01 19 Kissidougou (GUKU) Airfield: 1810` Elevation, 6500` Length


01 19 Kissidougou (GUKU) Airfield: 1810` Elevation, 6500` Length
Kissidougou (GUKU) Airfield:
1810’ Elevation, 6500’ Length, VHF 118.7
Uphill Slope
Small Forest of
High Trees
= Shrubs/Grasses at Wing Height
TORA = 1270m = 4167’
ASDA = 4167’ + 300’ = 4467’
TODA = No Apparent Limitation
off RWY19
= Shallow Ditch ± 8cm Deep
Note 1: Shrubs/Grasses & Ditch not easily identifiable from the air.
Note 2: Small tuffs of grasses all along the runway surface either side
of the centre line.
Note 3: Each Displaced Threshold is Respectively Indicated by a Small
White Washed Rock i.e. Not Properly Marked as per this Sketch.
Picture #1: Shrubs/Grasses Left & Right of Centre Line
(Landing Area RWY01) & Forest of High Trees at the End
of Runway (Take-Off Flight Path Off RWY01)
Picture #2: Ditch More or Less on the Centre Line Towards the RWY19
Displaced Threshold

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