Skill: Back handspring drill on Bolster Family
Skill: Back handspring drill on Bolster Family
Skill: Back handspring drill on Bolster Family: Back Handspring Rationale: to develop confidence moving backward, to learn correct body positions o Chart number: 4 -17a 8 fD o I Can Do Gymnastics! Activity Cards - produced by PENultimate - Phone: (864) 268-7740 ©2000, PENultimate SKILL: Back Handspring Drill on Bolster STEPI Start in a basic stand - bend legs and lean bottom against spool. o Lean back into an arch, arms overhead (reaching toward floor) and lay on the spool. • The teacher should roll the bolster until the child's hands touch the floor (palms support weight) 8) I Instructions 1. The children need to use a bolster, hexagonal mat or spool that is the appropriate size for their body. It should be at least as high as their bottom. But then, because of the height of the hex mat, the children can not do this drill by themselves. They must always have an adult SPOT. 2. Emphasize that they must keep their arms straight. (to distinguish this skill from the back rollover) 3. You may wish to correct their hand positions. lIike their fingers pointing slightly towards each other when they contact the mat but opi nions vary. -ROW II Theme I o TeachinzHints Only then may they tuck or pike the body to bring the feet to the floor. Finish in a basic stand. and Variations: Safe 1. Some kids won't be able to keep their arms straight, so SPOT by keeping one hand on the bolster or spool so it doesn't roll and putting the other hand on their chest and holding their back against the spool while they flip their legs over. NOTE:Donot underestimate the potential for neck injury in this skill; he vigilant in spotting 2. Do not let the children SPOT each other - or attempt this skill by themselves. See#1 above 3. The most important part of the SPOT is to make sure they don't tuck their head, slide off the spool and land in a heap, hurting their neck