table of contents - Robot Structural Analysis


table of contents - Robot Structural Analysis
ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
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NEW FEATURES IN ROBOT MILLENNIUM (VERSION 20.0) .............................................................5
NETWORK PROTECTION ......................................................................................................................................5
ROBOT MILLENNIUM - STRUCTURES...............................................................................................................5
ROBOT MILLENNIUM - RC STRUCTURES ........................................................................................................6
ROBOT MILLENNIUM - STEEL STRUCTURES ....................................................................................................7
NEW FEATURES IN ROBOT MILLENNIUM (VERSION 20.1) .............................................................9
WINDOWS VISTA OPERATING SYSTEM ...............................................................................................................9
ROBOT MILLENNIUM - STRUCTURES...............................................................................................................9
ROBOT MILLENNIUM - RC STRUCTURES ......................................................................................................10
ROBOT MILLENNIUM - STEEL STRUCTURES .................................................................................................10
1. ROBOT MILLENNIUM INSTALLATION .............................................................................................11
HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................................................11
INSTALLATION PROGRAM ....................................................................................................................11
Basic Installations (Custom Installation) ................................................................................14
1.2.2. Special Installations ..........................................................................................................................16
NETWORK PROTECTION ....................................................................................................................................16
INSTALLATION OF NETWORK PROTECTION......................................................................................18
NETWORK VERSION OF ROBOT MILLENNIUM ...............................................................................................19
INSTALLATION OF NETWORK VERSION SERVER OF ROBOT Millennium.....................................20
NODE INSTALLATION OF THE NETWORK VERSION OF ROBOT Millennium ...............................22
PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR ..................................................................................................................27
NETWORK MONITOR................................................................................................................................29
1.2.3. Protection Settings.............................................................................................................................31
GENERATION OF THE INSTALLATION REPORT ....................................................................................38
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM .........................................................................................39
GENERAL RULES ..................................................................................................................................44
Layout System.............................................................................................................................44
Object Inspector .........................................................................................................................47
Menu, Context Menu, Toolbars.................................................................................................50
Preferences and Job Preferences..............................................................................................51
Selection and Filters ..................................................................................................................53
Display of Structural Attributes and Structure Legend ...........................................................57
Lists Used in the Program ..........................................................................................................60
Common Features of Dialog Boxes (Graphic Cursor, Calculator)........................................61
SIGN CONVENTION ...............................................................................................................................62
Sign Convention for Bar Elements..............................................................................................................62
Sign Convention for Planar Finite Elements .............................................................................................63
Sign Convention for Volumetric Finite Elements ......................................................................................64
LIST OF SHORTCUTS .............................................................................................................................65
SNAP SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................................66
GENERAL RULES ON STRUCTURE MODEL DEFINITION ......................................................68
STRUCTURE TYPES ...............................................................................................................................68
3.2. DEFINITION OF STRUCTURE AXES .......................................................................................................68
3.3. STRUCTURE MODEL – BAR ELEMENTS ...............................................................................................72
Nodes, Bars..................................................................................................................................72
Bar Sections.................................................................................................................................75
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ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual New section...................................................................................................................................................77
Definition of a Section of a Complex Member – Example........................................................88
Offsets...........................................................................................................................................92 New Offset Type............................................................................................................................................93
Rigid links ....................................................................................................................................94
Compatible nodes........................................................................................................................96
Equations Governing the Problem..............................................................................................................98
Cables in ROBOT Millennium ..................................................................................................................100
Assembling Load Case...............................................................................................................................101
Load Cases after Anchorage.....................................................................................................................102
3.3.10. Other Attributes of Bar Elements .............................................................................................102
3.4. DEFINITION OF A STRUCTURE MODEL - 2D PLANAR FINITE ELEMENTS .........................................105
Types of Planar Finite Elements .............................................................................................107
Delaunay's Triangulation Method...........................................................................................................................107
Coons' Method..........................................................................................................................................................107
Parameters of FE Mesh Generation ........................................................................................................................109
Emitters, FE Mesh Refinement, Consolidation and Quality ..................................................113
PANEL THICKNESS.........................................................................................................................116
3.5. DEFINITION OF A STRUCTURE MODEL - 3D VOLUMETRIC FINITE ELEMENTS ................................119
Solids (Volumetric Structures) .................................................................................................119
Description of Volumetric Finite Elements .............................................................................121
3.7. SUPPORTS ...........................................................................................................................................131
Definition of a Support Rotated by an Angle...........................................................................134
Elastic Support Definition (Layered Soils).............................................................................135
3.8. LOADS .................................................................................................................................................138
Load Case Combinations..........................................................................................................146
Code Combinations...................................................................................................................147
Moving Loads ...........................................................................................................................150
Autoloader – Moving Loads ....................................................................................................157
3.9. SNOW/WIND LOADS ...........................................................................................................................160
Snow/Wind Loads in 3D............................................................................................................162
Wind Loads – Masts / Towers ..................................................................................................163
Snow/Wind Loads on 3D Objects............................................................................................164
Wind Loads for the Structure with a Polygon Base (Prism) .................................................167
Load Report (Loads Taken from Database)............................................................................169
Automatic Definition of Loads Induced by Soil Pressure.......................................................171
NUMBERING (NODES, BARS, OBJECTS) ........................................................................................175
EDIT OPERATIONS ..........................................................................................................................175
TYPICAL STRUCTURES ...................................................................................................................177
PHASE STRUCTURES .......................................................................................................................178
PLANAR FINITE ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................180
COORDINATE SYSTEM....................................................................................................................181
3.15.1 Global Systems ..........................................................................................................................181
3.15.2 Local Coordinate Systems ........................................................................................................182
Bar Elements .....................................................................................................................................182
Finite Elements..................................................................................................................................183
3.15.3 Global-local Systems Relations................................................................................................183
SIGN CONVENTIONS ......................................................................................................................184
3.16.1. Bar Elements..............................................................................................................................184
3.16.2. Finite Elements.........................................................................................................................185
3.16.3. Volumetric Finite Elements ......................................................................................................185
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SECTION DEFINITION .....................................................................................................................186
STRUCTURE ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................193
STRUCTURE CALCULATIONS..............................................................................................................193
AVAILABLE ANALYSIS TYPES ...........................................................................................................193
Table of Dynamic Analysis Results ..........................................................................................207
NEW CASE DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS TYPE CHANGE ...................................................................207
4.2.2. Example of Definition of a Modal Analysis Case for a Structure (Structure Eigenvibrations) .216
4.3.3. Example of Definition of Seismic and Spectral Analysis Cases ...................................................216
4.4. CALCULATION RESTART .........................................................................................................................218
4.5. VISUALIZATION OF THE CALCULATION PROCESS .............................................................................220
RESULT ANALYSIS..............................................................................................................................223
DIAGRAMS ..........................................................................................................................................224
TABLES ...............................................................................................................................................228
MAPS ON BARS ...................................................................................................................................231
MAPS (PANELS)..................................................................................................................................232
PANEL CUTS .......................................................................................................................................236
MAPS ON SOLIDS ................................................................................................................................239
SOLID CUTS ........................................................................................................................................242
STRESS ANALYSIS (BARS) .................................................................................................................246
STRUCTURE STRESS ANALYSIS .........................................................................................................248
GLOBAL ANALYSIS - BARS ................................................................................................................251
DETAILED ANALYSIS .........................................................................................................................252
INFLUENCE LINES ...............................................................................................................................256
REDUCED RESULTS FOR PANELS .......................................................................................................258
STRUCTURE DESIGN ..........................................................................................................................267
STEEL/ALUMINUM DESIGN ................................................................................................................267
Detailed Analysis - Eurocode3.................................................................................................277
Detailed Analysis (French Code CM66) ................................................................................281
Verification of Complex Members (Eurocode 3 or the Polish Steel Code)...........................284
Verification of Complex Members (the French Steel Code CM66).......................................287
6.2. DESIGN OF RC STRUCTURE ELEMENTS ............................................................................................289
RC Beam Design .......................................................................................................................294
Definition of RC Beams – Interactive Mode...........................................................................299
RC Column Design...................................................................................................................302
Example of Generation of the Column Reinforcement and Reinforcement Drawings (with the
Possibility to Load the Drawing to the RCAD Reinforcement Program) ..............................................306
Foundation Design....................................................................................................................308
Description of Principles Used in the Foundation Calculations........................................................312
Continuous Footing Design.....................................................................................................321
Deep Beam Design....................................................................................................................323
Final Drawings..........................................................................................................................324
DESIGN OF RC BARS ..........................................................................................................................328
STEEL CONNECTION DESIGN .............................................................................................................340
TIMBER DESIGN..................................................................................................................................348
PLATE AND SHELL REINFORCEMENT.................................................................................................352
SECTION DATABASES........................................................................................................................372
CALCULATION NOTES ........................................................................................................................375
PRINTOUT COMPOSITION ...................................................................................................................375
Standard Tab ............................................................................................................................378
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Screen Captures Tab................................................................................................................380
Templates Tab ...........................................................................................................................380
Simplified Printout Tab.............................................................................................................381
PAGE SETUP ........................................................................................................................................383
APPENDIX 1 .................................................................................................................................................386
APPENDIX 2 .................................................................................................................................................391
APPENDIX 3 .................................................................................................................................................401
APPENDIX 4 .................................................................................................................................................437
APPENDIX 5 .................................................................................................................................................438
APPENDIX 6 .................................................................................................................................................452
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ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
New Features in ROBOT Millennium (Version 20.0)
Network protection
New possibilities of network license management
ROBOT Millennium - Structures
new printout languages: Lithuanian, Macedonian
windows, views - placing in one frame an arbitrary number of windows steered
through tabs
new ‘concrete’ object - slab,
T-beams – results and design
case label – edition and presentation for combinations
Inspector - object properties, groups, labels, concrete objects, enhancements in
the support of large structures
modal analysis - a new definition dialog box
new dialog box for attribute display and section selection (with multiselection)
case label – edition and presentation for combinations
configuration of the export of reinforcement drawings to RCAD Reinforcement
castellated sections - reading from a section database
new section types T-section + IFB, SFB plate
generation of FE meshes - work acceleration
local imperfections according to the new EC 3 code
equivalent stiffness of supports calculated on the basis of a description of a
memory management (2 GB RAM, large seismic projects)
Time history analysis - definition of excitations as a function of
velocity/acceleration - enhancement of calculations, acceleration
‘tangent’ elastic ground for slabs ( Kx, Ky)
orthotropy - a composite slab concrete + trapezoid plate
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ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
new seismic code - EC8 2003 update
imperfections - update for the new EC3 code
supports with friction
non-linear constraints - automatic calculation of stiffness for rigid links
snow/wind codes - Morocco, Romania (STAS 10107/0-90)
selection of colors for max./min. in the diagram dialog boxes
force resultants in a section through the building (on stories)
panel cuts - reduced forces - analysis of results in cuts
ratio map switched on after the design from the dialog box for design of steel /
timber members
- load-to-mass conversion tables - presentation and printout
- elasto-plastic analysis of bars - results at bar ends
- tables with values of residual forces for rigid links and compatible nodes
- development of the ROBOT - REVIT connection
- acceleration of the ROBOT - RCAD interface
- total structure mass and data (the Stories/Info table) made available – the COM
- object names made available in the COM interface
ROBOT Millennium - RC structures
- Inspector and its support in RC modules
- identification of supports on panels, enhancement of the import of supports
- changes in organization of layouts and dialog boxes
- verifying calculations for the provided reinforcement (deflection and cracking)
- FEM calculations of deflections taking account of varying stiffness of cracked
- wizard of typical RC slabs
- new module for calculation of walls for the codes BAEL and ACI
- enhancement of the import of supports
- automatic import of supports on panels
- new possibilities of naming imported supports and spans
- possibility of automatic detection of slabs above rectangular beams in a structure
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import of modified geometry (T-beam) taking account of internal forces
- modification of FEM calculations, rationalization of solutions
- calculation of shear in columns for all codes
- possibility of taking account of lateral pressure in calculation of sliding for PN
- ”Continuous footing under wall” option (including eccentric support on the
continuous footing)
- calculation of reinforcement distribution in flanges of the T-section,
- verification whether the transversal reinforcement is necessary
- development of calculation notes
- separation of RC codes from geotechnical ones and extended check of
geotechnical conditions
- structure node - possibility of definition and verification of sums of resistances for
beams and columns considering seismic requirements for the codes EC, STAS,
- ordering of seismic calculations for beams and columns for the ACI code, adding
seismic calculations to EC2 codes according to EC8 (prEN 1998-1 : 2003) and
the STAS 10107/0-90 code according to P100-1/2004
- provided reinforcement (beams, slabs, foundations) - STAS 10107/0-90
- required reinforcement of members and slabs, provided reinforcement of slabs
and foundations - GB 50010-2002 (Chinese)
- required reinforcement of members and slabs - AIJ 1985 (Japanese)
ROBOT Millennium - Steel structures
- EC3 - taking account of fire resistance requirements
- EC3 - verification of members made of thin-walled sections
- EC3 - Dutch NAD - additional check of tubes
- EC5 - modifications (corrections) in the calculation of deflections
- EC5 - calculations according to Finnish NAD
- PN - cross-shaped sections
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PN - design of castellated beams
PN - steel at higher temperature - modification of material parameters
Pn - lateral buckling - instability curves
PN - Mcr critical moment - possibility of defining the coefficients A1,A2,B (C1,C2)
for evaluation of Mcr
PN - numerical values of components of verification formulas in notes
PN - coefficient of plastic reserve - automatic calculation of the value
PN - corrugated web - resistance value in a calculation note
NEN - intermediate bracings
AIJ - new (Japanese) steel code
- CM66 - verification of the fixed column base for the moment Mz
- CM66 - taking account of moments in the truss node connection
- CM66 - verification of the frame knee connection and the column base
connections according to SOCOTEC
- CM66 - tube connections - bending My/Mz
- EC3 - verification of the KT tube connection
- EC3:2005 - pinned column base and fixed column base connections
- PN - new beam-column and tube truss node connections
- 3D View - new colors in a connection view
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New Features in ROBOT Millennium (Version 20.1)
Windows Vista operating system
Making it possible to install and work under the Windows Vista system (it does
not refer to the server in the network installation of the program)
ROBOT Millennium - Structures
- View
change of the mechanism of highlighting objects:
- removal of errors of the OpenGL mode
- more extensive use of hardware capabilities (graphic card)
change of the system of updating default preferences while reading in a project
making it possible to save a default set of displayed structure attributes (display)
making it possible to switch off selection synchronization between tables and
views (the ‘Work parameters’ option in Job Preferences - inactive by default)
Seismic analysis:
taking account of the requirements of French codes (site classes)
new seismic code IBC 2006
Snow/wind loads:
taking account of the requirements of the Polish code PN-80/B-02010/Az1:2006
(snow load)
display of reactions of ‘linear supports’ in the table
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saving a structure part (substructure) along with the definition of structure axes
and results of slab reinforcement
further development of the ROBOT-REVIT link; (migration to Revit Structure 5)
ROBOT Millennium - RC structures
- 2 tables for presenting reinforcement of beams and openings
- dialog box for a new bar - beams (add/insert)
- verification of concrete struts for shear - "Bielles"
- modification of manual definitions of reinforcement zones in slabs
- new calculation method and changes in functioning
ROBOT Millennium - Steel Structures
conversion of parameters between codes
buckling length - possibility of defining an adjoining bar in the form of a list of
possibility to use families of compound sections for the SNIP code
- EC3 - verification of the tube connection according to EC3:2005
- CM66 - modification of the “column base” connection
- General - update of connections after changes in a structure (connections out of
- Integration - integration of the beam-column connection with RCAD Steel.
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ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
Hardware Requirements
To ensure efficient work in ROBOT Millennium, the user should have:
IBM PC (or
operating system
Windows 2000 (+ SP 4) / XP
Pro (+SP 2) / XP 64 bit / Vista
Pentium III (or higher)
512 MB RAM memory
approx. 500 MB free disk
space after installation
for advanced users 1 GB RAM is
for advanced users 5 GB free disk
space after installation
Graphics - resolution
recommended: 1280x1024
needed only during installation of the
ROBOT Millennium is delivered along with a protection key which is necessary for correct usage
of the program. The key should be inserted into the port before every program activation and
should remain there while the program is in use.
In order to correctly print the ROBOT Millennium calculation notes, it is necessary to have a
word processor supporting *.rtf (Rich Text Format) format files. MS Word version 6.0 (or higher)
or WordPad which is included in the standard Windows 95 installation are examples of such word
processors. The ROBOT Millennium system also has its own word processor that supports *.rtf
format files.
Installation Program
First, the CD or DVD with the ROBOT Millennium installation must be inserted into the
appropriate drive.
A protection key must NOT be inserted to the computer port.
After inserting the CD or DVD in the drive, the mutimedia presentation is run automatically in the
language consistent with the regional settings of the Windows operating system (if there is no
such presentation on CD or DVD, the English presentation runs).
In the case of installation from the DVD, the following window appears on the screen.
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To install the programs: ROBOT Millennium, ESOP, RCAD and CBS Pro, the user should press
the appropriate part of the circle.
In the case of installation from the CD, the following window appears on the screen.
Individual fields on the screen are sensitive to the left mouse button click; pressing individual
fields indicates as follows (ROBOT Office Navigator is always installed as well):
Analysis & Design - starts installation of the programs: ROBOT Millennium + ROBOT PL
Millennium + ROBOT LT + ESOP+ CBS Pro
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Concrete Structures - starts installation of the programs: ROBOT Millennium + RC
Calculator + CBS Pro
Steel Structures - starts installation of the programs: ROBOT Millennium + ROBOT Expert
ROBOT Office - starts installation of all the available programs with standard settings.
At the bottom of the window there are the following buttons:
Custom installation – by pressing this button the user selects the installation mode which
allows installing any program(s) from the CD; afterwards the installation window opens on the
screen and selected installations may be started there manually
Special installations - by pressing this button the user selects the special installations mode:
installation of network version, installation of network protection, installation of network
monitor; afterwards the installation window opens on the screen and selected installations
may be started there manually
Update - by pressing this button the user selects the mode which allows searching the
Internet to find more recent versions of the already installed program (or e.g. Maintenance
Pack for a chosen program).
Once the installation set is chosen, Installation Wizard enabling installation of several products,
To begin with, the installation language has to be selected. Next, dialog boxes that open during
regular installation of a single product, are displayed on the screen (program location on disk,
authorization, etc.); during these operations the amount of disk space is estimated. All products
are installed in subfolders at the specified location on disk.
The common installation of all products installs the following programs:
ROBOT: all the necessary program elements in one language
RCAD: Steel, Reinforcement and Formwork Drawings
ESOP: all the necessary program elements in one language
ROBOT Expert: all the necessary program elements in one language.
Apart from that, the additional folder ROBOT Office Common with the common data for all the
programs (e.g.: databases of sections, materials, reinforcing bars and wire fabrics, code
regulations, etc.) will be installed on disk. Modification of an element in any database in the
ROBOT Office Common folder (or addition of new elements to a database) will be visible in all the
programs installed.
It is possible, if required during installation, to return to the previous dialog box
shown on the screen in order to make corrections to the data previously entered
by the user.
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ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
Basic Installations (Custom Installation)
Installation of the ROBOT program on a single computer can be performed in the following two
 by pressing the ANALYSIS&DESIGN button (quick installation of calculation programs)
 by pressing the Custom Installations button (installation of a selected program provided on
the CD).
The protection key must NOT be inserted into the computer port.
Below are listed the consecutive stages of the ROBOT Millennium installation on a stand-alone
unit after selecting the custom installation (after pressing the Custom installation button):
1. There appears the ROBOT Millennium License Agreement dialog box; to continue the
installation once you have familiarized yourself with the contents, press the YES button
(accepting the license agreement conditions); the following dialog box presents notes
pertaining to the performance of ROBOT Millennium; press the NEXT button to continue.
2. A dialog box prompting basic user data (see the figure below) will appear; enter the name
(initials) of the user, the company name, and optionally the e-mail address; press the NEXT
button to continue.
3. There appears a dialog box that allows one to define the target folder of program installation
on hard disk (see the figure below): the C: / Program Files / Robobat folder is the default folder
of the installation. The location may be typed directly from the keyboard or selected by means
of the Browse button, available in the lower part of the dialog box; if the defined folder is not
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present on hard disk, the installation program will create the folder with the user-defined name;
press the NEXT button to continue.
It is not recommended to install ROBOT program on a substituted disk. In such a
case, after restarting Windows system ROBOT program support will not be
registered; to make it available, it should be installed by means of appropriate
icon from ROBOT folder.
4. Afterwards, the screen shows the dialog box enabling selection of drivers (HASP and SPS
protection drivers as well as the Update Service mechanism for automatic program update),
and next, the dialog box allowing selection of Robobat products to be installed on disk
5. The dialog box for selection of the default group name (ROBOT Office) appears on the
screen; the name may be modified; to continue, press the NEXT button.
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6. Next, the screen shows the dialog box confirming the information given hitherto (program
location, name, user information); to continue, press the NEXT button.
7. The program begins the ROBOT Millennium installation (copying files); the installation
Progress window appears on the screen; short notes about the programs being installed are
displayed on the screen during the installation.
8. Once the installation is complete, the group dialog box containing the icons ROBOT
Millennium and the auxiliary programs is displayed.
9. The ROBOT Millennium program may be uninstalled by selecting the Add/Remove programs
available in the Control Panel. Selection of this option allows for modification of previously
installed ROBOT program version (adding or removing components) and version reinstallation
according to currently selected options (repair installation).
The ROBOT Millennium system has been installed to a disk. It is necessary to restart
WINDOWS NT/2000/XP to run ROBOT Millennium; therefore, a warning to restart the computer
before activating the program appears on the screen; moreover, one of the options listed below
may be chosen in the dialog box (but only in the case the program is installed after copying the
installation version from the Internet or directly from the installation CD once only the
ROBOTprogram installation is chosen):
 connect with the Internet and check for updates of the installed version on the software
producer page
 complete installation without checking for updates of the installed program.
After installing the program, the ROBOT program menu includes the Help / Available Program
Updates option, which when run, opens the Internet page of the program producer or dealer; from
this page it will be possible to download the program updates (Maintenance Pack, information
about the new version, etc.). This option will be available only if the Update Service mechanism
for automatic program update has been installed.
ROBOT Millennium is launched by:
double-clicking the icon of the system located in the Windows desktop (if the user decided to
place the icon on the desktop during installation),
selecting the ROBOT Millennium command in the ROBOT Structural Office group created
during installation.
1.2.2. Special Installations
Network protection
For computers working in a network, it is possible to use a special ‘network’ key installed on one
selected computer. Installation of network protection allows installing a program (ROBOT, RCAD)
on several computers in a network (i.e. this is multi-node installation of a program) and using a
common network key connected to one computer (it is not necessary to use separate protection
keys on each computer in a network). Such a protection system is called Network protection.
Network protection does not depend on the program network version and requires only that a
computer network is present.
To ensure correct support of a network key, it is necessary to install on a computer to which it will
be connected, a specialized supervising program, the so-called protection manager (NetHASP
License Manager); this is installation of network protection - see the description below;
After completing network installation and connecting a network key, each of the computers in a
network will be able to use network protection.
For installed network protection to work correctly, a network has to satisfy the following
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a computer on which the network protection server is installed must be assigned a physical
Internet IP address (if a node does not belong to a local network) or a local network address
on all the remaining computers one of the available protocols (e.g. TCP\IP) must be installed.
Below are presented successive stages of installation of the ROBOT Millennium system on
several nodes with one network protection:
 installation of network protection (see the description below); it can be installed directly from
the CD or DVD by pressing the Network Protection button in the Special Installations
window or by running the lmsetup.exe file located in the folder Install \ Hasp \ Servers \ Win32
(the program can be installed as an application or as a service)
To run network installation, the user should (see the description in chapter 1.2):
- in the first start window select ROBOT Office
- in the next window press the Special installations button.
installation of the ROBOT program (basic installation on a single computer) on each
computer in a network
copying the *.pmn protection files to each computer (node) to the folder: system_disk:\
Documents and Settings\ All Users \ Application Data \ Robobat \ Prot \ Net \ ~TMP or
system_disk:\ Documents and Settings\ All Users \ Application Data \ Robobat \ Prot \ Std \
~TMP; the folder to which the *.pmn files have been copied is an arbitrary one, however, it
must be visible in the Protection - Settings dialog box (see the following point) – such an
operation can also be performed in the Protection - Settings dialog box (see Chapter 1.2.3)
running the Protection - Settings program (see the description in Chapter 1.2.3) by selecting
the ROBOT Office / Tools option from the Windows system menu; in the dialog box move on
to the Settings tab, in the Folders and Licenses option indicate the copied protection files for
the network license, and next, select the Use Network Licenses option in the option group:
Common settings for all programs; indicate the appropriate protection file (see the preceding
point), and finally, press the buttons Apply and Close.
A description of the protection configuration in the Protection – Settings dialog
box is given in Chapter 1.2.3.
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Installation of network protection enables installing network protection on any computer working
in a network. This installation is independent of the network installation of the ROBOT
Millennium program. It is not recommended to install the protection on a computer network
server (for safety, it is better not to burden it with additional tasks, though formally, the installation
may be performed on each computer). Obviously, a computer on which the protection will be
installed must be ‘active’, because every time it finishes to work, network protection stops
The installation of network protection is available in the Special installations window of the
ROBOT Office package. As the information displayed in course of the installation reads, the
protection manager can be installed either as a service or as an application (see the description
The installation of network protection starts on pressing the Special installations button in the
menu of the Installation window (compare Chapter 1.2), and next, pressing the Network
Protection button.
After beginning the installation of network protection, the dialog box for selection of an installation
language appears on the screen.
The installation of network protection allows establishing protection for the entire network by
means of one key.
The protection key must NOT be inserted into the computer port; the message
shown below informs about it.
The dialog box shown below appears on the screen; a type of the protection manager installation
can be chosen there.
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There are two possibilities:
- ‘application’ installation mode
- ‘service’ installation mode.
In the ‘application’ mode, the manager is added to the programs which run after switching on a
computer (it is included in the ‘Start’ menu programs); this installation type is recommended if
there are protection programs like ‘firewall’ installed on a computer which may block access to the
protection key and thus disable protection.
If the ‘service’ mode is selected, then it will not be signaled if the protection key is blocked.
Finally, to end the installation, there appears a message about inserting the network key and a
possibility to cofigure protection parameters. A description of the Protection - Settings dialog
box is provided in Chapter 1.2.3.
After completing the installation of network protection on a computer where the network key is
inserted to the computer port, two additional icons will appear in the bottom right corner of the
computer screen:
the icon related to the type of protection manager installation (HASP License Manager) –
run as an application or service depending on the selection made during installation of the
network protection
the icon related to the nhext service which manages the possibilities of lending a license
from the network key (see the description of Protection settings - chapter 1.2.3).
Pressing the
icon and selecting Settings opens another dialog box for definition of the
following parameters:
- port number
- password (if necessary)
By default, no password is defined. If the license manager and the network key
are installed on a computer which is accessible not only to the administrator, it is
recommended to define an access password.
Network Version of ROBOT Millennium
Network installation of the ROBOT Millennium program should be performed
by Network Administrator or, in the worst case, in his presence.
For computers working in a network, it is also possible to use installation of the ROBOT network
version. It allows installing the ROBOT program in the ‘server-node’ mode; it means that on one
computer in the network the ROBOT program server will be created and there common files for
other network users will be installed and stored, while on users’ computers (i.e. on nodes of the
network version), only files necessary to use ROBOT on a given computer will be installed.
Installation of the ROBOT network version consists of three parts:
installation of ROBOT - server
installation of ROBOT - node
installation of network monitor (the tool for supervising the network performance of ROBOT).
In the first stages, the network installation (for the server installation as well as for network nodes)
is carried out in the same way as for a single computer installation (see Chapter 1.2.1).
The ROBOT Millennium server must be installed on a disk that is visible to other users. The
main folder of the server version of ROBOT Millennium (ROBOT Office - server) as well as the
ROBOT Office Common folder must be available to other users with reading rights, whereas the
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ROBOT Office Users folder with reading and saving rights. The ROBOT Millennium server
should be installed by the administrator of the ROBOT system (the person installing the ROBOT
Millennium server is given such rights). Once the server is installed, the users may install the
nodal versions on their computers. During node installation, the network address of the ROBOT
Millennium server should be given.
ROBOT Millennium server may be instaled on the computer where the backup copies will be
stored (it may be an NT server, for installation of ROBOT Millennium server does not comprise
installation of any drivers, but, to maintain network security, this should be another server,
especially in the case of large networks).
Installation of the network version server is accompanied by installation of the
ROBOT Office Common folder.
After beginning installation of the network version server, the dialog box appears on the screen
where the user should indicate a folder in which that version will be installed.
During installation of the network version it is possible to select the ROBOT Office Users folder;
this is a place where user files are saved (User File Server). The dialog box below allows
selecting a location where they are installed; the installation program creates a folder of the
default name ROBOT OFFICE USERS at the indicated location.
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After pressing the NEXT button, ROBOT Millennium will be installed on the server. Once
installation of the ROBOT Millennium server is complete, this program cannot be run yet. Node
installation is needed for that. A node may be installed on the same computer as the server
version, however, it must be done in a different folder.
Once the files are installed on the server, the message shown below will be displayed.
If license files (*.pmn files) have been provided together with the program, then they should be
copied to the folder C: \ Program Files \ Robobat \ ROBOT Office Server \ Licences before
starting installation of network version nodes.
The two folders (C: \ Program Files \ Robobat \ ROBOT Office Server and C: \ ROBOT Office
Users) should be made available independently while installing nodes (with full read and write
rights). Once installation of nodes is completed, write rights to the folder C: \ Program Files \
Robobat \ ROBOT Office Server can be removed.
During installation there appears a message informing about the possibility to create a copy of
installation files in the ‘Install’ folder. Creating such a copy is required if the user intends to install
the network version nodes in the automatic mode (see the description in the section Installation of
the network version node).
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The created ‘Install’ folder may be located on any computer in a network, however, it must be a
generally-accessible computer working continuously (which enables installing nodes at any time);
therefore, it is proposed to locate the ‘Install’ folder on a computer where the ROBOT-server is
installed. It should also be remembered to assign appropriate access rights to this folder.
1. Installation of a node on the same computer on which the network version is installed
If a network node should be installed on the same computer on which the network version is
installed, then the answer to the question shown in the drawing below should be YES. Note
should be taken, however, that after uninstalling the version, folders of the ROBOT server version
will have to be deleted manually.
After giving the positive answer to the question above, the message will be displayed on the
screen (see the drawing below).
Subsequent installation steps are identical as those during the installation of a node on a different
computer (see the description below).
2. Installation of a node on a computer on which the network version is not installed
Before completing installation of the network version server, the message appears on the screen
asking whether to make a copy of installation files in the ‘Install’ folder for the automatic
installation of a node from the server. There are two possibilities:
1. YES - installation in the automatic mode (see below: INSTALLATION in the automatic mode)
2. NO - installation from the CD for each node (see below: INSTALLATION using the CD for
each node).
After starting the installation of a node of the network version of ROBOT Millennium, one of the
following options should be chosen from the dialog box:
 Network - node (Best Performance) - all files are copied to the disk on the computer where
the network version node is installed
during installation it is necessary to specify full network paths to the folders:
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- ROBOT-server
- ROBOT Office Common
- ROBOT Office Users
and assign appropriate access rights to these folders
Network - node (Efficient Space) - most files are located on the server, while on a node only
these files are installed which enable correct start-up of the version (user configuration files)
INSTALLATION in the automatic mode
Installation of the network version node in the automatic node enables limiting involvement of the
end-user during installation of network version nodes.
Node installation in the automatic mode consists in performing installation of the first node
according to the special procedure that allows saving paths where from files are copied and what
target folders should be created.
After such installation, a special shortcut including parameters of node installation is created.
Such shortcut may be left in a generally-accessible location in the network or sent to users on
whose computers ROBOT-node should be installed. Activating this shortcut on a selected
computer will result in automatic installation of a node without the necessity to specify any paths,
Thus installation in the automatic mode should begin on any computer in the network on which
ROBOT-node installation is planned.
The installation should be run from the command line, with an additional parameter ‘-r’. To do it,
the user should select the Run option from the Start bar and in the Run dialog box press the
Browse… button; next, the user should indicate the setup.exe file from the ‘Install’ folder created
during the ROBOT-server installation (see the description of installation of the network version
During installation there appears the dialog box for selection of a node installation type.
After completing installation, a shortcut to the installation in the automatic mode is created in the
main folder of the network version server. The created shortcut should be sent to all users (or
they should be informed where it is located) who should install a network version node.
Users should be given access without logging in to the computer where ROBOT-server, the
‘Install’ folder as well as the folders ROBOT Office Common and ROBOT Office Users are
Installation of a network version node in the automatic mode consists in activating the shortcut to
the installation in the automatic mode. After completing the installation, the following items are
- ROBOT shortcut on the desktop
- options for launching the program in the ROBOT Office group.
The ROBOT Office Common folder is installed automatically.
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Additional comments concerning the automatic mode
A. Node installation in the automatic mode results in all nodes of the network version being
installed on the same disk and in the same folder; if on the computer where a network
version node should be installed, there is no e.g. disk of the specified name, then an error
occurs during installation
B. Errors that occurred during installation are saved in the SetupROBOT.log text file located in
the main folder (e.g. C:\) on each node. If the parameter ReturnCode = 0, then installation
was completed successfully. If the parameter ReturnCode  0, then installation using the CD
is recommended.
INSTALLATION using the CD for each node
After pressing the Next > button in the dialog box above, the user should indicate the folder
where the ROBOT program node will be installed.
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As during version installation on single computers, program components for installation and
drivers (HASP and SPS protection drivers as well as the Update Service mechanism for
automatic program update) to be installed together with the program may also be chosen for both
types of installation of network nodes.
It is recommended that the same language versions of ROBOT Millennium be
installed on all network nodes.
During installation, the server version ROBOT Millennium installation folder should be indicated
(the ROBOT Millennium server should be installed first). It should be noted whether the ROBOT
Millennium version folder has been given as the networks address or whether it was mapped
(changed to a disk letter). In the second case, options for re-mapping the disk after restarting the
Windows system should be set.
Next, the folder for databases and ROBOT Office Common configuration files should be selected.
NOTE: The last two dialog boxes (shown in the drawings below) may not appear during
installation; this is the case when the path to the network version server is found automatically
during installation of the network version node.
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In the installation of the network version, the possibility of selecting User File Server has been
implemented; this is a place where user files are saved. In the dialog box below the destination
folder for the ROBOT program server may be selected; the installation program checks the right
of writing in the indicated location and interrupts further installation, if the user is not given such a
After installing a network version node the user may start work in the ROBOT program.
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Functionality of the Network Version
The basic features of the network version of the ROBOT Millennium are presented below:
1. Work in the local or server mode.
The user may select the place where his/her files will be kept (projects and configuration files).
This may be a local computer that is being used, or, the server computer. In the second case,
the user will be able to work on his projects from any network computer.
2. Possibility of work on a project from any computer
If the user chooses to work in the server mode, he/she will be able to work on projects from
any network computer (without needing to copy files).
3. Orientation of the program towards the user.
Every user has its own folder with configuration files and projects.
4. Advanced options of the configuration file management
The administrator may define common configuration files on the server for all network users.
The user is informed about any changes and may easily perform an actualization of
configuration files (compare the below presented description of the Administrator program).
5. Possibility of limiting access to ROBOT.
If the necessity arises, the administrator may define a list of users with the right to access
ROBOT, a right to make changes to the default configuration, etc. (compare the below
presented description of the Administrator program).
The Administrator program (admn.exe) is used to configure the work parameters of the network
version of ROBOT Millennium. The program is located in the SYSTEM/EXE folder of the
installed ROBOT Millennium program. Its capabilities depend on the user’s rights. The following
three tabs will appear to a regular user, once the application is activated: Files, Work Mode and
ROBOT Expert. The ROBOT Millennium program Administrator has access to three additional
ones (Users, System and Network Monitor).
Prior to opening the Administrator program, it should be checked that ROBOT
Millennium program is not open.
Below, one can find a description of particular tabs that appear in the dialog box of the
The Users tab (option available only for the administrator)
The Users tab allows the administrator to define a list of users and assign them the appropriate
user rights.
The dialog box contains the following options:
User name -- the name under which the user is identified in the network.
Access rights – the user may run ROBOT.
Administrator rights – the user is given full administrator rights.
Rights to work on custom (own) configuration – the user may work on his/her own
configuration files otherwise the user work configuration is the network configuration.
Option Check the user list at start results in denying access to the ROBOT program to all
those not listed on the user list.
System tab (option available only for the administrator)
The dialog box contains the following options:
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Modification of the configuration files – once this option is selected, the administrator’s
configuration will become the server configuration (The users will be able to update their own
configuration files with the changes made by the administrator).
Protection Code – in the case of a protection code change (e.g. once a new option is
purchased), the new code should be entered on the edit field. Once ROBOT Millennium is
run by a user, the application will automatically update the protection code.
Creating a new user database – removal of the old user database and creating a new one.
Network Monitor tab (options available only for the administrator)
The options located in this tab allow one to define the network address of the computer where the
Network Monitor is installed. The defined address refers to all installed ROBOT Expert programs
ROBOT Millennium finds this address automatically.
Files tab
A message about the necessity to update configuration or system files may appear at the start of
ROBOT. The Files tab informs the user about the state of the files and allows for automatic
ROBOT should be closed at this time.
Work Mode tab
The Work Mode tab allows the user to define his/her work parameters on the net.
A local work mode means that the user configuration file will be located on the user’s computer
(faster access).
A server work mode means that the configuration file will be located on the server. This is
recommended if the user wishes to work on the same project on various computers.
The configuration selection allows the user to declare whether he/she wants to use the local or
server configuration (defined by the system administrator).
As long as we want to continue working on the same configuration files copying of local
configuration files and projects to the server or server files to the local disk should be performed
once the work mode is changed (appropriately from the local to server mode or from server to
local mode).
ROBOT Expert Tab
ROBOT Expert tab allows one to update the network address of the computer where the Network
Monitor is installed.
Examples of how to use the Administrator program.
A. The user cannot run ROBOT Millennium.
Check that the server is active
if during node installation the path to the server was mapped, check if after restarting the
mapping is still current.
check if the user has reading rights in the System folder on the server.
check if the user has saving rights for the Users folder \ user name
check if the user has the right to use ROBOT Millennium.
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B. Messages at start of the ROBOT Millennium program.
in the case of the appearance of a message about the necessity to update the configuration or
system files, after activating the Administrator program it is required to switch to the Files tab and
open the appropriate option.
C. Work on the network version
If the user wishes to work on projects from any network computer, then the Network work mode
option should be activated on the Mode tab.
If the user is working in the local mode (configuration files are located on a local computer) and
wants to work on the same files on a different computer, the following should be done:
run the Administrator program
switch to the Work Mode tab
use the option for copying files on the server
change the work mode to server mode
D. The job of the network version administrator.
Modification of the server configuration (changes in the configuration visible for all users)
the administrator checks that he is working on the current configuration (File tab), if not, then
an update of configuration files is performed.
the administrator enters the required changes (new material addition, definition of a new
section, supports, addition of a new template, etc.)
he activates the Administrator program
on the System tab, he selects the Configuration File Modification option.
the administrator closes the Administrator program
the user who will then run ROBOT Millennium will receive a warning about the need to
update the configuration files.
Modification of the protection code (e.g. once new options have been purchased)
run the Administrator program
on the System tab, enter a new protection code
the user who will later run ROBOT Millennium will have the protection code automatically
Possibilities of the Network Monitor:
tracking the programs with protection run in the network (Licenses tab)
generation of reports concerning the statistics of using license (Reports tab)
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gathering information concerning certain events (Events tab)
sending e-mails to Users.
Program Monitor may be installed on any computer in the network. For the program to operate
according to its goals, it should be launched (preferably in Autostart) and not switched off till there
are protected programs operating in the network. Once the Monitor is installed, one should type
the name of the computer where the Monitor is installed in the "Network Monitor" tab of the
"Administrator" program. Each program (ROBOT Millennium or ROBOT Expert) sends to the
Monitor information that it has been activated and uses protection. The Licenses tab will display
information concerning a given program (the name of the computer where it has been run, user's
name, number of the protection used, name of the application, process identifier, time of
activation, state of the application).
The application tree consists of roots (computer names) and the activated applications. The
applications activated on one computer use one license. During its operation, ROBOT
Millennium periodically (every few minutes) sends control information to the Monitor. The time of
sending the information is introduced in the Last Ping field. If the hour introduced in this field is
not up-to-date, it means that the application is not active. Pings are not sent while a structure is
being prepared for calculations.
ROBOT Expert Programs do not ping and ROBOT Millennium cannot ping when
opening an *.str file.
Exiting an application sends appropriate message to the Monitor and the program is removed
from the tree of applications in the Licenses tab.
Diagnostics of using a license consists in watching the tree in the Licenses tab. The Administrator
may see who has been using the license and for how long. He may also see whether the license
is blocked by process jamming or not (Last Ping received a long time ago). It is not possible to
take away the license from a user by remote control, or to unblock the license taken away
by a jammed process. The Remove Application option is used to delete from the tree the
application that does not exist (it must have ended in an error and the protection has not been
returned). The Monitor should be run during the entire time when protection is used. After exiting
and re-running the Monitor, one can obtain information concerning the programs operated in the
network, with the exception of the information concerning the programs that ended their operation
in an error when the Monitor was inactive (these programs will not be included in the tree, but
they will keep blocking the license).
The Administrator may generate reports concerning the use of the license by the users. Several
report templates will be provided, but the user will be able to create his own reports, as need be.
A user-defined report will appear in the table in the Reports tab and it may be printed. The default
report contains the entire database (All the data are introduced into an *.mdb database and can
be viewed through Access). Checking out the Logout Status field means that the application has
sent the message notifying that its operation has terminated (standard behavior). If the field is not
checked out, it means that the application terminated in an error or it terminated when the Monitor
was switched off.
From time to time, the unnecessary records should be removed from the
If an application (ROBOT Millennium or ROBOT Expert) has not been assigned a license, then,
a message will be sent to the Monitor and it will be displayed in the Events tab.
It is possible to sent e-mails to users. The Network Monitor program contains a dialog box that
allows one to define the addressee and the message contents. E-mails sent to a user during his
work are displayed immediately (not later than in 5 minutes after sending in the case of work on
a demo version), while the remaining ones will be displayed during the next ROBOT session.
E-mails may be sent only to the users of ROBOT Millennium.
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For the e-mails to be received, one should check out the "Message support" field in the License
Monitor tab of the Administrator program (the tab is available only for the Administrator).
For ROBOT Expert programs to be able to register, one should perform the following operations
in the "Network Monitor":
Run the "Administrator" program on the computer where the ROBOT Expert programs will be
Go to the ROBOT Expert tab and update the License Monitor Address (if the button is grayed
out, it means that the actualization has been performed).
During actualization, there may appear an error caused by the fact that the user is not authorized
to modify registers. In such case, the actualization should be performed by the user with the
rights of an Administrator for the computer in question (not to be confused with the rights of the
Administrator of the ROBOT Millennium system), or else, the actualization may be performed by
running the RegEdit program (contained in system Windows NT/2000/XP) and setting the key
value "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Robobat \ Protection \ Net \
LicenseServerName" to the current address of the License Monitor (provided over the "Actualize"
button in the ROBOT Expert tab of the Administrator program).
1.2.3. Protection Settings
Contents of the protection key delivered together with the ROBOT program may be changed by
specifying the appropriate code. Such a situation may occur when the user purchases new
options or when the temporary protection terminates and the user decides to prolong it.
The Protection - Settings dialog box is used to modify or check protection settings on the user
computer. After installing the program, the options provided in this dialog box enable modification
of protection settings.
The Protection - Settings dialog box opens after choosing the following option: Tools /
Protection – settings located in the ROBOT Structural Office group in the START menu of the
Windows operating system.
Prior to opening the Protection - Settings dialog box the user should make sure
that the programs using Robobat protection keys have been closed.
Once the Protection - Settings option is selected, the dialog box shown in the drawing below
appears on the screen.
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The Update tab comprises the Select license list; on this list the user should select the number of
a license whose contents are to be modified. The protection system cooperates with three key
types: local keys (HASP), network keys (NetHASP) and disk keys (SPS). It supports six types of
local keys designated with letters from A to F – the relevant letter is shown on the selection list.
After a protection key has been selected, the number of the license written on this key and the
key identifier are read automatically (and entered to the edit fields: Number and ID). For disk
protection, zero value is entered to the ID field.
Several local keys of the same type should not be connected simultaneously. If
two A keys are connected to the computer, then only one of them (randomselected) will be read correctly.
The Source field contains options used to provide codes changing protection settings saved on
the protection key chosen earlier. The user should select the source from which the information
about modifications in the protection should be gotten (Internet, CD, delivered file or entered
manually), and next, press the Apply button in the bottom part of the dialog box. In the
Personalization edit field the user may enter program authorization (a character string displayed,
among others, on the ROBOT program vignette); the maximal name length to be given cannot
exceed 31 characters. To save the modified personalization on the protection key, the Apply
button should be pressed.
Pressing the Refresh button results in rereading the licenses available; the option is particularly
useful if the user has several keys of the same type (e.g. A). Since many keys of the same type
cannot be connected simultaneously, all operations on the keys have to be performed one by
one. It can be done by replacing the key and pressing the Refresh button without exiting from the
There are the following buttons included in the bottom part of the Protection - Settings dialog
Report - pressing this button starts generation of a report containing the current protection
settings for a selected license
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Test - pressing this button runs a protection test. The testing procedure verifies the protection
system checking all the local keys, active network licenses and installed disk licenses. A
result of the test taken is a text file with information which should allow identification of
possible protection problems.
If problems with the protection system occur, the user should press the Test button and send
the file with the test result to the Robobat technical support.
Close - pressing this button closes the Protection - Settings dialog box.
To configure the protection system for individual Robobat programs, proceed to the Settings tab
(see the drawing below).
The option Common settings for all programs enables uniform configuration of the protection
system for all the installed Robobat programs. There are three available protection types that may
be checked on the program start up: protection written on the local key HASP, network license
(delivered together with the network key NetHASP) as well as disk license supported by Software
Protection Service (SPS). To indicate that a given protection type is to be checked on the
program start up, the relevant option should be selected by . There is a possibility to select
several options simultaneously. For example, if the options Local keys and Network licenses
are selected, then the protection system will check the local key first and if it does not exist, it will
check the network license.
For network and disk licenses a number of the license to be used should be specified additionally.
To do this, it is necessary to click on the
(see the drawing below).
icon and open the dialog box for selection of a license
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A disk license is selected by idicating its number (as in the drawing above), whereas a network
license is chosen by pointing out an appropriate pmn file including the network license.
There is a possibility of independent protection system configuration for individual programs or for
whole program groups. Thanks to that, the user may purchase the local license for the ROBOT
program and the network license for the ESOP program and work using both programs
simultaneously on the same computer.
For example, to enable the use of the ROBOT local protection and the ESOP network protection
on one computer, in the dialog box above the user should:
 select the option Independent settings for ESOP
 select the option ”Use network license” located below and indicate an appropriate network
 press the Apply button to save the modifications.
The option Independent settings for ESOP will appear on the Settings tab only if the ESOP
program is installed on the computer.
Network and disk licenses are stored in appropriate files. The user may indicate the folders where
files including licenses will be stored. To do so, the option Folders and licenses should be
expanded. After clicking on the icon
, the user may indicate the relevant folder for files with
licenses. After expanding the path to folder, all the installed licenses are also visible.
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Double-clicking on the Add license option enables the user to indicate a new file with a (network
or disk) license to be installed.
The disk protection licenses involve certain additional operations available on the SPS tab (see
the drawing below).
The basic operation is Generation of computer code. This code identifies the user computer
unambiguously. It is required to establish a disk license for a given computer. To obtain a disk
license, the user has to send his/her computer code to the program dealer.
After receiving a file with the disk license definition from the program dealer, the license has to be
installed on the user’s computer. To do this, the operation Install new license is selected on the
SPS tab.
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In the above dialog box, in the edit field File – indicate the file received from the program dealer
the user should specify the path to the received file containing the license and next, press the
Apply button.
Operations related to the NetHASP network key are grouped on the Network key tab presented in
the drawing below.
After moving on this tab, the system attempts automatically to read the contents of the NetHASP
network key. The key does not need to be connected to the computer, it is enough if it is
connected to the network license server (i.e., to the computer on which NetHASP License
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Manager has been launched) and visible in the network. Once reading the key is completed, its
ID, type and contents, i.e. a list of licenses programmed on the key, appear in the dialog box.
The key contents may be modified with the use of codes received from the program dealer. To do
so, the user should indicate the received file including the codes and accept changes by pressing
the Apply button.
The NetHasp.ini button makes access to the network protection configuration easier by running
the text editor showing the contents of the nethasp.ini file, which is a configuration file for the
NetHASP network protection. The nethasp.ini file should be located in the system folder.
To accelerate access to the network key, in the nethasp.ini configuration file the
user may assign the address of a computer where it was installed to the
NH_SERVER_ADDR variable.
The LM Extension button allows configuring the connection with the program ROBOT Extension
for NetHASP LM (nhext.exe) which should be run on the computer with the network license
server. The configuration consists in specifying a server IP address and a communication port
number (by default 10001). The user should make sure that the port number given has not been
blocked by the software such as firewall. The nhext.exe program is used, among other things, for
lending a license and restoring it automatically on the network key once the lending period
The Lending button allows temporary transfer of a license from the network key to the local key
or to the SPS license. To activate this option, the user should indicate a license to be lent in the
field containing the list of licenses programmed on the network key and press the Lending
button. The dialog box shown in the drawing below appears on the screen then.
To lend a network license, the user should indicate the PMN file which defines the contents of the
license lent and determine the lending duration, i.e. the date when the license should be returned
automatically. A license may be transferred to the HASP local key or to the SPS local license for
any computer. To create the SPS license for any computer, the user should give the code of a
target computer and indicate an SLF file where to the license will be saved. Next, the SLF file
should be copied to the target computer and installed using the Install new license option on the
SPS tab.
On a selected day a license is returned automatically. However, it is possible to return the lent
license before a fixed date; it can be done using the Return button which becomes active after
selecting the number of the license lent earlier to this computer from the list of licenses read from
the network key.
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Generation of the Installation Report
Once program installation is completed and the program is activated, an installation report which
presents information concerning ROBOT program will be automatically generated. If the report is
not printed by a user then, there are several ways of installation report (protection report)
generation. To start generation of installation report, a user should choose one of the possibilities
presented below, which are provided by the program:
1. in the ROBOT program select Help / Protection Settings option from the menu; in the
Protection – Settings dialog box press the Report button
2. from the START menu of the Windows system run the option: ROBOT / Tools / Protection
parameters; in the Protection – Settings dialog box press the Report button.
Generation of installation report may take some time; once it is completed, a text
editor will appear on the screen to present the generated report.
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General Description of the Program
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ROBOT Millennium is an integrated graphic program used for modeling, analyzing and
designing various types of structures. The program allows users to create structures, to carry out
static analysis of structures, to verify obtained results, to perform code calculations of structure
elements as well as to prepare documentation for a calculated and designed structure.
The most important features of ROBOT Millennium are listed below:
complete graphic structure definition in the graphic editor (user may also load e.g. DXF
format files containing the structure’s geometry which have been prepared in a different
graphic program)
possibility of graphic display of the designed structure and display of various calculation
results (forces, displacements, simultaneous work in several windows on the same screen,
possibility of calculating (designing) the structure while designing another structure
possibility of carrying out static and dynamic structure analysis
possibility of assigning bar types during the structure creation instead of assigning them in the
code modules
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possibility of an arbitrary printout composition (calculation notes, screen capture, printout
composition, transferring objects to other programs).
ROBOT Millennium is made up of several modules that are each responsible for a specific step
in the structure design (creating the structure model, calculating the structure, designing). The
modules work in the same environment.
Once ROBOT Millennium is activated (click on the appropriate icon on the desktop or choose
the appropriate command from the taskbar), the window shown below will appear on the screen.
The window is used to select the type of structure that will be designed; load an existing structure
or choose the structure design module.
During first activation of the ROBOT program an installation report is generated
that presents information concerning the ROBOT program. Generation of
installation report may take some time; once it is completed a text editor will
appear on screen to present the generated report.
Individual icons found in the above window indicate:
 first eleven icons is used to select a designed structure type:
- 2D frame,
- shell,
- 2D truss,
- plane stress structure,
- grillage,
- plane deformation structure,
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- 3D truss,
- axisymmetric structure,
- 3D frame,
- volumetric structure (solid).
- plate,
The axisymmetric structure type models a solid generated due to rotation around
the rotation axis, by means of a 2D, vertical section through a solid (see the
drawing below). It is assumed that the global Z axis is a vertical axis of a solid;
half of a section is defined on the positive side of the X axis. To mark the position
of the section vertical axis in an axisymmetric structure, in the structure view
auxiliary structural axes with X coordinates equaling 0 have been added.
It is impossible to combine 3D bar models (the 3D frame type) with the following
structure types: plate, plane deformation structure and plain stress structure.
For two structure types (plane deformation structures and axisymmetric
structures), the transversal dimension is always assumed as 1 m, irrespective of
the length unit set in the Job Preferences dialog box. It means that a structure
sector of 1-meter thickness is modeled. It has effect on interpretation of loads
and reactions.
 the next seven icons are used to design concrete elements of the structure:
R/C beam design,
direct foundation design,
R/C column design,
continuous footing design,
deep beam design,
RC wall design,
R/C plate design
 the next two icons are used to run the following modules:
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steel connection design
section definition (solid or thin-walled sections);
 the penultimate icon allows the user to open the previously created structure file.
 the last icon is used to open a new project
The above presented dialog box allows one also to select the following icon:
used to run the viewer of section databases.
When the cursor is positioned on an icon, a short description of its use is
Once one of the options listed above is chosen, ROBOT Millennium parameters are adjusted to
the functions of the chosen code module or the selected structure type. Depending on the
function of the module, an edit viewer allowing for structure editing or a layout customized to the
module function (mostly pertains to code modules), will be displayed. The main elements found
on the screen in most of the system modules are shown below. As an example, the initial ROBOT
Millennium work screen is presented.
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The above screen may be divided into several sections:
top bar where basic information pertaining to the task is given (project name, structure
calculation data: available results, unavailable results, results during analysis, etc.);
menu and toolbars (an additional toolbar at the right side of the screen containing the most
frequently used icons) and the ROBOT Millennium layout selection list;
selection lists of the following: nodes, bars, load cases and modes;
Object Inspector dialog box located in the left-hand side of the screen (this dialog box may
be closed to increase the program graphical viewer used for definition of a structure) - NOTE:
for better readability of the above screen capture, the layout does not show the Object
Inspector dialog box;
a graphic viewer (graphic editor) which is used for structure modeling and visualization;
toolbar located under the graphic field, including icons which enable displaying on the screen
the following items: node/bar numbers, panel numbers, support symbols, section shapes,
load symbols and values as well as structure deformations for a given load case;
field at the bottom of the screen where the following information is presented: names of the
open viewers, cursor location coordinates, used units and several options which open dialog
boxes (Display, Snap settings) or display information about the available resources.
The icons in the lower left part of the layout allow one to:
select the cursor mode (snap settings)
opening the Display dialog box
restore the default attributes of the structures presented on screen.
In case of volumetric structure definintion three additional icons appear in the lower part of the
without shading (none)
quick shading.
In the bottom left part of the screen there is the icon (e.g.
icon) which presents
symbolically the plane in which the view of a defined structure is shown. After pressing this icon,
the program opens the View dialog box.
There is a possibility to choose work in:
2D view (the 2D button)
2D view - ”deep” projection (the 2D/3D button)
3D view (the 3D button).
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When the 2D and 2D/3D buttons are pressed, the following become available: selection list
provided under these buttons and two buttons:  and  (these buttons are also located on the
icon in the bottom right corner of the screen). Pressing the  () button causes moving to the
next (previous) ‘level’ of defined structure axes (the ‘level’ means structure axes defined for any
X, Y or Z axis). The selection list enables choosing any existing level of structure axes (it may
also be identified by the structure axis name).
After switching on the 2D/3D option, the XY, XZ and YZ buttons are accessible and enable
selection of a work plane. The selection list provided under these buttons, contains available
structure views (top, bottom, etc.; the views SW, SE, NW, NE are isometric and show the
structure as seen from the following directions: southwest, southeast, northwest and northeast,
The data provided in the field in the bottom part of the layout depend on the
module in which the user works at the given moment (e.g. slightly different
information is provided in the modules for designing RC structure elements).
Once one of the code module icons is chosen (reinforced concrete design, steel design, steel
connection design) the set of viewers and tables corresponding to the module functions are
activated. Additional information pertaining to ROBOT Millennium layouts is provided in Chapter
General Rules
To begin the description of work in ROBOT Millennium, several general rules should be listed:
New nodes are created automatically during bar definition. If a bar is created based on
existing nodes, new nodes will not be generated.
When a bar is deleted its nodes remain in place.
Once nodes, bars, panels and solids are determined other features such as supports,
sections, panel thickness and loads must be defined and assigned to them. It is also possible
to invert the order of properties’ selection in the design process.
The member type used in the design of structure elements and including code parameters,
may be assigned while defining the structure.
The UNDO option may not work with some edit operations.
Layout System
ROBOT Millennium has been equipped with a layout mechanism that simplifies the design
process. The layouts in ROBOT Millennium are specially designed systems of dialog boxes,
viewers and tables that are used to perform specific defined operations. Layouts available in
ROBOT Millennium were created to make consecutive operations leading to defining,
calculating, and designing the structure easier. In order to avoid damage to the layout system, the
dialog boxes and tables that open once a layout is activated may not be closed. The state of the
dialog boxes is saved at closing; the dialog boxes in the layout should re-open in the same state
as at closing.
Layouts are available once the selection list found in the upper part of the screen is chosen (see
the figure below).
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The list, that is shown below opens after clicking in the layout selection field. It is a list of standard
layouts available in ROBOT Millennium. The list does not include all layouts defined in several
layout groups. Only layouts used for the bar structure model definition are presented on the
drawing below.
The layout order and arrangement was created to suggest the next design step. It is not
necessary to define the structure according to the layout order. This may be done in any order
chosen by the user; the layout system was introduced in such a way that ROBOT Millennium
structure definition is intuitive and efficient. All ROBOT Millennium operations may also be
performed without using the defined layouts. As an example of using layouts, the screen
arrangement opened after choosing the BARS layout is shown on the figure below.
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The screen may be divided into three main parts:
the graphic viewer where the structure is defined,
the Bars dialog box (in the case of a different layout, it will be a different dialog box) used to
define the consecutive structure bars,
a table operating like a spreadsheet where data pertaining to the defined bars is shown, (in
the case of a different layout, it will be data concerning other objects such as: nodes, loads,
supports, etc.). The table allows you to edit the entered data. It is also possible to copy the
contents of the table into other programs (i.e. MS Excel).
By choosing the consecutive layouts defined in ROBOT Millennium, the user may easily define,
calculate and design the structure. Once the structure is chosen, it may be necessary to modify
some bars (i.e. by changing the bar section); the recalculation of the entire structure could be
necessary. The layout system greatly simplifies and speeds up these stages of analysis, design
and modification.
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Object Inspector
Inspector is a tool that allows management of elements (objects) included in a project created in
the ROBOT program. The Inspector dialog box is by standard presented in the left part of the
program window, next to the field for graphical definition of a model.
The Inspector dialog box may be displayed on the screen (and closed) after:
- selecting the menu option Window / Inspector Dialog Box
- pressing the
The most important tasks carried out in Inspector include:
 presenting the project contents in an appropriate order (sequence)
 selecting elements that should be acted upon by a selected command
 presenting and modifying properties of project elements (these may be single elements or
whole objects)
 filtering model elements (objects)
 creating and managing documentation of a project.
The width of the Inspector dialog box may be freely adjusted so as to leave as much space as
possible for the field of graphical definition of a structure model.
The dialog box consists of several topic-related elements which comprehend all problems related
to work on a structure:
Object Inspector (the Geometry tab)
Steel Connection Inspector
RC Component Inspector.
Moving from one tab to the other is possible after pressing the appropriate icon at the bottom of
the dialog box.
The Object Inspector tab
The Object Inspector tab is used to perform global operations on selected structure objects. It
allows defining objects and grouping them in the hierarchy by subject.
It is composed of two tabs: Geometry and Groups.
The Geometry tab
The tab consists of the following parts:
 the upper part includes fields allowing display and selection of objects with the possibility of
filtering by object types
 the lower part presents properties for objects selected in the upper part of the dialog box.
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Display / selection
In the upper part of the Object Inspector tab of the Inspector dialog box, used for display and
selection of objects, there is the Geometry tab.
The Geometry tab is used to view all structure objects grouped by types (nodes, bars, panels,
solids, etc.) and to select objects for which it is possible to display chosen parameters and modify
them in the properties block.
Pressing the
icon allows filtering the list of objects displayed in the Inspector dialog box
(nodes, bars, panels). Pressing the
icon enables filtering the object list based on selected
The options for adding / removing a folder are also provided in the context menu that appears on
the screen on pressing the right mouse button. Moreover, it includes options which enable
sorting, filtering, selecting, searching and refreshing elements on the Geometry tab.
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Properties - the lower part of the Inspector dialog box
The Properties block appears on many tabs of the Inspector dialog box and on each of them it
may function independently and show various pieces of data in a different way.
Options located in this part of the dialog box are used to view and edit individual attributes of
objects selected in the upper part of the Inspector dialog box. The Properties block enables
grouping attributes by category, and thus hiding them in subtrees.
The Groups tab
The Groups tab allows grouping freely structure objects (nodes, bars, panels or auxiliary objects).
It is possible to create a arbitrary object hierarchy within an object group to make work on a
structure model easier, and next, use groups for quick selection or easy preview of chosen
Basic logical operations may be performed on groups; available logical operations include:
 union - selection will include elements from all selected groups; if the Add to the existing
selection option is selected, it will extend the selection list with objects selected earlier
 intersection - the selection list will include the intersection (common part) of selected groups;
if the option Intersection of groups and the current selection is switched on, then a selection
will include elements that belong to groups and earlier-selected objects
 difference - based on inversion: a selection will include objects not belonging to selected
groups (if the Subtract from all elements option is active) or belonging the previous selection
and not included in the selected groups (the Subtract from the current selection option).
The Steel Connections tab of the Inspector dialog box is presented in Chapter 6.4. – Steel
Connection Design, while the RC Components tab in Chapter 6.2 – Design of RC Structure
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Menu, Context Menu, Toolbars
The ROBOT Millennium system menu consists of two parts: a text menu and toolbars with
appropriate icons. They can be used interchangeably, according to the users’ needs and
Both are displayed in the same way - as a horizontal bar at the top of the screen (additionally, for
most layouts in the ROBOT Millennium system, another toolbar is displayed on the right side of
the screen). Basic options available within the modules are accessible both from the text menu
and the toolbar. Though contents of the text menu and toolbars for successive modules vary,
main options are always available regardless of which module is active. The figure below
illustrates both types of menus; the main menu that appears once the START layout is selected is
shown as an example.
Text menu
Clicking with the left mouse button on any command from the text menu presented in the drawing
above results in opening a corresponding submenu with detailed options. All commands are of
the text type (activated by the command name).
Each toolbar contains options presented as icons. The main menu contains only basic options.
Clicking with the left mouse button on some icons from the main menu results in displaying an
additional submenu with groups of related options (structure definition, operations used for
structure edition on the screen, tools). Clicking on other icons from the main icon menu results in
executing given operations (save, print, preview, copy, initial view etc.) or opening appropriate
dialog boxes (e.g. for defining structure analysis types).
The text menu is organized in a hierarchical order. To select an option, place the cursor on the
option name and click with the left mouse button. If the command is already highlighted the option
can also be selected by pressing the <Enter> button. Another way to execute an option is the hotkey system (by pressing the underlined letter). Arrows from the keyboard can be used to select
options in the text menu.
Once one of the options from the main menu is selected, the appropriate submenu with a group
of related options will be displayed. For some options from the submenu further submenus are
Toolbars are organized in a similar way. Clicking with the left mouse button results either in
executing a given operation or opening a corresponding submenu with a group of related options.
For example, in order to open the Structural Axis dialog box to define structural axes, it is
necessary to select:
the Geometry / Structural Axis option from the menu
the icon
from the side toolbar of the START layout.
Both operations open the same dialog box.
In the ROBOT Millennium system, menus are adjusted to successive modules
(structure definition, results preview, design). The menu that is currently
presented on the screen corresponds to the active (highlighted) viewer (graphic
editor, table, structure view). In order to change the menu, activate another
structure view, table, etc.
The menu, context menu, hot keys and toolbars defined in the ROBOT Millennium system can
be modified (with the Tools/Adjust command available from the menu). Dialog boxes for adjusting
menus/context menus, hot keys and toolbars will be opened and can be modified according to the
user’s needs.
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While working with the graphic editor or a table, clicking the right mouse button opens an
additional context menu containing the most widely used options.
The context menu that opens while working in the viewer of the START layout is shown as an
example (2D frame).
Preferences and Job Preferences
The two options, Preferences and Job Preferences, allow the user to set program parameters in
the ROBOT Millennium system. The Preferences dialog box presented below is used to define
basic parameters in the program. It is available from:
the menu by selecting: Tools / Preferences
by selecting the Preferences icon
located in the TOOLS toolbar.
The above dialog box can be divided into several sections, namely:
the upper section - containing four icons (for description – see the Job Preferences dialog
box) and a field for selecting the preference file.
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The name of the currently used preference file is displayed in the upper partr of the dialog
box. This field allows the user to select a previously created preference file. Pressing the
arrow at the end of this field opens a list of previously created files where the appropriate one
can be selected
the left section - containing the tree from which one of the ROBOT Millennium system
preference options (listed below) can be selected with the mouse:
 languages - selection of regional settings (definition of the country whose codes materials
and regulations - e.g. code combination regulations - will be used during the design
process, calculations and structure design) and working and printout language
 general parameters (saving parameters, number of recently used structures, sound on/off
 display parameters (colors and fonts for screen components)
 toolbar and menu (menu type and the type of toolbars)
 printout parameters (colors and fonts for printouts, scale and symbols, line thickness)
 protection parameters (protection, authorization) - for changing the system protection and
authorization – modifications are made in the Protection – Settings dialog box (see
chapter 1)
 advanced - options that allow clearing the TEMP folder on the computer and options
enabling selection of edit operations based on the ACIS kernel to perform Boolean
 COM interface - presentation of the registered additional programs/modules
the right section - containing the field that is updated any time a new command from the
option tree is selected.
The Job Preferences dialog box, presented below, allows you to define general program
parameters to be used in a given task. This dialog box is available from:
the menu by selecting: Tools / Job Preferences,
the TOOLS toolbar by clicking on the "Job Preferences” icon
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The structure and operation of the dialog box is similar to those used in the Preferences dialog
box. In the top part of the dialog box there are several icons and a field for selection of a job
preference file. Pressing the icons enables the following:
- opens the dialog box which allows loading the selected job preference file
- opens the dialog box which allows saving job preferences to the file selected by the user
- deletes currently used job preferences
- reverts to the default parameter values of the job preferences options located in the original
ROBOT program file.
The following options are available in the above dialog box:
number units and formats (dimensions, forces, possibility of unit edition),
materials (selection of material set, according to the country and the possibility of creating
user-defined material),
section database (selection of the appropriate database with member sections),
vehicle databases (selection of the appropriate database with code-defined vehicles),
load database (selection of the appropriate database with loads used for composing the loads
acting on structure elements),
soil database (selection of the appropriate database containing the list of soils),
bolt database or anchor bolt database (selection of the appropriate database containing the
list of bolts),
codes (selection of codes to be used during the structure design – steel, R/C, connection
design, etc.); while selecting codes of code combinations, the user may run the editor of code
combination regulations – it is done by pressing the (…) button located to the right of the list
for selection of code combination regulations,
structure analysis parameters (selection of the static analysis method and definition of basic
parameters for dynamic and non-linear analyses; selection of analysis types, possibility of
saving results for seismic analysis – combination of seismic cases),
parameters for generation of surface finite element mesh for plates and shells.
The lower part of the dialog box contains the two buttons:
- opens the job preference options set as
default values by the user
- saves the current settings of the job
preference parameters as default values; these settings will be used for every new project.
Selection and Filters
The selection options are commonly used while working in different modules of the program.
They allow the user to define lists of nodes, bars, panels, load cases on which operations chosen
by the user will be performed later on. The selection process ends with creating a set of elements
that is active until the next selection is made.
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The selection can be made:
graphically on the screen (by selecting one of the options from the Edit / Select Special
submenu or by selecting the Select option from the context menu)
from the Selection dialog box (using the Edit / Select option)
from the list of nodes, bars, objects and load cases located under the menu (in this field it is
possible to enter bars/nodes/panels/cases to be selected, select all the elements mentioned
or select no element)
from the table by highlighting appropriate lines.
Selection is the same in all tables and viewers. This means that once a structure element is
chosen in the graphic viewer, the selection will also be presented in the relevant table (e.g. in a
bar table, node table). By analogy, selection in the table will result in highlighting these objects in
viewers. The dialog box for selection (called up by the Edit / Select command) is presented
The above dialog box allows for the selection of nodes, bars, panels or load cases in the
structure. It can be performed either by using buttons located in the upper part of the dialog box
(All, None, Inversion, Previous) or from options in the Attributes tab. Selected elements of a
structure model will be entered to the field located in the upper part of the Selection dialog box.
In particular cases, the dialog box can be opened in a special mode, i.e. selection of bars, only.
The shape of the bottom part of the Selection dialog box depends on what object is indicated.
To perform a selection:
indicate an object (node, bar, panel, load case, mode) which will undergo selection
enter the corresponding numbers of the selected objects in the appropriate fields, or use the
options found in the lower portion of the dialog box.
At the end of the field where the list of selected nodes is
introduced, the user finds a field for determining the
definition of selection mode. The field may be checked
out or not. If the field is not checked out, the field of node
selection containing a support will be filled with node
numbers corresponding to the nodes where the support
is applied (see the figure beside).
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If the selection field is checked out, the field of node
selection containing a support will be filled with the
following text: Support = any (see the figure beside).
NOTE: Bars, objects and panels may be selected using the object name.
The difference in performance between the three buttons found in the dialog box is as follows:
once the
icon is pressed, selected objects will be added to the current selection
once the
icon is pressed, selected objects will be subtracted from the current selection
once the
icon is pressed, the current selection will be removed and numbers of the
selected objects will be entered
once the
icon is pressed, the program finds a common part of the existing selection and
a selected structure attribute (e.g. finding in the existing selection of members the members
that are assigned the section W 14x120).
The Selection dialog box is used to define a group of nodes, bars, objects or load cases. Once
the selection is made (in any of the described ways), switch to the Group tab. The lower part of
the dialog box will be displayed as below:
Once the selection is made and the
button is pressed, a small dialog box will be open. The
color and the name of the group is to be entered there. After pressing the Apply button, the group
of a given name and color will be added to the field presented on the figure above.
In the Selection dialog box the user may define selection of objects by means of a defined grid of
structure axes. The Selection dialog box includes the additional Geometry tab available, shown
in the drawing below.
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The above dialog box contains options enabling selection of objects positioned on the selected
structure axes; the user may determine positions of the beginning and end structure axes (in all
directions of the coordinate system), between which objects are to be selected.
Structure elements may also be selected by means of structure axes after choosing the
following command from the menu: Edit / Select Special / Structure Axes.
Object selection in the program should be distinguished from the filter. Selection is used to
specify which objects (nodes, bars, cases and modes) are to be displayed whereas filters are
different for each viewer and table. Filtering can be done in tables by opening the Filters dialog
box (using the View / Filters command). In case of graphic viewer, filtering is applicable only for
load cases and modes.
To perform filtering in edit viewers:
open the Selection dialog box and choose load cases or modes,
select the appropriate load case or mode from the list of cases and modes located under the
The program also provides an option (Result Filters) which is used for global selection of results
obtained for nodes, bars, etc. defined in a structure. Description of this option is presented in the
chapter 4.3.
For description of the filter mechanism in tables see chapter 5.2.
Simple, basic operations allowing one to perform selection are discussed in examples:
if an object is indicated (node, bar, panel), it is selected
indicating an object with a mouse with the CTRL or SHIFT button pressed results in adding
objects to or removing them from the groups of selected objects (as in the Windows operating
indicating again an already selected object results in entering into the mode of object position
modification within the structure (in this way, one may move, for instance, a bar to another
selection of objects may be performed by means of moving the mouse cursor in the graphical
viewer with the left mouse button pressed; however, there is a difference in the selection
if the selection with window-cursor is
performed from the upper left corner,
only the bars (objects) will be selected
that fall entirely within the defined
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if the selection with window-cursor is
performed from the lower right corner,
all the bars (objects) that enter,
however partially, into the window will
be selected – the figure below shows
the difference.
The program provides user with the possibility to select elements of a created structure which will
be graphically selected on a graphical screen. Graphical selection filter option allows for it. A
dialog box can be opened once the Edit/ Select special/ Graphical selection filter command from
the menu is chosen. After choosing this option the dialog box shown on the drawing below
appears on the screen.
The above dialog box contains options which enable selection of structure elements to be
selected on the graphical screen. If this option (structure element e.g. nodes) is not checked in
the dialog box, then during graphical selection on the graphical screen structure nodes will not be
selected. If this option is checked ( symbol appears), then during graphical selection on the
graphical screen structure nodes will be selected.
Display of Structural Attributes and Structure Legend
The Attribute Display dialog box is used to select the structure attributes that are to be displayed
on the screen. This dialog box may be opened by selecting the View/Display command or by
selecting the
icon located in the lower left corner of the screen.
Once the View / Display option is selected, the dialog box shown below will be displayed.
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Once a tab is selected, the appropriate option list is
activated. The following tabs can be selected from this
dialog box: Structure, Sections, Loads, Advanced, Finite
Elements, Hidden Lines, and Others.
Each tab contains a group of options that allow for the
presentation of the appropriate structure attributes on
the screen. For example, options appearing in the dialog
box once the Structure tab has been activated are
shown above. In order to display structure attributes in
the graphical viewer, one should indicate the selected
attributes on the tabs in this dialog box, and then press
the Apply button.
Take note that the options provided on the Hidden lines
tab depend on the option OPEN GL graphic window on
the General parameters tab in the Preferences dialog
box. If the OPEN GL graphic window option is switched
on, the edit window in which a structure is defined will be
applying the OPEN GL API© graphic presentation
standard; the OpenGL API platform enables definition of
2D/3D graphic functions (modeling, transformations,
color, light, shading). The Hidden lines tab will show
then options allowing definition of illumination, shading
as well as options ensuring optimization when redrawing
a structure model on the screen (quicker structure
redrawing on the screen).
The following buttons are shown in the lower part of the Display dialog box:
 All - pressing this button results in selecting all the options in the Display dialog box (all the
attributes defined in the structure will be displayed on the screen)
 None - pressing this button results in not selecting any of the options in the Attributes
Display dialog box (none of the attributes defined in the structure will be displayed on the
- pressing this button opens the Default Settings dialog box where the following options
can be chosen:
 Save current settings as default – if this option is selected, then the settings chosen in the
Display dialog box will be adopted as default ones
 Restore factory defaults - if this option is selected, then the factory (input) default settings
are restored in the Display dialog box; the factory settings are the option settings in the
Display dialog box delivered together with the ROBOT program
 Default - pressing the button results in displaying the basic attributes of the structure. The
following options belong to the default set:
 on the Structure tab:
 Structure
 on the Other tab:
 Structure axes
 Descriptions of structural axis
 Grid
 Ruler
 Objects out of plane
 on the Finite Elements tab:
 Panel contours
 Panel interior
 Panel numbers and description
 Complex panel descriptions
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 Characteristic points
 Contour components
 Finite Elements
 on the Hidden Lines tab (depending on the option selected in the Preferences dialog
box): the None option or options: Light, Draw objects positioned out of screen, Full
redrawing after modification and Draw details during structure viewing
and the symbol size option - allowing the selection of the size of the structure attributes
presented on the screen (size scale: 1-10) the default scale is equal to 3.
Pressing the
icon located in the lower left corner of the layout allows one to
restore the default structure attributes to be presented on screen.
The program offers also the Legend Parameters option that enables on-screen display of the
legend for a defined structure. A legend includes additional descriptions presented on screen;
depending on the active display options, the legend may consists of e.g. a list of sections, groups
or case names. The Legend dialog box is called up after selecting the command: View / Legend
Once this option is selected, the following dialog box appears on screen:
The top part of the dialog box holds the options that may be comprised in the legend for a defined
structure. The following options may be selected:
 colors of sections, groups, bar types, panels – if these options are selected, then the
program presents a list of colors assigned to the elements being displayed, such as sections,
bars, panels (NOTE: the list of colors is presented in the legend, if the relevant display option
has been switched on in the Display dialog box)
 cases – if this option is selected, then a list or a case name is presented when the result
display in the form of diagrams or maps is activated
 load symbols - if this option is selected, then a description of the types and the unit of loads
is displayed (NOTE: load symbols are presented in the legend, if the relevant display option
has been switched on in the Display dialog box)
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 reinforcement crosses – if this option is selected, then a description of the scale is presented
when the display of reinforcement crosses is switched on
 forces - if this option is selected, then the program displays a description of the scale and the
unit of the internal force diagrams
 maximum and minimum values - if this options are selected, then the program displays a
description of the min./max. values for the activated diagrams
 description of diagrams on panel cuts - if this option is selected, then the program displays a
description of a diagram defined on a panel cut (the cut name, a quantity presented in the
diagram, a value of the integral for a selected component along the length of the cutting line)
 reduced forces - if this option is selected, then the program displays values of equivalent
forces and moments in the global system reduced to the center of gravity of the panel cut;
values are presented for a single case or combination and not for an envelope of cases.
Below, the options enable selection of a position of the generated legend on screen; the following
positions are available:
 top left corner of the viewer
 top right corner of the viewer
 bottom right corner of the viewer.
Lists Used in the Program
While working in the ROBOT Millennium program, the user may face situations (support
definition, applying sections to bars, load definitions, etc.) where it may turn out helpful to take
advantage of the possibility of creating lists of certain quantities, aimed to simplify the process of
selecting nodes, bars, load cases, panels, and objects. The user may define lists of quantities in
several ways described below:
 by specifying all the numbers to be contained in the list, e.g.:
2 3 6 7 12 14
 by specifying in shortened notation the range of numbers to be included (by means of
commands "TO" and "By"):
denotes the set of numbers: 6 7 8 9 10
denotes the set of numbers: 6 8 10
 by specifying in shortened notation the sequence of numbers to be included with the
commands “Repeat” and “Step”
denotes the sequence: 4 5 6 7 (1 is the default step)
denotes the sequence: 4 6 8 10 (2 is the value of step).
 by specifying in shortened notation the sequence of numbers to be included with the
command "EXClude":
1TO58EXC44 49 52
denotes the following list of elements: 1TO43 45TO48 50 51 53TO58
The "EXClude" command may by used only once during list preparation.
The following syntax is valid when a list of structure components is generated by means of the
Extrude, Revolve, Extrude along polyline options:
objectnr - the number of the object that is to be extruded or revolved
objectelement - three possibilities are available in the current program version: side, edge and
object reference after modification (ref)
list of object elements - list of components (the rules presented above are valid for these lists as
Here is an example of combining operations on lists:
2_ref(1,2,5), 1_side(3to7), 4_edge(5to8,11).
The syntax is identical with the description of object components in the graphical viewer.
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2.2.8 Common Features of Dialog Boxes (Graphic Cursor,
In the ROBOT Millennium system various mechanisms have been introduced to make structure
definitions simpler and more efficient. According to the type of operation performed, the mouse
cursor changes its shape to:
“hand” - in the selection mode,
“cross pointer” - during node and bar definition,
shape of the appropriate feature – when assigning various features (supports, sections,
releases etc.) to the structure bars.
The cursor operation in a viewer by means of the mouse third button (or wheel) is identical to that
in the AutoCAD © program; the following cursor support modes are available:
 wheel rotation – zoom in / out
 wheel rotation + Ctrl key – horizontal pan
 wheel rotation + Shift key – vertical pan
 pressing the third button - pan
 double-click with the third button – initial view.
The user should take note of the work capabilities in 3D view when the menu option Dynamic
View (View / Dynamic View / Dynamic View) is switched on. 3D view enables work in one of five
four simple modes: 3D rotation, 2D rotation, zoom and pan
one multi-function mode.
The user may switch from one work mode to another by selecting an appropriate option in the
View / Dynamic View menu, on the View toolbar and in the context menu. After choosing a work
mode, the mouse cursor movement (with mouse left button pressed) brings about the relevant
change in the 3D view:
3D Rotation – rotates a structure in all planes
2D Rotation - rotates a structure in the plane parallel to the screen plane
Zoom – movement ‘down’ the view – zooming in / zooming out a structure to / from the
screen plane
Pan – movement in the view plane (structure shift with respect to the screen center).
The multi-function mode (Rotation / Zoom / Pan) enables work using all the modes at the same
time. The viewer of 3D view is divided into quarters and each of them is ascribed one of the
top left: 3D rotation
top right: pan
bottom left: zoom
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bottom right: 2D rotation.
Once the cursor is positioned in the relevant quarter of the screen, the cursor shape changes
(see the icons above).
Additionally, during structure node/bar definition the coordinates of the cursor location in the
graphic viewer are presented in the appropriate field: Nodes or Bars. The coordinates change
with each move of the cursor.
The active field is highlighted in the dialog box. Fields accepting only one value may be
highlighted in the following colors: green, yellow and red. The green background of the field
indicates that the entered value is correct, whereas yellow or red indicates that it is incorrect. A
yellow background represents a value outside the recommended range that is still admissible,
while red represents an inadmissible value. All edit fields in the program accept number formats
set in the Job Preferences dialog box (units, number format). In the case of fields where only
one value is to be entered, it can be entered with an arbitrary unit. Once the "=" key from the
keyboard is pressed, this unit will be automatically converted to the default unit used in the
ROBOT Millennium system.
The ROBOT Millennium system also provides the user with a calculator. It is accessible by
selecting the Tools/Calculator command or by double clicking on the edit field in the dialog box
(activation of the calculator from the edit fields in dialog boxes may be switched off on the
Advanced tab in the Preferences dialog box). An arithmetic expression calculator is available in
the edit fields. Once an expression is entered in the edit field and the "=" key is pressed, its value
will be calculated.
Sign Convention
The positive orientation of forces and displacements agrees with the positive orientation of
coordinate system axes. Positive orientation of angles, rotations or moments in the local or global
coordinate system is determined on the basis of the right hand rule. This convention defines signs
of external forces, nodal forces, displacements and rotations. All these values are used in
structure definition, during structure calculations and results display.
A different convention has been assumed in the program to describe the signs of internal forces
operating within each element. The program sign conventions concerning internal forces
operating in bars and planar finite elements will be discussed separately in details in sections
3.16 and 3.17.
Sign Convention for Bar Elements
Positive directions of forces for the above described sign convention are presented schematically
in the drawing below. In the program, the sign convention for bar elements is based on the
convention used for sectional forces. According to this convention, sectional forces are of the
same sign, if they produce the same result at the end of a bar as the result produced by positive
nodal forces (the forces whose direction agrees with the direction of the axes of the local
coordinate system) applied at the beginning node of the bar. Therefore, compression forces are
positive, while the tension forces are negative. Positive bending moments MY produce tension in
the beam fibers that are located on the negative side of the local coordinate axis “z”. Positive
bending moments MZ produce tension in the beam fibers that are located on the positive side of
the local coordinate axis “y”.
The positive directions of force vectors in the above-described convention are presented
schematically in the figure below.
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Sign Convention for Planar Finite Elements
The local coordinate system for an entire finite element is not required, as every node has its own
local system. It is important, however, to know the orientation of the normal vector, perpendicular
to the finite element surface. Results obtained in program ROBOT Millennium for planar finite
elements do not take into account nodal forces. One can obtain only internal forces and stresses
in an element for planar FEs. They are determined on the basis of the location with respect to the
local normal vector and to the tangential to the cross-section.
Results obtained for planar FEs are presented in local coordinate systems that may be defined
and changed by the user in any moment of results presentation. For instance, positive orientation
of forces and the corresponding stresses in a node are presented in the figure below for X axis as
the reference direction.
 xx
6- and 8-node finite elements are defined in the following way in text file syntax: first - nodes, and
then nodes in the centers of particular finite element edges (see the figure below).
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A different principle holds during presentation of results for 6- and 8-node finite elements: the
nodes creating an element are listed in the following order: node, node in element center, node,
etc. (see the figure below).
Sign Convention for Volumetric Finite Elements
In the ROBOT program volumetric structures are modeled with the use of isoparametric
volumetric finite elements with displacement field approximation based on 1st order shape
functions. The sign convention for volumetric elements is presented schematically in the drawing
below. The convention is shown for stresses; the stresses displayed in the drawing have positive
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List of Shortcuts
In order to
select all
Ctrl + A
copy a text or a drawing
Ctrl + C
open a new project
Ctrl + N
open an existing project
Ctrl + O
start printing
Ctrl + P
save the current project
Ctrl + S
cut a text or a drawing
Ctrl + X
repeat the last operation
Ctrl + Y
paste a text or a drawing
Ctrl + V
undo the last operation
Ctrl + Z
display the 3D view of a structure (3D XYZ)
Ctrl + Alt + 0
project a structure on XZ plane
Ctrl + Alt + 1
project a structure on XY plane
Ctrl + Alt + 2
project a structure on YZ plane
Ctrl + Alt + 3
zoom in the structure view on screen
Ctrl + Alt + A
display the initial view of the structure (defined by the initial angles and
Ctrl + Alt + D
“exploded” view of structure elements (on/off)
Ctrl + Alt + E
zoom window
Ctrl + Alt + L
turn on/off section drawing display
Ctrl + Alt + P
screen capture
Ctrl + Alt + Q
zoom out structure view on screen
Ctrl + Alt + R
turn on/off section symbol display
Ctrl + Alt + S
rotate continuously around the X axis
Ctrl + Alt + X
rotate continuously around the Y axis
Ctrl + Alt + Y
rotate continuously around the Z axis
Ctrl + Alt + Z
delete a text or a drawing
call ROBOT Help system for the active option in the active dialog box
call text editor
reduce structure attributes (supports, numbers of nodes, bars, loads)
presented on screen
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NOTE: In the graphical viewer used for definition of a structure it is possible to perform the
following edit operations using the mouse buttons:
mouse wheel
zoom in / zoom out
Shift + mouse wheel
pan (top / bottom)
Ctrl + mouse wheel
pan (left / right)
middle mouse button
Shift + right mouse button
3D rotation
Snap Settings
The cursor movement on the screen depends on the selected cursor move mode. The
parameters of cursor movement may be set in the Snap Settings dialog box. The dialog box may
be activated by selecting:
Tools/Snap Settings command from the text menu
Snap settings
icon located in the bottom left screen corner.
The upper part of this dialog box contains three basic modes of cursor movement:
Nodes - it allows the user to set the mouse cursor
only in the already existing structure nodes. It
should be noted that the cursor in this mode may
be snapped to objects like polylines, contours, etc.
To make the program do so, one should use the
Objects option.
Structure axes – it allows the user to define nodes
only in the points of intersection between structure
axes defined by the user (NOTE: the axes must be
visible on screen).
Grid - it allows the user to define nodes only in the
grid points presented on screen (NOTE: the grid
must be visible on screen). The grid step (distance
between the points) may be modified by the user in
the Grid step definition dialog box.
The central part of the dialog box contains options allowing the user to determine the cursor
settings for objects (checking out the snap settings for bars, lines, polylines). There are two snap
settings available:
endpoint - the cursor is snapped to endpoints of bars and object segments. Switching
endpoints off results in making the Midpoint option inactive (it cannot be accessible without
setting the endpoints)
midpoint – the cursor is snapped to the midpoints of bars and object segments
Advanced snap setting options are located below. They allow one to snap the cursor to
intersection points and perpendicular. Among the useful effects of the options, one may mention
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the possibility of following vertical and horizontal lines, as well as of finding the points of their
intersection with bars or structure axes. The following modes are available:
perpendicular – defines a perpendicular line from the starting point to bars and object
parallel – defines a parallel line from the starting point to bars and object segments.
intersections – intersections of bars with segments of objects and ends of brackets
intersections with structure axes - intersections with structure axes visible on screen (NOTE:
structure axes must be visible!)
intersections with the grid - intersections with the grid displayed on screen (NOTE: the grid
must be visible!)
The bottom part of the dialog box contains three buttons:
Default - pressing this button results in selecting the basic snap settings. The basic snap
settings cover the following options: Nodes, Structure axes, Grid, Objects - Endpoint,
Advanced - Intersections.
All - pressing this button results in selecting all the options available in the Snap settings
dialog box
None - pressing this button results in selecting none of the options available in the Snap
settings dialog box.
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Structure Types
In the ROBOT Millennium system 2-node bar elements used for definition of bar structure,
planar finite elements used for generation of finite element mesh for definition of plates and shells
and volumetric elements used during generation of finite element mesh for volumetric structures
are available. Structures containing different types of such elements can be defined. The element
type depends on the structure type. Currently, the following structure types are available within
the ROBOT Millennium system:
2D/3D frame and truss (2-node bar finite elements),
grillage (2-node bar finite elements),
plate and shell (2D planar finite elements),
plane stress structure (2D planar finite elements),
plane deformation structure (2D planar finite elements),
axisymmetric structure (2D planar finite elements),
volumetric structure (solid) – 3D volumetric finite elements.
Apart from those mentioned above, the program contains a large library of typical bar, plate and
shell structures, the definition of which is simplified by entering several parameters (see chapter
3.2. Definition of Structure Axes
Structural axes are very useful during the structure definition. This option is available from:
the menu by selecting the Geometry / Structural Axes command
the Tools toolbar by pressing the icon
Once the option is selected, the dialog box shown below will be displayed on the screen.
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Structural axes create an additional grid that allows defining various structural elements and
indicates selected structural components (their selection is possible). The axis grid creates points
in which the cursor can be placed during graphic definition of the structure.
Structure axes are vital while moving within a structure model. Using them allows quick display of
the selected work plane (the View dialog box) and selection of elements positioned in structure
Axis selection may be carried out using descriptions positioned on either ends of a structure axis.
Clicking on the description of the selected axis results in selection of all structure elements
situated on this axis.
A structural axis grid may be defined as:
rectangular grid in the Cartesian system (in the ZX plane for 2D structures, in the XY plane
for 3D structures with Z direction as the structure height). The same axis grid as the one
defined in the XY plane is created for each level during definition of multiple structure levels.
grid in the cylindrical or polar coordinate system.
arbitrary axes (straight lines, rays and segments).
For structural axes defined in the Cartesian system there are two available options of defining
coordinates (after pressing the Advanced Parameters button, the dialog box expands showing
additional options):
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relative (the Axes relative to the point option is switched on) - if this option is selected, then in
the dialog box the Insertion point edit field becomes available; position of the created
structural axes is defined with respect to coordinates of the insertion point
absolute (the Axes relative to the point option is switched off) - if this option is selected, then
structural axes will be created based on the real values of coordinates of individual structural
axes (in the global coordinate system).
In the case of a grid created in the cylindrical or polar coordinate system, only definition in the
relative mode, i.e. with respect to the insertion point, is available (the option is accessible after
pressing the Advanced Parameters button).
Structure axes in the Cartesian system can be rotated as a whole. To do this, the user should
switch on the Axis / rotation angle option, choose the axis about which the axes will be rotated
and define a rotation angle. Axes defined in the relative manner are rotated with respect to the
insertion point.
The top part of the dialog box contains the list of defined sets of structural axes. A definition of a
new set starts with providing a set name in the Name field (the default set name is Structure
axis); a name of a new set is added to the list of defined structural axes.
There is the Axis manager button provided in the bottom part of the dialog box. Its pressing
opens the Manager of structural axes dialog box. This part of the dialog box contains, as well,
the New button pressing which enables defining a name of a new structural axis set.
The options located in this dialog box enable management of structural axis sets. The top part
of the dialog box comprises defined structural axis grids - they are identified by names ascribed
to them while creating structural axes.
After switching on a set of structural axes ( symbol appears) and pressing the OK button,
structural axes of this set will be visible on the screen. When an axis set is switched off ( symbol
disappears) and the OK button is pressed, then the axes of this set are not displayed on the
There are two buttons provided in the bottom part of the dialog box:
Delete - pressing this button deletes a selected set of structural axes
Delete all - pressing this button deletes all structural axis sets available in the dialog box.
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Definition is limited to the rectangular grid (for 2D structures - on the ZX plane and for 3D
structures - on the XY plane, where the Z direction represents the structure height). In the case of
a level definition, an axis grid as defined on the XY plane is created at each level.
The Structural Axis dialog box contains three tabs that define:
vertical axes (selection of X coordinates on the YZ plane),
levels (selection of Z coordinates on the XY plane),
horizontal axes (selection of Y-axes on the XZ plane).
In the case of 2D structures (2D frame and 2D truss) only the first two tabs are active; for
grillages only the first and the third one are available. For cylindrical grids the following tabs are
available in the top part of the dialog box: Radial, Angle and Z (the last tab is accessible only for
3D structures).
Successive tabs are identical and the definition of levels and horizontal and vertical axes are the
same. The following edit fields must be filled: POSITION, NUMBER OF REPETITIONS and
DISTANCE. To generate the defined axes/levels click on the Insert button. Created axes/levels
will be listed in two columns containing the name of the axis/level (label) and location in the global
coordinates system.
When defining axes using the Arbitrary option the axis type: segment, semi-line or line should be
chosen. Next, two points defining an axis should be determined. If the points are defined
graphically by means of the mouse, then the axis is added automatically to the list of generated
structure axes. If the user enters point coordinates into the dialog box, then for the axis to be
added to the axis list the Insert button should be pressed.
If the Arbitrary option is switched on, then the additional button: Create axes from selected
bars/lines appears in the top part of the dialog box. Pressing this button causes generation of
structure axes based on the bars and lines (edges of generated 2D or 3D objects) selected in
a structure model.
The name of the axis is to be selected from the Numbering field; for vertical axes the default
names are A,B,C..., for levels/horizontal axes: 1,2,3 ... .
It is also possible to define users’s own levels/axes. To achieve this, one should:
determine the axis/level position
select Define option in the Numbering field
provide the description of the defined axis/level in the field located in the lower part of the
dialog box (it becomes active after selecting the Define option); for example once the Level
name is entered, the program will generate the following names: Level1, Level2, etc.
press the Insert button.
Additionally, a structure axis may be given a name (it concerns, in particular, names of axes in
the direction of Z axis – structure story) that corresponds to a position of structure axis, e.g.: 4.0,
6.5, etc. To do this, the user should choose the Value option from the Numbering list. The %v
variable which is used to generate an axis name depending on the axis position may also be
applied to define user’s own name of levels.
To remove a single axis/level, select the appropriate item (axis/level) from the list and click on the
Delete button. To remove all axes/levels use the Delete All button. In order to single out any of
the axes/levels on the graphical screen, one should highlight the selected axis/level included in
the list and click the Single out button. There will appear the “X” symbol in the third column
corresponding to this axis, which means that the axis has been singled out (presented as a thick
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Axes from the list are always displayed in an alphabetical order, according to the ascending order
of the coordinates defining the axes.
A position of Cartesian structural axis can be modified jointly with all the structure parts situated
on it. To start modification of a structure axis, the user should locate the cursor on its description
(the description becomes highlighted) and after pressing the right mouse button, select the Object
Properties option from the context menu.
The program also enables selection of structure elements by means of a defined structure axis
grid. The option is available from the menu by choosing the command Edit / Select Special /
Structure Axes.
3.3. Structure Model – Bar Elements
Nodes, Bars
Geometry of a bar structure model is defined by determining positions of structure nodes and
bars as well as bar properties. It is not necessary to define nodes separately; when defining a
bar, the beginning and end nodes are automatically created. Therefore, only the bar definition
method will be described below.
Bar definition is available after:
selecting the menu command: Geometry / Bars
pressing the
selecting the BARS layout (in the case of NODES and BARS layout the screen will be
divided into three parts: graphic editor used for structure definition, the Nodes or Bars dialog
box and a table displaying defined structure nodes or bars).
icon on the Structure Definition toolbar
Once the option is selected, a dialog box shown below will be displayed on the screen.
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Apart from the information regarding the number, beginning and end node of the bar, the
following additional bar properties can be set in the above dialog box:
bar type - it is used in code calculations of structure bars (design, verification of structure
members with respect to the code criteria)
bar cross section
material (material is assigned to sections).
Moreover, the upper part of the dialog box holds the inaccessible Name field with a preview of the
name defined according to a syntax selected in the Names of Bars/Objects dialog box. By
default, the syntax of a bar name is defined by the variables: %t_%n and %t_%s, where:
%t – name of the bar type
%n – object number
%s – name of a section for a bar or thickness for a panel.
Additionally, the following variables can also be used:
%i – number of the initial node of the bar
%j – number of the end node of the bar
%m – name of the material for the bar or panel.
Pressing the (...) button located to the right of the Name field opens the Names of Bars/Objects
dialog box which allows defining a new syntax of bar names.
Two buttons (...) (right to the selection fields: Bar Type and Section) are located
in the upper part of the dialog box. Pressing them results in opening the New
Bar Type or New Section dialog box in which a new bar type or new section
may be may be defined. The defined types of bars or sections are then applied
to the appropriate lists of bars or sections.
The bottom part of the dialog box holds the Axis position field; the Offset selection list provided
there, enables selection of the type of offset, i.e. displacement of the center of the cross-section
with respect to the bar axis. It should be added here, that if an offset is assigned to a bar, then it
will not be modified after changing the section of the bar. By default, the following offset types
are available on the list: upper flange and lower flange. They are defined in the local system
with respect to the section dimension; it means that for example if the offset: upper flange is
chosen, the bar axis is shifted towards the center of the upper edge of the section, regardless of
the cross-section type defined for the bar. Pressing the (...) button opens the New Offset dialog
box, where a new offset type may be defined. The defined offset type is added to the list of
active types of offsets.
A bar element can be defined in several ways as described below:
1. Enter a bar number and the coordinates of its origin and end point in the dialog box (or select
bar properties, if necessary), then press the Add button.
2. Click with the left mouse button on the Beginning field, switch to the graphic viewer and using
the left mouse button click first on the point indicating the beginning of the bar element and
then on the point which will be its end.
3. Method combining the two approaches (“text” and ”graphic” methods) are outlined above.
There are also two options available within the program: Node properties and Bar properties.
The Node properties option is used to present the basic data and calculation results for a single
structure node. The Node properties dialog box does not allow modification of node parameters.
The parameter presentation is possible only for a single node. If several nodes
are selected in the structure view, the Node properties dialog box presents data
concerning the node with the lowest number.
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The option becomes available after highlighting (selecting) a structure node:
from the menu by selecting the command Results / Properties / Node properties
from the context menu (opened in the graphical viewer by clicking with the right mouse
button) by choosing Object properties command.
The dialog box bar presents, beside the dialog box name (Node properties), the following data:
number of the selected node
number and name of the selected load case.
Node properties dialog box consists of three tabs: Geometry, Displacements and Reactions.
The Node no. edit field allows for node selection:
graphically, by clicking the structure node
by typing the node number in the edit field.
It is not possible to edit node number in this dialog box.
Apart from the standard buttons (Close, Help), there is also the Printout button at the bottom of
the dialog box. Its pressing starts generation of a calculation note containing information about
the selected structure node.
The Geometry tab presented on the figure above contains the basic information concerning the
selected node. Apart from the node number, the remaining tabs present displacement or reaction
values calculated for a selected node and load case. Displacements or reactions are presented in
a table form. If the active selection contains more than one case, the table shows extreme values
of displacements.
The number of columns in the table of displacements or reactions depends on
the number of nodal degrees of freedom for a selected structure type.
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The Bar properties option is used to present the basic data and calculation results for a single
structure bar. The dialog box presenting bar properties allows for modification of certain bar
properties (type, section, material).
It is possible to present parameters only for a single bar.
The option becomes available after highlighting (selecting) a bar:
from the menu, by selecting the command Results / Properties / Bar properties
from the context menu (opened in the graphical viewer by clicking right mouse button) by
choosing the Object properties command.
Apart from the standard buttons (Apply, Close, Help), there is also the Printout button at the
bottom of the dialog box. Its pressing starts generation of a calculation note containing
information about the selected structure bar.
Selecting this option opens the dialog box which may consist of five tabs: Geometry, Properties,
NTM, Displacements and Code check. First two tabs present general information concerning bar
geometry and properties of bar cross section. The NTM and Displacements tabs, in the upper
part of the dialog box, contain the diagram of the quantity selected in the Diagram field. The
diagram may present a diagram of only one quantity. Diagrams of the following quatities are
available: forces FX, FY and FZ, moments MX, MY, MZ, stresses Smax and Smin and
displacements. The diagrams will be redrawn if a structure load case is changed.
The number of available quantities depends on a structure type.
Options available on the Code check tab in the Bar Properties dialog box are used for quick
verification of load capacity of a bar section.
If no structure calculations have been performed (the structure view bar displays
the following message: Results (FEM): none or unavailable), the tab is not
Contents of the Code check tab depend on a selected member type: the quantities presented for
steel, aluminum and timber member differ from those presented for an RC member (calculation of
theoretical (required) reinforcement area).
The table may present either values of a selected quantity (e.g. displacement) or extreme values
of a selected quantity.
If a mouse cursor is set in the at point table field, and then it is moved to the diagram of a
selected quantity located in the upper part of the dialog box, a vertical line will appear that allows
defining the value of the coordinate for which the relevant values will be presented in the table
If the mouse cursor is set in the for a bar table field, and then it is moved to the structure view,
then, indicating other bar with the cursor will result in updating the content of the Bar properties
dialog box, according to the current selection.
Bar Sections
Once the structure geometry is defined, bar sections should be specified (if not defined during the
structure bar definition). It is possible by:
selecting a section type in the Bars dialog box in the Section field
selecting the menu command Geometry / Properties /Sections
pressing the icon
selecting the SECTIONS AND MATERIALS layout.
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Once the option is selected, a dialog box shown below will be displayed on the screen.
The dialog box consists of three main parts:
several icons located in its upper part,
a field containing the list of active sections,
a current selection field and standard buttons.
The following icons are located in the upper part of the dialog box:
- add a new section type,
- select a section from a section database
- remove a selected section type from the list of active sections,
a long list.
- display a list of active sections as: large icons, small icons, short list or
- allows one to remove from the active list the profiles that do not appear in a given
example of bar sections.
- allows one to save the section highlighted in the list of active sections to a section
database. There appears a Save to database dialog box that allows one to select the database
where to save the section
- allows one to open the Label Manager dialog box.
To describe the process of assigning bar sections a general method of attribute (supports,
offsets, bar type etc.) definitions will be illustrated, as it is the same in all cases.
The process of assigning sections (attributes) to structure bars is divided into two steps:
 Section type (attribute type) definition
Click on the New Section icon. If the list of active sections is empty or a new section is to be
added to the active list, two situations are possible:
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 if any one of the section types is selected, clicking on the New Section icon opens a
dialog box for a new section type definition; the first tab will be called up with the
previously defined fields (except for the Label field) or default parameters will be set;
 if any of the sections are selected, clicking on the New Section icon opens a dialog box
for a new section type definition and a tab appropriate for the selected section type will be
called up. All edit fields, except for the Label field will be filled in according to the section
type selected.
 Assigning a section to structure bars
There are several ways of assigning a section to structure bars (it is assumed that at least
one section type is on the list of active sections):
 if no selection has been made before the Sections dialog box is open - assign the
section by selecting the appropriate section type from the active list. Move the cursor to
the graphic viewer to point the bar (click with the left mouse button) to which the section
is to be assigned. Such click results in assigning a section; the chosen section is singled
out (an arrow on the left side of the section type symbol appears) on the active list.
The cursor changes its shape to the icon of the chosen section when it is out of the dialog
box (on the graphic screen); while assigning sections (and generally, while assigning any
structure attribute), if the cursor is in the edit viewer, the structure bar in the neighborhood
is highlighted
 if the selection has been made before the Sections dialog box is open – once the dialog
box is opened, the list containing this selection is entered into the Lines/Bars group field.
In order to assign the appropriate section to the bars from the list, select the section type
from the active list and press the <ENTER> key or the Apply button. After this operation,
the section type is assigned (NOTE: Selected bar list is removed from the Lines/Bars edit
 if the selection is to be made when the Sections dialog box is already open - first the
Lines/Bars edit field should be activated by locating the cursor there. When the cursor is
moved out of the dialog box (to the graphic viewer) it will be in the selection mode. Then
the selection of any structure bar is possible and the numbers of selected bars will be
displayed in the Lines/Bars edit field. In order to assign the appropriate section to the
bars, select the section type from the list and press the <ENTER> button or the Apply
button. After this operation, sections are assigned.
(NOTE: Selected bar list is removed from the Lines/Bars edit field).
To delete an assigned section, the “Delete Section” (DELETE icon) should be used. It is always
available from the list of active sections in the Sections dialog box. Such a section type cannot
be modified; it is assigned in the same way as sections are assigned to the structure bars. New section
The New Section dialog box shown below, opens then on the tab corresponding to the selected
section type, with all fields filled out. After modification of appropriate parameters the new section
type is added (updated) to the list of active sections by clicking on the Add button or pressing the
<ENTER> key. If the label cannot be changed, the appropriate note will be displayed on the
screen. This option in the dialog box allows an easy modification of the section. The dialog box
consists of the following tabs: Standard, Parametric, Tapered, Compound, Special and Ax, Iy, Iz.
The Standard tab allows defining/selecting sections from databases (standard section
databases). The Parametric tab is used for defining/selecting sections created by the user. The
Tapered tab allows defining/selecting sections created by the user (these sections are
characterized by the cross-section which varies along the member length).
The Compound tab is used to define / select compound sections (multi-chord sections).
Compound sections consist of two or more chords connected by means of battens or bracings.
Such sections are applied as sections of column piers (C-sections, I-sections, angles) as well as
sections of truss bars (set of angles, most often). Code verification of compound section
resistance is carried out analogously as for solid sections taking account of the equivalent
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stiffness. The equivalent stiffness includes influence of battens and slenderness of a single chord.
The resistance of the battens or bracings has to be checked in the verification, as well.
The Special tab is used to define special sections (sections with corrugated webs, castellated
sections). Sections with a corrugated web are I-sections with thin-walled, corrugated webs:
- from the SIN section family
- with user-defined dimensions.
Castellated sections are formed by welding longitudinally-cut webs of rolled sections (rolled Isections available in section databases). Two section types are available:
- with hexagonal openings
- with round openings.
It should be added here, that not all members with special sections are designed in the
steel/aluminum design modules. Members with a corrugated web may be designed only
according to the Polish steel code, while castellated members are not presently designed in the
ROBOT modules.
The Ax, Iy, Iz tab allows defining sections by gving characteristic values of geometrical properties
of a section (cross-sectional area, moments of inertia, section moduli, etc.).
Default orientation of standard sections in the program is shown in the drawing below.
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Basic geometrical properties of sections:
Cross-sectional area
shear rigidity factor - reduced cross-sectional area due to transversal force (Qy)
shear rigidity factor - reduced cross-sectional area due to transversal force (Qz)
torsional moment of inertia
moment of inertia about the Y axis
moment of inertia about the Z axis
distance of the outermost section fibers to the Z axis (in the positive direction of the Y
- distances of extreme negative fibers along the Y axis
- distances of extreme positive fibers along the Z axis
- distances of extreme negative fibers along the Z axis
- torsional modulus (extreme torsional stress coefficient)
- shear area - reduced extreme shear stress coefficient
- shear area - reduced extreme shear stress coefficient.
The remaining properties may be defined if it is required by the conditions of structure design. For
example, if the user wants to obtain stresses, then the parameters VY, VPY, VZ and VPZ should
be given. Definition of these parameters is illustrated below.
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The description presented below as well as the description of all tabs concern
steel sections (the tabs for timber and aluminum sections look similar). If a
concrete section type (e.g. RC column or RC beam) is selected in the Sections
dialog box, then the New Section dialog box will assume a different form (see
the description following the description of steel sections). Available cross section
types include:
RC columns (section type – RC column): rectangular, T-shaped, L-shaped, ZRC beams / continuous footings (section type – RC beam): rectangular, Tshaped, I-shaped.
shaped, regular-polygon-shaped, circular, circle half, circle quarter
The Standard tab is used to define/select sections from databases (standard section databases),
e.g. from the AISC (American hot-rolled shapes) database.
The Parametric tab is used to define/select sections defined by the user.
The following section types (with dimensions that should be defined) are available:
box (2 types)
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I-section with two axes of symmetry
I-section with one axis of symmetry
regular polygon-shaped; it is necessary to determine a number of the
polygon sides and a value of a diameter of the circle inscribed or circumscribed on the outer
polygon contour; the relation between the diameters of the mentioned circles may be represented
with the following formula (see the drawing below): d = D * cos (p / n), where angle a = p / n, R =
D / 2 (radius of the circle circumscribed on the outer polygon contour – tip to tip diameter), r = d /
2 (radius of the circle inscribed in the outer polygon contour – flat to flat diameter).
In case of the round solid or rectangular solid section, the wall thickness should
be assumed as T = 0.
The Tapered tab is used to define/select sections defined by the user (their characteristic feature
is a section varying along the bar length).
The available section types include the same items as on the Parametric tab except the round
and the cross-shaped sections. Section dimensions are defined for the beginning and end points
of a section.
The Compound tab is used to define/select compound sections. Compound sections consist of
two or more chords connected by means of battens or lattice.
The following section types (with dimensions that should be defined) are available:
Sections may be connected with each other by means of battens or welds.
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Two C-sections:
Connected by battens
face to
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Connected by welds:
back to
Two I-sections:
Connected by battens
C-section and I-section:
Connected by battens
face to
Connected by welds:
Connected by welds:
back to
I-section and two angles:
Connected by battens
Connected by welds:
Four angles:
Connected by battens
Connected by welds:
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Two angles:
Connected by battens
Connected by welds:
The Special tab is used to define special sections (sections with corrugated webs, castellated
sections, welded sections: SFB, IFBA and IFBB).
Sections with a corrugated web are I-sections with thin-walled, corrugated webs:
- from the SIN section family
- with user-defined dimensions.
The following parameters are determined for a section with a corrugated web:
- from the database:
standard sections with identical flanges (b1=b2, tf1= tf2) and the following symbols of the web
A - 2 mm (standard section label: WTA ...)
B -2.5mm (standard section label: WTB ...)
C -3 mm (standard section label: WTC ...)
All dimensions are the ones of the SIN section family, therefore, the edit fields for definition of
dimensions are inaccessible
- with user-defined dimensions:
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S (standard section label: WTS ...)
tw - web thickness
h - web height
b1 - width of the upper flange
tf1 - thickness of the upper flange
b2 - width of the lower flange
tf2 – thickness of the lower flange
moreover, in the calculation of section properties the following variables are used:
f – wave amplitude
m - projected length of a wave
s – developed length of a wave
Castellated sections are made by welding longitudinally-cut webs of rolled sections (rolled Isections available in section databases). Two section types are available:
- with hexagonal openings
- with round openings.
The following section types are available:
hexagonal openings:
c - depth of a cut in the section
w – distance between openings
a - spacing of openings
hexagonal openings with an additional spacer plate:
c - depth of a cut in the section
w – distance between openings
hs – height of a spacer plate
a - spacing of openings
round openings:
d - diameter of openings
w – distance between openings
H - section height
SFB sections
are composed of an I-section selected from a section database and a plate
with the following dimensions:
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- plate width b
- plate thickness t.
IFBA sections
are composed of a part of an I-section selected from a section database and
a plate, which constitutes the lower flange of the section, with the following dimensions:
- plate width bp
- plate thickness tp.
IFBB sections
are composed of a part of an I-section selected from a section database and
a plate, which constitutes the upper flange of the section, with the following dimensions:
- plate width bp
- plate thickness tp.
Presently, members of a SFB-, IFBA- and IFBB-section are not designed in the ROBOT modules.
The Ax, Iy, Iz tab is used to define sections by specifying values of characteristic geometrical
properties of a section (cross-sectional area, moments of inertia, etc.).
For example, for an RC beam the New Section dialog box assumes the form shown in the
drawing below.
The dialog box presented above allows the user to:
choose the beam section type (rectangular, T-shaped, I-shaped, T-shaped with flanges
positioned lower) and determine section dimensions
specify section name; by default the program enters a section name composed of a few
letters denoting section type and dimensions of the cross-section
select section color.
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The user may select one out of four types of the beam/continuous footing section: rectangular, Tshaped, I-shaped and T-shaped with lower-positioned flanges. Depending on a section that has
been selected, the dialog box presents parameters determining the section type chosen. The
dialog box shown above determines parameters of a rectangular section. Similar options are
displayed in the dialog box if a T-shaped section is selected. Once a T-shaped section with lowerpositioned flanges is chosen, two additional tabs appear in the dialog box: Slabs and Cuts.
Switching on the Use tapered section option enables assigning cross-section varying linearly to
a beam by specifying - in the h2 field - a value being the equivalent of the height on the right end
in the selected segment.
The Reduction of mom. of inertia option allows the user to determine coefficients reducing
section’s moments of inertia Iy or Iz in a section definition (RC beam and RC column). The
reduction is connected with a property of a given section and is not a global anlaysis parameter.
Reduced moments of inertia are displayed (in tables or in dialog boxes) as current section
properties. Reduced properties are considered in static calculations and are passed to the design
Reduction of moments of inertia for RC sections is applied in static calculations to take the effect
of section cracking into account. This method is allowed by, among others, USA codes (UBC
1997 point 1910.11.1 or ACI 318-95 p.10.11.1).
The New Section dialog box contains the Elasto-plastic analysis button (this button is available
on the Standard and Parametric tabs). The options provided in the dialog box that opens after
pressing this button allow defining parameters for the elasto-plastic analysis of a bar with a
selected section.
For a selected section type (e.g. I-section) the division of a section may be determined. The
division depends on a section type; it is usually determined by means of a division number along
the lengths of web and flanges. It is assumed that in case of standard sections, there is no
division along the wall thickness. In the current program version the following material types are
available: elastic-perfectly plastic and elastic-plastic with hardening. The stress - strain properties
for the material types listed are shown in the figures below. A value of the limit elastic stress has
been assumed based on the Re design strength of a given material, defined in the material
Material model:
elastic-perfectly plastic
elastic-plastic with hardening
If the elastic-plastic model with hardening is selected, then the E/E1 edit field becomes available
in which the user may enter a value of the plastic hardening parameter defined by means of a
quotient of the material stiffness value (Young’s modulus E) in the elastic range and the stiffness
in the plastic range (in this range the linear material model is adopted). There are four unloading
methods available:
mixed; after selecting this unloading method, the edit field for defining the  parameter
becomes accessible; 0 <  < 1.
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Additionally, in the SECTIONS & MATERIALS layout the Material dialog box appears. It is also
available after selecting the option from the menu (Geometry/Materials) or pressing icon. The
upper part of this dialog box contains a list of materials available within the program. Below, a
section list consisting of two columns is shown: labels of the defined sections are to be found in
the first column, whereas materials assigned to them are in the second. The list displayed in the
Material dialog box is identical to the list of active sections presented in the Sections dialog box.
The top part of the Materials dialog box contains the following icons:
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- pressing the icon allows opening the Save to Database dialog box, in which materials may
be saved in the current materials database; the central part of the Save to Database
dialog box contains a list of materials defined in the program; after opening the dialog box,
the program highlights all the materials that are not saved to the database.
- pressing the icon results in deleting all materials and all attributes (sections, thicknesses)
containing materials that are not included in the designed structure.
If a user has defined a material with the name that exists in the material database
and has saved this material into the *.RTD file, then, after opening this file in the
ROBOT program, material parameters will be read from the *.RTD file and not
from the material database (material parameters will be ascribed values
determined by the user).
To assign material to a given section:
select the appropriate section (by clicking on it with the left mouse button),
select material from the list of available materials,
press the Apply button.
While assigning sections to structure bars, materials are assigned to them.
Definition of a Section of a Complex Member – Example
The program enables definition of a section of a complex member. Below is presented definition
of the section of a complex column. To start definition of the section of a complex member, follow
the steps below:
open the Sections dialog box (the menu command: Geometry / Properties / Sections or
press the
in the Sections dialog box press the
New icon
in the New Section dialog box move on to the Compound tab
determine the following parameters of the section of a complex column:
Label: Column 2 MC 12x40
Color: Auto
Section: MC 12x40
Spacing: 8 in
Two C-sections: face to face
Gamma angle = 0
Section type: Steel
in the New Section dialog box press the Add and Close buttons
in the Sections dialog box press the Close button.
Once the section of a complex member is defined, code parameters of the complex column
should be determined, as well:
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open the Member Type dialog box (the menu command: Geometry / Code Parameters /
Steel\Aluminum Member Type or press the
in the Member Type dialog box press the
New icon
in the Member Definition – Parameters dialog box press the Complex section button
in the Complex Section dialog box switch on the Complex members option and determine
lattice parameters
press the OK button in the Complex Section dialog box
in the Member Definition – Parameters dialog box enter the name of the member type (the
Member type edit field), e.g. Complex Column
press the Save and Close buttons in the Member Definition – Parameters dialog box.
The defined type of code parameters of a complex column may be added to the list of code
parameter types; it may be used while defining members of a structure.
Structure bars are connected by means of fixed connections in nodes, i.e. rotation and
displacement compatibility is ensured for all the bars meeting at a given node (the only
exceptions are truss bars and cables in frame structures, where pinned connections are used;
they ensure identical displacements in nodes, but allow rotation of element ends). If needed,
releases may be defined in fixed connections of bars. The Releases option, available from the
menu (Geometry/Releases) or by pressing the
freedom at a selected structure node.
icon, enables release of selected degrees of
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The following types of compatible nodes may be defined in the program: rigid, elastic, with
damping, unilateral and non-linear.
In the program a new algorithm has been implemented that allows calculating a structure
containing releases (the DSC algorithm option is available in the Job Preferences / Structure
Analysis dialog box). For any bar, for which any type of analysis has been defined, with the
following releases:
regular (released degrees of freedom are selected at the beginning and end of a bar element)
unidirectional (released degrees of freedom are selected at the beginning or end of a bar
elastic (released degrees of freedom are selected at the beginning and end of a bar element
as well as values of elastic coefficients are determined)
with damping (released degrees of freedom are selected at the beginning and end of a bar
element as well as values of damping coefficients are determined)
elastic and unidirectional
non-linear (it is possible to define a curve determining the non-linear character of a release)
the following operations are carried out:
a new node is generated in the structure (during the structure model generation)
the input element with the release is modified in such a way that the new node takes the
place of the old one in the element (the old node remains in other structure elements)
between the old and the new node, the program creates the so-called DSC element
(Discontinuity) - see the drawing below.
The DSC element is a 2-node element where the nodal forces are generated according to the
following formula:
f1   TkT TT (u2  u1 )
f2  TkT TT (u2  u1 )
where k  [ki ]; i  1, Ndl is the stiffness vector ascribed to particular degrees of freedom.
The stiffness matrix of the element has the following structure:
 Tdiag(k )TT
  Tdiag(k )T
 Tdiag(k )TT 
Tdiag(k )TT 
where T is the matrix of transformation from the local base to the global one, inherited from the
bar element, while diag(k) is the diagonal matrix created from the vector k.
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The introduction of the DSC element allows defining elastic releases in a bar element, which was
impossible in the approach assumed hitherto.
Unidirectional releases - directions of releases at the beginning and end of a bar
The drawings below show directions of releases for unidirectional releases defined at the
beginning or end of a bar:
(Ux, Uy or Uz) “+” or “-“ - selecting this option results in releasing displacements Ux, Uy or Uz in
the beginnig or end node of the selected bar element, in the compatible (“+”) or opposite (“-”)
direction with respect to the axis of the local coordinate system of the bar; possible directions of
releases are illustrated below
(Rx, Ry or Rz) “+” or “-“ - selecting this option results in releasing rotations Rx, Ry or Rz in the
beginnig or end node of the selected bar element, in the compatible (“+”) or opposite (“-”)
direction with respect to the axis of the local coordinate system of the bar (according to the right
hand screw rule); possible rotation releases are illustrated below.
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Some structure elements may require modeling of offsets, i.e. eccentric (not axial) definition of
the connection of structure bars. The menu option Geometry/Additional Attributes/Offsets or the
icon from the toolbar are used for this purpose. It is possible to define an offset for structure
bars automatically; then an offset is determined by a shift of the bar axis to section extreme
dimensions. The axis position is selected by clicking on the appropriate selection button located
in the section drawing; there appears a description of a bar section position, i.e. Axis shift and
characteristics of the section position describing the value of the axis shift in the local system, e.g.
-Vpy, Vz (axis shift: top left corner).
Basic information on the definition of offsets in a structure:
offsets may be used ONLY for bar elements in bending
they allow defining bars through reference to the existing nodes WITHOUT the need to define
additional nodes (NOTE: an offset defined for a bar is visible only after selecting the relevant
option in the Display dialog box)
offsets can be defined through relative values, i.e. they keep their properties when changing
the structure geometry (change of sections)
offsets work IDENTICALLY as a ‘complete’ rigid link
offsets can be used ONLY in structures involving rotational degrees of freedom.
Bars for which offsets have been defined, are connected with other structure
elements or the ground (supports) in the nodes defining these bars, and not in
the nodes displaced by an offset value; for columns displaced horizontally with
respect to supports or for beams displaced vertically with respect to columns, the
forces occurring (acting) in nodes (e.g. supports) act eccentrically on the bars for
which an offset has been defined.
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page: 93 New Offset Type
The New Offset dialog box consists of the two tabs:
- Absolute
- Relative.
On the Absolute tab an offset value is defined by specifying a value of the shift in the direction of
selected axes. Thus-defined offset value does not change regardless of the operation performed
on the elements on which the offset has been defined.
On the Relative tab an offset value is defined in relation to other existing objects; a basic feature
of this offset type is automatic object fitting to objects already existing (fitting the length of a
selected object to other defined objects, i.e. length reduction or increase as well as change of the
position of one object with respect to another).
When performing any operation on the elements to which a relative offset refers
(e.g. changing a dimension of the column adjoined by a beam which is ascribed
the relative offset), the offset value will change in such a way so that elements fit
each other.
Absolute offset
To define a new type of absolute offset, follow the steps below:
- specify a name of the offset type
- select a type of coordinate system in which an offset will be defined (see the drawing below)
- determine an offset value for the beginning / end node of a bar.
The lower part of the dialog box provides information about values of relative offsets (offsets
defined on the Relative tab).
Relative offset
To define a new type of relative offset, follow the steps below:
- specify a name of the offset type
- determine a section position or an axis shift:
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Section position
It allows defining an offset for structure bars automatically; an offset is determined by a shift of
the bar axis to section extreme dimensions (only). An automatic offset is defined in the Position
with respect to section dialog box which opens after pressing the Section position button.
Under this button is the information about the section shift with respect to the axis
Axis offset
It allows defining an offset for structure bars automatically; the offset is defined by indicating an
object to which the offset will additionally refer; this object may be both a bar and a panel
defined in a structure. This offset type is defined in the Position of the axis with respect to the
section dialog box which opens on pressing the Axis offset button.
For this offset type it is necessary to give a number of the reference object; the object (bar or
panel) number may be typed in the edit field or the selected object may be indicated graphically.
Under this button is the information about the reference object (section) and the shift value: vy,
vpy, vz, vpz, 0.
- give information about the bar length (length reduction/increase at the beginning or end of a
Rigid links
A rigid link is used to model perfectly rigid elements of elastic structures (definition of a rigid body
in a structure). All nodes in such a link have the same rotation and displacement due to the
rigidity of the entire link. Displacements and rotations defined for a rigid link may be limited to
certain selected degrees of freedom. For instance, linear displacements may be blocked, while
rotations may be allowed. The first node is called the master node (MASTER), while the
remaining ones are slave nodes (SLAVE). The option is included in the menu Geometry /
Additional Attributes / Rigid Links.
Basic information on the definition of rigid links in a structure:
they require defining ADDITIONAL nodes (but thanks to that the real position of elements is
always visible, irrespective of the options selected in the Display dialog box)
they act between the nodes, thus they may connect any types of finite elements (bar
elements, shell elements)
rigid links can be used ONLY in structures involving rotational degrees of freedom.
Definition of a rigid link between nodes is equivalent to introduction of the rigid compatibility
conditions with respect to all displacements in these nodes. All nodes linked with a master node
constitute a group of nodes comparable to a rigid body.
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It should be remembered that selection of degrees of freedom pertains only to
slave nodes of a rigid link (the connection of the master node with the ‘rigid body’
uses all degrees of freedom).
The Rigid Links option is available from:-the menu by selecting the Geometry/Additional
Attributes/Rigid Links command
- the Structure Definition toolbar by selecting the
To define a rigid link in a structure, follow the steps below:
Manual definition mode
 select a type of rigid link from the list of available rigid-link types
 indicate the master node (MASTER) by selecting one node graphically or by typing a node
number in the Master node field
 determine the slave node(s) by selecting (a) node(s) graphically or by typing (a) node(s)
number(s) in the Slave nodes selection field.
Definition mode - according to list
 select a rigid link type from the list of available rigid link types
 indicate master nodes (MASTER) by selecting a node (or nodes) graphically or by typing
numbers of the nodes in the Selection of master nodes field
 determine parameters of slave nodes: connection vector (determining a direction, sense and
length) and range (a radius of the R sphere) - see the drawing below; all nodes located in the
defined range will be slave nodes of the rigid link.
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Compatible nodes
For bar structures in which bars intersect, the user may obtain the same displacement values for
bars at the point of their intersection. The Compatible nodes option is used for this purpose. It is
necessary to define as many nodes of the same coordinates as bars there are. Each node
belongs to a different bar. The option is available in the menu Geometry/Additional
Attributes/Compatible Nodes or the toolbar
. The following types of compatible nodes may be
defined in the program: rigid, elastic, with damping and non-linear.
There are several ways to define compatible nodes in a structure:
Assign mode - manual
 the user should select (highlight) a compatibility type in the field of active compatibility types
and then go to the graphical viewer and indicate a structure node. Compatibility has been
defined in this node, the first free number of a structure node will be inserted into the
Compatible node number field . The field located to the right of the dialog box will display bars
converging at the selected node; the user should select the bar that is to end at the created
compatible node
 the user should select (highlight) a compatibility type in the field of active compatibility types
and then type the number of a structure node in the Node number field (the user may also do
it graphically, by placing the cursor in this field and indicating the selected node in the
graphical viewer). The first free number of a structure node will be inserted into the
Compatible node number field. The usere should select a bar that ends in the just created
compatible node. Pressing the Apply button will result in defining compatible nodes;
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Assign mode - automatic
 if the user selected nodes before selecting the “Compatible nodes” option, then the list with
selected nodes is introduced, after opening the Compatible Nodes dialog box, into the
Active selection field. To apply the required compatibility type to the nodes from the
selection list, the user should highlight the required compatibility type in the active list and
press the Apply button (or <Enter> button). It will generate a new compatible node (the
compatible node number = the first free node number in the structure);
 if no selection was made before launching the “Compatible nodes” option (and it should
have been done already when the dialog box is opened), the user should locate the cursor in
the Active selection field. When the mouse cursor is moved outside the dialog box (to the
edit field), it will assume the mode of selection; it will be possible to select any structure
elements and the numbers of the selected objects will appear in the Active selection edit
field. To apply the required compatibility type to the nodes in the selection list, the user
should highlight the required compatibility type in the active list and then press the Apply
button (or <Enter> button). It will generate a new compatible node (the compatible node
number = the first free node number in the structure).
The ROBOT Millennium program provides the possibility of defining cable structures (i.e.
structures with a cable as the main load-carrying element). If one of the main dimensions of an
element is bigger than the two remaining ones and section rigidity with respect to bending and
torsion is small in comparison to tension rigidity, such element is regarded to be a cable. The
basic conclusion drawn from the above definition is that only tensile forces can be applied to
cables. However, in some cases small bending or torsional moments and shear forces can be
applied to cables. The option that allows for attributing cable properties to structure elements is
available from:
menu by selecting the command Geometry / Properties / Cables
Structure definition toolbar by pressing the
Defining a cable in a structure is similar to attributing a section to a bar or a support to a node.
The following cable parameters may be defined for a cable: label, color, cross-section, (defines
the area of a cable cross-section, material (selection of the material a cable will be made of) as
well as the following assembling parameters of a cable:
stress - selecting this option allows one to define the normal stress (calculated with respect to
the cable chord) for an assembling case loads. The value of the stress should be introduced
in the appropriate field.
force - selecting this option allows one to define the cable parameter of Force Fo (calculated
with respect to the cable chord) for an assembling case loads. The value of the force should
be introduced in the appropriate field.
length - selecting this option allows one to define unloaded cable length for an assembling
case. The value of the length should be introduced in the appropriate field.
dilatation - if this option is selected, the cable dilatation (or relative dilatation, if the option
Relative is selected) will be defined for the assembling case. The value of dilatation should be
introduced in the appropriate field. Dilatation is the difference between the unloaded cable
length and the distance between the relevant nodes. If dilatation assumes positive value, the
cable length is larger than the distance between nodes; if it assumes negative values, the
distance between nodes is larger than the cable length.
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Options Stress, Force, Length and Dilatation are mutually exclusive and they are
not obligatory (if the user does not specify any of the parameters, the length of
the loaded cable equals the distance between nodes).
Theory of cable structures is based on the following assumptions:
loads and other external effects are of quasi-static type and constant in time,
for cables no bending moments and shear forces are considered,
cable elements work in the elastic range (Young’s modulus E = const),
any loads can be applied, except for the moment loads,
large displacements u, but small gradients
cable section area F is constant (F=const),
unloaded cable length = l.
are admissible,
Equations Governing the Problem
Let’s consider a small sag cable (i.e. cable for which the angle between the tangent in any cable
point and a straight line joining its ends is small), loaded with an arbitrary load in its plane. Let’s
consider an infinitesimal element in this cable - one, which is described in the initial stage (first,
assembly stage) by the load q0, temperature T0 and tension H0; the length of this element is
equal to dso (Fig. 1a). Once the load is applied to the cable (second, final stage with the load q,
temperature T and tension H), the length of an elementary cable section equals ds (Fig.1b). Both
stages, together with loads in both planes (xy and xz) are presented also on the Fig. 2.
Fig. 1a
Fig. 1b
Assuming a small cable sag value and taking into account that the total cable force must be
tangent to the cable, one can assign the appropriate cable elongation as a function of static
values only. Once the integration along the total cable length is done, the known formula for a
cable with a small cable sag value will be obtained. The cable chord elongation value  can be
derived from (1).
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Fig. 2
A, B
EF -
beginning and end cable nodes,
cable tension rigidity (where: E - Young’s modulus, F - cable cross section area),
coefficient of thermal expansion,
initial cable length (for unloaded cable),
 -
distance change between supports,
initial, internal cable shortening/elongation (regulation),
T -
change in temperature,
Q(x) -
function of shear force as for beam with pinned supports (according to indexes:
respectively in the Y-axis and Z-axis directions and for the initial and final stage) schematic drawing below (Fig. 3a),
Fig. 3a
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N(x) -
ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
axial force function caused by the static load for a beam with fixed supports (during the
initial or final stage) - schematic drawing below (Fig. 3b).
Fig. 3b
One can also notice that in the cable equation (1), as opposed to traditional solutions applied to
cable calculations, axial force can vary along the cable’s length (in denominators of both
integration functions in the equation (1) the following functional components exist: [H+N(x)]2 and
[H0+N0(x)]2). It allows for more accurate results.
Cables in ROBOT Millennium
Cable element theory in the ROBOT Millennium system is based on the general theory of cables
with small value of a cable sag. According to this theory, cable rigidity is an implicit function of the
following parameters: cable tension rigidity (E*F), cable tension, cable support displacements,
transverse loading in both directions (py, pz).
Due to the non-linearity of cable element, its definition in the structure requires applying iterative
methods of structure analysis.
Possibilities of application of cables in the ROBOT Millennium system:
Cable elements can be used together with elements of the following structure types: PLANE
All standard structure analysis types are admissible: Linear (in fact, it is a non-linear analysis
but no other non-linear effects, except for the non-linearity of cable elements are taken into
account), Non-linear (with regard to stress-stiffening effect), P-Delta, Incremental, Buckling,
Dynamic, Harmonic, Seismic; NOTE: Dynamic analysis will be treated as linear with regard to
the current rigidity,
Offsets are admissible,
Material is defined as for a bar (Young’s modulus E is the only requirement; in case of a cable
deadload definition, additionally the unit weight RO should be entered, and in case of a
thermal load - coefficient of thermal expansion LX),
GAMMA angles defined as for bars (it is substantial only for the load description).
Limitations of application of cable elements:
 For cable elements, a release definition is impossible since bending and torsional rigidity do
not apply to such elements.
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Cable loads
The following load types apply to cable elements:
nodal loads
dead loads
uniform loads (constant or variable)
initial shortening/elongation (additional loads applied during the assembly stage)
temperature load
concentrated forces along the element’s length.
The following load types are not allowed in case of cable elements:
uniform moment.
SYNTAX (data entered by the user in the text file)
(<element list>) CABles AX=<section area> (E=<Young’s modulus>)
(RO=<unit weight>) [STRess = <s> | FORce = <h> | LENgth = <l>
| [ DILatation = <d> (RELative) ]]
normal stress (calculated in regard to the chord) to be achieved for the
assembling load case
tension force (calculated in regard to the chord) to be achieved for the
assembly load cases
initial cable length
RELative DILatation -
difference between the initial cable length and distance between the
support nodes (if it is a positive value - the length is bigger than the
distance between the nodes, if negative - the length is smaller than the
distance between the nodes)
ratio of the difference between the initial cable length and distance
between the support nodes to the distance between the support nodes
(if it is a positive value - the length is bigger than the distance between
the nodes, if negative - the length is smaller than the distance between
the nodes).
Assembling Load Case
ROBOT Millennium system includes the structure assembly stage (the program recommends it
to be the first load case). Syntax for such load case is given below:
[load description]
For this load case:
for selected bars, the initial tension forces are to be specified by the user by entering one of
the values presented below in the text file syntax (PROperties command):
STRess = s0
FORce = t0
(initial cable stress) or
(initial tension force in the cable),
the initial cable length can be described by specifying the LENgth = l0, if it is to be different
from the default value LONG =
 x A   y B  y A   z B  z A  which is equal to
the distance between the nodes,
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the initial cable shortening/elongation can be specified by using the DILatation (RELative)
if there is no RELative key-word, DILatation is expressed in absolute values
if there the RELative key-word exists, the initial elongation is expressed as a fraction, i.e. final
cable length equals: L = LONG (1 + DIL),
all defined loads are applied (e.g. dead load, added masses),
temperature TX definition for cables in the assembly stage is possible,
displacements calculated for such load case describe initial geometry for remaining cases in
the structure analysis.
During the analysis of successive structure load cases in the state of equilibrium, the assembling
case loads applied to the structure are taken into account. Displacements assigned to this case
are used as the basis for further analysis. Predefined tension forces are changed (which means
that after the assemblage the cable will be anchored).
Load Cases after Anchorage
After completing the structure analysis, results for cable elements are similar to those obtained for
bar elements; however, some differences remain. The differences are described below:
no shearing forces and moments can be obtained for cable elements,
for cable elements either the simplified deformation (assigned as for the truss bar) or the
exact deformation (described by the differential equation of the sag line), can be obtained
additional results for cable elements (as a consequence of the assembly stage) appear:
 in cables, for which tension is required (in the ROBOT Millennium syntax: STRess or
FORce), the regulation value [m] needed for the required tension is assigned,
 in other cables, force essential for assemblage is assigned.
Such results are useful at designing the assembly stage.
axial force (tensile) is calculated from the formula:
N  FX 2  FY 2  FZ 2
- force applied along the cable tangent,
- N force components projected on directions of successive axes of the
local co-ordinates system.
Other Attributes of Bar Elements
The program provides the possibility to define elastic ground for structure members. The
Geometry / Additional Attributes / Elastic ground of bars option is used for it. Calculations for bars
with a defined type of elastic ground are performed on a base of the classic algorithm of Winkler’s
elastic ground (definition of unidirectional uplift is possible).
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Elastic ground can be defined only for some structure types. The accessible
directions of elastic ground as for the applied type of structure (degrees of
freedom permissible for a selected structure type):
definition is impossible
definition is impossible
In case of plate/shell structures there is also the possibility of defining elastic ground coefficient,
however, a value of such a coefficient is determined in the dialog box used for thickness
definintion for panel or shell (see chapter 3.4.4).
It may be necessary to define node brackets in some nodes of a bar structure. The respective
option is available from menu by selecting the Geometry / Additional Attributes / Brackets
command. Node brackets are used in a structure to improve section properties of bars in node
zones. They make it possible for these zones to carry larger moments and transversal forces,
while smaller sections are used along entire bars. Brackets may be applied only to I-sections.
There are two bracketing methods:
by means of plates of determined dimensions
by means of appropriately cut section of a given bar
To define a bracket one should determine bracketing method, bracket dimensions (absolute or
relative values) and bracket type (upper, lower, at both sides). Brackets of a bar are introduced
separately for each bar end. Brackets are taken into account in successive calculation stages in
the following way:
during static calculations: the bracketed part of a bar is assumed to have a section of variable
inertia whose dimensions are the result of bracket definition
during connection design: bracket dimensions are automatically transferred to the
connections module when a steel connection is defined. The modification makes it necessary
to update the dimensions of the defined bracket or to define a new one.
during code calculations: certain assumptions, concerning substitute section parameters of a
bar treated as a whole, are made during code verification of bracketed bars. Moment of
inertia of a substitute virtual bar is calculated on the basis of the length and inertia of bar
components, i.e. of the bracketed and non-bracketed bar segments. Substitute virtual
properties are used to calculate general stability of a bar. Stress verification in particular
points of a bar takes into account real section properties.
Design, i.e. finding optimum member sections, takes into account brackets as well.
The Geometrical Imperfections option (accessible from the menu by selecting the Geometry /
Additional Attributes / Geometrical Imperfections command) allows defining initial geometrical
imperfections. Geometrical imperfections may be assigned to single bars or to a group of
coolinear bars (so-called superbars). Imperfections do not cause initial forces, structure stresses;
if imperfections are considered, it results only in changing the structure geometry. While applying
this option the assumptions adopted should be taken into account:
imperfections may be assigned only to bar elements
imperfections are assigned at the middle point of a single bar (or a coolinear bar group)
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imperfections cause change of geometry of a bar or a bar group, however, the change of
geometry is obtained by creating calculation elements mapping a deformed shape
all results of structure calculations are displayed on a deformed structure (i.e. the structure
with geometrical imperfections considered); nodal displacements are determined in relation to
the initial geometry defined by the user.
The programs also allows definition of non-linear hinges which may be used in the structure
pushover analysis. The structure pushover analysis is a static, non-linear analysis, in which the
magnitude of structure load is increased incrementally according to the adopted load pattern.
Increasing the value of load enables finding structure weak elements and structure failure modes.
The pushover analysis tries to estimate structure real strength. The option is available from the
menu by selecting the Geometry / Additional Attributes / Non-linear Hinges command. The
Definition of non-linear hinge model dialog box contains options that allow defining a pushover
curve diagram and parameters. Three types of non-linear hinge are available in this dialog box:
force-displacement, moment-rotation and stress-strain.
The ROBOT program allows for definition of bars in the structure, which can perform only in
tension or compression, truss bars (the option is used to define truss type bars in frame
structures; such a definition does not result in assigning releases to a frame element, however, it
changes the type of a finite element from a beam element to a truss one) as well as bars for
which the influence of shear forces on structure deformations is considered. The option is
available from the menu by selecting the Geometry / Additional Attributes / Advanced Bar
Properties command. In the Advanced Properties dialog box, the user should define – in the
appropriate edit field (by entering the bar numbers using the keyboard) or graphically – on the
screen - the bars performing only in tension/compression, truss bars or bars for which the
influence of shear forces will be considered in the calculations of structure deformations.
Steel/timber bar types are assigned during the structure definition yet this is not necessary for
structural analysis; it is used during steel/timber member (columns, beams, etc.) design. Bar type
contains all parameters needed for steel/timber element design, e.g. buckling length, lateral
buckling type, etc. Structure attribute definition (mentioned above) is identical to the method of
assigning sections to structure bars.
While working in the ROBOT program, a user defines many labels describing bar, panel or solid
parameters; these are different sets of parameters used to determine physical or mechanical
properties or applied to design structure elements. Examples of such labels include: bar sections,
slab thicknesses, parameter sets used for design of steel structure elements or applied to
calculate reinforcement in RC structure elements as well as definitions of supports, hinges, etc.
The Label Manager option is available from the menu by selecting the Tools/Label Manager
command; it enables performing the following operations concerned with the access to labels:
saving labels from the current project to the database
reading labels from the database to the current project
viewing the contents of label definitions
transferring the labels defined from one program installation to another or from one program
work station to another.
However, it should be remembered that member code labels (i.e. steel or aluminum member
type, timber member type, concrete member type) are converted to the current design code for
steel, timber or RC (theoretical (required) reinforcement) structures; therefore, member types
defined for one code should not be used for other codes since it may result in loss of definitions of
certain specific parameters. All bars in a given project are designed according to the currently
selected code. As regards a label of plate and shell reinforcement, it is saved for a determined
code of RC structure design (theoretical (required) reinforcement). Thus labels of panel
reinforcement type may be applied in different projects independently of the design code selected
by default.
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3.4. Definition of a Structure Model - 2D Planar Finite Elements
Mesh of planar finite elements for plate/shell structures is defined in two stages. The first one
consists in defining areas where meshes of finite elements will be generated. The areas are
created by defining their edges (the area contours are defined by means of the Polyline contour option). Panels modeling ceilings and walls are defined in the indicated areas. During
panel definition, the panel is ascribed certain properties (thickness, reinforcement type). The
second step (following panel definition and commencement of structure calculations) consists in
automatic generation of a mesh of planar finite elements on the basis of the parameters selected
in the Job preferences dialog box (Meshing options).
Contours of plate/shell structures may be defined by means of the Polyline-Contour option,
available for three structure types (plate, shell or solid) from:
the menu by choosing: Geometry / Objects / Polyline-Contour
the toolbar Structure Definition by pressing the
Options allowing one to define methods of line definition are located in the Definition Method field
of the dialog box. Schematic drawings showing the line definition method are shown below.
Line will be defined using two points: line
beginning and end.
Broken line definition (polyline). The line will
be defined by providing the consecutive points
on the line
Contour definition; it will be defined by
defining the consecutive points on the
Once contours are defined, one should determine panels to be included in the structure. This is
done by the option available from:
 the menu using the Geometry / Panels command
the Structure Definition toolbar by pressing the
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Panel definition includes entering:
 the panel number
 panel edges (contour) and if defined, edges (contours) of openings located in the defined
panel and edges of faces. It is possible in three ways:
 by entering the internal point of the panel/hole or
 by indicating the object number
 by selecting the list of finite elements
 panel reinforcement type
 material (this field is not available; the material defined for the selected panel thickness is
presented in it)
 panel thickness.
If the Face option in the Contour Type field has been selected, then, all options in the Properties
field located in the lower part of the dialog box become unavailable. Selection of this option
causes the object that is being generated, to be defined as a face (without assigning properties
such as reinforcement type and thickness); such a object can be used during generation of a
volumetric structure (solid) - it may constitute a face of such a volumetric object.
Two buttons
(right of the Reinforcement and Thickness fields) are located in
the upper part of the dialog box. Pressing them results in opening the New Bar
Type or New Section dialog box appropriately in which a new panel thickness or
plate and shell reinforcement type may be defined. The defined thickness or
reinforcement types are then applied to the appropriate lists of thickness or plate
and shell reinforcement types.
Once panels are defined and structure calculations started, the program creates a mesh of finite
elements according to the parameters selected in the Job preferences dialog box (Meshing
options), The FE mesh is visible only once the FE Mesh in the Display dialog box.
The procedure of creating an element mesh for a given contour may be repeated several times; it
is important to point out that the “new” planar element mesh will erase the “old” one. Two planar
FE types are available in the program:
triangular elements (3- or 6-node),
quadrilateral elements (4- 8-node).
In the ROBOT program it is recommended to use 3- and 4-node planar elements. If 6- and 8node planar elements are used for mesh generation, the following options may not work correctly:
linear releases
Boolean operations (cutting off)
adjusting meshes between panels as well as between panels and bars.
Functions used during FE mesh creation create the nodes inside the selected area first and then
assign the created nodes to the appropriate finite elements. Nodes inside the area (contour) may
be created through Dalaunay’s algorithm of triangulation or by means of Coons’ method.
Examples of finite element mesh generation for plate / shell structures are
presented in the appendices at the end of the user’s manual.
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Types of Planar Finite Elements
Delaunay's Triangulation Method
Delaunay's triangulation method may be used to create a FE mesh for any 2D surface. If holes
occur inside the domain, the user should define them as the contour edge. They will not be taken
into consideration during the FE mesh creation.
An example of the FE
mesh created using
Delaunay's method is
shown in the drawing.
Contour Edges
Delaunay's Triangulation
The following parameters may be defined for Delaunay’s method:
 mesh generation method: Delaunay’s method alone or the additional node generation method
(Kang’s method - emitters).
Emitters are the nodes defined by the user near which the FE mesh will be thickened. The
thickening parameters are given as Kang’s parameters.
= H0 parameters defining the length of the first wave
= Kang’s parameters (Hmax, Q)
Specific parameters of Kang’s method represent:
1. Hmax - the length of the second-to-last wave before the end of mesh thickening;
2. Q - the relation of the length of the next-to-previous wave.
Coons' Method
Coons' surfaces are 3D surfaces spread over quadrilateral or triangular contours whose opposite
sides are divided into the same number of segments. The shapes of the created elements
correspond to the region on which the mesh is created. The general concept of this method
depends on connecting all points created on the selected contour edge with the points laying on
the opposite edge of the contour. The cutting point of each pair of “horizontal” and “vertical” lines
marks the end positioning of the node inside the region (see the drawing below).
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Once the contour is selected, the user
should define the parameters of Coons'
method, which describe the FE mesh
shape (triangles, quadrilaterals, mixed
element type) as well as the division
parameters: division1 and division 2.
The division parameters describe
number of the elements which will be
created on the first (between the first
and the second contour corner) and the
second (between the second and third
contour corner) contour edge. The
contour edges opposite to the listed
contour sides will be automatically
divided, so that the division corresponds
to the division accepted on the first and
second contour edge. For triangular
regions, the edge division between the
third and first contour corner is the same
as that between the second and third
In quadrilateral regions, the division
between the third and fourth contour
corner is the same as between the
second and third corner. If the division,
e.g. between the third and fourth
contour top is larger than between the
first and second corner, then the initial given by the user- edge contour division
between the first and second contour
corner will be automatically increased.
Coons' meshing may be applied for flat
(2D) domains (contours are defined on
planes - see drawing above) regions as
well as for 3D surfaces (contours
defined in space - see drawing below).
The following parameters may be
defined for Coons’ method:
= the FE mesh type (Coons’ typology)
= mesh creation parameters (division1
and division2) explained earlier.
The program also provides the Base Mesh Points option used to determine panel points that will
be the basis for generating finite element mesh by means of the Coons’ method. The option is
available from:
the menu, by selecting the command: Analysis/Calculation Model/Base Mesh Points
the toolbar, by pressing the icon
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Parameters of FE Mesh Generation
If the Modification button located in the Job preferences dialog box (Meshing Options option –
see section 2.2.3 of the manual) is pressed or the Analysis/Calculation Model/Meshing Options
command in the menu is selected (panel must be selected as the current structure type), the
following dialog box will appear on the screen.
The Analysis / Calculation Model / Meshing Options command is available in the
menu for the following structure types: plate, shell and volumetric structure.
In the upper part of the dialog box the Allowable meshing methods field enables selection of the
method of generation of a finite element mesh:
 Simple mesh generation (Coons method)
 Complex mesh generation (Delaunay method)
 Automatic selection of a meshing method (default setting).
The Mesh generation field is used to define a meshing type. Three options are available here:
 Automatic
 User – two parameters of Coons’ method may be defined here: division1 and division2
 Element size - if this option is chosen, then an edit field is accessible, in which the user
may define a characteristic dimension of an element of a finite element mesh; assuming
the element dimension equal to e.g. 0.5 m means that, in the case of:
- planar finite element (quadrilateral) mesh, the program will generate a mesh of elements
similar to the square whose side length equals 0.5 m
- planar finite element (triangle) mesh, the program will generate a mesh of elements
similar to the equilateral triangle whose side length equals 0.5 m
- volumetric finite element mesh, the program will generate a mesh of elements similar to
the cube whose side length equals 0.5 m.
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Moreover, this field contains the option that enables determining what type of volumetric finite
element mesh is to be generated: the slider allows selection in the range between a coarse
mesh and a fine mesh. Below, there is the option Additional meshing of solid surface. If it is
switched on, then while generating a mesh of volumetric finite elements, a mesh on a solid
surface (contour) will be generated additionally, which will affect the density of volumetric
element mesh inside a solid. It should be noticed that switching this option on results in increase
of volumetric element mesh density.
The option Additional meshing of solid surface should not be applied for a
surface which is the contact surface for faces of two solids.
At the bottom of the Meshing methods tab is the Advanced options button; when pressed, it
opens the Advanced Meshing Options dialog box shown in the drawing below.
Once the option Simple mesh generation (Coons) or Complex mesh generation (Delaunay) is
chosen in the upper part of the Meshing options tab, another tab called Method parameters
appears in the dialog box; parameters of a selected meshing method may be determined there.
These parameters are presented below along with a description of the Advanced Meshing
Options dialog box.
New surface FE mesh parameters may be chosen in the above dialog box. One of listed mesh
generating methods may be chosen in the Available Meshing Methods field: Coons or Delaunay’s
method. Additionally, the degree of method implementation may be determined for each case of
mesh generation: never, rarely, often. The forcing ratio of the selected FE mesh generation
method may also be defined. If, for instance, the user selects Coons’ method, defines
implementation degree - as often, and forcing ratio - as forced, it would mean that the mesh
generation algorithm will force the mesh creation in the selected region according to Coons’
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The finite element type used during element mesh generation may be chosen in the Finite
Elements field: 3-node triangles, 6-node triangles, 4-node rectangles, 8-node rectangles (see
figure below).
Triangular 3-node and 6-node elements
Rectangular 4-node and 8-node elements
In the ROBOT program it is recommended to use 3- and 4-node planar elements. If 6- and 8node planar elements are used for mesh generation, the following options may not work correctly:
linear releases
Boolean operations (cutting off)
adjusting meshes between panels as well as between panels and bars.
Also, the forcing ratio of the selected surface FE type may be defined. If, for example, 3-node
triangles and the forcing ratio as Any have been, it will mean that the mesh generation algorithm
will use any type of surface FE during mesh generation.
The automatic or the user-defined type of meshing may be selected in the Mesh Generation field.
For Coons’ method, one can define the following two parameters:
division 1 - the parameter defines the number of elements which were used on the first
contour edge (between the first and second peak). The edge of the contour opposite to the
mentioned contour side will be automatically divided so that the division corresponds to the
first edge contour.
division 2 - the parameter defines the number of elements which were used on the second
contour edge (between the second and third peak). The edge of the contour opposite to the
mentioned contour side will be automatically divided so that the division corresponds to the
second edge contour.
There is a possibility to specify the size of finite elements generated during mesh generation.
The Element size option enables it.
Moreover, this field contains the option that enables determining what type of volumetric finite
element mesh is to be generated: the slider allows selection in the range between a coarse
mesh and a fine mesh.
One of the following contour division types may be chosen in the Coons’ Method Parameters
triangles in triangular contour
triangles and rectangles in triangular contour
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triangles and rhombs in triangular contour
squares in rectangular contour
triangles in rectangular contour.
Additionally, the forcing ratio of the selected contour type for Coons’ method of surface FE mesh
generation may be selected in this field.
The method of mesh generation may be selected in the Delaunay’s Method Parameters field:
Delaunay’s method only - selection of this option means that the mesh will be created using
Delaunay’s method alone.
Kang’s method - selection of this option means that the FE mesh will be generated only in the
contour near the emitters according to the accepted parameters of Kang’s method (H0, Hmax
and Q).
Delaunay’s and Kang’s method - selection of this method means that mesh creation near the
emitters will occur according to Kang’s method and outside of this contour - according to
Delaunay’s method.
Emitters are nodes, near which the density of a FE mesh will be increased (i.e. the size of mesh
elements will be decreased). Two types of emitters are available:
Default - created automatically by the program at characteristic places (at charateristic points
of panels: in panel corners, near openings and and support nodes) – these options are set in
the Advanced Meshing Options dialog box
User - indicated by the user, defined in the Emitters dialog box which is available after
selecting the menu option Analysis / Calculation model / Emitters.
If during mesh generation the Smoothing option is checked out, the program will also use an
algorithm for smoothing up the generated mesh of finite elements.
Options Used for FE Mesh Generation and Modification
Options are available after clicking the Option of FE mesh generation icon
upper toolbar. It results in opening the toolbar shown on the figure below
, located in the
which contains the icons that allow the following:
- generation of calculation model, it means generation of finite element meshes
- determining the points that will be the basis for mesh generation by means of the Coons’
- opening the Meshing options dialog box for a selected panel
- freezing mesh for a given panel – selection of this option means that during generation of
calculation model the mesh for that panel will not be modified
- defreezing mesh for a panel – selection of this option means that the panel will be taken into
account during generation of a finite element mesh
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- local mesh generation – mesh will be generated only for selected panels (NOTE: usage of
this option causes mesh to become frozen)
- deletion of mesh for a selected panel
- definition of user’s emitters
- mesh consolidation – the option allows conversion of triangular elements to rectangular
ones for selected finite elements.
- mesh refinement - the option allows conversion of triangular elements to triangular or
rectangular ones for selected finite elements.
- mesh quality – the option allows assessment of quality of the finite element mesh for
selected panels.
Examples of finite element mesh generation for plate / shell structures are
presented in the appendices at the end of the user’s manual.
Emitters, FE Mesh Refinement, Consolidation and
Emitters are user-defined nodes in the vicinity of which the mesh of finite elements will be refined.
The option is important during calculations of plates/shells or volumetric structures, when the user
wants to obtain possibly precise calculation results in structure characteristic points (supports,
force application points, etc.). The option is available
by selecting the Analysis/Calculation model/Emitters command from the menu
by selecting the
icon from the toolbar.
There are two methods of emitter definition. They depend on the manner of finite element mesh
constant increment - the method is used for plate or shell structures
variable increment - the method is used for volumetric structures.
Once the command is selected, the below-presented dialog box appears on screen (the figure
shows the dialog box after selecting the Variable increment option).
One of the following three options may be selected in this dialog box:
define a node with an emitter - the user defines a node where to place an emitter with the
user-defined coordinates
define an emitter in (an) already existing node(s) - definition of (a) node(s) number(s)
where (an) emitter(s) will be placed
delete an emitter - definition of (a) node(s) number(s) where (an) emitter(s) will be
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The above presented options have the following parameters:
define a node with an emitter:
H0 - the initial length of mesh wave (the remaining
parameters of mesh generation around the emitter may
be defined in the Mesh generation options dialog
Coordinates - coordinates of the defined emitter node
with the defined H0 parameter
define an emitter in (an) already existing node(s):
H0 - the initial length of mesh wave (the remaining
parameters of mesh generation around the emitter may
be defined in the Mesh generation options dialog
node list - list of numbers of nodes where to locate
emitters the defined H0 parameter
delete an emitter:
node list - list of numbers of nodes where to delete an
Once the Variable increment option is selected, the above dialog box provides access to all the
options that have been discussed for the constant mesh increment. Apart from that, the following
edit fields are available:
r1 - radius of the sphere in which the mesh will be characterized by the initial wave length H0
r2 - sphere radius within which the mesh density will be decreased (i.e. the mesh density will
be decreased within the zone between radiuses r1 and r2)
estimated element number in sphere r1 - the field is not accessible; the program defines the
number of elements after entering emitter coordinates and H0, r1 and r2 values.
During the finite element mesh generation, one may also take advantage of the following options:
mesh consolidation and mesh refinement.
Running the CONSOLIDATION option results in transforming the selected triangular elements
into rectangular ones (the number of elements diminishes). It is recommended for the user to
apply the CONSOLIDATION option after creating a mesh of finite elements by means of
Delaunay triangulation method. It results in the transformation of triangular elements into
rectangular ones that usually allow one to receive more precise calculation results. Before
running the CONSOLIDATION option, the user has to provide:
conversion coefficient - a parameter adopting values belonging to the range [1, +1]
list of elements for which consolidation will be performed.
Adopting the conversion coefficient value equal to “+1” means that the created rectangles will be
created from triangular elements in all the possible places of the selected area (this, however,
may lead to the generation of rectangles with incorrect shapes and, consequently, to incorrect
conditioning of the relevant set of equations). Adopting the conversion coefficient value equal to “1” means that only those triangular elements that will form rectangular elements will be changed
in the mesh of triangular finite elements.
The use of REFINEMENT option results in increasing the refinement of the mesh of finite
elements in the user-defined area. The created mesh of rectangular elements is divided into
smaller triangular or rectangular elements, depending on the adopted parameters. One can refine
a mesh of finite elements, once the following parameters are provided:
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refinement type
list of elements for which the mesh will be refined.
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There are three refinement types available in the program:
Simple - finite element edges will not be divided
Double - each edge of a finite element will be divided
into two parts
Triple - each edge of a finite element will be divided into
three parts
The dialog boxes provide also the FE Mesh Freeze option. If this option is activated, the FE mesh
will become frozen after performing the operation of refining the mesh for selected panels. It
means that the mesh will not be changed during the preparation of a structure for calculations
(generation of a calculation model for the structure).
If this option is not active, then, during the preparation of a structure for calculations, the FE mesh
may be changed for the panel on which the mesh has been refined, for the program will assume
the mesh generation parameters determined in the Meshing options dialog box.
Pressing the Mesh quality icon
created for selected panels.
allows assessment of the quality of finite element mesh
Each element has certain proportion coefficient determining its geometry quality, i.e. whether the
element is correctly conditioned or not. The coefficient adopts values from the range (0,1), where
1 describes an element which is a square or an equilateral triangle. Lower values are adopted by
worse-conditioned elements, i.e. by those whose geometry diverge from square or equilateral
triangle. Two coefficients are globally checked for selected panels:
Q1 – the weighted coefficient taking into account element significance with respect to its area
i.e. the greater the area of an element, the greater weight of its quality in the coefficient
Q2 – takes into account the number of both incorrect and correct elements without
considering their area weight.
Both elements adopt values from the range (0,1). If the coefficient approaches value 1, it means
that the quality of mesh is correct, and if it approaches value 0, it means that the mesh is not
satisfactory. Low value of Q1 coefficient indicates that mesh contains elements of large area
which are incorrectly conditioned. Whereas low value of Q2 coefficient informs that mesh
contains a great number of such (i.e. incorrectly conditioned) elements compared with the total
number of elements. Simultaneously, there is a possibility to find elements, whose proportion
coefficient is lower than certain value (the Precision field in the Mesh quality dialog box.
Examples of finite element mesh generation for plate / shell structures including
operations of mesh consolidation and refinement are presented in the
appendices at the end of the user’s manual.
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Panel Thickness
One can assign thickness to planar structure elements (panels) by:
selecting a thickness type in the Panel dialog box in the Properties field
selecting the menu command Geometry / Properties / Thickness
pressing the
choosing the PROPERTIES layout - this layout is available for the following structure types:
plate, shell and volumetric structure.
The New Thickness dialog box contains two tabs: Homogeneous and Orthotropic. The
Homogeneous tab can be used to define the following parameters:
1. uniform of a value determined in the Th field
2. variable; thickness changes along a defined line (parameters are defined in the
appropriate fields for points P1 and P2)
3. variable; thickness changes along a defined plane (parameters are defined in appropriate
fields for points P1, P2 and P3)
parameters of foundation elasticity (value of the KZ elastic support coefficient); pressing the
Parameters of foundation elasticity button opens the Definition – Elastic Foundation
dialog box (see the drawing below)
In the case of some RC codes, the lower part of the dialog box holds the Reduction of the
moment of inertia option; if it is switched on, it allows reduction of elements of the bending inertia
matrix. NOTE: Reduction has no effect on the membrane stiffness (compression, tension) and
transversal forces. Elements of the bending matrix for finite elements are multiplied by a specified
value of the reduction factor.
Reduction of moments of inertia for RC sections is applied in static calculations to take account of
the influence of section cracks. This method is allowed, among others, by the USA codes (UBC
1997 point 1910.11.1 or ACI 318-95 point10.11.1). Below are examples of stiffness reduction
values according to ACI:
- walls without cracks 0.70* Ig
- walls with cracks 0.35* Ig
- flat plates and slabs 0.25* Ig.
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The above dialog box allows defining a value of the KZ coefficient (elastic support coefficient); it
can be done in two ways:
 by entering the coefficient value in the Kz edit field
 by pressing the Elastic foundation coefficient button; it opens the Building soils –
calculations of K coefficient dialog box which is used as a calculator for computing a
value of the elastic foundation coefficient K for a layered soil.
Additionally, uplift of a plate / shell from the ground for each direction may be defined. The option
is available only when the ground elasticity coefficient is defined. There are three possibilities:
None - there will be no uplift
“+” - the axis will take place in the sense consistent with the axis sense (e.g. UX+)
“-“ - the axis will take place in the sense opposite to the axis sense (e.g. UZ-).
The lower part of the dialog box holds the Transversal elasticity option; options in this field are
used to specify values of transversal elasticity coefficients Kx and Ky defined with respect to the
assumed principal orthotropic coordinate system.
The options located on the Orthotropic tab are used for taking structural plate/shell orthotropy into
consideration. Structural orthotropy refers to the lack of uniformity of plate stiffness in different
directions which may result from, e.g. plate ribbing. Orthotropy takes account of differences in
stiffness in the mutually perpendicular directions, and it does not take account of lack of material
uniformity. All the geometrical heterogeneities are included only in stiffness matrices of elements.
A plate with the thickness defined in this way should be treated as a structure with equivalent
thickness with different stiffness in perpendicular directions.
A local change of rib stiffness is not taken into account; the exact plate geometry
is not visualized and it is not taken into account during calculations of
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The dialog box for definition of orthotropic thickness type contains the following options:
Direction button – pressing this button results in opening the Orthotropy direction dialog
box, in which the main orthotropy direction can be defined
drop-down list with the available types of predefined plate geometry (ribs, box floor, grillage,
material orthotropy, trapezoid plate, corrugated plate, slab composed with a trapezoid plate);
it is also possible to create a user-defined orthotropy matrix; after selecting a plate geometry
type, the relevant edit fields are available, in which the plate dimensions can be defined
the Display or Define button – pressing this button results in opening the Stiffness matrices
dialog box
the Equivalent thickness option – checking this option provides access to the edit field which
allow defining thickness values: Th, Th1, Th2. The equivalent thickness Th is used to
calculate a plate self-weight. The thickness values Th1 and Th2 are used to define the
equivalent thicknesses used for calculations performed in case of applying thermal gradient
loads. These thickness values are calculated automatically on the basis of the plate
geometrical parameters.
parameters of foundation elasticity (value of the KZ elastic support coefficient); pressing the
Parameters of foundation elasticity button opens the Definition - Elastic Foundation
dialog box (see the drawing below)
Reinforcement calculations for this type of plates will not provide correct results
An algorithm of plate reinforcement should be implemented, which would take
account of a T-section or an H-section. Therefore, the reinforcement calculations
for this type of plates will be carried out as if they were homogeneous plate with
invariable cross-section.
Pressing the Elastic foundation coeff. button opens the Building soils – calculations of K
coefficient dialog box which serves as a calculator for computing a value of the elastic
foundation coefficient K for a layered soil.
As in the dialog box for bar section definition, the process of thickness definition for selected
panels has been divided into two stages:
definition of the active thickness type for the planar structure element (panel)
assigning thickness to panels.
To remove a thickness type assigned to an element defined in the structure, a zero thickness
should be used (DELETE icon), which is always present on the active list in the FE Thickness
dialog box. The zero thickness cannot be modified; it is assigned in the same way as the
procedure of assigning thickness to panels generated in the structure.
Once a thickness is assigned, its symbol is drawn in on the graphic viewer.
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3.5. Definition of a Structure Model - 3D Volumetric Finite
Solids (Volumetric Structures)
The option is used for generation of volumetric objects (solids). The option is available from:
the menu by choosing the command: Geometry / Solids
the Structure definition toolbar by pressing the
Once this option is selected, the dialog box shown below appears on the screen.
Definition of a solid consists in determining:
solid number
solid edges (contours); it can be performed in three ways:
 by indicating surface objects which determine solid volume
 by defining a list of volumetric finite elements
 by defining a list of surface elements that determine a solid contour; if the Delete surface
elements option is switched on, then surface elements defining the solid contour will be
deleted from a volumetric structure
solid properties.
The lower part of the dialog box contains the (…) button (to the left of the
Properties field). Its pressing results in opening the Definition of solid
properties dialog box in which solid physical properties can be defined. Defined
types of solid properties are added to the list of active properties.
Solid volumes are created by specifying their edges (defining volume contours). Solid definition
can be performed using one of the two ways described below:
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by defining a list of planar objects which create solid external area
by specifying the numbers of generated volumetric finite elements. It is possible to take
advantage of this option once a mesh of finite elements is generated.
If a solid-like object is created by means of the option Creation with list of
volumetric elements (FE), then the selected finite elements cannot contain
inclusions (i.e. a solid cannot include openings). This problem can be solved by
creating two solids in such a way, so that neither of them includes the entire
opening by itself.
If a bar is defined in a structure, whose node adjoins a node of a volumetric
element, then, the bar functions in the structure as if there was a pinned
connection in the node that connects the bar with the volumetric element.
The Solid Properties option is used for defining properties of volumetric elements and assigning
them to structure volumetric elements (solids). The option is available from:
the menu by selecting the command Geometry / Properties / Solid Properties
the Structure definition toolbar by pressing the
after selecting the PROPERTIES layout - this layout is available for volumetric structures.
Once this option is selected, the dialog box shown below appears on the screen.
After pressing the “Definition of solid properties” icon in the Solid Properties dialog box, the
screen displays the dialog box presented in the figure below.
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To define a new type of solid properties, one should:
enter a label of a property type that is being defined
select a color for a property type that is being defined
enter a material model (in the present version elastic material is available)
define parameters characterizing a material model.
Pressing the Import from database button results in opening an additional dialog box, in which
a material available in material databases can be selected. Once such a material is selected, the
parameters are entered into the appropriate fields in the Definition of solid properties dialog
After defining the above parameters and pressing the Add button a defined type of properties will
be added to the list of active types of solid properties.
Description of Volumetric Finite Elements
Volumetric structures in the ROBOT program are modeled with the use of isoparametric
volumetric finite elements with displacement field approximation based on 1st order shape
The following element types are available: brick B8, wedge W6 and tetrahedron T4.
Shape functions and node numbering referred to 3D reference elements are presented in the
table below.
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Reference Element
Shape Functions
N i  N i ( , ) for 3D elements
i  1, Nen
Nen  8
N i  (1  i )(1   (1   i )
Nen  6
N i  (1    )  N kT(6i ) ( )
where k (i )  ((i  1)( mod 3))  1
N 1T 6  1    
N 2T 6  
N 3T 6  
Nen  4
N1  1      
N2  
N3  
N4  
Description of element geometry, evaluation of strains, stresses, stiffness and mass matrix as
well as element force vector for all enumerated element types is performed in the following
 Element geometry
Element geometry is based on isoparametric mapping from reference element onto an
arbitrary element
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x (ξ ) 
N a (ξ )
a 1, Nen
Displacement fields within the element
u  [u, v, w]T
u( ξ )   u a N a ( ξ )
a 1, Nen
Strain evaluation
ε  [ xx ,  yy ,  zz ,  xy ,  xz ,  yz ]T
ε(ξ )  B(ξ )u 
(ξ ) u a ,
a 1,Nen
where B matrices are defined as:
 N a
 x
 0
B  [B a ], B a  
 a
 y
 N a
 z
 0
N a
N a
N a
0 
0 
N a 
z  , a  1, Nen
0 
N a 
x 
N a 
x 
Shape function derivatives present in B matrix elements are defined as:
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N a
N a
 ( J 1 )T
 x
 
 
 z
 
x 
 
y 
 
z 
 
Stresses (elastic case)
σ  [ xx ,  yy ,  zz ,  xy ,  xz ,  yz ]T ,
σ  D(Bu  o ) ,
where eo are imposed strains (thermal dilatation, shrinkage), while D is a constitutive matrix;
constitutive matrix D (linear - elastic isotropic material) is presented below
1 1  v
E (1  ) 
(1  )(1  2) 
1 v
1 v
1  2
2(1  )
1  2
2(1  )
0 
0 
0 
0 
1  2 
2(1  ) 
Sign Convention
In the ROBOT program volumetric structures are modeled with the use of isoparametric
volumetric finite elements with displacement field approximation based on 1st order shape
functions. The sign convention for volumetric elements is presented schematically in the drawing
below. The convention is shown for stresses; the stresses displayed in the drawing have positive
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3.6. Operations on 2D Objects (Extrude, Revolve, Combination)
and on 3D objects (Fillet, Chamfer)
The system of ROBOT Millennium is equipped with options used to create simple solid-like
elements by extruding or revolving predefined two-dimensional objects. The Extrude option is
from the menu command Geometry / Objects / Extrude
from the toolbar by pressing the
from the Objects: operations/modifications dialog box by pressing the Extrude button
(first, a defined object must be selected).
Extrude icon
The option is accessible only for the following structure types: plate, shell,
volumetric structure.
There are two ways of defining the operation of extruding a two-dimensional or three-dimensional
(solid) object:
the first consists in defining with triple coordinates the vector that determines the direction
and length of extrusion.
the second method of defining extrusion consists in determining the axis of the global
coordinate system along which the object will be extruded and the length of object extrusion.
In order to carry out the operation of extruding an object through vector definition, one should:
1. define a two-dimensional object, e.g. a
rectangle (see the figure beside)
2. select the object
3. open the Extrude dialog box
4. define the parameters of the operation of
extruding the object; let us adopt the
following parameters for the defined
rectangle: the vector of extrusion - (0,10,0),
division number - 10, top and base options inactive, scale - 0.5, new object option inactive.
5. press the Apply button to carry out the
operation of extruding the predefined
rectangle. The operation yields the object
presented in the figure beside.
The Revolve option functions in a similar way. It is used to create simple surface or solid-like
elements by revolving (rotating in space) predefined two-dimensional objects with respect to
a selected axis. The option is accessible:
from the menu command Geometry / Objects / Revolve
from the toolbar by pressing the
from the Objects: operations/modifications dialog box by pressing the Revolve button
(first, a defined object must be selected).
Revolve icon
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The option is accessible only for the following structure types: plate, shell and
volumetric structures.
In order to carry out the operation of revolving a predefined two-dimensional object, the user
should define several parameters, namely: the parameters of the rotation axis (axis beginning
and axis end), the value of the rotation angle, number of divisions, top, base, scale, and new
An example of defining the operation of revolving a square whose side equals 6 is presented
In order to carry out the operation of revolving a square, one should:
1. define a two-dimensional object, e.g.
a square (see figure A); let us assume that
the coordinates of its vertices are: (0,0,-6),
(0,0,0), (6,0,0), (6,0,-6)
2. select the object
3. open the Revolve dialog box
4. define the parameters of rotation; let us
assume the following parameters for the
square defined above: axis beginning:
(12,0,0), axis end: (12,0,-6), rotation angle: 90, number of divisions: 10, top and base
options – inactive, the scale: 1.0, new object
option – inactive
press the Apply button to carry out the
operation of extruding the predefined
square. The operation yields the object
presented in figure B.
When objects are generated by means of the above-described options, the program creates also
their components (side, base, edge). They are appropriately marked. The syntax of lists for
components of objects created in this manner is presented in chapter 2.2.6.
Object defined by extruding or revolving predefined two-dimensional objects may be edited and
modified by means of the Operations and modifications on objects option. The option is
accessible from the menu, by selecting the Edit / Substructure Modification / Object Modification
The respective dialog box shown below is divided into four parts.
the Object edit field, where the user determines the number or identifier of the
created/selected object
the dialog box part called Geometry/Subobjects
the dialog box part called Object modification list
the dialog box part called List of operations on object modification.
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When the Geometry/Subobjects button is pressed, the Polyline-contour dialog box opens. In
this dialog box, one can define an object that will undergo modifications and/or operations on
determined modifications.
The part of the dialog box called Object modification list contains options that allow one to select
modifications to be applied to an object and to define their parameters. There are three types of
modifications in the program: Extrude, Revolve, Along Polyline. Once a button from the Add
Object Modification group is pressed, the selected modification is added to the list specifying the
successive stages of modification applied to a two-dimensional object. The operations of
modifying a predefined object may also be deleted. Once an object modification is selected from
the list and the Delete button (beside the Object modification list) is pressed, the selected
modification is deleted from the list. Once an object modification is selected and the Object
Modification Parameters button is pressed, the Objects: operations/modifications dialog box
gets maximized to present the parameters of the selected object modification (Extrude, Revolve
or Along polyline). The parameters of the above mentioned object modifications are discussed in
the descriptions of Extrude and Revolve options. Once the Apply button is pressed (object
modification having been defined), the selected modification is applied to the object in
accordance with the parameters adopted for the defined modification.
The part of the dialog box called List of operations on object modification contains options that
allow the user to select operations to be applied to the object modifications, defined in the upper
part of the dialog box. Moreover, the options allow the user to determine the parameters of
operations on modifications.
There are four types of object modifications available in the program: Translation, Rotation,
Scaling and Deformation. If one of respective buttons (in the Add Operation group) is pressed,
the selected operation on the modification (selected in the upper part of the dialog box) is added
to the list specifying the successive operations on the modification of the predefined twodimensional object. The operations on object modifications may also be deleted. Once an
operation on object modification is selected from the list and the Delete button (beside the List of
operations on object modification) is pressed, the selected modification is deleted from the list.
Once an operation on object modification is selected and the Operation Parameters button is
pressed, the Objects: operations/modifications dialog box gets maximized to present the
parameters of the selected operation on object modification (Translation, Rotation, Scaling and
Parameters of translation and rotation are the same as those of extrusion and revolution. The
operation of scaling allows one to determine the object scale coefficient(s) for particular system
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axes. It the value of scaling is larger than 1.0, the object will be enlarged in the selected direction.
If the value of scaling is smaller than 1.0, the object will be reduced in the selected direction. The
operation of deformation allows one to translate characteristic points of an object in the course of
modification (e.g. in the case of a rectangular object, its vertices will be translated). In other
words, if the original object to be extruded was a square, one can obtain, for instance, a trapezoid
by adequate selection of parameters defining deformation to be carried out on extrusion results.
Once the Apply button is pressed (object modification and operation on object modification
having been defined), the defined operations and object modifications will be carried out
according to the adopted parameters.
The Object combinations option allows one to create complex objects on the basis of formerlydefined two-dimensional objects. It is available from the menu by selecting the Geometry /
Objects / Object Combinations command or pressing
icon. The option is available only for
plate/shell structures and volumetric structures. Once the option is selected, the dialog box shown
below appears on screen.
The appearance of the above dialog box and available logical operations depend
on that whether the ACIS Kernel technology (see Preferences / Advanced
dialog box) or internal mechanisms of the ROBOT program will be used to
generate Boolean objects.
Application of the ACIS technology is not recommended for the following
structure types: plate, plane stress structure, plane deformation structure and
axisymmetric structures.
The options included in the above-presented dialog box allows one to combine formerly-defined
two-dimensional objects (pipe surface, prism surface, arc, etc.) and volumetric objects into
complex objects. For two-dimensional objects, operations will be carried out on surfaces and not
on volumetric objects (three-dimensional objects).
The following operations on pre-defined objects are available in the program:
logical operations (Boolean algebra) with two operands - union, complement (separately for
surface structures and for volumetric structures), common part, exclusive alternative
logical operations (Boolean algebra) with one operand - union, common part, exclusive
cutting off.
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The logical operations listed are available when the internal mechanisms of the ROBOT program
are applied. The Boolean operations using the ACIS kernel include the following types of logical
operations: intersection, union, partition, subtraction, inclusion and partition (A-B) (B-A) (A*B) (the
last three types are available only for double-operand operations).
For the Boolean operations to be performed with the use of the ACIS Kernel modules, the ACIS
geometric kernel option should be activated in the Preferences dialog box (NOTE: the ACIS
geometric kernel option is accessible in the dialog box, if the ACIS Kernel option is available in
the ROBOT program protection).
While applying the ACIS technology, the user should take note of the following limitations:
a Boolean operation already performed cannot be modified, in other words, once any
operation is performed (e.g. cutting out an opening in a solid), a user is unable to
change/correct the operation parameters; it can be solved by canceling the operation by
means of the UNDO option or by conducting additional Boolean operations to restore the
initial structure state
volumetric elements cannot cooperate with shell elements; it means that there is no
possibility of combining these elements (a shell cannot interpenetrate a solid and be adjacent
to a solid).
If the ACIS geometric kernel option is switched on, it affects operation of the following options
available in the ROBOT program: Fillet 3D and Chamfer. The options are available in the
Geometry/Objects menu or by pressing the icons:
(respectively). The options are
used to create arcs (fillets) between the edges of faces forming a 3D object or chamfers between
two edges of faces forming a 3D object.
The current version of the ROBOT program provides access to the following edit operations on
objects with the use of ACIS technology:
Fillet 3D
Object combinations
Face skinning
Face offsetting
Object bending
Object stretching
Object twisting
Object warping
Moreover, the following options have been complemented with operations on object faces
applying ACIS technology (their operation may start if only object faces are selected):
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extrude along polyline
all the available edit operations (inclusive of complex edit).
In case of operations of combining planar objects (such as a plate or shell) one
should not apply the Coons’ meshing method; for this type of objects the
Delaunay’s method should be used.
In order to perform logical operations (with one or with two operands) one should:
define the number of the complex object that will be created out of the selected objects
choose operation with one or with operands
indicate the type of the logical operation (union, complement, common part, exclusive
alternative) – see figures below
define the list of objects that will taken into consideration during the process of complex
object creation.
press the Apply button.
The cutting off option allows one to determine the part of the surfaces of the selected objects that
is located on one side of the defined plane. The operation yields an object “cut-off” from the
selected objects by means of the defined plane; definition of direction allows one to determine
which part of the selected objects will be “cut-off”. The example of this operation is shown on the
figure below. Two objects A and B will be subjected to operation of cutting off. The cutting line
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(plane) has been defined and the direction (an arbitrary point on one of the line sides) has been
selected. The object marked with gray color poses the result of the operation.
3.7. Supports
Assigning supports to structure nodes is possible by:
selecting the menu command Geometry / Supports
pressing the icon
choosing the SUPPORTS layout.
on the Structure Definition toolbar -
Once the option is selected, the dialog box shown beside will be displayed on the screen.
The Supports dialog box consists of three tabs which allow assigning a selected support type to
the following object types:
Nodal tab: a support at a structure node (at a point)
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Linear tab: a support defined along the line (segment), e.g. along the plate edge or volumetric
structure edge (it is available for the following structure types: plate, shell, volumetric
structure) - NOTE: by means of this option a support cannot be defined in a bar element
Planar tab: a support defined on a surface (it is available for plates, shells and volumetric
A planar support may be defined in the global or local (compatible with the panel system)
coordinate system; in the local coordinate system only the definition on surfaces (e.g. on faces of
a volumetric structure) will be taken into account. Definition of supports in the local coordinate
system does not apply to supports defined at nodes or on edges.
If both a linear and a planar supports are defined in a structure node, then for
such a node belonging to several supported edges or surfaces, the program
creates new supports assigning them a characteristic composed of the sum of
supported degrees of freedom (with adding up values of elastic coefficients of
supports). The same situation also takes place, if two identically-defined supports
(based on the same label) are defined in the local systems of lines or surfaces.
If a linear and planar supports are defined in a node, then parameters of the
linear support overwrite parameters of the planar support; if a nodal and a linear
supports are defined in a node, then parameters of the nodal support overwrite
parameters of the linear support.
The algorithm for summing support parameters is described in the ROBOT
program help.
As in the dialog box for the definition of other structural attributes, the definition of supports in the
structure is divided into two steps:
 Support type definition
Click on the Support Definition icon. If the list of active supports is empty or a new support
is to be added to the active list, two situations are possible:
 if none of the support types is selected, clicking on the New Support Type icon opens a
dialog box for a new support type definition; the first tab will be called up with the fields
defined previously (except for the Label field) or default parameters will be set; the following
support types are available in the program:
= fixed support (with the possibility of modeling the uplift
= elastic support
= support with friction
= support with damping
= non-linear support.
Definition of a new support type consists in selecting the blocked degrees of freedom in the
node (UX, UY, UZ, RX, RY, RZ) with a possibility of selecting the direction of support uplifting, if necessary, determining values of the elastic foundation coefficients for an
appropriate direction (in the case of an elastic support), determining values of the
coefficients of friction and cohesion (in the case of a support with friction taken into account)
and defining the value of damping coefficients (in the case of a support with damping) or a
support with a defined non-linear model. Supports may be defined in the global or local
coordinate system. The symbol of a defined support is displayed in the lower right corner of
the Support Definition dialog box. Under the symbol is the Direction button; its pressing
opens the Support direction dialog box where a direction of the local x axis of the support
can be defined (it is determined by specifying a point, a node or rotating a support with
respect to any axis of the global coordinate system).
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A support with damping may be used in the ROBOT program only during the
modal analysis of a structure, when the option Include damping in calculations
(according to PS92) is switched on in the Modal Analysis Parameters dialog
box. The structure-ground interaction is considered in the analysis since that
enables accounting for the influence of the ground on a value of the structural
damping of a structure.
The program provides the option that allows definition of non-linear behavior of supports,
releases and compatible nodes. It may be used for all structure types. The option may be
activated on the Non-linear tabs in the dialog boxes for definition of supports, releases
and compatible nodes. It is possible to define the non-linear force (moment) displacement (rotation) relationship for selected directions (degrees of freedom). These
relationships may be determined for individual directions independently (there are no
interactions). The following types of non-linear models are available in the current version
of the program: linear, bilinear, parabolic, parabolic according to EC2, perfectly plastic,
plastic with hardening, gap/hook as well as model defined by determining the function.
Additionally, one may define support uplift for each direction. There are three possibilities:
none (there will be no uplift), “+” - uplift direction will agree with axis direction (e.g. UX+),
“-“ - uplift direction will be opposite to axis direction (e.g. UZ-). If uplifting is defined for a
support (e.g. uplifting will be possible according to the orientation of Z axis, i.e. UZ+),
there also exists a possibility of determining the elastic base coefficient KZ for each
support. One should, however, remember that the elastic base coefficient will be
determined only for the orientation opposite to the one defined for up-lifting (i.e. for UZ-) –
see the schematic figures below.
The Support Definition dialog box contains the Advanced button (accessible for nodal
and linear supports, for planar supports it is not accessible). Pressing the button results in
opening a dialog box with options used for defining geometrical and material parameters
of supports taken into account during FEM calculations of a structure; parameters defined
in this dialog box are used in course of calculation of the required reinforcement areas of
RC elements. Depending on a support type, a support may be defined as:
- support defined in a node (this is the default type of support)
- support defined by determining column dimensions; there are two possibilities
rectangular column - it is required to define width and height of the transversal column
cross-section (dimensions b and h) – for nodal supports
circular column - it is required to define the diameter d of the transversal column
cross-section - for nodal supports
- support defined by determining wall dimensions; it is required to determine wall width
b. Additionally, beside the Wall option there is also a drop-down list containing
available wall types (brick, concrete). The list is available after selecting the Wall
option. A defined wall type is taken into account only in design of plate and shell
reinforcement by means of reinforcing bars or wire fabrics; it does not affect model
calculation parameters – for linear supports.
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The lower part of the dialog box holds the Equivalent elasticity of support option; if it is
switched on, then it is possible to calculate the equivalent elasticity of supports based on
properties and geometry of columns (for nodal supports) or walls (for linear supports).
There is the Elastic coefficients button provided on the Elastic tab; its pressing opens
the Building soils – calculations of K coefficient dialog box which serves as a
calculator for computing a value of the elastic foundation coefficient K for a layered soil.
 if any of the supports is selected, clicking on the New Support Type icon opens a dialog
box for a new support type definition; a tab appropriate to the selected support type will
be called up. All edit fields, except for the Label field will be filled in according to the
support type selected.
It is also possible to open the dialog box for a new support definition by double clicking on
the element from the list of active supports. In the Support Definition dialog box only the
options available for a given support type (depending on that which tab Nodal, Linear or
Planar is chosen) and for a selected structure type are active. Therefore, the Support
Definition dialog box opens with all the edit fields filled out in compliance with the
selected support type. After modification of appropriate parameters the new support type
is added (updated) to the list of active supports by clicking on the Add button or pressing
the <ENTER> key. If the label cannot be changed, the appropriate note will be displayed
on the screen. This option in the dialog box allows for an easy modification of the
 Assigning supports to structure nodes – operation resembling that of assigning
sections to bars
To delete the assigned support, the “Delete Support” (DELETE icon) should be used. It is always
available from the list of active supports. Such a support type cannot be modified; it is assigned in
the same way as the support definition in the structure.
Once the support is assigned, an appropriate symbol will be displayed on the graphic viewer.
Definition of a Support Rotated by an Angle
The program enables definition of various types of supports. Below is presented an example of
definition of a fixed support rotated by a specified angle. To define the support type, follow the
steps listed below:
open the Supports dialog box (the menu command: Geometry / Supports or press the
in the Supports dialog box select the Nodal tab
in the Supports dialog box press the
in the Support Definition dialog box, on the Rigid tab, define the parameters of the support
New icon
Label: e.g. Fixed_rotated_angle_45
Coordinate system: global
fix all the directions (UX, UY, UZ, RX, RY, RZ)
press the Direction button
in the Support direction dialog box – define: Beta angle (rotation about the Y axis) = 45
press the OK button in the Support direction dialog box
press the Add and Close buttons in the Support Definition dialog box.
The defined support type may be assigned at any structure node (e.g. the left support in the
drawing below).
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Elastic Support Definition (Layered Soils)
The ROBOT program offers a possibility to calculate a value of the equivalent elastic coefficient
for a layered soil. The soil calculator enabling calculation of the equivalent coefficient for a
layered soil is installed on the disk during installation of the ROBOT program. The elastic
coefficient may be applied while defining the following:
elastic support
bar elastic ground
panel elastic ground.
The calculator allows computation of the elastic coefficient directly on the basis of a defined
profile of a layered soil. The calculator provides the possibility to:
define a soil profile taking advantage of the available soil database including soil
save and read a complete soil profile defined by the user
calculate the elastic coefficient for a defined profile
forward a calculated value to the dialog boxes for support or ground definition
The option operates as an independent tool which enables calculation of the ground reaction
coefficient for a defined foundation and soil profile. A saved soil profile may be used
in the RC calculator and the continuous footing calculator.
The following assumptions have been adopted in the calculator design:
a soil subjected to action of forces works in the elastic state; it corresponds to ULS
in the allowable codes; it allows adopting principles of the linear theory of elasticity
a soil is an infinite elastic semispace within which material parameters are changed only in
planes parallel to the surface
calculations concern a rectangular foundation of infinite stiffness
a soil model is a discreet - layered model with a constant layer thickness.
The calculator may be activated in the following ways:
by choosing the Tools / Building Soils - Calculator command from the menu
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by pressing the
Building Soils icon located on the Tools toolbar
by pressing the calculator icon provided on the computer desktop
by selecting the Building Soils - calculations of K coefficient option included in the group
created during installation of the ROBOT program
by pressing the Elastic coefficient button provided in several dialog boxes of the ROBOT
program (New support definition, New elastic ground, New thickness definition dialog
Once the calculator is activated, the dialog box (module) used to calculate the equivalent
coefficient, shown in the drawing below, is displayed on the screen.
In the calculator the K coefficient is calculated based on the value of average stresses under
the foundation for an area unit. The equivalent KZ coefficient for a foundation with specified
dimensions is also computed.
To compute the equivalent K coefficient for a layered soil, the user should follow the steps listed
in the table located in the top part of the dialog box define parameters of the successive soil
layers (the soils available are the soils from the soil database selected in the Job
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preferences dialog box of the ROBOT program) - consecutive soil layers will be presented
schematically in the bottom left part of the dialog box
Once the soil type is selected from the drop-down list provided in the Name column, the level
of a given soil layer should be determined; it is defined by two quantities: Level or Thickness;
the remaining parameters are read from the soil database
choose a foundation type:
spread footing with dimensions A x B; the KZ coefficient unit is (force/length);
a computed value KZ = K * A * B may be applied while defining the elastic coefficient in the
dialog box used for support definition
continuous footing with the following dimensions: A (continuous footing length)
and B (continuous footing width); the KZ coefficient unit is (force/length^2); a computed value
KZ = K * B may be applied while defining the elastic coefficient in the dialog box used for
definition of an elastic ground type
foundation plate with dimensions A x B; the KZ coefficient unit is (force/length^3);
a computed value KZ = K may be applied while defining the elastic coefficient in the dialog
box used for definition of a panel thickness type
select a foundation type: rigid or flexible
it enables assuming an average stress under the foundation from the rigid foundation solution
or from the solution of the elastic semi-space loaded with a uniform load acting on the region
defined by the foundation contour (the flexible foundation case, i.e. the case of a load which
is actually applied directly to the soil); differences in stress values result in different values of
elastic settlement, and that, in turn, translates into a numerical value of elastic stiffness of the
soil; stress distribution under real structures is closer to the rigid foundation case than to the
flexible foundation case
determine estimated foundation load – this value is used only for limiting the scope of
calculations of soil stresses
determine dimensions of a selected foundation type
once dimensions are defined, press Tab key or OK button - in the K = field a value
of the equivalent coefficient for a layered soil will be specified.
Pressing the OK button causes a computed value of the KZ coefficient to be forwarded to the edit
field located in the New support definition, New elastic ground or New thickness definition
dialog box (provided that the relevant dialog box is opened and the edit field for defining elastic
coefficient is accessible).
The K coefficient value may be forwarded only to the KY, KZ edit fields in the
dialog boxes mentioned. It should be remembered that elastic coefficient values
should be passed to the appropriate dialog box, depending on the foundation
type selected.
A defined soil profile may be saved on the disk; pressing the Save as button allows saving a
profile in a file with *.mdb (database) extension. The File name field shows a name of the current
soil profile with a full access path. Pressing the Open button enables reading in a file with defined
parameters of a soil profile
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3.8. Loads
It is recommended to use the ROBOT Millennium LOADS layout to define loads applied to the
structure. The screen will be divided into three parts: a graphic viewer which allows structure
definition, a dialog box with different Load Types (shown below) and a table allowing the user to
define loads for the generated load cases.
In the dialog box, load cases for the created structure are to be
defined by the user. For each case, its nature, number and
name (the program suggests a default name) should be given.
Moreover, a case label may be defined; cases in the name of
a combination may be represented not only by a number, but
also by a shortened name of a case (label); by default, the
abbreviated name of a load case is entered into the Label
field. Once the New button is pressed, the case will be defined
and added to the defined cases list found in the lower part of
the Load Types dialog box. Load case parameters may also
be changed. The Modify button is used to do this. The
following steps should be followed to modify load case
select a load case to be modified from the list of defined
load cases
change the number, name or nature of the load case
press the Modify button.
In ROBOT Millennium, it is possible to define the following load cases: self-weight, dead, live,
wind, snow, temperature, accidental and seismic.
Once the load cases have been defined, the loads acting in the defined load cases. This may be
done in two ways:
move to the table located in the lower part of the LOADS layout which is used to define
structural loads acting in the given load cases.
To define the load acting in one of the defined load cases, the following should be done:
left click in the Case field and select the load case defined in Load Types dialog box from the
for the selected load case, define the type of the load applied. A list of load types available in
the system will appear after clicking in a field in the Load Type column. The following load
types are available in ROBOT Millennium:
for bar structures: dead loads, nodal forces, uniform loads, trapezoidal loads, bar forces,
thermal loads, imposed displacements, dilatation and distributed moments
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for plate and shell structures: dead loads, uniform planar loads, planar loads defined with 3
points, linear loads defined with 2 points, pressure loads, uniform planar loads on contour,
planar loads defined with 3 points on contour, and thermal loads.
to select structure bars/nodes to which a load will be applied, click in the field located in the
LIST column and select (graphically in the load editor or using the Select option from the
graphic editor context menu) the appropriate bar/nodes of the structure.
Once the load type is selected, the load table will change to correspond to the selected load
type (i.e. the table will contain only the columns necessary for the definition of the selected
load type). For example, for a uniform load on the 2D frame, the table consists of columns:
-allowing for definition of loads in the X and Z directions (px and pz values)
-indicating whether the load should be applied in the local or global coordinate system and
whether or not the load should be projected.
open the Load dialog box which allows for the
definition of loads for the created load cases.
This option is available from the menu by
choosing the Loads / Load Definition command
or pressing the Load Definition
NOTE: The menu command Load Definition is not
active until at least one load case is
Once the option is selected, a dialog box shown
beside will be displayed on the screen.
The dialog box consists of four tabs: Node, Bar,
Surface and Self-weight and mass.
Once the Node tab is selected, the dialog box contains the following icons:
- opens a dialog box for definition of nodal forces,
- opens a dialog box for definition of imposed displacements for support nodes; in the
case of the time history analysis this load may be treated as: displacement, velocity or
- opens a dialog box that allows one to define the values of forces in a point of the
designed structure (the option is available for plate and shell structures)
- deletes a selected nodal load type. To remove a load from the structure, select the load
type to be deleted and indicate the nodes for which the load will be deleted.
Once the Bar tab is selected, the dialog box contains the following icons:
- opens a dialog box for definition of uniform loads,
- opens a dialog box for definition of trapezoidal loads (defined on two, three or four
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- opens a dialog box for definition of a moment distributed along the bar length,
- opens a dialog box for definition of concentrated loads along the element’s length,
- opens a dialog box for definition of dilatation values,
- opens a dialog box for definition of thermal load,
- opens a dialog box for definition of surface load distributed on structure bars,
- deletes a selected nodal load type. To remove a load from the structure, select the load
type to be deleted and indicate the bars for which the load will be deleted.
The program provides the possibility of taking account of the load which is not applied on a bar
axis. If such geometrical offsets of a bar axis exist, the point of applied force is defined in relation
to an applied local coordinate system of an element. Loads applied to bars acting on some
eccentricity allow fof definition of forces applied to a bar in a distance to a longitudinal bar axis.
Eccentricity (force distance to a longitudinal bar axis) is defined in a local coordinate system of a
Loads on eccentricity can be defined for the following types of loads: concentrated force and
moment acting in the point on the bar length (bar force), uniform load on a bar. The option is
accessible by pressing Load on eccentricity button that can be found in dialog boxes used for
defining the mentioned load types. Loads defined on eccentricity are reduced to a bar axis (see
the figure below presenting concentrated force load): concentrated force components (in relation
to local element coordinate system) Fx, Fy, Fz should be found. Next, additional moments in a
local system can be calculated: Mx = Fz*y – Fy*z, My = Fx*z and Mz = - Fx*y.
Once the Surface tab is selected, the dialog box contains the following icons:
- opens a dialog box for definition of a uniform planar load acting on a whole panel
- opens a dialog box for definition of planar loads defined with 3 points, acting on a
whole panel contour
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- opens a dialog box for definition of a linear load defined with 2 points, acting on a
defined line,
- opens a dialog box for definition of pressure loads,
- opens a dialog box for definition of uniform planar loads on contour (acting on a part
of a selected panel),
- opens a dialog box for definition of planar loads defined with 3 points on contour
(acting on a part of a selected panel),
- opens a dialog box for definition of thermal loads defined with 3 points,
opens a dialog box for definition of linear load on edges
- deletes a selected load type acting on planar finite elements. To remove a load from
the structure, select the load type to be deleted and indicate the elements for which
the load will be deleted.
In case of volumetric structures (solids), the Solid loads option appears in the
lower part of the dialog box. Switching it on means that the defined loads will be
determined for volumetric structures.
The program provides the possibility of defining some load types of load applied to part of a
panel. The Geometrical limitations option is used for it. The option is available by pressing the
Geometrical limitations button located in the dialog boxes used for defining: uniform surface
loads, surface load defined by three points, load with uniform and hydrostatic pressure and
thermal load on finite elements. The option is also available in the Loads table (by pressing the
Limitations button) if the one of the above-mentioned load types has been selected
After defining the plane, one may determine a semi space or a panel (object) layer to which a
defined load will be applied. The figure below shows the layer of d thickness to which a load will
be applied.
Once the Self-weight and mass tab is selected, the dialog box contains the following icons:
- applies self-weight for the whole structure,
- opens the dialog box for definition of self-weight on selected elements,
- opens the dialog box in which body forces may be defined
- opens the dialog box in which centrifugal and angular acceleration forces may be
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- opens the dialog box in which the values of nodal masses may be defined
- opens the dialog box in which the values of bar masses may be defined
- deletes a self-weigh load. To remove the load from the structure, select the elements
for which the load will be deleted.
New types of loads enabling definition of body forces and centrifugal and angular acceleration
forces allow analysis and design of marine industry structures (structures associated with the
industry of crude oil extraction from the sea bottom, e.g. components of equipment of drilling
platforms). The loads mentioned are the loads generating structure inertia forces due to
ascribed velocity or acceleration. This type of loads is applied for marine structures where
transport loads may be of great importance (for example a structure lifted by crane or mounted
on a ship). Loads of this type do not solve all the problems of marine structure modelization,
but make them to a great degree easier.
The body force load is a static load including added masses. This load generates forces
resulting from mass of elements and masses added in nodes or elements for a given
acceleration of the value a. The value of generated force equals F = m * a. The centrifugal and
angular acceleration forces are a static load which enables considering added masses. This
load generates centrifugal and angular acceleration forces induced by the element mass and
masses added in nodes or elements; the following forces are generated:
centrifugal force for a given angular velocity V: Fr = m * v^2 * r
force tangent to the direction of motion at the point of a given angular acceleration a: Ft = m *
a * r, where r is a distance of a given mass node to the axis of the coordinate system
positioned in the central point of rotation (see the drawing below).
The ROBOT program enables definition of masses (weights) added to nodes and bars as well as
conversion of loads to masses. Added masses are mainly considered in dynamic analyses
(dynamic, harmonic, spectral, seismic and time history), but they need to be taken into account in
static calculations for self-weight. Therefore, in the current program version:
table of added masses is accessible if any load case has been defined
options for added masses (nodal and bar masses) are always available in the dialog box
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in the mass table and in the Analysis Type dialog box on the Load to Mass Conversion tab a
full list of simple load cases is provided.
An added mass influences a given load case, when one of the loads listed below, generating
forces that result from added masses, is defined:
body forces
centrifugal and angular acceleration forces.
It is often the case that a self-weight load is assigned to structure bars/panels before defining all
bars/panels included in the structure. As a result, a self-weight load is not assigned to the
bars/panels which were defined after applying the self-weight load; thus, a structure that is not
fully loaded with the self-weight is adopted in calculations. A similar problem may arise as well,
when an edit operation (translation, rotation, etc.) is performed with the activated Drag option; the
bars that have been generated due to that operation are not automatically loaded with the selfweight load either.
In order to facilitate considering the self-weight for the whole structure, the following attributes:
Whole structure and Part of structure have been added to the load record containing a self-weight
load case. If the Whole structure option is set in a table, then during generation of data for
calculations a self-weight load will be automatically applied to all structure bars/panels.
The Whole structure attribute may be defined in two ways:
in the Self-weight dialog box: if the user presses the icon used for assigning a self-weight
load to the whole structure (all bars/panels), it means that the self-weight load will be
automatically assigned to the whole structure
in the load table: by selecting the Whole structure option in a line where a self-weight load
case is defined (it is the default value of the attribute).
The ROBOT program offers a possibility to generate loads resulting from prestress in concrete
elements (prestressed concrete). Losess in prestressed elements may be calculated according to
the following codes:
- American code ACI 318-99
- code - EuroCode 2 (ENV 1992-1 : 1999)
- Polish code PN-B-03264:1999
- French code BAEL 91.
After choosing one of the codes listed (the Job Preferences / Codes option), selecting a concrete
structure element and then the option Analysis / Analysis of Pre-stressed Elements from the
menu, an appropriate sheet of the ESOP system which enables calculation and generation of the
load due to prestress, is executed. Data from the structure element chosen is passed to the
sheet (element length as well as section dimensions); once calculations in the sheet of the ESOP
program are performed, the structure modification takes place (adding load cases).
For the connection between the programs ROBOT and ESOP to be operational,
both programs have to be installed on disk. If the ESOP system is not accessible,
then while trying to run the option Analysis / Analysis of Pre-stressed Elements,
a message with information that the ESOP system has to be installed, appears
on screen.
At present, three sheets concerned with prestressed (post-tensioned) structures are available.
These sheets include calculation and generation of loads due to prestress considering immediate
losses caused by:
- friction between the tendon and its duct
- anchorage slip
- elastic deformation of the concrete.
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Details concening operation of the sheets mentioned can be found in descriptions of these sheets
(Help) provided in the ESOP program.
The upper part of the dialog box contains information on the selected load case (name, number)
for which the load will be defined and the type of load to be assigned to nodes/bars/panels in the
Once the load type is set, the load can be assigned to structure nodes/bars in one of the following
1. Enter nodes/bars/panels numbers to the Apply To field and press the Apply button;
2. Add the defined load to consecutive nodes/bars/panels in the structure (the cursor will
change its shape to the load symbol);
3. Select the nodes/bars/panels graphically and press the Apply button.
If loads are defined in the LOADS layout of ROBOT program, then in the right bottom corner of
the graphical screen on which a structure is displayed a legend of defined load types already
defined for a structure is presented. The legend contains (the size of symbol description depends
on the selected font size): load symbol and units used during load definition. The table below
presents symbols which are used to designate individual load types.
self-weight (in this case it is weight in the direction of Z axis – the sense is opposite
to the axis sense)
uniform load
concentrated force
imposed displacement, dilatation
thermal load
surface load
moving load
masses (weights).
Symbols of the defined load types may also be presented on the graphical
screen (in an arbitrary ROBOT layout), if the Symbols option located on the
Loads tab of the Display attributes dialog box is checked.
There is INFO field at the end of each load record in the load table. It allows adding description to
each load case (a user has a possibility of additional description of acting load e.g. a load
transferred from roof to beam).
In the ROBOT program positions of center of gravity and geometrical center of a structure are
determined in the following manner:
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Geometrical center
i = x,y,z
Center of gravity
For a 3D structure:
the dead load acts in Z direction
Xc[0] = Sum(My(0,0,0))/Sum(Pz)
the dead load acts in Z direction
Xc[1] = -Sum(Mx(0,0,0))/Sum(Pz)
the dead load acts in X direction
Xc[2] = -Sum(My(0,0,0))/Sum(Px)
For plates and grillages:
the dead load acts in Z direction
Xc[0] = Sum(My(0,0,0))/Sum(Pz)
the dead load acts in Z direction
Xc[1] = - Sum(Mx(0,0,0))/Sum(Pz)
Xc[2] = 0
For 2D frames and trusses
For plane stress / deformation structures
the dead load acts in Z direction
Xc[0] = Sum(My(0,0,0))/Sum(Pz)
Xc[1] = 0
the dead load acts in X direction
Xc[2] = -Sum(My(0,0,0))/Sum(Px)
For axisymmetric structures
the dead load acts in Y direction
Xc[0] = 0
Xc[1] = 0
the dead load acts in X direction
Xc[2] = -Sum(My(0,0,0))/Sum(Px)
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Load Case Combinations
The ROBOT Millennium program also enables defining combinations of generated load cases.
There are two possibilities of creating load case combinations:
manual, by defining a list of load cases included in a combination (along with appropriate
factors conditioned by a load case nature)
automatic, after running the Code Combinations option; for selected code regulations the
program will make a list of all possible combinations of load cases.
Below is presented the method of definition of manual combinations; code combinations are
discussed in the next chapter.
To do this, select the Loads / Combinations option or press the Combinations
icon. Once the
combination type and combination nature is specified (USL, SLS, accidental), the combination
name should be given and the combination load cases along with their factors of safety should be
defined. Once the general combination type is chosen, the Combination dialog box, as shown
below, will appear on the screen.
All defined load cases are found in the field
located in the left part of the dialog box. In
order to create a load combination for
them, highlight the appropriate load cases
and press the
button. The selected
load cases, with the appropriate factor of
safety assigned to the load type, will be
added to the field found in the right part of
the dialog box thus defining the
combination (the factor of safety may also
be entered manually in the Factor field).
Pressing the New button may create a new
load case combination. It is possible to
modify the existing load combination by
pressing the Change button. Modification
is performed in the same way as a
combination definition.
The current program version enables generating combinations containing moving load cases.
This option, however, involves the following limitations:
after generating a linear combination containing moving load cases, additional three auxiliary
cases are defined (as for code combinations); these cases are available on the selection list
of load cases; a combination generated by the user is accessible only in the combination
dialog box and table; the user may not request results for it, because results for all the
components are obtained (a combination defined with moving load cases includes
component cases, similarly as code combination)
quadratic combinations (COMB QUA) may not include moving load cases or combinations
that contain such cases; for quadratic combinations including moving load cases results are
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linear combinations may contain several moving load cases (moving load cases can be
nested); there is a possibility to apply quadratic combinations in linear combinations including
moving load cases.
Code Combinations
The system of ROBOT Millennium is equipped with an option that allows one to form load case
combinations described by the selected code (the code should be chosen in the Job
Preferences: option Codes / Code Combinations). The option is available from the menu by
choosing the Loads / Code Combinations command or pressing the Code Combinations
Automatic code combinations (ponderations) in the ROBOT Millennium system provide the user
with an easy method to define and calculate selected combinations. The above dialog box is
composed of six tabs: Cases, Combinations, Groups, Relations, Simplified code Combinations
and Selection. Once the structure creation parameters have been defined (load cases,
combination templates, and additional relations etc.), press the Calculate button. The current
code combination calculations depend on the indication of all possible (theoretically allowable)
combination cases. For a detailed analysis of code combinations SLS (ULS, exceptions) cases
are created, allowing to see results for each of the combinations separately (composite
combinations), as well as the composite combinations. These cases are used for code
combinations. For a tabular presentation of maximum and minimum value presentation, cases
marked SLS+, ULS- (SLS+, ULS-, ALS+, ALS-) are created. These allow to display the
appropriate extreme values. The selection of cases SLS, SLS+, SLS- makes no difference in a
graphic presentation.
The Cases tab shown in the figure is used
to select the load cases which have been
defined for the structure and which will be
included in creating code combinations. A
list of the defined load cases with assigned
natures is located in the Active Case
Selection field. Appropriate coefficients
used during the creation of the combination
are defined for each load case defined by a
selected nature. By default, all cases as
selected in the Selection of Active Cases (a
symbol appears by the name and
number of the case), that is, all will be
considered when creating the code
combinations. If any of the load cases
should not be considered when creating
the code combinations, click on it with the
right mouse button.
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The Combination Definition tab is used to
define the type of code combinations that
will be created.
Numeric procedures allow to calculate
numerous combination types (patterns)
described in the code files. Depending on
the combination method and coefficient
number these regulations are included in
the template used in various codes as
follows: requirements for dead load, live
loads, accidental load and seismic load
combinations. Which of the regulations the
program should consider is defined by the
code regulation file. NOTE: the current
version of the ROBOT program includes
the additional application PondEdit (in the
folder SYSTEM / EXE of the ROBOT
program) which enables edition of the
existing code regulation files or definition of
new regulations.
Just as during the active case number, the user may decide before calculating code
combinations, which of the proposed sets to disregard. Leaving all active will result in a full
combination list according to the indicated templates.
The Groups tab is used to define/display groups, that is sets of load combinations connected by
logical relations.
In the current version of the program, all dead loads are connected in one group of « combined »
(acting simultaneously) loads. Snow and wind loads create a separate group of «self-exclusive»
loads for which the occurrence of one case excludes the other. All other live loads occur as loads
that are not inter-related.
The program creates the above mentioned groups and relations automatically. This solution
resolved the problem of base combinations. For more advanced ones, options found on the
Relations tab may be used. This allows for creating logical operations on groups of cases within
natures. ‘AND’, ‘OR (INCLUSIVE)’ and ‘OR (EXCLUSIVE)’ will be the logical operators. When
creating the operations, the user may use brackets to join or exclude selected groups of cases.
The functioning of particular operators will be explained in a short example. Let us assume, that
the following three groups of load cases are defined in a structure: G1, G2 and G3. The logical
operators function in the following manner:
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AND - this operator results in
simultaneous activation of all
loads (loads from load cases G1,
G2 and G3 will be applied
simultaneously to the structure);
one may represent it symbolically
G1 G2 G3
OR (EXCLUSIVE) - this operator
results in the situation where the
loads from particular load groups
will be mutually exclusive (either
loads from load case G1, or G2,
or else G3, will be applied to the
structure); one may represent it
symbolically as:
OR (INCLUSIVE) - this operator
results in allowing all the possible
combinations between groups of
load cases; one may represent it
symbolically as:
G1 G2
G1 G3
G2 G3
G1 G2 G3
For more elaborate tasks (more than 10 load cases for which code combinations are created)
creating code combinations may be time consuming. For this reason, a mechanism for defining
simplified code combinations generating extreme combinations due to a specific result or their
combinations has been foreseen. Options found on the Simplified Combinations tab are used for
this purpose.
In such a case, the user must provide the list of points and define the deciding value (indicated
force, moment, stress). The program will decide which combinations meet such conditions, and
only those values will be saved as code combination for the chosen bar. In the case of providing
an interaction between two selected values, the system will try to select the extents of those
variables. In the case of more complex tasks, creation of simplified code combinations may also
be carried out for selected structure nodes and/or bars. The options provided on Selection tab are
provided to realize such tasks:
all bars (values selected on the Simplified Code Combinations tab will be verified for all bars
of a structure) or bars from a given list (values selected on the Simplified Code Combinations
tab will be verified for the bars of a structure selected by the user; the list of selected bars
should be introduced in the appropriate field).
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all nodes (values selected on
Combinations tab will be
verified for all nodes of a
structure) or nodes from a
given list (values selected on
Combinations tab will be
verified for the nodes of a
structure selected by the user;
the list of selected nodes
should be introduced in the
appropriate field).
Moving Loads
The option for defining a moving load allows one to analyze a structure with a moving load
applied. The moving load may be defined by any combination of forces (the definition of loads
originating from vehicles may contain concentrated loads, linear loads and surface loads).
The option is available by:
 selecting Load / Special loads / Moving command from the menu
 by pressing the Moving loads icon
in the toolbar.
Then, the dialog box shown below will appear on screen.
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Moving loads are defined by indicating the vehicle and its route over the structure. The vehicle is
a set of forces with a defined direction, value and position. Each step consists in moving the
vehicle from one position to another, while the set of forces applied to elements is created for
each position. That is why the case of moving load is treated as a set of several static load cases
(describing successive positions of the vehicle).
The upper part of the dialog box contains the following icons:
- allows one to add a new type of vehicle
- allows one to delete a selected vehicle type from the active list
short list or full list
- allow one to display the list of active vehicles as big icons, small icons,
- allows one to delete from the active list all the vehicle types that are not used for
designing a particular structure.
The process of defining a moving load case in a structure may be divided into the following
definition and selection of the vehicle that will move over the structure; to select a vehicle,
one should highlight it in the list of active vehicle types
definition of a moving load case
To define a moving load case, one should type the number and name of this load, pressing
the New button results in creating a new (next) moving load case
definition of the route to be followed by the selected vehicle
To define a route to be followed by a vehicle, one should press the Define button. It will result
in opening the Polyline – contour dialog box. Pressing the Parameters button results in
opening an additional dialog box where one may define route parameters (multiplication
coefficients for the loads belonging to the moving load, etc.)
The following two are the basic parameters defining a moving load:
Load direction
– the size of the step by which the vehicle moves over the structure (the step defines
successive vehicle positions); and
– direction of the forces defining a moving load
definition of the plane of load application; this option describes the method of redistribution of
forces defining a vehicle moving over the structure. There are two possibilities:
- forces are automatically distributed over the closest elements from among structure
- forces will be applied to the closest elements (or nodes belonging to these elements)
taken from the <list_of_elements> available in the bottom right part of the dialog box; if
the Consider vehicle dimensions option is switched on, then bars are selected on which
a load induced by vehicle forces will be generated; this selection is determined by
dimensions of the vehicle contour: b – width, d1 and d2 distances between the load
and vehicle contour from the front and from the back, respectively (parameters of
vehicle contour are determined for each vehicle together with a definition of a set of
loads in the vehicle definition dialog box).
In the lower part of the dialog box there is the Consider slab contour option; it
allows considering distribution of forces caused by a vehicle, assumed by the
user in the moving load analysis, onto bars for several structure types (it
concerns loads due to a vehicle part that extends outside the contour that
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carries the load) - loads of the bridge grillage (see the drawing below) are a
typical example of it
If the Consider slab contour option is switched off, then a full set of vehicle
forces will be applied to bars starting with the first position of the vehicle; if the
Consider slab contour option is switched on, the it is possible to define a
geometrical limitation that determines which of the vehicle component forces
should be applied to bars – such a limitation may be defined by means of an
object – a side of a ‘panel’ without assigned thickness. Generation of loads on
bars takes account of a position of each of the force components; If a force is
positioned outside the slab contour, then it is not applied to bars.
The edit field is used to define a number of an object describing the slab
contour; pressing the Define button opens the dialog box for definition of a
polyline-contour with the activated Face option.
During generation of loads on bars resulting from a vehicle load the program takes account of all
bars or of their selection determined on the Application plane – selection list. These bars are
projected on the plane formed by a segment of the route polyline and a perpendicular vector
defined by the user as Load direction. If the Consider vehicle dimensions option is switched on,
then on the projection plane the vehicle contour is determined and selection of bars in the
projection is narrowed down to these bars that are contained within or intersect with the vehicle
contour. This type of limitation for selection of bars on which vehicle loads are generated may
help in situations when automatic bar search might cause certain problems.
Pressing the Apply button results in creating a new moving load case whose parameters are
defined in the above dialog box.
The vehicle route, vehicle, elements bearing the load originating in the vehicle, and a set of loads
- all these can be visualized after calculations of the structure are performed (Visualization /
Loads option).
The results obtained for the moving load case may be presented in two ways. The first method
consists in presenting the results of a static case for the moving load position selected by the
user. There are options available that allow one to change the position of the moving load. The
user may move the load step by step or take advantage of the animation of the vehicle and the
results for the moving load. The second method consists in presenting the changes of the value
of a selected quantity in a selected point, due to the movement of the load over the structure, i.e.
the presentation of the influence lines for a selected quantity (see section 5.11).
Bar structures
In the case of bar-type structure (FRAME, TRUSS, GRILLAGE), it is possible to apply a load
generated by a vehicle defined by means of concentrated and linear forces. Concentrated forces
are applied as bar load. In the case when a concentrated force is not directly applied into a bar,
the program operates according to an algorithm that resolves the force over the neighboring bars.
The linear load is modeled by 10 concentrated forces along the length of the linear load.
For bar-type structures, one cannot use vehicles defined by means of surface loads.
Plate-shell structures
In the case of surface structures (PLATE, SHELL), one may use all types of vehicles (defined by
means of concentrated, linear and surface loads). A concentrated force is applied as a
geometrical load at a point, applied to surface elements, and it is resolved into bar elements.
Linear force is applied as geometrical linear load applied to surface elements. It is not applied to
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bars. Surface force is applied as a geometrical contour load, applied to surface elements. When
using this type of load, one should pay attention to the place of contour load application, for it is
generated on each panel located within the contour limits. For the load type to be applied only to
selected panels, one should use the selection options in the definition of moving load case.
In the case of mixed structures (bar-shell), linear and surface loads are applied only to the
surface element. For a load originating in a vehicle to be applied directly to bars, one should use
concentrated forces in vehicle definition.
A vehicle is a set of forces which constitutes the load in a moving load case. The vehicle moves
along the defined route by a distance referred to as a step of the route in a moving load case.
Each individual position of the vehicle is saved in the successive case component.
A vehicle definition may include concentrated, linear forces or planar forces acting on a
rectangular contour.
Once the “New vehicle” icon is pressed in the Moving loads dialog box, the dialog box shown
below will appear on screen.
The dialog box allows one to select the vehicle that will be added to the active list of vehicles
located in the Moving Load dialog box. The dialog box is divided into several parts.
There are two vehicle types available:
symmetric vehicles – loads are defined as pairs of forces with a defined spacing,
symmetricaly with respect to the vehicle axis at any point over the axis length; forces are
defined as vertical loads (possible horizontal forces caused by braking may be obtained by
defining values of route coefficients); vehicles of this type are used e.g. for modeling bridge
arbitrary vehicles – loads defined as forces at any point over the length of the vehicle axis
and in any distance from it; concentrated forces may be defined in the directions X, Y, Z of
the local coordinate system of the vehicle; route coefficients are not applied for this vehicle
type; this type of vehicles is used e.g. for modeling loads induced by overhead traveling
The upper left corner of the dialog box contains the Vehicle selection field where one finds two
selection fields: Code (database) and vehicle name. Moreover, one finds here three buttons:
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New - it allows one to define a new vehicle; pressing this button results in opening an
additional dialog box where one can define the name of the new vehicle. There are two
situations possible: if the user presses the Add button after defining loads for the new
vehicle, the vehicle will be added only to the list of the active vehicles in the Moving Loads
dialog box; if the user presses the Save to database button after defining loads for the new
vehicle, there will appear a new dialog box where one may select the database (folder) of
vehicles where the new vehicle may be stored.
Save to database - allows one to save the new vehicle to a selected vehicle database;
pressing this button results in opening the dialog box where one may select the database
(folder) of vehicles where the new vehicle may be stored.
Delete - allows one to delete a selected vehicle from the vehicle database.
The user may define his own database of vehicles (user’s database). It is
possible in the Job preferences dialog box (Vehicles database option).
The upper right corner displays a schematic drawing of the selected vehicle.
The middle part of the dialog box contains a table presenting a description of the loads for the
selected vehicle. The program provides three types of loads: concentrated force, linear load and
surface load. Each parameter of the load defined for the selected vehicle may be edited
The following parameters must be defined for individual load types (dimensions are presented
schematically in the attached drawings for load types):
Symmetric vehicles:
F- value of a concentrated force (unit: force)
X - coordinate value of the point where the force is applied (along the vehicle
S - width of force spacing
Asymmetric vehicles:
FX, FY, FZ - values of the concentrated force
X - coordinate value of the point where the force is applied (along the vehicle
Y - coordinate value of the point where the force is applied (perpendicularly to the
vehicle axis)
linear load
Symmetric vehicles:
Q- value of a linear load (unit: force/length)
X - coordinate value of the line along which the force is applied (along the vehicle
S - width of linear load spacing (only in the Y axis direction)
Dx - length of a segment along which the load acts (along the vehicle axis)
Dy - length of a segment along which the load acts (perpendicularly with respect
to the vehicle axis)
Asymmetric vehicles:
Compared to symmetric vehicles, instead of the S value there is
Y - coordinate value of the point where the force is applied (perpendicularly to the
vehicle axis)
planar load
Symmetric vehicles:
P - value of a planar load (unit: force/length^2)
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X - coordinate value of the line along which the force is applied (along the vehicle
S - width of planar load spacing (only in the Y axis direction)
Dx - length of a rectangle side upon which the load acts (along the vehicle axis)
Dy - length of a rectangle side upon which the load acts (perpendicularly with
respect to the vehicle axis)
Asymmetric vehicles:
Compared to symmetric vehicles, instead of the S value there is
Y - coordinate value of the point where the force is applied (perpendicularly to the
vehicle axis)
The lower part of the dialog box contains two fields:
Vehicle dimensions:
b - vehicle width
d1 - distance between the load and the vehicle contour (from the vehicle front)
d2 - distance between the load and the vehicle contour (from the vehicle back)
forces - presentation of units in which the values of forces will be displayed (the units may
be modified in the Job Preferences dialog box)
length - presentation of units in which the values of length will be displayed (the units may
be modified in the Job Preferences dialog box).
Units of force and length also determine a unit of a linear and planar load: a
linear load unit is expressed by the force per length unit, while a planar load unit
is expressed by the force per area unit (the length squared).
The option used to determine scaling coefficients that allow the user to obtain the real
(calculation) value of a load originating in a moving vehicle. The option is available by pressing
the Parameters button located in the Moving Loads dialog box.
To open the coefficients definition dialog box, the user has to select a polyline
for which the load value multiplication coefficients will be defined.
Once the Parameters button is pressed in the Moving Loads dialog box, the dialog box shown
below appears on the screen.
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The above dialog box contains a table presenting the following parameters of a route (polyline):
Edge column. - number and name of the polyline defining the vehicle route
Gamma column - a vehicle may be revolved around the vertical axis; it results in changing the
position of forces (their direction remains unchanged); rotation is determined by Gamma
angle, defined in the same way as the user defines the Gamma angle while describing the
properties of bar elements
coefficient VL column - scaling coefficient for the vertical force (V) operating on the left; it
allows the program to multiply the load value (e.g. a concentrated force) to obtain the real
(design) value of the load
coefficient VR column - scaling coefficient for the vertical force (V) operating on the right; it
allows the program to multiply the load value (e.g. a concentrated force) to obtain the real
(design) value of the load
coefficient HL column - scaling coefficient for the transversal horizontal force (H) operating on
the left; it allows the program to multiply the load value (e.g. a concentrated force) to obtain
the real (design) value of the load (the horizontal load perpendicular to the route direction)
coefficient HR column - scaling coefficient for the transversal horizontal force (H) operating on
the right; it allows the program to multiply the load value (e.g. a concentrated force) to obtain
the real (design) value of the load (the horizontal load perpendicular to the route direction)
coefficient LL column - scaling coefficient for the longitudinal horizontal force (L) operating on
the left; it allows the program to multiply the load value (e.g. a concentrated force) to obtain
the real (design) value of the load (the horizontal load parallel to the route direction)
coefficient LR column - scaling coefficient for the longitudinal horizontal force (L) operating on
the right; it allows the program to multiply the load value (e.g. a concentrated force) to obtain
the real (design) value of the load (the horizontal load parallel to the route direction).
If coefficients on the right and on the left have different values, then intermediate coefficients
within the width of a vehicle are interpolated depending on its width.
Additionally, the user may apply the options used to limit a vehicle position on a structure: Vehicle
position limit - route beginning and Vehicle position limit - route end. If the options are switched
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on, then, at the beginning/end of the defined vehicle route, the program will recognize the effect
securing the vehicle wheels from sliding off the defined route (e.g. wheels of an overhead
travelling crane should not slide off the crane beam).
The lower part of the dialog box contains the Tolerance edit field. It is a parameter assigned to a
defined case of moving load analysis. Tolerance determines the conditions of generating loads
that originate from a defined vehicle on bars. Moving load tolerance is a parameter assigned to a
defined case of a moving load analysis. The tolerance defines maximal distance from a bar, for
which a concentrated force determined in a vehicle definition will be applied directly to a bar
without distributing forces on bars.
If the Moment originated from force eccentricity option is switched on, then a concentrated
moment load resulting from a concentrated force is generated and applied to a bar considering
the eccentricity
At the bottom of the dialog box there is also the Vehicle position – at points of the polyline option
whose main task is to position a vehicle load on the route of a moving load at points of the
polyline (characteristic points located along the route of the vehicle). If the option is switched on,
the load resulting from the vehicle will be applied at the end of every segment the polyline is
composed of. Note should be taken that, by standard, a vehicle position is determined by means
of a step of vehicle movement, therefore, when using this option it is possible to ensure that the
vehicle load is positioned at certain specified points (e.g. of a support).
Autoloader – Moving Loads
The moving loads option described in the previous chapter enables analysis of loads caused by a
set of forces (vehicle) which is shifted - during the analysis - into successive positions along a
route defined on a structure. Thus a composed case is obtained which contains components of
each of the vehicle positions. This approach is convenient when analyzing the vehicle movement
along a single route. In case of bridge structures for which several carriageways (routes along
which a vehicle moves) may be defined, for the moving loads option a user should define several
moving load cases and analyze their combinations; it results in obtaining a great number of
The ROBOT program provides access to the Autoloader module used to analyze bridge loads
with code requirements considered. To perform an Autoloader analysis of bridge loads, influence
lines (areas) are applied; an influence line is a two-dimensional form of a three-dimensional
influence surface. Based on an influence surface, a user may obtain load distribution which
results in the most adverse effect for a quantity described by a given influence surface.
Autoloader conducts such an analysis and provides the most unfavorable load distribution for a
given influence surface.
Autoloader works as an internal module of the ROBOT program. As a result of this module
operation, new load cases are generated with the most unfavorable load distribution for a given
influence surface.
The Moving loads - Autoloader option is available from:
the menu by selecting the command: Loads / Special Loads / Moving - Autoloader
from the toolbar by pressing the
Moving loads - Autoloader icon.
Operation of the ROBOT-Autoloader interface has been divided into several stages (data
definition and analysis). The following stages may be distinguished:
definition of geometrical data and selection of an influence surface
definition of parameters for the Autoloader module
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model generation and start of calculations for an auxiliary case with unit loads
generation of an input file and start of the Autoloader module analysis
generation of load cases in a model of the ROBOT program.
Influence surfaces are generated for a unit load, which acts in the direction of Z
axis (sense: minus Z). Therefore, a deck should be defined in a horizontal plane
(parallel to the XY plane); the bridge loads obtained will act in the vertical
direction (in the direction of Z axis).
The above dialog box enables determining geometrical data and defining (selecting) an influence
surface (the first point from those listed above). Influence surfaces in the ROBOT program are
generated by means of the static method. It means that they are generated by applying
a concentrated unit load at successive points. Once all the unit cases are solved, an influence
surface taking results from successive cases is constructed.
Influence surfaces are defined identically as influence lines for the analysis of moving loads. Both,
influence line and surface are a diagram of a relationship between a certain result value (e.g.
force or displacement) and position of a unit force. A value of the influence line at a given point is
equal to the value of a selected result quantity while a unit force is positioned at this point.
In the Deck - surface - Object field a user may enter or indicate graphically an object of a loaded
surface on which an influence surface will be generated. Loaded surfaces are used to determine
a deck contour. These objects do not contribute to the structure stiffness, they are only
geometrical objects used for generating loads.
The Bars: Automatic / Selection option is used to determine the plane to which the load will be
applied; the option enables a user to specify the method of distributing the forces that define a
vehicle over structure bar elements. The are two options available:
Automatic - forces are distributed automatically on the closest elements taken from all
structure elements
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Selection - forces are applied to the list - defined by a user in the edit field - which contains
the closest elements or nodes belonging to these elements.
In the Carriageway - line/arc field a carriageway position on the deck may be determined.
Carriageways are defined by means of a carriageway axis (line or arc) and its width. A user may
define several carriageways on a deck. However, it should be remembered that all carriageways
must be of the same type (straight segments or arc fragments).
After accepting a defined set of geometrical parameters and pressing the Apply button, the
Autoloader – Parameters dialog box opens, which allows defining load parameters and analysis
performed in the Autoloader module (among other things, values of coefficients and loads applied
during analysis, detailed parameters for a selected national code); however, it should be
remembered, that to have the dialog box for parameter definition opened, a correct set of
geometrical data is required:
number of the deck object must be indicated
at least, one carriageway must be defined.
The Autoloader module enables bridge load analysis according to the codes listed below:
UK - Highways Agency Departmental Standard BD 37/88 “Loads for Highway Bridges”, which
includes BS5400 Part 2:1978
UK - Highways Agency Departmental Standard BD 21/97 “Assessment of Highway Bridges
and Structures”
Malaysia - JKR Highway Loading standard
Hong Kong - guidelines from Hong Kong, as an extension to BD 37/88 code
RU - RU chapter from BD 37/88 code
RAIL - Autoloader specific parameters, to be applied with railway loads
Australia - AUSTROADS standard
USA - AASHTO standard.
The following types of bridge loads can be analyzed in the Autoloader module:
normal loads consisting of planar loads (Uniformly Distributed Load - UDL) or linear loads
(Knife Edge Load - KEL); it should be noted that in various codes different terminology is
applied for this type of loads: BD 37/88 defines it as HA, AUSTROADS applies L44, whereas
JKR applies LTA
abnormal vehicle loads (loads resulting from a set of concentrated forces); the terminology
applied in codes varies: BD 37/88 determines vehicles as HB, AUSTROADS as HLP,
whereas JKR applies SV
SDL - superimposed dead loading.
It should be noted that the program performs the analysis using certain degree of approximation.
It is only a tool and results of its analysis should be checked to ensure correctness of a solution.
The analysis consists in positioning the loads - by the program - within the contour of an influence
surface considering appropriate code coefficients
Influence surfaces are saved as a mesh of points with determined division, while values between
points are linearly interpolated. Thus, an analyzed vehicle position is determined together with
defining a certain step. A user may manipulate both, mesh division and vehicle step. A coarse
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mesh may result in incorrect solutions. As the mesh becomes finer or the vehicle step decreases,
accuracy of solution grows. However, it should be remembered that it requires longer calculation
time, therefore, as in most cases of numerical calculations, a user should select a solution being
a trade-off between calculation costs and their accuracy.
3.9. Snow/Wind Loads
Generation of snow/wind loads starts after:
 selecting the Loads / Special Loads /
Wind and Snow 2D/3D command from
the menu
 pressing the Snow/Wind Loads 2D/3D
The dialog box shown beside will be displayed
on the screen. The options found in this dialog
box allow definition of snow/wind loads
according to American code ASCE 7-02,
Eurocode 1 (EN 1991-1-3:2003 - wind and EN
1991-1-4:2005 - snow and several codes for
individual European countries - see the list
below), French codes NV 65/N84 Mod.96 or
NV65+Carte96, Spanish code NBE-AE 88,
Italian code DM 16/1/96, Romanian code
Russian code
2.01.07-85, Moroccan code NV 65 Morocco as
well as Algerian code DTR C2-47/NV99.
Eurocode 1 is available with National Application Documents of the following European countries:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, UK.
Additionally, the Polish code PN-EN 1991-1-3/4:2005 is available; the snow load code PN-EN
1991-1-3:2005 is an obligatory code, while the wind load code EN 1991-1-4:2005 is not an
obligatory code (wind loads should be generated according to the Polish code PN-80/B-02010).
The “SNOW/WIND LOADS” option is available only for two structure types:
PLANE FRAME and PLANE TRUSS. Automatic generation of such loads is
impossible for other structures or when no structure has been defined.
The Snow \ Wind Load dialog box contains condition options of structures for which snow/wind
loads will be generated:
Envelope - option for defining those structure elements for which snow/wind loads will be
generated. Numbers of selected nodes create the envelope.
- begins automatic envelope generation; parameters are set according to the
selected options for automatic envelope recognition; node numbers are entered
to the Envelope edit field.
Without Parapets - if this option is active, an automatic envelope generation with no regard to
parapets will be performed.
Total depth - option for defining the building depth (length). It is necessary for the definition of
global snow/wind coefficients of the structure.
NOTE: To assure proper generation of snow/wind loads this option MUST be
Bay spacing - option for setting the bearing element spacing on the structure length. It is
necessary for accumulation of tributary loads.
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NOTE: To assure proper generation of snow/wind loads this option MUST be
To assure proper generation of snow/wind loads the envelope and the two basic building
parameters: depth and spacing must be defined.
The lower right part of the dialog box contains the following two options:
Wind - switching this option on results in creating wind load cases during the generation of
snow/wind loads; switching it off stops the program from creating wind load cases
Snow - switching this option on results in creating snow load cases during the generation of
snow/wind loads; switching it off stops the program from creating snow load cases.
Below is the option Display note after load generation.
If this option is switched on, then after generation of snow/wind load cases, the program runs the
text editor which presents load values calculated for idividual cases of the snow/wind load.
If this option is switched off, the snow/wind load cases are generated. The program does not run
the text editor displaying load values for idividual cases of the snow/wind load. Files containing
calculation notes for the snow/wind load will be saved to the folder ROBOT Office Project /
The Parameters button is located in the lower part of the dialog box. It opens the dialog box with
detailed snow/wind load parameters. For example, once the detailed parameter option dialog box
is opened and the Global Parameters tab selected, the dialog box shown below will appear.
The above dialog box contains
the basic options required by the
selected national snow/wind code
set in the Job Preferences dialog
box. Once the option is chosen,
a corresponding icon appears in
the upper right corner of the box.
The dialog box has been divided
into several fields containing
groups of specific options. The
following options are located in
the upper part of the dialog box:
category and Altitude above the
sea level. Below there are
options: Structure height (in the
Structure dimensions field) and
Hurricane prone region.
Three additional tabs are also located in the above dialog box. These are: Wind, Snow and
Permeability. These allow for the definition of snow and wind load parameters as well as building
permeability parameters according to the requirements of the selected code.
European Code Eurocode 1: Basis of Design and Actions on Structures
Regles N V 65 Et Annexes Regles N 84 Regles Definissant Les Effets De La Neige Et Du Vent
Sur Les Constructions Et Annexes, Eyrolles 1987
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3.9.1. Snow/Wind Loads in 3D
Once the user has
defined general structure
parameters indispensable
for generating snow/wind
loads on a 2D structure
(i.e. envelope, spacing,
depth) and pressed the
Generate 3D button in
the Snow/wind loads
dialog box, there appears
on screen the dialog box
presented beside. It is
titled Snow/wind loads –
3D geometry.
Snow/wind loads in 3D are created in the following manner:
snow/wind loads are generated for a previously defined 2D frame
a 3D structure (frame) is generated on the basis of the 3D structure parameters determined in
the above-presented dialog box
the defined 2D frame is copied a determined number of times (according to the user-defined
horizontal bars (purlins) are generated between consecutive frames; loads will be carried
from the structure cover through the purlins to frame bars.
Snow/wind 2D loads calculated for a two-dimensional frame (expressed as the value of force per
area unit) are gathered from the relevant surfaces and applied to the purlins as a uniform load
(value of force per length unit). For purlins, the load is gathered from a flat surface of the area
limited by the neighboring purlins or the edge of the surface (if there is no neighboring purlin in
this direction).
One can define the following parameters in the Location of frames field:
Location of frames - manner of positioning 2D frames (regular - constant distance between
frames, irregular - different distances between consecutive frames)
Number of frames - expected number of frames in the final 3D structure
Spacings - spacing between frames; the value of spacing is determined for regular
positioning of frames; for irregular positioning one must define n-1 spacings divided by
separators, where n is the number of frames.
In the Location of longitudinal elements field, one can select a bar in the structure (by means of
‘<’ and ‘>’ buttons), and then, determine its parameters. By the side of the Bar field, there
appears the number of the selected bar. At the same time, the bar is highlighted in the field
presenting a schematic drawing of the 2D frame (a bar may also be indicated directly on the 2D
frame drawing).
The Location of longitudinal elements contains also the following options:
Section button - allows one to select a section to be used in creating purlins (longitudinal
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Location - “relative” or “absolute” positioning of purlins on the current bar of a 2D frame
Offsets - activating the option makes the program account for offsets during the creation of
purlin elements.
Pressing the Generate 3D button results in starting the generation of snow and wind loads in 3D.
3.9.2. Wind Loads – Masts / Towers
The option is used to generate snow/wind loads on the following types of structures: truss masts,
columns and towers (high-voltage line support towers), transmission towers, broadcasting masts,
etc. The generation of snow/wind loads is started by:
selecting Loads / Special loads / Wind on towers command from the menu
pressing the Loads on Towers
Once any of the above is performed, the dialog box shown below appears on screen.
The Wind Loads on Towers option is available only for bar 3D structures: FRAME
3D and TRUSS 3D. The base of the created structures must be an equilateral
triangle or a rectangle. Generation of wind loads for masts, towers and columns
is performed according to American EIA code and French code NV 65.
The dialog box shown below consists of four tabs: General, Specific, Segments, and Equipment
(the options located on individual tabs depend on the selected code). On the General tab, for
instance, one may define the following parameters: state, wind velocity, wind pressure and
The central part of the dialog box contains the Structure height field allowing one to specify
structure height for calculation of a wind pressure value.
The lower part of the dialog box contains options that allow one to select:
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the manner of defining wind pressure (there are three possibilities: automatic, on the basis of
the selected base wind velocity for a state that has been set, manual, by typing the value of
the base pressure and manual, by defining wind velocity)
the number and the direction of operation of wind cases (according to code - assumes
structure symmetry; all standard directions - the option is useful in the case of asymmetrical
the manner of calculating wind pressure for particular structure elements (there are two
possible choices: constant - calculated according to the highest point of a segment; variable calculated for each element separately, according to the highest point of an element).
The options located in the remaining tabs allow one to:
 Specific tab – allows one to define additional load parameters (icing, dynamic wind action,
 Segments tab – allows one to define parameters of segments into which the designed
structure of the mast/tower type is divided (e.g. high-voltage line columns, broadcasting
masts, etc.)
 Equipment tab – allows one to define additional surfaces that have significance influence on
the load applied to the structure; this category covers antennas, tables, structure filling, etc.
The lower part of the dialog box contains standard buttons (Close, Help and Cancel) and the
Generate button. Once the last is pressed, the program starts to generate wind loads on a
previously defined tower and to prepare the relevant calculation note.
TIA/EIA STANDARD Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting
Structures TIA/EIA-222-F (Revision of EIA/TIA-222-E), Telecommunications Industry Association,
June 1996
Snow/Wind Loads on 3D Objects
The operation of the option used to generate snow/wind loads for surfaces is similar to the
manner the generation of such loads for 2D frames is performed (see chapter 3.9.). The
successive steps while generating snow/wind loads for 2D frames and their equivalents for 3D
structures are as follows:
2D frame
1. generation of envelope
2. definition of code parameters
3. generation of coefficients
4. applying loads to structure bars
3D structures
1. definition of surface
2. definition of code parameters
3. generation /modification of coefficients
4. generation of surface loads (these surfaces - by
means of the surfaces defined - are transferred
onto structure bars).
The Snow and Wind 2D/3D option may be activated from:
the menu by selecting the option Loads / Special loads / Wind and Snow 2D/3D
the toolbar by pressing the
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The option is available only for the following structure types: 3D Frame and Shell
(at present, for the French code NV65).
Automatic generation of snow/wind loads 3D involves the following limitations:
- wind loads are always calculated with the coefficient  equal to 1.0
- Ce coefficients for roofs are always determined considering a roof with flat
- generation of snow loads does not take account of snow gathering (snow
gathers on acroterions, on multiple roofs)
- total or partial permeability of walls is not taken into account.
To generate snow/wind loads on surfaces, the user should:
determine a list of surfaces on which snow/wind load cases will be generated (dialog box
determine parameters used for automatic generation of snow/wind loads (once the
Parameters button is pressed in the dialog box above, the program opens the dialog box
where parameters of snow/wind loads may be defined); after defining parameters of the
snow/wind loads and pressing the Apply button, the Parameters dialog box closes and the
Snow/Wind Loads dialog box is displayed on the screen.
The Snow/Wind Loads dialog box presents a view of the defined structure and selection list with
generated cases of snow/wind load. The structure view (see the figure below) shows loaded
planes using the color legend. In the table contained in the dialog box all structure faces are
displayed. For these faces which have not been automatically loaded by the program, load values
equal zero.
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Once the Generate button is pressed, the above dialog box is closed and the loads are being
generated on surfaces. Loads are applied in the form of pressure on planar objects in the local or
global system. Afterwards, the loads are transferred onto bars in the identical manner as while
generating loads on bars from 3D objects; loads are transferred onto bars during generation of
a structure model.
The set of coefficients that are used to determine a snow/wind load is saved in the project so that
a user is able to edit the coefficients and parameters of a snow or wind load.
While discussing the definition of snow/wind loads, the Cladding option should be mentioned,
which is applied to define a new object type - a surface being the object that enables transferring
planar loads onto bars (however, it is a non-load-bearing object). The option allows definition of
bar structures with panel walls. An object like this facilitates considerably load generation by
providing the possibility to define real structural objects which do not carry structure loads, like
panel walls and roof cladding.
The Cladding option is available from:
the menu by selecting the command Geometry / Additional Attributes / Cladding
the toolbar by pressing the
The program does not generate a finite element mesh on a surface with cladding.
It is an auxiliary object used to define loads.
A surface object is generated in the form of a face with defined cladding. A surface is defined in
the same manner as a panel (by indicating an internal point or the list of linear objects).
The option allowing surface definition by assigning cladding to the ‘face’ type object is available
for the following structure types: bar structures and shell structures. It is assumed that for
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volumetric structures the ‘face‘ object behaves like a face of a volumetric structure; it is not
allowed to define loaded surfaces on such an object.
More information concerning the definition of claddings is found in the Help file available in the
Wind Loads for the Structure with a Polygon Base
The option is used to generate wind loads on axisymmetric structures (structures whose base is
a regular polygon). The option is available for the following codes:
American snow/wind code ANSI/ASCE 7-98
French snow/wind code NV65 (article 3).
The drawing below shows structure types for which wind loads may be generated.
The option allows generating wind loads on selected planar finite elements and on panels. It
means that prior to activating this option, a user should select panels or finite elements on which
wind loads are to be generated.
Generation of snow/wind loads may be started after:
selecting the Loads / Special loads / Wind on cylinders command from the menu
pressing the
Wind on cylinders icon.
The Wind on cylinders option is available only for shell structures.
Wind loads are generated based on American code ANSI/ASCE 7-98 or French
code NV 65.
Parameters defined for wind load generation for this type of structures are similar to parameters
discussed in the previous chapters (the parameters concern American snow/wind code
ANSI/ASCE 7-98 and French snow/wind code NV65).
Once this option is selected, the dialog box shown below appears on the screen.
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In the top part of the dialog box in the Wind directions field:
on the Generating list - the user may determine direction along the height of the defined
axisymmetric structure (cylinder); directions X, Y and Z of the global coordinate system may
be selected
the Wind options allow the user to define directions of the generated wind loads; directions
selected refer to the global coordinate system.
The following parameters may be defined in the bottom part of the dialog box in the Structure
type field:
for the American code:
Category - the list contains available categories of the calculated structure:
category I
category II
hexagonal or octogonal
category III
round moderately smooth
category IV
round rough (D’/D=0.02)
category V
round very rough (D’/D=0.08).
For each category the Number of faces option is also available; from the list a number of
axisymmetric structure faces should be chosen.
for the French code:
Category - the list contains available categories of the calculated structure:
category I
category II
category III
category IV
category V
category VI
prism: 3 or 4 faces
prism: 5 to 10 faces without curved ribs
prism: 11 to 20 faces with/without curved ribs
cylinder: round base with thin or thick ribs (sharp edges)
prism: more than 20 faces with/without curved ribs
smooth cylinder with round base without ribs (glossy).
If category II has been selected, then the Number of faces option becomes available; the user
should select a number of axisymmetric structure faces from the list. For the remaining categories
the Number of faces option is inaccessible.
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After defining basic parameters of axisymmetric structure and pressing the Parameters button,
the dialog box allowing definition of wind load parameters is opened on the screen. This dialog
box consists of three tabs:
The options provided on the tabs enable as follows:
General tab – definition of basic load parameters (structure location, wind pressure, structure
reference level, etc.)
Specific tab – definition of additional parameters of wind action (e.g. topographic factor and
gust effect factor for the American code or dynamic wind action for the French code)
Segments tab – definition of parameters of segments into which the structure is divided.
The parameters given on these tabs depend on the selected snow/wind code.
In the bottom part of the dialog box there are standard buttons (Close, Help and Cancel) and
Generate button, which when pressed runs generation of wind loads on a defined structure and
calculation note.
Since it is not specified in the ASCE 7-98 code how the resultant force should be
distributed over the structure surface, the method of distribution adopted for the
French wind load code NV 65 modifies 99 is applied in the program for the ASCE
7-98 code.
Load Report (Loads Taken from Database)
At present, the program enables preparing a report of loads acting on individual structure
elements. It is a tool that enables adding up the loads applied to a given structural element. There
are serviceability and factored values of loads; serviceability values of loads come from tables
saved in the database, whereas factored values are obtained by multiplying serviceability values
by appropriate load factors.
In the program the option operates for surface loads resulting from dead loads. The dead loads
include loads caused by:
surface weight (e.g.: weight of roofing, cladding, insulation, etc.)
density (e.g.: weight of constructional materials, embankment materials, etc.).
The option serves as a handy calculator for preparing load reports. Calculated load values are not
transferred to load records. The user himself/herself defines load values for individual load cases
using values calculated in the dialog box below.
After changing unit loads in the database, load values are not updated.
The Load Report option is accessible from:
the menu by selecting the command Loads / Special Loads / Load Report
the toolbar by pressing the
Load Report icon.
Once this option is selected, the dialog box presented below appears on the screen.
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The option is accessible for all the structure types available in the ROBOT program.
The left part of the dialog box includes options used for calculating as well as saving and reading
a load report:
list of set selection; it contains the list of saved load sets - this field also allows defining a
name of a new load set; a set name (label) is a set identifier - it is provided in a note, as well;
a set is read after selecting the set name from the list
Above the set selection list the following buttons are located:
New - pressing this button allows definition of a new set name (the current load set is
Save - pressing this button enables saving a load set currently defined; when saving a set,
the user must specify its name
Delete - pressing this button enables deletion of a currently selected set from the list
Note - activation of the text editor containing data of the current load report (a note may be
used while preparing a printout composition)
Under the set selection list the following icons are provided:
- pressing this icon moves the currently selected line up by one position in the load
report table
- pressing this icon moves the currently selected line down by one position in the load
report table
- pressing this icon deletes the currently selected line from the load report table
- pressing this icon deletes all the lines from the load report table
in the Load report table data concerning the total load is displayed; successive table records
load name
the Unit load value (density load or surface load) read from the database
the Layer thickness value - in the case of density, it may be edited - a default value equals 10
cm (for surface loads, this field is inaccessible); section dimensions are the units
value of the serviceability loading:
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- for density it is the product (unit weight)*(thickness)
- for planar loads it is a unit weight
load unit: force/length^2
value of the Load factor Gf - edit field; default values are saved in and taken from the
value of the Factored loading = (serviceability loading)* (load factor)
unit: force/length^2
the last table row contains the totals of serviceability and factored loading, i.e. the sum of
loads in the successive rows; apart from that, it specifies a value of the average load factor
being the quotient of the sum of factored loads and the sum of serviceability loads
under the table there are the options used for calculation of concentrated or linear forces
resulting from the obtained (serviceability and factored) surface load p.
- Concentrated load – the product: A*B*p, unit: force
- Linear load - the product: A*p (B dimension is inaccessible), unit: force/length
- Surface load: equal to p (dimensions A, B are inaccessible), unit: force/length^2.
The right part of the dialog box includes options that allow support of the unit load database:
the Loads option group is used for selecting a load from the database; a selected load may
be transferred to the load report (located in the left part of the dialog box) by pressing the <
button; the Database field presents a name of the current database of unit loads
the Database field presents a name of the current database of unit loads; the current
database may be selected in the Job Preferences dialog box
the selection list used for selection of the appropriate data table with unit loads - the contents
of this list depend on the selected load type: Material weight, Element weight, Soil weight
or Variable loads; selection of e.g. material type depends on the database contents:
Concrete, Timber-derivative materials, Roofing, etc.
table for viewing and selecting unit load data - table elements cannot be changed; the table
contains columns saved in the load database: Material and Weight
A weight unit depends on the selected type; if it is material weight, then force/length^3 is the
unit; if it is element weight, then force/length^2 is the unit
pressing the Edit load database button opens the dialog box used for database edition;
the DATA Table dialog box contains options enabling the user to define a new record, delete
a record, modify a record (with the possibility of copying), select columns to be displayed.
Automatic Definition of Loads Induced by Soil Pressure
The ROBOT program provides a tool for calculation of the soil pressure acting on structure
elements entrenched in soil, such as retaining walls, walls, etc. The pressure induced by soil
and by forces applied to a soil surface are taken into consideration.
A value of soil pressure may be modified depending on the work mode of a retaining element:
pressure influenced by the presence of other objects – in the case of a different object
located nearby, which reduces soil pressure
active pressure– reduced pressure, if a retaining element has been displaced due to action
of external forces, in the direction compatible with the pressure induced by soil
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passive pressure – increased pressure, if a retaining element has been displaced due to
action of external forces, in the direction opposite to the pressure induced by soil.
For a load acting on a soil surface the linear distribution of stresses in soil is applied. The option
enables the user to:
define a soil profile taking advantage of the soil database containing soil properties
save and read a complete soil profile defined by the user and edit the soil database,
define loads applied to a soil surface
calculate and display soil pressure diagrams
generate a load acting on panels or bars consistently with the calculated soil pressure.
A saved soil profile may be exchanged with other modules using soil profiles.
The Soil pressure option is available from:
the menu by selecting the command Loads / Special Loads / Soil Pressure
the toolbar by pressing the
Soil pressure icon.
Once this option is selected, the dialog box shown below is displayed on the screen (depending
on the objects chosen to which the pressure load will be applied – bars or panels, the dialog box
includes slightly different data concerning the direction of load application).
The following parameters may be determined in the above dialog box:
number and name of the current load case; soil pressure loads will be generated for this case
selection of the type of objects to which the load is applied: Panels or Bars
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list of bars or panels (in the List of objects edit field) on which the soil pressure load will be
defined; take note that these objects will be loaded that are positioned below the Z
coordinate, which is assumed to be the soil level in the Parameters dialog box; the load
value depends on that how deep a given element is entrenched in soil
if a load is defined on bars, then it is necessary to specify a spacing value; since the soil
pressure is calculated as a surface load and in order to obtain a linear load on a bar it is
multiplied by the spacing width
direction of load action
for panels – the soil pressure is always defined as a load normal with respect to the surface;
the only parameter that the user may choose is that whether the load is defined According to
local surface system (according to the sense of the local Z axis) or Opposite to local surface
for bars – the user may choose any load direction according to Global of Local system of a
Pressing the Apply button results in definition of a soil pressure load applied to a selected list
of elements according to the direction chosen. The load is defined for the currently selected load
case. Pressing the Close button closes the dialog box (without saving any parameters).
The Soil pressure (parameters) dialog box is opened after pressing the Parameters button
provided in the Soil Loads dialog box.
The dialog box consists of three tabs: Soils, Loads and Results. .
The Soils tab
The following parameters may be defined on this tab:
 geometrical data concerning a retaining element and soil
- soil level; a value of soil level identifies the Z coordinate of the soil level position in a structure
model; this value may not be modified, since it corresponds to the level of the first soil layer
defined in the table
- angle of soil inclination to the  horizontal direction
- angle of the retaining element deviation from the  vertical; NOTE: value of  angle for Kp
coefficient should be preceded by (+) sign, whereas for Ka coefficient by (-) sign, if the
element is being inclined toward the ground
- distance to other object; the value should be defined if a reduction of pressure caused by
other objects located nearby (i.e. pressure influenced by the presence of other objects) is to
be considered
- underground water level is specified in global coordinates (with respect to the soil level); the
value should be defined if a reduction of pressure caused by the presence of underground
water is to be considered; a position of the underground water level is indicated in the view of
the soil cross section; it should be remembered that the presence of underground water has
effect on a pressure value due to reduction of soil compaction and pressure induced by water
- data determining the soil work mode concerned with displacement of a retaining element;
the displacement is defined by means of the rotation of element , which is assumed
approximately to equal f/H (wall top displacement / element height); the soil work mode may
be determined as:
- active pressure
Ka -> a   < 0
- static pressure
Ko ->  = 0
- passive pressure
Kp -> 0 <   p
- limit value or intermediate value.
 table used for definition of soil layers
The user should select a soil type on the drop-down list in the Name column and next,
determine a soil layer level by entering a value in the Level or Thickness column; the table
enables access to the soil database which is a default database determined in the Job
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Preferences dialog box (the list of databases is editable after selecting the option: Tools /
Job preferences on the Databases tab / Soil Database)
 a view with drawing of soil layers and depth scale; the Profile field contains the options that
allow saving and opening a user-defined profile; pressing the Save button opens the dialog
box for file saving; each profile is saved as a separate file in the MS Access © (*.mbd)
program format; if the Open button is pressed, then the dialog box for opening the *.mbd type
file is activated; the Name edit field presents a path to the current file with a soil profile.
Pressing the Edit soil database button enables edition of the current soil database.
The Loads tab
In the above dialog box external loads applied to soil may be defined. The loads are defined
in the table included in the bottom part of the dialog box. Each load is assigned a name and a list
of parameters depending on the load type. The following load types may be defined:
linear load – the load is described with the following data: name, distance x [length], load
intensity Q [force/length]
distributed load - the load is described with the following data: name, distance x1 [length],
distance x2 [length], load intensity P [force/length^2]
uniform load - the load is described with the following data: name, distance x [length], load
intensity P [force/length^2].
Moreover, there is a possibility to choose pressure distribution type connected with the following
Polish codes: PN-83/B-03010 and PN-85/S-10030
French requirements: SETRA
Russian code RD 31.31.27-81.
The Results tab
The tab presents:
in the right part of the dialog box – the list of defined loads; the list is always composed of a
soil pressure load and user-defined cases resulting from loads applied to the backfill; the list
enables selection of cases that will be transferred to a model as a load
in the left part of the dialog box- the view of soil cross-section with a load diagram; the
diagram shows the case which is chosen on the list; while moving with the cursor on the
diagram, the user may read values at individual diagram points
messages in the case of incorrect data, provided in the field located under the list.
Pressing the Calculation note button opens a text editor with a note containing a set of data and
obtained pressure diagrams. Pressing the OK button closes the dialog box and starts preparation
for generating loads.
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3.10. Numbering (Nodes, Bars, Objects)
In some cases, it proves very useful to apply the Numbering option, offered by the program, that
allows the user to define numbering of nodes, bars, panels and objects. This option is made
available by:
selecting the Geometry / Numbering command from the menu,
pressing the
Numbering icon.
The options found in the dialog box allow the user to
change the numbering of nodes, bars, panels and objects
defined in a structure. The dialog box is divided into two
definite parts: Bars/Panels/Objects and Nodes. The same
options are found in both fields (Object Number, Step,
To change the numbering of objects in a structure:
define the beginning node number in the Node
number field or bar/panel/object number in the Object
number filed
define numbering step
select node/bar/panels/objects, whose numbering will
press Apply button.
If no numbering conflict occurs (i.e. the new number is not assigned to another node, bar,
panel, object), the numbers of the selected nodes/bars/panels/objects will be changed.
If, for instance, the numbering of bars 8, 11, 15, 20 is to be changed and the
following numbering change parameters are entered: Object Number equals 11
and Step equals 2, then, no numbering conflict will occur, as long as bars 13 and
17 have not yet defined in the structure.
There is also a possibility of performing the operation of geometrical renumbering. The
parameters of this type of renumbering are available after pressing the Parameters button in the
above-presented dialog box (the button becomes active no sooner than the Geometrical
renumbering option is selected).
3.11. Edit Operations
ROBOT program is equipped with many useful edit tools which facilitate user’s work during
defining and/or modifying a designed structure. These options, among others, include:
horizontal and vertical symmetry (mirror)
planar symmetry
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axial symmetry
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All the enumerated edit options are available from the menu (Edit/Edit submenu) or icons in the
Edit submenu
. The options are used to perform edit operations for the previously selected
nodes/elements of a defined structure. For each of the above options it is necessary to specify
parameters defining unequivocally a selected type of operation (e.g. a position of the symmetry
axis in the case of vertical or horizontal mirror).
There is also the Complex edition option available within the program, which is used to combine
edit operations (translation, rotation and scaling) for the previously selected structure
nodes/objects. The option is available from the menu, by selecting the Edit / Complex edit
command. To define complex edition of selected nodes or objects in a structure, one should first
decide which operations will be performed during complex edition; this option may consist of the
following edit options: translation, rotation and scaling. Complex edition may consist of two or
three mentioned operations set in an arbitrary order.
The following options may be found very useful during structure model definition: Divide, Extend
and Trim.
The Divide option is used to divide bars or object edges into smaller bars or edge segments.
The option is available:
by choosing the Edit / Divide command from the menu,
by pressing the Division
icon on the toolbar.
Extend is based on pulling a selected bar or object to the bars or objects that define the extend
edges (extend limits). The option is available from:
from the menu by selecting the Edit / Extend command
from the toolbar by pressing
Trim is based on indicating in a selected bar/object this part which is to be trimmed. The trim part
is located among bars/objects defining the trim edges. Bars or objects (arcs, circles, polylines,
etc.) can be the trim edges. The option is available:
from the menu by selecting the Edit / Trim command
from the toolbar by pressing the
In some cases, the presence of dimension lines is also necessary in a drawing of a structure.
These lines may be added to a structure by using the Tools / Dimension Lines option or pressing
icon. Then the dialog box for definition of parameters of created dimension lines will
appear on the screen:
 type of line (straight line, arc, circle dimensioning)
 position of a line
 beginning
 line end
 parameters of a description of a dimension line (location of a description, additional text on a
dimension line).
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3.12. Typical Structures
This option allows for selection/definition of typical structures (structure elements). It is available
in the Design 3D module, both from the text menu and icons:
after selecting the Library Structure icon
after selecting the Geometry / Structure / Insert from the Library command from the menu.
The dialog box shown below will be displayed on the screen.
Library structures are organized in certain structure bases. To select a structure, first the
appropriate base has to be found. The dialog box presented above consists of a few icons
corresponding to the structure types. To select any structure type double-click on the appropriate
icon with the left mouse button. The following structure bases are available in the current version
typical structure library - frames, trusses, beams
typical structures – additional base
plates and shells.
A couple of typical bar structures, most
frequently used in structure design are
available in the program:
continuous beam,
multi-story frame,
multi-bay frame,
different types of trusses.
These bar structures can be configured in an arbitrary way within the template. The following
values are to be defined:
- length,
- height/width,
- number of fields/divisions/spans,
- roof girder slope angles (in frames)
The typical plate and shell structures have been defined in the plate and shell base:
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rectangular plate
building wall with
rectangular plate with
a rectangular opening
half of a circular plate
rectangular plate with
a circular opening
half of a circular plate with
a circular opening
rectangular plate with ribs
half of a circular plate with
a rectangular opening
circular plate
shell structure - a
rectangular container
circular plate with
a circular opening
shell structure - cylindrical
circular plate with
a rectangular opening
shell structure - container
in the shape of a cut
In addition, for planar finite elements, the following parameters are to be defined:
- thickness,
- mesh type,
- reinforcement type and geometry,
- etc.
A structure defined using the library structure base can be used as a component of a bigger
structure (appropriate options allows for inserting it into the already existing structure in a
convenient and accurate way) or be a separate structure.
3.13. Phase Structures
Among the most interesting options offered by the ROBOT system one can point to the possibility
of analyzing phase structures (structures designed in several technological stages). The option is
available from the menu. The following commands are used to activate it:
Geometry/Phases/Phase Selection
Geometry/Phases/Collecting Phases.
The program performs structure calculations separately for each phase. Results are obtained for
each structure design phase, for each one is treated as a separate structure. The program
performs automatically the analysis of a phase structure phase by phase. The user decides which
of the phases is active during the presentation of results, i.e. for which phase to present
calculation results.
The results of phase structure calculations may be viewed for each phase separately, or else,
they may be collected (combined into one phase) to compare results and create an envelope of
the results for the entire structure with the use of the results obtained for the selected phases.
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Once the Phase selection option is chosen, there appears on screen the dialog box shown below
(the dialog box already contains definitions of four phases). The following options are available in
the dialog box:
the Activation/Edition range field - the field where the names of defined structure phases will
be displayed; beside each of the defined phases, one finds its number and a field allowing
one to switch on/off the bar/element transfer to other phases (if the option is on for a given
phase - there appears the “” symbol - the defined bars/elements in the currently selected
phase will also be included in the phase for which the transfer has been switched on; if the
option is off, the bars/elements defined for the currently selected phase will not be included in
the given phase).
the All windows option - if the option is off, then, activation of a phase of the structure will
refer to all the viewers open in the program; if the option is off, the phase activation will
refer to the active viewer.
the New Phase field - the field where one can define a new structure phase; one should
provide a name of the phase (the program automatically provides phase numbers; the
defined phase will receive the next number) and press the Define button.
three buttons:
Activate - pressing it results in activation of the selected (highlighted on the list) phase;
one may also do it by double-clicking the selected structure phase
Modify - pressing it allows one to change the name of the selected (highlighted on the
list) structure phase
Delete - pressing it results in deleting the selected (highlighted on the list) structure phase
The title bar of the ROBOT program displays the name of the phase that is
currently active.
The Phase collection option is used to define results for a phase structure on the basis of a
selected final phase (base phase) which should typically be a complete structure. The option
results in “gluing” (combining the results) indicated phases and allows one to compare single
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phases graphically. One should determine the Base phase (it should be an entire structure) in the
upper part. To define Added phases, one should select appropriate phase (the phase name is
marked by the ““ symbol). Each phase may be easily added to or deleted from the current list
that provides the basis for phase collection.
During definitions of successive phases of a structure, one should pay attention
to the numbering of structure bars; bars should have the same numbers in the
successive phases for the operation of phase collecting to make any sense (in
order to combine the results obtained for particular phases for the same
The results for a structure “collected” in this way will be presented when one selects the Glued
structure / 1st phase before collecting phase in the Phase dialog box.
3.14. Planar Finite Elements
There are two types of planar finite elements available in ROBOT: plates and shells. They are
defined by following steps:
material definition
contour definition
panel and hole definition
support definition
load definition.
Material, supports, and loading definition are similar to definitions for bar and are described in
sections 3.3 through 3.5 respectively.
A contour can be defined using following methods:
Contour definition
arc, or
pre-defined geometric shapes such as a circle or rectangle.
When polyline/contour method is selected, it is necessary to come to a closure when the corners
of the panel are being defined. This is done by specifying the first corner twice: as a first and last
point of the shape.
Those points can be defined in two different way either using mouse or by specifying coordinates
of each of them in numerical way with the keyboard. A dialog box, called Lines, serves the
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Panel and opening definition
A panel can be defined either by selecting a single internal point belonging to the panel or by
selecting all the objects defining the shape of the panel (lines, arcs other polylines, etc.).
Panel properties can be assigned in the same dialog box or from text menu. Two properties
should be specified: the material from which the panel is made of and its thickness. Optionally,
the reinforcement, for example in case of reinforced concrete, can be also defined. When a panel
is modeled with an opening, this opening has to be defined first. Therefore, the sequence of steps
would be following:
 Select opening for in the contour type field
 Create a contour by choosing, for example, an internal point within a figure defining
the hole
 Select panel in the contour type field
 Create the panel by, for example, choosing an internal point within the panel figure but
outside of the hole.
3.15. Coordinate System
Global Systems
Each structure's geometry is initially defined by node locations. Elements then can be defined by
indicating an appropriate beginning and end node list.
Node locations are determined by their coordinates in a right-handed Cartesian system, which is
the GLOBAL SYSTEM in which all calculations are made.
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For plane structures, the XZ-plane is assumed for coordinate data (structure definition). However,
the graphical display is actually a 3D picture that can be rotated about any axis to create different
Local Coordinate Systems
Each element defined in a structure has its own LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM, in which
section properties (moments of inertia, extreme fiber locations), and result forces are defined.
Furthermore, load cases and additional attributes such as end releases and offsets can be
defined using element local coordinate systems.
Bar Elements
The local system is a right-hand Cartesian type and has the following axis orientation for bar
the local “x” axis is always located along the element's longitudinal axis, having its direction
sense from the beginning node to the end node. The origin is "fixed" at the beginning node,
as shown in Fig. 4.
the local “y” and “z” axes are located according to the right-hand rule. These axes typically
represent the strong and the weak axes of bending respectively, depending on the section
profile. The default orientation of 3-D bar elements is shown in figure below.
The local system (“y” and “z” axes) together with the section profile can be rotated around the
element axis “x”, by setting the GAMMA angle.
The default orientation of 2-D bar elements is treated as a special case. The local
“z” and “y” axes represent the strong and weak axes for plane frame and plane
truss elements (models defined in the XY-plane). Initially (for GAMMA=0) the
profile is set in a position which safeguards the structure with the greater moment
of inertia reacting the bending effects from allowed loads (i.e. the Z-axis, being
perpendicular to the XY-plane of the structure, is assumed to be the strong axis
of bending by default).
Y y
A - beginning node
B - end node
Fig. 4
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Finite Elements
The local coordinate system for a finite element is not required as every node has its own 'local'
system. However, it is required that the direction of the vector normal to the element surface is
known to allow proper definition of normal pressures.
the normal vector is oriented perpendicular to the element surface, according to the righthand rule, when considering a sequence from the first to the second, and third nodes of
element. The local system and the normal vector are shown for 6 and 8-noded finite
elements in figure.
Global-local Systems Relations
In the definition of the relation between the global coordinate system and the local coordinate
systems, positive angles are defined by the right-hand rule. ROBOT Millennium uses a common
convention for the angle transformation, in which the angles ALPHA, BETA, and GAMMA signify
positive rotations around the axes of the global coordinate system. For composite transformations
the sequence of rotations is important. Thus, if the non-zero angles are submitted, first the
rotation around Z-axis (ALPHA) is applied, next the rotation around Y-axis (BETA), and finally the
rotation around X-axis (GAMMA). The first two angles of rotation define exactly the local x-axis for
an element. A profile's specific position (setting the local y and z axes), is determined by the
GAMMA angle.
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To understand the GAMMA angle
definition, consider a 3D-global to
transformation. First the rotation
around the Z axis (ALPHA angle)
sets the new X1-axis in line with the
projection of the element on the
horizontal plane. The next rotation
lifts the horizontally situated X-axis
in its final position. Finally the
GAMMA angle fixes the profile with
its local axes y, z in its final
configuration. This sequence of
rotations is shown in the figure to
the left.
If the element is situated
vertically (local x-axis parallel
to the global Z-axis) its
projection on the horizontal
global XY plane reduces to a
point. In such a situation the
ALPHA angle is assumed to
be zero, and only the BETA
angle rotation is applied to fit
the X-axis to the element axis.
The examples of different
GAMMA angles are given in
the figure to the right.
Sign Conventions
In general, the direction of positive force and displacement vectors is the same as the positive
axis direction. For the positive direction of angles, rotations, and moments in the external
coordinate system (global or local) the right-hand rule is used. This convention defines the signs
of external forces, nodal forces, displacements, and rotations. These are items used during
structure definition, analysis, and results review.
However, for internal forces that act within the element, a different this sign convention is used.
There are different definitions for the internal sign convention used for bar elements and that used
for finite elements.
Bar Elements
Positive directions of forces for the above described sign convention are presented schematically
in the drawing below. In the program, the sign convention for bar elements is based on the
convention used for sectional forces. According to this convention, sectional forces are of the
same sign, if they produce the same result at the end of a bar as the result produced by positive
nodal forces (the forces whose direction agrees with the direction of the axes of the local
coordinate system) applied at the beginning node of the bar. Therefore, compression forces are
positive, while the tension forces are negative. Positive bending moments MY produce tension in
the beam fibers that are located on the negative side of the local coordinate axis “z”. Positive
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bending moments MZ produce tension in the beam fibers that are located on the positive side of
the local coordinate axis “y”.
The positive directions of force vectors in the above-described convention are presented
schematically in the figure below.
Finite Elements
ROBOT does not display nodal forces for finite elements when printing results. Only internal
forces and stresses are displayed. They are defined in relation to the local normal and tangential
directions of the cross section. If n signifies the normal vector to the element surface, s the
tangent to the element surface, and z the outward normal to the element surface, then these
three vectors (n, s, z) will create a right-handed Cartesian system, the positive forces, moments,
and stresses acting on the given cross section should conform to the appropriate directions of the
n, s, z vectors.
Fz 
Fs  s 
This definition is displayed with positive
internal forces shown.
Fn n 
Volumetric Finite Elements
In the ROBOT program volumetric structures are modeled with the use of isoparametric
volumetric finite elements with displacement field approximation based on 1st order shape
functions. The sign convention for volumetric elements is presented schematically in the drawing
below. The convention is shown for stresses; the stresses displayed in the drawing have positive
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3.17. Section Definition
The function of the Sections module is to allow the user to graphically define the geometry of a
cross-section, calculate the geometrical and cross-sectional properties, and store the definition
and properties to disk. These properties can be used in the analysis as well as the design
functions of ROBOT Millennium. The defined cross-sections can be:
solid (or thick-walled),
with or without holes,
homogeneous (one material) or composite (different material properties for different areas of
the cross-section),
with straight or curved contour segments,
taken from the database of profiles in the Sections Tables module, then modified, and added
to another contour
The Sections module has two general options to define the cross-section and to calculate its
properties. These are the solid cross-section and the thin-walled cross-section options. Each
option operates slightly differently. The choice determines the graphical representation and the
calculation process used. The thin-walled cross-section option is not implemented in the current
version of ROBOT Millennium.
For solid or thick-walled cross-sections, the following properties are calculated and presented in
graphical and numerical form:
values of the true area (A x ) and weighted area ( A x ),
section circumference
position of the center of gravity (Y0, Z0) or ( Y0 ,
Z0 ) in the global coordinate system,
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principal angle (Alpha) or (Alpha*),
moments of inertia (weighted moments of inertia): in the central, principal and arbitrary
coordinate systems (IY, IZ , IYZ)
radiuses of gyration (iY, iZ)
shear area (WY, WZ)
plastic section moduli (WplY, WplZ)
elastic section moduli (Wely, Welz)
first moments of area (in any coordinate system)
torsion constant (IX)
distances to the extreme fibers ( Vy ,
shear reduced area (AY, AZ) for calculating the maximum tangent stress in a beam.
Vpy , Vz , Vpz ),
Plastic section moduli about the principal, central section axes are calculated from the formulas
given below.
A bending moment with respect to the axis y or z, which causes complete plastification of a
section, is a product of a value of the plastic section modulus about the axis y or z and a yield
point value.
are surfaces of equal areas that result from division by means of the neutral
line parallel to the y axis.
are surfaces of equal areas that result from division by means of
the neutral line parallel to the z axis.
Generation of the section requires following steps:
1. Define the geometry of the section graphically.
2. Define the physical material properties.
3. Perform the calculations.
4. Save the new calculation to the user section database.
The user can also generate the calculation note and verify it by performing a Stress analysis
with unit force loads applied to the section.
To define the geometry of the section, the user can use a combination of polygons, arcs,
rectangles or circles. These can be modified next by translating, rotating, or mirroring, as well as
by modifying any of their edges or vertexes. The final shape has to consist of contiguous shapes
and has to be a closed two dimensional figure.
Often during the edition of the section user wants to erase the overlapping portions of two
separate figures and unify it into a single section. This can be easily achieved with a
Standardization tool. The user has to click on the icon, then select all separate figures, and
finally click on the icon again to execute the "standardization".
Holes can be created simply by forming a figure within an existing section, using the tools
mentioned above.
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The material of a section can be set by choosing Contour / Properties option and then by
choosing the material type in the material field as shown below.
Here, the user can also modify the location of
each vertex of the section.
The user can also import a predefined section
from the database, like AISC for steel sections.
This option is available from the text menu
under File / Import from Databases.
The results can be achieved in two ways: by
choosing option from the text menu, Results /
Geometric Properties / Results or by clicking
on the Results icon. The results dialog box
allows to view all the characteristics of the
created section and to generate a calculation
note which can be added to the final project
report in the printout composition.
The function of the Results option is to perform the calculation of the geometrical and weighted
(transformed) characteristics of the cross-section. For composite cross sections, the weighted
properties are marked with the sign "*". They are defined by the relation:
 A i i
A 
i - indicates the i - material of the composite section,
b - indicates the “base” material of the composite
The program output presents the
general results (the values of
quantities independent of the system
of coordinates) and results dependent
on the system and the kind of
Now the user can verify the section
properties by applying a unit force (as
well as unit moments in each direction
along and about the main axes). This
option, however, is only available for
the sections made out of the same
In the case of a thin-walled section the following values are presented in the graphical or
numerical form:
cross-sectional area (Ax)
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positioning of the center of gravity (Y0, Z0) in the global coordinate system
main angle (Alpha) - the angle of inclination of the first main axis in relation to the positive
direction of the axis Y of the principal coordinate system.
moments of inertia and deviation determined by the user in relation to the user’s global
coordinate system axes (IY, IZ , IYZ) as well as to the main, central axes ( Iy, Ix )
moment of inertia for torsion
distance of the extreme section fibers to the main and central axes
location of the bending center ( Yc, Zc ) in the global coordinate system
weight per bar length unit (WU).
The following method is used in calculating characteristic properties of thin-walled section
geometry: the cross-section is assumed to be reduced to the central section line consisting of
points with ascribed mass m(s)= (s) (s)=1*(s), where (s) refers to the thickness of the section
wall, while s is a partial coordinate on the central line. A thin-walled section is treated as a onedimensional figure and divided into an arbitrary yet finite number of segments and/or arcs.
The Results/Geometric properties/Calculation note option (available once calculations for
geometrical properties of a section are performed) activated a text editor, where one finds data
concerning the profile and the results of calculations made for geometrical properties.
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K.J. BATHE, E. WILSON, Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey 1976
J.L. BATOZ, G. DHATT, Modelisation des structures par elements finis, Hermes, Paris 1990.
M.A. CRIESFIELD, Solution procedures for non-linear structural problems, 1984
T. GALEA, H. GACHON, Modele d'analyse nonlineaire des structures a barres methodes
d'approche du seuil de bifurcation, Construction Metallique, 2-1978
E. HINTON, D.R.J. OWEN, An Introduction to Finite Element Computations, Pineridge Press,
Swansea 1984
E. HINTON, D.R.J. OWEN, C. TAYLOR (Eds), Recent Advances in Non-linear Computational
Mechanics, Pineridge Press, Swansea 1982
T.J.R. HUGHES, The Finite Element Method - Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element
Analysis, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey 07632
T.J.R. HUGHES, F. BREZZI, On Drilling Degrees of Freedom, Comp. Meth. In Appl. Mech. and
Eng. 72(1989), 105-121
W. KANOK-NUKUICHAI, Mathematical modelling of cable-stayed bridge, Structural Engineering
International, 2/92
J.S. PRZEMIENIECKI, Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York 1968
S.P. TIMOSHENKO, J.M. GERE, Theory of Elastic Stability, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961
S.P. TIMOSHENKO, WOYNOWSKI-KRUGER, Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill,
New York 1966
K. WASHIZU, Variational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity, Pergamon Press, 1976
O.C. ZIENKIEWICZ, Finite Element Method, McGraw-Hill, London 1977.
Selected References Describing Methods of Finite Element Mesh Generation
AKHRAS, DHATT, "An automatic node recaballing schema for minimizing a matrix or network
bandwidth, IJNME'76, vol. 10, 787-97
AKIN, Contouring on isoparametric surfaces, IJNME'77, v.11, 893-7
AMEZWA el. el. 3, A general algorithm for the bidimensional Finite Element meshing, II Congress
Mundial Vasco, ed. ALEA t.I, 1988 p. 540-52
BARNHILL, BIRKOFF, GORDON, Smooth Interpolation in Triangles, J. of Approx. Theory 8,11428, (1973)
BOWYER, Computing Divicklet tesselations, The Computer Journal, v.24, 2, 1981
BYKAT, Automatic generation of triangular grid: I - subdivision of a general polygon into convex
subregions, II - triangulation of convex polygons, IJNME'76, 1329-42
BYKAT, A note on an element ordering schema, IJNME '76, 194-8
BYKAT, Design of a recursive shape controlling mesh generator, 1375-90, vol. 19, 1983
CAVENDISH, GORDON, HALL, Substructured macro elements based on locally blended
interpolation, IJNME'83, v11, IJNME'77, 1405-21
COLLINS, A modified prefrontal routine, IJNME '77, 765-6
DUROCHER, GASPER, A Vertical Two-Dimensional Mesh Generator with Automatic Bandwidth
Reduction, Computer & Structures, 1979, v. 10, p. 561-75
EISENBERG, MALVERN, On FE Integration in Natural Co-ordinates, IJNME'73, v.7, N 4, 574-5
FREY, HALL, PORSCHING, An application of computer graphics to 3D FE, C&3 1979, v. 10,
GOLDEN, Geometric structural modelling: a promising basis for FE analysis, Computers &
Structures 1979, v. 10, 347-50
GORDON, Spline blended surface interpolation through curve networks, Journal of Math & Mech.
(JMM) '69, 931-52
GORDON, HALL, Transfinite Element Methods: Blending Function Interpolation over Arbitrarily
Curved Element Domains, Numer. Math, 21, 109-29
Preprocessor Utilizing Discrete Transfinite Mappings, IJNME, 1981, vol. 17, 1015-44
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HALL, LUCZAK, SERDY, Numerical Solution of Steady State Heat Flow Problems over Curved
Domains, ACM - TrMS'76 (Transaction of Mathematical Software), vol. 2, Nr 3, Sept. 76, p. 25774
HALL, Transfinite Interpolation and Applications to Engineering Problems, Theory of
Approximation with Applications, ed. LAW, SAHNEJ, 308-31
HENSHELL, Differences Between Isoparametric Assumptions and True Circles, IJNME, 1977, p.
JOE, SIMPSON, Triangular meshes for regions of complicated shape, IJNME'86, v. 23, 751-78
JOHNSON, Meshing - Beauty is only skin deep, BENCHmark, June 1993, p. 34-37
KLEINSTREUER, HOLDEMAN, A triangular FE mesh generator for fluid dynamic systems of
arbitrary geometry, IJNME'80, v. 15, 1325-34
LEE, LO, An Automatic Adaptive Refinement, FE Procedure for 2D Elastostatic Analysis, IJNME
1992, vol. 35, P. 1967-89
LEWIS, ROBINSON, Triangulation of Planar Regions with Applications, The Computer Journal
1987, vol. 21, n°4, p. 324-32
LIU, CHEN, A 2D Mesh generator for variable order triangular and rectangular elements,
Computer & Structures, v. 29, Nr 6, 1033-53, 1998
LO, Generation of High-Quality Gradation Finite Element Mesh, Engineering Fracture Mechanics,
1992,vol. 41, N° 2, pp. 191 - 202
LO, Visualisation of 3D solid FE mesh by the method of sectioning, C&S, 1990, vol. 35, N° 1, pp.
LO, Volume discretization into tetrahedra - I. Verification and orientation of B surfaces, C&S,
1991, vol. 39, N° 5, pp. 493-500
LO, Volume discretization into tetrahedra - II. 3D triangulation by advancing front approach,
Computers & Structures, 1991, vol. 39, N° 5, pp. 501-11
LO, CHEUNG, LEUNG, An algorithm to display 3D objects, C&S'82, v. 15, No. 6, 637-83
McNEICE, MARCAL, Optimization of FE Grids based on Minimum Potential Energy, Transaction
of ASME (Journal of Eng. for Indus.), February 1973, p. 186-90
MEEK, BEER, Contour Plotting of Data Using Isoparametric Element Representation, IJNME,
1975, vol. 10, N°4, P; 954-7
MOSCARDINI, LEWIS, CROSS, AGHTOM - Automatic Generation of Triangular and Higher
Order Meshes, IJNME, 1983, vol. 19, pp. 1331-53
OBERKAMPF, Domain Mappings for the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations,
IJNME, 1976, vol. 10, p. 211-23
PARK, WASHAM, Drag method as a FE mesh generation scheme, Computers & Structures,
1979, vol. 10, p. 343-6
PEANO, PASINI, RICCIONI, SARDELLA, Adaptive Approximations in FE Structural Analysis,
C&S, 1979, vol. 10, p. 333-42
PERUCCHIO, INGRAFFEA, ABEL, Interactive Computer Graphic Preprocessing for 3D FE
Analysis, IJNME, 1982, vol. 18, p. 909-26
PERUCCHIO, SAXENA, Automatic Mesh Generation from Solid Models Based on Recursive
Spatial Decompositions, IJNME, 1989, vol. 28, pp. 2469-501
PIEGL, Hermite and Coons like interpolants using rational Bezier approximation form with infinite
control points, CAD, 1988, p. 2-10
PINA, An Algorithme for Frontwidth Reduction, IJNME, 1981, vol. 17, p. 1539-46
PISSANETZKY, KUBIK, An Automatic 3D FE Mesh Generator, IJNME, 1981, vol. 17, p. 255-69
POURAZADY, RADHAKRISHAN, Optimization of a triangular mesh, Comp. & Structures, 1991,
v. 40, Nr 3, pp. 795-804
PREISS, Checking the Topological consistency of a FE mesh, IJNME 1979, v. 14, 1805-12
RHEINBOLDT, Adaptative Mesh Refinement Processes for FE solutions, IJNME, v. 17, 649-62,
RUDD, Impacting the design process using solid modelling and automated FE mesh generation,
CAD'88, p. 212-60
SADEK, A Scheme for the Automatic Generation of Triangular Finite Elements, IJNME, 19780
vol. 15, p. 1813-22
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SCHROEDER, SHEPHARD, Geometry Based Fully Automatic Mesh Generation and the
Delaunay Triangulation, IJNME, 1988, vol. 26, p. 2503-15
SIMPSON, Automatic Local Refinement for Irregular Rectangular Meshes, IJNM, 1979, v. 14,
SLOAN, A Fast Stiffness Formulation for FE Analysis of 2D Solids, IJNME 1981, v. 17, p. 131323
STELZER, WELZEL, Plotting of Contours in a Natural Way, IJNME, 1987, v. 24, 1757-69
STRICKLIN, HO, RICHARDSON, HAISLER, On Isoparametric vs. Linear Strain Triangular
Elements, IJNME, 1977, v. 11, 1041-43
WU, Techniques to Avoid Duplicate Nodes and Relax Restrictions on Superelement Numbering
in a Mesh Generator, Computers & Structures, 1982, vol. 15, n° 4, p. 419-22
WU, ABEL, GREENBERG, An Interactive Computer Graphics Approach of Surface
Representation, Communication of the ACM, October 1977, vol. 20, n° 10, p. 703
ZIENKIEWICZ, ZHU, Error estimates and Adaptivity - The Essential Ingredients of Engineering
FEM Analysis, BENCHmark, July 1989, p. 9-15
SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY, ACIS Geometric Modeler - Technical Overview, Printed in the USA,
SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY, ACIS 3D Toolkit - Technical Overview, Printed in the USA, 1996/97
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Structure Calculations
page: 193
Structure analysis may be run using one of the following methods:
 by selecting the Analysis / Calculations command from the menu
by pressing the
Calculations icon on the toolbar
by selecting quantities to be calculated (reactions, displacements, forces, etc.) from the
Results menu; once for example a displacement table is selected, there appears an
additional dialog box that holds options for selection of a manner of the program behavior
when an option that requires results is called up and the calculations have not been run
The program provides the option that protects against the loss of structure calculation results
(i.e. against displaying structure calculation status: Out of date), when after performed
calculations an operation is carried out in the program which changes the structure data saved in
an *.RTD file.
A global status of the result blockade has been implemented in the program. There are three
methods of setting it:
manually by the user - the Results menu contains the Frozen Results option, which may be
switched on/off; thus structure calculation results are blocked or unblocked, respectively
(NOTE: the option is available only when structure calculation results are Available)
automatically - on the basis of settings in Job Preferences - the Structure Analysis tab
contains the option Automatic freezing of results; if the option is switched on, then after each
time structure calculations are performed (in other words, when the status of structure
calculation results changes to Available) structure calculation results are automatically frozen;
the option is switched on by default
semi-automatically for the action performed by the user - it concerns only unfreezing of
calculation results; if calculation results are frozen and the user performs any operation that
results in a change of data regarding the structure, then a message will appear on the screen
with warning about the possible loss of the available status of calculation results; if it is
accepted, it changes data regarding the structure and unfreezes calculation results (if is not
accepted, then the change in the structure will not be made and the result status will not
It should be emphasized that if in the program any operation is performed that will lead to a
change of data regarding the structure, then the message with the warning will be displayed on
the screen (of course, if results are frozen). It means that for example, if there is a manual
combination defined (the operation after structure calculations is correct), then the warning will
also be displayed. Obviously, the user will be able to accept the warning and define a
combination, and next, freeze the calculation results manually.
Available Analysis Types
In ROBOT Millennium, the user may define the parameters of various types of structural
analysis. At the beginning of the structure load definition, all structure load cases are assigned
the same type i.e. linear static. In the Analysis Type dialog box which opens once the Analysis /
Analysis Types option is chosen, the analysis type may be changed (e.g. to nonlinear). New load
cases may be created in this dialog box and calculations for analysis types that do not require
previous definition of the static load case (seismic or modal analysis) may begin.
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In the current ROBOT Millennium version, the following structure analysis types are available:
linear static
non-linear static (the P-Delta effect taken into consideration) - here, the non-linearity is
buckling (effects of the second order are not taken into consideration)
modal analysis (structure eigen vibrations)
modal analysis recognizing static forces – the commonly used modal analysis (calculations of
structure eigen vibrations) does not recognize the influence of static forces; to approach the
real conditions of structure work, one may select in the ROBOT program modal analysis
recognizing static forces
harmonic analysis
seismic analysis (the following codes are available: French codes PS69, PS92, Site Classes
and AFPS, European EC8 code (general code, French, Portuguese and Italian NADs), EC8
(EN 1998-1-1:2004), American UBC97 code, Italian codes DM16.1.96 and Italian code 2003,
Spanish code NCSR-02, Romanian codes P100-92 and P-100-1-2004, Algerian codes
RPA88, RPA99 and RPA 99 (2003), Moroccan code RPS 2000, Turkish seismic code,
Chilean seismic code NCh 433.Of96, Chinese seismic codes, Argentine seismic code
CIRSOC103, Greek codes EAK 2000 and EAK 2000/2003, IBC 2000 and IBC 2006 - codes
released in the USA, Monaco code, Canadian code NBC 1995, Russian codes: SniP II-7-81
and SniP 2001)
spectral analysis
Time History analysis – non-linear time history analysis is also available
Pushover analysis
elasto-plastic analysis of bars (in the current program version this analysis is available only
for steel sections)
analysis of bars working only for tension/compression as well as analysis of cable structures.
It is assumed that the whole structure is divided into separate parts (finite elements). Elements
are connected together only by the common nodes. Deformation inside the element is defined by
linear combinations of the nodal displacements and the presumed functions (shape functions).
Thus, the whole internal energy of the system depends only on the independent nodal
parameters. The nodal displacements collected (assembled) for the whole structure form the
global vector of unknowns Q. On the basis of an appropriate variational principle (for example the
principle of virtual work) the equilibrium conditions can be formulated. This leads to the wellknown form of the equilibrium equations system:
M Q'' + C Q' + K Q = F(t) - f(t,Q)
- the tangent stiffness matrix in the form of the sum
of element matrices
K = K0 + K + KNL , where:
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- initial stiffness matrix (independent of Q)
- stress matrix (linearly dependent on the
compression intensity)
- matrix of other components dependent on
- damping matrix
- mass matrix
- displacements (increments or total displacements)
- velocities (the first time derivatives of the Q vector)
- accelerations (the second time derivatives of the
Q vector)
- external forces vector
f(t,Q) - unbalanced forces vector.
The user can choose the following structure analysis types:
Static analysis
The general system of equilibrium equations can be simplified when the additional assumption is
made that the loading is quasi-static. This means that the loads are applied so slowly that the
velocities and accelerations of the masses are close to zero, and that the inertia and damping
forces and the kinetic and damping energy can be neglected. Such a reduced system describes
a static state of a multi degree of freedom system. There are generally two approaches to static
problems - linear and non-linear.
Linear analysis
Linear analysis is the basic structural analysis type. It assumes that displacements and rotations
are small, that the material is perfectly elastic. This implies linearity of 'cause and effect', so that
the results produced by combining or factoring a basic load case by a factor  are equal to the
results from the basic case multiplied by that factor . The stiffness matrix is then constant and
the system of equilibrium equations takes the form of K0 Q = F, which can be solved by a single
reduction and back-substitution procedure.
The following load types can be defined during structure static calculations:
all types of static loads (concentrated forces – nodal and at any point along the element
length, continuous loads – constant and variable along the element length)
imposed support displacements and reduction/elongation of bar elements
thermal loads (constant or variable thermal field along the section height).
The displacement (stiffness) method is used to solve linear static problems.
The following are produced:
- node displacements,
- forces and stresses in elements,
- reactions in support directions,
- residual forces at nodes.
If linear static calculations of the stucture are to be performed, the user does not have to define
any analysis parameters. Linear static is a default structure analysis type in the program, i.e. if no
other analysis type is defined, the program will conduct static calculations of the defined structure.
All load cases defined in the program are linear static cases.
Non-linear analyses
The ROBOT program allows defining different types of nonlinear static analysis of the structure.
Nonlinear structure behavior may be connected with a single structure element (structural or
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material nonlinearity) or it may result from a nonlinear relation between forces and deformation of
the entire structure (geometric nonlinearity).
There are three main sources of nonlinearity in the program:
- structural nonlinearity,
- geometric nonlinearity,
- material nonlinearity.
The structural nonlinearity results from application of elements of specific properties in a
structure, such as compression/tension elements, cables, material plasticity, nonlinear hinges,
etc. Therefore, non-linear systems show some features of linearity if no cables are present.
Positive multiplication of load gives an equal increase of results. However, other attributes of
linear systems are not adhered to. The system of equations is assumed to take the form of
(K0 + K + KN) Q = F(t) - f(t,Q),
as for the linear static analysis, but this a priori assumption must be verified a posteriori (after the
system is solved). This usually involves an iterative process. Structural nonlinearity is
automatically set when defined with the element or releases definition.
Geometric nonlinearity results from the non-linear theory applied to the equilibrium equation
formulation and solution (second order approach). In ROBOT Millennium, geometric
nonlinearities are divided into separate effects: stress-stiffening (influence of the internal forces
on the element stiffness) and P-delta (influence of the structure deformation on its equilibrium).
They can be considered independently since they are activated by separate options. In addition,
the loads may be applied in increments for each type of non-linear analysis.
Material nonlinearity results from nonlinear material properties (nonlinear stress-strain relation: it
may include elasto-plastic, plastic materials or other nonlinear materials). At present, material
pseudo nonlinearity can be obtained in the ROBOT program by applying cable elements, which
have nonlinear stress-strain property.
All algorithms used while solving nonlinear projects assume that rotations are small, so that the
tangents and sines of angles can be replaced with the angles themselves during calculations.
Description of Algorithms Used in Nonlinear Analysis
The ROBOT program offers one method of solving a system of non-linear equations: the
incremental method.
In the incremental method, the right-hand vector (load vector) is divided into “n” equal parts called
increments. Consecutive load increment is applied to the structure once the state of equilibrium
for the previous increment is achieved. The norm of unbalanced forces is specified for each step,
which allows monitoring of the structure force-deformation relations.
Example of the non-linear process within the incremental method is shown in the figure below.
Values used for non-linear calculations are displayed there.
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Definition of a Nonlinear Analysis Case
Nonlinear structure analysis can be defined for each static load case in the Analysis Type dialog
box that appears on the screen once the Analysis / Analysis Types command is selected. To
define a nonlinear load case, in the Analysis Type dialog box one should choose a load case (it
will be highlighted), for which the analysis type should be changed, and then press the
Parameters button. In the Nonlinear Analysis Parameters dialog box (see the figure below)
one should select the Non-linear analysis option or P-delta analysis option for a given load case
and accept changes that have been made.
If the Auxiliary case option is switched on for a given load case, then it is not calculated and the
results obtained for it are not available. In the linear-static analysis, results of a combination
including such a case are unavailable, either. For the non-linear analysis an auxiliary case may
be particularly useful, when the results of case combinations only, not of a single case, are of
interest to the user. To reduce the calculation time, calculations of a given case may be switched
off, while a non-linear combination is always calculated as a separate case including a load
Non-linear behavior of a structure may result from a single structure element (structural or
material non-linearity) or from a non-linear force-deformation relation in the whole structure
(geometric non-linearity).
If a structure includes non-linear elements (e.g. cables, unilateral supports, material plasticity),
calculations using the incremental method are performed automatically.
Moreover, it is also possible to switch on the geometric non-linearity:
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non-linear analysis – takes account of the second-order effects, i.e. change of bending rigidity
depending on the longitudinal forces
P-delta analysis - takes account of the third-order effects, i.e. additional lateral rigidity and
stresses resulting from deformation.
Switching on the geometric non-linearity enables taking the actual higher-order effects into
consideration and often has effect on improving the convergence of the calculation process for
a structure including non-linear elements.
The iteration process is controlled through defining nonlinear parameters in the Nonlinear
Analysis Algorithm Options dialog box (when Parameters button in pressed).
To select one algorithm - out of three available in the program - for solving a non-linear problem,
one should set the following parameters:
for the INITIAL STRESS method:
- Matrix K actualized after each subdivision - OFF
- Matrix K actualized after each iteration - OFF
- Matrix K actualized after each subdivision - OFF
- Matrix K actualized after each iteration - ON
For the FULL NEWTON- Matrix K actualized after each subdivision - ON
RAPHSON method:
- Matrix K actualized after each iteration - ON.
The user may also use the BFGS modification procedure (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldforb-Shanno).
The algorithm of the BFGS method modifies the stiffness matrix during calculations. The use of
the “line search” algorithm may improve in certain cases the convergence of the method.
In general, the quickest way to obtain the problem’s solution is to apply the INITIAL STRESS
method, while the calculations take the longest time when the user decides to select FULL
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NEWTON-RAPHSON method. However, the greatest probability of obtaining convergence of a
method occurs in case of FULL NEWTON-RAPHSON method, while the probability is the
smallest in case of INITIAL STRESS method.
The program automatically checks the convergence of the process. The iteration process is
stopped once the state of equilibrium is achieved. Displacement increments dUn and unbalanced
forces dFn are then equal to zero (i.e. are smaller than defined precision parameters for both
values). Iteration process is stopped also in case of divergence. Lack of convergence can be
interpreted either as the numerical effect of structure overload or as a result of numerical process
instability (e.g. when the applied load is divided into a small number of intervals). In such case,
the number of load increments can be increased in the program, which usually helps the process
to converge. It can also be done by changing parameters of step-length reduction.
The parameters listed below, located in the Nonlinear Analysis Algorithm Options dialog box,
affect the course of non-linear calculations:
- load increment number is used during the division of a load into smaller segments. For
complex structures where the impact of non-linear effects is considerable, calculations may
not converge, if the analysis is carried out for the value of a load applied in one step. The
number of load increments affects the number of iterations; the greater the number of
increments, the greater the probability for the calculations to reach the point of convergence,
- maximum iteration number in each load increment is used to control the calculation process
during one load increment,
- allowable number of increment length reduction (modification) defines how many times the
program may automatically change the number of load increments in case when calculations
do not reach convergence
- increment length reduction factor is used to modify the required number of load increments.
This is the so-called conditional option, used only when calculations do not reach
convergence for the currently defined parameters. If the problem does not reach
convergence, the program automatically reduces the size of load increment (depending on
the value of the defined coefficient) and continues calculations. This procedure is repeated
until convergence of results is reached, or else, until the iteration process exceeds the
allowable number of step length reductions.
If the Arc-length method is selected, then the following parameters need to be determined:
load increment number
maximum iteration number for one increment
maximum load factor max - the maximum value of the load parameter
node number, degree of freedom - number of a node located on the structure roof and the
displacement direction
maximum displacement for selected degree of freedom Dmax - the maximum value of
a displacement at a selected node.
The Arc-length method is applied during non-linear pushover analysis; it is strongly
recommended when non-linear structure attributes are defined in a structure model. The arclength method (displacement steering) should be applied when the incremental algorithms of
solving equations by force steering are not convergent.
In the Non-linear Analysis Algoritm Options dialog box there is also the Additional criterions
to stop analysis button available, which when pressed opens the Criterions to stop analysis
dialog box.
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In the standard non-linear analysis the load is applied with the increment d = 1.0 / X, where X –
number of load increments; consequently, the maximum possible load factor () which may be
reached for convergent calculations, equals max =1.0.
Additional criterions of stopping the analysis provided in the dialog box presented in the drawing
above enable execution of non-linear analysis with the increment of the load parameter
determined by the user; the maximum load factor max is indefinite or may be defined by the user.
The following criterions which allow stopping the analysis are available in the dialog box:
Structure collapse
Reaching load factor
Plasticity state
Reaching plasticity rate
Exceeded maximum displacement of any node
Exceeded maximum displacement of a selected node
Reaching a value of total strains
Reaching a value of plastic strains.
There is a possibility to define more than one criterion of stopping the analysis; however, the
definition is limited to one criterion from a given group, i.e. 1, 2 or 3. Thus the user may select for
example 1A, 2A, 3B, but the definition 1A, 1B or 2A, 2B or 3A, 3B is not allowed.
 Buckling analysis
The stress-stiffening effect can be taken into account in the formulation of linear systems. The
buckling analysis option investigates the influence of the load-level increasing as the stiffness
matrix softens. The buckling load coefficient is found through a linear eigenproblem solution. This
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coefficient describes the load-level for which the stiffness matrix becomes singular. The
eigenvector defines the buckling shape associated with the current buckling load (eigenvalue).
The buckling analysis solves the buckling eigenproblem and the following are determined:
- required number of structure buckling forms,
- critical forces, buckling lengths,
- global value of the critical load.
Dynamic analysis
Various dynamic analyses can be performed for any of the available structure types. The general
assumptions of a linear theory are used, i.e.:
- small deformations,
- small displacements,
- linearly elastic materials.
The mass used for the dynamic analyses can be entered using the following methods:
- self weight,
- self weight plus concentrated, added masses
- weights resulting from forces – the user may change all the formerly-defined forces to
masses, that can be applied during structure dynamic analysis. For example, if a structure
has been loaded with external forces (e.g. with self weight), the weights determined based on
these forces may be considered during structure dynamic calculations.
Modal analysis
The modal analysis determines all parameters for the basic modes of free vibration. These
parameters include eigen-values, eigen-vectors, participation factors, and masses.
The number of modes to be calculated can be entered directly, or by defining a range of values
for the free vibration parameters. The eigenvalues and mode shapes are obtained from the
following equation:
( K - i2 M ) U i = 0.
Harmonic analysis
In a harmonic analysis, the user defines structures and loads as in a linear static analysis.
Imposed forces are interpreted as excitation force amplitudes. Their frequency, phase angle, and
period are defined by the user. The equation of motion being solved in the harmonic analysis
(assuming that structure damping is neglected) is:
( K - 2 M ) Q = F.
Displacement, internal force and reaction amplitudes are produced by the analysis.
Spectral analysis
The analysis calculates all values from the modal analysis and also calculates the following for
each of the vibration forms:
- participation coefficients for the spectral analysis,
- value of the accelerating excitation spectrum,
- modal coefficients,
- displacements, internal forces, reactions and vibration combinations.
The equation of motion being solved in the spectral analysis is:
K Q + M Q'' = - M A.
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Seismic analysis
The analysis calculates all values from the modal analysis and also calculates the following for
each of the vibration forms:
- participation coefficients for the seismic analysis,
- value of the seismic excitation coefficient,
- modal coefficients,
- displacements, internal forces, reactions and vibration combinations.
Seismic analysis can be performed according to the following codes:
- UBC97 (the Uniform Building Code 1997)
- other non-US codes.
Time history analysis
Time history analysis is an analysis that allows one to obtain the structure reaction at the selected
time points for a defined lasting interaction (contrary to other analysis types available in ROBOT
that show the structure reaction in the form of amplitudes obtained for a single moment).
The time history analysis consists in finding a solution of the following equation of the time
variable “t”:
M * a(t) + C * v(t) + K * d(t) = F(t)
with the following initial values d(0)=d0 i v(0)=v0, where:
- mass matrix
- stiffness matrix
C=*M+  *K
- damping matrix
- coefficient defined by the user
- coefficient defined by the user
- shift vector
- velocity vector
- acceleration vector
- load vector.
All the expressions containing the (t) parameter are time-dependent.
The program uses the Newmark method, the HHT (Hilber-Hughes-Taylor) method or the
decomposition method to solve the above-presented task. The Newmark method belongs to the
group of algorithms that are unconditionally convergent for the appropriately defined method
parameters. The method uses the following formulas for calculating displacements and velocity in
the next step of integration:
Dt 2
* [(1-2  ) * a(n) + 2  * a(n+1)]
v(n+1) = v(n) + Dt * [(1- ) * a(n) +  * a(n+1)].
d(n+1) = d(n) + Dt * v(n) +
The parameters  and  control the convergence and precision of the results obtained by
means of the method.
The unconditional convergence is assured for 0.5    2  .
The algorithm used in the program introduces the two parameters,  and  , defined by the
user (in the preferences option or in analysis parameters). The default values are the following:
 = 0.25 and  = 0.5.
It is advisable to use the Newmark method in the case of short time histories, when a
concentrated load is applied to the structure (loads are distributed over small squares). Such
loads will induce a movement that will require a large number of eigenmodes to be described.
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Therefore, the Newmark method will be more efficacious than the modal decomposition method
for this type of tasks. The Newmark method takes advantage of the initial equations without any
simplifications. The precision of the obtained results depends on the precision of numerical
integration of time equations, and, for the selected parameters , , it is defined by the value of
the time step. The method does not require the eigenproblem to be solved to obtain the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors. For long time histories, however, the method is very timeconsuming, for in the case of such tasks, calculations have to be performed for a large number of
time steps with the required precision.
If the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor (HHT) method is used, the time history equation assumes the form as
  [-1/3, 0].
The method of modal decomposition is a simpler method of obtaining the required solution. It is
based on the representation of structure movement as a superposition of the movement of
uncoupled forms. Therefore, the method requires the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to be
determined. The Lanczos method is recommended for this purpose. It should be followed by the
Sturm verification. The method of modal decomposition takes advantage of reduced uncoupled
The equation (without damping) may take the following form:
 
MX  KX  Pt ,
 kk t, Ng - number of “load groups”, k t- time history for
the kth load
k 1
Xt  qi t Vi
i 1
By inserting equation (2) into equation (1) and recognizing modal damping and the conditions of
V , MV   , V , KV   
i, j
i i, j
one obtains the following equation
i   q   pki t , i= 1,2,…,m
qi  2
i iq
  k 1
where pk t  Pk ,Vi k t  , i - modal damping parameters, i
i i
- frequency for the ith form.
Each of equations is solved numerically with the precision of the second order. The resultant
displacement vector
qi t
for the defined time points
t   t1 ,t2 ,..., t s
is obtained after
, i=1,2,…,m into equations (2).
It is worth noting the differences between the analysis types described in this chapter which are
available for a user within the program. Here are the most important differences between similar
analysis types: the "Moving load" analysis differs from Time History Analysis in the following way:
the first analysis type does not recognize the dynamic effects, while the difference between
harmonic analysis and Time History Analysis consists in the fact that the first analysis type
determines the structure reaction exclusively in the form of amplitudes, and not in that of a time
There are the following potential and limitations of Time History Analysis:
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the same structure and load types are available as in the case of linear statics
the function of load variability may be defined for an arbitrary static load case, except for the
moving load case (in order to model a dynamic impact of a moving load, one should define
successive vehicle positions in separate load cases and use the time functions with the
phase shift corresponding to the vehicle movement)
additional modeling options, available in the linear static analysis (such as releases, elastic
connections, rigid links, etc.), may also be used in Time History Analysis
case components of time history analysis may be used in combinations, after generating an
additional load case containing the results of analysis for a given component
the analysis allows adopting initial displacements from a selected load case, assuming
simultaneously zero values of initial velocities and accelerations
time history analysis is solved only by means of the modal decomposition method, which
requires the modal analysis to be carried out first
only one time function may be used to determine time variability of loads of a given load case,
it is possible, however, to add (sum up) time functions.
In order to obtain satisfactory results for time history analysis case, the user is required to carry
out iterative analysis with multiple calculations for different case parameters. It means the modal
analysis has to be unnecessarily carried out again. In the case of large-scale structure, the modal
analysis itself may be time-consuming, not to mention the case of time history analysis.
Therefore, it is necessary to select cases for calculations or at least to mark the modal analysis
as calculated. This may also be useful in the case of seismic analysis.
The non-linear time history analysis allows obtaining response of the structure in which any nonlinear elements have been defined. Time history analysis consists in reaching a solution of the
following equation of the “t” time variable:
M * a(t) + C * v(t) + N (d(t)) = F(t)
with known initial values d(0)=d0 and v(0)=v0, where:
- mass matrix
- stiffness matrix
C =  * M +  * K - damping matrix
- internal force vector (which is in a non-linear relation to the d shift
- coefficient defined by the user
- coefficient defined by the user
- shift vector
- velocity vector
- acceleration vector
- load vector.
A load vector is assumed as F
(t )   Pi i (t ) , where n denotes a number of force
i 1
components, Pi - i-th force component,  i (t ) - i-th time-dependent function. The excitation may
be expressed in the following form: F
(t )  MI dirg (t ) , where Idir denotes a direction vector
g (t ) is an accelerogram.
(dir = x, y, z) whereas 
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For the non-linear time history analysis the following simplification is adopted:
C =  M.
To solve a non-linear task of time history analysis, the predictor-corrector approach is employed
(see Hughes T.R.J., Belytschko T. Course notes for nonlinear finite element analysis. September,
4-8, 1995).
Pushover Analysis
The Pushover analysis is a non-linear, static structure analysis, which enables presenting - in
a simplified manner - structure behavior caused by different types of loads resulting from an
earthquake. The magnitude of structure load is increased incrementally according to the adopted
load pattern. Increasing the value of load allows finding structure weak elements and structure
failure modes. The pushover analysis tries to estimate structure real strength. While determining
this type of analysis, it is necessary to define non-linear hinges.
The following limitations have been introduced in the current version of the program:
all the non-linear properties which determine possible structure damage due to forces
resulting from an earthquake are concentrated in non-linear hinges
non-linear hinges may be applied only in frame (bar) structures
non-linear hinges are treated as independent non-linear connections for each degree of
freedom at a selected node (the interaction between different degrees of freedom is ignored).
The pushover analysis consists of several stages listed below:
defining non-linear hinges in a structure calculation model
assigning non-linear properties to the hinges (force-displacement or moment-rotation
performing structure modal analysis to determine one mode
defining a set of lateral forces (these forces depend on the mass matrix type used in the
modal analysis)
defining a control node as well as direction and value of the allowable displacement
determining parameters of the non-linear analysis
starting the non-linear analysis; the result of this analysis is the equilibrium state curve V =
V(D) where the shear forces are defined as the sum of reactions for a given direction caused
by the appropriate set of lateral forces
determining the capacity curve S a
is spectral displacement
smoothing of the capacity curve
determining (step-by-step analysis) the performance point.
 S acap (S d ) , where S acap is spectral acceleration and Sd
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Elasto-plastic Analysis of Bars
The elasto-plastic analysis enables taking material non-linearity into account. However, it should
be added here that the assumed material non-linearity does not consider the change of material
rigidity depending on external factors, such as temperature; rheological issues (change of
material properties in time) are not included in considerations, either.
Below basic assumptions of the elasto-plastic analysis in the ROBOT program are presented:
the option operates both for 2D structures (2D frames, grillages) and for 3D structures (3D
only normal stresses resulting from longitudinal forces and bending moments are considered
(tangential stresses caused by transversal forces and torsional moment are disregarded)
elasto-plastic analysis is performed for selected bars indicated by a user; it is assumed that
the analysis type is not changed globally for the entire structure since this type of analysis is
time-consuming and requires defining local conditions for a bar (division of a section or bar,
material model)
elasto-plastic analysis is performed only for structure bars.
In the current program version the following operation methods as regards the elasto-plastic
analysis have been adopted:
analysis on the element level: adding global degrees of freedom
Bars are divided into smaller calculation elements. Additional nodes and calculation elements
are invisible to the user. A method of automatic division may be determined using the
Maximum element length option located in the Analysis Type dialog box (the Structure
Model tab). The user may also define a value of the division parameter applying the Division
of elements for elasto-plastic analysis option contained in the Job Preferences dialog box.
In each element, stresses are calculated at three points (third-order Gauss quadrature is
applied here).
analysis on the section level: the layered structure approach, however, a uniform material
within a section is assumed
A section is divided into a set of layers (fibers); in a bi-axially bent section they may referred
to as zones. In each of the zones stresses are checked according to the assumed model.
Forces acting on the bar axis are obtained by integration of forces in all section zones.
For each of the zones of section division the following parameters must be determined:
coordinates (yi, zi) of the point being the gravity center of a zone in the principal central
system of a section, area of Ai zone, Mi material ascribed to the zone, where i denotes the
zone number (i=1,…, N).
The analysis is performed in such a manner that for each load increment, the program
calculates displacement increments at division points along the bar length. Afterwards, based
on the displacements, deformations at points in a section are computed. Considering the
function that describes the material model, for a given zone, stresses are calculated at each
point depending on the current deformations. Next, internal forces are determined on the
basis of stresses. In the end, internal forces at all points (zones) are summed (integrated) in
order to obtain internal forces in a bar.
material model: elastic-perfectly plastic or elasto-plastic with hardening: material behavior elastic and linear, in the plastic range - linear with hardening; the model is generated based
on the material data: Young’s modulus (E) and yield strength (Re).
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In the plastic analysis the unloading method should be defined, as well. It determines the path of
material behavior once the yield strength is exceeded during unloading, when deformations
become smaller (deformation gradient is negative). There are four ways of material behavior
available: elastic, plastic, damage, mixed.
Results obtained due to the elsto-plastic analysis of bars:
During elasto-plastic analysis the program calculates deflections directly within a bar. The user
obtains values of displacements and nodal rotations within the internal division of a bar. To
achieve deflections at any bar point, the linear interpolation between points of internal division
has been implemented.
Internal forces
Internal forces in a bar are calculated in the identical manner as for the linear analysis. Based on
the forces and moments in the initial node and the load along the bar length, the program
calculates internal forces at any point of a bar.
Only for the P-delta analysis a different algorithm is applied. In bar internal forces, the effect of
the eccentricity caused by a bar deflection is taken into account. Deflections are obtained at
points of bar internal division.
In the elasto-plastic analysis normal stresses in a section are not distributed linearly; they are
calculated independently for each of the division zones. Some of the zones may fall within the
plastic range, whereas others may still belong to the elastic range of stresses. Therefore, the user
cannot determine unambiguously the stresses at a point along the bar length.
The table shows maximal and minimal values of stresses within a section. For elasto-plastic
sections separated stresses resulting from bending and those resulting from longitudinal forces
are unavailable. The accurate stress analysis within a section of elasto-plastic bars in the Stress
Analysis module is impossible.
Table of Dynamic Analysis Results
Once the dynamic analysis of a structure is completed, the user obtains the following results
presented in the table of dynamic analysis results:
 eigenvalue
 eigenvectors
 frequency
 pulsation
 period
 precision - calculation accuracy determined for individual methods used in the program in the
final stage of calculations
 damping - damping for a considered mode
 energy - structure potential energy relating to a deformed structure for a considered structure
 average participation coefficient - an average coefficient of the values of spectral participation
coefficients for individual directions (the sum of absolute values or the square root of the sum
of squares)
 sums of masses
 spectral coefficients.
New Case Definition and Analysis Type Change
After choosing the Analysis /Analysis Types command or pressing the
icon, the dialog box
shown below will appear on the screen. All previously defined structure load cases will be listed
on the Analysis Types tab.
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New cases may be defined or the structure analysis type for a selected single case can be
changed using the above dialog box.
To change the structure analysis type, select
the load case and press the Change Analysis
Type button. The dialog box shown below will
appear on the screen. The new analysis type
should be described within. Once the analysis
type is chosen and the OK button pressed, an
additional window will appear on the screen in
which the parameters of the selected analysis
type may be chosen. The new structure
analysis type will be entered in the Analysis
Type dialog box in the Analysis Type column.
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To add a new case, press the New button in
the Analysis Type dialog box. The dialog box
shown below will appear on the screen. The
new analysis type should be defined below.
Once the analysis type is chosen and the OK
button pressed, an additional dialog box will be
displayed on the screen in which the
parameters of the selected type may be
defined. The new structure analysis type will be
entered in the Analysis Types dialog box in
the Analysis Type column.
The list and the buttons located below allow operations on many cases. A list of cases may be
entered in the Case list field or selected in the Selection dialog box, which opens on pressing the
(...) button. Operations on a selection of cases are possible thanks to the following buttons:
Set parameters – pressing this button enables setting parameters of the calculation
algorithm of the non-linear and buckling analyses
Change analysis type - pressing this button enables changing the case type to auxiliary,
non-linear or buckling as well as setting the calculation parameters
The operations of setting the parameters and the analysis type for a list do not
refer to cases of dynamic analyses, i.e. modal, seismic, spectral, harmonic or
time history analyses.
Delete - pressing this button deletes cases indicated on the list.
As an example, the definition method of time history analysis case will be presented. After
defining modal analysis for the structure and selecting the Time history analysis option in the
above dialog box, the Time History analysis – parameters dialog box opens, in which
parameters of time history analysis can be determined.
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The above-presented Time history analysis dialog box contains the following parameters:
the top part of the dialog box contains an editable Case field containing name of a time
history analysis case
the Method field allows one to select a method of carrying out time history analysis; the modal
decomposition method is the default value; the field contains also the Damping button that
opens the dialog box allowing one to determine detailed damping values of individual
vibration modes for the modal decomposition method or Rayleigh factors for the Newmark
and the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor (HHT) methods. If the HHT method is applied, it is necessary
to define the  coefficient
edit field in the Time field:
Time step - the step of time variable for which the results are stored
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Division - the number of time step divisions defining the frequency of storing the analysis
End - the end value of time variable for which the analysis is carried out
If a method other than the modal decomposition method has been selected, then in the
Division field the number of time step divisions (time step of saving results) is specified to
enable definition of the time step of integration, i.e. time step of integration equals Time step /
Division. When the division value equals 1, the time step of saving results is identical as the
time step of integration.
If modal decomposition method (linear time history analysis) is selected, the algorithm
calculates - for each mode - the maximum value of the time step of integration equaling the
value of period divided by 20 (such an operation is performed to guarantee stability and
precision of the obtained results). Thus calculated step value is divided by the division value;
the value received (e.g. step_1) is compared to the time step of saving results. A smaller one
of these 2 values mentioned (i.e. step_1 and time step of saving results) is adopted as the
time step of integration. However, note should be taken that if the first one of these values
(i.e. step_1) is to be applied in calculations, it is slightly modified so that the time step of
saving results is a multiple of this value.
unfolding list of the available simple static load cases or masses in directions X, Y or Z
unfolding list of the defined time functions and the preview of the diagram of the selected
Coefficient edit field
Phase shift edit field
Function definition button
The definition of a time function may be carried out in two ways in the Time function
definition dialog box:
 by typing the values of the time point T [s] and the dimensionless value of the function
F(T) in the appropriate edit fields, which is to be followed each time by pressing the Add
button; the successive points belonging to the function are introduced into the list that
defines the function course
 by pressing the Add expression button, which results in opening the dialog box where
one may define the course of the function by means of mathematical formulas (sum,
subtraction, multiplication, division, trigonometric functions, power function, square root
a table containing the following columns: case-function-coefficient-phase, where:
Case indicates the number of the selected load case or mass direction
Function is the name of the time function selected for the given load case
Coefficient - the incremental coefficient for time function value for the given load case; the
default value of the coefficient = 1.0
Phase - phase shift of the time function for the given load case; the default value = 0.0.
The Analysis type dialog box contains five more tabs:
Structure model
Load to mass conversion
Combination sign
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Result filters
Buckling deformation.
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The Structure model tab contains three options in the Node generation field:
Node generation at intersection of diagonals – once this option is selected, an additional node
will be created at the intersection of sloping bars.
Node generation at intersection of vertical/horizontal bars - once this option is selected,
an additional node will be created at the intersection of vertical and horizontal bars.
Node generation at intersection of bars and finite elements - once this option is selected, an
additional node will be created at the intersection of bars and planar finite elements. The
mesh of planar elements will be adjusted to the position of the generated nodes.
Additionally, this field contains two options: a bar list which are to be omitted during node
generation at intersections and an object list which are to be omitted during structure model
Definition of a starting case for the non-linear analysis enables taking account of results of the
first case as a starting one, starting states of loads, displacements and stress for selected
analysis cases. To activate the possibility of taking account of a starting case, switch on the
option: Use first case as a starting one for selected non-linear cases.
It should be added here, that a starting case is always a first case on the list - according to the
numbering assigned by the user (NOTE: a modal analysis case may not be a starting case). If
a starting case is an auxiliary one, then it will be calculated irrespective of its auxiliary case
A starting case associated with auxiliary cases and combinations is not taken into account in
combinations defined using such cases or combinations; whereas a non-linear case associated
with a starting case and used in a combination causes the starting case to be included in the
A combination associated with a starting case causes results of the non-linear analysis of this
case to be considered as a starting state for further analysis. Loads for which further analysis is
performed, no longer include components of a starting case, except for situations, when it occurs
as a combination component; then the program takes account of only this part of loads which was
not considered in the first step of the analysis (the part resulting from the difference between a
value of the factor used and 1.0).
If a structure includes cable elements, a first case is always treated as a starting one for all the
remaining cases, regardless of that whether the option: Use first case as a starting one for
selected non-linear cases has been switched on or not. For cable elements, a starting case is
considered as an assembling case used for prestress of cables.
The Case list field is intended for entering numbers of the cases for which the initial state of the
starting case will be taken into account. The list of cases may be defined, as well, through the
Selection dialog box, that opens on pressing the (...) button.
A starting case should be applied for cases and combinations of non-linear analysis. In the case
of linear analysis, it is ignored; for linear analysis, such a case should be included in a regular
case combination.
A starting case is ignored for the following types of cases:
- inear-static analysis - simple cases and combinations
- time history analysis
- dynamic analysis, i.e.: modal, seismic, spectral and harmonic analyses.
A starting case may be taken into account for a non-linear combination of cases; it is considered
automatically, if at least one of combination components includes the starting case. However, it
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does not refer to situations when an auxiliary case or another combination with an assigned
starting case is a combination component.
In the Tolerance of Structure Model Generation field, one may define the parameter determining
the precision of structure definition. Pressing the Tolerance calculation button results in
determining the precision of structure definition (default setting: 1mm; if the precision is smaller
than 1mm, the program displays the calculated value). The program assumes a standard value of
tolerance (1mm), but the user may define a new tolerance value. Pressing the Generation of
Calculation Model button results in creation of a structure model. The program will generate bartype or planar finite elements as well as intersections of bars or bars and planar finite elements
depending on which options are checked in this dialog box.
The Load to mass conversion tab
contains options that allow the user to
convert static loads to masses used in
dynamic calculations.
The option allows the user to define
loads/masses once for all calculation
purposes. It is not necessary to define
separately static loads taken into
account in static structure analyses and
the masses taken into account in
dynamic structure analyses. On the
basis of the already-defined static loads
one may create masses to be used
during dynamic calculations. In order to
perform conversion of static loads to
masses used in dynamic calculations,
one should:
determine the cases for which conversion of loads to masses will be carried out (one should
provide the numbers of load cases, define the direction of conversion process and,
additionally, the multiplication coefficient to be applied to the value of the static load)
determine the set of directions in the global coordinate system (X, Y and Z) along which the
masses will operate
determine the dynamic analysis case that will use the masses created from loads; once the
Add Mass to Global Mass option is selected, the masses created from loads will be taken into
account in all cases of dynamic structure analyses
press the Add button.
Beside the Add button, there are two more buttons that allow one to:
Delete - a load case selected from the list of cases to be converted to masses
Modify - the parameters of a load case from the list of cases to be converted to masses.
Conversion of loads to masses retains the differentiation of load types. In other words,
concentrated forces are automatically converted to concentrated masses, distributed loads to
distributed masses, and moments to rotational masses. The converted masses may be viewed in
the table of masses that can be called by selecting the following option from the menu: Loads /
Mass table. Mass values are presented in the table as weight values (acceleration of gravity is
applied here). To differentiate them from the user-defined masses, the masses created due to the
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conversion process are marked in the table with the CNV symbol in the MEMO field. The symbol
informs also about the origin of a mass for the benefit of the conversion procedure.
NOTE: For shell structures the hydrostatic pressure load cannot be converted to masses.
In the Added masses table, the Conversion of loads tab presents data concerning masses
(without the possibility of editing, however, with the possibility to print it). Individual table columns
Converted case – a number and a name of a converted case
Conversion direction - depending on a selected direction X+ / Y+ / Z+ / X- / Y- / Z-
Factor - a dimensionless coefficient
Mass direction - X, Y or Z
Case - a number of the modal case to which a load is converted or dynamic for all cases.
The options available in the dialog box shown below are used to define the sign of the generated
combination in the case of seismic and spectral analysis. One determines the case of seismic or
spectral analysis and the dominant mode (number of the mode that will be dominant in defining
combination sign).
If a user does not select any dominant mode (i.e. “0” mode is selected), then adopted
combination sign will be the same as the combination sign calculated by means of the formula for
seismic combination type.
In the bottom part of the dialog box one can select a default calculation type for seismic
CQC - Complete Quadratic Combination
SRSS - Square Root of Sums of Squares
10% - 10% double sum
2SM - double sum.
The formulas that allow evaluating a quadratic combination signed RQ for the directions H1, H2
and V:
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RH1 – quadratic response of the quantity calculated from all modal responses of a seismic or
spectral case for the first horizontal direction
RH2 – quadratic response of the quantity calculated from all modal responses of a seismic or
spectral case for the second horizontal direction
RV – quadratic response of the quantity calculated from all modal responses of a seismic or
spectral case for the vertical direction
Rx, Ry, Rz – coefficients defined as for a quadratic combination in the Direction Definition dialog
Result filters are the fifth tab in the Analysis Types dialog box. The options available in this
dialog box are used for global selection of results obtained for nodes, bars, etc. defined in a
In the above dialog box the following edit fields are located: case list, node list, bar list, list of
panels/objects and list of finite elements. These are the fields where numbers of cases, nodes,
bars, etc. can be typed for which results of structure calculations will be presented; in other words
in a result table only rows of a table assigned to typed numbers of cases, nodes, bars, etc. will be
presented, however, the results for other (not typed) cases, nodes, bars, etc. will not be
presented in a table.
If the edit fields located on this tab are empty it denotes that calculations will be
performed for all load cases, nodes, bars, panels, objects and finite elements
defined in a structure.
The options provided on the Buckling Deformation tab are used to generate a structure model
which includes deformations induced by a selected buckling mode or linear combination of modes
(deformations do not cause initial forces or stresses in a structure; if deformations are considered,
it results only in changing the structure geometry).
In order to apply the option, first the user should define buckling analysis case and perform
structure calculations. The change of structure geometry results in deletion of a deformed
structure; it is necessary to carry out structure calculations again (the calculations should be
carried out both for the initial structure - calculation of new buckling modes, and for a deformed
structure). All the results are displayed on the deformed structure, whereas nodal displacements
are specified in relation to the initial geometry defined by the user.
If the Consider buckling mode as initial deformation option is switched on, then the options in the
dialog box become accessible and parameters of structure deformation may be defined. Pressing
the Apply button accepts the choice (i.e. switching on or off deformations), whereas pressing the
Close button closes the dialog box without remembering changes.
The Parameters field includes the Case selection list containing buckling cases defined for
a structure. Based on a selected buckling case buckling deformations are determined. Below, the
Mode and Coefficient fields are provided, which allow the user to determine the number of a
buckling mode and the coefficient with which the selected mode will be included in a linear
Deformations can be scaled after defining a value in the Maximum displacement field; the value
enables scaling a selected mode or mode combination.
If the Omit case for structure with deformations option is switched off, then a given buckling case
will be calculated for a deformed structure; if this option is switched on, then the case will be
omitted during calculations.
In order to define buckling deformations in a structure, first the user should define a buckling case
and perform calculations. Next, applying the available options, the user should define the initial
deformation resulting from a selected buckling mode. After changing the structure geometry, the
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result status changes to NOT AVAILABLE, therefore, structure calculations should be performed
Thus, calculations for a structure with buckling deformations defined are conducted in two stages:
stage 1 - calculations of an initial structure (without deformations)
stage 2 - calculations of a deformed structure.
Both stages are carried out automatically.
4.2.2. Example of Definition of a Modal Analysis Case for a Structure
(Structure Eigenvibrations)
The example demonstrates how to define a modal analysis of a structure and how to determine
its parameters.
To define the modal analysis for a freely-defined structure, follow the steps below:
 open the Analysis Type dialog box (the menu command: Analysis / Analysis Types or press
in the Analysis Type dialog box press the New button
in the New Case Definition dialog box select the Modal option and enter the case name,
e.g.: Structure eigenvibrations
press the OK button in the New Case Definition dialog box
in the Modal Analysis Parameters dialog box determine parameters of the analysis (e.g. a
mass matrix type, a number of modes, etc.)
press the OK button in the Modal Analysis Parameters dialog box.
To start calculation of eigenvibration modes of the structure, press the Calculations button in the
Analysis Type dialog box.
4.3.3. Example of Definition of Seismic and Spectral Analysis Cases
The example demonstrates how to define seismic and spectral analyses of a structure and how to
determine their parameters.
To define the seismic analysis for a freely-defined structure, first the modal analysis of the
structure should be defined (see the example presented in chapter 4.3.1). Once the modal
analysis case has been defined, definition of the seismic analysis case may start; to do it, follow
the steps below:
 open the Analysis Type dialog box (the menu command: Analysis / Analysis Types or press
in the Analysis Type dialog box press the New button
in the New Case Definition dialog box select the Seismic option and choose a seismic code
according to which the seismic structure analysis will be performed; select the American
seismic code UBC97
press the OK button in the New Case Definition dialog box
in the UBC 97 Parameters dialog box determine parameters of the seismic analysis:
- Zone: 2A
- Soil: Sc
- coefficient R = 1
press the Direction definition button; in the Direction dialog box define the parameters as
Direction/X: 1
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Direction/Y: 1
Direction/Z: 0.67
Use normalized values option – switched off
Resolution of a force into direction/Active option – switched on (resolution of a seismic case
into directions enables automatic generation of three seismic cases which differ in the
direction of excitation)
Resolution of a force into directions /Combination creation/Quadratic combination/Active
option - switched on (a quadratic combination is a combination of cases of excitations in
different directions)
Resolution of a force into directions / Combination: CQC option (selection of the combination
 press the OK button in the Direction dialog box
 press the OK button in the UBC 97 Parameters dialog box.
To start calculation of structure eigenvibration modes and structure seismic calculations, press
the Calculations button in the Analysis Type dialog box.
The seismic analysis may also be performed with the use of the spectral analysis. Below will be
presented an example of definition of a spectrum similar to that determined while defining the
seismic analysis.
To define the spectral analysis for a freely-defined structure, first the modal analysis of the
structure should be defined (see the example presented in chapter 4.3.1). Once the modal
analysis case has been defined, definition of the spectral analysis case may start; to do it, follow
the steps below:
 open the Analysis Type dialog box (the menu command: Analysis / Analysis Types or press
in the Analysis Type dialog box press the New button
in the New Case Definition dialog box select the Spectral option
press the OK button in the New Case Definition dialog box
in the Spectral Analysis Parameters dialog box specify a name of the spectral analysis
case (e.g. spectral analysis according to UBC97) and press the Spectrum definition button
in the Spectrum Definition dialog box determine the following parameters of the spectral
- Spectrum name: spectrumUBC97
- Damping: 0.05
- Abscissa (X axis): Period
- Ordinate (Y axis): Acceleration
- in both fields the Logarithmic scale option - switched off
in the Spectrum Definition dialog box press the Add button
move on to the Points tab and define points of the following coordinates:
X: 0
Y: 1.667
X: 0.111 Y: 4.413
X: 0.555 Y: 4.413
X: 0.6
Y: 4.086
X: 0.7
Y: 3.501
X: 0.8
Y: 3.065
X: 0.9
Y: 2.724
X: 1
Y: 2.452
X: 1.5
Y: 1.63
X: 2
Y: 1.226
X: 2.5
Y: 0.981
X: 5
Y: 0.981
once the spectrum definition is completed, close the Spectrum Definition dialog box by
pressing the Close button
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in the Spectral Analysis Parameters dialog box indicate the defined spectrum
(spectrumUBC97) which should be used in the calculations, next press the
press the Direction definition button; in the Direction dialog box define the parameters as
Direction/X: 1
Direction/Y: 1
Direction/Z: 0.67
Use normalized values option - switched off
Resolution of a force into directions/Active option - switched on (resolution of a spectral case
into directions enables automatic generation of three spectral cases which differ in the
direction of excitation)
Resolution of a force into directions /Combination creation/Quadratic combination/Active
option - switched on (a quadratic combination is a combination of cases of excitations in
different directions)
Resolution of a force into directions / Combination: CQC option (selection of the combination
 press the OK button in the Direction dialog box
 press the OK button in the Spectral Analysis Parameters dialog box.
To start calculation of structure eigenvibration modes and structure seismic calculations
according to the spectrum defined in the spectral analysis, press the Calculations button in the
Analysis Type dialog box.
For thus-assumed spectrum in the spectral analysis the obtained results of structure calculation
are comparable to the results of the seismic analysis defined earlier.
4.4. Calculation Restart
The option is used to restart calculations of selected cases while retaining the results of the
cases calculated previously. The option becomes available after performing full calculations,
when the result status (on the top bar of the program window) reads: Results (FEM): available.
The option is accessible from the menu by selecting the command: Analysis / Calculation
Once this option is selected, the dialog box shown below appears on the screen.
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Restart of calculations enables modification of calculation parameters or solving methods for any
analysis type and running calculations only for selected cases. This function is particularly useful
in dynamic or non-linear analysis of large structures due to long solution time. Taking advantage
of the restart option, the user calculates only selected cases, whereas the results of the remaining
ones are available and unchanged.
In the linear analysis it is sometimes the case that certain load cases do not reach convergence
for the calculation methods and parameters defined. In a situation like this, using the restart
option, the user may change calculation parameters (e.g. number of load increments or criterion
to stop analysis) and next, restart calculations only for these cases.
In the dynamic analysis it may turn out that the calculated number of eigenvibration modes does
not satisfy the criterion of the assumed mass participation and thus, does not show a complete
load in the seismic analysis. The restart option offers a possibility to calculate successive
eigenvalues retaining the vibration modes calculated earlier.
Once the option is called up, the screen shows the dialog box containing a list of defined cases.
A case is selected by highlighting it on the list. Pressing the Define parameters button or doubleclicking on a case name opens a dialog box where calculation parameters of a given case may
be determined. The contents of the dialog box depend on a defined analysis type:
- static analysis
- buckling analysis
- harmonic analysis
- modal analysis with static forces considered
- modal analysis
- seismic analysis
- push-over analysis.
The dialog boxes with parameters for individual analysis types include identical set of options as
that for definition of a selected case; any parameter may be modified before calculation restart.
An additional option is calculation of eigenmodes for the modal analysis. This option consists in
calculation of a greater number of eigenmodes without repeating the calculations of the already
existing modes. After activating the option Calculation restart – calculations of additional modes
the user may determine the requested number of modes (all other parameters are inaccessible).
A full number of requested modes should be specified, not only the number of modes to be
additionally calculated. In the current program version the option for additional calculation of
eigenmodes always uses the block subspace iteration method (the method of solving the modal
analysis changes if the existing modes have been calculated using a different method).
After modifying analysis parameters and pressing the OK button the parameter dialog box closes,
whereas the edited case is activated ( symbol appears), which means that it is going to be
recalculated. If modification of calculation parameters of a given case requires recalculations of
other cases (e.g. modal and seismic analyses), then they all are selected for recalculation. The
user may give up calculation restart for a given case by switching off the selection field on the
case list.
If case parameters have been modified, but the case has been switched off on the list of
calculated cases, then such a case is marked with a red icon.
Pressing the Restart calculations buton runs calculations of only these cases which have been
selected on the list. Results of the remaining cases are available and unchanged.
Pressing the Cancel button closes the dialog box with the list of cases (modifications of
calculation parameters are not remembered).
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4.5. Visualization of the Calculation Process
Once calculations of a defined structure are started, the ROBOT Millennium – Calculations
dialog box appears on screen presenting individual stages of structure calculations.
The dialog box may be split into the three main parts:
upper (independent of a selected analysis type and a solver) which provides the following
information: the current date and time as well as a type of structure analysis; additionally, it
shows the name of a project being analyzed
middle which depends on a selected analysis type and a solver (the solver is chosen in the
Job preferences dialog box on the Structure Analysis tab); this part of the dialog box holds
information concerned with individual stages of structure calculations, and the analysis stage
currently performed is highlighted.
The following structure analysis methods (solver types) are available:
Static calculations:
- frontal method
- skyline method
- sparse method
- iterative method
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Dynamic calculations (basic methods):
- subspace iteration method or block subspace iteration method
- Lanczos method
- basis reduction method
Non-linear calculations:
- incremental method
lower, independent of a selected analysis type and a solver; this part of the dialog box
provides the following information:
the bottom left corner of the dialog box holds the following information concerning the size of
a project being solved:
- a number of nodes,
- a number of elements,
- a number of equations in the system of equations being solved,
- matrix bandwidth (the SKYLINE method) or frontwidth (the FRONTAL method), prior to
starting and after completing the optimization.
the bottom right corner of the dialog box includes also the information about the required and
used RAM memory resources and disk resources. There is also an estimation of the
calculation time.
Pressing the Pause button while structure calculations are in progress results in stopping
(pausing) analysis of the structure, whereas pressing the Stop button enables the user to quit the
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K.J. BATHE, Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1982
E.L.WILSON, An eigensolution strategy for large systems. Computers&Structures, Vol.16, No. 14, pp.259-265, 1983
E.L. WILSON, A new method of dynamic analysis for linear and nonlinear systems. Finite
Elements in Analysis and Design, 1, 1985, 21-23, North-Holland
E.L.WILSON, Three dimensional dynamic analysis of structures, Computers and Structures, Inc.,
Berkeley, California, USA, 1996
R.W.CLOUGH, J.PENZIEN, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1975, 634 p.
S. YU. FIALKO, Investigations of the Initial Imperfections Influence to Natural Vibrations of
Ribbed Conical Shells, Soviet Applied Mechanics, 1982, 18, N11, pp.118 - 122. (In Russian)
S. YU. FIALKO, Non-steady vibrations of ribbed conical shells under the influence of local loads,
Soviet Applied Mechanics, 1987, v23, N6, p. 547-552
S. YU. FIALKO, High-performance aggregation element-by-element iterative solver for largescale complex shell structure problems, Archives of Civil Engineering, XLV, 2, 1999, p.193-207
S. YU. FIALKO, High-performance aggregation element-by-element Ritz-gradient method for
structure dynamic response analysis. CAMES (Computer assisted mechanics - engineering
sciences), IV, 2000
G. GAMBOLATI, G. PINI, F. SARTORETTO, An improved iterative optimization technique for the
leftmost eigenpairs of large symmetric matrices, J. Comp. Phys., 74: 41 - 60, 1988
G. GAMBOLATI, G. PINI, F. SARTORETTO, Accelerated simultaneous iterations for large finite
element eigenproblems, J. Comp. Phys., 81: 53 - 69, 1989
M. PAPADRAKAKIS, A partial preconditioned conjugate gradient method for large
eigenproblems, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 62: 195 - 207, 1987
M. PAPADRAKAKIS, Solving large-scale problems in mechanics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1993
S. BITZARAKIS, M. PAPADRAKAKIS, A. KOTSOPULOS, Parallel solution techniques in
computational structural mechanics, Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 1997, 148 , p.75-104
T.J.R. HUGHES, M. FERENCZ, Implicit solution of large-scale contact and impact problems
employing an EBE preconditioned iterative solver, IMPACT 87 Int. Conference on Effects of Fast
Transient Loading in the Context of Structural Mechanics, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 26-27,
T.J.R. HUGHES, M. FERENCZ, J.O.HALLQUIST, Large-scale vectorized implicit calculations in
solid mechanics on a CRAY X-MP/48 utilizing EBE preconditioned conjugate gradients, Comput.
Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 61
B. N. PARLETT, The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
07632, 1980
V. E. BULGAKOV, M. E. BELYI, K. M. MATHISEN, Multilevel aggregation method for solving
large-scale generalized eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics, Int. J. Numer. Methods
Eng., 40: 453 - 471, 1997
V. E. BULGAKOV, Iterative aggregation technique for large-scale finite element analysis of
mechanical systems, Comput. Struct, 52: N4, 829-840, 1994
V. E. BULGAKOV, G. KUHN, High-performance multilevel iterative aggregation solver for large
finite-element structural analysis problems, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 38: 3529-3544, 1995
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Once the structure calculations are completed, analysis of results may be viewed in two forms: as
graphics (diagrams or maps of the structure load effects) or in tabular form (tables presenting
components of displacements, reactions, internal forces, etc.). It is easier to review the results
after opening the RESULTS / RESULTS layout (for bar structures) or the RESULTS / RESULTS
- MAPS layout (for plates, shells or volumetric structures). The screen will be divided into three
parts in case of Bars (the drawing below concerns a bar structure) and two parts in case of
Surface Elements: the graphic viewer where the designed structure is displayed, the Diagrams or
Maps dialog box and the Reactions table (in the case of surface elements, these tables can be
opened from the text menu when necessary).
The program provides the option that protects against the loss of structure calculation results (i.e.
against displaying structure calculation status: Out of date), when after performed calculations an
operation is carried out in the program which changes the structure data saved in an *.RTD file.
A global status of the result blockade has been implemented in the program. There are three
methods of setting it:
manually by the user - the Results menu contains the Frozen Results option, which may be
switched on/off; thus structure calculation results are blocked or unblocked, respectively
(NOTE: the option is available only when structure calculation results are Available)
automatically - on the basis of settings in the Job Preferences dialog box - the Structure
Analysis tab contains the option Automatic freezing of results; if the option is switched on,
then after each time structure calculations are performed (in other words, when the status of
structure calculation results changes to Available) structure calculation results are
automatically frozen; the option is switched on by default
semi-automatically for the action performed by the user - it concerns only unfreezing of
calculation results; if calculation results are frozen and the user performs any operation that
results in a change of data regarding the structure, then a message will appear on the screen
with warning about the possible loss of the available status of calculation results; if it is
accepted, it changes data regarding the structure and unfreezes calculation results (if is not
accepted, then the change in the structure will not be made and the result status will not
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It should be emphasized that if in the program any operation is performed that will lead to
a change of data regarding the structure, then the message with the warning will be displayed on
the screen (of course, if results are frozen). It means that for example, if there is a manual
combination defined (the operation after structure calculations is correct), then the warning will
also be displayed. Obviously, the user will be able to accept the warning and define
a combination, and next, freeze the calculation results manually.
The Diagrams dialog box is used to display the structure deformations and the chosen
diagrams of internal forces and stresses in the bars. This option is available from the menu by
choosing the Results / Diagrams on Bars option or choosing the RESULTS - DIAGRAMS
The Diagram dialog box is made up of six tabs:
Two additional options are found in the lower part of the Diagrams dialog box: Diagram size and
Open a New Window. The first option is used to set the scale of the diagrams presented on the
screen. Once the Open a New Window option is chosen, a new additional window will be
displayed on the screen in which Diagrams of the selected values will be presented.
For example, after selecting the NTM tab, the dialog box will take the shape shown below.
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Calculated internal forces whose diagrams will be presented on structure bars may be chosen in
this dialog box. Pressing the Apply button results in displaying the diagrams of the selected
values in the graphic viewer.
After selecting the Deformation tab the user may select for presentation, displacements obtained
during static structure analysis as well as eigenvibration modes obtained for cases of dynamic
structure analysis.
For some of the structure analysis types available in the ROBOT program the results are
obtained for both static and dynamic/buckling analyses. The examples of such structure analysis
types include:
buckling analysis (static analysis results + buckling modes)
modal analysis with static analysis taken into account (static analysis results + modes)
seismic analysis (results for pseudostatic forces for each mode + modal case modes).
To systematize the result presentation for structure analysis cases for which there are results of
static analysis (diagrams) and of dynamic/buckling analysis (modes), the menu contains two
options (the menu Loads / Select Result Type):
- Displacements
- Modes.
The enumerated options (displacements, modes) are active depending on the analysis type in the
active case:
for modal analysis: only the Modes type
for seismic analysis: only the Displacements type with available mode selection
for spectral analysis: only the Displacements type with available mode selection
for buckling analysis: Displacements + Modes
for modal analysis with static forces taken into account: Displacements + Modes
for the remaining analysis types: only the Displacements type without mode selection.
In general, when the modes type is active, all graphical results for forces and stresses are not
visible. Only the displacements for eigenvectors in successive modes are presented.
Options for animating the structure deformation diagrams presented on the screen are also
available on the Deformation tab. To activate the animation, two animation parameters should be
provided: the number of frames created and the number of frames per second. Once the Start
button is pressed, the program will prepare the animation of the selected value based on the
parameters assigned and begins the animation. During the presentation, a toolbar appears on
the screen with options to stop, pause, replay etc. It is also possible to save the created structure
deformation animation to an *.avi file. It is also possible to read and replay the *.avi file in which
the structure deformation animation was initially created. Once the Stresses tab is selected in the
Diagrams dialog box, one can select the components of stresses obtained during the static
analysis of a structure.
On the Reactions tab one may choose the following quantities for presentation:
reactions: reaction forces - values of reaction forces at supports and reaction moments values of moments at supports
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residual values: residual forces – sums of forces at individual structure nodes (check of the
equilibrium of forces in structure nodes) and residual moments – sums of moments at
individual structure nodes (check of the equilibrium of moments in structure nodes)
pseudostatic forces – forces from a simple load case generated on the basis of a seismic or
spectral analysis case mode.
Forces and moments are presented in the global coordinate system.
Once the Reinforcement tab is selected the dialog box shown on the figure below appears on
The dialog box allow one to select the quantities obtained once calculations of theoretical
(required) reinforcement area of R/C members have been performed:
the top-most field contains:
theoretical (required) reinforcement – top reinforcement (along the side of b length), bottom
reinforcement (along the side of h length)
real (provided) reinforcement - top reinforcement (along the side of b length), bottom
reinforcement (along the side of h length)
the second field from top contains:
theoretical (required) and real (provided) reinforcement ratio
the third field from top contains:
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theoretical (required) and real (provided) stirrup spacing (for transversal reinforcement)
the first field from bottom contains:
number of top bars (top reinforcement) - along the side of b length
number of bottom bars (bottom reinforcement) - along the side of h length.
Once the Parameters tab is chosen the dialog box shown below will appear on the screen.
The method of presentation of diagrams on structures may be selected in the above dialog box:
 the Diagram Description field enables the user to decide how descriptions of values will be
presented in a diagram:
none – if this option is selected, descriptions in diagrams of the quantities available in the
Diagrams dialog box will not be presented
labels - if this option is selected, descriptions in diagrams of the quantities available in the
Diagrams dialog box will be presented as labels showing values at selected points on bars;
labels are slightly shifted away from diagrams
text - if this option is selected, descriptions in diagrams of the quantities available in the
Diagrams dialog box will be presented as values at the selected points on bars; descriptions
are positioned perpendicular to the bar.
For the two options (labels and text) the program makes accessible the Values selection
field, which is used to limit the number of diagram descriptions displayed in the viewer. The
following options are available: All (diagram descriptions are displayed for each calculation
element at its beginning and end as well as at points of the maximum and the minimum
values), Local extremes (diagram descriptions are displayed only for the maximum and the
minimum values on a bar; the option is particularly useful, when bars are divided into a great
number of calculation elements, and only the extreme values on the whole bar are of interest
to the user, not the intermediate values), Global extremes (descriptions are displayed only
for the global maximum and minimum values, thus presenting extreme values for the whole
at the bottom of the Diagram description field there are two options (Max and Min) that allow
selecting a color of labels and the description of the maximum and minimum values on a
diagram (a color can also be selected in the Preferences dialog box on the Desktop Settings
tab / plate diagrams / minimum / maximum values)
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the Positive and Negative Values field allows the user to decide whether the positive and
negative values will be differentiated by color
the method of filling the diagram may be defined in the Filling field as fence or filled.
Each diagram presented in the graphic editor may be printed. Two printing methods are possible:
 while in the graphic editor select the File / Print command; this will result in printing the
contents of the graphic viewer.
 while in the graphic viewer, select the File / Screen Capture and then File / Printout Selection.
Select desired printout components in the dialog box.
Detailed information about printing from ROBOT Millennium will be provided in
Chapter 8 of the manual.
Once the calculations are complete, the table containing reactions in the support nodes,
calculated during the structural analysis, will be opened. Tables with other structural results
(internal forces, displacements, stresses, etc.) may be shown on the screen by choosing
View/Tables or selecting the appropriate icon from the toolbar. An example of the table is shown
Four tabs are located at the bottom of the table: Values, Envelope, Global Extremes and Info. To
scroll the tab field, click on the arrows in the appropriate scrolling direction, right or left, up and
down. Selecting the Value tab results in the presentation of the detailed values (reactions,
internal forces etc.) for all structure nodes/bars and load cases defined for the structure. Once the
Envelope tab is chosen, maximum and minimum values will be presented at all structure
nodes/bars. Selecting the Global Extremes tab displays the minimum and maximum values from
all the values obtained during the structural analysis. The Info tab displays the nodes, bars and
load cases for which values obtained during analysis will be presented in the table.
By default, the results for all nodes/bars and load cases defined within the structure are
presented on the Value tab. To select the analysis of results which is most useful for the user,
press the right mouse button while the cursor is located in the table and choose the Filter option
from the context menu appearing on the screen. The dialog box shown below will be open (this is
an example of a dialog box with reactions obtained at the structure’s support nodes).
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Selection of the
attribute for filtering:
node/bar, load case
List of the
nodes/bars, load
Selection of the
attribute according
to which filtering will
be peformed
Selection of the attribute
type according to which
filtering will be performed
(for reactions table these
will be: support, rigid
connections, etc.)
The range of results presented in the tables may be defined here. Nodes/bars for which the
results will be presented may be selected. This may be done using the buttons which are found in
the upper part of the dialog box (All, None, Inversion, Previous) or the options found in the
Attributes tab. The selected nodes/bars and load cases will be entered into the appropriate field
found in the upper part of the Filters dialog box.
The table containing the analysis results may be freely composed. Once the structure
calculations are completed, a table with the reaction values for support nodes will appear on the
screen. Additional columns containing data and the remaining analysis results may be added into
this table. To do this, press the right mouse button while the cursor is positioned somewhere
within the table and choose the Table Columns command from the menu. This opens the dialog
box shown below, where the values to be displayed in the table may be selected. The dialog box
is made up of several tabs (General, Displacements, Reactions, etc.). Once one or more values
are selected (the "" symbol will appear) on one of the tabs and the OK button is pressed, the
columns will appear in the table where the values selected by the user will be displayed.
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The Supports tab is shown beside as
an example (none of the dialog box
options has been chosen).
Two options are found in the lower part
of the above dialog box:
columns will be added to the tables
- additional columns containing the
values selected in the above dialog
box will be added to the table;
columns will replace the existing
ones - the currently available
columns will be removed and
containing the values selected in
the above dialog box.
As with diagrams, the content of each table may be printed. Printing the tables may be executed
in one of two ways:
having the table active - select the File/Print command from the menu. This will result in
printing the contents of the current tab displayed in the table (NOTE: the table contents may
not be printed if the table is in the Edit mode);
having the table active - select the File/Screen Capture command from the menu (this results
in saving the contents of the table for use in a composed printout) and then the File/Printout
Composition command.
For detailed information on printout composition, see Chapter 8.)
It is also possible to copy all or a part of the table to a spreadsheet (Excel, Lotus etc.). To do this,
highlight part or the entire table, press “Ctrl+C” or the Copy icon
and once the spreadsheet is
open, press “Ctrl+V” or the Paste icon
Cost estimate belongs to interesting options whose results are presented in table form. The
option is used to estimate the cost of the designed structure. The option is available by selecting
the Tools/Cost estimate command from the menu. To obtain a cost estimate, one should first
define certain groups of sections (in general, steel sections differ in price depending on the
section type) and section protection layers in the Cost estimate dialog box.
Once the section groups and protection layer types are defined, one should assign sections to
appropriate groups. Assigning sections to groups and protection layers ends the process of
estimating costs. Cost estimate in the form of a table becomes available by pressing the Apply
button in the Cost estimate dialog box or by selecting the View/Tables command from the menu
and selecting the Cost estimate option in the Tables - data and results dialog box.
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Maps on Bars
The option is used to present color maps of sectional forces, stresses, deformations, etc. for
elements of bar structures. The option is available by:
selecting the Results/Maps on bars command from the menu.
pressing the Maps on bars
icon on the toolbar.
The below-presented dialog box, appearing on screen after selecting the command, consists
of four tabs: NTM/Stresses, Design, Scale, Parameters.
For a structure, it is possible to present only one quantity selected in the presented dialog box
(the figure shows the NTM/Stresses tab as an example).
On this tab, one can select the quantities for which maps are to be presented:
in the Force components field: FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ
in the Normal stresses field: maximum stresses (from My and Mz), axial FX/AX
in the Shear/torsion stresses field: shear stresses TY and TZ, torsion stresses T.
The bottom part of the dialog box contains the Structure Deformation option. Switching this
option on results in displaying a structure deformed due to action of an applied load.
This part of the dialog box contains also the Normalize button. Pressing it results in presenting
the diagrams of a selected quantity in such a way that their scale will adjust to the maximum and
the minimum value of the quantity. On the Design tab one can select the following quantities related
to structure member design: ratio, member length, slenderness Lay, slenderness Laz. If the
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Plastic ratio option is selected, then the program will present on the screen the quantity denoting
the percentage of fibers in the member cross section that have undergone plastification. In the
lower part of the dialog box there is the Forces - RC T-beam considered with the slab option.
Switching on the options FRx, FRz or MRy results in presentation of forces or a moment reduced
to the center of gravity of an RC beam which is considered integrally with the RC slab.
The options located in the Scale tab allow one to determine the set of colors and the range of
values for the map of a selected quantity.
On the Parameters tab of the Maps on bars dialog box, one can select the manner of
presentation of maps on structure bars:
in the Diagram descriptions field, one may
decide how
none - if this option is selected, then
descriptions in maps of the quantities
available in the Maps on bars dialog box
will not be presented
labels - if this option is selected, then
descriptions in maps of the quantities
available in the Maps on bars dialog box
will be presented as labels showing
values at the selected points on bars
text - if this option is selected, then
descriptions of the quantities available in
the Maps on bars dialog box will be
presented as values at the selected points
on bars
labels without maps - if this option is
switched on, then only descriptions (in the
form of labels or text on bars) will be
presented for structure bars, without
maps of a selected quantity
In the Map thickness field, one can
introduce a digit determining the ration of
the line used in map presentation to the
thickness of the line presenting structure
Maps (Panels)
The Maps dialog box is used to display the structure deformations and the chosen maps of the
internal forces, stresses and displacements across the surface elements. This option is available
 choosing the Results / Maps command from the menu
 pressing the Maps
 choosing the RESULTS / RESULTS - MAPS layout.
The Maps dialog box is consists of seven tabs: Detailed, Principal, Complex, Parameters, Scale,
Animations, Crosses.
Results obtained for surface finite elements are presented in local coordinate systems which may
be defined and modified by the user at any moment of result presentation. Results obtained for
structures which contain surface FE may be presented in the form of isolines or color maps on
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selected elements. Only one value may be presented in a dialog box. In order to display other
value maps on the screen:
select the value and press the OK button. The map of the selected value will replace the
current map on the screen.
select this value and activate the Open a New Window option. A map of the selected value
will be presented in a new window; a map of the previous value will be kept on the screen.
There are multiple options for the display of the maps. The user is also able to select the direction
of the cut calculated, the layer for which the load effects are displayed, choose between maps
and isolines. Deformation, descriptions, and smoothing of the maps can be selected as well.
Finally, the user chooses the range of color coding for the maps and animates the deformation of
the panels. Here is an example of the Scale tab within the Maps dialog box.
The presented maps/isolines may be displayed with description of particular isolines. Maps may
be created with the option Smoothing. Surface FE results are defined Gauss’ points located
inside each element (values estimated in a common node of adjoining elements may differ
slightly in each element, and isolines may not be continuous). To obtain a ‘smooth’ map of
selected values, select the ‘with smoothing’ option (it results in averaging of the values at a node
based on all the values obtained in the elements adjoining the node). The Smoothing option may
be used in the following manner:
no smoothing
global smoothing (on the entire structure)
smoothing within a panel - it does not recognize the edges between panels
smoothing according to selection - the operation covers only the selected elements.
There are three more options available:
with description - if the option is switched on, the maps will be presented with the description
of the values of particular isolines
with normalization - if the option is switched on, the maps of a selected quantity will be
automatically presented with in such a way that the scale will be adjusted to the maximum
and minimum value of the selected quantity.
with FE mesh – if this option is switched on, then apart from a map of a selected quantity, the
program also presents generated finite element mesh.
Particular tabs in the Maps dialog box have the following functions:
the Detailed tab - the following values may be chosen for presentation: stresses, membrane
forces, moments, stresses, shear forces, displacements and rotations; it is also possible to
select the main direction of the co-ordinate system (i.e., to define the x axis direction) to be
used during the presentation of the results for planar finite elements
the Principal tab - the following extreme values may be selected for presentation: stresses,
membrane forces, moments, shear stresses, shear forces
the Complex tab - the following reduced values may be chosen for presentation: membrane
forces, moments and stresses; here the user may also select the method of reinforcement
calculation for plates and shells (Wood&Armer, NEN) and design values obtained for the
selected calculation method (bending moments, membrane forces)
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the Parameters tab - the placement of presentation of results obtained for surface FE for
stress calculations may be defined in this dialog box (middle, lower, upper layer)
the Scale tab - change the map presentation parameters: the type of color palette, the scale
type (linear, logarithmic, arbitrary), maximum and minimum division number, in which a map
of the selected value will be presented (minimum and maximum value inclusion may also be
turned off) and define the map color change division number, the colors using which the value
map and values for the colors will be presented; it is also worth mentioning here that the user
may select the automatic scale; while maps are being generated, it is often the case that the
user loses, among other things, the information concerning the sign of values presented; the
automatic scale is generated in such a way so that negative values of a quantity presented on
a map are marked with “cold” colors (shades of blue), whereas positive values with “warm”
colors (shades of red); thus created map scale allows both locating the regions where the
sign changes and determining the ratio of extreme values. The automatic color scale is
created once the extreme values (vmin, vmax) for a given quantity are determined. Colors
contained between vmin and vmax are ascribed to values by means of the uniform division of
the scale (zero is one of the limit values on the scale).
the Deformations tab - presentation of the deformation of the currently designed structure and
running animation of the deformation
the Crosses tab - here, the results may be presented in the form of crosses for three types of
quantities: stresses, forces and moments.
The drawing below presents an example of a displacement map for a plate, accompanied by the
Maps dialog box.
The X and Y axes are local and defined using the DIRECTION option on the Detailed tab. This
option allows defining the main direction of the local coordinate system (x axis). The result values
for all elements are calculated to this rotated coordinate system. The direction may be defined by
entering any vector defining the ‘main’ direction when selecting the results for surface FE. The
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selected vector is then projected onto an element which in the end defines the positioning of the
local x-axis. Only one limit exists - the ‘main’ vector can not be perpendicular to the element (i.e.
parallel to the local element axis). If the user selects this direction, all results will be equal to
The typical situation is shown on the drawing below where all elements are located on
a cylindrical surface. Initially local x axes are parallel to the global X axis. These axes will be
redefined when using the ‘main’ direction (reference direction) which is parallel to the global Y
The below-presented pictures define the sign convention applied to forces for planar finite
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Panel Cuts
The Panel cuts option completes the Maps - Panels option. It allows the user to create diagrams
of internal forces and displacements on cuts through planar finite elements. The diagrams are
drawn in arbitrary cuts defined by the user. For two-dimensional structures, the cut is done along
a straight line or a segment located in the plane in which the structure has been defined. For
shells, the cut is defined by an arbitrary plane in 3D space. The user may define several cut
diagrams for one structure.
The option becomes available by:
selecting Results/Panel cuts command from the menu.
selecting the Panel cuts
icon from the toolbar.
The command activates the dialog box that allows one to define cuts and select the quantities to
be presented for the cuts. To create a diagram of any of the available quantities of internal forces,
stresses and local displacements in finite elements, it is necessary to define the line of the cut
and indicate which of the available quantities is to be displayed in the diagram.
The option allows one to define more than one plane (straight line) determining the cut. Thus,
diagrams may be drawn simultaneously for several cuts. Defining a new cut adds it to the
previously defined ones. Diagrams may be drawn as tangential or normal with respect to the
plane of the cut. The option also allows one to have the element-to-element transitions smoothed
out (averaged values at a node based on all the values obtained in the elements adjoining the
The below-presented dialog box - appearing on screen, once the option is selected - consists of
nine tabs: Definition, Cuts, Detailed, Extreme, Complex, Parameters, Diagrams, Reinforcement
and SLS.
The last two tabs refer to reinforcement calculation results for a defined plate or shell. One may
select for presentation calculated reiforcement area or spacing, and in case of design code
selection for plate/ shell including calculations according to SLS, quantities relating to service
state (crack width, etc.).
To display a diagram of any quantity on screen, one should:
define cuts through a plate or shell structure
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select the quantity to be presented in a diagram
determine the diagram parameters
press the OK button. The diagram of the selected quantity will be presented on screen.
Cut Definition - Two-Dimensional Structure (Plate)
If one designs a two-dimensional structure, the plane of the cut must be parallel to OZ axis. Thus, it
is necessary to define only a straight line - the intersection of the cut plane and the OXY plane. For
two-dimensional structures, it is additionally possible to define a segment of determined length for
which the required cut is carried out. Such segments may form a polyline of arbitrary shape.
The program provides many ways of defining a straight line or a segment. The defining points may
be introduced graphically (by indicating the right nodes) or textually (by providing in the relevant
dialog box fields the coordinates of the points or node numbers). The Definition tab assumes the
form presented in the drawing on the right.
In the case of two-dimensional structures, a cut may be
defined in three ways:
by defining 2 points - once this option is selected, one
should introduce (graphically or by writing them in the
fields) the coordinates of two points that define the
beginning and end of the segment on which the
selected quantity will be presented
by defining a line parallel to axis and a point - once
this option is selected, the cut definition will consist in
selecting an axis of the global coordinate system
(axis X or Y) with respect to which the cut is to be
parallel, and in defining the distance between the
plane of the cut and the beginning of the coordinate
system. If the cut definition is performed graphically,
after selecting the required axis, one should indicate
the node in the defined cut.
by defining a point and direction - once this option is
selected, a straight line is defined instead of a
segment. Graphical definition boils down to indicating
two points; keyboard definition consists in defining a
point belonging to the line and the direction of the line
(dx and dy).
The defined cut will be added to the list of cuts available on the Cuts tab.
Cut Definition - Three-Dimensional Structure (Shell)
If one designs a three-dimensional structure, the plane of the cut must have a general definition.
It means in the majority of cases the necessity to define one point belonging to the cut plane and
a direction of the required normal vector. The plane may also be defined by three points not
belonging to a straight line.
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The program provides many ways of general definition of a cut plane. The defining points may be
introduced graphically (by indicating the right nodes) or textually (by providing in the relevant
dialog box fields the coordinates of the points or node numbers). The Definition tab assumes the
form presented in the drawing below.
In the case of three-dimensional structures, a cut may be defined in three ways:
by defining a plane going through 2 points, parallel to a selected axis of the global coordinate
system - once this option is selected, the definition of a cut will consist in determining the
plane parallel to the selected axis of the global coordinate system; the cut plane definition
consists in determining the coordinates of two points that belong to the plane. If the cut
definition is performed graphically, it suffices - after selecting an axis - to indicate the node
through which the cut is to go.
by defining a plane parallel to one of the axis planes and a point - once this option is selected,
the definition of a cut will consist in indicating a plane of the global coordinate system (plane
XY, XZ or YZ), with respect to which the cut plane is to be parallel, an determining the
distance between the cut plane and the center of the global coordinate system. If the cut
definition is performed graphically, it suffices - after selecting an axis – to indicate the node
through which the cut is to go.
by defining three points – once this option is selected, one
should define coordinates (graphically or by writing them
with the keyboard) of three points not co-linear that
univocally define the cut plane.
The defined cut will be added to the list of cuts available on the
Cuts tab.
The Cuts tab of the Panel cuts dialog box presents all the cuts
defined for a structure. Three items of information are
presented for each cut:
display of the cut switched on/off for the structure (if the
option is active, the cut will be presented on the structure
together with the selected diagrams of the indicated
color of the cut and the diagram presented for the cut
cut name.
The Cuts tab holds options allowing reduction of all forces
acting in a section to one point; This point is the center of
gravity of a section. Reduced forces are represented in the
coordinate system of the cut (n axis - the normal to the cut
plane, axes 1 and 2 lie in the cut plane). Options provided in
the above dialog box are used for on-screen presentation of
reduced forces and moments.
In the Detailed, Extreme and Complex tabs, one may select quantities to be presented in the form
of diagrams over the defined cut lines. The Parameters tab contains options that allow one to
select a layer parallel to the central surface of a surface structure for which the calculations
results will be presented (for stress calculations).
The Diagrams tab allows one to select the manner of presentation of diagrams on a structure
(see the figure below):
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in the Diagram descriptions field one may decide how the
descriptions of selected quantities will be presented on the
none - if this option is selected, then descriptions of
diagrams in cuts will not be presented
labels - if this option is selected, then descriptions of
diagrams in cuts will be presented in the form of labels
showing values at selected points of cuts
text - if this option is selected, then descriptions of
diagrams in cuts will be presented in the form of values at
selected points
at the bottom of the Diagram description field there are
two options (Max and Min) that allow selecting a color of
labels and the description of the maximum and minimum
values for diagrams in panel cuts (the color can also be
selected in the Preferences dialog box on the Desktop
Settings tab / plate diagrams / minimum / maximum
additionally, the Diagram descriptions field holds the
Diagram name option; if this option is switched on, then in
a drawing the diagram created for a defined cut will have
the name determined in the Cut name field on the
Definition tab
in the Positive and negative values field one may decide whether positive and negative
values of the presented quantity will be marked with different colors
in the Diagram position field, one may determine the position of the diagram with respect to
the structure.
When diagram descriptions are presented along cutting lines, maximum and
minimum values are presented for the diagram, as well as the value of the
integer for the selected component along the cutting line length.
Maps on Solids
The option is used to present maps (isolines) of displacements, stresses and strains obtained
during analysis of a volumetric structure. The results may be presented in the form of a map or
isoline with values of the presented quantity. The results are presented on external face of a solid
or selected elements. The dialog box shown in the figure below, which appears on the screen if
this option is selected, consists of four tabs: Detailed, Principal, Scale and Deformation.
The option is available by:
selecting the Results/Maps on Solids command from the menu
pressing the Maps on Solids
icon on the toolbar.
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Results for volumetric elements (solids) may be presented in the tabular or graphical form.
Available result groups include:
a) Stresses:
- in the local coordinate system defined by a user (globally for the entire model)
- in principal directions, if a stress tensor assumes the diagonal mode
- as reduced values according to the selected hypothesis
b) Strains
- in the local coordinate system defined by a user (globally for the entire model)
- in principal directions, if a stress tensor assumes the diagonal mode
- as reduced values according to the selected hypothesis
c) Displacements
- are available in the local coordinate system defined by a user (globally for the entire
- in the global coordinate system as total displacements, i.e. length of a displacement
The lower part of the dialog box contains the options allowing selection of a graphical form for
result presentation (Maps, Isolines, Isosurfaces). Activation of the Values option results in
automatic activation of the With Description option; then, the values in element centers are
presented without drawing maps or isolines. The following forms of graphical result presentation
may be selected:
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isolines - results obtained for volumetric finite elements will be presented in the form of
isolines on a solid external contour
maps - results obtained for volumetric finite elements will be presented in the form of maps on
a solid external contour
isosurfaces - results obtained for volumetric finite elements will be presented as surfaces - of
the same values - inside a solid (identically as isolines on panels which show the run of
a selected quantity of the same value, isosurfaces show such a run within a solid); number of
surfaces is determined by the number of scale colors. (NOTE: if there is a large number of
colors, the duration of isosurface generation will increase)
Both, maps and isolines may be presented in the form of averaged values between elements.
Averaging of values (smoothing) may be performed by selecting one of the options from the list
available in the bottom part of the dialog box:
No smoothing
Global smoothing
Smoothing within a solid
Smoothing according to selection
Smoothing according to properties.
The remaining options located in the lower part of the dialog box include:
With Description - switches on isoline descriptions or displays values in element center
With Normalization - switches on automatic calculation of extreme values for a map scale or
With FE mesh – if this option is switched on, then apart from a map of a selected quantity, the
program also presents generated finite element mesh
Open new window with scale displayed - results in opening a new window which displays
only selected elements and objects. The window is divided into two parts containing view and
a scale legend.
In the above dialog box, on the Detailed tab the following quantities may be selected for
presentation: stresses, strains and displacements. Only one of the results can be selected on all
On the Principal tab stresses and strains may be selected for presentation. Only one of the
results can be selected on all tabs. Reduced values are presented according to the selected
hypothesis, which are available on the list located in the lower part of the dialog box. Presently,
the following hypotheses are available:
Tensor invariant I1.
First tensor invariant is determined according to the following formula:
I1   1   2   3   xx   yy   zz
Second invariant equals:
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p = I1/3 – average stress.
The reduced value according to the Huber-Mises hypothesis equals:
The Scale and Deformation tabs contain options that have been described for diagrams (bars) or
maps (bars, maps). In addition, the Deformation tab includes the Deformation in structure scale
option – if this option is switched on, then real values of structure deformation will refer to
structure dimensions; this option is connected with the Scale factor option – in this edit field the
user should specify a factor by which values of structure deformation will be multipled; if the
Constant scale option is activated, the scale will be selected for all the presented diagrams (the
option is convenient when comparing the results obtained for different load cases, etc.); this
option is connected with the Map scale on 1 cm (in) option – in this edit field the user determines
the number of centimeters (inches) to which one centimeter in a drawing corresponds.
The difference between the options: Map scale on 1 and Deformation in structure scale can be
seen while zooming in/out a structure on the screen; for the Map scale on 1 option, the size of
deformation remains unchanged, however, for the Deformation in structure scale option,
a deformation becomes adjusted to dimensions of a structure on the screen.
Similarly as for plate/shell structures, the X and Y axes are local and defined using the
DIRECTION option on the Detailed tab. This option allows one to define the main direction of the
local coordinate system which will be used (x axis). The result values for all elements are
calculated to this rotated coordinate system. The direction may be defined by entering any vector
defining the ‘main’ direction when selecting the results for finite elements. The selected vector is
then projected onto an element which, in the end, defines the position of the local x-axis. There is
only one limitation - the ‘main’ vector cannot be perpendicular to the element (i.e. parallel to the
local element z axis). If the user selects this direction, all results will be equal to zero.
The sign convention for volumetric elements is presented schematically in the drawing below.
The convention is shown for stresses; the stresses displayed in the drawing have positive signs.
Solid Cuts
The option is used for presenting maps on cuts through solids. Results are shown on the cut
surface. The option is available from:
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the menu by selecting the Results / Solid Cuts command
the toolbar by pressing the Solid Cuts
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The dialog box in the drawing below, appearing on screen after selecting this option, consists of
five tabs: Definition, Cuts, Detailed, Principal and Scale.
The last three tabs are similar to the tabs provided in the Maps on Solids dialog
box. The Detailed tab contains additionally the Internal forces in the table option
(see below).
The primary assumption of drawing maps on cuts through solids is that that on all sections maps
are drawn for the same result quantity. It is a main difference compared to diagram presentation
on panel cuts, where for each diagram a different result quantity may be selected.
The equivalent resultant forces available in the result table are calculated based on the following
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... - (Macauley brackets) or the positive part operator expressed as:
For results dependent on the local direction in a finite element, the direction is determined
independently from the cut plane. For example, if a stress map Sxx is displayed, then the stress
direction x will be defined by the user independently from the cut plane.
Thus, maps on cuts are only a different form of drawing maps for a quantity selected in the Maps
on Solids dialog box. Therefore, it is possible to display a map on a solid external contour or on
internal cuts through a solid.
When defining a direction for cuts through solids the Selection of Direction dialog box looks as
shown in the drawing below:
In the above dialog box the user may determine a direction of the first tangent axis T1 according
to a selected vector or direction of the main coordinate system.
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The coordinate system in the cross section used in the ROBOT program looks as follows (see the
drawing below):
- N axis – normal to the cross section plane - x axis
- T1 first tangent axis to the cross section plane - y axis
- T2 second tangent axis to the cross section plane - z axis.
With the directions listed the following stresses are associated: NN, NT1 and NT2.
The following cut definitions are allowed:
by means of a vertical plane defined by two points; such a definition generates a vertical strip
limited by two points in the plane parallel to the global Z axis
as a cut parallel to the selected principal plane (XZ, XY, ZY) in the global coordinate system,
passing through a defined point
by means of a plane defined by three points in space.
To define a cut for a structure, the user should:
select the cut definition method
determine cut parameters
assign a name to the defined cut
select the cut color
press the New button.
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The defined cut will be added to the list of available cuts on the Cuts tab. The options located on
this tab allow selection of displayed cuts.
The List of Cuts field shows all cuts defined for a structure. For each cut three pieces of
information are presented:
switching on/off cut presentation for a structure (if the option is switched on, then the cut with
maps of a selected quantity is presented for a structure)
cut name.
Stress Analysis (Bars)
Once the results of a structure analysis is obtained the stress analysis can be performed to
evaluate stresses in the longitudinal sections and the cross-section of the selected structure bar.
The Stress Analysis - Bars option is available from:
the menu by selecting the Results/Stress Analysis/ Stress Analysis - Bars command
the layout field by selecting the RESULTS/STRESS ANALYSIS - BARS layout.
Once the STRESS ANALYSIS - BARS layout located in the Results group is selected, the
screen is divided into four parts (in the case of a solid section): the Stress Analysis dialog box
and three viewers in which stress maps are presented (in the bar cross-section and two
longitudinal sections: XY and XZ). In the case of a thin-walled section, the screen is divided into
two parts: the Stress analysis dialog box where the numerical results of stress analysis are
presented for the section and the graphical viewer presenting the maps of stresses.
In the Stress Analysis dialog box, the following tabs may be selected: Cross Section, Section
XY, Section XZ, Point, and Bar. In the case of a thin-walled section, there appears an additional
tab: Table, presenting the values of stresses in table form (for characteristic points of the thinwalled section). The lower portion of the dialog box is the same for all the tabs listed. To obtain
stress distribution in cross-sections of a selected bar, follow the steps below:
select the structure bar and load case for which stress maps will be presented
select the stress type (normal, tangent, reduced); the section force components included in
calculations of this stress (FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY and MZ) will be automatically selected
enter internal force values for the selected bar (it is possible to change the internal force
value obtained during structure analysis)
select cut plane location.
Once these parameters are chosen and the Apply button is pressed stress values of the chosen
section will be presented in the dialog box, stress maps in two longitudinal sections and the
cross-section will be shown in the three viewers located in the left part of the screen.
If one has selected normal stress SIGMA X for presentation, the program will
present the neutral axis in the form of a dashed line in the cross-section of the
solid bar.
Pressing the Calculation Note button results in activating the word processor in which the
calculation note generated for the chosen bar will be presented.
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If the parameters located in the Stress Analysis dialog box have been changed, (e.g. the load
case, stress type, etc.), then pressing the Apply button results in determining the stress values
and their maps for the new parameters.
In the menu of the Stress Analysis - bars module, the following should be pointed out:
Cutting Planes - allows for a graphic definition of the point cutting plane. Once the Edit/Cutting
Planes option is selected the shape of the cursor changes. When in the
appropriate dialog box, the cutting plane may be defined by pressing the left
mouse button. The cutting plane coefficients will be automatically entered in the
appropriate fields (values x=, y= and z=).
Point Values - allows for a graphic definition of coordinates of a point in which stressed will be
marked. Once the Edit/Point Values command is selected (the cursor shape will
change to a ‘view-finder’) the appropriate bar point should be pressed with the
left mouse button. When shifting between the consecutive windows (crosssection, longitudinal sections), the settings on the Point tab change (the
appropriate plane is chosen, the appropriate coefficients are entered).
View Attributes - allows to define the stress map parameters (scale for views, colors, etc.). The
dialog box is made up of several tabs in which the user defines stress map
presentation parameters.
3D Projection - allows one to view a 3D presentation of a selected structure bar, accompanied by
the presentation of an indicated stress type. There appears an additional
structure bar view (see figure below) with an additional toolbar containing options
that allow one to move, rotate, zoom the selected structure bar. The option is also
available in the side toolbar (in the STRESS ANALYSIS - BARS layout):
The following extreme stresses calculated in the selected cross-section and longitudinal bar
sections will be presented in the above dialog box:
z normal stress (maximal and minimal)
shear stresses
stress from torsion
i stress.
The coordinate value for which the extreme stress value was obtained is given for each of the
listed stress values.
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The same values will be presented on the Bar tab; they will be calculated for the whole bar.
The following stresses indicated in the selected bar point will be presented on the Point tab:
z normal stresses (maximal and minimal)
 shear stresses
stress from torsion
i stress.
The example of the STRESS ANALYSIS - BARS layout is presented above.
Structure Stress Analysis
Once the structure analysis is completed in the ROBOT Millennium system it is possible to
determine stress maps obtained for the entire bar structure. The Stress Analysis - Structure
option serves that purpose and is available by:
selecting the Results/Stress Analysis/Stress Analysis – Structure command from the menu
After selecting the STRESS ANALYSIS - STRUCTURE layout the screen is divided into the
following parts: viewer presenting a structure view, result table in the lower part and dialog box
managing stress analysis. This dialog box is used for selecting stresses and determining the
manner of stress graphical presentation.
The result window (table) of the structure stress analysis contains numerical stress values shown
in the tabular form. All typical stresses and user-defined stresses may be presented. Stresses for
individual bars are presented in the form of extreme values for selected load cases. At the table
end the global extremes for individual stress types are displayed together with the information
about the bars and cases for which these extremes occur.
The Stress Analysis dialog box consists of the following tabs: Stresses – diagrams, Scale,
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This dialog box allows selecting a user-defined stress; a set of basic stress types: normal,
tangent, Mises, Tresca can be used for that purpose. For each stress type a set of forces can be
selected to be taken into consideration during calculations. It enables assessing influence of
individual internal forces on the bar ratio.
The dialog box allows selecting a set of stresses presented in the form of diagrams on the
structure, scale of diagrams, diagram colors and parameters. The Scale tab contains options that
enable selection of colors for a stress map used in the 3D structure view presenting stresses.
The lower part of the dialog box is shared by all the enumerated tabs. In order to obtain the stress
distribution presented both in the structure view and in the tabular form, the following should be
1. select a structure load case for which stress maps will be presented
2. if the All bars option (located in the lower part of the dialog box) is switched on, then the
stresses will be presented for all structure bars; if the Selected bars option is switched on,
then it is possible to select bars for which calculations will be performed and maps/
diagrams will be presented
3. select a stress type (normal, tangent, reduced); the components of internal forces taken into
account in that stress calculations (FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY and MZ) will be selected
4. indicate the stress type to be presented in the form of diagrams.
Once these parameters are selected and the Apply button is pressed in the dialog box, the
program performs calculations and presents the stress values on the structure bars, whereas the
tabular result window (table) displays the values of the appropriate stresses.
If the parameters in the Stress Analysis dialog box have been changed (e.g. a load case or
stress type, etc. has been changed), then pressing the Apply button results in determining stress
values and diagrams and/or maps for the new parameters.
The Stress Analysis - structure table presents the stress values for selected structure bars. The
stress types to be displayed in the table are selected in the dialog box that appears once the
Table Columns option from the context menu (the right mouse button) is switched on. It is
possible to present minimal and maximal values for all available stress types and for user-defined
At the end of the table a set of extreme values for the entire structure is displayed; for a given
stress type the following data is presented:
extreme stress value
case, for which the extreme value occurred
bar in which this stress value occurs
location of the extreme value on the bar length.
Table support (sorting, selection, etc.) is analogical as for similar tables in the ROBOT program.
3D View – Stress maps - the option available from the Results / Analysis menu allows
presenting a structure together with section shapes and accurate detailed stress maps on these
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Stress calculations for a structure - due to the complexity of the accurate stress
calculations for an arbitrary bar section (it refers mainly to the stresses caused by
a torsional force and to locating extreme stress values in a section), the
calculation process may be time-consuming. Owing to that, a certain facilitation
has been introduced which enables considerable reduction of stress analysis
duration. Each section utilized in the structure while using the ROBOT program,
is analyzed in the long-lasting manner only once, its subsequent use (also during
every other work session with ROBOT) does not cause time-consuming
operations analyzing the section, therefore, in practice stress calculation time is
reduced to minimum.
The figure below presents the STRESS ANALYSIS – STRUCTURE layout for the example of bar
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5.10 Global Analysis - Bars
This option serves to present variability of a selected parameter (displacements, internal forces,
stresses) for all the bars of the currently designed structure. The option is accessible from:
the menu, by selecting the Results/Global Analysis - Bars command
the toolbar, by selecting the
This option presents in one figure the maximum and minimum values of selected resultant
parameters for each bar element. Once the option is selected, there appears an additional
window on screen, where the user may select the parameters that are to be presented. When
they are indicated, the program creates a global diagram for the selected bars. The figure below
shows an example of diagrams and tables for internal forces and extreme stress.
The global diagram of selected parameters for all bars is presented in the upper part of the
window shown below. There is a possibility of changing the form of this diagram. Clicking the right
mouse button within the diagram activates the context menu containing the Diagram Types
option. Five diagram types are available: line, column, bar, 3D column, 3D bar.
The lower part of the above-presented window contains a table containing the following data:
column 1 - the parameters selected for presentation (internal forces, stresses, design
column 2 - value of the lower limit; this is the value that allows one to determine the minimum
value of the selected parameter and identify the bars for which the minimum values have
been exceeded;
column 3 - value of the upper limit; this is the value that allows one to determine the
maximum value of the selected parameter and identify the bars for which the maximum
values have been exceeded;
column 4 - list of bars for which the limit values of the selected parameters have been
column 5 - list of bars for which
the values of the selected
parameters fall within the
range defined by the upper
and lower limit values;
column 6 - color selected for
presentation of a given
column 7 and 8 - respectively,
the minimum and maximum
value of the parameter(s)
determined for all bars in
a structure.
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It is possible for the user to select the values to be presented in the table and in the diagram.
Clicking the right mouse button within the diagram activates the context menu containing the
Table Columns option.
Once the option is selected, there appears on
screen the Parameters of Presentation
Windows dialog box where one can select the
parameters to be presented within the global
analysis of structure bars. The dialog box
consists of three tabs: Forces, Stresses and
Design. The figure below shows the Stresses tab
as an example.
The value of upper and lower limits for particular
parameters can be defined in two ways:
textually, by introducing the values of upper
or lower limit into the corresponding table cell
graphically: having situated the mouse cursor
in one of the table cells (upper or lower limit
of the selected parameter), one should go to
the diagram field and determine the limit
value there (on the diagram, there appears a
horizontal line that represents the required
limit value).
5.11 Detailed Analysis
The option is used to present detailed results (diagrams, tables) for selected bars of a structure.
It is accessible by:
selecting the RESULTS/DETAILED ANALYSIS layout of ROBOT Millennium program,
selecting the Results/Detailed analysis command from the menu
clicking the
icon on the toolbar.
Before the option is activated, the user should select a bar or bars in the structure
for which detailed analysis is to be presented.
The Detailed analysis option provides the possibility of presenting detailed diagrams and
numerical results in the table form. Once the option is activated, the screen is divided into three
main parts (see the figure below):
the Detailed Analysis dialog box where one can select the quantities to be presented and
the manner of diagram presentation
a table where the numerical calculation results will be presented for selected bars
graphical viewer, where diagrams of chosen quantities will be presented on selected bars.
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The table displays the values of quantities selected for presentation: global displacements, values
of internal forces and stresses at the beginning and end of an element, as well at intermediate
points indicated by the user in the Detailed analysis dialog box. The table consists of three tabs:
Values - the tab presents the values in selected points of quantities selected for presentation
Local extremes - the tab presents local extremes of quantities selected for presentation for
each bar subject to detailed analysis
Global extremes - the tab presents global extremes of quantities selected for presentation for
all the bars subject to detailed analysis. If only one bar is subject to detailed analysis, local
extremes are equal to global extremes.
The user may define the position of intermediate points for which the values of selected quantities
are to be presented. This is done on the Division points tab in the Detailed analysis dialog box.
The graphical viewer presents detailed
user-defined diagrams of displacements,
internal forces and stresses obtained for
the active load case. The diagrams are
presented along the length of relevant
elements. The values of forces are
presented according to sign convention
(see chapter 2.3). The figure below
presents an example of diagrams. If the
diagram labels are inactivated, the
diagrams show the points of maximum and
minimum values of the quantity selected for
The Detailed Analysis dialog box appears on screen when the Detailed Analysis option is
selected. The dialog box consists of five tabs:
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Division points.
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The first two tabs (NTM and Stresses) allow the user to select the quantities to be presented for
the bars selected from a structure. The values of the selected quantities (displacements, elastic
ground reaction, internal forces and stresses) will be presented graphically - in the viewer, and in
the textual form - in the table. One may of course indicate several quantities to be presented
simultaneously for the bars selected from a structure. The figures below show the NTM and
Stresses tabs in the Detailed Analysis dialog box.
The options located on the third tab: Reinforcement allow presentation of calculation results for
theoretical (required) reinforcement of structure R/C members. Theoretical (required) or real
(provided) reinforcement area, reinforcement spacing (stirrup spacing), reinforcement ratio, etc.
can be presented. The bottom part of the dialog box contains the Show required and provided
values on one diagram option. If it is on, one diagram for one quantity (e.g. top reinforcement)
will show two values: theoretical (required) and real (provided) (e.g. theoretical (required) top
reiforcement area and real (provided) top reinforcement area). If the option is off, all the values
are presented on separate diagrams.
The next two tabs in the Detailed Analysis dialog box allow the user to determine the way the
selected quantities are to be presented in the respective diagram and table. The Parameters tab
controls the manner of presentation of diagrams displayed on the graphical viewer. The Division
points tab allows the user to indicate the intermediate points for which the values of selected
quantities are to be presented in the table.
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The figures below show the Parameters and Division points tabs in the Detailed Analysis dialog
On the Parameters tab, the Diagram Description field enables the user to decide how the value
descriptions will be presented in a diagram:
none – if this option is selected, descriptions in diagrams of the quantities available in the
Detailed Analysis dialog box will not be presented
labels - if this option is selected, descriptions in diagrams of the quantities available in the
Detailed Analysis dialog box will be presented as labels showing values at selected points
on bars; labels are slightly shifted away from diagrams
text - if this option is selected, descriptions in diagrams of the quantities available in the
Detailed Analysis dialog box will be presented as values at the selected points on bars;
descriptions are positioned perpendicular to the bar.
For the two options (labels and text) the program makes accessible the Values selection field,
which is used to limit the number of diagram descriptions displayed in the viewer. The
following options are available: All (diagram descriptions are displayed for each calculation
element at its beginning and end as well as at points of the maximum and the minimum
values), Local extremes (diagram descriptions are displayed only for the maximum and the
minimum values on a bar; the option is particularly useful, when bars are divided into a great
number of calculation elements, and only the extreme values on the whole bar are of interest
to the user, not the intermediate values), Global extremes (descriptions are displayed only for
the global maximum and minimum values, thus presenting extreme values for the whole
Apart from that, the Positive and Negative Values field allows the user to determine if positive and
negative values of the presented quantity should be differentiated by means of colors in
diagrams, whereas in the Filling field it is possible to determine the filling of a diagram (fence or
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The Division points tab allows the user to indicate the points for which the values of relevant
quantities will be presented in the table. If the N points along bar length option is selected, the
user may define in the appropriate field the number of points (the beginning and end node of the
bar included) distributed in a regular manner along the length of the bar for which the relevant
values will be presented. The default value of N = 2, which means that the table will present the
values of the quantities selected for presentation only for the bar beginning and end. If N = 3, the
program will add a point in the middle of the bar (dividing it into two equal parts) and present the
values of relevant quantities for the point. If the Characteristic option is checked, the user will be
able to define a point on the selected bar (by specifying its absolute or relative distance to the bar
beginning) for which the program should display the values of the relevant quantities. The
successive points selected for presentation will be accompanied by the following descriptions:
AUTO - points generated automatically
USER - user-defined points
ZERO - characteristic points on the bar (places where the value of the selected quantity equals
zero and the extremes of the selected quantity).
The lower part of the Detailed Analysis dialog box (Division points tab) contains three buttons:
Refresh - the button refreshing the list of points (if changed by the user) for which the values
of indicated quantities are to be presented
Delete - the button deletes points on a bar for which the values of indicated quantities are no
longer to be presented
Add - the button adds points on a bar for which the values of indicated quantities are to be
If the Open a new window option is checked, there will appear a new window on screen where
the diagrams of quantities indicated in the Detailed analysis dialog box will be presented.
5.12 Influence Lines
A moving load is defined by selecting a vehicle and determining its route over the structure. The
vehicle is treated as a set of forces with a defined direction, size and position. In each step, the
vehicle is moved from one position to another; the set of forces applied to structure elements is
created for each position. Therefore, the moving load case is treated as a set of several static
load cases (successive load case for the next position of the vehicle).
For a moving load case, the user may draw the route of the vehicle over the structure. Moreover,
one may display the loads originating in the vehicle and display the resultant values, separately
for each position of the vehicle or for the entire sequence of positions (animation of the moving
load and of the resultant values).
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The results obtained for the moving load case may be
presented in two ways. The first method consists in
presenting the results of a static case for the moving
load position selected by the user. The user may
move the load step by step or take advantage of the
animation of the vehicle and the results for the moving
load. The second method consists in presenting the
changes of the value of a selected quantity in a
selected point, due to the movement of the load over
the structure, i.e. the presentation of the influence
lines for a selected quantity.
Now, we will present the possibility of creating
influence lines of a selected quantity. This is done by
Influence Line option that may be activated by:
selecting the Results /Advanced /Influence Line
command from the menu
pressing the Influence line icon
from the
Once this option is selected, the dialog box shown
beside will appear on screen.
In the case of bar structures, only two tabs are available in the above dialog box, namely: Nodes
and NTM. While in the case of plate and shell structures, the following tabs are also available:
Detailed, Extreme, Complex and Parameters. The tabs allow one to select the quantities for
which the influence lines may be presented.
To present the influence lines for a selected quantity, one should:
define the range (from and to options); pressing the All button results in recognizing all the
defined positions of the moving load
determine the point for which the program will create an influence line of a selected quantity;
this is done by means of the following options:
elements - number of an element/bar, for which influence lines of the selected quantity
will be selected
position - coordinate (relative) of the point for an element/bar for which influence lines of
the selected quantity will be selected
in the dialog box tabs, select the quantities for which an influence line will be created
for a plate and shell structure: determine the area for which influence lines will be created
press the OK button.
A new dialog box will appear on screen (see figure below), presenting the influence line for the
selected quantity. The newly-opened dialog box may be divided into two parts:
table presenting the numerical results of calculations; the following data will be presented in
the order of listing:
the upper part of the table for moving load analysis specifies a value of the integral for
diagrams displayed in the view; values of the following integrals are given:
- total sum
- integral of the positive and negative parts of each diagram.
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Note should be taken that the integral value depends on the selected length unit, since the
integral value is expressed in the unit being a product of the unit of the quantity in the
diagram and the unit of the route length
first column - the number of the bar (element) for which the influence line will be created,
point position on the bar (element), name of the moving load case, position of the moving
load, position of the moving load for it successive positions over the structure
two or three columns (depending on the structure type) - coordinates of the vehicle position in
the global coordinate system
further columns - values of the selected quantities for which the influence line will be created.
graphical viewer presenting the diagrams of influence lines of the selected quantities.
The figure shows an example
of influence lines for force FX
and the bending moment MY.
5.13 Reduced Results for Panels
The option allows one to obtain results for panels in a quick and simple manner. The results may
be used for other calculations, such as calculations of reinforcement that is to be used in walls
aimed to maintain the stability of a building that undergoes the operation of wind and seismic
impact. In order to carry out such calculations, one has to know the reduced forces along different
The cross-sections for which the reduced forces are to be calculated may have the following
orientation: horizontal - at the wall base (Section AA and Section BB), or vertical (Section CC and
Section DD).
In order to obtain a system allowing one to calculate reduced forces that would be both simple for
the user and quick in its use, the walls should be divided into rectangular panels according to the
scheme presented below:
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The reduced forces should be calculated only for two-dimensional panels with the shape of
a convex quadrilateral. The reduced forces will not be calculated for the following types of panels:
panels created by means of the following edit options: Extrude and Revolve
three-dimensional panels (curved)
panels that are not quadrilaterals
concave quadrilateral panels (not convex)
panels with variable thickness.
The values of reduced forces should be obtained for 6 cross-sections that are described in the
scheme below.
Position of allowable cross-sections for reduced results
In order for cross-sections 1, 3, 4 and 6 to be defined correctly within panels (no defined
coordinates), one should move the cross-sections by the Delta value with respect to the main
panel nodes N1, N2, N3 and N3. The delta value may equal the tolerance value applied in the
generation of the calculation model.
One obtains the following point positioning:
Point M1 is the center of segment N1-N2.
Point M2 is the center of segment N2-N3.
Point M3 is the center of segment N3-N4.
Point M4 is the center of segment N4-N1.
Point C is the center of segment M1-M3 or is the center of segment M2-M3
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Point M1’ is the point of intersection between the line (M1,M3) and the panel edge.
Point M2’ is the point of intersection between the line (M2,M4) and the panel edge.
Point M3’ is the point of intersection between the line (M1,M3) and the panel edge.
Point M4’ is the point of intersection between the line (M2,M4) and the panel edge.
The coordinate system for results is identical as the coordinate system for results used for panel
The beginning of coordinate system is located in point Pr (Reference point) that is identical with
M1, M2, M3, M4 or C, depending on the required cross-sections.
Points Po and Pe will be identical with Points N1 and N4 for cross-section 1.
Points Po and Pe will be identical with Points N2 and N3 for cross-section 3.
Points Po and Pe will be identical with Points N1 and N2 for cross-section 4.
Points Po and Pe will be identical with Points N3 and N4 for cross-section 6.
Points Po and Pe will be identical with Points M1’ and M3’ for cross-section 2.
Points Po and Pe will be identical with Points M2’ and M4’ for cross-section 5.
Calculation of NRx and MRz
Sign convention for normal forces and reduced
bending moments (NRx and MRz)
NRX  Nxx.dyy
MRZ  Nxx.yy.dyy
MRz moment has a positive value when it results in tension of fibers on the positive side of axis
Calculation of other components of results
TRY  Nxy.dyy
MRY  Mxx.dyy
Sign convention applicable to MRy moment is identical as that applicable for Mxx moments: MRY
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moment has a positive value, when it results in tension of fibers on the positive side of the local
axis z for panels.
TRz  QXX.dyy
Calculation of reduced stresses sigma and tau
The components are necessary to check the reinforcement introduced in RC bracing walls.
sRoNRX  6MR2Z
eLC eLC
sReNRX  6MR2Z
eLC eLC
e(LC  e)
e - panel thickness
Lc - section length.
Reduction e/2 along section length allows one to recognize reinforcement cover at the ends of
bracing walls.
Calculation of section length Lc
The information is necessary to check the reinforcement introduced in RC bracing walls.
LC  dyy  PoPe
Xpo, Ypo and Zpo are absolute coordinates of point Po
Xpe, Ype and Zpe are absolute coordinates of point Pe.
Calculation of panel height Ht
The information is necessary to check the reinforcement introduced in RC bracing walls.
For horizontal sections 1, 2 and 3, height Ht will be calculated on the basis of the following
Ht maxLC4,LC5,LC6 max N1N2 , M2'M4' , N3N4
For vertical sections 4, 5 and 6, height Ht will be calculated on the basis of the following formula:
Ht maxLC1,LC2,LC3 max N1N4 , M1'M3' , N2N3
The results in the tables are presented in the same way as in other tables (e.g. in tables of
reactions, displacements, forces, etc.)
The header of the first column contains, depending on the indicated load case, the selected
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Panel / Cut / Case
Panel / Cut / Case / Component
Panel / Cut / Case / Mode.
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Cut description is carried out with respect to the numbers of the main panel nodes: N1, N2, N3
and N4.
Cuts 1, 3, 4 and 6 receive the following descriptions: N1-N4, N2-N3, N1-N2 and N3-N4.
Cuts 2 and 5 receive the following descriptions: N1~N2-N3~N4 and N1~N4-N2~N3.
5.14 Time History Analysis / Advanced Analyses – Diagrams
and Tables
Results of time history analysis may be presented in graphical form of diagrams, maps, structure
deformations. The diagrams may be presented for the envelope or for each of the time
components. After selecting the additional load case (+/-) generated for envelopes, the program
displays envelopes. After selecting the main case, the results of a single component with
particular time steps become available. After selecting the Results / Advanced / Time History
Analysis - Diagrams option from the menu, the program displays the dialog box shown in the
figure below:
The graphical results of time history analysis are presented in the form of time-dependent
diagrams of a selected quantity in an indicated case of time history analysis. The diagrams are
shown in a new graphical viewer: "Time History Diagrams". It presents diagrams and the table
containing their description.
The dialog box presented in the figure above contains the following options:
in the Diagram definition field:
Add - pressing the button results in opening the dialog box for defining a new function
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A diagram is created for the selected, single resultant quantity. The quantity must be
selected in one of the available tabs of the Diagram definition dialog box (NOTE: the
number of available tabs depends on the type of the analyzed structure: frame, plate, etc.).
Additionally, one has to determine the element (bar) or node for which the diagram will be
prepared. In the case of surface elements, the values of forces and stresses are read in the
centers of the elements.
The name of function diagram is created automatically: the name components are presented
The diagram name may be changed. One cannot define a function diagram if none of the
quantities is selected from among those presented in the above dialog box, or if no diagram
name is defined.
Modify - pressing the button results in opening the dialog box for defining a function (allows
one to change function name or its value that is currently selected in the drop-down list)
Delete - pressing the button results in deleting the definition of the function currently indicated
in the list
the bottom part of the dialog box contains two panels: one contains the defined diagrams
(Available diagrams), the other contains the diagrams selected for presentation (Presented
diagrams). Between the panels, one finds standard button for transferring table contents:
> - pressing the button results in transferring a selected diagram to the right-hand panel
>> - pressing the button results in transferring all diagrams to the right-hand panel
< - pressing the button results in deleting a selected diagram from the right-hand panel
<< - pressing the button results in deleting all diagrams to the right-hand panel.
The panel presenting the defined diagrams contains two types of functions: firstly, all the
functions defined by the user and contained in the drop-down list located in the top part of the
dialog box; secondly, the time functions defined as given for time history analysis in the
Analysis Types dialog box (they are by default transferred from load case definition)
Open in new window - switching on the option results in opening a new graphical viewer with
the relevant diagrams.
After defining diagrams and transferring them to the Presented diagrams field in the Time history
analysis dialog box, one may display a viewer with the selected diagrams by pressing the Apply
button. The figure below shows an example of a diagram for a case of time history analysis.
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The top part of the viewer contains diagrams of indicated quantities, superimposed on one
drawing. The values of abscissa are the values of time variable. The bottom part of the viewer
contains a table with the description of diagrams and the values of extremes for the selected
Placing the cursor in the table and followed by pressing the right-hand mouse button opens the
context menu that contains the Columns option. Selecting the option opens the dialog box that
allows one to select the quantities to be presented in the table located below the diagrams of time
history analysis.
The context menu contains also the following options (in the Diagrams - properties menu):
Display main grid lines - switching on/off the presentation of the main grid lines in the diagram
for the case of time history analysis
Display intermediate grid lines - switching on/off the presentation of the intermediate grid lines
in the diagram for the case of time history analysis
Automatic range - switching the option on results in adjusting the ranges on the coordinate
axes of the diagram to the range of time variability of the indicated quantity
User-defined range - allows one to define a time span for which the program will present
a diagram for the case of time history analysis.
For the case of time history analysis, apart from the main load case, the program creates two
auxiliary load cases, containing the (+) top and (-) bottom envelope. Selecting the main load case
makes available the results for particular components of the complex case.
Due to the fact that a large number of results may be arrived at for a large
number of time steps, it is recommended to reduce the content of the opened
tables of results by means of the options located in the Filter results tab in the
Analysis types dialog box.
If no single complex case of time history analysis is selected, the table will show results for
auxiliary cases of the top (+) and bottom (-) envelope.
If, however, a single complex case of time history analysis is selected, the results are available
for particular components. The first table column presents the following data:
Time (s)
for example
history 2/100
The tables of results for time history analysis for bars and surface elements, the relevant
quantities are presented in the same way as in the table of nodes. The first table column contains
the number of case component and the step of the time variable.
The results of time history analysis may also be presented after selecting the Results / Advanced
/ Diagrams option from the menu. The option enables defining and presenting diagrams for cases
of non-linear (elasto-plastic analysis of members), time history and PushOver analyses (in the
menu of the non-linear analysis table this is the option: Results / Non-linearity\Plasticity /
Diagrams, whereas in the menu of the pushover analysis table this is the option: Results /
Advanced / Pushover Analysis – Diagrams). Diagrams allow the user to present any result values
(e.g. displacements, internal forces, stresses) collected in successive steps/increments of non-
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linear and PushOver analyses or in successive time increments for time history analysis. Results
may be displayed as a function of successive increments (iteration steps or time steps) and as a
function of other quantities. Diagrams may be displayed for a single load case or for several
selected cases. If different types of load cases are chosen (the selection includes e.g. cases of
non-linear, time history as well as PushOver analyses), diagrams may be displayed only for one
analysis type.
The user may present on a diagram ‘n’ different quantities (shown on the vertical
Y axis) as a function of only one quantity provided on the horizontal X axis.
If several load cases have been selected, then each of the defined diagrams is
displayed for successive cases (in other words, ‘n’ different diagrams are
generated); the range on the X axis is determined by the <min,max> values of all
the load cases, as regards the range on the Y axis, it is defined by <min,max> of
all the load cases (correspondingly to each scaling type).
For the elasto-plastic analysis there is a table available containing basic information about
parameters and results for this analysis type.
For members with the elasto-plastic section identical analysis results are accessible as for
members with standard sections: deflections, internal forces and stresses at any point over the
member length. Afterwards, elasto-plastic members may be verified and designed in the program
using the calculations for steel codes.
Apart from that, the section plastic ratio is available for bars with elasto-plastic section. It is the
ratio of the area of plasticized section part to the total section area. It assumes values from 0.0
(for an elastic section) to 1.0 (for a fully plastic section). The plastic ratio is presented in the form
of maps on bars.
The Data for plastic process history dialog box, opened from the result table for elasto-plastic
analysis (the table opens after selecting the option: Results/Non-linearity\Plasticity/Plastic
Process History – Table), consists of several tabs: Plasticity, Forces and Stresses (the Forces
and Stresses tabs are identical as for member quantities).
The Plasticity tab is shown in the drawing below.
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In this dialog box the following quantities may be selected for table presentation: load factor and
plastic ratio.
A list presented in a table may be additionally filtered; the filtering criterion is a state of the section
plastic process (value of the plastic ratio):
beginning of plastic process – value of the plastic ratio equals 0.0
plasticity - value of the plastic ratio equals 1.0
value of the plastic ratio is always greater than the value defined (a value entered in the edit
field has to be greater than zero and less than 1.0).
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Steel/Aluminum Design
page: 267
Designing elements of steel structures can be carried out in the ROBOT Millennium system
according to the requirements of several steel codes. The below presented list contains the steel
codes currently available in the program:
American codes: LRFD and LRFD (new edition)
American code ASD
American code EIA
Canadian codes CAN/CSA-S16.1-M89 and CAN/CSA-S16-1-01
British codes: BS 5950 and BS 5950:2000
Eurocode 3 (there are several codes available with the following National Application
Documents: French, British, German, Belgian, Dutch, Swedish and Finnish)
Eurocode3 (EN 1993-1-1:2005)
French code CM66
French code Add80
Dutch code NEN6770/6771
Italian code CNR-UNI 10011
South-African code SABS 0162-1:1993
German code DIN 18800
Spanish code MV 103-1972 (NBE EA-95)
Swedish code BSK 99
Norwegian code CNS 34.
Russian code SNiP-II-23-81
Romanian code STAS 10108/0-78
Chinese code GB50017-2003
Japanese code AIJ-ASD 05.
The design code for aluminum structure elements is also available within the program; this is Al76
French code. The way a design of aluminum structure elements is performed is identical to the
one used during a design of steel structure elements.
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The structure design process is divided into three stages; first the structure geometry and applied
loads are defined, then internal forces and displacements are calculated and finally code
requirements are verified and successive structural members designed. The design is applied to
either single members or groups of members and calculations can be executed in a similar way.
Depending on the selected steel code, the contents of the list of parameters defined before the
member design can vary, but the basic definitions remain the same no matter which code has
been selected.
The following definitions apply:
Single structure member to be verified or modified in the module. The most
common bar types are columns, bolts, purlins and bracing.
A member used during verification/design can be defined as a single element or
a sequence of consecutive elements creating a column, beam, etc.
Member list. A group of structural members for which the same section is
assigned. Once the verification/design is completed, a section appropriate for all
members in the group (regardless of differences in internal force values for these
members or design parameters) will be selected. Groups are defined in order to
limit the variety of sections in the designed structure.
Once the STEEL\ALUMINUM DESIGN layout is selected, the screen will be divided into three
parts: graphic viewer for structure presentation and two dialog boxes: Definition and
The Definition dialog box contains two tabs: Groups and Members (see the drawing below).
Once the members and groups are defined, verification for a single member or a group will be
carried out. Clicking on the Parameters button located on the Members tab results in opening the
Parameters dialog box (the contents of which depend on the selected steel code). In this box,
code parameters such as buckling length, buckling parameters, lateral-buckling parameters, etc.
can be defined, determined by the selected steel code (see the drawing below).
Among the interesting options to be found in ROBOT, one can count the possibility of automatic
design by means of parameterized tapered sections. The option is available by pressing the
Parameterized sections button located in the Definitions dialog box. The option is available
both for steel sections and for timber sections. The shape of the dialog box depends on the
material selected for the designed bar (steel or timber). The user has two section types at his
disposal (the relevant selection is performed in the Section types field in the right-hand part of the
dialog box):
steel sections
timber sections
rectangular section
box section (rectangular pipe)
double rectangular section
The Section definition field of the Parameterized sections dialog box allows one to define the
dimensions of steel or timber sections. To start designing a new section, one should press the
New button. There will appear a new line where one should type the relevant dimensions.
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Pressing the Delete and Delete all buttons results, respectively, in deleting the highlighted
section from the list or deleting all the sections from the list. There are two types of sections:
tapered section (dH)
tapered section (auto).
Apart from that, there is the Complex section tab available, which enables definition of complex
The dialog box provides nine types of the complex sections most often used (sections are
selected in the Section type field in the top right part of the dialog box):
- two C-sections (set face to face or back to back)
- two I-sections
- C-section and I-section (C-section set face to face or back to back)
- two angles and I-section
- four angles set face to face
- four angles with legs back to back
- two angles in the shape of ‘T’ (set with shorter or longer legs back to back)
- two angles in the shape of ‘C’ (set with shorter or longer legs face to face)
- two angles in the shape of a cross.
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For some types of complex sections the Complex sections – welded option is available; if it is
switched on, then chords of a complex section are joined with welds along the section length.
Definition of a family of complex sections
To define a family (group) of complex sections, the user should:
in the Name field specify a section name (the program automatically suggests the name of a
complex section)
in the Chord section field define the initial section with which generation of a family of
complex sections will start; after selecting this field, the program opens automatically the
Section selection dialog box where a chord section needed may be selected from any
section database
determine the initial spacing of chords of which the complex section is composed - in the d
edit field and the increment of chord spacing - in the dd edit field; to define the maximum
chord spacing, the user should enter a value in the dmax edit field.
It should be remembered, that the above dialog box is used for definition of the generation
procedure for new families of complex sections. The actual generation of sections takes place in
the process of member group design with the use of defined parameterized families.
Certain section types (e.g. 4 angles) require definition of two different chord
sections and two different chord spacings depending on the lattice plane (b,d).
In the case of timber sections, one has also the invariable option at his disposal. For the defined
sections to be recognized in calculations, one should "move" them to the Sections recognized in
calculations field.
An example of the Parameters dialog box for the LRFD steel code is presented on the figure
below. The name of the selected member type is given in the member type field (any name may
be entered here). The length of a bar may be defined in the fields: Bar Length Iy or Iz. There are
two ways of defining it:
once the Real option is selected, the value entered here is interpreted as the length
once the Coefficient option is selected, the value is interpreted as the coefficient by which the
actual length should be multiplied to get the correct value i.e. entering the value 0.25 means
that the appropriate length is equal to 1/4 of the actual length.
In the Buckling Length coefficient field, the buckling lengths of a member may be defined in both
directions. The actual length of a member (or, the sum of the component element lengths) is
automatically entered in the appropriate fields.
The buckling length coefficient depends on the support conditions of the member end nodes in
the buckling plane. The buckling length of a member may also be defined in the Buckling
Diagrams dialog box that may be opened by pressing the icon representing the selected type of
member-buckling model. Typical member support patterns are located here; once one of them is
selected; the coefficient value will be calculated automatically.
The present version of the program allows one to define the parameters of brackets that reduce
both buckling length (in both directions) and lateral buckling length (separate for upper and lower
flange). Thanks to this, one may easily read the sets of bending moment in characteristic points
of a bar during analysis. The options provided in the program allow one also to define buckling
length coefficients and/or lateral buckling length coefficients of segments between brackets.
The option is available by pressing the
icon located in the Buckling Diagrams dialog box.
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Buckling is always considered in calculations when compressive forces, even when negligible in
relation to other internal forces, act on the member. The program does not analyze if the buckling
effects may be excluded or not. If the user wants to disregard the buckling effects in the
calculations, the
icon must be selected. This indicates the exclusion of buckling in the
calculation process. Pressing the icon
indicates the assumption that calculations of the
buckling length of a column will be performed according to the automatic procedure. After
selecting this option, the program automatically analyzes geometry of a whole structure and
assigns an appropriate value of the buckling length to individual structure columns considering:
- member supports
- geometry of adjoining bars
- supports on the other ends of adjoining bars.
The program provides also the
possibility of
buckling coefficient of the main
bar on the basis of the
parameters of adjoining bars. It
is available by double-clicking on
one of the icons
Diagrams dialog box. The
parameters of adjoining bars
may be defined in the belowpresented dialog box (here, for 3
adjoining bars).
In the above dialog box, essential information pertaining to the bar adjoining the main bar may be
given. The following values should be defined for the main bar in appropriate fields:
the number of the consecutive structure bar (in the second column, the section of the
selected structure bar is automatically entered); the user may enter the bar number in the
appropriate edit field or perform a graphic selection on the screen.
position (placement) of the bar in the structure; two situations are possible: a vertically placed
or a horizontally placed section .
In the case of several codes (ADD8, Eurocode3, NEN6770/6771) another parameter is included:
the support method for the other end of the adjoining bar. The available support types for the
other end depend on the selected steel code requirements.
The program provides also the possibility of defining manually the parameters of adjoining bars.
In the respective dialog box, one can define these parameters manually.
In the Lateral Buckling Parameters field, one can select options used during lateral buckling
verification: lateral buckling type, load level and lateral buckling length coefficient. Pressing the
appropriate icon opens the dialog box for defining the appropriate parameters.
The Lateral Buckling Type option is used to define the appropriate lateral buckling code
parameters depending on the static model of the member. According to the code requirements,
one of the models considered in the code must be accepted. The models in the shape of icons
represent the appropriate support positions from the code. Pressing the last icon signifies
resignation from including lateral buckling effects in the calculations.
For a proper calculation of the lateral buckling coefficient, it is necessary to define the lateral
buckling length. Due to the possibility of affixing the upper or lower flange separately and the
occurrence of compressive stresses in either flange under various load cases, two lateral
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buckling lengths are available. The proper lengths are controlled by the coefficient by which the
base length of the member should be multiplied to obtain the lateral buckling length. The length Iz
is taken as the base length. The coefficient value may be entered directly into the edit field; it is
also possible to press an icon of the typical support conditions case for which the coefficient will
be automatically chosen.
Once the More button is pressed, an additional dialog box appears on the screen where one may
define the load parameters and the section parameters. Once the Service button is pressed,
there appears a dialog box where one may define allowable displacement limit.
After pressing the Complex section button, the program shows another dialog box Complex
Section where parameters of complex members may be defined (see chapter 6.1.3).
For the code Eurocode 3 (2005) there is also the Fire button available in the
Member Definition - Parameters dialog box. The option allows design and
verification of steel members of an arbitrary section according to the guidelines of
the European code EC3 EN 1993-1-2:2005 or the official document 3 of the
ECCS Technical Committee ‘Model Code of Fire Engineering’ - First Edition, May
2001. The scope of the code includes calculations of steel members loaded with
an arbitrary set of internal forces (N,Vy,Vz,Mx,My,Mz). As the both documents
recommend, calculations are performed by means of one of the following
Fire resistance calculations of steel elements are started after activating the ‘Fire
calculations’ option in the Configuration dialog box. The Configuration dialog
box also allows selecting a code which will be the basis for the analysis (general
guidelines of the EN 1993-1-2 code or recommendations of the ECCS Technical
methods: resistance domain, temperature/time domain or time domain.
In the case of the Eurocode 3 (2005) code there is also a possibility of verification
of thin-walled steel members.
The name of the selected bar is given in the Member Type field. The bar length may be entered
in the Member Length ly or lz fields.
This may be done in two
once the Real option
entered value is
interpreted as the
once the Coefficient
option is chosen, the
value is interpreted
as the coefficient by
which the actual
value should be
multiplied to obtain
length. E.g. entering
a 0.25 value means
that the appropriate
length is equal to 1/4
of the actual length.
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For a simultaneous definition of several members of differing actual lengths, e.g. additional
supports equally spaced, the second method mentioned is very convenient. If the set parameters
are to be saved as a category, entering the length this way is essential. The buckling length
coefficient depends on the end support condition of the bar nodes in the buckling plane. The
buckling length may also be defined in the Buckling Diagrams dialog box opened by pressing
the icon representing the selected buckling model type. Typical schemes are found here; once
one is selected, the coefficient value will be accepted or calculated automatically.
The icons in the dialog box are divided into two groups: the first one contains typical (code)
methods of member support and corresponding values of the buckling coefficients, whereas the
other contains icons of options used for the calculation of the buckling coefficient for columns of
multi-story frames. The colors of the icons represent: red (A) - calculations for sway frames, blue
(B) - for non-sway frames.
The buckling is always considered in the calculations if a compression force appears in the
member even if it is negligible in comparison to the other internal forces. The program does not
perform analysis determining if buckling effects should be disregarded or not on its own. If the
user wants to eliminate buckling effects from the calculations, the last icon must be chosen. It
represents the option to disregard buckling in the calculation process.
Options used during the lateral buckling
verification: parameters Lb and Cb may
be selected in the Lateral Buckling
appropriate icon for the Cb parameter
opens the dialog box for defining the
appropriate parameters.
In the dialog box presented beside,
calculation options for steel members or
groups of members are to be selected.
The Option of Verification field allows
the user to select:
Member Verification - verification according to the member list based on consecutive and
independent calculations for each member. The procedure is based on considering
intermediate points on a member along with the load case present, verifying that it is suitable
by checking against the worst case scenario according to the relevant codes of practice. A
number of points are considered during calculations and a list of load cases is specified. In
other words, verification is based on examining whether sections accepted in a structure
meet the code requirements. Such selection determines whether the member will be
considered satisfactory, unsatisfactory or unstable.
Group Verification - group verification is based on consecutive and independent calculations
(see Member Verification) for each member in the group. Material properties set for the group
are taken into account.
Group Design - group design is based on examining the previously adopted set of sections
determined by Group Definition and eliminating those that do not meet the code
requirements. Consecutive sections are eliminated until the first section meeting the
requirements is found (calculations of member groups may be performed taking account of
optimization options). The described process is carried out separately for each family of
sections belonging to the analyzed group. Code calculations are performed for each section
at consecutive intermediate points on the member, consecutive load cases, consecutive
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elements of the given member and all members belonging to the group. If the given section
does not meet the code requirements for a certain intermediate point, the load case or
element of the member in the group, it is eliminated and the next section from the list is
chosen. This process continues until all sections from the list are eliminated. To start
calculations in the design mode at least one group has to be defined. Design may be carried
out for many groups (the process is run for each group separately).
If the Optimization option is switched on and the Options button is pressed, there appears an
additional Optimization options dialog box on screen that allows one to select the following
optimization options to be used during calculations of member groups:
weight - switching this option on results in recognizing section weight in optimization, i.e. the
program will look for the lightest section in the group from among the sections that meet the
code-defined criteria
maximum section height - switching this option on results in recognizing maximum section
height in optimization; the user may define the maximum section height in the edit field
located to the right of the option
minimum section height - switching this option on results in recognizing minimum section
height in optimization; the user may define the minimum section height in the edit field located
to the right of the option
maximum flange width - switching this option on results in recognizing the maximum width of
a section flange in optimization; the user may define the maximum flange width in the edit
field located to the right of the option
minimum flange thickness - switching this option on results in recognizing minimum flange
thickness in optimization; the user may define the minimum flange thickness in the edit field
located to the right of the option
minimum web thickness - switching this option on results in recognizing minimum web
thickness in optimization; the user may define the minimum web thickness in the edit field
located to the right of the option.
The lower part of the dialog box contains the Calculations for the entire set of sections option.
Switching it on results in activating during calculations the procedure that searches the entire
section database for the optimal section (this is especially important when the database contains
sections not arranged in the ascending order, i.e. each successive section is “bigger” than the
previous one).
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If the Calculations for the entire set of sections option is switched on, whereas the Weight option
is switched off, then the optimal section is the one for which the value of efficiency ratio is the
greatest (but less than 1).
The lower part of the Calculations dialog box contains the Configuration button, pressing which
results in opening the Configuration dialog box used to define the parameters applied during the
verification of a steel member. One may define the following calculation parameters in this dialog
calculation points; they can be determined in two ways:
1. by defining the number of points along a member length (the points are evenly distributed
along a member length) - the Point number option
2. by defining the coordinates of the characteristic points; in order to do that one should
switch on the Characteristic points option and press the Options button; it results in
opening the Calculations in Characteristic Points dialog box (the points of maximal
values of internal forces, etc.)
efficiency ratio defines the coefficient by which the plasticity resistance limit will be multiplied
(increasing/decreasing the limit of plasticity)
maximum slenderness; if the option is switched on, the slenderness of a member is verified.
Moreover, one may determine the allowable value of member slenderness.
In the middle part of the dialog box there is the button Exclude internal forces from
calculations, which when pressed, opens the additional Internal forces not taken into
consideration dialog box; this dialog box includes options that enable determining the limit
values of internal forces (thus the force values that are ‘negligible’ for a specific section may be
disregarded). Moreover, the units for the presentation of results of member design process may
be selected below in the dialog box. The results may be presented in the units used in the
indicated steel code, or in the units used in the ROBOT system.
The lower part of the dialog box contains the list for selection of a load case (dead load), for
which the defined displacements will be treated as structure initial deflections. The option Take
the deflections from the following case into consideration must be switched on then.
The lower part of the Calculations dialog box contains two fields: Loads and Limit State. In the
first one, the following options are located:
load case list - field for displaying the load cases taken into account during calculations. The
load case number can be entered therein.
load case selection - opens an additional dialog box (Case Selection) in which load cases to
be considered during calculations can be chosen.
Member code calculations can be run for ULS and SLS.
Clicking on the Calculations button results in steel bar verification or design, according to the
parameters set in the Definition and Calculations dialog boxes. Once the calculations are
completed, the Short Results dialog box will be displayed on the screen. The dialog box consists
of two tabs: Results and Messages. The latter tab presents comprehensive information regarding
warnings and errors that occurred during structure member verification/design. Clicking on the
section shown on the short list on the Results tab will result in displaying the Results dialog box.
There are some differences concerning the short result display on the Results tab for various
calculation types:
Verification of the List of Members - only one line for each member or group of members is
displayed according to the list of members of member groups. Sections that meet the code
criteria are marked with the
symbol, while those that don’t meet the code criteria are
marked with .
Member Group Design - three consecutive sections from each family of the selected section
group are displayed. The section in the central line meets the code criteria. Section names
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proceeded by the and symbols indicate those cross-sections which either don’t meet the
code requirements or meet the requirements with excessive reserves. The profiles that meet
code criteria are marked with the symbol, while those that do not - with the symbol. The
unstable sections are marked with one of the following icons: or . The first one is applied
to an unstable member or group of members, while the second one indicates that a member
or a group of members is unstable and the efficiency ratio is larger than 1.0.
Member Group Optimization (the Optimization option is active in the Group Design) - the
Short Results dialog box contents are the same as for group design. Additionally, at the
beginning of the appropriate line the symbol is displayed indicating the optimum section (if
it exists).
Apart from the standard buttons, the Short Results dialog box contains the following buttons:
Calculation note - pressing this button results in opening the Printout dialog box
Ratio / Analysis - in the case of member verification - pressing it results in activating graphical
presentation of efficiency ratio for particular members in a structure; it opens the window for
global analysis of members with bar diagrams of the ratio
Ratio / Map - in the case of member verification - pressing it results in activating presentation of
maps of the efficiency ratio for verified structure members; it opens an additional window
presenting a map of the ratio for members, with the scale.
Calculations can be also carried out for user-defined section forces (not calculated by the
program itself). This can be done using the Manual Calculations option that is available from the
Analysis / Bar Structure Design / Steel\Aluminum Members Design menu. Member
verification/design can be carried out.
The Detailed Results dialog box includes all available calculation results for a member. The
dialog box appears on the screen once calculations are completed, after pressing any section
from the Short Results dialog box. An example dialog box with detailed results is presented
Once the Calculation note button is pressed, an additional dialog box will appear on screen.
Here one can select the type of the calculation note to be presented.
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If the Simplified note option is selected, the program
will print a simple calculation note containing a table
with the basic information concerning the designed or
verified members or groups of members (the note will
be presented in the same form as in the Short
results dialog box). On the other hand, if the Full
note option is selected, the calculation note will
contain all the code-defined conditions checked
during calculations/verification of members or groups
of members. The calculation note will be created for
selected members or groups of members. The user
may select members or groups of members in the
List edit field (all members of groups of members are
contained in the field by default).
Selecting the Save table option means that the table with the basic information concerning
designed or verified members or groups of members - presented in the Short results dialog box will be saved to be used when the project documentation will be created (the user should define
the name of the screen capture of the table in the Label edit field). It will be possible to use the
table in printout composition. The name of the table screen capture will be available on the
Screen Captures tab in the Printout composition dialog box.
Detailed Analysis - Eurocode3
The option allows one to carry out detailed analysis of I-section members, rolled or welded. The
detailed analysis of a member can be activated by pressing the Detailed button located in the
Detailed result dialog box for the EC3 code.
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The program allows one to carry out the following calculations on the basis of the requirements
defined in EUROCODE 3:
Web stability for shearing
The program analyzes each panel (the space between neighboring ribs) at 11 points to find
the greatest value of the shearing force. For the identified force, the program carries out
verification according to paragraph (5.6)
The results are presented for each panel at the points where there appeared the most
straining stresses.
Web stability for compression (chapter 5.7 of the code)
Verification of the web under a concentrated force is carried out only when the force is
applied to a point where there is no rib (the web is not ribbed)
The program carries out an analysis aimed to determine if the force or reaction results in web
compression. The compression effect results from a force (reaction or an adjoining bar) in the
following cases:
a force (reaction or an adjoining bar) at the top and the negative force (reaction) value
a force (reaction or an adjoining bar) at the bottom and the positive force (reaction) value
Otherwise, the program does not carry out calculations (the force is disregarded)
Calculations are carried out for all load cases defined by the user in the Automatic loads field
If there are several concentrated forces (within one load case), the program automatically
sums them up
In the case of a combination or code combination, if there are several forces originating from
different load cases, the program sums them up while recognizing at the same time the
relevant combination coefficients
The results are provided for each force that results in compression of the web without ribs.
NTM interaction (chapter 5.6.7 of the code)
The program analyzes each panel at 11 calculation points
Calculations are carried out for all load cases defined by the user in the Automatic loads field
Results are shown for the point of a panel where there appears the most straining stress.
Compressed flange stability (chapter 5.7.7 of the code)
The program verifies compressed flange stability at 3 equidistant points (flange beginning,
center and end)
The program checks the geometrical condition of the compressed flange stability according to
the formula (5.80).
Transversal ribs stability
The check is carried out at the points where stiffeners are located
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If a concentrated force is applied directly to a rib, the force itself will be taken for verification. If
no concentrated force is applied directly to a stiffener, the program calculates the force that
compresses the stiffener and does so on the basis of formula (5.63). If the concentrated force
results in stretching the stiffener, then calculations for the stiffener are not performed
Multiple forces applied to a stiffener are combined in an analogous manner as in the case of
concentrated forces applied to a web without stiffeners.
Once the Detailed analysis option is run, the program reads all the concentrated force for the load
case that turned out to be decisive during the verification if the member complies with the code. If,
for instance, the load case DEAD1 turned out to be most exigent during member verification,
then, all the concentrated forces covered by the load case will be read by the program. If,
however, a combination or code combination turned out to be decisive, the program will read all
the concentrated forces covered by the simple load cases included in the combination. The
governing load case is automatically introduced into the Automatic loads edit field. The
automatically-recognized concentrated forces are visualized in the graphical viewer, together with
the force number and its coordinates. The coordinate system is located by default in member
A user can verify if the concentrated forces are recognized correctly in the Concentrated forces
The program is set by default in the automatic mode (the Loads / Automatic option). It means that
the calculations will recognize the load cases formerly defined by the user. All the external and
internal forces will be read for the current load case(s), and only the forces will be recognized
during calculations.
If the user wants to introduce a new load case, he must enter the manual mode.
The Detailed analysis dialog box is divided into several parts:
the top part of the dialog box contains a schematic representation of the member containing
member dimensions; the following icons are located in the bottom right-hand corner of the
switching on/off of the presentation of ribs, rib numbers, panel numbering
and distances between ribs
switching on/off of the presentation of the forces operating in the top flange
of the member, their numbering and the distance between the forces
switching on/off of the presentation of the forces operating in the bottom
flange of the member, their numbering and the distance between the forces
switching on/off of the presentation of supports/adjoining bars located in the
top flange of the member, their numbering and the distance between
supports/adjoining bars
switching on/off of the presentation of supports/adjoining bars located in the
bottom flange of the member, their numbering and the distance between
supports/adjoining bars
the part containing four tabs: Stiffeners, Forces, Supports/Bars and Internal forces
the fields Verification and Loads.
The Stffeners tab
Once the Detailed analysis is run, ribs are calculated automatically at the following member
at the points where support have been defined
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at the points where concentrated forces have been applied
at the points where adjoining bars have been identified
if the distances between bracings are excessive and do not meet code-defined requirements.
It is possible to modify the parameters of the automatically-defined ribs. All the automaticallydefined ribs may be modified, added or deleted at will.
The Forces tab
A user can verify if the concentrated forces are recognized correctly using the Forces tab.
The program is set by default in the automatic mode (the Loads/Automatic option). It means that
the calculations will recognize the load cases formerly defined by the user. All the external and
internal forces will be read for the current load case(s), and only the forces will be recognized
during calculations.
If the user wants to introduce a new load case, he must enter the manual mode. There is no
possibility in the automatic mode to change the position of load application along an element,
neither is it possible to modify its value.
The Supports/Bars tab
If a user-defined support has been identified in the beam in question, the support will be
automatically introduced into the list of supports and drawn in the graphical viewer. During
calculations, the program will verify the beam, recognizing the information concerning the
reactions in the support.
The assumption is correct, if the reaction is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
of the beam).
For instance, for a beam with pinned supports and a concentrated force P applied at the center,
the program will identify two support at beam ends and it will recognize the reaction value R = P/2
in its calculations.
If no supports are defined along the beam, the program will verify if a vertical bar adjoins the
beam in question (a bar that may potentially serve as a support). If there is an adjoining bar, the
program suggests a support at this point. The value of the reaction transferred to such support
will be calculated on the basis of the analysis of the shearing force at this point.
In all other cases, the program suggests by default the position of supports at beam ends.
The program automatically identifies the places where there are adjoining (subordinate) beams,
that transfer loads to the beam in question. During calculations, the program finds the force
transferred by the bar(s) by analyzing the distribution of the shearing force over the beam in
question. For instance, while analyzing a cantilever beam with the load P applied at its end, the
force being transferred from a subordinate beam, the program will identify the place where the
force has been transferred and calculate the force P on the basis of the shearing force diagram at
this point.
The Internal forces tab
In order to define a new load case, one should select the Manual option available in the Loads
field. From now on, the user may introduce arbitrary concentrated forces, define ribs in arbitrary
locations and determine internal forces, corresponding to the defined load. The values of internal
forces should be defined in the Internal forces tab.
If the user has already entered the Manual mode, the calculation will be carried out only for the
manually defined load case. It is not possible to run calculations for both an automatically-defined
load case and a manually-defined one.
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Detailed Analysis (French Code CM66)
The option enables detailed analysis of webs in I-bars, bars with box-section or channel bars
made of rolled or welded sections. The detailed analysis of a bar can be run by pressing the
Detailed button in the dialog box with detailed results for the French steel code CM66.
The program allows for the following calculations based on the requirements described in the
CM66 code:
 stability of web without stiffeners under complex stress (chapter 5,212-3)
 stability of web with stiffeners under complex stress (chapter 5,212-3)
 stiffener check (chapter 5,212-4).
The stability check of a web with or without stiffeners is performed separately. The stiffener
stability may be verified only if the check of web with stiffeners is selected.
The user may carry out analysis of a member at the specified number of calculation points (101 at
the maximum). The program checks an appropriate code condition for every point as many times
as many load cases (code combinations) have been defined, afterwards, it presents the results
for the load case with the greatest ratio.
The dialog box is divided into several parts:
the top part of the dialog box presents a schematic drawing of a member including its
dimensions; the bottom right corner of the drawing shows the icons listed below:
switches on/off display of stiffeners, stiffener numbers, panel numbers and distances
between stiffeners
switches on/off display of forces acting on the upper flange of a member, their numbers
and distances between them
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switches on/off display of forces acting on the lower flange of a member, their numbers
and distances between them
switches on/off display of supports/adjoining bars positioned on the upper flange of
a member, their numbers and distances between them
switches on/off display of supports/adjoining bars positioned on the lower flange of
a member, their numbers and distances between them
The detailed analysis performed for the French steel code CM66 applies load cases defined
earlier by the user in calculations. For the current load case or load cases the program will read
all the external and internal forces and only them will be taken into account in calculations.
If on an analyzed beam a support defined earlier by the user, has been detected, then it will be
drawn automatically in a drawing. If no supports have been defined on a beam (the user is
considering e.g. spandrel beam of a frame), the program checks if a vertical bar (which potentially
may act as a support) adjoins the analyzed beam. If yes, it suggests that a support should be
defined there. The program automatically recognizes the points where adjoining (subordinate)
beams are positioned, which transfer loads onto the analyzed beam. Positions of concentrated
forces acting on the beam are also recognized automatically.
Calculations are started after pressing the Calculations button.
Below are listed the options contained in the lower part of the dialog box:
Number of calculation points – the field where the user should specify the number of member
divisions into segments of equal length; at these points internal forces will be calculated
Web without stiffeners – if this option is selected, then all the options concerned with member
stiffeners are unavailable and the member is being analyzed as the one without stiffeners
Web with stiffeners - if this option is selected, then the options concerned with member
stiffeners become available (a part of them, after switching the Stiffener check option) and the
member is being analyzed as the one with stiffeners
Stiffener check – as soon as this option is switched on, the fields used for definition of basic
stiffener parameters become active; each stiffener may be freely modified
Loads – list presenting load cases taken into consideration in the member detailed analysis.
Stiffeners are defined automatically after running the Detailed analysis at the following locations
on the bar:
at points where supports have been defined
at points where concentrated forces are applied
at points where adjoining bars have been detected.
Parameters of the stiffeners defined automatically may be changed: all the stiffeners defined
automatically may be freely modified, added or deleted. Stiffener positions are shown in the
Positions edit field; a stiffener position may be defined in real coordinates or in relative
coordinates (with respect to bar length).
By default, the following stiffener parameters are set:
Stiffener type - bilateral
Thickness = web thicknesses
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Width = half the difference between beam width and web thickness
Height = web height.
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It is assumed by default that length of the beam equals the distance between the theoretical axes
of members.
The program enables performing the following calculations:
Stability of web without stiffeners under complex stress (5,212-3)
A beam is being analyzed at the number of points that has been defined by the user in the
Number of calculation points edit field
Stresses at the current calculation point are calculated on the basis of internal forces read for
a given load case. These stresses are used further on, to check the empirical verification
formula given in point 5.212-3
Results are presented for each calculation point and for the load case resulting in the most
unfavorable ratio.
Stability of web with stiffeners under complex stress (5,212-3)
The program follows the same pattern as for the check of web without stiffeners. During
verification the program applies the second empirical formula given in point 5.212-3
Stability of transversal stiffeners (5,212-4)
The check is run at points where stiffeners are positioned
A force acting on the stiffener is calculated, according to the commentary to point 5,212-4, as
a difference between the transversal force acting on the point where the stiffener is positioned
and the maximum transversal force that a web without stiffeners is able to carry at this point
Parameters of stiffeners are calculated assuming that they cooperate with the web segment
of the length equaling 30-fold thickness of the web.
Stiffener stability is checked analogously as the stability of columns in axial compression,
according to point 3,41 of the code.
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Verification of Complex Members (Eurocode 3 or the
Polish Steel Code)
The option is used to determine parameters of complex members. It is accessible after pressing
the Complex section button in the Member Definition – Parameters dialog box.
If the Complex members option is switched on, then the program will perform member
calculations considering the guidelines for complex members according to point 5.9 of Eurocode
3 or point 4.7 of PN-90/B-03200 code.
In the Distribution of battens or lattice fields field the user may define arrangement of elements
connecting individual column chords. It may be done in two ways:
by specifying a number in the Distribution of battens or lattice fields field; the program will
automatically distribute battens (lattice fields) evenly over the entire member length; NOTE:
battens at supports (extreme battens) are also included in the specified number of battens;
for example, if number 4 is defined for the 3-meter long member, then 4 battens will be
positioned at the coordinates as follows: ( 0.0 m, 1.0 m , 2.0 m, 3.0 m)
by defining the value of spacing a between individual connecting elements in the Spacing a
edit field; it is assumed that values of the batten spacing or the height of all lattice fields are
equal over the member length; if the member length is not a whole multiple of the spacing a,
the battens are distributed uniformly with respect to the member center: thus definition of
spacing a = 1.0 m for a 3.2 m-long member will cause uniform distribution of 4 battens over
the member length at the coordinates: (0.1 m, 1.1 m , 2.1 m, 3.1 m).
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It has been assumed that the relevant batten (lattice) planes are parallel to the local axes of
a complex section (x – member longitudinal axis, y – horizontal axis, z – vertical axis). On the
Plane XY tab the user may define types of battens or lattice positioned in the plane parallel to the
local y axis. Analogously, the Plane XZ tab is used to define parameters of battens or lattice
positioned in the plane parallel to the local z axis. If the No lattice option is activated, then
calculations do not account for the fact that this is a complex member and are performed
assuming that the chords are a completely integrated whole in a given plane. For Eurocode 3,
selection of the Battens option enables definition of the basic batten dimensions (height,
thickness). After selecting one of the lattice types (Lattice 1, 2, 3), options allowing definition of
lattice bars become accessible. It is assumed, that posts and diagonals are usually made from
the same sections. For Eurocode 3, when Lattice 3 is chosen, the user may define different
sections for diagonals and posts. Pressing the (...) button to the right of the Diagonal section
option (or the Diagonal / Post options for Eurocode 3) opens the Section selection dialog box
where a name of lattice element may be defined. Selection of a section results in its area being
entered automatically to the Ad (Av) edit field.
After verification of a complex member there is a possibility to select and verify elements
connecting individual member chords. Analysis of chord connections in a complex member is run
by pressing the Lattice button in the Detailed Results dialog box. The Connection of Chords
dialog box consists of two tabs containing data about connectors in planes XY and XZ needed for
calculations. For each of the planes the analysis is carried out independently.
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Depending on the earlier defined type of chord connection in individual planes (battens or lattice
selected in the Complex Section dialog box) the program automatically proposes the possible
solution for connection details.
There are the following analysis types available in the program:
for battens:
- welded connection to member: fillet weld
- welded connection to member: butt weld
- bolted connection to member
for lattice:
- welded connection to member: fillet weld
- bolted connection to member.
Verification of the chord connection includes resistance check of the element connecting the
chords (batten resistance, compression with buckling of diagonals and posts) and resistance
check of welds (bolts) connecting battens (lattice) with a member section.
While defining parameters of a batten connection with a column section, verification of basic
geometrical parameters of the connection is performed. For a fillet weld connection the program
checks allowable dimensions of fillet welds. It is assumed that the fillet weld takes the shape of
letter C. If length of horizontal parts of a weld is not greater than 40 mm, then these parts are not
considered in calculations (only vertical parts of the weld are considered in calculations).
The program also performs geometrical verification of distribution of bolts in a batten connection
and if data is incorrect, a message is displayed on the screen. For the butt weld it is assumed that
the weld length equals the batten height, while the thickness is a lesser value of the batten
thickness and the thickness of flanges of the column chords.
Verification of a connection of lattice elements with the column section is carried out in a
simplified manner. For fillet weld connections, the program requests the total length of welds
connecting the lattice with the column section and assumes that the center of gravity of the weld
system is colinear with the member axis (the system is subjected only to shear without
considering possible eccentricities). For bolted connections it is also assumed that the section
axis and the axis of bolt positions are colinear. Therefore, load capacity of such a connection is a
total of capacities of all the bolts included in the connection.
To start calculations of chord connections, the user should press the Calculations button. The
Detailed Results dialog box shows the additional tab Battens /Lattice which contains the most
important results of connection verification (entire data and all verification results in a table form).
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Thus-designed chord connections may be saved together with a member; the Save button is
used for that purpose. Thanks to that, after defining the connection of chords in a member, during
next verification the user obtains complete results together with the full verification of the
connection (without the need to open the Connections of chords dialog box again). Results may
be deleted, as well, by pressing the Delete button.
Another assumption is that a set of information about chord connections in a column is
unbreakably linked with a specific section and a specific lattice type defined during member
parameter definition. If a different section is ascribed to a member or if a lattice definition is
modified, then information on chord connections is removed.
The program also provides the possibility of defining chord connections for several members
simultaneously. It may be done in two ways:
After group verification:
The result of verification of a member group is indication by the program of the group’s
representative with the greatest ratio. After opening the Detailed Results dialog box for this
member, the user may design a connection of member chords. If the Save button is pressed after
designing this connection, then definition of this connection is ascribed to all the members
included in the verified group. Take note, however, that it is possible only on condition that for all
the members the same section and appropriate lattice types have been defined. From this
moment on, verification of all members in a group will be carried out taking account of the chord
connection check.
After group design:
The result of verification of a member group is indication of the sections among member families
defined for calculations, which satisfy the code conditions. After opening the Detailed Results
dialog box for a selected section, the user may design a connection of chords.
The designed connection may be ascribed to a member on condition that the currently
considered section is simultaneously assigned to the analyzed member group. If the Save button
is pressed, then the program will simultaneously ascribe the section together with the chord
connection designed for this section to the member group. From this moment on, verification of all
members in a group will be carried out while taking account of the chord connection check.
Verification of Complex Members (the French Steel Code
The option is used to determine parameters of complex members. It is accessible after pressing
the Complex section button in the Member Definition – Parameters dialog box.
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If the Complex members option is switched on, then the program will perform member
calculations considering the guidelines for complex members according to point 3.42 (latticed
columns) and 3.43 (battened columns) of the CM66 code.
In the Distribution of battens or lattice fields field the user may define arrangement of elements
connecting individual column chords. It may be carried out in two ways:
 by specifying a number in the Number of battens or lattice fields edit field; the program will
automatically distribute battens (lattice fields) evenly over the entire member length; NOTE:
battens at supports (extreme battens) are also included in the specified number of battens;
for example, if number 4 is defined for the 3-meter long member, then 4 battens will be
positioned at the coordinates as follows: ( 0.0 m, 1.0 m , 2.0 m, 3.0 m)
 by defining a value of the spacing a between individual connecting elements in the Spacing
a edit field; it is assumed that values of the spacing of battens or the height of all lattice
fields are equal over the member length; if the member length is not a whole multiple of the
spacing a, the battens are distributed uniformly with respect to the member center: thus
definition of the spacing a = 1.0 m for a 3.2 m-long member will cause uniform distribution of
4 battens over the member length at the coordinates: (0.1 m, 1.1 m , 2.1 m, 3.1 m).
It has been assumed that the relevant batten (lattice) planes are parallel to the local axes of a
complex section (x – a member’s longitudinal axis, y – horizontal axis, z – vertical axis). On the
Plane XY tab the user may define types of battens or lattice positioned in the plane parallel to the
local y axis. Analogously, the Plane XZ tab is used to define parameters of battens or lattice
positioned in the plane parallel to the local z axis. If the No lattice option is activated, then
calculations do not account for the fact that it is a complex member and are performed assuming
that the chords are a completely integrated whole in a given plane.
Selection of the Battens option enables definition of the basic batten dimensions. Battens may be
defined as a rectangular plate (height, thickness) or as a standard section from the section
database. After selecting one of the lattice types (Lattice1-5), the options allowing definition of
lattice bars become accessible. The user may define different sections for diagonals and for
posts. Pressing the (...) button to the right of the Diagonal and Post options opens the Section
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selection dialog box where a name of the lattice element may be defined. Selection of a section
results in its area being automatically entered to the Ad (At) edit field. For lattices the user may
select one of the three available methods of calculation of the equivalent slenderness of a
complex member. After activating the Equivalent area Aa option, the calculations of the
equivalent slenderness will be performed according to point 13,942, whereas after switching on
the Area Atrmin option – according to point 3,421-2. If the Consider influence of shear forces
option is additionally selected, the calculations will be carried out according to the table included
in point 3,421-2.
In the detailed result window an additional Battens/Lattice tab appears and there results for
complex members are presented.
AKBAR R. TAMBOLI, Steel Design Handbook - LRFD Method, The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.,
CHARLES G. SALMON, JOHN E. JOHNSON, Steel Structures - Design and Behavior, Third
Edition by HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 1990
JEAN MOREL, Calcul des structures metalliques selon l’EUROCODE 3, Eyrolles, 1994
JEAN MOREL, Structures Metalliques - Guide de calcul CM66 - Additif 80 - Eurocode3, Eyrolles,
Steelwork Design Guide To BS5950: PART 1: 1990 - Third Edition, Volume 1 - Section
Properties, Member Capacities & Volume 2 - Worked Examples, The Steel Construction Institute
in association with: The British Constructional Steelwork, 1992
T J MAC GINLEY & T C ANG, Structural Steelwork - Design to Limit State Theory, Second
Edition, Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd, 1987,1992
Eurocode 3, Ernst & Sohn, 1998
WARREN C. YOUNG, Roark’s Formulas For Stress & Strain - Sixth Edition, The McGraw-Hill
Companies Inc., 1989.
6.2. Design of RC Structure Elements
The purpose of the following modules: R/C beam design, R/C column design, Direct
foundation design, Continuous footing design, Deep-beam design and Wall design is to
define, calculate and design concrete beams and columns in a structure (the module allowing
R/C plate design is described in chapter 6.6). The current version of the program allows design of
structural elements according to:
American codes: ACI 318/99 and ACI 318/02 - beams, columns, foundations, walls
British code BS 8110 - beams, columns, foundations
Eurocode 2 (Belgian NAD, Italian NAD) - beams, columns, foundations
Canadian code CSA A23.3-94 - beams, columns, foundations
French RC codes: B.A.E.L. 91 and B.A.E.L. 91 mod.99
Spanish code EHE 98 - beams, columns, foundations
Russian code SNiP 2.03.01-84 – beams, columns, foundations
Norwegian code NS 3473 - beams, columns, foundations
Singaporean code CP65 – beams, columns, foundations.
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The modules mentioned above can be used in two ways. They can be treated as an integral part
of the ROBOT Millennium system (with a link to other modules which are responsible for
structure definition and data transfer) or as an independent module (i.e. stand-alone) for R/C
structure element design only.
During structure design the user can easily enter, display and change the structure and design
parameters. If the obtained results do not meet the users’ criteria, calculations can be repeated
for different values of design parameters or for different cross sections.
After selecting a layout related to the design of RC structure elements, in the left part of the
screen there appears the Inspector dialog box which allows managing defined RC structure
elements and drawing generated for them. In the case of RC structure elements the Object
Inspector dialog box consists of the two tabs: Structure elements and Drawings.
On the Structure elements tab, pressing the right mouse button opens the context menu shown in
the drawing below.
After expanding the Create option it is possible to choose an element to be added to a structure.
Spread footing
Deep beam
Continuous footing.
After selecting the Delete option, an object currently highlighted is deleted (a highlighted object
may be deleted by pressing the Delete button).
The context menu also includes the two edit options:
Copy (Ctrl+C)
Paste (Ctrl+V).
The Open option is used to open an RC module with a selected element; it is also possible to
open an RC structure element in two other ways: double-clicking the name of a selected element
or selecting an element and pressing the Enter button.
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For a highlighted element in the Inspector tree properties are determined. They are dividied into:
- calculation status
- reinforcement pattern
- calculation option template
Material properties
- concrete
- longitudinal reinforcement
- transversal reinforcement
- total length
- number of spans.
If properties of all elements on a given level are identical, they will be displayed in the lower part
of the dialog box; if properties differ, then the Different values message will be displayed in the
lower part of the dialog box.
On the Drawings tab, pressing the right mouse button opens the context menu shown in the
drawing below.
The Create option allows choosing an element to be added to a structure.
- Level (NOTE: a level may also be added on the Structure elements tab)
- Drawing.
To generate a drawing follow the steps below:
press the Drawing icon
select the option File / Save As...
determine a level on which the drawing should be saved
define a drawing name
accept it by pressing the OK button.
The following chapters explain how to deal with modules for R/C design and address both
If modules for R/C structure design are used as a part of ROBOT program, then having
calculated the forces operating within a structure and having shiftied to the stage of designing
particular structure elements, a dialog box shown in the figure below appears on the screen (this
is the dialog box for R/C beams). The shape of the dialog box depends on the module that has
been activated (foundations, R/C beams or R/C columns).
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In the case of R/C beams/continuous footings it is possible to get to the R/C beam design module
after selecting a beam or a group of co-linear spans by calling the Analysis / R/C beam design
command from the main menu. Then the program transfers the relevant loads to the beam
automatically. The loads are not displayed in the Loads dialog box. In the case of continuous
footings, the program transfers displacements of a continuous footing as well as the elastic
foundation coefficient Kz.
After entering the beam design module, there appears a dialog box allowing one to determine the
type of loads to be transferred: Simple cases or Manual combinations. In case of the Polish code,
there appears an additional field that allows one to define the participation of variable long-term
loads, required for the calculation of deflection. If one selects the Simple cases option, the
programs transfers the loads for which the program internally creates code combinations
according to the regulation for the design of RC structure elements, available in the CFG folder in
the file with *.rgl extension.
If one selects the Manual combination option, calculations are performed for the combinations
defined in the ROBOT program. Apart from that, there appears the list of all manual combinations
and the user may select them.
The Grouping type field contains options that allow automatic grouping of elements according to
certain criteria (the grouping option does not work for continuous footings):
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according to story - once this option is selected, the program - based on the structure
geometry - divides the structure into stories and on their basis creates levels in the calculation
tree in the beam and column modules ascribing automatically elements to the relevant level
according to geometry (in the current version the option is available only for columns) - once
this option is selected, elements of the same geometry are treated as one calculation
element; afterwards, it is designed for many combination groups resulting from loads acting
on individual elements - in consequence, all the elements are designed for the most
unfavorable arrangement of loads.
The bottom part of the dialog box contains the Supports tab. The option is used to determine
which of the adjoining elements are to be treated as supports for the indicated beam. The settings
have direct bearing on the type and shape of reinforcement in the beam in question.
The bottom part of the dialog box on the Supports tab displays a table containing a list of
adjoining elements (bar number accompanied by a section label).
Supports in the form of columns are identified automatically.
In case of R/C columns, it is possible to get to the column design module taking account of loads
in column nodes after selecting a beam or a group of columns and by calling the Analysis /
Design of RC Structure Elements / RC Column design command from the main menu.
Then the program transfers the nodal loads to the column automatically. The loads are displayed
in the Loads dialog box.
After entering the column design module, there appears a dialog box allowing one to determine
the type of loads to be transferred: Simple cases or Manual combinations.
Apart from the load values and natures, the Group field is filled up in the table of loads. It contains
the number of the bar from which a load is transferred
If a group of columns is to be designed together (which means that calculation result in one
column type for all the columns of the group), one should carry out group selection of the columns
and call the R/C column design option. Then, the dialog box for loads displays as many load
groups as there are selected columns. After calculations one obtains for each load group a
”resultant” column, capable of resisting the load belonging to each group. Identical column
geometry (section and height) and identical column support conditions are the requirements to be
met for the group to be calculated.
It is possible to get to the foundation design module with the reactions of a given support (which
constitute the load applied to the footing) after selecting a structure node or a group of nodes and
calling the Analysis / Design of RC Structure Elements / RC Foundation Design command from
the menu.
Then, the program ascribes automatically the reactions to the top level of the column pier. The
reactions are presented in the Foundation - load layout.
The above dialog box makes it possible to:
 when importing simple cases – to present regulations that will be used in the design
modules for calculations
 select simple cases from the list of available cases
 display names of simple cases (abbreviated and full), including names of moving load cases
and cases of the time history analysis
 display the combination type for manual combinations (defined by the user)
 consider cases of the non-linear analysis (and the non-linear combination) as design
After entering the foundation design module, the user should determine the type of loads to be
transferred: Simple cases or Manual combinations.
Reactions transferred to the Foundation module are the reactions in the local coordinate system
of a structure. This is significant for 3D structures with different orientations of columns.
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The modules used for design of RC structure elements also provide access to the reinforcement
calculator (the option is activated by selecting the following option from the
menu:Structure/Reinforcement/Reinforcement Calculator
The bar diameters and reinforcement areas are given in the units chosen in the Preferences. The
Calculator allows calculation of the following values (d denotes the reinforcing bar diameter):
reinforcement area:
(for example:
7*d 12 = 7.92 cm2
7*d 12 + 5* d 16 = 17.97 cm2
7*d 12 + 5*d 16 + 8*d 10 = 24.25 cm2
... )
the required number of reinforcing bars (for example 44/d14 = 29 bars)
the required number of reinforcing bars of a predetermined diameter (e.g. 18 and 12 mm)
with an additional condition given that the number of bars of both diameters is approximately
equal (for example: 44 /d 18 /d 12 = 12*d 18.0 + 12*d 12.0)
the required number of reinforcing bars of a given diameter (e.g. 18 and 12 mm), so that the
bars with the diameter of 12 mm make up a predetermined percentage of all bars (e.g.: 44 /d
18 /d 12 %25 = 16 * d 18.0 + 5 * d 12.0)
the difference between the given area (i.e. 44 cm2) and the sum of the given reinforcing bar
areas (e.g.: 44 - 5* d 12 = 38.35 cm2).
RC Beam Design
The R/C beam design module allows for definition, calculation and design of continuous beams
(both single and multi-span). Load cases may consist of vertical concentrated forces, uniform
loads or additional support moments. Rectangular and T-sections are admissible (in addition,
various beam slab connection types are taken into account).
The R/C beam design module can be called up in the following way:
select the R/C beam design from the structure type vignette (see chapter 2.1) - the module
will work as an independent program (stand-alone) with no link and data transfer with other
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once the structure is defined, select (by highlighting in the graphic viewer) the appropriate list
of bars creating the beam and choose the R/C beam design command from the menu. The
BEAM layout will be opened and geometry and member loads along with corresponding
results will be loaded into the code module. The screen will be divided into two parts: the
viewer displaying the designed beam and the viewer for the presentation of the entire
The description of the R/C beam design process presented below applies to the second method
of calling the R/C beam design module; the main differences between the two approaches will be
pointed out.
Once the module is chosen, the selected beam structure will appear in the upper part of the
screen. Its geometry, applied loading and static analysis results will be loaded to the R/C beam
design module (whereas in the case of the module working independently the user must define
the geometry and loading and run static analysis). The beam geometry and loads can be
modified by using the following options:
beam section geometry - available by selecting the Geometry/Section Type command from
the menu or pressing the Section Type icon:
elevation dimensions of the beam span - available by selecting the Geometry/Dimensions
command from the menu or pressing the Dimensions icon:
loads - available by selecting the Geometry/Loads command from the menu or pressing the
Loads icon:
Section geometry can be defined/modified in the dialog box presented below. To modify the
span(s) select the ones, whose section dimensions are to be changed. Selected spans will be
Rectangular, I-sections and Tsections are admissible (in
connection types are taken into
account). Dialog box contents
(parameters) vary according to the
selected type. The dialog box
beside contains only the General
Parameters tab for rectangular
sections. Similar parameters are
available for the T-section and Isection types. Once the T-section
with lower-positioned flanges is
selected, the dialog box will
contain two additional tabs: Slabs
(enables defining dimensions of
the floor slab: concreted on site or
prefabricated) and Cuts (enables
defining dimensions of cuts in the
right or left part of the cross
The program assigns automatically names to sections of RC beams/columns. The first letter B or
C corresponds to beam or column, while the following one determines the shape of the section. It
is followed by the characteristic dimensions. For instance, BR 30x50 denotes a rectangular beam
section, for which b=30 and h=50.
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Elevation dimensions for consecutive beam spans can be modified in the Elevation Definition
dialog box. As in the case of cross section dimensions, the dimension definition/modification
applies only to the selected span.
Once the Load option is selected the LOAD layout of the ROBOT Millennium system (in the
case of a version integrated with other modules) or appropriate tables to define the loads (in case
of the module working as a stand-alone programs). The selection of the Loads option allows the
definition of loads applied to an R/C beam. This is done by:
left-clicking on the “Load Definition” icon
selecting the Structure / Loads command from the menu
choosing BEAM - LOADS.
The dialog box shown below will appear on the screen.
To define R/C beam loads:
1. In Spans, enter the number of spans to which the load will be applied; if one writes A (all) in
this field, all the spans will be selected,
2. From the Nature list, select the load nature (dead, live, snow, wind, etc.),
3. From the Load Category list, select the type of the applied load (continuous, concentrated,
and surface).
4. Define the values of the selected load type (the icons in the upper part of the dialog box
present schematically available load types) and press the Add button.
The left side of the load dialog box depends on the load type selected. The schematic icon
representing the selected continuous or concentrated load type is displayed in the upper left
corner of the dialog box. Icons allowing the selection of the load type are located on the right side.
In the case of a planar load, the Coordinates field contains the following options: alpha, beta and
y; the adjacent area contains the field allowing one to define the value of p load (load per unit of
area). This load is transformed into a distributed load. The following planar load types are
available: loads gathered from the plate surface between two beams. One should define the
distance y from which the loads are gathered and two types of loads gathered from the plate
surface is delimited by four beams.
Below the Load Type icons, is the Relative Dimensions field and, in the case of having selected
a continuous load type, the Dimension Chain option. If the Relative Dimensions option is active -
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the symbol
appears, then during the load position definition, the relative point coordinates will
be used from the interval <0,1> will be used. If the option is not active then the point coordinates
will be given in the units selected by the user. In the case of the continuous load - the Dimension
Chain option (if this option is active - the symbol
appears) is available. During continuous load
definition the so-called dimension chain will be used. This means that the continuous load values
p2 will be applied at a point with the coordinate (x1+x2) load value p3 at a point with the
coordinate (x1+x2+x3) etc. If the option is inactive, then the load p1 is applied at a point with the
coordinate x1, load p2 at a point with the coordinate x2 etc.
The fields Co-ordinates and Value fields are located in the middle portion of the dialog box. In the
case of a concentrated load, two other options, x1 and F or M are located here.
In the case of a continuous load, the Co-ordinates field contains the options: x1, x2, x3, x4.
The Value field contains the options: p1, p2, p3.
When a continuous load is selected, not all the fields allowing co-ordinate load
value definition are active.
For each beam the following parameters can be defined:
openings (by selecting the Geometry/Openings command from the menu or pressing the
) - a dialog box for definition of openings for a selected beam span will be
story parameters (story level, fire resistance, cracking and exposure rating) - by selecting the
Analysis/Story Parameters command or pressing the icon
- the options included in this
dialog box depend on the selected code of RC structure element design
calculation options (by selecting the Analysis/Calculation Options command or pressing the
) - the options included in this dialog box depend on the selected code of RC
structure element design
reinforcement parameters (by selecting the Analysis/Reinforcement Parameters command or
pressing the icon
) - the options included in this dialog box depend on the selected code
of RC structure element design.
Once any changes are made to the beam geometry or its loads, analysis results
become unavailable. To obtain appropriate results for the modified beam, the
structure needs to be updated (so the changes can be saved). This is possible by
selecting the Results/Structure Updating command or pressing the icon
Once the geometry is updated, the entire structure has to be re-calculated.
Beam calculations and design can be started once all parameters have been assigned. It can be
carried out by either selecting Analysis/Calculations option or pressing the icon
. Internal
force envelopes (moments and shear forces) and displacements are calculated for the defined
To view design results the following ROBOT Millennium system layout needs to be called up:
Once the BEAMS - RESULTS layout is selected, the screen will be divided into two parts: the left
part containing the Diagrams field for graphic presentation of results and the right one containing
the Diagrams dialog box. This dialog box allows you to display results in a tabulated format and
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select values for which diagrams in the left part of the dialog box will be presented (the options
included in the Diagrams dialog box depend on the selected code of RC structure element
design). Among those values section forces for available limit states, reinforcement areas and
deformations can be found. Sample diagrams for the multi-span beam are presented in the figure.
Once the BEAMS - REINFORCEMENT layout is selected, the screen will be divided into four
parts: a field in which beam elevation along with calculated reinforcement is presented, a field
containing reinforcement in the beam section, a summary table with description of consecutive
reinforcement rods and the Reinforcing bars dialog box presenting parameters of selected bars.
The program provides also several options allowing one to edit the reinforcing bars to be used in
an RC beam:
starter bars - the option allows the user to determine the parameters of the reinforcing bars
that connect a beam to a column. The option is accessible by selecting the Structure /
Reinforcement / Starter bars command in the main menu or the Starter bars command from
the context menu
division of reinforcing bars - the option allows the user to define the points of division of RC
beams. It is accessible by selecting the Structure / Reinforcement / Divide reinforcing bars
command from the menu. There is also the Connect reinforcing bars option available
parameters (properties) of reinforcing bars - the option is used to present the parameters of
reinforcing bars, determined during RC beam design, to verify reinforcing bars after
modifications and to copy/delete reinforcing bars.
The following options are also available for all RC structure element design modules:
Visibility – it is used to select reinforcing bars to be presented in the graphical viewer in the
calculated RC structure elements (command: Structure / Reinforcement / Visibility or icon
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One may chose to present the four main types of RC structure element reinforcement: main
reinforcement, transversal reinforcement, structural reinforcement and reinforcement of
openings (only for beams and deep beams).
Translation – it is used to perform the operation of translation on the formerly selected
reinforcing bars in RC structure elements (command: Structure / Reinforcement /
Stirrup spacing – it is used for manual modification of the stirrup spacing in a beam. (the
Structure / Reinforcement / Stirrup Spacing command). NOTE: The option is available in the
menu only after stirrups are selected in a calculated RC beam.
After completing calculations, the results can be presented in the form of calculation notes
(Results/Calculation Note option). The ROBOT Millennium system text editor containing data on
the designed beam and calculation/design results will be displayed on the screen.
Once the Results/Drawings option is selected or the icon
is pressed, the ROBOT program
will activate the FINAL DRAWING layout presenting a working drawing for the calculated and
designed beam. The selected beam span(s) will be presented on the drawing. The working
drawing of a beam will be presented on screen in the form which corresponds to the adopted
drawing parameters (see chapter 6.2.5).
Definition of RC Beams – Interactive Mode
At present, the RC Beam Design module offers an interactive mode of beam definition; the
hitherto-available mode of RC beam definition and calculations requires activation of several
dialog boxes in which beam / reinforcement parameters have to be determined. The interactive
mode of RC beam definition enables defining geometry, story parameters, calculation options and
reinforcement pattern for beams in a few dialog boxes following one another (without the need of
extensive knowledge on the options provided in the module).
In the course of beam definition, the user determines parameters in the dialog boxes; a part of
these dialog boxes is identical as those used in the hitherto-available mode of beam definition (it
makes edition of the entered values easier)
To start the interactive mode of RC beam definition, the user should choose the command File /
Beam Wizard from the menu in the RC Beam Design module or press the
icon in the RC
Beam Design module. The dialog box shown in the picture below appears on the screen then.
In the above dialog box one of the following options may be chosen:
Create new – if this option is selected, then a beam with default parameter settings will be
defined; the parameters may be modified while defining a beam in the Beam wizard dialog
Create new based on the current beam - if this option is selected, then a beam with
parameters adopted from the beam currently presented, will be defined; switching on the
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Retain loads option causes loads specified for the selected beam to be taken over by the
defined beam; the defined beam may be saved under a new name
Modify current – selection of this option allows modification of an existing beam; a modified
beam may be saved under the same name or a new one.
After pressing the Next > button the dialog box presented below appears.
In the top part of the dialog box basic information about the defined RC beam and the RC beam
geometry should be given; the RC beam definition (options available in the successive dialog
boxes) depends on a type of RC beam:
 Project name
 Beam with varying spans (dimensions of RC beam spans are defined for each span
 Beam with identical spans (identical span geometry: cross section dimensions and type as
well as span length, is defined for all RC beam spans).
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Further on the following options are provided:
Consider compressed slab – if this option is switched on, then cooperation of a rectangular
section with a compressed slab will be considered in the section definition
Optimization of flanges - if this option is switched on, then the overhang of flanges in the RC
beam section is chosen in such a way so that it is not necessary to take account of splice
reinforcement for beam and slab
Hollow slabs - if this option is switched on, then the cuts ensuring the support for
prefabricated slabs on a beam, will be considered in a section definition; by default, such a
section will be adopted for all the spans in a beam, however, it is possible to modify it for a
selected span
Consider self-weight in calculations - if this option is switched on, then self-weight will be
automatically added to the load cases.
Below the following parameters may be determined:
story parameters in the Story field; story parameters may be defined in two ways:
by activating the option and selecting – on the selection list – an earlier-defined file
containing story parameters, e.g. a file named standard – pressing the (...) button opens the
Story Parameters dialog box for a selected RC code; all the remaining options in the Story
field are not accessible then
if the option enabling selection of a file from the selection list with files containing story
parameters is switched off, then the remaining options in the Story field become accessible;
if such a setting is chosen, then parameters defined in this field will be considered in
parameters of calculation options for RC beams in the Calculation options field; calculation
options may be defined in two ways:
by activating the option and selecting – on the selection list – an earlier-defined file
containing calculation option parameters, e.g. a file named standard – pressing the (...)
button opens the Calculation Options dialog box for a selected RC code; all the
remaining options in the Calculation options field are not accessible then
if the option enabling selection of a file from the selection list with files containing
calculation option parameters is switched off, then the remaining options in the Calculation
options field become accessible; if such a setting is chosen, then parameters defined in
this field will be considered in calculations; pressing the Save as button enables saving to
a file the following parameters: span length, prefabrication and seismic dispositions
parameters in the Reinforcement pattern field; reinforcement parameters may be defined in
two ways:
by activating the option and selecting – on the selection list – an earlier-defined file
containing reinforcement parameters, e.g. a file named standard – pressing the (...) button
opens the Reinforcement Pattern dialog box for a selected RC code; all the remaining
options in the Reinforcement pattern field are not accessible then
if the option enabling selection of a file from the selection list with files containing
reinforcement parameters is switched off, then the remaining options in the Reinforcement
pattern field become accessible; if such a setting is chosen, then parameters defined in
this field will be considered in calculations; pressing the Save as button enables saving to
a file the following parameters: anti-shrinkage reinforcement (pressing this button opens an
additional dialog box), transport reinforcement (pressing this button opens an additional
dialog box), consideration of breaks in concreting.
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Defined values of the parameters are confirmed by pressing the Next > button in the dialog box
(the program proceeds to the next dialog box); there is also a possibility to return to the previous
dialog box by pressing the Back <button.
Once the RC beam geometry is defined, the user should define loads acting on the beam and
next, run calculations of the RC beam reinforcement.
RC Column Design
The R/C column design module allows you to calculate, pre-dimension and verify R/C columns.
Axial forces and moments in both directions are admissible. The following cross section types are
available: regular (rectangular, round or regular polygon) and irregular (T-section, Z-section,
semicircle etc.).
The R/C column design module can be called up as follows:
select the R/C column design from the structure type vignette (see chapter 2.1) - the module
will work as an independent program (stand-alone) with no link and data transfer with other
modules. The ROBOT Millennium system is responsible for the structure definition.
once the structure is defined, select (by highlighting in the graphic viewer) the appropriate list
of bars creating the column and choose the R/C column design command from the menu.
The COLUMNS layout will be open and geometry and member loads along with
corresponding results will be loaded to the code module. The screen will be divided into two
parts: the viewer with the designed column elevation display and the viewer with the column
section display.
The description of the R/C column design process (presented below) applies to the situation
when the module works as a stand-alone program.
The screen will be divided into two parts: a viewer containing the column elevation display and
the viewer with the column section.
Column definition is based on the following data:
column elevation dimensions - available by selecting the Structure / Dimensions command or
pressing the icon
type and dimensions of the column cross section - available by selecting the Structure /
Section Type command or pressing the icon
, after which the dialog box presented below
will be displayed on the screen. The section type (rectangular, round, T-section, Z-section, Lsection, regular polygon, semicircle or quadrant) should be specified and dimensions of the
selected section type are to be entered (they will be displayed on the schematic drawing in
the upper right corner of the dialog box).
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The program assigns automatically names to sections of RC beams/columns. The first letter
B or C corresponds to beam or column, while the following one determines the shape of the
section. It is followed by the characteristic dimensions. For instance, CR 30x50 denotes a
rectangular column section, for which b=30 and h=50.
column buckling model - available by selecting the Structure / Buckling Length command or
pressing the icon
, after which a corresponding dialog box will appear and buckling
models for both directions (Y and Z) can be specified and selection of the sway/non-sway
structure type can be made. Once the icon indicating the buckling model is selected, an
additional dialog box will appear (as shown below) in which the appropriate column-buckling
model can be selected. The options included in this dialog box depend on the selected code
of RC structure element design.
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Buckling models presented in the above dialog box depend on a selected RC code. They are
based on the following code recommendations:
ACI 318 – nomograms in the notes concerning the point (in ACI 318-95 points 10.12;
BAEL – since there are no code guidelines, they are based on nomograms included in
EC2 in the point Slenderness of Isolated Columns (in ENV 1992-1-1 (1991) point figure 4.27 formula 4.60)
BS 8110 - point
Eurocode 2 Belgian NAD – based on nomograms included in EC2 in the point
Slenderness of Isolated Columns (in ENV 1992-1-1 (1991) point figure 4.27
formula 4.60),
PN-B-03264 - Annex C.
Values ascribed to the models are the simplified representation of typical cases.
In the last three options code formulas and nomograms are directly applied.
After double-clicking on the icons shown in the drawing above, the program opens the dialog
box where node rigidity may be defined.
applied loads - available by selecting the Structure/Loads command or pressing the icon
after which a dialog box containing a table for column load definition will be displayed on the
screen. The following data is included: case name, nature, group, axial force value, shear
force value and bending moments applied to the column.
Moreover, there is a possibility to add automatically the loads coming from the upper column
and beam (a column may be positioned with respect to a beam; names of beam supports are
selected and columns are associated with a beam support – successive records being the
reactions of successive simple cases are entered to the dialog box for loads).
As in the case of R/C beams, the following parameters can be defined:
story parameters (story level, fire rating, cracking and exposure rating), by selecting the
Analysis/Story Parameters command or pressing the icon
- the options included in this
dialog box depend on the selected code of RC structure element design
calculation options (by selecting the Analysis/Calculation Options command or pressing the
) - the options included in this dialog box depend on the selected code of RC
structure element design
reinforcement parameters (by selecting the Analysis/Reinforcement Parameters or pressing
the icon
) - the options included in this dialog box depend on the selected code of RC
structure element design.
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Column calculations and design can be
started after defining all parameters. It
can be done either by selecting the
Analysis/Calculations or pressing the
. Once the calculations are
completed the dialog box shown below
can be displayed on the screen. The
ratio within column cross-section is
presented in the Intersection
box shown below.
The upper part of the dialog box contains a list of all load combinations taken into account during
column design process. For a selected combination the following values are displayed: column
section with neutral axis, compression and tension area and corresponding safety factors. After
calculations, the worst load combination (design combination) is presented in the dialog box.
If the above dialog box contains identical combinations with different values of
internal forces calculated for these combinations, it means that the values of
internal forces have been calculated for different sections along the column
To view design results the following ROBOT Millennium system layouts are to be called up:
Once the COLUMNS - RESULTS layout is selected, the screen will be divided into two parts (see
the drawing below).
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This dialog box contains N-M interaction curves for a given load combination. The left part of this
box is used to display the 3D N-Mx-My interaction surface, whereas the right one is for the N-M
interaction curve. The latter is the intersection of the 3D-interaction surface and the N-M plane
containing currently analyzed load combinations.
Once the COLUMNS - REINFORCEMENT layout is selected the screen will be divided into four
parts: a field containing the column elevation display along with calculated reinforcement, a field
with reinforcement in the column cross section, a summary table with description of consecutive
reinforcement rods and the Reinforcing bars dialog box.
As in the case of RC beams, the program provides also the Parameters of reinforcing bars option
used to present the parameters of reinforcing bars, determined during RC column design.
Additionally, apart from the Visibility and Translation options (which have been discussed with
reference to R/C beams), the column design module contains the Stirrups arrangement and
Dowel Bars options. The option is used for manual definition of the shape of transversal
reinforcement of a column or dowel bars (at the level of a column cross-section). The options are
applied after calculations of column reinforcement are performed.
After completing calculations, the results can be presented in the form of calculation notes
(Results/Calculation Note option). The ROBOT Millennium system text editor containing data on
the designed column and calculation/design results will be displayed on the screen.
Once the Results/Drawings option is selected or the icon
is pressed, the ROBOT program
will activate the FINAL DRAWING layout presenting a working drawing for the calculated and
designed column. The working drawing of a column will be presented on screen in the form which
corresponds to the adopted drawing parameters.
Example of Generation of the Column Reinforcement
and Reinforcement Drawings (with the Possibility to Load the
Drawing to the RCAD Reinforcement Program)
The example illustrates how to calculate reinforcement of an RC column (with reinforcement
distributed along the column length) and how to load a generated drawing of the reinforcement to
the RCAD Reinforcement program.
To calculate provided (real) reinforcement in the RC column, follow the steps below:
define a structure that includes the RC column
calculate internal forces in elements of the structure (perform a static analysis of the
indicate the column for which the reinforcement should be calculated (the column should be
select the option Analysis / Design of RC Structure Elements / RC Column Design or press
in the Load Selection dialog box select the Simple Cases option and press the OK button
in the RC Columns module determine the parameters as follows:
- parameters of the member buckling (pressing the
- parameters of reinforcement (pressing the
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in the RC Columns module start calculation of reinforcement for the selected RC column
pressing the
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select the ROBOT program layout: RC Columns / Column – reinforcement; this layout
presents the calculated reinforcement of the RC column.
Once the column reinforcement is calculated, the reinforcement drawing may be generated and
saved in the following way:
in the ROBOT program layout: RC Columns / Column – reinforcement press the Column
icon; the program will generate the drawing for the column with the calculated
reinforcement (see below)
press the
icon; save the generated drawing so that it can be used in the RCAD
Reinforcement program:
- select the level where the drawing should be located
- press the
- indicate the generated drawing and press the OK button
save the project (the ROBOT program project).
Thus-generated drawing may be loaded to the RCAD Reinforcement program (see the manual
for the RCAD Reinforcement program).
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Foundation Design
The Foundation design option allows the user to define, analyze, and design rectangular spread
footings as well as continuous footings (to be placed under concrete wall). Footings can be either
concentrically or eccentrically loaded. The footing stability and soil bearing stress distribution are
also checked.
The main features of the foundation design option are:
- customization of units, display formats, and material properties,
- possibility of defining soil parameters and footing geometry,
- interactive input of footing parameters,
- possibility of defining constraints e.g. position of a pier on the footing or footing and/or pier
- possibility of defining as many load cases as required.
The foundation design includes:
- automatic footing dimensioning,
- verification of sliding,
- verification of overturning and minimum bearing (contact) area of footing surface,
- verification of footing thickness,
- dimensioning according to entered shape proportions or dimensions,
- accounting for ground water level,
- on-line visualization of results,
- evaluation and detailing of footing and pier reinforcing,
- summary of earthwork, concrete, formwork, and reinforcing quantities.
The foundation design module is divided into following system layout:
- definition (of geometry and type)
- load
- soil
- results
- reinforcement.
During the definition, the type and the basic dimensions of the footing and pier are defined. The
user can choose between the spread footing and continuous footing to be placed under a
concrete wall, as well as the spread or continuous footing on lean concrete. One may also specify
foundation geometry (the rectangular spread or continuous footing, the rectangular spread or
continuous footing to be placed under two columns, the spread or continuous footing of a tapered
section). There is an option to specify the constraints/limitation according to which the design
would be performed (geometry optimization). The following limits are currently allowed: all the
geometric dimensions, the shape of the plan of a footing, the type of eccentricity, the offset of the
column, and the adjacent footing condition. The definition also includes the type of the connection
between the column/wall and the footing (see the dialog boxes below). In the case of selecting a
foundation on lean concrete (the option is not available for all the codes), the below-presented
dialog box includes an additional tab (Lean concrete) that allows one to define the geometry of
lean concrete; apart from that, the Optimization tab holds the options that enable selection of a
shape and dimensions of a designed foundation.
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Not all types of the column pier (types of the spread footing – column connection)
are available for all RC codes; a list of the column pier types depends on a
selected RC code.
The load system layout consists of the following windows: a dialog box (to enter/modify the load
on the footing, see the drawing), a graphical window (with the picture of the current footing),
tables (to enter/modify the current load), and a schematic for the footing location.
In the dialog box beside, one can
define the loads applied to a
foundation. The list of the
available load categories contains
two items: the foundation load
described above and the backfill
load. Several load natures are
available: dead, live, snow, wind,
and seismic. Three load types are
available: axial load, load with a
normal force, a bending moment
and a shear force, load with a
normal force, a bending moment
and a shear force acting in two
directions. Depending on the load
selected, appropriate edit fields
allowing definition of the force
values will appear. The load
factors are determined on the
basis of the type of the load.
As in the case of RC beams and columns, one may define the following parameters:
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calculation options (by selecting the Analysis / Calculation options command or pressing the
geotechnical options (by selecting the Analysis / Geotechnical Options command or pressing
icon); the option enables setting the geotechnical parameters according to which
a verification of foundations and their interaction with the soil will be proceeded
reinforcement parameters (by selecting the Analysis / Reinforcement parameters command
or pressing the
Together with the program, the soil database is provided; it enables direct application of
correlational relationships described in the appropriate code. Once the basic soil characteristics
are defined, the remaining parameters are calculated automatically in the table. Basic soil
parameters may be changed; fields in the soil table, except for the fields containing basic
parameters, are inaccessible.
In the soil module the user can specify the soil conditions: all the necessary levels (with regard to
the reference level), for example ground water level, backfill height, pier level; type of soil and its
Once all foundation parameters are determined, one may start calculations and design of the
defined foundation. One may do this in two ways: by selecting the Analysis/ Calculations
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command from the menu or by pressing the
icon. This results in activating the
FOUNDATIONS – RESULTS layout of the ROBOT system. The screen will be divided into two
parts: the graphical viewer showing the view of a spread and continuous footing and the
Design of a foundation covers:
checking the pressure under spread footing
checking resistance to sliding
checking resistance to overturning
checking the foundation uplift
recognition of seismic dispositions (checking the sliding and foundation uplift)
checking the effects of punching / shearing
determination of an adequate reinforcement in the spread footing and in the footing-column
distribution of the determined reinforcement in the footing and in the footing-column
determination of total quantities of concrete, formwork and reinforcement.
During calculations of a footing on lean concrete, the program does not check the
conditions of resistance against sliding and overturning and conditions of
shearing and punching for the lean concrete.
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In the case of the spread footing design (the drawing above) the following may be presented in
the graphic viewer:
a projection of the spread footing onto the XY plane (a top view of the spread footing) with an
indicated position of the column pier
diagrams of stresses in the soil under the spread footing showing values in the foundation’s
the core
a contour taken into account in the punching/shear calculations of the spread footing (marked
with green).
Moreover, there is the graphic viewer with results of the soil calculations presented on screen.
In the case of designing a continuous footing, the graphic viewer presents only the cross-section
of the foundation and diagrams of stresses in the soil beneath.
The last layout in the foundation design module is the reinforcement section. It consists of
longitudinal and transverse sections, isometric view of the footing, and tables with the
characteristics of the layout and the type of reinforcing steel used in the design.
After completing foundation calculations, the results can be presented in the form of calculation
notes (the Results / Calculation Note option). The ROBOT Millennium system text editor
containing data on the designed foundation and calculation/design results will be displayed on the
Once the Results / Drawings option is selected or the
icon is pressed, the ROBOT program
will activate the FINAL DRAWING layout presenting a working drawing for the calculated and
designed foundation. The working drawing of a foundation will be presented on screen in the form
which corresponds to the adopted drawing parameters. Description of Principles Used in the Foundation
The Foundations module allows the geotechnical design which, depending on a country, is
based on the requirements of the geotechnical codes, technical guidelines or, directly, on
principles of soil mechanics. For this reason, the rules of the geotechnical design may be divided
into the following groups of regional (national) requirements: ACI, BS 8004:1986, CSA, DTU
13.12, Eurocode 7, Fascicule 64 Titre V, SNiP 2.02.01-83, PN-81/B-03020.
Irrespective of the parameters of the geotechnical design, the Foundations module allows for
selection of a design code of provided (real) reinforcement of a spread footing. There are the
following codes for calculation of the provided (real) reinforcement of the footing available: ACI
318/99, ACI 318/99 metric, BAEL 91, BAEL 91 mod. 99, BS 8110, CSA A23.3-94, EC 2 - Belgian
NAD (NBN B 15-002), SNiP 2.03.01-84, PN-84/B-03264, PN-B-03264 (2002).
The above codes may be used in calculations of reinforcement, analysis of punching and the
requirements concerned with the provided (real) reinforcement.
The following possible limit states of the foundation have been adopted in the geotechnical
calculations of foundations:
- load capacity of the soil
- sliding
- rotation (local stability)
- position of a force resultant (uplift, contact area)
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- lifting
- average settlement
- settlement difference.
Below are presented the rules of calculations for each of the codes available in the program for
two basic elements of the foundation verification: the load capacity and the sliding; the description
of the remaining elements comprised in the foundation verification is provided in the ROBOT Help
It is a basic limit state of foundation design, therefore, (unlike other limit states) it may not be
switched off during design or analysis of a foundation. The analysis of this state consists in
comparing the maximum value of the force or the stress resulting from external loads to the
allowable values.
The allowable values may be defined by the user or calculated by the program based on soil
In case of values calculated by the program, there is a possibility of analysis of a layered soil. The
user-defined value of allowable stresses is compared to the values directly under the foundation
If load capacity of the soil is determined by the user, this value is compared to:
- the maximum value of stresses under the foundation for ACI \ BS 8004:1986 \ CSA \ Eurocode
- the maximum average value for DTU 13.12 \ Fascicule 64 Titre V \ SNiP 2.02.01-83
- an average value and the maximum value divisible by 1.2 for PN-81/B-03020.
In case of a load on eccentricity, all the formulas use equivalent dimensions of
a foundation B’= B - 2 eB, L’=L - 2 eL, an equivalent area A’ = B’ * L’, assuming that dimensions of
a foundation satisfy the inequality B  L.
Calculations for individual codes
1. ACI \ BS 8004:1986 \ CSA
There have been several basic methods of calculating the load capacity of the soil presented in
the literature. The main point of calculations in these methods is to compute allowable stresses in
the soil or the allowable force corresponding to them. To put them chronologically these are the
methods by: Terzagi (1943), Meyerhof (1963), Hansen (1970), Versić (1973, 1975). The module
employs the method by Hansen along with the guidelines for it presented in the literature.
The basic formula for the load capacity by Hansen:
Due to the program needs, it has been limited to cases that may be analyzed in the spread
footing module. It has been assumed that factors responsible for footing inclination b and backfill
slope g equal 1.0.
Since it is not allowed for in the module to use soils of the friction angle  = 0.0 degrees, only the
first of the formulas by Hansen is applied. The final formula for calculation of allowable stresses
for ACI \ BS 8004:1986 \ CSA is presented below:
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where the relevant factors are equal to:
and the effective area A’ = B’ * L’.
The calculated value qult divided by the safety factor SF=3.0 is compared to the maximum
average stress in the soil, induced in SLS:
2. DTU 13.12 i Fascicule 64 Titre V
The general condition for load capacity may be expressed as below:
where qult denotes the greatest average stress under the foundation, in ULS.
Calculation of the load capacity value proceeds as follows:
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dimensionless factors of the load capacity are equal to:
dimensionless factors of the shape are equal to:
dimensionless factors of the load inclination resulting from the horizontal force H are equal to:
3. Eurocode 7
Analysis of the load capacity of the soil is based on points 6.5.1, 6.5.2 and Appendix B to code
EC 7. The general load capacity condition:
can be made more rigorous by introduction of a safety factor greater than 1.0 (in the
Geotechnical Options dialog box on the General tab):
Calculation of the load capacity value proceeds as follows:
- For conditions with drainage, formula B.2:
dimensionless factors of the load capacity are equal to:
dimensionless factors of the shape are equal to:
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dimensionless factors of the load inclination resulting from the horizontal force H parallel to the
longer and to the shorter sides, respectively, are equal to:
coefficients of the foundation depth equal:
- For conditions without drainage, formula B.1:
dimensionless factor of the shape is equal to:
sc = 1.2 + 0.2 * ( B’ / L’ )
dimensionless factor of the load inclination resulting from the horizontal force H is equal to:
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The soil parameter: Cohesion without drainage - cu is applied here.
4. PN-81/B-03020
Analysis of the load capacity of the soil is based on point 3.3.3, Appendix 1. The general load
capacity condition:
can be made more rigorous by introduction of a safety factor greater than 1.0 (in the
Geotechnical Options dialog box):
Calculation of the load capacity value proceeds as follows (Z1-2):
dimensionless factors of the load capacity are equal to:
dimensionless factors i are determined on the basis of the code nomograms (fig. Z1-2).
5. SNiP 2.02.01-83
Analysis of the load capacity of the soil is based on point 2.58 -2. The general load capacity
condition (11) is expressed as:
c – environment coefficient
n – reliability factor taking account of the use for which a structure is intended
Both these coefficients may be modified in the Geotechnical Options dialog box according to
the formula presented there:
As a result of design the reliability factor of a structure is obtained, which equals:
Calculation of the load capacity value proceeds as follows (16):
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Dimensionless factors of load capacity N are calculated according to table 7 of the code (NOTE:
linear interpolation between values in the table is performed). The dimensionless factors of shape
 are calculated based on the following formulas (17):
An analysis of this condition may be required in the case there is large participation of horizontal
forces acting on a foundation as compared to vertical ones. Such a situation results in a
possibility of a soil damage caused by sliding of the foundation footing on the soil or sliding
between the layers of layered soils when the lower-positioned layers are weaker than those in
direct contact with the footing.
In order to avoid the loss of sliding stability, the following solutions are recommended for
- increase of a foundation weight
- preparation of a non-cohesive soil bed with the controlled compaction ratio
- design of the so-called key (the option is not accessible in the foundation module).
When the sliding analysis is carried out, note should be taken that the cohesion of soil directly
adjacent to a foundation may be changed in the course of preparation works or because of
varying location of the water level. In these cases a value of the soil cohesion should be reduced.
In the foundation module the lateral pressure caused by displacement of a
foundation is not taken into account, which may result in the sliding capacity of
the foundation being undervalued.
Calculations for individual codes
1. ACI \ CSA
The sliding design is not available for the above-mentioned codes. If such an analysis is required,
it is necessary to check this value manually.
2. BS 8004:1986
The general condition of the sliding stability may be presented as follows:
H – horizontal force
H FRICTION = V * tg() + c * Ac
V – vertical force
 - internal friction angle of the soil
c - cohesion
Ac – foundation–soil contact area.
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Design of this limit state results in obtaining the safety factor of a structure:
H FRICTION / H, the value of which is greater than or equal to 1.0.
Options in the Geotechnical options dialog box enable switching on the analysis of this limit
state as well as determining the limit value of the factor.
3. DTU 13.12
The general condition of the sliding stability may be presented as follows:
Qtf - horizontal force
N - vertical force
 - internal friction angle of the soil
c – soil cohesion (though not greater than 75 kPa)
Ac - foundation–soil contact area.
In the case a seismic impact occurs, according to the literature the soil cohesion is disregarded,
which results in the reduction of the sliding formula to the following form:
During analysis of the sliding between the foundation and the lean concrete which is not
connected to the foundation by means of the dowel bar reinforcement, the program introduces
the concrete – lean concrete friction coefficient which equals 0.75.
If there are dowel bars ensuring permanent connection between the foundation and the lean
concrete, this condition is not checked.
The design for this limit state results in obtaining the safety factor of a structure: Qtf / Qf , the
value of which is greater than or equal to 1.0.
Switching on the analysis of this limit state as well as determining the limit value of the factor are
enabled in the Geotechnical options dialog box.
4. Eurocode 7
The analysis of sliding is performed according to point 6.5.3.
- For the conditions with drainage – formula (6.3):
NOTE: It is assumed that the parameter d is adopted as for foundations cast in situ, which
means d = d’ 6.5.3 (8).
Since the EC7 code does not preclude accounting for the soil cohesion in the analysis of sliding
6.5.3 (8), there is a possibility to apply the soil cohesion partially or completely by extending the
formula with an additional part accounting for the reduced cohesion.
the coefficient  included in the interval <0.0, 1.0> may be defined in the Geotechnical options
dialog box
A’ – working area of the foundation (the foundation–soil contact area)
c’ – design value of effective soil cohesion.
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If the coefficient 0.0 is introduced, this formula assumes the form exactly as specified in the code
- For the conditions without drainage – formula (6.4):
Sd = A’ * cu
The soil parameter: Cohesion without drainage - cu is applied here.
Moreover, if the working area is not equal to the foundation area (an uplift occurs), the following
condition (6.5) is checked:
Sd < 0.4 Vd
5. Fascicule 64 Titre V
The general condition of the sliding stability may be expressed as follows:
Qtf - horizontal force
N - vertical force
 - internal friction angle of the soil
c - soil cohesion (though not greater than 75 kPa)
Ac - foundation–soil contact area.
In the case a seismic impact occurs, according to the literature the soil cohesion is disregarded,
which results in the reduction of the sliding formula to the following form:
During analysis of the sliding between the foundation and the lean concrete which is not
connected to the foundation by means of the dowel bar reinforcement, the program introduces
the concrete – lean concrete friction coefficient which equals 0.75.
If there are dowel bars ensuring permanent connection between the foundation and the lean
concrete, this condition is not checked.
The design for this limit state results in obtaining the safety factor of a structure: Qtf / Qf, the value
of which is greater than or equal to 1.0.
Switching on the analysis of this limit state as well as determining the limit value of the factor are
enabled in the Geotechnical options dialog box.
6. PN-81/B-03020
The condition for the foundation sliding is not provided directly in the code PN-81/B-03020 [A3].
The description below refers directly to the code PN-83/B-03010 [A4]. The general condition of
the sliding stability according to this code and the literature may be presented as follows:
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for the layer positioned below the contact level:
Fr – design value of a displacing force
N - design value of a vertical force at the reference level
A’c – reduced area of the foundation base
 - design value of the internal friction angle of the soil
Ac - foundation–soil contact area (reduced area of the foundation base)
µ - foundation–soil friction coefficient
ct - reduced value of cohesion = (0.2 do 0.5) * cu
cu – design value of soil cohesion
m – correction factor.
As a result of design of this limit state, the following safety factor of a structure is obtained:
Switching on the analysis of this limit state as well as determining the limit value of the factor are
enabled in the Geotechnical options dialog box.
7. SNiP 2.02.01-83
The general condition of the sliding stability may be presented as follows:
H - horizontal force
c - environment coefficient
n - reliability factor taking account of the use for which a structure is intended
V - vertical force
 - internal friction angle of the soil
c - soil cohesion
Ac - foundation–soil contact area.
As a result of design of this limit state, the following safety factor of a structure is obtained:
Switching on the analysis of this limit state as well as determining the limit value of the factor are
enabled in the Geotechnical options dialog box.
Continuous Footing Design
The Continuous footing design module allows calculation, initial design and verification of
continuous footings (to be placed under a group of columns).
Continuous footing design may be started after choosing from the selection vignette the structure
type (compare chapter 2.1) of continuous footing design – the continuous footing design module
will operate as an independent program (stand-alone) without connection (data exchange) to
other parts of the ROBOT Millennium system.
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The options included in this module work similarly as in the case of RC beam design. The only
new option is the Soils option. The option is used to define layers of the soil located under
a continuous footing. The option becomes available once:
the “Soils”
icon is pressed
the Structure / Soils command is selected from the menu
the CONTINUOUS FOOTING - SOIL layout is selected.
After defining basic soil properties, all other parameters are calculated automatically and
displayed in the table. The name field includes the list of predefined soils. Once one of them is
chosen, the table is filled with data.
The table presents only these soil properties which are applied during calculations for a
continuous footing.
The basic parameters of a soil may be changed; after accepting the new values, the remaining
parameters will be automatically calculated and displayed in the table. The table fields, except for
the fields containing basic parameters, are inactive.
At the bottom of the dialog box the user may choose a method which will be used for evaluation
of geotechnical parameters, and define values of material coefficients of the soil.
The continuous footing module allows saving (the Save button enables it) a defined soil profile to
be used in the calculators. The profile is saved as MS Access (*.mdb) database.
Manual modification of a file directly in the MS Access program is not
recommended as data necessary for correct operation of the application can be
easily deleted.
The soil profile contains all the data about soil parameters and may be freely transferred between
work stations and used in other modules of the ROBOT Millennium program and calculators.
A soil located under a continuous footing may be divided into segments characterized by different
soil layers. It is illustrated in the figure presented below. The segment geometry is defined by
determining coordinates of the segment beginning and end.
A continuous footing is calculated as a beam element resting on the elastic
ground; therefore, the elasticity coefficient Kz of the ground needs to be defined.
If the user has not defined any soil layer, then neither stresses in the soil nor
conditions for bending of the footing will be checked, and a default value of the
elasticity coefficient Kz = 10000 kPa will be assumed in calculations.
The elasticity coefficient calculated automatically for given soil conditions may be modified.
The program also allows defining the underground water level and the reference level. Moreover,
it is possible to define values of the backfill thickness (on one or on both sides of the continuous
footing). A vertical load due to the backfill soil is then calculated automatically by the program.
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The Soil stress option determines the way how admissible stresses in the soil are adopted. If the
calculated option is switched on, then a value of the admissible stress in the soil will be calculated
automatically according to a code selected for soils defined in the table. The admissible option
allows the user to determine their own value of the admissible stress in the soil.
Deep Beam Design
The Deep beams design module allows one to define, calculate, and design deep beams (oneand multi-span) – design is performed according to French BAEL code. It is characteristic for a
deep beam that the height of its cross-section is much greater than the width of the cross-section.
Deep beam definition is similar to the definition of an RC beam (see section 6.2.1). The following
loads may be applied to a deep beam: vertical concentrated forces, continuous load, additional
concentrated support moments. The loads may be applied to the top or bottom surface of the
deep beam. A beam may have a rectangular or T cross-section (different types of connection
between ceiling plate and the beam are allowable). Design of RC beam may be commenced by
selecting the Deep beam design from the starting vignette (compare section 2.1). The deep beam
design module will work as an independent (stand-alone) program, not connected to other
ROBOT Millennium system parts (no data exchange). To define a deep beam, one should:
define the geometry of deep beam section (Structure / Section type command or Section
define the elevation dimensions of a deep beam span (Structure / Dimensions command or
icon) and a support method of a deep beam depending, among others, on
the method of deep beam calculations (for FEM: pier, fixed support, pilaster, for the BAEL
simplified method: outermost support - pinned support, intermediate support)
define loads (Structure / Loads command or Loads
define openings in the designed deep beam, if need be.
As in the case of RC beams and columns, one may define the following parameters:
calculation options (Analysis / Calculation options command or the
reinforcement parameters (Analysis / Reinforcement parameters command or the
The program also offers several options for edition of reinforcing bars for RC deep beams.
starter bars – the option is used to determine parameters of reinforcing bars connecting a
deep beam with a slab; it is available from the menu by selecting the Structure /
Reinforcement / Starter Bars command or from the context menu (the Starter Bars option)
parameters (properties) of reinforcing bars - the option is used to present parameters of
reinforcing bars calculated in course of the deep beam design, to verify reinforcing bars once
changes are made and to copy/delete reinforcing bars.
Deep-beam calculations may be performed by means if two methods:
based on the recommendations included in the French BAEL code - static calculations are
performed according to the simplified method described in BAEL 91 code (annex E1);
reinforcement calculations are carried out according to the method described in BAEL 91
code (annex E5); limitations of the method: the maximum difference in height between the
neighboring spans equals 1 m, the distance between an opening and the deep-beam edge
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cannot be less than the opening width; for deep-beams calculated according to the BAEL
code only the min./max. values of sectional forces are obtained, therefore, no results are
presented in the graphic viewer
applying the Finite Element Method - calculations using the Finite Element Method (FEM) are
performed assuming that they concern a structure in the Plane Stress State. It means that a
deep-beam is calculated as a plane membrane loaded in its plane (the main component of
the stress in the direction perpendicular to the membrane equals zero). Based on the deep
beam geometry defined by the user the program generates automatically a model for the
finite element method; if this option is selected, a preferred size of the finite element should
be determined. Once deep beam calculations by means of this method are completed,
results are presented in the form of isolines (similarly as results for RC plates).
One of the features distinguishing deep beams consists in the possibility of reinforcing them by
means of wire fabrics. The ROBOT Millennium program provides a database of wire fabrics that
may be used for calculating reinforcement for deep beams. Once the Edit database button is
pressed (on the Wire fabrics tab of the Calculation options dialog box opened for deep beams),
there appears an additional dialog box (viewer) shown below. The viewer presents data
concerning the available wire fabrics.
The wire fabrics viewer presented above is divided into two parts:
toolbar with icons
table presenting the data of the available wire fabrics.
The following data are presented for each wire fabric type: the first three table columns provide
wire fabric number, information concerning the decision of taking the wire fabric into account
during calculations (if the option is selected - the  symbol appears - the relevant wire fabric will
be taken into account; if not - it will not) and the wire fabric name. The successive table columns
provide the following information on the wire fabrics: reinforcement cross-section [cm2/m],
reinforcement spacing and diameter [mm], data concerning bar ending parts and, if needed, the
lap splice.
Final Drawings
The final drawings of the reinforcement calculated for RC elements constitute a separate ROBOT
layout. This ROBOT layout contains specific options aimed at facilitating the manipulation of
drawings. The most important ones will be discussed here.
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Normal view (menu: View) - when a drawing of any element is called, the program enters
automatically the drawing layout and opens the normal view. It is the general view of the
contents of the entire drawing page. It does not allow one to insert, delete or modify the
contents of the drawing. The mode under discussion is useful during the preparation of
arrangement and composition of drawings for the final print-out format
Page set-up (menu: View) - this is the mode that allows one to correct the arrangement and
size of elements of a drawing (the so-called viewport). Each element of a drawing is provided
with handles at the corners that allow one to carry out edit operations. Once the modifications
are completed, one should go to another display mode. Then, the program will regenerate the
drawing and adjust the drawing contents to the newly-defined sizes of its elements.
Drawing components (menu: View) - this is the mode that displays the range of drawing
elements and their contents. By indicating a given element of a drawing (it gets highlighted in
red), one makes its contents ready to undergo editing process. Within the active area, one
may carry out the following operations:
 change of the drawing scale and section position
 editing of the text (after indicating the text with the cursor and highlighting it in yellow) by
calling the Edit text option from the context menu, available by pressing the right-hand
mouse button
 deleting a text - after highlighting a text, one may delete it by pressing the DELETE
 moving a text; after highlighting it, one should click the text, which changes the cursor
shape to an arrow, by means of which one may move the text within the drawing element
 editing the dimension (after indicating the relevant dimension with the cursor and
highlighting it in yellow); by hooking the cursor at the end of a dimension, one may
change its length, together with the value describing the dimension. In the case of
dimension chains, the neighboring dimensions are changed together with the edited one
 deleting + moving the dimension lines (the option functions according to the same
principle as text editing). In the case of moving a dimension, one may only move it
parallel to the original position.
 adding a line, circle, text or dimension.
After completing the editing process, one should press the ESC button in order
to be able to go to editing of another drawing element (viewport).
Final print-out format (menu: View) - the option allows one to view the currently displayed
drawings in a single common sheet of paper. Once the option is called, the program switches
to another operation mode. The default final format is set to A4. In order to change the format
size, one should select the Page setup option from the File menu and indicate the required
paper format. Then, all the loaded drawings will be arranged automatically.
Automatic drawing arrangement (menu: View) - the option is responsible for automatic
arrangement of drawings in a big format and it operates in cooperation with another option,
described above. If the automatic drawing arrangement does not meet the user's
expectations, it is possible to switch the option off. After indicating a required drawing (one
should go to the Normal view) and with the left mouse button pressed, one obtains the
possibility to move the drawing.
In order to situate a drawing precisely in place, one should carry out the
translation operation with the Ctrl button pressed.
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Undo, redo (menu: Edit) - the options allow one to undo or redo the last operation. One
should remember, however, that they bring, as a consequence, the loss of the possibility, for
instance, of scaling the drawing elements (viewports) or inserting a summary reinforcement
Cut, paste (menu: Edit) - these are standard options, operating for the entire drawing. By
means of the options, one may cut any drawing and paste it in a different location, in a
different page. The operation is of particular use during the arrangement of drawings in bigger
formats, when the number of pages is larger than 1.
Drawing (menu: Insert) - if a drawing has been saved formerly as a project component, the
option allows one to call and insert a drawing or a list of drawings. One should remember,
however, that, after inserting a formerly saved drawing, it is not possible to scale it, neither is
it possible to include it during the creation of a summary reinforcement table
New page (menu: Insert) - calling the option results in inserting a blank page with the format
defined in the Page setup settings.
Table (menu Insert) - calling the option results in inserting a table for the drawings in a larger
format. The table provided with the program (the default.lay file in the USR folder) is an
example of a table; it may be modified or the user may define a new table by means of the
PloEdit program
Summary reinforcement table (menu: Insert) - the option should be called after completing
the changes of drawing arrangement in big format. It functioning consists in creating a
summary reinforcement table, referring to the active drawings. When the table is being
created, the program carries out automatic renumbering of all the reinforcement positions in
the drawings.
In the case of a printer that does not support certain formats, the Page setup dialog box displays
the formats that are supported by the currently installed printer. The remaining formats (not
supported by the peripheral device) will be displayed, but their description will be shown in gray
fonts. It is possible to carry out drawing arrangement for the ’gray’ formats, but the preview and
printing will be proceeded by the appropriate message: ‘The selected format is not supported by
the active printer’.
If there are printer controllers installed that service a printer that is not attached (physically) to the
computer, the available formats defined by the installed peripheral device will be described in red.
The preview and printout will also be proceeded by an appropriate message.
Final drawings are presented on screen according to the parameters accepted in the Drawing
parameters dialog box. The option is used to select parameters of display, drawing presentation
and detail drawing presentation for RC structure elements. The option may be run in one of the
following manners:
by pressing the Drawing parameters icon
by selecting the Analysis / Drawing parameters command from the menu.
The options available in the dialog box are used to define parameters of display and presentation
of particular drawing fragments and the manner of behavior of drawings.
The dialog box consists of four tabs: General, Reinforcement description, Scale and
Reinforcement table.
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The above dialog box allows one to select the general drawing template. The first letters of the
standard names of templates provided with the program refer respectively to:
bm - beams/continuous footings
bc - columns
bf - foundations
bs - slabs
bw - deep beams.
All the standard templates are located in the CFG folder created during ROBOT installation and
they bear the *.plo extension. In order to modify an existing drawing template or open a new
template, one should run the PLOEDIT program - the editor of drawing templates. The program is
installed during ROBOT installation.
Once a template is selected for the module allowing one to design elements of RC structures, the
right-hand part of the dialog box presents a preview of the template. Apart from template
selection, the tab allows one also to set the mode (manner) of creating a drawing. Selecting the
first mode (Open new) results in the presentation of only the drawing of the selected concrete
element or the list of elements. Each time a drawing is called again, the former drawing is
Selecting the Add drawing to the list mode changes the functioning and operation of drawings. If
the option is selected, a drawing will not be removed after calling again a new one, but it will be
added to a common list. The option is designed to allow one to create (compose) drawings of
different elements (beams with columns, etc.) and to arrange them in a common, large-format
The Reinforcement description tab allows one to determine the manner in which reinforcement
elements are described. Apart form the number of reinforcement position - always switched on –
a drawing may display the following elements:
Number (of bars) + diameter - displays the number of identical bars and their diameter, apart
from the reinforcement position number
Length - if the option is switched on, the program displays information concerning the total
length of the selected reinforcement element
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Spacing - in the case of beams, the spacing refers only to the splice reinforcement; in the
case of columns, the spacing refers to stirrups in the central part of a column; in the case of
foundations, the description of reinforcement spacing refers to the main reinforcement of the
foundation; in the case of deep beams and slabs, the description of spacing refers to each
reinforcement element in the form of a bar
The Longitudinal reinforcement description on the section option is created principally for
beams. In the case of columns and deep beams, the program always displays descriptions of
longitudinal reinforcement along a section; the option is not used in the case of footings and
The options provided on the Scale tab allow one to impose the manner of scaling of particular
drawing elements:
if The same for all pages option is switched on, the same scale for entire pages of the
drawing of one element are imposed; for instance, in the case of a beam comprising several
spans that are presented each on a separate page, the option imposes identical scaling for all
pages containing the drawing of the selected beam
if The same for elevation and section option is switched on, the program draws the element
section and its view in identical scale
if The same for both directions on elevation option is switched on, the program will not apply
two different scales to present an element along its length and along its height
if the User scale option is switched on, there is a possibility to set a user scale of drawings
(views and sections) before their generation (so far drawings have been generated
according to their own settings and it has been necessary to modify the scale of each view /
section manually); the following options become accessible after this option has been
switched on:
Elevation – a list enabling selection of a scale of an elevation view
Section - a list enabling selection of a scale of a cross-section view
Adjust – an option available for the both above-mentioned options; once it is switched on, a
scale is adjusted to dimensions of a view and an object
Notation 1:n – enables defining a scale as 1:n (a standard notation, e.g.: 1:50)
Notation n cm = 1 m - enables defining a scale as the relation: how many centimeters in
a drawing represent 1 m in an object.
The options provided on the Reinforcement table tab allow one to define parameters of displaying
the reinforcement table, i.e. to add or remove a selected column of the table.
Design of RC Bars
Modules for Beams, Columns and Foundations - included in the hitherto available version of
ROBOT - allow one to determine the required reinforcement area and the spacing of reinforcing
bars within the cross-section of an concrete structure element.
The Members - required reinforcement (Design of concrete members) module allows one to
calculate a theoretical (required) area of reinforcement for selected members. The option is
accessible by selecting:
MEMBERS - REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT layout, included in the layout group titled
the Analysis / Design of RC Structure Elements / RC Member Design / Calculations
command from the menu.
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The module is available for the following codes:
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991 (French NAD)
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991 (Belgian NAD)
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991 (Dutch NAD)
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991 (Italian NAD)
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991 (German NAD)
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991 (Finnish NAD)
American codes: ACI 318/99 and ACI 318/02
Canadian code CSA A23.3-94
British code BS 8110
French codes: BAEL91 and BAEL 91 mod. 99
Dutch code NEN 6720
Spanish codes: EH91, EHE98.
Russian code: SNiP 2.03.01-84
Romanian code: STAS 10107/0-90
Norwegian code: NS 3473: 2004
Italian code DM 9/1/96
Singaporean code CP65
Chinese code GB 50010-2002
Japanese code AIJ 1985.
MEMBER is the main calculation element in the Members - required reinforcement module.
Usually it is a structure elelement of a certain type e.g. RC beam or RC column. Definition of
a member type allows one to perform appropriate calculations of the theoretical (required)
reinforcement according to the relevant code requirements. In some cases a member can be
defined as a chain of successive members entered during the structure definition. The option
used for definition of RC member type in a structure is available:
from the menu by selecting the Geometry/Code parameters/RC member type command
from the toolbar, by selecting the
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The process of member type definition in a structure is identical to the manner of defining other
structure attributes. The type of an RC member is correlated with the relevant RC code that has
been indicated as the basis for the design of structure bars. While working with the given code,
one can edit and use only the members defined according to the code. The shape taken by the
dialog box for defining RC member type is also correlated with the type of the member to be
defined. The dialog box is different when one defines a member type belonging to the category of
concrete beam, and its shape changes when one defines a member type belonging to the
category of concrete column.
RC beams may be designed for a selected set of forces:
- axial force Nx
- bending moment and transversal force My / Fz
- bending moment and transversal force Mz / Fy
- torsional moment Mx.
In the current program version it is possible to define and design RC T-beams (beams considered
integrally with slabs may be defined for two structure types: 3D Shell and Plate).
Before starting calculations of reinforcement area for members one should first determine
calculation parameters. The option is available from:
from the menu by choosing the Analysis / Design of RC Structure Elements / RC Member
Design / Calculation Parameters command
on the DESIGN/ MEMBERS - REQUIRED REIFORCEMENT layout, from a toolbar by
pressing the
The process of calculation parameter definition for structure members is identical to the manner
of defining other structure attributes.
When the New set of calculation parameters icon is pressed in the Calculation parameters
dialog box, a dialog box consisting of three tabs appears on the screen:
Longitudinal reinforcement
Transversal reinforcement.
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In the above dialog box (as an example a dialog box for an ACI code is shown), parameters
needed for RC element design that are not connected with its geometry such as: steel and
concrete characteristics, used member types, covers, etc. are grouped. Remaining code
parameters dependent on geometry are defined in the RC member type dialog box. The
contents of particular tabs of the Calculation parameters definition dialog box are correlated
with the selected RC code.
In the dialog box shown in the figure above, on the General tab two main fields are located:
concrete parameters distinguished with a frame and additional parameters required in
calculations. On the Longitudinal reinforcement tab, steel parameters, reinforcing bar types and
cover (to the edge or bottom reinforcement axis) can be defined. On the Transversal
reinforcement tab steel parameters for transversal reinforcement, reinforcement type and its
parameters can be defined.
Starting theoretical (required) reinforcement calculation for RC member results in opening of the
dialog box presented in the figure below.
When creating a structure model, the user defines geometrical parameters of concrete beams
and columns (buckling parameters, allowable values of deflection and displacements at member
ends). The code parameters of concrete structure elements (steel and concrete parameters,
types of reinforcing bars) are defined in the Calculation parameters dialog box. The above
dialog box contains the folowing options:
in the Calculation type field:
Load capacity check (the option is currently not available)
in the Calculations for field, elements taken into account in calculations:
- members
- bar groups (the option is currently not available)
Lists of elements taken into account during calculations can be defined in three ways:
- manually typing member numbers in an appropriate edit field
- openinig selection dialog box by means of ‘...’ button
- indicating elements in the viewer containing a structure view
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Design cases:
ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
code combinations
case lists for each of the analyzed limit states
A set of active fields differs depending on a selected code. The selection fields for code
combinations are active only when such combinations were previously created and
calculated. A case list may be entered in an appropriate edit field or in the Selection
dialog box activated by means of ‘...’ button.
Number of calculation points for beams; it can be defined in two ways:
- by determining a number of calculation points along a beam length (min. = 3, max.= 100)
- by specifying every what length unit calculations are to be performed every; as a
beginning point one adopts the point corresponding to the options accepted in the RC
beam definition dialog box.
Results for calculations of theoretical (required) reinforcement area for RC members are available
in table form; the results can also be presented in the form of diagrams along the bar length (see
chapter 5.1).
Once the process of RC member design is completed the RC Member Calculations: Report
dialog box, presented in the figure below, is displayed on the screen.
The above dialog box presents the following information:
list of designed RC members
list of members for which the calculations have been performed correctly
list of members for which warnings occurred during calculations
list of members for which an error occurred in calculations
additional notes.
The Calculations performed for bars field displays the numbers of RC members that underwent
design; these must be the members such as RC beam or RC column, since these are the only
elements for which a theoretical (required) area of reinforcement can be determined in RC
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Next three fields available in the dialog box present short information concerning the run of RC
member calculations. They divide the members into groups of members for which the calculations
have been completed with the same result:
the first field Results of calculations for bars are correct displays numbers of members for
which no warnings or errors occurred during design
the second field Results of calculations for bars contain warnings groups the members for
which warnings occurred during RC member calculations. Note should be taken that in this
dialog box a warning is treated in a more general way than in the result table for RC
members. Thus, a warning may concern both exceeding the maximal reinforcement ratio (in
the table it is presented in red color - code requirements are not fulfilled) and information that
maximal allowable stirrup spacing has been applied (in the table, only the information in the
Remarks column occurs).
the third field Results of calculations for bars contain errors groups the members for which
errors occurred during RC member calculations; for these members the calculations have not
been performed. In the result table such members are indicated by entering the word: error.
Errors during calculations may result from:
 incorrect member definition; the following data may be inconsistent: section, member
type and reinforcement parameters. All data should pertain to the same code and
parameters describing an RC member. It is not allowed to assign sections to the member
types that do not correspond to them; it also concerns sections of the same geometry
 code requirements that make calculations impossible (exceeding of allowable
slenderness, maximal shear force or moment).
If errors or warnings occurred during RC member calculations, then in the lower part of the dialog
box a message appears which informs a user how to obtain information regarding errors or
warnings that have occurred.
If at least one of the designed elements has been a beam bent with respect to the Z axis or a
beam bent biaxially, then in the lower part of the dialog box a message will appear informing how
the results for such elements are presented in the result table.
In the bottom part of the dialog box the Reinforcement change button may be located. It is
accessible only if calculations of RC member reinforcement have been performed according to a
code which enables calculation of deflections and if at least one of the bars has not been verified
due to deflection. Pressing this button opens the Change of reinforcement dialog box. The
option enables semi-automatic correction of the calculated reinforcement in elements for which
admissible deflection has been exceeded.
Presently, the program provides the possibility of deflection calculation (for the serviceability limit
state) in the case of the following RC codes:
the American RC codes: ACI 318/99 and ACI 318/02
the British RC code BS 8110
Eurocode 2 (with different national application documents)
the French RC codes: BAEL 91 and BAEL 91 mod.99
the Polish RC codes: PN-84/B-03264 and PN-B-03264 (1999).
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The top part of the dialog box contains a bar table; the following data is presented in individual
table columns:
bar number
information if a bar has been verified or not
name of adopted reinforcement parameters
current bar deflection
admissible deflection
proportion – ratio of the current deflection value to the admissible deflection value.
The table enables selection (multiselection) of bars and sorting in columns.
In the middle part of the dialog box there are options grouped in the fields: Method of
reinforcement change and List of load cases. The Method of reinforcement change field includes
three options:
Proportional to required reinforcement area – the ratio of required reinforcement is increased
by the calculated values in such a manner so that the proportions of top area and bottom
area are preserved
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Change of required reinforcement area – if in a given bar section the (top or bottom) required
area is a non-zero value, then it is increased by the calculated value
Change of number of reinforcement bars - if in a given bar section the number of bars (at the
top or bottom) is a non-zero value, then it is increased by the calculated number of reinforcing
Depending on the option chosen, in the edit field provided under the above listed options, the
user should specify:
dA= ..... [%] – increment of the required area ratio
dA= ..... [cm2] – area increment
dn= ..... – increment of bar number.
Values given in this edit field stand for increment of the appropriate quantity in relation to the
values already existing. Pressing the Apply button causes recalculating and saving appropriate
values for selected bars; if one bar has been chosen, then values available in the table provided
in the bottom part of the dialog box are updated.
The List of load cases field presents the list of load cases (the field is inaccessible) that have
been used during calculations of deflection for the serviceability limit state.
The bottom part of the dialog box contains a table with information concerning reinforcement area
for a selected beam (if in the top table several bars have been chosen, the table in the bottom
part of the dialog box is empty). Any value may be changed in the table. The table comprises the
following data:
positions along the bar length
top and bottom required (theoretical) reinforcement
top and bottom number of bars
ratio of (required) reinforcement
Note should be taken that:
if a new value of the required reinforcement ratio is specified, then new required (theoretical)
areas of reinforcement and new number of bars are calculated
if a new value of required (theoretical) area of reinforcement is specified, then a new value
of reinforcement ratio and bar number are calculated.
Calculations are carried out for areas resulting from a number of bars. After pressing the Verify
button calculations for selected bars are performed. Once the calculations are completed, the
program updates information in the table. If verification has proceeded correctly, the icon in the
table is changed; the list of elements for which conditions have not been satisfied, is refreshed
only on opening the dialog box, while working in the dialog box; only the results for the existing
list are refreshed correspondingly.
To change reinforcement of RC members, the user should:
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perform calculations of required (theoretical) reinforcement for RC members; once they are
completed, the RC Member Calculations: Report dialog box is displayed on the screen
press the Reinforcement change button in the RC Member Calculations: Report dialog
box; the Change of reinforcement dialog box opens then
select bar(s), choose the method of reinforcement change
press the Apply button
press the Verify button.
After calculations the user should check coefficients in the table presented in the top part of the
dialog box. These operations should be performed as long as necessary to obtain an intended
value of deflection for all the bars.
Theoretical (required) reinforcement of RC members obtained after calculations is interpreted in
the following manner:
1. Longitudinal reinforcement
For biaxially bent columns with the rectangular, T-shaped, L-shaped or Z-shaped sections, the
areas of reinforcement should be interpreted as follows:
As1= As2 = Reinforcement along b
As3= As4 = Reinforcement along h
For columns whose cross section is described by: a regular polygon, a circle, a semicircle or a
circle quarter, the areas of reinforcement should be interpreted as follows:
As1 = Reinforcement along b - evenly distributed along the edge
For rectangular beams bent biaxially:
As1= Bottom reinforcement
As1= Bottom reinforcement (Z axis)
As2 = Top reinforcement
As2 = Top reinforcement (Z axis)
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For elements with reinforcement in both planes, the results should be interpreted as follows:
The areas are treated independently - they have no common parts in the corners. The corner
area of section reinforcement is assigned to the area resulting from bending in the Y plane.
2. Transversal reinforcement:
theoretical (required) stirrup spacing (Stirrup spacing) - spacing of the defined stirrups
required for a given section
real (provided) stirrup distribution - the distribution which is assumed for a given section once
the element has been divided into N equal parts (defined earlier in the Calculation
Parameters dialog box) and once the distribution in each of the zones has been calculated
transversal reinforcement type/ distribution - presents the stirrup type and distribution in the
number of zones defined earlier in the Calculation Parameters dialog box. The
reinforcement type is described by the number of bars and their diameter linked by the letter f
or a steel grade (according to the code). The designation 5f8 (4HA8, 4T8) denotes fourlegged stirrups made from the bars of 8. The description of the distribution includes - for
each zone - the number of stirrups and their spacing linked with multiplication sign, the zones
are linked with the addition sign. The following description: 20*4.0+10*8.0+20*4.0 denotes
three zones of stirrup distribution: the first one and the third one comprise 20 stirrups each
spaced every 4.0 units of section dimension, the middle zone comprises 10 stirrups spaced
every 8.0 units of section dimension. The valid units are the units according to which
calculations were performed.
In the result table a designing combination denotes such a combination for which,
assuming the reinforcement calculated on the basis of all the combinations, the
greatest section efficiency ratio is obtained. For thus-understood designing
combination internal forces are presented.
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A designing combination shows the most unfavorable set of forces for a given section. It is only
one of the components of the envelope of sets of forces. Yet each of these sets may affect the
final required reinforcement area. This is the reason why a designing combination as a single
component may not be used to design the whole section.
General Part
P.CHARON, Calcul des ouvrages en beton arme, Eyrolles, Paris 1986
V.DAVIDOVICI, Formulaire du beton arme, Le Moniteur, Paris 1996
J.EIBLE (ED.), Concrete Structures Euro-Design Handbook, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1994/96
J.G.MACGREGOR, Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1988
A.W. Beeby, R.S.Narayanan, Designers' Handbook to Eurocode 2 Part 1.1: Design of concrete
structures, Thomas Telford, London 1995
J.PERCHAT, J. ROUX, Pratique du BAEL 91 Cours avec exercices corriges, Eyrolles, Paris 1998
H.THONIER, Conception et calcul des structures de batiment, Presses de l’ecole nationale des
Pony et chaussees, Paris 1992
BAEL Regles techniques de conception et de calcul des ouvrages et constructions en beton
arme, suivant la methode des etats limites, Eyrolles, Paris 1992
Buiding Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 31-95) and Commentary (ACI 318R95), ACI, Farmington Hills 1995
E.G.NAWY, Reinforced concrete: a fundamental approach, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1996
S.K.GHOSH, D.FANELLA, B.RABBAT (ED.), Notes on ACI 318-95, Portland Cement
Association, Illinois 1996
Structural Use of Concrete. BS 8110, BSI, London 1998
Handbook to British Standard BS 8110:1995. Structural Use of Concrete, Palladian Publications
Ltd, London 1987
CH.E.REYNOLDS, J.STEEDMAN, Examples of the design of reinforced concrete buildings to
BS8110, E & FN Spon, London 1992
W.MOSLEY, J.BUNGEY, Reinforced Concrete Design, McMillan Education Ltd, London 1987
F.KONG, R.EVANS, Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK),
Berkshire 1987
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page: 339
Instruccion para el proyecto y la ejecucion de obras de hormigon en masa o armado EH-91,
Ministerio de Fomento, 1998
Instruccion de hormigon estructural (EHE), Ministerio de Fomento 1999
R.FERRARAS, Manuel de hormigon armado, Colegio de ingenieros de caminos, canales y
puertos, Madrid 1999.
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ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
Steel Connection Design
Once the CONNECTIONS layout is selected, the screen is divided into two basic parts: the
Inspector dialog box used for management of defined connections and the graphical viewer with
a view of a whole structure, the scheme or view of a connection and results of connection
calculations. The graphical viewer consists of several tabs:
Scheme (a schematic drawing of a connection)
3D View (the view of a defined connection with a possibility of rotation, zoom, pan)
Structure (the view of a whole structure)
Results (a calculation note with results of connection calculations; available only after
performing calculations).
The Steel Connections tab of the Inspector dialog box is used to define, view and edit objects
related with the steel connection design. The properties block in the lower part of the dialog box
enables editing attributes for selected objects. The tab is available on the Steel Connections
The Steel Connections tab of the Inspector dialog box is similar to the Object Inspector tab (see
description in Chapter 2.2.2.).
The upper part of the dialog box shows a list of active connections; the following information is
presented for each connection:
- connection number with a connection type (icon)
- ratio value
- connection name.
The upper part of the dialog box holds the following icons:
- pressing the
icon allows deleting a selected connection
- pressing the
icon allows defining parameters of a selected connection.
Design of connections between steel structure elements can be carried out in the ROBOT
Millennium system according to the requirements of the three steel codes:
French code CM66
Eurocode 3 (ENV 1993-1-1:1992 and EN 1993-1-8:2005)
Polish code PN-90/B-03200 (some of the connection types).
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The following connection types are available in ROBOT:
column base - column connection: concrete
beam-beam connection
frame knee connection
beam-column connection
column-beam (two-sided)
column base – column
connection: fixed
connection with angles (indicated in the table
tube connection (indicated in the table by:
connection using gusset plate: for a single
bar, internal node and truss chord node
(indicated in the table by: GUSS)
column base – column
connection: pinned
For the new edition of Eurocode 3 (2005), the following types of connections with the front plate
are available: ‘beam-beam’ and ‘column-beam’. These connections can be designed as welded
and bolted. It is allowed for in the program to use both ordinary and prestressing bolts.
The program verifies strength of all components of a connection [6.2], evaluates its stiffness [6.3]
as well as checks conditions of the connection’s ability of rotation which guarantee that a plastic
hinge will be created [6.4].
In a general case, the following connection components are verified:
- web panel for shear []
- column web for compression []
- column web for tension []
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- column flange for bending []
- front plate for bending []
- beam web and flange for compression []
- beam web for tension []
- bolts for tension [3.6]
- bolts for shear [3.6]
- slipping of a contact area in a prestressed connection [3.9]
- welds [4.5.3].
The program allows definition and verification of a pinned or fixed column base with or without
stiffeners. It is possible to use column piers made of I-sections, box sections or pipe sections.
During verification the program applies the following code regulations:
- steel code for members EN 1993-1-1
- steel code for connections EN 1993-1-8
- concrete code EN 1992-1
In course of the connection analysis the program checks the resistance of all components of a
connection. These include:
1. Bearing pressure resistance of foundation concrete F,CRd - according to EN1993-1-8
section 6.2.5.(3) and EN1992-1 point 6.7.(2)
2. Tensile resistance of an anchor FT,Rd as the minimum of the following resistances:
- resistance for pull-out failure - according to EN 1992-1 point 6.4.2.(2)
- resistance for steel failure - according to EN1993-1-8 section Table 3.4.2
- resistance for pull-out failure of concrete above the head - CEB Guide
- resistance for concrete cone failure - CEB Guide
- splitting failure resistance - CEB Guide
3. Anchor resistance for shear F1vb,Rd and for bearing pressure onto concrete F2vb,Rd according to EN1993-1-8 section 6.2.2 (7,8) and Table 3.4
4. Concrete cone resistance for pry-out failure Fv,Rd,cp - CEB Guide
5. Resistance for concrete edge failure Fv,Rd,c - CEB Guide
6. Resistance of the base plate for shear with slippage Ff,Rd - according to EN1993-1-8
section 6.2.2 (6)
7. Resistance for bearing pressure of the wedge onto concrete Fv,Rd,wg - according to
8. Resistance of the column web in tension - according to EN1993-1-8 section
9. Resistance of the column flange and web in compression - according to EN1993-1-8
10. Resistance of the base plate subjected to bending in the tension zone- according to
EN1993-1-8 section
11. Resistance of welds between the column and the base plate as well as vertical and
horizontal welds connecting stiffeners - according to EN1993-1-8 section 4.5.3
12. Resistance of stiffeners - according to EN1993-1-1 section 6.2.1.
To start connection definition in the structure:
on the Structure tab, select in a structure the bars forming the connection (selected bars will
be highlighted in the graphic editor)
press the
icon or select the Connections / New Connection for Selected Bars option from
the menu. The appropriate type (frame knee, beam-beam, column-base etc.) will be
automatically assigned to the connection. The defined connection will be added to the list of
connections presented in the Inspector dialog box
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define parameters for the selected connection type in the Connection Definition dialog box;
to return to the definition of connection parameters, the user should press the
Inspector dialog box
start calculations of a connection pressing the
icon in the
To start calculation of a connection defined manually (selected connection type and defined
values of forces acting in a connection), the user should follow the steps below:
 select a connection type on the Scheme tab; a defined connection will be added to the list of
connections presented in the Inspector dialog box
 define appropriate parameters for a selected connection type; to do it, the user should press
icon provided in the Inspector dialog box
 start calculations of the connection pressing the
The following parameters can be defined for the selected connection types:
frame knee, beam-beam, column-beam
 bar section parameters
 base parameters
 stiffener parameters
 anchorage parameters
 concrete, weld, and wedge parameters
pipe connection:
 connection type (unilateral, bilateral)
 parameters of adjoining bars (cross
 bracket parameters
 weld parameters.
column-base connection:
connection – gusset plate:
 bar section parameters
 connection type (welded, bolted) and its
 reinforcement parameters
 bar parameters, etc.
 bolt parameters
 stiffener and plate parameters
 depth - for concrete base.
connection with angles:
 bar section parameters
 angle parameters
 bolt parameters
 cuts dimensions, distances, etc.
If a connection has been defined, there is a possibility of modifying the
connection type. This is accomplished by means of the icons available in the
Connection type change toolbar
change to pinned column base
change to pipe connection
change to concrete column base
change to frame knee
change to gusset plate connection
(single bar)
change to gusset plate connection
(internal node)
change to gusset plate connection
(truss chord node)
change to connection with angles
change to fixed column base
change to beam-to-beam connection
change to column-to-beam connection
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Once the Calculations icon
is pressed on the
toolbar or the Connections / Calculations command
selected from the menu, the dialog box shown
beside will be displayed on the screen.
After selecting the load cases (with the possibility to
select code combinations and / or combinations) to
be considered during the connection calculations
(currently, only the Connection Verification option is
available) and pressing the Calculations button,
the internal connection forces will be analyzed and
the connection will be verified.
Each of the available connection types can be
verified manually. In this case the Connections /
Manual Calculations option from the menu should
be used. Once this option is selected, the dialog
box shown on the right will be displayed on the
After entering the connection internal force values, a given connection type will be verified.
The contents of the dialog box above depends on a selected connection type.
After calculating (verifying) the connection, in the Object Inspector dialog box, the Steel
connections tab presents basic data and results of calculations of a connection defined in a
structure or of manual verification of a connection:
connection number
connection type: beam-to-beam connection (B-T-B), knee connection (frame knee, beam-tocolumn connection or beam-to-column (two-sided) connection) (KNEE or KNEE2), fixed
column base (FIX), pinned column base (PINN), concrete column base (CONC), connection
with angles (ANGLE), pipe connection (TUBE) and connection using gusset plate (GUSS)
code used in calculations of a connection
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bars that make up the created connection
node, for which the connection has been created
forces acting in a connection
ratio – indicator defining the maximum straining of connection elements (bolts, sheet, welds,
etc.). The number determines the least favorable relation between the ratio within the
connection element and the capacity of the connection element. Once the connection is
calculated, the table column displays information indicating whether the connection meets the
code requirements (symbol ), or does not meet the requirements (symbol ).
A defined and calculated connection may be saved to a file of the following formats: dxf, dwg, stp,
wrl, anf, sat, pep.
Once calculations of a connection are completed, the screen shows a calculation note including
data concerning the connection and calculation results (the Results tab).
At the bottom of the screen there are the following icons:
- saves a calculation note in the HTML format
- sends a calculation note in the HTML format by e-mail
- exports a calculation note in the HTML format to the MS Word© program
- exports a calculation note in the HTML format to the MS Excel© program.
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In the current program version the user may also assign a defined connection to other structure
nodes (it must be a similar connection type). In order to do that, the user should:
select (highlight) the connection to be copied
select appropriate structure bars
while being in the connection viewer, select the following option from the menu: Connections /
Copy Connection for Selected Bars.
Once these operations are performed, the connection (together with the current parameters) is
copied; sections, materials and angles of inclination relevant to this “new” connection are now
taken into account.
For Eurocode 3 (2005), stiffness calculations are additionally available for connections with the
front plate like beam-column and beam-beam.
The stiffness analysis imposes the use of the DSC algorithm; therefore, it is
impossible to apply the stiffness analysis for a structure including offsets.
During calculations a connection type is determined for defined connections; it is presented in a
calculation note for every connection. Considering stiffness, connections are divided into:
 nominally pinned
 rigid
 semi-rigid.
Considering resistance, connections are divided into:
 nominally pinned
 connections of full resistance
 connections of partial resistance.
To run the stiffness analysis, the user should first perform connection calculations
(the user should do so also every time after changing connection parameters,
e.g. geometry).
The stiffness analysis and result update consists of several stages:
 assigning elastic releases to ends of structure bars corresponding to the bars in the
calculated connections; for individual structure bars, appropriate release types are defined
automatically; these types will be overwritten when recalculating stiffness for the same nodes
 structure recalculation (considering the releases assigned)
 recalculations of all connections considering new values of sectional forces.
Further on there are drawings presented that show forces occurring in steel connections as well
as directions of force operation for all connection types available within the ROBOT program.
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beam-beam, frame knee, beam-column,
beam-column (two-sided)
angle connection
Gusset plate: single bar
Gusset plate: internal node
Gusset plate: truss chord node
Fixed column base
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Pinned column base
Pipe connection
Timber Design
The structure design process is divided into three stages: first the structure geometry and applied
loads are defined, then internal forces and displacements are calculated, and finally code
requirements are verified and successive structural members are designed. This section of the
manual is concerned only with the third stage. We assume here that the load effects in the
structure are already calculated. Also please note this section is very similar to the steel design
section; therefore, if the reader is familiar with steel design in ROBOT Millennium, he or she can
skim the contents and focus on the differences only. In the current version of ROBOT Millennium
the following timber codes are available: French timber code CB71, Eurocode 5, Eurocode 5
French NAD, Eurocode 5 Finnish NAD and Polish timber code PN-B-03150:2000.
User can either verify or design the modeled structure. The design is applied to either single
members or groups of members and calculations can be executed in a similar way.
Depending on the selected timber code, the contents of the list can vary, but the basic definitions
remain the same no matter which code has been selected.
The following definitions apply:
Single structure member to be verified or modified in the module. The most
common bar types are columns, beams.
A member used during verification/design can be defined as a single element or
a sequence of consecutive elements creating a column, beam, etc.
Member list. A group of structural members for which the same section is
assigned. Once the verification/design is completed, a section appropriate for all
members in the group (regardless of differences in internal force values for these
members or design parameters) will be selected. Groups are defined in order to
limit the variety of sections in the designed structure.
Once the TIMBER DESIGN layout is selected, the screen will be divided into three parts: graphic
viewer for structure presentation and two dialog boxes: Definition and Calculations.
The Definition dialog box contains two tabs: Groups and Members (see the pictures below).
Once the members and groups are defined, verification for a single member or a group will be
carried out. Clicking on the Parameters button located on the Members tab results in opening the
Parameters dialog box (the contents of which depend on the selected timber code available in
ROBOT i.e. either Eurocode5 or French timber code CB71). The basic set of code parameters
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includes buckling length, buckling parameters, lateral-buckling parameters, rigidity, fire resistance
parameters, etc.
Among the interesting options to be found in ROBOT, one can count the possibility of automatic
design by means of parameterized tapered sections. The option is available by pressing the
Parameterized sections button located in the Definitions dialog box (see section 6.1).
The name of the selected bar is given in the Member Type field. The bar length may be entered
in the Member Length ly or lz fields. This may be done in two ways:
once the Real option is selected, the entered value is interpreted as the length
once the Coefficient option is chosen, the value is interpreted as the coefficient by which the
actual value should be multiplied to obtain the appropriate length. For example entering a
0.25 value means that the appropriate length is equal to 1/4 of the actual length.
For a simultaneous definition of several members of differing actual lengths, e.g. additional
supports equally spaced, the second method mentioned is very convenient. If the set parameters
are to be saved as a category, entering the length this way is essential. The buckling length
coefficient depends on the end support condition of the bar nodes in the buckling plane. The
buckling length may also be defined in the Buckling Scheme dialog box opened by pressing the
icon representing the selected buckling model type. Typical schemes are found here; once one is
selected, the coefficient value will be accepted or calculated automatically.
The buckling is always considered in the calculations if a compression force appears in the
member even if it is negligible in comparison to the other internal forces. The program does not
perform analysis determining if buckling effects should be disregarded or not on its own. If the
user wants to eliminate buckling effects from the calculations, the last icon must be chosen. It
represents the option to disregard buckling in the calculation process.
Options used during the lateral buckling verification: lateral buckling type, load level, and lateral
buckling coefficient for lower and upper flanges.
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After pressing the Other button, the screen shows a dialog box used for defining parameters for
the additional check of members subjected to bending.
The options given in the dialog box above enable running additional checks for particular beams
subjected to bending in compliance with the requirements described in the EC5 code.
The regulations given in point 5.2.3 of EC5 code apply to variable inertia beams inclined to one
side (case 1). The remaining cases concern beams made of glued timber, for which the additional
check is carried out in conformity with point 5.2.4.
Additional verification of beams subjected to bending takes place once the option Additional
verification for elements subjected to bending is switched on. After selecting one of the 4 beam
types, beam parameters needed for calculations should be defined in the available edit fields. To
check the beams subjected to bending, the user may define parameters as follows (a number of
parameters available depends on the beam type):
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angle – angle of inclination of the beam top surface to the horizontal plane
radius – fillet radius of the axis of the arc-shaped beams
Hap – height of the beam section at the midpoint of its length
thickness – thickness of a single laminate layer
Kvol – coefficient depending on the beam volume; the value of this coefficient is determined
according to point 5.2.4.(5) from the formula Kvol = (Vo/V)^0.2, where Vo – reference volume
= 0.01 m3, whereas V = 2Vb/3, where Vb – volume of the entire beam.
In the dialog box presented below, calculation options for timber members or groups of members
are to be selected.
The Option of Verification field allows the user to select:
Member Verification - verification
according to the member list based on
calculations for each member. The
procedure is based on considering
intermediate points on a member along
with the load case present, verifying that
it is suitable by checking against the
worst case scenario according to the
relevant codes of practice. A number of
calculations and a list of load cases is
specified. In other words, verification is
based on examining whether certain
sections (accepted before internal force
determines whether the member will be
considered satisfactory, unsatisfactory
or unstable.
Group Verification - group verification is based on consecutive and independent calculations
(see Member Verification) for each member in the group. Material properties set for the group
are taken into account.
Group Design - group design is based on examining the previously adopted set of sections
determined by Group Definition and eliminating those that do not meet the code
requirements. Consecutive sections are eliminated until the first section meeting the
requirements is found. The described process is carried out separately for each family of
sections belonging to the analyzed group. Code calculations are performed for each section
at consecutive intermediate points on the member, consecutive load cases, consecutive
elements of the given member and all members belonging to the group. If the given section
does not meet the code requirements for a certain intermediate point, the load case or
element of the member in the group is eliminated and the next section from the list is chosen.
This process continues until all sections from the list are eliminated. To start calculations in
the design mode at least one group has to be defined. Design may be carried out for many
groups in which case the described process is run for each group separately.
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The lower part of the dialog box contains two fields: Loads and Limit State. In the first one, the
following options are located:
load case list - field for displaying the load cases taken into account during calculations. The
load case number can be entered therein.
load case selection - opens an additional dialog box (Case Selection) in which load cases to
be considered during calculations can be chosen.
Calculations can be run for ULS and SLS.
Clicking on the Calculations button results in timber member verification or design, according to
the parameters set in the Definition and Calculations dialog boxes. Once the calculations are
completed, the Simplified Results dialog box will be displayed on the screen. Clicking on the
section shown in the short list will result in displaying the Results dialog box.
Similarly as for steel members, the detailed analysis is also available for timber members; it can
be activated by pressing the Detailed button provided in the Detailed results dialog box for EC5
code. The program enables performing additional calculations based on the requirements
described in Eurocode 5:
with transversal compression considered (coefficient Kc,90)
with openings considered (coefficient Khol: see: Eurocode 5:Book1 IV-5-8)
with the shape of a beam ending considered (coefficient Kv: see Eurocode:Book1 IV-5-7).
Each of the member analyses listed is performed independently, thus each of them may be run
Calculations can be also carried out for user-defined section forces (not calculated by the
program itself). This can be done using the Manual Calculations option that is available from the
Timber Member Design menu. Member verification/design can be carried out.
Configuration button allows for selecting a number of points at which a member is calculated.
points are chosen equidistant along the member.
EUROCODE 5 - Calcul des structures en bois. Partie 1-1: Regles generales et regles pour les
batiments. Norme P21-711
STRUCTURES EN BOIS AUX ETATS LIMITES - Introduction a l'Eurocode 5. STEP1 - Materiaux
et bases de calcul, SEDIBOIS. Union nationale francaise de charpente, menuiserie, parquets,
STRUCTURES EN BOIS AUX ETATS LIMITES - Introduction a l'Eurocode 5. STEP2 - Calcul de
structure, SEDIBOIS. Union nationale francaise de charpente, menuiserie, parquets, 1996.
Plate and Shell Reinforcement
ROBOT Millennium allows for calculating of reinforcement areas for plates or shells. Plate and
shell reinforcement type parameters depend on the selection of the code used during plate and
shell design. A list of the currently-available plate and shell reinforcement codes includes:
American codes: ACI 318/99 and ACI 318/02
British code BS 8110
Eurocode 2 ENV 1992-1-1: 1991 (with French, Belgian, Dutch, Italian, Finnish and German
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ROBOT Millennium Version 20.1 - User’s Manual
Canadian code CSA A23.3-94
French codes: BAEL91 and BAEL 91 mod.99
Dutch code NEN6720 (VBC 1995)
Spanish codes: EH91, EHE98
Russian code SNiP 2.03.01-84
Polish code PN 84/B-03264 and the Polish code PN-B-03264 (1999)
Romanian code STAS 10107/0-90
Norwegian code NS 3473: 2004
Singaporean code CP65
Chinese code GB 50010-2002
Japanese code AIJ 1985.
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The option for definition of reinforcement parameters is available for only two types of structures
(plates or shells) by:
selecting the Geometry / Code Parameters / Reinforcement Type command from the menu
pressing the
The New reinforcement type dialog box is available by pressing the New icon on the Plate and
Shell Reinforcement Type dialog box. The dialog box consists of three tabs: General, Materials
and Reinforcement. The General and Reinforcement tabs are identical for all codes, whereas the
shape of the Materials tab depends on the selected code of plate and shell reinforcement.
In case of selecting some of the concrete codes, the Reinforcement parameters
dialog box consists of four tabs, as additionaly, it includes the SLS Parameters
tab (it contains options allowing calculation of cracking and deflection of a
plate/shell structure as well as additional parameters characteristic of a selected
RC code, e.g. concrete age, concrete creep coefficient, etc.).
On the General tab shown in the drawing below, the user should select additionally the type of
calculations for shell structures; the following types of calculations are available:
simple bending (plate)
bending + compression/ tension (shell)
compression or tension (membrane).
The Reinforcement calculations for shells option allows reduction of a set of internal forces that
are considered while calculating panel reinforcement. Calculations may be performed for a
complete set of forces (bending + compression/tension), only for bending moments (simple
bending) or for membrane forces (compression/tension). Duration of calculations depends on the
selected type of shell calculations. The option is available only for shells; when the Plate structure
type is chosen, bending moments in a plate are considered in reinforcement calculations,
whereas for the plane stress structure – membrane forces are taken into account
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The program does not verify if the settings adopted by the user are correct –
improper use of the Calculation option may lead to wrong results.
In the lower part of the Reinforcement tab the following two options are provided:
Unidirectional reinforcement – if this option is switched on, then only reinforcement for the
main direction will be calculated (forces acting in the perpendicular direction are ignored); it
enables two-fold acceleration of calculations (take note that a simplification is adopted here,
which is based on the negligible influence (or lack of influence at all) of forces acting in the
perpendicular direction - on the main reinforcement); NOTE1: the program does not verify if
the settings adopted by the user are correct – improper use of the option may lead to
incorrect results; NOTE2: the codes for RC element design most often require that distributed
reinforcement be provided for the direction perpendicular to the main reinforcement direction
– the area of distributed reinforcement is not calculated in the program
Membrane reinforcement in one layer (in axis) – the option is accessible only if the
compression/tension type is selected on the General tab; if this option is switched on, then
reinforcement is positioned in axis of an RC element (reinforcement will be subjected to
compression / tension due to membrane forces).
The table below shows the required parameters for the options: Unidirectional reinforcement and
Membrane reinforcement in one layer (in axis) when they are switched on / off.
Reinforcement option
Required parameters
in one layer (in axis)
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Options in the lower part of the dialog box allow determining criteria of generating the minimum
reinforcement in RC panels. There are three possibilities available:
 none - the minimum reinforcement will not be generated in a panel
 for FE for which reinforcement As > 0 - the minimum reinforcement will be generated in a
panel only in these panel places for which the calculated reinforcement will be less than the
minimum reinforcement, however, greater than zero (see the drawing below); if the
calculated reinforcement area for a (triangular) finite element equals zero, then the minimum
reinforcement will not be generated
 for the whole panel - the minimum reinforcement will be generated for a whole panel (see the
drawing below).
Same as in the dialog box used to define other structure attributes (supports, sections, etc.), the
reinforcement type definition process has been divided into two stages:
reinforcement type definition
assigning reinforcement types to panels.
RC plate design can be started in two ways:
choosing from the vigniette of structure type selection (compare chapter 2.1) RC plate design
– a plate design module will be working as a stand-alone program without connection (data
exchange) with other parts of ROBOT Millennium system
once a structure is defined, one should select in it (by highlighting in a graphic editor)
an appropriate panel (plate) list, and then choose the following command from the menu:
Analysis / Design of RC Structure Elements / RC Plate and Shell Design / Required
Reinforcement. It will result in running the RC PLATES - REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT
layout and reading geometry, loads and obtained results into a code module. The screen will
be divided into three parts: edit viewer with a designed plate view and two dialog boxes: Plate
and Shell reinforcement and Reinforcement.
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Description of RC plate design will be presented for a second case of calling a module of RC
plate design. The option for calculating plate or shell reinforcement is available once the RC
PLATES – REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT layout located in the RC Plates group is selected.
The dialog box shown below appears at the bottom of the screen. Only the Calculations option is
The Verification option is available after selecting the menu command: Analysis / Verification in
the Slab - provided reinforcement module.
At the moment of starting calculations the dialog box presents the name of the code used for
determining parameters of panel reinforcement type. This information is displayed on the blue bar
with the dialog box name. To begin calculations of the plate or shell reinforcement, follow the
steps below:
in the Limit states field - select the load cases taken into account during calculations for the
individual limit states (ULS, SLS and ALS - accidental state). SLS determines code conditions
for cracking (expressed in some codes by stresses, deformations) except deflections
(verification of deflections is found in the Deflection verification field, in the right part of the
dialog box). One should enter the numbers of load cases in the appropriate fields or press the
(…) button and in the Selection dialog box select load cases or combinations of load cases
for the individual limit states; if code combinations have been defined, then activating the
relevant option in the Limit states field (there appears the  symbol) determines the limit state
for which the generated code combinations will be taken into account in calculations
in the List of panels field select panels that will be considered in calculations of the required
reinforcement; the user should enter panel numbers (ALL denotes all the defined panels) or
press the (...) button and choose panels in the Selection dialog box
determine the method of calculating shell or plate reinforcement; the following calculation
methods are available in the program: analytical method, the method of equivalent moments
(NEN) and Wood&Armer method of equivalent moments.
Panel calculations are performed only for the panels whose numbers have been
entered in the List of panels edit field and for the cases or case combinations
specified in the ULS, SLS, ACC edit fields.
After modifying parameters of a reinforcement set ascribed to a panel for which
the necessary reinforcement has been calculated or after changing a
reinforcement parameter set for a panel, the status of reinforcement calculation
results changes to out-of-date for such a panel. The reinforcement calculation
results are removed, whereas in the reinforcement result table, the table cells are
presented in red (maps of reinforcement and panel cuts are inaccessible) for
such a panel.
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In ROBOT the width of cracking is calculated independently for two directions defined by axes of
reinforcement. This is an approach analogous to the simplified methods presented in relevant
literature. The implementation of the method not related to codes results from lack of relevant
recommendations concerning plates with cross reinforcement.
The algorithm of calculations is based on the formulas enabling calculation of cracking width for
beam elements. Calculations are carried out on the cross-section with reinforcement resulting
from Ultimate Limit State for all the forces caused by the loads defined as SLS or appropriate
SLS combination. The moments recognized in calculations of Serviceability Limit State are
equivalent moments calculated according to the selected calculation method: analytical, NEN or
Wood&Armer. The analytical method for Serviceability Limit State does not recognize actions of
mxy moments. Thanks to the implementation of NEN or Wood&Armer method, one may recognize
the mxy moments in calculations by increasing the moments mxx and myy. Wood&Armer method is
recommended for calculations of plates with cross reinforcement among others by ENV 1992-1-1
EUROCODE 2 (Annex A.2.7).
The calculated cracking width whose value is presented in the table of results is the maximum
value obtained from all the analyzed load cases.
The algorithm for calculating deflections of RC plates is based on the use of calculations of an
isotropic elastic plate made of an elastic material, for which, subsequently, changes of material
stiffness due to cracking are considered. Originally, displacements are calculated applying the
Finite Element Method (FEM), then they are modified.
Calculations are performed separately for each panel. Such an assumption is correct if a panel
can be identified with a structural element (span, floor segment), otherwise stiffness values
averaged within a panel may be distorted. It may result in influence of very distant elements on
displacements of an analyzed FE. Influence of such disturbances on extreme values is not very
significant, however, deformation (deflection) maps should be treated with great caution.
Calculations are performed for a selected combination (a separate one for the lower and upper
displacements) or a combination group, if that is required by the code (frequent, rare and quasipermanent combinations). That combination is chosen for calculations for which there are
maximum elastic displacements (positive and negative separately). If a panel may not be treated
as a structural element (it comprises more structure elements), deformation (deflection) maps
should be treated with great caution. It has, however, no significant influence on extreme
deflection values for a given panel.
Deflections may be identified with displacements only for not deformed supports. In the shell
module (3D) while calculating RC plate deflection, the displacement of the least displaced support
is subtracted from displacements of each element. It means that the deflections are measured
from the plane parallel to the surface of not deformed plate that passes through one support point
of the deformed plate.
One should pay attention to displacements of the remaining supported corners of a plate.
The calculation algorithm used in the ROBOT program is based on the assumption that the total
(real) deflections of an RC slab equal the product of its elastic deflections and the coefficient
determining the stiffness change.
- real displacements of i-th calculation point of a slab
- elastic displacements of i-th calculation point of a slab
D - slab stiffness assuming elasticity of the material
B - equivalent stiffness of an RC plate, calculated considering element cracking, rheological
effects, reinforcement adherence, etc. and averaged for both directions.
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In practice, such an approach comes down to linear scaling of individual elastic displacements by
the global coefficient of stiffness reduction.
The calculation algorithm is as follows:
After performing the structure analysis using FEM and calculating the required reinforcement area
for the ultimate limit state, the serviceability limit state (as regards cracking calculations, stress
limits, etc., i.e. issues that may be considered locally) and the accidental limit state, stiffness for
each finite element (FE) is evaluated in the program. Stiffness calculations are carried out for two
directions of reinforcement. The scope and method of calculating these stiffness values depends
on detailed requirements of a given code. As a result of these calculations, two stiffness values
(different in most cases) are obtained for each finite element. For further calculations, a weighted
average of component stiffness values is used. The weight for averaging is the ratio of moments
acting on a given element in both directions.
Bx, By - real stiffness values calculated for two directions of reinforcement
cf - weight coefficient calculated according to the formula:
1. if | Mxx | / | Myy | > 4, to cf = 1
2. if 0.25  | Mxx | / | Myy |  4, to
3. if | Mxx | / | Myy | < 0.25, to cf = 0.
As a result of applying the above formulas, in the case of large disproportion of moments (the
ratio of the larger moment to the smaller one is greater or equal to 4.0, e.g. slabs bent in one
plane), the stiffness from the direction of action of the larger of the moments is taken into account.
When values of moments are similar, the thickness from a given direction is ascribed in
proportion to the moment ratio.
The next calculation step is to evaluate the ratio of the elastic stiffness to the weighted average of
real stiffness values obtained in the above-mentioned way. Such calculation is performed for
each finite element:
The slab coefficient (1 - *) is considered both in calculations of the stiffnesses B and D.
Values of real stiffness values obtained in calculations may be viewed by switching on maps of
Stiffness factor.
If properties of materials used during design are identical with those used in a model, then a
value of the coefficient D / B > 1.0. This coefficient can be interpreted (maily for slabs subjected to
unidirectional bending) as an elastic deflection multiplier. If different materials are used in a model
and calculations (e.g. with different classes of concrete – concretes with different Young’s
modulus or Poisson’s ratio), the coefficient value is corrected automatically, however, it may
result in disturbing the inequality mentioned earlier.
The subsequent step is to calculate the average of the stiffness ratios evaluated earlier. The final
global stiffness ratio, used for calculation of real displacements of a slab (i.e. linear scaling of
elastic displacements) is a number obtained as a result of averaging the average of stiffness
ratios (with the weight equal to 0.25) and the stiffness ratio recorded for an element in which there
is the extremum of the bending moment acting in any direction (with the weight equal to 0.75),
according to the formula:
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If the Reinforcement correction option is switched on on the SLS Parameters tab in the Plate and
Shell Reinforcement Parameters dialog box during calculations, the program increases the
reinforcement area to increase the stiffness of the element, which, in consequence, leads to
reduction of slab deflections.
In both directions the reinforcement is distributed in inverse proportion with respect to stiffness. In
the case when it is not possible to limit deflections below the admissible deflection value defined
by the user (further correction of reinforcement due to the allowable reinforcement ratio is
impossible), then once calculations of the required reinforcemement area are completed, the
following warning appears: ‘The admissible deflection value has been exceeded for panel no.’.
The program does not have any defined limits set on reinforcement other than the code-defined
ones, so one should pay attention to the economic aspect of the solution provided.
The lower part of the dialog box contains the Globally averaged design forces option. It appears
in this dialog box for the results of calculations of plates and shells are discontinuous for the
forces in nodes of finite element mesh (if four finite elements converge in one node, a different
force value is determined for each element). If the Globally averaged design forces option is
switched off, the results in nodes are averaged within a given panel for which reinforcement is
being calculated. If the option is switched on the results in nodes are averaged for all panels.
If the Globally averaged design forces option is switched on, one should be
careful while calculating reinforcement for plate structures consisting of panels
that are not located in one plane, for global averaging may result in the situation
where quantities that do not correspond to each other are averaged for edges of
such panels.
At the bottom of the dialog box there is the following option: Reduction of forces (at supports or
above columns); if this option is switched on, then for plate or shell elements supported at points
(by means of the available types of supports or columns), values of moments and stresses in the
vicinity of the support points are replaced with an average value obtained in the area near these
For plate and shell elements supported at points (by means of the available support types or
columns), values of moments and stresses near the support points may be considerably greater
than at the remaining points of the plate. It may cause calculation of incorrect reinforcement in the
vicinity of supports and columns; to avoid that, such connections may be modeled by means of
the rigid links available in the program or by applying the Reduction near supports option.
Reduction of values near supports consists in replacing the result values obtained in the vicinity
of supports and columns with a reduced value obtained in the neighborhood of these supports.
Three stages may be distinguished in the option operation:
definition of support nodes – the program reduces values only near the nodes considered
as “supported”; these are the nodes at which:
a column type support (rectangular or round) is defined with non-zero dimensions –
advanced parameters for supports
bar elements are connected with finite elements (but only when the other bar end is not
connected with the same finite element, either – as it is the case for a strengthening
beam); moreover, for a node to be considered as supported, it must be adjoined by at
least one finite element
At nodes where supports at points (without dimensions) and beam (linear) supports are
defined, values are not reduced.
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definition of a reduction radius – if reduction of selected values is performed at a given node,
then it should be determined which values should be disregarded; the values ignored include
the values at this node and at centers of elements that adjoin this node; apart from that,
the program looks for nodes positioned in the distance lesser than the reduction radius –
values at these nodes will also be disregarded and replaced with the calculated average
value; the reduction radius is determined in the following manner:
for a support defined at a node – the reduction radius equals half the length of the
diagonal of a rectangular support or half a diameter of a round support plus 0.2 *
(maximum thickness of an element adjoining to the support node)
- for a column adjoining to a node - the reduction radius equals half the length of the
diagonal of a rectangle with dimensions equaling the column width and height plus 0.2 *
(maximum thickness of an element adjoining to the column node).
If one node is adjoined by several “supports” with different values of reduction radiuses, then
the greatest of the calculated radiuses is adopted in calculations.
 calculation of a reduced value – once the reduction radius value is calculated, the program
searches nodes positioned in the distance (from the supported node) lesser than the
determined radius value; the result values in all these nodes and in centers of finite elements
that adjoin them are disregarded; these values are replaced with a reduced value of the result
values on the edge of the disregarded region – when calculating this average the averaging
parameters are taken into account; if a node is adjoined by an element, in case of which at
least one of the nodes is positioned inside the “reduction circle”, then a value from this
element is also ignored while averaging. The reduced value is calculated applying the
following principles:
- if values at all nodes on the edge are positive, then the maximal value is adopted
- if values at all nodes on the edge are negative, then the minimal value is adopted
- if values on the edge show different signs, then the average value is calculated and that
value is assumed as the reduced one.
Once a reduced value is calculated, it substitutes for all the values disregarded in the vicinity of a
given support node.
Once a reinforcement area, cracking, stiffness and deflection are calculated, verification of the
reinforcement area from zones takes place. The verification is performed to obtain the final value
of deflections. New areas are the basis for recalculation of cracking and stiffness values.
Verification may be performed using the following two methods (see for details in the program
Help file):
- elastic
- non-linear (inelastic).
The following can be selected in the Reinforcement dialog box that is located in the right part of
required (theoretical) reinforcement
of plates/shells (calculated reinforcement areas,
reinforcement spacings and numbers of reinforcing bars) as well as minimum reinforcement of
plates/shells (reinforcement areas and spacings, number of reinforcing bars).
Theoretical (required) areas and spacings of reinforcement obtained during the design of a
plate/shell structure may also be presented in the form of reinforcement crosses. The crosses of
the reinforcement area or the spacing of the reinforcement will be presented if one selects the On
Individual columns in the dialog box denote:
X [-]: bottom reinforcement in the X direction (main reinforcement)
X [+]: top reinforcement in the X direction (main reinforcement)
Y [-]: bottom reinforcement in the Y direction (reinforcement perpendicular to the main
Y [+]: top reinforcement in the Y direction (reinforcement perpendicular to the main
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The location of bottom and top reinforcements in a panel is adopted according to the sense of the
z axis of the panel local system - see the drawing below (this convention also holds for RC walls).
For example, if the sense of the z axis vector of the panel local coordinate system is as follows
, then:
Top reinforcement:
Bottom reinforcement:
In case of concrete code selection which allows calculations considering service limit state, there
is additional tab: SLS accessible in the Reinforcement dialog box. One can select the following
quantities to be presented on this tab (depending on a code – not all quantities are available):
cracking width in both directions, stiffness factor (global stiffness factor by which elastic
displacements are multiplied), deflection u (real displacements of the calculation point of a slab
uR); the algorithm for calculations of RC slab deflections is presented above.
Once calclulations of theoretical (required) reinforcement are performed one can shift to the RC
PLATES – PROVIDED REINFRCEMENT layout. The options available in the Plate and Shell
Reinforcement dialog box allow presentation of the results of reinforcement area calculations: a
presentation of real (provided) reinforcement zones and a manual modification of these results.
The Plate and Shell Reinforcement dialog box consists of two tabs: Bending and Reinforcement
maps. The layout is used to display maps of reinforcement, deflections, cracking and stiffness. At
the bottom of the screen there are tabs used to select a direction for which maps will be
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The dialog box shown in the figure above consists of three main parts:
reinforcement zone definition: automatic / manual (working mode definition)
selection of lists of solutions
presentation fields of real (provided) reinforcement for a selected solution.
Definition of reinforcement zones
The program allows to determine real (provided) reinforcement zones in two modes: automatic
and manual.
The automatic mode allows to generate reinforcement zones and calculate a real (provided)
reinforcement area on the basis of the accepted reinforcement parameters, calculation options
and on the basis of the calculated earlier theoretical (required) reinforcement areas.
Reinforcement zones are determined by the optimizing algorithms. When the calculations are
completed, a user can select a solution from a list of the available solutions proposed in a
To optimize reinforcement zones a solution taking into consideration several factors should be
found. For wire fabric reinforcement the optimization aims are as follows:
cut number to achieve the appropriate cuts
mass of reinforcing wire fabrics
usage ratio for wire fabrics.
For a bar reinforcement a spacing modularity, an assortment decrease of the used bars or a used
steel mass is preferred.
A manual mode allows a user to define real (provided) reinforcement zones. In this case the
program only selects the appropriate reinforcing bars and wire fabrics (on the basis of the
calculated theoretical (required) areas, reinforcement parameters and calculation options).
After selecting the Manual option of a zone definition and moving to a graphical viewer, a mouse
cursor changes its shape (to a cross shape), that allows to insert the zones.
A definition method of reinforcement zones is similar to a definition of rectangular contours. The
definition consists in determination of two points position. The first click with a left mouse button
results in the first corner definition and moving to a rectangle dragging mode. Clicking again
results in a opposite corner definition.
Solution list
A solution list allows to select one of several, possible solutions, proposed by the program. The
solutions are sorted out according to an optimization coefficient. This coefficient is the weighted
average of the parameters being the optimization aim. It should be taken into consideration that
the solutions making reinforcing works easy are preferred more to these requiring less steel
When wire fabric reinforcement option is selected, the solution list includes: a number and type of
used wire fabrics, percent of wire fabric consumption and a total mass of wire fabrics with wastes.
For the bar reinforcement the following items are given on the solution list: estimate survey for the
weight of all bar types and survey for total steel weight. In these results the mass being a result of
the demanded bar laps and a structural reinforcement.
Manual definition of reinforcement zones
To add a reinforcement zone ‘manually’, the user should select a table row marked with the ‘*’
symbol, and next, click with the left mouse button on the Coordinates field. Coordinates can be
defined manually or by indicating a zone graphically on the screen.
For a selected zone, the coordinates of the left bottom and right top zone corner are determined.
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The selected zone is highlighted in the table presenting the reinforcement values and in the
viewers presenting the top and bottom reinforcement zones. The active zone can be modified by
a user. It is possible to define reinforcement zones manually (by pressing the Add button); the
user may also select a row marked with the ‘*’ symbol and define a zone graphically on the
screen. In the lower part of the dialog box is the Delete reinforcement button used to delete a
zone selected by the user.
The table for manual modification of member reinforcement zones differs from that for automatic
modification and consists of the following items:
- Zone - a generated zone may be assigned a user-defined name
- Basic panel parameters - determines, if a selected zone is a base one or a dependent one.
From the drop-down field the user may choose only these zones that are not dependent
ones. Bars of a dependent zone are distributed symmetrically between bars of the base zone.
 - diameter of bars
S - bar spacing
Increase of zone reinforcement – the option is active only for dependent zones. After
activating the selection field (the  symbol appears), the next field n+ becomes available; the
n+ field determines how many bars of a dependent zone will be placed between bars of the
base zone. One base zone may have several dependent zones. Reinforcement of the base
zone is increased symmetrically, thus, after selecting a number of bars for the first dependent
zone, for next zones the list of reinforcing bars increasing the reinforcement is limited. The
user may change a diameter of reinforcing bars increasing the reinforcement, but only then,
when the number of bars n+ differs from zero
At - required area (the field fills with a yellow color if the zone is not needed since another
zone covers entirely the same area and ensures the required reinforcement area)
As - difference between the required and the provided area
Ar - provided area
Zone displayed - if this option is switched off, a selected zone will not be displayed
Fitted zone - this option is used if a zone is positioned on more than one panel or this is a
panel of untypical shape (e.g. semicircular). Activating this option results in fitting bars in the
zone to the panel (bars will not extend outside the panel edge).
Base panel - if a zone covers more than one panel, it is necessary to select a panel to which
the zone should be ascribed (to determine the reinforcement direction, or if need be, to fit the
zone, etc.).
Options on the Reinforcement maps tab allow presentation and modification of maps of
reinforcement, deflection, cracking and stiffness.
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The upper part of the dialog box holds the icons as follows:
- once this icon is selected, a map divided into rectangles (dimensions defined in the Grid
step fields) will be displayed. For the whole rectangle the maximum reinforcement in it will be
In the FE results field the following icons are grouped:
- once this icon is selected, a regular reinforcement map will be displayed
- once this icon is selected, a deflection map will be displayed
- once this icon is selected, short-term cracking will be displayed
- once this icon is selected, long-term cracking will be displayed
- once this icon is selected, a stiffness map will be displayed.
Below are two options for selection of the reinforcement for which results from the FE results field
will be presented;
 For required reinforcement - if this option is selected, the map will present results for the
calculated required reinforcement
 For provided reinforcement after verification - if this option is selected, the map will present
results for:
- selected type of provided reinforcement (on the List of possible solutions list on the
Bending tab); the selected type of provided reinforcement is marked with bold text on the
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- verified type of provided reinforcement; for verification of the selected provided
reinforcement, the user should press the
In the lower part of the dialog box there are options for steering with maps.
The first option allows steering with a grid; the options in the Grid step field are used for that
purpose. The user may define a grid step (a dimension of the grid cell) and decide whether a grid
should be displayed (the Mesh option in the Display field). While generating the grid automatically
(available after pressing the Generation button), note should be taken that when a grid of fine
cells (of a small grid step) is generated, zones will be small (since they will be better fit), however,
a number of zones may grow.
Moreover, the Display field includes options which when activated allow displaying maps, values,
descriptions and the main reinforcement direction on the screen.
The Display field also holds the
icon; if pressed, it allows determining a map value or
description for indicated points (NOTE: the options Values and/or Description have to be
switched on). Pressing the icon again results in presentation of map values/descriptions for all
Options on the Punching tab allow analysis of punching in slabs resulting from loads from
concentrated forces and reaction forces of slab supports.
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The options located on the Punching tab allow the user to:
view and define the punching verification points
group the verification points (unify the geometry)
assign the supports (columns) the geometrical properties of the head
view the punching calculation results.
Viewing and adding the defined by the user verification point
If in a structure the point supports are defined, they are automatically entered on the point list and
denoted by the letter S with consecutive ordinal numbers. For each support type the following
things can be read:
coordinates in the Position field
number on the node to which a support is assigned (in the Node number field)
maximum reaction value of a support in the Maximum punching force field
support geometry if such one is defined during the support definition in the Advanced dialog
To display data concerning a selected verification point, one should only select its name located
on the point list.
Independently from supports, verification points can be defined by the user.
To define a new verification point, one should press the New button in the Verification points
field. Each time when the operation is completed, the verification point denoted by letter P and
the consecutive ordinal number is added to the point list. Once a verification point is chosen, the
fields allowing definition of the point position, load geometry and values of punching force are
active. These values are saved (no additional operation to confirm them is needed).
To delete the added verification point, one should select it and press the Delete button. The
points, which are the supports defined in a structure geometry (denoted by the letter S) cannot be
Support (column) heads
The program allows to define heads over the supports (columns), that are taken into
consideration in the punching calculations. To perform it, the Head option should be active (the
fields with the dimensions are available) and the head values should be defined. For the head on
the rectangular support they are the lengths of the head sides on the level where head meets the
slab (denoted by the letters a and b) and the head height denoted by the letter h. For the heads
over the circular supports it is the d head diameter and h head height (for a circular head) or the
lengths of the head sides (denoted by the letters a and b) - for a rectangular head.
When the support belongs to a group, the head is applied to all elements of this group.
Point grouping
Both, the additional verification points and supports can be grouped to modify the geometry in the
easier way. The points may be grouped manually by selecting on the name list and pressing the >
button; it is also possible to group all the supports automatically: one should press the >> button.
The additional verification points can be grouped if they have the same geometry type. In a case
of supports, a compatibility of the support dimensions is necessary. If the conditions to a
compatibility of the support dimensions are not satisfied, the verification points or supports not
compatible with the first one on the list are deleted in a moment of the group confirmation.
When the points with different dimensions are grouped, the dimension values are accepted on
the basis of the first defined point in the group. When a new point is added to the group, its
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dimensions are automatically changed to the compatible ones with the group dimensions.
Grouping the supports with different head dimensions is done by analogy.
When the group is defined, any change for the arbitrary group component relates to the entire
group and it is modified.
Presentation of calculation results
In the table presenting the results of the punching analysis for each verification point the following
values are presented:
admissible punching force calculated by the program according to the appropriate code
generalized design force defined in the Maximum punching force field for the additional
verification points or read from FEM calculation results for supports
critical circumference calculated on the basis of code requirements
reinforcement, which includes:
reinforcement range from the member center in both perpendicular directions L1 and L2
circumference of reinforcement zone (if required)
total area of reinforcement
number and diameter of bars calculated on the basis of the total area and settings in the
options for punching
safety factor being a ratio of a maximum punching force and admissible punching force.
Punching analysis results for individual points are presented in the color corresponding to the
calculation result:
in blue – for points that fulfill the conditions for punching and do not require reinforcement
in green - for points that fulfill the conditions for punching and require reinforcement
in red - for points that do not fulfill the conditions for punching despite applying reinforcement.
The critical circumference is presented graphically on the Slabs – punching layout as a green
line around columns. The range of punching reinforcement is shown graphically in a final drawing
of a slab (formwork).
The Punching tab may include additional options; it depends on the selected code of RC structure
ACI Code
Once this code is selected, in the above dialog box the Type option is also available which for
each support determines its position: within slab, on slab edge or in slab corner. The support type
is used during calculation of the admissible punching force [ACI 318-99].
EC2 Code
Once this code is selected, in the above dialog box the  option is also available. For each
support the parameter determines position of the support: within slab, on slab edge or in slab
corner. A value of this parameter is used during calculation of the punching force [ENV 1992-1-1
Once real (provided) reinforcement calculations for a plate are completed one can present
calculation results in the form of a calculation note (the Results / Calcultion note option). The
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program will display the text editor of the ROBOT Millennium system containing designed plate
data and obtained calculation and design results.
Once the Results / Drawings option is selected from the menu or the
icon is pressed the
ROBOT program will activate the FINAL DRAWINGS layout which will present a final drawing of
a calculated and designed plate. The shape of the final drawing of a plate presented on the
screen corresponds to the accepted drawing parameters (see chapter 6.2.5).
The analytical method of calculating plate and shell reinforcement area implemented in ROBOT
is based on the conception presented in the A.Capra and J-F. Maury’s article titled “Calcul
automatique du ferrailage optimal des plaques et coques en beton arme”, Annales de l’Institut
Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics, No.367, Decembre 1978.
Calculations procedure
The calculations procedure is based on the fundamental assumption that, if the reinforcement
values Ax and Ay - corresponding to two perpendicular directions ’x’ and ’y’ - are given, one may
adopt a “equivalent” reinforcement in any other ‘n’ direction, calculated from the following formula:
where:   ( x, n)
The values of sectional forces (moments and membrane forces) Mn, Nn may be obtained from the
following transformational formulas:
Thus, the below-presented inequality formulates the condition of ‘correct’ reinforcement, i.e. the
reinforcement that is able to carry the internal forces in an arbitrary section:
where the function (Mn, Nn) refers to the value of reinforcement required to carry the forces
calculated for the direction ‘n’ - Mn, Nn.
determines on the plane (Ax, Ay) the area of ‘admissible’ values of reinforcement Ax, Ay (halfplane). If such area is determined for a sufficiently “dense” set of directions ‘n’ (the program
assumes that control is performed every 10), one obtains the area of admissible values Ax, Ay.
The reinforcement adopted by the program is the minimal reinforcement (it yields the minimal
sum of surfaces Ax+Ay).
If a structure type or selection of calculation options causes reduction of internal forces, the
reinforcement is calculated based on the following:
Mn moments – plate structure or simple bending option in a shell structure
Nn membrane forces – plane stress structure or compression/ tension option in a shell
complete set of Mn, Nn forces – bending + compression/ tension option in a shell structure.
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Please take note that in calculations of unidirectional reinforcement, the analytical method is
limited to calculating the reinforcement only for the main reinforcement direction, without dividing
it into ‘n’ directions. It means that a plate is designed only for Mxx and Nxx set of forces.
The program ROBOT Millennium provides also the possibility of using the method of
determining equivalent moments devised by Wood and Armer (supplement to the European code
[ENV 1992-1-1 EC2 Design of Concrete Structures – Appendix 2, point A.2.8 Reinforcement in
Slabs]).. The detailed description of the method may be found, for instance, in R.H.Wood – “The
reinforcement of slabs in accordance with a pre-determined field of moments”, Concrete,
February 1968, August 1968 (correspondence).
Calculation procedure
When calculating reinforcement of a plate structure or activating the option of panel design for
simple bending in a shell structure, design moments are calculated according to the method by
Wood and Armer (formulas are given below).
For a selected direction ‘x’ (and the corresponding perpendicular direction ‘y’) one calculates two
types of design moments M*: the ‘lower’ ones (positive, causing mainly tension in the bottom
parts) and the ‘upper’ ones (negative, causing tension in the upper parts). The general procedure
takes the following form:
Determination of the ‘lower’ moments Mxd*, Myd*:
Mxd* = Mx + |Mxy|
Myd* = My + |Mxy|
However, if Mx < -|Mxy| (i.e. the calculated Mxd * < 0)
Mxd* = 0
Myd* = My + |Mxy2/Mx|.
Similarly, when My < -|Mxy| (i.e. the calculated Myd* < 0) (*)
Mxd* = Mx + |Mxy2/My|
Myd* = 0
If any of thus obtained moments Mxd*, Myd* is smaller than zero, one should assume the zero
value (the design moments for tension in the upper layers are determined further on in the text).
Determination of the ‘upper’ moments Mxg *, Myg*:
Mxg* = Mx - |Mxy|
Myg* = My - |Mxy|
If Mx > |Mxy| (i.e. the calculated Mxg* > 0) (*)
Mxg* = 0
Myg* = My - |Mxy /Mx|
Similarly, when My > |Mxy| (i.e. the calculated Myg* > 0)
Mxg* = Mx - |Mxy2/My|
Myg* = 0.
If any of thus obtained moments Mxg*, Myg* is bigger than zero, one should assume the zero value
(such moments would design the lower reinforcements, which is already guaranteed by the
formerly calculated ‘lower’ moments Mxd*, Myd *)
Analogously, design forces are calculated from the formulas given below for a plane stress
structure or for the activated option of panel design for compression/ tension in a shell structure.
For the selected direction ‘x’ (and the corresponding perpendicular direction’y’) one calculates two
types of design forces N*: the ‘tensile’ ones (positive, causing main tension in a section) and the
‘compressive’ ones (negative, causing section compression). The general procedure takes the
following form
Calculation of ‘tensile’ forces Nxr*, Nyr*:
Nxr* = Nx + |Nxy|
Nyr* = Ny + |Nxy|
However if Nx < -|Nxy| (i.e. calculated Nxd* < 0)
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Nxr* = 0
Nyr* = Ny + |Nxy*Nxy/Nx|.
Similarly, if N y < -|Nxy| (i.e. calculated Nyr* < 0) (*)
Nxr* = Nx + |Nxy*Nxy/Ny| (*)
Nyr* = 0 (*)
If any of thus obtained forces Nxd*, Nyd* is less than zero, one should assume the zero value
(forces designing a section by reinforcement compression are determined further on).
Calculation of ‘compressive’ forces Nxs*, Nys*:
Nxs* = Nx - |Nxy|
Nys* = Ny - |Nxy|
If Nx > |Nxy| (i.e. calculated Nxs* > 0)
Nxs* = 0 (*)
Nys* = Ny - |Nxy*Nxy/Nx| (*)
Similarly, if N y > |Nxy| (i.e. calculated Nys* > 0)
Nxs* = Nx - |Nxy*Nxy/Ny|
Nys* = 0.
If any of thus obtained forces Nxs*, Nys* is greater than zero, one should assume the zero value
(such forces design a section by reinforcement tension, which is already guaranteed by the
‘tensile’ forces Nxr*, Nyr* calculated earlier).
NEN Method
The method of design for the given equivalent moments is adopted in the Dutch code NEN 6720
(section 7.3.2).
Calculation procedure
The following algorithm is a simplification of Wood and Armer algorithm.
When calculating reinforcement of a plate structure or activating the option of panel design for
simple bending in a shell structure, design moments are calculated according to the NEN code
(formulas are given below).
Determination of the ‘lower’ moments Mxd *, Myd*:
Mxd* = Mx + |Mxy|
Myd* = My + |Mxy|
Determination of the ‘upper’ moments Mxg *, Myg*:
Mxg* = Mx - |Mxy|
Myg* = My - |Mxy|
Analogously, design forces are calculated from the formulas given below for a plane stress
structure or for the activated option of panel design for compression/ tension in a shell structure.
Calculation of ‘tensile’ forces Nxr*, Nyr*:
Nxr* = Nx + |Nxy|
Nyr* = Ny + |Nxy|
Calculation of ‘compressive’ forces Nxs*, Nys*:
Nxs* = Nx - |Nxy|
Nys* = Ny - |Nxy|
For the complex stresses (shells with the activated option of panel design for bending +
compression/ tension), with bending moments (Mxx, Mxy, Myy) and membrane forces (Nxx Nxy, Nyy)
acting simultaneously, there is no simplified algorithm devised. Since it is often the case that the
modeled shells work almost as plates (with slight membrane forces acting), therefore the
possibility to calculate moments Mxd*, Myd* according to the method presented still remains and
these design moments are superimposed with longitudinal forces Nxx, Nyy.
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Complex stresses
Simplified methods used in the ROBOT program enable speed-up of calculations if ‘pure’ flexural
state (plates, simple bending) or membrane state (plane stress structure, compression/ tension)
occurs. There is no ready simplified algorithm for a complex state (shells) which implies additional
membrane forces (Nx Nxy, Ny). It seems that the implementation of the ‘analytical’ approach is the
only admissible procedure.
However, as the modeled shells frequently work as plates (when the membrane forces are
negligible), the program still provides the possibility of selecting a simplified method of calculating
design moments on which the longitudinal forces Nx, Ny are superimposed.
It should be stressed that this solution is justified only for relatively small membrane forces and it
is the user who takes the responsibility for a particular case of implementing this procedure.
Comparison between methods
In the performed tests, the differences between the results obtained by calculating reinforcement
by means of the analytical method and the simplified ones have not exceeded 5% of
reinforcement area (the simplified methods yielded a slightly greater maximum reinforcement).
The analytical method is the most complicated, as regards the computational procedure, of the
methods of reinforcement calculation in the ROBOT program. Duration of calculations by means
of the analytical method (except calculations of plates with unidirectional reinforcement) may
considerably grow (depending on a structure, the duration grows from 100% to 500%) as
compared to Wood&Armer or NEN methods.
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In the ROBOT Millennium program, the user has at his/her disposal several bar section
databases. All data pertaining to the section geometry is stored in the standard bar section
databases. The user may make use of them by providing the name of the appropriate database.
The user may also define his/her own section database in which the most often used sections will
be stored.
Once the Tools/Section Databases option is chosen from the ROBOT menu or the
pressed – a viewer, used for the presentation of information about standard sections and
performing operations in section databases will appear on the screen as shown on the drawing
The Section Database viewer shown on the above drawing is divided into several parts:
view of the selected section cross-section on which the basic markings and section
dimensions are shown.
dialog box in which a list of basic properties values of the selected section is shown.
table in which all the section data is given.
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The table presents the following data concerning sections:
section name
basic section dimensions (dim1, dim2, dim3) - depending on the section type, one column
(dim1, and in the remaining, a zero value is entered), two columns or three columns are filled
section shape type
all available dimensions and geometric properties of the section (dimensions d_1, d_2, ...,
angle a_1, a_2 are additional geometric section parameters, while dimensions P1_L, P1_T,
P2_L, P2_T, P3_L, P3_T, P4_L, P4_T are the dimensions of a cross-shape section)
section symbol - contains a full description of section geometry, when the profile is not
The final four table columns provide the following information: thin-walled (if there appears 
symbol, it means that the section is a thin-walled one), material (if there appears  symbol, it
means that a material has been defined together with the section), material description
(contains a complete description of materials in a section), points (contains a description of
characteristic points of a section).
The section database viewer allows the user to:
present the dimensions and section properties located in the selected section database
open a new section database by selecting the File/Open Existing Database command or
selecting the Open
declare a new section database
copy sections between databases.
The ROBOT Millennium program provides also an option that allows the user to design his own
bar sections and calculate their properties. The option is available by selecting the
. The basic functions of the Section Definition module
possibility of a graphic definition of the bar cross-section
calculation of its geometric and weighted values (area, moments of inertia, center of gravity,
saving the section to the user’s database along with calculated values.
The details of section definition are presented in 3.19.
Once a section is defined one can save the section to a section database (into user’s database).
The option is available in the SECTION DEFINITION layout:
from the menu, by selecting the following command: File/Save to databases
from the toolbar, by pressing the
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After selecting this option, the dialog box shown in the figure below appears on the screen.
To save a section to a database one should:
determine a name: maximum four letters (NOTE: Using numbers is not permitted)
define dimensions describing a section (real numbers determining information about a
= in case when one dimension is given it should be determined in the following way:
Dimension 1
= in case when two dimensions are defined it should be determined in the following way:
Dimension 1 and Dimension 3.
The Section type option allows definition of the section nature/type: it is used during structure
design. The units given in the lower part of the dialog box concern section type (they are specified
in the current units of section dimensions).
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Completing technical documentation of projects is a very important stage in the design process.
Therefore the ROBOT Millennium system provides a variety of possibilities for printout
composition to meet the needs of the user.
Calculation Notes
A wide range of calculation notes generated according to predefined templates has been
introduced in the ROBOT Millennium system. Such notes are created after installation, structure
calculation and structural member design. Such notes contain all the data entered by the user
and especially in the case of notes after the structure design and calculation results (internal force
values, reinforcement components for R/C structure design, connection parameters for
connection verification, etc.).
Printout parameters are to be set in the Page Setup dialog box (see chapter 8.3).
Printout Composition
Printing from any viewer is possible after selecting the File / Print option. Once this option is
selected, only the active graphic viewer contents will be printed.
A novelty in the ROBOT Millennium system is the possibility of printout composition according to
user needs. Once the File / Printout Selection option or the respective icon
dialog box shown below will be displayed on the screen.
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Below are described the major options available in the Printout Composition dialog box:
 saving in an *.sxw format and opening a file in program
saving in a *.doc format and opening a file in MS Word © program
saving in a *.html format and running a browser
inserting documents from other programs in *.rtf format
excluding individual pages from printing (it is used to modify a printout without the need to
remove a printout component from the composition)
steering the printing of individual pages
ascribing different page setup templates to successive printout elements
repeating table headers, if the table is split over many pages – optional
including pages excluded from printing in the numbering and table of contents – optional.
The above dialog box allows for composing a printout of all previously created objects. The
printout composition is complex since the entire user-defined set will be printed as opposed to
single table contents or one graphic viewer.
The above dialog box contains four tabs:
Standard - standard template with basic data on a given structure (structure view, information
on nodes, bars, sections and loads), calculation results obtained during structure analysis
(reactions, displacements, internal forces, stresses and the eigenvalues for the dynamic
analysis) as well as information concerning design/verification of steel structure elements
(bars and connections)
Screen Captures - field in which the viewer screen captures are placed. The screen capture
option can be run by selecting the File / Screen Capture command from the menu or by
pressing the
icon. Once it is selected, the small dialog box shown below will be displayed
on the screen. Pressing the OK button results in saving the viewer contents under a given
name to the left panel (Screen Capture tab).
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Table content can be “captured” any time, except for the case when the Edit tab
is selected.
In the Screen capture update field there are two options available:
 View updated upon printing – if this option is selected, then a screen capture will be
updated in the documentation after modifications in the structure model; such a view is
generated each time before printing or previewing it and includes the current geometry,
data and results of the project
 Current view (JPG) - if this option is selected, then a screen capture will be only a drawing
(in a *.jpg format) inserted into the documentation, without being updated after
modifications in the structure model; such a view includes data and results, e.g. diagrams
and maps, saved at the moment of saving the screen capture; if a structure model has
been modified, the view may be out of date (the advantage of a screen capture as a
drawing in a JPG format is that it is saved once and is not generated again at the moment
of printing or previewing it, which is of importance when analyzing results of large
The Whole structure option in the Screen capture update field determines whether a screen
capture of the whole structure’s view should be updated with bars, panels or objects added
later on. In the case of screen captures showing a certain selection of objects, it is always
preserved in a screen-captured view.
If the Whole structure option is turned on, then in the documentation prepared using the
Printout Composition option, the screen capture including the whole structure will be
automatically updated with all elements.
If the Whole structure option is turned off, new elements will not be included in a structure
view. It should be stressed here that a printout being prepared is updated with modifications
in geometry as regards the elements saved in a view (e.g. deletion of elements).
Templates - allows composition configuration, including change of standard set configuration.
Simplified printout - the tab allows one to compose simplified printout covering data and
calculation results.
The lower part of the dialog box contains the following buttons:
Page setup
opens the Page setup dialog box
presents the composed printout
starts printing the composed printout
saves the components of the composed printout
saves the calculation note in *.htm format and runs the browser
saves file in a *.doc format and runs the calculation note in MS Word ©
program (NOTE: the MS Word © program must be installed on disk); if
while saving the file the MS Visual Basic warning appears with the
information that macros are disabled, select the option Tools / Macro /
Security from the menu of the MS Word © program, and then change the
Security level to lower (however, if the Medium security level is
activated, the MS Word © program displays the dialog box informing
about the presence of macros in a document and the user should every
time agree to enable these macros)
saves a file in an *.sxw format and runs a calculation note in the program (NOTE: the program must be
installed on disk)
closes the Printout composition dialog box.
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If the Preview button is pressed, there will appear the preview of the currently composed printout.
Two of the options contained in the printout preview menu are worth being discussed in detail, as
they may turn out very useful during the preparation of the documentation for a designed
structure. Once the preview is activated, the mouse cursor is in the zoom in/out mode
(symbolized with
). If one presses the
button located in the menu, the cursor mode will
change to selection and edition. When the cursor is in this mode, double-clicking an object in the
print preview results in opening the viewer that allows the user to edit the view of the structure or
a table. If the user modifies the view of the structure (e.g. adds a new bar to the structure) or of
the table (e.g. adds a new column to the table) and presses the Return to preview button, the
changes introduced in the view of the structure or table will be automatically included in printout
composition (visualized in print preview). Returning to the zoom in/out mode is carried out by
pressing the
button in the menu of print preview.
The Full/Simplified buttons are located at the end of menu. They allow one to select the mode of
the printout composition component preview. Choosing the simplified mode results in quick
printout preview opening. Simplified preview presents only placing of printout components on
pages (in tables the structure analysis results may not be presented). Printout preview will always
be opened in the mode selected by a user on the toolbar shown in the figure above.
Standard Tab
The Standard tab of the Printout Composition dialog box has been divided into two panels: left
and right. The left panel presents particular objects selected for printing (the contents of which
depend on the chosen tab), whereas the right one is used to compose a complete printout that
may contain all the objects specified in the left panel. To prepare the printout composition move
objects from the left panel to the right one using two buttons: All and Add. Once the All button is
pressed, all the objects from the left panel are transferred to the right one whereas just pressing
the Add button moves only the highlighted object from the left panel. Below the Add and All
buttons, the user finds the Standard button. If the user composes a printout that fits his needs
and he would like to make the composition a standard one, he should press the Standard button.
All the printout components contained in the right panel will be transferred to the left panel of the
Standard tab.
In the middle part of the dialog box the Insert from file button is located. If pressed, it enables
loading any file into the composed printout. *.rtf format files can be loaded too.
If the user defines his standard printout components (i.e. moves the elements
from the right panel to the left panel on the Standard tab by pressing the
Standard button), the new standard arrangement will overwrite the one provided
by the producer together with the program. It will become impossible to
restore the previous standard.
There is a small toolbar over the right panel. It consists of several icons that allow one to:
delete from the right panel all the printout elements, hitherto composed by the user
delete from the right panel selected printout elements, hitherto composed by the user
moving a selected element up in the composed printout
moving a selected element down in the composed printout
includes a selected element in the list of elements to be printed; the printout status of a
given element from the list is shown at the end of the printout element line: if there is no
symbol, it means that the element is switched on for printing, whereas
symbol indicates
that it is excluded from printing; by default, new printout elements are added as switched on
for printing
excludes a selected element from the list of elements to be printed; the printout status of
a given element from the list is shown at the end of the printout element line: if there is no
symbol, it means that the element is switched on for printing, whereas
symbol indicates
that it is excluded from printing.
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Another application of this option enables discontinuous printout numbering; to do this the
user should define printout elements (e.g. blank pages) and next, exclude them from printing
with the option Include not-printed pages in the numbering and table of contents switched
on in the Page Setup dialog box (the Page tab).
activate the preview of the selected composed-printout elements (if no element is selected
in the right panel, the preview will be activated for the entire composed printout)
opening preview of selected printout composition components in the simplified or full mode.
Choosing the simplified mode results in quicker printout preview opening (NOTE: simplified
preview presents only placing of printout components on pages – e.g. in tables the structure
analysis results may not be presented)
activate printing of the selected composed-printout elements (if no element is selected in the
right panel, the printing will be activated for the entire composed printout)
Once the Insert Page Break option is selected (marked by
), an object added to the
right panel will begin on a new page. The command from the context menu (displayed below) can
also be used to insert the page break. To do so, click the right mouse-button while the cursor is in
the right panel.
Moreover, the presented context menu contains several other options that allow one to:
Insert blank page -
adds to composed printout a blank page before a selected (highlighted)
object contained in the right-hand panel.
Note before -
runs the text editor of the ROBOT Millennium system, which allows one to
add texts to appear before an object selected (highlighted) from the right
panel, i.e. contained in the composed printout
Title -
runs the text editor of the ROBOT Millennium system, which allows one to
add texts to appear as the title of an object selected (highlighted) from the
right panel, i.e. contained in the composed printout
Repeat title -
if a long table is presented on several pages, it is helpful to repeat the table
header on every page; after activating the option, the table title is inserted on
every new page on which the table is presented; the option is switched off by
runs the text editor of the ROBOT Millennium system, which allows one to
add texts to appear after an object selected (highlighted) from the right
panel, i.e. contained in the composed printout
Note after -
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Page template
ascribing page templates saved in the Page Setup dialog box to successive
printout elements; after selecting a template name in the context menu, this
name is put before a printout element (elements) that are to be printed using
this template; for example (see the drawing below), in the printout the load
data will be printed using the ‘template’ template, while values of snow/wind
loads - on a template called ‘new template’.
By default, there is the printout template ‘with no name’ accessible in the
ROBOT program; this template should be applied if user templates have not
been defined.
Screen Captures Tab
The Screen captures tab of the Printout Composition dialog box has been divided into two
panels: left and right. The left panel presents the names of the screens captured by the user. The
screen capture can be made after selecting the File / Screen capture command from the menu or
after pressing the
It is also possible to “capture” the contents of a table, except when the Edition tab
is selected in the table.
The right panel contains the complete printout composed by the user from the object available on
the left panel. It is possible to add defined screen captures to the printout by clicking the All and
Add buttons. Pressing the All button results in transferring all the elements from the left panel to
the right one, whereas pressing the Add button results in adding to the printout only the screen
capture that is selected (highlighted) in the left panel.
There is a small toolbar over the right panel. They were described in the former chapter.
In the middle part of the dialog box the Insert from file button is located. If pressed, it enables
loading any file into the composed printout. *.rtf format files can be loaded too.
Templates Tab
The Templates tab in the Printout Composition dialog box is divided into two panels. The left
one contains the templates of entire printouts provided with the program. The templates contain
structure views/drawings, appropriately arranged data/results tables. Some templates have the
node/bar selection activated. The predefined templates are presented in the left panel in blue.
They cannot be removed, although the user can overwrite them. If the user creates a template
and ascribes it an already existing name (the name will change the color to black - the color of
user-defined templates), an then deletes the template, the name will not be deleted (color will
change back to blue) and the predefined contents of the template will be restored.
The middle part of the dialog box contains the following buttons:
New - once this button is pressed, a new line in the Available templates field will be added
and a new template name can be entered there. Once an appropriate name is inserted and
Enter is pressed, the all the component contained in the right panel of the dialog box will be
saved to the template.
Open - once this button is pressed, components defined in the selected template will be
transferred to the right-hand panel of dialog box.
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Save - once this button is pressed, all the components contained in the right-hand panel will
be saved to the template of the defined name.
In the middle part of the dialog box the Insert from file button is located. If pressed, it enables
loading any file into the composed printout. *.rtf format files can be loaded too.
When a template is being opened (after the Open button is pressed), a small dialog box presented below - will appear on screen. If Standard Font of Component Titles option is inactive
(this is the default setting), the font of the titles of particular printout components will be identical
with the one of the opened template. If the option is active, the titles will be presented with the
font defined by the user in the Preferences dialog box. If the Replace existing components option
is switched on (this is a default setting), then elements of a selected template will be placed in a
printout, while printout elements exisiting so far, will be deleted. If this option is switched off, then
elements of a selected template will be added at the end of the existing printout.
Simplified Printout Tab
Once the Simplified printout tab is selected, the Printout composition dialog box takes the form
presented on the figure below.
To create a template of simplified printout, the user should:
select the quantities that should be contained in the composed printout
filter nodes, bars, cases or modes for which the printout will be created
activate sorting, if necessary
press the Save template button, which will result in activating Templates tab of the Printout
composition dialog box and locating the selected elements of simplified printout in the right
panel. The user-defined template of simplified printout may be saved.
Below, one finds a presentation of successive stages of composing simplified printout.
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The left part of the dialog box contains the elements and quantities that may be included in the
printout. Here one finds: structure view (adding a screen capture of a structure in 3D projection
with sections displayed), calculation note (adding a simplified calculation note accessible from the
menu: Analysis / Calculation Report/ Simplified Note), section properties (adding a calculation
note with exact section properties), properties (adding the Properties table with all its tabs),
nodes, bars, quantity survey, loads, combinations, reactions, displacements, forces and stresses.
The following three types of table printout are possible for reactions, displacements, forces and
stresses: for the Values tab, for the Envelope tab and for the Global extremes tab. Additionally,
there are the following two options in the right part of the dialog box:
project properties – switching on the option (see the description below) means that the note
contents as specified in data determined in the File / Project Properties – Note option will be
added to a printout; pressing the (...) button located to the right of the option opens the
Project Properties dialog box
code combinations - switching on the option (see the description below) means that the note
contents as specified in data determined in the Loads / Code Combinations – Printout option
will be added to a printout; pressing the (...) button located to the right of the option opens the
Code Combinations dialog box.
On the left of each of the above-mentioned options, one finds a selection field which informs
whether the option is to be included in the simplified printout or not. The field may assume one of
the following values:
The element / quantity will not be included in the simplified printout
the element / quantity will not be included in the simplified printout for complete
the element / quantity will not be included in the simplified printout with the userdefined selection of nodes, bars, cases or modes.
If the third possibility is selected, the radio buttons
located on the right of the above mentioned
options will become useful. They may be included in the simplified printout. If an element or
quality is included in the simplified printout with the user-defined filtering, the appropriate button is
activated and the relevant edit fields are available for the user to define lists of nodes, bars, cases
or modes.
There are two ways to filter nodes, bars, cases or modes for which the printout is to be
inserting numbers of nodes, bars, cases or vibration modes in the relevant edit field
pressing the appropriate
button, which results in opening the Selection dialog box.
If the Sorting option is active, all the tables available for simplified printout will be sorted according
to the user-defined criterion. The present version provides the possibility of sorting only according
to the defined groups of nodes and bars.
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Page Setup
Once the File/Page Setup command is selected or the Page Setup button in the Printout
Composition - Wizard dialog box is pressed, the dialog box shown below will be displayed on
the screen. It allows you to define parameters for the page setup.
At the bottom of the dialog box there is the Select template option. The selection list contains
page templates defined hitherto; selection of a template causes setting page parameters
identically as in the selected file. The defined templates are also included in the context menu in
the Printout Composition dialog box.
By pressing the Save button the page setup is saved to a file named as specified in the Select
template field. Pressing the Delete button deletes the template currently selected from the list of
available templates.
The dialog box contains four tabs: Page, Margins, Header/footer and Parameters:
Page tab used for definition of paper size (A4, Letter, etc.), orientation (portrait, landscape)
and the current page number.
The bottom part of the dialog box, on the Page tab, contains the option Include not-printed pages
in the numbering and table of contents. If the option allowing exclusion of an element from the
printout composition (the Printout Composition dialog box) is used, such pages will be included
in the numbering after activating the option Include not-printed pages in the numbering and table
of contents. If the option is on, titles of the elements excluded from printing will be considered in
the table of contents. The option is switched off by default.
Margins tab Headers tab -
as in each text editor, used for definition of margins: top, bottom, left, right, gutter
and margins from the edge to the footer and the header.
used to specify whether title pages, headers, footers and tables of contents are to
be displayed. A few header and footer presentation options can be chosen here:
none, frame and separation lines. However, the ROBOT Millennium system
provides standard headers and footers which can be modified once the
appropriate Edit button is pressed for header, footer, or title page.
Apart from the Edit buttons, there are also Restore buttons beside the following options: Title
page, Header, Footer and Table of contents. Pressing these buttons results in restoring the
default values in the files defining the printout title page, header, footer and table of contents,
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respectively. The Restore button located in the Frame field restores the default settings of
printout frames.
The user may save the values of the parameters he adjusted on the Header tab, in order to use
his personal header settings. It is done by means of the Select Template option, where one can
choose a file containing user-defined settings of parameters available on the Header tab. Saving
modified parameter settings is carried out by writing a name in the Select Template field, followed
by pressing the Save button. It is also possible to remove a template from the list by selecting it
and pressing the Delete button.
Parameters tab - contains all variables defined in the system, accompanied by their names.
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Conversion of Loads to Masses
Introductory remarks:
Loads, in great majority, originate from the gravity (masses). Thus dynamic calculation needs
these masses to be taken into account. To enable the user an easy conversion of static loads
(gravity loads) into masses the special command „MASses ACTive” was applied into text file
This will allow the users to define load only once for the purpose of static analysis and then to use
them to create mass distribution over the computational model of the structure to perform any
dynamic analysis.
Command needs two elements to successful conversion. The first is the set of directions in which
masses are be active. Usually all global directions (X, Y, Z) are used, because only in specific
calculations inertia acts not on all of them. The second is the inertia magnitude. This is defined by
the static load case number, and the direction of the loads, which are be taken into account
during conversion. Additionally, an extra coefficient may be given to multiply the load value.
The character of the load is automatically transformed into the masses: concentrated forces are
transformed into concentrated masses, moments - into rotational inertia, distributed forces - into
continuous masses.
ANA [ DYN | MOD | TRAN | HAR | SEIsmic | SPEctral ].,( concerns all the dynamic analysis
CASe (#<number> <name>)
MASess ACTive [X/Y/Z]
[X|Y|Z ] (MINus|PLus) <case_list> COEfficient=<c>
The above syntax has been introduced into the text file only (is erased from the
data file after its successive saving within the program).
General principles:
Let  = (x) be a function of the mass density distribution within given element while N(x) be the
nodal interpolating function matrix (shape function matrix). As a base of further treatment
consistent mass matrix of an element will be created according to the following general formula
(1.1) :
Me 
x x ActDir N x d e
 1 0 0 
0,when i  the global direction
ActDir   0  2 0  i  
 1,when i  the global direction
 0 0  3 
is inactive
is active
The global direction activity flags are set by MASess ACTive [X/Y/Z], i.e. any direction is active if
specified. This is the consequence of general ROBOT style of the mass treatment, where some
components of inertia forces may be neglected during the analysis.
Mass matrix will be created from all the loads belonging to all load cases specified in <case_list>
acting on current element/node according to the following rules:
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Each load record from specified case is converted to the mass separately and independently from
other loads and masses. Only simple load cases (no combinations !) may appear on the list (but
in one dynamic case the list of static cases may be given to be converted into masses).
Total mass matrix is created as a sum of mass matrices from all above load components and
from predefined mass due to dead weight of the structure and/or specified element masses. Thus
also part of a mass matrix originated from loads will be submitted to diagonalization and/or
negligence of rotational inertia part if specified by CON|LUM, ROT setting.
The value of the density function in given point is created as the value of the projection of the
current force vector f on the vector  of uniquely and obligatorily specified global direction
 1, 0, 0if X
[ X | Y | Z ]{MOins | PLus)  v T  0,  1, 0if Y
 0, 0,  1if Z
̂ x   vT  f x 
Only positive values are taken into account in each integration point, thus
 x   max0, ˆ x * c
Above rules are intended to allow an easy selection of loads originated from
gravity. As nothing like default gravity direction exists, signed direction
specification must be done by the user.
All directions used to define load to mass conversion must be acceptable for current general
structure type, thus PLAte accepts only Z direction, for other plane types only X and Y will be
accepted. Incompatible direction specifications will be ignored or error will be reported. 3D
structural types accepts all global directions.
Consider a beam, loaded centrally by the gravity load Fy= -120 kN. Let the static case shown
below has a number 3. To calculate free vibration modes of this structure in the case number 10,
taking into account this mass (Fx=Fy= 12 232 kg) one can use the following command:
CAS #10 modal
MASses ACTive X Y
Y MINus 3
Details of conversion for different load types
Loads acting on beam elements
uniform element load
[Px=<px.>/Py=<py>/Pz=<pz>] (LOCal/GLObal) (PROjected) ([R=<r>])([R=<r>])
The load density vector is transformed to global directions as specified by setting :
(LOCal/GLObal) (PROjected) ([R=<r>]), taking into account (PROjected) flag as for load
treatment, then uniform mass distribution is set according to (1.2) (1.3)
dead load
Dead load is converted to mass equivalently to the uniform element load
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This operation should be used with caution, as mass originated from dead load of
the structure is taken into dynamic calculations automatically (if only material
density is greater than 0).
variable element load
(X=<x1>)[ P=<p1>] ((JUSque)(X =<x2>)[P=<p2>] ) (R=<r>) (LOCal/GLObal) (RELative)
load is transformed to global directions as specified by setting :
(LOCal/GLObal) (PROjected) ([R=<r>])
then uniform mass distribution is set according to (1.2)(1.3)
Rule (3) implicate the following treatment of variable sign load, for each load
record (component) separately (not for the total load being the sum of all loads
acting on given element), as shown in Fig.1.1.
- ignored
+ valid
concentrated element force
[X=<x>] [F=<f>](R=<r>) (Local)(RELative)
The total mass m concentrated in a point x0 is evaluated from global representation of force
vector f as follows:
m = max( 0, T f ) * | c |
Consistent mass matrix is then evaluated, as if mass distribution would be represented by Dirac’s
delta function leading to:
Me = NT (x0) m [ ActDir ] N(x0)
concentrated element moment
[X=<x>] [F=<fc>] (R=<r>) (LOCal)(RELative)
As mass direction specification does not concern directions of rotational inertia, thus separate
rule should be established to perform the conversion between concentrated element moment and
rotational inertia of a certain body attached to the element.
Vector style transformation of <fc> is performed according to (R=<r>) (LOCal) settings to obtain a
vector I referred to element local co-ordinate system. To omit necessity of inconsistent vector
style transformation (while tensorial one should be used), load should be given as LOCal and no
R=<r>, otherwise the warning will be issued.
There is assumed that element local co-ordinates coincide with principal axis of inertia of the
body, thus IT = [ IXLoc , IYLoc , IZLoc ] represent principal inertia moments in element local coordinates. From this results the following modeling limitation:
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Correct situation
Incorrect situation, modeling impossible
distributed element moment
[M=<m>] (LOCal)
In this definition, <m> is a vector, which, after vectorial style transformation to element local coordinate system, represents densities of rotational inertia referred to element local axis per
element length.
All notions as for concentrated element moment, (see Fig. 1.2), holds.
Loads acting on surface elements
uniform element load
Load density vector is evaluated, then transformed to mass density according to (1.2)(1.3)
dead load
Dead load is converted to equivalent uniform load and further treatment as above.
This operation should be used with caution, as mass originated from dead load of
the structure is taken into dynamic calculations automatically (if only material
density is greater than 0).
variable element load
[P=<p1>] AU <n1>( [P=<p2>AU<n2> ([P=<p3> AU<n3>))
In each integration point load density is evaluated, then transformed to mass density according to
(1.2)(1.3), see Fig. (1.1). Enhanced integration rules are used with
NGAUS= 3x3 for Q8,
for T6,
= 2x2 for Q4
for T3
variable load inside a contour
[P=<p1>] AU <n1>( [P=<p2>AU<n2> ([P=<p3> AU<n3>)) PROjected DIRection <v> _
CONtour <l_node>
In each integration point load density is evaluated, then transformed to mass density according to
(1.2)(1.3), see Fig.(1.1). In the case when not whole area of the element belongs to the contour,
fully automatic integration over the up to 100x100 point mesh is performed within element, to
reach required accuracy of integration. Thus using this option may sometimes slow down the
mass matrix evaluation process.
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variable load along the line
<n1>[P=<p1>] Jusque <n2> (P=<p2>) ( [LOCal (GAMma=<gamma>)] )
Only translational force may be converted to element mass distributed along the line.
3-point Gauss type integration rule is used on each in segment of the line crossing the element.
In each integration, load density vector is transformed to global co-ordinate system, then treated
according to (1.2)(1.3) to evaluate mass distribution along the line.
concentrated load on auxiliary point
NODe (auxiliary)
F=<f> ( [R=<r>] )
Only translational force may be converted to element mass ( for beam elements moment rotational inertia conversion was allowed, here is prohibited). Force vector <f> is transformed if
necessary to global co-ordinate system and then treated according to (1.2),(1.3) to evaluate the
mass value attached to the point within the element, then the mass matrix is evaluated using
(1.5). The element to which mass will be attached is searched automatically.
Nodal loads
concentrated force
F=<f> ( [R=<r>] )
Force vector <f> treated according to (1.2), (1.3) to evaluate the nodal mass value.
concentrated moment
F=<c> ( [R=<r>] )
As mass direction specification does not concern directions of rotational inertia, thus separate
rule should be established to perform the conversion between concentrated nodal moment and
rotational inertia of a certain body attached to the node.
Vector style transformation of <fc> is performed according to (R=<r>) setting to obtain a vector I
referred to global co-ordinate system. To omit necessity of inconsistent vector style
transformation (while tensorial one should be used), no LOCal should be given as and no R=<r>,
otherwise the warning will be issued.
There is assumed that global co-ordinates coincide with principal axis of inertia of the body, thus
I T  I XLoc , I YLoc , I ZLoc  represent principal inertia moments in global local co-ordinates.
This rule is different than those used in case of concentrated mass attached to
beam element.
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Bar Elements (Non-linear Analysis in the ROBOT Program)
Designations adopted:
E - Young’s modulus
G - shear modulus
 - Poisson’s ratio
fd - limit of elasticity
Ax - cross section area
Ix - torsional constant
Iy - moment of inertia - bending in XZ plane
Iz - moment of inertia - bending in YZ plane
ky, kz - correction coefficients for shear rigidity in Y and Z directions
L - bar length.
1. Preliminary remarks and assumptions
The following assumptions have been adopted for bar (beam) elements:
Uniform formulation for 2D and 3D (2D & 3D frames, grillages)
Uniform element allowing for material and/or geometrical non-linearity
Standard displacement degrees of freedom at 2 extreme nodes
d  {u, φ}  [u x , u y , u z ,  x ,  y ,  z ]T
Use of the following is allowed:
- shear deformation included (Timoshenko’s model)
- tapered cross section - only for geometrical non-linearity.
- Winkler’s ground
There are 2 levels of geometrical non-linearity available:
(second order theory)
the most accurate theory possible - large displacements and rotations
(incremental approach with geometry update - Updated Lagrange Description)
Assuming small displacements and absence of physical non-linearity, for the limit, the results are
identical as for standard linear elements
In the material non-linearity analysis the layered model and the constitutive stress-strain principle
for the uni-axial stress-strain on the point (layer) level are applied
Shear and torsion states are treated as linearly elastic and have to be uncoupled from axial
forces and bending moments on the cross section level
Non-linear releases and hinges may be defined only as DSC elements
All types of element loads are allowable (identically as for standard elements). However, it is
assumed that nodal forces acting on a structure are determined at the beginning of the process
(i.e., the changes in the transfer of element loads onto nodes resulting from geometrical or
material non-linearity are ignored)
Apart from the elasto-plastic element, it is also possible to generate elasto-plastic hinges in
selected bar cross sections as an extension of the “non-linear hinges” option (see point 5)
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2. Geometry, kinematics and strain approximation
Geometry, sign convention for forces, displacements, stresses and strains
Basic kinematic relationships
In the element local system, in the geometrically linear range, the generalized strains E on the
cross section level are as follows (symbol (), x indicates calculation of differential along the
direction of the bar axis):
Ε  { ox ,  y ,  z ,  y ,  z , }T
Axial strain in the bar axis:
 ox  u, x
 y  y ,x
Average angles (strain):
 z   z , x
 y  v, x  z ,
 z  w, x  y
Unit torsion angle:
  x , x
Displacement approximation
In view of the possibility to consider shear influence and consistence of results obtained for the
linear element, so-called physical shape functions considering shear influence have been
2D bars:
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 h1
 h1
 0
u( x)  Nu,
h6 
h6 
h10 
h10 
Shape functions and their derivatives are expressed by the formulas:
hi , x
1/ L
1/ L
[6  6 2 ]
L(1  2 )
[6  12 ]
L (1  2 )
[2(2   )  6 ]
L(1  2 )
[6  12 ]
L (1  2 )
[2(1   )  6 ]
L(1  2 )
[2  6  6 2 ]
L(1  2 )
[(1  2 )  2(2   )  3 2 ]
1  2
[6  6 2 ]
L(1  2 )
[2(1   )  3 2 ]
(1  2 )
[(1  2 )]
(1  2 )
[(1   )  (2   ) 2   3 ]
[(1   )  2(2   )  3 2 ]
(1  2 )
(1  2 )
[2  3 2  2 3 ]
[2  6  6 2 ]
(1  2 )
L(1  2 )
[  (1   ) 2   3 ]
[  2(1   )  3 2 ]
(1  2 )
(1  2 )
 6 EI z
6EI y 
 
 k y GAL k z GAL 
for planes XY and XZ, respectively.
Kinematic relationships for the matrix notation (the geometrically linear theory)
In general, when considering the influence of imposed strains
Eo  { o ,  y ,  z }
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Increment of generalized (sectional) strains:
E  B L u Loc  Εo
u Loc  Tu Glo ,
T - global local transformation matrix
 ox  h1 , x
h2 , x
0 
ε   z  0  h3 , x  h4 , x 0  h5 , x  h6 , x    1 
    0 h  h , h  h , 0 h  h , h  h ,  u2 
7 x 4
8 x
9 x 6
10 x 
 y 
 ox 
 y 
 
E z
 y 
z 
  
h1 , x
 0
h3 , x
 0 h ,
3 x
7 x
h3  h7 , x
 0
 0
h4 , x
 h4 , x
h4  h8 , x
0 h4  h8 , x
h1 , x
h2 , x
h5 , x
0  h5 , x
0 h5  h9 , x
h5  h9 , x
h6 , x
 h6 , x  u1 
h6  h10 , x  u 2 
0 h6  h10 , x
h2 , x
2 D : {u x1 , u y1 ,  z1 , u x 2 , u y 2 ,  z 2 }T
u  {u1 , u 2 }  
3D : {u x1 , u y1 , u z1 ,  x1 ,  y1 ,  z1 , u x 2 , u y 2 , u z 2 ,  x 2 ,  y 2 ,  z 2 }
Strains at a point (layer)
Given the generalized strains  ox ,  y ,  z of a cross section, the  xl strain or its increment
 xl at any point of the cross section “l” - of the coordinates yl, zl, is calculated as
 xl   ox   y z l   z yl
 xl  vTl E; v  {1, zl , yl }T
finally, strain increment in the layer:
 xl  v Tl (E  E o )  v Tl (Bu  E o )
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3. Stresses and internal forces within an element
The constitutive principle on the point level
It is adopted in the general incremental form, where current stresses  xn 1 are defined as a
function of stress for the last equilibrium  xn and current strain increment with imposed (thermal)
strains considered,
 xln 1  F ( xln 1 ,   xl )
based on the function  = f() which describes the relationship in the process of active loading
and on the specification of the principle of unloading and reloading. In particular, it may be the
elasto-plastic principle with linear hardening and the specified principle of unloading, i.e. (a)
elastic, (b) plastic, (c) damage, (d) mixed. For elastic unloading the passive and active process is
performed along the same path  = f(). For the remaining ones, it is performed along the straight
line determined by the beginning point of a given unloading process { UNL ,  UNL } and the
unloading module DUNL defined as
(b) : DUNL _ P  E; (c) : DUNL _ D 
; (d ) : DUNL _ M  (1  a) DUNL _ P  aDUNL _ D .
 n  en
e n is a remembered strain, for which the current active process has started, commenced after
exceeding 0 by stresses with the unloading ( e  0 ) assumed.
For the analysis it is necessary to provide the current stiffness assumed to be a derivative
Dx 
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Calculation of forces and cross section stiffness values
On the cross-section level, the vector of internal forces (stress resultants) is composed of:
(2 D) : Σ  {N x , M z , Q y }T
(3D) : Σ  {N x , M y , M z , Q y , Qz , M x }T
States of shear and torsion  ST are treated as linearly elastic and not conjugated with the state of
axial /bending forces on the cross section level.
Qyn 1  Qyn  k y GA   y
Qzn 1  Qzn  k z GA   z
M xn1  M xn  GI x  
Compression/tension states  NM are generally treated as conjugate when applying the layered
approach. However, as long as the elastic state is guaranteed, i.e. until the current generalized
strains fulfil the following elastic state condition:
 ox
 ox ELA
 1,
 ox ELA  min( f dl / El );  Y ELA  min( f dl /( El z l ));  Z ELA  min( f dl /( El y l )) ,
the cross section is treated as elastic and the layered approach is not activated.
N xn1  N xn  EA   o
M yn1  M yn  EI y   y
M zn1  M zn  EI z   z
Once violation of the elastic state condition is asserted, stresses induced by axial strains and
bending are calculated separately for each layer and on their basis sectional quantities are
N xn1 
 xln1 Al
l 1
n 1
l 1
n 1
Al z l
M zn1 
 xln 1 Al yl
l 1
  NM
 N  Nlayer
 M y    v l  l Al
  l 1
M z 
Stiffness on the level of D cross section is calculated as follows:
in the elastic state as:
D = diag {EA, EIy, EIz, KyGA, kzGA, GIx)
After exceeding the elastic state condition as:
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0 
D   NM
 0 D ST 
D NM 
l 1
Dl Al v l  v l 
l 1
 1 z l yl 
Dl Al  z l z l2 y l z l 
2 
 yl y l z l yl 
D ST  diag{k y GA, k z GA, GI x }
Nodal force vector and element stiffness matrix
They are calculated by means of the standard formulas applying Gauss quadrature (Ngauss=3).
f   B T Σdx 
( xiG )Σ iGWiG dJ iG
iG 1
K   B T DBdx 
( xiG )D iG B( xiG )WiG dJ iG
iG 1
4. Geometrical non-linearity
The following configurations are taken into consideration:
- initial configuration
- reference configuration (the last one
for which equilibrium conditions are satisfied)
B n1 - current configuration (iterated)
An entry point for the element formulation is the virtual work principle saved in the following form
for displacement increments:
 ij dV   Cijkl  kl  ij dV  F n 1    ij neij dV , u
n 1
where:  strain increment while moving B to B , e,  constitute its parts - correspondingly:
linear and non-linear with respect to the displacement increment u, whereas  is a stress
referring to the reference configuration and Cijkl is a tensor of tangential elasticity modules.
The Non-linearity option
It corresponds to the non-linear formulation, i.e., to the second order theory. Since material nonlinearity is possible, the incremental formulation is being introduced, however, without
modification of element geometry.
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Kinematic relations
Strain increments in the matrix notation:
E  e  η  Βu Loc  1 / 2g T H N g
g  {u, x ; v, x ; w, x ; x , x ;  y , x ;  z , x }T then the displacement increment gradient g = u
Γ  N, x
0 0 0
whereas H N  0 1 0; ( 2D);
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 (3D)
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
is a selection matrix.
Nodal force vector and element stiffness matrix
K Loc  K L  K 
f n1  f n 1 ext   B T Σ n 1 dx K  n1u n1  f n 1ext  f n1 int L  f n 1int NL
K L   B T DBdx
K s   ΓT ( NH N )Γdx
Algorithm on the element level
The element geometry is not modified, the local-global transformation is performed with the use
of initial transformation matrix T
u Loc  0 Tu Glo ,
E  Βu Loc  1 / 2g T Hg  E 0 calculation of generalized strains
Σ n1  Σ n 1 (Σ n , E calculation of stresses (internal forces)
K   K  (Σ n 1 ) stress rigidity matrix
f n1 Loc  f n 1 ext  f n 1int L  f n 1int NL
f Glo  0 TT f Loc
K Loc  K L  K 
K Glo  0 TT K Loc 0 T
P-DELTA option
It is a certain variant of bar description allowing for large displacements. The approach of the
updated Lagrange description is applied here.
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Nodal force vector and element stiffness matrix
K Loc  K L  K 
f n1  f n 1ext   B T Σ n1 dx  f n 1ext  f n1int
K L   B T DBdx
K s   ΓT (Σ
n 1
M y
Σ  M z
 0
 0
 0
 N M y 0
Σ   M y N 0 (2 D),
 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Algorithm on the element level
Modification of the element geometry, local-global transformation performed using the current
transformation matrices T,
n 1
u Loc  Tu Glo ,
E  (Β  Β NL )u Loc  E 0 calculation of generalized strains
Σ n1  Σ n 1 (Σ n , E ,
K   K  (Σ n 1 ) ,
calculation of stresses (internal forces) according to point 3
stress rigidity matrix for current stresses
f n1 Loc  f n 1ext  f n 1int
geometry modification
n 1
updated element length
L  n L  u x Loc
 ,  , 
Euler’s angles defined identically as for the element of the coordinates
{0,0,0, L, v, w} ,   ( x1   x1 ) / 2
T  T( ,  ,  );
transformation matrix for the angles  ,  , 
n 1
T  T  T
fGlo n1TT f Loc
Transformation to the global system
K Loc  K L  K 
K Glo  n1 T T K Loc n1 T
Once the equilibrium is achieved on a given increment step the stored data describing element
geometry is overwritten:
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L  n1 L
T  n1 T
5. Elasto-plastic hinges
Alternatively, the elasto-plastic work of a structure can be modeled by introducing non-linear
hinges at selected bar cross sections. Characteristics of a hinge represented by a 2-node DSC
element are defined applying the cross section analysis algorithm described in point 3, assuming
that the role of generalized strains E is played by mutual node displacements (with respect to bar
local directions) divided by the adopted (fictitious) element length (L) that equals the minimum
cross section height, which act as the element volume dV=L. Forces and displacements of
newly-generated nodes of the DSC element constitute global degrees of freedom, in other words,
they do not undergo condensation.
Algorithm on the element level
- calculation of generalized strains in a cross section
E  Bu Glo
- calculation of internal forces (stress resultants) and cross section rigidity according to point 3.2
Σ n1  Σ(Σ n , E)
D n1  D(Σ n , E)
- calculation of forces (reactions on bar ends) and DSC element rigidity
f n1  B T Σ n1 L
K n 1  B T D n1BL
 T T
B  
 L L 
 c s 0
Τ   s c 0; (2 D)
 0 0 1
0 
Τ   3 x3
; (3D)
 0 T3 x3 
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Theoretical Background of the Dynamic Methods Implemented
in the ROBOT Millennium Program
IN ROBOT Millennium
This document presents the description of the dynamic analysis methods applied in ROBOT
Millennium. The theoretical background details and examples are included in the appendices - to
simplify the first reading. This document is not a user’s manual and is not aimed at familiarizing
the user with the details of ROBOT interface. The aim of the current document is to expound the
main ideas, which are realized into this program.
Most of the dynamic methods in ROBOT Millennium is based on modal analysis results. It is
necessary to understand that modal analysis methods depend on a selected type of solver. For
skyline solver the following methods are available: block subspace iteration (BLSI) method,
subspace iteration (SI) method1, Lanczos method and basis reduction method. The methods
available for sparse direct solver2 include: block subspace iteration (BLSI) method, Lanczos
method and basis reduction method. Whereas for iterative solver the following methods are
available: modified Lanczos method (pseudo mode - see 3.5 and appendies 3A, 3B), Ritzgradient (PCG_Ritz) method and preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method.
Sparse direct solver (SPDS) is a specific form of Gauss elimination. Application of such a
method is strongly recommended for analysis of medium-sized and large-scale problems (10 000
- 200 000 equations)3. It is a good alternative for iterative solver.
3.1. The Modal Analysis Methods
The modal analysis comprizes two basic approaches. The eigenproblem analysis
K k   k2M k  0
k = 1,2,…,N
1 SI method has been developed in ROBOT as a first method of solving an algebraic eigenproblem. Such a
method is slow and it is strongly recommended to apply BLSI method or Lanczos method instead of it.
2 Temporary sparse direct solver involves the following limitations:
Sturm sequence check, “Upper limits” option, accelerations by shifts during BLSI are not available for sparse
direct solver. A missing eigenvalue can be partially controlled by means of the BLSI method.
The method is not available for modal analysis recognizing static forces
3 In the current version for small problems, when all matrices can be allocated in RAM without block-byblock disk storage, skyline technique is faster, because usual matrix-vector product procedure acts faster
than EBE procedure in SPDS technique. The situation is different, when size of the problem does not allow
full allocation of all matrices in RAM – SPDS technique is then drastically faster. That disadvantage of SPDF
technique for small problems will be eliminated in the next version.
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is produced by the definition of the eigenvalues  k and eigenvectors  k . It is the first approach,
familiar to engineers. The second approach consists in generation of basis vectors
 
Q  q1 , q2 ,..., q N 
~ ,  (k=1,2,….,N). It is based on the idea similar to the
and search of the Ritz approximations 
method of “Load depended Ritz vectors”, proposed by E.L. Wilson [1, 3] and applied into
SAP2000. This approach is applied for seismic analysis and it is a powerful method when there
are great difficulties with obtaining sufficient mass percentage (see section 3.5).
The methods of modal analysis (first approach), which are concerned with definition of the
eigenvalues  k and eigenvectors  k , are discussed in this section.
Block subspace iteration (BLSI) method, subspace iteration (SI) method, selective
orthogonalization Lanczos method and basis reduction method (see appendix 3A) are used when
direct solvers (skyline or SPDS) are selected. Subspace iteration method is usually slow.
Therefore, application of BLSI or Lanczos method is strongly recommended for analysis of
medium-sized and especially large-scale problems, when a large number of eigenpairs is
required. Basis reduction method may prove very effective for an experienced engineer, however,
it requires additional information about basis nodes and appropriate basis directions.
Preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method is used in the first approach, when iterative
solver is selected. Such approach may be very efficient, when small number of eigenmodes are
extracted (at the most 5). It should be used for wind analysis rather than for seismic analysis.
PCG method may be used for estimation of the lowest eigenmode when a large-scale problem is
The second approach (which is realized by “Pseudo mode” Analysis mode) is presented in
section 3.5.
The block subspace iteration method (BLSI) [1,3] is more general than Lanczos method, since
it allows implementation of all types of mass matrices (see section 3.2) and is capable of
analyzing separate structures. Iterations in a block of the constant size with immediate exclusion
of converged vectors and addition of new start ones usually ensures faster computations
compared to usual subspace iteration method [1-3]. Just as Lanczos method, BLSI can be
applied to extract a large number of eigenpairs (till 100 – 200).
The subspace iteration method (SI) can be used for analysis of all types of mass matrix [4] and
for analysis of separate structures, however, in case of a large number of required modes
(approximately N > 10), this method is still very time-consuming, especially for large-scale
The Lanczos method [12,16,17] is a powerful method allowing one to obtain a large number of
eigenpairs (N ~ 20 – 500 and more). Although it is preferable for large-scale problems, it involves
the following limitations:
It is impossible to analyze separate structures
The mass matrix type should be “lumped with rotations” or “consistent”
It is impossible to disregard the material density of (in this case it suffices to assign a
“fictitious” small density to avoid these limitations).
The basis reduction method [5] is known as the improved Rayleigh-Ritz method [4] or BubnovGalerkin method for discrete systems. This algorithm allows one to get approximate values of the
first few eigenpairs if the user has some information about them. This method requires assigning
of a master degree of freedom (MDOF) in order to get the reduced system. Thus, the user can
control the process of creating the reduced model. It is a powerful tool for users who have some
experience in dynamic analysis of structures and deal with the same type of structures whose
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behavior is known. This method allows one to exclude undesirable degrees of freedom (DOF)
from the reduced model and to reduce the initial complex problem with a large number of DOF to
a reduced form - with a considerably smaller number of DOF. The experience concerning
structure dynamic analysis shows that some problems can be encountered by the user when the
“automatic reduction methods” (BLSI, SI and Lanczos methods are taken into account) lead to a
very complex computation process. For example, the local vibration modes of single bars can
lead to such serious problems for these methods, since the computation process seeks the
eigenpairs automatically without any selection. It should be noted that for the majority of cases in
real structures these local vibrations will be restricted by some constraints that are not taken into
account in the FEM model, or their contribution will be inessential to the overall system motion.
Usually, the mass percentage is very small for such local vibrations. The usage of “exact”
methods in this case will lead to the above-mentioned difficulties, however, the implementation of
the approximate basis reduction method can simplify the computation process considerably.
The preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) [9-13] method is available for iterative solver.
Application of such a method is recommended for extracting of a small number of eigenpairs
when a large-scale problem is met. Implementation of the Pseudo mode (see 3.5) with modified
Lanczos method or PCG_Ritz method is recommended if it is necessary to determine a large
number of modes while running seismic or spectral analysis and iterative solver is selected.
The Ritz-gradient (PCG_Ritz) method [8] is available for iterative solver in pseudo mode. It
allows one to produce an approximate solution in the terms of Ritz vectors. It is a very fast
method for seismic and spectral analysis of medium size (10 000 – 100 000 equations).
Modified Lanczos method is an extension of Lanczos method when iterative solver is applied. It
acts like a usual Lanczos method in the pseudo mode, however, being different from Lanczos
method for direct solvers, it does not require factorization of a stiffness matrix. Instead of that the
principles of preconditioned gradient method are implemented. Such approach is the most robust
among all the dynamic methods of iterative solver, though it often appears not to be the fastest
Details of all dynamic methods are presented in appendix 3A.
3.2. Mass Matrix Types
The “Lumped without rotations”, “Lumped with rotations” and “Consistent” mass matrices of
dynamic analysis can be applied to a structure.
The “Lumped without rotations” and “Lumped with rotations” are the diagonal mass matrices.
These types of mass matrices require minimum computational effort.
The “Consistent” mass matrix appears when the user wishes to consider a system with the
distributed parameters. It is commonly believed that a consistent mass matrix describes inertial
properties of a structure more exactly than the lumped one. However, in most cases the lumped
mass matrix provides a good approximation, since it is obvious that the inertial parameters can be
presented less precisely than the stiffness ones. In fact, that kinetic energy is described as
displacements of a structure, but potential energy is expressed through spatial derivative of
displacements. It is a well-known fact that approximation error increases considerably during
each differentiation [4]. Thus, for continual objects (solid, shells, plates), it is possible to
approximate the mass parameters less precisely than the stiffness ones for the same mesh.
Usually, Hermit polynomials are used as shape functions for bars. It is an exact solution for most
of the static problems and the dynamic problems when lumped mass matrix is considered.
However, exact solutions for dynamic problems of a bar with distributed masses belong to the
class of Krylov functions (it is a specific combination of hyperbolic and trigonometric functions). It
enables the stiffness parameters in such case to be presented approximately when Hermit
polynomials are used simultaneously with a consistent mass matrix. (Let us take note that, in fact,
it is not intended for implementing a different type of shape functions for static and dynamic
problems). Therefore, for most cases it is not a great benefit to complicate the dynamic model by
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the use of distributed mass parameters, since the approximate solution with consistent masses
occurs instead of the exact solution for an approximate model (lumped masses).
Moreover, usually own masses of bar structural elements (girders, columns, etc.) are negligible
compared to masses of walls and roof (dead load), which are taken into account through the
technique of conversion of dead loads to masses. Such non-structural masses usually reduce the
effects of distributed element masses.
All that was mentioned above leads to the following conclusion: for most practical cases the
lumped mass matrix ensures a sufficiently precise approximation of structure inertial properties. It
should be remembered that a consistent mass matrix requires considerable computational efforts,
if a large-scale problem is analyzed. It should be certain that implementation of a consistent mass
matrix will be justified before selection of such a type of matrix for analysis.
It is assumed that the mass matrix must be “Consistent”, if the rigid links are used into
computation model.
If sparse direct solver or iterative solver is applied, element-by-element (EBE) technique is used
for computation of matrix-vector product. It means, that the consistent mass matrix can never be
assembled, however, all operations are performed only on the element level. For skyline solver,
a consistent mass matrix is assembled and stored in the same way as a stiffness matrix. For
small problems (at the most ~3000 equations) skyline technique is faster, although it still
drastically time-consuming when the size of a problem increases.
It is possible to use the additional concentrated masses (added masses), and to convert static
loads to masses.
When the Lanczos, PCG_Ritz or modified Lanczos method (iterative solver) are selected, only
the “Lumped with rotation” and “Consistent” mass matrices are available.
3.3. “Upper Limits”
It is possible to calculate all eigenvalues and eigenmodes that do not surpass the user-defined
value. This value is treated as the “upper limit”. When the “upper limit” is activated, ROBOT
searches 1 ,  2 ,.....,  n   , where  * is the “upper limit”. The algorithm works in two steps.
The Sturm sequence check is performed in the first step. It defines the number of eigenvalues “n”
which is smaller than the “upper limit”. In the next step, the algorithm generates n eigenpairs,
each one smaller than the “upper limit”.
Lanczos method and BLSI method are recommended for the type of analysis that uses “upper
limits”, since usually it is necessary to obtain a large number of eigenpairs.
The criterion of mass participation percentage (see section 3.4) is ignored when “upper limit” is
For example, such problem may arise when a user deals with the French seismic code PS-92. It
is required that all frequencies smaller than 33Hz should be taken into consideration.
3.4. Mass Participation Percentage
It is possible to activate the criterion of mass participation percentage. The mass percentage for
each mode (k=1,2,…,N) is defined as
mk ,dir  kdir  / M dir ,
T 
where k   k MI dir , k is the mass participation factor for k eigenmode, I dir is the vector of
T 
unit translation into the direction (dir = X,Y,Z), M dir  I dir MI dir is the total mass into direction
dir,  Tk is k-th eigenmode, Tk M k  1 .
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The mass percentage for direction dir equals M%dir 
kdir 
k 1
M dir
. It defines the contribution of all
the modes involved in motion of a structure in the considered direction.
If the “Modal” Analysis mode is selected and the mass percentage for a specified maximum
number of nodes is smaller than required, the user receives a message about the unsatisfactory
mass percentage, while calculations are continued without any corrections.
It is necessary to set the “Seismic” or “Pseudo mode” Analysis mode to ensure automatic search
for the required mass percentage. Details are presented in section 3.5.
3.5. Analysis Modes
The following dynamic analysis modes (regimes) will be presented in this section: Modal,
Seismic, Pseudo mode.
Several seismic codes (UBC-97, French code PS-92) require that sum of masses for each
direction (or for horizontal directions only) should be not less than 90%. Some “hard” problems
may arise, when it is very difficult to achieve the required sum of masses due to small
contributions of a large number of the lowest modes. Usually, this problem is caused by local
character of the lowest modes. The Seismic mode and Pseudo mode are presented to improve
the situation of such difficult problems. The effectiveness of such approaches is illustrated by
appendix 3C. Lanczos method for direct solvers is available for these two modes. Modified
Lanczos method and PCG_Ritz one are available for pseudo mode, when iterative solver is
1. Modal mode
This mode constitutes a well-known approach implemented in the previous versions of ROBOT.
Available methods: BLSI, SI, Lanczos and Basis Reduction Method for direct solvers and PCG
method for iterative solver.
Convergence criteria for direct solvers: iterations will stop when  ik   ik 1 /  ik  tol , where
i  1,2,..., N ; k -is the iteration number, N – number of modes (defined by the user ). The basis
reduction method does not produce the convergence check, since it is not the iterative approach,
although it is a kind of Ritz method. It needs increasing the number of master DOFs to improve
the result precision.
Convergence criteria for PCG method (iterative solver):
r / k M k  K k  k M k / k M k  tol , where k   k2 , k  1,2,...N
The details are described in appendix 3A.
Upper Limits – is the lower bound value for period, frequency and pulsation;
if this parameter is different from 0, all the sequential eigenpairs from 0 to Upper Limit will be
Mass% - the mass percentage (sum of masses for all computed modes for each direction)
Sturm check is a verification of skipped eigenpairs between 0 and shift parameter 
and consists in counting the negative elements on the diagonal of the decomposed shifted matrix
(K  M) 1
It is very expensive procedure for large-scale problems. Let us take note that for seismic and
spectral analysis it is not necessary to get the continuous spectra of eigenvalues. It is important
only to ensure the sufficient modal mass percentage for each direction. If such a condition is
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fulfilled, completeness of the basis is ensured. Take note that implementation of BLSI method
allows one to produce the partial verification of continuity of eigenvalue spectra without running
Sturm check – see description of BLSI method.
Program behavior
Sturm check is checked. Such option ensures that skipped
frequencies for first N modes are missing. It is available for
direct solvers when BLSI, SI or Lanczos methods are applied.
It is not available for basis reduction method and for all
iterative solver methods. Define N first sequential
eigenmodes. Sturm check is performed. If skipped
frequencies are detected, user receives a warning about the
number of skipped frequencies.If the user answers:
(due to
Yes, then iteration process is continued while the number
of skipped eigenpairs is determined. Afterwards, Sturm
check is repeated.
No, then converged eigenpairs are saved as a final result
and the next case is calculated
Cancel, then iterations are continued while all skipped
frequencies are determined. Warning is ignored.
Sturm check is unchecked - Sturm check is not performed
It is available only for direct solvers and for BLSI, SI, Lanczos
methods. It is not available for basis reduction method and for
all iterative solver methods.
Sturm check is performed at the start of computations  the
number of frequencies N1 which are contained between zero
and Upper Limit is obtained: 0  1   2  ...   N1   
If (N1 > N), user is warned about the number of frequencies
N1. If the user answers:
Yes, it means: compute 0  1   2  ...   N1  
No, it means: stop computations
If(N1 <= N), compute 0  1   2  ...   N1    without
any warnings.
In both cases it is possible to derive a number of converged
eigenpairs higher than N1, but they will be saved as final
results only when: 0  1   2  ...   N1    . All the
(due to
active of
converged egenpairs that are larger than   , will be lost.
It is available for all methods of direct solvers. It is not
available for iterative solver. If mass% is not satisfactory, a
relevant message appears. No corrections are performed.
Otherwise, computations are performed in the same manner
as for the first case.
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2. Seismic mode
Such mode is available only for direct solvers – skyline or sparse.
In case of seismic and spectral analysis, it is not important to use the sequentially ordered
eigenpairs, since only the eigenpairs that contribute considerably to the seismic response (e.g.
they have significant mass participation factor) should be taken into account. Thus, the Sturm
Check is not performed.
In general, the Lanczos method usually ensures convergence of the number of eigenpairs
considerably greater than N eigenpairs in the sequentially increasing order. When the user wants
to restore the skipped eigenvalues, it is necessary for him/her to get the number of converged
frequencies considerably greater than the first N desired frequencies. For example, it is typical
that the Lanczos method yields the following convergent frequencies
1  10 , 12 , 13 , 18 ,  21
When the user requires the sequentially ordered eigenpairs, he will obtain only the first 10 ones.
The last 4 eigenpairs are simply thrown away, as well as the correspondence mass contribution.
The essence of the proposed “Seismic” mode is to take all converged eigenpairs into account
(not only the first sequential ones). It ensures a bigger sum of masses compared to “Modal”
Available methods: Lanczos Method.
Convergence criteria: ri   i   i2 K 1M i ; ri /  i  tol ;  i is i-th eigenvector; there is
adopted tol=1.0e-02 for current version.
Upper Limits are ignored.
The current mass percentage is defined as an average value of M%x, M%y, M%z for 3-D
problems and as a minimum value of M%x, M%z for 2-d problems (M%x, M%y, M%z are the
current sum of masses for x, y, z direction, respectively). This strategy is explained by the fact
that it is usually very difficult to ensure sufficient mass percentage for vertical direction. It is
possible to verify the mass percentage for each direction in the final results.
Program behavior
Compute the N unsequenced eigenpairs. Sturm check is not
performed. The number of converged eigenpairs always
equals N.
N is ignored. The computations continue, until the current
mass percent is not smaller than the demanded mass%, or
the user is prompted by the appropriate message to stop the
computations, or the number of converged eigenpairs
achieves the maximum available value. This value set is
defined internally and it is adopted to equal 100 in the current
After each 20 Lanczos steps program re-computes the
number of the converged eigenpairs and modifies the
current mass percentage. The user receives a warning
message about the achieved mass percent. The user may
respond to the message in the following ways:
· Yes: continue computations during the next 20
Lanczos steps and display this message again, if
required mass percentage is not achieved (and the
number of converged eigenpairs does not exceed the
maximum available value)
· No: save the converged eigenpairs as final results
and pass them to the next case
· Cancel: ignore all warnings in the future and continue
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3. Pseudo mode
Such option is available both the direct and iterative solvers.
This mode is recommended only for the seismic and spectral analysis when the Modal and
Seismic modes are still very time consuming. The Modal mode and Seismic mode use the
eigenmodes as the basis vectors for presenting seismic response and it is possible to require a
very large number of eigenmodes to ensure a sufficient sum of masses for some difficult
problems. The Pseudo mode rejects this idea and generates the Ritz approximations to the
lowest eigenpairs by means of Lanczos vectors for direct solvers or Ritz-gradient method [8] and
modified Lanczos method for iterative solver. This is a more effective way of operation in most
cases, because a smaller number of basis vectors is required than in case of modal mode. It was
shown by E.L.Wilson [1-3]. Pseudo mode is similar to the “Load depended Ritz vectors”,
proposed in [1-3] and applied in SAP2000. It should be noted that the French code PS-92 admits
the application of the scientifically-based approaches to add some systems of basis vectors to the
existing eigenmodes, in order to increase the sum of masses. The details of pseudo mode
approach and it effectiveness are presented in appendices 3B and 3C, respectively.
Upper Limits are ignored.
The current mass percentage is defined as an average value of M%x, M%y, M%z for 3-D
problems and as a minimum value of M%x, M%z for 2-d problems (M%x, M%y, M%z are the
current sum of masses for x,y,z direction, respectively). This strategy is explained by the fact that
it is usually very difficult to ensure sufficient mass percentage for vertical direction. It is possible to
verify the mass percentage for each direction in the final results.
Program behavior
It is available for both direct solvers and the iterative one
Generate N basis vectors to define the “work” subspace. Save
N basis vectors to use them for seismic and spectral analyses.
This regime is recommended.
It is available only for direct solvers
Generate N basis vectors to define the “work” subspace. Save
these basis vectors which suffice to satisfy the given mass%.
The number of saved basis vectors is less than N,
if mass% < 100%
3.6. Spectral Analysis
The Response Spectra Method is applied for seismic and spectral analysis. The main idea of this
method consists in decomposing a structure of multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF) into a
system of the single-degree of freedom (SDOF) oscillators. Then, the program calculates the
response for each of these independent oscillators and the statistical summation of the extreme
responses for each oscillator by means of SRSS, CQC, ten percent and double sum methods [3,
The eigenmodes define this system of SDOF oscillators, when Modal mode or Seismic mode are
applied. The pseudo mode basis vectors define this system of SDOF oscillators when Pseudo
mode is applied (see section 3.5).
The introduction of the pseudo mode requires a new approach towards response evaluation for
each mode. The classic approach is as follows:
Kxi ,max  idir k dir S a (Ti )M i
( 3.1.1 )
where K, M – stiffness and mass matrices,  – mass participation factor, Sa –spectra
acceleration, T – period, i- mode number, k - coefficient of spectrum scaling, dir – index of input
seismic motion direction (dir = X,Y,Z), x – displacement vector for maximum reaction of i-mode.
Now, the following is applied (see appendix B):
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1 ~
xi ,max  idir k dir S a (Ti ) 2  i ,
( 3.1.2 )
where  i denotes a basis vector (it is not necessary for  i to be be an exact approximation of
 i - exact eigenvector of K i   i2 M i  0 ),  i -approximation of exact eigenvalue  i . It is
possible to show that (3.1.1) gives exactly the same solution
as (3.1.2), if
 i   i (  i =  i ). However, (3.1.2) is applicable not only for direct solvers, but also for iterative
solver, since it does not require the resolution procedure corresponding to the stiffness matrix K.
This way is faster than (3.1.1) and allows one to control results more safely (sum of forces – sum
of reactions).
The below-presented formula is obtained from (3.1.1)
1 
xi ,max  idir k dir S a (Ti )K 1M i  idir k dir S a (Ti ) 2  i
( 3.1.3 )
The modal response vector xi ,max describes the extreme response of the correspondence SDOF
oscillator. The next step should be dedicated to defining the final response of the MDOF structure
by means of statistic averaging between modes and between seismic input directions.
ROBOT (early versions) allows one to assign several statistically independent seismic input
directions with their own scale multipliers in one load case. The statistical averaging between
directions is produced by means of “sum of absolute values” and “square root of sum of squares”
combinations within each mode. The corresponding options are defined in the “Job Preferences”.
The “sum of absolute values” option gives the following:
1 
xi , max    idir k dir  S a (Ti ) 2  i
 dir
( 3.1.4 )
The “square root of sum of squares” option makes averaging of the xi ,max of corresponding
seismic input motion directions like xi , max  SRSS xi , X , xi ,Y , xi , Z .
1 
xi , max    i k dir  S a (Ti ) 2  i
 dir
( 3.1.5 )
It is possible to show that each component of xi ,max is the SRSS combination of correspondence
components of xi , X , xi ,Y , xi , Z
where i =1,2,…,N –indicates the number of mode or pseudo mode.
The SRSS or CQC combination between modes (or pseudo modes) is applied to obtain the final
response of the considered MDOF structure after the averaged modal response vectors
xi ,max have been obtained, i =1,2,…,N.
The modal averaged response vectors xi ,max , i =1,2,…,N are the same for “sum of absolute
values” and “square root of sum of squares” options if the single seismic input direction has been
defined for the current load case (For example, Kx=Kz=0, Ky=1).
ROBOT (version 12.2 and later) saves the above-mentioned procedure of averaging modal
responses between seismic input directions, however, it allows one to carry out the best
approach. It is recommended to define a single seismic input direction for each load case, and
then to apply either the SRSS combination between directions (it corresponds to the American
Regulatory Guides) or the so-called “Newmark” combinations (corresponding to the French
seismic code PS-92 and the Eurocode-8).
Let us illustrate new capabilities of the following typical example.
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In this case (single seismic input motion for each load case), the typical values for scale
multipliers will equal
Kx=1; Ky=Kz=0
for dir = X (load case S_X)
Kx=0; Ky=1; Kz=0
for dir = Y (load case S_Y)
Kx=Ky=0; Kz=0.7
for dir = Z (load case S_Z; the vertical motion intensity is assumed to
equal 2/3 of the horizontal motion intensity)
Three load cases are defined for each statistically independent seismic input motion. The modal
response for each mode will be the same as (3.1.2) (i = 1,2,…,N; dir = X,Y,Z ).
Then, it is necessary to define the averaging factor over all modes due to each seismic input
direction: Rdir  SRSS Ridir or Rdir  CQC Ridir
 
where Ri
 
- some factor (displacement, force, stress,…) for the i-th mode due to seismic input
motion into direction dir which corresponds to the modal response xi ,max (obtained from (3.1.2));
Rdir is the result of SRSS or CQC combination over all considered modes (pseudo modes).
Then, the averaging over all active seismic input directions according to the chosen option is
either SRSS combination:
R  R x2  R y2  R z2
or “Newmark” combinations:
 R   Rx  R y  R z
 R  R x  R y  R z
 R  R x  R y  R z
The Spectral Analysis options enable definition of arbitrary spectrum of seismic input motion.
3.7. Seismic Analysis
The Response Spectra Method is applied for seismic and spectral analysis. The seismic analysis
is run on the basis of spectral analysis (see section 3.6), however, the spectra accelerations
S a  S a Ti  are generated to correspond to a selected seismic code, instead of being assigned
by the user (as it is done for spectral analysis).
The UBC-97 seismic code is available in ROBOT (version 12.0 and the later ones). The
Response Spectrum Analysis is run in accordance with Sections 1631.5.1 – 1631.5.3 of the 1997
Uniform Building Code. It is possible to fulfill the requirements of Section 1631.5.4 (“Elastic
Response Parameters may be reduced …”) by means of combination mechanisms of ROBOT
(see Help). The basic shear components Vx, Vy, Vz, overturning moment components Mx, and
My and torsion moment Mz (it is assumed that axis OZ is vertical) - all are presented in the
“Reactions” table in the line “sum of forces”, both for each modal response and for SRSS and
CQC combinations between modes. The following seismic codes are available in the program:
PS 69 R. 82
PS 92
RPA 88
DM 16.1.96
EC 8
IBC 2000
P100 92
Turkish code
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Chinese codes
Argentinian code
Chilean code
EAK 2000.
3.8. Selective Filters
This approach is based on the following observation: only the modes that have a relatively
significant mass participation factor make considerable contributions to the seismic response of a
structure. Therefore, it suffices to take only these modes into account. The remaining modes (with
small mass participation factors) can be ignored during seismic analysis. The number of derived
modes is usually considerably greater than the number resulting from mass percentage
assessment. Thus, the disk space and computation time may be saved, if only the modes with
significant mass participation factors are selected.
Two ways can be used: create a list of accepted modes for each seismic input direction (seismic
case) on the base of results obtained for the previously performed modal analysis and assign a
mass limit – bound value for modal mass percentage (all modes with modal mass percentage
below that limit will be ignored). The first way is more efficient, although it requires running modal
analysis previously. The second way allows one to apply filters in the same program run with
spectral and seismic analysis, however, it usually occupies more disk space and involves greater
computational effort.
Let us consider another example. The results of modal analysis are presented below, in table 3.1,
where the seismic cases are defined in the following manner: Dir_X (Kx=1; Ky=Kz=0), Dir_Y
(Kx=0; Ky=1; Kz=0) and Dir_Z (Kx=Ky=0; Kz=1)
Table 1
Mode number
Mass particip.
UX (%)
Mass particip.
UY (%)
Mass particip.
UZ (%)
Let us assume that we take all modes with mass participation factor greater than one percent into
account. The corresponding mass participation values are given in the table. Let us take note that
if seismic input directions are assigned as ( 1 0 0) for Seism_X case, the modes with significant
mass participation values for directions UY, UZ do not contribute to seismic response at all (see
section 3.6):
1 ~
xi , max  idir k dir S a (Ti ) 2  i
 dir
where dir = X, Y, Z – input seismic direction; xi ,max -maximum response for i –mode; i
participation factor; SaTi - spectra acceleration;  i - i-eigenvector or basis vector (in case of
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the pseudo mode). The scalar multiplier on the right side of the above formula idir k dir S a (Ti )
 i2
defines the contribution of i-mode to the seismic response of dir direction. In this case, where Ky
= Kz = 0, considerable contributions will be made by modes 2 and 5. The remaining modes do
not contribute to seismic response, due to zero Kdir multiplier (dir = Y, Z) and to small mass
participation values for dir=X direction. It is possible to show - in the same way - that for case
Dir_Y it suffices to take the modes 1, 6, 7 into account, while for case Dir_Z – the modes: 5, 6, 9,
Thus, by means of filters the program may take only the relevant modes into account - 2 for Dir_X
case, 3 for Dir_Y case and 4 for Dir_Z case - without a significant loss of mass contributions. Let
us take note that we would be forced to apply the 11 modes for each case if we do not use the
This approach enables one to reduce computation time for large-scale dynamic problems (as well
as disk space requirements and the amount of data to be post-processed) without significant
reduction of the result precision compared to the traditional method (when the selective filters are
not used).
For example, the large-scale problem PJG203 contains 34 266 equations (bandwidth equals 990
after optimization). The corresponding FE model is presented in appendix 3D – see Fig.A1. The
25 eigenpairs with the consistent mass matrix and 3 seismic cases were to be calculated. The
computation time still reaches approximately 50 hours on the Pentium PRO (64 MB RAM,
200MHZ). The required disk space exceeded 1GB. Moreover, there arose a problem with steel
design module, caused by insufficient disk space. (To compute the SRSS and CQC
combinations, it was necessary to store the data of 25 modes multiplied by 3 seismic cases
comprising a large number of degrees of freedom for all factors – displacements, internal forces,
stresses). Application of selective filters allows the program to solve this problem successfully.
3.9. Harmonic Analysis
The following definition of steady reaction of a structure to the action of a single – harmonic load
is produced:
F t   F sint 
where  is the pulsation of the excitation load. The behavior of a structure is described as
K  MX  F ,
where X - amplitude value of the displacement vector.
3.10. Time-History Analysis
The modal decomposition (superposition) method is realized in ROBOT. It is based on the
representation of a structure movement as a superposition of the movement of uncoupled modes.
Therefore, the method requires the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to be determined. The Lanczos
method is recommended for this purpose. The method of modal decomposition takes advantage
of reduced uncoupled equations. It is an appropriate approach to analyze the dynamic response
of structures subjected to long-term action of dynamic loads (for example, non-steady loading
caused by working in-line equipment or seismic action). Mathematical background and
particularities of application are presented in [3,4,6].
The equation (without damping) may take the following form:
 Ng 
MX  KX   Pk  k (t )
k 1
where Ng - number of „load groups”,  k (t ) - given time history for the k-th load group.
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X (t )   qi (t ) i
i 1
i - correspondingly i-th normal co-ordinate and mode (eigenvector or Ritz vector).
Substitution (3.11.2) to (3.11.1) and addition of damping terms leads to following uncoupled
modal equations [3,4,6]
qi  2 i i qi   i2 qi   pi , k (t ) ,
k 1
where pi ,k (t )  Pk (t ),  i ,  i  modal damping parameter (usually  i  0.05  0.2 ; when
i  1 it indicates critical damping – limit between oscillation motion and aperiodic motion),  i natural vibration frequency (pulsation), i=1,2,…,N
Each of equations is solved numerically. Second–order method with automatic selection of
integration step is applied. The resultant displacement vector for the defined time points
t  t1 , t 2 ,..., t s is obtained by means of substitution of qi (t s ) in (3.11.2).
Modal decomposition method can be applied for analysis of seismic response. In such a case
equation of motion takes the following form
MX  KX  MI dir  g (t )
and appropriate uncoupled modal equations –
qi  2 i i q i   i2 qi  idir  g (t )
where idir  MI dir ,  i - mass participation factor for i-th mode and seismic input direction dir.
Each mode must be normalized as follows: M i ,  i  1 . Finally all results (displacements,
velocities, accelerations, internal forces, reactions, etc.) are stored only for the defined time points
t  t1 , t 2 ,..., t s . The high-performance post-processor allows one to analyze time-history analysis
result both in the diagram and table modes. The diagram mode displays selected factors
(displacement, acceleration, velocity, reactions, shear forces, bending moments, etc.) for chosen
DOF (degrees of freedom) and presents the deformed shape of a structure in the selected the
time point. The table mode allows one not only to see the corresponding values, but also to
search automatically the maximum and minimum values among the response factors over all
stored time points.
3.11. Modal Analysis Taking Static Forces into Account
The linear small vibrations with respect to the equilibrium static state induced by a given static
load is considered. The static forces are known to have influence on the natural vibration
frequencies. The usual “Modal Analysis” does not take such influence into consideration,
however, “Modal Analysis taking static forces into account” does.
Full non-linear equations describe the motion of the relatively static equilibrium state of a system,
induced by the given static loads.
Mx(t)  Kx(t)  Lx(t)  b
 
where M, K - mass and stiffness matrices, Lx(t)  - non-linear operator, x(t), b - displacement
vector and load vector. Linearization procedure consists of the following:
x(t)  x st  x d (t )
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where x st is a part of the common solution which describes the static equilibrium state and
x d (t ) is a vector of small dynamic displacements. Non-linear operator can be presented as
decomposition of Taylor('s) series
 
Lx(t)  Lx st  x d (t )   Lx st  K s (x st )x d (t )
where K s (x st ) 
is a stress-stiffness matrix, which is a Jacobian and takes the action of
static forces into account. Thus, the following yields:
 
Mx d (t)  Kx d (t)  K s (x st ) x d (t)  Kx st  Lx st   b
Kx st  Lx st   b
The first expression is a result of linearization of appropriately small dynamic displacements
(note: x st  f (t ) , so x st  0 ) and the second one describes the non-linear static equilibrium
state. Therefore, small dynamic motion with respect to the static equilibrium state is as follows:
 
Mxd (t)  Kx d (t)  K s (x st )x d (t)  0
Let us substitute x d (t)  e
. An eigenvalue problem originates from (3.12.5)
K  K s x st  i  i2 M i  0
where  i - eigenvalue;  i - eigenvector.
The computations are performed in two stages:
1. Linear (3.12.7) or non-linear (3.12.8) analysis of static stress-strain state induced by a given
static load
Kx st  b
Kx st  Lx st   b ,
where x st - unknown vector of static state, b - vector of given static forces (static load
 
vector), K - stiffness matrix, L x st , b - non-linear operator. The static load vector b may be
a result of the combination of several static loads. It should be noted here that linear
approach does not satisfy exactly the non-linear equilibrium equation (3.11.8). Thus, vector
x st for the static equilibrium state is a result of an approximate solution and the stress-
stiffness matrix K s x st  contains an error. If the considered structure is sufficiently stiff and
non-linear effects appear poorly, such approximation seems to be correct. Otherwise, it is
necessary to solve the non-linear static problem (3.11.8) (that technique is not covered by the
manual). Obviously, the linear approach (3.2.17) is faster than the non-linear one(3.11.8). In
case of linear approach, it turns out that K s x st   G( x st )  G , where G is a geometrical
stiffness matrix.
2. Eigenvalue analysis (3.12.6)
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The positive values of  i (  i  0 ) are known to represent to stable equilibrium states,
negative values (  i  0 ) – unstable ones, whereas zero value (  i  0 ) corresponds to
lack of stability (buckling).
The loss of positive definiteness of matrix K  K s x st  means that static load exceeds its
critical (buckling) value. A relevant message appears. The convergence will be lost during the
run of non-linear static problem (3.11.8). It is recommended to interrupt computations
because the following calculations is still senseless.
Only the non-linear approach is available for structures containing cable and tensioncompression elements.
Let us consider the example shown in the figure below.
Fig. 3.11.1
There is N - static load. The following expression describes behavior of such a system:
EI 4  N 2  F 2  0 ,
( 3.11.9 )
where w - bending displacement,  - material density, F - cross-section area.
The solution will be searched as:
 x 
w x , t   We i t sin  
 a 
( 3.11.10 )
After substitution ( 3.11.10 ) to ( 3.11.9) the following is derived:
 n 
  EI
 a 
 02
( 3.11.11 )
 n 
where N cr  
 EI - buckling load,  0 - eigenvalue for N = 0 (result of usual Modal
 a 
Analysis). Finally,
  0 1 
N cr
( 3.11.12 )
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where  - eigenvalue for the system subjected to action of a static load N. This result is
presented graphically in Fig. 3.11.2:
The dependence     , where  is a load parameter, for a real structure is usually more
complex than presented by the expression ( 3.11.12 ) (see [ 1,22 ]).
Appendix 3A
Eigenproblem Solution Methods
The user should understand that at present the “best universal method” of solving an
eigenproblem does not exist.
K i   i2 M i  0 ,
( A1 )
where K is the stiffness matrix, M is the mass matrix,  i is the eigenmode and  i is the
pulsation. The term the “most preferable” means that for most of the problems such a method will
use up less resources (the computation time and HD storage) than any other one. However, it
does not exclude different situations in case of other tasks. Then, application of other method is
recommended. The present version of ROBOT covers several methods of solving a generalized
eigenproblem (A1). Each of them involves its own advantages and disadvantages. Below, we
present some recommendations to be considered while choosing analysis method. We hope that,
in the majority of cases, they will lead to the required results in the best way.
The subspace iteration (SI) method is realized exactly as described in [4], therefore, the
description of this method is not included here.
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Lanczos method
The Lanczos method [12,16,17] is a powerful robust approach used for solving large-scale
eigenvalue problems (A1). It is available when direct solvers (skyline or sparse) are selected.
This approach allows one to get the required first n eigenvalues and eigenmodes with any
desired precision. The greater number of the required eigenpairs is obtained, the more significant
advantages of Lanczos method become. However, the approach involves several limitations,
1. The three-diagonal matrix T should not be decomposed. It means that it is impossible to
analyze a structure which consists of two or more unconnected substructures. In such a case,
either each substructure is considered separately, or another approach is implemented (for
example, block subspace iteration (BLSI) or the basis reduction methods).
2. The mass matrix M should be taken as “Lumped with Rotations” or “Consistent”.
3. Zero density is not allowable.
The Lanczos Method uses reduction to the three-diagonal matrix T
T  QTj MK 1MQ j ,
( A2 )
where Q j  q1 , q2 ,..., q j - the rectangular matrix Neq x j, and Neq is the number of equations, j
- number of “Lanczos” steps, q j - j-th Lanczos vector. The expression
 j 1q j 1  K 1Mq j   j q j   j q j
( A3 )
generates the next Lanczos vector q j 1 , and defines the current line of T matrix
1  2
2 2 3
3 3
j j
Thus, the following reduced eigenproblem is obtained:
Ts kj  kj s kj  0 ,
   1/ 
 kj
( A4 )
, where  kj is the j-th approximation to  k , k=1,2,…,n, n is the required number of
eigenpairs. The algorithm will continue computations (to increase the j - number of Lanczos
steps), until the required accuracy is achieved for all required eigenvalues.
The selective orthogonalization procedure supports the required level of orthogonality between
Lanczos vectors q j which ensures safety and numerical stability of the computational process.
We employ economic methods to provide selective orthogonalization and to solve the reduced
eigenvalue problem (A4) by double QR-iterations with shifts.
The source eigenvectors are determined by the following formula
 kj  Q j skj , k=1,2,…,n
( A5 )
The details are presented in [12,16,17].
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Basis Reduction Method
The basis reduction method [4,5] is known as the Improved Rayleigh-Ritz method [4]. In [5]
such method is presented as a discrete variant of Bubnov-Galerkin method. It is available for
direct solvers (skyline and sparse). This algorithm allows one to get approximate values of the
first few eigenpairs. It is required to assign the master degree of freedom (MDOF) in order to get
the reduced system. Thus, a user is able to control the creation of a reduced model. It is a
powerful tool for users who have some experience in dynamic analysis of structures and deal with
the same type of structures whose behavior is known. This method allows one to exclude
undesirable degrees of freedom (DOF) from the reduced model and to reduce the initial complex
problem with a large number of DOF to a reduced form - with a considerably smaller number of
DOF. The experience of structure dynamic analysis shows what problems can be encountered by
the user when the “automatically reduction methods” (SI, BLSI and Lanczos methods are taken
into account) lead to a very complex computation process. For example, the local vibration
modes of single bars can lead to serious problems for these methods, because it seeks
automatically the eigenpairs without any selection. It should be noted that for the majority of
cases of real structures these local vibrations will be restricted by some constraints that are not
taken into account in FEM model, or their contribution will be inessential to the overall system
motion. Usually, the mass percentage is very small for such local vibrations. The usage of “exact”
methods in this case will lead to the above-mentioned difficulties, however, the implementation of
approximate basis reduction method can simplify the computational process considerably.
This method has the following limitations.
1. The user has to assign the MDOF: the master nodes and master directions. It is assumed
that only displacements (not rotations) may be assigned as the master degrees of freedom.
2. The algorithm is implemented for any type of mass matrix, however, “Lumped without
rotations” mass matrix type is most advantageous with respect to computation time.
3. The Sturm sequence check is not available. There is only one way to explore the check
convergence, namely, increase the number of MDOF (assign additional master nodes and
master directions), solve this problem once more and compare the eigenvalues.
Such a method transforms the source large-scale eigenvalue problem for FEM
K i   i2 M i  0
model (A1) into eigenvalue problem for reduced model
f    2 m  0
where {f} - the influence matrix, {m} - the generalized mass matrix for a reduced model,
~ n
  j X *j
Where n is a number of degrees of freedom of a reduced model. The basis for such
transformations is a static solution obtained for appropriate unit states: unit nodal forces are
applied consequently in each master node, in the selected master direction. A large-scale static
problem is solved for n right-hand sides:
KX i*  Ti ,
i  1,2,..., n
where Ti - load vector which corresponds to i - unit load. The user has to assign master nodes
and master directions. All demanded operations will be performed by the program.
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The reduced eigenvalue problem is solved by Jacobi method, which leads to the approximate
~ 
frequencies i , and modes  i , i=1,2,…,n. The details of this approach are presented in [5].
Block Subspace Iteration Method
The block subspace iteration method (BLSI) is developed to solve a generalized eigenvalue
problem (A1). It is available for direct solvers (skyline and sparse). It is a powerful robust
approach. Application of this method is strongly recommended when a large-scale problem arises
and it is necessary to obtain a large number of eigenpairs (more than 10). BLSI method can be
applied for analysis of separate structures. All types of mass matrices (“Lumped without
rotations”, “Lumped with rotations” and “Consistent”) during modal analysis are available. The
application area of this approach is limited by the modal mode. The seismic mode and pseudo
mode are still available if Lanczos method is chosen.
The Sturm sequence check is performed to detect the skipped eigenvalues. BLSI method
controls the continuity of converged eigenvalues. Discontinuity of converged eigenvalues
indicates presence of skipped eigenvalues. However, continuity of converged eigenvalues does
not provide a strict assurance that skipped eigenvalues are missing. Nevertheless, experience of
numerous computations indicates that for the most cases Sturm sequence check does not detect
skipped eigenvalues, when BLSI method ensures the continuity of converged ones. Thus, a great
advantage of such a method is the possibility of avoiding the time-consuming Sturm check
procedure, if a full warrant of missing skipped eigenvalues is not needed. If discontinuity of
converged eigenvalues is met, the following message appears (see Fig A1).
The main idea of BLSI method [1-3] consists in simultaneous vector iterations in the subspace of
the fixed size. Each converged vector is removed from “work” subspace (block) and instead of it a
new start vector is added. The orthogonality of the converged vectors is ensured on each iteration
Application of the shift acceleration procedure [1,4] is recommended during modal analysis when
the slow convergence occurs:
K     2 M  0 ,
( A10 )
where K   K   M ,  - shift value. At beginning of the analysis  = 0 is assumed. The
automatic update of shift value is made, if new converged eigenvalues do not appear through the
accepted number of control iteration steps. For example, let us accept the number of control
steps equal to 5. Then 5 converged eigenvalues appear after 4 iterations. The shift value remains
 = 0. On the next iteration step 3 eigenvalues converge. The shift value remains  = 0. Then,
throughout 5 iteration steps no eigenmodes converge. The algorithm detects “slow convergence”
again, adopts   82 , updates K   K   M and factorizes the updated shifted matrix K  .
Then after 2 iteration steps converge 2 eigenmodes. The shift value remains   82 . Then
during following 5 iteration steps do not converge any eigenvalues. Algorithm again detects a
“slow convergence” and takes   10 , updates K   K   M and factorize updated shifted
matrix K  . And so on.
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Fig. A1 Discontinuity of converged eigenvalues is detected while running BLSI method. Yes –
computations will be continued until the next converged eigenvalue appears. Afterwards, the
next verification will be perfomed. No – results will be saved and computations will proceed to the
next case. Cancel – computations continue as long as the full continuity of converged
eigenvalues is ensured. Warning will be ignored.
These are not all the recommendations: apply the shift accelerations or do not do it. The user
should remember, that application of the appropriate shift is a most powerful tool of convergence
acceleration. Otherwise, each factorization of the updated K  matrix may be a time-consuming
procedure, especially for a large-scale problem. Thus, the final decision about application of shift
should be made on the basis of experience and intuition of the user.
The following example illustrates the benefit of shift application. The computation model is shown
in Fig.A2. There are 50 eigenmodes extracted by BLSI method. Solver skyline is selected.
Tolerance 1.0e-09 is accepted. It turns out that convergence beginning with 38 mode is still so
slow that for 20 minutes of computations no results are obtained. Once acceleration by shift
(update of a shift was accepted over each of the 5 “unconverted” iteration steps) has been
activated, computation time still amounts to 50 seconds. Obviously, it is possible to present
numerous examples, when application of shift reduces the number of iterations, however, it
increases the computation time. We recommend activation of the shift accelerations, when
conventional approach (shifts are turned off) leads to a large number of iterations at some stages
of the BLSI run.
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Fig.A2 Spatial frame structure
Modified Lanczos Method
It is an adjustment of Lanczos method in pseudo mode to iterative solver. Usual Lanczos method
requires factorization of a stiffness matrix (see A3). When a large-scale problem is met,
factorization of the stiffness matrix is still very time-consuming. In case of large problems (over
100 000 equations), usually, not only factorization of a stiffness matrix requires enormous
computational effort, but also solution of an equation set of appropriately factorized matrix is
The modified Lanczos method is based on the iterative approach. It allows one to avoid storage,
assembling and factorization of a large-scale stiffness matrix. Evaluation of each Lanczos vector
requires approximately as much computational effort as solution of a static problem with single
right-hand side. As regards the pseudo mode, it reduces the required number of Lanczos vectors
compared to the modal mode which is applied when running the modified Lanczos method.
Iterative solver AEBEIS (see [7,8]) is applied for generation of Lanczos vectors. It is
recommended to use ICCF (incomplete Cholesky factorization) technique for both multilevel
aggregation preconditioning [7,8,18-20] and usual (non-multilevel) one. It ensures fast operations
during evaluation of matrix-vector product and fast resolution of correspondence preconditioning.
It should be noted that tolerance adopted for iterative solver (Job preferences | Structure Analysis
| Parameters) determines the precision of evaluation of Lanczos vectors. Usually it is sufficient to
1.0e-04. The greater Number of Modes will be taken into account, the closer low Ritz vectors will
be to the corresponding eigenmodes and the fuller sum of modal masses will be achieved.
See Help (about parameters of iterative solver for static and dynamics) for more details.
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method (PCG)
PCG method [9-13] is recommended for definition of a small number of eigenmodes in the modal
mode, when iterative solver is applied. It may prove very useful for assigning a wind load or for
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checking a few low modes, obtained by PCG_Ritz method. All types of preconditioning (see Tools
/ Job Preferences / Iterative / Parameters), defined for static analysis, are available. All types of
mass matrix (consistent, lumped with rotations and lumped without rotations) can be used.
Preconditioned conjugate gradient method is based on direct minimization of Rayleigh quotient
k 
K x k , x k 
M x k , x k 
by means of the gradient approach where: k – number of iteration,
k - corresponding
approximation of an eigenvalue. The gradient approach searches such value of parameter
which ensures the minimum value of
k ,
k from (A11):
x k  1  x k   k p k
p k is a vector of conjugate direction. Search of the appropriate value of  k
leads to:
[see 9-13]
 
a  K x k , p k 
 
b  K p k , p k 
 
c  M x k , p k 
 
d  M p k , p k 
 
m  M x k , x k 
 
n  K x k , x k 
  nd  mb   4 bc  ad ma  nc 
k 
nd  mb  
2bc  ad 
Preconditioning B is applied to accelerate the convergence
Bz k 1  rk 1  z k 1
Gradient direction is defined as
g k 1   2 (  k 1 M x k 1  K x k 1 ) /( M x k 1 , x k 1 )
New conjugate direction is defined as
p k 1   z k 1   k p k
where  k 
z k 1 , g k 1 
z k , g k 
Iterations are performed until
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rk 1 /  k 1M x k 1   k 1 M x k 1  K x k 1 /  k 1M x k 1  tol ,
where tol is a desired tolerance. Usually tol = 1.0e-02 ensures very good precision for
engineering purposes. It should be remembered, that the convergence ratio (A16) is computed in
very strong norm (see the part covering precision of computations). The tolerance mentioned
above provides precision of eigenvalues not worse than 1.0e-04.
When a first eigenpair is converged, it is stored as a final result, and iterations begin to compute
the next one. The orthogonalization procedure of the previously defined eigenvectors on each
iteration step is employed to avoid doubling of eigenpairs. Such process is applied until all
desired eigenpairs are obtained.
The most efficient way of convergence acceleration for PCG method is implementation of good
preconditioning. All types of preconditioning presented for iterative solver are available for PCG
method. It is strictly recommended to apply the multilevel preconditioning [18-20] or non-multilevel
preconditioning with ICCF [9-12] smoothing from AEBEIS solver [7,8]. For more details see Help.
Ritz-gradient Method (PCG_Ritz)
PCG_Ritz method [8] is a fast method of definition of a set of Ritz vectors in pseudo mode when
iterative solver is selected. Such an approach may be very fruitful for seismic and spectral
analysis of a medium-size structures including (10 000 – 60 000) equations.
It is based on generation of the orthogonal system of basis vectors. The gradient approach with
multilevel aggregation preconditioning on the basis of element-by-element technique is applied to
minimize the Rayleigh quotient for each step of basis vector preparation. It ensures evolution of
the consequence basis vector toward the lowest eigenmode without aggregation and
decomposition of a large-scale stiffness matrix. Such method is often more effective for dynamic
response analysis compared to classic modal superposition method, especially for seismic
response analysis. The proposed method allows one to apply arbitrary types of finite elements
due to aggregation approach and ensures fast solution and inexpensive requirement concerning
disk storage, caused by using EBE technique. This method is particularly effective when the
consistent mass matrix is used.
The given eigenvalue problem is as follows:
K  M  0
where K, M are the stiffness and mass matrices respectively,  is the eigevector and  is the
eigenvalue. The procedure of evolution of the basis vector’s set x 0 , x1 ,..., x n toward the lowest
eigenmode will be described. The preconditioned gradient approach is applied to minimize the
Rayleigh quotient
k 
Kx k , x k 
Mx k , x k 
where k  0, n, k is the evolution step number; n  1 is the number of basis vectors, which
define the size of the subspace span  x 0 , x1 ,..., x n ; n 1  N , where N is the number of
degrees of freedom for the considered problem (A17). It very often appears that the considered
eigenvalue problem is ill-conditioned. In such a case the evolution of the consequence basis
vector x k toward the lowest eigenmode will be very slow. The preconditioning operator B is
applied to improve such a situation. The expression Bz k  rk  z k denotes the resolution of a
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given equation set of correspondence vector z k , where B is a preconditioning operator and
rk  Kx k  k Mx k is a corresponding residual vector.
The basis vectors satisfy the following conditions of orthogonality:
1, k  p 
, x p  
, k , p  0,1,2,..., n
0, k  p
The source large-scale eigenproblem (A17) is reduced to the subspace eigenproblem
k q   m q  0
i, j
i, j
  
The matrices of subspace projection are defined as k i , j  Kx i , x j and
m  Mx , x  U , where U is a unit matrix.
i, j
The Ritz vectors
v1 , v 2 ,..., v n 1 for the derived basis vectors x 0 , x1 ,..., x n and the
corresponding approximations of frequencies 1 ,  2 ,...,  n 1 are utilized for superposition of the
structural dynamic response.
The procedure of the evolution of the basis vectors x k , k  0,1,..., n toward the lowest
eigenmode is very close to the corresponding step of preconditioned gradient iteration method for
eigenproblem solution. It is a well-known fact that convergence of the preconditioned iteration
methods depends considerably on the properties of the preconditioned operator B . This operator
should be positively definite; it allows inexpensive solution Bz k 1  rk 1 and satisfies the
condition number C(B 1K )  1 in the best possible manner.
The last requirement in case of Ritz-gradient method ensures good approximation of the low part
of eigenmodes.
Such a method is available only for the multilevel iterative approach, which ensures a good
quality of preconditioning. Both EBE (element-by-element) preconditioning technique and ICCF
technique one are used. The quality of Ritz vectors generated in such way depends considerably
on the properties of the preconditioning operator B (see A13 and [8]). Since the coarse level
model approximates well the low vibration modes, the Ritz vectors on the fine level are a good
approximation of the corresponding eigenvectors (see [8]). Thus, the quality of results, obtained
using such a method, depends considerably on the ability of the coarse level model to maintain
similarity to the given FEM model (so-called fine level). Usually a single aggregation level ensures
good approximation. When the number of aggregation levels is larger than one, quality of results
is not guaranteed. It is a main limitation of this method application for analysis of a large-scale
problem, when the number of equations exceeds ~60000.
If preconditioning matrix B = K (the coarse level is identical to the fine level), the proposed Ritzgradient method passes exactly to Lanczos method (see [8]). Mathematical background is
presented in [8].
Modal Analysis – Precision of Computations
The generalized eigenvalue problem is defined as
K  M  0 ,
where K, M are the stiffness and mass matrices respectively, , - eigenpairs (natural vibration
mode and eigenvalue). Two types of residual vectors are defined:
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r  Kˆ  ˆMˆ
f  ˆ  ˆK 1 Mˆ ,
 
where ˆ , ˆ are really computed eigenpairs which contain some computational errors. The first
expression defines the residual vector in terms of forces and the second one – in terms of
Four different criteria are used to estimate the computational error of eigenvectors.
1.   r / ˆMˆ . It is a very stiff criterion. Usually   0.01 means that first four digits in the
eigenvalue are defined exactly. It is applied only for PCG method, when iterative solver is
2.   r, . It is a slightly softer criterion than the previous one. It is applied for modified
Lanczos method, when iterative solver is selected.
3.   f / ˆ . It is a soft criterion because convergence of displacements in given realization
of FEM is usually faster than convergence of internal forces. It is used for BLSI, SI and
Lanczos method, when direct solvers (skyline or sparse) are selected.
k  k 1
 tol , where k , k 1 - two successive eigenvalues on k, k-1 iteration steps and
tol denotes the tolerance for eigenvalues, adopted in the Modal Analysis Parameters dialog
box. It is used as intermediate criterion while the following methods are being run: BLSI, SI
and Lanczos method (skyline or sparse direct solvers) in the modal mode. Such a criterion is
not robust, however, it is very fast. The use of (4) allows one to reduce considerably
computation time for BLSI, SI, Lanczos methods, especially for large-scale problems. When
an eigenvalue analysis is completed, criterion (3) is applied as the final verification of
precision. The user should look at the “Precision” column in the table where the value
  f / ˆ is presented. If insufficient precision is met for an eigenmode, it is necessary to
repeat the eigenvalue analysis with a higher tolerance for eigenvalues tol.
The following table summarizes the considerations mentioned above. The symbol N/A means
that the corresponding convergence check is not produced. Results of the final verification are
obtained only once and are presented in the “Precision” column of the table. The convergence
check during computations is performed several times.
Type of
Direct solvers
Iterative solver
k  k 1
 tol
  r / ˆMˆ
  f / ˆ
  r,  
  r / ˆMˆ
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It should be noted, that Lanczos method for seismic mode produces convergence check
  f / ˆ
through each of the 20 Lanczos steps. Basis reduction method and PCG_Ritz
method are the Ritz methods. Since it is not the iterative approach, verification of precision is not
If precision of some modes after computation appears to be insufficient, it is necessary to do the
Direct solvers
Iterative solver
Modified Lanczos
modal mode
Increase the Increase the number Increase the number Decrease tol in
of of modes;
of modes;
tol from
Decrease the tol in decrease the number Parameters dialog
basis Iterative
Solver of aggregation levels; box
dialog increase the number
of inner iterations
dialog box
Appendix 3B
The Pseudo Mode Approach
The source motion equations for seismic loads take the following form:
 
KX  MX  Pt   MI dir t 
K, M - the stiffness and mass matrices;
I dir - direction unit vector;  t  - time history of the ground acceleration
The solution is searched as:
X t     i t qi
i 1
where qi are the basis vectors of the size Neq – number of equations of the source FE model.
These vectors should satisfy the following requirements:
kinematics and static boundary conditions;
linear independence
basis completeness.
It is possible to adopt either Lanczos vectors or any vectors obtained for unit concentrated nodal
forces (basis reduction method for direct solvers or Ritz-gradient PCG_Ritz method).
The subspace projection is described as:
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 
{kij }  {mij }  {P},
 
{kij }  (Kqi , q j );
 
{mij }  (Mqi , q j );
 
{P}  Pt qi  QT MI dir t ;
 
Q  q1 , q2 ,..., q N 
Let us note that  is of the N size; the Q matrix is of the NeqxN size.
The subspace equations (B3) will be solved by means of decomposition of the eigenvectors (on
the subspace which is defined by Q  q1 ,..., q N ).
 N
   k (t )vk , where
k 1
{k ij }vk   k2 {mij }vk  0;
Let us note that decomposition (4) is an exact expression, because the k subscript assumes
values from 1 to N – over the entire size of subspace Q. The substitution (B4) to (B3) leads to the
uncoupled set of equations
k (t )   k2 k (t )  vkT QT MI dir t 
k  1,2,..., N
vkT {mij }vk  1
Let us consider
vkT Q T   vk , s q s   Tk
s 1
Thus, (B5) can be presented as
~ T 
k (t )    k (t )   k MI dir t 
where k=1,2,…,N
Let us apply the response spectra method to the uncoupled equations (B7)
1 ~ T  dir
 k MI dir S a ( k )
 k2
where  k ,max , S a ( k ) are the maximum response for k subspace mode and spectra
 k ,max 
acceleration function, respectively. Let us substitute (B8) to (B4) and then to (B2):
 ~
1 ~
1 ~ ~
X k ,max  2  Tk MI dir  k S adir ( k )  2 kdir  k S adir ( k )
It should be noted that for N  Neq :
~ T
 k   Tk ,
k  k
where  k ,  Tk are the exact eigenpair of the source FEs eigenproblem
K k   2k M k  0
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~ dir
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~ T
and k   k MI dir  kdir   Tk MI dir , where kdir is the mass participation factor for k
1. The proposed approach does not require the “good” approximations  Tk   k ,  k   k .
~ T
It is possible that  k ,  k approximate the  Tk ,  k with the arbitrary precision.
2. The proposed approach is not worse than the well-known modal decomposition
(superposition) method. Both of these methods constitute particular cases of the common
projection method and converge to the “exact” solution when N  Neq. (This statement is not
valid exactly for response spectra method, because this method is of the statistical character
and its convergence to the exact solution takes place when N   . It is obvious that for
N  Neq there will arise a computational conflict due to the fact that the number of basis
vectors cannot exceed Neq. Therefore, it is possible to get different solutions for different
basis vectors when N = Neq. It is a particularity of the response spectra method. For methods
other than the response spectra method, the full convergence takes place when N= Neq. The
convergence for the case of response spectra method should be considered in the statistical
sense only, because this method constitutes a statistical approach aimed at getting an
average solution once the time history has been lost. Due to that the term “exact solution”
should be applied with caution).
3. Which basis is better: Ritz vectors or eigenvectors? There should be such a basis which will
ensure better convergence to the “exact” solution (N = Neq) by means of the smallest number
of basis functions N. The question should be solved by examining practical examples.
~ T
4. Usually, the first part of pairs  k ,  k provide good approximations to the correspondence
eigenpairs  Tk ,  k (It is possible to determine the precision of each pair in the “Precision”
column of the output listing). Only the last part of pairs  Tk ,  k provide bad approximations
to the exact eigenpairs and may be considered to be “pseudo modes” (from the viewpoint of
the French seismic code PS-92).
5. The use of the entire subspace Q  q1 ,..., q N  ensures fast increase of mass percentage.
In case of Modal and Seismic modes, only a part of this subspace is used.
Appendix 3C
The examples of application of the Seismic mode and Pseudo mode
1. It is obvious that there are many kinds of seismic and spectral problems where it is difficult to
get sufficient (70%- 90%) percentage of masses. It is possible to solve the so-called “good”
problems using well-known methods: the user assigns an arbitrary number of N modes and
computes the first sequential N modes by means of the Modal mode. However, for “hard”
problems this approach may turn out to be unreachable. Let us consider, for example, the
“Coreal” or “Museum” problems. They are FEM models which have been prepared by French
engineers. A mass percentage for different number of defined eigenmodes is presented. The
Modal mode (Lanczos method) is used.
The “convergence history” for problem “Coreal”
Number of Converged Modes Mass %
< 1%
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The “convergence history” for problem “Museum“
Number of Converged
Mass %
For example, 80% means that for two directions sums of masses are not smaller than the
given number. The Modal mode generates eigenmodes, while either the adopted mass
percentage is achieved or the assigned top limit number of modes is exhausted. The final
solution of the response spectra method is obtained in the form of statistical
superposition of eigenvectors.
2. In both problems under consideration, the number of degrees of freedom is smaller than
2000. Such problems are considered to be the small ones (with respect to the number of
degrees of freedom). In case of medium-sized and large-scale (“tough”) problems, it is
possible that both the Modal and the Seismic mode remain still inapplicable in practice, due
to the expansive character of the computation process. In such cases, application of the
Pseudo mode is recommended. Below, the convergence history for “Coreal” and “Museum”
problems is presented.
The “convergence history” for problem “Coreal”
Number of Basis Vectors
Mass %
The “convergence history” for problem “Museum”
Number of Basis Vectors
Mass %
It is necessary to define approximately 130 – 150 Lanczos vectors to obtain 80
eigenvectors for the Modal mode. The computational effort in the Pseudo mode
is considerably smaller (approximately 3 – 5 times).
The convergence of results in the Pseudo mode is illustrated in the next problem. The following
table presents the resultant max/min values of CQC combination for the Modal mode and Pseudo
mode :
Pseudo, Nvect = 10
Pseudo, Nvect = 20
UX (cm)
UY (cm)
UZ (cm)
Mass percent.
Nvect – the number of basis vectors.
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Appendix 3D
Examples of Application of Modal Analysis Methods to Solution of Large-scale
Example 1 presents the comparison of computation time for BLSI and Lanczos methods.
Different numbers of eigenmodes are considered. Applied solver: sparse direct solver. Mass
matrix type: “Lumped with rotations”.
Fig. D1. Model of a hotel. Number of nodes: 6 359; Number of elements: 7 264;
Number of equations: 37 806
Table D1. Result Comparison
f (Hz)
F (Hz)
Since Sturm check is not performed, skipped eigenpair occurs between 8 and 9 modes, when
BLSI is applied.
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Table D2. Duration of mode extraction (in seconds)
10 modes
50 modes
100 modes
Factorization of matrix: 841 s.
Advanced methods (BLSI, Lanczos) on the basis of powerful sparse direct solver allows one to
produce - in the short time - not only matrix factorization, but also to extract a large number of
eigenmodes. Computations were performed on P-350 (256 MB RAM) computer.
Example 2 illustrates application of different methods to the solution of PJG203 problem. The
model contains rigid links which leads to the use of a consistent mass matrix. 25 pseudo modes
were extracted.
Fig. D2. PJG203 problem. Number of nodes: 5 945; number of element: 11 471; number of rigid
links: 22; number of compatible nodes: 302; number of equations: 34 266
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Table D3. Computation time, disk storage, the first ten frequencies and corresponding precision
for different methods.
Time (s)
Frequencies (Hz) Precision
61 633
4 435
Modif. Lanczos
3 459
1 521
N/A –
PCG_Ritz is not
an iterative
method, it is a
Ritz method.
pseudo modes
are obtained
instead of the
1. The following parameters have been used for modified Lanczos method: iterative solver
AEBEIS (multilevel mode); ICCF preconditioning; 2 aggregation levels; 4 inner iterations, tol =
1.0e-04 – precision of generation of Lanczos vectors.
2. The following parameters have been adopted for PCG_Ritz method: iterative solver AEBEIS
multilevel; ICCF preconditioning; 1 aggregation level; 4 inner iterations
3. The converged frequencies are marked in yellow. If the precision (see Appendix 3A) of a
relative norm of a residual vector for a given mode is less than 5.0e-02, such a norm can be
considered as fully converged to the corresponding eigenvector. Therefore, the frequencies
marked in yellow are considered to be the “exact” values for a given discrete model. Error
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estimation for PCG_Ritz method is presented in table D4. It can be concluded, that results
obtained by PCG_Ritz method provide sufficiently good approximation for engineering
purposes and such an approach can be used for fast estimation of seismic behavior.
4. The advanced methods allow one to reduce drastically the computation time and disk storage
requirements without any serious loss of result correctness.
Table D4. Error estimation for PCG_Ritz method
“exact” frequency
PCG_Ritz results Error (%)
Computations were performed on PC-450 (128 MB RAM) computer.
Example 3. A thin square plate with a consistent mass matrix clamped along one edge is
considered. The 4-noded shell element and mesh 128x128 (number of equations Neq is 99072)
are used. The 40 pseudo modes are extracted.
The computation time and disk space storage for Lanczos method (skyline solver and sparse
one), modified Lanczos method (iterative solver) and Ritz-gradient (PCG_Ritz) methods are
presented in table D5.
Table D5. Computation time and disk storage requirements for several methods.
Time (s)
Lanczos, solver skyline
141 559
7 367
Lanczos, solver sparse
15 615
Modified Lanczos, iterative
18 978
0 – in core
9 651
Computations were performed on PC-450 (128 MB RAM) computer.
First ten frequencies, obtained by Lanczos method (for both skyline solver or sparse solver) and
modified Lanczos method (iterative solver, ICCF preconditioning, 3 aggregation levels, 8 inner
iterations, tolerance 1.0e-03 for generation of Lanczos vectors were adopted) are identical. As the
precision of computations was very high, it was possible to consider such values to be “exact”
within the given discrete model. They are adopted as etalon values for error estimation for
frequencies obtained by PCG_Ritz method. The multilevel approach with ICCF preconditioning
(one aggregation level, 4 inner iterations) was selected when PCG_Ritz method was being
applied. The corresponding results are presented in table D6.
Table D6. Comparison of frequencies for PCG_Ritz and Lanczos methods
Frequencies by Precision
Frequencies by
Error (%)
Lanczos (Hz)
PCG_Ritz (Hz)
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Example 4. Large building is presented in Fig. D3
Fig. D3. Large building. Number of nodes: 26126, number of elements: 30272,
number of equations: 155920.
Linear static analysis (a single load case) and extraction of 10 eigenmodes are considered. The
tolerance adopted for iterative solver equals 1.0e-04. For skyline solver Lanczos method is used.
For sparse direct solver both Lanczos and BLSI methods are applied. Modified Lanczos method
is used for iterative solver (multilevel method with 3 aggregation levels, 4 inner iterations,
preconditioning ICCF). Mass matrix type: lumped with rotations is adopted.
Table D7. Computation time and disk space for several methods
Disk space
5 702
Linear static
(single rhs) (s)
136 065
2 442
10 253
Extraction of 10
eigenmodes (s)
65 052
25 793
24 500
time (s)
203 878
28 355
35 762
Sparse NS
10 253
11 534
22 604
(BLSI method)
Computations were performed on PC-450 (128 MB RAM) computer.
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Advanced methods: BLSI, Lanczos on the base of sparse direct solver and high-performance
iterative solver AEBEIS with ICCF preconditioning are the powerful tools for solution of largescale linear static and eigenvalue problems. They reduce considerably the computation time and
disk storage requirements compared to conventional skyline solver. Ritz-gradient method
PCG_Ritz is a fast approach which allows one to estimate seismic behavior of the given
structure. When a single aggregation level is accepted, the corresponding results, obtained by
PCG_Ritz method, are close to the ones obtained by Lanczos or BLSI method.
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Comput. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 61
16. Hughes Th. J. R. “The Finite Element Method. Linear Static and Dynamic. FEM Analysis.”
17. Parlett B.N., 1980. “The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem”. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 07632.
18. Bulgakov, V.E., Belyi, M.E., Mathisen, K.M. Multilevel aggregation method for solving largescale generalized eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics, Int. j. Numer. Methods Eng.,
40: 453 - 471, 1997.
19. Bulgakov, V.E. Iterative aggregation technique for large-scale finite element analysis of
mechanical systems, Comput. Struct, 52: N4, 829-840, 1994.
20. Bulgakov, V.E., G. Kuhn. High-performance multilevel iterative aggregation solver for large
finite-element structural analysis problems, Int. j. Numer. Methods Eng., 38: 3529-3544,
21. Regulatory Guide
22. I.Ja.Amiro, V.A.Zarucky, V.N.Revutsky, Yu.V.Skosarenko, A.I.Telalov, S.Yu.Fialko.
Oscillations of Ribbed Shells of Revolution, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1988, 169 p. (In Russian).
23. S.Yu.Filako. Natural Vibration Modes of Ribbed Conical Shells, Soviet Applied Mechanics,
1984, v20, N11, p. 1033-1037. (In English)
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Instability Types in ROBOT
Instability Types That May Occur During Structure Analysis
The structure analysis can issue the following ‘instability’ messages:
type 1 - there is zero value element on the diagonal of stiffness matrix
type 2 - there is zero value element on the diagonal of inverted stiffness matrix
type 3 - some values of stiffness matrix element are very disproportional.
The first, second and sometimes the third type of the instability is usually caused by mechanical
instability of a structure, for example a part of the structure is a mechanism or the structure
support parameters (number, type and positions of supports) are not sufficient. The third type can
also occur due to the fact that there are big differences in section profiles of some elements.
All types of instabilities can be met for skyline solution method. For frontal method only the first
and third type can occur. If the message is displayed for the frontal method it is suggested to
recalculate the example with the skyline method selected. In the case of skyline solver the
number of nodes and degrees of freedom where the instability has been found is precisely
Iterative solvers do not report instability messages and the instability of the model may result in
slow convergence of analysis. In such a case thorough verification of the model prior to
calculations is advised.
The solution method can be changed in the Job Preferences dialog box (Structure Analysis
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Pushover Analysis
Non-linear pushover analysis
The static nonlinear pushover analysis is a simplified approach that allows an engineer to
understand the performance of a building structure for various design earthquakes. The following
restrictions apply to the current version:
All non-linear properties, which define the eventual structural failure during design
earthquake, are concentrated in so-called nonlinear pushover hinges. Other nonlinear effects
(longitudinal forces, P-Delta effect, traction-compression bars, etc.) can to be consider
together with non-linear hinges, but its do not play a decisive role in the damage behavior of
building structures.
The non-linear hinges can be considered only for frame elements of structures and for nonlinear restrictions. The wall elements, modeled by shell finite elements (FE) and solid ones,
are not covered by the option.
Non-linear hinges are considered an independent non-linear links for each degree of freedom
in a given node. The interaction between different degrees of freedom is disregarded. For
example, bending of a bar in one plane does not depend on bending in another plane and
longitudinal forces. Such limitation will be removed in the next version.
Location of each non-linear hinge is defined by the user.
Pushover analysis consists of the following stages:
Define non-linear hinges in a computational FE model.
Assign non-linear properties to hinges (force-displacement or moment-rotation diagrams)
Run modal analysis to activate a mass matrix (1 mode is sufficient).
Define the lateral forces specimen. Note: Push lateral forces depend on the mass matrix type
Assign a control node and direction and ultimate push displacement value (when
displacement in the control node and direction exceeds such a threshold, a non-linear
analysis is completed).
Assign parameters to non-linear analysis.
Run step-by-step non-linear analysis. An equilibrium state curve “shear forces versus
controlling displacement” V = V(D) is a result of a non-linear analysis. Shear forces are
defined as a sum of reactions for a given push direction caused by the corresponding lateral
force specimen.
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Converse the equilibrium states curve V = V(D) to ADRS format (acceleration displacement
response spectra) – derive the capacity curve S acap  S acap ( S d ) , where S acap is a spectral
acceleration and Sd is a spectral displacement.
Perform smoothing of a capacity curve. The smoothed capacity curve is used for the
performance point analysis.
Consider the reduction of the vibration period due to hysteretic damping caused by strong
non-linear deformations of a structure. Conversion of the capacity curve to the axis “effective
damping versus period”  eff   eff (T ) .
Step-by-step search of the performance point as an intersection point between the capacity
curve S a  S a ( S d ) and the selected demand curve.
Lateral load definition
It is often the case for 3-D structures that the first vibration mode produces a local vibration of a
small part of a structure (local vibrations of single or several bars, local mode of a plate, etc.).
Such a vibration mode is usually not representative for the analysis of a seismic response as it
makes little contribution to the seismic motion (its modal mass percentage is small). Therefore,
following algorithm is applied to prepare a push mode – a shape vector, which predefines a
displacement vector during the pushover analysis. In general, the future consideration is based
on [2] with partial adaptation to computer implementation.
K dir  MI dir   dir , where K, M - stiffness and mass matrices respectively, Idir - unitary
direction vector (in case of which units are located on the positions of translation
displacements of direction dir = x  y,z, whereas on all other positions zeros are located; x,
y, z - push directions); dir is taken as a push mode.
1 ~
 dir , where  
,  dir 
Normalize the push mode:  dir 
Mass participation factor: dir  MI dir ,  dir 
Search lateral forces as: Fdir   dir M dir , where dir is a scalar multiplier. Shear force
Vdir  Fdir , I dir    dir MI dir ,  dir    dir dir .
Therefore,  dir 
Vdir and Fdir 
M dir  Vdir . Assume Vdir=1 as Vdir plays a role
of a load parameter in the non-linear pushover analysis and only the spatial specimen of
lateral forces is of interest to us at the moment. Thus, Fdir 
M dir . In the following
part the dir subscript will be disregarded since each push direction requires a specific
pushover analysis.
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Equilibrium states curve. Nonlinear algorithm.
Characteristics of non-linear hinges are usually complex (see [1,2]) and contain degradation
branches. It often causes the tooth-like shape of equilibrium states curves. To overcome such
difficulties the arc-length algorithm is applied. The pushover analysis dialog-box appears.
Fig. 10.5.1 Pushover analysis parameters: Node number, direction - number of nodes and
direction in which the controlling displacement is set; Maximum displacement – the maximum
value of a controlling displacement to be pushed; Non-linearity parameters - see non-linear
If non-linear analysis or P-delta check boxes are checked, the nonlinear properties of each finite
element are taken into account in addition to non-linear hinges. Otherwise, only non-linear hinges
and other specific non-linear elements (traction-compression, cable and non-linear connections)
define the non-linear properties of a structure.
Capacity curve. ADRS format
Thus, equilibrium states curve V = V(D), where V is a shear force and D is a controlling
displacement, is derived. The next step is the convergence of equilibrium states V = V(D) to socalled
V  V ( D)  S a  S a ( S d ) , where Sa, Sd - spectral acceleration and spectral displacement.
The function S a
 S acap (S d ) is a capacity spectrum. The conversion procedure consists of the
following: for each point {D,V}  V = V(D) the corresponding point for capacity spectra
S d , S a  S acap  S acap (S d ) is derived using the formula
Sa 
 2
W M tot g  g
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where  
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- mass percentage for the push mode, M tot  M tot  MI dir , I dir  - total
M tot
mass of a structure; W - structure weight; g - ground acceleration.
Sd 
 D
where D - such component of the push mode vector , which corresponds to (is assigned the
same node and direction) the controlling displacement D.
In general, V = V(D) is usually a non-linear function. The S acap  S acap ( S d ) equation is also a
non-linear function (see Fig.10.5.2). Each point on such a curve is associated with period T.
Evolution of non-linear deformations leads to the change of a free vibration period. It is obvious
that T=const on ADRS diagram is a straight line which passes through the origin of coordinates.
Therefore, for all points of the linear part of a capacity spectrum period is the same and is
denoted by Tlin. This value is based on the solution of the linear equation set KXdir = Fdir, where K
is a stiffness matrix, describing the linear behavior of a structure, and Fdir is a specimen of lateral
forces. Let us denote: Dlin - component of the solution vector Xdir for which the degree of freedom
is identical as the one for the controlling displacement D; Vlin - sum of reactions (shear force)
caused by the action of Fdir. According to [2],
T  2
Sa g
After substitution with (10.5.1), (10.5.2) to (10.5.3) it yields:
Tlin  2
Vlin  D
Fig. 10.5.2 Capacity spectrum in ADRS format
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HYSTERETIC DAMPING. THE  eff   eff (T )
The appearance of non-elastic deformations give rise to hysteretic damping. The corresponding
areas, shown in Fig.10.5.3, illustrate the energy dissipated per loop and the maximum strain
energy. If the vibration of a given system is associated with the vibration of a system of single
degrees of freedom with viscous damping, then the equivalent viscous damping per full
hysteresis loop is as follows:
0 
1 ED
4 ES 0
where: ED – energy dissipated per loop; ES0 - maximum strain energy. The energy dissipated per
loop ED and the maximum strain energy ES0 can be defined based on the consideration of Fig.
E D  4  S a dS d  Area(ABK )  ; E S 0  Area(OAB)
Effective damping is defined as:
 eff   0  0.05
where: 0.05 is the viscous damping,  - the factor is adopted from [2] according to Fig.8-15.
Fig. 10.5.3 Area of a curvilinear figure, restricted by the capacity curve S a  S a ( S d ) and the
AKO lines, is a ¼ of the hysteresis parallelogram area and and illustrates the energy dissipated
by damping per loop. The area of the OAB triangle presents the maximum strain energy. AK is
parallel to the constant period line T lin = const.
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Therefore, a capacity curve can be presented not only as S a
since each point of S a
 S acap ( S d ) , but as eff =  eff(T),
 S acap ( S d ) corresponds to the period T (see equation 10.5.3) and the
effective damping eff (see 10.5.5-10.5.7).
The integral of (10.5.6) is evaluated numerically for each point A  S a  S a ( S d ) . Application
of the arc-length algorithm allows one to derive very complex capacity curves with tooth-like
reversible branches, caused by degradation paths of non-linear hinge characteristics (see Fig.
10.5.4). Therefore, the capacity curve S acap  S acap ( S d ) is subjected to the smoothing procedure
prior to numerical evaluation of (10.5.5-10.5.7). A smoothed capacity spectrum curve is defined
on a regular mesh; it is a single-valued function unlike the initial capacity curve. Such property is
very important for correct evaluation of (10.5.5-10.5.7). Thus, for the following analysis only the
smoothed capacity spectrum curve is used.
Fig. 10.5.4 Capacity spectrum and smoothed capacity spectrum curves. Based on the real
Demand curve. Selected demand curve. Performance point
When moving along the non-linear capacity curve S a
 S acap ( S d ) ( S d  [0, S dMAX ] , where
S dMAX  sup{S d } is defined by the last point of an equilibrium states curve), period T and
effective damping eff(T) are changing. Therefore, each point on the capacity curve
S acap  S acap ( S d ) (eff = eff(T)) defines the corresponding reduced (demand) response spectra
curve S a
 S ared (S d ) .
spectrum and S a
The S a
 SR A  S aelastic in the constant acceleration range of a
 SRV  S aelastic in the constant velocity range of a spectrum (see Fig. 8-14
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from [2]). The S a
is the acceleration spectra from the elastic response spectrum (5%
Fig. 10.5.5 Evaluation of capacity, reduced and selective demand spectrum curves. The
performance point is an intersection of capacity and selective demand curves.
The point {S ared , S d }  S ared  S ared ( S d ) , defined by given Sd from capacity spectra
S acap  S acap ( S d ) , we call as a selected point. Therefore, the motion along the capacity curve
S acap  S acap ( S d ) give rise to the collection of selected points {S ared , S d } for S d  [0, S dMAX ] ,
which are called the selected demand spectrum curve S a  S a ( S d ) . The intersection
between the capacity curve and selected demand one defines a performance point. It is
explained by the scheme presented in Fig. 10.5.5. Until the points {S d , S a } belong to the linear
part of a capacity spectrum diagram, T = Tlin  eff = 0.05 = 5%. Point 1 is projected to elastic
response spectra as 1’. Thus, demand spectra for such points are a part of elastic response
spectra from zero to the limit of the linear behavior. For non-linear part of capacity spectra it is
necessary to define: {S d , S a }  T ,  eff  SR A , SRV  {S d , S a } .
Points 2, 3 define the corresponding projections 2’,3’ on the appropriate reduced spectrum
curves. The collection of such points creates the selective demand spectra curve. The
intersection between the capacity and selective demand curves defines a performance point.
Pushover curve dialog box
Press Results / Advanced / Pushover curve to display the pushover curve dialog box. Choose the
Displacement - reaction sum option to show the shear force - controlling displacement diagram V
= V(D) (Fig. 10.5.6.A). Selection of the capacity spectrum option (Fig. 10.5.6.B) results in
computations of capacity spectrum curve S a  S a ( S d ) , smoothed capacity spectrum curve,
eff = eff(T) curve, selected demand spectrum curve S a
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 S adem (S d ) and in search of a
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performance point. The Normal and Smoothed options allow one to display capacity spectrum
curve and smoothed capacity spectrum curve, respectively. If the Selected demand spectrum
option is switched on, it results in the appearance of a selected demand spectrum which is
computed on the basis of the seismic coefficients Ca , Cv and smoothed capacity spectrum curve.
Fig. 10.5.6 The Pushover curve dialog box
Structure damping parameters allows one to set the structural behavior type (see [2]) and assign
the kappa-factor (see 10.5.7) according to [2, Fig. 8-15] or to the user choice. If a user wants to
assign user own dependencies  = ( 0), the Other option should be switched on and the default
values of , 0 should be corrected. The meaning of Point1 and point2 is presented in the figure
Fig. 10.5.7 Interpretation of point1 and point 2
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In the current version viscous damping is assumed as 5% (constant value).
Auxiliary grid parameters allow one to display the lines of a constant period (period values are
assigned in the appropriate edit boxes) and the reduced spectra curves for given effective
damping (effective damping values are assigned in the appropriate edit boxes). Such a curvelinear grid simplifies orientation on the Sa, Sd plane.
The performance point coordinates are presented under a separator if a performance point is
found. Otherwise, zeros values appear. To display all the performance point coordinates the right
mouse button should be clicked and the Table columns option selected. Other useful graphical
operations are available when the right mouse button is pressed.
The Damping-effective period option allows one to display the  eff = eff(T) curve (Fig.10.5.6.C).
Take note that all points from the linear part of a capacity spectrum curve are mapped to a single
point of eff = eff(T) with the coordinates: T = Tlin, eff = 0.05.
[1] FEMA 273, 1997, NEHRP Guildelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, Developed
by the Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Report
No. FEMA 273), Washington, D.C.
[2] ATC-40, Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete building, 1996.
Arc-length controlling method for non-linear analysis
When the top point of an equilibrium states curve is met, the force-controlling incremental
algorithm is faulty.
Fig. 10.5.8 Typical view of equilibrium states curve with top points
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The force controlling approach can be applied when 0   < 1, where 1 corresponds to the top
point 1. If  > 1 the force controlling iterative process is still non-convergent.
The arc-length algorithm allows one to pass all branches of the equilibrium states without any
serious problem. The normal plane method [1,2] is applied. The non-linear algorithm with the
developed arc-length strategy is presented below.
Input parameters: max - maximum value of a load parameter; Dmax - maximum value of a
controlling displacement; NoSteps – number of assumed increments; NoIter – number of
equilibrium iterations; tol_F – tolerance for the residual vector norm, tol_L – tolerance for a load
Start initialization
Loop over load increments: n = 0, 1, …
R0  0
d 0  0
d 0n1  d n
where: R i  n 1Fext  N(d n 1 ) - residual vector, n 1 - current value of a load parameter,
Fext - external load, N(d in1 ) - vector of internal forces; d in 1 - current displacement vector.
Loop over equilibrium iterations: i = 0, 1, 2, … < NoIter
if (i  0 _ or _ update _ tan gent _ matrix _ on _ each _ iteration)
K  K (d in 1 )
Kd L  Fext
if (i  0)
R i  in 1Fext  N(d in 1 )
in 1  in11
Check _ convergence :
 tol _ F _ and _
 tol _ L  break _ loop _ over _ i
in 1
Kd i  R i  d i
Set  i
i 1
i 1
Update d n 1 ,  n 1i to the next iteration
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d in11  d in1   d i   i d L
 in11  in1   i
End loop over i
if ( in11   max _ or _ D *  D max ) _ break _ loop _ over _ n
D *  _ controlling _ displacement
End loop over n
The arc-length strategy sets the increment of a load parameter on each iteration step. At the
start of the solution (n=0; i=0)  0   max / NoSteps ; _ S  0 1  d TL d L is adopted
where S is an arc-length increment. At the start step of each iteration (i=0; n>0)
and when i>0, the normal plane method gives
 0  S / 1  d TL d L
~T 0
d i d L
. The Fig.10.5.9 illustrates the normal plane method with the matrix
 i  
1   d TL d 0L
update in each increment (identically as in the modified Newton-Raphson method).
Fig.10.5.9 The normal plane method
  
  
Let us denote:   
 d  - tangent line vector; n   d  - normal line vector. The constraint
 0
 i
for computation of the load increment  i is defined according to the normal plane method plane
which is normal to the tangent line on zero iteration step. The condition of orthogonality is as
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d 0 
 
 n  0
  0  d 0L ;
 d 0L
 0  i  d 0 d i  0
d i  d i   i d L
-  d L for zero iteration (i=0).
Such a condition of orthogonality allows one to define i , when i= 1, 2, …
It is possible to demonstrate that the determinant of |K| = 0 when a singular point (the limit top
point or the bifurcation point) is achieved. The following condition is fulfilled: Kd i  R i . When
a given point of a plate load parameter – controlling displacement belongs to the equilibrium state
curve, Kd i  0 because the residual vector R i  0 (the equilibrium conditions are satisfied
exactly). The last expression constitutes a homogeneous linear equation set. Thus, if at some
point |K| = 0, it means that except for the trivial solution d i  0 there exists a nontrivial one.
The determinant |K| changes the sign if a singular point is passed. The developed algorithm
controls changes of the |K| determinant sign. If the singular point is passed an appropriate
warning informs the user that the current equilibrium state is unstable.
Parameters for the arc-length method can be set in the dialog box shown below.
Fig.10.5.10 Parameters of the arc-length method
Where: load increment number - NoSteps; maximum iteration number for one increment - NoIter;
maximum load factor - max; node number, degree of freedom - assign a node number and
direction for a controlling displacement; maximum displacement for a selected degree of freedom
- Dmax; relative tolerance for residual forces – tol_F; relative tolerance for displacements – tol_L.
The arc-length method is used in the non-linear pushover analysis and is strongly recommended
when an FE model includes non-linear connections. The example illustrates the capabilities of the
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arc-length method that allow the user to obtain automatically such a complex equilibrium state
curve (Fig.10.5.13) caused by degradation branches of non-linear hinge characteristics
Fig. 10.5.11 Example of a frame structure loaded by lateral seismic forces
Fig. 10.5.12 Bending moment-rotation characteristic of non-linear hinges.
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Fig. 10.5.13 Equilibrium states curve. Tooth-like paths are caused by degradation branches of
non-linear hinge characteristics.
1. E.Hinton, NAFEMS. Introduction to nonlinear finite element analysis, Glasgow, 1992
2. E.Ramm, Strategies for tracing non-linear responses near limit points. Non-linear finite
element analysis in structural mechanics, (Eds. W.Wunderlich, E.Stein and K.J.Bathe),
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981
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Generation of Surface Finite Element Mesh (Plates and Shells) Examples
Coons method
The method consists in creating Coons surfaces over a contour whose opposite sides are divided
into identical number of segments. The opposite contour sides are linked by straight lines, so that
the intersecting lines create finite elements. Coons method is used in ROBOT for 3D areas and
for flat rectangular or triangular contours. In the case of panels with openings, it is recommended
to use Delaunay’s method.
Options controlling contour division – Division 1 and Division2
The Mesh Generation field of the above-presented Meshing Options dialog box contains the
following parameters responsible for contour division:
Division 1 – defines the number of segments along the second edge
Division 2 – defines the number of segments along the first edge.
Numbering of contour edges is determined by the order in which they are drawn. The first edge
drawn receives number 1, and every next one receives nest numbers (the numbering step: 1).
E.g. if one introduces a rectangular contour – as shown below – and defines Division1 = 8 and
Division2 = 4, then, edge 2 will be divided into 8 segments, while edge 1 into 4 segments. This,
in turn, will determine the division of the opposite edges – edge 4 will be divided into as many
segments as edge 2 (i.e. 8 segments), while edge 3 into as many segments as edge 1.
Contour and the mesh generated for the following parameters: Division1 = 8 and Division2 = 4
If the compatibility conditions indicate that the initial user-defined division is insufficient, the
program will automatically increase the number of segments along a given edge. E.g. let us
define the following parameters Division1 = 4 and Division2 = 4 for two neighboring panels that
share one edge. Then, let us increase the parameters for the right panel - to obtain Division1 = 6
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and Division2 = 6 – and leave the left panel as it is. We see that the program increased the
division for the left panel to maintain compatibility along the shared edge.
Parameters responsible for the type of generated mesh
Apart from setting the values of contour edge division, the program allows one to control the type
of generated mesh. The options used for selecting surface type are located in the Coons Method
Parameters field. While defining parameters in this field, one should remember to select
appropriate finite elements. Otherwise – for instance, if one sets Panel division type: Square
(Rectangular contour) and Triangle in the Finite Element type field, one will obtain a triangular
mesh instead of the expected mesh consisting of quadrilateral elements.
Parameters shared by all examples:
Available Meshing Methods
Coons: Often
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Example 1
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 4, Division2 = 5
Coons Method Parameters field
Panel Division Type: Triangle in Triangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Finite Elements field
Type: 3-node Triangles
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
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For the settings: Panel Division Type: Triangle in Triangular Contour and Triangles and Squares
in Triangular Contour, the program creates regular meshes (each side of a triangular panel is
divided into the same number of segments). Therefore, if one introduces different values of
Division1 and Division2 parameters, the program will use the greater one (in our case, Division2 =
If one selects quadrilateral in Finite Elements the field for this type of mesh, the
forcing ratio must be smaller or equal to the forcing ratio for the mesh type.
Otherwise, the program will generate a mesh consisting of either quadrilateral or
triangular elements (i.e. such a mesh as if we chose Panel Division Type:
Triangles and Squares in Triangular Contour).
Example 2
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5, Division2 = 6
Coons Method Parameters field
Panel Division Type: Triangles and Squares in Triangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Finite Elements field
Type: 3-node Triangles
Forcing Ratio: Proposed
In this case the finite element forcing ratio (Proposed) is smaller than the mesh type forcing ratio
(Recommended). This is due to the fact that triangular and quadrilateral elements must be used
here. Thus, imposing one element type (triangular) would lead to generation of a mesh consisting
only of one type of elements.
Example 3
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5, Division2 = 4
Coons Method Parameters field
Panel Division Type: Triangles and Trapezoids in Triangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Forcing Ratio: Proposed
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We can observe here a situation similar to the one presented in the previous example. If we used
triangular elements with the forcing ratio higher than the mesh type forcing ratio, we would obtain
a mesh consisting solely of triangles. As we want to have a mesh consisting of mixed elements,
we may select quadrilaterals as finite element type. In this case, setting the forcing ratio higher
than for the mesh type will not result in the generation of solely quadrilateral elements. However,
it may happen that the mesh will not be generated at all. Therefore, it is better to set a lower
forcing ratio.
It can be observed in the figure above that here, as opposed to the former mesh types (Triangles,
Triangles and Squares), one edge may be divided in a different manner. The process of dividing
edges is carried out in such a way that edge 2 is divided into Division1 segments; the mesh
orientation is responsible for assigning the Division 2 to edge 3 or 1 (or to both of them). The
orientation is determined in the following manner: the vertex from which the mesh radiates is
located in the vertex of the triangle where the angle is the biggest.
This is best illustrated by the next Example – 3 triangular panels with identical meshing
parameters, differing only in edge numbering.
Example 4
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5, Division2 = 3
Coons Method Parameters field
Panel Division Type: Triangles and Trapezoids in Triangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Forcing Ratio: Proposed
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Example 5
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 3, Division2 = 6
Coons Method Parameters field
Panel Division Type: Squares in Rectangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Any
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Forcing Ratio: Any
Here, relatively low forcing ratio values (Any) are sufficient, for the area is regular. As it was
mentioned before, one should pay attention to finite element type. If one selected triangular
elements with the lowest forcing ratio (None), then, even the value Forcing Ratio: Forced would
not guarantee for this mesh type the generation of quadrilaterals. The case of Panel Division
Type: Triangles in Rectangular Contour is analogous.
Example 6
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 3, Division2 = 6
Coons Method Parameters field
Panel Division Type: Triangles in Rectangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Any
Finite Elements field
Type: 3-node Triangles
Forcing Ratio: Any
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Example 7
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 2, Division2 = 5
Coons Method Parameters field
Panel Division Type: Squares in Rectangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Nodes Quadrilaterals
Forcing Ratio: Any
In the case of plates with one edge defined as an object with imposed division (e.g. an arc), one
should remember that the program will not generate a smaller division than that determined in the
object definition. For instance, the figure above presents a contour with one side defined as an
arc with the division equal to 5 (Arc – Parameters – set Angle: 5 in the Discretization field).
Although Division1 = 2 in the meshing options, the program generates 5 segments. Only when
the division number exceeds the number of divisions defined for the object, the program
generates a modification of edge 2 and, consequently, edge 4. This is due to the fact that the arc
consists of a given number of nodes linked by segments, and the meshing algorithm adjusts the
division to the number of nodes during the finite element generation. Thus, creation of a division
smaller than the one resulting from the arc definition would involve deleting the existing nodes.
This, however, is a forbidden operation.
Delaunay’s triangulation method and Kang’s method
Delaunay’s method
Triangulation method consists in dividing a (2D) surface into a mesh of triangular elements.
Delaunay’s method copes very well with openings in contours, yet one has to define them as
contour edges first. Only one parameter - Division1 – is required for mesh generation when this
method is used. The contour division is carried out in the following manner: the program creates a
square whose perimeter is identical as the perimeter of the area under consideration. Then, each
square side is divided into Division1 segments, i.e. the base length is determined to assure even
distribution of the edges of the contour in question. The figure below illustrates well the described
situation. For both panels the parameter Division1 = 4. By dividing the square with perimeter
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identical with the perimeter of the rectangular plate, the program determines the segment length
(2.5). Thus, the rectangle in question is divided into 16 identical segments (16*2.5 = 40 = plate
In Delaunay’s method, one can control the type of generated mesh by setting the options
available in the Finite Elements field. One may select here the type of finite element and define
the coefficient controlling conversion of triangular elements into quadrilateral ones (Note: The
Forcing Ratio option in the Finite elements field is not recognized for Delaunay’s method). The
conversion coefficient is rather important, as one obtains a smaller amount of elements due to
conversion into quadrilaterals. Additionally, the results obtained by means of quadrilateral
elements are usually more precise. The coefficient is a weighted quality, assuming values from
the following range (–1, +1):
 -1 means that the program will modify only the triangles that add up to shapes resembling
+1 means that the program will create square elements wherever it is possible (NOTE: it may
lead to the generation of improperly conditioned elements)
In order to be able to convert triangular elements, one has to select quadrilateral
elements in the Finite Elements field.
Parameters shared by all examples:
Available Meshing Methods
Delaunay: Often
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
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Example 8
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Coefficient: -1
Example 9
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Coefficient: +1
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Examples 8 and 9 illustrate well the influence of the conversion coefficient. For the conversion
coefficient equal to –1, only triangles that did not border with plate edges will be converted into
squares, for they added up to squares. On the other hand, for the conversion coefficient equal to
+1, the program converted triangles wherever it was possible. It should be added, that conversion
is carried out after mesh generation, i.e. it belongs to post-processing.
If one wants to generate a mesh consisting only of triangles, it suffices to select triangular
elements in the Finite Elements field, which means that the conversion coefficient will not be
Example 10
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5
Finite Elements field
Type: 3-node Triangles
The coefficient does not have any influence because triangular elements have been selected.
Delaunay + Kang
The Kang method consists in refining a generated mesh in the vicinity of emitters. Emitters are
special nodes defined in such places in a structure that require increased calculation precision.
There are two types of emitters available:
user-defined emitters – the option allows the user to define his own emitters and it is available
after checking out the Emiters: User option in the Delaunay Method Parameters field in the
Meshing Options dialog box. Emitters are defined in the Analysis / Calculation Model /
Emitters dialog box:
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default emitters – emitters are created automatically in the corners and beside openings; the
option is available after setting Emitters: Default.
Mesh refinement by means of Kang method consists in generating a wave propagated from an
emitter into the panel area. The following parameters are available:
H0 – first wave length (directly by the emitter)
Hmax – last wave length
Q – coefficient determining the relation between the next and the former wave. It means that
the lengths of successive waves compose the following sequence H0, H0*Q, H0*Q2, ...,
Hmax For obvious reasons, Q coefficient must meet the following condition Q > 1.
Example 11
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5
Finite Elements field
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Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Coefficient: +1
Delaunay Method Parameters
Emitters: Default
Delaunay + Kang: H0 = 0.5, Hmax = 3, Q = 1.35
As the default emitter is selected, the program generates waves in plate corners. Outside the
area of refined mesh, the Delaunay method is used. Additionally, the conversion coefficient has
been defined to assume value +1, which assures maximum conversion of triangular elements into
quadrilateral ones. Setting the following parameters H0=0.5, Hmax=3, Q=1.35 resulted in the
generation of six waves with the following wavelengths: 0.5, 0.68, 0.91, 1.23, 1.66, 2.24, 3.03,
which is best presented in the close-up of the left bottom corner.
Parameters: H0=0.5, Hmax=3, Q=1.35. Wavelengths: 0.5, 0.68, 0.91, 1.23, 1.66, 2.24,
In order to generate a mesh with user-defined emitter, one should remember to switch on the
Emitters: User option in the Delaunay Method Parameters field of the Meshing Options dialog
box. In order to define a user-defined emitter, one should select the Analysis / Calculation Model /
Emitters command from the main menu. Emitters are defined by indicating a node/point within a
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panel and introducing the first wavelength H0. The remaining parameters, i.e. Q and Hmax are
defined in the Meshing Options dialog box. The example presented below contains an emitter
defined by the user in the left bottom corner of the plate. The default emitters are switched off.
Example 12
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Coefficient: -0.6
Delaunay Method Parameters
Emitters: Default
Delaunay + Kang: H0 = 0.2 (defined in the Emitters dialog box), Hmax = 1000, Q = 1.2
As default emitters are switched off, the H0 parameter from the Meshing Options dialog box does
not influence the user-defined emitter. Setting Hmax = 1000 means that the generated Kang
wave propagates towards the inside of the plate.
Example 13
Available Meshing Methods field
Coons: Often (checked out)
Delaunay: Often
Forcing Ratio: Proposed
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 6, Division2 = 6
Coons Method Parameters
Panel Division Type: Squares in Rectangular Contour
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Finite Elements field
Type: 4-Node Quadrilaterals
Coefficient: -0.8
Forcing Ratio: Recommended
Delaunay Method Parameters
Emitters: Default
Delaunay + Kang: H0 = 0.3, Hmax = 1000, Q = 1.2
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The above-presented example shows the use of global settings for mesh generation: the above
dialog box is opened by selecting the Tools / Job Preferences / Meshing Options / Modification /
Advanced options command from the main menu. The above-presented settings were used to
generate meshes for two square plates, i.e. Coons mesh was generated on the left panel, while
Delaunay mesh was used for the right-hand one. The meshing options were set in such a way as
to avoid imposing only one of the available methods, i.e. the forcing in the Available Meshing
Methods field is set to Proposed. Therefore, the program automatically recognizes regular areas
(left panel) and uses Coons method there, while it uses Delaunay method in every case where
there appear irregularities (right-hand panel with an opening).
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If one does not want to use Coons method, it suffices to set Never in the combo box beside
Coons in the Available Meshing Methods field and leave all the remaining parameters as before.
The above settings assure that the program will generate meshes on both panels according to
Delaunay method.
Identical effect can be obtained by forcing Delaunay method, i.e.:
Let us see how such a mesh is influenced by the coefficient defining conversion of triangular into
quadrilateral elements. Let us modify its value from -0.8 to –0.5, and leave the remaining
parameters (forcing of Delaunay method for both panels included) as before.
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Due to setting new coefficient value, the program generated regular mesh with well-conditioned
quadrilateral elements. In this case, it is optimal to set the coefficient value equal to –0.5.
The use of mesh consolidation and refinement - examples
Field Available Meshing Methods
Delaunay: Often (checked out)
Mesh Generation field
Division1 = 5
Finite Elements field
Type: 3-node Triangles
The above settings result in generating Delaunay mesh consisting solely of triangles.
Now, we perform mesh consolidation. To do so, one should select the entire panel and open the
Mesh Consolidation dialog box by means of the Analysis / Calculation Model / Mesh
Consolidation command from the main menu. Then, one should set the conversion coefficient to
–0.4 and uncheck FE mesh freeze option, so that it would be possible to modify the structure later
in the design process. Once the selected parameters are confirmed, one obtains the mesh shown
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Let us refine the mesh elements located in the plate corner (see the figure above). To do so, one
should select the elements and open the dialog box for mesh refinement by means of the
Analysis / Calculation Model / Mesh Refinement command from the main menu. The numbers of
the indicated elements will appear in the Element list field. Then, one should select double
refinement, i.e. set Mesh refinement type: Double. As before, the option for FE mesh freeze
should be unchecked.
As the above-presented figure shows, the sides of selected elements has been divided into two
segments, due to which each quadrilateral has been replaced with four smaller ones.
Simultaneously, to maintain continuity of the degrees of freedom, the program divided the
elements neighboring with the selected ones.
Now, generate the calculation model to obtain a new mesh consisting solely of triangles. Select
the Analysis / Calculation Model / Generation command from the main menu. Select the entire
panel and perform conversion into quadrilaterals by means of the options available in the Mesh
Consolidation dialog box. This time, assign the coefficient value –0.8.
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Now, let us refine the obtained mesh without dividing the sides of finite elements. To do so, one
should select the entire panel, open the Mesh Refinement dialog box and set there Mesh
refinement type: Simple. Confirming the defined parameters results in generation of the belowpresented mesh.
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