January Vol 2 Issue 1
January Vol 2 Issue 1
January, 2006 • Volume 2 Issue 1 KMC News Sponsored by Hal’s Harley-Davidson (262) 860-2060 Chapter #5603 Meeting – 1st Wednesday of the Month 7:00 p.m. Panos Char House 20290 W. Bluemound Road • Brookfield Join us for social hour before the meeting starting from 6:00-7:00, and afterwards about 8:00-? OFFICERS ASSISTANT LOH DIRECTOR SUE BIEGER (262) 860-2367 DIRECTOR HOWIE WURGLER (414) 763-8917 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR KIMBERLY MUELLER (262) 798-1990 [email protected] ASSISTANT DIRECTOR KATHY BUTENHOFF (414) 425-7184 [email protected] ASSISTANT MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR MIKE CIOFANI (262) 798-1990 SECRETARY ROBIN BUTZKE (414) 329-1783 [email protected] TREASURER KARLENE BOHRMAN (262) 782-3503 [email protected] BOARD MEMBERS JIM BUNCE (262) 392-9887 LAURIE CARNAL (262) 691-9561 [email protected] JIM DROPP (262) 971-0847 [email protected] CHIP PENDLETON (414) 281-8054 TIM SCHUMACHER (262) 896-2151 [email protected] HEAD ROAD CAPTAIN CLARK SKELTON (262) 408-2502 [email protected] ASST. ROAD CAPTAIN TROY MARTINGILIO HOME (262) 820-0965 WORK (262) 860-2060 [email protected] WELCOME WAGON DAWN KRUEGER (414) 765-4189 [email protected] BRUNCH COORD. MARY HECKMAN (262) 244-1202 [email protected] ASST. - CARL GANAS (414) 425-5636 ASST. - VERN KEHOSS (262) 827-3009 BIKER DOWN CARL & MARYLIN GANAS (414) 425-5636 PHOTOGRAPHY COORD. DON PAULAS (414) 427-0724 H (414) 870-9052 C [email protected] WEB PAGE COORD. DAN MERKEL (262) 538-1895 [email protected] MDA COORDINATOR ROY THIEDE (414) 333-1651 OR AT HAL’S DRY RIDERS PETER G. (414) 702-4664 [email protected] LOH OFFICER VICKIE KORDUS (414) 426-0213 [email protected] ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY MIKE & MARY CULL (262) 968-4945 [email protected] ASST. LOH OFFICER SUE BIEGER (262) 860-2367 ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR DAWN KOSS (262) 782-0048 [email protected] HISTORIAN/ YEARBOOK EDITOR ROXANNE RICK (414) 342-8416 [email protected] SAFETY OFFICERS DEWEY HEMBA (262) 367-4873 MIKE NOLAN (262) 523-9020 [email protected] NEWSLETTER CONTACT LISA LE (262) 860-2060 [email protected] LOH DIRECTOR VICKIE KORDUS (414) 426-0213 [email protected] HAL’S KIRK TOPEL (262) 860-2060 [email protected] CHAPTER H0TLINE (414) 299-0699 LAURIE CARNAL (262) 691-9561 [email protected] www.kmchog.com It’s Brunch Time! JANUARY 15th –2006BRUNCH LA FUENTE MEXICAN RESTAURANT 625 S. MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE, WI. TIME: 11:00 a.m. COST: $ WHATEVER YOU MAKE IT La Fuente’s has been voted by Milwaukee Magazine as the “Best Mexican Restaurant” and who am I to argue with them? If you have never been there come on down and rate them for yourself. If you have been there, you already know they are telling the truth. For this brunch you order right off the menu so you can make it as cheap or as expensive as you wish. I always order two tacos and they fill me up. But, Steve always says I am “Full of It”, whatever that means! I think he is picking on me, but I just ignore him as usual. I just keep on smiling and it drives him crazy just wondering what I have to be so darn happy about. There are enough hugs and well wishes to go around so please come on down and chow down with us. Hugs and Kisses, -Brunchkin Happy Birthday KMC! KMC is 18 years old this month! Can’t Wait to Hit The Road Again! Thank you Kirk and Hal for all the nuturing, patience, understanding and guidance. You raised our family very well! The Runs Keep Happening For The Lovely Ladies LOH Update Thought that’d get your attention! Ok everyone it’s time to start thinking about all the poker run fun we are going to be having next year. We only have to wait 3 more months until we can purchase the Statewide Poker Run books! Now, that doesn’t seem like a long time now does it? We’ve done this for years, and it’s been lots of fun. Here’s a blast from the past…a copy of the 1st Statewide Poker Run article from the 1988 KMC Newsletter. Anyone remember participating in the first one? Here was the first bit of info that was written about the 1st Statewide Poker Run: “Statewide Poker Run May-Oct. 1st: There will be 10 stops and you must make at least 5 to qualify. The entry fee is $5.00 and the pay off will be 75% to entries and 25% to the chapter. This will be an open run to anyone.” Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more historical tidbits to come! -Roxanne Welcome to the New Year of 2006. I would like to thank all the ladies who attended the Christmas Party on the 14th of December. We all seemed to have a good time. There are of few things Sue and I would like to cover. First the bowling party, second the February and March meetings and third e-mail. The January 18th meeting is at the AMF Waukesha Lanes-901 Northview Rd. We had direction maps on the table at the January chapter meeting, but if you did not pick one up, please let me know and I’ll get one to you. The fee for just the bowling is $7, for just the pizza is $6 and both are $13. The earlier we get the forms back the sooner we can make all the arrangements. If you didn’t do so at the meeting, we need them all no later then the 11th of January. Sue and I are planning to go to the Rosebud in February for our meeting. The Rosebud is the theater in Wauwatosa-6823 W. North Ave. We need to know who is interested in this also. Once again, if you did not fill us in at the chapter meeting, you can do so on the bowling night in January. My friend Sue thought of a wine and cheese tasting meeting for March. We would learn what cheeses go with what wines and beer. We will also have non-alcoholic beverages available. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? The more ladies that come to the meetings the more fun we have so please join us. Last we would like to get everyone’s e-mail addresses. There will be times we need to contact you and it would be so much easier to just email instead of calling everyone. Pam and I will be working on that. I had a sheet at the chapter meeting, but will also have it at our January bowling night. Help us out by signing in....Please sign in ! Those of you who don’t have a computer I will still call you, but let us know if you don’t have one. I’m looking forward to working and having fun with all of you. Don’t hesitate to call me or email me about a question or idea. Harley Rocks!!! -Vicki Kordus Congratulations To Richard & Chris Roman AKA Gazoo & Pickles! Their new “Future Head Road Captain” Trevor Joseph Roman came in to the world on November 23rd, 2005 at 4:34 pm weighing in at 8 pounds, two ounces and 21.5 inches long. On The Mend All went well for Bob Vogel (AKA New York Bob) who had shoulder surgery on Dec. 6th, 2005. We hope your recovery process has been going good. Linda Geroname (AKA Mrs. Robinson) was scheduled for shoulder surgery on Dec. 27th, 2005 while this newsletter was in progress. We hope the surgery went well and that you have a speedy recovery. Always Good Eats at KMC Events! 2nd Shifters Meetings are the Thursdays after the regular Chapter meetings. 10:30am at Hal’s. Call Jim Pawlak (262) 782-9031 for more information. 2 Let’s Go Fishing! The Dry Riders meet the first Monday of the month at 6:45pm at Hal’s. Get there before Hal’s locks the door at 7pm. This is not an “AA” meeting. This is a support group and friendly conversation. It’s a good thing. For more information, call Kirk at Hal’s or Peter G. at (414) 702-4664, [email protected] Check out our website at www.dryriders.com KMC’s third annual ice fishing party will be held on Saturday, February 18th at the Sportsman’s Lounge located at 25313 Loomis Rd., Wind Lake, WI. Fishing starts “when you get there” and ends at 2:00 p.m. Fish must be registered between 2:00 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. at the Sportsman’s Lounge. Ticket price is $5.00 for chapter members and guests. All money will be returned as “fish prizes.” Any “fish prizes” not awarded will be given back in the form of door prizes. Additional door prizes will be drawn for those in attendance. Tickets will be available on the ice from Mike Cull. Look for him out on the ice in front of the Sportsman’s Lounge. Charcoal grills will be available on the ice, so bring your meat! Burgers, brats, hot dogs etc. Please note all Wisconsin fishing laws apply. A FISHING LICENSE IS REQUIRED. Bait is available at Gundy’s Bait at 7957 W. Wind Lake Rd. on the corner of Loomis and Wind Lake Rd. Gundy’s opens at 6:00 A.M. Directions from Milwaukee are: West on Hwy 36 to Loomis Rd., East 0.8 mile on Loomis Rd. to the Sportsman’s Lounge. Directions from Waukesha are: Take Racine Ave. (Hwy Y) South to Loomis Rd. Cross Hwy 36 going East 0.8 miles to The Sportsman’s Lounge. Hope to see you there! -Mike From The Director’s Seat By now Christmas and New Year’s are over, we have already had our first chapter meeting and are in the planning stages for a great year. I hope you all have our calendar of events and have planned your vacations because we are going to ride! My name is Howard Wurgler (Howie). I am your new director. My goals for this year are to ride and have lots of fun. In order for us to be a successful chapter we need you. KMC has in the past been a very large and well-attended chapter-we need to keep that going because we have the best chapter in the world. I promise no more magic tricks! We have a new meeting place, a new board of directors and lots of new ideas so I am asking what would you rather be doing…Riding your H-D or riding your H-D? What else is there? If you have not been to a meeting in a while come on out and join us the first Wednesday of the month at Panos Char House on West Bluemound and Barker Roads. Thanks for all your support. -Howie Chapter Hotline • 414-299-0699 Where To Next? Biker Down If you know of a member who needs a get-well wish or a mention of condolences, call Carl and Marylin Ganas and let them know. They will make sure a card goes out. KMC wants to let you know we’re thinking about you at a time when those little things mean a lot. Call the Ganas’ at (414) 425-5636. 3 KMC Christmas Party 2005 www.kmchog.com 4 $9.1 million (55 homes) SOLD in 2004! Barb Kutz Member KMC-LOH-HOG Accredited Buyer Representative “Call me for the service YOU deserve!” Shorewest, REALTORS® 262/797-3515, ext. 116 [email protected] EHO shorewest.com LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW Proudly Supporting Kettle Moraine H.O.G. Chapter We Find Answers. 700 North Water Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 400-D Genesee Street Delafield, WI 53018 www.wbb-law.com M ILWAUKEE 414.276.5800 IN KMC CHARTER MEMBER Michael M. Berzowski Your Ad Here 5 DELAFIELD 262.646.5812 IN Kettle Moraine FIRST-CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE CHAPTER - WISCONSIN PAID 1925 S. Moorland Road • New Berlin, WI 53151 WAUKESHA, WI PERMIT NO. 218 KMC Calendar Of Events January February 14: “Women Only” FREE Service Seminar 1: Chapter Meeting, Panos 7pm Call Hal’s For Details & To Reserve A Spot 3-4: Milwaukee Rumble, Waukesha Expo Center 8pm 15: Un-Brunch La Fuente’s (Tickets Available With Hal’s Receptionist, Cash Only) 18: Reduced Effort Clutch-FREE Service Seminar 4: Hal’s FREE Basic Fuel Injection Engine Tuning Seminars Call Hal’s For Details & To Reserve A Spot Call Hal’s For Details & To Reserve A Spot 4-5: Swap Meet @ McCormick Place, Chicago 18: LOH Meeting TBA 21 & 28: Hal’s FREE Winter Maintenance Service Seminars 6: Dry Rider’s Meeting, Hal’s 6:45pm 11: International Motorcycle Show, Chicago Call Hal’s For Details & To Reserve A Spot 11: Hal’s FREE Basic Fuel Injection Engine Tuning Seminars Call Hal’s For Details & To Reserve A Spot 14: Happy Valentine’s Day! 15: LOH Meeting TBA 15: Road Captains Meeting TBA 18: Hal’s Speed Shop’s FREE Performance Seminar Call Hal’s Speed Shop at 262-814-7282 for details. 22: Hal’s FREE Rear Docking Hardware Installation Seminar Call Hal’s For Details & To Reserve A Spot
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