PLAINFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION Plainfield, N.J. Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 Time: 6:30 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Place: PUBLIC SESSION MEETING CLOSED FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION BUSINESS MEETING (ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) PLAINFIELD HIGH SCHOOL CAFETORIUM ROOM 950 PARK AVE. Board of Education Members Mrs. Emily E. Morgan, President Mr. Dorien Hurtt, Vice President Ms. Lynn B. Anderson Mr. Terrence S. Bellamy, Sr. Mr. John C. Campbell Mrs. Carletta D. Jeffers Ms. Carmencita T. Pile Mr. David M. Rutherford Mr. Richard Wyatt Mrs. Anna Belin-Pyles, Superintendent I. II. III. IV. CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL WELCOME WELCOME to a BUSINESS MEETING of the Plainfield Board of Education. Members hope you will find the meeting interesting and informative. We thank you for taking the time to attend. Please be advised this and all meetings of the board are open to the media and public, consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act (Ch. 231 Laws of 1975), and that the advance notice required therein has been provided to the Courier News and Star Ledger on Monday, August 29, 2016 to be advertised on Saturday, September 3, 2016 and also provided to the Plainfield Public Schools, the District’s website, the Plainfield City Clerk, Police Department, and Plainfield Public Library for posting. V. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters. RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss: 1 2. 3. matters rendered confidential by federal or state law pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations and/or matters of attorney-client privilege specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected requested an open session and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The Board of Education will recess into its Executive Session. Business Meeting -2- September 20, 2016 VI. CONDUCT OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS The Board of Education takes official action at its Business Meetings. Business meetings are regularly scheduled on the third Tuesday of each month, subject to changes that may occur because of holidays. Prior to the board taking action at its business meetings, committee meetings are scheduled where indepth discussion occurs. At the Board of Education's committee meetings, no formal action is taken. schedule of meetings is as follows: The typical monthly Type of Meeting * Date Place Time Policy Committee 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 6:30 p.m. Personnel/Exec.Ses. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 6:30 p.m. Curric. & Instr. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Finance Committee 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Bldgs. & Grds. Cmte. 3rd Tues. ea. mo. Admin. Bldg. 1:30 p.m. School Community Rel. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Business Meeting 3rd Tues. ea. mo. Various Locations 8:00 p.m. (EACH OF THESE MEETINGS MAY INCLUDE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF MATTERS THAT MAY BE APPROPRIATE FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION) *Meeting Schedule Subject to Change At each committee meeting, the Board discusses recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools and other relevant items. Committee approval authorizes resolutions to be placed on the agenda of the next appropriate business meeting and/or possible formal action. The agendas for all committee and board meetings are available at the Office of the Board of Education, 1200 Myrtle Avenue during business hours. At the business meetings, privilege of the floor will be provided for sixty minutes for public comment prior to committee reports. A five-minute time limit per person is provided for public comment. Concerns of the public regarding the schools or departments should be brought to the attention of the appropriate administrator in charge (principal, director, etc.). If concerns remain unresolved, they are to be directed to the Superintendent of Schools. These procedures should be followed prior to concerns being presented to the Board of Education. This procedure allows administrators to resolve concerns at the most appropriate level of decision making. Business Meeting -3- September 20, 2016 VII. REMARKS FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT VIII. REMARKS FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT College and University Presentations IX. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR At the business meetings, privilege of the floor will be provided for sixty minutes for public comment prior to committee reports. Members of the public in attendance will have the opportunity to raise concerns during this period of the meeting. Members of the public may speak once for a maximum period of five (5) minutes by the clock; this time is not transferable by one individual to another. X. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS XI. REPORT OF DELEGATES/LEGISLATIVE XII. REPORT OF BOARD/SCHOOL LIAISONS XIII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Interim Board Secretary presents the following minutes: August 2, 2016 August 8, 2016 August 9, 2016 August 16, 2016 Work & Study Meeting Special Meeting Special Meeting Business Meeting Business Meeting -4XIV. September 20, 2016 REPORT OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE “The Board of Education of the City of Plainfield reaffirms its commitment to ensure that the district provides equal employment opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, handicap and social or economic status…” It is the policy of this district to provide, through a positive and effective affirmative action program equal opportunities for employment, retention, and advancement of all people. The equal employment objective for the Board of Education calls for achieving full utilization of minorities and women, and handicapped persons at all levels of management and non-management and by job classification; to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or age; and to have a work environment free of discrimination.” A. Contractual Appointments Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential in the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members between the Business meeting of the Board of Education and next succeeding meeting of the Human Resource Committee. The individuals listed have been verified by the Superintendent of Schools as qualified pursuant to the NJ Administrative Code, Statute 6A:9-1.1, which “sets forth the rules governing preparation, licensure, and professional development of those educators required by their positions to be certified. “The Superintendent, in this item has used his authority. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the employment of the following provisionally subject to the requirements contained in Ch. 116,P.L. 1986 and upon verification of experience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name/Certification Effective Assignment Replacing 08/29/16-06/30/17 Salary Pro-rated $56,862.00 Maxson D. Ortiz Position Codes PEAS-052 Gina Berry Secretary – Leave Replacement Debra Calvit Assistant Custodian David Craft Sr. Assistant Custodian Rose Cruz Bil-Elementary – Leave Replacement Cecile Evans-Brown Locker Room Assistant Yvette Figueroa ESL Teacher 09/01/16-06/30/17 $41,028.00 PHS New PEAC-115 09/21/16-06/30/17 $41,028.00 PHS New PEAC-114 09/21/16-06/30/17 $50,910.00 Washington L. Velez Cruz PEAT-302 09/21/16-06/30/17 $24,196.00 PHS C. Smith PEAA-073 09/01/16-06/30/17 $52,910.00 Hubbard S. Govil PEAT-872 Business Meeting -5- September 20, 2016 Human Resources – Contractual 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Norma Flores Social Studies Teacher Latorrie Foster Lunch Room Asst. Leah Getz Music Teacher James Gomes English Teacher Tracy Ann Hosten Guidance Counselor – Leave Replacement Gilbert Lorenzo Bil Elementary Teacher Darlene Lucas Lunch Room Assistant Daniel Mango Music Teacher Angelo Marocco Locker Room Aide Phillip Okner Health & P.E. Teacher Brian Orlando Health & Physical Education Teacher (P/T) Maria Pereira Bilingual Elementary Teacher Leave Replacement Norma Rivera Guidance Counselor Simeon Rosario Groundskeeper Eric Shepherd Assistant Custodian Marianne Valdes-Fauli Bilingual Elementary Teacher Janet Williamson Bilingual Elementary Teaher Joseph Yannuzzi Health and P.E. Teacher Henry Zamora-Salles Groundskeeper Kimberly Zullo Art Teacher P/T 09/12/16-06/30/17 $52,910.00 BOAACD R. Clark PEAT-567 09/21/16-06/30/17 $13,615.00 Washington D. Lucas PEAA-097 09/12/16-06/30/17 $67,460.00 PAAAS E. Warunek PEAT-321 10/03/16-06/30/17 $55,410.00 Hubbard S. Davis PEAT-460 10/03/16-02/03/17 $57,110.00 BOAACD S. Calder PEAT-895 09/21/16-06/30/17 $69,460.00 Barlow A. Cenac PEAT-279 10/17/16-06/30/17 $14,665.00 Emerson C. Williams PEAA-107 09/06/16-06/30/17 $50,910.00 Stillman L. Chu PEAT-097 09/21/16-06/30/17 $29,030.00 PHS J. Wade PEAA-083 09/21/16-06/30/17 $50,910.00 Maxson/BOAACD L. Bongon PEAT-633 09/21/16-06/30/17 $37,700.00 Hubbard New/Bongon PEAT-894 09/01/16-06/30/17 $50,910.00 Jefferson N. Diaz PEAT-889 09/21/16-06/30/17 $54,010.00 PHS V. Solomon PEAT-598 09/21/16-06/30/17 $46,927.00 R. Bartash PEAC-113 09/21/16-06/30/17 $41,028.00 New PEAC-113 09/01/16-06/30/17 $53,010.00 District Facilities and Grds. District Facilities and Grds. Stillman K. Sanchez PEAT-254 09/19/16-06/30/17 $53,010.00 Evergreen S. Gil PEAT-244 09/26/16-06/30/17 $67,460.00 Cedarbrook M. Burke PEAT-022 10/13/16-06/30/17 $46,927.00 M. Clark PEAC-090 09/01/16-06/30/17 $27,845.00 District Facilities & Grds. PHS NEW PEAT-892 (A roll-call and an affirmative vote of 5 board members are required for passage.) Business Meeting -6- September 20, 2016 Human Resources B. Substitute Appointments The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following substitute employees as needed with terms as stated, provisionally, subject to requirements contained in C.116, P.L. 1986: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. C. Name Position Date Stipend Funding Code Chloe F. Adams Tiffany Bonnell Giovanna Broadnax Jeanett Espitia Michelle Garcia Jermaine Harrison Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Long-Term Substitute Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Assistant Substitute Security Ofc. Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Long-Term Substitute Substitute Bus Asst. Substitute Secretary Substitute Bus Asst. Substitute Nurse Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Custodian 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 - 06/30/17 09/21/16 – 12/23/16 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 $85.00/day $100.00/day $254.55/day $85.00/day $100.00/day $85.00/day $10.50/hr. ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/21/16 - 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/21/16 - 12/23/16 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 - 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 09/01/16 – 06/30/17 $15.00/hr. $20.00/hr. $85.00/day $100.00/day $100.00/day $85.00/day $100.00/day $264.55/day $10.50/hr $14.00/hr. $10.50/hr $160.00/day $85.00/day $100.00/day $10.00/hr. 40SECGRDHR 30OPERHOUL ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA ELEMSUBTEA 31HOURLYBG Omar Hazuri Caron Ho-Sang Tammy Jordan Darryl Kennedy Brenda Logan Alexis N. Osterhoudt Keith Pellew Cheri Phillips Gordon Rowan Pamela Rudolph Cali Smith Dale Stevens Dwendolyn Tatum Gregory S. Thomas Bridgette Toomer-Lovett Miriam Washington 2016 – 2017 School Year Appointment of Staff Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of the employee for the 2016 – 2017 school year. (Salaries are on file with the Business Office). Position Code Name Positon Location Salary PEAA-372 Paul Millar Teacher Asst. P/T Hubbard School $24,196.00 Business Meeting -7- September 20, 2016 Human Resources D. Administrative Appointments Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. 1. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of Thomas Lauton as Coordinator of Transportation effective 09/21/16 at a prorated salary of $86,444.00. (Guide G Step 1) RESOLUTION 2. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of Terry Jefferson Shareef as Vice Principal at PHS effective 11/21/16 or sooner at a prorated salary of $113,286.00. (Guide F Step 0 ) RESOLUTION 3. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of Miguelina Landisi as Director of Bilingual, ESL & World Languages effective 10/24/16 or sooner at a prorated salary of $118,536.00 + $2,000.00 (Education) (Guide E Step 3) RESOLUTION 4. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of Bernice Marshall Simmons as Director of Human Resources effective 10/03/16 at a prorated salary of $120,000.00 RESOLUTION 5. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of TBA as Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services effective TBA at a prorated salary of $TBA. RESOLUTION 6. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of TBA as Supervisor of Special Projects effective TBA at a prorated salary of $TBA (Guide Step ) Business Meeting -8- September 20, 2016 Human Resources E. Athletic Department - Administrative Assignment Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2 Human Resource To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff. Goal 3 - Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district and school operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the compensation to Kevin Stansbury for administrative assignments and assistance provided to the district, effective August 17, 2016 at a monthly prorated stipend rate of $1,000.00 per month. F. Resignations The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the following resignation: Name Position/Location 1. 2. Amelia A. Betancourt Michael T. Burke 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Luz Espaillat Melissa Grau Brandon Groves Patricia Healy Michaud Jeune Elizabeth Lechocinski Li Li Lin Stan Lysenko Kristine Norat Ruben Perello Stephanie Shider Cindy Suarez Garrett M. Thomas Emily Warunek Terrance Washington Teacher Assistant/Clinton Health and Physical Education Teacher/Cedarbrook Spanish Teacher/Hubbard Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher/Cedarbrook Desktop Support Technician Art Teacher/Cedarbrook Special Education Teacher/PHS Language Arts Teacher/Hubbard Mandarin Teacher/Hubbard Science Teacher/Hubbard ELA Teacher/Maxson Security Officer/Maxson Teacher Assistant/Hubbard Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher ESL Teacher/Evergreen Music Teacher/PAAAS Teacher Assistant/Maxson Yrs. In District 7 13 Reason Effective Personal Personal 08/31/16 10/14/16 1 5 9 20 3 4 1 8 3 2 1 4 1 2½ 16 Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal 10/28/16 10/28/16 09/23/16 01/01/17 08/15/16 10/28/19 08/31/16 10/21/16 10/07/16 09/06/16 08/31/16 09/23/16 08/31/16 08/31/16 09/31/16 Business Meeting -9- September 20, 2016 Human Resources G. Retirements The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the retirements of the following staff members and acknowledges their many years of dedicated service and extends sincere thanks to them on behalf of the Board, administrators, staff, students and citizens of Plainfield: 1. 2. 3. H. Name Position/Location Robert Birkitt Andrea Green Carmen E. Morales Elementary Teacher/Jefferson School ESL Teacher/Jefferson School Bus Driver/Transportation Yrs. In District 14 29 15 Effective 10/01/16 02/01/17 01/01/17 Retirement – (Rescission) The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education rescinds the retirement of the following staff member: I. Name Position/Location Yvonne Watts Truancy Officer/PHS Yrs. In District 21 Effective 07/01/16 Leaves of Absence The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following leaves of absence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name Ivid Arguello Katherine Cardona Natalia Cavagneri Lori Davis Nataly Diaz Maisha Uzuri James* Julia Pujols Ana Ramos-Saenz Alissa Marie Shust Timothy Spaur Position Preschool Teacher Spanish Teacher Teacher Assistant Elementary Teacher Bilingual Elementary Teacher Secretary V Location Washington Maxson Cook Jefferson Jefferson Stillman From 10/31/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 10/03/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 To 02/28/17 10/03/16 11/18/16 01/03/17 06/26/17 06/30/17 Leave Type Medical/FMLA Medical FMLA/Personal Medical/FMLA/Personal FMLA/Personal Personal ESL Teacher Special Education Teacher ESL Teacher ESL Teacher BOAACD Evergreen PHS Jefferson 09/02/16 09/01/16 10/17/16 09/01/16 01/03/17 09/30/16 06/30/17 12/01/16 Medical/FMLA/Personal FMLA Medical/FMLA/Personal Medical *denotes extension/update to existing leave Business Meeting - 10 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources J. Return to Payroll The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approve the return of the following employee to payroll: Name Position/Location Salary Effective 1. Belinda Davis Youth Dev Outreach Worker $20,186.80 09/01/16 2. Pamela Westry-Rodgers Elementary Teacher $74,360.00 09/01/16 3. Aisha Williamson School Nurse/Woodland $82,885.00 09/01/16 K. Transfers/Reassignments Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district and school operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following transfers/reassignments of staff for the 2016 – 2017 school year. Employees have been notified in writing pursuant to District procedures and contractual guidelines: 1. Name Cassius Ali 2. Aliase Anderson-Wallace 3. Yvonne Brooks 4. Natalia Cavagneri 5. Tamara Cress 6. Michelle Dabney 7. Darryl Damon 8. Manal Elkabani 9. Arlene Hellen 10. Vashon Hill From Head Custodian Evergreen School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 P/T Emerson School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 Jefferson School Teacher Assistant Evergreen School Library Media Specialist Stillman/Barlow Elementary Teacher Barlow School Head Custodian Stillman School To Head Custodian Barlow School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 P/T Hubbard School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 PAAAS Teacher Assistant Cook School Speech Language Specialist Special Services Social Studies Teacher Maxson School Head Custodian Early Childhood Bldg. Effective 09/21/16 Elementary Teacher Emerson School Teacher Assistant Evergreen School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 Emerson School Bilingual Elementary Teacher Evergreen School Teacher Assistant PAAAS Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 Maxson School 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/21/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 Business Meeting - 11 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources 11. Melissa T. Hunter-Lewis 12. Kalyn Johnson-Tucker 13. Christopher Kacsanik 14. Elizabeth McIntosh 15. Quincy McKeithan 16. Artritris Moten 17. Brenda Noble 18. Kirk Ottley 19. Frank Palermo 20. Norma Reyes 21. Edwin Soler 22. Vanetta Solomon 23. Rodney Taylor Secretary V Maxson School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 P/T Stillman School Language Arts Teacher Clinton School English Teacher PHS Assistant Custodian Evergreen School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 Evergreen School Social Studies Teacher Maxson School Assistant Custodian Maxson School Custodian Fireman Evergreen School Teacher Asst. P/T Evergreen School Teacher Assistant Stillman School Social Studies Teacher Plainfield High School Head Custodian Barlow School Secretary V Stillman School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 P/T Cedarbrook School Elementary Teacher Stillman/Barlow Shool English Teacher BOAACD Assistant Custodian Maxson School Teacher Assistant 1 to 1 Barlow School Social Studies Teacher PHS Assistant Custodian Evergreen School Custodian Fireman Woodland Teacher Asst. P/T Emerson School Teacher Assistant Clinton School Guidance Counselor Plainfield High School Head Custodian Evergreen School 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/21/16 09/01/16 09/12/16 09/21/16 09/21/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/01/16 09/21/16 Business Meeting - 12 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources Compensation for Additional Assignments L. Athletics Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ staff members to participate extra curricular opportunities within our District. The individuals listed have been verified by the Superintendent of Schools as qualified pursuant to the NJ Administrative Code, Statute 6A:9-1.1, which “sets forth the rules governing preparation, licensure, and professional development of those educators required by their positions to be certified.” The Superintendent, in this item has used her authority. Name Position Stipend Funding Code 1. Jason Anderson $3,683.00 27ATHLETICS 2. Sheldon Brown Girls Varsity Soccer Assistant Coach (JV Head Coach) Football - Varsity Assistant Coach $4,946.00 27ATHLETICS 3. 4. $3,683.00 $3,683.00 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 5. 6. Gina Del Rosario Girls Varsity Volleyball Varsity Assistant Coach Guiseppe DiPasquale Boys Varsity Soccer Assistant Coach (JV Head Coach) Joyce Gerstorfer Ticket Taker Betty Gissendanner Site Manager $25-75 per game $25-75 per game 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 7. 8. 9. 10. Betty Gissendanner Asha McCray Asha McCray Chevan Thomas $25-75 per game $25-75 per game $25-75 per game $36 per hour not to exceed $3,360 $5,316.00 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS EXTRACURRC 11. Devraun Thompson Ticket Taker Site Manager Ticket Taker Band Camp Football - Defensive Coordinator 27ATHLETICS Business Meeting - 13 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources M. District - Compensation for Staff Appointed by the Board of Education Who Serve as lunchroom/breakfast supervisors/assistants/bus duty for the 2016 – 2017 school year. Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3 - Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district and school operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION Pursuant to Article XXIV of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Plainfield Board of Education and the Plainfield Education Association stipulates that the Board will pay staff who serve as lunchroom supervisors for a daily period of 40 minutes and are assigned as breakfast supervisors/bus duty for a daily period of 30 minutes. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education authorizes the compensation of staff certified and noncertified for lunchroom supervisor/assistants, breakfast supervisor/assistants and bus monitor services based on the negotiated rates and the submission of time reports and compliance with the Human Resources formula. (Staff names are on file with Payroll Department and Human Resources) (Charged to each school’s individual account) N. District Assignments – Secretarial Support - School Opening - 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3 - Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district and school operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the listed secretaries to be compensated at their regular daily rate for secretarial services provided for the opening of schools. Effective July 1, 2016 – July 28, 2016. Funding will be from regular salary lines. Name Jeraldine Salazar Position Secretary IV Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $253.55 per day/$2,281.95 Business Meeting - 14 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources O. District Assignment - Summer Student Registration Strategic Plan Link: Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Student Accounting Office during the month of August experiences a large volume of students registering for school (transfers and kindergarten). District school nurses are asked to assist in the review and approval of mandatory medical information that needs to be provided by the parent/guardian. Their services will be provided from August 2, 2016 – August 31, 2016 at a rate of $36.00 per hour. RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves the compensation of the listed staff members who will provide and assist in the registration process for the 2016 – 2017 school year. Funding Code is 11-000-213000-100A33-0000. (Staff services will be based on need.) 1. 2. 3. Name Dayra Torres Karen Trammell Niija Willliams Position/Location School Nurse/Washington School Nurse/Cook School Nurse/Barlow Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $36.00 per hr./$558.00 $36.00 per hr./$288.00 $36.00 per hr./$432.00 Business Meeting - 15 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources P. District - New Employee/Teacher Orientation - 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to provide orientation for new employees and teachers within the District. Resolved, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves compensation of the listed employees for attending the district three-day New Teacher Orientation August 29-31, 2016 in accordance with collective bargaining agreement. The following staff has now completed the orientation and will be compensated. Funds have been verified and will be charged to 11-000-223000-104S-26-0000. The following new employees has been identified and participated in the district three-day orientation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Name Position Sevcan Abedin Bobby Akbar Mohamed Allie Adriana Bellotti Vanita Bentley Sabrina Brown Millie Cabrera JulieAnne Casas Jennifer Cherubini Shanayah Davis Niketa Dupiche Nibelca Duverge Robert Ernst Jesus Gomez Yeselys Gonzalez Joshua Green Keenan Grey Amy Guzman Tash Hawthorne Vashon Hill Janiece Jenkins Myrlande Jenkins Ruth Jimenez Changyun Liu Dan Mango Dominick Mastroianni Nicola Myrie-Cureton Nathan Peart Malenny Perez Kendra Potts Special Education Teacher/Clinton Elementary Teacher/Stillman Biology Teacher/PHS Spanish Teacher/PHS English Teacher/PAAAS Elementary Teacher/Stillman Spanish Teacher/Cook Special Education Teacher/Washington Elementary Teacher/Cook Elementary Teacher/Stillman Special Education Teacher/Special Services Bilingual Elementary Teacher/Woodland Chemistry Teacher/PHS Bilingual Elementary Teacher/Barlow Special Education Teacher/Stillman Graphic Arts Teacher / PAAAS Special Education Teacher/PHS English Teacher/PAAAS Theater Teacher/PHS Teacher Asst./Emerson Elementary Teacher/Cook Elementary Teacher/Stillman Speech Language Specialist/Special Services Math Teacher/PAAAS Music Teacher/Stillman Social Studies Teacher/PHS Science Teacher/PAAAS Special Education Teacher/Washington In-Class Support Teacher/Clinton Bilingual Elementary Teacher/Stillman Stipend/Maximum Amount $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$200.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$200.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$200.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$100.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$200.00 $100.00 per day/$200.00 $100.00 per day/$100.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 Business Meeting - 16 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources – New Employee Orientation 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Alexandria Presley Ingrid Reyes Louis Rivera Ashley Rivera-Johnson Stephanie Ryan Emma Sadanand Rasna Sheth Kimberly Smela Jennifer Sowden April Stitt Jennifer Taylor-Fuller Cosimo Torello Marianne Valdes Fauli Stephanie Valente Lisette Wait Darcel Walker Kimberly Zullo Elementary Teacher/Cook Special Education Teacher/Jefferson Elementary Teacher/Evergreen Elementary Teacher/Emerson Elementary Teacher/Clinton Music Teacher/Emerson Kindergarten Teacher/Cook Speech Language Specialist/Special Services Physical Education Teacher/Cook Elementary Teacher/Cook Library Asst./Jefferson Media Specialist/Cedarbrook Bilingual Elementary/Stillman Bilingual Teacher/PHS Library Media Specialist/Clinton & Jefferson Teacher Asst./Cedarbrook Art Teacher/PHS $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$100.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$200.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 $100.00 per day/$100.00 $100.00 per day/$300.00 Total Amount $12,500.00 Business Meeting - 17 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources District - Mentoring Fees – 2015-2016 Q. Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ staff members to perform additional assignments within our District. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves compensation of the listed employees for district mentoring services of novice teachers during the 2015-2016 school year. The following staff has now completed the program and will be compensated for services rendered. Funds have been verified and will be charged to 11-000-223000-104X-03-0000. The following staff has been identified and participated in district mentoring program for novice teachers: Name Position//Location Maximum Amount 1. Constance Brown-Anderson Elementary Teacher/Jefferson $550.00 2. Natasha Cox Social Studies Teacher/Hubbard $1,229.00 3. Maria DeLaCruz Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher/Stillman $550.00 4. Brenda Hackett Elementary Teacher/Emerson $550.00 5. Kim McPhail Computer Teacher/Hubbard $1,101.00 6. Paola Rached Art Teacher/PAAAS $550.00 7. Nakomis Smith Science Teacher/Hubbard $550.00 8. Carol Taffaro Health & P.E. Teacher/PHS $550.00 9. Piedad Victoria Rios Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher/Emerson $1,000.00 Total Amount $6,630.00 Business Meeting - 18 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources R. Educational Services - Bilingual Education/ESL & WL- English/Spanish District-Wide Translation Team - Summer (2015) Strategic Plan Link: Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve academic and life-long success. With a fast growing Spanish speaking community in Plainfield, there is an increased need for district and school personnel to send written notices, letters, and other important information to parents in their native language (Spanish). Translation services will provide parents with information pertaining to their child’s education. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following staff members to serve as oral/text translators for the 2015 school year at a rate of $36.00 per hour. Translation duties were performed during the month of August 2015. 1. 2. Name Milagros Enriquez Idelisse Gonzalez Position/Location Family Support Worker/PHS Resource Teacher/Adm. Building Rate of pay/maximum Amount $36.00 per hr./$774.00 $36.00 per hr./$360.00 Business Meeting - 19 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources S. Educational Services - Bilingual Education/ESL & WL - English/Spanish District-Wide Translation Team - Summer (2016) (C & I Agenda - September 2016) Strategic Plan Link: Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students (inclusive of English Language Learners and Special Education Students) meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve academic and life-long success. The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ staff members to perform additional assignments within our District. With a fast growing Spanish speaking community in Plainfield, there is an increased need for district and school personnel to send written notices, letters, and other important information to parents in their native language (Spanish). Translations will provide parents with information pertaining to their child’s education. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following staff members to serve as oral/text translators for the 2016 summer school year at a rate of $36.00 per hour not to exceed $1,530.00 (Hours will be determined based on case load and needs of each individual school). The funding source has been verified and will be charged to 11-240-100000-110S-00-0000. 1. 2. Name Milagros Enriquez Idelisse Gonzalez Position/Location Family Support Worker/PHS Resource Teacher/Adm. Building Rate of pay/maximum Amount $36.00 per hr./$720.00 $36.00 per hr./$810.00 Business Meeting - 20 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources T. Educational Services - Bilingual Education/ESL & WL - Bilingual Education Coordination Summer 2016 (C & I Agenda – September 2016) Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ staff members to perform additional assignments within our District. There is a need to coordinate and plan various district level Bilingual/ESL programs during the 2016 summer in preparation for school year and student placement notification for all English Language Learners. RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education approves payment of stipend to Jay Rossin and Idelisse Gonzalez, District Resource Teachers, at a rate of $36.00 per hour not to exceed $1,750.00 each. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to Title III stipends 1. 2. Name Idelisse Gonzalez Jay Rossin Position Coordination/Planning Coordination/Planning School/Location Admin Bldg Admin Bldg Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $36.00 hr./$1,750.00 $36.00 hr./$1,750.00 Business Meeting - 21 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources U. Educational Services - Bilingual Education/ESL & WL English Language Learners (ELL) Summer Academy 2016 – Amendment - (C& I Agenda – June 2016) Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all Plainfield Public Schools The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve academic and life-long success. The Office of Bilingual Education/ESL and World Languages will sponsor an English Language Learner (ELL) Summer Academy, which will provide enrichment for ELL students in grades 1-12. The program will run from July 5, 2016 to August 4, 2016, Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Site Lead Teachers will work from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The ELL Summer Academy will offer academic enrichment and additional support to ELL students in English as a Second Language, Math, Spanish and RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approve the staff below to operate the Summer ELL Academy for students in grades 1-12, from July 5, 2016 to August 4, 2016, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lead Teachers will work from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. All teachers are required to attend two days of training in July 2016. Teachers will be paid from Title III FY 2015-2016 funding. 1. 2. 3. Name Indra Barreto Ana Cordero Jesus Gomez Location Washington PHS Various Position ESL Teacher Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher Bilingual/Bicultural Substitute Teacher Rate Per Hour/Maximum $36.00 per hr./$3,240.00 $36.00 per hr./$3,240.00 $36.00 per hr./$1,620.00 Business Meeting - 22 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources Educational Services - English/Spanish District-Wide Translation Team for 2016-2017 SY – (C & I Agenda – September 2016) V. Strategic Plan Link: Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve academic and life-long success. With a fast growing Spanish speaking community in Plainfield, there is an increased need for district and school personnel to send written notices, letters, and other important information to parents in their native language (Spanish). Translation services will provide parents with information pertaining to their child’s education. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following staff members to serve as oral/text translators for the 2016-2017 school year at a rate of $28.00 per hour. (Hours will be determined based on case load and needs of each individual location). The funding source has been verified and will be charged to 11-240-100000-110S-00-0000. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name Maria Acero Sara Argote Milagros Enriquez Idelisse Gonzalez Jenny Hernandez Nella Hernandez Position Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Location Clinton Barlow PHS Adm. Building Clinton Washington Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$2,000.00 $28.00 per hr./$2,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 7. 8. 9. Sandra Lopez Marie Maldonado Florinda Monge Translator Translator Translator Cedarbrook Clinton Washington $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 10. 11. 12. 13. Annie Ramos Diana Saenz-Torres Yaneth Sierra Mary Silva Translator Translator Translator Translator Cedarbrook Maxson Jefferson Stillman $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 14. Ana Concha Toledo Translator Barlow $28.00 per hr./$1,500.00 Total Amount $22,500.00 Business Meeting - 23 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources W. Extra Class Period – Maxson Middle School Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, and achieve life-long success. The District is committed to raising the standards and student performance and providing sustained professional development for staff. To ensure all students will have a teacher and educational activities are being met, Maxson Middle School will compensate the staff listed below to teach an extra class block – Monday through Friday, from September 21, 2016 to June 20, 2016. The funds for this expense will come from account 15-140-100000-101A-25-0000. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Maxson Middle School Extra Class – total cost not to exceed $15,317. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-140-100000-101A-25-0000 (Maxson Middle School Stipends). 1. 2. Name Rebeca Allain Eric Lurie Position/Location Science Teacher Science Teacher Rate of Pay / Maximum Amount $43.51 per pd./$7,396.70 $46.59 per pd./$7,920.30 Business Meeting - 24 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources X. PAAAS’ Student Orientation Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS. Goal 5: Family Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following individuals to be compensated for their attendance at PAAAS’ Student Orientation to be held on August 29, 2016 from 9:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. Teachers will also be in attendance at the Parent Orientation on August 29, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name Johanna Amaro Vincent Barracato Jennifer Collins Paul D’Amico Oscar Feijoo Daniel Gold Arlen Klinger Jerry Lester Joy Marcus Ann Nettingham Jillian Winhold Position Spanish Teacher Special Education Teacher English Teacher TV Production Teacher Science Teacher Science Teacher Math Teacher Technology Teacher Social Studies Teacher Guidance Counselor English Teacher Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 $36.00 per hr./$180.00 Business Meeting - 25 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources Y. 21st Century Community Learning Centers - 2016-2017 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2015 Title IV, Part B 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Funding Grant Award Personnel – C & I Agenda – September 2016 Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district and school operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The FY 2016-2017 21st CCLC Grant application for the Department of Student Intervention and Family Support Services of Plainfield Public Schools has been awarded final approval, Thursday, May 12, 2016 by the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Educational Support Services (by way of ESSA 2015, Title IV, Part B) in the amount of $550,000. The project period for this Grant award is September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2019. The FY 2016-2017 21st CCLC Grant award funding will be utilized to develop and provide high-quality, expanded learning services (during the school year and summer) at five (5) school year sites including CH Stillman Elementary School, Washington Community School, Evergreen School; Jefferson and Hubbard Middle Schools and two (2) summer sites including Plainfield High School and Clinton Elementary School. The targeted population at all 21st CCLC sites will consist of no less than 301 students and their families for the Five (5) Year Grant period (September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2019). RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following FY 2016-2017 ESSA 2015 Title IV, Part B funding source for two (2) full-time personnel for the 2016-2017 school year (pending updated PEA salary guide). 1. Name Chantal Joseph Position Project Secretary 2. Zelda Spence Project Director Salary Amount % $61,446.00 100% Title IV $75,765.00 100% Title IV Funding Account 20-450-200000-105A-38-0000 20-450-200000-104A-38-0000 Business Meeting - 26 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources Z. Washington Community School – Professional Development Team – (C&I Agenda – Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Washington Community School Professional Team to meet three times per week effective September 2016 – June 2017. The team will be compensated at a rate of $28.00 per hour for a total cost not to exceed $12,348.00 The funds will be charged to account 15-120-100018-101C-21-0000 (Washington Teachers Stipends). Z1. 1. Name Angelica Alba Position Elementary Teacher Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $28.00 per hr./$2,380.00 2. Cristina Crowell Elementary Teacher $28.00 per hr./$2,380.00 3. Trinette Nugent Elementary Teacher $28.00 per hr./$2,380.00 4. Jamie Tringali Elementary Teacher $28.00 per hr./$2,380.00 5. Barbara Turner Special Education Teacher $28.00 per hr./$2,380.00 Washington Community School – Professional Development Team (C&I Agenda September 15, 2015) Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Washington Community School created a school-based professional development team to ensure pedagogical consistency and promote effectiveness when implementing instructional strategies, specifically as it relates to increasing teacher capacity. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves sixteen additional hours to Cristina Crowell from June 1-16, 2016; due to unavailability of other committee members Cristina Crowell worked additional hours to bring committee work to completion. The funds will be charged to account 15-120-100018-101C21-0000 (Washington Teachers Stipends). Name Cristina Crowell Position Elementary Teacher Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $28.00 per hr./$448.00 Business Meeting - 27 - September 20, 2016 Human Resources Z2. Fitness for Duty The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the fitness for duty evaluation of a staff member. The staff member’s name is on file with the Board Secretary. Z3. Administrative Leaves The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the administrative leaves of staff members, pending the outcome of investigations. The staff members’ names are on file with the Board Secretary. Z4. Termination of Staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the termination of a staff member effective September 21, 2016, whose name is on file with the Interim Board Secretary. Business Meeting XV. - 28 - September 20, 2016 REPORT OF THE CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE A. Field Trip (1) Field Trips for Inclusion in 2016-2017 Curriculum Guides Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes field trips, used as a device for teaching and learning are integral to the curriculum, and an educationally sound and important ingredient in the instructional program of the school. As a result, field trips serve as an essential means to extend learning, improve achievements, and enhance the overall development and educational experiences of students in the District. Field trips, however must support the District’s curriculum and be aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. The District has identified those State of New Jersey field trips which are in compliance with both, and will be reflected in the curriculum guides for the 2016-2017 school year. LOCATION Acme Supermarket AFJROTC AFJROTC Bridgeton High School AFJROTC McGuire Air Force Base AFJROTC Passaic High School AFJTROTC Drill Competition Alstede Farms AMC Theatre Annual African American Heritage Parade Annual Fall Leadership Connection Conference Antonio Casola Farms Applebee’s Restaurant Apple Store Arena at Woodbridge, The Ballantine House Barack Obama Academy for Academic & Civic Development (BOAACD) Barlow Elementary School Barnes and Noble Berkeley College Bloomfield College Brookdale Community College Brooks Arts Center Buehler Challenger and Science Center Build-A-Bear Burgdorff Cultural Center Board of Education Bowlmor Bowling Alley Brooks Arts Center CITY South Plainfield Jackson and Long Branch Bridgeton Fort Dix Passaic NJ (location to be determined) Chester Bridgewater and Mountainside Newark Edison Holmdel Piscataway Bridgewater Woodbridge Newark Plainfield Plainfield Springfield Woodbridge Bloomfield Lincroft Bound Brook Paramus Bridgewater Maplewood Plainfield Greenbrook Bound Brook Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 29 - September 20, 2016 Field Trips for Inclusion in 2016-2017 Curriculum Guides (cont’d) LOCATION Caldwell College Caledonia/Roessler Park Camden Aquarium Camp Bernie Career Council, Inc. Cathedral International Church Cedar Brook Park (except lake area) Cedarbrook K-8 Center Centenary College Cheesecake Factory China Buffet City of Plainfield Senior Citizen Center Clementon Park Clinton Elementary School Clinton School Annual Celebration of Autumn College of New Jersey College of St. Elizabeth Community Food Bank of New Jersey Community Theatre, The Cook Elementary School Cooper Mill County College of Morris (Longo Planetarium) Courier News Headquarters Cracker Barrel Restaurant and Store Cranford Canoe Club Crossroads Theatre Crowne Plaza Dairy Queen DeVry Institute of Technology DeVry University Drake House Drumthwacket, (Governor’s Mansion) Dukes Farm Eastern Regional Communications and Technology Conference Echo Lake Park (except lake area) Edison Bowling Center Edison Exposition – Raritan Center Edison National Historic Site Emerson Elementary School Essex County College Evergreen Elementary School Fairleigh Dickinson University Felician College First Lego League Qualifier First Tech Challenge Meets Franklin Mineral Museum and Mine Freppe Tex Mex Restaurant Frogbridge Funplex George Street Playhouse Giovanna’s Great Swamp, The CITY Caldwell Perth Amboy Camden Port Murray NJ (location to be determined) Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Hackettstown Edison (Menlo Park) South Plainfield Plainfield Clementon Plainfield Clinton School (Plainfield) Ewing Morristown Hillside Morristown Plainfield Chester Township Randolph Somerville Clinton Cranford New Brunswick Monroe Township and Cherry Hill Plainfield North Brunswick North Brunswick Plainfield Princeton Hillsborough NJ (location to be determined) Mountainside Edison Edison Edison Plainfield Edison Plainfield Madison and Teaneck Lodi NJ (location to be determined) NJ (location to be determined) Franklin Plainfield Millstone East Hanover New Brunswick Plainfield Chatham Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 30 - September 20, 2016 Field Trips for Inclusion in 2016-2017 Curriculum Guides (cont’d) LOCATION Green Brook Park Green Meadows Farm Grounds for Sculpture Grover Cleveland Birthplace State Historic Site Hartwyck Nursing Home HBCU College Fair Health Occupation Student Association Hillview Farms High Point State Park Hope’s Promise Therapeutic Riding Program Hubbard Middle School Hub Stine Field Imagine That! In-District School Exchange Program iPlay America IZOD Center – MetLife Stadium J&J Enrichment Program Jefferson Elementary School JFK Dorothy Snyder Nursing School /Annex Jersey Explorer’s Children’s Museum, The Jr. Achievement of New Jersey Jr. Statesmen of America / Debate Team Kean University Kidz Village Kingston Quarry Land of Make Believe LensCrafters Liberty Hall – Governor Livingston House Liberty Science Center Liberty State Park Livay Sweet Shop Maggiano’s Maxson Middle School McCarter Theatre McDonald’s Medieval Times Microsoft Store Middlesex County College Millville Air Museum Moms Helping Moms Foundation Montclair Art Museum Montclair State University Morristown Museum Music in the Park Festival National Honor Society Community Service National Latino/Hispanic College Fair, Inc. National Student Council (New Jersey Chapter) New Jersey Black Issues Convention New Jersey Children’s Museum New Jersey Churches New Jersey City University CITY Plainfield Hazlet Hamilton Caldwell Plainfield NJ (location to be determined) NJ (location to be determined) Gillette Sussex Chester Plainfield Plainfield Florham Park Plainfield Freehold East Rutherford No. Brunswick Plainfield Plainfield East Orange Newark (additional NJ locations) NJ (location to be determined) Union Kenilworth Kingston Hope Springfield Union Jersey City Jersey City Plainfield / Watchung Bridgewater Plainfield Princeton South Plainfield Lyndhurst Bridgewater Edison Millville Whippany Montclair Montclair Morristown NJ (location to be determined) NJ (location to be determined) NJ (location to be determined) NJ (location to be determined) East Brunswick (additional NJ locations) Paramus NJ (location to be determined) Jersey City Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 31 - September 20, 2016 Field Trips for Inclusion in 2016-2017 Curriculum Guides (cont’d) LOCATION New Jersey Convention and Expo Center New Jersey FCCLA Annual Leadership Conference (State) New Jersey Institute of Technology New Jersey Hall of Fame New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium New Jersey Museum of Agriculture New Jersey Performing Arts Center New Jersey State Bar Foundation Newark Museum Newark Historical Society Newark Liberty International Airport NJAA Community Service Project Program NJIT Nomahegan Park Old Barracks Museum Overlook Medical Center Paper Mill Playhouse Park Performance Arts Center PETCO Plainfield Academy for the Arts & Advanced Studies (PAAAS) Plainfield City Hall Plainfield Country Club: West 9 Golf Course Plainfield Fire Department Plainfield High School Plainfield Municipal Court Plainfield Police Department Plainfield Post Office Plainfield Public Library Plainfield Symphony – Crescent Ave. Church Plainfield West Tower Senior Citizen Center/Community Service Planned Parenthood (Teen Conference) PLP Family Empowerment Conference Ponderosa Park Proprietary House Prudential Center /Prudential Corporate Office Public Speaking Club Rahway High School Rainforest Café Ramapo College Raritan Valley Community College Red Lobster Red Mill Museum Village Reeves-Reed Arboretum Regal Hadley Theater Richard Stockton College Richmond Towers Rider College Robert Wood Foundation Robotics Regional Competition Event Rock Ice Skating Rink Roosevelt Intermediate School CITY Edison Edison and Cherry Hill Newark NJ (location to be determined) Sandy Hook North Brunswick Newark New Brunswick (additional NJ locations) Newark Newark Newark Rutherford Newark Cranford Trenton Summit Millburn Union City Watchung Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield Plainfield NJ (location to be determined) NJ (location to be determined) Scotch Plains Perth Amboy Newark / Iselin NJ (location to be determined) Rahway Edison (Menlo Park) Mahwah Branchburg Bridgewater, South Plainfield Clinton Summit South Plainfield Pomona Plainfield Lawrenceville North Brunswick Trenton Dunellen Westfield Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 32 - September 20, 2016 Field Trips for Inclusion in 2016-2017 Curriculum Guides (cont’d) LOCATION ROTC Drill Competition Rowan University Rutgers Theatre Company Rutgers University Saint Peter’s College Schaefer Farms Scotch Plains-Fanwood Schools Sculpture Garden Grounds Seton Hall University ShopRite Shriner Circus Somerset Patriots Stadium South Orange Performing Arts Center – SOPAC St. Joseph High School State Theatre Stevens Institute of Technology Stillman Elementary School Stony Hill Farm Stop & Shop Supermarket Student Council Leadership Conference Sunnymeade Elementary School Telemundo 47 – WNJU TV Thomas Edison Historical Museum Trailside Nature Center Trailside Nature and Science Center Trenton Museum Trenton State House Turtle Back Zoo Two River Theatre Union County College Union County Performing Arts Center Univision 41 TV – WXTV Valentine House Von Thun Farms Walmart Warinanco Park Washington Community School Washington Crossing Watchung Stables Westfield Schools Wightman Farms William Paterson University Williams Nursery Willingboro High School Jazz Festival Woodlands Nursing Home Woodland Elementary School CITY New Jersey Glassboro New Brunswick New Brunswick, Piscataway and Newark Jersey City Flemington Scotch Plains-Fanwood Hamilton South Orange South Plainfield NJ (location to be determined) Bridgewater South Orange Metuchen New Brunswick Hoboken Plainfield Morristown Watchung NJ (location to be determined) Hillsborough Fort Lee West Orange Mountainside Watchung Trenton Trenton West Orange Red Bank Cranford Rahway Teaneck Montclair Monmouth Junction Watchung Roselle Plainfield Titusville Mountainside Westfield Morristown Wayne Westfield Willingboro Plainfield Plainfield Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 33 - September 20, 2016 B. Professional Development (1) Association of School Business Officials International Annual Meeting/Expo – Phoenix, AZ Strategic Plan Link Goal 3: Business Operations: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district professional development opportunities. Gary L. Ottmann, School Business Administrator, will attend the Association of School Business Officials International Annual Meeting and Expo in Phoenix, Arizona, September 23-26, 2016. WHEREAS, the specific focus is to lead districts through todays’ economic challenges, and to make a difference for students and shape the future of education funding; the cost to attend the 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo, per the GSA, follows: Registration Transportation Lodging Meals / Incidentals Total Cost to District $1,020.00 $350.00 $533.36 $265.50 $2,168.86 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Gary L. Ottmann to attend the Association of School Business Officials International Annual Meeting and Expo in Phoenix, Arizona, September 2326, 2016 – total cost not to $2,168.86. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-251000-592T-04-0000 (Travel). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 34 - September 20, 2016 (2) Frontline Technologies — Teacher Effectiveness Training – Early Childhood Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential in the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in professional development opportunities. The Office of Early Childhood Programs and Services, recommends Frontline Technologies Professional Learning Team to provide MLP OASYS professional development training. The breakdown is as follows: Dates September 26 and October 7, 2016 Number of In-Service Days 1 Full Day 1 Half Day Sessions Per In-Service Day 3 Sessions 2 Sessions Trainers Per In-Service Day 1 1 Cost $3,000.00 $2,000.00 Total Cost to District $5,000.00 Breakdown of MLP OASYS Sessions Four (4) 60-minute sessions for Preschool Teachers Twenty-five (25) participants per cohort One (1) 90-minute session for Evaluators Frontline Technologies will provide evaluation tools, that incorporate benchmarks, feedback and performance indicators training. This system will assist the Office of Early Childhood with the rigor and integrity of the observation process. In observer cohorts, participants will master MLP OASYS navigation features, tools and evaluation forms. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves professional development and payment to Frontline Technologies – total cost not to exceed $5,000.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-218-200000-329A-34-0000 (ECPA Other Pur Profesion). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 35 - September 20, 2016 (3) Keystone’s National Association of Software Users (NASU) – Baltimore, MD Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential in the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development. The district has identified a need to strengthen leadership skills. Yolanda Koon, Assistant Business Administrator, and Jinni Wu, Coordinator, Business Administration, will attend the Keystone’s National Association of Software Users (NASU), in Baltimore, MD, October 5-7, 2016. Administrators will turnkey as a follow-up activity. The breakdown, per the GSA, is as follows: Registration (Pre-conference and Conference) Lodging (inc. 18% tax; $527.46 per person) Travel / Mileage ($181.65 per person) Food / Incidentals ($241.50 per person) Total Cost to District ($950.61 per person) $0.00 $1,054.92 $363.30 $483.00 $1,901.22 WHEREAS, the specific focus includes on-going user training, software product input discussion, and presentations by business partners. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Yolanda Koon and Jinni Wu, to attend the NASU 2016 Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD, October 5-7, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $1,901.22. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11000-251000-592T-04-00000 (Travel). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 36 - September 20, 2016 (4) ALAS 13th Annual Education Summit – Philadelphia, PA – Barlow Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development opportunities. Wilson Aponte, Principal, Barlow Elementary School will attend the 13th Annual Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS) Education Summit in Philadelphia, PA, October 12-15, 2016. The cost breakdown (per person, per GSA) is as follows: Registration and Membership Lodging ($189.00 per day + inc.18% tax) Mileage Reimbursement ($.31 per mile) Meals / Incidentals Total Cost to District $845.00 $892.08 $51.83 $224.00 $2,012.91 Through this event, attendees will challenge themselves and others to become more active in finding solutions that will improve the educational success of Latino students. Participants are encouraged to learn, question, create and engage in meaningful, authentic dialogue with representatives of federal agencies, national organizations, state governments and technology vendors, as well as with each other. This summit is different than a traditional conference, seminar, or workshop. After ten (10) years of service, the summit offers a structured but free-flowing forum for teams at the local, state, national, and international level to explore and debate a myriad of timely issues. Outcomes and Benefits Join educational and government leaders in an informative and engaging summit. Tap into the experiences of colleagues and industry leaders on topics such as leadership development, web-based curriculum development, and learning management systems. Network with other school district leaders, government officials, community representatives, and national experts. Explore topics such as curriculum, instruction, assessment, data management and accountability systems, leadership and planning in challenging times, and more. Learn with other school district leaders, government officials, community representatives, and national experts in a relaxed and collegial setting. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Wilson Aponte, Principal, to attend the ALAS 13th Annual Education Summit in Philadelphia, PA, October 12-15, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $2,012.91. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-000-240000-300A-110000 (Barlow Principal Prof & Tech). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 37 - September 20, 2016 (5) WIDA 2016 National Conference – Philadelphia, PA Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development opportunities. Title III District Resource Teachers, Idelisse Gonzalez and Jay Rossin will attend the WIDA National Conference, October 12-15, 2016 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA. Participants will turnkey information to colleagues, upon their return. The breakdown, per the GSA is as follows: Registration ($595 per person) Transportation ($.31 per mile $51.83 per $1,120.00 $103.66 person) Lodging ($986.48 per person) Meals / Incidentals ($288 per person) Total Cost to District ($1,969.48) $1,972.76 $576.00 $3,772.42 WIDA is a professional organization that has developed the current assessment used to evaluate ELLs progress, ACCESS. This conference is designed to deepen the understanding of WIDA standards and how to utilize the test data in designing instruction. This conference will provide an opportunity to engage its attendees in participating in numerous workshops, and exhibits, and networking with other ESL/Bilingual educators from across the nation. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Idelisse Gonzalez and Jay Rossin to attend the WIDA National Conference, October 12-15, 2016 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA – total cost not to exceed $3,772.42. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to Title III accounts 20-240-200000-500A-39-0000 (T3 Conf/Workshop), and 20-240-200000-580A-39-0000 (T3 Travel). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 38 - September 20, 2016 (6) Standard Solutions, LLC – In District Professional Development – Stillman School Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students achieve lifelong success. The District is also committed to raising the standards and student performance and providing sustained professional development for staff. Charles H. Stillman Elementary School according to our approved School Improvement Plan (SIP) has identified Standard Solutions, LLC, a team of educational consultants that specialize in curriculum, instruction and assessment to conduct professional development, improved instruction and assessment, in-class support and product review in the area of Mathematics, and grant access to the Standard Solution, LLC website for the 2016-2017 school year for grades K – 5 teachers. The breakdown is as follows: Consulting Services Workshops / Demonstration Lessons / In-class support Coaching Dates Oct. 2016 – Nov.2016 Instructional Focus Cost Grades K-5 $10,000.00 The Standard Solutions, LLC consultants will: Conduct professional development workshops in Mathematics to assist all teachers to better understand test specifications and instructional strategies to assist students to perform at their personal best. Conduct demonstration lessons to display child-centered instructional strategies to assist students to perform at their personal best. Provide ongoing in-class support and to conduct product review to assist teachers to identify the next instructional steps for Grade K-5 classrooms. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves payment to Standard Solutions, LLC in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. The availability for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-230-200000-320A-20-0000 (T1 – Stillman Educ. Consultant). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 39 - September 20, 2016 (7) VES, Literacy Consultant – Stillman Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. Literacy consultant, VES, will provide research-based strategies in teaching vocabulary instruction and reading informational text. Charles H. Stillman staff will have the opportunity to discover new teaching methods, materials, and tools to transform lives through literacy, as well as assist in strengthening effective literacy practices at Stillman. In accordance with the School Improvement Plan (SIP), this professional development will provide support in PARCC preparation. Date Grades In-class Support October 21, 2016 Kindergarten – Fifth - Grades 2-5 (dates to be November and December determined) Total Cost to District $6,000.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Literacy Professional Development for in Charles H. Stillman staff (K-5) – total cost not to exceed $6,000.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-230-200000-320A-20-0000 (T1 Stillman Educ. Consultant). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 40 - September 20, 2016 (8) Staff Development Workshops – Literacy Coaching/Training – Maxson Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, and achieve academic and life-long success. In accordance with the Action Steps details within Maxson Middle School’s Improvement Plan (SIP) for the 2016-17 academic year, consultation for enhancing best practices within the adopted research-based methodology for literacy instruction will be provided by a contracted organization, Staff Development Workshops, Inc. Coaching at Maxson will focus on integrating guided reading and small strategy group instruction with the Reading/Writing Workshop framework. The breakdown is as follows: Schools Cost Per Day Number of Days Professional Development Dates Total Cost to District Maxson $1,700.00 5 November 4 December 2 January13 February 7 March 6 $8,500.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves payment to Staff Development Workshops, Inc. for professional development services during the 2016-17 academic year. The total cost shall not exceed $8,500.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to Maxson FY2017 NCLB Title I 200-300 Accounts. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 41 - September 20, 2016 (9) Rutgers University – Center for Literacy Development Meetings and Annual Conference Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to have staff members participate in out-of-district Professional Development opportunities. The listed PPS staff will attend the Rutgers University Center for Literacy Development Network Meetings (series of 5 events, including the Annual Conference). Name Celia Bouffidis Joan Cansdale Donna Mullaney Dionne Allen Tehyma Williams Position/Location Library Media Specialist Secondary ELA Supervisor Elementary ELA Supervisor ELA Teacher ELA Teacher Number of Network Meetings + Annual Conference Cost Per Person Total Cost to District Location Maxson Educational Services Educational Services Maxson Maxson 4 + 1 = Total of 5 $750.00 $3,750.00 The Office of English Language Arts has established a partnership with Rutgers University to support research-based professional development initiatives. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of instructional practices that help students make meaning of complex text and improve writing skills. This series will include the following national presenters: Lucy Calkins: Strategy Instruction to Support Higher Levels of Comprehension and Practical Help Supporting Work with Essay Writing Ralph Fletcher: How Mentor Texts Lift Student Writing Jennifer Serravallo: Strategies and Structures for Teaching Reading Kelly Gallagher: Teaching Practices and Instructional Strategies that Position Students Closer to Reading and Writing Excellence Nell Duke: Solving Common Problems of Practice through Project-based Pedagogy RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the listed PPS staff to four Rutgers University Literacy Network Meetings and the Annual Reading and Writing Conference – total cost not to exceed $3,750.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and ($2,250) will be charged to Maxson FY2017 NCLB Title I 200-500 account, and ($1,500) to Educational Services account 11-000-223000-320T-26-0000 (Curr Instruct Staff Training Consultants). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction (10) - 42 - September 20, 2016 Literacy for All Conference – Providence RI – Charles H. Stillman School Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development opportunities. The listed Charles H. Stillman School staff members will attend the Literacy for All Conference, October 23-25, 2016 in Providence, Rhode Island. Staff Eleanor Smith Madaly Rodriguez Position Literacy Supervisor Kindergarten Teacher Staff Ashley Eddy Grinnet Foxton Position Kindergarten Teacher 4th Grade Teacher Participants are required to turnkey information obtained with designated persons in accordance to District requirements. This team of teachers will facilitate and model effective professional learning community structure, using research-based strategies learned during the conference. The cost per person, per the GSA is as follows: Date Registration for Teachers (3 x $410) Registration for Supervisor Lodging (inc. 18% tax = $346.92 per person) Roundtrip Mileage / Parking ($187.44 per person) (Mileage - $.31 per mile – 424 mi. round trip) / (Parking - $28 x 2 nights) Meals / Incidentals ($147.50 per person) Total Cost to District October 23-25, 2016 $1,230.00 $205.00 $1,387.68 $749.76 $590.00 $4,162.44 Through this conference, attendees will acquire new research based strategies in teaching reading and writing. Participants will attend a variety of workshops to improve instruction in core subjects consistent with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts, as well as acquire new research based strategies in teaching reading/writing. In accordance with the School Improvement Plan (SIP), staff will have the opportunity to discover new teaching methods, materials, and tools to transform lives through literacy, as well as assist in strengthening effective literacy practices at Stillman School. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Charles H. Stillman School staff to attend the Literacy for All Conference in Providence, RI, October 23-25, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $4,162.44. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts 20-230-200000-580A-200000 (T1 Stillman Travel/Hotel/Meals); 20-230-200000-500A-20-0001 (T1 Stillman Conf Reg Costs). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction (11) - 43 - September 20, 2016 Autism New Jersey 34th Annual Conference 2016 – Atlantic City, NJ – Special Services Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Human: Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional opportunities. The listed Special Education administrators and parents of children with autism will attend the Autism New Jersey 34th Conference at the Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ. Antoinette Adams – Vice Principal Elizabeth Filippatos – Coordinator Taleena Hurst – Parent Sheree Davis – Parent Conference Dates Registration for Two Administrators ($500 per person) Registration for Two Parents ($300 per person) Transportation ($74 per person) Lodging ($140.56 per person) Meals / Incidentals ($102 per person) Cost for Administrators ($816.56 per person) Cost for Parents ($616.56 per person) Total Cost to District October 27-28, 2016 $1,000.00 $600.00 $296.00 $562.24 $408.00 $1,633.12 $1,233.12 $2,866.24 Autism New Jersey 34th Conference is one of the largest autism-specific conferences nationally. It provides educational professionals and parents support and training opportunities that utilize effective strategies to bring a difference to individuals with autism. The conference will offer a variety of 73 workshops, more than 100 exhibitors and countless network opportunities, as well as provide resources and evidenced based practices that professionals and parents can share in order to gain a better understanding of children with autism in the classroom and the community. Participants will also have the opportunity to listen to various keynote speakers. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the listed special education administrators and parents of children with autism to attend the Autism New Jersey 34 th Conference, October 27-28, 2016, in Atlantic City, NJ – total cost not to exceed $2,866.24. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-251-200000-320A-32-0000 (IDEA Professional and Technical Service). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction (12) - 44 - September 20, 2016 ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership – National Harbor, MD Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential in the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development. The District has identified a need to strengthen leadership skills. S. Johnson-Tucker, Interim Assistant Superintendent will attend the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Pre-Conference and Conference on Educational Leadership, in National Harbor, MD, November 3-6, 2016. The administrator will turnkey as a follow-up activity. The breakdown, per the GSA, is as follows: Registration – Pre-conference and Conference Lodging (inc. 18% tax) Mileage Reimbursement (428 miles r/t @ $.31 per mile) Food / Incidentals Total Cost to District $698.00 $1,047.84 $132.68 $310.50 $2,189.02 Participants attending this annual conference will acquire strategies to improve understanding of and build internal capacity in the areas of: Instructional practices, Instructional leadership, Student learning goals and supporting student learning needs, Educating the whole child, Closing achievement gaps, School leadership that works, and Brain-Based Education. The pre-conference and conference will engage participants in educational topics, such as Professional Development That Supports Differentiation; Implementing Gold-Standard Project-Based Learning Across Schools and Districts; Teaching Kids to Think and Act Ethically; Growing Great Teachers Project; Leveraging the Principal’s Influence; etc. The workshops will focus on building resources and relationships between Plainfield and internal and national educators. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves S. Johnson-Tucker to attend the ASCD Pre-Conference and Conference on Educational Leadership, in National Harbor, MD, November 3-6, 2016 – total cost $2,189.02. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts 11-000-221000-500A-26-0000 (Other Purchased Serv {400-500}, and 11-000221000-500T-26-0000 (Other Purc Serv {440-500} Travel). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction (13) - 45 - September 20, 2016 CPR/AED, Sports First Aid, and Fundamentals of Coaching Certification/ Re-Certification – RWJ Health and Wellness Center – Scotch Plains, NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it is has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in district and out-of-district professional development opportunities. PPS Athletic Coaches have been verified by the Superintendent of Schools as qualified pursuant to the NJ Administrative Code, Statute 6A:9-1.1 which “sets forth the rules governing preparation, licensure, and professional development of those educators required by their positions to be certified.” The Superintendent, in this item has used her authority. The breakdown is as follows for the cost of each class per coach: Number of Coaches CPR/AED Sports First Aid Fundamentals of Coaching Total Cost to District 50* $50.00 $45.00 $75.00 $2,000.00 *All coaches will not need all certifications/re-certifications. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves certification training for PPS Athletic Coaches, for the 2016-2017 school year – total cost not to exceed $2,000.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-100000-500A-27-0000 (Purchase Services). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 46 - September 20, 2016 C. English/Spanish District-Wide Translation Team 2016-2017 Strategic Plan Link Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ staff members to perform additional assignments within our District. With a fast growing Spanish speaking community in Plainfield, there is an increased need for district and school personnel to send written notices, letters, and other important information to parents in their native language (Spanish). Translations will provide parents with information pertaining to their child’s education. Dates Number of Translators Rate Per Hour / Maximum Total Cost to District September 2016 – June 2017 14 $28.00 / $2,500.00 $22,500.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Translation Team for the 2016-2017 school year – total cost not to exceed $22,500.00 (hours will be determined based on case load and needs of each individual school). The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-240-100000-110S-00-0000 (Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 47 - September 20, 2016 D. Istation – Elementary Schools Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. Istation Reading personalizes learning to maximize students’ growth. This online interactive curriculum focuses on research-based skills tailored for many levels of reading development: Phonemic Awareness; Phonics/Word Analysis; Vocabulary; Comprehension; and Fluency. Teachers will also receive onsite professional development in the implementation of the Istation program. The cost to fund the Istation program and professional development is as follows: Cost for Seven (7) Elementary Schools ($6,900.00 per school) Cost for Woodland (4 month credit) Cost for Two (2) PD Days (1 free) Total Cost to District $48,300.00 $4,600.00 $2,500.00 $55,400.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Istation Reading all PPS Elementary Schools, except Stillman, kindergarten through fifth grade students, and professional development for teaching staff – total cost not to exceed $55,400.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to individual schools FY2017 budgets and Title II account 20-271200000-300A-05-0000 (T2A Education Consultants) for professional development. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 48 - September 20, 2016 E. NCLB Grant Submission for FY17 NCLB Funds Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. FY2017 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) funds in the amount of $4,050,770 will support student academic achievement, school improvement, professional development and English language acquisition for Plainfield Public Schools and specific Non-Public schools which may include I AM’s Temple, Koinonia Academy and St. Bartholomew Academy. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to submit FY2017 NCLB application for federal funds to support educational programs and increase grant revenue in the district. Funding Source FY 2017 ESEA-NCLB Consolidated Formula Sub-Grant (Project period: July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) 1) Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Program Operated by Local Education Agencies 2) Title II, Part A: Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund 3) Title III, Part A: Grants and Sub-grants for English Language Acquisition and Language Enhancement 4) Title III: Supplemental Immigrant Student Aid Administrator(s) Gary Ottmann Dawn Ciccone Grant Amount Dawn Ciccone $2,738,221 BJ BrownLawson Phillip Williamson Phillip Williamson GRAND TOTAL: $4,050,770 $385,357 Public $374,104 Non-Public $11,253 $866,113 Public $865,385 Non-Public $728 $61,079 Public $61,079 $4,050,770 Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 49 - September 20, 2016 F. Title I Compensatory Educational Services for Non-Public Schools Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Educational is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. The Union County Educational Services Commission will provide Title I Compensatory Educational services, including Language Arts and Mathematics to eligible non-public students, grades 1 – 8, who attend St. Bartholomew Academy and Koinonia Academy, in accordance with applicable Federal Title I statutes. The Commission will provide supplemental instruction for identified students, specialized instructional supplies and materials, staff development, supervision/administration required for the implementation of services and programs and participation in consultation meetings with non-public schools initiated by the Plainfield School District. Dates Cost for Title I Services Total Cost to District September 2016 – May 2017 $6,086.00 $6,086.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education authorizes the District to subcontract with Union County Educational Services Commission from September 2016 through May 2017 for a maximum of $6,086.00 for Title I services. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to FY 2017 NCLB Title I accounts 20-230-100000-320N-39-0000 (T1 NP Purchase Services), and 20-230-200000-800N-39-0000 (T1 NP UCESC Adm Fees). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 50 - September 20, 2016 G. PAAAS Saturday Institute Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for students and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. The PAAAS Saturday Institute Program will focus on technology, business management, accounting, marketing, and Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS), SAT and ACT Prep for student in grades 712. The Saturday Institute will increase academic achievement of students participating in career and technical education programs. The breakdown is a s follows: Dates Time Grade Level Staff (two {2} teachers alternate September 17, 2016 – April 21, 2017 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 7th – 12th 8 Teachers weekly) Rate of Pay Per Hour/ Maximum Total Cost to District $28.00 / $672.00 $5,376.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Saturday Institute at PAAAS – total cost not to exceed $5,376.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-130-100000-101C-52-0000 (PAAAS Teacher Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 51 - September 20, 2016 H. Special Permission to Attend F.W. Cook School for School Year 2016-17 Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. WHEREAS, April Stitt is an employee with the Plainfield Public School District and would like permission for her child to attend F.W. Cook School. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the special permission request for the child of PPS employee April Stitt; with the understanding that the school and the District reserve the right to rescind this permission allowance if it conflicts with the best interest of the District. The parent/guardian is responsible for students’ transportation to and from school. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 52 - September 20, 2016 I. Fall and Spring Saturday Academy – 2016-2017 – Office of Community Engagement Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and life-long success. The Office of Community Engagement will offer the Fall and Spring 2016-2017 Saturday Academy Enrichment Program in an effort to increase student academic performance, parent/school communication and community engagement. All instructors are volunteering their time to the community. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Location Number of Participants Hours Cost to District October 1 – December 10, 2016 February 4 – May 21, 2017 Plainfield High School 40-50 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM $0.00 The Saturday Academy Enrichment Program will offer our Plainfield Public Schools’ families an academic enrichment program for parents and children. The goal is to provide the children an opportunity to engage in fun learning activities that engage the entire family, providing a family learning opportunity. All children must be accompanied by an adult. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Fall and Spring 2016-2017 Saturday Academy Enrichment Program – at no cost to the District. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 53 - September 20, 2016 J. Parent English Language Learner Academy Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. The Office of Bilingual Education will offer the 2016-2017 Parent English Language Learner Academy in an effort to increase parent/school communication and for parents to be able to help their children. The academy will provide parents with the opportunity to learn English through leveled ESL classes. The goal is that parents will become more active members of their child’s school and the community, with increased English language communicative skills and knowledge of the cultural/language nuances of this North American society. Dates Days Times Location Number of Sessions Number of Parents Number of Teachers Rate Per Hour / Maximum Total Cost to District October 11, 2016 – March 9, 2017 Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 – 8:00 PM PHS 36 Approximately 100 4 $28.00/$2,520.00 $10,080.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the 2016-2017 Parent English Language Learner Academy – total cost not to exceed $10,080.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to Title III account 20-241-200000-110S-39-0000 (T3 Prof Dev Tchr Stipend). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 54 - September 20, 2016 K. Morris-Union Jointure Commission Nonmember Subscription Professional Learning Series Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district professional development opportunities. The District is committed to raising the standards and student performance through providing sustained professional development for staff. As such, the District has identified the Morris-Union Jointure Commission, located at 340 Central Avenue, New Providence, NJ, as a provider of professional development services and programs that meet the needs of school districts. The primary purposes of the Morris-Union Jointure Commission, a cooperative educational agency, are to identify district needs and to provide creative educational approaches and programs to member school districts. Additionally, the Morris-Union Jointure Commission provides a forum for local educational agencies to work cooperatively in studying common problems while maintaining district priorities. The Morris-Union Jointure Commission is offering districts the option of enrollment in its subscription rate professional development program. In this program, nonmember school districts with a student enrollment of 1,500+ students are able to participate in the Morris-Union Jointure Commission’s Professional Learning Series The discounted member district rate below covers the entire 2016-2017 school year. Discount Member Rate $995.00 Enrollment in the Morris-Union Jointure Commission Nonmember Subscription Program for Professional Learning will enable The Plainfield Public School District to benefit by receiving the member district discounted rate for all Morris-Union Jointure Commission Professional Learning Inservices during the 2016-2017 school year. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Plainfield Public School District enrollment in the Morris-Union Jointure Commission Nonmember Subscription Program for Professional Learning – total cost not to exceed $995.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-221000-800A-26-0000 (Other Object). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 55 - September 20, 2016 L. Literably – Digital Reading Assessment – District / Stillman Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. Literably digital assessments are formative reading assessments which provide information on student reading performance. Literably is a classroom tool that helps elementary and middle school teachers monitor students’ progress in reading. The assessment will serve as a screening tool to identify students’ reading levels. Literably digitally scores oral reading assessments with a comprehension check, allowing teachers to spend less time assessing and more time teaching. Teachers in grades K-8 will use the results of the assessments to provide intervention and enrichment during small group instruction. The breakdown for the ALL 3rd through 8th Grade students in the District, is as follows: Grade Levels Number of Assessments Approximate # of Students in Grades 3 – 8 Cost Per Student Cost to District (for all 3rd – 8th Grade Students) 3rd through 8th Grades 2 Rounds – Fall and Spring 4,000 $3.00 $12,000.00 In accordance with their School Improvement Plan (SIP), Stillman Elementary will use Literably for Kindergarten through 2nd grade – Cost to fund Literably for Stillman K-2 $1,500.00 TOTAL COST TO DISTRICT $13,500.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Literably digital reading assessments for all PPS 3rd – 8th grade students – at a cost of $12,000.00; as well as Stillman Elementary School Kindergarten – 2nd grade – at a cost of $1,500.00. Total cost to the District not to exceed $13,500.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-221000500A-26-0000 (Other Purchased Serv {400-500}); and 15-000-240000-600A-20-0000 (Stillman Supplies and Materials). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 56 - September 20, 2016 M. I-ready – C. H. Stillman and Jefferson Elementary School Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieves academic, and lifelong success. I-ready Reading/Mathematics personalizes learning to maximize students' growth. This online interactive curriculum focuses on research-based skills tailored for many levels of reading development: Phonemic Awareness; Phonics/Word Analysis; Vocabulary; Comprehension; and Fluency; Math Computational Fluency. Pending 2016-17 School Improvement Plan (SIP) approval, Stillman and Jefferson will purchase Iready; the cost is based on enrollment at each school. The breakdown is as follows: Schools Grades (for both schools) Number of Students Cost Per School Total Cost to District Jefferson Stillman Kindergarten – Fifth 415 325 $19,400.00 $14,400.00 $33,800.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the purchase of I-ready for the 20162017 academic year – cost not to exceed $33,800.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to Stillman account 20-230-100000-600A-20-0002 (T1 Stillman Inst. Software); and Jefferson 20-230-100000-600A-18-0002 (T1 Jefferson Inst. Software). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 57 - September 20, 2016 N. Establishing a Special Education Program Strategic Plan Link Goal: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION IDEA 2004 and N.J.A.C. 6A: 14 requires districts develop the capacity to meet the needs of a wider variety of disabilities by providing appropriate in district programs in order to meet the least restrictive mandate for children and disabilities. Plainfield Public Schools has a responsibility to provide these students with a free and appropriate public education designed to meet their special needs. Each newly proposed resource program, special class program, and service must be located in a space that has been approved by the County Superintendent of Schools. Additionally, Plainfield Public Schools is responsible for submitting a rationale for each new program/service established to the County Superintendent of Schools. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the application for the preschool disability (PSD) program: “Establishing a Special Education Program or Service” for Emerson School, during the school year 2016-2017. SCHOOL Emerson E.S. PROGRAM PSD TEACHER Susan McCarthy ROOM NUMBER 106 Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 58 - September 20, 2016 O. Bilingual Education Coordination – Title III coordination after school resources/materials in preparation and planning Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. There is a need to coordinate and plan various District level Bilingual/ESL programs during the school year as well as lead after-school meetings and professional development. These duties will be performed during the 2016-17 school year. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Number of Coordinators Hours Rate Per Hour / Maximum Total Cost to District September 1, 2016 – June 16, 2017 2 3:05 – 7:00 pm $28.00 / $2,250.00 $4,500.00 RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Bilingual Education Coordination – total cost not to exceed $4,500.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-240-100000-110S-0000 (Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 59 - September 20, 2016 P. English Language Arts Teacher Leadership Cohort Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. The District is committed to raising the standards and student performance through providing sustained professional development and collaboration on best practices for staff. The Office of English Language Arts has identified a need to continue working with a Teacher Leadership Cohort, which will provide professional development leadership within their schools and who will serve as resources for instructional best practices. Members of this team will consist of fifteen certificated teachers from schools across the district, representing a cross-section of grade levels. Meetings/Workshops Number of Positions 15 Location ELA Office Number of Hours 10 Rate Per Hour / Maximum $28.00 / $280.00 Total Cost to District $4,200.00 Research studies have identified the characteristics of teacher leaders, including the following: Collaboration with peers, parents, and communities that engages them in dialogues of open inquiry. Risk taking and participation in school decision making. Demonstrated expertise in instruction and the willingness to share that knowledge with other professionals, engage in continuous action research, and consistently participate in a professional learning curve. Frequent reflection on their work and staying on the cutting edge of what is best for children. Teachers who participate in the Teacher Leadership Cohort will attend designated professional development sessions, act as turnkey teachers in their schools, and meet regularly as a team throughout the 2016-17 school year. Teacher Leaders will also have the opportunity to facilitate workshops for teachers and/or parents. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the continuation of a Teacher Leadership Cohort for English Language Arts – total cost not to exceed $4,200.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to 11-000-221000-104B-26-0000 (Curriculum Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 60 - September 20, 2016 Q. English Language Learner After-School Academy Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. The Office of Bilingual Education/ESL and World Languages through the English Language Learner Academy will offer instruction for English Language Learners this year. The Academy will be comprised of two components: ESL/Literacy and Mathematics using ALEKS. ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) is an online math program that provides individualized assessment and learning with standards-based content. The ESL component will focus on test taking strategies and skills with a concentration on basic skills and ACCESS. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Days Times Locations Number of Sessions Grades / Number of Students Number of Teachers Rate Per Hour / Maximum Total Cost to District October 4, 2016 – March 2, 2017 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Barlow, Cedarbrook, Clinton, Emerson, Evergreen, Jefferson, Stillman, Washington, Woodland, Maxson, Hubbard, and PHS 36 Grades 2-12, Approx. 390 Students 26 $28.00 / $1,344.00 $34,944.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the English Language Learner Academy to implement and operate – total cost not to exceed $34,944.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to Title III account 20-241-100000-101A-39-0000 (T3 Teacher Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 61 - September 20, 2016 R. Cook School Musical Director/Artist in Residence Strategic Plan Link Goa1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in all discipline. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, and achieve academic excellence in the arts. Goal: To increase arts activities in a variety of forums. Our goal is to provide Cook School students with a variety of Arts experiences. Hence our proposal is to have the following experiences: Theater productions Public speaking Community performance Deborah Vaughn, a New Jersey certified teacher and talented singer/actress has over fifteen (15) years of experience performing in numerous plays and programs. She has served as an actress, singer, producer and co-director of many productions. Length of Service October 2016 – June 2017 60 Kindergarten – 2nd Grades Hours Provided for Aladdin Play Additional Instruction (Public Speaking / School Play) Additional Instruction (Performance Groups / Community Choir / Integrated 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades Arts) Number of Hours Per Week (Instruction/Support) Total Cost to District (7 equal payments of $1,000) 48 hrs. per week = 34 Weeks $7,000.00 Ms. Vaughn will provide assistance to the students and staff of Cook School in our upcoming production of Aladdin, coaching students and staff, assisting with auditions, choreography, dress rehearsals and productions days. In addition to the Aladdin performance, Ms. Vaughn will provide instruction and support to teachers and students with public speaking; performance groups – performing in school, throughout the district, and community. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Cook School’s partnership with Deborah Vaughn – total cost not to exceed $7,000.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 5-190-100001-500A-15-0000 (Other Purchased Services). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 62 - September 20, 2016 S. 2016-2017 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Programs – Collaborator/Partner Agreements Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education will enter into agreements for the purpose of rendering enrichment learning services, aligned to NJSLS for students participating in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) afterschool programs at CH Stillman Elementary, Washington Community, Evergreen Elementary, Jefferson Elementary Schools (grades 4-5) and Hubbard Middle School (grades 6-8) with the providers listed below. The identified partner and collaborators are included in the 2016-2017 SY 21st CCLC Continuation Grant application. The partner and collaborators have a documented history of demonstrating expertise in their service area meeting all the guidelines and regulations put forth by the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Educational Support Services (by way of Every Student Succeeds 2015, Title IV, Part B). The program partners and collaborators will provide essential educational services as identified in the 2016-2017 SY 21st CCLC Continuation Grant application’s project activity plan (PAP). Program Evaluation and Assessment -The NJDOE 21st CCLC ESSA 2015 NGO requires awarded grantees to acquire an outside project evaluator non-affiliated with the grantee. As such, the Program partners, Elaine Walker, Ph.D. (Sametric Research, LLC) and Rafael Inoa, Ed.D, will provide evaluation and assessment services, including action research and related professional development, co-facilitation of Advisory Board meetings, completion of the mid-year and final evaluation reports, and identification of evidence-based assessment tools for program improvement. Sametric Research will comprehensively assess and evaluate the PPS 21st CCLC After-School and Summer Programs for two hundred fifty hours (250) at a rate of $100.00 per hour for a total of $25,000.00. Arts Horizons - a non-profit arts education organization dedicated to improving the development of the whole person by providing high quality arts education programs. Arts Horizons agrees to provide fifty (50) sessions @ $200.00 per session of arts education instruction for student participants enrolled at Stillman, Washington, Hubbard, Evergreen, and Jefferson Schools, connected to NJSLS, sites of the 21 st CCLC After-School Program at a total cost of $10,000.00. Sigma Community Enrichment Initiative (The Sigma Beta Club) - a non-profit mentoring, parental involvement, and community service education organization dedicated to improving the development of at-risk male elementary students by providing high-quality, standards-based workshops and projects that help to build students’ self-awareness, connection to their community, and student achievement. The Sigma Beta Club agrees to provide up to thirty-five (35) one-hour youth development and learning workshops at a rate of $185.00 per workshop for a total $6,475.00 for student participants enrolled at Stillman, Washington, Evergreen, and Jefferson school sites of the 21st CCLC Afterschool Program. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 63 - September 20, 2016 2016-2017 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Programs – Collaborator/Partner Agreements (cont’d) Foundations, Inc. - The NJDOE 21st CCLC 2015 NGO requires awarded grantees to acquire an outside project technical assistance specialist non-affiliated with the grantee. Foundations, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to improving educational experiences for America's youth by partnering with education entities. Foundations, Inc. will conduct one (1) quarterly site visit at the five (5) afterschool sites for a total of twenty (20) visits, facilitate two four-hour half day workshops with related materials and provide a copy of GraffitWall, Global GraffitiWall, and STEM GraffitiWall (books & CDs) for each of the five afterschool sites & the two summer sites, as well as provide ongoing technical assistance on an as needed basis for the 2016-2017 grant year for a total 60 hours @ $185.00 per hour for a total of $11,100.00. Kean University (KU) Visual & Performing Arts Screenwriting Academy - will provide students with the opportunity to build their college and career readiness capacity by working with KU faculty in the areas of creative thinking, writing, organizing thoughts after analyzing social studies text, and creating a stage production. All students will construct a final stage production to be presented at the end of the 10-12 weeks residency to parents/community/KU faculty/and school officials at Washington Community, Hubbard Middle, Stillman, Evergreen and Jefferson Schools. The program is at a negotiated rate of $3,100 per residency per site (10-12 weeks of 2-hour contact with students) during the 16-17 SY for a total of $15,500.00. Partner/Collaborator Name Sametric Research, LLC Arts Horizons SCEI Foundations, Inc. Kean University Number of Number of Sessions Hours and/or and/or Hours Per Residencies Session 301 n/a 250 301 50 2 241 35 1 301 n/a 60 301 5 2 Total Cost - $68,075.00 Number of Students Cost Per Session Cost $100.00 $200.00 $185.00 $185.00 $3,100.00 $25,000.00 $10,000.00 $6,475.00 $11,100.00 $15,500.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Plainfield Public Schools to enter into a contractual agreement with program partner, Elaine Walker, Ph.D. (Sametric Research, LLC), and the aforementioned community collaborators at a total cost of $68,075.00. Availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to 21st CCLC accounts 20-453-100000-320A-38-0000 (Purchased Professional Services). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction T. - 64 - September 20, 2016 After-School Tutorial Program – PAAAS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. The PAAAS After School Tutorial Program will focus on Mathematics, English and Science. Students will receive academic support and enrichment activities which will increase academic achievement in our students’ reading, literacy and science skills. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Days / Times Grade Level Staff (two {2} teachers alternate weekly) Pay Rate Per Hour / Maximum Total Cost to District September 14, 2016 – June 12, 2017 Monday – Friday / 3:05 – 4:05 pm 7th – 12th 5 Teachers $28.00 / $1,120.00 $5,600.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the After-School Tutorial Program at PAAAS – total cost not to exceed $5,600.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-130-100000-101C-52-0000 (PAAAS Teacher Stipends). Business Meeting - 65 XVI. A. September 20, 2016 REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Reports of the Board Secretary and Treasurer – July 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board Secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the District Board of Education. The Treasurer of School Monies is required by statute to submit a report to the Board of Education on the cash balance in the various Board of Education Bank accounts. The Board Secretary’s Report and the Report of the Treasurer of School Monies for the stated period were in agreement. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Plainfield Board of Education certifies that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligations for the remainder of the year, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education directs the Superintendent to initiate whatever actions may be determined to be appropriate. TO BE PRESENTED AT THE SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 BUSINESS MEETING Business Meeting Finance B. - 66 - September 20, 2016 Payment of Bills –– August 12, 2016 – September 15, 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board of Education has determined that the warrants presented for payment are in order. The Board Secretary presented certain warrants to the Board of Education with a recommendation they be paid, and pursuant to NJAC 6:20-2.13(d), the Board Secretary certifies that with respect to the payment of bills referenced below no budgetary line item account has been over expended in violation of NJAC 6:20-2.13(a). RESOLVED, that the following warrants be approved for payment, and that itemized lists of the warrants be filed with the minutes: On the General Account 209777 – 210130 in the amount of $2,955,693.30 On the Agency Account 1213 – 1264 9231 – 9254 100419 – 100421 in the amount of $10,007,957.95 On the Food Service Account 100419 – 100421 in the amount of On the Capital Project Account 210074 in the amount of IN THE GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT OF $5,570.28 $159,885.00 $13,129,106.53 Business Meeting Finance C. - 67 - September 20, 2016 2016 – 17 Budget Transfers Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following budget adjustments, which reflect the appropriations sufficient to meet expenditures: BUDGET TRANSFERS - FUND 11, FUND 12 AND FUND 13 JULY 1, 2016 to JULY 31, 2016 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Regular Programs – Instruction Special Education, Basic Skills/Remedial and Bilingual - Instruction and Other Student Related and Extraordinary Support Services 11-3XX-100-XXX Vocational Programs - Local – Instruction 11-4XX-100-XXX School-Spon. Co/Extra-Curr. Activities, School Sponsored Athletics, and Other Instructional Programs –Instruct 11-800-330-XXX Community Services Programs/Operations Undistributed Expenditures 11-000-100-XXX Instruction 11-000Student Support Services - Attendance and 211,213,218,219,2 Social Work, Health, Other Support Svcs22 Regular, Other Support Svcs-Special, Education Media Services/School Library 11-000-221,223 Improvement of Instruction Services and Instructional Staff Training Services 11-000-230-XXX Support Services - General Administration 11-000-240-XXX Support Services - School Administration 11-000-25X-XXX Central Svcs & Admin Info Technology 10-606 Increase in Maintenance Reserve 11-1XX-100-XXX 11-2XX-100-XXX 11-000-216,217 11-000-26X-XXX 11-000-270-XXX 10-605 11-000-290-XXX 11-XXX-XXX-2XX Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services Student Transportation Services Increase in Sale/Lease-Back Reserve Other Support Services Personal Services - Employee Benefits FROM TO Business Meeting Finance – Transfers - 68 - September 20, 2016 11-000-310-XXX Food Services TOTAL GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE Capital Outlay 12-XXX-XXX-73X Equipment 12-XXX-4XX-XXX Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 13-XXX-XXX-XXX TOTAL SPECIAL SCHOOLS 10-000-100-56X Transfer of Funds to Charter Schools 10-000-520-930 General Fund Contribution to Whole School Reform GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL -0- -0- BUDGET TRANSFERS - FUND 15 JULY 1, 2016 to JULY 31, 2016 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 15-1XX-100-XXX Regular Programs – Instruction 15-2XX-100-XXX Special Education, Basic Skills/Remedial and 15-000-216,217 Bilingual - Instruction and Other Student Related and Extraordinary Support Services 15-3XX-100-XXX Vocational Programs - Local - Instruction 15-4XX-100-XXX School-Spon. Co/Extra-Curr. Activities, School Sponsored Athletics, and Other Instructional Programs -Instruct 15-800-330-XXX Community Services Programs/Operations Undistributed Expenditures 15-000-100-XXX Instruction 15-000Student Support Services - Attendance and 211,213,218,219, Social Work, Health, Other Support Svcs222 Regular, Other Support Svcs-Special, Education Media Services/School Library 15-000-221,223 Improvement of Instruction Services and Instructional Staff Training Services 15-000-230-XXX Support Services - General Administration 15-000-240-XXX Support Services - School Administration 15-000-25X-XXX Central Svcs & Admin Info Technology 15-606 Increase in Maintenance Reserve 15-000-26X-XXX Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services 15-000-270-XXX Student Transportation Services 15-605 Increase in Sale/Lease-Back Reserve 15-000-290-XXX Other Support Services FROM TO 39,000.00 58.00 39,058.00 Business Meeting Finance - Transfers - 69 - September 20, 2016 15-XXX-XXXPersonal Services - Employee Benefits 2XX 15-000-310-XXX Food Services TOTAL GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE Capital Outlay Increase in Capital Reserve Interest Deposit to Capital Reserve Equipment 15-604 15-604 15-XXX-XXX73X 15-000-4XX-XXX Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services 15-000-4XX-931 Capital Reserve-Transfer to Capital Projects 15-000-4XX-933 Capital Reserve-Transfer to Debt Service 15-000-520-930 General Fund Contribution to Whole School Reform WHOLE SCHOOL REFORM GRAND TOTAL 39,058.00 39,058.00 Business Meeting Finance D. - 70 - September 20, 2016 2016 – 2017 Student Accident & Athletic Insurance Company The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a proposal was received from Bob McCloskey Insurance, Matawan, New Jersey whose program most appropriately meets the district’s needs at a competitive price, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the renewal of the Student Accident & Athletic policy for a premium of $45,000.00 to Bob McCloskey Insurance. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000230000-590I-27-0000 (Athletic Liability Ins.). E. Neighborhood Health Services Corp. Agreement Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The District must conduct student athletic physicals, student working paper physical examinations and student physical examinations. A need also exists for a review of student prescriptions and medications, as well as policies relating to communicable diseases, along with other specific health issues. The Neighborhood Health Services Corp. (NHS) has provided these services since 1998 and is qualified to provide same. This community-based health organization has provided services and/or health/nutritional related activities for students on a monthly basis. These services included immunizations, athletic physical examinations, visits for illness, general physical examinations, and obesity prevention education. NHS will be contracted to provide such services to the students enrolled in the Plainfield Public Schools on a month to month basis beginning July 1, 2016. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointment of the Neighborhood Health Services Corp. to provide medical examiner/school physician services at a monthly fee of $8,949.41 on a month to month basis beginning July 1, 2016. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-213000-300A-330000 (Purchased Prof. & Tech). Business Meeting - 71 - September 20, 2016 XVII. REPORT OF THE POLICY COMMITTEE A. Adoption of Policies – Second Reading The following is recommended for adoption: RESOLUTION The Board of Education finds it necessary that these policies be implemented for the management and operation of the Plainfield Public Schools; therefore, the following is recommended for adoption: The Board of Education has reviewed the policies listed below and finds it acceptable for the management and operation of the Plainfield Public Schools, and The Board of Education now finds it necessary that these policies be implemented, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves, on second reading, the following policies: Policy Number 4211 4231/4231.1 5114 Title Recruitment/Selection & Hiring Staff Development Suspension and Expulsion XVIII. ADJOURNMENT YK/bsc Amended Amended Amended