Chandigarh - The Pioneer
Chandigarh - The Pioneer
7`]]`hfd`_+ 0DXU4QY\i@Y_^UUb @A:?:@?) 74;82>?C4A340;?A>14 <DBC=C6>1>5>ABF0H H@C=5"# 10=6;034B7F0A2A8<4)B2 >:B340C75>A90<00C27845 DA@CE"' A40;140C28CH <0:48C 0;;<03A8358=0;8=D2; 270=3860A75A830H<0H%! %*?064B %C! ! "#$%!& ?`_4?8TRSSR_e`T`de"S_ %32VZLOOTXLW,QGLDIRUORVVRI ZRPHQVWDII&HQWUHWHOOV6& 01A070<C7><0BQ =4F34;78 he Centre on Thursday T told the Supreme Court that the ban on non-CNG taxis will adversely impact the economy and hundreds of Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) services run by multinational corporations (MNCs) could move their business outside the country. Seeking time to file an application to modify the court order of April 30 permitting only Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) cabs to operate in the Capital, Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar said, “The Government of India is concerned as a large number of BPOs are being affected by this order.” The Bench of Chief Justice TS Thakur and Justice R Banumathi, which was hearing the matter related to the Eastern and Western Peripheral Corridor, asked the Solicitor 20?BD;4 218BD<<>=B70A8B7 A0F0C8=6A05C20B4 =Tf3T[WX)CWT2T]caP[1daTPd ^U8]eTbcXVPcX^]^]CWdabSPh bd\\^]TS^dbcTSDccPaPZWP]S 2WXTU<X]XbcTa7PaXbWAPfPcc^ 3T[WXU^a`dTbcX^]X]VX]P R^aad_cX^]RPbT^]<^]SPh ^UUXRXP[bbPXS ?# #64C;8545>A<DA34A >5:44=0=0=3A4D14= <d\QPX)0b_TRXP[f^\T]³b R^dacX]<d\QPX^]CWdabSPh bT]cT]RTSc^[XUTX\_aXb^]\T]c cX[[STPcWU^dah^dcWbRWPaVTS fXcWQadcP[[hZX[[X]V:TT]P]P]S ATdQT]fW^caXTSc^_aTeT]ccWT \^[TbcPcX^]^UcWTXaf^\T] UaXT]SbUXeThTPabPV^ ?& &HA908;C 2A58=4 5>AFA>=68=380<0? =Tf3T[WX)Fa^]VST_XRcX^]^U cWT\P_^U8]SXPR^d[S[P]ScWT eX^[Pc^abX]YPX[fXcWP\PgX\d\ cTa\^UbTeT]hTPabP]SUX]Td_ c^C Ra^aTCWXb\TPbdaTWPb QTT]T]eXbPVTSQhcWT2T]caT PVPX]bccWTQPRZSa^_^U X]bcP]RTbfWTaTRTacPX]b^RXP[ ]Tcf^aZX]VbXcTbbW^fTS9P\\d :PbW\XaP]S0ad]PRWP[ ?aPSTbWPb_Pac^U?PZXbcP]P]S 2WX]PaTb_TRcXeT[h 8A2C2B8C4=>C702:43 ?A>14>=)>558280; =Tf3T[WX)CWT8]SXP]APX[fPh 2PcTaX]VC^daXb\2^a_^aPcX^] 8A2C2 ^]CWdabSPhST]XTS aT_^acbcWPcXcbfTQbXcTWPSQTT] WPRZTS°8A2C2fTQbXcTfPb]^c WPRZTSP]SXbUd]RcX^]X]V _a^_Ta[h±BP]SX_3dccP8A2C2 _dQ[XRaT[PcX^]b^UUXRTabPXS BD=8;;0=10C>14 =4F8=380==0EH27845 =Tf3T[WX)EXRT0S\XaP[Bd]X[ ;P]QPcWT_aTbT]cR^\\P]STa X]RWXTU^UcWTFTbcTa]=PeP[ 2^\\P]SfX[[cPZT^eTaPbcWT =PehRWXTU^]<Ph" XcfPb P]]^d]RTS^]CWdabSPh General for any alternative to the problem and suggested replacing non-CNG cabs with CNG buses. Kumar said this idea would not be feasible as most employees of BPOs are women who work till late in the night and need to be dropped right at their doorstep. “There is a definite problem about their safety,” he said. Sharing the larger concern of the Government, Kumar pointed out that the National Association of Software and Ser vices Companies (NASSCOM ) had written to the Centre that the exodus of the BPOs could cost the nation more than $1 billion. Kumar said, “Business is likely to get affected by the court order and we fear that MNCs will go out of the country if their concern is not met.” The Bench, which is expected to take up the matter on Monday, asked Kumar to BTTZX]VcX\Tc^UX[TP] P__[XRPcX^]c^\^SXUhcWT R^dac^aSTa^U0_aX[" _Ta\XccX]V^][h2^\_aTbbTS =PcdaP[6PbRPQbc^^_TaPcT X]cWT2P_XcP[B^[XRXc^a 6T]TaP[AP]YXc:d\PabPXS °CWT6^eTa]\T]c^U8]SXPXb R^]RTa]TSPbP[PaVT ]d\QTa^U1?>bPaTQTX]V PUUTRcTSQhcWXb^aSTa± 3RLQWVWR CWT1T]RW^U2WXTU9dbcXRTCBCWPZdaP]S 9dbcXRTA1P]d\PcWXfWXRWfPbWTPaX]VcWT \PccTaaT[PcTSc^cWT4PbcTa]P]SFTbcTa] ?TaX_WTaP[2^aaXS^a BWPaX]VcWT[PaVTaR^]RTa]^UcWT6^eTa]\T]c:d\Pa PbZTScWTB^[XRXc^a _^X]cTS^dccWPccWT=PcX^]P[0bb^RXPcX^]^UB^UcfPaTP]S 6T]TaP[U^aP]h BTaeXRTb2^\_P]XTbWPSfaXccT]c^cWT2T]caTcWPccWT P[cTa]PcXeTc^cWT Tg^Sdb^UcWT1?>bR^d[SR^bccWT]PcX^]\^aTcWP] _a^Q[T\P]S QX[[X^]:d\PabPXS°1dbX]TbbXb[XZT[hc^VTcPUUTRcTSQh bdVVTbcTSaT_[PRX]V cWTR^dac^aSTaP]SfTUTPacWPc<=2bfX[[V^^dc^UcWT ]^]2=6RPQbfXcW R^d]cahXUcWTXaR^]RTa]Xb]^c\Tc± 2=6QdbTb SRQGHU :d\PabPXScWXbXSTPf^d[S]^cQTUTPbXQ[TPb\^bcT\_[^hTTb^U1?>bPaTf^\T]fW^f^aZcX[[[PcTX]cWT ]XVWcP]S]TTSc^QTSa^__TSaXVWcPccWTXaS^^abcT_°CWTaTXbPSTUX]XcT_a^Q[T\PQ^dccWTXabPUTch±WTbPXS suggest remedial measures if the April 30 order is to be modified. Already, the Delhi Government has volunteered to present a plan of action to ensure phased removal of nonCNG taxis from the city. The All-India Tourist Permit drivers’ association also sought a hearing by the court as they argued that diesel taxis, mostly with engines meeting BS-IV emission norms are protected by a SC order of 2000 and 2001 in the MC Mehta case. The association said that following the order passed in 1998 asking all public vehicles to convert to CNG, the court specifically exempted diesel cabs which met BS-II emission norms. The judgment further clarified that the order would apply only to pre-1990 autos and taxis. The Bench wished to know BC055A4?>AC4AQ =>830 ?=BQ =4F34;78 A sserting that India was one of the major economies, which would do better with a little help from good monsoon, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said the Government’s efforts on black money have brought to the books undisclosed assets of C71,000 crore and ruled out withdrawal of excise duty on non-silver jewellery. The Finance Minister warned of action against those passing off income from other sources as agricultural income but ruled out taxing farm earnings. He was responding in the House to demands from some Lok Sabha members that agricultural income needs to be taxed. Replying to a discussion on the Finance Bill 2016 in the Lok Sabha, Jaitley hoped that good monsoon and revival of the rural sector would further help the economy. Jaitley’s reply in the House followed passing of the Finance Bill in the Lower House. The Bill will now go to the Rajya Sabha. The Finance Minister ruled out withdrawal of the 1 per cent excise duty on non-sil- ver jewellery, a demand that was made by the Congress Party and ruling NDA constituent, the Shiv Sena. “I have not been able to understand the politics of hatred for a ‘suit’ but love for gold,” the Minister said as he took on the Congress which was against imposing excise duty on gold and other precious jewellery. In his hour-long speech, Jaitley said the Government will act tough against illegal offshore accounts. He said notices have been given to all in the Panama papers leak case. The Minister described Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of banks as “worrisome.” Continued on Page 4 wo persons, including a woman software engineer, died in on Thursday morning when an auto rickshaw in which was travelling was crushed between two buses on Mahamana flyover near Noida Sector 44. Woman’s colleague was also injured in the accident. The deceased were identified as Pragya Singh, 22 and the auto driver Vinod Kumara. Pragya along with her colleague Navita Verma, 24, polls. This ranges from free power to mopeds at half rate for women as well maternity assistance and 100 MW free power to all. Party general secretary and State Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa released the much-awaited manifesto of the AIADMK on Thursday during an election rally at Perunthurai on Thursday. Taking into account the fact that women outnumber men in the May 16 Assembly elections, Jayalalithaa has incorporated many women-centric schemes in the manifesto. But her promise to provide 100 units of free power for all is likely to rattle the rival parties. E Prima facie, the casualties resulted due to collapse of tents and some gates erected at the Kumbh area, he said. A third of the tents put up by pilgrims were blown away in the squall, police said. Authorities fear the death toll may rise as some people are suspected to be trapped under the collapsed tents. m E8A4=3A0=0C7170CC?=BQ ;D2:=>F=4F34;78 A n “uninvited” water train for the parched Bundelkhand region arriving at Jhansi has threatened to snowball into a controversy between the Centre and the State Government ahead of the meeting of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday on the drought situation in the State. The battle has already reached the social media sites. The Uttar Pradesh Government turned down the Centre’s offer to send a water train to the State’s drought-hit Bundelkhand region, saying the water crisis situation there was not as serious as in Latur district of Maharashtra. The UP Government, however, requested the Centre to provide it 10,000 water tankers for distributing water in the region. “UPCM @Yadavakhilesh requests GOI for 10,000 road tankers to distribute water in Bundelkhand from available water resources around the region (sic),” the CM office tweeted. “We do not have any requirement to bring water by train...We have made arrangements for providing water...Wherever tankers are required, an assessment has been made and tankers have been bought,” said Chief Secretary Alok Ranjan. “There is no such crisis (that we need) to bring water 7+,567< SROLWLFV U CWTDccPa?aPSTbW6^eTa]\T]cbPhbcWTfPcTaRaXbXbbXcdPcX^]X] 1d]ST[ZWP]SfPb]^cPbbTaX^dbPbX];PcdaSXbcaXRc^U<PWPaPbWcaP U CWTD?6^eTa]\T]cW^fTeTaaT`dTbcTScWT2T]caTc^_a^eXSTXc fPcTacP]ZTabU^aSXbcaXQdcX]VfPcTaX]cWTaTVX^] U CWT2T]caTSXb_PcRWTScWTfPcTacaPX]c^<PW^QPU^[[^fX]VcWT aT`dTbcQh19?<?Ua^\7P\Xa_da?dbW_T]SaPBX]VW2WP]ST[ U 5^a\TaDccPa?aPSTbW2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]cAXcP1PWdVd]P9^bWXbPXS cWPccWTaTXbbdUUXRXT]cfPcTaX]1d]ST[ZWP]SQdcSdTc^[PRZ^U_a^_Ta \P]PVT\T]cXcXb]^caTPRWX]VcWT_T^_[T from outside,” he said, adding handpumps had been rebored and ponds redug for ensuring water to the people of these areas. The drought-affected Bundelkhand region is spread across 13 districts of UP and Madhya Pradesh. The Centre dispatched the water train to Mahoba following the request by BJP MP from Hamirpur Pushpendra Singh Chandel. He had met Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu and had requested the latter for sending a water train to his constituency Hamirpur-Mahoba, which was facing a serious water crisis due to drought. The Prime Minister has invited the Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka here on Saturday for discussions on drought and water-scarcity situation which has hit these States badly. Modi will take stock of the situation with regard to drought and water scarcity that these States are facing, they said. UP, Maharashtra and Karnataka are worst hit by the twin problems. Interestingly, a 10-wagon water train, which already arrived in Jhansi, has been kept in the railway yard and water was being filled in the coaches for its forward journey to Mahoba. Railway Board Member (Traffic) Md Jamshed said that reports and reactions suggesting that train is without water are completely incorrect. “The water train is ready at Jhansi station,” Jamshed said on the sidelines of a function at Rail Bhawan. Refusal of the State to accept water evoked sharp reaction from the Centre with Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti telling the Akhilesh Yadav Government to shed “arrogance” for the sake of the needy people. Continued on Page 4 CP\X[=PSd2WXTU<X]XbcTaP]S0803<:bd_aT\^99PhP[P[XcWPPaT[TPbTb_Pach´b T[TRcX^]\P]XUTbc^X]?Tad]SdaPX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 If the AIADMK is voted back to power, women in Tamil Nadu would be able to buy mopeds at 50 per cent subsidy to be issued by the Government. Women in the State would be trained in dri- ving vehicles and they would be given subsidy to buy autorickshaws. Girls from BPL families would be given a sovereign for their marriage. In addition to all these offers, Jayalalithaa declared that women would get maternity assistance of C18,000. The maternity leave for women would be increased to nine months from the present six months. The Government would write off all farm loans taken by the farmers from cooperative banks. Hereafter, people in Tamil Nadu would be issued Amma Banking Cards to avail all Government schemes. A major proposal in the manifesto is the move to take over the mining and auctioning of granites and beach sand in the State, a topic which generated a lot of controversy due to the scams associated with it. Students in Classes X and XII would be given free laptops with Internet connection. School education in Government schools would become more attractive from next academic years as the classes will begin with breakfast under the nutritious meal scheme. The State has one of the bestnoon-meal schemes in the country. The AIADMK manifesto says the Government would reimburse the education loan availed by students who are yet to get employment. While the leaders of the Opposition parties termed the manifesto as uninspiring and insipid, farmer leaders welcomed the proposal to write off farming loans availed from cooperative banks. “This is a welcome change from the manifestos of other parties. I am sure the farming community would be satisfied with the proposals,” said RV Giri, president, Consortium of Indian Farmers’ Association (CIFA). Continued on Page 4 "a[hbcPcX^]b^U?d]YPQbT[TRcTSU^aaTeP\_ tions from the State have been selected for revamp and restoration. The Union Railways Ministry has shortlisted a total of 13 stations, out of the nearly 90 across the State, where its infrastructure will be upgraded. Besides, the stations will also be provided with the facilities for the passengers travelling by the trains. The stations, thus shortlisted, include Patiala, Ludhiana, Bathinda Junction, Amritsar, Pathankot, Jalandhar City, Jalandhar Cantonment, Beas, Chakki Bank, Ferozepur Cantonment, Phagwara, Rajpura Junction, and Sirhind. For the purpose, the State Local Government director has been nominated as a Coordinating Officer on behalf of the Punjab Government to facilitate clearance from local bodies ight people, including a sadhu and three women, were killed and around 90 others injured when heavy rainstorm uprooted makeshift tents at Simhastha Kumbh Mela in Ujjain on Thursday, said Ujjain Divisional Commissioner Ravindra Pastaur. G5G1>DD85 1E495>35D? @B?=?D5 C4"=*2972 !#F9F139DI FA8`gecVefc_d hReVcecRZ_dRjd ZeYRddfWWZTZV_e hReVcW`ccVXZ`_ he AIADMK has promised a rich bounty for the voters T for the upcoming Assembly Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted to express sorrow over the tragedy and prayed for speedy recovery of the injured. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has announced an ex-gratia of C5 lakh each to the kin of the deceased and C50,000 to seriously injured and C25,000 to the minor injured. Chouhan will visit Ujjain on Friday to take stock of the situation. The torrential rain made large parts of the Mela ground slushy, making the rescue operation difficult. According to eyewitnesses, a big drainage suffered a breach on Ramghat on the banks of the Kshipra river as a result of which filthy water is gushing into the river. Over 25 lakh people are expected to take a holy bath on the occasion of second Shahi snan on May 9. ?C8 k ;PcT2Xch E^[ 8bbdT !# 0XaBdaRWPaVT4gcaPXU0__[XRPQ[T 1RµGURXJKW¶RISROLWLFV RQ%XQGHONKDQGFULVLV :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 <>=8:0<0;8: Q 270=3860A7 0eXTf^USP\PVTS_P]SP[Pc:d\QW<T[PX]DYYPX]^]CWdabSPh boarded the autorickshaw from her rented accommodation at Sector 51 to reach her office at Sector 126. Pragya, who was employed with the HCL, was a resident of Patna where her father Shailendra Pratap Singh is an advocate at the Patna High Court. Auto driver Vinod Kumara was resident of Bulandshahar district. According to police, the incident took place as a school bus carrying children coming from Delhi to Noida Sector 44 Continued on Page 4 4bcPQ[XbWTS '%# $PPDPRSHGIUHHHOHFWULFLW\LI-D\DUHWDLQVSRZHU 'ZX[[TSPbVP[TaPiTb :d\QWcT]cbX]DYYPX] ?=BQ 17>?0; if all the agitating auto drivers plied within city limits. The Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA), which is assisting the court in the Delhi pollution case through its recommendations, informed the Bench that the agitation is by All India Tourist Permit cabs which have to cater to the National Capital Region. Since CNG is not available in the NCR, the EPCA has proposed a five-year breather for non-CNG cabs to convert to CNG. In addition, EPCA has ordered a ban on any fresh registration of non-CNG taxis in the Capital. 7>+?`RXcZeRi 8C VXa[Pdc^SaXeTaRadbWTS ^R_Zaf]Re`cde` QTcfTT]!b_TTSX]VQdbTb aRjeYc`fXY_`dV T (IIRUWVRQEODFN PRQH\EULQJ C.FUWRERRN 51,5HJQ1R&+$(1* VQSUR__[S_]TQY\i`Y_^UUb unjab would soon chug on P the fast track, literally. For, a total of 13 railway sta- CWTD]X^]APX[fPhb<X]XbcahWPbbW^ac[XbcTSPc^cP[^U "bcPcX^]b^dc^UcWT]TPa[h(PRa^bbcWTBcPcTfWTaT cWTX]UaPbcadRcdaTfX[[QTd_VaPSTS1TbXSTbcWTbcPcX^]b fX[[P[b^QT_a^eXSTSfXcWcWTUPRX[XcXTbU^acWT _PbbT]VTabcaPeT[[X]VQhcWTcaPX]b and other concerned departments for the re-development of these railway stations. The development assumes significance as the Indian R ailway C atering and Tourism C or poration (IRCTC), in its latest allIndia survey, has listed the Jalandhar city and cantonment railway stations for poor arrangements in terms of cleanliness in its survey, conducted in Januar y and February, this year. Beas was the only railway station in Ferozepur division that was classified in A1 cat- egory in the survey conducted by IRCTC under ‘Swachh Rail-Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. The survey was based on passengers’ feedback, where the passengers were asked to rate the cleanliness of the railway station on 40 parameters. In the survey, 75 A1 stations and 332 Category-A stations were taken in account across the country. To maintain the cleanliness standards, the officials have already outsourced the cleanliness work at Ludhiana and Amritsar in March and the results were positive. Only recently, the Railways Ministry, with an aim of afforestation on the vast tracts of rail land, had joined hands with the forest departments of Punjab and Haryana for plantation of five lakh trees in the two States as part of the 'Green India Mission'. Centre is also in talks with the Punjab Government to acquire land to expand railway network in the State. ]^acW! '( ')( *+,-.* 9RcjR_R4>TV]VScReVdSZceYURjhZeYdefUV_ed :WPccPabWPaTb <XSSPh\TP[fXcW bcdST]cb^U6^ec bRW^^[X]?P]RWZd[P ^]WXb%!]SQXacWSPh ?=B Q 270=3860A7 aryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on H Thursday celebrated his birthday by sharing a Mid-day meal with students of a Government school in Morni area in Haryana's Panchkula district. Khattar, who turned 62 on Thursday, visited the Government Senior Secondary School and distributed school uniforms among the students. The schoolchildren were surprised when the Chief Minister joined them for the mid-day meal. Khattar sat on the floor mat in one of the classrooms with other children to share the meal with them. He also interacted with the students. The Chief Minister began the day by visiting the Panchkula Civil Hospital where he distributed fruits to the patients and wished them speedy recovery. Later in the evening, he visited Karnal to celebrate his birthday with orphan children. Talking to the mediapersons, the Chief Minister said that Shivalik region is an important part of Panchkula and it would be the priority of the State Government to get various development works undertaken here through the Shivalik Development Board. He said that this area also has ample opportunities for development of eco-tourism and herbal medicines. On the request of MLA Kalka Latika Sharma, the Chief Minister said that the issues of construction of Shyamla and Damrala dams over river Ghaggar would be taken up with the Punjab Government. About various development projects executed in the State, he said that the BJP-led State Government has implemented a large number of projects during its more than oneand-half years tenure and would implement more projects in the future for the development of Haryana. On his birthday celebrations, the Chief Minister said that he likes to celebrate his 7PahP]P2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P]^WPa;P[:WPccPabWPaTb<XSSPh\TP[fXcWbcdST]cbPc6^eTa]\T]cBT]X^aBTR^]SPahBRW^^[ <P]SWP]P]TPa<^a]XX]?P]RWZd[PSXbcaXRc^]cWT^RRPbX^]^UWXbQXacWSPh^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ birthday in a simple way and urged other to do so rather than celebrating it in a lavish way. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended birthday wishes to Manohar Lal. Modi posted on Twitter, “Wishing Haryana's down-to-earth & hardworking CM @mlkhattar on his birthday. I pray for his good health & long life.” Several Union Ministers and Haryana Cabinet Ministers also extended birthday wishes to the Chief Minister. Khattar, who became a first time legislator in the October 2014 Assembly elections, was chosen by the BJP to be its first Chief Minister in Haryana though he had no previous administrative experience. He assumed office as Chief Minister on October 26, 2014. Before joining the BJP, Khattar was a Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) 'Pracharak'. Khattar, who is unmarried and a vegetarian, graduated from Delhi University. 8Y]QSXQ\CdQdU\UfU\BUT3b_cc VQYbd_RUXU\TQdBYTWUY^:e^U 22AdeR_UdSjgZTeZ^ ?d]YPQc^]^cXUhXcb T]TaVhR^]bTaePcX^] QdX[SX]VR^STb^^] ?=BQ B78<;0 ?=BQ 270=3860A7 T he HP State Red Cross Hospital Welfare Section, Chairperson, Pratibha Singh on Thursday said that the State level Red Cross fair would be organised at historic Ridge Maidan, Shimla in the third week of June. ?D=901CA0=B54AB !??B>55824AB 2WP]SXVPaW) ?d]YPQ6^eTa]\T]c^]CWdabSPhXbbdTScaP]bUTa^aSTab^U !??BfXcWX\\TSXPcTTUUTRc<P]_aTTcBX]VWWPbQTT]_^bcTSPb02? 2hQTa2aX\T;dSWXP]P*6dafX]STaBX]VWPb02?X]eTbcXVPcX^] ;dSWXP]P*3XVeXYPh:P_X[Pb3B?B?D?d]YPQ*APY_P[BX]VWPb3B?B3 1P[PRWPda*BdaX]STa<^WP]Pb02?6X[[;dSWXP]P*9PbP]STT_BX]VW6X[[ Pb3B?B3Bd]P\*<P]\^WP]BX]VW0[dPZWPb3B?B30Y]P[P* CTYX]STaBX]VWPb3B?X]eTbcXVPcX^]A^_Pa*7Pa_P[BX]VWPb3B?B3 CPa]cPaP]*BdaX]STa:d\PaPb3B?2C21PWPSdaVPaW?PcXP[P*?aXcWX_P[ BX]VWPb"aS8A1;dSWXP]PP]S6^_P[2WP]SPb3B?7TPS`dPacTa <^VP CWT2WXTU<X]XbcTa QTVP]cWTSPhQh eXbXcX]VcWT ?P]RWZd[P2XeX[ 7^b_XcP[fWTaTWT SXbcaXQdcTSUadXcb c^cWT_PcXT]cb 70AB8<A0C708;BBC>??064>5CA08=0C<0;>DC D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^a5^^S?a^RTbbX]V8]Sdbcah7PabX\aPc P]SfXbWTScWT\ 2WP]SXVPaW) :Pda1PSP[WPbTg_aTbbTSWTaVaPcXcdSTc^APX[fPhb<X]XbcTaBdaTbW b_TTShaTR^eTah ?aPQWdU^aP__a^eX]Vbc^__PVT^UcaPX]Pc<P[^dcBcPcX^]X]<dZcbPa ;PcTaX]cWT 3XbcaXRc8]PbcPcT\T]cXbbdTSWTaT<ab1PSP[bPXSAPX[fPh<X]Xbcah WPbVXeT]P__a^eP[c^PSSXcX^]P[bc^__PVT^UcaPX]=^ !#'$ !#'%Pc TeT]X]VWTeXbXcTS <P[^dcBcPcX^]P]ScWTbc^__PVTf^d[SQTTUUTRcXeTUa^\cWXb<Ph ( :Pa]P[c^ BWTbPXScWXbbc^__PVTf^d[S_a^eXSTUPRX[Xchc^_T^_[T^U<P[^dcP]S RT[TQaPcTWXb <P[fPaTVX^]X]Q^PaSX]VcaPX]bc^BaX7Pi^^aBPWXQ=P]STSP]SBaX 6P]VP]PVPa7PX[X]VcWTSTRXbX^]^UAPX[fPh<X]XbcTa1PSP[bPXScWXb QXacWSPhfXcW X]XcXPcXeTf^d[SX\\T]bT[hQT]TUXccWT_X[VaX\beXbXcX]VcWTW^[hCPZWPc ^a_WP]RWX[SaT] ^U7PidaBPWXQ^]T^UcWTUXeTCPZWPcbU^aBXZWb 340C7>5H>DC78=³?>;8242DBC>3H´ On the occasion of World Red Cross Day on May 8, a massive rally of schoolchildren would be flagged off from Rajbhawan Shimla to spread the message to encourage people to donate liberally towards Red Cross. Singh, a former MP and wife of Chief Minister 8=1A845 Virbhadra Singh, said that Red Cross Society had been working dedicatedly for helping the poor and needy patients. In order to increase the funds the Red Cross Society organises various activities at State, district and Sub Divisional level. She said that large number of tourists visit Shimla in the month of June, thus it was a suitable time to organise Red Cross activities. Singh said that various stalls of Himachali cuisines would be set up besides tambola, flower exhibition, dog show, fancy dress completion, band performance along with a colourful cultural program by the schoolchildren which would be the added attractions. She urged the executive members of the section for raising more funds towards Red Cross as many people were willing to contribute. WR^Z]je`XVe[fdeZTV ?=BQ <>70;8 aising serious questions over the death of 21-year-old R Jagbir Singh Jaggu, a resident of Chaumajra village, in police custody, Aam Aadmi Party on Thursday demanded a fresh inquiry in the case. The party alleged that the case is related to the death in police custody and need to be investigated. “The police’s role is under scanner in the case. The victim’s family has alleged that Jaggu has died due to the police torture and his body was hanged on a tree few meters away from the police station. The police has tried to convert the case of custodial death into a suicide,” said party’s state convener Sucha Singh Chhotepur and party’s women wing joint secretary Surinder Kaur, in a joint statement. Chhotepur said that the victim’s family has many proofs that there were bruises on the lower limbs of the victim, which shows that the police had beaten up Jaggu to death. He said that the employer of the victim, Rajpal Walia, and the police are equally responsible for the death of Jaggu. Surinder said that as per the family statement, the argument between Jaggu and his employer took place over the issue of money matter. After the argument, employer brought Jaggu to the police station. The police, on the instruction of his employer had beaten up Jaggu to an extent that he died in the police station. “Later, after the pressure from the family and villagers, police registered a case of abetment to suicide on employer to defence to save their skin,” said Chhotepur. 2WP]SXVPaW;XcTaPahB^RXTch ^aVP]XbTb[Pd]RW^Ucf^Q^^Zb ?=BQ 270=3860A7 he Chandigarh Literary Society (CLS) on Thursday T organised the launch of two books in the city. The second novel of corporate trainer and life coach, Suditi Jindal, The Adulteress, published by Grapevine India Publishers, was released at the Chandigarh Golf Club. ‘The Adulteress’ is the story of a woman undergoing midlife crisis and her journey to self-realisation amidst conflicting human emotions. The book was released by CLS Chairperson Sumita Misra, along with family and friends of Suditi. The author was hopeful that the book will encourage the readers to submit to ‘Divine Will’ or love to unravel the mysteries of their lives – analogous with her journey to the higher self while writing The Adulteress. Suditi began her journey as a writer at the young age of 9 years and while still in school got an award from Hindi Academy Delhi, and in 2012, under Snab Publishers her debut novel ‘Grow Up Moon!’ saw the light of the day. Suditi regards herself as a sponge that soaks up the good, the bad and the ugly of life around her and then weaves simple tales with deeper underlying messages. The second book launch was debut novel, “The Lamentations of a Sombre Sky”, written by a young man, Manan Kapoor, who originally hails from Shimla but has made the city his home, at the Whistling Duck restaurant. Dr. Rana Nayar, Head of the Department of English Literature, Panjab University, explored the nuances and inspiration behind writing of this novel, and Manan revealed that the idea germinated from the album, Ghost Reveries by Opeth, which is a story of a man’s turmoil after committing an unconscionable act, and over a period of next two-and-a-half years, the novel emerged. The Lamentations of a Sombre Sky, published by Frog Books, is the story of a skirmish with life and the perseverance in the dark times. The Lamentations of a Sombre Sky is about a phenomena that every individual experiences at least once during their lifetime – loss, said Manan. unjab Government is all set to notify its Energy P Conservation Building Code (ECBC) soon. With its successful implementation, the energy consumption in new commercial buildings will reduce about 30-40 per cent as compared to the conventional buildings. “This would reduce 15,000 ton carbon dioxide emission,” said Punjab Energy Development Agenc chief executive Dr Amarpal Singh, while inaugurating two-day intensive training programme on Energy Conservation Building Code for Architects and Engineers. The programme was organized by PEDA in association with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Union Ministry of Power and UNDP. “The programme was organized in PEDA wherein Master trainers from BEE has trained 54 participants from different departments viz Housing and Urban Development, Town and Country Planning, Local Government, Architecture, Municipal Corporations, PWD (B&R) and Institutions,” said PEDA director Balour Singh. He said: “The participants have been sensitized about the designs of building envelope, heating ventilation and airconditioning, service hot water heating, interior and exterior lighting and electrical powers and motors.” The participants have also been imparted knowledge of scope of code, mandatory and perspective requirements and whole building performance method through simulation software tools. During the training program, the amendments made in the Punjab ECBC have also been explained through presentation by the representative of IIA (Chd-Pb Chapter). 90CBC8A)DCC0A0:70=3B0<093>=0C4BC!$;5>AE82C8<B 2WP]SXVPaW) 7PahP]P2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P]^WPa;P[fPb_aTbT]cTSfXcWP SaPUc^UC!$[PZWQh^UUXRTQTPaTab^U7PahP]Pd]Xc^UDccPaPZWP]S BP\PY?aPcX]XSWXBPQWPU^a2WXTU<X]XbcTa³bAT[XTU5d]S^]CWdabSPh CWThS^]PcTSUd]SbU^acWTaT[XTU^UcW^bTfW^fTaTPUUTRcTSSdaX]VcWT aTRT]cPVXcPcX^]X]cWTBcPcTCWT?Pca^]^UDccPaPZWP]SBP\PY?aPcX]XSWX BPQWP>\?PaZPbW1WPccP]SBcPcT?aTbXST]c^UcWTBPQWP1WPaPc 1WdbWP]9dhP[fW^RP[[TS^]cWT2WXTU<X]XbcTaP[b^VaTTcTSWX\^] cWT^RRPbX^]^UWXbQXacWSPh 4=CAH8=02AC>142><<D=820C43C>2>=24A=43>558280; 2WP]SXVPaW)7PahP]P6^eTa]\T]cWPbSTRXSTScWPcTeTahT]cahX] 0]]dP[2^]UXST]cXP[AT_^ac02A®_^^aUPXaPeTaPVTV^^S^aeTah V^^SbW^d[SQTR^\\d]XRPcTSc^TeTah^UUXRTa^a^UUXRXP[R^]RTa]TS0 b_^ZTb\P]bPXScWPcPRXaRd[Pac^cWXbTUUTRcWPbQTT]XbbdTSQhcWT 2WXTUBTRaTcPah 2>=BD;64=4A0;>520=030E8B8CBE4CE0AB8CH ;dSWXP]P) 3a2WaXbc^_WTa6XQQX]b2^]bd[6T]TaP[^U2P]PSPPc 2WP]SXVPaWeXbXcTS6dad0]VPS3TeETcTaX]Pah0]S0]X\P[BRXT]RTb D]XeTabXch;dSWXP]P7T\TcP]SX]cTaPRcTSfXcW3a0\PaYXcBX]VW =P]SPEXRT2WP]RT[[^a^UcWTETcEPabXchCWThSXbRdbbTSaTbTPaRW _a^YTRcbQTcfTT]2P]PSXP]8]bcXcdcTbP]S603E0BD3a=P]SP X]U^a\TS3a6XQQX]bcWPceTcePabXchWPbPbca^]V[X]ZPVTfXcWD]XeTabXch ^UBPbZPcRWTfP]2P]PSP4gRWP]VT^U[PaVT]d\QTa^UbRXT]cXbcbP]S bcdST]cbQTcfTT]603E0BDP]SBPbZPcRWTfP]WPbP[aTPShcPZT]_[PRT 3a6XQQX]bfPbPRR^\_P]XTSQh6daQP]bB^QcXCaPST2^\\XbbX^]Ta 2^]bd[6T]TaP[^U2P]PSP 1;>>33>=0C8>=20<?0C?68>=<0H& 2WP]SXVPaW) CWP[PbbT\XR2WX[SaT]FT[UPaT0bb^RXPcX^]2WP]SXVPaWfX[[ ^aVP]XbTQ[^^SS^]PcX^]RP\_X]IPZXa7P[[1[^RZ®0?682WP]SXVPaW ^]<Ph&c^\TTccWTbW^acPVT^UQ[^^SSdaX]Vbd\\Ta\^]cWbc^bPeT cWT[XeTb^UbTaX^db_PcXT]cbP]SCWP[PbbPT\XRbCWXbfX[[QTcWT $ bc 1[^^S3^]PcX^]2P\_QhcWTPbb^RXPcX^]3aH^VTbW2WPf[P3XaTRc^a ?68<4A2WP]SXVPaWfX[[X]PdVdaPcTcWTRP\_CWTPbb^RXPcX^]WPb X]eXcTSe^[d]cTTabU^aQ[^^SS^]PcX^] 9D6=>>2>=3D2CB3A8E4ACA08=8=6?A>6A0<<4 2WP]SXVPaW)9dV]^^Pdc^aXRZbWPfPVVaTVPc^a^aVP]XbTSP3aXeTa CaPX]X]V?a^VaP\\TX]2WP]SXVPaWc^bT]bXcXbTSaXeTabPQ^dccaPUUXR ad[TbP]SaTVd[PcX^]bP]Sa^PSbPUTch3B?APYXe:d\Pa0\QPbcP CaPUUXR0S\X]XbcaPc^a^U2WP]SXVPaW?^[XRTfPbcWTVdTbc^UW^]^da CWTcaPX]TabPccWTTeT]cfTaTUa^\PWXVW[hbZX[[TScTP\^U2WP]SXVPaW caPUUXR_^[XRTbWPaX]VcWTXaZ]^f[TSVTP]STg_TacXbTPQ^dca^PScaPUUXR P]SbPUTchCWa^dVWcWXbTeT]c9dV]^^³bPX\fPbc^RaTPcTPbT]bT^U aTb_^]bXQX[XchP\^]VXcbSaXeTabP]SfXcWcWPcTbcPQ[XbW[^]VcTa\ PUUX]XchfXcW2WP]SXVPaWcaPUUXR_^[XRTPS\X]XbcaPcX^]CWXbTeT]cfX[[ PbbXbcQ^cWSaXeTabP]ScWT_^[XRTc^bWPaTcWT]dP]RTb^UcaPUUXRad[Tb P]SaTVd[PcX^]bP]SX\_a^eTSaXeTaTUUXRXT]RhP]SRdbc^\TabPUTch STeT[^_X]VP\dcdP[[hQT]TUXccX]VPc\^b_WTaTU^aP[[ 18CCD=4F2708A<0=>5?20270=3860A7 2WP]SXVPaW)CWT4gTRdcXeT1^Sh\TTcX]V^UcWT?a^_Tach2^]bd[cP]cb 0bb^RXPcX^]?202WP]SXVPaWfPbWT[S^]CWdabSPhX]fWXRW CPa[^RWP]BX]VW1XccdfPbd]P]X\^db[h]^\X]PcTSPbcWT]Tf 2WPXa\P]^U0bb^RXPcX^]CWTU^a\Ta2WPXa\P]Bd]X[:d\Pa_a^_^bTS cWT]P\TfWXRWfPbQPRZTSQh?aTbXST]cAPYTTe0fPbcWXP]SWXbcTP\ P]S_aTbT]c\T\QTab ;8548=BDA0=242>E4A>5C 2A>A45>A0C7;4C4B ;dSWXP]P)CWT8]SXP]>[h\_XR0bb^RXPcX^]WPbP]]^d]RTScWPc4ST[f TXbb6a^d_fX[[QTXcb?aX]RX_P[?Pac]TaU^acWTAX^>[h\_XRb! 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The Haryana Health and Sports Minister also wanted to know "what is wrong in saying Bharat Mata Ki Jai" and said "these people (who do not wish to chant the slogan) must be sent to RSS Shakhas." Anil Vij while addressing mediapersons at the ‘Meet the Press’ programme here said there is nothing wrong in chanting the slogan. On his campaign for declaring cow as the national animal, the Minister said that the issue is being discussed with Central Ministers. The Minister said "stringent laws" should be enacted to check cow slaughter as it provides milk to people of all religions. The five-time MLA also said, "It is need of the hour to make children aware about Gita as it contains history of the country". 3AD68B0?D=901?A>1;4< Vij alleged drug addiction has become a "problem" in Haryana districts neighbouring Punjab. "Punjab is facing the problem of drug addiction and there have been several cases where youths in districts of Haryana close to Punjab have been found to be addicted to drugs," said the BJP Minister, whose party is an ally of Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) in Punjab. He added the Haryana Government has been taking preventive, curative and educative measures to make people aware of the problem of drugs. B7>AC064>53>2C>AB Admitting that there is an acute shortage of doctors in the state, he said that about 300 medical officers have been recruited by the present Government. The Government is going to recruit more doctors in the State. In addition, a separate cadre of specialists is being made in the department so as to ensure all kind of heath care services to the patients, he added. He also said that a permanent transparent transfer policy would soon be rolled out for doctors and other staff of the department. A software has been developed for the same, said he. On the transfers of officers in the state, he said that the officers should not be transferred before two years as it hampers work. 8<?A>E4<4=CB8=740;C7 About the steps taken for improvement in the health sector, he said that as many 84 government hospitals in Haryana will be upgraded so they become compliant with standards prescribed by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health care (NABH). "A survey is in process and all 84 government hospitals in the state will be to NABH level in one go soon," said he adding, "37 per cent of states total budget will be spent on upgrading government hospitals". Claiming that the number of out and in patients in government hospitals has increased in the recent past, he said. MRI and CT Scan facilities will be made available in all the 21 district hospitals in the state. Besides, there will be the facility for dialysis in each district level hospital, he added. Vij said a digital database of patients will be created in government hospitals and government medical colleges. Besides, laboratory reports of patients will be sent to them on their mobiles through text messages, he said. Biometric attendance of staff of hospitals will be made compulsory, he said. He informed that the government had given a Letter of Intent (LoI) to Sirsa based Dera Sacha Sauda to set up a super speciality hospital. Also, SGPC has been asked to expedite construction of Shahbad (Kurukshetra district) medical college for which more funds from the Sikh religious body have been received, he said. "Many trusts are keen to open hospitals in Haryana. One trust has evinced interest to open hospital in Dadri and Faridabad," he said. The Health Minister said that the State Government has decided to open senior citizen corners in all government hospitals in the state to ensure better services to them in these institutions. Senior citizens need not stand in queues for their registration as staff would be deployed in these corners to properly guide and help them for any kind of treatment at these institutions, added Vij. eXbXcbcPacX]V<Ph& ?=BQ 270=3860A7 C ontinuing with his plans to boost industry and attract investment in Punjab, Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal will lead a high level delegation to Shanghai (China) from May 7. The four-day visit is aimed at giving a fillip to the State’s investment drive. In pursuance of his agenda to accelerate industrial growth in the State, Sukhbir would visit an International Cycle Show-2016 on May 8 and attend a high-level meeting with China Bic ycle Association. Sukhbir, accompanied by a delegation of top state officers, is scheduled to have hectic parleys with business CWTU^daSPheXbXc XbPX\TSPc VXeX]VPUX[[X_c^ cWTBcPcT´b X]eTbc\T]cSaXeT giants especially from the field of agriculture, manufacturing, textiles and infrastructure development to impress upon the top honchos of China to invest in the state. He will also hold a meeting with Shanghai Municipal Agricultural Commissioner vice chairman Feng Ziyong on May 9 and visit Suzhou Industrial Park the next day. Besides, he will also participate in investment summit on May 11 being hosted in Shanghai. BRW^^[QdbTbX]7PahP]Pc^WPeT22CERP\TaPb BcPcT6^ecc^X]bcP[[b_TTSV^eTa]^a P]SST_dcTf^\T]PccT]SP]cbX] QdbTbc^_aTeT]ca^PSPRRXST]cb RdaQTeTcTPbX]VX]RXST]cb ?=BQ 270=3860A7 o prevent road accidents and curb incidents of eve T teasing in school buses, Haryana CWTPcaTP]SUX[\_Tab^]P[XchAPVWdeXaHPSPeX]cTaPRcTSfXcWcWTbcdST]cbPc?P]YPQD]XeTabXchb3T_Pac\T]c^U8]SXP]CWTPcaT^]CWdabSPhX]WXbX]X\XcPQ[TfPh 00?\Xb[TPSX]V_T^_[T^U?d]YPQQh _dccX]Vd_³UPZTbdaeTh´_^bcTab)19? ?=BQ 270=3860A7 T aking a serious view of “misleading” posters put up by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), BJP national secretary Tarun Chugh on Thursday said that the posters cite a “fake survey” which projects that AAP would be getting a big chunk of seats in Punjab. “But the posters have neither the name of any publisher nor that of the printer,” he said. Chugh said that nobody can publish or print any posters and display or distribute the same in public without printing the name of the publisher and the printer. He said that the law does not permit such posters and besides that the misleading posters were being put up on public and private properties without any permission from the Government or the owners of the properties. He said that though the people of Punjab, by now, have understood the ulterior motives of Arvind Kejriwalled party, some of the gullible voters may get swayed by the claims carried in these illegal posters put up without owning responsibility. Chugh said that he has made a formal complaint in this regard to the authorities concerned and the police, demanding a strict action against the publishers and printers of such posters. The BJP leader said that AAP is known for first making some claims and then taking u-turns on important matters. “It is the same party which first published a poster carrying a photograph of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and AAP leaders, but later disowned the same when questioned about its motive and party policies,” he said. Terming AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal as ‘Natwar Lal of Indian Politics’, Chugh said that the Delhi Chief Minister who pretends to be an ‘aam aadmi’ allocated a budget of Rs 526 crore for advertisement of Delhi government but the same was used to lure prospective voters in Punjab. 20?C0??40;B<4380C>E4A85H502CB;4BCCADC7142><4B20BD0;CH 2WP]SXVPaW)?d]YPQ2^]VaTbb _aTbXST]c2P_c0\PaX]STaBX]VW ^]CWdabSPh\PX]cPX]TScWPc \P[XRX^db_a^_PVP]SPfPbQTX]V b_aTPSP]SRXaRd[PcTSPVPX]bcWX\ QhcWTP]cX8]SXPU^aRTbP]SUaX]VT Va^d_b[XZTcWTBXZWbU^a9dbcXRT CPZX]Vbca^]VTgRT_cX^]c^cWT bP\TWTP__TP[TSc^cWT\TSXPc^ eTaXUhP]SRa^bbRWTRZcWTUPRcb QTU^aT_dQ[XbWX]VcWTbT[TbccWT cadcWQTR^\TbRPbdP[ch 2P_c0\PaX]STaaTPRcX]Vc^cWT \TSXPaT_^acbcWPcWTfPb P[[TVTS[hWTRZ[TSP]SbW^Tb bc^]TbP]SQ^cc[TbfTaTWda[TSPc WX\SdaX]VPUd]RcX^]Pc5aTb]^X] 2P[XU^a]XP^]CdTbSPhbPXS) °=^cWX]VRP]QTUPaUa^\cWTcadcW cWP]bdRWQPbT[TbbR[PX\b± 7TaTVaTccTScWPccWT\TSXPc^^Z R^V]XbP]RT^UcWTR[PX\b^UB59 fXcW^dceTaXUhX]VP]SRa^bb RWTRZX]VcWTUPRcb °4eT]cWTeXST^RXaRd[PcTSQhcWT B59c^bdQbcP]cXPcTXcbQPbT[Tbb R[PX\b]^fWTaTbW^fbcWPc8 fPbWTRZ[TS^a^QYTRcbfTaT cWa^f]Pc\T±WT_^X]cTSfWX[T P__TP[X]V°0c[TPbccPZT]^cT^U cWTRaTSXQX[XchP]S\^cXeTb^UcWT _Tab^]fW^RXaRd[PcTScWTbT ad\^dab± °CWTad\^da^UWda[X]V^UbW^Tb fPbST[XQTaPcT[hb_aTPSc^ ^eTabWPS^fcWTbdRRTbbUd[ \TTcX]VbWTWPbQTT]W^[SX]VfXcW ?d]YPQX=A8R^\\d]XchX]cWT DB±WTR[PX\TS ?=B ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ?d]YPQ2^]VbTTZb bdb_T]bX^]^UB7> fW^caTb_PbbTS X]c^_Pach^UUXRT ?=BQ 270=3860A7 unjab Cogress on Thursday demanded immediate susP pension of Chandigarh SHO Narinder Patial for trespassing into Congress Bhawan on Wednesday and manhandling the party workers and journalists there. A delegation of the party led by the CLP leader Charanjit Singh Channi and comprising of MLA Balbir Singh Sidhu, Inderjeet Zira, Sandeep Sandhu and Kamal Saini met Punjab and Haryana Governor and the UT Administrator Kaptan Singh Solanki on THursday and brought to his attention as how the police official had run amuck on Wednesday inside the Congress office. The Governor gave a patient hearing to the delegation and assured that strict action will be taken against the guilty cop. The delegation brought to the Governor’s notice that the security of the Punjab Congress Bhawan was being taken care of by the Punjab Police and the Chandigarh Police official had no business to barge into the office premises. Government has been decided to install CCTV cameras, speed governor and depute women attendants in such buses of the State. Haryana Transport Minister Krishan Lal Panwar presided over a meeting of Secretaries of Regional Transport Authority in this regard. The Minister said that the department should abide by all the 21 instructions concerning school buses and in case of violation of these instructions by schools, their buses should be challaned and impounded. He also directed the Secretaries to take strict action against plying of overloaded vehicles and unauthorised buses as well as taxis in the State. During the meeting, it was observed that many private taxi companies are running vehicles in an unauthorised manner in NCR region in Haryana like Gurgaon and Faridabad. He also directed to launch a campaign to check such vehicles and ban the plying of 15 years old petrol operated commercial vehicles and 10 years old diesel operated commercial vehicles in the National Capital Region falling in Haryana, which are brought from Delhi and Punjab. He added that orders of Supreme Court regarding ban on plying of 15 years old petrol operated commercial vehicles aryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal on Thursday H became the first Chief Minister to have deposited with the Toshakhana as many as 45 items gifted to him at different public functions since he assumed the office of the Chief Minister in October 2014. A Toshakhana has been set up in New Guest House at Haryana Raj Bhawan here for keeping such gifts. Though the instructions say that the recipient should deposit any gift item costing C5,000 upwards gifted to him while in office with the Toshakhana, Manohar Lal is perhaps the first Chief Minister of Haryana to deposit all kinds of items gifted to him. These include several Krishna Raths in silver and idols made of silver and brass, said a spokesperson of State respective districts, prepare a project report and submit to the headquarters. He said that all officers should also ensure that all private driver training schools and pollution control centres are adhering to the rules. The Transport Minister also directed to make efforts to achieve the target of opening of government driver training schools in all districts. 9RcRdd^V_e`WXZc]defUV_edZ_CVhRcZ+ 6UfTReZ`_>Z_ZdeVc`cUVcdZ_gVdeZXReZ`_ ?=BQ 270=3860A7 ar yana Education Minister R am Bilas H Sharma on Thursday directed the district education officers to investigate into the reports of harassment of girl students at Rewari’s Suma Khera and Katopuri, due to which they have stopped going to their schools. Media reports had highlighted that the students and parents complain that around 40 girls who have to travel to their school in Lala village had been facing sexual harassment. Taking cognisance of the rep or t, the Education Minister said that the school at village Sumo in district Rewari would be upgraded to Class VIII. According to the norms of Education Department, this school would be upgraded to Class X when the prescribed number of students express desire to take admission in Class IX. Besides, admission of girl students for Class IX and X would b e arranged in private school in village Katopuri to facilitate the girl students of these villages, said he while interacting with mediapersons after presiding over a meeting of of f icers of Education Department here. He said that taking serious note of the demand of panchayat of the village, the concerned school has been upgraded up to Class VIII with immediate effect. The Minister said that he and Minister of State for Cooperation, Bikram Singh Yadav had also discussed the problems being faced by girl students of village Sumo and Katopuri with Chief Minister Manohar Lal. Sharma said that he had also spoken to Superintendent of Police, Rewari and he was informed that two accused have been arrested and others would also be soon arrested. Minister of State for Cooperation, Bikram Singh Yadav said that residents of these two villages met him in view of problems faced by the girl students there and taking serious note of the problems, he discussed the issue with Education Minister and Chief Minister. It has been decided that the school in village Sumo and Katopuri would be upgraded up to class VIII. He said that some rowdy elements had tried to disturb the atmosphere of the village. Now accused have been arrested and others would soon be arrested, he added. ?d]YPQ6^ecaT[TPbTb Af_[RS8`geZddfVd C !(Rac^fWTPcUPa\Tab ecR_dWVcda`]ZTj ?=BQ 270=3860A7 P unjab Government on Thursday released payments worth Rs 1,029 crore to the farmers for the wheat procured during the ongoing Rabi marketing season. “All transactions have been electronically documented and payments have been credited to the accounts of the commission agents or the farmers,” said an official spokesperson of the government. Spokesperson said that the instructions have been given to all the procurement agencies to expedite the lifting process. Meanwhile, the officers of the state Food and Civil Supplies Department along with the local administration have also been asked to visit grain markets and purchase centres under their jurisdiction to oversee the ongoing wheat procurement operations and to listen to the grievances of farmers, commission agents and others and solve them instantaneously. It may be recalled that the state government released payments worth Rs 3,248 to the farmers to clear their dues. 9RcjR_R4>UVa`dZed%&XZWeVUZeV^dhZeYE`dYR\YR_R ?=BQ 270=3860A7 and 10 years old diesel operated commercial vehicles in the National Capital Region falling in Haryana are being strictly adhered to. The Minister further said that he is making efforts to ensure that each district has its own separate RTA Secretary. He directed the officials concerned to identify land for the offices of RTA and passing of vehicles in their 7PahP]P2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P]^WPa;P[^] CWdabSPhQTRP\TcWTUXabc2WXTU <X]XbcTac^WPeTST_^bXcTSfXcWcWT C^bWPZWP]PPb\P]hPb#$XcT\b VXUcTSc^WX\PcSXUUTaT]c_dQ[XR Ud]RcX^]bbX]RTWTPbbd\TScWT^UUXRT ^UcWT2WXTU<X]XbcTaX]>Rc^QTa! # Government on Thursday. The gift items deposited by him include four silver Krishna Raths; Krishna Rath with two horses with silver frame; brass Krishna idol with cow; Brass Ganesha with frame; Brass multi-coloured Hanuman idol; Brass cow with calf; Radha Krishana scenery with gold leaf; Krishana Rath in wooden and glass frame; Krishna Rath with silver frame; four Hanuman Gadas in brass and a silver sword, he said. The spokesperson said that the philanthropist in Chief Minister who believes in simple living and high thinking, had made him donate last December one acre out of his ancestral three acres of land to the Panchnad Memorial Trust in Panipat. The Chief Minister celebrated his 62nd birthday on Thursday in a simple way by sharing a mid-day meal with students of a Government school in Panchkula district and visiting a Government hospital. ?=BQ 270=3860A7 unjab Government on Thursday issued guidelines P for posting and transfer of officers and officials of the government during 2016-17. As per the new policy, transfers would be kept to the bare minimum and made against vacant posts except where justified on administrative or compassionate grounds. It would be done up to May 31, 2016. For the cases where husband and wife both are serving in the government, the spokesperson said: “It is desirable to keep them at one station for a period of not more than five years, thereafter they would be transferred as per the policy.” Even in the cases where the wife is in Government service and the husband in private, the same policy would be adopted. However, efforts would be made to post unmarried female employees and widows at stations suitable to them as far as possible and they would be given preference over couples. He said that the state government would be “sympathetic” in deciding on posting and transfer of handicapped employees and those who have mentally-challenged children. “Sympathetic attitude would be adopted while posting or transferring a government employee or officer whose child is mentally-challenged and efforts would be made to post them at the place of their choice,” he said. A stay of three years and five years would be treated 0b_TacWT]Tf_^[XRh caP]bUTabf^d[SQT ZT_cc^cWTQPaT \X]X\d\P]S\PST PVPX]bcePRP]c_^bcb TgRT_cfWTaTYdbcXUXTS ^]PS\X]XbcaPcXeT^a R^\_PbbX^]PcT Va^d]Sb respectively as the minimum and maximum period at a particular place, he said. Similarly, employees transferable within the state, particularly Group 'A' and 'B' officers, would not be allowed to serve in their current postings beyond a period of seven years, he said. Within a particular office, seats having “sensitive” nature of work like extensive public dealing, establishment, monetary sanctions, would be clearly defined and maximum stay would be kept at two years, he said. Premature transfers — that is transfer before an employee completes three years — would not be ordered except under “rare circumstances” of punishment or clearly spelt out administrative reasons, the spokesperson said. The employees or officers posted in the border areas, bet areas, like near river and canal, and Kandi (sub-mountainous) areas would remain there for a minimum of two years, he added. ]PcX^]# '( ')( *+,-.* ?W^^[ZP^QYTRcbc^Chc[TabfXbWc^P__TPaQTU^aT0ZP[CPZWc ?=BQ 270=3860A7 aking strong exception to Congress leader Jagdish T Tytler’s wish to appear before Akal Takht, Senior Advocate and Aam Aadmi Party leader HS Phoolka said he will meet Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh in Delhi on Friday and point to the complicity of the Congress leader in the 1984 riots. Recently in a media interview, Jagdish Tytler had stated that he wished to apologise to the Sikh community. He said that he had written a let- ter to Jathedar, Akal Takht that he wanted to meet him and appear before Akal Takht. In a strong reaction to the Tytler’s statement, Phoolka has said that it is shocking and surprising that the main mastermind of 1984 Anti-Sikh Genocide wants to appear before Akal Takht Sahib. Phoolka said that he would present all the proofs against Jagdish Tytler, showing his involvement in the Genocide, to the Akal Takht Jathedar. Raising a finger at the President of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, Phoolka said that Tytler was presented a saropa and sword, just days after a criminal case was registered against him for the 1984-riots. Phoolka has expressed apprehension that 7>+?`RXcZeRi ^R_Zaf]Re`cde` aRjeYc`fXY_`dV From Page 1 He said the steel sector had contributed to the maximum NPAs as many companies closed down on account of cheap availability of steel from China. Anti-dumping duties imposed by the Government had led to the revival of the steel sector. He said the Government will work to resolve the NPA problem of banks whose lending was essential for growth of the economy. Responding to some MPs, particularly those from the BJD, demanding that agricultural income needs to be taxed, Jaitley said the Centre has not pro- 8C VXa[Pdc^ From Page 1 police post suddenly applied brake following which the auto behind it was crushed by another private bus killing the driver and the woman and injuring her colleague. Police said four children of Marigold School in Noida also received injuries in the accident. They were rushed to Kailash Hospital, Noida where doctors declared the duo brought death. Meanwhile Navita Verma, such elements may facilitate meeting between Akal Takht Jathedar and Tytler. Tytler, former Union Minister, facing allegations of instigating the mob after the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, was entangled into posed to do it and also advised States against taking such a step. “In any case, please remember, under the Constitution of India, the Centre has no power in the matter. It is a State subject,” he added. The Minister said there were some cases where people were passing off income from other sources as agricultural income, which, he said will be dealt under law as a case of tax evasion. Jaitley said prosecution had been launched in the HSBC list where C6,500 crore of undisclosed assets had come to light, and the Liechtenstein list. Also, C4,0004,250 crore had been disclosed under the foreign black money law. He said through assessments another C71,000 crore of black money had been unearthed. who received multiple fractures, has been kept into the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). The injured children identified as Ashish, Shivam, Sumit and Raghav are undergoing treatment. Noida Superintendent of Police Dinesh Yadav said that an FIR has been registered against school bus driver in Sector-39 police station. “The driver has been identified and a police team has been detailed to arrest the absconding bus driver. Noida police have informed to victim’s family in Patna and the body has been preserved for the autopsy.” 1RµGURXJKW¶ From Page 1 “I request the Uttar Pradesh Government not to be arrogant. Either you give water to the people or welcome the step taken by the Government of India... People are thirsty. People, animals, birds are dying,” Uma said outside Parliament House while talking to media. Samajwadi Party leader and PWD Minister Shivpal Yadav said in Kanpur: “We do not need water from outside... When we will need water, we will ask for it... Where will we store it if it comes through train like this?” BSP supremo and former UP Chief Minister Mayawati said if the State Government has actually refused to accept the water train sent by the Centre, then it becomes the moral responsibility of the SP Government to provide water to the people of Bundelkhand. Former Uttar Pradesh Congress president Rita Bahuguna Joshi said that there is sufficient water in Bundelkhand but due to lack of proper management, it is not reaching the people. the controversy again, when a Delhi court in 2013, directed C entral Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to reinvestigate allegations that Tytler instigated a riotous mob, prompting murder of three men who had taken shelter in a Pul Bangash gur- dwara in north Delhi on November 1, 1984. Tytler, in his defence has maintained that at the time of the incident at Gurdwara, he was present in Teen Murti Bhawan, where the body of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was kept for public tributes. 0[[TVPcX^]b^Ucf^ f^\T]SdaX]V9PcbcXa bdaUPRTQTU^aT72 ?=BQ 270=3860A7 T he Punjab and Haryana High Court on Wednesday was told that there was information of rape of two relatives of a Punjab Raj Bhawan employee in Murthal during the Jat reservation stir. During the resumed hearing before the Division Bench of Justice SS Saron and Justice Gurmit Ram, the Amicus Curiae Anupam Gupta claimed that there was information about rape of two women, who happen to be relatives of a Punjab Raj Bhawan employee. The Haryana police found itself on the receiving end as the Amicus Curiae Anupam Gupta lambasted the police for its inaction against the perpetrators of assault on women, reports by Judicial In charge at district level, marked Haryana police inefficient and negligent. Seeking action against the top police officers, Gupta said that action should be taken against top police and district administrative officers for not coming out with the truth. Finding faults with the efforts being made by the police, Gupta asserted that ever since the $PPD 5a^\?PVT 0[[aPcX^]RPaSW^[STabX]CP\X[ =PSdfX[[QTXbbdTSUaTT\^QX[T _W^]TbQhcWT6^eTa]\T]cCWT ]TgcUXeThTPabfX[[bTTcWT initiation of proceedings in the matter, information on rapes was trickling in, including reports hovering around the rape of two relatives of a Raj Bhawan employee. He raised question on the inability of the police to contact the reporter, who had published the interview of a victim. He also objected to the notice sent to journalists by the special investigation team for sharing information instead of contacting them. To add on the humiliation, the reports filed by the District judicial heads brought more embarrassment for the Haryana police, as the judicial officers in their reports have expressed a sorry state of affairs for the Haryana Government. The status report filed by the judicial officers say that they were compelled to leave their residences for taking shelter in transit houses as the police failed to provide them security. And bringing the matter to the notice of the top cops even did not help. A woman judicial officer, who lost her mother-in-law during the stir, was not provided additional force to accompany the grief stricken family to the hospital or the cremation ground. 6^eTa]\T]cR^]bcadRcX]V [PZW W^dbTbU^acWTW^\T[TbbCWT 0803<:\P]XUTbc^fPbcWT\^bc TPVTa[hPfPXcTST[TRcX^]S^Rd\T]c PbcWTaTfTaTaT_^acbcWPc 9PhP[P[XcWPPf^d[S_PRZXcfXcW \^aTUaTTQTTb[XZTPXaR^]SXcX^]Tab P]Scf^fWTT[Tab ]PcX^]$ '( ')( *+,-.* ?VhCA758WRTVdµcVg`]e¶Wc`^hZeYZ_ 1dc8?BUaPcTa]XchQPRZbWX\ 344?0::D<0A970Q =4F34;78 he Railway Ministry and the RPF Officers’ Association T (RPFOA) are at loggerheads over the appointment of senior IPS officer SK Bhagat as the new Director General (DG) of the Railway Protection Force (RPF). The RPFOA has not only dragged the Ministry to court opposing an “outsider” as the new DG but also obtained a stay on his appointment. The RPFOA has demanded that the head of its force should be from within its own ranks. The Delhi court has issued a stay on the decision of the Appointments Committee of Cabinet (ACC), which had on April 27 stamped its approval to Bhagat’s name. The court issued notices to the Railway Ministry and the Railway Board directing them to reply by May 19. “Since Bhagat has already joined and stay order came late, he would continue as DG. We would respond to the judiciary,” a Ministry official contended. The RPFOA has sought the court to quash the appointment which, it maintained, was in violation of RPF Rules, and appoint a DG through promotion from within the force. The writ petition has said that “outsiders” cannot be appointed to the RPF, following an amendment in the RPF Act and Rules made in 1987. The Railway Board, however, told the court that the Act and the rules do not prohibit an IPS officer from being made the RPF DG. It said the Rules provided that an officer (read IPS) from outside the paramilitary force could be appointed as the DG of the RPF, if a competent officer was not available in the RPF. Interestingly, the RPF DG has always been an IPS officer. Ministry officials said a dilution of the Rules could well set a “wrong precedent” for other CA7@WWZTVcd¶2dd`TZReZ`_eVc^d_Vh58 µ`fedZUVc¶UcRXdC]j>Z_Zdecje`5V]YZ94 hYZTYdeRjdRaa`Z_e^V_e`WD<3YRXRe paramilitary forces too. The direct attack on Bhagat’s appointment has evoked strong reactions from his IPS fraternity. IPS officers are now pointing out that RPF despite being a security force continues to be outside the ambit of the Union Home Ministry. “This is the biggest anomaly. All other paramilitary forces like CRPF, CISF, ITBP come under the MHA,” they said, adding even the Cabinet Secretary had in 2013 issued directions to continue with the provisions of appointing IPS officers to the top posts in the RPF. “Since IPS is an All India Service, its officers have work both at the Centre and the State. They are simultaneously deputed to paramilitary forces including RPF. They work as a bridge 8YWX\UfU\]UUdY^WTYcSeccUc ;QcX]YbY@Q^TYd_dXUb:;YcceUc ?=B Q =4F34;78 µAge^VUZTR]T`]]VXVde` WZ]]dVRedeYc`fXY?66E¶ ?=B Q =4F34;78 T high-level meeting chaired by Home Minister Rajnath Singh A on Thursday discussed various issues pertaining to Jammu & Kashmir including rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandit migrants, return of civilian land by the Army and the situation along the Line of Control. The meeting was attended by Defence Minister Manohar Parikar, State Governor NN Vohra and National Security Adviser Ajit K Doval. According to official sources, the issue of surrender of civilian land being used by the Army was discussed at the meeting and it was decided that state’s Chief Secretary will hold a meeting with Defence Ministry officials to identify those and work out a proposal. The Army had in principle agreed to hand over the 139-acre between the Centre and State,” said a senior DoPT official. The RPF Association has been raising the issue of “outside” appointments for several years now as, according to them, the 1987 amendment of section 19 prohibits RPF personnel from going on deputation anywhere and simultaneously, prohibits deputation within the department. They have argued that appointment of IPS or any other service to the RPF affects the career progression of their own personnel. “Most importantly, the law & order is State subject. Since IPS is an All India Service who can work both in State and Centre can handle law & order and policing while being paramilitary too. How can RPF or any paramilitary wing handle the law & order or policing on their own without IPS officers as they will be representing Centre only. This is against Constitution and against federalism and violates basic structure of Constitution,” added DoPT official. D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWRWPXabPWXVW[TeT[\TTcX]Vc^aTeXTfcWTSTeT[^_\T]cP[ _a^YTRcb^U9P\\d:PbW\XaX]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 ‘Tattoo ground’ to the State Government but a final decision had to be taken by the Defence Ministry. According to sources, the Army has been pressing for regularisation of a land in Gulmarg in return for the ‘Tattoo ground’. “In the meeting it was decided that decisions and action on decisions taken earlier, would be expedited, especially with regard to sparing of land(s) not required for operational reasons,” said Home Ministry. The rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley and identifying land for their resettlement also came up for discussion. There are about 62,000 registered Kashmiri migrant families who left the State after the onset of militancy in the 1990s. he Supreme Court on Thursday made it clear that private medical colleges will have to fill seats through the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) conducted by CBSE even as it kept the window open for exempting State medical tests this year. The court was confronted by a news report by lawyers appearing for private medical colleges that an impression is created among students that in the absence of any bar on private medical colleges, its associations and states to hold exams, SC had validated them for this year. Dismissing the suggestion, the Bench of Justices AR Dave, Shiva Kirti Singh and Adarsh K Goel said, “We have not said anything. So long as Regulations are there to conduct NEET, it will go on.” Later in the day as confusion still prevailed on the fate of exams to be conducted by private medical college associations, the bench clarified, “We will not allow private medical colleges to hold their exams.” However, as regards common entrance test (CET) of states, the bench asked all counsels appearing for the states, Centre, CBSE and Medical Council of India to give suggestions by Friday. 27>??4A60C4 A>D=388 :WPXcP]PRRT_cbVTccX]V_Ph\T]c Ua^\4da^_TP]\XSS[T\T])218 65XcZ]]dW`c^Vc :27TYZVWEjRXZ ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he CBI on Thursday claimed that former board member of Aeromatrix Gautam Khaitan has accepted taking payments from Guido Haschke and Carlo Gerosa, middlemen in the AgustaWestland helicopter deal. But Khaitan, the agency said, rejected allegations that it was part of any kickbacks. “He has agreed taking payment from European middlemen Guido Haschke and Carlo Gerosa. However, we do not agree with the purpose behind the payment which has been cited by him,” a CBI official said. Sources said while Khaitan accepted money was received from Gerosa and Haschke he denied that it was part of kick backs to clinch the deal. The CBI continued Khaitan’s questioning for the second day on Thursday. The agency summoned former IAF chief SP Tyagi’s cousins — Sanjeev, Rajeev and Sandeep — to appear before it on Friday. While the questioning of Khaitan continued for about 10 hours, former Air Vice Marshal NV Tyagi left within four hours of examination. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday also questioned former IAF chief SP Tyagi in connection with its money laundering case relating to the VVIP helicopter deal. Though the ED has already filed a chargesheet in the case, this is the first time the agency has questioned Tyagi. The move comes after a Milan court order in which it was mentioned that bribes were paid to Indian babus, service personnel and politicians. Tyagi was earlier questioned by the CBI for three consecutive days. DhR^jf_UVc4`_XReeRT\ Z_CD`gVcRTTVdde`WZ]Vd ?=BQ =4F34;78 day after the heated debate A on AgustaWestland issue, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy was targeted in the Rajya Sabha by Congress members who wanted to know how he got access to sensitive and secret files of the CBI and ED and whether he had authenticated the documents quoted by him. Deputy Leader of Congress Anand Sharma raised a point of order, saying sensitive documents of CBI and ED had been referred to when Swamy spoke in the House on Wednesday. The House “must know how an honourable member or rather less honourable member” was given access to sensitive and secret files, which he has refused to authenticate and place on the table of the House, Sharma said. Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien said the Rule will take its own course if Swamy had not complied with his ruling that all documents he was quoting must be authenticated by him and placed on the table of the House. “It (the ruling) has to be complied with... That has to be complied with,” Kurien said. As Congress members protested, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said Swamy had authenticated and placed on the table of the House the documents he had quoted. Swamy has taken care of the issue, Naqvi said. ?<?A08B4B?0AA8:0A5>A?DCC8=6A42>A3BCA0867C =Tf3T[WX) ?<=PaT]SaP<^SX^]CWdabSPh_aPXbTS3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa <P]^WPa?PaaXZPaU^aWXbaT_[hc^cWTSTQPcT^]0VdbcPFTbc[P]SRW^__Ta STP[X]cWTAPYhPBPQWPbPhX]VWTWPS_aTbT]cTS°P[[aT[TeP]cUPRcb± aXbX]V°PQ^eT_^[XcXRb±<^SXP[b^_dc^]WXbCfXccTa PRR^d]ccWTb_TTRW ^U?PaaXZPadaVX]VWXbU^[[^fTabc^[XbcT]c^Xc°HTbcTaSPh³bb_TTRWQhA< /\P]^WPa_PaaXZPa X]cWTAPYhPBPQWPfPb^]T^UcWTQTbcb_TTRWTb SXb_[PhX]VQTbc_Pa[XP\T]cPahcaPSXcX^]b±cWT?<cfTTcTS ?=B Tyagi’s questioning was necessitated in the wake of a recent Milan court order which had sentenced Italian defence and aerospace major Finmeccanica’s former chief Giuseppe Orsi and the former CEO of the firm Bruno Spagnolini on corruption charges in the sale of a dozen AgustaWestland helicopters to India. Tyagi’s name cropped up at several points in the court order. 4[STabbTTZ >__e^XRTbR^]RTa]^eTaUd]RcX^]X]V^U2T]caP[ePabXcXTb bcaX]VT]c[Pfb ##WR\VgRcdZeZVdZ_T`f_ecj+:cR_Z c^RWTRZU^^S he HRD Ministry on T Thursday once again came PSd[cTaPcX^] under attack from the Opposition members in the ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?=BQ =4F34;78 ajya Sabha members cutting across party lines, including R those from treasury benches, on Thursday asked the Government to make stringent laws to check the menace food adulteration that is leading to dangerous diseases like cancer. During the Zero Hour, Naresh Agrawal (SP) raised the issue of growing menace of adulteration in food products including essential items such as milk, as also in fruits and vegetables. “It is a very serious issue. There are growing cases of liver and heart diseases as well as cancer and the reason for this is food adulteration. The current laws are not very strict to check this menace,” he added. Agrawal said there are reports of plastic rice imported from China being mixed in rice and sold in the market as well as synthetic milk being sold in the national Capital. Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien supported the issue saying that there was a rise in cancer cases and the reason for this adulteration in food items. “It is a very, very serious matter. Report it to the Minister concerned and come out with a legislation which has more teeth,” Kurien said. In its report on the Consumer Protection Bill 2015 tabled in Parliament last month, a Parliamentary Standing Committee suggested legal teeth to advertising watchdog ASCI to curb misleading advertisements and proposing severe penalties, imprisonment and cancellation of licenses of those involved in food adulteration. According to a report on public laboratories released by FSSAI in December last year, every fifth sample of food items tested by public food safety labs have been found “adulterated and misbranded”, with maximum cases in UP followed by Punjab and Madhya Pradesh. Rajya Sabha who expressed concern over the developments in Central universities like JNU, Hyderabad University and now Allahabad University and regretted that educational institutions have become political arena, which needs to be stopped. As the House took up discussion on functioning of HRD Ministry, members also voiced concern over the quality of education, saying it is deteriorating. Samajwadi Party member Naresh Agrawal alleged that students are being targeted in Central universities and vice chancellors are being used for it. “This has never happened before that Vice Chancellors of Central universities are being used to target students. This has happened in JNU, Hyderabad and now in Allahabad. This is a wrong precedent and needs to be checked,” he said and asked Why such incidents are hap- =Tf3T[WX) 7A3<X]XbcTaB\aXcX8aP]X^]CWdabSPhbPXScWPcPb\P]hPb !!²UPZT³d]XeTabXcXTbPaTUd]RcX^]X]VX]cWTR^d]cahfXcWP\PgX\d\^U ]X]TX]DccPa?aPSTbWP]SUXeTX]3T[WXP]ScWPcbWTWPbPbZTScWTbcPcTb c^X]XcXPcTPRcX^]PVPX]bccWTbT8aP]XP[b^bPXScWPccWT<X]XbcahXbX]cWT _a^RTbb^UfaXcX]Vc^4gcTa]P[0UUPXab<X]Xbcahc^bTTZP[Xbc^UP[[UPZT ePabXcXTbP]SX]bcXcdcX^]bPQa^PSb^cWPcbcdST]cbS^]^cVTccaP__TSP]S Sd_TS1TbXSTbD?P]S3T[WXcWTaTPaTcf^X]FTbc1T]VP[P]S^]TTPRW X]1XWPa:Pa]PcPZP:TaP[P<PWPaPbWcaPCP\X[=PSdP]S>SXbWPbWT bPXSaT_[hX]Vc^`dTbcX^]bX]cWTAPYhPBPQWP ?=B pening in central universities” Agarwal claimed that an RSS leader is said to be running the organisations such as AICTE, which drew strong reaction from the BJP members. Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien said allegations cannot be levelled against a person who is not present in the House. At this, Agrawal asked, “Then why were names and allegations levelled in the House on AgustaWestland?”. Taking a dig at HRD Minister Smriti Irani, Agarwal said, “There is a debate over the degree of HRD Minister, but D]X^]7d\P]ATb^daRT3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTaB\aXcX8aP]XPc?Pa[XP\T]cW^dbT^] this issue of fake degrees is danCWdabSPh ?C8 gerous. It has to be checked at the earliest.” Prabhat Jha of the BJP however countered the Opposition members asking them to “cooperate and contribute” and not to politicise the issue. Sharing about the steps taken in education sector, Jha said the Government is coming out with new National Education Policy, which will change the sector in a big way. Earlier during the Zero Hour, Tapan Kumar Sen of CPI (M) raised the issue of lathicharge on students in Allahabad University on May 2 in which agitating students were “brutally beaten” and several were injured. ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXbWPZTbWP]SfXcW<T\QTa^UcWT?^[XcXRP[1daTPd^U cWT2T]caP[2^\\XccTT^UcWT2^\\d]Xbc?Pach^U2WX]P7P]IWT]VSdaX]VcWTXa \TTcX]VX]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 >Ad_`eµdfaVc TZeZkV_d¶e`XVe R]Zee]VacZ`cZej ReRZca`ced+CR[f ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTfXcWEXRT?aTbXST]c7P\XS0]bPaXPccT]SbcWT cWQXacWP]]XeTabPah RT[TQaPcX^]b^UU^a\Ta?aTbXST]c^U8]SXP;PcT6XP]XIPX[BX]VWPcAPbWcaP_PcX1WPeP]^]CWdabSPh ?C8 New Delhi: Members of Parliament are not “super citizens”, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapati Raju said in the Lok Sabha on Thursday when a BJP member demanded that they be given a “little priority” at airports. Responding to a series of supplementaries during Question Hour, the Minister said MPs are treated with respect and his Ministry will do everything “practically possible” to make their air travel more comfortable. “But MPs are not super citizens,” he said responding to a demand by a BJP member that they be given a “little priority” at airports. The member said ground staff of private airlines do not recognise the MPs and even when they display their identity cards, they are offered little assistance at airports. Countering him, Raju said MPs are recognised at airports as most of them are members of airport committees. PTI 0STR^aPcTS]Tf34<DcaPX]Pc0]P]c]PVBcPcX^]^]CWdabSPhAPX[fPh<X]XbcTaBdaTbW?aPQWdU[PVVTS^UUU^da]Tf34<DcaPX]bQTcfTT] 1P]XWP[1PaP\d[[PP]S1PaP\d[[P1dSVP\X]cWT:PbW\XaEP[[ThaTVX^]cWa^dVWeXST^R^]UTaT]RX]VUa^\APX[1WPfP]=Tf3T[WX ?C8 ]PcX^]% '( ')( *+,-.* )%# EFC?@FE:?'E97:?2=A92D6 6KDKRSHQV%-31'$¶V B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 many parts of East Midnapore, Thursday’s sixth and final phase of Bengal Assembly elections passed off near-peacefully save for some sporadic incidents of violence. The 25 constituencies — nine in Coochbehar and 16 in East Midnapore — that went to polls recorded an average 84.24 per cent polling by 5 pm. While Coochbehar recorded 82.71 per cent, the figure for East Midnapore was 85.09 per cent, Chief Electoral Officer Sunil Kumar Gupta said. In 2011 these districts recorded 85.66 and 90.07 per cent polling respectively. While two presiding officers were removed, FIRs were filed against two Trinamool Congress candidates for creating disturbance and threatening Election Commission (EC) officials. The candidates proceeded against are Rabindranath Ghosh of Natabari and Udayan Guha of Dinhata, sources said adding the police and the CRPF once again did a good job to keep trouble-mongers at bay. The Central forces lathicharged illegal gatherings at booths at Toofanganj, Sitalkuchi, Haldia, Khejuri sources said. At Panshkura in East Midnapore the police and the Central forces ferried terrified voters by buses PHJDFDPSDLJQLQ.HUDOD 2DAC08=3>F= otwithstanding the underN current of fear that left its impact on polling patterns in PALAKKAD PREPARES TO RECEIVE MODI ?=BQ :>278 0]T[STa[hf^\P]bW^fbWTaX]Z \PaZTSUX]VTaP]Se^cTaRPaSPUcTa RPbcX]VWTae^cT ?C8 4abcfWX[T1P]V[PSTbWXT]R[PeT SfT[[Ta "hTPa^[S0bVPa0[X PaaXeTbc^RPbcWXbe^cTU^acWT UXabccX\TPcP_^[[X]VbcPcX^] SdaX]VcWTUX]P[_WPbT^UFTbc 1T]VP[0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]bX] 2^^RWQTWPaSXbcaXRc^] CWdabSPh ?C8 to polling booths. Though most number of — about 1,500 — complaints lodged with the EC by 3 pm came from Coochbehar, an undercurrent of terror tended to prevail in large parts of East Midnapore including Nandigram, Khejuri, Bhagwanpur and Panshkura, police sources said, adding despite repeated cajoling the voters refused to come out to vote as they feared post-poll violence and arson as threatened by the Trinamool Congress. “TMC goons would come at midnight and threaten us. They would tell us not to vote,” said some locals who dared to ignore the warnings. Most of the others remained indoors. “How can we vote. The CRPF will go away tomorrow. Who will protect us from the goons who will torch our houses, snatch our women and shoot our men,” wondered an old woman from Bhagwanpore. CPI(M) State secretary Suryakanta Mishra told The Pioneer, “We could not provide polling agents in 135 booths at Nandigram, 72 booths at Khejuri, 62 booths at Bhagwanpur and 25 booths at Patashpur. In the remaining parts of East Midnapore our polling agents were driven away by TMC men from 331 booths. However, by and large the polling was peaceful.” There are 4,298 booths in East Midnapore and 2,467 booths in Coochbehar where about 59 booths were captured, sources alleged. The high percentage of polling in these areas was attributed by the Opposition to rampant rigging in the absence of genuine voters and rival agents, Opposition parties claimed. Both Mishra and PCC president Adhir Chowdhury claimed the Congress-Left alliance was coming to power while Trinamool’s Mukul Roy said his party was all set to form the “second Government.” Meanwhile, the post-poll violence continued in various parts of the State. The first report came from Murshidabad where a Trinamool Congress district general secretary Bapi Sarkar was shot. He was rushed to Kolkata in a critical condition. While TMC blamed the Congress for the incident the latter said the incident was a product of intra-party clash. Two Congress workers were shot at in Malda by alleged Trinamool men, sources said. Both were admitted to Malda Medical College and Hospital. Trinamool goons threw bombs at the house of a former CPI(M) MLA at Behala in Kolkata, police said. D`_ZR]R^SRded>`UZ 19?RWP[[T]VTb9PhP 25><W`cZX_`cZ_Xa``c c^PSTQPcT^] _^fTabd__[hX]C= C :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 ampaigning in Tamil Nadu has entered a high pitch mode with the DMK-Congress’ joint election campaign unleashing a no-holds-barred attack on the Modi Government at the Centre and the ruling AIADMK Government in the State. Congress president Sonia Gandhi, who shared the stage with DMK chief M Karunanidhi in a joint election rally at Chennai on Thursday blamed the AIADMK Government of inefficiency and misrule. “Development of Tamil Nadu has come to a standstill since 2011. Farmers in the State are forced to commit suicide due to a number of reasons arising out of the failure of the State Government,” charged Sonia while addressing a well-attended election rally at the famous Island Grounds in Chennai. Praising the Karunanidhiled Government which ruled the State during 2006 to 2011, Sonia said Tamil Nadu was one of the fast-growing States in the country under the DMK dispensation. “Every day we saw the opening of a new factory in the State. Many industries set up manufacturing facilities in the State during the five years of the DMK rule. But after 2011 what we saw was the closure of all the factories and the industrialists leaving for neighbouring States for a host of reasons,” she said. Sonia said thousands of educated youth have ended up as unemployed because of the closure of the industrial units. Sonia said Chief Minister Jayalalithaa was forced to shift her stance on prohibition following the firm and uncompromising position of the Congress and the DMK in their demand for prohibition in the State. “Our commitment is :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 he BJP, hoping to open its account in the Tamil Nadu T Assembly in the May 16 elec- <:Pad]P]XSWX_aTbT]cX]VPbWPf[c^B^]XP 6P]SWXPcP]T[TRcX^]aP[[hPWTPS^UCP\X[ =PSd;TVXb[PcXeT0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]bPc8b[P]S 6a^d]SX]2WT]]PX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 for the welfare of the weaker sections, minorities and the downtrodden. We do not make any tall promises but we take our manifestos seriously,” she said. What was unique about Sonia’s speech was that she did not mention the name of Jayalalithaa even once in her short but sharp speech. Sonia blamed the AIADMK Government for amending the Land Acquisition Law enacted by the UPA Government. “Because of the amendment introduced by the AIADMK Government, Tamil Nadu farmers are at a disadvantage. Their land could be taken over by the Government without their permission and they stand to lose the fair compensation,” she said. The Congress president blasted the Modi Government at the Centre for its scant regard to the interests of the fishermen from Tamil Nadu. “While the fishermen from Tamil Nadu are kidnapped and their boats are seized, the Modi Government is allowing foreigners to fish in Indian seas,” she charged. Karunanidhi in his speech said that the DMK and Congress has been natural allies since the days of late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who had a special affection for the State. “Ours is an alliance for the welfare and progress of the people. We only can provide a corruption-free and transparent Government,” said Karunanidhi. tion, intensified its onslaught on the ruling AIADMK and Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Thursday. P Muraleedhar Rao, the national secretary incharge of Tamil Nadu BJP challenged Jayalalithaa to a debate on her claims that the State turned power surplus during her regime. Addressing the media after a sumptuous lunch in a hotel in the city, Rao challenged Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to come out with figures, like the number of power connections given by her Government and the number of power connections surrendered by the people during the last three years. Rao was upset that the AIADMK supremo has been ignoring all criticism levelled against her by the BJP leadership. “Madam Jayalalithaa, you can ignore BJP but you cannot ignore the people of Tamil Nadu. The BJP has taken this election campaign seriously and we have big ambitions for Tamil Nadu,” thundered Rao. He said a big vacuum was emerging in Tamil Nadu politics because of the failure of both the Dravidian majors. “The only political party in the country which can fill this vacuum in Tamil Nadu is the BJP. We are building upon the political and leadership infrastructure established by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the national level. Modi has created a mobilisation capacity for the BJP and this would be proved in the ensuing elections,” said Rao. The BJP leader said the rallies to be addressed by Prime Minister Modi in Chennai, Hosur, Kanyakumari in the next two days would be a game changer in Tamil Nadu politics. “All national leaders of the BJP are going to criss-cross the State of Tamil Nadu in the coming week and this will ensure a big majority for the party in the State,” said Rao. ith just ten days remainW ing for the crucial Kerala Assembly election, BJP president Amit Shah on Thursday opened the party-led NDA’s week-long mega campaign with scathing attacks against the Congress-led ruling UDF and CPI(M)-led Opposition LDF. Shah reached Kerala 24 hours ahead of the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the election campaign. “We are activists of the BJP. We don’t keep hidden agendas. We have only one agenda and it is clear. It is to defeat both the UDF and the LDF,” Shah said while inaugurating a BJP-NDA election rally in Ranni, Pathanamthitta district, in response to the allegation of a secret understanding between his party and both the fronts. Giving a clear message that the BJP was contesting the Kerala polls this time not just to ‘open its account’, Shah said, “Kerala too has realised that the BJP should come to power for ensuring equal justice… The people have understood the hypocrisy of the Congress and the Left.” Shah had four election programmes in the State on Thursday. He said that the Congress’s MLAs and MPs were corrupt just like the Kerala Chief Minister and his Ministers. It had been established through the AgustaWestland chopper deal that even former Defence Minister AK Antony, Congress Working Committee member, was not exempt from this, the BJP president alleged. “Antony should say at whose behest changes were made in the agreement. Why were the field trials of the helicopter shifted abroad? … Antony is saying that secularism in Kerala will suffer if the BJP wins. Our party is in power in several States but there are no communal problems in any of these States,” Shah said. “Law and order has col- 1WPaPcXhP9P]PcP?Pach_aTbXST]c0\XcBWPWXbVPa[P]STSQh_Pachf^aZTabPcP] T[TRcX^]\TTcX]VPc<P]X\P[PX]:^ccPhP\SXbcaXRc^]CWdabSPh ?C8 lapsed in Kerala. Two Dalit students were raped and one of them was brutally murdered. So many days have passed since the heinous murder but the police have so far not been able to nab the culprits. The Chief Minister of the State owes an explanation to the people in this regard,” the BJP chief said at another rally in Kanjirappally constituency. Meanwhile, elaborate arrangements have been made in Palakkad where Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to address an election rally on Friday afternoon, the first of his programmes in Kerala. About a lakh BJP workers are expected to take part in the rally at which all the 12 BJP-NDA candidates from the district will be present. Reports from Delhi said that Modi might visit the mother of the 29-year-old Dalit law student who was brutally raped and murdered on April 28 when he arrives in Kerala for election programmes on May 11. He might also visit the house of the victim at Iringole, Perumbavoor where she was killed, it is said. Several other senior BJP leaders including Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Venkaiah Naidu and Smriti Irani will be addressing BJPNDA election rallies across Kerala in the coming days. Earlier, Union Ministers JP Nadda and Rajiv Pratap Rudy had supervised the ground works for the party’s election programmes by camping in Kerala. 2?8<?^[XcQda^P]S0[[8]SXP 3T\^RaPcXRF^\T]´b0bb^RXPcX^]VT]TaP[ bTRaTcPah1aX]SP:PaPcVXeX]VPb_TTRW SdaX]VP]0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]RP\_PXV]X] <PSdaPX^]FTS]TbSPh ?C8 B>=8086=>A4BB70BCA8A0>´B02784E4<4=CB0C?D3D274AAH?>;;A0;;H ?=BQ 274==08 I n the lexicon of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, there is nobody by the name of Lal Bahadur Shastri and PV Narasimha Rao. While addressing an election rally at Puducherry on Thursday, Sonia Gandhi chose not to mention the names of Lal Bahadur Shastri and PV Narasimha Rao, the most pop- ular Congress Prime Ministers of the country. She claimed that her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi, who was the Prime Minister of India, had dreamt of establishing smart cities in the country much before the present ruling dispensation at the Centre thought of the concept. The Congress chief came down heavily on the BJP, the All India NR Congress and the AIADMK for spoiling and derailing the good works done by the previous Congress Governments at the Centre for the progress of Puducherry. Sonia Gandhi said late Prime Ministers Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi had special interest in the economic and social development of Puducherry. “The previous Government led by Manmohan Singh took extra care in successfully implementing and executing all Central Government-sponsored schemes in the Union Territory. But the present Government led by the AINRC at Puducherry and the Union Government led by the BJP has been ignoring all welfare measures and development of Puducherry has come to a standstill,” said Sonia Gandhi. The Congress president, while giving credits to Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi,and Rajiv Gandhi did not mention the names of former Prime Ministers Lalbahadur Shastri and PV Narasimha Rao even once. She blamed the BJP Government at the Centre for not granting any schemes or projects for Puducherry. “All women self help groups launched by the Congress Government in the union territory arr dead. Fishermen and farmers are suffering because of the BJP Government at the Centre. The AINRC is an opportunistic party. It had no qualms in joining hands with the BJP and the AIADMK much to the anguish of the people of Puducherry,” charged the Congress president. She also blamed the Union Government for ignoring the woes of the people of Puducherry which suffered heavily during the December floods. “The Modi Government at the Centre is insensitive to the problems faced by the people of Puducherry. I am shocked that the Union Government has not brought any new railway schemes to Puducherry during the last two years,” said Sonia Gandhi. 2T]caT³bb]dQb^]b_TRXP[bcPcdb F0A>5F>A3B14CF44=:2A=083D R^\_^d]S=PXSd³b_^[XcXRP[f^Tb >eTabWPaX]V ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 W ith the Union Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha also ruling out special status or more funds for Andhra Pradesh, politics over the issue has heated up, with Leader of Opposition YS Jaganmohan Reddy announcing State-wide protests on May 10. After Union Minister of State Haribhai Chaudhary’s statement against special status to Andhra, Jayant Sinha’s fresh statement in Parliament has added to the political woes of Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu and his Telugu Desam Party. Speaking at a function in Vizianagaram on Thursday the Chief Minister said the State was still facing serious problems because of the bifurcation. “The Center’s help is a must to make the State’s economy stand on its own feet”, he said. Naidu pointed out that despite a revenue deficit, the State had spent C23,500 crore on waiving farmers’ loan. Breathing down Naidu’s neck, Opposition leader Jaganmohan Reddy has gone on the offensive against the Naidu Government. He will lead the party’s protest in East Godavari district while other senior party leaders will participate in other districts. “Jayanth Sinha’s statement on special status has clarity that it is not going to happen”, said senior YSRCP leader Botsa Satyanarayana. He held the State Government’s failure in mounting pressure on the Centre for the situation. Another party spokesperson Ambati Rambabu demanded that the TDP should withdraw its Ministers from NDA Government. Not to be left behind the Congress Party has also joined the issue and organised protests at different places in the State. Party senior leader Shailajanath, who led the demonstration in Anantapur said that special status was the right of Andhra Pradesh and the Centre will have to give it. ^UaXeTafPcTab ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 he bonhomie and cordiality between the Chief Ministers T of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh K Chandrasekhar Rao and N Chandrababu Naidu has been soured again by the fresh controversy over sharing of river waters. The two Chief Ministers, who had publicly patted each other on various occasions and shared the platforms at major events over the last one year have resumed tongue lashing aimed at their respective vote banks rather than each other. K Chandrasekhar Rao has warned his AP counterpart against waking up “Telangana Tiger”. “I am warning Andhra leaders that for your petty politics don’t irritate or wake up Telagnana tiger”, KCR said at a function held to welcome the YSR Congress Party MP P Srinivas Reddy and MLA P Venkateshwarulu in to his party’s fold. KCR warned that if Andhra leaders rake up unnecessary controversy over Telangana projects, he will not keep quiet. “We will give reply to brickbats with stones”, he said. He targeted both the Chief Minister Naidu and leader of Opposition in AP Assemly YS Jaganmohan Reddy. “They are using people of Telangana and enacting a drama to harm the interest of our State”, he said adding that he will not keep quiet over such antics. Chandrababu Naidu on the other hand fumed over Telangana taking up projects on river Krishna saying this projects will create a major in delta region of coastal Andhra. He ruled out any compromise on AP’s share of water. “We don’t have any objection on Telangana drawing its share of water. But Andhra Pradesh should get its own share of waters”, Naidu said. Naidu said that earlier Krishna water was coming to Andhra Pradesh after passing through two upper riparian States but after formation of Telangana, the water has to cross three states. “As per the orders of the Tribunal, AP should get 1,000 tmc ft of water but it got only 65 tmc ft of water”, he said. “Telangana CM is talking loosely. It is not correct”, Naidu said. The issue has erupted in a full fledge war of words at a time when Telangana was pressing ahead with Palamuru-Ranga Reddy irrigation project over river Krishna and AP’s leader of Opposition Jaganmohan Reddy was planning to go on a three day hunger strike in Kurnool in the middle of this month. While Telangana irrigation minister T Harish Rao suggested talks between the two States to thrash out the issue, his AP counter D Umamaheshwara Rao has rejected it. Umamaheshwara Rao said that Telangana had taken up the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy project and Dindi project in violation of AP state reorganization act. Harish Rao wanted to talk about AP farmers creating problems in the works on Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme between Kurnool and Mehbubnagar districts. ]PcX^]& '( ')( *+,-.* *RD0/$KDGµSXUFKDVHG¶ 2]]%RTTfdVUT`_gZTeVUXVe]ZWVf_eZ]UVReY PLQRUJLUOEHIRUHUDSLQJKHU :44=0=A4D14=<DA34A20B4 C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 early five years after youngsters Keenan Santos N and Reuben Fernandez were brutally stabbed to death when they resisted some eve-teasers’ attempt to molest their girl friends near a restaurant at Andheri in north Mumbai, a special court on Thursday convicted all the four accused and sentenced them to life imprisonment till their death. Additional Sessions Judge Vrushali Joshi, who presides over a special women’s court in Mumbai, held Jitendra Rane (29), Satish Dulhaj (39), Sunil Bodh (24) and Deepak Tival (23) guilty of murder, outraging the modesty of women and other charges of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and awarded them life imprisonment till their death. The family members of Keenan and Reuben had not pressed for capital punishment, but had rooted for a full life term in jail. Talking to media persons outside the court, Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam said that all charges of the prosecution were proved in the case, but ‘It is not a rarest of the rare case’. “There is direct evidence to show that the accused were eve-teasing and molesting girls when the victims tried to stop it. This is a pre-determined murder and the accused had even threatened them with their life and had come back with weapons to attack them after some time….the evidence of the two girls bolstered the case”, Nikam said. Describing the verdict as “victory for all”, Keenen’s father Valerian Santos said, “Today all I can say is that the verdict is a 5^da\T]PRRdbTSX]:TT]P]ATdQT]\daSTaRPbTQTX]VcPZT]c^ R^dacUa^\cWT0acWdaA^PS9PX[X]<d\QPX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 victory for all. This victory is not mine, this is Keenan’s and Reuben’s victory which I have been hoping to give them as a present. Keenen’s birthday has gone in March, I had hoped to gift him this” “I am happy that the court has granted life imprisonment to them. I am also happy that the molestation section (charge) was also applied,” Valerian said. Describing the four convicts as termites, Valerian said, “I call the killers as terminates. Like termites spoil furniture, these termites have spoiled the lives of girls and women. These termites should not be let loose in the society. Today, pest control has been done on these people” The incident took place between 2200 hrs and 2230 hrs on October 20, 2011, when a group of seven youngsters —including Keenan (25), Reuben (27) and their girl friends — had gone to party and watch on television a oneday international cricket match between India-England at Amboli Bar and Kitchen, a barcum-restaurant at Amboli in north-Mumbai. After the match the group stopped by at a paan shop just outside the restaurant, where four men led by Jitendra Rana began passing lewd comments against the women in the group. Keenan and Reuben confronted Rana and his friends and managed to drive them away. However, minutes later, Rana returned with a group. Before long, Keenan was stabbed in the abdomen, while Reuben was beaten with bamboo sticks and stabbed. Both Keenan and Reuben bravely resisted the attack on them. No help was forthcoming for the two youngsters from onlookers and passers-by. Even the staff of the restaurant where the two youngsters had partied along with other members of their group, did not come to the rescue of the duo. The badly injured Keenan and Reuben were rushed to the nearby Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital. While Keenan died on his way to the hospital, Reuben succumbed to injuries on October 31. While Keenan was a bar tender in a five-star hotel, Reuben was unemployed. All the four accused were arrested by the Amboli police a day after the incident. On January 16, 2012, the Amboli police filed a 416 page charge-sheet in the KeenanReuben double murder case, in the Andheri Metropolitan Magistrate’s court. There were in all 21 witnesses in the case, including Keenan’s girl friend and other friend present at the crime site on the night of the incident. Ahead of the filing of chargesheet, the police had recorded the statements of all the 21 witnesses in the case. The case was committed to a fast-track trial sessions court of Judge NP Dalvi at Sewri on February 29, 2012. On October 23, 2012, a Sewri sessions court framed charges against the four accused — Jitendra, Satish, Sunil and Deepak (19) — for murder, criminal conspiracy and molestation. During the trial, the Prosecution examined as many as 245 witnesses. :44=0=A4D14= <DA34A20B4)C8<4;8=4 Y >Rc^QTa!! ) :TT]P] BP]c^bP]SATdQT] 5Ta]P]STiPaTbcPQQTS QadcP[[hQhPVa^d_TeT cTPbTabfWT]cWThcahc^ _aTeT]ccWTXaVXa[UaXT]Sb QTX]V\^[TbcTS:TT]P]SXTb ^]cWTfPhc^W^b_XcP[ Y >Rc^QTa! ! %)CWTU^da PRRdbTS9XcT]SaPAP]T BPcXbW3d[WPYBd]X[1^SW P]S3TT_PZCXeP[PaaTbcTS P]SQ^^ZTSU^a\daSTa ^dcaPVX]VcWT\^STbch^U f^\T]P]S^cWTaRWPaVTb d]STa8?2 Y >Rc^QTa" ! ) ATdQT] bdRRd\Qbc^X]YdaXTb Y 9P]dPah %! !) 0\Q^[X _^[XRTUX[TbP# %_PVT RWPaVTbWTTcX]cWT:TT]P] ATdQT]S^dQ[T\daSTaRPbT QTU^aTcWT0]SWTaX Y Y Y Y <Tca^_^[XcP]<PVXbcaPcT³b R^dac 5TQadPah!(! !) CWTRPbT XbR^\\XccTSc^UPbccaXP[ QTU^aTPBTfaTTBTbbX^]b R^dac >Rc^QTa!"! !) CWT BTfaTTR^dacUaP\TbRWPaVTb PVPX]bccWTU^daPRRdbTS¯ ¯ 9XcT]SaPBPcXbWBd]X[ P]S3TT_PZ (¯ U^a \daSTaRaX\X]P[R^]b_XaPRh P]S\^[TbcPcX^] <PaRW (! ") CWTcaXP[Xb \^eTSc^B_TRXP[F^\T]³b 2^dacbX]RTcWXbR^daccaXTb RPbTb^URaX\TbPVPX]bc f^\T] <Ph$! %) CWTcaXP[ R^dacR^]eXRcbP[[cWT U^daPRRdbTSbT]cT]RTb c^[XUTX\_aXb^]\T]c cX[[STPcW MONSERRATE SURRENDERS BEFORE CB, ARRESTED <0H017DB70=Q ?0=098 a shocking disclosure, have claimed that the IGoanpolice MLA Atanasio alias Babush Monserrate, who has been accused of allegedly raping a minor girl, had ‘purchased’ the victim from her aunt and an accomplice, before allegedly committing the rape after drugging the victim in March this year. The disclosure by the police, in form of a Press statement, came a short while after Monserrate surrendered to the Crime Branch on Thursday afternoon. Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar has called the accusations against Monserrate, an unattached legislator in the Goa legislative Assembly, as serious and meriting a thorough probe by the police. The summar y of the offence emailed to journalists on Thursday by the Goa Police, said that the minor girl was “delivered” to the accused Babush “for sexual exploitation for consideration of C50 lakh and in furtherance Babush wrongfully confined her administered her stupefying substance and had sexual intercourse with her without her consent and all the accused abetted the illegal act on the complainant”. Medical examination of the victim which was conducted late on Wednesday has C78B8B0 2>=B?8A02H 0608=BC<4870E4 144=5A0<438 70E4=>C78=6 C>3>F8C7C74 270A64B;4E4;43 0608=BC<4 ° <>=B4AA0C4 also confirmed rape. Earlier in the day, the beleaguered Monserrate, a former education Minister surrendered before the Crime Branch on Thursday afternoon, less than 24 hours after he was named in the FIR filed by the victim. Speaking to reporters just before he surrendered to Crime Branch officials, Monserrate said he was innocent and that he had been framed. “This is a conspiracy against me. I have been framed. I have nothing to do with the charges leveled against me,” Monserrate said. Monserrate was accompanied by his wife Jennifer, who is a Congress MLA and his supporters when he surrendered to the Crime Branch, which is probing the case. Monserrate was arrested minutes after his surrender. According to Superintendent of Police (Crime) Karthik Kashyap, Monserrate has been under sections 342 (wrongful confinement), 328 (causing hurt), 370 (detaining against will), 376 (rape) and relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and the Goa Children’s Act. Speaking to reporters after the formal arrest Kashyap said: “We have strong evidence against Babush for raping the minor girl. We have collected digital, circumstantial and forensic evidence too,” Kashyap said. Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar has also termed the accusations against Monserrate as serious and said that only a thorough police probe would bring the truth out in the open. “I feel the police need to figure out genuineness of the case. Let investigation get completed. Police have been asked to do in depth investigation. I have been given to understand that the incident did not occur today or yesterday. It happened weeks ago. Therefore, it needs to be investigated properly because he is a public figure,” Parsekar told reporters in Panaji. Monserrate is elected to the St. Cruz constituency in North Goa on a Congress ticket, but was subsequently ousted from the party because of his proximity to the Bharatiya Janata Party leadership. In the past, Monserrate has been booked for extortion as well as money laundering. ;UbQ\QbQ`U]ebTUb*@b_RUbUQSXUc^_gXUbU EA90H0A09Q :>278 T he Kerala Police continued their struggle to identify and nab the culprit behind the brutal rape and murder of a 29-yearold Dalit law student in Perumbavoor near Kochi for the eighth consecutive day, Thursday. The poor Dalit woman was raped and murdered at her small house in Iringole, Perumbavoor on April 28. Despite the claims by the police top brass that crucial leads had been collected about the culprit and that a confirmation could be made by late Thursday night, members of the special investigation team could be seen holding inspections in places adjoining the victim’s house, suggesting that they could be still groping in the dark. Sources said that the police had now come to the conclusion that the culprit was a person who had been an acquaintance of the victim earlier. The investigators had put under surveillance some workers who had been involved in the construction of the victim’s house and those who had worked with her earlier at a hospital in Perumbavoor. “There are clear leads. We are examining them… We are at work,” said Inspector General of Police Mahipal Yadav heading the probe team on Thursday. Director General of Police TP Senkumar, who said that the probe team was constituted with efficient officials, was expected to reach Perumbavoor late Thursday night. The probe had so far been centered mainly around a youth, a resident of the victim’s village, since his detention from Kannur on Tuesday but the police were unable to find any conclusive evidence for his role till Thursday evening. Also, the interrogation of a relative of the victim and another person failed to produce any results. In this context, the probe team which was expanded the other day, started inspections at the camps of the migrant work- ers in the area. The police also began collecting information from the neighbourhood on the basis of a statement that somebody had heard loud noises of arguments from the victim’s house on the day of the incident. Meanwhile, the pressure on the police mounted as more dignitaries from the Centre arrived in Perumbavoor to assess the situation and expressed unhappiness over the progress of the probe. Those who visited Perumbavoor on Thursday included National Women’s Commission chairperson Lalitha Kumaramangalam. “It (the probe) has taken very long. Even now they haven’t been able to identify the culprit,” said Kumaramangalam after visiting the victim’s mother at the Taluk Hospital in Perumbavoor. “I will meet the DGP personally. There seem to be several angles to this. I am requesting the local people to cooperate with the probe,” she said. After visiting the place on Thursday morning, Union Social Justice Minister Tawarchand Gehlot said that he would report on the matter to the Rajya Sabha on Friday. “I have to make my report to Parliament, the Rajya Sabha. I cannot make any disclosures on it now,” he added. Gehlot had decided to visit the State after the issue was discussed in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. In the meantime, a preliminary inquiry by the Principal, Government Medical College, Alappuzha found that serious flaws had been committed by the Forensic Department of the college in the procedures of autopsy of the body of the law student. The inquiry report said that the required seriousness was not shown in the procedure. An associate professor should be present at the autopsy throughout the procedure as per norms but this norm had not been adhered to in this case, the report said. It is said that the autopsy was carried out by post-graduate students of the Alappuzha medical college. 0\XcBWPWP__^X]cb"\T\QTa _P]T[c^PSSaTbbX]RaTPbTS RaX\TbPVPX]bcf^\T]X]:TaP[P New Delhi: BJP president Amit Shah Thursday announced a three member committee of party MPs that will visit Perumbavoor and Varkala in Kerala witnessing “shocking and unfortunate incidents “ relating to Dalit women. According to the party, the committee includes three BJP MPs- Meenakshi Lekhi, Arjun Ram Meghwal and Udit Raj. The committee will visit relatives of the victims from May 7 to May 9 and submit a report to the party president. :´C0:0C>1022>50A<4AB?A>C4BC 0608=BC?82C>A80;F0A=8=6 :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD Pa]PcPZPc^QPRR^UPa\TabP]S\XRa^aTcPX[TabbcPVTS :P_a^cTbc\PaRWX]1T]VP[dad^]CWdabSPh ST\P]SX]Va^[[QPRZ^UPad[T\P]SPcX]V'$_TaRT]c _XRc^aXP[fPa]X]Vb^]c^QPRR^_a^SdRcbRP[[X]VXcP °WPabW_^[XRh±cWPcS^Tb]^cQP[P]RTcWTX]cTaTbcb^U bcPZTW^[STab<T\QTab^U0[[8]SXP5Pa\Ta 0bb^RXPcX^]baT_aTbT]cX]Vc^QPRR^Va^fTabP]S :Pa]PcPZPBcPcT1TTSX2XVPaTccTCaPSTab0bb^RXPcX^] W^[SX]V_[PRPaSbRP\T^dcPVPX]bccWT\P]SPc^ahad[T ^U'$_XRc^aXP[fPa]X]Vb^]c^QPRR^_a^SdRcb 0RR^aSX]Vc^1=<daP[X:aXbW]P?aTbXST]c^UcWT :Pa]PcPZPBcPcT1TTSX2XVPaTccTCaPST0bb^RXPcX^]cWT _^[XRhfPbQTX]VX\_[T\T]cTSX]P]d]ST\^RaPcXR \P]]TaPQad_c[hfXcW^dcQP[P]RX]VcWTX]cTaTbcb^U \X[[X^]b^UUPa\TabUPRc^ahf^aZTabadaP[f^aZTabP]S \XRa^aTcPX[Tab7TbPXS°fTPaTd]PQ[Tc^d]STabcP]S Pbc^fWhcWT6^eTa]\T]cfP]cbdbcWTb\P[[aTcPX[Tab c^QTbdaa^d]STSQhW^aaXUhX]V_XRcdaTbP[[cWTcX\T °FTS^]^cfP]cc^QTU^aRTSc^ST[XeTacWTbT \TbbPVTbPbcWThPaTPVPX]bccWTX]cTaTbcb^U\X[[X^]b ^UUT[[^f\T\QTabP]SbcadVV[X]VR^\\d]XcXTb±7T bPXSXUcWTDB0fWXRWfPbR^]bXSTaTScWTT_Xc^\T^U WTP[cWP]SST\^RaPcXRaXVWcbWPSU^d]SVaP_WXRWTP[cW fPa]X]Vbd]ST\^RaPcXR°cWT]fWPcPaVd\T]cS^Tb 8]SXPWPeTc^_dbW[PaVTbW^RZX]VfPa]X]Vb^U'$_Ta RT]c^]c^QPRR^_PRZb± :d<VcR]RZ_dV_dZeZgV e`5R]Zeh`Vd0 EA90H0A09Q :>278 K erala’s nonagenarian Opposition Leader VS Achuthanandan had the other day reflected the fury of the entire State over the brutal rape and murder of a 29year-old poor Dalit law student of Perumbavoor near Kochi but it would be interesting to recall how he, as then chief minister, had taken an allegedly negative stand over the agitation by thousands of Dalits in the Chengara hills seven years back for land to live on. This is not the only example of the insensitivity shown towards the woes of and atrocities committed against the poor Dalits of Kerala, touted as the most socially emancipated State of India, but it was obvious in the approach of the local people and people’s representatives in the case of the Perumbavoor incident, according to Dalit activists. It is pointed out that it took four long days for the police to show at least some seriousness towards a crime of such dimensions and magnitude mainly because of the lack of sensitivity of the people living near the small, insecure house of the victim inside which she was brutally raped and murdered in broad daylight. Dalit activists, sociologists and psychologists term as irresponsible and insensitive the behavior of the people in the entire locality in maintaining for four days that they had not heard any cry, sound or commotion from the victim’s small house, the widows of which cannot be closed, in that late afternoon when she was raped, beaten and killed brutally. “That silence of the local people was not entirely innocent especially when one considers the fact that the victim and her mother were living in total isolation from the neighbours and that they had been facing threats from people in that very locality. It is in such situations we tend to doubt the very concept of human trust,” said a journalist specializing in Dalit issues. She criticized the reports that neighbours were refusing to mingle with the victim’s family because her mother had some mental problems. “From what we have seen about that mother in the past four days, it is certain that this was a theory built by those who did not like her and her daughter, may be simply because they were Dalits” she said. ;^ZBPQWPB_TPZTaBd\XcaP<PWPYP]PccWTR^]R[dbX^]^UcWTcf^SPhf^aZbW^_^] fPcTaSa^dVWcP]SaT[PcTSXbbdTb^aVP]XbTSQhcWTB_TPZTa´bATbTPaRW8]XcXPcXeTX] ?Pa[XP\T]c;XQaPah1dX[SX]V^]CWdabSPh ^_X]X^]' '( ')( *+,-.* gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ EYV2XfdeRTYR]]V_XV +HOLFRSWHUGHDOSUREHPXVWQ WJR%RIRUVZD\ TUT]RT<X]XbcTa<P]^WPa?PaaXZPabPXSX]?Pa[XP\T]c^]FTS]TbSPhcWPc P]°X]eXbXQ[TWP]S±WPSVdXSTSPRcX^]^aX]PRcX^]X]cWT0VdbcPFTbc[P]S STP[8cbcWTY^Q^UX]eTbcXVPcX]VPVT]RXTbc^aTeTP[cWT²X]eXbXQ[TWP]SP]S P]hUdaX^db_^[XcXRZX]V^]cWTXbbdTXbV^X]Vc^VT]TaPcT]^cWX]V\^aTcWP]WTPc P]SSdbcFWX[T^]TbXSTfX[[PRRdbTcWT^cWTa^UVaPUccWT^cWTafX[[aTc^accWPc XcXbfX[[X]Vc^QTWP]VTSXU_a^eT]VdX[ch0[[^UcWXbVTcbdb]^fWTaT4]^dVW cX\TWPbQTT][^bcP]SUdacWTaUPX[daTc^bTaX^db[h_a^QTcWTfa^]VS^X]VX]cWT _daRWPbT^UcWTWT[XR^_cTabU^aEE8?dbTX]WXVWP[cXcdSTaTVX^]bRP]aTbd[cX] PSTPST]SPbX]cWT1^U^abRPbT8cWPbP[aTPShQTT]TbcPQ[XbWTScWPcQaXQTb fTaTVXeT]Qh0VdbcPFTbc[P]Sc^8]SXP]bc^bfX]VcWTSTP[*P]8cP[XP]R^dacWPb WP]STS^dcR^]eXRcX^]bc^cWTS^]^abFWPc]TTSbc^QT]^fTbcPQ[XbWTSPccWT 8]SXP]T]SXbcWTXST]cXch^UcWTaTRX_XT]cb8cbWTaTcWPccWT2T]caP[1daTPd^U 8]eTbcXVPcX^]P]ScWT4]U^aRT\T]c3XaTRc^aPcT¯cWTcf^PVT]RXTbX]e^[eTSX] cWTX]`dXah¯]TTSc^bWTScWTXa^[SaT[dRcP]RTc^VTcc^cWTQ^cc^\^UcWTcadcW 2TacPX]UPRcbX]cWT_dQ[XRS^\PX]bW^fcWPccWThWPSf^aZTSX]cP]ST\c^bRdc c[TcWTX]eTbcXVPcX^]bSdaX]VcWTbTR^]ScTa\^UcWT2^]VaTbb[TSD?06^eTa]\T]c* fWX[TcWT218c^^Z]X]T\^]cWbc^bWPaTcWT5Xabc8]U^a\PcX^]AT_^acXcWPSUX[TS X]cWTRPbTfXcWcWT43cWT[PccTac^^ SXS]^cST\^]bcaPcTP]hdaVT]RhX] VTccX]VXcBdRWUTTcSaPVVX]V\TP]c cWPc]^aTP[_a^VaTbbR^d[SQT\PST FTTZb QTU^aT Xc ePRPcTS ^UUXRT P]S fXcWPSTbXaTc^R^eTaXcbQPRZcWTD?0 aTVX\T bW^fTS bdSST] P[PRaXch P]S X]XcXPcTScWT_a^RTbb^UQ[PRZ[XbcX]VcWT R^\_P]h¯cW^dVWXcSXS]^cPRcdP[ [h Q[PRZ[Xbc Xc 8cb P\dbX]V cWPc cWT 2^]VaTbb bW^d[S ]^f QT cPZX]V cWT 1WPaPcXhP 9P]PcP ?Pach[TS [TS =30 6^eTa]\T]cc^cPbZU^aS^X]V]^cWX]V X]cWT\PccTaU^acf^hTPabbX]RTcWT [PccTa Pbbd\TS _^fTa FWX[T cWT 2^]VaTbb WPb P aXVWc c^ ST\P]S P]bfTabUa^\cWT6^eTa]\T]ccWTaT PaT`dTbcX^]bcWPcXcbW^d[SQTP]bfTa X]V Pb fT[[ 1^cW ?PaaXZPa P]S 19? 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President Obama, while addressing more than 50 world leaders present at the summit, said, “The danger of a terrorist group obtaining and using a nuclear weapon is one of the greatest threats to global security”. He further stated that while no terrorist has yet gained possession of a “dirty bomb” made of radioactive materials, such terrorists pose a persistent and evolving threat. He referred to the fact that the Islamic State has used chemical weapons, including mustard gas, in Syria and Iraq, and, therefore, the use of nuclear weapons was a distinct possibility. Obama further stated that “there is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material it is certainly that they will use it to kill innocent”. The truth is that overall, the world has done very little to reduce the threat of destruction from nuclear weapons despite statements by world leaders focusing on this threat seeking to eliminate it. An article in The Guardian, published in June 2015, mentioned that the latest Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference did not make waves and there was hardly a word about it in the mainstream media. According to The Guardian, the official nuclear-armed states, that is the US, the UK, Russia, China and France, are estimated to possess about 15,650 nuclear weapons, with the vast majority owned by the US and Russia. This huge arsenal of nuclear weapons is enough to blow up this planet several times over and to destroy life of every kind both on land as well as in the oceans. It is ironic that more than 25 years after the end of the cold war, the reduction in the total stockpile of nuclear weapons across the globe remains low. While the Washington Summit of April did not produce any tangible agreement or plan of action by which the world could reduce the risk of nuclear danger, what was particularly heartening was the statement delivered on the occasion by the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Nazarbayev made a strong plea to reduce the threat of war on a global scale and outlined a programme for ensuring that the 21st century is a world with- out wars. His proposal involved several steps which need to be accepted and implemented with a sense of urgency. The first of these involves gradual progress towards a world free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Second, he recommended that we must build on and expand existing geographical initiatives to gradually eliminate war as a way of life. Third, he stated that it is necessary to eliminate such relics of the cold war as military blocs, because these threaten global security and impede broader international cooperation. His fourth recommendation was to adapt the international disarmament process to the new historic conditions. For instance, he felt that we need a new strategy for the UN Conference on Disarmament. His fifth suggestion was that a world without war requires primarily fair global competition in international trade, finance, and development. A world full of inequality and systems biased in favour of the rich and powerful will only create conditions that enhance the risks of nuclear devices being used for mass destruction and economic domination. In 2001, former media mogul =i]Y^YcdbiYcT_Y^W UfUbidXY^W`bQSdYSQ\\i `_ccYR\Ud_]Q[UQYb dbQfU\_V=@cS_]V_bd QR\U2ed=@cQbU^_d ce`UbSYdYjU^c 3YfY\1 1fYQdY_^= =Y^YcdUb ±17QZQ`QdYBQZe F78;4C74BD<<8C A40558A<43C74 A4B?>=B818;8CH>5 BC0C4BC><08=C08= B42DA8CH>50;; =D2;40A0=3>C74A A038>02C8E4 <0C4A80;8C383=>C 033A4BBC74 B42DA8CH>5C74'" ?4A24=C 2><?>=4=C>5 6;>10;BC>2:B Ted Turner and Senator Sam Nunn established an organisation called the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which has been monitoring global developments on the threat that the world faces from nuclear weapons and materials. NTI has carried out a very useful analysis of the Nuclear Security Summit convened by Obama, and in its progress report it points out that 83 per cent of global stocks of weapons — usable nuclear materials are military materials, and, therefore, outside international mechanisms. While the summit re-affirmed the fundamental responsibility of states to maintain effective security of all nuclear and other radioactive material, it did not take additional steps to address the security of the 83 per cent component of global stocks which are under military control. Incidentally, at the summit, Pakistan’s national statement noted that it has secured nuclear materials and all related facilities in all places, which can be interpreted as including military nuclear materials. However, this whole area remains a major gap in the global system. Undoubtedly, one of the major achievements of successive Nuclear Summits has been the high level of B>D=318C4 5fUbi_^Uc`UQ[cd_]UY^ 2U^WQ\Y9cX_g_VV]i 2U^WQ\YgXUbUfUb9SQ^ GXU^9Q]Y^;_\[QdQ9 T_^µd]YccX_]UdXQd]eSX political attention that these events have created on the subject of nuclear security. However, it is essential to sustain this high-level attention, so that a successful and effective global nuclear security system can be created worldwide, there by eliminating the threat of damage and destruction from nuclear devices. The United Nations General Assembly voted in December, 2015 to establish a special working group which was provided with a mandate to develop “legal measures, legal provisions and norms” for achieving a nuclear-weapon-free world. This so-called Open-Ended Working Group held its first session in February. As expected, there were sharp divisions between various countries during their discussions. Several delegations, including those of Brazil and Indonesia put forward the view that a total ban treaty is the most logical next step since it can be negotiated now even without the support of the nuclear weapon states which have boycotted this open-ended working group. The next session is taking place now in Geneva, where it is expected that several states will call for a nuclear weapons ban. The danger from nuclear weapons can be minimised or eliminated only if there is a distinct change in human intentions and actions that eliminates the threat of war completely. It is noteworthy that Nazarbayev took the determined step of removing nuclear devices from his country’s territory and terminate all nuclear tests immediately after the break-up of the Soviet Union. In fact, the UN General Assembly resolution on the universal declaration for the achievement of a nuclear-weaponsfree world was put forward by Kazakhstan. Technology now has raised the extent of the damage that is possible from today’s weapons of mass destruction. War is, therefore, not an option for settlement of disputes, and legal as well as peaceful systems need to be established, which ensure the total elimination of war. At the same time, efforts to ban nuclear weapons and a process by which these can be systematically eliminated, acquire urgency. As the OEWG meets in Geneva, delegations should keep in focus the essential goal of a 21st century in which wars are eliminated totally. That will also support a total ban on nuclear weapons and material across the globe. India should take a proactive approach (The writer is former chairman, TERI) 9dVbYWXdU^c]UdXQddXUbU YcQcYW^Q]_^WecY^ 9cbQU\Y^" !&_VdXU WXQcd\idbU^TcdXQdd__[ `\QSUY^5eb_`UTebY^W dXU8_\_SQecd 9cbQU\Y4 4U`edi 1b]iS SXYUV ±=QZ7U^IQYb7_\Q^ 2_\\ig__T1 1Sd_b ±FYTiQ2Q\Q^ ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 3_^TU]^Y^QSdY_^ Sir — This refers to the report, “Nirbhaya rerun in Kerala: Law student raped, killed brutally” (May 3). Once the most literate State in India, Kerala is now witnessing incidents of rape, violence and murder. The recent incident of rape and murder of a law student from Kerala bears a striking resemblance to the Nirbhaya rape case in Delhi. However, if the Dalit woman belonged to a rich and wealthy family, police action and the Government’s intervention would have been rapid and expeditious. Nimai Charan Swain Bhubaneswar 2UddUbUTeSQdY_^ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Cleaning medical mess” (May 4). The Supreme Court’s directive to set up an Oversight Committee to monitor the Medical Council of India will set a strong precedent that can hopefully usher in the muchneeded change in medical education and practice in India. Since the new regulatory mechanism will take time to come to force, the Oversight Committee can maintain a tight vigil on the policy matters and overall functioning of GZ[Rj>R]]jR^fdecVefc_ R_UWRTVT`_dVbfV_TVd C WXbaTUTabc^cWTTSXc^aXP[°Bc^a\hSPhbU^a<P[[hP±<Ph$CWTAPYhP BPQWPTcWXRb_P]T[³baTR^\\T]SPcX^]c^Tg_T[X]SdbcaXP[XbcEXYPh<P[[hP Ua^\cWTd__Ta7^dbTfXcWX\\TSXPcTTUUTRcR^d[S]^cWPeTR^\TPSPh c^^b^^]<P[[hPbbTR^]ScTa\P]hfPhf^d[SWPeTT]STSX]9d[hQdcAPYhP BPQWP2WPXa\P]7P\XS0]bPaX³b^aSTac^aTYTRccWT[X`d^aQPa^]bUXabc²aTb XV]PcX^]³QTU^aTPRRT_cX]VcWTbTR^]SfPbPb]dQc^cWT[PccTabTUU^acbc^ R^^[cWX]VbS^f]<P[[hPfW^XbS^SVX]VPdcW^aXcXTbX]8]SXPQhWXb_a^caPRc TSD:b^Y^da]bW^d[SZ]^fcWPcWTXbPeXRcX\^UWXb^f]PRcb^U^\XbbX^] P]SR^\\XbbX^] <P[[hPb^QbcX]PcTPccXcdSTc^TePSTcWT[PfTeT]PUcTacWTRP]RT[[PcX^]^U WXb_Pbb_^acP]SPaaTbcfPaaP]cQTX]VXbbdTSPVPX]bcWX\WPb[TUcWXbPS\Xa TabP]SUaXT]SbX]_^[XcXRbP]SX]SdbcahSXbP__^X]cTS2^\TfWPc\PhcWT[Pf ^UcWT[P]SfX[[RPcRWd_fXcWWX\b^^]TacWP][PcTaCWTQTbc^_cX^]U^a<P[[hP Xbc^aTcda]c^8]SXPQ^[S[hUPRTcWT[PfP]SP[[^fcWT[Pfc^cPZTXcb^f]R^dabT 6P]P_PcWX1WPc 0Z^[P the colleges, which will only be the first of a series of measures that need to be taken to overhaul the state of medical education in India. Isha Shah New Delhi 3XQ^WY^W`b_SUTebUc Sir — This refers to news reports about a ‘composite floor test’ for the Uttarakhand Assembly, as was directed by the apex court in 2005 in Jharkhand. The procedure for selection/removal of a Chief Minister should be in tune with the Supreme Court’s verdict of the Uttar Pradesh Government (Kalyan Singh vs Jagdambika Pal), where the State Assembly elected a Chief Minister through secret voting on the floor of the House. A system should be formulated in which the Chief Minister may be simultaneously elected with Speakers and Deputy Speakers by secret and compulsory voting on nominations signed by at least 34 per cent of members of the lower House through EVMs. Members not participating in such a democratic process should lose the voting right, while retaining the membership of the House. Such elected persons may only be removed by the same process, but with the compulsion of naming an alternate nominee in the same motion. Voting on any such noconfidence motion should be done on priority say within a week of submitting the duly signed motion at the secretariat. SC Agrawal Delhi CU\VY^db_c`USdY_^ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Opinionated, uninformed” (May 4). It is the most arrogant, supercilious, self-serving exercise on part of a US Congressional body to pass a verdict on the alleged religious intolerance of other nations, including India. This venture seems to perpetuate a myth of the US being the sole superpower and moral authority, to determine and declare who is good and who is not. Sadly, Americans have not yet realised that the world has moved on, cutting their country to size. Over the years, the US, in its arrogance of power, arbitrarily intervened in other people’s internal affair. It is time they look within to see what is wrong with their policies and thinking. M Ratan Via email BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( '( ')( *+,-.* @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D D]dbdP[[h[PaVT]d\QTa^USTeXPcX^]bWPSQTT] P__a^eTSQhcWTD?06^eTa]\T]cX]cWT 0VdbcPFTbc[P]SSTP[ °3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa <0=>70A?0AA8:0A (YROXWLRQRI WKH(53WHVW CWT6^eTa]\T]c\dbcUX]ScWT]P\Tb^UcWT QaXQTcPZTabP]S_a^bTRdcTcWT\8c\dbcbc^_ Q[PRZ\PX[X]VP]ScWaTPcT]X]Vdb °5^a\Ta3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa 0:0=C>=H CVgZgZ_XeYVSR_\Z_XdVTe`c CWTYdSVTRT]caXRP]S_da_^bXeT 7KHEDQNLQJVHFWRULVLQEDGVKDSHDQGWKHGDPDJHWRWKHFUHGLWF\FOHLVGHHSDQGVHYHUH%DQNVKDYHWROHDUQKRZWR dbT^UcWT4bbT]cXP[AT[XVX^db ZDGHWKURXJKJOREDOWUDSVDQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGWKLVZLOORQO\EHSRVVLEOHXQGHUWKHJXLGDQFHRIDWHDPRIH[SHUWV ?aPRcXRTbcTbc\dbcQTRWTRZTS tor banks aggressively financed n a healthy credit cycle, ] cWT _Pbc cf^ hTPab fXcW P RWP]VT X] 6^eTa]\T]ccWTR^d]cahWPbP[b^fXc]TbbTSbXV ]XUXRP]cYdSXRXP[STeT[^_\T]cbfXcWaTVPaSbc^aT[X VX^dbUaTTS^\8]9d[h! #cWTBd_aT\T2^dac X]EXbWfP;^RWP]<PSP]ebD]X^]^U8]SXPWT[S cWPcBWPaXPcR^dacbP]SUPcfPbWPeT]^[TVP[bP]R cX^] P]S P]h PccT\_c c^ U^aRTcWTXaX\_[T\T]cPcX^] fX[[PccaPRc_T]P[PRcX^] 8] 5TQadPah ! $ X] :WdabWTTS 0W\PS :WP] ebBcPcT^UDccPa?aPSTbW cWT P_Tg R^dac WT[S cWPc bcPcdc^ahad[Tb_aTbRaXQX]V cWT cTa\X]PcX^] ^U bTaeXRT ^] R^]caPRcX]V P bTR^]S \PaaXPVTQhP<db[X\fXcW ^dcSXbb^[eX]VcWTUXabc^]T =0<8CB0G4=0 PbeP[XS8]=XZWX[B^]Xeb D]X^] ^U 8]SXP cWT APYPbcWP]7XVW2^dacWT[ScWPcBP]cWPaPUPbccX[[ STPcW X] 9PX]Xb\ fPb d]R^]bcXcdcX^]P[ Qdc fPb bcPhTSQhcWTBd_aT\T2^dacP\^]cW[PcTa 8]3TRT\QTa! $cWTBd_aT\T2^dacX]0SX BPXeP BXePRWPaXhPaVP[ =P[P BP]VP\ eb 6^ec ^U CP\X[=PSd_dcc^aTbcP]^cWTa[TVXb[PcXeTPccT\_c QhcWTCP\X[=PSd6^eTa]\T]cfWXRWb^dVWcc^ _Ta\XcP]h_Tab^]XaaTb_TRcXeT^UcWTRPbcTUa^\ QTR^\X]VP_aXTbc 8]<PaRWcWT?d]YPQP]S7PahP]P7XVW2^dac X]3X[PfPaBX]VWebBcPcT^U?d]YPQ WT[ScWPcBXZWb RP] P__TPa X] R^dacb fXcW ZXa_P]b CWT 1^\QPh 7XVW 2^dac [Pbc \^]cW P[[^fTS cWT T]cah ^U f^\T]X]bXSTcWTBWP]XBWX]V]P_dacT\_[T <TP]fWX[T cWT Bd_aT\T 2^dac Xb WTPaX]V P _dQ[XRX]cTaTbc[XcXVPcX^]bTTZX]VT]cah^Uf^\T] X]cWTBPQPaX\P[PcT\_[T:TaP[PCWT1^\QPh7XVW 2^dacfWXRWXbWTPaX]VPbX\X[Pa_TcXcX^]^]cWT7PYX 0[X SPaVPW WPb STRXSTS c^ fPXc U^a cWT Bd_aT\T 2^dac³beTaSXRc<TP]fWX[T^]0_aX[!%cWT:TaP[P 7XVW2^dacVaP]cTS_Ta\XbbX^]c^<db[X\f^\T] fTPaX]VWXYPQc^P__TPaU^acWT0[[8]SXP?aT<TSXRP[ CTbc 0[[cWTbTRPbTbTUUTRcU^da\PY^aaT[XVX^]bX] ^daR^d]cahP]Sb^[dcX^]baTe^[eTPa^d]SPYdSX RXP[[hRaPUcTS cWT^aT\ cWT 4bbT]cXP[ AT[XVX^db ?aPRcXRTbcTbcCWTcTbc_a^eXSTbU^aR^]bcXcdcX^] P[_a^cTRcX^]c^_aPRcXRTb^UPaT[XVX^]fWXRWPaT TbbT]cXP[[h aT[XVX^db P]S fWXRW RP] QT _aX\PaX[h PbRTacPX]TSfXcWaTUTaT]RTc^cWTS^RcaX]Tb^UcWPc aT[XVX^]XcbT[U CWT 4A? 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The purpose of credit is to help the entrepreneur earn surplus amount after the re-payment of the loan. Therefore, before sanctioning a loan, bankers make a thorough appraisal of the project, to know whether the entrepreneur can earn surplus from his venture. Good governance, a transparent marketing network and moderate inflation helps the entrepreneur earn surplus after re-paying the bank loan which ultimately helps nurture a healthy credit cycle. However, a healthy credit cycle often grows in isolation. For example, villages can prosper only when they earn surplus income from their entrepreneurship. For increasing village income, the Government has to make the soil fertile, repair the water-table and improve biodiversity. Quality schools, healthcare facilities, transparent marketing facilities, quality extension services, good governance, safety etc always makes the village an attractive place. It has been reported that 35 per cent 40 per cent of the fruits and vegetables in India rot in the farm yard. A 100 per cent foreign direct investment in processed food is not the solution. The challenge is to provide a transparent market chain, storage facilities and an effective transportation system to the farmers. The Union Government has spent lakhs of crores of rupees building roads, godowns and market yards, but these infrastructural facilities have to perform to help the farmers earn surplus. Farmers in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra sell Alphonso (mango) at C20 to C25 per kg in their farm yard, but when the mango reaches Mumbai, Pune or Nashik, its price rises to C80 per kg. Alphonso is also sold in the Gulf and in Europe but the mango farmers hardly know about the export price. This is because traders and middlemen manipulate the agriculture produce price. The farmers lose income and the credit cycle is affected. As per the National Sample Survey Organisation, about 40 per cent of the Indian farmers want to leave farming. Today more than 90 per cent of agricultural graduates prefer jobs in banks, Government departments and the insurance sector. The Government, instead of giving subsidy, daily wages and free food, should repair the water table, the bio diversity, the top soil, the rivers, ponds, lakes and water bodies. Credit from borrowers can generate interest income for the banks and surplus for the farmers if basic requirements of village productivity is ensured. Politicians and planners may seek advice from social activist Anna Hazare who has developed his village Ralegan Siddhi into a happy and productive village. During summer, when large parts of Maharashtra faces water scarcity, Ralegan Siddhi has enough water to sustain two crops. The credit flow to Ralegan Siddhi has not turned into a nonperforming asset. Bankers with honesty and integrity can auto repair the credit cycle. But honest bankers can survive only if politicians, the police and judiciary protect them. Though the credit cycle in the agricultural sector is impact- 9dµcdY]Ud_b_S[dXU SbQT\UgYdX^UgVQSUc 6XeT]cWTR^d]cah³bRWP]VX]V_^[XcXRP[bRT]PaX^^[SfPaW^abTb \dbc]^fWP]S^eTacWTaTX]bc^cWT]TgcVT]TaPcX^]^U[TPSTab W hat is common between Prince Charles, Congress scion Rahul Gandhi, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam leader MK Stalin and Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal? They all are in the queue to take over from their parents, some eagerly and some reluctantly. Ninety-year old Queen Elizabeth has made Prince Charles wait for decades. Stalin too is facing the same problem — his 94year old father Karunanidhi is still in the saddle. Prakash Singh Badal, father of Sukhbir Singh Badal, is still going strong at the age of 87. Stalin is important in the context of Tamil Nadu politics. His fate will be known in the ensuing Assembly polls. Having made the DMK party his family fiefdom, Karunanidhi was not averse to anointing his son, but he does not want to upset the apple cart before the Assembly poll. Stalin’s supporters wanted him to be projected as the chief ministerial face but the old guard wanted Karunanidhi to stay in the lead. Also, Stalin is no match for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa. Before the entry of elder brother MK Alagiri and half-sister Kanimozhi a decade ago, Stalin was the undisputed heir. Karunanidhi even made him Deputy Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in 2009. However, family politics have blocked his rise. Alagiri and Kanimozhi are staking claim to their father’s legacy. Alagiri is still not in favour of Stalin, but Kanimozhi has patched up with him. So, Stalin has taken over the organisation despite family feuds. The bitter truth is that for the DMK-Congress combine, it is a difficult task to come back to power. Jayalalithaa has surpassed the DMK by extending welfare programmes and freebies. All its traditional political planks for the Tamil cause have also been hijacked by Jayalalithaa. Still, Stalin is trying his best to woo the electorate. He has been touring the State with his Namakku Naame road shows. He has hired a PR firm for an image make-over. In an attempt to woo the youth, who account for about 21 per cent of the electorate, Stalin is wearing trousers and shirts. He has also been active on social media. Making a shift from Dravidian ideology, he is visiting temples and participating in religious ceremonies. Many are doubtful about the future of the DMK, postKarunanidhi. The party may not remain intact. For more than six decades, Karunanidhi has been a key figure in Tamil Nadu politics, either as the Chief Minister or as the Opposition leader. He has survived other leaders like CN Annadurai and MG Ramachandran. Therefore, his stature is unquestionable. But his baton has to be handed over soon- ed, bad loan in this sector is less in comparison to coal, realty, power, infrastructure, steel, telecom, mining and aviation sectors. These sectors contribute to more than 50 per cent of the bad debt. Gross non-performing asset of 39 banks has reached C4.38 trillion for the quarter ended December 31, 2015, which shows that the credit cycle principle was grossly violated after 2008. The Indian banking sector was in good shape with less than 2.36 per cent NPA till 2010-11 when it was partially integrated with the global financial sector. Ever since the integration process picked up pace, the NPA graph has shown a sharp rise. The Indian banking sector added five lakh crore rupees in bad loan between 2007 and 2013. After 2010-2011, the public sec- risky sectors. Clearly, the banking sector has to learn how to wade through global traps and opportunities. This will be possible only under the supervision of a group of experts. The damage to Indian banks’ credit cycle is deep and severe. Unless the banking sector takes concrete measures, its credit cycle is beyond repair. More than 70 per cent of the total deposit of people are parked in public sector banks which have a wider outreach than private banks. Many developmental schemes of the Government are routed through PSBs. The banks have to fine tune three things: Audit, appraisal attitude to the public and accuracy of data. For the next 10 years, politicians should not interfere in the financial decision-making process. Let the banks decide who will be their Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors without any external pressure. The Government can form an independent supervisory team of experts to evaluate the performance of the heads from time-to-time. PSBs are the backbone of the financial sector. They can do business and social good only when they have a dedicated research team to access the economic sectors. The banking sector needs to have an authentic survey report on India’s potential economic sectors for accurate credit projection. Banks credit cycle is built over authentic potential survey. Had banks prepared an authentic survey, such massive credit would not have disappeared into the steel, power, infrastructure, realty, construction, telecom, mining and aviation sector. But with team work, experience and knowledge, the Indian banking sector can bounce back as the country offers huge business opportunities to all. +RZµOHJDOEULEHV¶ FDQFKHFNJUDIW :0;H0=8B70=:0A er than later. In Delhi, reports said that Rahul Gandhi is all set to become the president of the Congress this year. This news has been making rounds for quite some time. Since 2013, when Rahul Gandhi became the vice president of the Congress, it was thought that he was only a step away from becoming Congress chief. Although Congress president Sonia Gandhi has taken a backseat, allowing a free hand to her son, Rahul Gandhi is still not in the lead. The four States and one Union Territory, which are going to polls this year, will not only be a test for him but a miracle for the Congress if it can retain even one of the two States where it rules. There is a leadership crisis in the grand old party. The dual power centre experiment has created confusion. The old guard is apprehensive and is clinging to Sonia Gandhi. The Congress also does not have second-rung leaders. As for Sukhbir Badal, he is practically the boss, both in the Government and in the party, though his father is still electorally relevant. It is expected that the senior Badal will be the chief ministerial candidate in 2017, and he will be more than a match for Congress leader Captain Amarinder Singh. He is also the glue that is keeping together the Shiromani Akali Dal-BJP alliance. In Punjab, the Aam Aadmi Party is making inroads, and Sukhbir Badal does not have the same relationship with the BJP as his father does. The old war horses should realise that the time has come for them to hand over the reins. They will be out of step with the electorate if they fail to do so. ?a^UTbbX^]P[X]cTVaXchP]SX]RaTPbTS_a^SdRcXeXch\dbc QTX]RT]cXeXbTSfXcW\^aTQ^]dbTbP]S[TbbbP[PaXTb 34E4=3A0B170A60E0 I n India, to get preferential treatment anywhere and in any situation, one has to pay a price, which manifests in corruption. Corruption is everywhere — not a place to serve or be served without a bribe. Media reports suggest that corruption has not spared a single office, organisation or system. Even the judiciary is not clean, and fingers have been raised even at some Chief Justices. Just as the mind controls every organ in the body, the temples of justice likewise influence and encourage the various systems in society. To curb or control any evil, there are two approaches: The preventive (the defensive) or the curative (the proactive or offensive). The preventive approach includes a system where no one needs to give or take bribe, while the curative approach would require the framing of anti-graft legislation and its appropriate implementation. The latter approach is the one which most countries follow only to face problems related to the degree of implementation of the laws. Control over the implementation of the laws require other tools such as the Right to Information Act which has helped many countries effectively control graft in public places. But India is still struggling to make legislation to curb corruption. The effectiveness and appropriateness of the preventive or curative approaches greatly depends on the country, its people, their culture and habits. In this author’s opinion, the preventive approach will be more suitable for India. Corruption comes into the picture whenever some decision, like job appointments or award of contracts, is based on manual judgement. This is where one can not only prevent but even eliminate corruption — through a system in which the stated selection would be based on a quantitated number, such that the individual judgement factor (and hence, the corruption) is eliminated. For example, for every candidate for a certain position, an index will be evaluated which will manifest the integrated effect of all the specified requirements of the said position/job. The selection will be done by a duly and appropriately programmed computer which will calculate the said index of every candidate from the candidate’s biodata and give a print-out of the order of merit list of all the candidates, and this way the manipulative human factor will be eliminated. This is necessary in a country like India where merit is the least considered factor, reflected in the fact that it is still a third world developing nation, despite having qualified, hard working people in almost all disciplines. Another manifestation of this phenomenon is evident both in cricket and diplomacy — where India is often defeated by much smaller powers. This is because the smaller countries are merit-minded, India is not. A smaller but merit-oriented country selects its best available person for the job. This person may not even be as good as the top talent available in India but his actual Indian counterpart will be in all probability much weaker, for the latter hasn’t been chosen on merit but for his contacts or money power. Meanwhile, the meritorious in India are under-acknowledged or they migrate to other countries. In short, if merit is adopted in India, then corruption will automatically go away or be prevented. Such a prevention of corruption strategy will be foolproof compared to the curative approach based on laws and their implementation. This is because in this corruption-infested country, law or rules will not be obeyed or will be suppressed through a bribe. Therefore, in a corruption-laden India, the fine collection strategy will be a success only when the fine collector is paid a hefty bonus, which will ensure he is duty bound, honest and sincere. Similarly, judges can be given a bonus amount per case as an incentive for deciding each case on time. They may also be penalised if the case is not decided on time and with honesty. All Government employees should be paid a bonus (a legalised bribe) for processing each case, and their salaries may be reduced appropriately. This will ensure efficiency and improve productivity. \^]Th '( ')( *+,-.* BTQXWPbQTT]eTahRPaTUd[X] P[[^fX]VcaPSX]VX]]Tf R^\\^SXcXTbFTfP]cc^S^cWPc QdcfTfP]cc^S^XceTahRPaTUd[[h d][TbbfTPaTPbbdaTScWPccWTaTXb T]^dVW[X`dXSXchX]b^\T R^\\^SXcXTbfTfX[[]^cV^PWTPS B4182708A<0=D:B8=70 2EJJ 6B?= C529 3 3?B@ 4`fceRd\dDZ_XYSc`eYVcd e`aRjC#&!!Tc`cVe`5RZZTYZ ?C8Q B8=60?>A4 he erstwhile promoters of T Ranbaxy Laboratories, the Singh brothers and family have been asked to pay damages of C2,562.78 crore to Daiichi by an arbitration tribunal here for concealing and misrepresenting information during their stake sell to the Japanese firm. Malvinder Singh, currently the Chairman of Fortis He a lt hc are, and f am i ly including his brot her Shivinder Singh, had sold their entire stake of about 35 per cent in Ranbaxy for $2.4 billion in 2008 to Daiichi Sankyo. However, in 2013, the Japanese pharmaceutical major had filed an arbitra- tion case in Singapore accusing the Indian promoters of concealment and misrepres ent at ion of fac ts af ter Ranbaxy paid $500 million to the US Department of Justice as settlement for misrepresenting facts. The arbitration tribunal has issued an award by a majority of 2:1 in favour of the claimant for damages of an amount of C2562.78 crore, RHC Holding Pvt Ltd said in a statement. RHC Holding Pvt Ltd is among the sellers of shares of e rs t w h i l e R anb a x y Laboratories along with Oscar Investments, which have been named as respondents in the arbitration suit by the claimant, Daiichi Sankyo. The statement added the damage amount to be paid include “quantified interest, costs and expenses of the arbitration till the date of award and interest on above u nt i l d ate of p ay me nt , against all the respondents jointly and severally”. C omment i ng on it s future course of action, RHC Holding said: “The company is exploring further legal options to challenge the majority award.” It, however, declined to share details stating “all the parties to the arbitration are bound by confidentiality obligations as a part of the arbitration proceedings.” Whe n c ont a c te d Malvinder Singh declined to comment. After buying out the erstwhile promoters, Daiichi spent a total of around C22,000 crore to gain a majority stake in Ranbaxy. Later on, the Japanese firm exited Ranbaxy following a $4.2 billion merger deal between Sun Pharma and Ranbaxy. L ast Apr i l, D aiichi Sankyo sold its entire stake of around 9 per cent in Sun Pharmaceutical Industries for over C20,420 crore, which it received after merger of Ranbaxy in the Indian firm, ending its seven years of tumultuous experience in the country. 8c´bPWXbc^aXRbcT_cPZT]c^fPaSb bcaT]VcWT]X]V^daTPbT^US^X]V QdbX]TbbX]^daR^d]cahCWTbdQYTRc ^USTUPd[cWPbQTT]X]]Tfb^U[PcT P]ScWT2^STR^d[S]^cWPeTR^\T PcP\^aT^__^acd]TcX\TbX]RTcWXb bdQYTRcf^d[SP[b^VTcSTP[cfXcW cWa^dVWcWXb2^STc^b^\TTgcT]c 28838A42C>A64=4A0; 270=3A098C10=4A944 µ&DLUQFDQ¶WH[SRUWFUXGHWLOO ,QGLDDWWDLQVVHOIVXIILFLHQF\¶ ?C8Q =4F34;78 he Government on Thursday told the Delhi T High Court that Cairn India cannot be permitted to export excess crude from its Rajasthan oil field, till India attains “self sufficiency”. “The stand of the central government is unequivocal and unambiguous that as a national policy, export of crude oil is not permitted till India attains self sufficiency,” the Centre told a bench of Justice Manmohan. The submission was made by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas which is opposing Cairn’s request for permitting them to export crude oil. Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Tushar Mehta, who was assisted by central government standing counsel Anurag Ahluwalia, said, “It is admitted position that between the parties that a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) is entered into by and between the parties and that the petitioner is governed by the terms of the said PSC which prohibits export till India attains self sufficiency.” ASG further said that, “whether to permit exports of crude oil exploited from the fields located within the territory of India (at a time when the country itself is suffering from huge deficit in demand and supply of hydrocarbons and is primarily dependent on imports), essentially falls within the realm of a policy decision, which is to be taken by the Government keeping in mind the national interest and large public purpose. “The decision of the government not to permit export of the oil produced by the petitioner is a policy decision taken by the government, which cannot be in anyway termed to be an arbitrary, irrational or a mala fide deci- sion warranting interference by this court,” the Centre submitted. The court asked the Government to show it the copy of the policy under which Cairn was denied permission. While listing the matter for further hearing on May 18, it also asked them to inform whether there was any law or any contract under which they can restrict Cairn from selling their crude abroad. The court was hearing the plea of Cairn India, subsidiary of UK-based Vedanta group, seeking directions to the government to permit it to export the excess crude. Earlier, Cairn had contended that a loss of C1,400 crore has been caused to Government as the company was forced to sell its share of crude from its Rajasthan oilfield to private players at prices 20 per cent less than global rates. ?C8 :RQ¶WDOORZQHZFRPPH[SURGXFWV :42:cVgZVhdWZ_R_TZR]deReV^V_ed`W>R]]jRXc`faWZc^d WLOOOLTXLGLW\DVVXUHG6HEL&KDLUPDQ ±8]cWTRPbT^UcWTD1Va^d_PbP <D<108)Amid challenges from physical commodity markets, Sebi Chairman UK Sinha on Thursday said the regulator will not bring in new products in the commodities derivative market unless they have enough liquidity. The regulator is continuously reviewing the risk management framework in the commodities segment and it would take a few more months to bring in the mechanism to the level of securities market, the Sebi chief said. “Price discovery in this country is very complex. For example, the physical market is controlled by the states and there are many obstacles and measures under the essential commodities Act. “I am not saying it is good or bad but these are difficulties...And what is the actual stock, what is the actual crop output, such information is not available to us well in time,” Sinha told reporters on the sidelines of Thomson Reuters Risk Summit. “That is why Sebi has been very careful in allowing trading in new commodities. We want to do that, but we want to do it very carefully, unless we are assured that there is enough liquidity in some commodities we will not go ahead,” he said. The problems in the physical market and also the stage of development of warehousing mechanism in the country doesn’t give Sebi the comfort to progress on the same in a big way immediately, he added. Noting that the surveillance and risk management framework in the commodity market is developing, Sinha said the process of bringing the system at par with the equities market would take a few months. “The risk management issue in the commodities market is at a stage which is not giving us a comfort that it is as advance as it is in the securities market. We have been continuously trying to improve that system through a series of measures, for example we have weekly meetings with the exchange, we review the trades, we also use surveillance mechanism that is in place,” he said. “A thorough review of the exercise is going on but it willtake us a few months to bring it to the same level as securities market,” the Sebi chief said. On providing settlement guarantee fund (SGF) for the commodity exchanges, Sinha said, “before introducing core SGF through our SECC regulations we provided for this money to be set aside.” ?C8 = 4 F 3 4 ; 7 8 ) C har te re d accountants’ apex body ICAI is reviewing financial statements of certain Vijay Mallya group firms to assess the role of auditors and has warned of strict disciplinary action in case of violations. The move also comes against the backdrop of the embattled Mallya facing a case of loan default worth C9,400 crore. Warning of strict action against auditors in case of violations, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has said it is highly concerned about the issue and role of its members in “an unhealthy manner”. The Financial Reporting Review Board (FRRB) of ICAI is reviewing the financial statements of certain enterprises of the Mallya group to assess the performance of the auditors. “In the case of the UB _a^PRcXeT\TPbdaT5AA1Xb bT[TRcX]VcWTVT]TaP[_da_^bT UX]P]RXP[bcPcT\T]cb^UePaX^db T]cTa_aXbTb^UcWTD1Va^d_fWXRW fTaTaT_^acTSQhcWT\TSXPc^ WPeTQTT]X]e^[eTSX] XaaTVd[PaXcXTb²8208?aTbXST]c< 3TePaPYPATSShc^[ScWT]Tfb PVT]Rh5AA1PbbTbbTbfWTcWTa cWTUX]P]RXP[aT_^acX]VUaP\Tf^aZ WPbQTT]Sd[hR^\_[XTSfXcW group, as a proactive measure, FRRB is selecting the general purpose financial statements of various enterprises of the UB group which were reported by the media to have been involved in irregularities,” ICAI President M Devaraja Reddy told the news agency. FRRB assesses whether the financial reporting framework has been duly complied with. Among others, FRRB reviews the financial statements of various enterprises with a view to verifying various aspects such as compliance with the generally accepted accounting principle in the preparation and pre- IRUSXEOLFEXWRQLQYLWHEDVLV =4F34;78)4G telecom opera- 200 to activate services. It will also grant user free unlimited access to Jio’s 4G mobile applications like Jio Play, Jio On-demand, JioMag, JioBeats, Jio Drive etc for 90 days. RIL recently said that over 5 lakh users are using its network during trial phase. It has seen average monthly consumption per user is in excess of 18 gigabyte within the first month of service and average voice usage is over 250 minutes within the first month. On April 22, the company said, “The launch is now being expanded to others in the ecosystem. This test programme will be progressively upgraded into commercial operations in coming months.” ?C8 A0:4B71870A8970 Q =4F34;78 aking on the likes of Hyundai Creta, Renault Duster, Nissan T Terrano, Ford EcoSport and other B_^acbRPa\PY^a;P\Q^aVWX]X^]CWdabSPh[Pd]RWTScWT]Tf7daPRu];?% #B_hSTaX]8]SXP_aXRTSPcC"'(Ra^aTTgbW^fa^^\=Tf3T[WXA^[[X]V^dcXcb[PcTbc ^UUTaX]V;P\Q^aVWX]XB^dcWTPbc0bXP7TPSBTQPbcXT]7T]ahbPXS±8]SXPXb^]T^UcWTZThbcaPcTVXR\PaZTcbU^a;P\Q^aVWX]X6XeT]cWT_a^YTRcTSTR^]^\XRVa^fcWWTaT fTPaT^_cX\XbcXRPQ^dc^dabR^_TWTaT²CWT]Tf7daPRP]B_hSTaR^\QX]Tb_TaU^a\P]RT^UcWT7daPRP]2^d_T_PXaTSfXcWcWTT\^cX^]P[UPRTc^U^_T]PXaSaXeX]VWT bPXSCWT8cP[XP]RPa\PY^aP[b^X]PdVdaPcTSXcbbW^fa^^\X]<d\QPX 2QWDSEDQNOLFHQFHV5%,SURSRVHVFDSIRUEL]KRXVHV <D<108)Moving towards on-tap licensing regime, the Reserve Bank on Thursday proposed allowing professionals with 10 years of experience to promote full-fledged banks but large business houses can come in only as investors with less than 10 per cent stake. The draft guidelines, issued today, may upset the plans of several business houses who had lost out in the last round of distribution of universal bank licences and were eagerly waiting for on-tap regime to set up their own banks. In a departure from the earlier norms on universal banks, the draft guidelines have made resident individuals and professionals having 10 years of experience in banking and finance as eligible for promoting universal banks. “Large industrial or business houses are excluded as eligible entities but permitted to invest in the banks to the extent of less than 10 per cent” of paid up equity capital, which RBI has fixed at C500 crore, as per the guidelines. “The initial minimum paidup voting equity capital for a new bank shall be C500 crore and thereafter, the bank shall have a minimum net worth of committee of ICAI.” Multiple agencies, including t he Enforcement Directorate and CBI, are probing issues related to the massive loan default by Mallya and others. Emphasising that ICAI’s regulatory mechanism is “working assiduously”, he said it has been taking disciplinary action against members found guilty of alleged professional misconduct. Action is initiated as per provisions of the Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Act, 2006, and related rules. “ICAI has a strong disciplinary mechanism in place whereby proceedings are initiated and taken to their logical end through a welldefined procedure, which maintains the interests of natural justice while ensuring the guilty are never spared,” Reddy said in the e-mailed statement. ?C8 +RQGD&DUVODXQFKHV %59FRPSDFW689 5HOLDQFH-LRRSHQV*VHUYLFH tor Reliance Jio has opened up its services for general public on trial basis but a person will be able to buy its sim only after getting invite from employees of Reliance Industries group firms. Another rider for availing the service is that the person will have to buy LYF handset being sold by Reliance Digital. The LYF handset are available in the price range of C5,599 to C19,499 apiece. “As we inch closer towards our commercial launch, we are providing our near and dear ones (Yes you!) a chance to test out our network,” an invite from employee said. RIL group firm employee under the scheme can invite 10 people to buy Jio’s 4G sim and LYF Handset. The connection will come bundled with unlimited 4G mobile internet and phone calls service for 90 days. The invitee will need to pay Rs sentation of financial statement. In the latest monthly message to members, Reddy has flagged concerns over bad loans and wilful defaulters. “The problem may relate to management or judgement; non-retrieval of loan money will have direct inferences on the auditing profession as well,” he said. Noting that regulators and banks are striving hard to recover bad loans from wilful defaulters, he said, “ICAI is highly concerned about the issue and role of its auditors in an unhealthy manner.” In the context of FRRB reviewing the financial statements of certain Mallya group firms, Reddy said, “Auditors’ role in this dilemma, which so far has not come to the fore, if found deficient, shall be dealt with strictly by the disciplinary C500 crore at all times,” the central bank said. While assuming charge on September 4, 2013, Governor Raghuram Rajan had said one of his key reform measures would to put bank licensing on-tap. He fulfilled a part of it in April 2014 by issuing in-principal approvals to two-infra lender IDFC and microfinancier Bandhan, out of 25 applicants. Both of them are operational since last year. These banks came in after a gap of over a decade. Rajan took the second step by announcing in-principle nod to 10 payments banks and 11 small finance banks last year. At the last monetary policy in April, Rajan had said he would look at more differentiated banks like custodian banks and wholesale banks. RBI said interested parties will have to float a non-operative financial holding company (NOFHC), which has now been made non-mandatory in case of promoters being individuals or standalone promoting/ converting entities who/ which do not have other group entities. The NOFHC is now required to be owned by the promoter or promoter group to the extent of at least 51 per cent of the total paid-up equity cap- ital of the NOFHC, instead being wholly-owned by the promoter group, which was a necessity in the previous guidelines.Existing specialised activities are permitted to be continued from a separate entity proposed to be held under the NOFHC subject to prior approval from the Reserve Bank and subject to it being ensured that similar activities are not conducted through the bank as well. Existing non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) that are ‘controlled by residents’ and have a successful track record for at least 10 years will be eligible for the licence. “Entities or groups in the private sector that are ‘owned and controlled by residents’ and have a successful track record for at least 10 years, provided that if such entity or group has total assets of C5,000 crore or more, the non-financial business of the group does not account for 40 per cent or more in terms of total assets or in terms of gross income,” the guidelines said. The foreign shareholding will be as per the existing foreign direct investment (FDI) policy, which is currently at 74 per cent. ?C8 compact SUVs, Honda Cars India on Thursday launched sevenseater compact SUV BR-V priced between C8.75 lakh and C12.9 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). “With the launch of BR-V, we are getting into the fast-growing compact SUV segment. With its versatile features, we see a huge potential for the vehicle in the country,” said Honda Cars India (HCIL) President and CEO Yoichiro Ueno. “India being a key market for Honda, the company is focusing on increasing its customer base with new model introductions”, Ueno added. The compact SUV segment has been one of the best-performing segments in the Indian passenger vehicle market, growing at around 35 per cent for the past two years. Talking about Indian market Ueno said the country has huge potential for growth but there are challenges. “Last year was tough for the industry, and growth was achieved mainly by new product launches and discounts,” Ueno said, marking out the rapid shift from diesel to petrol and introduction of infrastructure cess also impacting the industry. “Despite all these challenges, we are confident of achieving strong growth in the current fiscal.” The company also plans to expand its sales network to 340 dealerships in the current fiscal, from the current 298. “It will help us penetrate into new regions and offer better services to customers,” Ueno said. When asked about the next launch from the company in the coming months, Honda Cars India Ltd (HCIL) Senior VicePresident (Marketing and Sales) Jnaneswar Sen said : “After the New Honda Amaze and BRV, The new Honda Accord Hybrid will be launched in India this festive season.” The sale of petrol-only DSegment sedan was stopped in India in late 2013 owing to poor demand but thanks to the incentives offered by the Government’s FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of hybrid and Electric vehicles), the company is planning to relaunch its premium sedan in its latest avatar. \^]Th '( ')( *+,-.* /ca^0 =PbbR^\5PRTQ^^Zc^_dbW_a^SdRcSTeT[^_\T]cY^X]c[h NEW DELHI: IT-BPM industry body Nasscom has partnered social media giant Facebook to evangelise the product design ecosystem and support over 500 product startups in India. Under ‘Product Design Initiative’, a flagship programme of Nasscom Product Council, the partners aim to support over 500 product startups on product design and train more than 5,000 product designers over a period of two years, Nasscom said in a statement. This initiative stems from the need to build design skills that will propel innovative thinking and approaches to build solutions in key sectors where technology can play a transformational role, it added. “Design as a tool for innovation has developed rapidly in recent years. Design thinking, methodologies and tools enable solutions for complex and challenging issues and help re-imagine systems,” Nasscom President R Chandrashekhar said. With this initiative, Nasscom plans to scale up the focus on product design and engage the young entrepreneurs into becoming problem solvers and solution builders, he added. The nationwide initiative will offer focussed programmes to build awareness around product design, training on design tools, design lab, awards, design sprints and mentorship. “The Design Initiative will aim to build and diffuse a design culture across our ecosystem, link up with academia, recognise outstanding designs and overall, ensure India's software products delivery delightful customer experiences,” Nasscom said.PTI 6A44=8=8C80C8E41HB2>?4 18BPfPaSTScWTR^eTcTS8]cTVaPcTS<P]PVT\T]cBhbcT\2TacXUXRPcX^][XRT]RTc^0S[PQb4]cTacPX]\T]c;cS<d\QPX Pb_Ta8B8B>( @dP[Xch<P]PVT\T]cBhbcT\8B8B> # 4]eXa^]\T]c<P]PVT\T]cBhbcT\P]S8B ' >RRd_PcX^]P[7TP[cWP]SBPUTch<P]PVT\T]cBhbcT\CWXbXbU^acWTUXabccX\T18BWPbVXeT]P]h<P]PVT\T]c BhbcT\2TacXUXRPcTc^cWT\TQPbTST]cTacPX]\T]cT]cXchCWTRTacXUXRPcTfPbPfPaSTSQh80B3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[18B 0[ZP?P]SPc^2WPXa\P]0S[PQb4]cTacPX]\T]c;X\XcTS<P]\^WP]BWTcchPcPUd]RcX^]WT[SX]<d\QPX <X]XbcTa^UBcPcT U^a7^\T0UUPXab :XaT]AXYXYdQTX]V _aTbT]cTSP \T\T]c^QhcWT 3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[ 368C1?:aXbW]P 2WPdSWPahPccWT U[PV^UURTaT\^]h ^UcWT<^d]c <dZdc <^d]cPX]TTaX]V 4g_TSXcX^]^U8]S^ CXQTcP]1^aSTa ?^[XRT8C1?X] =Tf3T[WX^] CWdabSPh <PWX]SaP8]cTacaPSTWPbbXV]TSP<^DfXcW<BC2;cS U^aPY^X]cX]XcXPcXeTc^bTcd_8]SXPbUXabcPdc^bWaTSSX]V UPRX[XchCWT_a^_^bTSUPRX[XchfX[[QTT`dX__TSfXcWbcPcT ^UcWTPacUd[[hPdc^\PcTST]S^U[XUTeTWXR[TaTRhR[X]V T`dX_\T]cP]SfX[[QT8]SXPbUXabcbdRWUPRX[XchCWXbXb Tg_TRcTSc^UPRX[XcPcTaTRhR[X]V^UbRaP__TSPdc^\^QX[Tb B_TPZX]V^]cWT^RRPbX^]2WPXa\P]<P]PVX]V 3XaTRc^a<BC2;cSB:CaX_PcWXbPXS±<BC2XbP[fPhb [^^ZX]VPcX]]^ePcXeTfPhbc^aTRhR[TbRaP_P]S_a^cTRc cWTT]eXa^]\T]cP]ScWXbUPRX[XchfX[[WT[_c^_PacXRX_PcTX] cWTT\XbbX^]cPaVTcbfWXRW8]SXPWPb_a^\XbTSc^Ud[UX[[ eXPcWT2>?! 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8]bXSTCWT8]cTa]Tc ^U8]SXPPQ^^Z cPZTbdbc^cWTaTP[ bd_Ta_^fTa^U 3XVXcP[8]SXPX]=Tf 3T[WX^]CWdabSPh <P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a 2WXTU4gSTRdcXeT >^UUXRTa^U8318 1P]Z:XbW^a :WPaPc X]PdVdaPcTbcWT QP]ZbcT\_^aPah QaP]RWPc BX\WPbcWP<T[P DYYPX]<PSWhP ?aPSTbW^] CWdabSPh 8cfX[[RaTPcT Ra^aT]TfY^Qb ?=BQ =4F34;78 wenty-nine port-based coastal industrial centres, T planned under coastal economic zones, are expected to boost exports by $110 billion besides creating one crore new jobs, the Government said on Thursday. The clusters are planned in the vicinity of India’s top 12 major ports. “ Twenty-nine port based/coastal industrial clusters have been proposed across 14 coastal economic zones. The consultants have projected that these industrial cluster projects will enable creation of approximately 1 crore new jobs, including 40 lakh direct jobs and boost exports by $110 billion in the next 10 years,” Minister of State for Shipping Pon Radhakrishnan told Lok Sabha in a written reply. napdeal on Thursday said it has acquired TargetingMantra, a move that will help the ecommerce major enhance personalisation of shopping experience of customers. However, the acquisition amount was not disclosed by Snapdeal. TargetingMantra specialises in the field management of customer life cycle through personalisation, targeting and big data analytics. Founded by former Amazon executive Saurabh Nangia and management consultant Rahul Singh in March 2013, TargetingMantra has offices in Palo Alto and Gurgaon. Its solutions help increase conversion rates through intu- itive product discovery, recommendations and channel selection. “At Snapdeal, TargetingMantra's team will further the on-going initiative to build the customer experience engine, which will personalise shopping experiences for customers,” Snapdeal said in a statement. Rohit Bansal, co-founder of Snapdeal said the company is always on the lookout for talented teams that come with complementing tech skills. “Personalisation is a key piece which helps consumers discover and transact in a fast, frictionless and intuitive manner. The TargetingMantra team comes with valuable experience in driving superior customer experience through machine learning,” he added. 9Vc`>`e`4`caB%_Vefa(" NEW DELHI: Countr y’s largest two-wheeler maker Hero MotoCorp on Thursday posted 70.85 per cent rise in standalone net profit at C814.16 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 31, riding on the back of its best ever quarterly sales. The company had posted a net profit of C476.53 crore during the same period of the previous fiscal. “The improved profit margins were the combined result of of the highest ever quarterly sales of 17,21,240 units and several margin improvement initiatives taken during the period,” Hero MotoCorp said in a statement. Net sales of the company rose by 10.3 per cent to C7,385.23 crore during the fourth quarter as compared to C6,695.19 crore during the same period of the previous fiscal. The company sold 17,21,240 two-wheelers during the fourth quarter, up 9.25 per cent from 15,75,501 units a year ago. For the fiscal ended March 31, the company posted a net profit of C3,132.37 crore, up 32 per cent, against C2,385. PNS While Kandla port will have petrochemicals, cement and furniture-based industries, JNPT will have power, electronics and apparel projects, the Minister said. Petrochemicals and marine processing are planned at Paradip while Kolkata will have leather processing industries, he said. The projects have been formulated as part of National Perspective Plan (NPP) for the Sagarmala programme, which is an ambitious project for port-led development of India's coastal cities. “The industrial cluster projects have an implementation time schedule of up to 10 years with an estimated infrastructure investment of C1 lakh crore and are projected to attract additional industrial investment of C7 lakh crore,” the Minister said. 83521P]Z0?6^eca^[[^dc 31C_T]bX^]X]:aXbW]PSXbcc ?B=Q =4F34;78 n a first step for delivering services by using JandhanIAadhaar-Mobile (JAM) trinity, IDFC Bank on Thursday said it has tied up with Andhra Pradesh Government for DBT schemes in the Krishna district of the state. The delivery of services under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) will be through inter-operable Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) micro ATMs deployed in villages in Krishna to enhance last mile financial access using digitisation, IDFC Bank said in a release. CXaP_2WP]V[P]VP]S;^]VSX]V3XbcaXRcb^UB^dcW0ad]PRWP[?aPSTbWP[^]V8]S^<hP]\Pa1^aSTaWPeT[PVVTSQTWX]SX]8]UaPbcadRcdaP[ STeT[^_\T]cSdTc^XcbX]PRRTbbXQX[XchcaTPRWTa^dbcTaaPX]P]S_a^[XUTaPcX^]^UX]bdaVT]RhP]SQPbXR]TRTbbXcXTb^UbPUTSaX]ZX]VfPcTaP]S T[TRcaXRXchX]]^cPePX[PQ[TC^P[[TeXPcTcWTWPaSbWX_^UcWT[^RP[_^_d[PRT0bbP\AXU[TbWPb[Pd]RWTSP\PY^aSaXeTc^QaXVWcT]d_cWT[XeTb^U PQ^dc!_T^_[TQh_a^eXSX]VB^[Pa[P\_bc^"W^dbTbX]\^bcUPaU[d]VQ^aSTaeX[[PVTb6dXSTSQhXcb\^cc^^U5A84=3B>5C74 78;;?4>?;4cWT0BB0<A85;4Bd]STacWTPTVXbX]S^\XcPQ[T30>38E8B8>=X]R^]Yd]RcX^]X]cWT4R^B^[dcX^]bP<d\QPXQPbTS=6> d]STaHPcT]SaP0VVPafP[c^^Zd_^]XcbT[Uc^[XVWcd_cWTW^\Tb^UP[[^UB^dcW0ad]PRWP[?aPSTbWfW^S^]^cWPeTPRRTbbc^T[TRcaXRXch 2<3A8C4BAPYTTe<TWa^caPaTRTXeTScWT=XahPcBWaTT6^[SCa^_WhUa^\cWT?aTbXST]c^U8]SXP?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTU^acWT WXVWTbcT]VX]TTaX]VV^^SbTg_^acbS^]TX]cWT]^]<B<4RPcTV^ahA8C4BXbcWT^][h?BDc^WPeTaTRTXeTScWTPfPaSCWT PfPaSbfTaTVXeT]QhcWT5TSTaPcX^]^U8]SXP]4g_^ac>aVP]XbPcX^]584>d]STacWT<X]Xbcah^U2^\\TaRTX]cWT]PcX^]P[RP_XcP[ ^]FTS]TbSPhA8C4BXbcWT]^\X]PcTSPVT]Rh^U8]SXP]APX[fPhbU^aTg_^ac^Ua^[[X]Vbc^RZ\P]dUPRcdaTSPccWT?a^SdRcX^]D]Xcb ^U8]SXP]APX[fPhbA8C4BP[b^cPZTd_ePaX^dbR^]bd[cP]Rhf^aZb^dcbXST8]SXPX]APX[fPhb7XVWfPhb0Xa_^acbP]S?^acbbTRc^a A`ceSRdVU#* ac`[VTede`S``de Via`cedSj""!S_ 5R\DO(QILHOGWRLQYHVW CFURUHRQ5' QHZXQLWVH[SDQVLRQ NEW DELHI: Niche bike maker Royal Enfield, plans to invest C600 crore during the current fiscal for product development, setting up of two R&D centres and expansion of manufacturing capacities in India and the UK. The company sells various popular models like Bullet, Classic, Thunderbird and Continental GT. “We will be investing C600 crore towards product development, setting up of the two technical centres, in Leicestershire, UK and Chennai, enhancing our manufacturing capacity and market development activities across geographies,” Eicher Motors Ltd MD & CEO Siddhartha Lal said. PNS To begin with, effective May 1, Andhra Bank will deliver social security pension under the DBT. IDFC Bank said the programme will be extended for delivery of other government services or entitlements and then to Public Distribution System (PDS). “It also makes IDFC Bank the first to deliver Direct Benefit Transfer like social security pensions, and in coming days, others schemes like scholarships, LPG subsidies, MGNREGA benefits, through an interoperable AEPS Micro ATM model, at scale, in a district, in a concentrated manner”, IDFC Bank said. f^a[S ! '( ')( *+,-.* 7UXPSDµORRVHFDQQRQ¶ D4@<¶dUVReYW`c;R^RReTYZVW DULVN\FKRLFH+LOODU\ 10=6;034B7F0A2A8<4 ?C8Q 370:0 op leader of Bangladesh’s fundamentalist Jamaat-eT Islami Motiur Rahman Nizami on Thursday faced a major setback after the Supreme Court rejected his final plea to review his death sentence it earlier handed down over war crimes during the 1971 Liberation War with Pakistan. The four-member Appellate Division Bench headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha pronounced the single-word judgement at the tense courtroom. “Dismissed,” said top judge, who is the first Hindu to occupy the post in the Muslimmajority country, about the final appeal of 72-year-old Nizami, convicted for murder, rape and orchestrating the killing of top intellectuals. Court officials said the details of the order would be issued later in writing. DB0a\hRP_cPX] bdTb>QP\P ^eTa²X[[TVP[³fPa PVPX]bc8B8B Washington: A 28-year-old American Army officer deployed to Kuwait has sued President Barack Obama because he believes the war against the ISIS terror group is “illegal” as it has not been authorised by Congress. Captain Nathan Michael Smith voiced strong support for fighting the ISIS but, citing his “conscience” and his vow to uphold the Constitution, he said he believed that the mission lacked proper authorisation from Congress, the New York Times reported. Smith is seeking “a declaration that President Obama’s war against ISIS is illegal because Congress has not authorised it,” according to court documents. “To honour my oath, I am asking the court to tell the president that he must get proper authority from Congress, under the War Powers Resolution, to wage the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria,” he wrote in court documents filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia on Tuesday. PTI CWT9P\PPcRWXTU Xb]^fZT_cPcP b_TRXP[RT[[U^a STPcWa^f R^]eXRcbPc bdQdaQP] :PbWX\_da 2T]caP[9PX[ Tight security was enforced in and around the Supreme Court complex ahead of the verdict, though unlike the trial court, the apex court procedures did not require Nizami’s presence during the delivery of the judgment. The Jamaat chief is now kept at a special cell for death row convicts at suburban Kashimpur Central Jail. Wednesday’s final verdict comes two days after the Bench wrapped up hearing Nizami’s petition, seeking a review of the top court’s own previous judgement that had confirmed his deathsentence. Immediately after the verdict, Jamaat issued a statement calling Nizami a “victim of state-sponsored conspiracy” and called a day-long nationwide strike on May 8. “The Government has taken a plan to kill Maulana Nizami in the name of trial of crimes against humanity as part of its political vengeance,” the statement said. The Supreme Court’s decision clears the final legal hurdle for the Government to hang the Jamaat-e-Islami chief, who is now left with the only option to seek presidential mercy. President Abdul Hamid, however, has earlier rejected two such prayers by 1971 war crimes convicts, including Nizami’s top aide then, who were subsequently executed late last year. 7XUNLVK30TXLWVRYHU UHSRUWHGULIWZLWK3UH] 0? Q 0=:0A0 T urkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced his resignation on Thursday, paving the way for the country’s president to pursue a tighter grip on power. “I decided that for the unity of the (ruling party) a change of chairman would be more appropriate. I am not considering running at the May 22 congress,” Davutoglu told the nation. Davutoglu, who had fallen out with President Recept Tayyip Erdogan, announced he was stepping aside following a meeting with executives of the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, which has dominated Turkish politics since 2002. The decision is not effective immediately. The party will hold an emergency convention May 22 to select a new party leader who would also replace the premier. Davutoglu indicated he did not plan to resign from the party, saying he would “continue the struggle” as a ruling party legislator. He pledged loyalty to Erdogan, saying the president’s CdaZXbW?aX\T<X]XbcTa0W\Tc 3Pedc^V[db\X[TbPbWTb_TPZbc^cWT \TSXPX]0]ZPaP^]CWdabSPh 0? honour was his honour, and suggested he would not be a party to any efforts to divide the party “I feel no reproach, anger or resentment against anyone,” Davutoglu said. The shake-up is seen as the outcome of irreconcilable differences between Erdogan, who would like to see the country transition to a presidential system, and his once-trusted adviser. It comes a day after Davutoglu’s government scored a victory of sorts, with the European Union’s executive commission recommending approval of a deal to give Turkish citizens the right to travel to Europe without visas. Jamaat was opposed to Bangladesh’s 1971 independence from Pakistan and sided with Pakistani troops in carrying out the atrocities during the Liberation War. At the time, Nizami was the chief of the party’s student wing as well as the notorious Al-Badr militia force, manned by Jamaat activists. He was a Minister in the past BNP-led four- party alliance Government with his party being its crucial ally. Two Ministers of the same Cabinet Salauddin Quader Chowdhur y of BNP and Jamaat’s secretary general Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujaheed were earlier executed as convicts of 1971 war crimes charges. Nizami is one of the last remaining top perpetrators of crimes against humanity as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Government initiated a process to try the 1971 war criminals. ²=Tf7P\Pbcd]]T[ U^d]SaTPRWX]VX]c^ 8baPT[Ua^\6PiP³ Jerusalem: Israeli forces uncovered a Hamas tunnel stretching across the border from Gaza on Thursday, the Army said, the second such discovery in recent weeks. “About four hours ago, the IDF exposed a second tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip,” Army spokesman Peter Lerner said. “We understand the tunnel was approximately 28 to 29 metres (100 feet) deep in the southern Gaza Strip, stretching from Gazan territory into Israel.” He did not say how far into Israel the tunnel stretched but confirmed the discovery was made by Israeli forces on the Gazan side of the border. The discovery follows another on April 18 in which the IDF said it had uncovered the first Hamas tunnel since the devastating 2014 war in Gaza. It comes amid a new flareup in violence along the border with the Palestinian enclave. A series of Israeli air strikes on Gaza overnight wounded four people, including three children, while Israel said Hamas fighters have fired a number of mortars at Israeli territor y since Wednesday. AFP 3XVXcP[Wd\P]\^ST[b ZThc^UdcdaTR[X]XRP[ aTbTPaRWbPhbbcdSh London: Computer simulations of disease processes and detailed digital models of our organs could provide more accurate monitoring and outcome measurements for clinical trials. The research being presented at the University of Sheffield in the UK on Thursday aims to develop a model of pulmonary arterial hypertension using MRI technology. “Two-thirds of the patients we assessed could be correctly diagnosed with PAH using our model, which meant only those patients, where diagnosis was unclear, would have had to have the catheter test if this was in full clinical use,” said Andy Swift, Insigneo Senior Clinical Research fellow. Currently, the condition is diagnosed by inserting a catheter into the patient, often in the neck or groin to test the pressure in the pulmonary artery. PTI BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= L abelling Donald Trump a “loose cannon”, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has warned fellow-Americans that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee would be a risky choice for the high office. “I don’t think we can take a risk on a loose cannon like Donald Trump running our country. I do think he is a loose cannon, and loose cannons tend to misfire,” Clinton told CNN on Wednesday, a day after Trump became the presumptive nominee after his last two rivals crashed out of the race. Clinton’s comments came even as Trump’s conservative detractors, who have floated the #NeverTrump movement, are still actively exploring the possibility of putting up their own candidate for a thirdparty run to halt the New York billionaire in his tracks. AT_dQ[XRP]_aTbXST]cXP[RP]SXSPcT3^]P[SCad\_aTPRcbc^Pb^]VSdaX]VP RP\_PXV]aP[[hPccWT8]SXP]PCWTPcTaX]CTaaT7PdcT Names of former Texas Governor Rick Perry, Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse and former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn have been floated as possible candidates for a thirdparty or independent bid, the Associated Press reported, noting this project remains “a long shot at best, with filing deadlines for getting on state ballots fast approaching”. D:?<)Cad\_´b_^[XRh ^]<db[X\bfa^]V fX[[]^cP_^[^VXbT Washington: Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump has reiterated his stand on banning Muslims from entering the US and deporting illegal immigrants out of the country. The rival Hillary Clinton campaign immediately slammed Trump asserting that the former secretary of state would not tolerate this divisive and dangerous direction as the US President. A day after he became a presumptive nominee, Trump refused to budge down from his primary election season’s controversial rhetoric’s in a series of interviews. In an interview with CNN, Trump did not back away from his proposal to temporarily ban all foreign Muslims from entering the US. At the same time, he said he would work with Muslim countries in the fight against terrorism. But the onus for this is on those countries first, he argued. Taking a rigid stand, Trump said he does not care if it hurts him. “I’m doing the right thing when I do this. And whether it’s Muslim or whether it’s something else, I mean, I have to do the right thing, and that’s the way I’ve been guided,” he told MSNBC in another interview. “And I’ve been guided by common sense, by what’s right. And you see what’s happening. We have to be careful. I mean, we’re allowing thousands of people to come into our country, thousands and thousands of people being placed all over the country that frankly nobody knows who they are. They don’t have documentation in many cases — in most cases. And we don’t know what we’re doing,” Trump said. The Clinton campaign slammed the real estate mogul after he in his last interview of the day reiterated his position on Muslims and immigrants. “In less than 24 hours after capturing the Republican nomination, Donald Trump has already made it abundantly clear the type of America that would emerge under him: one in which Latinos, Muslims and other communities of colour would not feel at home,” said Lorella Praeli. PTI In her interview, Clinton attacked Trump for having run a “negative, aggressive, bullying campaign”, saying it has all been about “insulting people, demeaning women, degrading people with disabilities, talking about keeping Muslims out of the country”. She laughed off a question, signalling she is more than ready to take on Trump who disposed of a host of tough competitors to rise to the top of the Republican race. “Oh, please. This is to me a classic case of a blustering, bullying guy who has knocked out of the way all the Republicans because they were just dumbfounded,” she remarked. “I’m going to keep staying on the campaign I’m running. I have more than 3 million votes over Sen. Sanders and I have 2 million votes over Trump.” Quizzed on the possibility of Trump raking up the past and attacking her husband, former President Bill Clinton, she commented: “If he wants to go back to the playbook of the 1990s, if he wants to follow in the footsteps of those who have tried to knock me down and take me out of the political arena, I’m more than happy to have him do that.” A couple of months ago, when Hillary Clinton attacked him over his stand on women’s issues, Trump counterpunched and called her husband “one of the great women abusers of all time”. Hitting out at Trump’s rhetoric, Clinton said he would have to offer policy specifics in the run-up to the November 8 election. “He makes these grand statements and grand accusations,” she said, remarking: “At some point when you’re running for president, you actually have to put a little meat on the bones.” B2) 1´34B7?0A;80<4=C 20=´C8<?40279D364B 3WPZP) 1P]V[PSTbWb7XVW2^dac ^]CWdabSPhSTR[PaTSe^XSP R^]bcXcdcX^]P[P\T]S\T]c T\_^fTaX]V?Pa[XP\T]cc^ X\_TPRWBd_aT\T2^dacYdSVTb U^a\XbR^]SdRcP]SX]RP_PRXch b_PaZX]VPa^fQTcfTT]cWT [TVXb[PcdaTP]SYdSXRXPah0cWaTT \T\QTab_TRXP[QT]RW[TSQh 9dbcXRT<^hTT]d[8b[P\ 2W^fSWdahQh\PY^aXcheXTf STR[PaTScWTBT_cT\QTa! # P\T]S\T]cc^cWT2^]bcXcdcX^] X[[TVP[P]Sd]R^]bcXcdcX^]P[P hTPaPUcTaPfaXc_TcXcX^]fPb UX[TSQhP[PfhTaRWP[[T]VX]VcWT P\T]S\T]c ³F>A;3´B;>=64BC 8=B42C38B2>E4A43 1TXYX]V) BRXT]cXbcbR[PX\c^WPeT SXbR^eTaTScWTf^a[S³b[^]VTbc X]bTRc\TPbdaX]V^eTa%! RT]cX\TcaTbX][T]VcWfaXVV[X]V ^]P\^d]cPX]a^PSX]b^dcW 2WX]P =D<14A>5DBE8B8C>AB C>2D10BDA64B1H(" 7PeP]P)CWT]d\QTa^U 0\TaXRP]beXbXcX]V2dQPbdaVTS ("_TaRT]chTPa^]hTPaX]cWT UXabcU^da\^]cWb^U! %cWT 2dQP]6^eTa]\T]cbPXS^] CWdabSPh >I´BC>?8B8BA42AD8C4A :8;;438=8A0@ <T[Q^da]T)0dbcaP[XP³b\^bc fP]cTS8B8B cTaa^aaTRadXcTa=TX[ ?aPZPbWfW^Xb^U8]SXP] ^aXVX]WPbQTT]ZX[[TSX]PDB \X[XcPahPXabcaXZTX]8aP` PRR^aSX]Vc^^UUXRXP[b 2WX]PaT[TPbTb UXabccaP]b[PcX^]b ^UCPV^aT´bf^aZb Beijing: China on Thursday released the first ever Chinese translations of the collective works of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, a rare honour to the famed poet who enjoys iconic status among generations of Chinese people. In all 33 volumes containing 16 million words covering his poetry, essays, novels and drama sections were released ahead of Tagore’s 155th birth anniversary at the China Radio International (CRI) which broadcasts in Bengali language besides host of Indian and intentional languages as diplomats from India and Bangladesh also attended the function. PTI 1HSDO¶V2OL*RYWVXUYLYHV 4\TaVT]RhX]2P]PSPbcPcTPb DIWHU0DRLVWVWDNH8WXUQ UXaTbcWaTPcT]c^aPiT^X[c^f] ?C8 Q :0C7<0=3D N epal’s embattled Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli on Thursday survived a threat to his Government after a Uturn by Prachanda-led Maoists who decided not to withdraw support to him for now. The dramatic turnaround in the country’s politics came after top leaders of the coalition partners met at the residence of the Maoist chief Prachanda and decided not to withdraw support to the Government “for the time being”. It has not been disclosed what type of understanding the Maoists have reached with Oli’s party to change its earlier deci- sion. A Maoist leader said: “Our party has decided to wait for now given that there are some legal complications in registering the no confidence motion against this government. The coalition will remain intact now.” The Maoists and the Opposition Nepali Congress have accused Prime Minister Oli for failing to implement the new Constitution, address the problems related to the Madhesi people, expedite the post-quake reconstruction work, failing to check soaring market price and promoting black marketing and corruption. 5`XdYVRceSVRedZ_dj_ThZeYZed`h_Vc+DefUj Melbourne: The bond between an owner and a pet dog is so strong that their hearts beat in sync with each other when they are reunited, a new study suggests. Researchers found that not only does our heart rate become lower when in the company of dogs — but so too does the canine’s — to the point where both heart rhythms mirror one another. 0? 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 In the study, three Australian dog owners were separated from their pets and then reunited, to see what kind of effect they had on each other’s heart rate. “There was a really strong coherence in the heart rate pattern of both the owner and dog,” said Mia Cobb from Monash University in Australia. “Upon being reunited within the first minute, each heart rhythm became almost directly aligned and we saw a reduction straight away," said Cobb. The results showed the way in which both the owner and dog experienced reduced levels of stress when in contact with each other, she said. PTI 0? Q 5>AC<2<DAA0H 20=030 A lberta declared a state of emergency as crews frantically held back wind-whipped wildfires that have already torched 1,600 homes and other buildings in Canada’s main oil sands city of Fort McMurray, forcing more than 80,000 residents to flee. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said fire had destroyed or damaged an estimated 1,600 structures. Flames are being kept from the downtown area thanks to the “herculean’” efforts of firefighters, said Scott Long of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency. No injuries or fire related fatalities have been reported. The fire appeared near the airport late yesterday where crews were onsite. All commercial flights in and out of Fort McMurray have been suspended. Unseasonably hot temperatures combined with dry conditions have transformed the boreal forest in much of Alberta into a tinder box. eXePRXch " '( ')( *+,-.* BX]V[TbRaTT]bWPS QTbcaTPRcX^]b B7A03370:0?>>AfW^Xb QPbZX]VX]cWTbdRRTbb^UWTa [PcTbcaT[TPbT1PPVWXbPhbcWT QTbcR^\_[X\T]cbbWTV^cU^acWT UX[\RP\TUa^\cWTPdSXT]RTbfW^ bPfXcX]bX]V[TbRaTT]RX]T\P WP[[b °CWTQTbcR^\_[X\T]cb cWPc8V^cU^a1PPVWX fTaT cWTZX]S^UaTPRcX^]b8V^c Ua^\cWTbX]V[TbRaTT] cWTPcaTbfWTaT_T^_[T fTaTfWXbc[X]VP]S bW^dcX]VU^a RTacPX]SXP[^VdTb 8cfPbVaTPcPb cWThfTaTT]Y^hX]V cWTUX[\P]ScWPcbP WdVTR^\_[X\T]c fWT]_T^_[TR[P_U^a h^daf^aZFTPRcdP[[h fT]cc^2WP]SP] bX]V[TbRaTT]cWTPcaT X]9dWd[^RP[Xchc^VTc cWTUTT[^UXcP]SXcfPb aTP[[h]XRTPbcWT PdSXT]RTfPbb^ WP__hFTV^c]Tfb Ua^\X]bXSTcWPccWTh fTaTbRaTP\X]VbW^dcX]V P]SfWXbc[X]VX]bXST±bWTPSSTS ?a^SdRTSQhBPYXS=PSXPSfP[PP]S SXaTRcTSQhBPQQXa:WP]1PPVWX P[b^UTPcdaTbPRc^aCXVTaBWa^UU FTfP]ccWT PdSXT]RTc^ _a^\^cTcWT UX[\C4"= 8cbPd]X`dT XSTPQh X]eXcX]V _T^_[TcWa^dVWb^RXP[ ]Tcf^aZX]VbXcTbP]S PbZX]VcWT\c^[Tcdb Z]^fW^ffTRP] _a^\^cTcWTUX[\ °0<8C017 1027270= HYVcV¶deYVaRceje`_ZXYe0 B7A010BC8 <0;;8: UX]Sb^dcfWh8]SXPXbQTR^\X]VcWT]TgcQXVSTbcX]PcX^]U^ac^_X]cTa]PcX^]P[\dbXR P]SSP]RTUTbcXeP[b[XZTBT]bPcX^]C^\^aa^f[P]SP]S3^]³c;Tc3PSSh:]^f T he air is getting tense. Every passing moment is breathing heavy and you cannot wait to see the big screen light up. The stranger standing next to ceases to be one as you get talking about when the anticipation is going to end. All the bated hysteria vanishes the moment the DJ takes his first step on the stage. The crowd goes wild by the time he reaches the turntable, and things turn wild as the first track rolls out. We might be talking about one lineup at Sunburn, Goa but did you know that there are quite a few music and dance festivals. international at that, happening all through the year, all over the country? Yes, you do not have to wait to hit Goa during the EDM festival, you can very well shake a leg at festivals like Tomorrowland (to be hosted in July in Hyderabad), Don’t Let Daddy Know (to be hosted later this month), Sensation, Mad Descent Block Party and SHM One Last Tour among many others. We got talking to organisers of few of these grand festivals about what makes India and the people the best recipients of the biggest international dance and music festivals. 1A8=6C744364>= ?0A8=44C827>?A0 P]S:D=0; :0?>>A fTaTX]cWT2P_XcP[c^ [Pd]RWPePbc]TfaP]VT^U :daZdaTCWTQaP]SfWXRWbcPacTS Xc³bY^da]ThX]cWThTPa (((WPb X]ca^SdRTS $]Tfb]PRZb ^UUTaX]Vb[XZTb^dcWcP]VhcfXbc RWXfSP \XgUa^\fTbcTcP[ =^c ^][hcWXbQdccWTQaP]SP[b^ X]ca^SdRTS8]SXP³bUXabcTeTaUP\X[h U^^ScaPX]fWXRWfX[[caPeT[PRa^bb cWTR^d]cahR^eTaX]V #bcPcTb ^eTaP]TXVWcSPhY^da]ThCWT Y^da]ThfX[[T]cPX[SXUUTaT]cUd] aTRX_TR^]cTbcfWTaTU^dafX]]Tab fX[[VTcPRWP]RTc^eXbXc4da^_T :W[^TbcadVV[TS fWX[TVa^fX]Vd_ :7;>q:0A30B780= bPhbbWT bcadVV[TSVa^fX]Vd_X]cWT bWPS^fb^UWTaT[STabXbcTab:X\ P]S:^dac]Th :PaSPbWXP] °FWX[T8[^eTSWPeX]V \hQdX[cX]Va^d_fXcW :X\P]S:^dac]Th XcfPbWPaSU^a \TPccX\Tb CWTh\PhWPeT P[aTPSh VaPSdPcTSfWT] 8V^cc^bRW^^[ Qdc8aT\T\QTa cWPccTPRWTab f^d[SP[fPhb TgR[PX\²H^daT cWTXabXbcTa.8SXS]c WPeT\h^f] XST]cXchP]SfPb R^\_PaTSc^cWT\± :W[^Tfa^cT^]WTa ^UUXRXP[fTQbXcT 0]SXcfPbP[b^ bRW^^[X]VcWPcRPdbTS cWT" hTPa^[SCE XbbdTbVa^fX]Vd_ b^\dRWb^cWPcbWT bXV]TSWTabT[Ud_c^ 0[TgP]SaXP0RPST\hQhU^aVX]V WTa_PaT]cbbXV]PcdaTb According to Shubhra Bhardwaj, Founder and creative director, Ferriswheel Entertainment India (Tomorrowland UNITE second edition 2016 and Don’t Let Daddy Know 2016), the Indian dance music market has been a burgeoning phenomenon and a global mainstream and has taken India’s young, urban populations by storm! “However, as the dance music scene develops and progresses, there is a thirst — a need for international concepts and properties which we are trying to bridge,” she added. The rapid rise of India as one of the most sought out destination for musicians and large-scale festivals to prod is because a DJ’s love for the land. And we, fans, love them, too. “There is a huge market and captive audience for it and all the infrastructure we need! What more could we possibly want?” smiled Bhardwaj. Karan Singh, CEO, Sunburn gave us a glimpse of the other side of the coin. He explained that the country has a population of over a billion, of which the youth form 60 per cent of the figure. “They are very aspirational and wish to travel to international music and dance festivals but sometimes cannot make it for multiple reasons. We strive to bring in some of the bigger players in the industry so that they can enjoy a similar or maybe better experience in their own country. And fans are always open and welcoming to all the International dance music festivals we get to India,” pointed out the man behind bringing international concepts 4BC01;8B743 viewed as a specific genre and every genre has a huge scope to develop further and have a dedicated fan following. However the trend in the past five years has been more EDM-centric and the scope to develop the indie, pop and rock scene still remains vastly undiscovered. There was a time when artistes like Akon and Bryan Adams drew in huge audiences but today fans come out in numbers equally for an Afrojack and Armin van Buuren. :44?8=68CA40; like Tomorrowland Unite, Mad Decent Block Party, ASOT, SHM One Last Tour to India. It is even benefitting the market. Today every major sponsor and investor are viewing these festivals which serve as a great youth-driven platform as a beneficial marketing proposition. “India @<135C1>4F5>E5C °C^SPhcWTaTXbP\XbR^]RT_cX^]X]8]SXPfWT]XcR^\Tbc^_aTUTaaTS eT]dTbc^W^bc[PaVTU^a\Pc8?b±\T]cX^]TS7TVST0RR^aSX]Vc^ WX\TeTahRXchXbeTahfT[[T`dX__TSc^W^bcbdRWTeT]cb7^fTeTa fWT]XcR^\Tbc^_Ta\XbbX^]bP]SbTRdaXchWTUTT[bcWPc7hSTaPQPS XbeTah_a^PRcXeT°8UTT[7hSTaPQPSXbPUPbcSTeT[^_X]VRXchQTRPdbT ^UaT[T]c[Tbbbd__^acUa^\cWTV^eTa]\T]cQ^SXTbP]Sc^daXb\ Q^PaSfW^fXbWc^STeT[^_7hSTaPQPSPbcWT]Tgc\dbXRUTbcXeP[ STbcX]PcX^]P]SPccaPRcPR^b\^_^[XcP]X]Q^d]ScaPUUXR6PRWXQ^f[X bcPSXd\XbP]XSTP[eT]dTX]7hSTaPQPScWPcRP]RPcTac^[PaVT PdSXT]RTbd_c^"ZUP]bP]S\PV]P]X\^db_a^SdRcX^]±WTPSSTS B><4>5C74:4H<0A:4CB0A4 <d\QPX1P]VP[^aT3T[WX8]S^aT6dYPaPc CUdY^Rb_^jU ash Chopra, the legendary filmmaker lives on through his eponymous work in people’s hearts. His Y lens lovingly captured the breath taking locales of Switzerland for decades. Now the Swiss government is honouring him with a special statue, as a mark of gratitude and salutations. A sculpture made of pure bronze, and weighing about 350 kilos, will present Yash Chopra in an iconic pose of him directing a film. Chopra, who opened a legacy of South Asian tourists flocking to Switzerland, loved to spend time there. Natural beauty and warm hospitality mark the association that his banner Yash Raj Films shares with this country. This statue will be installed at the heart of Interlaken, inside the KURSAAL area, near the Congress Centre. A prime, popular spot with tourists, the statue will remind many of the cinematic splendor that Yash Chopra had created for this picturesque nation. While many ministers and senior bureaucrats from the Swiss government attended this inauguration, Pamela Chopra and Rani Mukerji were also present for the occasion. The event was organised by Interlaken Tourism and Jungfrau Railways. This is not the first time the filmmaker has been honoured in this way. The government of Interlaken awarded him the honorary title of “Ambassador of Interlaken” in 2011, and Jungfrau Railways named a train after him – an honour shared only with the railway’s founder, Adolf Guyer. In addition, the five-star Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa in Interlaken named a suite after Yash Chopra. This is not the first time the filmmaker has been honoured in this way. The government of Interlaken awarded him the honorary title of “Ambassador of Interlaken” in 2011, and Jungfrau Railways named a train after him – an honour shared only with the railway’s founder, Adolf Guyer. In addition, the five-star Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa in Interlaken named a suite after Yash Chopra. has a huge fanbase for most EDM artists and with the advancement of newer technology, as a country we are equipped to handle global set-ups and stage design,” said, Vinay Hegde, founder, Voila Events who brought Sensation to the country. Hegde added that today music is not QWhat is the premise of Angel From Hell? It is about a girl who is a doctor, sort of figuring out her life. She is moving in with her boyfriend and all these big exciting things are happening. She has this practice with her dad, her dad is also a dermatologist, and this weird, drunk, very inappropriate, personal space-violating thing comes into her life that is in the form of a guardian angel. And it is sort of — the show is about the two of them getting to know each other and whether or not, you know, this is going to actually work and fuse. ;>>:>DC5>A BX]VWQT[XTeTbcWPccWT]TfTa\PaZTcbPaTPRcdP[[hP[^c\^aT aTb_^]bXeTP]SfX[[X]Vc^PRRT_cfWPc\dbXRUTbcXeP[b^UUTa°B^\T^U cWT^cWTa\PaZTcb[XZT2WT]]PX2P[RdccP?d]TWPeTP[b^QTT]_XRZX]V d_P[^c±WTbPXS >]cWT^cWTaWP]S7TSVTXb^UcWT^_X]X^]cWPcc^SPhUP]bX]TeTahRXch PaTfT[[X]U^a\TS^U\dbXRcaT]SbP]ScWThR^\T^dcX]]d\QTabc^ bd__^accWTUTbcXeP[b°FXcWcWTPSeP]RT\T]c^UcTRW]^[^VhP]S X]UaPbcadRcdaTX]cWTcXTacf^P]ScWaTTRXcXTbV[^QP[_a^_TacXTbPaT eXTfX]VcWTbTRXcXTbPbPcTbcX]VVa^d]SU^a_^bbXQ[TTg_P]bX^]X] d]SXbR^eTaTSPRcXePcX^]\PaZTcbH^df^d[SQTbda_aXbTSQdcb\P[[Ta \Tca^bWPeTP\^aTR^\\XccTSUP]U^[[^fX]VP]SPWXVWTab_T]SX]V _^fTafWT]XcR^\Tbc^bdRWX]cTa]PcX^]P[8?b±WTTg_[PX]TS While the organisers try to stick to international formats and standards, it goes without saying that the local Indian touch and flavour to things is key. We come to know from Bhardwaj that India has an incredibly good infrastructure, such as equipment, speakers, sound sampling, lighting equipment, LED’s CO2s and pyro techniques for large dance music events. “Local vendors and suppliers have been acquiring good equipment for a while and they’re now in a position to provide equipment that will stand the tests of outdoor,” she added. For Sensation, however, Hegde had imported technology and stage design from Amsterdam whereby the cost of the production had shot up. “The formats, once again, are what are approved by the umbrella global brand because we wish to giver homegrown audiences a taste of what they would get when they are in Miami, Belgium or Amsterdam. The only modification is maybe adding an Indian act to promote our local talent on a global platform,” he said. Well, India has always a had a strong affinity with music and art, and we believe that this is just the beginning of a long way ahead. :KDW¶VXSGRF" <06684;0FB>=cP[ZbPQ^dcWTaa^[TX]0]VT[5a^\7T[[ P]S Tg_[PX]bfWhWTaRWPaPRcTa^U0[[bX^]XbaT[PcPQ[T become something totally new. QIs there a scene in the pilot episode that you feel defines your character? There is like a sequence – it’s sort of the third time that this crazy angel has popped into my world and I now consider her a stalker and in order to get me to listen to her she tells me that she has cancer, which is just so wrong on so many levels. And it sort of leads into this like next scene of her getting drunk on shots, telling me what’s about to happen in my life, being completely wrong or so it seems in the moment. And I have a bit of a breakdown in this scene and then I kind of come back to life. But I think it defines our relationship a bit because I am telling her she has a problem and she needs to stop drinking. She is telling me my boyfriend is cheating on me and it all just becomes this weird, complicated but kind of almost like a love affair relationship. It’s really strange. QWhat sets Angel From Hell apart from other sitcoms on television? It’s interesting. It sort of has this — it’s sort of buddy, it’s also kind of romantic comedy, like it’s very strange because the dynamic between my character and Jane (Lynch’s character), the angel, is based on sort of chemistry and vibes and it’s very interesting. And then, on top of that, it has this sort of fast pace almost screwball, like thirties element to it that’s really, really fun and kind of new and I like that. QWho is Allison? Allison is a dermatologist, sort of type A, very driven, very by the book, you know, and she has at the start of the show a very happy relationship. And then she comes across this really strange, kind of drunk, odd human being — or is she a human being, we don’t know — who claims to be her guardian angel and starts helping her guide her way, navigate her way through the changes that are happening in her life and sort of guide her in a better direction. And my character, Allison, is not into it at all. QWhat makes Allison’s story relatable? One of the things I love about this script and the show and sort of our group is this sort of breakdown of this girl who is so type A, I mean to the point — and I think we all get like this a little bit whether it is on our phones, our schedules, traffic, you know, that everything becomes so rigid, we don’t actually stop to just have a good time and enjoy the moment and also maybe get a little crazy or do something we wouldn’t normally do, just step out of the comfort zone. And I kind of like that Amy comes into Allison’s life and just turns it upside down, like she has no choice. And I feel like that?s when we grow actually in life, you know, is you actually find that in the chaos, in the madness and in the crazy. And I love that we’re exploring that in a comedy, because that’s life, you know. That is how all that stuff happens is when you are like completely broken down that it’s like, oh, right, this can bloom and QWhat is it like working with your cast-mates on Angel From Hell? It kind of couldn’t be any better. I mean Jane (Lynch) is just a professional but so talented and so warm and so open. We’ve had such a good time sort of finding the scenes and finding the characters together. And Don (Scardino) who directed and Tad (Quill) who wrote it, they’ve also been really great in sort of giving us that freedom to find it with each other and not be so, you know, connected to lines and movements. It’s about what’s happening kind of naturally. And then Kyle (Bornheimer) and Kevin (Pollak) on top of that, I mean it’s just — it’s always fun when they are around. So yeah, I feel really lucky. It feels like a special thing. eXePRXch/1 0 # '( ')( *+,-.* 1XcT eYVSf]]Ve Bch[TS^]0a\h bRW\P[ci"' 1PaaPRZbS^TbbR^aT WXVW^]eXbdP[ bcX\d[XP]Sh^d R^d[SUaXccTaPfPh cX\TSXbRdbbX]VYdbc cWPcfWX[Th^dVTc ]XRZT[TSP]SSX\TS ^]QhU^^ScWPc R^\TbP]SV^TbQh AT_^acb34E8 B8=67 O kay, so here is an unusual setup for food, where your vision will be greeted by walls bedecked by army heritage, conceptualised and themed on an army veteran’s house with his belongings thrown in creating a certain nostalgia which envelopes you with that distinct warm, folksy, bucolic feel, not exactly in that order, reminding you of that particular homey character which we all look for by the way. But add a smidgen of jarring music and you get, somewhat addled mash up of gastronomical treaty gone awry. The undercurrent undoubtedly is of fusion in almost all the places mushrooming up in the city these days with each of them pulling every trick in the book cracking to one up than others. Having said that, a few of them do live up to their hype and the others can’t make a cut. And then there are some who manage to stick, to their well, hunky dory appeal. Speaking of which, 38 Barracks, spread over 3000 square feet of area works well for its physical allure which settles your nerve, one of the best bet of the place being its interiors and décor. The walls have been adorned by the standard military paraphernalia comprising rifles, gallantry awards, chains, medallions having made peace with the stoic rustic walls of the place. Parts of the space have been done in a way that will reminisce you of beautiful bygone era, with enough hints of forgotten people occupying the space at some point of time in past, having abandoned in a hurried state due t o ;XVWcP]SWTP[cWh levels rising to new heights every day, people at large be shifting towards healthier and more organic alternatives, includWithseemthetomercury ing similar food groups in their diets.Summers are synonymous with scorching heat, parched throats, general fatigue and tiredness, which is why most opt for fresher and more natural food & drink options to keep them energised and fit. Summer is definitely about light, easy and quick food options. Not only is this a healthier lifestyle choice but it is most definitely a more active lifestyle choice with food that is more flavourful, and also rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. With the impending summer season, people are increasingly shifting to Super foods (food with different health benefits) like Kale leaves, Kinnow fruit, high protein grain like Spelt, Beets; luscious fruits like - all kinds of melons & berries, mangoes etc.These seasonal fruits give us a chance to play not only with food but with mocktails as well, as opposed to canned varieties available in the market. Salads act as a major influencer during summer giving freshness to the season. The evergreen choice of salads - Fio consciously provides fresh salad options wherein, fruits, vegetables and meat marry into a delightful meal. Our Cookhouse Salad with goat cheese, tomato quenelles, snow peas, corn, green apple, baby greens and a fig dressing is perfect for the summer also our special Burrata Melon Salad with burrata cheese, organic greens, watermelon, raw mango dressing is a must try for this summer.For something simple at home, toss a bowl of Amaranth leaves, rocket leaves, basil and summer herbs with a yoghurt dressing for a refreshing treat. Salads are not only a powerhouse of nutrition, but with some fruit, nuts, white meat and mint, also make for a light and lovely meal. Herbs are the best ways to cool down the heat during summer. People mostly prefer using fresh herbs like Basil, Mint, Bay, Rosemary and Chia seeds etc in cooking. The drinks made of herbs are very refreshing and cooling. The season also offers variety of options for seasonal fruits, the infusion of which creates the perfect blend of drinks- berry based or other some other fruit infusions. The drinks also get a get a new turn-over during the summer’s with more of fruit and freshness infused into it. FaXcTaAPeX]SaP2W^dSWPahXbP]TgTRdcXeTRWTUPc5X^2^^ZW^dbT4_XRdaXP=TWad?[PRT XcW<^cWTa³b3PhPa^d]ScWTR^a]Ta b_XaXcP]SRT[TQaPcT WTaTcTa]P[[^eT <PZTXcP] TgcaPePVP]cVXUcP \T\^ahbWTRP] RWTaXbWU^aP [XUTcX\TfXcW \PaeT[^db ^UUTaX]VbPcEXeP]cP QhCPY6daVP^] 4]Y^hST[XRPRXTbPc P]h^UcWTcWaTT aTbcPdaP]cb®;PccXcdSTCWPX?PeX[X^] CTPbT®P]SPePX[PU[Pc!$_TaRT]c SXbR^d]c^]U^^SP]SQTeTaPVT )URPQDFKRSHQFKRWRFKXU FKXU SL]]D+RWPHVV² .LWFKHQ%DUKDVLQQRYDWHG VRPHYHU\SRSXODUGLVKHVIRU LWVDSKURGLVLDFWKHPHG UHVWDXUDQW$5-,7$ 0,6+5$ FKHFNVLQ W ith the beautiful paintings of women on the walls, fairy lights on the ceilings, large velvet couchs, the newly opened restaurant in Connaught Place, Hotmess — Kitchen & Bar has become a new place for youngsters to celebrate their big day. With its aphrodisiac-themed menu, the restaurant has introduced few new cuisines to their menu. “There are several restaurants in Connaught Place which serves Indian, Chinese, Japanese or Oriental. So, we wanted to do something different and then we came up with an idea of aphrodisiac themed restaurant. This is something which I guess no one has done in this area,” said Akshay Anand, co-owner of the restaurant. He added, “I have always thought of giving to Delhi something which is quirky, modern and innovative. We have created Hotmess with a vision of offering our customers the best of both the worldsfood and drinks at the most pocketfriendly process.” The whole menu is curated by chef Param Luthra. As soon as we found a place for ourselves, we were offered pan dando, a bourbon whisky. The waiter informed us that it is a signature drink at their restaurant. It was one of the best drinks that we were served at the restaurant. Apart from pan dando, we were also served Imli Patola, strawberry martini, and sparkling daisy. The bar tenders not only concentrated on the presentation of the drinks but, they also managed to make their drinks tastier. In appetizers, we were served chur-chur =X]TaTPb^]bc^bc^RZUa^iT]cWPcPaTf^acWTeTahf^\P]³bfWX[T hile a lot of women out there love to serve their families fromW scratch meals seven days a week, let us frozen stock available in your freezer, it’s a matter of minutes for you to lay down an assortment of delicacies and wow your guests with your culinary skills. make a quick note of reality. Life happens; you get busy, you have priorities, and it’s too hot. McCain Foods India gives you nine fantastic reasons to stock frozen food that would make your task a tad easier. E4AB0C8;8CH Versatility is the forte of frozen snacks. They can be used for consumption immediately post frying or tweaked in very many new and appetising recipes with different dips, cream, cheese, jalapenos, olives and other exotic and flavorsome add-ons. 140CC74740C The last thing you want to do during the April-May-June trio is to stand in kitchen and sweat your way to cooking. With sun sizzling and draining the energy out of you, it is ideal to use frozen stock and prepare a quick snack/meal. 0E>83F0BC064) Since frozen food is available in less cumbersome form, the wastage that happens due to peeling and chopping and product gone rotten can be cut down. It also means less mess in kitchen. C0BC4) There is a consistency in taste and texture that frozen products offer. Stock frozen to bring that deliciousness every time in your cooking. Fretting over whether you can work up the magic of taste each time is now passé. C8<4) ³>_|aPWPb[Pd]RWTSPST[XRPcT ;<^cWTa³b3Ph2PZTcWT²<P\P 9dµc^_dQ]Ucc %XVWVRPHP\WKV V^aVTdb F]^fXbcWT_TaUTRccX\Tc^bP[dcTWTa some undisclosed reason, and that is what gives this café a museum like personality which happens to be quite outré. The ammo boxes, suitcases placed at the corners add up to that old-world charm, the photos, portraits although miscellaneous give out a homogenous impression, pointing out to the stories of the people, families. They definitely stir up the intrigue in you to find out more about spaces, places and people framed up tastefully on the walls. Being lost appreciating this storehouse of apparent treasuries, we catch up a whiff of food, making our gustatory cells work overtime. We make our way to the table where we go through the menu which has been done in the, no brownies for guessing, Army fashion with names of the dishes stylised keeping the military character alive. The menu boasting of high octane, dynamic names turns out to be the obvious derivative of regional cuisines across the country with some foreign elements making their way into the kitchens of the place. Their cocktail menu didn’t seem very elaborate; we really had a tough time settling for our choices. After taking our bittersweet time we made our decision, first came sangria, incongruously named AK47, which on the palate was similar to the usual sangrias you get but the only thing that didn’t go down too well with us was the overload of little chunks of fruits floating on the top of our tipple. With that we ordered skin splatter which was nothing but their take on British staple, jacket potatoes, nothing thrilling about it; maybe they ought to incorporate a hint of spice to the potatoes. Oh, we also tried the Mulligatawny soup which had to make its way to the Army kitchen inspired menu. Next came, Shikhampuri kebabs which for some weird reason reminded us of the fresh water lakes and the fish. This time we went for another kebab, the ubiquitous galouti, which made our palate enwrapped with cinnamon smoke. For the mains we had tangy baingan with zafrani biryani, eggplants lacked the very thing they were named for, you guessed it right, the tang. All we could taste was the sweetness of the tomatoes with a hint of tamarind chutney but nonetheless baingan atleast looked ver y appetising, very. We paired this up with bir yani which was the only thing we heartily relished, be it the flavours, or even the chunks of the veggies. This we washed down with Caprioska, overwhelmed with orange bitters. For the desserts we went for baked rasgulla pie and Swiss pistachio roulade, both served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Again the idea was better than the execution. 3^\T³\PSTfXcWeT[eTchR^R^]dc \^dbbTUadXcYT[[h_[PRTS d_^]PRad]RWhQPbT °CWTaT³bb^\TcWX]V PQ^dcR^R^]dc \^dbbTcWPcXbb^ aTUaTbWX]V±bPhb ;PdaT]cBP\P]SPaX R^U^d]STaP]S\P]PVX]V SXaTRc^a^U;³>_|aP°0]S]^fcWPc bd\\TaXbd_^]dbUadXcbPaTcWTfPh c^V^*QP]P]P_PbbX^]UadXc\P]V^P]S [T\^]V^bfX\\X]V[hfT[[c^VTcWTa±WT SXbR[^bTb You were not meant to labor in kitchen at 45 degree Celsius. There is lot more you can do to productively use your time other than preparing everything from scratch. Point being simple, when have convenience, use it! 2>BC45542C8E4) Price of frozen food does not fluctuate with inflation of price of vegetables and meat. You get same quantity and value for money every time you buy your favorite pack of fries or cheese shots.When purchasing frozen foods, you can use exactly what you need and keep the rest frozen. 2>=E4=84=24 We’ve all gone through that awkward experience when guests gatecrash and we are unprepared. When you have Frozen snacks are perfect for the I’m-feeling-hungry-don’t-know-whatto-eat times. They are ready within minutes and can be used for any time consumption, especially the times when you just crave for something scrumptious which is not a full meal. Cheese-baked or chocolicious, we Indians love French fries any time of the day. 8C´B=>CA>2:4CB284=24 Yes ladies, you heard it right. Frozen snacks don’t require expertise to cook. All you need to do is transfer the snacks from freezer to frying pan. Your better halves are equally equipped to whip a quick snack for that much awaited chai-time in the evening. ^cWTab3PhXbaXVWcPa^d]ScWT <R^a]TaP]SXUh^daTd]bdaT^U WXb<^cWTa³b C3PhcaTPc h^da\d\c^ PcW^dVWcUd[ \TP[X]cWT R^]cT\_^aPah P]SRWXR bdaa^d]SX]Vb^U^da]Tf U^^SP]SQTeTaPVT^UUTaX]Vb8]Sd[VTX] P]d]U^aVTccPQ[TSX]X]VTg_TaXT]RTPc ^daPfPaSfX]]X]V\d[cXRdXbX]T aTbcPdaP]cCP\aP8cP[XP]aTbcPdaP]c B^aaT]c^P]S2WX]TbTSX]X]V aTbcPdaP]cBWP]V?P[PRT0[b^PePX[PQ[T XbPb_TRXP[_PcXbbTaXTP]SST[XRPcTbbT] \T]dPc<XbcTa2WPXfWTaTh^dRP] WPeTRPZTbP]SV^^SXTb\PSTc^^aSTa Tb_TRXP[[hU^ah^da\^\ B>;DC8>=C>7D=64A?0=6B ]Y^hcWTb_TRXP[Bd]SPh1ad]RW 4TgR[dbXeT[hRaPUcTSQh^da \PbcTaRWTUPc<PRWP]U^aC!# _[dbcPgTbB_[daVT^]P\X]X W^[XSPhU^aWTaP]S_P\_TaWTa fXcWP]Tg_TaXT]RT^UcWT [TVT]SPahCPYbTaeXRTfXcWP b_TRXP[<^cWTa³b3PhfTTZT]SbcPh ^UUTacWPcQTVX]bPcC'eP[XS ^]<Ph%P]S& fWPcc^VTch^da\^cWTacWXbhTPa UaTc]^\^aT0c>W1P^Qh<^Tcb h^dfX[[QTbTaeTSfXcWW^cbXii[X]V bdbWXbWPeX]V\^dcWfPcTaX]V c^__X]Vb^UaPfbTPU^^SP]S^cWTa bda_aXbTbX]R^\UhbTPcX]VP]SSX\ aT[PgTS[XVWcX]VcWPcPaTVdPaP]cTTS c^b_^X[h^da\^\B_XRhcd]Pa^[[b Pe^RPS^bP[\^]P]SbdbWX_[PcTb b^PTbcWTcXRP[[h_[TPbX]V pizza. Unlike usual thin crust pizza, this was crispy and easy to chew. Dahi kebab drumsticks, which was in a shape of a leg of chicken was something new that we had tried. It had the stuffing of bell peppers with dahi and was beautifully wrapped in a french loaf. The taste of curd was dominating the dish and if it is paired with green chutney, it gave a better taste. Another appetizer which we were served was nacho pehcho. On a nacho, a layer of the paste of green kidney was placed with toppings of bell peppers. It was crunchy due to nachos but we found it bland due kidney beans. Adding more spices could have made it a perfect appetizer. For dessert, we had the chocolate cake topped with dark chocolate croutons, served on a flame; it looked impressive but when it came to taste, we found it usual as others. If you are tired of eating Indian, Chinese or Japanese cuisines, then you should definitely try dishes at this restaurant. From fancy drinks to innovative dishes, everything was pretty good. A 4 2 8 ? 4 BF44C4=2>2>=DC94;;HF8C7?0=30=0 F0C4A274BC=DCB0=320=38435AD8CB 8=6A4384=CB 5>AC742>2>=DC;0H4A 2[TPaPVPaPVPa FPcTa BdVPa 2^R^]dc\X[Z "V\b Rd_ WP[URd_ !Rd_RP] 5>AC74?0=30=0274BC=DC0=320=3835AD8CB 6aTT]PVPaPVPa FPcTa 2^R^]dcfPcTa BdVPa ?P]SP]PTgcaPRc FPcTaRWTbc]dc 2P]SXTSUadXcbRW^__TS "V\b !Rd_b Rd_ WP[URd_ cQb_ WP[URd_ #Rd_ <4C7>3 5>AC742>2>=DC;0H4A O 8]PQ^f[R^\QX]TR[TPaPVPaPVPaQPabP]SfPcTa B^PZU^aPQ^dc"\X]dcTb O 8]P_^c^eTa\TSXd\WTPcQaX]V\XgcdaTc^PQ^X[ bcXaaX]VaTVd[Pa[hd]cX[PVPaPVPa\T[cb0SSbdVPaP]S bcXad]cX[SXbb^[eTS0SSR^R^]dc\X[ZP]SR^]cX]dTc^ R^^ZU^aPQ^dc $\X]dcTbAT\^eTUa^\WTPcP]S _^daX]c^P\^[S^aQPZX]VSXbW 5>AC74?0=30=0F0C4A274BC=DC0=320=3835AD8CB O 8]PQ^f[R^\QX]TVaTT]PVPaPVPaQPabfPcTaP]S R^R^]dcYdXRTB^PZU^aPQ^dc"\X]dcTb O 8]P_^c^eTa\TSXd\WTPcQaX]V\XgcdaTc^PQ^X[ bcXaaX]VaTVd[Pa[hd]cX[PVPaPVPa\T[cb0SSbdVPaP]S bcXad]cX[SXbb^[eTS0SS_P]SP]PTgcaPRcfPcTaRWTbc]dc P]SSaXTSUadXcbP]SbcXac^R^\QX]T2^]cX]dTc^R^^Z U^aPQ^dc $\X]dcTbAT\^eTUa^\WTPcP]S_^da ^eTaR^R^]dc[PhTa O 8]P\^[S^aQPZX]VSXbW_^dacWTR^R^]dc[PhTa0[[^f c^bTcFWT]UXa\c^c^dRW_^da_P]SP]P[PhTa^]c^_ 0[[^fc^R^^[P]SbTcR^\_[TcT[hAT\^eTUa^\\^[S P]SRdcX]c^STbXaTSbWP_Tb =^cTb) 0VPaPVPabTcb`dXRZ[hFWX[TfPXcX]VU^acWT Q^cc^\[PhTac^b^[XSXUhZTT_cWT_P]SP]PVT[PcX]d__Ta [PhTafPa\^]cWTbc^eTQdc]^cQ^X[X]V b_^ac $ 'RI( ')( *+,-.* 5V]YZafefa"'#`_S`RcU 0UcTa3T[WXQPcb\T]R^d[S]´cR^]eTacV^^SbcPacbX]c^QXVbR^aTbA?BbXcX]SaXeX]VbTPc ?C8Q =4F34;78 B owling with a lot of discipline, especially in the middle overs, Rising Pune Supergiants managed to restrict in-form Delhi Daredevils to a gettable 162 for seven in their Indian Premier League match, here on Thursday. After being invited to bat, the host batsmen found starts but could not turn those into big scores. Skipper JP Duminy, who led the side in place of Zaheer Khan, was the top-scorer for the side with his 34-run knock, which came off 32 balls with just one shot to the fence. Sanju Samson (20), Karun Nair (32) and Sam Billings (24) were all guilty of throwing away their wickets after getting starts. The Supergiants stifled the Daredevils innings with excellent bowling from Rajat Bhatia (2/22) and R Ashwin (0/34) in the middle overs and had it not been for some powerful hits by Carlos Barthwaite (20 off 8), the Daredevils would have struggled to find momentum. Pawan Negi contributed unbeaten 19 off 12, getting 13 runs of last over bowled by paceman Ashoke Dinda (1/34). Dinda was consistent in hitting the right areas from the start and bowled at a decent pace to contain the home team openers. He bowled five dot balls to young Riashabh Pant (2) and the pressure got the better of the young batsman, who missed the line trying to whack one out and was bowled in the paceman's second over. Karun Nair made a confident start with a boundary off Scott Boland, adding to the two boundaries hit by Samson off Thisara Perera. Dinda, who was very impressive in his first two overs, conceded two boundaries in his third over to Nair, who drove the first ball to cover region and then relished a waist height full toss which he dispatched to the fine leg boundary. Daredevils were going at a decent pace but Samson suffered a soft dismissal, ending his 35-run partnership with Nair, when he chipped one straight to R Ashwin at mid-wicket. That was the last ball of power-play overs with the hosts sitting pretty at 48 for two. _^X]cbtable ::A 6; 33 <8 BA7 A?B A21 :G8? = ( ( & ( & ' & & G % % $ $ # ! ! ! < D>B " " ! # " % $ $ @ ! ! ' # # # >BB "$( !"% $#& ( % " " ' [TPSTaboard Off-spinner R Ashwin and Bhatia then bowled very tight two overs each as Daredevils reached 69 for three at the half stage. Bhatia also got rid off Nair (32) in the 10th over. Billings, who had made an impression on his debut at this very ground against Kolkata Knight Riders, joined his captain Duminy at the crease. The England batsman brought the crowd to its feet when he smashed R Ashwin for two consecutive sixes in the 13th over. The first landed in long-on stands and the second in long-off region. Duminy brought up 0cBd]aXbT ;X^]b [^^Zc^a^PaPVPX] ?C8Q 7H34A0103 marting from back-to-back reverses, Gujarat Lions will have their task cut out when they lock horns with SSunrisers Hyderabad who are expecting their star allrounder Yuvraj Singh to feature in the playing XI, in the Indian Premier League here on Friday. Yuvraj is yet to play in a single game this IPL since being ruled out after suffering an injury in the World T20 match against Australia. Yuvraj had earlier hoped to join the team for the match on Friday and he is already in the city. Starting with a string of victories, Gujarat Lions have hit a roadblock as they suffered defeats at the hands of laggards Kings XI Punjab and Delhi Daredevils in their last two outings at home. The debutants would hope playing away from home would bring some luck as the Suresh Raina-led side seek to revive its campaign. Sunrisers Hyderabad are coming off a 15-run win over Royal Challengers Bangalore. However, despite losses in the last two games, the Lions are placed second in the points table with six wins from nine appearances, while Sunrisers Hyderabad are occupying the fifth position with four victories. SRH enjoy a psychoHEAD logical advantage as they Live on Sony Max TO won against Gujarat Lions HEAD by a comprehensive 10 < wickets in their previous DC9vs 8= meeting on April 21. BA7 ! 7H34A0103 After suffering early 6; 5A830H k ')?< setbacks, Sunrisers Hyderabad made a quick turnaround with both their batting and bowling clicking together. Captain David Warner has been one of the top run getters in the tournament and his opening partner Shikhar Dhawan also came up with substantial scores after being out of form initially. Warner's superb 92 off 50 balls led SRH to victory in their last match against RCB. Kane Williamson, skipper of New Zealand team, joined the side after recovering from an injury. He announced his arrival with a valuable 50 off 38 balls in the match against RCB. The Lions have 12 points from nine matches, having won six and lost three. Gujarat Lions' batting has mostly revolved around explosive openers Brendon McCullum and Dwayne Smith. When the duo clicked, the Lions scored big. Raina and Dinesh Karthik made useful contributions in the middle-order even though they failed in the match against Kings XI Punjab. The batting form of all-rounders Dwayne Bravo and Ravindra Jadeja remains a cause for concern, but the side should be pleased with Jadeja's unbeaten 36 in their last match. the team's hundred with a couple in the last ball of that over. Bhatia returned to complete his quota and dismissed Billings, who attempted a switch hit and found the fielder near boundary ropes. Bhatia finished with excellent figures of 40-22-2. Brathwaite batted with his usual flair as he launched Murugan Ashwin for two sixes. The first was a monstrous 100m hit. The West Indian then hammered a flat straight six off Boland in the next over but failed to connect a slow bouncer and was holed out to Perera at square leg. >@DECF?D < EXaPc:^W[X & A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT AD=B #"" 6PdcP\6P\QWXa :^[ZPcP:]XVWcAXSTab 3PeXSFPa]Ta Bd]aXbTab7hSTaPQPS ( "(" & "'% < ( F:CB " >@DEH:4<6ED 0]SaTAdbbT[[ :^[ZPcP:]XVWcAXSTab <<R2[T]PVWP] <d\QPX8]SXP]b 9Pb_aXc1d\aPW <d\QPX8]SXP]b ( " ( µ3OD\HUVDUHUDULQJWRJR¶ ?C8Q 7H34A0103 T heir spirits high after a five-day break, a rejuvenated Sunrisers Hyderabad team is raring to take the field against Gujarat Lions in an Indian Premier League match here on Friday, captain David Warner said here on Thursday. "We won a couple, we lost a couple. We are coming out and putting up good performances. It's going to be challenging for the guys but the team is in a good frame of mind. The guys had rest (during) last couple of days and everyone is fresh and ready to go," Warner told. Sunrisers Hyderabad played their last game on April 30 in which they defeated Royal Challengers Bangalore by 15 runs. And Warner said the much-needed break helped the players to regroup. "For us, it's about making sure that mentally we are ok, we are not exhausting ourselves. The guys had a little bit of training session yesterday. The guys bonded very well at resorts, some went for go-karting," he said. Stating that Gujarat Lions are a strong side, Warner said Sunrisers Hyderabad need to make early inroads to contain the explosive batting line-up of the visitors. "We have to contain them early. Whether we bat or ball first, it's all about first six overs and early wickets. For us as a batting unit, it is important not to lose too many wickets and for our bowlers it is important to get as many wickets as they can," he said. The Australian said their aim is to keep on winning games without thinking about others. "For us, it's about winning. If we keep winning, we are going to make it to the finals. We don't have to worry about what other teams do," he said. Waarner said as a captain, he is open minded and always accessible to his teammates. "My life becomes easy when the guys are doing their job. If I feel something is not in place, I talk to the players. My doors are always open to the players," he said. Hea also hinted that star player Yuvraj Singh, who is yet to feature in the tournament so far because of an injury, might play tomorrow. "I think so," was Warner's reply when asked whether Yuvraj is fit. ;Pfcda]bS^f]?PZ^UUTa ?C8Q :0A0278 akistan's hunt for a new coach continues to face hurdles as their top choice — P Australian Stuart Law — has turned down the position, expressing his inability to join the team immediately. The Pakistan Cricket Board said it will try to convince Law or choose from Englishman Andy Moles and Australian Test batsman Dean Jones. "Yes there are hurdles in the way of signing on Stuart Law as head coach although he is our first choice for this position," PCB Chairman, Shaharyar Khan (in pic.) told. "He had applied for a coaching position with us but he has now conveyed he is more interested in a consultant's position and that he wouldn't be able to join the team immediately," Khan said. Law, a former Australian Test batsman, is already signed up by Cricket Australia as a batting consultant for the tour to Sri Lanka from July to September and apparently he has told the PCB he is not available when Pakistan tours Australia in November-December this year. Khan admitted that finding the right person for the job had become a tedious task for the board. He also confirmed the board of governors unanimously picked Law as the first choice coach and Moles as second choice. "We are now also talking to Moles and Jones although the BOG had some reservations over some candidates," the PCB chief said. A reliable source in the board told PTI that the PCB were not certain about signing on Moles, 55, as yet because of his history as coach with associate teams like Kenya, Scotland, Afghanistan and test side, New Zealand. "What is of concern to us is that Moles left or had to leave coaching assignments with Kenya, Scotland, New Zealand and Afghanistan because of disagreements or discord with their boards or players," the source said. b_^ac % '( ')( *+,-.* CUfU^cXedd\UbccUQ\BY_RUbdXc 5^aUXabccX\T8]SXPfX[[WPeTcf^f^\T]bbX]V[Tb_[PhTabP]S\T]bS^dQ[Tb_PXaR^\_TcX]VPc>[h\_XRb ?C8Q =4F34;78 ?C8Q =4F34;78 Seven Indian shuttlers, includ3Gutta, ing Saina Nehwal and Jwala officially earned qualification berths for the August Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro after the much-awaited BWF world rankings were released on Thursday. Thursday's rankings were used to determine the Olympic qualifiers in each of the five categories — men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles and mixed doubles — from the points accumulated in the period between May 4, 2015 and May 1st, 2016. Four years ago, five Indians had qualified at London Olympics. This year, London Olympics bronze medallist Saina would be representing India in her third Games, while the women's doubles pair of Jwala and Ashwini Ponnappa will also play their second Olympics in August. Besides, K Srikanth and P V Sindhu earned their maiden Olympic berths in men's singles and women's events respectively. For the first time, India will have two women's singles players playing in the Olympics. Other countries with two representatives in women's singles are China (Li Xuerui, Wang Yihan); Japan (Nozomi Okuhara and Akane Yamaguchi) and Korea (Sung Ji Hyun and Bae Yeon Ju). This will also be the first time that an Indian men's doubles pair of Manu Attri and B Summeth Reddy will be representing the country in Olympics. A total of 172 shuttlers made the cut on Thursday for the Rio Olympics, where there will be slight change in qualification quotas for men's and women's singles with a maximum quota for singles players from the same National Olympic Committee (NOC) being two places if both players are ranked in the world's top 16. In London Olympics, three singles players from an NOC could qualify if they were in the 526^PUX]TS R^^f]Tab WP]STSQP]b n an unprecedented decision, Indian Super League side FC Goa were on IThursday slapped a whopping fine of Rs 11 ?EBX]SWd[TUcP]SBPX]P=TWfP[X]PUX[T_W^c^ top four of the world rankings. Now it is similar to the quota for doubles in which there is a maximum of two pairs per NOC if both pairs are ranked in the top eight. The total quota per NOC will therefore be reduced from 18 to 16 (eight male ansd eight female players). In each singles event, the number of quota places is around 34. Besides, one place is reserved for the host NOC and three for Tripartite Commission Invitation places. However, there are no Tripartite Commission Invitation singles CUS_^T9^TYQ^7@RUWY^cd_TQi NEW DELHI: FXcW[TbbcWP]U^da\^]cWbc^V^U^a AX^6P\TbPb[Tf^UbcPabU^a\TaRWP\_X^]bP]S d_R^\X]VPcW[TcTbfX[[V^P[[^dcc^R[X]RW>[h\_XR `dP[XUXRPcX^]QTacWbfWT]cWTbTR^]S8]SXP]6aP]S ?aXgVTcbd]STafPhPccWT=B=8B?PcXP[PbcPSXd\ ^]5aXSPhCWTaTXbWXVWTg_TRcPcX^]bUa^\b_aX]cTa 3dcTT2WP]SfW^RaTPcTSP]Tf=PcX^]P[ATR^aSX] cWTf^\T]b \TcaTbb_aX]cR[^RZX]V ""bTR ^]cWT^_T]X]VSPh^UcWT5TSTaPcX^]2d_=PcX^]P[ BT]X^a 0cW[TcXRb 2WP\_X^]bWX_b APYXe 0a^ZXP RaTPcTS cWT =PcX^]P[ aTR^aS X] <T]b #\ TeT]c R[^RZX]V #$#&b c^ TaPbT cWT !hTPa ^[S \PaZ ^U #$#'b RaTPcTS Qh :< 1X]d X] !# FWTaTPb X] F^\T]b #\ TeT]c 0]X[SP CW^\Pb R[^RZTS $!#bc^UX]XbWUXabcX]cWT5TSTaPcX^]2d_QdcQ^cW \XbbTScWT>[h\_XRb`dP[XUXRPcX^]\PaZ^U#$#b P]S $!!b aTb_TRcXeT[h 0RT SXbRdb cWa^fTa :aXbW]P?^^]XPUX]XbWTSbXgcWX]cWT! !;^]S^] >[h\_XRbP]SXbaTcda]X]Vc^PRcX^]PUcTaPVP_^U cf^ hTPab _^bcbdaVTah CW^dVW bWT R^d[S]c `dP[XUhX]UXabc[TV^U8]SXP]6?P]S5TSTaPcX^]2d_ TPa[XTa?^^]XPfX[[QTR^\_TcX]VX]8]SXP]6?c^QT _Pac^UcWTAX^R^]cX]VT]c 7X_cXRUcd9^TYQ^Y^DDbQ^[Y^Wc NEW DELHI: AX^ >[h\_XRbQ^d]S B^d\hPYXc 6W^bWd_bcPVTSWXbXR^]0RWP]cPBWPaPcW:P\P[c^ QTR^\TcWTQTbc_[PRTS8]SXP]X]cWT[PcTbcf^a[S CPQ[TCT]]XbaP]ZX]VbXbbdTS^]CWdabSPh0b_Ta cWT [PcTbc 8]cTa]PcX^]P[ CPQ[T CT]]Xb 5TSTaPcX^] f^a[SaP]ZX]Vb6W^bWUX]SWX\bT[UPccWT%$b_^c TXVWc _[PRTb PWTPS ^U BWPaPcW BWPaPcW fW^ WPS ^RRd_XTS % bc _^bXcX^] ^][h [Pbc \^]cW WPb Sa^__TS S^f] c^ f^a[S =^ &" 0\^]V f^\T] _PSS[Tab =PcX^]P[ RWP\_X^] <P]XZP 1PcaP c^^ VPX]TSbXg_[PRTbc^QTPc !'cWb_^cPUcTa_dccX]V d_ P UX]T SXb_[Ph Pc cWT 0bXP] 2d_b 2^]cX]T]cP[ Va^d_ TeT]c <^d\P 3Pb P]^cWTa AX^Q^d]S _PSS[Ta W^fTeTa [^bc TXVWc _[PRTb c^ QT Pc $'cW _^bXcX^] bX]RT WTa ^dcX]V X] cWT F^a[S 2WP\_X^]bWX_bX]<P[PhbXP DYS[UdcQ\UcV_b=9c_`U^UbS_]]U^SUc MUMBAI: >][X]T cXRZTc bP[Tb U^a STUT]SX]V RWP\_X^]b<d\QPX8]SXP]b^_T]X]V8?;VP\TPc EXbWPZP_Pc]P\PVPX]bcBd]AXbTab7hSTaPQPS^] <Ph'R^\\T]RTS^]CWdabSPhCWTcXRZTcbU^acWT VP\T_aXRTSQTcfTT]Ab#P]SAb !$RP]QT _daRWPbTS^][X]TcWa^dVWfff1^^Z\hbW^f2^\ P]Sfff<d\QPXX]SXP]b2^\^aPccWTQ^g^UUXRT R^d]cTa Pc cWT 020E320 BcPSXd\ X] EXbWPZP_Pc]P\ P \TSXP aT[TPbT bPXS <8 PaT bRWTSd[TS c^ _[Ph cWTXa cWaTT aT\PX]X]V W^\T \PcRWTb bWXUcTS ^dc ^U cWT FP]ZWTST BcPSXd\ PVPX]bc BA7 #) _\* <Ph ' :X]Vb G8 ?d]YPQ ')_\*<Ph "P]S3T[WX3PaTSTeX[b')_\* <Ph $ CWTbT VP\Tb fTaT bWXUcTS ^dc ^U <PWPaPbWcaP^]cWTSXaTRcXeT^UcWT1^\QPh7XVW 2^dac cWPc ad[TS ^] P ?8; UX[TS eXbPeXb cWT PRdcT fPcTabRPaRXchUPRTSQhb^\T_Pacb^UcWTbcPcT ´;_X\YDU^Te\[QbS_]`QbYcY_^Yce^VQYbµ NEW DELHI: ETcTaP][TUcWP]STaHdeaPYBX]VWUTT[b 8]SXPCTbcRP_cPX]EXaPc:^W[XXbcWTQTbcQPcb\P]^U cWXb VT]TaPcX^] Qdc STT\TS Xc d]UPXa c^ R^\_PaT WX\ fXcW BPRWX] CT]Sd[ZPa Pb WT UTT[b cWPc Xc fX[[ cPZT P [^c \^aT WPaSf^aZ Ua^\ cWT 3T[WX [PS c^ \PcRWcWT\PTbca^b[TVPRh8cWX]Z RT]cdaXTb XbaTP[[hUPaPfPhc^cWX]ZHdeaPYbPXSCT]Sd[ZPa fPbPVaTPc_[PhTaP]SVaTPcP\QPbbPS^a^U8]SXP P]SXcXbV^X]Vc^cPZTP[^c^UWPaSf^aZU^a:^W[X c^ R^\T X] R^\_PaXbX^] fXcW cWPc WT c^[S =3CE EXaPcXbX]VaTPcU^a\7TXbcWTQTbcQPcb\P]^UcWXb 0VT]RXTb VT]TaPcX^]P[^]VfXcW01STEX[[XTab BaXZP]cWb[X_bc^F^a[S=^ ! ?C8Q =4F34;78 lympic-bound men's singles shuttler K Srikanth of India O slipped a place to be ranked World No 12 in the latest BWF rankings issued on Thursday. Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponappa, who made the cut for their second Olympics, rose one rung to be World No14 in women's doubles. Manu Attri and B Sumeeth Reddy slipped a spot to be positioned at the 20th spot. Among others, H S Prannoy jumped two places to reach the 25th spot, while Ajay Jayaram lost a spot to be placed 21st in the men's singles rankings which is topped by China's Chen Long. In women's singles, Saina Nehwal and Sindhu were static at No 8 and No 10 respectively. >;H<?821>D=3 8=380=B7DCC;4AB F^\T]bbX]V[Tb_[PhTab BPX]P=TWfP[ ?EBX]SWd <T]bbX]V[Tb_[PhTab) :BaXZP]cW F^\T]bS^dQ[Tb_[PhTab 9fP[PP]S0bWfX]X ?^]]P__P <T]bS^dQ[Tb_[PhTab <P]d0ccaXP]S 1Bd\\TcWATSSh places in doubles. The format of the tournament will be similar to the London Olympics with the players being drawn in separate groups in Round-Robin and then a separate draw will be held ahead of the knock-out stage. Though the Olympic qualifiers have been determined on the basis of today's Race to Rio rankings, a final list of qualifiers will be published after the deadline of July 18, which will include the allocation of quota for Tripartite Commission invitation and host country.0 crore while their co-owners Shrinivas Dempo and Dattaraj Salgaocar were banned for two and three seasons respectively for "bringing disrepute" to the tournament. The ISL Regulatory Commission took the decisions after the conclusion of the hearings in Mumbai relating to the controversy surrounding the scuffle between Chennaiyin FC's Brazillian marquee player Elano Blumer and FC Goa officials after the ISL second season final in Margao in December last. The five-member Regulator y Commission of ISL headed by Justice (Retd) D A Mehta met in Mumbai over last three days in continuation of their earlier sittings since February to hear the submissions of the respective parties in the matter of Football Sports Development Limited vs FC Goa; FC Goa vs Chennaiyin FC; FC Goa vs Elano Blumer and Chennaiyin FC vs FC Goa. "In its final order pronounced today, FC Goa were found in breach of ISL regulations/code of conduct bringing disrepute to the ISL, following the unfortunate incident on 20th December 2015 soon after the Hero ISL final at Fatorda Stadium, Goa. FC Goa were facing the allegations of violating ISL Regulations namely for 'boycotting match and league ceremony', 'public criticism and threatening match officials,' 'alleging that the match were fixed,' and 'non-adherence of League rules'," the ISL said in a release. "Mr. Dattaraj Salgaocar shall be banned from associating with any activity pertaining to ISL matches (including entering stadium) for three (3) ISL seasons. Mr. Srinivas Dempo shall be banned from associating with any activity pertaining to ISL matches (including entering stadium) for two (2) ISL seasons. "A sum of Rs 10 crore (Rupees Ten Crores Only) shall be paid by FC Goa to FSDL towards penalty/fine as well as costs; and a sum of Rs 1 crore (Rupees One Crore Only) shall be paid by FC Goa to Chennaiyin FC towards costs," the release said. Dempo is also a vice-president of the All India Football Federation. FC Goa team will also be docked 15 points in the next ISL season. The Regulatory Commission members were unanimous in arriving at the verdict. :ed>RUcZUUVcSjZ_>Z]R_ $ILQDODJDLQVW$WOHWLFR DOZD\VVSHFLDO5RQDOGR 5Ta]P]S^³b^f]V^P[ UX]P[[hSTRXSTb ' \X]dcTb^USd[[D2; B5c^bTcd_P[[<PSaXS 5X]P[U^abTR^]ScX\T X]cWaTTbTPb^]b 80=BQ <03A83 eal Madrid star forward Cristiano Ronaldo has said that "a final against R Atletico is always special" after the Spanish 0?Q <03A83 eal Madrid turned another Champions League final into a R crosstown derby on Wednesday, beating Manchester City a day after Atletico Madrid had sealed its place in decider for European football's biggest prize. A convincing 1-0 victory over City at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium means that Real will face Atletico on May 28 in a rematch of the 2014 final that it won in extra time. Real Madrid will be trying to win its 11th Champions League title in the all-Spanish showdown in Milan. Atletico, which eliminated five-time champion Bayern Munich on Tuesday, will be trying to avenge the 4-1 loss from two years ago as it bids for its first title. "We will give everything in our ATP[<PSaXS_[PhTabRT[TQaPcTPUcTaaTPRWX]VcWT5X]P[^UcWT2WP\_X^]b;TPVdT^]FTS]TbSPh souls in another final," Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos said. "We managed to stay united and soak up the pressure to try and pull it off. We've eliminated a huge team in City. It has taken a lot to get to the final, but we deserve it." The second leg of the semifinal was decided by a superb shot by Gareth Bale from a tight angle that deflected off defender Fernando in the 20th minute and was marked down as an own goal. Madrid advanced with a 1-0 aggregate win after a scoreless first-leg draw. "We suffered, as expected, but in the end we were able to reach the final and that's the most important thing," Real 0? Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane said. Wednesday's win ended City's best ever participation in the Champions League, though it was outclassed on the night and never really looked like turning the game around. The wealthy English club hadn't made it past the round of 16 until this season's campaign. "I am disappointed because I think that was a very close game," City coach Manuel Pellegrini said. "We didn't deserve to lose, Madrid was lucky with its goal, when the ball was deflected. I don't think any of the teams deserved to win. There was a lot of work by both sides in the two games, but not a lot of creativity." football giants beat Manchester City 1-0 in the second leg of UEFA Champions League semi-final. "It was a tough game, but I think we played better than City, we created more chances and were more intense. After our goal, we knew that City would press, but we controlled the game well," Efe quoted Ronaldo as saying British broadcaster BT Sport on Wednesday. "The team was very good. It's the game that we had to kill off," added the Portuguese attacker "One-nil is a close but sufficient result. We are in the final." Commenting about his injury, he said: "I was at a hundred percent. Obviously not at a fitness level, because I've been out for a while. But I did a good job for the team and we are in the final." He commented that the French head coach Zinedine Zidane "is doing a great job". Ronaldo stressed he was "very happy" to be in the final of the Champions League. ?;0H4AB3836A40C9>1)I830=4 Real Madrid head coach Zinedine Zidane has heaped praise on his footballers for putting up an impressive performance. Real Madrid will now face cross-town rivals Atletico Madrid, who earlier defeated Bayern Munich, in summit clash in Milan on May 28. "We suffered, like we knew we'd have to. In the end we've made it and we're really happy. The players deserve this. The fans were with the players for the whole game and that always helps," Zidane was quoted as saying by "Cristiano (Ronaldo) played like he always does, but everyone worked hard and that's why we're in the final. I'm delighted for what has happened. The final will be perfectly even, but now we're going to enjoy this. It's an important day." 3Y^Z^eXR<daaPhPSeP]RT 5X]P[RWP]RTQTRZ^]bfaTbc[Tab 0?Q <03A83 ?C8Q 8BC0=1D; ovak Djokovic and Andy Murray made their way into the Madrid N Open quarterfinals on Thursday, each mid the recent controversies including the banning A of some big names, Indian with straight-set wins. The top-ranked Djokovic beat Roberto Bautista Agut 6-2, 6-1 for his 30th win of the season, the most on tour. Defending champion Murray defeated Gilles Simon 6-4, 6-2. "I wanted to be aggressive and it's what I've done," said Djokovic, who had 25 winners and only 11 unforced errors. "The conditions were quite different than yesterday, it was a bit slower but a bit more windier, so I had to be concentrated." A day earlier, Djokovic met Ronaldo at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium before Real Madrid's game against Manchester City in the Champions League. Rafael Nadal was also at the football match. Murray broke Simon's serve in the final game of the first set and twice in the second to stay on track to defend his title. Murray's match against Simon was a rematch of the 2008 final in Madrid, when the British player won his first title wrestlers will seek a fresh start when they take to the mat at the 2nd World Qualifying tournament, starting here on Friday, with an aim to secure as many Olympic quotas in their last attempt. The 14-member India team, sans the likes of famous Phogat sisters — Geeta and Babita Kumari, will be keen to secure Olympic berths for the country during the three-day event from May 6 to 8. It will be a tough competition, considering that only the top two finishers in each weight category will ensure a quota place at the Rio Games. Last week, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) issued show cause notices to four wrestlers — Geeta (women's 58kg), Babita (women's 53kg), Sumit (men's at the tournament. Also, sixth-seeded Kei Nishikori reached the quarterfinals by defeating 10th-seeded Richard Gasquet 6-4, 7-5, while eighth-seeded Tomas Berdych beat ninth-seeded David Ferrer 7-6 (8), 7-5. In the women's tournament, 19year-old qualifier Louisa Chirico defeated Daria Gavrilova of Australia 7-6 (1), 6-2 to reach the semifinals. The 130th-ranked Chirico became the first American teenager to reach the semifinals of a top clay-court event since Ashley Harkleroad in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2003. Also, sixth-seeded Simona Halep reached the semifinals by beating IrinaCamelia Begu 6-3, 0-6, 6-1. 125kg freestyle) and Rahul Aware (men's 57kg freestyle) — before handing them temporary suspension for showing indiscipline, bringing their dream of qualifying for Rio Olympics to an abrupt end. To add to all this, Vinesh Phogat (in pic.) (women's 48kg) was disqualified from the event for being 400gms overweight. However, Vinesh was let off with a warning and now all eyes would be on her, as she is not only India's best bet in women's category but also because she has assured WFI of ensuring an Olympic berth at the competition here. No Indian woman wrestler has so far won a quota place and with Geeta and Babita out now, the onus will be on Vinesh. With WFI deciding to come down heavily on the offenders and world body also having debarred them from this tournament, the last Olympic qualifying event will not have some of the best Indian wrestlers. Lalita has replaced Babita and Sakshi Malik comes in place of Geeta. Others in the fray are Shilpi Sheron (63kg), Geetika Jhakar (69kg) and Kiran (75kg). The three have come in for Anita, Navjot Kaur and Jyoti. The men's freestyle category will be spearheaded by experienced Mausam Khatri (97kg) as Satywart Kadian failed to bag a quota in this category at the last tournament. Gopal Yadav (86kg) and Hitender (125kg) will be the others fighting here, replacing Somveer and Sumit. So far four Indians — three in men's freestyle division and one in Greco-Roman category — have qualified for the quadrennial extravaganza.