0 AIIKVS sod am - Edgar Allan Poe Museum
0 AIIKVS sod am - Edgar Allan Poe Museum
£0 AIIKVS sod am; DAVID POE, of Bring, County Cavan, Ireland, died in 1742. His Father was John Poe, for v/hom his son, John Poe, was named. This John Poe, in September, 1741, married Jane McBride of Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland, and this marriage was performed "by John, Lord Bishop of Clogher, or by Jane's Father, the Rev, Robert McBride. John Poe, of Donegal, Donegal County, Ireland, and his wife, who was Jane McBride, & later of that McBride who was Admiral of the Blue, and member of Parliament for Plymouth in 17B5, landed at New Castle, Delaware, with two children, David and Ofeorge, in 1743. They went at once to Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania, and afterward to Cecil County, Maryland. They had in all, ten children, namely: 1 David } 9. George . ) "born in Ireland, who died in the West Indies. 4 J ohn , who was taken prisoner at the "battle of Germantown, and died on the prison ship Jersey at New York . 9 Samuel, 6 Jane, 7 Hester, 8 James, 9 10 Mary, William. Of these Robert, John, Samuel, Jane, who died in Annapolis, left no issue. Hester and 'Story married, and had one child each, "hut these children left no issue, So there were left David, Grandfather of the Poet, Pidgar Allan Poe, George, from whom the Poes in Maryland are sprung, and William. John and his wife removed to Baltimore, where he died in 1756. The first city directory of Baltimore, published in 17H6, contains the name of Jane Poe, widow, German Street "between Howard and Hanover, the family. This property was owned "by She died July 17, 150?-, aged ninety-six, and is buried in Westminster Churchyard, lot 129, corner of Green and Fayette Streets, Baltimore, Maryland . The exact date of her "birth is not known, but it was almost certainly in Bxirke's Landed Gentry gives a full record of John Poe*s ancestry, showing, for instance, that the Dr, Poe, who was physician to Queen Elizabeth, came from Donegal, and was of the same family, William, the youngest child, went to Georgia and married Prances \7inslow, Re died in Augusta, Georgia. 3 They had children 1 Robert, 2 William, 3 Washington, a distinguished lawyer and member of Congress. 4 Matilda. and are the progenitors of the "branches of the family in Georgia, Alabajna, etc., with the exception of one family in Ifobile, Alabama,, and another in Barnwell, South Carolina, \vhich, descend fron George. William is given this brief notice here, and not in his proper place, after David and George, becaxi.se this record is of the Maryland Poes. Besides this, full data as to his descendants are not at hand. DAVID POE, oldest son of John and Jane McSride Poe, was brought by his parents from Ireland with his brother George, in 1743. TTe was then about two years old. His early life was spent in Pennsylvania, where his father had settled, and he there married the beautiful Elizabeth Cairnes. In 1776 he moved to Baltimore, n,nd from that time was prominent in public affairs* He was Quarter-Master General in the Maryland Line, and .contributed largely of his personal rneuns in furnishing arras and supplies to the soldiers of the Revolution. These contributions impoverished him. In 1799-1600 he was in the City Council, and though seventy-three years old, he took an active part in the Battle of ITorth Point, September 12, 1514. The Marquis de la Fayette had a warm affection for him, and on his visit to Baltimore, in 1534, inquired particularly for him. Hearing that he had died eight years before, he expressed great sorrow, and asked to be taken to the widow's residence to pay his respects to her. DATID POE died October 17, 1816; his widow died July 7, 1635, Their children were - 1 George, Who died in infancy, 2 William, v/ho died in infancy, 3 Davidj Jr., the Father of Kdgar Allen Poe, the Poe 4 Samuel, who had quite a reputation as a humorist Died yoxmg and unmarried. 5 Maria, Mother of Virginia iSliza Clemnij 6 Elixa, who married Henry Herring, of Baltimore, and died December a, They had children Elizabeth, Lewis David, Henry, George, PAVIiD P03, Jr., was "born in Baltimore in 1786. He married, in 11106f Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins ("born Arnold), an English actress, She died in Bichzaond, Virginia, December 8, 1811. He had died a short time "before in Norfolk, Virginia. They had children 1 William Henry Leonard, born Fefcrxiary , 1307, died July 7, 1831. 2 Bdgar Allan, horn Jam^ary 19f 1B09, died October 7, 1849, 3 Rosalie, horn 1810, died July 21, 1874. ATJJUT K>K, son of David, Jr., and Elizabeth Arnold Poe, was loarried to his cousin, Virginia. Kli^a Clem, in Richmond, Virginia, by the Rev. Kr, Converse, May 16, 1836. He died at Y/ashington College (now the Clmrch lrome, o ^roadv/ay, Baltimore), October 7, ia49, and was buried October 9, in the lot, ITo. H7, of his Grandfather, General David Poe, in Westminster churciKyarcl. His remains were removed Movemoftr 17, 1'575, to the spot in the sajae churchyard where they are now covered by the Poe monument. VIRGINIA, his wife, died at Fordham, 'Tew York, January 30, 1347, and her remains were brought frozn there and "buried alongside those of her husband, January 19, 101*5. Vfith his death the name, as far as the descendants of DAVID POK is concerned, is extinct. This record will not attempt laore than a sleet oh of the Poet, Many lives of him have been written. Petitions of his works, almost every one of which contains a Memoir, liave "been published in England» Prance, Germany, Spain, Italy and Australia. Of his first edition of Tanerlane, published in Boston, in 1827, only 3 copies are said to exist, The Centenary of Ms birth in Boston, January 19, 19099 has been kept in this country and abroad, and all sorts of functions in his honor have been celebrated, especially, at the University of Virginia, his Alma Mater, r j second son of John and Jane McBride Poe, v/as "born in Ireland, and was brought by has parents when only two months old, with his "brother David, to ttew Castle, Delaware, and then to Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, near Little Britton, in 1743. The family afterward removed to Cecil coun- ty, Maryland, where, about 1775 , George married Catherine DawBOn, Boon after their marriage they moved to Baltimore and lived, first on Thames street, Fella Point, west of Broadway, as it is now, and afterwards to their own property, "o, 1B3 Market street. This lot is now on the south side of Baltimore street about three doors east of Kanover street. He was a private in Captain Cox*s company, on duty 1775-1776. Bavid Poef his brother, was a sergeant; later-, in Captain McClellan's company T*avid Poe was lieutenant, George Poe , ser ; William Poe, private, "Frederick Tovm, June 7, 1776, Col, Baker Johnson to Maryland Council of Safety requested the Council to commission ^s Captains in the 34th Battalion Ililitia of »ecierick Coimty Jamas Mackol, George Poe, Tlioinas 'Fra.Ker , Txiesday Jtme 11. 1776 Council met and issiied tlie Cozoiaissions as requested in the above letter of Col. Johnnon. (See pages 471 and 475, Archives of !feryla'~-% Journal of Correspondence of the Council of Safety - ;, ,>lished "by the Maryland Historical Society) . George Poe died at the home of his son Jacob, Elmwood, Frederick county, Maryland, August ?,0, 1U23, aged about U2, and was buried in the burying-ground of the "Brick Meeting-House 5 near Walksrsville, Frederick county, Mary land. The loss of the family Bible by fire makes it impos- sible to give the exact date of his and his brother David's birth. Catherine itewson Poe wife of George Pee, was born at Nottingham^ Cecil county, Maryland, Jfe,y 13, 1742. She died at the home of her son Jacob, which was then at Havre de Grace, Maryland, August, 1306, and was buried in the lot of her husband, G-eorge Poe, }To. 129 Westminster churchyard, Balt i more. 10 GEORGE and Catherine Hawson ?oe had four children 1 £ao£b, "born October 11, 1775, died July ?,5, I860. 2 George, born Kovei-iber 14, 1778, died July 21, 1864. Harriot t born "-larch SB, 17a5» died January 6,lfilfi. Stephen, died in infancy. 4 r 11 Jacob, the eldest son of Oeorge and Catherine Pawaon ?oe, was born on Thames street, Baltimore, a :"ev; doors west of Broadway, October 11, 1775. As a young man he -v^as em - ployed "by a merchant, and made several voyages as super cargo; afterwards he became a farmer, first near Havre de Grace, then in Baltimore county, and in 1317 at XLmwood, Frederick county, Maryland. He was married in Baltimore, January 4t 1803, by Kev. J. Inglls, to Bridget Amelia Fit 55 Gerald Kennedy. She was the daughter of John and Amelia Fitz Gerald Kennedy, ?,nd -vas born June 10, 1775, in the coxmty Tipperary, Ireland, between Jlenah and Toomavara. Her father, who lost by Becoming surety for one John Branton, sailed from Dublin in the ship 'Tap time, Captain Roach, April 30, 1764. Her Mother v/as Amelia, daughter of George Fitz Gerald Kennedy, counsellor at-law. A picture of him belongs to Amelia Poe, his great, great, grand-daiighter. Amelia Pit7, Gerald Kennedy, died at Salisbury, Kastern Shore, Maryland, in 1790, and her body was brought to Baltimore and buried in the Roman Catholic burying-groxind, on the site of old Calvert Ka,ll, Saratoga street, opposite the Hotel Rennert. John Kennedy, her husband, died at St. Croix, West Indies, while on a visit to his brother James. 12 JACOB POT! died at the hone of his son "eilson, at the corner of Lexington and Courtland streets, Baltimore, y.aryland, July 25, 1B60, aged 85 years. He was "buried, at the Briok Meeting-House, near Walkersville, Fred-erick coxtnty, 'feryland. It is interesting to note the great age attained "by several of his near relatives. Kis grandmother, Jane McBride Poe lived to "be 96; hin father, George Poe, 81; his "brother, George, 86; Ms v/ife, Bridget, 70; his son, George, 72; hi Bon; j^eilson, 74 ; his daiigliter, Amelia, ITeilson's twin sister, 79. Bridget Amelia Fit 2 G-erald Kennedy Poe died December ?.5f 1B44, in the seventieth year of her age, at her home, fflin./ood, Trederick co^mty, vtarylrijid, and v/as "buried at the r^rick .'feting House., neeu^ Walkersville, Frederick cotinty, Lfe.r yland • and Bridget Amelia Pitz Gerald Kennedy Poe had children - "born in Baltimore, Md.s November 10, 1803 Pied Pcbrv.ary 6, 1604, oorn in Baltimore, :!d., 1-to.rch 4, 1005. Died September IS, 1607. 3 Ge orge , "born in Baltimore, Hd., liarch J50, 1807, TUed in Baltimore, Jarmary 1O,107S r 13 Amelia and rreilson (twins), "born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 11, Amelia, the widow of Pr. Charles Golds "borough, died at her home near Walkorcville, Preclerick county, Maryland, IToveanher 2, 18BG, and was buried in the Mt , Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Maryland. Neilson o.ied at his home in Baltimore, Jforyland, Ja.mi.ary 3rd, 1B54, and was "buried in his lot in Oreenmotmt Cemetery, Baltiiaore. His wife, Josephine 3%nily Clei/ua Po.e, died in Baltimore, Januar 13 James Moshar, born in Baltimore, I-feryland, January 3rd, 1812. Pied in South Carolina, October, 1885. Harriet Clemm, horn in Frederick county, Maryland, August 6, 1817. Pied in Baltimore, December 1, 1B7B, and is buried in Greenmount Ceiaetery, Baltimore, Maryland . 14 AKKLIA, daughter of Jacob s,nd Bridget Amelia Fitzgerald Kennedy Poe, and twin Bister of Neilson Poe, was "born in Baltimore, August 11, 1809. She v/as married ITovenber 24, 1836, by Hey. Henry v, n. Johns, to r>r. Charles K. Goldsborough, cf Frederick county, Maryland. died ITovember 2, 1880. Ke died August 17, 1862. She They had children - 1 Katharine IDuckett, "born !-forch la, 1840. Married in All Saints' Church, Frederick, Maryland, by Rev. Alfred A. Cvrtis, Pecewber ?,'7 % l')."54 to ?rofccsor Al^ed Marshall ^^ayer, of Balti:.:ioi-e. G}io died ML-t,y 2, 1861>. ?. Oiarles ^7crthiriston, born at Punnystide, County, November ?,9, 1841. Marriod "ovember 7, lt"V55, -^t Shepherds town, West Virginia, to Henrietta P.. Lee, cUvu^htev- oi' ^Idrnund Jennings and }{enrietta Sedinger Lee, and a great c;rr-,nd -daughter of Richard Henry Lee. T>iod --.t his hone at Walkers ville, Thursday, February 6, 190Gat 8 .45 A.: . 3 isriclget Kennedy, 4 Saral; \?orthington, born April 6, 1345, died Eecem~ber 10, 1*WO. 5 Josejihino Harriet, born October 19, 1849. Married at. All Saints* Chxirch, ^roderick, I'aryiand, Lewis W. Trail, by Rev. Osixnurn In^le, January 17, 1871. Rhe died November 17, 1U71. born April 3, 1345, died July 6, 134S. at?, qorold, born July ?,4, ^51 , Married in I'Vederick by Kev, Osboitrn In^le, June 7, 1881, to Wm. Otis Tyler,of 3^redcrick, lid. 15 Katharine Dockett and Alfred yflarshall Player had 1 Alfred Gol<lsl->orougft, born April, 1868. Graduated at Stevens Institute of Technology with th© degree of M.E. , in 1889; Harvard University, with the degree of Doctor of Science, 1897. Married August 27, 1900, Harriet Randolph Hyatt, daughter of Professor Alpheus Hyatt of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Audella (Beelie) Kyatt. Harriet Handolph Kya.tt was i>orn April 23, 1B6G, in Salem, Massachusetts, The Hyatts are an old Maryland family. Alfred rroldsooroush and Harriet Randolph Mayer had children 1 Alphetis Hyatt Ivlayer, "born tTvne ^8? 1901. 2 Katherine (/oldsTDoroT^h Mayer, "horn Septeniber ^ 1903. '6 Brants I4ayert 4th of name, "born !to.y ?,7, 1906. 16 Charles Worthington and Henrietta Lee QgldBborough had children 1. Charles Henry, "born at gimnyside, August 25, 1866. Married Birdie Ueal, daughter of Major and Mrs. John Neal, of Banville, Virginia, December 27, 1B92. Th^y have children u Charles j^eg-ly "born Jtine 27, 1394. ?- ^dnimd T,ee9 horn July ?,, 1^66. Carried in St. James* Chvrch, Was}dngton, November P.l, 1900, to loahel Kill, daughter of John Moore HcCalla, of Washington , 3 Catherine T)vck«tt, "hory March 10, 1370. October 24, 1905, in St. John's Chapol, Walkers vi lie, T Dryland, "by Rev, 0^"bovrne In^le , to Llewellyn Walton McVeigh. 4 Edwin Grey Lee, born February 10, 187?,. ITa.rried in Kansas City, "Ussouri, December 9.7, 189B, Kleanor 5 ITeilson Poe born November ?!9, 1873. tember 9 f 1377. 6 ?rftnrietta_ I/ee, born Jtily 24, 1B77. 7 Henry Bedin^er, born April 14, 1880. T»ied Sep- 17 Edraund Lee and Isabel Hill Roldshorough had children 1 Helen Louise, "born February 7, 1902, Was "baptized in St. Paul*s Chiirch, Washington on February 22, following, by Rev. E. M, Thompson. 2 Edmund Lee, born 1903. 3 John McCalla, born May 14, 1905. is Josephine Harriet and Lewia W. Trail had children * 1 Josephine Golds'borough, "born ITov. 5, 1871. Married April 25, 1900, at Christ Church, Eanton, Maryland, to Stewart I4inor Woodward, of Richmond, Virginia. They have children Josephine Croldsborongh Woodward, born in Richmond, Virginia, Jiily 8, Baptized Oct. 2 in St . James* , Riclanond, Virginia. 2 Stewart I-finor , "born Noveniber 27 , 1904, "baptised December, 1904. 3 Amelia Poe, born April 6, 1908, baptized in Bt. James* Chxirch, Richmond, Virginia, October, 1908. ffs/ 19 The follov/ing inscriptions are taken from the slabs over the graves of George Poe, Jacob Poe and Bridget Kennedy ?oe in the churchyard of the Brick Meeting House, near Walkers, Frederick, Maryland:"In memory of GEORGES POB, who departed this life at the residence of his son, Jacob Poe, in this county, on the 20th of August, 1623, at the venerable age of 82 years. "In remembrance of his many virtues his children have erected this marble." "To the memory of JACOB POE. Born in Baltimore, October 10, 1775. Died in Baltimore, July 25th, I860." "Beneath this slab repose the remains of BRIDGET KE1IHEBY P03, the wife of Jacob Poe. Born in Ireland, June 10th, died in Frederick County, December 25th, 1844. 1775, Aet. 70." "Her husband, who through the vicissitt*des of 40 years, owed to her the chief part of his happiness, and her children, to whom she bequeathed the example of a blameless life, have united in erecting this tablet, to commemorate her inestimable merits and their lasting grief."