Saint Teresa High School 1964
Saint Teresa High School 1964
I I I <\? ~~ (2-t:::=±::::A=;i ~ t--t--++++- 0 (iJ ~"t-t-' CJ f!olt11 1itzgerald Ke1111ed11 35th President - 1961-63 Because of his devotion to and confidence in the youth of America, we, the members of the Senior Class, dedicate the 1964 Teresian to the memory of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. CAROL ALSUP In stature short, in ideals tall . . . Carol KATHELEEN ALLEN A disposition as sunny as her hair . . . Kathy DONALD AMIOTTE MARY LOU BARRETT The most learned of the fair, and most fair of the learned . . . Mary Lou DONALD BLAKEMAN Se11ior etass THOMAS BERG Combination of fun, brawn, and good sense . . . Don WILLIAM BOEHM A man of inches, but every inch a man . . . Dori 1963- Usually near the center of things . . . Tom Ever true to his work, his word. and his friend . Bill JAMES BOWMAN His horns make dents in his halo . . . Jim JAMES BOPP Sometimes serious. sometimes smiling. but always friendly . . . Jim WILLIAM BOOTH The good die young; I'd like to live to a ripe old age . . . Bill CECELIA BRILLEY We've got the Bulldog in our class. She's grrr-eat . . . Cel VIRGINIA BRAID A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance . Ginny ROBERT BRINKOETTER COLLEEN COMERFORD A little girl who casts a big shadow . . . Colleen MARY CALLAGHAN KATHY JEAN DIECKHOFF Dare him not lest he do it . . . Bob PHILLIP CASHEN Real gentility and a steadying influence . Mary 1964 KATHLEEN DELAHUNTY A girl of independent mind . . . Kathy Why the hurry? He '11 get there eventually . Phil JANE DUGGAN Whatever you say, whatever you do, she replies with a smile or two . Kathy. Is she talking still - or again . . . Jane JACK DAVIS His ways are quiet, but silence is eloquent . Jack PATRICIA FIGURA A friendship to treasure; a girl we will always remember . . . Pat BRIDGET GALLIGAN Gentle and pretty, with an artistic nature . . . Bridget MARY FULD Good natured without disguise . . . Mary MICHELE GILLESPIE EARLE GALYEAN MICHAEL GOGERTY Hard to describe, and JUst as hard to equal . Michele DEBORAH GRIFFIN When duty whispers low thou must . . the youth replies "Huh?" . . . Earle All things come to him who sits and waits . Mike A happy nature is the gift of life . . . Deb KATHLEEN JO HANLEY Gay, sweet, pretty, and altogether bewitching . . . Pook CHARLES GROENE They said "Go west young man!" So he did. Welcome . . . Chuck DIANE HAYS The only way to have a friend is to be one . Hazel D()NNA HF.RTF.I. Honor lies in honest toil . . . Donna JAMES HEYNEN MICHELE HIGDON Works with a will in doing things worth while . . Jim A pleasant sm He, a gentle way . . . Michele ALAN JOHNSON MARIBETH JOBE Steady, studious. sincere seven days a week . . Alan DAVID JOHNSTON MARTHA KOESTER A cheerful smile, a twinkling eye . . . Betsy ANNETTE KECK Acts with reserve, but always with warmth . Annette Willing to fight for what he thinks is right . . . Dave MARY ELLEN KELLER Abundant energy in a small package . . . Ellen She'd stop St. Peter's roll call to ask a question . Martha MARY ALICE LAYTON Every moment is the right moment to say what is just . • . Mary Alice PHii.IP L1\ YTON MARY ANN McBRIDE Reading, \\'riting, and luck . . . Phil She pays attention to the details others leave undone . Birdie LAWRENCE LUCAS Quiet determination accomplishes deeds with ease . . . Larry GEORGE LENTS STEVEN McGHEE JAMES McKEAN He's a man's man indeed . George SANDRA MURPHY The rule of his life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure his business . . . Steve "I couldn ' t win them all, but I sure tried. " . Jim ANN MIDDEN Sweet, charming , friendly, and kind . . . Ann Mindful not of herself . Sandy CHERYL MILLER Happiness comes to her through books . Cheryl MICHAEL NEWMAN A stroke of o riginality with a flair of humor . . . Mike SUSAN PETERS Pretty to walk with, witty to talk with, and pleasant to think on . . . Susie SUZANNE NORTON MICHAEL O'MARA This happy laugh, this happy smile, are necessary for a world worthwhile . . . Suzie KA THERINE PARKS A jolly fellow, friendly to all . . . Mike THOMAS OSBAKKEN We grant although he has much wit, He is shy of using it . . . Tom A patchwork of frivolity with many serious threads interwoven . . . Kathy FRANCES REEVES GARY RANSDELL A well liked fellow . Gary DENNIS RYAN Worry makes men ill; he's in the best of health . . . Denny Where all are, she is; where she is. all are . Fran STEPHEN ROARICK Off to success via the road of good common sense . . . Steve ANNAMARY RHODES A firm stand, but always with a winning smile . . . Annamary MICHAEL RUFFUS Deeds, not words are needed . . . Mike MICHAEL SCHAEFER Young fello\\s will be young fellows . . . Mike ROBERT SCHUERMAN An active mind, a ready wit . . . Bob SUSAN SEE RITA SMITH MICHAEL SEIDMAN A giggle, a dash, a shriek and a crash . . . Sue PATRICIA SPANBAUER A common name, an uncommon personality . Rita A good argument is the spice of life . . . Mike A girl endowed with friendliness and grace . . . Pat RUTH ANN SPEER Tops with all who know her . . . Ruth GERALD SNYDER "The people choice" . Jerry JOANNE STOUTENBOROUGH The mildest of manners, the gentlest of ways . Jo SUZANNE STOUTENBOROUGH Friendliness, her most valuable trait'. . . Sue TERRENCE THULL Life is never dull a minute, for he puts some mischief in it . . . Terry PATRICIA TOKARZ Courteous though gay, and gentle though retired . . . Pat MARTIN TOMLINSON SUSAN STEWART His mind and his smile are his own . . . Marty A voice full of laughter, song, and kindness . . . Susy RICHARD TOMLINSON Friendliness and fun rolled into one . . . Rick COLLEEN UNSER PAULETTE TOKARZ In worth, not size, her value lies . . . Paul~tte ELIZABETH VAIL A lovely girl, sweet and fair . . . Betsy She's like an angel, acts like one too, but you can never tell what an angel will do . . . Colleen RICHARD WEINGAND Slow but never late; he just starts out earlier . . . Rich MARY WELCH A good heart is good, but a big heart is better . Mary ROBERT WOLFORD His world consists of fun and laughter . . . Bob BARBARA WESSELS A hearty laugh; a laughing heart . . . Barb SUSAN WAYNE MICHAEL ZIA A boy with an aim will be a man with a name . . . Mike A bundle of common sense tied with a ribbon of originality . . . Susie Petite and happy Aurora Santos arrived at St. Teresa's in a big way. Her happy face and smiling dark eyes quickly captured the hearts of St. Teresa students. ~ Aurora, our American Field Service student, comes to us from , Tagig, a small town in the province of Rizal, Phil. , which is about ' __).. ( seventeen miles from Manila, the capital of the Philippines. ,She is ......-- '\..._!' the eldest of the five children of Mr. and Mrs. Melquiades Santos, and has stayed with the Semafd W.right family, whose children approximately match those of her own family in Tagig. ~ ~ One of the most charming qualities about Aurora is her gr.acious ..... appreciation of anythin&.:Q_one foe her. She has said tbat her experiences .. __ , ' ha\•e been beyond her higb~Sl expectations and that~ considers her"""self the luckiest of all AFS students. "I will always cherish with fond ' -merffi(ries the wonderful school of St. Teresa and my fu»t eaniuy. .,) And the students of St. Teresa High School are not likely to forgeo S Student Council Pres. Dave Johnston makes an announcement as Michele Gillespie (Sec. -Treas.) and Bill Boehm ( V. - P. ) look on. Senior Class Officers: Mary Callaghan, Jerry Sn yd er (Pres. ) , Bob Brinkoetter. Senior Members of the National Honor Society Top: Bill Boehm, Don Amiotte; Jim McKean, Dave Johnston; Mike Zia, Mike Seidman (Pres.), Jerry Snyder. Ruth Ann Speer, Carol Alsup, Colleen Unser; Mary Callaghan, Susan Wayne, Martha Koester. Mission Club Officers Ruth Ann Speer (Pres.), Tom Berg (V. -P. ), Colleen Unser (Sec.), and Don Amiottc (Treas.) study map of mission fields. Ruth Ann Speer, European Summer Student; Aurora Santos, Philippine Exchange Student; and Jim McKean, A. F. s. returnee from Phillippines. Hall Guards: Newman, Boehm, Amiotte, Galyean, McGhee, McKean, Brinkoetter, Snyder, Ransdell, Roarick, and Wolford. The Most Courteous Freshman Bob Berry "slaves" under commands of the Friendliest Senior Fran Reeves. Senior Prize-Winning Float Senior Boys build up school spirit tor Homecoming Bonfire. Homecoming Queen, Fran Reeves, and her Court. Mission King George Lents and Queen Susan Peters with court reign over Mission Day activities. Reverend D. J. Meehling with Senior Sodality Officers: Mike Zia, Bill Boehm, Jim Heynen, Colleen Comerford, Mary Callaghan, and Suzie Norton. ;) • • Student Body united with the priest to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Senior Class Ring symbolizes the Christian ideals of St. Teresa Students. s. T. H. S. servers at the convent chapel have to be early risers. Photographer _Jack Davis snaps Spectator Staff as Editor Susan Wayne points out plans. Seated left to right: Sandra Ross, Janice Harding, Fran Reeves, Kathy Hanley; Bob Schuerman, Tom Berg, Bridget Galligan. Science Club Members do titration experiment. Memory Book Staff at work: Colleen Unser, Suzanne Norton, Mary Welch, Co-Editors Martha Koester and Cheryl Miller, Jane Duggan, Ruth Ann Speer, Carol Alsup; Mike Newman, Mike Zia, Dave Johnston, Bridget Galligan, Don Amiotte. COMMERCIAL CLUB OFFICERS: Patricia Figura, Pres. Susan Peters, Mary Ann McBride, Teresa Mizeur, Kathy Kennedy. CLASSROOM TV ASSISTANTS: Steve Seidman, Dave Johnston, Pat Dougherty, Mark Sebern, Tom Osbakken. Senior chorus members pose with Mrs. Ball before rehearsal. S. T. H. S. THESPIANS: Fran Reeves, l\nn Midden, Susan Wayne, Suzie Norton, Carol Alsup, Martha Koester, Kathy Hanley; Pres. Mike Newman. Bill Boehm, Dave Hanley, Jerry Snyder, Mike Zia. Mike Seidman, Don Amiotte. 1963-64 Band Members and director, Mr. Ball. FOOTBALL TEAM: ROW 1: E. Galyean (Mgr.), T. Robinson, D. Munn, J. Bollero, J. Wessels, M. Heneghan, D. Amiotte. ROW 2: Coach Ernst, T. Haines, L. Rubenacker, H. Eichinger, B. Berry, G. Thomas, M. Wayne. ROW 3: Coach Handley, S. Rice, T. Mulligan, M. Lavery, D. Hanley, B. Reeves, D. Rollins, J. Gogerty (Mgr.), A. Bertram. Bulldogs' unquenchable spirit carried them through a difficult season. St. Teresa 's "21" holds the ball! CHEERLEADERS: Colleen Unser. Fran Reeves, Suzie Norton, Margaret Crouch, Carol Alsup, Donna Frieschlag, and Bulldog, Cel Brilley. (Missing from picture: Kathy Dieckhoff). BASKETBALL TEAM: D. Munn, G. Lents, J. Bollero, B. Wolford, B. Elam, T. Berg, D. Smith, D. Vaux, R. Weingand, B. Boehm, M. Heneghan, R. Smith, T. Robinson, Mgr. J. Bo.,•man, Coach R. Ernst. George Lents drives for two against Stephen Decatur. BASEBALL TEAM: BOTTOM ROW: G. Rearick, D. Munn, T. Haines, R. Wolford. TOP: J. Bollero, T. Howley, M. Heneghan, G. Lents, Coach Handley. JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS: Tom Smith, Duane Smith (Pres.), Janice Harding, Dick Rohman, Colette Wright. FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS: TOP TO BOTTOM: Mike Johnson, Dan Lanzoni; Mike Mattchen, Patricia Boehm, Vern Cannon, Roger Ryan (Pres.). SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS: Bob Fimmen, Chris Loftus, (Pres.), Joe Nepote, Sheila Lampkin, Andy Booth. IDENTIFICATION OF PICTURES OF JUNIOR CLASS ROW 1: Don Gorman, Judy Grigsby, Phil Jones, Karen Sullivan, Don Crisup, Susan Thatcher, Mike Heneghan, Sally Roach, Ted Dickerson, Mary Maurer, Dick Rohman, Regina Ellis. ROW 2: Linda Schuerman, Richard Smith, Donna Creamer, Mike Grossman, Sandra Norescki, Greg Pellegrini, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Tim Murray, Cynthia Gibler, Tom Smith, Nancy Schingel, John Christison. ROW 3: Jim Gogerty, Elizabeth Loiacono, Jack Jahoda, Pat Grady, Bill Wayne, Linda Weidner. ROW 4: Margaret Pfile, Bob Elam, Mary Jane McDermott, Edward Van Awken, Peggy Harper, Rick Entrikin. ROW 5: Dan Munn, Cheryl O'Brien, John Wrigley, Mary Wayne, John Despres, Colette Wright, Terry Robinson, Ruth Austin, Doug Whitfill, Barbara Miller, Mitch Reinhardt, Evelyn Smith. ROW 6: Sherry Earles, Duane Smith, Janet Murphy, Tom Hanes, Dorothy Comerford, Dennis Somers, Pat Clark, John Malloy, Judy Swearingen, David Hunter, Jane Wolfe, Church Heneghan. ROW 7: Steve Blake, Teresa Patton, Mary Hertel, Mike McCord, Mariellen Cloyd, Terry Howley, Donna Freischlag, John Bollero, Joe Layton, Jayne Morrison. ROW 8: Dorry Weiss, Jerry Sutherland, Mike DeLong, Sandy Ross, Patricia Rossiter, Anne Cooney, Janice Harding. ROW 9: Virgilija Dikinis, Kathy Ball, Mike Ritchie, Rosemary Faler, Connie Roemelin, Kathy Greene, Paulette Eller, Pat McNamara, Margaret Osbakken, Kay Dougherty, Margaret Seidman, Betsy Coleman. ROW 10: Ruth Szymkoski, Judy Hoh, Bruce Rosebraugh, Peggy Brinkoetter, Ann Boland, Tina Cannon, Margaret Crouch, JoAnn Conn, Linda Barthels, Becky Schwalbe. ROW 11: Elizabeth Alsup, Asta Sadauskas, Mike Martin, Kathy Kennedy, Pat McElhone, Rose Mary Vigneri, Mary Manley, Diane Pfile, Teresa Mizeur, Kathy Sullivan, Beth Fairbanks, Don Creamer. '/79-£961 SStJ/i) JOJHnfl IDENTIFICATION OF PICTURES OF SOPHOMORE CLASS ROW 1: Tom Allen, Sheila Lampkin, Jim Farney, Mary Shiel, Bob Fimmen, Sheila Wright, Dave Hanley, Eileen Sullivan, Greg Roarick, Regina Maurer, Fred Wrigley, JoAnn Henderson. ROW 2: Christine Keck, Mike Lavery, Cathy Schultz, Steve Rice, Richard Galyean, Louise McEvoy. Carl Lentz, Barbara Skelly, Joe Ne pore, Kathy Turner, Steve West, ROW 3: Kathy Shaefer, Tom Mulligan, Elaine Unser, ::.teve Seman, Jane McKean, Gayle Hayes, George Thomas, Marian Beauford. ROW 4: Chris Loftus, Valerie Braid, Jim Snyder, Phyllis Swinnen, Pam Pauls, Harold Eichinger, Valerie Boyd, Tom Jones. ROW 5: Linda Stumpf, Marty Barrett, Pam McConkey, Steve Jcrdan, Pam Ballinger, Doug Vaux, Kathy Wayne, Carol Willard, Rolly Turner, Eldora Bachmann, Mike Wagner, Vivian Eimer. ROW 6: Bob Elfers, Larry Rappe, Judy Guinnee, Connie Vaux, Richard Greene, Darlene Nichols, Mary Chalmers, Jim Mauzey, Andy Booth, Eric Bridge, Judy Cavagnaro. ROW 7: Lorraine Cole, Mike Delahunty, Bill Epling, Kathy Kiernan, Andy Bertram, Linda Sinnott, Mark Sebero, Cathy Boehm, Linda Neff, Mike Spanbauer. ROW 8: Mike Vaughan, Diane Daniels, Rita O ' Mara, Steve Rush, Karen Craig, Mike Tiernan, Linda Raupp, Ken Palmisano, Steve Sarikas. ROW 9: Mary Catherine Galligan, Pat O'Hara, Linda Jones, Tom Fitzgerald, Andy O'Brien, Kelly Barmann, Chris Linskey, Jim Wessels, Barbara Griesbaum, David Mills, Kathy Baker, John Noecker. ROW 10: Rob Reeves, Sandra Oglesby, David Rollins, John Mason, Kathy Rupert, David Johns, Mary Ellen Norton, Bill Hogan, Diane Sheehy, Tony Grosch, Carol Moran. IDENTIFICATION OF PICTURES OF FRESHMAN CLASS ROW l: Nancy Cole, Dan Sebok, Cindy Burtschi, Mark Cheviron, Julie Brinkman, Mike Schrader, Toni Buechele, Danny Lanzoni, Mary Kay Mauterer, Doug Martin, Cathy McBride, David Wall, Pam Oliver. ROW 2: Charles Wrigley, Beverly Guinnee, Frank Figura, Kathy O'Brien, Rocci Romano, Kathy Pfile, Regan Flemming, Donna Stewart, Jim Ransdell, Debbie Hill, Bill Boles, Patty Solverson, Bill Koester. ROW 3: Mary Pollilo, Jerry Barrett, Molly McFadden, Greg Ball, Bill Morland, Cindy Berg, David Andrews, Denise Wherley. ~OW 4: Bob Brilley, Cheryl Bodine, Tom Van Ausdale, Carol O'Brien, Susan Cloyd, Paul Hagenbach, Becky Austin, Dennis Cunningham. ROW 5: Susan Weidner, Bill Penny, Connie Wheeler, Steve Seidman, Patty Meara, Bill Gleespen, Cindy Wayne, Chuck Koester, Ellen Duggan, John McNamara , Connie Peters, Dan Clark, Chris Fitzgerald. ROW 6: Bill Fetrow, Margaret Allen, Steve Ryan, Mary Kay Bowman, Mike Kraus, Kathy Hayes, Bill Donnelly, Carla Finfrock, Mike Loftus, Brigetta Bates, Bob Mosser, Judy Conway, John Clark. RUW 7: Mary Ann Van Deventer, Tony Wolfe, Joan Tiernan, Nancy Brinkoetter, John Shiel, Roberta Jo Waite, Doug Waite, Mary Campbell, Sally Fleckenstein, Tim Moore, Carm Osborne. ROW 8: Jim Schwarz, Pam Monroe, Sam Enloe, Mike Mattchen, Carol Burger, Bill Swartz, Gladys Smith, Bill Lampkin, Mark Mangold, Michele Chev iron, Phil Percival. ROW 9: Mary Jo Grigsby, Roger Ryan, Colleen Hickey, Greg Munie, Carol Wright, Joe Harding, Gloria Blakeman, Tim Comerford, Kris Keehner, J. R. Bachmann, Kathy Gallina, Mike Johnson, Francis Smith. ROW 10: Richard Stout~nborough, Ann Waterkotte, Randy Richards, Janice Farrell, Jim Dodge, Joe Quintenz. Dan Thomas, Linda Elam, Steve Hartwig, Marilyn Hanson, Jim Wingfield. ROW 11: Mary Ann Suzan, Jim Grimes, Valerie Sebern, Mike Murray, Sue Schilawski, Larry Rubenacker, Sharon Murphy. ROW 12: Sandy Earles, Renee Copeland, Janet Smith, Margie Morrison, Donna Andrews, Marie Flam, Debbie Moser, Cheryl Yoder, Patricia Boehm, Kerry Heneghan, Peggy Skelly, Carolyn Szymkoski, Linda Hays. St. reresa lacult11 REVEREND MOTHER URSULA, 0, S, U. , Superior MOTHER M. CATHERINE, O. S. U, , Principal REVEREND DONALD MEEHi.ING , S. T . L. Religion MR. LARRY BALL Band MRS. KRISTIN BALL (LARRY) Chorus MOTHER M. BASIL Religion, English MOTHER M. CELESTE Latin, French MOTHER M. CLOTH.DE Religion, Chemistry, Spanish MR. CHARLES A. COUTU Psychology, Logic MR. ROBERT ERNST Athletic Director MRS. EARLINE GRAHAM (FRANK) Commercial Class MOTHER FRANCIS XAVIER Religion, World History MOTHER M. GERTRUDE Cafeteria MR. ROBERT GRENIER Geometry, Gen. Math, Physics MRS. ELIZABETH GRENIER (ROBERT) English, Physical Education MR. LEE HANDLEY U. S, History, Assistant Coach MOTHER M. HILDEGARDE Latin, Mechanical Drawing MISS BARBARA JAHODA English MOTHER JANE FRANCES Mathematics MOTHER M. JULIA Religion, English, Mathematics MRS. JULIA LEE (CHARLES) Librarian MOTHER MARIETTA Book Store Manager MOTHER M. MATTHIAS Biology MOTHER NORBERT Religion, English, Latin, Chorus MOTHER M. PHILIP Religion, Mathematics, Gen. Science MOTHER M. TERESA Religion, Sociology MR. GEORGE WILSON Commercial Class Senior Activities ALLEN, K. : Commercial C. 3; Chorus 3,4; Sodality 4; Homecoming Court 4 . ALSUP, C.: Student Councill; MissionC. 3,4; Spectator 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4 (Capt.); N. H. S. 3, <' (\'. Pres.); Sociality 2,3,4; Thespians 3,4; Jr. Class Play. AMIOTTE, D. : Student Council 4; Mission C. 3, 4; Teresian 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Capt.); Basketball 1, 2, 3; Hall Guards 4 (Capt.); N. H, s. 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3; Thespians 3,4. BARRETT, M. L.: Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 4; Chorus 1,2; Sodality 3,4. BERG, T . : MissionC. 1,2,3,4(V.-Pres.); Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Spectator 4 (Feature Ed.); Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Spring Musical 3. BLAKEMAN, D.: Sodality 1; Intramural Track 2, 3,4. BOEHM, W.: Student Council 4 (V. -Pres.); Mission C. 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; II all Guards 4 ; N. H. s. 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3. 4 (Sec.); Thespians 3, 4; Jr. Class Play; Spring Musical 3. BOPP, J.: A-V C. 1, 2; Science C. l; Convent Server 1,2. BOWMAN, J.: MissionC. 3,4; Football Mgr. 3; Baseball Mgr. 2; Basketball Mgr. 2,3,4 ; Sodality 2. BRAID, V.: Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 1,2, 3,4; Chorus 4 (Pres.); Spectator 4; Sodality l, 2, 3, 4. BRILLEY, C.: Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 4; Chorus 1,3,4; Spectator 4; Cheerleader 1,2,4; Sodality 3,4. BRINKOETTER, R. : Student Council l, 2, 3, 4; Mission C. 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Football l,2,3(Mgr.); Sodality l, 2, 3 ; Class Pres. 3. CALLAGHAN , M.: Student Council 4; Mission C. 4; N.H. S. 4; Sodality2,J,4(Treas.). CASHEN, P.: Mission C. 3; Football 1,2,3. COMERFORD , C . : Student Council 1, 2 ; Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 3; Chorus 1,2; Cheerleader 1,2,3; Socality 2,3,4 (Sec.). DA VIS, J. : A-\' C. 4; Science C. 4; Spectator 4 (Photographer); Football 1, 2; Sodality 4. DELAHUNTY , K.: Commercial C. 4; Mission C. 4; Chorus 1,3. DIECKHOFF, K.: Commercial C. 4; Mission C. 3,4; Chorus 1,4; Cheerleader 1,3,4; Sodality 1,2,3,4. DUGGAN, J.: Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 3,4; Chorus 1, 4; Teresian 4; Sodality 1, 4. FIGURA, P.: CommercialC. 3,4(Sec.); MissionC. 1,2,3,4; Chorus l; Sodality 2,3,4. FULD , M . : Commercial C. 3, 4 ; Mission C. 4 ; Chorus 4; Sodality 3,4. GALLIGAN , B. : Commercial C . 4 ; MissionC. 2,3,4; Chorus 1, 2; Teresian 4; Spectator 4 ( Ass't. Ed.); Sodality 1,2 (Pref.), 3 (Pref.), 4. GALYEAN, E.: Student Council 3; Mission C. 3,4; Chorus 4; Football l, 3, 4; Sodality 2. 3. GILLESPIE, M. : Student Council 4 (Sec. -Treas.); Mission C. 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,4; Sodality 2 3,4. GOGERTY, M.: Spectator 3,4; Football 1, 2, 3; Basketball 2; Spring Musical 2. GRIFFIN, D.: Commercial C. 3; Sodality 3,4. GROENE, C.: Transfer 4, Mission C. 4. HANLEY, K.: Commercial Club 3 ; Mission C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Spectator 4; Sodality 3,4; Jr. Class Play. HAYS, D,: CommercialC. 3.4; MissionC. 4;Chorus 1,4 (Lib.). HERTEL , D.: Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 1,2,3, 4; Chorus 4. HEYNEN, J.: Mission C. 4; Convent Server 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 3,4 (Treas.). Continued. HIGDON, M.: Sociality 3,4. JOBE, B.: Commercial C. 4; Mission C. 3; Chorus 4. JOHNSON, A.: Band l; Sociality 3,4. JOHNSTON, D. : Student Council 2, 3, 4 (Pres.); Mission C. 2,J, 1; A-V C. 1,2,3,4 (V. -Pres.); Science C. 1,2, 4; Band 2,3,4; Chorus 2,3,4; Teresian 4; Spectator 3 (Sports Ed.); Football 1, 2, 3 (Mgr.); N. H. s. 3, 4; Jr. Class Play; Thespians 3, 4; Sociality 3, 4; Spring Musical 2,3. KECK, A. : Commercial C. 3; Chorus l; Sociality 3, 4. KELLER, M. : Student Council 1; Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 2,3,4; Chorus 1,2; Sociality 1,2. KOESTER, M. : ScienceC. 4(Sec.-Treas.); Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Sociality 3; Jr. Class Play; N. H. S. 4; Teresian 4 (Co- Editor). LAYTON , M. A.: Sociality 2, 3, 4. LAYTON, P.: Commercial C. 4; Mission C . 1; Science C. l; Football 1. LENTS, G.: Mission C. 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,2; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Hall Guard 4; Sodalityl,2. LUCAS, L. : Mission C. 1,2 , 3,4; Science C. 1,2,4 ( V. - Pres. ); Band l, 2. 3, 4; Spectator 4 (Sports Ed. ) SOdality 3,4; A-V C. 4. McBRIDE, M. A.: Commercial C. 3,4 (Hist.); Chorus 1,3,4. McG HEE, s. : Football 1; Baseball 1, 2. 3; Most Courteous Freshman 1. McKEAN, J.: Mission C. 4; Band 1,2,3,4; A. F. S. 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Hall Guards 4; N. H. s. 4; Sociality 3, 4. MIDDEN, A.: Commercial C. 3, 4; Thespians 3 (Sec. Treas.), 4. MILLER, C. : Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 3,4; Teresian 4 (Co- Editor). MURPHPY , S, : Commercial C. 3,4; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Sociality 2, 3, 4. NEWMAN, M.: Mission C. 1,2,3; A-V C. 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Teresian 4; Spectator 3; Hall Guard 4; Thespians 3, 4 (Pres.); Spring Musical 2, 3; Jr. Class Play. NORTON, S.: Transfer 3; Mission C. 3, 4 ; Teresian 4 ; Cheerleader 4 ; Sociality 3, 4 (Pref. ); Thespians 3, 4 (Sec. - Treas.). O'MARA, M. : Mission C. 1, 2 ; Football 1, 2, 3; Sociality 2,3. OSBAKKEN, T. : MissionC. 1; A-VC. l,2,3,4(Pres.); Science C. 1, 2; Chorus 4; Football 2; Basketball 1, 2; Sociality 4. PARK , K.: Band 1, 2, 4. PETERS, S.: Commercial C. 3, 4 (Pres.); Mission C. 1, 2 , 3,4; Sociality 1,3,4; HomecomingCourt4. RANSDELL, G. : MissionC. 1,2,3; ScienceC . 1,2; Football 1, 3; Basketball 1, 2; Sociality 1, 2, 3. REEVES, F. : Transfer 3; Commercial C. 4; Mission C. 4; Spectator 4; Cheerleader 4; Sociality 4; Thespians 3, 4 (V. -Pres.); Homecoming Queen 4; Friendliest Senior4. RHODES, A.: Commercial C. 4; Chorus 4; Sociality 2, 3 . ROA RICK, S. : Student Council 2, 3; A- V C. 4; Convent Server 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Hall Guard 4; Sociality l,2(Pref.). 3. RUFFUS , M.: Basketball 1, 2; Prom Committee. RYAN, D.: Commercial C. 4; Intramural Track 1,3,4. SANTOS, A. : A. F. S. Student 4; Mission C. 4; Sociality 4; Chorus 4. SCHAEFER, M.: Mlssion C. 1,2; Intramural Track 1,3,4. SCHUERMAN, R.: ScienceC. l,4(Pres.); Spectator4 (News Ed.). SEE, S. : CommercialC. 3; MissionC. 1,2,3,4;Chorus 1, 2. 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Spectator 4; Spring Musical 3. SEIDMAN , M. : Science C. 1, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; N. H. S. 3, 4 (Pres.); Thespians 3 (Pres. ) , 4; Spring Musical 2; Jr. Class Play. SMITH , R. : Sodality 2, 3. SNYDER, G, : Student Council 4; Class Pres. 4; Mission C. 1; Football 1, 2, 3; Hall Guard 4; N. H. S, 3, 4; Thespians 3,4. SPANBAUER, P, : Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 1, 3; Chorus 1; Sociality 3, 4; Homecoming Court 4. SPEER, R.: Transfer 2 ; Mission C. 3, 4 (Pres.); Chorus 2,4; Soclality2,3,4; Teresian4; N. H. S. 3,4(Treas.); Voice of Democracy Contest (1st Place). STEWART, S,: Commercial C. 3; Chorus 1,3,4. STOUTENBOROUGH, J.: Transfer 3; Commercial C. 3, 4; Band 3; Chorus 4. STOUTENBOROUGH, S. : Transfer 3; Commercial C. 4; Band 3; Chorus 3, 4. TOKARZ, PAT: Commercial C. 3; Mission C. 2; Chorus 4. TOKARZ, PAULETTE: Commercial C. 3; Mission C. 2; Chorus 4. TOMLINSON , M. : Mission C. 1,2, 3; A-V C . 1,2; Chorus 3; Football Mgr. 1, 2; Basketball Mgr. 3; Baseball Mgr. 1,2. TOMLINSON, R. : Transfer 3; Mission C. 3, 4; Intramural Track Meet 3. UNSER, C.: Transfer 2; Mission C. 2, 3, 4 (Sec . ); Chorus 4; Teresian 4; Cheerleader 2,3,4; N. H. s. 3,4 (Sec.); Sociality 2, 3,4. VAIL, B. : CommercialC. 3,4; MissionC. 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,4; Spectator 4; Sociality 1,3,4. WAYNE, S.: Commercial C. 4; Chorus 3,4; Spectator 4(Ed.-in-Chief); N.H.S. 4; Thespians 3(Treas.), 4. WEINGAND, R.: Convent Server 1,2; Football 1,2, 3; Basketball 1,2,3,4. WELCH, M. : Commercial C. 3,4; Mission C. 2,4; Teresian 4; Sociality 1. WESSELS, B. : Commercial C. 3, 4; Mission C. 1, 2; Sociality 1, 2. WOLFORD , R.: MissionC. 2,3; Baseball 1,2,3, 4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Hall Guard 4. ZIA , M.: Mission C. 1,2,3,4; Science C. 1,2,4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres.); Chorus 4; Teresian 4; Football 2; N, H. S. 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4 (Pref.); Thespians 3, 4; Jr. Class Play. - '' '
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