National Training Schedule
National Training Schedule
2016 National Training Schedule July – December 2016 myGB EDUCATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 03 04 05 TRAINING SOLUTIONS TRAINING FACILITIES ONLINE TRAINING VIC COURSES 15 20 22 25 QLD COURSES SI COURSES SPECIALTY COURSES SA COURSES 31 REGISTER 33 TERMS & CONDITIONS Gallagher Bassett is committed to assisting our clients manage their WorkCover and Occupational Health and Safety needs. TRAINING SOLUTIONS To ensure you are well informed on these and associated topics, we are pleased to offer a range of training sessions. Unless otherwise stated, these sessions are provided free of charge to clients of Gallagher Bassett. For non-Gallagher Bassett clients the costs associated with each course are available upon request. Tailored Sessions All of our courses can be tailored to suit individual client needs or conducted onsite. Please note that tailored courses may incur additional fees. If you are interested in tailored sessions on WorkCover please contact our training department in your local State or your local Business Account Manager. If you are interested in OHS/WHS tailored training or services, please contact our OHS department on: VIC (03) 9297 9000 or SA (08) 8394 4743. GB offers a range of tailored self insurance courses in the areas of claims and injury management, licence application and feasibility including Self Insurance risk financing. The content of these programs can be tailored to meet state and federal jurisdictions. For all Self Insurance training enquiries please email [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you along to one of our sessions. 02 TRAINING FACILITIES Brisbane Gallagher Bassett has a number of dedicated training facilities located across Australia. All training sessions are conducted from these locations; however, onsite tailored sessions can be arranged for clients upon request. GB also offers training through an online training portal that allows courses to be undertaken online at any time. Victoria Adelaide Level 2 333 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Melbourne Phone (03) 9297 9000 Fax (03) 8623 9701 [email protected] Mail Locked Bag 3570, GPO Melbourne 3000 Parking South Australia Metro Parking 16–20 Bond Street Ground Floor 25 Franklin Street Adelaide SA 5000 Public Transport Phone (08) 8177 8450 Fax (08) 8177 8451 [email protected] Mail GPO Box 2269 Adelaide SA 5001 Parking Queensland Secure Parking 50 Franklin Street Level 20 179 Turbot Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Public Transport Gallagher Basset is located 150 metres from Victoria Square, central to bus, tram and rail transport options Closest train station Flinders Street Station Closest tram stop Cnr Elizabeth and Collins Street Phone (07) 3005 1900 Fax (07) 3005 1999 [email protected] PO GPO Box 14 Brisbane QLD 4001 Parking Secure Parking 179 Turbot Street Public Transport Closest train station Central Station 03 NEW ONLINE TRAINING & REGISTRATION Gallagher Bassett are excited to announce the launch of our new online learning portal for clients, which is part of the myGB client benefits program. All you need to do is register via the link below using the mygbed2016 enrolment code, and you will be able to use the portal to register into any of our training sessions. Over the next 6 months the portal will be populated with online versions of our most popular training modules, so you can access them anywhere, anytime. REGISTER NOW for GB’s new online learning portal and enter access code mygbed2016 04 VIC TRAINING COURSES 05 RETURN TO WORK COURSES ROLE OF A RETURN TO WORK COORDINATOR RETURN TO WORK RESPONSIBILITIES FOR MANAGERS & SUPERVISORS This two day training package has been developed by WorkSafe Victoria in consultation with key stakeholders and carries their endorsement. Completion of this course will enable participants to: This course is designed to assist Line Managers to understand their responsibilities for Return to Work of their injured employees. Completion of this course will enable Line Managers to: • • • • Relate the importance of Return to Work to Occupational Health and Safety Understand and fulfil the key responsibilities of the Return to Work Coordinator’s role Create and complete Return to Work Arrangements. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Thursday 7 July and 14 July Wednesday 17 August and Thursday 18 August Tuesday 13 September and 20 September Tuesday 11 October and 18 October Wednesday 16 November and Thursday 17 November Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm (each day) 06 • • Gain a better understanding of the Accident Compensation Act Gain a better understanding of their role in the Return to Work Process Provide useful tips to ensure a sustainable Return to Work is achieved. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Business managers and supervisors who are responsible for workers. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Thursday 28 July Thursday 13 October Time: 1.00pm - 4.30pm Also available via online training portal. WORKERS COMPENSATION COURSES BASIC CLAIMS MANAGEMENT This session provides an overview for employers who are new to the Victorian WorkCover Scheme or want a refresher on the basics of the scheme. Topics covered include the claims management model, employer and worker obligations, the paperwork that needs to be completed for claims, additional liability and the calculation of partial compensation rates (where a worker has returned to work on less than pre-injury hours). WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Thursday 11 August Wednesday 26 October Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm ADVANCED CLAIMS MANAGEMENT This session covers workers’ entitlements under the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation & Compensation Act 2013. In particular, the session covers initial liability (the factors that determine whether or not a worker is entitled to compensation/grounds for rejection) and ongoing liability (the factors that determine ongoing entitlement to compensation/grounds for termination). However, the session also touches on common law and the appeals process. It is recommended that participants attending this session have previously attended the Basic Claims Management session or have had some experience in claims management. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities, who have completed the Basic Claims Management course 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Tuesday 5 July Thursday 8 September Thursday 24 November 1.00pm - 4.00pm 1.00pm - 4.00pm 9.00am - 12.00pm 07 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS OVERVIEW OF PREMIUM - ADVANCED This session is a refresher course targeted at large employers. The session will look at things such as claims experience and how these are taken in to consideration when premium is calculated. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Thursday 15 September Time: 2.00pm - 4.00pm MANAGING OCCUPATIONAL STRESS IN THE WORKPLACE This session is designed to provide a basic overview of the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation & Compensation Act 2013 in relation to mental injury claims. It will explore principles of effective injury management and general organisational strategies to manage stress in the workplace. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Wednesday 24 August Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm 08 OHS & WORKPLACE SAFETY COURSES OHS FOR MANAGERS & SUPERVISORS This session provides an overview of your responsibilities as a manager or supervisor under the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation. It looks at specific responsibilities under the legislation and how the courts interpret breaches of these responsibilities. This session explores practical techniques of ways of introducing safety into your workplace and how to make safety a priority in your organisation. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Business managers and supervisors. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Wednesday 10 August Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm CONSULTATION & EFFECTIVE SAFETY COMMITTEES Health and safety legislation requires you to consult with your workers about matters that are likely to affect their physical and psychological health, safety and welfare. The session will provide you with practical examples of what effective consultation looks like in an organisation, when you are required to consult and how to get the most out of health and safety representatives and health and safety committees. Effective health and safety committees develop sound meeting practices and processes which are explored in this session through a mix of theory, case studies, role plays and exercises. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Tuesday 19 July Tuesday 6 September 1.00pm - 4.30pm 9.00am - 12.30pm 09 OHS AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS PARTICIPATIVE ERGONOMICS FOR MANUAL TASKS Research has demonstrated that teaching lifting techniques is not an effective intervention, as the risk isn’t controlled and it relies on worker behaviour. PErforM is a simple manual task risk management program based on participative ergonomics, and is an internationally recommended approach for reducing musculoskeletal disorders. PErforM provides a framework to help employers engage with workers at all levels to identify, assess and control manual tasks risks within their workplace. The idea of PErforM is that the worker is the expert in performing their work tasks. The PErforM program has been used successfully in a wide range of industries and can be applied to most types of hazardous manual tasks. This workshop provides guidance on preparing for and delivering the PErforM program. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Wednesday 14 September Time: 1.00pm - 4.30pm 10 EFFECTIVE CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT Contractors working unsupervised on site or on behalf of your organisation can pose a high level of risk to employees, clients, the general public and corporate reputation. This session provides participants with an understanding of the legal responsibilities employers have to labour hire personnel, independent contractors, subcontractors and the processes that are necessary to manage their health and safety to comply with legislative requirements. The session will explore the elements of an effective contractor management program that includes identifying the health and safety issues associated with the work, tender development, contractor selection, induction, and supervision including a practical session on interpreting a JSA and/or SWMS to determine the level of supervision required. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Wednesday 27 July Wednesday 19 October Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm OHS AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS DEVELOPING SAFETY POLICIES & PROCEDURES To ensure your health and safety responsibilities in the workplace are clear and consistent where critical safe behaviours are required when fulfilling tasks. The development of clear unambiguous policies and procedures are critical in the compliance with legislative requirements and maintenance of safety standards. This session will explain the difference between policies and procedures, when and why they are needed and the content of each. The session will include a workshop on how to assess the effectiveness of existing policies and procedures, with practical tips on how to develop clear easy to understand and implement policies and procedures. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Tuesday 23 August Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm PREVENTING AND RESPONDING TO BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE There is no denying that workplace bullying is a reality and its impact is significant not only for the individual who is being bullied but to other employees who witness the behaviour and the wider organisation. Workplace bullying constitutes a significant risk to the health, safety and wellbeing of employees and can lead to psychological injury creating real costs to both the organisation and the individual. This interactive workshop discusses the difference between bullying and reasonable management practices, the link with harassment and discrimination, policy development, the importance of dealing with bullying when it arises and proactive and preventative strategies and tools that can be used in your organisation. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Business managers and OHS representatives. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Tuesday 25 October Time: 10.00am - 4.30pm Also available via online training portal. 11 OHS AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS UNDERSTANDING THE OHS REGULATIONS Regulations are forms of written law that are legally binding. The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out the general framework; the regulations provide more detailed duties and rules. This session looks at the requirements, responsibilities, obligations, rights and duties imposed by the regulations within the workplace, explores strategies to achieve compliance and provides guidance on where to go to seek information and assistance when required. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE HAZARD MANAGEMENT & SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK This session covers the principles of the hazard management process including the identification, assessment and control of hazards. Practical activities aim to provide participants with an awareness of how to conduct risk assessments based on the relevant Australian Standard for Risk Management. A safe system of work is needed when hazards cannot be physically eliminated and some elements of risk remain. This session will help you understand what a safe system of work is, when and why a safe system of work is needed as part of the practical workshop on identifying hazards and working through the five steps to develop a safe system of work. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors Melbourne Wednesday 10 August Time: 1.00pm - 4.30pm 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Tuesday 23 August Time: 1.00pm - 4.30pm Also available via online training portal. 12 OHS AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS INCIDENT REPORTING & INVESTIGATION EFFECTIVE SAFETY CONVERSATIONS Incident reporting and investigation of incidents are an important part of managing health and safety in your workplace. We spend so much time telling employees what to do about safety that they disengage, don’t follow the rules, take shortcuts and disregard safety. This session provides an overview of internal incident reporting and the requirement to externally report certain incidents and injuries under health and safety legislation. A scenario based workshop will enable participants to gain experience in understanding the root cause analysis process to determine the causes of an incident and determine what actions are required to ensure the environment that lead to the incident doesn’t occur again. We have to stop telling our employees what to do and engage them in conversations of why they have to work safely. This workshop is designed for anyone who has a supervisory role to help you understand why safety conversations are important and help you develop the skills and strategies for engaging in effective safety conversations. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Wednesday 13 July Wednesday 7 September WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Business managers and OHS representatives. 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Tuesday 15 November Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm Time: 10.00am - 4.30pm 13 OHS AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS CHEMICAL SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE This program is designed to provide an introduction to chemical management in the workplace including both dangerous goods and hazardous substances. The course includes defining, classifying and identifying dangerous goods and hazardous substances, requirements for documentation, as well as general employer obligations under OHS legislation. The session will also cover the placarding (signage) requirements for the storage of dangerous goods. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? OHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Melbourne Wednesday 23 November Time: 1.00pm - 4.30pm 14 SA TRAINING COURSES 15 WORKERS COMPENSATION COURSES BASIC CLAIMS MANAGEMENT This session provides an overview of the Return to Work Act and claims process for Human Resource Managers, Return to Work Coordinators and other persons responsible for managing workers’ compensation claims. Topics Include: • • • • • • • Claims management model Introduction to legislation Claim lodgement Claim determination Average Weekly Earnings Life of a claim Rights & responsibilities as a Manager or Supervisor WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE Adelaide Thursday 21 July Wednesday 19 October Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm 16 ADVANCED CLAIMS MANAGEMENT This session provides information on more in depth components of the Return to Work Act. This session is valuable for Return to Work Coordinators or Managers who are wishing to get a further understanding of the technical aspects. Topics Include: • • • • Lump sum payments Determination of psychological claims Prevention of psychological claims Barriers and challenges WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities, who have completed the Basic Claims Management course 2016 SCHEDULE Adelaide Wednesday 14 September Thursday 10 November Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm WHS & WORKPLACE SAFETY COURSES INCIDENT REPORTING & INVESTIGATION Investigation is a key part of the management of safety. This session provides participants with management strategies to ensure appropriate investigations are undertaken. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Adelaide Thursday 11 August Time: 1.00pm - 4.00pm EFFECTIVE CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT This session describes the legislative responsibilities in the workplace primarily for managing contractors as well as labour hire, visitors and others to ensure they are kept safe. Recommendations for managing responsibilities are discussed. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Adelaide Thursday 22 September Time: 1.00pm - 4.00pm 17 WHS AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS MONITORING AND AUDITING WHS INITIATIVES CHEMICAL SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE This session introduces the practical application of monitoring (auditing) arrangements for systematic management of safety. This session provides an outline of the changed requirements for management of chemicals under WHS legislation. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE WHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE Adelaide Thursday 17 November Adelaide Thursday 8 December Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm Time: 1.00pm - 4.00pm 18 WHS AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS WHS CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION This session introduces the legal requirements for WHS consultation as well as management strategies to include workers in WHS, including overcoming barriers. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHS managers and supervisors 2016 SCHEDULE BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE HEALTH & SAFETY CULTURE IN YOUR WORKPLACE A positive work health and safety culture is critical for effective work health and safety. This topic will explore elements of a positive WHS culture and introduce some strategies for implementation. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Leaders and champions of WHS 2016 SCHEDULE Adelaide Thursday 28 July Adelaide Thursday 20 October Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm 19 QLD TRAINING COURSES 20 RETURN TO WORK COURSES VIC CLAIMS MANAGEMENT & RTW COORDINATOR TRAINING The session covers employer and workers’ obligations, the completion of paperwork when an injury occurs, the types of claims covered and the entitlements a worker can receive under the Act. The session is also an approved Victorian Return to Work Coordinator course. The course will enable participants to: • • • Relate the importance of Return to Work to Occupational Health and Safety Understand and fulfil the key responsibilities of the Return to Work Coordinator’s role Create and complete Return to Work Plans and Offers of Suitable Employment. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities, who have operations in Victoria. 2016 SCHEDULE Brisbane Training can be arranged at request, however a minimum number of participants is required to run this course. Please register your interest at [email protected] 21 SELF INSURANCE TRAINING COURSES 22 SELF INSURANCE COURSES SAFETY REHABILITATION & COMPENSATION ACT - ADVANCED SAFETY REHABILITATION & COMPENSATION ACT - BASIC This session provides an overview of the Comcare Scheme including the Licensee, Claims Management Provider and Regulator’s roles and responsibilities. Topics include: This session provides further insight into the Comcare Scheme including the Licensee, Claims Management Provider and Regulator’s roles and responsibilities Topics include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Liability considerations and exclusions Investigating claims Arranging medical examinations Decision making process Normal weekly earnings Medical expenses Incapacity benefit WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Those with limited workers’ compensation experience requiring and introduction to the SRC Act. 2016 SCHEDULE Brisbane/Sydney/Melbourne/Adelaide Training can be arranged at request, however a minimum number of participants is required to run this course. Please register your interest at [email protected] Estimating principles Psychological injury claims management Permanent impairment Reviewing new and ongoing claims Suitable employment and earning capacity Natural justice Surveillance Reconsiderations and appeals WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Those with workers’ compensation experience requiring a detailed understanding of the SRC Act. 2016 SCHEDULE Brisbane/Sydney/Melbourne/Adelaide Training can be arranged at request, however a minimum number of participants is required to run this course. Please register your interest at [email protected] 23 SELF INSURANCE - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS RETURN TO WORK & EARLY INTERVENTION MANAGEMENT This session provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities involved in returning a worker back to work. The course highlights the importance of early intervention and the deployment of robust return to work strategies in achieving a timely and sustainable outcome. Topics include: • • • • The employer and worker’s obligations Identifying return to work barriers Overcoming barriers in return to work The importance of effective and timely; communication • Early intervention strategies WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Those involved in workers’ compensation claims management and return to work processes 2016 SCHEDULE Brisbane/Sydney/Melbourne/Adelaide Training can be arranged at request, however a minimum number of participants is required to run this course. Please register your interest at [email protected] 24 SPECIALTY TRAINING COURSES 25 SPECIALTY COURSES PAIN PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR MANAGERS This session aims to provide tools to pragmatically and empirically assess pain, and develop strategies for those with RTW responsibilities to deal with it. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: Wednesday 27 July Where: The 242 Telstra Conference Centre 242 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Time: 8.30am - 10.00am THE EXAMINEE EXPERIENCE During this session you will be walked through the IME from start to finish as experienced by the examinee. This session includes a viewing of consulting rooms and time spent with a Doctor to assist you in understanding what occurs during a typical assessment. We will also provide advice about what you, the referrer, can do to maximise your referral for independent medical examination. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE Albury When: Friday 15 July Where: The Gardens Medical Centre, Level 6, 70 Wodonga Place, Albury NSW 2640 Time: 11.30am - 1.00pm East Melbourne When: Tuesday 30 August Where: Level 6, 486 Albert Street, East Melbourne VIC 3550 Time: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at 26 Geelong When: November - TBC Where & Time: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at SPECIALTY COURSES - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS UPPER LIMB INJURIES - AN ORTHOPAEDIC OVERVIEW This session will provide an overview of Upper Limb conditions, expected recovery pathways and treatment options. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: Friday 12 August Where: Level 6 486 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Time: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at FIT FOR DUTY This session will explore FFDs and their core elements, provide advice regarding Do’s and Dont’s, and cover situations where an employee does not wish to disclose their medical condition to their employer. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: Thursday 18 August Where: The Capital 50 View Street Bendigo VIC 3550 Time: 3.00pm - 5.00pm 27 SPECIALTY COURSES- COURSE DESCRIPTIONS MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY & INTRODUCTION TO ANATOMY This session will provide a detailed overview to assist you with navigating claims and medical reports. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: September - TBC Where: Level 6 486 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Time: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at 28 SCHIZOPHRENIA & BIPOLAR This session explores the principles of effectively managing schizophrenia and bipolar disorders in the workplace, and how best to support these workers. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: October - TBC Where & Time: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at SPECIALTY COURSES - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ANXIETY & DEPRESSION This session will instruct anyone with RTW responsibilities on effective strategies for managing anxiety and depression in the workplace, protecting the mental health of employees. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: October - TBC Where: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at MANAGING PERSONALITY DISORDERS IN THE WORKPLACE This course is designed to provide an overview of personality disorders, and will help develop effective strategies for managing these in the workplace. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: Tuesday 18 October Where: Level 6 486 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Time: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at 29 SPECIALTY COURSES - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS DRUG & ALCOHOL ISSUES This session details the issues surrounding drugs and alcohol in the workplace, as well as providing practical strategies for RTW coordinators. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: October - TBC Where & Time: TBC - get notified by adding yourself to the waitlist at PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS This session will look at the natural history of causation for particular types of Psychiatric Illnesses. This session will also provide an insight as to what Independent Medical Examination Specialists require from referrers by way of documentation for them to properly assess causation. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Return to work coordinators, human resource managers and supervisors or managers with return to work responsibilities. 2016 SCHEDULE When: Wednesday 27 July Where: Adelaide Pavillion Corner of King William and South Terrance Adelaide SA 5000 Time: 8.00am - 9.30am 30 REGISTER All courses in this training calendar are free of charge for clients of Gallagher Bassett unless otherwise stated NATIONAL TRAINING SCHEDULE under the course description. Booking Form To make a booking you have two options: All courses in this training schedule are free of charge for clients of Gallagher Bassett unless otherwise stated under the course description. For details on payment, please see below. 1. Register at and complete an online registration form when you first register for the portal. To make booking, please email the below to your localmygbed2016 GB office. forayour chosen course. Use details access code Alternatively complete the booking form, and fax or mail to your local office. Please complete a separate form for each participant if there is more than one. 2. Complete the below booking form and either email, fax or mail to your local GB office. Do not complete this form for NSCA bookings. Please call 03 9297 9000 and select option 2. Please complete a separate registration for each participant if there is more than one. Attendee Details Course Title Preferred Attendance Date State/Location Name of Attendee Title/Position Email Address Work Phone Number ( ) Fax ( Mobile ) How did you find out about this course? This Calendar Internet Company Details Gallagher Bassett Employee/Business Account Manager Networking/ Recommendation Other Company/Employer Are you a client of Gallagher Bassett? Yes, please provide your WorkCover Employer Number (VIC & SA) No If applicable, please find enclosed a cheque for the amount of: $ If you would prefer to pay via EFT, our banking details are: Gallagher Bassett Services Pty Ltd BSB 184-446 034-001 Account number 300524899. 297868 Please fax a copy of the EFT remittance with your registration form or send your registration form with your cheque payment to your relevant State, 10 days prior to the course commencement. Cheques payable to Gallagher Bassett Services Pty Ltd, ABN 68 009 778 018. Credit card facilities not available. Please include your name, phone number and email if you are not the person attending the session. Victoria Victoria Locked Bag 3570 GPO Level 2 Melbourne 3001 333 Collins Street Phone (03) 9297 9000 Melbourne 3000 Fax (03)VIC 8623 9701 [email protected] South Australia South Australia GPO Box 1772 Ground Floor Adelaide SA 5001 25 FranklinPhone Street (08) 8177 8450 Adelaide SA 5000 Fax (08) 8177 8451 [email protected] Phone (03) 9297 9000 Phone (08) 8177 8450 Fax (03) 8623 9701 Fax (08) 8177 8451 [email protected] [email protected] All quotedLocked prices are inclusive of GST. Mail Bag 3570, Mail GPO Box 2269 This document will be a TAX INVOICE for GST when completed and you make a payment. GPOcopy Melbourne 3000 Adelaide SA 5000 Retain original for your records. Queensland Queensland GPO Box 14 Level 20Brisbane 4001 179 Turbot Street Phone (07) 3005 1900 BrisbaneFax QLD 4000 (07) 3005 1712 [email protected] Phone (07) 3005 1900 Fax (07) 3005 1999 [email protected] Mail GPO Box 14 Brisbane QLD 4001 31 TERMS & CONDITIONS BOOKINGS CANCELLATION POLICY Bookings are essential for all sessions. To book please complete an online registration form or fax or email the booking form located in this calendar. Bookings can be taken up to five working days prior to the scheduled date. Payment for fee charged courses is required in advance to confirm all bookings. Courses cancelled by Gallagher Bassett will constitute a full refund. CONFIRMATION All online registrations will be recorded within your online training portal profile. All written request will be confirmed via email. Email reminders for each session will also be sent at least five working days prior to the schedule date. TIMES Session times are listed under each course description. We request that all attendees arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the session to ensure the sessions commence on time. LATE ARRIVALS Due to the short time frame that these training sessions are facilitated in and the disruption it causes to the group, if you arrive more than 30 minutes late you will unfortunately not be able to attend the session. If you are running late please contact the local State office. NUMBERS All sessions are subject to the minimum numbers and will be cancelled should that number not be reached. In the event that a sessions is cancelled, all booked recipients will be notified at least five days prior to the scheduled date. Cancellations received in writing more than 10 days prior to the scheduled commencement date will receive a full refund. Cancellations received in writing less that 10 working days prior to the scheduled commencement date will incur 50% of course costs. Alternatively, the booking can be transferred to the next available course (limit of one occasion) or an alternate delegate nominated. If no notice of cancellation is received, but non-attendance occurs, 100% of course costs will be charged. ACCESS AND EQUITY Please advise at the time of booking if there are any language, literacy or numeracy considerations or mobility access requirements we should be aware of. REFRESHMENTS Refreshments are provided at all of our sessions. Lunch will be provided for all full day sessions and for participants attending two consecutive sessions. Please advise us of any dietary requirements at the time of booking. Please note that some sessions are in high demand so booking early is recommended. Due to this demand, organisations are restricted to a maximum of two delegates per session. If you have a large group, please contact us about holding a tailored program for your organisation. 33 Contact Us Victoria South Australia Locked Bag 3570 GPO Melbourne VIC 3001 GPO Box 1172 Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: (03) 9297 9000 Facsimile: (03) 8623 9701 Telephone: (08) 8177 8450 Facsimile: (08) 8177 8451 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Queensland GPO Box 14 Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: (07) 3005 1900 Facsimile: (07) 3005 1712 Email: [email protected] Follow Gallagher Bassett online