/ v KANh[URffi'UNIVERSITY fnternal Quality Assurance Cell Minute$ of the meeting The minutes of the IQAC meeting with the HoDs, Campus Directors, Campus IQAC Coordinators IQAC Members & Branch Heads held on 0110912015 at 10:30 am at the Kannur Campus ofthe Kannur University. Agend+: To decide the arrangements to be made for receiving the NAAC Peer Team Members present: ' Signature Name l. The Vice Chancellor Z, AL&r -Vtcl€frandf* 2. The Registar 3. The Controller of Examinations , 4. The Finance Oflicer 5. Prof. (Dr.) K. R. Haridas 6. Director of SDE tr I 7. Prof. (Dr.) A.M. Sreedharan 8. Prof. (Dr). Josh S., H.O.D., Dept. of English g. hof. @r.) K. Gangadharan, H.O.D., Dept. of Applied Economics V 10. Dr. P. T. Joseph S.rrrsH.r,q- 1 M"t rh."-" , A.z,at'?"'4lr@( l. hr,*{a+dalefohma, 12. Dr. +ss*-Bire*or, lvI"B-A. Centie Mini N. 13. Dr. T. Sasidhararu Course Director, Dept. of Hind, Y5? 7 14. Smt sruthi IC, Course Dirpctor (i/c), I.T.E.C., Nil"J** 15. Dr. Johy S"tA Iose'ph, [LO.D, Dept of Zoolory 16. Dr. B. Frurcis Kulirani, Cornc Directoq Dept. of Rural &Tribal Sociolory 17. Mr. Rajesh K. R., Cotne Directm, D.TE.ldmanthavady -)r 18. Dr. V.P. RghavarL A.D, C.M.S. fasuagpd 19. Co-Ordinator, Dept. of Kannada Swt.5aeErar 20. L4^ -lr., \ar-S{iths.e'rAsst. NA{P- Director, I.T.E.C., Kasaragod Kasargod Director. D. T.'E., Kasargod 21. Dr.Rijumol K. C., Course Director, eYl e 22. Dr.YJ:rilil Chowa, Course Director, Dept of Environmental Sciences 23. Dr.P. K. Vijayan, H.O.D., Dept. ofGeogaphy z---^e\ 24. Dr. S. Sudheestr, H.O.D., Dept. ofChemistry 25. Dl K. P. Santhos[ H.O.D., Dept. of Physics \/ 26. Dr.C. Haridas, C.D., Dept. ofHistory and Heritage Studies school of hdagpgicat science 29. Mr.PrasannanA., C. D. Depr ofMass S. V*l*9*'Y Communication 30. Smr Bijilf,A", Coondinator, Dept. of Wood Science & Technolory 31. Dr. ,,%;[,"*'*UO*'* YW 27. Smt. Prasida C. D., D.T.E. Dharrnasala ,r.M ..udJd Vinod Kumar, coordinator, school of Behavioral sciences 32. IvIr. VidhrsdrharP., AssL Director., C.M.S. Mangattuparamba *V k& 33. Dr. M. Kumaran course flirector., Dept. of Statistical sciences 34. lvlr. MadhusoodananK, CourseDirector, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences 35. Dr. G.Rujrr H.O.D, DePt. of I.T. 36. Smt. SujaK. V.., A.D.,I.T.E.C, Pdayad D*asa-fi@ 37.h.K. Dinesan, C. D., Dept. oflibrary & lnformati 3t. Ir,Ir. BaizalP., Director(i/c), School of Health Sciences %"t"-7"4s1*W. Dept of Anthropolory 41. Dr. IJ.FatzLl,H.O.D., D. M.S. Palayad 42. Dr.K. a Sabu f * 4r* a7*t inonnntrrog Q *tt & Microbiologz V-g A. 45. Dr. G. Jayapal, 46. Dr. Sivadas K. K T.Dr.Kunhammad K. S;, ^,-, K. W) o*.rn.k.gistrar,SDE . W' 49. The Joint Registrar, Examination Vr*r"n *ttu o R, *,Arh^k @,"-*4 LW wqlmqr#* Sreejittu H.O.D., Dept ofBiotechnolory 43. Dr. Babu Anto P M.Dr. n -/- oflaw - P,f*-t't'eil 4;4 S. MafrendrakumarH.O.D., SLr*,,"r^r. ftr./uee *o" ?i'rgc*oyQ0 39. Smt. KavithafAukirhnuq H.O.D., Dept. 40. Dr. M. onr"r"r""M } { 50. The Deputy Registrar, Administration Branch (l rurrru t'c 51. The DeptfyRegistrar, 52. The t*"t ur:^ & Depry Registrar,E*u, ,-- 53. The Deputy Registrar, Exam qi' II 54. The Development Officer 55. The Assistant Registrar, DSS 56. The Assistant Registrar, Thalassery Campus 57. The Librarian, KUCL 58. Assistant Librarian, Thalassery o^;"'?"'c Campus /- ; 9% S/r^ f 59. Computer Programmer 60. AssistantEngineer {r- !^-* biruL, e* 4}l}url^ W lbrl""ou,