Park Map 2011 - Canada`s Wonderland
Park Map 2011 - Canada`s Wonderland
Map legend Rides are listed on map Thank you for supporting our Corporate Sponsors! designated Smoking Areas Thank you for limiting your smoking to these areas. JuMpin’ Jet Action theAtre BlAckhole White WAter cAnyon the cAndy FActory White WAter cAnyon FreQuent FlyerS FlAvourAtor SplASh iSlAnd kiddie SlideS Whirl WindS SplASh iSlAnd pool the plunGe WhiteWAter BAy A-MAzinG Adventure riptide rAcer lAzy river™ tiMBerWolF FAllS Super SoAker BArrAcudA BlASter lucy’S tuGBoAt SWinGtiMe lAunch pAd Jokey’S chopper chASe JAlopieS chArActer cArrouSel tAxi JAM plAnet Snoopy kidzville StAtion Snoopy vS red BAron Snoopy’S SpAce rAce vortex the Fly ShockWAve MiGhty cAnAdiAn MineBuSter internAtionAl FeStivAl WindSeeker Action zone peAnutS™ 500 Boo BlASterS on Boo hill Body BlASt BAcklot Stunt coASter Joe cool’S dodGeM the puMpkin pAtch School Snoopy’S revolution BeheMoth WoodStock WhirlyBirdS SAlly’S love BuGGieS peAnutS™ putt-putt Skyrider Wild BeASt the BAt klockWerkS niGht MAreS drop toWer Speed city rAceWAy krAchenWAGen pSyclone SWinG oF the century MedievAl FAire the rAGe internAtionAl Street SledGe hAMMer drAGon Fire SpinovAtor riptide FliGht deck xtreMe SkyFlyer courtyArd Group cAterinG FAcility MAin entrAnce And exit dining Family restrooms Stroller, locker and Wheelchair rental Shopping Baby care center lost children picnic Area AtM pet care Guest Services First-Aid lost & Found Front Gate photo thrills are Wonderland locker room Mr. Sub Freshly made subs Starbucks Alphorn Funnel cakes dairy Queen Streetwear ladies Fashion Apparel Sweet Shop international Gelato/ Gourmet popcorn Gift emporium Manchu Wok ristorante pizza pizza Fresh, hot pizza by the slice or whole, chicken bites & fries, licensed patio teriyaki experience Wonder Mountain Victoria Falls High Divers international Showplace Start Me Up Backlot café Gourmet burgers, rotisserie chicken, fresh pasta, chicken fingers, licensed restaurant rock Shop Fighter town Funnel cakes you Go Grill hot potato Fresh-cut fries coca-cola cool zone coasters 50s style indoor seated restaurant serving burgers, fries, salads, shakes the Behemoth Shop Mr Sub Freshly made subs Mixitup icee kingswood Music theatre kingswood event tent Splash Works AntiQue cArrouSel tiMe WArp height check Station Action Zone SWAn lAke thunder run orBiter restrooms International Street kidzville SplASh iSlAnd SprAy Ground puMp houSe BlASt oFF Silver StreAk SplASh iSlAnd WAterWAyS SplASh WorkS GhoSter coASter entertainment riverside Snacks Chicken fingers, hot dogs, fries, ice cream bars dairy Queen Splash Surf Shop Wavewear Waveside hotdog tiki hut Waveside pizza pizza $2 OFF the purchase of any whole pizza! Valid only at the International Street Pizza Pizza location at Canada’s Wonderland. Taxes extra. Not valid with any other coupon offer. Offers/prices subject to expire without notice. No cash value. Coupon expires Oct. 30, 2011. Registered trademarks of Pizza Pizza Royalty Limited Partnership, used under license. © Pizza Pizza 2011 White Water Canyon the hot dog company Foot long hot dogs and sausages roadside deli KidZville pizza pizza hot potato Fresh-cut fries royal ice cream Soft serve ice cream, ICEE, coffee playhouse theatre Charlie Brown's Pirate Adventure Planet Snoopy tiny tom's donuts Snow cones Snoopy’s Suppertime Chicken fingers, fries, pocket pups dairy Queen Snoopy Boutique pizza pizza Birthday party pavilion International Festival tiny tom’s donuts rice Bowl Savory rice dishes with chicken, beef, and vegetarian options hot potato Fresh cut fries cookie café Hand made cookie sandwiches, ICEE, coffee Multi Faith Space Medieval Faire Fun Shoppe Medieval Funnel cakes Mixitup icee Mr. Sub Freshly made subs thrill Burger Burgers, fries, chicken fingers dairy Queen Arthur’s Baye Dive Show the Marketplace international Buffet Indoor market style all you can eat buffet restaurant Wonderland theatre Snoopy Rocks on Ice courtyard Group catering Facility roGerS
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