Nakdong River Restoration Project from the perspective of Systems
Nakdong River Restoration Project from the perspective of Systems
Nakdong River Restoration Project from the perspective of Systems Thinking P f Sh Prof. SheungKown K Ki Ph D Kim, Ph.D Korea University, Systems Analysis Lab. Tel : 82-2-924-3864 Http:// E E-mail mail : [email protected] Content NakDong River Restoration Project River Restoration Project The Integrated Model (CoWMON) The Integrated Model (CoWMON) Trial Application Trial Application Conclusions Application Area (Nakdong River Basin, Korea) NakDong River Restoration Project, Korea Young Ju Dam Connecting tunnel SnagJu Weir NakDan Weir GuMI Weir ChilGOk Weir GnagJung Weir DaiGu Metrocity DalSung Weir HapChun Weir HamAnWeir BuSan Metrocity Barrage Expansion Proposed NakDong River Weirs Weir SangJu NakDan G Mi GuMi ChilGok GangJung g g DalSung HapChun HamAn TOTAL Effective Storage3 (Million m ) 28.7 34.3 55 4 55.4 93.6 107.7 56.0 66.6 81 7 81.7 524 Normal Max Normal Max Min Storage Min Level of Level of Weir During drought Weir Pool (MLW) 3 Pool (NMLW) (Million m ) (El.m) (El.m) 47 40 32 5 32.5 25.5 19.5 14 10.5 50 5.0 4.3 2.5 49 4.9 9.8 70.7 3.0 12.4 6 37.2 29.6 22 23.7 16.7 5.0 5 1 15 1.15 113.6 REF: (2004): Technical Notes of Reservoir Operation Practice of K‐Water Co. (한국 수자원 공사 다목적댐 운영 실무편람 Additional water storage due to the construction of 8 Weirs in NakDong basin Î 524‐113.6 = 410 Million m3 ) A New Dam and Connecting 2 Dams are planned Connection of 2 Dams of Andong & Imha in upstream A New YoungJu A New YoungJu Storage Dam in NaiSung Storage Dam in NaiSung Chun Construction of 8 river weirs Î Modification of existing CoMOM Model is necessary => CoWMOM Y YoungJu J Dam D Connecting tunnel Imha Dam I h Imha Andong Andong Dam SnagJu Weir What is the Problem? • Enough to fill reservoir and to spill over weirs ? E h fill i d ill i ? • Enough to meet the water quality STD during the low flow periods? • Would it hamper the Long‐run water supply outlook? – Dry period : Nov. ~ Jun. the following yr – Water short area: 113 km /166 km downstream of AndongDam near ~ Gumi Weir / ~ GangJung Weir • Have to study the impacts from the perspective of overall water d h i f h i f ll supply capability in the basin. -3- Hydrology at NakDong River Basin Monthly Inflow to AnDong Monthly Inflow to AnDong Dam Dam (‘77~’03) Monthly Inflow to ImHa Monthly Inflow to ImHa Dam Dam (‘93~’03) Monthly Inflow to HapChun Dam Monthly Inflow to NamGang Dam REF: (2004): Technical Notes of Reservoir Operation Practice of K-Water Co. -4- Hydrology of the basin & Major Storage Dams Dam YungJu Effective Min Inflow Storage3 & the Year & the Year 3 (Million m ) (Million m ) Average Min. Inflow / Avg. Inflow/ Max Inflow Effective Effective & the Year Inflow3 & the Year (Million m ) (Million m3) Storage Storage 200 96 (est.) 205.5 48% 103% 393.6 AnDong 1,000 479 (1982) 1,027.6 48% 103% 1,968 (2003) I H ImHa 424 424 224 (1994) 224 (1994) 787 0 787.0 53% 186% 1 723 (2003) 1,723 (2003) HapChun 560 216 (1994) 701.8 39% 125% 1,315 (2003) NamGang 300 667 (1988) 2,109.7 222% 703% 4,135 (2003) (Newly proposed) REF: (2004): Technical Notes of Reservoir Operation Practice of K‐Water Co. (한국 수자원 공사 다목적댐 운영 실무편람) Æ The variations of inflow in the basin is so wide that upstream dams may not be filled at all during a drought year. drought year. From the perspective of Systems Thinking – A system is defined as a collection of components that organized to accomplish a specific function or set of functions. – The system produces better results that cannot be achieved by each components alone. Systems Approach The key of systems approach is to maintain the holistic point of view. Î Leads us to the efficient operation The Integrated Model Rebalancing of the water sharing across the basin is necessary. Î We developed an Integrated Water Resource Allocation We developed an Integrated Water Resource Allocation Model using the mathematical optimization model; We did not use common modeling platform. Like Riverware, gp , ….etc. In the beginning, CoMOM (Coordinated Multiple Reservoir Operation Model) for multiple reservoir operation problems was developed (Kim et al 2005) was developed (Kim 2005). Later , it has been expanded to include river weirs imposing , p p g water quality standards. CoWMOM Why not use Common Modeling Platform? Hydrology of Korea is different from other countries. ‐ Heavy rain during Monsoon Flood Period, but not enough rain in the rest of the year. ( now the climate change affects) ‐ catchment area is small ( small country) catchment area is small ( small country) ‐ Land slope is steep toward the east mountainous region. ‐ not many dam sites, and the size of dam is small. y ‐ The practice of water use is uniquely different from other countries. Water Supply is the prime objective of reservoir operation CoMOM (Quantity based) Î CoWMOM ( Quantity and Quality based) Coordinated Weirs & Multi-Reservoir Opperatingg Model : Considers Fishway releases, The water quality impacts on spatiotemporal water allocation. Good enough for a preliminary evaluation. Non-inferior Multi-reservoir release plans will be given The results will be screened out later with more sophisticated water quality simulation model (eg. WASP). Daily Coordinated Weir & Multiple Reservoir Operation Model (CoWMOM) - The expansion of the daily CoMOM (Coordinated ( MultiMulti reservoir Operating Model) to include the operation of weirs considering water quality standards - CoWMOM Model -Network Flow Diagram for Nakdong River basin Nodes Network Reservoir WiChon Confluence B7 Y YoungJU JU Dam D B6 B5 6 7 SangJu 8 B1 B8 conduit 5 GuMi 2 6.82 Gam cheon 3.19 Sun San B9 Control Point Terminal Conduit Spill Outlet Channel Carryover Weir Pool 1 5.58 낙동 9 Demand Site SubBasin 4 Nakdan Power Plant B B3 Andong D. Andong brige Sabul 3 10 Chil gok Unit : CMS 성서 B12 13 16 0.43 0.6 B15 19 24 3.87 남강댐 하류 JinJu Masan Juk Po 28 0.71 Mil yang 0.29 29 B20 B24 Sam Rang Jin Wool san B25 4.67 하구언 Chang won 1.39 B22 32 B21 30 Ham An B23 31 Mil yang 운문댐 하류 50.0 B18 3.55 B22 Woon Moon 26 25 3.17 달창지 Jindong 23 Pohang 30.0 27 22 JinJu Industrial Jin Ju Municipal M i i l Yung Chon Hap cheon Hap Cheon 1.84 율지교 14 15 3.00 Kyung San 회천 1.49 영천댐 하류 동촌 Dal Sung g 21 Namgang Municipal Dae Gu City 17 18 B17 20 1.34 25.6 GoRyung Bridge 옥연지 Hap Cheon Nam gang Bo Hyun 7.93 B14 B19 11 Gang Jung B13 B16 B11 12 4.71 Wai Gwan B10 Imha B4 GuMi City B2 33 Pusan 15.06 Nakdong Barrage Daily Coordinated Weir & Multi‐Reservoir Operating Model CoWMOM i th is the expansion i off CoMOM C MOM 4.0 40 CoMOM 4.0 (C di t d M lti R (Coordinated Multi‐Reservoir Operating Model) i O ti M d l) Weir Weir operation requirements M lti P i d Dynamic Multi-Period D i Min Mi Cost C t Network N t k Fl Flow imbedded Model Daily Planning /Operational Model Water Quality Assessment From the From the Perspective of Total Quantity of Q y Pollutant Preemptive Goal Programming Model Mixed Integer Programming Model Interactive Multi-Objective Analysis Logic Behind the CoWMOM 1. Holistic Approach 2. Water Conservation Given the forecasting of mid and long term water inflow, the best operation policy would be to reduce unnecessary water releases not to mention minimizing spill, and to store max allowable water in upstream dams. This is the water conservation approach. 3. Deterministic Approach pp in shortshort-term Operation The model assumes that future inflow and water demand of each period are known. 4 Sustainable 4. S t i bl W Water t S Supply l g thru Fish-passage p g 5. Guarantee the discharge , meeting Water Quality rqm’t What is CoWMOM ? Goal: finding the daily operating policies of upstream dams to meet certain water quality requirements from the perspective of sustainable water supply in a basin. Features - The river routing (optional) - The nonlinear process of hydropower generation is linearized. - Multiple p objectives j trade-off analysis y ((storage g Vs. hydropower) y p ) - The object oriented programming environment - The Real Real-time time operational environment - Blending of pollutants and nutrients How to use the CoWMOM? Real--time Water Management System Real Real‐time Real time Water Management System Water Management System • Decision Numerical Value by RRFS Numerical Value by RRFS End‐of End‐ of‐‐the the‐‐month Target Reservoir Water Levels b SSDP/ESP by SSDP/ESP or by 2 by SSDP/ESP or by 2‐ b 2‐stage Stochastic LP t St h ti LP Daily CoWMOM Release Decision Actual Initial Storage Simulation (KModSim) Simulation (KModSim) And River Water Quality Model 19 How to use the CoWMOM? Coordinated Weirs & Multi Coordinated Weirs & Multi Reservoir Reservoir Operation Inflow Forecasting Long/Short Term Weather Forecasting Forecasted Rainfall Forecasted Rainfall Historical Record Historical Record of Rainfall Inflow from RRFS (Rainfall R Runoff ff Forecasting System) Operating Rule Monthly Operation Model (Stochastic Model) Monthly Target Storage Daily CoWMOM Daily CoWMOM Daily Release Database Reservoir Operation Simulation Initial Storage on the next Day Conceptual layout of Movable and Rigid Weir Scenic Weir Pool Level Rigid Weir Normal Weir Pool Level Normal Weir Pool Level Movable Weir ((Rising sector s g sec o sluice gate) Minimum Weir Pool Level for fishway Range of Water Level Control Range of Water Level Control With Movable Weir Low Water Level: Minimum Water Level for Small Hydro Conduit for Small Hydro 3. Discharge through Fish-passage During the spawning season, season specific amount of water has to be discharged through fish-passage. In order to meet the required flow through fish spillway we have to meet the ‘Minimum Level of Weir pool for Fishpassage (MLWF)’ which hi h iis b below l th the elevation l ti off normall weir i pool. We applied goal programming constraints to meet the MLWF. Weir Pool Level constraints Minimum Level of Weir pool for Fish‐passage (MLWF) constraints S t weir −E w+ weir +E w− weirr ≥ Fish release Storage for t ∈ [ spawing period ], ω = 1...100 Where t S weir Erw+ and Erw− : the storage of weir at t, : the deviations from the target storage of the weir. Conditional constraints for fish discharge and spillway overflow ill fl t S ⎡ ⎤ t t weir [ ] I F −weir ,n ≤ ⎢ , where I ∈ 0 , 1 F − weir , n Fish release Storage⎥⎦ ⎣ However we need another type of constraints that would make the fish discharge H d th t f t i t th t ld k th fi h di h occur physically. Unless we impose the following conditional constraints, fish discharge might also occur even if the weir pool level is below the minimum weir pool level for fish discharge. t ,w weir , n Q t ,w Q weir ,n ≤ BigM g ×I ≤ Q Max Fish release t ,w , Q weir ,n t F − weir , n t ≤ Q Fish release ‐‐‐ (a) × I Ft − weir ,n t ,w , Q weir ,n ≤ Q Rt ,−wweir ,n × I Rt − weir ,n − − ( 21 Using the binary variable in equation (a), we will be able to release the required fish discharge when the weir pool level is higher than the required pool elevation. Water Quality Requirements. The river weir will act as sediment and nutrient traps. Pooled water by river weir may provide greater opportunities for the Pooled water by river weir may provide greater opportunities for the growth of algae (phytoplankton) that can lead to eutrophication. Î control TP, water temperature, TN etc , p , After all, even the more complex extensions of the state of the art i in water quality models only give us the crude approximation of li d l l i h d i i f the interactions among various constituents that occur in water bodies bodies. We do not exactly know how the river weir will affect the river y water quality. 4. Water Quality Requirements. The process of mixing better quality water to the poor The process of mixing better quality water to the poor quality water Î blending the nutrients or pollutants. The process of blending nutrients and pollutants can easily be incorporated into continuity equations The objective is to find the best blend of ingredients into the volume of water to meet certain water quality the volume of water to meet certain water quality specification by adjusting the upstream reservoirs release. Have to Monitor and collect the data in real‐time. Constraints for Total Pollutant Control X2 X1 Pa1 a1 ,, Pb1 Pa2 a2 ,, Pb2 S (X3) Pa3 , Pb3 Table 1. Concentrations of pollutants in each water volume. Proportions of pollutant A Proportions of po llutant B X1: Local Inflow to S Pa1 Pb1 X2 : Release to S from upstream dam Pa2 Pb2 X3: Amount of initial storage at location, S Pa3 Pb3 Decision Variable : Description Total quantity requirements for each pollutant The total quantity of pollutant, A in S: kA * (Pa1 X1+ Pa2 X2 + Pa3 X3)/(X1+X2+X3) X1 Pa1 , P Pb1 X2 Pa2 , P Pb2 the total quantity of pollutant B in S : S ((X3) kB * (Pb1 X1+ P + Pb2 X2 + P + Pb3 X3)/(X1+X2+X3) Pa3 , Pb3 at the end of the period. where kA : the pollution reduction parameter of pollutant A in S during the unit period of reservoir operation. Water Quality Requirements (for Preliminary Analysis) kA(Pa1 X1+ P + Pa2 X3 + P + Pa3 X3)/(X1+X2+X3) <= L ) < LA ‐‐‐ (1) kB(Pb1 X1+ Pb2 X2 + Pb3 X3)/(X1+X2+X3) <= LB ‐‐‐ (2) Trial Application for Trial Application for Comparison between the case with and p without Imposing Water Quality St d d d i Standards during a dry season d Water Storage Rebalancing ‐15.61 15 61 [MCM] ‐6 02 ‐6.02 [MCM] DalSung Weir ‐5.07 [MCM] DalSung +9.90 [MCM] +0.16 [MCM] +14 17 +14.17 [MCM] W/O water Water Quality quality Changes imposed Requirements q BOD T‐P BOD May TP T‐P BOD June T‐P BOD Average Average T‐P April 2.50 0.16 2.5 0 16 0.16 2.60 0.15 2.53 0.16 NakDong River Basin Average Basin Outlet l [MCM] 2.20 0.14 2.35 0 13 0.13 2.52 0.13 2.36 0.13 Changes (%) ‐0.30 ‐0.02 ‐0.15 ‐0.03 0 03 ‐0.08 ‐0.02 ‐0.17 ‐0.03 ‐12.00% ‐12.50% ‐6.00% ‐18.75% 18 75% ‐3.08% ‐13.33% ‐6.72% ‐18.75% W/O water quality Requirements Water Quality imposed Changes April 24.37 25.13 0.76 May 35.21 34.57 ‐0.64 June 16.86 16.87 0.01 Total 76.44 76.56 0.12 Changes (%) 3.10% ‐1.82% 0.06% 0.16% Results of Reservoir Operation by Daily CoWMOM (continuous Operation) Normal Maximum Water Surface Elevation Flood Control Elevation Flood Control Elevation W/O water quality Requirements W t Q lit St d d i Water Quality Standards imposed d Historical Records Flood season Start Flood season Start AnDong Flood season Start YoungChon ImHa Flood season Start HapCHun Results of Reservoir Operation by Daily CoWMOM (continuous Operation) Normal Maximum Water Surface Elevation Flood Control Elevation Flood Control Elevation W/O water quality Requirements W t Q lit St d d i Water Quality Standards imposed d Historical Records Flood season Start Flood season Start WunMoon NamGang Floo d seas on Start MilYang Discussions From the result, we can see that the required upstream , q p release to keep water quality STD at Dalsung Weir was about 27 MCM. ‐ Loss of Water Supply capability However, the possible loss of Water supply capability of the Nakdong Basin could be made up for by increasing the the Nakdong Basin could be made up for by increasing the storage at Hapchon, WunMoon and Mil Yang by 24 MCM in total. This is what the systems approach aimed at from the b i i beginning. Conclusions Goal of good water allocation is that a ‘good quality’ and ‘the G l f d t ll ti i th t ‘ d lit ’ d ‘th right amount’ of water has to be delivered to ‘the right place’ at ’the at the right time right time’. CoWMOM (Coordinated Weirs & Multi‐Reservoir Operating Model ) takes into consider the water quality impacts on spatiotemporal water allocation, using blending process The systems thinking helps to rebalance the water sharing across the basin. across the basin. ‐ The preliminary plans will be screened out later with more sophisticated water Th li i l ill b d l ih hi i d quality simulation model. Like, WASP(Water Analysis Simulation Program) etc. WASP(Water Analysis Simulation Program) etc.‐‐ Acknowledgments This research was supported by Korea University special research grant, and partly by a grant (code 1‐6‐2) from Sustainable Water Resources Research Center of 21st Century Frontier Research Program. Program Thank you! y E mail: [email protected] E-mail: kimsk@korea ac kr Acknowledgments This research was supported by a grant (code 1-6-1) from Sustainable Water Resources Research Center of 21st Century Frontier Research Program Program. Appendix The Environment of Real‐time Water Supply M Management Simulation t Si l ti Monthly Sampling Stochatic y p g DP or 2 Stage Stochastic LP Basin Hydrology Basin Hydrology & Reservoir & Reservoir ‐ Weir operational limits Monthly Target Storage Long/Short Term Weather Forecasting Forecasted Rainfall Forecasted Rainfall Historical Hydrological Data Real‐‐Time DB Real Rule Curves of Reservoir‐ Weir System Weir System Daily Coordinated Weirs & Multi‐Reservoir Operating Model (CoWMOM) ( Strategic Water Quality Management ) Inflow from RRFS (Rainfall Runoff Runoff Forecasting System) 1st Trial Multi‐ T i l M lti‐reservoir Release Plan Trial Multi i R l Pl Detailed Simulation Analysis with Water Quality STD Final Multi Final Multi‐‐reservoir Release Plan Multi‐Reservoir & Weirs Operating Plan Feedback (optional) Wun‐ Moon MilYang Total 166 54 166.54 67 54 67.54 44 83 44.83 1 292 30 1,292.30 221.80 166.54 67.54 44.83 1,269.92 ‐3.97 54.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐22.38 ‐9 68% ‐9.68% ‐10 37% ‐10.37% 32 21% 32.21% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% ‐1 73% ‐1.73% 592.36 209.87 36.21 200.00 165.83 66.20 42.60 1,313.07 Water Quality imposed 562.64 198.16 35.58 233.55 165.83 66.20 42.60 1,304.56 Changes ‐29.72 ‐11.71 ‐0.63 33.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐8.51 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐5.02% ‐5.58% ‐1.73% 16.77% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ‐0.65% 41.00 16.86 0.00 123.20 8.84 0.00 0.00 189.91 Water Quality imposed 114.61 19.02 0.00 69.16 8.84 0.00 0.75 212.39 Changes 73.60 2.17 0.00 ‐54.04 0.00 0.00 0.75 22.48 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements 179.50% 12.85% 0.00% ‐43.86% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.84% 4.64 1.91 0.00 14.01 0.43 0.00 0.00 20.99 12.74 2.11 0.00 8.29 0.43 0.00 0.17 23.74 Changes 8.10 0.20 0.00 ‐5.72 0.00 0.00 0.17 2.75 Changes (%) W/O water quality W/O water quality Requirements 174.55% 10.69% 0.00% ‐40.83% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 13.10% 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 131 82 131.82 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 131 82 131.82 Water Quality imposed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 131.82 1.84 0.00 133.66 Changes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.00 1.84 Changes (%) 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 1 40% 1.40% AnDong ImHA Young‐ Chon W/O water quality water quality Requirements 596 07 596.07 211 32 211.32 38 25 38.25 167 76 167.76 Water Quality imposed 544.07 190.86 34.28 Changes ‐51.99 ‐20.46 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐8 72% ‐8.72% NakDong River Basin End Storage [MCM] 2 0 1 0 . 0 4 Average Storage [MCM] Power R l Release [MCM] Power Water Quality imposed P Generation [Gwh] Spillway Release [MCM] HapCHun NamGang Wun‐ Moon MilYang Total 166 54 166.54 77 06 77.06 44 83 44.83 1 277 75 1,277.75 169.25 166.54 77.24 52.04 1,275.45 ‐5.07 17.07 0.00 0.18 7.20 ‐2.29 ‐2 94% ‐2.94% ‐11 57% ‐11.57% 11 22% 11.22% 0 00% 0.00% 0 24% 0.24% 16 07% 16.07% ‐0 18% ‐0.18% 558.05 196.34 38.61 164.53 165.73 69.79 43.58 1,236.62 Water Quality imposed 528.90 184.78 34.09 182.93 164.87 69.85 47.30 1,212.72 Changes ‐29.16 ‐11.56 ‐4.52 18.41 ‐0.86 0.06 3.72 ‐23.90 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐5.22% ‐5.89% ‐11.71% 11.19% ‐0.52% 0.09% 8.53% ‐1.93% 126.37 20.48 0.00 59.19 9.32 0.00 7.98 223.35 Water Quality imposed 75.93 20.00 0.00 96.25 9.32 0.00 0.78 202.28 Changes ‐50.43 ‐0.48 0.00 37.06 0.00 0.00 ‐7.20 ‐21.07 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐39.91% ‐2.35% 0.00% 62.60% 0.00% 0.00% ‐90.27% ‐9.43% 13.97 2.27 0.00 6.15 0.45 0.00 1.80 24.64 8.21 2.16 0.00 10.51 0.45 0.00 0.18 21.52 Changes ‐5.75 ‐0.11 0.00 4.36 ‐0.00 0.00 ‐1.62 ‐3.12 Changes (%) W/O water quality W/O water quality Requirements ‐41.20% ‐4.63% 0.00% 70.95% ‐0.17% 0.00% ‐90.02% ‐12.65% 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 159 34 159.34 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 159 34 159.34 Water Quality imposed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 159.34 0.00 0.00 159.34 Changes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Changes (%) 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% AnDong ImHA Young‐ Chon W/O water quality water quality Requirements 585 99 585.99 207 36 207.36 43 78 43.78 152 18 152.18 Water Quality imposed 570.40 201.27 38.71 Changes ‐15.59 ‐6.10 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐2 66% ‐2.66% NakDong River Basin End Storage [MCM] 2 0 1 0 . 0 5 Average Storage [MCM] Power R l Release [MCM] Power Water Quality imposed P Generation [Gwh] Spillway Release [MCM] HapCHun NamGang Wun‐ Moon MilYang Total 166 54 166.54 75 43 75.43 39 31 39.31 1 047 89 1,047.89 162.08 166.54 75.59 53.48 1,045.42 ‐5.07 9.90 0.00 0.16 14.17 ‐2.47 ‐4 11% ‐4.11% ‐13 81% ‐13.81% 6 50% 6.50% 0 00% 0.00% 0 21% 0.21% 36 04% 36.04% ‐0 24% ‐0.24% 516.96 180.07 40.29 154.65 166.54 75.98 41.78 1,176.28 Water Quality imposed 498.47 172.77 35.23 169.63 166.54 76.14 52.58 1,171.36 Changes ‐18.49 ‐7.30 ‐5.07 14.98 0.00 0.16 10.80 ‐4.92 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐3.58% ‐4.05% ‐12.58% 9.69% 0.00% 0.21% 25.84% ‐0.42% 225.20 23.32 0.00 9.72 9.43 0.00 7.72 275.40 Water Quality imposed 225.75 22.84 0.00 16.92 9.43 0.00 0.75 275.69 Changes 0.55 ‐0.48 0.00 7.20 0.00 0.00 ‐6.97 0.29 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements 0.24% ‐2.07% 0.00% 74.05% 0.00% 0.00% ‐90.27% 0.11% 24.02 2.49 0.00 0.99 0.46 0.00 1.72 29.67 23.79 2.40 0.00 1.78 0.46 0.00 0.18 28.60 Changes ‐0.23 ‐0.09 0.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 ‐1.54 ‐1.07 Changes (%) W/O water quality W/O water quality Requirements ‐0.96% ‐3.55% 0.00% 79.76% 0.00% 0.00% ‐89.55% ‐3.60% 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 23 23 23.23 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 23 23 23.23 Water Quality imposed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.23 0.00 0.00 23.23 Changes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Changes (%) 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% AnDong ImHA Young‐ Chon W/O water quality water quality Requirements 431 37 431.37 146 35 146.35 36 71 36.71 152 18 152.18 Water Quality imposed 415.76 140.33 31.64 Changes ‐15.61 ‐6.02 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐3 62% ‐3.62% NakDong River Basin End Storage [MCM] 2 0 1 0 . 0 6 Average Storage [MCM] Power R l Release [MCM] Power Water Quality imposed P Generation [Gwh] Spillway Release [MCM] HapCHun NamGang Wun‐ Moon MilYang Total 166 54 166.54 75 43 75.43 39 31 39.31 1 047 89 1,047.89 162.08 166.54 75.59 53.48 1,045.42 ‐5.07 9.90 0.00 0.16 14.17 ‐2.47 ‐4 11% ‐4.11% ‐13 81% ‐13.81% 6 50% 6.50% 0 00% 0.00% 0 21% 0.21% 36 04% 36.04% ‐0 24% ‐0.24% 555.82 195.44 38.37 172.96 166.03 70.65 42.67 1,241.93 Water Quality imposed 529.99 185.23 34.95 195.23 165.74 70.72 47.49 1,229.36 Changes ‐25.83 ‐10.21 ‐3.42 22.27 ‐0.29 0.07 4.83 ‐12.57 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐4.65% ‐5.22% ‐8.91% 12.88% ‐0.18% 0.11% 11.31% ‐1.01% 392.57 60.66 0.00 192.12 27.59 0.00 15.71 688.65 Water Quality imposed 416.29 61.86 0.00 182.33 27.59 0.00 2.28 690.36 Changes 23.72 1.20 0.00 ‐9.79 0.00 0.00 ‐13.43 1.70 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements 6.04% 1.98% 0.00% ‐5.10% 0.00% 0.00% ‐85.48% 0.25% 42.62 6.67 0.00 21.15 1.34 0.00 3.52 75.30 44.74 6.68 0.00 20.58 1.34 0.00 0.53 73.86 Changes 2.11 0.01 0.00 ‐0.57 ‐0.00 0.00 ‐2.99 ‐1.44 Changes (%) W/O water quality W/O water quality Requirements 4.96% 0.16% 0.00% ‐2.69% ‐0.06% 0.00% ‐85.01% ‐1.91% 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 314 39 314.39 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 314 39 314.39 Water Quality imposed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 314.39 1.84 0.00 316.23 Changes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.00 1.84 Changes (%) 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0 59% 0.59% AnDong ImHA Young‐ Chon W/O water quality water quality Requirements 431 37 431.37 146 35 146.35 36 71 36.71 152 18 152.18 Water Quality imposed 415.76 140.33 31.64 Changes ‐15.61 ‐6.02 Changes (%) W/O water quality Requirements ‐3 62% ‐3.62% NakDong River Basin End Storage [MCM] T o t a l Average Storage [MCM] Power R l Release P e r i o d [MCM] Power Water Quality imposed P Generation [Gwh] Spillway Release [MCM] HapCHun NamGang