company profile
company profile
GEO-INFORMATICS AND AERONAUTICAL NAVIGATION SERVICES COMPANY PROFILE Edition : 2013 PT. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA Geo-informatics & Aeronautical Navigation Supports 2nd Floor Terminal Building A-02/PK Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport Jakarta 13610, Indonesia Ph. 62-21 808 80028 - 62.21 912 60023 Fax. 62-21 809 7242 Specialist for Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Services COMPANY PROFILE 2013 ENGLISH ‐ INDONESIA PT.INDOAVIS NUSANTARA Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 PT.INDOAVIS NUSANTARA Geo-informatics and Aeronautical Information Services Terminal Building 2nd Floor A-02/PK Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport Jakarta 13610, INDONESIA DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION COMPANY PROFILE Volume II – 2013 Dokumen ini diperuntukkan bagi perusahaan yang membutuhkan informasi tentang kelayakan perusahaan (PT.Indoavis Nusantara). ELECTRONIC BACKUP Internal Reference Name : Host System : Svr2//indoavis_doc/COM/Indoavis_Company Profile-2013 (2).docx Microsoft Windows AUTHORITY NAMA 1. President Director Hendra Andi Londy 2. Director Capt. D.J Leimena 3. Production Manager Hendra Andi Londy 4. AIRNAV Manager Capt. Dharu Tjokroanagoro 5. Financial Manager I Wello Kasim 6. Commercial Manager Yolanda Febiola 7. Documentation Manager Nazri Emnel Edition Date 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 14 Feb 2008 24 May 2009 12 Jun 2010/11 21 March 2012 01 Jan 2013 SIGNATURE DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD Reason For Change Base Document EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Company Experience, AIRNAV Member AIRNAV Member Financial Report DATE Sectional Page All Page 01 Page 16/17/19 Page 19 Page 10 INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 2 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 TABLE OF CONTENT 1 Document Identification Sheet safety ……………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 2 2 for ensuring flight operation safety ………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 3 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………..……… 4 4 BACKGROUND …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… 5 4.1 INDOAVIS IN THE AVIATION INDUSTRY……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 6 4.2 COMPANY STRATEGY…………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………… 6 4.2.1 VISION AND MISSION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 4.2.2 CONCERTED EFFORTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………… 6 4.2.3 COMPANY STRATEGY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… 6 4.2.4 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT LONG TERM PLAN ……………………………………………………………………………..… 7 4.2.5 SHORT AND MEDIUM TERM PLAN ……………………………………………………………………………………….………………… 7 4.2.6 ORGANOGRAM INDOAVIS FUTURE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 5 ORGANIZATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… 8 5.1 ORGANIZATION CHART ………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………..…………… 8 5.2 HEAD OFFICE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… 8 5.3 COMMERCIAL ASPECTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… 9 5.3.1 FINANCIAL INFORMATION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 9 5.3.2 INDOAVIS AERONAUTICAL CHART AND RELATED PRODUCTS ………………………………………………..…………… 10 5.4 PRODUCTION ASPECTS …………………………………………………………….………………………….…………………………..…………… 11 5.4.1 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..…………… 11 5.4.2 INDOAVIS NAVIGATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… 11 5.4.3 INDOAVIS DATA (SOUTH EAST AREA …………………………….………………………………………………………..…………… 12 5.4.4 INDOAVIS NET …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 FLOW INFORMATION SERVICES and AIM CONCEPT ………………………………………………………..…………… 13 INDOAVIS WEB SITE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 13 • Search Aeronautical Data …………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 14 • Aeronautical Navigation Calculator ……………………………………………………………………………..……… 14 • STATISTICS VISITOR 2008 – 2011 ………………………………………………………………………………...……… 14 5.5 EXPERIENCE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....……… 15 5.5.1 EXPERIENCE 2001 – 2011 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 16 5.5.2 LIST of MEMBER INDOAVIS AIRNAV MANUAL …………………………………………………………………………..….…… 18 6 LEGAL ASPECT………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..…… 20 6.1 NOTARIUM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 21 6.1.1 Notary Document on establishment of corporation ……………………………………………………………....……… 21 6.1.2 Tax payer Register Number ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 6.1.3 Certificate, Corporate Registration …………………………………………………………………………………..………………… 22 6.1.4 Certificate, domicile of the company ………………………………………………………………………………..………………… 23 6.1.5 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Certificate ………………………………………………………………………….……… 23 6.1.6 Intellectual Property Right …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 24 6.1.7 Message from minister of transportation Republic of Indonesia ………………………………………………………… 25 6.1.8 Message from minister of transportation Republic of Indonesia …..…………………………………………………… 26 6.1.9 Message from minister of transportation Republic of Indonesia ………………………………………………………… 27 6.1.10 Letter of Acknowledgement the Directorate General of Civil Aviation……………………………………………… 27 6.1.11 Letter Permits the management airport …………………………………………………………………………………..……… 28 6.1.12 Conoco Inscribed Letter …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..……… 28 6.1.13 Pertamina Aviation Inscribed Letter ………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 29 6.2 PERSONAL LICENSES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 29 6.2.1 Photogrammetry and cartography education center Bandung Institute of Technology ……………..……… 29 6.2.2 Aviation Indonesia ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..……… 29 6.2.3 Licenses the DGCA Flight Safety Int’l Standard Aeronautical information services ………………………..…… 29 6.2.4 PANOPS (Instrument Flight Procedure Construction) JAPAN ……………………………………………………………… 29 6.2.5 PANOPS (Instrument Flight Procedure Construction) INDONESIA ……………………………………………….……… 30 6.2.6 Licenses Management Training in Civil Aviation ICAO – STPI …………………………………………………..…..……… 30 6.2.7 Assembly technical simulator training certificate ……………………………………………………………………….……… 30 6.2.8 Coordination and Communication Certificate Indonesia Briefing Office ‐ Airlines Flight Operations …… 30 6.2.9 National Socialization & Coordination Certificate Aeronautical Information Services ………………..……… 30 7 CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………..… 31 INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 3 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Specialist for Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Technologies for ensuring flight operations safety We are one of the leading providers of Aeronautical Charts for Indonesian airspace, such as IFR En‐route Charts, VFR Chart Aerodrome Charts, Approach Procedures including Navigation Software We have been the sole national provider of Operation Navigation Charts for Indonesian airspace for VFR flights since 1995. Visit Our Web Site PT.INDOAVIS NUSANTARA 2nd Floor Terminal Building A‐02/PK, Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta 13610 Tel: +62‐21‐80880028, +62‐21‐91260023 Fax: +62‐21‐8097242 eMail: [email protected] INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 4 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Type of organization Jenis Perusahaan Private company Perusahaan Swasta Type of Business Jenis Usaha • • Head office Address and Primary contact for sales/client services Terminal Building 2nd Floor A-02/PK Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport Jakarta 13610, INDONESIA Phone (62.21) 80880028 Fax (62.21) 8097242 e-mail [email protected] Website, / Net Alamat Kantor Pusat dan hubungan penjualan layanan servis. Aeronautical Services Geo-informatics and Aeronautical Mapping The Member of Bussines Daftar Rekanan Usaha 1. ConnocoPhillips – Cevron Oil 2. (Persero) Angkasa Pura I / II 3. Sampoerna-Air 4. Pertamina Aviation 5. Air Operator (AOC 121 - 135) The Minister Of Justices Decree Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman AHU-53121.AH.01.02 Tahun 2011 tanggal 1 November 2011 Certificate Of Permission In Business Surat ijin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) No. 485/P/13-1.824.51, tgl 21 Maret 2007 Taxpayer Registration Number Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) No. 02.378.790.6-005.000 Hak Kekayaan Intelectual Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Departemen Hukum dan HAM Registered Trade Mark for Intellectual Property right at The Directorate General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Law and Human Rights Banks Perbankan Bank Mandiri , Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport, Jakarta (13820) INDONESIA SWWIFT-BEIIIDJA (for payment from overseas) Acc. No : 006-000-467213-9 Market Profile Bidang Usaha • • • • • Geo-informatics and Aeronautical Information Mapping Support Information Technologies Training and Instructor Computer and Telematics Industry INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 5 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 The Development of Aviation in Indonesia has been very significant. The very fast area coverage of the Republic of Indonesia, the rising number of Air Carrier/Operators be in quality as well as in quantity, both in the Scheduled Operator and in the No and also the development of Airport facilities. All of this has consequently demand accurate and state of the art information. The information is needed by the Operators as means and references, reflecting save performance of their flights and also contribute to the positive image of the Operators as well as the Government i.e. The Civil Aviation Authorities and of the Military and Police Air Units. The accurate and up-date information has been processed as such, in the form of product which then be used as Navigational Tools, required by Navigators and those connected and concern with comfort and safety of Flight Operations. In the world of the International Air Transport, companies such as Jeppesen, Lido Lufthansa, has long been known. Nevertheless in the aspect of Aerodrome Information of Indonesia, Indoavis product is considered to have more comparative advantages and contain much more information. In the field of the Operational Navigation Chart (ONC), its known that in the past, the availability much relied on the Publication of the US Department of Defense (D.O.D). Ever since 1996 some countries including Indonesia experienced difficulties to acquire those ONC. The last ONC of the DOD was issued in 1994. Information Embargo by the NATO has motivated Indoavis to avail ONC produce by Indonesian Citizen which not with standing the minimum means and infrastructure have shown the ability to produce product that over seeded those produced by DOD. On December 12, 1998 Indonesia Aviation Services (Indoavis) was established (Effort to provide services and support, and the concern of Indoavis on the safety of those utilizing flight services through provision of product to Air INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Dunia Penerbangan di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Wilayah Republik Indonesia yang sangat luas, tumbuhnya Perusahaan Penerbangan baik dalam kualitas maupun kuantitas, baik berjadwal maupun tak berjadwal, serta perkembangan fasilitas bandara yang semakin banyak, sudah barang tentu menuntut adanya informasi yang padat, akurat dan mutahir. Informasi tersebut diperlukan untuk memberikan acuan bagi para operator penerbangan agar aman dan tepat waktu, yang tentunya akan memberikan keamanan dan citra positif bagi para penyelenggara bisnis penerbangan maupun pihak Pemerintah c.q. Otorita Perhubungan Udara, maupun lingkungan TNI-POLRI. Informasi yang akurat serta up-to date yang dirangkum menjadi satu produk, digunakan sebagai alat navigasi, dimana produk tersebut sangat dibutuhkan bagi para Navigator maupun pihak-pihak yang terkait demi kenyamanan dan keselamatan penerbangan. Di dunia Penerbangan Internasional, perusahaan Jeppesen, Lido Lufthansa, telah lama dikenal. Namun demikian, dari segi informasi untuk di Indonesia, informasi yang dihasilkan INDOAVIS jauh lebih unggul dan memuat jumlah informasi yang lebih banyak. Di masa lampau ketersediaan Operational Navigation Chart (ONC) bergantung pada penerbitan pihak Departemen of Defence USA (DOD). Sejak tahun 1996, beberapa Negara termasuk Indonesia sangat sulit mendapatkan ONC-edisi terakhir yang digunakan tahun 1994. Embargo Informasi Pertahanan oleh (NATO) memberikan motivasi yang kuat pada Indoavis untuk membuat ONC hasil karya bangsa sendiri, yang kendati menghadapi keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana, mampu menghasilkan produk yang lebih unggul dari produk yang ada sebelumnya (DOD) Pada tanggal 12 Desember 1998, dibentuk Indonesia Aviation Services ( Upaya memberikan pelayanan support serta rasa peduli Indoavis terhadap keselamatan para pengguna jasa penerbangan melalui produk dan jasa, yang diberikan bagi para pelaku bisnis Penerbangan di Indonesia, mencerminkan Page : 6 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Operators in Indonesia, reflects it's services, professionalism and commitment in anticipating various risks that might be experienced, during Flight Operations.) profesionalisme pelayanan dan komitmen dalam mengantisipasi berbagai resiko yang mungkin terjadi dalam setiap operasional penerbangan. INDOAVIS IN THE AVIATION INDUSTRY Map Indoavis proposal within the scope of aviation in Indonesia. Referring to the FAA-USA Peta usulan Indoavis dalam perannya dan ruang lingkup terhadap dunia penerbangan di Indonesia. Mengacu pada FAA COMPANY STRATEGY STRATEGI PERUSAHAAN Indonesia Aviation Services (Indoavis) was established on December 12, 1998, under the umbrella of PT. Archipelindo Aeronusa dealing in Mapping works. To enhance the quality and to concentrate efforts in Aeronautical Navigation, PT. Archipelindo Aeronusa, through it's letter of Power of Attorney No. AAN/HEN/I/120104/A, handed over the activities fully to Indoavis. Indonesia Aviation Services (Indoavis) didirikan pada tanggal 12 Desember 1998, dibawah naungan PT. Archipelindo Aeronusa yang bergerak di bidang pemetaan, untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas dan lebih berkonsentrasi pada Jasa Navigasi Udara. PT. Archipelindo Aeronusa dengan surat kuasa No. AAN/HEN/1/120/120104/A, telah menyerahkan segala Aktifitas kegiatannya kepada Indoavis. VISION Indoavis to become a healthy company and able to compete both in the Domestic as well as in the International Market. VISI Menjadikan Indoavis sebagai perusahaan yang sehat, mampu bersaing di pasar Internasional. MISSION To establish Indoavis basing its strength on Flight Navigation Support. MISI Menjadikan Indoavis sebagai perusahaan dengan berbasis kekuatan pada Flight Navigation Support CONCERTED EFFORTS Dominating the Domestic Market and simultaneously expand its wings into the International Market. KONSENTRASI Mendominasi pasar domestik dan sekaligus mengembangkan sayap ke pasar Internasional. COMPANY STRATEGY Establish and form a healthy, solid and highly committed Corporate Management Team. Manage the company effectively and efficiently in all function and constantly client oriented. To run the enterprise by staffing with quality and highly motivated Human Resources putting the national interest foremost. To perform strategic alliances with those corporation having same line of business and goals. STRATEGI PERUSAHAAN Membentuk dan menciptakan Corporate Management Team yang sehat, solid dan berkomitmen tinggi. Menjalankan perusahaan secara efektif dan efisien disemua fungsi dan selalu berorientasi kepada pelanggan. Menjalankan usaha dengan menempatkan SDM yang berkualitas, serta bermotivasi tinggi untuk mengedepankan kepentingan bangsa. Melaksanakan Strategi Aliansi dengan Perusahaan sejenis/setujuan. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 7 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT LONG TERM PLAN Forming a Holding Company covering amongst others : 1. Indoavis FBO (Fixed Base Operation) 2. Ground Handling and FLOP Center 3. Aviation Shop and Training School 4. Indoavis AIR 5. Indoavis NEWS 6. Aviation Agencies / Consultant SHORT AND MEDIUM TERM PLAN • Performs strategic alliances with companies dealing in World Class Information Services Company supporting the Aeronautical and Non-Aeronautical Services Company. • To produce & market Information Services to Aviation and the Non-Aviation ones, in the Regional and International market • Dominate the Domestic Market. • Enhance Internal Systems and Procedures. (Adm. and Finance; Commercial and Production) PERENCANAAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM JANGKA PANJANG Membentuk Holding Company antara lain: 1. Indoavis FBO (Fixed Base Operation) 2. Ground Handling and FLOP Center 3. Aviation Shop and Training School 4. Indoavis AIR 5. Indoavis NEWS 6. Aviation Agencies / Consultant PROGRAM JANGKA MENENGAH / PENDEK • Melaksanakan Strategi Aliansi dengan Perusahaan Jasa Informasi Pendukung Penerbangan dan Non Penerbangan Kelas Internasional. • Memproduksi dan memasarkan Jasa Informasi Pendukung Penerbangan dan Non Penerbangan pada pasar Regional dan Internasional • Mendominasi Pasar Domestik • Mengembangkan Internal System & Procedures (Adm. & Finance; Commercial dan Production ) ORGANOGRAM INDOAVIS FUTURE INDONESIA AVIATION INDUSTRY INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 8 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 At the present stage, the organization is dedicated mostly to "Team Work efforts" by monitoring the company operational activity supported by it's professional, qualified and well experience human resources. To form a strong and well dedicated staff, solidly exerting all thoughts and innovation to create products and services which could be beneficial for the community as a whole, becoming professional work partners. In stages, and by observing future situation and conditions the organization will still be armed in having an ideal organigram. Pada tingkat sekarang ini, pengorganisasian lebih di tekankan pada "Team Work" dengan menjalankan operasional perusahaan yang didukung oleh SDM yang bekerja secara profesional dan berkualitas, berpengalaman dalam bidang masing-masing. Membentuk tim yang sangat kuat, berdedikasi dan secara solid mengerahkan segala akal dan pikiran untuk menciptakan produk dan pelayanan yang dapat dipergunakan oleh masyarakat seluas-luasnya dengan tujuan menjadi mitra kerja profesional. Secara bertahap, dan sesuai situasi dan kondisi di kemudian hari, organisasi tetap diarahkan pada Organigram yang ideal. OFFICE / KANTOR HEAD OFFICE 2nd Floor Terminal Building A‐02/PK Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport Jakarta 13610, Indonesia Phone : 62‐21 808 99510/808 80028 Fax : 62‐21 809 7242 e‐mail [email protected] [email protected] Website : http:/ INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services PRODUCTION OFFICE Cililitan Besar No.72B Jakarta 13610 INDONESIA Phone : +62.21 808 73105 email : [email protected] AVIATION BUSSINES CENTER 1st Terminal Building B‐33.B Halim Perdanakusuma Int’l Airport Jakarta 13610 INDONESIA email : [email protected] Page : 9 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Navigational operation support is an important part of flight operation worldwide. Apart from being a mandatory to equip air operators, this product, both in hardcopy or softcopy, have a significant role in the safety of flight operation and constitute as an air operator of the qualification. Operational navigation support product is an exclusive product, hard to get and relatively expensive, because the production process is the complex one, in compilation, analyzing and its evaluation. It requires high accuracy and highly qualified human resources to deal with high technology and prevailing rules and regulation. Indoavis sponsorship program means periodical advertising agreement on Indoavis products, both chart & book, the objectives of program : Produk Navigasi Pendukung Operasional Penerbangan merupakan bagian penting dalam operasional penerbangan di dunia, selain produk yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap operator penerbangan berdasarkan regulasi. Produk baik dalam bentuk cetakan/print maupun program/softcopy juga sangat berperan dalam Menjamin Keamanan dan Keselamatan Penerbangan disamping Kualifikasi Para Operator Penerbangan sebagai pengguna. Karakteristik Produk Navigasi Operasional Penerbangan merupakan Produk Ekslusif yang dibutuhkan, sulit didapat dan dengan harga yang relatif mahal. Hal ini mengingat proses produksinya cukup kompleks dalam hal pengumpulan, analisa dan evaluasi data dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi, serta dibutuhkan SDM dengan kualifikasi dan penguasaan teknologi tinggi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Program Indoavis Sponsorship adalah program kerjasama sponsorship pada beberapa produk Indoavis, pada produk berupa peta maupun bentuk buku secara periodik, dimana program ini bertujuan : 1. Joint promotion in correlation with commercial air transportation services industry, product duration/validity period between 3 months until 1 years; 2. Production cost reduction program for sales prices. 3. To participate in informing & socializing safety flight in Indonesia. 1. Melakukan promosi secara bersama dengan perusahaan yang terkait dengan industri jasa angkutan udara, 2. Menekan biaya produksi yang cukup tinggi, agar harga jual produk tersubsidi. 3. Ikut berpatisipasi dlm menginformasikan dan mensosialisasikan Keselamatan dan Keamanan Penerbangan di Indonesia. Products sponsor: 1) IFR En-route H/L Alt Split Chart 2) Indonesia Index Aerodrome 3) AFD (Airport Facility Directory) Produk-produk Sponsor: 1) IFR En-route High/Low Alt Split Chart 2) Indonesian/ASIA Index Aerodrome Chart 3) AFD (Airport Facility Directory) FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Operating Revenue Realized 2009 – 2012) Gross annual sales for last four year • • • • Laporan Penjualan empat tahun terakhir • • • • 2012 = USD $ 250.221 2011 = USD $ 229,231 2010 = USD $ 263,778 2009 = USD $ 157,384 The decrease in revenues in 2011because the number of additional products coupled with management changes Penurunan pendapatan pada tahu 2011 disebabkan banyaknya penambahan produk baru dan perubahan management. * See attached recent Annual Report *Lihat lampiran laporan keuangan INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT 2012 = Rp 2.479.866.103,2011 = Rp.,2010 = Rp. 2,374,006,345,2009 = Rp. 1.416.457.280,- Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 10 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 INDOAVIS AERONAUTICAL NAV CHART AND RELATED PRODUCTS PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARI 2013 (NAV) MANUAL / BOOK PRODUCTS NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CODE TYPE OF MANUAL BOOK ANM ANM‐H ANM‐S FLIP‐MIL ANM‐PA AFD AIR‐YEAR ATC‐TA CIVIL AIRNAV MANUAL HELICOPTER AIRNAV MANUAL STUDENT AIRNAV MANUAL MILITARY FLIGHT INFORMATION PUBLICATION PAPAU AIR‐NAV MANUAL AIRPORT FACILITIES DIRECTORY (AFD) AIRPORT (YEAR) BOOK ATC TERMINAL AREA BOOK PRICE (IDR) INITIAL RENNUAL 6,600,000 4,850,000 7,750,000 5,000,000 1,650,000 N/A 8,600,000 ‐ 4,2500,000 2,500,000 125,000 N/A ‐ N/A ‐ ‐ REMARKS Available Available Available Available Available Available On Progress 2013 (NAV) SPLIT CHART PRODUCTS NO 1 2 3 4 5 CODE E‐HL.S1.2 ONC‐S SRC‐00 SAC‐00 TRAC‐00 TYPE OF CHART IFR H/L EN‐ROUTE CHART (INA1/INA2) OPERATIONAL NAVIGATION CHART SAFETY ROUTE CHART SECTIONAL AERONAUTICAL CHART TRAINING AREA NAVIGATION CHART PRICE (IDR) INITIAL/Pcs RENNUAL 110,000 ‐ 460,000 ‐ 550,000 ‐ 325,000 ‐ 225,000 ‐ REMARKS Available Available Available Available Available (NAV) WALL CHART PRODUCTS NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODE TYPE OF CHART E‐HW1 E‐HL.W1 GNC‐ID JNC‐00 ONC‐W IXAD‐ID IXAD‐IDP IXAD‐SEA IXAD‐WR IFR WALL H EN‐ROUTE CHART IFR WALL H/L EN‐ROUTE PLANNING CHART GLOBAL NAVIGATION CHART (1:5.000.000) JET NAVIGATION CHART (1:2.000.000) VFR ONC WALL PLANNING CHART 1:1.000.000 INDEX WALL AERODROME/AIRPORT CHART PAPUA WALL INDEX AD/AIRPORT CHART SOUTH EAST ASIA INDEX AD/AIRPORT CHART WORD INDEX AERODROME/AIRPORT CHART PRICE (IDR) INITIAL RENNUAL 880,000 ‐ 1,200,000 ‐ 460,000 ‐ 460,000 ‐ 6,600,000 ‐ 120,000 ‐ 660,000 ‐ 550,000 ‐ 650,000 ‐ REMARKS Available Available ‐ ‐ Available Available Available INDOAVIS PILOT SHOOP NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CODE TYPE OF CHART KNDB INTR‐IFR INTR‐VFR JEP‐FC JEP‐AP ASA‐FCC HDS‐FC HDS‐DC KNEEDBOARD INTRODUCTION TO INDOAVIS IFR NAVCHART INTRODUCTION TO INDOAVIS VFR NAVCHART JEPPESEN FLIGHT COMPUTER JEPPESEN ROTATING AZIMUTH PLOTTER ASA CX‐2 FLIGHT COMPUTER CALCULATOR CLASSIC HEADSET (FLIGHTCOM) AVIATION HEADSET (DAVID CLARK) INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services PRICE (IDR) INITIAL RENNUAL 200,000 ‐ 275,000 ‐ 275,000 ‐ 850,000 ‐ 440,000 ‐ 2,000,000 ‐ 3,500,000 ‐ 5,500,000 ‐ REMARKS On Progress Mica PJ‐1 Metal Model 4DLX Model H10‐13.4 Page : 11 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT The concentration in INDOAVIS production more priority in discipline of three knowledge’s (Aeronautical, Geodesy and IT), in Aeronautical PAN-OPS field, in Geodesy Cartography field and IT Data Base field. Three division of production skill : 1. NAV Div. (Navigation and Cartography) 2. DAT Div. (Aeronautical and Topog. Data) 3. NET Division (Programmer and IT) Penekanan produksi pada tubuh INDOAVIS lebih mengutamakan pada kedisiplinan tiga kemampuan ilmu (Aeronautical, Geodesi dan IT), Aeronautikal pada bidang PAN-OPS, Geodesi pada bidang Kartography dan IT pada bidang Data Base. Tiga Devisi produksi keahlian tersebut : 1. Devisi NAV (Navigation and Cartography) 2. Devisi DAT (Aeronautical and Topog Data) The Combination of the three divisions 3. Devisi NET (Programmer and IT) produces information according the provision Penggabungan tiga devisi tersebut of ICAO and DO. menghasilkan informasi sesuai dengan ketentuan ICAO Doc.8697 dan DO. Doc INDOAVIS NAV (AIR NAVIGATION) INDOAVIS Navigation support is one of the lines of business, which stressed on production of Aeronautical Navigation MAP. Concurrences on these ability INDOAVIS has been entrusted by the Government of Indonesia (c.q the sub Directorate of Aeronautical Information) to publish special manuals mandatory by the ICAO (international Civil Aviation Organization) known as the AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication), adjusted to technical specification Annex 15 ICAO, used by the government and aviation community since the year 2000. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services INDOAVIS Navigation Support adalah salah satu bidang keahlian yang menitik beratkan dalam pembuatan informasi Peta Navigasi Udara. Berdasarkan kemampuan tersebut, Indoavis telah dipercaya oleh Pemerintah Indonesia (c.q. Sub Direktorat Penerangan Aeronautica) untuk membuat buku Panduan khusus yang diwajibkan oleh badan dunia ICAO yang dikenal dengan AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi teknis ICAO Annex 15, yang telah digunakan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat penerbangan semenjak tahun 2000. Page : 12 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 INDOAVIS NAVIGATION PRODUCT SERIES: TERMINAL AERONAUTICAL NAV‐CHART 1. CIVIL AIRNAV MANUAL (Book) 2. MILITARY AIRNAV MANUAL (Book) 3. HELICOPTER AIRNAV MANUAL (Book) 4. AIRPORT FACILITY/DIRECTORY (Book) IFR (INSTRUMENT) AERONAUTICAL NAV‐CHART 1. EN‐ROUTE CHART (High & Low Altitude) 2. SAFETY ROUTE CHART (low Altitude) VFR (VISUAL) AERONAUTICAL NAV‐CHART 1. WAC‐ICAO (World Aeronautical Chart) Scale 1:1.000.000 2. ONC (Operational Navigation Chart) Scale 1:1.000.000 3. SAC (Sectional Aeronautical Chart) Scale 1:500.000 4. TRA (Training Area Chart) Scale 1:250.000 5. HRC (Helicopter Routing Chart) Scale 1:50.000 INDOAVIS DAT (DATA) Indoavis-DAT is one of Indoavis services to support and to ensure changes and revisions are recorded immediately, accurate and a complete manner. These are compiled in an Information Bulletin continuously. Indoavis-DAT will monitor and compile, as well as support every product issued by Indoavis-NET to strengthen it's product and services. Indoavis-Data merupakan salah satu pelayanan Indoavis, dalam mendukung serta mengupayakan agar setiap perubahan atau revisi yang terjadi dapat direcord secara cepat, akurat dan lengkap, dirangkum dalam satu Buletin Informasi yang berkesinambungan. Indoavis-DAT akan memonitor, mengkompilasi serta mensupport setiap hasil pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan oleh Indoavis NET guna maintenance memperkuat quality produk dan pelayanan. Indoavis coverage and Aeronautical and Topographical Data. Cakupan data Aeronautika dan data topografi, dikelola dan termonitoring oleh tim Indoavis DAT. COVERAGE DATA / CAKUPAN DATA AERONAUTICAL DATA TOPOGRAPCHICAL VECTOR DATA SOUTH EAST ASIA INDOAVIS COVERAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Brunei Darussalam Burma (BM) Cambodia (CB) Indonesia (ID) Laos (LA) Malaysia (MY) Philippines (RP) Singapore (SN) Thailand (TH) Timor Leste (TL) 11. Vietnam (VM) INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 13 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 INDOAVIS NET (SYSTEM AND PROGRAM) In conformity with the fast growth of Information & Technology world to supply data in an easy, fast and accurate manner in compliance with request from cliental, Indoavis has develop "Software Operation" from of the programs / Software and Aeronautical Information Website. Menjawab pesatnya pertumbuhan dunia Informasi & Teknologi untuk menyajikan data dengan mudah, cepat dan akurat sesuai keinginan pelanggan, Indoavis telah mengembangkan pembuatan "Software operation" berupa program / Software dan Situs Informasi Aeronautical. FLOW DIAGRAM INDOAVIS AERONAUTIKAL INFORMATION SERVICES AND PUBLICATION IAIM (Integrated Aeronautical Information Management) INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 14 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 INDOAVIS WEB SITE Search Aeronautical Data 1. Aerodrome (ICAO/IATA/Name/City) 2. Navigation Aids (ID) 3. Airways (route/point name) 4. Airspace (Name) 5. Country Permit (country) 6. NOTAMs (ICAO, ICAO, [5]) 7. Terminal Weather (ICAO) Aeronautical Navigation Calculator » AD Obstacle check » Straight-in Descent » Great Circle calculator » TAS calculator » Angle conversion » AIRAC calendar More ± 750 Airport Information Airport Detail Information STATISTICS VISITOR 2008 ‐ 2011 Non‐Precision Straight‐in Descent Angle Calculator Aerodrome Obstacle Calculator INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 15 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 YEAR ID Redraw AIP Indonesia 7th Edition Training create AIP/PAN‐OPS, STPI Training Computer ‐ PAN‐OPS Supply Company Air Navigation Manual Supply Aerodrome Chart of the world Training Computer ‐ PAN‐OPS Working Air Navigasi (Kalimantan) AIS‐GIS Programs Supply "ONC‐Chart" Indonesia Coverage Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation FLIP (Flight Information Publication) TNI‐AU Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Creating Chart of Working area Indonesia‐SAR Creating Chart (NATUNA SEA BLOCK B‐Areas) Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation CRASH SITE PK‐KKW PT. ADAM AIRLINES Supply "ONC‐Chart" Indonesia Coverage Creating Chart "SEAPLANE FACILITY‐BENETE" Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation AIS‐GIS Program Corporate with PT.ELSA Supply Air‐Nav, ONC and TPC. Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation JOB DESCRIPTION 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 5‐May‐06 10‐May‐06 6‐Jun‐06 21‐Jul‐06 26‐Nov‐06 8‐Dec‐06 9‐Feb‐07 5‐Apr‐07 20‐May‐07 5‐Jun‐07 18‐Jun‐07 28‐Jun‐07 3‐Oct‐07 22‐Oct‐07 10‐Nov‐07 10‐Nov‐07 28‐Jan‐08 4‐Feb‐08 GOV GOV GOV AOC GOV GOV GOV BUMN MIL AOC MIL AOC GOV COM AOC AOC AOC MIL MIL OIL AOC SUPL AOC BUMN POL AOC AOC DGCA‐KESPEN INDONESIA DGCA YAMAN STPI‐CURUK BAURAQ INDONESIA AIRLINES LIDO LUFTHANSA SYSTEM STPI‐CURUK DLR BRAUNSCHWIG GERMANY PERSERO ANGKASA PURA I INDONESIA NAVY TRANSWISATA PRIMA AVIATION INDONESIA AIR FORCE RIAU AIRLINES. PT BASARNAS CONOCOPHILIP INDONESIA MANUNGGAL AIR. PT PURA WISATA BARUNA. PT SUBA AIR PERDANA DGCA‐DSKU PENERBAD BRITISH PETROLEUM SURVAI UDARA PENAS EKA MULYA MANDIRI SELARAS LINUS AIR. PT SOEKARNO HATTA (AP2) POLISI UDARA LION MENTARI AIR. PT INDONESIA AIR TRANSPORT COMPANY Creating Chart (NATUNA SEA BLOCK B‐Areas) CRASH SITE PK‐VSE PT. DIRGANTARA AIR SERVICES Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply 50 Sheet Indonesia ENROUTE chart (WALL) Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation PROGRAM (Aeronautical Information Management) Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation 27‐Feb‐08 29‐Feb‐08 11‐Mar‐08 19‐May‐08 6‐Jun‐08 10‐Jul‐08 21‐Jul‐08 8‐Aug‐08 15‐Aug‐08 3‐Sep‐08 8‐Sep‐08 17‐Sep‐08 25‐Sep‐08 3‐Nov‐08 17‐Nov‐08 18‐Nov‐08 19‐Nov‐08 20‐Nov‐08 COM MIL AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC GOV AOC GOV AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC PERs AOC CONOCOPHILIP INDONESIA DGCA‐KNKT JATAYU GELANG SEJAHTRA EKSPRES TRANS ANTAR BENUA. NUSANTARA AIR BUANA. PT TOP SKY INTERNATIONAL. PT DERAYA FLYING SCHOOL DGCA‐AIS INFOTIKA TRAVIRA AIR.PT DGCA‐AIS INFOTIKA KALSTAR AVIATION. PT AVIASTAR MANDIRI. PT GERMANIA TRISULA. PT KARTIKA AIRLINES EXPRESS AIR. PT PEGASUS AIR. PT Mr. BRUNO PAYOLLA AIS INFOTIKA DGCA 5‐Jan‐09 19‐Jan‐09 21‐Jan‐09 21‐Jan‐09 8‐Feb‐09 11‐Feb‐09 8‐Mar‐09 13‐Mar‐09 18‐Mar‐09 19‐Mar‐09 AOC AOC AOC AOC COM AOC POL AOC PERs COM Mr. RAYMOND PALAPA IND. AVIATION COOPERATIVE ALPHA CAPITAL INVESTMENT DERAYA AIR SERVICES MANDIRI SELARAS NUSA FLYING ACADEMY POLISI UDARA (POLUD) AIR MALEO Mr. Patrick Elliot (UK) CONOCOPHILIP INDONESIA 2008 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2009 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply GPS Data for Garmin‐296 Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply GPS Data for Garmin‐296 Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Create Navigation Chart for Helicopter Procedure INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 16 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation ENROUTE WALL (AP1 Airports) 30 Set Supply ENROUTE SPLIT‐2009 (Main Sponsor) Supply Index Aerodrome with Fuel Facilities‐2009 Creating "IAP Procedure Emergency Chart" Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Penunjukan pembuatan IAP Heliport FPSO KAKAP Penunjukan pembuatan IAP Heliport Grand Ind. Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation 19‐Mar‐09 3‐Apr‐09 12‐Apr‐09 02‐May‐09 10‐May‐09 18‐May‐09 22‐May‐09 17‐Juni‐09 18‐Juni‐09 19‐Juni‐09 30‐Nov‐09 AOC BUMN BUMN BUMN COM AOC AOC AD AD AOC PERs CARDIG AIR PERSERO ANGKASA PURA I PERTAMINA AVIATION PERTAMINA AVIATION PT. BHAITA / Travira‐Air NAC (Nusantara Air Charter) SRIWIJAYA AIRLINES STAR ENERGY GRAND INDONESIA ASIALINK CARGO EXPRESS.PT PRIMA MULTI TRADA 05‐Apr‐10 29‐Apr‐10 30‐Apr‐10 18‐May‐10 26‐May‐10 08‐Jun‐10 11‐Jun‐10 20‐Jun‐10 01‐Jul‐10 03‐Jul‐10 19‐Jul‐10 28‐Jul‐10 04‐Aug‐10 06‐Aug‐10 24‐Aug‐10 16‐Sep‐10 14‐Oct‐10 19‐Oct‐10 21‐Oct‐10 30‐Dec‐10 AOC AOC AOC AOC GOV AOC AOC AOC Pers COM AOC COM COM COM COM PERs COM COM BUMN PERs NATIONAL UT HELICOPTER SMAC, PT SUSI AIR, PT AVIASTAR MANDIRI, PT TNI AL MERPATI NUSANTARA, PT METRO BATAVIA, PT MERPATI NUSANTARA, PT Mr. SUPARNO CONOCOPHILIPS INDONESIA TRAVIRA AIR. PT CONOCOPHILIPS INDONESIA CONOCOPHILIPS INDONESIA PT.HADI LESTARI CONOCOPHILIPS INDONESIA Mr. Hengky TRIDAYA PRAMURTYA, PT CONOCOPHILIPS INDONESIA ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO) Jakarta Pilot School 12‐Jan‐11 20‐Jan‐11 25‐Jan‐11 04‐Feb‐11 04‐Mar‐11 04‐Mar‐11 04‐Mar‐11 10‐Mar‐11 17‐Mar‐11 31‐Mar‐11 06‐Apr‐11 19‐Apr‐11 04‐May‐11 25‐May‐11 04‐Jul‐11 18‐Jul‐11 09‐Aug‐11 09‐Sep‐11 15‐Aug‐11 19‐Sep‐11 27‐Sep‐11 28‐Sep‐11 05‐Oct‐11 01‐Nov‐11 COM BUMN COM PERs PERs PERs PERs PERs GOV COM COM COM AOC AOC AOC AOC COM AOC AOC COM PERs PERs COM COM CONOCOPHILLIPS INDONESIA ANGKASA PURA II (PERSERO) PT. AEROCAS Mr. Teguh Syahril Mr. Stephen Mc Alpine Mr. Paul Fodor Mr. Mehdi Debabbi Mr. Nur Hidayat SEKOLAH TINGGI PENERBANGAN ELTRAN INDONESI, PT NUSA FLYING INTERNATONAL PT. GUDANG GARAM, Tbk TRAVIRA AIR, PT SUSI AIR, PT ASCO NUSA AIR TRANSPORT TRANSNUSA AVIATION MANDIRI CONOCOPHILIPS INDONESIA ENGGANG AIR SERVICE ENGGANG AIR SERVICE ASIAN COORPORATE AVIATION Capt. NK. YUSUF Mr. WAYNE SECKOLD BRI HANJAYA MANADALA SAMPOERNA 2‐Jan‐12 2‐Jan‐12 9‐Jan‐12 11‐Jan‐12 16‐Jan‐12 19‐Jan‐12 24‐Jan‐12 15‐Feb‐12 AOC COM AOC AOC COM AOC AOC COM TRAVIRA AIR, PT CONOCOPHILLIPS INDONESIA AIRBORN INDONESIA, PT LCNC Air, PT LCNC Air, PT UNINDO AIR CHARTER, PT ALFA AIR, PT INDONESIA TREKKING, PT 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Certification of Maleo Helicopter Base Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply ONC Wall for new office Creating Chart TAA, OLS, Guidance Rate Supply ONC Split Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply ONC Wall Supply VFR Papua Creating Sentani OLS Create Matak VFR Navigation 2010 Supply VFR Ocean Rover Procedure Support Dobo Airport Assessment Helipad Assessment Service Palembang‐Jambi Creating APLOC Airport Hang Nadim Batam Support VFR Procedure Dobo Airport Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Study Airspace Management Kediri Airport Supply Instrument Approach Procedure Supply ENROUTE SPLIT‐2010 (Main Sponsor) Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Support Procedure Assessment 12 RIG Supply Grid Map for Halim Airport Arrangement of Certification of Helicopter Create Training Area for Aceh Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Training Area Palembang Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Bojonegoro Tuban Area Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Safety Route Kaimana Supply ONC Wall Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Work Sheet Natuna See‐Block “B” Infrastructure Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply VFR Papua Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply VFR Papua STODA for Pattimura Ambon using terrain obstacle Supply ONC Wall Sectional Aeronautical Chart Indonesia area 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Supply Procedure BP Tangguh Indonesia Support Reformat IAP Matak Procedure Supply Air‐Nav Manual For Helicopter Supply VFR Papua Book Supply ONC Papua Wall Supply IFR En‐route wall Kalimantan Area Supply VFR Papua Book Supply ONC Papua wall INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 17 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Supply The Adora Route Recce Supply Air‐Nav Manual for Helicopter Supply IAP Construction Helidect off shore Supply Safety Route Map Bali Mataram Supply Safety Route Map Palembang Supply RIG Helideck Chevron : Attaka, Lawe‐lawe, Santa Supply Enroute Split 2012 (Main Sponsor) Supply VFR Index Papua Map New Product 2012) Supply Special Index AD Size 120x240 Supply Calibration Map 1 : 250.000 Ambon area Supply ONC wall Indonesia Supply ANC scale 1 : 250.000 Bintan area Supply Training Area Cilacap Supply ANC scale 1 : 250.000 Pangkal Pinang area Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Air‐Nav Manual Company Operation Supply Safety Route Map Balikpapan 21‐Mar‐12 1‐Mei‐12 1‐Mei‐12 8‐Mei‐12 12‐Mei‐12 25‐Mei‐12 25‐Mei‐12 25‐Mei‐12 29‐Mei‐12 27‐Jun‐12 16‐Jul‐12 19‐Jul‐12 24‐Juli‐12 29‐Aug‐12 30‐Aug‐12 30‐Aug‐12 30‐Aug‐12 AOC AOC COM AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC AOC BUMN AOC PERs COM COM AOC AOC COM PEGASUS AIR CHARTER, PT PREMI AIR, PT SINMA SHIPPING LINC, PT INDONESIA AIR TRANSPORT, PT TRAVIRA AIR, PT PELITA AIR, PT PELITA AIR, PT PELITA AIR, PT SKY AVIATION, PT ANGKASA PURA I, PT SUSI AIR, PT MR. Stuart Perkins – Singapore GANESA DIRGANTARA, PT Jakarta Pilot School TRANSNUSA AVIATION MANDIRI, PT METHEUW AIR NUSANTARA, PT CHEVRON, PT INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 18 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 MEMBER OF INDOAVIS CIVIL AIRNAV MANUAL 2008 ‐ 2012 NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. COMPANY ASIALINK CARGO EXPRESS.PT CARDIG AIR MERPATI NUSANTARA, PT SRIWIJAYA AIRLINES KARTIKA AIRLINES LINUS AIR. PT LION MENTARI AIR. PT RIAU AIRLINES. PT TOP SKY INTERNATIONAL. PT AIR MALEO ASCO NUSA AIR TRANSPORT ASIAN COORPORATE AVIATION AVIASTAR MANDIRI. PT EKSPRES TRANS ANTAR BENUA. ENGGANG AIR SERVICE EXPRESS AIR. PT GERMANIA TRISULA. PT INDONESIA AIR TRANSPORT JATAYU GELANG SEJAHTRA KALSTAR AVIATION. PT LCNC AIR MANUNGGAL AIR. PT NAC (Nusantara Air Charter) NUSANTARA BUANA AIR .PT PEGASUS AIR. PT PRIMA MULTI TRADA PT. GUDANG GARAM, Tbk PURA WISATA BARUNA. PT SMAC, PT SUBA AIR PERDANA SURVAI UDARA PENAS SUSI AIR, PT TRANSNUSA AVIATION MANDIRI TRANSWISATA PRIMA AVIATION TRAVIRA AIR, PT DERAYA AIR SERVICES AIRBORN INDONESIA, PT JAYAWIJAYA DIRGANTARA, PT MATHEW AIR NUSANTARA, PT UNINDO AIR CHARTER, PT TRIGANA AIR SERVICE, PT DERAYA FLYING SCHOOL JAKARTA PILOT SCHOOL NUSA FLYING ACADEMY SEKOLAH TINGGI PENERBANGAN ALPHA CAPITAL INVESTMENT EKA MULYA MANDIRI SELARAS AIS INFOTIKA DGCA GENESHA / Mr.Adhi Gunawan Ms. Evans Jenisse Mr. BRUNO PAYOLLA Mr. Hengky Mr. Mehdi Debabbi Mr. Patrick Elliot (UK) Mr. Paul Fodor Mr. RAYMOND PALAPA Mr. Stephen Mc Alpine Mr. Teguh Syahril Mr. David Alonso Mr. Untung Wibisono Winoto Mr. Edwin DIRGANTARA AIR SERVICES SAYAP GARUDA INDAH ELTRAN INDONESIA Mr. Donny Prasetya WITTEVEEN BOS INDONESIA TYPE of OPEARTION AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 121 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135/121 AOC 135/121 AOC 135/121 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 AOC 135 CONSULTAN CONSULTAN GOVERNMENT AOC 135 PILOT PILOT PILOT PILOT PILOT PILOT PILOT PILOT PILOT PILOT CONSULTAN PILOT AOC 135 AOC 135 CONSULTAN PILOT CONSULTAN INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Air Operator Flying School Flying School Flying School Flying School Supplier Supplier Government Flying School Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Air Operator Air Operator Supplier Personal Personal TOTAL 3 3 100 40 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 9 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 29 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STATUS Member Member Member Member Member Member Member ‐ ‐ Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member ‐ Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Out Member/Free Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Page : 19 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 In supporting and to solidify company's operations, PT. Indoavis Nusantara is equipped with legality from various institutions amongst others : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Decree of notarial act on meeting by notary Yeldi Anwar.SH No.5 date 10 October 2011 in Jakarta Notary document Yeldi Anwar, SH No.6 date 10 October 2011 in Jakarta Legalization by Department of Justice and Human Right No. AHU-53121.AH.01.02 Year 2011 date 1 November 2011 Certificate Of Permission In Business No. 06082.05/PK/P1/1.824.271 until 12 June 2017. Company Registration No. valid until 30 Dec, 2014 Tax payer Register Number : 02.378.790.6005.000 Domicile Declaration No. 40/1.824.0/12 Valid Until 21 May 2013 The company's products are covered by the Intellectual Property Right through letters of declaration from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In addition to matters relating to the legality as mentioned above, through the experience of Indoavis product users, be those from Government, Armed Forces, the Police, aviation practitioners, as well as user from Non Aviation Product they also welcome the presence of Indoavis who produce valid product The issuance of statements from the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia at 2010 and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation on the publication of "Indoavis Airport Information Indonesia" Book I - 2005, reflects the confidence of the Government Authority Regulators on the important role of Indoavis and quality of it is product. Dalam mendukung serta mengukuhkan operasi perusahaan, PT. Indoavis Nusantara memiliki legalisasi dari berbagai Instansi Kepemerintahan antara lain : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pernyataan Keputusan rapat Notaris Yeldi Anwar, SH No.5 tanggal 10 Oktober 2011 di Jakarta. Akta Notaris tentang pernyataan keputusan rapat Yeldi Anwar.SH No.6 tanggal 10 Oktober di Jakarta. Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU53121.AH.01.02. Th 2011 tanggal 1 Nov 2011 Surat ijin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) No. 06082.05/PK.P1/1.824.271 s/d 12 Juni 2017 TDP No. berlaku s/d 30 Desember 2014 Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) No. 02.378.790.6-005.000 Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan No. 40/1.824.0/12 berlaku s/d 21 Mei 2013 Produk perusahaan telah memperoleh Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Hukum dan Hak Paten melalui Surat Oktroy dari Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Disamping hal-hal yang menyangkut legalitas diatas, dari pengalaman para pemakai jasa Indoavis baik di sektor Pemerintahan ,TNIPOLRI, para praktisi penerbangan maupun para pengguna produk Non Aviasi disamping memberikan masukan-masukan guna penyempurnaan produk, juga menyambut baik kehadiran Indoavis yang menghasilkan produk yang cukup dapat dipertanggung jawabkan baik kualitas, kehandalan maupun dalam pemutakhiran data. Adanya Sambutan Menteri Perhubungan R.I. tahun 2010 dan Direktur Jendral Perhubungan Udara pada penerbitan "INDOAVIS AIRPORT INFORMATION INDONESIA 2005, mencerminkan kepercayaan Otorita Pemerintahan/Regulator atas peran dan kualitas produk Indoavis. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 20 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 NOTARIUM AKTA DAN SERTIFIKAT Notary Document on establishment of corporation Ny. Sastriany Josoprawiro, SH No.3 Date 3 March 2004 in Jakarta. Decree of notarial act on meeting by Yeldi Anwar, SH No.9 Date 23 February 2005 in Jakarta Notary Document Yeldi Anwar, SH No.6 date 10 October 2011 in Jakarta. Decree of notaries act meeting by notary Yeldi Anwar.SH No.5 date 10 October 2011 in Jakarta Akta Notaris Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas Ny. Sastriany Josoprawiro, SH No.3 tanggal 3 Maret 2004 di Jakarta. Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat Akta Notaris Yeldi Anwar, SH No.9 tanggal 23 Februari 2005 di Jakarta. Pengesahan Akta Notaris Yeldi Anwar, SH No.6 tanggal 10 Oktober 2011 di Jakarta. Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat Akta Notaris Yeldi Anwar SH No.5 tanggal 10 Oktober 2011 di Jakarta Notary Document on establishment of corporation Legalization by Department of Justice and Human Right No. C-27569 HT .01.01 2004 date 3 November 2004 Pengesahan dari Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. C-27569 HT .01.01 th 2004 tanggal 3 Nopember 2004. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 21 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Taxpayer Register Number Taxpayer register number : 02.378.790.6-005.000 Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak(NPWP) No.: 02.378.790.6-005.000 Certificate, Corporate Registration Corporate Registry Limited Liability Cooperatives, Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises and Trade Tanda Daftar Perusahaan Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah, dan Perdagangan. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 22 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Certificate, domicile of the company Certificate, domicile of the company. Provincial Government of Jakarta Special Capital Region. Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan Pemerintah Propinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry Certificate Chamber of Commerce and Industry Certificate of Ordinary Member Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Kartu Tanda Anggota Biasa. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 23 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Intellectual Property Right / Hak Intelektual Registered Trade Mark for Intellectual Property right at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Law and Human Rights Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Direktorat Jendral Kekayaan Intelektual Departemen Hukum dan HAM Hak 09. Recorded computer programmed, recorded computer software, recorded computer operating programmers, computer software. 09. Program komputer terekam; perangkat lunak komputer (terekam), program-program pengoperasian komputer yang direkam; perangkat lunak komputer (rekaman). 16. Books, manuals, geographical maps/charts, printed material, printed publication, other publications. 16. Buku-buku; buku pedoman [buku penuntun]; peta geografi; barang cetakan; barang publikasi tercetak;penerbitan. 35. All information compilation in computer database; information system computer database, document publication 350038, information systematic in computer database. 35. Segala jasa penyusunan informasi dalam database komputer ; penerbitan naskah publisitas 350038. Sistemisasi informasi ke dalam database komputer. 38. All communication services trough computer terminal, all new sand pictures/ drawings transmitted by computer. 38. Segala jasa komunikasi melalui terminal komputer; pengiriman berita dan gambar dengan bantuan komputer komunikasi melalui terminal komputer pengiriman berita dan gambar dengan bantuan komputer. 42. All time base access to computer database, design off computer program, retrofitting computer software, computer software maintenance, computer software leasing, all applied to height weight computers. 42. Segala jasa penyewaan waktu akses kepada database komputer pembuatan program komputer; penyesuaian perangkat lunak komputer dengan perkembangan baru; perancangan perangkat lunak komputer; perawatan perangkat lunak komputer; penyewaan perangkat lunak komputer; penyewaan perangkat ringan komputer; pembaharuan perangkat ringan komputer; perancangan perangkat ringan komputer. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 24 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Message from the Minister of Transportation And Directorate General of Civil Aviation Republic of Indonesia AIRPORT FACILITY DIRECTORY‐2012 Remarks by the Member of Transportation And Directorate General of Civil Aviation Republic of Indonesia. In the Airport Facility/Directory Book Launch in 2012 Kata Sambutan dari Mentri Perhubungan Udara dan Direktorat Jendral Perhubungan Uadara Peluncuran Buku Airport Facility Directory tahun 2012 Message from the Minister of Transportation And Directorate General of Civil Aviation Republic of Indonesia AIRPORT FACILITY DIRECTORY‐2005 Kata Sambutan dari Mentri Perhubungan Udara dan Direktorat Jendral Perhubungan Uadara Peluncuran Buku Airport Information tahun 2005 INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 25 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Letter of Acknowledgement the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Republic of Indonesia PT. Indoavis Nusantara is a Indonesian private company, know to us, dealing in Geo-Informatics and Aeronautical Navigation Services, Producing Aeronautical Chart, Air navigation Manual and other Aeronautical Product… INDOAVIS NAVIGATION PRODUCT SERIES: TERMINAL AERONAUTICAL NAV‐CHART CIVIL/MILITARY AIRNAV MANUAL (Book) HELICOPTER AIRNAV MANUAL (Book) AIRPORT FACILITY/DIRECTORY (Book) IFR (INSTRUMENT) AERONAUTICAL NAV‐CHART EN‐ROUTE CHART (High & Low Altitude) SAFETY ROUTE CHART (low Altitude) VFR (VISUAL) AERONAUTICAL NAV‐CHART WAC‐ICAO (World Aeronautical Chart) Scale 1:1.000.000 ONC (Operational Navigation Chart) Scale 1:1.000.000 SAC (Sectional Aeronautical Chart) Scale 1:500.000 TRA (Training Area Chart) Scale 1:250.000 HRC (Helicopter Routing Chart) Scale 1:50.000 INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 26 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Letter Permits the Management Airport Letter of Permit for PT. Indoavis Nusantara to management Dobo Airport as an alternative heliport for emergency night flights Pemberian surat izin kepengurusan pada PT. Indoavis Nusantara pada Bandara Dobo sebagai alternatif heliport bagi emergency flight pada malam hari. Note : Original Paper 2 Pages Conoco Inscribed Letter Inscribed Letter ConocoPhillips Number : 338860/SKT/VII/2009 Surat Keterangan Terdaftar ConocoPhillips No.: 338860/SKT/VII/2009 Bidang / Sub Bidang D.2.4 Sarana prasarana transportasi udara D.2.6 Sistem terminal D.8.4 Sub bidang lainnya. SKT ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2013 Pertamina Aviation Inscribed Letter INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 27 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Inscribed Letter Pertamina Aviation Number : 353/SKT/VII/2007 Surat Keterangan Terdaftar Pertamina Aviation No.: 353/SKT/VII/2007 INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 28 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Licenses the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Flight Safety Directorate on the International Standard Aeronautical information services. To : Hendra Andi Londy Photogrammetry and Cartography Education Center Bandung Institute of Technology To : Hendra Andi Londy Indonesia Aviation Associate Professional Certification To : Hendra Andi Londy INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Licenses PANOPS (Instrument Flight Procedure Construction) JICA To : Mr. Ronny Sudarsono Page : 29 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 Licenses PANOPS (Instrument Flight Procedure Constructions) STPI Licenses Management Training in Civil Aviation SEKOLAH TINGGI PENERBANG INDONESIA To : Mr. Hendra Andi Londy To : Panca Wasis To : Erwin Londy To : Anto Ismu Riyanto To : Mr. Nazri Emnel Assembly technical simulator training certificate (Sertifikat Pelatihan perakitan secara teknis) simulator Red Bird, East St. Elmo Road | Suite 100, Austin Texas USA To : Hendra Andi Londy To : Deddy Harman Coordination and Communication Forum Certificate (Sertifikasi Forum Komunikasi dan Koordinasi) Indonesia AIS/Briefing Office - Airlines Flight Operations To : Hendra Andi Londy Socialization & National Coordinating Certificate (Sertifikasi Sosialisasi dan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional) Aeronautical Information Services To : Hendra Andi Londy INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 30 COMPANY PROFILE ‐ 2013 With the experience background and Indoavis new image and spirit to dedicate to excellence and corporate solidarity from the entire Indoavis staff, enable flight navigation support exclusive product, is made available by Indoavis. This condition is achieved with full support from government of Republic Indonesia cq. Air Transportation Directorate of Republic Indonesia Transportation Department. Indoavis is developed based on idealism, hard working spirit and dedicated to enhance the Flight Safety in Indonesia. Dari tempaan pengalaman, dengan citra dan semangat baru untuk berbuat/bertindak menjadi yang terbaik dengan menjunjung solideritas antar sesama insan Indoavis, maka terciptalah produk‐produk yang awalnya sangat sulit didapatkan dan dengan harga yang relative mahal, karena harus mendatangkan/pesan dari luar negeri. Kondisi ini tercipta atas dukungan yang begitu besar dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, dalam hal ni Departemen Perhubungan cg. Direktorat Perhubungan Udara. Indoavis dibangun atas dasar idealisme dan semangat kerja keras untuk menghasilkan yang terbaik bagi Indonesia dibidang aeronautika, khususnya bagi Keselamatan Penerbangan Indonesia. Take-off Indoavis, the outlook is good. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA. PT Geo‐Informatics and Aeronautical Information Navigation Services Page : 31
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