so that the world may believe er mwyn i`r byd gredu
so that the world may believe er mwyn i`r byd gredu
Adnoddau Resources O Ddydd i Ddydd From Day to Day Cytûn: Churches Together in Wales Cytûn: Eglwysi Ynghyd yng Nghymru Work Program 2010-2011 Rhaglen Waith 2010-2011 Ceisia Cytûn wneud y defnydd gorau posib o adnoddau’r eglwysi drwy: Cytûn seeks to make the best possible use of the churches’ resources by: •annog tystiolaethu ar y cyd •encouraging shared witness ER MWYN I’R BYD GREDU •jointly administering Cytûn, the Commission of the Covenanted Churches and the Free Church Council •weithio oddi fewn i gyllideb a sicrhau nad yw cynnal Cytûn, ar gyfartaledd, yn costio mwy na 85c yr aelod eglwysig pob blwyddyn. •working within budget and ensuring, on average, that Cytûn does not cost more than 85p a year per church member to run. Cytûn, as it now stands, is a busy place approached daily by member churches and denominations, government, the third sector, the press and media as well as national, regional and local churches and faith communities looking to Wales’ national ecumenical instrument for: written articles, advice, comment and assistance as a conduit by which the churches can be accessed and approached. The staff team seeks to support significant activities and events organised by member churches and denominations. SO THAT THE WORLD MAY BELIEVE •gyd-weinyddu Cytûn, Comisiwn yr Eglwysi Cyfamodol a Chyngor yr Eglwysi Rhyddion Mae Cytûn, fel y mae’n sefyll nawr, yn lle prysur, gyda’r eglwysi a’r enwadau sy’n aelodau, llywodraeth, y trydydd sector, y wasg a’r cyfryngau yn cysylltu bron yn ddyddiol, yn ogystal â chymunedau ffydd ac eglwysi cenedlaethol, rhanbarthol a lleol yn edrych at offeryn eciwmenaidd cenedlaethol Cymru ar gyfer: erthyglau ysgrifenedig, cyngor, sylwadau a chymorth fel sianel er mwyn cael mynediad at yr eglwysi. Mae’r tîm staff yn ceisio cefnogi gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau arwyddocaol a drefnir gan yr enwadau a’r eglwysi sy’n aelodau. Cytûn, as set out in the organisation’s basis and commitment, seeks to unite in pilgrimage those churches in Wales which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures; and, in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body, and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world, to the glory of the one God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Fe ymdrecha Cytûn, fel y dywed sylfaen ac ymrwymiad y corff, i uno mewn pererindod yr eglwysi hynny yng Nghymru sydd, gan gydnabod datguddiad Duw yng Nghrist, yn cyffesu yr Arglwydd Iesu Grist yn Dduw a Gwaredwr yn ôl yr Ysgrythurau; ac mewn ufudd-dod i ewyllys Duw ac yng ngrym yr Ysbryd Glân, yn ymrwymo’u hunain i geisio dyfnhau eu cymundeb â Christ ac â’i gilydd yn yr Eglwys, sef ei gorff ef, ac i gyflawni eu cenhadaeth o gyhoeddi’r efengyl drwy dystiolaethu a gwasanaethu gyda’i gilydd yn y byd, er gogoniant yr un Duw, Tad, Mab ac Ysbryd Glân. To this end Cytûn serves and brings together the following churches and denominations: I’r perwyl hwn y mae Cytûn yn gwasanaethu ac yn dwyn at ei gilydd yr eglwysi a’r enwadau canlynol: • 02920 464 375 • [email protected] 4panela5rollfold-FINAL.indd 1 The Baptist Union of Wales • The South Wales Baptist Association • The Methodist Church Undeb Bedyddwyr Cymru • Cymanfa Bedyddwyr De Cymru • Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd The Church in Wales • The German Speaking Lutheran Church • The Salvation Army Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru • Yr Eglwys Lutheraidd Almaeneg ei Hiaith • Byddin yr Iachawdwriaeth The United Reformed Church • The Roman Catholic Church • The Union of Welsh Independents Yr Eglwys Ddiwygiedig Unedig • Yr Eglwys Gatholig Rufeinig • Undeb yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg The Congregational Federation • The Presbyterian Church of Wales • The Religious Society of Friends Y Gynghrair Gynulleidfaol • Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru • Cymdeithas y Cyfeillion The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Wales • The Presbyterian Church of South Korea in Wales Eglwys Adfentiaid y Seithfed Dydd yng Nghymru • Eglwys Bresbyteraidd De Korea yng Nghymru Cytûn also serves and brings together a number of bodies in association in the breadth of their work: Mae Cytûn hefyd yn gwasanaethu ac yn dwyn at ei gilydd nifer o gyrff cysylltiol yn ystod eang eu gwaith: Christian Aid, Aelwyd Housing Association, The Churches Tourism Network, Christians Against Torture, Through the Roof, The Welsh Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs, The Lightship, The Churches Together Bookshop, Cardiff and the Welsh Sunday School Council. Cymorth Cristnogol, Cymdeithas Dai Aelwyd, Rhwydwaith Twristiaeth yr Eglwysi, Cristnogion yn Erbyn Poenydio, Drwy’r To, Cyngor Cymru ar Alcohol a Chyffuriau Eraill, Y Goleulong, Siop Lyfrau Eglwysi Ynghyd, Caerdydd a Chyngor Ysgolion Sul Cymru. 8/7/10 19:27:13 Uchafbwyntiau Diweddar Recent Highlights Gwaith Penodol Eleni Gellir nodi rhai uchafbwyntiau diweddar. I gefndir llu o weithgareddau, fe wnaeth Cytûn: •helpu trefnu gwasanaeth coffâd cenedlaethol Ffederasiwn yr Heddlu yn Neuadd Dewi Sant, Caerdydd Some recent highlights can be noted. To the backdrop of several activities, Cytûn has: •worked jointly with the National Eisteddfod to provide free access to the Sunday service held in the Pavilion •gydweithio â Chymdeithas y Beibl ac eraill i ddarparu Testament Newydd a’r Salmau Cymraeg mewn Braille •weithio’n agos â Chomisiwn yr Eglwysi Cyfamodol ynghylch nifer o ddatblygiadau eciwmenaidd lleol a chenedlaethol •worked jointly with the Bible Society and others to produce the Welsh New Testament and Psalms in Braille •helped organise the Police Federation national memorial service at St David’s Hall, Cardiff •ffurfio perthynas agos ag arweinyddion eglwysi Syria a Libanus •weithio’n greadigol â Chyngor yr Eglwysi Rhyddion ynghylch cynrychiolaeth yr eglwysi ar CYSAGau •forged a close relationship with the leaders of the churches in Syria and Lebanon •worked closely with the Commission of the Covenanted Churches concerning a number of local and national ecumenical developments •chwarae rhan sylweddol yng nghynhyrchiad Adroddiad Confensiwn Cymru Gyfan ar bwerau’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol •worked with the City and County of Cardiff to organise national memorial services •weithio gyda Dinas a Sir Caerdydd i gynnal gwasanaethau coffâd cenedlaethol •eiriol yn effeithiol dros geiswyr lloches a ffoaduriaid Cymru a darpar ymwelwyr o Batagonia •gydweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol a’r heddlu ynghylch ymweliad “Cynghrair Amddiffyn Cymru” â dinasoedd Cymru gan drefnu gwylnosau heddwch •osod pwyslais sylweddol ar lwyfannu cenhadaeth yr eglwysi ar y cyd mewn cyfres o wyliau cenedlaethol: Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd, Sioe Amaethyddol Llanelwedd a’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol •gyd-drefnu gydag Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru gynllun mynediad am ddim i wasanaeth y Sul yn y Pafiliwn 4panela5rollfold-FINAL.indd 2 •ymateb yn gadarnhaol i ysgogiad yr eglwysi i ddwyn cymunedau ffydd Cymru at ei gilydd ac i drefnu cyfarfodydd cenedlaethol, rhanbarthol a lleol yn ogystal â gwylnosau cyhoeddus megis y rhai a gafwyd yn ddiweddar yng Nghasnewydd a Chaerdydd •weithio â Chynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru i drefnu gwasanaethau agoriadol ac ymweliadau tramor. •advocated effectively for Wales’ asylum seekers and refugees and prospective visitors from Patagonia •worked with local authorities and the police around the visit of the “Welsh Defence League” to Welsh cities arranging peace vigils •placed a significant emphasis on staging the churches’ mission together in a number of national festivals: the National Urdd Eisteddfod, the Royal Welsh Show, and the National Eisteddfod •worked creatively with the Free Church Council in reviewing church representation on SACREs •played a major part in producing the All Wales Convention Report on the National Assembly’s powers •succeeded in responding positively to the encouragement of churches to bring Wales’ faith communities together, and to organise local, regional and national meetings as well as public vigils such as those held recently in Newport and Cardiff Amcanion penodol Cytûn ar gyfer 2010-11 yw: 1) Adnewyddu Eciwmeniaeth yng Nghymru drwy: •ddatblygu a chefnogi Partneriaethau Eciwmenaidd Lleol •drefnu adnoddau ar gyfer eciwmeniaeth leol •gefnogi gwaith lleol Cytûn •godi ymwybyddiaeth llywodraethau’r eglwysi am waith Cytûn •gefnogi gwaith Comisiwn yr Eglwysi Cyfamodol a Chyngor yr Eglwysi Rhyddion. 2) Galluogi tystiolaeth Gristnogol ar y cyd yng Nghymru drwy: •gydlynu a threfnu tystiolaeth yr eglwysi mewn digwyddiadau cenedlaethol •hyrwyddo rôl caplaniaeth yn y GIG a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill yng Nghymru •gydlynu trafodaethau’r eglwysi ynghylch addysg grefyddol •ehangu hyfforddiant eciwmenaidd pellach yng Nghymru This Year’s Specific Work •ddatblygu a chynnal perthynas dda gyda chyrff eciwmenaidd eraill •ddarparu adnoddau dwyieithog o ansawdd uchel ar gyfer addoliad eciwmenaidd yng Nghymru. 3) Bod yn fan trafod rhwng eglwysi Cymru drwy: •ddarparu cyfleoedd i’r eglwysi drafod materion athrawiaeth •ddarparu cyfleoedd i’r eglwysi drafod materion yr eglwys a chymdeithas •ddarparu gwybodaeth i’r eglwysi er mwyn helpu trafodaeth •wasanaethu’r eglwysi lle bo angen ar gyrff allanol. •roi sylw i weithgaredd enwadol a chydweithredu rhwng grwpiau o eglwysi •alluogi’r eglwysi i rannu barn â’i gilydd •helpu arweinwyr eglwysig i gyfarfod a chyd-rannu. Fe fydd Cytûn hefyd yn cefnogi gwaith y Cyrff Cysylltiol. Cytûn’s specific objectives for 2010-11 are to: 1) Renew Ecumenism in Wales by: •developing and supporting Local Ecumenical Partnerships •organising resources for local ecumenism •supporting local Cytûn work •raising the awareness of churches’ governments of the work of Cytûn •supporting the work of the Commission of Covenanted Churches and the Free Church Council. 2) To enable shared Christian witness in Wales by: •co-ordinating and organising the churches’ witness at national events •championing the role of chaplaincy in the NHS and other public services in Wales •co-ordinating the churches’ discussions around religious education •increasing further ecumenical training in Wales •developing and maintaining good relations with other ecumenical bodies •providing high quality bilingual resources for ecumenical worship in Wales. 3) To be the place of conversation between Welsh churches by: •providing opportunities for the churches to discuss matters of doctrine •providing opportunities for the churches to discuss matters of church and society •providing the churches with information to assist conversation •serving the churches where required on external bodies •profiling denominational activity and co-operation between groups of churches •enabling churches to hold views before each other •helping church leaders meet and share together. Cytûn will also support the work of Bodies in Association. •worked with the National Assembly for Wales to organise opening services and foreign visits. 8/7/10 19:27:24