Mee Seva Handbook
Mee Seva Handbook
Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Government of Telangana Page | 0 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Contents I.REVENUE DEPARTMENT SERVICES................. 18 1. Extract of Adangal/ Pahani ........................... 19 2. Extract of ROR 1B ......................................... 20 3. FMB copy ....................................................... 21 4. Income Certificate ....................................... 22 5. Residence Certificate................................... 23 6. Integrated Certificate (Caste-Nativity-DOB) ........................................................................... 24 7. F-Line Petitions ............................................ 25 8. Sub Division of Lands .................................. 26 9. Mutation of Entries in Revenue Records + Pattadhar passbook ........................................ 27 10. No Earning Member Certificate ................ 28 11. Family Membership Certificate ................. 29 12. OBC CERTIFICATE. ...................................... 30 13. EBC Certificate ............................................. 31 14. Agricultural Income Certificate. ............... 32 15. Copy of Village Map ................................... 33 16. Money Lending........................................... 34 17. Pawn broker License .................................. 35 18. National Family Benefit Scheme ............... 36 19. No Objection Certificate - Lands ............... 37 20. Apathbandhu Scheme ............................... 38 21. Duplicate Copy Services -Income .............. 39 22. Duplicate Copy Services - Integrated ....... 40 23. Duplicate Copy Services -Residence .......... 41 24. ISES services –Income Fee Reimbursement ........................................................................... 42 25. ISES services –Income Certificate ............ 43 26. ISES services – Integrated Certificate ...... 44 27. ISES services –Residence Certificate ........ 45 28. Adangal/Pahani Corrections ..................... 46 Page | 1 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 29. Land Conversion ........................................ 47 30. Late Registration of Birth ......................... 48 31. Late Registration of Death ........................ 49 32. Prajavani ..................................................... 50 33. LOANELIGIBILITY CARD .............................. 51 34. OLD ADANGAL/PAHANI............................. 52 35. POSSESSION CERTIFICATE ........................ 53 36. DUPLICATE COPY OF PATTADHAAR PASSBOOK ....................................................... 54 37. REPLACEMENT OF PATTADHAAR PASSBOOK ....................................................... 55 38. Certified Copies issued by RDO ................ 56 39. Appeals on Demarcation ........................... 57 40. Certified Copies of ROM ........................... 58 41. Localization of Properties ......................... 59 42. Extract of House Site Patta: ...................... 60 43. Extract of D-Form Patta: ............................ 61 44. Certified Copies of Panchanama: ............. 62 45. Khasra Pahani: ........................................... 63 46. Chesala Pahani: .......................................... 64 47. Sethwar/ Supplementary Sethwar/ Resettlement registrar/FLR: ........................... 65 48. Wasool Baqi: .............................................. 66 49. Faisal Patti: ................................................. 67 50. Certified Copies of TSLR: .......................... 68 51. Certified Copy of PT: .................................. 69 52. Demarcation (Hyderabad) ........................ 70 53. New Pattadhar Passbook ........................... 71 54. Change of Name Certificate:..................... 72 55. No Property Certificate: ............................ 73 56. Agricultural Land Value Certificate: ......... 74 57. Small/Marginal Farmer Certificate: .......... 75 Page | 2 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 58. Permission for Digging a Agricultural well/Drinking water well digging using WALTA Act. .................................................................... 76 59. Extract of ORC (Occupancy Rights Certificate) ....................................................... 77 60. Renewal of Cinema License: ..................... 78 61. Certified copies of NOC under explosive Act ..................................................................... 79 62. Certified copies of NOC under Petroleum act: .................................................................... 80 63. Cracker License for Diwali (After Collector delegates) ......................................................... 81 64. Issue of Tonch Map: .................................. 82 65. Issue of NOC for Construction of Cinema Hall: ................................................................... 83 66. Permission to run the Benefit Show:....... 84 67. Issue of ARM License (Fresh).................... 85 68. Issue of ARM License (Renewal) .............. 86 69. Issue of NOC for Storing of Petroleum Products: .......................................................... 87 70. Grant of License for Storage of Explosive Material: ........................................................... 88 71. ISSUE OF OCCUPANCY RIGHTS CERTIFICATES FOR INAM LANDS: .................. 89 72. Refund of Trade deposits to dealers in case of resignation of dealer: ................................. 90 Required Documents:...................................... 90 73. NOC for Construction of Cinema Halls: ..... 91 Required Documents:....................................... 91 74. Storage of Explosive Material License: ... 92 Required Documents:...................................... 92 75. New Title Deed ........................................... 93 Required Documents:...................................... 93 Page | 3 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 76. Replacement Title Deed ............................ 94 Required Documents:...................................... 94 77. Local Candidate Certificate for Educational Institution Purpose:......................................... 95 Required Documents:...................................... 95 II. REGISTRATION & STAMPS............................ 96 DEPARTMENT .................................................. 96 78. Encumbrance Certificate........................... 97 79. Certified Copies of Registration Document ........................................................................... 98 80. Certified copy of bye-laws of Societies ... 99 81. Slot Booking for Registration ..................100 82. Registration of Firm ................................. 101 83. Submission of Appeals ............................. 102 84. Registration of Society ............................ 103 85. Certified copy of Certificate of Registration Societies ....................................104 86. Certified copy of Certificate of Registration Firms .......................................... 105 87. Changes in Constitution of Firm: .............106 88. Alterations in Firm: .................................. 107 89. Amendment of Society ............................108 90. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking(Agriculture): ....................................109 91. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking(Flat): ................................................. 110 92. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking (House): ............................................. 111 93. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking (Plot):.................................................112 III.MUNICIPALITY DEPARTMENT .................... 113 94. BIRTH certificate -GHMC .......................... 114 95. DEATH certificate -GHMC ..........................115 Page | 4 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 96. BIRTH CORRECTIONS - GHMC.................. 116 97. DEATH CERTIFICATE CORRECTIONS - GHMC ........................................................................... 117 98. CHILD NAME INCLUSION - GHMC ............ 118 99. NON AVAILABILITY BIRTH CERTIFICATE – GHMC ............................................................... 119 100. NON AVAILABILITY DEATH CERTIFICATE – GHMC ............................................................... 120 101. CORRECTIONS IN BIRTH CERTIFICATE – CDMA ................................................................121 102. CORRECTIONS IN DEATH CERTIFICATE – CDMA ............................................................... 122 103. NON AVAILABILITY BIRTH CERTIFICATE – CDMA ............................................................... 124 104. NON AVAILABILITY DEATH CERTIFICATE – CDMA ............................................................... 125 105. BIRTH CERTIFICATE - CDMA ................... 126 106. DEATH CERTIFICATE - CDMA .................. 127 107. CHILD NAME INCLUSION - CDMA........... 128 108. Permission for Water Connections – CDMA ............................................................... 129 109. Vacation remission – CDMA ................... 130 110. Transfer of Title Deeds – CDMA ..............131 111. APPLYING FOR TRADE LICENSE-CDMA ... 132 112. APPLYING FOR BUILDING PERMISSIONCDMA ............................................................... 133 113. NEW ASSESSMENT REQUEST-CDMA...... 134 114. SUB-DIVISION REQUEST-CDMA .............. 135 115. EXEMPTION REQUEST-CDMA ................. 136 116. RENEWAL OF TRADE LICENSE-CDMA .... 137 117. Cell Tower Erection Renewal: ................. 138 118. Sanitary Certificate for New Education institutions ...................................................... 139 Page | 5 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 119. CDMA Land use Certificate: ....................140 120. Sanitary Certificate for Education institutions Renewal: ..................................... 141 121. Cell Tower Erection New: ........................ 142 IV.POLICE DEPARTMENT SERVICES ................ 143 122. Missing /Lost documents or Articles .....144 123. Permission of Event Bandhobust ........... 145 124. Issuance of Certificates...........................146 125. Fresh or Renewal of licenses .................. 147 V. AADHAAR SERVICES .................................. 148 126. Know Your AADHAAR .............................149 127. SEED YOUR AADHAAR ............................ 150 128. AADHAAR Daily Enrolment Data: ...........151 VI. RTA SERVICES ........................................... 152 129. LL SLOT BOOKING WITH FEE PAYMENT 153 130. DL SLOT BOOKING WITH FEE PAYMENT154 131. RC ABSTRACT ........................................... 155 132. Driving License ABSTRACT ..................... 156 VII.CIVIL SUPPLIES Department ..................... 157 133. RATION CARD DATA CORRECTIONS ...... 158 134. FP SHOP RENEWAL ................................. 159 135. PRINT RATION CARD ...............................160 136. Conversion of White Card to Pink Card: 161 137. Deletion of Member in Ration Card: ...... 162 138. Household Head Modifications:............. 163 139. New Gas Connection Application:..........164 140. Ration Card Modification With in the Office: .............................................................. 165 141. Ration Card Transfer:...............................166 142. Surrender of Ration Card: ...................... 167 143. Ration Card Member Addition: ..............168 144. Ration Card Member Migration:............169 Page | 6 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 145. Ration Card Missing Details in Databases: .......................................................................... 170 146. Issue of New Ration Card (Pink): ............ 171 VIII.EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ...................... 172 147. Migration Certificate: ............................. 173 148. Age Certificate: ....................................... 174 149. Duplicate Memo of Marks: ..................... 175 150. Recounting of Marks:.............................. 176 IX.NPDCL ........................................................ 177 152. NAME CHANGE SERVICE ......................... 178 153. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE ......................................................... 179 154. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS .............................................................180 155. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS ............................................................ 181 156. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) .......................................................................... 182 157. NEW CONNECTION SERVICECOMMERCIAL ................................................. 183 158. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIAL-HOARDINGS ...........................184 159. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC .......................................................................... 185 160. LOAD CHANGE .........................................186 161. CATEGORY CHANGE ................................. 187 162. New Connection for Industries: .............188 163. New Connection for Cottage Industries: ..........................................................................189 164. ...................................................................189 X. Agriculture Department ............................. 190 165. Crop Insurance:........................................ 191 Page | 7 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 166. Subsidized Seed Distribution: ................ 192 167. Farm Mechanization: .............................. 193 168. Retail Dealer New: ..................................194 169. Retail Dealer Renewal: ........................... 195 170. Retail Dealer Duplicate: ..........................196 171. Application Resubmission: ...................... 197 172. Retail Dealer Change of Firm Name: ......198 173. Retail Dealer Form O Inclusion: ..............199 174. Retail Dealer Godown Deletion:............ 200 175. Retail Dealer Godown Inclusion: ............ 201 176. Retail Dealer Inclusion of Imported products: ........................................................ 202 177. Retail Dealer Responsible Person Details: ......................................................................... 203 178. Retail Dealer Sale Point Address Change: ......................................................................... 204 179. Manufacturing Renewal: ....................... 205 180. Manufacturing New: .............................. 207 181. Manufacturing Duplicate ....................... 209 182. Manufacturing Address Details Change: .......................................................................... 210 183. Manufacturing Addition of Fertilizers....211 184. Manufacturing Addition Details/Manufacturer/ Company Name Change: ............................................................ 212 185. Manufacturing Chemist Details Change: .......................................................................... 213 186. Manufacturing Godown Deletion:......... 214 187. Manufacturing Godown Inclusion: ........ 215 188. Manufacturing Responsible Person Details Change: ............................................... 216 189. Wholesale Dealer New: .......................... 217 190. Wholesale Dealer Renewal: ................... 218 Page | 8 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 191. Wholesale Dealer Duplicate: ................... 219 192. Wholesale Dealer Change of Firm Name: ......................................................................... 220 193. Wholesale Dealer Form O Inclusion: ..... 221 194. Wholesale Dealer Godown Deletion: ... 222 195. Wholesale Dealer Godown Inclusion:... 223 196. Wholesale Dealer inclusion of imported products: ........................................................ 224 197. Wholesale Dealer Responsible Person Details Change: .............................................. 225 198. Wholesale Dealer Sale Point Address Change: ........................................................... 226 XI. Labour Department................................... 227 199. Registration of Shop/Establishment: ... 228 200. Renewal of Shop/Establishment: ......... 229 201. Notice of Change: ................................... 230 202. Duplicate Certificate for Registered Establishment/ Shop: ..................................... 231 203. AMENDMENT OF Contractor License: . 232 204. Amendments Registration of Establishment: ................................................233 205. License of Contractor ............................ 234 206. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OR COMPLETION OF WORK: ...............................235 207. Registration of Establishment Employing Contract: ......................................................... 236 208. Registration of Motor Transport: .........237 209. Renewal of Contract License: ............... 238 XII. Mines and Geology Department .............. 239 210. Reconnaissance Permit:......................... 240 211. Prospecting License: ................................ 241 212. Mining Lease: .......................................... 242 213. Granite Quarry Lease: ............................ 243 Page | 9 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 214. Marble Quarry Lease:............................. 244 215. Other Quarry Lease: ............................... 245 216. Mineral Dealer License: ......................... 246 217. Annual Fee Payment: ............................. 247 218. Generate Transit Form: .......................... 248 219. Request for Mineral Permit:.................. 249 220. Update Dispatch Details: ....................... 250 221. Update Dispatch Details:......................... 251 XIII. Industries and Commerce Department ... 252 222. Investment Subsidy: ...............................253 223. Pavala Vaddi: .......................................... 254 224. Power Cost Reimbursement: ................ 255 225. Sales Tax Reimbursement: .................... 256 226. Stamp duty / Land Cost / land conversion charges / mortgage duty: ...............................257 227. Cleaner Production Measures:.............. 259 228. Skills Up gradation: ............................... 260 229. ISO/BSI Up gradation: ............................. 261 XIV.ICT Department........................................ 262 230. 25% Power Subsidy:................................ 263 231. Conversion to Industrial Power Subsidy: ......................................................................... 264 232. 100%/50% Stamp Duty Refund: ............... 265 233. vRecruitment Assistant: ........................ 266 234. 50% Exhibition Refund: .......................... 267 235. Tier II/III Location Anchor Company Incentive: ........................................................ 268 236. Reimbursement of Patent filing cost: .. 269 237. Declaration of IT Park Status: ............... 270 238. Reimbursement of Quality Certification expenditure:.................................................... 271 239. Specific Incentives for SC/ST/ Women Entrepreneurs: ................................................272 Page | 10 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 240. Allotment of land: ..................................273 XV. Election Department ................................ 274 241. Application of transposition: .................275 242. Application for inclusion of Name in the Electoral Roll: ................................................. 276 243. Application of change of details: ..........277 244. Issue of Voter Certificate/I-Card: .......... 278 245. Issuance of PVC Card: ............................ 279 246. Application for Objection/Deletion of Name in Electoral roll .................................... 280 XVI. Social Welfare Department ..................... 281 247. Application for Scholarship (Renewal) 282 248. PreMatriculation Scholarship Service . 283 249. Application for Scholarship (Fresh) ..... 284 XVII. EPDCL Department ................................ 285 250. NAME CHANGE SERVICE ....................... 286 251. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE ........................................................ 287 252. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS ............................................................ 288 253. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS ........................................................... 289 254. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) ......................................................................... 290 255. NEW CONNECTION SERVICECOMMERCIAL ................................................ 292 256. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIAL-HOARDINGS .......................... 293 257. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC ......................................................................... 294 258. LOAD CHANGE ....................................... 295 259. CATEGORY CHANGE............................... 296 Page | 11 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XVIII. CPDCL DEPARTMENT ............................ 297 260. NAME CHANGE SERVICE ....................... 298 261. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE ........................................................ 299 262. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS ............................................................ 300 263. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS ............................................................ 301 264. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) ......................................................................... 302 265. NEW CONNECTION SERVICECOMMERCIAL ................................................ 303 266. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIAL-HOARDINGS .......................... 304 267. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC ......................................................................... 305 268. LOAD CHANGE ....................................... 306 269. CATEGORY CHANGE .............................. 308 270. NEW CONNECTION FOR AGRICULTURE SERVICES: ....................................................... 309 XIX. TECHNICAL EDUCATION .......................... 310 271. Application for Migration Certificate: ....311 272. Interim Certificate: ................................. 312 273. Genuineness of Certificate: .................... 313 274. Duplicate Marks Memo: ......................... 314 XX. Collegiate Education ................................ 315 275. Application for admission into colleges: .......................................................................... 316 276. Transfer Certificate:................................ 317 277. Bonafide Certificate: ............................... 318 278. Conduct Certificate: ................................ 319 XXI. Co operative Societies ............................ 320 Page | 12 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 279. Amendment of Bye laws: ....................... 321 280. Co operative Society Registration: ...... 322 281. Conversion of Registered Cooperative Society to 1995 acts: .......................................323 282. Issuance of Registration Certificate: .... 324 283. Issue of Certified Copy of Bye Law: ......325 XXII. Rural Development ................................ 326 284. Request for AIDS & Appliances: ............327 285. Request for SADAREM Certificate: ...... 328 XXIII. Warangal Municipal Corporation .......... 329 286. Application for New Tap Connection:.. 330 287. Application for New Trade License: ...... 331 288. Application for Tax Billing of Property and Water Tax: ................................................332 289. Application for Trade License Billing: ...333 290. Final Payment for WMC Services: ........ 334 XXIV. Minority Welfare................................... 335 291. Certified copy of Proceedings regarding Appointment of Muthawalli: ........................ 336 292. Certified copy of Service Rendering Certificates for Cash Grants: ..........................337 293. Certified copy of Proceedings regarding appointment of Management Committees: 338 294. Certified Copy of Muntakhabs, Registered u/s.36 of Waqf Act 1995: ................................ 339 295. Issue of Marriage License to Pastors: .. 340 296. Minority Status Certificate: ................... 341 XXV. Intermediate Education ........................ 342 297. Duplicate Marks Memo: ........................ 343 298. Migration Certificate:............................ 344 299. Re-Counting/ Re- Verification of Marks: ......................................................................... 345 XXVI. HMWS................................................... 346 Page | 13 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 300. Application for New Water Connection: ......................................................................... 347 301. Application for enhancement of existing water Connection: ......................................... 348 302. Application for Disconnection Request: ......................................................................... 349 303. Application for Name Change Request: ......................................................................... 350 XXVII. School Education ................................. 351 304. School Registration ................................352 305. Corrections in SSC Certificates: .............353 XXVIII. Aarogyasri ........................................... 354 306. Aarogyasri Employee Health Card: .......355 XXIX. Legal Metrology ................................... 356 307. ALTERAION IN REGISTRATION OF MANUFACTURER/PACKER .............................357 308. APPEAL AGAINST THE ORDER OF INSPECTOR/ASST CONTROLLER/DEPUTY CONTROLLER ................................................. 359 309. Appeal to Govt. against Order of Controller ....................................................... 360 310. Conduct Test on Fresh Samples: ............ 361 311. Grant of Dealing License: ....................... 362 312. Grant of Manufacturing License: .......... 363 313. Grant of Repairing License: ................... 364 314. Registration as Manufacturer/Packer/Importer:................... 365 315. Issue of Duplicate License:..................... 367 316. Duplicate Verification of License: ......... 368 317. Alteration of License: ............................. 369 XXX. SPDCL Department ................................ 370 318. NAME CHANGE SERVICE ......................... 371 Page | 14 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 319. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE .........................................................372 320. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS .............................................................373 321. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS ........................................................... 374 322. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) ..........................................................................375 323. NEW CONNECTION SERVICECOMMERCIAL ................................................ 376 324. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIAL-HOARDINGS ...........................377 325. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC ......................................................................... 378 326. LOAD CHANGE ....................................... 379 327. CATEGORY CHANGE ............................... 380 328. Category Load Change: .......................... 381 XXXI. Endowment Department........................ 382 329. SRI DURGA MALLESWARA SEVA TICKET BOOKING: ....................................................... 383 330. Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Seva Ticket Booking: ......................................................... 384 331. Sri Venkateshwara Swamy Seva Ticket Booking: ......................................................... 385 XXXII. Health Care Department ....................... 386 332. Allopathic Medical care/Hospital Registration ................................................... 387 333. Registration or Renewal of Scanning Center Permission: ........................................ 388 XXXIII. Factories Department: ......................... 389 334. Annual Payments: .................................. 390 335. Annual Returns:....................................... 391 Page | 15 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 336. Amendments in Man Power/Horse Power ......................................................................... 392 337. Change of Manager/ Occupier .............. 393 338. Plan Amendments Application: ............ 394 XXXIV. Fisheries Department ........................... 395 339. Compliance Form for License Application ......................................................................... 396 340. Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm .......................................... 397 341. Provisional Application for Registration of new Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm ....... 398 342. Renewal of License Application ........... 399 XXXV. Employment ......................................... 400 343. Registration with Employee Exchange:401 344. Addition of details in Employee Exchange: ....................................................... 402 XXXVI. Directorate of Medical Education ......... 403 345. Issue of Diploma Certificate: ................ 404 346. Issue of Duplicate Marks Memo: .......... 405 347. Issue of Marks Memo (I/II/III YR) .......... 406 348. Marks Memo for Internship ................. 407 349. Recounting / Re-verification of Marks . 408 XXXVII. Drug Control ....................................... 409 350. Grant of License for Retail & Wholesale Medical Shops: ................................................410 351. PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS FOR CHANGES IN EXISTING LICENSES .................. 411 352. RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR RETAIL & WHOLESALE MEDICAL SHOPS ...................... 412 CONTACT DETAILS ......................................... 413 1. District e-District Manager/Mee Seva HHP Contact Details................................................414 Page | 16 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 2.DISTRICT WISE REVENUE DIVISIONAL HHP’S CONTACT DETAILS .............................416 1. DISTRICT WISE DDM (IEG)’s Contact Details ............................................................. 420 2. District wise and Division wise AP Online Personnel contact details .............................. 421 3. District wise and Division wise CMS COMPUTERS Personnel contact details ...... 424 4. District and Division wise Sreeven Infocom contact details ................................ 427 Page | 17 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I I.REVENUE DEPARTMENT SERVICES Page | 18 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 1. Extract of Adangal/ Pahani Description: Adangal/Pahani is a very important document issued by Tahsildar, as it contains details of land such as, • Land Owner's name with Extents and Khatha Number. • Total Land under the Pahani. • Land revenue Details • Resource of Land Cultivation • Nature of procession of land. • Survey Number and Hissa Number of Land • The way land is acquired by the owner. • Government/Public rights on the Land. • Liabilities of the Owners on the Land. • Classification of the Soil. Required Documents:Application Form * Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA A&B (Incase of not signed or tampered) 15 Min or 7 days ervice Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 19 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 2. Extract of ROR 1B Description: • The Record of Rightsregister is maintained in Tahsildar office for every village separately. • It contains 14 columns and includes the name of the khatadar /father name of the khatadar, khata number, survey number, classification of land, extent held by khatadar Land Revenue. Required Documents:Application Form * Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A&B 15 Min /7 days 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 20 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 3. FMB copy Description: FMB is the Field measurement Book, which will have the field measurement sketches of all individual Fields. • Based on these measurements, the survey numbers are demarcated and disputes settled maps are drawn and areas calculated mathematically only on the measurements recorded in this book. Required Documents:Application Form * Workflow: • Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 15 Min 25/- 50/Sheet 25/- + 50/Per sheet Per Page | 21 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 4. Income Certificate Description: The certificate contains the details of annual Income of a person/Family from all kind of resources. • It can be furnished for general purpose of citizen or for a student for Fee reimbursement. Required Documents: 1) Application Form* 2) Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhaar Card# 3) Copy of IT Returns/Pay Slips (Govt. /Pvt employees) Workflow: • Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge B 1st time-7 days, Next Time-15 Min(Duplicate) 35/- Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 22 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 5. Residence Certificate Description: • Residence certificate is a proof of permanent residence of a citizen in a village or town or ward. • It is issued on the basis of citizen’s stay at a place or permanent employment. • In Residence we are providing 2 types 1. General 2. Passport. Required Documents: 1) Application Form* 2) Ration Card/EPIC Card/Aadhaar Card# 3) House Tax/Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill 4) Photo (Mandatory if Residence Passport) Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 1st time-7 days and Next time15Min (Duplicate) 35/- + Postal Charges Nil 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 23 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 6. Integrated Certificate (Caste- Nativity-DOB) Description: • Integrated certificates are issued to the SC, ST, BC and OC castes. • This certificate is used for education and employment etc. Required Documents: 1) Application Form* 2) Caste Certificate issued to the Family members 3) SSC Marks memo/DOB Extract/Transfer Certificate 4) 1 to 10th study Certificates or DOB certificates issued by Municipality/Gram Panchayat 5) Ration Card/Epic Card/Aadhaar Card 6) Schedule I to IV Workflow: Approval Authority: SLA for Delivery: Tahsildar Category SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total (Rs) B 1st time-30 days and Next timer15 Min 35/+ Postal Charges Nil 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 24 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 7. F-Line Petitions Description: F-Line Petition is for the outer boundary line in a sketch, which signifies the actual field boundaries of the outer lines of the sketch. Petitions for demarcation of boundaries are entertained by the concerned Tahsildar only and Mandal Surveyors conduct demarcation after written approval of the Tahsildar concerned. Required Documents:Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar. SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 30 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 35/+ Postal Charges As Stipulated 35/-+ 250/Challan Amount Page | 25 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 8. Sub Division of Lands Description: This Service is mainly used for measuring boundaries of field by Surveyor. Sub Division Service is mainly used for sub-division of land based on citizen’s request. Subdivision is done by Mandal Surveyor. Required Documents:Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 days 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 26 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 9. Mutation of Entries in Revenue Records + Pattadhar passbook Description: Mutation is a process through which Owner's name or particulars like liabilities get changed because of various type of transactions (Succession, Gift, Will, and Purchase). Documents Required: Application Form * Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 60 Days 35/- 100 135/- Page | 27 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 10. No Earning Member Certificate Description: • This service facilitates the citizen to receive the benefits from the Government due to the uncertainty death of earning member in a family. • Further it is to certify that there are no earning members in the family of the deceased and they have no properties in anywhere. Required Documents: 1) Application Form * 2) Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card * 3) Death Certificate * 4) Copy of Family Member Certificate Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 1st time 7 days, next time onward 15 Min 35/- +Postal charges Nil 35/+ Postal Charges Page | 28 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 11. Family Membership Certificate Description: Family membership certificate is often required for the purpose of settlement of claims in respect of the deceased by the Family members of the deceased family. Tahsildar is the competent authority to issue.There are two types of services 1. FMC for Govt.employees which would benefit the citizen in getting Pension/Gratuity/Insurance/Provident Fund Compassionate Benefit / All Govt. Benefits 2.FMC for Social security schemes which would benefit the citizen in getting Apathbandhu scheme / chief Minister Relief fund / Housing / Relief fund / Exgratia Required Documents: 1) Application Form * 2) Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card * 3) Death Certificate * Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 days 35/+ Postal Charges Nil 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 29 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 12. OBC CERTIFICATE. Description: This service facilitates citizen to apply for the certificate for the purpose of reservation of citizen belongs to other backward caste. Through this service we can get any type of certificate like state Government or central government Required Documents: 1) Application Form * 2) Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card 3) Applicant Father/Mother’s property particulars 4) Applicant Father/Mother Employment particulars 5) Income Tax returns (for professionals)* Workflow: Approval Authority : Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B Nil 35/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 30 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 13. EBC Certificate Description: The EBC (Economically backward class) certificate is issued to those who fall below the poverty line. This service facilitates the citizen for Issue of certificate to get the benefits such as • For receiving financial assistance from the various backward class Corporations of the State Govt. • For entitlement to get Govt. plots of lands/flats • For getting admission in educational institutions from the reserved quota meant for that class Required Documents: 1) Application Form * 2) Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAAR Card. Workflow: Approval Authority : Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 7 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 31 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 14. Agricultural Income Certificate. Description: Agriculture Income Certificate is useful for getting Bank loans. Agriculture income is exempted under the Indian Income Tax Act. This is issued by the Tahsildar. This service facilitates the citizen to get Agriculture Income Certificate. Required Documents: 1) Application Form* 2) Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card. Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B Nil 35/- First time 7 days, then after 15 min 35/- Page | 32 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 15. Copy of Village Map Description: Village maps will have details of all the survey numbers of the village both agricultural, non-agricultural including, topographical details. Required Documents: Application Form * Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 15 Days 35/- 200/- per sheet 35/- + 200/per sheet Page | 33 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 16. Money Lending Description: • The service Money lending is a process of offering an amount as loan to the needy at certain rate of interest. • The money lender has to have license from the Government for lending money. This service facilitates the money lender to get the license. Required Documents: 1) Application Form* 2) National Saving Certificate for 10000/-. 3) Address Proof* 4) PAN* 5) Copy of Attested Property Documents* 6) Bank A/C statement above 6 months with a min balance of 100000/7) Copy of Firm Registration 8) Affidavit* 9) Copy of Lease/Rental Document 10) Scanned Copy of Passport size photo* Workflow: Approval Authority: Joint Collector SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B Fresh-45 days, renewal30 days 35/- Fresh 1000/-, Renewal 750/- Total (Rs) - Fresh 1035/Renewal 785/Page | 34 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 17. Pawn broker License Description: Pawnbrokers need a license to offer high interest shortterm credit to their clients. The amount of loan is dependent on the value of the pledged good. This service facilitates citizen to get the pawn Broker license. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. National Saving Certificate for 10000/-. 3. Address Proof* 4. PAN* 5. Copy of Attested Property Documents* 6. Bank A/C statement above 6 months with a min balance of 100000/7. Copy of Firm Registration 8. Affidavit* 9. Copy of Lease/Rental Document 10. Scanned Copy of Passport size photo* Workflow: Approval Authority: Joint Collector SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B Fresh-45 days, renewal30 days 35/- Fresh 1000/-, Renewal 750/- Total (Rs) Fresh 1035/Renewal 785/- - Page | 35 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 18. National Family Benefit Scheme Description: The objective of the NFBS is to provide financial assistance to the households below the poverty line on the uncertainty death of the Primary bread winner. Required Documents: 1) Application Form * 2) Income Certificate * (Family Income less than Rs6000/- ) 3) Family Member Certificate * (Applicant surviving head of family of deceased primary bread winner with no major sons) 4) Resident Certificate( last 3 years ) 5) White Ration Card * 6) Death Certificate * Workflow: Approval Authority: Joint Collector SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B 1 Year 35/Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 36 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 19. No Objection Certificate - Lands Description: No Objection Certificate is required for getting permission for the construction of New / Existing House in a village or town Required Documents: 1) Application Form* 2) Sale deed/Release/will gift/Settlement/Partition* 3) Link Documents From 1976(Attested)* 4) Affidavit on Ten Rupees Stamp paper(Notarized)* 5) Site Sketch plan prepared by licensed Surveyor* 6) Self addressed envelope with Stamp for postage * Workflow: Approval Authority: Joint Collector SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 2000/- Total (Rs) 2035/- Page | 37 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 20. Apathbandhu Scheme Description: • Apathbandhu Scheme Scheme to implement accident insurance for the below poverty line families in A.P to provide insurance coverage in case of accidental Deaths • The Insurance coverage is for the adults in the age group of 18 to 64 years. Required Documents: 1. Application Form * 2. FIR* 3. Death Certificate * 4. Report of post Mortem/Panchanama 5. Affidavit on Rs 10/- Bond Paper Workflow: Approval Authority: Joint Collector SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B 1 year 35/Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 38 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 21. Duplicate Copy Services -Income Description: This service facilitates the citizen to get the duplicate copy of the income certificates issued by Tahsildar which are retrieved from data base and delivered across counter Required Documents: 1.Previous application Number Workflow: Approval Authority:Delivered across counter SLA for Delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 39 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 22. Duplicate Copy Services - Integrated Description: This Service facilitates the citizen to get the duplicate copy of integrated certificate issued by MRO which are retrieved from the data base and delivered across counter Required Documents:1.Previous application Number Workflow: Approval Authority:Delivered across counter SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 40 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 23. Duplicate Copy Services -Residence Description: This service Facilitates the citizen to get the duplicate copy of the residence certificate issued by MRO which are retrieved from the data base and delivered across counter Required Documents: Previous application Details Workflow: Approval Authority:Delivered across counter SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 41 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 24. ISES services –Income Fee Reimbursement Description: • Government of AP has uploaded the student data by collecting from schools. • This data is available for providing different certificates like Income, Integrated and Residence Documents Required:1. Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered across counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 42 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 25. ISES services –Income Certificate Description: • Government of AP has uploaded the student data by collecting from schools. • This data is available for providing different certificates like Income, Integrated and Residence Documents Required:1. Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered across counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 43 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 26. ISES services – Integrated Certificate Description: • Government of AP has uploaded the student data by collecting through schools. • This data is available for providing different certificates like Income, Integrated and Residence Documents Required:Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered across counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 44 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 27. ISES services –Residence Certificate Description: • • Government of AP has uploaded the student data by collecting through schools. This data is available for providing different certificates like Income, Integrated and Residence Documents Required:Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered across counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 45 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 28. Adangal/Pahani Corrections Description: This service facilitates the citizen to apply for changes in Adangal or Pahani. Required Documents:previous Pahani Details Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 15 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 46 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 29. Land Conversion Description: This service facilitates the citizen to apply for conversion his/her existing Agricultural land to Non-agricultural land/commercial Purposes. Required Documents: 1) Application in prescribed format 2) Register documents/copies of Pattadar Pass 3) books/Title Deeds 4) Basic Value certificate from Sub-Registrar 5) Ration Card/ Aadhaar card/EPIC card Workflow: Approval Authority: Revenue Divisional officer(RDO) SLA for Delivery: Cate gory SLA B 60 Days Serv ice Char ge 35/- Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 5% of basic value of land for GHMC, GVMC and VMC limits; for other areas, 9%; 35/- + 5% of basic value of land for GHMC, GVMC and VMC limits; for other areas, 9%; Page | 47 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 30. Late Registration of Birth Description: Late Registration of Birth request can be applied by the citizen through the MeeSeva center to register the birth even after one year. Required Documents: 1. Physical Document 2. Non Availability certificate issued by the GP/ Municipal Commissioner 3. Ration Card Copy 4. SSC Marks memo 5. Self Affidavit Workflow: Approval Authority: Revenue Divisionalofficer(RDO) SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) B 60 Days 35/- No. of late years * 5/- 35/- + No. of late years * 5/- Page | 48 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 31. Late Registration of Death Description: Late Registration of Death request can be applied by the citizen through the MeeSeva center to register the death even after one year. Required Documents: 1. Physical Document 2. Non Availability certificate issued by the GP/ Municipal Commissioner 3. Ration Card Copy 4. Self Affidavit Work flow: Approval Authority:Revenue Divisional officer(RDO) SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) B 60 Days 35/- No. of late years * 5/- 35/- + No. of late years * 5/- Page | 49 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 32. Prajavani Description: Prajavani is a citizen's grievance cell to approach directly to the Government Departments regarding the grievances of the people. This service facilitates the citizen to apply directly to the government departments from MeeSeva centers Required Documents: 1) Application form 2) Petition by citizen Work flow: Approval Authority:Collectorate SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 15 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 50 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 33. LOANELIGIBILITY CARD Description: The service facilitates the citizen to get the Loan Eligibility Card based upon the Land Details. The service useful only for the Tenant of the Land who is yielding the land Documents Needed : 1. Application Form (PDF Only)*. 2. Photo Copy* Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 15 Days Service Charge 35/+ Postal Charges Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/+ Postal Charges Page | 51 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 34. OLD ADANGAL/PAHANI Description: Adangal/Pahani is a very important Revenue record, as it contains details of land such as owner's details, area, assessment, water rate, soil type, nature of possession of the Land, Liabilities, Tenancy and Crops grown, etc. It is required for various purposes such as: • To know the genuineness of seller (owner) when land is being purchased. • It is required at Sub-Register's office when sale transaction is being done • To raise the farm credit / loan from the Bank. • Court needs Pahani in case of civil litigation. Etc. Documents Needed : Nil Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 30 Days 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 52 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 35. POSSESSION CERTIFICATE Description: Possession certificate is issued to include the property in the Revenue Records in order to obtain the loan.This certificate is issued by Tahsildar in Rural areas and RDO in urban areas Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Income Certificate/Ration Card 3. Scanned Passport Size photo Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 7 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 53 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 36. DUPLICATE COPY OF PATTADHAAR PASSBOOK Description: This Service facilitates the citizen to apply for Duplicate of Pattadar Passbook in case of lost. The citizen could apply at MeeSeva center Documents Needed: 1. Application form 2. Scanned Copy FIR 3. NOC certificate from the bank in the respective jurisdiction 4. Registered Documents 5. Recent passport size Photo copies 6. signature Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 60 Days Service Charge 35/- + 100 for printing Statutory Charge 100 Total (Rs) 235/- Page | 54 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 37. REPLACEMENT OF PATTADHAAR PASSBOOK Description: This Service facilitates the citizen to apply for Replacement of Pattadar Passbook. In Mutilated cases. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. Registered document (copies) if any 3. Recent passport size photo 4. Signature Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 60 Days Service Charge 35/- + 100 for printing Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 135/- Page | 55 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 38. Certified Copies issued by RDO Description: This service facilitates the citizen to get the certified copy from RDO the citizen can get the certified copies of Tenancy/ROR cases/Survey Panchanama Report/Inam Orc Certificate Required Documents: Application form * Workflow: Approval Authority: Revenue Divisional Officer(RDO) SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 15 days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 56 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 39. Appeals on Demarcation Description: Citizens who have doubts on measurements as demarcated by Surveyor can appeal on demarcation to Asst Director of Survey / Inspector of Survey, and the Deputy Inspector of Surveyor / Inspector of Survey to re-fix boundaries of lands with reference to measurements recorded in F.M.B. Required Documents: 1. Application Form * 2. Affidavit/Notary stating that the applicant is owner of the land 3. Panchanama copy of lower cadre 4. sketch Workflow: Approval Authority:DeputyDirector/RDO SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 45Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1300/- Total (Rs) 1335/- Page | 57 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 40. Certified Copies of ROM Description: • Certified copies of ROM is a service where Citizen can request for certified copies of his/her property for various reasons. • Certified copy is provided based on the measurement reports submitted by Surveyor. Required Documents: Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority:Deputy Director, Hyderabad SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 15 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1300/- Total (Rs) 1335/- Page | 58 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 41. Localization of Properties Description: • It is a service requested by Citizen to locate and identify the measurements of the property. • Citizen would provide Survey number/s for which localization is required and Mandal Surveyor would provide those details after the Survey. Required Documents: • Application Form* • Affidavit/Notary stating that the applicant is owner of the land Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 30 Days Service Charge 35/+ Postal Charges Statutory Charge 1250/- Total (Rs) 1285/- + Postal Charges Page | 59 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 42. Extract of House Site Patta: Description: The Extract of House site patta enables the citizen to get the certified copy /duplicate copy of House Site Patta which has been already assigned to citizen. Required Documents:Application Form. Work Flow: Approval Authority: Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge 7 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) Nil 35/- + Postal Charge s Page | 60 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 43. Extract of D-Form Patta: Description: The Extract of D-Form patta enables the citizen to get the certified copy /duplicate copy of D-Form Patta which has been already assigned to citizen. Required Documents: Application Form. Work Flow: ` Approval Authority: Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge 7 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) Nil 35/- + Postal Charge s Page | 61 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 44. Certified Copies of Panchanama: Description: Certified copy of Panchanama service facilitates the citizen in applying for copy of Panchanama where the Panchanama is already issued Required Documents:Application Form. Work Flow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar/RDO/AD/Municipal Commissioner/DD(Based upon area it will be routed to concerned officers) SLA for Delivery: Catego ry SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 15 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Nil 35/- + Statutory Charges Page | 62 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 45. Khasra Pahani: Description: The Certified Copies Service is mainly used by the citizens who want the Certified Copies of Khasra Pahani. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Affidavit* 3. Pahani Copy 4. ID Proof documents Work Flow: Approval Authority: Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Catego ry SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(Rs ) B 15 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Nil 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 63 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 46. Chesala Pahani: Description: The Certified Copies Service is mainly used by the citizens who want the Certified Copies of Chesala Pahani. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Affidavit* 3. Pahani Copy 4. ID Proof documents Work Flow: Approval Authority: Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 15 Days 35/- + Postal Charges As Stipulat ed 35/- + Postal Charge s Page | 64 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 47. Sethwar/ Supplementary Sethwar/ Resettlement registrar/FLR: Description: The Certified Copies Service is mainly used by the citizens who want the Certified Copies of Sethwar/ Supplementary Sethwar/ Resettlement registrar/FLR. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Affidavit* 3. Pahani Copy 4. ID Proof documents Work Flow: Approval Authority:AD/DD/ Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Statuto Catego Service SLA ry ry Charge Charge B 15 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Nil Total(Rs ) 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 65 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 48. Wasool Baqi: Description: The Certified Copies Service is mainly used by the citizens who want the Certified Copies of Wasool Baqi. This is the service only for Telangana Districts Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Affidavit* 3. Pahani Copy 4. ID Proof documents Work Flow: Approval Authority: AD/DD SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge 15 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) Nil 35/- + Postal Charge s Page | 66 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 49. Faisal Patti: Description: The Certified Copies Service is mainly used by the citizens who want the Certified Copies of Faisal Patti. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Affidavit* 3. Pahani Copy 4. ID Proof documents Work Flow: Approval Authority: Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA Service Charge 15 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) Nil 35/- + Postal Charge s Page | 67 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 50. Certified Copies of TSLR: Description: Town Survey Land Register is being issued to the private parties and other organisations on requisition. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Fee Receipt Work Flow: Approval Authority: Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 7 Days 35/- + Postal Charges As Stipulat ed 35/- + Postal Charge s Page | 68 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 51. Certified Copy of PT: Description: Protected Tenant Certificate will be given to a person who is in possession not less than 6 years being a period wholly included in the Fasli years1342 to 1352 (1932 to 1942)(both years inclusive) Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Fee Receipt Work Flow: Approval Authority: Deputy Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) B 7 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 69 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 52. Demarcation (Hyderabad) Description: • This service facilitates the citizen to apply for the request to demarcate his/her land. • The surveyor will adjust boundaries of land with reference to measurements recorded in F.M.B. Since all these boundaries are validated, it gives Finality for disputed lands about correctness of boundaries and also reduces civil litigation’s. Documents Required: 1. Application Form * 2. Affidavit/Notary stating that the applicant is owner of the land Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery Category SLA B 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1250/- Total (Rs) 1285/- Page | 70 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 53. New Pattadhar Passbook Description: This Service facilitates the citizen to apply forPattadhar Passbook. The citizen could apply at MeeSeva center Documents Needed: 1. Application form 2. NOC certificate from the bank in the respective jurisdiction 3. Registered Documents 4. Recent passport size Photo copies 5. signature Workflow: Approval Authority: Tahsildar SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 60 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 100 Total (Rs) 135/- Page | 71 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 54. Change of Name Certificate: Description: 1. Women changing their surname after marriage. 2. ex service persons 3. People who are staying abroad. 4. Students whose names are printed wrong in their certificates apply for change of Name certificate. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Recent Passport Size Photograph 3. Citizenship Certificate issued by Gazetted Officer 4. Affidavit stating exact reason for change of his/her name. 5. Certificates from class 1 to 10th attested by Gazetted Officer. 6. Police Certificate stating the he/she has not come to any adverse records during last 5 years. 7. Others(Aadhaar/Ration card/Voter ID for Illiterates) Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 15 Days Service Charge 35/-+ Postal Charges Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 72 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 55. No Property Certificate: Description: No Property Certificate issued for Compassionate appointments. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Ration Card/Aadhaar/ Electoral card 3. Death Certificate 4. Duplicate copy of Family member Certificate Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 60 Days Service Charge 35/-+ Postal Charges Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 73 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 56. Agricultural Land Value Certificate: Description: For getting other than crop loans i.e enhancement of credit limit / visa purpose / for enrolling as a contractor / surety purpose. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Registration Documents 3. Pattadar passbooks 4. Title Deed 5. Encumbrance certificate as on date issued by the Sub Registrar concerned Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 30 Days Service Charge 35/-+ Postal Charges Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 74 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 57. Small/Marginal Farmer Certificate: Description: For input subsidy, for crop insurance and for bank loan purpose Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Photo copy of Pattadhar Passbook/Title Deed/!B Extract/Registered sale deeds of lands 3. Self declaration by the farmer for the lands owned by him/her. Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 7 Days Service Charge 35/-+ Postal Charges Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 75 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 58. Permission for Digging a Agricultural well/Drinking water well digging using WALTA Act. Description: This service is used for getting Permission for Digging a Agricultural well/Drinking water well digging using WALTA Act Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Photo copy of Pattadhar Passbook/Title Deed/!B Extract/Registered sale deeds of lands 3. Small and marginal farmer Certificate for fee concession Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahsildar SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 15 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge 35/-+ Postal Charge s 1100/-For Big Farmers,600/For Small/Margin al Farmers Total (Rs) 1135/- + Postal Charges For Big Farmers,635/+ Postal Charges For Small/Margin al Farmers Page | 76 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 59. Extract of ORC (Occupancy Rights Certificate) Description: To give ownership rights on the Inam lands and to change the land classification from Inam category to riotwari. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Copy of ORC Workflow: Approval Authority:Divisional Administrative officer. SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 15 Days Service Charge 45/-+ Postal Charge s Statutory Charge NIL Total (Rs) 45/- + Postal Charges Page | 77 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 60. Renewal of Cinema License: Description: This service is used for renewal of Cinema License Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Copy of B-Form License Certificate 3. Certificate Issued by Dy.Electrical Inspector 4. Film Division Certificate 5. Structural certificate issued by the EE R&D 6. Certificate issued by the Divisional Fire Officer 7. Certificate issued by DMHO Workflow: Approval Authority:Revenue Divisional Officer SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 15 Days Service Charge 35/-+ Postal Charge s Statutory Charge For 1 year 1000/- for 2 years 2000/- Total (Rs) 1035/- for 1 year & 2035 for 2 years + Postal Charges Page | 78 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 61. Certified copies of NOC under explosive Act Description: 1. For Storage of crushing, blasting material, magazine permission 2. For potassium, sodium, potassium permanganates, fire crackers etc., Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Copy of NOC Workflow: Approval Authority:District Revenue Officer SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 15 Days Service Charge 45/-+ Postal Charge s Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 45/- + Postal Charges Page | 79 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 62. Certified copies of NOC under Petroleum act: Description: For Storage of Petroleum products i.e. diesel, kerosene etc., Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Copy of NOC Workflow: Approval Authority:District Revenue Officer SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 15 Days Service Charge 45/-+ Postal Charge s Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 45/- + Postal Charges Page | 80 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 63. Cracker License for Diwali (After Collector delegates) Description: The citizen can avail this service to get Cracker License for Diwali. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Identity proof 3. Address proof 4. Verification report from Police 5. No Objection from Fire Service Department 6. No objection from local body 7. Particulars of previous license if any. Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 300/- Total (Rs) 335/- Page | 81 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 64. Issue of Tonch Map: Description: The citizen can avail this service to get the Map for particular survey number. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Extract of Pahani 3. Xerox copy of Pattadar pass book / Registration Document Workflow: Approval Authority:Tahasildhar SLA for Delivery: Categ ory SLA 7 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 50/- Total (Rs) 85/- B Page | 82 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 65. Issue of NOC for Construction of Cinema Hall: Description: The citizen can avail this service to obtain the No Objection Certificate for construction of Cinema Hall. Required Documents: 1. Application form A-I 2. Site plan drawn scale 1cm to 500 cms 3. The position of site in relation to any adjacent premises 4. The surrounding roads buildings like schools, Hospitals, Places of Worship, which exist upto 182 mts distance with necessary records or certificates 5. Challan (Rs 3000 in case of new construction) (Rs 1400 in case of semi permanent) 6. Original plan 7. Original NOC form Gram panchayat Workflow: Approval Authority:Joint Collector SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA 45 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 83 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 66. Permission to run the Benefit Show: Description: The citizen can avail this service to seek the permission to run the Benefit Show. Required Documents: 1. Application form Workflow: Approval Authority:Joint Collector SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA 7 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 84 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 67. Issue of ARM License (Fresh) Description: The citizen can avail this service to get fresh ARM License . Required Documents: 1. Application form* 2. Recent passport Size Photo* 3. Ration card* 4. Aadhaar Card 5. Income Tax Returns* 6. Pan card* Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 45 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 750/- Total (Rs) 785/- Page | 85 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 68. Issue of ARM License (Renewal) Description: The citizen can avail this service for Renewal of ARM License. Required Documents: 1. Application form* 2. Recent passport Size Photo* 3. Xerox of Original License* 4. Ration card* 5. Aadhaar Card 6. Income Tax Returns* 7. Pan card* Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 45 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 375/- Total (Rs) 410/- Page | 86 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 69. Issue of NOC for Storing of Petroleum Products: Description: The citizen can avail this service to get the No Objection Certificate for Storing of Petroleum Products. Required Documents: 1. Application form* 2. Site plan* 3. Copy of Passbook/title deed/sale deed* 4. Lease Agreement 5. Letter of intent issued by the oil company* 6. Extract of Pahani* Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 45 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 87 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 70. Grant of License for Storage of Explosive Material: Description: The citizen can avail this service to obtain the License for Storage of Explosive Materials. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Identity proof 3. Address proof 4. Verification report from Police 5. No Objection from Fire Service Department 6. No objection from local body 7. Particulars of previous license if any. Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Categ ory B SLA 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1000/- Total (Rs) 1035/- Page | 88 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 71. ISSUE OF OCCUPANCY RIGHTS CERTIFICATES FOR INAM LANDS: Description: Citizen can avail this service to obtain the rights on INAM Lands Required Documents: 1. Application form (mandatory) 2. 1954-1955 Khasra Pahani ,73-74 latest Pahani copies (mandatory) 3. Family Tree / Relationship with Inamdhar (optional) Workflow: Approval Authority:RDO SLA for Delivery: Category SLA 90 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- B Page | 89 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 72. Refund of Trade deposits to dealers in case of resignation of dealer: Description: The Ration Dealers can avail this service to refund the deposit in case of their resignation. Required Documents: 1. Application form (mandatory) 2. Acceptance proceedings issued by the RDO(mandatory) 3. Authorization proceedings issued by the RDO(optional) Workflow: Approval Authority:RDO SLA for Delivery: Category SLA 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- B Page | 90 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 73. NOC for Construction of Cinema Halls: Description: The Ration Dealers can avail this service to refund the deposit in case of their resignation. Required Documents: 1. Application form A-I 2. Site plan drawn scale 1cm to 500 cms 3. The position of site in relation to any adjacent premises 4. The surrounding roads buildings like schools, Hospitals, Places of Worship, which exist upto 182 mts distance with necessary records or certificates 5. Chalan (Rs 3000 in case of new construction) (Rs 1400 in case of semi permanent) 6. Original plan 7. Original NOC form Gram panchayat Workflow: Approval Authority:Joint Collector SLA for Delivery: Category SLA 45 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- B Page | 91 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 74. Storage of Explosive Material License: Description: The Ration Dealers can avail this service to refund the deposit in case of their resignation. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Identity proof 3. Address proof 4. Verification report from Police 5. No Objection from Fire Service Department 6. No objection from local body 7. Particulars of previous license if any. Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Category SLA 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1000 Total (Rs) 1035/- B Page | 92 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 75. New Title Deed Description: The Ration Dealers can avail this service to refund the deposit in case of their resignation. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Identity proof 3. Address proof 4. Verification report from Police 5. No Objection from Fire Service Department 6. No objection from local body 7. Particulars of previous license if any. Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Category SLA 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1000 Total (Rs) 1035/- B Page | 93 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 76. Replacement Title Deed Description: The Ration Dealers can avail this service to refund the deposit in case of their resignation. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Identity proof 3. Address proof 4. Verification report from Police 5. No Objection from Fire Service Department 6. No objection from local body 7. Particulars of previous license if any. Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Category SLA 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1000 Total (Rs) 1035/- B Page | 94 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 77. Local Candidate Certificate for Educational Institution Purpose: Description: The Ration Dealers can avail this service to refund the deposit in case of their resignation. Required Documents: 1. Application form 2. Identity proof 3. Address proof 4. Verification report from Police 5. No Objection from Fire Service Department 6. No objection from local body 7. Particulars of previous license if any. Workflow: Approval Authority:Collector SLA for Delivery: Category SLA 30 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 1000 Total (Rs) 1035/- B Page | 95 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I II.REGISTRATION& STAMPS DEPARTMENT Page | 96 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 78. Encumbrance Certificate Description: Encumbrance Certificates are required by the citizen in order to know about the clear title of a property while purchasing the property. RequiredDocuments: Application Form* Screen shot of kiosk end e-form: Approval Authority: Sub Registrar Officer (SRO) SLA for delivery: Categ ory B SLA Same Day, if submitted before 2 PM Service Charge 25/- Statutory Charge 200/- for below 30 years and 500/- for above 30 years Total (Rs) 225/below years 500/above years for 30 and for 30 Page | 97 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 79. Certified Copies of Registration Document Description: This service facilitates the citizen to get Certified Copy of the Registered Document of a property issued by SRO Required Documents: Application Form* Workflow: Approval Authority:Sub Registrar Officer (SRO) SLA for Delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge 25/- Statutory Charge 200/- Total (Rs) 225/- Page | 98 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 80. Certified copy of bye-laws of Societies Description: Bye-laws are mandatory pdf document that is used at the time of registering society. Citizen is required to upload this document while registering. He/she can get the certified copy of By-Laws by applying for this service. Required Documents: Application from applicant Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge 25/- Statutory Charge 100/- Total (Rs) 125/- Page | 99 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 81. Slot Booking for Registration Description: Citizen books a slot by filling this form to initiate a registration process. Required Documents: Application from applicant Workflow: Approval Authority:Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 3 days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 300 Total (Rs) 25/- Page | 100 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 82. Registration of Firm Description: This service can be used to register a firm. Required Documents: 1. Application from applicant 2. Partnership Deed 3. ID Proof 4. Address Proof 5.And photographs of all partners 6.Rental agreement/Declaration Attestation by competent authority Workflow: Approval Authority: Registrar of Firms. SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 3 days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 100/- per person Total (Rs) 135/- Page | 101 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 83. Submission of Appeals Description:When citizen registered for the society and department rejected his/ her registration then this service is availed by citizen for appeal. Documents Needed : Application from applicant Workflow: Approval Authority : Registrar of Society SLA for delivery Category SLA B 3 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 300/- Total (Rs) 335/- Page | 102 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 84. Registration of Society Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to register a society. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed : 1. Application from applicant. 2. Memorandum of Society ( Mandatory) 3. Rules and Regulations (Mandatory) 4. Partnership Deed 5. ID Proof 6. Address proof and 7. photographs of all 8. partners 9. Office rental 10. Agreement/Declaration Workflow: Approval Authority : Registrar of Society SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 3 days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 500/- Total (Rs) 535/- Page | 103 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 85. Certified copy of Certificate of Registration Societies Description:This service is availed when citizen wants a copy of already registered society. At the time of registration, initially 1 original copy is provided to the citizen. Later, he/she can request for certified copy only. Required Documents: 1.Application from applicant Workflow: Approval Authority:Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge 25/- Statutory Charge 300/- Total (Rs) 325/- Page | 104 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 86. Certified copy of Certificate of Registration Firms Description:This service is availed when citizen wants a copy of already registered firm. At the time of registration, initially 1 original copy is provided to the citizen. Later, he/she can request for certified copy only. Required Documents: 1. Application from applicant Workflow: Approval Authority:Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- 100/- 125/- Page | 105 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 87. Changes in Constitution of Firm: Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to add/delete of partners. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed : 1. Application from applicant. Workflow: Approval Authority : Registrar of Society SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 3 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 35/- 100/- 135/- Page | 106 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 88. Alterations in Firm: Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to change adresses. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed : 1. Application from applicant. Workflow: Approval Authority : Registrar of Society SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 3 days 35/- 100/- 135/- Page | 107 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 89. Amendment of Society Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to change name of the society. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed : 1. Application from applicant. Workflow: Approval Authority : Registrar of Society SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 3 days 35/- 300/- 335/- Page | 108 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 90. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking(Agriculture): Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to change name of the society. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed : No Documents Required Workflow: Approval Authority :Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 109 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 91. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking(Flat): Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to change name of the society. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed : No Documents Required Workflow: Approval Authority :Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 110 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 92. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking(House): Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to change name of the society. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed: No Documents Required Workflow: Approval Authority :Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 111 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 93. Pre-Registration – Data Entry and Slot Booking (Plot): Description:This service can be availed by any citizen who wants to change name of the society. Required document is uploaded and department after verification can approve or reject the request. Documents Needed: No Documents Required Workflow: Approval Authority :Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 112 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I III.MUNICIPALITY DEPARTMENT Page | 113 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 94. BIRTH certificate -GHMC Description: This Service facilitates the citizen to register and maintain the Births taken place within the GHMC limits. Required Documents:Application Form * Work flow: Approval Authority: andDeaths) SLA for Delivery: Category A SLA 15 Min AMOH (Registrar of Births Service Charge Statutor y Charge Total(Rs) 25/- Per transacti on + 5/addl. copy 20/- Per copy of certificat e 45/- + 25/Per Addition al Copy Page | 114 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 95. DEATH certificate -GHMC Description: This Service facilitates the citizen to register and maintain the Deaths taken place within the GHMC limits. Required Documents:Application Form * Work flow: Approval Authority: andDeaths) AMOH (Registrar of Births SLA for Delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge 25/Per transaction + 5/- addl. copy Statutory Charge 20/Per copy of certificate Total(Rs) 45/- +25/Per Additional Copy Page | 115 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 96. BIRTH CORRECTIONS - GHMC Description: This service facilitates the citizen to correct the mistakes while registering the births . Required Documents: 1. Application Form * 2. Original Birth Certificate issues by the Registrar of Births 3. Declaration by Parent(s) attested by two gazetted officers 4. Available Documentary evidences like educational certificates, Election ID Card, Ration Card, Passport, Driving License 5. A letter from the Hospital Authorities where the Birth has occurred mentioning the facts 6. Notarized Affidavit Rs10/- (Non-judicial Stamp Paper) Screen shot of KIOSK end e-form: Approval Authority: AMOH (Registrar of Births and Deaths) SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 6 Days Service Charge 35/Per transaction + 5/- addl. copy Statutory Charge 60/- + 20 Per copy of certificate Total(Rs) 95/- + 25/per additional copy Page | 116 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 97. DEATH CERTIFICATE CORRECTIONS - GHMC Description: This service facilitates the citizen to correct the mistakes while registering the Death Required Documents: 1. Application Form * 2. Original Death Certificate issues by the Registrar of Births&Deaths 3. Ration Card/School Bona fide Certificate /Secondary School Certificate (Marks Sheet)/Election id/Any Other Residence Proof 4. Notarized Affidavit of Rs 10/- (Non-judicial Stamp Paper) 5. A letter from the Hospital Authorities where the Death has occurred mentioning the facts 6. In case of Medico Legal cases for death events, certificate from the concerned police authority is a must along with FIR and postmortem report 7. Any Other Supporting Document. Screen shot of KIOSK end e-form: Approval Authority: AMOH (Registrar of Births and Deaths) SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total(Rs) Charge Charge 35/Per 95/- + 25/transaction 60/- + 20 per 6 + 5/- addl. Per copy of additional B Days copy certificate copy Page | 117 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 98. CHILD NAME INCLUSION - GHMC Description: This service facilitates the citizen in the inclusion of child name. Child’s name can be registered with any name at the time of the birth. Later the name can be changed through this service. Documents Required: 1. Application Form * (Duly signed by both parents if the child is less than 3 years) 2. Affidavit (If the child is below one year, it is not necessary) Work flow: Approval Authority:AMOH(Registrar of Births and Deaths) SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 6 Days 35/Per transaction + 5/- addl. copy 20/Per copy of certificate 55/- Page | 118 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 99. NON AVAILABILITY BIRTH CERTIFICATE – GHMC Description: GHMC, registers and maintains the Births taken place. Non availability of Birth Certificate is required for the following reasons. 1. Birth was not officially recorded. 2. In case of birth records have been lost at Dept in natural calamities. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form* 2. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 3. School Bonafide Certificate 4. Secondary School Certificate(Marks Sheet) 5. Notarized Affidavit(Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) Work flow: Approval Authority:AMOH(Registrar of Births and Deaths) SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 3 Days Service Charge 35/Per transaction + 5/- addl. Copy Statutory Charge 20/-per copy Total (Rs) 55/- + 25 per copy of certificate Page | 119 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 100. NON AVAILABILITY DEATH CERTIFICATE – GHMC Description: GHMC, registers and maintains the Deaths taken place. Non availability of Death Certificate is required for the following reasons. • Death was not officially recorded. • Death records have been lost at Dept in natural calamities. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form* 2. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 3. Other Documentary evidences to prove the place of death 4. In case of Medical Legal cases a) FIR b) PM Report c) Form_2 given the concerned police station 5. Notarized Affidavit (Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) 6. Any Other Supporting Documents Work flow: Approval Authority:AMOH(Registrar of Births and Deaths) SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 3 Days Service Charge 35/Per transaction + 5/- addl. Copy Statutory Charge 20/-per copy Total (Rs) 55/- + 25/per copy of certificate Page | 120 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 101. CORRECTIONS IN BIRTH CERTIFICATE – CDMA Description: CDMA, registers and maintains the Births taken place all over A.P. Corrections in Birth Certificate service is useful when there is need of corrections in existing record. Documents Needed : 1.Application Form and Any one of the below documents 1) Original Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Birth 2) Declaration by Parent(s) attested by two gazetted officers 3) Notary Affidavit on Rs.10/- Non-Judicial Stamped paper 4) Available Documentary evidences like educational certificates, Election ID Card, Ration Card, Passport, Driving License and Marriage certificates 5)A letter from the Hospital Authorities where the Birth has occurred Work flow: Approval Authority:Municipalcommissioner SLA for delivery: Catego SLA Servic Statutory ry e Charge Charg e B 5 35/50/- +Panchayat Days Rs10(Municipalit y upto 4 copies,100/- for 5 to 10 copies) Total (Rs) 85/+Panchayat Rs10(Munic ipality up to 4 copies,100/ - for 5 to 10 copies) Page | 121 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 102. CORRECTIONS IN DEATH CERTIFICATE – CDMA Description: CDMA, registers and maintains the Deaths taken place all over A.P. Corrections in Death Certificate service is useful when there is corrections in existing record. Documents Needed : 1) Application Form and Any one of the below documents 1) Original Death Certificate issued by the Registrar of Death 2) In case of Medico Legal cases for death events, certificate from the concerned police authority is a must along with FIR and postmortem report 3) Notary Affidavit on Rs.10/- Non-Judicial Stamped paper 4) Available Documentary evidences like educational certificates, Election ID Card, Ration Card, Passport, Driving License and Marriage certificates 5)A letter from the Hospital Authorities where the Death has occurred Work flow: Approval Authority : AMOH SLA for delivery: Cate SLA Servic Statutory gory e Charge Charg e B 5 35/50/+ Days Panchayat Rs10 (Municipality upto 4 copies,100/- for Total (Rs) 85/+Panchayat Rs10(Municipali ty up to 4 copies,100/- for Page | 122 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 5 to 10 copies) 5 to 10 copies) Page | 123 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 103. NON AVAILABILITY BIRTH CERTIFICATE – CDMA Description: CDMA, registers and maintains the Births taken place all over A.P. Non availability of Birth Certificate is required for the following reasons. • Birth was not officially recorded. • Birth records have been lost at Dept in natural calamities. Documents Needed : 1) Application Form* and Any one of the below documents 1. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 2. School Bonafide Certificate 3 Secondary School Certificate(Marks Sheet) 4 . Notarized Affidavit(Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) Work flow: Approval Authority:AMOH(Registrar of Births and Deaths) SLA for delivery: Catego SLA Service Statutory Total ry Charge Charge (Rs) st B 1 time 35/50/85/5days,2 +panchayat +Panchayat nd time Rs10 Rs10(Munici onward (Municipalityu pality up to s 15 min pto 4 4 copies,100/copies,100/for 5 to 10 for 5 to 10 copies copies) Page | 124 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 104. NON AVAILABILITY DEATH CERTIFICATE – CDMA Description: CDMA, registers and maintains the Deaths taken place all over A.P. Non availability of Death Certificate is required for following reasons. • Death was not officially recorded. • Death records have been lost at Dept in natural calamities. Documents Needed : 1) Application Form* and Any one of the below documents 1. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof 2.In case of Medical Legal cases a) FIR b) PM Report c) Form_2 given the concerned police station 3. Notarized Affidavit(Non-Judicial Stamp Paper) Work flow: Approval Authority : AMOH(Registrar of Deaths) SLA for delivery: Catego SLA Service Statutory ry Charge Charge B 1st time 35/50/-+ 5days,2nd Panchayat time Rs 10 onwards (Municipalit 15 min y up to 4 copies,100/for 5 to 10 copies Births and Total (Rs) 85/+Panchayat Rs10(Munic ipality up to 4 copies,100/for 5 to 10 copies) Page | 125 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 105. BIRTH CERTIFICATE - CDMA Description: The registration of births is one of the major functions of Public Health Section of the ULB. Generally the births, which take place in the hospital, are recorded and reported to the municipalities. Birth certificate service facilitates the citizen to register the Birth through Mee Seva Documents Needed : 1. Application from applicant Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Cat SLA Service Charge eg ory A& B 15 Min.s (CatA),5 Days Cat( B) 35/+10/(Panchayath),+50/(Municipality up to 4 copies,100/- for 5 to 10 copies) Stat utor y Char ge 50/- Total(Rs) 85/+Panchayat Rs10(Municipal ity up to 4 copies,100/- for 5 to 10 copies) Page | 126 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 106. DEATH CERTIFICATE - CDMA Description: The registration of deaths is one of the major functions of Public Health Section of the ULB. Generally the deaths, which take place in the hospital are recorded and reported to the municipalities. Death certificate service facilitates the citizen in registration of Death through Mee Seva Documents Needed : 1.Application from applicant Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Cate gory SLA Service Charge A & B 15 Min.s (CatA),5D ays Cat(B ) 35/+10/(Panchayat h),+50/(Municipalit y up to 4 copies,100/for 5 to 10 copies) Statuto ry Charge 50/- Total (Rs) 85/- +Panchayat Rs10(Municipali ty up to 4 copies,100/- for 5 to 10 copies) Page | 127 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 107. CHILD NAME INCLUSION - CDMA Description: Child’s name can be registered with any name at the time of birth. Later the name can be changed and registered through this service. Documents Required: 1) Application Form * (Duly signed by both parents if the child is less than 3 years) 2) Affidavit (If the child is below one year, it is not necessary) Work flow: Approval Authority: AMOH (Registrar of Births and Deaths) SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 1st time 5 days, 2nd time onwa rds 15 min Service Charge 35/- + 10/Per copy(Aft er 1 year) Statutory Charge 50/(Municipa lity up to 4 copies,10 0/- for 5 to 10 copies Total (Rs) 85/+Panchayat Rs10(Munici pality up to 4 copies,100/for 5 to 10 copies) Page | 128 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 108. Permission for Water Connections – CDMA Description: This service is availed by citizen to apply for a new water connection to Municipal Corporations Required Documents: 1. Application from applicant 2. Site Plan indicating the distribution line and point of water connection. 3. Latest Property Tax Receipt. Tax receipts 4. Copies of total units/flat (Applicable to multistoried buildings) 5. No Objection letter from all the units/flat owners (Application only to multistoried buildings) 6. Copy of white ration card authorized by gazetted officer (Applicable for BPL connections) 7. Income certificate issues by the MRO (Applicable for BPL connections Workflow: Approval Authority: Municipal Commissioner SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 15 days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 129 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 109. Vacation remission – CDMA Description: As per the provisions of the law citizens are exempted from paying property tax if the building/ house is vacant and citizen has to apply to the concerned municipality with the relevant documents Required Documents: 1. Application from applicant 2. Patta copy/ Registration copy 3. House Tax assessment letter for the current year 4. Tax payments receipts for property/ water etc Work flow: Approval Authority:Municipal Commissioner SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 15 days 35/- Nil 35/- B Page | 130 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 110. Transfer of Title Deeds – CDMA Description: This service is availed when Citizen wants to transfer his assets to someone else’s name. Required Documents: 1.Application form, 2.Attested copy of registered sale deed and link documents, 3 Attested copies of latest property tax and water charges receipts, 4.Notary certificate(wherever applicable) Work flow: Approval Authority:Municipal Commissioner SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge 45 Days 35/- B Statutory Charge 0.1% of value of property to be collected & remitted to the ULB concerned Total(Rs) 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 131 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 111. APPLYING FOR TRADE LICENSE-CDMA Description: Documents Needed : 1. Building occupancy certificate 2. Building sanction plan of GHMC 3. Property Tax receipt upto Date 4. Rental/sale/Lease Deed. 5. Location plans(Blue print copies) 6. Passport size photos-2. Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA 15 days B Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge As Stipulated Total(Rs) 35/-+ Statutory Charges Page | 132 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 112. APPLYING FOR BUILDING PERMISSION-CDMA Description: Documents Needed : 1.Building application duly signed by owner ,builder ,architect, and engineer Declaration forms duly signed by owner and gazetted officer and license copy of architect/engineer town survey record from MRO previous sanctioned plan ULC clearance for above 1000sqm.ULC affidavit(below 1000sqm)ownership documents(2sets attested by gazetted officer). 2.linked documents (attested by gazetted officer) Upto date property tax receipt Rs.20 Non-judicial stamp paper building plans(1+5) duly signed by owner ,architect and structural engineer Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 15 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 133 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 113. NEW ASSESSMENT REQUEST-CDMA Description: House Assessment survey is done periodically and the survey results are recorded in the House Assessment register. Details of taxes like house tax, water tax etc are collected based on these records. For any newly completed buildings citizen can approach the municipal office the get the assessment done. Documents Needed : 1. Registered sale deed attested by gazetted officer. 2. Building Sanctioned plan. 3. Occupancy certificate. 4. Unregistered document in case not registered. indemnity bond of Rs. 100/- in case of unregistered properties. Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 15 days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 134 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 114. SUB-DIVISION REQUEST-CDMA Description:Citizens who wish to sub-divide the existing property has to take permission form the concerned municipality. Citizen shall submit the sub-division plan along with all necessary supporting documents and the municipality processes the application. Documents Needed: 1.Application form. 2. Patta copy/ Registration copy 3. House Tax assessment letter for the current year 4. Tax payments receipts for property/ water etc 5. Detailed plan for the sub division Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 15 days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 135 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 115. EXEMPTION REQUEST-CDMA Description: As per the provisions of the law certain category of citizens are exempted from paying property tax and citizen has to apply to the concerned municipality with the relevant documents. Documents Needed: 1. Application form 2. Patta copy/ Registration copy. 3. Supporting document for the BPL / Ex-Service men 4.Identity proof . Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 15 days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 136 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 116. RENEWAL OF TRADE LICENSE-CDMA Description: Documents Needed : 1. Application form. 2. Property tax receipt up-todate paid 3. Previous year trade license fee paid receipt. Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 15 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- No Fee 35/- Page | 137 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 117. Cell Tower Erection Renewal: Description: The power of Tower Infrastructure Renewal is used for getting the permission License to construct the tower in particular area. Documents Needed : 1. Application form. Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 30 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- No Fee 35/- Page | 138 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 118. Sanitary Certificate for New Education institutions Description: The purpose of sanitary certificate for New Educational Institutions. Documents Needed : ForNew: 1. 2. 3. 4. Copy of Registered Certificate* Copy of Recognition Certificate Clearance from fire authority * Copy of up to date property taxes with charges receipt* 5. Copy of building permission sanctioned by the Municipal Authorities* 1. Copy of Rent or lease dead or ownership Certificate* 2. Copy of occupancy certificate and structural source Certificate* Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- No Fee 35/- Page | 139 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 119. CDMA Land use Certificate: Description: The purpose of Land use Certificate is issued for a rented land pertaining to Government for a particular purpose over a certain period of time. Documents Needed : 1. Application form. Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 7 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- No Fee 35/- Page | 140 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 120. Sanitary Certificate for Education institutions Renewal: Description: The purpose of sanitary certificate for Educational Institutions Renewal. Documents Needed : 1. 2. 3. 4. Copy of Registered Certificate* Copy of Recognition Certificate Clearance from fire authority * Copy of up to date property taxes with charges receipt* 5. Copy of building permission sanctioned by the Municipal Authorities* 1. Copy of Rent or lease dead or ownership Certificate* 2. Copy of occupancy certificate and structural source Certificate* 3. Xerox Copy of old Certificate Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 30 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- No Fee 35/Page | 141 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 121. Cell Tower Erection New: Description: The power of Tower Infrastructure New is used for getting the permission License to construct the tower in particular area. Documents Needed : 1. Application form. Workflow: Approval Authority : Municipal commissioner SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 30 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- No Fee 35/- Page | 142 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I IV.POLICE DEPARTMENT SERVICES Page | 143 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 122. Missing /Lost documents or Articles Description: • Citizen can register complaint if he/she loose the documents or articles listed below in police station through Meeseva • Transfer Certificate (TC), Marks Memo, Driving License, Insurance Certificate, Share Certificate, ID Cards, Vehicle RC, Vehicle Insurance, Vehicle Fitness Certificate, Bond Certificate, Arm License, Credit & Debit Card and Cell phone Required Documents: 1) Hand written Petition by citizen 2) Address proof 3) ID proof Workflow: Approval Authority: SHO/SDPO/ACP/SP SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA 21 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge As Stipulated Total(Rs) 35/+ Statutory charges charges Page | 144 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 123. Permission of Event Bandhobust Description: Citizen can make a request to arrange Bandhobust for the events like Public Meetings, at Marriage Function Halls / House Box type Speakers, Orchestra for Small programs, Cultural / Fashion Shows, Commercial displays, Exhibition / Circus, Corporate Anniversary Function, Film Shooting, Audio Release function, Cinema success function, TV Shooting, and Industrial Exhibition, Mobile Advertisement for Autos / Vans, Customer meet at Public Places, Benefit shows and Religious functions Required Documents: 1) Hand written Petition by citizen 2) Address proof 3) ID proof Workflow: Approval Authority:SDPO/ACP/ Additional SP/SP SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge B 7 Days 35/- As Stipulated Total (Rs) 35/+ Stipulated charges Page | 145 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 124. Issuance of Certificates Description: Citizen can request the police department for certificates like Character, Antecedent, Certificate for Job Verification, NOC for Transfer of Vehicle through Meeseva Required Documents: 1) Hand written Petition by citizen 2) Address proof 3) ID proof Workflow: Approval Authority: SHO/SDPO/ACP/SP SLA for Delivery: Category SLA B 7 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge 35/- As Stipulated Total(Rs) 35/+ Stipulated charges Page | 146 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 125. Fresh or Renewal of licenses Description: Citizen can request the police department for issuing fresh/renewal of licenses like, Fresh 3 Star Hotel, Renewal 3 Star Hotel, Fresh 5 Star Hotel, Renewal 5 Star Hotel, Bars / Dhabas, Theme / Entertainment Park / Resorts, Ordinary Hotels / Restaurants Required Documents: 1) Hand written Petition by citizen 2) Address proof 3) ID proof Screenshot of Kiosk end e-Form: Approval Authority: SDPO/ACP/SP/Additional SP SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA 7 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge 35/- As Stipulated Total(Rs) 35/+ Stipulated charges Page | 147 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I V.AADHAAR SERVICES Page | 148 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 126. Know Your AADHAAR Description: Aadhaar is a 12 digit individual identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India on behalf of the Government of India. This number will serve as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India. Any individual, irrespective of age and gender, who is a resident in India and satisfies the verification process laid down by the UIDAI can enroll for Aadhaar .This service facilitates the citizen to know his Aadhar status through EID No. Documents Needed : 1.Application form Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 149 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 127. SEED YOUR AADHAAR Description: This service facilitates the citizen to seed his Aadhar no.& information with various departments(LPG, MNREGA , Civil supplies ,Pension) in order to obtain various benefits from the concerned departments Documents Needed : 1.Application form Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 150 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 128. AADHAAR Daily Enrolment Data: Description: This service facilitates the citizen to enroll his Aadhar no.& information with various departments(LPG, MNREGA , Civil supplies ,Pension) in order to obtain various benefits from the concerned department Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Proof of Identity 3. Proof of Address Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 151 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I VI.RTA SERVICES Page | 152 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 129. LL SLOT BOOKING WITH FEE PAYMENT Description: Citizen can book his LL Slot with available dates & slots. Documents Needed : 1.Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15 Min Service Charge 25 Statutory Charge 60 Total (Rs) 85 Page | 153 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 130. DL SLOT BOOKING WITH FEE PAYMENT Description: Citizen can book a slot (date and time) with the department for applying for Driver License. Documents Needed : 1.Application form Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 Min. 25 525 550 Page | 154 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 131. RC ABSTRACT Description : Citizens can avail Registration Copy using this service. Documents Needed : 1.Application form Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 min. 25 65 90 Page | 155 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 132. Driving License ABSTRACT Description: Citizens can avail the Driving License abstract copy using this service Documents Needed : 1.Application form Workflow: Approval Authority : Road Transport Officer. SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) A 15 min 25 65 90 Page | 156 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I VII.CIVIL SUPPLIES Department Page | 157 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 133. RATION CARD DATA CORRECTIONS Description: This service facilitates the citizen to correct the required data in ration card through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application * 2. Selected proof document* Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 7 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 35/- Page | 158 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 134. FP SHOP RENEWAL Description:This Service facilitates F P Dealer for Renewal of FP Shop License trough meeseva. Documents Needed : 1. Application * 2. Copy of Authorization Letter* 3. Latest Renewed Food Grains and kerosene License* Workflow: Approval Authority : Revenue DivisionalOfficer(RDO) SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 15 Days Service Charge 35/- Statutory Charge 500/- for 2 years Total(Rs) 535/- Page | 159 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 135. PRINT RATION CARD Description:This service enables citizens to get their data corrected ration cards printed at kiosk of Meeseva centers. When Citizen applies for data corrections of ration card through ration card data corrections service at Meeseva Documents Needed : Ration Card Number Workflow: Approval Authority : Delivered across the counter. SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15Min Service Charge 15/- Statutory Charge Nil Total (Rs) 15/- Page | 160 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 136. Conversion of White Card to Pink Card: Description: This Services is Used for Converting Ration Card from White to Pink Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Copy of old ration card 3. Income Certificate Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 161 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 137. Deletion of Member in Ration Card: Description: Deletion of Member from Ration Card Service is Used for Deleting the Family Members in Case of Death or Other Reasons. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Recent Photo 3. Document proof for member deletion Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 162 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 138. Household Head Modifications: Description: House Hold Head Modifications service is used if any corrections required related to head of the Family Documents Needed : 1. Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 163 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 139. New Gas Connection Application: Description: This Service is Used for Applying New Gas Connection Through Meeseva. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Proof Document Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 164 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 140. Ration Card Modification With in the Office: Description: Ration card data Modifications service is used if any corrections required in the ration card. In Member Details Full Name change not Allowed Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 165 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 141. Ration Card Transfer: Description: Citizen can change the address by transferring the Ration Card from one district to other district. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. Old Ration Card Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 166 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 142. Surrender of Ration Card: Description: Citizens can get the Ration Card Surrender Certificate to get the new Ration Card at other place. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. Copy of old Ration Card Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA B 30 Days Service Charge 35/(Including Courier Charges) Statutory Charge Total (Rs) Nil 35/- Page | 167 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 143. Ration Card Member Addition: Description: This Service is used for Adding New Members (in case of Birth) in Ration Card. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. Affidavit 3. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 168 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 144. Ration Card Member Migration: Description: Ration Card Member Migration Service is Used for Migrating Member from One Ration Card to Another with various Reasons. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. Selected Proof Document 3. New Family Photo of Member Migrated to Ration Card Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 169 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 145. Ration Card Missing Details in Databases: Description: This Service is Used for Applying Missing Details in Ration Card in case of Family Having the ration Card but Ration Card Details are Not Available at the Govt. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. Ration Card 3. Selected Proof Document 4. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/Page | 170 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 146. Issue of New Ration Card(Pink): Description: This Service is Used for Applying New Ration Card(Pink). Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. Proof Document 3. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : MRO / ASO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- Nil 35/-- Page | 171 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I VIII.EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Page | 172 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 147. Migration Certificate: Description: It can be availed by passed candidate only. This is for those candidates who wish to continue their studies outside the jurisdiction of Andhra Pradesh State. Required Documents: 1. Written Application. 2 .Documentary evidence/affidavit undertaking of lost Document. Workflow: Approval Authority: Additional Joint Secretary SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 7 days 35/- 80/- 115/- Page | 173 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 148. Age Certificate: Description: It can be availed by passed candidate only. This is to obtain a proof document of candidate's age by his/her Date of Birth registered. Required Documents: 1. Written Application 2. Documentary proof. Workflow: Approval Authority: Additional Joint Secretary SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 7 days 35/- 80/- 115/- Page | 174 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 149. Duplicate Memo of Marks: Description: The candidate can obtain his/her marks/grades obtained in the examination by this service. Required Documents: 1 .Written Application 2. Documentary evidence/affidavit undertaking of lost document Workflow: Approval Authority: Additional Joint Secretary SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 7 days 35/- 80/- 115 Page | 175 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 150. Recounting of Marks: Description: This service is used when the candidate is opting for rechecking of the marks obtained in the current examination. This service is to be utilized within 15 days of declaration of result. Required Documents: 1. Written Application 2. Rs 250 per paper challan /Demand Draft 3. Duly enclosed Hall Ticket. Workflow: Approval Authority: Additional Joint Secretary SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- 500/- per subject 35/- + 500/- per subject Page | 176 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I IX.NPDCL Page | 177 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 152. NAME CHANGE SERVICE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Name Changed using his Existing Service Connection Number. This Service is Only for Adilabad, Khammam, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and Warangal Districts. Documents Needed :. 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Indemnity Bond 7. Transfer Transfree Document 8. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. A Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 7 Days 35/- Statutory Charge 125(for domestic), 150(other than Domestic) Total(Rs) 35+Statutory charges Page | 178 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 153. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection. This Service is Only for Adilabad, Khammam, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and Warangal Districts. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge Statutory charges differ based 35/+ B 30 Days 35/upon the Statutory load ,location charges and social category Page | 179 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 154. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Street Lights . If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 30 Days 35/- Statutory Charge Statutory charges differ based upon the load,location and social category Total (Rs) 35/-+ Statutory Charges Page | 180 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 155. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. This Service is Only for Adilabad, Khammam, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and Warangal Districts. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Service Statutory Total Category SLA Charge Charge (Rs) Statutory charges differ based 35/-+ B 30 Days 35 upon the Statutory load ,location charges and social category Page | 181 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 156. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. This Service is Only for Adilabad, Khammam, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and Warangal Districts.If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 30 Days 35 Statutory Charge Statutory charges differ based upon the load ,location and social category Total(Rs) 35/+Statutory charges Page | 182 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 157. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-COMMERCIAL Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Commercial. If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority: Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Service Statutory Total Category SLA Charge Charge (Rs) Statutory charges differ based upon 35/+ 30 B 35 the load Statutory Days ,location and charges social category Page | 183 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 158. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIALHOARDINGS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection-Hoardings. If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge Statutory charges differ based 35/30 B 35 upon the +Statutory Days load ,location charges and social category Page | 184 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 159. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Domestic. If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Service Statutory Total Category SLA Charge Charge (Rs) Statutory charges differ 35/30 based upon the + B 35 Days load ,location Statutory and social charges category Page | 185 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 160. LOAD CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Load changed for an existing Connection. If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Category B SLA 30 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge 35 Charges Varies based on load and location Total (Rs) 35/-+ Charges Varies based on load and location Page | 186 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 161. CATEGORY CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the category changed for an existing Connection through Mee Seva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 7 Days 35 Statutory Charge Charges Varies based on load and location Total (Rs) Charges Varies based on load and location Page | 187 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 162. New Connection for Industries: Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new electricity connection for the Industries. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Industrial Department Letter 3. Common Application Form-A 4.Acknowledgement part-1 5.Entrepreneurs Memorandum for Setting up Micro OR Small OR Medium Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 37 Days 35/- Statutory Charge 50/- + As Stipulated Total (Rs) 85/- Page | 188 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 163. New Connection for Cottage Industries: Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new electricity connection for the Cottage Industries. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Industrial Department Letter 3. Common Application Form-A 4.Acknowledgement part-1 5.Entrepreneurs Memorandum for Setting up Micro OR Small OR Medium Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 37 Days 35/- 50/- + As Stipulated 85/- 164. Page | 189 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I X.Agriculture Department Page | 190 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 165. Crop Insurance: Description: The Farmer get availed of this service in order to protect themselves against either the loss of their crops due to natural disasters, drought and floods. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Proposal form signed by MAO/VRO. 3. PPB/LEC copy Bank Passbook. Workflow: Approval Authority: Mandal Agriculture Officer (MAO) SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 2 days 10/- Nil 10/- Page | 191 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 166. Subsidized Seed Distribution: Description: The Farmer gets subsidy on the type of Crop Variety by using this service under various Schemes. Required Documents: 1. Application Form. 2. Proof document. 3. Photo. Workflow: Approval Authority: Mandal Agriculture Officer (MAO) SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 2 days 10/- Depends Seed Type & Quantity 10/- + Statutory Charges Page | 192 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 167. Farm Mechanization: Description: Farm Mechanization is the process of mechanize the work of agricultureusing agricultural machinery, greatly increasing farm worker productivity. Farmer will get implement by paying Non-Subsidy amount to companies and Department will pay subsidy amount to companies Required Documents: 1. Application Form. 2. Proposal form from MAO 3. Proof Document 4. Photo. Workflow: Approval Authority: JDA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 3 days 20/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) As Stipulated 20/- + Statutory charges Page | 193 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 168. Retail Dealer New: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for applying dealer licenses. Required Document: 1. Person Responsible Form (Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Form ‘O’ document(s) (Mandatory) 4. Additional documents 2 (If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA 30 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- 1250 + document charge 1285/- + document charge Page | 194 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 169. Retail Dealer Renewal: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Renewal of dealer licenses. Required Document: 1. Person Responsible Form (Mandatory) 2. Copy of Existing Form-A2 (Mandatory) 3. Request Letter (Mandatory) 4. Form ‘O’ document(s) (Mandatory) 5. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 6. Additional documents 2 (If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA 30 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- 1250 + document charge 1285/- + document charge Page | 195 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 170. Retail Dealer Duplicate: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Duplicate Retail dealer licenses. Required Document: 1. Copy of Existing Form-A2 (Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional documents 2 (If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Category B SLA 30 days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- 25/- + document charge 60/- + document charge Page | 196 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 171. Application Resubmission: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Resubmission Required Document: 1. Lease deed/Sale deed/consent letter (Mandatory) 2. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 3. Request Letter (Mandatory) 4. Form ‘O’ document(s) (Mandatory) 5. Copy of certificate of Import and export issued by GOI duly Notarized (Mandatory) 6. Additional documents 1 (If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 25/- + document charge 60/- + document charge Page | 197 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 172. Retail Dealer Change of Firm Name: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Change of Firm Name. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 30/- + document charge 65/- + document charge Page | 198 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 173. Retail Dealer Form O Inclusion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Form O Inclusion. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 30/- + document charge 65/- + document charge Page | 199 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 174. Retail Dealer Godown Deletion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Godown Deletion. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 30/- + document charge 65/- + document charge Page | 200 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 175. Retail Dealer Godown Inclusion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Godown Inclusion. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) 5. Lease Deed/Sale Deed/consent letter. Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 30/- + document charge 65/- + document charge Page | 201 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 176. Retail Dealer Inclusion of Imported products: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Inclusion of imported products. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 30/- + document charge 65/- + document charge Page | 202 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 177. Retail Dealer Responsible Person Details: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Responsible Person Details. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 30/- + document charge 65/- + document charge Page | 203 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 178. Retail Dealer Sale Point Address Change: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Sale Point Address Change. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 30/- + document charge 65/- + document charge Page | 204 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 179. Manufacturing Renewal: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for renewal of manufacturing licenses. Required Document: Sale Particulars,Sample drawn particulars for past 3 years duly signed by MAO or ADA,Non Conviction certificate duly signed by MAO or ADA,Copy of Existing License,List of A.P Micronutrients or NPK Mixtures,List and Source of RAW Material,List of Straight Micronutrients,List and Source of RAW Material,List of lab equipment for Straight Micro-nutrients,List of lab equipment for SSP,Request Letter by USER,SSI Certificate,SSI Certificate,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for Bio-Fertilizers,List of Bio-Fertilizers,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for NPK-Fertilizers,List of NPK Mixtures,List and Source of RAW Material,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for A.P Micronutrients-Fertilizers,List of A.P Micronutrients ,List and Source of RAW Material,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for Water Soluble Fertilizers, List of Water Soluble Fertilizers ,List and Source of RAW Material,List of Lab Equipments for Organic Fertilizers,Person Responsible Form,Undertaking by the dealer for Sale points. Page | 205 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 1000/- + document charge 1035/- + document charge Page | 206 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 180. Manufacturing New: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for new manufacturing licenses. Required Document: Person Responsible Form,Undertaking by the dealer for Sale points and Storage points,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments ,List of Bio-Fertilizers,List of A.P Micronutrients or NPK Mixtures,List and Source of RAW Material,Additional documents 1 (If Any),Additional documents 2 (If Any),List of Straight Micro-nutrients,List and Source of RAW Material,List of lab equipment for Straight Micro-nutrients,List of lab equipment for SSP,Request Letter by USER,SSI Certificate,SSI Certificate,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for BioFertilizers,List of Bio-Fertilizers,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for NPK-Fertilizers,List of NPK Mixtures,List and Source of RAW Material,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for A.P Micronutrients-Fertilizers,List of A.P Micronutrients ,List and Source of RAW Material,SSI Certificate,List of Lab Equipments for Water Soluble Fertilizers,List of Water Soluble Fertilizers ,List and Source of RAW Material,List of Lab Equipments for Organic Fertilizers,Chemist_Appointment_Wil Workflow: Page | 207 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 1000/- + document charge 1035/- + document charge Page | 208 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 181. Manufacturing Duplicate Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Duplicate Manufacturing License Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 100/- + document charge 135/- + document charge Page | 209 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 182. Manufacturing Address Details Change: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Address Details Change. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 200/- + document charge 235/- + document charge Page | 210 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 183. Manufacturing Addition of Fertilizers Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Addition of Fertilizers Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 200/- + document charge 235/- + document charge Page | 211 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 184. Manufacturing Addition Details/Manufacturer/ Company Name Change: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Addition of Details and Company name change. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2(Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) 5. Leased or Rental Deed Document or agreement for Preparation Unit. Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 200/- + document charge 235/- + document charge Page | 212 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 185. Manufacturing Chemist Details Change: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for chemist detail change in license. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-F (Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) 5. Chemist_Appointment_Willingness_Bio-data_Degree Certificate Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 200/- + document charge 235/- + document charge Page | 213 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 186. Manufacturing Godown Deletion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Godown Deletion Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-F (Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 200/- + document charge 235/- + document charge Page | 214 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 187. Manufacturing Godown Inclusion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Godown Inclusion Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-F (Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) 5. Leased or Rental deed or Agreement for Stores Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 200/- + document charge 235/- + document charge Page | 215 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 188. Manufacturing Responsible Person Details Change: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Change in responsible person details. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-F (Mandatory) 2. Request Letter (Mandatory) 3. Additional documents 1 (If Any) 4. Additional Documents 2(If Any) 5. Person Responsible Form. Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 200/- + document charge 235/- + document charge Page | 216 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 189. Wholesale Dealer New: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for New Whole Sale Dealer License Required Document: Person Responsible Form, Undertaking by the dealer for Sale points and Storage points, Chemist Bio-data,Chemist Willingness Letter,Chemist Appointment Letter,Chemist Degree Certificate,List of Lab Equipments ,List of Straight Micronutrients ,Request Letter by USER,Additional documents 1 (If Any),Additional documents 2 (If Any). Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 2250/- + document charge 2285/- + document charge Page | 217 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 190. Wholesale Dealer Renewal: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Renewal of Wholesale Dealer License Required Document: Person Responsible Form,Undertaking by the dealer for Sale points and Storage points,Sales made for Last 3 Years,Sample Drawn Particulars For Last 3 Years Duly counter signed by Respective MAO,ADA,Copy of FormA2,Non Conviction certificate duly signed by MAO or ADA,Copy of Existing Form-F ,Request Letter by USER,Additional documents 1 (If Any),Additional documents 2 (If Any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 2250/- + document charge 2285/- + document charge Page | 218 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 191. Wholesale Dealer Duplicate: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for duplicate wholesale dealer. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2 2. Request Letter by User 3. Additional Documents 1(if any) 4. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 75/- + document charge 110/- + document charge Page | 219 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 192. Wholesale Dealer Change of Firm Name: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for firm name change in license Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2 2. Copy of Existing Form- F 3. Request Letter by User 4. Additional Documents 1(if any) 5. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 150/- + document charge 185/- + document charge Page | 220 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 193. Wholesale Dealer Form O Inclusion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for form O inclusion in wholesale dealer license Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2 2. Copy of Existing Form- F 3. Request Letter by User 4. Additional Documents 1(if any) 5. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 150/- + document charge 185/- + document charge Page | 221 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 194. Wholesale Dealer Godown Deletion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Godown deletion. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2 2. Copy of Existing Form- F 3. Request Letter by User 4. Additional Documents 1(if any) 5. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 150/- + document charge 185/- + document charge Page | 222 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 195. Wholesale Dealer Godown Inclusion: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Godown Inclusion Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2 2. Copy of Existing Form- F 3. Request Letter by User 4. Additional Documents 1(if any) 5. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 150/- + document charge 185/- + document charge Page | 223 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 196. Wholesale Dealer inclusion of imported products: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for inclusion of imported products Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2 2. Copy of Existing Form- F 3. Request Letter by User 4. Additional Documents 1(if any) 5. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 150/- + document charge 185/- + document charge Page | 224 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 197. Wholesale Dealer Responsible Person Details Change: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for responsible person details change. Required Document: 1. Copy of Form-A2 2. Copy of Existing Form- F 3. Request Letter by User 4. Additional Documents 1(if any) 5. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 150/- + document charge 185/- + document charge Page | 225 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 198. Wholesale Dealer Sale Point Address Change: Description:The Retail dealer application facilitate to applicants for Sale Point Address Change. Required Document: 6. Copy of Form-A2 7. Copy of Existing Form- F 8. Request Letter by User 9. Additional Documents 1(if any) 10. Additional Documents 2(if any) Workflow: Approval Authority:ADA SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 30 days 35/- Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 150/- + document charge 185/- + document charge Page | 226 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XI.Labour Department Page | 227 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 199. Registration of Shop/Establishment: Description: Citizen registers their shop on establishment under APSE act under section 3. Required Documents: 1. Photograph of front view of establishment showing name board 2. Proof of address of establishment* 3. Photograph of employer 4. Proof of date of opening. Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 7 days 35/- As Stipulated 35/- + Statutory Charges Page | 228 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 200. Renewal of Shop/Establishment: Description: Citizen needs to renewal their shop once on establishment before their validity period gets expired. Required Documents: 1. Photograph of front view of establishment showing name board 2. Proof of address of establishment* 3. Photograph of employer 4. Proof of date of opening. Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 7 days 35/- As Stipulated 35/- + Statutory Charges Page | 229 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 201. Notice of Change: Description: If any labour of the shop changes or location of the shop changes (except shop name) they need to apply for notice of change. Required Documents: No Documents Required Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 7 days 35/- As Stipulated 35/- + Statutory Charges Page | 230 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 202. Duplicate Certificate for Registered Establishment/ Shop: Description: If original certificate of registration of shop is lost, then the owner of the shop on establishment can apply for the duplicate. Required Documents: No Documents Required Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 7 days 35/- As Stipulated 35/- + Statutory Charges Page | 231 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 203. AMENDMENT OF Contractor License: Description: Citizen can apply for Changes in Contractor Licenses. Required Documents: Previous Registration Document Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 15 days 35/- 2000/- 2035/- Page | 232 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 204. Amendments Registration of Establishment: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Registration of Establishments. Required Documents: Previous Registration Documents Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- 2000/- 2035/- Page | 233 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 205. License of Contractor Description: Citizen can avail this service to get the Contractor License from the Labour Officer Required Documents: 1. Photo,Work order from Principal Employer, Security Deposit Challen no, 2. Rent Agreement,Form 5 prescribed proforma, 3. Photo ID Proof, 4. Joint Under taking in prescribed form. Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- 2000/- 2035/- + Page | 234 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 206. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OR COMPLETION OF WORK: Description: Required Documents: For Conrtactor---Complettion Work order, Bank Pass Book 1st page,A/c No. Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- 2000/- 2035/- + Page | 235 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 207. Registration of Establishment Employing Contract: Description: The owner of the shop can apply for establishment of Employing Contracts Required Documents: 1. MOA, 2. Rent Agreement, 3. Address Proof of Establishment, 4. Annexure for Contract, 5. Photo of Chairman/MD. Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- 2000/- 2035/- + Page | 236 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 208. Registration of Motor Transport: Description: Required Documents: 1. Copy of Registered Certificate, 2. Copy Of building permission sanctioned by the Municipal Autorities, 3. Copy Of Occupency Certificate & Structural Sound Certificate After 2006 , 4. Copy Of Registered Lease Deed / OwnerShip Certitficate, 5. Copy Of building permission sanctioned by the Municipal Autorities, 6. Copy Of Up to Date Property Tax / Co Charges, 7. Clearence from Fire Authority, 8. Copy of Recognition Certificate. Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- 6000/(Challan Amount) 6035/Page | 237 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 209. Renewal of Contract License: Description: If the Time has been expired, then citizen can avail this service to renewal of Contract License. Required Documents: Form V,VI Workflow: Approval Authority: ALO (Assistant Labour Officer)/ACL (Assistant Commissioner of Labour) SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- Nil 35/- + Page | 238 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XII.Mines and Geology Department Page | 239 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 210. Reconnaissance Permit: Description: Reconnaissance Permit is filed for inventory of the mineral deposits through aerial surveys. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form 2. ITCC/Affidavit 3. Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4. Sketch 5. Challan 6. Passport Size Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Director SLA for Delivery : Service Category SLA Charge B 180 days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Statutory Charge Total(Rs) Nil 185/- Page | 240 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 211. Prospecting License: Description: The Prospecting License is filed for taking up exploration/prospecting of the mineral bearing area so as to assess the reserves and feasibility of the mineral for taking up exploitation of the mineral. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form 2. ITCC/Affidavit 3. Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4. Sketch 5. Challan 6. Passport Size Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Director SLA for Delivery : Service Category SLA Charge B 270 days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Statutory Charge Total(Rs) Nil 185/- Page | 241 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 212. Mining Lease: Description: The Mining Lease application is filed for extraction/removal of mineral deposits for major minerals. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form 2. ITCC/Affidavit 3. Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4. Sketch 5. Challan 6. Passport Size Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Director SLA for Delivery : Service Category SLA Charge B 1 Year 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Statutory Charge Total(Rs) Nil 185/- Page | 242 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 213. Granite Quarry Lease: Description: The Granite Quarry Lease application is filed for extraction/removal and dispatch of granite deposits. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form 2. ITCC/Affidavit 3. Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4. Sketch 5. Challan 6. Passport Size Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Director SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 180 days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Statutory Charge Total(Rs) Nil 185/- Page | 243 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 214. Marble Quarry Lease: Description: The Marble Quarry Lease application is filed for extraction/removal and dispatch of marble deposits. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form 2. ITCC/Affidavit 3. Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4. Sketch 5. Challan 6. Passport Size Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Deputy Director SLA for Delivery : Service Statutory Category SLA Charge Charge B 180 days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil Total(Rs) 185/- Page | 244 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 215. Other Quarry Lease: Description:The Quarry Lease application is filed for extraction/removal and dispatch of minor minerals mainly useful for building material. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form 2. ITCC/Affidavit 3. Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4. Sketch 5. Challan 6. Passport Size Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Director SLA for Delivery : Service Category SLA Charge B 120 days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Statutory Charge Total(Rs) Nil 185/- Page | 245 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 216. Mineral Dealer License: Description:The mineral dealer licence is issued for storing/stocking/trading of both major and minor minerals and despatch. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form 2. ITCC/Affidavit 3. Form I/J/B/E/C/R 4. Sketch 5. Challan 6. Passport Size Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Deputy Director SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Charge Charge B 30 days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil Total(Rs) 185/- Page | 246 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 217. Annual Fee Payment: Description:This Service is used for Annual Fee Payment Required Documents: No Document Required Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge A 15 Min 35/- As Stipulated 35/- + Statutory Charges Page | 247 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 218. Generate Transit Form: Description:This Service is used for Generation of Transit Forms Required Documents: No Document Required Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge A 15 Min Nil Nil Nil Page | 248 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 219. Request for Mineral Permit: Description:This Service is used to Request for Mineral Permit System. Required Documents: No Document Required Workflow: Approval Authority: Director SLA for Delivery: Service Category SLA Charge B 10Days Nil Statutory Charge Total(Rs) As Stipulated Statutory Charges Page | 249 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 220. Update Dispatch Details: Description:This Service is used to Request for Mineral Permit System. Required Documents: No Document Required Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge A 15 Min Nil Nil Nil Page | 250 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 221. Update Dispatch Details: Description:This Service is used to Request for Mineral Permit System. Required Documents: No Document Required Workflow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for Delivery: Service Statutory Category SLA Total(Rs) Charge Charge A 15 Min Nil Nil Nil Page | 251 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XIII.Industries and Commerce Department Page | 252 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 222. Investment Subsidy: Description:Investment subsidy is the subsidy applicable to the eligible industries or services on fixed capital investment, i.e. Land, Building, plant and machinery or equipment. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager(GM) & othersJoint Director SLA for Delivery: Statu Categ Service tory Total(R SLA ory Charge Char s) ge GM/DIC (Micro/ 35/- + Medium/ Large/ 150/B Mega-30 Days & Nil 185/Courier Commissionerate/S Charger LC- 60 Days, Page | 253 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 223. Pavala Vaddi: Description: This is the interest subsidy reimbursed for all eligible new Micro and Small Enterprises on the term Loan availed on Fixed Capital Investment i.e. over and above 3% interest per annum to the extent of 9% maximum. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager(GM) & others-Joint Director SLA for Delivery: Servic Statuto Cate Total(R SLA e ry gory s) Charge Charge 35/- + GM/DIC (Micro/ 150/Medium/ Large/ Courie B Mega-30 Days & Nil 185/r Commissionerate/S Charge LC- 60 Days, r Page | 254 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 224. Power Cost Reimbursement: Description:Reimbursement of fixed power cost on energy consumption charges to the eligible enterprises for a period of five (5) years from the date of commencement of commercial production. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager(GM) & othersJoint Director SLA for Delivery: Statuto Cate Service Total(R SLA ry gory Charge s) Charge GM/DIC (Micro/ 35/- + Medium/ Large/ 150/B Mega-30 Days & Nil 185/Courier Commissionerate Charger /SLC- 60 Days, Page | 255 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 225. Sales Tax Reimbursement: Description:This is the reimbursement of VAT/CST or State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) for the eligible enterprises for a period of five years from the date of commencement of commercial production. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager(GM) & othersJoint Director SLA for Delivery: Statutor Cate Service Total(R SLA y gory Charge s) Charge GM/DIC (Micro/ 35/- + Medium/ Large/ 150/B Mega-30 Days & Nil 185/Courier Commissionerate/ Charger SLC- 60 Days, Page | 256 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 226. Stamp duty / Land Cost / land conversion charges / mortgage duty: Description:This is the reimbursement of duty paid by the eligible entrepreneur (i.e. 100% of the duty will be reimbursed the eligible micro, small, medium and large enterprise) Land Cost: Reimbursement of 25% land cost in IE/IDA/IP’s limited to Rs.10.00 Lakh to the eligible industrial enterprises located at Industrial Estates/Industrial Parks. Land conversion charges: Reimbursement of 25% Land conversion charges for industrial use limited to Rs.10.00 Lakh for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises only. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager(GM) & othersJoint Director Page | 257 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I SLA for Delivery: Categor y B SLA Service Charge Statut ory Charg e Total(Rs) GM/DIC (Micro/ Medium/ Large/ Mega-30 Days & Commiss ionerate/ SLC- 60 Days, 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 258 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 227. Cleaner Production Measures: Description:Reimbursement of 25% subsidy limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs, on the cost incurred on capital equipment installation for specific cleaner production measures. Cleaner production measures are adoption of cleaner technologies and techniques within the industry to reduce and avoid pollution and waste in the entire production cycle. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager(GM) & othersJoint Director SLA for Delivery: Statuto Cate Service Total(R SLA ry gory Charge s) Charge GM/DIC (Micro/ 35/- + Medium/ Large/ 150/B Mega-30 Days & Nil 185/Courier Commissionerat Charger e/SLC- 60 Days, Page | 259 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 228. Skills Up gradation: Description:This is the reimbursement for the eligible enterprises on cost involved in skill up gradation and training the local manpower. Reimbursement of 50% cost involved in skill up gradation and training limited to Rs.2000/- per person as a onetime facility. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager (GM) & others-Joint Director SLA for Delivery: Statuto Categ Service Total(R SLA ry ory Charge s) Charge GM/DIC (Micro/ 35/- + Medium/ Large/ 150/B Mega-30 Days & Nil 185/Courier Commissionerate Charger /SLC- 60 Days, Page | 260 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 229. ISO/BSI Up gradation: Description:Reimbursement of the expenses incurred for quality certification/patent registration. i.e., 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification/ patent registration limited to Rs. 2.00 Lakhs for the eligible Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Micro-General Manager (GM) & others-Joint Director SLA for Delivery: Statuto Catego Service Total(R SLA ry ry Charge s) Charge GM/DIC (Micro/ 35/- + Medium/ Large/ 150/B Mega-30 Days & Nil 185/Courier Commissionerat Charger e/SLC- 60 Days, Page | 261 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XIV.ICT Department Page | 262 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 230. 25% Power Subsidy: Description:25% power subsidy on power bills for a period of 3 years or Rs.30 Lakhs whichever is earlier, from the date of commercial operations Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 263 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 231. Conversion to Industrial Power Subsidy: Description:Industrial Power Tariff is admissible to all the units/companies of ICT Industry as per eligibility and as indicated/ defined under ICT policy 2010-2015. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 264 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 232. 100%/50% Stamp Duty Refund: Description:100%/50% reimbursement of stamp duty, transfer duty and registration fee paid by IT Industry & Communication technology industry companies on sale/lease deeds on the first transaction. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 265 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 233. vRecruitment Assistant: Description: Rs.15 Lakhs as recruitment assistance, basing on the level of employment generated, for employing minimum 100 IT employees. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 266 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 234. 50% Exhibition Refund: Exhibition stall rental cost will be reimbursed for participating in the notified national/international exhibitions limited to 9 sq.mts of space. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Description:50% Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 267 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 235. Tier II/III Location Anchor Company Incentive: Description:Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Vijayawada, Tirupati, Warangal are emerging as Tier II IT hubs in the state, besides above Tier II locations, all towns & district headquarters, in the state will be developed as Tier III locations. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secreatry SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 268 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 236. Reimbursement of Patent filing cost: Description: The Government will reimburse the cost of filing patents to companies having their head quarters in Andhra Pradesh for successfully receiving patents. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 269 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 237. Declaration of IT Park Status: Description:IT/ITES Units/Companies/IT Parks so notified by Information Technology and Communications Department are exempted from payment of land usage conversion charges. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 270 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 238. Reimbursement of Quality Certification expenditure: Description: The Government of Andhra Pradesh will reimburse 20% of expenditure incurred for obtaining quality certification for CMM Level 2 upwards. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 271 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 239. Specific Incentives for SC/ST/ Women Entrepreneurs: Description: SC/ST Entrepreneurs are those ICT companies, having a stake more than 51% shareholding of SC/ST entrepreneurs, in the said ICT company/unit/activity. Women Entrepreneur are those ICT units established as sole proprietress or invariably having 51% share of women entrepreneurs in the said ICT company/unit/activity. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 272 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 240. Allotment of land: Description: All allotment of Government land to the IT Industry are made subject to availability, fulfillment of certain eligibility criteria by the applicant IT/ITES company, and on payment of land cost & development cost, as determined from time to time by the allotment agencies. Required Documents: 1. MeeSeva Application Form 2. Department Application Form Workflow: Approval Authority: Secretary SLA for Delivery: Catego ry B SLA Service Charge Statuto ry Charge Total(R s) 90 Days 35/- + 150/Courier Charger Nil 185/- Page | 273 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XV.Election Department Page | 274 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 241. Application of transposition: Description:If citizen wants to change from one assembly constituency to another assembly constituency then they can opt this service Required Documents: Address Proof (such as Driving License, Electricity Bill, Passport, Ration card, Telephone Bill, Voter ID Card). Work Flow: Approval Authority:ERO(Electoral Roll Officer)/AERO SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(R s) B 30 Days 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 275 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 242. Application for inclusion of Name in the Electoral Roll: Description: The citizen opt this service to include their name in the electoral roll. Required Documents: Address Proof (such as Driving License, Electricity Bill, Passport, Ration card, Telephone Bill, Voter ID Card). Work Flow: Approval Authority:ERO (Electoral Roll Officer)/AERO SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 30 Days 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 276 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 243. Application of change of details: Description:The citizen can opt this service for mutations of details in the voter card Required Documents: Address Proof (such as Driving License, Electricity Bill, Passport, Ration card, Telephone Bill, Voter ID Card). Work Flow: Approval Authority:ERO (Electoral Roll Officer)/AERO SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(R s) B 30 Days 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 277 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 244. Issue of Voter Certificate/I-Card: Description:The citizen can avail this service to own their voter card. Required Documents: Address Proof (such as Driving License, Electricity Bill, Passport, Ration card, Telephone Bill, Voter ID Card). Work Flow: Approval Authority:Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Statuto Catego Service SLA ry ry Charge Charge A 15 Min 10/- Nil Total(R s) 10/- Page | 278 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 245. Issuance of PVC Card: Description: The citizen can avail this service to own their PVC voter card. Required Documents: Address Proof (such as Driving License, Electricity Bill, Passport, Ration card, Telephone Bill, Voter ID Card). Work Flow: Approval Authority: Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Statuto Catego Service Total(R SLA ry ry Charge s) Charge A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 279 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 246. Application for Objection/Deletion of Name in Electoral roll Description:If citizen wants to delete their name from electoral roll then they can opt this service. Required Documents: Address Proof (such as Driving License, Electricity Bill, Passport, Ration card, Telephone Bill, Voter ID Card). Work Flow: Approval Authority: ERO (Electoral Roll Officer)/AERO SLA for Delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 30 Days 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 280 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XVI. Social Welfare Department Page | 281 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 247. Application for Scholarship (Renewal) Description: The student from 5th to 10th can opt this service to avail the scholarship(Renewal) through Mee Seva. Required Documents: 1. Application Form Work Flow: Approval Authority:Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Statuto Catego Service SLA ry ry Charge Charge A 15 Min 25/- Nil Total(R s) 25/- Page | 282 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 248. PreMatriculation Scholarship Service Description: The student can opt this service to avail the scholarship (Renewal) through Mee Seva. Required Documents: 1. Application Form Work Flow: Approval Authority: Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Statuto Catego Service Total(R SLA ry ry Charge s) Charge A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 283 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 249. Application for Scholarship (Fresh) Description: The student from 5th to 10th can opt this service to avail the scholarship (Fresh) through Mee Seva. Required Documents: 1. Application Form Work Flow: Approval Authority: Delivered across the counter SLA for Delivery: Catego ry SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 7 Days 35/- + Postal Charges Nil 35/- + Postal Charges Page | 284 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XVII. EPDCL Department Page | 285 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 250. NAME CHANGE SERVICE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Name Changed using his Existing Service Connection Number. Documents Needed :. 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Indemnity Bond 7. Transfer Transfree Document 8. Latest Bill and Receipt Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e 25/- + As B 7 Days 35/Stipula ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 286 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 251. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 287 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 252. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Street Lights .If there is any due in payment of amount. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2.Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 288 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 253. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate 25/- + LT Urban-2Days, As B Rural- 7 days/ Without 35/Stipula Estimate LT-30Days, ted 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV- Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 289 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 90 Days, EHT 180 Days) 254. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. If there is any due in payment of amount. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate 25/- + LT Urban-2Days, As B 35/Rural- 7 days/ Without Stipula Estimate LT-30Days, ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 290 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV90 Days, EHT 180 Days) Page | 291 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 255. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-COMMERCIAL Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Commercial. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority: Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 292 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 256. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIALHOARDINGS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection-Hoardings. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 293 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 257. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Domestic. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 294 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 258. LOAD CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Load changed for an existing Connection. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Categ ory B SLA Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without Estimate LT-30Days, 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV90 Days, EHT 180 Days) Servi ce Char ge Statut ory Charg e Total(R s) 35/- 25/- + As Stipula ted 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 295 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 259. CATEGORY CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the category changed for an existing Connection through Mee Seva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Categ ory B SLA 7 Days Servi ce Char ge 35/- Statut ory Charg e 25/- + As Stipula ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 296 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XVIII. CPDCL DEPARTMENT Page | 297 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 260. NAME CHANGE SERVICE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Name Changed using his Existing Service Connection Number. Documents Needed :. 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Indemnity Bond 7. Transfer Transfree Document 8. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. A Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e 25/- + As B 7 Days 35/Stipula ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 298 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 261. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 299 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 262. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Street Lights .If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2.Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, 25/- + Rural- 7 days/ Without As B Estimate LT-30Days, 35/Stipula 11Kv-60 Days, 33KVted 90 Days, EHT 180 Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 300 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 263. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate 25/- + LT Urban-2Days, As B Rural- 7 days/ Without 35/Stipula Estimate LT-30Days, ted 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV- Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 301 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 90 Days, EHT 180 Days) 264. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. If there is any due in payment of amount. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate 25/- + LT Urban-2Days, As B 35/Rural- 7 days/ Without Stipula Estimate LT-30Days, ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 302 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV90 Days, EHT 180 Days) 265. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-COMMERCIAL Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Commercial. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority: Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate 25/- + B LT Urban-2Days, 35/As Rural- 7 days/ Without Stipula Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat Page | 303 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Estimate LT-30Days, 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV90 Days, EHT 180 Days) ted ed 266. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIALHOARDINGS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection-Hoardings. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate 25/- + B 35/LT Urban-2Days, As Total(R s) 60/As + Page | 304 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Rural- 7 days/ Without Estimate LT-30Days, 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV90 Days, EHT 180 Days) Stipula ted Stipulat ed 267. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Domestic. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory Total(R SLA ory Char Charg s) ge e B Cat B, (With Estimate 35/25/- + 60/- + Page | 305 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without Estimate LT-30Days, 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV90 Days, EHT 180 Days) As Stipula ted As Stipulat ed 268. LOAD CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Load changed for an existing Connection. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate 25/- + B LT Urban-2Days, 35/As Rural- 7 days/ Without Stipula Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat Page | 306 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Estimate LT-30Days, 11Kv-60 Days, 33KV90 Days, EHT 180 Days) ted ed Page | 307 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 269. CATEGORY CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the category changed for an existing Connection through Mee Seva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill with Receipt 3. Category and Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e 25/- + 7 Days As B 35/Stipula ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 308 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 270. NEW CONNECTION FOR AGRICULTURE SERVICES: Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Agriculture Lands. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 309 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XIX. TECHNICAL EDUCATION Page | 310 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 271. Application for Migration Certificate: Description: The Student can apply this for Migration Certificate from Dept. to continue studies in other Institutions/State. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Secretary SLA for delivery: Categor Service SLA y Charge 3Days(Afte r 1984), B 6Days 35/(Before 1984) Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 600/- 635/- Page | 311 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 272. Interim Certificate: Description: Student applies for Temporary Diploma certificate till original memorandum is issues Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Secretary SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 600/- 635/- 3Days Page | 312 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 273. Genuineness of Certificate: Description: Declaration from the College stating that certificates available with student are genuine Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Secretary SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 600/- 635/- 7Days Page | 313 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 274. Duplicate Marks Memo: Description: Student Duplicate marks memo issued by the department. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Secretary SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 600/- 635/- 3 Days Page | 314 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XX. Collegiate Education Page | 315 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 275. Application for admission into colleges: Description: Students can avail this servicefor admission into colleges Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Principal SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 25/- Nil 25/- 15 min Page | 316 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 276. Transfer Certificate: Description: Student can avail this service for transfer certificate. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Principal SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 6/- 41/- 5 Days Page | 317 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 277. Bonafide Certificate: Description: Student can avail this service for Bonafide certificate. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Principal SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 1/- 36/- 4 Days Page | 318 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 278. Conduct Certificate: Description: Student can avail this service for Conduct certificate. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Principal SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 1/- 36/- 3 Days Page | 319 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXI. Co operative Societies Page | 320 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 279. Amendment of Bye laws: Description: Citizen can avail this service for any changes to be done in registered Society Documents Needed: 1. Application Form 2. New Bye Laws Work flow: Approval Authority: DCO/DLCO SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge B 35/- 30 Days Statutory Charge 1% of Registratio n Fee Subject to Minimum Rs. 50/- Total(Rs) 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 321 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 280. Co operative Society Registration: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Co operative Society Registration. Documents Needed: 1. ID proof and Address proofs 2. Copy of proposed Bye-laws 3. Form A 4. Declaration forms 5. Resolution forms Work flow: Approval Authority: DCO/DLCO SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y B Cat B, 30 days - APCS 60 days – MACS Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 322 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 281. Conversion of Registered Cooperative Society to 1995 acts: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Conversion of registered cooperative Society to 1995 act. Documents Needed: No Document Required Work flow: Approval Authority: DCO/DLCO SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges 45 Days Page | 323 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 282. Issuance of Registration Certificate: Description: Citizen can avail this service for issuance of Registration Certificate. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: DCO/DLCO SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges 10 Days Page | 324 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 283. Issue of Certified Copy of Bye Law: Description: Citizen can avail this service for issue of certified copy of Bye Law. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: DCO/DLCO SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges 10 Days Page | 325 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXII. Rural Development Page | 326 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 284. Request for AIDS & Appliances: Description: Application for AIDS and Appliances for disabled – the SADAREM certified PwD can made a request for Appliances. The PwD unit will maintain a queue of the requests to serve them based on the availability of appliance or to give demand to NGOs for additional appliances, who are interested to donate. Documents Needed: No Documents Required Work flow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 25/- Nil 25/- 15 Min Page | 327 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 285. Request for SADAREM Certificate: Description: Application for SADAREM certification – The PwD unit will maintain a queue of the requests to arrange the Medical Camps based on the demand and availability of medical experts. Documents Needed: No Documents Required Work flow: Approval Authority: SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 25/- Nil 25/- 15 Min Page | 328 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXIII. Warangal Municipal Corporation Page | 329 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 286. Application for New Tap Connection: Description: Citizen can avail this service for New Tap Connection Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- Demand + Surcharges 35/+ Statutory Charges 15 Days Page | 330 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 287. Application for New Trade License: Description: Citizen can avail this service for New Trade license Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y B 15 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- Demand + Surcharges 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 331 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 288. Application for Tax Billing of Property and Water Tax: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Tax billing of property and water tax Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- Demand + Surcharges 35/+ Statutory Charges 15 Days Page | 332 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 289. Application for Trade License Billing: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Trade License Billing. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Category B SLA 15 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- Demand + Surcharges 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 333 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 290. Final Payment for WMC Services: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Final Payment. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Municipal Commissioner SLA for delivery: Category B SLA 15 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- Demand + Surcharges 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 334 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXIV. Minority Welfare Page | 335 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 291. Certified copy of Proceedings regarding Appointment of Muthawalli: Description: The A.P.State Waqf Board after due process under the provisions of Waqf Act, 1995 will appoint a person as Muthawalli who acts as a Head of the Waqf institution like Mosque, Eidgah, Graveyard, Ashoorkhana/Panja U/s.42 or 63 as the case may be and will issue Proceedings for which the Chief Executive Officer, A.P.State Waqf Board is the competent authority. Documents Needed: 1. "Photograph" 2. "Self Declaration Letter" Work flow: Approval Authority: Delivered across the counter SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 25/- 25/- 50/- 15 Min Page | 336 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 292. Certified copy of Service Rendering Certificates for Cash Grants: Description: The A.P.State Waqf Board will issue the Service Rendering Certificates for Cash Grants to the Muthawallies Annually / Half yearly / Quarterly / Monthly as per the objects of the respective Waqf institutions for which the Chief Executive Officer, A.P.State Waqf Board is the competent authority who shall issue such certificates, then it will be uploaded to Departmental Server located at State Data Centre to facilitate the Mee Seva Centres to issue the Certified copy of the same to the citizens. Documents Needed: 1. "Photograph” 2. "Photo Copy of Original certificate Work flow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the counter SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge A 25/- 25/- 15 Min Total(Rs) 50/Page | 337 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 293. Certified copy of Proceedings regarding appointment of Management Committees: Description: The A.P.State Waqf Board after due process the provisions of Waqf Act, 1995 will constitute a Managing Committee U/s.18 and will issue Proceedings for which the Chief Executive Officer, A.P.State Waqf Board is the competent authority, then the same will be uploaded to Departmental Server located at State Data Centres to facilitate the Mee Seva centres to issue the certified copy of the same to the citizens. Documents Needed: 1. "Photograph" 2. "Self Declaration Letter" Work flow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 25/- 25/- 50/- 15 Min Page | 338 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 294. Certified Copy of Muntakhabs, Registered u/s.36 of Waqf Act 1995: Description: The A.P.State Waqf Board after due process as per the Waqf Act, 1995 will register the property U/s.36 as a permanent property of Waqf property and will issue a Muntakhab/ Registration Document for which the Chief Executive Officer, A.P.State Waqf Board is the competent authority. After publication of Muntakhab in the Gazette the same will be uploaded to Departmental Server located at State Data Centres to facilitate the Mee Seva centres to issue the certified copy of the same to the citizens. Documents Needed: 1. "Photograph" 2. "Self Declaration Letter" Work flow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) A 25/- 25/- 50/- 15 Min Page | 339 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 295. Issue of Marriage License to Pastors: Description: Citizen can avail this service to get the Marriage License to pastors. Documents Needed: 1. "Recommendation of Pastor or Main Organization" 2. "Congregation Letter with minimum 100 members" 3. "Community Cert only for BC ”C” or Baptism Certificate" 4. "Educational Qualification (Min. SSC Certificate)" 5. "Date of Birth Certificate" 6. "Bible Training Certificate in Theology or Divinity registered under Societies Act" 7. "MRO or RDO Report" 8. "SP Report" Work flow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge B 35/- Nil 30 Days Total(Rs) 35/- Page | 340 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 296. Minority Status Certificate: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate the Minority Status Certificate. Documents Needed: 1. "Society Registration Form" 2. "Society By laws/Aims and objectives of the educational agency" 3. "List of office bearers" 4. "Religious Proof of the Governing Body members" 5. "Inspection Report" 6. "Govt orders under which the institution has been permitted to be established (for renewal only)" Work flow: Approval Authority: Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y B 30 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge 35/- School – 500/-. College1000/- Total(Rs) School – 535/-, College – 1035/- Page | 341 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXV. Intermediate Education Page | 342 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 297. Duplicate Marks Memo: Description: Student can avail this service for Duplicate Marks Memo. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Principal SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 50/- 85/- 3 Days Page | 343 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 298. Migration Certificate: Description: Student can avail this service for Migration certificate. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Principal SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- 150/- 185 /- 3 Days Page | 344 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 299. Re-Counting/ Re- Verification of Marks: Description: Student can avail this service for Recounting or Reverification of marks. Documents Needed: 1. Application Form Work flow: Approval Authority: Principal SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y B 15 Days Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) 35/- Recounting – 100/-, ReVerificatio n – 600/(per subject) Recountin g – 135/-, ReVerifica tion – 635/- (Per Subject) Page | 345 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXVI. HMWS Page | 346 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 300. Application for New Water Connection: Description: Citizen can apply this for New Water Connection. Documents Needed: 1. Identity Proof* 2. Affidavit* 3. Copy Registered Deed.* 4. GHMC Occupancy Certificate* 5. Municipal Sanctioned Plan* 6. Slum Certificate* 7. Tax Receipt* Work flow: Approval Authority: Manager SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges 30 Days Page | 347 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 301. Application for enhancement of existing water Connection: Description: Citizen can apply this for Enhancement in existing Water Connection. Documents Needed: 1. Identity Proof* 2. Any of the(Affidavit, Copy Registered Deed,GHMC Occupancy Certificate, Municipal Sanctioned Plan, Slum Certificate, Tax Receipt) Work flow: Approval Authority: Manager SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges 30 Days Page | 348 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 302. Application for Disconnection Request: Description: Citizen can apply this for Disconnection of Water Connection. Documents Needed: 1. Identity Proof* 2. Any of the(Affidavit, Copy Registered Deed,GHMC Occupancy Certificate, Municipal Sanctioned Plan, Slum Certificate, Tax Receipt) Work flow: Approval Authority: Manager SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges 30 Days Page | 349 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 303. Application for Name Change Request: Description: Citizen can apply this for Name Change Request. Documents Needed: 1. Identity Proof* 2. Any of the(Affidavit, Copy Registered Deed,GHMC Occupancy Certificate, Municipal Sanctioned Plan, Slum Certificate, Tax Receipt) Work flow: Approval Authority:Manager SLA for delivery: Categor SLA y Service Charge Statutory Charge Total(Rs) B 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges 30 Days Page | 350 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXVII. School Education Page | 351 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 304. School Registration Description: School Registration service facilitates the Citizen or the Institution or the Society to apply for the registration of the school. Required Documents: 1. Application Form Any in Triplicate * 2. Original Challan Receipt * 3. Copy of Society Registration Certificate * 4. Copy of Society By-Laws * 5. Copy of National Savings Certificate * 6. Sanitation Certificate * 7. Structure Soundness Certificate * 8. Teacher's Certificate copies * 9. Building Plan * 10. Rental Deed/Ownership * 11. Self-Addressed envelope, acknowledgement and affixed Registered postage fee stamps * Workflow: Approval Authority:District Educational Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) B 7 Days 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 352 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 305. Corrections in SSC Certificates: Description: Citizen can avail this service for name Correction, Sur Name Expansion, DOB Correction, Correction of initials, Mother Name Correction in SSC Memo. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Parent Declaration Form 3. Copy of SSC Memo Workflow: Approval Authority:DGE SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B Nil 35/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 353 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXVIII. Aarogyasri Page | 354 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 306. Aarogyasri Employee Health Card: Description: Citizen can avail this service for applying the Employee Health Card. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. ID Proof Workflow: Approval Authority:DHO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B Nil 35/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 355 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXIX. Legal Metrology Page | 356 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 307. ALTERAION IN REGISTRATION OF MANUFACTURER/PACKER Description: Citizen can avail this service for Alteration in Registration of Manufacturer/Packer. Required Documents: 1. Municipal / Gram panchayat Trade License 2. Sales Tax Registration Copy with TIN 3. Whether applicant is in prescribed form: 4. Whether applicant is a sole proprietor / Managing partner / Managing Director/ Authorized signatory 5. If the applicant is an authorized signatory, proof thereto: 6. Whether registered partnership deed or articles in case of partnership form or registered company as the case may be 7. Whether furnished Name(s) and Address(s) of the proprietor / Partner / Directors 8. Whether complete address of the premises at which the pre-packing or imported and net quantities to be packed (See rule 5) 9. Whether Name(s) of the commodity /Commodities to be pre-packed or imported and net quantities to be packed (see rule 5 ) 10. Whether Trade License (details) furnished 11. Whether Label (details) are furnished 12. Recommendation of the Assistant Controller Page | 357 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 100/- 135/- 15 Days 35/- Page | 358 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 308. APPEAL AGAINST THE ORDER OF INSPECTOR/ASST CONTROLLER/DEPUTY CONTROLLER Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Appeal against the order of Inspector/Asst. Controller/Deputy Controller. Required Documents: 1. "Order against which the appeal is being made" 2. "Brief history of Case" 3. "Full facts of the case" Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 200/- 235/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 359 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 309. Appeal to Govt. against Order of Controller Description: Citizen can avail this service for appeal to Govt. against Order of Controller Required Documents: 1. "Order against which the appeal is being made" 2. "Brief history of Case" 3. "Full facts of the case" Work Flow: Approval Authority:Secretary of Civil Supplies SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) B 30 Days 35/- 500/- 535/- Page | 360 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 310. Conduct Test on Fresh Samples: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Conduct Test on Fresh Samples. Required Documents: No Documents Required Work Flow: Approval Authority:Assistant Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge Total (Rs) B 2,535/- 30 Days 35/- 2,500/- Page | 361 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 311. Grant of Dealing License: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: 1. "Copies of certificates of approval of models by GOI and manufacturing licence" 2. "Muncipal trade licence" 3. "Security deposit" 4. "Proof of identity of the applicant" 5. "Whether application is signed by (1)Proprietor (2)Managing partner (3) Managing director" 6. "Test report of the Assistant controller with regard to the weighinh & measuring instruments 7. "Operational manual for all approved models of the weighing & measuring instruments" Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 2,000/- 2,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 362 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 312. Grant of Manufacturing License: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Manufacturing License. Required Documents: 1. "Copies of certificates of approval of models by GOI" 2. "Secure deposit" 3. "Labour licence" 4. "Lease/Rental/ownership deed of promises" 5. "Original Skilled Worker certificate to be enclosed with the aplication" 6. "Proof of identity of the applicant" 7. "Signature of applicant in the application" 8. "Willingness of the skilled worker and attested by the applicant" 9. "Test reports of the RDC with regards of weighing & Measuring instruments" Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 10,000/- 10,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 363 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 313. Grant of Repairing License: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Repairing License Required Documents: 1. "List of tools" 2. "Verification certificate of the weighing and measuring instruments" 3. "Security deposit" 4. "Lease/Rental/Ownership deed of the premises" 5. "Proof of identity of the applicant" 6. "Original Skilled Worker certificate deposited with the Asst.Controller concerned" 7. "Whether application is signed by (1)Proprietor (2)Managing partner (3) Managing director" 8. "Workshop test report by the ILM/DILM" Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 5,000/- 5,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 364 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 314. Registration as Manufacturer/Packer/Importer: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate for Registration as Manufacturer/Packer/Importer. Required Documents: 1. Municipal / Gram panchayat Trade License 2. Sales Tax Registration Copy with TIN 3. Whether applicant is in prescribed form: 4. Whether applicant is a sole proprietor / Managing partner / Managing Director/ Authorized signatory 5. If the applicant is an authorized signatory, proof thereto: 6. Whether registered partnership deed or articles in case of partnership form or registered company as the case may be 7. Whether furnished Name(s) and Address(s) of the proprietor / Partner / Directors 8. Whether complete address of the premises at which the pre-packing or imported and net quantities to be packed (See rule 5) 9. Whether Name(s) of the commodity /Commodities to be pre-packed or imported and net quantities to be packed (see rule 5 ) 10. Whether Trade License (details) furnished 11. Whether Label (details) are furnished 12. Recommendation of the Assistant Controller Page | 365 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 500/- 535/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 366 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 315. Issue of Duplicate License: Description: Citizen can avail this service for issuance of Duplicate license Required Documents: 1. Identification Copy 2. Non traceable certificate by the police Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 10,000/- 10,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 367 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 316. Duplicate Verification of License: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate duplicate verification of License. Required Documents: 1. Identification Copy 2. Non traceable certificate by the police Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 10,000/- 10,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 368 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 317. Alteration of License: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Alteration of License Required Documents: 1. Id proof 2. Duplicate &Original Copys of licences 3. Any relevant document such as Partner Deal,Premises Change,Skilled worker Certificate Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 10,000/- 10,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 369 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXX. SPDCL Department Page | 370 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 318. NAME CHANGE SERVICE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Name Changed using his Existing Service Connection Number. Documents Needed :. 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Indemnity Bond 7. Transfer Transfree Document 8. Latest Bill and Receipt 9. A Form Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e 25/- + As B 7 Days 35/Stipula ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 371 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 319. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-GENERAL PURPOSE Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 372 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 320. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6A-STREET LIGHTS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Street Lights .If there is any due in payment of amount. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2.Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 373 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 321. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-6B-WATER WORKS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 374 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 322. NEW CONNECTION - RELIGIOUS PLACES (Temples, Church, Mosque, Govt. Schools etc.) Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Water Works. If there is any due in payment of amount. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 375 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 323. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-COMMERCIAL Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Commercial. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority: Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 376 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 324. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE COMMERCIALHOARDINGS Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection-Hoardings. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 377 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 325. NEW CONNECTION SERVICE-DOMESTIC Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the new Electricity connection for Domestic. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1.Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Workflow: Approval Authority: Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 378 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 326. LOAD CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the Load changed for an existing Connection. The citizen will be getting a message to his/ her mobile regarding the due payment and repay his amount through Meeseva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill With Receipt 3. Category And Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 379 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 327. CATEGORY CHANGE Description: This Service Facilitates Citizen to get the category changed for an existing Connection through Mee Seva Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Latest Power Bill with Receipt 3. Category and Load Change Undertaking Form Workflow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e 25/- + 7 Days As B 35/Stipula ted Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 380 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 328. Category Load Change: Description:This Service Facilitates Citizen to avail both Category change and load change for the existing connection. Documents Needed : 1. Application Form 2. Identification like Ration Card/Vote Card/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card 3. Caste Certificate (Mandatory if SC/ST) 4. Owner Ship Certificate/Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Indemnity Bond in case of Leased Premises 5. Municipality/Gram panchayat Permission Letter 6. Photo Work flow: Approval Authority : Assistant Divisional Engineer SLA for delivery: Servi Statut Categ ce ory SLA ory Char Charg ge e Cat B, (With Estimate LT Urban-2Days, Rural- 7 days/ Without 25/- + Estimate LT-30Days, As B 35/11Kv-60 Days, 33KVStipula 90 Days, EHT 180 ted Days) Total(R s) 60/- + As Stipulat ed Page | 381 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXXI. Endowment Department Page | 382 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 329. SRI DURGA MALLESWARA SEVA TICKET BOOKING: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: Application Form Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 2,000/- 2,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 383 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 330. Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Seva Ticket Booking: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: Application Form Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 2,000/- 2,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 384 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 331. Sri Venkateshwara Swamy Seva Ticket Booking: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: Application Form Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 2,000/- 2,035/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 385 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXXII. Health Care Department Page | 386 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 332. Allopathic Medical care/Hospital Registration Description: Allopathic Medical care/Hospital Registration service facilitates for registering a hospital, Clinic or Consultation at least with at least minimum facilities Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Photo Copy of Lease Document* 3. Doctor Particulars in Annexure A* 4. Nursing Staff Particulars in Annexure B* 5. Paramedical Staff Particulars in Annexure C* 6. Supporting Staff Particulars in Annexure D* 7. Details of Specialties Available* 8. Details of Equipments and Furniture* 9. Audit Report of Last Two years* 10. Declaration on Stamp paper* 11. Demand Draft towards Registration Fee* 12. One set of photographs of the premises with its Functional areas (hard copy and Soft copy)* 13. Self addressed envelope, acknowledgement and affixed Registered postage fee stamps Workflow: Approval Authority: District Medical & Health officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) B 90 Days 35/- As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 387 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 333. Registration or Renewal of Scanning Center Permission: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Furnish copy of association and name and address(incase of type of organization is other) 3. Enclosure of Name. Qualification, Experience, of all the Employees 4. Affidavit Work Flow: Approval Authority:Controller SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B 30 Days 35/- 25,000/- for single center & 35,000 for multiple centers Total (Rs) 35/+ 25,000/- for single center & 35,000 for multiple centers Page | 388 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXXIII. Factories Department: Page | 389 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 334. Annual Payments: Description: Citizen can avail this service for Final Payment of Factories Required Documents: 1. Application Form Work Flow: Approval Authority:Delivered Across the counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Based on Annual fee Payment 25/+ Statutory Charges Page | 390 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 335. Annual Returns: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitates the Annual Returns Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Application Form(Form- 2) 3. Drawing 4. Process Design 5. Scale 6. Pan Card Work Flow: Approval Authority:Delivered Across the Counter SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) A 15 Min 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 391 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 336. Amendments in Man Power/Horse Power Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate the Number of Man power in the factories. Required Documents: 1. Mee Seva Application Form* 2. Plan Approval Document 3.Pan Card of organization/ Aadhar Card of Occupier * Work Flow: Approval Authority:DCF/DOF SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 7 Days 35/- Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 50/- + (33/for local post, 46/for non local post) 85/- + (33/for local post, 46/for non local post) Page | 392 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 337. Change of Manager/ Occupier Description: Citizen can avail this service for Change in Manager / occupier in the Factory. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Factory License 3. Pan Card Scan Copy 4. Board Resolution Work Flow: Approval Authority:DCF/DOF SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 7 Days 35/- Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 50/- + (33/for local post, 46/for non local post) 85/- + (33/for local post, 46/for non local post) Page | 393 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 338. Plan Amendments Application: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Changes in the Plan of the Factory Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Stature Stability Certificate 3. Drawing 4. Process Design 5. Scale 6. Pan Card 7. Board Resolution Work Flow: Approval Authority:DCF/DOF SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 30 Days 35/- Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 100/- + (33/for local post, 46/for non local post) 100/- + (33/for local post, 46/for non local post) Page | 394 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXXIV. Fisheries Department Page | 395 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 339. Compliance Form for License Application Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate the License. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Pattadhar pass book / ROR –lease deed* 3. FMB of proposed pond* 4. Pond explanatory sketch * 5. Village explanatory map with distance * 6. Notice on GP notice board* 7. No objection from neighboring farm* 8. Pond 80%area certificate* 9. Walta ACT2002 Affidavit* Work Flow: Approval Authority:District Fishery Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge Total (Rs) B 35/- 60 Days 35/- Nil Page | 396 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 340. Final Registration of New Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Description: Citizen can avail this service to register for the Fresh Water Acquaculture Farm Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Pattadhar pass book / ROR –lease deed* 3. FMB of proposed pond* 4. Pond explanatory sketch * 5. Village explanatory map with distance * 6. Notice on GP notice board* 7. No objection from neighboring farm* 8. Pond 80%area certificate* 9. Walta ACT2002 Affidavit* Work Flow: Approval Authority:District Fishery Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge Total (Rs) B 35/- 30 Days 35/- Nil Page | 397 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 341. Provisional Application for Registration of new Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Description: Citizen can avail this service to apply for provisional registration of new Fresh Water Aquaculture Farm Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Pattadhar pass book / ROR –lease deed* 3. FMB of proposed pond* 4. Pond explanatory sketch * 5. Village explanatory map with distance * 6. Notice on GP notice board* 7. No objection from neighboring farm* Work Flow: Approval Authority:District Fishery Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B 90 Days 35/- 2,00/Acre per Total (Rs) 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 398 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 342. Renewal of License Application Description: Citizen can avail this service for License Renewal Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Pattadhar pass book / ROR –lease deed* 3. FMB of proposed pond* 4. Pond explanatory sketch * 5. Village explanatory map with distance * 6. Notice on GP notice board* 7. No objection from neighboring farm* 8. Pond 80%area certificate* 9. Walta ACT2002 Affidavit* Work Flow: Approval Authority:District Fishery Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B 60 Days 35/- 2,00/Acre per Total (Rs) 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 399 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXXV. Employment Page | 400 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 343. Registration with Employee Exchange: Description: Employees can avail this service to register their name in the Employment Department. Required Documents: Education Qualification Memo’s Work Flow: Approval Authority:District Employment Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) B 5 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 401 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 344. Addition of details in Employee Exchange: Description: Employees can avail this service for addition of details in the Employment Department. Required Documents: Education Qualification Memo’s Work Flow: Approval Authority:District Employment Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Total Charge Charge (Rs) B 5 Days 35/- Nil 35/- Page | 402 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXXVI. Directorate of Medical Education Page | 403 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 345. Issue of Diploma Certificate: Description: Students can avail this service to get the Diploma Certificate from the Institution Required Documents: No Documents Required Work Flow: Approval Authority: SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15 Minutes Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 25/- 5000/- 5025/- Page | 404 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 346. Issue of Duplicate Marks Memo: Description: Students can avail this service to apply for their Duplicate Marks Memo incase of loss. Required Documents: 1. Application Form 2. Copy of Marks Memo(1st, 2nd, 3rd Year) 3. Copy of Marks Memo Internship 4. Affidavit Document Work Flow: Approval Authority: SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B 1000/- 1035/- 15 Days 35/- Page | 405 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 347. Issue of Marks Memo(I/II/III YR) Description: Students can collect their 1st , 2nd and 3rd Year Marks Memo from the nearest MeeSeva Centers Required Documents: Work Flow: Approval Authority: SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15 minutes Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 25/- Nil 25/- Page | 406 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 348. Marks Memo for Internship Description: Students can apply for Internship marks Memo from MeeSeva. Required Documents: No Documents Required Work Flow: Approval Authority: SLA for delivery: Category SLA A 15 Minutes Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 35/- 500/- 535/- Page | 407 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 349. Recounting / Re-verification of Marks Description: Students can apply for Recounting/ Reverification of Marks. Required Documents: No Document Required Work Flow: Approval Authority:District Fishery Officer SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Statutory Charge Charge B 30 Days 35/- 100/per subject Total (Rs) 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 408 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I XXXVII. Drug Control Page | 409 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 350. Grant of License for Retail & Wholesale Medical Shops: Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Pattadhar pass book / ROR –lease deed* 3. FMB of proposed pond* 4. Pond explanatory sketch * 5. Village explanatory map with distance * 6. Notice on GP notice board* 7. No objection from neighboring farm* 8. Pond 80%area certificate* 9. Walta ACT2002 Affidavit* Work Flow: Approval Authority:DMHO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 30 Days 35/- Statutory Charge Total (Rs) As Stipulated 35/+ Statutory Charges Page | 410 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 351. PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS FOR CHANGES IN EXISTING LICENSES Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Pattadhar pass book / ROR –lease deed* 3. FMB of proposed pond* 4. Pond explanatory sketch * 5. Village explanatory map with distance * 6. Notice on GP notice board* 7. No objection from neighboring farm* 8. Pond 80%area certificate* 9. Walta ACT2002 Affidavit* Work Flow: Approval Authority:DMHO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge Statutory Charge Total (Rs) B Nil 35/- 30 Days 35/- Page | 411 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 352. RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR RETAIL & WHOLESALE MEDICAL SHOPS Description: Citizen can avail this service to facilitate Grant of Dealing License. Required Documents: 1. Application Form* 2. Pattadhar pass book / ROR –lease deed* 3. FMB of proposed pond* 4. Pond explanatory sketch * 5. Village explanatory map with distance * 6. Notice on GP notice board* 7. No objection from neighboring farm* Work Flow: Approval Authority:DMHO SLA for delivery: Category SLA Service Charge B 90 Days 35/- Statutory Charge Total (Rs) 2,00/Acre 35/+ Statutory Charges per Page | 412 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I CONTACT DETAILS Page | 413 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 1. District e-District Manager/Mee Seva HHP Contact Details Page | 414 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I e-District Managers S n o 1 District Name eDM name Phone Number Email Adilabad B.Ravi 2 Hyderab ad Karimna gar Yaseen 99892014 70 83411045 58 94927910 89 braveendrarao@g yaseen98855@gm sriramsrinivas2003 9490943 613 95732620 22 [email protected] om edmmbnr@gmail. com 82972281 18 90597572 49 95424163 43 94903180 11 meeseva.medak17 p.naveen9@gmail. com chennakarthik11@ vbprakash59@gm 97042455 04 sridhar.yamsani@ 3 4 5 Khamma m Mahboo bnagar 6 Medak 7 Nalgond a Nizamba d Rangare ddy 8 9 10 Warangal Sreera m srinivas Durga prasad G.Chan drashek ar Nischal Naveen Kumar. Karthik kumar Bhanu prakash .V Y.Sridha r. Page | 415 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 2.DISTRICT WISE REVENUE DIVISIONAL HHP’S CONTACT DETAILS Page | 416 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Sl. N o 1 Name of the District Adilaba d Utnoor Division Hand Holding Person Name Geetha Adilabad Asifabad Prashanth Ravikanth Mancherial Suman Vilas Varma K. Nireekshit Revenue Division Nirmal 2 Hydera bad Hyderabad Secunderaba d Jagtial 3 Karimna gar Karimnagar Manthani Peddapalli Sircilla Bhadrachala m Kothagudem 4 Khamm am Khammam G. Kumar Yadav G. Rajendra Prased G. Chandra Mouli Ramu Syed Tajbaba S. Ujwal Satyandra Kumar T. Rajesh B. Hanumanc hary (RDO Office) Abdul Ameer (Collector ate) Contact Number 7382078734 998976082 8 9989365455 970464667 8 9885789393 9989021787 996666820 6 984880958 2 9849449813 986696800 2 9908413058 9550848342 9701233743 9493317204 9985373423 Page | 417 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Palwancha Mahaboobna gar 5 Mahbo obnaga r Gadwal Nagarkurnoo l Narayanpet Wanaparthy Sangareddy 6 Medak Medak 7 Nalgon da Siddipet Bhongir Miryalguda Nalgonda Suryapet Bodhan Kamareddy 8 Nizamb ad Nizamabad Shekar K. Venkatesh Goud S. Raghaven dra Reddy K. Laxmi Narayana G. Sainath Reddy G. Ram Mohan U. Chandra Shekar Md. Azharuddi n K. Vijay Kumar 9440108668 B.Satiah P. Naveen Kumar B. Vinay Syed Zameer Ahmed V. Pavan Kumar B. Gopal (Collector ate) Suhail Perviz (RDO Office) 9010005455 9440743487 8008582222 9491874477 9502244448 9440683352 8125519123 9395360885 7306629897 7382616646 9849517962 944092876 8 994882993 6 9704500601 9985356947 Page | 418 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 9 Rangare ddy Chevella Hyderabad East Vikarabad Jangaon Mahabooba bad 10 Warang al Mulugu Narsampet Warangal K. Raghaven dra Reddy P.Yadav Reddy Y.Venkate sh M. Raju Sandeep Rajeshwar Rao Venkatesh warlu K.Praveen Kumar 800888984 2 9618888075 800888984 3 9949829479 9963587448 9959195929 998958450 0 9347375484 Page | 419 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 1. DISTRICT WISE DDM(IEG)’s Contact Details S.N o District 1 Adilabad 2 Hyderabad 3 Ranga Reddy 4 Karimnagar 5 Khammam 6 Mahbubn agar 7 Medak 8 Nalgonda 9 Nizamabad 10 Warangal DDM Name Khaza Samiuddin (incharge DDM) B.Sunil Kumar Reddy K. Aravind Reddy Suresh Bodiga B.Sunil Kumar Reddy (incharge DDM) Mohamme d Shiraj Uddin Sravanthi Asheervad am Merugu Contact No 9989930756 9000884500 9908524198 9949788476 Mail ID khajasamiuddin200 [email protected] sunilreddy4193@g ieg.aravind@gmail. com suresh1366@yahoo .com 9000884500 sunilreddy4193@g 9989930755 9989930759 [email protected]. in inform2sravanthi@ aithabhanu@yahoo .com, nalgondaddms@ya Bhanu Prasad Aitha 9949788473 Narendra Chitra 9989930764 narendra83_mba@ Khaza Samiuddin 9989930756 khajasamiuddin200 [email protected] Page | 420 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 2. District wise and Division wise APOnline Personnel contact details District wise APOnline staff contact details Sl.No Sl. N District APOnline Incharge 1 1 Adilabad Rufus 2 2 Hyderabad Ibrahim Arjun 3 Hyderabad Ranatung a 87 90007555 47 [email protected] [email protected] 83 Ravi 703291009 Kumar 1 Suresh 900075572 sureshbabu.gaddam@gmai Babu 7 Jaya 90007557 [email protected] Shankar 81 m Mahbubna Vijay 90007548 gar Kumar K 87 Mahbubna Srinivas 90007548 gar Reddy D 97 Mahbubna Chandra 90007550 gar Sekhar 57 Medak Pradeep Hyderabad 6 3 Karimnagar 7 4 Khammam 8 5 6 90007554 [email protected] 89783083 5 11 21 Madasu Hyderabad 10 90007556 email id Kishore 4 9 Mobile No. 12 Medak 13 Medak 90007546 65 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Narendhe 90007546 r 72 Dinesh 900075481 [email protected] [email protected] Page | 421 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 8 14 7 Nalgonda Phaninder P. 15 Nalgonda Narendha r Reddy 16 Nalgonda 17 8 Nizamabad 18 9 RR (Rural) 19 RR (Rural) 20 RR (Urban) 21 RR (Urban) 22 23 1 0 1 Warangal 2 6 900075521 5 Ramesh S [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 90007559 rameshsamanthula@gmail. 61 com Bhyrav 90007552 Prasad 41 Y Siva 90007553 sivasurya.kumar86@gmail. Kumar 47 com Yellesh 90007553 Goud 97 M Raju 90007553 60 Sampath 90007564 Kumar 24 B Somasekh Manager ar Reddy 789312345 1 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jagan 917789002 Goda 2 T Anil 789332020 [email protected] Kumar 2 OMT G Naveen 90007568 Registratio Kumar 78 Franchisee HO- FI and 3 900075513 Praveen Operations Manager 25 91 Yennam HO- HO24 90007550 m other Services [email protected] om HO-CSC 26 4 [email protected] n Page | 422 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I HO-MOUs 27 5 and Renewals HO-Aadhar 28 6 PEC Incharge HO- 29 7 APOnline Call Centre NS 90007641 Srinivas 42 P Mohan 99597234 [email protected] Kumar 44 om Rajesh 90007570 Gutha 80 HO30 8 Capacity G Raju Building 97038076 40 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HO31 9 Stationary Siva 90007564 Distributio Prasad 32 [email protected] n 32 33 1 HO-Digital R Anil 90007559 0 Certificates Kumar 63 11 HO-Digital Certificates Jagadeesh 90007552 48 [email protected] [email protected] Page | 423 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 3. District wise and Division wise CMS COMPUTERS Personnel contact details Sl.N o Name of the Distric t Authorised Person Name Designatio n Mobile No. Mail ID Karunakar Reddy Dist Manager 9989348444 kallemkarunakar [email protected] m 1 V. Rajender 2 3 Adilabad J.Srikanth CH.Sainath 4 5 6 Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator 9346832836 9441711617 9441091980 cnsv93@hotmail. com jatalasrikanth@g [email protected] om suryaprakash.pra [email protected] m md.naveed24@g Suryaprakas h Coordinator 9951247272 Mohd. Naveed Coordinator 7207755904 Ponnamu Satyam Dist Manager 9948006324 karimnagar.apcsc Teegala Lalitha (Sadasiva) Coordinator 9493109171 sadasiva777@yah Gattu Samba Shivudu Coordinator 9160758419 shiva.g008@gma Gantyala Rajender Coordinator 9866004221 rajender_gantyal [email protected] m A. Laxman Coordinator 9849777680 lucky.laxman07@ Pulkam. Sarada ( SRIDHAR ) Coordinator 9948414135 dm_rcsc@yahoo. in, P. Rajkumara Swamy Coordinator 7893452016 rajakumaraswam [email protected] 7 8 9 10 11 12 Karim nagar 13 14 15 K. Naresh Venu Coordinator Coordinator 9440001157 9177749111 meeseva4help@ venu_chilumula Page | 424 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I GL Swamy 16 R. Praveen 17 Arun Reddy 18 P. Dinesh 19 20 Nizam abad 21 M. Sreedhar R. Narsaiah G. Suryakanth 22 Shaik Feroz 23 MD. Aslam 24 K. Srinivas 25 T. Yugender 26 Pasha 27 Dist Manager Asst Dist Manager Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Dist Manager Asst Dist Manager 9491750448 9989244560 9963860702 9912972558 9441954606 9440228312 9866360544 9014332229 9494961187 9848797533 9908245510 9347247665 swamygls4@gm praveenjora@gm arungereddy143 deepadigitals@g sridharmvr@gma saieseva2010@g sureshstdgukkal feroz9966@gmai azmath.shalu@g cnu_ks1@yahoo. com warangal.apcsc md.abdul.pasha P.Laxminara yana Coordinator 9949808699 plnarayana4u@g V .Ramesh Coordinator 9949810729 rameshv729@gm P. Rajkumar Coordinator 9701985852 rajkumar.pendli19 [email protected] V. Kranthi Coordinator 8977700949 kranthi1069@gm K. Santosh Kumar Coordinator 9849609463 santhukfriend@g M. Madhava Chary Project Manager 9640416549 madhava_chary D. Satyanaraya na Zonal Manager 9849685867 duggirala_rao@c K. Swamy Asst Manager 9014574176 [email protected] C. Narender Kumar Stores Assistant 9703344766 chatriyanarender [email protected]. in R. Santosh Customer Engineer 9989830820 santoshkumar_r B. Sanjay Technician 9849535280 sanjay_bandi@c 28 29 Warangal 30 31 32 33 34 35 Hyder abad 36 37 38 Page | 425 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 39 S. Netha Raju Veeraiah 40 41 Deepika TSG Engineer Executive Operation s Coordinator 9393743183 raju_netha@cms. 9010370252 k_veeraiah@cms. 64610033 deepika_kalpakur [email protected] priyamvadha_mr Priyamvadha Coordinator 64610094 Ravi Teja Technical Engineer 9703131913 S. Pavan Kumar Technical Engineer 7799008844 42 43 44 raviteja_kotwal@ pavankumar.sam [email protected] m Page | 426 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I 4. District and Division wise Infocom contact details l. N o District District charge 1 Kham mam A.Yugandar Reddy In Mobile Number 9701667809 Sreeven email id ayreddy@sre m Division Kham mam Page | 427 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Notes Page | 428 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Page | 429 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Page | 430 Hand Book of Mee Seva Vol - I Page | 431