Legals - Independent Record
Legals - Independent Record
October 22, 2015 NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT Pursuant to W.S. § 16-6-116, notice is hereby given that Hot Springs County Commissioners have accepted the work on the Hot Springs County Airport 2015 State Sealcoat and Marking Project, WYDOT Aeronautics Project No. ATHP17A, as substantially completed according to the plans and specifications and rules set forth in the Contract and that Straight Stripe Painting, Inc. is entitled to final settlement therefore. Upon the 41st day, after the first publication of this notice, ¬¬-(November 25, 2015), that the Hot Springs County Commissioners, under whose direction of supervision the work has been carried out will pay to Straight Stripe Painting, Inc. the full amount due under the Contract. All persons, firms, or corporations who have any claims for work done or materials furnished on said public work are hereby notified that final payment will be made to Straight Stripe Painting, Inc. in accordance with the terms of the Contract signed on July 7, 2015. This section does not relieve Straight Stripe Painting, Inc. and the sureties on their bond from any claims of work or labor done or materials or supplies furnished in the execution of the Contract. Pub. Oct. 15, 22 & 29, 2015 No. 7621 Notice of Final Payment to Contractor Hot Springs County School District No. 1 Door & Window Replacement Project Thermopolis, WY Notice is hereby given that the Hot Springs County School District No. 1, Thermopolis, WY has accepted the work as complete, according to the plans and specifications and rules set forth in the contract between Hot Springs County School District No. 1, Thermopolis, WY and Overhead Door of Riverton for the Hot Springs County School District No. 1 Door & Window Replacement Project. The above-mentioned contractor is entitled to final settlement. Therefore, on the 25th day of November 2015, being the (41st) day after the first date of advertisement, Hot Springs County School District No. 1, WY will pay the above-mentioned contractor the full amount due under said contract; provided all punch list and project close-out requirements have been met. Pub. Oct. 15, 22 & 29, 2015 No. 7623 The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) has given Wyoming Gas Company (Wyoming Gas) authority to pass on to its customers a wholesale natural gas cost decrease of $0.1431 per CCF, for usage on and after October 1, 2015. Wyoming Gas stated the decrease is attributable to a projected wholesale gas cost decrease of $0.0986 per CCF and a decrease in the Commodity Balancing Account (CBA) surcharge of $0.0445 per CCF. The Commission’s approval is subject to notice, protest, possible hearing, refund, change, further investigation and further order of the Commission. The average residential customer using 77 CCF per month may expect a monthly gas bill decrease of $11.02 or about 15.9% before taxes. Actual bills will vary with usage. You may review Wyoming Gas’ Application at the Commission’s office in Cheyenne, Wyoming, or at its Worland offices, during regular business hours. Anyone desiring to file a statement, protest, public comment, intervention petition or request for a public hearing must file with the Commission in writing on or before November 12, 2015. The petitions and requests shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing, and the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. If you wish to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing that you will attend, or want to make a statement, protest or public comment, and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, call the Commission at (307) 777-7427 or write the Wyoming Public Service Commission, 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission through Wyoming Relay by dialing 711. Please mention Docket No. 30009-58-GP-15 in your communications. Dated: October 9, 2015. No. 7624 PUBLIC NOTICE Canyon Concrete Sand and Gravel of Thermopolis, Wyoming has filed a regular mining permit expansion with the Land Quality Division of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality for the mining of sand and gravel in Hot Springs County, Wyoming. The Owl Creek Pit is approximately 7 miles northwest of Thermopolis, Wyoming. The application may be viewed at the Cheyenne or the Lander Offices of the Land Quality Division. The application will be re-advertised for public comment prior to approval by the Department of Environmental Quality. Pub. Oct. 15 & 22, 2015 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID TRUST: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 7th day of February, 2015, Royal W. Smith died in Johnson County, Wyoming. Royal W. Smith was the Settlor of the Royal W. Smith Living Trust, dated April 29, 1993. Notice is further given that upon the expiration of one hundred twenty (120) days from the first date of publication of this notice, the Successor Trustee of the above-referenced trust, Scott S. Smith, intends to distribute the assets of the trust to the beneficiaries pursuant to its terms, subject only to income and estate taxes, trust expenses, and any known claims. A copy of the trust is available to those persons authorized by statute to view it upon request at the address below. Subject to the rights of persons dealing with a fiduciary as provided in W.S. §4-10-1013, notice is further given that any person may commence a judicial proceeding to contest the validity of the trust on or before one hundred twenty (120) days after receipt of this notice and a copy of said trust. Failure to commence such judicial proceeding within one hundred twenty (120) days will bar any person from commencing such judicial action pursuant to W.S. § 4-10-604. Subject to the rights of persons dealing with a fiduciary as provided in W.S. §4-10-1013, notice is further given that creditors having claims against the Settlor, the Settlor’s estate, or Settlor’s trust, are required to file a claim against the assets of the trust at the law offices of Palmerlee & Durrant LLC, 11 North Main Street, Buffalo, Wyoming 82834, or shall commence a judicial proceeding to contest the validity of the trust, or of the proposed distribution, on or before one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of first publication of this notice. If such claims or judicial proceeding are not filed, they will be forever prohibited pursuant to W.S. § 4-10-507(b). DATED this 7th day of October, 2015. ROYAL W. SMITH LIVING TRUST, dated April 29, 1993: By: Scott S. Smith, Successor Trustee PUBLIC NOTICE Pub. Oct. 15 & 22, 2015 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE TRUST ASSETS _____________________________________________ No. 7625 IN THE MATTER OF THE ROYAL W. SMITH LIVING TRUST, DATED APRIL 29, 1993 _____________________________________________ Pub. Oct. 15 & 22, 2015 No. 7626 HOT SPRINGS COUNTY BLACK MOUNTAIN ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 9) STUDY PUBLIC COMMENT MEETING The second and final public comment meeting will be held on Thursday, November 5th at 6:00 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Annex Building, 117 North 4th Street, Thermopolis, WY 82443. Hot Springs County is inviting the public to attend the meeting to provide comment and input on the investigation and proposed alternatives for the road. Draft reports are available for inspection at the Hot Springs County Clerks office and at , located under “Project Portal.” Pub. Oct. 22 & 29, 2015 No. 7627 The following list of warrants approved October 15, 2015, by HOT SPRINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT is hereby published as required by the Wyoming Education Code of 2005, as amended, Chapter 3, Section 21-3-110 (a)(ii). $500.00 $511.65 $513.83 $518.28 $539.96 $551.89 $561.73 $577.06 $577.33 $600.00 $608.03 $612.22 $629.80 $646.25 $653.51 $666.66 $707.00 $712.00 $729.66 $744.05 $753.51 $825.00 $827.99 $831.60 $838.11 $838.50 $850.00 $862.16 $865.82 $870.00 $888.73 $902.79 $903.35 $912.50 $930.00 $936.24 $939.56 $940.00 PAGE A7 HOT SPRINGS CO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL $945.00 SHERIDAN COLLEGE $1,000.00 ULINE $1,059.00 GOLF TEAM PRODUCTS INC. $1,073.50 ACT $1,100.00 WYOMING DEPT. OF EDUCATION $1,138.62 THERMOPOLIS HARDWARE $1,170.31 WYOMING ASSOC OF SCHOOL ADMIN $1,214.00 CENTENNIAL SALES SPORT MEDICINE $1,214.02 SERLKAY PRINTING $1,239.50 WYOMING STATE FAIR $1,247.00 WYOMING AFTERSCHOOL ALLIANCE $1,281.00 PINNACLE BANK OF THERMOPOLIS $1,319.75 WALMART COMMUNITY $1,407.37 ELDER EQUIPMENT LEASING OF WY, INC. $1,427.38 BROWN'S WESTERN APPLIANCE $1,427.91 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CUMMINS $1,450.00 AMAZON.COM INC $1,467.90 NORCO $1,497.55 CHILDREN'S RESOURCE CENTER $1,500.00 HOT SPRINGS GREATER LEARNING $1,500.00 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES $1,555.29 OWL LUMBER $1,618.21 RIDDELL $1,623.95 PLAN ONE ARCHITECTS $1,657.50 LEGO EDUCATION $1,897.99 LOGO SPORTSWEAR $1,964.52 THE OFFICE SHOP $1,980.66 CDW GOVERNMENT INC $1,988.82 SCHOOL SAVERS $2,025.55 ICU DATABASE $2,149.00 UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC SERVICE $2,189.78 PARK SUPPLY OF AMERICA, INC. $2,198.47 RT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. $2,214.38 GREAT WESTERN PARK & PLAYGROUND, $2,273.00 SUNSHINE OFFICE PRODUCTS $2,330.19 PINNACLE BANK OF THERMOPOLIS $2,371.07 PINNACLE BANK OF THERMOPOLIS $2,472.21 PROJECT ADVENTURE, INC $2,532.53 CLOSE UP FOUNDATION $2,589.00 AMAZON.COM INC $2,681.36 AMAZON.COM INC $2,839.47 M2SYS TECHNOLOGY $2,903.05 CNC TECHNICAL SERVICES $3,138.40 WYOMING GAS COMPANY $3,901.20 LRP PUBLICATIONS, INC $3,969.04 TRAVEL WRIGHT, INC $4,146.20 PINNACLE BANK OF THERMOPOLIS $4,392.94 GOTTSCHE REHABILITATION CENTER $4,455.00 NORCO $5,011.82 ZONAR SYSTEMS $5,709.96 OWL CREEK GRAPHICS $5,776.58 RENDEZVOUS RIVER SPORTS $6,390.80 NEWMIND GROUP, INC $8,970.00 TOWN OF THERMOPOLIS $9,247.95 PATTERSON CONSTRUCTION $11,795.00 TIGER DIRECT.COM $12,400.00 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF MONTANA $13,906.29 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA $14,998.10 DOOLEY OIL $18,640.15 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER $21,534.54 VENTURE TECHNOLOGIES $38,387.31 $299,383.86 Pub. Oct. 22, 2015 Warrants List ENDOWMENT FUND WRIGHT HOTEL CHILD'S PLAY THERMOPOLIS PETRO & TIRE BLAIRS MARKET - THERMOPOLIS CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STORES VERIZON WIRELESS AMAZON.COM INC ANDYMARK, INC CASPER COLLEGE AG DEPARTMENT INDEPENDENT RECORD MAKERBOT DEMCO INC. CENGAGE LEARNING O'REILLY AUTO PARTS KAPLAN SCHOOL SUPPLY SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES HOLIDAY INN - CHEYENNE POSTAGE BY PHONE/PURCHASE POWER THERMOPOLIS HARDWARE BLAIRS MARKET - THERMOPOLIS SUPER 8 MOTEL - BUFFALO BLAIRS MARKET - THERMOPOLIS BEST WESTERN - SHERIDAN CENTER AMAZON.COM INC LONG BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES INC DAYS INN - GILLETTE HIGH PLAINS PIZZA, INC. SHOPKO WYOMING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PRESS TWEED'S WHOLESALE CO KONE, INC. FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC O'REILLY AUTO PARTS ARTISAN ALLEY INDOFF, INCORPORATED JADECO, INC. TEEPEE POOLS INC Public notices No. 7628 INVITATION FOR BIDS Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital, Thermopolis, Wyoming will receive sealed proposals from General Contractors for the furnishing of labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary for the construction of the following building: Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital MRI Remodel 150 E Arapahoe Street Thermopolis, Wyoming Bids will be received for a single General Contract, including Architectural, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Structural work. Sealed bids will be received by Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital, 150 E Arapahoe Street, Thermopolis, Wyoming, until 2:00 PM, local time, November 12, 2015 at which time the proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be submitted on the form provided with the Contract Documents. Contract Documents may be secured at Nelson Architects, LLC at 214 N. Broadway, Riverton, Wyoming. Phone: (307) 856-6155, upon deposit of $100.00 per set, 100% refundable, if returned within fifteen (15) days after the bid opening in re-usable condition, including all addenda. Bids shall be accompanied by bid security in accordance with Instructions to Bidders in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish to Nelson Architects, LLC, within ten (10) days of the bid’s acceptance, Performance, Labor and Material Bonds, each in an amount not less than 100% of the contract sum, and as authorized by Wyoming Statutes Section 16-6-112 (as amended) Contractors shall comply with all fair labor practices and must meet the requirements of the Wyoming State Statutes. Preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, equipment, and machinery and provisions produced, manufactured, supplied or grown in Wyoming, quality being equal to articles offered by the competitors outside of the State, all as more fully outlined in W.S. SS16-6-106 and 107. A five percent (5%) preference will be given to resident Wyoming Contractors in accordance with the applicable State Statutes. Resident contractors shall be certified as such by the Wyoming Depart- ment of Employment at the time of the bid opening. No bidder may withdraw his bid for at least thirty (30) days after the scheduled time for receipt of bids, except as noted in the Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities, to evaluate the bids submitted and to accept the proposal which best serves the interest of the Owner. Plans will be available on 10/19/15. A mandatory pre-bid walk-through for Prime Bidders of the entire project in Thermopolis, Wyoming, will be held at 3:00 p.m. (local time), November 3, 2015 at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital, 150 E Arapahoe Street, Thermopolis, Wyoming. All Prime Contractors interested in bidding this project must attend the pre-bid walk-through. Pub. Oct. 22, 2015 No. 7631 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Hot Springs County will receive sealed bids until 2:00 P.M., local time, 11/17/15 at the Hot Springs County Clerk’s Office at 415 Arapahoe Street, Thermopolis, Wyoming, for MATERIALS, LABOR, SERVICES, TRANSPORTATION & COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF WYDOT-HRRR 0.00 CN15021 GUARDRAIL REPLACEMENT PROJECT. The Engineer’s opinion of probable construction costs ranges from $100,000 to $150,000. All bids publicly opened and read aloud 4:30 P.M., local time, 11/17/15 at the Commissioners meeting in Hot Springs County Annex, 117 N. 4th Street. Mail or deliver to Hot Springs County. Hot Springs County will take no responsibility for delivery of bids through mail. Complete digital copies of the bidding documents are available at and at www. under PROJECTS OUT TO BID. Submitting Contractors will be required to register with the website to download the bidding documents for $20 by inputting Quest project #4142002 on the website’s Project search page. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn. com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. Optional paper copies of bidding documents are available at: Engineering Associates, 429 Broadway, Thermopolis, WY 82443 for $100 non-refundable. The Hot Springs County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informalities if deemed in the best interest of the Owner. No bid may be considered unless accompanied by the required bid guarantee of 5% of the total bid amount which amount shall be forfeited if the bidder is awarded the Contract and fails to enter into a Contract with the Owners. Pre-bid meeting held at 2:00 P.M. local time, on 11/9/15 at Hot Springs County Annex, 117 N. 4th Street. Dated this 19th day of October, 2015. HOT SPRINGS COUNTY /s/ owner Pub. Oct. 22, 29 & Nov. 5, 2015 No. 7630 TOWN OF THERMOPOLIS YEAR END REPORT July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Budgeted Actual Taxes 967,500 986,528 Licenses & Permits 175,500 187,800 Intergov. Revenues 1,977,215 1,965,692 Charges for Services 88,330 97,001 Fines & Forfeitures 20,000 28,348 Misc. Rev. & Trsfr. 230,000 222,013 Total Revenues 3,459,045 3,487,382 GENERAL FUND EXPEND. General Government 537,910 410,610 Public Safety 1,138,026 1,013,538 One Cent Sales Tax 998,400 472,850 Streets & Alleys 662,100 570,192 Parks & Recreation 34,000 30,634 Other Gen. Accts. 632,550 475,227 Trsfr to other Funds 281,739 281,739 Total Expenditures 4,284,725 3,254,790 REVOLVING LOAN FUND Revenues 400 433 Expenditures 400 TRUST FUNDS Revenues 1,400 1,312 Expenditures 5,650 482 ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES Budgeted Actual Water 931,500 900,963 Sewer 702,000 705,414 SN/LF 712,801 652,398 Non-Op. Rev. 1,190,350 918,619 Transfers In 231,739 231,739 Total 3,768,390 3,409,133 ENTERPRISE FUND EXPEND. Water 1,489,560 1,221,031 Sewer 713,675 571,178 SN/LF 1,056,125 749,523 Capital Outlay 2,944,086 2,408,412 Debt Expense 148,214 147,722 Transfers Out 15,000 15,000 Total Expend. 6,366,660 5,112,866 INSURANCE TRUST FUND Revenues 696,740 608,962 Expenditures 646,740 355,265 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND Revenues 3,725 3,786 Expenditures 10,950 10,459 This year end budget report is published for y our information. If you have questions, call Tracey Van Heule or Fred Crosby 864-3838. Pub. Oct. 22, 2015 No. 7629
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