Walk It Off Now_download FINAL 2


Walk It Off Now_download FINAL 2
By Wendie Pett
Welcome to Walk It Off Now. I’m SO glad you’re taking part in this program with
me. This is a 6–week walking workout program that will guide you weekly via video
email. You’ll have this transcribed PDF to follow along with in case you like to learn
by reading instead of video. You’ll also receive a walking journal as a tool to keep you
accountable and you’ll gain access to our awesome ‘private’ Facebook community.
This community is the ticket to staying encouraged, inspired, motivated, AND
accountable during the next six weeks. We are going to have so much fun together.
There will be Facebook parties and prizes to keep you engaged as well. Woohoo! I
mean, who doesn’t like prizes?
But, first thing’s first – this IS NOT a competition or a race. Go at your own pace.
You know your athletic ability better than I do and exactly where you are starting
as well as the goals you desire to accomplish. The key is to stay encouraged and not
discouraged and my real hope for you is that you shed unwanted pounds and inches
while also shedding unhealthy emotions and mental barriers.
Walking and running release incredible positive endorphins (aka: Happy Hormones)
that will keep you feeling good. Walking will help you think more clearly and you’ll be
amazed at the level of depth you can go spiritually as well.
Fun Wacky Walking Fact:
The longest walk around the world was completed by a
former neon-sign salesman, Jean Beliveau. He walked
46,600 miles around 64 countries. The trip took him
11 years.
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
I’m so glad you’re joining me and that you’re ready to Walk It
Off Now! We’re going to have a great time the next six weeks
together. Before you get started here is a quick check list:
Join in the Walk It Off Now::Community and you’ll be accepted right away.
Since it’s a private page, you’ll need to invite yourself into the group.
Measure yourself, weigh yourself, take before and after photos! Do this in
the beginning and then again at the end of the 6 weeks. {Don’t measure or
weigh at any other time.} Promise? THIS IS IMPORTANT. Why? Because
I don’t want you to become obsessed with a number. We measure in the
beginning and the end because it helps to establish where you are starting
and where you end. It’s a way to measure your progress!
Make sure you have the proper walking shoes (get fitted)
Drink plenty of water and invest in a walking pack to take a water bottle
with you . . .especially as the days get warmer. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.
If it rains . . .hit the mall. Mall walking isn’t just for retired folks. J
If you don’t have one big “chunk” of time to do your walking plan –then split
the time up. That’s ok. EVERY step counts.
Invest in a pedometer or use your favorite smartphone app to calculate
steps, miles, and progress. There are tons of them out there such as . . .Map
My Walk, Walkmeter GPS, Sports Tracker, etc. Just use one that works best
for you.
Fuel your body better with healthy foods . . ..fresh vegetables, fruit, beans
and lentils, whole grains. I encourage staying away from meat, dairy, and of
course . . .sugar! BUT – Walk It Off Now is a walking program . . ..not a diet
program. If you want to go deeper with me on that or learn about my Visibly
Fit techniques then please go to www.wendiepett.com.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
Racewalking has been
an official Olympic
sport for over 90 years.
Distances vary from
1 mile to 95 miles.
Racewalking usually is
not the most popular
sport of the Olympics.
Don’t forget to connect with me!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/visiblyfit
Twitter: @wendiepett
Instagram: www.instagram.com/wendiepett
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walk Your Way Fit | WEEK 1
Did You Know
Did you know that the number one cause of death in the United States is heart
attacks? In fact, heart disease will claim nearly one millions lives just this year. That’s
one death every 33 seconds. That statistic is just one reason why making sure you get
cardio vascular exercise is so important.
However, I want you to rethink your exercise because it shouldn’t be scary and it
shouldn’t be boring. If it is? You probably won’t do it.
In fact, one of the best cardio workouts is walking. And there are things I bet you’re
doing right now that you can take up a notch that can improve your overall heart
In the following pages, I’m going to give you some easy ways to kick up that cardio and
make your heart healthy.
Before We Begin
Did you know that walking is one of the best forms of exercise?
Here comes the great part . . . most of us have been doing it
every day since we were about a year old. That’s why it might
seem just a little silly that I’m going to tell you how to walk.
But in order to maximize walking as part of your fitness regimen, there are key things
you need to know before you take up a walking program.
In week one of this six week walking program, I’m going to focus first on posture and
style. The reason for this?
I want you to get the most benefits out of walking and being pain and strain free all at
the same time.
Fun Wacky Walking Fact:
Modern literary theorists see a similarity between
walking and writing. As Michel de Certeau observes,
“writing is one way of making the world our own, and
walking is another.
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
But first, I want you to ask yourself just a few questions:
Do you walk with your head bent, your chin in your chest, looking down? Or do you
walk more at an angle learning towards the back?
Now this is going to make your body very unbalanced if you do one or the other as it
will put unnecessary stress on your back, knees, and feet.
So the proper form looks more like this:
Have your body stacked all in alignment
Your shoulders are relaxed
Stomach and butt tucked in and
Your chest will be lifted
Next, I want you to take a really big deep breath, like this . . .
(inhale big through your nose and release a big exhale through
your mouth)
You’ll notice this will help your shoulders drop down into a natural, relaxed position.
Now your arms should be at a 90 degree angle, driving back and forth (not outward),
and you want to make sure that your arms don’t go above your chest.
Your stride should be a natural, small to medium pace with light, quiet steps with a
heel to toe roll.
Once you have all this in check, you’re truly ready for week one. But before I let you
go, there’s one thing that I need to touch on.
Fun Wacky Walking Fact:
Given that the world is about 25,000 miles in
circumference and that the average walking rate is 3
miles per hour, it would take a person walking nonstop
approximately 347 days to walk around the world.
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Pacing yourself.
If you go full speed right away, you’ll regret it later because you’ll end up with muscle
cramps and pain. So you need to ease into your fitness plan. My best advice for week
one is to start off with just a simple stroll for the first three to five minutes.
Once you’re warmed up, then you can pick up the pace!
I want to imagine yourself walking on hot sand or that you’re late getting to your
destination – picking it up in that fashion.
Now if you’ve never walked before as part of your fitness program, you should plan to
walk 15 to 20 minutes for at least five days this first week.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
A typical pair of tennis
shoes will last 500
miles of walking.
Week One Goal:
Walk 5 Days this week for 15–20 minutes a day. Record each
day in your walking journal found at the end of this book.
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Finding the Right Shoe
Did you know that finding the right shoe can make a huge
difference in starting a fitness program and sticking with it?
That’s why I decided to bring you to a shoe store to help you get the perfect fit. Because
let’s face it . . . looking at all these shoes and what they’re used for – running, walking,
cross training – it can be a little bit intimidating and even overwhelming at times.
Which is why for the perfect fit, you should get a shoe fitting. If you get a shoe that
doesn’t match your foot, it could lead to blisters, early fatigue, and even cramping.
Not to mention the added money spent finding that right shoe.
I talked to the sales associate at my local shoe store to find out
Wendie: So, Chris, you’re a runner as well, so you know that your body has two to three
times more impact on it than if you were just walking. So how do you determine, or what
questions do you ask your customers when they walk in, to fit them accordingly?
Chris: When somebody comes in, the first thing is figuring out what sort of activity
they’re going to be doing. So Miguel, here, told me that he wants to get a pair of running
shoes because he’s going to go out for cross country. So the first thing I need to figure
out is what sort of shoe is going to be right for him. (To Miguel: Ok, Miguel, go ahead and
stand up for me. We’re going to get a couple of measurements. Step your foot into this
little device. It looks like you have about a size 12 foot. If you could just stand up on one
foot at a time.)
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
On average, a person
would need to walk
seven hours to burn off
a Super-Sized Coke,
fries, and a Big Mac.
To Wendie: Alright, so Miguel also has a little bit of a lower arch and a tendency when
you’re running and you have a little bit of a lower arch, is to roll excessively. This is
something that any good shoe store should be able to help you with.
So as you can see there are a lot of variables in finding the right fit. If you don’t find
the right fit, how motivated will you be to put those shoes on again and keep moving?
Remember . . . that’s our goal.
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
In Addition to Footwear
You know, now that you’ve found the perfect shoe for your activity, there’s one more
investment that I would highly recommend for you – it’s a pedometer. You just find
one that clips on and it will track how many steps you take in a day.
So come on, let’s go see!
You may be surprised at how little or how much you walk in a day.
We didn’t have the obesity epidemic that we do today years ago. Why? Because we
used to walk everywhere. Let’s face it – many of us have gotten a little bit lazy.
Think about it . . . when’s the last time you parked the furthest away possible from your
destination so that you can get in a healthy walk before you even get to the building?
That’s what I thought . . . you had to think about that one, didn’t you?
You probably circle around the parking lot so you get that front row spot.
Well I want to encourage you to get a pedometer and I want you to use it. It will assist
you and challenge you to take more steps in your day. It will also help you to think of
more creative and unique ways to get more steps in.
Try it! It’s a lot of fun and you can get fit doing it!
Fun Wacky Walking Fact:
A 150-pound woman would have to walk 4 mph for
48 minutes to burn off a 240-calorie donut. This would
be equivalent to just over 3 miles.
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walk Your Way Fit | WEEK 2
Welcome to week two of your walking wellness program. How are you doing so
far? Were you able to fit in 15 to 20 minutes of walking into four to five days? Were
you able to do that? I sure hope so because sometimes your schedule can seem busy
and hectic. But I want you to remember; you are worth taking that time.
I really hope you met your goals last week, but on to this week.
This week? I want you to find new places to walk. I want you to find new neighborhoods,
new trails, new parks, and even go to your local mall if you need to. What I don’t want
is for you to get bored.
If you’re bored with your route then you’re probably not going to do your walking
program. So try new places. You’ll really be glad that you did.
Now for this week, I have a different goal. I want you to bump it up a bit and take it to
20 to 30 minutes, four to five days this week.
So you went from 15 to 20 minutes and now you’re at 20 to 30 minutes, four to five
days a week.
I know you can do it, just pick up the pace and find a new place – new scenery – to
Now don’t forget to stretch before and after you walk because I don’t want you to get
shin splints or calf cramps, or even hip flex and over extension.
So don’t forget to stretch . . . it’s very important.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
An average city block
is equivalent to 200
Week Two Goals:
• Find new places to walk
• Walk 5 days a week for 20 to 30 minutes each day
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walk Your Way Fit | WEEK 3
Welcome to week three of you’re walking wellness program. How are you doing?
Are you finding the time to fit in your walks a little more easily during your busy day?
I’m sure you are and I’m sure it’s becoming easier.
I’m super proud of you because starting a wellness program and a walking wellness
program isn’t always easy in the beginning, but I’m glad to see you’re catching on.
Now, my advice for this week . . .
I want to encourage you to grab a friend to walk with. It’s a lot easier, it’s a lot more
fun, and when you’re walking and talking, time goes by really quick. What else is great,
is that when you’re walking with a buddy, you pick up the pace and you can challenge
one another! You can challenge one another to add more miles to your walk or to add
more days than you’re walking now.
If you don’t have a buddy to walk with, that’s okay! You can walk on your own. But
maybe you’re looking for some motivation – how about some music? Music is always
a great motivator for me!
So the action plan for this week is grab a friend, grab a co–worker, so that you can
challenge one another and get some motivation, like music. Or use that time for
meditation. But I want you to get in 30 to 40 minutes of time walking, four to five days
each week. This will prepare you for the following week.
Pick up the pace, push yourself a little bit further – you’re doing
a great job and I’ll see you next week.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
The most popular
form of exercise in
the United States is
Week Three Goals:
• Find a walking partner (or other motivation)
• Walk four to five days a week for 30 to 40 minutes
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walk Your Way Fit | WEEK 4
Welcome to week four. By now you’ve had an entire month of walking wellness under
your belt. Hey! You might even be noticing some good results under your own belt!
You should be very proud of yourself. I’m proud of you. It’s a
huge accomplishment.
Now back in week two, we talked a little bit about where to walk and I want to
encourage you to go outdoors. It may seem a little intimidating, because maybe you
don’t live in the perfect climate to get in your walking wellness, but I don’t want you to
be afraid to go outside. It’s all about preparation. It’s about dressing for the occasion
no matter if it’s raining or snowing . . . or maybe it’s just too hot where you live.
Everything is about preparation. You can still go outside and
get in your program.
Now remember, you’re going to heat up while you walk so a good rule of thumb is
always to dress for 20 to 30 degrees warmer. That way, you won’t get overheated.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
In 1970, 66% of
children walked to
school. Today, only
13% walk.
Maybe you live in a very hot climate. I want to encourage you to stay hydrated. And
you have to dress for that weather as well. Make sure you’re wearing shorts, and
maybe a tank top; wear sunscreen, a visor and maybe even some sunglasses. So really,
you can walk in any climate. It’s all about planning and preparation.
I want to encourage you this week to pick up the pace and do that by getting a stopwatch
so you can challenge yourself. It will help you with your endurance and also with your
pace by having that challenge. Also, go outside once or twice this week and continue to
stay steady with your 30 to 40 minute program, four to five times a week.
But get outside. Get some fresh air. Enjoy your walking workout.
Week Four Goals:
• Take your walk outdoors
• Walk 4 to 5 days this week for 30 to 40 minutes each day
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walk Your Way Fit | WEEK 5
Welcome to week five of your walking wellness plan. We’re about to go into new
territory here. We’re going to start a walk-run program.
Make sure your knees and back are healthy before you even start this program. Also
make sure that you’re already walking 30 to 40 minutes, four to five times a week,
This is the program I want to introduce to you. What you’ll do is you’ll start running
two to three minutes and then once you get the two to three minutes under your belt,
you’ll stop and walk for four minutes.
You’ll do this pattern four to five or five to six times.
Listen to your body.
Once you get that mastered, I want you to take it up a notch, and we’re going to run for
nine minutes. It will be a moderate run for nine minutes and then you’ll walk for two.
You’ll do that pattern two to three times and that will be your plan.
The reason you even want to incorporate running into your walking program is to
shock your body. That way when you go back to the walking only program, you’ll have
more endurance and you’ll be able to notice how you pick up the pace a lot more.
Remember how we talked about the pedometer earlier? I also want you to have a
heart rate monitor. That way you can gauge what zone you’re in based on your age
and your athletic ability.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
Less than 50% of
American adults
exercise enough to
gain significant health
or benefits. Inactivity
is the second leading
cause of preventable
death in the U.S.,
second only to
tobacco use.
Now, if you don’t have a heart monitor, that’s okay, too, because you can gauge your
level of intensity by your breathing, if you’re sweating or not, and how your muscles feel.
So I want you to be very encouraged, challenge yourself this week, and do this four to
five times this week and I’ll check in to see how you’re doing.
Week Five Goals:
• Purchase a heart rate monitor (optional)
• Introduce a walk-run program
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walk Your Way Fit | WEEK 6
Welcome to week six. Are you feeling like maybe you’ve hit a plateau with your
distance, your speed or maybe even the variety of your walking places?
That may be the case. So now, let’s take a little creativity to push through that plateau
and reach for higher ground.
I mean, literally, let’s reach for higher ground.
Think about taking the stairs every chance you get. This will not only increase your
momentum, your endurance, your strength and even your heart rate, but it will also
prepare you for trail hiking.
In fact, the office is a great place to work on intervals using the stairs.
Now here, I’m going to show you exactly what I mean. I’ve switched to my tennis shoes
for comfort and support and I recommend you do the same.
So let’s do this!
If you want to challenge yourself a little bit, jump up on a stair with both feet and then
jump down. This takes coordination. If you really want to challenge yourself, go up
two stairs.
This week, I also want you to work on intervals. Get in at least two interval workouts.
Try for three more walking days for 30 to 40 minutes each.
Keep up the great work and keep walking to stay fit.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
Walking helps
prevent osteoporosis.
Research shows that
women who walk
around one mile per
day each day have
higher whole-body
bone density than
women who walk less.
Week Six Goals:
• Get in two interval workouts this week
• Walk three days for 30 to 40 minutes each day
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Bonus Challenge . . . You’ve Got it!
Now that you’ve finished your six-week walking to wellness plan, what’s next?
Do you just quit? No!
You find a challenge. Find a race and enter it with gusto. And now that you have six
weeks of walking down, you’re ready to kick it up a notch. A race in the near future
will give you all the motivation you need to keep walking. In turn, you’ll get better,
faster, and healthier each training week.
But here’s my advice for you. I want you to pick a race that the distance is actually
longer than what you’re used to walking or maybe even running – but it has to be
longer. That way you will have to continue with your training.
Also, change up your intervals in a fun way by challenging
yourself to 30 to 60 second walking spurts.
One of my favorite ways to train is to do power sprints or bursts on a scale of light to
moderate to hard and then reverse that by doing hard to moderate to light. Think of
it like a pyramid type format.
What you’ll do is you’ll go every 30 seconds and you’ll try walking a bit faster. One you
max out at your level of exertion, you’ll start taking it back down a notch.
When you’re performing power bursts, you want to make sure your abs and upper
back muscles are firm. Take shorter, quicker steps and you’re going to swivel your hips
forward as an extension of your thigh.
Now, swing your shoulders like pendulums, with your arms bent at a 90-degree angle.
This will help maximize your training for the race.
And don’t forget to journal your efforts each and every day because it will keep you
on target to reach your goal.
Good luck to you and this new adventure.
Fun Wacky
Walking Fact:
To burn off one plain
M&M candy, a person
would need to walk
the entire length of a
football field.
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
About the Author: Wendie Pett
Wendie Pett, a nationally recognized name in the fitness industry, is
passionate about motivating and encouraging people to make fitness
and nutrition part of their daily routine. She enthusiastically teaches the
care of mind, body and spirit, assisting others to learn the importance of
reaching their full God-given potential through her Visibly Fit™ program —
a total wellness and body weight resistance exercise program. Wendie has
helped countless numbers of people reach their fitness goals without ever
compromising their joint health, tendons, or ligaments by teaching simple
and easy to do exercises that use your body as your gym. A great way to
workout anytime, anywhere — no excuses allowed!
Wendie has her own television show that airs nationally every week on
the NRB network, SmartLifestyleTV, and Upliftv. Her Visibly Fit™ show
also airs on several other networks in local markets across the country.
The show received the Exceptional Service Award in 2011 from Christian
Women in Media Association. She speaks at large corporations, churches
and universities promoting her Visibly Fit™ health and fitness philosophies.
Wendie is the Midwest Regional Director for Christian Women in Media
held in Minneapolis. She has a Doctrine in Natural Medicine and works as a fitness coach and
consultant with individuals across the country. In addition, she is known as ‘Coach Wendie’ on
KTIS radio in the Twin Cities. She contributes as a featured fitness expert columnist in the Best
Ever You magazine, Total Wellness Newsletter, Diet.com, and many others. She has authored
several books and has multiple Visibly Fit exercise DVDs.
Wendie, the owner and CEO of Wendie Pett Enterprises, LLC is also a wife, mother and
community-minded volunteer. Born in Dallas, Texas, Wendie grew up and attended the
University of North Texas in Denton. During her post-college years Wendie became a true
student of physical culture and taught many forms of fitness at health clubs and as a personal
It was after a major injury to her shoulder over a decade ago that Wendie resorted to body
weight resistance exercises for strength and healing, and hasn’t turned back to any other
form of training since. With a hectic business and personal schedule that includes traveling,
her Visibly Fit™ program has been the only way for her to keep her great physique without
wasting time and money at the gym.
Wendie’s mission is to help get children and adults of all ages practicing and living the results
and benefits of her Visibly Fit™ total wellness and fitness program. She attributes her success
to the balance she’s achieved in her life by putting God first, her family second and her business
third. The mission of getting families healthy mind, body, and spirit placed Grace ‘n Action on
her heart . . . a non-profit ministry to assist single moms and children in need. She believes
that when single moms are equipped with proper tools and education then they are more
motivated to become and stay healthy in order to live out the bright future ahead.
Wendie makes it all look so easy with her fun, casual, yet dynamic and enthusiastic approach.
She makes it difficult to resist heeding her call to, “Stop making excuses and begin today to get in
the best shape of your life!”
Facebook: www.facebook.com/visiblyfit
Twitter: @wendiepett
Instagram: www.instagram.com/wendiepett
Fun Wacky Walking Facts: Source
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walking Journal
Before You Begin
Right Bicep_______________Chest_________________
Right Thigh_______________ Right Calf____________
Took BEFORE Picture
Starting Weight: ____________
WEEK 1 | 15 to 20 minutes for 5 days
Minutes Walked
Minutes Ran
WEEK 2 | 20 to 30 minutes for 5 days / find new places
Minutes Walked
Minutes Ran
WEEK 3 | 30 to 40 minutes for at 4 to 5 days / find walking partner
Minutes Walked
Minutes Ran
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises
Walking Journal
WEEK 4 | 30 to 40 minutes for 4 to 5 days / walk outdoors
Minutes Walked
Minutes Ran
WEEK 5 | 30 to 40 minutes for 5 days / introduce walk-run intervals
Minutes Walked
Minutes Ran
WEEK 6 | 30 to 40 minutes for 3 days / 2 interval workouts
Minutes Walked
Minutes Ran
At End of 6 Weeks
Took AFTER Picture
Current Weight: _______________
Total Minutes:__________________
Total Miles:_____________________
Right Bicep_______________Chest_________________
Right Thigh_______________ Right Calf____________
I’m running/walking in the ____________________________________ on ______________________.
(insert name of race here)
©2015-16 Wendie Pett Enterprises