Student Handbook - Laguna Beach Unified School District
Student Handbook - Laguna Beach Unified School District
LAGUNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES & STUDENT PLANNER 2 2015-2016 BELL SCHEDULES MONDAY - WEDNESDAY MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE REGULAR SCHEDULE NO LUNCH SERVED PERIOD 1 7:30 AM - 8:29 AM PERIOD 1 7:30 AM - 8:05 AM PERIOD 2 8:35 AM - 9:35 AM PERIOD 2 8:11 AM - 8:51 AM Mid-AM BREAK 9:35 AM - 9:45 AM PERIOD 3 8:57 AM - 9:32 AM PERIOD 3 9:51 AM - 10:50 AM 9:32 AM - 9:42 AM PERIOD 4 10:56 AM - 11:55 AM PERIOD 4 9:48 AM - 10:23 AM LUNCH 11:55 AM - 12:25 PM PERIOD 5 10:29 AM - 11:04 AM PERIOD 5 12:31 PM - 1:30 PM PERIOD 6 11:10 AM - 11:45 AM PERIOD 6 1:36 PM - 2:35 PM Mid-AM BREAK Back To School Night—9/21/2015 (Monday) EVERY THURSDAY EVERY FRIDAY BLOCK SCHEDULE—SDL BLOCK SCHEDULE—TEACHER MTGS SDL STUDENT DIRECTED 7:30 AM - 8:24 AM TEACHER MEETINGS 7:30 AM - 8:24 AM 8:30 AM - 10:07 AM PERIOD 2 8:30 AM - 10:07 AM Mid-AM BREAK 10:07 AM - 10:17 AM Mid-AM BREAK 10:07 AM - 10:17 AM ADVISORY 10:23 AM - 10:39 AM ADVISORY 10:23 AM - 10:39 AM PERIOD 3 10:45 AM - 12:22 PM PERIOD 4 10:45 AM - 12:22 PM LUNCH 12:22 PM - 12:52 PM 12:22 PM - 12:52 PM PERIOD 5 12:58 PM - 2:35 PM 12:58 PM - 2:35 PM LEARNING PERIOD 1 LUNCH PERIOD 6 SCHEDULE on FINAL EXAM DAYS FINAL EXAM DATES NO LUNCH SERVED EXAM 1 Mid-AM BREAK Exam 2 7:30 AM - 10:05 AM 10:05 AM - 10:20 AM 10:30 AM - 1:05 PM 1st SEMESTER 1/27 /2016 through 1/29/2016 2nd SEMESTER GRADE 9, 10 & 11 Final Exams 6/21/2016 through 6/23/2016 3 IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS (949) 497-7750 Telephone (949) 497-7766 Fax—Administration Office To Reach Specific Department or Extension … Dial Tel #, Listen for Recording to Start, Dial Extension Contact Person/Office ATHLETIC OFFICE Ext. 1220 Ext. 1221 Ted Clarke, Director Tracy Paddock, Athletic Clerk ATTENDANCE OFFICE Ext. 1204 Ext. 1203 Debora Arellanes, Attendance Clerk Messages for Attendance Sick Line COUNSELORS EXT. 1211 EXT. 1208 EXT. 1218 EXT. 1202 Nichole Rosa, A-F Jeanne Brown, G-M Angela Pilon, N-Z Christie Olsen, Admin. Asst. COLLEGE & CAREER GUIDANCE AND ROP COURSE GUIDANCE EXT. 1397 College and Career Specialist HEALTH OFFICE Ext. 1215 Peggy Legault, Health Clerk LIBRARY & TEXTBOOKS Ext. 1399 Jill Norris, Librarian OFFICE OF ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS Ext. 1200 Robert Billinger, Asst. Principal Lisa Brackez, Asst. Principal Mari Andersen, Admin. Asst. OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL Ext. 1206 Christopher Herzfeld, Principal Durinda Klein, Admin. Asst. RECORDS & REGISTRATION Ext. 1210 Ellen Oxales, Registrar SCHOLARSHIPS Ext. 1212 Lynn Gregory, High School Scholarship Clerk SICK LINE Ext. 1203 Automated Attendance Line STUDENT ACTIVITIES & COMMUNITY SERVICE Ext. 1216 Ext. 1217 Yvette Kelly, Coordinator Sandy Jones, Activities Clerk Looking for Help? National Teen Emergency Hotline (800) 448-3000 National Runaway Hotline (800) RUN-AWAY Alateen (800) 356-9996 Nat’l Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope Line (800) 622-2255 Eating Disorders Information Line (800) 931-2237 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK Text-A-Tip (858) 848-7TIP 4 LAGUNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OUR MISSION IS TO MAXIMIZE LEARNING FOR EVERY STUDENT IN A SUPPORTIVE AND CARING ENVIRONMENT TO ENSURE THAT UPON GRADUATION, ALL STUDENTS ARE READY FOR COLLEGE, CAREER, AND GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: CHRIS HERZFELD ASST. PRINCIPAL: ROBERT BILLINGER ASST. PRINCIPAL: LISA BRACKEZ 625 Park Avenue Laguna Beach, CA 92651 949-497-7750 - Office 949-497-7766 – Fax The School Policies section of this handbook is available on the high school’s website: 5 6 Table of Contents 2015-2016 BELL SCHEDULES ....................................................................... 3 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................ 9 CAFETERIA ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 HOURS OF OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 PRE-PAID LUNCH ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 HEALTH OFFICE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 MEDICATION AT SCHOOL .................................................................................................................................................................. 9 LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 HOURS OF OPERATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 10 ALL STUDENTS MUST SIGN IN .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 LIBRARY COMPUTER USE................................................................................................................................................................. 10 TEXT BOOKS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 LOST AND FOUND ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 MESSAGES – EMERGENCY MESSAGES TO STUDENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 11 PARENT VOLUNTEERS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 PROHIBITED ITEMS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 VISITORS.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 ACADEMIC GUIDELINES ............................................................................ 12 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 COMMUNITY SERVICE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 COURSE CREDIT GUIDELINES and GRADING POLICIES ....................................................................................................................................... 13 COURSE LOAD REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 LBHS COURSE OFFERINGS 2015-16................................................................................................................................................... 14 GRADES/PROGRESS REPORT CARDS ................................................................................................................................................ 15 GRADES/PROGRESS REPORT SCHEDULE........................................................................................................................................... 15 CHANGING or DROPPING A CLASS ................................................................................................................................................... 15 GRADE EXCEPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16 QUITTING OR REMOVAL FROM A SPORT OR EXTRACURRICULAR CLASS ........................................................................................... 16 GRADING POLICY REGARDING INJURIES .......................................................................................................................................... 16 HOMEWORK ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 PARTIAL CREDIT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 REPEATING COURSES (grade replacement) ...................................................................................................................................... 17 ACCELERATION AND ENRICHMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 17 TRANSFER GRADES.......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 GRADE POINT AVERAGES (GPA) - CUMULATIVE and CURRENT.......................................................................................................................... 18 GRADE POINT AVERAGE DISTINCTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 HONOR ROLL POLICY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19 GRADUATION HONORS ................................................................................................................................................................... 19 TESTS AND TESTING POLICIES........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 HIGH SCHOOL STANDARDIZED ACHIEVEMENT TESTING (CAASPP, CAHSEE, AP, FITNESS) .................................................................. 20 TESTING POLICY RE: FINAL EXAMS ................................................................................................................................................... 20 ATTENDANCE POLICY ............................................................................... 22 ABSENCES ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 EXCUSED ABSENCE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 UNEXCUSED ABSENCE (VERIFIED) .................................................................................................................................................... 23 CLEARING ABSENCES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23 EARLY DISMISSAL............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 ILLNESS DURING SCHOOL ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 EXTENDED ABSENCE REQUEST ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 FULL DAY ATTENDANCE REQUIRED FOR ATHLETIC, EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION........................................................... 24 TARDY POLICY.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 GUIDANCE COUNSELORS, SUPPORT and COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS ..... 26 GUIDANCE COUNSELING SERVICES ................................................................................................................................................................... 26 STUDENT SUPPORT .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 7 MATH AND WRITING LABS .............................................................................................................................................................. 26 STUDENT DIRECTED LEARNING (SDL) ............................................................................................................................................... 27 EXTRACURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................................... 27 COLLEGE AND CAREER GUIDANCE .................................................................................................................................................................... 27 COLLEGE & CAREER CENTER ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 COLLEGE ROUND UP........................................................................................................................................................................ 27 COMMUNITY COLLEGE FAIR ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 COLLEGE ADMISSIONS TESTING (The SAT, SAT Subject Tests and The ACT) ....................................................................................... 27 2015-2016 SAT and SAT Subject Test Dates and Registration Deadlines ............................................................................................ 28 TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS ................................................................................................................................................................... 28 INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS ................................................................... 29 ATHLETIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................................................. 29 CODE OF CONDUCT & ETHICS FOR PARTICIPATION IN ATHLETIC, EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ........................................................... 29 COLLEGE BOUND ATHLETES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 29 NCAA or NAIA Eligibility Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 29 GRADING POLICY FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES...................................................................................................................................................... 30 FULL CLASS ATTENDANCE REQUIRED to PARTICIPATE in ATHLETIC, EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ........................................ 30 GRADING POLICY REGARDING INJURIES .......................................................................................................................................... 30 LOCKERS AND LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY .................................................................................................................................................. 31 STUDENT ACTIVITIES ................................................................................ 32 STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 32 STUDENT ID CARDS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 ASB DISCOUNTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 DANCES & EVENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Guest Pass To LBHS Events .............................................................................................................................................................. 32 Guest Pass To Another High School’s Events .................................................................................................................................... 32 BOARD POLICIES and DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES .................................... 33 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND ETHICS POLICY ....................................................................................................................................................... 33 EXAMPLES OF VIOLATIONS INCLUDE (but are not limited to): ........................................................................................................... 33 ALCOHOL AND DRUGS PROHIBITION ................................................................................................................................................................ 34 BULLYING POLICY............................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 CELL PHONE/DEVICE USE POLICY...................................................................................................................................................................... 39 CLOSED CAMPUS POLICY.................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 OFF CAMPUS POLICY DURING LUNCH .............................................................................................................................................. 39 OFF CAMPUS POLICY DURING AN OPEN CLASS PERIOD .................................................................................................................... 39 DETENTION POLICY AND PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................................................................. 40 DRESS CODE POLICY ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42 NON-DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 42 SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 44 STUDENT USE OF PERSONALLY-OWNED DEVICES ............................................................................................................................................. 45 SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION.......................................................................................................................................................................... 46 WILLIAMS COMPLAINT NOTICE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 47 BI-WEEKLY CALENDAR .............................................................................. 49 INDEX ...................................................................................................... 97 LBHS EXPECTED SCHOOL-WIDE LEARNING RESULTS (ESLRs) ....................... 99 8 GENERAL INFORMATION CAFETERIA HOURS OF OPERATION Breakfast AM Break Lunch Monday - Wednesday 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. 9:35 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. 11:55 a.m. - 12:25 p.m. Thursday – Friday 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. 10:07 a.m. - 10:17 a.m. 12:22 p.m. - 12:52 p.m. Student breakfasts cost $2.90. Student lunches cost $3.90 and include one entrée, fruit or juice, and milk. As a participant in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, eligible students may receive meals free or at a reduced price. Application forms are included in the summer registration packet, or may be downloaded from the District website under the Resources tab. Click the “Lunch Menu” option, scroll down, click the “home” button on the top left of the menu bar, and scroll down to the “Meal Application” window on the top left side on the page. Completed applications should be returned to Ms. Debra Appel, located at the District Office. She can also be reached at 949-497-7700 ext. 5216 or via email at [email protected]. PRE-PAID LUNCH ACCOUNTS Student pre-paid lunch accounts are available for your convenience. Please visit the school district website at From the main menu, choose “Nutrition Services” under the “Departments” menu, scroll down to click the “Funds for Schools” icon on the right, then choose Pre-payment Options” from the top menu bar for that window. Follow the prompts to set up an account for your student. HEALTH OFFICE The Health Office will be open daily during regular school hours. Whenever possible students should utilize the Health Office during a class break or lunch period. Students must receive a permission slip from a teacher to visit the Health Office during class hours. Students will be evaluated and a parent or guardian will be notified when appropriate. In case of illness during the school day, a student must see the Health Clerk before leaving campus; a parent or guardian will be notified and the student will be issued a permit to leave school. A student who becomes ill at school must check out through the Health Office before he/she leaves. Failure to check out properly will be considered truancy. (See Attendance Policy section of Student Planner) MEDICATION AT SCHOOL Board Policy 5026, Ed. Code Section 49423 Before any prescription or non-prescription medication can be administered to a student, a Parent Request for the Administration of Medication, Prescription, and Non-prescription Form (Medication Request Form) must be signed by both doctor and parent. The Medication Request Form is available in the high school Health Office and can also be downloaded from the school district’s website at: under the “District Health Forms” tab, within the “District” main menu. Both the signed Medication Request Form and the prescription medication must be given to the Health Clerk, who is located in the Health Office of the administration building. Student medication will be labeled, filed and stored in a locked cabinet in the Health Office. Students may carry inhalers and EpiPens, but only with signed permission from a physician and parent on the Medication Request Form. Students may not carry over-the-counter medications (OTC), e.g., Aspirin, Tylenol, Midol, cough drops, antacids. However, these OTC medications maybe administered by a parent in the Health Office. Students found in possession of prescription medications or overthe-counter medications may be in violation of the Substance Abuse Policy. 9 LIBRARY The library offers a variety of resources and services including books, periodicals, textbooks, computers, and a printer. We do not have color printing available. HOURS OF OPERATION Monday – Thursday Friday Minimum Days 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Extended Hours PTA Volunteers often extend library hours until 5 pm. The library is open during break, lunch, after school, during SDL and during a student’s open class period. Hours may vary, closing early to accommodate special school events, or may be extended when needed. Electronic devices may be used WITH PERMISSION and must be inaudible to those sitting nearby. Headphones, available at the checkout counter, must be used when accessing any audio from the computers. If a student violates this policy, the student will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the LBHS disciplinary policies. ALL STUDENTS MUST SIGN IN All students must sign in at the front desk when using the Library during a free period or during a class period. Students using the Library during a class period, unaccompanied by the teacher, MUST bring a SIGNED LIBRARY PASS from that teacher when signing in. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a QUIET, RESPONSIBLE AND ORDERLY manner, and respect the rights of other students and teachers. Appropriate behavior is expected by all students Food and beverages are not allowed in the library Failure to comply with library rules will result in the loss of library privileges LIBRARY COMPUTER USE (Board Policy 5009: Student Technology Use Policy) A. PURPOSE Computers and other electronic resources are important tools for students to use in school and other parts of a student life. Students are expected to be good citizens in all of their communications. It is expected that students will use these resources in a responsible manner to protect their safety and the safety of others, as well as to protect the electronic resources themselves. B. RESTRICTIONS Use of District Technology: The District provides Technology for a limited educational purpose. This means students may use these resources for classroom activities and other school-related work. Students may not use District Technology for commercial purposes; students may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services using District Technology. Students may use District Technology only for class assignments or for personal research on subjects similar to what they might study in a class or in the school library. Use for entertainment purposes or personal communication, such as personal blogging, instant messaging, online shopping or gaming is not allowed. C. Privilege, not a Right: Use of District Technology is a privilege, not a right. The District may place reasonable restrictions on the material that students access through the system, and may revoke students’ access to District Technology if they violate the law, District policies or regulations. D. Acceptable Use Agreement: Before students are authorized to use District Technology and/or bring personal mobile devices to school or school activities, they and their parent/guardian acknowledge 10 by signing the LBUSD DATA CONFIRMATION TICKET 2015/16 that they will abide by all rules/regulations as outlined under this policy. Parents must agree not to hold the District or its’ personnel responsible for the failure of any technology protection measures, violations of copyright restrictions, or user mistakes or negligence. Parents also will acknowledge they may be held liable for damages caused by their child’s intentional misuse of District or Personal Technology. E. Students should save their work on a CD or USB flash drive as library computers are automatically set to clear any information or documents left on the hard drive at the end of each school day. TEXT BOOKS All students are issued a set of textbooks for home. Students may have a double set of textbooks if they have two households. Students should not bring a home textbook to school unless they are returning it to the library. Classrooms, study halls, and support classes have books for student use. Students may borrow textbooks in the library for use on campus or may borrow extra books to use with tutors. Additionally, the Laguna Beach Public Library has a set of textbooks for use on-site. Students will not be issued books for the new school year until books from the previous year have been returned or reimbursement for replacement books is received. All materials must be returned, in good condition, when the student takes final exams for a course. For textbook information, please contact the library at 497-7750 at ext. 1399 or ext. 1396. LOST AND FOUND PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VALUABLES UN-ATTENDED. Students are responsible for their computers, backpacks, books, purses, cell phones, and keys. All lost items/articles should be turned into the Lost and Found in the Activities Office, where they will be held for identification. Unclaimed lost and found articles will be donated at the end of each school year. Students who are not able to locate their valuables can pick-up a “Report of Lost or Stolen Item Form” in the Administration Office. Completed forms are kept on file throughout the school year in the Assistant Principal’s office. MESSAGES – EMERGENCY MESSAGES TO STUDENTS Emergency messages should be sent to students through the Attendance Office. Birthday greetings, lunches, homework, flowers, balloons, gifts, and other items will not be delivered to classrooms. If such items are delivered to school, they will be held in the Attendance Office for students to pick up during break, lunch, or after school. PARENT VOLUNTEERS Parent participation is encouraged in various school related groups, including but not limited to PTA, Academic Boosters, Performing Arts Boosters, and various Athletic Boosters. PROHIBITED ITEMS For reasons of safety, security, and classroom disruption, the following are not to be brought on campus: wallet chains, laser pointers, skates, and scooters. Because they are considered a mode of transportation, bicycles and skateboards may be ridden to and from school, but may not be ridden on campus at any time. VISITORS ALL Visitors are required to sign-in at the Administration Office and wear a Visitor Pass badge while on campus. All visitors to LBHS are subject to approval/denial by an administrator. Students from other schools, students attending ACCESS, and students’ friends or relatives, who are not enrolled in Laguna Beach High School, are not permitted to visit during school hours. Prospective students who wish to enroll in school must make arrangements after 2:35 p.m. 11 ACADEMIC GUIDELINES GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Laguna Beach High School students must complete 230 credits in order to be eligible for graduation. While courses may satisfy LBHS graduation requirements, the courses do not necessarily satisfy eligibility criteria for universities, colleges, or athletic associations such as NCAA or NAIA. English 40 credits Social Science 35 credits th Global Studies and Skills – 9 grade th World History or AP Euro History – 10 grade th US History or AP US History – 11 grade th Econ/American Govt. or AP Econ/Am Govt. – 12 grade Sciences Physical Science: (e.g., Environmental Science or Chemistry) Life Science Subject: (e.g., Life Science or Biology) Mathematics Must complete Algebra I Physical Education Fine Arts 3 Foreign Language Health Electives 5 credits 10 credits 10 credits 10 credits 20 credits 10 credits 10 credits 30 credits 1 2 20 credits 10 credits 10 credits 5 credits 60 credits TOTAL 230 CREDITS ADDITIONAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Community Service All students are required to complete 40 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. The total hours will be adjusted for students not attending LBHS all four years. California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) All students attending public schools in California are required to pass the California High School Exit Exam in order to be eligible to receive a diploma. COMMUNITY SERVICE In order to promote civic awareness and volunteerism, Laguna Beach High School requires all students to 40 hours of community service as part of their graduation requirement. Students must complete five (5) hours for each semester enrolled at Laguna Beach High School for a total of forty (40) hours. (The total hours will be adjusted for students who do not attend LBHS all four years.) Community service hours must be completed through a non-profit agency which may include community/school opportunities, city, youth and environmental projects, and student tutoring. For specific guidelines and further clarification, please contact the LBHS Community Service Coordinator. 1 Algebra I credit from middle school satisfies the Algebra I requirement. However, it does not count toward the 30 credit high school requirement. 2 LBUSD School Board Policy 6015 requires all students complete 20 credits of PE for graduation. Credits should be completed in 9 th and 10 grade. If a student does not enroll in a PE class (which includes dance, cheer or marching band) or a sport each semester th th during 9 and 10 grade, they will be considered deficient in their PE credit requirement. 3 th A student may satisfy the ten credit foreign language requirement through an accredited institution with prior written approval from his/her counselor (AR 6146.11). Transcripts from an outside accredited institution must be provided to the registrar upon the student’s completion of the approved course. Once the students satisfy the required ten credits, additional credits earned in foreign language will be credited toward the 560 credit elective requirement. 12 Definition of Community Service: the giving of one’s time, efforts, and skills outside of school class time for the purpose of benefitting the community (local or global), without monetary compensation. Examples of Not For-Profit opportunities to earn community service hours: Examples of Not for Profit community service hours would include volunteering in hospitals, food kitchens, shelters, senior centers, convalescent homes, at the YMCA/Boys and Girls Clubs. Other activities that may also qualify include building shelters, coaching/refereeing for non-profit sports organizations, participating in organized non-profit/volunteer programs such as literacy promotion projects, working in Community Outreach programs, and working on pre-approved special projects. All community services hours submitted are subject to approval by the LBHS Community Service Coordinator/Administration. EDUCATION FOR ADULT STUDENTS/ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Students completing graduation requirements for the Adult Education diploma or the equivalent by passing the General Educational Development (GED) test or the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE) will be recognized separately and do not participate in the high school graduation ceremony or senior class activities. Please contact your counselor if you have questions. COURSE CREDIT GUIDELINES and GRADING POLICIES COURSE LOAD REQUIREMENTS In accordance with Education Code 46145, students must be enrolled in minimum of five classes at the local campus. Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 are expected to maintain six (6) full year courses to remain on track for graduation. Students in grade 12 are expected to maintain five (5) full year courses. After school classes are held to the same standard as regular school day classes for attendance and grading standards to receive credit. Students who have five courses listed on his/her schedule and intend to participate in a sport or after school course which results in an open period in their schedule, are not given a choice to choose the open period. LBHS will not accommodate requests for specific open periods, placement of courses for specific periods, or teacher requests. College admission is highly determined by academic rigor and strength of schedules. 9th and 10th grade students are not permitted to have an open period. Students who drop a course are subject to the timeframes and deadlines explained in the Changing or Dropping a Class section on p.15 of this planner. 13 LBHS COURSE OFFERINGS 2015-16 ENGLISH (4 years) English 9 H/English 9* English 10 H/English 10* English 11 AP English Language English 12 AP English Literature English Language Development SOCIAL SCIENCE (3.5 years) Global Studies & Skills World History AP European History US History AP US History American Government Economics AP American Government AP Macro Economics MATHEMATICS (3 years) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II H/Algebra II* Pre-Calculus H/Pre-Calculus Calculus AP Calculus/AB AP Calculus/BC Statistics Accounting SCIENCE (2 years) Environmental Science Life Science Biology Chemistry H/Chemistry Physics AP Physics 1 AP Biology H/Adv Chemical Research Marine Ecology Anatomy and Physiology FOREIGN LANGUAGE (1 year) French I - V AP French Language Spanish I - V H/Spanish II* H/Spanish III* H/Spanish IV* H/Spanish V AP Spanish Language AP Spanish Literature FINE ARTS (1 year) Art I Art II H/Art Studio AP Studio Art: Drawing Ceramics I Ceramics II Advanced Ceramics AP Studio Art: 3-D Design Computer Art Digital Photography H/Digital Photography AP Studio Art: 2-D Design Video Production I Video Production Advanced ROP/Multimedia Production ROP/Multimedia Design Multimedia Design Advanced Drama Chorus Wind Ensemble String Ensemble Jazz Ensemble Intro to Guitar/Ukulele AP Music Theory ROP Dance Production Contemporary (Dance III) ROP Dance Production Classical (Dance IV) PERFORMANCE CLASSES** Drama Production Theater II ROP Dance Performance (considered Dance Company) HEALTH (.05 year) Human Ecology/Health PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2 years) Advanced Athletic Conditioning Fitness and Wellness Sports Exploring Dance ROP Dance I ROP Dance II Cheer Team Marching Band ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES STEM Journalism Yearbook Leadership Peer Assistance Teacher Aide Library Service Office Service Model United Nations (MUN) ROP Courses (visit the ROP center for a list of classes) UC (A-G) approved courses are listed in BOLD print. UC (A-G) approved courses are also listed on the UC website at *These UC approved honors courses are given LBHS weighted credit, but are not given UC weighted credit. **Performance classes are one semester. In order to be UC approved, they need to be taken consecutively. 14 GRADES/PROGRESS REPORT CARDS The school year is divided into two semesters. Each semester is eighteen (18) weeks, divided by three sixweek grading periods. Each semester ends with a final examination week. The Fall 18-week grades and the Spring 18-week grades are referred to as semester grades. Semester grades become part of a student’s permanent record and are recorded on the student’s transcript. All students receive a grade report at the conclusion of each semester. Six (6) and twelve (12) week progress reports are only mailed to students earning a D or F grade. Parents and students may view all grades via their on-line Aeries SIS Portal account located at LBUSD website under the “Resources” menu. GRADES/PROGRESS REPORT SCHEDULE 1st Semester FALL Grading Starts Period Ends Progress Report Mailed 6 week 10/16/2015 10/23/15 09/08/2015 Only if includes D or F grades 9/8/2015-1/29/2016 12 week 12/4/2015 12/11/2015 Only if includes D or F grades 18 week 1/29/2016 2/5/2016 To All Students Course Drop DEADLINE Date with “W” GRADE: Sept. 28, 2015 @ 3:00 PM (15 School Days) After Course Drop DEADLINE, grade becomes “W/F” st 1 Semester Final Exams: Jan. 27, 28 & 29, 2016 (Completion deadline for pre-approved late exams: Feb. 12, 2016. See page 20.) 2nd Semester SPRING 2/2/2016-6/23/2016 * exact date may differ by a few days. Grading Starts Period Ends Progress Report Mailed 6 week 3/18/2016 3/25/2016 Only if includes D or F grades 5/6/2016 5/16/2016 Only if includes D or F grades 12 week 02/02/2016 18 week 6/23/2016 7/1/2016 To All Students Course Drop DEADLINE Date with “W” GRADE: Feb. 29, 2015 @ 3:00 PM (15 School Days) After Course Drop DEADLINE, grade becomes “W/F” 2nd Semester SENIOR Final Exams: JUNE 15 & 16, 2016 2nd Semester Freshman, Sophomores & Juniors Final Exams: June 21, 22 & 23, 2016 (Completion deadline for pre-approved late exams: July 8, 2016. See page 19 and 20.) CHANGING or DROPPING A CLASS Students may drop a course without penalty during the first 15 school days of each semester. The 15 day drop deadline dates for the 2015-2016 academic year are listed below. These dates also apply to students enrolled in Honors and Advanced Placement courses. In all cases, the current grade will transfer AS IS to the new class. 1st SEMESTER DROP DEADLINE: September 28, 2015 2nd SEMESTER DROP DEADLINE: February 29, 2016 As a reminder – all Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors have to have six classes on their schedule. To initiate a request to change or drop a class, the student MUST complete a “Request for Schedule Change” Form and MUST meet with a counselor regarding any schedule change. 15 WITHDRAW/FAIL GRADE: Students transferring or dropping a class AFTER the DROP DEADLINE DATE, will receive a “WF” (Withdraw Fail) grade. Students who receive a grade of “WF” grade for the 2015/2016 school year during any progress report will be issued a “WF” on their transcript. This includes sports and extra-curricular classes. WF grades are computed as a failed grade and will impact the student’s transcript grade point average (GPA). Therefore, this decision must be made thoughtfully. REMEMBER … DURING THE 2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR A “WF” (Withdraw Fail) grade will be assigned if a course is dropped AFTER: 1st SEMESTER: September 28, 2015 2nd SEMESTER: February 29, 2016 GRADE EXCEPTIONS Incomplete (I) – Grade may be assigned to students who have excessive excused absences for illness or injury and provide medical documentation to the teacher/coach/counselor. Moreover, students will have had to participate in a Student Study Team meeting where the team has decided that it is in the students’ best interest to take an incomplete. An incomplete semester grade must be made up within six weeks of the end of the final marking period (18-week mark). If students do not complete the work by the designated time, the grade will convert to an “F”. No Mark (NM) – Grade may be assigned to a student who has been enrolled in the school/course a minimum of time and the teacher is unable to determine a grade. Withdraw Fail (WF) – Student will receive a “WF” when he/she drops a course AFTER the 15 day drop period noted above. The WF will be factored into the students GPA as an “F” grade. This includes sports, extracurricular and co-curricular courses. QUITTING OR REMOVAL FROM A SPORT OR EXTRACURRICULAR CLASS Students who quit or are removed from a sport or extracurricular class are subject to a W/F as the permanent grade in the class. In this case, the student must meet with the coach/teacher and the athletic director/administrator along with the student’s parent/guardian to discuss the situation and the resulting grade or alternative solution. In some cases, a student needs the class as the required 5th or 6th class. Should no meeting take place, the default grade will be a W/F. GRADING POLICY REGARDING INJURIES If an injury requires a student-athlete to miss a significant number of workouts and/or interscholastic contests, the student-athlete will be referred to the Athletic Director for possible enrollment in a Physical Education class in order to satisfy the graduation requirement for physical education. (Also see the Athletics Policies and Procedures section of student planner.) HOMEWORK Assignments and the time required for completion may vary; however, students may expect one (1) hour to two and a half (2½) hours per day. Homework for certain courses may exceed the minimum time requirements. Special projects, semester notebooks, and/or long-term assignments can occur over extensive periods and include weekend work. Students enrolled in rigorous honors and advanced placement courses, should expect homework to exceed the district standard. After three consecutive full-day absences due to illness, students/parents may request homework directly from teachers through their voicemail or e-mail. In addition, students can refer to the teachers’ Haiku page. 16 PARTIAL CREDIT In accordance with California Education Code §48645.5 and District guidelines, LBHS will issue partial credit on the student’s transcript to a student who withdraws from school before the end of a semester grading period based on the following guidelines: School Days Enrolled 3-9 days 10-18 days 19-27 28-36 37-45 46-54 55-63 64-72 73-79 80-90 Partial Credit 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 REPEATING COURSES (grade replacement) Students may choose to repeat a course in which they have previously earned a “D” or “F” grade and have the new grade and credit added to their transcript. Students may repeat courses through one of the following options: Retake the course during summer school or the following school year at LBHS (provided there is room and the class fits in the student’s schedule.) Retake the course online through LBHS credit recovery Retake the course at an accredited institution other than LBHS – this must include an off-site request form and have prior counselor approval on the Off-Site Course Enrollment Contract In order for a course to be placed on the LBHS transcript, an approval form must be signed by the counselor and the course must be taken through an accredited institution. Students must meet with their high school counselor prior to enrolling in any off-site courses to verify that they are accredited and that the course satisfies the high school requirements and is eligible to be added to their LBHS transcript. Students are responsible for providing official transcripts from the off-site institution to the LBHS registrar for inclusion on the LBHS transcript. Once official transcripts are received, the LBHS transcript will be adjusted as follows: If a student repeats a course in which they earned a D or F grade, then the original course will remain on the transcript but the grade will no longer be calculated into the student’s GPA and the credits for the original course will be removed. The grade and credits for the new course will be added to the transcript and included in the GPA/credit calculations. Students will not earn credit for courses that they repeat in which they earned a C- or greater in the original course. ACCELERATION AND ENRICHMENT A student who is interested in taking courses for acceleration or enrichment, outside of LBHS, should contact his/her counselor for approval prior to taking the course. The counselor will help determine if/how the course will be counted toward completion of the prescribed course of study. TRANSFER GRADES Students who transfer into LBHS and have participated in classes titled “honors” that are not offered within the LBHS curriculum will receive an honors notation on their transcript from LBHS. However, the extra point 17 will not be calculated in the GPA. Students who transfer into LBHS and have participated in AP and/or IB courses may be awarded “like weighted credit” for the extra weighted credit, subject to verification that the curriculum is not “Pre AP/IB” and follows the College Board course audit standards. GRADE POINT AVERAGES (GPA) - CUMULATIVE and CURRENT There are multiple types of GPAs that are calculated within the student information system database. GPAs are viewable in the parent/student online Aeries SIS Portal account and maybe confused with specific GPAs listed on the student’s transcripts. Current grades will affect the cumulative or total GPA. Current GPAs are printed on grade/progress reports each grading period and are used to determine sports and/or performance eligibility. Current GPAs maybe used to verify good student discounts for insurance. Below is an example of the LBHS Transcript and a description of each type of GPA. For specific questions, please contact the Registrar. LBHS Transcript Sample Form Academic GPA (9-12) Weighted: Excludes sports/PE courses; includes an additional grade point for honors/AP courses (except for Algebra II Honors for the Class of 2019 and beyond) that a student has taken and passed with a C or better in the honors/AP course. Used for class rank determination and on most college application forms Academic GPA (9-12) Non-Weighted: Excludes sports/PE courses and does not include the additional grade point for honors/AP courses that a student has taken. Academic GPA (10-12) Weighted: Excludes sports/PE courses and all courses taken when the student was in grade 9; includes an additional grade point for honors/AP courses that a student has taken and passed with a C or better in the honors/AP course. Considered the “UC GPA” Academic GPA (10-12) Non-Weighted: Excludes sports/PE courses and all courses taken when the student was in grade 9; does not include the additional grade point for honors/AP courses that a student has taken. Used for Cal Grant GPA Total GPA (9-12) Weighted: Includes ALL courses that a student has taken; includes an additional grade point for honors/AP courses (except for Algebra II Honors for the Class of 2019 and beyond) that a student has taken and passed with a C or better in the honors/AP course. Used for Principal’s honor roll each semester Used for Athletic Recognition Awards 18 Total GPA (9-12) Non-Weighted: Includes ALL courses that a student has taken; does not include the additional grade point for honors/AP courses that a student has taken. Used for the Ineligibility Report for sports/extra-curricular activities – CIF rules GRADE POINT AVERAGE DISTINCTIONS HONOR ROLL POLICY Student Honor Roll is recognized with the issuance of a certificate from the principal and/or the district superintendent along with a “Gold Card” and gift certificates to local vendors. These awards are generously provided by the LBHS Academic Booster Club/PTA. Criteria: Students must achieve a “Total Weighted GPA” of 3.5 or above for their semester grades. 3.5-3.74 = Principal’s Honor Roll 3.75 and above = Superintendent’s Honor Roll Scholar Athlete = Varsity Athlete who has a 3.75 or higher while playing a varsity sport. GRADUATION HONORS Students must meet all LBHS graduation requirements prior to the evening of graduation in order to participate in the ceremony. A serious violation of the disciplinary policies as outlined in this Student Handbook may prevent a senior from participating in the graduation ceremony. Final approval is at the discretion of administration. The following honors will be given to graduating seniors: GPA Honor 3.5 – 3.749 Gold Tassel 3.75 – 3.99 Gold Tassel 4.00 + Gold Tassel/Cord Second Highest GPA* Gold Tassel/Cord Highest GPA Gold Tassel/Cord/Medallion Commencement Program Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Salutatorian(s) Valedictorian The student with the single highest academic GPA in the class will be honored as the Valedictorian. The student(s) with the second highest GPA will be honored as the Salutatorian(s). All of the above-mentioned honors are determined by the students’ cumulative academic GPA through 12th grade first semester. *The Salutatorian(s) is/are identified by the second highest GPA to the nearest 10th of a percentage point below the Valedictorian. There can be more than one Salutatorian and they are honored equally. 19 TESTS AND TESTING POLICIES HIGH SCHOOL STANDARDIZED ACHIEVEMENT TESTING (CAASPP, CAHSEE, AP, FITNESS) California Assessment for Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) - State mandated tests given to all 11th grade students in the subjects of English language arts and mathematics. California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) – State mandated tests for ALL students, first given in Grade 10. ALL students must pass the exit exam in order to be eligible to earn a high school diploma. California State Fitness Testing - State mandated test for all 9th grade students. Advanced Placement Test (AP) – Advanced Placement tests are available in all AP academic subject areas. Passing scores may result in college credit. It is expected that students enrolled in an AP class will take the AP exams in May. Please consult for additional information. TESTING POLICY RE: FINAL EXAMS The annual school calendars, as well as the final exam schedule, are determined by the Laguna Beach Unified School District Board of Education. ILLNESS DURING FINALS If a student is ill on the day of a final exam, the student should immediately make arrangements with the teacher to make up the exam. If the final exam is not made up prior to the submittal of grades by the teacher, the student will initially be given a final exam score of zero. After the exam is made up, the teacher will submit a Grade Change Form to the Registrar to update the transcript grade. PRE-APPROVED LATE FINAL EXAMS: In the rare circumstance when final exams must be missed due to a pre-scheduled/pre-planned conflict, students may petition to the Principal to take late final exams by submitting a Late Final Exam Petition Form. The form must be submitted TWO WEEKS prior to the regularly scheduled exam. If the student is a senior, the form must be submitted TWO WEEKS prior to the start of senior finals. The Petition Form is available from the Principal’s Office and is required for all pre-approved late final exams. Only petitions submitted TWO WEEKS in advance to the Principal will be considered. Students must complete late final exams within ten (10) business days after the last date of the semester. Teachers are expected to submit an initial grade without the calculation of the final and/or at their discretion enter in a zero. When the final is made up, the teacher will submit a Grade Change form to the registrar to update the transcript grade. FAILURE TO COMPLETE the final exam(s) within the 10-DAY timeline will result in a grade calculated final exam score of zero. No early exams will be granted under any circumstance. 1st Semester Late Final Exams If the petition is approved, students should immediately make arrangements with their teachers to schedule when to take the late first semester final. All late final exams must be completed within ten (10) business days of the last day of the first semester. For the 2015-2016 school year, the last day of the 1st semester is January 29, 2016. Ten (10) business days after January 29, 2016 is February 12, 2016. 2nd Semester Late Final Exams Due to teachers’ unavailability, students should arrange to take their second semester late final exams with the Principal’s Office. Again, all late final exams must be completed within ten (10) business days of the last day of the second semester. For the 2015-2016 school-year, the last day of the 2nd semester is June 23, 2016. Ten (10) business days after June 23, 2016 is July 8, 2016. Second semester late final exams are administered by appointment only in the Administration Office between 8 am-1:00 pm. Grades and transcripts will be updated the following semester. Teachers are expected to submit an initial grade without the calculation of the final and/or at their discretion enter in a zero. When the final is made up, the teacher will submit a Grade Change Form to the Registrar to update the transcript grade. 20 VERY IMPORTANT FOR SENIORS: Transcripts for pre-approved late exams will have the initial grade posted until the final exams are completed, graded, and posted. Exams will be scored when the teachers return and the transcript will be updated when the Grade Change Form is submitted. Late second semester final exams may have a significant impact on graduating seniors and college admission status. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate special circumstances directly with their prospective colleges and universities. 21 ATTENDANCE POLICY Laguna Beach High School recognizes there is a direct correlation between regular attendance and success in high school. Excessive absences for any reason will impact student success and may result in failing grades and/or loss of credit due to deficiencies in class participation, quizzes, discussion, cooperative group projects, and lab assignments. State law requires that a child between the ages of 6 and 18 attend school. Pursuant to Education Code 48260, any student subject to compulsory full-time education or to compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without a valid excuse (per Education Code 48205) three full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and shall be reported to the District’s attendance supervisor. Habitual Truant: A pupil is deemed a habitual truant if s/he is reported as a truant three or more times per school year. However, no pupil shall be deemed a habitual truant unless an appropriate district officer or employee has made a conscientious effort to hold at least one conference with a parent or guardian of the pupil. Student Attendance Review Board (SARB): Any student deemed a habitual truant shall be referred to a school attendance review board. The purpose of the SARB is to work collaboratively with the students and their families, and explore and utilize suggested interventions that will be successful for the pupil involved. If SARB determine that its intervention services are insufficient or inappropriate to correct the truancy, or the pupil does not follow SARB’s directions, then a referral may be submitted to the district attorney or county probation office. ABSENCES EXCUSED ABSENCE Our attendance policy, in accordance with Board Policy 5007 C.E.C. 48200, 48454, 49067, and Penal Code 272, stipulates that absences can ONLY be excused for the reasons listed below. Any other absences are UNEXCUSED. Personal illness Medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic appointments Attendance at funeral service for an immediate family member Observance of a religious holiday or ceremony Court appearance Family emergency Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer or failure to present evidence of immunization School business including, when applicable, conferences, field trips, and on-campus testing Please report absences immediately, as you would an absence to the workplace. Call our attendance line 497-7750 ext. 1203 the morning of the absence. EACH consecutive day of absence must be called in to the Attendance Office. All absences must be excused within 72 hours by phone call, note signed by a parent/guardian, or e-mail to the Attendance Clerk, Debbie Arellanes at [email protected]. After 72 hours, an unexcused absence will be recorded as truancy. Students should be familiar with each teacher’s policy regarding make-up work for excused absences. It is the responsibility of the student to contact his/her teacher for missing assignments. 22 A student who becomes ill at school MUST CHECK OUT THROUGH THE HEALTH OFFICE before he/she leaves. Failure to check out properly will be considered truancy. (See p. 23) UNEXCUSED ABSENCE (VERIFIED) Any absence, for any reason other than those listed above, is considered unexcused. An excused absence that is not properly reported within 72 hours will be considered unexcused. A student’s grade will be negatively affected by unexcused absences. A student may not turn in work that was due on the day of an unexcused absence or take a test that was given that day. Eligibility to participate in school events and sports may be affected. Examples of absences listed below are considered to be verified, but unexcused absences: Vacation Oversleeping Car trouble, out of gas, missed bus, or traffic citation Drivers test Child care Out-of-town visits Wedding Personal/business reason The Attendance Clerk monitors student absences. Repetitive absences and truancies will result in a phone call to a parent/guardian. Students will not be allowed to make up work. CLEARING ABSENCES It is the parent’s/student’s responsibility to clear an absence within 72 hours or the absence will be considered truancy. Please dial the LBHS Attendance line at 949.497-7750 ext. 1203 and follow the prompts. Prompt 1 will direct you to the absence line. Please leave your child’s information on the voice recording. Messages are picked up in the morning and in the afternoon. Once you leave the requested information on the automated system, there is NO need to call back and speak with the Attendance Clerk. If the Attendance Clerk has a question, or does not receive the complete and necessary information to update attendance, she will contact you. Written notification from a doctor must be provided for absences of (4) four or more consecutive days verifying the reason for the illness and medical condition. REMINDER …YOU MUST CLEAR YOUR ABSENCES WITH THE ATTENDANCE CLERK WITHIN 72 HOURS. FAILURE TO VERIFY AN ABSENCE WITHIN 72 HOURS WILL RESULT IN TRUANCY!4 EARLY DISMISSAL In order to avoid classroom interruptions, please send your student with a note to the Attendance Office BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS indicating the time the student is to leave campus for an appointment. The Attendance Clerk will then issue an Off Campus Pass to the student, which is required for all early dismissals. If the student is unable to come to the Attendance Office before school begins, a note or phone call by a parent/guardian is required for the student to obtain an Off Campus Pass. Please call (949) 497-7750 and follow the prompts. Prompt 1 will direct you to the Attendance Clerk. Students MUST CHECK OUT WITH 4 Truancy is an absence without parent/guardian permission. A one period truancy will result in parent contact and a detention assigned. Multiple-period and/or all day truancy will result in parent contact, notification by mail, and a mandatory Saturday School. Students will not be allowed to make up work. 23 THE ATTENDANCE CLERK BEFORE LEAVING CAMPUS. Failure to obtain an Off Campus Pass PRIOR to leaving campus will result in truancy. ILLNESS DURING SCHOOL If a student becomes ill while at school, the student should request a hall pass to the Health Office from the teacher or substitute, and go directly to the Health Office. Students SHOULD NOT directly contact a parent/guardian to pick them up. Failure to check out through the Health Office will result in truancy. The Health Clerk will contact a parent/guardian to either pick-up the student or release the student to return home, and will notify the Attendance Office when a student is released due to illness. If your student misses one or more periods of school, you will receive an automated call from the Attendance Office at the end of the school day. EXTENDED ABSENCE REQUEST Students who know in advance that they will be absent for one (1) or more consecutive days may request and submit for consideration and pre-approval, a Request for Extended Absence Form, 10 days PRIOR to the scheduled absence(s). The reason for the absence will determine whether it is an excused or unexcused absence as per current policy. Students must obtain pre-approval from an administrator and each teacher in order to receive credit for work completed. If the exact assignment cannot be replicated, an “in lieu of” assignment will be assigned. College visits must be pre-approved by an administrator and a completed Extended Absence Form must be on file. College visits that are not pre-approved may be counted as an unexcused absence. FULL DAY ATTENDANCE REQUIRED FOR ATHLETIC, EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION Full day attendance is required to participate in all school-sponsored athletic extra-curricular or co-curricular activity. A student involved in any school-sponsored activity, e.g., athletics, drama, dance, marching band, cheerleading, MUN, MUST attend all scheduled classes for the ENTIRE school day in order to practice/play/perform that day or night. A doctor’s appointment is excused ONLY with written proof from the doctor’s office that an appointment was scheduled. PARENT NOTES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Administration has final authorization to approve/decline additional requests presented during the school year. TARDY POLICY If a student is not in class when the bell rings officially indicating the start of each class period, he/she MUST REPORT TO THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE and obtain a LATE PASS from the Attendance Clerk before entering the classroom. Teachers are directed to immediately send students who arrive late, to the Attendance Office, rather than interrupt instruction to adjust their attendance records. The Attendance Clerk will then assign the appropriate tardy code: “M” for a student who is tardy between 1-30 minutes to class. “T” for a student who is tardy 31+ minutes to class. If a “T” is not verified by a parent/guardian within seventy-two (72) hours, then; “X” (TRUANT) will be issued to a student who is tardy 31+ minutes to class, indicating no parent/guardian verification was received within the seventy-two (72) hour timeframe. 24 Below are the consequences for being tardy: 1-3 tardies: Teacher contacts parent/guardian via email. In-class consequences may apply. 4-5 tardies: Student is issued a detention by either teacher or attendance office. 6-8 tardies: Student referred to administration for administrator/student meeting. Student will be placed on an Attendance Contract, parent notified by administration, teacher notified by administration, Saturday School issued to student and/or community service hours assigned at administrator’s discretion. 9 or more tardies: Student referred to administration, parent contacted and meeting held with student, parent and administrator, teacher notified, and community service hours assigned by administrator. 25 GUIDANCE COUNSELORS, SUPPORT and COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS GUIDANCE COUNSELING SERVICES Laguna Beach High School offers a guidance program, which assures that all students receive competent and consistent guidance and support for career and college planning. Counselors are available to assist students with concerns of either an academic or a personal nature. The counseling staff also provides comprehensive academic planning and creates four-year plans with all freshman students. Students may request to see a counselor by scheduling an appointment or by dropping by the Counseling Department in the Administration Office during mid-morning break, lunch or afterschool. Students may wish to see their counselors when they: Need help with a tough decision Wish to discuss their educational program and course of study Need information about careers and occupational trends Need counseling about college or university entrance requirements and applications Wish to discuss a personal problem in confidence Need help with grades, study habits, or class activities Need to have test results interpreted and special aptitudes discussed Have a question about school, social events, etc. Need adjustment in their course of study Need references for job, college entrance, or scholarships Please visit the Laguna Beach High School website at under the “Counseling” tab, where you will find useful information on academic support opportunities, college information, financial aid, important events, course offerings, graduation requirements, summer school, and answers to frequently asked questions. STUDENT SUPPORT ADVISORY Advisory is a short block of time (typically 16 minutes) directly linked to achieving the school’s Mission Statement including the development of P.R.I.D.E. characteristics (see last page of this planner). Students are grouped by grade level and stay with the same teacher until they graduate. Examples of Advisory activities include college and career preparation through Naviance and other means; schoolwide awareness through Breaker Live broadcasts, Brush and Palette school newspaper, surveys, voting and feedback; schoolwide academic activities such as writing prompts, registration for classes, applied math problem, grade checks and more. Through Advisory, students will develop a deliberate sense of direction for their own education and they will develop important relationships with their teacher advisor and advisory classmates. They will have a voice and an avenue for providing input and feedback about their school, and they will develop a stronger awareness of the entire school and curriculum as a cohesive system. MATH AND WRITING LABS A Writing Lab aide is available for one-on-one or small group tutoring regarding writing assignments for any class or subject. The aide is also available to help with college essays, resumes, or specific writing submissions such as academic contests, editorials, and scholarship essays. The Writing Lab aide is located in the College and Career Center in the Library. The Math Lab aide, Ms. Robin Lux, is available to assist students in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, PreCalculus, Trigonometry, and Calc A/B. Ms. Lux’s office is located in Room 198 (above the North Gym). She can be reached at [email protected]. 26 Please contact your math teacher, your English teacher, or the Counseling Office for additional information. Flyers listing the days and times the Math Lab and Writing Lab are open are available at the front counter in the Administration Office. STUDENT DIRECTED LEARNING (SDL) Student Directed Learning (SDL) is where students have the opportunity to meet with their teachers for additional academic support. Held every Thursday of each week from 7:30 a.m. to 8:25 a.m., all teachers are available during SDL. EXTRACURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The Governing Board recognizes that extracurricular and co-curricular activities enrich the educational and social development and experiences of students. The Board believes it is important to encourage and support student participation in extracurricular and co-curricular activities without compromising the integrity and purpose of the educational program. For detailed information on the definitions, eligibility requirements, and rules and regulations for participating in extracurricular and co-curricular activities, please refer to Board Policy 5011 on the District website. COLLEGE AND CAREER GUIDANCE COLLEGE & CAREER CENTER Located in the LBHS library, the College and Career Center provides information and resources on career guidance, colleges, work permits and part-time jobs. The Center also arranges specific dates and times for college representatives to visit the high school and meet with students. In addition, the Center provides information about career and vocational education classes through the South Coast Regional Occupational Program (ROP) for high school students who reside in Laguna Beach or the Capistrano Valley School District. Any high school student of any age can enroll in the ROP classes and high school students will receive high school credit. The South Coast ROP also offers low cost courses for adults. Class schedules and locations for the current year are in the South Coast ROP catalog available in the Career Center, Administration Office, District Office, and the public library. Information is also available on the ROP website at COLLEGE ROUND UP The annual College Round Up will be held in the Fall in Dugger Gym. Over 100 colleges and universities are represented, as well as branches of the military and “specialty” schools. The evening provides an opportunity for students and parents to meet and speak with college representatives for guidance and information on the college process. COMMUNITY COLLEGE FAIR The Community College Fair will also be held in the Fall in the high school library. The specific date and time will be announced. Several local community college representatives are available to answer questions about admission guidelines, majors, course opportunities, specialized programs, and transfer policies. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS TESTING (The SAT, SAT Subject Tests and The ACT) The SAT is the benchmark standardized assessment for critical reasoning, mathematical reasoning and writing skills. Most students take the SAT during their junior or senior year of high school, and almost all colleges and universities use the SAT to make admission decisions. Students who plan to apply to a 4 year college/university can take the SAT or ACT test up through December of their senior year (there are some exceptions to this timeline so please check directly with your school of choice). Please go to for additional information and to register for the SAT Test. The ACT is the sister test to the SAT. These two tests are virtually interchangeable in the world of admissions. Students who test much better in English than they do in Math are better served by the ACT. The ACT also 27 includes a science section, whereas the SAT does not. Please go to for additional information and to register for the ACT test. SAT Subject Tests are the only national tests that measure students’ knowledge and skills in particular subject areas, and often are required by many colleges and universities. Because these tests are required for admissions, they need to be taken for courses taught in 10th and 11th grade so students will have completed this testing by the time they apply to college early in 12th grade. These tests should be taken at the end of the high school subject courses. Please go to for additional information and to register for the SAT Subject Tests. 2015-2016 SAT and SAT Subject Test Dates and Registration Deadlines Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline Online Score Release October 3, 2015 September 3, 2015 September 22, 2015 October 22, 2015 November 7, 2015 October 9, 2015 October 27, 2015 November 26, 2015 December 5, 2015 November 5, 2015 November 23, 2015 December 24, 2015 January 23, 2016 March 5, 2016 * December 28, 2015 January 12, 2016 February 11, 2016 February 5, 2016 February 23, 2016 March 24, 2016 May 7, 2016 * April 8, 2016 April 26, 2016 May 26, 2016 June 4, 2016 * May 5, 2016 May 25, 2016 June 23, 2016 (no SAT subject tests offered) * = New SAT Test Dates *REDESIGNED S.A.T. LAUNCHES IN MARCH 2016 Students take the current SAT up until January 2016. Starting in March 2016, students will take the redesigned SAT, and the current SAT will no longer be offered. Most colleges and universities plan to accept both the current and redesigned SAT scores for a few years, according to the College Board SAT website. 2015-2016 ACT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines Test Date September 12, 2015 October 24, 2015 December 12, 2015 February 6, 2016 April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 Registration Deadline August 7, 2015 September 18, 2015 November 6, 2015 January 8, 2016 March 4, 2016 May 6, 2016 Late Registration Deadline August 8–21, 2015 September 19–October 2, 2015 November 7–20, 2015 January 9–15, 2016 March 5–18, 2016 May 7–20, 2016 TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS Transcripts may be requested electronically through Follow the instructions to order your transcripts through Parchment. Transcripts requested online are sent securely to the colleges, NCAA, scholarship funds, and many other organizations. You will need the following information in order to set up a Parchment account to order your transcripts: Full name at graduation Year of graduation E-mail address and password Telephone number and address Addresses of the destinations of your transcripts For further information, contact Ms. Ellen Oxales, LBHS Registrar, at 949-497-7750 ext. 1210 or via email at [email protected]. 28 INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS ATHLETIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES LBHS Athletics is dedicated to developing student athletes to compete in interscholastic competition, demonstrating the values of sportsmanship, teamwork and responsible behavior. Interscholastic Athletics helps promote unity, loyalty, and a sense of belonging to a team that has a purpose and commitment. At LBHS, students of diverse backgrounds and abilities have an opportunity for varied sports experiences commensurate with their interests. The health and welfare of our student athletes are of primary concern. Healthy habits, teamwork, good citizenship, and academic achievement are expectations of all of our student athletes. CODE OF CONDUCT & ETHICS FOR PARTICIPATION IN ATHLETIC, EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES As a student/athlete and/or student participating in an extracurricular program, I understand that it is my responsibility to: 1. Make academic achievement my highest priority. 2. Show respect for teammates, classmates, officials, coaches and advisors. 3. Respect the integrity and judgment of officials and supervisors. 4. Exhibit fair play, sportsmanship and proper conduct on and off the playing field and/or before, during and after extracurricular events. 5. Maintain a high level of safety awareness. 6. Refrain from using profanity, vulgarity, and offensive language and gestures. 7. Adhere to the established rules and standards of the game to be played or event in which I will participate. 8. Respect equipment while using it safely and appropriately. 9. Refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, illegal and non-prescriptive drugs; refrain from using androgenic/anabolic steroids or any substance that increases physical development or performance that is not approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, Surgeon General of the United States or the American Medical Association, or any substance that is a look alike substance. 10. Know and follow State, section and school athletic and extracurricular rules and regulations that relate to eligibility and participation. 11. Win and participate with character; lose with dignity. 12. Understand the highest potential of sports and extracurricular activities is achieved when all participants are committed to pursuing victory with honor which reflects the “Six Pillars of Character” Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Guidelines and procedures for readmission to a District program can be found under the LBUSD Board Policy 5037. The district website is and all policies are found under Board Policies. COLLEGE BOUND ATHLETES Some students may choose or be selected to participate in athletics at the collegiate level. While courses may satisfy LBHS graduation requirements, the courses do not necessarily satisfy eligibility criteria for universities, colleges, or athletic associations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and/or National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). NCAA or NAIA Eligibility Requirements To make sure NCAA or NAIA eligibility requirements are met, it is crucial that the student plan their core curriculum of classes with their high school counselor. The NCAA and NAIA specifically determine a high 29 school student’s athletic eligibility at the college level. Academic requirements for collegiate athletics are not the same as the requirements for graduation. College bound athletes should register with the NCAA and/or NAIA Clearinghouse after the 1st semester of their junior year. Transcripts should be requested through following the 2nd semester of their junior year. Detailed information is available at on the NCAA eligibility requirements, and at for NAIA eligibility. For questions, please contact the Athletic Office or the Counseling Office. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the athletic clearinghouses have the documents needed to certify athletic eligibility. Register with the NCAA and NAIA Clearinghouses DURING THE 1ST SEMESTER OF YOUR JUNIOR YEAR at: NCAA - NAIA - Request that an official transcript be sent from LBHS to the NCAA and NAIA Clearinghouses. Send your ACT and SAT test scores to the NCAA and NAIA Clearinghouses. A transcript will not suffice; you must send separate official test scores. GRADING POLICY FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES A grade in athletics is based on attendance, conduct, participation, practice and interscholastic contests. A student-athlete is expected to be in attendance everyday and fully complete their sport’s workout for that day. He/she is also expected to participate in every practice, attend every scheduled contest, and exhibit proper sportsmanship and conduct, both on and off the playing field. A doctor’s note excusing a student-athlete from completing a daily workout must be on file with the trainer/coach for any injury that causes a student-athlete to miss more than two consecutive days of workouts. Although the athlete may not be able to practice/participate, the athlete is expected to attend practice in support of their teammates. FULL CLASS ATTENDANCE REQUIRED to PARTICIPATE in ATHLETIC, EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Full day attendance is required to participate in a school-sponsored athletic extracurricular or co-curricular activity. A student involved in any school-sponsored extracurricular/co-curricular activity, e.g., sports, drama, dance, marching band, cheerleading, MUN, MUST attend all scheduled classes for the ENTIRE school day in order to practice/play/perform that day or night. A doctor’s appointment is an excused absence ONLY with written proof from the doctor’s office that an appointment was scheduled. PARENT NOTES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Administration has final authorization to approve/decline additional requests presented during the school year. GRADING POLICY REGARDING INJURIES If an injury requires a student-athlete to miss a significant number of workouts and/or interscholastic contests, the student-athlete will be referred to the Athletic Director for possible enrollment in a Physical Education class in order to satisfy the graduation requirement for physical education. (This policy is also articulated in the Grading Policies of the Student Planner). 30 LOCKERS AND LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY All physical education students and student-athletes will be issued a combination lock for their locker in their respective locker room. It is the student’s responsibility to lock all personal belongings in their assigned locker. FAILURE TO SECURE AND LOCK PERSONAL ITEMS WILL result in loss/theft. In this case, the school is not responsible for the lost or stolen item(s). Students may want to check the Lost and Found for any missing items, located in the Activities Office. TEAM SEASONS, SCHEDULES AND EVENTS FOR ATHLETIC TEAMS Information regarding athletic events/schedules is available by calling the Athletic Office at 497-7750 ext. 1221. For detailed athletic schedules, please log on to: LBHS ATHLETIC TEAMS AND SEASONS FALL WINTER SPRING (August – November) (November – February) (February – May) Cross Country (B) Basketball (B) Baseball (B) Cross Country (G) Basketball (G) Football – Post Season Football Soccer (B) Golf (B) Golf (G) Soccer (G) Softball (G) Surf (Co-Ed) Water Polo (G) Swimming (B) Tennis (G) Swimming (G) Sand Volleyball (B) Surf – Post Season Volleyball (G) Tennis (B) Water Polo (B) Track (B) Track (G) Sand Volleyball (G) Volleyball (B) 31 STUDENT ACTIVITIES STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE The Student Activities Office, located next to the library in the student quad, provides information regarding student and school events, school dances, and driver’s education classes. More information is available on the “Activities” tab in the Laguna Beach High School webpage, within the main district website at Additionally, students may purchase school supplies, t-shirts, and sweatshirts in the Activities Office. STUDENT ID CARDS Every student is required to have a student identification (ID) card with photo issued during Breaker Day. The student ID card serves as the student’s library card, which is mandatory for book check out. If a new student enrolls after Breaker Day, the student should go to the Student Activities Office to obtain a student identification card. The initial student ID card is free. Replacement cards can, be obtained for a fee: 1st replacement ID. . . . $5.00 2nd replacement ID. . . . $10.00 3rd replacement ID. . . . $20.00 ASB DISCOUNTS Students may receive discounts and privileges with the purchase of an ASB discount stamp on their student ID card available on Breaker Day, or during the school year in the Activities Office. The cost is $45. The ASB stamp provides certain privileges throughout the year, such as attending home athletic contests at no cost (CIF contests excluded), and receiving discounts on all dance tickets. DANCES & EVENTS School dances are a privilege, not a right. In order to purchase a ticket to a high school dance, a student must be in good standing which includes academics, behavior, and attendance. In addition, all demerits assigned to a student must be cleared in order for the student to purchase a dance ticket. Tickets to LBHS dances, events and other extracurricular activities are purchased in the Activities Office. Students are discouraged from bringing any valuables that will not remain on their person throughout the duration of the dance. These items are often stowed in a corner and later reported lost, stolen or vandalized. LBHS and LBUSD are in no way responsible for lost and/or stolen items. Students are expected to be picked up from the dance no later than 15 minutes after the dance is over. To honor the time of the LBHS staff, we ask parents to plan accordingly. Once a student has left a dance, they may not re-enter. Guest Pass To LBHS Events All students wishing to attend a high school dance or event, and bring a non-Laguna Beach High School guest (only one guest per student), must fill out and submit an official Laguna Beach High School Guest Pass Form for each specific event or dance. Passes will be made available in the Student Activities Office. Guest passes are reviewed by site administration and may be denied. Guest Pass To Another High School’s Events LBHS students wishing to attend dances at other high schools must submit their permission forms to site administration no less than one week prior to the event. LBHS students must have a 2.0 GPA with no failing grades for the most recent grading period, no suspensions during the semester in question, and satisfactory attendance before permission can be granted. 32 BOARD POLICIES and DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES NOTE: The following policies describe some of the Laguna Beach Unified School District Board Policies. A complete list of school board policies can be found at under the School Board tab, itemized as “Board Policies” on the School Board drop-down menu. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND ETHICS POLICY (Refer to Board Policy 5038) Honesty and integrity are highly valued as part of both our PRIDE matrix and our expectations of all students at Laguna Beach High School. Rules and policies are designed to teach and reinforce those values during the course of a student’s high school experience. Each student is expected to do his or her own work. This includes homework, test taking, class assignments and the original creation of essays, compositions, term papers, scientific projects and scientific research. Sharing work with another student during tests, in-class essays or assignments, or on homework is considered to be in violation of our Academic Integrity and Ethics Policy. All ethics violations are reported to the Faculty Committee of the Laguna Beach Scholarship Foundation Committee, and may appear in documents viewed by colleges and universities. EXAMPLES OF VIOLATIONS INCLUDE (but are not limited to): A student looks on another student’s paper or talks during an examination A student helps another student cheat on an examination, assignment or project by allowing them to view or copy their examination, assignment or project A student uses unauthorized materials during an examination or on a paper/project A student furnishes either the contents of an examination, or an actual exam from an earlier class period to students taking the exam later A student copies another student’s homework A student turns in another person’s work as his/her own A student conspires to cheat or help other students cheat on an examination, assignment or project A student uses another student’s computer or removable storage device A student cheats on an examination by preconceived acts, such as stealing an examination A student makes changes on graded work, a grade sheet or any school record 1st Offense: Student referred to assistant principal by teacher and teacher contacts parent(s) Conference with parent, student, teacher, counselor, and administrator to review incident and sign an Academic Integrity and Ethics Contract Student receives an automatic “0” on the assignment, project, or test Student will complete an Academic Integrity and Ethics assignment as assigned by the assistant principal. The assignment will be due one week from the student’s conference Student aides will be dropped from the class with a grade of “WF” 2nd Offense: Student referred to assistant principal by teacher and teacher contacts parent(s) Conference with parent, student, teacher, counselor, and administrator to review incident and sign an additional Academic Integrity and Ethics Contract Student receives an automatic “0” on the assignment, project, or test 33 If the offense occurs in the same class, student will be dropped from the class with an “F” grade and “U” citizenship mark for the semester and be re-assigned. Student removed from all elected or appointed leadership positions for the remainder of the school year. Will be reported to requesting college or university. 3rd Offense in Any Class: Student referred to assistant principal by teacher and teacher contacts parent(s) Conference with parent, student, teacher, counselor, and administrator to review incident and drop student from class where offense occurred with an “F” grade and “U” citizenship mark. Student will then be re-assigned. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS PROHIBITION PROHIBITIONS AGAINST ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Board Policy 5037 and 5014, C.E.C. 48900, 48915 (VII B) A. General District policies regarding prohibitions against alcohol and drug abuse are intended to convey a no-use philosophy; address the risk factors to students of such abuse identified through research and promote a student-school-community partnership and non-punitive alternative for self-referral, staff training, parent education, the proper involvement of law enforcement personnel, student assistance programs, and a healthy exchange of information between students, parents, school personnel and other supporting agencies while protecting confidentiality at all times. The District Governing Board believes that prevention and early intervention efforts are critical factors in the District’s efforts to help students to avoid disruptive effects of suspension and expulsion for drug and alcohol related offenses and drug/alcohol abuse. The District also recognizes its obligations to students with alcohol or drug related disabilities. The District is committed to making reasonable efforts at early intervention in cases in which a student has violated this policy or the same provisions contained in Board Policy 5014 (Student Discipline: Suspension and Expulsion). However, in cases in which expulsion is required by law for certain drug/alcohol offenses, or in cases in which there has been a second drug/alcohol offense, early intervention efforts are not feasible. B. Policy Prohibitions and Disciplinary Action Board Policy 5037 and 5014 1. While it is the District's policy not to discriminate against a student who has an alcohol or drug related disability, and who seeks to participate in treatment, or who actually participates in such treatment, the District strictly prohibits and will take disciplinary action against any student for the following offenses: a. Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, any controlled substance (listed in Health And Safety Code sections 11053 et seq.), an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind. b. Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance (listed in Health and Safety Code section 11053 et seq.), an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant. 34 c. Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code. d. Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or sold the prescription drug SOMA. 2. Students who violate the prohibitions in this policy may be referred to law enforcement based upon the fact that some infractions violate local or state law. Any action taken by law enforcement will be in addition to the actions taken by the District. 3. A student may be suspended or expelled for any act identified in sub paragraph B.1 (a) – (d) of this policy document related to school activity or attendance which occurs at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following: a. b. c. d. While on school grounds While going to or coming from school During the lunch period whether on or off the campus During or while going or coming from, a school sponsored activity 4. In accordance with Education Code section 48915(c), the Principal, the Superintendent or their designees shall immediately suspend and shall recommend expulsion of any student who unlawfully sold any controlled substance (listed in Health And Safety Code section 11053 et seq.) at school or at a school activity off school grounds as defined in sub paragraph B.1 (a)- (d). 5. In accordance with Education Code section 48915(a), the Principal or the Superintendent shall recommend the expulsion of any student who unlawfully possesses any controlled substance (listed in Health and Safety Code Section 11053, et seq.) at school or at a school activity off school grounds as defined in sub paragraph B.3. (a)-(d) immediately above, unless the Principal or Superintendent finds that expulsion is inappropriate due to the particular circumstance. The Principal or Superintendent shall recommend expulsion in such cases if: (1) other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct; and/or (2) due to the nature of the act, the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others. C. First Offense for Violation of this Policy by Students Enrolled in Grades Six through Twelve when Expulsion is Not Recommended and is Not Required by Law 1. For a first offense in violation of subparagraph B.1 (a) – (d), a student may be suspended for a period of five (5) school days either out-of-school or in-house as determined by the site administrator or designee. Additionally, student suspended for a first offense violation shall be assigned 20 hours of Community Service over and above hours required for graduation. 2. The student and his/her parents or guardians will be invited to a meeting with the site Principal or designee to discuss this policy and Board Policy 5014, and the consequences of the student’s actions. The student and his/ her parents/guardians will be referred to community services and encouraged to seek counseling services that address student and family needs. The Principal or designee also shall explain the function of the Readmission Committee and its procedures as set forth in sub paragraph D of this policy document. 3. Prior to suspension, a conference between the student and whenever practicable, the school employee who referred the student, shall be conducted by the Principal or principal’s designee unless there is a clear and present danger to the lives, safety or health of students or school personnel. 35 4. During the period of suspension, all teachers will be expected to provide makeup coursework upon the student’s return to school. As practicable, independent study and/or reading assignments may be provided during the period of suspension. 5. During the period of suspension from school, the student shall not participate in any extra-curricular or co-curricular activity. Further, students shall be ineligible to participate in extra-curricular or cocurricular activities for 20 school days upon returning to school from school suspension for violation of this policy. 6. Students participating in extra-curricular activities where academic credit is given shall be provided an alternative graded activity to earn such credit if suspended from the activity for a violation of this policy under number 4 above. D. Readmission Committee In order to increase the potential that early intervention efforts will be successful, the Superintendent shall establish a Readmission Committee (Committee). The Committee shall be composed of District certificated administrators who will meet with the parent/guardian and student to discuss a transition plan back into the school program as well as conditions placed upon the student for readmission privileges. For students suspended for a first offense which does not carry with it an expulsion recommendation, under this policy, the Committee has the authority to reduce a suspension of four (4) or five (5) days to three (3) days if the student and parent/guardian are willing to enter into a written agreement. In such agreement, the student shall acknowledge the commission of the misconduct and the seriousness of the misconduct, promise not to engage in prohibited drug/alcohol misconduct or any other misconduct in the future, to participate in specified activities designed to help prevent a second offense, and other reasonable terms and conditions recommended by the Committee. In no case does the Committee have the authority to extend the suspension beyond five (5) days, or to recommend expulsion or hear appeals. Meeting with the Committee is voluntary, and a parent/guardian may choose not to meet with the Committee. E. Second Offense for Violation of this Policy by Students Enrolled in Grades Six through Twelve When Expulsion is Recommended or Required by Law Where expulsion is recommended or required by law, a student shall be suspended from school for up to five (5) days in accordance with law. (See also Board Policy 5014 – Student Discipline: Suspension and Expulsion.) F. Additional Consequences for a Violation During Any Field Trip or Participation in Extra or Co-Curricular Activity While participating in any field trip or extra or co-curricular activity, a student who violates any prohibition in this policy will be sent home as soon as possible at the expense of the parents or legal guardians. G. Notification of Policy Students, parents and legal guardians at least annually shall be notified of this policy. The Superintendent shall establish additional means to assure that students and parents/guardians also are notified of the long term serious adverse effects on a student’s future for violating this policy. Legal Reference: Education Code sections 48900, 48915 in Board Policy 5014 (Student Discipline: Suspension and Expulsion) Date Policy Adopted by the Board: September 28, 1999 Dates Policy Revised by the Board: October 23, 2001; June 9, 2009 36 BULLYING POLICY LBUSD Board Policy No. 5131.2 The Governing Board recognizes the harmful effects of bullying on student learning and school attendance and desires to provide safe school environments that protect students from physical and emotional harm. District employees shall establish student safety as a high priority and shall not tolerate bullying of any student. No student or group of students shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyber bully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any other student or school personnel. Cyberbullying includes the transmission of harassing communications, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social media, or other technologies using a telephone, computer, or any wireless communication device. Cyberbullying also includes breaking into another person's electronic account and assuming that person's identity in order to damage that person's reputation. Bullying Prevention To the extent possible, district and school strategies shall focus on prevention of bullying by establishing clear rules for student conduct and strategies to establish a positive, collaborative school climate. Students shall be informed, through student handbooks and other appropriate means, of district and school rules related to bullying, mechanisms available for reporting incidents or threats, and the consequences for perpetrators of bullying. The district may provide students with instruction, in the classroom or other educational settings, that promotes effective communication and conflict resolution skills, social skills, character/values education, respect for cultural and individual differences, self-esteem development, assertiveness skills, and appropriate online behavior. School staff shall receive related professional development, including information about early warning signs of harassing/intimidating behaviors and effective prevention and intervention strategies. Based on an assessment of bullying incidents at school, the Superintendent or designee may increase supervision and security in areas where bullying most often occurs, such as classrooms, playgrounds, hallways, restrooms, and cafeterias. Intervention Students are encouraged to notify school staff when they are being bullied or suspect that another student is being victimized. In addition, the Superintendent or designee shall develop means for students to report threats or incidents confidentially and anonymously. School staff who witness bullying shall immediately intervene to stop the incident when it is safe to do so. (Education Code 234.1) 37 When appropriate, the Superintendent or designee shall notify the parents/guardians of victims and perpetrators. He/she also may involve school counselors, mental health counselors, and/or law enforcement. Complaints and Investigation Students may submit to a teacher or administrator a verbal or written complaint of conduct they consider to be bullying. Complaints of bullying shall be investigated and resolved in accordance with the district's uniform complaint procedures specified in AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. When a student is reported to be engaging in bullying off campus, the Superintendent or designee shall investigate and document the activity and shall identify specific facts or circumstances that explain the impact or potential impact on school activity, school attendance, or the targeted student's educational performance. When the circumstances involve cyberbullying, individuals with information about the activity shall be encouraged to save and print any electronic or digital messages that they feel constitute cyberbullying and to notify a teacher, the principal, or other employee so that the matter may be investigated. When a student uses a social networking site or service to bully or harass another student, the Superintendent or designee shall file a request with the networking site or service to suspend the privileges of the student and to have the material removed. Discipline Any student who engages in bullying on school premises, or off campus in a manner that causes or is likely to cause a substantial disruption of a school activity or school attendance, shall be subject to discipline, which may include suspension or expulsion, in accordance with district policies and regulations. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 200-262.4 Prohibition of discrimination 32282 Comprehensive safety plan 35181 Governing board policy on responsibilities of students 35291-35291.5 Rules 48900-48925 Suspension or expulsion 48985 Translation of notices Date Policy Adopted by the Board: August 27, 2013 (Replaced BP 5044) 38 CELL PHONE/DEVICE USE POLICY Board Policy 5039, C.E.C. 48901.5 Cell phones, iPods, iPads, laptops, cameras, MP3’s and other audio/visual devices may not be used during instructional time or in a classroom unless approval has been given by the teacher to do so for instructional purpose(s). Consequences for improper use of an electronic device are as follows: 1st Offense Parent notified At the end of the school day, student can pick-up the device from Assistant Principal Student will be issued a Saturday School 2nd Offense Parent will be notified and asked to pick-up the device from the Assistant Principal Student will be issued a Saturday School Student will not be permitted to have the device on campus for one week 3rd Offense Student may be suspended for defiance per CA Ed Code Section 1. §48900. (k)(1)and (2) and CA Ed Code Section 2. §48910. (a) (c) and (d) Student will not be permitted to have the device on campus for one month CLOSED CAMPUS POLICY Board Policy 5040, C.E.C. 44805.5 and 44808 Laguna Beach High School is a closed campus. All students are required to stay on campus for the entire school day. Freshman and sophomore students are NOT permitted to leave campus during their lunch period or during an open class period. OFF CAMPUS POLICY DURING LUNCH Freshman and Sophomore students may NOT leave campus during lunch. Junior and Senior students may leave campus during lunch with a written, signed permission form on file in the Administration office. Students whose parent/guardian have not signed and returned the “Written Permission to Leave Campus during the Lunch Period” form, ARE NOT permitted to leave campus during lunch. During mid-morning break, 11th and 12th grade students MAY GO ONLY TO THEIR CARS TO DROP OFF OR PICK UP school materials and RETURN IMMEDIATELY to campus. OFF CAMPUS POLICY DURING AN OPEN CLASS PERIOD Freshman and Sophomore students may NOT leave campus during an open period Junior and Senior students may leave campus during an open class period with a written, signed permission form on file in the Administration office. Students whose parent/guardian have not signed and returned the Written Permission to Leave Campus During an Open Class Period Form, ARE NOT permitted to leave campus during the open class period. CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATING THE OFF CAMPUS POLICY First (1st) Offense Student will be issued a Saturday School Parent notified 39 Additional Offenses: Student may lose privileges during 11th or 12th grade year. Student/parent/administrator conference will be held. Student may be suspended for defiance as per CA Ed Code §1. Sec. 48900 (k) and CA Ed Code §2. Sec.48910 (d). The Laguna Beach Unified School District does not provide off-campus supervision or security for students except for school-sponsored and off-campus school events. There is no off-campus supervision or security provided by the District for students who leave school during the school day. If such permission is given, neither the school district nor any officer or employee thereof shall be liable for the conduct or safety of any pupil during such time as the pupil has left the school grounds. CA Education Code § 44805.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Code, no school district, city, or County Board of Education, County Superintendent of Schools, or any officer or employee of such district or Board shall be responsible or in any way liable for the conduct or safety of any pupil of the public schools at any time when such pupil is not on school property, unless such district, board, or person has undertaken to provide transportation for such pupil to and from the school premises, has undertaken a school-sponsored activity off the premises of such school, has otherwise specifically assumed such responsibility or liability, or has failed to exercise reasonable care under the circumstances. DETENTION POLICY AND PROCEDURE Demerits are assigned to a student for any infraction/violation of school rules and/or policies. Each demerit assigned is the equivalent of (1) hour of detention. Students can receive either (1) demerit for a minor infraction or (3) demerits for a major infraction as determined by administration. A detention (1-demerit=1 hour) is assigned when a “minor infraction” occurs. A Saturday School (3 demerits=3 hours) is assigned when a “major infraction” occurs. Administration determines whether an infraction is either “minor” or “major” in accordance with school discipline policies. Demerits can be served Monday through Thursday in the Activities Office from 2:40 pm – 3:40 pm, Fridays in Room 20 from 7:30 am – 8:25 am, and/or during designated Saturday School mornings in Room 20 from 7:30 am – 10:30 am. In addition, other opportunities for serving demerits are presented throughout the year such as at pre-arranged high school “Games of the Week” or at evening educational presentations. A calendar of all scheduled Friday Detentions and Saturday Schools is available on the LBHS website as well as in the Administration Office. Serious violations of the California Education Code as described on page 46 of this Planner may result in suspension, expulsion, and/or involvement of law enforcement. DRESS CODE POLICY Board Policy 5023, C.E.C. 35183 and 351183.5 LBHS recognizes its’ obligation to provide an educational atmosphere, which will prepare students for a successful, productive and responsible adult life. While on campus, or at any school sponsored event, students and guests shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that reflects good taste and decency and will not detract from or interfere with the morale or image of the school. All dress must be modest, neat, clean and consistent with legal provisions. Shoes must be worn at all times. Gang-related attire will be defined annually by the Laguna Beach Police Department, and if worn on the LBHS campus, maybe determined to be threatening to the health and safety of the school environment. 40 The following are not allowed on campus or at any school sponsored event. 1. Dress, grooming or accessories (including tattoos) that: a) Are considered by school personnel to be unsafe, dangerous or hazardous to health. b) Contain words, symbols, slogans, or designs that offend, make fun of, or degrade any culture, gender, religious, ethnicity or ethnic value. c) Contain language or symbols oriented toward sex, drugs, violence, alcohol or tobacco. d) Represent gang, tagger crew or cliques and that denote affiliation with those groups, i.e., White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi, Crips, Bloods, or other gangs as defined by local law enforcement. e) Impede the instructional program by distracting other students or staff, i.e., Mohawk, colored hair, etc. f) Expose any portion of an undergarment. (Pants, skirts, shorts or tops) 2. The following items or clothing are unacceptable at LBHS: a) One shoulder tops or tube/halter tops, see through tops or shirts which allow anyone to see bras or bathing suits underneath that top or shirt. b) Clothes exposing any amount of cleavage or any portion of the mid-section of the body. Shirts must be long enough to cover the midriff and high enough to cover cleavage (armpit across to armpit.) c) Shorts, skirts or pants that expose any portion of the buttocks or that are excessively tight or excessively baggy. Boys’ pants should be worn at the hips. d) Undergarments for either males or females that are exposed. e) Skirts must come down the leg at least 2/3 of the way between the hipbone and the knee bone. f) See through clothing of any kind. g) Pajamas or other sleepwear. Slippers may not be worn as shoes on the campus. Parents and students are responsible for maintaining proper attire and appearance, and all school personnel are responsible for the enforcement of the dress code during the school day or at school-sponsored events. All dress must be modest, neat, clean, and consistent with legal provisions. Shoes must be worn at all times. Violations of this dress code will be dealt with accordingly and consistently with California Education Code §48900 through §48935. Specifically, continual or habitual violation of the dress code will be considered a violation of California Education Code §48900(k), which provides for the suspension or expulsion of pupils if they have “disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.” CONSEQUENCES for a DRESS CODE VIOLATION: First Offense: Verbal warning and asked to change out of the unacceptable clothing. Second Offense: Parent notified, student assigned a detention, and student will be asked to change out of the unacceptable clothing. Third Offense: Parent notified and requested to bring a change of clothing for their student before student is allowed to return to class. Student will be assigned a Saturday School. Parent/student/administrator conference held. Behavior contract to be implemented. 41 Fourth/Subsequent Parent notified and advised of additional disciplinary action for repeated offense. FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS Board Policy 5043 LBUSD welcomes the enrollment of foreign exchange students for many reasons, including the cultural advantages for both local and foreign exchange students. However, it is the policy of the District that foreign exchange students meet certain requirements prior to being admitted to a District program and as a condition of continued enrollment. NON-DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT Board Policy No. 5145.3 The Governing Board desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities in the district’s academic and other educational support programs, services, and activities. The Board prohibits, at any district school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on the student’s actual race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; the perception of one or more of such characteristics, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Prohibited discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying includes physical, verbal, nonverbal, or written conduct based on one of the categories listed above that is so severe or pervasive that it affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity; creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment; has the effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance; or otherwise adversely affects a student’s educational opportunities. The Board also prohibits any form or retaliation against any student who files a complaint or report regarding an incident of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. The Superintendent or designee shall provide age-appropriate training and information to students, parents/guardians, and employees regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, including, but not limited to, the district’s non-discrimination policy, what constitutes prohibited behavior, how to report incidents, and to whom such reports should be made. In providing instruction, guidance, supervision, or other services to district students, employees and volunteers shall carefully guard against segregating or stereotyping students. The principal or designee shall develop a plan to provide students with appropriate accommodations when necessary for their protection from threatened or potentially harassing or discriminatory behavior. Students who engage in discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or retaliation in violation of law, Board policy, or administrative regulation shall be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including counseling, suspension, and/or expulsion. Any employee who permits or engages in prohibited discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or retaliation shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES The following position is designated Coordinator for Nondiscrimination to handle complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and to answer inquiries regarding the district’s nondiscrimination policies: Director, Human Resources and Public Communications 42 550 Blumont Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 949-497-7700 ext. 5211 Any student who feels that he/she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying should immediately contact the Coordinator, the principal, or any other staff member. In addition, any student who observes any such incident should report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint. Any school employee who observes an incident of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying or to whom such an incident is reported shall report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint. In addition, the employee shall immediately intervene when safe to do so. Upon receiving a complaint of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, the Coordinator shall immediately investigate the complaint in accordance with the district’s uniform complaint procedures specified in AR 1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Procedures. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the student handbook clearly describes the district’s nondiscrimination policy, procedures for filing a complaint regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and the resources that are available to students who feel that they have been the victim of any such behavior. The district’s policy shall also be posted on the district website or any other location that is easily accessible to students. When required pursuant to Education Code 48985, complaint forms shall be translated into the student’s primary language. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 200-262.4 Prohibition of discrimination 48900.3 Suspension or expulsion for act of hate violence 48900.4 Suspension or expulsion for threats or harassment 48904 Liability of parent/guardian for willful student misconduct 48907 Student exercise of free expression 48950 Freedom of Speech 48985 Translation of notices 49020-49023 Athletic programs 51500 Prohibited instruction or activity 51501 Prohibited means of instruction 60044 Prohibited instructional materials CIVIL CODE 1714.1 Liability of parents/guardians for willful misconduct of minor PENAL CODE 422.55 Definition of hate crime 422.6 Crimes, harassment Date Policy Adopted by the Board: August 27, 2013 (Replaced BP 5001) 43 SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS Board Policy 5002, C.E.C. 210-231.5, 48980 A. Introduction The District recognizes that harassment on the basis of sex is unlawful. Employees and students will not engage in conduct constituting sexual harassment. This Board Policy prohibits any act of sexual harassment as defined by this Board Policy. The District will not condone or tolerate sexual harassment. The District will take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee or student found to have engaged in sexual harassment. B. Definitions of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It includes but is not limited to circumstances in which: 1. Submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of a student's academic status or progress. 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for any academic decision affecting such student. 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a student's academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. C. Forms of Sexual Harassment Forms of sexual harassment include but are not limited to the following: 4. Oral harassment such as derogatory comments, jokes, or slurs; 5. Physical harassment such as unnecessary, unwelcome or offensive touching, or impeding or blocking movement; 6. Visual harassment such as derogatory or offensive posters, cards, cartoons, graffiti, drawings, clothing or gestures; and 7. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests, or demands for sexual favors, and other oral or physical conduct of a sexual nature. D. Complaint Procedure For All Illegal Harassment Any student wishing to make a complaint of sexual harassment should immediately report it to the Principal or designee. However, there is absolutely no requirement that a student must make a complaint to the alleged harasser. If the Principal or designee is the alleged harasser, the student should make the complaint to the Superintendent. A student making a complaint of sexual harassment shall not suffer any reprisal for doing so. The Superintendent or designee will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of sexual harassment. The Superintendent or designee also will take immediate and appropriate action to resolve such complaints. All incidents of sexual harassment will be remedied. A report of the results of the investigation will be made to the complainant, the alleged harasser, and the supervisor of the alleged harasser. Upon receipt of a complaint alleging sexual harassment, the Superintendent or designee conducting the investigation shall do the following: 1. Provide the complainant with a copy of his or her rights under this Board Policy; 2. Authorize the investigation of the complaint and supervise and/or conduct the investigation of the complaint. The investigation, at a minimum, shall include interviews with the complainant, the alleged harasser, and all other persons who reasonably may have relevant knowledge about the complaint, including possible witnesses or victims of prior similar conduct; 44 3. Take reasonable steps to protect the complainant from any retaliation for filing the complaint; 4. Review factual information gathered to determine whether the alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment; 5. Report the results of the investigation to the complainant, the alleged harasser, and the supervisor of the alleged harasser; 6. If harassment occurred, take and/or recommend prompt and effective remedial action against the harasser; 7. Take reasonable steps to protect the complainant and other potential victims from further harassment if such harassment is determined; 8. Take reasonable steps to alleviate the effects of the harassment. E. Dissemination of Policy Any student or employee wishing to make a complaint of sexual harassment shall immediately file a written complaint, except that no student or employee is required to file any complaint with the alleged harasser. All employees and students shall be notified of this Board Policy on a regular basis, and consistent with EC sections 231.5 and 48980. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 210-231.5, 48980 Date Policy Adopted By The Board: November 28, 2000. STUDENT USE OF PERSONALLY-OWNED DEVICES (Refer to Board Policy No. 6163.45) In an effort to support LBUSD and LBHS in its’ mission to provide 21st century learning in our school, students may bring their Personally-Owned Electronic Device (POD) to school for use in designated Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) classrooms. This device will be used to enhance instruction with regard to student communication, collaboration, creativity, and productivity. If a learning device is brought to school from home, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the device is in their possession at all times. Neither LBUSD nor LBHS shall be held liable for the loss, damage, misuse, or theft of any POD brought to school. The POD will be used for classroom activities, career development, communication with experts, homework, and self-discovery activities. Students are expected to act responsibly and thoughtfully when using their POD. Students bear the burden of responsibility to inquire with their BYOD teacher and/or school administrator when they are unsure of the permissibility of a POD activity while at school prior to engaging its use. PODs used in school are not permitted to connect to the Internet through a 3G, 4G, or other content service provider. PODs must access the internet via the District's content-filtered wireless network. The District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, and review a POD or file when administration has a reasonable suspicion that a violation has occurred. All students should review both the Student Technology Use Policy (Board Policy 5009) and Student Use of Personally-Owned Devices Policy (Board Policy 6163.45), before utilizing any school and/or personallyowned device. Any student, who is unable to secure his/her POD for use in a designated BYOD classroom, will have access to a device provided by the District. The District reserves the right to restrict student use of district-owned technologies and personally-owned electronic devices on school property or at school-sponsored events. 45 POD Usage Expectations: ● ● ● ● ● ● The student should bring his/her POD to school every day, fully charged. Devices must have up-to-date anti-virus software installed. During instructional activities, electronic communication is to be focused solely on the activity. All audio, photo, or video files to be recorded using a POD must first be approved by the teacher. Then, approval must be obtained from all persons in the recording. Cyber Citizenship and Safety Awareness should be adhered to at all times. PODs are permitted for use during the school day for educational purposes and/or in designated classrooms/locations. Examples of Violations: ● Inappropriate communication (i.e., obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language or images typed, posted, or spoken) ● Use of another person's username(s) or password(s) ● Bringing a POD that has inappropriate content/material previously downloaded ● Off-task behavior and/or on an unrelated website ● Distracting other students with a POD or the contents on a POD ● Bullying of any kind (i.e., harass, threaten, demean, humiliate, intimidate, embarrass, or annoy classmates or others) **It is the responsibility of the student to check with their teacher if they are at all unclear as to what a violation is when using a POD. The list above is not fully inclusive. Consequences for a Violation: First Offense ● Initial infraction(s) will result in teacher re-directing student to appropriately use the device ● If offense is egregious, teacher may take the POD from the student for that period ● Teacher may choose to contact parent via email or by phone Second Offense ● Teacher to contact parent and arrange for a “Behavior Contract” meeting between teacher, parent, student and administrator ● Teacher to complete an Office Referral Form documenting the infraction ● Student will be assigned a Detention for the infraction Third Offense ● Student referred to administration and parent contacted by administration ● Student will be assigned a Saturday School for infraction ● Student may have their POD privileges suspended for a period of time ● If offense is deemed egregious, student could face additional disciplinary action SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION Board Policy 5014, C.E.C. 48900-48925 Suspension from school will be limited to serious infractions covered by the California Education Code. Please refer to the LBUSD website at for further information. During the period of suspension, whether served on or off campus, the student is not to attend any school events, participate in athletic practices or competitions, or attend any dance/drama practices or performances. Return after suspension may include a behavior contract with loss of additional school privileges. Please be advised that the parent of a suspended student has a right to access pupil records pursuant to District policy, request a meeting with the Superintendent or designee regarding the suspension, and request the opportunity for the student to complete all assignments and tests which were missed during the suspension and can be reasonably provided by the teacher. 46 WILLIAMS COMPLAINT NOTICE Notice to Parents, Guardians, Pupils, and Teachers Pursuant to California Education Code Section 35186, you are hereby notified that: 1. There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. That means each pupil, including English learners, must have a textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class to take home. 2. School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair. 3. There should be no teacher vacancies or mis-assignments. There should be a teacher assigned to each class and not a series of substitutes or other temporary teachers. The teacher should have the proper credential to teach the class, including the certification required to teach English learners if present. Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a onesemester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester. Mis-assignment means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold. 4. A complaint form may be obtained at the school office, district office, or downloaded from the school’s website at You may also download a copy of the California Department of Education complaint form from the following website: http// 47 48 LAGUNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 BI-WEEKLY CALENDAR & STUDENT PLANNER 49 2015-2016 September '15 October '15 November '15 Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 December '15 January '16 February '16 Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 8 9 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 31 March '16 April '16 May '16 Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 June '16 July '16 August '16 Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 8 9 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 31 50 STUDENT SCHOOL CALENDAR 2015-2016 Dates at a Glance August September October November December January February March April May June July 28 31 8 21 28 14 16 23 24 11 25-26-27 4 21- Jan 1 4 18 27-28-29 30 1 2 5 10 15-19 22 29 18 28-1 4 2-13 6 21 30 3 16-17 21-22-23 23 23 27 1 th Link Crew 9 Grade Orientation 8:00 am Breaker Day 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (see schedule for each grade) First Day of School 7:30 am Back to School Night (MINIMUM DAY FOR STUDENTS) Last Day to Drop a Class College Round-Up 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Dugger Gym End of 6 Week Grade Report Homecoming Football Game 7:00 pm Homecoming Dance 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Veterans Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday – NO SCHOOL End of 12 Week Grade Report Winter Recess – NO SCHOOL School Resumes Martin Luther King’s Birthday Holiday – NO SCHOOL st 1 Sem. Final Exams (7:30 am to 1:00 pm) Winter Formal Dance 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm Staff Development Day – NO SCHOOL for students nd 2 Semester Begins Reports Cards Mailed for First Semester th Vision and Hearing Testing for 10 Grade Students in their English Class Mid-Winter Recess – NO SCHOOL School Resumes Last Day to Drop a Class End of 6 Week Progress Report Spring Break – NO SCHOOL School Resumes AP TESTING. Actual test dates will be published on a testing calendar. End of 12 Week Progress Report Prom 8:00 pm-11:30 pm Memorial Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL Honors Convocation for 12th Grade - 7:00 pm nd 2 Semester (“Senior” Final Exams) Regular Block Schedule nd 2 Semester Final Exams (7:30 am to 1:00 pm) Senior Graduation (Irvine Bowl) 8:00 pm Last Day of School Summer School Begins 8:00 am Report Cards Mailed for Second Semester Watch the PTA newsletter, school mailings and the LBHS website for more and/or updated calendar events. Seniors will receive a packet with all senior activity dates from the Activities office in the Spring. May is usually testing month, a modified schedule for two weeks may be used. Notification will be mailed. Please note dates are subject to change. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 INDEX 2015-2016 BELL SCHEDULES, 3 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND ETHICS POLICY, 33 ACCELERATION AND ENRICHMENT, 17 ACT, 27 ACT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines, 28 Activities Office, 32 Adult Education, 13 Adult Education diploma, 13 Advanced Placement Test (AP), 20 ALCOHOL AND DRUGS PROHIBITION, 34 Algebra I credit, 12 ASB DISCOUNTS, 32 ATHLETIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, 29 ATHLETIC TEAMS AND SEASONS, 31 Attendance line, 23 ATTENDANCE POLICY, 22 ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR ATHLETIC, EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION, 24 Breakfast Costs. See Cafeteria, p. 9 BULLYING POLICY, 37 BYOD, 45 CAFETERIA, 9 California Assessment for Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), 20 California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), 20 California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), 13 California State Fitness Testing, 20 Cameras See Electronic devices, 39 CELL PHONE/DEVICE USE POLICY, 39 Cell phones See Electronic Devices, 39 CLEARING ABSENCES, 23 CLOSED CAMPUS POLICY, 39 CODE OF CONDUCT & ETHICS FOR PARTICIPATION IN ATHLETIC, EXTRA & COCURRRICULAR ACTIVITIES, 29 COLLEGE & CAREER CENTER, 27 COLLEGE ADMISSIONS TESTING, 27 COLLEGE and CAREER GUIDANCE, 27 COLLEGE BOUND ATHLETES, 29 COLLEGE ROUND UP, 27 COMMUNITY COLLEGE FAIR, 27 COMMUNITY SERVICE, 12 Community Service Definition, 13 Consequences for electronic device violations, 39 COURSE LOAD REQUIREMENTS, 13 DANCES & EVENTS, 32 Dates at a Glance, 51 Detention Policy and Procedure, 40 Doctor’s Written Notification Requirement for Athletic, Co-curricular, Extra-curricular Participation, 24 Doctor's Written Notification for 4 (four) consecutive days absence, 23 Dress Code, 40 DROPPING COURSE WITHOUT PENALTY, 15 EARLY DISMISSAL, 23 Emergency Messages, 11 EXCUSED ABSENCE, 22 EXPECTED SCHOOL-WIDE LEARNING RESULTS (ESLRs), 99 EXTRACURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, 27 FINAL EXAMS, p.18 See Late Final Exams Pre-approval, 20 FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS, 42 Free or Reduced Price Meals, 9 General Educational Development (GED), 13 GRADE EXCEPTIONS, 16 GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA), 18 GRADES/PROGRESS REPORT CARDS, 15 GRADING POLICY REGARDING INJURIES, 16, 30 GRADUATION HONORS, 19 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS, 12 Guest Pass To LBHS Events, 32 Guest Pass To Other High School Events, 32 GUIDANCE COUNSELING SERVICES, 26 Health Office, 9 HIGH SCHOOL STANDARDIZED ACHIEVEMENT TESTING, 20 HOMEWORK, 16 Homework Requests During Illness, 16 Honor Roll, 19 ILLNESS DURING SCHOOL, 24 IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS, 4 INJURIES. See Grading Policy Regarding Injuries INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS, 29 iPods See Electronic Devices, 39 LATE FINAL EXAMS PRE-APPROVAL, 20 LATE PASS, 24 LBHS Transcript Sample Form, 18 LIBRARY, 10 LIBRARY COMPUTER USE, 10 Library Hours of Operation, 10 97 LOCKERS AND LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, 31 Lost and Found, 11 LUNCH ACCOUNTS PREPAID. See CAFETERIA, p. 9 Lunch Costs. See Cafeteria, p. 9 MEDICATION AT SCHOOL, 9 MONTHLY CALENDAR, 49 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), 29 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29 NCAA and/or NAIA Clearinghouse, 30 NON-DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT, 42 Off Campus Pass, 23 Off Campus Policy during an Open Class Period, 39 Off Campus Policy During Lunch, 39 Off-Site Course Enrollment Contract, 17 Parent participation, 11 PARTIAL CREDIT, 17 Physical Education Credits for Graduation, 12 POD, 45 Prescriptions. See Medication at School PROHIBITED ITEMS, 11 REGIONAL OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM (ROP), 27 REPEATING COURSES (grade replacement), 17 Report of Lost or Stolen Item Form, 11 Request for Extended Absence Form, 24 Salutatorian(s), 19 SAT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines, 28 SAT, SAT Subject Tests, 27 SCHEDULES AND EVENTS FOR ATHLETIC TEAMS, 31 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014-2015, 51 Sexual Harassment, 44 STUDENT DIRECTED LEARNING (SDL), 27 Student Honor Roll, 19 STUDENT ID CARDS, 32 STUDENT USE OF PERSONALLY-OWNED DEVICES, 45 STUDENT-ATHLETES, 30 SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION, 46 TARDY POLICY, 24 Testing Policies, 20 TEXT BOOKS, 11 TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS, 28 TRANSFER GRADES, 17 Truancy, 23 UNEXCUSED ABSENCE (VERIFIED), 23 Valedictorian, 19 VIOLATING THE OFF CAMPUS POLICY, 39 VISITORS, 11 WILLIAMS COMPLAINT NOTICE, 47 98 LBHS EXPECTED SCHOOL-WIDE LEARNING RESULTS (ESLRs) EVERY LBHS STUDENT DEMONSTRATES P.R.I.D.E. P Problem Solver: USES AVAILABLE RESOURCES SUCH AS WRITING AND MATH LABS, SDL, COUNSELORS, AND TEACHERS APPLIES EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES WHEN OVERCOMING CHALLENGES GATHERS, ORGANIZES, AND ANALYZES DATA TO SOLVE PROBLEMS R Resilience: ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY DEMONSTRATES IMPROVED EFFORT IN CLASS AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES DESPITE SETBACKS I Integrity: DOES THE RIGHT THING IN ALL SITUATIONS SHOWS RESPECT FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY AND THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS D Dependability: MEETS DEADLINES ATTENDS CLASS AND PREPARES THOROUGHLY E Engagement: CONTRIBUTES IN AND OUT OF THE CLASSROOM PARTICIPATES IN A GROUP, EVENT, OR ORGANIZATION THAT CONTRIBUTES TO THE LBHS COMMUNITY T HE M ISSION OF LBHS IS TO E NSURE THAT A LL S TUDENTS , UPON G RADUATION , ARE C OLLEGE AND C AREER R EADY 99 100