and/or View the Voter Guide Here
and/or View the Voter Guide Here
Endorsement Committee This year, we formed an Endorsement Committee comprised of 18 members plus additional Libertarian leadership;the“Committee.”TheCommitteemembersconductedtheirownindependentresearchoneachof the candidates and asked them questions at our events. The Committee members took notes and made recommendationsongradesandendorsements. EndorsementCommitteeChair:JasonWeinman CommitteeMembers: JasonGSmith JimDuensing LesleyChan JohnMcCormack LouPombo BradyBowyer TimHagan BrettH.Pojunis DebraDedmon NickKlein RossWilliams TarinaDark JasonNellis JDSmith ScottLafata BrandonEllyson AndrewLea SteveBrown Format - Why "Speed Dating?" TheLibertarianPartyofNevadahosted"SpeedDating"eventsover2daysatdifferentvenuesinLasVegas. Thegoalwastomeetasmanycandidatesaspossibleinaformatsimilartospeeddating.LPNevadaendorsed Candidatesin non‐partisan races and graded Candidates in partisan races for the 2014 General Elections. Mostorganizationsdonotgetone‐on‐oneinteractionwiththecandidates;wefeltthisisimportant. Endorsements and Grading Non‐Partisan candidates received either a positive (thumbs up) or negative (thumbs down) endorsement fromtheCommittee.PartisanCandidatesreceivedagradeof1to5stars.Candidateswhoreceived1starwere notveryLibertarianandcandidateswhoreceived5starswereverygoodinregardstotheirpositiononissues importanttoLibertarians. The Libertarian Party of Nevada has the following 15 Candidate on the 2014 Ballot. Adam Sanacore, Assembly District 21 Lou Pombo, Assembly District 37 Chris Dailey, White Pine County Commission Louis Gabriel, Assembly District 32 Donald W. Hendon, Assembly District 19 Randy Kimmick, Congressional District 3 Doug Johnson, Clark County Recorder Richard Charles, Congressional District 1 Ed Uehling, Senate District 10 Robert Juarez, Assembly District 15 Jason Smith, Clark County Commissioner F Steve Brown, Congressional District 4 Jim Duensing, Clark County District Attorney Tim Hagan, Clark County Assessor John O’Connor, Assembly District 38 Jason G. Smith is the Libertarian candidate for County Commission in District F, which encompasses North Las Vegas, and much of the West Side. Jason is running against incumbent Susan Brager. Jason is the only candidate with a plan to fix our schools, cut spending, reduce bureaucratic inefficiency, eliminate regulations which throttle the local economy, and restore and expand the personal and economic freedoms that can make Las Vegas the city of opportunity. Jason Smith is the only candidate for County Commission who believes that adults are better able to make decisions for themselves than government officials can make for everyone. | 702.210.9962 | [email protected] Ed Uehling is the Libertarian candidate for State Senate in District 10, the economic engine of Nevada and the most exciting and attractive tourist destination in the world. Ed is running in a two-way race against Democrat Ruben Kihuen. Today’s government restricts job development and growth, and fosters a culture in which the government picks winners and the public loses. As your State Senator, Ed Uehling will work tirelessly to reduce or eliminate the government’s job killing regulations, and to return as much of your money to you as possible. Unlike his opponent, Ed opposes the job killing margin tax, supports a progressive voucher system to address our educational crisis, will introduce common sense reforms to our bloated and inefficient bureaucracy, and will adopt proven free market solutions to the problems that plague our state. | 702.808.6000 | [email protected] Steve Brown is our Libertarian candidate for The US House of Representatives in Congressional District 4. Steve is a dealer at the fabulous 4 Queens Hotel and Casino, as well as a small business owner. Steve learned the hard way that government regulation is a major impediment to the economy. He will work hard to end the regressive and unnecessary taxation on tips which have a disproportionate impact on low wage service employees, and to end the devastating War on Drugs. Steve also opposes warrantless wiretaps and indefinite detention as proscribed in the NDAA and Patriot Act, the collection of meta-data by the NSA, and the war without end in the Middle East. Steve will also take action to address the 17 trillion dollar national debt, rather than expand it. | 702.772.3116 | [email protected] LPNevada has been very impressed with Richard Scotti. If elected, he will be a fantastic judge as we believe he will be fair and uphold the constitution at all times. Please support Richard! Craig Friedberg impressed the Libertarians as he is one of the only judicial candidates (including incumbents) who has an actual plan to make the court system more efficient! Please support Craig! Monti Levy will be a great family court judge! We trust she will be fair and always put the children’s interest first. She has been a great supporter of LPNevada so we ask you to support her! LPNevada leadership has had the pleasure of spending time with Joe Hardy, Jr. and we strongly support him for judge! We feel he will bring integrity into the court room. Please support Joe! Our endorsement was extremely impressed by Assemblyman Carrillo! He has an amazing record in the assembly pushing for common sense bills and we look forward to working with him! Cindy Lake has been a longtime supporter of Libertarians and the Liberty Movement. She believes in limited government and wants to continue fighting against waste, fraud and abuse. Barbara Cegavske made a great impression on the Endorsement Committee. We reviewed her plan for the Secretary of State’s office and we like her ideas to make Nevada business friendly again! LPNevada has been supporting Assemblywoman Fiore for a long time. She has some great ideas and a solid plan! She is fantastic on fiscal issues and coming around on social issues! The Libertarian Party of Nevada has partnered with PollVault to present our 2014 Libertarian Voter Guide. Please visit PollVault provides voters with a simple, customized and interactive digital ballot and allows them to choose up to 10 friends, public figures, and/or organizations whose political views they trust to help vote their ballot. The result is a personalized dashboard that shows your ballot alongside the ballot choices of your friends and favorite advocacy groups, charities and celebrities on the site. Advisors are PollVault users who are willing to share their ballot choices with others to help inform their ballot decisions. Anyone can become an Advisor on PollVault either by making their ballot public or by accepting an individual invitation to become someone’s advisor. Advisors can be organizations, public figures (from political pundits to activists to well-known musicians or actors), or individuals. If people tend to ask your advice on upcoming elections, congratulations - you’re already acting as an Advisor! By sharing your advice on PollVault, you now have single place to direct those seeking your well-informed points of view. PollVault is also a great place for people seeking a platform to share their political views. By posting your positions and the rationale behind them, you create value for the PollVault community. In return, you gain followers, measured through your Political Clout score (see below for more information). Visit then sign in with Facebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Libertarian Party of Nevada as an Advisor. Invite people from Facebook and share your voting choices. Share Libertarian Party of Nevada on Facebook and twitter. Ask candidates to do the same. The Libertarian Party of Nevada (LPNevada) knows that in order to grow we must first be able to fulfill the essential functions of a political party. It's time to get back 2 basics! The LPNevada leadership spent the past year working tirelessly to build a strong foundation for the party. During this time, we moved to a divisional structure and created over 60 leadership positions. Each month, we are identifying and placing new leaders while getting more and more organized. If you like the new direction of LPNevada please help us by contributing and/or joining the Party. As a contributor (member) to the Libertarian Party of Nevada, you are investing in the future of Liberty for the people of Nevada. With the attacks by the legislature on our rights, and the disappointments that are our elected officials, we face challenging times in our beautiful state. Contributions from our membership keep us fighting strong. Your contributions will help us continue to build a strong foundation to grow the party, appeal poor court decisions, support our candidates, and lobby for freedom oriented legislation (and the repeal of bad legislation). The Party must be equipped to send political mailers, recruit and organize volunteers, and buy television and radio ads. We are driven by the fact that so many people are Libertarians but just don't know it! Our goal for this membership drive is to communicate with these individuals and let them know we exist. Monthly contributions help us to plan future initiatives and budget for the most effective approaches. As a Libertarian Party of Nevada donor you are taking a direct part in advancing liberty in Nevada! People have said in the past that the Libertarian Party is not a real force in politics; let's change that together! This is your chance to help us become an effective political party! LPNevada is about to take off and we want you with us. It's time to get serious! Please review our membership levels and select which level is best for you. Libertarian Party of Nevada Libertarian Party of Nevada Endorsements 2014 Nevada General Election Election Day is Nov. 4, 2014 United States The United States House of Representatives NV1 RICARDO CARLOS CHARLES Libertarian Party He is our Libertarian Party of Nevada Candidate The United States House of Representatives NV3 RANDY KIMMICK Libertarian Party He is our Libertarian Party of Nevada Candidate The United States House of Representatives NV4 RUSSELL BEST Independent American Party STEVE BROWN Libertarian Party He is our Libertarian Party of Nevada Candidate and has been running a good campaign. He is one of our Featured Candidates. CRESENT HARDY Republican Party STEVEN HORSFORD Democratic Party — Incumbent Nevada Questions 1 Creation of a State Intermediate Appellate Court Every appeal, no matter how frivolous, goes to the Nevada Supreme Court. As a result, the Supreme Court is extremely overworked, and it often takes two to three years to get a decision. Appeals courts can assign cases to individual judges, rather than have them reviewed by panels of three justices. Although the Libertarian Party would prefer to reduce the caseload by streamlining red tape and eliminating victimless crimes, we don’t expect the government to take the dramatic necessary action on time to address the problem. Therefore, the Libertarian Party of Nevada regretfully supports a “Yes” vote on Question 1. 2 Mining Tax Cap Amendment The Libertarian Party of Nevada supports question 2. The Libertarian party believes that taxes are too high across the board, however, selective tax breaks distort incentives and lead to a misallocation of resources. The impact of selective tax breaks is ultimately the same as the impact of direct subsidization. The goal of removing the cap should be to create a more level playing field. It is important that the additional revenues created by the removal of the cap, if there are any, should go towards paying down Nevada’s debt, or reducing the nominal tax burden (assuming tax rates on mining are ultimately raised to parity by the legislature). Once they’re at parity, we look forward to working with the mining community to ensure that across the board taxes are lowered. 3 Margin Tax for Public Schools Initiative The Libertarian Party of Nevada wholeheartedly, unanimously, and without reservation, opposes the Margin Tax. This policy, if enacted, will be deeply destructive. Many small businesses operate on smaller margins than this tax allows them to keep, and will have to close. The impact on investment, employment, real wages, and access to goods and services will be detrimental in the extreme. It’s beyond the pale that there exists a segment of the population here in Nevada who would impose such a measure upon themselves and their neighbors. This kind of avarice and disregard for the basic principles of economics demonstrates thoroughly why there is such a need for a Libertarian Party in the first place. Vote “no” on Question 3. State Controller TOM JONES Independent American Party The Libertarian Party of Nevada enjoys working with Tom Jones. ANDREW MARTIN Democratic Party The most qualified candidate for Controller. Mr. Martin has supported Libertarian ideals and if elected, he intends on running the Controller's office non-partisan and is willing to work with the Libertarian Party of Nevada. Secretary of State BARBARA CEGAVSKE Republican Party The Endorsement Committee feels Barbara Cegavske has a solid plan to reform the Secretary of State's Office to encourage new businesses to incorporate in Nevada. KATE MARSHALL Democratic Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. Attorney General JONATHAN HANSEN Independent American Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. ADAM LAXALT Republican Party Strong supporter of the 10th amendment and plans to bring lawsuits against the federal government. He has expressed interest in working with the Libertarian Party of Nevada. ROSS MILLER Democratic Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. Lt. Governor LUCY FLORES Democratic Party The Libertarian Party of Nevada fully supports voting for "None of These Candidates." MARK HUTCHISON Republican Party The Libertarian Party of Nevada fully supports voting for "None of These Candidates." MIKE LITTLE Independent American Party The Libertarian Party of Nevada fully supports voting for "None of These Candidates." State Treasurer DANIEL SCHWARTZ Republican Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. KIM WALLIN Democratic Party The Endorsement Committee enjoyed meeting Kim Wallin and feels she will do a great job as Treasurer. Additionally, she has expressed willingness to work with the Libertarian Party of Nevada. State Assembly District 1 ROGER BAUM Republican Party The Candidate participated in our endorsements. MARILYN KIRKPATRICK Democratic Party — Incumbent The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. State Assembly District 2 JOHN HAMBRICK Republican Party — Incumbent The Libertarians would like to know more about his social positions. He has expressed strong interest in working with the Libertarian Party of Nevada. State Assembly District 3 NELSON ARAUJO Democratic Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. JESUS MARQUEZ Republican Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 4 MICHELE FIORE Republican Party — Incumbent The Endorsement Committee was very impressed with Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. She is one of the few candidates who received a 5 star rating and she is also a featured candidate. JEFF HINTON Democratic Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements nor have they attended our events. Furthermore, this candidate has not presented a real plan or made their policy positions available. State Assembly District 5 ERV NELSON Republican Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. JERRI STRASSER Democratic Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 7 BRENT LEAVITT Republican Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. DINA NEAL Democratic Party — Incumbent This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 8 JASON FRIERSON Democratic Party — Incumbent This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. JOHN MOORE Republican Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 10 JAKE HOLDER Democratic Party The Libertarian Party of Nevada has reviewed Mr. Holder’s positions on issues ( and feel the author of his website is semi-literate (Derek Zoolander) and is confused about which office he is running for (Congress or Assembly). Even though the Libertarian Party of Nevada disagrees with many of his position, we applaud Mr. Holder for taking the time to inform the voters of his plans. SHELLY SHELTON Republican Party Shelly has been a strong supporter of the Libertarian Party! She is very strong on fiscal issues but she needs to become more Libertarian on social issues. She is also one of the few candidates addressing police brutality and a plan to stop it and the Libertarian Party respects her courage. State Assembly District 12 JIM OHRENSCHALL Democratic Party — Incumbent The Candidate does not have any information available, no website (under construction), Facebook hasn’t been updated in over 7 months and we could not find anything else on him. The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. TROY WARREN Independent American Party Troy Warren brings a fresh perspective to the assembly as a “blue collar guy for the hard working American taxpayer.” The Endorsement Committee really liked Troy Warren. State Assembly District 13 PAUL ANDERSON Republican Party — Incumbent The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. CHRISTINE KRAMAR Democratic Party The Endorsement Committee really liked Christine Kramar as she is responsible for the removal of Common Core from the Nevada Democrat’s Party platform. State Assembly District 14 MAGGIE CARLTON Democratic Party — Incumbent The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. However, she has expressed her interest in working with the Libertarian Party of Nevada. MATTHEW YARBROUGH Republican Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. State Assembly District 15 ELLIOT ANDERSON Democratic Party — Incumbent BEN DONLON Republican Party ROBERTO JUAREZ Libertarian Party He is the Libertarian Party of Nevada candidate. State Assembly District 17 PAT LITTLE Independent American Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. PATRICK MENDEZ Republican Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. TYRONE THOMPSON Democratic Party — Incumbent This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 18 AMY BEAULIEU Democratic Party The Endorsement Committee appreciates Amy Beaulieu’s courage to be upfront with her positions on issues important to her such as support for ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act), the need for additional funding for education, and increased gun control. We are aligned on some social issues. RICHARD CARRILLO Democratic Party — Incumbent The Endorsement Committee was very impressed with Assemblyman Richard Carrillo. He is one of the few candidates who received a 5 star rating and he is also a featured candidate. State Assembly District 19 CHRIS EDWARDS Republican Party DONALD HENDON Libertarian Party JAMES ZYGADLO Democratic Party State Assembly District 20 CAROL LINTON Republican Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. ELLEN SPIEGEL Democratic Party — Incumbent This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 21 DEREK ARMSTRONG Republican Party ANDY EISEN Democratic Party — Incumbent ADAM-JOHN SANACORE Libertarian Party State Assembly District 22 LEROY LALLEY Independent American Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. LYNN STEWART Republican Party — Incumbent This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 26 RANDY KIRNER Republican Party — Incumbent The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. LISA KRASNER Republican Party Lisa Krasner is very aligned with Libertarian views with the exception of Immigration. In addition, she went far out of her way to participate with our Endorsement Committee. State Assembly District 29 LESLEY COHEN Democratic Party — Incumbent This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. STEPHEN SILBERKRAUS Republican Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Assembly District 32 WEDGE GABRIEL Libertarian Party IRA HANSEN Republican Party — Incumbent JOHN SAMPAGA Democratic Party State Assembly District 34 VICTORIA SEAMAN Republican Party The Endorsement Committee really liked Victoria Seaman and she has been supporting the efforts of the Libertarian Party of Nevada. MEGHAN SMITH Democratic Party The reason for the NO in this race is due to eligibility. On October 17, 2014 a Clark County District Court Judge (Dept. 27, Judge Allf) "determines that Smith is ineligible for Assembly District 34 and is disqualified from office" Meghan Smith is not a qualified candidate, this is the court document from her opponents website: State Assembly District 35 JAMES HEALEY Democratic Party — Incumbent The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. BRENT JONES Republican Party Brent Jones has been a champion of Liberty and a friend to the Libertarian Party of Nevada. The Endorsement Committee really liked what he stands for, however, publicly he is not strong on social issues. State Assembly District 37 WES DUNCAN Republican Party — Incumbent GERALD MACKIN Democratic Party LOU POMBO Libertarian Party State Assembly District 38 TIM FASANO Independent American Party JOHN O'CONNOR Libertarian Party ROBIN TITUS Republican Party State Assembly District 41 PAUL AIZLEY Democratic Party — Incumbent The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. VICKI DOOLING Republican Party Vicki Dooling is very good on fiscal issues but very conservative on social issues. State Assembly District 42 IRENE BUSTAMANTE ADAMS Democratic Party — Incumbent This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. HOWARD SCHEFF Independent American Party This candidate did not participate in our endorsements, nor has the candidate attended our events. Furthermore, the candidate did not present a real plan, or make their policy positions available. State Senate District 2 LOUIS BAKER Independent American Party Not well versed on issues and not a serious candidate. The candidate is weak on Ebola. MO DENIS Democratic Party — Incumbent Democrat who will not publicly address social issues. State Senate District 9 BECKY HARRIS Republican Party Both Candidates are bad options for Nevada. You are better off just flipping a coin; heads - Justin Jones, tails Becky Harris. JUSTIN JONES Democratic Party — Incumbent Both Candidates are bad options for Nevada. You are better off just flipping a coin; heads - Justin Jones, tails Becky Harris. State Senate District 10 RUBEN KIHUEN Democratic Party — Incumbent EDMUND UEHLING Libertarian Party This is an important race, it is a 2 way race between our Libertarian Candidate Ed Uehling and a Democrat. State Senate District 20 TERESA LOWRY Democratic Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. MICHAEL ROBERSON Republican Party — Incumbent The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. Clark County DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 2 RICHARD SCOTTI No NV Party Affiliation Richard Scotti is one of the Libertarian Party of Nevada's Featured Candidates. He has been a big supporter of our efforts. JOHN G. WATKINS No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 30 JEFFREY S. RUGG No NV Party Affiliation Jeffrey Rugg has been very supportive of the Libertarian Party of Nevada's efforts. Jeffrey Rugg is one of our Featured Candidates. JERRY A. WIESE No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT M WILLIAM POTTER No NV Party Affiliation JAMES STUART No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 20 JERRY TAO No NV Party Affiliation The Libertarian leadership really enjoyed meeting with Judge Tao. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT S VINCENT OCHOA No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Judge Vincent Ochoa taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. JASON PATRICK STOFFEL No NV Party Affiliation DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT I CHERYL MOSS No NV Party Affiliation TRAVIS SHETLER No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT B LINDA MARQUIS No NV Party Affiliation The Libertarian leadership really enjoyed meeting with Linda Marquis and she is a fine candidate. JOSEPH A. SCALIA No NV Party Affiliation Joseph Scalia made a strong impression on Libertarian leadership and is one of our Featured Candidates. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT H KEITH LYONS No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Keith Lyons taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. ART RITCHIE No NV Party Affiliation Libertarian leadership was very impressed with Judge Art Ritchie and fully supports him. REGENT, STATE UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 5 SAM LIEBERMAN No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Sam Lieberman taking time to meet with the Libertarian Party of Nevada's Endorsement Committee. NICK M. SPIRTOS No NV Party Affiliation COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT G CINDY LAKE Nevada Republican Party Cindy Lake has been a strong supporter of the efforts of the Libertarian Party of Nevada. Cindy Lake is committed to fighting waste, fraud and abuse in Clark County’s budget including, Las Vegas Metro Police Department, Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), and University Medical Center (UMC). MARY BETH SCOW Nevada Democratic Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements nor have they attended our events. Furthermore, this candidate has not presented a real plan or made their policy positions available. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT D ROBERT KURTH No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Robert Kurth taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. BOB TEUTON No NV Party Affiliation Libertarian Party of Nevada is fully supporting Bob Teuton. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 19 BILL KEPHART No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Bill Kephart taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. CLIFF MARCEK No NV Party Affiliation JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, LAS VEGAS TWNSH DEPARTMENT 12 MARIAN KAHOIWAI KAMALANI No NV Party Affiliation DIANA L. SULLIVAN No NV Party Affiliation REGENT, STATE UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 3 TOM HURST No NV Party Affiliation Tom Hurst has been a long time Libertarian and we fully support him. Tom is the best person for the job given his experience. Help us get the word out about him. KEVIN J. PAGE No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with the Libertarian Party of Nevada's Endorsement Committee and has not attended our events. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT J RENA G. HUGHES No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. KENNETH E. POLLOCK No NV Party Affiliation Judge Kenneth Pollock has been a supporter of the Libertarian Party of Nevada's efforts and we fully support him. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT N MATHEW HARTER No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. MONTI JORDANA LEVY No NV Party Affiliation Libertarian Party of Nevada leadership is fully supporting Monti Levy. She has been a great supporter of our efforts and she has the experience to be one of the best Family Court Judges. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 22 JACOB HAFTER No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. SUSAN JOHNSON No NV Party Affiliation The Libertarian leadership enjoyed meeting Judge Johnson and encourage you to support her. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 8 CHRISTINE GUERCI-NYHUS No NV Party Affiliation CLARK COUNTY CLERK LYNN GOYA Nevada Democratic Party Strong on social issues. WILLIAM HOLS Nevada Republican Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT E CHRIS GIUNCHIGLIANI Nevada Democratic Party Chris Giunchigliani has not been good with fiscal issues, however, she has long been a champion of personal and civil liberties. She is one of the only politicians in Clark County who supports common sense immigration reform, reducing the scope of the drug war and expanding marriage equality. JOE THIBODEAU Nevada Republican Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements nor have they attended our events. Furthermore, this candidate has not presented a real plan or made their policy positions available. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT P NATHAN GIBBS No NV Party Affiliation SANDRA L. POMRENZE No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Sandra Pomrenze taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT F DENISE L. GENTILE No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Denise Gentile taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. BILL GONZALEZ No NV Party Affiliation Libertarian leadership is fully supporting Judge Bill Gonzalez for another term. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 23 CRAIG FRIEDBERG No NV Party Affiliation Craig Friedberg is one of the Libertarian Party of Nevada's Featured Candidates. He has been a big supporter of our efforts. STEFANY A. MILEY No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. CLARK COUNTY TREASURER LAURA FITZPATRICK Nevada Democratic Party DOC JAVORNICKY Nevada Republican Party DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 14 ADRIANA ESCOBAR No NV Party Affiliation MICHAEL ROOT No NV Party Affiliation DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 5 CAROLYN ELLSWORTH No NV Party Affiliation Libertarian leadership feel both candidates are good options, however, we are supporting Carolyn Ellsworth due to her tremendous experience. WILLIAM C. HORNE No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate William Horne taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT L JENNIFER L. ELLIOTT No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Jennifer Elliott taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. MITCH GAUDET No NV Party Affiliation Libertarian leadership has built a good relationship with Paul Gaudet and we appreciate his continuing support. We encourage our members to support him. TRUSTEE, CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT F CAROLYN EDWARDS No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with the Libertarian Party of Nevada's Endorsement Committee and has not attended our events. RALPH KRAUSS No NV Party Affiliation It was a pleasure spending time getting to know about Ralph Krauss. He is certainly the best person for the job. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 4 KERRY LOUISE EARLEY No NV Party Affiliation STEVE SMITH No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Steve Smith taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. CLARK COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY JIM DUENSING Libertarian Party of Nevada Jim Duensing is the Libertarian Party of Nevada candidate. CONSTABLE, GOODSPRINGS TOWNSHIP KEN DERSCHAN Nevada Democratic Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. GARY P. ROGERS Nevada Republican Party Gary Rogers has been a strong supporter of the Libertarian Party of Nevada. He attends our events and we feel he has very Libertarian ideas. We strongly support his efforts. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 3 MICHAEL D. DAVIDSON No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Michael Davidson taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. DOUGLAS W. HERNDON No NV Party Affiliation DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 24 JIM CROCKETT No NV Party Affiliation JOE HARDY No NV Party Affiliation Joe Hardy, Jr. is one of the Libertarian Party of Nevada's Featured Candidates. He has been a big supporter of our efforts. CLARK COUNTY RECORDER TRACTOR JOHNSON Libertarian Party of Nevada DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 25 SEAN P. CONNELL No NV Party Affiliation KATHLEEN E. DELANEY No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. TRUSTEE, CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT D KEVIN L. CHILD No NV Party Affiliation STAVAN CORBETT No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with the Libertarian Party of Nevada's Endorsement Committee and has not attended our events. CLARK COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR JOHN J. CAHILL Nevada Democratic Party The Candidate did not participate in our endorsements and has not attended our events. ED KLAPPROTH Nevada Republican Party Ed Klapproth has been supporting the Libertarian Party of Nevada for many years. The Endorsement Committee really liked his ideas. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 28 SUSAN BUSH No NV Party Affiliation Susan Bush has been supportive of the Libertarian Party of Nevada's efforts and has attended many of our events. Members in the party have gotten a chance to know her and we are proud to give her an endorsement. RON ISRAEL No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT C REBECCA BURTON No NV Party Affiliation We appreciate Rebecca Burton taking time to meet with Libertarian leadership. JACK HOWARD No NV Party Affiliation DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, FAMILY DIV DEPARTMENT T LISA M. BROWN No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. MARIA MASKALL No NV Party Affiliation Maria Maskall will be a great Family Court Judge and the Libertarian Party of Nevada fully supports her. COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT F SUSAN BRAGER Nevada Democratic Party LYAL S. DARREL Independent American Party of Nevada JASON G. SMITH Libertarian Party of Nevada The Libertarian Party of Nevada fully endorses Jason Smith. In addition to running for office he is the Vice Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Nevada and works tirelessly to help build the party. MITCHELL T. TRACY Nevada Republican Party REGENT, STATE UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 2 ROBERT J. BLAKELY No NV Party Affiliation TREVOR HAYES No NV Party Affiliation CLARK COUNTY ASSESSOR BRAD LEE BARNHILL Independent American Party of Nevada TIM HAGAN Libertarian Party of Nevada Libertarian Party Candidate MICHELE W. SHAFE Nevada Democratic Party DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT 32 ROB BARE No NV Party Affiliation The leadership of the Libertarian Party of Nevada really likes Judge Rob Bare. We encourage all of our members to support him. RANDALL TINDALL No NV Party Affiliation The Candidate did not take the time to meet with Libertarian leadership and has not attended our events. White Pine County County Commissioner, Seat 1 CHRIS DAILEY Libertarian Party of Nevada JOHN S. LAMPROS Independent American Party of Nevada CAROL O. MCKENZIE Nevada Republican Party Libertarian Party of Nevada CHEAT SHEET – Bring this with you to the polls BALLOT QUESTIONS • • • Question 1- YES - The creation of a State Intermediate Court Question 2 – YES - Mining Tax Cap Amendment Question 3 – NO - Margin Tax for Public Schools Initiative FEDERAL OFFICES • • • • CD1 - RICHARD CHARLES (L) CD2 – No preference CD3 - RANDY KIMMICK (L) CD4 - STEVE BROWN (L) STATEWIDE OFFICES • • • • • • Controller: ANDREW MARTIN (D) Treasurer: KIM WALLIN (D) Secretary of State: BARBARA CEGAVSKE (R) Lt. Governor: NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES Governor: NO PREFERENCE Attorney General: ADAM LAXALT (R) Page 1 STATE LEGISLATURE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Assembly District 1: ROGER BAUM (R) 3 STARS Assembly District 2: JOHN HAMBRICK (R) 4 STARS Assembly District 3: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 4: MICHELE FIORE (R) 5 STARS Assembly District 5: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 6: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 7: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 8: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 9: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 10: SHELLY SHELTON (R) 3 STARS Assembly District 11: CANDIDATE IS UNOPPOSED Assembly District 12: TROY WARREN (IAP) 4 STARS Assembly District 13: CHRISTINE KRAMAR (D) 4 STARS Assembly District 14: MAGGIE CARLTON (D) INTEREST Assembly District 15: ROBERTO JUAREZ (L) Assembly District 16: CANDIDATE IS UNOPPOSED Assembly District 17: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 18: RICHARD CARRILLO (D) 5 STARS Assembly District 19: DONALD HENDON (L) Assembly District 20: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 21: ADAM-JOHN SANACORE (L) Assembly District 22: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 23: CANDIDATE IS UNOPPOSED Assembly District 24: CANDIDATE IS UNOPPOSED Libertarian Party of Nevada | Phone: 702.763.9310 | 1771 E. Flamingo Road, Suite 201 A, Las Vegas, NV 89119 USA Libertarian Party of Nevada • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Assembly District 25: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 26: LISA KRASNER (R) 4 STARS Assembly District 27: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 28: CANDIDATE IS UNOPPOSED Assembly District 29: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 30: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 31: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 32: WEDGE GABRIEL (L) Assembly District 33: CANDIDATE IS UNOPPOSED Assembly District 34: VICTORIA SEAMAN (R) 4 STARS Assembly District 35: BRENT JONES (R) 4 STARS Assembly District 36: CANDIDATE IS UNOPPOSED Assembly District 37: LOU POMBO (L) Assembly District 38: JOHN O’CONNOR (L) Assembly District 39: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 40: NO PREFERENCE Assembly District 41: VICKI DOOLING (R) 4 STARS Assembly District 42: NO PREFERENCE • • • • • • • • • • • Senate District 2: NO PREFERENCE Senate District 8: NO PREFERENCE Senate District 9: NO PREFERENCE Senate District 10: ED UEHLING (L) Senate District 12: CANDIDATE IS RUNNING UNOPPOSED Senate District 13: NO PREFERENCE Senate District 14: NO PREFERENCE Senate District 16: NO PREFERENCE Senate District 17: CANDIDATE IS RUNNING UNOPPOSED Senate District 20: NO PREFERENCE Senate District 21: NO PREFERENCE CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • • • District E: CHRIS GIUNCHIGLIANI (D) 4 STARS District F: JASON G. SMITH (L) District G: CINDY LAKE (R) 5 STARS • • • • • • Clerk: LYNN GOYA (D) 4 STARS Treasurer: LAURA FITZPATRICK (D) 4 STARS District Attorney: RAYMOND JAMES “JIM” DUENSING (L) Recorder: DOUG JOHNSON (L) Administrator: ED CLAPPROTH Assessor: Tim Hagan (L) Page 2 COUNTY OFFICERS Libertarian Party of Nevada | Phone: 702.763.9310 | 1771 E. Flamingo Road, Suite 201 A, Las Vegas, NV 89119 USA Libertarian Party of Nevada DISTRICT COURT NOTE: Departments where no judge is named are NO PREFERENCE’s, or candidates are unopposed Department 2: RICHARD SCOTTI Department 3: DOUGLAS W. HERNDON Department 4: KERRY LOUISE EARLY Department 5: CAROLYN ELLSWORTH Department 8: CHRISTINE GUERCI-NYHUS Department 14: ADRIANA ESCOBAR Department 19: CLIFF MARCEK Department 20: JERRY TAO Department 22: SUSAN JOHNSON Department 23: CRAIG FRIEDBERG Department 24: JOE HARDY JR. Department 25: SEAN P. CONNELL Department 28: SUSAN BUSH Department 30: JEFFREY S. RUGG Department 32: ROB BARE FAMILY COURT Department B: JOSEPH A. SCALIA Department C: JACK HOWARD Department D: BOB TEUTON Department F: BILL GONZALEZ Department H: ART RICHIE Department I: CHERYL MOSS Department J: KENNETH E. POLLOCK Department L: MITCH GAUDET Department M: WILLIAM POTTER Department N: MONTI JORDANA LEVY Department P: NATHAN GIBBS Department S: JASON PATRICK STOFFEL Department T: MARIA MASKALL JUSTICE OF THE PEACE • Department 12: MARIAN KAHOIWAI KAMALANI UNIVERSITY REGENT • • • District 2: ROBERT J. BLAKELY District 3: TOM HURST District 5: NICK M. SPIRTOS SCHOOL TRUSTEES • • District D: KEVIN L. CHILD District F: RALPH KRAUSS CONSTABLE • Goodsprings Township: GARY P ROGERS (R) 5 STARS • COUNTY COMMISSION SEAT 1: CHRIS DAILEY (L) Page 3 WHITE PINE COUNTY: Libertarian Party of Nevada | Phone: 702.763.9310 | 1771 E. Flamingo Road, Suite 201 A, Las Vegas, NV 89119 USA