i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) COVER PAGE DELIVERABLE Project Acronym: i-locate Grant Agreement number: 621040 Project Title: Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata D2.7 - The i-locate “virtual hub” (accompanying report) Revision: v.1.0 Authors: Lucian Brancovean (INDSOFT), Danny Schumann (ZIGPOS), Catalin Popa (INDSOFT) Project co-funded by the European Commission within the ICT Policy Support Programme Dissemination Level P Public C Confidential, only for members of the consortium and the Commission Services File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 1 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” X i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) REVISION HISTORY AND STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY Revision History Revision Date Author v.01 Organisation Description Structure and content for i05.05.2015 Lucian Brancovean INDSOFT locate User Manual v.02 v.03 v.04 v.05 25.05.2015 Lucian Brancovean 19.06.2015 Danny Schumann 23.06.2015 Catalin Popa 25.06.2015 Danny Schumann INDSOFT ZIGPOS INDSOFT ZIGPOS v.06 26.06.2015 Catalin Popa INDSOFT v.1.0 30.06.2015 Giuseppe Conti TRILOGIS QR Codes Editor Mobile Portal Document Update Mobile Portal Update Various updates and reformatting the text Final review and quality check Statement of originality: This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 2 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 1 List of references Number Full reference 1 IndoorGML specification, OGC Specification. Available online at: 2 File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 3 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 2 Table of Acronyms Acronym Descriptiobn GTMC Geometrical and Topological Model Checker IndoorGML Indoor Geography Markup Language QR Codes Scanable code images used for indoor localizing File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 4 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 3 Executive Abstract The purpose of the present document is to describe how the i-locate web portal and mobile application can be used to define and upgrade indoor maps information. It also illustrates the use of QR Codes and describes the condition to be met in order to successfully validate a geometric model to be used for indoor mapping. In particular, Chapter 6 describes the authentication and login procedures for users who will be using the portal to upload and update their site maps. Chapters 7 and 8 list the sequence of actions in order to define all the elements of a staging map, check them and move them to the status of production maps and back (if they need to be updated). Chapter 9 deals with the definition of navigation rules that will be used (checked) when defining navigation routes to a certain location. In chapter 10 there is a description of the QR Codes editor, used both for placing QR Codes into geospatial coordinates and for defining their properties and listing them as pdf files. Chapter 11 describes the use of the mobile application used for the same purpose, of editing and updating the site maps. Finally, Chapter 12 lists the validation criteria used by the GTMC when validating the map files. The system checks both topology and semantics, as well as geometry and syntax of the shape files. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 5 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 4 Table of content 1 LIST OF REFERENCES .................................................................................................3 2 TABLE OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................4 3 EXECUTIVE ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................5 4 TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................6 5 TABLE OF FIGURES .....................................................................................................7 6 USER ACCESSIBILITY, REGISTRATION AND LOGIN ...............................................8 7 VIEW STAGING AND PRODUCTION MAPS ..............................................................11 8 EDITING STAGING SECTIONS ...................................................................................13 9 EDITING NAVIGATION ROUTES ................................................................................15 10 QR CODES EDITOR ....................................................................................................16 11 USING THE MOBILE APPLICATION ..........................................................................19 11.1 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................. 20 11.2 Edit Rooms ............................................................................................................................ 20 11.2.1 Default Mode .................................................................................................................................. 21 11.2.2 Discard Mode .................................................................................................................................. 21 12 EDIT NAVIGATION GRAPH ........................................................................................22 12.1.1 Default Mode .................................................................................................................................. 22 12.1.2 Discard Mode .................................................................................................................................. 23 13 VALIDATING THE STAGING MODEL .........................................................................24 13.1 Syntax validation .................................................................................................................. 24 13.2 Semantic validation .............................................................................................................. 24 13.3 Geometric validation ............................................................................................................ 25 13.4 Topologic validation ............................................................................................................. 25 File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 6 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 5 Table of Figures Fig. 1: image of user browsing the various locations available from the portal ................................. 8 Fig. 2: image of a user searching for a specific location.................................................................... 8 Fig. 3: creation of user account. ........................................................................................................ 9 Fig. 4: login to i-locate ....................................................................................................................... 9 Fig. 5: the sites for which the user has managing rights. .................................................................. 9 Fig. 6: creation of a new site............................................................................................................ 10 Fig. 7: the staging and production sites. .......................................................................................... 11 Fig. 8 the staging section with the possibility to edit QR codes ....................................................... 12 Fig. 9: Creation of new map sections .............................................................................................. 13 Fig. 10: viewing of different layers of staging maps......................................................................... 14 Fig. 11: edit layer ............................................................................................................................. 14 Fig. 12: example of creation of connectivity rules between rooms .................................................. 15 Fig. 13: an example of QR code. ..................................................................................................... 16 Fig. 14: QR Code editor................................................................................................................... 16 Fig. 15: creation of new points corresponding to the location of a QR Code .................................. 17 Fig. 16: editing of properties of a QR Code ..................................................................................... 17 Fig. 17: an example of QR code generated by the system ............................................................. 18 Fig. 18: removing a QR Code .......................................................................................................... 18 Fig. 19: show the main menu and the site chooser of the mobile App ............................................ 19 Fig. 20: images of the editing room process.................................................................................... 20 Fig. 21: visualisation of the navigation graph .................................................................................. 22 File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 7 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 6 User Accessibility, Registration and Login Users can access the i-locate portal using an Internet browser (preferably Google Chrome) without registering. Through the portal they can browse the existing locations (and see them on the map as yellow dots) by using the Browse tab (see Fig. 1). Fig. 1: image of user browsing the various locations available from the portal Additionally, they search for a specific location using the “Search tab” (see Fig. 2). Fig. 2: image of a user searching for a specific location. In order to manage sites, the user needs to create an account using the top-right button Sign Up, as follows (see Fig. 3). File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 8 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) Fig. 3: creation of user account. Once an account is created, the next time the user wants to access the i-locate application he/she will use the Login button (see Fig. 4). Fig. 4: login to i-locate After login in, the user will see only his/her sites (see Fig. 5), that is, those of which he/she has full managing rights: Fig. 5: the sites for which the user has managing rights. At the bottom of the interface the user can select a button to create a New Site (see Fig. 6), providing a unique Name and the coordinates for Latitude and Longitude. Once confirmed the user can then press the Create Site command as follows. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 9 of 25 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) Fig. 6: creation of a new site If the user wants to see or edit the maps for a certain existing site, he/she has just to click on the proper location available from the list of My sites and follow the procedure illustrated in the following section. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 10 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 7 View Staging and Production Maps The users can navigate to these section by clicking on a certain site in the My sites section of the i-locate portal. In order to get back to the sites they can use the „breadcrumbs” available from the main menu bar, by clicking on the Home button, or on the name of the site if they want to get, in order to move from the editing window to the section with the list of staging and production sites (see Fig. 7). Staging Maps are modifiable maps currently in progress of customization. After they are completed, they are saved as non-modifiable Production Maps, which are the ones published and visible on the i-locate Portal Map. A Staging map that has all the components with the status “Good” can be moved to Production phase by using the Move To Production From Staging button. Also, if a Production Map is no longer valid or needs corrections, it can be moved back to editing using the Move From Production To Staging button. Each Staging Section can be edited or deleted and the map can be downloaded using the Edit, Delete and Download buttons. Fig. 7: the staging and production sites. Staging Sections can be added and they can be assigned QR Codes (graphic codes that can be scanned and used for localization). For editing the QR Codes, see the following chapter 16 on QR Codes Editor. Also, the list of QR codes can be downloaded in PDF format. Furthermore, users can attach files relevant to a given location from a specific command (see Fig. 8). File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 11 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) Fig. 8 the staging section with the possibility to edit QR codes File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 12 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 8 Editing Staging Sections New Staging Sections can be added using the New Map Section button (see Fig. 9). There are three types of sections, since each Site has: • • • An Outline section which is the exterior contour and may have one or more levels (floors), each of them with Rooms (content) and Walls (linked to the corresponding Room). For each floor there must exist 3 layers uploadable as maps (.zip file) respectively for the Outline view, the Rooms view and the Walls view. All the maps should be drawn only by using polygons and each room must have a unique name. The Map of the section will be uploaded from the chosen location, by using the Browse button. The map must be compliant with certain rules (described in the chapter Validating the Staging Model) and must be georeferenced: Fig. 9: Creation of new map sections On each section we can define multiple layers, each with different properties (see Fig. 10). For instance, one layer may be the navigation route for normal tourists, and another layer may be the navigation for handicapped persons, which will include special ramps and platforms. Similar layers can be copied using the Copy Layer button and different layers can be created using the New Layer button. Layers can be exported and imported for further use with the Export and Import buttons. A layer can also be deleted (using the Delete button) or validated in order to go to Production using the Check button. Initially, the Status is UNCHECKED and can be changed by using the Check button which processes and validates the model against certain rules (see section 13 Validating the Staging Model) and produce, as output, one of the following values: • • • GOOD – if all the conditions are met. WARNING – if there are some problems, but not critical ones. ERROR – if one ore many conditions failed to check. To be validated and to be successfully transferred to Production mode (and thereafter to be come visible for use to the clients), all the statuses of the staging sections must have the value “GOOD”. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 13 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) Fig. 10: viewing of different layers of staging maps The Edit button allows changing the name of the layer and also editing for properties of the layer (see Fig. 11). Fig. 1 Fig. 11: edit layer File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 14 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 9 Editing Navigation Routes The Edit Layer button allows a series of operations on the section of the map. For instance, by placing two points in different rooms and connecting them with a straight line, it will allow logically to create a passing point from one room to another, for navigation purposes (see Fig. 12). Fig. 12: example of creation of connectivity rules between rooms The first button (marked with cross symbol) allows the user to move the map in order to better explore a certain section. For zooming in or out the user can press the “+” and “-“ controls on the left hand side of the window. The third button (marked with a pencil symbol) can be used to create points in certain locations inside or outside a room. These points (corresponding to “states” in IndoorGML) are used to create nodes of the indoor graph (internally encoded as IndoorGML) providing the possibility of navigation in that location. The second button (marked with a flag symbol) draws a straight line between 2 points to create a navigation route between them (for instance through a door, from a room to another room or a hallway, etc.). To do so the user first needs to select draw button, then click on the position of the starting point (which becomes blue), then select (click on) the destination point (which will become also blue). At this point a line connecting the two points will be drawn. The fourth button (marked with a dust bin symbol) can be used to delete a line (navigation route) between two points or even the points themselves. To do so, the user needs to press the button, then click on the line or dot to be removed. The last button (marked with an “I”) will display details/information about a selected point or line. These are already defined groups of property/value. The user can also define new properties with values (exactly as in the picture above, which shows the layer properties) File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 15 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 10 QR Codes Editor QR Codes are scannable code-bars-like formatted like image pattern that can be used to localize the person inside the perimeter of a site. Fig. 13: an example of QR code. They can be defined, named, enriched with properties using a QR Codes Editor accessible by clicking the Edit QR Codes button in Fig. 13. Fig. 14: QR Code editor. The first button, Move, is similar to the one used within Chapter 8. This can be used to drag the map around in order to zoom on a particular portion of the map. To create a new QR Code we can use the Draw a point button. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 16 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) Fig. 15: creation of new points corresponding to the location of a QR Code After placing a point (to be used to locate the QR Code) the user can add a Name and Description to it using the Details button. Fig. 16: editing of properties of a QR Code First the user needs to save the data, then they can generate the PDF file with the corresponding QR Code with its name and description (see Fig. 17). File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 17 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) Fig. 17: an example of QR code generated by the system If later the physical location of the QR Code changes, the user can easily update the map with the new positions by using the Update location button. By clicking on the dot representing the position of the QR Code this will make it turn blue, we can then click the Update location button and drag it to the new desired position on the map. If a QR Code is not necessary anymore it can be easily removed it by clicking on it to select and then clicking the Delete button (see Fig. 18). Fig. 18: removing a QR Code File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 18 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 11 Using the Mobile Application This section describes how to use the current version of the i-locate Mobile App. The main view of the app shows a world map from Open Street Map (see Fig. 19). The user can navigate on this map by using usual zoom and move gestures similarly to other applications (e.g. Google Maps). A tap on the navigation drawer icon opens the main menu and lets the user interact with the map. Fig. 19: show the main menu and the site chooser of the mobile App File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 19 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 11.1 Main Menu The Main Menu is a navigation drawer on the left side with the following options, which are grouped in two sub-groups marked as “Map” and “Portal”, as illustrated in Fig. 19: • Map: o o o o • Show Map: to show the current Map view. Site: to select an i-locate location or to create a new one. The map view will automatically show the position of the location on the global map. Level: to select a level or add a new one. Mode: to switch between different map modes for the Outline, Rooms and Navigation view. Portal: o o o Login: to login to i-locate Portal with the portal user credentials. Synchronize: to upload / download of the current site with the portal. A simple synchronization can also be triggered by the Sync-Button on the action bar. Settings: to configure the connection to the portal server. 11.2 Edit Rooms The user can select the command Rooms to edit the rooms at the selected level. Depending on the selected Site and Level, an overlay map is shown above the existing (if available) Open Street Map tiles. In the map view, the user can toggle (via the top right trash-bin/locate icon) between the default and the discard mode. These modes allow the user to add or remove items on the map. Fig. 20: images of the editing room process File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 20 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 11.2.1 Default Mode The default mode allows the user to select, move and add new items. The pictures above shows a Rooms overlay of a certain level of a site. Each room has an area polygon and a centre point. The user can select a room by tapping the centre point. A selected room appears in orange and shows corner handles (see Fig. 20). The user can change the shape of the room by dragging the corner handles. A long tap on free space will add a new corner. An activated room can be moved by dragging its centre point. To unselect a room the user can tap in free space. To add new room, the user can long tap in free space. In this case the now room must be active. 11.2.2 Discard Mode The discard mode allows the user to remove elements. The user can remove rooms by tapping on the centre point of a room, or just remove corners of the room by tap on the corner handle of an active room. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 21 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 12 Edit Navigation Graph The user can select the Navigation mode to create or edit the navigation graph for the current level. The graph consists of navigation points and edges between those points, which are used to logically connect them. Similarly to editing rooms, the user can toggle between the default and discard mode by selecting the trash-bin/locate icon on the top right corner of the screen. These modes are described in the following sections. The following picture shows the visualization of navigation graph on the map. Fig. 21: visualisation of the navigation graph 12.1.1 Default Mode The default mode allows the user to create new navigation points and edges and move them. The user can add new navigation points by long tapping on the map. To select a point, the user needs to do a short tap on it. Selected points appear in orange. The user can move selected points by drag and drop. To create an edge between two points, the user can select one point and do a long tap on a second one. To unselect navigation points the user needs to just tap in free space of the map. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 22 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 12.1.2 Discard Mode The discard mode allows the user to remove navigation points and edges. The user can tap on a navigation point to remove it together with all edges that are connected to it. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 23 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 13 Validating the Staging Model The model checker validates the floor plan files and the Indoor Navigation graph one by one, and then all together, by checking that: • • • • • The data model is correct and readable (syntactical validation), The floor plans are relative to the same area The indoor graph is valid (i.e. it does not contain strange items or missing items, that is the “semantic validation”) The geometries are correct (geometric validation) and lastly, The topology (paths) is valid (topological validation). Input data accepted by the validator is sent within the body of the request (as a binary zip file). The zip file format is required because of the potentially high number of files to be sent by the caller. The file is read and processed by the GTMC and the content is checked against the minimum number of files (two shape files with additional two complementary files each -six in total-, plus one IndoorGML file) and the file format extension (.shp for the shape files, and xml for IndoorGML). In case of simple polygons, the validator will consider the so-called “thin model” (that is using the polygons as rooms), while, in case of multi-polygons, the validator will use the so-called “thick model” (that is using single polygons as single walls representation). In case of validation success of basic floor plan data, the GTMC will start processing the IndoorGML file. If this process fails, then it means that the IndoorGML file is not fully compliant to the standard. There are four sequential steps for validating the model, as detailed in the following sections. 13.1 Syntax validation Within this phase the system checks the floor plan (shape file) in terms of the attributes attached to the plan, for each element (for instance room names or walls with a specific destination, doors for passing through a room to another, etc.). 13.2 Semantic validation The semantic check of the provided file verifies the indoor data structure to verify all connections and references against each other. This validation is carried on by checking the cross references between cells (nodes) and transitions (edges). In case of wrong links (i.e. transition connected to transition), missing reference (i.e. an ID that does not have a correspondence) or wrong geometry type (a point representing a transition), a message is added to the response. With respect to the level of importance of the message, the result will be a “WARNING” or an “ERROR”, or it could also be an “OK” if no mistakes are found. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 24 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub” i-locate - Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata (GA 621040) 13.3 Geometric validation The geometric validation stage performs walls-check verification against the floor plan. At this stage, the three inputs (Outline, Floor Plan and IndoorGML) are used to “geometrically” validate the indoor graph. If one or more of the nodes and transitions reside(s) outside of the perimeter, then the validator will end up with a negative result (indoor navigation must be inside of the building). For each transition, the validator verifies if it crosses the walls of the room or the room doors/open spaces. 13.4 Topologic validation The last set of checks performed on the IndoorGML data, are related to the topology of the generated graph, to assess the consistency of the graph. This is done by verifying the existence of non-linked edges/nodes (node with no transition or edge with one or two missing nodes) or the presence of standalone sub paths (paths not connected to the outside). This validation step will also check the existence of the Anchor node, that is the node connecting indoor and outdoor graphs. File: D.2.7 The hub”_2016.03.18.docx Page: 25 of 25 i-locate “virtual D2.7 The i-locate “virtual hub”