Untitled - Sacramento
Untitled - Sacramento
Rodney and Anita Brooks, Chapter Directors A View from the Handlebars It’s summer time! That only means two things to me, hot dogs and motorcycles. We have been blessed with great weather this year. Sunday, after the chapter meeting some of us went on a long ride up into the mountains for lunch. It was great to see all the rivers and lakes running almost at capacity. CA-C has been very busy as usual. Since our last meeting we have has several dinner rides to restaurants all over the valley. We went to Brown’s Corner in Woodland for Tuesday Tacos and the next week we went to Ole Mexico in Rancho Cordova. We also had the 2nd Annual Rub-n-Grub at Tom and Barbara Jeffries’s home. We had over 20 people show-up and install various safety chrome parts while the rest of us sat around and told war stories and drank Ice tea. I would like to thank Tom and Barbara for opening up their home and garage to this crew. We had a great time. Last Saturday we had an opportunity to tour the TRACOM Air Traffic Control Center. It pays to know people in high places. TRACOM controls all the airspace from Oregon, to Modesto South, Reno, and Tahoe East and up to 100 miles out into the Pacific Ocean. It’s amazing how those controllers can keep track of all those planes at the same time. Thank God they don’t have me doing that job it would be a mess. Last month Bill Johnson, District Chairman put together a Day at the Ballpark. Bill secured great discounted tickets to the River Cats game for all those that wanted to go. I think we had over 50 people from Northern California attend. We had 28 people from CA-C. The event was fun the game was a blow-out. The River Cats really need pitching and a dependable bull pin would help too. CA-C has several outing coming up. I would like all of you to use the chapter web site to check the schedule on a regular basses. Things are changing and being added all the time. Bob Harris is asking all of you to sign-up on the web site www.meetup.com we’re finding this a great way to reach out to members and other groups too. Take the time to sign up and stay informed. I would like to remind all of you about the District Rally coming up over Labor Day weekend. This year it’s in Mammoth Lakes, CA. Call the info is on CA-C’s web site. The Nevada District is having their rally August 20, 21, and 22 in Reno, NV. CA-C is in the process of planning the Annual Harvest Run Saturday, October 2nd and CA-2K is having theirs the next day Sunday, October 3rd. It’s that time of the year when it seems to happen all at once. Look over the calendar mark the events you want to get involved with and be sure to bring a friend. Thank you for all your support Rodney & Anita Brooks, CD Happenings By Marilyn Kaspar Region Rally has come and gone. We understand that there were about 400 in attendance this year in Costa Mesa. Those who attended from CA-C were Tom and Barbara Jefferies, James and Laura Collins, and Harry and Linda Karnofsky. Region Rally was held over Memorial Day Weekend. On Tuesday, June 8th Tom Jefferies, Rodney and Anita Brooks, Rick and I, Bill Palmer and Laurie Parquer, Scot Smith and Mary Kimbell Smith, Karen Coleman and her son Kris Coleman, Ken and Genny King, Rich James, new members Dwayne and Maria Jenkins, Bill and Kay Volmer, and John Ingenron rode to Woodland to enjoy dinner at Brown's Corner. The hottest item on the menu were the tacos, as it was $1.50 Taco Night (basically two for one). It was also the coming out for Bill Palmer's new gold trike. Congratulations Bill (and Laurie too). The second annual Rub and Grub was held at the home of Tom and Barbara Jefferies on Saturday, June 12th. The Chapter provided the hot dogs and hamburgers while those CA-C members in attendance provided the side dishes and desserts. Those attending the Rub and Grub were Tom and Barbara Jefferies (of course), Rodney and Anita Brooks, Betty Brooks, Rick and I, Bill Palmer, Robert Ono and Bessie Wong, Linda Passini, Joe and Mela Brace, Randy and Marla Davies, Rocco, Rich James, and Rich's brother David James. We thank Tom and Barbara for hosting this event once again. Rick and I went to L4 in West Sacramento on June 18th to meet with a group to ride to Davis where we dined at Redrum Burger (formerly known as Murder Burger). Service was a tad slow but the food was pretty good. Those in attendance were Tom Jefferies, Neal Graham and Ginny Allison, who came on Neal’s Goldwing with the side car. Ginny is feeling so good after hip surgery, she rode over to join us for dinner. Also attending were Anita Brooks, Bill Palmer and Laurie Parquer, Dwayne and Maria Jenkins, Joanne Jasper (guest of Dwayne and Maria), Scot Smith, Bill and Kay Volmer, and Karen Coleman. The next evening we went to the Squeeze Inn, along with Rodney and Anita Brooks, Bob and Nancy Harris, Ernie and Sharon Scoggins, Linda Passini, Spike and Nancy Redding, Scot Smith and Mary Kimbell Smith, and guest Melody. After dinner we drove the short distance to a comedy club called "A Magical Place" where we were entertained by our own Scot Smith after being entertained by Jonathan Lopez (the owner). Following Scot were comedians Rachel McDowell from San Francisco and Sean Peabody from Dixon. Both provided a wonder show. We thank Scot and Mary for introducing us to “A Magical Place”. We can honestly say that all had a wonderful time. What a busy few days. The following morning Tom Jefferies, Rodney and Anita Brooks, Bob and Nancy Harris, Rick and I, Bill Palmer, Rocco, Chuck Lantznester, Gordon Flowers, Rich James, Noland Mayo, Bob Stephens, Linda Passini, Vi Thatcher, Joe Brace, and Sharon and Ernie Scoggins met at the Elks Lodge at 9:30 and then headed over to TRACON a few miles away. We were met at the main gate by our tour guide Yvette O'Keefe who took us inside after we cleared security. Yvette, better known as OY to her co-workers, gathered us all together in the conference room where we watched a presentation explaining about air space and who “owned” the various areas. After the presentation we were treated to a recorded conversation between OY and various aircrafts while she was on duty. Then we were escorted in to the control room and broke into groups of 4 or 5 where we were able to listen to air traffic controllers and pilots from various airlines/air planes. It was a wonderful experience and we are very grateful to OY for sharing her knowledge with us. Our monthly CA-C Chapter meeting was held on Sunday June 20th. We had a nice crowd and were very happy that the weather cooperated with us as we met out on the patio as the Elks Lodge was putting on a brunch for Father’s Day. The group enjoyed a continental breakfast of pastries, donuts, watermelon, juices and coffee. Bill Palmer received the Wing Nut for burning up is lawn mower. Please give Bill a call at 916-416-8423 to see if he has the Wing Nut on his person. Mike Paetzold took home the 50/50 for the morning. Congratulations Bill and Mike. Tom Taylor from CA-2J spoke to the group about Waves to Walk. Anyone interested in volunteering their time this year please contact Tom for additional information. This years Waves to Walk will be September 25th & 26th. Watch the CA-C website at www.capitalcitywings.com for upcoming events such as a tour of the USS Hornet, dinner rides to Fosters in Rio Vista and Fuddruckers, an ice cream ride to Dairy Queen and much more. Ride safe until next we meet. Rick and Marilyn Kaspar, Assistant Chapter Directors Brown’s Corner, Woodland Redrum Burger, Davis Feel Better Soon, Bob Rider Education By Gordon Flowers Chapter Educator A COMPREHENSIVE COLLISION Yes, a play on words, but not totally without good use. Everyone is either affected by the slow economy, or knows someone who is. We have all taken at least some baby steps to make our dollars go as far as possible the last 18 months or so. So, if there is a way to save a little more, that would be a good thing...right?? One of the things we all are saddled with is the cost of insurance. Car, home, health, motorcycle, business liability and the list goes on and on. I love some of the recent commercials showing the person who "just gave a list of everything to their agent and now everything is just peachy". Perhaps, but a lot depends on the type of items you are insuring on that list and the particular company involved, since some give better rates for certain items. Some do not even cover all the items you probably own. I am not an insurance agent or broker, so you need to take what I am about to tell you with a grain of salt and check it out. You probably do NOT want to check it out with your current auto and motorcycle insurance provider, because they will be pissed, unless they are very open and honest about how vehicle coverage works. A very good and trusted friend of many years is married to an insurance broker. We talked many times about different topics and both families share the love of motorcycling. One day, the topic of vehicle insurance coverage came up. Here's what I learned. The first question my friend asked is whether I have both comprehensive and collision. Why, of course! I want to be covered in all those weird situations. Why do you ask, I said? Well, here's the recommendation from the insurance family: "INCREASE the deductible on your collision coverage and DECREASE the deductible on your comprehensive coverage". Ok, you've got my attention, but why do that? Collision coverage is for when YOU are responsible for the accident, like when you back into a tree or another vehicle. Or, if you were riding too fast on your motorcycle and ran off the road and incurred a bunch of body work repair bills (the bike, not you, hopefully). Basically a onevehicle accident, caused by you. Comprehensive coverage is for all those things that happen to your vehicle, not normally incurred in an accident. Like the rock in the windshield, the vandalism damage, etc. Most of us have had the fun of finding a windshield repair shop and having the glass replaced by paying the deductible. If you have a low deductible, your windshield great and your pocket is hardly impacted. So here's the hook: If you are riding along in your car or on your bike and run off the road and have an accident because you were not paying attention or were going too fast, your collision coverage would be used. And it is rated higher than collision coverage by many insurance companies. Makes sense, right? Punish you for losing control and incurring damage. However, if you run off the road to avoid the squirrel/cat/dog/deer, etc., your comprehensive coverage comes into play. Comprehensive coverage is often rated lower by most insurance companies, but the real key is to drop your deductible. If you have a $50 deductible on your comprehensive coverage and a tree limb falls on your windshield, you're out only the $50. If you run off the road to avoid [insert animal here], you are also out only the $50. If your collision deductible is $1,000, and you run off the road, you're on the hook for the $1,000. My insurance friends advice, which I share with you, is this: High deductible (e.g., $500 or $1,000) on your collision coverage. Low deductible on your comprehensive (e.g., $50). And if the unfortunate off-road excursion should occur, make sure you include the phrase that "you swerved to avoid the [insert animal here] and ran off the road/into the gravel, etc. My hope and prayer is that you will never need any insurance coverage and it will be just money down the rathole, as they say. However, you may be able to save some coin by implementing these deductible changes on your vehicle(s). Be safe and I'll see you soon out there on the road. Gordon Flowers Chapter Educator Chapter CA-C Happy Anniversary Happy Birthday July 15 James Collins July 6 Noland & Melanie Mayo July 15 James & Laura Collins DD Review II, We are within 60 days until the start of “The Party on the Mountain”. This year has brought several many new “unplanned” training opportunities for all members of GWRRA and California has taken advantage of every session. We have had over 100 members attend OCP training, another 50 or so complete the PLP Facilitator training, as well many other sessions. Now its time to have some old fashioned GWRRA fun. Your California District Staff has been working very hard to offer all the things you have been requesting, while still providing the training opportunities we all need. It’s a tough balancing act, but we hope we have met your expectations. The following is a short narrative of what you can expect. First, lets talk about Mammoth. I have learned the hard way how difficult it is to find a facility that can host 300 – 500 members at one setting, let alone in a location that offers good weather, great rides, and lots of “retail therapy” all in the same location. We believe we have struck gold, but you’ll be the judge of that. For starters, we plan on offering an Advanced Riders Course (ARC) and Trike Riders Course (TRC), thanks to our dedicated Educators. It has been very difficult to find a location that isn’t cost prohibitive, yet safe enough for the training. Back by popular demand is the “Crash Scene Response” class, a “Full” 1st Aid/CPR class (4 hours) and a “Recertification” (2 hour) session. This year in place of the “Skills Games” we have always held, we will be offering “The Amazing Team Challenge” that looks like a lot of fun for riders of all experience levels. And since it is a “Team” event, everyone has a chance to contribute. We are also blessed to have one of the greatest Gold Wing riders in the country as one of our Assistant District Rider Educators – Jerry Cowan. Jerry has offered to put on one of his “Show’s” to show us all how it’s done, and will be talking with the Gold Angles to see if they will be able to perform. This year we are also pushing the “Mentor a Master” program where each Master GWRRA member is encouraged to help guide a fellow member up through the level’s to reach the ranks of the elite. In view of the Mentoring program, we are offering to have each current Master Tour Rider bring a non Master to the Masters Luncheon that will be held on Sunday – September 5th, so please consider who you would like to invite and have them sign up too. Each lunch will cost $20.00 per person attending, and there will be limited seating, so please sign up early. A sign up flyer is posted on the District web site at: (http://www.gwrra-ca.org/dist_rally/dist_rally.html). We will also be holding some old traditional events like the Bike Show, Best Dressed, Bingo, and a spin off of the typical Treasures Forum called “Treasurer’s Tidbits” session that should help ease the managing of what a GWRRA Treasurer needs to be aware of. Oh, and don’t forget the Chapter Games. This year, Chapter CA2J is hosting the games, and they are known for their quirky way of looking at life, so be sure to give the members of CA2K some competition. I hear they are bragging about a “FourPete”. Under the “New” category this year, we will be offering a “Geo Caching for Beginners”, and a Newsletter Mania session being taught by Pam Puterbaugh with Terri Riolo assisting which should be worth the price of admission in itself. There will also be a session offered to talk about “Safe Riding Apparel”. Lastly, after the Ice Cream Social, we will be opening up one of the Classrooms for a Social evening of Cards, Games, and just hang’ in out for those that just want to relax and get to know your fellow GWRRA friends a little better. Lastly, several of our favorite Vendors will be attending as will several local vendors from the Mammoth area. Since Rene has a PHD in Retail Therapy, she has offered to host a tour of the local establishments to ensure everyone has an opportunity to learn from the best. Gentlemen, you should be very worried, so be sure to lock up your credit cards. So while our 2010 California District Rally will bring you all the “Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge” we have grown to enjoy, we hope “The Party on the Mountain” will entice a few more of our friends to attend this year. “Play Big – Mammoth Big” Bill & Rene Johnson GWRRA California District Directors “Hang on – we’re going for a ride” June Chapter Meeting From the Editor Now that the warmer weather is here, and the days are longer, more daylight enables us to ride a little further to get together for friendship, “bike” talk, and of course, food… Last month there were a lot of great dinner rides. I was fortunate to be able to attend two of them… The tacos at Brown’s Corner in Woodland were great, 18 people showed up… A few people in the group ordered 4 of them! The next week, we all met in Davis at Redrum Burger, again a large group came. On Sunday, the 21st, a good friend invited me for a little ride. We rode up to Granzella’s in Williams, which I would suggest for anyone who wants a nice back country ride ending up with great food and nice atmosphere. My friend has a new bike, a 2009 Harley, which he hadn’t ridden in over a year due to a leg injury. He rode up to Brookings, Oregon last year and when he stopped for lunch, stepped in a pothole and broke his leg. He didn’t want to stay there, so he rode home… His leg has taken quite a while to heal, but yesterday he surprised me by being ready to go when I got to his house.. We had a great ride, the weather was perfect and the food was delicious and then we took an alternate route back, ended up in Capay and stopped at the Road Trip for a cold glass of iced tea. Did I mention that my friend, Bob, is 80 years old! He’s been riding for over 60 years! If you’re determined enough, you can do anything... Bob proved that to me! As your Newsletter Editor, I would like you to please remember our newsletter is what we, the chapter members, make it. So you can help with the creation of an interesting, informative and fun newsletter by submitting articles about your favorite ride, bike accessory, travel adventure, or a just plain funny story. Your submitted articles may be edited depending on space available. For the August newsletter, the deadline is July 20th. It’s not too late to submit your story. Pictures in .jpg format are always welcome. Again, thanks… Hugs to all of you, Karen Coleman FOR SALE Offered by Tom Jefferies (909) 224-6272 A pair of driver floorboards for an 1800 Goldwing. These are used and the asking price is $150.00. They sell new for $300.00. Installation is included. Ingredients To order your Capital City Wings club shirt, contact Rodney Brooks by calling 916-601-9461 or you can email him at: [email protected] • 3 cups all-purpose flour • 1/4 cup white sugar • 4 teaspoons baking powder • 3/4 teaspoon cream of tartar • 1 cup butter • 2/3 cup heavy cream • 1 egg, beaten • 3 cups sliced fresh strawberries • 3 tablespoons white sugar Directions To order your club vest contact Nancy Redding 916-682-6869 [email protected] Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a large bowl, mix flour, 1/4 cup sugar, baking powder and cream of tartar. Cut in butter with pastry blender or two knives. Stir in cream and egg. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead 2 minutes. Press into a half-inch thick sheet. Cut into squares. Place on baking sheets. Bake in preheated oven 20 minutes, or until golden. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons sugar over sliced berries. Let shortcakes cool before splitting and filling with sugared berries. STOP what you’re doing and mark your calendar… Planning Meeting - June 14th @ Denny’s Monthly Meeting July 18th @ Rancho Cordova Elks Lodge Everyone’s welcome. Rodney & Anita Brooks, CD’s GWRRA CA-C Capital City Wings L-1 Interstate 80 @ West El Camino Blvd. 2738 El Centro Rd (49er Truck Stop) Chevron Gas Station L-2 Hwy 99 @ Laguna Blvd. 8296 Laguna Blvd. Chevron Gas Station L-3 Folsom Blvd. @ Power Inn Rd. 8098 Folsom Blvd. Chevron Gas Station L-4 Interstate 80 @ Enterprise Blvd. 4800 West Capitol Ave. Chevron Gas Station L-5 Elk Grove Blvd & Interstate 5 9615 West Taron Drive Chevron Gas Station L-6 Sierra College Blvd & Interstate 80 Chevron Gas Station 4211 Sierra College Blvd. (North side of freeway) L-7 Sunrise Blvd & White Rock Blvd. 11250 White Rock Blvd. McDonald’s Restaurant When we schedule a ride at an “L” location that means…have your motorcycle fueled and B.O.B. (butts on bikes) at that time. If you miss the group at the departure location you can try to call Rodney’s cell @ (916) 601-9461, or meet us at the destination. Unless instructed, the group will be stopping for breakfast within an hour of departure. Capital City Wings CA-C Departure Locations L-1 Interstate 80 @ West El Camino Blvd. 2738 El Centro Rd (49er Truck Stop) Chevron Gas Station L-2 Hwy 99 @ Laguna Blvd. 8296 Laguna Blvd. Chevron Gas Station L-3 Folsom Blvd. @ Power Inn Rd. 8098 Folsom Blvd. Chevron Gas Station L-4 Interstate 80 @ Enterprise Blvd. 4800 West Capitol Ave. Chevron Gas Station L-5 Elk Grove Blvd & Interstate 5 9615 West Taron Drive Chevron Gas Station L-6 Sierra College Blvd & Interstate 80 Chevron Gas Station 4211 Sierra College Blvd. (North side of freeway) L-7 Sunrise Blvd & White Rock Blvd. 11250 White Rock Blvd. McDonald’s Restaurant When we schedule a ride at an “L” location that means…have your motorcycle fueled and B.O.B. (butts on bikes) at that time. If you miss the group at the departure location you can try to call Rodney’s cell @ (916) 601-9461, or meet us at the destination. Unless instructed, the group will be stopping for breakfast within an hour of departure. Thanks for your support Rodney & Anita Brooks, CD Capital City Wings CA-C Officers & Staff Neal Graham Denny & Ginny Allison 916-454-5290 [email protected] [email protected] Rodney & Anita Brooks 916-422-8089 [email protected] Assistant Chapter Directors Bob & Nancy Harris 209-744-8560 [email protected] Assistant Chapter Directors Rick Kaspar Marilyn Kaspar 916-775-1331 [email protected] [email protected] Chapter Educator Gordon Flowers 916-363-4349 [email protected] Treasurer Cathy Flowers 916-363-4349 [email protected] Secretary Sharon Scoggins 916-681-6595 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Karen Coleman 530-867-7471 [email protected] Greeting Committee Scot Smith Mary Kimbell-Smith 530-409-1381 [email protected] [email protected] Ride for Kids Auction Bob Stephens 916-372-2260 [email protected] After Chapter Meeting Ride Coordinator Chip Chipman 916-729-6392 [email protected] Chapter Stores Nancy Harris 209-744-8560 [email protected] Webmaster James Collins 916-363-6251 [email protected] Sunshine Coordinator Marilyn Kaspar 916-775-1331 [email protected] Chapter Photographer Rick Kaspar 916-775-1331 [email protected] Tom & Barbara Jefferies 916-682-3469 [email protected] Mary Kimbell-Smith 530-409-1381 [email protected] Bob Harris 209-744-8560 [email protected] Ambassadors for Life Officers Chapter Directors Staff 50/50 & Raffle Membership Wing Nut The Ride For Kids Northern California Task Force is raffling off a Stinger FOLDING MOTORCYCLE TRAILER to benefit this years Ride on October 3rd. We will send more info next month on how much the raffle tickets are or for the direct purchase of this trailer. We do know that this retails for about $1800. http://www.wikco.com/stngrtrlr.html Meeting Date/Time Chapter Chapter Director Meeting Location 3rd Sunday CAC Rodney & Anita Brooks Rancho Cordova Elks Lodge 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:45 AM Meeting www.capitalcitywings.org 916-422-8089 11440 Elks Circle—Rancho Cordova 1st Saturday CA1A Eugene & Evelyn Tiede Greenhouse Café 8:30 AM Breakfast-9:15 AM Meeting www.ca1a.org 661-946-1409 1169 Commerce Center Dr—Lancaster 3rd Sunday CA1D Tim McShane Paramount Elks Lodge 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:30 AM Meeting www.gwrra-ca1-d.com 562-920-6564 8108 E. Alondra Blvd.—Paramount 2nd Saturday CA1F Ed and Kay Carroll The Broken Yolk Café 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:30 AM Meeting www.gwrra-ca1f.org 858-695-8445 1851 Garnet Avenue—San Diego (Pacific Beach Area) 1st Sunday CA1I Don & Lorine Nunnally Covina Bowl 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:30 AM Meeting www.gwrra-ca1i.org 909-592-1476 1060 W. San Bernardino Rd—Covina Last Saturday CA1K J. David Gilman Lulu’s Café 8:30 AM Breakfast-9:00 AM Meeting www.ca-1k.org 818-362-8925 16900 Roscoe Blvd.—Van Nuys Kevin and Cindy Herrera International House of Pancakes (IHOP) 2nd Saturday CA1L 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:30 AM Meeting w.gwrra-ca1l.org 2nd Sunday CA1M Larry & Sheree Tegel Hidden Valley Golf Club 8:00 AM Breakfast-9:00 AM Meeting www.ca1m.org 951-443-2891 10 Clubhouse Drive—Norco 3rd Saturday CA1N Gary & Kathleen Andrews Grandma BB’s Café 7:30 AM Breakfast-8:30 AM Meeting www.gwrra-ca1n.org 760-741-8230 539 Vista Bella—Oceanside 2nd Sunday CA1Q Dave & Roberta Lawrence Hof’s Hut 7:30 AM Breakfast-8:00 AM Meeting gwrra-ca1q.org 562-430-8244 7005 Knott Avenue—Buena Park 212 Madonna Road—San Luis Obispo 1st Sunday CA1R Tom & Vicki Lorenz Knowlwoods Restaurant 7:00 AM Breakfast-8:00 AM Meeting www.gwrra-ca1r.org 714-968-4393 14952 Sand Canyon Ave—Irvine 3rd Saturday CA1S Joel Jolitz Carrow’s Restaurant 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:30 AM Meeting www.ca1s.org 3rd Sunday CA1V John & Linda Baker Coco’s 7:30 AM Breakfast-8:00 AM Meeting www.gwrraca1v.org 760-949-2186 15570 Park Ave—Victorville 1st Sunday CA1Y Pennye Sasaki-Benda & Jeff Benda Baker’s Square 8:30 AM Meeting-8:30 AM Breakfast www.ca1y.org 805-735-4641 936 North H Street—Lompoc 2401 Harbor Blvd—Ventura (Park in back) 1st Saturday CA1Z Vincent & Pamela Puterbaugh Home Town Buffet 8:00 AM Breakfast-9:00 AM Meeting www.gwrra-ca1z.org 951-453-6000 40390 Margarita Road—Temecula 1st Saturday CA2A Joe & Jeannie Akkerman Nielsen’s Restaurant 8:00 AM Breakfast-9:00 AM Meeting www.gwrraca2a.org 559-594-5046 137 South M Street—Tulare 2nd Saturday CA2J D.P. (Pat) Riley Home Town Buffet 8:30 AM Breakfast-9:00 AM Meeting www.gwrradeltawings.com 925-685-2111 2050 Diamond Blvd.—Concord 4th Sunday CA2K Nick & Kim O’dell Jack & Linda’s Country Cafe 8:00 AM Breakfast-9:00 AM Meeting www.gwrraca2k.org (510) 715-7692 2390 N. Texas Street—Fairfield 2nd Saturday CA2N Mike & Ruth Burke Pine Tree Restaurant and Lodge 8:00 AM Breakfast-9:00 AM Meeting www.goldcountrywings.org 209-536-1318 19601 Hess Ave (off Hwy 108)—Sonora 3rd Saturday CA2Q Alan & Shirley Jarumay Carrow’s 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:30 AM Meeting www.gwrra-ca2q.org 510-659-8239 7505 Dublin Blvd.—Dublin 1st Saturday CA2R Pat & Wendy O’Keefe Sang’s 9:00 AM Breakfast-10:00 AM Meeting www.ca2r-gwrra.com 831-646-9815 131 Main St—Salinas 3rd Saturday CA2S Bob & Irene Neitro Hometown Buffet 8:00 AM Breakfast-8:45 AM Meeting www.ca2s.org 408-924-0408 212 Ranch Drive—Milpitas 1st Saturday CA2W Ross and Patty Clyborne Hometown Buffet 8:30 AM Breakfast-9:30 AM Meeting www.ca2w-gwrra.org 458 W. Shaw Ave—Clovis Region F Staff Representing California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Hawaii Districts Directors Anita & JR Alkire (619) 741-8893 Cell (858) 922-2251 Educators Ace & Penny Peterson (970) 240-9408 Cell (970) 570-5027 MAD Program Coordinators Assistant Directors Larry & Donna Pickens (661) 726-5145 Robert & Diane Lumpkin (520) 885-5709 Assistant Educators John Garrett (951) 679-4987 John's Cell (951) 505-5335 Rider Course Training Coordinators Treasurer Pam White (505) 896-3879 Cell (505) 401-1995 Medic First Aid Training Coordinators Joel & Marti Winkler (626) 969-7486 Marti's Email Special Events Coordinators Dave and Sandie Novitt (520) 296-7369 Dave's Cell - (520) 465-1262 Hank & Cheryl Herrera (714) 547-5278 Jeffrey & Denise Goldin (623) 551-9947 Cell (602) 481-0894 Rally Vendor Coordinators Leadership Training Coordinators Robert & Diane Lumpkin (520) 885-5709 John & Sharon Simonick (801) 878-7081 Ed & Linda Johnson (276) 628-5535 Cell - (276) 492-5535 COY - IOY Coordinators Region COY Region IOY Crystal & Ralph Richardson (858) 541-1176 Crystal's Cell - (619) 929-6223 John & Gail Reynolds (915) 755-2401 Cell - (915) 549-1649 Bill Leach (520) 747-5276 Cell - (520) 240-0373 Region Store Public Relations Coordinator Barbara Jefferies (916) 682-3469 Cell (909) 224-6272 Ken Freeland (818) 403-6729 Cell (818) 370-3572 Joann & Jim MacClean (661) 251-5420 Webmaster Webmaster for Rider Education Open Positions Paul Fenton (949) 597-0232 Jerry Borge (209) 694-8656 Assistant Region Director Assistant Educator Membership Enhancement Coordinators Public Relations Coordinators WINGNUT Don Allen Honda Goldwing Specialist - 28 Years of Experience Honda Registered Technician 1642A N. Texas St. - Fairfield Dutch Embroidery Corner computerized embroidery and sublimation Jac & Maritha de Werk GWRRA - CA2J & CA2K 707-429-5855 P. O. Box 1592 ♥ Suisun City, CA 94585 Member of ETA, NNEP and FUN [email protected] Submit articles and/or information to be included in newsletter to: Editor: Karen Coleman - [email protected] 530-867-7471 11905 Dry Creek Road - Auburn, CA 95602 - (530) 885-7105 http://www.otdcyclesports.com/