ 15 2( A-A SECTION "A" TYPEAUTOMATIC SLACKADJUSTERS (SmallEngine) Ref. No• No • Pc.No• Parts Name A-16-D Type 548587 Ref • Req'd AUTOMATIC SLACK I 26809 .NI.Yr, Hex•, 7/16 in......... 2 78490 •WASHER, 3 553372 •SCREW, 4 512471 •RING, 5 512472 .RETAINER, 6 512470 •FELT, 7 508091 •ENGINE, Assembly 8 15784 9 17173 • .SCREW, • .WASHER, I0 5[1394 .•CYLINDER, 11 551274 ..•PLUG, 12 515272 •.SPRING, 13 508946 ..PISTON 14 503925 15 506852 • ..PIN, Pawl ............. • ..PAWL ............. 16 17 565421 501863 18 505016 19 Lock, 7/16 x I-3/4 in• . . ........... No. Pc.No• Parts Name A-16-D Type • .CASING, 22 511393 3 23 2552I 3 24 523076 3 I 25 26 55[275 551274 ASY. 7/16 in....... T•Hd., Retainer ADJUSTER, No. ReqJd Assembl_, ....... ...SCREW, FI. Hd., .164x ...STOP, Pawl ......... ...PLUG, Pipe ..•PLUG, ...BUSH, Pipe ......... Ratchet Nut ...... ......... I 27 506883 ......... I 28 506889 ......... I 29 18469 Cap, H.Hd.,3/8 x I-3/8 in.. Lock, 3/8 in....... 4 4 30 506888 .PAWL, 31 506887 • RING, I 32 541677 2 33 523417 • RATCHET NUT, Assembly . .PLUG, Stop ............ Felt .......... Ratchet Nut Assembly ....... Pipe ............ I/2 in. .PIN, Pawl .......... .SPRING, Pawl ............ Check ........... Pawl ............. ...... 34 70985 • .SPRING, Ratchet 35 511983 .GASKET, Body 36 536583 .O-RING, 37 541643 .NUT, Pawl .......... 38 501894 .CAP, Crosshead 39 501952 .PIN, C_osshead 40 502033 527978 .• .CUP, Packing .......... ... LUBRICATOR, Assembly .... SWAB ............. 41 50[886 .ADJUSTER .•RIVET, SCREW, Crosshead Assembly ......... 20 508092 ...PISTON 42 502037 . .SCREW, Adjuster ......... 21 523075 • •GASKET, 43 503459 .BODY, NOTE: Part • ..SPRING, of Body, Ref. Piston and PAWL, .......... Asy: ...... .... ............ Cylinder ........ No. 43. 4 2-I/8 Adj. Nut ....... .......... In. Screw O.D .... _.. ......... Pin ....... .......... Adjuster ........... . . . W_BCO "A" TYPEAUTOMATIC SLACKADJUSTERS ILarge Engine) _ef. No. Pc.No• Parts Name A-54-C Type 548581 AUTOMATIC .NUT, Hex., SLACK ADJUSTER, 1/2 in ......... 1 2505 2 15951 .WASHER, 3 547520 • SCREW, 4 512471 • RING, 5 543554 .RETAINER, 6 543555 • FELT, 7 543545 8A 8B 26809 553372 .ENGINE, Assembly ..NUT, Hex., 7/16 Lock, T.Hd., Retainer 1/2 in ...... 1/2 x 1-5/8 Felt 8A 8B 26890 553372 .•NUT, 7/16 7/16 x 1-3/4in. 502417 ,.CYLINDER, 11 502700 ...PLUG, 12A 504893 12B 504894 ..SPRING, • •SPRING, 13 504895 • •PISTON 14 503925 15 16 504127 502420 ...PIN, •..PAWL 17 99808 • ..CUP, 18 99827 ...LUBRICATOR, .... SWAB .............. ...... 13 504895 • •PISTON 14 503925 •..PIN, •..PAWL .••SPRING, "1 "2 Assembly . . . .Pawl ............ ............... Pawl ........... ........... Assembly ...... • .WASHER, Lock, Pipe 1 in ........ 4 x 1-3/8 in ...... PAWL, ....... ....... Assembly ........... ........... Assembly ......... 504892 19 20 530135 504892 524628 .•GASKET, Cylinder ......... • •CASING, • ••SCREW, Assembly FI.Hd., ......... .164x 524628 543559 • .GASKET, 543559 21 22 • .CASING, Assembly 23 25521 F1. Hal•, Pawl ............ PISTON ...... ............. Cylinder ......... ......... _3 25521 24 524629 ...STOP, Pawl ............ 24 524629 • ..SCREW, • ..STOP. 25 520379 Pipe Pipe ............ .......... 520379 ...PLUG, Pipe 502700 • .•PLUG, • •.PLUG, 25 26 26 502700 27 543546 ..•BUSH, Ratchet 27 543546 ...PLUG, ...BUSH, Pipe ...... Ratchet Nut 28 506889 .PIN, Pawl ............ .SPRING, Pawl .......... 28 506889 .PIN, 29 18469 30 31 506888 506887 .PAWL, 32 543548 .RATCHET 33 523417 . •PLUG, 34 543552 .SPRING, Ratchet 35 36 512499 524618 .GASKET, Body 37 543551 .NUT, Adjusting Screw . . 38 502305 .CAP, Crosshead Pin . . 39 515531 .PIN, 40 515543 .ADJUSTER SCREW, 29 18469 30 506888 .PAWL, 31 506887 .RING, 32 543548 . RATCHET 33 523417 ..PLUG, 34 543552 .SPRING, Ratchet 35 512499 .GASKET, Body 36 524618 .O-RING, 2-5/8in. 37 543551 .NUT, Adj. 38 502305 .CAP, Crosshead 39 502307 .PIN, 40 502327 .ADJUSTER 41 502297 .•RIVET, 42 502298 ..SCREW, 43 502329 .BODY, NOTE: Part NOTE: Rotation of Body, Check Pawl Nut ...... ........... NUT, Assembly .... .......... Nut ....... ......... O.D ........ Screw ....... Pin Czosshead ..... ........ • .164x1/2in... ........ . . Pawl ........ .SPRING, Pawl Check • RING, Pawl ...... ...... ............ NUT, Stop .O-RING, 2-1/8 Crosshead Assembly• ...... Nut . • ..... in. O.D. ..... Assembly Crosshead ...... 41 502297 ..RIVET, Crosshead ..... ...... 42 515531 ..SCREW, Adjuster ..... 43 502329 .BODY, Adjuster No. ........ 43 . . SCREW, Adjuster Ref. in. .......... Stop of Engine 1/2 Assembly Adjuster ....... in . 4 4 ....... Large Small .... SWAB ..... • •. PISTON ............. 3 1 1 Pawl ............. .............. Pawl . ......... ............ Packing . 1 7/16 Piston, Piston, and 3 in. ......... Assembly ...SPRING, •.. I-3/4 H. Hd•,3/8 10 Small • .. LUBRICATOR, Cap, ...... Piston, PAWL, • .SCREW, 7/16 78490 3 .......... Assembly Hex., ASY. in....... Nut 9 ..SPRING, 20 4 Felt Ratchet in ...... 504894 99827 512471 .ENGINE, 12B 18 4 7/16 T. Hd., 7/16x Retainer ........... 543545 ...... Packing 1 .SCREW, .RING, 7 Large ...CUP, 547520 1 4 ........... 99808 3 SLACK ADJUSTER, 7/16 in ......... Lock, ........ in ....... Piston, 17 3 Req'd .WASHER, .FELT, • .SPRING, 502420 3 .RETAINER, 504893 504127 AUTOMATIC .NUT, Hex., 2505 15951 543555 |2A 15 548591 1 2 543554 Assembly 16 Type 6 • •CYLINDER, and A-64-C 5 502417 502700 Pipe Name 1 T.Hd., Lock, Parts 1 l0 11 530135 3 No. Pc.No• ........ 78490 19 ASY. in... 9 . •PLUG, No. ......... Nut Cap, ..WASHER, Ref. .......... Ratchet • •SCREW, No. Reqld .... W_BCO PARTIAL VIEW STOP BOLT SHOWING AND CROSSHEAD LOCK WASHER 1/4" FLANGE FITTING 17. : 19 7, 2O II 23 40 42 43 26 32 33 I0_ t4 t 25"IS-" 31 27 5 4 22 12- 34 3 2 29 28 30 [, PARTIAL SLACK "B" VIEW OF ADJUSTER BA-16-DI WITH AUTOMATIC ALUMINUM SECTION l B-B TYPEAUTOMATIC SLACKADJUSTERS (Small Engine] Pc.No. Parts Name B-16-D B-16-DI 548437 548476 26809 AUTOMATIC .NUT, Hex., .WASHER, 2 78490 553372 .SCREW, SLACK ADJUSTER, 7/16 in...... Lock, 512471 . RING, 512472 .RETAINER, 6 512470 .FELT, 7 8 508091 15784 .ENGINE, .SCREW, 9 17173 Retainer Ratchet Lock, 10 511394 .CYLINDER, 11 551274 • •PLUG, 3/8 12 515272 •SPRING, 508964 I4 803925 .PISTON and PAWL, . .PIN, Pawl .......... • .PAWL ............ Piston 15 506852 t6 565421 ...SPRING, 17 501863 ...CUP, 18 19 20 .505016 527978 808092 • .. LUBRICATOR, .... SWAB .......... 511393 23 25521 Pawl ......... ...PLUG, Pipe ......... 3 26 551274 3 27 506883 • ..PLUG, ...BUSH, Pipe ......... Ratchet NOt ...... I 28 506889 .PIN, 1 29 18469 1 30 506888 .SPRING, .PAWL, 1 31 506887 .RING, 32 541677 • RATCHET 33 34 523417 70985 • .PLUG, .SPRING, Ratchet Nut 35 5r1983 .GASKET, Body ........ 36 536583 .O-RING, 37 38 541643 501953 .NUT, in.4 .... ......... 13 PISTON ...STOP, In ..... Assembly Pipe Pawl Packing ........ Assembly . Cylinder ..CASING, Assembly .. •SCREW, FI.Hd., Pawl ........... Pawl Check Paw[ ......... ......... .......... NUT, Stop Assembly . . 2-I/8 in. Adj. Screw ...... O.D ..... ....... 39 501952 ........ 40 502033 .ADJUSTER ....... 41 42 5668 502037 ..RIVET, ..SCREW, 43 502240[512764 .BODY, 5067141 • .WASHER, Assembly . . ..... 923091 ..... .164 x I/2 in 2 ...... ..... 512398 ...... 538165 ...... . NUT, .PLUG, .BOLT, SCREW, Crosshead Adjuster Adjuster Body Hex ........... Hole H.Hd . ......... .CAP, CrossbeadPin . . ..... .PIN, Crosshead ........ .......... ..GASKET, Type 551275 ...... ...... ,3/8 x I-3/8 Req'd 25 ....... Assembly Cap, H.Hd. B-16-D[ Name 523076 x I-3/4 in . Not Parts 24 ........ Felt .WASHER, ... NO. Pc.No. ASY. 3 7/16 in ..... T.Hd.,7/16 4 22 Ref. No. B-I6-D 5 523075 No. Req'd Type 3 21 A-A BODY Ref. No. SECTION .......... .......... ........ ........ Assembly.. . . _ . . . ...... W_BCD "B" TYPEAUTOMATIC SLACKADJUSTERS (SmallEnEine) Ref. No. No. Pc.No. B-210-D Parts Name Ref. Req'd No. Type No. Pc.No. B-410-Dl 1 544122 26809 2 78490 3 553372 .SCREW, 4 512471 .RING, 5 512472 .RETAINER, 6 512470 • FELT, 7 5L6746 .ENGINE, Assembly 8 18784 ..SCREW, Cap, 9 17173 ••WASHER, I0 511394 II 551274 . •CYLINDER, Assembly ....... . •.PLUG, Pipe ............ 12 506880 .•SPRING, 13 14 508946 503925 . .PISTON 15 16 17 AUTOMATIC .NUT, Hex., SLACK ADJUSTER, 7/16 in ......... ,WASHER, Lock, T•Hd., Retainer 7/16 In ....... 7/16 x 1-3/4 548500 ASY. in. . . ........... Felt Ratchet AUTOMATIC SLACK 3 1 26809 .NUT, 7/16 3 2 78490 .WASHER, 3 3 553372 .SCREW, 1 4 512471 • RING, Hex., ADJUSTER, 7/16 in ....... T. Hd., 7/16 x 1-3/4 Retainer . . 3 512472 .RETAINER, 512470 .FELT, ......... 1 7 516746 .ENGINE, Assembly 4 8 15784 4 "9 17173 • .SCREW, ..WASHER, Cap, H.Hd.: Lock, 3/8 I 2 10 511394 .•CYLINDER, 11 551274 • ..PLUG, 12 506880 • .SPRING, Felt Ratchet 3/8 x 1-3/8 in ....... in . 4 4 .......... Nut ......... ......... Assembly ....... Pipe ............ Piston, 2 Small ....... 13 508946 . .PISTON 14 503925 • ..PIN, 506852 ...PIN, Pawl ............. ...PAWL .............. 15 506852 ...PAWL 565421 501863 ..•SPRING, Pawl ........... •..CUP, Packing ........... 16 565421 ...SPRING, 17 501863 ...CUP, 18 505016 505016 527978 •.•LUBRICATOR, Assembly .... SWAB .............. 18 19 19 527978 ...LUBRICATOR, .... SWAB .............. 20 508092 ...PISTON •.GASKET, 508092 523075 ............. 523075 20 21 ...PISTON 21 ..GASKET, Cylinder ......... 22 511393 22 511393 • .CASING, Assembly ......... 23 25521 ..CASING, ••.SCREW, 2 23 25521 FI.Hd., .164x 1/2 Pawl ............ Pipe ............ and PAWL, Assembly .... ...... .............. Cylinder ......... Assembly ......... Fl. Hd., .164x I/2in. • . and PAWL, Pawl Assembly .............. Pawl ........... Packing ........... Assembly ...... 523076 . •.STOP, Pawl ............ l 24 523076 25 551275 . •.PLUG, Pipe ............ I 25 551275 ..•PLUG, 26 551274 ...PLUG, Pipe 2 26 551274 ...PLUG, Pipe ............ 27 506883 . •.BUSH, Ratchet Nut ......... 1 27 506883 ..•BUSH, Ratchet Nut ......... 28 506889 .PIN, -......... 506889 .PIN, Pawl 29 18469 2 28 Pawl ............ 2 29 Check ............ 2 30 506888 •PAWL, 1 31 506887 . RING, .RATCHET NUT, Assembly • .PLUG, Stop ............ Pawl .SPRING, ............ .... 18469 •SPRING, 506888 .PAWL, 506887 . RING, 32 33 541678 523417 .RATCHET NUT, Asy ......... • .PLUG, Stop ............ 1 1 32 541678 33 523417 1 34 70985 .SPRING, Ratchet Nut ......... 1 1 35 511983 36 536583 .GASKET, •O-RING, Body ......... 2-I/8 in. O.D ..... 1 37 541642 1 1 38 39 501379 501378 1 40 518786 .ADJUSTER ......... I 41 501368 ..RIVET, . •SCREW, Adjuster ......... .BODY, Adjuster. " .......... I 1 42 501887 • .SCREW, 43 519185 • NUT 4 .BODY, Adjuster .BOLT .............. 34 70985 • SPRING, Ratchet 35 36 511983 536583 .GASKET, .O-RING, Body 2-1/8 37 541642 •NUT, Adj. 38 501894 .CAP, Crosshead 39 501893 .PIN, 40 502361 .ADJUSTER 41 42 501886 501887 • . RIVET, 43 543786 92309 Nut ......... ........... in. O.D. Scl_w Crosshead . _ .... .......... Pin ........ ........... SCREW, Crossbead ................ Assembly .... 538165 .BOLT ............... 2 512398 • PLUG, Hole 1 ............. 547786 Check ............ Pawl ............. . NUT, • CAP, .PIN, 7 .HOLE, ...... Adj. Screw ........ Crosshead Pin ...... Crosshead ......... SCREW, Assembly Crosshead ....... Adjuster ....... ......... 8183 512398 . ............. 30 ............. in. Pawl ............ 31 Pawl .... ............ ...SCREW, ...STOP, 24 3 in• ........... 6 .......... 3 Lock, 5 3/8 x I-3/8 in. ASy. in ......... 1 3/8 in....... Piston Type 1 H.Hd., Lock, Req'd ......... .......... Nut Parts Name Plug, Bolt .......... . . . W_B_D PARTIAL VIEW STOP BOLT SHOWING AND LOCK CROSSHEAD WASHER 1/4" 17_ FLANGE 43A 41 4243 • 18_ FITTING 2O 23 19 10 37 26 24 14/_ 25 15-- 5.. ® 34 3 2 29 28 30 _ SECTION SECTION 7 A-A B-B "C" TYPEAUTOMATIC SLACKADJUSTERS [SmallEni[ine] Ret• No. No. Pc. No. Parts Name Req'd C-15-DI C-16-D Type 560670 548439 AUTOMATIC SLACK .NUT, 7/16 in................. C-15-D 548457 I 26809 2 3 78490 553372 •WASHER, 4 512471 •RING, 5 512472 .RETAINER, 6 512470 •FELT, 7 508091 15784 •ENGINE, • .SCREW, • .WASHER, 8 Hex., Lock, .SCREW, ADJUSTER, ASSEMBLY 3 T. Hd., 7/16 x I-3/4 in........... Retainer 3 ............... Felt I ............ .l l Ratchet Nut ............... l Assembly ...........• Cap, H•Hd., 3/8 x L-3/8 in........... 9 17173 10 511394 II 551274 12 515272 13 508946 14 503925 15 506852 ...PIN, Pawl ...PAWL 16 565421 ...SPRING, 17 501863 ... CUP, 18 505016 ...LUBRICATOR, 19 527978 20 508092 .... SWAB ........... ...PISTON. • • • 21 523075 • .GASKET, 22 511393 ..CASING, 23 25521 24 25 523076 551275 4 Lock, 3/8 in........... 4 ..CYLINDER, Assembly ...PLUG, Pipe" • .............. • .SPRING, Piston. • .PISTON and PAWL. ........... l 2 Assembly .......... • Pawl Packing • • . • • ........ .......... Assembly ....... • • • • • • • Cylinder ........... Assembly ...SCREW, Fil. Hd., ...STOP, Pawl ...PLUG, 3 7/16 in................ Pipe ...... . . . 164 x I/2 in....... .......... • . • • • • • W_mCO Ref. No. No. Pc.No. parts C-15-D [ C-[5-DI C-16-D I Name ReqJd Type 26 551274 27 806883 . ..PLUG, ...BUSH, 28 506889 .PIN, Pipe Ratchet Pawl. ......... Nut ....... . ............ 29 18469 30 506888 .PAWL, 31 506887 .RING, 32 541677 .RATCHET 33 ..PLUG, 34 523417 70985 .SPRING, Ratchet Nut 85 36 511983 536883 .GASKET, .O-RING, Body 2-1/8 ............. in. O.D 37 541643 .NUT, .SPRING, 38 39 501952 501953 502033 40 501952 501953 502033 I 41 I I 502037 I 560672 43A Assembly Screw Crosshead Pin .ADFtJSTER Crosshead 512398 504809 ..PLUG, 43B 43C 510467 ..BOLT, 43D 78490 ............. SCREW, Hole Assembly ' ( -- -o00 5 . 5 7/16 H.Hd., 7/16 2 in. 7/16 STANDARD SLACK ADJUSTER JiE- ...... ................. .......... Hex., . .WASHER, .............. .................. Crosehead ..NUT, .......... ................ ..SCREW, Adjuster .BODY, Adjuster . 509051 2 ............. Adjuster 544110 ....... ......°°° NUT, .PIN, 2 ..... ..... Stop .CAP, 844109 502037 533000 43 .... Pawl ..RIVET, 42 ....... Check 509689 5668 2 Pawl 504011 2 .........l 2 in ................ 2 in. - ENGINE ROTATION (LAST • 090 THREE " 155 DLGITS) t=." k o W I -IOO0 -1045 - 1090 - 1135 - 1180 - 12Z5 - I;_'rO - 131_ Z -ZOO0 - 2045 - Z09O - Zl35 - ZlSO - 2|Z5 - Z270 - ZSI5 3 -$000 - - 3090 - $135 3180 - I2_D - 3270 o 3315 4 -4000 -40451 Z o o O. 5045 bJ - Note 4090 - 2. Boiting Flonge Arranged "_ote L All Complete Require The Slack A Four Cop Oenote The Engine. A Divided Into Serve Of Digit A This To Of Connection, Position Single Numbers _ One Positions Pipe Four Piece Coding Different Cylinder Will Adjuster Double The The And One Slack (-OO00) And De_ote To Adjuster C)'tlndef Of Pipe Or (4). Boei¢ - Of For O! The 415_ Four For Choice Connecflon These First Piece Dig_t She=n Digit And Of Are In Suffix Number. The Turning Four AS - 4225 --4270 --4315 Casing Permit Numerale Positions {I),(2),(3), Ueed After Note 3 The Standard Drilled Permitting tn CIockwiN A| The Position Adjuster Bodies Holes Lof._teq Moantlng Code Thole Hove Eight 45 = Apart, Engine Loooflon In 4S" Rototion From NormoI St_own Increments TOp VertiCal Ae (OO0),(045),(090),(135), (180), (225},(270),Ot Are L_ed As The Suffi_ Triple Cylinder Bode 4180 Mentioned LoSt { 315). Three In Note 2) These Digits Of Numen=ts (Foltowit_l The Four Purpose Digit Suffix Last Three ERect 9 After Digitl Angular The Will Lo¢_ion Bo=ic Piece Therefore Of The Number. Indi¢ote Engine. The The W_BCO "C" TYPEAUTOMATIC SLACK ADJUSTERS (SmallEngine} Ref. No. Pc.No• Pans C-26-D Type 548441 AUTOMATIC SLACK ADJUSTER, 26809 .NUT, 7/16in ......... 2 78490 .WASHER, 3 553372 .SCREW,T.Hd., 7/16 4 512471 .RING, ........... 5 512472 .RETAINER, 6 512470 .FELT, 7 508091 .ENGINE, Assembly 8 9 15784 17173 • •SCREW, Cap, l0 11 511394 55L274 12 5L5272 .SPRING, 13 508946 • PISTON 14 503925 1 Name Hex., Lock, Felt Ratchet . .WASHER, No. Req_d C-26-D3 C-36-D Type 548451 548450 AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY SLACK •WASHER, 4 512471 . RING, ......... 5 512472 • RETAINER, ......... 6 512470 .FELT, 7 508091 8 15784 .ENGINE, Assembly ..SCREW, Cap, H.Hd., 1-3/8 in .......... 9 I7173 ..WASHER, 10 511394 ..CYLINDER, LI 551274 12 515272 , ..PLUG, • .SPRING, 13 14 508946 503925 ,.PISTON ...PIN, 15 506852 •. •PAWL 16 565421 .. •SPRING, 17 501863 ...CUP, 18 505016 L9 527978 • ..LUBRICATOR, .... SWAB .......... 20 508092 •. •PISTON ......... 21 523075 • •GASKET, Cylinder ..... 1 • .CASING, Assembly ..... 1 3/8 in .... x 1-3/8 in. in ....... • CYLINDER, Assembly ..PLUG, Pipe ............ .NUT, Assembly .... Hex., 7/16 Retaining Felt Lock, 17 501863 • •CUP, 18 505016 19 527978 .LUBRICATOR, ...SWAB .............. 20 508092 • •PISTON ............. 21 523075 .GASKET, Cylinder ......... 22 511393 .CASING, Assembly ......... 23 25521 .•SCREW, FI.Hd., •164 24 523076 • .STOP, Pawl ............ 22 511393 25 551275 • .PLUG, Pipe ............ 23 25521 26 551274 • •PLUG, Pipe ............ 27 506883 . •BUSH, Ratchet 24 523076 ...STOP, Pawl... 28 506889 25 551275 551274 ,.•PLUG, Pipe. Pip.e... Ratchet 29 18469 .PIN, x 1/2 in. • • Nut ......... Pawl .............. .SPRING, Pawl ............ Check ............ 30 506888 .PAWL, 31 506887 • RING, 32 541680 • RATCHET 33 523417 • •PLUG, 34 70985 •SPRING, Ratchet 35 511983 .GASKET, Body 36 536583 .O-RING, 37 541642 • NUT, Adj. 38 5040LI .GAP, Crossbead 39 509693 .PIN, 40 503457 • ADJUSTER Pawl ............. NUT, Stop Assembly Croeshead 41 501886 42 502631 • .SCREW, 43 50905I .BODY, 44 504509 45 510467 ..NLr] ", H.Hd ........... • .BOLT, Hex, Hd ......... 46 78490 47 512398 • •PLUG, ........ ........... SCREW, Assembly Crosshead Adjuster Adjuster Hole .... ......... ........ .......... Body • .PIN, 29 30 t8469 33 ....... .......... Pin 506889 32 ........... In• O.D 506883 ........ ........... 10 and PAWL, Pawl ......... Pawl . . . 4 1 2 l Asy. . . l 1 ....... l ....... 1 Assembly.. 1 1 l . 164 x 2 1 . . 1 Nut 2 1 .... 2 Pawl... 2 Check... Pawl .... 2 506888 506887 .PAWL, .RING, 541680 523417 • RATCHET ..PLUG, NUT, Stop 70985 .SPRING, Ratchet 511983 536583 .GASKET, Body .O-RING, Asy. ..... 35 36 2-I/8 37 541642 541642 • NUT, Adj. 38 504011 504011 .CAP, Crosshead 39 509693 512476 .PIN, 40 510568 512482 .ADJUSTER, 41 501886 501886 ..RIVET, 42 509688 509688 ..SCREW, 43 512709 510511 43A 504509 504509 .BODY, ..NUT, 43B 78490 78490 43C 510467 510467 .•BOLT, H.Hd. 43D 512398 512398 ..PLUG, Hole Nut . in. Screw Crosshead . .... Pin . . . ..... SCREW, Asy. Adjuster Adjuster.. H.Hd. 43. . O.D. Crosshead ..WASHER. No. • . 1 Pawl .SPRING, PaR of BodyRaf. in. .......... 34 NOTE: l x 4 ...SCREW, FI.Hd., I/2 in ........... 28 l ..... 3/8 3/8 Packing ..,PLUG; ...BUSH. 31 Nut ......... Screw • .WASHER, ...... ............ 2-1/8 .. RIVET, 26 27 I Pipe ........ Piston ...... ..SPRING, ...... 3 ..... Assembly 565421 3 l Nut 506852 Assembly . ...... Ratchet 16 ........... . ....... 15 Packing 3 7/16in. x 1-3/4in. • .PIN, Pawl ............. • .PAWL .............. ........... in ..... Lock, ,SCREW,T.Hd.,7/16 ....... .......... Pawl ADJUSTER, 28490 553372 3/8 PAWL, Name 26809 H.Hd., Piston PaRs 1 in ....... x 1-3/4 Nut No. Pc • No. ASY. .......... Lock, and Ref. 2 3 7/16 Retainer No. Req'd . . _.ock . 2 2 2 . . 5 W_BCO f-w 19 "21 -22 g _ 7 9 10 2o SEC'TION "D" TYPE B-B __ r_ 4 .... CROSSHEAD COMPLETE AUTOMATIC i I USED PC. NO. WITH 545110 SLACK 3 SECTION ADJUSTERS Assembly A-A Piece Numbers and Variable Detalls Ref. No. No. Pc. No. D-II2-D Parts D-II2-D1 D-212-DI 533396 545110 555268 559979 533479 540587 533479 538662 561737 540587 561737 533475 ............ ...... 545115 540587 562723 562762 540587 ...... ...... Req_d Type [ 573746 ASSEMBLY 540587 .BRACKET, .COTTER 717.3. 8" 561738 561740 Name Lever ........ .ADAPTER, • CROSSHEAD 555282 ..... Adj. Screw ....... 2 1 . 1 1 Ref. No. No. Pc.No. Parts D-212-D D-312-D D-312-DI D-412-DI Name Type 536199 542962 552201 543333 ASSEMBLY 3 561737 542133 542133 543809 .BRACKET, 5 540587 540587 540587 545161 . COTTER 6 536198 542129 561739 ..*.•• 6 .....o •**.** ,..•.• Common 561735 • CROSSHEAD No. Pc.No. Parts 1 2 562052 506603 .SCREW, 5 6 .................... 2 Adj. 1 Screw ................. 1 ..................... 1 Details No. 4 Lever ....................... .ADAPTER, Ref. 3 Req'd @ 532698 @ @ 533465 Name Ref • Req'd Cap, .WASHER, .BRACKET, H.Hd., Lock, Lever 3/8 3/8 x I in.. in .... ...... • STOP, Adjuster Screw • COTTER .......... .... .ADAPTER, Adjuster .ADJUSTER SCREW • .PIN. Screw ......... Screw . NUT, Asy. • .SCREW, ...... 7 8 540586 533474 9 559203 • .NUT, Adjuster 10 533476 .RING, Felt Adjuster No. Screw . .... Prices Orders should give 11 24286 12 17173 will PIECE Name Req'd • SCREW, .WASHER, Cap, H.Hd. Lock .... 533480 .COVER, Spring .... 14 533464 .SPRING, Piston .... 15 533481 .GASKET, 16 533463 .PINp Pawl ....... .SPRING, Pawl ......... 88952 Cover . 533462 .PAWL 19 543205 20 543211 .CUP, Packing ......... .SWAB, Lubricator ........ 21 533461 .PISTON 22 558872 .BODY, NUMBER upon ............ ............. Adjuster, application and NAME of part . .... 18 be quoted LI Parts 13 17 ......... No. Pc.No. wanted (3/8 in. Flange) . . G.h-3226-2 VIEWSSHOWING THEEIGHTSTANDARD 45° MOUNTING LOCATIONS OFTHEENGINEPORTION The holes standard located ard mounting mal vertical adjuster 45 degrees locations bodies apart. have This In 45 degree eight drilled provides increments mounting for eight from the standnor- position. VIEWSSHOWING THEFOUROPTIONAL POSITIONSOFTHEAIR CONNECTIONS POSITION 1 POSITION 2 POSITION 3 POSITION 4 WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKEDIVISION WlLMEROINQ December 1967 PA aeV_ell_(i_ou|4 A_ _ake COevals, P,ln,.d In u.s.A. G-g.4003 WABCOTFM DISC BRAKES SERVICE MANUAL AND q) q) PARTSCATALOG Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 PREFACE This manual of Railroad is prepared personnel for the information in the Mechanical partments who are responsible IVlodel TBM Disc Brake. and guidance and Stores for the maintenance Satisfactory performance De- mum expense of the This in torn of the TFM depends depends construction much upon Disc on proper sufficient of the various parts, Brake at mini- maintenance. familiarity their with functions the and maintenance. The manual Sections is divided 1 through 8 into two main describes parts:- the major components, their functions and suggestions on maintenance procedures, limits of wear and repairs. Because the TFM Ject to use 9 serves This as a PARTS identifies all CATALOG. replacement parts by illusu'ation. PARTS NUMBER and for full ordering It gives the PART NAME information. is applied service, require some maintenance where personnel are personnel Section Brake in interchange off-line components necessary. less of the owning forces more at rmnote off-line with Railroad. detailed cars the cars may familiar the descriptions are to passenger For and Disc terminals Brakes assistance functions than may sub- at times than to such of some otherwise he *. Amacan.slzneato c_._.._ WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerdlng, Westinghouse Air Brake Pennsylvania 15148 Division [ maintenance operation information & CONTENTS SECTION SUBJECT Preface ..................................... Description Brake 2 3 4 Shoe and TFM Lining Disc Brake Assemblies Condemning Lining B) Brake Shoe and Lining Removal C) Brake Shoe and Lining Insta[lation D) Relining Brake Shoes front cover ........................... 1 .............................. Brake Limits I ............................ 1 ............................. 1 ............................ 1 ................................... I Brake Shoe Spring Retainer and Key ............................. A) Brake Shoe Spring .................................... B) Spring C) Brake Brake Retainer Shoe Heads 2 2 ..................................... 2 Key ...................................... 3 .......................................... 3 A) Brake Head Removal ................................... 3 B) C) Brake Brake Head Head Installation Repairs ................................. ................................... 3 3 Brake Cylinders ........................................ 3 of Cylinder 3 4 A) B) Description C) Cylinder Installation D) Cylinder Dismantling, E) Cylinder Body ...................................... F) Cylinder Cover Assembly G) Piston Release H) Spring Guide i) J) Piston Assembly Cylinder Removal ................................. .................................... ................................... Inspection Spring Cylinder ..... , 7 D) Lubrication E) F) Bridge Assembly ................ Fulcrum Pivot Assembly ................................. A) B) Disc Assembly 5 6 ...................................... Assembly 4 5 .................................. of Tong . . 6 ....................................... Removal . 5 ..................................... Special Warning Note .................................. Installation ........................................ Brake .................... .................................. B) C) 7 Head) ....................................... Assembling Frame .................. 5 (Non-Pressure Tong Brake 4 and Overhaul A) 6 9 of WABCO Inside A) Tongs 8 PAGE 7 7 8 .............................. ..................... .................................... 8 8 8 9 .......................................... 9 Scratches ......................................... Wear ........................................... 9 q q C) Thermal D) Machining E) Welding F) Rust Lubrication Cracks o .......................................... Protection 10 ...................................... I0 .......................................... A) Pins, Bushings, B) Brake Cylinders Illustrations ..................................... ........................................ and Parts Thrust Washers, 10 etc .......................... ..................................... Lists ................................. 10 10 11 G-g-4003 W aaCO v. .v A_ Ammtl©l_Slla_ltd Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE Comfy AIR Air Brake BRAKE COMPAN_f /Wilmerding, operation Division Pennsylvania & maintenance 15148 information DESCRIPTION OFWABCO TFMDISCBRAKE B) Brake 1. Briefly, A) B) thoWABCO Disc Two Brake wheel. Discs The Assembly Brake Fulcrum peraxle securely Pivot Brake Brake attached, composed and Brake Shoes 2. Brake Tongs, with The installation application is illustrated of a truck over Cylinders, replaceable ing by eliminating and mounting the the truck brake discs shoes when car or roll assembly ing the other truck frame is attached pin. The features to the floating of the tilting brake frame mounted remoye brake retainer brake and Shoe shoe and Linin_ that replacement for quick spare shoes are installed Install over brake shoe the shoe curves of a 2. Install retainer 3. Install spring 4. Drive spring retainer are retained. the head brake are lining rubber 6 and 7. bonded assembly pads and the studs. through is mounted secured is comprised stamping. on the to the of a and mounted over The composition lining steel shoe This brake with shoe locking over D) that For form unit of frictional pressures ber backing long lining '" .::r !_ _ St'on oy tim top A) Brake economy high of the resilient thermal stop pin and Lining at the self-locking Lining Brake Lining reaches 1/4 disc con,_inue_ Assembly capacity bottom of the spring Condemning must inch and service. shoes brake in position head wedge portion requires brake when can result of key must has a tight feel, will and related parts. until retainer. to proper- spring is under Looseness slot be down by the spring retainer. indicating proper result com- in rapid wear Shoes designed the so that brake only shoe the worn as- lining replaceraent. and at the type key. thickness damage if the shoe may be re-used Recommended shoe assembly Stripping solidly shoe. Cut shoe, Possible spring and spring. over handling is as and over in relining a brake follows:- ruband Limit be replaced nominal. brake H: loaded is held pin the in maintenance, was Position Brake _:'?. by use possible the uni- life. by the brake obtained makes of re- wires used and materials key sembly The combination shoe contacts the retainer Relining again. The the into surface on the to a thin be by lowering pin key pression. segments head over key key Assembly order pin. shoe the that Lining Linings required. over of the Check and and when remain- BRAKE SHOEANDLININGASSEMBLIES brake lining assembly a re-usabfe brake shoe. off the with on be locked Shoe Shoe on brake and Brake pin. pin. ly engage, replaceable studs on Re- shoe by lifting in reverse Notched Each key. from Installation SECTION -1 to Figures shoe spring assembly available the Refer air supply pin. It is recommended 1. by means brake Brake brake pivot and the part fulcrum principle Remove Brake changes - the and cut out is of track, frame cylinder car axle harrmqer, spring moval:- of the to uneven Using supports, alignment of the due release move mount- an integral surfaces plane frame as 2. brake frame frame vertical braking horizontal truck rigidly provide 1 and disc car rubber frame To with the to the three-point brake frame. respect pivot the mounted conventional Removal brake in Figures frame the more Linin_ For safety, to the unit. shoe c) simplified of the 3. Frame, linings. A typical and of: consists onetoeach of the Brake Assembly, Heads unit Shoe Lift to the linings and Inspection brake shoe on bench the wires then pull assembly to give holding wires off and scrap the (with steady the bearing lining lining in kerosene or any similar up) on back shoe pads soak petroleum of to brake studs. assembly. move the three rubber pads. Clean stiff bristle brush. Do not clean or pads face assembly out of brake worn lining Rewith a the rt_bber base G.g -4003 Westinghouse maintenance operation information & cleaner. Clean the the good condition pads may that pads brake shoe thoroughly Check for surface stop pin plus enlarged and hole slot. with flatness torn Inspect wire a wire and or Screw 7. badly of hanger studs mit Tighten wire holes in each pair using rivet the rivet over sketch FIG. ment wire. studs, 8, then remove at loose studs brake studs of studs. set stud Rivet Set, on one FIG. side. clearance 8, This of the er when has stud below hanger relief punch riveting inner a flat the radius one stud center portion the plus soft iron wire. lining will on wire holes lining back in studs, plate. the Applying tool shop tool Lining Fixture 8610476 8610475 were application shoe. To 1. 2. hang- 9. Lock on the and immediatnly upper 3. 4. and face one rubber pad of lining shoe inserting the matching stud Grasp - this Slide shoe are as a unit over. Place from applied carriage with 6. G-g-4003 Place wire with on the safety, "kicking up" wire along key 8610478 wire slot on bottom with nested in key rubber counterberes. and in place the Brake 7 for each resulting elongation of breakage of possible of by harmner, over edge segments. Lining remaining bending of brake Assembly at locations are where replaced, ends shoe Fixture only and is recom- a small an available to facilitate insertion of the quantity press or locking of clamping guide be used wires. Because it is so important the damage to brake plate. both and this position when fixture pres- studs Brake The nominal in. Never or to over B) Spring wear and parts to fast we must BE HELD and of tong wear on the again emphaTIGHT IN COMPRESSION. 8604586 free height apply less. rapid heads, in addition BY SPRING Shoe a new base in preventing brake assemblies, PIN SLOT in. key. or 8610475 and A) to shoes, spring and spring retainer, - BRAKE SHOE KEY MUST SHOE car- back carriage key, size hands sliding guide SPRINGRETAINER ANDKEY pads, into pair of brake shoe pressure spindle. guide studs, recesses, of shoe for shoe body, BRAKE SHOESPRING, shoe back area center fixture brake and brake hanger arm of brake into slot at ends of car- at the position one of two studs in line under and of brake parts also shoe, steps 5, 6 and of studs. wires mended, and plate. of lining foil on dis.) is used, SECTION -2 of three of lining to allow in. wire and easy to the beck studs holes 8610478 fast on bench. in each on top on carriage, prevents sures down of fixture. The must be inserted riage bear unit in shoe:- steel eight above turn Keys assembly brake lining Set brake riage shoe lining .002 If thinner device may be adapted for this use. Wire keys 8610475 or 8610478 however, should Guide brake pockets be made linings to facilitate key bend- end. Shoe Wire lining Place and 5. and It may of the to prevent or minus on stud of wire downward away from lining room. to Brake of brake Lay sold. developed assembly or is not holes for shoe While This travel specified chatter wear located at shoe (. 135 in. Repeat 3 pairs to per- the steel beck plate which could rewires. Wire size MUST be #10 in damaging milled needed with as dead align- enough through - Compression be limited gage the just wire Co_nparq of studs. Se- shown temporary pair ing of lining sult in loose loosely shoe An AmorlcarPKt|n_lrd on handwheel locking one should 8. NOTE: down inserting IMPORTANT on and wear, any place a new through and looseness new studs, shoe, insert and wear portion for holes. brush excessive and when installing in holes in brake curely for re-uso. be badly Pennsylvania 15148 of that inspect. bottom WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding. [ Save Scrap only burned. Air Brake Division of a new a spring Scrap such with spring free springs is height and 1-1/32 of 29/32 replace with spring. Spring Retainer Normally, 8604899 wear on this face by working against thickness at this wearing ured at points 3/32 in. Replace or with part of maximum thinner, a new the occurs the shoe surface wear retainer retainer. only on top sur- key. The metal should be measand when should worn to be scrapped. Westinghouse An An_rlcan-Slln_lmrd E) WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, c_rnpany Cylinder Air Brake Division substance. Body drip 1. Thoroughly clean outside. all 2. Using heavy the brake a dull grease solvent, then dry rags. with cylinder round and dirt. wipe Wash inside inside scraper and in a suitable clean 2. and cylinder area scratches, Light wall scratches smoothed rounded Deep in packing grooves or small out, using wood block. cut grooves, cup working honing or on a lathe than or ridges. ridges emery may c[oth be over may with needed a very to just light remove Inspect more largest on rebores and limits of wear bore Nominal Limit - Size Last Limit Rebore Dia. Wear, New are: 7-3/16 and undersized 7- 11/16 8-3/16 cause or damage. Replace (a) remove side for Insert scrap if required. with tong pin or bushing and a bolt arc must saw (This or out pressed, not bushing a thin bushing hammer is pressed be finish to 3.604 be very inside when in. - also be- on the is pressed - when in- in. finish-machining this should of counterbore (should to 63 and distortion bushing of bushing, diameter smooth diameter to get precaution dia. cator in bushing to casting. "peel" After on diameter inside bushings:- diameter be it is possible fit in cover To cover slits not inch. This machining operation is rebecause bushing is supplied "rough bored" 7-5/8 8-1/8 wear old lengthwise a hack Then cover. finish 7-1/8 excessive To remove in., 7 ends or bushing 3.607 7-1/2 8 at cylinder in. worn into the cover, the bushin G must machined on the inside diameter of Largest Dia. Micro quired bushings it is tight. - be careful with should into 6-11/16 pin wash dry to 3.65 three in aluminum be done bushing 6-5/8 tong that bushing. two or chisel). 6-1/2 Inspect and thoroughly remove of bushing nosed Another 3. to segments. driven, Cyl. - see new make thickness round scrape then - if worn diameter, with may grooves. limits bushing first slitting no solvent Store container. is removed, of bushing damage sharp dry and dirt, bronze I.D. bushing, cut, the to allow a jet of air. in clean, ring and replace by ring & assembly. Gauge a be removed with swabs felt cover thru etc., deeper Suggested the up felt dry off all old grease 3. for then felt After the Examine Hang out, cleaned remove of cylinder maintenance operation information Pennsyrvania 15148 for be within the be concentric cylinder .005 in. dirt, grease body total indi- reading). of suitable weld head G) to flange. Piston Release Thoroughly Spring clean the spring of all and corrosion. Co) Put in arbor press protruding i s removed. (c) Press out end and of pin or remaining apply pressure holt until to bushing Free in conventional bushing height of spring inches, and carry pressed to a height should a load of be not less than 135 to 165 lbs. of 8-5/8 15-1/2 when com- inches. manner, Inspect New bushings arbor Cylinder .. be pressed in on an Assembly (Non-Pressure fe'a. piston rod deep Head) lubricating ring. submerge sufficient in a tank of suitable to dissolve all old grease. the surface Brushing cating in the and outer swab with an ordinary hand solvent will aid in removing clean the surface of grit or of the H) lubri- brush while the old grease other for cracks corrosion cracks and corrosion pitting over in the spring pitting over in the spring wire, pitting a large wire, scrap a large area scrap the of the area or the spring. or any spring. ; light corrosion pitted, and spring otherwise in smca', condition - apply one good con: ef rus_ p:eveaclvz .. If felt ring is nor worn, solvent for a time spring - if deep any deep cracks [f light corrosion press. (_:over Rer.-..uve should wire foreign 5 a coat of Waterproof Sprite" Guide guide Aluminum Clean spring and examine Slight is not wear on the guide harmful. caused Enamel. for by condition. the release spring G-g-4003 Westinghouse maintenance operation information & If damaged or longitudinal steel The tion be held Piston repair butt rod. of flange. should WESTINGHOUSE distorted, welded stainless I) [ .joint Grind outside or scrap. is weld If only smooth diameter AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding. - reweld split on both 4-21/32 the 4. with Clean the exposed head and hollow surfaces. sernbly, do not soak or similar cleaner. piston or dip the assembly Care must be taken side any corrosion diameter emery cloth. volving filter inside the in solvent to avoid or rough piston This be done assembly piston surfaces of hollow may hollow rod in a rotating using fine by hand or rod. With these using the Stop out- from Nut grit J) in the hollow Assembling rod, one port in hair breather inside of cylinder 2. Coat inside surface brake cylinder LUBRICATION 3. Apply packing and dry. completely lubricant. BRAKE cup with hands. If the trapped air, to piston one side pushing cup does the air by starting of the cup cup, into not can seat the with cup with recommended wooden 6. cylinder due tool, cover out of fixture, and insert lock to cylinder to TIGHTENING. (420 Elastic nut), body. between cylinder seal joint face area. joint The joint is made at the may cover cylinder or beth the cylinder from together Place cylinder piston stroke and or tightened bolting body fixture and cyl- after test. fixture 3-3/4 di- are leakage on a suitable to about from crack cylinder clamping make a cylinder in gasket of cylinder If bolts distort on either cover. Remove body. may body is not result build-up of tolarances and machining tolerances this be of cylinder mensional thickness and torque. may outside gap the to pounds) gap fits This seal inch narrow the outside cover. - the Tighten - tighten to 480 a very limiting in. and Leakage should not exceed from 50 lbs. pressure. cylinder over (Do not washer and evenly instances bolted fiands. brake bolt excessively, by raising Coat the cylinder wall bearing surface of the packing cup and outside diameter surface of piston cant. is a composition and ears inder the properly the 8 holding cup place with the be removed using place recommended Refer to SECTION CYLINDERS. over one edge of piston and, while in this position, work the cup into unit or get flat (this 35 to 40 lbs. noticed at a time. clean slide and the cylinder. kink with ON BOLT In some gasket Wipe with in a clamping bolts progressively about fil- Cylinder I. gasket components CAUTION 3 bolts ports cover gasket, guide a unit, against as- lubrica- re- fixture. Blow out possible air passage restriction ter with a jet of air applied at all three as place three securely while parts into ring cover spring c_mmy cover felt cylinder stainless spring. these rod cylinder saturated greased let cylinder place). as- S. the hair Remove a well piston rod assembly this V. V An Amdcln-$11_tltd conditioned the oil well greased piston release inches. piston In cleaning good apply Holding piston saturating a clean tor, por- Assembly on all To wna=a Pennsylvania 15148 sembly faces of cylindrical to a nominal Air Brake Division 7. ARer cylinder passes 2 Ibs. leakage per test, minute apply hoot. lubriFirst, line up the tong pin holes of bushings at end of cylinder and piston so center lines of Insert the piston brake port assambly cylinder. of cylinder while piston is (prepared (At this open to permit applied). slightly to check against der to avoid later and Coat outside with brake of brake brake was piston. dianleter cylinder wiped down escape piston of piston rod Also again into inlet of air full cup. where previous by packing cup are Rotate wipe exposed and dry of all lubricant. piston if necessary. end of piston length apply tube clean boot on cylinder assembly. holes will Turn boot are top and bottom be used on the unit. coat Position lubricant in application set so the 1/16 inch vent of cylinder as cylinder of boot "LOK" end ton hoot side end clamp on cylinder on bottom of cylinder words on the G-g-4003 parallel. Second, Then on exposed wall holes cylin- to packing of piston lubricant air and move binding damage above) have Rotate lubricant. cylinder cylinder per time farthest unit. clamp as away cover of cylinder. so the the air from "LOK" inlet disc with Position end port, when pis- is on or the same in other cylinder is W_BCO An AmettCah. Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE Slall_ut r d _s_y operation Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerdlng, Pennsylvania & maintenance 15148 information The clamps Lok. Because of close Punch-Lok Tool tion 3/8 are inch clearances Model P-38 Figure of P-38 tool Figure tool for by means tation lock. cause of restricted hammer wall) This final tightening the trated blow applica- how it is (a) desired raise tail the use punch of inden- Co) remove brake tongs tool clip off tail Brakes. and left hand assembly, A) Ton_" Removal (d) fold the The Model 1/4" P-38 To clean remove lowing method Clump procedure 1. Remove following: 2. Remove by step to bend tool t/4" clamp part brake Master the bend hand 4. Support the over the Lok. to tapped brake in place, the fol- heads. lever and hand brake crank cylinder. Locking LOK North Illinois through Punch-Lok boss on cylinder to prevent cylinder holes and gasket unit by blocking asssmbly fulcrum pivot Remove fulcrum retaining ring (or jacking) to relieve weight off pin. pivot from pin. To do end nearest this, remove cylinder, then Tool, 6. remove Lower pivot the pin by pulling unit consisting of the the two tongs, the two bridge bolts and tie bar from ou the [uicrum bridge laglt. pivot assembly, the bolt safety the two bridge tie bar. COMPANY Justine entering brake screw a 3/4 in. - 10 Thd. bolt or an old tong pin into the tapped bole of the fulcrum pivot pin 7. Street 60607 distributors dirt and with the or 8. Remove the 9. Slip bridge the Remove grinding two bridge tongs bolts. assembly out of bolts off the welds. off tong fulcrum fulcrum pins. pivot. masking and other prevent Remove by chipping 10. age a complete and brake brake brake 5. or matter shoes underbridge clumps Punch-lok #0-358, may be purchased Chicago, or equivalent from wheels used). Remove the eign with is recommended: 3. way above down PUNCH- tape hand 5: from: inlet tongs on a truck assembly, the air of right however. the brake assembly results. the P-38 projection also 3/8" wide open-end #0-332 and Punch-lok Cover in all applications is a separate angle about 321 same There 6 and 7 illus- and withdraw piece the Disc out (c) are WABCO by the better steps is obtained winder fitting he applied he- a good, substitutes at right and air should the an alternate omits Clamp-Master pieces cylinder 8600955, TONGS The locking for and obtain tension between installation SECTION -5 (where After seal before to use obstruction prefer 28 and insure a new gasket, Pc. at each removal. is difficult clearance in Figure To Locking "Lacing-up" for possible method thoroughly walls, of clamp. punching clamp fitting cylinder. preparatory manner users air on and and instructs (like alternate tool recommended of hammer many of locking P-38 clamps Where blow boot Clean 8, end of boot. type in a normal clamp boot the 28 illustrates P-38 Punch- in making (small) 27 illustrates open-end with to use at piston Figure 28 illustrates to he used. of the Open-End Clamp-Master is recommended of clamp wide for- B) dam- Special On cars seat. having 7 Warning" using brake Note free frames lateral fitted type journal with stop boxes pin and (8609697), G-g-4003 Westinghouse maintenance operation information & edge of the flange WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, [ it is important that a flat fulcrum pin of bushing Air Brake Division be ground thrust in bridge away washers, from also assembly and per the the the alignment parts Removal It assures the clearance to prevent lateral displacement the wheel rimwhen that direction. depth specific crtml thrust pivot washer in trucks depth and is Usually, brakes of grind 1. to be ground bushing drawings. 1/8 (8605690) crum free rubbing on comes 1/4 in. from only lateral or brake frame F) ful- assembly mounted type (8605635) rain. off the the of fulcrum (8605690) of tong (8605637) of bridge lower the assembly of keeping shoes after reverse tong fulassem- and the curves, and the all pins Installation easier D) and bushings of fulcrum by first (8606657) Lubrication its bushing of To_" Lubricate all washers 8). cated the All at least fulcrum clean and clean both #2 grease over entire pivot pin. ing" on its Carefully the apply fulcrum or poor the pivot clean grease, should prior pivot remove a generous coat cup grease of the bushing o-rings in their with grooves after coating entire and lock in place with of damaged ones. pin or filled. any new fulcrum Now in- surface the with retaining E) On WABCO bolted its to the primary Disc bottom function of the the bridge fulcrum is to support assembly pivot is assembly. and keep in pro- "bouncing" fulcrum support, the by means of a Simultananusly, lateral unit about "pendu- the centered thus, this free pivot when preventing brakes toes of on discs. pivot assemblies in brakes lateral on cars journal boxes. are with This wear plates (8604112) laterally when brakes in preventing boxes. shoe linings cars with in brakes on This does In lietJ style thereof, positioning of brake not this linings for general utilizes "dragging" free-lateral, use style free lateral conventional style against which are in released wear uses pin, 8609697, which works through the fulcrum pivot. This arrangement plate, a stop bushed holes permits of disc while displacement in al- of wheels with respect to the truck frame. In this style, overall nominal length of stop pin when new is in. ; when new pin. edge side surface After bushing ing side G.g.4003 pin preloaded of fulcrum 8604112. outside Brakes, ful- "bounc- frame position, #2 is used with Assembly to the use: for excessive Brid_'e axle assembly pivot vertically position, thereby and wearing. 5-3/16 rings. of the pivot the of the brake #1 is used lowing variation plane of the restricts unit dragging styles Style when by means (8606651). in released journal reservoir is well - replace M- suitable) three the grease bushing home (AAR is also in the holds replaceable tongs bear of pur- frame this pin and movement Style carefully the is attached brake resiliently non-free to installing also grease sure to be lubri- vertical for of the discs horizontal is resiliently general bushings for units surfaces assembly To prevent and are (refer bushings, surfaces o-rings condition stall its purpose pivot pivot of pins, Apply making in fulcrum lum" pin, Two lubricant special bushings, "Tongs". allows alignment of the retainer shoes bushings, bearing bearing pin bushings, groove and o-rings. roller rubber Just and its - general 917 Journal dry a year. pin pin retainer and bushings once the lubricated. be made surfaces pins pivot both properly Assembly with For of these brake the pivot support retainer plate. exposed body. bushings plane of the truck frame due to tilting. car roll, truck uneveness, etc. rubber in removal pin may the cover and Section are pivot removing and thrust used usage, flanged under the braking between fulcrum crum washer assembly. procedure bridge assembly in vertical place connection install, in a previous two flanges individual on its bushings To working In normal the Note" pivot of the pose Installation c) all Assembly fulcrum takes pivot thrust on Warning Pivot rotation washer and are in the provision Fulcrum and assembly, is covered "Tongs". parts pressed "Special This disc boxes, thrust with tongs. heading wearing are The 2. installation tongs C_,_p._y each of bridge on the off the upper bushing also, and under which in is: of tong bly; flange on truck with min. away shown always in. to these clearance of fiat two brake attached section see The the Amo¢lcan-Standard fulcrum pin bushing in the. fulcrum pivot assembly. This is required only on the surfaces adjacent to the wheel. ample Pennsylvania 15148 to casting of lug. worn, Check wear of this below stop or 6-1/8 worked bushing about replace out 1/2 8606370, of position is to be flush of its lug on fulcrtma is pressed in place, with in., pin bushings, in. pivot tack long with out- casting. weld bush- head at back W_B C 0 An A_rJCail_SIl_fd Westinghouse #2 also requires grinding a 1/8 on flange of tong pin bushing rim clearance to accommodate free-lateral box. 8605635 Pivot Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Compen? Style Air Tong This for remark Pin Bushing in. applies on deep sufficient full travel Wheel flat only to the of discs application, apply Style when #1 and fulcrum Style pivot #2, flMlowing assemblies comments are Tong bushings, 8608638. excessively either in the Replace bore or of this bushing is reconwnended when at its worn beyond thinner, ing l-9/16 Bushing if thickness or flange casting Pivot in. should also of flange is worn if distance from to bottom reaches inside of in. in. or of bushC) in fulcrum machined for in normal service. bushing Thermal for new is recorm_lended or more at its largest disc part brakes, of the requires (See Fig. brake frame frame and maintenance, 8606602, in normal except in which becomes applied, inside the fulcrum be taken ring end of bushing support tack-welded bushing should locking the with fulcrum to fulcrum that new at outside be with Bushings tack welds support under Disc whose braking grade of cast back plate that that will by abnormally of unusual cracked. cracked surfaces. or be found overload In practically brake rapid to prevent disc shoe they serious do appear, if length disc of will lining thermal thermal crack braking all b_e pre- wear. If D) I. Thus and faces of then be edge By reducing it reduces are ends should at outer crdcks. cracks will u_sually _,, and will develop a disc be removed exceeds one-half the width of Machining bushings inner corbe surface. more though of 2, casting. machining brake discs There are tWO reasons the the thickness thermal harm some been removed Brake discs of the capacity than small good braking surface, of, the brake. result even may thermal to refor cracks may have by machining. have continued ory service for years have appeared without progressing. the condition providing satisfact- after thermal cracks the cracks necessarily The important that caused the thing small is to correct thermal such scored cracks. to Figures Brake will disc braking be removed wear conditions ceded 25 and 26. ha unusual The of any to be thermal a thermal SECTION-7 BRAKEDISC Refer and recommend pivot bushings groove casting. three When flush not scratches. wear on the that discs We do not recommend move thermal cracks. this: I.D. for removal We do such of the discs Such sur- ser- replace- 18). at largest care with cause reasons cases, the Bushing, 8606602, is 2-1/4 inch nominal I.D. new. These should be replaced when I.D. is worn to 2-11/ rr_re not braking. be in small darkened clusters radially. We recommend that the truck no special of bushings, that for Cracks a disc only installed ready this condition of rapid lining wear is noticed and rective measures applied to the cause, it should BRAKE FRAMEASSEMBLY are finished iron Wear When ha truck-mounted are with It is passible pivot. SECTION-6 or cast is required. braking surfaces in normal service. to remove possible 32 inch the fulcrum'pivot of this is 2-7/32 in. Replacement when worn to 2-5/16 in. diameter. pin works are ,fully machining There is very little We do not recommend or more. 8606648, diameter B) largest to 1/8 scratches machining be replaced bottom surface 5-7/16 Pin Bushing, Nominal ment with & Scratches no t interfere when worn in thickness of flange. Nominal bore alia. new is 1.510 in. Replacement diameter, vice received no further face an integral interlock [t is correnon for the to become scratched worked on,* 2. securely as maintenance operation information I Assembly. both 1. 15148 to more New brake Fulcrum A) For Pennsylvania periphery partion. wheel in the Side Division Assembly surfaces iron has as and which a series used is an integral cooling is cast into fins are a bell of keystones unit suiting of a special shaped along steel 9 a missing may be machined face to a more condition, its outer cases, from as a badly brake by taking satisfactory the disc face shoe, the a thin cut surface. does not have disc disc reface to return Under the this to be absoG-9 -4003 Westinghouse maintenance operation information lutely & [ smooth the action the thickness 7/16 inch. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmsrding, as it will be smoothed of the brake Air Brake Division lining, of the disc ultimately In no case face be made by parts - mating parts lubricant is wet. should less Pennsylvania 15148 Several Weldin_ The material of the brake disc is not satisfactory welding. Repairing welding is not recommended. suitable a brake "dry for disc by Rust type" over past applied as when facturer, tection have against 1. Dag lubricants the lowing given wear in service, preventing When discs harmful new discs the machined by a coating moved Corp. require are shipped surfaces of paint. before no attention for source of supply, 2. Grafertt Mansfield, 3. Joseph Paste. corrosion. After are This placing discs are for handling, from protected against rusting paint need not be re- discs once in service storage, or some proprietary away which but lbs. and are or shilmaent, product, may Before returning must be carefully 35 made Huron, used suc- of the by the service - fol- manu- and pro- by Acheson Col- Michigan. be wiped brak- coated with a of paint and oil which will If preferred, the B) not wash Brake Molylube 8fi-18 of the coated disc to service, the coating removed with a suitable solvent. Obtain from: coating used may between the braking surfaces Graphite The thinner Grease Brake be of the disc. LUBRICATION Bushing-s, type metal Thrust lubricant surfaces such as pins, bushings, parts overhaul, Surfaces cleaned for pin change, to be lubricated be applied, completely be dry. must corrosion, A thin making covered. to dry when removal, etc. folly coat for all metal of cylinder washers, thrust be lubricated of all dirt, and must lubricant should (interior and in addition are exposed brake shoe etc. is recommended wearing These Washers, etc. at each any of these brake head brake parts removal, first be thoroughly grease or oily of lubricant installing film should sure entire wearing surface Allow sufficient time for before to excluded) is or assembling 10 of 5 and one quart to be 60_ or CO. of No. 1924 Graphite in quantities as re- in proportions Paste naphtha a non-greasy is recommended Cylinders. Farmingdale, SECTION- 8 Pins, use 1924 Brass of and car- Cylinders cation aluminum paint. In such cases, this coating need not be cleaned off when discs are placed in service, but care must be taken not to coat the area of the by Ohio Crucible Co's. must be mixed for immediate No. off easily. protective made 40% carbon tetrachloride bon-tet substitute). removed the disc 22462 Ohio. BEL-RAY G-g-4003 been Anyone recommended No. Dixon (This quired in service. ing surfaces should be completely rust preventive, such as a mixture Dry have years. of Port No. thinner. A) while Protection While fins if assembled satisfactory and corrosion Dispersion loids F) freeze than cessfully E) may CO. INC. N. J. for lubri- Westinghouse operation Air Brake Division & maintenance A_ Amtical_-Stand#fd Co,'_s_y WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding. Pennsylvania 15;48 informa tion SECTION 9 CONTENTS F[GURE NO. SUBJECT PAGE 1 TFM Disc Brake installat',on ................................. 12 2 TFM Disc Brake Installation ................................. 13 3 TFM - Outboard Handbrake Parts ........................... 14 4 TF_ - Inboard . .......................... 15 5 TFM - Non-Ilandbrake 6 Brake Shoe 7 Brake Lining" 8 Hand Riveting 9 Brake Lining 10 Brake Head Assemblies 11 Brake Head Repair Procedure (Long 12 Brake Head Repair Procedure (Short 13 Air Cylinder Assemblies - Old 14 Air Cylinder Assemblies - New 15 Tong 16 Bridge 17 Fulcrum Pivot Assembly, Style No. 1 .................. 18 Fulcrum Pivot Assembly, Style No. 2 ............................ 19 Brake 20 Handbrake Lever Assembly 21 Handbrake Crank Assemblies 22 Brake Pins - For Old 23 Brake Pins - For New 24 Air Hose 25 Air Hose 26 Disc 27 Application 28 Instructions 29 Instructions Handbrake mid Parts Par_s Lining .............................. 16 ............................. 17 18 ...................................... Fixture 19 ............................... 20 ................................... Style Style Type) TYpe) 21 ......................... 22 ......................... 23 ............................ 24 ............................ 25 ............... Assembly Frame List .................................. Assembly Assemblies Lis" Assemblies Assemblies Set Lisz ' ........................ 26 ....................................... Assembly 27 " .......... ................................... Style 30 ...................... 31 ...................... 32 Style Cylinder Assemblies - Two Piece .............................. 33 Assemblies - One Piece .............................. 34 Assemblies Assemblies ....................................... of Disc to Wheel "" 29 ................................. Assemblies 28 29 ................................. Cylinder 27 . 35 ................................. 36 - PUNCH-LOK Clamp ............................. 37 - PUNCH-LOK Clamp ............................. 38 11 G-9-4003 operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division wne,',a maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding. Pennsylvania 15148 An Amoflcs_S_da_ information FIGURE TYPICAL Handbraked G-g-4003 truck shown, INSTALLATION TRUCK FRAME WABCO DISC non-handbrake I MOUNTED STYLE BRAKE installation ]2 _similar (omitting handbrake parts). _y Westinghouse An Amrlca_Shl_rd C4mD_y WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 operation & maintenance information FIGURE TYPICAL Outboard Handbrake INSTALLATION TRUCK FRAME WABCO DISC end MOUNTED are STYLE BRAKE of handbraked parts 2 truck omitted (less wheels) on non-handbraked ]3 shown. truck. G-g-4003 operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmer(:ling. Pennsvlvsnia 15148 A. Amirl¢lln-SIil_li_l _y information MODELTFM TYPICALDISC BRAKEASSEMBLY• OUTBOARD HANDBRAKE 22 23 2. 16 3 18 4 .,........_.-----.-_ 10 11 1213 FIGURE Item Part No. Part Name No. Part 13 576065 Slotted 14 8609550 Angle Wire 15 Varies H.B. Crank Assy, 16 8606652 H.B. Lever at Cy[. 17 18 93841 8602190 Gasket 19 514281 Cap Screw Lock Washer, 20 8606611 Brake Head Assy. (R.H. Outside) 21 8606612 Brake Head Assy. (L.H. Outside) 22 8606613 Brake Head Assy. (R.H. Inside) 23 8606614 Brake Head Assy. (L.H. Inside) 24 8606603 Cover Plate, 1 Varies Brake Assembly 2 Varies Brake Frame 3 Varies Air 4 Varies Brake Cylinder 5 8604173 Tong Pin-Tong 6 8604191 H.B. Crank 7 8606654 8 8605691 H.B, Lever Pin at Cyl. Pin-H.B. Crank and Lever 9 10 576246 8605061 Cotter, 3/8 Spring cover 11 8605060 Spring at Tong 12 575988 Flat Hose Complete Assy. Assy. Washer, Pin at Cyl. x 2 (For Item 8) Pin 3/4 Prices Orders O-g.4003 3 14 Itewn NO. [11 13 19 1 should give will PIECE bequoted NUMBER N upon and No. Part application NAME of pax wanted Name Hex (Air Nut, 3/4- (Nut Safety) 10 Assy. Hose Fitting) 1/2 Pivot Assy. Westinghouse Air Brake operation Division & maintenance An &nJrJ¢80.SlJndJrd WESTINGHOUSE _'a_y AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmefdlng, Pennsylv$nla 15148 information MODEL TFM TYPICALDISCBRAKE ASSEMBLY -INBOARDHANDBRAKE 21 \ 4 10 15 17 FIGURE 111 13 14 Part No o Part I Varies Brake 2 Varies Brake 3 Varies Air 4 Varies Brake 5 6 8604191 Tong H.Bo 7 8606654 H.B. 8 9 10 4 Item Item No. 0 23 8604173 8605691 576246 8605061 11 8605060 12 578988 Pin Na_ae Assembly Frame Hose Complete Assy. Assy. Cylinder Pin-Tong at Cyl. Crank Pin al Cyi. Lever - ll.B. Cotter, Spring Assy. Pin at Cyl. Crank 3/8 and x 2 (For Lever Item 8) Cover Spring at Tong Pin Flat Washer. 3/4 Prices Orders should give will PIECE bequoted NUMBER 1S No. Part No. 13 14 576065 8609550 15 16 17 Part Nut, 3/4-10 (Nut Safety) Varies Angle Wire H.B. Crank 8606652 H.B. Assy. 93841 Gasket 18 8602190 19 20 514281 8606611 Cap Screw Lock Washer, 21 22 8606612 8606613 23 24 upon and Slotted Name Hex Lever (Air Hose Fitting) 1/2 Brake Head Asay. (R,H. Outside) Brake Head Assy. (L,H. Outside) Brake Head Asay, (R.H. Inside) 8606614 Brake Head Assy. (L.H. Inside) 8606603 Cover Plate, Pivot Assy. application NAME of pax wanted G-g.4003 Westinghouse maintenance operation information & I Air Brake W_BCO Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 An AmrEcan-$t0ndlm Com_ MODEL TFM TYPICAL DISCBRAKE ASSEMBLY [Non-Handbrake) 16 24 20 21 Item No. Item Part No. Part Name No. Part No. Part Name 1 Varies Brake Assy. - Complete 13 8609324 Bridge 2 Varies Brake Frame Assy. 14 Varies 3 Varies Air 15 8606617 Fulcrtma Fulcrum 4 5 Varies 8604173 Brake 6 8605061 Spring 7 8605060 8 575988 Spring-Tong Flat Washer, 9 576065 Slotted 10 8609550 Wire Angle 11 8605688 Tong Assembly 12 8605689 Tong Assembly Hose Tong Assy. Cylinder Assy. Hn - Cyl. Both Ends Cover Hex Pin 3/4 Assembly Pivot Pivot 16 8606611 Brake Head Assy. (R.H. Outside) 8606612 Brake Head Assy. (L.H. Outside) 18 8606613 Brake Head Assy. (R.H. Inside) 19 86O6614 Brake Head Aesy. (L.H. Inside) 20 8605116 Brake Shoe & Lining Assy. Shoe & Lining Assy. 3/4-10 21 8605117 Brake (Nut Safety) 22 8604899 Spring Retainer (R.H.) 23 8604586 Spring - Brake (L.H.) 24 8604901 Brake Shoe Key Prices should give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER 16 Assy. Pin 17 Nut, Orders G.g-4003 5 FIGURE upon and application NAME of part wanted - Brake shoe (R.H.) (L.H.) Shoe Westinghouse Air Brake operation Division & maintenance _._ AmedrJn-Sta_dard WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, C_,_:er*y Pennsylvania 15148 information BRAKESHOEAND LINING ASSEMBLIES 8 6 o =_ °I J m m 8 @ :2 7 5 / 2. L.H. - Shown 1. R,H. - Opposite !F._ j FIGURE 3, R°H. 4. L.H. _ - Opposite 6 26 inch 24 inch Ref. NO, 1 2 M.U. All Weather 8611265 8611266 24 in. Metal 24 inch Toe Mainline 8612452 8612330 8612453 Mainline 8612331 26 in. Metal M.U. All Weather Toe 8605771 28 inch 28 in. Mainline Metal M.U. No, Toe Part 8605116 8605770 8605117 Brake Shoe Lining Asy. Brake Lining 3 8609830 8609830 8609830 8605758 8605758 8605139 8605139 Brake Stud 4 860983_ 860983: 8609832 8605759 8605759 8605140 8605140 Name Brake Stud Shoe Asy, Shoe Asy. Shoe Asy. Req'd & -- - R.H. & -- -- L.H. & R.H. 1 & L.H. 5 3605177 8605177 8605177 8605177 8605177 860517? 8605177 Sm_ 6 8609832 8609832 8609832 8600183 8600183 8605137 8605137 Rubber Pad 3 7 579549 579551 579548 579545 579546 579552 579544 Lining Asy. 1 8 8608990 8608990 8608990 8608990 8608990 8608990 8608990 Brake Shoe furnished on NOTE: #10 Gage (. 135 Dia.) Pc. No. 8608990. soft iron wire, cut to required 17 length from 10 foot length as 8 Wire G-g-4003 operation & Westinghouse naintenance Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 A. American-Standard information WABCO DISCBRAKELININGASSEMBLIES (ObsoleteandReplacementPieceNumbers) FIGURE OBSOLETED PIECE NO. 7 NEW DESCRIPTION RECE 8605134 28 inch Mainline 579552 8613021 28 inch Mainline 579552 28 inch M.U. 579552 8608869 28 inch Metal 8605772 26 inch Mainline 579545 579545 8611900 (A) 8612345 (A) 26 inch M.U. 8612550 (A) 26 inch All 26 inch 8612334 8608800 (A) 8612329 8611123 (A) 8611264 8612492 (A) 8612440 Toe NO. 579544 Weather 579545 Metal Toe 579546 26 inch Metal Toe 579546 24 inch Mainline 579548 24 inch Mainline 579548 24 inch M.U. 579549 24 inch All 24 inch M,U. Weather 579549 Metal Toe 579551 Note: (A) For these suitable G .9-4003 obsolete substitute piece numbers, piece numbers no direct are shown replacement piece for the line 18 basic number of seven will be available. (7) brake lining However, assemblies, co_¢ar_ Westinghouse Air Brake Division operation & maintenance *n Am4tlcIn. S Lanier 4 Co,_p_,y WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 information HANDRIVETINGSET , _/4-'1 • Ld .,_jho,,.___:_4 __ _L: -q- --- SECTION A-A DOUBLE SIZE 6_ 480'-.0oz /z_Jf..,/,¢ 0.225: ! mA. MATERIAL--TOOL STEEL HARDEN 48"52 FOR RIVETING ENLARGED TO 4 TIMES ROCKWELL_" BRAKE SHOE STUDS FIGURE - 8 G-g-4_3 operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 information BRAKE LININGASSEMBLY FIXTURE 11 13 12 10 \ 5A FIGURE 9 No. Ref.No. Pc.No. Parts Req'd 8610476 LINING 2 8605627 3 8605625 .SPRING, .COLLAR 4 8610477 .CARRIAGE 5 8610475 .KEY, 5A 8610478 6 8605624 .KEY, End Stud Wire .HANDLE ............. 7 86O5621 .BASE 8 8600194 .SPINDLE 9 8606225 10 8605628 .FRAME ............. .HANDWHEEL .......... I 1 .WASHER 1 11 524387 12 8605631 .KEY, ASSEMBLY Guide 514415 .WASHER, ........ Lock NUMBER 20 1 . . . 1 2 1 Handwheel ........ Frame to Base ...... bequoted . 1 ............. 15 will Guide 1 Handwheel 576052 PIECE 1 Wire ............. 14 give Stud .............. .BOLT, .BOLT, Prices 1 1 ........... Center 5328 should FIXTURE Coil .......... ............ 13 Orders G.g-4003 Name upon 1 2 ......... 2 application and NAME of pa_ wanted A_ Am 1_¢4n. Slm_14rd Com_ Westinghouse operation Air Brake Division & maintenance An Amriclr_Standltd C,ot_ _ WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 information C) Brake Shoe Wear faces, top edge When of key face for worn Do not use less in shoe bears pin, and against effective surfaces, deepest only at portions of two edge where key bears slot which measuring two wear or applied, 8604901 on this key occurs (1) on top rounded against flat Key always measure retainer. a key in service that the between and at is worn to 5/8 inside brake Brake between inch height. c) head should are Brake Head They BRAKE HEADS the held the shoe tong of Brake and shoe pin in position retainer Heads for on the by the support. brake springs, brake Brake shoe spring tongs and utilizes heads lining retainers may be and a year. wear Some to do this each parts railroads time brake Repairs heads that have damaged arms, are available from WABCO. be applied remove grind head per damaged head suitable fixture Weld steel rod to assure Figure brake assembly. mild on from Provide arm with illustration arm smooth. on new and holding Installation difficulty shoes. be removed brake arms may brake when if wrong changed. First welding disc Also, some brake once it advantageous shoes the brake position. is used, at least To salvage replacement SECTION-3 ride in applying heads find would in the applied lubricated spots. in effective are experienced (2) on bottom spring height sur- the offset brakes per 11. head and surface for new arm to illustration, proper alignmefit of parts. are assemblies, and the SECTION -4 brake keys. BRAKE CYLINDERS A) Brake Head Removal To remove shoes. brake Lift heads, the pair first remove of brake the heads from brake Brake the shoe and compact as amount Dins. Brake heads must tile heads are interlocked be removed in pairs by the guide pin. Clean for defects. heads surface Slight and must inspect be straight straightening, in a press. and heat forging Brake mounting flat within 1/32 may be done for heavy if required, Use Shoe One used in. cold straightening. Cylinders cylinder Brake Head Befi_re installing ing with b) brake heads, 8, Shoe and shank pin also c) Guide d) Exposed "dry" the tbnpe lubricant. followRefer Lubrication. pin Shoe lubricate cylinders head contact wear plate pins and for wear plate bushings car drilling". levers, thrust washers the outside and inside pairs beads by engaging the guide are R.H. and L.H. Care must at the side be taken location brake maximum that worked heads clearance have pin. brake The heads to the pressure does not end draw stroke. On brake inside rod brake This offset at center is guide sill; head because arms if wrong ported FIGS. of the cylinders. is rod application bellows moves Sketch head to ob- "brake axe does in effect not breathe from stroke, thru type outward the rubber with to the which 12 and 13 show This piston slides piston sketch head within and nonand from ported the hollow boot, the non-pressure hollow its stroke, release air the piston one rod. chamber with air from the collapsing of this air is drawn in tbru the applied that atmosphere is moved into the the to obtain size cylinders special on the brake application in water and dirt on the is used in- The to the weight which is a unit stroke plenished and most brake size without tongs, outside end end of which in sizes. proportion in all locations. cylinder directly inside proper on. brake location. different same the service. cylinders on one truck axe [n some cases, the trucks of ratios" used light life of Cylinder On release Asse_nble All The non-pressure of tong disc are long speed in several have are Description each made may brakes with in high is in proper "braking brake piston surface truck proper The surface for axe on each lever A) and bushings encountered is used disc to withstand carried by that truck. the same size diameter. tain recommended to Section a) Installation on WABCO rugged, of abuse a common B) used yet bellows the hair is reboot, filter rod. a sectional shows also illustration the the the replaceable packing hollow bronze cup piston bushG-g-4003 Westinghouse maintenance operation information & I ing that is pressed sure head). an oil saturated ricates the piston release into the cylinder cover (non-pres- felt piston The cylinder with three swab rod. cover body ring The steel spring buckling piston bushing The bellows dirt and lub- application 3. to the cylinder seals the joint cylinder cover against Apply tong pin in with turn spring is positioned the other and dirt protects 4. and cylinder bronze being clamp cover: boot end the piston Blow out air possible dirt Connect Two case ends of cylinder into fastens another 5. D) rod from posi- rod steel body wear also Cylinder of hoot end clamp flanged for the tong Cyliader 1. For safety, the brake. release 2. Disconnect disassembled be protected 1. fastens rod 2. to from and by removing Cover water the end. bushings Before tongs rod provide cylinder installing bushings Refer bushings, Place on one fastener. G-g-4003 Proper length be used. that cap is in screws and to cap screws. Inspection brake hose Remove damage and Overhaul rubber hoot cylinder and clean piston and must and away attaching body. Slowly cylinder from to relieve cylinder from torn, cylinder entry the personal cover cylinder gasket flanged 4. Remove cup. 5. Remove of cyl- cylinder. spring sleeve ., the packing use chisel hard wood tool wide with rounded damaging the cup thoroughly, compression to slide off piston and between cylinder body and the cup from other about with piston sharp 3/32 nose pecking using stainless in. and steel guide). assembly or is if discard. (spring piston NOT pres- spring defective, release guide to clamping Normally this gasket Check condition and otherwise Remove remove cover body. remove or then cylinder relieve and cylinder cover. suitable for re-use. supply To avoid position, bolts and allow pins. possible remove from cover. to gradually screws. to prevent be kept in handling:- in compressed sure unit: fitting must against cylinder long- support connection cut out air two cap and Check and gasket the packing head. tools thick edges DO - use and a 1 in. to prevent cup. Clean the packing a suitable solvent. Installation pins and lubricant. l. air inlet or dirt. Spread Cylinder pins, the clean parts Remove spring at outer Remove the two pins which connect inders to the forked end of tongs. 5. C) air to remove injury, this should be done in a suitable holding fixture which will hold the piston return 3. the to cylinder to cylinder. are Dismantling, Carefully the 4. fitting safety wire All Removal To remove line prevents large and piston for re- cover, on release in piston surfaces surfaces Drive against or moisture. surfaces Apply Cylinder and cylinder steel to a groove hardened vertical bearing 3. supply air mating into applied of piston bushing, drawn piston prevent wearing is in air corrosion life of the of cylinder. cover. cylinder preventing helps end to move pressure. the three B) to other hammer Company body between with one end end over a spring of cylinder boot A steel which prevents when and water small guide boss type thus stroke, life pin An Arnedcan.Slanderd of shown. A gasket spring water prolongs the and VAV Pennsylvania 15148 good condition. lockwasher must stainless dirt wipes correct is also The piston return spring in piston head counterbore, tion, which is attached and 2. in the cylinder cover holds spring bolts. cylinder water. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding. A groove W_BCO Air Brake Division cylinder side. the cylinder, lubricate the Examine cleaned packing cup carefully • if worn thin, cut, brittle or otherwise defective tong with recommended "dry" type to Section 8 "LUBRICATION" thrust washers, between !nsert tong tong it must and align pins and not be re-used. With and in normal service, packing years of continuous service. etc. pin holes install 4 careful cups handling give many Westinghouse _dca_s_ c_w_v WESTINGHOUSE operation Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 & maintenance information BRAKE HEADASSEMBLIES I0 9 9 1, II FIGURE ltern No. Part No. Part Name 1 8606611 Brake Head Asy. - Outside (R.H.) 2 8606612 Brake Head Asy. - Outside (L.H.) 3 8606613 Brake Head Asy. - Inside (R.H. 4 8606614 Brake Head Asy. - Inside (L.H.) 5 8605114 6 8604578 Stop Pin Wear Plate 7 8606516 Flanged 8 8601577 Plain 9 8606599 Guide 10 8609635 Arm 8609636 (For (For Shoe Guide Pin) Pin) Pin &Guide For 10 Bushing Bushing Aim Pie & 6uide For Asy. (R.H.) Pin Asy. (L.H.) Repairs Repairs 11 8609637 Arm Asy. (Incl. Bushings) 11 8609638 Arm Asy. (Incl. Bushings)(L.H.) Prices Orders should give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER 21 upon and (R.H.) application NAME of part wanted 10 operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 A_IIclII_St information LONGTYPE BRAKEHEADASSEMBLY Arm 8 Guide Ptn Aay. 86-0%35 Shown 86-09636 Opvisite " "_- Poim l" Min. alter clearance welding \ II .78 _*:oo i • -- Surface "X" NOTE #1: }hint [Inside) ' Brake R.H. Head Asy, 86-06613 Shown L.H. 86-06614 Opposite - IMPORTANT 'IV'of bushings of {rue Guide Hn _ and 86-01577_must of I_)int Iota[ion to perpendicularity on brake beads. to milled E-6015) Point f_ "A*' t I [" Min. ooafter 11.78-.o, clearance wehiing _\ :,///t Jg//_ 5url,_ce Ilead R ,1[. L,I[. 86-06611 86-06612 8.375 [Outside) FIGURE G-g-4003 11 22 "X" Brake "B"of .fk30 "A" with respecl Use mild steel welding red (AWS peint h¢_ wllhin ASy. Sho',m Opposite surface '*X" atldl f¢lC_m_ Westinghouse operation Air Brake Division & maintenance An l,_Itrcln.Sli_dlfd Company WESTINGHOUSE AiR 8RAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, Pennsytvanla 15148 information SHORTTYPE BRAKEHEADASSEMBLY Ar_n R Guide _n 86-11736 Shown 86-11737 Assml_bly-- R)int Guide Opposite r_n See "8" Note #1 __! Point 1" Min. after "A*' ctearance weLding J _ / _, ,_ /. Ii // ,_ a -- I_'] ° / 8.375-Surface /-] 90 Rra_e "×" ]lead 86-10526 Assembly L.H. Opposite [Inside) Note L Nolo Point '_Y' of guide pln_t and point "B" of 86-11726_must be within .030 bushing of true location to perpendicularity Oll bl'llke. or point "A" with to milled USe mild steel rod (E-6flIh) V_lding resider surface "X" [Outside) 23 Hou._ 12 G-g-4003 operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvanla 15148 *. kmrlcarl-Sl|nd|rd C_,_p,_ information AIRCYLINDER ASSEMBLIES - OLDSTYLE[Usewith ShoulderTypePins) 6 9 20 15 -/ 7 FIGURE 18 13 1 No• Ref. No. Pc • No. 6-1/2 8605080 Parts 7-1/2 7 8605050 8605047 8 8608844 Name Cylinder Req'd Size - (in.) 1 2 575978 AIR CYLINDER, ASY. •NUT ............................ 3 524387 •WASHER 3 3 565193 .BOLT 4 8611983 •CLAMP, Piston End .................... 1 5 8611984 .CLAMP, Cover End .................... 1 6 .BOOT, 7 8604186 8605162 8 8604181 • .BUSH, 9 8604182 • LUBRICATOR, 10 8605157 .GASKET, 11 8605088 .SPRING, 12 8606339 .GUIDE, 531244 531328 531329 549903 14 8605738 8606419. 8606428 8608842 15 8604172 8604172 8604172 8604172 17 9705733 8606377 8606376 8608841 18 8605122 8605161 8605163 19 8604172 8604172 8604172 20 Dust 1 Cover 1 Felt 1 Cover Piston Packing 1 ....................... .................... ...................... Return ................... ....................... 1 l 1 ........................ 1 1 2 6 8608843 ..HEAD, Piston ....................... .CYLINDER BODY ...................... l 1 8604172 •. BUSH ............................ 2 • .TUBE, 1 8605728 Prices should ........................ Asy ........................ Spring .CUP, 3 .PISTON, Aey ........................ • .BUSH ............................ • •RIVET ........................... 576025 Orders G-g-4003 ............................ •COVER, 13 16 .......................... give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER 24 Piston upon ....................... application and NAME of part wanted WF_B_-n Westinghouse AnAmerican-Slandard Co. WESTINGHOUSE operation Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania & maintenance 15148 information AIRCYLINDER ASSEMBLIES NEWSTYLE [Usewith StraightPins) 10 17 14 11 8 _/ 5 6 _9 20 19 \ 18 7 1 FIGURE 14 3 :No. Ref• No• Parts Pc •No. 6-I12 Cylinder 7 8612048 8612051 ] 7-1/2 ] 8612054 1 575978 2 524387 3 4 565193 8611983 5 8611984 8604186 6 7 Name i Size 8612057 AIR CYLINDER, .BOLT Piston .LUBRICATOR, IO 8605157 .GASKET, II 8605088 •SPRING, 12 8606339 8612050 15 8612030 8612053 8612030 16 17 9705733 8606377 18 19 8612049 8612030 2O End • •BUSH, f_t_Zq [ .GUIDE, 53,,,1_8 549903 ..... .... 3 3 3 •. ................... .CLAMP, Cover End • . . '.............. .BOOT, Dust .......................... •COVER, Asy ...... ";'. ................ 8604182 14 : ............. ............................ •CLAMP, 9 531328 ASY. .NUT .......... .WASHER ...................... 8605162 8604181 531244 - (in•) 8 8 13 Req' d .CUP, Cover ....................... 1 1 Packing .................... ...................... Return Spring 1 1 1" Felt Cover Piston 1 _... 1 .................... ...................... 1 ,. ........................ 1 1 .PISTON, •. BUSH Asy ........................ ........................... 1 2 • •RIVET ........................... 6 8612056 8612030 8612059 8612030 8606376 8608841 ..HEAD, PIston ....................... •CYLINDER BODY ...................... 1 1' 8612052 [ 8612055 8612030 8612030 8605728 8612058 8612030 • .BUSH ............................ 2 • .TUBE, 1 576025 [ Prices Orders should give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER 25 Piston ....................... upon application and NAME of part wanted G-g-40_3 4 operation & Westinghouse W,o,B Air Brake Division C 1:3 maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding. Pennsylvania 15148 An Amerlcan-Startdatd information TONGASSEMBLIES \ 5 RIGHT HAND FIGURE 1S LEFT HAND No. Ref.No. l Pc.No. 8612062 2 3 8612063 8605690 4 Name Req'd TONG, ASSEMBLY (R.H.) TONG, ASSEMBLY (L.H.) 8604171 .WASHER, Thrust ..... .BUSH, Upper ....... 2 1 5 6 8612030 8605087 .BUSH, 1 .PIN, Shoe 7 8604163 .PIN, Fulcrum 8 8605636 .WASHER, 9 8604112 10 8604901 .PLATE, Wear KEY ............ 11 8604899 RETAINER 12 8604586 SPRING Prices Orders G-g-4003 Parts should give will be quoted PIECE NUMBER 26 Lower ....... ......... 1 ....... Thrust 1 ..... ....... ......... ........... 1 1 1 1 1 upon application and NAME of paz't wanted Co W_Rr-O Westinghouse operation Air Brake Division & maintenance • n A_tl¢lN-Sllndlrd C_pan WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerdlng, v Pennsylvania 15148 information BRIDGEASSEMBLY 2 FIGURE 16 Item No. Part No. Part Name 1 8609324 Bridge 2 8605637 Bushing 3 8609325 Bridge Asy. (Bridge with Bushings) Bolt FULCRUMPIVOTASSEMBLYSTYLE- 1 Item FIGURE 17 No. Part 1 2 8606616 8604112 Fulcrum Pivot Wear Plate 3 8605635 Bushing - Tong 4 5 8606648 8606617 Bushing Fulcrum - Pivot Pin Pivot Pin 6 7 8609344 8606651 O-Ring Retainer 8 8606603 Cover 27 Part Name 552710 Drive Screw 514276 Lock Washer 11 514274 Bolt give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER Fulcrum Pin Rubber 9 should Asy. Plate I0 Prices Orders No. upon and application NAME of part wanted G-g-40O3 Westinghouse maintenance operation information & Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding. I Pennsylvania 15148 _,_ Amsr{cln.Slln(J|rd Comp_l FULCRUMPIVOTASSEMBLYSTYLE- 2 Item "'_ C I_ji. No, Part Name 1 8609719 Fulcrum Pivot Asy. 2 8606370 Bushing - Stop Pin 3 8605635 Bushing - Tong 4 5 8606648 8606617 Bushing Fulcrum - Pivot Pin Pivot pin 6 7 8609344 8606651 O-Ring Retainer 8 8606603 Cover 9 552710 Drive Screw 10 514276 Lock Washer 11 514274 Bolt 12 8609697 Stop Fulcrum Pin Rubber Plate Pin . .'.U , Prices G-9-4003 Part 3 Orders FIGURE No. 18 28 should give will PIECE be quoted NUMBER upon and application NAME of part wanted operation w_e=a An Amri_n.Stl,_dlr_ WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Westinghouse Air Brake Pennsylvania Division15148 _p_y & maintenance I information BRAKEFRAMEASSEMBLYANDBRAKEFRAMESUPPORT 1 1 3 2 FIGURE 19 Item Item No. Part No. Part Name 1 Varies Brake 2 8606602 Bushing Frame No. Asy. (Item 4 not incl.) Part No. Part Name 3 Varies Support-Air 4 8606662 Support-Brake Hose Frame HANDBRAKE LIVERASSEMBLY FIGURE 20 Item No. Part 1 8606652 H.B. 2 8612031 Bushing Prices Orders should give No. will PIECE Part Name Lever be quoted NUMBER 29 upon and & Bushing Asy. application NAME of part wanted G-g-40o" operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 *n An_dun-Sta_derd information HANDBRAKE CRANK ASSEMBLIES "X"_ "A" 1-- I.D.="C" 6 _-_ _ / ___,SECTION I.,.DD.=" D" _-i4_r -- "X" L. ItRIGHT HAND, 2 LEFT HAND "Y-Y" 5 / = SECTION"X-X" 4 _3 RIGHT HAND SHOWN LEFT HAND OPPOSITE FIGURE Dimensions "A" (in.) "B" 8-I/4 0 8-1/4 o lO 6 8-1/2 3/4 0 3-21/32 I0 3/4 10 3/4 PART Inside 'qY' Inside Dia. Dia. Item 1-1/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 .7/8 8605045 7/8 8605686 7/8 tfCtt Asy. R.H. G-g-4003 NUMBERS Bushing Item3 Bushing Item4 Bushing Item 5 Bushing Item 6 Bushing Item 7 8605046 8601746 8612030 8601577 8601746 8612030 8604192 8604192 860808I 8605687 86O4192 8601577 8605785 8605786 8601746 8612030 8604192 8604192 8601577 7/8 8606266 8606267 8601746 8612030 8604192 8604192 7/8 8608812 8608813 8601746 8612030 8604192 8604192 8608011 8601577 7/8 8606658 8606659 8612030 8612030 8604192 8604192 8601577 7/8 8609716 8609717 8612030 8612030 8604192 8601577 Prices Orders Asy. L.H, 21 should give 1 Item will PIECE 2 be quoted NUMBER 30 upon and 8604192 application NAME of part wanted (2) _,._p_ y Westinghouse operation Air Brake Division & maintenance A. Ameri¢ln.$1|ndlrd WESTINGHOUSE Co_olny AiR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 information BRAKEPINS - (For OldStyle CylinderAssemblies) 5 ,z < _u m | i T - < 4 I -i _ _i N } /' / u _._[ _ < z, ..8 m ! i I I r 1o 3 4 r _:_ 22 FIGURE NOTE: Items 2 to 6 incl. are used 8 to 6 incl. are used Items with with items I, item I1. 7, and 8. Item No. Part Part Name 1 8604191 Fin (Hand 2 8605061 Spring 3 8605060 Spring 4 575988 Fiat 5 576065 Slotted 6 8609550 Angle 7 8604196 Pin (Hand 8 8604173 Pin (Tong) 9 10 8605691 576246 Fin (Hand Brake Cotter Pin Crank I1 8606654 Fin (Hand Lever) Prices Orders No. should give will PIECE be Brake Crank) Cover (Tong Fin) Washer, Hex 3/4 Nut, 3/4-10 Wire quoted Brake Brake upon NUMBER 31 and Lever) & Lever) application NAME of part wanted G -g .4003 operation & Westinghouse Air Brake Division maintenance WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding. Pennsylvania 15148 information BRAKEPINS - [For New Style CylinderAssemblies) I -y--T I.I 3.., i 81/4 2., J6 4 k'L I i >< f_ /5 FIGURE Item No. Part No. Part Name 1 8612036 Pin (CF 2 8612035 Pin (TFM (CF 3 8612034 Pin 4 8612033 5 8612032 Pin (CF Retainer 6 579538 &TFM Pin Cotter Pm Prices G-o-4003 should give will PIECE be 1, quoted NUMBER 32 Tong) 3 inch 2 and Iterns Orders Lever) &TFM Items 3 and and (Used only with 5) 2-!/2 upon Crank) Lever) Handbrake Cotter 876044 Handbrake Handbrake inch (tlsed only witll 4) application NAME of part wanted 23 ,n American-Standard Co_p*_ r Westinghouse A. Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, AmeFicln-StandlfdCQmpany operation maintenance Pennsylvania 15148 in forma AIR HOSEASSEMBLIES• CYLINDER j/ 6 2 2 A ' / \ GASKETS WIRED TO FITTING FOR SHIPPING. 24 RE 6 6 PART NUMBERS T Air Hose Asy. Item 1 i Gasket Air Fitting Item 2 Air Fitting Item 3 8608829 8600179 8606597 93841 8606596 8600179 8606597 93841 Item 4 Item Air Asy. CAP SCREWS, Hose Cap No, BOLTS, Screws Fitting NUTS for Item & LOCKWASHERS Bolts 2 for Fitting FOR Lock Item 3 5 8608797 Hose 8606593 .L Nuts Fitting Item [ 6 541051 Band 541051 J. AIR HOSE for Item ASSEMBLIES Loskwashers 3 Fitting Item 8608829 523690 542640 575978 814281 8606596 823690 542640 578978 514281 Prices Orders should give will I'IECE be qttoled NIJMBER 33 upon application and NAME of part wanted & 2 tion Westinghouse maintenance operation information & Air Brake WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, [ WRBCO Division Pennsylvania 15148 *. Amflcan*Stah_t fdCo_l_ny AIRHOSEASSEMBLIES - CYLINDER 5 6_ / u FIGURE 25 GASK£T$ WIREDTOFITTING_' Hose Applied Air Released Dimensions H L PART W Hand Air Hose Asy. Shown Oppos. 5-]/2 26-3/4 8609751 --- 10-7/8 5-I/2 26-3/4 --- 8609752 CAP SCREWS, Air Asy. Hose No. Cap Screws Fitting Item BOLTS, for NUTS Cap 3 Air Ftg. Item 3 Air Ftg. Item 4 Band i Gasket Item5 Item6 8609753 8604949 8609749 8609736 541051 93841 8609753! 8604949 8609735 8609750 541051 93841 & LOCKWASHERS Screws Fitting Item for Bolts 4 Clamp FOR AIR HOSE for Item Nut 2 Clamp ASSEMBLIES for Ite_n Lockwashers 2 Items 3 & 4 8609751 8605598 8602190 8602190 575978 514281 8609752 8602190 8605598 8602190 575978 514281 Prices Orders Gt-4003 Clamp Item 2 Hose Item I Hand I0-7/8 NUMBERS should give will PIECE bequoted upon NUMBER 34 and application NAME of pa_ wanted for W_BCC] An Westinghouse Amer*ciIn-NIar_llard Co, WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania operation main 15148 tenance in form I]ISC ASSEMBLIES 7 T Locking Cap ? Plate Screw .....__ FIGURE PART Disc Item Dunensions 1 "A" NUMBERS (NOM.) '_3" "C" Cap Screw Locking 8611254 24 in. 7-3/8 in. 3-3/4 in. 8606154 8611253 8609360 26 in. 8-5/8 in. 3-1/2 in. 8606154 8610855 8609370 28 in. 9-3/4in. 3-1/2 in. 8606154 8610859 Prices Orders should give will PIECE bequoted NUMBER 35 upon and application NAME of pa_ wanted Hate 26 a tion & operation maintenance information & Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE I AIR WI=IBCO Air Brake Division 8RAKE COMPANY/Wilmetding, Pennsylvania An Amerlcan-Slandard 15148 APPLICATION OF DISC 8609370 TO 36 in. WHEEL 53-3/8+0.- 1/16 _C faces rotate at right anglea center to axle within +or 86 09370 with Locking 86-06154 Tighten foot lbs. Disc, li-I/2 in. 28 in. Bolt to - .013 in. Dia. Circle Rate Bolt bolts to 180-200 torque. ¢J / Minlmmn PdH In Wheel 12 BOlt boles 43/64 In. Pitch equally dla. Dla..7094 Chamfer 1/16 1/2 Hub sp_ced TapdrlH 131d, d in wheel foc3/4-16N.F. - .7126 i '1 "3 No. d Thread 2 LLmlt Tap x 45 ° i" NOTE: Ifbalanced apply at approx• (Disc G-9.4003 disc heavy wheels to wheel are used, with heavy 180 = to heavy side side is marked side of disc of wheel. with red paint) FIGURE 27 Co Westinghouse An Amedcan-Slanda fd ¢,omp_ WESTINGHOUSE operation Air Brake Division AIR (]RAKE COMPANY/Wilmerding, maintenance Pennsylvania 15148 information INSTRUCTION NOTICE LACING PUNCH-LOK OPEN END, HEAVY DUTY CLAMPS To do this "lacing I. up" way: out curved Straighten least 2. the easiest 3- 1/2 Put clamp around through 3. Pull 5, 6. Do not try to save any steel in the tail an easier and faster application. piece Using and up tight and don't the extra length of the tail hole Push second wrap hand other while hand. holding Work the tail for the tool. FIGURE piece "lace" a smaller 28 let to complete up" hand by ordering tail for at first wrap the "LOK". "lacing 4. the inches. it slip wrap. of steel to get piece through both piece clamp. a -- lok with one with the wraps through size while second lok. Ready The extra length makes & Westinghouse maintenance operation information & I WESTINGHOUSE AIR Air Brake Division BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerding, Pennsylvania w sca v.a v 15148 Jn Am= dclln- 8 I=l_llrll _ INSTRUCTION NOTICE How to Use The 1, of the Clamp-Master FIGURE Clamp-Master four parts is that will an assembly apply any unit size 29 consisting clamp: Apply 5° with Ratchet Wrench to sufficient strokes until Push Winder. desired forward is ob- tension tained. Fr8223o Punch and Holder Winder 6. Push punch with Wrench, locking Ratchet Model P-38 Clemp-Master punch swing Frame breaking Tool er. at 8. up To _ce end of Clamp Clamp-Master. row 4. Push slotted Winder and firm completely For 3/8 into inch width slotted Clamp end use then of nar- See tail while blow holding move and piece. and holding with of tension up Peen when punch legs use while forward tail opposite To and off squeeze Push LOK tension hammer, thus Clamp. Raise Twist 3. on strike Wrench 7, 2. down it is from punch Wrench, edge corners of LOK out the free, one holder with against pull end and to the of LOK, sa-nooth Wind- other re-engage end, in holes end. Open End around, apply Figure-28 Clamp, threading and use P-38tool. mr clamp wrap each lacing and wrap lace through the clamp LOK, instructions. end. into Frame with slot engaging Clamp end. Prinled G-g-4003 38 in April, U,S.A. 1975 SMP NO. ISSUE DATE REVISION DATE : 03605 : 09-22-81 : TITLE Rebuilding Conventional EQUIPMENT TYPE: Subject: Conventional Rebuilding A. Description of on each carried are the . B. and Cylinders I. Budd Disc and HEP Brake Cylinders HEP Budd Disc Brakes Cylinder Operation are made in several truck is in proper by the truck. All same size diameter. sizes. proportion cylinders The size used to the weight on one truck The cylinder is a sealed unit that does not breathe to the outside atmosphere. The air in the non-pressure area is displaced into the bellows-type boot which extends as the brakes are applied. The air is moved through the hollow-rod portion of the piston which is packed with filter material which provides added protection against dirt and moisture. Description Figures cylinders. i) should of 1 shows Cylinder a sectional illustration of Mounting bushings (ref. no. 15 have a nominal dimension of 1.125 Bushings other than that size should Budd Company (original designer and Service Bulletin No. 30 (attached). Figure 1 shows head and also the replaceable the packing cup the hollow piston bronze bushing the & 19, in. be changed manufacturer) per The applied to the piston rod which slides within that is pressed into the cylinder cover (non-pressure head). cylinder cover holds an oil saturated which wipes and lubricates the piston A groove in the felt swab xing rod. The cylinder cover is attached to the cylinder three bolts. A gasket seals the joint between body and cylinder cover against dirt and water. The piston return spring piston head counterbore, figure is positioned the other end with over body with cylinder one end in a stainless _P# steel spring and prevents cylinder guide spring which helps prevent wearing into piston spring buckling bushing _ss of cover• The bellows type boot protects the piston rod from dirt and water when cylinder is in air applied position, thus preventing corrosion of piston rod and prolongs life of the bronze bushing, also prevents dirt and water being drawn into cylinder on release stroke. A steel clamp fastens large end of boot to the cylinder cover; another steel clamp fastens the small boot end to a groove in piston Two rod case end. hardened steel of cylinder body and vertical wear surface surface for the tong C• Cylinder All disassembled protected i. • Dismantlin_r rubber Remove should cylinder be done hold then boot outer ends and be in from kept Overhaul clean and must be handling:piston and cylinder cover. return three this will spring in compressed position, bolts attaching cylinder cover to body. Slowly relieve clamping pressure to relieve spring compression and allow cylinder slide off piston and away from cylinder body. Carefully remove cylinder re-use. at cover. To avoid personal injury, in a suitable holding fixture which the piston remove the cylinder gradually cover to must damage Remove bushings piston rod provide long-life for cylinder support and bearing connection pins. Inspection parts against flanged cover. Check gasket between Normally condition cylinder this gasket and if torn body and is suitab]e or damaged, for replace. • Remove guide release sleeve spring (spring 4. Remove 5. Remove packing or other sharp inch thick and the to prevent reused if which are piston and the stainless steel flanged guide). assembly with the packing cup. cup from piston head. DO NOT use tools - use a hard wood tool about i inch wide with rounded nose and damaging they are attached: the piston. inspected per Packing cup the following chisel 3/32 edges may be prints 03605 SMP# 03605 Otherwise D. Cylinder . 2. 6-% packing 7-0 packing 7-% packing cup cup cup 8-0 cup packing packing cups must not E-68313-6 E-68313-7 be reused. Body Thoroughly clean the brake cylinder inside outside. Using a dull round scraper grease and dirt on outside surface. solvent, then wipe inside of cylinder rags. remove all heavy Wash in a suitable clean and dry with Examine cylinder wall scratches, grooves to working Light scratches using emery or cloth in packing ridges. small over ridges a cup may rounded be wood Limits All on rebores dimensions are and limits in Max-New 6.500 7.000 7.500 8.000 6.508 7.008 7.508 8.006 Cylinder • Cover Assembly wear for out, block. by honing or on than needed to a are: inches. Limit Nominal of area smoothed Deep cut grooves, etc., may be removed lathe with a very light cut, no deeper just remove the sharp grooves. E. and Last Min-New Rebore Dia. 6.500 7.000 7.500 8.000 6.625 7.125 7.625 8.125 (Non-Pressure Limit of Wear, Largest Dia. 6.656 7.156 7.656 8.156 Finish 40 40 40 40 micro micro micro micro Head) Remove felt piston rod lubricating ring. If felt ring is not worn, submerge in a tank of suitable solvent for a time sufficient to dissolve all old gr__. Brushing the outer surface of the lubricating swab with an ordinaryhand brush while in the solvent will aid in removin@ the old grease and clean the surface of grit or other foreign substance. Hang up felt ring to allow solvent to drip out, then dry with a jet of air. Store cleaned felt swabs in clean, dry container. in. in. in. in. SMP# . After the old grease felt and ring dirt, all is removed, scrape and wash off then thoroughly dry the cover assembly. . Inspect bronze bushing I.D. of brushing Limits of wear - see that - if worn remove (inches} for cover it Limits Nominal -7 Max-New --_ Min-New --_ is Gauge tight. bushing bushing: and replace. of Wear 3.625 Finish m m-_cro. 63 , in. New bushing should be pressed, not hammer driven, into cover. After bushing is pressed into the cover, the bushing must be finish machined on. the inside diameter to 3.604 inch - 3.607 inch, finish must be very smooth to 63 Micro inch. This machining operation is required because bushing is supplied "rough bored" and undersized on inside diameter and also because it is possible to get distortion on the inside diameter when bushing is pressed in. Another precaution - when finish-mPchining the inside dia. of bushing, this should be concentric with diameter of counterbore for cylinder body fit in cover (should be within .005 inch total indicator reading). 4. F. Use a check Piston 3.650/3.652 bushing. Release Thoroughly corrosion. clean "no go" gage shown in figure all dirt, grease 1 to Spring the spring of Free height of spring should be not and carry a load of 135 to 165 ibs. height of 8-5/8 inches. and less than 15-1/2 when compressed inches, to a Inspect spring for cracks and corrusion pitting of the wire - if deep corrosion pitting over a large area or any deep cracks in the spring wire, scrap the spring. If light corrosion pitting over a large area or any deep cracks in the spring wire, scrap the spring. If light corrosion pitted, and spring otherwise the suitable condition - apply one good coat of rust preventive or a coat of Waterproof Alumimum Enamel. 4 03605 SMP# 03605 G. Spring Clean Guide spring on the If damaged guide flange. be held Piston caused or longitudinal stainless H. guide and examine by the distorted, for condition. release repair spring or The to a outside nominal diameter 4-21/32 is scrap. welded butt joint is split steel rod. Grind weld smooth Slight not If of cylindrical inches. harmful. only - reweld on both wear the with faces portion of should Assembly Clean the piston head and hollow piston rod assembly on exposed surfaces. In cleaning this piston assembly, do soak or dip the assembly in solvent or s4milar cleaner. Care must be taken to avoid saturating the hair filter inside the hollow piston rod. Remove any corrosion of hollow piston be done by hand fixture. rough surfaces from outside cloth. in a diameter This may rotating Blow out possible air passage restriction in hair filter with a jet of air applied at all three bzeather ports in hollow rod, one port at a time. the Inspect the mounting end bushings damage. Replace if required, use Gage" shown in figure (2) to check Go To I. or rod using fine grit emery or while revolving assembly all not remove Assembling i. • Q Wipe bushings refer D-3 for the wear in. or "No procedures. Cylinder inside of cylinder Coat inside surface grease• Grease can Inc., P.O. Box 526, 201/938-2421. Apply to for excessive a 1.157/1.160 bushing. packing cup to clean and completely be obtained Farmingdale, piston by dry. with Molylube from Bel-Ray New Jersey 850 Company, 07727, phone startirg cup the over one edge of piston and, while holding cup in this position, work the cup into place with the hands• If the cup does not seat properly due to trapped air, the air can be removed by raising one side of the cup, using the wooden tool, and pushing cup into place with the hands. 5 SMP# Coat the cylinder wall bearing cup and outside diameter recommended brake cylinder surface surface of lubricant. of the piston packing with Insert piston assembly (prepared per above) into the brake cylinder. (At this time have air inlet port of cylinder open to permit escape of air while piston is applied). Rotate and move piston slightly to check against binding of piston cylinder and to avoid later damage to packing cup. Coat outside diameter of brake cylinder lubricant. cylinder lubricant again where previous lubricant in application of piston. piston rod full length with Also apply coat of brake on exposed brake cylinder wall was wiped down by packing cup To a clean good conditioned cylinder cover assembly apply the oil saturated felt ring lubricator, a well greased cylinder cover gasket, and well greased stainless spring guide with the piston release spring. . Holding these parts as a unit, slide unit rod into place against cylinder. (Do not cover gasket kink or get out of place). over piston let cylinder With these components in a clamping fixture, using three bolts with flat washer and Elastic Stop Nut is a composition insert lock nut), securely bolt cylinder cover to cylinder body. the (this CAUTION ON BOLT TIGHTENING. Tighten the 3 bolts progressively and evenly - tighten to about 35 to 40 FTIbs. (420 to 480 inch pounds) torque. In some instances a very narrow gap may be noticed between the outside fits of cylinder bony and cylinder cover. This outside joint is not a seal joint - the seal joint is made at the cylinder gasket face area. The gap may result from dimensional build-up of tolerances in gasket thickness and machining tolerances of cylinder cover and cylinder body. If bolts are tightened excessively, this may distort or crack bolting ears on either or both the cylinder body and cylinder cover. • After assembly cylinder twice the grease. rotate piston 3 revolutions to seat the packing cup and and actuate distribute / 6 03605 _P# 03605 I Remove cylinder from clamping fixture together and make leakage test. Place stroke cylinder on a suitable to about 3-3/4 inch. Leakage should not exceed after fixture ½ lb. bolted limiting per minute piston from 50 Ibs. pressure. 7. After cylinder passes leakage test, apply boot. First, line up the tong pin holes of bushings cylinder and piston so center lines of holes parallel. Rotate piston if necessary. Second, wipe all lubricant. exposed end of Then set boot on cylinder 1/16 inch vent holes are cylinder will be used on piston tube at are clean and end of dry of assembly. Turn boot so the top and bottom of cylinder as the unit. Position boot clamp on cylinder cover with the "LOK" end on bottom of cylinder. Position piston end boot clamp so the "LOK" end is on same side of cylinder as the air inlet port, or in other words farthest away from disc when cylinder is on the unit. The clamps Because Model of P-38 are 3/8 close inch wide clearances Clamp-Master use in making of boot. 29 illustrates Figure 28 illustrates open-end type clamps final tightening of with of the is at tool recommended 7 walls, Tool clamp P-38 prepared clamp. Punch-Lok. boot Locking application Figure used. Open-End recommended piston and how "lacing-up" to use of Punch-Lok P-38 to (small) it is of tool to the for end be SMP# 03605 The Model 3/8" wide Punch-Lok P-38 Clamp Master Locking Tool, open-end clamps Punch-Lok #0-332 #-358, may be purchased from: PUNCH-LOK 321 North COMPANY Justine Chicago, IL also and Street 60607 or through Cover the air inlet or equivalent to entering cylinder and gasket seat. o Clean air cylinder. fitting To seal insure gasket, Pc. Punch-Lok boss on cylinder prevent dirt and prevent thoroughly between 8600955, MCHRE.166 8 with an_. other damage to before cylinder should distributors be and applied masking foreign tapped tape matter holes installation air fitting at each on a new removal. AIRCYLIHDER ASSEMBLIES NEWSTYLE (Use with Straight Pins) 10 17 14 11 16 _3,_/.X/_,_/.z/_/z,/// .. / :jy / 18 2 5 I_0 Pc. No. "Lef.No. Parts Name 6-112 8612048 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 53 1244 8612050 8612030 8612049 9705733 8612030 Cylir4er 7 7-112 8612051 8612054 575978 524387 565193 8611983 8611984 8604186 ' 8605162 860418 ! 8604182 8605157 8605088 8606339 8612053 8612056 531328 j 531328 8612030 6612030 576025 8612052 8612055 I 8606377 8606376 8612030 [ 8612030 8605728 I 8 8612057 549903 I 8612059 j 86120_' 80088_: 8612058 8612030 Size • R_'d - (in.) AIR CYLINDER, ASY. .NUT ......... .WASHER ...... .BOLT ........ .CLAMP, Piston End .CLAMP. Cover End .BOOT, D._ ..... .COVER, Asy .... ..BUSH, Cover . . . .LUBRICATOR, Felt .GASKET, Cover . . .SPRING. Piswo Reru_ .GU_E, SprLng .. .CUP, Packing, .PISTON. AsF. • .BUSH .... • .RIVET .... ..HEAD, Piston .CYLINDER BODY_ •.BUSH ....... ..TUBE, R_on . , • •.• ••• 3 gel ••• 3 Q•• ••• 1 • • • • ] • • • • o• 6 • • •° 1 • . •• 2 1 I Orders should Prices wUl be quoted t._on application glve PIECE NUMBER and NAME of part wanted FIGURE 9 I G.e.4o03 FULL RADIUS-- HOIE: LIE GAGE GOES IXe SCRAP BUSHING & REPLACE. Z.GAGE MUS! AS SNOMN. PERMANENT "_07/'910 S TAt_P "NE i FARSIDE "TFM" BE POSITIONED R 510_-"_ GAGE r .qO7/.qlO FOR .B7c_ .T 8 !Dr ) tI} MOUNTING BUSHING Q ,uuR.oos-1: ),,o, L ,,.,.,,.-:1' PERMANENT SIAMP i "IFM° FARSIDE |1.,/w/,.,vv GAGE FOR 4 .OI l.t2S O MOUNTING BUSHING ® FULL R&DIUS-_ .ZS','.OI :] , t.0SO / t.b_Z -i I c,O _.01 IiJ. PERMANENI - ) GAGE,_I.(_T STAMP / "1.b%0_l 6_2" NEARSIDE *GAGE FOR 1.004/tbO7 CO_ER BU_ING" o.v FARSlDE 607 (OVER BUSHING _H&ROENEO STL - Z GAGE 1 i.lZ5 MOUNIING -I GAGEI.BT5 MOUN|ING i_m! met _scmmtm EISV GAG[ FOR l.b0q/_].607 (OVER BUSHING Ill[lllEillllll||: iOUl'llEXI_lXf, ® I 2 jlt/111_]i_k_ I. 4 I FIGURE 2 I _s O, i=.,,_ t I IItAR(NENEO S|LI IHARDENEDSILI l _lmmL ]_elL'qC z | I _VI, lulllkit IwEIRl_; _'_P • o , BUSHING E_',,aHIHG _ GO IFO_ CONDEMNING CONYEN|I(_IqlAL & C.#_GES HE.P. / DIsceN--EE,LI,OE.S I.w_;_.i.s_L-UU- I e ItUq'l [ ".a i 0 LOCKING PLATES It has AND been view - recently cars were loose plates resulting In BOLTS BRAKE found DISCS that the brake due in to the corroded condition the bolts becoming loose the above, of it is desired discs of and that on a the bolt backing all immediately inspected and the following practices into effect at this inspection and also when any work is performed in the future on Amtrak cars. brake number discs shall wheel be work be placed or brake All points shall carefully inspect locking plates, bolts, locking wires, etc. and those found loose, worn, not properly applied, excessively corroded, etc. shall have wheel and axle units removed from service and have necessary corrective repairs made to insure safe operation of this equipment. Heavy plates, repair bolts, shops shall carefully locking wires, etc., worn not properly applied, Locking plates corroded to the original smooth surface all locking plates locking plates and Locking not be plates reused on that disc new bolts. once used but shall Only (for locking plates 26" disc) and Ends full of locking plates contact with the All for botls on tightness corroded, bolts and removed scrapped. Only from Wabco (Basically for safety replaced. Bolts value etc. new each and PC No. this wire.) replaced or removed be scrapped. disc any disc any shall found be that be removed plates. disc shall 86-11257 not (or bolt other with be a torque are head. reused drilled above wrench but in inspected excessively replaced with once used or equivalent) head than shall drawings F86-I0855 disc) shall be used individually may be loose, and Bolts have new shall be bent up so they flat surface of the bolt indicates Bolts must be tightened of 200 ft. ibs. with from per attached Wabco F86-I0859 (for 28" shall locking any inspect all locking and those found loose, etc., shall be replaced. the extent that none of metal is visible shall new shall Grade two shall to be 5 bolt. ways be a of locking out. torque I. 2 5 HX---_ E "A I' DRILL 4 TO BE DRILLED THROUG'_ IIEX TWO _.IAYS AS -"_l SH')_'!_I •,{77 .Sqfl I_ X 1.7,5 ' IL!'ii;; IJIflli'i[!lil l_i PC. iiO. 86-0615q 86-I1257 IIEAVY HI-HD SAE HEX. SAE J105 SAE SPEC. J571a GRADE 5 -Z- .1875 LOCKINGPLATESAND BOLTS-BRAKEDISCS (CONT,) ZBOLT I_C/CI/VG. PLATE ('28".Z)s.._C To _I,I#GEL ) t I Toc. A A,fA_,_/A/.: L8(,-10859 Z>EaUP_,_ ALL b'-D_ES q 0 E-'F_,_ t_ C" -_,PIDL.IC_.TIOk.I U,SE (GI_EDE_') _'ZO FOOT or-FSOLT _\VlTt-4 LOCY-.IM_ PIECE LOCi/,,. LI_,_._TOIZQUE-; I_L,_,TE LIO. t LOCI4.\VlIZB.- _(_-1l'7-5"7_ PL_,TE I_l, -4- . Jl'D O?_ TI_t-iTE.I,J LiP =,.QUIW_,L,=k/T ESOLT_ LOCE_::)L_.T__ TO '2.00 T_.i_D_ 3yM_OL o ate., L" 6" T_.PP_D M_551_J(.m O_ 5/4-1(,,UUC-_5_ C_,LI PlTCI--I I-IOI_E=5 _V_I_J 15OLT I__ DIZ_,, _-ITl-l_,-r__ L. _e _F_ _.m.z_,,,_.....mE_. I_ TF-tlZ_,D_ IF--_.._(_E= IL.I_EI_T_O. 1,5 TOO L_.__._. OF--TI--I_ 17_C--COI,.JOITIOt_J_::D 5HOUI-D C_,k-ILIOT , _O-/-...._O "f-I-IIZ_..,_,D _E= ,._crzr-\_vE:D iLl-r-o DI_,.,IS ov_r2_lT_.___. _HOuLE_ MinOr/_ _10T'_- _, l_J \_NeE:L. I_- T_'STS 1:::_17__ "I-I-I_ C_EG__r-D TOIZQueO t,JO-_,O _P_CI- (..mZ_,(_. F_y WIZ_LID_ T-lIE O_,LILIOT i_:_ IT" _O_-___ ILI'1-O IF- -r_-trzE-_E::)_ "T-I-I_Y 1-0 _W-IOLJLE) Ik.I_TI'ZIJGTIO_.I_ Tt-II-Z_.O,,_, F--_L.I_=: I_I PLATE 3_E k.lo-r_ 5. I' --- I_ INMILilMUMwI-IEELPULL TI-II2E/kD 8ECTIOI, J _, T'VPICA, L 19_ PLA, CE3 I,,Jo'T-r= _%_. HELl-COIL &'_ 114S_1"2..T _,PPLIC._,TIO_,J E)r'_ILL 49/(_4.'(.-7(_(_DI&. _,_JC) COu_JT__S_J_. r2our--_N T/_,P U_ILI(,_ F:LJLL TI--IiT__:/_E:_ I_J,__TIZ.UC.,TIOk._-ff_ I-IOLE X I._75" ÷' 0=3° --,OOO 19-O ° -*_° TO ,8_.._ I-_L_-CO}LT_.P'_I:IG. Or--PTFI OF" _,r_/.DO _ . \_/ITI--I HELl-COIL. (__A,G,E: _'l_,94--I_.,_ H=--LI-COIL "_" 1191-1'?._1_-I_OO \_IT'I-I "r_.LJc_ \VlTPt TOOL -(g- -_ 1leG-I?.. DEE=P Ol_,. Fi'ZU _._' IL}_T/_LL IkJ_-IZ'r'lLl(_ WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania BRAKE DIVISION maintenance operation & information INC. 15148 WABCO"Eo5'' DECELOSTAT ® EQUIPMENT 3. NOTE: The following description of operation Is based on this device and its components being newor this device and Its components having been repaired, tested, Installed and maintained In accordance with Four one hundred tooth Gears, o. 4. Part of' EE Be_rin S :l'wo "C-3" DECELOSTAT No. 579449. Control Valves, Pc. Instructions Issued by the appropriate governing bodies and this and any other applicable WABCO publications. B* The WABCO "E-5" DECELOSTAT Equipment is designed to provide the means for wheel slip control for a four axle, two truck, passenger carrying rail vehicle. By a momentary release of braking effort, which is in excess of that which available adhesion will support during friction braking, the equipment serves to restrict flat spotting and other damage to wheel treads caused by braking in excess of wheelrail adhesion. Braking effort adjustment is on o per truck basis, and may be fully operational for both service and emergency braking. Adjustment of effective frictional retardation on a per truck basis is initiated by each "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve. C, The "E-S" DECELOSTAT Equipment also provides "zero speed" and "five mile per hour" indications. I. DESCRIPTION (Refer to Figure BA-84775-306) A, I, Cable Diagram, Drawing A set of WABCO "E-5" DECELOSTAT Equipment designated for one non-propelled car of the Amtrak Equipment consists of the following devices which may be obtained from the Westinghouse Air Brake Division of WABCO. I. The "E-5" 579565. DECELOSTAT 2. Four Magnetic Controller Pc. No. Pickup Kits O[¢[LOSTiT DECELOSTAT CONTROLLER VALYE JUIICTION (3) ® fOX VALVE OECELOSTAT fTRUCE (_,) (_ (_ @'_] 2 OORDUCTOR, SNIELD|D 10,11 CALL[ RU, ||Till, PICIVP lid ¥ARIETY (_ II CmDUCTOa N0. II AT POINT Of TRAmSFEI |lCK PICIUP ¢OII,ILL[,I |ETW£EN CALL[ C'|L[ CAI |OD¥ TO It SNIELOEO UTILII|O I,OUL' AmD T|UCK; IF PAIR '[ CA|LE ALONG ULIRIIL'! [#TIRE 15 CLOSE Im Aim, OTis: ! COIDUCTO! IO. A 121 II AW6, (1) APP. NAGN[TtC UP TO CilL[S IND mOT VllO0 _) i COIOUCTOI I0. II AW6* (2) ARE _) I ¢OIDUCTOI '0. I, A''* (£Z¢[PT eOR PICK-UP 22_:tF. TOR JUNCTION SUPPLIEO CALL[ lOXES *13I ,co,ooc,o,,o.,, FIGURE April, t979 I • CABLE DIAGRAM 1 (BA-B4775-306) _345 operation & maintenance information II. METHOD OF OPERATION (Refer to Figure CA-8477S-k06) A. PICKUP 2, the Functional SIGNAL 2. Block Diagram_ Velocity B. b. When a sufficient adhesion is regained to cause the difference in velocity to reduce sufficiently below an established threshold value, and this change is transmitted to Westinghouse Air Brake Divison electronics, termination of the "C-3" OECELOSTAT Control Valve energizafion should occur_ permitting a jerk rate limited reapplication of braking air. C. Operation of the "C-3" OECELOSTAT Control Valve due to velocity differeNl detection takes precedence over an opera lion clue to rate detection. However, when both occur simultaneouslyy the velocity differential must reduce below the established threshold before "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve de-energizatlon is permitted to occur. d. The established threshold velocity difference is a variable value determined by the maximum wheel diameter variance (due to wheel wear) translated into "mile per hour" figures. For an installation with new 36 inch diameter wheels and possible 3 inch diameter tread wear_ the velocity difference threshold varies from approximately 14 mph at [ZO mph car velocity to approximately 3 mph near zero ear velocity. SLIP CORRECTION I. Rate a. b. Co 4_15 Ourinq Brakinq The D.C velocity voltage signals are compared, the highest (of all four) against each individually. If a velocity difference is detected by Westinghouse Air Brake Division electronics between any two axles that exceeds an established threshold value, the difference in velocity voltage signals will be of sufficient magnitude to energize the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve on the truck experiencing the low axle velocity, thus permitting o release of braking effort on that truck. CONVERSION The shaper and F/A (frequency to analog) converter portions of the "E-S" Electronics accepts the four frequency signals and converts them 1o D.C. analog voltage signals proportional to axle velocities. The differentiator portion of the electronics provides four additional D.C. analog voltage signals proportional to the rate of change (deceleration or acceleration) of the axle velocities. Detection a. The velocities of each of the four axles are registered by inboard, journal mounted, magnetic pickups. By sensing movement of teeth on o rotating gear, each pickup is intended to produce an A.C. signal output whose frequency is proportional to velocity. . Differential Detection When any axle decelerates (slips) sufficiently so that the corresponding deceleration voltage signal exceeds a preset value equivalent to approximately -8 mphps, the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve for the affected truck should be automatically energized. "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve energization signals a release of braking effort air on that truck. If the affected axle accelerates quickly through o regain of wheel to rail adhesion and the resultant acceleration voltage exceeds o preset value equivalent to approximately +6 mphps_ termination of energizalion of the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve should occur, permitting jerk rote limited reapplicotian of braking effort air on that truck. 3. Regardless, if the affected axle does not accelerate quickly enough to produce an acceleration voltage of sufficient magnitude (i.e. approximately +6 mphps) after o small time period (nominally one second) has elapsed, the circuitry is designed to terminate energization of the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve provided a velocity differential detection signal is not present. Safety Interlockinq a, 2 The "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller is protected by time relay interlocking. If for any reason_ "C-3" DECELOSTA'f Control Valve energization is requested for a time period exceeding six to eight seconds_ o relay in series with the "C3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve is provided for the purpose of responding 1o this excessive delay by becoming de-energized for the purpose effecting positive lockout and de-anerc lion of the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Confi .. Valve. Once the relay times out, subsequent energization of the "C-3" DECELApril. 1979 q _$ TO |SV r--Ila|! |£L£ASED IHPUT #AQN|TJC I I _mm _o.=f PlClUp (TnWCK 13 L TUU¢II I I :1.....! I NI6mETtC PaCKWP L_ _ > r,,p ._Z_ _Z I! J • m ZERO _pE_D qmT[|_aCE :_. _3 _ :o "m I I • (T|t_l S UP_ SPIED ImTEHFAC £ 2) Z FIGURE 2 - "E-S" OECELOSTA ,T(_ONTROLLER FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM (CA-84775-406) operation & maintenance I/V/:IBP-EI WESTINGHOUSE AMERICAN Wilmerding, information OSTAT Control Valve is inhibited until a broke release is initiated or a stop is mode. b. 4. b. A. B. C. GENERAL ALL PICKUP "E-S" The Equipment has available a "zero speed" indication via a relay contact closure. Relay energization occurs when all four velocity voltage signals become less than o value equivalent to approximately three miles per hour. TO RESTRICT CAUSED BY STRAY INC. 15148 of to Output imped_e of zero and five mile per hour contacts is one Ohm_ since a current limiting resistor is provided in series with each contact. A 50 watt resistive con_'Et output rating is provided for operation of interlock relays which are NOT supplied by th_'_Westinghouse Air Brake Division of WABCO. The, interlock relays are to be arc suppressed by the car builder. MUST BE SHIELDED FROM CONTROLLER MAGNETIC ANY POSSIBLE TO MALFUNCTION CURRENTS. "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller input impedance for the brake released signal is 2K ohms. The load is inductive and is arc suppressed. F. A self-contained test feature is included within the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Cor_troller so that the integrity of the equipment may be readily tested. Five test switches within the controller Ore operated in simple sequence to perform the test. On-car testing information may be found in WABCO publication 4345-1 which covers the Operation and Maintenance Information on the "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller Pc. No. 579565. G. Installation and Maintenance Procedure for the Magnetic Pickup Pc, No, 577907 as used in conjunction with the "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller may be found in WABCO Publication 4345- I, I, H= Operation and Maintenance Information for the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Control Valve Pc. No. 57_489 may be found in WABCO Publication 8227-11p S. 7A. Io Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for any additional information that may be required. printed 4345 4 THE E. INFORMATION The "E-5" DECELOSTAT Equipment operates on 64 volt nominal car battery supply_ with 55 volt to 85 volt being the maximum acceptable voltage range. CABLES DECELOSTAT PICKUP The Equipment provides on approximate five mile per hour speed indication via a relay contact closure. Relay energization occurs when oil four velocity voltage signals become less than o value equivalent to approximately five miles per hour. is capable of -40VF ) DIVISION IMPORTANT Indication The "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller operating in ambient temperatures + I S0°F. STANDARD Pennsylvania BRAKE "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller axle input impedance is 10K ohms. The Controller is insensitive to voltage of the incoming signal and can accept signals with voltages from one volt to several hundred volts peak to peak. Do relay is provided in each DEControl circuit so that lockout on a per truck basis. Lockout does not effect the operation DECELOSTAT Control Valve truck. Zero Speed and Five M.P.H. a. III. A separate CELOSTAT is performed of one truck of the "C-3" on the other AIR _n U.S.A. April, 1979 4; O |Pale 0 SpAI[ 0 |Pil! 0 SPABE 0 v;¢ WS. (ill! III|LI IO. _IILD W I IrT[IY W _Iv|l II $0PPLT, T|¢ flll p|IEL IIIII[I lllHllll. -_-_¢ O K (I LIIIi,4T |[¢[LOSTAT 0 |_1 ¢OIt||LL[I 0 0 _J lo DYA ZI¢ ZEIO 0 C _COMN01 IDTPUT.(CaNNII F01 |pTEO IITI |C¢ &T IPIIDI Llll --"--'--_S _IIAI! JLR | 0 eL" 0 S l_Jl! NPN |PIEO 0UTPUT(CONII0I IIt£AS|D IIT#I_IT IPIT0$ll$1 TIIM|NpI.) 10TII_ I-WO| ¢ll_l ¢OI$11OCTi0| _-OILE$$ OT_[IIISE |°_ IIT£111yT OF .&° _I| C]lgCI 7) I (T|OCII $ tOP |-S CO#T|OLL|I Vr[l: LO}llll |0Vl 2 01 CII, _ I rill C0|TACT$ uw_ C _J IP|_I 4 . MII|_TI_ $ ° | | ._C01T&¢T$ T . OiLY I . OI_ PlI¢.Ip Olll II_TpU; |ItlD CglIE¢TOII$ IlFtl IIDICIT£0 $#IELO NI|T FU A_P. $10111 |C ° lie IIOI¢ITED CIIL|$, _gmcTl01 LIMP|, _IE lOT SOPPLI£| |_ |&.II?T|.|O$ C011tCTO| IIIIITIIII| UP INP(DIICE, ilS¥ DVl. TQ _LI |[ I$ 011S. lie |I| |WI. ;IIO0111 dUICTIOI MIIS. I||°F. $@ 14T! I0 liPS. $IPPLI_ I011$, V_IC0, COITIC_ IT |iTCh. If|C|. |LECTIiCAL LIC||I, 119 ;|BtCITI|| I IPI} WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania BRAKE DIVISION maintenance operation & information INC 15148 "E-5" DECELOSTAT ® CONTROLLER, Pc.No. 579565 NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION AND/OR _ATION IS BASED ON THIS DEVICE BEING NEW OR THIS DEVICE HAVING BEEN REPAIRED9 TESTED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED BY THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING BODIES AND THIS AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE WABCO PUBLICATIONS. I. A. g. A. The test procedures that follow will determine if the wheel slip detection equipment is operational and controlled by the "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller. Bo IMPORTANT: The following procedures MUST BE followed on a regular basis EVERY 120 DAYS, or when on "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller is replaced, or whenever a malfunction is suspected, to prove the integrity of on-car operation of the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller as well as the operation of the "C3" DECELOSTAT Valve(s) and the door lock interface. THE TEST IS TO BE MADE WITH AIR PRESSURE AND POWER APPLIED TO THE CAR. DESCRIPTION The "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller is the principal component of the WABCO "E-5" DECELOSTAT wheel slip control equipment. Incorporating high quality solid state electronics, the Controller prorides functional interlocking for accepting signals from the magnetic pickups on the vehicle axles and relaying these signals to call for specific pressure • adjustments in braking effort during the time vehicle is in braking mode. The Controller_ which is secured in place on the vehicle by four bolts or studs and nuts, has a dust resistant enclosure with a removable cover. Electrical connection to the car wiring may be made via two side mounted "MS" style environmental connectors. C. GENERAL INFORMATION I. ZI3,WARNING Z_. PRIOR TO PERFORMING D. II. TEST: DO THE FOLLOWING: a. APPLY A FULL CATION A functional description of the operation of the "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller may be found in WABCO Publication b,34S. b. APPLY HAND CHOCK IMPORTANT= The paragraphs on maintenance which follow will deal with on-car maintenance ONLY_. If on-car testing indicates that electrical repair of the Controller is necessary, DO NOT ATTEMPT THE REPAIR ON THE CAR. THE CONTROLLER FROM THE CAR AND TRANSPORT IT TO THE ELECTRICAL LABORATORY WHERE PROPER UTILIZATION CAN EYE.MADE OF NECESSARY TEST INSTRUMENTS AND REPAIR TOOLS. THE RELEASED SIBLE BRAKE WHEELS WHEN BRAKE APPLI- FULLY AND TO PREVENT THE IN ORDER PERSONAL VEHICLE AIR CAR BRAKE TO PREVENT INJURY IS POS- CAUSED BY MOVEMENT. 2. The "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller is equipped with a built-in test circuit. This circuit simulates output from the axle pickups as would be experienced on a moving car. It provides o convenient means of performing o functional checkout of the Controller under static conditions. 3. Activation and control of the test circuit is by operation of push buttons. Release of all push buttons should result in the equipment reverting to normal operational status. It is beyond the scope of this publication to consider the detailed electronic theory and operation within the controller. MAINTENANCE, AND TEST PROCEDURE (ON-CAR CHECK ONLY) SERVICE TO THE CAR TO BE TESTED. MOVEMENT C* ANY ZI3.WARNING ,"k IMPORTANT TO AVOID SEVERE PERFORMING BE CLEAR ELECTRICAL OF TERMINAL ELECTRICALLY THERE AREAS NECTION April, 1979 ELECTRICAL MUST THAT TESTS, HANDS CONTACTS ACTUATED BE NO COULD THROUGH SHOCK BODY CAUSE AND WHEN DO MUST TABLISHED ALL DEVICES, AND CONTACT WITH A GROUND CON- NOT METHOD ATTEMPT TO DEFEAT THE ES- T NORMAL T FINGER-OPERATED FOR-OPERATING THE PUSH BUT- TONS. THE BODY. (SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES OF WABCO PUBLICATION 1 4345-1E5) 4345-1 [ operation & maintenance information WI BP-O WESTINGHOUSE AMERICAN Wilmerding, AIR BRAKE STANDARD Pennsylvania ] DIVISION INC 15148 DCL2. IZZ] PU3 8 ¢_ E-5 4- 2 COIGT _OL LE.P. TOP 'ViEN: LOOV..ik3G _O_/t4 Ok3 CAP.. FIGURE I • SUGGESTEDLOCATION OF "E-5" DECELOSTAT WHEEL SLIP EQUIPMENT ON AN ,aJ,4FLEETCAR (AA-85082-416) Utilization of any cuxiliary device to clamp or hold push buttons "IN" nullifies normal operation of the DECELOSTAT and is prohibited. 2, NOTE: If the "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller is replaced with a known good unit and the same problem(s) exists the problem is probably in the vehicle wiring or elsewhere in the equipment arrangement. D. TEST PROCEDURE 3, NOTE: IF DURING THE TEST PROCEDURE, THE RESPONSE OF THE EQUIPMENT IS OTHER THAN THAT INDICATED, REFER TO SECTIONS II.E. OF THIS PUBLICATION. AVOID SEVERE WHEN PERFORMING HANDS MUST BE CLEAR TACTS AND ALL AND CONTACT WITH AREAS GROUND SHOCK ELECTRICAL TESTS, OF TERMINAL ELECTRICALLY DEVICES, A ELECTRICAL THERE MUST THAT CONNECTION CON- COULD THROUGH 4345-1 b. "POWER ON" illuminated. indicating DECELOSTAT lamp should be Push test switch (PWR ON) "IN" and securely throughout the entire push button (through step 7 of paragraph ll.D.4.). hold test the the BODY STEP CAUSE THE I 0 mph lamp should be illuminated indicating that zero miles per hour output is "ON". (0 mph lamp illuminated indicates that the circuit should be made to door interlocks permitting doors to open upon request). S mph lamp should be illuminated indicating that five miles per hour output is "ON" (S mph lamp illuminated indicates that the circuit should be made to door seal interlocks permitting door seals to deflate). BODY. I. Power switch on the "E-S" Controller should be "ON". NOTE: A decal located on the inside of lift-off cover presents, in diagram form, same test sequence as follows: ACTUATED BE NO a. Operate the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller push button test switches in the followlng sequence observing correct response of the equipment. If during the test, the response of the equipment is other than that indicated, refer to Sections II.E. which follows the test procedure. /h, WARNING.,4k TO Insure that power is applied to the equipment. On-car circuit breaker feeding power to the "E-S" Equipment should be "ON". Remove the cover from the "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller. Visually inspect the interior of the unit noting that no foreign material, water, etc. has entered the enclosure. Observe that oil components, brackets, etc. are mechanically secured. Check integrity of gasket seal in the door lid. 2 Aprit, 1979 I AMERICAN STANDARD WESTINGHOUSE AIR Wilmerding, Pennsylvania _ INC BRAKE DIVISION 15148 For any given step, hold test switches TI, T2, T3, T4, "ON" in combination specified for o minimum of twelve seconds before proceeding to the next step. STEP , 2 Refer 3 Release T2 switch while holding TI switch "ON". Indicating lamp and the DECELOSTAT Valve an truck //I should operate for approximately eight seconds and then terminate, STEP 4 Release TI so that TI through T4 are all in the "OUT" position. Indicating lamps 0 mph and S mph should illuminate, STEP 8. , To check Pick-Up #1 - connect lead from TP 20 (Black) to TPI (Brown). Resistance reading to be ]9000 ohms9 + 200 ohms. b. To check Pick-Up #2 - connect lead from TP 20 (Black) to TP2 (Red). Resistance reading to be 1,000 ohms9 + 200 ohms. c. To check Pick-Up #3 - connect lead from TP 20 (Black) to TP3 (Orange). Resistance reading to be I_000 ohms +200 ohms. d. To check Pick-Up #4 - connect lead from TP 20 (Black) to TP4 (YelJow). Resistance reading to be I,OO0 ohms, = 200 ohms. e. To check equipment installation - connect lead from TP 20 (Black) to the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller chassis, Resistonce reading to he I megohm or greater, f. Remove ohmmeter leads. Turn the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Switch "ON". Controller Power So Release test switch (PWR ON). 6. IMPORTANT: Turn the power switch on the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller "OFF". Failure to implement may cause improper indications for subsequent tests. 3 Make sure the JI and J2 connectors are screwed an fully and fastened with Iockwires Pc. No. S317zH. Attach the cover and tighten securely. Make sure the cover seal is intact and that both hinge pins are properly engaged. I1. Check the Magnetic Pickup for proper installation in accordance with WABCO publication /_3b,5-1.1. After this check has been satisfactorily completed and the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller has passed oil of the preceding tests, the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Equipment is ready to be put in service. 12. CAUTION: NOTE: Step 7 concludes the normal test sequence as would be utilized during car maintenance to check the operation of the "E-S". DECELOSTAT Equipment. 1979 I for pick up locations. 10. 7 Release T4 so that TI through T4 are oil in the "OUT" position. Indicating lamps 0 mph and 5 mph should illuminate, April, is 6 Release T3 while holding T4 "ON". Indicating lamp DCL2 and the DECELOSTAT Valve on truck #2 should operate for approximately eight seconds. STEP to Figure the J2 connector a, S Push test switches T3 and T4 simultaneously. Indicating lamp DCLI and the OECELOSTAT Valve on truck #1 should operate for approximately eight seconds then terminate. STEP Using an ohmmeter make the following checks. Insert one lead of the ohmmeter into test point (TP) 20 (Black) and insert the other lead into the test point listed in the tabulation which follows. IMPORTANT: Be sure that connected to "E-5". Push test switches TI and T2 simultaneously. 0 mph and 5 mph indicating lamps should extinguish, Indicating lamp DCL2 and the OECELOSTAT Valve an truck //2 should operate for approximately eight seconds and then terminate. (DECELOSTAT Valve actuation should be detected by the sound of a momentary exhaust of air). STEP maintenance operation & information WHEEL CHOCKS ARE TO BE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO MOVE THE VEHICLE. 4345-1 qp E. WHAT NOTE: TO DO IF THE TEST SEQUENCE ( Problern/C ouse/Remedy ) All Parts listed in this tabulation DOES NOT PRODUCE may be ordered from PROBLEM "Power On" indicator the PROBABLE Visual inspection reveals material in enclosure. Loosecomponents, PROPER foreign Westinghouse Broke Division I. 2. Casket seal in door lid worn, damaged or destroyed. Both hinge pins not properly engaged. 2. 3. Latches on enclosure and cover were loose before opening. 3. 2. Bed I. Bulb Fuse F-I I. 5A WABCO. REMEDY Oarnoged box areas especially at corners and/or around seal. I. of CAUSE Undetermined illumir_ted. Air I. etc. not RESULTS Bad 2. TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Reinstall cover securely, remove JI and J2 connectors and replace the Controller with o known good Controller. Reconnect the JI and J2 connectors, secure connectors with NEW Iockwires, Pc. No. S31741. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". Same as Number I. TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Dry any water and remove loose dirt and/or foreign material. Use a vacuum if available. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON'. TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Reinstall the cover securely, remove the JI _ J2 connectors and replace the Controller with known to be good (x new. Reconnect the JI and J2 connectors, secure with NEW Iockwires Pc. No. 531741. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Remove suspect bulb and replace with a bulb that is known to be good or o NEW bulb Pc. No. 579804. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Remove the suspect F-I fuse end replace it with a known good fuse of the exact same rating SA(3AG) or a NEW Pc. No. 57b,084. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON'. 3. Voltage NOT correct TPIS to TPI4. at 3* fuse, WITH THE POWER-SWITCH "ON', check the battery voltage between TPI5 positive (red) and TPI4 negative (black). Voltage should be between $5 to 85 volts DC. If no voltage is present, the problem is probably in the car wiring. If correct voltage is obtained, TURN THE POWERSWITCH "OFF", reinstall the cover _mO_ _Z m c3> m_3 ::3 E3 _ _> "n .=Z}> < O Z securely, remove the JI and J2 connectars and replace the Controller with one that is known to be good or a NEW Controller. Reconnect the the JI and J2 connectors, secure the connectors with NEW Iockwires, Pc. No. 531741. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". .= I. Omph and 5mph not illuminate. lamps do I. Bad 2. Fuse Bulb(s) F-2 2A. I. TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Remove suspect bulb(s) and replace with a known to be good or NEW bulb(s) Pc. No. 579804. Take care NOT to interchange caps. TURN POWERSWITCH "ON". 2. TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Remove the suspect fuse and replace with a known to be good or NEW F-2 2A fuse of the exact same rating, 2A (3AG) Pc. No. 576663. TURN POWERSWITCH "ON". 3. 3. Undetermined TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Reinstall cover securely_ remove the JI and J2 connectors and replace the Cantroller with a known to be good or NEW Controller. Reconnect the JI and J2 connectors, secure the connectors with NEW Iockwires, Pc. No. $31741. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". Omph and Smph lamps stay illuminated. Proper DCL not operate. L4 lamp does I. Malfunction I. Bad Bulb 2. Malfunctioning 3. Undetermined in Controller. Magnetic I. Pick-Up. _Z:l: -o • , ..-I =o _bZ m 2. (D (_ m'n .ox TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Reinstall cover securely, remove JI and J2 connectors and replace the Controller with a known good or NEW Controller. Reconnect the JI and J2 connectors, secure the connectors with NEW lackwires, Pc. No. 531741. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". I. TURN POWER-SWITCH "OFF". Remove the suspect bulb and replace it with a known good or NEW bulb_ Pc. No. 579804. Take care NOT to interchange caps. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". 2. Remove the J2 Connector from the Controller. Return to the test procedure paragraph ll.D.4, step I of this publication. 3. TURN POWER-SWITCH B O Z "OFF". Reinstall the cover securely, remove the JI and J2 connectors. Replace the Controller with o known good or NEW Controller. Reconnect the QI JI and J2 connectors, secure the connectars with NEW Iockwires, Pc. No. 531741. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". Proper DECELOSTAT Valve did not operate simultaneously with proper DCL lamp. Improper obtained or TPS. resistance reading at TPI, TP2, TP3 I. Air 2. Undetermined I. Malfunctioning Problems ,o applied Apply air to car. WARNING: MAKE SURE ALL PER_-O"N-N'E'm_--ARE CLEAR OF CAR TO PREVENT POSSIBLE BODILY INJURY FROM AIR OPERATED DEVICES. to car. 2. Magnetic Pick-Up. h It is probable that the "E-S" DECELOSTAT Controller is operating properly and that the difficulty is either with the car wiring interface or other car devices, such as the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Valves, etc. Disconnect the cable from the Magnetic Pick-Up. Measure the resistance of the Pick-Up. Res+istance reading should be 1,000 ohms, - 200 ohms. 2. improper obtained not resistance at chassis, NOT reading previously covered. Suspect Wiring I. Suspect Wiring I. Undetermined 2. a. If the resistance reading is I_000 ohms -+ 200 ohms the problem is NOT in the Magnetic Pick-Up. b. If the resistance reading is not 1,000 ohms + 200 ohm the Magnetic Pick-Up should be replaced. If the Magnetic Pick-Up used in the equipment is Pc. No. 577907 refer to WABCO Publication 4345-1.1 for correct installation procedure. Locate suspect wiring and replace or repair. WARNING: MAKE SURE POWER IS "O--7_J_--_F'ORE STARTING REPAIRS TO PREVENT ELECTRICAL SHOCKS. I. Check car wiring and/or check to see if Pick-Up Shield is shorted to car bod?. Correct and/or replace. I. WARNING: TO AVOID'SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK WHEN PERFORMING ELECTRICAL TESTS, HANDS MUST BE CLEAR OF TERMINAL CONTACTS AND ALL ELECTRICALLY ACTUATED DEVICES, AND THERE MUST BE NO BODY CONTACT WITH AREAS THAT COULD CAUSE A GROUND CONNECTION THROUGH THE BODY. TURN THE POWERSWITCH "OFF". Reinstall the cover securely. Remove Jl and J2 Con- 3m_ o "n -I _z.,r _,(_ Z m "in ._Z_ 0 Z nectors and replace the Controller with o known good or NEW Controller. Reconnect the JI and J2 Connectors, secure the connectors with NEW Iockwires Pc. No. 531741. TURN POWER-SWITCH "ON". F. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required or when service is required on the "E-5" DECELOSTAT Controller. _m_ _o-4 _ZZ _Z m __ E3 a0 _Z_' co ¢3 O Z 4l= I AMERICAN STANDARD WESTINGHOUSE AIR Wilmerding, Pennsylvania _ operation & maintenance INC BRAKE 15148 DIVISION 1 information INSTALLATION ANDMAINTENANCE PROCEDURE FORMAGNETIC PICKUPPc.No. 577907, AS USEDIN CONJUNCTION WITHTHE "E-5"/"E-5-A" DECELOSTAT ® CONTROLLER NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION AND/OR O']b-!_'q_ATION IS BASED ON THIS DEVICE BEING NEW OR THIS DEVICE HAVING BEEN REPAIRED_ TESTED, INSTALLED9 AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED BY THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING BODIES AND THIS AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE WABCO PUBLICATIONS. d. B. CAUTION: Exercising care so that the wire eye of t-_onnector, Pc. No. $79S33 is not sheared off, cut and remove the old sealing wire tram the Connector. IMPORTANT: If the Connector has the identification number MS3tO6F-IOSL-ZIS stamped on it, it will require no modification. I= I. GENERAL INFORMATION NOTE: All Piece Numbers (Pc. No.) used in this pu-'_ation indicate parts which may be obtained from the Westinghouse Air Brake Division of WABCO. A Magnetic Pickup - Pc. No. 577907, ConnectorPc. No. 579533, a Pickup Housing, and a Gear comprise one of the axle speed detection sources utilized by the "E-5"/"E-S-A" DECELOSTAT Controller. (Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative for piece numbers for specific installations). Attention to the procedures that follow will assist in extending the life and performance of the Magnetic Pickup Assembly. II. IMPORTANT: If the Connector has the identification number MS3106E-10SL-4S a new o-ring_ Pc. No. 583487 MUST BE added t6 the barrel of the MS Connector. 2, C. Simpson Meter or equivalent PICKUP REPLACEMENT I* Using the 3/4" deep-well socket wrench, loosen the lock nut and remove the pickup from the housing. 2, Ptoce o NEW pickup with lock nut in place on the insertion tool, Pc. No. 582059, and proceed to screw the pickup and lock nut onto the pickup housing. PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLING OR REPLACING MAGNETIC PICKUP T Pc. No. 577907 z_ WARNINGZ_ CAUTION PORTIONS OF THIS WORKMAN TO BE WHEELS THE PREVENT BRAKE RELEASE REQUIRE THE MUST MUST MOVEMENT PRECAUTIONS SAFETY UNDER OF THE VEHICLE HAND BRAKES PROCEDURE THE VEHICLE. THE BE CHOCKED AND BE FULLY APPLIED TO OF THE VEHICLE SHOULD THE DURING MUST BE OF INDIVIDUALS TESTING. TAKEN ALL TO CAREFULLY DOUBLE THE INSURE PINNED AND/OR THE AND EQUIPMENT. , PERSONAL EYE PI_OTECTION PERFORMING ANY SIBLE INJURY TO THE EYES. A. PROCEDURE TO PREVENT POS- TOOLS I. ApriL, MUST BE WORN WHE.N 1979 4. The following tools MUST BE available: a, 3/4" twelve b. Insertion C, Gapping point deep well socket wrench tool- PICKUP METALLIC METALLIC CAVITY FROM CUIT ELECTRICAL BY ALLOWING DIRT COULD OF THE OF DIRT MATERIAL. MATERIAL THE LEAD PICKUP CIR- "SHORT TO OCCUR. Insert the 0.030" blade marked "SET" of the Magnetic Pickup Air Capping Tool, Pc. No. 583690, between the toothed gear and pickup location while continuing to run the Magnetic Pickup down into the housing. Once the gapping tool feels snug, place a 3/4" deep well socket wrench down over the Magnetic Pickup and tighten the lock nut with the gapping tool still in position. Insert the 0.020" blade, marked "GO", of the Magnetic Pickup Air Gapping tool. If the blade Pc. No. 583690 slides between the Magnetic Pickup and Gear (SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES OF 1345.1E5, Sup. 1) 1 4345-1.1 toot - Pc. No. 582059 S. PROTECT TO A MALFUNCTION CIRCUITS" A WARmH6 AND CONNECTOR MAGNETIC AND/OR POSSIBLE CHECK operation & maintenance WESTINGHOUSE information E__ _ AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania BRAKE DIVISION INC. 15148 ] I MAGNETIC PICKUP Pc.No. 577907 G GO i I MAGNETIC PICKUP INSERTIOtl Pc,No. 582059 TOOL MAGNETIC FIGURE proceed to step 6. If the between the Magnetic loosen the lock nut with wrench and back out the the 0.030" blade marked Return 6. to step 3 and disconnected, Return to step blade CANNOT swing back is broken. procedures. 3 and repeat be inserted procedure. continue b. Add the MS Connector to seal properly. I, If there is any of the Magnetic tighten . . the coupling E. questioq as to the Pickups, one (I) nut correct wiring connector per truck con be left test, the connector pickup momentarily off. spond should Pickup card. , The !_iekup in question with the "Test Point (TP) Test bug (TL)" on the circuit a. 4345-1.1 and accordingly. correspond (PU) and/or During the continuity can be attached to the and the meter should re- For example, if the Connector to Pickup Number I on Axle Number I is temporarily the meter would indicate F. to infinity procedure of paragraph the connection E. Using a NEW lock wire WABCO Port Number 534542, secure the Coupling Nut by twisting the wire around the connector body in the direction of tightening, and "tie" the wire to the top hole of the Cannon Connector. CAUTION: Exercise care to prevent breaking of th-"e'-i_eye'' on over tightening the lock wire. the Perform the an "ON CAR" DECELOSTAT Controller. house Air Brake Division testing G. when After it is established that the car wiring is correct, the MS Connector can be securely fastened, and a NEW Ioekwire added as per the procedure. g. TOOL infinity, since no continuity is made. Once the connector is attached to the Magnetic Pickup, a resistance reading of 800 to 1200 ohms should be noted. The meter will Insert the 0.035" blade, marked "NO GO", of the Magnetic Air Gapping tool: between the Magnetic Pickup and Gear. If the blade con be inserted loosen the lock nut with a 3/4" deep well socket wrench and back out the Magnetic Pickup. If the AIR GAPPING 583690 I blade DOES NOT slide Pickup and the Gear o 3/4" deep well socket Magnetic Pickup until "SET" can be inserted. repeat PICKUP Pc.No. Test of Consult Representative Connector by "E-S"/"E-S-A" your for Westingcurrent information. IMPORTANT: The Cannon Connector MUST NOT be removed from the pickup once the preceeding procedures have been completed unless the Magnetic Pickup malfunctions. The Magnetic Pickup and the Connector end of the Pickup will attract ell ferrous Aprii, 1979 WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania BRAKE i DIVISION J INC 15148 ' 2. _÷ l':z-" (_, I+_'_'i ' 4/y-. WORKMAN -', .: 0 HAND SHOULD THE TENANCE. ALL BE TAKEN MUST MOVEMENT BRAKES TO INSURE THE BE CHOCKED BE FULLY AP- OF THE VEHICLE RELEASE POSSIBLE THE VEHICLE. MUST BRAKE TO PREVENT REQUIRES THE OF THEVEHICLE THE PLIED // PROCEDURE TO BE UNDER WHEELS AND information /KWARNINO/_ THE MAINTENANCE ) operation & maintenance DURING MAIN- PRECAUTIONS THE SAFETY MUST OF INDIVIDU- ALS AND EQUIPMENT. 3. ' THE {i THAN material. Any foreign materi_l introduced in this area could cause o "short-out" from any one pin to the body (case), or even between pins. Maintenance in this area MUST BE limited to checking the 0.030" gap and blowing off any excessive buildup of dirt on the ring gear between the teeth. OF ANY (LESS THAN CONTRIBUTE OTHER CONTAMINATION WILL MALFUNCTION EYE BE WORN TO PROTECT THE EYES FROM POSSIBLE THE AIR JET TOWARD INJURY. ANOTHER S, _ MAINTENANCE NETIC PICKUP A. General (Refer I. PROCEDURE Pc. No. $77907 2p reference CREATER WITH "E-S-A" THAT DECELOSTAT ''; FIROiM_TI'_ , WHEN DO NOT DIRECT , MUST FOR THE MAGNETIC TESTING ,', NOT BE RE- • PICKUP UNLESS " DURING THE PICKUP Z_ wARNING A EYE B. MAG- I. numbers shown in brackets) The Magnetic Pickup (I I); Connector (10)l Pickup Housing (4); and a Gear (20) comprise one of the axle speed detection sources utilized by the "E-S"/'E-SA" DECELOSTAT Controller. 2. PROTECTION PERFORMING "CEDURE PERSON. Information to Figure COINCIDE CONNECTOR PERSON._I' Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required. III. (NO OF, THE VEHICLE. ANY T,O PROTECT SIBLE IN JU _Y'! H. BE ON A BY PERSONAL MUST OR _AINTENANC-_ MALFUNCT,I_NS.. ONLY OF PARTS. PROTECION BASIS TO "Eo5" GAUTION MOVED 30 PSIC) JET OF PROCEDURE TO EQUIPMENT THE MUST ,$ DRY AIR IS TO BE USED TO BLOW PARTS CLEAN. 120 DAYS) _I'_)'N Z_, WARNING/_ INTERVAL PERIODIC CORTROLLER 4. A LOW PRESSURE MAINTENANCE SUSTAINED FIGURE 2 CLEAN, IMPORTANT MUST WORK THE BE WOi4N OR TEST PRO- EYES FROM POS- r Maint enonce l°roc_dure IMPORTANT_ The Magnetic Pickup and the conneetor end Nf: the Pickup will attract any ferrous mater'ial. _rHese two components must remain together withtthe:lpckwire intact to prevent foreign material from getting "inside" to cause a "short-out" between the 4 body (case) and connector pins or between pins., IMPORTANT: Maintenance in this area MUST BE limited to cHecl_irlg the 0.030" ( + 0.00S", -----0_Ol_ i_} gap and using a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air, to blow off any excessive buildup of dirt. ANY' bTHER PROCEDURES WILL ONLY CONTRIBUTE TO EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION BY CONTAMINATION OF PARTS. It April, 1979 3 4345-1.1 WJ_al-_- maintenance operation & information C. I O WESTINGHOUSE V_V AMERICAN Wilmerding, Gear Inspection STANOARD Pennsylvania BRAKE DIVISION INC. 15148 tooth MUST be condemned. JQ If the gear is found misaligned or bent during inspection it MUST be replaced. 2. Undesirable tooth wear will be indicated during visual inspection by broken or marred teeth. Each tooth which looks as if it has undesirable wear MUST be measured from the base of the tooth to the top-_ the tooth. If the tooth depth is less than 0.1775" the 4345-1.1 AIR visual 3, If two or more teeth on one gear are condemned the whole gear MUST be replaced or the gear may be turned down to a tooth height of NOT LESS than 0.14". A gear with two or more depth MUST be replaced. 4 teeth less than 0.14" in April, 1979 ,o D. Corrective Maintenance CONDITION I. Dirt on Gear Procedure OBSERVED and Magnetic CAUSE Pickup REMEDY I. Over the road trockbed dust, vepor_ grease. operation, i.e., rain spray, oil 2. Dirt sticks to Gear and Magnetic Pickup after being blown off. I. Blow off any buildup and Magnetic Pickup air pump (basketball 2. Clean the Gear by brushing across the teeth with a soft brush, DO NOT USE A METAL (WIRE) BRUSH. Cleon the Magnetic with o soft brush. A METAL (WIRE) Repeat 2. Gear teeth missing, damaged, Gear showing signs of marking Magnetic Pickup• 3. Lease 4. Loose connector missing, S. Magnetic Pickup or by Iocknut. or Iockwire Gap between Gear and Magnetic Pickup does not measure between "GO" (0.020") and "NO GO" (0.035"). I. Gear struck by readlSed debris. 2. Improper clearance adjustment between Gear and Magnetic Pickup initially. tightened at Replace Gear is missing. Pickup by brushing DO NOT USE BRUSH. I. if more than Replace Gear if more than one tooth has a depth (height) less than 0.1775". assembly. I. See Section II of this publication for correct gapping of Magnetic Pickup and assembly procedure. at assembly. I. See Section II of this publication correct procedure for tightening nector and Iockwire replacement. I. See Section II of this publication for correct procedure for setting gap and tightening Connector and Magnetic Pickup. I. Lockwire not 2. Connector vibration loosened by road with Iockwire missing. 3. Lockwire allowing I. Improperly 2. Loose ollows Section I1. for con- broken by debris connector to loosen. set at assembly. Magnetic Pickup Pickup to move. Iocknut _m_ one tooth See Installation Procedure of this Publication. Improperly !!° 5"> _ZZ 2. I. installed I. step of dirt on gear with a hand held pump). _._I_ --,Z_ co I_ O Z G-h-3345-2 An American.Standard Co "E-5" DECELOSTAT _CONTROLLER PARTS CATALOG Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE Air Brake Division AIR BRAKE COMPANYJWilmerdlng. Pennsylvania 15148 G-h-3345-2 26 j LT_ 9 21-35 36 31 19 20-18_ 19 18 "17._ 20 15 ÷ G-h-33aS-2 WPJ2_a "E-5" DECELOSTAT®CONTROLLER -INDEX 37 15 16 5 J6 I0 ll 14 Fig. 3_ 4 & Ref.No. No. Pc.No. Parts 579565 "E-5" Name Req'd DECELOSTAT CONTROLLER, Asy. 579640 .CONTROLLER 46 See 111 Fig. 579700 .CABINET 574080 .NUT, PORTION, (Not Stop, 1/4 in. Receptacle, 12 21 13 "E-5" DECELOSTAT® CONTROLLER Pc. No. Parts CONTROLLER 8 • 527798 .NUT, 8 579642 555255 .PLATE, .THREAD 580044 .DECAL, 539160 .WIRE, Stop, #6 .......... Name (Not Shown) ..... PROTECTOR ....... 1 2 Test 1 Procedure Sealing Used to attach Fish x 13.75 Pc. No. Parts No. Req'd 1-21 579838 • POWER SUPPLY 1-22 579837 .SWITCH, #82606 Toggle, Arrowhart SW1 ............ 1-23 579817 .SWITCH, 1-24 579803 .CAP, Name Push Round, Push 7 1-31 579608 • RECEPTACLE, J-I 7 1-32 577987 .RECEPTACLE, J-2MS3102E-24-28P 7 1-33 579830 .PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD, (See NOTE • ) .......... Asy. 2 1-35 568854 .SCREW, Rd.Hd.Mch.,#8-32 in.................. x 1/2 4 1-36 542070 .NUT, •INSULATION, Board 553636 •SCREW,Mach. Rd•Hd.,#4x 1-6 558631 •NUT, 1-7 579610 • RELAY, with 1-8 578086 .COVER, Relay 1-9 579611 .CLIP, 1-10 578136 .GROMMET, 7/8 1-11 577271 .GROMMET, 9/16 1-12 568868 .5CREW,Rd. Hd.Mach., #10-32 . . 1-13 1-14 520514 • 579798 .NUT, 1-15 1-16 • 558631 .NUT, • .SCREW, _17 42521 579633 Step, .MOUNT, #1C-32 Tie, Stop, 1-19 578416 568872 .CAPACITOR, .CLAMP, .SCREW, 1/2 1-20 527798 #4 .NUT, - TM258 1000 C101, #4 x 5/16in. MFD, C103and in ............... #6-32 ......... in. Sq. in. Sq. .STRAP, 578582 .SPACER, 10 1-39 1-40 1-41 579641 575122 574084 .PLATE, .HOLDER, 576663 579834 .FUSE, 5 1-42 1-43 579835 579845 .RING, 10 1-44 1-45 10 NOTE: x 2 are .FUSE, Sq. 1 White 1 PUshBm., White Push Bin., White Bin., White 1 1 Push ............ #8-32 Wire 1 MS3102E-24-7P 1 1 1 2 ......... Bundling #8 x 1/4 12 ....... 59 in ........ 6 Name ........... FXJse ........... 5 AMP- F-I 2AMP- .WASHER, 1 2 ........ F-2 1 ....... 1 Lock ........... Locating •BRACKET, part of Bto., ............ in. Stop, 573445 4 Sq. MPH) 1-38 Push ............. MPH) 1-37 5 ....... ; ........... in. 3/4 4 I0 . . 3/4 10 100 VDC C104) Capacitor ......... Rd. Hd. Mech., _5-32 Stop, . . ........... F1. Hd.Mach., (C-100, t8 ........ Panduit 3/4 (T4-5 x 5/8in ............... 3/4 (T3-0 1 Hole 28 V ....... Identification (T2-DCL2) 1 8 Hole... T-1-3/4 (TI-DCL1). 1 8 Dia. 1 .CAP, 579696 1-5 Dia. Green ............. 579802 1-4 in. Bin., 5 1-30 1 in. 1 ........ .CAP, I ......... ............ 1 579801 ......... Terminal Cover .... 1-29 Chassis .BOARD, ........... Button Inc.) .CAP, ..PLATE, . (EWC 579800 579695 Hardware (Ref. 1-28 579697 ........... Receptacle .CAP, 1-3 Mounting 1 579799 1-2 #4 .... Shown. Fig. & Ref.No. ASY• 1/2in•. "]-2" Not Thk) 1-27 .CHASSIS ........ x .010 "J- 1" and & 32) to Controller, 1 paper .PLATE, "E-5" 12 & 13) • • ...... ........... 579833 579698 Stop, PORTION, 2 1-26 579640 2, . . LAMP, 1-1 Ref. J-I &]-2 .SCREW,Rd.Hd.Mch.,g6x5/8in. 579804 1- (Incl. 4 1-25 No. Req'd Name . . .GASKET, (PWR-ON) Fig. & Ref. No. 1 Shown) 568885 31 " 2 (Not • • NOTE: 33 ....... • " 579513 (15.75 36 1 Shown) .INSULATION, \ Asy. 1 ............. Printed 1 ........... Relay, Hold-down Circuit Board, 1 . Ref. . . 33 1 G-h-3345-2 VI//_mCO _FOLLOWING ELECTRICALITEMSARENOTSHOWN Fig. & Ref.No. Pc.No. Parts • 578258 .RESISTOR, 1 OHM - 3-1/4 579754 R-303, R-306, R-307) ...... .RESISTOR, 2K-5W-5_(R-313)... • 575569 .RESISTOR, 579755 R-30S) .RESISTOR, • 576188 .DIODE, • 575135 • DIODE, D109) • 575135 D104 R-311, R-312) Zener, IN3046 ¢D-108, (D- 105, D- 106, 0 MPH R59, R69, R78, R86, R148, R168, ]R175, R182, R163, R190, R171, R178, R184, R192, R142 and l Board, Ref. 33. Name .RESISTOR, Req'd (R6, R22, R67, R84, R107 (R7, R12, RS5, R60,RI64, R82, R105, R200, R207, R210, R213, R216, R236 R237) ............... 10K-I/8W-I_o(RS, .RESISTOR, 579715 .RESISTOR, 579724 .RESISTOR, 579892 ,RESISTOR, 579725 .RESISTOR, 579726 .RESISTOR, 579727 .RESISTOR, R24, R25, R26, R40, R41, R42, R57, R58, R71, R73, R79, R88, Rg0, R96, Rill, Rl13, RlI9, R198 & R238) (R260).. ........ 4 R186 and R194) R177, R183 and 147OHM-1/8 R159, R172 522 thru and R268) ......... 8 ............... ' 332 OHM- I/8W- 1_o ............... I.SM-I/8W-l_(R244, R246 ...... 4 579757 .RESISTOR, 52.3K-I/8W-I_o(R189) 1 579733 .RESISTOR, 1.47K-I/8W-l_ 579729 .RESISTOR, R128, and R74, and R234) R247) .......... 2 3.16K-1/8W-I_ R91, RlI4, (R204, R131 & R273).. RI60, R161, 579731 .RESISTOR, 19.6K-I/8W-l°]o(R233) R162, R165, R166, R252, R253, R254, 579728 .RESISTOR 47.5OHM-1/8W-I_o R255, R257, R153, R154, R173 R174) ............... 579753 .RESISTOR 579758 •RESISTOR 579732 .RESISTOR 579759 .RESISTOR 579730 R30, R46 .RESISTOR 579705 .RESISTOR .RESISTOR, (RI5, R31, RI08, R125) 4.22K (R70, R87, RESISTOR RII0, 196K 579709 RESISTOR 579710 RESISTOR 579711 RESISTOR (R76, (RI80 R98, R89, R93, R127) - I/8W- RlI2 and I.IK- R121 Rl16 R100, RESISTOR and RI9_ 4 R 129) .... 1/8W- .... 1/8W.......... 162K 21.5KR139 ....... I/SW and 2K - I/8W ............. and 1_ (RS1, • 4 579765 R140) . . . and 4 • 579766 RI8, 4 4 ....... 4 ....... 4 R203) .CAPACITOR, ........ 1/2W, R211 and 4 1_o R214)... 10K-1/2W-I_(R1, R33, R34, SOT Type R75, R92, 4 R2, R49 & RS0) (R13, RI15, 8 R29, R132 ............. •CAPACITOR, 05BX-221K) 2 R176) and R62) 19.6K, R208, C27and - 1°7o(R196 ....... and R134) 9. . 01M FD - 100V (CK-05BX-103K) o 1_o R251) 82.5K-1/8W-I_o(R14, .RESISTOR R45, R6I, 2 - 1/8WR138) R17, 4 1_ and 6.34K-I/8W-I_(R77, RlI7 (R205, 4 1_o and R133) 5.62K- and ..... 1_ 1 619K-1/SW-l_(RI49, R169 R94, 8 1_ 1 121K-I/8W-l_(R248, R250 R156, R85, 6 ............... R249, 1% R68, - 1/8W- and R188) RESISTOR (R99, R63, ............ 579722 (R235) W-5_o - I/8W- R47, 8.25K (R72, and 1 4 2210HM-1/SW-l_o R146, -1/2 6 1_o R145, 820 OHM RI91) R179)... OHM-I/SW- R136, ............... 4 W-l_o R130, .RESISTOR, . . 46.4K-I/8W-1/_(R150, R170, (R202 40 1 511 OH3.1 - I/8W-l_o R143, R245, and RS6, 8 579713 (R 193) R10, RS1 14.7K-1/8W-I/_(RI47, (R185) R9, R36, .RESISTOR, (R152, 26 R35, 579714 R120, RI41, .............. (R261 1K-1/SW-l_o R39, R44, R97, R52) R157, 8 R137, and 2K-1/2W-S/_ and RI01, R20, .RESISTOR, R151, ............... R122, R19, 579723 32 100K-l/8W-17o 38.3K-1/8W-l_o(R3, R4, (RI03, R155, ............... .RESISTOR, 579717 R102,RI58, R13S, RESISTOR, 579891 R95, R53, R126, RS0, 1_o No. Parts R167, R43, Rl18, .RESISTOR, R23, R28, Circuit Pc. No. W - 1_o R37, RI09, 579708 579712 4 K - 1/8 (R259) 579721 DR2, R27. R6S, 579707 DRI, 5.11 R54, of Printed I/8W- & • ............. .RESISTOR, Fig. Ref.No. DI03, R21, RI24) 579720 5 D102, Rll, R38, 579706 . . (D101, (R5, R258) 579719 Part 3 Relays .RESISTOR, 61.9K............... 2 IN4004 & 5 MPH) $79718 • NOTE: ............... for .RESISTOR, (R-308, R-310, IN4004 .DIODE, 579895 No. Req" Name 2 ............... D-107) Parts (RL81) W .......... 1.2K-SW-S_ R-309, Pc. No. 4 I 100 OHI_'I - 3-I/4 (R-302, • W (R-300, • • Fig. & Ref.No. No. Req'd Name (CI, C47thru C67 220PF-200V (C2, C6, C5, C9, &C84)... C13, 26 (CKC10&CI4). 4 G-h-3345-2 • & No• !•No. Pc•No. Parts Name • 579767 •CAPACITOR, (C3, • .CAPACITOR, 577955 .CAPACITOR, 577958 • 579770 , RESISTOR, . 033 R270, • 579780 1/8W- .CAPACITOR, 100MFD-25V- C33, C36, C37, D83 4 • 579789 .CIRCUIT, Integrated, MC663P (FFI thru FF5) .......... 5 5 • 579790 .CIRCUIT, MCI723CG Integrated, ............. VR 1, 1 4 • 579791 .CIRCUIT, Integrated, 4N25 8 • 579792 .CIRCUIT, (OP1, 3, 10-75_ C40, D81, 4 and NA7) PCI-2, ........... (1379, .............. .CIRCUIT, Integrated, MC672P (NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, 10_ .... IN758 579788 I% & R272) .DIODE, NA6 ..... No. Req'd Name • 4 100V- Parts and D85) I0_ MFD- R271 Pc. No. . 0022 M FD - 10% thru C75) (C32, ...... C25 & C46)... 464 OHM- Fig. & Ref.No. 4 -10+75_o and C24) C23, •CAPACITOR, C41, ........... PCI-3 7 & PCI-4) Integrated, S, 7, 10, (PCI-1, ...... 4 SC70076GH 11, 13, 14, 17, 19 thru 27) .......... .CRYSTAL, 115.807 KHZ 16, 579771 .CAPACITOR, .0047MFD-100V(C28) 1 579772 .CAPACITOR, 1QOPF- 1000V- 1 579781 .POINT, 579773 .CAPACITOR, 579782 .POINT, Test, TP15, TPI6, TP19, 579783 .POIN_F, Test, Orange TP10, TP17 579784 .POINT. Test, 579785 .POINT, Test, Black 579786 .POINT I Test, Green 579787 .POINT, Test, 8 578241 .CIRCUIT, 4 579928 .CAPACITOR, ........ 1 532352 • CLIP, Terminal, #6 tSW.SW1)... 3 578133 .CLIP, Terminal, #10 (C101 C79, C82 and .iMFD C35, C38. C76, C77, C80, C81) ....... .INDUCTOR, 579775 .TRANSISTOR, (C21 L10, Q3, 575126 L8 and Q28) .TRANSISTOR, QS, Q8, Qll, .TRANSISTOR, Q23 and Q24) 579777 .TRANSISTOR, 579778 •DIODE, 579779 •DIODE, D84) I0 ........... 470Micro Lll, Q4, C39, 56MFD-15V-10_ and" C26) IN485B (LI, L9) ....... 2N2907 Q2, 5 2N2222 Q12, (QI8, Q15 and 2N69 _) (Q21, Q19, Q26). 2N4851 (Q25) (D1 thru D80, OP2, Q22, ........... .... D76 &D87) Turret 1 HNHL 77 A D82 and C104). 4 1-46 S 580375 72 Brown TP13, and TP24 (TPI, and TP7, TP26 (TP3, &TP27). 8 TP9, (TP4, 5 TPI1, .......... & TP20). (TP21) (TP23) Integrated 9, 4 (TPI4 Blue .... 2 1 ..... 1 (5C12222G) 12, 15 & 18). 250MFD-15V-CD 250-15 6 TP8, TP22) ....... Yellow 8, TPS, & TP25) ..... Red (TP2, TP18) 4, 6, . . ............ Test, TP12 5 (Q], ........... IN751(D78, ................ 2 Henry .LUG, TP6, -100V-10_o C34, 579806 10 10_(C29) C31, .CAPACITOR, 7'' ..... C30, 579774 579776 C83) XTLI 19 t 579805 579797 C78, A C22 C20, (C68 ..... 10 MFD-20V- • CAPACITOR, (R269, A 100V CI5) C12 and C16) C19, (C18, 579893 and 10MFD-25V C8, (C17, • Cll 579768 579769 . 22 MFD- C7, (C4, A Req'd (C85) ............... • VARISTOR, V100ZA15 -MOV- 1.............. . . 8 Type thru 17 1 WP, V.,_.%. BI3D v WESTINGHOUSE AMERICAN Wilmerding, AIR BRAKE STANDARD Pennsylvania J DIVISION INC. 15148 operation & maintenance information "C-3" DECELOSTAT ®VALVE,Pc.No.579449 PIPE 49 CHOKE/CHECK RELEASE VALVE BRACKET PORTION VALVE "FA.4" MAGNET VALVE PORTION PORTION 3S 2 FIGURE 1 • "C-3" NOTE: The following description of operation l= based on this device and its components being new or this device end its components having been repaired, tested, installed and maintained In accordance with instructions issued by the appropriate governing bodies and this and any other applicable WABCO publications. I. DESCRIPTIONS The "C-3" DECELOSTAT Valve when properly installed and maintained in the brake equipment arrangement is designed to function to vent and restore brake cylinder air pressure by responding to electrical signals received from on external wheel slip sensing device. When a wheel slip occurs, the external wheel slip sensing device should transmit on electrical signal to energize the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Valve to vent brake cylinders air pressure which should result in a reduction in the August, 1979 EX. I DECELOSTAT VALVE - DIAGRAMMATIC VIEW braking effort on the slipping axle. When the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Valve is de-energized, air, under pressure, is once again permitted to flow into the brake cylinder(s). The '"C-3" DECELOSTAT Valve Pc. No. 579449 consists of a Release Valve Portion (Pc. No. 533334) and an "FA4" Magnet Valve Portion (Pc. No. 527702) mounted on a Pipe Bracket Portion (Pc. No. 57963zl). A brief description of each portion follows: A. Release Valve Portion (Pc. No. 533334) (Refer to Figures I and 2) The Release Valve Portion is a pneumatic type valve consisting of o body (17), which houses a piston assembly (7 to 12 incl.) and a top cover (5). Under normal operating conditions, the piston assembly (7 to 12 incl.) is held on its seat by the force of spring (6). When the air pressure applied through port 2 (SUPERSEDES ISSUE DATED SEPTEMBER, 1 1977) 4227-11. $.7A operation & AMERICAN STANDARD INC. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 DIVISION 7sQ°enance inl rmation 49 B 48 PIPE BRACKET 1 PORTION I 46'i / *_' :HAKE CHECK "FA-4" MAGNET VALVE PORTION 3 kLVE m 47 "._6/,6 S0 _9 RELEASE, ¢ VALVE PORTION / \ '10 fl3 36 37 40 N 38 43 39 44 45 PARTIAL SECTION B -m' "FA-4" MaQnet Valve Portion (Pc. No. 527702) SECTION ASSEMBLY Pipe Bracket A-A VIEW Portion (Pc. No. 579634) A check/choke valve is incorporated in the Pipe Bracket Portion. This valve restricts the flow of air to brake cylinder output (port IA to I). This permits timing of the normal brake application and reapplicotion after a wheel slip "dump". The check/choke valve permits a free flow of air when the brakes are normally released. portion is de-energized, the force holds the lower valve (35) OFF its 2 with port 2A. The upper valve OFF port (IA). When the magnet valve is energized, the armature (25) and stem (24) are pulled downward to unseat the upper valve (35) and connect port 2A to port IA. The lower valve (35) is seated to seal OFF port 2. 4227-11, S.7A B , r IS (Refer to Figures I and 2) The Pipe Bracket Portion is bolted to the truck body and is designed to allow for the removal and replacement of the valve portions without disturbing any pipe connections. The Pipe Bracket Portion is normally installed in the broke cylinder air line so that port I is connected to the brake cylinder side and port 2 to the air supply source. (Refer to Figures I and 2) The "FA-4" Magnet Valve Portion, Pc. 527702, is an electro-pneumatic valve with a voltage range of 45 to 85 volts. The nominal voltage is 64 volts, and the maximum operating air pressure is 150 psig. The electric portion of the valve portion consists of a magnet coil housing (21) containing a magnet coil (28), magnet core (29), armature (25), armature stem (24), and stern adjusting screw (23). The pneumatic portion of the valve portion contains the upper and lower valves (35) and the valve spring (32). When the magnet valve of the valve spring (32) sea,t_,_d connects port (3_W=eated and seals VALVE- C. overcomes the force of spring (6), the piston assembly (7 to 12 inel.) will move upward to seal off port 2 and air from port IA will be vented to atmosphere. B. 53 19 FtGURE 2 - "C-3" DECELOSTAT / 14 II. OPERATION (NOTE: Figure I shows the "C-3" OECELOSTAT Valve diagrammatically to make air passage connections and valve operation more easily understood. The diagrammatic view is not intended to show the actual constructiea of the valve.) August, 2 mm ..... 1979 [ WRBCn WESTINGHOUSE V_;_V AMERICAN Wilmerding, AIR BRAKE STANDARD Pennsylvania Supply air under pressure enters port 2 of the Pipe Bracket Portion and flows to the underside of the piston (9) of the Release Valve Portion and to port 2 of the Magnet Valve Portion. With the lower valve (35) of the Magnet Valve Portion held off its seat by the force of the spring (32), air also flows through port 2A to the top of the release valve piston (9). Since the pressure is balanced on both faces of the piston, the force of spring (6) will hold the piston (9) seated. Supply air under pressure also flows to the spring side of the check valve (49), located in the Pipe Bracket Pqrtion, by means of port IA of the Release Valve Portion. A drilled passage in the check valve (49) allows a controlled build-up of air pressure to the Brake Cylinders through port I of the Pipe Bracket Portion. When o wheel slip occurs and the external wheel slip sensing device transmits an electrical signal to energize the "FA-4" Magnet Valve Portion, the armature and stern of the Magnet Valve Portion are pulled downward. The lower valve (35) will be seated and the upper valve (35) will be unseated to connect port 2A to port IA. This exhausts the air on top of the release valve piston (9) by means of ports 2A and IA and also through the exhaust passage EX in the Pipe Bracket Portion. Air pressure build-up under the piston (9) will overcome the force of the spring (6) end move the piston upward. This action cuts off supply air under pressure at port 2 of the Release Valve Portion and opens port IA to exhaust. Brake Cylinder air under pressure can, therefore, vent rapidly through port I of the Pipe Bracket Portion, through the Check Valve (49) and out port IA of the Release Valve Portion. When the wheel slip ceases, the external wheel slip sensing device should signal the "FA-4" Magnet Valve Portion to de-energize. This will permit the spring (32) to return the armature and stem of the Magnet Valve Portion to the upper position. The upper valve (35) will be seated and the lower valve (3S) will be unseated to reconnect port 2 to port 2A. This redirects the flow of supply air from port 2 to the top of the Release Valve Portion piston (9) through port 2A and balances the air pressure on both faces of piston (9) to allow the force of the spring (6) to move the piston downward. The downward movement of the piston cuts off the exhaust of brake cylinder air from port IA end permits supply air under pressure at port 2 to flow through port IA; through the drilled passage in the check valve (49); out port I of the Pipe Bracket Portion; and restores brake cylinder air pressure at o controlled rate. IlL CLEANING AI The cleaning solvent used for cleaning the ports of the portions of the "C-3" DECELOSTAT Valve, with the exception of the valve coil, MUST Bi_="on aliphatic organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha, that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all ports to be cleaned without abrasion. August, 1979 SOLVENT AND LUBRICANT DIVISION maintenance operation & information INC 15148 CAUTION: DO NOT USE ANY CLEANING SOLVERT-T0-CLEAN THE MAGNET COIL. Solvents will cause unrepoirable damage to the coil. B. The following lubricant MUST BE available working an the Relay Valve Portion. I. C. D. IV. A. Triple Valve Oil - WABCO Specification M-7611-20 (AAR Specification M-912), is used to lubricate the piston rings. The following lubricant MUST BE available working on the Pipe Bracket Portion. a. when when No. 2 Silicone Grease, WABCO Specification M-7680-2, which is used to lubricate the o-ring and o-ring groove of the check valve housing. IMPORTANT: _--T'_[E'_-lt" SPECIAL NO LUBRICANTS ARE TO BE USED MAGNET VALVE PORTION. TOOLS In addition to the regular shop tools, the following tools MUST BE available to the repairman when working an the vorioos portions of the "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE as follows: I. Release Valve Portion O. b. 2. Ring Selector Gage No. 48156, Pc. No. 517169 which is used to gage the large piston bushing. (See Figure 3) Push Pull Resistance Indicator, Pc. No. 5t40100 which is used to measure the resistance to movement of the piston..(.See Figure/I.) "FA-4" Mo.qnet Valve Portion o. Magnet in the magnet this tool Core Removal Tool used to assist removal and installation of the core. Specifications for making are shown in Figure S. b. Valve Seat Removal Tool used to assist in the removal and installation of the valve seat. Specifications for making this tool ore shown in Figure 6. e. An electrical instrument, capable of indicating S00 ohms, which is used to check the coil resistance. IMPORTANT: THE INFORMATION SHOWN IN THE DRAWINGS FOR MAKING TOOLS, FIGURE S, AND FIGURE 6 ARE FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE. THE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIVISION OF AMERICAN STANDARD INC. SHALL HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR TOOLS WHICH THEY DO NOT MANUFAC4227-11, S.7A _Nl_l::::llr-_. maintenance operation & o.uA'-rma"-n I I-I WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIVISION 1 Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 AMERICANSTANDARD INC. V.AIIL.V \ S/--_AA_--_ ]/4" Sq.o,. So, Materlalz FIGURE 3 - RING SELECTOR Steel GAGE, Pc.No. 48156 FIGURE6 - VALVE SEAT REMOVALTOOL TURE. THE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIVISION OF AMERICAN STANDARD INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RESULTS OF THE USE OF TOOLS THEY 00 NOT MANUFACTURE INCLUDING CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES. 3. Pipe Bracket Portion a. FIGURE 4 • RESISTANCE INDICATOR, Pc.No. 540100 ;, - - -.4 I/2" Dla. None V. SAFETY PROCEDURES I. Regular shop safety procedures MUST BE followed when working on the valve or any valve portion. 2. The work (xea should be clean and free of debris. _WARNING " " 17/64" Drill The following statements of warning apply all or In part wherever this symbol /_ appears in the maintenance procedures. Failure to observe these precautions may result in serious injury to those performing the work and/or bystanders. .... 1/32" i DIo. I/4" 1-3/16' • 9/32" \ I/4" The use of an air jet, which must be less than 30 p.s.l.g., to blow parts clean or to blow them dry after being cleaned with a solvent will cause particles of dirt and/or droplets of the cleaning solvent to be airborne. Wire brushing may also cause particles of dirt, rust, and scale to become airborne. These conditions may cause skin and/or eye irritation. DIo. ,, Drill i-_1-11/16"--'I DIG. When using an air jet do not direct it toward another person. Improper use of air jet could result In bodily Injury. // \\ Material= Cut Vluw Holding FIGURE 4227-11, S.7A Personal eye protection must be worn when performing any work on this device or its component parts to avoid any possible Injury to the eyes. Stnl Showing Pin In Position S • MAGNET CORE REMOVAL TOOL 4 August. 1979 [ W. .B C D WESTINGHOUSE AIR AMERICAN STANDARD Wilmerding, Pennsylvania BRAKE 1 DIVISION INC. 15148 operation & maintenance information # Jq _ 2 Ig f 13 / 13 IS f "-'-"--"- 14 FIGURE 7 • RELEASE VALVE PORTION • EXPLODED AND ASSEMBLy VIEWS lie The use of solvents as cleaning agents and the use of lubricants can involve health and/or safety hazards. The manufacturers of the solvents and lubricants should be contacted for safety data (such as OSHA Form OSHA-20 or Its equivalent). The recommended precautions end procedures of the manufacturers should be followed. • TO prevent receiving electrical shock when performing electrical tests, hands must be clear of electrical components, contacts and housing and there must be no bodily contact with the work bench. Failure to heed this warning could result In severe Injury • or death. When performing any test or work on devices or equipment while they are on the vehicle (on car test etc.) special precautions must be taken to insure that vehicle movement will not occur which could result In injury August, 1979 to personnel and/or damage to equipment. • Assembly may be under caution during disassembly and cause bodily injury. VI.. MAINTENANCE VI.A. a spring load. Exercise so that no parts "Fly Out" PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES RELEASE VALVE PORTION (Refer to Figure 7 Assembly and Exploded View) IMPORTANT: THE RELEASE VALVE PORTION OF THE "C-3" D---E=-C'_'E'LOSTAT VALVE SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, LUBRICATED, AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: RECOMMENDED TYPE OF APPLICATION Passenger (Interstate) Transit Multiple Operated Electric Unit FREQUENCY AT LEAST ONCE 36 Months 24 Months EVERY I S Months 4227.n, $.7A operation & miatonance iTI}'ormation _I. DISASSEMBLY a. Remove the Release Valve Portion from Pipe Bracket Portion by removing the four hex nuts (I). (I) bo Remove (18). and DISCARD the body repaired or replaced with NEW parts obtained from the Westinghouse Air Brake Division of American Standcrd Inc. the I/2" Z_ WARNING Z_ DURING THE FOLLOWING ERCISE CARE SO THAT PROCEDURE NO PARTS When a NEW seal is installed rivet MUST BE used. b. Use a chisel to cut off the peened head of the rivet (14). c. Remove and DISCARD and seal (IS). d. Place a NEW seal (IS) in position on the vent protector (14). Then using a NEW 3/16" x I/2" pop rivet (14) and the proper tool secure the seal (IS) in place. EX"FLY OUT" OF THE BODY AND CAUSE AN INJURY. b+ CAREFULLY remove the top cover assembly (3 to S incl.) from the body (17). Remove the gasket retainer (3), and gasket (4) from the cover (S). d. e. the rivet 04) Metal Parts (I) Wash all of the remaining metal the cleaning solvent described graph III.A. Remove the piston spring (6) and piston assembly (9 to 12 incl.) from the body (17). (2) The spring may be wire brushed the removal of rust and scale. Remove the piston rings (7, 8), retainer screw (10), washer (11) and seal (12) from the piston (3) After the parts ore cleaned they MUST BE blown completely dry with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. (9). f. Remove the vent protector the pipe nipple (16). g. Unscrew (17). CLEANING, the assembly (13) from I" pipe nipple (f6) INSPECTING (4) Assembl 7 ports in in para- to assist in the ports. (a) The spring (6) MUST BE replaced if it is rustedp pitted, or has taken a permanent set. The spring (6) Pc. No. 569160 has an approximate free height of 3-9/16% (b) Replace any port that is cracked cut, broken, damaged in any way, worn excessively or that is in such a condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. AND REPAIRING (5) Vent Protector Inspect from the body (NOTE: Refer to WABCO Ports Catalog 3227-11, E_=J'when ordering replacement ports. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication and those used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the description (parts name) to insure that the desired part is ordered.) a. o NEW gasket Remove the four 3/8" x l-5/8" hex head cap screws (2) which secure the top cover assembly (3 to 5 incl.) to the body 07). Ct a. IMPORTANT: The release valve portions large piston bushing MUST BE gaged with the ring selector gage No. 48156, Pc. No. 517169, (see Figure 3) to determine if an oversize piston ring is necessary. See Ports Catalog 3227-1 I, Sup. 7 for correct Pc. No. of repair rings. Apply the gage BUT DO NOT use pressure and observe the followmg: O) Clean the interior and exterior surfaces of the vent protector assembly by wiping with a soft, cleon, lint-free cloth that has been saturated With the cleaning solvent described in paragraph III.A. (2) Blow the vent protector assembly completely dry with o low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. (a) If bushing gage does not enter cylinder, the bushing is condemned. the Inspect the vent protector assembly. If it is damaged in any way, it MUST BE (b) If Mark "2" does not clear cylinder, repair ring is required. Ist (3) 4227-11, S.7A 6 August,1979 AMERICAN STANDARD WESTINGHOUSE AIR Wilmerding, Pennsylvania _ c. (d) If Mark "3" clears end "W' does not, 3rd repair ring is required. (e) If Mark "4" clears does not, 4th repair (f) If Mark "COND" cylinder bushing DEMNED. (g) IMPORTANT; Repair piston rings of other than the size indicated by the gage MUST NOT be used. If the piston ring is undersize, insufficient wall pressure will result in ring leakage. If the piston ring is oversize, the operation of the valve will be interfered with because of butted ends end increased resistance to movement under many service conditions. and Mark "COND" ring is required. clears cylinder, the MUST BE CON- AND ASSEMBLING k. (13 to fo Instal/ the piston assembly (9 to 12 incl.) the piston bushing of the body (17). g. IMPORTANT: The resistance to movement of the piston must be measured by means of the 1979 Install the cover gasket (/_) in place on the cover (5) and secure it in position with the gasket retainer (3). TESTING the spring (6) into the piston (9). AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Q. After the Release Valve Portion has been assembled BUT BEFORE it is returned to service, it MUST PASS a series of tests following the procedures of the current issue of the WABCO Test Specification T-1583-0. b. IMPORTANT; When installing a NEW or REPAIRED AND TESTED Release Valve Portion on the Pipe Bracket Portion, a NEW body gasket Pc. No. 533336 (Figure 2-18) MUST BE used.. IS C_ CAREFULLY fit the lubricated piston rings (7, 8) into the proper grooves on the piston (9). IMPORTANT; The large piston ring (7) MUST BE fitted in its groove in the piston (9) with the narrow bearing edge of the lop joint upward. eo i. Z_, Just prior to installing the piston rings (7, 8) in their grooves in the piston (9) lubricate the rings and piston with triple valve oil, WABCO Specification M-7611-20 (AAR Specification M912). d. Install Place the cover assembly (3 to 5 incl.) on the body (S) and secure it in place with the four 3/8" x I-5/8" hex head cop screws (2). Install the seal (12) in place an the piston (9), then secure it in place with the 9/16" O.D. washer (I I) and retainer screw (10). C. h, Screw the I" pipe nipple (16) into the body (I 7). Install the vent protector assembly incl.) on the pipe nipple (16). bo push-pull type resistance indicatar, Pc. No. 540100 (Figure z_)before the valve is completely assembled and after the piston is lubricated. To measure the resistance, force the piston against the lower piston seal, then with the piston in a horizontal position, place the end of the resistance indicator against the piston seal end of the piston and force the piston inward. The force required to move the piston will be indicated on the resistance indicator and MUST NOT exceed 8 p_Jnds. If the force required to move the piston exceeds 8 pounds, the piston assembly MUST BE removed from the body and the bushing re-gaged following the procedure of paragraph Vl.2.b.(5). All rubber parts are to be DISCARDED and replaced with NEW parts obtained from the Westinghouse Air Broke Division of American Standard Inc. LUBRICATING o. Augu=t, If Mark "2" clears and Mark "3" does not, 2nd repair ring is required. Rubber Parts (I) Jk3. (c) maintenance operation & information INC. BRAKE 15148 DIVISION VI.B IMPORTANT; WHEN THE RELEASE VALVE REMOVED FROM THE "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS RE-INSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, A STATIONARY VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE RELAY VALVE PORTION AND THE "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE FUNCTION PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. "FA-4" MAGNET VALVE PORTION IMPORTANT: THE "FA-LI" MAGNET VALVE PORTION OF THE "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE ,VEHICLE, TAKEN TO THE SHOP, THOROUGHLY CLEANED, AND TESTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION SCHEDULE OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF SERVICE CONDITIONS SO DICTATE: into 7 4227"11, S.7A operation & maintenance rmation I AMERICAN STANDARD INC WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148DIVISION _ i_ t _ (See i I Fig. 2_ Ref. 1 45) port 2A Port11G cX._, _SA I1J ;.C_ kS IIJ2 11H _P----- _IIJI 6 IIL--_ m 11K / 13 7 12 IIF--_ 11D--_ llE--_ 11C_@ I i IIA-_ FIGURE RECOMMENDED TYPE OF APPLICATION Passenger Transit AT FREQUENCY LEAST ONCE MAGNET VALVE PORTION EVERY 36 Months 24 Months (Interstate) Multiple Electric Operated Unit _h, h 8 - "FA-4" • EXPLODED Valve which b. IS Months DISASSEMBLY a. (Refer to Figure 2) Remove Valve Portion from the Pipe removing the four 3/8" hex and DISCARD the magnet gasket (45). the "FA-4" Magnet Bracket Portion by nuts (19). Remove portion mounting Portion but ore o port of the device the Magnet Valve Portion is mounted. Remove the and armature (I) to Figure c. Remove the two do Remove the 4227-11, S.7A and nut (6). (I), armature two plug block block screws contacts (4) armaarma- (I IG). (I t J2) to release (I IK). Then two contact insulation on plate remove the nuts (llJI) (I IH). 8 ) Remove the three part filters (13) and gasket (12) from the mounting face of the magnet body (ilL). DISCARD the gasket. NOTE: The port filters terminal the two terminal clips terminal block (llJ), e. o_ magnet cap core washer Remove the armature stem nut (3), ture stem adjusting screw (SA) and ture stern (S) from the armature (4). and terminal (Refer VIEW gasket are not o port of the Magnet Remove the magnet remove the magnet bad)" (I IL). (I) Remove i0). the two coil housing coil (9) from magnet spool (2). Then the magnet gaskets (8, A=0==,, 1979 V.____.._=V W_I_BF_.O f. g. i. /1_2, Remove the magnet core (7) by using the tool shown in Figure S. (NOTE: Figure 5 contains the required information for making this tool.) (2) The spring may be wire brushed to aid in removal of rust and scale. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph V.4. Remove remove (lIC). (3) Blow all of the ports dry with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, air. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph V.3. (zo Inspect the ports. (5) Reject and replace the spring if it is rusted, pitted, distorted or has taken a permanent set. The spring (I IB) Pc. No. 551262 has on approximate free height of 1-25/64". (6) Reject and replace any part that is crackedp broken, damaged, worn excessively or in such o condition that may result in unsatisfactory operation. the magnet valve cop nut (I IA). Then the valve spring (I IB) and spring seat Remove the magnet body removal tool contains the this tool.) ht lower valve seat (I IE) from the (ILL) by using the valve seat (Figure 6). (NOTE: Figure 6 required information for making Remove the two valves magnet body (I IL). CLEANING= INSPECTING (liD, IIF) from AND REPAIRING the /_ (NOTE: Refer to WABCO Ports Catalog 3228-1, 3 when ordering replacement parts. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication and those used in the Parts Catalog may differ. Check the ports name (description) to insure that the correct port is ordered.) C. Gaskets. (I) Coil a. maintenance operation & information AMERICAN STANDARD INC. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 DIVISION (I) (2) (3) FA-4 Magnet Valve Portion Pc. No. IMPORTANT: DO NOT USE ANY CLEANING SOLVENT TO CLEAN THE COIL. Solvent will cause unrepairable damage to the coil. Clean the dirt from the cbil by brushing with o brush that has soft bristles, such as o shoe brush. After cleaning, check the c0il resistance and make certain that it is within the limits specified in the following tabulation: (NOTE: An electrical instrument capable o--f'_cating 500 ohms MUST BE available). Coil Pc. No. 527702 525217 Nominal Service Operating Voltage 64 Z_ 3. All gaskets replaced with Westinghouse can Standard ASSEMBLING b. August, 1979 AS- Install the upper valve (llF) sothat the head of the valve faces the cop nut face of the body (ILL). b. Install the lower valve (I ID) into (I IE) tail end first. (I) Coil Re.sistance 2SvC 77VF Tolerance + 5% ohms the valve seat Install the valve seat (lIE) with the lower valve (lID) into the body (I IL). Tighten the valve seat securely using the valve seat tool shown in Figure 6. A WARmHG A EXERCISE CARE INADVERTENTLY 387 Check magnet coil leads for any fraying of insulation. Apply electrical tape where required to provide insulation. Wash all of the remaining metal parts in the cleaning solvent as described in paragraph III.A. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph Ill.E. LUBRICANT WHILE VALVE PORTION. a. DURING SO THAT EXPELLED THE NO PARTS ARE AND CAUSE AN FOLLOWING PRO- CEDURE. C, Insert the spring seat (I IC), and cap nut (I I A). d. Insert the magnet core (7) into the magnet body (I IL) and tighten securely with the tool shown in Figure S. Metal Ports (t) Z_ IMPORTANT= USE NO EE/Vff_-I19-_'-THE MAGNET INJURY (4) ore to be DISCARDED and NEW parts obtained from the Air Brake Division of AmeriInc. valve spring (I IB) 4227-11, $.7A operation & maintenance i rmation e. Insert the two spool gaskets magnet coil (9). f. Insert the magnet coil (9) into the magnet body (ILL) making certain the dowel pin in the magnet body (I IL) is in the hole in the magnet coil (9) and the magnet coil leads are in their proper location. g. Insert the magnet coil housing (2) into magnet body (I IL) and tighten securely. hi Secure the two magnet coil lead terminal clips (I IK) to the terminal block with the two plug contacts (I I J2) and two contact nuts (I I J I). i, j. k. I. (8, I0) into the 4. TESTING After the "FA-4" Magnet Valve Portion has been assembled BUT BEFORE it is returned to service, it MUST PASS a series of tests following the current issue of the WABCO Test Specification T-14150. bl IMPORTANT: When installing a NEW or REPAIRED AND TESTED "FA-4" Magnet Valve Portion on the Pipe Bracket Portion, a NEW mounting face gasket Pc. No. $27375 (Figure 245 or Figure 8-12) MUST BE used. C* Secure the terminal block insulation plate (I IH) and terminal block assembly (I IJ) to the magnet body (I IL) with the two terminal block screws (I IG). Insert the armature stem (5) and adjusting screw (SA) into the armature (4). Turn the 4_moture stem nut (3) onto the armature stem adjusting screw (5A). (I) Adjust the air gap which must be .OIS". (2) To adjust the air gap, depress the armature, then with the armature stem turned backwards to allow the armature to seat firmly against the core washer and core, measure the distance from the top of the armature to the cap nut seat. Turn the armature stem inward until the armature rises the specified amount, then tighten the armature stem nut on the stem. Z_VI.C. IMPORTANT: WHEN THE "FA-4" MAGNET _-9E'-P-O]_r'rlON IS REMOVED FROM THE "C3" DECELOSTAT VALVE FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS RE-INSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, A STATIONARY VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE "FA-b/, MAGNET VALVE PORTION AND THE "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. PIPE BRACKET PORTION (Refer I+ 2. If the travel is too short_ the valve heads MUST be filed off square to increase the travel. If valve travel is too long, it will be necessary to replace the valve seats and possibly the valves to obtain correct valve travel. to Figures 2 end 9) The exterior surfaces of the Pipe Bracket Portion (55) may be cleaned by wiping with a soft, cleon, lintfree cloth or blown clean with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. Whenever any portion is removed from the Pipe Bracket Portion (SS), for any reason, air passages of the Pipe Bracket Portion MUST BE INSPECTED TO SEE THAT THEY ARE C---c'-C'EA"N AND UNRESTRICTED. The parts should be blown cut_ if necessaryp with a low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry z_WARNINGz_, ° EXERCISE CARE INADVERTENTLY m° Ak IMPORTANT: WHENEVER ANY ONE OR BOTH OF THE _RE REMOVED FROM THE PIPE BRACKET PORTION FOR ANY REASON THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES MUST BE FOLLOWED. Measure the lift or valve travel of the magnet which MUST be .032" + .005" - .000". (o) INFORMATION o. the Place the core washer (6) on the armature core (7), then insert the armature (4) with stem (5), stem adjusting screw (5A) and nut (3) into the magnet valve body (I IL). AND ADDITIONAL Insert the magnet cap nut (I) into the magnet coil housing (2) and tighten securely. INJURY DURING SO THAT EXPELLED THE NO PARTS ARE AND CAUSE FOLLOWING AN PRO- CEDUR_ Install the three port filters (13) in the mounting face of the magnet valve body (I IL). 4227-11, S.7A 10 A..,_..,.,,]979 { WI_BF_.I-I WESTINGHOUSE AMERICAN Wilmerding, AIR BRAKE STANDARD Pennsylvania DIVISION INC. 15148 } operation & maintenance information RELEASEVALVE PORTION MOUNTINGFACE FIGURE 9 - PIPE BRACKET PORTION • EXPLODED VIEW CAREFULLY disassemble the check valve assembly (46 to 51) as follows: Oe b. Remove the I-7/8" retaining ring (46) which secures the check valve housing assembly (47 to 51) in the pipe bracket portion (55). CAREFULLY remove the check valve retaining ring (48), check valve (49) and check valve spring (50) from the housing (47). (2) Remove the I-7/8" O.D. from the housing (47). o-ring 6, Inspect the parts. Reject and replace the spring if it is rusted, pitted or has taken a permanent set. The spring (50) Pc. No. 552190 has an approximate free height of I". Reject and replace any part that is cracked, cut, broken, damaged in any way or that is in such a condition that rr_y result in unsatisfactory operation. (3) DISCARD the check valve (49) oring (51) and retaining rings (_, 48). (a) 7. Inspect the Pipe Bracket Portion orifice to see that it is cleat and unrestricted. IMPORTANT= DO NOT USE METAL TOOLS TO CLEAN THE ORIFICE AS ITS SIZE AND SHAPE IS CRITICAL. If necessary, the orifice may be blown out with o low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of clean, dry air. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph V.3. at Inspect the electrical components of the pipe bracket portion (55). The terminal block, socket assembly (52) and insulation plate (53) may be removed from the pipe bracket portion (55) by removing the two machine screws (56). After the necessary repairs ore mode reassemble the components in reverse of disassembly. (51) Wash the housing (47) and spring (50) in the cleaning solvent described in paragraph III.A. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph III.E. 1979 After the parts are cleaned, blow them dry with o low pressure (less than 30 psig) jet of cleon, dry air. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph V.3. Remove the check valve housing (47 to 51) from the Pipe Bracket Portion (55) and disassemble as follows: (I) Augult, So The spring may be wire brushed to assist in the removal of rust and scale. Adhere to the WARNING of paragraph 7.4. 11 4227-11, $.7A operation & V_/jE_Bl-_.r-i ma tenance i+Wrmation V._V A_ WARNING EXERCISE CARE IlK; ASSEMBLY NO PARTS PELLED o WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIVISION AMERICAN STANDARD INC Wilmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 ARE Co A_, DURING THE PROCEDURE FOLLOWSO THAT iNADVERTENTLY b, AND CAUSE AN INJURY. A. B, Just prior to assembling lubricate a NEW I-7/8" O.D. o-ring (51) and the oring groove of the housing (47) WITH No. 2 Silicone Crease, WABCO Specification M-7680-2, as follows: (I) Coat the o-ring with the grease. (2) Fill the grease. groove with Install a NEW lubricated I-7/8" O.D. o-ring (51) into the groove in the check valve housing (47). Remove the excess grease by wiping with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. 10. Install the check valve housing assembly (47 to 5l) in place in the Pipe Bracket Portion ($5). II. CAREFULLY secure the check valve housing assembly (47 to SI incl.) in place with a NEW I-7/8" retaining ring (t_). VII.ADDITIONAL Install the spring (50) and a NEW check valve (ttg) in the check valve housing (Zt7). CAREFULLY secure the spring (50) and check valve (49) in place with a NEW retaining ring (48). o-ring J EX- Assemble the check valve housing assembly (b,6 to SI) as follows: (NOTE: Refer to WABCO Parts Catalog 3227-11, Sup. 7 when ordering replacement ports. CAUTION: The reference numbers used in this publication and those used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the description (parts name) to insure that the desired port is ordered.) o. | INFORMATION IMPORTANT: WHEN ANY PORTION OF THE"C-3" _T VALVE IS REMOVED FROM THE PIPE BRACKET PORTION FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS RE-INSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION_ NEW MOUNTING CASKETS MUST BE USED. IMPORTANT: WHEN ANY PORTION OR DEVICE OF THE '_3-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE IS REMOVED FROM THE PIPE BRACKET PORTION FOR ANY REASON AND IT IS RE-INSTALLED OR REPLACED WITH A NEW OR REPAIRED AND TESTED PORTION, OR DEVICE, A STATIONARY VEHICLE AIR BRAKE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THE PORTION, DEVICE, AND "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE FUNCTION PROPERLY iN THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. the C. Consult your Westinghouse Air Brake Division Representative if additional information is required. Printed 4227-11, S,7A 12 in U.S.A. August,]979 G-h-3227-11, Sup. 7 W_BCO An Westinghouse Amerlcan-Sl_ndald Air Brake Division WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY/Wilmerdlng, Co "C-3" 14 Pennsylvania 15148 PARTS CATALOG DECELOSTAT®VALVE A FA_ 16 MAGNET VALVE I 12 I 6 _EASE ALVE 3 A Fig. & Re f. No. Pc. No. PARTIAL Name "C-3" DECELOSTAT 576997 l-1 1-2 579449 5O2369 529417J 527702 Ref. Hex., 3/8 MAGNET VALVE ASY, 514992 .PLATE, Insulation 1-12 544134 •RING, 1-13 536581 .O-RING, 1-14 577014 .RING, 1-15 552190 .SPRING, Check Valve 577228[ 579630 577013 .VALVE, Check ....... 1 1-16 1-17 ...... 3 1-18 577017 ..PIPE in ...... 4 1-19 502671 1-20 1-21 500871 552072 ...STUD, ...STUD, P•C. 4 POR3228-I, I VALVE 1-7 533336 Asy.(See .GASKET, P.C. 3225-1, S. 20) Release Valve. • . 579634 .PIPE (incl. P, lnled in U.S.A. Hex., 1/2 BRACKET Ref. Valve Filter 9-21) ASY•, . . . PORTION 1 1 ASY. ...... SUPERSEDES .2968 J.221(#2) (Socket). 1-7/8 Retaining .HOUSING, Check BRACKET, 19-21, 1 1-7/8 in. . . 1 O.D... 1 ...... 1 . . , 1 1 Valve... Asy. 1 0ncl. 1 & 5) 3/8 x 1-1/2 1/2x 1-3/4 ...EXCLUDER, Check Valve 1 ..... Retaining, Ref.Nos. PORTION, 190 x 2 1-11 .RELEASE .ELEMENT, Fil. Hd. Mch. in ............ Terminal 2505 533334 Magnet • .SCREW, .BLOCK, I-5 1-6 577016J 3380 Req'd 578381 527375 521663 1-8 1-9 Parts Name I-I0 1-3 I-4 .NUT, No. Pc.No. 5/8 in ...... VALVE TION, Asy• (See Sup. 3) ........... .GASKET, Fig. & Ref. No. 21 1 - 21) 32 Volt "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE, • (Incl. Ref. 1 - 21) 64 Volt .NUT, ."FA-4" 18 B-B No• Req'd Parts (Incl. 11- SECTION in... in. Wasp, 5/8 Cl',oke Size . . I . . 4 4 in. 1 1 ISSUE DATED MAY, 1973 December, 1974 w mco C-3 I. WESTINGHOUSE AIRBRAK£ DIVISION DECELOSTAT PARTS VALVE CATALOG AND OTHER INFORMATION 1.1 Parts Catalog No. G-h3227-11, Sup. 7, No. G-h3228-1, Sup. 3 and No. G-h3227-11, Sup. _ may be referred to for names of parts and for their location in the DECELOSTAT Valve, the FA-_ magnet valve portion and the release valve portion. 1.2 The followln_ (when applicable) cation. 1.2.1 R-48-C, 1.2.2 I.L. repair specification and Instruction Leaflet must be used in conjunction with this specifi- Sup. 2612-1 2 FA-4 Magnet Rele3se Valve. Valve APPROVED: Supervisor Services NJH:bao - Technical ager Services - Engineering REVISION SHEET Issue No. 1 December 3, Issue No. March WCH 19,1975 Issue No. 3 October 23, WCH 1970 Changed format of entire specification omitted reference to voltage of FA-4 Valve per publicity request. 1975 Revised for the R-113-C, and Magnet to include P.C. G-h3227-11, Sup. C-3 DECELOSTAT VALVE complete. Sup. 1 7 WESTINGHOUSE AIRBRAKE DIVISION v eco V,,LV FA TYPE ]- PARTS MAGNET VALVES CATALOGS ].I Parts Catalog Nos. 3228-_ and 3228 -_, to for names )f parts, for their location when ordering replacement parts. 2. NOTES AND Sup. 3 may be in the magnet referred valve, and CAUTIONS 2.] CAUTION: THE USE OF SOLVENTS AS CLEANING AGENTS CAN INVOLVE HEALTH A-_-7OR SAFETY HAZARDS. THE MANUFACTURER OF THE SOLVENT USED SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR SAFETY DATA (SUCH AS OSHA FORM OSHA-20 OR ITS EQUIVALENT). THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES AND PRECAUTIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED. 2.2 The solvent used for cleaning the parts removed from the valve must be an aliphatic organic solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha, that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit all parts to be thoroughly cleaned without abrasion. 3 2.3 The following must be maintenance of the magnet included valve: 2.3.1 Magnet Tool 2.3.2 Valve 2.3.3 0" Core Seat l" Removal Removal depth among the Tool tools reoulred dwg. R-48-h dwg. R-h8-_ for micrometer DISASSEMBLY 3 ._ For mountlng FA-h Magnet Valves face of the body 3.2 F,r FA-2 MAgnet e'rom the bod_,. 3-3 Remove 3._ Remove center of 3-5 Remove stem. the upper vmlves cap only. remove assembly. only. nut from the armature, armature the magnet coil. the 5/16 '' hex. nut anQ remmve the stem, the the three the ex'_aust magnet and armature coil core filters from pmrt the excluder housing. wmsher _rom the from the armature 3.6 For FA-4 Magnet Valves as follows: only, remove the terminal 3.6.1 Remove the two oval fillister head machine the terminal block assembly to the body. block screws assembly which secure 3.6.? Remove the two male contacts from the terminal block assembly, and then remove the magnet coll lead terminal clips, varistor (if so equipped), terminal block, two hex. nuts, and the insulation from the body. 3.7 For FA-2 Magnet Valves machine screws, the cover, only, remove the four #10 fillister and the cover gasket from the body. 3.8 housing Remove the magnet coil 3-9 Remove the body assembly. top gasket, from magnet c_il, 3-10 Using the magnet core removal tool magnet core from the body assembly. head the body assembly. and bottom (item 2.3._), gasket from the remove the 3-1] CAUTION: SPRING IS UNDERCOMPRESSIVELOAD. EXERCISE CARF WHEN DISASSEMBLING TO AVOID PHYSICAL INJURY FPOMPARTS INADVERTENTLYEXPELLED BY SPRING FORCE. WEARPERSONALEYE PROTECTION. 3.12 Remove the lower cap nut spring and spring seat. 3.13 Using valve seat the valve seat from the body. from the removal tool boMy. and then remove the (item _._4 Remove the lower valve from the valve 3.15 Remove the upper valve from the body. 2.3-P), remove the seat. 4. CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND REPAIR 4.1 Electrical Components 4.1.1 CAUTION: DO NO ALLOWTHE MAGNETCOIL. TERMINAL BLOCK, OR INSULATION TO COMEINTO CONTACTWITH THE CLEANING SOLVENT. AS DAMAGE TO THESE COMPONENTS MAY RESULT. h.l.2 CAUTION: BRUSHING CAN RESULT IN PARTICLES OF DIRT, RUST, ETC. BEING THROWN FROM THE PART. THESE PARTICLES CAN CAUSE EYE TATION AND/0R INJURY. WEAR PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION. 4.1.3 Clean the magnet coil, brushing with a soft bristled with a soft, clean cloth. R-48-C, terminal block, brush (such as Sup. 2. Issue P_ge 2 N_. anM Insul_tlon a shoe brush), 3 by mr SCALE, IRRI- wiping 4.1.4 Coil Resistance Check coll resistance and make certain that the limits specified in the following tabulation. 4._..4.1.I Tabulation NOMINAL NO. OPERATING 529272 528871 562190 534994 FA-4 PC, COIL RESISTANCE VOLTAGE 25°C-77°F AT 32 64 80 230 96 368 566 3520 - 106 406 626 3890 12 24 32 32 64 80 _15 125 230 15 59 96 96 368 566 960 !.340 3520 - !6 - 65 I06 ]06 406 - 626 - 1061 - !48]. - 3890 of insulation. MAGNET NO, 533938 566760 536553 529417 527702 562187 531879 531879 537820 4.1.5 Inspect magnet coil leads Should such fraying the magnet coil be replaced. 4.2 within - FA-2 MAGNET PC, _t is Metal for be In any fraying evidence, it Is recommended that Parts 4.2.! NOTE: The accordance with 4.2.2 Wash housing in all the solvent used as the requirements metal parts prescribed a except cleaning cleaning solution of item 2.2. the body and solution. the must magnet be In coil 4.2.3 CAUTION: THE USE OF AN AIR JET TO DRY PARTS CLEANED WITH A SOLVENT WILL CAUSE PARTICLES OF DIRT, SCALE, RUST ETC. OR DROPLETS OF THE SOLVENT TO BE BLOWN FROM THE PARTS. THESE PARTICLES OR DROPLETS CAN CAUSE EYE IRRITATION ANDIOR INJURY, WEAR PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION. DO NOT DIRECT THE AIR JET TOWARD ANY OTHER PERSON. 4.2.4 maylmum) Parts iet thus of cleaned clean must be dried with a LOW air. R-48-C, Sup. 2, Page Issue 3 No. 3 pressure (30 psi 4.2.5 CAUTION: WIRE BRUSHING CAN RESULT IN PARTICLES OF DIRT, RUST. SCALE. F,TC. BEING THROWNFROMTHE PART. THESE PARTICLES CAN CAUSE EYF IRRITATION 4.2.6 AND/OR Springs may INJURY. WEAR be brushed. wire h.2.7 The magnet valve body thoroughly cleaned internally with the prescribed cleaning PERSONAL EYE and the magnet and externally solution. PROTECTION. coil housing must be with a cl_th s-turated 4.2.8 CAUTION: THE USE OF AN AIR JET TO DRY PARTS CLEANED WITH A SOLVENT WILL CAUSE PARTICLES OF DIRT. SCALE. RUST. ETC. OR DROPLETS OF THE SOLVENT TO BE BLOWN FROM THE PARTS. THESE PARTICLFS OH DROPLETS CAN CAUSE EYE IRRITATION AND/OR INJURY. WEAR PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION. DO NOT DIRECT THE AIR JET TOWARD ANY OTHER PERSON. 4.2.9 Parts thus cleaned must maximum) let of clean air. _.3 be dried with a allowed to soak LOW pressure (30 psi Gaskets 4.3.1 NOTE: solution. Gaskets must not be 4.3.2 Gaskets may be dipped in to remove grease and/or dirt. the prescribed in the cleaning cleaning solution 4.3.3 CAUTION: THE USE OF AN AIR JET TO DRY PARTS CLEANED WITH A SOLVENT WILL CAUSE PARTICLES OF DIRT. SCALE. RUST, ETC. OH DROPLETS OF THE SOLVENT TO BE BLOWN FROM THE PARTS. THESE PARTICLES OR DROPLETS CAN CAUSE EYE IRRITATION AND/OR INJURY. WEAR PERSONAL EYE PROTECTION. DO NOT DIRECT THE AIR JET TOWARD ANY OTHFR PERSON. 4.3.4 Cleaned LOW pressure gaskets (30 psi 4.3.5 beads and replace that reveal Reject or any must be maximum) 4._ Inspect all springs Replsce where necessary. 4.5 Replace damaged, or operation. 5- all parts in such a wiped and immediately _et of clean air. all gaskets which cracks or cuts. for rust that are condition pits. have broken distortion, cracked, broken, as would result dried or or with a flattened permanent set. worn excessively, tn uns_tisfactory ASSEMBLY 5.1 NOTE: 5.2 the Insert body, Use the no lubricant upper while assembling the magnet (tail end into the valve R-48-C, Sup. Page first) 2, Issue 4 No. 3 valve lower portion. cavity of 5._ Insert the lower of the valve seat. valve (tail end first) into the threa_ed en_ 5.4 Insert the valve seat into the l_wer cavity of the body and tighten securely using the valve seat removal tool (item 2.3.2). 5.5 CAUTION: SPRING IS TO BE ASSEMBLEDUNDERCOMPRESSIVELOAD. EXERCISE CARE WHENASSEMBLINGTO AVOID PHYSICAL INJURY FROMPARTS INADVERTENTLYEXPELLED BY SPRING FORCE. WEARPERSONALEYE PROTECTION. 5.6 Insert the following 5.6.1 Spring 5.6.2 Spring 5.6.3 Lower cap nut 5.7 Securely 5.8 the Insert magnet into the lower cavity of the body: seat tighten the lower cap nut. the magnet core into the body and core removal tool (item 2.3._). 5-9 Insert the magnet coil. top and bottom gaskets into tighten the securely gasket using grooves in the 5.10 Insert the magnet coil into the body assembly, making certain that the dowel pin in the b_d_ r is aligned with the hole in the bottom of the magnet coil and the magnet coil leads are in the proper position. 5.11 Securely tighten 5.12 For Magnet FA-4 the magnet Valves c'_il only, housing proceed as follows: 5.12-1 Secure the two magnet coil lead terminal varistor terminal clips (if so enulpped) to the the two male contacts and the two hex,. nuts. clips and the terminal block 5.12.2 using assembly 5.13 Secure the two For FA-2 the insulation oval fillister Magnet and terminal head machine Valves only, 5.13.1 Place the cover gasket box opening in the body. 5.13.2 Secure #10 fillister and the cover gasket and head machine screws. R-48-C, Sup. 2, Page 5 block screws proceed cover as in to two using the body follows: place cover to the Issue N_. 3 over body the using _unction the four 5.14 Insert the armature stem int_ the armature, the 5/]6" hex. nut ont_ the armature stem. then loosely turn 5-15 Place the magnet core washer int_ the armature core, then fully insert the armature stem int_ the center of the magnet coil. 5-!6 5.!6.1 Adjust the armature Fully depress air gap as follnws: the armature. 5.16-2 Using a screwdriver, rotate the armature stem counter-clockwise (as viewed from above the magnet valve) until the armature is firmly seated against the armature core. 5.16-3 Using the depth micrometer (item 2.3-3) measure the distance from the top of the armature to the upper cap nut seating surface. 5.16.4 .015". Rotate 5.16.5 Tighten the armature the stem clockwise 5/16 '' hex. 5.17 Measure the lift be .032" to .037" nut or valve until the armature on the armature travel rises stem. of the m@gnet, which should 5.17.1 If valve travel is too short, valve heads must be filed off sauare to increase the travel. If valve travel is too long it will be necessary to replace valve seats and possibly the valves to obtain c_rrect valve travel. 5._ Insert the upper tighten securely. cap nut int_ the magnet coil 5.19 For FA-4 Magnet Valves only, insert the three p_rts in the m_unting face of the body assembly. 5.20 into 6. TESTING For F-2 Magnet Valves the body. only, insert the eyhaust housing and filters _.nto the port eTcluder REQUIREMENTS. 6._ Before being placed Valve must be tested,and issue of the pertinent lation of item 6.2. in service, the assembled FA Type Magnet meet all the requirements of the current test specification as detailed in the tabu- R-48-C, Sup. Page 2, 6 Issue No. 3 6.2 T_bulation TEST SPEC. NO. APPLICABLE FA-2 MAGNET VALVE PC. NOS. T-1510-O T-1773-0 528871, 528871, 53_994 TEST APPLICABLE VALVE SPEC. NO. T-14!5-0 T-1858-0 T-!5!3-0 T-1772-0 T-3!81-0 529272, 529272, TEST RACK AB/ETP AB 'IWC 56219o 562190 FA-4 MAGNE_T PC. NOS. TEST RACK AB 'ETP 5277O2 5277o_ 5294!7,53_879,533938,5378_o 562187, 56676o 529_]7,531879.5Z3938,537820 562187, 566760 536553 Ae/IWC AB/ET P AB/I wc AB/ETP APPROVED: Supervisor Services a_nager - Technical Services ROM R-48-C, Sup. 2, Issue Page 7 No. 3 - Engineering REVISION Issue No. September RGM SHEET 1 1.2, _962 Issue No. 2 November 4, 1963 RGM Corrected Issue No. 3 November 22, CMF:bac Changed title of spec. from "F" TYPE MAGNET VALVES" to ""FA TYPE MAGNET VALVES." "FB" Type Magnet Valves transferred to R-_8-C, Sup. 13. Revised format of specification. Added pertinent CAUTION notes. 1977 R-h8-C, method Sup. of 2, obtaining Issue No. correct 3 valve travel. 3227-11, "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE Pc.No. 576997 [32 Volts) Pc.No. 579449 (64 Volts) (SUPERSEDES ISSUE PARTS DATED APRIL, 1977) CATALOG WARNING: AT THE TIME ANY PART IS REPLACED IN THIS DEVICE, THE OPERATION OF THE COMPLETE DEVICE MUST PASS A SERIES OF TESTS AS PRESCRIBED IN THE LATEST ISSUE OF THE APPLICABLE WABCO TEST SPECIFICATION. AT THE TIME THIS DEVICE IS APPLIED TO THE BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT, A STATIONARY VEHICLE TEST MUST BE MADE TO INSURE THAT THIS DEVICE FUNCTIONS PROPERLY IN THE TOTAL BRAKE EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT. (Consult your local WABCO Representative for identity of the test Ipecificotions, with latest revision date, that cover this device). WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DIVISION _,MERICAN STANDARD iNC. WJlmerding, Pennsylvania 15148 S.7 3227-11, $.7 W_BQO ,13 /16 I1 10 _?/ j/// I I "C-3" DECELOSTAT VALVE Fig•& No• Ref•No. 1- Pc.NO• 576997 Pans Name "C-3" DECELOSTAT 32 Volt. ASY.. Fig • & Req'd VALVE. "G -3" DECE LOSTAT ASY.. 64 Volt, 1-9 VALVE. (I,_cl. Ref•No. 1-21) 1-1 I-2 502369 529417 [ 527702 •NUT, Hex., 3/8 • "FA-4" MAGNET PORTION, 1-3 527375 1-4 521663 1-5 2505 .GASKET. .ELEMENT. 533334 • RELEASE 1-7 533336 .GASKET. Any• 577016 J 579634 .PIPE (See • NOTE: For Spring I/2 VALVE Figure Rt,_ase BRACKET (Incl. Identification, ReL In....... VALVE 4 (See 1 Fig•2).. Magnet Valve .... Filter. ...... Hex•, .NUT, 1-6 1- As'/. 9thru Pc•No• 3380 (Incl• Ref.No. 1-21) 579449 1- No • Ref.No• 3) ...... Valve PORTION 21) ..... • .BLOCK, Terminal 514992 • •PLATE. Insulation 1-12 544134 ..RING, 1-13 1-14 536581 577014 •.O-RING, e552190 577228 .2968 ]579630 1 ASY. 1 See Pase 4, 2 (Socket) ..... Retaining, • •RING, • .SPRING, 190 1-7/8. 1-7/8 in. • O.D.. Retaining ...... Check Valve . . • • •VALVE, Check ....... Check Valve Choke Size 1-17 .221 (#2) 577013 1-18 577017 ..PIPE I=19 513969 ReX. Nos. 1,5 .•.STUD, 3/8x & 19thru 21) 1-5/8 in .... 1-20 523182 •..STUD, 2In ...... I=21 552072 • ..EXCLUDER, I . . . ..SCREW, Fil.Hd.Mch. x 5/8 in ........... 578381 1-16 4 Req'd l-ll 1-15 PORTION, Name I-I0 1 3 in ....... Parts ..IIOUSING, Check BRACKET, I/2x Valve Any. Wasp,5/8 . . . 1 (Incl. . 1 4 4 in.. 3227-I I, S.7 W_BCO "FA-4" MAGNETVALVEPORTION Fig. 9 & No • Ref.No. 2- Pc•No. Parts "FA-4" 529417 4 527702 2- Name Req'd MAGNET , 32 Volts (Voltage 25-44) Range, "FA-4" MAGNET PORTION, 3 2 2-3 2-4 96500 521284 •ARMAT URE 2-5 2-6 574403 574404 .STEM, Armature 2-7 574402 .WASHER, 2-8 521282 .CORE, 2-9 520902 .GASKET. _ 525217 520902 • COIL, Magnet ...... .GASKET, Bottom. .... 529341 .BODY. 528928 **" .NUT, Cap 12 Figure 2 .SCREW. Magnet ...... Top ...... As,]. R-48-C, Sup. 2, covering the "F" Type Magnet (Incl. 1 1 2-14 527389 • •SEAT, Spring. 2-15 527373 2-16 521280 ..SEAT, ..VALVE Valve ...... 2-17 3380 • .SCREW. . Ov.FiL 514992 ..PLATE. Insulation Term. .......... 2-19 534086 • •BLOCK, Terminal, 2-20 5741 2-21 533933 • ..CONTACT, 2-22 533086 2-23 541057 ..CLIP, . .BODY available ...NUT, Identification, on zequest. . . 1 . . 1 2 Hd. Mch. in .......... 2-18 is Nos. 1 e551262 Valves Ref. ..NUT, Cap ..... • •SPRING ...... 2-13 Spring .... ..... 23) ..... (Incl. Specification .... Core 528078 For . ....... 2-12 eNOTE: Coil in... Adjusting 190 x 5/8 Repair ........ .HOUSING, Magnet • NUT, Hex., 5/16 12 thru p n 45-85) Range, 502453 521287 2- -_-13 64 Volts 2-1 2-2 2-10 2-11 14 VALVE ASY• (Voltage 7 VALVE PORTION,ASY. Ref. Nos. Hex 2 Block 1 AsT. 20 & 21) . . ......... Male ..... Terminal ...... ............ See Page 4. 1 2 2 .'-2 1 3227-11, S.7 RELEASEVALVEPORTION 2 Fig. & Ref.No. Pc.No. Parts 3- 533334 RELEASE No. Req'd Name ASY. VALVE (Incl. PORTION, Ref. Nos. 1 thru 17) 3-2 17129 .SCREW, Hex.Hd.Cap, x 1-5/8 /z//! 3/8 in ........... 4 3-3 552346 .RETAINER. 3-4 533333 .GASKET, 3-5 533331 .COVER, Top ......... 3-6 e569160 .SPRING, Piston. Gasket Top ..... Cover 1 1 .... 1 ....... 1 3-7 $ .RING, Piston, in.Dia. 1 3-8 $ .RING, Piston, 1-5/8 in.Dia. I 2-1/2 3-9 520320 .PISTON, 10 thru Asy. (Incl. 12) .......... 3- 10 500430 . .SCREW, Retainer. 3-11 27660 ..WASHER, 9/16 3-12 501331 ..SEAL, 3-13 532456 .VENT 3-14 571140 ..RIVET, 3-15 502465 ..SEAL, 3-16 536419 .NIPPLE, 3-17 533329 .BODY, Piston See Spring 1 ..... l O.D.. 1 in. ........ 1 PROTECTOR, (Incl. oNOTE: Ref. Ref. Asy. Nos. Pop, 14 & 15).. 3/16xl/2 1 in.. 1 Vent ......... Pipe, Release Identification 1 Ixi-1/2in.. Valve Chart 1 .... 1 Below. FITTINGSKIT Fig. & 11"_0/_ J 1__ NO. Ref.No. Pc.NO. Parts Name 580287 FITTINGS 503685 .FITTING, WABCO, 93986 .GASKET, Fitting 562054 Figure 3 Req'd KIT Sweat.. 2 .SCREW, Self-Locking, 1/2x 1-1/4 in ........ _/14 2 ....... Cap, 4 SPRINGIOENTIFICATION 0NOTE: We are Rings prepared for to furnish the Release the following Valve The Repair _llowing t'ton of the springs Piston: It is based on calculated Size O.D. Pc.No. Remarks Intended figures for identification fmr any other 3-7 2-I/2 in. 3-8 1-5/8 Prices should give 505865 Standard and Ist Repair 505866 2rid Repair 505867 3rd Repair 505868 4th 504236 Standard 530728 2rid Repair in. will PIECE be quoted NUMBER upon and fication 1979 spring difference In wire, This tabulation Is and should not herein. actual not be used represent a speci- springs mentioned. SPRING IDENT IFICAT ION and 1st Repair Approx. Out application NAME small etc. It does tdentiflca- cataloged and the only purpose. for the to enable ,7--I Repair of part Approx. Wire Dia. Dta. Pc.No. "A"in. '_"In. 551262 7/16 3/64 552190 569160 1/2 1-1/32 3/64 7/64 wanted *NOTE: Aprli+ is shown in the devices will vary somewhat, due to the coil diameter, number of turns, Fig. Ref. No. Orders table used Number of turns Approx. Free Height "C" in. Approx. No. Turns • Mat'l. 1-25/64 1 9 6 Steel 3-9/16 9-1/2 St.Steel extreme ends. cotmted between Steel Printed in U'S*A" 77.7 Brazing 57 Piping Materials Required: i. 2. Dry nitrogen Flux tank 3. Brazing Alloy 560 or Unibraze not sufficiently with regulator set AWS Classification 1550. Do not use strong. for Bag 7, a 95/5 2 psig. such as Braze solder - it is WARNING Never apply heat rupture, and the escaping solder through the air. properly pipefitter. to a line under pressure. pressure may throw blazing Air brake systems must braze joints in tubing be is leak free, an essential and the skill The oil line may or molten ability of the to Tubing should be cleaned and burnished bright before brazing. Do not use steel wool - the slivers may get into the valves, and damage them. Care in cleaning is essential for good gas-tight connections. Particular attention should be given to preventing metal particles or abrasive material from entering the tubing. A suitable low temperature brazing flux that is fully liquid and active below the flow point of the brazing alloy is required. Because of their nature, brazing fluxes are quite active chemically, and must be kept out of the system. Only the male connection should be fluxed, and only enough flux should be used to adequately cover the surface. Keep the flux back from the end of the tubing so none will get inside. When heat is applied to copper in the presence of air, copper oxide is formed. This oxide can be extremely harmful to an air brake system. To prevent its formation, dry nitrogen must be swept through the line a low pressure (i to' 2 psig). Always use a pressure regulating valve in the line connecting the nitrogen cylinder to the system. placed on expansion The tubing should be properly supported the joints during brazing and cooling, and contraction will not be restricted. so that no strain and so that is 7 - 58 important Use only Braze-560 or unibraze-1550 brazing for strength and vibration resistance. alloy. This is Apply heat evenly to the tube and fitting until the flux begins to melt. The way heat is applied can either draw flux into the 3oint or prevent its entry. Apply heat around the circumference of the fitting to draw the brazing alloy into the joint to make a mechanically strong and tight joint. See figure 7.23 and 7.24. Use care to not overheat the tubing and fittings. Be especially careful of the brake valves, etc. If brazing is required near a valve, remove it to avoid damage. Brake valves are quite expensive. Immediately after the brazing alloy brush or cloth to the joint to wash off the removed for inspection and pressure testing. has set, apply All flux flux. a wet must be CL£.;_.'IIN_ Copper tube and _-_Z'_C_ _'U_ fittings Care in cleaning will of abrasive particles. should largely APPLYING Making this " bt&zecJ manner tubing while to keep br'_7.1r_, good, with and tiffing all0_ to prevent cleaned END down looking getting c..,_,,l. ,. o.,.t .,. .. ..... Lc.. to bare connections. I'i_., from oxide Figure T-Z3 gas-tight ALLOY • joint flux be thoroughly insure :7 down. inside. metal Note before tubing making is pitched "/- Z4 Whenever Note or brazed joint. to prevent entry _,,,... L ,.o,_, ,,.....,.. possible, also soldered downward that formation. OF PROCEDURE dry brazed nitrogen joints should is being swept be made through c.. in the 7 Section 7.8 ITITA-_TING LIST D22 Air Brake Schematic Tread D22 Air Brake Schematic Disc 26C Air Brake Schematic Disc Truck Speed Decelostat Sensor Application Electrical D-01-527 Schematic 27 Point Trainline Schematic E-01-526 27 Point Trainline Schematic E-01-602 Disc Brake Bolt Locking Plate & Wire D-211 61 a CHAPTER8 Table i 8.0 8.1 Contents Page 8-I 8-3 8-3 List of lllustrations General Maintenance Instructions LIST 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 of HANDBRAKE Lubrication l_odel 800 Model 050 Model 860 OF Chart Brake Instructions Brake Instructions Brake Instructions ILLUSTRATIONS Page 8-4 8-5 8-16 8-20 # 8 CHAPTER 8.0 HANDBRAKE General All cars mechanism handbrake having end. a The For is This instructions equipped located The section. test the of with a handbrake on the vestibule handbrake handbrake periodically in this Maintenance (Right available, years. are vestibule. be inspected instructions 8.1 8 3 unit for end requires proper handbrake, of the little operation. refer on one end of to car is only. cars designated maintenance, See test end all the but should manufacturer's spec PQ-79-1, Instructions section for the Some parts lland) models, as these The interchangeable produced. "E" The 850 includes Model 800, Ellcon 850 National and 860 series has been replaced with the "G" series, which and maintanence handbrake units. for the original 800-L (Left as shown on Drawing D-1373-A, models have been obsolete for 860 models are also by, is currently Hand) are more and most currently in The and 800-R no longer than thirty parts being production. are Test. B FIG 8.1 LUBRIC_ "1( PEACOCK L MODELS 72O 1070 i i OO I CHART .p, BRAKES MODEL 210 i , [ , (9--/'B" MODEl.5 8O0 840 M I ELLCON-NATIONAL INC. _ING ROAD MODEL o ./ FI6 8.22 800- LG BRAKE 8-5 PEACOCK LUBRICATION SCREWS, BOLTS_ NUTSETC. Brakes should, #1076, turned BRAKES should be periodically inspected for, and all loose screws, nuts or bolts of course, be tightened. EXCEPTION - Hand Lever adjusting screw, part located fn the front edge of the hand lever near the top, should not be except as outlined in the following paragraph. Brake rigging effect a full jamming around REPLACEMENT OF CHAIN Revised 800-G The top front edge of the hand lever is equipped with an by turning adjusts the hand lever clearance between the part of the car structure. Turning this screw clockwise and counter-clockwise decreases it. It will seldom, _f move this screw once the car is built. However, should screw should be resplked by center-punching the threads across the head of the screw. CAUTION NO. NO. ! - All rotating or moving parts should be periodically lubricated with a normal grade of oil for interior mounted brakes and an extremely light grade of oil or kerosene, or a combination of both, for exterior mounted brakes. Length of time between lubrications will depend on use of brakes, operatin_ conditions, etc., but_ in any event, brakes should be lubricated. By removing #1097 cover, interllal mechanism will be in full view. The rust, dirt, etc., can be blown out with an air hose. After this has been done, lubricant can be sprayed into housing directly on all visible rotating points. HAND LEVER CLEARANCE SHEET oO STRUCTIONS MAINTENANCE - See Sheet 2, Drawing A-1209 spring chain other in order to slack from components. attached. ELLCON-NATIONAL, INC. TOTOWA, NEW JERSEY 07512 1 September No. should be equipped with a suitable return release of hand brake and also to prevent sheaves and brackets or interfering with adjusting screw which handle and the nearest increases the clearance ever, be necessary to it be necessary, the into the slot extending i, 1970 A-1608l NO?- NO. I \ \ \ NO. 3 Pull down on chain "A" until the wlre hangs about evenly on both sides of the drum as shown. 0 0 Disconnect chain and chain. wire attaeh from old to new Pull down on the handle end of wire at the same time assisting the operation by raising chain up and starting it through the bottom of the housing. Continue this operation until chain has been drawn entirely through housing and hanging as shown in Sketch I. Slide snubber #gAI up chain t attaeh weight #823-A by inserting pin #825, slide snubber down over the end of the weight #823-A, and connect the far end of chain to brake rigging. 3LO" Pull down weighted end of chain #823-A. Slide #941 rubber up chain Remove chain pin #825. snubber as shown. snubber Attach pleee of bale wire approximately 3 feet long to loose end of chain with a loop or other means of preventing the wire from passing through the housing. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS METHOD PEACOCK Sheet No, 2 of 2 Sheets )CT.t,1947 ELLCON J NAT IONAL, OF" CHANGING NO. 800 CHAINS BRAKES INC. A-1209 I GENERAL: 10g7- MADE BOI-0-L IN DATA'" "MALLEAc__E CONSTRUCTION CADMIUM, OR WEIGHT24" - -- ,00 FINISH I_, STEEL LEVER RATIO CHAIN STEEL PAINTED CHROME MALL HAND GEAR 93g '& WITH 7.5 I CDHSTR DO LBS. 5 : I TRAVFJ- - UNLIMITED FORCES HAND THEORETICAL A.A.R• ACTUAL ON - 125 _ HANDLE _.- ETC, ING 3000 - FREE AND WITH ONCE A _t 5840 # 38()0 _ 4180 =` _ 6000 _ _ 4900 IN'TERNAL BE OF 'MECH- THOROUGHLY ALL GRIT, DUS_'. B_f AT SPRAYLEAST LUBRICATED A LtGHT OtL YEAR."" BRAKE 24" 4720 _ 3800 SHOULD BLOWN _ , ," BY MAN LUBRli3ATION ANISM 20" .3600 ACTUALAVERAGE LEVERS 16" ....... R_GGING..11_ ,.. BE EQUIPPED W,TH A SU=TABLrRETURNSPR,_CIN I ORDER TO .EFFECT A FULL RELEASE O1_ HAND. BRAP, E. - ' 3 J REE 801-D*L - FOR BRAH_E OUT OF WITH BACK -L \. LOCKWASHE 74 -AX BUSHING 74 -CX - LARGE - SMALL CHAIN - C HAND LEVER CLEARANCE _4 611*A " BUSHING IOB6 I065 " SHAFT OIL CUP PINION ;_'._ ...-. .. - - 16" 20" 24" PAWL SHAFT -A SPRING " RATCHET R098 RETAINER ggB-A RATCHET 889 IogB RETAINER 107E= *A SCREW " LOCKW 821 BOS'L • " *_ SCREW " ADJUSTING LOCK W *R SCREW HOLDING RAWt_ SHAFT 788 C HA(N 94t -A 82 3 -A I/_ • * 14,000 SNUBBER _ R T • B=- 0" PEACOCKBRAKE NATIONAL SCREW LOCKWASHER "C LEVER 817 703 Big ./ SHAFT -24-1 SHAFT BII -B HAND 815 DRUM 669 ; 170' POSSIBLE MOVEMENT LEVER 8&4-L>0-L " ggB ' R BI6 ; 802-A 803 TRIP 814-16-L SCREW 804 2 .'_ C-1380. COVER IO66 614-20 SHOWN OPERATING Bi9-C 1096 SPECIFY WHETHER 16", 20" OR 24" DWG, HOUSING 1097"L 20" CHAIN SEE 0 A NO. 800- WEIGHT (LEFT PIN B2S-A BRAKE 30 CHURCH NEW YORK, LC HAND CO.,INC. _T...: N.Y,- BR_,F,E l'_E) GUIDE .... SCREW LOCK'WA S HER 3-17"49 i_ 137.6 802-A FLOOR ) 501- EL HO_ISIN ,_ 0g7-L COVER og6 i086 74 *AX 74 - CX • - BUSHING -LARGE BO2-A B0_-C 611 C_AIN ,,, DR_M SHAFT -A BUSHING SHAFT 10o5 BO4 8OS-L OIL PINION ,, I I_c)R RATCHET 889 ,, LOCk',WASHER 869 " 1776 .... _ • 7_B HOLDING J 941-A B23-A PAWL pin HAND "CAN BY LEVER B_ "MEANS CLEARANCE w _REW CHAIN I •" SCREW • ADJUSTING RETAINER I/_" -14.000 SNUBBE_ " 1 ' NO t07S SPRING 939 SPINDLE 99_-A PiN _ C_JIDE w SCREW . LW. SCREW PT WEIGHT .. ADJUSTED OF RETAINER • SCREW 998-A I 99_-A RETAINER 1og8 ( CUP _'-O"-O A GO i GENERAL MADE IN DATA MALLEABLE CONSTRUCTION CADM$UM, OFt WEIGHT 24" HAND GEAFt & -- S - FINISH STEEL 75 LBS - TRAVEL STEEL PAINTED, CHFtOklE MALL LEVER RATIO CHAIN & WITH CONST_? I UNLIMITED FORCES HAND IS" ZS" _IHAN_L[ 3000 18" "_ LUBFtICATION ANISM 3300'_3600 - ETC, ING BE FREE AND WITH ONCE A _ OF • 24 3890 INTERNA SHOULD BLOWN LEVERS 22" 20" L 4100 MECH- THOROUGHLY ALL LUBRIGATE_ A LIGHT GRIT, DUST, BY Ar SPRAYLEAST OIL YEAR BRARE RIGGING WITH A IN ORDER TO BE SUITABLE RETURN TO EFFECT A RELEASE OF HAND EQUIPPED SPRING _ULL BFtAKE, NOTE ALL AND DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TOLERANCES, CRITICAL TO ELLCO N -NATIO DEPARTMENT. REE-FORBRAKE OUT WITH OF BACK CHAIN SEE SHOWN TO IF ANY THE NAL ARE NOMINAL, COMMERCIAL DIMENSIONS ARE INSTALLATION,CONTACT ENGINEERING OPERATING DWG, C-2398 LEVER . SHAFT I TRIP t141 SIB'C 801- EL SPRING 1033 HOUSING C04ER 10g6 SCREW . IOS6 74 -AX 74 • HAND IBS3-tS LOG BUSHING KWA SHE R -LARGE 1853- *'- - IS" " I0" -CX 4SIS 803611 C CI_AIN ,, St5 816 DRUM SHAFT BUSHING -A 604 "PINION BOS-L RATCHET i0g8 RETAINER 9gS-A SCREW SB9 ., -A HOLDING . 1149 " 152 - A " LOC_WASHEP PIN SHAFT _ SHAFT SPRING . ,. 10B6 ,, ,, B21 ,. 109S " SgB-A ,, ,. • . " SCREW ,, . RATCHET " RETAINER *' LW SCREW ADJUSTING 1076 1747 823 "_ 525-A SPINDLE g98PIN i 35g SCREW• LW ..I.ii iA_v = pT x 8'-O"-OA ELLCON NO. 800-LG sc_.r 6":_'-d PIN was 1147-i - NA]_JONAL, 30 ,qNO R_I_D TOT OW_ BORO,'_ (LEFT WEIGHT i, _oo_ P ACOCK BRAKE RETAINER 1_'*-14,00_ SNUBBER _ INC. BRAKE HAND I TYPE) I I I I GUIDE 939 _ PAWL ,, 941-A " -24 " . 88g PAWL 3002 8ig-c . BE7 703 CHAIN II46 1383 LEVER IB IB5B-2_ A SCREW LOG r_WASHER ** p weov¢D r: "396 BOLTS BY DATA GENERAL CARBUII._DER. MAO_ CHAIN WINDING IN MALLEABLE CONSTRUCTION CADMIUM, RADIUS OR WEIGHT 24" HAND 1149 GEAR • WITH CHROME MALL LEVER RATIO I. - -- STEEL PAINTED. _¢INIS, H STEEL-CONSTI 75 LBS 5 : I 103b CHAIN BI I -A 13B3 TRAVEL - UNLIMITED HAND to 98 _6" LEVERS 18" 20" 22" 24" 99B-A 605-L 125 ON ,ANDLE 30OO = 3300" uUISRICATLON _* ANISM BLOWN 1853-20 ',, ETC, ING I b/ AND W_TH ONCE 8RARE WITH SHOWN ro PLW_ FOR OUT BRARE WITH OF BOTTOM 1141 _)1)97-LEL HQU21NG SCREW • _o_9 74-A: _dJSHING DRUM TRIP 8Y LEVER MF-ANS CLEARANCE OF E I)40 )002 BIg-C ADJUSTED -, NO. IOTQ I1_, -A 13B3 • • - 15" I8" 20" • • -" - 22" 24" 70_ _B6 " ., SCREW _C_WASHER • " _ . PAWL • LEVER- BI7 . HOLDING HAND BUSHING RATCHET RETAINER 1149 SCREW ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL, AND ARE SUBJECT TO COMMERCle.L TOLERANCES. IF AN'_ D[ME IMSION_ ARr CRITICAL TO THE INSTALLATION CONTACT ELLCO N -NATIONAL £ NGI NEERING DEPARTMENT. SHAFT SPRING SHAFT B69 BE: EQUIPPED SF_INI_ A FULL BRAISE, LEVER 815 816-A PINION _OS-L 109B 908-A 1853.18 185:_-[8 1853-_C 18_3-22 1853-24 -SMALL I CHAIN 6Li-A 604 LOCRWASHER --LARG[ 74-CX 4g18 80_-C CAN 1"0 BE RETURN EFFECT HAND SpRAyLEAST COVER _096 HAND BY AT OIL CHAIN OPERATING SEE DWG. C-2398 BIg-C _035 180 ° PO$$dBL MOVEMENT I_ECH- TO BRARE RE__J3_20 _GGING SUITABLE = NOTE l 20, A _ 4180 BE THOROUGHLY ALL GRIT. DUST LUBRICATED A LIGHT yEAR TO OF _890 INTERF_AL OF A _N ORDER RELEASE I 35" LIFT RELEASE - SHOULD FREE 36OO _ . N B21 1098 • ,, ,, 995-A 889 " " 1076 t747 _ SPR_t_. - ,, ,, PiN 99_*A _9 : tO_'A PEACOCK BI AKE SCREW , ADJL_STIN RETAINE_ G LW ELLCON- -EREW 30 (LEFT GUIDE JOINIFJ_ , • _ (0pTlOi_J- SCREW • LOCd, WiTH WASH_R N._EJ INC. (CEB) BRAKE HAND T_'PE ) =c**¢ e":l'-c I i I I I I I I _'11 I 11-17-64 '. NJ. NO. BO0-LG WEIGHT • . NATIONAL. K;NG ROAD TOTOWA SNUBBER 939-1 ', SCREW " L w - RATCHET RETAINER B23-_ SHAFT ,_RqNG SHAFT , 94_A PIN pAW_ ,* I iFItET_i_4;RI C-2398 CO I k4 GENERAL DATA 1097-R MADE 801-ER //I 152 -A 869 OR WEIGHT24" HAND MALL LEVER STEEL 75 LBS - CONSTR I UNLIMITED FORCES II48 HAND 20' 1098 IB j g98 FINISH. & S TRAVEL STEEL PAINTED, CHROME RATLO CHAIN 1383 & WITH CADMIUM, GEAR 103S -A MALLEABLE CONSTRUCTION 1149 511 IN 18 j LEVERS 22 • 24 I -A / 4918 -- 804 ACI_AL 1_.5 9 ON HANI_.J[ tl, _000 _300 _00 lIP ._8_04k 4180 _ 1141 74 -CX ?4 *AX 10gs LUBRICATION ANISM 1853*20 - BLOWN BgB-A AND ING A A YEAR BRA_',E A GRIT, OIL TO SUITABLE IN ORDER RELEASE I -A ALL LIGHT RIGGING WITH 94 OF" MECH- THOROUGHLY LUBRICATED WITH ONCE _086 BE FREE ETE, [096 INTERNAL SHOULD TO OF BE DUST, BY SPRAY- AT LEAST EGUIPPEB RETURN EFFECT HAND " SPRING A FULL BRAKE¸ 825-A NOTE 788 823-A ALL BlUE ARE JECT NSIONS ERANCES. 35" LIFT RELEASE REE-FOR BRAKE OUT OF WITH BACK CHAIN SEE HOUSING ,I CHAIN LEVER • _ANO LEVER-IS" 1035 COVER ,, TRIP • 1853"181 BUSHING-LARGE SUBTOL- SHAFT SPRIN G 1 SCREW ARE DIMENSIONS / TO FLOOR I ANY ARE CRITICAL TO THE INST/_LLATION, CONTAC_ ELLCON NATIONAL ENGINEERING DE" PARTME NT. TO C-2397 1141 BI9"C IF BRAe%E OPERATING DWG, SHOWN NO;,4[NAL, AND TO EOMMEROI=L 20' 1853-20 SPECIFY • • IB_ 18_20_ 185_-18; SHOWN WHETHER . o 22 OR . 24 1853-24i 815 DRUM BUSHING 817 703 8O4 PINION 805 10g8 996-A E] 821 RATCHET PEACOCKBRAK 1093 i i SCREW 889 • LOCP, 889 WASHER ELLCON 1070 30 1747 It46 HOLDING PAWL 3002 8tB-C t,49 = INC TOTOWa,N_. IB0*POSSIBLIE MOVEMENT 941-A _ _IN 823-A HAND r, SHAFT 823-A CAN _1 SPRING 939 MEANS I IS2-A 136: -NATIONAL, KiNG ROAD ,, WITH LOCRWASHER N B C NO. LEVER BE AOJUSTEO OF {RIGPIT CLEARANCE SCREW '_'_ BY NO 1076 BRA_E B00-RG s"'r'_'l HAND TYPE) I t i I I I I I GENERAL 10g7-R MADE IN DATA MALLEABLE CONSTRUCTION CADMIUM, OR WEIGHT_4 ,, GEA_ MALL HAND I, LEVER STEEL PAINTED, FINISH. STEEL - RATIO CHAIN & WITH CHROME 7_ CONSTR LBS _ _ TRAVEL - UNLIMITED FORCES HAND 1098 16' LUBRICATION ANISM 18" - SHOULD LEVERS 20" INTERNA BE 2?-" L A _RA_,E wlTt_ DUST, SPRAY LEAST - YEAR RIGGING • IN ORDER RELEASE MECH- THO_OUGk':LY BLOWN FREE OF ALL GRIT, ETC , AND LUBR$CATED BY ING WITH A LIGHT OIL AT ONCE 24" TO SUITABLE TO OF EFFECT HAND BE EOU_PPE0 RETURN I S;pRtN G A FULL (}RA_E NOMINAL ANIO ARE SUBJECT TO COM MERCIAL TOt _RANCE$, IF ANY DMEN51ON$ ARE CRITICAL TO THE INSTAL LAnON, CONTACT ELLCON-NATIONAL ENGINEERING DEPA/_TME NT. TO FLOOR , i,,.iIT:: ''LE .ER..FT I _lOI -LF io97-i I096 74-_ 74-C) )oe_ TO 4gl& 803-( SUIT CAR SHAFT 611 -A PEACOCKBRAKE 8O4 605 RETAINER 109| g_8-/ 8t59 1140 3002 819 -C 114_ ELL CON - NATIONAl., TOTOW&, HOLDING INC. N_. PAWL O0 I _3B3 t_ _0 ¢ / _OA 74-AX _-_PIN_ON _ •..... _ IaAND LEVER RATCHET OIL MOLDING S_RING PAWL CUP PEACOCKBRAKE (3O ! (Jq 8.-16 EIG NO, 850 8.3 BRAKE I DILL pART egg _ _- 87= \ \ a?2-c _ _. \ _ Io_,e-c -- ' / \ SEE TO UNLOCK REMOVE NO NO NO 874 AND PINION BgD ASSEMBLY 873 IN END PINION, FRICTION NO LIFT DISC* NO RELEASING REVERSE THE - OFF 872-C SHAFT HAND / RATCHET !_=73 I I I \,_ 1674 i I ,615 I "B" o PART PART NO. S72-C SIDE DISC TO NO. OF AFTER AROUNO PEENED SCREW THE OVER TO RETAINING \ 899 1616 PART I/2 AGAINST SCREW THE HOLEIS PREVENT HEAD iT OF PROM LUBRICATION _-THE AND THE LARGE lOIS ANG NO PARTS NO SF_AN_ OF THREADS BOB,AND f THE T OF CLUTCH BBB.B74.B72-C,B?3. SHOULD BE FREELY DENUM DISULFIDE COATED NO 1615 pARTS AND WITH NO FACES 161e MOLYB- LUBRICANT+ NO B73 HAND i[. THE NO, •I........ I........... ¢ iJ-t-T_ • _l'•t B72"C TO TURN DRIVEN END PINION BACK OFF SHOULD PLAY ALLOWING FREELY, AFTER ABOVE SCREW AS NARD ELLCON SCREW 30 PINION _Tv_ • _/o1_ i=:v_l _ - NATIONAL KING INC:' RO_{) TOTOWA NO. GEAR 1370 N.J. PINION ASSY. 1078-C POSSIBLE, HAVE _0 I RATCHET STEPS PARTNO. AS "|" was I NO. BETWEEN SHAFT HOME _Ot_ z_ PERMIT WHEEL TAKEN,RETAINING BE THIS SHAFT PART RtVlUD a_ I • PEACOCKBRAKEI PINION WHEEL RATCHET SNUGLY.THEN 1/16" HAND SCREW HAND TIGHTEN TURN, APPROXIMATLY AND ANO TIGHT. NO, 16IS SCREW SCREW LOOSE. PARTS PART THE IBIO RE-ASSEMBLY, NO. HAND PART " PROCEDURE NEXT PART WHEEL GEAR DISC FRICTION SCREW RATCHET, NOTE RELEASE RATCHET DISC, DISMANTLE BE WORKING A ASSEMBLE THE BRONZE APPLIED ALWAYS WHEEL ,, I SHAFT GEAR DOWN, OF" TO IS , 872-C I CONT'O.) METAL THIS SCREW TAPERED "B" THE NO, TO PINION IB[5 POSITION, UNSCREW REMOVE SCREW THE VERTICAL [NOTE PARTIALLY RETAINING HOLDING • _" i *,_/HEEL :o:N: ;FG, "-,g OPEOEO DISMANTLE AND 1078"C I 899 _AND _ ==- B __ ;' SEE L , MATERIAL NAME p_NfCN J_'--._L. / OF "iJo pER BEEN MUST _.,c I BSO/=I "_ S-IO-(_O Ic-1980, "M cO I wt#[N •- or,CLnl_, LLb*_TM 0r _N0 lu_l(o 0F ¢N,*_ WMt(_ • i_[clrv KL0W . ¢(_(m oc_l_ *_c 1_,_,4 o _OL[S TYPE ALL-4X D-II41 H m -.-i_--.4} D7 oo I 8-20 FIG NO. 860 8.4 - NS BRAKE BILL pART NO 928 675-A 874 B72-C 873 889 1078 MATERIAL NAME BEG i PINION HAND WHEEL 926 i GEAR B72-C i RATCHET SHAFT 926 B?3 RELEASE 874 21- EE Y O_ _0PEI _RAKI Fr_ NOTE "C" NOTES f_ "B"_ .._... /,'/ 875 -A i FR_C I SCREW 889 I 1078 I DISC TION L OC_',WA SHE_ RETAINING SCREW I _-'-%7_,_o_a_ T ' _'E_w_."_ 00' s i_ SO_E '24BY , L TO -- 3-2 HAND TO LIMIT TE DISMANTLE UNLOCK IOTB 2 AND RETAINING REMOVE 3 PARTIALLY HOLDING pIN/ON PINION POSITION, NO ASSEMBLY IN END PINION, LIFT BE NO B?4 FRICTION NO B73 FUL NOT DISC, NO RELEASING OVER SCREW TO TO LOSE NO TO RATCHET, BEJN3 CARE- LOCKWASHER, AND THE NOTE IS "A" THE _ ALWAYS WHEEL BRONZE 926 AND 872-C ApnLIEU SHAFT HAND NEXT PART WHEEL PROCEDURE, DISC SIDE OF PART TO NO PART =[ NO. USE NO THE 9Be* IS FROM THE LARGE SHAN_ OF THREADS 928 SHOULD BE PAR_ OF NO pARTS FREELY B7_A NO LU _ _RICATED. LIGHT DISMANTLE. IT HOLE OF LUBRICATION ASSEMBLE THE HEAD A CLUTCH REVERSE SCREW THE PARTS _,TE'D 889 THE PREVENT DOWN; OFF DISC 8TS-A. AROUND PEENEO AND " WORKING.LOOSE. SCREW TAPE,_ED 928 TA_ +- TIGHT "_-2OPENED NO METAL TO THIS 875-A THE VERTICAL NO SCREW NO UNSCREW REMOVE OF AND _N_O "B"CONT'O.) rHE i CLOSED -211_ _o '_B'A\ I GREASE 873 FACES, _73 FILM PARTS AND OF EITHER OF NO 926 TO 928, HAVE 874, E_TREMEI LUBRICAN_ GRAPHITE MEDIUM GREASE OR PLAIN DENSITY. _-al-_O i,_.,al HAND * V_,;p ";o_.[e • NEE _,A_ __ V_a,_ i _,_.,¢ w,* s l.t=,,_* • THE B7B-E ILUeqtCATK) N _OTI C_;I_0 C_ _" RATCHET. NOTE "B" AFTER GEAR PART PART NO, 872-C NO. 926 NO. SCREW AND AGAINST HAND PART RE-ASSEMBLY, 928 TIGHT. BTS-A I/Z SCREW HAND RATCHET TIGHTEN SNUGLY. PART APPROXIMATLYI/IE'END NO, SCREW BACK SHOULD PEACO K B AKE SHAFT PINION THEN TURN.THIS PINION WHEEL OFF ELLCON PLAY TOTOWA, BETWEEN TO HAND TURN WHEEL SHAFT ALLOWING FREELY. AFTER ABOVE TAKEN,HETAINJNG BE ORIVEN SCREW HOME AS HARD PART AS 924 PINION "ASSY. HATCHET STEPS NO. 1078 POSSIBLE, INC _,J. GEAR NO. AND - NATIONAL, PINION PERMIT HAVE MUST BEEN t 30 • c,_¢ FULL KING ROAD I I CO ! rO po GENERAL • _C$, V_I-L _-_'_- _,_(N 0R0(RING, SPECIFYSTYLE Or H_JSt_IG A-I.A-2. 80mC 2- T_ICP,_IEr_ 4_ L(*_,TH _- _ or Or _AMETE_ WALL CHAIN • 6_KES O_ B_ 8£_W HAND W_EL , DIAGRAk_ DATA _ _ mO_ _AfM TRAV[L UNI.IM&_ 0 _ uM_UM DRILLING _tS_O m NOT_ I- ,_ _ _SS _ILL P_N_N _ _" W S_A_I, MAT£_I_L U_P_ PA_T II09 C_IN 4_6 U00_L _J_ $H_rT HOUSING • • - NUT COITf_ NAUE _N I_e • IV2" ___tE COVEn I08 ___ - -- • BUSHING,_Q_£R BU_N6_ : _c_,_ _- .... __zo_#z_- 6 ncA_ _EE DWG D-II69 ASSEMBLY OF SHOWN HERE FOR PARTS NO B613 Type BRAKE ALL-4X _DX'lI691 0 _.A R