Quorum Hotel Tampa 700 N West Shore Blvd Tampa


Quorum Hotel Tampa 700 N West Shore Blvd Tampa
Vol. 6 9 , I ssue 1 2
SHRM Chapter #0074 w w w.hr t a m pa .org
De c e m be r 2 0 0 8
De c e m be r 2 0 0 5
Please j oin HR Tampa for a fun filled evening of
net working act ivit ies, food and drinks!!
Prizes will be given t o t he winners of our net working act ivit ies.
Also, buy raffle t icket s t o benefit t he SHRM
Foundat ion and win one of t he following excit ing
Quorum Hot el Tampa
700 N West Shore Blvd
Tampa, FL 33609
Regist rat ion St art s at 5:30 p.m.
r 10t
16t h
N ovem
HR Tampa’s Br eakf ast Meet ing
16t h
N ovem
HR Tampa’s Br eakf ast Meet ing
Pr esi d en t ’s Cor n er
As 2008 draws t o an end, it is
wit h great pleasure t hat I
address t he membership of HR
Tampa as your President for t he
final t ime. I have t ruly been
honored t o serve in t his role and
serve t he membership of one of
t he best chapt ers in t he st at e of
Florida and wit hin SHRM!
support of HR Tampa, t he Board of
Direct ors and me; you are t ruly
special and I am honored t o be
among such great friends.
I also want t o send a big THANK
YOU t o t he 2008 Board of Direct ors; t hey are t he reason for HR
Tampa’s success. This group, as a
whole, has cert ainly seen it s fair
share of t riumphs and challenges
t his year and t heir support for
each ot her and for me personally,
is beyond words.
This year would not have
been possible wit hout our phenomenal Board of Direct ors and
definit ely not wit hout you, t he members of
HR Tampa – Thank you.
HR Tampa has const ruct ed anot her phenomenal board for 2009 and I am cert ain
you will enj oy a successful year as a member - HR Tampa is in good hands! Please be
sure t o seek t hem out and int roduce yourself.
This past year has definit ely been one
for t he hist ory books, from a changing
economy, t o new and changing federal and
st at e legislat ion, and of course a hist oric
elect ion! These changes have not only had
an impact on us professionally but personally as well. While t here are a myriad of
opinions about what is in st ore for 2009
from t he economy t o our profession, and
while we know t here will be many changes
and challenges ahead, I have come t o realize t hat we can always rely on our friends
and colleagues at HR Tampa. I encourage
each of you t o cont inue t o st ay involved
and immerse yourselves in t he excit ing
mont hs ahead!
I look forward t o cat ching-up wit h all of
you at t he mont hly meet ings in 2009 and I
will cont inue t o support HR Tampa as t he
Immediat e Past President and as t he Tampa
Bay Dist rict Direct or for t he St at e of Florida.
H a p p y H ol i d a y s!
D a n a Ch a t el a i n
H R Ta m pa
Pr esi d en t
I am very t hankful for each and every
one of you for your-
N e w M e m be rs
First Name
Last Name
St agliano
Superior Benefit s
Healt hesyst ems
Direct or of Human
Bausch & Lomb
Sr. Human Resources Represent at ive
By David Steffen
A Few Final Tidbit s for 2008
t o reflect t he higher federal rat e.
As 2008 comes t o a close, it is
not clear what lies ahead for HR
Depart ment s. While rumors and
speculat ion swirl regarding t he
pot ent ial new employment laws
t hat await us, t here is not hing concret e t hat we can report at t his
t ime. Nonet heless, we already
know t hat t here are several changes
t hat will t ake effect beginning January 1,
2009, based upon t he exist ing laws. Because
we have discussed t wo of t he most publicized
changes, t he ADA Amendment s Act and t he
new FMLA regulat ions, in previous columns and
at t he chapt er meet ings, I will spare you t he
det ails in t his column and inst ead focus on t wo
ot her changes. They include an increase in
Florida’s minimum wage and federal cont ract ors’ e-verify obligat ions.
Employers of "t ipped employees" who qualify for t he FLSA’s t ip
credit , may include any t ips t he
employees act ually receive as
wages under t he Florida minimum
wage law. Nonet heless, t ipped
employees are st ill ent it led t o a
direct wage. The Florida law calculat es t he t ipped employee’s direct wage by
subt ract ing t he 2003 t ip credit ($3.02) from
t he current minimum wage. Consequent ly, t he
2009 direct wage will be $4.19 an hour.
As part of t he st at e minimum wage st at ut e,
employers who must pay t heir employees t he
Florida minimum wage must post a minimum
wage not ice (i.e. post er) in a conspicuous and
accessible place in every est ablishment where
t hese employees work. This requirement does
not eliminat e an employer’s obligat ion t o post
t he federal minimum wage under t he Fair
Labor St andards Act . Florida's minimum wage
post er is available for downloading in English
and Spanish from t he Agency for Workforce
Innovat ion's websit e at : ht t p:/ / www.floridaj obs.org/ workforce/ post ers.ht ml.
Flor ida’s Minimum Wage
As most Florida employers already know,
Florida’s vot ers approved a st at e minimum
wage t hat exceeded t he federal minimum
wage in 2004. The rat e increases every January 1st . St art ing January 1, 2009, Florida's
minimum wage will be $7.21 per hour. According t o t he Florida Depart ment of Workforce
Innovat ion, t his is a 6.2 percent increase from
t he 2008 minimum wage ($6.79 per hour).
Under t he law, all Florida employees who are
covered by t he Fair Labor St andards Act
(“ FLSA” ) are ent it led t o earn t he st at e’s minimum wage. Based upon exist ing laws, Florida
employees are ent it led t o earn t he higher
wage provided by eit her t he FLSA or st at e law.
Therefore, t he Florida minimum wage prevails
over t he federal rat e unt il t he federal minimum wage exceeds t he Florida st at e rat e.
Consequent ly, on July 24, 2009, when t he federal minimum wage increases t o
$7.25, t he Florida rat e of $7.21 an
hour applies; however, on July 24,
2009, Florida’s employers must
adj ust t heir minimum wage payment s
E-ver ify and Feder al Cont r act or s
In June of t his year, President Bush
amended Execut ive Order 12989, direct ing
federal cont ract ors t o use t he E-Verify syst em
t o ensure t hat all new hires and employees
working on government proj ect s are eligible t o
work in t he Unit ed St at es. On November 14,
2008, t he federal government issued t he Final
Rules implement ing t he E-Verify requirement .
The regulat ions apply t o federal cont ract s
awarded and solicit at ions issued aft er January
15, 2009, wort h at least $100,000 wit h a period
of performance longer t han 120 days.
In addit ion, subcont ract s valued at
$3,000 or more
Cont inued on Page 10
St udent Chapt er Reaches Out t o
Communit y
b y St e p ha n i e Hi p p e n s t e l l , St u de n t Cha p t e r Pr e s i de n t &
To n i M a y r o s , Di r e c t o r o f Co l l e g e Re l a t i o n s
Addit ionally, t his event led t o of fers t o
speak wit h t wo UT campus organizat ions and
at an inf ormat ional session in 2009. Addit ional event s are also being planned f or 2009
and beyond. As we move int o 2009, t his
year’s St udent Chapt er Board is f ocusing on
increasing membership and out reach opport unit ies at local colleges and universit ies.
Beyond communit y out reach and t he
int ernship program, HR Tampa’s College Relat ions commit t ee has been hard at work looking for meet ing host , ment ors and volunt eers/
boot h sponsors f or our annual Career Workshop held in April of 2009. For more inf ormat ion on how t o become involved, please
cont act Toni Mayros, College Relat ions Direct or at t [email protected] or (727) 534-4955
or St ephanie Hippenst eel at shippenst [email protected].
On November 6, 2008, HR Tampa Member
and College Relat ions Int ernship/ Ment or Program Coordinat or - Sue St yx, PHR, and St udent Chapt er President St ephanie Hippenst eel
part nered wit h t he Universit y of Tampa (UT)
f or t heir fall int ernship fair. UT, like many
universit ies, requires t heir st udent s t o complet e an int ernship prior t o graduat ion. For
t he College Relat ions Commit t ee, we hope
t his is t he st art t o a long last ing prof essional
relat ionship. At t he event we had t he opport unit y t o speak wit h st udent s and ot her Bay
Area employers on benef it s of being a st udent
chapt er member, t he value of an int ernship
and t he import ance of HR in any chosen
career pat h.
As part of t he programs off ered t o st udent
chapt er members, t he Tampa Bay HR St udent
Chapt er off ers j unior and senior year st udent s
t he opport unit y t o part icipat e in a chapt er
sponsored paid int ernship program in which
st udent s ent er a subst ant ive learning environment wit h real world applicat ion. Applicat ion t hey can use aft er graduat ion upon
ent ering t he workforce.
Ext ending beyond compensat ion and benef it s, ent ering HR pract it ioners are finding several disciplines wit hin t he f ield such as
t raining, recruit ing and employee relat ions
t hat spark t heir int erest . Meet ing wit h st udent s from maj ors such as market ing, management , and psychology, each expressed an
int erest in learning about t he chapt er and
how HR can be incorporat ed int o t heir skill
set . A learned skill set t hat will make t hem
more valuable employees and managers
wit hin t heir f ut ure prof essions. During t he
f air, Sue received several inquiries int o t he
int ernship program and is working wit h t wo
new members t o assist t hem wit h placement .
By Michael S. Levy, CPRW, CAPM, PHR
The Career Academy, LLC
“ Tell me about yourself.” Just like your résumé
Obj ect ive, t his is t he at t ent ion get t er. This
quest ion is not delving int o learning more about
your 17-year marriage, your t eenage son, or
your family t rip t o Walley World as in Chevy
Chase’s hilarious movie “ Vacat ion.” Inst ead t his
is a t ime t o share your skills, t alent s and experience and how t hey relat e t o t he posit ion. Share
a few of your best achievement s and accomplishment s, t he ones t hat cont ribut ed most t o
your past performance. As an int erviewer, I look
for an opport unit y t o creat e a dialogue wit h t he
pot ent ial new hire. Remember, my int erview
quest ions are designed t o facilit at e our int erview discussion and uncover who you are. Your
int erview responses must show t hat you are list ening carefully and sharing informat ion t hat
will hopefully help me t o decide t hat you are
t he best fit for t he posit ion.
Persist ence and pest ering can cert ainly draw
a fine line. It ’s t he j ob seeker’s responsibilit y t o
“ close t he sale” or at least make a good
As a career expert , many of my client s oft en
ask, “ What does it t ake t o be t he one j ob seeker
select ed for employment ?” Of course t here is
not one answer, but I can offer a simple answer;
all you’ ll need t o remember are t he 3 “ P’s.”
Preparat ion, Pract ice, and Persist ence! There is
never a guarant ee t hat you will be t he one
select ed, but you manage more of t he hiring
process t han you t hink.
Preparat ion st art s wit h a well t hought -out
and consist ent résumé. The résumé should provide a clear pict ure of what you want t o do,
what qualifies you t o do it , what achievement s/
accomplishment s relat e t o what you want t o do,
and where you got your experience. But t hat ’s
only t he beginning. Many resumes circulat ing in
t he j ob market are missing t he essence of a
st rong opening. Tell t he reader what you want
in your Obj ect ive, and give it t o t hem st raight .
Trit e words or phrases, such as “ challenging and
rewarding” or “ responsible posit ion” don’ t offer
t he reader much in t he way of uniqueness and
don’ t provide much informat ion regarding
what you are prepared t o t alk about in t he
int erview. Quit e honest ly, who doesn’ t want
t hese t ypes of posit ions? As t he first key
element of your résumé, your Obj ect ive
should be a st at ement of purpose. Consider t his t o be your at t ent ion get t er, t o
invit e t he reader t o cont inue t hrough t he
rest of your résumé wit h excit ement
rat her t han boredom. An Obj ect ive t hat
t ells what you want t o do, what skills you
have t o do it and what you can cont ribut e t o t he organizat ion would be much
more ent icing t o read.
Preparat ion and pract ice are essent ial t o effect ive int erviewing. Pract ice all
different t ypes of int erview quest ions wit h
your spouse, family member, or a friend.
Almost any regular bookst ore sells books
wit h pract ice int erview quest ions. St ay
focused on your skills, t alent s and abilit ies
as t hey relat e t o t he posit ion for which
you are applying. Ask int elligent quest ions
t o uncover t he employer’s needs and t o
find a suit able fit . The t ypical opening
quest ion is t he first in a set of st umpers,
Cont inued on Page 10
Career Advice
Continued from Page 6
Continued from Page 9
flowing from prime cont ract s are also covered.
Nonet heless, cont ract s for commercially available off-t he-shelf it ems and for work performed
out side t he Unit ed St at es are not covered by
t hese requirement s. The new rule requires companies wit h covered cont ract s t o use E-Verify
not only for all new hires, but also t o verify t he
employment eligibilit y of exist ing employees
who work direct ly on federal cont ract s. The lat t er employees are t hose individuals hired aft er
November 6, 1986, who are direct ly performing
work in t he Unit ed St at es under a cont ract t hat
includes t he clause commit t ing t he cont ract or
t o use E-Verify. It does not include employees
normally performing support work, such as indirect or overhead funct ions, and who do not perform any subst ant ial dut ies under t he cont ract .
Companies awarded covered cont ract s will
be required t o enroll in E-Verify wit hin 30 days
of t he cont ract award dat e. They will t hen have
90 days t o begin using E-Verify for exist ing
employees who are assigned t o work on t he federal cont ract s. Following t he 90 day period,
employers must subsequent ly verify all new
hires wit hin t hree business days of t he individual’s employment . While employers may verify
new hires aft er an offer of employment has
been accept ed, even if t he individual employee
has not act ually st art ed working; however, t he
syst em cannot be used t o verify applicant s’
employment eligibilit y.
Cont ract ors have t he opt ion of verifying
t heir ent ire workforce (new hires and all
employees, even if not assigned t o a federal
cont ract ), but t hey must not ify t he Depart ment
of Homeland Securit y t hrough t he “ Maint ain
Company” page on t he E-Verify syst em, and
must init iat e a query for each employee in t he
workforce wit hin 180 days of not ificat ion. (If a
cont ract or is already using E-Verify, it is
required t o updat e it s company informat ion on
t he “ Maint ain Company” page t o reflect t hat it
is now a government cont ract or user.)
As always, if you have
any quest ions about t hese
laws or any ot her HR mat t ers, please feel free t o
ask me a quest ion at t he
next chapt er meet ing.
at t empt . Ask t he int erviewer when t hey plan on
making a select ion. How many ot hers are being
int erviewed for t he posit ion? Are any of t he candidat es int ernal? The import ance of companycent ered quest ions cannot be over emphasized. If you haven’ t heard from t he employer
on t he agreed upon dat e, call t he following day
t o see how t he int erview process is progressing. If you are unable t o reach t he int erviewer,
leave a voice mail let t ing t hem know you are
inquiring about t he int erview. Following up
could possibly make t he difference in get t ing
t he offer or not . Even if you are not in t he running, it can provide closure and most import ant ly peace of mind. If you incorporat e t hese
t hree simple P’s, t here is no doubt t hat your j ob
search skills will increase by leaps and bounds.
Get Ready for 2009!
HRTampa is looking forward t o anot her
great year and we hope you will cont inue
wit h us as we st rive t o make t his t he best
chapt er in Florida!
Hopefully, you were
able t o at t end t he maj orit y of meet ings.
We had a lot of fun, but also had t he opport unit y t o learn more about our profession.
We underst and you are very busy so we will
cont inue t o offer bot h breakfast and dinner
meet ings along wit h some ½ day and full
day special event s.
ensure t he Account ing Depart ment
includes your name on t he check or bring
payment t o regular meet ing.
Bring payment t o regular meet ing. Please
bring a copy of your Bill for Payment Due
you will print when renewing online.
If you qualify under t he SHRM nat ional st udent program t hen we encourage you t o
visit our College Relat ions webpage for
informat ion on j oining t he HR Tampa St udent Chapt er which is support ed by HR
Now is t he t ime t o j oin or renew! Our dues
will remain t he same and we again have
several opt ions for you t o select from.
Once you choose t he opt ion t hat best fit s
your needs, you can renew on-line.
2009 DUES
St udent s run on a school year and new pricing is:
Options (Dues run Jan- Dec)!
PREMIUM $50 for all chapt er meet ings
and event s;
Please remember t hat we are a 100%chapt er and you must be a current member of
SHRM t o j oin or renew wit h HRTampa.
ATTENDING MEMBER $35 for all chapt er meet ings. You can visit t he SHRM st udent sit e t o see if you qualify for st udent
rat es. Not e: You wil l onl y qual if y f or our
st udent rat es if you are a val id nat ional
SHRM st udent member.
One fee covers annual dues prorat ed and all
meal/ event cost s for mont hly meet ings and
annual Legal Updat e and Expo. One fee
covers annual dues and meal cost s. This is a
great opt ion. The more meet ings you
at t end, t he more you save! Membership
ends December 31st .
Please t ake t he t ime t o updat e your personal and professional informat ion on your
member profile at t he membership direct ory area. It is ext remely import ant we
have your current cont act informat ion so
you will receive updat es as t hey are sent
out .
BASIC $100
If you are int erest ed in assist ing one of our
HRTampa Volunt eer Leaders and serving on
one of our commit t ees, please cont act t he
appropriat e board member list ed on t he
Leadership page. Get involved and have
some fun!
Covers cost of annual dues; pay as you go
for our mont hly meet ings ($30) and ot her
event s such as t he Legal Updat e and Expo.
Membership ends December 31st .
Paym ent Methods:
1. Pay on-line using a maj or Credit Card via
Pay Pal syst em.
We hope t o see you at our first meet ing in
2009. You can regist er for t his event online at our Event s and Meet ings page.
Please t ake t he t ime t o renew your membership before regist ering for t his event .
2. Pay by Check: send in payment t o HR
Tampa PO Box 26554, Tampa, FL 336236554. If your company is paying, please
Visit our websit e at www.hrt ampa.org for more informat ion.
HR Tam pa Nom inat ions Com m itt ee
The following is t he proposed slat e of off icers and direct ors f or 2009 submit t ed by
Dana Chat elain, Immediat e Past President and t he Nominat ions Commit t ee:
Ignacio Garcia, Esq.
Lisa Murfield MBA, SPHR
Inass Riyad PHR
Ann Ladd, CPC, PHR
Immediate Past President/ Foundation Director
Dana Chatelain, SPHR
Programs Director
Patricia Gaudin
Programs Director, Special Events
Carol McDaniel Non-Dues
Non Dues Revenue
Chris Greene
Membership Director
Jill Conklin PHR
Hospitality Director
Donna Cacciatore
Certifications Director
Sharon Marsh SPHR
David Steffan, Esq.
Diversity Director
Debbie Dube
College Relations Director
Toni Mayros
Communications Director
Rebecca Lukban, PHR
Technology Director
Michele Pryor
Workforce Readiness Director
Cheryl Brown, PHR
Of f icer s

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